{ "translation": { "en": "HDL: 68", "lg": "HDL: 68. Omuntu w’abantu" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Height 5'7\"\" per the patient\"", "lg": "\"Obuwanvu 5'7\"\" buli mulwadde\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The patient at that point underwent a bronchoscopy with a biopsy of the mediastinal mass and the results of that biopsy are still pending", "lg": "Omulwadde mu kiseera ekyo yakeberebwa bronchoscopy nga bamukebera ekitundu ky’omubiri ekiyitibwa mediastinal mass era ebyava mu biopsy eyo bikyalindiridde" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Endocrine", "lg": "Endocrine mu bitundu by’omubiri" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Right and left pulmonary artery capillary wedge pressures were normal with an A-wave similar to the mildly elevated left ventricular end-diastolic pressure of 13 mmHg", "lg": "Puleesa z’omusuwa gw’amawuggwe ogwa ddyo n’ogwa kkono zaali za bulijjo nga zirina amayengo ga A agafaananako ne puleesa y’omusuwa gwa kkono ey’enkomerero y’amawuggwe eya 13 mmHg" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "I recommended the patient undergo an upper GI series prior to surgery due to find her upper GI anatomy", "lg": "Namuwa amagezi omulwadde akolebwe upper GI series nga tannalongoosebwa olw’okuzuula upper GI anatomy ye" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Viscoelastic was again instilled into the capsular bag as well as the anterior chamber", "lg": "Viscoelastic yaddamu okuteekebwa mu nsawo ya capsular nga kwotadde n’ekisenge eky’omu maaso" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "We established the lateral port of the knee with #11 blade scalpel", "lg": "Twassaawo omwalo gw’okugulu ogw’ebbali nga tukozesa #11 blade scalpel" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "General anesthesia was then administered", "lg": "Oluvannyuma baaweebwa eddagala eribudamya abantu bonna" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "No rub nor gallop", "lg": "Tewali kusiiga wadde okudduka" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The patient also admitted to continued smoking in spite of all of the above", "lg": "Omulwadde era yakkirizza nti yasigala anywa sigala wadde nga byonna ebyo waggulu" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Type II diabetes mellitus.,2\"", "lg": "\"Obulwadde bwa sukaali obw’ekika kya II.,2\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He also reports that it initially was associated with a sour taste in his mouth", "lg": "Era ategeeza nti mu kusooka kyali kikwatagana n’obuwoomi obukaawa mu kamwa ke" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Coban was used then to wrap the penis and at the end of the case the patient was straight catheted, approximately 400 cc of amber-yellow urine\"", "lg": "\"Coban yakozesebwa olwo okuzinga obusajja era ku nkomerero y’omusango omulwadde yateekebwamu straight catheted, nga 400 cc z’omusulo ogwa amber-yellow\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The terminal ileum mucosa and the colonic mucosa throughout was normal except at approximately 10 cm where a 1 x 1 cm pedunculated juvenile-appearing polyp was noted", "lg": "Ekitundu ky’omubiri ekiyitibwa terminal ileum mucosa ne colonic mucosa wonna kyali kya bulijjo okuggyako nga ku sentimita nga 10 nga 1 x 1 cm pedunculated juvenile-appearing polyp yeeyolekera" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He denies frank abdominal pain or fever", "lg": "Yeegaana okulumwa olubuto oba omusujja mu bwesimbu" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Placenta was delivered spontaneously and was normal and intact", "lg": "Ensigo yazaalibwa mu ngeri eyeetongodde era nga ya bulijjo era nga teyonoonese" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The patient was treated for the abscess in Beaumont and then subsequently transferred to some other type of facility near her home in Warren, Michigan at which point, she developed a second what was termed minor myocardial infarction.,The patient subsequently recovered in a Cardiac Rehab Facility and approximately two weeks