{ "translation": { "en": "\"Asthma.,6\"", "lg": "\"Asima.,6\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"LYMPHATICS: 1 x 1 cm mobile, firm, non-tender lymph node noted in left inguinal region\"", "lg": "\"LYMPHATICS: 1 x 1 cm etambula, ennywevu, etali tender lymph node emanyiddwa mu kitundu kya kkono eky’omumwa gwa nnabaana\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Colonoscope was introduced", "lg": "Colonoscope yatongozebwa" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "One on the medial and one on the lateral aspect of the left great toe and one on the lateral aspect of the right great toe", "lg": "Ekimu ku ludda olw’omu makkati ate ekirala ku ludda olw’ebbali olw’ekigere ekinene ekya kkono ate ekirala ku ludda olw’ebbali olw’ekigere ekinene ekya ddyo" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Next, using electro Bovie cautery, maintaining hemostasis, dissection was carried down to the lymph node\"", "lg": "\"Ekiddako, nga bakozesa electro Bovie cautery, okukuuma hemostasis, dissection yatwalibwa wansi okutuuka ku lymph node\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"No oral lesions or dental caries noted.,Neck: Supple, No adenopathy\"", "lg": "\"Tewali biwundu by’omu kamwa oba okuvunda kw’amannyo kweyolekera.,Ensingo: Supple, Tewali adenopathy\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"She did not require transfusion of red blood cells or platelets; however, on 07/26/2008 her ANC did dip to 900 and she was placed on neutropenic diet\"", "lg": "Teyalina kuteekebwamu butoffaali bumyufu oba obutoffaali obuyitibwa platelets; wabula nga 07/26/2008 ANC ye yagwa ddala okutuuka ku 900 era n’ateekebwa ku mmere ya neutropenic" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The capsular periosteal tissues were elevated off the bone with a #15 blade and the metatarsal head was delivered into the wound", "lg": "Ebitundu by’omubiri ebiyitibwa capsular periosteal tissues byasitulwa okuva ku ggumba nga bikozesa ekyuma #15 era omutwe gwa metatarsal ne gutuusibwa mu kiwundu" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "We then incised it with the ophthalmic micro lancet blade in the midline and along the __________ to elevate the glanular wings", "lg": "Oluvannyuma twagisala n’ekyuma ekiyitibwa ophthalmic micro lancet blade mu layini eya wakati ne ku __________ okusitula ebiwaawaatiro by’amaaso" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"When asked about changes in cognitive functioning, she denied noticing any decline in problem solving, language, or nonverbal skills\"", "lg": "\"Bwe yabuuziddwa ku nkyukakyuka mu nkola y’okutegeera, yeegaanyi okwetegereza okukendeera kwonna mu kugonjoola ebizibu, olulimi oba obukugu obutali bwa bigambo\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The patient does complain of biting her tongue on occasion, but denied biting the inside of her cheeks\"", "lg": "\"Omulwadde yeemulugunya olw’okuluma olulimi oluusi, kyokka ne yeegaana okuluma munda mu matama\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Left ventriculography: The left ventricle was of normal cavity, size, and wall thickness\"", "lg": "\"Okukebera omusuwa gwa kkono: Omusuwa gwa kkono gwali gwa kisenge kya bulijjo, obunene, n’obuwanvu bwa bbugwe\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The Mini-Mental State Exam score was 14/30", "lg": "Obukodyo bwa Mini-Mental State Exam bwabadde 14/30" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"I aspirated 6 mL, I did add 1 mL, so she has got approximately 7 mL in her band, she did tolerate water postprocedure.,ASSESSMENT:, The patient is status post lap band adjustments, doing well, has a total of 7 mL within her band, tolerated water postprocedure\"", "lg": "\"Na aspirated 6 mL, nakola okugattako 1 mL, kale afunye nga 7 mL mu band ye, yakola okugumiikiriza amazzi postprocedure.,ASSESSMENT:, Omulwadde ali status post lap band adjustments, akola bulungi, alina