Question: Tommy has $79. He wants to buy a $35 camera. He also wants to buy a $59 CD player. How much more money does Tommy need? Answer:
Question: Mrs. Hilt has a picture frame that is 12 inches high and 10 inches long. What is the perimeter of that picture frame? Answer:
Question: For Halloween Tom received twenty pieces of candy. If he put them into piles with five in each pile, how many piles could he make? Answer:
Question: Penny's class is going to Animaland, the largest zoo on earth, for their science field trip. The zoo has a variety of wild animals in captivity. Their first destination was the aviary. The aviary has 3 species of eagles on show that day. They have 20 Bald Eagles, 15 Harpy Eagles, and 30 Crowned Eagles. How many eagles are on display that day? Answer:
Question: There are twelve birds on the fence. Eight more birds land on the fence. How many birds are on the fence? Answer:
Question: The clown blew up forty-seven balloons. Then he blew up thirteen more balloons. How many balloons does the clown have now? Answer:
Question: John threw a Halloween party where 13 people showed up. If only 6 dressed up, how many people didn't wear costumes? Answer:
Question: A magician was selling magic card decks for 2 dollars each. If he started with 5 decks and by the end of the day he had 3 left, how much money did he earn? Answer:
Question: During Halloween, she was able to get a lot of candies from trick or treating. She decided to give away some of them to the homeless kids nearby. If she has 60 candies and gave away 40, how many does she have left? Answer:
Question: A fast food restaurant had ninety-nine hotdogs. After selling some they had ninety-seven left. How many hotdogs did they sell? Answer:
Question: For the school bake sale Katie made 26 cupcakes. If she sold 20 of them and then made 20 more, how many cupcakes would she have? Answer:
Question: Marin has nine apples and Donald has two apples. How many apples do Marin and Donald have together? Answer:
Question: He also made some juice from fresh oranges. If he used 2 oranges per glass of juice and he made 6 glasses of juice, how many oranges did he use? Answer:
Question: Lastly, Andrew tried to compute his expenses for the game night. If he spent $9.00 for each game they played and they played a total of 5 games, how much money did he spend that night? Answer:
Question: At the zoo Zoe took sixty-seven pictures. If her sister took another seventeen pictures, how many did they take total? Answer:
Question: The zookeeper has 68 fish to feed to the penguins. 19 penguins have already gotten a fish. The zoo has 36 penguins. How many more penguins need to get a fish? Answer:
Question: Jacqueline had 16 plums, 18 guavas and 21 apples. She gave some of them to Jane and had 15 fruits left. How many fruits did Jacqueline give Jane? Answer:
Question: Mrs. Santiago has 58 red roses. Mrs. Garrett has 24. What's the difference of the number of Mrs. Santiago's red roses and Mrs. Garrett's red roses? Answer:
Question: For a party Janet bought some cupcakes. She bought 2 chocolate, 13 vanilla and 2 strawberry. What's the difference between the number of cupcakes of chocolate flavor and the vanilla flavor? Answer:
Question: Our watermelons have 100 seeds each. If we have 4 watermelons, how many seeds should there be when all seeds are taken out of the watermelons? Answer:
Question: A contractor was buying wall outlets for a new house he was building. Each room needed 6 outlets. If the house has 7 rooms, how many outlets does he need total? Answer:
Question: There are 45 questions on the math test. 17 questions are word problems. 28 questions are addition and subtraction problems. Steve can only answer 38 questions. What's the difference between the number of all questions on the math test and the number of questions that Steve can answer? Answer:
Question: The coach bought 2 extra large pizzas for the team. There were 32 slices of pizza totally. After the team ate some of the slices, there were 7 slices left. How many slices of pizza did the team eat? Answer:
Question: A pet store took ten birds out of a cage and had nine still left inside. How many birds were in the cage to start with? Answer:
Question: Ramon works at the supermarket. He put 26 boxes of Choco Delights on the shelf. There were already 15 boxes there. Later that day, Ramon counted 22 boxes on the shelf. How many boxes of Choco Delights were missing? Answer:
Question: The music room has 27 violins. There are also 15 flutes. 18 students are in the school band. How many instruments are in the music room? Answer:
Question: Some oranges were in the basket. Five oranges were taken from the basket. Now there are three oranges. How many oranges were in the basket before some of the oranges were taken? Answer:
Question: Alvin is trying to build a small house in the forest so that he has a place to stay whenever he goes hunting. He started by gathering some wood. According to his blueprint, he will need 376 pieces of wood. If his friend gave him 123 pieces and his brother gave him 136 pieces, how many more wood does he need to gather? Answer:
Question: A restaurant added a new outdoor section that was 35 square feet. It was 7 feet wide. How long is their new section? Answer:
Question: Sandra took six cups of coffee and Marcie took two cups of coffee. How many cups of coffee did Sandra and Marcie take in total? Answer:
Question: There are thirty-three rose bushes and thirty-seven oak trees currently in the park. Park workers will plant more rose bushes today. When the workers are finished there will be ninety-eight rose bushes in the park. How many rose bushes did the workers plant today ? Answer:
Question: To get to school, Jenny decided to ride the school's double decker bus. The bus has a total of 20 rows of seats and each row has a capacity of 4 kids. How many kids in total can ride the school bus? Answer:
Question: Chris, tasked to lead the newspaper collection, was able to obtain 42 newspapers from their neighborhood. If his sister Lily helped him and was able to get 23 more newspapers from another block, how many newspapers were they able to collect together? Answer:
Question: Susie's father repaired the bookshelves in the reading room. If he has 210 books to be distributed equally on the 10 shelves he repaired, how many books will each shelf contain? Answer:
Question: Next on his checklist are wax glues to stick the feathers together. If the feathers require 469 g of wax and right now he just needs 257 g, how many grams of wax glue does he already have? Answer:
Question: At the fair Megan had $17 to spend. She spent $6 on rides. How much money does she have left? Answer:
Question: Rose bought a blouse at a discount of 18% for 147.60. What was the marked price of the blouse? Answer:
Question: It's Rachel's birthday. Her parents wanted her to have fun so they went to the circus that happened to be in town that day. Upon arriving at the circus, they went to the ticket booth and asked how much each ticket cost. If each ticket costs $44.00 and they bought 7 tickets, how much money did they spend on tickets? Answer:
Question: Tom bought sixty-three tickets at the state fair. He spent fourteen tickets at the 'dunk a clown' booth and decided to use the rest on rides. If each ride cost seven tickets, how many rides could he go on? Answer:
Question: Doug built a tent in the shape of a regular pentagon. Its perimeter is 60 feet. What is the length of each side of the tent? Answer:
Question: While shopping, Maria bought 35 green towels and 21 white towels. If she gave her mother 34 of them, how many towels did Maria end up with? Answer:
Question: Faye was placing her pencils into rows with eight pencils in each row. If she had thirty-two pencils, how many rows could she make? Answer:
Question: Lastly, she donated $800.00 to three different soup kitchens in her town. If she gave $300.00 to the first soup kitchen and $238.00 to the second, how much did she donate to the third? Answer:
Question: There were fifty-eight people on the train. At the next stop forty-five people got off. How many people are there on the train now? Answer:
Question: The school's baseball team had two new players and twenty-two returning players. If the coach put them into groups with three players in each group, how many groups would there be? Answer:
Question: Using $85.00 left buying fruits, she decided to buy some cookies. If she spent $16.00 on cookies, how much money was left with her? Answer:
Question: There are 54 passengers on a bus. 18 of them are men, 26 of them are women and the rest are children. How many children are there on the bus? Answer:
Question: Amy was planting vegetables in her garden. She started with one hundred one seeds and planted forty-seven of them in the big garden and in each of her small gardens put six seeds each. How many small gardens did Amy have? Answer:
Question: With the win streak that they have, Chuck's team was able to get into the playoffs. They reached the semi-finals where they played against the Black Team. If they finished the game with 83 points and won it by 18 points, what is the Black Team's final score? Answer:
Question: George was comparing the points the Bulls scored for different games. He recorded: 81, 73, 83, 86 and 73. What is the mean of the points scored? Answer:
Question: Billy had seventy-four cherries. He ate seventy-two of them. How many cherries does Billy have left? Answer:
Question: For Halloween Isabel received sixteen pieces of candy from neighbors and five pieces from her older sister. If she only ate three pieces a day, how long would the candy last her? Answer:
Question: After going down the falls, he then went to Rock Mist Mountains. If the mountain is 50 times farther from the city than Sky Falls and Sky Falls is 8 miles from the city, how far is the Rocky Mist from the city? Answer:
Question: Christmas came and as usual she received 77 gifts to put under the Christmas tree. She wanted to make other kids happy so she sent 66 of her gifts to the orphanage downtown. How many gifts were left under their Christmas tree? Answer:
Question: Paul made forty-four dollars mowing lawns and twenty-eight dollars weed eating. If he only spent nine dollar a week, how long would the money last him? Answer:
Question: Cindy had 41 pieces of candy. She ate six pieces in the morning, and twelve more pieces in the afternoon. How many pieces of candy does she have left? Answer:
Question: An aquarium had ten fish in it. Later they added three fish. How many fish are in the aquarium now? Answer:
Question: Sarah is making bead necklaces. She has 945 beads and is making 7 necklaces with each necklace using the same number of beads. How many beads will each necklace use? Answer:
Question: Mrs. Hilt made 5 Rice Krispie Treats. She used 8 large marshmallows and 10 mini marshmallows. How many marshmallows did she use altogether? Answer:
Question: For a party Janet bought some cupcakes. She bought 2 chocolate, 13 vanilla and 2 strawberry. How many cupcakes did she buy? Answer:
Question: He also needed some nails. If he already has 247 nails with him and he found another 144 in his toolshed, how many more nails does he need to buy if he needs a total of 500 nails? Answer:
Question: After counting all her money, she went to her mom and had all her savings exchanged into whole $100 bills. After the exchange, she has 8 pieces of $100 bills. How much was total amount of Michelle's savings? Answer:
Question: Kendra learns 12 new spelling words each week. Her goal is to learn 60 new words before her eighth birthday. She has already learned 36 new words. How many more words does Kendra need to learn? Answer:
Question: With the end of the month coming in two days, they decided to sell cookies to the neighboring villages as well. If they sold 23 packs on one village and 28 on the other, how many cookies were they able to sell in the other villages? Answer:
Question: While comparing the other robots that they have, Tom and Michael talked about Bob who has a large collection of car robots. If Tom and Michael have 9 car robots and Bob has 9 times more than that, how many car robots does Bob have in total? Answer:
Question: Josh had 142 pencils. He gave 31 pencils to Dorothy. How many pencils does Josh have left? Answer:
Question: Brian has 39 pencils. He gives 18 pencils to a friend. He buys 22 more pencils. How many pencils does Brian have now? Answer:
Question: There are 10 stickers on a page. If you have 22 pages of stickers, how many stickers do you have? Answer:
Question: Being a nature lover, she also gave some money to three forest reserves. If she donated $570.00 to Treetown National Park and The Forest Reserve which is $140.00 more than what she gave to Animal Preservation Park, how much did she donate to all three parks? Answer:
Question: Cody made 12 dollars mowing lawns over the summer. If he charged 4 bucks for each lawn, how many lawns did he mow? Answer:
Question: There are 5 people on the Green Bay High track team. If a relay race is 150 meters long, and all 5 team members participate, how far will each team member have to run? Answer:
Question: It takes Mike ninety-eight minutes to walk to school. If he rides a bicycle to school, it would save him sixty-four minutes. How much time did Mike save? Answer:
Question: Christian and the junior ranger brought a bag of 140 nails as they visited every station assigned to the junior ranger. If they left exactly 7 nails in every station they visited, how many stations did Joline and the junior ranger visit? Answer:
Question: Haley's old washing machine could only wash seven pieces of clothing at a time. If she had to wash two shirts and thirty-three sweaters, how many loads would she have to do? Answer:
Question: Olivia owned ninety-three pennies. After she bought an apple, she had fifty-six pennies left. How many did she spend for the apple? Answer:
Question: The sum of two numbers is 62. One of the numbers is 27. What is the other number? Answer:
Question: Lana's mom was buying extra school supplies for her and her siblings. If she bought three packs of glue sticks with seven glue sticks in each pack, how many did she get total? Answer:
Question: I have 3 hundreds, 8 tens, and 3 ones. What number am I? Answer:
Question: The zee Theme Park's fountain wall is in the shape of equilateral triangle. The total perimeter of the wall is 51 yards. Find the measure of each side of the wall. Answer:
Question: Jovana filled her bucket with 5 pounds of shells. If she adds 12 more pounds of shell to fill her bucket, how many pounds does she have? Answer:
Question: Zoe's school sold 620 dollars in raffle tickets. If each ticket cost 4 dollars, how many tickets did they sell? Answer:
Question: Victor bought several boxes of books at a yard sale and ended up with twenty-four books total. If each box had three books, how many boxes did he buy? Answer:
Question: Ned was helping the cafeteria workers pick up lunch trays, but he could only carry eight trays at a time. If he had to pick up twenty-seven trays from one table and five trays from another, how many trips will he make? Answer:
Question: If you can choose between a regular or waffle cone and vanilla, strawberry, caramel, and bubblegum flavored ice cream, how many different ways can ice cream be ordered? Answer:
Question: At a farming supply store 2 pounds of seed cost $44.68. If a farmer needed 6 pounds of seeds, how much would it cost him? Answer:
Question: A video game map had a total area of 10 square meters. If the map was 5 meters long, how wide is it? Answer:
Question: A worksheet had 4 problems on it. If a teacher had 9 worksheets to grade and had already graded 5 of them, how many more problems does she have to grade? Answer:
Question: Mr. Lee gave out first place ribbons after each event. He had 38 ribbons at the start. He gave away 14 ribbons in the morning. He gave out 16 ribbons in the afternoon. How many ribbons did Mr. Lee have left? Answer:
Question: At a store, there are 92 computers. 31 are sold. 20 are shipped away to a company. How many computers are left? Answer:
Question: Debby bought 355 bottles of water when they were on sale. If she drank 5 bottles a day, how many days would they last her? Answer:
Question: Robert made $76 at work. He spent $6 on a pen and $14 for a calculator. How much money did he have left? Answer:
Question: Dora is having her tenth birthday party next Saurday. She invited 64 people. Her mom ordered 36 sandwiches. 16 people can not come to the party. How many people will be at Dora's party? Answer:
Question: Frank has a round tablecloth with a diameter of 10 feet. What is the tablecloth's radius? Answer:
Question: While playing basketball Team A scored 18 points. If each person scored 2 points, how many people were playing? Answer:
Question: The Smart Mart sells educational toys. They sold 45 science kits last week. The sold 9 fewer puzzles than science kits. How many puzzles did the Smart Mart sell? Answer:
Question: Alvin had 57 marbles and played two games. He lost 18 marbles during the first game. He won 25 marbles during the second game. How many marbles did Alvin have then? Answer:
Question: A chef had seventy-seven cherries. If he used sixty of them to make a pie, how many cherries would he still have? Answer:
Question: Katie spent a total $350.00 on her whole stay in the island. If she spent $125.00 on food and $135.00 on hotel rooms, how much did she spend on buying other stuff? Answer:
Question: After collecting materials, they started making recycled products to sell during the school's recycling fair. If Marcus made 26 pen holders from the milk bottles and Annie was able to make 37, how many pen holders were made? Answer:
Question: During summer break, 564,237 kids from Lawrence County go to camp, and the other 495,718 kids stay home. About how many kids are in Lawrence County? Answer: