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Trump’s Awkward First Date with Frau Merkel
21st Century Wire says It was an awkward fit of nerves when Donald met Angela During an interview in October 2015, when asked about Chancellor Merkel s open door refugee policy, Trump famously replied, I always thought Merkel was, like, this great leader What she s done in Germany is insane, before adding, They re going to have riots in Germany. This was followed by a number of other disparaging remarks, including the obligatory Twitter rant from then candidate Trump:I told you @TIME Magazine would never pick me as person of the year despite being the big favorite They picked person who is ruining Germany Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 9, 2015It didn t end there either. In March 2016, when commenting on the Cologne New Year s Eve sexual assaults, Trump proceeded to blame Merkel. The German people are going to riot. The German people are going to end up overthrowing this woman [Angela Merkel]. I don t know what the hell she is thinking. With so much bad water under the bridge, it s no wonder how at their press conference the normally bolshy Trump continued to appear sheepish in Merkel s presence a far cry from the campaign trail Vaudeville atmosphere.It s the difference between campaigning and governing READ MORE TRUMP NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Trump FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Trump’s Awkward First Date with Frau Merkel TEXT: 21st Century Wire says It was an awkward fit of nerves when Donald met Angela During an interview in October 2015, when asked about Chancellor Merkel s open door refugee policy, Trump famously replied, I always thought Merkel was, like, this great leader What she s done in Germany is insane, before adding, They re going to have riots in Germany. This was followed by a number of other disparaging remarks, including the obligatory Twitter rant from then candidate Trump:I told you @TIME Magazine would never pick me as person of the year despite being the big favorite They picked person who is ruining Germany Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 9, 2015It didn t end there either. In March 2016, when commenting on the Cologne New Year s Eve sexual assaults, Trump proceeded to blame Merkel. The German people are going to riot. The German people are going to end up overthrowing this woman [Angela Merkel]. I don t know what the hell she is thinking. With so much bad water under the bridge, it s no wonder how at their press conference the normally bolshy Trump continued to appear sheepish in Merkel s presence a far cry from the campaign trail Vaudeville atmosphere.It s the difference between campaigning and governing READ MORE TRUMP NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Trump FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
TITLE: Trump’s Awkward First Date with Frau Merkel TEXT: 21st Century Wire says It was an awkward fit of nerves when Donald met Angela During an interview in October 2015, when asked about Chancellor Merkel s open door refugee policy, Trump famously replied, I always thought Merkel was, like, this great leader What she s done in Germany is insane, before adding, They re going to have riots in Germany. This was followed by a number of other disparaging remarks, including the obligatory Twitter rant from then candidate Trump:I told you @TIME Magazine would never pick me as person of the year despite being the big favorite They picked person who is ruining Germany Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 9, 2015It didn t end there either. In March 2016, when commenting on the Cologne New Year s Eve sexual assaults, Trump proceeded to blame Merkel. The German people are going to riot. The German people are going to end up overthrowing this woman [Angela Merkel]. I don t know what the hell she is thinking. With so much bad water under the bridge, it s no wonder how at their press conference the normally bolshy Trump continued to appear sheepish in Merkel s presence a far cry from the campaign trail Vaudeville atmosphere.It s the difference between campaigning and governing READ MORE TRUMP NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Trump FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
Iraq asks Trump administration to 'reconsider' travel ban
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq has asked the United States to reconsider the travel ban on its citizens, the foreign ministry said on Monday, taking a more diplomatic line than the Iraqi parliament which had demanded the government “retaliate”. “It is necessary that the new American administration reconsider this wrong decision,” the foreign ministry said in a statement. Noting their cooperation in fighting the Islamic State group, the statement added: “We affirm Iraq’s desire to strengthen the strategic partnership between the two countries.” By executive order on Friday, President Donald Trump banned U.S. entry for people from seven Muslim-majority countries – Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen – and temporarily halted the admission of refugees.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Iraq asks Trump administration to 'reconsider' travel ban TEXT: BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq has asked the United States to reconsider the travel ban on its citizens, the foreign ministry said on Monday, taking a more diplomatic line than the Iraqi parliament which had demanded the government “retaliate”. “It is necessary that the new American administration reconsider this wrong decision,” the foreign ministry said in a statement. Noting their cooperation in fighting the Islamic State group, the statement added: “We affirm Iraq’s desire to strengthen the strategic partnership between the two countries.” By executive order on Friday, President Donald Trump banned U.S. entry for people from seven Muslim-majority countries – Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen – and temporarily halted the admission of refugees.
TITLE: Iraq asks Trump administration to 'reconsider' travel ban TEXT: BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq has asked the United States to reconsider the travel ban on its citizens, the foreign ministry said on Monday, taking a more diplomatic line than the Iraqi parliament which had demanded the government “retaliate”. “It is necessary that the new American administration reconsider this wrong decision,” the foreign ministry said in a statement. Noting their cooperation in fighting the Islamic State group, the statement added: “We affirm Iraq’s desire to strengthen the strategic partnership between the two countries.” By executive order on Friday, President Donald Trump banned U.S. entry for people from seven Muslim-majority countries – Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen – and temporarily halted the admission of refugees.
Massive copper mine tests Trump's push to slash regulation
SUPERIOR, Arizona (Reuters) - Rio Tinto’s proposed Resolution Copper Mine in Arizona would tunnel 7,000 feet underground, where rocks radiate heat from the earth’s molten core. It would suck up enough water to supply a city and leave a crater a mile and a half wide and 1,000 feet deep. Planned for more than a decade, the project would be a prototype for a looming era of more invasive U.S. mines as companies run out of easy-to-reach deposits, geologists say. It is also the project President Donald Trump’s Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross, had in mind as he began crafting a “hit list” of regulations that should be killed to speed industrial permitting. “A company shouldn’t have to be hundreds of millions of dollars into risk money without knowing whether there is a real chance it is going to get approved,” Ross told Reuters in a May 9 interview, referring to the mine. The massive project - which would be among the world’s largest copper mines - underscores the dangers of weakening America’s rigorous permitting process at a time mining endeavors are becoming increasingly complex and environmentally risky. And Ross’s citation of Resolution as a poster child for suffocating regulation reflects how far the Trump administration is willing to go to advance economic growth. Sorting out the mine’s potentially negative impacts is anything but simple, and many local residents, along with Native American and environmental groups, say Resolution is exactly the kind of development that cries out for intense public scrutiny - no matter how long it takes. “The companies have to mitigate their risks - mitigate what people are losing,” said Mila Besich-Lira, the mayor of Superior, the town closest to the project. A federal government review of the project has drawn about 130,000 comments from concerned constituents - more than 10 times the number who gave input on the smaller Rosemont Copper Mine nearby. The Resolution mine would also give the region a big economic boost, employing 1,400 people and injecting $20 billion into public coffers, Rio Tinto (RIO.L) estimates. It could supply the United States with a quarter of its copper, putting this small town at the epicenter of the global metals market. Trump has vowed sweep away regulations he says cost America trillions of dollars with no public benefit. The regulatory review by Ross, due for release as soon as this month, is one of several parallel efforts to slash red tape. Trump has also started dismantling Obama-era climate change regulations through executive orders, for example, and directed agencies to kill two rules for every one they create. In the meantime, Congress could set the tone. A Republican bill introduced early this year - and supported by Rio Tinto - would set a two-and-a-half-year deadline on mine permitting, a standard similar to that seen in Australia and Canada. Rio Tinto - along with the Australian mining company BHP Billiton (BLT.L), which owns a 45 percent stake in Resolution - says it has spent 16 years and $1.3 billion on the project, including a decade acquiring acreage in the Tonto National Forest overlying the copper deposit. It is now four years into the federal regulatory review to approve new mines, a process that can take seven to 10 years. Victoria Peacey, a senior manager for environmental permitting at Rio Tinto, said the mine up probably won’t begin operating for another decade. Rio Tinto acknowledges the vast scope and sensitivity of its plans. “There are mines this deep; there are mines this hot; and there are mines this big; but there are no other mines this deep, this hot and this big all together,” said Carl Hehnke, a geologist for Resolution. Resolution will take copper from a zone where temperatures run 180 degrees Fahrenheit. With help from remotely controlled machines, miners will set off explosions to shatter sections of the deposit. The ore will be milled with a combination of sulfuric acid and as much as 6.5 billion gallons of water a year - enough to supply more than half the homes in the Phoenix suburb of Tempe. It would eventually render more than 2,400 acres of what is now the Tonto National Forest off limits to visitors. Under the forest, in a process called “block cave mining,” Rio Tinto will excavate material from underground, making the material above sink and creating the expected one-and-a-half-mile-wide crater. That area will include a site considered sacred to the San Carlos Apache Tribe, which has been holding annual protests against the project. If Resolution’s copper deposit had been discovered under private land – and not a national forest – Rio Tinto might have been spared the federal review and faced only state regulators. Instead, the U.S. Forest Service is leading the study, which will consider jobs, recreation, public health and wildlife. Despite its substantial economic benefits to the nearby town of Superior, where many homes and businesses are boarded up, residents still have their concerns. “What am I going to tell my great-grandkids - how this place was totally destroyed?” said Anna Jeffries, a Superior resident, during an April 2016 public meeting with Forest Service officials at Superior High School. Mining industry lobbyists counter that they are only seeking an efficient and reasonable approval process. “We are not talking in any way, shape or form about any environmental rollbacks here,” said Katie Sweeney, general counsel for the National Mining Association, a trade group. “We’re talking about bureaucracy.” The NMA wants to see deadlines for permitting, along with rules requiring agencies to conduct studies simultaneously rather than consecutively. The NMA and Rio Tinto back the bill - introduced in January by Republican Congressman Mark Amodei of Nevada - that would give regulators the two-and-a-half year deadline to approve or reject mining projects. Mining companies in Canada and Australia applaud similar time limits in those countries, but a May 2016 report by a government watchdog in the Canadian province of British Columbia found Canada’s mine regulation had “major gaps in resources, planning and tools” that led to “inadequate” inspections and “increasing environmental risks.” Commerce Secretary Ross told Reuters in a June 23 phone message he believed the U.S. Forest Service was doing “a good job in terms of Rio Tinto.” But he added, “The rest of the process has been so abysmal that Rio Tinto actually testified before the U.S. Congress [about] how bad the process was.” Ross and his spokesman did not respond to additional questions seeking examples of problems that occurred between Resolution and permit-issuing agencies. But his office said he was referring to Congressional testimony given by Rio Tinto’s Managing Director for Copper and Diamonds, Nigel Steward, in March. Steward called the U.S. permitting process “inefficient” and said it “presents a major barrier to the domestic sector’s ability to perform to its full potential.” Rio Tinto is advocating for more certainty in permitting timelines and improved coordination among agencies involved - along with more money for agencies “to ensure that experienced and highly skilled people are devoted to complex technical aspects of permitting,” said Todd Malan, Rio Tinto’s vice president for external affairs and communications for the Americas. While the company supports permitting deadlines, at least one Rio Tinto official acknowledges that it would be hard to address the issues raised by the Resolution mine in less than years. “I’m not necessarily saying time frames would not be helpful, but three years? ... That’s a tight time frame,” said Peacey. While uncertain permitting timeframes raise financial risks for Rio Tinto, she said, the sometimes lengthy process also protects the public. “Those are people’s rights,” she said. (This version of the story was refiled to add dropped word “to” in paragraph 9)
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Massive copper mine tests Trump's push to slash regulation TEXT: SUPERIOR, Arizona (Reuters) - Rio Tinto’s proposed Resolution Copper Mine in Arizona would tunnel 7,000 feet underground, where rocks radiate heat from the earth’s molten core. It would suck up enough water to supply a city and leave a crater a mile and a half wide and 1,000 feet deep. Planned for more than a decade, the project would be a prototype for a looming era of more invasive U.S. mines as companies run out of easy-to-reach deposits, geologists say. It is also the project President Donald Trump’s Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross, had in mind as he began crafting a “hit list” of regulations that should be killed to speed industrial permitting. “A company shouldn’t have to be hundreds of millions of dollars into risk money without knowing whether there is a real chance it is going to get approved,” Ross told Reuters in a May 9 interview, referring to the mine. The massive project - which would be among the world’s largest copper mines - underscores the dangers of weakening America’s rigorous permitting process at a time mining endeavors are becoming increasingly complex and environmentally risky. And Ross’s citation of Resolution as a poster child for suffocating regulation reflects how far the Trump administration is willing to go to advance economic growth. Sorting out the mine’s potentially negative impacts is anything but simple, and many local residents, along with Native American and environmental groups, say Resolution is exactly the kind of development that cries out for intense public scrutiny - no matter how long it takes. “The companies have to mitigate their risks - mitigate what people are losing,” said Mila Besich-Lira, the mayor of Superior, the town closest to the project. A federal government review of the project has drawn about 130,000 comments from concerned constituents - more than 10 times the number who gave input on the smaller Rosemont Copper Mine nearby. The Resolution mine would also give the region a big economic boost, employing 1,400 people and injecting $20 billion into public coffers, Rio Tinto (RIO.L) estimates. It could supply the United States with a quarter of its copper, putting this small town at the epicenter of the global metals market. Trump has vowed sweep away regulations he says cost America trillions of dollars with no public benefit. The regulatory review by Ross, due for release as soon as this month, is one of several parallel efforts to slash red tape. Trump has also started dismantling Obama-era climate change regulations through executive orders, for example, and directed agencies to kill two rules for every one they create. In the meantime, Congress could set the tone. A Republican bill introduced early this year - and supported by Rio Tinto - would set a two-and-a-half-year deadline on mine permitting, a standard similar to that seen in Australia and Canada. Rio Tinto - along with the Australian mining company BHP Billiton (BLT.L), which owns a 45 percent stake in Resolution - says it has spent 16 years and $1.3 billion on the project, including a decade acquiring acreage in the Tonto National Forest overlying the copper deposit. It is now four years into the federal regulatory review to approve new mines, a process that can take seven to 10 years. Victoria Peacey, a senior manager for environmental permitting at Rio Tinto, said the mine up probably won’t begin operating for another decade. Rio Tinto acknowledges the vast scope and sensitivity of its plans. “There are mines this deep; there are mines this hot; and there are mines this big; but there are no other mines this deep, this hot and this big all together,” said Carl Hehnke, a geologist for Resolution. Resolution will take copper from a zone where temperatures run 180 degrees Fahrenheit. With help from remotely controlled machines, miners will set off explosions to shatter sections of the deposit. The ore will be milled with a combination of sulfuric acid and as much as 6.5 billion gallons of water a year - enough to supply more than half the homes in the Phoenix suburb of Tempe. It would eventually render more than 2,400 acres of what is now the Tonto National Forest off limits to visitors. Under the forest, in a process called “block cave mining,” Rio Tinto will excavate material from underground, making the material above sink and creating the expected one-and-a-half-mile-wide crater. That area will include a site considered sacred to the San Carlos Apache Tribe, which has been holding annual protests against the project. If Resolution’s copper deposit had been discovered under private land – and not a national forest – Rio Tinto might have been spared the federal review and faced only state regulators. Instead, the U.S. Forest Service is leading the study, which will consider jobs, recreation, public health and wildlife. Despite its substantial economic benefits to the nearby town of Superior, where many homes and businesses are boarded up, residents still have their concerns. “What am I going to tell my great-grandkids - how this place was totally destroyed?” said Anna Jeffries, a Superior resident, during an April 2016 public meeting with Forest Service officials at Superior High School. Mining industry lobbyists counter that they are only seeking an efficient and reasonable approval process. “We are not talking in any way, shape or form about any environmental rollbacks here,” said Katie Sweeney, general counsel for the National Mining Association, a trade group. “We’re talking about bureaucracy.” The NMA wants to see deadlines for permitting, along with rules requiring agencies to conduct studies simultaneously rather than consecutively. The NMA and Rio Tinto back the bill - introduced in January by Republican Congressman Mark Amodei of Nevada - that would give regulators the two-and-a-half year deadline to approve or reject mining projects. Mining companies in Canada and Australia applaud similar time limits in those countries, but a May 2016 report by a government watchdog in the Canadian province of British Columbia found Canada’s mine regulation had “major gaps in resources, planning and tools” that led to “inadequate” inspections and “increasing environmental risks.” Commerce Secretary Ross told Reuters in a June 23 phone message he believed the U.S. Forest Service was doing “a good job in terms of Rio Tinto.” But he added, “The rest of the process has been so abysmal that Rio Tinto actually testified before the U.S. Congress [about] how bad the process was.” Ross and his spokesman did not respond to additional questions seeking examples of problems that occurred between Resolution and permit-issuing agencies. But his office said he was referring to Congressional testimony given by Rio Tinto’s Managing Director for Copper and Diamonds, Nigel Steward, in March. Steward called the U.S. permitting process “inefficient” and said it “presents a major barrier to the domestic sector’s ability to perform to its full potential.” Rio Tinto is advocating for more certainty in permitting timelines and improved coordination among agencies involved - along with more money for agencies “to ensure that experienced and highly skilled people are devoted to complex technical aspects of permitting,” said Todd Malan, Rio Tinto’s vice president for external affairs and communications for the Americas. While the company supports permitting deadlines, at least one Rio Tinto official acknowledges that it would be hard to address the issues raised by the Resolution mine in less than years. “I’m not necessarily saying time frames would not be helpful, but three years? ... That’s a tight time frame,” said Peacey. While uncertain permitting timeframes raise financial risks for Rio Tinto, she said, the sometimes lengthy process also protects the public. “Those are people’s rights,” she said. (This version of the story was refiled to add dropped word “to” in paragraph 9)
TITLE: Massive copper mine tests Trump's push to slash regulation TEXT: SUPERIOR, Arizona (Reuters) - Rio Tinto’s proposed Resolution Copper Mine in Arizona would tunnel 7,000 feet underground, where rocks radiate heat from the earth’s molten core. It would suck up enough water to supply a city and leave a crater a mile and a half wide and 1,000 feet deep. Planned for more than a decade, the project would be a prototype for a looming era of more invasive U.S. mines as companies run out of easy-to-reach deposits, geologists say. It is also the project President Donald Trump’s Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross, had in mind as he began crafting a “hit list” of regulations that should be killed to speed industrial permitting. “A company shouldn’t have to be hundreds of millions of dollars into risk money without knowing whether there is a real chance it is going to get approved,” Ross told Reuters in a May 9 interview, referring to the mine. The massive project - which would be among the world’s largest copper mines - underscores the dangers of weakening America’s rigorous permitting process at a time mining endeavors are becoming increasingly complex and environmentally risky. And Ross’s citation of Resolution as a poster child for suffocating regulation reflects how far the Trump administration is willing to go to advance economic growth. Sorting out the mine’s potentially negative impacts is anything but simple, and many local residents, along with Native American and environmental groups, say Resolution is exactly the kind of development that cries out for intense public scrutiny - no matter how long it takes. “The companies have to mitigate their risks - mitigate what people are losing,” said Mila Besich-Lira, the mayor of Superior, the town closest to the project. A federal government review of the project has drawn about 130,000 comments from concerned constituents - more than 10 times the number who gave input on the smaller Rosemont Copper Mine nearby. The Resolution mine would also give the region a big economic boost, employing 1,400 people and injecting $20 billion into public coffers, Rio Tinto (RIO.L) estimates. It could supply the United States with a quarter of its copper, putting this small town at the epicenter of the global metals market. Trump has vowed sweep away regulations he says cost America trillions of dollars with no public benefit. The regulatory review by Ross, due for release as soon as this month, is one of several parallel efforts to slash red tape. Trump has also started dismantling Obama-era climate change regulations through executive orders, for example, and directed agencies to kill two rules for every one they create. In the meantime, Congress could set the tone. A Republican bill introduced early this year - and supported by Rio Tinto - would set a two-and-a-half-year deadline on mine permitting, a standard similar to that seen in Australia and Canada. Rio Tinto - along with the Australian mining company BHP Billiton (BLT.L), which owns a 45 percent stake in Resolution - says it has spent 16 years and $1.3 billion on the project, including a decade acquiring acreage in the Tonto National Forest overlying the copper deposit. It is now four years into the federal regulatory review to approve new mines, a process that can take seven to 10 years. Victoria Peacey, a senior manager for environmental permitting at Rio Tinto, said the mine up probably won’t begin operating for another decade. Rio Tinto acknowledges the vast scope and sensitivity of its plans. “There are mines this deep; there are mines this hot; and there are mines this big; but there are no other mines this deep, this hot and this big all together,” said Carl Hehnke, a geologist for Resolution. Resolution will take copper from a zone where temperatures run 180 degrees Fahrenheit. With help from remotely controlled machines, miners will set off explosions to shatter sections of the deposit. The ore will be milled with a combination of sulfuric acid and as much as 6.5 billion gallons of water a year - enough to supply more than half the homes in the Phoenix suburb of Tempe. It would eventually render more than 2,400 acres of what is now the Tonto National Forest off limits to visitors. Under the forest, in a process called “block cave mining,” Rio Tinto will excavate material from underground, making the material above sink and creating the expected one-and-a-half-mile-wide crater. That area will include a site considered sacred to the San Carlos Apache Tribe, which has been holding annual protests against the project. If Resolution’s copper deposit had been discovered under private land – and not a national forest – Rio Tinto might have been spared the federal review and faced only state regulators. Instead, the U.S. Forest Service is leading the study, which will consider jobs, recreation, public health and wildlife. Despite its substantial economic benefits to the nearby town of Superior, where many homes and businesses are boarded up, residents still have their concerns. “What am I going to tell my great-grandkids - how this place was totally destroyed?” said Anna Jeffries, a Superior resident, during an April 2016 public meeting with Forest Service officials at Superior High School. Mining industry lobbyists counter that they are only seeking an efficient and reasonable approval process. “We are not talking in any way, shape or form about any environmental rollbacks here,” said Katie Sweeney, general counsel for the National Mining Association, a trade group. “We’re talking about bureaucracy.” The NMA wants to see deadlines for permitting, along with rules requiring agencies to conduct studies simultaneously rather than consecutively. The NMA and Rio Tinto back the bill - introduced in January by Republican Congressman Mark Amodei of Nevada - that would give regulators the two-and-a-half year deadline to approve or reject mining projects. Mining companies in Canada and Australia applaud similar time limits in those countries, but a May 2016 report by a government watchdog in the Canadian province of British Columbia found Canada’s mine regulation had “major gaps in resources, planning and tools” that led to “inadequate” inspections and “increasing environmental risks.” Commerce Secretary Ross told Reuters in a June 23 phone message he believed the U.S. Forest Service was doing “a good job in terms of Rio Tinto.” But he added, “The rest of the process has been so abysmal that Rio Tinto actually testified before the U.S. Congress [about] how bad the process was.” Ross and his spokesman did not respond to additional questions seeking examples of problems that occurred between Resolution and permit-issuing agencies. But his office said he was referring to Congressional testimony given by Rio Tinto’s Managing Director for Copper and Diamonds, Nigel Steward, in March. Steward called the U.S. permitting process “inefficient” and said it “presents a major barrier to the domestic sector’s ability to perform to its full potential.” Rio Tinto is advocating for more certainty in permitting timelines and improved coordination among agencies involved - along with more money for agencies “to ensure that experienced and highly skilled people are devoted to complex technical aspects of permitting,” said Todd Malan, Rio Tinto’s vice president for external affairs and communications for the Americas. While the company supports permitting deadlines, at least one Rio Tinto official acknowledges that it would be hard to address the issues raised by the Resolution mine in less than years. “I’m not necessarily saying time frames would not be helpful, but three years? ... That’s a tight time frame,” said Peacey. While uncertain permitting timeframes raise financial risks for Rio Tinto, she said, the sometimes lengthy process also protects the public. “Those are people’s rights,” she said. (This version of the story was refiled to add dropped word “to” in paragraph 9)
Islamic State guerrilla attacks point to its future strategy
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian and Iraqi forces closing in on the last scraps of Islamic State s caliphate straddling the remote border area between the two countries have already witnessed the jihadists likely response. While their comrades mounted last stands in their Syrian capital of Raqqa and the city of Hawija in Iraq, IS militants seized the Syrian town of al-Qaryatayn and launched its biggest attack for months in Ramadi late last month. That is the kind of guerrilla insurgency both countries foresee IS turning to. It is expected that after the Daesh terrorist organization s capacity to fight in the field is finished, its remnants will resort to this type of (guerrilla) operation. But for a certain period of time, not forever, said a Syrian military source, using an Arabic acronym for Islamic State. The continued ability for IS to mount attacks in areas where it was thought to have been eliminated will hinder efforts to stabilize regions when the fighting wanes. In Iraq, where Islamic State originated, it has a proven record of falling back upon local networks from which it can rise anew when conditions allow. So far, it has not shown it has the same capacity in Syria, and it might find doing so more challenging there than in Iraq. The sectarian divisions on which it thrives are less pronounced in Syria, and it faces competition there for jihadist loyalty from other powerful militant groups. Daesh is in essence an Iraqi organization, it will survive to some extent in Iraq. Syrian members will dissolve in other Syrian Salafi jihadist groups, said Hisham Hashami, an adviser on Islamic State to the Iraqi government. But in both countries it has shown it can exploit holes left by overstretched enemies to carry out spectacular attacks - the one in Syria s al-Qaryatayn most clearly - that spread panic and tie down opposing forces. It has also proved able to carry out bombings and assassinations in areas controlled by the Iraqi and Syrian governments, U.S.-backed Kurdish militias and rival jihadist rebel groups, signaling an ability to survive underground. A jihadist from a Syrian rebel faction opposed to Islamic State said the group had won enough support among young men to give it a latent capacity to revive. I believe that it is possible, given that its ideology has spread widely among the youths, that something new will emerge, the jihadist said, pointing to the highly effective propaganda machine deployed by Islamic State over the last three years. The al-Qaryatayn attack began on the evening of 29 September, when up to 250 militants with guns, rockets and mortars spread around the area with terrible speed , said Ayman al-Fayadh, a resident. It was particularly alarming because the government had declared al-Qaryatayn safe months ago, and had helped its residents to move back into their homes. When the jihadists were finally forced out after three weeks of fighting around the outskirts of al-Qaryatayn, they took their revenge, slaughtering scores of its inhabitants. They were very bloodthirsty and didn t spare anyone, Fayadh said. The Syrian military source said it took three weeks to retake the town because it was inhabited and the army was trying to avoid civilian casualties. However, the attack showed how towns in Syria s deserts, where armed forces can be spread only thinly, are vulnerable to Islamic State and that such operations can tie down opposing armies. People are afraid of Daesh returning, said a Syrian journalist who visited the town this week. They killed anyone who had taken part in pro-government protests. Bodies had been thrown in streets and in wells. Fayadh also said townspeople were among the attackers, indicating that Islamic State used its years of rule to build local support networks and establish sleeper cells for future attacks - something that could be replicated elsewhere in Syria. They re going to continue to have to look for places where they can plan and finance and resource and launch their attacks from, said Colonel Ryan Dillon, spokesman for the U.S.-led coalition, noting Islamic State had often used sparsely populated areas . The assault on Ramadi took place three days before. Militants attacked Iraqi security forces with suicide car bombs, mortars and machine guns in a city that it had apparently lost months earlier. The big challenge in both Iraq and Syria is to co-opt the Sunni Arab tribes, or risk a revival of jihadist insurgency. The Suuni-Shi ite divide has plagued Iraq since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003 that ignited the civil war. Shi ite parties backed by Iran have dominated the government and used militia forces against mostly Sunni insurgents. The Syrian government may have the same problem. It is allied to the region s main Shi ite powers - Iran and militia groups such as Lebanon s Hezbollah - and led by a president, Bashar al-Assad, from a Shi ite offshoot sect. It will also be a challenge for the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) alliance in northern Syria, which is spearheaded by Kurdish groups. They have sometimes struggled to convince Arabs that it will protect their interests. It all depends on the degree to which those fighting under Assad and the SDF incorporate settled tribes into governing structures, said Andrew Tabler, a fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East policy. Even in northwestern Syria, where rebel groups including jihadist factions hold sway, hardship and insurgent infighting might create space for Islamic State to again seize ground. Beside the al-Qaryatayn attack, a group of Islamic State fighters have managed to take a pocket of territory in rebel-held areas near Hama in recent weeks, battling a rival jihadist group for control of several villages. It has used bomb attacks and assassinations to target government-held cities in the west, Kurdish security forces in the northeast and Islamist rebel factions in the northwest. In the isolated enclave it holds in Yarmouk camp south of Damascus, it has also shown renewed aggression, taking over the headquarters of a neighboring rebel group this month by force. The jihadist rebel said he believed Islamic State could repeat the strategy it used in Iraq last decade of retrenching when under attack, then rebounding in more virulent form. In this period of weakness, Islamic State depends on the ideology that it spread, the jihadist said. It appears that the same experience is being repeated. They could carry out bombings, a guerrilla war.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Islamic State guerrilla attacks point to its future strategy TEXT: BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian and Iraqi forces closing in on the last scraps of Islamic State s caliphate straddling the remote border area between the two countries have already witnessed the jihadists likely response. While their comrades mounted last stands in their Syrian capital of Raqqa and the city of Hawija in Iraq, IS militants seized the Syrian town of al-Qaryatayn and launched its biggest attack for months in Ramadi late last month. That is the kind of guerrilla insurgency both countries foresee IS turning to. It is expected that after the Daesh terrorist organization s capacity to fight in the field is finished, its remnants will resort to this type of (guerrilla) operation. But for a certain period of time, not forever, said a Syrian military source, using an Arabic acronym for Islamic State. The continued ability for IS to mount attacks in areas where it was thought to have been eliminated will hinder efforts to stabilize regions when the fighting wanes. In Iraq, where Islamic State originated, it has a proven record of falling back upon local networks from which it can rise anew when conditions allow. So far, it has not shown it has the same capacity in Syria, and it might find doing so more challenging there than in Iraq. The sectarian divisions on which it thrives are less pronounced in Syria, and it faces competition there for jihadist loyalty from other powerful militant groups. Daesh is in essence an Iraqi organization, it will survive to some extent in Iraq. Syrian members will dissolve in other Syrian Salafi jihadist groups, said Hisham Hashami, an adviser on Islamic State to the Iraqi government. But in both countries it has shown it can exploit holes left by overstretched enemies to carry out spectacular attacks - the one in Syria s al-Qaryatayn most clearly - that spread panic and tie down opposing forces. It has also proved able to carry out bombings and assassinations in areas controlled by the Iraqi and Syrian governments, U.S.-backed Kurdish militias and rival jihadist rebel groups, signaling an ability to survive underground. A jihadist from a Syrian rebel faction opposed to Islamic State said the group had won enough support among young men to give it a latent capacity to revive. I believe that it is possible, given that its ideology has spread widely among the youths, that something new will emerge, the jihadist said, pointing to the highly effective propaganda machine deployed by Islamic State over the last three years. The al-Qaryatayn attack began on the evening of 29 September, when up to 250 militants with guns, rockets and mortars spread around the area with terrible speed , said Ayman al-Fayadh, a resident. It was particularly alarming because the government had declared al-Qaryatayn safe months ago, and had helped its residents to move back into their homes. When the jihadists were finally forced out after three weeks of fighting around the outskirts of al-Qaryatayn, they took their revenge, slaughtering scores of its inhabitants. They were very bloodthirsty and didn t spare anyone, Fayadh said. The Syrian military source said it took three weeks to retake the town because it was inhabited and the army was trying to avoid civilian casualties. However, the attack showed how towns in Syria s deserts, where armed forces can be spread only thinly, are vulnerable to Islamic State and that such operations can tie down opposing armies. People are afraid of Daesh returning, said a Syrian journalist who visited the town this week. They killed anyone who had taken part in pro-government protests. Bodies had been thrown in streets and in wells. Fayadh also said townspeople were among the attackers, indicating that Islamic State used its years of rule to build local support networks and establish sleeper cells for future attacks - something that could be replicated elsewhere in Syria. They re going to continue to have to look for places where they can plan and finance and resource and launch their attacks from, said Colonel Ryan Dillon, spokesman for the U.S.-led coalition, noting Islamic State had often used sparsely populated areas . The assault on Ramadi took place three days before. Militants attacked Iraqi security forces with suicide car bombs, mortars and machine guns in a city that it had apparently lost months earlier. The big challenge in both Iraq and Syria is to co-opt the Sunni Arab tribes, or risk a revival of jihadist insurgency. The Suuni-Shi ite divide has plagued Iraq since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003 that ignited the civil war. Shi ite parties backed by Iran have dominated the government and used militia forces against mostly Sunni insurgents. The Syrian government may have the same problem. It is allied to the region s main Shi ite powers - Iran and militia groups such as Lebanon s Hezbollah - and led by a president, Bashar al-Assad, from a Shi ite offshoot sect. It will also be a challenge for the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) alliance in northern Syria, which is spearheaded by Kurdish groups. They have sometimes struggled to convince Arabs that it will protect their interests. It all depends on the degree to which those fighting under Assad and the SDF incorporate settled tribes into governing structures, said Andrew Tabler, a fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East policy. Even in northwestern Syria, where rebel groups including jihadist factions hold sway, hardship and insurgent infighting might create space for Islamic State to again seize ground. Beside the al-Qaryatayn attack, a group of Islamic State fighters have managed to take a pocket of territory in rebel-held areas near Hama in recent weeks, battling a rival jihadist group for control of several villages. It has used bomb attacks and assassinations to target government-held cities in the west, Kurdish security forces in the northeast and Islamist rebel factions in the northwest. In the isolated enclave it holds in Yarmouk camp south of Damascus, it has also shown renewed aggression, taking over the headquarters of a neighboring rebel group this month by force. The jihadist rebel said he believed Islamic State could repeat the strategy it used in Iraq last decade of retrenching when under attack, then rebounding in more virulent form. In this period of weakness, Islamic State depends on the ideology that it spread, the jihadist said. It appears that the same experience is being repeated. They could carry out bombings, a guerrilla war.
TITLE: Islamic State guerrilla attacks point to its future strategy TEXT: BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian and Iraqi forces closing in on the last scraps of Islamic State s caliphate straddling the remote border area between the two countries have already witnessed the jihadists likely response. While their comrades mounted last stands in their Syrian capital of Raqqa and the city of Hawija in Iraq, IS militants seized the Syrian town of al-Qaryatayn and launched its biggest attack for months in Ramadi late last month. That is the kind of guerrilla insurgency both countries foresee IS turning to. It is expected that after the Daesh terrorist organization s capacity to fight in the field is finished, its remnants will resort to this type of (guerrilla) operation. But for a certain period of time, not forever, said a Syrian military source, using an Arabic acronym for Islamic State. The continued ability for IS to mount attacks in areas where it was thought to have been eliminated will hinder efforts to stabilize regions when the fighting wanes. In Iraq, where Islamic State originated, it has a proven record of falling back upon local networks from which it can rise anew when conditions allow. So far, it has not shown it has the same capacity in Syria, and it might find doing so more challenging there than in Iraq. The sectarian divisions on which it thrives are less pronounced in Syria, and it faces competition there for jihadist loyalty from other powerful militant groups. Daesh is in essence an Iraqi organization, it will survive to some extent in Iraq. Syrian members will dissolve in other Syrian Salafi jihadist groups, said Hisham Hashami, an adviser on Islamic State to the Iraqi government. But in both countries it has shown it can exploit holes left by overstretched enemies to carry out spectacular attacks - the one in Syria s al-Qaryatayn most clearly - that spread panic and tie down opposing forces. It has also proved able to carry out bombings and assassinations in areas controlled by the Iraqi and Syrian governments, U.S.-backed Kurdish militias and rival jihadist rebel groups, signaling an ability to survive underground. A jihadist from a Syrian rebel faction opposed to Islamic State said the group had won enough support among young men to give it a latent capacity to revive. I believe that it is possible, given that its ideology has spread widely among the youths, that something new will emerge, the jihadist said, pointing to the highly effective propaganda machine deployed by Islamic State over the last three years. The al-Qaryatayn attack began on the evening of 29 September, when up to 250 militants with guns, rockets and mortars spread around the area with terrible speed , said Ayman al-Fayadh, a resident. It was particularly alarming because the government had declared al-Qaryatayn safe months ago, and had helped its residents to move back into their homes. When the jihadists were finally forced out after three weeks of fighting around the outskirts of al-Qaryatayn, they took their revenge, slaughtering scores of its inhabitants. They were very bloodthirsty and didn t spare anyone, Fayadh said. The Syrian military source said it took three weeks to retake the town because it was inhabited and the army was trying to avoid civilian casualties. However, the attack showed how towns in Syria s deserts, where armed forces can be spread only thinly, are vulnerable to Islamic State and that such operations can tie down opposing armies. People are afraid of Daesh returning, said a Syrian journalist who visited the town this week. They killed anyone who had taken part in pro-government protests. Bodies had been thrown in streets and in wells. Fayadh also said townspeople were among the attackers, indicating that Islamic State used its years of rule to build local support networks and establish sleeper cells for future attacks - something that could be replicated elsewhere in Syria. They re going to continue to have to look for places where they can plan and finance and resource and launch their attacks from, said Colonel Ryan Dillon, spokesman for the U.S.-led coalition, noting Islamic State had often used sparsely populated areas . The assault on Ramadi took place three days before. Militants attacked Iraqi security forces with suicide car bombs, mortars and machine guns in a city that it had apparently lost months earlier. The big challenge in both Iraq and Syria is to co-opt the Sunni Arab tribes, or risk a revival of jihadist insurgency. The Suuni-Shi ite divide has plagued Iraq since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003 that ignited the civil war. Shi ite parties backed by Iran have dominated the government and used militia forces against mostly Sunni insurgents. The Syrian government may have the same problem. It is allied to the region s main Shi ite powers - Iran and militia groups such as Lebanon s Hezbollah - and led by a president, Bashar al-Assad, from a Shi ite offshoot sect. It will also be a challenge for the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) alliance in northern Syria, which is spearheaded by Kurdish groups. They have sometimes struggled to convince Arabs that it will protect their interests. It all depends on the degree to which those fighting under Assad and the SDF incorporate settled tribes into governing structures, said Andrew Tabler, a fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East policy. Even in northwestern Syria, where rebel groups including jihadist factions hold sway, hardship and insurgent infighting might create space for Islamic State to again seize ground. Beside the al-Qaryatayn attack, a group of Islamic State fighters have managed to take a pocket of territory in rebel-held areas near Hama in recent weeks, battling a rival jihadist group for control of several villages. It has used bomb attacks and assassinations to target government-held cities in the west, Kurdish security forces in the northeast and Islamist rebel factions in the northwest. In the isolated enclave it holds in Yarmouk camp south of Damascus, it has also shown renewed aggression, taking over the headquarters of a neighboring rebel group this month by force. The jihadist rebel said he believed Islamic State could repeat the strategy it used in Iraq last decade of retrenching when under attack, then rebounding in more virulent form. In this period of weakness, Islamic State depends on the ideology that it spread, the jihadist said. It appears that the same experience is being repeated. They could carry out bombings, a guerrilla war.
SHOCKING VIDEO: Congressman Caught In Meltdown Threatening Reporter [Video]
Crazy video of Congressman Alan Grayson going off on a Politico reporter has been released. Grayson appears to be such an elitist and a pompous a@@ when addressing the reporter.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: SHOCKING VIDEO: Congressman Caught In Meltdown Threatening Reporter [Video] TEXT: Crazy video of Congressman Alan Grayson going off on a Politico reporter has been released. Grayson appears to be such an elitist and a pompous a@@ when addressing the reporter.
TITLE: SHOCKING VIDEO: Congressman Caught In Meltdown Threatening Reporter [Video] TEXT: Crazy video of Congressman Alan Grayson going off on a Politico reporter has been released. Grayson appears to be such an elitist and a pompous a@@ when addressing the reporter.
STOCKHOLM STUDY: US & Europe Top Arms Trade Globally – Saudi Arabia’s Weapons Imports Skyrocket Over 200 Percent
21st Century Wire says According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), arms imports to Middle Eastern countries have had an 86 percent upsurge over the past decade. In addition, US arms exports have amounted to nearly one third of global arms imports from 2012-16. SAUDI STRIKES Saudi Arabia has repeatedly violated human rights during their ongoing military intervention in Yemen since 2015. (Photo Illustration 21WIRE s Shawn Helton)Stockholm s Arms ReportSIPRI is a Swedish based think-tank focused on independent research concerning conflict, armaments, arms control and disarmament. Established in 1966, SIPRI provides data, analysis and recommendations, based on open sources, to policymakers, researchers, media and the interested public. The recently released Stockholm study yielded some stunning conclusions concerning arms exports from the US and Europe, in addition to arms imports acquired by Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, most notably Saudi Arabia. According to this latest report from 2012-16, there has been the highest arms transfer volume over a 5-year stretch since the end of the Cold War. Here s a passage from the SPIRI armament findings that have dovetailed the ongoing Western-backed regime change campaign in Syria as well as Yemen: Saudi Arabia was the world s second largest arms importer in 2012-16, with an increase of 212 per cent compared with 2007 11. Arms imports by Qatar went up by 245 per cent. Although at lower rates, the majority of other states in the region also increased arms imports. Over the past five years, most states in the Middle East have turned primarily to the USA and Europe in their accelerated pursuit of advanced military capabilities , said Pieter Wezeman, Senior Researcher with the SIPRI Arms and Military Expenditure Programme. Despite low oil prices, countries in the region continued to order more weapons in 2016, perceiving them as crucial tools for dealing with conflicts and regional tensions. Continuing, the wartime study revealed the extensive arms supplies exported by the US in recent years: The USA supplies major arms to at least 100 countries around the world significantly more than any other supplier state , said Dr Aude Fleurant, Director of the SIPRI Arms and Military Expenditure Programme. Both advanced strike aircraft with cruise missiles and other precision-guided munitions and the latest generation air and missile defence systems account for a significant share of US arms exports. Saudi Siege in YemenIn 2015, a US-backed coalition led by Saudi Arabia and other GCC countries, directed airstrikes inside Yemen, continuing their breach of international law after announcing a ceasefire and the apparent end of Operation Decisive Storm. The Pentagon sanctioned Decisive Storm, gave way to the Orwellian-sounding, Operation Restoring Hope , even as the UN raised concerns over civilians killed throughout the consecutive Saudi Arabian airstrike campaigns in the region.In October of 2016, Time magazine confirmed the growing wartime alliance between the US and its Saudi partners as the intervention in Yemen escalated. It was then revealed that Saudi Arabia, purchased more than $20 billion in arms from the U.S. in 2015 alone. While Western allies claimed that the Saudi-led airstrikes on Yemen were meant to restore order there was no explanation as to how the unprovoked bombardment would help bring stability to an already fractured region.Almost a month after the Saudi-led airstrikes in Yemen began, the LA Times published a piece entitled, Al Qaeda in Yemen using chaos of war to carve out terrorism haven. The mainstream outlet outlined the rise of Al Qaeda militants in Yemen, also known as Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) following the dubious air raids conducted by Saudi Arabia.The AQAP narrative was preempted by a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) March 19th release one week before bombing in Yemen began. The article also curiously predicted the rise of AQAP (and other Sunni extremists) as a symptom of the US-GCC proxy war in Yemen: A sectarian conflict in Yemen could help AQAP exploit the instability and expand its domestic insurgency among Sunni communities. When considering the recent arms report outlined by SIPRI, we can clearly see a how a Western engineered proxy landscape took its shape in both Syria and Yemen over the past several years. Think-tank planners telegraphed their predictions around existing military operations already put in motion.Problem, reaction, solution COAT OF ARMS The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. (Image Source: sasnetold.eu)Western-backed Terror ExposedIn December of 2016, 21WIRE discussed the recent Stop Funding Terrorism Bill (HR 5433) openly supported by US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard: Previously 21WIRE reported how US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (HI-D) received a somewhat hostile reception when talking with CNN s Jake Tapper about her Stop Funding Terrorism Bill. Gabbard is the first US legislator since the 1980 s to openly highlight the very real problem of US clandestine services arming and supporting violent internatonal terrorist organizations, particularly those currently operating inside of Syria.Interestingly, Gabbard s important move to stop international terrorism comes at the exact same time when the outgoing President Obama has pushed his own executive action to lift all restrictions on US arms exports and support to proxy rebel or terrorist fighting groups operating in Syria and elsewhere. In this context, we can see clearly that there is a moral battle being fought in Washington between those who oppose terrorism and those like President Obama and Senator John McCain, who have seen it as useful in the pursuit of their own geopolitical objectives, particularly by their open support of terrorist factions in Syria. Gabbard recently returned from a fact finding trip to Syria where she stated that Syrian people expressed that there are no moderate rebels fighting inside the embattled nation. Watch her discuss the matter with CNN s Jake Tapper below In 2013, the NY Times openly discussed the CIA s arms shipments (with Turkish aid) to parts of the Middle East, namely, Jordan, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Unbeknownst to most US taxpayers at the time, the CIA was arming so-called moderate Syrian rebels, many of which have had links to terror. Here s a passage from the March 2013 NY Times report, that disclosed the Langley sanctioned arms shipments to rebels: With help from the C.I.A., Arab governments and Turkey have sharply increased their military aid to Syria s opposition fighters in recent months, expanding a secret airlift of arms and equipment for the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad, according to air traffic data, interviews with officials in several countries and the accounts of rebel commanders.The airlift, which began on a small scale in early 2012 and continued intermittently through last fall, expanded into a steady and much heavier flow late last year, the data shows. It has grown to include more than 160 military cargo flights by Jordanian, Saudi and Qatari military-style cargo planes landing at Esenboga Airport near Ankara, and, to a lesser degree, at other Turkish and Jordanian airports. In June of 2016, the content analysis site Media Research Center underscored the US-Saudi rebel training revelations:This training program, authorized by President Obama in 2013, allows the Central Intelligence Agency to arm and train Syrian rebels under the codename Timber Sycamore. Several days ago, the NYT reported the intricate history of the U.S.-Saudi arms relationship in Syria: the C.I.A. and its Saudi counterpart have maintained an unusual arrangement for the rebel-training mission, which the Americans have code-named Timber Sycamore. Under the deal, current and former administration officials said, the Saudis contribute both weapons and large sums of money, and the C.I.A takes the lead in training the rebels on AK-47 assault rifles and tank-destroying missiles. The MRC report concluded that many of the arms shipments were found to have made their way to the black market via Jordanian intelligence: But now, some of the weapons intended for Syrian rebels have found their way to the black market. The weapons reportedly stolen by Jordanian intelligence operatives included Kalashnikov assault rifles, mortars and rocket-propelled grenades. Interestingly, since 2013, the CIA s involvement in rebel training facilities in Jordan have been publicly discussed. Here s a revealing passage from the the UK s Guardian on the matter: The Pentagon said last October that a small group of US special forces and military planners had been to Jordan during the summer to help the country prepare for the possibility of Syrian use of chemical weapons and train selected rebel fighters.That planning cell, which was housed at the King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Centre in the north of the capital, Amman, has since been expanded to co-ordinate a more ambitious training programme. But Jordanian sources said the actual training was being carried out at more remote sites, with recent US reports saying it was being led by the CIA. Flash forward to January of 2016, the NY Times disclosed that millions in arms shipments supplied to Jordan from the CIA and Saudi Arabia were somehow stolen by Jordanian intelligence operatives and put on the black market, according to official reports.Today, Reuters states that the CIA has reportedly frozen aid to apparent rebel groups in Northwest Syria. Here s a passage from the Reuters exclusive: Rebel officials said that no official explanation had been given for the move this month following the jihadist assault, though several said they believed the main objective was to prevent arms and cash falling into Islamist militant hands. But they said they expected the aid freeze to be temporary.The halt in assistance, which has included salaries, training, ammunition and in some cases guided anti-tank missiles, is a response to jihadist attacks and has nothing to do with U.S. President Donald Trump replacing Barack Obama in January, two U.S. officials familiar with the CIA-led program said. Interestingly, a new narrative taking shape blames an apparent militant attack on so-called Syrian rebel groups carried out by members formerly of Al-Nusra Front ( now of Jabhat Fateh al-Sham), a known al Qaeda s affiliate.In July of 2015, we at 21WIRE reported the following developments taking place inside Syria: it was reported that the Army of Islam operating in Damascus, executed members of ISIS that s right, Sunnis militants taking out their own. The Gulf State backed army is comprised of 50 or so groups, including members of ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra the Syrian branch of Al Qaeda and the Washington supported FSA rebels, the so-called moderates that the US is still collaborating with in Syria. Is it possible we are seeing a similar development concerning the recent Reuters revelations or is there something else at play?More about the Stockholm arms study on RT below (Image Source: nybooks.com)RTBetween 2007 2011 and 2012 2016 arms imports by states in the Middle East rose by 86 percent, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) said on Monday.India was the world s largest importer of major arms in 2012 2016, accounting for 13 percent of the global total, the study said. Over the past five years, most states in the Middle East have turned primarily to the USA and Europe in their accelerated pursuit of advanced military capabilities, Pieter Wezeman, senior researcher with the SIPRI Arms and Military Expenditure Program, said. Despite low oil prices, countries in the region continued to order more weapons in 2016, perceiving them as crucial tools for dealing with conflicts and regional tensions, he added.With a one-third share of global arms exports, the USA was the top arms exporter in 2012 16. Its arms exports increased by 21 percent compared with 2007 2011.Almost half of US arms exports went to the Middle East, SIPRI said, adding that arms imports by Qatar went up by 245 percent. The USA supplies major arms to at least 100 countries around the world significantly more than any other supplier state, Dr. Aude Fleurant, director of the SIPRI Arms and Military Expenditure Program, said. Both advanced strike aircraft with cruise missiles and other precision-guided munitions and the latest generation air and missile defense systems account for a significant share of US arms exports. Saudi Arabia s defense expenditure grew by 5.7 percent to $87.2 billion in 2015, making it the world s third-largest spender at the time, according to a SIPRI report from April.More from RT News here READ MORE YEMEN NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Yemen FilesREAD MORE ON SYRIA: 21st Century Wire Syria FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: STOCKHOLM STUDY: US & Europe Top Arms Trade Globally – Saudi Arabia’s Weapons Imports Skyrocket Over 200 Percent TEXT: 21st Century Wire says According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), arms imports to Middle Eastern countries have had an 86 percent upsurge over the past decade. In addition, US arms exports have amounted to nearly one third of global arms imports from 2012-16. SAUDI STRIKES Saudi Arabia has repeatedly violated human rights during their ongoing military intervention in Yemen since 2015. (Photo Illustration 21WIRE s Shawn Helton)Stockholm s Arms ReportSIPRI is a Swedish based think-tank focused on independent research concerning conflict, armaments, arms control and disarmament. Established in 1966, SIPRI provides data, analysis and recommendations, based on open sources, to policymakers, researchers, media and the interested public. The recently released Stockholm study yielded some stunning conclusions concerning arms exports from the US and Europe, in addition to arms imports acquired by Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, most notably Saudi Arabia. According to this latest report from 2012-16, there has been the highest arms transfer volume over a 5-year stretch since the end of the Cold War. Here s a passage from the SPIRI armament findings that have dovetailed the ongoing Western-backed regime change campaign in Syria as well as Yemen: Saudi Arabia was the world s second largest arms importer in 2012-16, with an increase of 212 per cent compared with 2007 11. Arms imports by Qatar went up by 245 per cent. Although at lower rates, the majority of other states in the region also increased arms imports. Over the past five years, most states in the Middle East have turned primarily to the USA and Europe in their accelerated pursuit of advanced military capabilities , said Pieter Wezeman, Senior Researcher with the SIPRI Arms and Military Expenditure Programme. Despite low oil prices, countries in the region continued to order more weapons in 2016, perceiving them as crucial tools for dealing with conflicts and regional tensions. Continuing, the wartime study revealed the extensive arms supplies exported by the US in recent years: The USA supplies major arms to at least 100 countries around the world significantly more than any other supplier state , said Dr Aude Fleurant, Director of the SIPRI Arms and Military Expenditure Programme. Both advanced strike aircraft with cruise missiles and other precision-guided munitions and the latest generation air and missile defence systems account for a significant share of US arms exports. Saudi Siege in YemenIn 2015, a US-backed coalition led by Saudi Arabia and other GCC countries, directed airstrikes inside Yemen, continuing their breach of international law after announcing a ceasefire and the apparent end of Operation Decisive Storm. The Pentagon sanctioned Decisive Storm, gave way to the Orwellian-sounding, Operation Restoring Hope , even as the UN raised concerns over civilians killed throughout the consecutive Saudi Arabian airstrike campaigns in the region.In October of 2016, Time magazine confirmed the growing wartime alliance between the US and its Saudi partners as the intervention in Yemen escalated. It was then revealed that Saudi Arabia, purchased more than $20 billion in arms from the U.S. in 2015 alone. While Western allies claimed that the Saudi-led airstrikes on Yemen were meant to restore order there was no explanation as to how the unprovoked bombardment would help bring stability to an already fractured region.Almost a month after the Saudi-led airstrikes in Yemen began, the LA Times published a piece entitled, Al Qaeda in Yemen using chaos of war to carve out terrorism haven. The mainstream outlet outlined the rise of Al Qaeda militants in Yemen, also known as Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) following the dubious air raids conducted by Saudi Arabia.The AQAP narrative was preempted by a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) March 19th release one week before bombing in Yemen began. The article also curiously predicted the rise of AQAP (and other Sunni extremists) as a symptom of the US-GCC proxy war in Yemen: A sectarian conflict in Yemen could help AQAP exploit the instability and expand its domestic insurgency among Sunni communities. When considering the recent arms report outlined by SIPRI, we can clearly see a how a Western engineered proxy landscape took its shape in both Syria and Yemen over the past several years. Think-tank planners telegraphed their predictions around existing military operations already put in motion.Problem, reaction, solution COAT OF ARMS The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. (Image Source: sasnetold.eu)Western-backed Terror ExposedIn December of 2016, 21WIRE discussed the recent Stop Funding Terrorism Bill (HR 5433) openly supported by US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard: Previously 21WIRE reported how US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (HI-D) received a somewhat hostile reception when talking with CNN s Jake Tapper about her Stop Funding Terrorism Bill. Gabbard is the first US legislator since the 1980 s to openly highlight the very real problem of US clandestine services arming and supporting violent internatonal terrorist organizations, particularly those currently operating inside of Syria.Interestingly, Gabbard s important move to stop international terrorism comes at the exact same time when the outgoing President Obama has pushed his own executive action to lift all restrictions on US arms exports and support to proxy rebel or terrorist fighting groups operating in Syria and elsewhere. In this context, we can see clearly that there is a moral battle being fought in Washington between those who oppose terrorism and those like President Obama and Senator John McCain, who have seen it as useful in the pursuit of their own geopolitical objectives, particularly by their open support of terrorist factions in Syria. Gabbard recently returned from a fact finding trip to Syria where she stated that Syrian people expressed that there are no moderate rebels fighting inside the embattled nation. Watch her discuss the matter with CNN s Jake Tapper below In 2013, the NY Times openly discussed the CIA s arms shipments (with Turkish aid) to parts of the Middle East, namely, Jordan, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Unbeknownst to most US taxpayers at the time, the CIA was arming so-called moderate Syrian rebels, many of which have had links to terror. Here s a passage from the March 2013 NY Times report, that disclosed the Langley sanctioned arms shipments to rebels: With help from the C.I.A., Arab governments and Turkey have sharply increased their military aid to Syria s opposition fighters in recent months, expanding a secret airlift of arms and equipment for the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad, according to air traffic data, interviews with officials in several countries and the accounts of rebel commanders.The airlift, which began on a small scale in early 2012 and continued intermittently through last fall, expanded into a steady and much heavier flow late last year, the data shows. It has grown to include more than 160 military cargo flights by Jordanian, Saudi and Qatari military-style cargo planes landing at Esenboga Airport near Ankara, and, to a lesser degree, at other Turkish and Jordanian airports. In June of 2016, the content analysis site Media Research Center underscored the US-Saudi rebel training revelations:This training program, authorized by President Obama in 2013, allows the Central Intelligence Agency to arm and train Syrian rebels under the codename Timber Sycamore. Several days ago, the NYT reported the intricate history of the U.S.-Saudi arms relationship in Syria: the C.I.A. and its Saudi counterpart have maintained an unusual arrangement for the rebel-training mission, which the Americans have code-named Timber Sycamore. Under the deal, current and former administration officials said, the Saudis contribute both weapons and large sums of money, and the C.I.A takes the lead in training the rebels on AK-47 assault rifles and tank-destroying missiles. The MRC report concluded that many of the arms shipments were found to have made their way to the black market via Jordanian intelligence: But now, some of the weapons intended for Syrian rebels have found their way to the black market. The weapons reportedly stolen by Jordanian intelligence operatives included Kalashnikov assault rifles, mortars and rocket-propelled grenades. Interestingly, since 2013, the CIA s involvement in rebel training facilities in Jordan have been publicly discussed. Here s a revealing passage from the the UK s Guardian on the matter: The Pentagon said last October that a small group of US special forces and military planners had been to Jordan during the summer to help the country prepare for the possibility of Syrian use of chemical weapons and train selected rebel fighters.That planning cell, which was housed at the King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Centre in the north of the capital, Amman, has since been expanded to co-ordinate a more ambitious training programme. But Jordanian sources said the actual training was being carried out at more remote sites, with recent US reports saying it was being led by the CIA. Flash forward to January of 2016, the NY Times disclosed that millions in arms shipments supplied to Jordan from the CIA and Saudi Arabia were somehow stolen by Jordanian intelligence operatives and put on the black market, according to official reports.Today, Reuters states that the CIA has reportedly frozen aid to apparent rebel groups in Northwest Syria. Here s a passage from the Reuters exclusive: Rebel officials said that no official explanation had been given for the move this month following the jihadist assault, though several said they believed the main objective was to prevent arms and cash falling into Islamist militant hands. But they said they expected the aid freeze to be temporary.The halt in assistance, which has included salaries, training, ammunition and in some cases guided anti-tank missiles, is a response to jihadist attacks and has nothing to do with U.S. President Donald Trump replacing Barack Obama in January, two U.S. officials familiar with the CIA-led program said. Interestingly, a new narrative taking shape blames an apparent militant attack on so-called Syrian rebel groups carried out by members formerly of Al-Nusra Front ( now of Jabhat Fateh al-Sham), a known al Qaeda s affiliate.In July of 2015, we at 21WIRE reported the following developments taking place inside Syria: it was reported that the Army of Islam operating in Damascus, executed members of ISIS that s right, Sunnis militants taking out their own. The Gulf State backed army is comprised of 50 or so groups, including members of ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra the Syrian branch of Al Qaeda and the Washington supported FSA rebels, the so-called moderates that the US is still collaborating with in Syria. Is it possible we are seeing a similar development concerning the recent Reuters revelations or is there something else at play?More about the Stockholm arms study on RT below (Image Source: nybooks.com)RTBetween 2007 2011 and 2012 2016 arms imports by states in the Middle East rose by 86 percent, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) said on Monday.India was the world s largest importer of major arms in 2012 2016, accounting for 13 percent of the global total, the study said. Over the past five years, most states in the Middle East have turned primarily to the USA and Europe in their accelerated pursuit of advanced military capabilities, Pieter Wezeman, senior researcher with the SIPRI Arms and Military Expenditure Program, said. Despite low oil prices, countries in the region continued to order more weapons in 2016, perceiving them as crucial tools for dealing with conflicts and regional tensions, he added.With a one-third share of global arms exports, the USA was the top arms exporter in 2012 16. Its arms exports increased by 21 percent compared with 2007 2011.Almost half of US arms exports went to the Middle East, SIPRI said, adding that arms imports by Qatar went up by 245 percent. The USA supplies major arms to at least 100 countries around the world significantly more than any other supplier state, Dr. Aude Fleurant, director of the SIPRI Arms and Military Expenditure Program, said. Both advanced strike aircraft with cruise missiles and other precision-guided munitions and the latest generation air and missile defense systems account for a significant share of US arms exports. Saudi Arabia s defense expenditure grew by 5.7 percent to $87.2 billion in 2015, making it the world s third-largest spender at the time, according to a SIPRI report from April.More from RT News here READ MORE YEMEN NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Yemen FilesREAD MORE ON SYRIA: 21st Century Wire Syria FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
TITLE: STOCKHOLM STUDY: US & Europe Top Arms Trade Globally – Saudi Arabia’s Weapons Imports Skyrocket Over 200 Percent TEXT: 21st Century Wire says According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), arms imports to Middle Eastern countries have had an 86 percent upsurge over the past decade. In addition, US arms exports have amounted to nearly one third of global arms imports from 2012-16. SAUDI STRIKES Saudi Arabia has repeatedly violated human rights during their ongoing military intervention in Yemen since 2015. (Photo Illustration 21WIRE s Shawn Helton)Stockholm s Arms ReportSIPRI is a Swedish based think-tank focused on independent research concerning conflict, armaments, arms control and disarmament. Established in 1966, SIPRI provides data, analysis and recommendations, based on open sources, to policymakers, researchers, media and the interested public. The recently released Stockholm study yielded some stunning conclusions concerning arms exports from the US and Europe, in addition to arms imports acquired by Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, most notably Saudi Arabia. According to this latest report from 2012-16, there has been the highest arms transfer volume over a 5-year stretch since the end of the Cold War. Here s a passage from the SPIRI armament findings that have dovetailed the ongoing Western-backed regime change campaign in Syria as well as Yemen: Saudi Arabia was the world s second largest arms importer in 2012-16, with an increase of 212 per cent compared with 2007 11. Arms imports by Qatar went up by 245 per cent. Although at lower rates, the majority of other states in the region also increased arms imports. Over the past five years, most states in the Middle East have turned primarily to the USA and Europe in their accelerated pursuit of advanced military capabilities , said Pieter Wezeman, Senior Researcher with the SIPRI Arms and Military Expenditure Programme. Despite low oil prices, countries in the region continued to order more weapons in 2016, perceiving them as crucial tools for dealing with conflicts and regional tensions. Continuing, the wartime study revealed the extensive arms supplies exported by the US in recent years: The USA supplies major arms to at least 100 countries around the world significantly more than any other supplier state , said Dr Aude Fleurant, Director of the SIPRI Arms and Military Expenditure Programme. Both advanced strike aircraft with cruise missiles and other precision-guided munitions and the latest generation air and missile defence systems account for a significant share of US arms exports. Saudi Siege in YemenIn 2015, a US-backed coalition led by Saudi Arabia and other GCC countries, directed airstrikes inside Yemen, continuing their breach of international law after announcing a ceasefire and the apparent end of Operation Decisive Storm. The Pentagon sanctioned Decisive Storm, gave way to the Orwellian-sounding, Operation Restoring Hope , even as the UN raised concerns over civilians killed throughout the consecutive Saudi Arabian airstrike campaigns in the region.In October of 2016, Time magazine confirmed the growing wartime alliance between the US and its Saudi partners as the intervention in Yemen escalated. It was then revealed that Saudi Arabia, purchased more than $20 billion in arms from the U.S. in 2015 alone. While Western allies claimed that the Saudi-led airstrikes on Yemen were meant to restore order there was no explanation as to how the unprovoked bombardment would help bring stability to an already fractured region.Almost a month after the Saudi-led airstrikes in Yemen began, the LA Times published a piece entitled, Al Qaeda in Yemen using chaos of war to carve out terrorism haven. The mainstream outlet outlined the rise of Al Qaeda militants in Yemen, also known as Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) following the dubious air raids conducted by Saudi Arabia.The AQAP narrative was preempted by a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) March 19th release one week before bombing in Yemen began. The article also curiously predicted the rise of AQAP (and other Sunni extremists) as a symptom of the US-GCC proxy war in Yemen: A sectarian conflict in Yemen could help AQAP exploit the instability and expand its domestic insurgency among Sunni communities. When considering the recent arms report outlined by SIPRI, we can clearly see a how a Western engineered proxy landscape took its shape in both Syria and Yemen over the past several years. Think-tank planners telegraphed their predictions around existing military operations already put in motion.Problem, reaction, solution COAT OF ARMS The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. (Image Source: sasnetold.eu)Western-backed Terror ExposedIn December of 2016, 21WIRE discussed the recent Stop Funding Terrorism Bill (HR 5433) openly supported by US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard: Previously 21WIRE reported how US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (HI-D) received a somewhat hostile reception when talking with CNN s Jake Tapper about her Stop Funding Terrorism Bill. Gabbard is the first US legislator since the 1980 s to openly highlight the very real problem of US clandestine services arming and supporting violent internatonal terrorist organizations, particularly those currently operating inside of Syria.Interestingly, Gabbard s important move to stop international terrorism comes at the exact same time when the outgoing President Obama has pushed his own executive action to lift all restrictions on US arms exports and support to proxy rebel or terrorist fighting groups operating in Syria and elsewhere. In this context, we can see clearly that there is a moral battle being fought in Washington between those who oppose terrorism and those like President Obama and Senator John McCain, who have seen it as useful in the pursuit of their own geopolitical objectives, particularly by their open support of terrorist factions in Syria. Gabbard recently returned from a fact finding trip to Syria where she stated that Syrian people expressed that there are no moderate rebels fighting inside the embattled nation. Watch her discuss the matter with CNN s Jake Tapper below In 2013, the NY Times openly discussed the CIA s arms shipments (with Turkish aid) to parts of the Middle East, namely, Jordan, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Unbeknownst to most US taxpayers at the time, the CIA was arming so-called moderate Syrian rebels, many of which have had links to terror. Here s a passage from the March 2013 NY Times report, that disclosed the Langley sanctioned arms shipments to rebels: With help from the C.I.A., Arab governments and Turkey have sharply increased their military aid to Syria s opposition fighters in recent months, expanding a secret airlift of arms and equipment for the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad, according to air traffic data, interviews with officials in several countries and the accounts of rebel commanders.The airlift, which began on a small scale in early 2012 and continued intermittently through last fall, expanded into a steady and much heavier flow late last year, the data shows. It has grown to include more than 160 military cargo flights by Jordanian, Saudi and Qatari military-style cargo planes landing at Esenboga Airport near Ankara, and, to a lesser degree, at other Turkish and Jordanian airports. In June of 2016, the content analysis site Media Research Center underscored the US-Saudi rebel training revelations:This training program, authorized by President Obama in 2013, allows the Central Intelligence Agency to arm and train Syrian rebels under the codename Timber Sycamore. Several days ago, the NYT reported the intricate history of the U.S.-Saudi arms relationship in Syria: the C.I.A. and its Saudi counterpart have maintained an unusual arrangement for the rebel-training mission, which the Americans have code-named Timber Sycamore. Under the deal, current and former administration officials said, the Saudis contribute both weapons and large sums of money, and the C.I.A takes the lead in training the rebels on AK-47 assault rifles and tank-destroying missiles. The MRC report concluded that many of the arms shipments were found to have made their way to the black market via Jordanian intelligence: But now, some of the weapons intended for Syrian rebels have found their way to the black market. The weapons reportedly stolen by Jordanian intelligence operatives included Kalashnikov assault rifles, mortars and rocket-propelled grenades. Interestingly, since 2013, the CIA s involvement in rebel training facilities in Jordan have been publicly discussed. Here s a revealing passage from the the UK s Guardian on the matter: The Pentagon said last October that a small group of US special forces and military planners had been to Jordan during the summer to help the country prepare for the possibility of Syrian use of chemical weapons and train selected rebel fighters.That planning cell, which was housed at the King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Centre in the north of the capital, Amman, has since been expanded to co-ordinate a more ambitious training programme. But Jordanian sources said the actual training was being carried out at more remote sites, with recent US reports saying it was being led by the CIA. Flash forward to January of 2016, the NY Times disclosed that millions in arms shipments supplied to Jordan from the CIA and Saudi Arabia were somehow stolen by Jordanian intelligence operatives and put on the black market, according to official reports.Today, Reuters states that the CIA has reportedly frozen aid to apparent rebel groups in Northwest Syria. Here s a passage from the Reuters exclusive: Rebel officials said that no official explanation had been given for the move this month following the jihadist assault, though several said they believed the main objective was to prevent arms and cash falling into Islamist militant hands. But they said they expected the aid freeze to be temporary.The halt in assistance, which has included salaries, training, ammunition and in some cases guided anti-tank missiles, is a response to jihadist attacks and has nothing to do with U.S. President Donald Trump replacing Barack Obama in January, two U.S. officials familiar with the CIA-led program said. Interestingly, a new narrative taking shape blames an apparent militant attack on so-called Syrian rebel groups carried out by members formerly of Al-Nusra Front ( now of Jabhat Fateh al-Sham), a known al Qaeda s affiliate.In July of 2015, we at 21WIRE reported the following developments taking place inside Syria: it was reported that the Army of Islam operating in Damascus, executed members of ISIS that s right, Sunnis militants taking out their own. The Gulf State backed army is comprised of 50 or so groups, including members of ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra the Syrian branch of Al Qaeda and the Washington supported FSA rebels, the so-called moderates that the US is still collaborating with in Syria. Is it possible we are seeing a similar development concerning the recent Reuters revelations or is there something else at play?More about the Stockholm arms study on RT below (Image Source: nybooks.com)RTBetween 2007 2011 and 2012 2016 arms imports by states in the Middle East rose by 86 percent, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) said on Monday.India was the world s largest importer of major arms in 2012 2016, accounting for 13 percent of the global total, the study said. Over the past five years, most states in the Middle East have turned primarily to the USA and Europe in their accelerated pursuit of advanced military capabilities, Pieter Wezeman, senior researcher with the SIPRI Arms and Military Expenditure Program, said. Despite low oil prices, countries in the region continued to order more weapons in 2016, perceiving them as crucial tools for dealing with conflicts and regional tensions, he added.With a one-third share of global arms exports, the USA was the top arms exporter in 2012 16. Its arms exports increased by 21 percent compared with 2007 2011.Almost half of US arms exports went to the Middle East, SIPRI said, adding that arms imports by Qatar went up by 245 percent. The USA supplies major arms to at least 100 countries around the world significantly more than any other supplier state, Dr. Aude Fleurant, director of the SIPRI Arms and Military Expenditure Program, said. Both advanced strike aircraft with cruise missiles and other precision-guided munitions and the latest generation air and missile defense systems account for a significant share of US arms exports. Saudi Arabia s defense expenditure grew by 5.7 percent to $87.2 billion in 2015, making it the world s third-largest spender at the time, according to a SIPRI report from April.More from RT News here READ MORE YEMEN NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Yemen FilesREAD MORE ON SYRIA: 21st Century Wire Syria FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
BREAKING: SYRIAN REFUGEE KILLS German Woman, Injures 2 With Machete…German Citizen Plows Refugee Down With BMW [VIDEO]
This news comes as Obama works to bring even more unvetted Syrian refugees to America as Hillary nods in agreement Police say a Syrian asylum-seeker killed a woman with a machete and wounded two others outside a bus station in the southwestern German city of Reutlingen before being arrested.Police spokesman Bjoern Reusch said in a statement Sunday that witnesses said the 21-year-old man, who was known to police, was having an argument with the woman before attacking her about 4:30 p.m. Police say the motive behind the attack is still not clear.The attack comes as Germany is on edge following a rampage at a Munich mall on Friday night in which nine people were killed, and an ax attack on a train a week ago that left five wounded in southern Germany. Weasel Zippers Via: ABC NewsUpdate:The attack was actually stopped by a BMW driver who hit the attacker with his car and saved it from being worse.Video of attack. You can hear a witness shouting My God, My God, he s attacking her with a knife! Of course, the news stations were quick to say this was not a terror attack
