{ "translation": { "en": "\"He is noted to be able to bike, ski, and be active in his garden without any symptoms at all\"", "lg": "\"Amanyiddwa ng’asobola okuvuga obugaali, okusanyuka mu ski, n’okubeera omujjumbize mu lusuku lwe nga talina bubonero bwonna n’akatono\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Her balance has also gradually declined such that she frequently touches walls and furniture to stabilize herself", "lg": "Bbalansi ye nayo ekendedde mpolampola n’atera okukwata ku bisenge n’ebintu by’omu nnyumba okwetebenkeza" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Tear in the posterior horn medial meniscus was identified", "lg": "Okukutuka mu jjembe ery’emabega medial meniscus kwazuulibwa" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\",Abdomen: Soft, bowel sounds active x 4 quadrants\"", "lg": "\",Olubuto: Amaloboozi amagonvu, ag’ekyenda nga gakola x 4 quadrants\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"These images were obtained with FDA-approved digital mammography equipment, and iCAD Second Look Software Version 7.2 was utilized.\"", "lg": "\"Ebifaananyi bino byafunibwa n’ebyuma ebikkirizibwa FDA eby’okukebera amabeere mu ngeri ya digito, era iCAD Second Look Software Version 7.2 ye yakozesebwa.\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Her orthopedic exam reveals full range of motion of the cervical spine", "lg": "Okukeberebwa kwe okw’amagumba kulaga entambula yonna ey’omugongo gw’omumwa gwa nnabaana" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The following morning she was tolerating regular diet", "lg": "Enkeera ku makya yali agumiikiriza emmere eya bulijjo" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "No leg or calf pain", "lg": "Tewali bulumi mu magulu oba ennyana" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type I. Stellate ganglion RFTC (radiofrequency thermocoagulation) left side and interpretation of Radiograph.", "lg": "\"Okuggalawo obulwadde bwa rectovaginal fistula, enkola okuyita mu lubuto\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Hip arthroscopy.,POSTOP COMORBIDITIES: , Postop acute blood loss anemia requiring transfusion and postop pain.,PROCEDURES DURING THIS HOSPITALIZATION:, Right total hip arthroplasty and removal of hardware.,CONSULTS:, Acute pain team consult.,DISPOSITION: , Home.,HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS AND HOSPITAL COURSE:, For details, please refer to clinic notes and OP notes\"", "lg": "\"Hip arthroscopy.,POSTOP COMORBIDITIES: , Postop acute blood loss anemia nga yeetaaga okuteekebwamu omusaayi n'okulumwa postop.,ENKOZESA MU KISEERA KINO:, Right total hip arthroplasty n'okuggyawo hardware.,CONSULTS:, Acute pain team consult.,DISPOSITION: , Home. ,EBYAFAAYO BY'OBULWADDE OBULWADDE N'OMUSOMOOZO GW'EDWALIRO EBIRIWO:, Ebisingawo, laba ebiwandiiko by'eddwaliro n'ebiwandiiko bya OP\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He also should start aggressively losing weight", "lg": "Era alina okutandika okugejja mu ngeri ey’obukambwe" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"No adventitious sounds are noted.,Abdomen: Obese\"", "lg": "\"Tewali maloboozi ga adventitious geeyoleka.,Olubuto: Omugejjo\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"All scans consistently showed increase in T2 signal in the brainstem, cerebellar peduncles and temporal lobes bilaterally\"", "lg": "\"Sikaani zonna bulijjo zalaga okweyongera mu bubonero bwa T2 mu kikolo ky’obwongo, cerebellar peduncles ne temporal lobes bilaterally\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "She does have a boyfriend; again she states she is not sexually active", "lg": "Kye ddala alina omulenzi gw’ayagala; nate agamba nti talina bwagazi" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"After he had satisfactory hemostasis, we decided to do the chest open and cover it with Ioban, which we did, and one chest tube was inserted into the mediastinum through a separate stab wound\"", "lg": "\"Oluvannyuma lw’okuziyiza omusaayi mu ngeri ematiza, twasalawo okukola ekifuba ekiggule ne tukibikkako Ioban, kye twakola, era ekifuba kimu ne kiyingizibwa mu kisenge ky’omu makkati nga tuyita mu kiwundu eky’enjawulo