later, brings us to the month of August, at which time she was at home ambulating with a walker or a cane, and then sustained a fall and at that point she was unable to walk and had acute progressive weakness and was identified as having a central cord syndrome based on an MRI, which showed record signal change\"", "lg": "\"Omulwadde yajjanjabwa ekizimba e Beaumont oluvannyuma oluvannyuma n’atwalibwa mu kifo ekirala eky’ekika ekirala okumpi n’amaka ge e Warren, Michigan mu kiseera ekyo, yafuna ekyokubiri ekyayitibwa minor myocardial infarction.,Oluvannyuma omulwadde yawona mu Cardiac Rehab Facility era nga wayise wiiki bbiri, etutuusa mu mwezi gwa August, mu kiseera ekyo yali awaka ng’atambula n’omutambuze oba omuggo, n’oluvannyuma n’agwa era mu kiseera ekyo yali tasobola kutambula era n’afuna obunafu obw’amaanyi obugenda mu maaso era yazuulibwa ng’alina obulwadde bw’omusuwa ogw’omu makkati okusinziira ku MRI, eyalaga enkyukakyuka mu bubonero bwa likodi\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"He had also been experiencing lightheadedness upon standing more readily than usual for 2 days prior to presentation.,PMH:, 1)CAD with chronic CP, 2)NQWMI 1994, S/P Coronary Angioplasty, 3)COPD (previous FEV 11.48, and FVC 2.13), 4)Anxiety D/O, 5)DJD, 6)Developed confusion with metoprolol use, 7)HTN.,MEDS:, Benadryl, ECASA, Diltiazem, Isordil, Enalapril, Indomethacin, Terbutaline MDI, Ipratropium MDI, Folic Acid, Thiamine.,SHX:, 120pk-yr smoking, ETOH abuse in past, Retired Dock Hand,FHX: ,unremarkable except for ETOH abuse,EXAM:, T98.2 96bpm 140/74mmHg R18,Thin cachetic male in moderate distress.,MS: A&O to person, place and time\"", "lg": "\"Era yali abadde afuna okuzimba omutwe nga ayimiridde mangu okusinga bulijjo okumala ennaku 2 nga tannayanjulwa.,PMH:, 1)CAD with chronic CP, 2)NQWMI 1994, S/P Coronary Angioplasty, 3)COPD (previous FEV 11.48, and FVC 2.13), 4)Okweraliikirira D/O, 5)DJD, 6)Okufuna okutabulwa n’okukozesa metoprolol, 7)HTN.,MEDS:, Benadryl, ECASA, Diltiazem, Isordil, Enalapril, Indomethacin, Terbutaline MDI, Ipratropium MDI, Folic Acid, Thiamine.,SHX:, 120pk-yr okunywa sigala, okukozesa obubi ETOH mu biseera eby’emabega, Retired Dock Hand,FHX: ,tekyewuunyisa okuggyako okukozesa obubi ETOH,EXAM:, T98.2 96bpm 140/74mmHg R18,Thin cachetic male mu buzibu obw’ekigero. ,MS: A&O eri omuntu, ekifo n’ekiseera\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Gastroesophageal reflux disease.,5\"", "lg": "\"Obulwadde bw’okuddamu okufulumya amazzi mu lubuto n’omumwa gwa nnabaana.,5\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He underwent systematic evaluation of his wound of his left upper extremity and we excised first the whole wound prior to doing some additional closure", "lg": "Yakeberebwa mu ngeri entegeke ekiwundu kye eky’enkomerero ye eya kkono eya waggulu era twasooka kuggyako kiwundu kyonna nga tetunnakola kuggalawo kwonna" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"A selective left lower extremity angiogram was then done with the above-noted findings.,We then used a ClearPath 2.5-mm laser probe to laser the proximal superficial femoral artery\"", "lg": "\"A selective left lower extremity angiogram was then done with the above-noted findings.,Awo twakozesa ClearPath 2.5-mm laser probe okukola laser ku proximal superficial femoral artery\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"There was no head trauma, but apparently she was doing that many times and there was no responsiveness\"", "lg": "\"Tewaaliwo buvune ku mutwe, naye kirabika ekyo yali akikola emirundi mingi era nga tewali kuddamu\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "A semi-pressure patch and shield was placed over the eye", "lg": "Ku liiso lyateekebwako ekitundu kya semi-pressure n’engabo" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The umbilicus was then re-formed using 4-0 Vicryl to tack the umbilical skin to the fascia.,The wound was then irrigated using sterile saline, and hemostasis was obtained using Bovie electrocautery\"", "lg": "\"Olwo nnabaana yaddamu okukolebwa nga tukozesa 4-0 Vicryl okusiba olususu lw’omu