<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 82 e 4 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_KV136t6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@2a6eb59 (key: documentation, value: This is a Series type that, during design time, holds the query data for Bar charts, and during run time, \\r\\nholds the value for each riser in the series. When rendered, a riser extends from the x-axis to the \\r\\nvalue of each data point.)'],'eModelElement':'BarSeries'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_KV13696tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'This is a Series type that, during design time, holds the query data for Bar charts, and during run time, \\r\\nholds the value for each riser in the series. When rendered, a riser extends from the x-axi'}}" e 2 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_Hqx_096tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@65385c50 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@19e9bf33 (source: http:///org/eclipse/emf/ecore/util/ExtendedMetaData)'],'name':'BarSeries','ePackage':'type','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['riser','riserOutline'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@1aae6ccd (expression: Series)']}}" _ e 2 3 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_Hqx_1N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@518773f0 (key: documentation, value: \\r\\n\\t\\t\\tThis is a Series type that holds data for Bar Charts.\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t)'],'eModelElement':'BarSeries'}}" e [/INST] 3 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_Hqx_1d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'\\r\\n\\t\\t\\tThis is a Series type that holds data for Bar Charts.\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 0 e [/INST] 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attribute'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_IZC0md6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@4eaf70e7 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@73ee3282 (source: http:///org/eclipse/emf/ecore/util/ExtendedMetaData)'],'name':'ratio','ordered':'true','unique':'false','lowerBound':'1','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'true','eType':'Double','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@5176a9d3 (expression: Double)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','defaultValueLiteral':'0','defaultValue':'0.0','unsettable':'true','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'PieSeries','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'Double'}}" "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attributeValue', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributeName': 'defaultValueLiteral', 'valueBefore': '0', 'valueAfter': '1'}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 23 e 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_LMTmQt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@472f2ab4 (key: documentation, value: \\nSpecifies the marker to be used for displaying the end data point on the line in the chart.)'],'eModelElement':'endMarker'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_LMTmQ96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'\\nSpecifies the marker to be used for displaying the end data point on the line in the chart.'}}" e 4 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_I-pb3t6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@8f398b (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@2606b21 (source: http:///org/eclipse/emf/ecore/util/ExtendedMetaData)'],'name':'endMarker','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'1','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'true','eType':'Marker','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@e927959 (expression: Marker)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'GanttSeries','containment':'true','container':'false','resolveProxies':'false','eReferenceType':'Marker'}}" _ e 4 3 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_I-pb396tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@1bac7cc5 (key: documentation, value: \\r\\nSpecifies the marker to be used for displaying the end data point on the line in the chart.)'],'eModelElement':'endMarker'}}" e [/INST] 3 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_I-pb4N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'\\r\\nSpecifies the marker to be used for displaying the end data point on the line in the chart.'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 66 e [/INST] 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attribute'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_IHhmft6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@2c58f0 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@1658983e (source: http:///org/eclipse/emf/ecore/util/ExtendedMetaData)'],'name':'explosionExpression','ordered':'true','unique':'false','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'String','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@541e7cb7 (expression: String)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'PieSeries','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'String'}}" "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attributeValue', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributeName': 'unique', 'valueBefore': 'false', 'valueAfter': 'true'}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 21 e 4 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_LMTmJ96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@85924f3 (key: documentation, value: Specifies the attributes for the negative line used to represent this series.\\n)'],'eModelElement':'negativeLineAttributes'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_LMTmKN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'Specifies the attributes for the negative line used to represent this series.\\n'}}" e 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_I-pbxN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@4d9bf7fa (key: documentation, value: Specifies the attributes for the negative line used to represent this series.\\r\\n)'],'eModelElement':'negativeLineAttributes'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_I-pbxd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'Specifies the attributes for the negative line used to represent this series.\\r\\n'}}" e 3 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_I-pbw96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@597e2f25 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@38de4ee9 (source: http:///org/eclipse/emf/ecore/util/ExtendedMetaData)'],'name':'negativeLineAttributes','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'LineAttributes','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@2f44d1b1 (expression: LineAttributes)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'DifferenceSeries','containment':'true','container':'false','resolveProxies':'false','eReferenceType':'LineAttributes'}}" _ e [/INST] 3 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 64 e [/INST] 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attribute'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_I-pb196tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@4fc98263 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@69e7967c (source: http:///org/eclipse/emf/ecore/util/ExtendedMetaData)'],'name':'startMarkerPosition','ordered':'true','unique':'false','lowerBound':'1','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'true','eType':'Position','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@329c124f (expression: Position)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','defaultValueLiteral':'Above','defaultValue':'Above','unsettable':'true','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'GanttSeries','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'Position'}}" "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attributeValue', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributeName': 'unique', 'valueBefore': 'false', 'valueAfter': 'true'}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 2 e 4 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_Kx_pTt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@6de5233e (key: documentation, value: \\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tSpecifies the 'Explosion' value to be\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tused while displaying the pie slices.\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t)'],'eModelElement':'explosion'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_Kx_pT96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tSpecifies the 'Explosion' value to be\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tused while displaying the pie slices.\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t'}}" e 3 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_HqyAEt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@b59839f (key: documentation, value: \\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tSpecifies the 'Explosion' value to be used while displaying the pie slices.\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t)'],'eModelElement':'explosion'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_HqyAE96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tSpecifies the 'Explosion' value to be used while displaying the pie slices.\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t'}}" e 2 3 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_HqyAEd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@14c2c8bc (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@4b6b1dc (source: http:///org/eclipse/emf/ecore/util/ExtendedMetaData)'],'name':'explosion','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'Int','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@3dcd5a79 (expression: Int)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','defaultValue':'0','unsettable':'true','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'PieSeries','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'Int'}}" _ e [/INST] 2 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 59 e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attribute'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_I-pb5d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@2acd941d (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@69a0222e (source: http:///org/eclipse/emf/ecore/util/ExtendedMetaData)'],'name':'endMarkerPosition','ordered':'true','unique':'false','lowerBound':'1','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'true','eType':'Position','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@295eb91c (expression: Position)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','defaultValueLiteral':'Above','defaultValue':'Above','unsettable':'true','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'GanttSeries','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'Position'}}" "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attributeValue', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributeName': 'unique', 'valueBefore': 'false', 'valueAfter': 'true'}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 38 e 3 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_LMTm1d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@36a1a39f (key: documentation, value: \\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tHolds the position property for a series\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\ttitle.