ekyafumita\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Risks and benefits of surgery were discussed", "lg": "Obulabe n’emigaso gy’okulongoosebwa byateesebwako" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The patient will return to our clinic once that study is completed.,I was present and participated in the entire procedure on this patient consisting of CT-guided frameless stereotactic radiosurgery for the right occipital AVM.,Dr\"", "lg": "\"Omulwadde ajja kudda mu ddwaaliro lyaffe nga okunoonyereza okwo kuwedde.,Nnaliwo era ne nneetaba mu nkola yonna ku mulwadde ono erimu CT-guided frameless stereotactic radiosurgery for the right occipital AVM.,Dr\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Lightheaded, dizziness in a 50-year-old female\"", "lg": "\"Okutangaala, okuziyira mu mukazi ow’emyaka 50\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "and p.r.n", "lg": "ne p.r.n" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Conjunctivae are clear", "lg": "Ensigo z’amaaso zitegeerekeka bulungi" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Although, he suffered from obesity as a young teenager, but through a period of anorexia, but his weight has been stable now for about 20 years\"", "lg": "\"Wadde, yafuna omugejjo ng’akyali mutiini omuto, naye ng’ayita mu kiseera eky’obutayagala kulya, naye obuzito bwe bubadde butebenkedde kati okumala emyaka nga 20\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"I do not suspect any sort of intrathoracic comorbidity such as a neoplasm or mass, though this was discussed\"", "lg": "\"Siteebereza kika kyonna kya intrathoracic comorbidity nga neoplasm oba mass, wadde nga kino kyateesebwako\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Pleural invasion: Not identified", "lg": "Okulumba kw’ekibumba: Tekimanyiddwa" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"High-grade obstruction of the right main bronchus by stent and granulation tissue.,5\"", "lg": "\"Okuzibikira okw’omutindo ogwa waggulu okw’omusuwa omukulu ogwa ddyo nga gukolebwa stent ne granulation tissue.,5\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The small saphenous system measured * cm at the proximal calf with reflux of * seconds after release of distal compression.", "lg": "Enkola entono eya saphenous yapima * cm ku nnyana ey’okumpi nga edda emabega ya * sekondi oluvannyuma lw’okufulumya okunyigirizibwa okw’ewala." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Because of the pain, he has significant problems with fractured sleep\"", "lg": "\"Olw’obulumi, alina obuzibu obw’amaanyi obw’otulo obumenyese\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Abc indicates at this time that he is overall better in that initially he had difficulty \"\"moving.\"\" He grades his current overall level of pain as a 2 to 4 on a scale from 0 to 10, stating that the worst he had was at 6-7\"", "lg": "\"Abc alaga mu kiseera kino nti okutwalira awamu asinga mu ngeri nti mu kusooka yafuna obuzibu \"\"okutambula.\"\" Obulumi bw’alina kati okutwalira awamu agaba ebipimo bya 2 ku 4 ku minzaani okuva ku 0 okutuuka ku 10, ng’alaga nti ekisinga obubi kye yalina kyali ku 6-7\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "No heart tones were visible", "lg": "Tewali ddoboozi lya mutima lyalabika" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "This was done without difficulty", "lg": "Kino kyakolebwa awatali buzibu" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He was seen by Dr", "lg": "Ono alabiddwa Dr" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "FloSeal was placed over this and the renal capsule was placed over this", "lg": "FloSeal yateekebwa ku kino ate n’akapiira k’ekibumba ne kateekebwa waggulu wa kino" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"She also states that she exercises regularly, does not smoke cigarettes, use drugs, or drink alcohol.,FAMILY HX: , Significant for her maternal grandfather with adult-onset diabetes, a maternal grandmother with hypertension, mother with depression, and a father who died of colon cancer at 32 years of age\"", "lg": "\"Era agamba nti akola dduyiro buli kiseera, tanywa sigala, takozesa biragalalagala, wadde okunywa omwenge.,FAMILY HX: , Kikulu eri jjajjaawe ku maama alina ssukaali atandise mu bantu abakulu, jjajjaawe ku maama alina puleesa, maama alina ekiwuubaalo, ne taata alina yafa kookolo w’olubuto olunene ku myaka 32 egy’obukulu\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Extraocular motions are intact bilaterally", "lg": "Entambula z’ebweru w’amaaso tezirina kamogo ku njuyi zombi" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "She was evaluated this a.m", "lg": "Yeekenneenyeddwa ku ssaawa eno ey’oku makya" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The patient remained awake throughout the procedure in order to interact and give feedback", "lg": "Omulwadde yasigala ng’atunula mu nkola yonna okusobola okukwatagana n’okuwa endowooza" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The airway was stable and patent throughout the entire examination", "lg": "Omukutu gw’empewo gwali gunywevu era nga gwa patent mu kukeberebwa kwonna" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\" The patient is a 16-month-old boy, who had a circumcision performed approximately 4 days before he developed penile swelling and fever and discharge. \"", "lg": "Obuvune mu busajja n’okuvaamu omusaayi obutasalako olw’obusajja obukutuse." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The guidewire was then removed and the inner cannula was then placed into the tracheostomy", "lg": "Oluvannyuma waya elungamya yaggyibwawo era oluvannyuma ne bateekebwa mu kifo ekiyitibwa tracheostomy" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"At this time, through the original skin incision, attention was directed to the first intermetatarsal space where utilizing both sharp and blunt dissection the deep transverse intermetatarsal ligament was identified\"", "lg": "\"Mu kiseera kino, okuyita mu kusala olususu okwasooka, okufaayo kwatunuulirwa ku kifo ekisooka wakati w’ennyindo nga nga tukozesa okusalako kwombi okusongovu n’okutali kwa maanyi omusuwa omuzito ogw’omugongo ogw’omu maaso ogwazuulibwa\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Now attention was directed to the posterior pillars", "lg": "Kati okufaayo kwali kutunuuliddwa ku mpagi ez’emabega" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Her PF3 and MPO were unremarkable", "lg": "PF3 ne MPO ze tezaali za kyewuunyo" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The nose and throat were then irrigated with saline and suctioned", "lg": "Oluvannyuma ennyindo n’emimiro byafukibwako omunnyo ne bisonseka" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"A retrograde was performed, and it was found that there was a narrowed band across the two\"", "lg": "\"Okudda emabega kwakolebwa, era kyazuulibwa nti waliwo bbandi eyafunda okubuna bombi\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "His LUE was plegic", "lg": "LUE ye yali ya plegic" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The left upper extremity was prepped and draped in supine position with the left hand in the arm table, magnification was used throughout\"", "lg": "\"Enkomerero ya kkono eya waggulu yali prepped era draped mu supine position ng’omukono ogwa kkono guli mu mmeeza y’omukono, magnification yakozesebwa wonna\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "A Kerrison rongeur was used to open up the ligament in this opening and then to march out in the both neural foramina", "lg": "Kerrison rongeur yakozesebwa okuggulawo omusuwa mu kifo kino ekiggule n’oluvannyuma okutambula okuva mu bifo byombi eby’obusimu" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The 2 midline port sites were injected with 5% Marcaine.,After the complete detachment of the gallbladder from the liver, the video laparoscope was removed and placed through the upper 10/11 mm cannula\"", "lg": "\"Ebifo 2 eby’omwalo ogw’omu makkati byafukibwako 5% Marcaine.,Oluvannyuma lw’okukutula ddala enseke ku kibumba, vidiyo laparoscope yaggyibwawo n’eteekebwa okuyita mu kanyula eya mm 10/11 eya waggulu\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Please note that during the case about 3600 mL of blood was noted", "lg": "Nsaba omanye nti mu kiseera ky’omusango nga 3600 mL z’omusaayi zaalabiddwa" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The patient was told that there could be other unexpected complications", "lg": "Omulwadde yategeezeddwa nti wayinza okubaawo ebizibu ebirala by’atasuubira" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "She denies any abdominal pain or vaginal bleeding", "lg": "Yeegaana okulumwa olubuto oba okuvaamu omusaayi mu bukyala" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The rectal exam was done at the end of the procedure after the cystoscopy", "lg": "Okukebera omumwa gwa nnabaana kwakolebwa ku nkomerero y’enkola oluvannyuma lw’okukeberebwa cystoscopy" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "There is splenomegaly seen", "lg": "Waliwo obulwadde bwa splenomegaly obulabibwa" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\" A woman presented to the ER with complaints of nausea, vomiting, and epigastric discomfort, ongoing for about 4 to 5 months. \"", "lg": "Obulwadde bw’omu lubuto n’obulwadde bwa autism. Yafuna okuziyira ng’ebula wiiki emu okuyingira ekitanda era maama n’amuwa eddagala lya MiraLax era okuziyira kwe ne kutereera." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "It has been discussed with his primary physician that the patient will likely need a nephrectomy", "lg": "Kibadde kiteesebwako n’omusawo we omukulu nti omulwadde ono ayinza okwetaaga okuggyibwako ekibumba" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Z's office", "lg": "Ofiisi ya Z" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"In a similar fashion, the femoral component was also placed\"", "lg": "\"Mu ngeri y’emu, ekitundu ky’ekisambi nakyo kyateekebwa\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "A second colonoscopy was done recently and microscopically no evidence of inflammatory bowel disease was seen", "lg": "Okukebera ekyenda ekyokubiri kwakolebwa gye buvuddeko era mu microscopic tewali bujulizi bwa bulwadde bwa kyenda obuzimba bwalabibwa" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "She has also had some jaundice", "lg": "Abadde n’obulwadde bwa jaundice" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Local anesthesia was obtained with a 50/50 mixture of 2% lidocaine and 0.75% bupivacaine given as a peribulbar block", "lg": "Obulwadde bw’okubudamya mu kitundu bwafunibwa nga butabuddwamu ebitundu 50/50 ebya 2% lidocaine ne 0.75% bupivacaine nga buweereddwa nga peribulbar block" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "She reported that she primarily obtained B's and C's in school", "lg": "Yategeeza nti okusinga yafuna B ne C mu ssomero" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "She was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 1983", "lg": "Yazuulibwa n’obulwadde bwa sukaali obw’ekika eky’okubiri mu 1983" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Mom reports that he has several friends, but she is concerned about the time required for the wrestling team\"", "lg": "\"Maama ategeeza nti alina emikwano egiwerako, naye yeeraliikirira obudde obwetaagisa ttiimu y’okumegganyizibwa\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Menses have been regular but somewhat shorter than in the past", "lg": "Okugenda mu nsonga kibadde kya bulijjo naye nga kimpi okusinga bwe kyali emabega" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The bladder was inspected and found to be without evidence of intravesical tumors, stones or mucosal abnormalities\"", "lg": "\"Ekibumba kyakeberebwa ne kizuulibwa nga tekirina bujulizi bulaga bizimba mu misuwa, amayinja oba obuzibu mu mucosal\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "There are no hemorrhages", "lg": "Tewali kuvaamu musaayi" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The sutures for the subscapularis repair were still located in the proximal humerus with no tearing through the bone, which was fortunate because in that we could use the bone later for securing the sutures\"", "lg": "\"Emisono egy’okuddaabiriza subscapularis gyali gikyali mu proximal humerus nga tewali kukutuka kuyita mu ggumba, ekyali eky’omukisa kubanga mu ekyo twasobola okukozesa eggumba oluvannyuma okunyweza emisono\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"She does smoke cigarettes, one pack per day for the last 20 years\"", "lg": "\"Akola okunywa sigala, pack emu buli lunaku okumala emyaka 20 egiyise\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Urine beta-hCG pregnancy and drug screen were negative", "lg": "Olubuto lwa beta-hCG mu musulo n’okukeberebwa eddagala byali negativu" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES,1\"", "lg": "\"OKWEKEBEJJA OBULWADDE NGA TUNNAlongoosebwa,1\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "MRI of the brain is broadly within normal limits", "lg": "MRI y’obwongo mu bugazi eri mu kkomo erya bulijjo" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "No rigidity noted", "lg": "Tewali bukakanyavu bweyolekeddwa" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"EXTERNAL EXAMINATION: , The body is that of a 62-inch, 112-pound white female who appears the recorded age of 41 years\"", "lg": "\"OKWEKEBEJJA EBWERU: , Omubiri gwa mukazi omuzungu ow’obuzito bwa yinsi 62, pawundi 112 ng’alabika ng’emyaka 41 egyawandiikibwa\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"She said that she occasionally bumps into objects, but denied noticing it happening one on any particular part of her body\"", "lg": "\"Agamba nti oluusi n’oluusi atomera ebintu, kyokka n’asambajja okukiraba nti kigenda mu maaso kimu ku kitundu kyonna eky’omubiri gwe\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"I told Mom, I had written to Dr\"", "lg": "\"Nagamba Maama nti, nnali mpandiise Dr\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He will be referred to the urologist who is on-call today", "lg": "Agenda kusindikibwa ew’omusawo w’emisuwa ali ku ssimu leero" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "This was done with #1 Prolene", "lg": "Kino kyakoleddwa ne #1 Prolene" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Total of 100 mL of Isovue was administered intravenously", "lg": "Omugatte gwa 100 mL za Isovue zassibwa mu misuwa" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"At the time of admission, the patient has a normal prothrombin time and INR of 13.4 seconds and 1.09 respectively and postoperatively, she was placed on Coumadin which is the usual orthopedic surgery procedure for reducing the risk of postoperative thromboembolic activity\"", "lg": "\"Mu kiseera ky’okuweebwa ekitanda, omulwadde alina obudde bwa prothrombin obwa bulijjo ne INR ya sikonda 13.4 ne 1.09 era oluvannyuma lw’okulongoosebwa, yateekebwa ku Coumadin nga eno y’enkola eya bulijjo ey’okulongoosa amagumba okukendeeza ku bulabe bw’okukola thromboembolic activity oluvannyuma lw’okulongoosebwa\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"So, the patient is discharged in stable condition.\"", "lg": "\"Kale, omulwadde asiibulwa mu mbeera etebenkedde.\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"However, in the PACU after a coughing spell she began bleeding from the right oropharynx, and was taken back to the operative suite for control of hemorrhage.,DESCRIPTION OF SURGERY: ,The patient was placed supine on the operating room table and general anesthetic was administered, once appropriate anesthetic findings achieved the patient was intubated and then prepped and draped in usual sterile manner for a parapharyngeal space hemorrhage\"", "lg": "\"Wabula mu PACU oluvannyuma lw’okusesema yatandika okuvaamu omusaayi okuva mu oropharynx eya ddyo, era n’azzibwa mu operative suite for control of hemorrhage.,ENNYONNYOLA Y’OKUSOBOLA: ,Omulwadde yateekebwa ng’agalamidde ku mmeeza y’ekisenge omulongoosebwa era eddagala eribudamya abantu bonna lyali yaweebwa, oluvannyuma lw’ebizuuliddwa ebituufu eby’okubudamya omulwadde yayingizibwa mu nnyindo n’oluvannyuma n’ateekateeka n’okubikka mu ngeri eya bulijjo etaliimu buwuka olw’okuvaamu omusaayi mu kifo ky’omu nnyindo (parapharyngeal space hemorrhage).\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"At the time of examination this morning, the patient was feeling better and desired going home\"", "lg": "\"Mu kiseera ky’okukeberebwa enkya ya leero, omulwadde abadde awulira bulungi era nga yeegomba okudda eka\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The tourniquet was then inflated to 325 mmHg", "lg": "Oluvannyuma tourniquet yafuumuulwa okutuuka ku mmHg 325" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The anterior superior calcaneal process is normal.,There is mild tenosynovitis of the posterior tibialis tendon sheath but an intrinsically normal tendon\"", "lg": "\"Enkola ya anterior superior calcaneal process is normal.,Waliwo tenosynovitis etali ya maanyi ey’ekikuta ky’omusuwa gw’omugongo ogw’emabega naye nga mu butonde gwa bulijjo\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "We were unable to cannulate the right coronary artery", "lg": "Tetwasobola kussaamu kanyula mu musuwa gwa ddyo ogw’omutima" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "LEEP procedure of endocervical polyp and Electrical excision of pigmented mole of inner right thigh.", "lg": "\"Obulumi mu kifuba, endometriosis mu kifuba, n’okunywerera mu kifuba. Laparoscopy, Harmonic scalpel ablation of endometriosis, lysis of adhesions, n’okugaziya omumwa gwa nnabaana. Mu kukebera, omulwadde alina ebinene ebikwatagana n’ekisenge ky’olubuto eky’omu maaso (omental to anterior abdominal wall adhesions) ku ludda olwa kkono olw’olubuto nga biwanvuwa wansi okutuuka ku adnexa eya kkono.\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"No hemorrhages, exudates or microaneurysms\"", "lg": "\"Tewali kuvaamu musaayi, kufuluma oba microaneurysms\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The incision was opened with #10 blade knife", "lg": "Ekitundu ekyasaliddwa kyaggulwawo n’akambe aka #10 blade" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "I will check with Dr", "lg": "Nja kukebera ne Dr" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"b.i.d.,6\"", "lg": "\"b.i.d.,6\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The bilateral iliac crest harvest was first performed by Dr", "lg": "Okukungula kwa bilateral iliac crest kwasooka kukolebwa Dr" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Abc has now returned to his normal job as a stacker and is able to do that with no significant increased pain", "lg": "Abc kati akomyewo ku mulimu gwe ogwa bulijjo nga stacker era ekyo asobola okukikola nga tewali bulumi bwa maanyi bweyongedde" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Closure was with a 6-French Angio-Seal of the artery, and the venous sheath was sutured in.,PLAN:, Continue aspirin, Plavix, and Coumadin to an INR of 2 with a carotid duplex followup.\"", "lg": "\"Okuggalawo kwali ne 6-French Angio-Seal y’omusuwa, era ekikuta ky’emisuwa kyatungibwa mu.,PLAN:, Continue aspirin, Plavix, ne Coumadin ku INR ya 2 n’okugoberera carotid duplex.\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"I cut a hole in the mesh in order to incorporate the cord structures and recreated the internal ring, making sure that it was not too tight so that it did not strangulate the cord structures\"", "lg": "\"Nasala ekituli mu katimba okusobola okuyingizaamu ebizimbe by’emiguwa ne nddamu okukola empeta ey’omunda, nga nkakasa nti tenywevu nnyo ereme kunyiga bizimbe by’emiguwa\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Mild soft tissue swelling about the right cheek.", "lg": "Okuzimba kw’ebitundu ebigonvu ebitonotono ku ttama erya ddyo." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The patient underwent ventriculostomy on 10/19/94", "lg": "Omulwadde yalongoosebwa ventriculostomy nga 10/19/94" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The first layer consisting of a subcuticular inverted interrupted sutures of #4-0 undyed Vicryl", "lg": "Layer esooka erimu subcuticular inverted interrupted sutures ya #4-0 Vicryl etaliiko langi" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Therefore, there is no doubt that he is becoming symptomatic from his growing tumor\"", "lg": "\"N’olwekyo, tewali kubuusabuusa nti agenda afuuka ow’obubonero okuva ku kizimba kye ekigenda kikula\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "She has rather diffuse pain involving both large and small joints", "lg": "Alina obulumi obusinga okusaasaana nga buzingiramu ennyondo ennene n’entono" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Normal child physical exam template.", "lg": "\"Okukonziba emirundi mingi n’okulumwa olubuto, status post motor vehicle collision.\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "No complications arose.", "lg": "Tewali buzibu bwonna bwajjawo." } }