nnabaana ku fascia.,Oluvannyuma ekiwundu ne kifukirira nga bakozesa omunnyo ogutaliimu buwuka, era ne bafuna okuziyiza omusaayi nga bakozesa Bovie electrocautery\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The umbilical fascia was closed with an interrupted figure-of-eight stitch using 2-0 Vicryl", "lg": "Ekitundu ky’omu nnabaana kyaggalwa n’omusono ogwasalibwako ogwa figure-of-eight nga bakozesa Vicryl 2-0" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Hemoptysis.,2\"", "lg": "\"Obulwadde bw’omusaayi.,2\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The area was then copiously irrigated with gentamicin solution", "lg": "Olwo ekitundu ekyo kyafukirirwa nnyo n’omubisi gwa gentamicin" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He was awakened and taken to the recovery room in satisfactory condition", "lg": "Yazuukusibwa n’atwalibwa mu kisenge mwe badda engulu ng’ali mu mbeera ematiza" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "I spoke with Dr", "lg": "Njogedde ne Dr" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The adenoids were shaved back, flushed with curette through a traditional transoral route with thick purulent material emanating from the crypts, and representative cultures were taken\"", "lg": "\"Adenoids zaali ziseddwa emabega, ne zifuumuulwa ne curette nga ziyita mu kkubo ery’ekinnansi erya transoral nga zirina ebintu ebinene ebifuuse ebikuta ebiva mu crypts, era obuwangwa obukiikirira ne butwalibwa\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "She denies any previous similar episodes", "lg": "Yeegaana ebitundu byonna ebifaananako bwe bityo emabega" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Her symptoms are multifactorial.,Regarding the etiology of difficulty in initiating and maintaining sleep, the patient has a component of psychophysiologic insomnia, based on reports of better sleep in the laboratory as compared to home\"", "lg": "\"Her symptoms are multifactorial.,Ku bikwata ku etiology y’obuzibu mu kutandika n’okukuuma otulo, omulwadde alina ekitundu ky’obuteebaka bwa psychophysiologic, okusinziira ku lipoota z’otulo otulungi mu laboratory bw’ogeraageranya n’awaka\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The lead from the Boston Scientific Dextrose model 12345, serial number 12345 was inserted through the left subclavian to the right atrium; however, it was difficult to really enter the right ventricle; and while the lead was in place, the side port of the sheath was used to inject 15 mL of contrast to assess the subclavian and the right atrium\"", "lg": "\"Omusulo okuva mu Boston Scientific Dextrose model 12345, serial number 12345 gwayingizibwa okuyita mu subclavian eya kkono okutuuka mu atrium eya ddyo; wabula, kyali kizibu okuyingira ddala mu ventricle eya ddyo; era nga lead eri mu kifo, omwalo gw’ebbali ogw’ekikuta gwakozesebwa okukuba empiso ya 15 mL ez’enjawulo okwekenneenya subclavian ne right atrium\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "No constipation", "lg": "Tewali kuziyira" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Utilizing #0 Vicryl suture, a figure-of-eight was placed to the subxiphoid and infraumbilical fascia and this was approximated without difficulty\"", "lg": "\"Nga bakozesa #0 Vicryl suture, figure-of-eight yateekebwa ku subxiphoid ne infraumbilical fascia era kino kyabalirirwa awatali buzibu\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"He also uses Metamucil four times daily and stool softeners for bedtime.,ALLERGIES:, Cipro.