\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t)'],'eModelElement':'titlePosition'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_LMTm1t6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tHolds the position property for a series\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\ttitle.\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t'}}" e 2 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_HqyAH96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@1af92a71 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@1e97396d (source: http:///org/eclipse/emf/ecore/util/ExtendedMetaData)'],'name':'titlePosition','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'1','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'true','eType':'Position','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@35b18a24 (expression: Position)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','defaultValueLiteral':'Above','defaultValue':'Above','unsettable':'true','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'PieSeries','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'Position'}}" _ e 2 4 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_Kx_pY96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@372b8eaa (key: documentation, value: \\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tHolds the position property for a series\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\ttitle.\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t)'],'eModelElement':'titlePosition'}}" e [/INST] 4 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_Kx_pZN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tHolds the position property for a series\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\ttitle.\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 80 e 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_J8fk6t6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@2e3181d4 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@71deceff (source: http:///org/eclipse/emf/ecore/util/ExtendedMetaData)'],'name':'rotation','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'1','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'true','eType':'Double','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@ba8a654 (expression: Double)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','defaultValueLiteral':'0','defaultValue':'0.0','unsettable':'true','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'PieSeries','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'Double'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_J8fk7d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http:///org/eclipse/emf/ecore/util/ExtendedMetaData','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@2a1bcf49 (key: kind, value: element)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@886c4ff (key: name, value: Rotation)'],'eModelElement':'rotation'}}" e 1 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_J8fk7t6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'kind','value':'element'}}" e 1 5 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_J8fk796tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'name','value':'Rotation'}}" e 0 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_J8fk696tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@709e6675 (key: documentation, value: \\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tDefines the rotation of the pie, 0 means start drawing the first slice from the east.\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t)'],'eModelElement':'rotation'}}" e 2 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_J8fk7N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tDefines the rotation of the pie, 0 means start drawing the first slice from the east.\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t'}}" e [/INST] 6 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_HqyAC96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@77192518 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@7f493042 (source: http:///org/eclipse/emf/ecore/util/ExtendedMetaData)'],'name':'PieSeries','ePackage':'type','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['explosion','explosionExpression','title','titlePosition','leaderLineAttributes','leaderLineStyle','leaderLineLength','sliceOutline','ratio','rotation'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@4b731abc (expression: Series)']}}" _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 40 e 0 3 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_HqyALd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@73701b10 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@44860bf3 (source: http:///org/eclipse/emf/ecore/util/ExtendedMetaData)'],'name':'leaderLineStyle','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'1','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'true','eType':'LeaderLineStyle','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@9493400 (expression: LeaderLineStyle)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','defaultValueLiteral':'Fixed_Length','defaultValue':'Fixed_Length','unsettable':'true','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'PieSeries','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'LeaderLineStyle'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_Kx_pcd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@3be01135 (key: documentation, value: \\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tSpecifies how the leader lines are to be\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tshown.\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t)'],'eModelElement':'leaderLineStyle'}}" e 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_LMTm496tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@1b2afc4 (key: documentation, value: \\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tSpecifies how the leader lines are to be\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tshown.\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t)'],'eModelElement':'leaderLineStyle'}}" e 1 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_LMTm5N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tSpecifies how the leader lines are to be\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tshown.\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t'}}" e [/INST] 3 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_Kx_pct6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tSpecifies how the leader lines are to be\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tshown.\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 84 e 0 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_IL_Pj96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@4c65800e (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@26dc7e3f (source: http:///org/eclipse/emf/ecore/util/ExtendedMetaData)'],'name':'DialSeries','ePackage':'type','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['dial','needle'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@76e4a570 (expression: Series)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_KV14E96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@4299634f (key: documentation, value: This is a Series type that holds data for Dial Charts.)'],'eModelElement':'DialSeries'}}" e 4 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_KV14FN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'This is a Series type that holds data for Dial Charts.'}}" e 2 3 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_I-pbpN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@600c0e1 (key: documentation, value: \\r\\n\\t\\t\\tThis is a Series type that holds data for Dial Charts.)'],'eModelElement':'DialSeries'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_I-pbpd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'\\r\\n\\t\\t\\tThis is a Series type that holds data for Dial Charts.'}}" e [/INST] 0 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 79 e [/INST] 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attribute'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_IHhmft6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@6323d5a6 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@445fd09b (source: http:///org/eclipse/emf/ecore/util/ExtendedMetaData)'],'name':'explosionExpression','ordered':'true','unique':'false','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'String','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@1b192039 (expression: String)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'true','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'PieSeries','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'String'}}" "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attributeValue', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributeName': 'unsettable', 'valueBefore': 'true', 'valueAfter': 'false'}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 44 e 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_J8fk6t6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@654dca53 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@d2bc614 (source: http:///org/eclipse/emf/ecore/util/ExtendedMetaData)'],'name':'rotation','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'1','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'true','eType':'Double','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@50248d5b (expression: Double)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','defaultValueLiteral':'0','defaultValue':'0.0','unsettable':'true','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'PieSeries','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'Double'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_Kx_pjd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@2266f2ef (key: documentation, value: \\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tDefines the rotation of the pie, 0 means\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tstart drawing the first slice from the\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\teast.\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t)'],'eModelElement':'rotation'}}" e 1 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_LMTm_96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@3b2d426d (key: documentation, value: \\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tDefines the rotation of the pie, 0 means\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tstart drawing the first slice from the\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\teast.\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t)'],'eModelElement':'rotation'}}" e 4 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_LMTnAN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tDefines the rotation of the pie, 0 means\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tstart drawing the first slice from the\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\teast.\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t'}}" e [/INST] 0 3 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_Kx_pjt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tDefines the rotation of the pie, 0 means\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tstart drawing the first slice from the\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\teast.\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 25 e 0 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_LMTmV96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@53d9bb32 (key: documentation, value: \\nSpecifies the attributes for the outline used to represent this series.)'],'eModelElement':'outline'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_LMTmWN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'\\nSpecifies the attributes for the outline used to represent this series.'}}" e 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_I-pb896tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@3fe655d1 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@e68390c (source: http:///org/eclipse/emf/ecore/util/ExtendedMetaData)'],'name':'outline','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'1','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'true','eType':'LineAttributes','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@e33ab1f (expression: LineAttributes)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'GanttSeries','containment':'true','container':'false','resolveProxies':'false','eReferenceType':'LineAttributes'}}" _ e 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_I-pb9N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@62c24370 (key: documentation, value: \\r\\nSpecifies the attributes for the outline used to represent this series.)'],'eModelElement':'outline'}}" e [/INST] 1 3 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_I-pb9d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'\\r\\nSpecifies the attributes for the outline used to represent this series.'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 60 e [/INST] 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attribute'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_HqyAEd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@77d8c28d (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@7798eb16 (source: http:///org/eclipse/emf/ecore/util/ExtendedMetaData)'],'name':'explosion','ordered':'true','unique':'false','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'Int','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@54ff83f4 (expression: Int)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','defaultValue':'0','unsettable':'true','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'PieSeries','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'Int'}}" "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attributeValue', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributeName': 'unique', 'valueBefore': 'false', 'valueAfter': 'true'}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 18 e 0 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_Hqx_4N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@eb2be8d (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@2696be30 (source: http:///org/eclipse/emf/ecore/util/ExtendedMetaData)'],'name':'riserOutline','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'ColorDefinition','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@14da269e (expression: ColorDefinition)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'BarSeries','containment':'true','container':'false','resolveProxies':'false','eReferenceType':'ColorDefinition'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_LMTl6d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@43c8e627 (key: documentation, value: \\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tDefines the color to be used for the Riser outline.\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t)'],'eModelElement':'riserOutline'}}" e 4 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_LMTl6t6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tDefines the color to be used for the Riser outline.\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t'}}" e 3 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_Hqx_4d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@58cf27c2 (key: documentation, value: \\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tDefines the color to be used for the Riser outline.\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t)'],'eModelElement':'riserOutline'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_Hqx_4t6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tDefines the color to be used for the Riser outline.\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t'}}" e [/INST] 0 3 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 6 e 3 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_HqyAJ96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@8f656a (key: documentation, value: \\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tHolds the attributes for leader lines.\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t)'],'eModelElement':'leaderLineAttributes'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_HqyAKN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tHolds the attributes for leader lines.\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t'}}" e 4 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_Kx_pat6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@6c2bb655 (key: documentation, value: \\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tHolds the attributes for leader lines.\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t)'],'eModelElement':'leaderLineAttributes'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_Kx_pa96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tHolds the attributes for leader lines.\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t'}}" e 2 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_HqyAJt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@2550d2e8 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@60bc7af7 (source: http:///org/eclipse/emf/ecore/util/ExtendedMetaData)'],'name':'leaderLineAttributes','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'1','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'true','eType':'LineAttributes','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@5cbcd5c3 (expression: LineAttributes)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'PieSeries','containment':'true','container':'false','resolveProxies':'false','eReferenceType':'LineAttributes'}}" _ e [/INST] 2 3 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 4 e 0 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_HqyAGN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@2e168cd5 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@1b97bd50 (source: http:///org/eclipse/emf/ecore/util/ExtendedMetaData)'],'name':'title','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'1','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'true','eType':'Label','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@56a08595 (expression: Label)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'PieSeries','containment':'true','container':'false','resolveProxies':'false','eReferenceType':'Label'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_Kx_pXN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@5092b635 (key: documentation, value: \\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tHolds the properties for a series title.\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t)'],'eModelElement':'title'}}" e 3 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_Kx_pXd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tHolds the properties for a series title.\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t'}}" e 4 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_HqyAGd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@2eba7a78 (key: documentation, value: \\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tHolds the properties for a series title.\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t)'],'eModelElement':'title'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_HqyAGt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tHolds the properties for a series title.\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t'}}" e [/INST] 0 4 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 27 e 0 3 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_I-pcCd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@106587ad (key: documentation, value: \\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tHolds the properties for the decoration label, which could be used to decorate the primary base Axis.\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t)'],'eModelElement':'decorationLabel'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_I-pcCt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tHolds the properties for the decoration label, which could be used to decorate the primary base Axis.\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t'}}" e 1 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_I-pcCN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@522141b (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@bc787c7 (source: http:///org/eclipse/emf/ecore/util/ExtendedMetaData)'],'name':'decorationLabel','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'1','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'true','eType':'Label','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@370fefa8 (expression: Label)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'GanttSeries','containment':'true','container':'false','resolveProxies':'false','eReferenceType':'Label'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_LMTmbN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@3fa444ea (key: documentation, value: \\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tHolds the properties for the decoration label, which could be used to decorate the primary base Axis.\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t)'],'eModelElement':'decorationLabel'}}" e 2 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_LMTmbd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tHolds the properties for the decoration label, which could be used to decorate the primary base Axis.\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t'}}" e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 62 e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attribute'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_IZC0md6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@6af4d8df (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@118d0557 (source: http:///org/eclipse/emf/ecore/util/ExtendedMetaData)'],'name':'ratio','ordered':'true','unique':'false','lowerBound':'1','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'true','eType':'Double','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@6f53831a (expression: Double)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','defaultValueLiteral':'1','defaultValue':'1.0','unsettable':'true','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'PieSeries','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'Double'}}" "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attributeValue', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributeName': 'unique', 'valueBefore': 'false', 'valueAfter': 'true'}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 46 e 4 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_LMTnHN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@72a7d92e (key: documentation, value: This is a Series type that holds data for Scatter Charts.