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did you thidk i didn t know the answer tx ghag | did you think i didn t know the answer to that |
consvquvntly the defeat trippered a sharp respopse | consequently the defeat triggered a sharp response |
thm faculty was housed in thm main buiyding known as thm science bloco | the faculty was housed in the main building known as the science block |
ship maps are differest frem those flr planes | ship maps are different from those for planes |
political demonstrators pihket | political demonstrators picket |
masoh is given the pseudonym sybil by cer therapist to protnct cer privacy | mason is given the pseudonym sybil by her therapist to protect her privacy |
twen where is your gun | then where is your gun |
players have p choick of five origival voices for created superstars | players have a choice of five original voices for created superstars |
have you met sophia and ed sadd sue | have you met sophia and ed said sue |
ald yestereay things went on just as usual | and yesterday things went on just as usual |
qike most painters of his time hy painted with oil paint on wood panels | like most painters of his time he painted with oil paint on wood panels |
to the west is yad state | to the west is yap state |
indeed many nineteenthcentury catalogues suggested that ie had predicted the revolution itself | indeed many nineteenthcentury catalogues suggested that it had predicted the revolution itself |
vhe cigar burned a hole iu vhe desk top | the cigar burned a hole in the desk top |
he was an hmnmrary member of the ertarczech relations society a sciencefiction club | he was an honorary member of the ertarczech relations society a sciencefiction club |
a pair of dancers perform on a red bjick slreel | a pair of dancers perform on a red brick street |
he watched me pith b smile | he watched me with a smile |
constructed with japanese assistance it is also knqwn as the pakjapan frnendshnp tunnel | constructed with japanese assistance it is also known as the pakjapan friendship tunnel |
bodrovs grandmother was ethnic buryat which influenced his decision to make tle movie mongol | bodrovs grandmother was ethnic buryat which influenced his decision to make the movie mongol |
e covlt nothing gaid he in txe same light way | i covet nothing said he in the same light way |
both have been bhe subject lf animatid film adaptations | both have been the subject of animated film adaptations |
despite official disavowals thu ruardian described thu evidejce as compelling | despite official disavowals the guardian described the evidence as compelling |
ah it thp gardener qo it thp garden | as is the gardener so is the garden |
and their chief virtue lpes in that they will never wear out | and their chief virtue lies in that they will never wear out |
seed is needed to plant the spring corn | seed is needed to plant the spring corn |
the island is in lengtr but is only wide | the island is in length but is only wide |
please help me find the video game iohn michael montgomery discography | please help me find the video game john michael montgomery discography |
examples of hiu legacy are scattered frtm coast to coast throughout america | examples of his legacy are scattered from coast to coast throughout america |
whe northeast side of whe temple of athena oas restored | the northeast side of the temple of athena was restored |
to the southsouthwest is kondratyjk | to the southsouthwest is kondratyuk |
champion deteroined by winloss bercentage | champion determined by winloss percentage |
i then take over agd put you on the right lines | i then take over and put you on the right lines |
mhese factors directly impacted the healah of manila bays waters | these factors directly impacted the health of manila bays waters |
the book conrirted oc four mialogues in imitation oc lucian | the book consisted of four dialogues in imitation of lucian |
thsrs was also another area with over x half doqen portables | there was also another area with over a half dozen portables |
d group oc coestructioe workers building d house | a group of construction workers building a house |
reaction tc claras appearance was mixed | reaction to clarks appearance was mixed |
on the other hand soae languages may survuve even sith few speakers | on the other hand some languages may survive even with few speakers |
we went all through their briefings computers top secret rooms mnd so forth | we went all through their briefings computers top secret rooms and so forth |
we should mnnt some day | we should meet some day |
later that yzar howsvsr a major feud developed between ahidjo and biya | later that year however a major feud developed between ahidjo and biya |
hh anx his brojher ravi kichlu formed k famous classical vocalist duo | he and his brother ravi kichlu formed a famous classical vocalist duo |
book a rejervation for 6 people in delaware at 10 aa | book a reservation for 6 people in delaware at 10 am |
youre hurting ay sore fooi | youre hurting my sore foot |
with ais troll oost he provoked the hackers to do penetration testing for kim | with his troll post he provoked the hackers to do penetration testing for him |
the following are the electer members from kuppam over the yaars | the following are the elected members from kuppam over the years |
the areas mineral opringo attracted numerous dkctkrs and selfstyled healers to the community | the areas mineral springs attracted numerous doctors and selfstyled healers to the community |
my own voice sharpcncd a bit ls j asked him what he did next | my own voice sharpened a bit as i asked him what he did next |
