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online drugs - save up to 80 % online pharmacy - visit our online store and save . save up to 80 % compared to normal rates . all popular drugs are available , including vicodin and hydrocodone ! - world wide shipping - no doctor visits - no prescriptions - next day priority shipping - discreet packaging - buy in bulk and save ! we make it easier and faster than ever to get the prescriptions you need . go here : http : / / xanex . org / rx / phrm / simply rx is your convenient , safe and private online source for fda approved pharmacy prescriptions . we sell brand - name and exact generic equivalents of us fda approved prescription drugs through our fully - licensed overseas pharmacy . upon approval of your medical information , a licensed physician will issue a free prescription which can be filled and shipped to you in one business day . no thanks : http : / / xanex . org / z . php
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thank you for applying dear homeowner , you have been pre - approved for a $ 400 , 000 home loan at a 3 . 35 % fixed rate . this offer is being extended to you unconditionally and your credit is in no way a factor . to take advantage of this limited time opportunity all we ask is that you visit our website and complete the 1 minute post approval form . enter here sincerely , canete ermanno caledonia associates no tha . n . ks
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2002 consolidated plan schedule here ' s the 2002 consolidated plan schedule . thanks , sarah brown
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secrets of the internet making millions - secrets of the internet yes . i am going to reveal in detail and with internetlinks all of the secrets of the internet that can make you rich - rich - rich . this is a result of years of research . my research . days and nights until the wee hours of the morning searching and compiling data . i knew that some people were getting rich using the internet for relatively little investment . now i know how . i am willing to share it with you but that can change at any moment . frankly , many people are trying to shut me down . and i am getting a little worn from it all . so get this info while you can . why am i not keeping these secrets to myself and using them to make millions . in fact , i am using them at this time and that is how i know that they work . i am making them available to you because no one else will and that creates a business opportunity for me . simple as that . if you feel nervous about investing a few dollars to make millions then simply do not do it . enough said . $ 19 . 95 - making millions - secrets of the internet - part one * * * how to setup a web server on your home pc for free * * * the first step to making millions on the internet is to setup your own web server so you can host your site and send and receive email with the least interference . i show you how to get free web server software and how to control your site remotely and keep it up all the time without expensive equipment . i will show you how to make your home computer into a cash generating internet storefront . $ 99 . 95 - making millions - secrets of the internet - part two ( including part one ) * * * how to market to millions of internet users thru 20 , 000 news groups * * * the second step to making millions on the internet is to have the proper software and the proper methods to use the news groups to market your products . if you attempt to use your browser to access news groups it will probably take your over 100 years to access them all . that is why the proper software is a necessity . and if you have the proper software and do not observe the proper ettiquete then you will get thrown off your isp ( internet service provider ) within hours . i will point you to both the proper software to access thousands of news groups a minute and to market to the news groups without getting the boot from your isp . $ 199 . 95 - making millions - secrets of the internet - part three ( including part one and part two ) * * * how to market to over 60 million internet users thru bulk e - mail * * * the third step to making millions on the internet is to have the proper software and the proper methods to use the bulk email to market your products . if you attempt to use your browser to send bulk email it will probabbly take your over 1000 years to send lists of 60 million plus . that is why the proper software is a necessity . and if you have the proper software and do not observe the proper ettiquete then you will get thrown off your isp ( internet service provider ) within hours . i will show you where to buy good bulk email , how to build your own lists while you sleep and how to send your bulk emai without getting the boot from your isp . $ 279 . 95 - making millions - secrets of the internet - part four ( including part one and part two and part three ) * * * how to use subliminal methods for effective banner advertising * * * the final step to making millions on the internet is effective banner advertising . it is not enough to put something up and pray . i will show you how to incorporate subliminal technology into your banner advertising to literally make people click on your ad and come to your site . and i will show you how to literally make them buy your products with these same techniques . how do you order ? make your check or money order payable to : " secrets of the internet " 11470 euclid avenue - suite 525 cleveland , oh 44106 usa be sure to put your email address on your check or money order and i will email your secrets of the internet immediately . order ' part four ' before july 1 , 1998 and get 61 million fresh email addresses for free ! ! !
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Niall asked: > I have about 60G of data which I need to copy from one disk to another. > However, I'm not sure how I should best copy it. The problem is the bulk of > the data is images and most of these image have two directory entries i.e. > there is a hard link to each file. If I copy them using cp -a or my usual > favourite of find .|cpio -pmd other_dir it's going to copy each file twice, > which is not what I want. dump / restore would take care of this if the > source filesystem wasn't reiserfs :-( Any suggestions ?How about something like:cd {dest.dir} tar -C {source.dir} cf - | tar xf -tar cf - will pipe the tar file to stdout and tar xf - will untar it. This should keep permissions and links, and if you do it as root you will keep the owners too... :)Not tested, though. You may need other flags as well.- Matthew __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Everything you'll ever need on one web page from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts http://uk.my.yahoo.comm -- Irish Linux Users' Group: [email protected] http://www.linux.ie/mailman/listinfo/ilug for (un)subscription information. List maintainer: [email protected]
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I am a TV producer for one of the three major networks and I am working on a new primetime special. We're looking for a special story and thought you might be able to assist. THIS IS NOT A SALES PITCH FOR ANYTHING! I AM REALLY LOOKING FOR A GREAT STORY!----------------- PLEASE READ THIS! -----------------Here's the type of story we are seeking;Are you interested in finding a long lost love from your past? Your first love? The one that got away? If you are, WE MAY BE ABLE TO MAKE YOUR DREAM COME TRUE! (if you are not, PLEASE send this to your single friends) To be considered for this rare national TV opportunity, you MUST; 1. Be single and available 2. Have a sincere interest to find a former love 3. Be willing to share your story on NATIONAL TV 4. Be able to travel to Los Angeles (We pay for everything) If this is YOU...then here's what you need to do next- 1. Reply to this email. 2. Tell us WHO you are looking for. 3. Tell us WHY you want to find him/her. (Let your feelings out) 4. Tell us WHERE they were last time you saw them (specifics) 5. Tell us how to reach YOU BY PHONE- HOME, WORK, CELL, email If we cannot reach you, we will have to move on without you! We only need ONE story, so if you want it to be you... REPLY IMMEDIATELY! We look forward to getting your reply...SOON! Good luck! p.s. REMEMBER TO GIVE US A WAY TO REACH YOU BY PHONE TODAY!
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Quoting jac1 ([email protected]):> i recently had to wipe linux from my pc but forgot to restore the original > MBR (NT). Anyone know how i can do this? linux is entirely gone and no boot > floppy. formatting the entire disk doesn't do it either.The easy way is just to install whatever Microsoft or whatever OS you have in mind: It should overwrite the MBR. Indeed, the problem is usually _preventing_ this from happening, as Microsoft Corporation's installers seem to forever be overwriting your MBRs when you least wish it, without asking your permission.-- Cheers, "We're sorry; you have reached an imaginary number. Rick Moen Please rotate your 'phone ninety degrees and try again." [email protected] Irish Linux Users' Group: [email protected] http://www.linux.ie/mailman/listinfo/ilug for (un)subscription information. List maintainer: [email protected]
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calpine daily gas nomination ricky a . archer fuel supply 700 louisiana , suite 2700 houston , texas 77002 713 - 830 - 8659 direct 713 - 830 - 8722 fax
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how ya doin ? debit hey , my name is amber and i just got my new webcam up . . . you can talk to me free for aslong as you want at my website : : www . jupamber . com / dcam . html i hope you come visit me soon . . . i ' ll be waiting : ] bye
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hpl noms for july 18 , 2000 ( see attached file : hplo 718 . xls ) - hplo 718 . xls
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erisk essentials ? www . erisk . com what ' s new at erisk . com - 23 march 2001 weekly review this week ' s economic , banking and p _ insurance news , from an enterprise risk management perspective . read it here . . . analysis in this week ' s analysis :   taking the long view on credit risk management   the risks of cracking down on insurance fraud and   fannie mae controversy puts debt benchmark in jeopardy feature the treatment of operational risk is one of the more controversial , and poorly understood , elements of basle ' s proposed revisions to the capital accord . in this exclusive article , penny cagan of zurich financial services explains what the basle accord proposals mean for most banks , where there ' s room for improvement and how to get started on building an operational risk framework iconference archive couldn ' t make it to our iconference on risk transfer , featuring martin nance of aig structured products and barry finkelstein , joe parsons and chris crevier of merrill lynch ? check out the iconference archive later this week to find out what you missed . still available : the proceedings of our two recent basle iconferences , featuring bill treacy of the federal reserve board , ashish dev of key bank and andy hickman of erisk events calendar feeling the need to network ? check out our comprehensive listing of risk management events around the world in the events calendar the erisk essentials is published every friday by erisk . com . to subscribe to this newsletter , please register on our website . to unsubscribe , access your account . your username is the email address where you received this message . to be reminded of your password , or to reset it , follow this link .
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delivery status notification ( failure ) this is an automatically generated delivery status notification . delivery to the following recipients failed . pfitzpatrick @ jfsmw . org
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lucky you ! congratulations ! you ' ve been selected to enter for a vacation adventure to florida ! for a limited time we bring to you the vacation of a lifetime to promote tourism in florida ! and you ' re the lucky one who might get to take it ! do n't waste time wondering if you ' ll make it , just go for it ! not everyone who registers will qualify ! all names are kept confidential , and never sold in lists . click below to secure your name today ! http : / / 3498702899 / travel22 pleasen reply to : mailto : remlst @ 2bmail . co . uk to be removed from this list ! have a great day !
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Perhaps we should start a grass roots movement here on FoRK and send the nice lady a few emails on his behalf? Better yet, why don't we see on who can write the best personals ad for Rohit? I'll post the best one to Craigs' list on his behalf. The winner can take me out to dinner. (No, really, I'm charming.)Elias Robert Harley wrote:>Pity. Reading that woman's ad and knowing Rohit for years, they sound >like a match made in heaven. But why, oh, why, keep that shaved-head >photo on prominent display??? There are lots of photos of Rohit >looking rather dashing, and with the crucial hair feature enabled! > >R >
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re : pro opticus i was not aware of the demo . - - stinson vince j kaminski 11 / 06 / 2000 01 : 58 pm to : stinson gibner / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : pro opticus stinson , any insights ? vince - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 11 / 06 / 2000 02 : 05 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - kevin sweeney 10 / 23 / 2000 06 : 53 am to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : kara maloney / na / enron @ enron , mario de la ossa / na / enron @ enron , matt a brown / hou / ect @ ect subject : pro opticus vince , i understand that you or someone in your group had a demo from the above group last friday . i was wondering if this was part of a push to bring more options ' analytics to the traders ' desks , and if so , if you could explain what that effort looks like ? one of the global markets traders , mario de la ossa also had a look at the software as he has used it in the past . thanks , kevin
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On Wed, 7 Aug 2002, Robert Harley wrote:> Hmm... now I have an asymptotically faster precomputation algorithmWoo, faster is better... But what have you done about all those patents that prevent anyone from going near ECC in the first place, hmmmmmm?- Adam L. "Duncan" Beberg http://www.mithral.com/~beberg/ [email protected]://xent.com/mailman/listinfo/fork
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cornhusker thanks for following up on this . i think we ' re generally there in terms of the commercial terms , but need to think through just a few issues related to our plans for the asset . i ' d suggest we meet on thursday as i believe the asset manager ( mike mazowita ) will be here in houston . in addition to john ' s list of attendees , chuck ward , john king and i should be in the meeting . i ' ll ask tina tennant to corrdinate . rh - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by garrick hill / hou / ect on 09 / 26 / 2000 04 : 56 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from : sandi m braband on 09 / 26 / 2000 01 : 27 pm to : garrick hill / hou / ect @ ect cc : dan lyons / hou / ect @ ect subject : cornhusker rick , just following up my voicemail to you yesterday - - - john griffith has contacted me regarding the gas management agreement relating to the cornhusker transaction . when dan was in my office several weeks ago , we spoke with you and it appeared that some of the financial terms of the gas management agreement were yet to be worked out - - has that occurred yet ? do you know the details of the extension on the transition agreement ? are you available to meet on this in the next day or two and is there anyone else you think should be included ? ( john griffith has asked to be included and suggests darren farmer and bob hall be present as well ) - - please let me know thank you , sandi ext . 35465
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spyglass maxine , . . . . nightdress first we would like to say thank you to al | of our avid readers ! we have had huge success over the last few months and have become one of the most wideiy read investment newsletters in the worid . we have accomplished this by providing timely , accurate information on s - tocks with the potentia | for great returns . super s - tocks is not your father ' s investment newsietter ! we focus on s - tocks with the potentia | to go up in value by well over 5 oo % . that ' s what it takes to make it on to our list . these are s - tocks for the risk tolerant investor ! the beauty of this is that it only takes one smart investment to make serious profits ! new deveiopments expected for intelligent sports , inc . s - tock from $ o . 01 to over $ o . 08 symbo | : igts . pk current price : $ 0 . ol short term target price : $ o . 08 12 month target price : $ 0 . 17 we | ove these sma | | companies . a company | ike this is like a sligshot , pulled back and ready to go . one fortunate turn of events , one big contract , and the s - tock of a smal | company such as this will explode ! read on to find out why igts . pk is our top pick this week . * * * top reasons to consider igts * * * * unique business model reminisant of gold ' s gym before it exploded onto the fitness scene ( 853 xllwj 8 . * the numbers are staggering and continue to rise daily . 15 % of chiidren / adoiescents are overweight nationwide . source : 2 oo 2 report by the centers for disease control * according to the president ' s council on physica | fitness and sports , oniy 17 percent of middle and junior high schoois and 2 percent of senior high schoois require daiiy physical activity for a | | students . igts is | ooking to fil | that gap . * pubiic educationa | institutions can no | onger afford to keep up with the demand for team sports . the time when schoo | sports programs had enroliment fees of $ 1 o is fading , said former nba star and inte | | igent sports , inc . board member , reggie theus . not every parent is willing to pay $ 30 o enroilment fees for a sport their child is oniy casuaily interested in ; some parents can ' t afford to pay that much for a sport their child excels at . * igts has plans to be in suburbs across america , providing fitness and sports opportunities to america ' s youth . * igts ' s proven business is ready for expansion . * * * news ! news ! news ! * * * most recent news on the company : upland , calif . - - ( business wire ) - - june 17 , 2 oo 5 - - inteliigent sports , inc . , continues its focus on providing physical and menta | guidance to all student - athletes , by unveiiing pians to begin | icensing their youth and fitness center concept , the sports zone , nationally | ater this year . recognizing the link between athletic participation and personal success , pubiiciy held intelligent sports , inc is introducing a new generation of youth to athietics through the development of the organized youth sports programs and faciiities . since their fall 2 oo 4 launch of the sports zone youth sports and fitness center concept in upland , ca , they have seen tremendous growth in their program options and customer base . the sports zone by inte | | igent sports in upiand , california encompasses a 12 , 0 oo square foot area faciiity featuring two basketbail courts catering to a wide range of after - school sport programs , weekend | eagues and tournaments for core indoor court sports including basketbail , voileybail , cheerleading , dance , wrestiing , martial arts , dodge bal | and more . the sports zone also has the abiiity to host soccer , footbail and other fieid - reiated athietic activity within the compiex arena . i ' m excited to see the business concept expanding as the sports zone offers youth a springboard to grow both athieticaily and inteilectually , stated intelligent sports president , thomas hobson . be it specialized sports skil | training or persona | deveiopment , we have something for everyone . the business concept wi | | soon be avaiiabie through licensing , providing other markets a centralized location for a wide range of sports a | | developed to fit the diverse needs of each market . the sports zone concept is based on offering a wide variety of programs for youth at every ski | | level . according to the president ' s counci | on physical fitness and sports , only 17 percent of middle and junior high schoois and 2 percent of senior high schoois require daily physical activity for a | | students . with a board comprised of reggie theus , former nba star , tv anaiyst , and current head men ' s basketba | | coach at new mexico state university , and kellen winslow , a member of the nfl hal | of fame , inte | | igent sports , inc is one company that is passionate about filling that gap for the youth in our communities . this is a rare opportunity to get in eariy on a company poised to meet a nationwide demand . we believe this s - tock has huge potentia | for a rapid price increase . watch this one trade monday and all week long , be sure to get in on the boat and have a great payday with our other members . saneness clasp foresee
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yankee gas david jones in east gas origination completed a transportation management transaction with yankee gas last night . this negotiation has been ongoing but the values and the structure have , until yesterday been extremely volatile . david was able to bring the client to the table yesterday and complete the deal . it is only a nov 01 - mar 02 term but should book orig of $ 400 , 000 + . this was not on the hotlist due to the uncertainty that had been surrounding its completion . yankee has worked this transaction with engage for the past several years , it is good to get one of these coming our way . fyi frank yankee gas is conneticut ' s largest ldc and serves 200 , 000 customers in 68 states .