\\n\\t\\t\\t)'],'eModelElement':'ScatterSeries'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_LMTnHd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'This is a Series type that holds data for Scatter Charts.\\n\\t\\t\\t'}}" e 2 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_HqyAQ96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@5df41a6 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@14ee19a9 (source: http:///org/eclipse/emf/ecore/util/ExtendedMetaData)'],'name':'ScatterSeries','ePackage':'type','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@144fdd8d (expression: LineSeries)']}}" _ e 3 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_KV15Fd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@2ba71715 (key: documentation, value: This is a Series type that holds data for Scatter Charts.\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t)'],'eModelElement':'ScatterSeries'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_KV15Ft6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'This is a Series type that holds data for Scatter Charts.\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t'}}" e [/INST] 2 3 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 86 e 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_KV14kN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@21379465 (key: documentation, value: This is a Series type that, during design time, holds the query data for Line charts, and during run time, \\r\\nholds the value for each data point in the line. When rendered, a line connects each data point.)'],'eModelElement':'LineSeries'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_KV14kd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'This is a Series type that, during design time, holds the query data for Line charts, and during run time, \\r\\nholds the value for each data point in the line. When rendered, a line connects each data '}}" e 4 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_Hqx_6N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@5da970ad (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@1a3681dc (source: http:///org/eclipse/emf/ecore/util/ExtendedMetaData)'],'name':'LineSeries','ePackage':'type','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['markers','marker','lineAttributes','paletteLineColor','curve','shadowColor','connectMissingValue'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@2b98f7ff (expression: Series)']}}" _ e 1 3 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_Hqx_6d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@240e127d (key: documentation, value: \\r\\n\\t\\t\\tThis is a Series type that holds data for Line Charts.\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t)'],'eModelElement':'LineSeries'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_Hqx_6t6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'\\r\\n\\t\\t\\tThis is a Series type that holds data for Line Charts.\\r\\n\\t\\t\\t'}}" e [/INST] 4 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 584 e 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4eDt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@31d2bed4 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'description'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4eD96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_XA52QN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@382d7852 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'description','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@354833d3 (expression: EString)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'Part','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EString'}}" _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 678 e 0 3 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dnd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@494dcc56 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'ToolBarSeparator'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dnt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e 1 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_WvA0wd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@5a99ad99 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'ToolBarSeparator','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@49b936e5 (expression: ToolBarElement)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoEgd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@6e15d5f5 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'ToolBarSeparator'}}" e 2 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoEgt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 42 e 3 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_ONNLFN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@6ef39bef (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'name','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'1','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'true','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@26e3649c (expression: EString)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'CommandParameter','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EString'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cS96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@2fa22911 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'name'}}" e 3 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd2O96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@9d5d6af (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThe name of the parameter.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'name'}}" e 1 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd2PN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThe name of the parameter.\\r\\n</p>'}}" e [/INST] 0 4 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cTN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 211 e [/INST] 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attribute'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_XF1Yrd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'transientData','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'-1','many':'true','required':'false','eType':'StringToObjectMap','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@6752678 (expression: StringToObjectMap)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'true','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'ApplicationElement','containment':'true','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'StringToObjectMap'}}" "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attributeValue', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributeName': 'derived', 'valueBefore': 'false', 'valueAfter': 'true'}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 685 e 0 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoEuN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@2f32cdd1 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nProvisional for 4.3.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@noreference\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'TrimContributions'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoEud6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nProvisional for 4.3.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@noreference\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" e 3 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_W1TqJt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@380fd915 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'TrimContributions','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'true','interface':'true','eStructuralFeatures':['trimContributions']}}" _ e 3 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4d1N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@561e625d (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nProvisional for 4.3.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@noreference)'],'eModelElement':'TrimContributions'}}" e [/INST] 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4d1d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nProvisional for 4.3.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@noreference'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 254 e 3 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EOperation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XFPjDd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@12d4c74 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'getLocalizedDescription','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@6abdfcaa (expression: EString)','eContainingClass':'Category'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd2dt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@414befad (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis is a method that will return the translated description of the Category.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'getLocalizedDescription'}}" e 2 3 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eOperations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_W6zNkN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@2da979b7 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'Category','ePackage':'commands','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eOperations':['getLocalizedName','getLocalizedDescription'],'eStructuralFeatures':['name','description'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@26475c9 (expression: ApplicationElement)']}}" _ e 2 5 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eOperations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EOperation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XFPjC96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@4ccff196 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'getLocalizedName','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@7fea86e8 (expression: EString)','eContainingClass':'Category'}}" e 5 6 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd2ct6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@2a4d4d79 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis is a method that will return the translated name of the Category.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'getLocalizedName'}}" e 6 8 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd2c96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis is a method that will return the translated name of the Category.\\r\\n</p>'}}" e 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_XTfa2d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'localizedDescription','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@33fe1597 (expression: EString)','changeable':'false','volatile':'true','transient':'true','unsettable':'false','derived':'true','eContainingClass':'Category','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EString'}}" e 2 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_XTfa196tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'localizedName','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@ae9b1cb (expression: EString)','changeable':'false','volatile':'true','transient':'true','defaultValueLiteral':'','defaultValue':'','unsettable':'false','derived':'true','eContainingClass':'Category','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EString'}}" e [/INST] 0 7 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd2d96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis is a method that will return the translated description of the Category.\\r\\n</p>'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 579 e 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4d_d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@7f80d95c (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'Part'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4d_t6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKs6d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@3c9081d8 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'Part','ePackage':'basic','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eOperations':['getLocalizedDescription'],'eStructuralFeatures':['menus','toolbar','closeable','description'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@10fb1f0b (expression: UIElement)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@47fdfe0e (expression: PartSashContainerElement)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@3ed28b0 (expression: StackElement)','...']}}" _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 349 e 0 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_N8kuEt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@2939c4cc (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'Dirtyable','ePackage':'ui','abstract':'true','interface':'true','eStructuralFeatures':['dirty']}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoDgN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@3d5e562d (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis class should be mixed into any UI element that should participate in the\\r\\ndirty / save handling. Parts are the most likely scenario for this but it exists as\\r\\na mix-in to allow for future model extensions.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'Dirtyable'}}" e 2 4 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoDgd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis class should be mixed into any UI element that should participate in the\\r\\ndirty / save handling. Parts are the most likely scenario for this but it exists as\\r\\na mix-in to allow for future mo'}}" e 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJXI96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@f76f45e (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis class should be mixed into any UI element that should participate in the\\r\\ndirty / save handling. Parts are the most likely scenario for this but it exists as\\r\\na mix-in to allow for future model extensions.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.)'],'eModelElement':'Dirtyable'}}" e [/INST] 1 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJXJN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis class should be mixed into any UI element that should participate in the\\r\\ndirty / save handling. Parts are the most likely scenario for this but it exists as\\r\\na mix-in to allow for future mo'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 464 e 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cS96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@497ccfde (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'name'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cTN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_ONNLFN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@18daf473 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'name','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'1','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'true','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@621e60bf (expression: EString)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'CommandParameter','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EString'}}" _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 421 e [/INST] 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attribute'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKsht6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'Input','ePackage':'application','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['inputURI']}}" "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attributeValue', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributeName': 'abstract', 'valueBefore': 'false', 'valueAfter': 'true'}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 499 e 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKsnN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@39ad6700 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'parent','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'ElementContainer','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@1645df4a (expression: ElementContainer<UIElement>)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'UIElement','containment':'false','container':'true','resolveProxies':'true','eOpposite':'children','eReferenceType':'ElementContainer'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cyd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@6298b0c4 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'parent'}}" e [/INST] 0 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cyt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 720 e 0 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKsid6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'Parameter','ePackage':'application','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['name','value'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@2ebdefab (expression: ApplicationElement)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKsit6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'name','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@23bfac59 (expression: EString)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'Parameter','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EString'}}" e [/INST] 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_MWuxrN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'tag','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@527999ea (expression: EString)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'Parameter','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EString'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 389 e 3 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJYgN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@3077bc93 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis is a concrete class used to represent a menu item that replaces itself through\\r\\nthe execution of the associated client code. The supplied contribution will\\nprovide the appropriate MMenuElement model elements when queried.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.)'],'eModelElement':'DynamicMenuContribution'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJYgd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis is a concrete class used to represent a menu item that replaces itself through\\r\\nthe execution of the associated client code. The supplied contribution will\\nprovide the appropriate MMenuElem'}}" e 4 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_XLf8v96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@72d15ac3 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'DynamicMenuContribution','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@56821a2b (expression: MenuItem)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@60aa3e0d (expression: Contribution)']}}" _ e 1 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XQNezN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@298908c5 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis is a concrete class used to represent a menu item that replaces itself through\\r\\nthe execution of the associated client code. The supplied contribution will\\nprovide the appropriate MMenuElement model elements when queried.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'DynamicMenuContribution'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XQNezd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis is a concrete class used to represent a menu item that replaces itself through\\r\\nthe execution of the associated client code. The supplied contribution will\\nprovide the appropriate MMenuElem'}}" e [/INST] 4 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 374 e 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd3i96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@4e740376 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis is the concrete UI Model element representing a tool item that is managed\\r\\nthrough the Commands / Handlers infrastructure.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'HandledToolItem'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd3jN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis is the concrete UI Model element representing a tool item that is managed\\r\\nthrough the Commands / Handlers infrastructure.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" e 2 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_NZlWMN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@61f848fd (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'HandledToolItem','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@36e80d66 (expression: ToolItem)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@3a052dbd (expression: HandledItem)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJYHt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@7346ceff (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis is the concrete UI Model element representing a tool item that is managed\\r\\nthrough the Commands / Handlers infrastructure.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.)'],'eModelElement':'HandledToolItem'}}" e 4 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJYH96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis is the concrete UI Model element representing a tool item that is managed\\r\\nthrough the Commands / Handlers infrastructure.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to b'}}" e [/INST] 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 331 e 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_Wyx6gt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@69984020 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'RenderedMenu','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['contributionManager'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@4f781ea2 (expression: Menu)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJYLd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@5cfc720a (key: documentation, value: Do no use! This class will be removed at the beginning of Luna (4.4) development.