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: BREAKING: SYRIAN REFUGEE KILLS German Woman, Injures 2 With Machete…German Citizen Plows Refugee Down With BMW [VIDEO] TEXT: This news comes as Obama works to bring even more unvetted Syrian refugees to America as Hillary nods in agreement Police say a Syrian asylum-seeker killed a woman with a machete and wounded two others outside a bus station in the southwestern German city of Reutlingen before being arrested.Police spokesman Bjoern Reusch said in a statement Sunday that witnesses said the 21-year-old man, who was known to police, was having an argument with the woman before attacking her about 4:30 p.m. Police say the motive behind the attack is still not clear.The attack comes as Germany is on edge following a rampage at a Munich mall on Friday night in which nine people were killed, and an ax attack on a train a week ago that left five wounded in southern Germany. Weasel Zippers Via: ABC NewsUpdate:The attack was actually stopped by a BMW driver who hit the attacker with his car and saved it from being worse.Video of attack. You can hear a witness shouting My God, My God, he s attacking her with a knife! Of course, the news stations were quick to say this was not a terror attack
TITLE: BREAKING: SYRIAN REFUGEE KILLS German Woman, Injures 2 With Machete…German Citizen Plows Refugee Down With BMW [VIDEO] TEXT: This news comes as Obama works to bring even more unvetted Syrian refugees to America as Hillary nods in agreement Police say a Syrian asylum-seeker killed a woman with a machete and wounded two others outside a bus station in the southwestern German city of Reutlingen before being arrested.Police spokesman Bjoern Reusch said in a statement Sunday that witnesses said the 21-year-old man, who was known to police, was having an argument with the woman before attacking her about 4:30 p.m. Police say the motive behind the attack is still not clear.The attack comes as Germany is on edge following a rampage at a Munich mall on Friday night in which nine people were killed, and an ax attack on a train a week ago that left five wounded in southern Germany. Weasel Zippers Via: ABC NewsUpdate:The attack was actually stopped by a BMW driver who hit the attacker with his car and saved it from being worse.Video of attack. You can hear a witness shouting My God, My God, he s attacking her with a knife! Of course, the news stations were quick to say this was not a terror attack
The Koch Brothers Now Bankrolling The Bundy Anti-Government Agenda To Sell Off Public Land
If you were wondering how a bunch of wannabe revolutionaries could afford to spend all of their time occupying wildlife refuges and pointing guns at federal agents instead of working, the answer is becoming more obvious: They are being bankrolled by the billionaires who hate the government just as much as they do.Just as the last few Bundy militia hold outs were finally being rounded up and sent to jail, the Koch brothers announced that their heavily-funded powerful political network would be shifting to focus on dismantling laws that allow the government to own public lands. The Bundys plea for snacks and temper tantrums over sex toys may have made most of us laugh, but they clearly impressed the Kochs.ThinkProgress explains:Though ClimateProgress has previously uncovered and reported on the dark money that the Kochs have provided for political efforts to seize and sell public lands, recent organizational changes reveal that the Koch network is providing direct support to the ringleader of the land grab movement, Utah state representative Ken Ivory, and has forged an alliance with groups and individuals who have militia ties and share extreme anti-government ideologies.Ivory is one of the shamelessly corrupt legislators currently in office. He freely acknowledges that he receives a $135,000 a year salary from an organization called American Lands Council which works to erode America s protected forests so oil and gas companies can move in. Not surprisingly, he s also one of the most aggressive opponents of the very concept of federal land, introducing bills to sell it off to private companies. In fact, Ivory claims he works 60 hours a week at ALC, leaving him little time to actually represent his state in any meaningful capacity.He will now be leaving that anti-government organization to head another one: Federalism in Action and will help start the group s Free the Lands project. His replacement at ALC is Montana State Senator Jennifer Fielder and she s not any better.Fielder s selection as ALC s CEO suggests that the group is tightening its ties with the violent anti-government elements of the land seizure movement that is represented by Cliven Bundy and his sons. Fielder s land seizure efforts and campaign for Montana State Senate, for example, were vocally supported by a Militia of Montana organization that is run by white supremacist John Trochmann. In a recent blog post Fielder also expressed her support for the Bundys and the Oregon militants by referring to them fondly as cowboys and protesters performing an act of civil disobedience and bringing new light to the widespread problems of a distant federal bureaucracy in control of local land management decisions. Her backers the Koch brothers probably love the Bundy family as well. They don t have any interest in cattle grazing fees, surely, but they certainly salivate over the idea of seeing federally protected land turned over to the public. They have enough money to buy a large chunk of it. That means more fracking, more oil drilling, and more land for chemical waste deposits. A whole new opportunity to make a fortune.In recent years, the Koch brothers have began freaking out because the massive amount of money they spent on influencing elections hasn t really worked out well for them. In 2012, they went all out of defeat President Obama, spending over $400 million in a scorched-earth campaign. The money might as well have been thrown in a bonfire. Obama won in a landslide. Since then they ve doubled down, suggesting they may spend up to a billion in 2016, but clearly they are shaken.Rather than keep wasting money on losing in general elections, the billionaires appear to be shifting a lot of their energy towards individual targets. Hence we see them align themselves with the Bundy militia and their allies. With less money and less scrutiny, Koch Industries can still get its way just on a smaller scale.Feature image via YouTube screengrabs
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: The Koch Brothers Now Bankrolling The Bundy Anti-Government Agenda To Sell Off Public Land TEXT: If you were wondering how a bunch of wannabe revolutionaries could afford to spend all of their time occupying wildlife refuges and pointing guns at federal agents instead of working, the answer is becoming more obvious: They are being bankrolled by the billionaires who hate the government just as much as they do.Just as the last few Bundy militia hold outs were finally being rounded up and sent to jail, the Koch brothers announced that their heavily-funded powerful political network would be shifting to focus on dismantling laws that allow the government to own public lands. The Bundys plea for snacks and temper tantrums over sex toys may have made most of us laugh, but they clearly impressed the Kochs.ThinkProgress explains:Though ClimateProgress has previously uncovered and reported on the dark money that the Kochs have provided for political efforts to seize and sell public lands, recent organizational changes reveal that the Koch network is providing direct support to the ringleader of the land grab movement, Utah state representative Ken Ivory, and has forged an alliance with groups and individuals who have militia ties and share extreme anti-government ideologies.Ivory is one of the shamelessly corrupt legislators currently in office. He freely acknowledges that he receives a $135,000 a year salary from an organization called American Lands Council which works to erode America s protected forests so oil and gas companies can move in. Not surprisingly, he s also one of the most aggressive opponents of the very concept of federal land, introducing bills to sell it off to private companies. In fact, Ivory claims he works 60 hours a week at ALC, leaving him little time to actually represent his state in any meaningful capacity.He will now be leaving that anti-government organization to head another one: Federalism in Action and will help start the group s Free the Lands project. His replacement at ALC is Montana State Senator Jennifer Fielder and she s not any better.Fielder s selection as ALC s CEO suggests that the group is tightening its ties with the violent anti-government elements of the land seizure movement that is represented by Cliven Bundy and his sons. Fielder s land seizure efforts and campaign for Montana State Senate, for example, were vocally supported by a Militia of Montana organization that is run by white supremacist John Trochmann. In a recent blog post Fielder also expressed her support for the Bundys and the Oregon militants by referring to them fondly as cowboys and protesters performing an act of civil disobedience and bringing new light to the widespread problems of a distant federal bureaucracy in control of local land management decisions. Her backers the Koch brothers probably love the Bundy family as well. They don t have any interest in cattle grazing fees, surely, but they certainly salivate over the idea of seeing federally protected land turned over to the public. They have enough money to buy a large chunk of it. That means more fracking, more oil drilling, and more land for chemical waste deposits. A whole new opportunity to make a fortune.In recent years, the Koch brothers have began freaking out because the massive amount of money they spent on influencing elections hasn t really worked out well for them. In 2012, they went all out of defeat President Obama, spending over $400 million in a scorched-earth campaign. The money might as well have been thrown in a bonfire. Obama won in a landslide. Since then they ve doubled down, suggesting they may spend up to a billion in 2016, but clearly they are shaken.Rather than keep wasting money on losing in general elections, the billionaires appear to be shifting a lot of their energy towards individual targets. Hence we see them align themselves with the Bundy militia and their allies. With less money and less scrutiny, Koch Industries can still get its way just on a smaller scale.Feature image via YouTube screengrabs
TITLE: The Koch Brothers Now Bankrolling The Bundy Anti-Government Agenda To Sell Off Public Land TEXT: If you were wondering how a bunch of wannabe revolutionaries could afford to spend all of their time occupying wildlife refuges and pointing guns at federal agents instead of working, the answer is becoming more obvious: They are being bankrolled by the billionaires who hate the government just as much as they do.Just as the last few Bundy militia hold outs were finally being rounded up and sent to jail, the Koch brothers announced that their heavily-funded powerful political network would be shifting to focus on dismantling laws that allow the government to own public lands. The Bundys plea for snacks and temper tantrums over sex toys may have made most of us laugh, but they clearly impressed the Kochs.ThinkProgress explains:Though ClimateProgress has previously uncovered and reported on the dark money that the Kochs have provided for political efforts to seize and sell public lands, recent organizational changes reveal that the Koch network is providing direct support to the ringleader of the land grab movement, Utah state representative Ken Ivory, and has forged an alliance with groups and individuals who have militia ties and share extreme anti-government ideologies.Ivory is one of the shamelessly corrupt legislators currently in office. He freely acknowledges that he receives a $135,000 a year salary from an organization called American Lands Council which works to erode America s protected forests so oil and gas companies can move in. Not surprisingly, he s also one of the most aggressive opponents of the very concept of federal land, introducing bills to sell it off to private companies. In fact, Ivory claims he works 60 hours a week at ALC, leaving him little time to actually represent his state in any meaningful capacity.He will now be leaving that anti-government organization to head another one: Federalism in Action and will help start the group s Free the Lands project. His replacement at ALC is Montana State Senator Jennifer Fielder and she s not any better.Fielder s selection as ALC s CEO suggests that the group is tightening its ties with the violent anti-government elements of the land seizure movement that is represented by Cliven Bundy and his sons. Fielder s land seizure efforts and campaign for Montana State Senate, for example, were vocally supported by a Militia of Montana organization that is run by white supremacist John Trochmann. In a recent blog post Fielder also expressed her support for the Bundys and the Oregon militants by referring to them fondly as cowboys and protesters performing an act of civil disobedience and bringing new light to the widespread problems of a distant federal bureaucracy in control of local land management decisions. Her backers the Koch brothers probably love the Bundy family as well. They don t have any interest in cattle grazing fees, surely, but they certainly salivate over the idea of seeing federally protected land turned over to the public. They have enough money to buy a large chunk of it. That means more fracking, more oil drilling, and more land for chemical waste deposits. A whole new opportunity to make a fortune.In recent years, the Koch brothers have began freaking out because the massive amount of money they spent on influencing elections hasn t really worked out well for them. In 2012, they went all out of defeat President Obama, spending over $400 million in a scorched-earth campaign. The money might as well have been thrown in a bonfire. Obama won in a landslide. Since then they ve doubled down, suggesting they may spend up to a billion in 2016, but clearly they are shaken.Rather than keep wasting money on losing in general elections, the billionaires appear to be shifting a lot of their energy towards individual targets. Hence we see them align themselves with the Bundy militia and their allies. With less money and less scrutiny, Koch Industries can still get its way just on a smaller scale.Feature image via YouTube screengrabs
the bnai brith and the history of the mounting assault on academic freedom in canadian universities
part introduction shares for the last years i have witnessed and experienced the severe restraints on any free and balanced discussion of the facts this reluctance to criticize any policies of the israeli government is because of the extraordinary lobbying efforts of the americanisrael political action committee and the absence of any significant contrary voices former us president jimmy carter how the interviews came about the marxian thesis that the dominant culture and ideology of a society here referred to as social base or just base are those of the dominant class here referred to as system is a sharp tool to probe how political systems work and how they stay in power does this tool work in the us model certainly the relation between the system and its social base has been regular since the inception of the thirteen colonies because of that sustained regularity system and base acted in convergent patterns of dependency in historical perspective it was not possible for the system to transform those colonies into states and thereafter expand its conquests to form a continental empire without a solid social base that shared its purpose and visions for expansion from that time onward an ideological symbiosis ran between the system and the base not only that but each time the system modifies direction philosophy or ideology the base would adapt by modifying its attitudes and perception the patterns of ideological association between the us system and its social base extended into modern times and the yardstick to measure them is the presidential elections if you look at voters turnout since you will notice that a relativetolarge majority of americans had voted in those elections my interpretation of the vote in relation to marxs thesis is the following voting for a system that is known for its aggressive imperialist policies crimes around the world overthrowing foreign governments not in line with washington and countless military interventions and invasions that left millions of people dead means one thing voting for that system while knowing its attributes policies and actions amounts to active sharing in its ideology culture and violence more zionism is racism zionism goes from bad to worse taking judaism with it how modern is israel green party of canada calls to revoke jewish national fund charitable status caveat that does not necessarily mean that all voters share the systems imperialistic values of violence and destruction of foreign peoples the pertinent meaning of voting interpreted in relation to the systems foreign policy objectives versus the objectives of the base resides in two concepts discarding immediately the notion that the base has been cohabitated by the system the first concept has it that the base has given a mandate to the system to carry out its ideology of empire and imperialism based on the undeclared condition to spare the people from the horrors of foreign wars a dichotomy sets in here the system has its way of life and the base has its own the second concept has to do with the basic tenets of colonialism meaning if the system could be successful to obtain unspecified benefits through wars then the base could share in these benefits despite aversion to violence and opposition to the institution of war as a means to resolve problems between nations a question would abstaining from voting resolve the issue of active sharing in the policies of the system this subject is open for debate the relation between the american system and its base was uniform up to a certain point in history late s until that point the american state was still busy completing its structural transformation into a big power status that uniformity however managed to keep the patterns of the political power unchanged to be exact despite persistent immigration that should have altered the relations between the base and government as well as the composition of the latter the dominance of the traditional ruling elites was not open for challenge and shaped by an exclusive american anglosaxon experience but when franklyn d roosevelt showed signs of surrender to the zionist pressure on the issue of establishing a jewish state in palestine he opened a large crack in the system that was the first time in us history where the powerful american imperialist state yielded to a foreign ideology that was not part of its basic project with that a movement with a limited religious social base began penetrating the files and ranks of the us power the rest is history as a result the unrelenting entrenchment inside the political structures of the united states coupled with accumulated changes in the configuration of the us power the dominant american system itself fell under the domination of one of its social factionsamerican jewish zionists when franklyn d roosevelt showed signs of surrender to the zionist pressure on the issue of establishing a jewish state in palestine he opened a large crack in the system as a group american jewish zionists have all attributes of an independent establishment they possess efficient organizational structures have a monolithic political presence across the american system and they know how to finance their activities with us tax money i must note that their alignment with the global agenda of us imperialism is a twopoint expedient the first is focused on being recognized as earnest operators at the service of americas interests the second is tactical to reap on behalf of israel the benefits of alignment with slogans such as israel is our only trusted ally in the middle east the american jewish zionist experience is agenda driven as such their domestic and foreign agendas have precedence over any other jewishrelated consideration on the domestic front the focus could not be more evident to consolidate zionism and turn it into a means to perpetuate israel as an american national issue and make of them the principal factor in defining american politics you can notice the endeavor clearly during us elections when the zionist media question whether this or that candidate is good for the jews and for israel today voicing dissent against the policies of american jewish zionism or criticizing israel amounts to crime jimmy carter experienced this firsthand when he published his book palestine peace not apartheid american jewish zionists unleashed the fire of hell upon him as for the jewish zionist foreign agenda this is clearcut and leaves no space for misunderstanding it aims to induce control or lead the united states to adopt hostile policies toward the arab nations because due to their rejection of the zionist state and undertake military actions against any country that appears as posing a potential or direct threat to israel equally important it demands that the united states keep denying the palestinians rights for nationhood through american diplomacy what is the rationale recognition of the palestinian national rights means the invalidation of the zionist state and its claim on palestine because the jewish zionist control of the us system is real and dominant how does the american society figure visàvis this dominance based on observations of the american society and its multiple cultural and ideological patterns there can be but one answer zionism is not the dominant culture and ideology of the american people it is however the dominant culture and ideology of the us political system observations first despite gargantuan zionist propaganda apparatuses directed to the american people jewish zionists have consistently failed to create interest or sympathy for zionist issues and for israel second due to historically developed indifference to foreign issues a majority of americans have only vague ideas on what zionism is third to establish roots for their political dominance jewish zionist activists invariably focus not on the american people but on ways to control the american system from inside by controlling first the institutions that matter white house and congress fourth this control did not happen because of elections it is preponderantly due to the practice of appointing jewish zionists to important positions inside the administrations fifth among the stratagems employed by zionists when they run for elective offices one was particularly effective take advantage of the reverence of the population for the idea of election to do that jewish zionist candidates rarely if ever talk about israel or zionism instead they only debate matters of interest to the voters once elected though promoting israel via american legislations becomes the top hidden agenda sixth and to conclude this particular argument the fact that one administration after another succumbed to the diktat of jewish zionists thus indirectly to israel in matters of foreign policy and wars proves that the culture and praxis of those administrations are those of the dominant ideology and culturezionism another point to discuss is the expansion of the jewish zionist power by all accounts such an expansion is not a phenomenon but an incremental process in his book the arabists the romance of an american elite robert d kaplan defined the issue that i framed as a process in terms of gradual replacement of traditional diplomatic elites with new ideological elites that had no interest in the ways of the old school of diplomacy kaplan was unambiguous he called these new elites by their names irishamericans and jewishamericans kaplans viewpoint on this replacement is important to our discussion he argued that the old elites approached the usarab relations with an open mind and readiness for dialog all while keeping an eye on the us imperialist interests his argument opens the door for a veritable conclusion the two groups of postwwii american society that kaplan mentioned had in fact changed the dynamics of us foreign policy it is public knowledge that both groups are known for their hostility toward arabs and muslimseach for his own set of religious political and ideological rationales as for the successive shares of africanamericans and hispanics in the making of the national policy of the united states this is another argument as a witness to history in early i began drafting a comprehensive analysis on the role of american jewish zionists in the making of us policies and wars in the arab world in may of that year as my work became broad in scope i decided to seek more views on the subject i came up with the idea to conduct several interviews where i pose the same questions while some of the prospective interviewees declined and others accepted but then withdrew three prominent thinkers acclaimed for their knowledge scholarship and outstanding political activism graciously gave me their views they are francis boyle a professor of international law university of illinois college of law james petras a professor emeritus university of binghamton new york canadian writer and former coeditor of the online publication of dissident voice kim petersen professors boyle and petras answered my questions via phone conversations and petersen via email correspondence however in the weeks following the interviews my work swelled up to such a length that it became unsuitable for internet publishing in short i was unable to honor my commitment to publish the interviews as planned today as i thank prof francis boyle prof james petras and kim petersen for sharing their invaluable insight i apologize to them for the delay in putting the interviews out there to read introduction the turning point in the emergence of jewish zionism as a dominant american political force came about when iraq invaded kuwait discussing the origins and strategic complications of that invasion goes beyond the scope of this introduction the jewish zionist establishment seized the occasion mobilized its omnipresent propaganda operatives and led colossal media campaigns to promote military actions against iraq to bring their war mania to fruition they unleashed their experts in all directions they talked about iraqs formidable military capabilities and about saddams onemillionman standing army ready to invade saudi arabia and seize its oil they told stories about saddam husseins personal life his bunkers and his mortal nuclear threats to israel and they talked about iraqs threats to us interests and allies in the middle east here is a brief account of those events on july iraqi president saddam hussein met with us ambassador to iraq april glaspie it is on record that glaspie gave hussein an unambiguous but indirect greenlight to resolve iraqs problems with kuwait militarily on august iraq invaded kuwait on august george h w bush ordered the freezing of iraqi and kuwaiti assets and immediately placed iraq under hermetic embargo considering the prompt extraordinary antiiraq measures that the united states took in the first hours of that invasion one wonders what was pushing the us to move so quickly on iraq knowing that only two days earlier this was conducting a us proxy against iran the observation that the us did not take similar actions when iraq invaded iran in or when israel invaded lebanon in raises many questions what were the us rationales in taking such measures who conceived them did the us entrap iraq why the atmosphere that followed the invasion was surrealistic like a lightning bolt us imperialist and zionist forces instantly mobilized their media talking heads retired generals and bogus experts on the middle east the deafening uproar they made and all lies they told about atrocities committed by iraq in kuwait hid a definite scheme incite for war in the period august january israelis and jewish zionists from all fields appeared en mass and in every possible medium available to urge the bush regime to give up diplomacy in favor of war on january a member coalition in which the us had the lion shareninetyseven percent of the total forceattacked iraq by every standard and minutia of details the war on iraq in was an american war at the end of a war that destroyed one of israels arab adversaries george h w bush might have thought of himself as americas laureate hero he did not predict though that his temporary freezing of the us loan guaranties to israel would have unleashed the jewish zionist establishment against him the fact that he lost to bill clinton who opposed bushs freeze and who stated that israel was the only country that paid back its debts indicated that american jewish zionists had finally reached their objective to perfect ways to control the us politics from the inside in retrospect it can be said that george h w bush was the last nonzionist american president from bill clinton forward us presidents and their vice president became pawns in the jewish zionist play of power now as the united states was preparing for war with iraq to liberate kuwait thousands of antiwar activists and intellectuals from a wide spectrum of political convictions spoke loudly against it but no one could have ever beaten patrick j buchanans memorable words about how american jewish zionists and israel were pushing for that war he said there are only two groups that are beating the drums for war in the middle east the israeli defense ministry and its amen corner with that buchanan hit the proverbial nail on the head am rosenthal a ringleader of us zionist journalism could not bear what he heard in a rebuttal he unleashed an acerbic attack against buchanan his weapon of argument so to speak was the stale and trite accusation of antisemitism whining rosenthal twisted buchanans clear words and went on to imply that buchanan was in effect engaging in an antijewish tirade he reinterpreted buchanans words and cast them in a standard zionistic fashion he wrote that buchanans intention was the jews are trying to drag us into war only jews want war israeli jews want war to save israels hide american jews who talk of military action against iraq want war because it would suit israeli interests they are willing to spill american blood for israeli interests by inserting the word jew in his reply rosenthal and the new york times behind him spat on the face of us political reality under the tight grip of zionism we need not waste our breath on rosenthals petty tactic his clear objective was to distract from the central issue which is buchanans opposition to the planned war against iraq was unrelated to the religious denomination of those who were promoting it rather he was unmistakably referring to their political identity still buchanan was honest he pointed the finger to israel and its amen corner because that was the truth the fact that most israelis and amen corners happened to be of jewish faith was nonissue to conclude it is evident that buchanan a dreamer of an american republic not empire could not stand by idle while seeing the united states sheepishly fastened to the yoke of zionism and gutlessly prostrating before a tiny settler state israel buchanan did not stop there truthful and resolute he dared to describe in categorical terms the pitiful condition of the us congress visàvis israel and american jewish zionists he dubbed it as an israelioccupied territory buchanan powerfully hit the target in such a way that countless cowardly american politicians would dare not think let alone say notice that buchanan had placed israel before its us amen corner i view this as a statement he clearly implied that israel is the primary decision maker did that also imply that us zionist groups amen corner are puppets moved by israel most likely if so which has more power in setting the us world agenda and policies israel or american jewish zionists dialectically the answer should be israel by means of its amen corner now in december jim lehrer a former coanchor of the macneillehrer newshour and later sole anchor of the newshour with jim lehrer interviewed pat buchanan it is important to mention that jim lehrer has monopolized a significant position funded by federal tax money for over years starting in is that an issue yes and to debate it the following applies whenever a specific group of people be they christian muslim jewish atheist duopoly party apparatchiks etc keeps an important public post for such a long duration the implication is unescapable the group controls that post because of its embedded importance but more important they have the power to keep it nonetheless when a specific group continues to hold throughout time important positions inside public corporations agencies and branches of the us government a paradigm emerges either the group controls said corporations directlythat is why it is able to do what they want or it controls them indirectly by controlling first who appoints the board of trustees and sets corporate policies and appointees at any rate considering this type of control the assumption that such group has power over the government and its public corporations is reasonable additionally the issue of monopoly of news is critical in another respect it means that someone within the context of us imperialism has decided that the us public discourse must conform to predetermined patterns in these patterns issues such as israel zionism palestine us imperialism in the middle east wars etc are designed to move only on linear grounds without ever touching the core of the matter before continuing i must state that lehrers political views are not a subject to discuss visàvis his program for one the newshour program is not about the personal views of presentersit is about information prepared for the public from a public corporation second whether lehrer had sympathies for israel or zionism is nonissue because most viewers expect neutral discussions regardless of who delivers them nevertheless a situation such as this has a consequence affecting the special relations between the narrated newscomments the people who deliver them and the people who hear them firstly planning news delivery to attain specific results is a good technique for those in the business of indoctrination psychology and perception are the areas of expertise that news planners depend on to disseminate certain news and analyses to be sure these planners know that most viewers have no special or personal stakes on events happening in other countries still the immediate consequence that controlled news and commentaries could generate is easy to predict they also know they can seep to the viewers preconceived ideas through pleasant dialogs affable manners appearance of neutrality and clever circumlocutions to be fair to lehrer he was consistent in making intelligent questions however he was also consistent at doing something else he would calibrate his questions in such a way as not to reveal new truths or solicit critical replies that could go beyond boundaries deliberately conceived so as not to be crossed it is pragmatic to say that the observance of these boundaries would nicely serve the zionist and imperialist discourse in essence a practice thusly followed is a preemptive mechanism of control cloaked as a professional presentation now in his interview lehrer played dumb when he asked buchanan about his bold characterization of the congress he phrased his question as follows you have also said that congress is an israelioccupied territory now what do you mean by that italics are mine comment semantically as much as politically buchanans figure of speech was terse and unequivocal he plainly meant that the congress observes israels agenda and acts accordingly there was no need for buchanan to say anything further because what he said had and still has basis in verifiable facts with a question such as what do you mean by that lehrer was not seeking a rational reply from buchanan the form and content of the question had the objective of wanting to entrap buchanan make him retract or at least contradict himself to show inconsistency in essence lehrer had simply tried to deny that israel controls the congress through its amen corner because his what do you mean indicated astonishment rather than request for explanation to wrap up the issue without exclusion any denial of the jewish zionist control of the united states is a farce take abraham h foxman of the infamous antidefamation league as an example foxman authored a masterdeceptive propaganda book that he called the deadliest lies the israeli lobby and the myth of jewish control italics are mine first foxman lied he knew very well that the jewish zionist control is not a myth but a pervasive reality second but most important the problem is not the abstract jewish control but the specificjewish zionist control this can be explained using a current universal truth hundreds of thousands of jews from all nationalities actively oppose zionism on political religious ethical historical and ideological grounds foxmans denial means one of two things either he is a parochial charlatan when the subject is the undisputed power of american jewish zionism or he is very ignorant of the history of zionism which is impossible either way foxmans business is propaganda demagogy and deception incidentally foxmans denial looks very similar to what some arabs do in the middle east villagersbut even some city folkstry to fend off envy by following an eonold superstition they fix a drawing on a wall in their shops or homes showing the palm of an open hand with an open eye in its center it appears that foxman and his associates have their own superstition by decrying the deadliest lies against american jewish zionists they try to fend off the accusation or the envy that jewsspecifically jewish zionistshave power and influence of substance did foxman not learn or did anyone inform him about what john foster dulles told william knowland a prozionist senator from california back in february in an exchange about the proposed sanctions to get israel out of egyptian territory occupied by israel in the suez war dulles pronounced these prophetic words we cannot have all our policies made in jerusalem that was in today all those who deride or deny the charge that israel has a say on us foreign policy and wars in the middle east must prove that those who are making this charge are misinformed or just lying interestingly years after buchanan made that statement the successive events proved his sharp assessment and political perspicacity two people vindicated his characterization of capitol hills as an israelioccupied territory and both used his words to make the point the first is a former cia officer philip giraldi and the second is philip weiss founder of mondoweiss website in an article he wrote in giraldi pointed to the congress as its still occupied territory weiss titled a piece he wrote in as such capitol hill still israelioccupied territory at this point do american jewish zionists control the united states do they control it as polity or only the political system do they have real influence in setting us foreign policy and wars against the arab and muslim nations or maybe all this talk is no more than baseless allegations next part discussion part interview with francis boyle part interview with james petras part interview with kim petersen notes jimmy carter speaking frankly about israel and palestine los angeles times december pat buchanan the mclaughlin group aug quote d in the washington report on middle east affairs what they said israel and its amen corner february on my mind forgive them not the new york times september quote d in the washington report on middle east affairs is congress an israelioccupied territory july the washington report on middle east affairs what they said israel and its amen corner feb david tal editor the war collusion and rivalry in the middle east frank cass publishers p
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: the bnai brith and the history of the mounting assault on academic freedom in canadian universities TEXT: part introduction shares for the last years i have witnessed and experienced the severe restraints on any free and balanced discussion of the facts this reluctance to criticize any policies of the israeli government is because of the extraordinary lobbying efforts of the americanisrael political action committee and the absence of any significant contrary voices former us president jimmy carter how the interviews came about the marxian thesis that the dominant culture and ideology of a society here referred to as social base or just base are those of the dominant class here referred to as system is a sharp tool to probe how political systems work and how they stay in power does this tool work in the us model certainly the relation between the system and its social base has been regular since the inception of the thirteen colonies because of that sustained regularity system and base acted in convergent patterns of dependency in historical perspective it was not possible for the system to transform those colonies into states and thereafter expand its conquests to form a continental empire without a solid social base that shared its purpose and visions for expansion from that time onward an ideological symbiosis ran between the system and the base not only that but each time the system modifies direction philosophy or ideology the base would adapt by modifying its attitudes and perception the patterns of ideological association between the us system and its social base extended into modern times and the yardstick to measure them is the presidential elections if you look at voters turnout since you will notice that a relativetolarge majority of americans had voted in those elections my interpretation of the vote in relation to marxs thesis is the following voting for a system that is known for its aggressive imperialist policies crimes around the world overthrowing foreign governments not in line with washington and countless military interventions and invasions that left millions of people dead means one thing voting for that system while knowing its attributes policies and actions amounts to active sharing in its ideology culture and violence more zionism is racism zionism goes from bad to worse taking judaism with it how modern is israel green party of canada calls to revoke jewish national fund charitable status caveat that does not necessarily mean that all voters share the systems imperialistic values of violence and destruction of foreign peoples the pertinent meaning of voting interpreted in relation to the systems foreign policy objectives versus the objectives of the base resides in two concepts discarding immediately the notion that the base has been cohabitated by the system the first concept has it that the base has given a mandate to the system to carry out its ideology of empire and imperialism based on the undeclared condition to spare the people from the horrors of foreign wars a dichotomy sets in here the system has its way of life and the base has its own the second concept has to do with the basic tenets of colonialism meaning if the system could be successful to obtain unspecified benefits through wars then the base could share in these benefits despite aversion to violence and opposition to the institution of war as a means to resolve problems between nations a question would abstaining from voting resolve the issue of active sharing in the policies of the system this subject is open for debate the relation between the american system and its base was uniform up to a certain point in history late s until that point the american state was still busy completing its structural transformation into a big power status that uniformity however managed to keep the patterns of the political power unchanged to be exact despite persistent immigration that should have altered the relations between the base and government as well as the composition of the latter the dominance of the traditional ruling elites was not open for challenge and shaped by an exclusive american anglosaxon experience but when franklyn d roosevelt showed signs of surrender to the zionist pressure on the issue of establishing a jewish state in palestine he opened a large crack in the system that was the first time in us history where the powerful american imperialist state yielded to a foreign ideology that was not part of its basic project with that a movement with a limited religious social base began penetrating the files and ranks of the us power the rest is history as a result the unrelenting entrenchment inside the political structures of the united states coupled with accumulated changes in the configuration of the us power the dominant american system itself fell under the domination of one of its social factionsamerican jewish zionists when franklyn d roosevelt showed signs of surrender to the zionist pressure on the issue of establishing a jewish state in palestine he opened a large crack in the system as a group american jewish zionists have all attributes of an independent establishment they possess efficient organizational structures have a monolithic political presence across the american system and they know how to finance their activities with us tax money i must note that their alignment with the global agenda of us imperialism is a twopoint expedient the first is focused on being recognized as earnest operators at the service of americas interests the second is tactical to reap on behalf of israel the benefits of alignment with slogans such as israel is our only trusted ally in the middle east the american jewish zionist experience is agenda driven as such their domestic and foreign agendas have precedence over any other jewishrelated consideration on the domestic front the focus could not be more evident to consolidate zionism and turn it into a means to perpetuate israel as an american national issue and make of them the principal factor in defining american politics you can notice the endeavor clearly during us elections when the zionist media question whether this or that candidate is good for the jews and for israel today voicing dissent against the policies of american jewish zionism or criticizing israel amounts to crime jimmy carter experienced this firsthand when he published his book palestine peace not apartheid american jewish zionists unleashed the fire of hell upon him as for the jewish zionist foreign agenda this is clearcut and leaves no space for misunderstanding it aims to induce control or lead the united states to adopt hostile policies toward the arab nations because due to their rejection of the zionist state and undertake military actions against any country that appears as posing a potential or direct threat to israel equally important it demands that the united states keep denying the palestinians rights for nationhood through american diplomacy what is the rationale recognition of the palestinian national rights means the invalidation of the zionist state and its claim on palestine because the jewish zionist control of the us system is real and dominant how does the american society figure visàvis this dominance based on observations of the american society and its multiple cultural and ideological patterns there can be but one answer zionism is not the dominant culture and ideology of the american people it is however the dominant culture and ideology of the us political system observations first despite gargantuan zionist propaganda apparatuses directed to the american people jewish zionists have consistently failed to create interest or sympathy for zionist issues and for israel second due to historically developed indifference to foreign issues a majority of americans have only vague ideas on what zionism is third to establish roots for their political dominance jewish zionist activists invariably focus not on the american people but on ways to control the american system from inside by controlling first the institutions that matter white house and congress fourth this control did not happen because of elections it is preponderantly due to the practice of appointing jewish zionists to important positions inside the administrations fifth among the stratagems employed by zionists when they run for elective offices one was particularly effective take advantage of the reverence of the population for the idea of election to do that jewish zionist candidates rarely if ever talk about israel or zionism instead they only debate matters of interest to the voters once elected though promoting israel via american legislations becomes the top hidden agenda sixth and to conclude this particular argument the fact that one administration after another succumbed to the diktat of jewish zionists thus indirectly to israel in matters of foreign policy and wars proves that the culture and praxis of those administrations are those of the dominant ideology and culturezionism another point to discuss is the expansion of the jewish zionist power by all accounts such an expansion is not a phenomenon but an incremental process in his book the arabists the romance of an american elite robert d kaplan defined the issue that i framed as a process in terms of gradual replacement of traditional diplomatic elites with new ideological elites that had no interest in the ways of the old school of diplomacy kaplan was unambiguous he called these new elites by their names irishamericans and jewishamericans kaplans viewpoint on this replacement is important to our discussion he argued that the old elites approached the usarab relations with an open mind and readiness for dialog all while keeping an eye on the us imperialist interests his argument opens the door for a veritable conclusion the two groups of postwwii american society that kaplan mentioned had in fact changed the dynamics of us foreign policy it is public knowledge that both groups are known for their hostility toward arabs and muslimseach for his own set of religious political and ideological rationales as for the successive shares of africanamericans and hispanics in the making of the national policy of the united states this is another argument as a witness to history in early i began drafting a comprehensive analysis on the role of american jewish zionists in the making of us policies and wars in the arab world in may of that year as my work became broad in scope i decided to seek more views on the subject i came up with the idea to conduct several interviews where i pose the same questions while some of the prospective interviewees declined and others accepted but then withdrew three prominent thinkers acclaimed for their knowledge scholarship and outstanding political activism graciously gave me their views they are francis boyle a professor of international law university of illinois college of law james petras a professor emeritus university of binghamton new york canadian writer and former coeditor of the online publication of dissident voice kim petersen professors boyle and petras answered my questions via phone conversations and petersen via email correspondence however in the weeks following the interviews my work swelled up to such a length that it became unsuitable for internet publishing in short i was unable to honor my commitment to publish the interviews as planned today as i thank prof francis boyle prof james petras and kim petersen for sharing their invaluable insight i apologize to them for the delay in putting the interviews out there to read introduction the turning point in the emergence of jewish zionism as a dominant american political force came about when iraq invaded kuwait discussing the origins and strategic complications of that invasion goes beyond the scope of this introduction the jewish zionist establishment seized the occasion mobilized its omnipresent propaganda operatives and led colossal media campaigns to promote military actions against iraq to bring their war mania to fruition they unleashed their experts in all directions they talked about iraqs formidable military capabilities and about saddams onemillionman standing army ready to invade saudi arabia and seize its oil they told stories about saddam husseins personal life his bunkers and his mortal nuclear threats to israel and they talked about iraqs threats to us interests and allies in the middle east here is a brief account of those events on july iraqi president saddam hussein met with us ambassador to iraq april glaspie it is on record that glaspie gave hussein an unambiguous but indirect greenlight to resolve iraqs problems with kuwait militarily on august iraq invaded kuwait on august george h w bush ordered the freezing of iraqi and kuwaiti assets and immediately placed iraq under hermetic embargo considering the prompt extraordinary antiiraq measures that the united states took in the first hours of that invasion one wonders what was pushing the us to move so quickly on iraq knowing that only two days earlier this was conducting a us proxy against iran the observation that the us did not take similar actions when iraq invaded iran in or when israel invaded lebanon in raises many questions what were the us rationales in taking such measures who conceived them did the us entrap iraq why the atmosphere that followed the invasion was surrealistic like a lightning bolt us imperialist and zionist forces instantly mobilized their media talking heads retired generals and bogus experts on the middle east the deafening uproar they made and all lies they told about atrocities committed by iraq in kuwait hid a definite scheme incite for war in the period august january israelis and jewish zionists from all fields appeared en mass and in every possible medium available to urge the bush regime to give up diplomacy in favor of war on january a member coalition in which the us had the lion shareninetyseven percent of the total forceattacked iraq by every standard and minutia of details the war on iraq in was an american war at the end of a war that destroyed one of israels arab adversaries george h w bush might have thought of himself as americas laureate hero he did not predict though that his temporary freezing of the us loan guaranties to israel would have unleashed the jewish zionist establishment against him the fact that he lost to bill clinton who opposed bushs freeze and who stated that israel was the only country that paid back its debts indicated that american jewish zionists had finally reached their objective to perfect ways to control the us politics from the inside in retrospect it can be said that george h w bush was the last nonzionist american president from bill clinton forward us presidents and their vice president became pawns in the jewish zionist play of power now as the united states was preparing for war with iraq to liberate kuwait thousands of antiwar activists and intellectuals from a wide spectrum of political convictions spoke loudly against it but no one could have ever beaten patrick j buchanans memorable words about how american jewish zionists and israel were pushing for that war he said there are only two groups that are beating the drums for war in the middle east the israeli defense ministry and its amen corner with that buchanan hit the proverbial nail on the head am rosenthal a ringleader of us zionist journalism could not bear what he heard in a rebuttal he unleashed an acerbic attack against buchanan his weapon of argument so to speak was the stale and trite accusation of antisemitism whining rosenthal twisted buchanans clear words and went on to imply that buchanan was in effect engaging in an antijewish tirade he reinterpreted buchanans words and cast them in a standard zionistic fashion he wrote that buchanans intention was the jews are trying to drag us into war only jews want war israeli jews want war to save israels hide american jews who talk of military action against iraq want war because it would suit israeli interests they are willing to spill american blood for israeli interests by inserting the word jew in his reply rosenthal and the new york times behind him spat on the face of us political reality under the tight grip of zionism we need not waste our breath on rosenthals petty tactic his clear objective was to distract from the central issue which is buchanans opposition to the planned war against iraq was unrelated to the religious denomination of those who were promoting it rather he was unmistakably referring to their political identity still buchanan was honest he pointed the finger to israel and its amen corner because that was the truth the fact that most israelis and amen corners happened to be of jewish faith was nonissue to conclude it is evident that buchanan a dreamer of an american republic not empire could not stand by idle while seeing the united states sheepishly fastened to the yoke of zionism and gutlessly prostrating before a tiny settler state israel buchanan did not stop there truthful and resolute he dared to describe in categorical terms the pitiful condition of the us congress visàvis israel and american jewish zionists he dubbed it as an israelioccupied territory buchanan powerfully hit the target in such a way that countless cowardly american politicians would dare not think let alone say notice that buchanan had placed israel before its us amen corner i view this as a statement he clearly implied that israel is the primary decision maker did that also imply that us zionist groups amen corner are puppets moved by israel most likely if so which has more power in setting the us world agenda and policies israel or american jewish zionists dialectically the answer should be israel by means of its amen corner now in december jim lehrer a former coanchor of the macneillehrer newshour and later sole anchor of the newshour with jim lehrer interviewed pat buchanan it is important to mention that jim lehrer has monopolized a significant position funded by federal tax money for over years starting in is that an issue yes and to debate it the following applies whenever a specific group of people be they christian muslim jewish atheist duopoly party apparatchiks etc keeps an important public post for such a long duration the implication is unescapable the group controls that post because of its embedded importance but more important they have the power to keep it nonetheless when a specific group continues to hold throughout time important positions inside public corporations agencies and branches of the us government a paradigm emerges either the group controls said corporations directlythat is why it is able to do what they want or it controls them indirectly by controlling first who appoints the board of trustees and sets corporate policies and appointees at any rate considering this type of control the assumption that such group has power over the government and its public corporations is reasonable additionally the issue of monopoly of news is critical in another respect it means that someone within the context of us imperialism has decided that the us public discourse must conform to predetermined patterns in these patterns issues such as israel zionism palestine us imperialism in the middle east wars etc are designed to move only on linear grounds without ever touching the core of the matter before continuing i must state that lehrers political views are not a subject to discuss visàvis his program for one the newshour program is not about the personal views of presentersit is about information prepared for the public from a public corporation second whether lehrer had sympathies for israel or zionism is nonissue because most viewers expect neutral discussions regardless of who delivers them nevertheless a situation such as this has a consequence affecting the special relations between the narrated newscomments the people who deliver them and the people who hear them firstly planning news delivery to attain specific results is a good technique for those in the business of indoctrination psychology and perception are the areas of expertise that news planners depend on to disseminate certain news and analyses to be sure these planners know that most viewers have no special or personal stakes on events happening in other countries still the immediate consequence that controlled news and commentaries could generate is easy to predict they also know they can seep to the viewers preconceived ideas through pleasant dialogs affable manners appearance of neutrality and clever circumlocutions to be fair to lehrer he was consistent in making intelligent questions however he was also consistent at doing something else he would calibrate his questions in such a way as not to reveal new truths or solicit critical replies that could go beyond boundaries deliberately conceived so as not to be crossed it is pragmatic to say that the observance of these boundaries would nicely serve the zionist and imperialist discourse in essence a practice thusly followed is a preemptive mechanism of control cloaked as a professional presentation now in his interview lehrer played dumb when he asked buchanan about his bold characterization of the congress he phrased his question as follows you have also said that congress is an israelioccupied territory now what do you mean by that italics are mine comment semantically as much as politically buchanans figure of speech was terse and unequivocal he plainly meant that the congress observes israels agenda and acts accordingly there was no need for buchanan to say anything further because what he said had and still has basis in verifiable facts with a question such as what do you mean by that lehrer was not seeking a rational reply from buchanan the form and content of the question had the objective of wanting to entrap buchanan make him retract or at least contradict himself to show inconsistency in essence lehrer had simply tried to deny that israel controls the congress through its amen corner because his what do you mean indicated astonishment rather than request for explanation to wrap up the issue without exclusion any denial of the jewish zionist control of the united states is a farce take abraham h foxman of the infamous antidefamation league as an example foxman authored a masterdeceptive propaganda book that he called the deadliest lies the israeli lobby and the myth of jewish control italics are mine first foxman lied he knew very well that the jewish zionist control is not a myth but a pervasive reality second but most important the problem is not the abstract jewish control but the specificjewish zionist control this can be explained using a current universal truth hundreds of thousands of jews from all nationalities actively oppose zionism on political religious ethical historical and ideological grounds foxmans denial means one of two things either he is a parochial charlatan when the subject is the undisputed power of american jewish zionism or he is very ignorant of the history of zionism which is impossible either way foxmans business is propaganda demagogy and deception incidentally foxmans denial looks very similar to what some arabs do in the middle east villagersbut even some city folkstry to fend off envy by following an eonold superstition they fix a drawing on a wall in their shops or homes showing the palm of an open hand with an open eye in its center it appears that foxman and his associates have their own superstition by decrying the deadliest lies against american jewish zionists they try to fend off the accusation or the envy that jewsspecifically jewish zionistshave power and influence of substance did foxman not learn or did anyone inform him about what john foster dulles told william knowland a prozionist senator from california back in february in an exchange about the proposed sanctions to get israel out of egyptian territory occupied by israel in the suez war dulles pronounced these prophetic words we cannot have all our policies made in jerusalem that was in today all those who deride or deny the charge that israel has a say on us foreign policy and wars in the middle east must prove that those who are making this charge are misinformed or just lying interestingly years after buchanan made that statement the successive events proved his sharp assessment and political perspicacity two people vindicated his characterization of capitol hills as an israelioccupied territory and both used his words to make the point the first is a former cia officer philip giraldi and the second is philip weiss founder of mondoweiss website in an article he wrote in giraldi pointed to the congress as its still occupied territory weiss titled a piece he wrote in as such capitol hill still israelioccupied territory at this point do american jewish zionists control the united states do they control it as polity or only the political system do they have real influence in setting us foreign policy and wars against the arab and muslim nations or maybe all this talk is no more than baseless allegations next part discussion part interview with francis boyle part interview with james petras part interview with kim petersen notes jimmy carter speaking frankly about israel and palestine los angeles times december pat buchanan the mclaughlin group aug quote d in the washington report on middle east affairs what they said israel and its amen corner february on my mind forgive them not the new york times september quote d in the washington report on middle east affairs is congress an israelioccupied territory july the washington report on middle east affairs what they said israel and its amen corner feb david tal editor the war collusion and rivalry in the middle east frank cass publishers p
TITLE: the bnai brith and the history of the mounting assault on academic freedom in canadian universities TEXT: part introduction shares for the last years i have witnessed and experienced the severe restraints on any free and balanced discussion of the facts this reluctance to criticize any policies of the israeli government is because of the extraordinary lobbying efforts of the americanisrael political action committee and the absence of any significant contrary voices former us president jimmy carter how the interviews came about the marxian thesis that the dominant culture and ideology of a society here referred to as social base or just base are those of the dominant class here referred to as system is a sharp tool to probe how political systems work and how they stay in power does this tool work in the us model certainly the relation between the system and its social base has been regular since the inception of the thirteen colonies because of that sustained regularity system and base acted in convergent patterns of dependency in historical perspective it was not possible for the system to transform those colonies into states and thereafter expand its conquests to form a continental empire without a solid social base that shared its purpose and visions for expansion from that time onward an ideological symbiosis ran between the system and the base not only that but each time the system modifies direction philosophy or ideology the base would adapt by modifying its attitudes and perception the patterns of ideological association between the us system and its social base extended into modern times and the yardstick to measure them is the presidential elections if you look at voters turnout since you will notice that a relativetolarge majority of americans had voted in those elections my interpretation of the vote in relation to marxs thesis is the following voting for a system that is known for its aggressive imperialist policies crimes around the world overthrowing foreign governments not in line with washington and countless military interventions and invasions that left millions of people dead means one thing voting for that system while knowing its attributes policies and actions amounts to active sharing in its ideology culture and violence more zionism is racism zionism goes from bad to worse taking judaism with it how modern is israel green party of canada calls to revoke jewish national fund charitable status caveat that does not necessarily mean that all voters share the systems imperialistic values of violence and destruction of foreign peoples the pertinent meaning of voting interpreted in relation to the systems foreign policy objectives versus the objectives of the base resides in two concepts discarding immediately the notion that the base has been cohabitated by the system the first concept has it that the base has given a mandate to the system to carry out its ideology of empire and imperialism based on the undeclared condition to spare the people from the horrors of foreign wars a dichotomy sets in here the system has its way of life and the base has its own the second concept has to do with the basic tenets of colonialism meaning if the system could be successful to obtain unspecified benefits through wars then the base could share in these benefits despite aversion to violence and opposition to the institution of war as a means to resolve problems between nations a question would abstaining from voting resolve the issue of active sharing in the policies of the system this subject is open for debate the relation between the american system and its base was uniform up to a certain point in history late s until that point the american state was still busy completing its structural transformation into a big power status that uniformity however managed to keep the patterns of the political power unchanged to be exact despite persistent immigration that should have altered the relations between the base and government as well as the composition of the latter the dominance of the traditional ruling elites was not open for challenge and shaped by an exclusive american anglosaxon experience but when franklyn d roosevelt showed signs of surrender to the zionist pressure on the issue of establishing a jewish state in palestine he opened a large crack in the system that was the first time in us history where the powerful american imperialist state yielded to a foreign ideology that was not part of its basic project with that a movement with a limited religious social base began penetrating the files and ranks of the us power the rest is history as a result the unrelenting entrenchment inside the political structures of the united states coupled with accumulated changes in the configuration of the us power the dominant american system itself fell under the domination of one of its social factionsamerican jewish zionists when franklyn d roosevelt showed signs of surrender to the zionist pressure on the issue of establishing a jewish state in palestine he opened a large crack in the system as a group american jewish zionists have all attributes of an independent establishment they possess efficient organizational structures have a monolithic political presence across the american system and they know how to finance their activities with us tax money i must note that their alignment with the global agenda of us imperialism is a twopoint expedient the first is focused on being recognized as earnest operators at the service of americas interests the second is tactical to reap on behalf of israel the benefits of alignment with slogans such as israel is our only trusted ally in the middle east the american jewish zionist experience is agenda driven as such their domestic and foreign agendas have precedence over any other jewishrelated consideration on the domestic front the focus could not be more evident to consolidate zionism and turn it into a means to perpetuate israel as an american national issue and make of them the principal factor in defining american politics you can notice the endeavor clearly during us elections when the zionist media question whether this or that candidate is good for the jews and for israel today voicing dissent against the policies of american jewish zionism or criticizing israel amounts to crime jimmy carter experienced this firsthand when he published his book palestine peace not apartheid american jewish zionists unleashed the fire of hell upon him as for the jewish zionist foreign agenda this is clearcut and leaves no space for misunderstanding it aims to induce control or lead the united states to adopt hostile policies toward the arab nations because due to their rejection of the zionist state and undertake military actions against any country that appears as posing a potential or direct threat to israel equally important it demands that the united states keep denying the palestinians rights for nationhood through american diplomacy what is the rationale recognition of the palestinian national rights means the invalidation of the zionist state and its claim on palestine because the jewish zionist control of the us system is real and dominant how does the american society figure visàvis this dominance based on observations of the american society and its multiple cultural and ideological patterns there can be but one answer zionism is not the dominant culture and ideology of the american people it is however the dominant culture and ideology of the us political system observations first despite gargantuan zionist propaganda apparatuses directed to the american people jewish zionists have consistently failed to create interest or sympathy for zionist issues and for israel second due to historically developed indifference to foreign issues a majority of americans have only vague ideas on what zionism is third to establish roots for their political dominance jewish zionist activists invariably focus not on the american people but on ways to control the american system from inside by controlling first the institutions that matter white house and congress fourth this control did not happen because of elections it is preponderantly due to the practice of appointing jewish zionists to important positions inside the administrations fifth among the stratagems employed by zionists when they run for elective offices one was particularly effective take advantage of the reverence of the population for the idea of election to do that jewish zionist candidates rarely if ever talk about israel or zionism instead they only debate matters of interest to the voters once elected though promoting israel via american legislations becomes the top hidden agenda sixth and to conclude this particular argument the fact that one administration after another succumbed to the diktat of jewish zionists thus indirectly to israel in matters of foreign policy and wars proves that the culture and praxis of those administrations are those of the dominant ideology and culturezionism another point to discuss is the expansion of the jewish zionist power by all accounts such an expansion is not a phenomenon but an incremental process in his book the arabists the romance of an american elite robert d kaplan defined the issue that i framed as a process in terms of gradual replacement of traditional diplomatic elites with new ideological elites that had no interest in the ways of the old school of diplomacy kaplan was unambiguous he called these new elites by their names irishamericans and jewishamericans kaplans viewpoint on this replacement is important to our discussion he argued that the old elites approached the usarab relations with an open mind and readiness for dialog all while keeping an eye on the us imperialist interests his argument opens the door for a veritable conclusion the two groups of postwwii american society that kaplan mentioned had in fact changed the dynamics of us foreign policy it is public knowledge that both groups are known for their hostility toward arabs and muslimseach for his own set of religious political and ideological rationales as for the successive shares of africanamericans and hispanics in the making of the national policy of the united states this is another argument as a witness to history in early i began drafting a comprehensive analysis on the role of american jewish zionists in the making of us policies and wars in the arab world in may of that year as my work became broad in scope i decided to seek more views on the subject i came up with the idea to conduct several interviews where i pose the same questions while some of the prospective interviewees declined and others accepted but then withdrew three prominent thinkers acclaimed for their knowledge scholarship and outstanding political activism graciously gave me their views they are francis boyle a professor of international law university of illinois college of law james petras a professor emeritus university of binghamton new york canadian writer and former coeditor of the online publication of dissident voice kim petersen professors boyle and petras answered my questions via phone conversations and petersen via email correspondence however in the weeks following the interviews my work swelled up to such a length that it became unsuitable for internet publishing in short i was unable to honor my commitment to publish the interviews as planned today as i thank prof francis boyle prof james petras and kim petersen for sharing their invaluable insight i apologize to them for the delay in putting the interviews out there to read introduction the turning point in the emergence of jewish zionism as a dominant american political force came about when iraq invaded kuwait discussing the origins and strategic complications of that invasion goes beyond the scope of this introduction the jewish zionist establishment seized the occasion mobilized its omnipresent propaganda operatives and led colossal media campaigns to promote military actions against iraq to bring their war mania to fruition they unleashed their experts in all directions they talked about iraqs formidable military capabilities and about saddams onemillionman standing army ready to invade saudi arabia and seize its oil they told stories about saddam husseins personal life his bunkers and his mortal nuclear threats to israel and they talked about iraqs threats to us interests and allies in the middle east here is a brief account of those events on july iraqi president saddam hussein met with us ambassador to iraq april glaspie it is on record that glaspie gave hussein an unambiguous but indirect greenlight to resolve iraqs problems with kuwait militarily on august iraq invaded kuwait on august george h w bush ordered the freezing of iraqi and kuwaiti assets and immediately placed iraq under hermetic embargo considering the prompt extraordinary antiiraq measures that the united states took in the first hours of that invasion one wonders what was pushing the us to move so quickly on iraq knowing that only two days earlier this was conducting a us proxy against iran the observation that the us did not take similar actions when iraq invaded iran in or when israel invaded lebanon in raises many questions what were the us rationales in taking such measures who conceived them did the us entrap iraq why the atmosphere that followed the invasion was surrealistic like a lightning bolt us imperialist and zionist forces instantly mobilized their media talking heads retired generals and bogus experts on the middle east the deafening uproar they made and all lies they told about atrocities committed by iraq in kuwait hid a definite scheme incite for war in the period august january israelis and jewish zionists from all fields appeared en mass and in every possible medium available to urge the bush regime to give up diplomacy in favor of war on january a member coalition in which the us had the lion shareninetyseven percent of the total forceattacked iraq by every standard and minutia of details the war on iraq in was an american war at the end of a war that destroyed one of israels arab adversaries george h w bush might have thought of himself as americas laureate hero he did not predict though that his temporary freezing of the us loan guaranties to israel would have unleashed the jewish zionist establishment against him the fact that he lost to bill clinton who opposed bushs freeze and who stated that israel was the only country that paid back its debts indicated that american jewish zionists had finally reached their objective to perfect ways to control the us politics from the inside in retrospect it can be said that george h w bush was the last nonzionist american president from bill clinton forward us presidents and their vice president became pawns in the jewish zionist play of power now as the united states was preparing for war with iraq to liberate kuwait thousands of antiwar activists and intellectuals from a wide spectrum of political convictions spoke loudly against it but no one could have ever beaten patrick j buchanans memorable words about how american jewish zionists and israel were pushing for that war he said there are only two groups that are beating the drums for war in the middle east the israeli defense ministry and its amen corner with that buchanan hit the proverbial nail on the head am rosenthal a ringleader of us zionist journalism could not bear what he heard in a rebuttal he unleashed an acerbic attack against buchanan his weapon of argument so to speak was the stale and trite accusation of antisemitism whining rosenthal twisted buchanans clear words and went on to imply that buchanan was in effect engaging in an antijewish tirade he reinterpreted buchanans words and cast them in a standard zionistic fashion he wrote that buchanans intention was the jews are trying to drag us into war only jews want war israeli jews want war to save israels hide american jews who talk of military action against iraq want war because it would suit israeli interests they are willing to spill american blood for israeli interests by inserting the word jew in his reply rosenthal and the new york times behind him spat on the face of us political reality under the tight grip of zionism we need not waste our breath on rosenthals petty tactic his clear objective was to distract from the central issue which is buchanans opposition to the planned war against iraq was unrelated to the religious denomination of those who were promoting it rather he was unmistakably referring to their political identity still buchanan was honest he pointed the finger to israel and its amen corner because that was the truth the fact that most israelis and amen corners happened to be of jewish faith was nonissue to conclude it is evident that buchanan a dreamer of an american republic not empire could not stand by idle while seeing the united states sheepishly fastened to the yoke of zionism and gutlessly prostrating before a tiny settler state israel buchanan did not stop there truthful and resolute he dared to describe in categorical terms the pitiful condition of the us congress visàvis israel and american jewish zionists he dubbed it as an israelioccupied territory buchanan powerfully hit the target in such a way that countless cowardly american politicians would dare not think let alone say notice that buchanan had placed israel before its us amen corner i view this as a statement he clearly implied that israel is the primary decision maker did that also imply that us zionist groups amen corner are puppets moved by israel most likely if so which has more power in setting the us world agenda and policies israel or american jewish zionists dialectically the answer should be israel by means of its amen corner now in december jim lehrer a former coanchor of the macneillehrer newshour and later sole anchor of the newshour with jim lehrer interviewed pat buchanan it is important to mention that jim lehrer has monopolized a significant position funded by federal tax money for over years starting in is that an issue yes and to debate it the following applies whenever a specific group of people be they christian muslim jewish atheist duopoly party apparatchiks etc keeps an important public post for such a long duration the implication is unescapable the group controls that post because of its embedded importance but more important they have the power to keep it nonetheless when a specific group continues to hold throughout time important positions inside public corporations agencies and branches of the us government a paradigm emerges either the group controls said corporations directlythat is why it is able to do what they want or it controls them indirectly by controlling first who appoints the board of trustees and sets corporate policies and appointees at any rate considering this type of control the assumption that such group has power over the government and its public corporations is reasonable additionally the issue of monopoly of news is critical in another respect it means that someone within the context of us imperialism has decided that the us public discourse must conform to predetermined patterns in these patterns issues such as israel zionism palestine us imperialism in the middle east wars etc are designed to move only on linear grounds without ever touching the core of the matter before continuing i must state that lehrers political views are not a subject to discuss visàvis his program for one the newshour program is not about the personal views of presentersit is about information prepared for the public from a public corporation second whether lehrer had sympathies for israel or zionism is nonissue because most viewers expect neutral discussions regardless of who delivers them nevertheless a situation such as this has a consequence affecting the special relations between the narrated newscomments the people who deliver them and the people who hear them firstly planning news delivery to attain specific results is a good technique for those in the business of indoctrination psychology and perception are the areas of expertise that news planners depend on to disseminate certain news and analyses to be sure these planners know that most viewers have no special or personal stakes on events happening in other countries still the immediate consequence that controlled news and commentaries could generate is easy to predict they also know they can seep to the viewers preconceived ideas through pleasant dialogs affable manners appearance of neutrality and clever circumlocutions to be fair to lehrer he was consistent in making intelligent questions however he was also consistent at doing something else he would calibrate his questions in such a way as not to reveal new truths or solicit critical replies that could go beyond boundaries deliberately conceived so as not to be crossed it is pragmatic to say that the observance of these boundaries would nicely serve the zionist and imperialist discourse in essence a practice thusly followed is a preemptive mechanism of control cloaked as a professional presentation now in his interview lehrer played dumb when he asked buchanan about his bold characterization of the congress he phrased his question as follows you have also said that congress is an israelioccupied territory now what do you mean by that italics are mine comment semantically as much as politically buchanans figure of speech was terse and unequivocal he plainly meant that the congress observes israels agenda and acts accordingly there was no need for buchanan to say anything further because what he said had and still has basis in verifiable facts with a question such as what do you mean by that lehrer was not seeking a rational reply from buchanan the form and content of the question had the objective of wanting to entrap buchanan make him retract or at least contradict himself to show inconsistency in essence lehrer had simply tried to deny that israel controls the congress through its amen corner because his what do you mean indicated astonishment rather than request for explanation to wrap up the issue without exclusion any denial of the jewish zionist control of the united states is a farce take abraham h foxman of the infamous antidefamation league as an example foxman authored a masterdeceptive propaganda book that he called the deadliest lies the israeli lobby and the myth of jewish control italics are mine first foxman lied he knew very well that the jewish zionist control is not a myth but a pervasive reality second but most important the problem is not the abstract jewish control but the specificjewish zionist control this can be explained using a current universal truth hundreds of thousands of jews from all nationalities actively oppose zionism on political religious ethical historical and ideological grounds foxmans denial means one of two things either he is a parochial charlatan when the subject is the undisputed power of american jewish zionism or he is very ignorant of the history of zionism which is impossible either way foxmans business is propaganda demagogy and deception incidentally foxmans denial looks very similar to what some arabs do in the middle east villagersbut even some city folkstry to fend off envy by following an eonold superstition they fix a drawing on a wall in their shops or homes showing the palm of an open hand with an open eye in its center it appears that foxman and his associates have their own superstition by decrying the deadliest lies against american jewish zionists they try to fend off the accusation or the envy that jewsspecifically jewish zionistshave power and influence of substance did foxman not learn or did anyone inform him about what john foster dulles told william knowland a prozionist senator from california back in february in an exchange about the proposed sanctions to get israel out of egyptian territory occupied by israel in the suez war dulles pronounced these prophetic words we cannot have all our policies made in jerusalem that was in today all those who deride or deny the charge that israel has a say on us foreign policy and wars in the middle east must prove that those who are making this charge are misinformed or just lying interestingly years after buchanan made that statement the successive events proved his sharp assessment and political perspicacity two people vindicated his characterization of capitol hills as an israelioccupied territory and both used his words to make the point the first is a former cia officer philip giraldi and the second is philip weiss founder of mondoweiss website in an article he wrote in giraldi pointed to the congress as its still occupied territory weiss titled a piece he wrote in as such capitol hill still israelioccupied territory at this point do american jewish zionists control the united states do they control it as polity or only the political system do they have real influence in setting us foreign policy and wars against the arab and muslim nations or maybe all this talk is no more than baseless allegations next part discussion part interview with francis boyle part interview with james petras part interview with kim petersen notes jimmy carter speaking frankly about israel and palestine los angeles times december pat buchanan the mclaughlin group aug quote d in the washington report on middle east affairs what they said israel and its amen corner february on my mind forgive them not the new york times september quote d in the washington report on middle east affairs is congress an israelioccupied territory july the washington report on middle east affairs what they said israel and its amen corner feb david tal editor the war collusion and rivalry in the middle east frank cass publishers p
Saudi-led coalition to allow cranes into Yemen's Hodeidah port
DUBAI (Reuters) - The Saudi-led coalition will allow four cranes into the Houthi-controlled port of Hodeidah to boost humanitarian aid deliveries into wartorn Yemen, the Saudi ambassador to Sanaa said on Wednesday. Saudi-led forces blocked the port for more than three weeks last month in response to Houthi missile attacks, adding to food shortages in Yemen. A coalition spokesman said on Wednesday the Houthis had fired 83 ballistic missiles towards the kingdom since the war started in 2015.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Saudi-led coalition to allow cranes into Yemen's Hodeidah port TEXT: DUBAI (Reuters) - The Saudi-led coalition will allow four cranes into the Houthi-controlled port of Hodeidah to boost humanitarian aid deliveries into wartorn Yemen, the Saudi ambassador to Sanaa said on Wednesday. Saudi-led forces blocked the port for more than three weeks last month in response to Houthi missile attacks, adding to food shortages in Yemen. A coalition spokesman said on Wednesday the Houthis had fired 83 ballistic missiles towards the kingdom since the war started in 2015.
TITLE: Saudi-led coalition to allow cranes into Yemen's Hodeidah port TEXT: DUBAI (Reuters) - The Saudi-led coalition will allow four cranes into the Houthi-controlled port of Hodeidah to boost humanitarian aid deliveries into wartorn Yemen, the Saudi ambassador to Sanaa said on Wednesday. Saudi-led forces blocked the port for more than three weeks last month in response to Houthi missile attacks, adding to food shortages in Yemen. A coalition spokesman said on Wednesday the Houthis had fired 83 ballistic missiles towards the kingdom since the war started in 2015.
SOFT COUP ALERT: Shocking Percentage Of Negative Coverage On Trump Will Blow Your Mind!
The Harvard study below will blow your mind! If you had any doubt Trump is being sabotaged by the main stream media and Washington old guards, look no further Coverage of President Trump is 93% negative! This is over the top! Our media and politicians are doing everything they can to destroy Trump How negative was press coverage of President Trump s first 100 days in office? Far more than that of Barack Obama, George W. Bush, or Bill Clinton, according to a new report from the Harvard Kennedy School s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy.The Harvard scholars analyzed the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and the main newscasts (not talk shows) of CBS, CNN, Fox and NBC during Trump s initial time in office. They found, to no one s surprise, that Trump absolutely dominated news coverage in the first 100 days. And then they found that news coverage was solidly negative 80 percent negative among those outlets studied, versus 20 percent positive.The numbers for previous presidents: Barack Obama, 41 percent negative, 59 percent positive; George W. Bush, 57 percent negative, 43 percent positive; and Bill Clinton, 60 percent negative, 40 percent positive.Accusations of bias aside, it s simply a fact that a number of negative things happened in Trump s opening 100 days. The Russia investigation, for example, was a source of endless criticism from Democrats and other Trump opponents. The travel ban executive order led to intense argument and losses for the administration in the courts. The healthcare debacle created more negative coverage because it was a major screwup and a setback for both Trump and House Republicans.That said, the coverage of some news organizations was so negative, according to the Harvard study, that it seems hard to argue that the coverage was anywhere near a neutral presentation of facts. Assessing the tone of news coverage, the Harvard researchers found that CNN s Trump coverage was 93 percent negative, and seven percent positive. The researchers found the same numbers for NBC.Obama and Hillary s hero had this to say about taking down an enemy:Obama Campaign Manager and Senior Adviser had this to say about Trump last June: IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO SIMPLY BEAT TRUMP. HE MUST BE DESTROYED THOROUGHLY. HIS KIND MUST NOT RISE AGAIN. Read more: WE
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: SOFT COUP ALERT: Shocking Percentage Of Negative Coverage On Trump Will Blow Your Mind! TEXT: The Harvard study below will blow your mind! If you had any doubt Trump is being sabotaged by the main stream media and Washington old guards, look no further Coverage of President Trump is 93% negative! This is over the top! Our media and politicians are doing everything they can to destroy Trump How negative was press coverage of President Trump s first 100 days in office? Far more than that of Barack Obama, George W. Bush, or Bill Clinton, according to a new report from the Harvard Kennedy School s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy.The Harvard scholars analyzed the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and the main newscasts (not talk shows) of CBS, CNN, Fox and NBC during Trump s initial time in office. They found, to no one s surprise, that Trump absolutely dominated news coverage in the first 100 days. And then they found that news coverage was solidly negative 80 percent negative among those outlets studied, versus 20 percent positive.The numbers for previous presidents: Barack Obama, 41 percent negative, 59 percent positive; George W. Bush, 57 percent negative, 43 percent positive; and Bill Clinton, 60 percent negative, 40 percent positive.Accusations of bias aside, it s simply a fact that a number of negative things happened in Trump s opening 100 days. The Russia investigation, for example, was a source of endless criticism from Democrats and other Trump opponents. The travel ban executive order led to intense argument and losses for the administration in the courts. The healthcare debacle created more negative coverage because it was a major screwup and a setback for both Trump and House Republicans.That said, the coverage of some news organizations was so negative, according to the Harvard study, that it seems hard to argue that the coverage was anywhere near a neutral presentation of facts. Assessing the tone of news coverage, the Harvard researchers found that CNN s Trump coverage was 93 percent negative, and seven percent positive. The researchers found the same numbers for NBC.Obama and Hillary s hero had this to say about taking down an enemy:Obama Campaign Manager and Senior Adviser had this to say about Trump last June: IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO SIMPLY BEAT TRUMP. HE MUST BE DESTROYED THOROUGHLY. HIS KIND MUST NOT RISE AGAIN. Read more: WE
TITLE: SOFT COUP ALERT: Shocking Percentage Of Negative Coverage On Trump Will Blow Your Mind! TEXT: The Harvard study below will blow your mind! If you had any doubt Trump is being sabotaged by the main stream media and Washington old guards, look no further Coverage of President Trump is 93% negative! This is over the top! Our media and politicians are doing everything they can to destroy Trump How negative was press coverage of President Trump s first 100 days in office? Far more than that of Barack Obama, George W. Bush, or Bill Clinton, according to a new report from the Harvard Kennedy School s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy.The Harvard scholars analyzed the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and the main newscasts (not talk shows) of CBS, CNN, Fox and NBC during Trump s initial time in office. They found, to no one s surprise, that Trump absolutely dominated news coverage in the first 100 days. And then they found that news coverage was solidly negative 80 percent negative among those outlets studied, versus 20 percent positive.The numbers for previous presidents: Barack Obama, 41 percent negative, 59 percent positive; George W. Bush, 57 percent negative, 43 percent positive; and Bill Clinton, 60 percent negative, 40 percent positive.Accusations of bias aside, it s simply a fact that a number of negative things happened in Trump s opening 100 days. The Russia investigation, for example, was a source of endless criticism from Democrats and other Trump opponents. The travel ban executive order led to intense argument and losses for the administration in the courts. The healthcare debacle created more negative coverage because it was a major screwup and a setback for both Trump and House Republicans.That said, the coverage of some news organizations was so negative, according to the Harvard study, that it seems hard to argue that the coverage was anywhere near a neutral presentation of facts. Assessing the tone of news coverage, the Harvard researchers found that CNN s Trump coverage was 93 percent negative, and seven percent positive. The researchers found the same numbers for NBC.Obama and Hillary s hero had this to say about taking down an enemy:Obama Campaign Manager and Senior Adviser had this to say about Trump last June: IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO SIMPLY BEAT TRUMP. HE MUST BE DESTROYED THOROUGHLY. HIS KIND MUST NOT RISE AGAIN. Read more: WE
In separate speeches Obama, Biden, Carter target Trump policies
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama, his vice president and defense secretary took aim on Monday at policies of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump they said would alienate Muslims globally along with U.S. allies and neighbors. In a speech focusing on national security at a think tank in Washington, Vice President Joe Biden said Trump’s calls to bar the entry of Muslims and to profile Muslim Americans reflected the politics of fear and intolerance. “There are 1.4 billion Muslims in the world” Biden said. “Some of the rhetoric I’m hearing sounds designed to radicalize all 1.4 billion.” Biden’s attacks on Trump as an isolationist, and others by Obama and Defense Secretary Ash Carter represent an unusually early and vigorous assault on an opposing party’s presidential nominee. The election is on Nov. 8. Referring to Trump’s vow to erect a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico if elected, Biden said that the most complex threats do not respect borders and a wall would destroy much of the progress the Obama administration had made with U.S. neighbors. “If we build walls and disrespect our neighbors, we will quickly see all this progress evaporating, replaced by a return of anti-Americanism, a corrosive rift throughout our hemisphere,” Biden said. Obama, who last week assailed Trump for what he called a “dangerous” mindset and “loose talk and sloppiness” in defining the country’s enemies, on Monday criticized Trump’s anti-trade policies in a speech at a U.S. Commerce Department conference. “This is not just about jobs and trade, it’s not just about hard, cold cash. It’s also about building relationships across borders,” Obama told the 2,400 people from 70 countries at the conference to attract foreign investment. Trump has threatened to impose steep tariffs on Chinese and Mexican imports and demanded a change in a U.S. trade policy he says allows other countries to shut out U.S imports, devalue their currencies and unfairly target U.S. industries. Speaking at the same event as Biden, Carter said a critical part of U.S. leadership is its “longtime network of allies and partners in every corner of the world.” “Our allies around the world have stood with us - and fought with us - time and again, most recently in Iraq, Afghanistan, and against ISIL,” he said, using an acronym for Islamic State. Carter did not mention Trump, who has called NATO “obsolete” and said he would consider letting Japan and South Korea develop their own nuclear weapons rather than relying on the United States for protection against North Korea and China.While Obama, Carter and other top officials generally have refrained from attacking Trump by name, Obama administration spokesmen have not denied that such remarks are directed at the presumptive Republican candidate.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: In separate speeches Obama, Biden, Carter target Trump policies TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama, his vice president and defense secretary took aim on Monday at policies of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump they said would alienate Muslims globally along with U.S. allies and neighbors. In a speech focusing on national security at a think tank in Washington, Vice President Joe Biden said Trump’s calls to bar the entry of Muslims and to profile Muslim Americans reflected the politics of fear and intolerance. “There are 1.4 billion Muslims in the world” Biden said. “Some of the rhetoric I’m hearing sounds designed to radicalize all 1.4 billion.” Biden’s attacks on Trump as an isolationist, and others by Obama and Defense Secretary Ash Carter represent an unusually early and vigorous assault on an opposing party’s presidential nominee. The election is on Nov. 8. Referring to Trump’s vow to erect a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico if elected, Biden said that the most complex threats do not respect borders and a wall would destroy much of the progress the Obama administration had made with U.S. neighbors. “If we build walls and disrespect our neighbors, we will quickly see all this progress evaporating, replaced by a return of anti-Americanism, a corrosive rift throughout our hemisphere,” Biden said. Obama, who last week assailed Trump for what he called a “dangerous” mindset and “loose talk and sloppiness” in defining the country’s enemies, on Monday criticized Trump’s anti-trade policies in a speech at a U.S. Commerce Department conference. “This is not just about jobs and trade, it’s not just about hard, cold cash. It’s also about building relationships across borders,” Obama told the 2,400 people from 70 countries at the conference to attract foreign investment. Trump has threatened to impose steep tariffs on Chinese and Mexican imports and demanded a change in a U.S. trade policy he says allows other countries to shut out U.S imports, devalue their currencies and unfairly target U.S. industries. Speaking at the same event as Biden, Carter said a critical part of U.S. leadership is its “longtime network of allies and partners in every corner of the world.” “Our allies around the world have stood with us - and fought with us - time and again, most recently in Iraq, Afghanistan, and against ISIL,” he said, using an acronym for Islamic State. Carter did not mention Trump, who has called NATO “obsolete” and said he would consider letting Japan and South Korea develop their own nuclear weapons rather than relying on the United States for protection against North Korea and China.While Obama, Carter and other top officials generally have refrained from attacking Trump by name, Obama administration spokesmen have not denied that such remarks are directed at the presumptive Republican candidate.
TITLE: In separate speeches Obama, Biden, Carter target Trump policies TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama, his vice president and defense secretary took aim on Monday at policies of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump they said would alienate Muslims globally along with U.S. allies and neighbors. In a speech focusing on national security at a think tank in Washington, Vice President Joe Biden said Trump’s calls to bar the entry of Muslims and to profile Muslim Americans reflected the politics of fear and intolerance. “There are 1.4 billion Muslims in the world” Biden said. “Some of the rhetoric I’m hearing sounds designed to radicalize all 1.4 billion.” Biden’s attacks on Trump as an isolationist, and others by Obama and Defense Secretary Ash Carter represent an unusually early and vigorous assault on an opposing party’s presidential nominee. The election is on Nov. 8. Referring to Trump’s vow to erect a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico if elected, Biden said that the most complex threats do not respect borders and a wall would destroy much of the progress the Obama administration had made with U.S. neighbors. “If we build walls and disrespect our neighbors, we will quickly see all this progress evaporating, replaced by a return of anti-Americanism, a corrosive rift throughout our hemisphere,” Biden said. Obama, who last week assailed Trump for what he called a “dangerous” mindset and “loose talk and sloppiness” in defining the country’s enemies, on Monday criticized Trump’s anti-trade policies in a speech at a U.S. Commerce Department conference. “This is not just about jobs and trade, it’s not just about hard, cold cash. It’s also about building relationships across borders,” Obama told the 2,400 people from 70 countries at the conference to attract foreign investment. Trump has threatened to impose steep tariffs on Chinese and Mexican imports and demanded a change in a U.S. trade policy he says allows other countries to shut out U.S imports, devalue their currencies and unfairly target U.S. industries. Speaking at the same event as Biden, Carter said a critical part of U.S. leadership is its “longtime network of allies and partners in every corner of the world.” “Our allies around the world have stood with us - and fought with us - time and again, most recently in Iraq, Afghanistan, and against ISIL,” he said, using an acronym for Islamic State. Carter did not mention Trump, who has called NATO “obsolete” and said he would consider letting Japan and South Korea develop their own nuclear weapons rather than relying on the United States for protection against North Korea and China.While Obama, Carter and other top officials generally have refrained from attacking Trump by name, Obama administration spokesmen have not denied that such remarks are directed at the presumptive Republican candidate.
Dissident Uzbek writer held on return from exile: wife
ALMATY (Reuters) - The first prominent dissident to return to Uzbekistan since the death of its long-time leader was detained on arrival on Wednesday, his wife said, raising questions about the new president s efforts to change the country s image. Uzbek police took writer Nurulloh Muhammad Raufkhon away in handcuffs after he landed at Tashkent airport, and sent him to jail after questioning, Gulnara Otakhonova told Reuters in tears. Officers told her to bring him clothes and a lawyer but did not say what he was charged with, she added. The interior ministry in mainly Muslim ex-Soviet state bordering Afghanistan did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Raufkhon had been in self-imposed exile in Turkey since 2016, when he was placed on a security blacklist after publishing a book that criticized former leader Islam Karimov. Karimov, held responsible by Western governments for systematic human rights violations during his 25 years in power, died last September. His successor, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, has sought to present himself as a more liberal leader, and this month Raufkhon told Reuters in an interview that, despite harboring some misgivings, he would soon return home. In an open letter to Mirziyoyev last week, Raufkhon said his safe return would suit the country which is repackaging itself in front of the world community as free and fair since you came to power . Improving Tashkent s image could help Mirziyoyev forge closer ties with the West and attract foreign investment to modernize the economy which has struggled to create enough jobs, forcing millions of Uzbeks to look for work abroad. Raufkhon s wife , said by telephone that she and their son had waited for several hours at the airport before seeing Raufkhon escorted outside in handcuffs, then taken to a police station. As she waited outside the police station later in the day, a police officer told her to hire a lawyer. In the evening, police told her they were taking Raufkhon to jail and instructed her to bring clothes for him, still without stating any charges, Otakhonova said. Steve Swerdlow, Uzbekistan researcher for Human Rights Watch, called Raufkhon s detention troubling, particularly given reports authorities had informed him about his rehabilitation and the various steps President Mirziyoyev has taken to show this is a new political era in Uzbekistan . Mirziyoyev last month ordered the removal of 16,000 people, including Raufkhon, from the blacklist. But some of his reforms announced since the December election have suffered from setbacks or delays caused, according to Uzbekistan-based foreign diplomats, by interventions of Karimov-era security boss Rustam Inoyatov with whom Mirziyoyev effectively shares power.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Dissident Uzbek writer held on return from exile: wife TEXT: ALMATY (Reuters) - The first prominent dissident to return to Uzbekistan since the death of its long-time leader was detained on arrival on Wednesday, his wife said, raising questions about the new president s efforts to change the country s image. Uzbek police took writer Nurulloh Muhammad Raufkhon away in handcuffs after he landed at Tashkent airport, and sent him to jail after questioning, Gulnara Otakhonova told Reuters in tears. Officers told her to bring him clothes and a lawyer but did not say what he was charged with, she added. The interior ministry in mainly Muslim ex-Soviet state bordering Afghanistan did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Raufkhon had been in self-imposed exile in Turkey since 2016, when he was placed on a security blacklist after publishing a book that criticized former leader Islam Karimov. Karimov, held responsible by Western governments for systematic human rights violations during his 25 years in power, died last September. His successor, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, has sought to present himself as a more liberal leader, and this month Raufkhon told Reuters in an interview that, despite harboring some misgivings, he would soon return home. In an open letter to Mirziyoyev last week, Raufkhon said his safe return would suit the country which is repackaging itself in front of the world community as free and fair since you came to power . Improving Tashkent s image could help Mirziyoyev forge closer ties with the West and attract foreign investment to modernize the economy which has struggled to create enough jobs, forcing millions of Uzbeks to look for work abroad. Raufkhon s wife , said by telephone that she and their son had waited for several hours at the airport before seeing Raufkhon escorted outside in handcuffs, then taken to a police station. As she waited outside the police station later in the day, a police officer told her to hire a lawyer. In the evening, police told her they were taking Raufkhon to jail and instructed her to bring clothes for him, still without stating any charges, Otakhonova said. Steve Swerdlow, Uzbekistan researcher for Human Rights Watch, called Raufkhon s detention troubling, particularly given reports authorities had informed him about his rehabilitation and the various steps President Mirziyoyev has taken to show this is a new political era in Uzbekistan . Mirziyoyev last month ordered the removal of 16,000 people, including Raufkhon, from the blacklist. But some of his reforms announced since the December election have suffered from setbacks or delays caused, according to Uzbekistan-based foreign diplomats, by interventions of Karimov-era security boss Rustam Inoyatov with whom Mirziyoyev effectively shares power.
TITLE: Dissident Uzbek writer held on return from exile: wife TEXT: ALMATY (Reuters) - The first prominent dissident to return to Uzbekistan since the death of its long-time leader was detained on arrival on Wednesday, his wife said, raising questions about the new president s efforts to change the country s image. Uzbek police took writer Nurulloh Muhammad Raufkhon away in handcuffs after he landed at Tashkent airport, and sent him to jail after questioning, Gulnara Otakhonova told Reuters in tears. Officers told her to bring him clothes and a lawyer but did not say what he was charged with, she added. The interior ministry in mainly Muslim ex-Soviet state bordering Afghanistan did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Raufkhon had been in self-imposed exile in Turkey since 2016, when he was placed on a security blacklist after publishing a book that criticized former leader Islam Karimov. Karimov, held responsible by Western governments for systematic human rights violations during his 25 years in power, died last September. His successor, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, has sought to present himself as a more liberal leader, and this month Raufkhon told Reuters in an interview that, despite harboring some misgivings, he would soon return home. In an open letter to Mirziyoyev last week, Raufkhon said his safe return would suit the country which is repackaging itself in front of the world community as free and fair since you came to power . Improving Tashkent s image could help Mirziyoyev forge closer ties with the West and attract foreign investment to modernize the economy which has struggled to create enough jobs, forcing millions of Uzbeks to look for work abroad. Raufkhon s wife , said by telephone that she and their son had waited for several hours at the airport before seeing Raufkhon escorted outside in handcuffs, then taken to a police station. As she waited outside the police station later in the day, a police officer told her to hire a lawyer. In the evening, police told her they were taking Raufkhon to jail and instructed her to bring clothes for him, still without stating any charges, Otakhonova said. Steve Swerdlow, Uzbekistan researcher for Human Rights Watch, called Raufkhon s detention troubling, particularly given reports authorities had informed him about his rehabilitation and the various steps President Mirziyoyev has taken to show this is a new political era in Uzbekistan . Mirziyoyev last month ordered the removal of 16,000 people, including Raufkhon, from the blacklist. But some of his reforms announced since the December election have suffered from setbacks or delays caused, according to Uzbekistan-based foreign diplomats, by interventions of Karimov-era security boss Rustam Inoyatov with whom Mirziyoyev effectively shares power.
smart meter case testimony before the pennsylvania public utility commission what no one wants to acknowledge about emf damage
by kurt nimmo blacklisted news the iraqis found missiles at an islamic state base in mosul stamped with usa and dod the discovery did not
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: smart meter case testimony before the pennsylvania public utility commission what no one wants to acknowledge about emf damage TEXT: by kurt nimmo blacklisted news the iraqis found missiles at an islamic state base in mosul stamped with usa and dod the discovery did not
TITLE: smart meter case testimony before the pennsylvania public utility commission what no one wants to acknowledge about emf damage TEXT: by kurt nimmo blacklisted news the iraqis found missiles at an islamic state base in mosul stamped with usa and dod the discovery did not
Brazil house speaker says whipping votes for pension reform difficult, but urgent
RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) - The speaker of Brazil s lower house said on Tuesday that it will not be easy to obtain the 308 votes needed to pass a much anticipated pension reform, but that doing so is fundamental and urgent for the country. In an interview with Brazil s CBN radio, Maia said it was important that the government completed a reform to Brazil s ministerial framework soon, so that it can advance in negotiations regarding pensions.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Brazil house speaker says whipping votes for pension reform difficult, but urgent TEXT: RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) - The speaker of Brazil s lower house said on Tuesday that it will not be easy to obtain the 308 votes needed to pass a much anticipated pension reform, but that doing so is fundamental and urgent for the country. In an interview with Brazil s CBN radio, Maia said it was important that the government completed a reform to Brazil s ministerial framework soon, so that it can advance in negotiations regarding pensions.
TITLE: Brazil house speaker says whipping votes for pension reform difficult, but urgent TEXT: RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) - The speaker of Brazil s lower house said on Tuesday that it will not be easy to obtain the 308 votes needed to pass a much anticipated pension reform, but that doing so is fundamental and urgent for the country. In an interview with Brazil s CBN radio, Maia said it was important that the government completed a reform to Brazil s ministerial framework soon, so that it can advance in negotiations regarding pensions.
Britain says West must defend undersea cables from Russian navy
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain and its NATO allies must defend deep sea cables against a potentially catastrophic attack by the Russia navy that could disrupt trillions of dollars in financial transactions, the head of Britain s armed forces warned. The cables which crisscross the world s oceans and seas carry 95 percent of communications and over $10 trillion in daily transactions. There is a new risk to our way of life, which is the vulnerability of the cables that criss-cross the seabeds, the BBC quoted Stuart Peach, chief of the defense staff, as saying. Peach said the Russian President Vladimir Putin s modernization of the once mighty Soviet navy now posed a serious threat to Western communications. Russia in addition to new ships and submarines continues to perfect both unconventional capabilities and information warfare, Peach said. Russia has repeatedly dismissed Western concerns about its renewed assertiveness as Cold War hysteria, though Kremlin supporters praise Putin at home for putting restoring Russia s clout after the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Britain says West must defend undersea cables from Russian navy TEXT: LONDON (Reuters) - Britain and its NATO allies must defend deep sea cables against a potentially catastrophic attack by the Russia navy that could disrupt trillions of dollars in financial transactions, the head of Britain s armed forces warned. The cables which crisscross the world s oceans and seas carry 95 percent of communications and over $10 trillion in daily transactions. There is a new risk to our way of life, which is the vulnerability of the cables that criss-cross the seabeds, the BBC quoted Stuart Peach, chief of the defense staff, as saying. Peach said the Russian President Vladimir Putin s modernization of the once mighty Soviet navy now posed a serious threat to Western communications. Russia in addition to new ships and submarines continues to perfect both unconventional capabilities and information warfare, Peach said. Russia has repeatedly dismissed Western concerns about its renewed assertiveness as Cold War hysteria, though Kremlin supporters praise Putin at home for putting restoring Russia s clout after the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union.
TITLE: Britain says West must defend undersea cables from Russian navy TEXT: LONDON (Reuters) - Britain and its NATO allies must defend deep sea cables against a potentially catastrophic attack by the Russia navy that could disrupt trillions of dollars in financial transactions, the head of Britain s armed forces warned. The cables which crisscross the world s oceans and seas carry 95 percent of communications and over $10 trillion in daily transactions. There is a new risk to our way of life, which is the vulnerability of the cables that criss-cross the seabeds, the BBC quoted Stuart Peach, chief of the defense staff, as saying. Peach said the Russian President Vladimir Putin s modernization of the once mighty Soviet navy now posed a serious threat to Western communications. Russia in addition to new ships and submarines continues to perfect both unconventional capabilities and information warfare, Peach said. Russia has repeatedly dismissed Western concerns about its renewed assertiveness as Cold War hysteria, though Kremlin supporters praise Putin at home for putting restoring Russia s clout after the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union.
Turkey court releases eight activists on bail in terrorism case
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - A Turkish court on Wednesday ordered the release on bail of eight defendants, including the director of the local branch of Amnesty International and two foreign nationals, pending the verdict in their on-going trial on terrorism charges. The next hearing is set for Nov.22. The trial of the 11 activists, who face up to 15 years in prison if found guilty, has become a flashpoint in Turkey s tension with Europe. Most them were detained in July after participating in a workshop on digital security held on island off the coast of Istanbul. The prosecutor has alleged a range of charges, including the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and the network of the U.S.-based cleric Fethullah Gulen, accused by Ankara of engineering last year s coup attempt. Two of the activists were released on bail prior to the start of Wednesday s trial. Another, the chairman of Amnesty International s local arm, is being held in the coastal province of Izmir where he faces charges in an additional case.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Turkey court releases eight activists on bail in terrorism case TEXT: ISTANBUL (Reuters) - A Turkish court on Wednesday ordered the release on bail of eight defendants, including the director of the local branch of Amnesty International and two foreign nationals, pending the verdict in their on-going trial on terrorism charges. The next hearing is set for Nov.22. The trial of the 11 activists, who face up to 15 years in prison if found guilty, has become a flashpoint in Turkey s tension with Europe. Most them were detained in July after participating in a workshop on digital security held on island off the coast of Istanbul. The prosecutor has alleged a range of charges, including the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and the network of the U.S.-based cleric Fethullah Gulen, accused by Ankara of engineering last year s coup attempt. Two of the activists were released on bail prior to the start of Wednesday s trial. Another, the chairman of Amnesty International s local arm, is being held in the coastal province of Izmir where he faces charges in an additional case.
TITLE: Turkey court releases eight activists on bail in terrorism case TEXT: ISTANBUL (Reuters) - A Turkish court on Wednesday ordered the release on bail of eight defendants, including the director of the local branch of Amnesty International and two foreign nationals, pending the verdict in their on-going trial on terrorism charges. The next hearing is set for Nov.22. The trial of the 11 activists, who face up to 15 years in prison if found guilty, has become a flashpoint in Turkey s tension with Europe. Most them were detained in July after participating in a workshop on digital security held on island off the coast of Istanbul. The prosecutor has alleged a range of charges, including the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and the network of the U.S.-based cleric Fethullah Gulen, accused by Ankara of engineering last year s coup attempt. Two of the activists were released on bail prior to the start of Wednesday s trial. Another, the chairman of Amnesty International s local arm, is being held in the coastal province of Izmir where he faces charges in an additional case.
So now that this guy fears for his life he s backtracking on the story he told or is he?This is such a mess and so convoluted that I doubt we ll ever get answers. This entire thing really is a sideshow to the bigger agenda of the Obama administration. Federalizing the police force is next From the beginning, the investigation into what killed Freddie Gray has centered on what happened inside the police transport van. We knew there was another prisoner inside the van and tonight we hear from him. WJZ s Mike Schuh is the first to speak with Donta Allen about what he heard. I am Donta Allen. I am the one who was in the van with Freddie Gray, Allen said. The one who the police commissioner calls the second prisoner in the van. The second prisoner who was picked up said that he didn t see any harm done to Freddie at all, Commissioner Anthony Batts said. What he has said is that he heard Freddie thrashing about. But Allen wants to set something straight. All I did was go straight to the station, but I heard a little banging like he was banging his head, he said. He tells WJZ he s angry about an internal police report published in The Washington Post. And they trying to make it seem like I told them that, I made it like Freddie Gray did that to hisself (sic), Allen said. Why the [expletive] would he do that to hisself (sic)? Allen was in the van because he allegedly stole a cigarette from a store on North Avenue. He was never charged. Instead he was brought straight to the station. I talked to homicide. I told homicide the same story. Allen said. A story he says is being distorted and now he fears being killed. I had two options today right, either come and talk to y all and get my credibility straight with ya ll and not get killed by these [expletive] or not tell a true story, Allen added. The only reason I m doing this is because they put my name in a bad state. His statements are included in a police report that was today turned over to the city state s attorney Marilyn Mosby. Via: Baltimore CBS Local
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: CHANGING HIS TUNE: THE MAN WHO WAS IN THE POLICE VAN WITH FREDDIE GRAY BREAKS HIS SILENCE TEXT: So now that this guy fears for his life he s backtracking on the story he told or is he?This is such a mess and so convoluted that I doubt we ll ever get answers. This entire thing really is a sideshow to the bigger agenda of the Obama administration. Federalizing the police force is next From the beginning, the investigation into what killed Freddie Gray has centered on what happened inside the police transport van. We knew there was another prisoner inside the van and tonight we hear from him. WJZ s Mike Schuh is the first to speak with Donta Allen about what he heard. I am Donta Allen. I am the one who was in the van with Freddie Gray, Allen said. The one who the police commissioner calls the second prisoner in the van. The second prisoner who was picked up said that he didn t see any harm done to Freddie at all, Commissioner Anthony Batts said. What he has said is that he heard Freddie thrashing about. But Allen wants to set something straight. All I did was go straight to the station, but I heard a little banging like he was banging his head, he said. He tells WJZ he s angry about an internal police report published in The Washington Post. And they trying to make it seem like I told them that, I made it like Freddie Gray did that to hisself (sic), Allen said. Why the [expletive] would he do that to hisself (sic)? Allen was in the van because he allegedly stole a cigarette from a store on North Avenue. He was never charged. Instead he was brought straight to the station. I talked to homicide. I told homicide the same story. Allen said. A story he says is being distorted and now he fears being killed. I had two options today right, either come and talk to y all and get my credibility straight with ya ll and not get killed by these [expletive] or not tell a true story, Allen added. The only reason I m doing this is because they put my name in a bad state. His statements are included in a police report that was today turned over to the city state s attorney Marilyn Mosby. Via: Baltimore CBS Local
TITLE: CHANGING HIS TUNE: THE MAN WHO WAS IN THE POLICE VAN WITH FREDDIE GRAY BREAKS HIS SILENCE TEXT: So now that this guy fears for his life he s backtracking on the story he told or is he?This is such a mess and so convoluted that I doubt we ll ever get answers. This entire thing really is a sideshow to the bigger agenda of the Obama administration. Federalizing the police force is next From the beginning, the investigation into what killed Freddie Gray has centered on what happened inside the police transport van. We knew there was another prisoner inside the van and tonight we hear from him. WJZ s Mike Schuh is the first to speak with Donta Allen about what he heard. I am Donta Allen. I am the one who was in the van with Freddie Gray, Allen said. The one who the police commissioner calls the second prisoner in the van. The second prisoner who was picked up said that he didn t see any harm done to Freddie at all, Commissioner Anthony Batts said. What he has said is that he heard Freddie thrashing about. But Allen wants to set something straight. All I did was go straight to the station, but I heard a little banging like he was banging his head, he said. He tells WJZ he s angry about an internal police report published in The Washington Post. And they trying to make it seem like I told them that, I made it like Freddie Gray did that to hisself (sic), Allen said. Why the [expletive] would he do that to hisself (sic)? Allen was in the van because he allegedly stole a cigarette from a store on North Avenue. He was never charged. Instead he was brought straight to the station. I talked to homicide. I told homicide the same story. Allen said. A story he says is being distorted and now he fears being killed. I had two options today right, either come and talk to y all and get my credibility straight with ya ll and not get killed by these [expletive] or not tell a true story, Allen added. The only reason I m doing this is because they put my name in a bad state. His statements are included in a police report that was today turned over to the city state s attorney Marilyn Mosby. Via: Baltimore CBS Local
U.S. derivatives regulator to move on from Dodd-Frank under Trump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. derivatives regulator will move on from reforms undertaken after the 2007-09 financial crisis to a new focus on U.S. competitiveness and the potential for shocks to the global $710 trillion swaps markets under President-elect Donald Trump. J. Christopher Giancarlo, in line to head the Commodity Futures Trading Commission once Trump is inaugurated on Jan. 20, has said the agency should look beyond mandates from the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform law to current trends in financial markets. He counts among those cyber threats, liquidity risk, market concentration and de-globalization. As the sole Republican on the CFTC, Giancarlo will at least temporarily run the commission where he is currently the minority member. Even if Trump later nominates someone else for the permanent post, Giancarlo, who was previously an executive vice president at GFI Group, a wholesale brokerage that runs electronic trading platforms, will be influential in the coming months. In a speech in London on Friday, he said regulators should foster best practices for new trading technologies, address diminishing liquidity, and review regulations that could cause market fragmentation as they enter “the new year and, perhaps, a new regulatory environment.” This week, he forced the commission to delay limits on the positions that traders can hold on physical commodity futures and swaps. Redrawn position limit rules are likely to reappear in 2017, as are the following other agenda items. Giancarlo has often argued the United States should not move too far ahead of other countries in tightening regulations governing the swaps market, which the United States dominates. That could put U.S. firms at a disadvantage and drive up trading costs, he says. In August he warned the CFTC could create a liquidity crunch by sticking to its September deadline for implementing a new swaps margin rule, given European regulators had delayed start dates for their similar rules. Indeed, in September Asian swaps markets foundered and trades fell through as the U.S. rules came online. The CFTC then gave swap dealers an extra month to comply. “Championing American markets means no longer asking U.S. market participants to go it alone and take it on the chin in implementation of global regulatory reform,” Giancarlo later told the conservative American Enterprise Institute. “Rather, it means standing up for America’s capital and risk transfer markets and treating them as the vital national interests that they are.” Giancarlo sees the CFTC as “stuck in a 20th Century time warp” when it comes to technology. He can be expected to push the CFTC toward giving industry space for breakthroughs in artificial intelligence guiding trade execution, “smart” contracts that calculate payments and value in real-time, and distributed ledger technology, known as Blockchain. In November he voted against the “Reg AT” - Regulation Automated Trading - to update oversight of fast computer trades, criticizing it for not adequately protecting algorithmic trading companies’ prized source codes and being too prescriptive. Giancarlo says regulators in other countries, notably Britain, are leading the way in financial technology and the CFTC must follow in making room to experiment. Since 2012, any dealer with more than $8 billion in swap activity has had to register with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, which subjects it to stricter federal oversight. That activity value in dollars, known as the “de minimis” threshold, was poised to fall to $3 billion by the end of 2017, but the CFTC recently delayed the drop by a year. Under Giancarlo, the threshold may never fall - or could disappear altogether. He has called the thresholds “made up numbers” lacking policy justification. He also said that in general, a specific de minimis level may not do anything to optimize “the safety, soundness, liquidity or vibrancy of U.S. swaps markets.” In March, Giancarlo failed to launch recommendations on regulating energy markets made by a committee he led, which was dominated by people from the energy sector. Reform proponents said the suggestions were sops to industry and he withdrew its report. When he is in charge, Giancarlo could turn back to the committee’s work. It questioned the need for new position limits and suggested an alternative “accountability system,” where exchanges could grant exemptions to limits.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: U.S. derivatives regulator to move on from Dodd-Frank under Trump TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. derivatives regulator will move on from reforms undertaken after the 2007-09 financial crisis to a new focus on U.S. competitiveness and the potential for shocks to the global $710 trillion swaps markets under President-elect Donald Trump. J. Christopher Giancarlo, in line to head the Commodity Futures Trading Commission once Trump is inaugurated on Jan. 20, has said the agency should look beyond mandates from the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform law to current trends in financial markets. He counts among those cyber threats, liquidity risk, market concentration and de-globalization. As the sole Republican on the CFTC, Giancarlo will at least temporarily run the commission where he is currently the minority member. Even if Trump later nominates someone else for the permanent post, Giancarlo, who was previously an executive vice president at GFI Group, a wholesale brokerage that runs electronic trading platforms, will be influential in the coming months. In a speech in London on Friday, he said regulators should foster best practices for new trading technologies, address diminishing liquidity, and review regulations that could cause market fragmentation as they enter “the new year and, perhaps, a new regulatory environment.” This week, he forced the commission to delay limits on the positions that traders can hold on physical commodity futures and swaps. Redrawn position limit rules are likely to reappear in 2017, as are the following other agenda items. Giancarlo has often argued the United States should not move too far ahead of other countries in tightening regulations governing the swaps market, which the United States dominates. That could put U.S. firms at a disadvantage and drive up trading costs, he says. In August he warned the CFTC could create a liquidity crunch by sticking to its September deadline for implementing a new swaps margin rule, given European regulators had delayed start dates for their similar rules. Indeed, in September Asian swaps markets foundered and trades fell through as the U.S. rules came online. The CFTC then gave swap dealers an extra month to comply. “Championing American markets means no longer asking U.S. market participants to go it alone and take it on the chin in implementation of global regulatory reform,” Giancarlo later told the conservative American Enterprise Institute. “Rather, it means standing up for America’s capital and risk transfer markets and treating them as the vital national interests that they are.” Giancarlo sees the CFTC as “stuck in a 20th Century time warp” when it comes to technology. He can be expected to push the CFTC toward giving industry space for breakthroughs in artificial intelligence guiding trade execution, “smart” contracts that calculate payments and value in real-time, and distributed ledger technology, known as Blockchain. In November he voted against the “Reg AT” - Regulation Automated Trading - to update oversight of fast computer trades, criticizing it for not adequately protecting algorithmic trading companies’ prized source codes and being too prescriptive. Giancarlo says regulators in other countries, notably Britain, are leading the way in financial technology and the CFTC must follow in making room to experiment. Since 2012, any dealer with more than $8 billion in swap activity has had to register with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, which subjects it to stricter federal oversight. That activity value in dollars, known as the “de minimis” threshold, was poised to fall to $3 billion by the end of 2017, but the CFTC recently delayed the drop by a year. Under Giancarlo, the threshold may never fall - or could disappear altogether. He has called the thresholds “made up numbers” lacking policy justification. He also said that in general, a specific de minimis level may not do anything to optimize “the safety, soundness, liquidity or vibrancy of U.S. swaps markets.” In March, Giancarlo failed to launch recommendations on regulating energy markets made by a committee he led, which was dominated by people from the energy sector. Reform proponents said the suggestions were sops to industry and he withdrew its report. When he is in charge, Giancarlo could turn back to the committee’s work. It questioned the need for new position limits and suggested an alternative “accountability system,” where exchanges could grant exemptions to limits.
TITLE: U.S. derivatives regulator to move on from Dodd-Frank under Trump TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. derivatives regulator will move on from reforms undertaken after the 2007-09 financial crisis to a new focus on U.S. competitiveness and the potential for shocks to the global $710 trillion swaps markets under President-elect Donald Trump. J. Christopher Giancarlo, in line to head the Commodity Futures Trading Commission once Trump is inaugurated on Jan. 20, has said the agency should look beyond mandates from the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform law to current trends in financial markets. He counts among those cyber threats, liquidity risk, market concentration and de-globalization. As the sole Republican on the CFTC, Giancarlo will at least temporarily run the commission where he is currently the minority member. Even if Trump later nominates someone else for the permanent post, Giancarlo, who was previously an executive vice president at GFI Group, a wholesale brokerage that runs electronic trading platforms, will be influential in the coming months. In a speech in London on Friday, he said regulators should foster best practices for new trading technologies, address diminishing liquidity, and review regulations that could cause market fragmentation as they enter “the new year and, perhaps, a new regulatory environment.” This week, he forced the commission to delay limits on the positions that traders can hold on physical commodity futures and swaps. Redrawn position limit rules are likely to reappear in 2017, as are the following other agenda items. Giancarlo has often argued the United States should not move too far ahead of other countries in tightening regulations governing the swaps market, which the United States dominates. That could put U.S. firms at a disadvantage and drive up trading costs, he says. In August he warned the CFTC could create a liquidity crunch by sticking to its September deadline for implementing a new swaps margin rule, given European regulators had delayed start dates for their similar rules. Indeed, in September Asian swaps markets foundered and trades fell through as the U.S. rules came online. The CFTC then gave swap dealers an extra month to comply. “Championing American markets means no longer asking U.S. market participants to go it alone and take it on the chin in implementation of global regulatory reform,” Giancarlo later told the conservative American Enterprise Institute. “Rather, it means standing up for America’s capital and risk transfer markets and treating them as the vital national interests that they are.” Giancarlo sees the CFTC as “stuck in a 20th Century time warp” when it comes to technology. He can be expected to push the CFTC toward giving industry space for breakthroughs in artificial intelligence guiding trade execution, “smart” contracts that calculate payments and value in real-time, and distributed ledger technology, known as Blockchain. In November he voted against the “Reg AT” - Regulation Automated Trading - to update oversight of fast computer trades, criticizing it for not adequately protecting algorithmic trading companies’ prized source codes and being too prescriptive. Giancarlo says regulators in other countries, notably Britain, are leading the way in financial technology and the CFTC must follow in making room to experiment. Since 2012, any dealer with more than $8 billion in swap activity has had to register with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, which subjects it to stricter federal oversight. That activity value in dollars, known as the “de minimis” threshold, was poised to fall to $3 billion by the end of 2017, but the CFTC recently delayed the drop by a year. Under Giancarlo, the threshold may never fall - or could disappear altogether. He has called the thresholds “made up numbers” lacking policy justification. He also said that in general, a specific de minimis level may not do anything to optimize “the safety, soundness, liquidity or vibrancy of U.S. swaps markets.” In March, Giancarlo failed to launch recommendations on regulating energy markets made by a committee he led, which was dominated by people from the energy sector. Reform proponents said the suggestions were sops to industry and he withdrew its report. When he is in charge, Giancarlo could turn back to the committee’s work. It questioned the need for new position limits and suggested an alternative “accountability system,” where exchanges could grant exemptions to limits.
kerry we have to worry about treatment of transgender people globally
obama wont go away after hes done thats good news by november so soontobeexpresident obama wont be going away anytime soon after george w bush left office he essentially went silent he had no criticism for president obama he didnt sound off about mitt romney or donald trump he went away not so for obama it seems that barack obama will follow the jimmy carter pathway to annoyingland hell be commenting whenever possible after acknowledging that bush could not have been more gracious to me when i came in obama said as an american citizen who cares deeply about our country if there are issues that have less to do with the specifics of some legislative proposal or battle or go to core questions about our values and ideals and if i think that its necessary or helpful for me to defend those ideals ill examine it when it comes this comes as welcome news for republicans obamas policy unpopularity and his tendency to lecture from on high to americans in rural areas means that hell suck all the oxygen out of the room when it comes to criticizing trump and republicans middle americans voted for trump in order to sound off against obamas obvious scorn for them heres what obama had to say about those who didnt vote for trump in todays der spiegel if you look at the new generation of americans they reflect the vision that i spoke about theyre diverse they believe in tolerance theyre accepting of things like samesex marriage they believe in integration the problem though is that young people are less likely to vote than older people what results is a situation in which sometimes the elections dont fully reflect the views of the american population essentially the presidentelect was supported by about percent of the american population one of our challenges historically is that we have very low voting rates even during presidential elections this sort of language drove americans to trump and if obama continues to critique trump from the outside with this sort of language not only will he be doing trump a favor hell be preventing any other democrat from taking a leading role in opposing trump hell become the point of resistance for his own party and his party wont be able to escape his shadow obamas ego has already cost his party the presidency the senate the house a bevy of state legislators and governors mansions now it may cost them the future excellent
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: kerry we have to worry about treatment of transgender people globally TEXT: obama wont go away after hes done thats good news by november so soontobeexpresident obama wont be going away anytime soon after george w bush left office he essentially went silent he had no criticism for president obama he didnt sound off about mitt romney or donald trump he went away not so for obama it seems that barack obama will follow the jimmy carter pathway to annoyingland hell be commenting whenever possible after acknowledging that bush could not have been more gracious to me when i came in obama said as an american citizen who cares deeply about our country if there are issues that have less to do with the specifics of some legislative proposal or battle or go to core questions about our values and ideals and if i think that its necessary or helpful for me to defend those ideals ill examine it when it comes this comes as welcome news for republicans obamas policy unpopularity and his tendency to lecture from on high to americans in rural areas means that hell suck all the oxygen out of the room when it comes to criticizing trump and republicans middle americans voted for trump in order to sound off against obamas obvious scorn for them heres what obama had to say about those who didnt vote for trump in todays der spiegel if you look at the new generation of americans they reflect the vision that i spoke about theyre diverse they believe in tolerance theyre accepting of things like samesex marriage they believe in integration the problem though is that young people are less likely to vote than older people what results is a situation in which sometimes the elections dont fully reflect the views of the american population essentially the presidentelect was supported by about percent of the american population one of our challenges historically is that we have very low voting rates even during presidential elections this sort of language drove americans to trump and if obama continues to critique trump from the outside with this sort of language not only will he be doing trump a favor hell be preventing any other democrat from taking a leading role in opposing trump hell become the point of resistance for his own party and his party wont be able to escape his shadow obamas ego has already cost his party the presidency the senate the house a bevy of state legislators and governors mansions now it may cost them the future excellent
TITLE: kerry we have to worry about treatment of transgender people globally TEXT: obama wont go away after hes done thats good news by november so soontobeexpresident obama wont be going away anytime soon after george w bush left office he essentially went silent he had no criticism for president obama he didnt sound off about mitt romney or donald trump he went away not so for obama it seems that barack obama will follow the jimmy carter pathway to annoyingland hell be commenting whenever possible after acknowledging that bush could not have been more gracious to me when i came in obama said as an american citizen who cares deeply about our country if there are issues that have less to do with the specifics of some legislative proposal or battle or go to core questions about our values and ideals and if i think that its necessary or helpful for me to defend those ideals ill examine it when it comes this comes as welcome news for republicans obamas policy unpopularity and his tendency to lecture from on high to americans in rural areas means that hell suck all the oxygen out of the room when it comes to criticizing trump and republicans middle americans voted for trump in order to sound off against obamas obvious scorn for them heres what obama had to say about those who didnt vote for trump in todays der spiegel if you look at the new generation of americans they reflect the vision that i spoke about theyre diverse they believe in tolerance theyre accepting of things like samesex marriage they believe in integration the problem though is that young people are less likely to vote than older people what results is a situation in which sometimes the elections dont fully reflect the views of the american population essentially the presidentelect was supported by about percent of the american population one of our challenges historically is that we have very low voting rates even during presidential elections this sort of language drove americans to trump and if obama continues to critique trump from the outside with this sort of language not only will he be doing trump a favor hell be preventing any other democrat from taking a leading role in opposing trump hell become the point of resistance for his own party and his party wont be able to escape his shadow obamas ego has already cost his party the presidency the senate the house a bevy of state legislators and governors mansions now it may cost them the future excellent
Trump vows to reopen, or toss, NAFTA pact with Canada and Mexico
MONESSEN, Pennsylvania/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Tuesday vowed to force Canada and Mexico to renegotiate the NAFTA trade agreement with the United States if elected, as part of an effort to protect and restore American jobs. Trump criticized the North American Free Trade Agreement as a U.S. job killer, saying he would be willing to scrap the pact if Canada and Mexico were unwilling to budge. He also tried to link Democratic rival Hillary Clinton to the deal on the eve of a meeting in Ottawa of the “three amigos,” the leaders of the three NAFTA signatories: the United States, Mexico and Canada. In his most detailed speech on trade, the presumptive Republican nominee said he would pull the United States out of negotiations for a deal among 12 Pacific Rim nations and promised to use executive power to resolve trade disputes with China. Trump also pledged to revive the U.S. steel and aluminum industry, speaking at an aluminum scrap company in Monessen, Pennsylvania, nearly 30 miles (50 km) south of Pittsburgh, the one-time American steelmaking capital. Trump has identified Pennsylvania as a state he believes he can wrest from the Democrats in the Nov. 8 election. He also campaigned on Tuesday in Ohio, which like Pennsylvania is a Rust Belt state. Democratic President Barack Obama won both states in 2008 and 2012, but manufacturing job losses have led to voter anxiety in the region. “I’m going tell our NAFTA partners that I intend to immediately renegotiate the terms of that agreement to get a better deal for our workers. And I don’t mean just a little bit better, I mean a lot better,” Trump said in Pennsylvania. If Canada and Mexico do not agree to renegotiate the pact, Trump said he would notify them under the agreement’s terms “that America intends to withdraw from the deal.” He tried to tie his Democratic rival to the pact, approved in 1993 during the administration of her husband, President Bill Clinton, as he called NAFTA one of the “worst legacies” of the Clinton years. On MSNBC after Trump’s speech, Clinton spokeswoman Kristina Schake called the wealthy New York businessman the “king of outsourcing,” in an apparent reference to Trump-branded products such as suits and ties made overseas. “It was full of hypocrisy and misstatements and outright lies,” Schake said. Trade has been a vulnerability for Clinton, who struggled for white, blue-collar votes in her Democratic primary race against U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, who criticized her for supporting trade deals and said she was too close to Wall Street. TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP Trump echoed Sanders’ criticism on Tuesday, saying Clinton supported the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP, while she was secretary of state and only opposed it once she was running for president. Clinton’s campaign said she opposed the agreement because it was not strong enough on currency manipulation and other areas. Clinton has said she will evaluate each trade deal on its merits but does not believe the TPP is good for U.S. workers. Sanders now says he will vote for Clinton in November, although he has not formally withdrawn from the race. Trump said he saw no way to fix the TPP, calling it a “death blow” for American manufacturing. Although China is not part of the agreement, Trump said Beijing might try to enter it “through the back door” later on. Later, during a rally in St. Clairsville, Ohio, Trump said the deal was “just a continuing rape of our country.” Just hours before Trump spoke, Clinton allies sought to pre-empt the planned trade speech by saying Trump’s policies amounted to empty promises. Earlier, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka told a trade conference in Washington that “Trump embodies everything that is wrong with our current trade policy. He has consistently sent American jobs overseas to line his own pockets.” The AFL-CIO, which collectively represents more than 12 million workers, making it the largest U.S. labor federation, endorsed Clinton this month. Both Clinton and Trump have acknowledged that Britain’s vote to leave the European Union signaled a global economic frustration among working-class voters that could reverberate in the U.S. election. “There is a lot of legitimate anxiety, fear and even anger in many parts of our country because people feel like the economy has failed them,” Clinton said in Denver on Tuesday. “I think this is going to be one of the defining issues in this election.” Trump has seized on the historic Brexit vote to bolster his argument that voters are rising up against establishment leaders, saying Americans would reject the “global elite” and support his presidential candidacy. But Trump has broken with Republican Party orthodoxy in criticizing trade deals, and has threatened to slap tariffs on Mexican and Chinese imports. His rhetoric has drawn criticism from many economists, who say such practices could spark trade wars. As Trump spoke, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which is usually in sync with prominent Republicans on trade policy, said on Twitter: “Under Trump’s trade plans, we would see higher prices, fewer jobs, and a weaker economy.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Trump vows to reopen, or toss, NAFTA pact with Canada and Mexico TEXT: MONESSEN, Pennsylvania/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Tuesday vowed to force Canada and Mexico to renegotiate the NAFTA trade agreement with the United States if elected, as part of an effort to protect and restore American jobs. Trump criticized the North American Free Trade Agreement as a U.S. job killer, saying he would be willing to scrap the pact if Canada and Mexico were unwilling to budge. He also tried to link Democratic rival Hillary Clinton to the deal on the eve of a meeting in Ottawa of the “three amigos,” the leaders of the three NAFTA signatories: the United States, Mexico and Canada. In his most detailed speech on trade, the presumptive Republican nominee said he would pull the United States out of negotiations for a deal among 12 Pacific Rim nations and promised to use executive power to resolve trade disputes with China. Trump also pledged to revive the U.S. steel and aluminum industry, speaking at an aluminum scrap company in Monessen, Pennsylvania, nearly 30 miles (50 km) south of Pittsburgh, the one-time American steelmaking capital. Trump has identified Pennsylvania as a state he believes he can wrest from the Democrats in the Nov. 8 election. He also campaigned on Tuesday in Ohio, which like Pennsylvania is a Rust Belt state. Democratic President Barack Obama won both states in 2008 and 2012, but manufacturing job losses have led to voter anxiety in the region. “I’m going tell our NAFTA partners that I intend to immediately renegotiate the terms of that agreement to get a better deal for our workers. And I don’t mean just a little bit better, I mean a lot better,” Trump said in Pennsylvania. If Canada and Mexico do not agree to renegotiate the pact, Trump said he would notify them under the agreement’s terms “that America intends to withdraw from the deal.” He tried to tie his Democratic rival to the pact, approved in 1993 during the administration of her husband, President Bill Clinton, as he called NAFTA one of the “worst legacies” of the Clinton years. On MSNBC after Trump’s speech, Clinton spokeswoman Kristina Schake called the wealthy New York businessman the “king of outsourcing,” in an apparent reference to Trump-branded products such as suits and ties made overseas. “It was full of hypocrisy and misstatements and outright lies,” Schake said. Trade has been a vulnerability for Clinton, who struggled for white, blue-collar votes in her Democratic primary race against U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, who criticized her for supporting trade deals and said she was too close to Wall Street. TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP Trump echoed Sanders’ criticism on Tuesday, saying Clinton supported the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP, while she was secretary of state and only opposed it once she was running for president. Clinton’s campaign said she opposed the agreement because it was not strong enough on currency manipulation and other areas. Clinton has said she will evaluate each trade deal on its merits but does not believe the TPP is good for U.S. workers. Sanders now says he will vote for Clinton in November, although he has not formally withdrawn from the race. Trump said he saw no way to fix the TPP, calling it a “death blow” for American manufacturing. Although China is not part of the agreement, Trump said Beijing might try to enter it “through the back door” later on. Later, during a rally in St. Clairsville, Ohio, Trump said the deal was “just a continuing rape of our country.” Just hours before Trump spoke, Clinton allies sought to pre-empt the planned trade speech by saying Trump’s policies amounted to empty promises. Earlier, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka told a trade conference in Washington that “Trump embodies everything that is wrong with our current trade policy. He has consistently sent American jobs overseas to line his own pockets.” The AFL-CIO, which collectively represents more than 12 million workers, making it the largest U.S. labor federation, endorsed Clinton this month. Both Clinton and Trump have acknowledged that Britain’s vote to leave the European Union signaled a global economic frustration among working-class voters that could reverberate in the U.S. election. “There is a lot of legitimate anxiety, fear and even anger in many parts of our country because people feel like the economy has failed them,” Clinton said in Denver on Tuesday. “I think this is going to be one of the defining issues in this election.” Trump has seized on the historic Brexit vote to bolster his argument that voters are rising up against establishment leaders, saying Americans would reject the “global elite” and support his presidential candidacy. But Trump has broken with Republican Party orthodoxy in criticizing trade deals, and has threatened to slap tariffs on Mexican and Chinese imports. His rhetoric has drawn criticism from many economists, who say such practices could spark trade wars. As Trump spoke, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which is usually in sync with prominent Republicans on trade policy, said on Twitter: “Under Trump’s trade plans, we would see higher prices, fewer jobs, and a weaker economy.”
