Question: Tiffany was sending out birthday invitations to her friends. She sent out nine on Monday and eight on Tuesday. How many did she send total? Answer:
Question: At a company picnic three managers and three employees decided to start a game of volleyball. If they split into three teams, how many people would be on each team? Answer:
Question: A mailman had to give 6 pieces of junk mail and 5 magazines to a house. How many pieces of mail did he deliver total? Answer:
Question: Emily was selling some of her old toys at a garage sale. She started out with seven toys and sold three of them. How many does she have left? Answer:
Question: Gary had some stickers. He gave 42 stickers to Lucy and 26 stickers to Alex. If he had 31 stickers left, how many stickers did Gary have at first? Answer:
Question: Sally memorized eight poems. After some time she could only recite three of them. How many poems did she forget? Answer:
Question: Janice has 316 bottle caps that must be put away in boxes. Douglas comes to help and brings 17 cookies to share with Janice. If there are 79 boxes, how many bottle caps must go in each box? Answer:
Question: They entered the circus tent and saw that there are four seating sections for the audience. If each section can accommodate 246 people, how many people can the tent accommodate in total? Answer:
Question: For the frosting and final touches, Willie will need to have 300 lbs. of whipped cream. If he got 149 lbs. of cream from his farm, how much more cream is needed to be bought? Answer:
Question: Adam was reading through his favorite book series. The first week he read 5 different books. The next week he read 8 books. How many books did he read total? Answer:
Question: Brenda's mother made cookies for five. If she prepared 35 cookies and each of them had the same number of cookies, how many did each of them have? Answer:
Question: A museum had thirteen paintings. If they got rid of eight of them, how many pictures would they have left? Answer:
Question: Katie was selling her necklaces at a garage sale. She sold four bead necklaces and three gem stone necklaces. If each necklace cost three dollars, how much money did she earn? Answer:
Question: There are 5929 Skittles in Steven's Skittle collection. Steven also has 11 erasers. If the Skittles are organized into 77 groups, how big is each group? Answer:
Question: There are 100 books on a shelf. 32 of them are history books, 25 of them are geography books and the rest are math books. How many math books are there on the shelf? Answer:
Question: At the baseball stadium the price for popcorn is $14.70 for 5 bags. If you wanted to buy 4 bags of popcorn, how much would it cost? Answer:
Question: Mrs. Hilt bought 15 books. She paid $11 for each book. She later sold all 15 books for $25 each. What is the difference between the total amount of money Mrs. Hilt sold the books for and the total amount of money she paid for the books? Answer:
Question: Paige had one hundred ten homework problems. She finished forty-seven of them but still had seven pages of problems to do. If each page has the same number of problems on it, how many problems are on each page? Answer:
Question: Paul got a box of 479 crayons for his birthday. At the end of the school year, he only had 134 left. How many crayons had been lost or given away? Answer:
Question: After visiting France, Rachel's sister Bella, requested that they see the Buckingham Palace in London. If they travelled 451 miles by land and 150 miles by sea across the English Channel, what is the total distance that they travelled? Answer:
Question: Roger was packing up his old toys. He filled eleven boxes with action figures and two boxes with old games. How many boxes did he pack total? Answer:
Question: Amelia works at the candy store. She has to sell 90 Jet Bars each week. She sold 45 on Monday. She sold 16 fewer Jet Bars on Tuesday. How many more Jet Bars does Ameila have to sell? Answer:
Question: Laurie has 12 more marbles than Kurt. Kurt has 45 marbles less than Dennis. Dennis has 70 marbles. How many marbles does Laurie have? Answer:
Question: For Halloween Faye scored 47 pieces of candy. She ate 25 pieces the first night and then her sister gave her 40 more pieces. How many pieces of candy does Faye have now? Answer:
Question: Jane's dad brought home 24 marble potatoes. If Jane's mom made potato salad for lunch and served an equal amount of potatoes to Jane, herself and her husband, how many potatoes did each of them have? Answer:
