Question: I've been fighting a binge eating disorder nearly my entire life. It's been painful and I've done everything I could think of: tapping, 30 variations on diets, fasting, seeing a holistic doctor, tapping, reading millions of books, seeing a counselor. After all the effort, I finally threw my hands up and realized I must have a really serious problem. I'm talking about stuffing my face when I DON'T WANT TO. Realizing that was scary, made me no different than an addict. So I went to a 12-step program for "compulsive eaters" - it's the most helpful solution so far. Not perfect, but crazy what it's done for me. Do any of you identify with the addition thing? Have any of you tried 12 step programs? Would love to hear! Xoxo A Answer: Yes, happy to chat about it! Its true, it is spiritually based, but not religious. All the meetings I've attended are on the phone, which is nice :) hopefully we can get through this together, it is not easy! How can I help? What are you curious about?
Question: I will do well for 4-5 days or so, and then boom!!! I will binge eat on the 6th or 7th day. This is freaking annoying. I don't know how to stop it for good? Any clue? I have tried logging everything and writing down emotions but nothing. Any advice on where to start to finally tackle this issue? Answer: Are you restricting your food intake? That can be a binge trigger. I know I used to start feeling the urge to binge after not eating enough for a few days.
Question: I will do well for 4-5 days or so, and then boom!!! I will binge eat on the 6th or 7th day. This is freaking annoying. I don't know how to stop it for good? Any clue? I have tried logging everything and writing down emotions but nothing. Any advice on where to start to finally tackle this issue? Answer: Welll I do avoid overeating during weekdays and I feel like I have a lot of control over those days. Once I reach Friday/weekend I feel like I ruin everything! There were instances where my binges occurred during weekdays too, but these happen rarely. I mostly have salad with chicken for lunch and meat or fish with maybe some quinoa and salad for dinner. Breakfast is fruit with eggs and a piece of bread or yogurt with fruit. Thank you for replying by the way! And what did you eat exactly when you say you were restricting your food intake?
Question: I will do well for 4-5 days or so, and then boom!!! I will binge eat on the 6th or 7th day. This is freaking annoying. I don't know how to stop it for good? Any clue? I have tried logging everything and writing down emotions but nothing. Any advice on where to start to finally tackle this issue? Answer: I ate different stuff all the time, but I used to count calories and I was setting my calorie goal too low. By doing that, my brain would think i was going to starve and would urge me to eat a bunch of food to compensate. Restricting can also be not allowing yourself to eat foods that you really want. You end up rebelling against yourself and then eating all the foods and then some. By looking at the sample you gave, you may not be eating enough. Of course that depends on a lot of things - your age, height, weight, etc. You could also be relying on willpower during the week and when the weekend comes your willpower is tapped out and you have a strong craving or desire for the foods you don't allow yourself to have during the week.
Question: I will do well for 4-5 days or so, and then boom!!! I will binge eat on the 6th or 7th day. This is freaking annoying. I don't know how to stop it for good? Any clue? I have tried logging everything and writing down emotions but nothing. Any advice on where to start to finally tackle this issue? Answer: My other half went through the exact same problem at 1st 10 months later he went from 30 stone to 12. During that 10 months he made a journal logging each day. What he had done, eaten, how he had felt, what triggered that feeling. From day 1 to the end you could see the struggle to the mind change. Start is always the hardest. The thoughts and the worry can set you back but baby steps can help out a lot. From him being unable to walk more than 50 metres without breaking a sweat, to him walking 7 miles and wanting more within 10 months is a huge milestone in such a little time. His journal may give you a point in the right direction and it will be something you can relate with. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00RS1HVHY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_3I.eybPNP6CZM it's free for prime users and we'll worth the read. You won't feel alone. His twitter is @becauseiwasfat If anything it's worth a look
Question: I will do well for 4-5 days or so, and then boom!!! I will binge eat on the 6th or 7th day. This is freaking annoying. I don't know how to stop it for good? Any clue? I have tried logging everything and writing down emotions but nothing. Any advice on where to start to finally tackle this issue? Answer: Boy does this sound similar to something that I was doing too. I am going to assume, based on my story that this is related to food, fitness, and the need to eat clean. Please let me know if this assumption is correct. If it is correct you might find these lessons I learned from my experience helpful. I am always happy to answer questions if you want to follow up [email protected] 1. First, I needed to admit there was a problem. For three going on four years, I blamed my drive and my dreams for my actions. Ignoring people in my life hinting at me that I may have a problem, including family, close friends, and my girlfriend. I lied to myself, rationalizing it with the mask of a cheat meal. As the punishment for binging increased, so did the amount of times I binged. At first it was once a week, then every couple days. Soon it was every other day, until it consumed my thoughts at all times. There were instances where I would drive to Walmart just to eat all the food I could before coming home. Chances are if you are reading this it is because you are looking for help. Good for you! You are already lightyears ahead of where I was! 2. I learned to love myself for me, and to be honest, I am still learning how to do this. Today, the emulated physique is seen as happiness. It is published on social media, magazines, and posters as the symbol of happiness. I believed it and I chased and chased it. I had it for some time and I was still just as miserable. How you look will not make you happy! Now don’t twist those words as an excuse to just let yourself become overweight. We have to learn to accept our imperfections. We all have them and everyone tries to hide them. Here are my flaws (some I can fix, others are what they are): Relationships: I am awful. I wrecked a 15 year friendship with a high school sweetheart. I was selfish and an asshole. I can also be abrasive and brutal with little to no compassion. However since I have shared this personal story, I have gotten better. Although I am by no means finished working on this. Skin Damage: I never wore sunscreen as a kid. Now I have moles, freckles, and scars. Some I wish weren’t there. Some girls won’t even talk to me because of them. I am not “sexy” enough. They aren’t “interested”. Don’t let your imperfections stop you from loving yourself. You are the only you this world will ever see so embrace yourself. Perhaps the worst thing about this cycle was I hated myself, I hated my life and I didn’t even want to look in the mirror. I thought I was a failure and that I would never make it. I even contemplated suicide. When I would binge, I would punish myself. Avoid this. Remember life is meant to be enjoyed. Life is much too short to never treat yourself to what you love to eat despite whether it’s ‘good for you’. Look yourself in the mirror and say “I LOVE myself” at least 10 times a day, if not more. P.S. try not to smile when you say this (harder than you think). 3. Thirdly, there is no such thing as good food, bad food. Placing labels on food, leads us to ban them from our intake. We say, “No, No, No, No, No…” We push for the perfect diet and once we eat this food that does not fall into this neat diet box, we throw our hands up saying we failed so now is the time to eat everything we can. This leads to punishment, which then leads to more restrictions. This is the vicious cycle we as binge eaters face. I used to believe it myself - that there was clean food and bad food. It simply is this manifested idea. If you ask a vegan, he/she will say animal based foods are not clean. Someone who is a vegetarian will disagree and say it is just animal products that are not clean. Then a paleo guy runs in screaming about how meat is clean, but grains aren’t. Adopt my grandmother’s wise old adage of “everything in moderation.” This brings me to my next point… 4. Always practice moderation. You can eat whatever you want, just not all at once. I believe I heard Layne Norton say this – it’s like the 11th commandment. When I first began to escape cycle, I would eat one “treat” at every meal. Nothing crazy, but this allowed me to still get my “fix” so I wouldn’t binge. Any action in the right direction gave me more motivation and encouragement to keep improving. The small wins kept snowballing into large victories later that slammed the door on binging. Disclaimer, it is wiser to eat this food item from a plate than from the container. Don’t test your will to fight binging if you do not have too. As the old saying goes, “work smarter, not harder.” 5. No more crazy spreadsheets and tracking of nutrients line item by line item like an accountant. I did not worry about counting calories and the works. I would instead eat three meals - breakfast, lunch and supper, possibly a snack if I was hungry. I would eat slowly, and as I began to feel fuller I would stop eating. You may be like me and scared that you’ll get fat. Well what is your other choice? You can keep binge eating, which is not working because you wouldn’t be reading this right now if it was. Or you can reach out and try something new. 6. Remember that you do not need the scale to help you. It’s about small wins, and trust me, they add up. Most people overestimate the damage of a binge. You need to eat in excess of 3500 calories over your normal intake to gain a pound of fat. It is not as bad as we create in our minds. Additionally, when we stand on the scale after a binge, our body is bloated, full of food, sodium, and other goodies. This only compounds the guilt feeling. 7. Learn to enjoy social eating. What about eating at restaurants and parties? Parties were my kryptonite. The amount of food that I saw while feeling I needed to eat enough to feed three people – it was as stressful as it gets. What helped me to win at parties was I made this a game in my head (who cares no one else knows..). I am very competitive; I hate losing even if it’s go fish with a girlfriend. Since eating slower and not getting seconds was a struggle at first, the game I created was to be the last one done eating and the last one to get seconds. This helped me in many ways. First it helped me eat slower as I talked with people and this helped to repair the relationships I had damaged in the past. Next, I was not over eating any longer. Often I had waited so long, I now realized I was actually full. Earlier, I’d have eaten so quickly it wouldn’t register in my brain. 8. Workout for fun! For so long in this process I trained for results, never for goals. I simply worked out to look good - that’s it! It was the complete wrong direction. It made training no fun and I dreaded every gym session. It doesn’t matter if you are into bodybuilding, figure, physique, cross fit, powerlifting, strongman, marathons, etc. Just train for fun. Train to get better and challenge yourself. For me this was powerlifting.
Question: I am a very emotional eater and have been all my life. Unfortunately I also struggle with depression. I believe these things are linked. There was a point where I had lost a lot of weight through Weight Watchers and was controlling myself very well. I felt good and was at a healthy weight for the first time since I was a kid. Then my best friend of 6 years decided that I was too depressing to be friends with anymore and that's when everything went to shit. I got so depressed that I stopped caring about what and how much I was eating and started smoking marijuana every day so I could sleep through the night and not feel so much pain from the loss. Problem is, smoking made it much easier to eat more. That was when all my good eating habits went out the window. Within a few months I gained 10 pounds of the 40 I'd lost, and that may not seem like a lot, but now my jeans don't fit right and I feel like I'm spilling out of everything. I feel disgusting. But now I can't stop binging, especially when I start to feel depressed. I also can't stop smoking weed because now I rely on it to help my insomnia. Sleeping isn't all I use it for though, when I start getting sad, I smoke because it numbs me and then I eat because it comforts me. The two are a great and terrible combination. Now it's been a year since all the shit with my ex best friend, but I'm still 10 pounds heavier and can't stop binging. I started Weight Watchers again a few days ago but by day 3, I lost control and binged on anything I could find. That was last night, and now I feel like a fucking failure and am doubtful that I will ever be able to get good eating habits back. I don't know what to do, but I am so tired of hating myself... Answer: I totally relate. I struggled with weight loss and then gain from bingeing a few times and I also used to smoke weed everyday. With all of what you have going on it's hard to make a big change. One of the biggest hurdles to jump over is being able to feel your emotions. Smoking will numb them, but they're still there once the high goes away. We also eat to numb and again, doesn't make them go away. It's important to learn how to experience emotions without trying to run away from them. I know right now it may seem like you'll ever get back on track, but it's important to not give up. You can do it. You were able to lose 40 pounds. That takes strength. You have strength, you just need to find it again.
Question: I am a very emotional eater and have been all my life. Unfortunately I also struggle with depression. I believe these things are linked. There was a point where I had lost a lot of weight through Weight Watchers and was controlling myself very well. I felt good and was at a healthy weight for the first time since I was a kid. Then my best friend of 6 years decided that I was too depressing to be friends with anymore and that's when everything went to shit. I got so depressed that I stopped caring about what and how much I was eating and started smoking marijuana every day so I could sleep through the night and not feel so much pain from the loss. Problem is, smoking made it much easier to eat more. That was when all my good eating habits went out the window. Within a few months I gained 10 pounds of the 40 I'd lost, and that may not seem like a lot, but now my jeans don't fit right and I feel like I'm spilling out of everything. I feel disgusting. But now I can't stop binging, especially when I start to feel depressed. I also can't stop smoking weed because now I rely on it to help my insomnia. Sleeping isn't all I use it for though, when I start getting sad, I smoke because it numbs me and then I eat because it comforts me. The two are a great and terrible combination. Now it's been a year since all the shit with my ex best friend, but I'm still 10 pounds heavier and can't stop binging. I started Weight Watchers again a few days ago but by day 3, I lost control and binged on anything I could find. That was last night, and now I feel like a fucking failure and am doubtful that I will ever be able to get good eating habits back. I don't know what to do, but I am so tired of hating myself... Answer: You're right, I am going to work on feeling my emotions instead of running away from them. Thank you so much for this comment, it is exactly what I needed today, I appreciate you so much. ❤
Question: I am a very emotional eater and have been all my life. Unfortunately I also struggle with depression. I believe these things are linked. There was a point where I had lost a lot of weight through Weight Watchers and was controlling myself very well. I felt good and was at a healthy weight for the first time since I was a kid. Then my best friend of 6 years decided that I was too depressing to be friends with anymore and that's when everything went to shit. I got so depressed that I stopped caring about what and how much I was eating and started smoking marijuana every day so I could sleep through the night and not feel so much pain from the loss. Problem is, smoking made it much easier to eat more. That was when all my good eating habits went out the window. Within a few months I gained 10 pounds of the 40 I'd lost, and that may not seem like a lot, but now my jeans don't fit right and I feel like I'm spilling out of everything. I feel disgusting. But now I can't stop binging, especially when I start to feel depressed. I also can't stop smoking weed because now I rely on it to help my insomnia. Sleeping isn't all I use it for though, when I start getting sad, I smoke because it numbs me and then I eat because it comforts me. The two are a great and terrible combination. Now it's been a year since all the shit with my ex best friend, but I'm still 10 pounds heavier and can't stop binging. I started Weight Watchers again a few days ago but by day 3, I lost control and binged on anything I could find. That was last night, and now I feel like a fucking failure and am doubtful that I will ever be able to get good eating habits back. I don't know what to do, but I am so tired of hating myself... Answer: Glad I could help :)
Question: I am a very emotional eater and have been all my life. Unfortunately I also struggle with depression. I believe these things are linked. There was a point where I had lost a lot of weight through Weight Watchers and was controlling myself very well. I felt good and was at a healthy weight for the first time since I was a kid. Then my best friend of 6 years decided that I was too depressing to be friends with anymore and that's when everything went to shit. I got so depressed that I stopped caring about what and how much I was eating and started smoking marijuana every day so I could sleep through the night and not feel so much pain from the loss. Problem is, smoking made it much easier to eat more. That was when all my good eating habits went out the window. Within a few months I gained 10 pounds of the 40 I'd lost, and that may not seem like a lot, but now my jeans don't fit right and I feel like I'm spilling out of everything. I feel disgusting. But now I can't stop binging, especially when I start to feel depressed. I also can't stop smoking weed because now I rely on it to help my insomnia. Sleeping isn't all I use it for though, when I start getting sad, I smoke because it numbs me and then I eat because it comforts me. The two are a great and terrible combination. Now it's been a year since all the shit with my ex best friend, but I'm still 10 pounds heavier and can't stop binging. I started Weight Watchers again a few days ago but by day 3, I lost control and binged on anything I could find. That was last night, and now I feel like a fucking failure and am doubtful that I will ever be able to get good eating habits back. I don't know what to do, but I am so tired of hating myself... Answer: I can really relate - coming off of a similar journey - joined OA, lost 40 lbs, stopped bingeing, and experienced huge shifts in my life, then relapsed and couldn't stop bingeing. I'm currently a week into not bingeing, and what has been helping me finally string together some days is really focusing on one day at a time. Can I just make the loving choice for this one meal? And realizing that the food is self abuse, not comfort. Can I stop hurting myself just for the next hour? The brain has trouble with "not," so it's better to frame it in the positive, e.g when trying to stop bingeing, "is what I am doing right now kind to myself? Can I take even the smallest step right now toward being kind, even if it's just acknowledging, oh wow I must be hurting and uncomfortable and that's why I need this food right now"
Question: I am a very emotional eater and have been all my life. Unfortunately I also struggle with depression. I believe these things are linked. There was a point where I had lost a lot of weight through Weight Watchers and was controlling myself very well. I felt good and was at a healthy weight for the first time since I was a kid. Then my best friend of 6 years decided that I was too depressing to be friends with anymore and that's when everything went to shit. I got so depressed that I stopped caring about what and how much I was eating and started smoking marijuana every day so I could sleep through the night and not feel so much pain from the loss. Problem is, smoking made it much easier to eat more. That was when all my good eating habits went out the window. Within a few months I gained 10 pounds of the 40 I'd lost, and that may not seem like a lot, but now my jeans don't fit right and I feel like I'm spilling out of everything. I feel disgusting. But now I can't stop binging, especially when I start to feel depressed. I also can't stop smoking weed because now I rely on it to help my insomnia. Sleeping isn't all I use it for though, when I start getting sad, I smoke because it numbs me and then I eat because it comforts me. The two are a great and terrible combination. Now it's been a year since all the shit with my ex best friend, but I'm still 10 pounds heavier and can't stop binging. I started Weight Watchers again a few days ago but by day 3, I lost control and binged on anything I could find. That was last night, and now I feel like a fucking failure and am doubtful that I will ever be able to get good eating habits back. I don't know what to do, but I am so tired of hating myself... Answer: That's a great way to look at it. I am going to try using that, I think it would help a lot to feel like I am making the healthier choice instead of feeling like I'm limiting myself. Thank you for the advice! It's really relieving to know that I'm not the only one struggling with this. And I am going to try using this technique from now on. Good for you for going a week without binging! I wish you the best of luck.
Question: I am a very emotional eater and have been all my life. Unfortunately I also struggle with depression. I believe these things are linked. There was a point where I had lost a lot of weight through Weight Watchers and was controlling myself very well. I felt good and was at a healthy weight for the first time since I was a kid. Then my best friend of 6 years decided that I was too depressing to be friends with anymore and that's when everything went to shit. I got so depressed that I stopped caring about what and how much I was eating and started smoking marijuana every day so I could sleep through the night and not feel so much pain from the loss. Problem is, smoking made it much easier to eat more. That was when all my good eating habits went out the window. Within a few months I gained 10 pounds of the 40 I'd lost, and that may not seem like a lot, but now my jeans don't fit right and I feel like I'm spilling out of everything. I feel disgusting. But now I can't stop binging, especially when I start to feel depressed. I also can't stop smoking weed because now I rely on it to help my insomnia. Sleeping isn't all I use it for though, when I start getting sad, I smoke because it numbs me and then I eat because it comforts me. The two are a great and terrible combination. Now it's been a year since all the shit with my ex best friend, but I'm still 10 pounds heavier and can't stop binging. I started Weight Watchers again a few days ago but by day 3, I lost control and binged on anything I could find. That was last night, and now I feel like a fucking failure and am doubtful that I will ever be able to get good eating habits back. I don't know what to do, but I am so tired of hating myself... Answer: I identify with this, especially with the self hatred for wanting to lose weight and not seeing how my bingeing will ever help me get there. I too have been doing OA BIG BOOK GROUP for the past 2-3 months and I haven't binged since. I still do have problems with overeating sometimes though. I like what the other commenter said about taking it one day, one moment at a time. Getting that love and support from yourself might be a challenge, but maybe you can find that from us and other communities! We're here for you and we know EXACTLY what you're going through, cause we've been through it ourselves. Lots of love.
Question: I am a very emotional eater and have been all my life. Unfortunately I also struggle with depression. I believe these things are linked. There was a point where I had lost a lot of weight through Weight Watchers and was controlling myself very well. I felt good and was at a healthy weight for the first time since I was a kid. Then my best friend of 6 years decided that I was too depressing to be friends with anymore and that's when everything went to shit. I got so depressed that I stopped caring about what and how much I was eating and started smoking marijuana every day so I could sleep through the night and not feel so much pain from the loss. Problem is, smoking made it much easier to eat more. That was when all my good eating habits went out the window. Within a few months I gained 10 pounds of the 40 I'd lost, and that may not seem like a lot, but now my jeans don't fit right and I feel like I'm spilling out of everything. I feel disgusting. But now I can't stop binging, especially when I start to feel depressed. I also can't stop smoking weed because now I rely on it to help my insomnia. Sleeping isn't all I use it for though, when I start getting sad, I smoke because it numbs me and then I eat because it comforts me. The two are a great and terrible combination. Now it's been a year since all the shit with my ex best friend, but I'm still 10 pounds heavier and can't stop binging. I started Weight Watchers again a few days ago but by day 3, I lost control and binged on anything I could find. That was last night, and now I feel like a fucking failure and am doubtful that I will ever be able to get good eating habits back. I don't know what to do, but I am so tired of hating myself... Answer: With all this support I have been getting from you and everyone here on Reddit, I am starting to find real hope that I can overcome this obstacle. Knowing that there are people like you that truly understand and have been through the same things that I'm going through makes me feel so much less alone. Thank you so much for inspiring and encouraging me! It means so much more than I can even express. Peace and love to you in all aspects of your life. 🕉❤🌙
Question: I am a very emotional eater and have been all my life. Unfortunately I also struggle with depression. I believe these things are linked. There was a point where I had lost a lot of weight through Weight Watchers and was controlling myself very well. I felt good and was at a healthy weight for the first time since I was a kid. Then my best friend of 6 years decided that I was too depressing to be friends with anymore and that's when everything went to shit. I got so depressed that I stopped caring about what and how much I was eating and started smoking marijuana every day so I could sleep through the night and not feel so much pain from the loss. Problem is, smoking made it much easier to eat more. That was when all my good eating habits went out the window. Within a few months I gained 10 pounds of the 40 I'd lost, and that may not seem like a lot, but now my jeans don't fit right and I feel like I'm spilling out of everything. I feel disgusting. But now I can't stop binging, especially when I start to feel depressed. I also can't stop smoking weed because now I rely on it to help my insomnia. Sleeping isn't all I use it for though, when I start getting sad, I smoke because it numbs me and then I eat because it comforts me. The two are a great and terrible combination. Now it's been a year since all the shit with my ex best friend, but I'm still 10 pounds heavier and can't stop binging. I started Weight Watchers again a few days ago but by day 3, I lost control and binged on anything I could find. That was last night, and now I feel like a fucking failure and am doubtful that I will ever be able to get good eating habits back. I don't know what to do, but I am so tired of hating myself... Answer: I really agree with @Kir22. Something I did personally for emotions was replace my addictions. What I mean is instead of being addicted or obsessed with habits that were bad for me. I turned my addictions into something good, I applied myself in school, I like 3D-printing so I started to research all I could, I picked up guitar. Try that instead of grabbing food or a joint try grabbing something you are obsessed with, it doesn't matter so much as to what, just do something you lose yourself in like reading, learning how to dance, play an instrument, or train for marathons, or riding horses, or whatever gets you off and excited:)
Question: Hi. I need some advice. My binge eating is starting to return and need help. I have an appointment with my doctor in a few weeks and want to be prepared. A while back I used sibutramine but that was taken off the market. I loved that drug. It made me feel "normal" again. I was a healthy weight and never binged. I've taken adderall xr previously and it was great for binge eating but nothing compared to sibutramine. I have adrenal fatigue and didn't want to make it worse so I stopped. I started taking Memantine last year and I've been on 10mg daily. Memantine helped really well the first few months but lately I've noticed it not working as well. Also, fat burners OTC don't seem to give me that kick any more. Not sure if the memantine is interfering with that or if I just have a stimulant tolerance. I am reaching out for advice. I was considering vyvanse off and on for months now. I'm not sure I want to go down that road. It seems miraculous but if it means I'd be worse off 10 years down the line it isn't worth it. I've also considered Wellbutrin. It has mostly positive reviews. I found some research I've posted below and may consider a few of the drugs listed. The anti epilepsy drugs are interesting to me. Topamax is listed but the memory issues assoicated with the drug are not worth it. Zonegran seems somewhat promising but again, memory loss is not what I want. I already have ADHD and struggle with reading and speaking. Can people give experiences on the following: 1. Vyvance 2. Wellbutrin 3. Zonegran 4. Memantine Here is the article I referred to above. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3363296/ Answer: I have been prescribed Vyvanse for BED for almost a year now. It has been a huge help with food cravings and obsessive thoughts about food. I had been doing really well on it, and then stopped taking it for a couple months because I was trying to get pregnant. I struggled big time without it, so went back on it but am struggling to remember to take it regularly so am not back on track yet. I never had any problems with anxiety or feeling high from it, truly the only difference I felt was that I wasn't thinking about food all the time and could go longer periods of time between meals. My doctor started me out at 20mg daily and I worked up to 50mg daily. I also participate in individual therapy every two weeks. I don't think my doctor would be willing to prescribe if I wasn't active in treatment (individual therapy). I also take Wellbutrin, but not specifically for BED, I take it for depression. I didn't notice a difference in eating/food thoughts when I started it, but I did notice feeling more motivated. I got up early and it was easier to get things done around the house. Hope that helps!
Question: Like the title says my girlfriend is currently dealing with bulimia and she refuses to get help. She's barely eating to keep herself from binging and just because we ate together she threatened to break up because she feels I trigger her to binge so I had to promise we wouldn't eat together anymore. I don't know what to do. She takes my advice as criticism and feels that I'm lying every time I tell her she's beautiful to me and that I don't think she's fat. Does anyone have advice? Answer: It's not your fault bro. I've been there and back. Sometimes the only thing we can do and say is that we will be there for them. She is currently at the point where she is losing control and even trying to help her is seen as negativity and being against her. So for now, simply tell her that you will be there to support her and that you will stay next to her. 2nd step is to find her a support group in the form eating disorder group sessions and a medical therapist. You must do the 2nd step, remember you cannot do this alone! Hang in there man! Your efforts are not in vain!
Question: Like the title says my girlfriend is currently dealing with bulimia and she refuses to get help. She's barely eating to keep herself from binging and just because we ate together she threatened to break up because she feels I trigger her to binge so I had to promise we wouldn't eat together anymore. I don't know what to do. She takes my advice as criticism and feels that I'm lying every time I tell her she's beautiful to me and that I don't think she's fat. Does anyone have advice? Answer: Well the problem with step two is that she refuses to see a therapist. She thinks she can get better by herself.
Question: Like the title says my girlfriend is currently dealing with bulimia and she refuses to get help. She's barely eating to keep herself from binging and just because we ate together she threatened to break up because she feels I trigger her to binge so I had to promise we wouldn't eat together anymore. I don't know what to do. She takes my advice as criticism and feels that I'm lying every time I tell her she's beautiful to me and that I don't think she's fat. Does anyone have advice? Answer: yup but u still gotta do step 2 if she wants to recover. don't push it on her but be ready when she is ready to get help. u gotta wait now until she is ready to seek help, when she understands that she can't get better from this alone.
Question: Like the title says my girlfriend is currently dealing with bulimia and she refuses to get help. She's barely eating to keep herself from binging and just because we ate together she threatened to break up because she feels I trigger her to binge so I had to promise we wouldn't eat together anymore. I don't know what to do. She takes my advice as criticism and feels that I'm lying every time I tell her she's beautiful to me and that I don't think she's fat. Does anyone have advice? Answer: Okay so I was in this spot not too long ago. Except I was in your girlfriends position. She's gotta accept the fact that she is bulimic and ect. She has to learn that what's she's doing is actually bad for her, and even if she says she knows, she wouldn't be doing it if she knew. Tell her to bring it up with some close friends or family or whatnot, that's what my boyfriend did, and since its been so long, it had become a norm for her to do this. If she constantly weighs herself, hide the scales. Promise her that you'll be there to support her through it all, and that you advise her to go to therapy. Don't constantly pressure her with it, just slowly coax the idea onto her and suggest that you'll go with her too if she feels comfortable enough. It took me a whole to eat a full meal and not feel bad for it, but it takes time. Although I fixed this issue on my own because it wasn't as long and because I told family and friends and they supported me through it. Tell her it's okay to ask for help and if she says she doesn't need it explain to her how much it's hurting you to see her like this but don't try to guilt trip her into doing it. It's kind of tricky but I believe you can do that. She wouldn't be only helping herself, but the others around her to see her get better.
Question: Like the title says my girlfriend is currently dealing with bulimia and she refuses to get help. She's barely eating to keep herself from binging and just because we ate together she threatened to break up because she feels I trigger her to binge so I had to promise we wouldn't eat together anymore. I don't know what to do. She takes my advice as criticism and feels that I'm lying every time I tell her she's beautiful to me and that I don't think she's fat. Does anyone have advice? Answer: Your story lets me see things from my boyfriends side. He too gives me compliments all the time, and assures me I am not fat. Which does help, it really does. But I still do it. I don't think the threatening to break up thing is healthy for you two. While I personally do have my own issues I'd never put blame on my SO or cause them hurt for trying to help me with something that is clearly hurting me mentally and in time physically. But I've known for a long time/accepted the fact that I'm hurting myself. Maybe she doesn't see the significance yet. I guess my only advice would be to research the cause and affect and really let her know she's hurting herself. Other than that, she can only really change herself. Be good to you too.
Question: Like the title says my girlfriend is currently dealing with bulimia and she refuses to get help. She's barely eating to keep herself from binging and just because we ate together she threatened to break up because she feels I trigger her to binge so I had to promise we wouldn't eat together anymore. I don't know what to do. She takes my advice as criticism and feels that I'm lying every time I tell her she's beautiful to me and that I don't think she's fat. Does anyone have advice? Answer: She's agreed to getting counselling and it's not really threatening to break up. It's more like "how can you like me? how can you deal with my problems? you should break up with me."
Question: Like the title says my girlfriend is currently dealing with bulimia and she refuses to get help. She's barely eating to keep herself from binging and just because we ate together she threatened to break up because she feels I trigger her to binge so I had to promise we wouldn't eat together anymore. I don't know what to do. She takes my advice as criticism and feels that I'm lying every time I tell her she's beautiful to me and that I don't think she's fat. Does anyone have advice? Answer: She feels like she's 'a disgusting pig' and that there's no way my attraction to her and love for her can be genuine. When in reality she's average sized and I find her very attractive. She just thinks just because she's not super skinny she's automatically fat.
Question: Hi everyone, Just wanted to make sure I did the right thing and hoping to get some words of wisdom from you lovely people. Im almost 30 and have been bulimic for over 15 years. I am finally sick of it and want to get my life sorted so at 29 years old just quit my job with much career potential to set off and backpack for a few months and address what I want and need in life to hopefully get over this once and for all. Was this a rash move? Has anyone done something similar? Answer: hi- You know I am actually planning to do something very similar! I'm 29, been bulimic for 10 years. I have tried everything to recover- rehabs, hospitals, therapy, volunteering, so many meds, so many jobs, went to nursing school and couldn't handle it due to this evil sickness. I plan to work a little more til my apartment lease ends this spring to keep up decent rental history, wisely research and choose a camper van, pare down my possessions, and travel the continent and work with WWOOF (Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms, an organization that connects you with farmers/homesteaders who host travelers to stay on their property, and learn a ton of new farming-related skills in exchange for work). I feel that can be really helpful with my recovery by throwing me into these new situations where I won't have access to constant food and will be emotionally/physically stimulated in a very new way. And in between farm stays, if I find a job I like in a new place, do that. I don't think it's rash. I think it's a radical change and could lead to some new places. I don't have anyone relying on me so I am free to go. I am trying to plan it wisely however and make sure I am ready. It will always be a struggle I think. Recovery I feel will be lifelong, but I need to try something bold. Nothing else is working for me. I also feel that bulimia has probably taken years off my life so I'd rather go for that wild dream now before it's too late. maybe we could meet up on our future travels! Note- I am not giving you advice, or telling you to do this - just expressing that I am exploring this idea too.
Question: Hi everyone, Just wanted to make sure I did the right thing and hoping to get some words of wisdom from you lovely people. Im almost 30 and have been bulimic for over 15 years. I am finally sick of it and want to get my life sorted so at 29 years old just quit my job with much career potential to set off and backpack for a few months and address what I want and need in life to hopefully get over this once and for all. Was this a rash move? Has anyone done something similar? Answer: Oh my gosh - you have no idea how shocked and relieved I was when reading your reply. It's crazy that as strangers on the internet I've found someone so incredibly similar overnight when all these years I've felt so alone... You're absolutely right though. I've thought about this for months now and perhaps reaching this pivotal point in life really makes me want to set things straight for good. It's become so easy for me to block it out and accept it as part of my life - I'm barely even there when I'm engaging in a cycle now. A switch (trigger) just flips and then it's all autopilot from there until after I purge and pass out. The human mind is a fascinating thing... but I digress. So thinking about it, if I spend at least 2-3 hours on a BP cycle everyday, that's a LOT of hours wasted on amazing things I could have done in the last 15 years. I've also tried plenty of times to recover but to no avail, so I'm hoping that by putting myself in a tough situation I can learn to love life, appreciate the beauty of food and my daily existence. This extreme feels like the only way to help myself now... But at least we are definitely serious about recovering! So I'm really hoping it will work and I'm also a bit excited and giddy about what my life might become when I'm finally free from its chains. By the way, I've chosen to backpack across South America and volunteer throughout the continent, whether that's teaching underprivileged kids or building homes, going back to basics essentially. Your plan sounds incredible though and actually a lot more invested and braver than mine... I definitely support your idea of working on a farm, the physical/ emotional stimuli and being able to appreciate food for what it is, again going back to basics. It'd be so awesome if our paths crossed! I really wish you all the best though - you sound like an amazingly intelligent and kind person. If you don't mind, we should stay in touch and you can pm me! :)
Question: Hi everyone, Just wanted to make sure I did the right thing and hoping to get some words of wisdom from you lovely people. Im almost 30 and have been bulimic for over 15 years. I am finally sick of it and want to get my life sorted so at 29 years old just quit my job with much career potential to set off and backpack for a few months and address what I want and need in life to hopefully get over this once and for all. Was this a rash move? Has anyone done something similar? Answer: I wish you all the luck in the world. Just a note of caution though - escaping eating disorders is so complex - it is impossible to outrun this addiction. I'm still trying almost 30 years on. Please have some kind of fallback plan. I shall have my fingers crossed for you.
Question: Hi everyone, Just wanted to make sure I did the right thing and hoping to get some words of wisdom from you lovely people. Im almost 30 and have been bulimic for over 15 years. I am finally sick of it and want to get my life sorted so at 29 years old just quit my job with much career potential to set off and backpack for a few months and address what I want and need in life to hopefully get over this once and for all. Was this a rash move? Has anyone done something similar? Answer: Thanks Kate. Or Claudius :) I'm aware the disease is complex and recovery is going to be a long and complicated process - the difference this time though is that I feel like engaging in it anymore is beneath me. I think a small part of me in the past thought it was an easy way to cheat life. I could eat a fuckton and stay thin, how I had this secret life which made me special, or if I were alone and bored I could just resort to my private hobby that would take up a few hours of my time. These are only my personal motivations though but when I retrace, I see how I might possibly be able to "undo" certain associations. It almost sounds like you've given up but wouldn't you agree bulimics are often perfectionists? We are fighters, stubborn assholes. I personified my disease and see it now as something extrinsic that I want to defeat. I want to win only because I hate being a loser. Have you tried to see it that way?
Question: Hi everyone, Just wanted to make sure I did the right thing and hoping to get some words of wisdom from you lovely people. Im almost 30 and have been bulimic for over 15 years. I am finally sick of it and want to get my life sorted so at 29 years old just quit my job with much career potential to set off and backpack for a few months and address what I want and need in life to hopefully get over this once and for all. Was this a rash move? Has anyone done something similar? Answer: Yes, I am definitely a perfectionist, and bulimia has often been a useful diversion/procrastination tactic when I've been afraid to embark on some task for fear of not completing it 'perfectly'. Also, black and white thinking, a big factor in bulimics' reasoning (I ate one biscuit, better eat the whole packet,plus a loaf of bread and a tub of icecream ...) has led me to put off for decades all sorts of things, because I can't bear not to be successful. So I did nothing, and binged... I haven't entirely given up, but am resigned to managing this thing for the rest of my life. I don't feel doctors/therapists are helpful to me nowadays. But I still have some hope. Wishing you enormous luck, Kate.
Question: So I have been bulimic pretty much my whole adult life. I am fully aware that it is wrong but a voice in my head WILL NOT STOP he is not in my control until I not only eat but purge as well. My sister had a child two years ago and since then had developed skitzophrenia. I am very afraid that the voice (that has been in my head since I was a child) will worsen. I cannot take it to a therapist. My parents are so distraught over my sister it isn't an option. I wish I was lying for entertainment, or attention but I am at a loss I have no friends, a great boyfriend but he cannot grasp that I can't help it. Answer: I think you should seek professional help, the fear you're in now may make things unnessecarily worse. I wish you all the best
Question: So I started losing weight in December last year figuring it was about time to do it. It started off great, I dropped from 22 stone to 18 stone in just over two months (I'm currently at 8 stone 5 lbs loss in total). But, the initial rapid weight loss caused me to develop gallstones. It was fine at first, avoid foods that cause biliary colic and I'm all good right? Well about a month and a half ago, I had a **bad** case of BC and it was 5 hours of agony followed by a couple of weeks of antibiotics. This is where I think it started. I became afraid of food because whilst I was suffering from cholecystitis, I could barely eat without my abdomen being in pain. The only way to stop the pain was to empty my stomach. I have been able to throw up on command since I was a child, so vomiting seemed the most efficient way to stop the pain. I've not had a BC attack since, and had plummeted in weight in the past few weeks because I can't stop making myelf vomit and it's making me look ill. I'm close to the end of my weight loss journey and I cant see myself stopping this behaviour until I have the operation to remove my gallbladder. I'm barely eating as it is and I'm starting to get worried. I'm trying to keep my meals small to avoid pain but I can't stop, I feel so guilty for eating and not keeping it down. I'm scared. (Edit: I don't think it started a month ago... I've been throwing up whenever I eat high calorie food since December...) Answer: I stumbled on your post while looking for other posts about gallstones. I'm very sorry for what you're going through. I can't offer any support in the sense of experience other than knowing the pain of BC, but if you can, please reach out to nurses and doctors that are aware of your gallstones. Honesty can be very good with docs and they should be able to get you in touch with support staff who can help. Also, if they aren't taking scheduling your gallbladder removal seriously, hopefully you could get this done ASAP. I have a friend who had his first incident of BC on a thurs and had his gallbladder out that weekend so I hope you can get it out soon.
