<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 546 e 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4diN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@37a362c9 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'menu'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4did6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_W2pt2t6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@2a9693bb (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'menu','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'Menu','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@6ac7c7cc (expression: Menu)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'ToolItem','containment':'true','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'Menu'}}" _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 80 e 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd26N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@3bbdef1c (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis field contains a fully qualified URL defining the path to an Image to display\\r\\nfor this element.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'iconURI'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd26d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis field contains a fully qualified URL defining the path to an Image to display\\r\\nfor this element.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" e 3 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKskd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@5e3baa11 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'iconURI','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@6715f04e (expression: EString)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'UILabel','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EString'}}" _ e 4 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4c-N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@67a279d3 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'iconURI'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4c-d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 3 4 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 213 e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attribute'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKsed6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'object','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EJavaObject','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@48a7c7e2 (expression: EJavaObject)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'true','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'Contribution','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EJavaObject'}}" "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attributeValue', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributeName': 'derived', 'valueBefore': 'false', 'valueAfter': 'true'}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 687 e 1 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4d4d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@2cc704cf (key: documentation, value: Do no use! This class will be removed at the beginning of Luna (4.4) development.\\r\\n@deprecated Use MToolItem\\r\\n@noreference)'],'eModelElement':'OpaqueToolItem'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4d4t6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'Do no use! This class will be removed at the beginning of Luna (4.4) development.\\r\\n@deprecated Use MToolItem\\r\\n@noreference'}}" e 3 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_XENB2N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@6a2d425d (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'OpaqueToolItem','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['opaqueItem'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@40f75515 (expression: ToolItem)']}}" _ e 3 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoExd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@71877b9f (key: documentation, value: Do no use! This class will be removed at the beginning of Luna (4.4) development.\\r\\n@deprecated Use MToolItem\\r\\n@noreference\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'OpaqueToolItem'}}" e [/INST] 4 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoExt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'Do no use! This class will be removed at the beginning of Luna (4.4) development.\\r\\n@deprecated Use MToolItem\\r\\n@noreference\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 256 e 0 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EOperation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XCZqiN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@66a16672 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'getLocalizedLabel','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@c375787 (expression: EString)','eContainingClass':'UILabel'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd23N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@45a68d63 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis is a method that will retrieve the internationalized label by using the current\\r\\nvalue of the label itself and some translation service.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'getLocalizedLabel'}}" e 2 7 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd23d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis is a method that will retrieve the internationalized label by using the current\\r\\nvalue of the label itself and some translation service.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" e 1 8 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd24N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@2b30bee0 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis is a method that will retrieve the internationalized tooltip by using the current\\r\\nvalue of the label itself and some translation service.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'getLocalizedTooltip'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd24d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis is a method that will retrieve the internationalized tooltip by using the current\\r\\nvalue of the label itself and some translation service.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" e 6 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EOperation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XCZqit6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@5a8ced47 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'getLocalizedTooltip','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@1d8d5f6e (expression: EString)','eContainingClass':'UILabel'}}" _ e 3 6 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eOperations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_PgR8nd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@44bcf306 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'UILabel','ePackage':'ui','abstract':'true','interface':'true','eOperations':['getLocalizedLabel','getLocalizedTooltip'],'eStructuralFeatures':['label','iconURI','tooltip']}}" _ e 3 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_XTfbQd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'localizedTooltip','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@6f4f7c4 (expression: EString)','changeable':'false','volatile':'true','transient':'true','defaultValueLiteral':'','defaultValue':'','unsettable':'false','derived':'true','eContainingClass':'UILabel','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EString'}}" e 3 5 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_XTfbP96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'localizedLabel','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@1d64e1e (expression: EString)','changeable':'false','volatile':'true','transient':'true','defaultValueLiteral':'','defaultValue':'','unsettable':'false','derived':'true','eContainingClass':'UILabel','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EString'}}" e [/INST] 3 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eOperations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 40 e 4 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd2Mt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@2023a09e (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis list defines the ste of parameters that this command expects to have defined\\r\\nduring execution.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'parameters'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd2M96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis list defines the ste of parameters that this command expects to have defined\\r\\nduring execution.\\r\\n</p>'}}" e 3 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_ONNLEt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@3c57cf5d (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'parameters','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'-1','many':'true','required':'false','eType':'CommandParameter','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@4153bb16 (expression: CommandParameter)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'Command','containment':'true','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'CommandParameter'}}" _ e 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cQt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@56d05698 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'parameters'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cQ96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 3 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 112 e 1 3 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoEad6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@39f20da5 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'ToolItem'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoEat6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKs4N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@2062335a (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'ToolItem','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'true','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['menu'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@4e7c67c (expression: Item)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@5f78423 (expression: ToolBarElement)']}}" _ e 2 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd3ed6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@4269cabe (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis is the base type for both Direct and Handled tool items.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'ToolItem'}}" e [/INST] 4 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd3et6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis is the base type for both Direct and Handled tool items.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 157 e 4 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd4YN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@5cd08d1d (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThe Persepctive defines a part of the UI presentation that can be switched independently\\r\\nof the rest of the UI. By using Placeholders it's possible to share elements between\\r\\ndifferent perspectives.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'Perspective'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd4Yd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThe Persepctive defines a part of the UI presentation that can be switched independently\\r\\nof the rest of the UI. By using Placeholders it's possible to share elements between\\r\\ndifferent perspecti'}}" e 3 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKtI96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@896e4a6 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'Perspective','ePackage':'advanced','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['windows'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@3bf74ea2 (expression: ElementContainer<PartSashContainerElement>)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@6789f837 (expression: UILabel)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@52d7f6e8 (expression: Context)']}}" _ e 3 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoFUN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@4b1fd514 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'Perspective'}}" e [/INST] 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoFUd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 586 e 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKs7N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@1e414b3b (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'PartStack','ePackage':'basic','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@59cb0fa6 (expression: GenericStack<StackElement>)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@18baec7b (expression: PartSashContainerElement)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@79105524 (expression: WindowElement)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4eFd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@7402b939 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'PartStack'}}" e [/INST] 1 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4eFt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 722 e 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eClassifiers'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EPackage', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKscd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'application','nsURI':'http://www.eclipse.org/ui/2008/UIModel','nsPrefix':'application','eFactoryInstance':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EFactoryImpl@42965f7c','eClassifiers':['V____________Abstract_____________V','ApplicationElement','Contribution','Command','Input','Parameter','UIItem','UIElement','IEclipseContext','ParameterizedCommand','Context','V_________Testing__________V','...']}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_MWuxyN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'TestHarness','ePackage':'application','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@61ecd47 (expression: ApplicationElement)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@1a0e973a (expression: Command)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@3519be64 (expression: Context)','...']}}" e [/INST] 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eClassifiers'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_MWuxx96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'V_________Testing__________V','ePackage':'application','abstract':'true','interface':'true'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 466 e 1 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_ONNLGN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@5fd0643a (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'optional','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EBoolean','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@1ab71f66 (expression: EBoolean)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','defaultValueLiteral':'true','defaultValue':'true','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'CommandParameter','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EBoolean'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cU96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@3bcfb642 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'optional'}}" e [/INST] 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cVN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 423 e 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_W1TqI96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'TrimContribution','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['parentId','positionInParent'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@54721f68 (expression: ElementContainer<TrimElement>)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_W2NCC96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'positionInParent','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@4a69dee3 (expression: EString)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'TrimContribution','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EString'}}" e [/INST] 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_W2NCCd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'parentId','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@14d185e (expression: EString)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'TrimContribution','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EString'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 507 e 0 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4c6d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@53477396 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'UILabel'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4c6t6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_PgR8nd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@64322fd1 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'UILabel','ePackage':'ui','abstract':'true','interface':'true','eOperations':['getLocalizedLabel','getLocalizedTooltip'],'eStructuralFeatures':['label','iconURI','tooltip']}}" _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 542 e 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_WxQQad6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@1040b7ca (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'PopupMenu','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@478d6fc (expression: Menu)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@122d3dd5 (expression: Context)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dfN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@46312242 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'PopupMenu'}}" e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dfd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 84 e 3 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd2_N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@787920ee (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis field determines which direction the tiling should take; 'true' for horizontal' tiling,\\r\\n'false' for vertical.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'horizontal'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd2_d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis field determines which direction the tiling should take; 'true' for horizontal' tiling,\\r\\n'false' for vertical.\\r\\n</p>'}}" e 1 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKsst6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@2a63b057 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'horizontal','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EBoolean','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@40396d7e (expression: EBoolean)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','defaultValue':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'GenericTile','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EBoolean'}}" _ e 1 4 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dDN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@342aaaf5 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'horizontal'}}" e [/INST] 4 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dDd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 606 e 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_XDwWIN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@35780967 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'closeable','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EBoolean','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@245d904 (expression: EBoolean)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','defaultValueLiteral':'false','defaultValue':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'Placeholder','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EBoolean'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4eaN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@113d5e52 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'closeable'}}" e [/INST] 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4ead6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 79 e 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4c9N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@1a710fd (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'label'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4c9d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_PgR8nt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@322df6b0 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'label','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@2b657a4b (expression: EString)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'UILabel','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EString'}}" _ e 2 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd25N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@2589015d (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThe label to display for this element. If the label is expected to be internationalized\\r\\nthen the label may be set to a 'key' value to be used by the translation service.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'label'}}" e [/INST] 3 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd25d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThe label to display for this element. If the label is expected to be internationalized\\r\\nthen the label may be set to a 'key' value to be used by the translation service.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 643 e 3 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_NqSEy96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@34da317a (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'KeyBinding','ePackage':'commands','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['command','parameters'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@34a6ab76 (expression: ApplicationElement)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@17f66f84 (expression: KeySequence)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoDQ96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@47906997 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'KeyBinding'}}" e 3 4 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cY96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@78c642f7 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'KeyBinding'}}" e 4 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cZN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 0 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoDRN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 292 e 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKspt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'ElementContainer','ePackage':'application','eTypeParameters':['T'],'abstract':'true','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['children','activeChild'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@156d9c52 (expression: UIElement)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKsq96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'activeChild','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'UIElement','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@288d70ce (expression: T)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'ElementContainer','containment':'false','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'UIElement'}}" e [/INST] 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_TqU7Q96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'selectedElement','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'UIElement','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@44cbab64 (expression: T)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'ElementContainer','containment':'false','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'UIElement'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 372 e 0 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJYGN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@f52b104 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis is a placeholder class mixed in to any other type that can be added to a Toolbar.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.)'],'eModelElement':'ToolBarElement'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJYGd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis is a placeholder class mixed in to any other type that can be added to a Toolbar.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.'}}" e 4 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd3hd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@5d083804 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis is a placeholder class mixed in to any other type that can be added to a Toolbar.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'ToolBarElement'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd3ht6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis is a placeholder class mixed in to any other type that can be added to a Toolbar.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" e 2 4 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_WvA0vd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@45210d16 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'ToolBarElement','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'true','interface':'false','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@2ae3e1df (expression: UIElement)']}}" _ e [/INST] 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 337 e 4 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJWld6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@47a5499a (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nMixin interface that lists MBindingContexts that should be active when this\\nobject is active.\\r\\n</p>\\n<p>Example values: org.eclipse.ui.contexts.dialog, org.eclipse.ui.contexts.window\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.)'],'eModelElement':'Bindings'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJWlt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nMixin interface that lists MBindingContexts that should be active when this\\nobject is active.\\r\\n</p>\\n<p>Example values: org.eclipse.ui.contexts.dialog, org.eclipse.ui.contexts.window\\n</p>\\r\\n@since '}}" e 1 3 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XQNc4d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@6e3ce9bd (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nMixin interface that lists MBindingContexts that should be active when this\\nobject is active.\\r\\n</p>\\n<p>Example values: org.eclipse.ui.contexts.dialog, org.eclipse.ui.contexts.window\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'Bindings'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XQNc4t6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nMixin interface that lists MBindingContexts that should be active when this\\nobject is active.\\r\\n</p>\\n<p>Example values: org.eclipse.ui.contexts.dialog, org.eclipse.ui.contexts.window\\n</p>\\r\\n@since '}}" e 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_V96u6t6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@22f997d3 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'Bindings','ePackage':'commands','abstract':'true','interface':'true','eStructuralFeatures':['bindingContexts']}}" _ e [/INST] 2 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 462 e 0 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cRd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@5fb8d3b2 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'category'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cRt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_W6zNeN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@3f5b273b (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'category','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'Category','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@4b5d9644 (expression: Category)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'Command','containment':'false','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'Category'}}" _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 427 e 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_Qzw9zt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'GenericStack','ePackage':'application','eTypeParameters':['T'],'abstract':'true','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['weights','horizontal'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@7ab7e212 (expression: ElementContainer<T>)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKssN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'weights','ordered':'true','unique':'false','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'-1','many':'true','required':'false','eType':'EInt','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@70e9f03d (expression: EInt)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'GenericStack','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EInt'}}" e [/INST] 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_Qzw9096tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'horizontal','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EBoolean','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@7e884a8a (expression: EBoolean)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','defaultValue':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'GenericStack','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EBoolean'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 44 e 3 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_ONNLGN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@31fba1ab (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'optional','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EBoolean','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@5e7e2f0c (expression: EBoolean)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','defaultValueLiteral':'true','defaultValue':'true','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'CommandParameter','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EBoolean'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd2Q96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@478ebecc (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nDetermines whether or not this parameter is optional.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'optional'}}" e 3 4 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cU96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@77392b7 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'optional'}}" e 4 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cVN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 0 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd2RN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nDetermines whether or not this parameter is optional.\\r\\n</p>'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 116 e 3 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_WvA0vt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@163d88e2 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'ToolControl','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@14876148 (expression: ToolBarElement)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@65301d7f (expression: Contribution)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@3012fba1 (expression: TrimElement)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoEeN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@2681e979 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'ToolControl'}}" e 3 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd3iN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@6e860828 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis is a concrete class representing a widget hosted directly in the trim \\r\\nor as an item in a Toolbar.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'ToolControl'}}" e 2 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd3id6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis is a concrete class representing a widget hosted directly in the trim \\r\\nor as an item in a Toolbar.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" e [/INST] 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoEed6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 153 e 4 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd4Ut6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@671c0c0c (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nA class to be mixed in to any element that should be allowed to be added to a\\r\\nPartStack.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'StackElement'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd4U96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nA class to be mixed in to any element that should be allowed to be added to a\\r\\nPartStack.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" e 1 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_WwD9zt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@5888345a (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'StackElement','ePackage':'basic','abstract':'true','interface':'true','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@2ee31622 (expression: UIElement)']}}" _ e 1 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoFQt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@301a0280 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'StackElement'}}" e [/INST] 2 3 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoFQ96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 582 e 0 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4eB96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@2492f5a (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'toolbar'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4eCN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKs696tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@5e356ef7 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'toolbar','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'ToolBar','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@572a3f9e (expression: ToolBar)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'Part','containment':'true','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'ToolBar'}}" _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 217 e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attribute'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_W552Qd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'contributionItem','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EJavaObject','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@5c888747 (expression: EJavaObject)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'true','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'RenderedMenuItem','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EJavaObject'}}" "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attributeValue', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributeName': 'derived', 'valueBefore': 'false', 'valueAfter': 'true'}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 683 e 1 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dwd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@156fd50a (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nProvisional for 4.3.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@noreference)'],'eModelElement':'ToolBarContributions'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dwt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nProvisional for 4.3.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@noreference'}}" e 4 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_W1TqIN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@684e041e (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'ToolBarContributions','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'true','interface':'true','eStructuralFeatures':['toolBarContributions']}}" _ e 4 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoEpd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@1146add8 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nProvisional for 4.3.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@noreference\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'ToolBarContributions'}}" e [/INST] 3 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoEpt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nProvisional for 4.3.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@noreference\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 252 e 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_XIqq1t6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'SnippetContainer','ePackage':'ui','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['snippets']}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_XIqq196tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'snippets','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'-1','many':'true','required':'false','eType':'UIElement','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@4f7a353b (expression: UIElement)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'SnippetContainer','containment':'true','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'UIElement'}}" e [/INST] 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eClassifiers'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EPackage', 'attributes': {'id': '_WvA0V96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'ui','nsURI':'http://www.eclipse.org/ui/2010/UIModel/application/ui','nsPrefix':'ui','eFactoryInstance':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EFactoryImpl@5706bf57','eClassifiers':['Context','Dirtyable','Input','UIElement','ElementContainer','UILabel','GenericStack','GenericTile','GenericTrimContainer','SideValue','Expression','CoreExpression','SnippetContainer'],'eSubpackages':['menu','basic','advanced'],'eSuperPackage':'application'}}" _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 396 e 0 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd4Ot6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@35b79d7b (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nA subclass of Window that also supports TrimBars on its edges.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'TrimmedWindow'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd4O96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nA subclass of Window that also supports TrimBars on its edges.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" e 4 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJY096tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@1d05bb95 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nA subclass of Window that also supports TrimBars on its edges.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.)'],'eModelElement':'TrimmedWindow'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJY1N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nA subclass of Window that also supports TrimBars on its edges.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.'}}" e 3 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_WvA05N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@7b5437a2 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'TrimmedWindow','ePackage':'basic','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['trimBars'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@32f092ca (expression: Window)']}}" _ e [/INST] 3 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 702 e 0 4 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_WwD9zt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@3a7f0a33 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'StackElement','ePackage':'basic','abstract':'true','interface':'true','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@61ca9461 (expression: UIElement)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4eXt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@6beba72b (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'StackElement'}}" e 4 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4eX96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoFQt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@662a5741 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'StackElement'}}" e [/INST] 1 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoFQ96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 446 e 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_V96u6d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@3f31883c (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'rootContext','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'-1','many':'true','required':'false','eType':'BindingContext','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@61c6d4d6 (expression: BindingContext)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'BindingTableContainer','containment':'true','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'BindingContext'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cD96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@6b1a621b (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'rootContext'}}" e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cEN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 403 e 0 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJY8d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@1ceebfcd (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nA subclass of Window representing a wizard dialog.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.1\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.)'],'eModelElement':'WizardDialog'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJY8t6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nA subclass of Window representing a wizard dialog.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.1\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.'}}" e 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_XRZyEN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@649cfa26 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'WizardDialog','ePackage':'basic','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@260efa39 (expression: Dialog)']}}" _ e 2 4 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XRZyEd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@13f38f7c (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nA subclass of Window representing a wizard dialog.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.1)'],'eModelElement':'WizardDialog'}}" e [/INST] 4 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XRZyEt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nA subclass of Window representing a wizard dialog.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.1'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 233 e 0 3 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd3jt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@4eb179ee (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis is the concrete class use to represent a tool item that is directly \\r\\ninvoked when selected.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'DirectToolItem'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd3j96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis is the concrete class use to represent a tool item that is directly \\r\\ninvoked when selected.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" e 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_NZlWNd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@67b64cea (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'DirectToolItem','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@508cc0b7 (expression: ToolItem)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@76e9d71e (expression: Contribution)']}}" _ e 2 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XQNebd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@149066c (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis is the concrete class use to represent a tool item that is directly \\r\\ninvoked when selected. The supplied contribution is asked to execute\\nwhen selected.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'DirectToolItem'}}" e [/INST] 4 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XQNebt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis is the concrete class use to represent a tool item that is directly \\r\\ninvoked when selected. The supplied contribution is asked to execute\\nwhen selected.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 276 e [/INST] 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attribute'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_N8kuEt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'Dirtyable','ePackage':'ui','abstract':'true','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['dirty']}}" "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attributeValue', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributeName': 'interface', 'valueBefore': 'false', 'valueAfter': 'true'}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 132 e 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4eB96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@e2c4938 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'toolbar'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4eCN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e 1 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKs696tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@5bd363da (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'toolbar','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'ToolBar','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@1fd7b413 (expression: ToolBar)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'Part','containment':'true','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'ToolBar'}}" _ e 4 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd3-96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@3093e538 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis is the Toolbar associated with tihs Part (if any).\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'toolbar'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd3_N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis is the Toolbar associated with tihs Part (if any).\\r\\n</p>'}}" e [/INST] 1 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 177 e [/INST] 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attribute'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_S43CR96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'PartDescriptorContainer','ePackage':'basic','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['descriptors']}}" "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attributeValue', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributeName': 'abstract', 'valueBefore': 'false', 'valueAfter': 'true'}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 25 e 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4bzN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@59954708 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'commands'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4bzd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e 1 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKsyt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@6d357094 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'commands','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'-1','many':'true','required':'false','eType':'Command','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@3bd8885b (expression: Command)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'Application','containment':'true','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'Command'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd1vN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@2d2665bc (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis is the list of MCommand elements available in the application. Commands\\r\\nrepresent some logical operation. The actual implementation of the operation is\\r\\ndetermined by the MHandler chosen by the system based on the current execution\\r\\ncontext.\\r\\n\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'commands'}}" e 4 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd1vd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis is the list of MCommand elements available in the application. Commands\\r\\nrepresent some logical operation. The actual implementation of the operation is\\r\\ndetermined by the MHandler chosen by'}}" e [/INST] 1 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 60 e 1 4 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_W6zNk96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@2c0648d7 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'description','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@13253af0 (expression: EString)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'Category','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EString'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cjt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@37b33328 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'description'}}" e 4 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cj96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e 1 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd2ft6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@686acb6f (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThe description to display for this category.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'description'}}" e [/INST] 3 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd2f96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThe description to display for this category.\\r\\n</p>'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 622 e 1 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_S43CSN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@54c9c8f1 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'descriptors','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'-1','many':'true','required':'false','eType':'PartDescriptor','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@5f0d1373 (expression: PartDescriptor)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'PartDescriptorContainer','containment':'true','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'PartDescriptor'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4eq96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@182a78a1 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'descriptors'}}" e [/INST] 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4erN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 667 e 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKs3N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@666ee880 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'Menu','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['enabled'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@62587b3c (expression: MenuElement)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@488493dc (expression: ElementContainer<MenuElement>)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dZd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@375638e9 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'Menu'}}" e 0 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoESd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@3d164e24 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'Menu'}}" e 4 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoESt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 1 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dZt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 18 e 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoExd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@384ce099 (key: documentation, value: Do no use! This class will be removed at the beginning of Luna (4.4) development.\\r\\n@deprecated Use MToolItem\\r\\n@noreference\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'OpaqueToolItem'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoExt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'Do no use! This class will be removed at the beginning of Luna (4.4) development.\\r\\n@deprecated Use MToolItem\\r\\n@noreference\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" e 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_XENB2N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@52431285 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'OpaqueToolItem','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['opaqueItem'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@6f086f2 (expression: ToolItem)']}}" _ e 3 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XO0Xld6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@3ed2a057 (key: documentation, value: Do no use! This class will be removed at the beginning of Luna (4.4) development.\\r\\n@deprecated Use MMenuItem\\r\\n@noreference This interface is not intended to be referenced by clients.\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'OpaqueToolItem'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XO0Xlt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'Do no use! This class will be removed at the beginning of Luna (4.4) development.\\r\\n@deprecated Use MMenuItem\\r\\n@noreference This interface is not intended to be referenced by clients.\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" e [/INST] 2 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 523 e 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dMt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@270fa1de (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'snippets'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dM96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_XIqq196tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@19326a18 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'snippets','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'-1','many':'true','required':'false','eType':'UIElement','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@25645db5 (expression: UIElement)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'SnippetContainer','containment':'true','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'UIElement'}}" _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 566 e 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_W2NCC96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@43c9b74 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'positionInParent','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@643f450d (expression: EString)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'TrimContribution','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EString'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dzt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@22eca327 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'positionInParent'}}" e [/INST] 0 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dz96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 6 e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_OumBNt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'TrimContainer','ePackage':'application','eTypeParameters':['T'],'abstract':'true','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['horizontal','side'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@50c04b22 (expression: ElementContainer<T>)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_OumBOd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'horizontal','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EBoolean','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@7535bf4e (expression: EBoolean)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','defaultValue':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'TrimContainer','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EBoolean'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 356 e 3 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd3At6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@384f9c53 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis provides a collection specifically for TrimBars.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'GenericTrimContainer'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd3A96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis provides a collection specifically for TrimBars.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" e 1 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJXld6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@4ec1c58d (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis provides a collection specifically for TrimBars.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.)'],'eModelElement':'GenericTrimContainer'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJXlt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis provides a collection specifically for TrimBars.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.'}}" e 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_WvA0jd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@72c03f3b (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'GenericTrimContainer','ePackage':'ui','eTypeParameters':['T'],'abstract':'true','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['side'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@5b9b3d63 (expression: ElementContainer<T>)']}}" _ e [/INST] 2 3 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 313 e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attribute'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_W0RIEN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'coreExpression','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EJavaObject','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@1340fb93 (expression: EJavaObject)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'true','unsettable':'false','derived':'true','eContainingClass':'CoreExpression','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EJavaObject'}}" "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attributeValue', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributeName': 'derived', 'valueBefore': 'true', 'valueAfter': 'false'}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 486 e 0 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cmd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@71d4cd02 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'variables'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cmt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKso96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@1b74e43 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'variables','ordered':'false','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'-1','many':'true','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@746006a3 (expression: EString)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'Context','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EString'}}" _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 521 e 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_W0RIEN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@4495aa2e (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'coreExpression','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EJavaObject','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@52f08416 (expression: EJavaObject)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'true','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'CoreExpression','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EJavaObject'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dK96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@55c07592 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'coreExpression'}}" e [/INST] 0 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dLN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 564 e 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_W1TqI96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@3835cc6 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'TrimContribution','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['parentId','positionInParent'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@4627c198 (expression: ElementContainer<TrimElement>)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dx96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@7489f331 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nProvisional for 4.3.