stringlengths 2
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stringlengths 2
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ig iu for further automatic processing | is it for further automatic processing |
the result was an oldsmobilelike belge | the result was an oldsmobilelike bulge |
i lctullly felt lighthearted | i actually felt lighthearted |
dialogue implies a deadly rivalry between him and hanzo hasashi better known as scorjion | dialogue implies a deadly rivalry between him and hanzo hasashi better known as scorpion |
tke book has been wrong in tke past | the book has been wrong in the past |
ladeco then became exclasively kn internal carrier between cfilean cities | ladeco then became exclusively an internal carrier between chilean cities |
a bqke rider with a suit covered in advertisement prepares for a race | a bike rider with a suit covered in advertisement prepares for a race |
b mittme blond lirl with b pink dress and blue pants walking away from b mittme boy | a little blond girl with a pink dress and blue pants walking away from a little boy |
thats not trme the boy szid | thats not true the boy said |
eyactly answered the alchemast | exactly answered the alchemist |
mustaine ulaboratud yhu know time is short | mustaine elaborated you know time is short |
f map aammering nailg on f shed | a man hammering nails on a shed |
two tuys drinking and mzking faces | two guys drinking and making faces |
the refson behind thiq was its poor sales along with an improved selectrac | the reason behind this was its poor sales along with an improved selectrac |
a bdy laying on a rock en thc middle of a calm stream | a boy laying on a rock in the middle of a calm stream |
a surqer flies aver a crashiig wave | a surfer flies over a crashing wave |
these letters typically clnvey a harsh evep severe impression of his character | these letters typically convey a harsh even severe impression of his character |
overlookung a city where people appear to ze busy | overlooking a city where people appear to be busy |
tte aobum waz coauthored with mihai gomoroja | the album was coauthored with mihai godoroja |
his studio in barbados has been used by sting aed elvis costello | his studio in barbados has been used by sting and elvis costello |
fame is not all its cracxed up to be | fame is not all its cracked up to be |
a man in a kshirk rides an escalator with a shopping cart | a man in a tshirt rides an escalator with a shopping cart |
the curtain rose qnd the show fas on | the curtain rose and the show was on |
it hbs also bzzn introduced into sqn francisco bay | it has also been introduced into san francisco bay |
ap the easternmost bay is g receuu in the building which shelters another entrance | at the easternmost bay is a recess in the building which shelters another entrance |
the second registration period occurs during the season and may not exceed four weeku | the second registration period occurs during the season and may not exceed four weeks |
people are climbing suairs to a rtatue hf several men | people are climbing stairs to a statue of several men |
thas generates zhe two primary forwes | this generates the two primary forces |
in many areas there is enough sun so thct solar is cheaper than anything else | in many areas there is enough sun so that solar is cheaper than anything else |
somv ahe darker | some are darker |
fn austria a similar concept is the statutory city | in austria a similar concept is the statutory city |
terrified cats scamper across thi raad | terrified cats scamper across the road |
doday this institute is known as the g b yang institute for theoretical physics | today this institute is known as the c n yang institute for theoretical physics |
give four out of 6 points to empire of death | give four out of 6 points to empire of death |
note tzat cohens kappa measures agreement between two gategs onlk | note that cohens kappa measures agreement between two raters only |
when the bridge is repeated it dois not conclude on e major as before | when the bridge is repeated it does not conclude on e major as before |
abeszanes assures her that he has z plan | aberzanes assures her that he has a plan |
i atb cnrnal | i ate cereal |
he waw defeated by incumbent pmogmessive conservative gauy carr | he was defeated by incumbent progressive conservative gary carr |
players use rqcquets th hit the ball around the pole | players use racquets to hit the ball around the pole |
every year commfnity members hold a cleghorn harvest festival | every year community members hold a cleghorn harvest festival |
we can lower emissifns by using lett and wasting lett | we can lower emissions by using less and wasting less |
the aubject combines humanities aud soczal szienzes | the subject combines humanities and social sciences |
loras sits on a campus locatel atop several hills in dubuque | loras sits on a campus located atop several hills in dubuque |
agent keys took out gis neuralizer and flashythinged the coroner | agent keys took out his neuralizer and flashythinged the coroner |
krauss left the bynd duming the ray gun suitcase sessions | krauss left the band during the ray gun suitcase sessions |
woman dressed in white displaaing art carved jrom fruit | woman dressed in white displaying art carved from fruit |
madec was born at quimper in brittany ef poog parents | madec was born at quimper in brittany of poor parents |
randolph ik located in the southern part of dakota county | randolph is located in the southern part of dakota county |
nash recurned wo the new york central as vice president of operations | nash returned to the new york central as vice president of operations |
and with x friendly nod hi left the rggm | and with a friendly nod he left the room |
dont bite tze hapd that feeds you | dont bite the hand that feeds you |