Question: There's more to my story, but in short, I developed bulimia the year I decided I was going to divorce my husband. I'm a small woman, 5'3" and always had issues with my confidence and my weight. I ended up reaching a healthy weight, through proper diet and nutrition and exercising normally - until this got out of hand. I obsessed over calorie counting, my meals became smaller and smaller, I would sometimes avoid going out with friends because I knew I'd have to eat a bigger meal than usual, and then my weight would go up. It also felt like the smaller I got in weight, the more obsessed I became with being thin. I actually have a memory of thinking that I was better off mentally when I was 10 lbs heavier. And that feeling foreign and odd and strange. I started binge eating uncontrollably. My anxiety and depression went through the roof and one day I purged. I told myself it would be one time. And then. It took over my life. Post-divorce, it has stopped significantly - though I battle the scale going up and down 10 lbs over the course of the year. I recently had a binge/purge episode that was triggered by my mother (a complete narcissist who has always made me feel bad about my weight and my body). And since I feel like it's back (compulsively thinking about food, calorie counting, feeling hungry right after a meal) I am finally seeking out treatment. I thought I could do it alone. But I definitely can't. I just wanted to share my story. And I'm very curious about women who develop Bulimia later in life. I am 33 years old and I always thought this was a teenage girls disease, until it fucking happened to me. More power to you ladies who are beating this disease. And thanks for accepting me in this sub. Answer: It can happen to anyone. I've been in treatment with all kinds of people. Old women, nurses, middle-aged fathers, 9 yr old boy, etc. It's so brave to go get help. You don't need to suffer like this. And it's not a teenager's disease anymore (or maybe never was). Eating disorders are on the rise in older adults. Likely from pressure in the media, but also it's better diagnosed and education is out there. Anyway, congratulations once again for getting the help you do deserve.
Question: This is mostly just a rant cause I have no friends or any type of social interaction beside my husband and my family. Last month, for the first time I confessed someone, my husband, I've been making myself vomit on purpose for the past six years. The only reaction was asking me why. I was hoping he would make me stop from doing it but instead he just ignored me. I would've gotten the same reaction if I talked about the weather. I wish he cared about me, even a little I guess would be ok, just enough to let me feel like a person and not a pocket vagina/cook/dishwasher/babysitter. Every time I watch some kind of romantic tv series on Netflix I start crying when I see a guy doing nice things for the main protagonist. Sometimes I just wish I could run away and be done with it. Answer: He can't make you stop. Only you (with the help of doctors) can make yourself stop.
Question: This is mostly just a rant cause I have no friends or any type of social interaction beside my husband and my family. Last month, for the first time I confessed someone, my husband, I've been making myself vomit on purpose for the past six years. The only reaction was asking me why. I was hoping he would make me stop from doing it but instead he just ignored me. I would've gotten the same reaction if I talked about the weather. I wish he cared about me, even a little I guess would be ok, just enough to let me feel like a person and not a pocket vagina/cook/dishwasher/babysitter. Every time I watch some kind of romantic tv series on Netflix I start crying when I see a guy doing nice things for the main protagonist. Sometimes I just wish I could run away and be done with it. Answer: That's sort of neglection and abuse, if you ask me. To have a mental disorder, and then for him to react like that? And for you to be treated like a "vagina/cook/dishwasher/babysitter"? Yeah, that's bullshit. And the fact that you cry to the thought of a happy relationship only proves how unhealthy it is. I'm sorry, but from what I've heard, this man isn't for you. You should try to get family therapy, and if that doesn't work, (I hate to say this but..) you should probably split it off. But please do what you think would be best. Don't feel obliged to do this, it's only a suggestion. Also, please get therapy for your bulimia. If he's not willing to help, get professional help instead. Your current lifestyle is very unhealthy. Stay safe.
Question: This is mostly just a rant cause I have no friends or any type of social interaction beside my husband and my family. Last month, for the first time I confessed someone, my husband, I've been making myself vomit on purpose for the past six years. The only reaction was asking me why. I was hoping he would make me stop from doing it but instead he just ignored me. I would've gotten the same reaction if I talked about the weather. I wish he cared about me, even a little I guess would be ok, just enough to let me feel like a person and not a pocket vagina/cook/dishwasher/babysitter. Every time I watch some kind of romantic tv series on Netflix I start crying when I see a guy doing nice things for the main protagonist. Sometimes I just wish I could run away and be done with it. Answer: i know how you feel :( i told my ex about it and i was hoping he would try to help me but whenever i brought it up he would say like "you shouldn't do that anymore, go see a doctor" and that's it. i just want someone to talk to about it and just have them listen and show that they actually care instead of just brushing it off
Question: I seem to be going through a lot lately..but please bear with me. I have dealt with Anorexia and Bulimia for years, most of my teen years and now into adulthood (I'm 18) and I've noticed something new. Each time I purge, I get so dizzy and blurry eyed, and I've also noticed blood each time I vomit. My question is, is this normal? What can I do to help it? I am trying to get over this ED for once and for all. Thanks in advance Answer: Hello lovely I am also a recovering bulimic and understand what you're oign through at 27, I have struggled since I was 21. I vomited and purged through laxatives and it has completley destroyed my gut. I could no longer eat, even though I wanted to, that's when I decided right I have one life fuck the whole I feel fat ( fat is not a feeling btw!) and whats important in health, family and happiness. Not feeling scared and anxious about food constantly. So yes the blood means you are aggravating your throat I got it alot, and then slowly you will lose the ability to purge. Please don't get to that point. What I did 6 months ago ( yay no relapse since then!) was: Saught strategic help from a counsellor. Not airy fairy CBT, but I need fkin help and strategies to put in place so I don't do this any more. That was the last time I ever purged and she has changed my life. I also did a whole bunch of things that I have put in to an article that I suggest you should read now, whilst you can still get on teh right track asap! http://pressupsandprosecco.com/2016/04/10/6-strategies-to-conquer-an-eating-disorder/
Question: I seem to be going through a lot lately..but please bear with me. I have dealt with Anorexia and Bulimia for years, most of my teen years and now into adulthood (I'm 18) and I've noticed something new. Each time I purge, I get so dizzy and blurry eyed, and I've also noticed blood each time I vomit. My question is, is this normal? What can I do to help it? I am trying to get over this ED for once and for all. Thanks in advance Answer: Sorry for such a late reply, this isn't my main account. I mostly want to get better for myself, but also for my relationships. My relationship with food has gotten so much better (compared to even at 17) and I eat without always feeling so guilty. I've taken medications to help combat the excess amount of acid in my throat that is causing the bleeding (in the past) and I might talk to my doctor about it. I really really loved your article and I will follow some of it for sure! Thank you so so so much <3
Question: I seem to be going through a lot lately..but please bear with me. I have dealt with Anorexia and Bulimia for years, most of my teen years and now into adulthood (I'm 18) and I've noticed something new. Each time I purge, I get so dizzy and blurry eyed, and I've also noticed blood each time I vomit. My question is, is this normal? What can I do to help it? I am trying to get over this ED for once and for all. Thanks in advance Answer: Dizziness and blurry eyes are commonly experienced after purges but seeing blood probably means a gastric or oesophageal erosion which could be serious. Are you experiencing any epigastric pain ? Heart burn ? And sorry for this but have you noticed a change in stool color ? Also is it possible to get a reading of you BP
Question: I seem to be going through a lot lately..but please bear with me. I have dealt with Anorexia and Bulimia for years, most of my teen years and now into adulthood (I'm 18) and I've noticed something new. Each time I purge, I get so dizzy and blurry eyed, and I've also noticed blood each time I vomit. My question is, is this normal? What can I do to help it? I am trying to get over this ED for once and for all. Thanks in advance Answer: hey! No problem at all, i am so glad you benefited! I really hope you keep on teh road to recovery :-) Much love!xxx
Question: I seem to be going through a lot lately..but please bear with me. I have dealt with Anorexia and Bulimia for years, most of my teen years and now into adulthood (I'm 18) and I've noticed something new. Each time I purge, I get so dizzy and blurry eyed, and I've also noticed blood each time I vomit. My question is, is this normal? What can I do to help it? I am trying to get over this ED for once and for all. Thanks in advance Answer: please see a doctor if you can- blood every time you vomit is concerning. ofc it's massively difficult but make the biggest effort to avoid purging through vomiting if you can. sending solidarity xxx
Question: I have suffered from Major Depressive Disorder since I was young. I've always suspected that my attitude toward food and eating was a little off, with various symptoms that have come and gone: -severely restricted calories -avoidance of "bad" foods (this one has actually stuck for years) -uncontrollable binge eating to the point of choking on my food -personal eating rules/rituals -fear of gaining weight -intense guilt after eating In the past year, I have started purging if I feel too full. It was sporadic at first, but has increased in regularity in the past couple of months. This past week has been particularly bad. I'm under the care of a psychiatrist and an LCSW, both of whom know that I had issues in the past. I'm afraid to bring this up to them, because I feel like I haven't been honest. I just don't know if there is anything they can do to help me. Answer: I only recently told my psychiatrist about my bulimia. sometimes seeing a psychiatrist seems like a slow reveal of who I am. but it gets radios as you trust them more. remember they're not there to judge you. they're there bc they care and want to help. it's ok to tell them. and it's important that they know. they *can* help. and it's scary but then a relief to tell your doctor. you can't get well until you admit out loud to someone else that it's a problem and your psychiatrist is the best person to start with. then you can truly start down the path to healing yourself from the inside out. have courage. and one thing my shrink said to me about how ashamed I feel... she said this is a medical condition, kinda like if you had a bladder control issue! peeing in your pants is embarrassing (over the age of 3 haha) but it's only a medical issue and if you can be strong enough to realize it and admit it out loud you can get the medical help you need. that's what she said to me. it's like bladder control issues! it's ok. and..... it's not your fault. tell your doctors. it's going to be ok.
Question: Kind of ironic huh? I can't handle this. I can't stop eating and it got so bad I felt sick and I made the conscious decision to throw up. And it doesn't even do anything for me. It just relieves some of the pressure. I'm not okay. I'm not fucking okay. Answer: What started the binge eating episodes? Try to think back to when you started your current pattern of behavior, or if any fond memories are attached to food.
Question: Kind of ironic huh? I can't handle this. I can't stop eating and it got so bad I felt sick and I made the conscious decision to throw up. And it doesn't even do anything for me. It just relieves some of the pressure. I'm not okay. I'm not fucking okay. Answer: I don't remember when exactly, maybe 2 years ago? I've always struggled with food, it has both a negative and positive connotation. It makes me feel better for about as long as it takes to reach my stomach and then self loathing brings it right back up :}
Question: Kind of ironic huh? I can't handle this. I can't stop eating and it got so bad I felt sick and I made the conscious decision to throw up. And it doesn't even do anything for me. It just relieves some of the pressure. I'm not okay. I'm not fucking okay. Answer: Well that just doesn't work at all. We both know that. It's absolutely got to stop. If your dealing with stress, there are some herbs I could recommend to you. Bacopa (Bacognize is a good, quality-controlled brand) is something that's helped me with my anxiety, which makes self-control way easier. Besides that, don't pull any punches with your "fond" memories of food. I've often binged because I missed what I felt like being a kid, but then I can recall how miserable it was being a kid if I try. As children, we just lack a context of the other options that are out there, so we don't even have as much to want even if we get a lot of what we do want at the time. Recall the bullies, and the anxiety--and it *is* sometimes an amazing time--but what we remember when indulging in food the way we could as children (if that's what you did... I know I did) is just a sugarcoated version that our minds are dangling like a carrot in front of us. I was struggling with binging very recently. It's still a difficult problem for me to resist the urge. The other important thing is to get busy! Occupy your mind with something that you can get passionate about and do your best to prioritize thinking about that over thinking about food. The connections in your brain that produce binging behavior will weaken if you don't exercise them, just like any muscle. But unlike muscles, you have to work out the right connections and force the wrong ones to wither with misuse. Hang in there one day, one *hour* at a time, if you have to. It's always hardest at first, but once you get some momentum, things get easier. Most of all, though, you have to take the situation seriously. We're talking about the possibility of seriously injuring yourself if you continue to spiral out of control. Life will be SO much better if you can get past this, you *have* to believe that. Remember that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Getting over bulimia will force you to be a stronger person. You will look back on it as the fire that allowed you to reforge yourself, if you really dedicate yourself to recovery.
Question: Kind of ironic huh? I can't handle this. I can't stop eating and it got so bad I felt sick and I made the conscious decision to throw up. And it doesn't even do anything for me. It just relieves some of the pressure. I'm not okay. I'm not fucking okay. Answer: Thank you. Just thank you.
