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Malt and barrel | 麥芽與木桶的對話 |
5. "What a nerve!" | 5. 楊志說:「好大膽! |
2) Miniatures. | 此項技藝,新莊的黃文榮最在行。 |
No one dares say. | 誰也不敢說。 |
Hawk moth or hummingbird? | 錯把天蛾當蜂鳥 |
A: Those are not worries. but inevitable consequences. | 答:這不是顧慮,而是必然的結果。 |
The consequences of cramming | 補習後遺症 |
Textile Magnate Sung Pui-man: An Indonesian Powerhouse 40 Years in the Making | 縱橫印尼,紡織大亨宋培民 |
The 921 Earthquake, One Year On | 重建之旅:九二一週年追蹤報導 |
What were the geological strata? | 在我聽來都太抽象,什麼叫地層? |
A Geological Playground | 玩山玩水玩石頭 |
Chou Meng-tieh: Ascetic, Poet | 給我一坨土我便能生根──苦行詩人周夢蝶 |
Was Laozi a plotter of conspiracies? | 老子是陰謀家? |
What is your surname? | 請問貴「姓」? |
What's in a Chinese Surname | 請問貴姓?﹘ ﹘ |
In fact, Koreans and Vietnamese also have one-syllable surnames. | 其實全世界中,除了華人之外,韓國、越南人的姓氏也是單音節的。 |
A treehouse nut | 樹屋上的狂人 |
Libeling betel nut? | 檳榔污名化? |
What is an allergy? | 什麼是「過敏」? |
Allergy Warrior--Chang Tse-wen | 拯救過敏族──張子文與「索雷爾」 |
Allergies are hereditary. | 過敏體質是一種家族性的遺傳。 |
Nanotech for nanotech's sake? | 「為奈米而奈米」? |
It's all for the sake of--education? | 一切都是為了﹘ ﹘教育? |
But many other problems still need to be tackled. | 但在其他方面,仍有許多問題需要克服。 |
2. Blanch bak choy, carrot, and potato. | 2. 汆燙青江菜、胡蘿蔔、洋芋備用。 |
How is this an excuse for cheating others? | 這怎麼會是騙人的理由? |
Some people accuse Wu of using his children as an excuse. | 有人質疑吳燦城,何必把孩子當藉口? |
She also found excuses to scold him. | 不僅如此,他對後母仍然打心底裡孝順。 |
From basement to storefront | 從地下室到實體店面 |
2) Peel and slice onion. | 2. 洋蔥剝好切片 |
Rejecting a standoff | 拒絕對立 |
What are the problems with groundwater utilization in Taiwan? | 台灣地下水資源運用究竟出了什麼問題? |
(Ping Peng / tr. by Brent Heinrich) | (平芃) |
Just what "intrinsic virtues" should a good textbook possess? | 到底一本好的教科書需要什麼「內在美」? |
Who makes the textbooks? | 誰編教科書? |
and then I settle down. | 說也奇怪,居然也就忘記了緊張。 |
concludes Cheng. | 鄭鈺璋說。 |
he concludes. | 他說。 |
concludes Tsai. | 蔡松平說。 |
What's all the rage? | 現在流行什麼? |
Will the people slumber still, or stir to rage? | 曙色朦朧一線明, |
Huang Fei-hong is all the rage! | 黃飛鴻真紅! |
"Steal! | 「盜! |
Steal! " | 盜!」 |
"Fifteen years? | 「十五年? |
The aftereffects are even more widespread. | 尤其是現在都是小家庭,住在公寓中鄰居也不相往來,關起門打孩子,小孩連逃的機會都沒有。 |
In fact the flavor's the same; only the feel is different. | 不是的,滋味一樣,感覺不同。 |
Quaint homemade flavor | 手工熬煮古早味 |
That old-fashioned flavor | 代代相傳古早味 |
That's the flavor of Chinatown at its most distinctive. | 這就是中國城最典型的風味。 |
I'm hungry! | 我很餓! |
is no exaggeration in Malawi. | 在馬拉威,絕不誇張。 |
"I'm not saying this as a publicity stunt. | 「我說這話不是作宣傳。 |
The marathon of entrepreneurship | 創業馬拉松 |
The Ant Professor-- Lin Chung-chi | 荒野尋夢──螞蟻博士林宗岐 |
Taiwan's Dazzling Gems and Jade | 閃閃貓眼,藍藍玉髓﹘﹘花蓮的寶石礦 |
I.Q. is not the only criterion. | 市立師專附小的一項研究報告也顯示:資優班學生情緒穩定性不如普通兒童。 |
Uncivilized civilization! | 文明時代最不文明! |
People in a Tug-of-War with Civilization | 和文明拔河的人 |
Civilization such as this can't endure. | 這樣的文明,自時間的向度觀之,不可能經久。 |
A Vietnamese Listener | 一位越南的聽眾 |
(Jenny Hu / tr. by Brent Heinrich) | (胡珍妮) |
(3) Isolating the ROC internationally. | 三、中共還是不斷地在國際上孤立中華民國。 |
How is this accomplished? | 這是怎麼做到的呢? |
Kuanyin is a vegetarian! | 「什麼魚翅、燕窩! |
New Year's Cuisine--Go Vegetarian! | 新春年菜「素素」看 |
Specially gifted test-tube children? | 試管資優兒? |
And what myths are there? | 又有哪些迷思? |
Myth 1: Masturbation is harmful. | 傳說一:自慰有害。 |
But myths are, after all, only myths. | 可惜,神話終究是神話。 |
Splatting Moth Myths | 它的白天比夜晚更美麗﹘﹘飛蛾 |
The altitude myth | 高海拔迷思 |
Myths and controversy | 迷思與爭議 |
Can it be infectious? | 它會不會傳染? |
Fu says proudly. | 甫景雲自豪地說。 |
The A-Mei Phenomenon | 張惠妹現象的彼岸觀點 |
It's time to nip the NEET phenomenon in the bud. | 防制「尼特」,此其時矣。 |
But from an anthropological viewpoint, the phenomenon should be studied objectively. | 他研究這些特異教派的領導人物、教徒,也研究他們的儀式過程,「從這些研究當中,我們發現他們未必全如一般人所想像的那樣詭異。 |
This is the "post-materialist phenomenon." | 他們認為人追求的是生活要有意義、有目的,求精神及心靈上的充實及滿足,就是所謂的「超物質現象」(Post Materialist Phenemenon)。 |
The Han Tang Yuefu Ensemble | 「漢唐樂府」時代 |
The Life of a Musician: Lin Yi-hui | 林薏蕙的音樂人生 |
Isaac Stern--The Musician as Storyteller | 大師丰采 |
he remarks. | 他說。 |
If you do, it's fini, "Yang Tzu-chien remarks. | 捐款雖可貴,立場更重要 |
It employs more than 1,000 researchers. | 雇用一千多名研究員,每年經費一億六百萬美金左右。 |
says one granny. | 一位阿婆說。 |
Stir-fried Pork with Peppers | 魚香雙椒材料: |
A viral matchmaker | 徐堯煇以研究竹嵌紋病毒載體為主軸;林納生則致力於竹嵌紋病毒獨特的衛星核酸分子特性研究。 |
inquires a perplexed piscator. | 一位漁民不解地問。 |
inquires Hsu Li-kung optimistically. | 徐立功樂觀地說。 |
Is there any frost? " | 會不會下霜?」 |
Even the bamboos were sheathed in frost. | 當地氣溫相當低,大約在攝氏零度上下,箭竹都結了霜。 |
Fo Kuang Mountain--Torch of Buddha | 佛光山﹘ ﹘台灣南部佛教聖地 |
Typhoon Herb, Mafia Machinations and High-Level Diplomacy | 八月間的颱風、黑風、領袖外交風 |
But the whale had disappeared. | 而擬虎鯨卻在這緊要關頭失蹤,使得工作人員陣腳大亂。 |
Sharks in the Soup--All for Their Fins? | 失翼的鯊魚﹘ ﹘都是魚翅惹的禍? |
The calamities come gradually. | 洗劫是慢慢來的。 |
Gradually, using I.Q. | 上到社會科第四冊「台灣的農村」,便全體到北市近郊農村實地採訪。老師們最看重的,在創造力誘導的課程設計。 |
So garlic relieves dysentery! " | 大蒜可以止下痢。 |
"Alas. | 12. 唉! |
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