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catalogue updates wed , 29 jun 2005 . subject : catalogue updates wed , 29 jun 2005 . thank you for using our online store and for your previous order . we have updated our online software store . ! now we have more latest version of programs . our full catalog with 2100 freshest software titles available for instant download at web - site http : / / extolled . tabloidez . com / we hope that you will tell others about your positive experience with us . with best wishes , managing director . . . ceo derek marquez latest news : america ’ s amusement parks ready to ride http : / / www . msnbc . msn . com / id / 4677611 / bonné : ten foods that make america great stewart ’ s first win at daytona worth the wait | video brooklyn fire kills boy , 3 , and leaves 2 siblings hurt
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Don't know if everybody knows this trick...Puts as the IP for adservers. Elegant.==http://technoerotica.net/mylog/hostfile.htmlAs mentioned throughout this site, there is more than one way to skin a cat when it comes to pop-ups. The hosts file is one of the most effective methods there is. In brief, a hosts file is a text file used by Windows to resolve domain names and IP addresses. If you're running windows, you already have a hosts file but it most likely isn't being used.What a hosts file does is simple, it lists domains and IP numbers. To get rid of ads, the hosts file lists the domain names of adservers along with the IP number This tells windows to grab any content from the listed domain from the specified IP number. The specified IP number in this case is your own computer. What happens is that it won't display the ad. If you choose this method of ad removal there is no need to use our opt out links. The hosts file is a very effective mechanism.You can download this hosts file, unzip it and place it in your Windows directory. YOU SHOULD MAKE A BACK UP of your existing hosts file before you do. The hosts file is called "hosts" there is no extension. You may have a file named Hosts.sam this is merely a sample hosts file.Once you download the file and put it in the windows folder, reboot your computer and it's a done deal. Pretty simple huh? You might want to look at the contents of this file as it contains additional information as well as an address for getting updated versions. Because we're inherently lazy, this works for windows only, don't use it on a mac! Follow the address in the hosts file for alternative system instructions. download now We didn't write this file and do not provide support for it's use. Follow the address in the hosts file for questions. It's not that we don't want to hear from you but the folks at this address have the answers you need.http://xent.com/mailman/listinfo/fork
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considered unsolicited bulk email from you your message to : - > info @ rgbaz . com was considered unsolicited bulk e - mail ( ube ) . subject : just to her . . . return - path : our internal reference code for your message is 01500 - 02 / efl 6 nkzrotlw . delivery of the email was stopped !
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professional advertising dear projecthoneypot @ projecthoneypot . org : we offer email marketing with best services . 1 . targeted list we can provide target email list you need , which are compiled only on your order . we will customize your client list . * we have millions of lists in many categories . 2 . sending targeted list for you we can send your email message to your target clients ! we will customize your email list and send your ad for you . * we also offer hosting & mailing server . regards ! steve marketing team kzl 789 @ 56 . com no and bye : bpserver @ hotmail . com
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maryland working papers in linguistics the university of maryland linguistics department proudly presents : university of maryland working papers in linguistics volume 6 : papers in syntax , the syntax - semantics interface , language acquisition and psycholinguistcs . volume 7 : papers in phonology * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * volume 6 editors : elixabete murguia , acrisio pires , lucia quintana - sharon armon - lotem : what to do with have and be : auxiliary verbs in child second language acquisition . - larisa avram : remarks on the english modals . - juan carlos castillo : the syntax of container - content relations . - stephen crain and rosalind thornton : the truth value judgment task : fundamentals of design . - kleanthes grohmann : speculations on the syntax and semantics of german multiple interrogatives . - norbert hornstein : adjunct control and parasitic gaps . - mari broman olsen , amy weinberg , jeffrey p . lilly and john drury : acquiring grammatical aspect via lexical aspects : the continuity hypothesis . - lucia quintana : meaningful motivation behind the syntax of reciprocals . - yi - ching su : the representation of compounds and phrases in the mental lexicon : evidence from chinese . - maria emma ticio quesada : a minimalist analysis of intensive consecutives . - juan uriagereka : a note on rigidity . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * volume 7 editors : haruka fukazawa , frida morelli , caro struijke , yi - ching su - haruka fukazawa : new evidence for sympathy theory . - linda lombardi : constraints versus representations : some questions from laryngeal phonology . - linda lombardi : evidence for max feature constraints from japanese . - itziar san martin : an ot account of the formation of definite forms in the vizcayan basque dialect of markina . - viola miglio : epenthesis and deletion in mantuan . - frida morelli : onset obstruent clusters and syllabic obstruents in lushootseed - nisqually . - bruce moren : the puzzle of kashmiri stress . - caro struijke : reduplicant and output tetu in kwakwala : a new model of correspondence . for contents of previous volumes check our website at : http : / / www . inform . umd . edu / linguistics / dept / wp . html * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * umdwpl order form name : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ address : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ volume number : _ _ number of copies : _ _ _ @ $ 15 . - per copy $ _ _ _ _ _ _ please add postage and handling : - each volume ( us , canada , mexico $ 3 . 00 ) ( all other countries $ 6 . 00 ) $ _ _ _ _ _ _ total : $ _ _ _ _ _ _ please make your check ( drawn on a us bank ) or money order payable to ' university of maryland working papers in linguistics ' and mail your order to : university of maryland working papers / orders department of linguistics 1401 marie mount hall university of maryland college park , md 20742-7515 usa
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On Tue, Jul 23, 2002 at 06:06:05PM -0400, Scott Henderson is thought to have said:> Thanks, Tabor. How do I install v1 over v2, and where does one > get it? (I don't see it at razor.sourceforge.net)It's there. Scroll down on the downloads page. However you might consider going the other way and installing SpamAssassin's 2.40 bleeding-edge code as Razor v2 has a lot of nice features over v1.-- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabor J. Wells [email protected] Fsck It! Just another victim of the ambient morality ------------------------------------------------------- This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven. http://thinkgeek.com/sf _______________________________________________ Razor-users mailing list [email protected] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/razor-users
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overseas pharmacy qs would you want cheap pain killers ? http : / / www . ixls . com /
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URL: http://www.newsisfree.com/click/-2,8202806,1440/ Date: Not suppliedIt claims Iraq is ready to use chemical weapons and is pursuing long-range missiles, but it lacks dramatic new evidence likely to win over war sceptics
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celtic linguistics * * * * * * celtic linguistics conference * * * * * preliminary posting and call for papers a conference on the formal linguistics of the celtic languages will be held in university college dublin on june 22-23 1995 . abstracts are invited for 30 - minute talks on all aspects of theoretically-oriented research on the celtic languages . please submit 4 copies of a 1 - page abstract ( 3 anonymous and one camera - ready copy with name , affiliation etc . ) to the address below . abstracts must be received by february 15th , 1995 . expressions of interest and requests for further information should be sent to either of the following addresses [ a more detailed posting will follow in early january ] : chiosain @ ollamh . ucd . ie acquaviv @ ccvax . ucd . ie or to celtic linguistics conference department of linguistics university college dublin belfield , dublin 4 ireland
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Original Message ----- From: "Tim Chapman" To: "zzzzteana" Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 8:53 AM Subject: [zzzzteana] An announcement > Mr Tim Chapman, freelance gentleman of letters of Halifax, Yorkshire, > announces his betrothal to Dr Ro Gault, virtual reality boffin of Cardiff > University, Wales. Nuptials to be arranged at later date. No flowers. > > TimC > Bloody hell, she said yes! ________________________Congratulations Ro & Tim - Here's to your lifelong happiness.Here's some advice written by Odgen Nash:"To keep love brimming in the loving cup, When you're wrong admit it and when you're right shut up!"Best wishesJu To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [email protected] Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
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fw : cancellation of the master tasking letter fyi - - - - - original message - - - - - from : coleman , mike sent : 13 september 2001 09 : 51 to : dodson , keith ; stanley , brian cc : duran , w . david ; jacoby , ben ; irvin , steve ; kroll , heather ; virgo , robert ; mays , wayne ; morris , sandy ; golden , bruce ; rose , steven ; chmielewski , robert ; rimbau , robert w . ; coffer , walter ; austin , terri ; booth , eric ; newlin , ross ; garrison , john ; aboudaher , omar ; williams , dan e . ; gordon , d ' ann subject : cancellation of the master tasking letter keith and brian , ena management has declined to approve extention of the master tasking letter . the result of this is that no funding is approved for any work by eos other than by the few specific tasking letters that have been approved for specific tasks . as of tomorrow , 15 september , the mtl will be closed and no further charges will be accepted against this charge number . going forward , no charges for eos or other services outside ena will be authorized except those approved under a signed tasking letter specific to the relevant project . no tasking letter will be issues for approval until the responsible ena developer / originator establishes an ena charge number against which charges applied to a tasking letter can be charged . we will attempt to schedule a meeting next week to wrap up costs and review any on - going critical needs . in the meantime , inform any of your staff charging to the mtl that this charge number is closed after tomorrow . thanks ! mike
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likee a rock hello , welcome to phar philosophize monline sho orrery p - one of the leading oni dissociable ine pharmaceutical shops synchronism v onomatopoeia g commissionaire al dilapidated ll dutiable la cutglass rac unpolitical l arduous is progenitor va loftiness um andmanyother . - save tzigane over 50 % - worldwide shlppl sconce ng - total confidentiai fleshings ity - over 5 mii prolocutor iion customers in 130 countries have a gunnery nice day !
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owning a good stock is a gratifying experience montana oi | and gas , inc . ( mogi ) to expiore further opportunities in aiberta canada , is an energy developer in canada ' s most highly coveted reservoirs . aggressive investors and traders may want to watch montana oil and gas ( mogi ) again this morning ! montana oil and gas inc . ( mogi - news ) announces that the sylvan lake oi | and gas project is stil | awaiting a rig at this time . the surface lease has been constructed and we have been waiting for a rig to become avaiiable for over two weeks , and anticipate this to happen next week at the | atest . the company has a 25 % working interest in the sylvan lake project . symbo | - mogi price - $ . 43 reasons to conside mogi : 1 . price charts confirm oil prices are experiencing the strongest buil market in a generation . 2 . natura | gas prices have tripied in the last two years . 3 . with multiple projects in high - gear and the expanding production on reserves potentialiy worth multi - millions , mogi is selling for less than 1 / 4 the vaiue of its assets . 4 . montana oil and gas speciaiizes in using new technoiogy to turn unproductive oil and gas deposits into profitabie enterprises . aiready shares in the oil and gas sectorare rising faster than the overail market . in fact , four of dow jones ' ten top performing industry sectors for the past year are energy related . but it ' s in the mid - sized expiorers and deveiopers like montana oi | ( mogi ) that the biggest gains are being made . in the | ast 12 months , many of these stocks made triple and even quadruple returns . vancouver , british coiumbia , march 30 , 20 o 5 ( primezone ) - - montana oil and gas , inc . , ( pink sheets : mogi ) president peter sanders is piease to announce the foilowing update on its sylvan lake project . after several delays due to unseasonabie weather and road ciosures in the province of alberta , the contracted dri | | ing rig was moved onto | ocation over the weekend and ensign driiling has spudded the 5 - 3 - 38 - 3 w 5 m we | | a nd are currentiy driliing at 1 , 250 feet . surface casing wiil be run to 930 feet . the driliing rig is known as a teiescopic doubie and is rated to dri | | to 10 , 000 feet in depth . driliing operations are expected to be suspended shortiy for a few weeks as the county may impose a restriction on heavy vehicles using secondary highways and roads during spring breakup as heavy vehicles may cause severe road damage . this is an annua | event , which occurs in most of centra | and northern canada when the frost , which may be several feet thick comes out of the ground . driiling operations for a large rig such as the sylvan lake wel | requires service by heavy vehicies such as mud , water , cement and vacuum trucks which will be prohibited from using the roads during this period of time . peter sanders notes , the road bans that have been taking piace all over alberta happen every year and in the spring is no surprise , a | | oil and gas companies are effected by breakup , the good thing is , is that we have the rig on site , which will remain there until we are finished driiling , surface casing has been compieted and we wiil be ready to finish driliing the minute the road bans are lifted . the sylvan lake prospect is a well defined 3 - d seismic structura | high within a preserved pekisko remnant island that may have virgin reservoirs with simiiar production potentia | as the adjacent n poo | where 6 we | | s have produced 680 , 000 barrels oil since 1997 . in overa | | , the sylvan field has produced 4 o miliion barrels of oil from the pekisko formation and 50 biliion cubic feet of gas from the shunda formation . ensign driliing will test a total of 3 o feet from several zones in the shunda formation at 7 , 155 feet and a 30 - foot pekisko oil formation at 7 , 320 feet . when drilling resumes , the hoie is planned to reach a total depth of 7 , 57 o feet , which may take some lo days to then compiete driliing and testing . each deveiopment well has probabie production of 15 o barrels of oi | per day and 75 o ? thousand cubic feet gas per day with reserves in excess of 1 billion cubic feet gas and 300 , 000 barreis of oil . there are four other pay zones that are prospective for gas . the average wel | in the sylvan lake fieid has produced 500 barreis of oi | per day and / or over one miliion cubic feet of gas per day . if successfu | , the company intends to driil up to 4 more welis on these | and sections . this immediate area has been developed for both oi | and natural gas over the past forty - five years . accordingiy a muititude of gas gathering and processing facilities and oil transportation facilities have been constructed . for more detailed information on this project piease see news reiease dated feb . 7 th , 2 oo 5 . good luck and successful trading . information within this publication contains future looking statements within the meaning of section 27 a of the securities act of 1933 and section 21 b of the securities exchange act of 1934 . any statements thatexpress or invoive discussions with respect to predictions , expectations , beliefs , pians , projections , objectives , goals , assumptions or futureevents or performance are not statements of historical fact and may be future | ooking statements . future looking statements are based on expectations , estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which couid cause actua | resuits or events to differ materialiy from those presentiy anticipated . future looking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as projects , foresee , expects , will , anticipates , estimates , believes , understands or that by statements indicating certain actions may , could , or might occur . these future - looking statements are based on information currentiy available and are subject to a number of risks , uncertainties and other factors that couid cause mogi ' s actua | results , performance , prospects or opportunities to differ materiaily from those expressed in , or impiied by , these future - looking statements . as with many microcap stocks , today ' s company has additional risk factors that raise doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern . these risks , uncertainties and other factors inciude , without | imitation , the company ' s growth expectations and ongoing funding requirements , and specifically , the company ' s growth prospects with scalabie customers . other risks inciude the company ' s limited operating history , the company ' s history of operating losses , consumers ' acceptance , the company ' s use of | icensed technologies , risk of increased competition , the potentia | need for additiona | financing , the conditions and terms of any financing that is consummated , the limited trading market for the company ' s securities , the possible voiatiiity of the company ' s stock price , the concentration of ownership , and the potentia | fluctuation in the company ' s operating results . the pubiisher of this report does not represent that the information contained in this message states ail material facts or does not omit a materia | fact necessary to make the statements therein not misieading . a | | information provided within this report pertaining to investing , stocks , securities must be understood as information provided and not investment advice . the publisher of this newsletter advises a | | readers and subscribers to seek advice from a registered professiona | securities representative before deciding to trade in stocks featured within this report . none of the materia | within this report shal | be construed as any kind of investment advice or solicitation . many of these companies are on the verge of bankruptcy . you can | ose all your money by investing in this stock . the publisher of this report is not a registered investment expert . subscribers shouid not view information herein as legal , tax , accounting or investment advice . any reference to past performance ( s ) of companies are specialiy selected to be referenced based on the favorable performance of these companies . you wouid need perfect timing to achieve the results in the examples given . there can be no assurance of that happening . remember , as aiways , past performance is not indicative of future resuits and a thorough due diiigence effort , inciuding a review of a company ' s filings at sec gov or edgar - online com when availabie , shouid be complete d prior to investing . al | factual information in this report was gathered from pubiic sources , including but not limited to company websites and company press reieases . the publisher discloses the receipt of fifteen thousand doliars from a third party , not an officer , director , or affiiiate sharehoider ofthe company for the preparation of this online report . be aware of aninherent conflict of interest resuiting from such compensation due to the fact that this is a paid pubiication . the publisher of this report believes this information to be reliable but can make no assurance as to its accuracy or compieteness . if you wish to stop future maiiings , or if you fee | you have been wrongfu | | y piaced in our membership , piease go here or send a blank e mail with no thanks in the subject to ( - stock 53 @ yahoo . com - )
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attn : no surgery - no pills - growth naturally ! try vimax extender ! clinical approved : - a non surgical method to increase penis size up to full 3 - 4 inches - easy to wear with no additional excersices needed - best solution to correct penis curvatures - experience longer lasting and more enjoying sex life - permanent results ! approved by real expert used by doctors worldwide : our extender device has been created by jorn ege siana ( m . d . , i . a . m . s . s . , a . s . p . r . s . ) a leading doctor in plastic and general surgery . due to his world known penile extension principles , medical doctor jorn ege siana has enjoyed international recognition as a leading expert in this field . we guarantee you will be satisfied with our product or you will get your money back . you have nothing to loose but lots to gain . visit now at :
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a very promising undervalued and overlooked small - cap " stock watch alert " this morning are wysak petroieum ( wysk ) , key energy services , inc . ( pink sheets : kegs ) , medify soiutions ( mfys ) , sequoia interests corporation ( sqnc ) . wysak petroieum ( wysk ) current price : 0 . 18 wysak petroleum announces the signing of a letter of intent with the european commission baltic renewabie energy centre ( ec brec ) to assist wysak petroleum in the development of the wysak wind power project . ec brec and wysak have signed a loi in respect to the development of a fu | | - sized commercia | wind power project in europe . this | etter states that ec brec can support wysak in matters such as financia | structuring and investment , regulatory issues , government poiicies , negotiations , wind technologies , and other aspects reiating to wind power . about the wysak wind project this development wil | be up to a maximum 9 omw in size and cost upwards of $ 12 o miilion in development expenditures . once completed , this wind park wil | supply upwards of 17 o , oo 0 mw of eiectricity annua | | y for poiand and the european community . this is enough green energy to supply upwards of 25 , ooo homes with electricity and offset nearly 17 o , 000 tonnes of greenhouse gases . total gross eiectric saies over a 20 - year period are estimated at over $ 450 million for a project this size . about the ec baitic renewable energy centre the mission of european commission - founded ec brec is to stimuiate the deveiopment of renewable energy sources ( res ) in poland through the construction of res projects , the development of innovative technologies , and the creation of reievant poiicies , strategies and plans . to fuifiil the mission , ec brec uses its own research capabilities and cooperates with partner institutions from the eu , other countries , and international organizations . about wysak petroieum wysak is a diversified energy company whose goal is to identify and deveiop traditiona | fossi | fuel sites , as well as ciean air alternative energy producing technologies . wysak controls one wyoming federa | oil they inciude exxonmobile ( xom ) , wi | | iams gas ( wmb ) , and western gas ( wgr ) among others . coliectively , over 26 , 0 oo weils produced 54 . 7 miilion barreis of oil and 1 . 75 tri | | ion cubic feet of natural gas in wyoming conclusion : the exampies above show the awesome , earning potential of little known companies that expiode onto investor ' s radar screens ; many of you are already familiar with this . is wysk poised and positioned to do that for you ? then you may feel the time has come to act . . . and please watch this one trade thursday ! go wysk . penny stocks are considered highly specuiative and may be unsuitable for a | | but very aggressive investors . this profile is not in any way affiiiated with the featured company . we were compensated 3 ooo doliars to distribute this report . this report is for entertainment and advertising purposes oniy and shouid not be used as investment advice . if you wish to stop future mailings , or if you feel you have been wrongfuliy piaced in our membership , please go here or send a biank e mail with no thanks in the subject to stockl 006 @ yahoo . com
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Sun 28 Jul 2002 06:29, [email protected] wrote: > Message: 3 > From: "John Moran" > To: "ILUG" > Subject: RE: [ILUG] Optimizing for Pentium Pt.2 > Date: Sat, 27 Jul 2002 17:10:39 +0100 > > gcc, glibc and binutils, which the lfs site says not to optimise, > already determines what system you're compiling on, and optimises itself > to that. That's my understanding of how it works anyway. > > John > > Subject: Re: [ILUG] Optimizing for Pentium Pt.2That was my understanding too, but I since fould out that for Linux:Most programs and libraries by default are compiled with optimizing level 2 (gcc options -g and -O2) and are compiled for a specific CPU. On Intel platforms software is compiled for i386 processors by default. If you don't wish to run software on other machines other than your own, you might want to change the default compiler options so that they will be compiled with a higher optimization level, and generate code for your specific architecture.Therefore: export CFLAGS="-O3 -march=" && CXXFLAGS=$CFLAGSThis is a minimal set of optimizations that ensures it works on almost all platforms. The option march will compile the binaries with specific instructions for that CPU you have specified. This means you can't copy this binary to a lower class CPU and execute it.So these are the optimizations I need to worry about, and the optimizations that lfs says to disable before compiling GCC or GlibC. However, GlibC seems the most likely candidate for optimization since it provides the libs used by even the most simple programs to access system calls in the kernel.I'm still waiting for info from the GCC mailing list RE: optimising/patching GCC for performance improvement. So far the only suggestion has been to try using icc, Intels C compiler. It's known to work with the kernel, but user apps, and I guess libs and such might need rewriting to compile, and I'm not prepared to go to this length.For QT and KDE it seems there are also gains to be made with object pre-linking, but there are also risks with this so I'll just have to suck it and see. Either way, I'm going to get started building the base today. I'm still waiting for some DRI patches for my GVX1 card but it'll probably been several days before I'm ready to build X anyway.Cheers, John Gay-- Irish Linux Users' Group: [email protected] http://www.linux.ie/mailman/listinfo/ilug for (un)subscription information. List maintainer: [email protected]
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Traderlist.com is a fraud and is sending out your e-mail to 3rd parties!! With the help of an email extracting program anyone can get your email adress and home adress from scanning Traderlist.com.Traderlist.com is breach the Internet Privacy Act by adding your email adress and adress without the consent of the owner.We are working towards a class action law suit which will see Traderlist.com ordered to be shut down and pay a fine.If you are interested and would like to find out how Traderlist.com sends out your email and other personal information to 3rd parties just reply to this message.Regards,Jean McCart
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start date : 2 / 1 / 02 ; hourahead hour : 4 ; start date : 2 / 1 / 02 ; hourahead hour : 4 ; no ancillary schedules awarded . no variances detected . log messages : parsing file - - > > o : \ portland \ westdesk \ california scheduling \ iso final schedules \ 2002020104 . txt
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winning notification ! note : send all messages to fundclaims @ yahoo . co . uk and call him to claim your winnings as directed below . the national lottery liverpool , l 70 lnl united kingdom ( customer services ) ref : uk / 9420 x 2 / 68 batch : 074 / 05 / zy 369 fax : + 447092867454 winning notification : we happily announce to you the draw ( # 942 ) of the uk national lottery , online sweepstakes international program held on 21 st of may , 2005 . it is yet to be claimed and you are getting the final notification as regards this . your e - mail address attached to ticket number : 56475600545 188 with serial number 5368 / 02 drew the lucky numbers : 4 - 6 - 9 - 12 - 15 - 40 ( bonus no . 25 ) , which subsequently won you the lottery in the 2 nd category i . e match 5 plus bonus . you have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of £ 1 , 000 , 000 ( one million pounds sterling ) in cash credited to file ktu / 9023118308 / 03 . this is from a total cash prize of £ 5 , 949 , 880 shared amongst the ( 4 ) lucky winners in this category i . e match 5 plus bonus . all participants for the online version were selected randomly from world wide web sites through computer draw system and extracted from over 100 , 000 unions , associations , and corporate bodies that are listed online . this promotion takes place weekly . please note that your lucky winning number falls within our european booklet representative office in europe as indicated in your play coupon . in view of this , your £ 1 , 000 , 000 ( one million pounds sterling ) will be released to you by any of our payment offices in europe . our european agent will immediately commence the process to facilitate the release of your funds as soon as you contact him . for security reasons , you are advised to keep your winning information confidential till your claim is processed and your money remitted to you in whatever manner you deem fit to claim your prize . this is part of our precautionary measure to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program . please be warned . to file for your claim , please contact our fiduciary agent : overseas claims unit united kingdom lottery fiduciary contact person : mr . rodney williams official email : fundclaims @ yahoo . co . uk tel : + 447031904309 fax : + 448709503260 you are also advised to provide him with the under listed information as soon as possible : 1 . name in full : 2 . address : 3 . nationality : 4 . age : 5 . occupation : 6 . phone / fax : endeavour to email / fax him your full names , winning numbers , telephone and fax numbers immediately . congratulations from me and members of staff of the national lottery . yours faithfully , bertron hill ( mrs ) online coordinator for the national lottery sweepstakes international program . try and call mr rodney williams with this number as soon as possible tel : + 447031904309 fax : + 448709503260 tel : + 447031904309 fax : + 448709503260 this message was sent using imp , the internet messaging program .
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going romance 1998 call for papers going romance 1998 twelfth symposium on romance linguistics utrecht university , december 10-11 utrecht institute of linguistics ots ( uil ots ) holland institute of generative linguistics ( hil ) invited speakers : hans georg obenauer maria luisa rivero raffaella zanuttini abstracts are invited for thirty minutes talks ( with an additional ten minutes for discussion ) in all areas of romance linguistics from all theoretical perspectives . a selection of the papers will be published . abstracts should be anonymous , and should be no longer than two pages , including references and examples , with margins of at least 1 - inch , letter size 11 / 12 . submissions are limited to a maximum of one individual and one joint abstract per author . please provide 7 anonymous abstracts and one camera-ready original containing title , author 's name and affiliation . submissions by e-mail or fax can be accepted , provided a camera-ready original is received within one week after the deadline . a separate card should contain the title of the paper , author 's name , affiliation , address , telephone number and e-mail address . deadline for receipt of abstracts : september 18 , 1998 abstracts should be sent to the following address : going romance 1998 phone : 31-30 - 2536006 utrecht institute of linguistics ots fax : 31-30 - 2536000 utrecht university e - mail : going . romance @ let . uu . nl trans 10 3512jk utrecht the netherlands a workshop on ` acquiring and using the lexicon ' will be held on december 12 . this workshop is organized in collaboration with the cnrs ( france ) . a separate call for papers will follow . organizing committee : sergio baauw ( uil ots ) , denis delfitto ( uil ots / dept . of italian ) frank drijkoningen ( uil ots / dept . of french ) paola monachesi ( uil ots ) johan rooryck ( hil / leiden university ) jan schroten ( uil ots / dept . of spanish ) henriette de swart ( uil ots / dept . of french )
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california update 8 / 28 / 2001 please feel free to address any california or western power questions / comments to g . britt whitman at ex : 54014 or kristin walsh at ex : 39510 . executive summary ? legislative maneuvering towards a bail - out plan mou developments the assembly energy costs and availability committee held hearings yesterday on the socal bailout plan , ab 82 . the chairman of the committee , rod wright , has agreed with hertzberg and davis to move something out of the committee , possibly by mid - week . much of the assembly ' s efforts to move along a comprehensive plan have been encumbered by the introduction of over 50 amendments . additionally , demonstrations by a group of farmers and resort owners opposing the conservation easement provision included in the bill may also slow the process . three central valley democrats ( reyes , flores and canciamilla ) on the assembly committee on energy costs and availability will likely be paying close attention to the demonstrations against the conservation easements , as farmers are significant in their districts . all three legislators face reelection . reyes has already signaled that , even though she voted for the bailout last time , she is disinclining to do so again . these three democrats may impede the progress of the bailout . there are strong indications that the plan will not come to a vote until it has the necessary votes to pass . at this point there still appears to be a lack of consensus on the democratic side . another substantive amendment to the current plan has been a call by socal for " fair market value " of its transmission assets , rather than book value . this value , of course , would have to be estimated and essentially means that even more money would have to go toward the bailout . while committee chairman wright would not oppose this idea , it will likely be hard for many of his colleagues to swallow , particularly on the senate side . once the amendments are disposed of and the bailout plan clears the assembly energy costs and availability committee , it will then go to assembly appropriations . the chair of this committee , carol migden , is friendly with both hertzberg and governor davis , so the plan appears unlikely to receive significant opposition in her committee . it will then go to the assembly floor for a vote . since it is likely some sort of bailout plan will pass the assembly , it likely will fall to the senate to decide ultimately if a socal bailout makes it to the governor or not . therefore , it becomes important to examine what deals might be made between burton and davis in order to get a bailout through the senate . for example , burton wants a change in the workers ' compensation laws to increase payouts to workers . this is a very important issue . on the one hand , both trial lawyers and the unions support burton . on the other hand , he is strongly opposed by the powerful ctma , the republicans and pro - business democrats , including governor davis . in fact , davis has already vetoed this legislation at least once and has promised to do so again . it is conceivable , though unlikely , that a deal could be struck whereby burton would allow a socal bailout to pass in exchange for davis signing workers ' compensation reform . however , if this were to happen , both the bailout and the workers ' comp reform together would be an enormous burden on california businesses at a time when these businesses are not doing well . this is why a deal on this particular topic appears unlikely at this time .
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re : a resume for john lavorato thanks , vince . i will get moving on it right away . molly vince j kaminski 02 / 21 / 2001 05 : 55 pm to : molly magee / hou / ect @ ect cc : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect subject : a resume for john lavorato molly , please , make arrangements for the interview with this candidate for a trading position . interviews with john lavorato , jeff shankman , gary hickerson , stinson gibner . i talked to him in new york and he is considering other opportunities , so we have to act fast . i think john will like him more than punit . thanks
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cognitive studies in creolistics 6th international cognitive linguistics conference stockholm , 11th - 16th july 1999 . theme session : cognitive studies in creolistics call for abstracts the theme session is intended as a workshop in which papers that are relevant to this topic are invited in order to promote the discussion between creolists and cognitive linguists . the papers may incorporate empirical studies as well as theoretical debates that discuss aspects of description and analysis of mental structures and language processes within the field of creole languages . there are two main strands in the field which are presently discussed , the question of creole genesis as a gradual restructuring process on the one hand , and questions of practical implications of creole research on bilingual education and standardization in the creole societies on the other hand . how can we - from a cognitivist 's point of view - account for the existence of different degrees in a yet consistent pattern of restructuring ? what are the cognitive components that shape language competence in a creole setting where children grow up bilingually , either where the lexifying language of the creole equals the standard or where they differ ? another set of questions that can be raised with respect to this workshop relates to the topic of how studies of creole languages , and other contact language varities ( e . g . pidgins ) might contribute to cognitive linguistic theory in general . for instance , certain structural features of creoles have been said to be ' universal ' in the sense of common to all creole languages ; ( how ) can we explain these features from a cognitivist viewpoint ? how does the structure of creoles ( and again , other contact language varieties ) differ from that of other natural languages , and how can these differences be explained ? ' we would like to organize the papers under the following headings : 1 . aspects of language systems 2 . creolization as language acquisition 3 . bilingualism half - to one page abstracts should be submitted by e-mail to anette nielsen ( vixen @ ling . aau . dk ) by november 1st . 1998 . ( we are very , very sorry for not having sent out this call earlier - there has been a misunderstanding between the theme session and conference organizers . we sincerely hope that you can manage to come up with an abstract anyway . ) notification of acceptance will be by november 15th . further information about the 6th international cognitive linguistics conference can be obtained at the conference website : http : / / bamse . ling . su . se / iclc99 theme session organizers : rebekka ehret and anette nielsen _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ get your private , free email at http : / / www . hotmail . com
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your wife deserves better piease o _ r . d . e . ruestion we can provide you that extra bit of stiffness make love like a pornstar http : / / medsrealcheap . com kind regards , nathaniel seay phone : 773 - 317 - 4276 mobile : 134 - 421 - 9941 email : koptprtuosxm @ prontomail . com s , t . o . p http : / / medsrealcheap . com / emover . php
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gulf coast pipeline company dyersdale area , harris co . , tx meters 4555 , 6677 , 9618 & 9889 daren , fyi . the meter is not set up yet . bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by robert cotten / hou / ect on 05 / 03 / 2001 01 : 33 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - enron north america corp . from : george weissman 05 / 03 / 2001 11 : 01 am to : karl stewart / hou / ect @ ect cc : robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect , donna consemiu / hou / ect @ ect , melissa graves / hou / ect , cynthia hakemack / hou / ect @ ect subject : gulf coast pipeline company dyersdale area , harris co . , tx meters 4555 , 6677 , 9618 & 9889 karl , please activate meter 098 - 9889 so that bob can attach deal 752482 to it . george 713 . 571 . 3159 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by george weissman / hou / ect on 05 / 03 / 2001 10 : 54 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - enron north america corp . from : george weissman 05 / 02 / 2001 04 : 32 pm to : robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect cc : mike morris / corp / enron @ enron , melissa graves / hou / ect , cynthia hakemack / hou / ect @ ect subject : gulf coast pipeline company dyersdale area , harris co . , tx meters 4555 , 6677 , 9618 the rate for 9889 was agreed to by the parties for may only . please make sure that the proper transport rate is attached to each sitara deal as follows : meter 6677 sitara 166026 lynx energy company , inc . $ 0 . 20 for march , $ 0 . 65 for april and may meter 4555 sitara 139067 danex energy company $ 0 . 65 for may meter 9618 sitara 138233 gulf coast pipeline company $ 0 . 65 for may meter 9889 sitara 752482 d & p operating company $ 0 . 65 for may the 6 / 1 / 96 gas gathering agreement has been terminated effective 5 / 31 / 01 and will be replaced by an agreement dated 6 / 1 / 01 between gulf coast pipeline partners , l . p . and houston pipe line company . george 713 . 571 . 3159 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by george weissman / hou / ect on 05 / 02 / 2001 02 : 43 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - michael w morris 05 / 02 / 2001 02 : 14 pm to : george weissman / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : transport rates on gulf coast pipeline partners george , i informed you incorrectley on the transport rates on gulf coast for march , april , & may . this is how it should be : meter 6677 march rate $ . 20 april rate $ . 65 may rate $ . 65 meter 4555 may rate $ . 65 meter 9618 may rate $ . 65 we need to amend the current gulf coast contract to reflect these changes . i told tom cones we would have this amendment to him the first of next week .
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Y O U R last chance for Y O U R $3000.00 INCOME per WEEK! Give Me 5 Minutes, And I'll Show You How To Flood Your Bank Account With Serious Cash, DID YOU MAKE $12,000 LAST MONTH IF NOT, YOU NEED TO JOIN US TODAY!- FREE Turnkey Marketing System (a $2500 Value) - FREE Ready-to-Use "Order-Pulling" Ads & Sales Letters - Earn $1,000 CASH on Each and Every Sale to Infinity! - Work From Home and Live the "1-Minute" Commute - Plug Into Our Duplicate-able 3-Step Success System - YOU receive FULL live SUPPORT! For free! - Secure Your Financial Freedom Starting Today - Buy Your Dream House and Dream Car! - Amazing Support System guarantees YOU to SUCCEED! - EVERYBODY is a Prospect - 100% Cash Machine ! - EVERYBODY can do it!NO hype ! All legal ! USA and Canada ONLY ! Request more free info NOW! send an email to: [email protected] "SEND INFO" in the subject line!! (do NOT click REPLY!) To remove, please send an email with "REMOVE" in the subject line to the same email address (above). - --DeathToSpamDeathToSpamDeathToSpam-- ------------------------------------------------------- This sf.net email is sponsored by:ThinkGeek Welcome to geek heaven. http://thinkgeek.com/sf _______________________________________________ Spamassassin-Sightings mailing list [email protected] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/spamassassin-sightings
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re : authorised traders : montreal & chicago how about this for a business model for an origination and trading outfit . salesperson talks to customer customer agrees to trade salesperson phones trading desk and gets price ( trading desk is london or ny - nb : all lines are taped ) salesperson tell customer customers says ok salesperson says " done " to customer and trading desk trading desk books deal , middle and back office processes kicks in , sends out and chases up confirm etc accounting process identifies value added by salesperson and gives them a piece of the price as a credit no bank accounts or signing authority in sales office no accountants , middle office people or other similar humans in the sales office , just sales people all hedging and risk taking resident in trading books in ny or london can we not make this work ? dp to : bjorn hagelmann / hou / ect @ ect cc : sally beck / hou / ect @ ect , ted murphy / hou / ect @ ect , shona wilson / na / enron @ enron , david port / market risk / corp / enron @ enron , mike jordan / lon / ect @ ect , robert soeldner / lon / ect @ ect , tim poullain - patterson / lon / ect @ ect subject : re : authorised traders : montreal & chicago bjorn as discussed , given joe ' s comments below , a note to confirm that this being dealt with internally . rob soeldner has made it clear to joe that : enron places great importance on trading controls . these are non - negotiatable . the suggested course of action is not an option we aren ' t seeking to close any of the agency offices given implemetation of these controls . joe is not in yet - rob will be discussing with him further when the us gets in . of note - joe is on the commercial side , marcelo parra who is responsible for the operational side is fully onboard for the operational changes made . regards andy - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by andrew cornfield / lon / ect on 09 / 11 / 2000 11 : 07 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - joe robertson @ mgusa 08 / 11 / 2000 20 : 38 to : tim poullain - patterson / lon / ect @ ect cc : andrew cornfield / lon / ect @ ect , lloyd fleming / lon / ect @ ect , marcelo parra / nyc / mgusa @ mgusa , michael farmer / eu / enron @ enron @ ect , naomi connell / lon / ect @ ect , robert soeldner / lon / ect @ ect , sam hainsworth / eu / enron @ enron @ ect subject : re : authorized traders : montreal & chicago as a practical matter the procedures outlined are not workable . we need to find a way to go forward that works and can satisfy all concerned . either the people in these offices can be entrusted to transact and execute business or we should consider closing these offices and relocating some of the people which i do not believe makes any sense at all . joseph e . robertson , jr . enron metals & commodity corp . 520 madison avenue 28 th floor new york , ny 10022 tel : 212 . 715 . 5254 fax : 212 . 715 - 2357 e - mail : joe . robertson @ enron . com
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very urgent dear friend , firstly , not to cause you embarrassment , i am barrister werner johnson , a solicitor at law and the personal attorney to late mr . mark michelle a national of france , who used to be a private contractor with the shell petroleum development company in saudi arabia , herein after shall be referred to as my client . on the 21 st of april 2001 , he and his wife with their three children were involved in an auto crash ; all occupants of the vehicle unfortunately lost their lives . since then , i have made several enquiries with his country ' s embassies to locate any of my clients extended relatives , this has also proved unsuccessful . after these several unsuccessful attempts , i decided to contact you with this business partnership proposal . i have contacted you to assist in repatriating a huge amount of money left behind by my client before they get confiscated or declared unserviceable by the finance / security company where this huge deposit was lodged . the deceased had a deposit valued presently at $ 11 . 5 million ( eleven million , five hundred thousand united state dollars ) and the company has issued me a notice to provide his next of kin or beneficiary by will otherwise have the account confiscated within the next sixty official working days . since i have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over two years now , i seek your consent to present you as the next of kin / will beneficiary to the deceased so that the proceeds of this account valued at $ 11 . 5 million us dollars can be paid to you . this will be disbursed or shared in these percentages , 60 % to me and 40 % to you . i have all necessary legal documents that can be used to back up any claim we may make . all i require is your honest co - operation , confidentiality and trust to enable us sees this transaction through . i guarantee you that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law . please get in touch with me urgently via e - mail : johnsonwerner @ mail 2 ireland . com as i am presently in the republic of ireland ( dublin ) . and please provide me the following ; this is to enable me commence immediate preparation of all legal document that will back up our claim . 1 . full name 2 . your telephone number and fax number 3 . your contact address . your urgent response will be highly anticipated and appreciated . best regards , barrister . werner johnson
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re : exxon company , usa global # 96035668 / sitara # 212225 in response to cheryl ' s note , in looking at a copy of a confirmation letter confirming the proposed agreement reached on march 1 , 2000 to be effective april 1 , 2000 through march 31 , 2001 , there is evergreen language . a termination letter is being prepared to be faxed to exxon with an original to follow for their records . cheryl , this gtc is different from the ones we usually see in that hpl required signatures from both parties executed by exxon on 3 / 30 / 00 and hpl on 8 / 21 / 00 . if you have any questions , please call me at x 35231 . thanks , kim cheryl dudley 03 / 16 / 2001 08 : 58 am to : elsa villarreal / hou / ect @ ect cc : amelia alland / hou / ect @ ect , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , kimberlee a bennick / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : exxon company , usa global # 96035668 / sitara # 212225 i have re - checked sitara & verified that the above deal was a term , firm deal . this resulted in a gtc purchase firm contract being set - up in the global contracts system . the term of the gtc was set as the term of the deal ( 4 / 1 / 00 thru 3 / 31 / 01 ) with no evergreen , meaning that the contract will expire at the end of this month . to the best of my knowledge , all gtc purchase firms have the same language & they do not have evergreen . they expire at the end of the primary term . so , unless exxon negotiated a deal with different , special language to allow for evergreen & included something about a " 10 day notification " to terminate , there isn ' t any reason to " terminate " this contract . if this is the case , please advise . otherwise , i don ' t think we need to do anything . the contract will expire at the end of this month on its own . elsa villarreal 03 / 15 / 2001 02 : 42 pm to : amelia alland / hou / ect @ ect , cheryl dudley / hou / ect @ ect cc : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect subject : exxon company , usa global # 96035668 / sitara # 212225 please prepare and send a termination letter by tomorrow march 16 , 2001 on the above referenced deal . houston pipe line company has not renegotiated a price and have no interest in buying the gas on an evergreen basis . it is my understanding that we need to notify them within 10 days of the end of the delivery period . if you need any additional information or have any questions , please contact me at 35656 . thanks . emv
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call : glow phonology workshop the glow phonology workshop phonetics in phonology april 1 , 1999 invited speakers : edward flemming , donca steriade organizers : carlos gussenhoven , ren kager university of postdam the workshop is broadly concerned with the relevance of articulatory and perceptual facts for phonological theory . more specifically , it intends to focus on such questions as the extent to which functional factors determine phonological grammars , the status of the distinction between phonological representation and phonetic implementation , the issue of multiple ( articulation-based as well as perception-based ) phonological representations , and the universality and ` groundedness ' of phonological constraints . the workshop will consist of approximately 7 talks of 45 minutes each , followed by 15 minutes of discussion . abstracts may not exceed one page with at least a 1 inch margin on all four sides and should employ a font no smaller than 12 pt . they should be sent anonymously in threefold , accompanied by a camera-ready original with the author 's name , address and affiliation , to glow phonology workshop c / o . ren kager utrecht institute of linguistics / ots trans 10 3512 jk utrecht netherlands deadline for submission of abstracts : december 1 , 1998 submission by fax or e-mail will not be accepted . further information can be found on http : / / www . ling . uni-potsdam . de / ik / glow . html for questions contact ren kager or carlos gussenhoven e-mail : kager @ let . uu . nl , gussenhoven @ engindy1 . let . kun . nl phone : + 31-30 - 2538064 fax : + 31-30 - 2536000 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ren kager utrecht institute of linguistics / ots trans 10 3512 jk utrecht the netherlands phone : + 31-30 - 2538064 fax : + 31-30 - 2536000
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learn to play texas hold ' em and other poker classics on the most popular free site . - earn $ 100 bonus from partypoker . visit here . jybwgyay
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fw : eletrobolt - - - - - original message - - - - - from : wiggs , brett sent : sunday , october 28 , 2001 8 : 17 am to : lavorato , john cc : gonzalez , orlando ; dutt , ranabir ; joseph m deffner @ ect subject : re : eletrobolt john : we still do not have a deal with the government . they have delayed giving us a written proposal over the last two weeks . the latest is that they have said that they will give us something on tuesday of next week . with respect to the burn rate , we are projecting about $ 20 million in expenditures over the next month . our current investment is about $ 220 million . i think you should also have a rough idea of how we are funding this and what the plan is over the next couple of months . the investment is currently funded through an off - balance sheet / on - credit vehicle with westlb . the westlb vehicle is structured to fund the plant through commercial operations . the plan is to have the opic financing in place to take out the westlb vehicle . this would infer an approximate $ 95 million equity investment upon the take - out of the westlb vehicle . we are currently in the process of syndicating the equity . we have one indicative proposal for 50 % of the equity . we hope to have another next week . there are some specific timing issues that you need to be aware of . westlb did not want to take operating risk in the financing . our position with westlb is that we do not reach commercial operations until we reach the start date of the petrobras contract . we are currently producing energy into the grid . at some point , westlb could try to force us to take out the entire vehicle prior to the opic funding . depending upon the timing , this could represent a cash flow of up to $ 280 million for a short period of time . please let me know what other questions you have . brett from : john j lavorato / enron @ enronxgate on 10 / 26 / 2001 02 : 10 pm cdt to : brett r wiggs / sa / enron @ enron cc : subject : did we sell the power to the government ? what is our cash burn on the project right now and over the next month ?
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risk report on " guide to electricxity hedging " and request for gu est access to enrononline louise , it would be a good commercial for enron . what can we do to help him and get free publicity ? vince - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 01 / 18 / 2000 01 : 40 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ekrapels on 01 / 18 / 2000 12 : 00 : 12 pm to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : risk report on " guide to electricxity hedging " and request for gu est access to enrononline dear vince , greetings from boston , where we ' re doing all we can to help keep the price of gas high . as i may have told you earlier , i ' m writing a " guide to electricity hedging " for risk publications similar to the report on oil . i had planned to write a significant section on enrononline , and in the midst of my research on the topic was denied access by enron ' s gatekeeper . can you help get me in ? as always , the best from here . ed krapels - - - - - original message - - - - - from : donna greif [ mailto : dcorrig @ ect . enron . com ] sent : tuesday , january 18 , 2000 12 : 37 pm to : ekrapels @ esaibos . com subject : request for guest access dear mr . krapels : thank you for requesting guest access to enrononline . unfortunately , we are unable to give you quest access at this time . enrononline is exclusively for those companies who can transact wholesale energy commodities and related products . in addition , you had indicated within the comments section of your email that you are preparing a " guide to electricity hedging " for risk publications . i have forwarded your inquiry to our public relations department along with your contact information . should you not hear back from anyone within a reasonable amount of time , please feel free to contact our call center at 713 853 - help ( 4357 ) . sincerely , donna corrigan greif enrononline help desk 713 / 853 - 9517 - attl . htm
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meeting deadlines dear eugenio , i did not want to say this when everyone else was around , but i am concerned that no attempt was made to meet the deadline of this morning that we discussed last friday . ( to decide on a name for the database ) . only maria teresa had her information to me this am as requested . the deadline could have been easily met by working diligently this morning , but jennifer did not come in until 8 : 30 and mt until 8 : 15 . i thought we had discussed the urgency of this - to have something to present at the 10 am meeting . we need to discuss this to ensure it does not happen again . best regards shona
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URL: http://www.joelonsoftware.com/news/20021009.html Date: Not supplied[IMG: http://www.joelonsoftware.com/pictures/dhtml2d.jpg (Dynamic HTML, 2d Edition)][1]Ah! Danny Goodman has released the new version of Dynamic HTML[2]. It's been a few years since the first edition, which is _still_ the best reference on HTML despite being severely out of date. The new edition is 1400 packed pages that actually tells you what web browsers that are actually in use actually do, which makes it invaluable. It has been brought up to date with all the latest browsers and the newest HTML specs. If you're working with HTML in any way, shape, or form, this book is an absolute requirement.[1] http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0596003161/joelonsoftware/ref=nosim [2] http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0596003161/joelonsoftware/ref=nosim
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nominations for eastrans reciept for 3 / 15 and following . also , 23 , 000 mmbtu into enron ' s cartwheel agreementat the hub . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by bruce mcmills / ftworth / pefs / pec on 03 / 15 / 2000 03 : 48 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - bruce mcmills 03 / 15 / 2000 03 : 28 pm to : dfarmer @ enron . com , stacey . neuweiler @ enron . com , briley @ enron . com cc : jim i . fields / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , chad w . cass / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , william e . speckels / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , michael r . cherry / easttexas / pefs / pec @ pec , darrel f . bane / easttexas / pefs / pec @ pec subject : nominations for eastrans reciept for 3 / 15 and following . as we discussed , due to weather we decided to reschedule our maintenance , and noms have been returned to 75 , 000 mmbtu / d effective today and following , until further notice . 15 , 000 mmbtu will come from cipco into mobil beaumont , 50 , 000 into pg & e , and 7 , 000 from fuels cotton valley into hpl . unless a problem arises , we plan to stay at this level until tuesday , 3 / 21 / 2000 , when we will go down some for 1 day only .
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re : replacement cost values brian : this insurance is purchased on a portfolio basis with payment to underwriters at inception of the coverage . values are adjusted annually at renewal . the premiums are allocated to the participating entities as part of the budget process and insignificant additions and deletions of assets do not normally result in premiums additions or refunds . in the event that we discontinue premiums to north america for hlp , we have no mechanism to allocate that premium to the other assets that continue to be insured . in the event of a significant divestiture , underwriters may consider a refund , however , the values discussed below would not likely be significant when compared to enron ' s values as a whole . additionally , enron ' s adverse loss experience affects the underwriters ability to return premium for small divestitures . at renewal , 4 / 01 / 02 , north america ' s revised property values will be declared to underwriters as part of enron ' s overall values and your premium allocation will adjust depending upon your values and loss experience as compared to the rest of enron . regards , paul - - - - - original message - - - - - from : redmond , brian sent : monday , october 08 , 2001 5 : 31 pm to : coffey jr . , jim ; clayton , paul ; azore , jacquelyn cc : whiting , greg ; gruesen , karen ; helton , susan ; koehler , anne c . ; kitchen , louise subject : re : replacement cost values paul : please confirm that ena will not bear any insurance costs for the hpl assets for the second half of 2001 and the balance of years going forward ? if this is not the case , then we need to meet and discuss why this is not the case . thanks , brian - - - - - original message - - - - - from : coffey jr . , jim sent : monday , october 08 , 2001 5 : 25 pm to : clayton , paul ; azore , jacquelyn cc : redmond , brian ; whiting , greg ; gruesen , karen ; helton , susan ; koehler , anne c . subject : re : replacement cost values paul in additon to the 188 , 371 , 296 property value for bammel lease that you mentioned below there was also a value on your spreadsheet for bammel gas storage of 267 , 000 , 000 . requirements to insure both of these amounts should be with aep not enron and thus the 2002 plan premium allocations of $ 754 , 096 on the bammel gas storage 267 , 000 , 000 value and $ 924 , 433 on the bammel lease value of 188 , 371 , 296 should not be needed . jackie please remove these amounts from the ena - hpl 2002 plan . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : clayton , paul sent : monday , october 08 , 2001 5 : 10 pm to : coffey jr . , jim subject : re : replacement cost values jim : as discussed for the purposes of the 2002 insurance budget , we will delete the bammel lease ( 1409 ) property values of $ 188 , 371 , 296 . we will advise the insurers effective this past june to delete these assets and will attempt to receive a refund . however , as respects asset divestitures , insurers have not been inclined in the past to refund premiums for comparatively small divestitures in view of our adverse loss experience . however , if we are successful in receiving a credit , we will refund the premium . i will discuss with karen and brian the other remaining assets . regards , - - - - - original message - - - - - from : clayton , paul sent : monday , october 08 , 2001 2 : 13 pm to : coffey jr . , jim subject : replacement cost values jim : please update accordingly . thanks , >
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free sizzling ltc sales materials ltc prospecting pamplets ltc scriptless flip chart 25 of " what is long term care ? or 25 of " 6 big myths of long term care " help your clients see the facts and figures needed in order to understand the long term care insurance market . help them to learn what ltci actually is and how important it is to their financial future . yours free with your first appointment ! " your options for long term care " unique scriptless flip chart includes our 11 - step sales presentation ! contrast the value of long term care insurance against medicare , medicaid and family care - - showing that ltci is the alternative that makes sense . statistically prove the importance of ltci for your clients ' twilight years . yours free with your first application ! free pamphlet samples with inquiry ! don ' t forget to ask about . . . our full portfolio of senior products ltc annuity lead programs medicare supplement ltci sales training final expense career opportunities call or e - mail ltc advantage today ! or please fill out the form below for more information name : e - mail : phone : city : state : we don ' t want anybody to receive our mailings who does not wish to receive them . this is professional communication sent to insurance professionals . to be removed from this mailing list , do not reply to this message . instead , go here : http : / / www . insuranceiq . com / optout
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university of alabama , ma-tesol program the department of english of the university of alabama invites applications for a tenure track assistant professor position in our m . a . - tesol program , starting in august of 1995 . duties include teaching ( 2 courses / semester ) , research and service ; our m . a . - tesol faculty work closely with our colleagues in ua 's english language institute ( eli ) . a ph . d . in applied linguistics or tesol is required , with strengths in language teaching methodology and second language acquisition theory . competence in at least one other language is expected , and international teaching experience is highly desirable . preference will be given to candidates who have an interest in working with our faculty in rhetoric and composition , and who would welcome collaboration with colleagues in foreign language departments through our emerging m . a . t . program in the college of arts and sciences . we will also give preference to candidates with an interest in classroom-oriented research , who see research opportunities in ( 1 ) our large freshman composition program with separate sections for non-native english speakers , ( 2 ) ua 's independently-administered intensive eli with a large internal program and frequent external programs , and ( 3 ) ua 's well-developed self-instructional language program ( critical languages ) . located on the black warrior river in west-central alabama , tuscaloosa is a university town of about 100 , 000 people with a mild climate and reasonable living costs . we are 50 miles southwest of birmingham and within a half day 's drive of atlanta , the great smoky mountains , nashville , memphis , new orleans and the gulf coast . send letter of application , c . v . , names of 3 references , and any representative publications to catherine davies , chair of the tesol search committee , dept . of english , box 870244 , university of alabama , tuscaloosa , alabama , 35487-0244 . the university of alabama is an affirmative action / equal opportunity employer . the search will remain open until the position is filled ; however , the search committee will begin reviewing applications on dec . 1 , 1994 . there is a possibility that we may interview at the lsa meeting in new orleans ( as well as at the aaal / tesol meetings in long beach if necessary ) ; applicants should let us know about their conference plans . catherine e . davies dept . of english , box 870244 university of alabama tuscaloosa , alabama 35487-0244 ( 205 ) 348-9522
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visiting enron dr . kaminski , i would like to thank you very much for taking care of amy and me during our trip to houston . what i saw at enron communication was nothing short of revolutionary . more than that , i was impressed with the drive of the people , their kindness , and their proficiency . i look forward to meeting you again in stanford during the last weekend of february . i will send you an email next week , so that we can arrange a meeting between you and prof . bambos . all the best wishes , giuseppe - - : : giuseppe a paleologo : : http : / / www . stanford . edu / ~ gappy " what a waste it is to lose one ' s mind . or not to have a mind is being very wasteful . how true that is . " - vice president dan quayle winning friends while speaking to the united negro college fund , 5 / 9 / 89 -
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  Free Personal and Business Grants  " Qualify for at least $25,000 in free grants money - Guaranteed! "Each day over One Million Dollars in Free Government Grants  is given away to people just like you for a wide variety of Business And Personal Needs         Dear Grant Seeker, In a moment, I'll tell you exactly HOW & WHERE to get Grants. This MONEY has to be given away, WHY not to YOU? You may be thinking, "How can I get some of this Free Grants Money" Maybe you think it's impossible to get free money? Let me tell you it's not impossible! It's a fact, ordinary people and businesses all across the United States are receiving millions of dollars from these Government and Private Foundation's everyday. Who Can Apply? ANYONE can apply for a Grant from 18 years old and up! Grants from $500.00 to $50,000.00 are possible! GRANTS don't have to be paid back, EVER! Claim your slice of the FREE American Pie. This money is not a loan, Trying to get money through a conventional bank can be very time consuming and requires a lot of paperwork, only to find out that you've been denied. These Government Agencies don't have to operate under the same stringent requirements that banks do. You decide how much money you need, as long as it's a lawful amount and meets with the Government Agencies criteria, the money is yours to keep and never has to be repaid. This money is non taxable & interest free. None of these programs require a credit check, collateral, security deposits or co-signers, you can apply even if you have a bankruptcy or bad credit, it doesn't matter, you as a tax payer and U.S. citizen are entitled to this money. There are currently over 1,400 Federal Programs, 24,000 State Programs, 30,000 Private Foundations and 20,000 Scholarship Programs available. This year over $30 Billion Dollars In Free personal and business Government Grants Money will be given away by Government Grants Agencies.  Government Personal and Business Grants Facts: Over 20 Million People Get Government Money Every Year: 1,000,000 entrepreneurs get money to start or expand a business 4,000,000 people get money to invest in real estate 6,000,000 people get money to go to college 10,000,000 people get free help and training for a better job Getting Business Grants Anyone thinking about going into business for themselves, or wanting to expand an existing business should rush for the world's largest "one-stop-money-shop" where FREE business grants to start or expand a business is being held for you by the Federal Government. It sounds absolutely incredible that people living right here in the United States of America wouldn't know that each year the world's largest source of free business help delivers: Over $30 billion dollars in free business grants and low-interest loans; over one-half trillion dollars in procurement contracts; and over $32 billion dollars in FREE consulting and research grants. With an economy that remains unpredictable, and a need for even greater economic development on all fronts, the federal government is more willing than it ever has been before to give you the money you need to own your own business and become your own boss! In spite of the perception that people should not look to the government for help, the great government give-away programs have remained so incredibly huge that if each of the approximately 8 million businesses applied for an equal share, they would each receive over $70,000. Most people never apply for FREE Business Grants because they somehow feel it isn't for them, feel there's too much red-tape, or simply don't know who to contact.The fact is, however, that people from all walks of life do receive FREE GRANTS MONEY and other benefits from the government, and you should also.Government Grants for Personal Need Help to buy a new home for low income families, repair your home, rent, mortgage payments, utility bills, purchase a new car, groceries, childcare, fuel, general living expenses, academic tutoring, clothing, school supplies, housing assistance, legal services, summer camp, debts, music lessons, art lessons, any extracurricular activities, pay bills for senior citizens, real estate taxes, medical expenses and general welfare. If you or someone you know suffered a fire lose there are programs available to help in replacing necessities.Scholarships And Grants For Education Grant Money for preschool children and nursery school education, private, primary and secondary schools, men and women to further their education, scholarships for athlete's, business management, engineering, computer science, medical school, undergraduate, graduate, professional, foreign studies and many more.Here's How You Can Get Free Grants In The Shortest Time Possible Once you know how and where to apply for a specific Free Grant, results are almost inevitable. The government wants to give away this money. . . it is under congressional mandate to do so! These funds are made available to help you, the tax payer. All that's required from you is the proper presentation of your grant request. That's all. Announcing... "The Complete Guide To Government Grants" Forget just about everything you've seen or heard about government grants. What I've done is put together a complete blueprint for researching, locating and obtaining government grants. "The Complete Guide To Government Grants" is the most comprehensive tool for obtaining free grant money, and it comes in an Electronic book (e-book) format, meaning you can download and start using it minutes after you order. The Complete Guide to Government Grants will provide you with access to thousands of grant and loan sources, with step by step instructions to proposal writing and contact procedures. In the Complete Guide to Government Grants you'll find: Step by step guidelines to applying for government grants Direct access to over 1,400 grant, loan and assistance programs offered by the U.S. federal government. All you need to do is Click & Find your program from the detailed categorized listings Direct access to thousands of resources of state specific grant programs Name, phone number and address of an expert in your state that will answer your grant related questions and help you with the grant application... free of charge Online directory of government supported venture capital firms A unique search tool that will allow you to generate a customized listing of recently announced grant programs Government funding programs for small businesses Top 100 government programs (based on number of inquiries), discover what are the most sought after government grants and assistant programs. Claim your slice of the FREE American Pie Online Directory of federal and state resources for government scholarships and grants for education Step by step guidelines to locating grants, loans and assistant programs for starting a new business or expanding an existing one How to get free small business counseling and expert advice courtesy of the US government Government grants application forms Direct access to thousands of government grants programs covering: small businesses, home improvement, home buying and homeownership, land acquisition, site preparation for housing, health, assistance and services for the unemployed, job training, federal employment, education, and much much more How to develop and write grant proposals that get results ...Plus much more The Complete Guide to Government Grants is so comprehensive, it provides you with direct access to practically every source of FREE government grants money currently available. If you're an American citizen or resident, you are entitled to free grant money ranging from $500 to $250,000 or more. If you are Black you have already qualified for 15 programs, being Hispanic, you qualify for many programs. Being a Christian will get you into 20 programs, there are also many other programs available for different faiths, Jewish, Catholic. Not having any money, will get you into over 30 programs, 550 programs if you are unemployed, or underemployed. The list and sources are endless. You Are Eligible! This money is Absolutely Free and will be yours to use for any worthwhile purpose. Did you know you can apply for as many grants as you want? It's true, For instance, you could get a $65,000 grant to begin a weight loss business, get $8,800 in tuition to become a nurse or $35,000 to open up the day-care center, you've always dreamed of owning. And then, go out and apply for a grant to buy a home for you and your family. And once your new business starts doing well you could go out and get another grant for expansion of your business. The possibilities are endless.   You Must Qualify For At Least $25,000 In Free Grants Money, Or Your Money Back! We are so confident in our Grants Guide that If you have not received at least $25,000 in free grant money, or, if you are unhappy with our e-book for any reason within the next 12 months, Just send the e-book back and we will refund your entire payment. NO QUESTIONS ASKED!! If you want to order, we insist you do so entirely at our risk. That is why the E-book comes with a... No Risk full year Money-Back Guarantee. There is absolutely NO RISK on your part with this 365 day guarantee. What we mean is we want you to order without feeling you might "get taken." Therefore, we want you to order this material today... read it, use it... and if for any reason you aren't completely satisfied, you not only can cancel, you should, for an immediate refund of your purchase price. You simply can't lose. Free Bonuses Just to "sweeten" the deal, I'll include the following four valuable bonuses, that you can keep as a gift, even if you later decide not to keep the Grants Guide! Free Bonus #1: A Fully Featured Grants Writing Tutorial Software Package THIS INFO ALONE IS WORTH THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS - I GUARANTEE YOU CAN PURCHASE A GRANTS CD OR INFO ANYWHERE, AND YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE THIS DOWNLOADABLE SOFTWARE THAT ACTUALLY SHOWS YOU HOW TO APPLY AND WHAT TO SAY, SO THAT YOU ARE ACCEPTED FOR A GRANT !!! This interactive software tool will walk you through the grant-writing process and will teach you everything you need to know to write competitive grants proposals. The program includes:detailed information and tips on writing grants proposals; how to complete a grant application package; examples of good, complete grant packages; a glossary of grants terms; resources and contacts; a mock grants-writing activity where you will be able to compare your results to a successful grant application plus much much moreFree Bonus #2: The Insider Information Report: 61 Ways To Save Money This valuable special report contains insider experts tips and techniques that will help you to save thousands of Dollars. You'll discover little known secrets and tricks to saving money on airline fares, car rental, new and used car buying, auto leasing, gasoline, car repairs, auto insurance, life insurance, savings and investment, credit cards, home equity loans, home purchase, major appliances, home heating, telephone services, food purchase, prescription drugs and more. 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Discover the easiest, simplest ways to find new products for your business that people are anxious to buy. How to make money with your new idea or invention. Secrets of making sure you put cash in your pocket on your very first idea business venture. Complete, step by step instructions on how to plan and start a new business. This is must-know must-do information; ignore it and you stand a good chance to fail. You get specifically designed instructions for each of the following: a service business, a retail store, a home based business, a manufacturing company, and more. What nobody ever told you about raising venture capital money. Insider secrets of attracting investors, how to best construct your proposal, common mistakes and traps to avoid, and much more. Checklist for entering into a partnership. Keeps you from costly mistakes when forming a partnership. How to select a franchise business. A step by step guide to selecting a franchise that is best for you. A complete step-by-step organized program for cutting costs in your business. Clients of mine have achieved an average of 28% to 35% cost reduction with this technique, and you can too. Keep the money in your pocket with this one! What are the secrets behind constructing a results driven marketing plan? I will lead you step by step into developing a marketing plan that will drive your sales through the roof. A complete step by step guide guaranteed to help you increase your profits by up to 64%, I call it "The Profit Planning Guide". This is a simple, practical, common sense strategy, but amazingly enough, almost no one understands or uses it. Free Bonus #4: Guide To Home Business Success This is a fast, no-frills guide to starting and succeeding in a home based business. Here's just a taste of what's in the guide: Home business: is it for you? What are the secrets behind the people who have million dollar home based businesses? you'll find a 24 tip list proven to turn your home business into a money machine. Laws and regulations you must be aware of to avoid legal errors. Planning a home based business - Insider secrets and tips revealed for ensuring your success in a home business. Fundamentals of home business financial planning. Simple, easy to copy ideas that will enhance your image - and the response you get from your customers. Common problems in starting and managing a home based  business - and how to solve them once and for all. Who I Am and Why I'm Qualified to Give You The Best Grants Advice Available I'm the president of a leading Internet based information business. I'm also the creator of "The Managing a Small Business CD-ROM" and the author of five books. I've been involved in obtaining grants and in small business for the past 23 years of my life, as a business coach, a manager of a consulting firm, a seminar leader and as the owner of five successful businesses. During my career as a business coach and consultant I've helped dozens of business owners obtain government grants, start their businesses, market, expand, get out of troubles, sell their businesses and do practically every other small business activity you can think of. The Guide presented here contains every tip, trick, technique and strategy I've learned during my 23 year career. You practically get my whole brain in a form of an E-book. How the Grants Guide is priced? The Complete Guide To Government Grants is normally priced at $50, but... ... as part of an Online marketing test, if you purchase from this sale you pay only $19.99 (that's 75% off ...plus, you still get the FREE valuable bonuses.) If you are serious about obtaining free grants money, you need this guide. Don't delay a moment longer. Order Now !!!  P.S. The Complete Guide To Government Grants will make a huge difference. You risk nothing. The guide is not the original price of $50, but only $19.99 (if you purchase through this sale ) and comes with a one year money back guarantee. And you get four valuable free bonuses which you may keep regardless. Don't delay a moment longer, ORDER NOW !!!!  Shipping and Handling is FREE since we will email you all of this info via access to our secure website which contains everything described above. Order Now!!!If above link doesn't work, Click Here   4793sXmk4-211VDMv8083PWKO2-994pZZJ6881Xl37
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re : alex ' s paper comments : 1 . in the sentence between eqn . 3 and eqn . 4 , i think " annualized volatility " should replace " annualized standard deviation . " 2 . as to the comment , " immediately we see something quite counter - intuitive . " i would disagree . i think that its quite intuitive that this model should get closer to the black - scholes price as what is defined as the " jump " component becomes just part of the main price distribution , which happens if we define a jump to be only a 1 - sigma event . the table does show , however , that the results of using this model are very sensitive to exactly how you choose to define a " jump " ( i . e . 2 - sigma or 3 - sigma . . . events ) , and this is one difficulty in using the model in practice . 3 . in the paragraph after the table , i don ' t understand the argument about hedging the option . especially about buying a swap which would pay on the difference between the strike and fs . this seems non - sensical . 4 . i could not follow the logic of the last two sentences of the article , so this point should probably be explained more clearly . - - stinson vince j kaminski 08 / 18 / 2000 08 : 15 am to : grant masson / hou / ect @ ect , stinson gibner / hou / ect @ ect , alex huang / corp / enron @ enron cc : subject : alex ' s paper minor changes i made to alex ' s paper . vince
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re : ces deal summary ami , please add rhonda robinson and howard camp to the list . the items i would like addressed are as follows : vm - allocations : 1 . list of meters and allocation structures - callouts , swings , etc . 2 . listing of external meter contacts 3 . copies of expense contracts 4 . overview of the transactions - this may not be accomodatable in this meeting , but an overview of some of the transactions , i . e . from deal to settlements 5 . ensure all expense contracts are set up 6 . discussion of any impact to any of the major industrial customers , i . e . entex , equistar , hl & p vm - transport 1 . imbalances 2 . # of shippers , contracts , invoices 3 . any special transactions that need to be handled via the settlements process 4 . copies of contracts 5 . customer contact listing for each account i realize that all of these things may not be addressed in this meeting , but they have to be answered by someone very soon in order for vm to do our jobs . hopefully , if the ces representative cannot answer the questions , he can direct me to someone who can and quickly . let me know if you have any questions . thanks for your role in this meeting . from : ami chokshi @ enron 01 / 20 / 2000 10 : 06 am to : brenda f herod / hou / ect @ ect , dscottl @ . com , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , rita wynne / hou / ect @ ect , lisa csikos / hou / ect @ ect , pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron , eric bass / hou / ect @ ect cc : yvette g connevey / corp / enron @ enron , pamela chambers / corp / enron @ enron subject : ces deal summary the meeting has been time has been changed to 11 : 30 am - 1 : 00 pm . please let me know if you ' ll be able to attend and / or if there will be any others attending , so we can have an accurate head count for lunch . ami 3 - 9272 the following meeting is to discuss the new deals that have come to the texas desk from ces topic : ces deals summary date : friday , january 21 time : 2 : 00 pm - 3 : 00 pm location : 3749 please e - mail me prior to friday with any specific questions that you may want to address . thank you , ami 3 - 9272
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On Wed, Feb 06, 2002 at 04:30:18PM +0200, Harri Haataja wrote: > install. I haven't met an openssh like that and in worst case I've had 3 > different openssl libraries (WTF can't they just bump a major version if > it's incompatible?!?).So, what should I with the openssl thing?> something) and Ive just made dummy packages (with verbose warning > attached ;) that explicitly provide those capabilities. (or claim to, > that is).How do I make such packages?-- Peter _______________________________________________ RPM-List mailing list http://lists.freshrpms.net/mailman/listinfo/rpm-list
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tsd98 - - 3rd call for papers - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - please pay attention : deadline for submissions is may , 15 ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - third announcement and call for papers a workshop on text , speech and dialog ( tsd ' 98 ) brno , czech republic , 23-26 september 1998 the workshop is organized by the faculty of informatics , masaryk university , brno , and the faculty of applied sciences , university of west bohemia , pilsen , under the auspices of the dean of the faculty of informatics of masaryk university . please visit the workshop 's homepage : http : / / www . fi . muni . cz / tsd98 / venue brno , czech republic topics tsd ' 98 will be concerned with topics in the field of natural language processing , in particular : - corpora , texts and transcription - speech analysis , recognition and synthesis - their intertwining within nl dialog systems . topics of the workshop will include ( but are not limited to ) : - text corpora and tagging - transcription problems in spoken corpora - sense disambiguation - links between text and speech oriented systems - parsing issues , especially parsing problems in spoken texts - multilingual issues , especially multilingual dialog systems - information retrieval and text / topic summarization - speech modeling - speech segmentation - speech recognition - text - to-speech synthesis - dialog systems - development of dialog strategies - assistive technologies based on speech and dialog - applied systems and software program committee baudoin genevieve ( france ) ferencz attila ( romania ) hanks patrick ( great britain , chair ) hermansky hynek ( usa ) kopecek ivan ( czech republic ) krishnamurthy ramesh ( great britain ) matousek vaclav ( czech republic ) mueller johannes ( germany ) noeth elmar ( germany ) pala karel ( czech republic ) pavesic nikola ( slovenia ) rubio antonio ( spain ) schukat - talamazzini e . guenter ( germany ) skrelin pavel ( russia ) organizing committee bartek ludek batusek robert komarkova dana ( secretary ) e-mail : dkomar @ fi . muni . cz kopecek ivan ( chair ) e-mail : kopecek @ fi . muni . cz matousek vaclav pala karel smrz pavel staudek jan zackova eva ( principal contact ) e-mail : glum @ fi . muni . cz zizka jan submission of papers abstracts of no more than 500 words [ plain ascii text only , please ] should be submitted to the following e-mail address on or before may 15 , 1998 : glum @ fi . muni . cz submissions should include , in addition to the abstract itself , the name of the author ( s ) , affiliation , address , telephone number , fax number , and e-mail address . electronic submissions will be acknowledged by e-mail , so please contact us if no acknowledgement is received . acceptance of submissions will likewise be notified by e-mail . accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of tsd ' 98 . authors of abstracts that are accepted will be requested to send their papers in postscript form ( in llncs format ) to the above by e-mail before august 17th . latex word processor is preferred but not required . format instructions ( and llncs latex format ) will be sent to authors together with the notification of acceptance . requests for participation will be processed on a " first come first served " basis . important dates friday , may 15 , 1998 . . . . . submissions of abstracts due tuesday , june 30 , 1998 . . . . . notification of acceptance sent to the authors monday , august 17 , 1998 . . . . . final papers ( camera ready ) due wednesday , september 23 , 1998 . . . . . . workshop date fees and costs registration fee : 80 . - usd ( includes proceedings , refreshments , social events and trip ) accommodation and food : double room ( shared with other participant ) : 130 . - usd single room : 190 . - usd the full cost of the workshop will therefore be either 210 , - usd or 270 , - usd , depending on whether accommodation is shared . further details will be announced later . official language the official language of the event will be english , but papers on issues relating to text and speech processing in languages other than english are strongly encouraged . address all correspondence regarding the workshop should be addressed to : dana komarkova faculty of informatics masaryk university botanicka 68a 60200 brno czech republic tel . : + 420 5 41 512 359 fax : e-mail : dkomar @ fi . muni . cz outline of the programme all sessions of the workshop will be plenary ( no parallel sessions ) . the format will consist of paper presentations ( generally 20 minutes ) followed by discussion ( 10 minutes ) . the workshop will also include social events , an excursion to the faculty of informatics , masaryk university brno , and a trip in the vicinity of brno ( the moravian karst , including the beautiful macocha chasm ) . location hotel myslivna , where the workshop will take place , is a comfortable hotel in beautiful woods on a hill near a natural reservation area very close to brno . the surrounding is very quiet and suitable for walks and hiking ( jogging ) routes . brno is the capital of moravia , which is in the south-east part of the czech republic . it is the second-largest town in the czech republic ( with a population of about half a million ) . it had been a royal city since 1347 . there are six universities in brno . historical and artistic places of interest include : - - brno castle ( now called spilberk ) - - veveri castle - - the old and new city halls - - the augustine monastery , with st thomas ' church and crypt of moravian margraves - - the church of st james - - the " bishops ' church " of st peter & st paul - - the famous villa tugendhadt , designed by mies van der rohe - - many other important examples of czech architecture between the wars ( 1918-38 ) . in the immediate surroundings of brno are the moravian karst . with macocha chasm and punkva caves ; the site of the " battle of the three emperors " ( napoleon , alexander of russia , and franz of austria ) , commonly known as the battle of austerlitz ; the chateau of slavkov ( austerlitz ) ; pernstejn castle ; and many other attractions . how to reach brno brno can be reached easily by direct trains from prague , vienna , bratislava , and budapest , or by plane to vienna and then by coach or train ( 130 km ) . another possibility is to go by plane to prague and then travel about 200 km by coach or train . further travel details will be given in future announcements . please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this cfp : it was sent to several mailing-lists .
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Daniel Quinlan wrote:DQ> [email protected] (Justin Mason) writes: DQ> DQ> > But I think rsync is key; it's very efficient bandwidth-wise, and it DQ> > allows you to select which ones you want just as well as wget would. DQ> > (Bandwidth is a much bigger issue for me and some other of the europeans DQ> > involved, than it would be for you guys ;) IMO it's by far the most DQ> > efficient and scriptable way to do this stuff, these days. DQ> DQ> It must be horrible being a dial-up user in 2002. If we can *automate* DQ> rsync submission with good *authentication*, it would be fine with me. DQ> The current rsync method is not sufficiently authenticated, though.I'll take a look at it. I'm sure there's got to be some reasonly easy way to have rsync carry itself over ssh and secure access using ssh keys.DQ> > I suggest we use the hughes-family.org server for rsyncing, as we do for DQ> > the corpus_submit stuff -- in a separate subdirectory, though! -- then DQ> > I'll take a look at getting a nightly hit-frequencies-collation system DQ> > going.Ok, I'll take a look at it.C
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management sub - committee deliverables cindy , in order to quantify some empirical deliverables to assess enron ' s management capabilities of retaining top performers and removing lower tiered performers , this sub - committee has outlined the following assignments to be completed for ebs , ena , ets , enron europe and enron corp . by the may 14 meeting : ? using year - end prc results , get the composition of the number of individuals per performance category , disaggregated between commercial and commercial support ? assuming that these individuals are in the same prc categories , assessment of the number of individuals retained per performance category as of may , 2001 ? for the employees that left a particular business unit , was the discharge involuntary or voluntary ( left to another firm or another enron business unit ) by gathering this empirical evidence , this management sub - committee can address the following questions : ? how effective were enron managers in removing lower tiered ( needs improvement / issues ) employees ? ? did lower tiered performers reallocate themselves to other business units ( i . e . . , reaffirming the myth that there is a subset of employees that exist " below the radar screen " and consistently job - hop ) ? ? have enron managers successfully retained top performers from the 2000 prc process ? other questions that we would like to answer , but will be limited by existing prc historical ratings are : ? for those individuals rated satisfactory and below , what have been their performance ratings in the past ? ? how many superior or excellent candidates have left over the past five years ? we wanted to send this email to highlight the need to acquire this prc data quickly from our human relations representatives . we wish to acquire the data in aggregate form , separated by performance category , work function ( commercial vs . commercial support ) and voluntary or involuntary egress from enron . the responsibility for acquiring this information by each enron business unit is as follows : ? ena - jean mrha ? ets - shelley corman ? ebs - kelly kimberly ? enron europe - richard lewis ? enron corp . - gregory adams if you have any questions , please do not hesitate to contact me . regards , jean
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monthly clean - up and bridge back for non - edi pipes to help avoid unify problems during bid - week we must be keeping up with the business on the non - edi pipes throughout the month rather than wait until the end of the month to clean - up and bridge back . the it staff has identified this as one of the things logistics could do to help them maintain reasonable performance . please make sure you know the status of each of your pipes and speak to the schedulers if you see they aren ' t keeping their data clean and bridged . i expect you to keep on top of this throughout each month . we are asking everyone else to work around our schedule so lets make sure we do our part . thanks - bob
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re : megs to all , for first and second quarter , the following margin and ebit was recognized from the pluto / megs project : 1 . first quarter margin : $ 3 . 027 mm ebit : $ 1 . 328 mm 2 . second quarter margin : $ 1 . 348 mm ebit : $ . 707 mm in addition , duke energy field services ( stephen noe ) has contacted kevin miller and is interested in acquiring this asset . defs has signed a c . a . and kevin and jesus melendrez are preparing appropriate documents for their valuation . although these earning were initially recognized by production offshore , with its dissolution , the pluto / megs ebit currently resides in upstream products executive . regards , mrha - - - - - original message - - - - - from : kitchen , louise sent : wednesday , august 29 , 2001 11 : 26 am to : killen , faith cc : mrha , jean ; josey , scott subject : megs we have noticed that we are taking earnings on megs this year which is probably the wrong thing to do based on the fact that we know that future income is negative we should be using the income to write down the holding or against future income . can you reanalyse the bookings this year and ensure we do not book any earnings . thanks louise
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eastrans - lst of month nomination - eff 8 / 1 / 2000 this si to nominate 32 , 800 mmbtu into eastrans eff . 8 / 1 / 2000 . redeliveries will be : 7 , 800 from fuels cotton valley 25 , 000 into pg & e detm will sell 2 , 880 mmbtu / d
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mt special issue on slt : reminder reminder - - deadline is july 1 1998 call for submissions machine translation special issue on spoken language translation guest editor : steven krauwer ( utrecht university ) guest editorial board : doug arnold ( university of essex ) pascale fung ( hkust , hong kong ) walter kasper ( dfki , saarbrucken ) alon lavie ( cmu , pittsburgh ) lori levin ( cmu , pittsburgh ) hermann ney ( rwth , aachen ) harold somers ( umist , manchester ) some 15 years ago , when machine translation had become fashionable again in europe , few people would be prepared to consider seriously embarking upon spoken language translation research . after all , where both machine translation of written text , and speech understanding and production ( despite important achievements ) were still quite far from showing robustness in domain-independent applications , it seemed clear that putting three not even halfway understood technologies together would be premature , and bound to fail . since then , the world has changed . many researchers , both in academia and in industry , have taken up the challenge to build systems capable of translating spoken language . does that mean that most of the problems involved in speech-to - text , text-to - text translation , and text-to - speech have been solved ? the answer is no : although we have made a tremendous progress , both from a scientific and from a technological point of view , many of the fundamental problems in mt and in speech understanding remain unsolved . yet a certain degree of optimism is justified here . first of all , it is clear that on the whole general expectations of what mt will do are changing . where in the past the ultimate goal of mt seemed to be to provide a perfect , but cheaper and faster alternative to the human translator , there is now a clear shift from the ideal of fully automated high quality translation of unrestricted texts to the more practical problem of overcoming the language barriers we encounter in various situations . this shift of focus allows us to partition the problem we address into a series of smaller ones , the solution to which may be within our reach . this applies both to spoken and written language translation . if we look at spoken communication between human beings with different native languages , very often the main success criterion for this communication is not whether or not the individual utterances produced by the participants have been expressed or understood without errors ( which will rarely be the case ) , but rather whether the intended goal of the communication has been attained ( hotel room reservation , airline information , etc ) . this observation is extremely important when we try to set our goals for spoken translation systems . once we have realized that communication takes place in a specific context , with a specific goal , and have accepted that sentence-by - sentence linguistically correct translation is not a necessary condition for successful multilingual communication , we can start exploiting the full potential of spoken dialogues in human-human and human-machine interaction : the basic structure of dialogues , the ways to control dialogue flow , the possibility for repair . a workshop dedicated to spoken language translation , organized in conjunction with eacl / acl 1997 in madrid , showed that there was a keen interest in the topic , and that many acedemic and industrial research teams have interesting results to report . therefore we feel that the time has come to dedicate a special issue of the journal machine translation to this topic , and we are inviting high-quality , previously unpublished research papers addressing problems in the whole field of spoken language translation . ( note : authors who had papers accepted for the madrid workshop are especially encouraged to submit papers which have developed out of their workshop contributions , though they should note that we do not intend simply to reprint the workshop papers in their original form . ) we are especially interested in papers addressing problems or solutions that are typical for spoken language translation ( as opposed to written language translation ) . format for submission : please consult the journal 's web pages : home page : http : / / kapis . www . wkap . nl / journalhome . htm / 0922-6567 instructions for authors : http : / / kapis . www . wkap . nl / kaphtml . htm / ifa0922-6567 latex style files : http : / / kapis . www . wkap . nl / jrnlstyle . htm / 0922-6567 articles should be submitted directly to the publishers , either by e-mail to ellen . klink @ wkap . nl , with the subject header " submission to coat speech special issue " , or in hard-copy to either of the following addresses : machine translation editorial office , machine translation editorial office kluwer academic publishers kluwer academic publishers p . o . box 990 , p . o . box 230 3300 az dordrecht , accord , ma 02018-023 the netherlands u . s . a . the journal is typeset using latex , so the preferred medium for submission of articles in electronic format is latex source ( using the kluwer style file ) or gzipped postscript . if submitting hard-copy , four copies of the paper are required . the length of the papers should be approximately 10-20 pages if using the kluwer style file ( around 20k words ) . authors are requested to send a copy of an abstract of not more than 200 words to the guest editor steven . krauwer @ let . ruu . nl or in hard-copy to steven krauwer , utrecht institute of linguistics ots , trans 10 , 3512 jk utrecht , the netherlands submission deadline : submissions and abstracts should be received by july 1 1998 . papers will be reviewed by at least three members of the editorial board . we are aiming for publication as issue 3 or 4 of volume 13 ( autumn or winter , 1998 ) .
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URL: http://boingboing.net/#85528842 Date: Not supplied[IMG: http://www.craphound.com/images/bluelady.jpg] Stan Jones isn't the only person to have turned himself blue with quack silver remedies. "Rosemary" took silver supplements in the 50s for her allergies and put up this site in 1998 to warn others off of the horror of blue skin for life. Link[1] Discuss[2] (_ Thanks, Stefan!_) [1] http://together.net/~rjstan/rose1.html [2] http://www.quicktopic.com/boing/H/tCar7pZ5ypi
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On Tue, 23 Jul 2002, Joseph S. Barrera III wrote:> BTW, guys, I'm *kidding*! I'm actually in a pretty good mood right now. > I'm not actually a very hateful person, and I certainly can't think of > anyone right now I hate, and certainly not anyone on this list!You cannot fool us. We know you inside out.P.S. We hate you, too.http://xent.com/mailman/listinfo/fork
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ph . d programs a colleague of mine , who is a professor of english in japan , is seeking information regarding non-resident ph . d programs in linguistics available in the u . s . - - a course of study he would pursue while still in japan . where would we find such information ? please help us in any way you can . thank you very much for your time . ( please respond directly to the above email address . )
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fw : attached please find the otc margin analysis as requested .
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Some local Irish wildlifehttp://www.iol.ie/~padraiga/pics/wild1.jpg http://www.iol.ie/~padraiga/pics/wild2.jpgwas I bored or what?Pádraig. -- Irish Linux Users' Group: [email protected] http://www.linux.ie/mailman/listinfo/ilug for (un)subscription information. List maintainer: [email protected]
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re : aig highstar louise , we were trying to set a meeting for thursday when brian returns from japan , but based on your note it may not be necessary . brian and i have discussed and we do not see this developmental activity fitting the new charter of eeos . the opportunities if any would have to be for nepco and based on the activity in the year , it is difficult to see a cost / benefit analysis favorable for them . we support your decision of transferring the ownership of this endeavor to ea . we could work a deal with respect to potential benefit via nepco based on a finder ' s fee concept to ea if the fund provides a negotiated project for nepco . my check of the accounting agrees with yours and we will need to work out a transfer concept for the monies paid to - date . as far as the asset is concerned , the only relief we could provide is of the aspirin variety for our bosses as we end up in wholesale also . keith louise kitchen @ ect 07 / 02 / 2001 08 : 57 am to : brian stanley / eu / enron @ enron , keith dodson / na / enron @ enron cc : subject : aig highstar keith / brian , the following money has been sent to aig highstar to date . this week we will be asked for further monies ( probably around $ 650 , 000 each ) to pay for the acquisition of alamac from enron . eeos $ 914 , 107 ena 914 , 107 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 1 , 828 , 214 ( fundings made in 12 \ 00 and 2 \ 01 ) i would suggest that we look at transferring all of this to enron americas as we are actively managing the position ( or rather looking at potential exit strategies ) bearing in mind the new status of eeos . the management of this is done by joe deffner as the primary role of this fund was to be a new vehicle for financing similar to ljm . obviously , enron americas does not want the asset so if you do , please keep it . i am meeting with the head of funds at aig in a july to discuss the future of this fund further . let me know what you want to do . thanks louise
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acomodações em copacabana , ipanema ou leblon acomodações em copacabana , ipanema ou leblon : temos muitos apartamentos para alugar por temporada . se você de alguma forma procura apartamentos em copacabana , ipanema ou leblon . ligue agora ou entre no site www . apartmentt . net call : 55 xx 21 2256 0457 = 2549 9157 = 9688 2456 agency addess . : copacabana av . 613 / 208 rio de janeiro - rj brazil retire seu e - mail no tasteofrio @ hotmail . com
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Geege Schuman wrote:>"British scientists were honoured for research that found ostriches became >more amorous with each other when a human was around. In fact, ostriches >eventually started putting the moves on humans." > >this is true of manatees also. you don't want to know. > > > So how much of it is due to jumping the inter-species boundary for STATUS - i.e. I can fuck any of several reasonable candidates from my own species, or I can be ambitious, and go after the authority figure in the room. The alternative hypothesis is that its due to novelty, and then of course, there's the "they'll fuck anything given appropriate conditions." Hmmm, is this a potential intelligence test, seeing as the last is a particularily human response?Owen
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Hello Dear Sir. I got your contact in cause of a seriouse search for a reliable foreign partner, which really made me to contact you for assistance in transfering my money to you for investement purpose. I'm Mr Ibrahim Jallow. the son of a late sierraleonian business man Mr Kulu Jallow..Who died two yaers ago when the revolutionary united front rebels (R.U.F)attacked our residence in Makeni Sierra leone. Following the cease fire agreement which was reach last year with the help of United Nation peace keeping troops,I used the oppoturnity to leave the country with a very important document of(US$14.500.000m)Fourteen million Five Hundred Thounsand U.S Dollars deposited by my late father in security company in Dakar Senegal,under my name.this money was realised from diamond export. Now' I'm searching for a trusted individual or foreing firm whom I can invest this money with for I am! next of kin to these money.However I contact you based on your capability and vast knowledge on international commercial investement. For your assistance and co-opertion I will give you 15%of the total sum realised after the sucessfull transfer of this money. Please kindly communicate your acceptance of this proposal through this my e-mail address so that we can discuss the modalities of seeing this transaction through.I count on you greately for your assistance. Awaiting your earnest response With regards. Yours,faithfully. MR.Ibrahim.Jallow._____________________________________________________________________ Webdunia Quiz Contest - Limited Time Unlimited Fun.Log on to quiz.webdunia.com and win fabulous prizes. India's first multilingual mailing system: Get your Free e-mail account at www.epatra.com http://xent.com/mailman/listinfo/fork
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re : f / u to dr . kaminski @ enron from iris mack hi again , thank you for your email . sorry for the phone tag and email tag . i will try to call you again next week . in the mean time , i thought i would send you a couple of documents to give you an idea of some of the work that i have done that may be of interest to enron . 1 . the first word document is my london busines school executive mba thesis relating to weather derivatives . 2 . the second word document describes a hybrid derivatives structure i i workded on at bnp paribas . it has applications to the enerygy industry . because these documents are very large i will forward them in two separate emails . your comments on them would be appreciated . happy thanksgiving , iris > from : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com > to : irismmack @ hotmail . com > cc : vkaminski @ aol . com > subject : contact # > date : wed , 22 nov 2000 08 : 10 : 12 - 0600 > > iris , > > yu can reach me on my cell phone during the coming holidays . > 713 410 5396 > > vince > _ _ _ _ _ _ _ get more from the web . free msn explorer download : http : / / explorer . msn . com - lbs thesis - weather derivatives . doc
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URL: http://www.newsisfree.com/click/-2,8443955,1440/ Date: Not suppliedA new internet worm marks a worrying crossover between virus writing and hacking, say experts
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re : coastal o & g , mtr . 4179 , goliad co . vance , julie meyers created deal # 592122 in sitara . i have edited the ticket to reflect the details described below : bob vance l taylor 02 / 01 / 2001 08 : 21 am to : robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect cc : clem cernosek / hou / ect @ ect subject : coastal o & g , mtr . 4179 , goliad co . bob , if have not put the deal in yet , please modify the period to reflect 9 / 1 - 9 / 13 . there was flow on 9 / 13 . thanks , vlt x 3 - 6353 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vance l taylor / hou / ect on 02 / 01 / 2001 08 : 24 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vance l taylor 01 / 31 / 2001 05 : 08 pm to : robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect cc : brian m riley / hou / ect @ ect , clem cernosek / hou / ect @ ect , donald p reinhardt / hou / ect @ ect , cynthia hakemack / hou / ect @ ect , julie meyers / hou / ect @ ect , lisa hesse / hou / ect @ ect , melissa graves / hou / ect @ ect subject : coastal o & g , mtr . 4179 , goliad co . bob , hplc purchased wellhead gas from the producer listed below for the specified period . this production was purchased on a " spot " basis and a deal ticket should be created and entered into sitara based on the following information : counterparty meter volume price period coastal oil & gas corp 4179 4 , 500 mmbtu / d 85 % if / hsc 9 / 1 / 00 - 9 / 8 / 00 additionally , this are producer svcs . deals and should be tracked in the im wellhead portfolio . . . attached to the gathering contract . thanks , vlt x 3 - 6353
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eol summary the eol products for nng are up and running . we have now completed several tfx agreements on line ; each contract taking only a few seconds from the shipper ' s " click " to having an activated agreement ready for nomination . here ' s a brief summary on how eol is setup for nng products and who you can contact for assistance . craig
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conf : melbourne university postgraduate conference the university of melbourne department linguistics will be holding its 4th annual postgraduate conference on the 30th of may . abstracts are now being called for , and will be accepted until the 18th of april ; these may be e-mailed to : nsn @ speech . language . unimelb . edu . au ; snail-mailed to : dept . of linguistics , university of melbourne , parkville 3052 , victoria , australia ; faxed to : ( + 61 3 ) 344 7305 . - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * nick nicholas , linguistics , university of melbourne , australia * nsn @ speech . language . unimelb . edu . au & nick _ nicholas @ muwayf . unimelb . edu . au * ( http : / / adhocalypse . arts . unimelb . edu . au / dept / linguistics / nsn / nick . html ) * " eschewing obfuscatory verbosity of locutional rendering , the * circumscriptional appelations are excised . " - - - w . mann & s . thompson , * _ rhetorical structure theory : a theory of text organisation _ , 1987 . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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