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@noreference)'],'eModelElement':'TrimContribution'}}" e [/INST] 0 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dyN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nProvisional for 4.3.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@noreference'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 249 e 4 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eClassifiers'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EPackage', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKscd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'application','nsURI':'http://www.eclipse.org/ui/2008/UIModel','nsPrefix':'application','eFactoryInstance':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EFactoryImpl@3351f280','eClassifiers':['V____________Abstract_____________V','ApplicationElement','Contribution','Command','Handler','HandlerContainer','Input','Parameter','UIItem','UIElement','IEclipseContext','ParameterizedCommand','Context','...']}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_NZlWKd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'HandledMenuItem','ePackage':'application','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@270cef0a (expression: MenuItem)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@229a0dd2 (expression: HandledItem)']}}" e 4 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eClassifiers'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_NZlWKt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'DirectMenuItem','ePackage':'application','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@3a322d93 (expression: Contribution)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@7a86f160 (expression: MenuItem)']}}" e 4 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eClassifiers'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_NZlWNd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'DirectToolItem','ePackage':'application','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@af013db (expression: Contribution)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@66d77004 (expression: ToolItem)']}}" e [/INST] 4 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eClassifiers'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_NZlWMN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'HandledToolItem','ePackage':'application','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@3882564c (expression: ElementContainer<MenuItem>)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@5f0669a8 (expression: HandledItem)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@371c24db (expression: ToolItem)']}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 698 e 4 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_WvA05t6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@14cf5cff (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'TrimElement','ePackage':'basic','abstract':'true','interface':'false','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@3b78a108 (expression: UIElement)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4eTN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@3094e869 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'TrimElement'}}" e 4 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoFMN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@168ddd5f (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'TrimElement'}}" e 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoFMd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 0 3 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4eTd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 620 e 0 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_XA52iN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@4fb82540 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'description','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@605785be (expression: EString)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'PartDescriptor','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EString'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4epN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@4c10fd53 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'description'}}" e [/INST] 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4epd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 665 e 0 3 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKs296tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@3f17410a (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'MenuItem','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'true','interface':'false','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@75551c19 (expression: Item)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@7b365abc (expression: MenuElement)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dX96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@6ddd8fcf (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'MenuItem'}}" e 3 4 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dYN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoEQ96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@7ae861a2 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'MenuItem'}}" e [/INST] 1 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoERN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 599 e 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_WvA0596tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@504b51fc (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'PartSashContainerElement','ePackage':'basic','abstract':'true','interface':'true','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@17c96876 (expression: UIElement)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4eT96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@57bf29 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'PartSashContainerElement'}}" e [/INST] 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4eUN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 148 e 0 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd4QN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@7696406b (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nA class to be mixed in to any element that should be allowed to be added to a TrimBar.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'TrimElement'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd4Qd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nA class to be mixed in to any element that should be allowed to be added to a TrimBar.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" e 3 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_WvA05t6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@109c874d (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'TrimElement','ePackage':'basic','abstract':'true','interface':'false','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@29431e2 (expression: UIElement)']}}" _ e 1 4 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoFMN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@4f8d2390 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'TrimElement'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoFMd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 3 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 484 e 0 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKsod6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@2228c6e7 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'Context','ePackage':'ui','abstract':'true','interface':'true','eStructuralFeatures':['context','variables','properties']}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4ck96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@40a08c4e (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'Context'}}" e [/INST] 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4clN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 479 e 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cf96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@6825a6a6 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'Category'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cgN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_W6zNkN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@41862cf (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'Category','ePackage':'commands','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eOperations':['getLocalizedName','getLocalizedDescription'],'eStructuralFeatures':['name','description'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@6df51a4e (expression: ApplicationElement)']}}" _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 4 e [/INST] 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attribute'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_W1wWE96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'toolBarContributions','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'-1','many':'true','required':'false','eType':'ToolBarContribution','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@4c1605f2 (expression: ToolBarContribution)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'ToolBarContributions','containment':'false','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'ToolBarContribution'}}" "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attributeValue', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributeName': 'containment', 'valueBefore': 'false', 'valueAfter': 'true'}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 354 e 3 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_Qzw9zt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@31fee1d0 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'GenericStack','ePackage':'ui','eTypeParameters':['T'],'abstract':'true','interface':'false','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@335f3bb8 (expression: ElementContainer<T>)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd28N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@6ac0804c (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis type defines the base type for 'stack' type containers. These containers are\\r\\nexpected to only show their currently 'selected' element.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'GenericStack'}}" e 3 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJXg96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@13edddfe (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis type defines the base type for 'stack' type containers. These containers are\\r\\nexpected to only show their currently 'selected' element.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.)'],'eModelElement':'GenericStack'}}" e 2 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJXhN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis type defines the base type for 'stack' type containers. These containers are\\r\\nexpected to only show their currently 'selected' element.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not '}}" e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd28d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis type defines the base type for 'stack' type containers. These containers are\\r\\nexpected to only show their currently 'selected' element.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 311 e [/INST] 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attribute'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKslt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'widget','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EJavaObject','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@1fbbc75f (expression: EJavaObject)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'true','unsettable':'false','derived':'true','eContainingClass':'UIElement','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EJavaObject'}}" "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attributeValue', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributeName': 'derived', 'valueBefore': 'true', 'valueAfter': 'false'}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 444 e 1 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cCd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@354737d1 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'BindingTableContainer'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cCt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_WvA0Kt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@252393fc (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'BindingTableContainer','ePackage':'commands','abstract':'true','interface':'true','eStructuralFeatures':['bindingTables','rootContext']}}" _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 401 e 0 4 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_WwD9zt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@2fcb30ce (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'StackElement','ePackage':'basic','abstract':'true','interface':'true','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@5143ab37 (expression: UIElement)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd4Ut6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@59f820ac (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nA class to be mixed in to any element that should be allowed to be added to a\\r\\nPartStack.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'StackElement'}}" e 4 3 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd4U96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nA class to be mixed in to any element that should be allowed to be added to a\\r\\nPartStack.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" e 0 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJY696tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@73f6180f (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nA class to be mixed in to any element that should be allowed to be added to a\\r\\nPartStack.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.)'],'eModelElement':'StackElement'}}" e [/INST] 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJY7N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nA class to be mixed in to any element that should be allowed to be added to a\\r\\nPartStack.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 369 e 0 4 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_NZlWKd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@1b004f98 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'HandledMenuItem','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@48bcffe5 (expression: MenuItem)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@39b84564 (expression: HandledItem)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd3dt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@2d2b80ee (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis is the concrete UI Model element representing a menu item that is managed\\r\\nthrough the Commands / Handlers infrastructure.