1 value
1 value
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Remove another reference to 64-bit systems.\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "[[vm-max-map-count]]\n=== Virtual memory\n\nElasticsearch uses a <<default_fs,`mmapfs`>> directory by\ndefault for 64bit systems to store its indices. The default operating system limits on mmap\ncounts is likely to be too low, which may result in out of memory exceptions.\n\nOn Linux, you can increase the limits by running the following command as\n`root`:\n\n[source,sh]\n-------------------------------------\nsysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144\n-------------------------------------\n\nTo set this value permanently, update the `vm.max_map_count` setting in\n`/etc/sysctl.conf`. To verify after rebooting, run `sysctl vm.max_map_count`.\n\nThe RPM and Debian packages will configure this setting automatically. No\nfurther configuration is required.\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[[vm-max-map-count]]\n=== Virtual memory\n\nElasticsearch uses a <<default_fs,`mmapfs`>> directory by\ndefault to store its indices. The default operating system limits on mmap\ncounts is likely to be too low, which may result in out of memory exceptions.\n\nOn Linux, you can increase the limits by running the following command as\n`root`:\n\n[source,sh]\n-------------------------------------\nsysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144\n-------------------------------------\n\nTo set this value permanently, update the `vm.max_map_count` setting in\n`/etc/sysctl.conf`. To verify after rebooting, run `sysctl vm.max_map_count`.\n\nThe RPM and Debian packages will configure this setting automatically. No\nfurther configuration is required.\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Update and fix errors in delete ELB docs\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "===== Delete Amazon Load Balancer\n\n====== Type\n\n+deleteAmazonLoadBalancer+\n\n====== Description\n\nThis stage provides orchestration for deleting an Amazon Elastic Load Balancer. This is a destructive process, which cannot be reversed. If the provided +loadBalancerName+ is not found for _all_ provided +regions+, the operation will fail validation.\n\nCAUTION: This operation marks the end of a Load Balancer's life. The process cannot be undone, and the configuration cannot be reconstituted. A load balancer of the same configuration will need to be recreated from scratch.\n\n====== Services Involved\n\n_orca_, _kato_, _oort_\n\n====== Steps\n\n_deleteAmazonLoadBalancer_, _forceCacheRefresh_, _monitorDelete_, _sendNotification_\n\n====== Example Request Body\n[source,javascript]\n----\n{\n \"type\": \"deleteAmazonLoadBalancer\",\n \"loadBalancerName\": \"kato-main-frontend\",\n \"regions\": [\"us-east-1\", \"us-west-1\", \"us-west-2\", \"eu-west-1\"],\n \"credentials\": \"test\"\n}\n----\n\n====== Description of inputs\n\n[width=\"100%\",frame=\"topbot\",options=\"header,footer\"]\n|======================\n|Key | Type | Required | Value\n|loadBalancerName | string | true | The name of the load balancer.\n|regions | array | true | An object that provides a named region to array of region names. For example, +[\"us-east-1\", \"us-west-1\"]+ will inform the deployment engine to delete the ELB those specific regions.\n|credentials | string | true | The named account credentials that are to be used for this operation.\n|======================\n\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "===== Delete Amazon Load Balancer\n\n====== Type\n\n+deleteAmazonLoadBalancer+\n\n====== Description\n\nThis stage provides orchestration for deleting an Amazon Elastic Load Balancer. This is a destructive process, which cannot be reversed.\n\nCAUTION: This operation marks the end of a Load Balancer's life. The process cannot be undone, and the configuration cannot be reconstituted. A load balancer of the same configuration will need to be recreated from scratch.\n\n====== Services Involved\n\n_orca_, _kato_, _oort_\n\n====== Steps\n\n_deleteAmazonLoadBalancer_, _forceCacheRefresh_, _monitorDelete_\n\n====== Example Request Body\n[source,javascript]\n----\n{\n \"type\": \"deleteAmazonLoadBalancer\",\n \"loadBalancerName\": \"kato-main-frontend\",\n \"regions\": [\"us-east-1\", \"us-west-1\", \"us-west-2\", \"eu-west-1\"],\n \"credentials\": \"test\"\n}\n----\n\n====== Description of inputs\n\n[width=\"100%\",frame=\"topbot\",options=\"header,footer\"]\n|======================\n|Key | Type | Required | Value\n|loadBalancerName | string | true | The name of the load balancer.