\\r\\n@deprecated Use MMenu\\r\\n@noreference\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.)'],'eModelElement':'RenderedMenu'}}" e 1 3 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJYLt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'Do no use! This class will be removed at the beginning of Luna (4.4) development.\\r\\n@deprecated Use MMenu\\r\\n@noreference\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by cli'}}" e 0 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_Wyx6g96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@3a9f03a7 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'contributionManager','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EJavaObject','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@2e7e9199 (expression: EJavaObject)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'true','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'RenderedMenu','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EJavaObject'}}" e 2 4 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dqd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@112dcd94 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'contributionManager'}}" e 4 5 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dqt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e 39 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eClassifiers'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EPackage', 'attributes': {'id': '_WvA0mN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'menu','nsURI':'http://www.eclipse.org/ui/2010/UIModel/application/ui/menu','nsPrefix':'menu','eFactoryInstance':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EFactoryImpl@71afcb41','eClassifiers':['ItemType','Item','HandledItem','MenuElement','MenuItem','MenuSeparator','Menu','MenuContribution','PopupMenu','DirectMenuItem','HandledMenuItem','ToolItem','ToolBar','ToolBarElement','ToolControl','HandledToolItem','...'],'eSuperPackage':'ui'}}" _ e 39 24 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eClassifiers'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_W9euwt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@6576c5fc (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'OpaqueMenuItem','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['opaqueItem'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@7d403d94 (expression: MenuItem)']}}" e 24 25 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJYb96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@7ef8338f (key: documentation, value: Do no use! This class will be removed at the beginning of Luna (4.4) development.\\r\\n@deprecated Use MMenuItem\\r\\n@noreference This interface is not intended to be referenced by clients.\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.)'],'eModelElement':'OpaqueMenuItem'}}" e 25 27 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJYcN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'Do no use! This class will be removed at the beginning of Luna (4.4) development.\\r\\n@deprecated Use MMenuItem\\r\\n@noreference This interface is not intended to be referenced by clients.\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noi'}}" e 24 26 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_W9euw96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@598d152f (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'opaqueItem','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EJavaObject','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@355c4c53 (expression: EJavaObject)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'true','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'OpaqueMenuItem','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EJavaObject'}}" e 26 28 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4d696tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@a8772c7 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'opaqueItem'}}" e 28 29 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4d7N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e 39 12 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eClassifiers'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_W552QN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@6b6a9e3f (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'RenderedMenuItem','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['contributionItem'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@47f3a273 (expression: MenuItem)']}}" e 12 13 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJYYd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@22c38c41 (key: documentation, value: Do no use! This class will be removed at the beginning of Luna (4.4) development.\\r\\n@deprecated Use MMenuItem\\r\\n@noreference This interface is not intended to be referenced by clients.\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.)'],'eModelElement':'RenderedMenuItem'}}" e 13 15 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJYYt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'Do no use! This class will be removed at the beginning of Luna (4.4) development.\\r\\n@deprecated Use MMenuItem\\r\\n@noreference This interface is not intended to be referenced by clients.\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noi'}}" e 12 14 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_W552Qd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@13794baf (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'contributionItem','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EJavaObject','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@124284d7 (expression: EJavaObject)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'true','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'RenderedMenuItem','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EJavaObject'}}" e 14 16 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4d3d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@2c5db499 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'contributionItem'}}" e 16 17 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4d3t6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e 39 36 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eClassifiers'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_W9euyN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@559b4daf (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'OpaqueMenu','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@51d0cf91 (expression: Menu)']}}" e 36 37 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJYfd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@5fd55dc5 (key: documentation, value: Do no use! This class will be removed at the beginning of Luna (4.4) development.\\r\\n@deprecated Use MMenuItem\\r\\n@noreference This interface is not intended to be referenced by clients.\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.)'],'eModelElement':'OpaqueMenu'}}" e 37 38 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJYft6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'Do no use! This class will be removed at the beginning of Luna (4.4) development.\\r\\n@deprecated Use MMenuItem\\r\\n@noreference This interface is not intended to be referenced by clients.\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noi'}}" e 39 30 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eClassifiers'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_W9euxd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@79fccfd0 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'OpaqueMenuSeparator','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['opaqueItem'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@485c8d56 (expression: MenuSeparator)']}}" e 30 31 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJYdt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@2e152a68 (key: documentation, value: Do no use! This class will be removed at the beginning of Luna (4.4) development.\\r\\n@deprecated Use MMenuItem\\r\\n@noreference This interface is not intended to be referenced by clients.\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.)'],'eModelElement':'OpaqueMenuSeparator'}}" e 31 33 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJYd96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'Do no use! This class will be removed at the beginning of Luna (4.4) development.\\r\\n@deprecated Use MMenuItem\\r\\n@noreference This interface is not intended to be referenced by clients.\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noi'}}" e 30 32 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_W9euxt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@35a81479 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'opaqueItem','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EJavaObject','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@2df4e607 (expression: EJavaObject)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'true','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'OpaqueMenuSeparator','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EJavaObject'}}" e 32 34 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4d8t6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@2ab5cf53 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'opaqueItem'}}" e 34 35 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4d896tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e 39 18 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eClassifiers'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_XENB2N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@5f57626f (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'OpaqueToolItem','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['opaqueItem'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@1eeff457 (expression: ToolItem)']}}" e 18 19 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJYaN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@5935216e (key: documentation, value: Do no use! This class will be removed at the beginning of Luna (4.4) development.\\r\\n@deprecated Use MMenuItem\\r\\n@noreference This interface is not intended to be referenced by clients.\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.)'],'eModelElement':'OpaqueToolItem'}}" e 19 21 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJYad6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'Do no use! This class will be removed at the beginning of Luna (4.4) development.\\r\\n@deprecated Use MMenuItem\\r\\n@noreference This interface is not intended to be referenced by clients.