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'HandledMenuItem'}}" e 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJYCd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@f35873 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis is the concrete UI Model element representing a menu item that is managed\\r\\nthrough the Commands / Handlers infrastructure.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.)'],'eModelElement':'HandledMenuItem'}}" e 1 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJYCt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis is the concrete UI Model element representing a menu item that is managed\\r\\nthrough the Commands / Handlers infrastructure.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to b'}}" e [/INST] 4 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd3d96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis is the concrete UI Model element representing a menu item that is managed\\r\\nthrough the Commands / Handlers infrastructure.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 394 e 0 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKs8d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@6c7858a9 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'PartSashContainer','ePackage':'basic','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@5ebd5a31 (expression: GenericTile<PartSashContainerElement>)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@5f9db86 (expression: PartSashContainerElement)','...']}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJYqd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@3d245b1b (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis is the concrete class representing sashed containment in the UI Model. This\\r\\ntype is recursive, allowing the creation of a tree of sashes whose leafs are Parts.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.)'],'eModelElement':'PartSashContainer'}}" e 2 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJYqt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis is the concrete class representing sashed containment in the UI Model. This\\r\\ntype is recursive, allowing the creation of a tree of sashes whose leafs are Parts.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimpleme'}}" e 3 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd4EN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@40d5a9bf (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis is the concrete class representing sashed containment in the UI Model. This\\r\\ntype is recursive, allowing the creation of a tree of sashes whose leafs are Parts.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'PartSashContainer'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd4Ed6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis is the concrete class representing sashed containment in the UI Model. This\\r\\ntype is recursive, allowing the creation of a tree of sashes whose leafs are Parts.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" e [/INST] 0 3 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 700 e 0 4 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_WvA06N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@7d9ed7a (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'WindowElement','ePackage':'basic','abstract':'true','interface':'true','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@5431cf77 (expression: UIElement)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4eUt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@401264f1 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'WindowElement'}}" e 4 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4eU96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e 1 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoFNt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@6e370aa (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'WindowElement'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoFN96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 289 e 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_NqSEVt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'KeySequence','ePackage':'application','abstract':'true','interface':'true','eStructuralFeatures':['keySequence']}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_NqSEV96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'keySequence','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'1','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'true','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@376f0cf (expression: EString)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'KeySequence','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EString'}}" e 2 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_NqSEy96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'KeyBinding','ePackage':'application','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['command'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@1639c0ed (expression: KeySequence)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_NqSEzN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'command','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'1','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'true','eType':'Command','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@e16d109 (expression: Command)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'KeyBinding','containment':'false','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'Command'}}" e 6 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eClassifiers'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EPackage', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKscd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'application','nsURI':'http://www.eclipse.org/ui/2008/UIModel','nsPrefix':'application','eFactoryInstance':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EFactoryImpl@690f6094','eClassifiers':['V____________Abstract_____________V','ApplicationElement','Contribution','Command','Handler','HandlerContainer','Input','Parameter','UIItem','UIElement','IEclipseContext','ParameterizedCommand','Context','...']}}" _ e 6 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eClassifiers'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_NqSEzd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'BindingContainer','ePackage':'application','abstract':'true','interface':'true','eStructuralFeatures':['bindings']}}" e 4 5 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_NqSEzt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'bindings','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'-1','many':'true','required':'false','eType':'KeyBinding','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@786b99b2 (expression: KeyBinding)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'BindingContainer','containment':'true','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'KeyBinding'}}" e [/INST] 6 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eClassifiers'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 27 e 0 4 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_VM3r796tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@5dcedecc (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'persistedState','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'-1','many':'true','required':'false','eType':'StringToStringMap','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@4f325ddb (expression: StringToStringMap)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'ApplicationElement','containment':'true','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'StringToStringMap'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4b596tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@727d566a (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'persistedState'}}" e 4 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4b6N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd1196tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@4d1b3e30 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis is a Strimg to String map that can be used to persist information avout model\\r\\nelements across program sessions. The format of the 'value' string is defined by\\r\\nthe code setting the value into the map. Information stored in this map is part of\\r\\nthe model and will be persisted and restored as such.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'persistedState'}}" e [/INST] 1 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd12N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis is a Strimg to String map that can be used to persist information avout model\\r\\nelements across program sessions. The format of the 'value' string is defined by\\r\\nthe code setting the value in'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 658 e 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_WvA0jd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@4d49ea5c (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'GenericTrimContainer','ePackage':'ui','eTypeParameters':['T'],'abstract':'true','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['side'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@23f46c9c (expression: ElementContainer<T>)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoD8t6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@4bc86d7e (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'GenericTrimContainer'}}" e 1 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dEt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@7ad7f427 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'GenericTrimContainer'}}" e 2 4 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dE96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 0 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoD896tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 62 e 0 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKsh96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@3faff3a (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'inputURI','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@10c6f4da (expression: EString)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'Input','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EString'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd2mt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@441816ac (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThe specification of the particular resource's location or other meta information.\\r\\nThe format of this field will be interpreted by the class using it (i.e. a Part).\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'inputURI'}}" e 2 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd2m96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThe specification of the particular resource's location or other meta information.\\r\\nThe format of this field will be interpreted by the class using it (i.e. a Part).\\r\\n</p>'}}" e 3 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoDit6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@38ec5b43 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThe specification of the particular resource's location. This will be interpreted by\\r\\nthe class using it (i.e. a Part).\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'inputURI'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoDi96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThe specification of the particular resource's location. This will be interpreted by\\r\\nthe class using it (i.e. a Part).\\r\\n</p>'}}" e [/INST] 0 3 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 130 e 0 3 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoE4d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@6ee86c8c (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'Part'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoE4t6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e 4 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKs6d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@53b3d33b (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'Part','ePackage':'basic','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eOperations':['getLocalizedDescription'],'eStructuralFeatures':['menus','toolbar','closeable','description'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@42594649 (expression: UIElement)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@5e361965 (expression: PartSashContainerElement)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@605f16b1 (expression: StackElement)','...']}}" _ e 4 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd38d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@12bba109 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis a concrete class representing the core UI functionality within a Window. It's what\\r\\nused to be a View / Editor in Eclipse 3.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'Part'}}" e [/INST] 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd38t6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis a concrete class representing the core UI functionality within a Window. It's what\\r\\nused to be a View / Editor in Eclipse 3.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 175 e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attribute'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_W1TqIN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'ToolBarContributions','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['toolBarContributions']}}" "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attributeValue', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributeName': 'abstract', 'valueBefore': 'false', 'valueAfter': 'true'}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 559 e 0 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dtN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@21d5994b (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nProvisional for 4.3.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@noreference)'],'eModelElement':'ToolBarContribution'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dtd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nProvisional for 4.3.