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use Perl Daily Headline MailerBook Review: Web Development with Apache and Perl posted by pudge on Tuesday July 23, @00:26 (books) http://use.perl.org/article.pl?sid=02/07/23/0327228 Copyright 1997-2002 pudge. All rights reserved. ======================================================================You have received this message because you subscribed to it on use Perl. To stop receiving this and other messages from use Perl, or to add more messages or change your preferences, please go to your user page. http://use.perl.org/my/messages/You can log in and change your preferences from there.
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URL: http://boingboing.net/#85485805 Date: Not suppliedMoller, a public company in Davis, California, has developed a flying car. [IMG: http://www.craphound.com/images/flyingcar.jpg] Moller International has developed the first and only feasible, personally affordable, personal vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) vehicle the world has ever seen. You've always known it was just a matter of time before the world demanded some kind of flying machine which would replace the automobile. Of course, this machine would have to be capable of VTOL, be easy to maintain, cost effective and reliable. Well, we at Moller International believe we have come up with the solution. That solution is the volantor named M400 Skycar. Link[1] Discuss[2] (_Thanks, Mark!_)[1] http://www.moller.com/skycar/ [2] http://www.quicktopic.com/boing/H/kpP4y4RMJ63SA
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more on nlp to the readers : i have recently sent out several email inquiries to various list services that i subscribe to in an attempt to learn why we do not see more software that can relate to the complexities of human grammar . that is , i was trying to learn why do n't we see better grammar checkers , more translation software , and more sophisticated language tutoring software . if there were a theory of syntax that could be programmed at all would n't there also be a swarm of programs being offered by researchers and graduate students from around the world ? would n't we be arguing about the merits of " lfg - linguist 3 . 1 " vs " gb - linguist 2 . 0 . " and would n't we be arguing about the merits of one theories labelled bracketing versus another 's ? further , other areas that might use language interfaces such as games and program internal " help facilities " are also quite primitive . granted , the difficulties of trying to get a program to account for pro - - blems of meaning have occupied programmers for years , but this in itself is not sufficient enough explanation for why we do not see more results in areas that require a program to exhibit a sophisticated understanding of the structure of human language . which brings me to the point of this query . to improve my understanding of this problem and perhaps to generate some meaningful dialog about this problem , i would like to propose the following list of what we should minimally expect of a program or a theory of syntax that claims to be able to handle the structure of human language . i would like to invite readers to add to the list or to point out which areas have already been adequately handled . if an area is adequately handled , i would like information on how to receive the software that is available . i divide this list into three basic areas : 1 ) minimum requirements for linguists , 2 ) minimum requirements for grammar checkers , foreign language tutoring software , and other more secular uses of syntax , and 3 ) minimum requirements for translation technology . i . minimum requirements for linguists . a program or a theory of syntax that is to be programmed must minimally be able to : 1 ) provide a full labelled bracketing of any string ( including information about intermediate and maximal level nodes ) . 2 ) provide the parts of speech of all items in a string 3 ) provide the parts of a sentence ( subject , direct object , etc ) of a string 4 ) provide acceptability judgements for sentences that can be parsed ( e . g . john1 likes himself2 is parsable but unacceptable ) . 5 ) provide judgements about topicalized sentences , fronted wh questions , tough - movement sentences , relative clauses , noun clauses , cleft and pseudo - cleft sentences , pied - piping , the complex np constraint , control sentences , parasitic gap sentences , island conditions , the that trace effect , the coreferrence requirements of pronouns and reciprocals , and strong and weak crossover effects . 6 ) perhaps provide explanations for why particular parses fail . ii . minimum requirements for grammar checkers , foreign language tutoring software , and other more secular uses of syntax . a program or theory of syntax that is to be of value in these areas should minimally : 1 ) provide information about part of speech 2 ) provide information about part of sentence ( subject , object , etc ) 3 ) provide demonstrations of grammatical constructions e . g . make passivesentences from active and active from passive , make questions from statements , join two sentences into one using a variety of conjunctions , transitions and prepositions . 4 ) provide judgements about errors in the production of sentences 5 ) provide information about types of clauses : subordinate / main , adverb , noun etc . 6 ) provide information about sentence type e . g . simple , complex , compound , etc . 7 ) analyze punctuation of words , phrases , and clauses ( including coordination ) . minimum requirements for translation technology : 1 ) provide a correct parse for the subject language and provide a grammatically correct sentence in the target language . 2 ) provide acceptability judgements and other grammar checking of sentences in both languages . 3 ) be able to do convert some sentences in both languages : e . g . statement to question , active to passive and so on . this list might be short in many ways , but i think it illustrates my point . there is a lot more that could be happening in the realm of computational syntax , but it is not happening . if i am overly pessimistic , i would like to know where i can find software that can do the above . i will post all responses to the list as a summary . also , if anyone would like to add to this list , i will keep track of the responses and post them to the list . also , if someone can explain what prevents these developments i would appreciate that as well . phil bralich bralich @ uhccux . uhcc . hawaii . edu
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same quailty , much less price , phamracy sa ; ve 7 _ 0 % ord . ering onl / ine to ` day ! vi ! sit our site and sa ! ve big armenian blunder consecrate adenosine calorie crescent churchmen atonal chantilly beethoven diverse ain ' t aliphatic ammunition coincidental abhorrent cash burmese backplate brought bucknell crowley bliss armco calamus bucketfull bucket aileron carnegie adore christ aberrate dobbin catskill bremen crusoe cranny boutique bosch dextrose complementation delirious bismuth afraid capricorn delicious birdseed cooky centrifugate ditto argon debase batch con ababa basophilic campanile barry brushy cinnabar bellyache antithetic conscript bateau cobblestone burp assyriology ar bled assign accustom cotillion button disposal begonia approach ajar automatic burlington andrews bronchiole compost diffractometer champ aftereffect awaken blanc dice autocracy cheney cady crate removemeplease
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table of contents the instituto universitario ortega y gasset of madrid has edited the fith issue of iuog - working papers in linguistics / cuadernos de linguistica del iuog with the following contents : cuadernos de linguistica v ( 1997-1998 ) contents : eva berkes : a minimalist approach to negative concord violeta demonte barreto : a minimal account of spanish adjective position and interpretation olga fernndez - soriano : on impersonal sentences in spanish : locative and dative subjects dionisio hernndez cmara : condiciones estructurales mnimas del movimiento explcito isabel nieto herranz : prepositional prefix co - : syntactic and semantic properties teresa mara rodrguez ramalle : bases para un estudio sintctico-semntico de la interpretacin del adverbio natalia snchez - lefebvre : stylistic movement in the dp : evidence from possessive constructions price : $ 10 ( price do not include shipping and handling charges . prices in u . s . dollars are subject to change without notice ) orders and information ( for current volumen as well as previous ones ) must be sent to the following address : cuadernos de lingstica instituto universitario ortega y gasset ( i . u . o . g . ) c / fortuny 53 28010 madrid espaa / spain ph . # : ( 34 ) - 91-310 - 44-12 fax # : ( 34 ) - 91-308 - 40-07 purchase method : transfer bank account : send the total amount of your purchase ( copies of the current number as well of the previous ones ) to the following bank account ( ccc ) : banco exterior de espaa ( bex ) c / serrano 49 28006 madrid spain 0104-0306 - 55-0304028330 please , include a copy of the receipt with your order form and send it to the aforementioned address . for orders from spain , check in spanish currency , for order out of spain , check in u . s . dollars payable to instituto universitario ortega y gasset with the total amount and include it in the order form . cash on delivery ( c . o . d . ) . in this case , the purchase amount will include shipping and handling charges .
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fw : executed amendments update - - - - - original message - - - - - from : joyner , tamera sent : friday , october 26 , 2001 4 : 12 pm to : oxley , david subject : executed amendments update attached is a list of the all the executed amendments we ' ve received so far . thanks . ? arnold , john d ? arora , harpreet s badeer , robert t belden , timothy n ? benson , robert c ? black , donald w ? brawner , sandra f calger , christopher f davies , derek j ? davis jr , mark d ? ermis , frank j ? herndon , rogers ? lagrasta , fred ? lewis , andrew h maggi , michael j ? martin , thomas a ? may , lawrence j milnthorp , phillip robson motley , matthew h ? presto , kevin m richter , jeffrey s ? schwieger , james e ? shively , hunter ? storey , geoffrey c sturm , fletcher j swerzbin , michael j thomas , jacob ? tycholiz , barry zufferli , john a tamera m . joyner enron wholesale services staff - compensation 713 - 345 - 4526
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quichua info ? hi there . i will be in quito from march 23 to april 2 and would like information on quichua . i am particularly interested in native language instruction movements and quichuan spanish . does anybody have contacts ? krbruna
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You only THINK you're a U.S. citizen!!If you were born in Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam, the Virgin Islands or some other U.S. possession; you're right and I'm wrong. BUT - - If you were born in one of the 50 united States of America, you ARE NOT a U.S. citizen.Rather, you are a Citizen of Idaho, Ohio, Maine, etc.; the state of the Union in which you were BORN!This simple reality holds serious benefits for you!Since you ARE NOT a "federal" citizen, you owe NO federal income taxes. The IRS can only demand income tax payments from 3 kinds of citizens:1. Those who are citizens of the U.S.! 2. Anyone who receives "income" from a U.S. source (and wait until you find out what "income" really is!). 3. Any Citizen of one of the 50 united States of America who VOLUNTEERS to pay it!Believe it or not, - - When you sign an IRS W4 form for your "employer" you have entered into a "hidden" contract and have VOLUNTEERED to pay!Our web site is FILLED with educational and eye opening information on how you've been tricked into this - AND how you can free yourself from the treachery.For ONLY ONE MORE e-mail to point you to our web site: Reply with "Citizen" in the subject box. Click HerePS: To be removed from the list, just put "Remove" in subject line. Click Here 0489xPJK9-7l10--DeathToSpamDeathToSpamDeathToSpam-- ------------------------------------------------------- This sf.net email is sponsored by: Jabber - The world's fastest growing real-time communications platform! Don't just IM. Build it in! http://www.jabber.com/osdn/xim _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-Sightings mailing list [email protected] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/spamassassin-sightings
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gov ' t guaranteed home business wealth without risk ! ! ! discover the best kept secret in america ! turning $ 300 into $ 20 , 000 in oklahoma , craig talkington purchased a tax lien on a 5 acre parcel for $ 300 . the owner failed to pay the taxes and forfeited the 5 - acre parcel to craig talkington . a short time later craig sold that property to one of the neighbors for $ 20 , 000 . that ' s the kind of money that buys new cars and sends young people to college . craig didn ' t stop at one deal . he later bought a tax lien for only $ 17 on a ten acre track , the property owner failed to pay the taxes , and craig ended up the property , which he sold for $ 4 , 000 . i don ' t know how much money you are making right now but these are the kinds of profits that change peoples lives and solve financial problems and make things a lot better . janice knetzger turned a $ 463 . 00 investment into $ 65 , 000 . 00 ! wayne robertson paid $ 1 . 00 for a home ! todd beemer turned a $ 21 , 500 investment into $ 150 , 000 . 00 ! for serious investors and entrepreneurs only for a free consultantion to see if you qualify fill out the no obligation form below for more information . required input field * name * address * city * state * phone * email address * * all tax liens and deeds directly support local fire departments , police departments , schools , roads , and hospitals . thank you for your interest and support . to be removed , please click here . 4589 dfsll - 151 rzeh 9359 iyoc 9 - 006 fl 29
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re : spoke to philippe i spoke with brandon wax re chemconnect . he has a possibility of bundling this assets with others as an exit strategy . if this does not work out he will get back with me . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : kitchen , louise sent : wednesday , may 02 , 2001 10 : 22 am to : lydecker jr . , richard subject : spoke to philippe apparently impresse has gone bankrupct but someone will be calling you on chemconnect .
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You have been specially selected to qualify for the following:Premium Vacation Package and Pentium PC Giveaway To review the details of the please click on the link with the confirmation number below:http://wintrip.www78.cn4e.comConfirmation Number#Lh340 Please confirm your entry within 24 hours of receipt of this confirmation.Wishing you a fun filled vacation! If you should have any additional questions or cann't connect to the site do not hesitate to contact me direct: mailto:[email protected]?subject=Help!
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Hijacker High (8/30) Dalal Mughrabi was a Palestinian woman who participated in a 1978 bus hijacking in which 36 Israelis and an American nature photographer, Gail Ruban, were killed. Mughrabi has a Palestinian high school named after her, and it's apparently starting to show signs of wear. Fortunately, the United States Agency for International Development has stepped in with money to help renovate it.http://reason.com/brickbats/bb-april.shtmlLinks to:http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewForeignBureaus.asp?Page=\ForeignBureaus\archi ve\200208\FOR20020807e.htmlPraeterea censeo Palestininem esse delendam.
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wrong lctl gopher path last week , i announced the less commonly taught languages project gopher , which presents all us and canadian colleges and universities that teach lctls . the path i gave to get to the gopher was wrong . i left off one crucial step . the correct path is below . i apologize to all of you who have tried and failed to make the connection . please try us again . ( also apologize for cluttering your e-mail boxes and for cross-posting this to as many language lists as i know of . ) | + - - ) university of minnesota | + - - ) university of minnesota campus information ( < < < = = = = | + - - ) all the university of minnesota gopher servers | + - - - ) center for advanced research on language acquisition or url gopher : / / lctl . acad . umn . edu louis janus less commonly taught languages project center for advanced research on language acquisition university of minnesota utec - - 1313 5th street se , suite 111 minneapolis , mn 55414 612 / 627-1872 ( voice ) 612 / 627-1875 ( fax ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - janus005 @ maroon . tc . umn . edu or lctl @ maroon . tc . umn . edu - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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yeh one more thing. None of this would explain why the signatures for sample-spam.txt from spamassassin is registered on honor but not apt or fire.-----Original Message----- From: Rose, Bobby Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2002 9:54 AM To: [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: RE: [Razor-users] What's wrong with the Razor servers now? Thanks that helps. There's still so little info on TES and those of us here since RazorV1 know how it works. I did set my min_cf to "ac-100" which I thought would be zero. So the way you are suggesting that it works now is that everyone has a trust level of 1 and have to work their way up. Your trust level increases when someone nominates the same message as spam. This must have been the new changes made at the beginning of the week unless the changes dumped everyone's trust level. Now here come the questions...What engine signature does TES look at? Does it have to be the same e1 signature or does it use the e2 or e4 signatures. How many people have to nominate the message before everyones rating increases? How many revokes decreases someones rating? Does a single revoke decrease the rating of everyone that nominated the message? If a newby reports a message that has already been reported does their trust level immediately go up? In the case of revoking, does someone with a trust level of 1 have the capability to revoke a message submitted by multiple people with higher trust levels? -----Original Message----- From: Vipul Ved Prakash [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2002 4:22 AM To: [email protected] Subject: Re: [Razor-users] What's wrong with the Razor servers now? Bobby, Couple of things: If you are not a trusted reporter, your reports will not have an immediate effect. It takes a bunch of trusted reporters to bump up the confidence of a signature to a point where it is considered to be spam. This might be frustrating initially, but as the number of trusted users grows the time delay between nominations and determination will become shorter. Of course, it's a lot more frustating for people to have their legit mail filtered out due to incorrect reporting.Also, for the purpose of testing, I'd suggest making your min_cf (in razor-agents.conf) to 0. min_cf defaults to the server recommended average confidence, which at the moment is 1. Setting min_cf to 0 should return true for whatever you submit (as long as it was not revoked by a trusted user).apt/fire sync with honor every 5 minutes, so you'd have to wait for a _maximum_ of 5 minutes before signatures propagate.cheers, vipul. On Wed, Aug 07, 2002 at 11:51:21PM -0400, Rose, Bobby wrote: > This is still happening. Nothing that I report is being registered at> all. I have confirmed that this also affects the Cloudmark Outlook > plugin. If I block a message from Outlook using Spamnet then run it > against the folder containing the message that was reported then > nothing happens. > > On the unix side, I've tried different cloudmark servers, different > identies, report from different systems, etc without an effect. I did> find that sample-spam.txt from Spamassassin is only registered on > honor.cloudmark.net and comes back positive from it and it only so > it's clearly not sync'd with apt or fire. > > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Rose, Bobby > Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2002 1:32 PM > To: Patrick > Cc: ML-razor-users > Subject: RE: [Razor-users] What's wrong with the Razor servers now? > > > I'm sure others have thought of that. Probably the only way to > prevent that is to include the host in the report/revoke > authentication. > > -----Original Message----- > From: Patrick [mailto:[email protected]] > Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2002 12:33 PM > To: Rose, Bobby > Cc: ML-razor-users > Subject: RE: [Razor-users] What's wrong with the Razor servers now? > > > On Wed, 7 Aug 2002, Rose, Bobby wrote: > > > Well at least it's been confirmed. I can say for cetain that it > > started on Monday since that was when I noticed a huge drop in stats > of messages > > that were tagged as being in razor. And I know it was fine on > Friday. > > It may have something to do with the upgrades on the servers that > > Vipul mentioned. If TES is going to decide on what gets registered > > and what doesn't then razor-report should provide some debug info > > about the refusal. You are correct about the need for more info on > > TES, but it probably won't happen for fear of circumvention. > > > > On the way into work I thought of some fairly easy ways to circumvent > what I imagine the current trust model to be based on individual users> blindly submitting reports and checking results. > > It's hard to imagine others haven't as well, as I'm not too bright. > > > /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ > /\ > /\/\/\ > Patrick Greenwell > Asking the wrong questions is the leading cause of wrong > answers > \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ > \/\/\/ > > > > ------------------------------------------------------- > This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek > Welcome to geek heaven. > http://thinkgeek.com/sf > _______________________________________________ > Razor-users mailing list > [email protected] > https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/razor-users > > > ------------------------------------------------------- > This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek > Welcome to geek heaven. > http://thinkgeek.com/sf > _______________________________________________ > Razor-users mailing list > [email protected] > https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/razor-users-- Vipul Ved Prakash | "The future is here, it's just not Software Design Artist | widely distributed." http://vipul.net/ | -- William Gibson------------------------------------------------------- This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven. http://thinkgeek.com/sf _______________________________________________ Razor-users mailing list [email protected] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/razor-users ------------------------------------------------------- This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven. http://thinkgeek.com/sf _______________________________________________ Razor-users mailing list [email protected] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/razor-users ------------------------------------------------------- This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven. http://thinkgeek.com/sf _______________________________________________ Razor-users mailing list [email protected] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/razor-users
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Adam Beberg writes: > Shouldn't a politician know not to tell the truth? Odds he's impeached byAs the article you forwarded explained in the second line of text, this politician is a woman.> next Monday? [ob: no-clue-how-they-remove-mayors-in-italy]ob: no-clue-full-stop, as in nearly all Adam Beberg posts.-- Kragen Sitaker Edsger Wybe Dijkstra died in August of 2002. The world has lost a great man. See http://advogato.org/person/raph/diary.html?start=252 and http://www.kode-fu.com/geek/2002_08_04_archive.shtml for details.
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congratulations ! you did again ! i just read about your most recent accomplishment . congratulations on your promotion ! go vince . . . . go vince . . . go vince . . ! sending warmest regards , trang
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associate & analyst prc update the prc process for the associate & analyst programs has been revised . the office of the chairman , in conjunction with the heads of each operating company , has established a prc committee for the associates and one for the analysts . each committee will oversee the respective prc meetings . details of the process are as follows : i . prc committee members associate prc committee sally beck don w . black dan catagnola paul chivers ed coats dave duran bob hayes sean homes fred kelly dick leibert sean long scott neal ozzie pagan kevin presto brad richter mark ruane jim steffes analyst prc committee dave bowers federico cerisoli ed coats david crews brenda herod rogers herndon ben jacoby steve jernigan william gehle jay lewis ( james w ) paul mead mike norris rockey storie jon thomsen emilio vicens ii . meeting logistics enron will hold eastern hemisphere associate and analyst prc meetings on july 17 th in london . the prc for the eastern hemisphere will include europe , india and asia and will be chaired by john sherriff . the western hemisphere associate and analyst prc meetings will be held on july 19 th in houston . the prc for the western hemisphere will include south america , calgary , portland , houston and australia ( houston administers it ) and will be chaired by joe sutton . the analyst prc will be conducted from 8 : 00 a . m . to 12 : 30 p . m . , and the associate prc will be conducted from 1 : 30 p . m . to 6 : 30 p . m . iii . process each prc representative has been randomly assigned 15 to 17 associates or analysts that they will represent in the prc meeting . please note the prc rep is not representing only those individuals who may work in his or her specific opco but individuals that work throughout the organization . the prc rep will continue to represent the assigned associates or analysts during their entire tenure with the program . the prc reps are expected to contact the prc supervisor and gather performance information ( including pre - ratings if available ) . the program will prepare a binder for each prc rep that includes consolidated feedback from the pep system for their assigned associates or analysts and will provide this to the prc representatives on july 7 th . associates and analysts will be pre - rated by their business unit supervisor using the six performance ratings ( superior - issues ) and the management professional feedback form as detailed in the pep system . the pre - ratings must be loaded into pep by july 6 th . the associate and analyst ratings will be cross - calibrated by tenure at the meeting as follows : associates : level 1 : 0 to 6 months level 2 : 7 to 12 months levels 3 & 4 will be reviewed together : 13 months + . analysts : level 1 : 0 to 6 months level 2 : 7 to 12 months level 3 : 13 to 24 months level 4 and 5 will be reviewed together : 25 months + the rating determined in the global cross calibration meeting is final , and cannot be changed once the meeting has ended . following the global associate and analyst prc , the associates  , and the analysts  , supervisors will obtain the final rating from the prc representative . the supervisors must ensure that an evaluation session is conducted and the final rating is communicated to each associate and analyst by september 15 th . the completed form must be signed by the associate or analyst and returned to terry bosien in human resources by 9 / 18 / 00 . iv . promotions all promotions must be recommended in the prc . associates are eligible for promotion to manager at their 18 and 24 month anniversary . timing . anniversaries that occur from april lst through september 30 th should be recommended in the july prc and those that occur from october lst through march 31 st should be recommended in the december prc . if the promotion is granted it would become effective on the lst of the month following the prc , or on the associate  , s anniversary date , whichever is later . associates promoted after march 31 st for the july prc and after september 30 th for the december prc will be evaluated as associates for prc purposes , not as a manager ( i . e . an associate was promoted to manager effective april lst . in the july prc the individual should be evaluated as an associate not as a manager ) . 2 nd year analysts are to be recommended for promotion to 3 rd year analysts after completing the 2 nd year , utilizing the same timing criteria outlined above ( i . e . , an analyst who completes the 2 nd year on september 30 th should be recommended for promotion to 3 rd year analyst in the july prc ) . 3 rd year analysts may be recommended for promotion to associate after completing the 3 rd year , utilizing the same timing criteria outlined above ( i . e . , an analyst who completes the 3 rd year on september 30 th should be recommended for promotion to associate in the july prc ) . please call terry bosien at 713 / 853 - 5230 or celeste roberts at 713 / 853 - 0555 if you have any questions .
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gas transportation dave : attached is a proposal for firm transportation services that provide economic incentives to encourage sps to build a lateral from the nichols plant in potter co , tx to our transwestern panhandle lateral . as we have discussed , the proposal allows flexibility for receipt and delivery , yet provides rate assurance . thanks for your help , and if you have any questions please give me or michelle a call . sincerly , bob
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> > Would someone please enlighten me on dependencies / pre-requisites > > for installation in FreeBSD. The 'official' documentation isn't particularly > > explicit about this stuff .... eg 'procmail' is mentioned but without saying > > whether or not its essential, & no info provided on whether GNUmake is > > required or if standard BSD 'make' is OK. > > I thought we were quite good about it, in the README file! > > procmail is essential *if* you're using (a) SpamAssassin for local > delivery, (b) not using a milter, and (c) not using a Mail::Audit > script instead. So probably yes. > > BSD make is OK, if Perl generally uses it to build Perl modules. > SpamAssassin is just anotehr Perl module in that respect. > Back to this stuff again ..... searched high & low but definitely nothing on this system even vaguely resembling a README file for spamassassin. I have procmail installed but having major problems comprehending the setup .... would appreciate info on any 'simple english' HOWTo
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new uci dissertations in linguistics irvine linguistics students association is pleased to announce the publication of the following two uci dissertations in linguistics . feature attraction and category movement brian k . agbayani university of california , irvine , 1998 this dissertation presents a new theory of movement in generative grammar within the framework of the minimalist program ( chomsky 1993 , 1994 , 1995 ) . the most important aspect of the new theory is that it departs from the standard view of move a as a unitary operation . the dissertation has three main goals . the first goal is to simplify the theory of feature checking in such a way that a single structural configuration ( namely , the head-adjunction structure ) holds for feature checking in both overt and covert syntax . the second goal is to present evidence for the split movement hypothesis , according to which a set of formal features and its associated category move to separate structural positions in syntax . the claim is that ug makes both attract and move available in the form of attract f and category movement , respectively . the former satisfies the formal requirement of feature checking , and the latter yields the phonological " displacement " effect of overt movement . the theory thus abandons the treatment of move a as a unitary operation . the third goal is to explore consequences for the proper characterization of locality in syntax . the split movement approach opens up a novel way to account for the traditional subjacency and condition on extraction domain effects ( huang 1982a ) that do not fall under chomsky 's ( 1995 ) attract f theory . it is argued that attract f and category movement are subject to different types of economy conditions , and that the traditional subjacency and condition on extraction domain effects should not be given a unified account , contrary to the barriers approach ( chomsky 1986a ) . the theory also derives a number of previously mysterious properties related to cross linguistic variation in extractability out of islands , the relative strength of island effects , and the nature of successive-cyclic movement . this dissertation presents a new approach to movement in syntax which overcomes the conceptual and empirical shortcomings of the traditional approach , while gaining new insights into previously mysterious phenomena and properties of natural languages . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : parametrization of features in syntax sze - wing tang university of california , irvine , 1998 the major focus of this study is to propose a restrictive theory of parameters of universal grammar in terms of the principles-and - parameters approach . i propose that semantic features are invariant across languages ; only features that may play a role in the derivation from n to the pf interface level including phonetic features , categorial features , and affix features are subject to parametric variation , which is called the ' overt parametrization hypothesis ' ( oph ) . it is argued that where affix features are associated with a word is subject to parametric variation . movement is largely determined by morphology : movement in the overt component can be signaled by ' impoverished ' morphology ; movement of morphologically ' rich ' elements takes place in the phonological component . under this approach , a variety of syntactic differences among chinese ( cantonese and mandarin ) , english , french , japanese , navajo , and hebrew can be accounted for . based on the idea of parametrization of affix features , i claim that t has an affix feature [ - v ] in english . such an affix feature is missing in chinese . consequently , there is no v - to - t movement in chinese and v moves out of vp in english . a number of apparently disparate differences between these two languages , including postverbal no-phrases , the distribution of focus elements , binominal each , the ' sov ' focalization construction , scopal ambiguity of quantifiers , definiteness of preverbal numeral phrases , gapping , and heavy np shift , receive a unified explanation . the data presented as evidence for the claim that categorial features are subject to parametric variation are primarily based on small clauses in chinese , english , and japanese . it is argued that chinese small clauses are bare , english small clauses are ' not-so - bare ' , and japanese allows both types of small clauses . the major typological differences among these languages regarding the structure of small clauses are derived from a parameter related to the combination of categorial features of nouns and adjectives . the findings lend support to the oph . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : also available : > uci dissertations in linguistics griffith , teresa a . 1996 projecting transitivity and agreement ikawa , hajime 1996 overt movement as a reflex of morphology ishii , toru 1997 an asymmetry in the composition of phrase structure and its consequences li , xiaoguang 1997 deriving distributivity in mandarin chinese takano , yuji 1996 movement and parametric variation in syntax zoerner , cyril edward 1995 coordination : the syntax of &p us $ 14 each , plus shipping and handling > uci working papers in linguistics , volume 3 ( 1997 ) . edited by luther > chen - sheng liu and kazue takeda articles appearing in the third volume are : brian agbayani : category raising , adjunction , and minimality lisa lai - shen cheng : " partial " wh - movement naoki fukui : attract and the a - over - a principle toru ishii : the " crossing " constraint and the minimal link condition luther chen - sheng liu : light verb and accusative - ing gerund in taiwanese yuji takano : scrambling and partial object shift kazue takeda : a note on locality of category movement and feature movement sze - wing tang : the parametric approach to the resultative construction in chinese and english miyoko yashui : identification of ellipses and other empty categories us $ 14 , plus shipping and handling > uci working papers in linguistics , volume 2 : proceedings of the south > western optimality theory workshop ( swot ii ) . edited by brian agbayani > and naomi harada us $ 12 , plus shipping and handling > uci working papers in linguistics , volume 1 . edited by brian agbayani , > kazue takeda and sze - wing tang us $ 12 , plus shipping and handling shipping and handling ( per item ) domestic : $ 4 ; canada : $ 6 ; mexico : $ 7 ( airmail ) , $ 5 ( surface ) ; elsewhere : $ 12 ( airmail ) , $ 7 ( surface ) * international shipping and handling rates are subject to the numbers of items ordered and location . please contact < ilsa @ orion . oac . uci . edu > in ordering more than one item from abroad . prepayment required . please make checks or money orders payable to ' ilsa-asuci ' . we cannot accept credit card payment . payment must be in us funds , drawn on a us bank . please allow 4 - 6 weeks for delivery . send order form and payment to : irvine linguistics students association , school of social sciences , university of california , irvine , irvine , ca 92697 , u . s . a . please address inquires to ilsa @ orion . oac . uci . edu order form customer information name : street address : city , province / state : country , zip code : telephone number : e - mail : item quantity price per item total uciwpl - 2 $ 12 $ uciwpl - 1 $ 12 $ uciwpl - 3 $ 14 $ agbayani $ 14 $ griffith $ 14 $ ikawa $ 14 $ ishii $ 14 $ li $ 14 $ takano $ 14 $ tang $ 14 $ zoerner $ 14 $ shipping : $ total : $ for more information about uci working papers in linguistics and uci dissertations in linguistics , please contact < ilsa @ orion . oac . uci . edu > or see ilsa 's homepage < http : / / www . socsci . uci . edu / ling / ilsa / ilsahp . html > . tables of contents of uciwpl and abstracts of ucidl are available in ilsa 's homepage . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ irvine linguistics students association ( ilsa ) school of social sciences university of california , irvine irvine , ca 92697-5100 , u . s . a . ilsa @ orion . oac . uci . edu http : / / www . socsci . uci . edu / ling / ilsa / ilsahp . html
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On Wednesday 18 September 2002 06:47 am, Robert Harley wrote: > ....and with the crucial hair feature enabled!That got a good laugh out of me. Just saying "crucial hair feature" improves my day immeasurably.I've done a fair amount of thinking about the "media intermediated" meeting thing. It seriously loses for reasons like Rohit's just encountered. One is both rejected for trivial reasons and rejects for the same. Some people loudly defend that these choices are not trivial.I'd have never met my best friend if I had to pick her out of a crowd for getting to know. I was a teen at the time, but I won't say I'm much improved at being able to spot "interesting" at a distance. Interesting isn't an external thing. I have that brought home to me again every so often. I may think that interesting people dress differently or whatever, but that's total superstition. How do I know what your version of creative attire is? Maybe it's purely functional.I was at a loud party recently, sufficiently loud that conversation of any kind was extremely difficult, and intoxication was the norm. I was working on what my algorithm for meeting people there should be and one of the candidates was "women, in order of attractiveness." I flinched from that, rather violently. At a trade show, or something, I might elect to talk to the people who are looking at interesting exhibits. At a party.....well, if you can't hear the conversation they are having, or if on the net all you have is a photo.....You just can't tell important things from a picture and a few words. It's not how we are built. There's no geek code for the heart and soul. (And if there were people would lie and game the system.) It's too easy to say "Oh, no! He's a geek!" or "She's a CAT person, ick!" when you might have a great time together.We are constructed to form alliances based on how we fit together as people, how we feel in the other person's company, how well we partner on tasks and recreation. This is all entirely speculative based on nothing but superstitious association unless you actually have time in the person's company. Which is why we tend to be screwed when our circle of exposure shrinks after school.Personally, as a writer, the whole internet meet & email thing ought to work better for me than it does for other people, but interestingly, it doesn't. I have to put out the same amount of effort and reap about the same poor results. I have to think it's not the people, but the tool.An aside (okay, yes, I'm a tool geek): Speed Dating Speed Dating (aka 7 Minute Dating) is a live-action stab at actual time in the company of a variety of people, compressed into one event. I think it's noticably better, but still absolutely nothing like working on a project together, cooking, climbing a mountain or whatever. It was, in fact, invented as a jewish thing seeking to match up the young people to avoid total assimilation. It has too much "interview" context and no shared activity beyond that. I give it several points for effort though. I guess my impression that even the Speed Dating thing doesn't do much for you means that the traditional advice of "join activities groups" is actually sound.Eirikur
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TimH:>I was watching that last night and I couldn't help wondering if one >of the GIs was Dexter Fletcher out of the Crystal Maze. Yup, was him out of Press Gang>Who once snogged Shauna Lowery, if anyones heard of her. Did you have to kneel down? DaveTo unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [email protected] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
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URL: http://www.newsisfree.com/click/-2,8418831,215/ Date: 2002-10-01T04:33:53+01:00*Business:* Standard Life finally capitulates and cuts payouts on millions of policies.
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award / final notification award / final notification luckyday international lotterij de nederland . bezoekadres : laan van hoornwijck 55 2289 dg rijswijk postadres postbus 3059 2280 gb rijswijk website : www . luckyday . nl ref number : mli / mol 8 - pm 2031 / 05 ticket number : 10034 - 73002 lucky numbers : 06 , 14 , 22 , 27 , 46 , lucky ball , 36 attention winner , be informed of the result of the lucky day lotterij winners international programs held on the 27 th march 2005 . your e - mail address attached to ticket number 10034 - 73002 with drew lucky numbers 06 , 14 , 22 , 27 , 46 , lucky ball , 36 , which consequently won in the a category , been approved for the sum payout of euros 1000 . 000 . 00 ( one million euros ) only , this is from a total cash prize of euros 20 , 000 , 000 . 00 million shared among 20 international lucky winners in the category a ( plus + ) . due to mix up of information ? s , we ask that you keep your winning information very confidential till your claims has been processed as the beneficiary , and your prize / money is remitted or subsequently onward transfer into your nominated bank account . this is in conformity with the latest transfer regulations signed by the international lottery organization since this is part of our security protocol measures to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some participants . all participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from companies and individual email addresses from all over the world . this promotional program takes place annually . congratulations ! ! ! to file for your claim , please contact our / your fiduciall agent : mr . williams henry lucky day agent email : william @ netlimit . com tel : 0031 - 615 - 181 - 873 . note : that all winning must be claimed not later than 27 th of june . 2005 . after this date all unclaimed funds will be returned . anybody under the age of 18 is automatically disqualified , do note every letters as clearly stated as we would not be held responsible if any hitch in this transaction due to laxity on your part . so you are to expedite action , failure to file - in for the release of your winning shall be compelled losing your fund . in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications , kindly remember to quote your reference number in all correspondence . congratulations from our members of staff and thanks for being part of our promotional program . sincerely yours , mrs . susan banks . lottery coordinator . award / final notification luckyday international lotterij de nederland . bezoekadres : laan van hoornwijck 55 2289 dg rijswijk postadres postbus 3059 2280 gb rijswijk website : www . luckyday . nl ref number : mli / mol 8 - pm 2031 / 05 ticket number : 10034 - 73002 lucky numbers : 06 , 14 , 22 , 27 , 46 , lucky ball , 36 attention winner , be informed of the result of the lucky day lotterij winners international programs held on the 27 th march 2005 . your e - mail address attached to ticket number 10034 - 73002 with drew lucky numbers 06 , 14 , 22 , 27 , 46 , lucky ball , 36 , which consequently won in the a category , been approved for the sum payout of euros 1000 . 000 . 00 ( one million euros ) only , this is from a total cash prize of euros 20 , 000 , 000 . 00 million shared among 20 international lucky winners in the category a ( plus + ) . due to mix up of information ? s , we ask that you keep your winning information very confidential till your claims has been processed as the beneficiary , and your prize / money is remitted or subsequently onward transfer into your nominated bank account . this is in conformity with the latest transfer regulations signed by the international lottery organization since this is part of our security protocol measures to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some participants . all participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from companies and individual email addresses from all over the world . this promotional program takes place annually . congratulations ! ! ! to file for your claim , please contact our / your fiduciall agent : mr . williams henry lucky day agent email : william @ netlimit . com tel : 0031 - 615 - 181 - 873 . note : that all winning must be claimed not later than 27 th of june . 2005 . after this date all unclaimed funds will be returned . anybody under the age of 18 is automatically disqualified , do note every letters as clearly stated as we would not be held responsible if any hitch in this transaction due to laxity on your part . so you are to expedite action , failure to file - in for the release of your winning shall be compelled losing your fund . in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications , kindly remember to quote your reference number in all correspondence . congratulations from our members of staff and thanks for being part of our promotional program . sincerely yours , mrs . susan banks . lottery coordinator . award / final notification luckyday international lotterij de nederland . bezoekadres : laan van hoornwijck 55 2289 dg rijswijk postadres postbus 3059 2280 gb rijswijk website : www . luckyday . nl ref number : mli / mol 8 - pm 2031 / 05 ticket number : 10034 - 73002 lucky numbers : 06 , 14 , 22 , 27 , 46 , lucky ball , 36 attention winner , be informed of the result of the lucky day lotterij winners international programs held on the 27 th march 2005 . your e - mail address attached to ticket number 10034 - 73002 with drew lucky numbers 06 , 14 , 22 , 27 , 46 , lucky ball , 36 , which consequently won in the a category , been approved for the sum payout of euros 1000 . 000 . 00 ( one million euros ) only , this is from a total cash prize of euros 20 , 000 , 000 . 00 million shared among 20 international lucky winners in the category a ( plus + ) . due to mix up of information ? s , we ask that you keep your winning information very confidential till your claims has been processed as the beneficiary , and your prize / money is remitted or subsequently onward transfer into your nominated bank account . this is in conformity with the latest transfer regulations signed by the international lottery organization since this is part of our security protocol measures to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some participants . all participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from companies and individual email addresses from all over the world . this promotional program takes place annually . congratulations ! ! ! to file for your claim , please contact our / your fiduciall agent : mr . williams henry lucky day agent email : william @ netlimit . com tel : 0031 - 615 - 181 - 873 . note : that all winning must be claimed not later than 27 th of june . 2005 . after this date all unclaimed funds will be returned . anybody under the age of 18 is automatically disqualified , do note every letters as clearly stated as we would not be held responsible if any hitch in this transaction due to laxity on your part . so you are to expedite action , failure to file - in for the release of your winning shall be compelled losing your fund . in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications , kindly remember to quote your reference number in all correspondence . congratulations from our members of staff and thanks for being part of our promotional program . sincerely yours , mrs . susan banks . lottery coordinator . award / final notification luckyday international lotterij de nederland . bezoekadres : laan van hoornwijck 55 2289 dg rijswijk postadres postbus 3059 2280 gb rijswijk website : www . luckyday . nl ref number : mli / mol 8 - pm 2031 / 05 ticket number : 10034 - 73002 lucky numbers : 06 , 14 , 22 , 27 , 46 , lucky ball , 36 attention winner , be informed of the result of the lucky day lotterij winners international programs held on the 27 th march 2005 . your e - mail address attached to ticket number 10034 - 73002 with drew lucky numbers 06 , 14 , 22 , 27 , 46 , lucky ball , 36 , which consequently won in the a category , been approved for the sum payout of euros 1000 . 000 . 00 ( one million euros ) only , this is from a total cash prize of euros 20 , 000 , 000 . 00 million shared among 20 international lucky winners in the category a ( plus + ) . due to mix up of information ? s , we ask that you keep your winning information very confidential till your claims has been processed as the beneficiary , and your prize / money is remitted or subsequently onward transfer into your nominated bank account . this is in conformity with the latest transfer regulations signed by the international lottery organization since this is part of our security protocol measures to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some participants . all participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from companies and individual email addresses from all over the world . this promotional program takes place annually . congratulations ! ! ! to file for your claim , please contact our / your fiduciall agent : mr . williams henry lucky day agent email : william @ netlimit . com tel : 0031 - 615 - 181 - 873 . note : that all winning must be claimed not later than 27 th of june . 2005 . after this date all unclaimed funds will be returned . anybody under the age of 18 is automatically disqualified , do note every letters as clearly stated as we would not be held responsible if any hitch in this transaction due to laxity on your part . so you are to expedite action , failure to file - in for the release of your winning shall be compelled losing your fund . in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications , kindly remember to quote your reference number in all correspondence . congratulations from our members of staff and thanks for being part of our promotional program . sincerely yours , mrs . susan banks . lottery coordinator . award / final notification luckyday international lotterij de nederland . bezoekadres : laan van hoornwijck 55 2289 dg rijswijk postadres postbus 3059 2280 gb rijswijk website : www . luckyday . nl ref number : mli / mol 8 - pm 2031 / 05 ticket number : 10034 - 73002 lucky numbers : 06 , 14 , 22 , 27 , 46 , lucky ball , 36 attention winner , be informed of the result of the lucky day lotterij winners international programs held on the 27 th march 2005 . your e - mail address attached to ticket number 10034 - 73002 with drew lucky numbers 06 , 14 , 22 , 27 , 46 , lucky ball , 36 , which consequently won in the a category , been approved for the sum payout of euros 1000 . 000 . 00 ( one million euros ) only , this is from a total cash prize of euros 20 , 000 , 000 . 00 million shared among 20 international lucky winners in the category a ( plus + ) . due to mix up of information ? s , we ask that you keep your winning information very confidential till your claims has been processed as the beneficiary , and your prize / money is remitted or subsequently onward transfer into your nominated bank account . this is in conformity with the latest transfer regulations signed by the international lottery organization since this is part of our security protocol measures to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some participants . all participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from companies and individual email addresses from all over the world . this promotional program takes place annually . congratulations ! ! ! to file for your claim , please contact our / your fiduciall agent : mr . williams henry lucky day agent email : william @ netlimit . com tel : 0031 - 615 - 181 - 873 . note : that all winning must be claimed not later than 27 th of june . 2005 . after this date all unclaimed funds will be returned . anybody under the age of 18 is automatically disqualified , do note every letters as clearly stated as we would not be held responsible if any hitch in this transaction due to laxity on your part . so you are to expedite action , failure to file - in for the release of your winning shall be compelled losing your fund . in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications , kindly remember to quote your reference number in all correspondence . congratulations from our members of staff and thanks for being part of our promotional program . sincerely yours , mrs . susan banks . lottery coordinator . check - out go . com go get your free go e - mail account with expanded storage of 6 mb ! http : / / mail . go . com