Question: At the playground, the new sandbox was 4 meters wide and 2 meters long. What is the area of the sandbox? Answer:
Question: Their neighbors, wanting to welcome them, also brought in some food. If one neighbor brought 75 hotdogs and another neighbor brought 25 less hotdogs than the first one, how many hotdogs were brought by the neighbors in total? Answer:
Question: Luke was putting his spare change into piles. He had five piles of quarters and five piles of dimes. If each pile had three coins in it, how many coins did he have total? Answer:
Question: Hayley had 25 meatballs on her plate. Kirsten stole some of her meatballs. Now she has 11 meatballs on her plate. How many meatballs did Kirsten steal? Answer:
Question: On Monday Debby jogged 2 kilometers. On Tuesday she jogged 5 kilometers and on Wednesday she jogged 9. How many kilometers did she jog total? Answer:
Question: A chess club has 3 members. If 4 new members are enrolled, how many total members are there in the chess club? Answer:
Question: Cody was helping his mom wash clothes. They washed 4 short sleeve shirts and 5 long sleeve shirts. How many shirts did they wash total? Answer:
Question: Jack received 8 emails in the morning and 2 emails in the afternoon. How many emails did Jack receive in the day? Answer:
Question: The following month, the four friends met again to share their collections. Carl, having the most number of stamps among all of them decided to give away some of his collections. If he has 96 stamps during that month, and he gave away 48, how many stamps were left with him? Answer:
Question: Mayor Harvey wanted to add color to the party. He bought 7 flowers each representing the 7 colors of the rainbow. If he had 70 bouquets of flowers for each color, how many bouquets are there in all? Answer:
Question: Adolfo made a tower with thirty-five blocks. He added some more blocks and now he has sixty-five blocks. How many did he have to add? Answer:
Question: Stanley, a car enthusiast, loves to drive across different places as a hobby. So for his vacation, he decided to go around his favorite places. His first destination is the famous Sky Falls, one of the tallest waterfalls in his country. It is said to be 20 times as tall as the tallest building in their city. If the building is 9 feet tall, how tall is Sky Falls? Answer:
Question: Michael and Tom both love collecting robots. They meet up every month so that they can check out and compare their collections. On their latest meeting, they found out that Tom has twice as many animal robots than Michael. If Michael has 8 animal robots, how many animal robots does Tom have? Answer:
Question: When Jose rode on a bus, he noticed some people sitting. At the next bus stop, 5 people got on and 2 people got off. Two stops later, 7 people got on 15 people got off the bus at the terminal station. How many people were in the bus when Jose got on the bus? Answer:
Question: The difference between two numbers is 24. The smaller number is 46. What is the larger number? Answer:
Question: A museum had fourteen paintings. After they got rid of some, they had four left. What's the difference between the number of paintings before they got rid of and the left? Answer:
Question: Cindy's mom baked 1215 cookies. Paul's dad baked 1112 cookies. They both brought them to school for a party. How many cookies did they have altogether? Answer:
Question: While playing a game Kaleb had ninety-eight lives. After losing some lives he had seventy-three left. How many lives did Kaleb lose? Answer:
Question: Rachel baked some brownies. She brought 16 brownies to school that day. She left 24 brownies at home. How many brownies did Rachel bake? Answer:
Question: Mike has 64 action figures he wants to display. If each shelf in his room can hold 8 figures, how many shelves does he need? Answer:
Question: Winter is almost here and most animals are migrating to warmer countries. There are 67 bird families living near the mountain. If 32 bird families flew away for winter, how many bird families were left near the mountain? Answer:
Question: Isabel had sixteen bottles of water. After a week she had seven left. How many did she drink? Answer:
Question: Mrs. Hilt saw 21 snakes, 11 alligators, 36 frogs, and 57 bears. How many reptiles did Mrs. Hilt see? Answer:
Question: Shirley sold 54 boxes of Trefoils. How many cases of 6 boxes does Shirley need to deliver? Answer:
Question: Maria had sixty-seven pieces of candy. She ate sixty-four pieces. How many pieces of candy does Maria have now? Answer:
Question: An envelope from the post office is 4 inches wide and 4 inches long. What is the area of the envelope? Answer:
Question: Kate, Maggie, and Sue added up their ages. The total was 48. Kate is 19 and Maggie is 17. How old is Sue? Answer:
Question: There are 336 students in a school. If the school has 7 grades and each grade had the same number of students, how many students were in each grade? Answer:
Question: There are 544 pots. Each pot has 32 flowers in it. How many flowers are there in all? Answer:
Question: Each chocolate bar in a box cost $3. If a box had 9 bars total and Wendy sold all but 3 bars, how much money would she have made? Answer:
Question: The Razorback t-shirt Shop sells their t-shirts for $16. Last week they sold 45 t-shirts. How much money did they make last week? Answer:
Question: Mrs. Wong had 30 Valentines. She gave 8 Valentines to her children. How many does she have left? Answer:
Question: Arthur baked 35 muffins. How many more muffins does Arthur have to bake to have 83 muffins? Answer:
Question: It's New Year's Eve. Benjamin and his family went to New York City to take part in the celebration that is going to take place later that night. Before the evening celebrations, Benjamin wanted to see some of the famous places in NYC first. From the hotel, he walked 234 steps to the nearest restaurant then another 378 steps to Central Park. How many steps did he take to get to Central Park from the hotel? Answer:
Question: A pet store had six kittens. If they got another three kittens, how many would they have total? Answer:
Question: There are 560 bottle caps in Terry's bottle cap collection. If the bottle caps are organized into 80 groups, how big is each group? Answer:
Question: There are 84 leaves. There are 139 ladybugs on each leaf. How many ladybugs are there in all? Answer:
Question: The giant Ferris wheel can seat 56 people. There are 92 people waiting in line. How many people won't get on the ride this time? Answer:
Question: It is Buddy's first day at a new school and he is feeling very nervous. His day begins with some bacon and egg prepared by his mother. After eating and preparing, Buddy headed out to catch the school bus from the nearest bus stop. Including Buddy, there were 39 students that got on the bus during the first stop. If 29 more students got on the bus at the second stop, how many students are riding the bus? Answer:
Question: The Greene family went to the amusement park. They spent $45 on admission tickets. They spent $13 less than that on food. How much did the Greene family spend in all? Answer:
Question: Danny collects bottle caps. He found 18 bottle caps at the park. Now he has 55 bottle caps in his collection. How many bottle caps did Danny have at first? Answer:
Question: At the top of the Empire State Building, he saw the Madison Square Garden so he decided to go there as well. It took him 676 steps to get down the building and 315 steps from the building to Madison Square Garden. How many steps did he take to get to Madison Square? Answer:
Question: Rachel took two dollars from her piggy bank. Now she has three dollars in her piggy bank. How much money was originally in there? Answer:
Question: Ned was buying books about astronomy. He bought 8 books about the planets and 4 about the space program. How many books did he buy total? Answer:
Question: Connie had some marbles. She gave 183 to Juan. Now she has 593 marbles left. How many did she have to start with? Answer:
Question: For the final act, the circus brought out dancing animals wearing crowns. If each crown is made with 7 different colored feathers, how many feathers are needed for 934 crowns? Answer:
Question: Isabella's hair is 18 cubes long. She gets hair extensions and it doubles her length. How much hair does she have now? Answer:
Question: At the first day back in school, her parents bought her different colored pens. If her parents bought her 56 pens and she gave 22 of those to her friends, how many pens were left for her to use? Answer:
Question: Sam invited 9 friends to a birthday party, but 6 couldn't come. If he wanted to buy enough cupcakes so each person could have exactly 2, how many should he buy? Answer:
Question: Mrs. Hilt had 43 cents. She bought a pencil for 20 cents and a piece of candy for 5 cents. How much money did she have left? Answer:
Question: Being his favorite, Michael has 4 times more flying robots than Tom. If Tom has 3 flying robots, how many flying robots does Michael have? Answer:
Question: For Halloween Oliver got seventy-eight pounds of candy. After giving some to Janet, he had sixty-eight pounds left. How many pounds did he give to Janet? Answer:
Question: Dave had sixteen apps on his phone. After deleting some, he had eight left. How many apps did he delete? Answer:
Question: At the produce store you can buy 2 bags of bananas for $12.46. How much would it cost if you were to buy 6 bags? Answer:
Question: This year on your 11th birthday your mother tells you that she is exactly 3 times as old as you are. How old is she? Answer:
Question: Janet was practicing for a marathon. She practiced for 9 days, running 8 miles each day. How many miles did Janet run altogether? Answer:
Question: To get to school, Chad must either walk around a circular lake or canoe across it. The diameter of the lake is 2 miles. How much shorter is his trip if he canoes across the lake rather than walks around it? (Use the value of pi = 3.14) Answer:
Question: A chef served 3 different foods for a banquet: 25 plates lobster rolls, 14 plates of spicy hot noodles and 16 plates of seafood noodles. How many plates of food did the chef make altogether? Answer:
Question: Sam received eighty-seven dollars for his birthday. He went to a sporting goods store and bought a baseball glove, baseball, and bat. He had twenty-three dollars left over, how much did he spent on the baseball gear ? Answer:
Question: There are fifty-eight students trying out for the school's trivia teams. If twenty-eight of them didn't get picked for the team and the rest were put into five groups, how many students would be in each group? Answer:
Question: Carol was sending out birthday invitations to her friends. If each package of invitations she bought had 9 invitations in it and she bought 5 packs, how many friends can she invite? Answer:
Question: A baker already had seventy-eight cakes but made nine extra. How many cakes did the baker have total? Answer:
Question: Next on his list is the famous Empire State Building. There he learned that the building stands 1250 feet to the top floor and the antenna spire is 204 feet. How tall is the Empire State Building? Answer:
Question: A chef had forty-six apples. After making some pies he had fourteen left. How many apples did he use? Answer:
Question: Tony had $20. He paid $8 for a ticket to a baseball game. At the game, he bought a hot dog for $3. What amount of money did Tony have then? Answer:
Question: Tiffany was buying sodas for her and her friends. They needed nine sodas, but Tiffany bought seven extra. How many did she buy? Answer:
Question: A square has sides that measure 15 cm. A rectangle has a length of 18 cm. The perimeter of the square is equal to the perimeter of the rectangle. What is the area of the rectangle? Answer:
Question: Lex read another book with 240 pages. If he read the same number of pages for 12 days, how many pages did he read every day? Answer:
Question: It's basketball season in Ashford Elementary School. Chuck, the team captain of the Blue Team is feeling nervous about it. Their first opponent is the Red Team, composed of other 3rd graders, gave them a hard time. If they lost by 13 points and the Red Team scored 61 points, what is their team's final score? Answer:
Question: Henry bought 2 new fireworks and his friend bought 3. If they already had 6 saved from last year, how many do they have now? Answer:
Question: After the mountain country, she went to the famous beach on the continent. There, she collected 291 seashells of different colors. If she has 76 red shells and 49 green shells, how many shells are not red or green? Answer:
Question: Donna and her friend found some money. They split the money evenly, each getting $32.50. How much money did they find? Answer:
Question: Lucy has an aquarium with 212 fish. She wants to buy 68 more fish. How many fish would Lucy have then? Answer:
Question: 3 raccoons are playing in the woods. 2 go home to eat dinner. How many raccoons are left in the woods? Answer:
Question: Brenda, Betty's sister, wanted to have 3 bracelets with star-shaped stones. She also bought 36 star-shaped stones from the local store and gave it to Betty. How many star-shaped stones will there be in each of the bracelet Betty makes for Brenda? Answer: