1 value
1 value
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Add link to top project page.\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= EB4J\n:doctype: article\n:docinfo:\n:toc:\n:toclevels: 2\n\ninclude::about.adoc[]\n\ninclude::links.adoc[]\n\ninclude::reports.adoc[]\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= EB4J\n:doctype: article\n:docinfo:\n:toc:\n:toclevels: 2\n\nIMPORTANT: link:[View on GitHub]\n | link:[Top project page]\n\ninclude::about.adoc[]\n\ninclude::links.adoc[]\n\ninclude::reports.adoc[]\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Extend documentaiton about the setup goal\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\n[[vertx:setup]]\n== *vertx:setup*\n\nThis goal adds the Vert.x Maven Plugin to your `pom.xml` file. The plugin is configured with a default configuration.\n\n=== Example\n\n[source,subs=\"attributes\"]\n----\nmvn io.fabric8:vertx-maven-plugin:{version}:setup\n----\n\nThe setup goal by default uses the plugin property _vertx-core-version_\nfrom the plugin properties file as the vert.x version of the project,\nif you wish to override the vertx version, then you can run the same command as above with `-DvertxVersion=<your-vertx-version>`\n\ne.g.\n[source,subs=\"attributes-with-version\"]\n----\nmvn io.fabric8:vertx-maven-plugin:{version}:setup -DvertxVersion=3.4.0-SNAPSHOT\n----\n\nThis will configure the vert.x and its dependencies to `3.4.0-SNAPSHOT` i.e. Maven project property `vertx.version`\nset to `3.4.0-SNAPSHOT`\n\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\n[[vertx:setup]]\n== *vertx:setup*\n\nThis goal adds the Vert.x Maven Plugin to your `pom.xml` file. The plugin is configured with a default configuration.\n\n=== Example\n\n[source,subs=\"attributes\"]\n----\nmvn io.fabric8:vertx-maven-plugin:{version}:setup\n----\n\nThe setup goal by default uses the plugin property _vertx-core-version_\nfrom the plugin properties file as the vert.x version of the project,\nif you wish to override the vertx version, then you can run the same command as above with `-DvertxVersion=<your-vertx-version>`\n\ne.g.\n[source,subs=\"attributes-with-version\"]\n----\nmvn io.fabric8:vertx-maven-plugin:{version}:setup -DvertxVersion=3.4.0-SNAPSHOT\n----\n\nThis will configure the vert.x and its dependencies to `3.4.0-SNAPSHOT` i.e. Maven project property `vertx.version`\nset to `3.4.0-SNAPSHOT`\n\nYou can also generate a project if you don't have a `pom.xml` file:\n\n[source,subs=\"attributes\"]\n----\nmvn io.fabric8:vertx-maven-plugin:{version}:setup \\\n -DprojectGroupId=org.acme \\\n -DprojectArtifactId=acme-project \\\n -DprojectVersion=1.0-SNAPSHOT \\ # default to 1.0-SNAPSHOT\n -Dverticle=org.acme.Foo \\\n -Ddependencies=web,jmx,mongo\n----\n\n\nThe `verticle` parameter creates a new verticle class file.\nThe `dependencies` parameters specifies the Vert.x dependencies you need.\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Remove TP note in CSI snapshots\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "[id=\"persistent-storage-csi-snapshots\"]\n= CSI volume snapshots\ninclude::modules/common-attributes.adoc[]\n:context: persistent-storage-csi-snapshots\n\ntoc::[]\n\nThis document describes how to use volume snapshots with supported Container Storage Interface (CSI) drivers to help protect against data loss in {product-title}. Familiarity with xref:../../storage/understanding-persistent-storage.adoc#persistent-volumes_understanding-persistent-storage[persistent volumes] is suggested.\n\n:FeatureName: CSI volume snapshot\n\ninclude::modules/technology-preview.adoc[leveloffset=+0]\n\ninclude::modules/persistent-storage-csi-snapshots-overview.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\ninclude::modules/persistent-storage-csi-snapshots-controller-sidecar.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\ninclude::modules/persistent-storage-csi-snapshots-operator.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\ninclude::modules/persistent-storage-csi-snapshots-provision.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\ninclude::modules/persistent-storage-csi-snapshots-create.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\ninclude::modules/persistent-storage-csi-snapshots-delete.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\ninclude::modules/persistent-storage-csi-snapshots-restore.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[id=\"persistent-storage-csi-snapshots\"]\n= CSI volume snapshots\ninclude::modules/common-attributes.adoc[]\n:context: persistent-storage-csi-snapshots\n\ntoc::[]\n\nThis document describes how to use volume snapshots with supported Container Storage Interface (CSI) drivers to help protect against data loss in {product-title}. Familiarity with xref:../../storage/understanding-persistent-storage.adoc#persistent-volumes_understanding-persistent-storage[persistent volumes] is suggested.\n\ninclude::modules/persistent-storage-csi-snapshots-overview.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\ninclude::modules/persistent-storage-csi-snapshots-controller-sidecar.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\ninclude::modules/persistent-storage-csi-snapshots-operator.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\ninclude::modules/persistent-storage-csi-snapshots-provision.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\ninclude::modules/persistent-storage-csi-snapshots-create.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\ninclude::modules/persistent-storage-csi-snapshots-delete.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\ninclude::modules/persistent-storage-csi-snapshots-restore.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Fix wrong link (even if it's temporally)\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= Artificial Intelligence for Spring Boot\n:awestruct-description: Learn how to use OptaPlanner (open source, java) for Artificial Intelligence planning optimization on Spring Boot.\n:awestruct-layout: compatibilityBase\n:awestruct-priority: 1.0\n:awestruct-related_tag: spring\n:showtitle:\n\nOptaPlanner has a Spring Boot Starter to get up and running quickly.\n\nUsage is similar to the link:quarkus.html[Quarkus] extension, but without the performance benefits.\n\nvideo::U2N02ReT9CI[youtube]\n\n== Guide\n\n**[Read the OptaPlanner on Spring Boot guide.]**\n\n== Quick start\n\nRun the quick start yourself:\n\n. Download[the source code].\n. Run `./mvnw clean install`\n. Open http://localhost:8080 in your browser\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= Artificial Intelligence for Spring Boot\n:awestruct-description: Learn how to use OptaPlanner (open source, java) for Artificial Intelligence planning optimization on Spring Boot.\n:awestruct-layout: compatibilityBase\n:awestruct-priority: 1.0\n:awestruct-related_tag: spring\n:showtitle:\n\nOptaPlanner has a Spring Boot Starter to get up and running quickly.\n\nUsage is similar to the link:quarkus.html[Quarkus] extension, but without the performance benefits.\n\nvideo::U2N02ReT9CI[youtube]\n\n== Guide\n\n**[Read the OptaPlanner on Spring Boot guide.]**\n\n== Quick start\n\nRun the quick start yourself:\n\n. Download[the source code].\n. Run `./mvnw clean install`\n. Open http://localhost:8080 in your browser\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Rephrase Metrics presentation a bit\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= Contributing to Hawkular Metrics\n\nBefore contributing to Hawkular Metrics, it might be useful to read the\n[How to develop on Hawkular] page on Hawkular website.\n\n== Code style\n\nHawkular Metrics is a Hawkular component, so project level conventions apply here. That said, there are some\nMetrics specific ones.\n\n=== Logging\n\nWhen working with the JBoss Logging API:\n\n* Group all `INFO` level and above messages[in one interface] per logical module for maintainability\n* Instead of creating a logger instance in the message logger interface, use a[helper class] to get\na logger instance with proper category\n* Use existing message logger instance to log trace/debug messages instead of creating a separate logger instance\n\nThe logging `projectCode` is `HAWKMETRICS`.\n\nNote that until we no longer need to support EAP 6.4,\n[we must not use primitive arguments in logging interfaces].\n\nLogback is the logging backend for tests. It allows to[set log level with a system property]\nwhile still having a default value. No Maven filtering/replace dance involved.\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= Contributing to Hawkular Metrics\n\nBefore contributing to Hawkular Metrics, it might be useful to read the\n[How to develop on Hawkular] page on Hawkular website.\n\n== Code style\n\nHawkular Metrics is a Hawkular subproject, so top level conventions apply here. That said, there are some\nMetrics specific ones.\n\n=== Logging\n\nWhen working with the JBoss Logging API:\n\n* Group all `INFO` level and above messages[in one interface] per logical module for maintainability\n* Instead of creating a logger instance in the message logger interface, use a[helper class] to get\na logger instance with proper category\n* Use existing message logger instance to log trace/debug messages instead of creating a separate logger instance\n\nThe logging `projectCode` is `HAWKMETRICS`.\n\nNote that until we no longer need to support EAP 6.4,\n[we must not use primitive arguments in logging interfaces].\n\nLogback is the logging backend for tests. It allows to[set log level with a system property]\nwhile still having a default value. No Maven filtering/replace dance involved.\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Add metadata and badges to the Readme\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "== License\n\nThe gem is available as open source under the terms of the\n[MIT License].\n\nThe gem includes \"Iliad\", a classical masterpiece by Homer, translated to\nEnglish by Samuel Butler. A work is in\n[public domain] in USA and\nin almost whole world (if not whole world) as the translator has died over\n100 years ago (not to mention the original author). It has been downloaded from\nProject Gutenberg, more details about the work can be found\n[there].\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Well Read Faker\n===============\n:homepage:\n\nimage:[\nVersion, link=\"\"]\nimage:[\nBuild Status, link=\"\"]\nimage:[\nDependencies, link=\"\"]\nimage:[\nCode Climate, link=\"\"]\nimage:[\nTest Coverage, link=\"\"]\n\n:toc:\n\n== License\n\nThe gem is available as open source under the terms of the\n[MIT License].\n\nThe gem includes \"Iliad\", a classical masterpiece by Homer, translated to\nEnglish by Samuel Butler. A work is in\n[public domain] in USA and\nin almost whole world (if not whole world) as the translator has died over\n100 years ago (not to mention the original author). It has been downloaded from\nProject Gutenberg, more details about the work can be found\n[there].\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Test update to check publication of website\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": ":title:\n\n== Scribble Website\n\nimage:[\"Build Status\", link=\"\"]\n\n=== Description\nWhen pushing a commit into this branch, the site is automatically built and published to\nMost likely the content of the website you are looking for is link:src/main/jbake/content/[here].\n\n=== Building the site on localhost\n. `git clone`\n. `git checkout pages`\n. Provided Maven is installed, run one of following commands:\n\n* `mvn jbake:generate` Simply runs jbake and generate the site into `target/website` dir.\n* `mvn jbake:watch` Polls a folder and run jbake whenever changes happen.\n* `mvn jbake:inline` Same as watch, but also launches an embedded winstone container that by default listens on http://localhost:8080. Additionally you may want to use `-Djbake.port=X` `-Djbake.listenAddress=Y`.\n\nNOTE: `mvn install` will most likely fail on localhost, because it needs the OAuth token for GitHub.\n\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": ":title:\n\n== Scribble Website\n\nimage:[\"Build Status\", link=\"\"]\n\n=== Description\nWhen pushing a commit into this branch, the site is automatically built and published to\nMost likely the content of the website you are looking for is link:src/main/jbake/content/[here].\n\n=== Building the site on localhost\n. `git clone`\n. `git checkout pages`\n. Provided Maven is installed, run one of following commands:\n\n* `mvn jbake:generate` Simply runs jbake and generate the site into `target/website` dir.\n* `mvn jbake:watch` Polls a folder and run jbake whenever changes happen.\n* `mvn jbake:inline` Same as watch, but also launches an embedded winstone container that by default listens on http://localhost:8080. Additionally you may want to use `-Djbake.port=X` `-Djbake.listenAddress=Y`.\n\nNOTE: `mvn install` will most likely fail on localhost, because it needs the OAuth token for GitHub.\n\n\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Fix issue with bulleted lists.\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= RecordTrac Documentation\n\n{% macro link(underscore_name) %}\nlink:{{ underscore_name }}.html[{{titleize(underscore_name)}}]\n{% endmacro %}\n\n== Welcome\n\nThis is the home page for documentation for RecordTrac app.\n\nNOTE: For help contact ...\n\n== What This Is\n\n* {{ link('overview-of-app') }}\n* {{ link('why-it-was-built') }}\n* {{ link('research-and-references') }}\n* {{ link('principles') }}\n\n== How Is This Built\n\nLearn about the technical details of implementation so you can see what's involved.\n\n\n== API Documentation\n\n* {{ link('api-documentation') }}\n\n== Developer Documentation\n\nHow to modify and develop the app's source code.\n\n=== Source Code\n\n*[Source Code (Github)]\n*[Issue Tracker (Github)]\n\n=== Developer Docs\n\n* {{ link('db-helpers') }}\n\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= RecordTrac Documentation\n\n{% macro link(underscore_name) -%}\nlink:{{ underscore_name }}.html[{{titleize(underscore_name)}}]\n{% endmacro -%}\n\n== Welcome\n\nThis is the home page for documentation for RecordTrac app.\n\nNOTE: For help contact ...\n\n== What This Is\n\n* {{ link('overview-of-app') }}\n* {{ link('why-it-was-built') }}\n* {{ link('research-and-references') }}\n* {{ link('principles') }}\n\n== How Is This Built\n\nLearn about the technical details of implementation so you can see what's involved.\n\n\n== API Documentation\n\n* {{ link('api-documentation') }}\n\n== Developer Documentation\n\nHow to modify and develop the app's source code.\n\n=== Source Code\n\n*[Source Code (Github)]\n*[Issue Tracker (Github)]\n\n=== Developer Docs\n\n* {{ link('db-helpers') }}\n\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Bring into synch with reality\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= CrashBurnFree\n\nCrashBurnFree is a free crash reporting tool for Java (and potentially other languages).\nThe name is a pun, as (a) it's _free_ to use and modify and (b) one over-arching goal of Software Checking Tools \nis to _free_ you from crashing and burning...\n\nIt is composed of the following sub-projects:\n\n. javaclient - the Java client code; no external dependencies\n. javaserver - an implementation of a Java EE (REST JAXRS) server\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= CrashBurnFree\n\nCrashBurnFree is a free crash reporting tool for Java (and potentially other languages).\nThe name is a pun, as (a) it's _free_ to use and modify and (b) one over-arching goal of Software Checking Tools \nis to _free_ you from crashing and burning...\n\nIt is composed of the following sub-projects:\n\n. javaclient - the Java client code; no external dependencies\n. javaserver - an implementation of a Java EE (REST JAXRS) server\n\nStatus: javaclient seems to \"work\", but javaserver is, ahem, not quite\nfinished. Or at least not tried. And, there needs to be a \"common\"\nlibrary project for code shared between them.\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Update changelog with latest changes on kdf.\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= Changelog\n\n== Version 0.3.0\n\nDate: unreleased\n\n- First version splitted from monolitic buddy package." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= Changelog\n\n== Version 0.4.0\n\nDate: unreleased\n\n- Replace record usage in kdf ns with reify.\n- Rename kdf protocol from KDFType to IKDF\n- Rename kdf protocol method names to more consistent ones.\n- Add support for nio ByteBuffer for kdf.\n\n== Version 0.3.0\n\nDate: 2015-01-18\n\n- First version splitted from monolitic buddy package." } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Add back the old text\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "[[sample-dashboards]]\n== Sample dashboards\n\nIn order to make it as easy as possible to get application performance insights\nfrom packet data, we provide a few sample Kibana dashboards. The\ndashboards are maintained in this\n[GitHub repository].\n\nLoad automatically all the sample dashboards in Kibana by following the TODO[steps].\n\n\nimage:./images/packetbeat-statistics.png[Topbeat statistics]\n\nThese dashboards are provided as examples, we recommend that you\n[customize] them\nto your needs.\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[[sample-dashboards]]\n== Sample dashboards\n\nIn order to make it as easy as possible to get application performance insights\nfrom packet data, we provide a few sample Kibana dashboards. The\ndashboards are maintained in this\n[GitHub repository], which also\nincludes instructions for loading them.\n\nLoad automatically all the sample dashboards in Kibana by following the TODO[steps].\n\n\nimage:./images/packetbeat-statistics.png[Topbeat statistics]\n\nThese dashboards are provided as examples, we recommend that you\n[customize] them\nto your needs.\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Docs: Fix :issue: and :pull: asciidoc replacements\n\nCloses #14922\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "[[elasticsearch-reference]]\n= Elasticsearch Reference\n\n:version: 3.0.0-beta1\n:major-version: 3.x\n:branch: 3.0\n:jdk: 1.8.0_25\n:defguide:\n:plugins:\n:issue:\n:pull:\n\ninclude::getting-started.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::setup.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::migration/index.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::api-conventions.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::docs.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::search.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::aggregations.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::indices.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::cat.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::cluster.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::query-dsl.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::mapping.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::analysis.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::modules.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::index-modules.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::testing.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::glossary.asciidoc[]\n\n//////////////////////////////////////////\n include::release-notes.asciidoc[]\n//////////////////////////////////////////\n\ninclude::redirects.asciidoc[]\n\n\n\n\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[[elasticsearch-reference]]\n= Elasticsearch Reference\n\n:version: 3.0.0-beta1\n:major-version: 3.x\n:branch: 3.0\n:jdk: 1.8.0_25\n:defguide:\n:plugins:\n:issue:\n:pull:\n\ninclude::getting-started.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::setup.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::migration/index.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::api-conventions.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::docs.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::search.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::aggregations.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::indices.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::cat.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::cluster.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::query-dsl.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::mapping.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::analysis.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::modules.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::index-modules.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::testing.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::glossary.asciidoc[]\n\n//////////////////////////////////////////\n include::release-notes.asciidoc[]\n//////////////////////////////////////////\n\ninclude::redirects.asciidoc[]\n\n\n\n\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Use xref syntax for document links\n\nThis works across different output types, and is the preferred form for\r\ninterdocument links like this." }, { "from": "human", "value": "= Edge\n\nPlease see the link:app/README.adoc[app/README.adoc] for building and running the app.\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= Edge\n\nPlease see the <<app/README#>> for building and running the app.