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Father died from CA at the age of 79\"", "lg": "\"Era akozesa Metamucil emirundi ena buli lunaku n'ebigonza omusulo nga yeebase.,ALLERGIES:, Cipro.,FAMILY HISTORY:, Taata yafa CA ku myaka 79\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"There is a moderate size subcutaneous fluid collection seen, which does not appear compressive and may be compatible with normal postoperative fluid collection, especially given the fact that she had a revision surgery performed.,ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: ,Ms\"", "lg": "\"Waliwo okukung’aanya amazzi wansi w’olususu mu sayizi ey’ekigero okulabibwa, okulabika ng’okunyigiriza era kuyinza okukwatagana n’okukung’aanya amazzi aga bulijjo oluvannyuma lw’okulongoosebwa, naddala okusinziira ku kuba nti yalongoosebwa okuddamu okulongoosebwa.,OKWEKENNEENYA N’ENTEGEKA: ,Ms\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "There was no evidence of any subluxation or dislocation of the patella", "lg": "Tewaaliwo bukakafu bwonna bulaga nti ekitundu ky’omubiri ekiyitibwa ‘subluxation’ oba okuseeseetula (dislocation) mu kitundu ky’omubiri ekiyitibwa patella" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Once good bleeding subchondral bone was appreciated, the morselized bone from the laminectomy was morselized with corticocancellous bone chips together with demineralized bone matrix\"", "lg": "\"Oluvannyuma lw’okusiimibwa eggumba eddungi erya subchondral eryavaamu omusaayi, eggumba eryasalibwamu okuva mu laminectomy lyasalibwamu ebitundu by’amagumba ebiyitibwa corticocancellous bone chips awamu ne demineralized bone matrix\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "We would start Modulon 50 mL/h for 20 hours to reverse the malnutrition state of this boy", "lg": "Twanditandise Modulon 50 mL/h okumala essaawa 20 okuzzaawo embeera y’endya embi ey’omulenzi ono" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "No rash", "lg": "Tewali kuzimba" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"She did have a \"\"nervous breakdown\"\" in 1975 after the death of her husband\"", "lg": "\"Kye ddala yafuna \"\"nervous breakdown\"\" mu 1975 oluvannyuma lw'okufa kwa bba\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Her husband states that he has noticed, she will occasionally start a sentence and then not know what words to use as she is continuing.,The patient has not had trouble with syncope\"", "lg": "\"Bba ategeeza nti akitegedde, oluusi ajja kutandika sentensi n’alyoka atamanya bigambo by’alina okukozesa nga bw’agenda mu maaso.,Omulwadde tafunye buzibu na kusannyalala\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He was then placed in a beach chair position", "lg": "Olwo n’ateekebwa mu mbeera y’entebe ya bbiici" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Final images showed excellent results with initial 99% stenosis reduced to 0%", "lg": "Ebifaananyi ebisembayo byalaga ebivuddemu ebirungi ennyo nga stenosis eyasooka 99% ekendedde okutuuka ku 0% ." } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The patient had some evidence of clots upon irrigation", "lg": "Omulwadde yalina obukakafu obumu nti yazimba okuzimba ng’afukirira" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He obtains no pain medications from no other sources", "lg": "Tafuna ddagala eriweweeza ku bulumi okuva mu nsonda ndala yonna" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Capable of free range of motion without pain or crepitation", "lg": "Asobola okutambula mu ddembe nga tewali bulumi oba crepitation" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "There was a white exudative material covering the uterus as well as bilateral ovaries and fallopian tubes", "lg": "Waaliwo ekintu ekyeru ekifuluma nga kibikka nnabaana wamu n’enkwaso ez’enjuyi zombi n’ennywanto z’enkwaso" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Xeroform and a sterile dressing were applied followed by a cold-pack and Ace wrap", "lg": "Xeroform ne sterile dressing byasiigibwa ne bigobererwa cold-pack ne Ace wrap" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The patient had a transthoracic echocardiogram as an outpatient, which was equivocal, but a transesophageal echocardiogram here in the hospital was normal with no evidence of vegetations\"", "lg": "\"Omulwadde yalina transthoracic echocardiogram nga outpatient, nga kino kyali kizibu, naye transesophageal echocardiogram wano mu ddwaaliro kyali kya bulijjo nga tewali bujulizi bulaga bimera\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "She was admitted to the service of Dr", "lg": "Yakkirizibwa okuweereza Dr" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: , Type 4 thoracoabdominal aneurysm.,OPERATION/PROCEDURE: , A 26-mm Dacron graft replacement of type 4 thoracoabdominal aneurysm from T10 to the bifurcation of the aorta, re-implanting the celiac, superior mesenteric artery and right renal as an island and the left renal as a 8-mm interposition Dacron graft, utilizing left heart bypass and cerebrospinal fluid drainage.,DESCRIPTION OF PROCEDURE IN DETAIL: , Patient was brought to the operating room and put in supine position, and general endotracheal anesthesia was induced through a double-lumen endotracheal tube\"", "lg": "\"OKWEKEBEJJA OLUVANYUMA LW’OKUGGYA: , Type 4 thoracoabdominal aneurysm.,OPERATION/PROCEDURE: , A 26-mm Dacron graft replacement of type 4 thoracoabdominal aneurysm okuva ku T10 okutuuka ku bifurcation of the aorta, okuddamu okusimba celiac, superior mesenteric artery n’ekibumba ekya ddyo nga an ekizinga n’ekibumba ekya kkono nga 8-mm interposition Dacron graft, utilizing left heart bypass and cerebrospinal fluid drainage.,ENNYONNYOLA Y’ENKOZESA MU BULIJJO: , Omulwadde yaleetebwa mu kisenge omulongoosebwa n’ateekebwa mu mbeera ey’okusitama, era general endotracheal anesthesia was induced okuyita mu ttanka y’omu nnyindo erimu ebitundu bibiri (double-lumen endotracheal tube).\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Bleeding can be superficial, but can compromise airway, for which he has been told that he may be brought emergently back to the operating room for evacuation of said hematoma\"", "lg": "\"Okuvaamu omusaayi kuyinza okuba okw’okungulu, naye kuyinza okukosa omukutu gw’empewo, olw’ekyo abadde ategeezeddwa nti ayinza okukomezebwawo mu bwangu mu kisenge omulongoosebwa okuggyibwamu omusaayi ogwogerwako\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Attention was then redirected back to the medial and femoral condyles.,At this point, a 0.62 K-wire was then placed in through the initial portal, medial portal, as well as an additional poke hole, so we can gain access and proper orientation to the medial femoral lesion\"", "lg": "\"Attention was then redirected back to the medial and femoral condyles.,Mu kiseera kino, a 0.62 K-wire olwo yateekebwa mu okuyita mu mulyango ogusooka, omulyango ogw’omu makkati, awamu n’ekinnya eky’okusiba eky’enjawulo, tusobole okufuna okutuuka n’okulungamya okutuufu okutuuka ku kiwundu ky’ekisambi eky’omu makkati\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"A trial of neuromuscular electrical stimulation therapy was completed to determine if this therapy protocol will be beneficial and improving the patient's swallowing function and safety.,For his neuromuscular electrical stimulation therapy, the type was BMR with a single mode cycle time is 4 seconds and 12 seconds off with frequency was 60 __________ with a ramp of 2 seconds, phase duration was 220 with an output of 99 milliamps\"", "lg": "\"Okugezesa obujjanjabi bw’okusitula amasannyalaze mu busimu bwawedde okuzuula oba enkola eno ey’obujjanjabi ejja kuba ya mugaso era egenda kulongoosa omulimu gw’okumira kw’omulwadde n’obukuumi.,Ku bujjanjabi bwe obw’okusitula amasannyalaze mu binywa by’obusimu, ekika kyali BMR nga kiriko obudde bw’enzirukanya ya mode emu buba bwa sikonda 4 ne 12 seconds off ne frequency yali 60 __________ nga ramp ya seconds 2, phase duration yali 220 nga output ya milliamps 99\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The patient was monitored for cardiac, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation continuously.,The hair was prepared and secured with rubber bands and micropore tape along the incision line\"", "lg": "\"Omulwadde yalondoolebwa okulaba oba alina omutima, puleesa, ne oxygen saturation obutasalako.,Enviiri zaategekebwa ne zinywezebwa ne rubber bands ne micropore tape along the incision line\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The wound was inspected, and irrigated again with antibiotic solution and after further inspection was finally closed in a routine closure in a multiple layer event by first approximation of the platysma with interrupted 3-0 Vicryl, and the skin with a subcuticular stitch of 4-0 Vicryl, and this was Steri-Stripped for reinforcement, and a sterile dressing was applied, incorporating a Penrose drain, which was carried from the prevertebral space externally to the skin wound and safety pin for security in the usual manner\"", "lg": "\"Ekiwundu kyakeberebwa, ne kiddamu okufukirira n’eddagala eritta obuwuka era oluvannyuma lw’okwongera okwekebejjebwa kyasembayo okuggalwa mu kuggalawo okwa bulijjo mu mukolo gwa layeri eziwera nga basooka kugerageranya platysma n’okusalako 3-0 Vicryl, n’olususu n’omusono ogw’okunsi ogwa 4- . 