\n|regions | array | true | An object that provides a named region to array of region names. For example, +[\"us-east-1\", \"us-west-1\"]+ will inform the deployment engine to delete from those specific regions.\n|credentials | string | true | The named account credentials that are to be used for this operation.\n|======================\n\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "[Docs] Fix broken cross link in documentation\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "[[breaking_70_plugins_changes]]\n=== Plugins changes\n\n==== Azure Repository plugin\n\n* The legacy azure settings which where starting with `` prefix have been removed.\nThis includes `account`, `key`, `default` and `timeout`.\nYou need to use settings which are starting with `azure.client.` prefix instead.\n\n* Global timeout setting `` has been removed.\nYou must set it per azure client instead. Like `azure.client.default.timeout: 10s` for example.\n\nSee {plugins}/repository-azure-usage.html#repository-azure-repository-settings[Azure Repository settings].\n\n==== Google Cloud Storage Repository plugin\n\n* The repository settings `application_name`, `connect_timeout` and `read_timeout` have been removed and\nmust now be specified in the client settings instead.\n\nSee {plugins}/repository-gcs-client.html#repository-gcs-client[Google Cloud Storage Client Settings].\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[[breaking_70_plugins_changes]]\n=== Plugins changes\n\n==== Azure Repository plugin\n\n* The legacy azure settings which where starting with `` prefix have been removed.\nThis includes `account`, `key`, `default` and `timeout`.\nYou need to use settings which are starting with `azure.client.` prefix instead.\n\n* Global timeout setting `` has been removed.\nYou must set it per azure client instead. Like `azure.client.default.timeout: 10s` for example.\n\nSee {plugins}/repository-azure-repository-settings.html#repository-azure-repository-settings[Azure Repository settings].\n\n==== Google Cloud Storage Repository plugin\n\n* The repository settings `application_name`, `connect_timeout` and `read_timeout` have been removed and\nmust now be specified in the client settings instead.\n\nSee {plugins}/repository-gcs-client.html#repository-gcs-client[Google Cloud Storage Client Settings].\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Fix GitHub repo url in adoc files\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= Spring Cloud Data Flow Reference Guide\nSabby Anandan; Marius Bogoevici; Eric Bottard; Mark Fisher; Ilayaperumal Gopinathan; Gunnar Hillert; Mark Pollack; Patrick Peralta; Glenn Renfro; Thomas Risberg; Dave Syer; David Turanski; Janne Valkealahti\n:doctype: book\n:toc:\n:toclevels: 4\n:source-highlighter: prettify\n:numbered:\n:icons: font\n:hide-uri-scheme:\n\n:spring-cloud-dataflow-docs:{project-version}/reference\n:spring-cloud-dataflow-docs-current:\n:github-repo: spring-projects/spring-cloud-dataflow\n:github-code:{github-repo}\n\n:dataflow-asciidoc:\n\n// ======================================================================================\n\ninclude::preface.adoc[]\ninclude::spring-cloud-dataflow-overview.adoc[]\ninclude::architecture.adoc[]\ninclude::getting-started.adoc[]\ninclude::streams.adoc[]\ninclude::tasks.adoc[]\ninclude::dashboard.adoc[]\ninclude::howto.adoc[]\ninclude::appendix.adoc[]\n\n\n// ======================================================================================\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= Spring Cloud Data Flow Reference Guide\nSabby Anandan; Marius Bogoevici; Eric Bottard; Mark Fisher; Ilayaperumal Gopinathan; Gunnar Hillert; Mark Pollack; Patrick Peralta; Glenn Renfro; Thomas Risberg; Dave Syer; David Turanski; Janne Valkealahti\n:doctype: book\n:toc:\n:toclevels: 4\n:source-highlighter: prettify\n:numbered:\n:icons: font\n:hide-uri-scheme:\n\n:spring-cloud-dataflow-docs:{project-version}/reference\n:spring-cloud-dataflow-docs-current:\n:github-repo: spring-cloud/spring-cloud-dataflow\n:github-code:{github-repo}\n\n:dataflow-asciidoc:\n\n// ======================================================================================\n\ninclude::preface.adoc[]\ninclude::spring-cloud-dataflow-overview.adoc[]\ninclude::architecture.adoc[]\ninclude::getting-started.adoc[]\ninclude::streams.adoc[]\ninclude::tasks.adoc[]\ninclude::dashboard.adoc[]\ninclude::howto.adoc[]\ninclude::appendix.adoc[]\n\n\n// ======================================================================================\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Update title and email. Add section numbers.