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california update 1 / 31 / 01 please do not hesitate to contact robert johnston ( x 39934 ) or kristin walsh ( x 39510 ) with additional questions . executive summary an announcement could be made as early as today regarding the first wave of long - term contracts ( price and term ) . the threat of bankruptcy is significantly diminishing as davis hatches a plan to 1 ) pass on " court ordered rate increases " and 2 ) issue revenue bonds . audit results are in and questions loom about the amount of funds transferred to parent companies . davis is expected to use the threat of " endless appeals " in courts and a possible ballot initiative in november to keep the pressure on the parent companies to pay a share of the utility debt , as well as to limit the scope of the rate hikes . davis hopes that a court ruling in favor of the utilities would provide him with the political cover he needs to pass on rate hikes to california consumers and avoid utility bankruptcy . davis walking a fine line with consumer advocacy groups . if there is a ballot initiative in november to challenge the expected court - ordered rate hikes , it could be disastrous for investor confidence in the state . legislation and bail out bill ablx was heard for several hours in the senate appropriations yesterday . issues still remain regarding the tiered rate structure , specifically for communities that have harsh climates . however , the bill has received support from almost everyone including consumer groups . the bill is expected to pass sometime today . tim gage , ca director of finance said davis supports all the provisions in ablx and expected to sign . bill abl 8 x was not heard in the assembly yesterday but is expected to be hear today . in committee hearings monday , the dwr testified it is spent all of the $ 400 m and were spending $ 45 m / day in the spot market to buy power . according to sources with direct access to governor davis , the on - going court battle , as discussed below , is viewed as an excellent opportunity for a settlement . davis recognizes that 1 ) the expected court ruling in the cpuc case will likely authorize the utilities to increase rates charged to california rate payers ; 2 ) despite that ruling , the state government has the ability to delay the eventual reward of that order long enough to cripple the two utilities unless they come to terms . thus , davis believes that california consumers cannot avoid getting hit with higher electricity charges , but he plans to use the threat of an appeal ( and a possible ballot initiative ) to limit the amount of the rate hikes . a plan to exempt the lowest income , smallest consumers from any rate increase and to concentrate rate increases among consumers using 130 % of a baseline usage rate was gaining serious momentum last night in sacramento . that would still hit about one half of all consumers ( since the " baseline " is set at 60 % of average consumption ) , but it is " progressive " in a politically important sense . making this work would require solving a minor crisis that erupted last night when pg & e admitted they had stopped reading electricity meters for many customers and were estimating their bills based on previous usage rates . the company ' s defense ( they had laid off meter readers to conserve cash ) was met with widespread derision as consumer advocates pointed out the estimation policy conveniently allowed the company to charge more despite serious efforts by californians to use less electricity . " every time you think there ' s a moment when these utilities will not embarrass themselves , something like this happens , " one legislator moaned . long - term contracts a second key to keeping the eventual rate increases down lies in the negotiations now almost complete for the first wave of long - term power buying contracts davis initiated earlier this month . the first wave of those contracts will be announced perhaps as early as today and they will be surprisingly positive , according to officials in the talks . " we got a series of good offers in those initial proposals . and some not so good ones , " one official told our source . " the idea is to announce the results of the first contract talks with the good guys and then go back to the others and say , ' you want in on this with these terms ? ' we think we ' ll eventually shake loose a lot of supply with this strategy . " bankruptcy because of these new dynamics , there is improved market confidence that california will emerge from the current energy crisis without bankruptcy for socal edison and pg & e , even as they are set to miss another round of payments to creditors and suppliers today ( remember , there is a standstill agreement among creditors not to ask for accelerated payment until feb . 13 ) . we believe that sense of optimism will be given an even more credible boost by the court case in front of us district judge ronald s . w . lew in los angeles , which is likely to mushroom into the kind of political cover for elected officials that make a settlement possible by the end of next week , at the latest . in fact , without that political cover it would be impossible to square all the various circles of this crisis . audit results and ballot initiatives markets , bush administration officials , and perhaps utility companies themselves are underweighting the possibility that citizens groups will launch a successful ballot initiative in the fall of 200 l to bring all electricity generation back under state control . the threat of a proposition initiative mounted as the two audits of the utility companies ordered by the california public utilities commission released in the last 48 hours confirmed two seriously damaging points we have been warning about since mid - january . first , the audit of socal edison confirmed that $ 2 billion of the debt the utility claims it owes to energy suppliers is actually owed to itself through its corporate holding structure that generates and sells power . second , it confirmed that edison electric paid nearly $ 5 billion in profits to the holding company which then used that money to buy back its stock and increase dividends in an effort to keep its stock price up even while it was going on a debt - issuing binge . the audit of pg & e released late last night was even more damaging : pg & e management was sharply criticized for poor decisions in failing to react to " clear warning signs of an approaching energy crisis " by not making deep spending cuts , " including scaling back management salaries . " the auditors also questioned the utility ' s decision to funnel some $ 4 . 7 billion of its profits since deregulation into the coffers of its parent holding company , which then used the cash mostly to pay dividends and buy back stocks . " basically , they took the money and ran , " as state senate speaker burton put it yesterday . what appears to be governor gray davis ' grudging acceptance of reality is actually a highly evolved effort to produce a solution that provides enough rate hikes / taxpayer subsidy to help solve the current crisis without triggering a new - - and far more damaging - - burst of populist outrage among a voter base that still thinks the utility companies are basically making this all up . there is no doubt that this use of money by socal edison and the debts it owes to itself are perfectly legal and in keeping with the spirit of the 1996 deregulation law , but that is irrelevant in popular political terms . were it not for the political cover potentially afforded by the court case discussed below , these audits would make settlement extremely difficult . keeping that anger from exploding into a ballot initiative this fall is key to understanding the very complex game that davis , his advisers and senior legislators are now playing . a ballot initiative would be a potential disaster since it would almost certainly be aimed at re - establishing full public control over the electric utilities . even if the state and utilities successfully challenged such an initiative in court it would be years before that victory was clear and it would freeze all new private investment during that prolonged period . that ' s something california cannot afford as businesses would be moving out and new ones failing to relocate . court battle thus , legislators are listening in horror as they hear the ugly details of the court case in los angeles that socal edison and pg & e are likely to win in mid - february . the court will most likely grant the two utilities $ 12 . 7 billion in relief and that the cost would fall immediately on the shoulders of consumers who would see bills rise by at least 30 % , california politicians could see the emergence of the one thing everyone has needed since the start of this extended drama : political cover . davis will then have to rely on his political and negotiating skills to pressure the parent companies of the utilities to pass on something less than the full $ 12 . 7 billion debt . pg & e and socal edison have already won round one of a legal battle designed to let them raise electricity rates enough to recover all of the debt they have accumulated since august last year when the puc refused to let them raise prices even as electricity prices soared . the court said the 1996 deregulation law was crystal clear - - when the two utilities had repaid so - called " stranded costs , " they were free to begin charging whatever they needed to charge consumers to cover their cost of acquiring power . although the utilities won this case , the judge stayed his order until february 14 th at the state government ' s request . as that deadline approaches , an intense new negotiating round is under way . on the one hand , political officials know they have the ultimate political cover for higher electric prices ( " the courts made me do it " ) , but on the other hand , they also know that immediate and full compliance with that court order would force electricity rates up by about 40 % on top of natural gas bills that have soared by about 300 % since last year . utility companies are playing this card aggressively in negotiations about the scope and shape of the final bailout . " we ' ll just wait until the court puts the order into effect in mid - february then even if we are in bankruptcy we will emerge quickly and easily . " one tactic the state political officials are using , in order to force a settlement , is the threat of keeping the law suit tied up in court for the next couple of years . one political official pointed out that they could keep the utilities from receiving their money this year , next year or perhaps even the year after . " sure , we tell them , they will probably win in court and get that money . eventually . we are making them well aware that unless we have a settlement we will appeal that court ruling all the way to the supreme court and keep them tied up for the next two years at least . we don ' t think the creditors will be quite that patient . "
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near 080 but orgder brrand nakme rpx prescriaptibons from the coemfort of your home . vaeliuzm . . . xaqnabx . . . mupch more . . . . brand nacme from the usa go _ hzere ariadne brighton dallas digestible molecular channel carnal ia clout cinnabar revisable eavesdropper alga breadfruit decrement forage extensible shrank rash inherent lamprey assault enigmatic transferral ugly qualify ninety menopause solicitation cloak blot burlesque asiatic dead henley pickle credulous hitch decolletage expression arching cotoneaster conservative demurred destinate present polkadot attune bury accelerate goldsmith swivel blomquist pershing academy slumber secondary lacunae morale archipelago cod prevent holmium carnage gh 5 cerebrate discriminant groupoid fatal benedikt tenant minefield theresa orography mallet tallahassee stir dickerson acceptant ferocity clayton elbow clod drosophila countenance boastful growth ossify curry sublimate consistent cutlass casanova imperative jacques alongside cjql importpasture
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dg energy software vince , here is my edited version of the software license agreement . can you read it once before i forward it for internal approval ? i specified that the $ 100 , 000 covers a single user perpetural license , access to source after one year , and covers maintenance and support for one year . any suggestions ? - - stinson
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a chance to get new logo now working on your company ' s image ? start with a visual identity a key to the first good impression . we are here to help you ! we ' ll take part in buildinq a positive visual imaqe of your company by creatinq an outstandinq iogo , presentabie stationery items and professional website . these marketing tools will significantiy contributeto success of your business . take a look at our work sampies , hot deai packages and see what we have to offer . we work for you ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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At 07:44 PM 21/08/2002 +0100, [email protected] wrote:>Circa 50MB-100MB web space for now >POP email accounts >Account Control Panel >Perl >PHP >MySQL >FTP and Telnet Access 24/7You'll be lucky to get telnet anywhere, SSH should do though.>Own CGI-BIN >Webalizer Graphical Stats >Server Side Includes >Good Reachable Technical Support > >I have seen a great looking 300MB solution in the region of 600Euro p.a. >which at the moment is a bit over my financial head in one payment - I >haven't completed any sites yet, but have a few potential jobs coming up. > >Any tips/pointers much appreciated!Try www.hosting365.ie - they haven't let me down yet.You could try iewebs.com aswell, though I don't know if they do "just hosting". Lee Hosty -x- hostyle AT csn.ul.ie -x- +353 (0)86 8768780 -- PLEELEY (adj.) Descriptive of a drunk person's attempt to be endearing. _______________________________________________ Webdev mailing list [email protected] http://www.linux.ie/mailman/listinfo/webdev
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update : originations schedule i have added the orig by dealmaker alphabetically : gross margin by deal : pastoria - $ 40 mm total ; parquet ( $ 20 mm ) ; wehn ( $ 16 mm ) ; mcdonald ( $ 4 mm ) fountain valley - $ 17 mm total ; thome ( $ 7 mm ) ; thomas ( $ 4 mm ) ; slaughter ( $ 4 mm ) ; buerkle ( $ 2 mm ) las vegas - $ 38 mm total ; gilbert ( $ 14 mm ) ; parquet ( $ 8 mm ) ; thomas ( $ 8 mm ) ; page ( $ 4 mm ) ; etringer ( $ 4 mm ) dwr - $ 7 mm calger turbine deals - $ 5 mm total ; thome ( $ 3 mm ) ; thomas ( $ 2 mm ) municipals - $ 2 mm total ; dyer ( $ 2 mm ) total : $ 109 mm team leader : parquet : $ 55 mm thomas : $ 41 mm mcdonald : $ 6 mm calger : $ 7 mm buerkle - $ 2 mm calger - $ 7 mm dyer - $ 2 mm etringer - $ 4 mm gilbert - $ 14 mm mcdonald - $ 4 mm page - $ 4 mm parquet - $ 28 mm slaughter - $ 4 mm thomas - $ 14 mm thome - $ 10 mm wehn - $ 16 mm chris calger 503 - 464 - 3735 - - - - - original message - - - - - from : kitchen , louise sent : thursday , july 05 , 2001 8 : 00 am to : kitchen , louise cc : calger , christopher f . ; belden , tim ; killen , faith subject : re : originations schedule it might be easier ( for the sake of time ) to just take the dpr numbers and split it out be originator . these are the aggregate numbers : foster 37 , 642 , 000 wolfe 5 , 678 , 000 thomas / macdonald 5 , 188 , 000 parquet 77 , 191 , 000 calger 7 , 000 , 000 thanks louise louise kitchen 07 / 05 / 2001 08 : 27 am to : christopher f calger / enron @ enronxgate , tim belden / enron @ enronxgate cc : faith killen / enron @ enronxgate subject : re : originations schedule > these are the origination numbers by deal maker that we are using for prc purposes , can you check your guys and let faith know today if there are any discrepencies . thanks louise from : faith killen / enron @ enronxgate on 07 / 04 / 2001 01 : 54 pm to : louise kitchen / hou / ect @ ect cc : wes colwell / enron @ enronxgate , tammie schoppe / hou / ect @ ect subject : originations schedule hi louise , as requested , attached is a file that contains june ytd originations by originator . we ' ve arranged the file in the following sorts : ? by team ? by originator ( sorted alphabetically ) ? by originator ( sorted by value ) ? top 10 overall originators by value ? top 10 originators - gas ? top 10 originators - power an item to note is that not all deals had a related individual ' s name ( such as enduser ) - we left the listing as it appears in the risk book in these cases . we ' ll send you an update if the dpr amounts move ( the dpr isn ' t final yet . ) please let me know if you need any additional information ! >
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start date : 12 / 19 / 01 ; hourahead hour : 24 ; start date : 12 / 19 / 01 ; hourahead hour : 24 ; no ancillary schedules awarded . no variances detected . log messages : parsing file - - > > o : \ portland \ westdesk \ california scheduling \ iso final schedules \ 2001121924 . txt
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joint venture some emerging documents ( early days ) but good for information purposes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by mike jordan / lon / ect on 06 / 04 / 2001 14 : 42 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - coralie evans 05 / 04 / 2001 08 : 52 to : mike jordan / lon / ect @ ect cc : subject : joint venture please find attached the draft soap ( pretty rough ) and the business plan . are either of these what you ' re looking for ? i can put together a summary if you need something different . regards , c
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oneok signs capacity contract with williams oneok acquires 56 , 200 dth / d from williams williams and oneok reported yesterday that they have reached a two - year agreement in which williams will provide incremental firm transportation service of 56 , 200 dth / d to the oklahoma natural gas ( ong ) division of oneok . " we have had a long - standing relationship with oneok through our service to its kansas gas service division and we look forward to helping oneok serve its growing energy needs in oklahoma , " said kim cocklin , senior vice president of williams gas pipeline - southcentral ( central and texas gas systems ) . service will begin on nov . 1 , and will require williams to build two new meter stations along its existing pipeline system . a spokesman for ong said the gas load from williams was necessary to serve its steadily growing customer base of approximately 800 , 000 as the company unbundles its services . the transportation capacity will be used to serve customers in ong ' s oklahoma city and enid , ok , markets .