omugatte gwa 7 mL munda mu bbandi ye, yagumiikiriza amazzi postprocedure\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Negative ballottement", "lg": "Obululu obutaliimu" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Y have been consulted and both had recommended nephrostomy tubes, there was not the name mentioned as to who placed the nephrostomy tubes\"", "lg": "\"Y beebuuziddwako era bombi baali bateesezza ku nephrostomy tubes, tewaaliwo linnya eryayogerwako ku ani yateeka nephrostomy tubes\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Endotracheal intubation followed", "lg": "Okuteekebwa mu nnyindo mu nnyindo (endotracheal intubation) kwagoberera" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Successful implantation of a biventricular automatic implantable cardiovascular defibrillator,2\"", "lg": "\"Okuteekebwamu obuwanguzi mu biventricular automatic implantable cardiovascular defibrillator,2\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Left facial cellulitis.,2\"", "lg": "\"Obulwadde bwa cellulitis mu maaso ga kkono.,2\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The wire was removed", "lg": "Waya yaggyibwawo" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "A soft eye patch followed by a firm eye shield was taped over the operative eye", "lg": "Ekitundu ky’amaaso ekigonvu nga kigobererwa engabo y’amaaso ennywevu kyassibwa ku liiso eryalongoosebwa" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Post anterior cervical discectomy and fusion at C4-C5 and C5-C6 with possible pseudoarthrosis at C4-C5.,2\"", "lg": "\"Post anterior cervical discectomy n’okuyungibwa ku C4-C5 ne C5-C6 nga kisoboka pseudoarthrosis ku C4-C5.,2\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Dr", "lg": "Dr" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The patient will be placed on CIWA protocol given that one of the medications he overused was Valium", "lg": "Omulwadde agenda kuteekebwa ku CIWA protocol okusinziira ku ddagala erimu lye yakozesa ennyo lyali Valium" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"There was no significant flexion contracture preoperatively.,OPERATIVE PROCEDURE: ,The patient was laid supine upon the operating table after receiving a subarachnoid block anesthetic by the Anesthesia Department\"", "lg": "\"There was no significant flexion contracture preoperatively.,ENKOZESA Y’OKUGGYA: ,Omulwadde yagalamizibwa ku mmeeza y’okulongoosebwa oluvannyuma lw’okufuna eddagala eriweweeza ku bulwadde bwa subarachnoid block anesthetic okuva mu kitongole ky’okubudamya\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Coming along the superior pole of the kidney, the tumor was dissected free from top of the kidney with clips and Bovie\"", "lg": "\"Nga ejja ku kikondo eky’okungulu eky’ekibumba, ekizimba kyasalibwako nga tekirina kye kiva waggulu ku kibumba nga kiriko ebikwaso ne Bovie\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"She is unaware of her last hemoglobin A1c levels, but reports a blood sugar of 158 taken on the morning of her appointment with me\"", "lg": "\"Tamanyi miwendo gya hemoglobin A1c gye yasembayo, naye aloopa ssukaali mu musaayi gwe yamira 158 ku makya ge yagenda nange\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "There were no mucosal abnormalities identified within the oropharynx", "lg": "Tewaaliwo buzibu bwa mucosal bwazuulibwa munda mu oropharynx" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Infrequent sore throat, no hoarseness, or cough.,Neck: No stiffness, pain, or swelling.,Respiratory: No shortness of breath, cough, or hemoptysis.,Cardiovascular: No chest pain, ankle edema, palpitations, or hypertension.,GI: No nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, melena, or jaundice.,GU: No dysuria, frequency, urgency, or stress incontinence.,Locomotor: No weakness, joint pain, tremor, or swelling.,GYN: See HPI.,Integumentary: Patient performs self-breast examinations and denies any