\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "//\n// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Eclipse Microprofile Contributors:\n// Red Hat\n//\n// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n// You may obtain a copy of the License at\n//\n//\n//\n// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n// distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n// limitations under the License.\n//\n\n= Interoperable JWT RBAC for Microprofile\n:author: Scott Stark; Pedro Igor Silva\n:email: [email protected]\n:revnumber: 1.0\n:revdate: 2017-09-14\n:revremark: Proposed Final Draft\n:version-label!:\n:sectanchors:\n:doctype: book\n:license: Apache License v2.0\n:source-highlighter: coderay\n:toc: left\n:toclevels: 4\n:sectnumlevels: 4\nifdef::backend-pdf[]\n:pagenums:\nendif::[]\n\n\ninclude::license-alv2.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::background.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::interoperability.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::future-directions.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::sample-impl.asciidoc[]\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "//\n// Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Eclipse Microprofile Contributors:\n// Red Hat\n//\n// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n// You may obtain a copy of the License at\n//\n//\n//\n// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n// distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n// limitations under the License.\n//\n\n= Eclipse MicroProfile Interoperable JWT RBAC\n:author: Scott Stark; Pedro Igor Silva\n:email: [email protected]\n:revnumber: 1.0\n:revdate: 2017-09-14\n:revremark: Proposed Final Draft\n:version-label!:\n:sectanchors:\n:doctype: book\n:license: Apache License v2.0\n:source-highlighter: coderay\n:toc: left\n:toclevels: 4\n:sectnumlevels: 4\nifdef::backend-pdf[]\n:pagenums:\n:numbered:\nendif::[]\n\n\ninclude::license-alv2.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::background.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::interoperability.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::future-directions.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::sample-impl.asciidoc[]\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Docs: Fix missing comma and boolean true\n\nCloses #9350\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "[[search-aggregations-metrics-geobounds-aggregation]]\n=== Geo Bounds Aggregation\n\nA metric aggregation that computes the bounding box containing all geo_point values for a field.\n\n.Experimental!\n[IMPORTANT]\n=====\nThis feature is marked as experimental, and may be subject to change in the\nfuture. If you use this feature, please let us know your experience with it!\n=====\n\nExample:\n\n[source,js]\n--------------------------------------------------\n{\n \"query\" : {\n \"match\" : { \"business_type\" : \"shop\" }\n },\n \"aggs\" : {\n \"viewport\" : {\n \"geo_bounds\" : {\n \"field\" : \"location\" <1>\n \"wrap_longitude\" : \"true\" <2>\n }\n }\n }\n}\n--------------------------------------------------\n\n<1> The `geo_bounds` aggregation specifies the field to use to obtain the bounds\n<2> `wrap_longitude` is an optional parameter which specifies whether the bounding box should be allowed to overlap the international date line. The default value is `true`\n\nThe above aggregation demonstrates how one would compute the bounding box of the location field for all documents with a business type of shop\n\nThe response for the above aggregation:\n\n[source,js]\n--------------------------------------------------\n{\n ...\n\n \"aggregations\": {\n \"viewport\": {\n \"bounds\": {\n \"top_left\": {\n \"lat\": 80.45,\n \"lon\": -160.22\n },\n \"bottom_right\": {\n \"lat\": 40.65,\n \"lon\": 42.57\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n--------------------------------------------------\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[[search-aggregations-metrics-geobounds-aggregation]]\n=== Geo Bounds Aggregation\n\nA metric aggregation that computes the bounding box containing all geo_point values for a field.