TITLE: Trump vows to reopen, or toss, NAFTA pact with Canada and Mexico TEXT: MONESSEN, Pennsylvania/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Tuesday vowed to force Canada and Mexico to renegotiate the NAFTA trade agreement with the United States if elected, as part of an effort to protect and restore American jobs. Trump criticized the North American Free Trade Agreement as a U.S. job killer, saying he would be willing to scrap the pact if Canada and Mexico were unwilling to budge. He also tried to link Democratic rival Hillary Clinton to the deal on the eve of a meeting in Ottawa of the “three amigos,” the leaders of the three NAFTA signatories: the United States, Mexico and Canada. In his most detailed speech on trade, the presumptive Republican nominee said he would pull the United States out of negotiations for a deal among 12 Pacific Rim nations and promised to use executive power to resolve trade disputes with China. Trump also pledged to revive the U.S. steel and aluminum industry, speaking at an aluminum scrap company in Monessen, Pennsylvania, nearly 30 miles (50 km) south of Pittsburgh, the one-time American steelmaking capital. Trump has identified Pennsylvania as a state he believes he can wrest from the Democrats in the Nov. 8 election. He also campaigned on Tuesday in Ohio, which like Pennsylvania is a Rust Belt state. Democratic President Barack Obama won both states in 2008 and 2012, but manufacturing job losses have led to voter anxiety in the region. “I’m going tell our NAFTA partners that I intend to immediately renegotiate the terms of that agreement to get a better deal for our workers. And I don’t mean just a little bit better, I mean a lot better,” Trump said in Pennsylvania. If Canada and Mexico do not agree to renegotiate the pact, Trump said he would notify them under the agreement’s terms “that America intends to withdraw from the deal.” He tried to tie his Democratic rival to the pact, approved in 1993 during the administration of her husband, President Bill Clinton, as he called NAFTA one of the “worst legacies” of the Clinton years. On MSNBC after Trump’s speech, Clinton spokeswoman Kristina Schake called the wealthy New York businessman the “king of outsourcing,” in an apparent reference to Trump-branded products such as suits and ties made overseas. “It was full of hypocrisy and misstatements and outright lies,” Schake said. Trade has been a vulnerability for Clinton, who struggled for white, blue-collar votes in her Democratic primary race against U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, who criticized her for supporting trade deals and said she was too close to Wall Street. TRANS-PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP Trump echoed Sanders’ criticism on Tuesday, saying Clinton supported the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP, while she was secretary of state and only opposed it once she was running for president. Clinton’s campaign said she opposed the agreement because it was not strong enough on currency manipulation and other areas. Clinton has said she will evaluate each trade deal on its merits but does not believe the TPP is good for U.S. workers. Sanders now says he will vote for Clinton in November, although he has not formally withdrawn from the race. Trump said he saw no way to fix the TPP, calling it a “death blow” for American manufacturing. Although China is not part of the agreement, Trump said Beijing might try to enter it “through the back door” later on. Later, during a rally in St. Clairsville, Ohio, Trump said the deal was “just a continuing rape of our country.” Just hours before Trump spoke, Clinton allies sought to pre-empt the planned trade speech by saying Trump’s policies amounted to empty promises. Earlier, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka told a trade conference in Washington that “Trump embodies everything that is wrong with our current trade policy. He has consistently sent American jobs overseas to line his own pockets.” The AFL-CIO, which collectively represents more than 12 million workers, making it the largest U.S. labor federation, endorsed Clinton this month. Both Clinton and Trump have acknowledged that Britain’s vote to leave the European Union signaled a global economic frustration among working-class voters that could reverberate in the U.S. election. “There is a lot of legitimate anxiety, fear and even anger in many parts of our country because people feel like the economy has failed them,” Clinton said in Denver on Tuesday. “I think this is going to be one of the defining issues in this election.” Trump has seized on the historic Brexit vote to bolster his argument that voters are rising up against establishment leaders, saying Americans would reject the “global elite” and support his presidential candidacy. But Trump has broken with Republican Party orthodoxy in criticizing trade deals, and has threatened to slap tariffs on Mexican and Chinese imports. His rhetoric has drawn criticism from many economists, who say such practices could spark trade wars. As Trump spoke, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which is usually in sync with prominent Republicans on trade policy, said on Twitter: “Under Trump’s trade plans, we would see higher prices, fewer jobs, and a weaker economy.”
Nate Silver Has A Frightening Prediction For The 2016 Election
If sane Americans have done one stupid thing over the last year, it s not take Donald Trump seriously. Unfortunately, there s a lot of discontent among the right toward the changing face of the United States and on the left, there s discontent over the fact that the United States isn t changing fast enough, and that discontentment could easily land Donald Trump in the White House, according to FiveThirtyEight s statistical guru, Nate Silver.While the polls are in a virtual tie, a breakdown of electoral college votes paints a much bleaker picture. According to Silver, Trump is ahead of Clinton by a whopping 15 points.Silver s now-cast, updated with fresh surveys on Monday, shows Trump s current likelihood of winning at 57.5 percent, compared with Clinton s 42.5 percent. In the 11 battleground states, Colorado, Virginia and Michigan would go to Clinton, while Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Iowa would go to Trump.The breakdown shifts a bit between the Electoral College and the popular vote. Silver s model currently predicts the popular vote going 45.4 percent to Trump vs. 45.1 percent to Clinton, but the Electoral College giving Trump a wider margin of victory, 285 votes and Clinton 252.6.Source: PoliticoThis warning alone should be enough to wake up some who are on the fence and some Bernie Sanders supporters, but not all is lost. Silver notes that polling during conventions is notoriously inaccurate.On the one hand, the conventions are not a particularly good time to sweat every tick in the polls. Instead, they tend to be one of the less accurate times for polling. Historically, it s unusual for candidates not to at least pull into a rough tie after their party convention John McCain and Sarah Palin did so in 2008, for example, and even Walter Mondale led a couple of polls in 1984. But those bounces do not always turn out to be predictive.Silver has another hand, though, and he s saying that Clinton has had a very bad July. She could get a convention bump this week, but with Wikileaks email dump and Sanders supporters protesting every single speaker, it s doubtful. In other words, be afraid, but vote and drive people to the polls if necessary.Featured image via Slaven Vlasic at Getty Images.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Nate Silver Has A Frightening Prediction For The 2016 Election TEXT: If sane Americans have done one stupid thing over the last year, it s not take Donald Trump seriously. Unfortunately, there s a lot of discontent among the right toward the changing face of the United States and on the left, there s discontent over the fact that the United States isn t changing fast enough, and that discontentment could easily land Donald Trump in the White House, according to FiveThirtyEight s statistical guru, Nate Silver.While the polls are in a virtual tie, a breakdown of electoral college votes paints a much bleaker picture. According to Silver, Trump is ahead of Clinton by a whopping 15 points.Silver s now-cast, updated with fresh surveys on Monday, shows Trump s current likelihood of winning at 57.5 percent, compared with Clinton s 42.5 percent. In the 11 battleground states, Colorado, Virginia and Michigan would go to Clinton, while Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Iowa would go to Trump.The breakdown shifts a bit between the Electoral College and the popular vote. Silver s model currently predicts the popular vote going 45.4 percent to Trump vs. 45.1 percent to Clinton, but the Electoral College giving Trump a wider margin of victory, 285 votes and Clinton 252.6.Source: PoliticoThis warning alone should be enough to wake up some who are on the fence and some Bernie Sanders supporters, but not all is lost. Silver notes that polling during conventions is notoriously inaccurate.On the one hand, the conventions are not a particularly good time to sweat every tick in the polls. Instead, they tend to be one of the less accurate times for polling. Historically, it s unusual for candidates not to at least pull into a rough tie after their party convention John McCain and Sarah Palin did so in 2008, for example, and even Walter Mondale led a couple of polls in 1984. But those bounces do not always turn out to be predictive.Silver has another hand, though, and he s saying that Clinton has had a very bad July. She could get a convention bump this week, but with Wikileaks email dump and Sanders supporters protesting every single speaker, it s doubtful. In other words, be afraid, but vote and drive people to the polls if necessary.Featured image via Slaven Vlasic at Getty Images.
TITLE: Nate Silver Has A Frightening Prediction For The 2016 Election TEXT: If sane Americans have done one stupid thing over the last year, it s not take Donald Trump seriously. Unfortunately, there s a lot of discontent among the right toward the changing face of the United States and on the left, there s discontent over the fact that the United States isn t changing fast enough, and that discontentment could easily land Donald Trump in the White House, according to FiveThirtyEight s statistical guru, Nate Silver.While the polls are in a virtual tie, a breakdown of electoral college votes paints a much bleaker picture. According to Silver, Trump is ahead of Clinton by a whopping 15 points.Silver s now-cast, updated with fresh surveys on Monday, shows Trump s current likelihood of winning at 57.5 percent, compared with Clinton s 42.5 percent. In the 11 battleground states, Colorado, Virginia and Michigan would go to Clinton, while Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Iowa would go to Trump.The breakdown shifts a bit between the Electoral College and the popular vote. Silver s model currently predicts the popular vote going 45.4 percent to Trump vs. 45.1 percent to Clinton, but the Electoral College giving Trump a wider margin of victory, 285 votes and Clinton 252.6.Source: PoliticoThis warning alone should be enough to wake up some who are on the fence and some Bernie Sanders supporters, but not all is lost. Silver notes that polling during conventions is notoriously inaccurate.On the one hand, the conventions are not a particularly good time to sweat every tick in the polls. Instead, they tend to be one of the less accurate times for polling. Historically, it s unusual for candidates not to at least pull into a rough tie after their party convention John McCain and Sarah Palin did so in 2008, for example, and even Walter Mondale led a couple of polls in 1984. But those bounces do not always turn out to be predictive.Silver has another hand, though, and he s saying that Clinton has had a very bad July. She could get a convention bump this week, but with Wikileaks email dump and Sanders supporters protesting every single speaker, it s doubtful. In other words, be afraid, but vote and drive people to the polls if necessary.Featured image via Slaven Vlasic at Getty Images.
Hillary Scolds Major Contributors To Terrorist Groups…Doesn’t Mention They Gave Over $67 MILLION To Clinton Slush Fund
Behold The Democrats best choice for President of The United States of America. Hillary should be on bloody knees every day thanking her lucky stars she s not a Republican .Hillary Clinton gave a speech Thursday at the Council on Foreign Relation, where she outlined her genius plan to defeat ISIS. (Step 1: Defeat ISIS.) She also offered a few more specific proposals [emphasis added]:When it comes to terrorist financing, we have to go after the nodes that facilitate illicit trade and transactions. The U.N. Security Council should update its terrorism sanctions. They have a resolution that does try to block terrorist financing and other enabling activities, but we have to place more obligations on countries to police their own banks, and the United States, which has quite a record of success in this area, can share more intelligence to help other countries. And once and for all, the Saudis, the Qataris and others need to stop their citizens from directly funding extremist organizations as well as the schools and mosques around the world that have set too many young people on a path to radicalization.Clinton is right about the fact that Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates have for years funneled money to terrorist groups, essentially bribing them to ensure that they don t cause trouble in their incestual oligarchies. She is certainly right that these oil-rich countries have made a habit of giving away money to powerful interest groups in an effort to curry favor. Some of those groups happen to be comprised of terrorists, while others are charitable foundations founded by a former United States president whose wife is currently seeking the Democratic Party s nomination for the same position in 2016.Here s how much those three countries and their affiliated entities have donated to the Clinton Foundation:Qatar Up to $5.8 million United Arab Emirates Up to $11.5 million Saudi Arabia Up to $50 millionThe gulf nations represent three of the largest donors to the foundation, but that is hardly the extent of their ties to the Clintons. Qatari, UAE, and Saudi firms paid Bill Clinton millions of dollars for speeches during the time Hillary served as secretary of state, when she also approved weapons deals with all three countries worth billions of dollars to U.S. defense firms, many of which are also Clinton Foundation donors.Bill Clinton has praised the Qataris as intelligent, forward looking investment partners for their collaboration on Clinton Foundation projects. One of Hillary s top advisers, Cheryl Mills, served on the board of the New York University campus in Abu Dhabi. Bill Clinton is the friend and former classmate of Saudi Prince Turki bin Faisal Al Saud, who recently attended a lavish Clinton Foundation conference in Marrakech, hosted by the King of Morocco. The Bill Clinton presidential library in Little Rock was funded in part by a $10 million from the Saudi Royal family.Hillary is right, the time has come for Qatar, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia to stop using their oil wealth to buy influence and protection from special interests. Via: WFB
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Hillary Scolds Major Contributors To Terrorist Groups…Doesn’t Mention They Gave Over $67 MILLION To Clinton Slush Fund TEXT: Behold The Democrats best choice for President of The United States of America. Hillary should be on bloody knees every day thanking her lucky stars she s not a Republican .Hillary Clinton gave a speech Thursday at the Council on Foreign Relation, where she outlined her genius plan to defeat ISIS. (Step 1: Defeat ISIS.) She also offered a few more specific proposals [emphasis added]:When it comes to terrorist financing, we have to go after the nodes that facilitate illicit trade and transactions. The U.N. Security Council should update its terrorism sanctions. They have a resolution that does try to block terrorist financing and other enabling activities, but we have to place more obligations on countries to police their own banks, and the United States, which has quite a record of success in this area, can share more intelligence to help other countries. And once and for all, the Saudis, the Qataris and others need to stop their citizens from directly funding extremist organizations as well as the schools and mosques around the world that have set too many young people on a path to radicalization.Clinton is right about the fact that Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates have for years funneled money to terrorist groups, essentially bribing them to ensure that they don t cause trouble in their incestual oligarchies. She is certainly right that these oil-rich countries have made a habit of giving away money to powerful interest groups in an effort to curry favor. Some of those groups happen to be comprised of terrorists, while others are charitable foundations founded by a former United States president whose wife is currently seeking the Democratic Party s nomination for the same position in 2016.Here s how much those three countries and their affiliated entities have donated to the Clinton Foundation:Qatar Up to $5.8 million United Arab Emirates Up to $11.5 million Saudi Arabia Up to $50 millionThe gulf nations represent three of the largest donors to the foundation, but that is hardly the extent of their ties to the Clintons. Qatari, UAE, and Saudi firms paid Bill Clinton millions of dollars for speeches during the time Hillary served as secretary of state, when she also approved weapons deals with all three countries worth billions of dollars to U.S. defense firms, many of which are also Clinton Foundation donors.Bill Clinton has praised the Qataris as intelligent, forward looking investment partners for their collaboration on Clinton Foundation projects. One of Hillary s top advisers, Cheryl Mills, served on the board of the New York University campus in Abu Dhabi. Bill Clinton is the friend and former classmate of Saudi Prince Turki bin Faisal Al Saud, who recently attended a lavish Clinton Foundation conference in Marrakech, hosted by the King of Morocco. The Bill Clinton presidential library in Little Rock was funded in part by a $10 million from the Saudi Royal family.Hillary is right, the time has come for Qatar, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia to stop using their oil wealth to buy influence and protection from special interests. Via: WFB
TITLE: Hillary Scolds Major Contributors To Terrorist Groups…Doesn’t Mention They Gave Over $67 MILLION To Clinton Slush Fund TEXT: Behold The Democrats best choice for President of The United States of America. Hillary should be on bloody knees every day thanking her lucky stars she s not a Republican .Hillary Clinton gave a speech Thursday at the Council on Foreign Relation, where she outlined her genius plan to defeat ISIS. (Step 1: Defeat ISIS.) She also offered a few more specific proposals [emphasis added]:When it comes to terrorist financing, we have to go after the nodes that facilitate illicit trade and transactions. The U.N. Security Council should update its terrorism sanctions. They have a resolution that does try to block terrorist financing and other enabling activities, but we have to place more obligations on countries to police their own banks, and the United States, which has quite a record of success in this area, can share more intelligence to help other countries. And once and for all, the Saudis, the Qataris and others need to stop their citizens from directly funding extremist organizations as well as the schools and mosques around the world that have set too many young people on a path to radicalization.Clinton is right about the fact that Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates have for years funneled money to terrorist groups, essentially bribing them to ensure that they don t cause trouble in their incestual oligarchies. She is certainly right that these oil-rich countries have made a habit of giving away money to powerful interest groups in an effort to curry favor. Some of those groups happen to be comprised of terrorists, while others are charitable foundations founded by a former United States president whose wife is currently seeking the Democratic Party s nomination for the same position in 2016.Here s how much those three countries and their affiliated entities have donated to the Clinton Foundation:Qatar Up to $5.8 million United Arab Emirates Up to $11.5 million Saudi Arabia Up to $50 millionThe gulf nations represent three of the largest donors to the foundation, but that is hardly the extent of their ties to the Clintons. Qatari, UAE, and Saudi firms paid Bill Clinton millions of dollars for speeches during the time Hillary served as secretary of state, when she also approved weapons deals with all three countries worth billions of dollars to U.S. defense firms, many of which are also Clinton Foundation donors.Bill Clinton has praised the Qataris as intelligent, forward looking investment partners for their collaboration on Clinton Foundation projects. One of Hillary s top advisers, Cheryl Mills, served on the board of the New York University campus in Abu Dhabi. Bill Clinton is the friend and former classmate of Saudi Prince Turki bin Faisal Al Saud, who recently attended a lavish Clinton Foundation conference in Marrakech, hosted by the King of Morocco. The Bill Clinton presidential library in Little Rock was funded in part by a $10 million from the Saudi Royal family.Hillary is right, the time has come for Qatar, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia to stop using their oil wealth to buy influence and protection from special interests. Via: WFB
This Method Has Predicted Every Modern Election And Trump Is Screwed
It s not about polls, it s not about personalities, it s not about unfavorable (or favorable) ratings, it s not even about policy. Moody s, who has predicted every election since Reagan in 1980, says that the Democrat will win the White House and the odds are getting progressively worse for Trump.According to Moody s, it s the economy. It s always the economy, and despite Trump s insistence that we are stuck in an apocalyptic nightmare of 40 percent or more unemployment, people are pretty happy overall, which favors the party in office: Democrats.It s a bad sign for Trump. Moody s has been predicting a Democratic triumph since last August, but the margin of victory is getting bigger for the left as the economy has stayed relatively strong and President Obama s approval rating has risen.The reason a Democrat will win isn t about polling or personalities, it s about economics, says Moody s. The economy is the top issue in just about every election. When the economy is doing well, the party currently in office usually wins again. When the economy is tanking, Americans vote for change.So far, the U.S. economy is chugging along. It s growing. Millions of people are getting jobs, home prices are rising and gas is cheap. All of this favors Democrats. The bad thing is that this puts Trump right in his comfort zone. Just two years before the housing collapse, Trump, on the Howard Stern Show, actually hoped that the real estate market would collapse. You can bet that he s hoping something similar for 2016.Right now, Moody s says the thing most likely to put a wrench in Democrats plans is if the price of oil was to dramatically rise. Nationally, that level would have to be about $3.00 per gallon. Right now, the national average is about $2.31, which Americans are pretty comfortable with.The other thing Americans are comfortable with, which bodes well for Democrats, is President Obama. His approval rating is over 50 percent for the first time in three years. If it holds at current levels, the two-year increase in the president s approval rating running up to the election would surpass even that of President Ronald Reagan at the end of the Cold War, notes Moody s.Best yet, the swing states are all looking pretty good. Moody s predicts that Virginia, New Hampshire, Ohio, Florida, Colorado (no wonder Republicans hate legalized pot, it helps the economy and helps Democrats win) and Nevada will all swing for the Dems. North Carolina should go Republican unless the transgender bathroom laws get enough Dems to the polls.Featured image via Joe Raedle at Getty Images (Clinton)/Isaac Brekken with Getty Images (Trump)
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: This Method Has Predicted Every Modern Election And Trump Is Screwed TEXT: It s not about polls, it s not about personalities, it s not about unfavorable (or favorable) ratings, it s not even about policy. Moody s, who has predicted every election since Reagan in 1980, says that the Democrat will win the White House and the odds are getting progressively worse for Trump.According to Moody s, it s the economy. It s always the economy, and despite Trump s insistence that we are stuck in an apocalyptic nightmare of 40 percent or more unemployment, people are pretty happy overall, which favors the party in office: Democrats.It s a bad sign for Trump. Moody s has been predicting a Democratic triumph since last August, but the margin of victory is getting bigger for the left as the economy has stayed relatively strong and President Obama s approval rating has risen.The reason a Democrat will win isn t about polling or personalities, it s about economics, says Moody s. The economy is the top issue in just about every election. When the economy is doing well, the party currently in office usually wins again. When the economy is tanking, Americans vote for change.So far, the U.S. economy is chugging along. It s growing. Millions of people are getting jobs, home prices are rising and gas is cheap. All of this favors Democrats. The bad thing is that this puts Trump right in his comfort zone. Just two years before the housing collapse, Trump, on the Howard Stern Show, actually hoped that the real estate market would collapse. You can bet that he s hoping something similar for 2016.Right now, Moody s says the thing most likely to put a wrench in Democrats plans is if the price of oil was to dramatically rise. Nationally, that level would have to be about $3.00 per gallon. Right now, the national average is about $2.31, which Americans are pretty comfortable with.The other thing Americans are comfortable with, which bodes well for Democrats, is President Obama. His approval rating is over 50 percent for the first time in three years. If it holds at current levels, the two-year increase in the president s approval rating running up to the election would surpass even that of President Ronald Reagan at the end of the Cold War, notes Moody s.Best yet, the swing states are all looking pretty good. Moody s predicts that Virginia, New Hampshire, Ohio, Florida, Colorado (no wonder Republicans hate legalized pot, it helps the economy and helps Democrats win) and Nevada will all swing for the Dems. North Carolina should go Republican unless the transgender bathroom laws get enough Dems to the polls.Featured image via Joe Raedle at Getty Images (Clinton)/Isaac Brekken with Getty Images (Trump)
TITLE: This Method Has Predicted Every Modern Election And Trump Is Screwed TEXT: It s not about polls, it s not about personalities, it s not about unfavorable (or favorable) ratings, it s not even about policy. Moody s, who has predicted every election since Reagan in 1980, says that the Democrat will win the White House and the odds are getting progressively worse for Trump.According to Moody s, it s the economy. It s always the economy, and despite Trump s insistence that we are stuck in an apocalyptic nightmare of 40 percent or more unemployment, people are pretty happy overall, which favors the party in office: Democrats.It s a bad sign for Trump. Moody s has been predicting a Democratic triumph since last August, but the margin of victory is getting bigger for the left as the economy has stayed relatively strong and President Obama s approval rating has risen.The reason a Democrat will win isn t about polling or personalities, it s about economics, says Moody s. The economy is the top issue in just about every election. When the economy is doing well, the party currently in office usually wins again. When the economy is tanking, Americans vote for change.So far, the U.S. economy is chugging along. It s growing. Millions of people are getting jobs, home prices are rising and gas is cheap. All of this favors Democrats. The bad thing is that this puts Trump right in his comfort zone. Just two years before the housing collapse, Trump, on the Howard Stern Show, actually hoped that the real estate market would collapse. You can bet that he s hoping something similar for 2016.Right now, Moody s says the thing most likely to put a wrench in Democrats plans is if the price of oil was to dramatically rise. Nationally, that level would have to be about $3.00 per gallon. Right now, the national average is about $2.31, which Americans are pretty comfortable with.The other thing Americans are comfortable with, which bodes well for Democrats, is President Obama. His approval rating is over 50 percent for the first time in three years. If it holds at current levels, the two-year increase in the president s approval rating running up to the election would surpass even that of President Ronald Reagan at the end of the Cold War, notes Moody s.Best yet, the swing states are all looking pretty good. Moody s predicts that Virginia, New Hampshire, Ohio, Florida, Colorado (no wonder Republicans hate legalized pot, it helps the economy and helps Democrats win) and Nevada will all swing for the Dems. North Carolina should go Republican unless the transgender bathroom laws get enough Dems to the polls.Featured image via Joe Raedle at Getty Images (Clinton)/Isaac Brekken with Getty Images (Trump)
U.S. hopes for more from Russia after Crimean prisoners freed
KIEV (Reuters) - The release of two Crimean Tatars from Russian custody this week was a good sign and hopefully means Russia will take positive steps in eastern Ukraine as well, the U.S. special envoy to the Ukraine peace talks said on Saturday. Ukraine and Russia are at loggerheads over Russia s annexation of the Crimean peninsula in 2014 and support for separatists in the Donbass region in a conflict that has killed more than 10,000 people despite a notional ceasefire. Russia unexpectedly released a pair of Tatar activists on Wednesday thanks partly to an intervention by Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan. They have vowed to return to Crimea to campaign for the release of other prisoners. The fact that they were released is a small positive sign, Kurt Volker told Reuters on a visit to Kiev, where he met the freed men. It s the kind of thing you hope you could build on that, Russia would build on that with some other steps with the Donbass, he added. A former ambassador to NATO, Volker was appointed in July by the Donald Trump administration to help resolve the Donbass conflict, which Washington cites as a key obstacle to better relations between the United States and Russia. A recent sticking point is whether and how the United Nations should send a peacekeeping force to the region. Volker met Kremlin aide Vladislav Surkov in October for talks on this, which he said produced no breakthroughs but were constructive . What we are doing, is we are seeing whether we can create some common ideas for how a peacekeeping force could be useful in resolving the conflict, Volker said, saying the force could only be effective with a stronger mandate than Russia envisages. Russia denies sending its own troops or sophisticated weaponry to helping the separatists. Volker blamed Russian aggression for the Donbass conflict but said a realization on Russia s part that the violence is against its interests could spur a change in Moscow s behavior. The real issue is Russia s decision-making. Until now, Russia has been holding this territory, keeping this conflict alive, hoping that it provides some leverage over Ukraine, Volker said. The reality has sunk in I believe that this has actually produced the opposite. It has produced a Ukraine that is more unified, more nationalist, more anti-Russian, more westward-looking than ever existed before. Volker also said the United States was actively considering supplying lethal defensive weapons to Kiev, a prospect that has riled Russia. No-one has any worry about someone defending themselves unless they are an aggressor, so it should not be that controversial an issue, Volker said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: U.S. hopes for more from Russia after Crimean prisoners freed TEXT: KIEV (Reuters) - The release of two Crimean Tatars from Russian custody this week was a good sign and hopefully means Russia will take positive steps in eastern Ukraine as well, the U.S. special envoy to the Ukraine peace talks said on Saturday. Ukraine and Russia are at loggerheads over Russia s annexation of the Crimean peninsula in 2014 and support for separatists in the Donbass region in a conflict that has killed more than 10,000 people despite a notional ceasefire. Russia unexpectedly released a pair of Tatar activists on Wednesday thanks partly to an intervention by Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan. They have vowed to return to Crimea to campaign for the release of other prisoners. The fact that they were released is a small positive sign, Kurt Volker told Reuters on a visit to Kiev, where he met the freed men. It s the kind of thing you hope you could build on that, Russia would build on that with some other steps with the Donbass, he added. A former ambassador to NATO, Volker was appointed in July by the Donald Trump administration to help resolve the Donbass conflict, which Washington cites as a key obstacle to better relations between the United States and Russia. A recent sticking point is whether and how the United Nations should send a peacekeeping force to the region. Volker met Kremlin aide Vladislav Surkov in October for talks on this, which he said produced no breakthroughs but were constructive . What we are doing, is we are seeing whether we can create some common ideas for how a peacekeeping force could be useful in resolving the conflict, Volker said, saying the force could only be effective with a stronger mandate than Russia envisages. Russia denies sending its own troops or sophisticated weaponry to helping the separatists. Volker blamed Russian aggression for the Donbass conflict but said a realization on Russia s part that the violence is against its interests could spur a change in Moscow s behavior. The real issue is Russia s decision-making. Until now, Russia has been holding this territory, keeping this conflict alive, hoping that it provides some leverage over Ukraine, Volker said. The reality has sunk in I believe that this has actually produced the opposite. It has produced a Ukraine that is more unified, more nationalist, more anti-Russian, more westward-looking than ever existed before. Volker also said the United States was actively considering supplying lethal defensive weapons to Kiev, a prospect that has riled Russia. No-one has any worry about someone defending themselves unless they are an aggressor, so it should not be that controversial an issue, Volker said.
TITLE: U.S. hopes for more from Russia after Crimean prisoners freed TEXT: KIEV (Reuters) - The release of two Crimean Tatars from Russian custody this week was a good sign and hopefully means Russia will take positive steps in eastern Ukraine as well, the U.S. special envoy to the Ukraine peace talks said on Saturday. Ukraine and Russia are at loggerheads over Russia s annexation of the Crimean peninsula in 2014 and support for separatists in the Donbass region in a conflict that has killed more than 10,000 people despite a notional ceasefire. Russia unexpectedly released a pair of Tatar activists on Wednesday thanks partly to an intervention by Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan. They have vowed to return to Crimea to campaign for the release of other prisoners. The fact that they were released is a small positive sign, Kurt Volker told Reuters on a visit to Kiev, where he met the freed men. It s the kind of thing you hope you could build on that, Russia would build on that with some other steps with the Donbass, he added. A former ambassador to NATO, Volker was appointed in July by the Donald Trump administration to help resolve the Donbass conflict, which Washington cites as a key obstacle to better relations between the United States and Russia. A recent sticking point is whether and how the United Nations should send a peacekeeping force to the region. Volker met Kremlin aide Vladislav Surkov in October for talks on this, which he said produced no breakthroughs but were constructive . What we are doing, is we are seeing whether we can create some common ideas for how a peacekeeping force could be useful in resolving the conflict, Volker said, saying the force could only be effective with a stronger mandate than Russia envisages. Russia denies sending its own troops or sophisticated weaponry to helping the separatists. Volker blamed Russian aggression for the Donbass conflict but said a realization on Russia s part that the violence is against its interests could spur a change in Moscow s behavior. The real issue is Russia s decision-making. Until now, Russia has been holding this territory, keeping this conflict alive, hoping that it provides some leverage over Ukraine, Volker said. The reality has sunk in I believe that this has actually produced the opposite. It has produced a Ukraine that is more unified, more nationalist, more anti-Russian, more westward-looking than ever existed before. Volker also said the United States was actively considering supplying lethal defensive weapons to Kiev, a prospect that has riled Russia. No-one has any worry about someone defending themselves unless they are an aggressor, so it should not be that controversial an issue, Volker said.
LAUGHABLE: Clinton Press Secretary Gives Conditions Under Which She Will Give A Press Conference
From the ABC News report:Hillary Clinton Will Hold Press Conferences as President, Press Secretary VowsIt s been 272 days since Hillary Clinton s last press conference. But Clinton s lead press secretary, Brian Fallon, vowed that if elected, Hillary Clinton will hold press conferences. But the frequency of them is something that would just play out as time went on, he added.On this week s Powerhouse Politics podcast, Fallon promised greater interaction between Clinton and the press on the campaign trail and said he expects the Democratic nominee to hold a press conference soon. The amount of interaction can only go up, he said, noting that the traveling press will soon be flying with Clinton on her new campaign plane. I m sure that will bring with it a lot of opportunities for additional access to the candidate and interactions between her and the traveling press corps that covers her every day, Fallon told ABC News chief White House correspondent Jonathan Karl, and political director Rick Klein on the podcast. We are very respectful of the press and the job that they have to do, Fallon continued. We have done a lot of interviews, but I know that no matter how many questions we answer in a variety of formats, it is the press s job to always demand more access. We respect that, and so we re going to seek further ways to accommodate that in the remaining months of the campaign. Read more: ABC
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: LAUGHABLE: Clinton Press Secretary Gives Conditions Under Which She Will Give A Press Conference TEXT: From the ABC News report:Hillary Clinton Will Hold Press Conferences as President, Press Secretary VowsIt s been 272 days since Hillary Clinton s last press conference. But Clinton s lead press secretary, Brian Fallon, vowed that if elected, Hillary Clinton will hold press conferences. But the frequency of them is something that would just play out as time went on, he added.On this week s Powerhouse Politics podcast, Fallon promised greater interaction between Clinton and the press on the campaign trail and said he expects the Democratic nominee to hold a press conference soon. The amount of interaction can only go up, he said, noting that the traveling press will soon be flying with Clinton on her new campaign plane. I m sure that will bring with it a lot of opportunities for additional access to the candidate and interactions between her and the traveling press corps that covers her every day, Fallon told ABC News chief White House correspondent Jonathan Karl, and political director Rick Klein on the podcast. We are very respectful of the press and the job that they have to do, Fallon continued. We have done a lot of interviews, but I know that no matter how many questions we answer in a variety of formats, it is the press s job to always demand more access. We respect that, and so we re going to seek further ways to accommodate that in the remaining months of the campaign. Read more: ABC
TITLE: LAUGHABLE: Clinton Press Secretary Gives Conditions Under Which She Will Give A Press Conference TEXT: From the ABC News report:Hillary Clinton Will Hold Press Conferences as President, Press Secretary VowsIt s been 272 days since Hillary Clinton s last press conference. But Clinton s lead press secretary, Brian Fallon, vowed that if elected, Hillary Clinton will hold press conferences. But the frequency of them is something that would just play out as time went on, he added.On this week s Powerhouse Politics podcast, Fallon promised greater interaction between Clinton and the press on the campaign trail and said he expects the Democratic nominee to hold a press conference soon. The amount of interaction can only go up, he said, noting that the traveling press will soon be flying with Clinton on her new campaign plane. I m sure that will bring with it a lot of opportunities for additional access to the candidate and interactions between her and the traveling press corps that covers her every day, Fallon told ABC News chief White House correspondent Jonathan Karl, and political director Rick Klein on the podcast. We are very respectful of the press and the job that they have to do, Fallon continued. We have done a lot of interviews, but I know that no matter how many questions we answer in a variety of formats, it is the press s job to always demand more access. We respect that, and so we re going to seek further ways to accommodate that in the remaining months of the campaign. Read more: ABC
Funding to combat Zika fails to advance in Senate
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Funding to battle the Zika virus failed to advance in the U.S. Senate on Tuesday, as Democrats blocked a Republican proposal that they said would short-change the challenge posed by the mosquito-borne virus as well as other health priorities. The proposal to provide $1.1 billion in funding, which has already passed the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, got 52 votes, well short of the 60 votes needed in the Senate to clear a procedural hurdle. It was unclear when Congress would revisit the issue.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Funding to combat Zika fails to advance in Senate TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Funding to battle the Zika virus failed to advance in the U.S. Senate on Tuesday, as Democrats blocked a Republican proposal that they said would short-change the challenge posed by the mosquito-borne virus as well as other health priorities. The proposal to provide $1.1 billion in funding, which has already passed the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, got 52 votes, well short of the 60 votes needed in the Senate to clear a procedural hurdle. It was unclear when Congress would revisit the issue.
TITLE: Funding to combat Zika fails to advance in Senate TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Funding to battle the Zika virus failed to advance in the U.S. Senate on Tuesday, as Democrats blocked a Republican proposal that they said would short-change the challenge posed by the mosquito-borne virus as well as other health priorities. The proposal to provide $1.1 billion in funding, which has already passed the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, got 52 votes, well short of the 60 votes needed in the Senate to clear a procedural hurdle. It was unclear when Congress would revisit the issue.
German coalition talks: 'Road to Jamaica is long'
BERLIN (Reuters) - German politicians seeking to form a first of a kind coalition of conservatives, liberals and leftist environmentalists agreed on one thing after their first talks on Wednesday: it s going to take a while. Chancellor Angela Merkel s Christian Democrats (CDU) and their Bavarian Christian Social Union (CSU) partners held separate talks first with the pro-business Free Democrats (FDP) and later with the Greens. Their party colors - black, yellow and green - match those of the Jamaican flag and have given name to the proposed coalition. If you look in the atlas, the road to Jamaica is long, said CSU General Secretary Andreas Scheuer after his party and the CDU met with the Greens. Setting the stage for tough talks that could take several months, politicians from all parties have set out their stall, narrowing room for compromise in areas from immigration to the European Union and environmental policy. After the first two-hour meeting, general secretaries from the two conservative parties and the FDP emerged, smiling, to tell reporters the talks had been positive. It was a good exchange, at times nice and above all mutually respectful and joyful, Scheuer said. Separate talks between the conservatives and the Greens appeared to have been less joyful. Straight-faced representatives of the CDU, CSU and Greens told reporters the meeting had been positive but made clear that it would take a long time to nail down an agreement. CDU General-Secretary Peter Tauber said both meetings, with the FDP and Greens, were good. Merkel, whose conservatives bled support to the far right in the Sept. 24 election, warned her parliamentary party on Tuesday they would have to compromise. Chancellor for 12 years and known as a skilled negotiator, she angered many voters over her open-door migrant policy and her conservatives saw their worst election result since 1949. She has said she expects a government to be in place by Christmas, but others say January is more likely, pointing to a months-long policy standstill in Europe s biggest economy. The prospect of a minority government or new election hangs over the talks, a scenario Merkel wants to avoid due to fears the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) could make bigger gains. It is totally conceivable that before Christmas or in January we say that the whole thing is pointless and we ll talk to the Social Democrats (SPD), Peter Ramsauer, a senior CSU member not on the negotiating team, told Deutschlandfunk radio. The SPD, which suffered its worst result since 1933, has said it will go into opposition. The parties recognize it will not be easy. The first steps on this path went well, in an objective, solution-oriented atmosphere, said FDP General Secretary Nicola Beer. We agreed that some of us might need to be creative to continue on this path in this way. The talks which will continue on Thursday and Friday focused on building trust and agreeing a format for future talks rather than tackling hard policies. One of which will be immigration. Merkel, further weakened on Sunday by losses in a state election, has already had to give way to the CSU on immigration, effectively bowing to a demand to limit the number of people allowed into Germany. That may be unacceptable to the Greens.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: German coalition talks: 'Road to Jamaica is long' TEXT: BERLIN (Reuters) - German politicians seeking to form a first of a kind coalition of conservatives, liberals and leftist environmentalists agreed on one thing after their first talks on Wednesday: it s going to take a while. Chancellor Angela Merkel s Christian Democrats (CDU) and their Bavarian Christian Social Union (CSU) partners held separate talks first with the pro-business Free Democrats (FDP) and later with the Greens. Their party colors - black, yellow and green - match those of the Jamaican flag and have given name to the proposed coalition. If you look in the atlas, the road to Jamaica is long, said CSU General Secretary Andreas Scheuer after his party and the CDU met with the Greens. Setting the stage for tough talks that could take several months, politicians from all parties have set out their stall, narrowing room for compromise in areas from immigration to the European Union and environmental policy. After the first two-hour meeting, general secretaries from the two conservative parties and the FDP emerged, smiling, to tell reporters the talks had been positive. It was a good exchange, at times nice and above all mutually respectful and joyful, Scheuer said. Separate talks between the conservatives and the Greens appeared to have been less joyful. Straight-faced representatives of the CDU, CSU and Greens told reporters the meeting had been positive but made clear that it would take a long time to nail down an agreement. CDU General-Secretary Peter Tauber said both meetings, with the FDP and Greens, were good. Merkel, whose conservatives bled support to the far right in the Sept. 24 election, warned her parliamentary party on Tuesday they would have to compromise. Chancellor for 12 years and known as a skilled negotiator, she angered many voters over her open-door migrant policy and her conservatives saw their worst election result since 1949. She has said she expects a government to be in place by Christmas, but others say January is more likely, pointing to a months-long policy standstill in Europe s biggest economy. The prospect of a minority government or new election hangs over the talks, a scenario Merkel wants to avoid due to fears the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) could make bigger gains. It is totally conceivable that before Christmas or in January we say that the whole thing is pointless and we ll talk to the Social Democrats (SPD), Peter Ramsauer, a senior CSU member not on the negotiating team, told Deutschlandfunk radio. The SPD, which suffered its worst result since 1933, has said it will go into opposition. The parties recognize it will not be easy. The first steps on this path went well, in an objective, solution-oriented atmosphere, said FDP General Secretary Nicola Beer. We agreed that some of us might need to be creative to continue on this path in this way. The talks which will continue on Thursday and Friday focused on building trust and agreeing a format for future talks rather than tackling hard policies. One of which will be immigration. Merkel, further weakened on Sunday by losses in a state election, has already had to give way to the CSU on immigration, effectively bowing to a demand to limit the number of people allowed into Germany. That may be unacceptable to the Greens.
TITLE: German coalition talks: 'Road to Jamaica is long' TEXT: BERLIN (Reuters) - German politicians seeking to form a first of a kind coalition of conservatives, liberals and leftist environmentalists agreed on one thing after their first talks on Wednesday: it s going to take a while. Chancellor Angela Merkel s Christian Democrats (CDU) and their Bavarian Christian Social Union (CSU) partners held separate talks first with the pro-business Free Democrats (FDP) and later with the Greens. Their party colors - black, yellow and green - match those of the Jamaican flag and have given name to the proposed coalition. If you look in the atlas, the road to Jamaica is long, said CSU General Secretary Andreas Scheuer after his party and the CDU met with the Greens. Setting the stage for tough talks that could take several months, politicians from all parties have set out their stall, narrowing room for compromise in areas from immigration to the European Union and environmental policy. After the first two-hour meeting, general secretaries from the two conservative parties and the FDP emerged, smiling, to tell reporters the talks had been positive. It was a good exchange, at times nice and above all mutually respectful and joyful, Scheuer said. Separate talks between the conservatives and the Greens appeared to have been less joyful. Straight-faced representatives of the CDU, CSU and Greens told reporters the meeting had been positive but made clear that it would take a long time to nail down an agreement. CDU General-Secretary Peter Tauber said both meetings, with the FDP and Greens, were good. Merkel, whose conservatives bled support to the far right in the Sept. 24 election, warned her parliamentary party on Tuesday they would have to compromise. Chancellor for 12 years and known as a skilled negotiator, she angered many voters over her open-door migrant policy and her conservatives saw their worst election result since 1949. She has said she expects a government to be in place by Christmas, but others say January is more likely, pointing to a months-long policy standstill in Europe s biggest economy. The prospect of a minority government or new election hangs over the talks, a scenario Merkel wants to avoid due to fears the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) could make bigger gains. It is totally conceivable that before Christmas or in January we say that the whole thing is pointless and we ll talk to the Social Democrats (SPD), Peter Ramsauer, a senior CSU member not on the negotiating team, told Deutschlandfunk radio. The SPD, which suffered its worst result since 1933, has said it will go into opposition. The parties recognize it will not be easy. The first steps on this path went well, in an objective, solution-oriented atmosphere, said FDP General Secretary Nicola Beer. We agreed that some of us might need to be creative to continue on this path in this way. The talks which will continue on Thursday and Friday focused on building trust and agreeing a format for future talks rather than tackling hard policies. One of which will be immigration. Merkel, further weakened on Sunday by losses in a state election, has already had to give way to the CSU on immigration, effectively bowing to a demand to limit the number of people allowed into Germany. That may be unacceptable to the Greens.
Three Trump children seen managing president-elect's company
(Reuters) - The Trump Organization said on Friday it was vetting new business structures aimed at transferring management control to three of President-elect Donald Trump’s children and a team of executives. The Trump Organization said in a statement it was planning to transfer control of the portfolio of businesses to Donald Trump Jr, Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump and other executives. Earlier on Friday, the three Trump children - the oldest of Trump’s five children - were also named as members of Trump’s Presidential Transition Team Executive Committee. “This is a top priority at the organization and the structure that is ultimately selected will comply with all applicable rules and regulations,” a spokesperson for the Trump Organization said in a statement. Federal conflict-of-interest law does not apply to the president, but most White House occupants in the last few decades have voluntarily placed their assets in a blind trust to avoid any suggestion of impropriety. Experts in government ethics said that giving over control to Trump’s children would do virtually nothing to prevent potential conflicts of interest, since there’s usually no daylight between one’s personal interest and the interest of one’s immediate family members. “It doesn’t meet any of the standards of a blind trust if the kids are running the company,” said Kenneth Gross, a Washington lawyer who specializes in advising political clients on compliance and ethics. Gross noted that the official transition team roles that Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump now have would appear to complicate matters further. “If they’re going to be involved in government functions - and they’re starting down that road - and running the business, that’s going to make it very difficult to separate the government and business functions and deal with the conflicts of interest,” Gross said. All three children already have roles in the Trump Organization, according to the company’s website. Ivanka Trump is executive vice president of development and acquisitions, charged with domestic and global expansion of the company’s real estate interests. Donald Trump Jr is an executive vice president, and works to expand the company’s real estate, retail, commercial, hotel and golf interests nationally and internationally. Eric Trump is executive vice president of development and acquisitions, responsible for new project acquisition, development and construction globally. Typically, a blind trust involves turning over assets to an independent financial manager with no prior relationship to the owner. In addition, a blind trust derives its name from the idea that the owner would no longer know what assets are sold or bought. For instance, someone with extensive stock holdings would have no way of knowing which companies’ shares he or she still owned in a blind trust. Trump’s portfolio includes interests in hundreds of limited liability companies, many overseas, as well as numerous real estate properties both domestic and foreign. Short of selling the entire Trump empire, experts said, he will find it difficult to create a trust sufficiently “blind” to avoid the possibility of any conflicts.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Three Trump children seen managing president-elect's company TEXT: (Reuters) - The Trump Organization said on Friday it was vetting new business structures aimed at transferring management control to three of President-elect Donald Trump’s children and a team of executives. The Trump Organization said in a statement it was planning to transfer control of the portfolio of businesses to Donald Trump Jr, Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump and other executives. Earlier on Friday, the three Trump children - the oldest of Trump’s five children - were also named as members of Trump’s Presidential Transition Team Executive Committee. “This is a top priority at the organization and the structure that is ultimately selected will comply with all applicable rules and regulations,” a spokesperson for the Trump Organization said in a statement. Federal conflict-of-interest law does not apply to the president, but most White House occupants in the last few decades have voluntarily placed their assets in a blind trust to avoid any suggestion of impropriety. Experts in government ethics said that giving over control to Trump’s children would do virtually nothing to prevent potential conflicts of interest, since there’s usually no daylight between one’s personal interest and the interest of one’s immediate family members. “It doesn’t meet any of the standards of a blind trust if the kids are running the company,” said Kenneth Gross, a Washington lawyer who specializes in advising political clients on compliance and ethics. Gross noted that the official transition team roles that Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump now have would appear to complicate matters further. “If they’re going to be involved in government functions - and they’re starting down that road - and running the business, that’s going to make it very difficult to separate the government and business functions and deal with the conflicts of interest,” Gross said. All three children already have roles in the Trump Organization, according to the company’s website. Ivanka Trump is executive vice president of development and acquisitions, charged with domestic and global expansion of the company’s real estate interests. Donald Trump Jr is an executive vice president, and works to expand the company’s real estate, retail, commercial, hotel and golf interests nationally and internationally. Eric Trump is executive vice president of development and acquisitions, responsible for new project acquisition, development and construction globally. Typically, a blind trust involves turning over assets to an independent financial manager with no prior relationship to the owner. In addition, a blind trust derives its name from the idea that the owner would no longer know what assets are sold or bought. For instance, someone with extensive stock holdings would have no way of knowing which companies’ shares he or she still owned in a blind trust. Trump’s portfolio includes interests in hundreds of limited liability companies, many overseas, as well as numerous real estate properties both domestic and foreign. Short of selling the entire Trump empire, experts said, he will find it difficult to create a trust sufficiently “blind” to avoid the possibility of any conflicts.
TITLE: Three Trump children seen managing president-elect's company TEXT: (Reuters) - The Trump Organization said on Friday it was vetting new business structures aimed at transferring management control to three of President-elect Donald Trump’s children and a team of executives. The Trump Organization said in a statement it was planning to transfer control of the portfolio of businesses to Donald Trump Jr, Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump and other executives. Earlier on Friday, the three Trump children - the oldest of Trump’s five children - were also named as members of Trump’s Presidential Transition Team Executive Committee. “This is a top priority at the organization and the structure that is ultimately selected will comply with all applicable rules and regulations,” a spokesperson for the Trump Organization said in a statement. Federal conflict-of-interest law does not apply to the president, but most White House occupants in the last few decades have voluntarily placed their assets in a blind trust to avoid any suggestion of impropriety. Experts in government ethics said that giving over control to Trump’s children would do virtually nothing to prevent potential conflicts of interest, since there’s usually no daylight between one’s personal interest and the interest of one’s immediate family members. “It doesn’t meet any of the standards of a blind trust if the kids are running the company,” said Kenneth Gross, a Washington lawyer who specializes in advising political clients on compliance and ethics. Gross noted that the official transition team roles that Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr and Eric Trump now have would appear to complicate matters further. “If they’re going to be involved in government functions - and they’re starting down that road - and running the business, that’s going to make it very difficult to separate the government and business functions and deal with the conflicts of interest,” Gross said. All three children already have roles in the Trump Organization, according to the company’s website. Ivanka Trump is executive vice president of development and acquisitions, charged with domestic and global expansion of the company’s real estate interests. Donald Trump Jr is an executive vice president, and works to expand the company’s real estate, retail, commercial, hotel and golf interests nationally and internationally. Eric Trump is executive vice president of development and acquisitions, responsible for new project acquisition, development and construction globally. Typically, a blind trust involves turning over assets to an independent financial manager with no prior relationship to the owner. In addition, a blind trust derives its name from the idea that the owner would no longer know what assets are sold or bought. For instance, someone with extensive stock holdings would have no way of knowing which companies’ shares he or she still owned in a blind trust. Trump’s portfolio includes interests in hundreds of limited liability companies, many overseas, as well as numerous real estate properties both domestic and foreign. Short of selling the entire Trump empire, experts said, he will find it difficult to create a trust sufficiently “blind” to avoid the possibility of any conflicts.
Spain High Court jails two Catalan separatist leaders pending investigation
MADRID/BARCELONA (Reuters) - Spain moved closer on Monday to imposing central rule over Catalonia to thwart its independence push as Madrid s High Court signaled a hardening line by jailing the leaders of two of the largest separatist organizations. In the first imprisonment of senior secessionist figures since Catalonia s Oct. 1 independence referendum, the court ordered the heads of the Catalan National Assembly (ANC) and Omnium held without bail pending an investigation for alleged sedition. Prosecutors say that the ANC s Jordi Sanchez and Omnium s Jordi Cuixart played central roles in orchestrating pro-independence protests that last month trapped national police inside a Barcelona building and destroyed their vehicles. Around 200 people flocked to the Catalan government s headquarters in Barcelona in a peaceful show of support for both men, with some chanting Freedom and waving Democracy banners. The ANC, which has organized protests of hundreds of thousands of secessionists in the past, called for further peaceful demonstrations around Catalonia on Tuesday. Catalan regional President Carles Puigdemont commented on Twitter: Spain jails Catalonia s civil society leaders for organizing peaceful demonstrations. Sadly, we have political prisoners again an allusion to Spain s military dictatorship under Francisco Franco. The High Court also banned the Catalan police chief, Josep Lluis Trapero, from leaving Spain and seized his passport while he is being investigated over the same incident, though it did not order his arrest. Last Tuesday, Puigdemont stepped back from asking the Catalan parliament to vote on independence, instead making a symbolic declaration and calling for negotiations on the region s future. In a confrontation viewed with mounting alarm in European capitals and financial markets, Puigdemont failed on Monday to respond to Madrid s ultimatum to clarify whether he had declared unilateral independence in a speech last week. He now has until Thursday to back down. In a letter to Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, Puigdemont gave no direct answer on the independence issue, instead making a sincere and honest offer for dialogue over the next two months. In reply, Rajoy said Puigdemont s stance had brought Madrid closer to triggering Article 155 of the constitution, under which it can impose direct rule on any of the country s 17 autonomous communities if they break the law. The Catalan government s campaign to break away from Spain has pitched the country into its worst political crisis since an abortive coup attempt in 1981. On Monday the economy ministry told the EU that it had slashed its economic growth forecasts for next year partly due to the situation. The Catalan government says 90 percent of voters in the referendum backed a breakaway, but turnout was only 43 percent as most opponents of independence in the region boycotted the vote, already declared illegal by Spain s Constitutional Court. Thousands have demonstrated in Barcelona and other Spanish cities both for and against independence. So far the crisis has been largely violence-free, except for the day of the referendum when national police assaulted voters with batons and rubber bullets. The High Court ruled that Trapero, the Catalan police chief, would have his passport withdrawn but rejected a request from the state prosecutor for him to be held in custody. Trapero is a hero to the secessionists after his force took a much softer stance than national police in enforcing the ban on the referendum. Prosecutors say he failed to give orders to rescue national police trapped inside the Barcelona building. Puigdemont last Tuesday delayed by several weeks a formal declaration of independence from Spain to allow for talks. Madrid has ruled out talks unless Puigdemont gives up the independence demand. It had given him until 10 a.m. (0800 GMT) on Monday to clarify his position with a Yes or No , and until Thursday to change his mind if he insisted on a split. Following his failure to do so, a regional broadcaster said he also planned to ignore a final deadline on Thursday. Suggesting that Puigdemont and his team were in no mood to follow Rajoy s game plan, Catalan interior minister Joaquim Forn said Article 155 would not allow Madrid to remove members of the Catalan government. The article s terms on direct rule, which has never been applied, are vague. It says Madrid can adopt any measure to force a region to meet its constitutional obligations, with the approval of Spain s lower house. The wording suggests this could include anything from taking control of regional police and finances to installing a new governing team or calling a snap election. Underlining the deepening crisis, some of the largest companies in prosperous Catalonia, which accounts for a fifth of the Spanish economy, have already shifted head offices elsewhere and others are likely to follow if Puigdemont declares outright independence. Investors say a political split could undermine the economic rebound in Spain, the euro zone s fourth-largest economy.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Spain High Court jails two Catalan separatist leaders pending investigation TEXT: MADRID/BARCELONA (Reuters) - Spain moved closer on Monday to imposing central rule over Catalonia to thwart its independence push as Madrid s High Court signaled a hardening line by jailing the leaders of two of the largest separatist organizations. In the first imprisonment of senior secessionist figures since Catalonia s Oct. 1 independence referendum, the court ordered the heads of the Catalan National Assembly (ANC) and Omnium held without bail pending an investigation for alleged sedition. Prosecutors say that the ANC s Jordi Sanchez and Omnium s Jordi Cuixart played central roles in orchestrating pro-independence protests that last month trapped national police inside a Barcelona building and destroyed their vehicles. Around 200 people flocked to the Catalan government s headquarters in Barcelona in a peaceful show of support for both men, with some chanting Freedom and waving Democracy banners. The ANC, which has organized protests of hundreds of thousands of secessionists in the past, called for further peaceful demonstrations around Catalonia on Tuesday. Catalan regional President Carles Puigdemont commented on Twitter: Spain jails Catalonia s civil society leaders for organizing peaceful demonstrations. Sadly, we have political prisoners again an allusion to Spain s military dictatorship under Francisco Franco. The High Court also banned the Catalan police chief, Josep Lluis Trapero, from leaving Spain and seized his passport while he is being investigated over the same incident, though it did not order his arrest. Last Tuesday, Puigdemont stepped back from asking the Catalan parliament to vote on independence, instead making a symbolic declaration and calling for negotiations on the region s future. In a confrontation viewed with mounting alarm in European capitals and financial markets, Puigdemont failed on Monday to respond to Madrid s ultimatum to clarify whether he had declared unilateral independence in a speech last week. He now has until Thursday to back down. In a letter to Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, Puigdemont gave no direct answer on the independence issue, instead making a sincere and honest offer for dialogue over the next two months. In reply, Rajoy said Puigdemont s stance had brought Madrid closer to triggering Article 155 of the constitution, under which it can impose direct rule on any of the country s 17 autonomous communities if they break the law. The Catalan government s campaign to break away from Spain has pitched the country into its worst political crisis since an abortive coup attempt in 1981. On Monday the economy ministry told the EU that it had slashed its economic growth forecasts for next year partly due to the situation. The Catalan government says 90 percent of voters in the referendum backed a breakaway, but turnout was only 43 percent as most opponents of independence in the region boycotted the vote, already declared illegal by Spain s Constitutional Court. Thousands have demonstrated in Barcelona and other Spanish cities both for and against independence. So far the crisis has been largely violence-free, except for the day of the referendum when national police assaulted voters with batons and rubber bullets. The High Court ruled that Trapero, the Catalan police chief, would have his passport withdrawn but rejected a request from the state prosecutor for him to be held in custody. Trapero is a hero to the secessionists after his force took a much softer stance than national police in enforcing the ban on the referendum. Prosecutors say he failed to give orders to rescue national police trapped inside the Barcelona building. Puigdemont last Tuesday delayed by several weeks a formal declaration of independence from Spain to allow for talks. Madrid has ruled out talks unless Puigdemont gives up the independence demand. It had given him until 10 a.m. (0800 GMT) on Monday to clarify his position with a Yes or No , and until Thursday to change his mind if he insisted on a split. Following his failure to do so, a regional broadcaster said he also planned to ignore a final deadline on Thursday. Suggesting that Puigdemont and his team were in no mood to follow Rajoy s game plan, Catalan interior minister Joaquim Forn said Article 155 would not allow Madrid to remove members of the Catalan government. The article s terms on direct rule, which has never been applied, are vague. It says Madrid can adopt any measure to force a region to meet its constitutional obligations, with the approval of Spain s lower house. The wording suggests this could include anything from taking control of regional police and finances to installing a new governing team or calling a snap election. Underlining the deepening crisis, some of the largest companies in prosperous Catalonia, which accounts for a fifth of the Spanish economy, have already shifted head offices elsewhere and others are likely to follow if Puigdemont declares outright independence. Investors say a political split could undermine the economic rebound in Spain, the euro zone s fourth-largest economy.
TITLE: Spain High Court jails two Catalan separatist leaders pending investigation TEXT: MADRID/BARCELONA (Reuters) - Spain moved closer on Monday to imposing central rule over Catalonia to thwart its independence push as Madrid s High Court signaled a hardening line by jailing the leaders of two of the largest separatist organizations. In the first imprisonment of senior secessionist figures since Catalonia s Oct. 1 independence referendum, the court ordered the heads of the Catalan National Assembly (ANC) and Omnium held without bail pending an investigation for alleged sedition. Prosecutors say that the ANC s Jordi Sanchez and Omnium s Jordi Cuixart played central roles in orchestrating pro-independence protests that last month trapped national police inside a Barcelona building and destroyed their vehicles. Around 200 people flocked to the Catalan government s headquarters in Barcelona in a peaceful show of support for both men, with some chanting Freedom and waving Democracy banners. The ANC, which has organized protests of hundreds of thousands of secessionists in the past, called for further peaceful demonstrations around Catalonia on Tuesday. Catalan regional President Carles Puigdemont commented on Twitter: Spain jails Catalonia s civil society leaders for organizing peaceful demonstrations. Sadly, we have political prisoners again an allusion to Spain s military dictatorship under Francisco Franco. The High Court also banned the Catalan police chief, Josep Lluis Trapero, from leaving Spain and seized his passport while he is being investigated over the same incident, though it did not order his arrest. Last Tuesday, Puigdemont stepped back from asking the Catalan parliament to vote on independence, instead making a symbolic declaration and calling for negotiations on the region s future. In a confrontation viewed with mounting alarm in European capitals and financial markets, Puigdemont failed on Monday to respond to Madrid s ultimatum to clarify whether he had declared unilateral independence in a speech last week. He now has until Thursday to back down. In a letter to Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, Puigdemont gave no direct answer on the independence issue, instead making a sincere and honest offer for dialogue over the next two months. In reply, Rajoy said Puigdemont s stance had brought Madrid closer to triggering Article 155 of the constitution, under which it can impose direct rule on any of the country s 17 autonomous communities if they break the law. The Catalan government s campaign to break away from Spain has pitched the country into its worst political crisis since an abortive coup attempt in 1981. On Monday the economy ministry told the EU that it had slashed its economic growth forecasts for next year partly due to the situation. The Catalan government says 90 percent of voters in the referendum backed a breakaway, but turnout was only 43 percent as most opponents of independence in the region boycotted the vote, already declared illegal by Spain s Constitutional Court. Thousands have demonstrated in Barcelona and other Spanish cities both for and against independence. So far the crisis has been largely violence-free, except for the day of the referendum when national police assaulted voters with batons and rubber bullets. The High Court ruled that Trapero, the Catalan police chief, would have his passport withdrawn but rejected a request from the state prosecutor for him to be held in custody. Trapero is a hero to the secessionists after his force took a much softer stance than national police in enforcing the ban on the referendum. Prosecutors say he failed to give orders to rescue national police trapped inside the Barcelona building. Puigdemont last Tuesday delayed by several weeks a formal declaration of independence from Spain to allow for talks. Madrid has ruled out talks unless Puigdemont gives up the independence demand. It had given him until 10 a.m. (0800 GMT) on Monday to clarify his position with a Yes or No , and until Thursday to change his mind if he insisted on a split. Following his failure to do so, a regional broadcaster said he also planned to ignore a final deadline on Thursday. Suggesting that Puigdemont and his team were in no mood to follow Rajoy s game plan, Catalan interior minister Joaquim Forn said Article 155 would not allow Madrid to remove members of the Catalan government. The article s terms on direct rule, which has never been applied, are vague. It says Madrid can adopt any measure to force a region to meet its constitutional obligations, with the approval of Spain s lower house. The wording suggests this could include anything from taking control of regional police and finances to installing a new governing team or calling a snap election. Underlining the deepening crisis, some of the largest companies in prosperous Catalonia, which accounts for a fifth of the Spanish economy, have already shifted head offices elsewhere and others are likely to follow if Puigdemont declares outright independence. Investors say a political split could undermine the economic rebound in Spain, the euro zone s fourth-largest economy.