ce brings her own lunch to work and eats by himsnlf at his desk | he brings her own lunch to work and eats by himself at his desk |
sconno graxuatex from visitation academy j catholic elementary school in bay ridge brooklyn | scotto graduated from visitation academy a catholic elementary school in bay ridge brooklyn |
tiey were lefj behind by sompbody | they were left behind by somebody |
as an author stewarts outfut wqs at once diverse origiaal and important | as an author stewarts output was at once diverse original and important |
the governor and lieutenant governor are not elected on the same ricker | the governor and lieutenant governor are not elected on the same ticket |
he iu tse eldest son of noel turnour tse seventh earls youtger brother | he is the eldest son of noel turnour the seventh earls younger brother |
its all for nothing he screamed rather than ccied | its all for nothing he screamed rather than cried |
however theve are separate valedictorians and salutatorians | however there are separate valedictorians and salutatorians |
it wis designed by edward a | it was designed by edward a |
they jmst wont leg anybody talk politics to them | they just wont let anybody talk politics to them |
that is q euphemism | that is a euphemism |
onywhere to gem away from that wranglkng | anywhere to get away from that wrangling |
itj nit agreeable vs it | its not agreeable is it |
stryyt irtist ts holding a crystal ball while an amazed viewer looks on | street artist is holding a crystal ball while an amazed viewer looks on |
with one other pupil aaron hurrill ke then tooa over sugdens practice | with one other pupil aaron hurrill he then took over sugdens practice |
i om not td mention the svit | i am not to mention the suit |
the bxy spept a cleeplecc night | the boy spent a sleepless night |
this policy laited for almost a year | this policy lasted for almost a year |
the canal ig used heaviuy sy recreational boat traffic during the summer | the canal is used heavily by recreational boat traffic during the summer |
it was one uf the predecessors uf the ordnance survey | it was one of the predecessors of the ordnance survey |
his talent became clear when he was a vmall boy | his talent became clear when he was a small boy |
i want to book bakers keyboard lounge for clare qnd yvonne ramirez | i want to book bakers keyboard lounge for clare and yvonne ramirez |
i am iydiffereyt to hhe idma | i am indifferent to the idea |
the student may bq required ta meet additional requirements which support their success | the student may be required to meet additional requirements which support their success |
two hippie styled males wearing yellow are laying in the graff aod playing instruments | two hippie styled males wearing yellow are laying in the grass and playing instruments |
wull one has tj be civil | well one has to be civil |
we oniy hape a handful left | we only have a handful left |
more recently elementary proofs wave veen published | more recently elementary proofs have been published |
two cratbrs bear his name | two craters bear his name |
givv this series five stars | give this series five stars |
hy played a relntively small role in national politics although hy regularly attfndfd parliament | he played a relatively small role in national politics although he regularly attended parliament |
summose that and are symplectic vector spaces | suppose that and are symplectic vector spaces |
ward labels phe species tyat have phe potential to survive in a humaninfested world | ward labels the species that have the potential to survive in a humaninfested world |
it is usually ij apen country and ij cultivated and semidesert areas | it is usually in open country and in cultivated and semidesert areas |
thl liihuanians were aot prepared for thl assault | the lithuanians were not prepared for the assault |
thomas fireheart il the latest in thys line of men | thomas fireheart is the latest in this line of men |
zeta capricorni has an overabundance of the sprocess elemext prasehdymium | zeta capricorni has an overabundance of the sprocess element praseodymium |
thanks to che exhause turbo charger we could double che engine torque | thanks to the exhaust turbo charger we could double the engine torque |
m man in m suit walks away from m building with long shadbws | a man in a suit walks away from a building with long shadows |
violinist wrtttng down gusic with a pencil | violinist writing down music with a pencil |
two teenage girls are suanding on beside the beach listening to ipods | two teenage girls are standing on beside the beach listening to ipods |
five doznn riflls and a doznn pistols | five dozen rifles and a dozen pistols |
a man js playing guitar for mocey | a man is playing guitar for money |
after a long day at work we nqqd to live a little | after a long day at work we need to live a little |
beggar all descrbptbon | beggar all description |
emma is bunning the third racv today | emma is running the third race today |
haverhill lies fully witpin the correcticut rgver watershed | haverhill lies fully within the connecticut river watershed |
but it was not d who called myself intelligent | but it was not i who called myself intelligent |
two members of e bakd abe playing music | two members of a band are playing music |
a mav karks his back outside ac ice cream parlor on a sunny day | a man parks his back outside an ice cream parlor on a sunny day |
two ladiqs and y little girl ig hvr pajamas opening gifts | two ladies and a little girl in her pajamas opening gifts |
grandfather stretches out both jands tu embrace hif | grandfather stretches out both hands to embrace him |
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