\n\n.Experimental!\n[IMPORTANT]\n=====\nThis feature is marked as experimental, and may be subject to change in the\nfuture. If you use this feature, please let us know your experience with it!\n=====\n\nExample:\n\n[source,js]\n--------------------------------------------------\n{\n \"query\" : {\n \"match\" : { \"business_type\" : \"shop\" }\n },\n \"aggs\" : {\n \"viewport\" : {\n \"geo_bounds\" : {\n \"field\" : \"location\", <1>\n \"wrap_longitude\" : true <2>\n }\n }\n }\n}\n--------------------------------------------------\n\n<1> The `geo_bounds` aggregation specifies the field to use to obtain the bounds\n<2> `wrap_longitude` is an optional parameter which specifies whether the bounding box should be allowed to overlap the international date line. The default value is `true`\n\nThe above aggregation demonstrates how one would compute the bounding box of the location field for all documents with a business type of shop\n\nThe response for the above aggregation:\n\n[source,js]\n--------------------------------------------------\n{\n ...\n\n \"aggregations\": {\n \"viewport\": {\n \"bounds\": {\n \"top_left\": {\n \"lat\": 80.45,\n \"lon\": -160.22\n },\n \"bottom_right\": {\n \"lat\": 40.65,\n \"lon\": 42.57\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n--------------------------------------------------\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Add readme reference to license.\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": ":libVersion: 0.1.7\n\n# ADAL\n\nimage:[Build Status,link=]\n\nAndroid Development Accelaration Library\n\nAdd the dependency in the form:\n[source, groovy, subs='attributes']\ndependencies {\n /* Include all modules */\n compile 'com.massivedisaster.adal:adal:{libVersion}'\n /* Specific modules*/\n compile 'com.massivedisaster.adal:adal-accounts:{libVersion}'\n compile 'com.massivedisaster.adal:adal-adapters:{libVersion}'\n compile 'com.massivedisaster.adal:adal-analytics:{libVersion}'\n compile 'com.massivedisaster.adal:adal-bus:{libVersion}'\n compile 'com.massivedisaster.adal:adal-fragments:{libVersion}'\n compile 'com.massivedisaster.adal:adal-managers:{libVersion}'\n compile 'com.massivedisaster.adal:adal-network:{libVersion}'\n compile 'com.massivedisaster.adal:adal-utils:{libVersion}'\n compile 'com.massivedisaster.adal:adal-location:{libVersion}'\n}\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": ":libVersion: 0.1.7\n\n# ADAL\n\nimage:[Build Status,link=]\n\nAndroid Development Accelaration Library\n\nAdd the dependency in the form:\n[source, groovy, subs='attributes']\ndependencies {\n /* Include all modules */\n compile 'com.massivedisaster.adal:adal:{libVersion}'\n /* Specific modules*/\n compile 'com.massivedisaster.adal:adal-accounts:{libVersion}'\n compile 'com.massivedisaster.adal:adal-adapters:{libVersion}'\n compile 'com.massivedisaster.adal:adal-analytics:{libVersion}'\n compile 'com.massivedisaster.adal:adal-bus:{libVersion}'\n compile 'com.massivedisaster.adal:adal-fragments:{libVersion}'\n compile 'com.massivedisaster.adal:adal-managers:{libVersion}'\n compile 'com.massivedisaster.adal:adal-network:{libVersion}'\n compile 'com.massivedisaster.adal:adal-utils:{libVersion}'\n compile 'com.massivedisaster.adal:adal-location:{libVersion}'\n}\n\n### License\n[GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE]( \n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Fix type on Clojutre start date\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= clojuTRE\nclojuTRE\n2017-09-02\n:jbake-type: event\n:jbake-edition: 2017\n:jbake-link:\n:jbake-location: Tampere, Finland\n:jbake-start: 2017-09-92\n:jbake-end: 2017-09-02\n\nclojuTRE is a free Clojure conference organized by[Metosin]. The event has single track, late start, short talks (20 minutes and 5 minutes Q&A) and a funky after party for networking, discussions and draft beer. We welcome both newbies and seasoned Clojurists.\n\n\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= clojuTRE\nclojuTRE\n2017-09-02\n:jbake-type: event\n:jbake-edition: 2017\n:jbake-link:\n:jbake-location: Tampere, Finland\n:jbake-start: 2017-09-02\n:jbake-end: 2017-09-02\n\nclojuTRE is a Clojure conference organized by[Metosin]. The event has single track, late start, short talks (20 minutes and 5 minutes Q&A) and a funky after party for networking, discussions and draft beer. We welcome both newbies and seasoned Clojurists.\n\n\n" } ]