\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Include Hello World Youtube video" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= Minimal-J\n\nJava - but small.\n\nimage::doc/frontends.png[]\n\nMinimal-J applications are\n\n* Responsive to use on every device\n* Straight forward to specify and implement and therefore\n* Easy to plan and manage\n\n=== Idea\n\nBusiness applications tend to get complex and complicated. Minimal-J prevents this by setting clear rules how an application should behave and how it should be implemented.\n\nMinimal applications may not always look the same. But the UI concepts never change. There are no surprises for the user.\n\n== Technical Features\n\n* Independent of the used UI technology. Implementations for Web / Mobile / Desktop.\n* ORM persistence layer for Maria DB or in memory DB. Transactions and Authorization supported.\n* Small: The minimalj.jar is still < 1MB\n* Very few dependencies\n* Applications can run standalone (like SpringBoot)\n\n== Documentation\n\n* link:doc/user_guide/user_guide.adoc[Minimal user guide] User guide for Minimal-J applications.\n* link:doc/topics.adoc[Tutorial and examples] Informations for developers.\n* link:doc/release_notes.adoc[Release Notes]\n\n== Hello World\n\nHow to implement Hello World in Minimal-J:\n\nlink:_includes/ex-video.adoc[0VHz7gv6TpA]\n\n=== Contact\n\n* Bruno Eberhard, mailto:[email protected][[email protected]] " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= Minimal-J\n\nJava - but small.\n\nimage::doc/frontends.png[]\n\nMinimal-J applications are\n\n* Responsive to use on every device\n* Straight forward to specify and implement and therefore\n* Easy to plan and manage\n\n=== Idea\n\nBusiness applications tend to get complex and complicated. Minimal-J prevents this by setting clear rules how an application should behave and how it should be implemented.\n\nMinimal applications may not always look the same. But the UI concepts never change. There are no surprises for the user.\n\n== Technical Features\n\n* Independent of the used UI technology. Implementations for Web / Mobile / Desktop.\n* ORM persistence layer for Maria DB or in memory DB. Transactions and Authorization supported.\n* Small: The minimalj.jar is still < 1MB\n* Very few dependencies\n* Applications can run standalone (like SpringBoot)\n\n== Documentation\n\n* link:doc/user_guide/user_guide.adoc[Minimal user guide] User guide for Minimal-J applications.\n* link:doc/topics.adoc[Tutorial and examples] Informations for developers.\n* link:doc/release_notes.adoc[Release Notes]\n\n== Hello World\n\nHow to implement Hello World in Minimal-J:\n\nvideo::0VHz7gv6TpA[youtube]\n\n=== Contact\n\n* Bruno Eberhard, mailto:[email protected][[email protected]] " } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Update elasticsearch to version 1.7.3 and beat dashboards to beta4 branch.\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "[[beats-reference]]\n= Beats Platform Reference\n:ES-version: 1.7.2\n:Kibana-version: 4.1.2\n:Dashboards-version: 1.0.0-beta3\n\ninclude::./overview.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::./gettingstarted.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::./configuration.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::./command-line.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::./https.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::./newbeat.asciidoc[]\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[[beats-reference]]\n= Beats Platform Reference\n:ES-version: 1.7.3\n:Kibana-version: 4.1.2\n:Dashboards-version: 1.0.0-beta4\n\ninclude::./overview.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::./gettingstarted.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::./configuration.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::./command-line.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::./https.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::./newbeat.asciidoc[]\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Update to-do document based on progress from yesterday\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= To-Do List\n\n- mock_cone_detector creates infinite area and overflows h\n- (*DONE*) new waypoints shorter than old don't delete existing waypoints\n- adjust waypoints for start position and cone position\n- cone area goes down when very close to cone\n- (*DONE*) parameterize throttle and steering PWM values\n- touch sensor does not work\n- (*DONE*) cone detection in bright light does not work\n- GUIDED mode does not work\n- Encode PWM values or range set to use in the waypoints file\n- If waypoint encountered before cone is seen, rover goes into HOLD mode\nwith no recovery. Needs to be fixed.\n\n== Possible To-Do\n\n- (*DONE*) Change from using WP_SPEED to CRUISE_SPEED. (Seems to be used by Vicky,\nwhile WP_SPEED is not.)\n- Have a way of manually triggering parameter reload\n\n== Notes\n\nMAV_CMD_DO_SET_HOME appears to reset the map origin, as well as zero the\noffset between the map origin and base_link (for /mavros/local_position/pose\nand /mavros/local_position/odom).\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= To-Do List\n\n- mock_cone_detector creates infinite area and overflows h\n- (*DONE*) new waypoints shorter than old don't delete existing waypoints\n- adjust waypoints for start position and cone position\n- cone area goes down when very close to cone\n- (*DONE*) parameterize throttle and steering PWM values\n- (*DONE*) touch sensor does not work\n- (*DONE*) cone detection in bright light does not work\n- GUIDED mode does not work\n- (*DONE*) Encode PWM values or range set to use in the waypoints file\n- If waypoint encountered before cone is seen, rover goes into HOLD mode\nwith no recovery. Needs to be fixed.\n\n== Possible To-Do\n\n- (*DONE*) Change from using WP_SPEED to CRUISE_SPEED. (Seems to be used by Vicky,\nwhile WP_SPEED is not.)\n- Have a way of manually triggering parameter reload\n\n== Notes\n\nMAV_CMD_DO_SET_HOME appears to reset the map origin, as well as zero the\noffset between the map origin and base_link (for /mavros/local_position/pose\nand /mavros/local_position/odom).\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Update clojurebridge sf 2017 url" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= ClojureBridge San Francisco\nClojureBridge San Francisco\n2017-09-16\n:jbake-type: event\n:jbake-edition: 2017\n:jbake-link:\n:jbake-location: San Francisco, CA\n:jbake-start: 2017-09-15\n:jbake-end: 2017-09-16\n\nClojureBridge is a free 1-day workshop aimed at increasing the participation of women, trans-gener and non-binary gender individuals in the Clojure community. The workshop is intended for those new to programming as well as individuals with some programming experience who would like to explore programming using Clojure, a modern functional programming language.\n\nThe workshop will introduce participants to fundamental programming concepts and approaches.\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= ClojureBridge San Francisco\nClojureBridge San Francisco\n2017-09-15\n:jbake-type: event\n:jbake-edition: 2017\n:jbake-link:\n:jbake-location: San Francisco, CA\n:jbake-start: 2017-09-15\n:jbake-end: 2017-09-16\n\nClojureBridge is a free 1-day workshop aimed at increasing the participation of women, trans-gener and non-binary gender individuals in the Clojure community. The workshop is intended for those new to programming as well as individuals with some programming experience who would like to explore programming using Clojure, a modern functional programming language.\n\nThe workshop will introduce participants to fundamental programming concepts and approaches.\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Update readme for deploying javadoc.\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "TinkerPop3\n==========\n\nimage:[TinkerPop3]\n\n * Build Project: `mvn clean install`\n * Build AsciiDocs: `mvn process-resources -Dasciidoc`\n * Deploy AsciiDocs: `mvn deploy -Dasciidoc`\n * Deploy JavaDocs: `mvn deploy -Djavadocs`\n\n[source,bash]\n----\n$ bin/\n\n \\,,,/\n (o o)\n-----oOOo-(3)-oOOo-----\ngremlin>\n----" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "TinkerPop3\n==========\n\nimage:[TinkerPop3]\n\n * Build Project: `mvn clean install`\n * Build AsciiDocs: `mvn process-resources -Dasciidoc`\n * Deploy AsciiDocs: `mvn deploy -Dasciidoc`\n * Deploy JavaDocs: `mvn deploy -Djavadoc-upload`\n\n[source,bash]\n----\n$ bin/\n\n \\,,,/\n (o o)\n-----oOOo-(3)-oOOo-----\ngremlin>\n----" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Document index deletion using csv separated indices" }, { "from": "human", "value": "[[indices-delete-index]]\n== Delete Index\n\nThe delete index API allows to delete an existing index.\n\n[source,js]\n--------------------------------------------------\n$ curl -XDELETE 'http://localhost:9200/twitter/'\n--------------------------------------------------\n\nThe above example deletes an index called `twitter`. Specifying an index,\nalias or wildcard expression is required.\n\nThe delete index API can also be applied to more than one index, or on\nall indices (be careful!) by using `_all` or `*` as index.\n\nIn order to disable allowing to delete indices via wildcards or `_all`,\nset `action.destructive_requires_name` setting in the config to `true`.\nThis setting can also be changed via the cluster update settings api." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[[indices-delete-index]]\n== Delete Index\n\nThe delete index API allows to delete an existing index.\n\n[source,js]\n--------------------------------------------------\n$ curl -XDELETE 'http://localhost:9200/twitter/'\n--------------------------------------------------\n\nThe above example deletes an index called `twitter`. Specifying an index,\nalias or wildcard expression is required.\n\nThe delete index API can also be applied to more than one index, by either using a comma separated list, or on all indices (be careful!) by using `_all` or `*` as index.\n\nIn order to disable allowing to delete indices via wildcards or `_all`,\nset `action.destructive_requires_name` setting in the config to `true`.\nThis setting can also be changed via the cluster update settings api.\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Remove toc and image ref\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= flexy-pool\nAuthor <[email protected]>\nv1.0.0, 2014-02-25\n\n:toc:\n:imagesdir: images\n:homepage:\n\n== Introduction\n\nThe flexy-pool library brings adaptability to a given Connection Pool, allowing it to resize on demand.\nThis is very handy since most connection pools offer a limited set of dynamic configuration strategies.\n\n== Features \n\n* extensive connection pool support\n**[Bitronix Transaction Manager]\n**[Apache DBCP]\n**[Apache DBCP2]\n**[C3P0]\n**[BoneCP]\n**[HikariCP]\n* statistics support\n** source connection acquiring time histogram\n** total connection acquiring time histogram\n** retries attempts histogram\n** maximum CP size histogram\n** connection request count histogram\n** connection lease time histogram\n\n== Documentation \n\n[Flexy Pool User Guide]\n\n== 1.0 Release TODO list\n\n* explain jmx metrics and add real-life case study\n* Maven OSS release\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= flexy-pool\nAuthor <[email protected]>\nv1.0.0, 2014-02-25\n\n:homepage:\n\n== Introduction\n\nThe flexy-pool library brings adaptability to a given Connection Pool, allowing it to resize on demand.\nThis is very handy since most connection pools offer a limited set of dynamic configuration strategies.\n\n== Features \n\n* extensive connection pool support\n**[Bitronix Transaction Manager]\n**[Apache DBCP]\n**[Apache DBCP2]\n**[C3P0]\n**[BoneCP]\n**[HikariCP]\n* statistics support\n** source connection acquiring time histogram\n** total connection acquiring time histogram\n** retries attempts histogram\n** maximum CP size histogram\n** connection request count histogram\n** connection lease time histogram\n\n== Documentation \n\n[Flexy Pool User Guide]\n\n== 1.0 Release TODO list\n\n* explain jmx metrics and add real-life case study\n* Maven OSS release\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Use correct syntax for link to spec.\n\nSigned-off-by: Heiko W. Rupp <[email protected]>\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= Eclipse Microprofile Metrics\n\nThis specification aims at providing a unified way for Microprofile servers to\nexport Monitoring data (\"Telemetry\") to management agents and also a unified\nJava API, that all (application) programmers can use to expose their telemetry\ndata.\n\nFor the specification see http:spec/metrics_spec.adoc[Metrics spec]\n\nFor discussions visit the!forum/microprofile[Microprofile Google group]." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= Eclipse Microprofile Metrics\n\nThis specification aims at providing a unified way for Microprofile servers to\nexport Monitoring data (\"Telemetry\") to management agents and also a unified\nJava API, that all (application) programmers can use to expose their telemetry\ndata.\n\nFor the specification see link:spec/metrics_spec.adoc[Metrics spec]\n\nFor discussions visit the!forum/microprofile[Microprofile Google group]." } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "[srvls][SRVCOM-1290] Add image tag to must-gather images\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "// Module included in the following assemblies:\n//\n// * serverless/serverless-support.adoc\n\n[id=\"serverless-about-collecting-data_{context}\"]\n= About collecting {ServerlessProductName} data\n\nYou can use the `oc adm must-gather` CLI command to collect information about your cluster, including features and objects associated with {ServerlessProductName}.\nTo collect {ServerlessProductName} data with `must-gather`, you must specify the {ServerlessProductName} image.\n\n.Procedure\n\n* Enter the command:\n+\n\n[source,terminal]\n----\n$ oc adm must-gather\n----\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "// Module included in the following assemblies:\n//\n// * serverless/serverless-support.adoc\n\n[id=\"serverless-about-collecting-data_{context}\"]\n= About collecting {ServerlessProductName} data\n\nYou can use the `oc adm must-gather` CLI command to collect information about your cluster, including features and objects associated with {ServerlessProductName}. To collect {ServerlessProductName} data with `must-gather`, you must specify the {ServerlessProductName} image and the image tag for your installed version of {ServerlessProductName}.\n\n.Procedure\n\n* Collect data by using the `oc adm must-gather` command:\n+\n[source,terminal]\n----\n$ oc adm must-gather<image_version_tag>\n----\n+\n.Example command\n[source,terminal]\n----\n$ oc adm must-gather\n----\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Document more Swift/Python installations for CANDLE\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\n////\nAccessible at:\n\n////\n\n////\nThis prevents ^M from appearing in the output:\n////\n:miscellaneous.newline: \\n\n\n= CANDLE Supervisor Home Page\n\nThis is the main home page about CANDLE Supervisor effort with links to workflows and other supporting information.\n\n== Key deadlines\n\n1. May 15: End-to-end demo of hyperparameter harness\n\n== Swift installations\n\n*[JLSE KNL]\n\n*[Cori]\n\n*\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\n////\nAccessible at:\n\nYou can compile this locally with:\n$ ./ README.adoc\n////\n\n////\nThis prevents ^M from appearing in the output:\n////\n:miscellaneous.newline: \\n\n\n= CANDLE Supervisor Home Page\n\nThis is the main home page about CANDLE Supervisor effort with links to workflows and other supporting information.\n\n== Key deadlines\n\n1. May 15: End-to-end demo of hyperparameter harness\n\n== Swift installations\n\n*[Cori]\n+\nThis uses the system-installed Python with ML libs at: +\n+/usr/common/software/python/2.7-anaconda/envs/deeplearning+\n\n*[Cooley]\n+\nThis uses the system-installed Python with ML libs at: +\n+/soft/analytics/conda/env/Candle_ML+\n\n*[JLSE KNL]\n+\nThis does not yet have Python.\n\n* JLSE Prasanna +\nThis uses a VirtualEnv Python at +/home/pbalapra/.virtualenvs+\n** +~wozniak/Public/sfw/icc/swift-t-pb/stc/bin+\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Add link to 3rd part of JAXenter tutorial\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "# Janitor image:[\"Build Status\",link=\"\"]\n\nAn application to perform cleanup work using the[Pocket API].\nReview your existing items via the web interface and have Janitor archive old items once per day.\n\n## API Documentation\nThe documentation for the Kotlin API bindings can be found[here].\n\n## Tutorial (German)\nKotlin: Ein Tutorial für Einsteiger @ JAXenter::\n*[Part 1]\n*[Part 2]\n\n## Screenshots\n### Item Overview\nimage:images/items.png?raw=true[Item Overiew]\n\n### Error View\nimage:images/error.png?raw=true[Error View]" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "# Janitor image:[\"Build Status\",link=\"\"]\n\nAn application to perform cleanup work using the[Pocket API].\nReview your existing items via the web interface and have Janitor archive old items once per day.\n\n## API Documentation\nThe documentation for the Kotlin API bindings can be found[here].\n\n## Tutorial (German)\nKotlin: Ein Tutorial für Einsteiger @ JAXenter::\n*[Part 1]\n*[Part 2]\n*[Part 3]\n\n## Screenshots\n### Item Overview\nimage:images/items.png?raw=true[Item Overiew]\n\n### Error View\nimage:images/error.png?raw=true[Error View]" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Add bootstrapping instructions for how to stow stow\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "James Glasbrenner's dotfiles\n============================\nJames Glasbrenner <[email protected]>\nJuly 27, 2017\n\nMy dotfiles repo.\n\nLicense\n-------\n\nAll content is licensed under the terms of link:LICENSE[The Unlicense License].\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "James Glasbrenner's dotfiles\n============================\nJames Glasbrenner <[email protected]>\nJuly 27, 2017\n\nMy dotfiles repo.\n\nBootstrapping\n-------------\n\nStow 2.3.0 is included in this repo for bootstrapping purposes.\nTo stow stow after cloning this repository to `$HOME/.dotfiles`, run\n\n.bash\n----------------------------------------------\nPERL5LIB=$HOME/.dotfiles/stow/stow/lib/perl5 \\\n $HOME/.dotfiles/stow/stow/bin/stow \\\n -d $HOME/.dotfiles/stow \\\n -t /home/glasbren/.local \\\n stow\n----------------------------------------------\n\nLicense\n-------\n\nAll content is licensed under the terms of link:LICENSE[The Unlicense License].\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Remove the backslash for the second asterisk\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "== asciidoctor-fopub-embed-svg-example\n\nAn example for embedding SVG images in an asciidoctor document.\n\n=== Setup\n\n----\nbundle install\n----\n\n=== How to make the target pdf file\n\nRunning the command below make the target pdf file named \"class_diagram.pdf\" out of \"class_diagram.adoc\"\n\n----\nbundle exec rake\n----\n\n=== Watch *.adoc files\n\nRunning the command below, rake watches \"\\*.adoc\" files and build \"\\*.adoc\" files whenever they are modified.\n\n----\nbundle exec rake watch\n----\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "== asciidoctor-fopub-embed-svg-example\n\nAn example for embedding SVG images in an asciidoctor document.\n\n=== Setup\n\n----\nbundle install\n----\n\n=== How to make the target pdf file\n\nRunning the command below make the target pdf file named \"class_diagram.pdf\" out of \"class_diagram.adoc\"\n\n----\nbundle exec rake\n----\n\n=== Watch *.adoc files\n\nRunning the command below, rake watches \"\\*.adoc\" files and build \"*.adoc\" files whenever they are modified.\n\n----\nbundle exec rake watch\n----\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Remove mention of reference implementation\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= Cypher Improvement Proposals\n\nThis is the home for all Cypher Improvement Proposal (CIP) documents.\nCIPs are documents that outline the syntax and semantics of Cypher.\n\n== The CIP Lifecycle\n\nCIPs normally pass through a number of phases before and after ending up in this repository.\n\n=== Accepted\n\nIt is open to anyone to author and submit a CIP as a pull request to this repository.\nThe CIP should then be suggested for addition into the `accepted` directory.\nIt is then the task of the CLG to discuss, give feedback, and eventually (potentially) accept the CIP, at which point the pull request will be merged.\n\n=== Testable\n\nA CIP enters this phase when it has received a sufficient set of TCK scenarios that outline the use of its suggested features.\n\n=== Implemented\n\nA CIP enters this phase when the reference implementation supports its suggested features.\nThis is verified by passing all the TCK scenarios that had been outlined for the CIP.\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= Cypher Improvement Proposals\n\nThis is the home for all Cypher Improvement Proposal (CIP) documents.\nCIPs are documents that outline the syntax and semantics of Cypher.\n\n== The CIP Lifecycle\n\nCIPs normally pass through a number of phases before and after ending up in this repository.