breast masses or nipple discharge\"", "lg": "\"Emimiro egitatera kulumwa, tewali kuwuuma, oba kusesema.,Obulago: Tewali kukaluba, kulumwa, oba kuzimba.,Okussa: Tewali kussa mukka, okusesema, oba okuzimba omusaayi.,Omutima: Tewali bulumi mu kifuba, okuzimba enkizi, okukuba, oba puleesa., GI: Tewali kuziyira, kusesema, kiddukano, kuziyira, melena, oba jaundice.,GU: Tewali dysuria, frequency, urgency, oba stress incontinence.,Locomotor: Tewali bunafu, bulumi mu binywa, okukankana, oba okuzimba.,GYN: Laba HPI. ,Integumentary: Omulwadde yeekebera amabeere era yeegaana ebizimba by’amabeere oba amazzi agafuluma mu nfuli\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "We aspirated an abundant amount of pus from this cavity", "lg": "Twafuuwa amasira amangi okuva mu kisenge kino" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The eye was prepped with a Betadine solution and draped in the usual sterile fashion", "lg": "Eriiso lyategekebwa n’omubisi gwa Betadine ne libikka mu ngeri eya bulijjo etali ya buwuka" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"See Denver II form in the chart.,ALLERGIES:, None.,MEDICATIONS: , None.,FAMILY SOCIAL HISTORY:, Unchanged since last checkup\"", "lg": "\"Laba Denver II form mu chart.,ALLERGIES:, Tewali.,EDDAGALA: , Tewali.,EBYAFAAYO BY'AMAKA:, Tebikyusiddwa okuva lwe baasembayo okukeberebwa\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"PROCEDURES,1\"", "lg": "\"ENKOZESA,1\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He apparently had an NG tube placed in the emergency room with gastric aspirate revealing no blood", "lg": "Kirabika yabadde n’ekyuma ekiyitibwa NG tube ekyateekebwa mu kisenge ky’abalwadde ab’amangu nga kiriko gastric aspirate nga kiraga nti tewali musaayi" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The gallbladder has been resected", "lg": "Ennyindo esaliddwako" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The bowel sounds are normal", "lg": "Amaloboozi g’ekyenda ga bulijjo" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Norvasc 5 mg once a day.,12\"", "lg": "\"Norvasc 5 mg omulundi gumu olunaku.,12\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Previous ST elevation MI.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS., The creatinine value is 1.3 mg/dL mg/dL.,PROCEDURE MEDICATIONS:,1\"", "lg": "\"Previous ST elevation MI.,OKWEKENNEENYA ENKOZESA., Omuwendo gwa creatinine guli 1.3 mg/dL mg/dL.,ENKOZESA EDDAGALA:,1\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Skin turgor is normal.,IMPRESSION: ,1\"", "lg": "\"Okukyuka kw'olususu kya bulijjo.,OKWEWATA: ,1\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"CHIEF COMPLAINT:, Weak and shaky.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS:, The patient is a 75-year-old, Caucasian female who comes in today with complaint of feeling weak and shaky\"", "lg": "\"OKWEMULUGUNYA OKUKULU:, Obunafu era nga kankankana.,EBYAFAAYO BY'OBULWADDE OBULWADDE:, Omulwadde wa myaka 75, mukyala wa Caucasian ayingidde leero n'okwemulugunya olw'okuwulira nga munafu era nga akankana\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The TSH level was within normal limits", "lg": "Omutindo gwa TSH gwali mu kkomo erya bulijjo" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "She sometimes has problems with motivation", "lg": "Oluusi afuna obuzibu mu kukubiriza" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Following this, the aortic cross clamp was removed and the heart was noted to resume spontaneous coordinated contractile activity\"", "lg": "\"Oluvannyuma lwa kino, aortic cross clamp yaggyibwawo era omutima gwategeerekese okuddamu okukola spontaneous coordinated contractile activity\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The patient has previously met with the electrophysiologist, Dr\"", "lg": "\"Omulwadde ono amaze okusisinkana omukugu mu by’amasannyalaze, Dr\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The patient was taken to recovery room in stable condition.", "lg": "Omulwadde yatwaliddwa mu kisenge ekidda engulu ng’ali mu mbeera nnungi." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The patient tolerated the procedure well and subsequently taken to recovery in stable condition.,POSTOPERATIVE PLAN: , The patient may weight bear as tolerated in his brace\"", "lg": "\"Omulwadde yagumiikiriza enkola eno bulungi era oluvannyuma n’atwalibwa okuwona ng’ali mu mbeera ntebenkevu.,POSTOPERATIVE PLAN: , Omulwadde ayinza okuzitowa nga bwe yagumiikiriza mu bbulawuzi ye\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The patient is experiencing mild symptoms of cocaine withdrawal.,RECOMMENDATIONS:,1\"", "lg": "\"Omulwadde afuna obubonero obutono obw’okuva ku cocaine.,EBITEESO:,1\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\",DISCHARGE CONDITION: , Good.,Final pathology report was free of residual disease.\"", "lg": "\",EMBEERA Y'OKUSIBULA: , Ennungi.,Lipoota y'obulwadde esembayo yali terimu bulwadde busigaddewo.\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Rhabdomyolysis, most likely secondary to statins, gemfibrozil, discontinue it on admission\"", "lg": "\"Obulwadde bwa Rhabdomyolysis, obusinga okuba obw’okubiri ku ddagala lya statins, gemfibrozil, bulekera awo ng’oyingiziddwa mu ddwaaliro\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The GYN/Balfour retractor and bladder blade were then removed", "lg": "Olwo ekyuma ekikuba ebyuma ekya GYN/Balfour retractor ne bladder blade byaggyibwamu" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Hypertension.,RECOMMENDATIONS:,1\"", "lg": "\"Puleesa.,EBITEESO:,1\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"After catheterization, the patient underwent cystoscopy on 4/13\"", "lg": "\"Oluvannyuma lw’okuteekebwamu catheter, omulwadde yalongoosebwa cystoscopy nga 4/13\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "A sterile 16-French Foley catheter was then placed with clear urine drained", "lg": "Oluvannyuma kyateekebwamu ekituli ekitaliimu buwuka ekya 16-French Foley catheter nga omusulo omutangaavu gufulumye" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "We do not have hepatitis panel yet and we do not have information about the liver biopsy which was performed before", "lg": "Tetunnaba kufuna hepatitis panel era tetulina mawulire ku liver biopsy eyakolebwa emabegako" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The anterior lip of the cervix was grasped with a single-tooth tenaculum", "lg": "Omumwa ogw’omu maaso ogw’omumwa gwa nnabaana gwakwatibwa n’ekintu ekiyitibwa tenaculum eky’amannyo agamu" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"He did have some bouts of issues with constipation on and off throughout his hospitalization, but this seemed to come under control with more aggressive management\"", "lg": "\"Yalina ensonga ezimu ez’okuziyira ng’agenda n’okuziyira mu kiseera kyonna kye yamala mu ddwaaliro, naye kino kyalabika ng’ekifugibwa n’abaddukanya emirimu egy’obukambwe\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"At completion of the procedure, right ventricular pressure approximating one-half of systemic, normal sinus rhythm, good biventricular function by visual inspection.,PROCEDURE: , After the informed consent, the patient was brought to the operating room and placed on the operating room table in supine position\"", "lg": "\"Nga bamalirizza enkola eno, puleesa y’omusuwa ogwa ddyo nga kitundu kimu kya nkola, ennyimba za sinus eza bulijjo, enkola ennungi ey’emisuwa ebiri nga yeekebejjebwa n’amaaso.,ENKOZESA: , Oluvannyuma lw’okukkiriza okutegeezeddwa, omulwadde yaleetebwa mu kisenge omulongoosebwa n’ateekebwa ku kisenge omulongoosebwa emmeeza mu mbeera ey’okusitama\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"XYZ for discussion of colon cancer screening.,9\"", "lg": "\"XYZ okukubaganya ebirowoozo ku kukebera kookolo w’olubuto olunene.,9\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "I advised him to continue to take Toprol and lisinopril", "lg": "Namuwa amagezi okugenda mu maaso n’okumira Toprol ne lisinopril" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Reasonable use were obtained and possibly a 4-mm balloon could have been used", "lg": "Enkozesa entuufu yafunibwa era nga kiyinzika okuba nga bbaatule ya mm 4 yandibadde ekozesebwa" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"He frequently if not always has trouble getting in or out a car, always shuffles or scuffs his feet, always has trouble turning or changing direction, always has trouble with uneven surfaces or curbs, and always has to hold on to someone or something when walking\"", "lg": "\"Emirundi mingi bwe kiba nga si bulijjo afuna obuzibu okuyingira oba okufuluma mu mmotoka, bulijjo atabula oba asikasika ebigere, bulijjo afuna obuzibu mu kukyuka oba okukyusa obulagirizi, bulijjo afuna obuzibu ku bifo ebitali bituufu oba ebikondo, era bulijjo alina okukwata omuntu oba ekintu ng’atambula\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"She is ambulating well and tolerating a regular diet.,Routine postoperative instructions given and understood\"", "lg": "\"Atambula bulungi era agumiikiriza endya eya bulijjo.,Routine postoperative instructions given and understood\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\",Radicular type pain: None\"", "lg": "\",Obulumi obw’ekika kya radicular: Tewali\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"So, I am going to discontinue glipizide, continue on Januvia, and add no-concentrated sweets to the diet\"", "lg": "\"Kale, ng’enda kulekera awo glipizide, ngenda mu maaso ku Januvia, era nnyongere swiiti ezitaliimu bikuta mu mmere\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Plantar fascitis of left distal lateral foot.,POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1\"", "lg": "\"Plantar fascitis of left distal lateral foot.,EBINTU EBIKWATA KU BIKOZESEBWA OLUVANYUMA LW’OKUKOLA,1\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The mucous membranes are moist and midline.,NECK: ,The neck is supple without masses\"", "lg": "\"Obuwuka obuyitibwa mucous membranes buba bunnyogovu ate nga buba bwa layini ya wakati.,OBUNGO: ,Ensingo egonvu nga temuli masses\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The C-arm was brought into the operative field and AP, left right oblique and lateral fluoroscopic images of the L1-2 through L5-S1 levels were obtained\"", "lg": "\"Omukono gwa C gwaleetebwa mu kifo awalongoosebwa era ebifaananyi bya AP, left right oblique ne lateral fluoroscopic images of the L1-2 through L5-S1 levels ne bifunibwa\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He has very good calcium intake", "lg": "Alina calcium omulungi ennyo" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"XYZ:,Thank you for your kind referral for patient ABC\"", "lg": "\"XYZ:,Webale nnyo referral yo ey'ekisa eri omulwadde ABC\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"She had a followup EKG done at 20:37 on 08/19/08, which shows wandering atrial pacemaker and some lateral T-wave changes, not significantly changed from prior\"", "lg": "\"Yalina followup EKG eyakolebwa ku ssaawa 20:37 nga 08/19/08, eraga wandering atrial pacemaker n’enkyukakyuka ezimu eza lateral T-wave, nga tekyuse nnyo okuva ku prior\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Initial imaging was used to bring the patient into optimal position", "lg": "Okukuba ebifaananyi okwasooka kwakozesebwa okuleeta omulwadde mu mbeera ennungi" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "She underwent right maxillary sinus biopsy and right middle lobe wedge resection and lymph node biopsy on 11/2/95: Caseating granulomatous inflammation with associated inflammatory pseudotumor was found in both sinus and lung biopsy specimens", "lg": "Yalongoosebwa ekitundu kya right maxillary sinus biopsy ne right middle lobe wedge resection