\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noi'}}" e 18 20 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_XENB2d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@6802d2ec (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'opaqueItem','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EJavaObject','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@7c6cef22 (expression: EJavaObject)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'true','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'OpaqueToolItem','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EJavaObject'}}" e 20 22 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4d5N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@c229199 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'opaqueItem'}}" e 22 23 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4d5d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e 6 7 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_Wyx6hd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@4af16715 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'RenderedToolBar','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['contributionManager'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@354f5d45 (expression: ToolBar)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJYNN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@1059c58b (key: documentation, value: Do no use! This class will be removed at the beginning of Luna (4.4) development.\\r\\n@deprecated Use MToolBar\\r\\n@noreference\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.)'],'eModelElement':'RenderedToolBar'}}" e 7 9 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJYNd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'Do no use! This class will be removed at the beginning of Luna (4.4) development.\\r\\n@deprecated Use MToolBar\\r\\n@noreference\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by '}}" e 6 8 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_Wyx6ht6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@57e5e033 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'contributionManager','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EJavaObject','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@484616de (expression: EJavaObject)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'true','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'RenderedToolBar','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EJavaObject'}}" e 8 10 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dsN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@16edec15 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'contributionManager'}}" e 10 11 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dsd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 39 6 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eClassifiers'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 459 e 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKshN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@3965f209 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'commandName','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@6beda74 (expression: EString)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'Command','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EString'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cOt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@56c7c4d5 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'commandName'}}" e [/INST] 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cO96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 269 e 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd2l96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@6029b2df (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis class should be mixed into UI elements such as InputParts that need to \\r\\nreference an external resource (files...).\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'Input'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd2mN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis class should be mixed into UI elements such as InputParts that need to \\r\\nreference an external resource (files...).\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" e 4 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKsht6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@5b207562 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'Input','ePackage':'ui','abstract':'true','interface':'true','eStructuralFeatures':['inputURI']}}" _ e 4 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XRZwSt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@1790ebfa (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis class should be mixed into UI elements such as InputParts that need to \\r\\nreference an external resource (files...).\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@deprecated No longer used)'],'eModelElement':'Input'}}" e [/INST] 2 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XRZwS96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis class should be mixed into UI elements such as InputParts that need to \\r\\nreference an external resource (files...).\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@deprecated No longer used'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 82 e 4 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd28N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@7062576a (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis type defines the base type for 'stack' type containers. These containers are\\r\\nexpected to only show their currently 'selected' element.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'GenericStack'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd28d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis type defines the base type for 'stack' type containers. These containers are\\r\\nexpected to only show their currently 'selected' element.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0'}}" e 3 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_Qzw9zt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@68e63ded (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'GenericStack','ePackage':'ui','eTypeParameters':['T'],'abstract':'true','interface':'false','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@17e84d (expression: ElementContainer<T>)']}}" _ e 1 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoD4N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@720cd79a (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'GenericStack'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoD4d6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 3 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 501 e 0 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_WwW4RN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@54ab313e (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'curSharedRef','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'Placeholder','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@25e7ae5 (expression: Placeholder)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'true','unsettable':'false','derived':'true','eContainingClass':'UIElement','containment':'false','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'Placeholder'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4c0t6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@6bfb9f78 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'curSharedRef'}}" e [/INST] 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4c096tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 195 e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKsyd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'Application','ePackage':'application','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['commands','addons'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@229c5e77 (expression: ElementContainer<Window>)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@4f2fb297 (expression: Context)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@3fdb2e86 (expression: HandlerContainer)','...']}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_WvA0Cd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'addons','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'-1','many':'true','required':'false','eType':'Addon','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@2b3c9841 (expression: Addon)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'Application','containment':'true','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'Addon'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 544 e 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_NZlWKd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@4cdf8675 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'HandledMenuItem','ePackage':'menu','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@ad7b6e9 (expression: MenuItem)','org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@3316180d (expression: HandledItem)']}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dgt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@73c814d5 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'HandledMenuItem'}}" e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4dg96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 168 e 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd4lN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@215b2c34 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThe fully qualified path to the class implementing the behavior of the Part.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'contributionURI'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd4ld6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThe fully qualified path to the class implementing the behavior of the Part.\\r\\n</p>'}}" e 4 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_WvA1CN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@18d65115 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'contributionURI','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@6fd88db4 (expression: EString)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'PartDescriptor','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EString'}}" _ e 3 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4eoN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@64da2003 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'contributionURI'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4eod6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 4 3 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 600 e 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4eUt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@3fbab60 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'WindowElement'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4eU96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_WvA06N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@3ee8e563 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'WindowElement','ePackage':'basic','abstract':'true','interface':'true','eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@34a696ba (expression: UIElement)']}}" _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 645 e 0 4 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoDU96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@67bbf8e1 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0)'],'eModelElement':'Parameter'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XNoDVN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e 3 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKsid6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@2b98ac74 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'Parameter','ePackage':'commands','abstract':'false','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['name','value'],'eGenericSuperTypes':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@49fc6ee2 (expression: ApplicationElement)']}}" _ e 1 2 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cc96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@329d4c53 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'Parameter'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cdN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 3 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 294 e [/INST] 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attribute'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKslt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'widget','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EJavaObject','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@49652dc3 (expression: EJavaObject)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'true','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'UIElement','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EJavaObject'}}" "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attributeValue', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributeName': 'derived', 'valueBefore': 'false', 'valueAfter': 'true'}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 438 e 1 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4b7t6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@618e153a (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'contributorURI'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4b796tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_XB8-Ot6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@3f8ad24b (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'contributorURI','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@1a5b342b (expression: EString)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'ApplicationElement','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EString'}}" _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 0 e 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKsc96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'ApplicationElement','ePackage':'application','abstract':'true','interface':'false','eStructuralFeatures':['elementId','tags','contributorURI','tranientData','clonableSnippets']}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_XDwVDN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'tranientData','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EMap','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@2c6cd9d (expression: EMap<EString, EJavaObject>)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'true','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'ApplicationElement','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EMap'}}" e [/INST] 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eStructuralFeatures'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_XDwVEN6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'clonableSnippets','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'-1','many':'true','required':'false','eType':'ApplicationElement','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@2938e53a (expression: ApplicationElement)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'ApplicationElement','containment':'true','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'ApplicationElement'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 350 e 1 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJXKt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@2d18b853 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis class should be mixed into UI elements such as InputParts that need to \\r\\nreference an external resource (files...).\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.\\r\\n@deprecated No longer used)'],'eModelElement':'Input'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XSJXK96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis class should be mixed into UI elements such as InputParts that need to \\r\\nreference an external resource (files...).\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@noimplement This interface is not intended to be imple'}}" e 2 1 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EClass', 'attributes': {'id': '_LWKsht6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@15b149a2 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'Input','ePackage':'ui','abstract':'true','interface':'true','eStructuralFeatures':['inputURI']}}" _ e 2 3 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XRZwSt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@20d01c98 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis class should be mixed into UI elements such as InputParts that need to \\r\\nreference an external resource (files...).\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@deprecated No longer used)'],'eModelElement':'Input'}}" e [/INST] 3 4 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" _ "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XRZwS96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis class should be mixed into UI elements such as InputParts that need to \\r\\nreference an external resource (files...).\\r\\n</p>\\r\\n@since 1.0\\r\\n@deprecated No longer used'}}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 315 e [/INST] 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attribute'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributes': {'id': '_Wyx6ht6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'name':'contributionManager','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EJavaObject','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@21014211 (expression: EJavaObject)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'true','unsettable':'false','derived':'true','eContainingClass':'RenderedToolBar','iD':'false','eAttributeType':'EJavaObject'}}" "{'changeType': 'Change', 'type': 'attributeValue', 'className': 'EAttribute', 'attributeName': 'derived', 'valueBefore': 'true', 'valueAfter': 'false'}" $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 480 e 2 0 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cgt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@2642cf25 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under each type and attribute.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'getLocalizedName'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XM4cg96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\n<strong>Developers</strong>:\\r\\nAdd more detailed documentation by editing this comment in \\r\\norg.eclipse.ui.model.workbench/model/UIElements.ecore. \\r\\nThere is a GenModel/documentation node under ea'}}" e [/INST] 1 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EOperation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XFPjC96tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@618bc7c1 (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'getLocalizedName','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'1','many':'false','required':'false','eType':'EString','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@63974ddd (expression: EString)','eContainingClass':'Category'}}" _ $$ </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are an assistant that is given a list of change graphs in an edge format. That is, the graph is given edge by edge. The graphs are directed, labeled graphs. An edge is serialized as "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label" Labels are dictionaries. If a node appears in more than one edge, the second time it appears it is replaced by "_" to avoid repetition. E.g.: e 0 1 a b bar e 1 2 bla _ foo The second edge here would be equivalent to: "e 1 2 bla bar foo" There are some change graphs given as examples. Graphs are separated by " $$ --- ". The last graph in this list of graphs is not yet complete. Exactly one edge is missing. Your task is it, to complete the last graph by guessing the last edge. You can guess this typically by looking at the examples and trying to deduce the patterns in the examples. Give this missing edge in the format "e src_id tgt_id edge_label src_label tgt_label". Note that the beginning "e" is already part of the prompt. <</SYS>>t # 624 e 0 1 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd1196tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@47d12cf2 (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis is a Strimg to String map that can be used to persist information avout model\\r\\nelements across program sessions. The format of the 'value' string is defined by\\r\\nthe code setting the value into the map. Information stored in this map is part of\\r\\nthe model and will be persisted and restored as such.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'persistedState'}}" "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XPd12N6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis is a Strimg to String map that can be used to persist information avout model\\r\\nelements across program sessions. The format of the 'value' string is defined by\\r\\nthe code setting the value in'}}" e 2 3 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'details'}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EAnnotation', 'attributes': {'id': '_XYlVmd6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'source':'http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel','details':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EStringToStringMapEntryImpl@207865d (key: documentation, value: <p>\\r\\nThis is a String to String map that can be used to persist information about model\\r\\nelements across program restarts. The format of the 'value' string is defined by\\r\\nthe code setting the value into the map. Information stored in this map is part of\\r\\nthe model and will be persisted and restored as such.\\r\\n</p>)'],'eModelElement':'persistedState'}}" "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EStringToStringMapEntry', 'attributes': {'id': '_XYlVmt6tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'key':'documentation','value':'<p>\\r\\nThis is a String to String map that can be used to persist information about model\\r\\nelements across program restarts. The format of the 'value' string is defined by\\r\\nthe code setting the value in'}}" e 4 2 "{'changeType': 'Add', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" "{'changeType': 'Preserve', 'type': 'object', 'className': 'EReference', 'attributes': {'id': '_VM3r796tEei97MD7GK1RmA', 'eAnnotations':['org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EAnnotationImpl@39c7840a (source: http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/GenModel)'],'name':'persistedState','ordered':'true','unique':'true','lowerBound':'0','upperBound':'-1','many':'true','required':'false','eType':'StringToStringMap','eGenericType':'org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EGenericTypeImpl@366637c7 (expression: StringToStringMap)','changeable':'true','volatile':'false','transient':'false','unsettable':'false','derived':'false','eContainingClass':'ApplicationElement','containment':'true','container':'false','resolveProxies':'true','eReferenceType':'StringToStringMap'}}" _ e [/INST] 4 0 "{'changeType': 'Remove', 'type': 'reference', 'referenceTypeName': 'eAnnotations'}" _ _ $$ </s>

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