World of dongles my guinea
Pigs control me my favorite
Games are mind games rob
Is creepy the walls are
Made of carrots is eddie
Cue jafar I blank my
Imagination when I go in
To work birds with arms
What does stitched leather have
To do with finding my friends
Sebastian is the watermelon Speedo
Cap tweet guy that_ll be
Written on his gravestone when
He dies and Germany doesn_t
Have a humor category and
There_s no trombone allowed in Yosemite
And backtrace was number one in all of Hungary
So clearly the song a
Year guy is doing something right
It_s not all unicorns and rainbows
Sometimes there_s imposter syndrome too
I_ve never played guitar in public
So it may just suck to be you
The issue with dog grooming is dogs
The new iOS dev platform will be android
Platypuses is eddie cue Jafar
The walls are made of carrots
I blank my imagination at work
Draw a bear with your feet with crayons
Llama cat Dog roommates -
Sleepy tales from a place
Where some roomies enjoy the
Seasons of the night. Llama,
Cat and Dog are roommates
And they always get along
So well they share everything
With one another they entertain
With the stories they tell they
Can count on each other they
Are a family and nothing
Would ever ever ever come
Between Llama, cat and Dog
Knock, the door opens wide It_s
A lost and confused human he
Needs help so they bring him inside he
Doesn_t know who he is he
Doesn_t know anything they let
Him stay the night and
They all sing hey hey
Hey mister human you can
Stay as long as you need WE
Share everything with one another we
Are a family just lay
Right there until you_re feeling
All right we_ll check on
You in the morning light
Llama cat Dog were awakened
The sound of tires screeching away all
Of their furniture gone completely empty space the
Human had taken all of their stuff they
Sat down on the floor in
A puddle of hugs come
I used to think if I didn't eat meat
That I was doing my part
I couldn't give up cheese and dairy
And I didn't see why I should start
After all cows always give milk
To be enjoyed by me and you
I never stopped to question
Whether or not that's true
Dairy cows are kept pregnant
Just about their entire lives
Artificially inseminated mooing, lonely wives
Calves just taken away and
That's how you get your cheese
Each and every day cows
Cows they're just mothers without
Their children cows cows they
And it all happens over and over again
The dairy cows children are
Separated out females share their
Mama's fate they too will
Be dairy cows pumped full
Of hormones starting at the
Age of 1 they normally
Live to 25 but 5
Years of this and they're done
Cows cows they're just mothers
Without their children cows cows
And it all happens over and over again
But what about her sons
They got no milk to give
So in the eyes of this system
They got no right to live
They are just a thing left over
Wasted life into a meal
When they end up on a dinner plate