ne lymph node biopsy nga 11/2/95: Caseating granulomatous inflammation with associated inflammatory pseudotumor was found in both sinus and lung biopsy specimens" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Renal insufficiency.,3\"", "lg": "\"Obutakola bulungi mu kibumba.,3\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Attention was then turned to the left groin and the artery grafts were likewise exposed, cleared proximally and distally\"", "lg": "\"Olwo okufaayo kwakyusibwa ku kifuba kya kkono era n’emisuwa egyasimbibwa mu ngeri y’emu ne gibikkulwa, ne girongoosebwa mu ngeri ey’okumpi n’ewala\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The chest was then closed with Vicryl at the level of the intercostal muscles, staying above the ribs\"", "lg": "\"Olwo ekifuba kyaggalwa ne Vicryl ku ddaala ly’ebinywa ebiri wakati w’ennyindo, ne kisigala waggulu w’embavu\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He now presents with significant upper airway resistance and nasal obstruction and is unable to tolerate a CPAP machine", "lg": "Kati yeeyanjula ng’aziyiza nnyo emikutu gy’empewo egy’okungulu n’okuzibikira ennyindo era tasobola kugumira kyuma kya CPAP" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Right nasoorbital ethmoid fracture.,3\"", "lg": "\"Okumenya ethmoid mu nasoorbital eya ddyo.,3\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\",Tooth 7 had caries involving the distal surface\"", "lg": "\",Erinnyo 7 lyalina okuvunda nga kuzingiramu ekitundu eky’ewala\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"At the initial attempt of inserting biopsy forceps, some resistance was noted within the proximal channel at this time making advancement of the biopsy forceps out of the proximal channel impossible\"", "lg": "\"Ku kugezaako okwasooka okw’okuyingiza ebyuma ebikebera omubiri (biopsy forceps), okuziyiza okumu kwalabiddwa munda mu mukutu ogw’okumpi mu kiseera kino ekifuula okukulaakulana kw’ebiwujjo by’omubiri okuva mu mukutu ogw’okumpi okutasoboka\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Vision is intact bilaterally", "lg": "Okwolesebwa tekulina kamogo ku njuyi zombi" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"There was no consultation dictated for this and no name was mentioned in the discharge summary, paged Dr\"", "lg": "\"Tewaaliwo kwebuuza kwalagirwa ku kino era tewali linnya lyayogerwako mu bufunze okusiibulwa, omuko gwa Dr\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "BUN and creatinine 26.8/1.2", "lg": "BUN ne creatinine 26.8/1.2" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "X", "lg": "X" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "It is present intermittently and most of the time daily", "lg": "Kibeerawo mu biseera ebitali bimu ate ebiseera ebisinga buli lunaku" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Return to clinic at two months of age", "lg": "Ddayo mu ddwaaliro ng’owezezza emyezi ebiri" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The risks and benefits of the procedure were discussed in detail with the patient including, but not limited to scarring, infection, damage to blood vessels and nerves, re-rupture, need further surgery, loss of range of motion, inability to return to heavy activity such as weight lifting, complex usual pain syndrome, and deep vein thrombosis as well as anesthetic risks\"", "lg": "\"Obulabe n’emigaso gy’enkola eno byateesebwako mu bujjuvu n’omulwadde omuli, naye nga tebikoma ku kufuna enkovu, yinfekisoni, okwonooneka kw’emisuwa n’obusimu, okuddamu okukutuka, okwetaaga okwongera okulongoosebwa, okufiirwa ebanga ly’okutambula, obutasobola kudda mu buzito emirimu nga okusitula obuzito, complex usual pain syndrome, n’okuzimba emisuwa emiwanvu wamu n’obulabe bw’okubudamya\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"A time-out process had been followed and preoperative antibiotics were given.,The patient was positioned with the left side