Question: Kind of ironic huh? I can't handle this. I can't stop eating and it got so bad I felt sick and I made the conscious decision to throw up. And it doesn't even do anything for me. It just relieves some of the pressure. I'm not okay. I'm not fucking okay. Answer: I'm right there with you struggling with this and it really helps to see that others have healed from it. for me, a big step has been to admit out loud to my psychiatrist that I'm bulimic and to actually want to get well instead of wanting to keep doing it. I keep telling myself... I managed to quit abusing drugs all by myself, I can do this. it feels bigger than drug abuse honestly but drugs felt huge at the time. I'm just at the foot of the next mountain and if I look back... all those mountains have turned into small hills I conquered. I've gotten some hope from others posts. I hope you do too. and if you're not seeing a doctor yet, I would suggest it.
Question: thought i'd start a thread where anyone can air anything and everything re. ED with no judgement, no shame, no holding back- (i've been suffering for 9 years so not looking for advice but just want an outlet.) me: i restrict all day, every day, because i cannot bring myself to keep food down due to my body dysmorphia. i work 9-5 and exercise and try to maintain a social life and love life and stay normal on the outside, but every few days i get this feeling like i am going to explode and the only way to relieve that feeling seems to be: isolate myself for a few hours; order enough pizza for 4 people; binge; purge; shower. then the apathy and numbness washes over me and the cycle starts again. when will it end? Answer: Totally get it. I fool myself into thinking I'm getting better and might be normal now, but then I nosedive straight back into it every few days or weeks. It's hell.
Question: thought i'd start a thread where anyone can air anything and everything re. ED with no judgement, no shame, no holding back- (i've been suffering for 9 years so not looking for advice but just want an outlet.) me: i restrict all day, every day, because i cannot bring myself to keep food down due to my body dysmorphia. i work 9-5 and exercise and try to maintain a social life and love life and stay normal on the outside, but every few days i get this feeling like i am going to explode and the only way to relieve that feeling seems to be: isolate myself for a few hours; order enough pizza for 4 people; binge; purge; shower. then the apathy and numbness washes over me and the cycle starts again. when will it end? Answer: i feel like my bulimia is a part of my identity. i dont know who i am without it. ive been suffering for 6 years i think and no one has ever noticed it, even my family who i live with. it gives me a sick sense of pleasure knowing that i can find it so easily from everyone around me. its my dirty little secret. i cant imagine my life without it but the same time i wish i never had to deal with this constant cycle
Question: thought i'd start a thread where anyone can air anything and everything re. ED with no judgement, no shame, no holding back- (i've been suffering for 9 years so not looking for advice but just want an outlet.) me: i restrict all day, every day, because i cannot bring myself to keep food down due to my body dysmorphia. i work 9-5 and exercise and try to maintain a social life and love life and stay normal on the outside, but every few days i get this feeling like i am going to explode and the only way to relieve that feeling seems to be: isolate myself for a few hours; order enough pizza for 4 people; binge; purge; shower. then the apathy and numbness washes over me and the cycle starts again. when will it end? Answer: I feel a lot of shame and disgust at myself for it... and a lot of frustration of why cant I just stop and eat and be normal. I've even puked at the movies, restaurants.. doesn't matter. and then I clean up, spray some perfume, and go back and smile. no one knows.
Question: this is long, but if you have a few minutes and any advice please read... Like I said I'm really struggling. I'm seeing a psychiatrist. She is thinking of having my electrolytes tested and said I may need some group therapy. I don't want that. She's trying to get me to see this as a medical problem instead of being so ashamed of it. But I am ashamed. And frustrated. In the past year I've gained 28lbs. I moved from LA to NC. In LA I had lost 80lbs through calorie counting and exercising a little, leading a more active life, surrounding myself by people who cheered me on. I had left bulimia behind. Then moved to NC where I hit depression and drug abuse really bad. I stopped the drugs. Got into therapy with my psychiatrist. And... I can't stop. I get so angry with myself. I feel like I don't deserve food. Then I over eat and binge. The puke. Then sometimes I eat again right away. But I think I've really fucked up my metabolism at this point. I'm unemployed too so a lot of my time is focused on myself inwardly and I'm extremely self hating. I just can't seem to stop. I binge and I know puking doesn't get rid of everything so my body holds on to whatever calories it gets. I'm not active. No friends here. I don't like most of the people I've met here. They seem stupid to me. So I judge others too. I want to get back to teaching and get well. I know that the only way to truly get well is to work on this behavior and I don't even know how. I'm lonely, bored, depressed. And I think I turn that shit on myself. And then I binge. and then think "you didn't deserve to eat" and so I puke and then I think "what the fuck is wrong with you. why can't you control what you eat to begin with??" and the whole circle sucks. Does anyone have anything that's worked?? I just want to stop and lose the weight I've gain and I'm so depressed about the weight gain! I'm so angry about it! I feel like such a failure!!!! I've done so well in so many ways. I got my masters degree. I left an abusive relationship and have a boyfriend I'm so in love with. I stopped drugs all by myself. but I feel so incapable of controlling this. I want to get well. I want to stop. I want to count my calories and eat healthy food. why can't I get this under control? why can't I get better? I'm so upset about it tonight. I'm so sad. I want to get control of myself. I feel out of control. I feel like I just want some food but I can't eat without abusing food. and then abusing myself. if anyone has advice please... I'm all ears! Answer: I've recovered and I never thought it was possible. I consider my condition when I was active in bulimia to be the worst there was out there. If I did, you can too. It's hard to get out of the cycle but you need to tell someone you trust besides your doctor
Question: this is long, but if you have a few minutes and any advice please read... Like I said I'm really struggling. I'm seeing a psychiatrist. She is thinking of having my electrolytes tested and said I may need some group therapy. I don't want that. She's trying to get me to see this as a medical problem instead of being so ashamed of it. But I am ashamed. And frustrated. In the past year I've gained 28lbs. I moved from LA to NC. In LA I had lost 80lbs through calorie counting and exercising a little, leading a more active life, surrounding myself by people who cheered me on. I had left bulimia behind. Then moved to NC where I hit depression and drug abuse really bad. I stopped the drugs. Got into therapy with my psychiatrist. And... I can't stop. I get so angry with myself. I feel like I don't deserve food. Then I over eat and binge. The puke. Then sometimes I eat again right away. But I think I've really fucked up my metabolism at this point. I'm unemployed too so a lot of my time is focused on myself inwardly and I'm extremely self hating. I just can't seem to stop. I binge and I know puking doesn't get rid of everything so my body holds on to whatever calories it gets. I'm not active. No friends here. I don't like most of the people I've met here. They seem stupid to me. So I judge others too. I want to get back to teaching and get well. I know that the only way to truly get well is to work on this behavior and I don't even know how. I'm lonely, bored, depressed. And I think I turn that shit on myself. And then I binge. and then think "you didn't deserve to eat" and so I puke and then I think "what the fuck is wrong with you. why can't you control what you eat to begin with??" and the whole circle sucks. Does anyone have anything that's worked?? I just want to stop and lose the weight I've gain and I'm so depressed about the weight gain! I'm so angry about it! I feel like such a failure!!!! I've done so well in so many ways. I got my masters degree. I left an abusive relationship and have a boyfriend I'm so in love with. I stopped drugs all by myself. but I feel so incapable of controlling this. I want to get well. I want to stop. I want to count my calories and eat healthy food. why can't I get this under control? why can't I get better? I'm so upset about it tonight. I'm so sad. I want to get control of myself. I feel out of control. I feel like I just want some food but I can't eat without abusing food. and then abusing myself. if anyone has advice please... I'm all ears! Answer: And you're not alone. Trust me. I spent so many nights of my life like the one you're having. The way out is a food plan that you stick to rigorously and avoid the mirror. Your body will relearn to feed and normalize after a few weeks. You just have to be okay with the transition. Once you get through the transition, you'll get your life back. But you have to eat properly and on time every meal.
Question: this is long, but if you have a few minutes and any advice please read... Like I said I'm really struggling. I'm seeing a psychiatrist. She is thinking of having my electrolytes tested and said I may need some group therapy. I don't want that. She's trying to get me to see this as a medical problem instead of being so ashamed of it. But I am ashamed. And frustrated. In the past year I've gained 28lbs. I moved from LA to NC. In LA I had lost 80lbs through calorie counting and exercising a little, leading a more active life, surrounding myself by people who cheered me on. I had left bulimia behind. Then moved to NC where I hit depression and drug abuse really bad. I stopped the drugs. Got into therapy with my psychiatrist. And... I can't stop. I get so angry with myself. I feel like I don't deserve food. Then I over eat and binge. The puke. Then sometimes I eat again right away. But I think I've really fucked up my metabolism at this point. I'm unemployed too so a lot of my time is focused on myself inwardly and I'm extremely self hating. I just can't seem to stop. I binge and I know puking doesn't get rid of everything so my body holds on to whatever calories it gets. I'm not active. No friends here. I don't like most of the people I've met here. They seem stupid to me. So I judge others too. I want to get back to teaching and get well. I know that the only way to truly get well is to work on this behavior and I don't even know how. I'm lonely, bored, depressed. And I think I turn that shit on myself. And then I binge. and then think "you didn't deserve to eat" and so I puke and then I think "what the fuck is wrong with you. why can't you control what you eat to begin with??" and the whole circle sucks. Does anyone have anything that's worked?? I just want to stop and lose the weight I've gain and I'm so depressed about the weight gain! I'm so angry about it! I feel like such a failure!!!! I've done so well in so many ways. I got my masters degree. I left an abusive relationship and have a boyfriend I'm so in love with. I stopped drugs all by myself. but I feel so incapable of controlling this. I want to get well. I want to stop. I want to count my calories and eat healthy food. why can't I get this under control? why can't I get better? I'm so upset about it tonight. I'm so sad. I want to get control of myself. I feel out of control. I feel like I just want some food but I can't eat without abusing food. and then abusing myself. if anyone has advice please... I'm all ears! Answer: Hey there. I'm a survivor of 12 years of bulimia (6 years free now) so I relate completely to how you feel right now. The frustration over gaining weight, etc. It sucks so much. The main advice I can offer is: don't give up! Keep trying different kinds of therapy and healing until you find something that works, and put your all into everything you try so to give it a fair chance. I have a philosophy that everyone's bulimia is different and there is no "one size fits all" when it comes to what will work. I tried over 40 different kinds of therapy/modalities before I found a combination that worked. But it sounds like you might need some more professional support right now in addition to your psychiatrist (are you on medication?) if that's not working. I'm sorry you're suffering right now, I know what it's like. If you'd like to talk more, I'd be happy to, just PM me.
Question: this is long, but if you have a few minutes and any advice please read... Like I said I'm really struggling. I'm seeing a psychiatrist. She is thinking of having my electrolytes tested and said I may need some group therapy. I don't want that. She's trying to get me to see this as a medical problem instead of being so ashamed of it. But I am ashamed. And frustrated. In the past year I've gained 28lbs. I moved from LA to NC. In LA I had lost 80lbs through calorie counting and exercising a little, leading a more active life, surrounding myself by people who cheered me on. I had left bulimia behind. Then moved to NC where I hit depression and drug abuse really bad. I stopped the drugs. Got into therapy with my psychiatrist. And... I can't stop. I get so angry with myself. I feel like I don't deserve food. Then I over eat and binge. The puke. Then sometimes I eat again right away. But I think I've really fucked up my metabolism at this point. I'm unemployed too so a lot of my time is focused on myself inwardly and I'm extremely self hating. I just can't seem to stop. I binge and I know puking doesn't get rid of everything so my body holds on to whatever calories it gets. I'm not active. No friends here. I don't like most of the people I've met here. They seem stupid to me. So I judge others too. I want to get back to teaching and get well. I know that the only way to truly get well is to work on this behavior and I don't even know how. I'm lonely, bored, depressed. And I think I turn that shit on myself. And then I binge. and then think "you didn't deserve to eat" and so I puke and then I think "what the fuck is wrong with you. why can't you control what you eat to begin with??" and the whole circle sucks. Does anyone have anything that's worked?? I just want to stop and lose the weight I've gain and I'm so depressed about the weight gain! I'm so angry about it! I feel like such a failure!!!! I've done so well in so many ways. I got my masters degree. I left an abusive relationship and have a boyfriend I'm so in love with. I stopped drugs all by myself. but I feel so incapable of controlling this. I want to get well. I want to stop. I want to count my calories and eat healthy food. why can't I get this under control? why can't I get better? I'm so upset about it tonight. I'm so sad. I want to get control of myself. I feel out of control. I feel like I just want some food but I can't eat without abusing food. and then abusing myself. if anyone has advice please... I'm all ears! Answer: thanks for the sympathetic ear.... I've only recently admitted this out loud to my therapist that it's a problem. I guess recognizing it and wanting to get better is a big step... I've been reading a lot of the comments and it helps to have others know what this is like. so thank you..
Question: this is long, but if you have a few minutes and any advice please read... Like I said I'm really struggling. I'm seeing a psychiatrist. She is thinking of having my electrolytes tested and said I may need some group therapy. I don't want that. She's trying to get me to see this as a medical problem instead of being so ashamed of it. But I am ashamed. And frustrated. In the past year I've gained 28lbs. I moved from LA to NC. In LA I had lost 80lbs through calorie counting and exercising a little, leading a more active life, surrounding myself by people who cheered me on. I had left bulimia behind. Then moved to NC where I hit depression and drug abuse really bad. I stopped the drugs. Got into therapy with my psychiatrist. And... I can't stop. I get so angry with myself. I feel like I don't deserve food. Then I over eat and binge. The puke. Then sometimes I eat again right away. But I think I've really fucked up my metabolism at this point. I'm unemployed too so a lot of my time is focused on myself inwardly and I'm extremely self hating. I just can't seem to stop. I binge and I know puking doesn't get rid of everything so my body holds on to whatever calories it gets. I'm not active. No friends here. I don't like most of the people I've met here. They seem stupid to me. So I judge others too. I want to get back to teaching and get well. I know that the only way to truly get well is to work on this behavior and I don't even know how. I'm lonely, bored, depressed. And I think I turn that shit on myself. And then I binge. and then think "you didn't deserve to eat" and so I puke and then I think "what the fuck is wrong with you. why can't you control what you eat to begin with??" and the whole circle sucks. Does anyone have anything that's worked?? I just want to stop and lose the weight I've gain and I'm so depressed about the weight gain! I'm so angry about it! I feel like such a failure!!!! I've done so well in so many ways. I got my masters degree. I left an abusive relationship and have a boyfriend I'm so in love with. I stopped drugs all by myself. but I feel so incapable of controlling this. I want to get well. I want to stop. I want to count my calories and eat healthy food. why can't I get this under control? why can't I get better? I'm so upset about it tonight. I'm so sad. I want to get control of myself. I feel out of control. I feel like I just want some food but I can't eat without abusing food. and then abusing myself. if anyone has advice please... I'm all ears! Answer: what's the benefit of telling someone? I don't want more judgement. I already get "why'd you run to the bathroom?" or "wow you've gained a lot of weight recently" .... I judge myself hard enough, you know? I could tell my sister, but what benefit is it? really
Question: this is long, but if you have a few minutes and any advice please read... Like I said I'm really struggling. I'm seeing a psychiatrist. She is thinking of having my electrolytes tested and said I may need some group therapy. I don't want that. She's trying to get me to see this as a medical problem instead of being so ashamed of it. But I am ashamed. And frustrated. In the past year I've gained 28lbs. I moved from LA to NC. In LA I had lost 80lbs through calorie counting and exercising a little, leading a more active life, surrounding myself by people who cheered me on. I had left bulimia behind. Then moved to NC where I hit depression and drug abuse really bad. I stopped the drugs. Got into therapy with my psychiatrist. And... I can't stop. I get so angry with myself. I feel like I don't deserve food. Then I over eat and binge. The puke. Then sometimes I eat again right away. But I think I've really fucked up my metabolism at this point. I'm unemployed too so a lot of my time is focused on myself inwardly and I'm extremely self hating. I just can't seem to stop. I binge and I know puking doesn't get rid of everything so my body holds on to whatever calories it gets. I'm not active. No friends here. I don't like most of the people I've met here. They seem stupid to me. So I judge others too. I want to get back to teaching and get well. I know that the only way to truly get well is to work on this behavior and I don't even know how. I'm lonely, bored, depressed. And I think I turn that shit on myself. And then I binge. and then think "you didn't deserve to eat" and so I puke and then I think "what the fuck is wrong with you. why can't you control what you eat to begin with??" and the whole circle sucks. Does anyone have anything that's worked?? I just want to stop and lose the weight I've gain and I'm so depressed about the weight gain! I'm so angry about it! I feel like such a failure!!!! I've done so well in so many ways. I got my masters degree. I left an abusive relationship and have a boyfriend I'm so in love with. I stopped drugs all by myself. but I feel so incapable of controlling this. I want to get well. I want to stop. I want to count my calories and eat healthy food. why can't I get this under control? why can't I get better? I'm so upset about it tonight. I'm so sad. I want to get control of myself. I feel out of control. I feel like I just want some food but I can't eat without abusing food. and then abusing myself. if anyone has advice please... I'm all ears! Answer: that's a struggle... eating properly and on time.. I know I need to. I'll definitely add this to a goal to work toward. what do you do when you want to eat and eat? I try to distract myself but it doesn't always work. or even if I eat "on time" and a healthy meal... when I feel too full I run to puke..
Question: this is long, but if you have a few minutes and any advice please read... Like I said I'm really struggling. I'm seeing a psychiatrist. She is thinking of having my electrolytes tested and said I may need some group therapy. I don't want that. She's trying to get me to see this as a medical problem instead of being so ashamed of it. But I am ashamed. And frustrated. In the past year I've gained 28lbs. I moved from LA to NC. In LA I had lost 80lbs through calorie counting and exercising a little, leading a more active life, surrounding myself by people who cheered me on. I had left bulimia behind. Then moved to NC where I hit depression and drug abuse really bad. I stopped the drugs. Got into therapy with my psychiatrist. And... I can't stop. I get so angry with myself. I feel like I don't deserve food. Then I over eat and binge. The puke. Then sometimes I eat again right away. But I think I've really fucked up my metabolism at this point. I'm unemployed too so a lot of my time is focused on myself inwardly and I'm extremely self hating. I just can't seem to stop. I binge and I know puking doesn't get rid of everything so my body holds on to whatever calories it gets. I'm not active. No friends here. I don't like most of the people I've met here. They seem stupid to me. So I judge others too. I want to get back to teaching and get well. I know that the only way to truly get well is to work on this behavior and I don't even know how. I'm lonely, bored, depressed. And I think I turn that shit on myself. And then I binge. and then think "you didn't deserve to eat" and so I puke and then I think "what the fuck is wrong with you. why can't you control what you eat to begin with??" and the whole circle sucks. Does anyone have anything that's worked?? I just want to stop and lose the weight I've gain and I'm so depressed about the weight gain! I'm so angry about it! I feel like such a failure!!!! I've done so well in so many ways. I got my masters degree. I left an abusive relationship and have a boyfriend I'm so in love with. I stopped drugs all by myself. but I feel so incapable of controlling this. I want to get well. I want to stop. I want to count my calories and eat healthy food. why can't I get this under control? why can't I get better? I'm so upset about it tonight. I'm so sad. I want to get control of myself. I feel out of control. I feel like I just want some food but I can't eat without abusing food. and then abusing myself. if anyone has advice please... I'm all ears! Answer: The accountability. If you have someone to help you remain accountable to yourself, it helps keep you on track.
Question: this is long, but if you have a few minutes and any advice please read... Like I said I'm really struggling. I'm seeing a psychiatrist. She is thinking of having my electrolytes tested and said I may need some group therapy. I don't want that. She's trying to get me to see this as a medical problem instead of being so ashamed of it. But I am ashamed. And frustrated. In the past year I've gained 28lbs. I moved from LA to NC. In LA I had lost 80lbs through calorie counting and exercising a little, leading a more active life, surrounding myself by people who cheered me on. I had left bulimia behind. Then moved to NC where I hit depression and drug abuse really bad. I stopped the drugs. Got into therapy with my psychiatrist. And... I can't stop. I get so angry with myself. I feel like I don't deserve food. Then I over eat and binge. The puke. Then sometimes I eat again right away. But I think I've really fucked up my metabolism at this point. I'm unemployed too so a lot of my time is focused on myself inwardly and I'm extremely self hating. I just can't seem to stop. I binge and I know puking doesn't get rid of everything so my body holds on to whatever calories it gets. I'm not active. No friends here. I don't like most of the people I've met here. They seem stupid to me. So I judge others too. I want to get back to teaching and get well. I know that the only way to truly get well is to work on this behavior and I don't even know how. I'm lonely, bored, depressed. And I think I turn that shit on myself. And then I binge. and then think "you didn't deserve to eat" and so I puke and then I think "what the fuck is wrong with you. why can't you control what you eat to begin with??" and the whole circle sucks. Does anyone have anything that's worked?? I just want to stop and lose the weight I've gain and I'm so depressed about the weight gain! I'm so angry about it! I feel like such a failure!!!! I've done so well in so many ways. I got my masters degree. I left an abusive relationship and have a boyfriend I'm so in love with. I stopped drugs all by myself. but I feel so incapable of controlling this. I want to get well. I want to stop. I want to count my calories and eat healthy food. why can't I get this under control? why can't I get better? I'm so upset about it tonight. I'm so sad. I want to get control of myself. I feel out of control. I feel like I just want some food but I can't eat without abusing food. and then abusing myself. if anyone has advice please... I'm all ears! Answer: not me, I'd just lie or do it anyway. I tell my shrink but now that she wants to order some health tests and send me to group I want to lie to her. haven't decided if I will. have a week to decide. I've hidden this from everyone for 10yrs, why would I be transparent now? I told my sister about the drug abuse by it didn't slow me down despite three serious overdoses. I just moderated my intake up to the limit. I quit in small part bc I couldn't get high anymore and didn't want to take more than the limit. other reason I quit was bc I couldn't remember shit, jobs I applied to required a drug test I knew I'd fail, and I decided I wanted to get serious about life. the only good advice here that I think I could actually follow is not worrying about my weight for a while, staying off the scale (I've agreed to my shrink's request to not weigh myself except every other day and I've actually forgotten to weigh myself a few times and weight is stable but not what I want it to be.), eating when hungry, keeping trigger food out of the house, and working on my mind and understanding this disease as a disease and "not my fault" instead of living in shame and self hatred. working on my self dialogue. telling myself it's ok to eat. what I really struggle with is the feeling of fullness. that triggers it even if I was starving. and binging triggers it tho I am trying really hard with that too. one of my fears is that when I did drugs and was hospitalized for my first od, I went to NA. talking about how good drugs felt and how horrible these people's lives were made me go home and take a handful of pills and re start drugs. I hated it and never went back. my boyfriend said he had the same experience with AA tho he was court mandated to go 13 times. he said it made him want to drink. he quit by himself too. I think I might talk to my shrink about that. I don't want to go to group therapy and learn new ways to abuse my body. I want to learn to be normal and accept food and not feel I don't deserve to eat. not feel like I can't control myself. tho trying to control everything is part of this disease. I feel out of control of my weight and I'm looking for a way to feel better about myself and not gain more weight. I'm honestly NOT at a healthy weight. 216. 2-1-6. up from 175 where I was happy at that weight. I'm not anorexic. I love food. but I can't control it and I've gained more from being bulimic.
Question: this is long, but if you have a few minutes and any advice please read... Like I said I'm really struggling. I'm seeing a psychiatrist. She is thinking of having my electrolytes tested and said I may need some group therapy. I don't want that. She's trying to get me to see this as a medical problem instead of being so ashamed of it. But I am ashamed. And frustrated. In the past year I've gained 28lbs. I moved from LA to NC. In LA I had lost 80lbs through calorie counting and exercising a little, leading a more active life, surrounding myself by people who cheered me on. I had left bulimia behind. Then moved to NC where I hit depression and drug abuse really bad. I stopped the drugs. Got into therapy with my psychiatrist. And... I can't stop. I get so angry with myself. I feel like I don't deserve food. Then I over eat and binge. The puke. Then sometimes I eat again right away. But I think I've really fucked up my metabolism at this point. I'm unemployed too so a lot of my time is focused on myself inwardly and I'm extremely self hating. I just can't seem to stop. I binge and I know puking doesn't get rid of everything so my body holds on to whatever calories it gets. I'm not active. No friends here. I don't like most of the people I've met here. They seem stupid to me. So I judge others too. I want to get back to teaching and get well. I know that the only way to truly get well is to work on this behavior and I don't even know how. I'm lonely, bored, depressed. And I think I turn that shit on myself. And then I binge. and then think "you didn't deserve to eat" and so I puke and then I think "what the fuck is wrong with you. why can't you control what you eat to begin with??" and the whole circle sucks. Does anyone have anything that's worked?? I just want to stop and lose the weight I've gain and I'm so depressed about the weight gain! I'm so angry about it! I feel like such a failure!!!! I've done so well in so many ways. I got my masters degree. I left an abusive relationship and have a boyfriend I'm so in love with. I stopped drugs all by myself. but I feel so incapable of controlling this. I want to get well. I want to stop. I want to count my calories and eat healthy food. why can't I get this under control? why can't I get better? I'm so upset about it tonight. I'm so sad. I want to get control of myself. I feel out of control. I feel like I just want some food but I can't eat without abusing food. and then abusing myself. if anyone has advice please... I'm all ears! Answer: That's understandable. I lied a lot too in groups and therapy. Honestly, it sounds like the pros of your bulimia outweigh the cons, so there isn't much anyone can say to change your mind. And that's totally okay. That was the case for me for over a decade. It only changed when I met my husband and for the first time in my life would rather be with him than in rehab.