WATCH: NY TOWN REJECTS Pledge Of Allegiance…”Total Waste Of Time”…Could Raise First Amendment Issues
Remember when it wasn t acceptable to be an anti-American in America? It s great to see at least one woman who is standing up with a few others on the board against these anti-Americans who can t be bothered with the pledge. Watch:
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: WATCH: NY TOWN REJECTS Pledge Of Allegiance…”Total Waste Of Time”…Could Raise First Amendment Issues TEXT: Remember when it wasn t acceptable to be an anti-American in America? It s great to see at least one woman who is standing up with a few others on the board against these anti-Americans who can t be bothered with the pledge. Watch:
TITLE: WATCH: NY TOWN REJECTS Pledge Of Allegiance…”Total Waste Of Time”…Could Raise First Amendment Issues TEXT: Remember when it wasn t acceptable to be an anti-American in America? It s great to see at least one woman who is standing up with a few others on the board against these anti-Americans who can t be bothered with the pledge. Watch:
Obama briefed after Britain votes to leave EU
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama was briefed by his advisers late on Thursday on Britain’s vote to leave the European Union, a result that he had argued passionately against during an April visit to London. Obama, who was scheduled to deliver remarks to global entrepreneurs at a conference at Stanford University at 10:45 a.m. PDT (1:45 p.m. ET/1745 GMT), was dining out at an upscale restaurant with a small group of top venture capitalists and Silicon Valley entrepreneurs as the results for the “leave” campaign began to roll in. The group at San Francisco’s Twenty-Five Lusk included John Doerr of Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers, and LinkedIn’s Reid Hoffman. Obama dined for more than two hours, departing shortly after British networks called the referendum for the “leave” campaign, and markets plunged. A White House official said Obama had been briefed on the returns and would “continue to be updated by his team as the situation warrants.” “We expect the president will have an opportunity to speak to Prime Minister Cameron over the course of the next day, and we will release further comment as soon as appropriate,” the official said in a brief statement to reporters. Obama traveled to London in April at the request of Cameron, whom he calls a friend, exhorting Britons to stay in the EU, an unusual intervention that was denounced as meddling by those in the “leave” campaign. Obama also warned that leaving the EU would put Britain at the “back of the queue” for a trade deal with the United States. Obama’s term in the White House ends on Jan. 20, 2017. His former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic candidate in the Nov. 8 election, had also said she hoped the UK would stay in the EU. The presumptive Republican nominee - real estate magnate Donald Trump - had taken the opposite stance, saying he thought the UK should leave. Trump, in Scotland on Friday to reopen a golf resort, told reporters that Britons “took back control of their country” by voting to leave the European Union.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Obama briefed after Britain votes to leave EU TEXT: SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama was briefed by his advisers late on Thursday on Britain’s vote to leave the European Union, a result that he had argued passionately against during an April visit to London. Obama, who was scheduled to deliver remarks to global entrepreneurs at a conference at Stanford University at 10:45 a.m. PDT (1:45 p.m. ET/1745 GMT), was dining out at an upscale restaurant with a small group of top venture capitalists and Silicon Valley entrepreneurs as the results for the “leave” campaign began to roll in. The group at San Francisco’s Twenty-Five Lusk included John Doerr of Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers, and LinkedIn’s Reid Hoffman. Obama dined for more than two hours, departing shortly after British networks called the referendum for the “leave” campaign, and markets plunged. A White House official said Obama had been briefed on the returns and would “continue to be updated by his team as the situation warrants.” “We expect the president will have an opportunity to speak to Prime Minister Cameron over the course of the next day, and we will release further comment as soon as appropriate,” the official said in a brief statement to reporters. Obama traveled to London in April at the request of Cameron, whom he calls a friend, exhorting Britons to stay in the EU, an unusual intervention that was denounced as meddling by those in the “leave” campaign. Obama also warned that leaving the EU would put Britain at the “back of the queue” for a trade deal with the United States. Obama’s term in the White House ends on Jan. 20, 2017. His former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic candidate in the Nov. 8 election, had also said she hoped the UK would stay in the EU. The presumptive Republican nominee - real estate magnate Donald Trump - had taken the opposite stance, saying he thought the UK should leave. Trump, in Scotland on Friday to reopen a golf resort, told reporters that Britons “took back control of their country” by voting to leave the European Union.
TITLE: Obama briefed after Britain votes to leave EU TEXT: SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama was briefed by his advisers late on Thursday on Britain’s vote to leave the European Union, a result that he had argued passionately against during an April visit to London. Obama, who was scheduled to deliver remarks to global entrepreneurs at a conference at Stanford University at 10:45 a.m. PDT (1:45 p.m. ET/1745 GMT), was dining out at an upscale restaurant with a small group of top venture capitalists and Silicon Valley entrepreneurs as the results for the “leave” campaign began to roll in. The group at San Francisco’s Twenty-Five Lusk included John Doerr of Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers, and LinkedIn’s Reid Hoffman. Obama dined for more than two hours, departing shortly after British networks called the referendum for the “leave” campaign, and markets plunged. A White House official said Obama had been briefed on the returns and would “continue to be updated by his team as the situation warrants.” “We expect the president will have an opportunity to speak to Prime Minister Cameron over the course of the next day, and we will release further comment as soon as appropriate,” the official said in a brief statement to reporters. Obama traveled to London in April at the request of Cameron, whom he calls a friend, exhorting Britons to stay in the EU, an unusual intervention that was denounced as meddling by those in the “leave” campaign. Obama also warned that leaving the EU would put Britain at the “back of the queue” for a trade deal with the United States. Obama’s term in the White House ends on Jan. 20, 2017. His former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic candidate in the Nov. 8 election, had also said she hoped the UK would stay in the EU. The presumptive Republican nominee - real estate magnate Donald Trump - had taken the opposite stance, saying he thought the UK should leave. Trump, in Scotland on Friday to reopen a golf resort, told reporters that Britons “took back control of their country” by voting to leave the European Union.
Saudi Arabia faces battle to repatriate assets after corruption crackdown
DUBAI/ZURICH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia has announced it will confiscate money and assets held by dozens of top officials and businessmen detained in an anti-corruption crackdown. But the experiences of two other Arab states trying to recover stolen money, Egypt and Tunisia, suggest Riyadh may face years of legal and diplomatic battles to secure assets held abroad. Even then success is not guaranteed. The anti-corruption committee that detained princes, tycoons and ministers at the weekend has the power under a royal decree to take whatever measures are deemed necessary to seize companies, funds and other assets without waiting for the results of criminal investigations. The offshore scrutiny of assets has already begun in the Gulf region, where Saudi Arabia regularly shares information. The United Arab Emirates central bank and securities regulator has asked banks and finance companies there to provide information on the accounts of 19 Saudi citizens, banking sources told Reuters on Thursday. The Saudi committee has not given details of the allegations individuals face, though Saudi officials say they include money laundering, bribery, extortion and taking advantage of public office for personal gain. Riyadh has also set no timetable for its confiscations, although banking sources say more than 1,700 domestic bank accounts have already been frozen at the request of the central bank. If the committee were to try to retrieve all the revenue that has been lost to corruption, from bribes to illegal expropriation of land, the total would be $800 billion, an official at the Riyadh Chamber of Commerce and Industry has estimated. A large amount of the funds are believed by financial sources to be held offshore in bank accounts, portfolio investments, corporate shareholdings and real estate. Many of the businessmen detained have private planes one has a Boeing 747 airliner. And a study by the U.S. National Bureau of Economic Research estimated Saudis have stashed away wealth equivalent to over 55 percent of the country s gross domestic product in foreign tax havens an amount exceeding $300 billion. But Egypt and Tunisia s experiences show that although asset freezes can be arranged within months, repatriating the money can take many years. Cairo has tried unsuccessfully for five years to retrieve about 85 million pounds ($111 million)in British bank accounts belonging to the inner circle of former President Hosni Mubarak. British officials have said they are bound by British law, which requires the Egyptians to provide them with criminal convictions first. Tunisia has so far recovered only a small portion of about $35 million claimed from Switzerland following the 2011 revolution that inspired the Arab Spring uprising. Saudi Prince Alwaleed's investment: tmsnrt.rs/2j5fE04 There are some precedents that could give Saudi Arabia cause for hope that it will be able to repatriate money. Last year, Nigeria and Switzerland signed a deal paving the way for the return of over $300 million confiscated from the family of Nigeria s former military ruler Sani Abacha. Requests from Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and Syria have led to nearly 1 billion Swiss francs ($1 billion) of assets being frozen by Swiss authorities. But the efforts of Egypt and Tunisia to retrieve the money have stumbled over a requirement to submit evidence that would be admissible in Western legal systems, proving the beneficial owners of the assets and showing that corruption has taken place. Often assets are held in complex offshore vehicles making it hard to show who really owns them. Carlo Lombardini, a banking lawyer and professor of banking law at University of Lausanne, said Riyadh would have to provide detailed evidence proving how the money was obtained to seize assets in Switzerland on the grounds of corruption. And then there is an issue whether this person in Saudi Arabia can defend themselves, and whether they benefit from a proper defense, he said. Saudi officials would have to satisfy Swiss authorities that owners of assets had been given due process. This could be difficult given the speed and the scale of the crackdown, and the sweeping powers given to the anti-corruption committee. The Saudi attorney-general said on Monday that detailed questioning of detainees had already produced a great deal of evidence , but gave no more details. Senior Saudi officials did not respond to requests for information on the investigation. A Gulf-based lawyer familiar with international corruption cases said there were two channels through which Saudi Arabia could pursue assets abroad. In cases where Riyadh had a signed a treaty or convention with a foreign country, it could use this to obtain assistance gathering evidence before seeking to seize assets via the court system. However, Saudi Arabia does not have such a treaty with the United States, Switzerland and many other countries. Saudi Arabia could also send a letter of request to a relevant ministry in the other nation. This would be a test of its diplomatic influence in foreign capitals. Businessmen in detention include international investor Prince Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, whose wealth was estimated by Forbes magazine before the crackdown at $17 billion; Mohammad al-Amoudi at $10.4 billion, with construction, agriculture and energy companies in Sweden, Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia; and finance and healthcare magnate Saleh Kamel at $2.3 billion. Repatriating assets could be so hard that Riyadh may try to avoid foreign legal action altogether in many cases, instead making deals with detained tycoons and princes that in effect legalize their fortunes in exchange for a share of their money, some bankers and consultants say. The government will also strike deals with businessmen and royals to avoid arrest, but only as part of a greater commitment to the local economy, said Ayham Kamel, Eurasia Group s practice head, Middle East & North Africa in a note. Saudi wealth stored abroad: tmsnrt.rs/2znHlrL
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Saudi Arabia faces battle to repatriate assets after corruption crackdown TEXT: DUBAI/ZURICH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia has announced it will confiscate money and assets held by dozens of top officials and businessmen detained in an anti-corruption crackdown. But the experiences of two other Arab states trying to recover stolen money, Egypt and Tunisia, suggest Riyadh may face years of legal and diplomatic battles to secure assets held abroad. Even then success is not guaranteed. The anti-corruption committee that detained princes, tycoons and ministers at the weekend has the power under a royal decree to take whatever measures are deemed necessary to seize companies, funds and other assets without waiting for the results of criminal investigations. The offshore scrutiny of assets has already begun in the Gulf region, where Saudi Arabia regularly shares information. The United Arab Emirates central bank and securities regulator has asked banks and finance companies there to provide information on the accounts of 19 Saudi citizens, banking sources told Reuters on Thursday. The Saudi committee has not given details of the allegations individuals face, though Saudi officials say they include money laundering, bribery, extortion and taking advantage of public office for personal gain. Riyadh has also set no timetable for its confiscations, although banking sources say more than 1,700 domestic bank accounts have already been frozen at the request of the central bank. If the committee were to try to retrieve all the revenue that has been lost to corruption, from bribes to illegal expropriation of land, the total would be $800 billion, an official at the Riyadh Chamber of Commerce and Industry has estimated. A large amount of the funds are believed by financial sources to be held offshore in bank accounts, portfolio investments, corporate shareholdings and real estate. Many of the businessmen detained have private planes one has a Boeing 747 airliner. And a study by the U.S. National Bureau of Economic Research estimated Saudis have stashed away wealth equivalent to over 55 percent of the country s gross domestic product in foreign tax havens an amount exceeding $300 billion. But Egypt and Tunisia s experiences show that although asset freezes can be arranged within months, repatriating the money can take many years. Cairo has tried unsuccessfully for five years to retrieve about 85 million pounds ($111 million)in British bank accounts belonging to the inner circle of former President Hosni Mubarak. British officials have said they are bound by British law, which requires the Egyptians to provide them with criminal convictions first. Tunisia has so far recovered only a small portion of about $35 million claimed from Switzerland following the 2011 revolution that inspired the Arab Spring uprising. Saudi Prince Alwaleed's investment: tmsnrt.rs/2j5fE04 There are some precedents that could give Saudi Arabia cause for hope that it will be able to repatriate money. Last year, Nigeria and Switzerland signed a deal paving the way for the return of over $300 million confiscated from the family of Nigeria s former military ruler Sani Abacha. Requests from Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and Syria have led to nearly 1 billion Swiss francs ($1 billion) of assets being frozen by Swiss authorities. But the efforts of Egypt and Tunisia to retrieve the money have stumbled over a requirement to submit evidence that would be admissible in Western legal systems, proving the beneficial owners of the assets and showing that corruption has taken place. Often assets are held in complex offshore vehicles making it hard to show who really owns them. Carlo Lombardini, a banking lawyer and professor of banking law at University of Lausanne, said Riyadh would have to provide detailed evidence proving how the money was obtained to seize assets in Switzerland on the grounds of corruption. And then there is an issue whether this person in Saudi Arabia can defend themselves, and whether they benefit from a proper defense, he said. Saudi officials would have to satisfy Swiss authorities that owners of assets had been given due process. This could be difficult given the speed and the scale of the crackdown, and the sweeping powers given to the anti-corruption committee. The Saudi attorney-general said on Monday that detailed questioning of detainees had already produced a great deal of evidence , but gave no more details. Senior Saudi officials did not respond to requests for information on the investigation. A Gulf-based lawyer familiar with international corruption cases said there were two channels through which Saudi Arabia could pursue assets abroad. In cases where Riyadh had a signed a treaty or convention with a foreign country, it could use this to obtain assistance gathering evidence before seeking to seize assets via the court system. However, Saudi Arabia does not have such a treaty with the United States, Switzerland and many other countries. Saudi Arabia could also send a letter of request to a relevant ministry in the other nation. This would be a test of its diplomatic influence in foreign capitals. Businessmen in detention include international investor Prince Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, whose wealth was estimated by Forbes magazine before the crackdown at $17 billion; Mohammad al-Amoudi at $10.4 billion, with construction, agriculture and energy companies in Sweden, Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia; and finance and healthcare magnate Saleh Kamel at $2.3 billion. Repatriating assets could be so hard that Riyadh may try to avoid foreign legal action altogether in many cases, instead making deals with detained tycoons and princes that in effect legalize their fortunes in exchange for a share of their money, some bankers and consultants say. The government will also strike deals with businessmen and royals to avoid arrest, but only as part of a greater commitment to the local economy, said Ayham Kamel, Eurasia Group s practice head, Middle East & North Africa in a note. Saudi wealth stored abroad: tmsnrt.rs/2znHlrL
TITLE: Saudi Arabia faces battle to repatriate assets after corruption crackdown TEXT: DUBAI/ZURICH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia has announced it will confiscate money and assets held by dozens of top officials and businessmen detained in an anti-corruption crackdown. But the experiences of two other Arab states trying to recover stolen money, Egypt and Tunisia, suggest Riyadh may face years of legal and diplomatic battles to secure assets held abroad. Even then success is not guaranteed. The anti-corruption committee that detained princes, tycoons and ministers at the weekend has the power under a royal decree to take whatever measures are deemed necessary to seize companies, funds and other assets without waiting for the results of criminal investigations. The offshore scrutiny of assets has already begun in the Gulf region, where Saudi Arabia regularly shares information. The United Arab Emirates central bank and securities regulator has asked banks and finance companies there to provide information on the accounts of 19 Saudi citizens, banking sources told Reuters on Thursday. The Saudi committee has not given details of the allegations individuals face, though Saudi officials say they include money laundering, bribery, extortion and taking advantage of public office for personal gain. Riyadh has also set no timetable for its confiscations, although banking sources say more than 1,700 domestic bank accounts have already been frozen at the request of the central bank. If the committee were to try to retrieve all the revenue that has been lost to corruption, from bribes to illegal expropriation of land, the total would be $800 billion, an official at the Riyadh Chamber of Commerce and Industry has estimated. A large amount of the funds are believed by financial sources to be held offshore in bank accounts, portfolio investments, corporate shareholdings and real estate. Many of the businessmen detained have private planes one has a Boeing 747 airliner. And a study by the U.S. National Bureau of Economic Research estimated Saudis have stashed away wealth equivalent to over 55 percent of the country s gross domestic product in foreign tax havens an amount exceeding $300 billion. But Egypt and Tunisia s experiences show that although asset freezes can be arranged within months, repatriating the money can take many years. Cairo has tried unsuccessfully for five years to retrieve about 85 million pounds ($111 million)in British bank accounts belonging to the inner circle of former President Hosni Mubarak. British officials have said they are bound by British law, which requires the Egyptians to provide them with criminal convictions first. Tunisia has so far recovered only a small portion of about $35 million claimed from Switzerland following the 2011 revolution that inspired the Arab Spring uprising. Saudi Prince Alwaleed's investment: tmsnrt.rs/2j5fE04 There are some precedents that could give Saudi Arabia cause for hope that it will be able to repatriate money. Last year, Nigeria and Switzerland signed a deal paving the way for the return of over $300 million confiscated from the family of Nigeria s former military ruler Sani Abacha. Requests from Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and Syria have led to nearly 1 billion Swiss francs ($1 billion) of assets being frozen by Swiss authorities. But the efforts of Egypt and Tunisia to retrieve the money have stumbled over a requirement to submit evidence that would be admissible in Western legal systems, proving the beneficial owners of the assets and showing that corruption has taken place. Often assets are held in complex offshore vehicles making it hard to show who really owns them. Carlo Lombardini, a banking lawyer and professor of banking law at University of Lausanne, said Riyadh would have to provide detailed evidence proving how the money was obtained to seize assets in Switzerland on the grounds of corruption. And then there is an issue whether this person in Saudi Arabia can defend themselves, and whether they benefit from a proper defense, he said. Saudi officials would have to satisfy Swiss authorities that owners of assets had been given due process. This could be difficult given the speed and the scale of the crackdown, and the sweeping powers given to the anti-corruption committee. The Saudi attorney-general said on Monday that detailed questioning of detainees had already produced a great deal of evidence , but gave no more details. Senior Saudi officials did not respond to requests for information on the investigation. A Gulf-based lawyer familiar with international corruption cases said there were two channels through which Saudi Arabia could pursue assets abroad. In cases where Riyadh had a signed a treaty or convention with a foreign country, it could use this to obtain assistance gathering evidence before seeking to seize assets via the court system. However, Saudi Arabia does not have such a treaty with the United States, Switzerland and many other countries. Saudi Arabia could also send a letter of request to a relevant ministry in the other nation. This would be a test of its diplomatic influence in foreign capitals. Businessmen in detention include international investor Prince Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, whose wealth was estimated by Forbes magazine before the crackdown at $17 billion; Mohammad al-Amoudi at $10.4 billion, with construction, agriculture and energy companies in Sweden, Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia; and finance and healthcare magnate Saleh Kamel at $2.3 billion. Repatriating assets could be so hard that Riyadh may try to avoid foreign legal action altogether in many cases, instead making deals with detained tycoons and princes that in effect legalize their fortunes in exchange for a share of their money, some bankers and consultants say. The government will also strike deals with businessmen and royals to avoid arrest, but only as part of a greater commitment to the local economy, said Ayham Kamel, Eurasia Group s practice head, Middle East & North Africa in a note. Saudi wealth stored abroad: tmsnrt.rs/2znHlrL
Donald Trump Attacked Stephen Colbert, So Colbert Shoved A Boot up His Trumphole (VIDEO)
In an interview with TIME, Donald Trump pussygrabber extraordinaire went after Stephen Colbert for referring to The Donald s mouth as a place where Russian dictator Vladimir Putin keeps his d*k warm. You see a no-talent guy like Colbert. There s nothing funny about what he says. And what he says is filthy. And you have kids watching. And it only builds up my base. It only helps me, people like him. The guy was dying. By the way they were going to take him off television, then he started attacking me and he started doing better, Trump said. But his show was dying. I ve done his show. But when I did his show, which by the way was very highly rated. It was high highest rating. The highest rating he s ever had. On Thursday, the late night host shot back at Trump, and it just had to be painful. The president of the United States has personally come after me and my show. And there s only one thing to say: Yay! Colbert said during his monologue. I won! Mr. Trump, there s a lot you don t understand, but I never thought one of those things would be show business, Colbert said. Don t you know I ve been trying for a year to get you to say my name? Oh, please, don t make me trend on Twitter again! Don t throw me in that #briarpatch! Making jokes about you has been good for ratings. It s almost as if the majority of Americans didn t want you to be President, Colbert informed The Orange One. But you know who s got really bad ratings these days? You do. Terrible approval numbers. I hear they re thinking about switching your time slot with Mike Pence. Colbert s takedown of Trump was blistering, but the most painful part was when the comedian pointed out that the Trump show was not the highest-rated. As for who was? Let s just say his name rhymes with Neb Kush. Watch it below:featured image via screengrab
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Donald Trump Attacked Stephen Colbert, So Colbert Shoved A Boot up His Trumphole (VIDEO) TEXT: In an interview with TIME, Donald Trump pussygrabber extraordinaire went after Stephen Colbert for referring to The Donald s mouth as a place where Russian dictator Vladimir Putin keeps his d*k warm. You see a no-talent guy like Colbert. There s nothing funny about what he says. And what he says is filthy. And you have kids watching. And it only builds up my base. It only helps me, people like him. The guy was dying. By the way they were going to take him off television, then he started attacking me and he started doing better, Trump said. But his show was dying. I ve done his show. But when I did his show, which by the way was very highly rated. It was high highest rating. The highest rating he s ever had. On Thursday, the late night host shot back at Trump, and it just had to be painful. The president of the United States has personally come after me and my show. And there s only one thing to say: Yay! Colbert said during his monologue. I won! Mr. Trump, there s a lot you don t understand, but I never thought one of those things would be show business, Colbert said. Don t you know I ve been trying for a year to get you to say my name? Oh, please, don t make me trend on Twitter again! Don t throw me in that #briarpatch! Making jokes about you has been good for ratings. It s almost as if the majority of Americans didn t want you to be President, Colbert informed The Orange One. But you know who s got really bad ratings these days? You do. Terrible approval numbers. I hear they re thinking about switching your time slot with Mike Pence. Colbert s takedown of Trump was blistering, but the most painful part was when the comedian pointed out that the Trump show was not the highest-rated. As for who was? Let s just say his name rhymes with Neb Kush. Watch it below:featured image via screengrab
TITLE: Donald Trump Attacked Stephen Colbert, So Colbert Shoved A Boot up His Trumphole (VIDEO) TEXT: In an interview with TIME, Donald Trump pussygrabber extraordinaire went after Stephen Colbert for referring to The Donald s mouth as a place where Russian dictator Vladimir Putin keeps his d*k warm. You see a no-talent guy like Colbert. There s nothing funny about what he says. And what he says is filthy. And you have kids watching. And it only builds up my base. It only helps me, people like him. The guy was dying. By the way they were going to take him off television, then he started attacking me and he started doing better, Trump said. But his show was dying. I ve done his show. But when I did his show, which by the way was very highly rated. It was high highest rating. The highest rating he s ever had. On Thursday, the late night host shot back at Trump, and it just had to be painful. The president of the United States has personally come after me and my show. And there s only one thing to say: Yay! Colbert said during his monologue. I won! Mr. Trump, there s a lot you don t understand, but I never thought one of those things would be show business, Colbert said. Don t you know I ve been trying for a year to get you to say my name? Oh, please, don t make me trend on Twitter again! Don t throw me in that #briarpatch! Making jokes about you has been good for ratings. It s almost as if the majority of Americans didn t want you to be President, Colbert informed The Orange One. But you know who s got really bad ratings these days? You do. Terrible approval numbers. I hear they re thinking about switching your time slot with Mike Pence. Colbert s takedown of Trump was blistering, but the most painful part was when the comedian pointed out that the Trump show was not the highest-rated. As for who was? Let s just say his name rhymes with Neb Kush. Watch it below:featured image via screengrab
Conservative ‘Christian’ Says Wives Should Submit To Husbands Even If Treated Like Sh*t
If you re a woman you re going to want to deck this asshole for what he just said.During an interview with the Christian Post this week, evangelist nut job Kirk Cameron said that no matter how wives are treated by their husbands they should be submissive and stay in the marriage because God commands it. Wives are to honor and respect and follow their husband s lead, not to tell their husband how he ought to be a better husband, Cameron said before claiming that women should know their role so that the marriage can succeed. When each person gets their part right, regardless of how their spouse is treating them, there is hope for real change in their marriage. In other words, even if she is being beaten daily by her husband and treated like a slave, a wife should always remain submissive and basically let her husband do whatever they want without consequence. And it s all because the Bible says so according to Cameron. A lot of people don t know that marriage comes with instructions, he said. And, we find them right there in God s word. Seriously. This is the advice Cameron has for women.Someone should call Cameron s wife and make sure she is okay because the former child actor clearly thinks domestic violence is something wives should just ignore instead of saving themselves and getting out of the marriage.Cameron is, of course, part of the conservative Christian fundamentalist movement which repeatedly preaches that women are nothing more than common house slaves meant to cook, clean, raise children, and talk only when their husbands give them permission to do so.Just take pastor Steven Anderson for instance.In February, Anderson posted a sermon in which he preached that women should be banned from voting, barred from seeking divorce, prevented from entering the workforce, and ought to be confined to the home where they are submissive to their husbands. The right to divorce your husband is what they mean. You know what they mean? The right to rebel and disobey your husband, the right to divorce him, the right to go out and get a job and make your own money, the right to tell him what to do, the right to go vote for our leaders as if women should have any say in how our country is run when the Bible says that I suffer not a woman to teach, not to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. Here s the video via YouTube:Two years earlier, Anderson demanded that women shut their mouths in church so that the men could teach them. You have to wonder if Cameron believes that, too.Anderson has also preached that women shouldn t be allowed to talk, read, or leave the house.Basically, if conservative Christians like Steven Anderson or Kirk Cameron had their way women would be forbidden to have lives outside of the home and would be under the boot heel of their husbands day in and day out without a say in the matter. And just think, many Republican lawmakers agree with them.It s a scary thought that should spur women across the country to use their right to vote to put men like Cameron and Anderson in their place.Featured Image: Facebook
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Conservative ‘Christian’ Says Wives Should Submit To Husbands Even If Treated Like Sh*t TEXT: If you re a woman you re going to want to deck this asshole for what he just said.During an interview with the Christian Post this week, evangelist nut job Kirk Cameron said that no matter how wives are treated by their husbands they should be submissive and stay in the marriage because God commands it. Wives are to honor and respect and follow their husband s lead, not to tell their husband how he ought to be a better husband, Cameron said before claiming that women should know their role so that the marriage can succeed. When each person gets their part right, regardless of how their spouse is treating them, there is hope for real change in their marriage. In other words, even if she is being beaten daily by her husband and treated like a slave, a wife should always remain submissive and basically let her husband do whatever they want without consequence. And it s all because the Bible says so according to Cameron. A lot of people don t know that marriage comes with instructions, he said. And, we find them right there in God s word. Seriously. This is the advice Cameron has for women.Someone should call Cameron s wife and make sure she is okay because the former child actor clearly thinks domestic violence is something wives should just ignore instead of saving themselves and getting out of the marriage.Cameron is, of course, part of the conservative Christian fundamentalist movement which repeatedly preaches that women are nothing more than common house slaves meant to cook, clean, raise children, and talk only when their husbands give them permission to do so.Just take pastor Steven Anderson for instance.In February, Anderson posted a sermon in which he preached that women should be banned from voting, barred from seeking divorce, prevented from entering the workforce, and ought to be confined to the home where they are submissive to their husbands. The right to divorce your husband is what they mean. You know what they mean? The right to rebel and disobey your husband, the right to divorce him, the right to go out and get a job and make your own money, the right to tell him what to do, the right to go vote for our leaders as if women should have any say in how our country is run when the Bible says that I suffer not a woman to teach, not to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. Here s the video via YouTube:Two years earlier, Anderson demanded that women shut their mouths in church so that the men could teach them. You have to wonder if Cameron believes that, too.Anderson has also preached that women shouldn t be allowed to talk, read, or leave the house.Basically, if conservative Christians like Steven Anderson or Kirk Cameron had their way women would be forbidden to have lives outside of the home and would be under the boot heel of their husbands day in and day out without a say in the matter. And just think, many Republican lawmakers agree with them.It s a scary thought that should spur women across the country to use their right to vote to put men like Cameron and Anderson in their place.Featured Image: Facebook
TITLE: Conservative ‘Christian’ Says Wives Should Submit To Husbands Even If Treated Like Sh*t TEXT: If you re a woman you re going to want to deck this asshole for what he just said.During an interview with the Christian Post this week, evangelist nut job Kirk Cameron said that no matter how wives are treated by their husbands they should be submissive and stay in the marriage because God commands it. Wives are to honor and respect and follow their husband s lead, not to tell their husband how he ought to be a better husband, Cameron said before claiming that women should know their role so that the marriage can succeed. When each person gets their part right, regardless of how their spouse is treating them, there is hope for real change in their marriage. In other words, even if she is being beaten daily by her husband and treated like a slave, a wife should always remain submissive and basically let her husband do whatever they want without consequence. And it s all because the Bible says so according to Cameron. A lot of people don t know that marriage comes with instructions, he said. And, we find them right there in God s word. Seriously. This is the advice Cameron has for women.Someone should call Cameron s wife and make sure she is okay because the former child actor clearly thinks domestic violence is something wives should just ignore instead of saving themselves and getting out of the marriage.Cameron is, of course, part of the conservative Christian fundamentalist movement which repeatedly preaches that women are nothing more than common house slaves meant to cook, clean, raise children, and talk only when their husbands give them permission to do so.Just take pastor Steven Anderson for instance.In February, Anderson posted a sermon in which he preached that women should be banned from voting, barred from seeking divorce, prevented from entering the workforce, and ought to be confined to the home where they are submissive to their husbands. The right to divorce your husband is what they mean. You know what they mean? The right to rebel and disobey your husband, the right to divorce him, the right to go out and get a job and make your own money, the right to tell him what to do, the right to go vote for our leaders as if women should have any say in how our country is run when the Bible says that I suffer not a woman to teach, not to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. Here s the video via YouTube:Two years earlier, Anderson demanded that women shut their mouths in church so that the men could teach them. You have to wonder if Cameron believes that, too.Anderson has also preached that women shouldn t be allowed to talk, read, or leave the house.Basically, if conservative Christians like Steven Anderson or Kirk Cameron had their way women would be forbidden to have lives outside of the home and would be under the boot heel of their husbands day in and day out without a say in the matter. And just think, many Republican lawmakers agree with them.It s a scary thought that should spur women across the country to use their right to vote to put men like Cameron and Anderson in their place.Featured Image: Facebook
Trump Will ‘Torture’ Sessions Every Day Until He Resigns: Report
Trump apparently will continue the feud he started with Jeff Sessions when he said he thought Sessions had been very unfair in recusing himself from the Russia investigation. He wants someone who is going to be 100 percent blindly loyal (meaning someone who will stop any and all investigations into him and his family and open investigations into Hillary and the Democrats), and clearly, Sessions isn t it. So, according to one of Trump s close advisers, he will torture Sessions until he resigns:He wants to fire him but he doesn t want the confrontation. He doesn t mind the long negative storyline. He will torture him every single day. When Trump gets all butthurt like this, he focuses his ire on the perceived guilty party and doesn t let it go until they either cave or someone manages to convince him to let it go. Sessions, thus far, has maintained that he will not resign, and, well, Trump just can t have that.According to Politico, Trump has been whining up one side and down the other about Sessions decision to recuse himself from the Russia investigation to anyone who will listen. Not only did Trump say that was unfair to him, but he also said that, if he d known Sessions was going to take the job and then recuse himself, he would never have given him the job in the first place. To Trump, recusal in this situation is a grave abdication of responsibility and a betrayal of trust when the person doing so is supposed to be on Trump s side (if they re an opponent, of course, they must recuse over the slightest possible conflict).Sessions, for his part, doesn t seem to know what the problem is. One person close to him said that they ve spoken to people in the West Wing and nobody understands why Trump is doing this. But Trump, never one to let go of a grudge until his enemy is completely vanquished (and sometimes, not even then), reportedly wants to see how Sessions will respond to things like mockery and humiliation.If Sessions does resign, Trump will eventually turn his ire on someone else. He wants sycophants, not people who will do their jobs.Featured image via Michael Reynolds and Mark Wilson/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Trump Will ‘Torture’ Sessions Every Day Until He Resigns: Report TEXT: Trump apparently will continue the feud he started with Jeff Sessions when he said he thought Sessions had been very unfair in recusing himself from the Russia investigation. He wants someone who is going to be 100 percent blindly loyal (meaning someone who will stop any and all investigations into him and his family and open investigations into Hillary and the Democrats), and clearly, Sessions isn t it. So, according to one of Trump s close advisers, he will torture Sessions until he resigns:He wants to fire him but he doesn t want the confrontation. He doesn t mind the long negative storyline. He will torture him every single day. When Trump gets all butthurt like this, he focuses his ire on the perceived guilty party and doesn t let it go until they either cave or someone manages to convince him to let it go. Sessions, thus far, has maintained that he will not resign, and, well, Trump just can t have that.According to Politico, Trump has been whining up one side and down the other about Sessions decision to recuse himself from the Russia investigation to anyone who will listen. Not only did Trump say that was unfair to him, but he also said that, if he d known Sessions was going to take the job and then recuse himself, he would never have given him the job in the first place. To Trump, recusal in this situation is a grave abdication of responsibility and a betrayal of trust when the person doing so is supposed to be on Trump s side (if they re an opponent, of course, they must recuse over the slightest possible conflict).Sessions, for his part, doesn t seem to know what the problem is. One person close to him said that they ve spoken to people in the West Wing and nobody understands why Trump is doing this. But Trump, never one to let go of a grudge until his enemy is completely vanquished (and sometimes, not even then), reportedly wants to see how Sessions will respond to things like mockery and humiliation.If Sessions does resign, Trump will eventually turn his ire on someone else. He wants sycophants, not people who will do their jobs.Featured image via Michael Reynolds and Mark Wilson/Getty Images
TITLE: Trump Will ‘Torture’ Sessions Every Day Until He Resigns: Report TEXT: Trump apparently will continue the feud he started with Jeff Sessions when he said he thought Sessions had been very unfair in recusing himself from the Russia investigation. He wants someone who is going to be 100 percent blindly loyal (meaning someone who will stop any and all investigations into him and his family and open investigations into Hillary and the Democrats), and clearly, Sessions isn t it. So, according to one of Trump s close advisers, he will torture Sessions until he resigns:He wants to fire him but he doesn t want the confrontation. He doesn t mind the long negative storyline. He will torture him every single day. When Trump gets all butthurt like this, he focuses his ire on the perceived guilty party and doesn t let it go until they either cave or someone manages to convince him to let it go. Sessions, thus far, has maintained that he will not resign, and, well, Trump just can t have that.According to Politico, Trump has been whining up one side and down the other about Sessions decision to recuse himself from the Russia investigation to anyone who will listen. Not only did Trump say that was unfair to him, but he also said that, if he d known Sessions was going to take the job and then recuse himself, he would never have given him the job in the first place. To Trump, recusal in this situation is a grave abdication of responsibility and a betrayal of trust when the person doing so is supposed to be on Trump s side (if they re an opponent, of course, they must recuse over the slightest possible conflict).Sessions, for his part, doesn t seem to know what the problem is. One person close to him said that they ve spoken to people in the West Wing and nobody understands why Trump is doing this. But Trump, never one to let go of a grudge until his enemy is completely vanquished (and sometimes, not even then), reportedly wants to see how Sessions will respond to things like mockery and humiliation.If Sessions does resign, Trump will eventually turn his ire on someone else. He wants sycophants, not people who will do their jobs.Featured image via Michael Reynolds and Mark Wilson/Getty Images
Brazil's Temer faces new graft charges over JBS testimony
BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazilian President Michel Temer was charged with obstruction of justice and racketeering on Thursday, according to a statement posted on the prosecutor general s office website, threatening to delay the government s economic reform agenda in Congress. It is the second set of criminal charges filed against the president based on the plea-bargain testimony of the owners of the world s largest meatpacker, JBS SA. They accused Temer of taking bribes in return for political favors and of conspiring to buy the silence of a witness who could implicate the leader. In a statement on Thursday, Temer strongly rejected all allegations of wrongdoing. Temer s earlier corruption charge, that he took bribes from JBS officials, was blocked in August by Temer s allies in the lower house of Congress, which has the power to decide whether a president should stand trial by the Supreme Court. Despite the lower house s move to block the charges, they remain valid and can be pursued by prosecutors once Temer leaves office. His term ends on Jan. 1, 2019. Brazil s top public prosecutor Rodrigo Janot has also filed charges against Joesley Batista, the billionaire former chairman of JBS who implicated Temer. Batista was arrested on Sunday for concealing other crimes in his plea bargain deal. Batista s lawyer Antonio Carlos Kakay rejected the charges brought by Janot, arguing in a statement that the prosecutor had violated the rules of plea bargains by using his client s testimony to incriminate him. On Wednesday, Batista s brother Wesley, the chief executive officer of JBS SA, was also arrested for alleged insider trading to avoid hefty losses related to the May plea deal. Late on Thursday, Supreme Court Justice Edson Fachin converted Joesley and executive Ricardo Saud s temporary detentions into preventative detention and gave them 10 days to respond before ruling on Janot s request to withdraw their plea deal. The arrests of the Batista brothers have improved Temer s prospects of surviving the new charges and serving out his term through 2018. Temer and his allies expect the new charges to be voted in the lower house next month with wider support than he obtained in the 263-227 vote last month blocking a trial. Fachin heeded a request from Temer s defense not to deliver the accusation to the lower house until after a supreme court plenary vote on the matter. The vote should be held before Wednesday. The allegations are part of Brazil s sprawling corruption probes that have resulted in ex-President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva s conviction and four pending trials; investigations and charges implicating three former presidents and dozens of members of Congress; and guilty verdicts against well over 100 powerful business and political figures. Most of the schemes involve political kickbacks in return for contracts at government-run enterprises or cheap loans from Brazil s state development bank. The racketeering charge against Temer was based on the plea bargain testimony of L cio Funaro, a businessman who accused the president and his closest aides in the ruling PMDB party of operating a criminal organization to collect bribes in exchange for political influence. The obstruction of justice charge was based on testimony by Joesley Batista that Temer endorsed payments of hush money to try to keep Funaro from talking. A short legislative agenda ahead of an election year, the absence of public pressure to oust Temer and the lack of any convincing replacement for him are also likely to weigh in the president s favor. Given the short timetable, the general public apathy and lack of a viable alternative, it is quite possible that Brasilia will continue to punt this down the road, said Matthew Taylor, a professor at the American University in Washington.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Brazil's Temer faces new graft charges over JBS testimony TEXT: BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazilian President Michel Temer was charged with obstruction of justice and racketeering on Thursday, according to a statement posted on the prosecutor general s office website, threatening to delay the government s economic reform agenda in Congress. It is the second set of criminal charges filed against the president based on the plea-bargain testimony of the owners of the world s largest meatpacker, JBS SA. They accused Temer of taking bribes in return for political favors and of conspiring to buy the silence of a witness who could implicate the leader. In a statement on Thursday, Temer strongly rejected all allegations of wrongdoing. Temer s earlier corruption charge, that he took bribes from JBS officials, was blocked in August by Temer s allies in the lower house of Congress, which has the power to decide whether a president should stand trial by the Supreme Court. Despite the lower house s move to block the charges, they remain valid and can be pursued by prosecutors once Temer leaves office. His term ends on Jan. 1, 2019. Brazil s top public prosecutor Rodrigo Janot has also filed charges against Joesley Batista, the billionaire former chairman of JBS who implicated Temer. Batista was arrested on Sunday for concealing other crimes in his plea bargain deal. Batista s lawyer Antonio Carlos Kakay rejected the charges brought by Janot, arguing in a statement that the prosecutor had violated the rules of plea bargains by using his client s testimony to incriminate him. On Wednesday, Batista s brother Wesley, the chief executive officer of JBS SA, was also arrested for alleged insider trading to avoid hefty losses related to the May plea deal. Late on Thursday, Supreme Court Justice Edson Fachin converted Joesley and executive Ricardo Saud s temporary detentions into preventative detention and gave them 10 days to respond before ruling on Janot s request to withdraw their plea deal. The arrests of the Batista brothers have improved Temer s prospects of surviving the new charges and serving out his term through 2018. Temer and his allies expect the new charges to be voted in the lower house next month with wider support than he obtained in the 263-227 vote last month blocking a trial. Fachin heeded a request from Temer s defense not to deliver the accusation to the lower house until after a supreme court plenary vote on the matter. The vote should be held before Wednesday. The allegations are part of Brazil s sprawling corruption probes that have resulted in ex-President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva s conviction and four pending trials; investigations and charges implicating three former presidents and dozens of members of Congress; and guilty verdicts against well over 100 powerful business and political figures. Most of the schemes involve political kickbacks in return for contracts at government-run enterprises or cheap loans from Brazil s state development bank. The racketeering charge against Temer was based on the plea bargain testimony of L cio Funaro, a businessman who accused the president and his closest aides in the ruling PMDB party of operating a criminal organization to collect bribes in exchange for political influence. The obstruction of justice charge was based on testimony by Joesley Batista that Temer endorsed payments of hush money to try to keep Funaro from talking. A short legislative agenda ahead of an election year, the absence of public pressure to oust Temer and the lack of any convincing replacement for him are also likely to weigh in the president s favor. Given the short timetable, the general public apathy and lack of a viable alternative, it is quite possible that Brasilia will continue to punt this down the road, said Matthew Taylor, a professor at the American University in Washington.
TITLE: Brazil's Temer faces new graft charges over JBS testimony TEXT: BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazilian President Michel Temer was charged with obstruction of justice and racketeering on Thursday, according to a statement posted on the prosecutor general s office website, threatening to delay the government s economic reform agenda in Congress. It is the second set of criminal charges filed against the president based on the plea-bargain testimony of the owners of the world s largest meatpacker, JBS SA. They accused Temer of taking bribes in return for political favors and of conspiring to buy the silence of a witness who could implicate the leader. In a statement on Thursday, Temer strongly rejected all allegations of wrongdoing. Temer s earlier corruption charge, that he took bribes from JBS officials, was blocked in August by Temer s allies in the lower house of Congress, which has the power to decide whether a president should stand trial by the Supreme Court. Despite the lower house s move to block the charges, they remain valid and can be pursued by prosecutors once Temer leaves office. His term ends on Jan. 1, 2019. Brazil s top public prosecutor Rodrigo Janot has also filed charges against Joesley Batista, the billionaire former chairman of JBS who implicated Temer. Batista was arrested on Sunday for concealing other crimes in his plea bargain deal. Batista s lawyer Antonio Carlos Kakay rejected the charges brought by Janot, arguing in a statement that the prosecutor had violated the rules of plea bargains by using his client s testimony to incriminate him. On Wednesday, Batista s brother Wesley, the chief executive officer of JBS SA, was also arrested for alleged insider trading to avoid hefty losses related to the May plea deal. Late on Thursday, Supreme Court Justice Edson Fachin converted Joesley and executive Ricardo Saud s temporary detentions into preventative detention and gave them 10 days to respond before ruling on Janot s request to withdraw their plea deal. The arrests of the Batista brothers have improved Temer s prospects of surviving the new charges and serving out his term through 2018. Temer and his allies expect the new charges to be voted in the lower house next month with wider support than he obtained in the 263-227 vote last month blocking a trial. Fachin heeded a request from Temer s defense not to deliver the accusation to the lower house until after a supreme court plenary vote on the matter. The vote should be held before Wednesday. The allegations are part of Brazil s sprawling corruption probes that have resulted in ex-President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva s conviction and four pending trials; investigations and charges implicating three former presidents and dozens of members of Congress; and guilty verdicts against well over 100 powerful business and political figures. Most of the schemes involve political kickbacks in return for contracts at government-run enterprises or cheap loans from Brazil s state development bank. The racketeering charge against Temer was based on the plea bargain testimony of L cio Funaro, a businessman who accused the president and his closest aides in the ruling PMDB party of operating a criminal organization to collect bribes in exchange for political influence. The obstruction of justice charge was based on testimony by Joesley Batista that Temer endorsed payments of hush money to try to keep Funaro from talking. A short legislative agenda ahead of an election year, the absence of public pressure to oust Temer and the lack of any convincing replacement for him are also likely to weigh in the president s favor. Given the short timetable, the general public apathy and lack of a viable alternative, it is quite possible that Brasilia will continue to punt this down the road, said Matthew Taylor, a professor at the American University in Washington.
Trump tax reforms could depend on little-known 'scoring' panel
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump’s goal of overhauling the U.S. tax code in 2017 will depend partly on the work of an obscure congressional committee tasked with estimating how much future economic growth will result from tax cuts. Known as the Joint Committee on Taxation, or JCT, the nonpartisan panel assigns “dynamic scores” to major tax bills in Congress, based on economic models, to forecast a bill’s ultimate impact on the federal budget. The higher a tax bill’s dynamic score, the more likely it is seen as spurring growth, raising tax revenues and keeping the federal deficit in check. As Trump and Republicans in Congress plan the biggest tax reform package in a generation, the JCT has come under pressure from corporate lobbyists and other tax cut advocates who worry that too low a dynamic score could show the legislation to add billions, if not trillions of dollars to the federal deficit. “The problem is that the Joint Committee staff has adopted a whole series of assumptions that truly minimize the effects and underestimate the impact that a properly done tax reform could have,” said David Burton, an economic policy fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation think tank. A low dynamic score could force Republicans to scale back tax cuts or make the reforms temporary, severely limiting the scope of what was one of Trump’s top campaign pledges. Other analysts warn that pressure for a robust dynamic score raises the danger of a politically expedient number that could help reform pass Congress but lead to higher deficits down the road. Until last year, JCT used a variety of economic models in its arcane calculations, reflecting the uncertainties in such work. But House of Representatives Republicans changed the rules in 2015 to require that a bill’s score reflect only a single estimate of the estimated impact on the wider economy and resulting impact on tax revenues. Next year’s anticipated tax reform package would be the biggest piece of legislation that JCT has scored using this new, narrower approach, presenting the committee with a daunting challenge. JCT Chief of Staff Thomas Barthold acknowledged the challenge of dynamic scoring in an interview with Reuters. “The U.S. economy is so darn complex, you really can’t have one model that picks up all of the complexity and nuance. So the essence of modeling is to try to slim things down, try to emphasize certain points,” he said. Tax reform is still months away. But the initial legislation expected in 2017 is likely to fall somewhere between two similar but separate plans, one backed by Trump and the other by House Republicans including Speaker Paul Ryan. The proposals lean heavily for fiscal legitimacy on dynamic scoring. Even the most robust independent scores show both plans adding to the deficit. But dynamic scoring, like any economic modeling technique, is far from precise and, when it comes to fiscal policy, any theoretical flaws could lead to very real consequences for taxpayers and the U.S. economy. The JCT has included macroeconomic analyses in its tax bill scores since 2003, providing a range of estimates on economic effects built on a variety of assumptions. When Dave Camp, as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, produced a tax reform bill in 2014, JCT used two models and forecast revenue gains ranging from $50 billion to $700 billion. The committee also provided economic growth forecasts from as low as 0.2 percent to as high as 1.8 percent. The tax package likely to emerge next year will probably be even more complex than Camp’s, prompting some to worry that budgetary and economic forecasts will range even more widely. Some critics, including lobbyists for major corporations that stand to gain from big tax cuts, want JCT’s numbers to look more like the nonpartisan Tax Foundation’s, a research group whose work has been embraced by Trump and House Republicans. The Tax Foundation estimates that the House Republican tax plan would lead to a 9.1 percent higher gross domestic product over the long term, 7.7 percent higher wages and 1.7 million new full-time-equivalent jobs. It predicts the plan would reduce government revenue by $2.4 trillion over a decade, not counting macroeconomic effects, but by only $191 billion once economic growth is taken into account. By contrast, the centrist Tax Policy Center estimates the House plan would add 1 percent to GDP over 10 years and erase $2.5 trillion of revenue, even with positive macroeconomic feedback, due to higher federal debt interest.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Trump tax reforms could depend on little-known 'scoring' panel TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump’s goal of overhauling the U.S. tax code in 2017 will depend partly on the work of an obscure congressional committee tasked with estimating how much future economic growth will result from tax cuts. Known as the Joint Committee on Taxation, or JCT, the nonpartisan panel assigns “dynamic scores” to major tax bills in Congress, based on economic models, to forecast a bill’s ultimate impact on the federal budget. The higher a tax bill’s dynamic score, the more likely it is seen as spurring growth, raising tax revenues and keeping the federal deficit in check. As Trump and Republicans in Congress plan the biggest tax reform package in a generation, the JCT has come under pressure from corporate lobbyists and other tax cut advocates who worry that too low a dynamic score could show the legislation to add billions, if not trillions of dollars to the federal deficit. “The problem is that the Joint Committee staff has adopted a whole series of assumptions that truly minimize the effects and underestimate the impact that a properly done tax reform could have,” said David Burton, an economic policy fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation think tank. A low dynamic score could force Republicans to scale back tax cuts or make the reforms temporary, severely limiting the scope of what was one of Trump’s top campaign pledges. Other analysts warn that pressure for a robust dynamic score raises the danger of a politically expedient number that could help reform pass Congress but lead to higher deficits down the road. Until last year, JCT used a variety of economic models in its arcane calculations, reflecting the uncertainties in such work. But House of Representatives Republicans changed the rules in 2015 to require that a bill’s score reflect only a single estimate of the estimated impact on the wider economy and resulting impact on tax revenues. Next year’s anticipated tax reform package would be the biggest piece of legislation that JCT has scored using this new, narrower approach, presenting the committee with a daunting challenge. JCT Chief of Staff Thomas Barthold acknowledged the challenge of dynamic scoring in an interview with Reuters. “The U.S. economy is so darn complex, you really can’t have one model that picks up all of the complexity and nuance. So the essence of modeling is to try to slim things down, try to emphasize certain points,” he said. Tax reform is still months away. But the initial legislation expected in 2017 is likely to fall somewhere between two similar but separate plans, one backed by Trump and the other by House Republicans including Speaker Paul Ryan. The proposals lean heavily for fiscal legitimacy on dynamic scoring. Even the most robust independent scores show both plans adding to the deficit. But dynamic scoring, like any economic modeling technique, is far from precise and, when it comes to fiscal policy, any theoretical flaws could lead to very real consequences for taxpayers and the U.S. economy. The JCT has included macroeconomic analyses in its tax bill scores since 2003, providing a range of estimates on economic effects built on a variety of assumptions. When Dave Camp, as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, produced a tax reform bill in 2014, JCT used two models and forecast revenue gains ranging from $50 billion to $700 billion. The committee also provided economic growth forecasts from as low as 0.2 percent to as high as 1.8 percent. The tax package likely to emerge next year will probably be even more complex than Camp’s, prompting some to worry that budgetary and economic forecasts will range even more widely. Some critics, including lobbyists for major corporations that stand to gain from big tax cuts, want JCT’s numbers to look more like the nonpartisan Tax Foundation’s, a research group whose work has been embraced by Trump and House Republicans. The Tax Foundation estimates that the House Republican tax plan would lead to a 9.1 percent higher gross domestic product over the long term, 7.7 percent higher wages and 1.7 million new full-time-equivalent jobs. It predicts the plan would reduce government revenue by $2.4 trillion over a decade, not counting macroeconomic effects, but by only $191 billion once economic growth is taken into account. By contrast, the centrist Tax Policy Center estimates the House plan would add 1 percent to GDP over 10 years and erase $2.5 trillion of revenue, even with positive macroeconomic feedback, due to higher federal debt interest.
TITLE: Trump tax reforms could depend on little-known 'scoring' panel TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump’s goal of overhauling the U.S. tax code in 2017 will depend partly on the work of an obscure congressional committee tasked with estimating how much future economic growth will result from tax cuts. Known as the Joint Committee on Taxation, or JCT, the nonpartisan panel assigns “dynamic scores” to major tax bills in Congress, based on economic models, to forecast a bill’s ultimate impact on the federal budget. The higher a tax bill’s dynamic score, the more likely it is seen as spurring growth, raising tax revenues and keeping the federal deficit in check. As Trump and Republicans in Congress plan the biggest tax reform package in a generation, the JCT has come under pressure from corporate lobbyists and other tax cut advocates who worry that too low a dynamic score could show the legislation to add billions, if not trillions of dollars to the federal deficit. “The problem is that the Joint Committee staff has adopted a whole series of assumptions that truly minimize the effects and underestimate the impact that a properly done tax reform could have,” said David Burton, an economic policy fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation think tank. A low dynamic score could force Republicans to scale back tax cuts or make the reforms temporary, severely limiting the scope of what was one of Trump’s top campaign pledges. Other analysts warn that pressure for a robust dynamic score raises the danger of a politically expedient number that could help reform pass Congress but lead to higher deficits down the road. Until last year, JCT used a variety of economic models in its arcane calculations, reflecting the uncertainties in such work. But House of Representatives Republicans changed the rules in 2015 to require that a bill’s score reflect only a single estimate of the estimated impact on the wider economy and resulting impact on tax revenues. Next year’s anticipated tax reform package would be the biggest piece of legislation that JCT has scored using this new, narrower approach, presenting the committee with a daunting challenge. JCT Chief of Staff Thomas Barthold acknowledged the challenge of dynamic scoring in an interview with Reuters. “The U.S. economy is so darn complex, you really can’t have one model that picks up all of the complexity and nuance. So the essence of modeling is to try to slim things down, try to emphasize certain points,” he said. Tax reform is still months away. But the initial legislation expected in 2017 is likely to fall somewhere between two similar but separate plans, one backed by Trump and the other by House Republicans including Speaker Paul Ryan. The proposals lean heavily for fiscal legitimacy on dynamic scoring. Even the most robust independent scores show both plans adding to the deficit. But dynamic scoring, like any economic modeling technique, is far from precise and, when it comes to fiscal policy, any theoretical flaws could lead to very real consequences for taxpayers and the U.S. economy. The JCT has included macroeconomic analyses in its tax bill scores since 2003, providing a range of estimates on economic effects built on a variety of assumptions. When Dave Camp, as chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, produced a tax reform bill in 2014, JCT used two models and forecast revenue gains ranging from $50 billion to $700 billion. The committee also provided economic growth forecasts from as low as 0.2 percent to as high as 1.8 percent. The tax package likely to emerge next year will probably be even more complex than Camp’s, prompting some to worry that budgetary and economic forecasts will range even more widely. Some critics, including lobbyists for major corporations that stand to gain from big tax cuts, want JCT’s numbers to look more like the nonpartisan Tax Foundation’s, a research group whose work has been embraced by Trump and House Republicans. The Tax Foundation estimates that the House Republican tax plan would lead to a 9.1 percent higher gross domestic product over the long term, 7.7 percent higher wages and 1.7 million new full-time-equivalent jobs. It predicts the plan would reduce government revenue by $2.4 trillion over a decade, not counting macroeconomic effects, but by only $191 billion once economic growth is taken into account. By contrast, the centrist Tax Policy Center estimates the House plan would add 1 percent to GDP over 10 years and erase $2.5 trillion of revenue, even with positive macroeconomic feedback, due to higher federal debt interest.
Vice President Pence: Trump greatly concern about Irma after briefing
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence said on Sunday that President Donald Trump had directed full federal resources to help with Hurricane Irma at it batters the Florida coast and that his latest briefing on the storm caused him great concern. “Clearly the briefing that we received at Camp David this morning caused the president to have great concern for the impact of the impact of this storm moving up the west coast and the potential through heavy winds and storm surge to compromise cities and compromise lives,” Pence said during a visit to the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s headquarters with members of Trump’s Cabinet.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Vice President Pence: Trump greatly concern about Irma after briefing TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence said on Sunday that President Donald Trump had directed full federal resources to help with Hurricane Irma at it batters the Florida coast and that his latest briefing on the storm caused him great concern. “Clearly the briefing that we received at Camp David this morning caused the president to have great concern for the impact of the impact of this storm moving up the west coast and the potential through heavy winds and storm surge to compromise cities and compromise lives,” Pence said during a visit to the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s headquarters with members of Trump’s Cabinet.
TITLE: Vice President Pence: Trump greatly concern about Irma after briefing TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence said on Sunday that President Donald Trump had directed full federal resources to help with Hurricane Irma at it batters the Florida coast and that his latest briefing on the storm caused him great concern. “Clearly the briefing that we received at Camp David this morning caused the president to have great concern for the impact of the impact of this storm moving up the west coast and the potential through heavy winds and storm surge to compromise cities and compromise lives,” Pence said during a visit to the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s headquarters with members of Trump’s Cabinet.
