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Authentication for private and gated datasets

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Authentication for private and gated datasets

To access private or gated datasets, you need to configure your Hugging Face Token in the DuckDB Secrets Manager.

Visit Hugging Face Settings - Tokens to obtain your access token.

DuckDB supports two providers for managing secrets:

  • CONFIG: Requires the user to pass all configuration information into the CREATE SECRET statement.
  • CREDENTIAL_CHAIN: Automatically tries to fetch credentials. For the Hugging Face token, it will try to get it from ~/.cache/huggingface/token.

For more information about DuckDB Secrets visit the Secrets Manager guide.

Creating a secret with CONFIG provider

To create a secret using the CONFIG provider, use the following command:

CREATE SECRET hf_token (TYPE HUGGINGFACE, TOKEN 'your_hf_token');

Replace your_hf_token with your actual Hugging Face token.

Creating a secret with CREDENTIAL_CHAIN provider

To create a secret using the CREDENTIAL_CHAIN provider, use the following command:


This command automatically retrieves the stored token from ~/.cache/huggingface/token.

First you need to Login with your Hugging Face account, for example using:

huggingface-cli login

Alternatively, you can set your Hugging Face token as an environment variable:

export HF_TOKEN="hf_xxxxxxxxxxxxx"

For more information on authentication, see the Hugging Face authentication documentation.

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