\n\n=== Accepted\n\nIt is open to anyone to author and submit a CIP as a pull request to this repository.\nThe CIP should then be suggested for addition into the `accepted` directory.\nIt is then the task of the CLG to discuss, give feedback, and eventually (potentially) accept the CIP, at which point the pull request will be merged.\n\n=== Testable\n\nA CIP enters this phase when it has received a sufficient set of TCK scenarios that outline the use of its suggested features.\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Docs: Add Wireshark protocol dissection support\n\nHi guys, I've finished my Wireshark dissector for Elasticsearch. It is now merged into their master. See\n\nCloses #8495\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "[[misc]]\n== Misc\n\n*[Puppet]:\n Elasticsearch puppet module.\n\n*[Chef]:\n Chef cookbook for Elasticsearch\n\n*[SaltStack]:\n SaltStack Module for Elasticsearch\n \n*[daikon]:\n Daikon Elasticsearch CLI\n\n*[Scrutineer]:\n A high performance consistency checker to compare what you've indexed \n with your source of truth content (e.g. DB)\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[[misc]]\n== Misc\n\n*[Puppet]:\n Elasticsearch puppet module.\n\n*[Chef]:\n Chef cookbook for Elasticsearch\n\n*[SaltStack]:\n SaltStack Module for Elasticsearch\n \n*[daikon]:\n Daikon Elasticsearch CLI\n\n*[Scrutineer]:\n A high performance consistency checker to compare what you've indexed \n with your source of truth content (e.g. DB)\n\n*[Wireshark]:\n Protocol dissection for Zen discovery, HTTP and the binary protocol\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Remove link to in-source docs\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= Vert.x JDBC client\n\nimage:[\"Build Status\",link=\"\"]\n\nThis provides an asynchronous interface around a JDBC datasource so you can access data in any\ndatabase for which there is a JDBC driver.\n\nPlease see the in link:src/main/asciidoc/index.adoc[source] documentation or the main documentation on the[web-site] for a full description:\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= Vert.x JDBC client\n\nimage:[\"Build Status\",link=\"\"]\n\nThis provides an asynchronous interface around a JDBC datasource so you can access data in any\ndatabase for which there is a JDBC driver.\n\nPlease see the main documentation on the web-site for a full description:\n\n*[Java documentation]\n*[JavaScript documentation]\n*[Kotlin documentation]\n*[Groovy documentation]\n*[Ruby documentation]\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Remove defer tag for Wizard embed script\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= Contracts Wizard\n:page-notoc:\n\nNot sure where to start? Use the interactive generator below to bootstrap your\ncontract and learn about the components offered in OpenZeppelin Contracts.\n\nTIP: Place the resulting contract in your `contracts` directory in order to compile it with a tool like Hardhat or Truffle. Consider reading our guide on xref:learn::developing-smart-contracts.adoc[Developing Smart Contracts] for more guidance!\n\n++++\n<script async defer src=\"\"></script>\n\n<oz-wizard style=\"display: block; min-height: 40rem;\"></oz-wizard>\n++++\n\n\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= Contracts Wizard\n:page-notoc:\n\nNot sure where to start? Use the interactive generator below to bootstrap your\ncontract and learn about the components offered in OpenZeppelin Contracts.\n\nTIP: Place the resulting contract in your `contracts` directory in order to compile it with a tool like Hardhat or Truffle. Consider reading our guide on xref:learn::developing-smart-contracts.adoc[Developing Smart Contracts] for more guidance!\n\n++++\n<script async src=\"\"></script>\n\n<oz-wizard style=\"display: block; min-height: 40rem;\"></oz-wizard>\n++++\n\n\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Add links to filders and fix some typos" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= Basic Examples\n\nThe basic examples in this directory show how the setup a CMake project,\nset compile flags, create executables and libraries, and install them.\n\nThe examples included are\n\n - hello-cmake. A hello world example.\n - hello-headers. A slighly more complicated hello world example, with using Hello class and seperate source and include folders.\n - shared-library. An example using a shared library.\n - static-library. An example using a static library.\n - installing. Shows how to create a 'make install' target to install the binaries and libraries\n - build-type. An example showing how to set a default build type of your project.\n - compile-flags. Shows how to set compile flags\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= Basic Examples\n\nThe basic examples in this directory show how the setup a CMake project,\nset compile flags, create and link executables and libraries, and install them.\n\nThe examples included are\n\n - link:A-hello-cmake[hello-cmake]. A hello world example.\n - link:B-hello-headers[hello-headers]. A slighly more complicated hello world example, using seperate source and include folders.\n - link:C-static-library[static-library]. An example using a static library.\n - link:D-shared-library[shared-library]. An example using a shared library.\n - link:E-installing[installing]. Shows how to create a 'make install' target that will install binaries and libraries.\n - link:F-build-type[build-type]. An example showing how to set a default build and optimization flags for your project.\n - link:G-compile-flags[compile-flags]. Shows how to set additional compile flags.\n - link:H-third-party-library[third-party-library]. Shows an example of how to link third party libraries.\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Test from contact information changes\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= Seed\[email protected]\n:toc: left\n:toclevels: 5\n:stylesheet: styles/html.css\n:sectlinks:\n:sectnums:\n:sectnumlevels: 5\n:icons: font\n:docinfo:\n\nSeed was developed at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Research.\n\nSeed is a general standard to aid in the discovery and consumption of a discrete unit of work contained within a Docker\nimage.\n\nTo comply with the Seed standard a Docker image must have a single label used for discovery. This can be applied\nwith the following Dockerfile snippet:\n\n----\ninclude::examples/complete/Dockerfile-snippet[]\n----\n\nSeed compliant images must be named in a specific fashion due to the lack of label search capability on Docker Hub\nand Registry services. The suffix `-seed` must be used when naming images to enable discovery, prior to Hub or Registry\npush. This requirement will be deprecated as label search support is standardized across Docker registry services.\n\nSee the latest version of the link:seed.html[full specification] for complete detail on manifest format.\n\nSpecification versions:\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= Seed\[email protected]\n\n:toc: left\n:toclevels: 5\n:stylesheet: styles/html.css\n:sectlinks:\n:sectnums:\n:sectnumlevels: 5\n:icons: font\n:docinfo:\n\nSeed was developed at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Research.\n\nSeed is a general standard to aid in the discovery and consumption of a discrete unit of work contained within a Docker\nimage.\n\nTo comply with the Seed standard a Docker image must have a single label used for discovery. This can be applied\nwith the following Dockerfile snippet:\n\n----\ninclude::examples/complete/Dockerfile-snippet[]\n----\n\nSeed compliant images must be named in a specific fashion due to the lack of label search capability on Docker Hub\nand Registry services. The suffix `-seed` must be used when naming images to enable discovery, prior to Hub or Registry\npush. This requirement will be deprecated as label search support is standardized across Docker registry services.\n\nSee the latest version of the link:seed.html[full specification] for complete detail on manifest format.\n\nSpecification versions:\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "GH39759: Remove SNO assisted installer from OKD\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "[id=\"install-sno-installing-sno\"]\n= Installing OpenShift on a single node\n:context: install-sno-installing-sno-with-the-assisted-installer\ninclude::modules/common-attributes.adoc[]\n\ntoc::[]\n\ninclude::modules/install-sno-generating-the-discovery-iso-with-the-assisted-installer.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\ninclude::modules/install-sno-generating-the-discovery-iso-manually.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\ninclude::modules/install-sno-installing-with-usb-media.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\ninclude::modules/install-sno-monitoring-the-installation-with-the-assisted-installer.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\ninclude::modules/install-sno-monitoring-the-installation-manually.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[id=\"install-sno-installing-sno\"]\n= Installing OpenShift on a single node\n:context: install-sno-installing-sno-with-the-assisted-installer\ninclude::modules/common-attributes.adoc[]\n\ntoc::[]\n\nifndef::openshift-origin[]\ninclude::modules/install-sno-generating-the-discovery-iso-with-the-assisted-installer.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\nendif::openshift-origin[]\n\ninclude::modules/install-sno-generating-the-discovery-iso-manually.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\ninclude::modules/install-sno-installing-with-usb-media.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\nifndef::openshift-origin[]\ninclude::modules/install-sno-monitoring-the-installation-with-the-assisted-installer.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\nendif::openshift-origin[]\n\ninclude::modules/install-sno-monitoring-the-installation-manually.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Remove unused parameter in stripe config for aws doc\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "Create the stripe configuration:\n\n[source, bash]\n----\n> mkdir -p /home/ubuntu/killbil/etc/\n> vi /home/ubuntu/killbil/etc/stripe.yml\n----\n\nFill the details with your own keys:\n\n :stripe:\n :api_secret_key: API_SECRET_KEY\n :test: true\n :database:\n :adapter: jdbcmysql\n :jndi: killbill/osgi/jdbc\n :driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver\n :connection_alive_sql: select 1\n :pool: 25\n \n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Create the stripe configuration:\n\n[source, bash]\n----\n> mkdir -p /home/ubuntu/killbil/etc/\n> vi /home/ubuntu/killbil/etc/stripe.yml\n----\n\nFill the details with your own keys:\n\n :stripe:\n :api_secret_key: API_SECRET_KEY\n :test: true\n :database:\n :adapter: jdbcmysql\n :jndi: killbill/osgi/jdbc\n :connection_alive_sql: select 1\n :pool: 25\n \n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Fix version to 1.4.0-SNAPSHOT for now\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "OpenFurther Reference Documentation\n===================================\n\nAbout\n-----\nThe following documentation applies to *OpenFurther version {version}*\n\nConventions\n~~~~~~~~~~~\n\nNOTE: A note\n\nIMPORTANT: An important point\n\nTIP: A tip\n\nWARNING: A warning\n\nCAUTION: A point of caution\n\nIntroduction\n------------\nFURTHeR, The Federated Utah Research and Translational Health electronic Repository, has been developed as part of the Biomedical Informatics Core (BMIC) at the University of Utah’s Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS). FURTHeR’s primary function is to federate health information from heterogeneous data sources to aid researchers in cohort selection and retrospective comparative effectiveness research. FURTHeR achieves real-time federation of health information from heterogeneous data sources using a logical federated query language, a query and result translator for translating queries and results from each heterogeneous data source, and standard terminology to unify data across sources.\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "OpenFurther Reference Documentation\n===================================\n\nAbout\n-----\nThe following documentation applies to *OpenFurther version 1.4.0-SNAPSHOT*\n\nConventions\n~~~~~~~~~~~\n\nNOTE: A note\n\nIMPORTANT: An important point\n\nTIP: A tip\n\nWARNING: A warning\n\nCAUTION: A point of caution\n\nIntroduction\n------------\nFURTHeR, The Federated Utah Research and Translational Health electronic Repository, has been developed as part of the Biomedical Informatics Core (BMIC) at the University of Utah’s Center for Clinical and Translational Science (CCTS). FURTHeR’s primary function is to federate health information from heterogeneous data sources to aid researchers in cohort selection and retrospective comparative effectiveness research. FURTHeR achieves real-time federation of health information from heterogeneous data sources using a logical federated query language, a query and result translator for translating queries and results from each heterogeneous data source, and standard terminology to unify data across sources.\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Add a note about minimum requirements to install this package\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= PHP Reflect\n\n**PHP Reflect** is a library that\nadds the ability to reverse-engineer classes, interfaces, functions, constants, namespaces, traits and more.\n\n\nBoth were distributed as source code (install via composer) and a PHAR version\nthat bundles all dependencies in a single file.\n\n== Install\n\nYou can either :\n\n* download the phar version[4.2.1]\n* install via[packagist] the current source dev-master\n\n== Documentation\n\nThe documentation for PHP Reflect 4.2 is available\nin[English]\nto read it online or download to read it later (multiple formats).\n\nAsciiDoc source code are available on `docs` folder of the repository.\n\n== Authors\n\n* Laurent Laville\n\n== License\n\nThis handler is licensed under the BSD-3-clauses License - see the `LICENSE` file for details\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= PHP Reflect\n\n**PHP Reflect** is a library that\nadds the ability to reverse-engineer classes, interfaces, functions, constants, namespaces, traits and more.\n\n\nBoth were distributed as source code (install via composer) and a PHAR version\nthat bundles all dependencies in a single file.\n\n== Requirements\n\nPHP 5.5.0 or above.\n\n== Install\n\nYou can either :\n\n* download the phar version[4.2.1]\n* install via[packagist] the current source dev-master\n\n== Documentation\n\nThe documentation for PHP Reflect 4.2 is available\nin[English]\nto read it online or download to read it later (multiple formats).\n\nAsciiDoc source code are available on `docs` folder of the repository.\n\n== Authors\n\n* Laurent Laville\n\n== License\n\nThis handler is licensed under the BSD-3-clauses License - see the `LICENSE` file for details\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Remove links to release notes\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "[[es-release-notes]]\n= Release Notes\n\n[partintro]\n--\nThis section summarizes the changes in each release.\n\n* <<release-notes-5.0.0-alpha5>>\n* <<release-notes-5.0.0-alpha4>>\n* <<release-notes-5.0.0-alpha3>>\n* <<release-notes-5.0.0-alpha2>>\n* <<release-notes-5.0.0-alpha1>>\n* <<release-notes-5.0.0-alpha1-2x>>\n\n--\ninclude::release-notes/5.0.0-alpha5.asciidoc[]\ninclude::release-notes/5.0.0-alpha4.asciidoc[]\ninclude::release-notes/5.0.0-alpha3.asciidoc[]\ninclude::release-notes/5.0.0-alpha2.asciidoc[]\ninclude::release-notes/5.0.0-alpha1.asciidoc[]\ninclude::release-notes/5.0.0-alpha1-2x.asciidoc[]\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[[es-release-notes]]\n= Release Notes\n\n[partintro]\n--\nThis section will summarize the changes in released versions.\n--\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Update main document of 'Implementation protocol'.\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= Implementation details\nFranz Wilhelmstötter <[email protected]>\n:Author Initials: FWi\n:toc:\n:icons:\n:numbered:\n:website:\n\nThis site contains selected description of implementation details.\n\ninclude::CreateRandomSeed.adoc[]\n\ninclude::OptimizeMinimum.adoc[]\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= Implementation protocols\nFranz Wilhelmstötter <[email protected]>\n:Author Initials: FWi\n:toc:\n:icons:\n:numbered:\n:website:\n\nWhile implementing the library, a lot of concrete implementation decisions have been made. This document gives a more detailed description of some selected implementation details.\n\ninclude::CreateRandomSeed.adoc[]\n\ninclude::OptimizeMinimum.adoc[]\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Upgrade guide about api components updates\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= Apache Camel 3.x Upgrade Guide\n\nThis document is for helping you upgrade your Apache Camel application\nfrom Camel 3.x to 3.y. For example if you are upgrading Camel 3.0 to 3.2, then you should follow the guides\nfrom both 3.0 to 3.1 and 3.1 to 3.2.\n\n== Upgrading Camel 3.5 to 3.6\n\n=== Camel Karaf\n\nThe following features has been removed due they become not compatible with OSGi: `camel-atmosphere-websocket`.\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= Apache Camel 3.x Upgrade Guide\n\nThis document is for helping you upgrade your Apache Camel application\nfrom Camel 3.x to 3.y. For example if you are upgrading Camel 3.0 to 3.2, then you should follow the guides\nfrom both 3.0 to 3.1 and 3.1 to 3.2.\n\n== Upgrading Camel 3.5 to 3.6\n\n=== API components upgrade\n\nThe `camel-braintree`, `camel-twilio` and `camel-zendesk` has updated to newer versions and regenerated their API\nsignatures in the Camel components which may change some of the existing singatures and as well bring in new.\n\n=== Camel Karaf\n\nThe following features has been removed due they become not compatible with OSGi: `camel-atmosphere-websocket`.\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Use numbered list in source\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= Cypher Design Philosophy Guidelines\n\nAn informal manifesto was defined to ensure the consistent ongoing development of the Cypher language.\nThe aim was to incorporate as many underlying principles as were deemed useful and relevant, and to distill these to no more than 15 or so rules to render the philosophy more useful and digestible.\nSuggestions for changing the language ought to be guided by the following rules:\n\n. Follow these rules unless there’s a better way.\n. Cypher is a high-level Graph Query Language.\n. Design should be validated by user needs.\n. Readability is better than terseness.\n. Declarative is better than imperative.\n. Composability is better than complexity.\n. Explicit is better than implicit.\n. Visual is better than textual.\n. Familiar to users of SQL and inspired by Python.\n. Prefer a single way to do things.\n. Consistency is important. Learning one part of the language should help understanding other parts.\n. Errors should never pass silently, unless explicitly silenced.\n. Progress is more important than perfection, but consideration beats hastiness.\n. Don’t leave holes in the specification that allow the implementation to leak through.\n. Never be too proud to throw something away.\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= Cypher Design Philosophy Guidelines\n\nAn informal manifesto was defined to ensure the consistent ongoing development of the Cypher language.\nThe aim was to incorporate as many underlying principles as were deemed useful and relevant, and to distill these to no more than 15 or so rules to render the philosophy more useful and digestible.\nSuggestions for changing the language ought to be guided by the following rules:\n\n1. Follow these rules unless there’s a better way.\n2. Cypher is a high-level Graph Query Language.\n3. Design should be validated by user needs.\n4. Readability is better than terseness.\n5. Declarative is better than imperative.\n6. Composability is better than complexity.\n7. Explicit is better than implicit.\n8. Visual is better than textual.\n9. Familiar to users of SQL and inspired by Python.\n10. Prefer a single way to do things.\n11. Consistency is important. Learning one part of the language should help understanding other parts.\n12. Errors should never pass silently, unless explicitly silenced.\n13. Progress is more important than perfection, but consideration beats hastiness.\n14. Don’t leave holes in the specification that allow the implementation to leak through.\n15. Never be too proud to throw something away.\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Fix include ratpack chapter in GQL guide\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= GQL\n:revnumber: {releaseVersion}\n:numbered:\n:imagesDir: images/\n:baseDir: ../../../../..\n:stem:\n\n:core: {baseDir}/gql-core\n:coreMain: {core}/src/main/java\n:testMain: {core}/src/test/groovy\n:testResources: {core}/src/test/resources\n:ratpack: {baseDir}/gql-ratpack\n\n[quote]\nGQL is a library created to make it easier to expose and consume\nGraphQL services.\n\n[sidebar]\n.Apache\n****\nThe *GQL* project is open sourced under the[Apache 2 License].\n****\n\ninclude::intro.adoc[]\n\ninclude::getting.adoc[]\n\ninclude::dsl.adoc[]\n\ninclude::relay.adoc[]\n\ninclude::references.adoc[]\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= GQL\n:revnumber: {releaseVersion}\n:numbered:\n:imagesDir: images/\n:baseDir: ../../../../..\n:baseDirFirstLevel: ../../../..\n:stem:\n\n:core: {baseDir}/gql-core\n:coreMain: {core}/src/main/java\n:testMain: {core}/src/test/groovy\n:testResources: {core}/src/test/resources\n:ratpack: {baseDir}/gql-ratpack\n\n[quote]\nGQL is a library created to make it easier to expose and consume\nGraphQL services.\n\n[sidebar]\n.Apache\n****\nThe *GQL* project is open sourced under the[Apache 2 License].\n****\n\ninclude::intro.adoc[]\n\ninclude::getting.adoc[]\n\ninclude::dsl.adoc[]\n\ninclude::relay.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ratpack.adoc[]\n\ninclude::references.adoc[]\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Update to-do with new completions\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= To-Do List\n\n- mock_cone_detector creates infinite area and overflows h\n- (*DONE*) new waypoints shorter than old don't delete existing waypoints\n- adjust waypoints for start position and cone position\n- cone area goes down when very close to cone\n- (*DONE*) parameterize throttle and steering PWM values\n- touch sensor does not work\n- cone detection in bright light does not work\n- GUIDED mode does not work\n- Encode PWM values or range set to use in the waypoints file\n- If waypoint encountered before cone is seen, rover goes into HOLD mode\nwith no recovery. Needs to be fixed.\n\n== Possible To-Do\n\n- (*DONE*) Change from using WP_SPEED to CRUISE_SPEED. (Seems to be used by Vicky,\nwhile WP_SPEED is not.)\n- Have a way of manually triggering parameter reload\n\n== Notes\n\nMAV_CMD_DO_SET_HOME appears to reset the map origin, as well as zero the\noffset between the map origin and base_link (for /mavros/local_position/pose\nand /mavros/local_position/odom).\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= To-Do List\n\n- mock_cone_detector creates infinite area and overflows h\n- (*DONE*) new waypoints shorter than old don't delete existing waypoints\n- adjust waypoints for start position and cone position\n- cone area goes down when very close to cone\n- (*DONE*) parameterize throttle and steering PWM values\n- touch sensor does not work\n- (*DONE*) cone detection in bright light does not work\n- GUIDED mode does not work\n- Encode PWM values or range set to use in the waypoints file\n- If waypoint encountered before cone is seen, rover goes into HOLD mode\nwith no recovery. Needs to be fixed.\n\n== Possible To-Do\n\n- (*DONE*) Change from using WP_SPEED to CRUISE_SPEED. (Seems to be used by Vicky,\nwhile WP_SPEED is not.)\n- Have a way of manually triggering parameter reload\n\n== Notes\n\nMAV_CMD_DO_SET_HOME appears to reset the map origin, as well as zero the\noffset between the map origin and base_link (for /mavros/local_position/pose\nand /mavros/local_position/odom).\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Use Markdown compatible syntax for better rendering on\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= Opal Runtime for Node.js\n\n== Usage\n\n```javascript\nvar Opal = require('opal-runtime').Opal;\n// Now let's have fun with Opal!\n```\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "# Opal Runtime for Node.js\n\n## Usage\n\n```javascript\nvar Opal = require('opal-runtime').Opal;\n// Now let's have fun with Opal!\n```\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Add mob programming and remote mob programming" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\n[[improve-processes]]\n=== Practices to Improve Processes\n\n[[fig-improve-processes]]\n.Practices for \"Improve Processes\"\nimage::improve-practice-processes.png[\"Practices for Improve Processes\", title=\"Practices to improve processes\"]\n\nFor an overview of other improvement practices,\nsee <<improve-practices-overview>>.\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\n[[improve-processes]]\n=== Practices to Improve Processes\n\n[[fig-improve-processes]]\n.Practices for \"Improve Processes\"\nimage::improve-practice-processes.png[\"Practices for Improve Processes\", title=\"Practices to improve processes\"]\n\nFor an overview of other improvement practices,\nsee <<improve-practices-overview>>.\n\nOne way to improve the processes is to resort to[Mob Programming] for onsite teams or[Remote Mob Programming] for distributed teams.\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Clarify how to enable and disable logstash output\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n//// This content is shared by all Elastic Beats. Make sure you keep the\n//// descriptions here generic enough to work for all Beats that include\n//// this file. When using cross references, make sure that the cross\n//// references resolve correctly for any files that include this one.\n//// Use the appropriate variables defined in the index.asciidoc file to\n//// resolve Beat names: beatname_uc and beatname_lc.\n//// Use the following include to pull this content into a doc file:\n//// include::../../libbeat/docs/shared-logstash-config.asciidoc[]\n//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\nIf you want to use Logstash to perform additional processing on the data collected by\n{beatname_uc}, you need to configure {beatname_uc} to use Logstash.\n\nTo do this, you edit the {beatname_uc} configuration file to disable the Elasticsearch\noutput and use the Logstash output instead:\n\n[source,yaml]\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\noutput:\n logstash:\n hosts: [\"\"]\n\n # configure logstash plugin to loadbalance events between\n # configured logstash hosts\n #loadbalance: false\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIn this configuration, `hosts` specifies the Logstash server and the port (`5044`)\nwhere Logstash is configured to listen for incoming Beats connections.\n\nTo use this configuration, you must also\n{libbeat}/getting-started.html#logstash-setup[set up Logstash] to receive events\nfrom Beats." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n//// This content is shared by all Elastic Beats. Make sure you keep the\n//// descriptions here generic enough to work for all Beats that include\n//// this file. When using cross references, make sure that the cross\n//// references resolve correctly for any files that include this one.\n//// Use the appropriate variables defined in the index.asciidoc file to\n//// resolve Beat names: beatname_uc and beatname_lc.\n//// Use the following include to pull this content into a doc file:\n//// include::../../libbeat/docs/shared-logstash-config.asciidoc[]\n//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\nIf you want to use Logstash to perform additional processing on the data collected by\n{beatname_uc}, you need to configure {beatname_uc} to use Logstash.\n\nTo do this, you edit the {beatname_uc} configuration file to disable the Elasticsearch\noutput by commenting it out and enable the Logstash output by uncommenting the \nlogstash section:\n\n[source,yaml]\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\noutput:\n logstash:\n hosts: [\"\"]\n\n # configure logstash plugin to loadbalance events between\n # configured logstash hosts\n #loadbalance: false\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIn this configuration, `hosts` specifies the Logstash server and the port (`5044`)\nwhere Logstash is configured to listen for incoming Beats connections.\n\nTo use this configuration, you must also\n{libbeat}/getting-started.html#logstash-setup[set up Logstash] to receive events\nfrom Beats." } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Document Jackson serialization support for OAuth 2.0 Client\n\nFixes gh-8075\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "[[jackson]]\n== Jackson Support\n\nSpring Security has added Jackson Support for persisting Spring Security related classes.\nThis can improve the performance of serializing Spring Security related classes when working with distributed sessions (i.e. session replication, Spring Session, etc).\n\nTo use it, register the `SecurityJackson2Modules.getModules(ClassLoader)` as[Jackson Modules].\n\n[source,java]\n----\nObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();\nClassLoader loader = getClass().getClassLoader();\nList<Module> modules = SecurityJackson2Modules.getModules(loader);\nmapper.registerModules(modules);\n\n// ... use ObjectMapper as normally ...\nSecurityContext context = new SecurityContextImpl();\n// ...\nString json = mapper.writeValueAsString(context);\n----\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[[jackson]]\n== Jackson Support\n\nSpring Security provides Jackson support for persisting Spring Security related classes.\nThis can improve the performance of serializing Spring Security related classes when working with distributed sessions (i.e. session replication, Spring Session, etc).\n\nTo use it, register the `SecurityJackson2Modules.getModules(ClassLoader)` with `ObjectMapper` ([jackson-databind]):\n\n[source,java]\n----\nObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();\nClassLoader loader = getClass().getClassLoader();\nList<Module> modules = SecurityJackson2Modules.getModules(loader);\nmapper.registerModules(modules);\n\n// ... use ObjectMapper as normally ...\nSecurityContext context = new SecurityContextImpl();\n// ...\nString json = mapper.writeValueAsString(context);\n----\n\n[NOTE]\n====\nThe following Spring Security modules provide Jackson support:\n\n- spring-security-core (`CoreJackson2Module`)\n- spring-security-web (`WebJackson2Module`, `WebServletJackson2Module`, `WebServerJackson2Module`)\n- <<oauth2client, spring-security-oauth2-client>> (`OAuth2ClientJackson2Module`)\n- spring-security-cas (`CasJackson2Module`)\n====\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Use Flexy Pool instead of flexy-pool" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= flexy-pool\nAuthor <[email protected]>\nv1.0.0, 2014-02-25\n\n:homepage:\n\n== Introduction\n\nThe flexy-pool library brings adaptability to a given Connection Pool, allowing it to resize on demand.\nThis is very handy since most connection pools offer a limited set of dynamic configuration strategies.\n\n== Features \n\n* extensive connection pool support\n**[Bitronix Transaction Manager]\n**[Apache DBCP]\n**[Apache DBCP2]\n**[C3P0]\n**[BoneCP]\n**[HikariCP]\n* statistics support\n** source connection acquiring time histogram\n** total connection acquiring time histogram\n** retries attempts histogram\n** maximum CP size histogram\n** connection request count histogram\n** connection lease time histogram\n\n== Documentation \n\n.[Installation Guide]\n.[User Guide]\n\n[IMPORTANT]\nFlexy Pool has not yet been released to OSS Maven Repository.\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= Flexy Pool\nAuthor <[email protected]>\nv1.0.0, 2014-02-25\n\n:homepage:\n\n== Introduction\n\nThe Flexy Pool library brings adaptability to a given Connection Pool, allowing it to resize on demand.\nThis is very handy since most connection pools offer a limited set of dynamic configuration strategies.\n\n== Features \n\n* extensive connection pool support\n**[Bitronix Transaction Manager]\n**[Apache DBCP]\n**[Apache DBCP2]\n**[C3P0]\n**[BoneCP]\n**[HikariCP]\n* statistics support\n** source connection acquiring time histogram\n** total connection acquiring time histogram\n** retries attempts histogram\n** maximum CP size histogram\n** connection request count histogram\n** connection lease time histogram\n\n== Documentation \n\n.[Installation Guide]\n.[User Guide]\n\n[IMPORTANT]\nFlexy Pool has not yet been released to OSS Maven Repository.\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Use Markdown compatible syntax and add npm badge\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= Bestikk Opal Compiler\n\nA simple tool to compile Ruby code to JavaScript using Opal.\n\n== Install\n\n $ npm i --save-dev bestikk-opal-compiler\n\n== Usage\n\n```javascript\nvar opalCompiler = require('bestikk-opal-compiler');\n\nvar compiler = opalCompiler({\n dynamicRequireLevel: 'ignore',\n defaultPaths: ['special/directory']\n});\ncompiler.compile('hello.rb', 'hello.js'); // <1>\ncompiler.compile('module/hello', 'module.js', ['extra/directory']); // <2>\n```\n<1> Compile Ruby script `hello.rb` to `hello.js`\n<2> Compile Ruby module `module/hello` to `module.js` using an extra directory\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "# Bestikk Opal Compiler\n\nifdef::env-github[]\nimage:[npm version, link=]\nendif::[]\n\nA simple tool to compile Ruby code to JavaScript using Opal.\n\n## Install\n\n $ npm i --save-dev bestikk-opal-compiler\n\n## Usage\n\n```javascript\nvar opalCompiler = require('bestikk-opal-compiler');\n\nvar compiler = opalCompiler({\n dynamicRequireLevel: 'ignore',\n defaultPaths: ['special/directory']\n});\ncompiler.compile('hello.rb', 'hello.js'); // <1>\ncompiler.compile('module/hello', 'module.js', ['extra/directory']); // <2>\n```\n<1> Compile Ruby script `hello.rb` to `hello.js`\n<2> Compile Ruby module `module/hello` to `module.js` using an extra directory\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Add a more complete documentation.\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= Microservices libraries comparison\n\n== Purpose\n\nThis project is the companion of this Blog article:\n\n== Build\n\nTo build it, just run `gradle shadowJar` in the command line.\n\n== Run\n\nThen you can run each server using `java -jar <server>.jar`.\n\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= Microservices libraries comparison\n\n== Purpose\n\nThis project is the companion of this Blog article:\n\n== Setup\n\nYou will need a keystore. You can follow a tutorial[here] to set up a keystore with a self-signed certificate.\n\nOne of the client libraries requires you to import the Facebook's certificate into the truststore. To do that, you can follow these[instructions].\n\n== Build\n\nTo build the servers, just run `gradlew shadowJar` in the command line. By the way, you need a JDK 8, but I guess you're up-to-date :)\n\n== Run\n\nThen you can run each server using `java -jar <server>.jar`. Don't forget to replace `<server>` with the correct jar name. \n\nThe Dropwizard server needs a special command line: `java ... -jar dropwizard.jar server /path/to/dropwizard-server.yml`.\n\n== Notes\n\nThere are no unit tests, and it is fully assumed.\n\n== The missing guys\n\nIn a future version, I will add Restx, Payara and Swarm to the comparison. It is a long exercise though, but stay in touch ;)\n\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Update What's New for 5.8\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "[[new]]\n= What's New in Spring Security 5.8\n\nSpring Security 5.8 provides a number of new features.\nBelow are the highlights of the release.\n\n*[gh-11782] - @WithMockUser Supported as Merged Annotation\n\t\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[[new]]\n= What's New in Spring Security 5.8\n\nSpring Security 5.8 provides a number of new features.\nBelow are the highlights of the release.\n\n*[gh-11638] - Refresh remote JWK when unknown KID error occurs\n*[gh-11782] - @WithMockUser Supported as Merged Annotation\n*[gh-11661] - Configurable authentication converter for resource-servers with token introspection\n*[gh-11771] - `HttpSecurityDsl` should support `apply` method\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Add a change that was accidentally left out of the types documentation commit.\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "[[java-admin-indices-put-mapping]]\n==== Put Mapping\n\nYou can add mappings at index creation time:\n\n[\"source\",\"java\",subs=\"attributes,callouts,macros\"]\n--------------------------------------------------\ninclude-tagged::{client-tests}/[index-with-mapping]\n--------------------------------------------------\n<1> <<java-admin-indices-create-index,Creates an index>> called `twitter`\n<2> Add a `_doc` type with a field called `message` that has the datatype `text`.\n\nThere are several variants of the above `addMapping` method, some taking an\n`XContentBuilder` or a `Map` with the mapping definition as arguments. Make sure\nto check the javadocs to pick the simplest one for your use case.\n\nThe PUT mapping API also allows for updating the mapping after index\ncreation. In this case you can provide the mapping as a String similar\nto the REST API syntax:\n\n[\"source\",\"java\",subs=\"attributes,callouts,macros\"]\n--------------------------------------------------\ninclude-tagged::{client-tests}/[putMapping-request-source]\n--------------------------------------------------\n<1> Puts a mapping on existing index called `twitter`\n<2> Adds a new field `name` to the mapping\n<3> The type can be also provided within the source\n\n:base-dir!:\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[[java-admin-indices-put-mapping]]\n==== Put Mapping\n\nYou can add mappings at index creation time:\n\n[\"source\",\"java\",subs=\"attributes,callouts,macros\"]\n--------------------------------------------------\ninclude-tagged::{client-tests}/[index-with-mapping]\n--------------------------------------------------\n<1> <<java-admin-indices-create-index,Creates an index>> called `twitter`\n<2> Add a `_doc` type with a field called `message` that has the datatype `text`.\n\nThere are several variants of the above `addMapping` method, some taking an\n`XContentBuilder` or a `Map` with the mapping definition as arguments. Make sure\nto check the javadocs to pick the simplest one for your use case.\n\nThe PUT mapping API also allows for updating the mapping after index\ncreation. In this case you can provide the mapping as a String similar\nto the REST API syntax:\n\n[\"source\",\"java\",subs=\"attributes,callouts,macros\"]\n--------------------------------------------------\ninclude-tagged::{client-tests}/[putMapping-request-source]\n--------------------------------------------------\n<1> Puts a mapping on existing index called `twitter`\n<2> Adds a new field `name` to the mapping\n<3> The type can be also provided within the source\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Document support for Java 19\n\nCloses gh-32259\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "[[getting-started.system-requirements]]\n== System Requirements\nSpring Boot {spring-boot-version} requires[Java 8] and is compatible up to and including Java 18.\n{spring-framework-docs}/[Spring Framework {spring-framework-version}] or above is also required.\n\nExplicit build support is provided for the following build tools:\n\n|===\n| Build Tool | Version\n\n| Maven\n| 3.5+\n\n| Gradle\n| 6.8.x, 6.9.x, and 7.x\n|===\n\n\n\n[[getting-started.system-requirements.servlet-containers]]\n=== Servlet Containers\nSpring Boot supports the following embedded servlet containers:\n\n|===\n| Name | Servlet Version\n\n| Tomcat 9.0\n| 4.0\n\n| Jetty 9.4\n| 3.1\n\n| Jetty 10.0\n| 4.0\n\n| Undertow 2.0\n| 4.0\n|===\n\nYou can also deploy Spring Boot applications to any servlet 3.1+ compatible container.\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[[getting-started.system-requirements]]\n== System Requirements\nSpring Boot {spring-boot-version} requires[Java 8] and is compatible up to and including Java 19.\n{spring-framework-docs}/[Spring Framework {spring-framework-version}] or above is also required.\n\nExplicit build support is provided for the following build tools:\n\n|===\n| Build Tool | Version\n\n| Maven\n| 3.5+\n\n| Gradle\n| 6.8.x, 6.9.x, and 7.x\n|===\n\n\n\n[[getting-started.system-requirements.servlet-containers]]\n=== Servlet Containers\nSpring Boot supports the following embedded servlet containers:\n\n|===\n| Name | Servlet Version\n\n| Tomcat 9.0\n| 4.0\n\n| Jetty 9.4\n| 3.1\n\n| Jetty 10.0\n| 4.0\n\n| Undertow 2.0\n| 4.0\n|===\n\nYou can also deploy Spring Boot applications to any servlet 3.1+ compatible container.\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Update readme with how to run docker for tests\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= Mongo Client\n\nimage:[\"Build Status\",link=\"\"]\n\nAn asynchronous client for interacting with a MongoDB database\n\nPlease see the in source asciidoc documentation or the main documentation on the web-site for a full description\nof Mongo service:\n\n* Web-site docs\n* link:vertx-mongo-client/src/main/asciidoc/java/index.adoc[Java in-source docs]\n* link:vertx-mongo-client/src/main/asciidoc/js/index.adoc[JavaScript in-source docs]\n* link:vertx-mongo-client/src/main/asciidoc/groovy/index.adoc[Groovy in-source docs]\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= Mongo Client\n\nimage:[\"Build Status\",link=\"\"]\n\nAn asynchronous client for interacting with a MongoDB database\n\nPlease see the in source asciidoc documentation or the main documentation on the web-site for a full description\nof Mongo service:\n\n* Web-site docs\n* link:vertx-mongo-client/src/main/asciidoc/java/index.adoc[Java in-source docs]\n* link:vertx-mongo-client/src/main/asciidoc/js/index.adoc[JavaScript in-source docs]\n* link:vertx-mongo-client/src/main/asciidoc/groovy/index.adoc[Groovy in-source docs]\n\n```\ndocker run --rm --name vertx-mongo -p 27017:27017 mongo\n```\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Add proper ID to REST API assembly\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "[id=\"welcome-index\"]\n= {product-title} {product-version} REST APIs\ninclude::modules/common-attributes.adoc[]\n:context: rest-apis\n\ntoc::[]\n\ninclude::modules/apis.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[id=\"rest-api\"]\n= {product-title} {product-version} REST APIs\ninclude::modules/common-attributes.adoc[]\n:context: rest-apis\n\ntoc::[]\n\ninclude::modules/apis.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Fix link to kudu-examples in the docs\n\nChange-Id: I2837b2e33f849a366a762a83eeaa487b3d650242\nReviewed-on:\nReviewed-by: Todd Lipcon <[email protected]>\nTested-by: Todd Lipcon <[email protected]>\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "// Copyright 2015 Cloudera, Inc.\n//\n// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n// You may obtain a copy of the License at\n//\n//\n//\n// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n// distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n// limitations under the License.\n\n[[quickstart]]\n= Kudu Quickstart\n\n:author: Kudu Team\n:imagesdir: ./images\n:icons: font\n:toc: left\n:toclevels: 3\n:doctype: book\n:backend: html5\n:sectlinks:\n:experimental:\n\nThis quickstart shows how to set up and run a VirtualBox virtual machine pre-installed with Kudu,\nKudu_Impala, and CDH. This is the quickest way to take Kudu for a spin.\n\n[[quickstart_vm]]\n== Get The Kudu Quickstart VM\nFollow these link:[instructions] to download and set\nup the Kudu Quickstart VM.\n\nThe VM contains Kudu, Impala, and other Hadoop ecosystem projects, for your convenience.\n\n== Load Some Data\n\nTBD\n\n== Retrieve Some Data\n\nTBD\n\n== Next Steps\n- link:installation.html[Installing Kudu]\n- link:configuration.html[Configuring Kudu]\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "// Copyright 2015 Cloudera, Inc.\n//\n// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n// You may obtain a copy of the License at\n//\n//\n//\n// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n// distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n// limitations under the License.\n\n[[quickstart]]\n= Kudu Quickstart\n\n:author: Kudu Team\n:imagesdir: ./images\n:icons: font\n:toc: left\n:toclevels: 3\n:doctype: book\n:backend: html5\n:sectlinks:\n:experimental:\n\nThis quickstart shows how to set up and run a VirtualBox virtual machine pre-installed with Kudu,\nKudu_Impala, and CDH. This is the quickest way to take Kudu for a spin.\n\n[[quickstart_vm]]\n== Get The Kudu Quickstart VM\nFollow these link:[instructions] to download and set\nup the Kudu Quickstart VM.\n\nThe VM contains Kudu, Impala, and other Hadoop ecosystem projects, for your convenience.\n\n== Load Some Data\n\nTBD\n\n== Retrieve Some Data\n\nTBD\n\n== Next Steps\n- link:installation.html[Installing Kudu]\n- link:configuration.html[Configuring Kudu]\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Add missing module for SR-IOV\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "[id=\"configuring-sriov-device\"]\n= Configuring an SR-IOV network device\ninclude::modules/common-attributes.adoc[]\n:context: configuring-sriov-device\n\ntoc::[]\n\nYou can configure a Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) device in your cluster.\n\ninclude::modules/nw-sriov-device-discovery.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\ninclude::modules/nw-sriov-configuring-device.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\n.Next steps\n\n* xref:../../networking/hardware_networks/configuring-sriov-net-attach.adoc#configuring-sriov-net-attach[Configuring a SR-IOV network attachment]\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[id=\"configuring-sriov-device\"]\n= Configuring an SR-IOV network device\ninclude::modules/common-attributes.adoc[]\n:context: configuring-sriov-device\n\ntoc::[]\n\nYou can configure a Single Root I/O Virtualization (SR-IOV) device in your cluster.\n\ninclude::modules/nw-sriov-device-discovery.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\ninclude::modules/nw-sriov-configuring-device.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\ninclude::modules/nw-sriov-nic-partitioning.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\n.Next steps\n\n* xref:../../networking/hardware_networks/configuring-sriov-net-attach.adoc#configuring-sriov-net-attach[Configuring a SR-IOV network attachment]\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Fix link title to osdk-generating-csvs\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "[id=\"olm-understanding-operatorhub\"]\n= Understanding OperatorHub\ninclude::modules/common-attributes.adoc[]\n:context: olm-understanding-operatorhub\n\ntoc::[]\n\ninclude::modules/olm-operatorhub-overview.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\ninclude::modules/olm-operatorhub-architecture.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\n[id=\"olm-understanding-operatorhub-resources\"]\n== Additional resources\n\n* xref:../../operators/understanding/olm/olm-understanding-olm.adoc#olm-catalogsource_olm-understanding-olm[Catalog source]\n* xref:../../operators/operator_sdk/osdk-about.adoc#osdk-about[About the Operator SDK]\n* xref:../../operators/operator_sdk/osdk-generating-csvs.adoc#osdk-generating-csvs[Generating a ClusterServiceVersion (CSV)]\n* xref:../../operators/understanding/olm/olm-workflow.adoc#olm-upgrades_olm-workflow[Operator installation and upgrade workflow in OLM]\n* link:[Red Hat Partner Connect]\n* link:[Red Hat Marketplace]\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[id=\"olm-understanding-operatorhub\"]\n= Understanding OperatorHub\ninclude::modules/common-attributes.adoc[]\n:context: olm-understanding-operatorhub\n\ntoc::[]\n\ninclude::modules/olm-operatorhub-overview.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\ninclude::modules/olm-operatorhub-architecture.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\n[id=\"olm-understanding-operatorhub-resources\"]\n== Additional resources\n\n* xref:../../operators/understanding/olm/olm-understanding-olm.adoc#olm-catalogsource_olm-understanding-olm[Catalog source]\n* xref:../../operators/operator_sdk/osdk-about.adoc#osdk-about[About the Operator SDK]\n* xref:../../operators/operator_sdk/osdk-generating-csvs.adoc#osdk-generating-csvs[Defining cluster service versions (CSVs)]\n* xref:../../operators/understanding/olm/olm-workflow.adoc#olm-upgrades_olm-workflow[Operator installation and upgrade workflow in OLM]\n* link:[Red Hat Partner Connect]\n* link:[Red Hat Marketplace]\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Document support for Java 17\n\nCloses gh-26767\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "[[getting-started.system-requirements]]\n== System Requirements\nSpring Boot {spring-boot-version} requires[Java 8] and is compatible up to and including Java 16.\n{spring-framework-docs}/[Spring Framework {spring-framework-version}] or above is also required.\n\nExplicit build support is provided for the following build tools:\n\n|===\n| Build Tool | Version\n\n| Maven\n| 3.5+\n\n| Gradle\n| 6.8.x, 6.9.x, and 7.x\n|===\n\n\n\n[[getting-started.system-requirements.servlet-containers]]\n=== Servlet Containers\nSpring Boot supports the following embedded servlet containers:\n\n|===\n| Name | Servlet Version\n\n| Tomcat 9.0\n| 4.0\n\n| Jetty 9.4\n| 3.1\n\n| Jetty 10.0\n| 4.0\n\n| Undertow 2.0\n| 4.0\n|===\n\nYou can also deploy Spring Boot applications to any Servlet 3.1+ compatible container.\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[[getting-started.system-requirements]]\n== System Requirements\nSpring Boot {spring-boot-version} requires[Java 8] and is compatible up to and including Java 17.\n{spring-framework-docs}/[Spring Framework {spring-framework-version}] or above is also required.\n\nExplicit build support is provided for the following build tools:\n\n|===\n| Build Tool | Version\n\n| Maven\n| 3.5+\n\n| Gradle\n| 6.8.x, 6.9.x, and 7.x\n|===\n\n\n\n[[getting-started.system-requirements.servlet-containers]]\n=== Servlet Containers\nSpring Boot supports the following embedded servlet containers:\n\n|===\n| Name | Servlet Version\n\n| Tomcat 9.0\n| 4.0\n\n| Jetty 9.4\n| 3.1\n\n| Jetty 10.0\n| 4.0\n\n| Undertow 2.0\n| 4.0\n|===\n\nYou can also deploy Spring Boot applications to any Servlet 3.1+ compatible container.\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Add a note to allow traffic for GRE/VXLAN\n\nChange-Id: Iecefb2704caf88acfffef6e34e9d38940f6aa47d\nSigned-off-by: Fernando Moreno <[email protected]>\nSigned-off-by: Jan Hilberath <[email protected]>\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= MidoNet Host Registration\n\n. *Launch MidoNet CLI*\n+\n====\n[source]\n----\n$ midonet-cli\nmidonet>\n----\n====\n\n. *Create tunnel zone*\n+\nMidoNet supports the Virtual Extensible LAN (VXLAN) and Generic Routing\nEncapsulation (GRE) protocols to communicate to other hosts within a tunnel\nzone.\n+\nTo use the VXLAN protocol, create the tunnel zone with type 'vxlan':\n+\n====\n[source]\n----\nmidonet> tunnel-zone create name tz type vxlan\ntzone0\n----\n====\n+\nTo use the GRE protocol, create the tunnel zone with type 'gre':\n+\n====\n[source]\n----\nmidonet> tunnel-zone create name tz type gre\ntzone0\n----\n====\n\n. *Add hosts to tunnel zone*\n+\n====\n[literal,subs=\"quotes\"]\n----\nmidonet> list tunnel-zone\ntzone tzone0 name tz type vxlan\n\nmidonet> list host\nhost host0 name *_network_* alive true\nhost host1 name *_compute1_* alive true\n\nmidonet> tunnel-zone tzone0 add member host host0 address *_ip_address_of_host0_*\nzone tzone0 host host0 address *_ip_address_of_host0_*\n\nmidonet> tunnel-zone tzone0 add member host host1 address *_ip_address_of_host1_*\nzone tzone0 host host1 address *_ip_address_of_host1_*\n----\n====\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= MidoNet Host Registration\n\n. *Launch MidoNet CLI*\n+\n====\n[source]\n----\n$ midonet-cli\nmidonet>\n----\n====\n\n. *Create tunnel zone*\n+\nMidoNet supports the Virtual Extensible LAN (VXLAN) and Generic Routing\nEncapsulation (GRE) protocols to communicate to other hosts within a tunnel\nzone.\n+\nTo use the VXLAN protocol, create the tunnel zone with type 'vxlan':\n+\n====\n[source]\n----\nmidonet> tunnel-zone create name tz type vxlan\ntzone0\n----\n====\n+\nTo use the GRE protocol, create the tunnel zone with type 'gre':\n+\n====\n[source]\n----\nmidonet> tunnel-zone create name tz type gre\ntzone0\n----\n====\n\n[IMPORTANT]\nMake sure to allow GRE/VXLAN traffic for all hosts that belong to the tunnel\nzone. For VXLAN MidoNet uses UDP port 6677 as default.\n\n. *Add hosts to tunnel zone*\n+\n====\n[literal,subs=\"quotes\"]\n----\nmidonet> list tunnel-zone\ntzone tzone0 name tz type vxlan\n\nmidonet> list host\nhost host0 name *_network_* alive true\nhost host1 name *_compute1_* alive true\n\nmidonet> tunnel-zone tzone0 add member host host0 address *_ip_address_of_host0_*\nzone tzone0 host host0 address *_ip_address_of_host0_*\n\nmidonet> tunnel-zone tzone0 add member host host1 address *_ip_address_of_host1_*\nzone tzone0 host host1 address *_ip_address_of_host1_*\n----\n====\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Remove redundant step of removing api services\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "// Module included in the following assemblies:\n//\n// serverless/installing-openshift-serverless.adoc\n\n[id=\"deleting-knative-serving-crds_{context}\"]\n= Deleting Knative Serving CRDs from the Operator\n\nAfter uninstalling the {ServerlessOperatorName}, the Operator CRDs and API services remain on the cluster. Use this procedure to completely uninstall the remaining components. \n\n.Prerequisite\n* You have uninstalled Knative Serving and removed the {ServerlessOperatorName} using the previous procedure. \n\n.Procedure\n. Run the following command to delete the remaining Knative Serving CRDs:\n+\n----\n$ oc delete crd\n----\n\n. Delete the Knative Serving API by using command: \n+\n----\n$ oc delete apiservice\n----\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "// Module included in the following assemblies:\n//\n// serverless/installing-openshift-serverless.adoc\n\n[id=\"deleting-knative-serving-crds_{context}\"]\n= Deleting Knative Serving CRDs from the Operator\n\nAfter uninstalling the {ServerlessOperatorName}, the Operator CRDs and API services remain on the cluster. Use this procedure to completely uninstall the remaining components. \n\n.Prerequisite\n* You have uninstalled Knative Serving and removed the {ServerlessOperatorName} using the previous procedure. \n\n.Procedure\n. Run the following command to delete the remaining Knative Serving CRDs:\n+\n----\n$ oc delete crd\n----\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Add return type change to M6 release notes\n\nCloses #845\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "[[release-notes-5.0.0-m6]]\n=== 5.0.0-M6\n\n*Date of Release:* ❓\n\n*Scope:* Sixth milestone release of JUnit 5 with a focus on Java 9 compatibility, scenario tests, and additional extension APIs for JUnit Jupiter.\n\nWARNING: This is a milestone release and contains breaking changes. Please refer to the\n<<running-tests-ide-intellij-idea,instructions>> above to use this version in a version of\nIntelliJ IDEA that bundles an older milestone release.\n\nFor a complete list of all _closed_ issues and pull requests for this release, consult the\nlink:{junit5-repo}+/milestone/11?closed=1+[5.0 M6] milestone page in the JUnit repository\non GitHub.\n\n\n[[release-notes-5.0.0-m6-junit-platform]]\n==== JUnit Platform\n\n===== Bug Fixes\n\n* ❓\n\n===== Deprecations and Breaking Changes\n\n* ❓\n\n===== New Features and Improvements\n\n* ❓\n\n\n[[release-notes-5.0.0-m6-junit-jupiter]]\n==== JUnit Jupiter\n\n===== Bug Fixes\n\n* ❓\n\n===== Deprecations and Breaking Changes\n\n* ❓\n\n===== New Features and Improvements\n\n* ❓\n\n\n[[release-notes-5.0.0-m6-junit-vintage]]\n==== JUnit Vintage\n\n===== Bug Fixes\n\n* ❓\n\n===== Deprecations and Breaking Changes\n\n* ❓\n\n===== New Features and Improvements\n\n* ❓\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[[release-notes-5.0.0-m6]]\n=== 5.0.0-M6\n\n*Date of Release:* ❓\n\n*Scope:* Sixth milestone release of JUnit 5 with a focus on Java 9 compatibility, scenario tests, and additional extension APIs for JUnit Jupiter.\n\nWARNING: This is a milestone release and contains breaking changes. Please refer to the\n<<running-tests-ide-intellij-idea,instructions>> above to use this version in a version of\nIntelliJ IDEA that bundles an older milestone release.\n\nFor a complete list of all _closed_ issues and pull requests for this release, consult the\nlink:{junit5-repo}+/milestone/11?closed=1+[5.0 M6] milestone page in the JUnit repository\non GitHub.\n\n\n[[release-notes-5.0.0-m6-junit-platform]]\n==== JUnit Platform\n\n===== Bug Fixes\n\n* ❓\n\n===== Deprecations and Breaking Changes\n\n* ❓\n\n===== New Features and Improvements\n\n* ❓\n\n\n[[release-notes-5.0.0-m6-junit-jupiter]]\n==== JUnit Jupiter\n\n===== Bug Fixes\n\n* ❓\n\n===== Deprecations and Breaking Changes\n\n* ❓\n\n===== New Features and Improvements\n\n* All `fail` methods in `Assertions` can now be used as an expression.\n\n\n[[release-notes-5.0.0-m6-junit-vintage]]\n==== JUnit Vintage\n\n===== Bug Fixes\n\n* ❓\n\n===== Deprecations and Breaking Changes\n\n* ❓\n\n===== New Features and Improvements\n\n* ❓\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Update re:Clojure conference information - remove typo\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= re:Clojure\nLondon Clojurians\n2019-12-02\n:jbake-type: event\n:jbake-edition: 2019\n:jbake-link:\n:jbake-location: London, United Kingdom\n:jbake-start: 2019-12-02\n:jbake-end: 2019-12-02\n\nWe have the pleasure to invite you to[re:Clojure] - a brand new and free community driven conference, taking place in London on Dec 2nd, 2019 in an incredible venue. Many of the original ClojureX speakers will be there. Special thanks to the Clojure community and the sponsors for managing to put this together at such a short notice. We look forward to seeing you there!\n\nPlease reserve your seat at and join #reclojure on Clojurians for more info.\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= re:Clojure\nLondon Clojurians\n2019-12-02\n:jbake-type: event\n:jbake-edition: 2019\n:jbake-link:\n:jbake-location: London, United Kingdom\n:jbake-start: 2019-12-02\n:jbake-end: 2019-12-02\n\nWe have the pleasure to invite you to[re:Clojure] - a brand new and free community driven conference, taking place in London on Dec 2nd, 2019 in an incredible venue. Many of the original ClojureX speakers will be there. Special thanks to the Clojure community and the sponsors for managing to put this together at such short notice. We look forward to seeing you there!\n\nPlease reserve your seat at and join #reclojure on Clojurians for more info.\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Add Patreon badge to readme\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= griffon-quartz-plugin\n:linkattrs:\n:project-name: griffon-quartz-plugin\n\nimage:{project-name}/master.svg[\"Build Status\", link=\"{project-name}\"]\nimage:{project-name}/master.svg[\"Coverage Status\", link=\"{project-name}\"]\nimage:[\"Apache License 2\", link=\"\"]\nimage:{project-name}/images/download.svg[link=\"{project-name}/_latestVersion\"]\n\n---\n\nThis plugin allows your Griffon application to schedule jobs to be executed using a specified interval or\ncron expression. The underlying system uses the[Quartz Scheduler, window=\"_blank\"].\n\nRefer to the link:{project-name}/[plugin guide, window=\"_blank\"] for\nfurther information on configuration and usage.\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= griffon-quartz-plugin\n:linkattrs:\n:project-name: griffon-quartz-plugin\n\nimage:{project-name}/master.svg[\"Build Status\", link=\"{project-name}\"]\nimage:{project-name}/master.svg[\"Coverage Status\", link=\"{project-name}\"]\nimage:[\"Apache License 2\", link=\"\"]\nimage:{project-name}/images/download.svg[link=\"{project-name}/_latestVersion\"]\n\n---\n\nimage:[link=\"]\nimage:[]\n\n---\n\nThis plugin allows your Griffon application to schedule jobs to be executed using a specified interval or\ncron expression. The underlying system uses the[Quartz Scheduler, window=\"_blank\"].\n\nRefer to the link:{project-name}/[plugin guide, window=\"_blank\"] for\nfurther information on configuration and usage.\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Fix content ids in docs\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= Neo4j OGM - An Object Graph Mapping Library for Neo4j v{version}\n\n\nifdef::backend-html5[(C) {copyright}]\nifndef::backend-pdf[]\n\nLicense: link:{common-license-page-uri}[Creative Commons 4.0]\nendif::[]\nifdef::backend-pdf[]\n(C) {copyright}\n\nLicense: <<license, Creative Commons 4.0>>\nendif::[]\n\n[abstract]\n--\nThis is the Neo4j object-graph mapping (OGM) manual, authored by the Neo4j team.\n--\n\nThe three parts of the manual are:\n\n* <<introduction>> -- Introducing graph database concepts, Neo4j and object-graph mapping.\n* <<tutorial>> -- Follow along as you get started using Neo4j OGM.\n* <<reference>> -- Reference documentation for Neo4j OGM.\n\nBut before starting, let's see the most important new features.\n\ninclude::introduction/index.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\ninclude::tutorial/index.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\ninclude::reference/index.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\n:numbered!:\n\n[[appendix:migration]]\ninclude::appendix/migration-2.1-to-3.0.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\n[[design-considerations]]\ninclude::appendix/design-considerations.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\n[[faq]]\ninclude::appendix/faq.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\n\nifdef::backend-pdf[]\ninclude::{license-dir}/license.adoc[leveloffset=1]\nendif::[]\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= Neo4j OGM - An Object Graph Mapping Library for Neo4j v{version}\n\n\nifdef::backend-html5[(C) {copyright}]\nifndef::backend-pdf[]\n\nLicense: link:{common-license-page-uri}[Creative Commons 4.0]\nendif::[]\nifdef::backend-pdf[]\n(C) {copyright}\n\nLicense: <<license, Creative Commons 4.0>>\nendif::[]\n\n[abstract]\n--\nThis is the Neo4j object-graph mapping (OGM) manual, authored by the Neo4j team.\n--\n\nThe three parts of the manual are:\n\n* <<introduction>> -- Introducing graph database concepts, Neo4j and object-graph mapping.\n* <<tutorial>> -- Follow along as you get started using Neo4j OGM.\n* <<reference>> -- Reference documentation for Neo4j OGM.\n\nBut before starting, let's see the most important new features.\n\ninclude::introduction/index.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\ninclude::tutorial/index.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\ninclude::reference/index.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\n:numbered!:\n\ninclude::appendix/migration-2.1-to-3.0.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\ninclude::appendix/design-considerations.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\ninclude::appendix/faq.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\n\nifdef::backend-pdf[]\ninclude::{license-dir}/license.adoc[leveloffset=1]\nendif::[]\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Update documentation versions and links\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": ":current: 6.4\n:register:\n:elasticdocs:{current}\n:licenseexpiration: {stackdocs}/license-expiration.html\n\n[WARNING]\n--\nAfter the trial license period expires, the trial platinum features\n{licenseexpiration}[**operate in a degraded mode**].\n\nYou should update your license as soon as possible. You are essentially flying blind\nwhen running with an expired license. The license can be updated at any point before\nor on expiration, using the {elasticdocs}/update-license.html[Update License API]\nor Kibana UI, if available in the version deployed.\n\nWith Elasticsearch 6.3+, you can revert to a free perpetual basic license\nincluded with deployment by using the {elasticdocs}/start-basic.html[Start Basic API].\n\nWith Elasticsearch 6.2 and prior, you can {register}[register for free basic license] and apply\nit to the cluster.\n--\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": ":current: 6.5\n:register:\n:elasticdocs:{current}\n:licenseexpiration: {stackdocs}/license-expiration.html\n\n[WARNING]\n--\nAfter the trial license period expires, the trial platinum features\n{licenseexpiration}[**operate in a degraded mode**].\n\nYou should update your license as soon as possible. You are essentially flying blind\nwhen running with an expired license. The license can be updated at any point before\nor on expiration, using the {elasticdocs}/update-license.html[Update License API]\nor Kibana UI, if available in the version deployed.\n\nWith Elasticsearch 6.3+, you can revert to a free perpetual basic license\nincluded with deployment by using the {elasticdocs}/start-basic.html[Start Basic API].\n\nWith Elasticsearch 6.2 and prior, you can {register}[register for free basic license] and apply\nit to the cluster.\n--\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Update release notes for release\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "spray-kamon-metrics: release notes\n==================================\n\n\n// tag::release-notes[]\n\n=== 0.1.3-SNAPSHOT\n\n* Dependency updates:\n** Akka 2.4.8\n** Kamon 0.6.2\n** Spray 1.3.3\n\n=== 0.1.2 (22 Sep 2015)\n\n* `TracingHttpService`\n** No longer change trace name\n** When receiving a request context, no longer create a duplicate measurement\n** Added a `sealRoute` method with the same signature and behaviour as the one\n from `HttpService`\n* Update dependencies\n** Upgrade to Akka 2.3.14\n** Upgrade to Kamon 0.5.1\n** Now explicitly depend on Typesafe Config 1.3.0\n\n\n=== 0.1.1 (17 Aug 2015)\n\n* Update dependency on Kamon to 0.5.0\n\n\n=== 0.1.0 (10 Aug 2015)\n\n* Initial release\n\n// end::release-notes[]\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "spray-kamon-metrics: release notes\n==================================\n\n\n// tag::release-notes[]\n\n=== 0.1.3 (18 Aug 2016)\n\n* Dependency updates:\n** Akka 2.4.8\n** Kamon 0.6.2\n** Spray 1.3.3\n\n=== 0.1.2 (22 Sep 2015)\n\n* `TracingHttpService`\n** No longer change trace name\n** When receiving a request context, no longer create a duplicate measurement\n** Added a `sealRoute` method with the same signature and behaviour as the one\n from `HttpService`\n* Update dependencies\n** Upgrade to Akka 2.3.14\n** Upgrade to Kamon 0.5.1\n** Now explicitly depend on Typesafe Config 1.3.0\n\n\n=== 0.1.1 (17 Aug 2015)\n\n* Update dependency on Kamon to 0.5.0\n\n\n=== 0.1.0 (10 Aug 2015)\n\n* Initial release\n\n// end::release-notes[]\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "NMS-8097: Fix Oracle Java install guide\n\nIt is not possible since Java 1.8.0 b72 to install with add-apt-repository.\nUpdated the install guide to create source.list file manually.\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\n// Allow GitHub image rendering\n:imagesdir: ../../images\n\n[[gi-install-oracle-java-debian]]\n=== Setup on _Debian-based_ systems\n\nThis section describes how to install _Oracle Java 8_ on a _Debian-based_ system like _Debian 8_ or _Ubuntu 14.04 LTS_.\n\n.Install add-apt-repository package\n[source, bash]\n----\napt-get install -y python-software-properties\n----\n\n.Add Java repository from webud8 maintainer\n[source, bash]\n----\nadd-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java\napt-get update\n----\n\n.Install Oracle Java 8 installer\n[source, bash]\n----\napt-get install -y oracle-java8-installer\n----\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\n// Allow GitHub image rendering\n:imagesdir: ../../images\n\n[[gi-install-oracle-java-debian]]\n=== Setup on _Debian-based_ systems\n\nThis section describes how to install _Oracle Java 8_ on a _Debian-based_ system like _Debian 8_ or _Ubuntu 14.04 LTS_.\n\n.Add Java repository from webupd8 maintainer\n[source, bash]\n----\nsu -\necho \"deb trusty main\" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/webupd8team-java.list\necho \"deb-src trusty main\" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/webupd8team-java.list\n----\n\n.Add repository key server and update repository\n[source, bash]\n----\napt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys EEA14886\napt-get update\n----\n\n.Install Oracle Java 8 installer\n[source, bash]\n----\napt-get install -y oracle-java8-installer\n----\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Add link to config section\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "* link:intro[intro]\n* link:install[install]\n* link:faq[faq]\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "* link:intro[intro]\n* link:install[install]\n* link:configuration[configuration]\n* link:faq[faq]\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Document how to run the Integration Tests\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "# Vert.x OAuth2 Auth\n\nPlease see the documentation for more information.\n\n## Running test\n\nThere is a Keycloak Docker image available, that you can load with the provided configuration `src/test/fixtures/vertx-test-realm.json`\n\n```\ndocker run -d --rm --name keycloak -p 8888:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_USER=user -e KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=password -e DB_VENDOR=H2 jboss/keycloak\n```\n\nBut you can simply run `mvn test`, since the Keycloak responses are mocked with a Web Server started in the test setup.\n\n\n### IntelliJ IDE\n\nIn IntelliJ IDE, you have to uncheck `argLine` in Preferences -> Build,Execution,Deployment -> Build Tools -> Maven -> Running Tests ...\n\nto avoid `IntelliJ Error when running unit test: Could not find or load main class ${surefireArgLine}`\n\n-\n- \n\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "# Vert.x OAuth2 Auth\n\nPlease see the documentation for more information.\n\n## Running test\n\nStandard unit tests are run against a mock of some providers, `Google`, `Keycloak` to run\nagainst a real provider (`Keycloak`) the `IT` profile must be enabled, which you can do by:\n\n```\nmvn -PIT ...\n```\n\nOr by having the environment variable `TRAVIS` set to `true`. When running the integration\ntests you must have a local keycloak installed with the configuration file `src/test/fixtures/vertx-test-realm.json`.\n\nAnd the container can be run locally as:\n\n```\n# build the image if not present\ndocker build -t vertx-test-keycloak src/test/fixtures\n# run once there is a image\ndocker run -d -p 8888:8080 vertx-test-keycloak\n```\n\n### IntelliJ IDE\n\nIn IntelliJ IDE, you have to uncheck `argLine` in Preferences -> Build,Execution,Deployment -> Build Tools -> Maven -> Running Tests ...\n\nto avoid `IntelliJ Error when running unit test: Could not find or load main class ${surefireArgLine}`\n\n-\n- \n\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Add description and annotate api as stale" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= Turbine\n\nimage:[\"Build Status\", link=\"\"]\nimage:[\"Coverage Status\", link=\"\"]\n\n*[API]\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= Turbine\n\nimage:[\"Build Status\", link=\"\"]\nimage:[\"Coverage Status\", link=\"\"]\n\nProvides a stateless REST API to execute builds on a[Warden] server.\n\n*[API] (currently stale) \n\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Add missing plus before command\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "// Module included in the following assemblies:\n//\n// * networking/cluster-network-operator.adoc\n\n[id=\"nw-cno-logs_{context}\"]\n= Viewing Cluster Network Operator logs\n\nYou can view Cluster Network Operator logs by using the `oc logs` command.\n\n.Procedure\n\n* Run the following command to view the logs of the Cluster Network Operator:\n----\n$ oc logs --namespace=openshift-network-operator deployment/network-operator\n----\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "// Module included in the following assemblies:\n//\n// * networking/cluster-network-operator.adoc\n\n[id=\"nw-cno-logs_{context}\"]\n= Viewing Cluster Network Operator logs\n\nYou can view Cluster Network Operator logs by using the `oc logs` command.\n\n.Procedure\n\n* Run the following command to view the logs of the Cluster Network Operator:\n+\n----\n$ oc logs --namespace=openshift-network-operator deployment/network-operator\n----\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Update how to get protoc on Mac\n\n\"Homebrew Versions\" support for v2.4.1 has been removed. See #42\r\n\r\nUpdated the documentation to show getting the old brew definition file." }, { "from": "human", "value": "== Prerequisites\n\n=== Installing Protocol Buffers Compiler\n==== For Windows\nInstall the binary from and then set the `/path/to/protoc/parent` on your PATH variable.\n\n==== For Macs\n\n```\n\nbrew tap homebrew/versions\n\nbrew install protobuf241\n\nbrew link --force --overwrite protobuf241\n\n```\n\n_For both Windows and Mac : To verify that installation was successful, `protoc --version` should display `2.4.1`_\n\n\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "== Prerequisites\n\n=== Installing Protocol Buffers Compiler\n\n==== For Windows\nInstall the binary from and then set the `/path/to/protoc/parent` on your PATH variable.\n\n==== For Macs\n\n```\nbrew install\n\nbrew link --force --overwrite protobuf241\n```\n\n_For both Windows and Mac : To verify that installation was successful, `protoc --version` should display `2.4.1`_\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Document Git as a prerequisite of the CLI client" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= Overview\n{product-author}\n{product-version}\n:data-uri:\n:icons:\n:experimental:\n\nWith the OpenShift command line interface (CLI), you can\nlink:../dev_guide/new_app.html[create applications] and manage OpenShift\nlink:../dev_guide/projects.html[projects] from a terminal. The CLI is ideal in\nsituations where you are:\n\n- Working directly with project source code.\n- Scripting OpenShift operations.\n- Restricted by bandwidth resources and cannot use the\nlink:../architecture/infrastructure_components/web_console.html[web console].\n\nThe OpenShift CLI is available using the `oc` command:\n\n----\n$ oc <command>\n----\n\nifdef::openshift-enterprise[]\nYou can download and unpack the CLI with an active OpenShift Enterprise\nsubscription from the\n[Red\nHat Customer Portal].\nendif::[]\n\nifdef::openshift-origin[]\nYou can download and unpack the CLI from the\n[Releases page] of the OpenShift\nOrigin source repository on GitHub.\nendif::[]\n\n[NOTE]\n====\nThe CLI command examples presented through OpenShift documentation use\n`oc` command syntax. If the `oc` binary is not available on your workstation,\nyou can alternatively substitute `openshift cli` in the examples if you\nhave the `openshift` binary.\n====\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= Overview\n{product-author}\n{product-version}\n:data-uri:\n:icons:\n:experimental:\n\nWith the OpenShift command line interface (CLI), you can\nlink:../dev_guide/new_app.html[create applications] and manage OpenShift\nlink:../dev_guide/projects.html[projects] from a terminal. The CLI is ideal in\nsituations where you are:\n\n- Working directly with project source code.\n- Scripting OpenShift operations.\n- Restricted by bandwidth resources and cannot use the\nlink:../architecture/infrastructure_components/web_console.html[web console].\n\nThe OpenShift CLI is available using the `oc` command:\n\n----\n$ oc <command>\n----\n\nifdef::openshift-enterprise[]\nYou can download and unpack the CLI with an active OpenShift Enterprise\nsubscription from the\n[Red\nHat Customer Portal].\nendif::[]\n\nifdef::openshift-origin[]\nYou can download and unpack the CLI from the\n[Releases page] of the OpenShift\nOrigin source repository on GitHub.\nendif::[]\n\n[NOTE]\n====\nThe CLI command examples presented through OpenShift documentation use\n`oc` command syntax. If the `oc` binary is not available on your workstation,\nyou can alternatively substitute `openshift cli` in the examples if you\nhave the `openshift` binary.\n====\n\n[NOTE]\n====\nCertain operations require Git to be locally installed on a client. For example the command to create an application using a remote Git repository:\n`$ oc new-app \\https://gitrepository/app`\n====\n\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Fix news entry for 2.0.0.rC2\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= Griffon 2.0.0.RC2 Released\nAndres Almiray\n2014-08-11\n:jbake-type: post\n:jbake-status: published\n:category: news\n:idprefix:\n\n== Griffon 2.0.0.RC2 Released\n\nThe Griffon team is happy to announce the release of Griffon 2.0.0.RC2!\n\nThis is the first release candidate of Griffon 2.0.0. If all goes according to plan the next release\nwill be 2.0.0 final in a few weeks time.\n\nThe following list summarizes the changes brought by this release:\n\n * Groovy support upgraded to Groovy 2.3.6.\n * Pivot support upgraded to Groovy 2.0.4.\n * Lots of updates applied to Lazybones application templates.\n * Properly sort auto-loaded modules in tests (test modules are placed last).\n * More content added to the link:../guide/2.0.0.RC2/index.html[Griffon Guide].\n\nWe look forward to your feedback. Please report any problems you find to the Griffon User list,\nor better yet, file a bug at\n\nRemember you can also contact the team on Twitter:[@theaviary].\n\nMany thanks to all who contributed to this release!\n\nThe Griffon Team\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= Griffon 2.0.0.RC2 Released\nAndres Almiray\n2014-08-11\n:jbake-type: post\n:jbake-status: published\n:category: news\n:idprefix:\n\n== Griffon 2.0.0.RC2 Released\n\nThe Griffon team is happy to announce the release of Griffon 2.0.0.RC2!\n\nThis is the second release candidate of Griffon 2.0.0. If all goes according to plan the next release\nwill be 2.0.0 final in a few weeks time.\n\nThe following list summarizes the changes brought by this release:\n\n * Groovy support upgraded to Groovy 2.3.6.\n * Pivot support upgraded to Groovy 2.0.4.\n * Lots of updates applied to Lazybones application templates.\n * Properly sort auto-loaded modules in tests (test modules are placed last).\n * More content added to the link:../guide/2.0.0.RC2/index.html[Griffon Guide].\n\nWe look forward to your feedback. Please report any problems you find to the Griffon User list,\nor better yet, file a bug at\n\nRemember you can also contact the team on Twitter:[@theaviary].\n\nMany thanks to all who contributed to this release!\n\nThe Griffon Team\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Clarify quote, make it even less egocentric\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= secret nemesis\n\n[quote]\nSubmission for a group symbolic regression assignment in my AI class.\n\n== Status\n\nFunction generation is done, though the function itself is rarely pretty.\n\n== Getting started\n\nDon't bother trying to run this on a Windows PC unless you know what you're\ndoing (if you don't understand, just setup a virtual machine).\n\n[source,bash]\n----\n./\nsource venv/bin/activate\n\n# OPTIONAL: change the parameters in\npython\n----\n\n== Authors\n\nIn alphabetic order:\n\n- Ciaran Downey (@ciarand)\n- Eric Rosenzweig (@erosenzweig)\n- Joe Greene (@joegreene)\n- Michelle Beck (@michelephantz)\n- Rhapsody Budiono (@rhapswt)\n\n== License\n\nISC, see the LICENSE file.\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= secret nemesis\n\n[quote]\nSubmission for a group symbolic regression assignment in CSUF's Summer 2015 AI\nclass.\n\n== Status\n\nFunction generation is done, though the function itself is rarely pretty.\n\n== Getting started\n\nDon't bother trying to run this on a Windows PC unless you know what you're\ndoing (if you don't understand, just setup a virtual machine).\n\n[source,bash]\n----\n./\nsource venv/bin/activate\n\n# OPTIONAL: change the parameters in\npython\n----\n\n== Authors\n\nIn alphabetic order:\n\n- Ciaran Downey (@ciarand)\n- Eric Rosenzweig (@erosenzweig)\n- Joe Greene (@joegreene)\n- Michelle Beck (@michelephantz)\n- Rhapsody Budiono (@rhapswt)\n\n== License\n\nISC, see the LICENSE file.\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Fix the readme about the testsuite execution\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "\n= Hawkular UI Services\n\n\n[.lead]\n*Hawkular UI Services* is the home of Angular UI services, such as ngResources and other utility services that can be used across Hawkular UI Modules(plugins). These UI plugins comprise the Hawkular console for[Hawkular]. This console is based on[ 2], which a javascript based client-side framework. The various directories underneath console directory are 2 plugins and the various plugins eventually compose a Hawkular console. This modular approach to creating hawtio console plugins allows us to create individual plugins that comprise a console or can easily be plugged into other Hawtio based consoles. The plugin system makes it easy to add/remove functionality (even dynamically).\n\n\n\nTo build the service:\n\n```shell\nnpm install\nbower install\ngulp\n```\n\nThe service can be tested with the server. To run the actual testsuite you need to have hawkular-metrics server running\non localhost on port 8080. It must have a clean database (= no tenants, no metrics, ...). Once the server is up and\nrunning execute:\n\n```shell\ngulp rest\n```\n\nto start the testsuite.\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\n= Hawkular UI Services\n\n\n[.lead]\n*Hawkular UI Services* is the home of Angular UI services, such as ngResources and other utility services that can be used across Hawkular UI Modules(plugins). These UI plugins comprise the Hawkular console for[Hawkular]. This console is based on[ 2], which a javascript based client-side framework. The various directories underneath console directory are 2 plugins and the various plugins eventually compose a Hawkular console. This modular approach to creating hawtio console plugins allows us to create individual plugins that comprise a console or can easily be plugged into other Hawtio based consoles. The plugin system makes it easy to add/remove functionality (even dynamically).\n\n\n\nTo build the service:\n\n```shell\nnpm install\nbower install\ngulp\n```\n\nThe service can be tested with the server. To run the actual testsuite you need to have relevant (that means hawkular-metrics,\nhawkular-inventory, ...) server running on localhost on port 8080. It must have a clean database (= no tenants, no metrics, ...).\nOnce the server is up and running, execute the relevant rest sub-target:\n\n```shell\ngulp rest:inventory\ngulp rest:metric\n```\n\nto start the testsuite.\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Add license section to specification documen\n\nSigned-off-by: Artur Dzmitryieu <[email protected]>\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": ":sectanchors:\n:doctype: book\n:license: Apache License v2.0\n:source-highlighter: coderay\n:sectnums:\n:toc: left\n:toclevels: 4\n\n= MicroProfile OpenAPI Specification\n\n== Introduction\n\n== Architecture\n\n== OpenAPI Endpoint\n=== Overview\n=== Content format\n=== Query parameters\n=== Context root behaviour\n=== Multiple applications\n== Documentation Mechanisms\n\n=== Annotations\n\n==== Table of annotations\n==== Usage \n\n===== Operation\n===== ApiResponse\n===== Servers\n===== Schema\n===== And more.....\n\n=== Models\n==== How to build OpenAPI model in Java™\n\n=== Filter/Interceptor\n==== Filter mechanics\n\n=== Static OpenAPI files\n==== Location and formats\n==== Stub\n==== Precedence\n\n=== Processing rules\n\n=== Precedence of documentation mechanisms\n\n== Configuration\n=== List of configurable items\n=== Configuration approaches\n=== Vendor specific configuration\n\n== Limitations\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "//\n// Copyright (c) 2017 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation\n//\n// See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional\n// information regarding copyright ownership.\n//\n// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n// You may obtain a copy of the License at\n//\n//\n//\n// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n// distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n// limitations under the License.\n//\n\n:sectanchors:\n:doctype: book\n:license: Apache License v2.0\n:source-highlighter: coderay\n:sectnums:\n:toc: left\n:toclevels: 4\n\n= MicroProfile OpenAPI Specification\n\n== Introduction\n\n== Architecture\n\n== OpenAPI Endpoint\n=== Overview\n=== Content format\n=== Query parameters\n=== Context root behaviour\n=== Multiple applications\n== Documentation Mechanisms\n\n=== Annotations\n\n==== Table of annotations\n==== Usage \n\n===== Operation\n===== ApiResponse\n===== Servers\n===== Schema\n===== And more.....\n\n=== Models\n==== How to build OpenAPI model in Java™\n\n=== Filter/Interceptor\n==== Filter mechanics\n\n=== Static OpenAPI files\n==== Location and formats\n==== Stub\n==== Precedence\n\n=== Processing rules\n\n=== Precedence of documentation mechanisms\n\n== Configuration\n=== List of configurable items\n=== Configuration approaches\n=== Vendor specific configuration\n\n== Limitations\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Document regression fix in release notes\n\nSee #2408\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "[[release-notes-5.8.0-M1]]\n== 5.8.0-M1\n\n*Date of Release:* ❓\n\n*Scope:* ❓\n\nFor a complete list of all _closed_ issues and pull requests for this release, consult the\nlink:{junit5-repo}+/milestone/51?closed=1+[5.8 M1] milestone page in the JUnit repository\non GitHub.\n\n\n[[release-notes-5.8.0-M1-junit-platform]]\n=== JUnit Platform\n\n==== Bug Fixes\n\n* `StringUtils.nullSafeToString()` now returns `\"null\"` if the invocation of `toString()`\n on the supplied object returns `null`. Although this is an internal utility, the effect\n of this change may be witnessed by end users and test engine or extension authors.\n\n==== Deprecations and Breaking Changes\n\n* ❓\n\n==== New Features and Improvements\n\n* ❓\n\n\n[[release-notes-5.8.0-M1-junit-jupiter]]\n=== JUnit Jupiter\n\n==== Bug Fixes\n\n* ❓\n\n==== Deprecations and Breaking Changes\n\n* ❓\n\n==== New Features and Improvements\n\n* ❓\n\n\n[[release-notes-5.8.0-M1-junit-vintage]]\n=== JUnit Vintage\n\n==== Bug Fixes\n\n* ❓\n\n==== Deprecations and Breaking Changes\n\n* ❓\n\n==== New Features and Improvements\n\n* ❓\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[[release-notes-5.8.0-M1]]\n== 5.8.0-M1\n\n*Date of Release:* ❓\n\n*Scope:* ❓\n\nFor a complete list of all _closed_ issues and pull requests for this release, consult the\nlink:{junit5-repo}+/milestone/51?closed=1+[5.8 M1] milestone page in the JUnit repository\non GitHub.\n\n\n[[release-notes-5.8.0-M1-junit-platform]]\n=== JUnit Platform\n\n==== Bug Fixes\n\n* `StringUtils.nullSafeToString()` now returns `\"null\"` if the invocation of `toString()`\n on the supplied object returns `null`. Although this is an internal utility, the effect\n of this change may be witnessed by end users and test engine or extension authors.\n\n==== Deprecations and Breaking Changes\n\n* ❓\n\n==== New Features and Improvements\n\n* ❓\n\n\n[[release-notes-5.8.0-M1-junit-jupiter]]\n=== JUnit Jupiter\n\n==== Bug Fixes\n\n* If the `toString()` implementation of an argument passed to a `@ParameterizedTest`\n method returns `null`, the display name formatter for the parameterized test now treats\n the name of the corresponding argument as `\"null\"` instead of throwing an exception.\n This fixes a regression introduced in JUnit Jupiter 5.7.0.\n\n==== Deprecations and Breaking Changes\n\n* ❓\n\n==== New Features and Improvements\n\n* ❓\n\n\n[[release-notes-5.8.0-M1-junit-vintage]]\n=== JUnit Vintage\n\n==== Bug Fixes\n\n* ❓\n\n==== Deprecations and Breaking Changes\n\n* ❓\n\n==== New Features and Improvements\n\n* ❓\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Add chapter for Stake Holders to documentation" }, { "from": "human", "value": "ifdef::env-github[]\n:imagesdir:\nendif::[]\n\n:toc:\n:toc-placement!:\ntoc::[]\nIntroduction and Goals\n======================\n\nRequirements Overview\n---------------------\n- Provide diagrams for developers that can be easily kept correct\n- Reduces the cognitive load of developers who work in complex software systems\n- Supports only diagram that show the dependencies between components of a software\n- Works in the moment best with models that are extracted by the SAP2Moose project\n- Shall support all models that are compatible with Moose (\n\nQuality Goals\n-------------\n- Shows all dependencies between elements in a diagram\n- Shows all elements that should be in a diagram\n\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "ifdef::env-github[]\n:imagesdir:\nendif::[]\n\n:toc:\n:toc-placement!:\ntoc::[]\n\nThis documentation follows the arc42 template for architecture documentation (\n\nIntroduction and Goals\n======================\n\nRequirements Overview\n---------------------\n- Provide diagrams for developers that can be easily kept correct\n- Reduces the cognitive load of developers who work in complex software systems\n- Supports only diagram that show the dependencies between components of a software\n- Supports dependencies between entities of code that are more detailed then a class (method, attribute, ...)\n- Works in the moment best with models that are extracted by the SAP2Moose project\n- Shall support all models that are compatible with Moose (\n\nQuality Goals\n-------------\n- Shows all dependencies between elements in a diagram\n- Shows all elements that should be in a diagram\n\nStake Holders\n-------------\n\n.Stake Holders\n|===\n| Role/Name |Expectations\n\n|Developer\n|Build diagrams where the customiziation is not lost when they are regenerated with new informations. Build diagrams that are sufficiently detailed to support the development.\n\n|Software Architect\n|Have a tool to compare the planned architecture with the realized architecture\n|===\n\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Update links to sample app\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "[[sampleApp]]\n== Sample Application\n\nWorking with ACLs in Spring Security is complex but it will be easier to understand with a sample application. To help get you started, there's a Grails application that uses the plugin to test with. It's based on the Spring Security[Contacts] sample application. But where the Spring Security application uses SpringMVC, JDBC, etc., this application is 100% Grails. The application is available[at GitHub].\n\nClone or fork the repo and start the app:\n\n....\n$ grails run-app\n....\n\nOpen http://localhost:8080/ in a browser to get started. The main functionality is at http://localhost:8080/secure. The login page lists the various configured users and their passwords; the \"rod\" user is an admin and has full access and the other users have various grants and ownership.\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[[sampleApp]]\n== Sample Application\n\nWorking with ACLs in Spring Security is complex but it will be easier to understand with a sample application. To help get you started, there's a Grails application that uses the plugin to test with. It's based on the Spring Security[Contacts] sample application. But where the Spring Security application uses SpringMVC, JDBC, etc., this application is 100% Grails. The application is available[at GitHub].\n\nClone or fork the repo and start the app:\n\n....\n$ ./gradlew bootRun\n....\n\nOpen http://localhost:8080/ in a browser to get started. The main functionality is at http://localhost:8080/secure. The login page lists the various configured users and their passwords; the \"rod\" user is an admin and has full access and the other users have various grants and ownership.\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Include Hello World Youtube video" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= Minimal-J\n\nJava - but small.\n\nimage::doc/frontends.png[]\n\nMinimal-J applications are\n\n* Responsive to use on every device\n* Straight forward to specify and implement and therefore\n* Easy to plan and manage\n\n=== Idea\n\nBusiness applications tend to get complex and complicated. Minimal-J prevents this by setting clear rules how an application should behave and how it should be implemented.\n\nMinimal applications may not always look the same. But the UI concepts never change. There are no surprises for the user.\n\n== Technical Features\n\n* Independent of the used UI technology. Implementations for Web / Mobile / Desktop.\n* ORM persistence layer for Maria DB or in memory DB. Transactions and Authorization supported.\n* Small: The minimalj.jar is still < 1MB\n* Very few dependencies\n* Applications can run standalone (like SpringBoot)\n\n== Documentation\n\n* link:doc/user_guide/user_guide.adoc[Minimal user guide] User guide for Minimal-J applications.\n* link:doc/topics.adoc[Tutorial and examples] Informations for developers.\n* link:doc/release_notes.adoc[Release Notes]\n\n== Hello World\n\nHow to implement Hello World in Minimal-J:\n\n![Minimal-J - Hello World](\n\n[![Minimal-J - Hello World](](\n\n=== Contact\n\n* Bruno Eberhard, mailto:[email protected][[email protected]] " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= Minimal-J\n\nJava - but small.\n\nimage::doc/frontends.png[]\n\nMinimal-J applications are\n\n* Responsive to use on every device\n* Straight forward to specify and implement and therefore\n* Easy to plan and manage\n\n=== Idea\n\nBusiness applications tend to get complex and complicated. Minimal-J prevents this by setting clear rules how an application should behave and how it should be implemented.\n\nMinimal applications may not always look the same. But the UI concepts never change. There are no surprises for the user.\n\n== Technical Features\n\n* Independent of the used UI technology. Implementations for Web / Mobile / Desktop.\n* ORM persistence layer for Maria DB or in memory DB. Transactions and Authorization supported.\n* Small: The minimalj.jar is still < 1MB\n* Very few dependencies\n* Applications can run standalone (like SpringBoot)\n\n== Documentation\n\n* link:doc/user_guide/user_guide.adoc[Minimal user guide] User guide for Minimal-J applications.\n* link:doc/topics.adoc[Tutorial and examples] Informations for developers.\n* link:doc/release_notes.adoc[Release Notes]\n\n== Hello World\n\nHow to implement Hello World in Minimal-J:\n\nvideo::[0VHz7gv6TpA][youtube]\n\n=== Contact\n\n* Bruno Eberhard, mailto:[email protected][[email protected]] " } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Fix grammar in extension status message\n\nIt's \"require -ing\", not \"require to ...\".\r\n\r\nSee :\r\n\r\n> Lentils do not require soaking before cooking.\r\n\r\nAnd if this is not proof enough, Intellij IDEA even has a built-in warning about specifically this." }, { "from": "human", "value": "[NOTE]\n====\nThis technology is considered {extension-status}.\n\nifeval::[\"{extension-status}\" == \"experimental\"]\nIn _experimental_ mode, early feedback is requested to mature the idea.\nThere is no guarantee of stability nor long term presence in the platform until the solution matures.\nFeedback is welcome on our[mailing list] or as issues in our[GitHub issue tracker].\nendif::[]\nifeval::[\"{extension-status}\" == \"preview\"]\nIn _preview_, backward compatibility and presence in the ecosystem is not guaranteed.\nSpecific improvements might require to change configuration or APIs and plans to become _stable_ are under way.\nFeedback is welcome on our[mailing list] or as issues in our[GitHub issue tracker].\nendif::[]\nifeval::[\"{extension-status}\" == \"stable\"]\nBeing _stable_, backward compatibility and presence in the ecosystem are taken very seriously.\nendif::[]\n\nFor a full list of possible extension statuses, check our[FAQ entry].\n====\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[NOTE]\n====\nThis technology is considered {extension-status}.\n\nifeval::[\"{extension-status}\" == \"experimental\"]\nIn _experimental_ mode, early feedback is requested to mature the idea.\nThere is no guarantee of stability nor long term presence in the platform until the solution matures.\nFeedback is welcome on our[mailing list] or as issues in our[GitHub issue tracker].\nendif::[]\nifeval::[\"{extension-status}\" == \"preview\"]\nIn _preview_, backward compatibility and presence in the ecosystem is not guaranteed.\nSpecific improvements might require changing configuration or APIs, and plans to become _stable_ are under way.\nFeedback is welcome on our[mailing list] or as issues in our[GitHub issue tracker].\nendif::[]\nifeval::[\"{extension-status}\" == \"stable\"]\nBeing _stable_, backward compatibility and presence in the ecosystem are taken very seriously.\nendif::[]\n\nFor a full list of possible extension statuses, check our[FAQ entry].\n====\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Remove tech preview for odo debugging\n\n`odo debug` is out of tech preview now.\n\nCloses\n\nSigned-off-by: Charlie Drage <[email protected]>\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "[id='debugging-applications-in-odo']\n= Debugging applications in `{odo-title}`\ninclude::modules/developer-cli-odo-attributes.adoc[]\ninclude::modules/common-attributes.adoc[]\n:context: debugging-applications-in-odo\ntoc::[]\n\n:FeatureName: Interactive debugging in {odo-title}\ninclude::modules/technology-preview.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\nWith `{odo-title}`, you can attach a debugger to remotely debug your application. This feature is only supported for NodeJS and Java components.\n\nComponents created with `{odo-title}` run in the debug mode by default. A debugger agent runs on the component, on a specific port. To start debugging your application, you must start port forwarding and attach the local debugger bundled in your Integrated development environment (IDE).\n\ninclude::modules/developer-cli-odo-debugging-an-application.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\ninclude::modules/developer-cli-odo-configuring-debugging-parameters.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[id='debugging-applications-in-odo']\n= Debugging applications in `{odo-title}`\ninclude::modules/developer-cli-odo-attributes.adoc[]\ninclude::modules/common-attributes.adoc[]\n:context: debugging-applications-in-odo\ntoc::[]\n\nWith `{odo-title}`, you can attach a debugger to remotely debug your application. This feature is only supported for NodeJS and Java components.\n\nComponents created with `{odo-title}` run in the debug mode by default. A debugger agent runs on the component, on a specific port. To start debugging your application, you must start port forwarding and attach the local debugger bundled in your Integrated development environment (IDE).\n\ninclude::modules/developer-cli-odo-debugging-an-application.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\ninclude::modules/developer-cli-odo-configuring-debugging-parameters.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Update URL to Groovy Docs\n\nCloses gh-3715\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "This sample application uses Spring Boot and\n[Groovy templates]\nin the View layer. The templates for this app live in `classpath:/templates/`, which is\nthe conventional location for Spring Boot. External configuration is available via\n``spring.groovy.template.*''.\n\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "This sample application uses Spring Boot and\n[Groovy templates]\nin the View layer. The templates for this app live in `classpath:/templates/`, which is\nthe conventional location for Spring Boot. External configuration is available via\n``spring.groovy.template.*''.\n\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Remove link to in-source docs\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= Mongo Client\n\nimage:[\"Build Status\",link=\"\"]\n\nAn asynchronous client for interacting with a MongoDB database\n\nPlease see the in source asciidoc link:vertx-mongo-client/src/main/asciidoc/index.adoc[documentation] or the main documentation on the[web-site] for a full description\nof Mongo service.\n\nThe following docker CLI can be used for running mongo tests:\n\n```\ndocker run --rm --name vertx-mongo -p 27017:27017 mongo\n```\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= Mongo Client\n\nimage:[\"Build Status\",link=\"\"]\n\nAn asynchronous client for interacting with a MongoDB database\n\nPlease see the main documentation on the web-site for a full description:\n\n*[Java documentation]\n*[JavaScript documentation]\n*[Kotlin documentation]\n*[Groovy documentation]\n*[Ruby documentation]\n\nThe following docker CLI can be used for running mongo tests:\n\n```\ndocker run --rm --name vertx-mongo -p 27017:27017 mongo\n```\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Add link to 2nd part of JAXenter tutorial\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "# Janitor image:[\"Build Status\",link=\"\"]\n\nAn application to perform cleanup work using the[Pocket API].\n\n## API Documentation\nThe documentation for the Kotlin API bindings can be found[here].\n\n## Tutorial (German)\n-[Kotlin: Ein Tutorial für Einsteiger @ JAXenter]\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "# Janitor image:[\"Build Status\",link=\"\"]\n\nAn application to perform cleanup work using the[Pocket API].\n\n## API Documentation\nThe documentation for the Kotlin API bindings can be found[here].\n\n## Tutorial (German)\nKotlin: Ein Tutorial für Einsteiger @ JAXenter\n-[Part 1]\n-[Part 2]\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Update userguide: show more levels in the TOC\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= Activiti User Guide\nv 5.17.1-SNAPSHOT\n:doctype: book\n:toc: left\n:icons: font\n:numbered:\n:source-highlighter: pygments\n:pygments-css: class\n:pygments-linenums-mode: table\n:compat-mode:\n\n\ninclude::ch01-Introduction.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch02-GettingStarted.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch03-Configuration.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch04-API.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch05-Spring.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch06-Deployment.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch07a-BPMN-Introduction.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch07b-BPMN-Constructs.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch08-Forms.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch09-JPA.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch10-History.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch11-Designer.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch12-Explorer.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch13-Modeler.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch14-REST.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch15-Cdi.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch16-Ldap.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch17-Advanced.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch18-Simulation.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch19-operation-control.adoc[]\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= Activiti User Guide\nv 5.17.1-SNAPSHOT\n:doctype: book\n:toc: left\n:toclevels: 5\n:icons: font\n:numbered:\n:source-highlighter: pygments\n:pygments-css: class\n:pygments-linenums-mode: table\n:compat-mode:\n\n\ninclude::ch01-Introduction.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch02-GettingStarted.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch03-Configuration.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch04-API.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch05-Spring.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch06-Deployment.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch07a-BPMN-Introduction.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch07b-BPMN-Constructs.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch08-Forms.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch09-JPA.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch10-History.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch11-Designer.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch12-Explorer.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch13-Modeler.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch14-REST.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch15-Cdi.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch16-Ldap.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch17-Advanced.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch18-Simulation.adoc[]\n\ninclude::ch19-operation-control.adoc[]\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Fix markup of preformatted text.\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= Tiny Git\n\nA tiny model of Git, used for learning and demonstrating how Git\nworks. A series of version of Tiny Git is available, in increasing\norder of complexity. The list of versions and their features is listed\nbelow.\n\n[options=\"header\"]\n|======\n| Version\t| Description\n| v0\t\t| Only argument parsing\n| v1\t\t| Implements single file commits without history tracking\n| v2\t\t| Adds support for history tracking and logs\n| v3\t\t| Adds support for checking-out older revisions\n| v4\t\t| Adds support for creating branching\n| v5\t\t| Adds support for merging changes\n|======\n\n== Usage\n\nThe first step is to activate a particular version of Tiny Git. From\nthe top level directory of the project source `activate` and specify\nthe version no. to activate. For example, to activate version `v5`,\nthe following command can be used.\n\n------\n$ source activate v5\n------\n\nType `tig` to get the available list of sub-commands.\n\n------\n$ tig\nUsage:\n tig init\n tig commit <msg>\n tig checkout <start-point> [-b <branch-name>]\n tig diff\n tig log\n tig branch\n tig merge <branch>\n-----\n\n== Slides: Building Git From Scratch\n\nThe link:docs/slides.asciidoc[] provide more information about the\nvarious revsions and how to build Git incrementally." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= Tiny Git\n\nA tiny model of Git, used for learning and demonstrating how Git\nworks. A series of version of Tiny Git is available, in increasing\norder of complexity. The list of versions and their features is listed\nbelow.\n\n[options=\"header\"]\n|======\n| Version\t| Description\n| v0\t\t| Only argument parsing\n| v1\t\t| Implements single file commits without history tracking\n| v2\t\t| Adds support for history tracking and logs\n| v3\t\t| Adds support for checking-out older revisions\n| v4\t\t| Adds support for creating branching\n| v5\t\t| Adds support for merging changes\n|======\n\n== Usage\n\nThe first step is to activate a particular version of Tiny Git. From\nthe top level directory of the project source `activate` and specify\nthe version no. to activate. For example, to activate version `v5`,\nthe following command can be used.\n\n------\n$ source activate v5\n------\n\nType `tig` to get the available list of sub-commands.\n\n------\n$ tig\nUsage:\n tig init\n tig commit <msg>\n tig checkout <start-point> [-b <branch-name>]\n tig diff\n tig log\n tig branch\n tig merge <branch>\n------\n\n== Slides: Building Git From Scratch\n\nThe link:docs/slides.asciidoc[] provide more information about the\nvarious revsions and how to build Git incrementally." } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Update What's New for 5.7\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "[[new]]\n= What's New in Spring Security 5.7\n\nSpring Security 5.7 provides a number of new features.\nBelow are the highlights of the release.\n\n[[whats-new-servlet]]\n== Servlet\n\n* Web\n\n** Introduced xref:servlet/authentication/persistence.adoc#requestattributesecuritycontextrepository[`RequestAttributeSecurityContextRepository`]\n** Introduced xref:servlet/authentication/persistence.adoc#securitycontextholderfilter[`SecurityContextHolderFilter`] - Ability to require explicit saving of the `SecurityContext`\n\n* OAuth 2.0 Client\n\n** Allow configuring[PKCE for confidential clients]\n** Allow configuring a[JWT assertion resolver] in `JwtBearerOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider`\n\n[[whats-new-webflux]]\n== WebFlux\n\n* OAuth 2.0 Client\n\n** Allow configuring[PKCE for confidential clients]\n** Allow configuring a[JWT assertion resolver] in `JwtBearerReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider`\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[[new]]\n= What's New in Spring Security 5.7\n\nSpring Security 5.7 provides a number of new features.\nBelow are the highlights of the release.\n\n[[whats-new-servlet]]\n== Servlet\n\n* Web\n\n** Introduced xref:servlet/authentication/persistence.adoc#requestattributesecuritycontextrepository[`RequestAttributeSecurityContextRepository`]\n** Introduced xref:servlet/authentication/persistence.adoc#securitycontextholderfilter[`SecurityContextHolderFilter`] - Ability to require explicit saving of the `SecurityContext`\n\n* OAuth 2.0 Client\n\n** Allow configuring[PKCE for confidential clients]\n** Allow configuring a[JWT assertion resolver] in `JwtBearerOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider`\n** Allow customizing claims on[JWT client assertions]\n\n[[whats-new-webflux]]\n== WebFlux\n\n* OAuth 2.0 Client\n\n** Allow configuring[PKCE for confidential clients]\n** Allow configuring a[JWT assertion resolver] in `JwtBearerReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider`\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Fix XSD includes: use -1 as end of file indicator\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "include::common.adoc[]\n\n= Ehcache XSDs\n\ninclude::menu.adoc[]\n\n== Core\n\n[source,xsd,indent=0]\n----\ninclude::{sourcedir}/xml/src/main/resources/ehcache-core.xsd[lines=18..260]\n----\n\n== JSR-107 extension\n\n[source,xsd,indent=0]\n----\ninclude::{sourcedir}/107/src/main/resources/ehcache-107ext.xsd[lines=18..44]\n----\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "include::common.adoc[]\n\n= Ehcache XSDs\n\ninclude::menu.adoc[]\n\n== Core\n\n[source,xsd,indent=0]\n----\ninclude::{sourcedir}/xml/src/main/resources/ehcache-core.xsd[lines=18..-1]\n----\n\n== JSR-107 extension\n\n[source,xsd,indent=0]\n----\ninclude::{sourcedir}/107/src/main/resources/ehcache-107ext.xsd[lines=18..-1]\n----\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Fix docs example for the _id field, the field is not accessible in scripts\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "[[mapping-id-field]]\n=== `_id` field\n\nEach document indexed is associated with a <<mapping-type-field,`_type`>> (see\n<<mapping-type>>) and an <<mapping-id-field,`_id`>>. The `_id` field is not\nindexed as its value can be derived automatically from the\n<<mapping-uid-field,`_uid`>> field.\n\nThe value of the `_id` field is accessible in certain queries (`term`,\n`terms`, `match`, `query_string`, `simple_query_string`) and scripts, but\n_not_ in aggregations or when sorting, where the <<mapping-uid-field,`_uid`>>\nfield should be used instead:\n\n[source,js]\n--------------------------\n# Example documents\nPUT my_index/my_type/1\n{\n \"text\": \"Document with ID 1\"\n}\n\nPUT my_index/my_type/2\n{\n \"text\": \"Document with ID 2\"\n}\n\nGET my_index/_search\n{\n \"query\": {\n \"terms\": {\n \"_id\": [ \"1\", \"2\" ] <1>\n }\n },\n \"script_fields\": {\n \"UID\": {\n \"script\": {\n \"lang\": \"painless\",\n \"inline\": \"doc['_id']\" <2>\n }\n }\n }\n}\n--------------------------\n// CONSOLE\n\n<1> Querying on the `_id` field (also see the <<query-dsl-ids-query,`ids` query>>)\n<2> Accessing the `_id` field in scripts\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[[mapping-id-field]]\n=== `_id` field\n\nEach document indexed is associated with a <<mapping-type-field,`_type`>> (see\n<<mapping-type>>) and an <<mapping-id-field,`_id`>>. The `_id` field is not\nindexed as its value can be derived automatically from the\n<<mapping-uid-field,`_uid`>> field.\n\nThe value of the `_id` field is accessible in certain queries (`term`,\n`terms`, `match`, `query_string`, `simple_query_string`), but\n_not_ in aggregations, scripts or when sorting, where the <<mapping-uid-field,`_uid`>>\nfield should be used instead:\n\n[source,js]\n--------------------------\n# Example documents\nPUT my_index/my_type/1\n{\n \"text\": \"Document with ID 1\"\n}\n\nPUT my_index/my_type/2\n{\n \"text\": \"Document with ID 2\"\n}\n\nGET my_index/_search\n{\n \"query\": {\n \"terms\": {\n \"_id\": [ \"1\", \"2\" ] <1>\n }\n }\n}\n--------------------------\n// CONSOLE\n\n<1> Querying on the `_id` field (also see the <<query-dsl-ids-query,`ids` query>>)\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Test fix for embeded iframe.\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= math_for_dummies\n:author:\n:revnumber:\n:revdate: 2016/03/17 20:48\n:relfileprefix: ../\n:imagesdir: ..\nifdef::env-github,env-browser[:outfilesuffix: .adoc]\n\n\n\n== jMonkeyEngine3 Math for Dummies\n\niframe::[width=\"100%\", height=\"850px\", alt=\"\", scroll=\"true\",border=\"true\",align=\"false\"]\n\n\n\n[TIP]\n====\n\n\n* You can open this presentation in link:[Fullscreen Mode].\n* When using link:[Safari] as a browser the presentation is animated.\n\n\n====\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= math_for_dummies\n:author:\n:revnumber:\n:revdate: 2016/03/17 20:48\n:relfileprefix: ../\n:imagesdir: ..\nifdef::env-github,env-browser[:outfilesuffix: .adoc]\n\n\n\n== jMonkeyEngine3 Math for Dummies\n\nIframe test\n++++\n<iframe src= width=\"100%\" height=\"850px\" alt=\"\"></iframe>\n++++\n\niframe::[width=\"100%\", height=\"850px\", alt=\"\", scroll=\"true\",border=\"true\",align=\"false\"]\n\n\n\n[TIP]\n====\n\n\n* You can open this presentation in link:[Fullscreen Mode].\n* When using link:[Safari] as a browser the presentation is animated.\n\n\n====\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "[DOCS] Remove link to nonexistent ILM API\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "[[index-lifecycle-management-api]]\n== Index Lifecycle Management API\n\nYou can use the following APIs to manage policies on indices.\n\n[float]\n[[ilm-api-policy-endpoint]]\n=== Policy Management APIs\n\n* <<ilm-put-lifecycle,Create Lifecycle Policy>>\n* <<ilm-get-lifecycle,Get Lifecycle Policy>>\n* <<ilm-delete-lifecycle,Delete Lifecycle Policy>>\n\n[float]\n[[ilm-api-index-endpoint]]\n=== Index Management APIs\n\n* <<ilm-move-to-step,Move Index To Step>>\n* <<ilm-set-policy,Set Policy On Index>>\n* <<ilm-retry-policy,Retry Policy On Indices>>\n\n[float]\n[[ilm-api-management-endpoint]]\n=== Operation Management APIs\n\n* <<ilm-get-status,Get ILM Operation Mode>>\n* <<ilm-start,Start ILM>>\n* <<ilm-stop,Stop ILM>>\n* <<ilm-explain,Explain API>>\n\n\ninclude::put-lifecycle.asciidoc[]\ninclude::get-lifecycle.asciidoc[]\ninclude::delete-lifecycle.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::move-to-step.asciidoc[]\ninclude::remove-policy.asciidoc[]\ninclude::retry-policy.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::get-status.asciidoc[]\ninclude::explain.asciidoc[]\ninclude::start.asciidoc[]\ninclude::stop.asciidoc[]\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[[index-lifecycle-management-api]]\n== Index Lifecycle Management API\n\nYou can use the following APIs to manage policies on indices.\n\n[float]\n[[ilm-api-policy-endpoint]]\n=== Policy Management APIs\n\n* <<ilm-put-lifecycle,Create Lifecycle Policy>>\n* <<ilm-get-lifecycle,Get Lifecycle Policy>>\n* <<ilm-delete-lifecycle,Delete Lifecycle Policy>>\n\n[float]\n[[ilm-api-index-endpoint]]\n=== Index Management APIs\n\n* <<ilm-move-to-step,Move Index To Step>>\n* <<ilm-retry-policy,Retry Policy On Indices>>\n\n[float]\n[[ilm-api-management-endpoint]]\n=== Operation Management APIs\n\n* <<ilm-get-status,Get ILM Operation Mode>>\n* <<ilm-start,Start ILM>>\n* <<ilm-stop,Stop ILM>>\n* <<ilm-explain,Explain API>>\n\n\ninclude::put-lifecycle.asciidoc[]\ninclude::get-lifecycle.asciidoc[]\ninclude::delete-lifecycle.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::move-to-step.asciidoc[]\ninclude::remove-policy.asciidoc[]\ninclude::retry-policy.asciidoc[]\n\ninclude::get-status.asciidoc[]\ninclude::explain.asciidoc[]\ninclude::start.asciidoc[]\ninclude::stop.asciidoc[]\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Update What's New for 6.0\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "[[new]]\n= What's New in Spring Security 6.0\n\nSpring Security 6.0 provides a number of new features.\nBelow are the highlights of the release.\n\n== Breaking Changes\n\n*[gh-8980] - Remove unsafe/deprecated `Encryptors.querableText(CharSequence,CharSequence)`.\nInstead use data storage to encrypt values." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[[new]]\n= What's New in Spring Security 6.0\n\nSpring Security 6.0 provides a number of new features.\nBelow are the highlights of the release.\n\n== Breaking Changes\n\n*[gh-8980] - Remove unsafe/deprecated `Encryptors.querableText(CharSequence,CharSequence)`.\nInstead use data storage to encrypt values.\n*[gh-11520] - Remember Me uses SHA256 by default\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Add Patreon badge to readme\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "= griffon-monitor-plugin\n:linkattrs:\n:project-name: griffon-monitor-plugin\n\nimage:{project-name}/master.svg[\"Build Status\", link=\"{project-name}\"]\nimage:{project-name}/master.svg[\"Coverage Status\", link=\"{project-name}\"]\nimage:[\"Apache License 2\", link=\"\"]\nimage:{project-name}/images/download.svg[link=\"{project-name}/_latestVersion\"]\n\n---\n\nEnables application statistics through JMX.\n\nRefer to the link:{project-name}/[plugin guide, window=\"_blank\"] for\nfurther information on configuration and usage.\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "= griffon-monitor-plugin\n:linkattrs:\n:project-name: griffon-monitor-plugin\n\nimage:{project-name}/master.svg[\"Build Status\", link=\"{project-name}\"]\nimage:{project-name}/master.svg[\"Coverage Status\", link=\"{project-name}\"]\nimage:[\"Apache License 2\", link=\"\"]\nimage:{project-name}/images/download.svg[link=\"{project-name}/_latestVersion\"]\n\n---\n\nimage:[link=\"]\nimage:[]\n\n---\n\nEnables application statistics through JMX.\n\nRefer to the link:{project-name}/[plugin guide, window=\"_blank\"] for\nfurther information on configuration and usage.\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Document ExpectedExceptionSupport bug fix in release notes\n\nIssue: #1069\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "[[release-notes-5.1.0-M1]]\n=== 5.1.0-M1\n\n*Date of Release:* ❓\n\n*Scope:* ❓\n\nFor a complete list of all _closed_ issues and pull requests for this release, consult the\nlink:{junit5-repo}+/milestone/14?closed=1+[5.1 M1] milestone page in the JUnit repository\non GitHub.\n\n\n[[release-notes-5.1.0-junit-platform]]\n==== JUnit Platform\n\n===== Bug Fixes\n\n* ❓\n\n===== Deprecations and Breaking Changes\n\n* ❓\n\n===== New Features and Improvements\n\n* The `junit-platform-surefire-provider` now requires `maven-surefire-plugin` version\n 2.20.1 or higher.\n\n\n[[release-notes-5.1.0-junit-jupiter]]\n==== JUnit Jupiter\n\n===== Bug Fixes\n\n* ❓\n\n===== Deprecations and Breaking Changes\n\n* ❓\n\n===== New Features and Improvements\n\n* ❓\n\n\n[[release-notes-5.1.0-junit-vintage]]\n==== JUnit Vintage\n\n===== Bug Fixes\n\n* ❓\n\n===== Deprecations and Breaking Changes\n\n* ❓\n\n===== New Features and Improvements\n\n* ❓\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[[release-notes-5.1.0-M1]]\n=== 5.1.0-M1\n\n*Date of Release:* ❓\n\n*Scope:* ❓\n\nFor a complete list of all _closed_ issues and pull requests for this release, consult the\nlink:{junit5-repo}+/milestone/14?closed=1+[5.1 M1] milestone page in the JUnit repository\non GitHub.\n\n\n[[release-notes-5.1.0-junit-platform]]\n==== JUnit Platform\n\n===== Bug Fixes\n\n* ❓\n\n===== Deprecations and Breaking Changes\n\n* ❓\n\n===== New Features and Improvements\n\n* The `junit-platform-surefire-provider` now requires `maven-surefire-plugin` version\n 2.20.1 or higher.\n\n\n[[release-notes-5.1.0-junit-jupiter]]\n==== JUnit Jupiter\n\n===== Bug Fixes\n\n* `ExpectedExceptionSupport` from the `junit-jupiter-migrationsupport` module no longer\n swallows exceptions if the test class does not declare a JUnit 4 `ExpectedException`\n rule.\n - Consequently, `@EnableRuleMigrationSupport` and `ExpectedExceptionSupport` may now be\n used without declaring an `ExpectedException` rule.\n\n===== Deprecations and Breaking Changes\n\n* ❓\n\n===== New Features and Improvements\n\n* ❓\n\n\n[[release-notes-5.1.0-junit-vintage]]\n==== JUnit Vintage\n\n===== Bug Fixes\n\n* ❓\n\n===== Deprecations and Breaking Changes\n\n* ❓\n\n===== New Features and Improvements\n\n* ❓\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "[DOCS] Add syskeygen to Elasticsearch Reference\n\nOriginal commit: elastic/x-pack-elasticsearch@15586f5ed43770e8c042c778e525b7d57d4e6b9f\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "[role=\"xpack\"]\n[[xpack-commands]]\n= {xpack} Commands\n\n[partintro]\n--\n\n{xpack} includes commands that help you configure security:\n\n* <<certgen>>\n* <<setup-passwords>>\n* <<users-command>>\n\n--\n\ninclude::certgen.asciidoc[]\ninclude::setup-passwords.asciidoc[]\ninclude::users-command.asciidoc[]\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[role=\"xpack\"]\n[[xpack-commands]]\n= {xpack} Commands\n\n[partintro]\n--\n\n{xpack} includes commands that help you configure security:\n\n* <<certgen>>\n* <<setup-passwords>>\n* <<syskeygen>>\n* <<users-command>>\n\n--\n\ninclude::certgen.asciidoc[]\ninclude::setup-passwords.asciidoc[]\ninclude::syskeygen.asciidoc[]\ninclude::users-command.asciidoc[]\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Add blog post link to site\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "spray-kamon-metrics: Better Kamon metrics for your Spray services\n=================================================================\nDaniel Solano_Gómez\n:description: The spray-kamon-metrics library augments kamon-spray to make it provide more useful metrics, \\\nparticularly by providing Spray can server metrics and better Spray service response metrics.\n:keywords: kamon, metrics, spray, scala\n\n\ninclude::../../README.asciidoc[tags=status-badges]\n\ninclude::../../README.asciidoc[tags=preamble]\n\n== Documentation\n\n* The[README] on GitHub contains the most\n comprehensive documentation for using the library.\n* API documentation\n** link:api/latest[latest]\n** link:api/0.1.2[0.1.2]\n\n== Release notes\n\ninclude::../../release-notes.asciidoc[tags=release-notes]\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "spray-kamon-metrics: Better Kamon metrics for your Spray services\n=================================================================\nDaniel Solano_Gómez\n:description: The spray-kamon-metrics library augments kamon-spray to make it provide more useful metrics, \\\nparticularly by providing Spray can server metrics and better Spray service response metrics.\n:keywords: kamon, metrics, spray, scala\n\n\ninclude::../../README.asciidoc[tags=status-badges]\n\ninclude::../../README.asciidoc[tags=preamble]\n\n== Documentation\n\n* The[README] on GitHub contains the most\n comprehensive documentation for using the library.\n* API documentation\n** link:api/latest[latest]\n** link:api/0.1.2[0.1.2]\n* Blog post:[Better Spray metrics with Kamon]\n\n== Release notes\n\ninclude::../../release-notes.asciidoc[tags=release-notes]\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Include M5 document in list of release notes\n\nThis commit makes the current work-in-progress M5 release notes visible\nat\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "[[release-notes]]\n== Release Notes\n\n:numbered!:\n\ninclude::release-notes-5.0.0-ALPHA.adoc[]\n\ninclude::release-notes-5.0.0-M1.adoc[]\n\ninclude::release-notes-5.0.0-M2.adoc[]\n\ninclude::release-notes-5.0.0-M3.adoc[]\n\ninclude::release-notes-5.0.0-M4.adoc[]\n\n:numbered:\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[[release-notes]]\n== Release Notes\n\n:numbered!:\n\ninclude::release-notes-5.0.0-ALPHA.adoc[]\n\ninclude::release-notes-5.0.0-M1.adoc[]\n\ninclude::release-notes-5.0.0-M2.adoc[]\n\ninclude::release-notes-5.0.0-M3.adoc[]\n\ninclude::release-notes-5.0.0-M4.adoc[]\n\ninclude::release-notes-5.0.0-M5.adoc[]\n\n:numbered:\n" } ]
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Fix Reactive Web link in the ref doc\n" }, { "from": "human", "value": "[[spring-web]]\n= Web\n:doc-root:\n:api-spring-framework: {doc-root}/spring-framework/docs/{spring-version}/javadoc-api/org/springframework\n:toc: left\n:toclevels: 2\n\nThis part of the documentation covers support for web applications designed to run on a\ntraditional Servlet stack (Servlet API + Servlet container).\n\nChapters cover the Servlet-based <<mvc,Spring MVC>> web framework including <<mvc-view,Views>>,\n<<mvc-cors,CORS>>, and <<websocket,WebSocket>> support.\n\nNote that as of Spring Framework 5.0 web applications can also run on a\n<<spring-web-reactive, reactive web stack>> (Reactive Streams API + non-blocking runtime).\n\ninclude::web/webmvc.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\ninclude::web/webmvc-view.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\ninclude::web/webmvc-cors.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\ninclude::web/websocket.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\n\n" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "[[spring-web]]\n= Web\n:doc-root:\n:api-spring-framework: {doc-root}/spring-framework/docs/{spring-version}/javadoc-api/org/springframework\n:toc: left\n:toclevels: 2\n\nThis part of the documentation covers support for web applications designed to run on a\ntraditional Servlet stack (Servlet API + Servlet container).\n\nChapters cover the Servlet-based <<mvc,Spring MVC>> web framework including <<mvc-view,Views>>,\n<<mvc-cors,CORS>>, and <<websocket,WebSocket>> support.\n\nNote that as of Spring Framework 5.0 web applications can also run on a\n<<reactive-web.adoc#spring-reactive-web, reactive web stack>> (Reactive Streams API + non-blocking runtime).\n\ninclude::web/webmvc.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\ninclude::web/webmvc-view.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\ninclude::web/webmvc-cors.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\ninclude::web/websocket.adoc[leveloffset=+1]\n\n\n" } ]