Former NYPD VIP Security Detail Says Hillary’s Debate Stage Disappearance Was Due To “problems from [previous] brain injury”
Almost as scary as the idea that Hillary would lie about a major health concern, is the fact that we have no idea who Hillary will choose as her running mate Democrat frontrunner Hillary Clinton s disappearance from the debate stage last month left people speculating that the former First Lady took a long bathroom break, but now a law-enforcement source with inside connections is alleging that Clinton was missing from the stage due to health issues stemming from a previous brain injury.These long-lasting symptoms stemming from a concussion and blood clot, according to a neurologist, suggest Clinton is suffering from post-concussion syndrome, which can severely impact her cognitive abilities.All that said, however, Clinton s campaign maintained to Breitbart News that she is in good health and can serve as President of the United States. Strong source just told me something I suspected. Hillary s debate bathroom break wasn t that, but flare up of problems from brain injury, wrote John Cardillo on Twitter.Cardillo, who previously worked as an officer who provided VIP security details for the New York Police Department (NYPD), told Breitbart News that he knows of two additional sources who have commented about Clinton s health problems, which have even impacted her ability to walk to her car after delivering a speech. I got this from both a [federal agent] and I also got it from a New York [NYPD] guy who worked security at a Hillary event in New York City, Cardillo told Breitbart News, adding:These are two people that aren t just personal friends. I worked with one and then post law-enforcement worked with another on some related things. So, these aren t anonymous people. These are good friends. Both of them told me the same thing, that after her speeches, whether she did a talk or a policy speech, she had to sit behind she would come off the podium backstage and have to sit and rest before making it back to the car because she was so fatigued, dizzy and disoriented.Cardillo said these two security officials don t know each other and do not live in the same state, but their stories were almost identical. One of the men told him that Clinton was very pale, kind of disoriented. He said she looked like she was about to faint. She was very pale, almost sweaty. Cardillo said one of the incidents occurred while she was Secretary of State. The event worked by the NYPD official was roughly a year ago.Veteran Republican strategist Roger Stone, who previously worked with GOP frontrunner Donald Trump, told Breitbart News that he has also heard about Clinton s long-term health problems. A number of New York Democrats, very prominent, well-known, wealthy New York Democrats, told me last year that Hillary had very significant health issues and that they were surprised that she was running in view of her health problems and her lack of stamina, Stone told Breitbart News. So far, she s run a very controlled campaign, I don t think she has the physical stamina to be president, he stated. I have no doubt that Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) won t call her on it, but Trump certainly would. We also know that in the emails, of course, Huma Abedin says that she is easily confused, Stone added, referencing Clinton s close confidant Abedin comment in an email, She s often confused, referring to Clinton.Trump, Stone s former boss, certainly hasn t been shy in questioning whether Clinton has the stamina to be president. She goes out and she sees you guys for about 10 minutes, she sees you for a little while, it s all rehearsed and staged, Trump said in a recent interview on Fox News Media Buzz. They ll pick a couple of people out of the audience that are like, you know, 100 percent. She ll sit around a little plastic table, they ll talk to the people for a while. It s ridiculous, Trump added. And then she goes away for five or six days and you don t see her. She goes to sleep. Neurologist Dr. Daniel Kassicieh, D.O., reviewed news reports of Clinton s head injury in light of the recent information revealed from the security sources that are raising questions about her current health status.Kassicieh, who has run his own Sarasota, Florida, practice for 20 years, is a board-certified neurologist and the medical director of the Florida Headache and Movement Disorder Center. He is a doctor of osteopathic medicine, which is similar to a medical doctor but can involve at a minimum of 100 more classroom hours of specific training. That additional training is focused on the osteopathic or the musculoskeletal system aspects of medicine. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Neurology (FAAN) and a Fellow of the American College of Neuro-psychiatrists (FACN). Kassicieh is a registered Republican in Sarasota, but his purely medical analysis is troubling for Clinton. They were trying to poo-poo this off as a minor concussion, but I would just say that reading it and trying to take all the politics out of it, and just read it purely from a medical standpoint, Kassicieh explained:Considering the point of what happened with Hillary over this time period the timeline and then what has happened here more recently the break at the debate, I saw that and even the commentators that were sitting there made a comment that, Gee, that seems awful long for a break. Just looking at it from a neurological standpoint, the risk factors for developing post-concussion syndrome, one of them is age, and she was 65 when this happened just from a physiologic standpoint that s an older individual. Being female is a risk factor for post-concussion syndrome as well. For someone who has treated many post-concussion syndrome patients and that s what I really believe she s suffering from based on reading these reports and reading what s happened, Kassicieh said. I think she has latent post-concussion syndrome, and I can understand that as a politician they would want to be covering that up. He stated:I would say as a neurologist having seen many post-concussion syndrome patients that I would not want a president who I knew had post-concussion syndrome being president because their super high-level cognitive abilities are clearly impaired and even their routine multitasking high-stress abilities are affected because post-concussion syndrome patients in general don t tolerate even moderate work, stress-related environments.Kassicieh added that if suffering from post concussion syndrome, Clinton s symptoms could appear well beyond a year after her concussion. A transverse sinus thrombosis [blood clot] is a rare condition of a clot forming in the venous sinus cavities surrounding the brain, Kassicieh told Breitbart News, referencing an ABC News report from 2012 that detailed Clinton s head injury and blood clot following a fall. He explained:These venous sinuses drain blood out of the brain. The [injury] incidence is only about 3 per 1,000,000 adults. The transverse sinus is less commonly affected than the main sagittal venous sinus. The cause of transverse sinus clots is not well understood although trauma and dehydration have been described as risk factors. Mrs. Clinton suffered from both.Dr. Nicholas C. Bambakidis also analyzed the facts for Breitbart News. He is the director of cerebrovascular and skull base surgery, and the program director of neurological surgery at University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio, and a professor of neurosurgery and radiology at the CWRU School of Medicine in Cleveland, These types of clots are usually formed spontaneously without an obvious cause, Bambakidis said in an email:They can be associated with dehydration, a predisposition to blood clotting disorders, are more common in women and may be associated with oral contraceptive medication, severe head trauma, brain surgery, or infection. If untreated, they can progress and lead to bleeding in the brain or swelling, and a stroke or even death. The treatment is generally anticoagulation and treatment of any underlying cause.Bambakidis said that if treated early and quickly, there are no longstanding issues with a person s health. Typically, if caught early and treated adequately (as seems to have been done in this incident) there is a full recovery without any consequences (normal cognition, memory, etc), he said.Dr. Jane Orient, the executive director of the politically conservative Association of American Physicians and Surgeons also reviewed the 2012 ABC News report about Clinton s concussion and blood clot. She said she thought the ABC report appeared medically accurate. Factors predisposing to clots include air travel, dehydration, hormones, immobilization as during surgery, blood abnormalities, cancer, Orient said. Concussions can cause long-term damage including cognitive problems, even when standard studies including CT or MRI look normal. Not saying Mrs. Clinton has any of the above just speaking generally and hypothetically, she clarified.For entire story: Breitbart News
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Former NYPD VIP Security Detail Says Hillary’s Debate Stage Disappearance Was Due To “problems from [previous] brain injury” TEXT: Almost as scary as the idea that Hillary would lie about a major health concern, is the fact that we have no idea who Hillary will choose as her running mate Democrat frontrunner Hillary Clinton s disappearance from the debate stage last month left people speculating that the former First Lady took a long bathroom break, but now a law-enforcement source with inside connections is alleging that Clinton was missing from the stage due to health issues stemming from a previous brain injury.These long-lasting symptoms stemming from a concussion and blood clot, according to a neurologist, suggest Clinton is suffering from post-concussion syndrome, which can severely impact her cognitive abilities.All that said, however, Clinton s campaign maintained to Breitbart News that she is in good health and can serve as President of the United States. Strong source just told me something I suspected. Hillary s debate bathroom break wasn t that, but flare up of problems from brain injury, wrote John Cardillo on Twitter.Cardillo, who previously worked as an officer who provided VIP security details for the New York Police Department (NYPD), told Breitbart News that he knows of two additional sources who have commented about Clinton s health problems, which have even impacted her ability to walk to her car after delivering a speech. I got this from both a [federal agent] and I also got it from a New York [NYPD] guy who worked security at a Hillary event in New York City, Cardillo told Breitbart News, adding:These are two people that aren t just personal friends. I worked with one and then post law-enforcement worked with another on some related things. So, these aren t anonymous people. These are good friends. Both of them told me the same thing, that after her speeches, whether she did a talk or a policy speech, she had to sit behind she would come off the podium backstage and have to sit and rest before making it back to the car because she was so fatigued, dizzy and disoriented.Cardillo said these two security officials don t know each other and do not live in the same state, but their stories were almost identical. One of the men told him that Clinton was very pale, kind of disoriented. He said she looked like she was about to faint. She was very pale, almost sweaty. Cardillo said one of the incidents occurred while she was Secretary of State. The event worked by the NYPD official was roughly a year ago.Veteran Republican strategist Roger Stone, who previously worked with GOP frontrunner Donald Trump, told Breitbart News that he has also heard about Clinton s long-term health problems. A number of New York Democrats, very prominent, well-known, wealthy New York Democrats, told me last year that Hillary had very significant health issues and that they were surprised that she was running in view of her health problems and her lack of stamina, Stone told Breitbart News. So far, she s run a very controlled campaign, I don t think she has the physical stamina to be president, he stated. I have no doubt that Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) won t call her on it, but Trump certainly would. We also know that in the emails, of course, Huma Abedin says that she is easily confused, Stone added, referencing Clinton s close confidant Abedin comment in an email, She s often confused, referring to Clinton.Trump, Stone s former boss, certainly hasn t been shy in questioning whether Clinton has the stamina to be president. She goes out and she sees you guys for about 10 minutes, she sees you for a little while, it s all rehearsed and staged, Trump said in a recent interview on Fox News Media Buzz. They ll pick a couple of people out of the audience that are like, you know, 100 percent. She ll sit around a little plastic table, they ll talk to the people for a while. It s ridiculous, Trump added. And then she goes away for five or six days and you don t see her. She goes to sleep. Neurologist Dr. Daniel Kassicieh, D.O., reviewed news reports of Clinton s head injury in light of the recent information revealed from the security sources that are raising questions about her current health status.Kassicieh, who has run his own Sarasota, Florida, practice for 20 years, is a board-certified neurologist and the medical director of the Florida Headache and Movement Disorder Center. He is a doctor of osteopathic medicine, which is similar to a medical doctor but can involve at a minimum of 100 more classroom hours of specific training. That additional training is focused on the osteopathic or the musculoskeletal system aspects of medicine. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Neurology (FAAN) and a Fellow of the American College of Neuro-psychiatrists (FACN). Kassicieh is a registered Republican in Sarasota, but his purely medical analysis is troubling for Clinton. They were trying to poo-poo this off as a minor concussion, but I would just say that reading it and trying to take all the politics out of it, and just read it purely from a medical standpoint, Kassicieh explained:Considering the point of what happened with Hillary over this time period the timeline and then what has happened here more recently the break at the debate, I saw that and even the commentators that were sitting there made a comment that, Gee, that seems awful long for a break. Just looking at it from a neurological standpoint, the risk factors for developing post-concussion syndrome, one of them is age, and she was 65 when this happened just from a physiologic standpoint that s an older individual. Being female is a risk factor for post-concussion syndrome as well. For someone who has treated many post-concussion syndrome patients and that s what I really believe she s suffering from based on reading these reports and reading what s happened, Kassicieh said. I think she has latent post-concussion syndrome, and I can understand that as a politician they would want to be covering that up. He stated:I would say as a neurologist having seen many post-concussion syndrome patients that I would not want a president who I knew had post-concussion syndrome being president because their super high-level cognitive abilities are clearly impaired and even their routine multitasking high-stress abilities are affected because post-concussion syndrome patients in general don t tolerate even moderate work, stress-related environments.Kassicieh added that if suffering from post concussion syndrome, Clinton s symptoms could appear well beyond a year after her concussion. A transverse sinus thrombosis [blood clot] is a rare condition of a clot forming in the venous sinus cavities surrounding the brain, Kassicieh told Breitbart News, referencing an ABC News report from 2012 that detailed Clinton s head injury and blood clot following a fall. He explained:These venous sinuses drain blood out of the brain. The [injury] incidence is only about 3 per 1,000,000 adults. The transverse sinus is less commonly affected than the main sagittal venous sinus. The cause of transverse sinus clots is not well understood although trauma and dehydration have been described as risk factors. Mrs. Clinton suffered from both.Dr. Nicholas C. Bambakidis also analyzed the facts for Breitbart News. He is the director of cerebrovascular and skull base surgery, and the program director of neurological surgery at University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio, and a professor of neurosurgery and radiology at the CWRU School of Medicine in Cleveland, These types of clots are usually formed spontaneously without an obvious cause, Bambakidis said in an email:They can be associated with dehydration, a predisposition to blood clotting disorders, are more common in women and may be associated with oral contraceptive medication, severe head trauma, brain surgery, or infection. If untreated, they can progress and lead to bleeding in the brain or swelling, and a stroke or even death. The treatment is generally anticoagulation and treatment of any underlying cause.Bambakidis said that if treated early and quickly, there are no longstanding issues with a person s health. Typically, if caught early and treated adequately (as seems to have been done in this incident) there is a full recovery without any consequences (normal cognition, memory, etc), he said.Dr. Jane Orient, the executive director of the politically conservative Association of American Physicians and Surgeons also reviewed the 2012 ABC News report about Clinton s concussion and blood clot. She said she thought the ABC report appeared medically accurate. Factors predisposing to clots include air travel, dehydration, hormones, immobilization as during surgery, blood abnormalities, cancer, Orient said. Concussions can cause long-term damage including cognitive problems, even when standard studies including CT or MRI look normal. Not saying Mrs. Clinton has any of the above just speaking generally and hypothetically, she clarified.For entire story: Breitbart News
TITLE: Former NYPD VIP Security Detail Says Hillary’s Debate Stage Disappearance Was Due To “problems from [previous] brain injury” TEXT: Almost as scary as the idea that Hillary would lie about a major health concern, is the fact that we have no idea who Hillary will choose as her running mate Democrat frontrunner Hillary Clinton s disappearance from the debate stage last month left people speculating that the former First Lady took a long bathroom break, but now a law-enforcement source with inside connections is alleging that Clinton was missing from the stage due to health issues stemming from a previous brain injury.These long-lasting symptoms stemming from a concussion and blood clot, according to a neurologist, suggest Clinton is suffering from post-concussion syndrome, which can severely impact her cognitive abilities.All that said, however, Clinton s campaign maintained to Breitbart News that she is in good health and can serve as President of the United States. Strong source just told me something I suspected. Hillary s debate bathroom break wasn t that, but flare up of problems from brain injury, wrote John Cardillo on Twitter.Cardillo, who previously worked as an officer who provided VIP security details for the New York Police Department (NYPD), told Breitbart News that he knows of two additional sources who have commented about Clinton s health problems, which have even impacted her ability to walk to her car after delivering a speech. I got this from both a [federal agent] and I also got it from a New York [NYPD] guy who worked security at a Hillary event in New York City, Cardillo told Breitbart News, adding:These are two people that aren t just personal friends. I worked with one and then post law-enforcement worked with another on some related things. So, these aren t anonymous people. These are good friends. Both of them told me the same thing, that after her speeches, whether she did a talk or a policy speech, she had to sit behind she would come off the podium backstage and have to sit and rest before making it back to the car because she was so fatigued, dizzy and disoriented.Cardillo said these two security officials don t know each other and do not live in the same state, but their stories were almost identical. One of the men told him that Clinton was very pale, kind of disoriented. He said she looked like she was about to faint. She was very pale, almost sweaty. Cardillo said one of the incidents occurred while she was Secretary of State. The event worked by the NYPD official was roughly a year ago.Veteran Republican strategist Roger Stone, who previously worked with GOP frontrunner Donald Trump, told Breitbart News that he has also heard about Clinton s long-term health problems. A number of New York Democrats, very prominent, well-known, wealthy New York Democrats, told me last year that Hillary had very significant health issues and that they were surprised that she was running in view of her health problems and her lack of stamina, Stone told Breitbart News. So far, she s run a very controlled campaign, I don t think she has the physical stamina to be president, he stated. I have no doubt that Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) won t call her on it, but Trump certainly would. We also know that in the emails, of course, Huma Abedin says that she is easily confused, Stone added, referencing Clinton s close confidant Abedin comment in an email, She s often confused, referring to Clinton.Trump, Stone s former boss, certainly hasn t been shy in questioning whether Clinton has the stamina to be president. She goes out and she sees you guys for about 10 minutes, she sees you for a little while, it s all rehearsed and staged, Trump said in a recent interview on Fox News Media Buzz. They ll pick a couple of people out of the audience that are like, you know, 100 percent. She ll sit around a little plastic table, they ll talk to the people for a while. It s ridiculous, Trump added. And then she goes away for five or six days and you don t see her. She goes to sleep. Neurologist Dr. Daniel Kassicieh, D.O., reviewed news reports of Clinton s head injury in light of the recent information revealed from the security sources that are raising questions about her current health status.Kassicieh, who has run his own Sarasota, Florida, practice for 20 years, is a board-certified neurologist and the medical director of the Florida Headache and Movement Disorder Center. He is a doctor of osteopathic medicine, which is similar to a medical doctor but can involve at a minimum of 100 more classroom hours of specific training. That additional training is focused on the osteopathic or the musculoskeletal system aspects of medicine. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Neurology (FAAN) and a Fellow of the American College of Neuro-psychiatrists (FACN). Kassicieh is a registered Republican in Sarasota, but his purely medical analysis is troubling for Clinton. They were trying to poo-poo this off as a minor concussion, but I would just say that reading it and trying to take all the politics out of it, and just read it purely from a medical standpoint, Kassicieh explained:Considering the point of what happened with Hillary over this time period the timeline and then what has happened here more recently the break at the debate, I saw that and even the commentators that were sitting there made a comment that, Gee, that seems awful long for a break. Just looking at it from a neurological standpoint, the risk factors for developing post-concussion syndrome, one of them is age, and she was 65 when this happened just from a physiologic standpoint that s an older individual. Being female is a risk factor for post-concussion syndrome as well. For someone who has treated many post-concussion syndrome patients and that s what I really believe she s suffering from based on reading these reports and reading what s happened, Kassicieh said. I think she has latent post-concussion syndrome, and I can understand that as a politician they would want to be covering that up. He stated:I would say as a neurologist having seen many post-concussion syndrome patients that I would not want a president who I knew had post-concussion syndrome being president because their super high-level cognitive abilities are clearly impaired and even their routine multitasking high-stress abilities are affected because post-concussion syndrome patients in general don t tolerate even moderate work, stress-related environments.Kassicieh added that if suffering from post concussion syndrome, Clinton s symptoms could appear well beyond a year after her concussion. A transverse sinus thrombosis [blood clot] is a rare condition of a clot forming in the venous sinus cavities surrounding the brain, Kassicieh told Breitbart News, referencing an ABC News report from 2012 that detailed Clinton s head injury and blood clot following a fall. He explained:These venous sinuses drain blood out of the brain. The [injury] incidence is only about 3 per 1,000,000 adults. The transverse sinus is less commonly affected than the main sagittal venous sinus. The cause of transverse sinus clots is not well understood although trauma and dehydration have been described as risk factors. Mrs. Clinton suffered from both.Dr. Nicholas C. Bambakidis also analyzed the facts for Breitbart News. He is the director of cerebrovascular and skull base surgery, and the program director of neurological surgery at University Hospitals Case Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio, and a professor of neurosurgery and radiology at the CWRU School of Medicine in Cleveland, These types of clots are usually formed spontaneously without an obvious cause, Bambakidis said in an email:They can be associated with dehydration, a predisposition to blood clotting disorders, are more common in women and may be associated with oral contraceptive medication, severe head trauma, brain surgery, or infection. If untreated, they can progress and lead to bleeding in the brain or swelling, and a stroke or even death. The treatment is generally anticoagulation and treatment of any underlying cause.Bambakidis said that if treated early and quickly, there are no longstanding issues with a person s health. Typically, if caught early and treated adequately (as seems to have been done in this incident) there is a full recovery without any consequences (normal cognition, memory, etc), he said.Dr. Jane Orient, the executive director of the politically conservative Association of American Physicians and Surgeons also reviewed the 2012 ABC News report about Clinton s concussion and blood clot. She said she thought the ABC report appeared medically accurate. Factors predisposing to clots include air travel, dehydration, hormones, immobilization as during surgery, blood abnormalities, cancer, Orient said. Concussions can cause long-term damage including cognitive problems, even when standard studies including CT or MRI look normal. Not saying Mrs. Clinton has any of the above just speaking generally and hypothetically, she clarified.For entire story: Breitbart News
insiders threaten to expose hillarys pedophile sex ring
cloud centric c crime scene investigation
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: insiders threaten to expose hillarys pedophile sex ring TEXT: cloud centric c crime scene investigation
TITLE: insiders threaten to expose hillarys pedophile sex ring TEXT: cloud centric c crime scene investigation
U.S. agency to help Iraq recover from IS despite Trump aid cuts
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The United States is committed to helping Iraq recover from three years of war against Islamic State despite President Donald Trump cutting the foreign aid budget, a senior official in its main government aid agency has said. Thomas Staal, the Counselor of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), said the agency would continue to provide basic humanitarian services and additional support for minority groups such as psychosocial support to those who suffered genocide, slavery, and gender-based violence. The budget that the president submitted included a 30 percent cut, but for Iraq actually we are looking at additional funding, especially for the victims of Islamic State, Staal told Reuters in an interview at the U.S. embassy in Baghdad. Trump staked out his position on foreign aid on the campaign trail, casting it as a waste of U.S. tax dollars. The White House proposed slashing the budget for foreign aid by a third. Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi declared final victory over Islamic State on Saturday after Iraqi forces drove the last remnants of the group from the country, three years after the militants captured about a third of Iraq s territory. The war has had a devastating impact on the areas previously controlled by the militants. About 3.2 million people remain displaced, the United Nations says. The last estimate by Abadi put the cost of post-war reconstruction at $50 billion, a figure calculated before Iraqi forces retook Mosul, which severely damaged the biggest city in northern Iraq. The U.S. government has provided nearly $1.7 billion in humanitarian assistance for Iraq since the Islamic State takeover of the north in 2014, Staal said. That includes a total of $265 million donated to the United Nations Development Programme s Iraq stabilization fund in 2016 and 2017. USAID has asked UNDP to focus on the minority areas, said Staal, who met with Christian and Yazidi leaders during a five-day visit to Iraq. The primary request from everybody was security, said Staal, who also met with two young women who were sold into slavery by Islamic State fighters. In 2014, more than 3,000 Yezidis were killed by Islamic State in what the United Nations described as a genocidal campaign. Others were sold into sexual slavery or forced to fight. Iraq is exempted from Trump s policy of cutting aid because of the especially terrible plight experienced by Islamic State s victims, Staal said, but it was a short term focus. The long term solution is that the Iraqi government is going to have to provide services to people in a more effective, efficient way, he said. USAID is working directly with Iraqi ministries to train staff and improve efficiency, with procurement reform high up on the agenda, Staal said. Corruption is rife in all levels of government in Iraq, which in 2016 ranked 166 out of 176 countries in Transparency International s Corruption Perception Index. Abadi has repeatedly said that once Islamic State was beaten, fighting corruption would be his next focus. (The story was refiled to fix a typo in paragraph 2)
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: U.S. agency to help Iraq recover from IS despite Trump aid cuts TEXT: BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The United States is committed to helping Iraq recover from three years of war against Islamic State despite President Donald Trump cutting the foreign aid budget, a senior official in its main government aid agency has said. Thomas Staal, the Counselor of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), said the agency would continue to provide basic humanitarian services and additional support for minority groups such as psychosocial support to those who suffered genocide, slavery, and gender-based violence. The budget that the president submitted included a 30 percent cut, but for Iraq actually we are looking at additional funding, especially for the victims of Islamic State, Staal told Reuters in an interview at the U.S. embassy in Baghdad. Trump staked out his position on foreign aid on the campaign trail, casting it as a waste of U.S. tax dollars. The White House proposed slashing the budget for foreign aid by a third. Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi declared final victory over Islamic State on Saturday after Iraqi forces drove the last remnants of the group from the country, three years after the militants captured about a third of Iraq s territory. The war has had a devastating impact on the areas previously controlled by the militants. About 3.2 million people remain displaced, the United Nations says. The last estimate by Abadi put the cost of post-war reconstruction at $50 billion, a figure calculated before Iraqi forces retook Mosul, which severely damaged the biggest city in northern Iraq. The U.S. government has provided nearly $1.7 billion in humanitarian assistance for Iraq since the Islamic State takeover of the north in 2014, Staal said. That includes a total of $265 million donated to the United Nations Development Programme s Iraq stabilization fund in 2016 and 2017. USAID has asked UNDP to focus on the minority areas, said Staal, who met with Christian and Yazidi leaders during a five-day visit to Iraq. The primary request from everybody was security, said Staal, who also met with two young women who were sold into slavery by Islamic State fighters. In 2014, more than 3,000 Yezidis were killed by Islamic State in what the United Nations described as a genocidal campaign. Others were sold into sexual slavery or forced to fight. Iraq is exempted from Trump s policy of cutting aid because of the especially terrible plight experienced by Islamic State s victims, Staal said, but it was a short term focus. The long term solution is that the Iraqi government is going to have to provide services to people in a more effective, efficient way, he said. USAID is working directly with Iraqi ministries to train staff and improve efficiency, with procurement reform high up on the agenda, Staal said. Corruption is rife in all levels of government in Iraq, which in 2016 ranked 166 out of 176 countries in Transparency International s Corruption Perception Index. Abadi has repeatedly said that once Islamic State was beaten, fighting corruption would be his next focus. (The story was refiled to fix a typo in paragraph 2)
TITLE: U.S. agency to help Iraq recover from IS despite Trump aid cuts TEXT: BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The United States is committed to helping Iraq recover from three years of war against Islamic State despite President Donald Trump cutting the foreign aid budget, a senior official in its main government aid agency has said. Thomas Staal, the Counselor of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), said the agency would continue to provide basic humanitarian services and additional support for minority groups such as psychosocial support to those who suffered genocide, slavery, and gender-based violence. The budget that the president submitted included a 30 percent cut, but for Iraq actually we are looking at additional funding, especially for the victims of Islamic State, Staal told Reuters in an interview at the U.S. embassy in Baghdad. Trump staked out his position on foreign aid on the campaign trail, casting it as a waste of U.S. tax dollars. The White House proposed slashing the budget for foreign aid by a third. Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi declared final victory over Islamic State on Saturday after Iraqi forces drove the last remnants of the group from the country, three years after the militants captured about a third of Iraq s territory. The war has had a devastating impact on the areas previously controlled by the militants. About 3.2 million people remain displaced, the United Nations says. The last estimate by Abadi put the cost of post-war reconstruction at $50 billion, a figure calculated before Iraqi forces retook Mosul, which severely damaged the biggest city in northern Iraq. The U.S. government has provided nearly $1.7 billion in humanitarian assistance for Iraq since the Islamic State takeover of the north in 2014, Staal said. That includes a total of $265 million donated to the United Nations Development Programme s Iraq stabilization fund in 2016 and 2017. USAID has asked UNDP to focus on the minority areas, said Staal, who met with Christian and Yazidi leaders during a five-day visit to Iraq. The primary request from everybody was security, said Staal, who also met with two young women who were sold into slavery by Islamic State fighters. In 2014, more than 3,000 Yezidis were killed by Islamic State in what the United Nations described as a genocidal campaign. Others were sold into sexual slavery or forced to fight. Iraq is exempted from Trump s policy of cutting aid because of the especially terrible plight experienced by Islamic State s victims, Staal said, but it was a short term focus. The long term solution is that the Iraqi government is going to have to provide services to people in a more effective, efficient way, he said. USAID is working directly with Iraqi ministries to train staff and improve efficiency, with procurement reform high up on the agenda, Staal said. Corruption is rife in all levels of government in Iraq, which in 2016 ranked 166 out of 176 countries in Transparency International s Corruption Perception Index. Abadi has repeatedly said that once Islamic State was beaten, fighting corruption would be his next focus. (The story was refiled to fix a typo in paragraph 2)
Lockheed Martin CEO commits to driving down F-35 fighter's costs
(Reuters) - Lockheed Martin Corp said its Chief Executive Marillyn Hewson gave U.S. President-elect Donald Trump a personal commitment to bring down the price of its F-35 fighter jet, after he heaped pressure on the aerospace company over the cost. Lockheed’s shares fell on Friday after Trump’s message on Twitter, and after he earlier tweeted that he had asked rival Boeing Co to “price-out” an older aircraft as an alternative. Hewson said in a statement tweeted by Lockheed that the company would “aggressively” drive down the cost of the F-35, which brought in about 20 percent of Lockheed’s sales last year. Trump’s transition team did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Lockheed shares ended down nearly 1.3 percent in Friday trading on the New York Stock Exchange.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Lockheed Martin CEO commits to driving down F-35 fighter's costs TEXT: (Reuters) - Lockheed Martin Corp said its Chief Executive Marillyn Hewson gave U.S. President-elect Donald Trump a personal commitment to bring down the price of its F-35 fighter jet, after he heaped pressure on the aerospace company over the cost. Lockheed’s shares fell on Friday after Trump’s message on Twitter, and after he earlier tweeted that he had asked rival Boeing Co to “price-out” an older aircraft as an alternative. Hewson said in a statement tweeted by Lockheed that the company would “aggressively” drive down the cost of the F-35, which brought in about 20 percent of Lockheed’s sales last year. Trump’s transition team did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Lockheed shares ended down nearly 1.3 percent in Friday trading on the New York Stock Exchange.
TITLE: Lockheed Martin CEO commits to driving down F-35 fighter's costs TEXT: (Reuters) - Lockheed Martin Corp said its Chief Executive Marillyn Hewson gave U.S. President-elect Donald Trump a personal commitment to bring down the price of its F-35 fighter jet, after he heaped pressure on the aerospace company over the cost. Lockheed’s shares fell on Friday after Trump’s message on Twitter, and after he earlier tweeted that he had asked rival Boeing Co to “price-out” an older aircraft as an alternative. Hewson said in a statement tweeted by Lockheed that the company would “aggressively” drive down the cost of the F-35, which brought in about 20 percent of Lockheed’s sales last year. Trump’s transition team did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Lockheed shares ended down nearly 1.3 percent in Friday trading on the New York Stock Exchange.
John McCain Makes MASSIVE Error In Rush To Bash Obama, And It May Have Cost Him His Re-election
John McCain was already walloped by Barack Obama in a presidential election, so it s only natural that the president would be at the center of what very well end McCain s political career entirely.The man responsible for bringing Sarah Palin into our lives isn t exactly known for his impulse-control, but it appears he massively overplayed his hand in his latest rush to bash President Obama. In the days after long-time Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia passed away, McCain became one of the de facto cheerleaders for the Senate Republican plan to spend the next year preventing Obama from fulfilling his constitutional obligation to nominate a replacement.He announced that he would be standing with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in opposing any nomination until after the election which means the seat would remain unfilled for nearly a year, and perhaps a great deal longer. For Republicans, this knee-jerk obstruction was so automatic that it seems almost nobody thought it through beforehand. So quick were they to oppose Obama, that they didn t stop to think about how it would look for the party already known for saying no to issue blanket opposition to a constitutional mandate.McCain, like many of his colleagues, is now discovering that his headlong rush into obstruction may be a career-ending blunder. A new poll conducted by Public Policy Polling found that his constituents in Arizona are fed up with his antics, and his already-low favorability numbers are tanking hard.As to McCain s position, 55 percent said it made them less likely to vote for his re-election this year; 21 percent said it made them more likely to vote for him; and 24 percent said it wouldn t make any difference.The poll, which had a margin of error of plus or minus 4.2 percentage points, also indicated that just 26 percent approve of McCain s job performance while 63 percent disapprove and 12 percent were unsure.In short: Nobody in Arizona seems to have any respect for John McCain. That s not a good position to be in, because McCain is facing a tough primary and an even tougher Democratic challenger in November. Congresswoman Ann Kirkpatrick is running for McCain s seat, and wasted no time calling out the senator: Members of the U.S. Senate have an obligation to uphold the Constitution and fulfill their duties, including voting on Supreme Court nominees regardless of party affiliation, Kirkpatrick told the press via a prepared statement. John McCain used to take that responsibility seriously. Care to hazard a guess what McCain s reaction to the poll was? Here s his campaign spokeswoman: This fake poll from liberal activists is the creation of partisan Democrat hacks who have tried and failed for years to defeat John McCain. Liberal bias, right on cue.At this point in his life, McCain isn t just fighting for his continued career in politics, he s fighting for his legacy. Rather than go out with a modicum of integrity, he decided to listen to the lemmings in his party that promised him that salvation was just beyond that edge of that cliff they were headed towards. It s painful to watch. Sadly, for politicians, you are only as good as the last thing you did. McCain will go out being remembered as a deeply unpopular senator who was so blinded by his hatred of Obama that it prevented him from accomplishing anything.Featured image via Gage Skidmore/Flickr
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: John McCain Makes MASSIVE Error In Rush To Bash Obama, And It May Have Cost Him His Re-election TEXT: John McCain was already walloped by Barack Obama in a presidential election, so it s only natural that the president would be at the center of what very well end McCain s political career entirely.The man responsible for bringing Sarah Palin into our lives isn t exactly known for his impulse-control, but it appears he massively overplayed his hand in his latest rush to bash President Obama. In the days after long-time Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia passed away, McCain became one of the de facto cheerleaders for the Senate Republican plan to spend the next year preventing Obama from fulfilling his constitutional obligation to nominate a replacement.He announced that he would be standing with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in opposing any nomination until after the election which means the seat would remain unfilled for nearly a year, and perhaps a great deal longer. For Republicans, this knee-jerk obstruction was so automatic that it seems almost nobody thought it through beforehand. So quick were they to oppose Obama, that they didn t stop to think about how it would look for the party already known for saying no to issue blanket opposition to a constitutional mandate.McCain, like many of his colleagues, is now discovering that his headlong rush into obstruction may be a career-ending blunder. A new poll conducted by Public Policy Polling found that his constituents in Arizona are fed up with his antics, and his already-low favorability numbers are tanking hard.As to McCain s position, 55 percent said it made them less likely to vote for his re-election this year; 21 percent said it made them more likely to vote for him; and 24 percent said it wouldn t make any difference.The poll, which had a margin of error of plus or minus 4.2 percentage points, also indicated that just 26 percent approve of McCain s job performance while 63 percent disapprove and 12 percent were unsure.In short: Nobody in Arizona seems to have any respect for John McCain. That s not a good position to be in, because McCain is facing a tough primary and an even tougher Democratic challenger in November. Congresswoman Ann Kirkpatrick is running for McCain s seat, and wasted no time calling out the senator: Members of the U.S. Senate have an obligation to uphold the Constitution and fulfill their duties, including voting on Supreme Court nominees regardless of party affiliation, Kirkpatrick told the press via a prepared statement. John McCain used to take that responsibility seriously. Care to hazard a guess what McCain s reaction to the poll was? Here s his campaign spokeswoman: This fake poll from liberal activists is the creation of partisan Democrat hacks who have tried and failed for years to defeat John McCain. Liberal bias, right on cue.At this point in his life, McCain isn t just fighting for his continued career in politics, he s fighting for his legacy. Rather than go out with a modicum of integrity, he decided to listen to the lemmings in his party that promised him that salvation was just beyond that edge of that cliff they were headed towards. It s painful to watch. Sadly, for politicians, you are only as good as the last thing you did. McCain will go out being remembered as a deeply unpopular senator who was so blinded by his hatred of Obama that it prevented him from accomplishing anything.Featured image via Gage Skidmore/Flickr
TITLE: John McCain Makes MASSIVE Error In Rush To Bash Obama, And It May Have Cost Him His Re-election TEXT: John McCain was already walloped by Barack Obama in a presidential election, so it s only natural that the president would be at the center of what very well end McCain s political career entirely.The man responsible for bringing Sarah Palin into our lives isn t exactly known for his impulse-control, but it appears he massively overplayed his hand in his latest rush to bash President Obama. In the days after long-time Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia passed away, McCain became one of the de facto cheerleaders for the Senate Republican plan to spend the next year preventing Obama from fulfilling his constitutional obligation to nominate a replacement.He announced that he would be standing with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in opposing any nomination until after the election which means the seat would remain unfilled for nearly a year, and perhaps a great deal longer. For Republicans, this knee-jerk obstruction was so automatic that it seems almost nobody thought it through beforehand. So quick were they to oppose Obama, that they didn t stop to think about how it would look for the party already known for saying no to issue blanket opposition to a constitutional mandate.McCain, like many of his colleagues, is now discovering that his headlong rush into obstruction may be a career-ending blunder. A new poll conducted by Public Policy Polling found that his constituents in Arizona are fed up with his antics, and his already-low favorability numbers are tanking hard.As to McCain s position, 55 percent said it made them less likely to vote for his re-election this year; 21 percent said it made them more likely to vote for him; and 24 percent said it wouldn t make any difference.The poll, which had a margin of error of plus or minus 4.2 percentage points, also indicated that just 26 percent approve of McCain s job performance while 63 percent disapprove and 12 percent were unsure.In short: Nobody in Arizona seems to have any respect for John McCain. That s not a good position to be in, because McCain is facing a tough primary and an even tougher Democratic challenger in November. Congresswoman Ann Kirkpatrick is running for McCain s seat, and wasted no time calling out the senator: Members of the U.S. Senate have an obligation to uphold the Constitution and fulfill their duties, including voting on Supreme Court nominees regardless of party affiliation, Kirkpatrick told the press via a prepared statement. John McCain used to take that responsibility seriously. Care to hazard a guess what McCain s reaction to the poll was? Here s his campaign spokeswoman: This fake poll from liberal activists is the creation of partisan Democrat hacks who have tried and failed for years to defeat John McCain. Liberal bias, right on cue.At this point in his life, McCain isn t just fighting for his continued career in politics, he s fighting for his legacy. Rather than go out with a modicum of integrity, he decided to listen to the lemmings in his party that promised him that salvation was just beyond that edge of that cliff they were headed towards. It s painful to watch. Sadly, for politicians, you are only as good as the last thing you did. McCain will go out being remembered as a deeply unpopular senator who was so blinded by his hatred of Obama that it prevented him from accomplishing anything.Featured image via Gage Skidmore/Flickr
HILARIOUS! LIBERALS STUNNED When Republican Guest Won’t Play Race-Baiting Game With MSNBC Host…Cuts Off Interview [VIDEO]
On Saturday, MSNBC s Joy Reid repeatedly attempted to race-bait former Republican congressman J.D. Hayworth on her show AM Joy. NewsBusters reported that the claims that Reid threw at Hayworth ranged from false to misleading. Joy started out by asking if Hayworth had any discomfort that an undocumented woman walked into a courtroom to file a protection order against an abusive boyfriend (no mention of his residency status) and was met with ICE agents who arrested her (The job of an ICE agent is to arrest people who illegally cross our borders). An alternative version would be: A woman who has broken our laws, and living in our country ILLEGALLY, was arrested after walking into a courthouse to ask for the same protections afforded to taxpaying US citizens, after it was discovered that she is also a lawbreaker.However it wasn t until Hayworth exposed Reid s liberal hypocrisy by bringing up the fact that Elizabeth Warren is not Native-American that Reid flipped out and kicked the GOP guest off the show.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: HILARIOUS! LIBERALS STUNNED When Republican Guest Won’t Play Race-Baiting Game With MSNBC Host…Cuts Off Interview [VIDEO] TEXT: On Saturday, MSNBC s Joy Reid repeatedly attempted to race-bait former Republican congressman J.D. Hayworth on her show AM Joy. NewsBusters reported that the claims that Reid threw at Hayworth ranged from false to misleading. Joy started out by asking if Hayworth had any discomfort that an undocumented woman walked into a courtroom to file a protection order against an abusive boyfriend (no mention of his residency status) and was met with ICE agents who arrested her (The job of an ICE agent is to arrest people who illegally cross our borders). An alternative version would be: A woman who has broken our laws, and living in our country ILLEGALLY, was arrested after walking into a courthouse to ask for the same protections afforded to taxpaying US citizens, after it was discovered that she is also a lawbreaker.However it wasn t until Hayworth exposed Reid s liberal hypocrisy by bringing up the fact that Elizabeth Warren is not Native-American that Reid flipped out and kicked the GOP guest off the show.
TITLE: HILARIOUS! LIBERALS STUNNED When Republican Guest Won’t Play Race-Baiting Game With MSNBC Host…Cuts Off Interview [VIDEO] TEXT: On Saturday, MSNBC s Joy Reid repeatedly attempted to race-bait former Republican congressman J.D. Hayworth on her show AM Joy. NewsBusters reported that the claims that Reid threw at Hayworth ranged from false to misleading. Joy started out by asking if Hayworth had any discomfort that an undocumented woman walked into a courtroom to file a protection order against an abusive boyfriend (no mention of his residency status) and was met with ICE agents who arrested her (The job of an ICE agent is to arrest people who illegally cross our borders). An alternative version would be: A woman who has broken our laws, and living in our country ILLEGALLY, was arrested after walking into a courthouse to ask for the same protections afforded to taxpaying US citizens, after it was discovered that she is also a lawbreaker.However it wasn t until Hayworth exposed Reid s liberal hypocrisy by bringing up the fact that Elizabeth Warren is not Native-American that Reid flipped out and kicked the GOP guest off the show.
Cruz’s Latest Shameful Fundraising Scam Is So Absurdly Illegal It’s Like He Wants To Be Caught
To compete with his frenemy Donald Trump, Texas Senator Ted Cruz has hit upon an old, if dubious, campaign strategy: Lie, cheat, and steal his way to victory.In what is becoming a pattern with the Tea Party conservative, Cruz has yet again sent election officials scrambling to their rulebooks.Desperate for money to fund his campaign, Cruz told supporters that a group of super-secret mega-donors had personally promised him that they would match ALL of Ted s donations dollar-for-dollar within the next 48 hours. Cruz begged for people to join on this campaign buy one, get one.I just got off the phone with a few very generous supporters who after our big win in Iowa last night have pledged huge support for my campaign.For the next 48 hours, these most generous supporters have agreed to match all online donations to my campaign made through the link below.If that sounds like a scam you might find floating between your most gullible Facebook friends, that s because it just might be.The problem, as The Intercept was quick to point out, was that either Cruz is lying or breaking the law. Pick your poison, Ted.Campaign finance experts, however, say there s no way Cruz could be doing exactly what he promised without violating the law. That s because there s no way a few very generous supporters could legally be matching a large number of contributions to the campaign.The operative rule is that individual donations to campaigns are legally capped. If this money is going to his campaign, any one of those donors can only give a maximum of $2,700 [per cycle] including any money they have given before, said Fred Wertheimer, a campaign finance expert at Democracy 21.In other words, rich donors and poor donors can only donate up to a certain amount. So what s a mega-donor to do? That s where Super PACs come in. But here s the thing: Cruz can t coordinate with his Super PACS without breaking the law. So how can he be instructing his rich friends to match his campaign contributions?The other option, of course, is that Ted Cruz is lying. There are no super-secret mega-donors. Cruz just wants to get people running for their checkbooks. This is a pretty strong possibility because blatantly spreading falsehoods is absolutely in Cruz s wheelhouse.Cruz has been fairly open about running a dishonest campaign from the very beginning. Already reviled by Democrats and Republicans alike, the only way he has managed to get a leg up has been through deceit and pandering. In Iowa, Cruz s propensity for sliminess came to a head when his campaign sent out fliers telling voters they had committed Voting Violations and on the night of the caucus maliciously spreading false rumors that Ben Carson, one of Cruz s biggest rivals, had suddenly dropped out.Is it so hard to imagine that Cruz would lie to the very people who support him in order to trick them into giving him more money? Sadly, it s completely believable.Feature image via Flickr
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Cruz’s Latest Shameful Fundraising Scam Is So Absurdly Illegal It’s Like He Wants To Be Caught TEXT: To compete with his frenemy Donald Trump, Texas Senator Ted Cruz has hit upon an old, if dubious, campaign strategy: Lie, cheat, and steal his way to victory.In what is becoming a pattern with the Tea Party conservative, Cruz has yet again sent election officials scrambling to their rulebooks.Desperate for money to fund his campaign, Cruz told supporters that a group of super-secret mega-donors had personally promised him that they would match ALL of Ted s donations dollar-for-dollar within the next 48 hours. Cruz begged for people to join on this campaign buy one, get one.I just got off the phone with a few very generous supporters who after our big win in Iowa last night have pledged huge support for my campaign.For the next 48 hours, these most generous supporters have agreed to match all online donations to my campaign made through the link below.If that sounds like a scam you might find floating between your most gullible Facebook friends, that s because it just might be.The problem, as The Intercept was quick to point out, was that either Cruz is lying or breaking the law. Pick your poison, Ted.Campaign finance experts, however, say there s no way Cruz could be doing exactly what he promised without violating the law. That s because there s no way a few very generous supporters could legally be matching a large number of contributions to the campaign.The operative rule is that individual donations to campaigns are legally capped. If this money is going to his campaign, any one of those donors can only give a maximum of $2,700 [per cycle] including any money they have given before, said Fred Wertheimer, a campaign finance expert at Democracy 21.In other words, rich donors and poor donors can only donate up to a certain amount. So what s a mega-donor to do? That s where Super PACs come in. But here s the thing: Cruz can t coordinate with his Super PACS without breaking the law. So how can he be instructing his rich friends to match his campaign contributions?The other option, of course, is that Ted Cruz is lying. There are no super-secret mega-donors. Cruz just wants to get people running for their checkbooks. This is a pretty strong possibility because blatantly spreading falsehoods is absolutely in Cruz s wheelhouse.Cruz has been fairly open about running a dishonest campaign from the very beginning. Already reviled by Democrats and Republicans alike, the only way he has managed to get a leg up has been through deceit and pandering. In Iowa, Cruz s propensity for sliminess came to a head when his campaign sent out fliers telling voters they had committed Voting Violations and on the night of the caucus maliciously spreading false rumors that Ben Carson, one of Cruz s biggest rivals, had suddenly dropped out.Is it so hard to imagine that Cruz would lie to the very people who support him in order to trick them into giving him more money? Sadly, it s completely believable.Feature image via Flickr
TITLE: Cruz’s Latest Shameful Fundraising Scam Is So Absurdly Illegal It’s Like He Wants To Be Caught TEXT: To compete with his frenemy Donald Trump, Texas Senator Ted Cruz has hit upon an old, if dubious, campaign strategy: Lie, cheat, and steal his way to victory.In what is becoming a pattern with the Tea Party conservative, Cruz has yet again sent election officials scrambling to their rulebooks.Desperate for money to fund his campaign, Cruz told supporters that a group of super-secret mega-donors had personally promised him that they would match ALL of Ted s donations dollar-for-dollar within the next 48 hours. Cruz begged for people to join on this campaign buy one, get one.I just got off the phone with a few very generous supporters who after our big win in Iowa last night have pledged huge support for my campaign.For the next 48 hours, these most generous supporters have agreed to match all online donations to my campaign made through the link below.If that sounds like a scam you might find floating between your most gullible Facebook friends, that s because it just might be.The problem, as The Intercept was quick to point out, was that either Cruz is lying or breaking the law. Pick your poison, Ted.Campaign finance experts, however, say there s no way Cruz could be doing exactly what he promised without violating the law. That s because there s no way a few very generous supporters could legally be matching a large number of contributions to the campaign.The operative rule is that individual donations to campaigns are legally capped. If this money is going to his campaign, any one of those donors can only give a maximum of $2,700 [per cycle] including any money they have given before, said Fred Wertheimer, a campaign finance expert at Democracy 21.In other words, rich donors and poor donors can only donate up to a certain amount. So what s a mega-donor to do? That s where Super PACs come in. But here s the thing: Cruz can t coordinate with his Super PACS without breaking the law. So how can he be instructing his rich friends to match his campaign contributions?The other option, of course, is that Ted Cruz is lying. There are no super-secret mega-donors. Cruz just wants to get people running for their checkbooks. This is a pretty strong possibility because blatantly spreading falsehoods is absolutely in Cruz s wheelhouse.Cruz has been fairly open about running a dishonest campaign from the very beginning. Already reviled by Democrats and Republicans alike, the only way he has managed to get a leg up has been through deceit and pandering. In Iowa, Cruz s propensity for sliminess came to a head when his campaign sent out fliers telling voters they had committed Voting Violations and on the night of the caucus maliciously spreading false rumors that Ben Carson, one of Cruz s biggest rivals, had suddenly dropped out.Is it so hard to imagine that Cruz would lie to the very people who support him in order to trick them into giving him more money? Sadly, it s completely believable.Feature image via Flickr
Wow! Japan’s Prime Minister Literally Did A Back Flip Into A Bunker During Golf With Trump [Video]
Japan s prime minister did something so discreetly that not even President Trump saw it! You won t believe this:The prime minister said his round of golf with visiting President Donald Trump was a good chance to relax and discuss difficult issues. It also was an opportunity to display some nimble gymnastics, according to Japan s TV Tokyo. The television network flew a helicopter over the Kasumigaseki Country Club on Sunday to capture the highly anticipated informal game.HERE S WHAT HAPPENED:It broadcast a video showing a player identified as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe trying repeatedly to hit his ball out of a steep bunker. As he finally made the shot, Trump began walking away, and Abe ran up the side of the bunker to catch up. But just as the 63-year-old prime minister stepped onto the grass, he slipped, making a backward flip down into the sand. He quickly stood up and picked up his cap.Trump apparently never noticed the flip as he walked away, his back to Abe. An attendant raking the sand also continued his work.Tabloid magazines raised questions over whether the two leaders really talked during the game. The popular Nikkan Gendai said they had little conversation, with Abe often falling behind Trump, who reportedly spent much of his time chatting with a third player, renowned Japanese pro Hideki Matsuyama.READ MORE: SFGATE
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Wow! Japan’s Prime Minister Literally Did A Back Flip Into A Bunker During Golf With Trump [Video] TEXT: Japan s prime minister did something so discreetly that not even President Trump saw it! You won t believe this:The prime minister said his round of golf with visiting President Donald Trump was a good chance to relax and discuss difficult issues. It also was an opportunity to display some nimble gymnastics, according to Japan s TV Tokyo. The television network flew a helicopter over the Kasumigaseki Country Club on Sunday to capture the highly anticipated informal game.HERE S WHAT HAPPENED:It broadcast a video showing a player identified as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe trying repeatedly to hit his ball out of a steep bunker. As he finally made the shot, Trump began walking away, and Abe ran up the side of the bunker to catch up. But just as the 63-year-old prime minister stepped onto the grass, he slipped, making a backward flip down into the sand. He quickly stood up and picked up his cap.Trump apparently never noticed the flip as he walked away, his back to Abe. An attendant raking the sand also continued his work.Tabloid magazines raised questions over whether the two leaders really talked during the game. The popular Nikkan Gendai said they had little conversation, with Abe often falling behind Trump, who reportedly spent much of his time chatting with a third player, renowned Japanese pro Hideki Matsuyama.READ MORE: SFGATE
TITLE: Wow! Japan’s Prime Minister Literally Did A Back Flip Into A Bunker During Golf With Trump [Video] TEXT: Japan s prime minister did something so discreetly that not even President Trump saw it! You won t believe this:The prime minister said his round of golf with visiting President Donald Trump was a good chance to relax and discuss difficult issues. It also was an opportunity to display some nimble gymnastics, according to Japan s TV Tokyo. The television network flew a helicopter over the Kasumigaseki Country Club on Sunday to capture the highly anticipated informal game.HERE S WHAT HAPPENED:It broadcast a video showing a player identified as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe trying repeatedly to hit his ball out of a steep bunker. As he finally made the shot, Trump began walking away, and Abe ran up the side of the bunker to catch up. But just as the 63-year-old prime minister stepped onto the grass, he slipped, making a backward flip down into the sand. He quickly stood up and picked up his cap.Trump apparently never noticed the flip as he walked away, his back to Abe. An attendant raking the sand also continued his work.Tabloid magazines raised questions over whether the two leaders really talked during the game. The popular Nikkan Gendai said they had little conversation, with Abe often falling behind Trump, who reportedly spent much of his time chatting with a third player, renowned Japanese pro Hideki Matsuyama.READ MORE: SFGATE
BUSTED: Growing Evidence Supports Claim Cruz Intentionally Lied About Carson Dropping Out (AUDIO)
Ted Cruz has a lot of explaining to do regarding the actions of his campaign staff. Cruz s campaign took a report that Ben Carson was diverting to Florida after the Iowa Caucus, without heading to New Hampshire, and very selectively cherry picked it to mean that Ben Carson was suspending his campaign and/or dropping out of the presidential race. This was immediately followed by a plea to Cruz workers to tell all Carson caucus-goers this falsehood while encouraging them to caucus for Ted Cruz instead.Carson s own campaign clarified at 6:53 pm he was not dropping out of the race. Cruz s deputy Iowa campaign manager sent an email at 6:56 pm, 3 minutes after Carson clarified things, saying Carson was taking time off from the campaign trail after Iowa and making a big announcement next week. The email also said to inform any Carson caucus goers of this and convince them to support Cruz instead. The first phone call by the campaign to a Cruz precinct captain in Iowa came in at 7:07 pm, with the same instructions to tell Carson supporters to caucus for Cruz instead. Another phone call came in at 7:29 pm. Both calls came after CNN also clarified that Carson was not suspending his campaign.The Cruz campaign has so far insisted that they were acting on an accurate report that Carson was suspending campaigning after the Iowa caucus. The thing is, there doesn t seem to be any accurate report that exists. Cruz had blamed CNN for reporting that Carson suspended his campaign, but CNN did no such thing. Iowa Republican Steve King linked to CNN s report then inferred on his own that Carson was quitting the campaign. King clearly was clueless, because CNN said no such thing. However, the fact Cruz took King s word for it without reading the actual article he linked is hard to believe. Cruz might claim they just made a mistake but it seriously strains credulity to think they are that inept.Nancy Bliesman, a precinct captain for Cruz received the voicemails because she didn t take the calls as they were coming in. This prevented her from unknowingly lying to Carson voters. It isn t immediately known how many other precinct captains or other campaign workers may have gotten the misinformation and acted on it. One thing is for sure, this puts a stain on Cruz s win and could prove problematic for him in future caucuses once voters get wind of his shenanigans.Listen to the voicemails that were sent by the Cruz campaign below:Featured image from Flickr
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: BUSTED: Growing Evidence Supports Claim Cruz Intentionally Lied About Carson Dropping Out (AUDIO) TEXT: Ted Cruz has a lot of explaining to do regarding the actions of his campaign staff. Cruz s campaign took a report that Ben Carson was diverting to Florida after the Iowa Caucus, without heading to New Hampshire, and very selectively cherry picked it to mean that Ben Carson was suspending his campaign and/or dropping out of the presidential race. This was immediately followed by a plea to Cruz workers to tell all Carson caucus-goers this falsehood while encouraging them to caucus for Ted Cruz instead.Carson s own campaign clarified at 6:53 pm he was not dropping out of the race. Cruz s deputy Iowa campaign manager sent an email at 6:56 pm, 3 minutes after Carson clarified things, saying Carson was taking time off from the campaign trail after Iowa and making a big announcement next week. The email also said to inform any Carson caucus goers of this and convince them to support Cruz instead. The first phone call by the campaign to a Cruz precinct captain in Iowa came in at 7:07 pm, with the same instructions to tell Carson supporters to caucus for Cruz instead. Another phone call came in at 7:29 pm. Both calls came after CNN also clarified that Carson was not suspending his campaign.The Cruz campaign has so far insisted that they were acting on an accurate report that Carson was suspending campaigning after the Iowa caucus. The thing is, there doesn t seem to be any accurate report that exists. Cruz had blamed CNN for reporting that Carson suspended his campaign, but CNN did no such thing. Iowa Republican Steve King linked to CNN s report then inferred on his own that Carson was quitting the campaign. King clearly was clueless, because CNN said no such thing. However, the fact Cruz took King s word for it without reading the actual article he linked is hard to believe. Cruz might claim they just made a mistake but it seriously strains credulity to think they are that inept.Nancy Bliesman, a precinct captain for Cruz received the voicemails because she didn t take the calls as they were coming in. This prevented her from unknowingly lying to Carson voters. It isn t immediately known how many other precinct captains or other campaign workers may have gotten the misinformation and acted on it. One thing is for sure, this puts a stain on Cruz s win and could prove problematic for him in future caucuses once voters get wind of his shenanigans.Listen to the voicemails that were sent by the Cruz campaign below:Featured image from Flickr
TITLE: BUSTED: Growing Evidence Supports Claim Cruz Intentionally Lied About Carson Dropping Out (AUDIO) TEXT: Ted Cruz has a lot of explaining to do regarding the actions of his campaign staff. Cruz s campaign took a report that Ben Carson was diverting to Florida after the Iowa Caucus, without heading to New Hampshire, and very selectively cherry picked it to mean that Ben Carson was suspending his campaign and/or dropping out of the presidential race. This was immediately followed by a plea to Cruz workers to tell all Carson caucus-goers this falsehood while encouraging them to caucus for Ted Cruz instead.Carson s own campaign clarified at 6:53 pm he was not dropping out of the race. Cruz s deputy Iowa campaign manager sent an email at 6:56 pm, 3 minutes after Carson clarified things, saying Carson was taking time off from the campaign trail after Iowa and making a big announcement next week. The email also said to inform any Carson caucus goers of this and convince them to support Cruz instead. The first phone call by the campaign to a Cruz precinct captain in Iowa came in at 7:07 pm, with the same instructions to tell Carson supporters to caucus for Cruz instead. Another phone call came in at 7:29 pm. Both calls came after CNN also clarified that Carson was not suspending his campaign.The Cruz campaign has so far insisted that they were acting on an accurate report that Carson was suspending campaigning after the Iowa caucus. The thing is, there doesn t seem to be any accurate report that exists. Cruz had blamed CNN for reporting that Carson suspended his campaign, but CNN did no such thing. Iowa Republican Steve King linked to CNN s report then inferred on his own that Carson was quitting the campaign. King clearly was clueless, because CNN said no such thing. However, the fact Cruz took King s word for it without reading the actual article he linked is hard to believe. Cruz might claim they just made a mistake but it seriously strains credulity to think they are that inept.Nancy Bliesman, a precinct captain for Cruz received the voicemails because she didn t take the calls as they were coming in. This prevented her from unknowingly lying to Carson voters. It isn t immediately known how many other precinct captains or other campaign workers may have gotten the misinformation and acted on it. One thing is for sure, this puts a stain on Cruz s win and could prove problematic for him in future caucuses once voters get wind of his shenanigans.Listen to the voicemails that were sent by the Cruz campaign below:Featured image from Flickr
Lawmakers should OK relief for Harvey victims: Nancy Pelosi
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives’ Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said on Monday that Republicans and Democrats should join together to pass timely relief for victims of Tropical Storm Harvey, which has been hitting Texas with historic flooding. “Republicans must be ready to join Democrats in passing a timely relief bill that makes all necessary resources available through emergency spending,” Pelosi said in a statement. She also said that because the National Flood Insurance Program is expiring at the end of September, lawmakers must move quickly to ensure that affordable flood insurance continues to be available.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Lawmakers should OK relief for Harvey victims: Nancy Pelosi TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives’ Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said on Monday that Republicans and Democrats should join together to pass timely relief for victims of Tropical Storm Harvey, which has been hitting Texas with historic flooding. “Republicans must be ready to join Democrats in passing a timely relief bill that makes all necessary resources available through emergency spending,” Pelosi said in a statement. She also said that because the National Flood Insurance Program is expiring at the end of September, lawmakers must move quickly to ensure that affordable flood insurance continues to be available.
TITLE: Lawmakers should OK relief for Harvey victims: Nancy Pelosi TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives’ Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi said on Monday that Republicans and Democrats should join together to pass timely relief for victims of Tropical Storm Harvey, which has been hitting Texas with historic flooding. “Republicans must be ready to join Democrats in passing a timely relief bill that makes all necessary resources available through emergency spending,” Pelosi said in a statement. She also said that because the National Flood Insurance Program is expiring at the end of September, lawmakers must move quickly to ensure that affordable flood insurance continues to be available.
Twitter Just Apologized For Making Donald Trump President
I think that maybe I wouldn t be here if it wasn t for Twitter, Donald Trump told Fox News earlier this year. This possibility apparently has Twitter co-founder Evan Williams staying up at night, as he just apologized for any role Twitter played in putting Orange Mussolini in the White House. It s a very bad thing, Twitter s role in that, Williams told the New York Times in an article published Saturday. If it s true that he wouldn t be president if it weren t for Twitter, then yeah, I m sorry. This isn t the first time Williams has expressed dismay at the impact of social media on Trump s message of hate. What we tend to forget is that Zeus was so pissed at Prometheus that he chained him to a rock so eagles could peck out his guts for eternity, he said in a commencement speech at the University of Nebraska earlier this month. Some would say that s what we deserve for giving the power of tweets to Donald Trump. Unfortunately, Trump is correct that Twitter played a huge role in swinging his election his way especially with numerous paid Russian trolls on his side spreading lies about his opponent.Even more unfortunately, the lies and hate he continues to tweet as President* are continuing to have a deleterious impact on our nation.Featured image via Getty Images/Pool
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Twitter Just Apologized For Making Donald Trump President TEXT: I think that maybe I wouldn t be here if it wasn t for Twitter, Donald Trump told Fox News earlier this year. This possibility apparently has Twitter co-founder Evan Williams staying up at night, as he just apologized for any role Twitter played in putting Orange Mussolini in the White House. It s a very bad thing, Twitter s role in that, Williams told the New York Times in an article published Saturday. If it s true that he wouldn t be president if it weren t for Twitter, then yeah, I m sorry. This isn t the first time Williams has expressed dismay at the impact of social media on Trump s message of hate. What we tend to forget is that Zeus was so pissed at Prometheus that he chained him to a rock so eagles could peck out his guts for eternity, he said in a commencement speech at the University of Nebraska earlier this month. Some would say that s what we deserve for giving the power of tweets to Donald Trump. Unfortunately, Trump is correct that Twitter played a huge role in swinging his election his way especially with numerous paid Russian trolls on his side spreading lies about his opponent.Even more unfortunately, the lies and hate he continues to tweet as President* are continuing to have a deleterious impact on our nation.Featured image via Getty Images/Pool
TITLE: Twitter Just Apologized For Making Donald Trump President TEXT: I think that maybe I wouldn t be here if it wasn t for Twitter, Donald Trump told Fox News earlier this year. This possibility apparently has Twitter co-founder Evan Williams staying up at night, as he just apologized for any role Twitter played in putting Orange Mussolini in the White House. It s a very bad thing, Twitter s role in that, Williams told the New York Times in an article published Saturday. If it s true that he wouldn t be president if it weren t for Twitter, then yeah, I m sorry. This isn t the first time Williams has expressed dismay at the impact of social media on Trump s message of hate. What we tend to forget is that Zeus was so pissed at Prometheus that he chained him to a rock so eagles could peck out his guts for eternity, he said in a commencement speech at the University of Nebraska earlier this month. Some would say that s what we deserve for giving the power of tweets to Donald Trump. Unfortunately, Trump is correct that Twitter played a huge role in swinging his election his way especially with numerous paid Russian trolls on his side spreading lies about his opponent.Even more unfortunately, the lies and hate he continues to tweet as President* are continuing to have a deleterious impact on our nation.Featured image via Getty Images/Pool
Christie slammed on social media, New Jersey press urges resignation
NEW YORK (Reuters) - New Jersey Governor Chris Christie took a drubbing on social media for his demeanor in an appearance with Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump at a televised victory speech and news conference on Super Tuesday. Adding to his woes, six New Jersey newspapers called on Christie to resign, partly for endorsing Trump after dropping out of the race to become the Republican Party’s candidate in November’s election. A Christie spokesman, Brian Murray, declined to comment immediately on the editorial, which appeared in newspapers owned by Gannett Co Inc (GCI.N). Christie surprisingly endorsed Trump on Friday, calling the billionaire New York businessman “the best person to beat Hillary Clinton in November.” Some questioned whether Christie’s enthusiasm was genuine following his appearance at Trump’s event in Palm Beach, Florida on Tuesday night. Trump appeared before TV cameras after news media organizations declared him the winner of some of the state-by-state primaries and caucuses and as Super Tuesday results continued rolling in. Christie introduced Trump, then stood behind and just to the right of the brash billionaire. The governor stared blankly ahead, at times looking troubled, as Trump took reporters’ questions. The reaction to Christie’s demeanor was swift and unforgiving on social media. “This is what a man collapsing under the weight of his own shame looks like,” Sean D. Illing (@sean_illing) tweeted on Tuesday. “Did #ChrisChristie look pathetic standing behind #Trump, or what?!?” Karen Walz (@khwalz) tweeted on Wednesday. News website BuzzFeed on Tuesday evening tweeted a clip of the video footage set to the classic Simon and Garfunkel song “Sounds of Silence,” with the caption “Hello darkness, my old friend,” a lyric from the song. Christie spokesman Murray would not comment on the social media reaction, saying in an email, “I’ll let you know when we opt to slide down into that muck.” In the editorial calling on Christie to resign, the six newspapers, including the Asbury Park Press, called his endorsement hypocritical. “We’re disgusted with (Christie’s) endorsement of Donald Trump after he spent months on the campaign trail trashing him, calling him unqualified by temperament and experience to be president,” the editorial read. Christie, serving the second of two four-year terms, is not slated to leave office until December 2017. (Reporting By Amy Tennery in New York; Additional reporting by Gina Cherelus in New York) This article was funded in part by SAP. It was independently created by the Reuters editorial staff. SAP had no editorial involvement in its creation or production.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Christie slammed on social media, New Jersey press urges resignation TEXT: NEW YORK (Reuters) - New Jersey Governor Chris Christie took a drubbing on social media for his demeanor in an appearance with Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump at a televised victory speech and news conference on Super Tuesday. Adding to his woes, six New Jersey newspapers called on Christie to resign, partly for endorsing Trump after dropping out of the race to become the Republican Party’s candidate in November’s election. A Christie spokesman, Brian Murray, declined to comment immediately on the editorial, which appeared in newspapers owned by Gannett Co Inc (GCI.N). Christie surprisingly endorsed Trump on Friday, calling the billionaire New York businessman “the best person to beat Hillary Clinton in November.” Some questioned whether Christie’s enthusiasm was genuine following his appearance at Trump’s event in Palm Beach, Florida on Tuesday night. Trump appeared before TV cameras after news media organizations declared him the winner of some of the state-by-state primaries and caucuses and as Super Tuesday results continued rolling in. Christie introduced Trump, then stood behind and just to the right of the brash billionaire. The governor stared blankly ahead, at times looking troubled, as Trump took reporters’ questions. The reaction to Christie’s demeanor was swift and unforgiving on social media. “This is what a man collapsing under the weight of his own shame looks like,” Sean D. Illing (@sean_illing) tweeted on Tuesday. “Did #ChrisChristie look pathetic standing behind #Trump, or what?!?” Karen Walz (@khwalz) tweeted on Wednesday. News website BuzzFeed on Tuesday evening tweeted a clip of the video footage set to the classic Simon and Garfunkel song “Sounds of Silence,” with the caption “Hello darkness, my old friend,” a lyric from the song. Christie spokesman Murray would not comment on the social media reaction, saying in an email, “I’ll let you know when we opt to slide down into that muck.” In the editorial calling on Christie to resign, the six newspapers, including the Asbury Park Press, called his endorsement hypocritical. “We’re disgusted with (Christie’s) endorsement of Donald Trump after he spent months on the campaign trail trashing him, calling him unqualified by temperament and experience to be president,” the editorial read. Christie, serving the second of two four-year terms, is not slated to leave office until December 2017. (Reporting By Amy Tennery in New York; Additional reporting by Gina Cherelus in New York) This article was funded in part by SAP. It was independently created by the Reuters editorial staff. SAP had no editorial involvement in its creation or production.