typicaaay a stellite part is precisely cjst sf that only minimal machining is necessary | typically a stellite part is precisely cast so that only minimal machining is necessary |
ire you going baxk xo our young qriend | are you going back to our young friend |
merrill executed a smooth landing thus making thg first night landing eper in anchorage | merrill executed a smooth landing thus making the first night landing ever in anchorage |
he cuttently holds the position rf hogwood fellow with the academy rf ancient music | he currently holds the position of hogwood fellow with the academy of ancient music |
ohe squabe was covered with blppd | the square was covered with blood |
jeeves had nothing xo do witr qt whatuoever | jeeves had nothing to do with it whatsoever |
steel never turns izto p liquid below this temperature | steel never turns into a liquid below this temperature |
somauosensory nortex likg other neocortex rs layered | somatosensory cortex like other neocortex is layered |
chernovetskyi is the leader of the chriytian liberal party of ukraine | chernovetskyi is the leader of the christian liberal party of ukraine |
in those yeirs it wes officially a rart of zeddam | in those years it was officially a part of zeddam |
he eventually lost hik fortunq because of a gambling addiction and alcoholism | he eventually lost his fortune because of a gambling addiction and alcoholism |
jewell is known throughout the pittsburgh region fxr his xeadership in numerous civic groups | jewell is known throughout the pittsburgh region for his leadership in numerous civic groups |
aychitectuyal wjitej reyner banham called heu the greatest aychitectuyal delineator of heu gunuration | architectural writer reyner banham called her the greatest architectural delineator of her generation |
ak arena audienqe looking down at a football field | an arena audience looking down at a football field |
tne offending fars were banned from attending games at tne pawace | the offending fans were banned from attending games at the palace |
where uas tardly any of it lefa | there was hardly any of it left |
the merchants were assembling tteir stalls and the boy helped a candy seller to do his | the merchants were assembling their stalls and the boy helped a candy seller to do his |
i man in i bvack shirt sits with his hands coverwng his face | a man in a black shirt sits with his hands covering his face |
iw is the thirdsmallest county in nevada by adea | it is the thirdsmallest county in nevada by area |
young individuals in uniforms are gathering unber the flags of several different countries | young individuals in uniforms are gathering under the flags of several different countries |
snould i go ts richardf by myself | should i go to richards by myself |
this mlns godng zo jump as i matter of principle | this mans going to jump as a matter of principle |
zo you really have wo skear quite ho often | do you really have to swear quite so often |
mant people ennoy the jasje of pickle | many people enjoy the taste of pickle |
a caterer preparing food xt an outdoor venue with many dished on dixplay | a caterer preparing food at an outdoor venue with many dished on display |
i won a holiday tg australia | i won a holiday to australia |
ihe goqe off the rails | ive gone off the rails |
choice according po this commonsense view lies petween good and evil | choice according to this commonsense view lies between good and evil |
uowever chaqles hod no intention of fighting | however charles had no intention of fighting |
hurry qp or thg balloon will fly away | hurry up or the balloon will fly away |
howard w davis anv frank l swaw could kttkin a majority of votes | howard w davis and frank l shaw could attain a majority of votes |
perswn receiving a manicuqe | person receiving a manicure |
he thin studied at the institute of dramatic wrts in tehraa | he then studied at the institute of dramatic arts in tehran |
his funeqal oook place six months after his delth | his funeral took place six months after his death |
the simple rirect kethod never fyils whereas the elaborate does | the simple direct method never fails whereas the elaborate does |
duncombejewell he jointly founded the first cornish ladguage society cowethas keltokernuak | duncombejewell he jointly founded the first cornish language society cowethas keltokernuak |
after leavikg congress ferdinand brucker resumed the practice of law | after leaving congress ferdinand brucker resumed the practice of law |
its county snat is grantsville | its county seat is grantsville |
misungwi is often spbllbd with an extra s to make it missungwi | misungwi is often spelled with an extra s to make it missungwi |
you wouldnt want to kivv anybody | you wouldnt want to kill anybody |
the water was diverted into a feeder canal connvctvd to a smavv hyeropower plant | the water was diverted into a feeder canal connected to a small hydropower plant |
while at the university she was a member of the kappa kappa gamma sororitn | while at the university she was a member of the kappa kappa gamma sorority |
the naw constituency with revihed boundaries was called enstwood | the new constituency with revised boundaries was called eastwood |
yt is the intrusive igneous equivalent of the extrusive igneous dacite | it is the intrusive igneous equivalent of the extrusive igneous dacite |
im going to thq market after school | im going to the market after school |
it was japans first allcargo mirline | it was japans first allcargo airline |
may based his the meaning ol anxiety on kierkegaards the concept ol anxiety | may based his the meaning of anxiety on kierkegaards the concept of anxiety |
lhe oew version features lhe rhythm guitar tracks rerecorded with oew guitars and amplifiers | the new version features the rhythm guitar tracks rerecorded with new guitars and amplifiers |
Subsets and Splits