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Uncle Pao is ninety this year. | 寶叔抬頭,目光炯炯,而神情木然。 |
Reflections of humanity? | 樹影婆娑,人間倒影? |
what do you do when they sink? " | 沈了怎麼辦? |
Play-goers in Grip of Obsession? | 看戲憨、憨什麼? |
Ching Teh Chen--Famed for Porcelains | 月白印花纏枝番蓮洗與花鳥蒜頭瓶 |
The Descendants of Jurchen Warriors? The Nien Clan of Taiwan | 阮的祖先是阿骨打?﹘﹘粘厝莊傳奇 |
It is innocent! | 無罪! |
Consensus, consensus! | 共識、共識! |
The Horns of a Dilemma | 別鑽犀牛角尖 |
The Frog in the Well | 井底之蛙 |
A: No, and that was not the intention. | 答:不,這不是我們的原意。 |
Liao Hsiou-ping disagrees. | 印品的藝術價值與原作一樣,價錢卻便宜很多。」 |
Liberating our mainland compatriots? | 解救大陸同胞? |
Shanghai Microtek now has three mainland Chinese VPs. | 如今中晶的大陸副總已經增加到三位。 |
Mainland immigrants? | 黃鸝唐山過台灣? |
The mainland. | 在大陸。 |
Contagion from the mainland? | 大陸熱門,台灣也發燒? |
Do they interact at all? | 有無交流? |
Bizarre, aren't they? | 這真是異想天開? |
Impressions of Kinmen | 掀起你的蓋頭來﹘﹘林添福拍下金門的另一番風貌 |
Have you been to Tunhuang and if so then what was your impression? | 印象如何? |
Where does this impression come from? | 這印象從何而來? |
The first impression many have of Shen Chun-shan is as "nobility." | 一提到沈君山,很多人的第一印象是「沈公子」。 |
● Refuse dumping, slippage, and runoff. | ●垃圾傾倒、流失與滲漏水。 |
The Heavenly Fragrance of Autumn--The Osmanthus | 天香黃雪伴秋光﹘﹘桂花 |
Which tribe are you from? " | 你是哪一族的? |
We got rid of him! | 道士被我們趕走了。 |
Only one life to live What is Champions? | 命只有一條何謂「得勝者」? |
It's exhausting! | 「要做的事情太多,太累了! |
Xintiandi is Shanghai's new 21st-century landmark. | 新天地──上海二十一世紀的新地標。 |
Of the Shanghai school? | 海派傳人? |
Come to Shanghai and prosper! " | 來上海發展吧!」 |
Taiwanese in Shanghai: | 上海台灣人小檔案: |
Taiwanese Pearls Glitter at Shanghai's Expo 2010 | 閃耀在上海世博的台灣明珠 |
Feng Chieh of Shanghai | 上海小姐馮潔 |
A Latter-Day Sage Speaks Out | 為往聖繼絕學﹘ ﹘著書立說、誨人不倦的錢穆 |
The Meifeng Experience--New Prospects for Highland Farming | 開拓高山農業另一片天──台大梅峰經驗 |
How skilled a surgeon is he / she? | 他的技術如何? |
Thinking in Harmony | 充滿人性光輝的台語老歌 |
If yin and yang are in harmony, life thrives. | 萬物皆應陰陽協調而生,反之則萎。 |
A reward for the faithful? | 天堂是對信徒的獎賞? |
Knives Out of Bombshells | 金門特產之一︰砲彈菜刀 |
The Artistic Aspirations of Chuang Chun-liang | 左手拿刀,右手彩筆──莊群良的藝術夢 |
Of Bats and Peaches | 桃子與蝙蝠 |
The gregariousness of bats is their weakest point. | 蝙蝠喜歡成群聚集,成為它們最易被傷害的弱點。 |
Zoologists think that bats evolved from a gliding, thin-skinned insect-eating mammal. | 動物學者認為,它們是由具有滑行薄膜的食蟲目哺乳動物演化而來。 |
Are all bats bloodsuckers? | 凡是蝙蝠,都會吸血? |
Are vampire bats as vicious as Dracula? | 吸血蝙蝠生性凶惡? |
Familiarity can breed contempt. | 周六晚混到一、二點是常有的事。 |
Onward to the Polar Regions--Ken Chen's Tranquil Expeditions | 前進南北極──陳一仁的寧靜探險 |
Gathering long-term data | 建立長期監測數據 |
I am deeply impressed. " | 誠如蔣總統經國先生所說:「重視歷史,是中國的優良傳統。」 |
I contemplated deeply, breathed, and pondered. | 我深深靜觀,呼吸,沉思。 |
Pursuing the eternal | 跟永恆掛鉤 |
Pursuing Mayan prophecy | 馬雅預言追追追 |
What are we pursuing? " | 追求的又是什麼?」 |
And what problems will have to be overcome? | 又有那些問題有待克服? |
How were these overcome? | 又如何突破? |
A snake? | 蛇? |
Dr. Wu Tsai-cheng succeeded Noordhoff as superintendent. | 不僅要增加醫院收入,也要減少病人負擔 |
Insights on Aesthetics from Vivien H.C. Ku | 眾樂樂──辜懷群的美感守則 |
But their motives have one thing in common-to-sing karaoke well! | 他們的目的倒都是一樣的﹘﹘將卡啦 OK 唱好! |
Cramming for Karaoke | 補習之後就 OK ? ﹘﹘「卡啦 OK 訓練班」方興未艾 |
Now that there's only lonely old me, what can I do but sob? | 可是目前僅剩形單影隻,怎不令我欷歔? |
Lonely Troubador of the Grasslands | 寂寞的草原歌手﹘﹘布和朝魯 |
But the electorate are no one's fools. | 然而,民眾或許激情,但絕對不是盲目的。 |
They called them "Chen-tzu berries" after Chen-tzu. | 同時,將果實命名為女貞子。 |
The Liang Yueh troupe was officially disbanded in 1953. | 硬性組成職業劇團,也難以長期演出,招徠觀眾;其風貌便只有以影帶攝錄,進入博物館成文化標本。 |
Revitalizing Seafood Cultivation | 找回養殖的「第二春」 |
The Nutritious, Delicious Watermelon | 西瓜甜,西瓜大,圓圓的西瓜捧回家 |
Do you want to go back to jail? | 難道你想再回到監牢? |
What are the symptoms of kidney problems? | 腎臟出問題會有哪些症狀? |
A: It had to be transformed and changed. | 答:所以他們必須適應和改變。 |
Chinese Forms--Turtle Tablets | 龜趺 |
Zhu Yunming (Ming dynasty), Seven-character Regulated Verse | 明・祝允明《書七言律詩》 |
"It doesn't scratch the itch," she quips. | 她說:「某些國劇演員往往基本功好,身上邊式美,可是臉上戲不夠,再好的做工唱工也感動不了觀眾啊!」注重舞台整體效果「就拿『三娘教子』來說吧」,王海玲舉例說,戲中薛倚哥在學校裡受了同學奚落,忿忿然棄學回家。 |
Stockbroker Yuppies Bite the Bullet | 暴起暴落的英雄 |
Amid a hail of bullets | 槍林彈雨中 |
Feminist consciousness? | 女性自覺? |
Diluting "Taiwanese consciousness"? | 海外選票稀釋台灣意識? |
Lethal consciousness Q. | 意識型態殺人 |
Still the "ugly Chinese"? | 還是「醜陋的中國人」? |
Encounter, or collision? | 相遇還是相撞? |
What setbacks were encountered? | 又遭逢哪些挫折? |
Marriage-a fleeting encounter? | 夫妻如萍聚? |
Kinmen's "Bodhisattva" --Reverend Bernard M. Druetto | 金門的「洋菩薩」﹘﹘羅寶田神父 |
Madame Yu can't suppress a chuckle. | 夫人忍不住笑了。 |
Yu if you want! " | 「想蓋到玉山頂也可以!」 |
Yu Wanzeng--Finding Pastures New | 于萬增﹘﹘發現「新大陸」 |
says Yu Wanzeng with emotion. | 于萬增感慨地表示。 |
But Yu Wanzeng was not convinced. | 于萬增倒不以為意。 |
says Yu Wanzeng sorrowfully. | 于萬增不禁嘆道。 |
Yu's plaint evokes a sigh. | 在六十四卷第二期的「傳記」上,劉紹唐指出此詩緣由。 |
Chiang Hsiao-wei was taken aback at this very notion. | 心裡浮起這念頭,蔣小偉自己都嚇了一跳。 |
What areas does Taiwan need to strengthen? | 如何補強? |
The Defending Warriors--The Sung Chiang Brigade | 捍衛戰士﹘ ﹘宋江陣 |
by Frederick T. Tsutsumi) | 俗話說得好:「忍一時風平浪靜,退一步海闊天空。」 |
Are autistic people hostile or aggressive? | 自閉症患者是「恐怖份子」有攻擊性? |
What is his motivation? | 當時「三星」所需用到的攻牙機(一種鏤刻螺帽內側螺紋的機器),也開發速度超越西德產品九倍,螺牙品質水準也比其高的「放射性攻牙機」。 |
And is it a problem with the children or with their elders? | 錯的究竟是大人還是孩子? |
Subsets and Splits