Hub documentation

Adding a Sign-In with HF button to your Space

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Adding a Sign-In with HF button to your Space

You can enable a built-in sign-in flow in your Space by seamlessly creating and associating an OAuth/OpenID connect app so users can log in with their HF account.

This enables new use cases for your Space. For instance, when combined with Persistent Storage, a generative AI Space could allow users to log in to access their previous generations, only accessible to them.

This guide will take you through the process of integrating a Sign-In with HF button into any Space. If you’re seeking a fast and simple method to implement this in a Gradio Space, take a look at its built-in integration.

You can also use the HF OAuth flow to create a “Sign in with HF” flow in any website or App, outside of Spaces. Read our general OAuth page.

Create an OAuth app

All you need to do is add hf_oauth: true to your Space’s metadata inside your file.

Here’s an example of metadata for a Gradio Space:

title: Gradio Oauth Test
emoji: 🏆
colorFrom: pink
colorTo: pink
sdk: gradio
sdk_version: 3.40.0
python_version: 3.10.6

hf_oauth: true
# optional, default duration is 8 hours/480 minutes. Max duration is 30 days/43200 minutes.
hf_oauth_expiration_minutes: 480
# optional, see "Scopes" below. "openid profile" is always included.
 - read-repos
 - write-repos
 - manage-repos
 - inference-api

You can check out the configuration reference docs for more information.

This will add the following environment variables to your space:

  • OAUTH_CLIENT_ID: the client ID of your OAuth app (public)
  • OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET: the client secret of your OAuth app
  • OAUTH_SCOPES: scopes accessible by your OAuth app.
  • OPENID_PROVIDER_URL: The URL of the OpenID provider. The OpenID metadata will be available at {OPENID_PROVIDER_URL}/.well-known/openid-configuration.

As for any other environment variable, you can use them in your code by using os.getenv("OAUTH_CLIENT_ID"), for example.

Redirect URLs

You can use any redirect URL you want, as long as it targets your Space.

Note that SPACE_HOST is available as an environment variable.

For example, you can use https://{SPACE_HOST}/login/callback as a redirect URI.


The following scopes are always included for Spaces:

  • openid: Get the ID token in addition to the access token.
  • profile: Get the user’s profile information (username, avatar, etc.)

Those scopes are optional and can be added by setting hf_oauth_scopes in your Space’s metadata:

  • email: Get the user’s email address.
  • read-billing: Know whether the user has a payment method set up.
  • read-repos: Get read access to the user’s personal repos.
  • write-repos: Get write/read access to the user’s personal repos.
  • manage-repos: Get full access to the user’s personal repos. Also grants repo creation and deletion.
  • inference-api: Get access to the Inference API, you will be able to make inference requests on behalf of the user.
  • write-discussions: Open discussions and Pull Requests on behalf of the user as well as interact with discussions (including reactions, posting/editing comments, closing discussions, …). To open Pull Requests on private repos, you need to request the read-repos scope as well.

Accessing organization resources

By default, the oauth app does not need to access organization resources.

But some scopes like read-repos or read-billing apply to organizations as well.

The user can select which organizations to grant access to when authorizing the app. If you require access to a specific organization, you can add orgIds=ORG_ID as a query parameter to the OAuth authorization URL. You have to replace ORG_ID with the organization ID, which is available in the organizations.sub field of the userinfo response.

Adding the button to your Space

You now have all the information to add a “Sign-in with HF” button to your Space. Some libraries (Python, NodeJS) can help you implement the OpenID/OAuth protocol.

Gradio and huggingface.js also provide built-in support, making implementing the Sign-in with HF button a breeze; you can check out the associated guides with gradio and with huggingface.js.

Basically, you need to:

  • Redirect the user to{REDIRECT_URI}&scope=openid%20profile&client_id={CLIENT_ID}&state={STATE}, where STATE is a random string that you will need to verify later.
  • Handle the callback on /auth/callback or /login/callback (or your own custom callback URL) and verify the state parameter.
  • Use the code query parameter to get an access token and id token from (POST request with client_id, code, grant_type=authorization_code and redirect_uri as form data, and with Authorization: Basic {base64(client_id:client_secret)} as a header).

You should use target=_blank on the button to open the sign-in page in a new tab, unless you run the space outside its iframe. Otherwise, you might encounter issues with cookies on some browsers.


JS Code example:

import { oauthLoginUrl, oauthHandleRedirectIfPresent } from "@huggingface/hub";

const oauthResult = await oauthHandleRedirectIfPresent();

if (!oauthResult) {
  // If the user is not logged in, redirect to the login page
  window.location.href = await oauthLoginUrl();

// You can use oauthResult.accessToken, oauthResult.userInfo among other things
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