TITLE: Christie slammed on social media, New Jersey press urges resignation TEXT: NEW YORK (Reuters) - New Jersey Governor Chris Christie took a drubbing on social media for his demeanor in an appearance with Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump at a televised victory speech and news conference on Super Tuesday. Adding to his woes, six New Jersey newspapers called on Christie to resign, partly for endorsing Trump after dropping out of the race to become the Republican Party’s candidate in November’s election. A Christie spokesman, Brian Murray, declined to comment immediately on the editorial, which appeared in newspapers owned by Gannett Co Inc (GCI.N). Christie surprisingly endorsed Trump on Friday, calling the billionaire New York businessman “the best person to beat Hillary Clinton in November.” Some questioned whether Christie’s enthusiasm was genuine following his appearance at Trump’s event in Palm Beach, Florida on Tuesday night. Trump appeared before TV cameras after news media organizations declared him the winner of some of the state-by-state primaries and caucuses and as Super Tuesday results continued rolling in. Christie introduced Trump, then stood behind and just to the right of the brash billionaire. The governor stared blankly ahead, at times looking troubled, as Trump took reporters’ questions. The reaction to Christie’s demeanor was swift and unforgiving on social media. “This is what a man collapsing under the weight of his own shame looks like,” Sean D. Illing (@sean_illing) tweeted on Tuesday. “Did #ChrisChristie look pathetic standing behind #Trump, or what?!?” Karen Walz (@khwalz) tweeted on Wednesday. News website BuzzFeed on Tuesday evening tweeted a clip of the video footage set to the classic Simon and Garfunkel song “Sounds of Silence,” with the caption “Hello darkness, my old friend,” a lyric from the song. Christie spokesman Murray would not comment on the social media reaction, saying in an email, “I’ll let you know when we opt to slide down into that muck.” In the editorial calling on Christie to resign, the six newspapers, including the Asbury Park Press, called his endorsement hypocritical. “We’re disgusted with (Christie’s) endorsement of Donald Trump after he spent months on the campaign trail trashing him, calling him unqualified by temperament and experience to be president,” the editorial read. Christie, serving the second of two four-year terms, is not slated to leave office until December 2017. (Reporting By Amy Tennery in New York; Additional reporting by Gina Cherelus in New York) This article was funded in part by SAP. It was independently created by the Reuters editorial staff. SAP had no editorial involvement in its creation or production.
U.S. allies show support for strikes on Syria
(Reuters) - U.S. allies expressed support on Friday for Washington’s missile strikes on Syria, calling them a proportionate response to Syrian forces’ suspected use of chemical weapons. The strikes were denounced as illegal by Syria and its allies Russia and Iran. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called on the world "to reject such policies, which bring only destruction and danger to the region and the globe". (Graphic locator map on attack - tmsnrt.rs/2nm68H0) Iraq criticized “hasty interventions” in an apparent comment on the U.S. action. But a wide range of U.S. allies from Asia, Europe and the Middle East expressed support, if sometimes cautiously, in similar terms. “The U.K. government fully supports the U.S. action, which we believe was an appropriate response to the barbaric chemical weapons attack launched by the Syrian regime and is intended to deter further attacks,” a British government spokesman said. Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told reporters: “Many innocent people became victims from the chemical attacks. “Japan supports the U.S. government’s determination to prevent the spread and use of chemical weapons,” he said. Turkey viewed the strikes positively and the international community should sustain its stance against the “barbarity” of the Syrian government, Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus said. In an interview with Turkish broadcaster Fox TV, Kurtulmus said Assad’s government must be punished in the international arena and the peace process in Syria needed to be accelerated. French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said Russia and Iran needed to understand that supporting Assad made no sense and that the escalation of the U.S. military role in Syria was a “warning” to “a criminal regime”. “Use of chemical weapons is appalling and should be punished because it is a war crime,” Ayrault told Reuters and France Info radio. French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel issued statements saying Assad was solely to blame for the air strikes. The Dutch government said: “The United States has given a clear signal that the use of poison gas crosses a line.” It also labeled the strikes a “proportionate” response. “U.S. strikes show needed resolve against barbaric chemical attacks. EU will work with the US to end brutality in Syria,” the chairman of the council of EU leaders, Donald Tusk, said on Twitter. Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said the strikes sent “a vitally important message” that the world would not tolerate the use of chemical weapons. “The retribution has been proportionate and it has been swift,” he told reporters in Sydney. “We support the United States in that swift action.” Saudi Arabia and Qatar, which back rebels fighting Assad, said they supported the U.S. strikes and held only the Syrian government responsible for the attacks. Other Gulf countries, including the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Kuwait, also expressed support for the attacks. Some countries expressed reservations about the U.S. decision to launch strikes without authorization from the U.N. Security Council. Indonesia, home to the world’s largest Muslim population, condemned the use of chemical weapons in Syria. “At the same time, Indonesia is concerned with unilateral actions by any parties, including the use of Tomahawk missiles, in responding to the chemical weapon attack tragedy in Syria,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Armanatha Nasir said in a text message. “Military actions, undertaken without prior authorization of the U.N. Security Council, are not in line with international legal principles in the peaceful settlement of disputes, as stipulated in the U.N. Charter.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: U.S. allies show support for strikes on Syria TEXT: (Reuters) - U.S. allies expressed support on Friday for Washington’s missile strikes on Syria, calling them a proportionate response to Syrian forces’ suspected use of chemical weapons. The strikes were denounced as illegal by Syria and its allies Russia and Iran. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called on the world "to reject such policies, which bring only destruction and danger to the region and the globe". (Graphic locator map on attack - tmsnrt.rs/2nm68H0) Iraq criticized “hasty interventions” in an apparent comment on the U.S. action. But a wide range of U.S. allies from Asia, Europe and the Middle East expressed support, if sometimes cautiously, in similar terms. “The U.K. government fully supports the U.S. action, which we believe was an appropriate response to the barbaric chemical weapons attack launched by the Syrian regime and is intended to deter further attacks,” a British government spokesman said. Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told reporters: “Many innocent people became victims from the chemical attacks. “Japan supports the U.S. government’s determination to prevent the spread and use of chemical weapons,” he said. Turkey viewed the strikes positively and the international community should sustain its stance against the “barbarity” of the Syrian government, Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus said. In an interview with Turkish broadcaster Fox TV, Kurtulmus said Assad’s government must be punished in the international arena and the peace process in Syria needed to be accelerated. French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said Russia and Iran needed to understand that supporting Assad made no sense and that the escalation of the U.S. military role in Syria was a “warning” to “a criminal regime”. “Use of chemical weapons is appalling and should be punished because it is a war crime,” Ayrault told Reuters and France Info radio. French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel issued statements saying Assad was solely to blame for the air strikes. The Dutch government said: “The United States has given a clear signal that the use of poison gas crosses a line.” It also labeled the strikes a “proportionate” response. “U.S. strikes show needed resolve against barbaric chemical attacks. EU will work with the US to end brutality in Syria,” the chairman of the council of EU leaders, Donald Tusk, said on Twitter. Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said the strikes sent “a vitally important message” that the world would not tolerate the use of chemical weapons. “The retribution has been proportionate and it has been swift,” he told reporters in Sydney. “We support the United States in that swift action.” Saudi Arabia and Qatar, which back rebels fighting Assad, said they supported the U.S. strikes and held only the Syrian government responsible for the attacks. Other Gulf countries, including the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Kuwait, also expressed support for the attacks. Some countries expressed reservations about the U.S. decision to launch strikes without authorization from the U.N. Security Council. Indonesia, home to the world’s largest Muslim population, condemned the use of chemical weapons in Syria. “At the same time, Indonesia is concerned with unilateral actions by any parties, including the use of Tomahawk missiles, in responding to the chemical weapon attack tragedy in Syria,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Armanatha Nasir said in a text message. “Military actions, undertaken without prior authorization of the U.N. Security Council, are not in line with international legal principles in the peaceful settlement of disputes, as stipulated in the U.N. Charter.”
TITLE: U.S. allies show support for strikes on Syria TEXT: (Reuters) - U.S. allies expressed support on Friday for Washington’s missile strikes on Syria, calling them a proportionate response to Syrian forces’ suspected use of chemical weapons. The strikes were denounced as illegal by Syria and its allies Russia and Iran. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called on the world "to reject such policies, which bring only destruction and danger to the region and the globe". (Graphic locator map on attack - tmsnrt.rs/2nm68H0) Iraq criticized “hasty interventions” in an apparent comment on the U.S. action. But a wide range of U.S. allies from Asia, Europe and the Middle East expressed support, if sometimes cautiously, in similar terms. “The U.K. government fully supports the U.S. action, which we believe was an appropriate response to the barbaric chemical weapons attack launched by the Syrian regime and is intended to deter further attacks,” a British government spokesman said. Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told reporters: “Many innocent people became victims from the chemical attacks. “Japan supports the U.S. government’s determination to prevent the spread and use of chemical weapons,” he said. Turkey viewed the strikes positively and the international community should sustain its stance against the “barbarity” of the Syrian government, Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus said. In an interview with Turkish broadcaster Fox TV, Kurtulmus said Assad’s government must be punished in the international arena and the peace process in Syria needed to be accelerated. French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said Russia and Iran needed to understand that supporting Assad made no sense and that the escalation of the U.S. military role in Syria was a “warning” to “a criminal regime”. “Use of chemical weapons is appalling and should be punished because it is a war crime,” Ayrault told Reuters and France Info radio. French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel issued statements saying Assad was solely to blame for the air strikes. The Dutch government said: “The United States has given a clear signal that the use of poison gas crosses a line.” It also labeled the strikes a “proportionate” response. “U.S. strikes show needed resolve against barbaric chemical attacks. EU will work with the US to end brutality in Syria,” the chairman of the council of EU leaders, Donald Tusk, said on Twitter. Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said the strikes sent “a vitally important message” that the world would not tolerate the use of chemical weapons. “The retribution has been proportionate and it has been swift,” he told reporters in Sydney. “We support the United States in that swift action.” Saudi Arabia and Qatar, which back rebels fighting Assad, said they supported the U.S. strikes and held only the Syrian government responsible for the attacks. Other Gulf countries, including the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Kuwait, also expressed support for the attacks. Some countries expressed reservations about the U.S. decision to launch strikes without authorization from the U.N. Security Council. Indonesia, home to the world’s largest Muslim population, condemned the use of chemical weapons in Syria. “At the same time, Indonesia is concerned with unilateral actions by any parties, including the use of Tomahawk missiles, in responding to the chemical weapon attack tragedy in Syria,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Armanatha Nasir said in a text message. “Military actions, undertaken without prior authorization of the U.N. Security Council, are not in line with international legal principles in the peaceful settlement of disputes, as stipulated in the U.N. Charter.”
NEW YORK CITY VALUES? “Masturbation Stations” Sets Up For Men To “Relieve Stress” Midday
You ve got to be kidding! New York c mon! We just don t see this lasting for long. It s a perfect little mini home for one of the homeless people in NYC. Looking so forward to the exit of Mayor DeBlasio On Tuesday, Hot Octopuss erected what it called a GuyFi booth on 28th Street and 5th Avenue in New York City, where men could, in theory, go to relieve stress. The company simply put a cloth over a phone booth in what amounted to a marketing gimmick. Inside was a chair and a laptop.Hot Octopuss was inspired by a Time Out survey, which concluded that 39% of the New York men it questioned admitted to masturbating while at work. A more expansive Glamour survey of 1,000 men in 2012 suggested 31% of its readers have done so.SEE ALSO: VR porn is here and it s scary how realistic it isHot Octopuss created the booth so men can take this habit out of the office and into a more suitable environment designed to give the busy Manhattan man the privacy, and the high-speed Internet connection, he deserves. We may be insinuating that these booths could be used in whichever way anyone would like to self soothe, a representative tells Mashable, but the brand is not actively encouraging people to masturbate in public as that is an illegal offense. The company claims approximately 100 men used the booth on its inaugural day.Read more: Gateway Pundit
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: NEW YORK CITY VALUES? “Masturbation Stations” Sets Up For Men To “Relieve Stress” Midday TEXT: You ve got to be kidding! New York c mon! We just don t see this lasting for long. It s a perfect little mini home for one of the homeless people in NYC. Looking so forward to the exit of Mayor DeBlasio On Tuesday, Hot Octopuss erected what it called a GuyFi booth on 28th Street and 5th Avenue in New York City, where men could, in theory, go to relieve stress. The company simply put a cloth over a phone booth in what amounted to a marketing gimmick. Inside was a chair and a laptop.Hot Octopuss was inspired by a Time Out survey, which concluded that 39% of the New York men it questioned admitted to masturbating while at work. A more expansive Glamour survey of 1,000 men in 2012 suggested 31% of its readers have done so.SEE ALSO: VR porn is here and it s scary how realistic it isHot Octopuss created the booth so men can take this habit out of the office and into a more suitable environment designed to give the busy Manhattan man the privacy, and the high-speed Internet connection, he deserves. We may be insinuating that these booths could be used in whichever way anyone would like to self soothe, a representative tells Mashable, but the brand is not actively encouraging people to masturbate in public as that is an illegal offense. The company claims approximately 100 men used the booth on its inaugural day.Read more: Gateway Pundit
TITLE: NEW YORK CITY VALUES? “Masturbation Stations” Sets Up For Men To “Relieve Stress” Midday TEXT: You ve got to be kidding! New York c mon! We just don t see this lasting for long. It s a perfect little mini home for one of the homeless people in NYC. Looking so forward to the exit of Mayor DeBlasio On Tuesday, Hot Octopuss erected what it called a GuyFi booth on 28th Street and 5th Avenue in New York City, where men could, in theory, go to relieve stress. The company simply put a cloth over a phone booth in what amounted to a marketing gimmick. Inside was a chair and a laptop.Hot Octopuss was inspired by a Time Out survey, which concluded that 39% of the New York men it questioned admitted to masturbating while at work. A more expansive Glamour survey of 1,000 men in 2012 suggested 31% of its readers have done so.SEE ALSO: VR porn is here and it s scary how realistic it isHot Octopuss created the booth so men can take this habit out of the office and into a more suitable environment designed to give the busy Manhattan man the privacy, and the high-speed Internet connection, he deserves. We may be insinuating that these booths could be used in whichever way anyone would like to self soothe, a representative tells Mashable, but the brand is not actively encouraging people to masturbate in public as that is an illegal offense. The company claims approximately 100 men used the booth on its inaugural day.Read more: Gateway Pundit
leaked memo clinton foundation broke the law
by abby martin with the wikileaks release of thousands of emails belonging to john podesta very little is known in us society about podesta himself
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: leaked memo clinton foundation broke the law TEXT: by abby martin with the wikileaks release of thousands of emails belonging to john podesta very little is known in us society about podesta himself
TITLE: leaked memo clinton foundation broke the law TEXT: by abby martin with the wikileaks release of thousands of emails belonging to john podesta very little is known in us society about podesta himself
AWESOME! GREG GUTFELD: World hatred of Trump is their problem, not ours! [Video]
Greg Gutfeld nailed how Americans feel right now about their place in the world. America First is the mantra that candidate Trump repeatedly spoke about in rally after rally. The globalists and establishment joined with Democrats to oppose Trump but he s a fearless soldier for America s return to greatness: From this day forward, a new vision will govern our land. From this day forward, it s going to be only America First. DJTIt s way past time to realize that world hatred of Trump is their problem, not ours Thank you Greg Gutfeld!JUST IN CASE YOU NEED A REFRESHER ON WHAT TRUMP PROMISED FOR AMERICAN:A transcript of Donald Trump s inaugural address, delivered Friday, Jan. 20, 2017, after his swearing-in as the 45th president of the United States.Chief Justice Roberts, President Carter, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, fellow Americans, and people of the world: Thank you.We, the citizens of America, are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and to restore its promise for all of our people.Together we will determine the course of America and the world for many, many years to come.We will face challenges, we will confront hardships but we will get the job done.Every four years we gather on these steps to carry out the orderly and peaceful transfer of power and we are grateful to President Obama and First Lady Michele Obama for their gracious aid in this transition. They have been magnificent. Thank you.Today s ceremony has very special meaning because today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another or one party to another but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people.For too long a small group in our nation s capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered but the jobs left and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself but not the citizens of our country. Their victories have not been your victories, their triumphs have not been your triumphs.And while they celebrated in our nation s capital there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land.That all changes right here and right now because this moment is your moment. It belongs to you.It belongs to everyone gathered here today, and everyone watching all across America.This is your day, this is your celebration, and this, the United States of America, is your country.What truly matters is not which party controls our government but whether our government is controlled by the people. Jan. 20, 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again.The forgotten men and women of this country will be forgotten no longer.Everyone is listening to you now. You came by the tens of millions to become part of a historic movement the likes of which the world has never seen before.At the center of this movement is a crucial conviction that a nation exists to serve its citizens. Americans want great schools for their children, safe neighborhoods for their families and good jobs for themselves. These are just and reasonably demands of righteous people and a righteous public.But for too many of our citizens a different reality existsMothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities; rusted-out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation; an education system flush with cash but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge. And the crime and the gangs and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential.This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.We are one nation and their pain is our pain. Their dreams are our dreams; and their success will be our success. We share one heart, one home, and one glorious destiny.The oath of office I take today is an oath of allegiance to all Americans.For many decades, we ve enriched foreign industry at the expense of American industry; subsidized the armies of other countries while allowing for the very sad depletion of our military; we ve defended other nation s borders while refusing to defend our own; and spent trillions of dollars overseas while America s infrastructure has fallen into disrepair and decay.We ve made other countries rich while the wealth, strength, and confidence of our country has dissipated over the horizon.One by one, the factories shuttered and left our shores, with not even a thought about the millions and millions of American workers that were left behind.The wealth of our middle class has been ripped from their homes and then redistributed across the entire world.But that is the past. And now we are looking only to the future.We assembled here today are issuing a new decree to be heard in every city, in every foreign capital, and in every hall of power.From this day forward, a new vision will govern our land.From this day forward, it s going to be only America First.Every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs, will be made to benefit American workers and American families.We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies, and destroying our jobs. Protection will lead to great prosperity and strength.I will fight for you with every breath in my body and I will never, ever let you down.America will start winning again, winning like never before.We will bring back our jobs. We will bring back our borders. We will bring back our wealth. And we will bring back our dreams.We will build new roads, and highways, and bridges, and airports, and tunnels, and railways all across our wonderful nation.We will get our people off of welfare and back to work rebuilding our country with American hands and American labor.We will follow two simple rules: Buy American and hire American.We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world but we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first.We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example we will shine for everyone to follow.We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones and unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the Earth.At the bedrock of our politics will be a total allegiance to the United States of America, and through our loyalty to our country, we will rediscover our loyalty to each other.When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.The Bible tells us, How good and pleasant it is when God s people live together in unity. We must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreements honestly, but always pursue solidarity.When America is united, America is totally unstoppable.There should be no fear we are protected, and we will always be protected.We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement and, most importantly, we are protected by God.Finally, we must think big and dream even bigger.In America, we understand that a nation is only living as long as it is striving.We will no longer accept politicians who are all talk and no action constantly complaining but never doing anything about it.The time for empty talk is over.Now arrives the hour of action.Do not let anyone tell you it cannot be done. No challenge can match the heart and fight and spirit of America.We will not fail. Our country will thrive and prosper again.We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the Earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.A new national pride will stir our souls, lift our sights, and heal our divisions.It is time to remember that old wisdom our soldiers will never forget: that whether we are black or brown or white, we all bleed the same red blood of patriots, we all enjoy the same glorious freedoms, and we all salute the same great American flag.And whether a child is born in the urban sprawl of Detroit or the wind-swept plains of Nebraska, they look up at the same night sky, they fill their heart with the same dreams, and they are infused with the breath of life by the same almighty Creator.So to all Americans, in every city near and far, small and large, from mountain to mountain, and from ocean to ocean, hear these words:You will never be ignored again.Your voice, your hopes, and your dreams will define our American destiny. And your courage and goodness and love will forever guide us along the way.Together, we will make America strong again.We will make America wealthy again.We will make America proud again.We will make America safe again.And yes, together we will make America great again. Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: AWESOME! GREG GUTFELD: World hatred of Trump is their problem, not ours! [Video] TEXT: Greg Gutfeld nailed how Americans feel right now about their place in the world. America First is the mantra that candidate Trump repeatedly spoke about in rally after rally. The globalists and establishment joined with Democrats to oppose Trump but he s a fearless soldier for America s return to greatness: From this day forward, a new vision will govern our land. From this day forward, it s going to be only America First. DJTIt s way past time to realize that world hatred of Trump is their problem, not ours Thank you Greg Gutfeld!JUST IN CASE YOU NEED A REFRESHER ON WHAT TRUMP PROMISED FOR AMERICAN:A transcript of Donald Trump s inaugural address, delivered Friday, Jan. 20, 2017, after his swearing-in as the 45th president of the United States.Chief Justice Roberts, President Carter, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, fellow Americans, and people of the world: Thank you.We, the citizens of America, are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and to restore its promise for all of our people.Together we will determine the course of America and the world for many, many years to come.We will face challenges, we will confront hardships but we will get the job done.Every four years we gather on these steps to carry out the orderly and peaceful transfer of power and we are grateful to President Obama and First Lady Michele Obama for their gracious aid in this transition. They have been magnificent. Thank you.Today s ceremony has very special meaning because today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another or one party to another but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people.For too long a small group in our nation s capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered but the jobs left and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself but not the citizens of our country. Their victories have not been your victories, their triumphs have not been your triumphs.And while they celebrated in our nation s capital there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land.That all changes right here and right now because this moment is your moment. It belongs to you.It belongs to everyone gathered here today, and everyone watching all across America.This is your day, this is your celebration, and this, the United States of America, is your country.What truly matters is not which party controls our government but whether our government is controlled by the people. Jan. 20, 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again.The forgotten men and women of this country will be forgotten no longer.Everyone is listening to you now. You came by the tens of millions to become part of a historic movement the likes of which the world has never seen before.At the center of this movement is a crucial conviction that a nation exists to serve its citizens. Americans want great schools for their children, safe neighborhoods for their families and good jobs for themselves. These are just and reasonably demands of righteous people and a righteous public.But for too many of our citizens a different reality existsMothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities; rusted-out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation; an education system flush with cash but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge. And the crime and the gangs and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential.This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.We are one nation and their pain is our pain. Their dreams are our dreams; and their success will be our success. We share one heart, one home, and one glorious destiny.The oath of office I take today is an oath of allegiance to all Americans.For many decades, we ve enriched foreign industry at the expense of American industry; subsidized the armies of other countries while allowing for the very sad depletion of our military; we ve defended other nation s borders while refusing to defend our own; and spent trillions of dollars overseas while America s infrastructure has fallen into disrepair and decay.We ve made other countries rich while the wealth, strength, and confidence of our country has dissipated over the horizon.One by one, the factories shuttered and left our shores, with not even a thought about the millions and millions of American workers that were left behind.The wealth of our middle class has been ripped from their homes and then redistributed across the entire world.But that is the past. And now we are looking only to the future.We assembled here today are issuing a new decree to be heard in every city, in every foreign capital, and in every hall of power.From this day forward, a new vision will govern our land.From this day forward, it s going to be only America First.Every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs, will be made to benefit American workers and American families.We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies, and destroying our jobs. Protection will lead to great prosperity and strength.I will fight for you with every breath in my body and I will never, ever let you down.America will start winning again, winning like never before.We will bring back our jobs. We will bring back our borders. We will bring back our wealth. And we will bring back our dreams.We will build new roads, and highways, and bridges, and airports, and tunnels, and railways all across our wonderful nation.We will get our people off of welfare and back to work rebuilding our country with American hands and American labor.We will follow two simple rules: Buy American and hire American.We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world but we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first.We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example we will shine for everyone to follow.We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones and unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the Earth.At the bedrock of our politics will be a total allegiance to the United States of America, and through our loyalty to our country, we will rediscover our loyalty to each other.When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.The Bible tells us, How good and pleasant it is when God s people live together in unity. We must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreements honestly, but always pursue solidarity.When America is united, America is totally unstoppable.There should be no fear we are protected, and we will always be protected.We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement and, most importantly, we are protected by God.Finally, we must think big and dream even bigger.In America, we understand that a nation is only living as long as it is striving.We will no longer accept politicians who are all talk and no action constantly complaining but never doing anything about it.The time for empty talk is over.Now arrives the hour of action.Do not let anyone tell you it cannot be done. No challenge can match the heart and fight and spirit of America.We will not fail. Our country will thrive and prosper again.We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the Earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.A new national pride will stir our souls, lift our sights, and heal our divisions.It is time to remember that old wisdom our soldiers will never forget: that whether we are black or brown or white, we all bleed the same red blood of patriots, we all enjoy the same glorious freedoms, and we all salute the same great American flag.And whether a child is born in the urban sprawl of Detroit or the wind-swept plains of Nebraska, they look up at the same night sky, they fill their heart with the same dreams, and they are infused with the breath of life by the same almighty Creator.So to all Americans, in every city near and far, small and large, from mountain to mountain, and from ocean to ocean, hear these words:You will never be ignored again.Your voice, your hopes, and your dreams will define our American destiny. And your courage and goodness and love will forever guide us along the way.Together, we will make America strong again.We will make America wealthy again.We will make America proud again.We will make America safe again.And yes, together we will make America great again. Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America.
TITLE: AWESOME! GREG GUTFELD: World hatred of Trump is their problem, not ours! [Video] TEXT: Greg Gutfeld nailed how Americans feel right now about their place in the world. America First is the mantra that candidate Trump repeatedly spoke about in rally after rally. The globalists and establishment joined with Democrats to oppose Trump but he s a fearless soldier for America s return to greatness: From this day forward, a new vision will govern our land. From this day forward, it s going to be only America First. DJTIt s way past time to realize that world hatred of Trump is their problem, not ours Thank you Greg Gutfeld!JUST IN CASE YOU NEED A REFRESHER ON WHAT TRUMP PROMISED FOR AMERICAN:A transcript of Donald Trump s inaugural address, delivered Friday, Jan. 20, 2017, after his swearing-in as the 45th president of the United States.Chief Justice Roberts, President Carter, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, fellow Americans, and people of the world: Thank you.We, the citizens of America, are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and to restore its promise for all of our people.Together we will determine the course of America and the world for many, many years to come.We will face challenges, we will confront hardships but we will get the job done.Every four years we gather on these steps to carry out the orderly and peaceful transfer of power and we are grateful to President Obama and First Lady Michele Obama for their gracious aid in this transition. They have been magnificent. Thank you.Today s ceremony has very special meaning because today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another or one party to another but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people.For too long a small group in our nation s capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered but the jobs left and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself but not the citizens of our country. Their victories have not been your victories, their triumphs have not been your triumphs.And while they celebrated in our nation s capital there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land.That all changes right here and right now because this moment is your moment. It belongs to you.It belongs to everyone gathered here today, and everyone watching all across America.This is your day, this is your celebration, and this, the United States of America, is your country.What truly matters is not which party controls our government but whether our government is controlled by the people. Jan. 20, 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again.The forgotten men and women of this country will be forgotten no longer.Everyone is listening to you now. You came by the tens of millions to become part of a historic movement the likes of which the world has never seen before.At the center of this movement is a crucial conviction that a nation exists to serve its citizens. Americans want great schools for their children, safe neighborhoods for their families and good jobs for themselves. These are just and reasonably demands of righteous people and a righteous public.But for too many of our citizens a different reality existsMothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities; rusted-out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation; an education system flush with cash but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge. And the crime and the gangs and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential.This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.We are one nation and their pain is our pain. Their dreams are our dreams; and their success will be our success. We share one heart, one home, and one glorious destiny.The oath of office I take today is an oath of allegiance to all Americans.For many decades, we ve enriched foreign industry at the expense of American industry; subsidized the armies of other countries while allowing for the very sad depletion of our military; we ve defended other nation s borders while refusing to defend our own; and spent trillions of dollars overseas while America s infrastructure has fallen into disrepair and decay.We ve made other countries rich while the wealth, strength, and confidence of our country has dissipated over the horizon.One by one, the factories shuttered and left our shores, with not even a thought about the millions and millions of American workers that were left behind.The wealth of our middle class has been ripped from their homes and then redistributed across the entire world.But that is the past. And now we are looking only to the future.We assembled here today are issuing a new decree to be heard in every city, in every foreign capital, and in every hall of power.From this day forward, a new vision will govern our land.From this day forward, it s going to be only America First.Every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs, will be made to benefit American workers and American families.We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies, and destroying our jobs. Protection will lead to great prosperity and strength.I will fight for you with every breath in my body and I will never, ever let you down.America will start winning again, winning like never before.We will bring back our jobs. We will bring back our borders. We will bring back our wealth. And we will bring back our dreams.We will build new roads, and highways, and bridges, and airports, and tunnels, and railways all across our wonderful nation.We will get our people off of welfare and back to work rebuilding our country with American hands and American labor.We will follow two simple rules: Buy American and hire American.We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world but we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first.We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example we will shine for everyone to follow.We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones and unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the Earth.At the bedrock of our politics will be a total allegiance to the United States of America, and through our loyalty to our country, we will rediscover our loyalty to each other.When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.The Bible tells us, How good and pleasant it is when God s people live together in unity. We must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreements honestly, but always pursue solidarity.When America is united, America is totally unstoppable.There should be no fear we are protected, and we will always be protected.We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement and, most importantly, we are protected by God.Finally, we must think big and dream even bigger.In America, we understand that a nation is only living as long as it is striving.We will no longer accept politicians who are all talk and no action constantly complaining but never doing anything about it.The time for empty talk is over.Now arrives the hour of action.Do not let anyone tell you it cannot be done. No challenge can match the heart and fight and spirit of America.We will not fail. Our country will thrive and prosper again.We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the Earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.A new national pride will stir our souls, lift our sights, and heal our divisions.It is time to remember that old wisdom our soldiers will never forget: that whether we are black or brown or white, we all bleed the same red blood of patriots, we all enjoy the same glorious freedoms, and we all salute the same great American flag.And whether a child is born in the urban sprawl of Detroit or the wind-swept plains of Nebraska, they look up at the same night sky, they fill their heart with the same dreams, and they are infused with the breath of life by the same almighty Creator.So to all Americans, in every city near and far, small and large, from mountain to mountain, and from ocean to ocean, hear these words:You will never be ignored again.Your voice, your hopes, and your dreams will define our American destiny. And your courage and goodness and love will forever guide us along the way.Together, we will make America strong again.We will make America wealthy again.We will make America proud again.We will make America safe again.And yes, together we will make America great again. Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America.
Obama’s Photographer Releases White House’s Most Captivating Moments Of 2015 (IMAGES)
Having stayed close to the Obama family for both of President Barack Obama s terms, White House photographer Pete Souza has shared a variety of moments with our president and his family. Souza has gotten to witness both light-hearted and challenging moments for America s first African American president, and has had the privilege of capturing many of them on camera.As January marks the beginning of a new year, it also represents the last year that Barack Obama will lead the country. On Wednesday, Souza released his annual Year in Photographs list, revealing over 100 of the most memorable public and intimate moments of the Obama s life inside and outside of the White House. Souza explained: Editing photographs, especially for a project like this, is both subjective and personal. I not only found key historic moments from the year, but also chose moments that give people a more personal look at the lives of the President and First Lady. I ve also included many photographs that rely more on their graphic qualities, including light and composition. In Souza s collection, monumental wins such as the White House being lit with rainbow colors after the nationwide legalization of gay marriage are portrayed alongside heartbreaking losses such as the funeral of Vice President Joe Biden s son, Beau. There are also everyday family moments of the president interacting with staffer s children and his own family. These photos give an inside glimpse into the character of the man who has shaped America over the last several years. You can view the entire collection here, but we ve picked our favorites below:February 23, 2015:Malia, Obama s oldest daughter, stopped by the Oval office to visit her dad. While they were catching up, she wiped something off his face.March 7, 2015:On the 50th anniversary of Selma, the President and his family marched with many others to walk across the Edmund Pettus Bridge.March 7, 2015:President Obama and the First Lady were captured holding hands as they listen to Rep. John Lewis speak at an event to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday and the Selma to Montgomery civil rights marches.March 27, 2015Michelle Obama snuggled with her husband during a taping for the 2015 World Expo in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House.April 9, 2015Obama waved as he departed from Kingston, Jamaica, his arm aligning with a rainbow.June 6, 2015:Obama hugged Vice President Joe Biden after giving a eulogy for Joe s son, Beau Biden.June 26, 2015:The White House celebrated the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage with rainbow lights. October 30, 2015Barack and Michelle Obama laughed at a child s Pope costume and mini popemobile at a Halloween event held at the White House.October 30, 2015:Obama held Ella Rhodes, daughter of Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes, in her elephant Halloween costume.November 21, 2015: As Donald Trump and the Republican party vowed to prevent Syrian refugees from coming to America, Obama spoke to a young refugee at a Dignity for Children Foundation classroom in Malaysia. November 30, 2015Obama made an unannounced stop at the memorial in front of le Bataclan, where the Paris terrorist attack had taken place. He is pictured with French President Fran ois Hollande and Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo.December 22, 2015Souza and Obama hiked up the 1,048 wooden steps of the Koko Head Crater Trail. Of the experience, Souza said, I ll admit that I was huffing and puffing up the trail, but to my friends, this photograph is proof that I indeed made it to the top with my boss. Featured image via Pete Souza
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Obama’s Photographer Releases White House’s Most Captivating Moments Of 2015 (IMAGES) TEXT: Having stayed close to the Obama family for both of President Barack Obama s terms, White House photographer Pete Souza has shared a variety of moments with our president and his family. Souza has gotten to witness both light-hearted and challenging moments for America s first African American president, and has had the privilege of capturing many of them on camera.As January marks the beginning of a new year, it also represents the last year that Barack Obama will lead the country. On Wednesday, Souza released his annual Year in Photographs list, revealing over 100 of the most memorable public and intimate moments of the Obama s life inside and outside of the White House. Souza explained: Editing photographs, especially for a project like this, is both subjective and personal. I not only found key historic moments from the year, but also chose moments that give people a more personal look at the lives of the President and First Lady. I ve also included many photographs that rely more on their graphic qualities, including light and composition. In Souza s collection, monumental wins such as the White House being lit with rainbow colors after the nationwide legalization of gay marriage are portrayed alongside heartbreaking losses such as the funeral of Vice President Joe Biden s son, Beau. There are also everyday family moments of the president interacting with staffer s children and his own family. These photos give an inside glimpse into the character of the man who has shaped America over the last several years. You can view the entire collection here, but we ve picked our favorites below:February 23, 2015:Malia, Obama s oldest daughter, stopped by the Oval office to visit her dad. While they were catching up, she wiped something off his face.March 7, 2015:On the 50th anniversary of Selma, the President and his family marched with many others to walk across the Edmund Pettus Bridge.March 7, 2015:President Obama and the First Lady were captured holding hands as they listen to Rep. John Lewis speak at an event to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday and the Selma to Montgomery civil rights marches.March 27, 2015Michelle Obama snuggled with her husband during a taping for the 2015 World Expo in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House.April 9, 2015Obama waved as he departed from Kingston, Jamaica, his arm aligning with a rainbow.June 6, 2015:Obama hugged Vice President Joe Biden after giving a eulogy for Joe s son, Beau Biden.June 26, 2015:The White House celebrated the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage with rainbow lights. October 30, 2015Barack and Michelle Obama laughed at a child s Pope costume and mini popemobile at a Halloween event held at the White House.October 30, 2015:Obama held Ella Rhodes, daughter of Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes, in her elephant Halloween costume.November 21, 2015: As Donald Trump and the Republican party vowed to prevent Syrian refugees from coming to America, Obama spoke to a young refugee at a Dignity for Children Foundation classroom in Malaysia. November 30, 2015Obama made an unannounced stop at the memorial in front of le Bataclan, where the Paris terrorist attack had taken place. He is pictured with French President Fran ois Hollande and Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo.December 22, 2015Souza and Obama hiked up the 1,048 wooden steps of the Koko Head Crater Trail. Of the experience, Souza said, I ll admit that I was huffing and puffing up the trail, but to my friends, this photograph is proof that I indeed made it to the top with my boss. Featured image via Pete Souza
TITLE: Obama’s Photographer Releases White House’s Most Captivating Moments Of 2015 (IMAGES) TEXT: Having stayed close to the Obama family for both of President Barack Obama s terms, White House photographer Pete Souza has shared a variety of moments with our president and his family. Souza has gotten to witness both light-hearted and challenging moments for America s first African American president, and has had the privilege of capturing many of them on camera.As January marks the beginning of a new year, it also represents the last year that Barack Obama will lead the country. On Wednesday, Souza released his annual Year in Photographs list, revealing over 100 of the most memorable public and intimate moments of the Obama s life inside and outside of the White House. Souza explained: Editing photographs, especially for a project like this, is both subjective and personal. I not only found key historic moments from the year, but also chose moments that give people a more personal look at the lives of the President and First Lady. I ve also included many photographs that rely more on their graphic qualities, including light and composition. In Souza s collection, monumental wins such as the White House being lit with rainbow colors after the nationwide legalization of gay marriage are portrayed alongside heartbreaking losses such as the funeral of Vice President Joe Biden s son, Beau. There are also everyday family moments of the president interacting with staffer s children and his own family. These photos give an inside glimpse into the character of the man who has shaped America over the last several years. You can view the entire collection here, but we ve picked our favorites below:February 23, 2015:Malia, Obama s oldest daughter, stopped by the Oval office to visit her dad. While they were catching up, she wiped something off his face.March 7, 2015:On the 50th anniversary of Selma, the President and his family marched with many others to walk across the Edmund Pettus Bridge.March 7, 2015:President Obama and the First Lady were captured holding hands as they listen to Rep. John Lewis speak at an event to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday and the Selma to Montgomery civil rights marches.March 27, 2015Michelle Obama snuggled with her husband during a taping for the 2015 World Expo in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House.April 9, 2015Obama waved as he departed from Kingston, Jamaica, his arm aligning with a rainbow.June 6, 2015:Obama hugged Vice President Joe Biden after giving a eulogy for Joe s son, Beau Biden.June 26, 2015:The White House celebrated the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage with rainbow lights. October 30, 2015Barack and Michelle Obama laughed at a child s Pope costume and mini popemobile at a Halloween event held at the White House.October 30, 2015:Obama held Ella Rhodes, daughter of Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes, in her elephant Halloween costume.November 21, 2015: As Donald Trump and the Republican party vowed to prevent Syrian refugees from coming to America, Obama spoke to a young refugee at a Dignity for Children Foundation classroom in Malaysia. November 30, 2015Obama made an unannounced stop at the memorial in front of le Bataclan, where the Paris terrorist attack had taken place. He is pictured with French President Fran ois Hollande and Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo.December 22, 2015Souza and Obama hiked up the 1,048 wooden steps of the Koko Head Crater Trail. Of the experience, Souza said, I ll admit that I was huffing and puffing up the trail, but to my friends, this photograph is proof that I indeed made it to the top with my boss. Featured image via Pete Souza
Clinton says her campaign talking to Sanders camp about unifying Democrats
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said on Tuesday her campaign has been in contact with the campaign of rival Bernie Sanders about unifying the Democratic Party. Unifying the party will be a central challenge once Democrats choose their nominee, with Clinton heavily favored to win the nomination but facing a protracted battle with Sanders, a U.S. senator from Vermont In an interview on CNN, Clinton said the contacts are likely to intensify after next week’s California primary. “I will certainly do everything I can to unify the Democratic Party. Our campaigns have been reaching out to one another. We will continue to do that,” she said. She said both she and Sanders “are going to do everything we can” to prevent Republican candidate Donald Trump from winning the Nov. 8 presidential election.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Clinton says her campaign talking to Sanders camp about unifying Democrats TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said on Tuesday her campaign has been in contact with the campaign of rival Bernie Sanders about unifying the Democratic Party. Unifying the party will be a central challenge once Democrats choose their nominee, with Clinton heavily favored to win the nomination but facing a protracted battle with Sanders, a U.S. senator from Vermont In an interview on CNN, Clinton said the contacts are likely to intensify after next week’s California primary. “I will certainly do everything I can to unify the Democratic Party. Our campaigns have been reaching out to one another. We will continue to do that,” she said. She said both she and Sanders “are going to do everything we can” to prevent Republican candidate Donald Trump from winning the Nov. 8 presidential election.
TITLE: Clinton says her campaign talking to Sanders camp about unifying Democrats TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said on Tuesday her campaign has been in contact with the campaign of rival Bernie Sanders about unifying the Democratic Party. Unifying the party will be a central challenge once Democrats choose their nominee, with Clinton heavily favored to win the nomination but facing a protracted battle with Sanders, a U.S. senator from Vermont In an interview on CNN, Clinton said the contacts are likely to intensify after next week’s California primary. “I will certainly do everything I can to unify the Democratic Party. Our campaigns have been reaching out to one another. We will continue to do that,” she said. She said both she and Sanders “are going to do everything we can” to prevent Republican candidate Donald Trump from winning the Nov. 8 presidential election.
Dad Of Murdered Reporter Hits Trump, GOP BEAUTIFULLY Over ‘Assault On 2nd Amendment Nonsense’
The father of a Virginia reporter who was shot to death last year, along with her cameraman, has some extremely strong words for Republicans over their refusal to do anything about gun violence. He reserved his most scathing words for Trump, though, who actively promotes the idea that the 2nd Amendment is under heavy assault and we re just a breath away from losing all our guns.Andy Parker, whose daughter, Alison Parker, was murdered by a disgruntled employee on television, made it his mission to end gun violence after her death. He rails at Republicans who are in the pockets of the all-too powerful NRA in an op-ed for the New York Daily News, which was a full-scale attack on them, and especially on Trump: Politicians like Paul Ryan, Mike McCaul and Bob Goodlatte know better. They re not knuckle-draggers waving Confederate flags at Trump rallies, but they still fall in lockstep behind their orange-faced Fuhrer who promotes this assault on the Second Amendment nonsense. Their bloody hands are egregiously in the pockets of the NRA and they are afraid to pull them out. [emphasis mine] Orange-faced Fuhrer. That s a good description. That s a fantastic description of Trump and his relationship to the GOP! Trump is not just promoting the very things that have led to increased gun violence here, he s far more likely than anybody else to become the dictator America (especially Republicans) have always feared.Parker went on to say that he d confronted Bob Goodlatte after a speech about slain police officers, in which Goodlatte never once mentioned guns, and asked him how he sleeps at night. Apparently, Goodlatte had no answer for that. Parker said, As usual, he looked like he d swallowed a lemon. Trump and the NRA s minions in the GOP grossly insult all the victims of gun violence by fear-mongering about Democrats trying to abolish the 2nd Amendment. It s like a game to them; who can come up with the most guilt-trippy argument against sensible gun legislation? Here s what former GOP Congressman Joe Walsh did:Liberals shout women s equality , yet they seek to strip women of their 2nd Amendment rights. #WomensEqualityDay pic.twitter.com/7vOCNocqPO Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) August 26, 2016How disgusting to use rape victims and women s equality as a rallying cry for their guns, guns, guns everywhere nonsense. But that s what the GOP and their standard-bearer, the Orange-Faced Fuhrer, do nonstop. They use victims of violence to expand the very thing that harmed them in the first place.Parker vows to continue the fight and move the needle on the national conversation about gun violence, and that means fighting against the GOP and the NRA. He had this to say in his op-ed, too: Their bloody hands are egregiously in the pockets of the NRA and they are afraid to pull them out. That is the truth.Featured image by Mark Wilson/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Dad Of Murdered Reporter Hits Trump, GOP BEAUTIFULLY Over ‘Assault On 2nd Amendment Nonsense’ TEXT: The father of a Virginia reporter who was shot to death last year, along with her cameraman, has some extremely strong words for Republicans over their refusal to do anything about gun violence. He reserved his most scathing words for Trump, though, who actively promotes the idea that the 2nd Amendment is under heavy assault and we re just a breath away from losing all our guns.Andy Parker, whose daughter, Alison Parker, was murdered by a disgruntled employee on television, made it his mission to end gun violence after her death. He rails at Republicans who are in the pockets of the all-too powerful NRA in an op-ed for the New York Daily News, which was a full-scale attack on them, and especially on Trump: Politicians like Paul Ryan, Mike McCaul and Bob Goodlatte know better. They re not knuckle-draggers waving Confederate flags at Trump rallies, but they still fall in lockstep behind their orange-faced Fuhrer who promotes this assault on the Second Amendment nonsense. Their bloody hands are egregiously in the pockets of the NRA and they are afraid to pull them out. [emphasis mine] Orange-faced Fuhrer. That s a good description. That s a fantastic description of Trump and his relationship to the GOP! Trump is not just promoting the very things that have led to increased gun violence here, he s far more likely than anybody else to become the dictator America (especially Republicans) have always feared.Parker went on to say that he d confronted Bob Goodlatte after a speech about slain police officers, in which Goodlatte never once mentioned guns, and asked him how he sleeps at night. Apparently, Goodlatte had no answer for that. Parker said, As usual, he looked like he d swallowed a lemon. Trump and the NRA s minions in the GOP grossly insult all the victims of gun violence by fear-mongering about Democrats trying to abolish the 2nd Amendment. It s like a game to them; who can come up with the most guilt-trippy argument against sensible gun legislation? Here s what former GOP Congressman Joe Walsh did:Liberals shout women s equality , yet they seek to strip women of their 2nd Amendment rights. #WomensEqualityDay pic.twitter.com/7vOCNocqPO Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) August 26, 2016How disgusting to use rape victims and women s equality as a rallying cry for their guns, guns, guns everywhere nonsense. But that s what the GOP and their standard-bearer, the Orange-Faced Fuhrer, do nonstop. They use victims of violence to expand the very thing that harmed them in the first place.Parker vows to continue the fight and move the needle on the national conversation about gun violence, and that means fighting against the GOP and the NRA. He had this to say in his op-ed, too: Their bloody hands are egregiously in the pockets of the NRA and they are afraid to pull them out. That is the truth.Featured image by Mark Wilson/Getty Images
TITLE: Dad Of Murdered Reporter Hits Trump, GOP BEAUTIFULLY Over ‘Assault On 2nd Amendment Nonsense’ TEXT: The father of a Virginia reporter who was shot to death last year, along with her cameraman, has some extremely strong words for Republicans over their refusal to do anything about gun violence. He reserved his most scathing words for Trump, though, who actively promotes the idea that the 2nd Amendment is under heavy assault and we re just a breath away from losing all our guns.Andy Parker, whose daughter, Alison Parker, was murdered by a disgruntled employee on television, made it his mission to end gun violence after her death. He rails at Republicans who are in the pockets of the all-too powerful NRA in an op-ed for the New York Daily News, which was a full-scale attack on them, and especially on Trump: Politicians like Paul Ryan, Mike McCaul and Bob Goodlatte know better. They re not knuckle-draggers waving Confederate flags at Trump rallies, but they still fall in lockstep behind their orange-faced Fuhrer who promotes this assault on the Second Amendment nonsense. Their bloody hands are egregiously in the pockets of the NRA and they are afraid to pull them out. [emphasis mine] Orange-faced Fuhrer. That s a good description. That s a fantastic description of Trump and his relationship to the GOP! Trump is not just promoting the very things that have led to increased gun violence here, he s far more likely than anybody else to become the dictator America (especially Republicans) have always feared.Parker went on to say that he d confronted Bob Goodlatte after a speech about slain police officers, in which Goodlatte never once mentioned guns, and asked him how he sleeps at night. Apparently, Goodlatte had no answer for that. Parker said, As usual, he looked like he d swallowed a lemon. Trump and the NRA s minions in the GOP grossly insult all the victims of gun violence by fear-mongering about Democrats trying to abolish the 2nd Amendment. It s like a game to them; who can come up with the most guilt-trippy argument against sensible gun legislation? Here s what former GOP Congressman Joe Walsh did:Liberals shout women s equality , yet they seek to strip women of their 2nd Amendment rights. #WomensEqualityDay pic.twitter.com/7vOCNocqPO Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) August 26, 2016How disgusting to use rape victims and women s equality as a rallying cry for their guns, guns, guns everywhere nonsense. But that s what the GOP and their standard-bearer, the Orange-Faced Fuhrer, do nonstop. They use victims of violence to expand the very thing that harmed them in the first place.Parker vows to continue the fight and move the needle on the national conversation about gun violence, and that means fighting against the GOP and the NRA. He had this to say in his op-ed, too: Their bloody hands are egregiously in the pockets of the NRA and they are afraid to pull them out. That is the truth.Featured image by Mark Wilson/Getty Images
Clinton leads Trump by 4 points ahead of first presidential debate: Reuters/Ipsos poll
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton had a four-percentage point advantage in support over Republican Donald Trump ahead of their first U.S. presidential debate, according to the latest Reuters/Ipsos national tracking poll released on Friday. The Sept. 16-22 opinion poll showed that 41 percent of likely voters supported Clinton, while 37 percent supported Trump. Clinton has mostly led Trump in the poll during the 2016 campaign, though her advantage has narrowed since the end of the Democratic and Republican national conventions in July. With just six weeks before the Nov. 8 election, Monday’s debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York will be the first of three between the White House rivals. It presents a major opportunity for them to appeal to voters who have yet to commit to a candidate after a mostly negative race in which Clinton and Trump have sought to brand each other as untrustworthy and dangerous for the country. The live, televised matchup is expected to draw a Super Bowl-sized television audience of 100 million Americans, according to some commentators. Among those watching will be people who so far remain on the fence. This could be a sizable group: Some 22 percent of likely voters said in the latest poll that they do not support either major-party candidate. That was more than twice the proportion of uncommitted voters at the same point in the 2012 election between Democratic President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney. These uncommitted voters appear to be leaning more toward Trump than Clinton, according to the latest poll, though they have not been convinced enough to say they will vote for him in November. It was also possible that some of these voters would pick an alternative-party candidate like Libertarian Gary Johnson or the Green Party’s Jill Stein. Clinton led a separate four-way poll that included Trump, Johnson and Stein. Among likely voters, 39 percent supported Clinton, 37 percent favored Trump, 7 percent picked Johnson and 2 percent supported Stein. The Reuters/Ipsos poll is conducted online in English in the continental United States, Alaska and Hawaii. It included 1,559 respondents who were considered to be likely voters given their voting history, registration status and stated intention to show up on Election Day. It has a credibility interval, a measure of accuracy, of 3 percentage points, meaning results could vary by that much either way. National polls have produced varying measurements of support for Clinton and Trump during the 2016 campaign. The differences are partly due to the fact that some polls, like Reuters/Ipsos, try to include only likely voters, while others include all registered voters. The Reuters/Ipsos tracking poll gathers responses every day and reports results twice a week, so it often detects trends in sentiment before most other polls. Polling aggregators, which calculate averages of major polls, have shown that Clinton’s lead over Trump has been shrinking this month. The most recent individual polls put her advantage at 3 percentage points.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Clinton leads Trump by 4 points ahead of first presidential debate: Reuters/Ipsos poll TEXT: NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton had a four-percentage point advantage in support over Republican Donald Trump ahead of their first U.S. presidential debate, according to the latest Reuters/Ipsos national tracking poll released on Friday. The Sept. 16-22 opinion poll showed that 41 percent of likely voters supported Clinton, while 37 percent supported Trump. Clinton has mostly led Trump in the poll during the 2016 campaign, though her advantage has narrowed since the end of the Democratic and Republican national conventions in July. With just six weeks before the Nov. 8 election, Monday’s debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York will be the first of three between the White House rivals. It presents a major opportunity for them to appeal to voters who have yet to commit to a candidate after a mostly negative race in which Clinton and Trump have sought to brand each other as untrustworthy and dangerous for the country. The live, televised matchup is expected to draw a Super Bowl-sized television audience of 100 million Americans, according to some commentators. Among those watching will be people who so far remain on the fence. This could be a sizable group: Some 22 percent of likely voters said in the latest poll that they do not support either major-party candidate. That was more than twice the proportion of uncommitted voters at the same point in the 2012 election between Democratic President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney. These uncommitted voters appear to be leaning more toward Trump than Clinton, according to the latest poll, though they have not been convinced enough to say they will vote for him in November. It was also possible that some of these voters would pick an alternative-party candidate like Libertarian Gary Johnson or the Green Party’s Jill Stein. Clinton led a separate four-way poll that included Trump, Johnson and Stein. Among likely voters, 39 percent supported Clinton, 37 percent favored Trump, 7 percent picked Johnson and 2 percent supported Stein. The Reuters/Ipsos poll is conducted online in English in the continental United States, Alaska and Hawaii. It included 1,559 respondents who were considered to be likely voters given their voting history, registration status and stated intention to show up on Election Day. It has a credibility interval, a measure of accuracy, of 3 percentage points, meaning results could vary by that much either way. National polls have produced varying measurements of support for Clinton and Trump during the 2016 campaign. The differences are partly due to the fact that some polls, like Reuters/Ipsos, try to include only likely voters, while others include all registered voters. The Reuters/Ipsos tracking poll gathers responses every day and reports results twice a week, so it often detects trends in sentiment before most other polls. Polling aggregators, which calculate averages of major polls, have shown that Clinton’s lead over Trump has been shrinking this month. The most recent individual polls put her advantage at 3 percentage points.
TITLE: Clinton leads Trump by 4 points ahead of first presidential debate: Reuters/Ipsos poll TEXT: NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton had a four-percentage point advantage in support over Republican Donald Trump ahead of their first U.S. presidential debate, according to the latest Reuters/Ipsos national tracking poll released on Friday. The Sept. 16-22 opinion poll showed that 41 percent of likely voters supported Clinton, while 37 percent supported Trump. Clinton has mostly led Trump in the poll during the 2016 campaign, though her advantage has narrowed since the end of the Democratic and Republican national conventions in July. With just six weeks before the Nov. 8 election, Monday’s debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York will be the first of three between the White House rivals. It presents a major opportunity for them to appeal to voters who have yet to commit to a candidate after a mostly negative race in which Clinton and Trump have sought to brand each other as untrustworthy and dangerous for the country. The live, televised matchup is expected to draw a Super Bowl-sized television audience of 100 million Americans, according to some commentators. Among those watching will be people who so far remain on the fence. This could be a sizable group: Some 22 percent of likely voters said in the latest poll that they do not support either major-party candidate. That was more than twice the proportion of uncommitted voters at the same point in the 2012 election between Democratic President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney. These uncommitted voters appear to be leaning more toward Trump than Clinton, according to the latest poll, though they have not been convinced enough to say they will vote for him in November. It was also possible that some of these voters would pick an alternative-party candidate like Libertarian Gary Johnson or the Green Party’s Jill Stein. Clinton led a separate four-way poll that included Trump, Johnson and Stein. Among likely voters, 39 percent supported Clinton, 37 percent favored Trump, 7 percent picked Johnson and 2 percent supported Stein. The Reuters/Ipsos poll is conducted online in English in the continental United States, Alaska and Hawaii. It included 1,559 respondents who were considered to be likely voters given their voting history, registration status and stated intention to show up on Election Day. It has a credibility interval, a measure of accuracy, of 3 percentage points, meaning results could vary by that much either way. National polls have produced varying measurements of support for Clinton and Trump during the 2016 campaign. The differences are partly due to the fact that some polls, like Reuters/Ipsos, try to include only likely voters, while others include all registered voters. The Reuters/Ipsos tracking poll gathers responses every day and reports results twice a week, so it often detects trends in sentiment before most other polls. Polling aggregators, which calculate averages of major polls, have shown that Clinton’s lead over Trump has been shrinking this month. The most recent individual polls put her advantage at 3 percentage points.
Factbox: Funeral of Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej
BANGKOK (Reuters) - Crowds began gathering in Bangkok on Wednesday for the official beginning of the funeral of Thailand s revered King Bhumibol Adulyadej. The lavish five-day event, which runs until Sunday, opened with rows of Buddhist monks in orange robes chanting prayers. A funeral procession and cremation ceremony are scheduled for Thursday. About 250,000 Thais are expected to attend the cremation ceremony, which will be led by the new King Maha Vajiralongkorn. King Bhumibol, 88, who ruled for more than seven decades, was widely regarded as the nation s moral compass during periods of intermittent political unrest. Since his death on Oct. 13 last year, the country has observed a year of official mourning, with many Thais wearing black. Here are details of the cremation: * The king s cremation will take place on Thursday, which has been declared a public holiday, when many businesses have announced they will be shut all day or close at midday. * A budget of 3 billion baht ($90 million) has been set aside for the funeral, which will be attended by dozens of heads of state, including King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck of Bhutan and Japan s Prince Akishino and Princess Kiko. * Many hotels near the cremation area have been booked out by mourners. * The site of the royal cremation includes nine spire-roofed Thai pavilions to honor the late king, who was also known as Rama IX. * The site took nearly a year to complete and was built from scratch. It features sculptures of mythical creatures and auspicious animals such as lions and elephants. * The cremation will make use of sandalwood flowers whose fragrance ancient Thais believed would lead the soul of the dead to heaven. * Those unable to attend the funeral will be able to visit 85 miniature replicas of the site across Thailand. * New King Maha Vajiralongkorn formally ascended the throne last year but his coronation will take place after his father s funeral.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Factbox: Funeral of Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej TEXT: BANGKOK (Reuters) - Crowds began gathering in Bangkok on Wednesday for the official beginning of the funeral of Thailand s revered King Bhumibol Adulyadej. The lavish five-day event, which runs until Sunday, opened with rows of Buddhist monks in orange robes chanting prayers. A funeral procession and cremation ceremony are scheduled for Thursday. About 250,000 Thais are expected to attend the cremation ceremony, which will be led by the new King Maha Vajiralongkorn. King Bhumibol, 88, who ruled for more than seven decades, was widely regarded as the nation s moral compass during periods of intermittent political unrest. Since his death on Oct. 13 last year, the country has observed a year of official mourning, with many Thais wearing black. Here are details of the cremation: * The king s cremation will take place on Thursday, which has been declared a public holiday, when many businesses have announced they will be shut all day or close at midday. * A budget of 3 billion baht ($90 million) has been set aside for the funeral, which will be attended by dozens of heads of state, including King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck of Bhutan and Japan s Prince Akishino and Princess Kiko. * Many hotels near the cremation area have been booked out by mourners. * The site of the royal cremation includes nine spire-roofed Thai pavilions to honor the late king, who was also known as Rama IX. * The site took nearly a year to complete and was built from scratch. It features sculptures of mythical creatures and auspicious animals such as lions and elephants. * The cremation will make use of sandalwood flowers whose fragrance ancient Thais believed would lead the soul of the dead to heaven. * Those unable to attend the funeral will be able to visit 85 miniature replicas of the site across Thailand. * New King Maha Vajiralongkorn formally ascended the throne last year but his coronation will take place after his father s funeral.
TITLE: Factbox: Funeral of Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej TEXT: BANGKOK (Reuters) - Crowds began gathering in Bangkok on Wednesday for the official beginning of the funeral of Thailand s revered King Bhumibol Adulyadej. The lavish five-day event, which runs until Sunday, opened with rows of Buddhist monks in orange robes chanting prayers. A funeral procession and cremation ceremony are scheduled for Thursday. About 250,000 Thais are expected to attend the cremation ceremony, which will be led by the new King Maha Vajiralongkorn. King Bhumibol, 88, who ruled for more than seven decades, was widely regarded as the nation s moral compass during periods of intermittent political unrest. Since his death on Oct. 13 last year, the country has observed a year of official mourning, with many Thais wearing black. Here are details of the cremation: * The king s cremation will take place on Thursday, which has been declared a public holiday, when many businesses have announced they will be shut all day or close at midday. * A budget of 3 billion baht ($90 million) has been set aside for the funeral, which will be attended by dozens of heads of state, including King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck of Bhutan and Japan s Prince Akishino and Princess Kiko. * Many hotels near the cremation area have been booked out by mourners. * The site of the royal cremation includes nine spire-roofed Thai pavilions to honor the late king, who was also known as Rama IX. * The site took nearly a year to complete and was built from scratch. It features sculptures of mythical creatures and auspicious animals such as lions and elephants. * The cremation will make use of sandalwood flowers whose fragrance ancient Thais believed would lead the soul of the dead to heaven. * Those unable to attend the funeral will be able to visit 85 miniature replicas of the site across Thailand. * New King Maha Vajiralongkorn formally ascended the throne last year but his coronation will take place after his father s funeral.
WHITE COLLEGE SNOWFLAKES Can ‘Identify’ As Black….Call It The ‘Pocahontas Policy’ But We Call It Delusion [Video]
The latest video from Campus Reform shows just how far some college students think universities should go to recognize people s racial identity delusion and all!The Ivy League setting of Brown University shows Cabot Phillips asking students about a hypothetical Pocahontas policy that would allow students to self-identify based on race. Overall I think it s a good thing, one student said. However, that student later said in the video that he feels weird talking about this as not a person of color. Phillips asked, But what if you feel like one though? Another student answered, It s intended to create uh, you know, an atmosphere of inclusion and support diversity and I don t see anything wrong with that. If somebody identifies as something it should be their right to, another student said.Soooo these college snowflakes choose to live in the land of delusion and call it an atmosphere of inclusion and diversity . In our day we called it mental illness .Via: Daily Caller
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: WHITE COLLEGE SNOWFLAKES Can ‘Identify’ As Black….Call It The ‘Pocahontas Policy’ But We Call It Delusion [Video] TEXT: The latest video from Campus Reform shows just how far some college students think universities should go to recognize people s racial identity delusion and all!The Ivy League setting of Brown University shows Cabot Phillips asking students about a hypothetical Pocahontas policy that would allow students to self-identify based on race. Overall I think it s a good thing, one student said. However, that student later said in the video that he feels weird talking about this as not a person of color. Phillips asked, But what if you feel like one though? Another student answered, It s intended to create uh, you know, an atmosphere of inclusion and support diversity and I don t see anything wrong with that. If somebody identifies as something it should be their right to, another student said.Soooo these college snowflakes choose to live in the land of delusion and call it an atmosphere of inclusion and diversity . In our day we called it mental illness .Via: Daily Caller
TITLE: WHITE COLLEGE SNOWFLAKES Can ‘Identify’ As Black….Call It The ‘Pocahontas Policy’ But We Call It Delusion [Video] TEXT: The latest video from Campus Reform shows just how far some college students think universities should go to recognize people s racial identity delusion and all!The Ivy League setting of Brown University shows Cabot Phillips asking students about a hypothetical Pocahontas policy that would allow students to self-identify based on race. Overall I think it s a good thing, one student said. However, that student later said in the video that he feels weird talking about this as not a person of color. Phillips asked, But what if you feel like one though? Another student answered, It s intended to create uh, you know, an atmosphere of inclusion and support diversity and I don t see anything wrong with that. If somebody identifies as something it should be their right to, another student said.Soooo these college snowflakes choose to live in the land of delusion and call it an atmosphere of inclusion and diversity . In our day we called it mental illness .Via: Daily Caller
Tillerson says he and Trump disagree over Iran nuclear deal
(Corrects this August 1st story to show Tillerson did not say European countries would be reluctant to re-impose sanctions in 11th paragraph) By Yeganeh Torbati WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson acknowledged on Tuesday that he and President Donald Trump disagree over the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, and said the two men discuss how to use the international agreement to advance administration policies. Trump at times vowed during the 2016 presidential election campaign to withdraw from the agreement, which was signed by the United States, Russia, China and three European powers to curb Iran’s nuclear program in return for lifting most Western sanctions. Trump has preserved the deal for now, although he has made clear he did so reluctantly after being advised to do so by Tillerson. “He and I have differences of views on things like JCPOA, and how we should use it,” Tillerson said at a State Department briefing, using the acronym for the deal, formally called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Tillerson said that Washington could “tear it up and walk away” or stay in the deal and hold Iran accountable to its terms, which he said would require Iran to act as a “good neighbor.” Critics say the deal falls short in addressing Iran’s support for foreign fighters in Iraq and Syria, arms shipments around the Middle East and ballistic missile tests. The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Tillerson’s remarks. Trump said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal last month that he predicts Iran will be judged “noncompliant” with the Iran deal at the next deadline in October, and that he would have preferred to do so months ago. Tillerson expressed a more nuanced view of the deal’s potential benefits on Tuesday. “There are a lot of alternative means with which we use the agreement to advance our policies and the relationship with Iran, and that’s what the conversation generally is around with the president as well,” Tillerson said. European officials would likely be reluctant to re-impose sanctions, especially the broader measures that helped drive Iran to negotiate over its nuclear program in the first place. New U.S. sanctions on Iran in July were a breach of the nuclear deal and Tehran had lodged a complaint with the body that oversees the pact’s implementation, a senior Iranian politician said. Tillerson acknowledged that the United States is limited in how much it can pressure Iran on its own and said it was important to coordinate with the other parties to the agreement. “The greatest pressure we can put to bear on Iran to change the behavior is a collective pressure,” he said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Tillerson says he and Trump disagree over Iran nuclear deal TEXT: (Corrects this August 1st story to show Tillerson did not say European countries would be reluctant to re-impose sanctions in 11th paragraph) By Yeganeh Torbati WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson acknowledged on Tuesday that he and President Donald Trump disagree over the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, and said the two men discuss how to use the international agreement to advance administration policies. Trump at times vowed during the 2016 presidential election campaign to withdraw from the agreement, which was signed by the United States, Russia, China and three European powers to curb Iran’s nuclear program in return for lifting most Western sanctions. Trump has preserved the deal for now, although he has made clear he did so reluctantly after being advised to do so by Tillerson. “He and I have differences of views on things like JCPOA, and how we should use it,” Tillerson said at a State Department briefing, using the acronym for the deal, formally called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Tillerson said that Washington could “tear it up and walk away” or stay in the deal and hold Iran accountable to its terms, which he said would require Iran to act as a “good neighbor.” Critics say the deal falls short in addressing Iran’s support for foreign fighters in Iraq and Syria, arms shipments around the Middle East and ballistic missile tests. The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Tillerson’s remarks. Trump said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal last month that he predicts Iran will be judged “noncompliant” with the Iran deal at the next deadline in October, and that he would have preferred to do so months ago. Tillerson expressed a more nuanced view of the deal’s potential benefits on Tuesday. “There are a lot of alternative means with which we use the agreement to advance our policies and the relationship with Iran, and that’s what the conversation generally is around with the president as well,” Tillerson said. European officials would likely be reluctant to re-impose sanctions, especially the broader measures that helped drive Iran to negotiate over its nuclear program in the first place. New U.S. sanctions on Iran in July were a breach of the nuclear deal and Tehran had lodged a complaint with the body that oversees the pact’s implementation, a senior Iranian politician said. Tillerson acknowledged that the United States is limited in how much it can pressure Iran on its own and said it was important to coordinate with the other parties to the agreement. “The greatest pressure we can put to bear on Iran to change the behavior is a collective pressure,” he said.