0 Vicryl, era kino kyali Steri-Stripped okusobola okunyweza, era ne kisiigibwako ekizigo ekitaliimu buwuka, nga kirimu ekyuma ekifulumya amazzi ekya Penrose, ekyatwalibwa okuva mu kifo ekirimu omugongo ebweru okutuuka ku kiwundu ky’olususu ne ppini ey’obukuumi olw’obukuumi mu ngeri eya bulijjo\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Neuropsychologic testing the same day revealed slight impairment of complex attention only", "lg": "Okukebera obusimu bw’omubiri ku lunaku lwe lumu kwalaga okukosebwa okutono okw’okufaayo okuzibu kwokka" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"He denies any tattoos or risky sexual behavior.,ALLERGIES:, NKDA.,MEDICATIONS:, Tylenol prn (1-2 tabs every other day for the last 2 wks), Cimetidine 400mg po qhs x 5 days.,REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:, No headache, vision changes\"", "lg": "\"Yeegaana ttatu yonna oba okweyisa mu kwegatta okw'akabi.,ALLERGIES:, NKDA.,EDDAGALA:, Tylenol prn (1-2 tabs buli lunaku lubiri okumala wks 2 ezisembyeyo), Cimetidine 400mg po qhs x 5 days.,OKWEKENNEENYA ENKOZESA:, Tewali kulumwa mutwe, okulaba kukyuka\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The baby's mouth and nose were bulb suctioned", "lg": "Omwana omumwa n’ennyindo byasonsebwa bbaatule" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The patient has full range of motion to all the joints, all the toes, as well as the ankles\"", "lg": "\"Omulwadde alina entambula enzijuvu okutuuka ku binywa byonna, engalo zonna, awamu n’enkizi\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "This is certainly concerning", "lg": "Kino mazima ddala kyeraliikiriza" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The SPARC needles were then placed through the suprapubic incisions and then directed through the vaginal incision bilaterally", "lg": "Olwo empiso za SPARC zaateekebwa nga ziyita mu bitundu eby’okungulu (suprapubic incisions) oluvannyuma ne zilagirwa okuyita mu kifo ekisaliddwa mu bukyala ku njuyi zombi" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"q.6h., Xanax 0.25 mg p.o\"", "lg": "\"q.6h., Xanax 0.25 mg buli ssaawa\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "It is nontender", "lg": "Kiba kya nontender" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The anterior superior calcaneal process is normal.,There is mild tenosynovitis of the posterior tibialis tendon sheath but an intrinsically normal tendon\"", "lg": "\"Enkola ya anterior superior calcaneal process is normal.,Waliwo tenosynovitis etali ya maanyi ey’ekikuta ky’omusuwa gw’omugongo ogw’emabega naye nga mu butonde gwa bulijjo\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Next, incision line was marked circumferentially on the outer skin 3 mm below the corona\"", "lg": "\"Ekiddako, layini y’okusala yassibwako akabonero mu ngeri eyeetooloola ku lususu olw’ebweru mm 3 wansi wa corona\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "EOM were full and smooth", "lg": "EOM zaali zijjudde era nga ziweweevu" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Had friends in the Terrace and would not mind going back there after discharge", "lg": "Yalina emikwano mu Terrace era teyandibadde na buzibu kuddayo nga amaze okusiibulwa" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The harmonic scalpel was utilized superiorly and laterally", "lg": "Ekyuma ekiyitibwa harmonic scalpel kyakozesebwa mu ngeri ey’oku ntikko n’ey’ebbali" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"There is a right pleural effusion, greater than as seen on the left side\"", "lg": "\"Waliwo