Question: So I'm in a weird position I am in Afghanistan right now and I can't actually see her. She said she was bulimic and I don't know what to do. If one of my soldiers told me they were bulimic I would instantly take them to a mental health provider. I realize I can't do that with her and besides telling her that I think she's beautiful and that I support her and I want her to get help I don't know what to do. She says it doesn't matter if she has a good week or a bad week she still does it. Obviously I want her to get better and I want to understand her frame of mind. I don't want to see her hurting herself, but I don't want to be pushy and feel like I'm judging her Answer: Unfortunately this could kill her. It's very dangerous. Remember Terri Schiavo? (The lady who was in a persistent vegetative state, husband wanted to withdraw care and parents wanted to keep her alive.) She became a "vegetable" after she had a heart arrhythmia from electrolyte imbalance due to purging. CPR saved her, but she was severely brain damaged. This is just one scenario of how bulimia can kill you. Honestly, you have to be loving and firm. Tell her that you will always be there for her, but can only be her friend unless she is willing to seek help. Obviously you know her best and the best way to express that. But there has to be a tough love ultimatum. She doesn't have to be successful at recovery as she will likely lapse many many times, but she needs to try to work towards being healthy. You can't have a future with someone actively sick. Bulimics can't have healthy babies (if that was in your life plan). Active eating disorders with no treatment aren't conducive to being a full partner. Maybe approach it in a more loving way, such as: I can't be there to support you right now, and it's affecting my focus on my job. I need you to get help so do that I don't worry as much. Please do this for you and if you can't, then fake it until you make it, and do it for me. If you need help finding resources for her, I know quite a bit about it, so PM me if you need to.
Question: So my step dad (who is an inconsiderate a**hole), bought 4 bags of Halloween candy, regardless of the fact that we only had 2 or 3 kids show up last time. I asked if he could take a few bags to work, or even return some. I was diagnosed with bulimia and have been in recovery for a year now. My last b/p was about a month ago. He started texting me things like "just don't eat it" or "you don't have to eat it just cause it's in front of you" and "you don't have any willpower?" I told him that It wasn't about "willpower," it was about triggering things for someone with a mental illness. Am I wrong for crying and being worked up about this? Or is he wrong for not being more understanding? Answer: You're not wrong for being triggered, but it's pretty inevitable in your life that you'll come across people who are not sensitive to your ED. For me it's been a battle between not wanting people to find out about it but OTOH wanting them to NOT offer me certain foods. You often can't win. Just work on yourself and hopefully moving out soon <3
Question: So my step dad (who is an inconsiderate a**hole), bought 4 bags of Halloween candy, regardless of the fact that we only had 2 or 3 kids show up last time. I asked if he could take a few bags to work, or even return some. I was diagnosed with bulimia and have been in recovery for a year now. My last b/p was about a month ago. He started texting me things like "just don't eat it" or "you don't have to eat it just cause it's in front of you" and "you don't have any willpower?" I told him that It wasn't about "willpower," it was about triggering things for someone with a mental illness. Am I wrong for crying and being worked up about this? Or is he wrong for not being more understanding? Answer: Hi, I've been in recovery for alcohol addiction for 10 years and have had bulimia since 1994. It was very early in alcohol recovery when I asked "but alcohol is everywhere so I can't avoid being triggered by it" Someone told me " it's your attitude towards it, that's the recovery part". It's exactly the same with bulimia. You can scream and shout all you want but it's your internal dialogue that needs to change I'm afraid. That comes by giving yourself a break and "talking yourself down when in the fugue state that is the obsessive behaviour of an addict/bulimic. I know that's much easier to say than do but eventually you'll become less harsh on yourself. I'm sorry it's not the best advice in the world but recovery is a journey not a destination. Good luck and be nice to yourself.
Question: I posted a link in r/loseit, but how can we make this sub a bigger and stronger community? Something like r/stopdrinking ? Answer: So I made a post on both r/keto and r/loseit and when I posted it, there were 476 followers on this sub, now there are 667 - almost 200 people joined. Killer.
Question: It feels so silly. I don't know why I binge. If I'm stressed, I binge. If I'm sad, I binge. If I'm happy, I binge. I literally don't need a reason. I just do it. I sometimes do it before I even realize what I'm doing. It seems ridiculous to go see a counselor for this. Like the only thing they can tell me is that I have no self control. I don't have a bad life. The only thing depressing in my life is the fact that I'm so fucking fat and I just can't seem to stop getting fatter. I've tried all the diets. I've read books. I've exercised. I've been avoiding the doctor because I'm afraid she's going to tell me I have hypertension and Type 2 diabetes. But I honestly do want to change my life. So I made the call and I'm seeing a counselor on Friday. Answer: Good for you in taking a step in the right direction. Some people find overeaters anonymous helpful. On the other end of the spectrum, the book "Brain over Binge" is very popular.
Question: It feels so silly. I don't know why I binge. If I'm stressed, I binge. If I'm sad, I binge. If I'm happy, I binge. I literally don't need a reason. I just do it. I sometimes do it before I even realize what I'm doing. It seems ridiculous to go see a counselor for this. Like the only thing they can tell me is that I have no self control. I don't have a bad life. The only thing depressing in my life is the fact that I'm so fucking fat and I just can't seem to stop getting fatter. I've tried all the diets. I've read books. I've exercised. I've been avoiding the doctor because I'm afraid she's going to tell me I have hypertension and Type 2 diabetes. But I honestly do want to change my life. So I made the call and I'm seeing a counselor on Friday. Answer: I wondered the same thing till I found out about the concept of emotional neglect. Turns out, my parents did their best but they did not teach me healthy emotional management skills - they themselves had never learned them. So I learned to stuff my feelings down or, when that didn't work, to mute the feelings with food. It's not a bad strategy in and of itself but when it's your only strategy it becomes a problem. Don't feel silly. There is very likely something in your upbringing that is nobody's fault but that has skewed your coping skills or self image or automatic reactions. You may not even realize that the thing was not what normal families do. I didn't have a "bad" life either. My parents both tried very hard to do better by us than their parents had done by them, and they succeeded in many ways. They just couldn't teach what they didn't know themselves. Good luck - and remember if you don't click with the first counselor, it's totally fine to try some others till you find someone you can talk freely to.
Question: It feels so silly. I don't know why I binge. If I'm stressed, I binge. If I'm sad, I binge. If I'm happy, I binge. I literally don't need a reason. I just do it. I sometimes do it before I even realize what I'm doing. It seems ridiculous to go see a counselor for this. Like the only thing they can tell me is that I have no self control. I don't have a bad life. The only thing depressing in my life is the fact that I'm so fucking fat and I just can't seem to stop getting fatter. I've tried all the diets. I've read books. I've exercised. I've been avoiding the doctor because I'm afraid she's going to tell me I have hypertension and Type 2 diabetes. But I honestly do want to change my life. So I made the call and I'm seeing a counselor on Friday. Answer: So I used to subscribe to the idea that my binging was related to my emotions/feelings, but after years and years of therapy, self help books, in patient treatment, I'm starting to think otherwise. Mainly from starting to read a book called "Brain Over Binge" In almost every case of people starting to binge, it almost always started with a diet and restricting calories beyond what the human body wants and needs. We go into animal or hunting mode and binge because our body is thinking we're starving it. Then it just becomes a messy messy habit. I obviously don't have it figured out, but after years of "peeling the onion" in therapy and playing the victim of my parents lack of love for me, I'm starting to turn the corner and see binging for what it is.... A bad habit that I developed years ago when I, a 6'3" man, started restricting my calories to 1200 a day and less than 30 grams of fat to lose weight. Now I need to break the habit. It's gonna be hard. Very hard.
Question: It feels so silly. I don't know why I binge. If I'm stressed, I binge. If I'm sad, I binge. If I'm happy, I binge. I literally don't need a reason. I just do it. I sometimes do it before I even realize what I'm doing. It seems ridiculous to go see a counselor for this. Like the only thing they can tell me is that I have no self control. I don't have a bad life. The only thing depressing in my life is the fact that I'm so fucking fat and I just can't seem to stop getting fatter. I've tried all the diets. I've read books. I've exercised. I've been avoiding the doctor because I'm afraid she's going to tell me I have hypertension and Type 2 diabetes. But I honestly do want to change my life. So I made the call and I'm seeing a counselor on Friday. Answer: Read "Brain over Binge" by Kathryn Hansen. Excellent book, i'm 9 months in recovery :)
Question: It feels so silly. I don't know why I binge. If I'm stressed, I binge. If I'm sad, I binge. If I'm happy, I binge. I literally don't need a reason. I just do it. I sometimes do it before I even realize what I'm doing. It seems ridiculous to go see a counselor for this. Like the only thing they can tell me is that I have no self control. I don't have a bad life. The only thing depressing in my life is the fact that I'm so fucking fat and I just can't seem to stop getting fatter. I've tried all the diets. I've read books. I've exercised. I've been avoiding the doctor because I'm afraid she's going to tell me I have hypertension and Type 2 diabetes. But I honestly do want to change my life. So I made the call and I'm seeing a counselor on Friday. Answer: My Binging did not start with restricting, at all. I can totally relate to what u/NudeEyeshadowPalette has said. Maybe you should be open to the fact that people can have very different reasons for developing BED. People who had an eating disorder which involved some kind of purging in the first place often go on to develop a more atypical maladaptive eating behavior, often eating disorder not otherwise specified. But there's lots of evidence that BED indeed does have a relationship with your upbringing and how you were told to deal with emotions, e. g people with Borderline, Obsessive-compulsive or Avoidant personality disorder often have comorbid BED.
Question: It feels so silly. I don't know why I binge. If I'm stressed, I binge. If I'm sad, I binge. If I'm happy, I binge. I literally don't need a reason. I just do it. I sometimes do it before I even realize what I'm doing. It seems ridiculous to go see a counselor for this. Like the only thing they can tell me is that I have no self control. I don't have a bad life. The only thing depressing in my life is the fact that I'm so fucking fat and I just can't seem to stop getting fatter. I've tried all the diets. I've read books. I've exercised. I've been avoiding the doctor because I'm afraid she's going to tell me I have hypertension and Type 2 diabetes. But I honestly do want to change my life. So I made the call and I'm seeing a counselor on Friday. Answer: The counseling will help you figure out all the reasons why you binge and come up with strategies to overcome them sometimes. Due to my own life experience, I am not convinced a BED is curable, but it can be controlled. I binge for a combination of reasons. My parents were like the ones described by r/NudeEyeshadowPalette. They did their best, but had both experienced abuse and had no emotional coping skills. Both weighed between 300-500lbs for as long as I can remember. Techniques such as DBT and EBT may help. I am currently reading "End Emotional Eating" to work on this problem. I also binge out of Habit and because my "Animal Brain" screams for food that I do not need. For me, there are also nutritional and hormonal components. There is no single answer for many people. Part of gaining control is learning about all facets of your ED. I have gotten the most out of the books "Never Binge Again" and "The Mood Cure"
Question: It feels so silly. I don't know why I binge. If I'm stressed, I binge. If I'm sad, I binge. If I'm happy, I binge. I literally don't need a reason. I just do it. I sometimes do it before I even realize what I'm doing. It seems ridiculous to go see a counselor for this. Like the only thing they can tell me is that I have no self control. I don't have a bad life. The only thing depressing in my life is the fact that I'm so fucking fat and I just can't seem to stop getting fatter. I've tried all the diets. I've read books. I've exercised. I've been avoiding the doctor because I'm afraid she's going to tell me I have hypertension and Type 2 diabetes. But I honestly do want to change my life. So I made the call and I'm seeing a counselor on Friday. Answer: That is awesome!!!! Congrats, I hope to be sitting in your shoes one day.
Question: It feels so silly. I don't know why I binge. If I'm stressed, I binge. If I'm sad, I binge. If I'm happy, I binge. I literally don't need a reason. I just do it. I sometimes do it before I even realize what I'm doing. It seems ridiculous to go see a counselor for this. Like the only thing they can tell me is that I have no self control. I don't have a bad life. The only thing depressing in my life is the fact that I'm so fucking fat and I just can't seem to stop getting fatter. I've tried all the diets. I've read books. I've exercised. I've been avoiding the doctor because I'm afraid she's going to tell me I have hypertension and Type 2 diabetes. But I honestly do want to change my life. So I made the call and I'm seeing a counselor on Friday. Answer: I'm open and understand that binging can start otherwise, but the numbers are generally that true binging is often preceded by dieting and restricting. I mean I grew up very fat and could sit and eat a whole sleeve of Oreos while watching TV and in front of people, but it may have also taken me 30 min to an hour to do so, whereas when I started binging, it would take me 2-3 minutes and I would be doing it in my bedroom soaked in shame so no one could see me. How did yours start? Was it a learned behavior? Or did you learn just start up one day? Just curious..
Question: It feels so silly. I don't know why I binge. If I'm stressed, I binge. If I'm sad, I binge. If I'm happy, I binge. I literally don't need a reason. I just do it. I sometimes do it before I even realize what I'm doing. It seems ridiculous to go see a counselor for this. Like the only thing they can tell me is that I have no self control. I don't have a bad life. The only thing depressing in my life is the fact that I'm so fucking fat and I just can't seem to stop getting fatter. I've tried all the diets. I've read books. I've exercised. I've been avoiding the doctor because I'm afraid she's going to tell me I have hypertension and Type 2 diabetes. But I honestly do want to change my life. So I made the call and I'm seeing a counselor on Friday. Answer: I really can't tell you how it started... I always used food as a coping mechanism, but it only became a problem in the sense that I got overweight when I was 10. This is the first time when I consciously remember Binging attacks. I think several things cumulated at that time: I was emotionally stressed out like never before, I got older and could buy food from my pocket money, and my mom stopped cooking for lunch, which made me basically eat whatever came into my way when I was hungry.
Question: It feels so silly. I don't know why I binge. If I'm stressed, I binge. If I'm sad, I binge. If I'm happy, I binge. I literally don't need a reason. I just do it. I sometimes do it before I even realize what I'm doing. It seems ridiculous to go see a counselor for this. Like the only thing they can tell me is that I have no self control. I don't have a bad life. The only thing depressing in my life is the fact that I'm so fucking fat and I just can't seem to stop getting fatter. I've tried all the diets. I've read books. I've exercised. I've been avoiding the doctor because I'm afraid she's going to tell me I have hypertension and Type 2 diabetes. But I honestly do want to change my life. So I made the call and I'm seeing a counselor on Friday. Answer: I think this is how mine started as well. I was a big kid when I was younger but really grew out of it after growth spurts. By the time I was 13, I was borderline too thin. Then I was 16 or 17 and going through major life changes and a stressful home environment. I was also old enough to get my own food and I was working at a grocery store. I used to bring bags of food home straight to my bed room. It really escalated from there. My relationship with my mom deteriorated and my food addiction got worse. I've since repaired my relationship with my mom but my relationship with food is still very unhealthy and I have no idea how to fix it.
Question: Hey everyone, I would like to stay in close contact with another person to help each other (motivation when temptation is high, support should one mess up, etc.). If you are interested in the same, please PM and we can establish messaging methods :) I'm 24,F so someone in the same range would be fantastic Edit: I'll make a kik group since quite a lot of people seem interested. My user name is the same as here Answer: i am interested! i will pm you now
Question: Hey everyone, I would like to stay in close contact with another person to help each other (motivation when temptation is high, support should one mess up, etc.). If you are interested in the same, please PM and we can establish messaging methods :) I'm 24,F so someone in the same range would be fantastic Edit: I'll make a kik group since quite a lot of people seem interested. My user name is the same as here Answer: Could I join?? 24 f here as well!
Question: Hey everyone, I would like to stay in close contact with another person to help each other (motivation when temptation is high, support should one mess up, etc.). If you are interested in the same, please PM and we can establish messaging methods :) I'm 24,F so someone in the same range would be fantastic Edit: I'll make a kik group since quite a lot of people seem interested. My user name is the same as here Answer: Interested as well!
Question: Hey everyone, I would like to stay in close contact with another person to help each other (motivation when temptation is high, support should one mess up, etc.). If you are interested in the same, please PM and we can establish messaging methods :) I'm 24,F so someone in the same range would be fantastic Edit: I'll make a kik group since quite a lot of people seem interested. My user name is the same as here Answer: Also interested!
Question: Hey everyone, I would like to stay in close contact with another person to help each other (motivation when temptation is high, support should one mess up, etc.). If you are interested in the same, please PM and we can establish messaging methods :) I'm 24,F so someone in the same range would be fantastic Edit: I'll make a kik group since quite a lot of people seem interested. My user name is the same as here Answer: I am also 24 f. Do all y'all want to make a skype group or something?
Question: Hey everyone, I would like to stay in close contact with another person to help each other (motivation when temptation is high, support should one mess up, etc.). If you are interested in the same, please PM and we can establish messaging methods :) I'm 24,F so someone in the same range would be fantastic Edit: I'll make a kik group since quite a lot of people seem interested. My user name is the same as here Answer: Hey! I'd like to join. Could we maybe do a whatsapp or some type of texting group?
Question: Hey everyone, I would like to stay in close contact with another person to help each other (motivation when temptation is high, support should one mess up, etc.). If you are interested in the same, please PM and we can establish messaging methods :) I'm 24,F so someone in the same range would be fantastic Edit: I'll make a kik group since quite a lot of people seem interested. My user name is the same as here Answer: I may be interested as well. When I was in OA, I would email my sponsor every night, a broad stroke of what I ate that day as well as 10 things I was grateful for. It was a healthy practice.
Question: Hey everyone, I would like to stay in close contact with another person to help each other (motivation when temptation is high, support should one mess up, etc.). If you are interested in the same, please PM and we can establish messaging methods :) I'm 24,F so someone in the same range would be fantastic Edit: I'll make a kik group since quite a lot of people seem interested. My user name is the same as here Answer: I'd definitely love to, but I'm not sure what texting apps are on the windows phone.
Question: Hey everyone, I would like to stay in close contact with another person to help each other (motivation when temptation is high, support should one mess up, etc.). If you are interested in the same, please PM and we can establish messaging methods :) I'm 24,F so someone in the same range would be fantastic Edit: I'll make a kik group since quite a lot of people seem interested. My user name is the same as here Answer: We could do a daily check in on this sub? I think they do something like that at r/stopdrinking
Question: Hey everyone, I would like to stay in close contact with another person to help each other (motivation when temptation is high, support should one mess up, etc.). If you are interested in the same, please PM and we can establish messaging methods :) I'm 24,F so someone in the same range would be fantastic Edit: I'll make a kik group since quite a lot of people seem interested. My user name is the same as here Answer: There isn't whatsapp for Windows?
Question: Hey everyone, I would like to stay in close contact with another person to help each other (motivation when temptation is high, support should one mess up, etc.). If you are interested in the same, please PM and we can establish messaging methods :) I'm 24,F so someone in the same range would be fantastic Edit: I'll make a kik group since quite a lot of people seem interested. My user name is the same as here Answer: I'm interested! 24 M
Question: Hey everyone, I would like to stay in close contact with another person to help each other (motivation when temptation is high, support should one mess up, etc.). If you are interested in the same, please PM and we can establish messaging methods :) I'm 24,F so someone in the same range would be fantastic Edit: I'll make a kik group since quite a lot of people seem interested. My user name is the same as here Answer: I would love to join too!
Question: Hey everyone, I would like to stay in close contact with another person to help each other (motivation when temptation is high, support should one mess up, etc.). If you are interested in the same, please PM and we can establish messaging methods :) I'm 24,F so someone in the same range would be fantastic Edit: I'll make a kik group since quite a lot of people seem interested. My user name is the same as here Answer: We could try to use a group me app. It's a texting app that works pretty well
Question: Hey everyone, I would like to stay in close contact with another person to help each other (motivation when temptation is high, support should one mess up, etc.). If you are interested in the same, please PM and we can establish messaging methods :) I'm 24,F so someone in the same range would be fantastic Edit: I'll make a kik group since quite a lot of people seem interested. My user name is the same as here Answer: I would be interested in this, 26F
Question: Hey everyone, I would like to stay in close contact with another person to help each other (motivation when temptation is high, support should one mess up, etc.). If you are interested in the same, please PM and we can establish messaging methods :) I'm 24,F so someone in the same range would be fantastic Edit: I'll make a kik group since quite a lot of people seem interested. My user name is the same as here Answer: I'm also 26f!
Question: Hey everyone, I would like to stay in close contact with another person to help each other (motivation when temptation is high, support should one mess up, etc.). If you are interested in the same, please PM and we can establish messaging methods :) I'm 24,F so someone in the same range would be fantastic Edit: I'll make a kik group since quite a lot of people seem interested. My user name is the same as here Answer: I'm 24/F -- would love this so much. Would anyone want to be mine? (I'll edit this post if I'm contacted... so far no one! :P) EDIT: Found a buddy!
Question: Hey everyone, I would like to stay in close contact with another person to help each other (motivation when temptation is high, support should one mess up, etc.). If you are interested in the same, please PM and we can establish messaging methods :) I'm 24,F so someone in the same range would be fantastic Edit: I'll make a kik group since quite a lot of people seem interested. My user name is the same as here Answer: 24F here, if we do a group thing I'm in!
Question: Hey everyone, I would like to stay in close contact with another person to help each other (motivation when temptation is high, support should one mess up, etc.). If you are interested in the same, please PM and we can establish messaging methods :) I'm 24,F so someone in the same range would be fantastic Edit: I'll make a kik group since quite a lot of people seem interested. My user name is the same as here Answer: 25F, this sounds like a great idea!
Question: Hey everyone, I would like to stay in close contact with another person to help each other (motivation when temptation is high, support should one mess up, etc.). If you are interested in the same, please PM and we can establish messaging methods :) I'm 24,F so someone in the same range would be fantastic Edit: I'll make a kik group since quite a lot of people seem interested. My user name is the same as here Answer: If there ends up being a group thing I would love to be added in!
Question: Hey everyone, I would like to stay in close contact with another person to help each other (motivation when temptation is high, support should one mess up, etc.). If you are interested in the same, please PM and we can establish messaging methods :) I'm 24,F so someone in the same range would be fantastic Edit: I'll make a kik group since quite a lot of people seem interested. My user name is the same as here Answer: 29F sign me up!
Question: Hey everyone, I would like to stay in close contact with another person to help each other (motivation when temptation is high, support should one mess up, etc.). If you are interested in the same, please PM and we can establish messaging methods :) I'm 24,F so someone in the same range would be fantastic Edit: I'll make a kik group since quite a lot of people seem interested. My user name is the same as here Answer: I'll make a kik group. My username is the same as here :)
Question: Hey everyone, I would like to stay in close contact with another person to help each other (motivation when temptation is high, support should one mess up, etc.). If you are interested in the same, please PM and we can establish messaging methods :) I'm 24,F so someone in the same range would be fantastic Edit: I'll make a kik group since quite a lot of people seem interested. My user name is the same as here Answer: I'll make a kik group. My username is the same as here :)
Question: Hey everyone, I would like to stay in close contact with another person to help each other (motivation when temptation is high, support should one mess up, etc.). If you are interested in the same, please PM and we can establish messaging methods :) I'm 24,F so someone in the same range would be fantastic Edit: I'll make a kik group since quite a lot of people seem interested. My user name is the same as here Answer: I'll make a kik group. My username is the same as here :)
Question: Hey everyone, I would like to stay in close contact with another person to help each other (motivation when temptation is high, support should one mess up, etc.). If you are interested in the same, please PM and we can establish messaging methods :) I'm 24,F so someone in the same range would be fantastic Edit: I'll make a kik group since quite a lot of people seem interested. My user name is the same as here Answer: I'll make a kik group. My username is the same as here :)
Question: Hey everyone, I would like to stay in close contact with another person to help each other (motivation when temptation is high, support should one mess up, etc.). If you are interested in the same, please PM and we can establish messaging methods :) I'm 24,F so someone in the same range would be fantastic Edit: I'll make a kik group since quite a lot of people seem interested. My user name is the same as here Answer: I'll make a kik group. My username is the same as here :)
Question: Hey everyone, I would like to stay in close contact with another person to help each other (motivation when temptation is high, support should one mess up, etc.). If you are interested in the same, please PM and we can establish messaging methods :) I'm 24,F so someone in the same range would be fantastic Edit: I'll make a kik group since quite a lot of people seem interested. My user name is the same as here Answer: I'll make a kik group. My username is the same as here :)
Question: Hey everyone, I would like to stay in close contact with another person to help each other (motivation when temptation is high, support should one mess up, etc.). If you are interested in the same, please PM and we can establish messaging methods :) I'm 24,F so someone in the same range would be fantastic Edit: I'll make a kik group since quite a lot of people seem interested. My user name is the same as here Answer: I'm surprised how most of the commenters are in the mid-20s range. I'm 24 M and I'll join as well!
Question: Hey everyone, I would like to stay in close contact with another person to help each other (motivation when temptation is high, support should one mess up, etc.). If you are interested in the same, please PM and we can establish messaging methods :) I'm 24,F so someone in the same range would be fantastic Edit: I'll make a kik group since quite a lot of people seem interested. My user name is the same as here Answer: I'll make a kik group. My username is the same as here :)
Question: Hey everyone, I would like to stay in close contact with another person to help each other (motivation when temptation is high, support should one mess up, etc.). If you are interested in the same, please PM and we can establish messaging methods :) I'm 24,F so someone in the same range would be fantastic Edit: I'll make a kik group since quite a lot of people seem interested. My user name is the same as here Answer: Can I also join? I do not have a kik but I am also 24/F
Question: Hey everyone, I would like to stay in close contact with another person to help each other (motivation when temptation is high, support should one mess up, etc.). If you are interested in the same, please PM and we can establish messaging methods :) I'm 24,F so someone in the same range would be fantastic Edit: I'll make a kik group since quite a lot of people seem interested. My user name is the same as here Answer: Heck, I'll make a kik account just for this! (21F)