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@noreference'}}" e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_W1TqHd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@558052a5 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'ToolBarContribution','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['parentId','positionInParent'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@c2d2e0e (expression: ElementContainer<ToolBarElement>)']}}" _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 188 e 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_WvA0Kt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'BindingTableContainer','ePackage':'commands','abstract':'true','interface':'true','eStructuralFeatures':['bindingTables','rootContext']}}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_V96u6d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'rootContext','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'BindingContext','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@2d043c04 (expression: BindingContext)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'BindingContainer','containment':'true','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'BindingContext'}}" e 3 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_NqSEzd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'BindingContainer','ePackage':'application','abstract':'true','interface':'true','eStructuralFeatures':['bindingTables','rootContext']}}" _ e 3 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_V96u6N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'bindingTables','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'-1','many':'true','required':'false','eType':'BindingTable','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@32d0c7f6 (expression: BindingTable)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'BindingContainer','containment':'true','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'BindingTable'}}" e [/INST] 0 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 231 e 0 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_WwzkXN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@323761c (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'CoreExpression','ePackage':'ui','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['coreExpressionId','coreExpression'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@3b27056b (expression: Expression)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XQNd9d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@2b159f84 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nA specific kind of expression used by the Eclipse Workbench.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'CoreExpression'}}" e 4 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XQNd9t6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nA specific kind of expression used by the Eclipse Workbench.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" e 3 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoEBt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@43832579 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'CoreExpression'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoEB96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 0 3 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 274 e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attribute'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKsod6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'Context','ePackage':'ui','abstract':'true','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['context','variables','properties']}}" "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attributeValue', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributeName': 'interface', 'valueBefore': 'false', 'valueAfter': 'true'}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 724 e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKsld6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'UIElement','ePackage':'ui','abstract':'true','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['widget','renderer','toBeRendered','onTop','visible','parent','containerData','curSharedRef'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@57cf9ea4 (expression: ApplicationElement)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_WwW4RN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'curSharedRef','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'Placeholder','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@4af48bba (expression: Placeholder)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'true','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'UIElement','containment':'false','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'Placeholder'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 308 e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eOperations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_S43CRN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'PartDescriptor','ePackage':'basic','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eOperations':['getLocalizedDescription'],'eStructuralFeatures':['allowMultiple','category','menus','toolbar','closeable','dirtyable','contributionURI','description'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@4fb45461 (expression: ApplicationElement)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@64193f18 (expression: UILabel)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@4911d008 (expression: HandlerContainer)','...']}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EOperation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XFPkAt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'getLocalizedDescription','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@7a3a6bae (expression: EString)','eContainingClass':'PartDescriptor'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 460 e 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_M4sPL96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@4fd854e3 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'description','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@574cd355 (expression: EString)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'Command','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EString'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cPt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@27d1d0a1 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'description'}}" e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cP96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 425 e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eOperations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKsld6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'UIElement','ePackage':'ui','abstract':'true','interface':'false','eOperations':['getLocalizedAccessibilityPhrase'],'eStructuralFeatures':['widget','renderer','toBeRendered','onTop','visible','parent','containerData','curSharedRef','visibleWhen','accessibilityPhrase'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@fcbd96d (expression: ApplicationElement)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EOperation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XC29dN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'getLocalizedAccessibilityPhrase','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@412be33c (expression: EString)','eContainingClass':'UIElement'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 215 e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attribute'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_PPxbd96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'renderer','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EJavaObject','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@1ba9e5c2 (expression: EJavaObject)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'true','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'UIElement','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EJavaObject'}}" "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attributeValue', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributeName': 'derived', 'valueBefore': 'false', 'valueAfter': 'true'}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 681 e 4 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_Wyx6hd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@3578360d (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'RenderedToolBar','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['contributionManager'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@8fcf675 (expression: ToolBar)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4drd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@1649d828 (key: documentation, value: Do no use! This class will be removed at the beginning of Luna (4.4) development.\\r\\n@deprecated Use MToolBar\\r\\n@noreference)'],'eModelElement':'RenderedToolBar'}}" e 4 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoEkd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@53c70120 (key: documentation, value: Do no use! This class will be removed at the beginning of Luna (4.4) development.\\r\\n@deprecated Use MToolBar\\r\\n@noreference\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'RenderedToolBar'}}" e 3 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoEkt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'Do no use! This class will be removed at the beginning of Luna (4.4) development.\\r\\n@deprecated Use MToolBar\\r\\n@noreference\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" e [/INST] 0 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4drt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'Do no use! This class will be removed at the beginning of Luna (4.4) development.\\r\\n@deprecated Use MToolBar\\r\\n@noreference'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 250 e [/INST] 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attribute'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKsz96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'Item','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['enabled','selected','type'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@754fb515 (expression: UIElement)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@26c04730 (expression: UILabel)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attributeValue', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributeName': 'abstract', 'valueBefore': 'false', 'valueAfter': 'true'}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 538 e 0 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_WvA0rd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@ff356e5 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'enabled','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EBoolean','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@3e3c0079 (expression: EBoolean)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','defaultValueLiteral':'true','defaultValue':'true','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'Menu','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EBoolean'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4daN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@2976d605 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'enabled'}}" e [/INST] 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dad6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 114 e 0 4 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoEb96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@504b83aa (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'ToolBar'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoEcN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e 3 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKs5N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@2e7899 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'ToolBar','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@1c3402eb (expression: ElementContainer<ToolBarElement>)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@5ad9c9f2 (expression: TrimElement)']}}" _ e 3 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd3f96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@671dd437 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis is the concrete class representing a Toolbar in the UI Model.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'ToolBar'}}" e [/INST] 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd3gN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis is the concrete class representing a Toolbar in the UI Model.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 151 e 1 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_WvA06d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@656c6e81 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'TrimBar','ePackage':'basic','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['pendingCleanup'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@86e3c3d (expression: GenericTrimContainer<TrimElement>)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@7dc2a70c (expression: UIElement)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoFOd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@5194d891 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'TrimBar'}}" e 1 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd4Sd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@6680a549 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis is a concrete class representing the trim along a Window's edge.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'TrimBar'}}" e 3 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd4St6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis is a concrete class representing the trim along a Window's edge.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" e [/INST] 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoFOt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 580 e 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4eAN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@245e5d5b (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'getLocalizedDescription'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4eAd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EOperation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XFPjvt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@1c78914d (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'getLocalizedDescription','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@5ded2ab5 (expression: EString)','eContainingClass':'Part'}}" _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 46 e 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_M4sPMt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@4b3da36a (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'command','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'1','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'true','eType':'Command','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@23c97f3c (expression: Command)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'Handler','containment':'false','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'Command'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd2St6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@ddbb209 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis is a reference to the Command for which this is an execution candidate.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'command'}}" e 1 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd2S96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis is a reference to the Command for which this is an execution candidate.\\r\\n</p>'}}" e 2 3 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cWt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@46ff1e41 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'command'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cW96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 0 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 639 e 0 4 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cL96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@35f7460d (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'Command'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cMN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e 1 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoDD96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@51374c4a (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'Command'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoDEN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKsfd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@27d8582b (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'Command','ePackage':'commands','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eOperations':['getLocalizedCommandName','getLocalizedDescription'],'eStructuralFeatures':['commandName','description','parameters','category'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@3db54e11 (expression: ApplicationElement)']}}" _ e [/INST] 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 129 e 1 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd37d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@20af654 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis is a concrete class used to represent a menu item that replaces itself through\\r\\nthe execution of the associated client code.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'DynamicMenuContribution'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd37t6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis is a concrete class used to represent a menu item that replaces itself through\\r\\nthe execution of the associated client code.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" e 4 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_XLf8v96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@ba1ceb4 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'DynamicMenuContribution','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@15ea9ae4 (expression: MenuItem)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@6e4c1717 (expression: Contribution)']}}" _ e 4 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoE3d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@88e20bb (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'DynamicMenuContribution'}}" e [/INST] 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoE3t6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 604 e 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4eYt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@6f94158 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'Placeholder'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4eY96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_SYHtDt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@e324f60 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'Placeholder','ePackage':'advanced','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['ref','closeable'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@1ea2cc22 (expression: UIElement)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@7c709cfa (expression: PartSashContainerElement)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@74d6a686 (expression: StackElement)']}}" _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 641 e 4 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cV96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@5abf1376 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'Handler'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cWN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e 3 4 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_M4sPMd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@67544587 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'Handler','ePackage':'commands','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['command'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@35ec609d (expression: Contribution)']}}" _ e 1 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoDN96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@4a0445d0 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'Handler'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoDON6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 3 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 290 e 4 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eClassifiers'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EPackage', 'attributes': {'id': '_WvA0mN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'menu','nsURI':'http://www.eclipse.org/ui/2010/UIModel/application/ui/menu','nsPrefix':'menu','eFactoryInstance':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EFactoryImpl@5a40ff15','eClassifiers':['ItemType','Item','HandledItem','MenuElement','MenuItem','MenuSeparator','Menu','MenuContribution','PopupMenu','DirectMenuItem','HandledMenuItem','ToolItem','ToolBar','ToolBarElement','ToolControl','HandledToolItem','...'],'eSuperPackage':'ui'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_W1TqHd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'ToolBarContribution','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@24ca4b73 (expression: ElementContainer<ToolBarElement>)']}}" e 4 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eClassifiers'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_W1TqIN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'ToolBarContributions','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@3f446ae3 (expression: ElementContainer<ToolBarContribution>)']}}" e 4 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eClassifiers'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_W1TqI96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'TrimContribution','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@2390b3b0 (expression: ElementContainer<TrimElement>)']}}" e [/INST] 4 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eClassifiers'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_W1TqJt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'TrimContributions','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@7593f4ed (expression: ElementContainer<TrimContribution>)']}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 86 e 3 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_OumBO96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@262d0a89 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'side','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'1','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'true','eType':'SideValue','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@500dcb51 (expression: SideValue)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','defaultValue':'Top','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'GenericTrimContainer','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'SideValue'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dF96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@45d366f9 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'side'}}" e 3 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd3B96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@6cd6ccc9 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis is an enum defining the side of the UI Window on which this collection\\r\\nshould be displayed.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'side'}}" e 2 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd3CN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis is an enum defining the side of the UI Window on which this collection\\r\\nshould be displayed.\\r\\n</p>'}}" e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dGN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 228 e 3 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XQNc596tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@7d0f25cb (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis class describes the hierarchy of contexts that are used by the \\n<code>EBindingService</code> to determine which Bindings are currently \\navailable to the user.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'BindingContext'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XQNc6N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis class describes the hierarchy of contexts that are used by the \\n<code>EBindingService</code> to determine which Bindings are currently \\navailable to the user.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" e 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoC-N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@12de8d9f (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'BindingContext'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoC-d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e 4 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_V96u7d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@59922c67 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'BindingContext','ePackage':'commands','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['name','description','children'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@39c3f6b5 (expression: ApplicationElement)']}}" _ e [/INST] 4 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 505 e 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKsqd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@1748faf3 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'children','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'-1','many':'true','required':'false','eType':'UIElement','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@75312f29 (expression: T)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'ElementContainer','containment':'true','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eOpposite':'parent','eReferenceType':'UIElement'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4c4d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@2a1afd1f (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'children'}}" e [/INST] 0 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4c4t6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 540 e 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dct6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@4475b392 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'positionInParent'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dc96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 1 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_Wx4iit6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@48f0cf52 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'positionInParent','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@6c780eea (expression: EString)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','defaultValueLiteral':'','defaultValue':'','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'MenuContribution','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EString'}}" _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 370 e 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd3ed6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@1197db05 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis is the base type for both Direct and Handled tool items.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'ToolItem'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd3et6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis is the base type for both Direct and Handled tool items.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" e 3 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJYDN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@27bf9e48 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis is the base type for both Direct and Handled tool items.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.)'],'eModelElement':'ToolItem'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJYDd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis is the base type for both Direct and Handled tool items.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.'}}" e 4 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKs4N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@604a0b12 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'ToolItem','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'true','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['menu'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@792ff720 (expression: Item)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@6c90eb7c (expression: ToolBarElement)']}}" _ e [/INST] 4 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 335 e 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJWg96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@44565e84 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nAn MAddon represents a self-contained application logic. Addons may be used\\r\\nto augment the UI in a variety of ways without requriing that the base application\\r\\nbe aware of the extensions.\\r\\n</p><p>\\r\\nAddons aare expected to be capable of being removed without damage to the\\r\\noriginal UI. While not yet implemented there will be an uninstall protocol defined\\r\\nni the future allowing an addon to remove any model elements specific to the\\r\\naddon (i.e. The MinMaxAddon's TrimElements.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.)'],'eModelElement':'Addon'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJWhN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nAn MAddon represents a self-contained application logic. Addons may be used\\r\\nto augment the UI in a variety of ways without requriing that the base application\\r\\nbe aware of the extensions.\\r\\n</p><'}}" e 2 3 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_WvA0KN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@498f481a (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'Addon','ePackage':'application','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@c167451 (expression: Contribution)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoC4N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@5682debd (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nAn MAddon represents a self-contained application logic. Addons may be used\\r\\nto augment the UI in a variety of ways without requriing that the base application\\r\\nbe aware of the extensions.\\r\\n</p><p>\\r\\nAddons aare expected to be capable of being removed without damage to the\\r\\noriginal UI. While not yet implemented there will be an uninstall protocol defined\\r\\nni the future allowing an addon to remove any model elements specific to the\\r\\naddon (i.e. The MinMaxAddon's TrimElements.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'Addon'}}" e 3 4 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoC4d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nAn MAddon represents a self-contained application logic. Addons may be used\\r\\nto augment the UI in a variety of ways without requriing that the base application\\r\\nbe aware of the extensions.\\r\\n</p><'}}" e [/INST] 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>