okufuluma kw’omusaayi mu ddyo, okusinga nga bwe kulabibwa ku ludda olwa kkono\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He reported to the Hospital the day after his altercation complaining of mall occlusion and sore left shoulder", "lg": "Yaloopa mu Ddwaliro olunaku olwaddirira okuyomba kwe nga yeemulugunya ku mall occlusion n’okulumwa ekibegabega kya kkono" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "She attended collage at the Colorado University", "lg": "Yasomera mu kolaasi mu yunivasite y’e Colorado" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"The chance of a compartment syndrome seems very low at this time.,Using 4-inch Ortho-Glass and two assistants, we applied a posterior splint to immobilize his fingers, hand, and wrist all the way up to his elbow to well above the elbow.,He had much better comfort once this was applied\"", "lg": "\"Omukisa gw’okulwala obulwadde bwa compartment syndrome gulabika nga mutono nnyo mu kiseera kino.,Nga tukozesa Ortho-Glass eya yinsi 4 n’abayambi babiri, twasiiga ekyuma eky’emabega okuziyiza engalo ze, omukono, n’engalo okutuukira ddala ku nkokola ye okutuuka waggulu nnyo ku elbow.,Yali alina obuweerero obusingako nnyo lumu kino bwe kyasiigibwa\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The tracing is within normal limits", "lg": "Okulondoola kuli mu kkomo erya bulijjo" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "We will order an angiogram for the next few hours and followup on those results to better define his anatomy and to determine whether or not if any interventions are appropriate", "lg": "Tujja kulagira angiogram okumala essaawa eziddako n’okugoberera ebivuddemu ebyo okusobola okunnyonnyola obulungi ensengekera y’omubiri gwe n’okuzuula oba oba nedda waliwo okuyingira mu nsonga yonna esaanidde" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The tissue was sent to Pathology where Dr", "lg": "Ekitundu kino kyasindikiddwa mu Pathology nga Dr" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Heart sounds are regular without murmur, gallop, or rub\"", "lg": "\"Amaloboozi g’omutima ga bulijjo awatali kwemulugunya, kudduka, oba kusiiga\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "He has a history of doing heroin", "lg": "Alina ebyafaayo by’okukola heroin" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "4mm liopsuction cannula was then introduced along these previously outlined tunnels into the jowl on both sides and down top the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid laterally and just past the thyroid notch interiorly", "lg": "Olwo 4mm liopsuction cannula yayingizibwa okuyita ku tunnels zino ezaali ziragiddwa emabegako mu jowl ku njuyi zombi ne wansi waggulu ku nsalo ey’omu maaso eya sternocleidomastoid laterally era nga wayiseewo katono ku thyroid notch munda" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The patient was started on IV fluids as well as IV antibiotic", "lg": "Omulwadde yatandikiddwa ku mazzi aga IV wamu n’eddagala eritta obuwuka erya IV" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\",2\"", "lg": "\",2\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The anterior inferior quadrant myringotomy incisions were performed", "lg": "Okutema kwa myringotomy mu kitundu eky’omu maaso (anterior inferior quadrant myringotomy incisions) kwakolebwa" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "A small 3 cm incision was made over the distal medial hamstring", "lg": "Akasala akatono aka sentimita 3 kaakolebwa ku mugongo ogw’ewala ogw’omu makkati" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Clinical setting incorporating core stabilization and general total body strengthening and muscle wasting.,3\"", "lg": "\"Ensengeka y’obujjanjabi erimu okutebenkera kw’omusingi n’okunyweza omubiri gwonna mu bulambalamba n’okusaasaanya ebinywa.,3\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"I felt that further attempts in this calcified vessel in a 90-year-old with severe aortic stenosis and severe aortic insufficiency would likely result in complications of dissection, so the stent was removed\"", "lg": "\"Nawulira