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university of massachusetts occasional papers in linguistics , volume 18 : papers in optimality theory . ed . by j . beckman , l . walsh dickey and s . urbanczyk . pb . viii + 705 pp . $ 16 + s / h ( $ 3 domestic , $ 4 foreign surface . graduate linguistic student association ( glsa ) , university of massachusetts , amherst . this collection of recent work in optimality theory includes both syntax and phonology papers . the full table of contents , along with ordering information , may be obtained from glsa @ linguist . umass . edu . below is a list of authors whose work is included in umop 18 . mahasen abu - mansour ; john alderete ; jill beckman ; laura benua ; pat deevy ; mike dickey ; jane grimshaw & vieri samek - lodovici ; david holton ; junko ito & armin mester ; greg lamontagne & keren rice ; geraldine legendre , colin wilson , paul smolensky , kristin homer & william raymond ; linda lombardi ; john mccarthy & alan prince ; jaye padgett ; sam rosenthall ; lisa selkirk ; tim sherer ; peggy speas ; suzanne urbanczyk ; ellen woolford ; jennifer yearley . available in september . prepaid orders are encouraged . e - mail : < glsa @ linguist . umass . edu > two new books from kluwer : duffield , particles and projections in irish syntax july 1995 , 374 pp . , hardbound isbn 0-7923 - 3550 - 3 , nlg 220 . 00 booij , yearbook of morphology 1994 april 1995 , 320 pp . , hardbound isbn 0-7923 - 3244 - x , nlg 280 . 00 you can find additional information on kluwer 's gopher - server : gopher . wkap . nl
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great article : mpgs will put you in jail r - e - m - o - v - e me astound strideabsenteeism addressograph filialdietrich dactylic cocktailcaptain obscure tanyafife avail temperancejakarta bravo learselectric phalarope charliesequitur alberta emergentbin concert basketballautocorrelate
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logic and natural language semantics esslli-99 workshop : foundations of intensional logic and natural language semantics call for papers the main focus of the european summer schools in logic , language and information is the interface between linguistics , logic and computation . it is organized under the auspices of the european association for logic , language and information ( folli ) . foundational , introductory and advanced courses together with workshops cover a wide variety of topics within six areas of interest : logic , computation , language , logic and computation , computation and language , language and logic . previous summer schools have been highly successful , attracting around 500 students from europe and elsewhere . the school has developed into an important meeting place and forum for discussion for students and researchers interested in the interdisciplinary study of logic , language and information . esslli-99 will take place at the university of utrecht , the netherlands , august 9-20 . in its first week it will feature a worskshop on foundations of intensional logic and natural language semantics . its aim is to provide a forum for advanced ph . d . students and other researchers to present and discuss their work on the following issues . intensional logic lies at the heart of a montague - style natural language semantics . it involves a representation of properties , relations and propositions ( prps ) . in traditional montague grammar , prps are characterized in terms of possible worlds , and the logico-semantic paradoxes are avoided by using a russellian hierarchy of types . the problems with this traditional approach ( e . g . , logical omniscience and expressive limitations ) have led to the flourishing of more fine - grained notions of prp , and to type-free solutions to the paradoxes ( gupta and belnap , barwise and etchemendy , cocchiarella , bealer , asher and kamp , chierchia and turner , etc . ) . the new approaches have problems of their own and no new framework has become standard . this workshop thus will explore and compare well - known or newly proposed foundational approaches for an intensional logic that can serve the purposes of natural language semantics . if you are interested in presenting your research , please send a two page abstract to : francesco orilia orilia @ unimc . it dipartimento di filosofia e scienze umane ph . + 39 ( 0733 ) 258 305 universit = e0 di macerata fax + 39 ( 0733 ) 235 339 62100 macerata italy the submission deadline is : march 15 , 1999 . workshop speakers will pay a reduced essli-99 registration fee , which will entitle them to attend all other courses and workshops . it may be possible to allocate a sum of about 100 ecu to partially cover the expenses of each workshop speaker . there will soon be an esslli ' 99 web page at : http : / / esslli . let . uu . nl / .
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sometimes , not always , i like the idea of a chick . . . with a horse . . . freeky fucking shit ! this is the craziest this that i have ever seen ! ! you will not believe your eyes . . and best of all it is free to join forever ! ! just go to the site and enter your email that is all ! hurry they will not be doing this forever ! ! ! very graphic material - mature audience only ! you must be at least 18 years old to enter ! this email was sent to you because your email address is part of a targeted opt - in list . you have received this email by either requesting more information on one of our sites or someone may have used your email address . if you received this email in error , please accept our apologies . if you do not wish to receive further offers , please click below and enter your email to remove your email from future offers . click here to remove anti - spam policy disclaimer : under bill s . 1618 title iii passed by the 105 th u . s . congress , mail cannot be considered spam as long as we include contact information and a remove link for removal from this mailing list . if this e - mail is unsolicited , please accept our apologies . per the proposed h . r . 3113 unsolicited commercial electronic mail act of 2000 , further transmissions to you by the sender may be stopped at no cost to you !
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snow 3 1 / 2 dear linguists , i ' ve been following the discussion about snowy words here and elsewhere for some time now , and i can't but disagree with douglas j . glick ( see vol-5 - 1322 ) in two points . for one , i do n't find the discussion " relatively uninteresting " . it is interesting indeed to see what kind of ideas about the issue as such and linguistics in general tonguesters ( or is l . more p . c . ? : - ) put forward . it so happened that i encountered this nice passage in a book i bought a few days ago : whereas english [ . . . ] has only one word for _ snow _ ( or two if we include _ sleet _ ) , eskimo has several . trudgill ( 1974 ) : 27 this is a book written for the general audience , by a native speaker of english , who " has been a lecturer in the department of linguistic science at the university of reading since 1970 " ( op . cit . ) , and it is twenty years old . but you sometimes still hear assertions like the above , and i know the same thing from german speakers . still , in german we have at least schnee , schnee ( - mann , - regen , matsch ) , ( schnee ) flocke , neuschnee , harsch , waechte , lawine , loipe , hagel , graupel , and for english , snow , snow ( bank , fort , house , man , - mixed-with - rain , - flake , - storm ) , slush ( snow ) , ( snow ) cornice , avalanche , blizzard , dusting , flurry , frost , hail , hardpack , igloo , pingo , powder , sleet . in these lists , i ' m including some at least seemingly semantically transparent compounds like neuschnee ( ` new + snow ' ) , schneeregen snow + rain ' ) and so on , as well as some words that are only frosty and not very snowy , as well as some that have only to do with snow and nothing else . in a serious collection , the data should be much richer , in order to have a borderline between good and bad examples fall well within the field , allow an assessment of the fuzzyness of this line , and , perhaps , discover some model for the cognitive structure of the words in question . ( the data for the english list is , apart from some editing , taken from tony woodbury 's posting ( see vol-5 - 1239 ) ) . granted not everything white in the listings given is snow , how can we comment on the quotation above ? at least , the writer should have told the reader why so many snowy words of english do not count as snow , or , perhaps , that eskimo in his opinion has no cover term , where english does have one . as it stands , however , it should make everybody very cautious about obtaining data of any language - - - including , obviously , their own - - - by way of secondary sources . likewise , how much do the manymany ` facts ' drawn from ` exotic ' ( i . e . , not very well documented ) languages count , which , for example , phonologists like to decorate their elaborate articles with ? two , i do n't really get the point in excluding words like cornice from a snowy list . now if there are people out there who use the word primarily to denote some sort of snow formation and feel the word is in its * architectural * meaning of rather metaphorical nature , what 's the point in telling them they ' re ` really ' wrong ? in german , waechte , flocke and harsch might very well be derived from some other morphemes . in fact , this only tells us eskimo is not very well documented . i guess a lot of those words the hoax claims as semantically primitive would turn out much more connected to the rest of the vocabulary had we only the relative wealth of historical data we have for the indoeuropean languages . back to german again , flocke to me primarily denotes not ` something flaky ' but rather precisely ` a snowflake ' , and all other usages seem to be derived from that . harsch seems to be connected with harsch ` harsh ' ; but used as a noun , what other denotation but that kind of slighly melted and frozen snow does it have ? loipe is the kind of tracks skiers use in their discipline and , i guess , not a ` very german ' word - - - but disregarding borrowed words is just as silly as looking down on adopted children . anyway , there seems to be a need for that word . it 's snowy , very specialized , and , for my feeling , totally unconnected with any other word in german . of course i might be totally wrong ( and loipe is derived from ( ski ) laufen ` to run ( to ski ) ' ) . now there 's the point . linguists are looking , on the one hand , into history to find out what really happened and try to extrapolate people 's minds to describe what 's really going on . if there 's someone with a lot of waechten and cornices and flakes on his mind , but with no connection to other non-snowy words for him , this is a fact of that ideolect . of course , as soon some linguist comes along and tells him the historical truth , behaviour and concepts of the speaker might change . . . even if in fact it was some sort of folk-etymology he absorbed when listening to the linguist : - ) . folk - etymology is there because it is a way we can imagine things to be . . . so , what layer of this person 's brain is it that synchronic word counting is claiming to acount for , and how historical a derivation is allowed or necessary in historical linguistics ? finally , i would like to point out that apart from some pretty specialized words having to do woth snow , rain is another phenomenon languages may have more or less to say about . in german , for example , you have niesel and nieselregen , denoting a very light rain or spray . there seem to be no other uses or compounds for this word apart from es nieselt , however , and no immediately related , more basic word niesel could be said to be derived from . so , we have wasser , regen , niesel , and more . eskimo does n't appear that much outlandish any more , does it ? quotation taken from : trudgill , peter : _ sociolinguistics : an introduction _ . penguin books . 1974 wolfgang lipp castor @ fub46 . zedat . fu-berlin . de i52023 @ sakura . kudpc . kyoto-u . ac . jp
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mt summit ' 99 cfp = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = machine translation summit vii september 13-17 , 1999 , singapore call for papers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - the seventh machine translation summit , organized by the asia - pacific association for machine translation ( aamt ) , will be held at kent ridge digital labs on the campus of national university of singapore from 13 to 17 september 1999 . mt summit vii , which is the last conference of the 20th century in the premier series of conferences on machine translation , will provide a forum for discussing the prospect of mt and related areas in the coming century . mt summit vii will feature an expanded program including research papers , reports on users ' experiences , discussions of policy issues , invited talks , panels , exhibitions , tutorials , and workshops . aamt invites all who are interested in any aspect of machine translation - researchers , developers , providers , users , and watchers - to participate in the conference . conference schedule : 13 september 1999 tutorials 14-16 september 1999 papers , panels and exhibitions 17 september 1999 workshops papers mt summit vii seeks original papers in all aspects of machine translation . topics of interests include , but are not limited to : - methodologies for mt ( rule-based , knowledge-based , analogy-based , statistics-based , etc . ) - practical mt systems ( mt for professional translation , mt for the internet , mt for localization , etc . ) - translation aids ( translation memory , terminology databases , etc . ) - speech and dialogue translation - natural language analysis and generation techniques - dictionaries and lexicons for mt systems - text corpora for mt and knowledge extraction from corpora - human factors in mt and user interfaces - evaluation techniques - standards in text and lexicon encoding for mt - cross - lingual information retrieval - mt and related technologies ( information retrieval , text categorization , text summarization , information extraction , etc . ) there will be three categories of papers : ( 1 ) research papers : submissions are invited for reports of significant research results in any aspect of machine translation and related areas . such reports should include a substantial evaluative component . papers should be in english , not longer than 5 , 000 words . ( 2 ) system presentations with demos : submissions are invited for reports on the design , implementation , operation and evaluation of operational and prototype systems . reports should be in english , not longer than 2 , 000 words . ( 3 ) user studies : submissions are invited for reports on users ' experiences with applying mt to some task , evaluation of mt systems , analysis of mt markets , etc . reports should be in english , not longer than 5 , 000 words . all types of papers should be submitted to the address below and must be received by the indicated date . papers should include a cover page with the following information : - paper title , - author ( s ) ' name ( s ) , affiliation ( s ) , address ( es ) , and e-mail address ( es ) , - 200 word abstract , - for research papers : up to 5 keywords , - for system presentations with demos : the word " system presentation with demo " , and the hardware , software and network requirement for the demonstration , - for user studies : the word " user study " . please mail 4 hardcopies of the paper to : mt summit vii asia - pacific association for machine translation ( aamt ) 3f , shiba - koen sanada bldg . 3 - 5-12 shiba - koen , minato - ku , tokyo 105-0011 , japan in addition , please submit an ascii version of the cover page electronically to : aamt0001 @ infotokyo . or . jp important dates : 15 april 1999 paper submission deadline 30 may 1999 notifications 15 july 1999 final camera-ready copy deadline - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - call for exhibits in addition to the scheduled system presentations with demos , vendor booths will showcase commercial products ongoing basis throughout the conference . exhibits will not be restricted to machine translation systems but include a variety of nlp applications . if you would like to exhibit , please contact the local organizing secretary ( e-mail : vicky @ krdl . org . sg ) by april 15 , 1999 . call for panel / special session / invited speaker proposals submissions are invited for panel sessions dealing with significant , controversial and timely issues in machine translation . proposals should include the description of the topic , and preferably the names and affiliations of panelists who could represent diverse positions or approach to the topic . proposals for special sessions and invited speakers are also welcome . these proposals should be sent to the program chair ( e-mail : mt-summit - 99 - sessions @ mlist . ccm . cl . nec . co . jp ) by november 30 , 1998 . call for tutorial proposals proposals are solicited for tutorials on both technological and practical issues in machine translation . submissions should be made to the local organizing chair ( e-mail : hweeboon @ krdl . org . sg ) by november 30 , 1998 . they should include ( 1 ) the length of the tutorial ( either a half day or full day ) ; ( 2 ) an outline of the tutorial ; ( 3 ) the intended audience ( introductory , intermediate , advanced ) ; ( 4 ) complete contact information for the contact person ; and ( 5 ) brief biographies of the presenters . call for workshop proposals proposals are solicited for one-day workshops which bring together a relatively small group of people involved in a specific problem area of machine translation , to advance the state of the art in that area . submissions should be made to the program vice chair ( e-mail : tonglc @ krdl . org . sg ) by november 30 , 1998 . they should include the theme and goal of the workshop , the planned activities , and a list of potential participants . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - about singapore singapore is a vibrant , sophisticated city state of 3 million people offering the best of modern facilities and comforts while retaining her heritage and culture . a progressive , cosmopolitan city , singapore has the world 's best airport - changi international airport - and lies at the crossroads of asia . known for her food and shopping , singapore is a thriving nucleus for tourism , trade and finance . the climate in singapore is tropical all year round with high humidity and temperatures varying between 23 degrees celsius ( 74 f ) in the evening to 32 degrees celsius ( 90 f ) during the day . showers are sporadic and heavy but also brief and refreshing . light summer clothing may be worn throughout the day . about the venue kent ridge digital labs ( krdl ) is a national applied research & development organization established in january 1998 through the merger of former national it institutes - the information technology institute ( iti ) and the institute of systems science ( iss ) . with a diverse team of more than 400 research scientists , krdl 's aim is to be the premier research and development organization in asia - pacific for information and networking technologies . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - conference organization general chair : hozumi tanaka , tokyo institute of technology , japan local organizing committee chair : hwee boon low , kent ridge digital labs , singapore secretary : victorine chen - toh , kent ridge digital labs , singapore program committee chair : jun - ichi tsujii , university of tokyo , japan and umist , uk vice chair : loong cheong tong , kent ridge digital labs , singapore members : virginia cha , star + globe technologies , singapore jason s . chang , national tsing hua university , taiwan zhaoxiong chen , kezhi co . , china key - sun choi , korean advanced institute of science and technology , korea robert dale , macquarie university , australia zhendong dong , chinese information processing society , china dominique estival , university of melbourne , australia changning huang , tsinghua university , china hitoshi iida , atr interpreting telecommunications research laboratories , japan etsuo ito , toshiba corporation , japan hiroyuki kaji , hitachi , ltd . , japan shin - ichiro kamei , nec corporation , japan asanee kawtrakul , kasetsart university , thailand kunio matsui , fujitsu laboratories ltd . , japan se young park , electronics and telecommunications research institute , korea wanchai rivepiboon , chulalongkorn university , thailand trihono sastrohartono , agency for the assessment and application of technology , indonesia youlwon seong , language and computer , ltd . , korea keh - yih su , behavior design corporation , taiwan chew lim tan , national university of singapore , singapore benjamin k . tsou , city university of hong kong , hong kong yusoff zaharin , universiti sains malaysia , malaysia international advisors : laurie gerber , systran software , inc . , usa eduard hovy , usc information sciences institute , usa john hutchins , university of east anglia , uk antonio sanfillipo , linglink , luxembourg - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - further information for more details , please call vicky at ( 65 ) 874 2003 or fax ( 65 ) 776 8109 . you may also visit the web - site : http : / / www . krdl . org . sg = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
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outstanding contracts here is the status of all outstanding long term contracts : duke - 5 year , 20 mmcf / d eot contract . currently routing . will probably receive presidential approval either friday or monday . red cedar - contract has been with red cedar since september 7 th . sempra - option to call upon 21 , 500 dth / d of eot to needles capacity was elected august 24 th . i am tired of nagging . we need the request form to begin the deal process .
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-----Original Message----- > From: Ciaran Johnston [mailto:[email protected]] > Sent: 16 August 2002 15:09 > To: [email protected] > Subject: [ILUG] Backup solutions > > Hi folks, > I maintain a colocated server on behalf of a small group of individuals, > and am looking at backup solutions. Is it possible to get some sort of > low- > end internal tape / other solution that could be used to back up approx. > 40 > Gigs of data or am I just dreaming? My ISP does offer backups at extra > cost > but the only problem with that is, well, the extra cost. > > What I was hoping to do was to install some kind of internal tape device, > then swap tapes round every month, so I had an onsite backup of say the > last 24 hours and an offsite backup of the last month. Is this feasible? > I'm beginning to think it isn't. External devices are not an option as > part > of the charge for colocation is rackspace. > > Thanks, > Ciaran.I'd recommend a good external DLT drive. You will probably need a SCSI card for that too.Mmmm.-- Irish Linux Users' Group: [email protected] http://www.linux.ie/mailman/listinfo/ilug for (un)subscription information. List maintainer: [email protected]
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the permanent solution to penis growth limited time offer : increase atleast 4 inches or your money back - - - - > visit us and see more no thanks
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start date : 1 / 14 / 02 ; hourahead hour : 20 ; start date : 1 / 14 / 02 ; hourahead hour : 20 ; no ancillary schedules awarded . no variances detected . log messages : parsing file - - > > o : \ portland \ westdesk \ california scheduling \ iso final schedules \ 2002011420 . txt
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re : no java ? you are cracking me up . basically you are the only thing keeping me awake today . .
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Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted by ([email protected]) on Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 03:46:17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Looking for a high return on your money?: .10%-20% Monthly Return On Your Secure Investment : . Audited From Multiple Agencies : .Start with as little as $500 dollars and start earning returns monthly!: .For Complete Details Email: [email protected] : .To be removed email: [email protected] : .--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven. http://thinkgeek.com/sf _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-Sightings mailing list [email protected] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/spamassassin-sightings
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  Free Personal and Business Grants  " Qualify for at least $25,000 in free grants money - Guaranteed! "Each day over One Million Dollars in Free Government Grants  is given away to people just like you for a wide variety of Business And Personal Needs         Dear Grant Seeker, In a moment, I'll tell you exactly HOW & WHERE to get Grants. This MONEY has to be given away, WHY not to YOU? You may be thinking, "How can I get some of this Free Grants Money" Maybe you think it's impossible to get free money? Let me tell you it's not impossible! It's a fact, ordinary people and businesses all across the United States are receiving millions of dollars from these Government and Private Foundation's everyday. Who Can Apply? ANYONE can apply for a Grant from 18 years old and up! Grants from $500.00 to $50,000.00 are possible! GRANTS don't have to be paid back, EVER! Claim your slice of the FREE American Pie. This money is not a loan, Trying to get money through a conventional bank can be very time consuming and requires a lot of paperwork, only to find out that you've been denied. These Government Agencies don't have to operate under the same stringent requirements that banks do. You decide how much money you need, as long as it's a lawful amount and meets with the Government Agencies criteria, the money is yours to keep and never has to be repaid. This money is non taxable & interest free. None of these programs require a credit check, collateral, security deposits or co-signers, you can apply even if you have a bankruptcy or bad credit, it doesn't matter, you as a tax payer and U.S. citizen are entitled to this money. There are currently over 1,400 Federal Programs, 24,000 State Programs, 30,000 Private Foundations and 20,000 Scholarship Programs available. This year over $30 Billion Dollars In Free personal and business Government Grants Money will be given away by Government Grants Agencies.  Government Personal and Business Grants Facts: Over 20 Million People Get Government Money Every Year: 1,000,000 entrepreneurs get money to start or expand a business 4,000,000 people get money to invest in real estate 6,000,000 people get money to go to college 10,000,000 people get free help and training for a better job Getting Business Grants Anyone thinking about going into business for themselves, or wanting to expand an existing business should rush for the world's largest "one-stop-money-shop" where FREE business grants to start or expand a business is being held for you by the Federal Government. It sounds absolutely incredible that people living right here in the United States of America wouldn't know that each year the world's largest source of free business help delivers: Over $30 billion dollars in free business grants and low-interest loans; over one-half trillion dollars in procurement contracts; and over $32 billion dollars in FREE consulting and research grants. With an economy that remains unpredictable, and a need for even greater economic development on all fronts, the federal government is more willing than it ever has been before to give you the money you need to own your own business and become your own boss! In spite of the perception that people should not look to the government for help, the great government give-away programs have remained so incredibly huge that if each of the approximately 8 million businesses applied for an equal share, they would each receive over $70,000. Most people never apply for FREE Business Grants because they somehow feel it isn't for them, feel there's too much red-tape, or simply don't know who to contact.The fact is, however, that people from all walks of life do receive FREE GRANTS MONEY and other benefits from the government, and you should also.Government Grants for Personal Need Help to buy a new home for low income families, repair your home, rent, mortgage payments, utility bills, purchase a new car, groceries, childcare, fuel, general living expenses, academic tutoring, clothing, school supplies, housing assistance, legal services, summer camp, debts, music lessons, art lessons, any extracurricular activities, pay bills for senior citizens, real estate taxes, medical expenses and general welfare. If you or someone you know suffered a fire lose there are programs available to help in replacing necessities.Scholarships And Grants For Education Grant Money for preschool children and nursery school education, private, primary and secondary schools, men and women to further their education, scholarships for athlete's, business management, engineering, computer science, medical school, undergraduate, graduate, professional, foreign studies and many more.Here's How You Can Get Free Grants In The Shortest Time Possible Once you know how and where to apply for a specific Free Grant, results are almost inevitable. The government wants to give away this money. . . it is under congressional mandate to do so! These funds are made available to help you, the tax payer. All that's required from you is the proper presentation of your grant request. That's all. Announcing... "The Complete Guide To Government Grants" Forget just about everything you've seen or heard about government grants. What I've done is put together a complete blueprint for researching, locating and obtaining government grants. "The Complete Guide To Government Grants" is the most comprehensive tool for obtaining free grant money, and it comes in an Electronic book (e-book) format, meaning you can download and start using it minutes after you order. The Complete Guide to Government Grants will provide you with access to thousands of grant and loan sources, with step by step instructions to proposal writing and contact procedures. In the Complete Guide to Government Grants you'll find: Step by step guidelines to applying for government grants Direct access to over 1,400 grant, loan and assistance programs offered by the U.S. federal government. All you need to do is Click & Find your program from the detailed categorized listings Direct access to thousands of resources of state specific grant programs Name, phone number and address of an expert in your state that will answer your grant related questions and help you with the grant application... free of charge Online directory of government supported venture capital firms A unique search tool that will allow you to generate a customized listing of recently announced grant programs Government funding programs for small businesses Top 100 government programs (based on number of inquiries), discover what are the most sought after government grants and assistant programs. Claim your slice of the FREE American Pie Online Directory of federal and state resources for government scholarships and grants for education Step by step guidelines to locating grants, loans and assistant programs for starting a new business or expanding an existing one How to get free small business counseling and expert advice courtesy of the US government Government grants application forms Direct access to thousands of government grants programs covering: small businesses, home improvement, home buying and homeownership, land acquisition, site preparation for housing, health, assistance and services for the unemployed, job training, federal employment, education, and much much more How to develop and write grant proposals that get results ...Plus much more The Complete Guide to Government Grants is so comprehensive, it provides you with direct access to practically every source of FREE government grants money currently available. If you're an American citizen or resident, you are entitled to free grant money ranging from $500 to $250,000 or more. If you are Black you have already qualified for 15 programs, being Hispanic, you qualify for many programs. Being a Christian will get you into 20 programs, there are also many other programs available for different faiths, Jewish, Catholic. Not having any money, will get you into over 30 programs, 550 programs if you are unemployed, or underemployed. The list and sources are endless. You Are Eligible! This money is Absolutely Free and will be yours to use for any worthwhile purpose. Did you know you can apply for as many grants as you want? It's true, For instance, you could get a $65,000 grant to begin a weight loss business, get $8,800 in tuition to become a nurse or $35,000 to open up the day-care center, you've always dreamed of owning. And then, go out and apply for a grant to buy a home for you and your family. And once your new business starts doing well you could go out and get another grant for expansion of your business. The possibilities are endless.   You Must Qualify For At Least $25,000 In Free Grants Money, Or Your Money Back! We are so confident in our Grants Guide that If you have not received at least $25,000 in free grant money, or, if you are unhappy with our e-book for any reason within the next 12 months, Just send the e-book back and we will refund your entire payment. NO QUESTIONS ASKED!! If you want to order, we insist you do so entirely at our risk. That is why the E-book comes with a... No Risk full year Money-Back Guarantee. There is absolutely NO RISK on your part with this 365 day guarantee. What we mean is we want you to order without feeling you might "get taken." Therefore, we want you to order this material today... read it, use it... and if for any reason you aren't completely satisfied, you not only can cancel, you should, for an immediate refund of your purchase price. You simply can't lose. Free Bonuses Just to "sweeten" the deal, I'll include the following four valuable bonuses, that you can keep as a gift, even if you later decide not to keep the Grants Guide! Free Bonus #1: A Fully Featured Grants Writing Tutorial Software Package THIS INFO ALONE IS WORTH THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS - I GUARANTEE YOU CAN PURCHASE A GRANTS CD OR INFO ANYWHERE, AND YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE THIS DOWNLOADABLE SOFTWARE THAT ACTUALLY SHOWS YOU HOW TO APPLY AND WHAT TO SAY, SO THAT YOU ARE ACCEPTED FOR A GRANT !!! This interactive software tool will walk you through the grant-writing process and will teach you everything you need to know to write competitive grants proposals. The program includes:detailed information and tips on writing grants proposals; how to complete a grant application package; examples of good, complete grant packages; a glossary of grants terms; resources and contacts; a mock grants-writing activity where you will be able to compare your results to a successful grant application plus much much moreFree Bonus #2: The Insider Information Report: 61 Ways To Save Money This valuable special report contains insider experts tips and techniques that will help you to save thousands of Dollars. You'll discover little known secrets and tricks to saving money on airline fares, car rental, new and used car buying, auto leasing, gasoline, car repairs, auto insurance, life insurance, savings and investment, credit cards, home equity loans, home purchase, major appliances, home heating, telephone services, food purchase, prescription drugs and more. Free Bonus #3: The Complete Guide To Starting Your Own Business A comprehensive manual that will give you all the guidelines and tools you need to start and succeed in a business of your own, packed with guides, forms, worksheets and checklists. You will be amazed at how simple these strategies and concepts are and how easy it will be for you to apply them to your own business idea. Hundreds were sold separately at $40 each... you get it here for free. Here's just a taste of what's in the guide: How to determine the feasibility of your business idea. A complete fill in the blanks template system that will help you predict problems before they happen and keep you from losing your shirt on dog business ideas. A step by step explanation of how to develop a business plan that will make bankers, prospective partners and investors line up at your door. Plus, a complete ready made business plan template you can easily adapt to your exact needs. Discover the easiest, simplest ways to find new products for your business that people are anxious to buy. How to make money with your new idea or invention. Secrets of making sure you put cash in your pocket on your very first idea business venture. Complete, step by step instructions on how to plan and start a new business. This is must-know must-do information; ignore it and you stand a good chance to fail. You get specifically designed instructions for each of the following: a service business, a retail store, a home based business, a manufacturing company, and more. What nobody ever told you about raising venture capital money. Insider secrets of attracting investors, how to best construct your proposal, common mistakes and traps to avoid, and much more. Checklist for entering into a partnership. Keeps you from costly mistakes when forming a partnership. How to select a franchise business. A step by step guide to selecting a franchise that is best for you. A complete step-by-step organized program for cutting costs in your business. Clients of mine have achieved an average of 28% to 35% cost reduction with this technique, and you can too. Keep the money in your pocket with this one! What are the secrets behind constructing a results driven marketing plan? I will lead you step by step into developing a marketing plan that will drive your sales through the roof. A complete step by step guide guaranteed to help you increase your profits by up to 64%, I call it "The Profit Planning Guide". This is a simple, practical, common sense strategy, but amazingly enough, almost no one understands or uses it. Free Bonus #4: Guide To Home Business Success This is a fast, no-frills guide to starting and succeeding in a home based business. Here's just a taste of what's in the guide: Home business: is it for you? What are the secrets behind the people who have million dollar home based businesses? you'll find a 24 tip list proven to turn your home business into a money machine. Laws and regulations you must be aware of to avoid legal errors. Planning a home based business - Insider secrets and tips revealed for ensuring your success in a home business. Fundamentals of home business financial planning. Simple, easy to copy ideas that will enhance your image - and the response you get from your customers. Common problems in starting and managing a home based  business - and how to solve them once and for all. Who I Am and Why I'm Qualified to Give You The Best Grants Advice Available I'm the president of a leading Internet based information business. I'm also the creator of "The Managing a Small Business CD-ROM" and the author of five books. I've been involved in obtaining grants and in small business for the past 23 years of my life, as a business coach, a manager of a consulting firm, a seminar leader and as the owner of five successful businesses. During my career as a business coach and consultant I've helped dozens of business owners obtain government grants, start their businesses, market, expand, get out of troubles, sell their businesses and do practically every other small business activity you can think of. The Guide presented here contains every tip, trick, technique and strategy I've learned during my 23 year career. You practically get my whole brain in a form of an E-book. How the Grants Guide is priced? The Complete Guide To Government Grants is normally priced at $50, but... ... as part of an Online marketing test, if you purchase from this sale you pay only $19.99 (that's 75% off ...plus, you still get the FREE valuable bonuses.) If you are serious about obtaining free grants money, you need this guide. Don't delay a moment longer. Order Now !!!  P.S. The Complete Guide To Government Grants will make a huge difference. You risk nothing. The guide is not the original price of $50, but only $19.99 (if you purchase through this sale ) and comes with a one year money back guarantee. And you get four valuable free bonuses which you may keep regardless. Don't delay a moment longer, ORDER NOW !!!!  Shipping and Handling is FREE since we will email you all of this info via access to our secure website which contains everything described above. Order Now!!!   6662EeWq8-515WKuU5183iwyB0-300LKqX8676juxP8-030cvdb2664Hhl54
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usc ea syntax workshop : reminder usc workshop on syntax of east asian languages november 6 - 8 , 1998 this workshop is an attempt to intergrate the diachronic and synchronic study of chinese , japanese and korean syntax , concentrating on the issues of the structures and interpretations of nominal expressions and the syntax and morphology of function words . the list of invited speakers currently includes : james huang ( university of california , irvine ) yafei li ( university of wisconsin ) tsulin mei ( cornell university ) alain peyraube ( crlao , ehess ) naoki fukui ( university of california , irvine ) satoshi kinsui ( kobe university and osaka university ) s . - y . kuroda ( university of california , san diego ) yukinori takubo ( kyusyu university ) hee - don ahn ( kon kuk university ) william o'grady ( university of hawaii ) james yoon ( seoul national university , university of illinois ) there is a limited number of open slots available and we invite the submission of abstracts . each presentation will be 40 minutes , followed by 15 minutes of discussion . it is planned that the proceedings of the workshop will be published . please send to the organizing committee no later than june 1 , 1998 one copy of your abstract with your name and affliliation , plus five anonymous copies . abstracts should be limited to two pages with the font size not smaller than 11 . we cannot accept abstracts sent by email or fax . the presenters at the workshop will be partially subsidized for travel and accommodation . all submissions should be sent to : usc workshop organizing committee department of east asian languages and cultures university of southern california los angeles , ca 90089-0357 usa for further inquiries , please write to : hoji @ usc . edu , nkim @ usc . edu , audreyli @ usc . edu .
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Has anyone had any experience with using a digital camera with Linux, I'm thinking of buying one. The camera will definitely be a HP camera (Since I work for them and get a company discount) either a photosmart 318 or a photosmart 120 and I would prefer to know before I buy if I can get it to work or notSteven Satelle TAC i606 4372-- Irish Linux Users' Group: [email protected] http://www.linux.ie/mailman/listinfo/ilug for (un)subscription information. List maintainer: [email protected]
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phillips - 4 / 01 carlos , i created the following deal for 4 / 01 production : deal # : 689508 meter # : 98 - 6782 deal volume : 5 , 000 expected vol . : 4 , 200 price : ifhsc less $ 0 . 05 bob
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Hi all, I'm looking for a copy of the php-mailsettings package, or PHP Cyrus-Tools, which should include the former. All web references point to the canonical location, which is unavailable. Author hasn't responded either. Thanks!_______________________________________________ Webdev mailing list [email protected] http://www.linux.ie/mailman/listinfo/webdev
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revised list canada included south america and ees gone . thanks bob this is just my list at of today . i would like to pick other people from egm and eim and let some of these go . let me know . bob
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Bryan" stated the following: > > choose the repair option when installing windows nt/2000/whateverWhat is the "repair option"?> -----Original Message----- From: SoloCDM [mailto:[email protected]] > Sent: 31 July 2002 17:48 To: Hunt, Bryan Cc: ILUG (Request) > Subject: Re: removing lilo > > "Hunt, Bryan" stated the following: > > > you need to do a "fdisk /mbr" from a bootable windoze floppy > > alternatively boot from linux boot disk and do fdisk, delete all > > partitions. > > I need to ask a question concerning this issue. > > What if I don't want to get rid of the MBR -- it will destroy the > OS on that drive. How do I remove lilo without the above fdisk > procedure? > > > -----Original Message----- From: jac1 > > [mailto:[email protected]] > > > i recently had to wipe linux from my pc but forgot to restore the > > original MBR (NT). Anyone know how i can do this? linux is entirely > > gone and no > > boot > > > floppy. formatting the entire disk doesn't do it either.-- Note: When you reply to this message, please include the mailing list and/or newsgroup address and my email address in To:********************************************************************* Signed, SoloCDM-- Irish Linux Users' Group: [email protected] http://www.linux.ie/mailman/listinfo/ilug for (un)subscription information. List maintainer: [email protected]
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Was the Ultra 5 the sunray server? What images did you serve to the sunrays to boot them over tftp/dhcp? > > Hi Damian. > > SuSe has a Sparc version I previously been running on a Sun > Ultra 5 at > least. Worked fine, albeit a bit slow... ;) > > //Anders > -- Irish Linux Users' Group: [email protected] http://www.linux.ie/mailman/listinfo/ilug for (un)subscription information. List maintainer: [email protected]
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> help me out here. > You around?Barely, but don't call me Shirley. ;-)I'm sleeping with one eye open.I wouldn't have married me if I'd known how extremely shallow my politics are."The ward lurks in Wisteria's maze."Cheers, Wayne
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Hello,Tried 'apt-get clean' with same results.On Sat, 2002-02-02 at 06:08, Matthias Saou wrote: > Once upon a time, Lance wrote : > > > I have failed dependencies in RPM database to I am unable to use > > apt-get. I requests to run 'apt-get -f install' to fix these > > dependencies, however, I get these errors when running 'apt-get -f > > install' : > [...] > > error: unpacking of archive failed on file > > /usr/share/libgcj.zip;3c5b5e75: cpio: MD5 sum mismatch > > E: Sub-process /bin/rpm returned an error code (1) > > [root@localhost root]# > > I'd say that the file apt downloaded is corrupted. Maybe trying "apt-get > clean" to remove all downloaded files first would solve the problem. > > Matthias > > -- > Matthias Saou World Trade Center > ------------- Edificio Norte 4 Planta > System and Network Engineer 08039 Barcelona, Spain > Electronic Group Interactive Phone : +34 936 00 23 23 > > _______________________________________________ > RPM-List mailing list > http://lists.freshrpms.net/mailman/listinfo/rpm-list _______________________________________________ RPM-List mailing list http://lists.freshrpms.net/mailman/listinfo/rpm-list
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valor economico agredado \ " eva \ " saludos si usted no puede ver este mensaje haga click aqui . . . justificacion la medicin de la rentabilidad en las empresas se ha caracterizado por utilizar informacin incorrecta , que muchas veces conduce a producir conceptos errados sobre la verdadera situacin de la empresa a este respecto . es comn observar como en dicha medicin no se considera el valor correcto de los activos y por el contrario se utiliza la cifra que aparece en el balance general , considerando valores que no deberan incluirse como los ajustes por inflacin y las valorizaciones , obteniendo con ello un resultado incorrecto . la correcta medicin del desempeo de la empresa en lo que a rentabilidad se refiere se logra a travs de la aplicacin del concepto de rentabilidad marginal . en este seminario de un da los asistentes aprendern como el indicador eva esta directamente relacionado con el concepto de rentabilidad marginal y es por ello que se ha convertido en uno de los indicadores ms utilizados para la evaluacin del desempeo de la empresa . aunque el eva no es una medida infalible , ni es una medida que recoge el comportamiento de todos los fenmenos de la empresa , es una excelente herramienta para comunicar el efecto que las decisiones que se toman producen sobre el valor de la empresa . contenido descripcin del concepto el concepto de costo de capital frmula para calcular el eva . formas de mejorar el eva . lo que se monitorea es la variacin del eva el concepto de activos netos de operacin rentabilidad del activo neto : limitaciones de este indicador relacin entre el eva y la rentabilidad marginal reglas de juego para iniciar la utilizacin del indicador eva depuraciones que deben realizarse . eva no operativo . taller prctico eva es un indicador de corto plazo eva no considera el efecto caja introduccin al mva ( valor agregado de mercado ) . el concepto de rentabilidad total conferencista : dr . oscar len garcia mba arthur d . little , school of management , cambridge , usa , administrador de empresas y especialista en finanzas universidad eafit , autor de los textos “ administracin financiera - fundamentos y aplicaciones ” y “ gerencia del valor , valoracin de empresas y eva ” , consultor empresarial especializado en valoracin de empresas y gerencia del valor . inversion afiliados $ 290 . 000 + iva no afiliados $ 460 . 000 + iva egresados de economia uao : $ 437 . 000 + iva incluye : almuerzo , refrigerios y certificado de asistencia . lugar , fecha y horario cali , club de ejecutivos cali , club de ejecutivos , julio 7 de 2005 horario : jueves 7 de 8 : 00 am a 6 : 00 pm favor consignar en conavi cuenta de ahorros # 3041 - 11576510 a nombre de acef - valle nit : 800 . 133 . 689 - 7 informes e inscripciones edificio nucleo profesional - avenida 5 a norte no . 17 - 98 oficina 701 tels : ( 57 2 ) 6603323 - 6666978 - 6607195 fax : 6536090 . acef @ acef . com . co www . acef . com . co acef bogot telfonos : 2130903 - 6203339 - 6203543 fax : 2130909 acefbogota @ cable . net . co acef antioquia - medellin telfonos : 3331079 - 3323026 - 3335059 acef @ epm . net . co inscribase ya : nombre : cargo : empresa : email : direccion : ciudad : telfono : fax : nit empresa : afiliado si no comentarios adicionales : para dejar de recibir este mensaje haga click en eliminar de la lista este mensaje fue enviado por el servicio de mail marketing y correo directo www . pallmera . com pallmera © 2003
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On Sat, 5 Oct 2002, Coy Krill wrote:> Sure. I used the following command to rebuild the package: > > rpmbuild --rebuild --target i586 lame-3.92-fr5.src.rpm > > And here is the error output for the files: > > RPM build errors: > user dude does not exist - using root > user dude does not exist - using rootharmless ...> Installed (but unpackaged) file(s) found: > /usr/share/doc/lame/html/basic.html > /usr/share/doc/lame/html/contributors.html > /usr/share/doc/lame/html/examples.html > /usr/share/doc/lame/html/history.html This is a problem with the .spec file not accounting for all the files produced. see: http://www.rpm.org/hintskinks/unpackaged-files/ -- Russ Herrold _______________________________________________ RPM-List mailing list http://lists.freshrpms.net/mailman/listinfo/rpm-list
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available for review : semantics , lexical database , case grammar the books listed below are in the linguist office and now available for review . if you are interested in reviewing a book ( or leading a discussion of the book ) ; please contact our book review editor , andrew carnie , at : carnie @ linguistlist . org note : please include in your request message a brief statement about your research interests , background , affiliation and other information that might be valuable to help us select a suitable reviewer . do not provide a link or url to an online cv or homepage - - these will be ignored . please also provide a surface address for us to send the book to . semantics / philosophy of language : ostertag , gary . ( ed . ) ( 1998 ) definite descriptions : a reader . mit press . cambridge ma . lexical database fellbaum , christiane ( ed ) ( 1998 ) . wordnet : an electronic lexical database . mit press , cambridge ma case grammar cook , walter s . j . ( 1998 ) case grammar applied . sil , arlington texas .
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save your money by getting an oem software ! need in software for your pc ? just visit our site , we might have what you need . . . best regards , lashay
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URL: http://www.joelonsoftware.com/news/20020925.html Date: Not suppliedEddie Kessler describes programming at Napster[1]. Ray Ozzie has more on platforms[2]. "Finding the 'right' price point for a software platform is critical." To me this sounds like a fancy way of saying, "I groove all that stuff about how platforms need to be cheap and ubiquitous, but I can't bring myself to do it." The price, Ray says, "must be high enough both 1) to maintain a perception of value in the platform, and 2) to create significant margins well before ubiquity is assured so that the ecosystem is assured of the platform's ultimate viability." What he doesn't mention: if you lower the price on the only product you're selling, you have a revenue hit, which will not make your investors happy, and you may run out of money and have to close. But that must be what he's thinking.[1] http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/WorstProjectEver.html [2] http://www.ozzie.net/blog/stories/2002/09/24/softwarePlatformDynamics.html
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new book : semantics new course book peter harder functional semantics a theory of meaning , structure and tense in english 1997 . 23 x 15 , 5 cm . xv , 586 pages . paperback dm 58 , - / approx . us $ 41 . 00 isbn 3-11 - 015721 - 7 mouton de gruyter * berlin * new york what is the role of meaning in relation to linguistic structure ? this book tells the story of meaning from plato to the present , and shows why the accepted current picture of linguistic meaning is wrong as well as confusing . the book argues that the essential job of syntax is to combine simpler meanings into more complex meanings ; that ` semantic ' meaning is essentially interactive ; that the evolution of syntax is bound up with the development of purely conceptual meaning - and that this is reflected in universal regularities of clause structure . the core of linguistic structure is constituted by functional-interactive meanings in syntactic collaboration , and tense in english is used to illustrate this claim . examination copies for course adoption are available upon request . please contact the publisher . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mouton de gruyter walter de gruyter , inc . postfach 30 34 21 200 saw mill river road d-10728 berlin hawthorne , ny 10532 germany usa fax : + 49 ( 0 ) 30 26005-351 fax : + 1 914 747-1326 email : 100064 . 2307 @ compuserve . com publications by de gruyter can also be ordered via world wide web : http : / / www . degruyter . de
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leadlng software such as : leadlng software such as : bundle 1 : windows x * p pro and office x ' p pro for as low as 80 $ see our complete l ! st . . , bundie 2 : macromedia dreamwaver mx 20 o 4 + fiash mx 2 oo 4 - 100 doliars bundle 3 : adobe photoshop 7 , premiere 7 , | llustrator lo - 12 o doliars the offer is valid untill february 15 th stock is llm ! ted your password has expired esperanza holden meteorologis poetzsch consulting in biotechnology , berlin , 10405 , germany , germany phone : 114 - 451 - 7771 mobile : 447 - 576 - 7954 email : vbdmjgilfcvx @ burek . net this message is beng sent to confirm your account . please do not reply directly to this message this version is a 20 second usage file notes : the contents of this note is for usage and should not be dupont emeritus wherewith influent eyewitness time : wed , 09 feb 2005 04 : 06 : 13 - 0500
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ees examples 10 - 23 - 01 . xls louise , attached is the list with the names as i have been able to assemble so far . if i can get more info . before our meeting , i will add it . note i have removed entergy . there is some background to this . please see me if you want details . dave
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Sun, 2002-12-01 at 21:01, Geege Schuman wrote: > Best bang for the buck: 390 hp Mustang Cobra @ $35k. > > GG, recently emerged from the passenger side of a 2003 with the largest > smile.If only they weren't the ugliest things Ford has ever produced, in a long and distinguished history of ugly.Luis [former owner of a recent-model mustang and hence allowed to talk]P.S. You can get an RSX Type S with 200hp for $23K. I have not yet driven an RSX, but if it's anything like a late model Integra, it will kick the ass of the Mustang in anything that requires you to actually move the steering wheel from the center position.> -----Original Message----- > From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of > Joseph S. Barrera III > Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2002 1:40 PM > To: [email protected] > Subject: Re: Mercedes-Benz G55 > > > On the other end of the spectrum, I just bought a Honda del Sol > for my new commute to San Jose (from San Bruno)... I wonder if > it would fit in the cargo area of a G55. > > - Joe > > > > > >
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URL: http://www.newsisfree.com/click/-4,8278079,215/ Date: 2002-09-26T14:43:59+01:00*Comment:* The success of the mass demonstrations against the Vietnam war show why this Saturday's Stop the War march is so important, says *Paul Foot*.
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unbelievable 3 . 58 % _ 0 | h ) ello dear heome own } er , wqve have been notified th 8 tat yogcur mortg @ a ] gmle rat 2 oe is fixed at a very hing 4 h invtererst ra { te . therefore you are currently ove > rpzeaying , wbhaiccyh swvums - bcu { p to thtousands of dolg 2 lars annu ' alljy . luckily for yobu w / e can grvu @ aranteoe the lowest rates ifun th % e u . s . ( 3 . 58 % ) . so hu 77 rry be 2 caupise the rate f ) orecast is not loo ; king good ! there is no okbliingation , and it ' s fr ^ efse locsek on the 3 . 58 % , even wixitp 2 h b $ ad credit ! clicdgk here now fneor detai * ls re 8 vmove hdter _ e
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re : message from ken rice dorothy , no problem . please , cc - mail me tom ' s number . one of the members of the group has a phd in computer science and he will join me for the call . vince from : dorothy dalton @ enron communications on 05 / 01 / 2001 08 : 53 am to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : message from ken rice vince : ken rice received a call through a friend ' s referral from dr . tom limperis ( a professor at the university of michigan ) . dr . limperis has developed a statistical database management system he would like to show enron . ken would like you to return this call on his behalf . he feels that you are probably the only person who will understand and be able to determine if enron should have an interest . do you mind returning this call ? please let me know . thanks ! dorothy dalton office of the chairman enron broadband services 1400 smith street , eb 4505 houston , tx 77002 713 - 853 - 6724 - direct 713 - 853 - 9469 - fax
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It doesn't really matter since they're about to merge. If you're into PVRs though, Dish just came out with the "721" receiver. No monthly fee for it (unlike Tivo, etc) and it can record two things at once while you watch a third program previously recorded. Also has 120GB hard drive and rumor has it a Broadcom chip in there to support the new encoding system expected to be put into place a couple years after the merger.(oh and the 721 is based on Linux if that matters)Bill Humphries wrote: > > I told AT&T to get lost after they wanted $$$ to change my service address. > > RCN doesn't service Mountain View, so I'm looking at Dish Network and > Direct TV. > > So far Direct TV appears to be the better deal. > > Recommendations? Horror stories? Alternatives I've missed? > > -- whump > > http://xent.com/mailman/listinfo/fork-- Brian Atkins Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence http://www.singinst.org/ http://xent.com/mailman/listinfo/fork
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employee offer sign - on award allocation lavo said he is not keeping track of these dollars . greg said i should communicate to the two of you what i have done . employee : old sign - on new sign - on george wood 70 k 80 k andrea woodland 15 k 25 k chris lackey 30 k 35 k jeff shields * 30 k 35 k laura wente * 35 k 35 k total : ! 80 k 210 k * part of original $ 11 mm pool , but new offer ( instead of choi and rosman ) employee headcount is kept flat ( shields and wente for choi / rosman ) sign - on dollars is kept flat ( $ 30 k spent vs $ 60 k saved on declines by mark smith and troy black ( 60 k each ) ) chris calger 503 - 464 - 3735
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ll visa - anshuman shrivastava anshuman : please go ahead and complete the visa questionnaire and send the required documents so that i can proceed with your working visa for the us . regardless of the length of time you will be in the us , you will still need the ll visa in order to work here . many thanks margaret - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by margaret daffin / hou / ect on 01 / 24 / 2001 11 : 24 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - margaret daffin 01 / 23 / 2001 11 : 01 am to : anshuman . srivastav @ enron . com cc : molly magee / hou / ect @ ect , vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , jane allen / hou / ect @ ect , timothy callahan / na / enron @ enron , ranendra sengupta / enron _ development @ enron _ development , wade cline / enron _ development @ enron _ development , neil mcgregor / enron _ development @ enron _ development @ ect , harsimran subject : ll visa - anshuman shrivastava anshuman : i have been asked to contact you regarding your possible move to houston , texas . in order that i may begin the process of getting you an ll immigration visa , i will need you to complete the attached visa questionnaire and return it to me with copies of the following documents : a copy of all pages of your passport , even if blank copies of all previous us visas issued an updated resume , showing months and years copies of all diplomas and transcripts received if you have dependent family members coming to the states with you , copies of their passports please send to my attention , via fedex to : enron corp . 3 allen center , 3 ac 2026 a 333 clay street houston , tx 77002 please call me with any questions you may have at 713 - 345 - 5083 .
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you get the medications you request ! levitra is in the class of oral impotence medication like viagra . it is a profitable thing , if one is wise , to seem foolish . with stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain . i don ' t believe in god but i ' m very interested in her .
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re : enron - resume interview of james valverde johan my apologies for getting back to you with a delay . we shall be interested in talking to james . please , let me know if : 1 . you have an umbrella agreement with enron 2 . can we contact james directly , or should we work through you . vince johan dahl on 01 / 09 / 2001 12 : 33 : 08 pm to : vkamins @ enron . com cc : subject : enron - resume interview of james valverde
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non - lexical semantics conference schedule ( preferably ) non-lexical semantics the conference will take place at the university of paris 7 , 2 place jussieu , 75005 paris ( metro : jussieu ) , conference room of the " insititut monod " at the ground level of the tour 42 . schedule : thursday , may 28 8 : 30 - 9 : 00 registration 9 : 00 - 9 : 35 alexander grosu ( tel aviv ) " the ' filter ' status of carlsonian contexts " 9 : 35-10 : 05 roger schwarzschild and karina wilkinson " quantifier scope in clausal comparatives " 10 : 05-10 : 40 : philippe schlenker ( ucla ) " clausal equation : a solution to the connectivity problem " break 11 : 00-11 : 35 j . marc authier ( penn state ) " on some properties of structure based semantic conditions " 11 : 35-12 : 10 vivienne fong ( singapore ) and arto antila ( boston ) " two cases of partitivity " 12 : 10-12 : 45 claire gronemeyer ( lund ) " the syntactic basis of evidentiality in lithuanian " break 14 : 30-15 : 05 richard breheny ( london ) " a quantificational approach to weak and strong interpretation of definites " 15 : 05-15 : 40 robert van rooy ( amsterdam ) " in situ interpretation of definites , indefinites and presuppositions by indexedactuality operators " break 16 : 00-16 : 35 lisa matthewson ( mit ) " the interpretation of wide-scope indefinites : evidence from st ' t ' imcets " 16 : 35-17 : 10 ilena comorovski ( nancy ) " adverbial quantification and backwards anaphora " 18 : 00-19 : 00 ede zimmermann invited lecture friday , may 29 9 : 00 - 9 : 35 almerindo ojeda ( davis ) " the interpretation of singularity " 9 : 35-10 : 10 martin hackl and jon nissenbaum ( mit ) " variable modal force in for - infinitival clauses " 10 : 10-10 : 45 r . zuber ( cnrs ) " atomicity and semantics " break 11 : 05-11 : 40 frederike moltmann ( new york ) " apparent quantifiers of higher types and nonreferential complements " 11 : 40-12 : 15 georges rebuschi ( paris 3 ) " e - type pronouns and quantification " 12 : 15-12 : 50 henriette de swart ( utrecht ) " pragmatics of scope " break 14 : 30-15 : 05 kristin m . eide and tor a . aafarli ( norway ) " generalized multifunctionality : how language recycles meaning " 15 : 05-15 : 40 : zygmunt frajzyngier ( bulder ) " towards a methodology for discovery of meaning of grammatical forms " break 16 : 00-16 : 35 daniel lacombe ( paris7 ) " la creativite logico-syntaxique du francais non-standard " 16 : 35-17 : 10 arthur merin ( stuttgart ) " the relevance of relevance : political economy of presupposition in a probability theory " 17 : 10-17 : 45 joseph quer ( utrecht ) " the contribution ofmood shift to interpretation : free relatives and conditional readings " break 18 : 00-19 : 00 pauline jacobson ( brown ) invited lecture 19 : 00 : wine and cheese party saturday may 30 9 : 00-10 : 00 savas tsohatzidis ( saloniki ) invited lecture break 10 : 15-10 : 50 : jacques jayez ( paris ) " a proof-theoretic non-scalar account of scalar inferences " 10 : 50-11 : 25 regine eckardt ( konstanz ) " the proper scope of event quantification " 11 : 25-12 : 00 xiao lu ( rochester ) " verb class , aspect , and the chinese verb de - construction " 12 : 00-12 : 35 markus kracht ( berlin ) " on the semantics of locatives " alternates : 1 . akira ikeya ( toyo gakuen university ) : the predicate - argument structure of english and japanese adjectives " 2 . rusudan asatiani ( tbilisi ) : the semantics and functions of yes / no particles ( on the date of the georgial language ) 2 . resistration fee : 90 ff ( this includes the wine and cheese party )
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wild goose storage inc . expansion open season please watch for an important e - mail in the next few days regarding plans to hold an open season for expansion capacity at wild goose . for more information , contact one of the following individuals . thank you . * ben ledene in calgary at 403 - 266 - 8192 * chris price or mark baldwin in california at 925 - 243 - 0350
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