up for a left thoracotomy\"", "lg": "\"Enkola ya time-out yali egobereddwa era eddagala eritta obuwuka nga tebannalongoosebwa lyaweebwa.,Omulwadde yateekebwa mu kifo ng’oludda olwa kkono luli waggulu okulongoosebwa ekifuba ekya kkono\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Referring to the database that had been online, she has a 13% chance of relapse in the next five years, and with aggressive chemotherapy (X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) platinum-based), this would be reduced to an 8% risk of relapse with a 5% benefit\"", "lg": "\"Nga tujuliza database eyali ebadde ku mutimbagano, alina emikisa 13% okuddamu okulwala mu myaka etaano egijja, era nga alina obujjanjabi obw’amaanyi obw’eddagala (X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) platinum-based), kino kyandikendedde okutuuka ku bulabe bwa 8% obwa okuddamu okulwala nga olina omugaso gwa 5%\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Humphrey visual field and disc photographs today for baseline documentation in view of glaucoma suspicion.,4\"", "lg": "\"Humphrey visual field ne disc ebifaananyi leero olw'ebiwandiiko ebisookerwako okusinziira ku kuteebereza glaucoma.,4\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"She was given prescription for Vicodin for pain and Synthroid thyroid hormone, and otherwise the appropriate wound care instructions per my routine wound care sheet.\"", "lg": "\"Yaweebwa eddagala lya Vicodin eriweweeza ku bulumi ne Synthroid thyroid hormone, n’ebirala ebiragiro ebituufu eby’okulabirira ebiwundu buli lupapula lwange olwa bulijjo olw’okulabirira ebiwundu.\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Severe gastroesophageal reflux.,4\"", "lg": "\"Okudda emabega okw’amaanyi mu lubuto.,4\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "I then mobilized the later half of the symphysis pubis and pubic ramus to get distal to the apical prostate", "lg": "Olwo ne nkwataganya ekitundu eky’oluvannyuma ekya symphysis pubis ne pubic ramus okutuuka ewala okutuuka ku apical prostate" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He has some drainage from these areas", "lg": "Alina amazzi agakulukuta okuva mu bitundu bino" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The retinal periphery is flat in both eyes.,Ms\"", "lg": "\"Ekitundu ky’amaaso (retinal periphery) kibeera kipapajjo mu maaso gombi.,Ms\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Routine colorectal cancer screening. He occasionally gets some loose stools.", "lg": "Omulwadde aloopa ebyafaayo bya wiiki mukaaga ku munaana eby’obuzibu bwa bbalansi ng’oluvannyuma akooye n’obunafu." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Then, the platysma was approximated using 2-0 Vicryl inverted interrupted stitches and the skin closed with 4-0 Vicryl running subcuticular stitch\"", "lg": "\"Olwo, platysma yageraageranye nga tukozesa emisono egy’okusalako egya 2-0 Vicryl inverted era olususu ne luggalwa ne 4-0 Vicryl running subcuticular stitch\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"No clonus.,SKIN: Normal.,LABORATORY DATA:, CBC shows a white count of 12.4, hemoglobin 10.1, platelet count 611,000; 38 segs 3 bands, 42 lymphocytes, and 10 monocytes\"", "lg": "\"Tewali clonus.,OLUSUSU: Normal.,LABORATORY DATA:, CBC eraga omuwendo gw’abazungu ogwa 12.4, hemoglobin 10.1, omuwendo gwa platelet 611,000; 38 segs 3 bands, 42 lymphocytes, ne 10 obutoffaali obutono\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "and 8 mg in the p.m", "lg": "ne 8 mg mu p.m" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "No wheeze", "lg": "Tewali kuwuuma" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"When it began to enlarge recently, she was referred to the Pediatric Endocrinology Department and had an evaluation there\"", "lg": "\"Bwe yatandika okugaziwa gye buvuddeko, yasindikibwa mu kitongole ky’abaana ekikola ku by’endwadde z’omu lubuto era ne bamukebera eyo\"" } }