nti okwongera okugezaako mu kisuwa kino ekirimu calcified mu muntu ow’emyaka 90 alina okuzimba okw’amaanyi mu musuwa n’obuzibu obw’amaanyi mu musuwa gwandi kirabika kyandiviiriddeko obuzibu bw’okusalako, n’olwekyo stent yaggyibwawo\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Upon viewing of the lateral compartment, there was noted to be a large bucket-handle tear involving the lateral and posterior horns\"", "lg": "\"Bwe twalaba ekisenge eky’ebbali, kyazuulibwa nti waliwo okukutuka okunene okw’omukono gwa baketi nga kuzingiramu amayembe ag’ebbali n’ag’emabega\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Placenta delivered spontaneously.,Following delivery, uterus was explored without findings of significant tissue\"", "lg": "\"Placenta delivered spontaneously.,Oluvannyuma lw'okuzaala, nnabaana yanoonyezebwa awatali kuzuulibwa kwa bitundu bikulu\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"See me back here in two months.,4\"", "lg": "\"Ndabe nga nkomyewo wano mu myezi ebiri.,4\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Additional adenoid tissue was shaved backwards with the RADenoid shaver", "lg": "Ebitundu ebirala ebya adenoid byasebwa emabega n’ekyuma ekisenya ekya RDenoid" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "The infant was subsequently handed to the awaiting nursery nurse", "lg": "Oluvannyuma omwana omuwere yakwasiddwa nnansi wa nnasale eyali alinze" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"There was a small bit of central drainage, but it was healing nicely\"", "lg": "\"Waaliwo akatono akafuluma mu makkati, naye nga kawona bulungi\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "CT REPORT - Soft Tissue Neck", "lg": "\"Omulwadde ono musajja wa myaka 79 alina obulwadde bwa adult hydrocephalus era nga yazuuliddwa ng’alina amazzi amanene ag’enjuyi zombi ku CT scan. Ensigo z’omulwadde mu bitundu by’omubiri (subdural effusions) zikyalabika, naye zigenda zitereera.\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"He had also been experiencing lightheadedness upon standing more readily than usual for 2 days prior to presentation.,PMH:, 1)CAD with chronic CP, 2)NQWMI 1994, S/P Coronary Angioplasty, 3)COPD (previous FEV 11.48, and FVC 2.13), 4)Anxiety D/O, 5)DJD, 6)Developed confusion with metoprolol use, 7)HTN.,MEDS:, Benadryl, ECASA, Diltiazem, Isordil, Enalapril, Indomethacin, Terbutaline MDI, Ipratropium MDI, Folic Acid, Thiamine.,SHX:, 120pk-yr smoking, ETOH abuse in past, Retired Dock Hand,FHX: ,unremarkable except for ETOH abuse,EXAM:, T98.2 96bpm 140/74mmHg R18,Thin cachetic male in moderate distress.,MS: A&O to person, place and time\"", "lg": "\"Era yali abadde afuna okuzimba omutwe nga ayimiridde mangu okusinga bulijjo okumala ennaku 2 nga tannayanjulwa.,PMH:, 1)CAD with chronic CP, 2)NQWMI 1994, S/P Coronary Angioplasty, 3)COPD (previous FEV 11.48, and FVC 2.13), 4)Okweraliikirira D/O, 5)DJD, 6)Okufuna okutabulwa n’okukozesa metoprolol, 7)HTN.,MEDS:, Benadryl, ECASA, Diltiazem, Isordil, Enalapril, Indomethacin, Terbutaline MDI, Ipratropium MDI, Folic Acid, Thiamine.,SHX:, 120pk-yr okunywa sigala, okukozesa obubi ETOH mu biseera eby’emabega, Retired Dock Hand,FHX: ,tekyewuunyisa okuggyako okukozesa obubi ETOH,EXAM:, T98.2 96bpm 140/74mmHg R18,Thin cachetic male mu buzibu obw’ekigero. ,MS: A&O eri omuntu, ekifo n’ekiseera\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"Left spermatocele.,2\"", "lg": "\"Ensigo za kkono.,2\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "Trauma", "lg": "Okukosebwa" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "\"He presented with 3 hours of unstable angina.,PAST CARDIAC HISTORY: , History of previous arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease\"", "lg": "\"Yayanjula n'essaawa 3 ez' angina etali nnywevu.,EBYAFAAYO BY'OMUTIMA EBYAYITA: , Ebyafaayo by'obulwadde bw'emisuwa n'emisuwa egy'emabega\"" } }
{ "translation": { "en": "This was done directly under image intensification", "lg": "Kino kyakolebwa butereevu wansi w’okunywezebwa kw’ebifaananyi" } }

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