TITLE: Tillerson says he and Trump disagree over Iran nuclear deal TEXT: (Corrects this August 1st story to show Tillerson did not say European countries would be reluctant to re-impose sanctions in 11th paragraph) By Yeganeh Torbati WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson acknowledged on Tuesday that he and President Donald Trump disagree over the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, and said the two men discuss how to use the international agreement to advance administration policies. Trump at times vowed during the 2016 presidential election campaign to withdraw from the agreement, which was signed by the United States, Russia, China and three European powers to curb Iran’s nuclear program in return for lifting most Western sanctions. Trump has preserved the deal for now, although he has made clear he did so reluctantly after being advised to do so by Tillerson. “He and I have differences of views on things like JCPOA, and how we should use it,” Tillerson said at a State Department briefing, using the acronym for the deal, formally called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Tillerson said that Washington could “tear it up and walk away” or stay in the deal and hold Iran accountable to its terms, which he said would require Iran to act as a “good neighbor.” Critics say the deal falls short in addressing Iran’s support for foreign fighters in Iraq and Syria, arms shipments around the Middle East and ballistic missile tests. The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Tillerson’s remarks. Trump said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal last month that he predicts Iran will be judged “noncompliant” with the Iran deal at the next deadline in October, and that he would have preferred to do so months ago. Tillerson expressed a more nuanced view of the deal’s potential benefits on Tuesday. “There are a lot of alternative means with which we use the agreement to advance our policies and the relationship with Iran, and that’s what the conversation generally is around with the president as well,” Tillerson said. European officials would likely be reluctant to re-impose sanctions, especially the broader measures that helped drive Iran to negotiate over its nuclear program in the first place. New U.S. sanctions on Iran in July were a breach of the nuclear deal and Tehran had lodged a complaint with the body that oversees the pact’s implementation, a senior Iranian politician said. Tillerson acknowledged that the United States is limited in how much it can pressure Iran on its own and said it was important to coordinate with the other parties to the agreement. “The greatest pressure we can put to bear on Iran to change the behavior is a collective pressure,” he said.
SAY WHAT? Legally Blind Barber Wins $100K In “Discrimination” Lawsuit Against Employer For Wrongful Termination
Because everyone wants to pay to have their hair cut by a blind barber! Joel Nixon is a barber. He loves cutting hair and takes great pride in what he does.But when he found out he had Retinitis Pigmentosa and was going blind, his boss decided to let him go. You don t want a blind man cutting your hair, right?I guess not because after he was fired, Nixon sued and was awarded $100,000 by the State of Massachusetts because firing him was discrimination. The Boston Herald reports:He was working for Tony s Barber Shop in Norton in 2011, but a year later his boss, Tony Morales, discovered his malady, according to the decision by the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination.On March 3, 2012, Nixon was working at the shop s South Easton location when he tripped over a customer s legs. Later in the day, he tripped over a chair in the waiting room. Morales told him to pack up his things and get his wife to take him home, the MCAD hearing officer wrote. (Nixon) understood that his employment was being terminated. Things fell apart for Nixon after that, he said. He couldn t find a job nearby, and his wife had a high-risk pregnancy that made it difficult for him to work far from home. He was unemployed for three years, his condo went into foreclosure, and he was forced to apply for food stamps and went to charities for Christmas gifts, he said.He s moving his family to a small apartment tomorrow. Nixon also deals with the lingering possibility he may lose his sight forever. I could wake up someday and be completely blind, but my goal is to have a nice home with a nice backyard for my son, Nixon said, fighting back tears. I ve never been to Disneyland, and I want to take him. I want to take him before I lose my vision. I m trying to do the best I can. MCAD awarded Nixon $75,000 in lost wages and $25,000 for emotional distress in a decision made public yesterday.Morales, who did not appear at numerous hearings and parted ways with an attorney who was supposed to help him, said Nixon s entire story is a lie. He said Nixon was an independent contractor, wasn t able to carry his weight when he was with his shop and wasn t a licensed barber. It s a bunch of lies. It s sad that people like Joel try to take advantage of their situation and create false accusations, Morales said, adding that he would hire an attorney and appeal the decision. All of this is false accusations. Morales no longer owns the Norton shop, but still runs the South Easton business.An instructor who taught Nixon how to cut hair at the Massachusetts School of Barbering said he was happy to hear that his former pupil came away from the MCAD hearing victorious. He was a nice kid, said Chuck Russian, the school s co-director. We were a little concerned when he said he was legally blind, but he did the work, passed the course and passed the state board exam. Nixon said he learned how to cut hair from his mother while growing up, using a set of clippers the family bought at Wal-Mart. He fell in love with the trade, and it became my life s calling. Now, his clients ask for him by name. I have a following, he said. My clients call me the Blind Barber. Via: DownTrend
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: SAY WHAT? Legally Blind Barber Wins $100K In “Discrimination” Lawsuit Against Employer For Wrongful Termination TEXT: Because everyone wants to pay to have their hair cut by a blind barber! Joel Nixon is a barber. He loves cutting hair and takes great pride in what he does.But when he found out he had Retinitis Pigmentosa and was going blind, his boss decided to let him go. You don t want a blind man cutting your hair, right?I guess not because after he was fired, Nixon sued and was awarded $100,000 by the State of Massachusetts because firing him was discrimination. The Boston Herald reports:He was working for Tony s Barber Shop in Norton in 2011, but a year later his boss, Tony Morales, discovered his malady, according to the decision by the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination.On March 3, 2012, Nixon was working at the shop s South Easton location when he tripped over a customer s legs. Later in the day, he tripped over a chair in the waiting room. Morales told him to pack up his things and get his wife to take him home, the MCAD hearing officer wrote. (Nixon) understood that his employment was being terminated. Things fell apart for Nixon after that, he said. He couldn t find a job nearby, and his wife had a high-risk pregnancy that made it difficult for him to work far from home. He was unemployed for three years, his condo went into foreclosure, and he was forced to apply for food stamps and went to charities for Christmas gifts, he said.He s moving his family to a small apartment tomorrow. Nixon also deals with the lingering possibility he may lose his sight forever. I could wake up someday and be completely blind, but my goal is to have a nice home with a nice backyard for my son, Nixon said, fighting back tears. I ve never been to Disneyland, and I want to take him. I want to take him before I lose my vision. I m trying to do the best I can. MCAD awarded Nixon $75,000 in lost wages and $25,000 for emotional distress in a decision made public yesterday.Morales, who did not appear at numerous hearings and parted ways with an attorney who was supposed to help him, said Nixon s entire story is a lie. He said Nixon was an independent contractor, wasn t able to carry his weight when he was with his shop and wasn t a licensed barber. It s a bunch of lies. It s sad that people like Joel try to take advantage of their situation and create false accusations, Morales said, adding that he would hire an attorney and appeal the decision. All of this is false accusations. Morales no longer owns the Norton shop, but still runs the South Easton business.An instructor who taught Nixon how to cut hair at the Massachusetts School of Barbering said he was happy to hear that his former pupil came away from the MCAD hearing victorious. He was a nice kid, said Chuck Russian, the school s co-director. We were a little concerned when he said he was legally blind, but he did the work, passed the course and passed the state board exam. Nixon said he learned how to cut hair from his mother while growing up, using a set of clippers the family bought at Wal-Mart. He fell in love with the trade, and it became my life s calling. Now, his clients ask for him by name. I have a following, he said. My clients call me the Blind Barber. Via: DownTrend
TITLE: SAY WHAT? Legally Blind Barber Wins $100K In “Discrimination” Lawsuit Against Employer For Wrongful Termination TEXT: Because everyone wants to pay to have their hair cut by a blind barber! Joel Nixon is a barber. He loves cutting hair and takes great pride in what he does.But when he found out he had Retinitis Pigmentosa and was going blind, his boss decided to let him go. You don t want a blind man cutting your hair, right?I guess not because after he was fired, Nixon sued and was awarded $100,000 by the State of Massachusetts because firing him was discrimination. The Boston Herald reports:He was working for Tony s Barber Shop in Norton in 2011, but a year later his boss, Tony Morales, discovered his malady, according to the decision by the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination.On March 3, 2012, Nixon was working at the shop s South Easton location when he tripped over a customer s legs. Later in the day, he tripped over a chair in the waiting room. Morales told him to pack up his things and get his wife to take him home, the MCAD hearing officer wrote. (Nixon) understood that his employment was being terminated. Things fell apart for Nixon after that, he said. He couldn t find a job nearby, and his wife had a high-risk pregnancy that made it difficult for him to work far from home. He was unemployed for three years, his condo went into foreclosure, and he was forced to apply for food stamps and went to charities for Christmas gifts, he said.He s moving his family to a small apartment tomorrow. Nixon also deals with the lingering possibility he may lose his sight forever. I could wake up someday and be completely blind, but my goal is to have a nice home with a nice backyard for my son, Nixon said, fighting back tears. I ve never been to Disneyland, and I want to take him. I want to take him before I lose my vision. I m trying to do the best I can. MCAD awarded Nixon $75,000 in lost wages and $25,000 for emotional distress in a decision made public yesterday.Morales, who did not appear at numerous hearings and parted ways with an attorney who was supposed to help him, said Nixon s entire story is a lie. He said Nixon was an independent contractor, wasn t able to carry his weight when he was with his shop and wasn t a licensed barber. It s a bunch of lies. It s sad that people like Joel try to take advantage of their situation and create false accusations, Morales said, adding that he would hire an attorney and appeal the decision. All of this is false accusations. Morales no longer owns the Norton shop, but still runs the South Easton business.An instructor who taught Nixon how to cut hair at the Massachusetts School of Barbering said he was happy to hear that his former pupil came away from the MCAD hearing victorious. He was a nice kid, said Chuck Russian, the school s co-director. We were a little concerned when he said he was legally blind, but he did the work, passed the course and passed the state board exam. Nixon said he learned how to cut hair from his mother while growing up, using a set of clippers the family bought at Wal-Mart. He fell in love with the trade, and it became my life s calling. Now, his clients ask for him by name. I have a following, he said. My clients call me the Blind Barber. Via: DownTrend
U.N. judicial rights expert decries Poland's 'political' legal reforms
GENEVA (Reuters) - The U.N. independent expert on the independence of judges and lawyers criticized Poland on Friday for legal reforms that have already attracted unprecedented censure from the European Union, dubbing them a serious breach of the rule of law. Diego Garc a-Say n, a special rapporteur mandated by the U.N. Human Rights Council to investigate the independence of judges and lawyers, said Poland s newly adopted laws threatened the independence of the judiciary. These new laws are part of a larger plan aimed at placing the judiciary under the political control of the ruling party, Garc a-Say n said in a statement. He said Poland had been comprehensively reforming its judicial system since parliamentary elections in 2015, aiming to increase its effectiveness and restore public trust. Such reforms were a legitimate objective, he added. What is happening in Poland today, however, is a vicious attempt to place the whole judicial system under the control of the executive and legislative branches. The EU executive launched an unprecedented action against Poland on Wednesday, calling on other member states to prepare to sanction Warsaw if it fails to reverse judicial reforms that Brussels says pose a threat to democracy. [nL8N1OK2YJ] Poland s government rejects accusations of undemocratic behavior and says reforms are needed because the courts are slow, inefficient and steeped in a communist era-mentality.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: U.N. judicial rights expert decries Poland's 'political' legal reforms TEXT: GENEVA (Reuters) - The U.N. independent expert on the independence of judges and lawyers criticized Poland on Friday for legal reforms that have already attracted unprecedented censure from the European Union, dubbing them a serious breach of the rule of law. Diego Garc a-Say n, a special rapporteur mandated by the U.N. Human Rights Council to investigate the independence of judges and lawyers, said Poland s newly adopted laws threatened the independence of the judiciary. These new laws are part of a larger plan aimed at placing the judiciary under the political control of the ruling party, Garc a-Say n said in a statement. He said Poland had been comprehensively reforming its judicial system since parliamentary elections in 2015, aiming to increase its effectiveness and restore public trust. Such reforms were a legitimate objective, he added. What is happening in Poland today, however, is a vicious attempt to place the whole judicial system under the control of the executive and legislative branches. The EU executive launched an unprecedented action against Poland on Wednesday, calling on other member states to prepare to sanction Warsaw if it fails to reverse judicial reforms that Brussels says pose a threat to democracy. [nL8N1OK2YJ] Poland s government rejects accusations of undemocratic behavior and says reforms are needed because the courts are slow, inefficient and steeped in a communist era-mentality.
TITLE: U.N. judicial rights expert decries Poland's 'political' legal reforms TEXT: GENEVA (Reuters) - The U.N. independent expert on the independence of judges and lawyers criticized Poland on Friday for legal reforms that have already attracted unprecedented censure from the European Union, dubbing them a serious breach of the rule of law. Diego Garc a-Say n, a special rapporteur mandated by the U.N. Human Rights Council to investigate the independence of judges and lawyers, said Poland s newly adopted laws threatened the independence of the judiciary. These new laws are part of a larger plan aimed at placing the judiciary under the political control of the ruling party, Garc a-Say n said in a statement. He said Poland had been comprehensively reforming its judicial system since parliamentary elections in 2015, aiming to increase its effectiveness and restore public trust. Such reforms were a legitimate objective, he added. What is happening in Poland today, however, is a vicious attempt to place the whole judicial system under the control of the executive and legislative branches. The EU executive launched an unprecedented action against Poland on Wednesday, calling on other member states to prepare to sanction Warsaw if it fails to reverse judicial reforms that Brussels says pose a threat to democracy. [nL8N1OK2YJ] Poland s government rejects accusations of undemocratic behavior and says reforms are needed because the courts are slow, inefficient and steeped in a communist era-mentality.
‘Prepare To Kill’: Conservative Trump Fan Declares Open Season On Anyone Who Punches Nazis (VIDEO)
If you have not yet heard, another Nazi got punched. Noted racist and anti-Semitic conservative radio host Michael Savage was leaving a San Fransisco Bay area restaurant on Tuesday night when a man approached him and began making fun of his strangely appropriate legal last name, Weiner. It is unclear what happened next the attacker says that Savage shoved him first while Savage says the opposite, but in the end, the pro-Trump radio host ended up on the ground. Savage says that another man attempted to intervene, but was punched in the face by the unnamed attacker. According to Savage s story, he was able to get up while being attacked and help the man who had just gotten punched while simultaneously calling the police and his lawyer (quite a feat while he is the victim of a vicious attack, huh?).Both men, neither of whom were hurt in the scuffle, stayed at the scene to give statements to police. Savage s lawyer says that he is investigating if a hate crime was committed because Savage s hateful views may have contributed to the attack.But if you listen to conservatives tell the story, Savage was viciously beaten by a hateful and violent liberal (the attacker s political affiliation is unknown) who refuses to tolerate right-wing viewpoints like that people in Chicago are ghetto slime, that non-white nations are Turd-World countries, that Jewish people are hook-nosed, and other views regularly espoused by the terrible people who support Donald Trump.One rabid Trump supporter, James Stachowiak you may remember him as the guy who made headlines when he said that black protesters (especially women and children) should be shot in the backs and that Hillary Clinton s place is in front of a firing squad says that Savage was beaten and bloodied in this attack. His solution, of course, is a bloodbath. Well people, I have the solution if you re approached by a group of people like they did to Mike Savage, Stachowiak says in the video he filmed while driving. He then fumbles around in his pants for a moment and pulls out a gun once again, while driving. And here s my solution. It s time to start capping these bastards, Stachowiak says. Lethal force, people. Lethal force. Prepare to kill in defense of your free speech and the way you believe. Every one of the people who attacked Mike Savage needs to be hunted down and taken out vigilante-style, Stachowiak says. That s right, I m condoning the killing of the people who attacked Mike Savage. While violence is never the answer, let s put this in context: a single person allegedly shoved Mr. Savage, so Stachowiak thinks the solution is to round up a posse and murder him (the single individual that Mr. Stachowiak says was a gang of violent liberals).This is the mindset of the common Trump supporter: shoot first, whether it s warranted or not, because no liberal life is more valuable than whatever passes for dignity to these folks. Watch Stachowiak s violent threats below:Featured image via screengrab
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: ‘Prepare To Kill’: Conservative Trump Fan Declares Open Season On Anyone Who Punches Nazis (VIDEO) TEXT: If you have not yet heard, another Nazi got punched. Noted racist and anti-Semitic conservative radio host Michael Savage was leaving a San Fransisco Bay area restaurant on Tuesday night when a man approached him and began making fun of his strangely appropriate legal last name, Weiner. It is unclear what happened next the attacker says that Savage shoved him first while Savage says the opposite, but in the end, the pro-Trump radio host ended up on the ground. Savage says that another man attempted to intervene, but was punched in the face by the unnamed attacker. According to Savage s story, he was able to get up while being attacked and help the man who had just gotten punched while simultaneously calling the police and his lawyer (quite a feat while he is the victim of a vicious attack, huh?).Both men, neither of whom were hurt in the scuffle, stayed at the scene to give statements to police. Savage s lawyer says that he is investigating if a hate crime was committed because Savage s hateful views may have contributed to the attack.But if you listen to conservatives tell the story, Savage was viciously beaten by a hateful and violent liberal (the attacker s political affiliation is unknown) who refuses to tolerate right-wing viewpoints like that people in Chicago are ghetto slime, that non-white nations are Turd-World countries, that Jewish people are hook-nosed, and other views regularly espoused by the terrible people who support Donald Trump.One rabid Trump supporter, James Stachowiak you may remember him as the guy who made headlines when he said that black protesters (especially women and children) should be shot in the backs and that Hillary Clinton s place is in front of a firing squad says that Savage was beaten and bloodied in this attack. His solution, of course, is a bloodbath. Well people, I have the solution if you re approached by a group of people like they did to Mike Savage, Stachowiak says in the video he filmed while driving. He then fumbles around in his pants for a moment and pulls out a gun once again, while driving. And here s my solution. It s time to start capping these bastards, Stachowiak says. Lethal force, people. Lethal force. Prepare to kill in defense of your free speech and the way you believe. Every one of the people who attacked Mike Savage needs to be hunted down and taken out vigilante-style, Stachowiak says. That s right, I m condoning the killing of the people who attacked Mike Savage. While violence is never the answer, let s put this in context: a single person allegedly shoved Mr. Savage, so Stachowiak thinks the solution is to round up a posse and murder him (the single individual that Mr. Stachowiak says was a gang of violent liberals).This is the mindset of the common Trump supporter: shoot first, whether it s warranted or not, because no liberal life is more valuable than whatever passes for dignity to these folks. Watch Stachowiak s violent threats below:Featured image via screengrab
TITLE: ‘Prepare To Kill’: Conservative Trump Fan Declares Open Season On Anyone Who Punches Nazis (VIDEO) TEXT: If you have not yet heard, another Nazi got punched. Noted racist and anti-Semitic conservative radio host Michael Savage was leaving a San Fransisco Bay area restaurant on Tuesday night when a man approached him and began making fun of his strangely appropriate legal last name, Weiner. It is unclear what happened next the attacker says that Savage shoved him first while Savage says the opposite, but in the end, the pro-Trump radio host ended up on the ground. Savage says that another man attempted to intervene, but was punched in the face by the unnamed attacker. According to Savage s story, he was able to get up while being attacked and help the man who had just gotten punched while simultaneously calling the police and his lawyer (quite a feat while he is the victim of a vicious attack, huh?).Both men, neither of whom were hurt in the scuffle, stayed at the scene to give statements to police. Savage s lawyer says that he is investigating if a hate crime was committed because Savage s hateful views may have contributed to the attack.But if you listen to conservatives tell the story, Savage was viciously beaten by a hateful and violent liberal (the attacker s political affiliation is unknown) who refuses to tolerate right-wing viewpoints like that people in Chicago are ghetto slime, that non-white nations are Turd-World countries, that Jewish people are hook-nosed, and other views regularly espoused by the terrible people who support Donald Trump.One rabid Trump supporter, James Stachowiak you may remember him as the guy who made headlines when he said that black protesters (especially women and children) should be shot in the backs and that Hillary Clinton s place is in front of a firing squad says that Savage was beaten and bloodied in this attack. His solution, of course, is a bloodbath. Well people, I have the solution if you re approached by a group of people like they did to Mike Savage, Stachowiak says in the video he filmed while driving. He then fumbles around in his pants for a moment and pulls out a gun once again, while driving. And here s my solution. It s time to start capping these bastards, Stachowiak says. Lethal force, people. Lethal force. Prepare to kill in defense of your free speech and the way you believe. Every one of the people who attacked Mike Savage needs to be hunted down and taken out vigilante-style, Stachowiak says. That s right, I m condoning the killing of the people who attacked Mike Savage. While violence is never the answer, let s put this in context: a single person allegedly shoved Mr. Savage, so Stachowiak thinks the solution is to round up a posse and murder him (the single individual that Mr. Stachowiak says was a gang of violent liberals).This is the mindset of the common Trump supporter: shoot first, whether it s warranted or not, because no liberal life is more valuable than whatever passes for dignity to these folks. Watch Stachowiak s violent threats below:Featured image via screengrab
Former RNC Chair Michael Steele Refuses To Vote For Donald Trump
Donald Trump has dragged the Republican Party so far down the toilet that former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele won t vote for him.During a dinner in San Francisco on Friday, Steele declared that he will not be voting for Trump because he has captured that racist underbelly, that frustration, that angry underbelly of American life and gave voice to that. Indeed, the Republican nominee has aggressively courted the angry white racist vote since the beginning of his campaign, which is why white supremacist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazis have flocked to him.In fact, Steele finds Trump s rhetoric do disgusting that he admitted that he was damn near puking during the debates. But while he won t cast his vote for Trump, Steele says he isn t voting for Hillary Clinton either.Regardless, Steele is now the third former GOP Chair to stand against Trump and that s bad news for the Republican Party and their effort to attract minority voters to the ever-shrinking tent. The longer they cling to their new leader, the more and more Republicans will be pushed away. And whether they vote for Hillary or not, the GOP is going to find it almost impossible to make up the difference with their hardcore voters.While the Republican base is rabid, it just doesn t have the numbers to overcome the loss of more moderate voters who have rejected Trump.And Republican leaders only have themselves to blame. They have been pandering to Trump s supporters for years even though racism, sexism, and ignorance are common traits among them. Rather than moving toward the center, Republicans ended up giving these extremists a seat at the table and have found themselves being pushed out of their own home ever since by fringe conservatives who only want more control. Now the party has been hijacked and Republican leaders are going to have a hell of a time trying to wrest control back from them.That may be possible after a few years, but it s likely that the Republican Party will be in chaos for many years to come, which means you can bet that more Republicans are going to find another party to vote for or they won t vote at all.Featured Image: Wikimedia
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Former RNC Chair Michael Steele Refuses To Vote For Donald Trump TEXT: Donald Trump has dragged the Republican Party so far down the toilet that former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele won t vote for him.During a dinner in San Francisco on Friday, Steele declared that he will not be voting for Trump because he has captured that racist underbelly, that frustration, that angry underbelly of American life and gave voice to that. Indeed, the Republican nominee has aggressively courted the angry white racist vote since the beginning of his campaign, which is why white supremacist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazis have flocked to him.In fact, Steele finds Trump s rhetoric do disgusting that he admitted that he was damn near puking during the debates. But while he won t cast his vote for Trump, Steele says he isn t voting for Hillary Clinton either.Regardless, Steele is now the third former GOP Chair to stand against Trump and that s bad news for the Republican Party and their effort to attract minority voters to the ever-shrinking tent. The longer they cling to their new leader, the more and more Republicans will be pushed away. And whether they vote for Hillary or not, the GOP is going to find it almost impossible to make up the difference with their hardcore voters.While the Republican base is rabid, it just doesn t have the numbers to overcome the loss of more moderate voters who have rejected Trump.And Republican leaders only have themselves to blame. They have been pandering to Trump s supporters for years even though racism, sexism, and ignorance are common traits among them. Rather than moving toward the center, Republicans ended up giving these extremists a seat at the table and have found themselves being pushed out of their own home ever since by fringe conservatives who only want more control. Now the party has been hijacked and Republican leaders are going to have a hell of a time trying to wrest control back from them.That may be possible after a few years, but it s likely that the Republican Party will be in chaos for many years to come, which means you can bet that more Republicans are going to find another party to vote for or they won t vote at all.Featured Image: Wikimedia
TITLE: Former RNC Chair Michael Steele Refuses To Vote For Donald Trump TEXT: Donald Trump has dragged the Republican Party so far down the toilet that former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele won t vote for him.During a dinner in San Francisco on Friday, Steele declared that he will not be voting for Trump because he has captured that racist underbelly, that frustration, that angry underbelly of American life and gave voice to that. Indeed, the Republican nominee has aggressively courted the angry white racist vote since the beginning of his campaign, which is why white supremacist groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazis have flocked to him.In fact, Steele finds Trump s rhetoric do disgusting that he admitted that he was damn near puking during the debates. But while he won t cast his vote for Trump, Steele says he isn t voting for Hillary Clinton either.Regardless, Steele is now the third former GOP Chair to stand against Trump and that s bad news for the Republican Party and their effort to attract minority voters to the ever-shrinking tent. The longer they cling to their new leader, the more and more Republicans will be pushed away. And whether they vote for Hillary or not, the GOP is going to find it almost impossible to make up the difference with their hardcore voters.While the Republican base is rabid, it just doesn t have the numbers to overcome the loss of more moderate voters who have rejected Trump.And Republican leaders only have themselves to blame. They have been pandering to Trump s supporters for years even though racism, sexism, and ignorance are common traits among them. Rather than moving toward the center, Republicans ended up giving these extremists a seat at the table and have found themselves being pushed out of their own home ever since by fringe conservatives who only want more control. Now the party has been hijacked and Republican leaders are going to have a hell of a time trying to wrest control back from them.That may be possible after a few years, but it s likely that the Republican Party will be in chaos for many years to come, which means you can bet that more Republicans are going to find another party to vote for or they won t vote at all.Featured Image: Wikimedia
STARVE YOUR CHILDREN OR ELSE: Punishment From Feds If Michelle Obama’s Food Plan Not Followed
You ve probably seen the disgusting photos of the official school lunch that s now given to your children. It s pretty bad so we hope you make lunch for your kids. We could post example after example of the skimpy and unappetizing lunch that the new lunch program is forcing on kids. Hunger-Free-Kids is the name of the program but from all reports we ve heard the kids are starving and not getting enough food. so now the government is going to punish schools for not starving their kids? Liberal lunacy!The federal government is taking steps to fine schools that do not comply with first lady Michelle Obama s school lunch rules.The U.S. Department of Agriculture s Food and Nutrition Service issued a proposed rule Monday to codify parts of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, which was championed by Mrs. Obama.The regulation would punish schools and state departments with fines for egregious or persistent disregard for the lunch rules that imposed sodium and calorie limits and banned white grains.A West Virginia preschool teacher was threatened with fines for violating the rules by rewarding her students with candy for good behavior in June 2015. The teacher ultimately did not have to pay, but the school had to develop a corrective action plan with training on the policies.The government now seeks to make fines enforceable by regulation. Section 303 of the law requires that the federal government establish criteria for the imposition of fines for all the Department of Agriculture s child food programs. Under section 303, the Secretary or a State agency may establish an assessment against any school food authority or school administering the Child Nutrition Programs if the Secretary or the State agency determines that the school or school food authority failed to correct severe mismanagement of any program, failed to correct repeated violations of program requirements, or disregarded a requirement of which they have been informed, the proposed rule states.The government insisted that fines would be limited only to schools, school food authorities, and state agencies that have failed to correct severe mismanagement of any program, disregarded a requirement of which it has been informed, or failed to correct repeated violations of program requirements. It is important to note that the statutory scheme only anticipates assessments be established in instances of severe mismanagement of a program, disregard of a program requirement of which the program operator had been informed, or failure to correct repeated violations [emphasis in original], according to the proposed regulation. These criteria suggest that violations that would result in assessments would be egregious or persistent in nature, remaining unresolved after the normal monitoring and oversight activities have failed to secure corrective action. Read more: WFB
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: STARVE YOUR CHILDREN OR ELSE: Punishment From Feds If Michelle Obama’s Food Plan Not Followed TEXT: You ve probably seen the disgusting photos of the official school lunch that s now given to your children. It s pretty bad so we hope you make lunch for your kids. We could post example after example of the skimpy and unappetizing lunch that the new lunch program is forcing on kids. Hunger-Free-Kids is the name of the program but from all reports we ve heard the kids are starving and not getting enough food. so now the government is going to punish schools for not starving their kids? Liberal lunacy!The federal government is taking steps to fine schools that do not comply with first lady Michelle Obama s school lunch rules.The U.S. Department of Agriculture s Food and Nutrition Service issued a proposed rule Monday to codify parts of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, which was championed by Mrs. Obama.The regulation would punish schools and state departments with fines for egregious or persistent disregard for the lunch rules that imposed sodium and calorie limits and banned white grains.A West Virginia preschool teacher was threatened with fines for violating the rules by rewarding her students with candy for good behavior in June 2015. The teacher ultimately did not have to pay, but the school had to develop a corrective action plan with training on the policies.The government now seeks to make fines enforceable by regulation. Section 303 of the law requires that the federal government establish criteria for the imposition of fines for all the Department of Agriculture s child food programs. Under section 303, the Secretary or a State agency may establish an assessment against any school food authority or school administering the Child Nutrition Programs if the Secretary or the State agency determines that the school or school food authority failed to correct severe mismanagement of any program, failed to correct repeated violations of program requirements, or disregarded a requirement of which they have been informed, the proposed rule states.The government insisted that fines would be limited only to schools, school food authorities, and state agencies that have failed to correct severe mismanagement of any program, disregarded a requirement of which it has been informed, or failed to correct repeated violations of program requirements. It is important to note that the statutory scheme only anticipates assessments be established in instances of severe mismanagement of a program, disregard of a program requirement of which the program operator had been informed, or failure to correct repeated violations [emphasis in original], according to the proposed regulation. These criteria suggest that violations that would result in assessments would be egregious or persistent in nature, remaining unresolved after the normal monitoring and oversight activities have failed to secure corrective action. Read more: WFB
TITLE: STARVE YOUR CHILDREN OR ELSE: Punishment From Feds If Michelle Obama’s Food Plan Not Followed TEXT: You ve probably seen the disgusting photos of the official school lunch that s now given to your children. It s pretty bad so we hope you make lunch for your kids. We could post example after example of the skimpy and unappetizing lunch that the new lunch program is forcing on kids. Hunger-Free-Kids is the name of the program but from all reports we ve heard the kids are starving and not getting enough food. so now the government is going to punish schools for not starving their kids? Liberal lunacy!The federal government is taking steps to fine schools that do not comply with first lady Michelle Obama s school lunch rules.The U.S. Department of Agriculture s Food and Nutrition Service issued a proposed rule Monday to codify parts of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, which was championed by Mrs. Obama.The regulation would punish schools and state departments with fines for egregious or persistent disregard for the lunch rules that imposed sodium and calorie limits and banned white grains.A West Virginia preschool teacher was threatened with fines for violating the rules by rewarding her students with candy for good behavior in June 2015. The teacher ultimately did not have to pay, but the school had to develop a corrective action plan with training on the policies.The government now seeks to make fines enforceable by regulation. Section 303 of the law requires that the federal government establish criteria for the imposition of fines for all the Department of Agriculture s child food programs. Under section 303, the Secretary or a State agency may establish an assessment against any school food authority or school administering the Child Nutrition Programs if the Secretary or the State agency determines that the school or school food authority failed to correct severe mismanagement of any program, failed to correct repeated violations of program requirements, or disregarded a requirement of which they have been informed, the proposed rule states.The government insisted that fines would be limited only to schools, school food authorities, and state agencies that have failed to correct severe mismanagement of any program, disregarded a requirement of which it has been informed, or failed to correct repeated violations of program requirements. It is important to note that the statutory scheme only anticipates assessments be established in instances of severe mismanagement of a program, disregard of a program requirement of which the program operator had been informed, or failure to correct repeated violations [emphasis in original], according to the proposed regulation. These criteria suggest that violations that would result in assessments would be egregious or persistent in nature, remaining unresolved after the normal monitoring and oversight activities have failed to secure corrective action. Read more: WFB
BREAKING: GUT WRENCHING…Undercover Video Shows Administrators At Prestigious Colleges Shredding Constitution
The Constitution in everyday life causes people pain Wendy Kozol, Oberlin CollegeAdministrators at Vassar College and Oberlin College agreed to personally shred a pocket Constitution after an undercover reporter posing as a student complained that she felt triggered by its distribution on campus.The video was produced by Project Veritas, a non-profit established by conservative journalist James O Keefe, and employs a similar style to the undercover ACORN videos that first brought him to prominence. Last week something kinda happened on campus that kind of really upset me and I ended up having a panic attack, the reporter tells Vassar College Assistant Director of Equal Opportunity Kelly Grab. It s just I ve been kind of hiding out in my room ever since kind of scared, so, finally somebody told me I should maybe come talk to you about it and see if there s anything that can happen or anything They were handing the Constitution out on campus. Oh, CATO Institute, Grab murmurs while looking the booklet over. They were handing it out and as soon as I saw it you know I started to not be able to breathe, hyperventilating, the reporter elaborated. My vision went blurry and I just kind of just lost control. After establishing that the reaction was triggered merely by the offering of copies of the Constitution and not by anything the group had said, Grab offers her sympathies to the reporter.Via: Campus Reform
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: BREAKING: GUT WRENCHING…Undercover Video Shows Administrators At Prestigious Colleges Shredding Constitution TEXT: The Constitution in everyday life causes people pain Wendy Kozol, Oberlin CollegeAdministrators at Vassar College and Oberlin College agreed to personally shred a pocket Constitution after an undercover reporter posing as a student complained that she felt triggered by its distribution on campus.The video was produced by Project Veritas, a non-profit established by conservative journalist James O Keefe, and employs a similar style to the undercover ACORN videos that first brought him to prominence. Last week something kinda happened on campus that kind of really upset me and I ended up having a panic attack, the reporter tells Vassar College Assistant Director of Equal Opportunity Kelly Grab. It s just I ve been kind of hiding out in my room ever since kind of scared, so, finally somebody told me I should maybe come talk to you about it and see if there s anything that can happen or anything They were handing the Constitution out on campus. Oh, CATO Institute, Grab murmurs while looking the booklet over. They were handing it out and as soon as I saw it you know I started to not be able to breathe, hyperventilating, the reporter elaborated. My vision went blurry and I just kind of just lost control. After establishing that the reaction was triggered merely by the offering of copies of the Constitution and not by anything the group had said, Grab offers her sympathies to the reporter.Via: Campus Reform
TITLE: BREAKING: GUT WRENCHING…Undercover Video Shows Administrators At Prestigious Colleges Shredding Constitution TEXT: The Constitution in everyday life causes people pain Wendy Kozol, Oberlin CollegeAdministrators at Vassar College and Oberlin College agreed to personally shred a pocket Constitution after an undercover reporter posing as a student complained that she felt triggered by its distribution on campus.The video was produced by Project Veritas, a non-profit established by conservative journalist James O Keefe, and employs a similar style to the undercover ACORN videos that first brought him to prominence. Last week something kinda happened on campus that kind of really upset me and I ended up having a panic attack, the reporter tells Vassar College Assistant Director of Equal Opportunity Kelly Grab. It s just I ve been kind of hiding out in my room ever since kind of scared, so, finally somebody told me I should maybe come talk to you about it and see if there s anything that can happen or anything They were handing the Constitution out on campus. Oh, CATO Institute, Grab murmurs while looking the booklet over. They were handing it out and as soon as I saw it you know I started to not be able to breathe, hyperventilating, the reporter elaborated. My vision went blurry and I just kind of just lost control. After establishing that the reaction was triggered merely by the offering of copies of the Constitution and not by anything the group had said, Grab offers her sympathies to the reporter.Via: Campus Reform
Campaigning in style: How Jeb Bush blew through his war chest
NEW YORK (Reuters) - There were stays at boutique hotels featuring rooftop pools, private soirees at members-only, jacket-and-tie clubs and fundraisers at the Four Seasons, the St. Regis and the Mandarin Oriental.     In the world of Jeb Bush, the campaign for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination has at times been a whirl of private planes and high-end affairs, according to the federal filings of Bush’s campaign and his Super PAC, Right to Rise, which can raise unlimited funds for Bush as long as it does not coordinate directly with him. It is not unusual for U.S. presidential candidates to fly private or even sometimes stay in luxury hotels. But some disgruntled donors say they are unhappy with Bush’s large outlays, which also include big spending on staff and tens of millions of dollars in ad buys. Eleven of 16 major donors contacted by Reuters questioned whether it was money well spent, especially given how the one-time frontrunner has stumbled badly in the polls and is now facing questions about whether he should withdraw from the race.  In contrast to Bush, Senator Ted Cruz, who is running second in national polls of Republican voters, favors cheaper accommodation options like Holiday Inn and often flies on budget carriers, campaign finance filings through the third quarter show. Several members of the Bush camp vigorously rejected the donor critiques. Bush spokeswoman Kristy Campbell said, “We are running a national campaign that is competing everywhere and we have made investments that have allowed us to do what serious campaigns must do to be competitive in the primary and general elections.” Ad-tracking firm SMG Delta says Bush’s campaign and Right to Rise have spent $82 million on ads, significantly more than the three leading candidates in the Republican race: Donald Trump ($5 million); Senator Ted Cruz ($11 million) and Senator Marco Rubio ($49 million). The tracking firm’s data is more up to date than what has been reported so far in the federal filings. “There is no return on investment on the Bush ad buys, zero,” said one high-dollar donor who asked not to be named, pointing to how the ads have done little, at least so far, to lift Bush in the polls or dent his opponents. On Sunday, donors will learn just how much Bush has spent from his $100 million-plus war chest. That’s when Republican and Democratic candidates and their Super PACs release their latest campaign finance reports. What is known so far is that Bush and Right to Rise spent at least $82 million, both in operating expenditures through the third quarter of 2015 and on ad spending through this month.   The campaign finance reports also show that between June 2015, when Bush formally announced his candidacy, and September, the Bush campaign spent $1.2 million on private planes versus the roughly $700,000 spent during the same period by Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton.     Cruz spent $158,000 on private planes, and Rubio $293,300. Trump flies around the country in his own Boeing 757.     The former Florida governor’s spending pattern illustrates the limits of campaign donations: Even in an era when candidates can receive unlimited sums from wealthy donors, money doesn’t guarantee success.     “They are burning money,” said a second major donor, who, like all the other high-dollar donors interviewed, asked not be named for fear of displeasing the Bush family. “Look, this is not the election cycle to be spending like a silver-spoon Establishment candidate,” said a third donor. “It just doesn’t look right,” the donor said, referring to the way income inequality has emerged as a key theme in the 2016 election. Ambassador Jeanne Phillips, a member of the Right to Rise governance committee, laughed off the criticism. “I’ve known Jeb for 30 years, so the idea that Jeb would allow anyone around him to be frivolous with money is hilarious, it’s ridiculous. The man is the most conservative, fiscally responsible person I’ve ever worked with.” Bush’s campaign committee paid for all lodging on the campaign trail and the vast majority of private air charter, while Right To Rise paid for nearly all the known ad spending.     Money donated by both large and small donors kept the Bush camp traveling in style. There were stays at luxury hotels including the Wilshire in Beverly Hills, the Viceroy in Florida, the St. Regis in Dana Point, California, and the W in Stamford, Connecticut, the campaign finance filings show. The filings do not offer a complete picture. It is not clear for example, how many nights were spent at each of the hotels or indeed whether it was Bush himself who stayed or staff members. Bush isn’t the only candidate spending at high-end hotels, but it’s a high proportion of his overall hotel spending. He spent $125,000,or 70 percent of his total hotel spending between June and September on hotels defined as luxury or “upper upscale” luxury hotels by STR Global, which tracks supply and demand data in the hotel industry. Cruz and Rubio each spent less on luxury hotels and a smaller proportion of their overall lodging expenses on them, at roughly 56 percent and 61 percent, respectively, federal filings through the third quarter show. Trump flies home nearly every night so he can sleep in his own bed.     The Bush campaign and his Super PAC also spent more than $400,000 on renting facilities and catering at posh venues, including the Union League Club and the upscale beachfront 1 Hotel South Beach in Miami, where the Super PAC spent $60,000 last year. Rubio and Cruz spent roughly $265,000 and $185,000 respectively.     Bush defenders said the spending on high-end venues was simply how the donor world operated. “If you can hold an event at a fancy hotel and raise millions, then it’s well worth holding it at a swanky hotel” said Charlie Spies, counsel for Right to Rise. Spies said Right to Rise had negotiated “below market” rates with vendors and consultants, including an overall compensation cap for staff.       Nevertheless the Bush camp has spent more on staff and consultants than any of the leading candidates. Starting roughly in the spring, Bush paid out about $8 million. Cruz spent just $2 million; Rubio, just under $2 million; and Trump, $1.7 million. Overall, Trump, Cruz, and Rubio have spent a small fraction of the $82 million Bush has reported paying out. Cruz spent $18.5 million and Rubio outlayed $32 million, according to the filings made so far. Bush is certainly not the only candidate to spend big on the trail. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, for instance, ran an expensive campaign and burned through nearly $10 million before quitting after three months.     Bush’s prospects were far brighter last summer. Trump had yet to join the race and Bush was making headlines for the size of his war chest. His Super PAC had just cracked its goal of raising more than $100 million in just six months — an unprecedented haul in American politics.     To celebrate, Jeb’s parents and family welcomed their large network of well-heeled donors to their oceanside compound in Kennebunkport, Maine, where attendees were treated to rides in private trolley cars, lobster rolls and group photos with the sprawling Bush clan. (This version of the story was refiled to clarify spending in paragraph 25 to show it was by both the campaign and Super PAC)
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Campaigning in style: How Jeb Bush blew through his war chest TEXT: NEW YORK (Reuters) - There were stays at boutique hotels featuring rooftop pools, private soirees at members-only, jacket-and-tie clubs and fundraisers at the Four Seasons, the St. Regis and the Mandarin Oriental.     In the world of Jeb Bush, the campaign for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination has at times been a whirl of private planes and high-end affairs, according to the federal filings of Bush’s campaign and his Super PAC, Right to Rise, which can raise unlimited funds for Bush as long as it does not coordinate directly with him. It is not unusual for U.S. presidential candidates to fly private or even sometimes stay in luxury hotels. But some disgruntled donors say they are unhappy with Bush’s large outlays, which also include big spending on staff and tens of millions of dollars in ad buys. Eleven of 16 major donors contacted by Reuters questioned whether it was money well spent, especially given how the one-time frontrunner has stumbled badly in the polls and is now facing questions about whether he should withdraw from the race.  In contrast to Bush, Senator Ted Cruz, who is running second in national polls of Republican voters, favors cheaper accommodation options like Holiday Inn and often flies on budget carriers, campaign finance filings through the third quarter show. Several members of the Bush camp vigorously rejected the donor critiques. Bush spokeswoman Kristy Campbell said, “We are running a national campaign that is competing everywhere and we have made investments that have allowed us to do what serious campaigns must do to be competitive in the primary and general elections.” Ad-tracking firm SMG Delta says Bush’s campaign and Right to Rise have spent $82 million on ads, significantly more than the three leading candidates in the Republican race: Donald Trump ($5 million); Senator Ted Cruz ($11 million) and Senator Marco Rubio ($49 million). The tracking firm’s data is more up to date than what has been reported so far in the federal filings. “There is no return on investment on the Bush ad buys, zero,” said one high-dollar donor who asked not to be named, pointing to how the ads have done little, at least so far, to lift Bush in the polls or dent his opponents. On Sunday, donors will learn just how much Bush has spent from his $100 million-plus war chest. That’s when Republican and Democratic candidates and their Super PACs release their latest campaign finance reports. What is known so far is that Bush and Right to Rise spent at least $82 million, both in operating expenditures through the third quarter of 2015 and on ad spending through this month.   The campaign finance reports also show that between June 2015, when Bush formally announced his candidacy, and September, the Bush campaign spent $1.2 million on private planes versus the roughly $700,000 spent during the same period by Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton.     Cruz spent $158,000 on private planes, and Rubio $293,300. Trump flies around the country in his own Boeing 757.     The former Florida governor’s spending pattern illustrates the limits of campaign donations: Even in an era when candidates can receive unlimited sums from wealthy donors, money doesn’t guarantee success.     “They are burning money,” said a second major donor, who, like all the other high-dollar donors interviewed, asked not be named for fear of displeasing the Bush family. “Look, this is not the election cycle to be spending like a silver-spoon Establishment candidate,” said a third donor. “It just doesn’t look right,” the donor said, referring to the way income inequality has emerged as a key theme in the 2016 election. Ambassador Jeanne Phillips, a member of the Right to Rise governance committee, laughed off the criticism. “I’ve known Jeb for 30 years, so the idea that Jeb would allow anyone around him to be frivolous with money is hilarious, it’s ridiculous. The man is the most conservative, fiscally responsible person I’ve ever worked with.” Bush’s campaign committee paid for all lodging on the campaign trail and the vast majority of private air charter, while Right To Rise paid for nearly all the known ad spending.     Money donated by both large and small donors kept the Bush camp traveling in style. There were stays at luxury hotels including the Wilshire in Beverly Hills, the Viceroy in Florida, the St. Regis in Dana Point, California, and the W in Stamford, Connecticut, the campaign finance filings show. The filings do not offer a complete picture. It is not clear for example, how many nights were spent at each of the hotels or indeed whether it was Bush himself who stayed or staff members. Bush isn’t the only candidate spending at high-end hotels, but it’s a high proportion of his overall hotel spending. He spent $125,000,or 70 percent of his total hotel spending between June and September on hotels defined as luxury or “upper upscale” luxury hotels by STR Global, which tracks supply and demand data in the hotel industry. Cruz and Rubio each spent less on luxury hotels and a smaller proportion of their overall lodging expenses on them, at roughly 56 percent and 61 percent, respectively, federal filings through the third quarter show. Trump flies home nearly every night so he can sleep in his own bed.     The Bush campaign and his Super PAC also spent more than $400,000 on renting facilities and catering at posh venues, including the Union League Club and the upscale beachfront 1 Hotel South Beach in Miami, where the Super PAC spent $60,000 last year. Rubio and Cruz spent roughly $265,000 and $185,000 respectively.     Bush defenders said the spending on high-end venues was simply how the donor world operated. “If you can hold an event at a fancy hotel and raise millions, then it’s well worth holding it at a swanky hotel” said Charlie Spies, counsel for Right to Rise. Spies said Right to Rise had negotiated “below market” rates with vendors and consultants, including an overall compensation cap for staff.       Nevertheless the Bush camp has spent more on staff and consultants than any of the leading candidates. Starting roughly in the spring, Bush paid out about $8 million. Cruz spent just $2 million; Rubio, just under $2 million; and Trump, $1.7 million. Overall, Trump, Cruz, and Rubio have spent a small fraction of the $82 million Bush has reported paying out. Cruz spent $18.5 million and Rubio outlayed $32 million, according to the filings made so far. Bush is certainly not the only candidate to spend big on the trail. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, for instance, ran an expensive campaign and burned through nearly $10 million before quitting after three months.     Bush’s prospects were far brighter last summer. Trump had yet to join the race and Bush was making headlines for the size of his war chest. His Super PAC had just cracked its goal of raising more than $100 million in just six months — an unprecedented haul in American politics.     To celebrate, Jeb’s parents and family welcomed their large network of well-heeled donors to their oceanside compound in Kennebunkport, Maine, where attendees were treated to rides in private trolley cars, lobster rolls and group photos with the sprawling Bush clan. (This version of the story was refiled to clarify spending in paragraph 25 to show it was by both the campaign and Super PAC)
TITLE: Campaigning in style: How Jeb Bush blew through his war chest TEXT: NEW YORK (Reuters) - There were stays at boutique hotels featuring rooftop pools, private soirees at members-only, jacket-and-tie clubs and fundraisers at the Four Seasons, the St. Regis and the Mandarin Oriental.     In the world of Jeb Bush, the campaign for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination has at times been a whirl of private planes and high-end affairs, according to the federal filings of Bush’s campaign and his Super PAC, Right to Rise, which can raise unlimited funds for Bush as long as it does not coordinate directly with him. It is not unusual for U.S. presidential candidates to fly private or even sometimes stay in luxury hotels. But some disgruntled donors say they are unhappy with Bush’s large outlays, which also include big spending on staff and tens of millions of dollars in ad buys. Eleven of 16 major donors contacted by Reuters questioned whether it was money well spent, especially given how the one-time frontrunner has stumbled badly in the polls and is now facing questions about whether he should withdraw from the race.  In contrast to Bush, Senator Ted Cruz, who is running second in national polls of Republican voters, favors cheaper accommodation options like Holiday Inn and often flies on budget carriers, campaign finance filings through the third quarter show. Several members of the Bush camp vigorously rejected the donor critiques. Bush spokeswoman Kristy Campbell said, “We are running a national campaign that is competing everywhere and we have made investments that have allowed us to do what serious campaigns must do to be competitive in the primary and general elections.” Ad-tracking firm SMG Delta says Bush’s campaign and Right to Rise have spent $82 million on ads, significantly more than the three leading candidates in the Republican race: Donald Trump ($5 million); Senator Ted Cruz ($11 million) and Senator Marco Rubio ($49 million). The tracking firm’s data is more up to date than what has been reported so far in the federal filings. “There is no return on investment on the Bush ad buys, zero,” said one high-dollar donor who asked not to be named, pointing to how the ads have done little, at least so far, to lift Bush in the polls or dent his opponents. On Sunday, donors will learn just how much Bush has spent from his $100 million-plus war chest. That’s when Republican and Democratic candidates and their Super PACs release their latest campaign finance reports. What is known so far is that Bush and Right to Rise spent at least $82 million, both in operating expenditures through the third quarter of 2015 and on ad spending through this month.   The campaign finance reports also show that between June 2015, when Bush formally announced his candidacy, and September, the Bush campaign spent $1.2 million on private planes versus the roughly $700,000 spent during the same period by Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton.     Cruz spent $158,000 on private planes, and Rubio $293,300. Trump flies around the country in his own Boeing 757.     The former Florida governor’s spending pattern illustrates the limits of campaign donations: Even in an era when candidates can receive unlimited sums from wealthy donors, money doesn’t guarantee success.     “They are burning money,” said a second major donor, who, like all the other high-dollar donors interviewed, asked not be named for fear of displeasing the Bush family. “Look, this is not the election cycle to be spending like a silver-spoon Establishment candidate,” said a third donor. “It just doesn’t look right,” the donor said, referring to the way income inequality has emerged as a key theme in the 2016 election. Ambassador Jeanne Phillips, a member of the Right to Rise governance committee, laughed off the criticism. “I’ve known Jeb for 30 years, so the idea that Jeb would allow anyone around him to be frivolous with money is hilarious, it’s ridiculous. The man is the most conservative, fiscally responsible person I’ve ever worked with.” Bush’s campaign committee paid for all lodging on the campaign trail and the vast majority of private air charter, while Right To Rise paid for nearly all the known ad spending.     Money donated by both large and small donors kept the Bush camp traveling in style. There were stays at luxury hotels including the Wilshire in Beverly Hills, the Viceroy in Florida, the St. Regis in Dana Point, California, and the W in Stamford, Connecticut, the campaign finance filings show. The filings do not offer a complete picture. It is not clear for example, how many nights were spent at each of the hotels or indeed whether it was Bush himself who stayed or staff members. Bush isn’t the only candidate spending at high-end hotels, but it’s a high proportion of his overall hotel spending. He spent $125,000,or 70 percent of his total hotel spending between June and September on hotels defined as luxury or “upper upscale” luxury hotels by STR Global, which tracks supply and demand data in the hotel industry. Cruz and Rubio each spent less on luxury hotels and a smaller proportion of their overall lodging expenses on them, at roughly 56 percent and 61 percent, respectively, federal filings through the third quarter show. Trump flies home nearly every night so he can sleep in his own bed.     The Bush campaign and his Super PAC also spent more than $400,000 on renting facilities and catering at posh venues, including the Union League Club and the upscale beachfront 1 Hotel South Beach in Miami, where the Super PAC spent $60,000 last year. Rubio and Cruz spent roughly $265,000 and $185,000 respectively.     Bush defenders said the spending on high-end venues was simply how the donor world operated. “If you can hold an event at a fancy hotel and raise millions, then it’s well worth holding it at a swanky hotel” said Charlie Spies, counsel for Right to Rise. Spies said Right to Rise had negotiated “below market” rates with vendors and consultants, including an overall compensation cap for staff.       Nevertheless the Bush camp has spent more on staff and consultants than any of the leading candidates. Starting roughly in the spring, Bush paid out about $8 million. Cruz spent just $2 million; Rubio, just under $2 million; and Trump, $1.7 million. Overall, Trump, Cruz, and Rubio have spent a small fraction of the $82 million Bush has reported paying out. Cruz spent $18.5 million and Rubio outlayed $32 million, according to the filings made so far. Bush is certainly not the only candidate to spend big on the trail. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, for instance, ran an expensive campaign and burned through nearly $10 million before quitting after three months.     Bush’s prospects were far brighter last summer. Trump had yet to join the race and Bush was making headlines for the size of his war chest. His Super PAC had just cracked its goal of raising more than $100 million in just six months — an unprecedented haul in American politics.     To celebrate, Jeb’s parents and family welcomed their large network of well-heeled donors to their oceanside compound in Kennebunkport, Maine, where attendees were treated to rides in private trolley cars, lobster rolls and group photos with the sprawling Bush clan. (This version of the story was refiled to clarify spending in paragraph 25 to show it was by both the campaign and Super PAC)
SPIRIT HALLOWEEN CAVES TO TRANS MAFIA: Takes “Offensive” Caitlyn Jenner Costume Off Website
Is Spirit Halloween really foolish enough to believe no one else will sell this costume? Thanks to conservative news sources posting about this story, it will likely be the hottest halloween costume this year. We sure hope bowing down to the PC Police is worth the huge revenue you re going lose you big dummies!Spirit Halloween has taken its Caitlyn Jenner costume off its website, after the Internet exploded in outrage.Right. Making fun of celebrities is just mean.Based on Jenner s Vanity Fair cover shot from earlier this year, the Call Me Caitlyn Halloween costume sold for $74.99 and included a wig, shorts, padded bustier, and a sash emblazoned with Call Me Caitlyn. The costume was labeled as unisex with a photo showing a big, hairy guy wearing it.Spirit Halloween hasn t publicly commented on why the costume disappeared, according to USA Today, which added it s still available at AnytimeCostumes.com and at WholesaleHalloweenCostumes.com, for only $49.95.Spirit s marketing director Lisa Barr earlier said the get-up was a celebration of Jenner.Of course it was. Which is why the guy modeling it looked like someone s sloppy Uncle Lenny. There s no tasteful way to celebrate Caitlyn Jenner or respect transgender people this way on the one night of the year when people use their most twisted imaginations to pretend to be villains and monsters, Vincent Villano, the spokesman for the National Center for Transgender Equality in Washington, told USA Today.Here s an easy homemade costume idea for anyone who doesn t want to spend the money for a manufactured Bruce Jenner costume:As one might imagine, GLAAD wasn t very pleased either. When transgender women step out into the world as their authentic selves, they aren t wearing a costume, said organization spokesman Nick Adams. Companies should think twice before seeking to profit from mocking trans women. Via: Mercury News
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: SPIRIT HALLOWEEN CAVES TO TRANS MAFIA: Takes “Offensive” Caitlyn Jenner Costume Off Website TEXT: Is Spirit Halloween really foolish enough to believe no one else will sell this costume? Thanks to conservative news sources posting about this story, it will likely be the hottest halloween costume this year. We sure hope bowing down to the PC Police is worth the huge revenue you re going lose you big dummies!Spirit Halloween has taken its Caitlyn Jenner costume off its website, after the Internet exploded in outrage.Right. Making fun of celebrities is just mean.Based on Jenner s Vanity Fair cover shot from earlier this year, the Call Me Caitlyn Halloween costume sold for $74.99 and included a wig, shorts, padded bustier, and a sash emblazoned with Call Me Caitlyn. The costume was labeled as unisex with a photo showing a big, hairy guy wearing it.Spirit Halloween hasn t publicly commented on why the costume disappeared, according to USA Today, which added it s still available at AnytimeCostumes.com and at WholesaleHalloweenCostumes.com, for only $49.95.Spirit s marketing director Lisa Barr earlier said the get-up was a celebration of Jenner.Of course it was. Which is why the guy modeling it looked like someone s sloppy Uncle Lenny. There s no tasteful way to celebrate Caitlyn Jenner or respect transgender people this way on the one night of the year when people use their most twisted imaginations to pretend to be villains and monsters, Vincent Villano, the spokesman for the National Center for Transgender Equality in Washington, told USA Today.Here s an easy homemade costume idea for anyone who doesn t want to spend the money for a manufactured Bruce Jenner costume:As one might imagine, GLAAD wasn t very pleased either. When transgender women step out into the world as their authentic selves, they aren t wearing a costume, said organization spokesman Nick Adams. Companies should think twice before seeking to profit from mocking trans women. Via: Mercury News
TITLE: SPIRIT HALLOWEEN CAVES TO TRANS MAFIA: Takes “Offensive” Caitlyn Jenner Costume Off Website TEXT: Is Spirit Halloween really foolish enough to believe no one else will sell this costume? Thanks to conservative news sources posting about this story, it will likely be the hottest halloween costume this year. We sure hope bowing down to the PC Police is worth the huge revenue you re going lose you big dummies!Spirit Halloween has taken its Caitlyn Jenner costume off its website, after the Internet exploded in outrage.Right. Making fun of celebrities is just mean.Based on Jenner s Vanity Fair cover shot from earlier this year, the Call Me Caitlyn Halloween costume sold for $74.99 and included a wig, shorts, padded bustier, and a sash emblazoned with Call Me Caitlyn. The costume was labeled as unisex with a photo showing a big, hairy guy wearing it.Spirit Halloween hasn t publicly commented on why the costume disappeared, according to USA Today, which added it s still available at AnytimeCostumes.com and at WholesaleHalloweenCostumes.com, for only $49.95.Spirit s marketing director Lisa Barr earlier said the get-up was a celebration of Jenner.Of course it was. Which is why the guy modeling it looked like someone s sloppy Uncle Lenny. There s no tasteful way to celebrate Caitlyn Jenner or respect transgender people this way on the one night of the year when people use their most twisted imaginations to pretend to be villains and monsters, Vincent Villano, the spokesman for the National Center for Transgender Equality in Washington, told USA Today.Here s an easy homemade costume idea for anyone who doesn t want to spend the money for a manufactured Bruce Jenner costume:As one might imagine, GLAAD wasn t very pleased either. When transgender women step out into the world as their authentic selves, they aren t wearing a costume, said organization spokesman Nick Adams. Companies should think twice before seeking to profit from mocking trans women. Via: Mercury News
Belgian trial of Paris attacker Abdeslam postponed: court
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The Belgian trial of one of the suspects behind the 2015 Islamist attacks in Paris has been postponed, a Brussels court said. French national Salah Abdeslam fled to Belgium after the attacks in Paris that killed 130 people, hiding from police for months before being detained. Days after his arrest Brussels was hit by another deadly militant attack. He is standing trial in Belgium over his involvement in a shootout with police in the days leading up to his arrest. Abdeslam, initially set to stand trial on Monday, has appointed a new lawyer who had asked for more time to prepare his case. The court will set a new date for his trial on Monday.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Belgian trial of Paris attacker Abdeslam postponed: court TEXT: BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The Belgian trial of one of the suspects behind the 2015 Islamist attacks in Paris has been postponed, a Brussels court said. French national Salah Abdeslam fled to Belgium after the attacks in Paris that killed 130 people, hiding from police for months before being detained. Days after his arrest Brussels was hit by another deadly militant attack. He is standing trial in Belgium over his involvement in a shootout with police in the days leading up to his arrest. Abdeslam, initially set to stand trial on Monday, has appointed a new lawyer who had asked for more time to prepare his case. The court will set a new date for his trial on Monday.
TITLE: Belgian trial of Paris attacker Abdeslam postponed: court TEXT: BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The Belgian trial of one of the suspects behind the 2015 Islamist attacks in Paris has been postponed, a Brussels court said. French national Salah Abdeslam fled to Belgium after the attacks in Paris that killed 130 people, hiding from police for months before being detained. Days after his arrest Brussels was hit by another deadly militant attack. He is standing trial in Belgium over his involvement in a shootout with police in the days leading up to his arrest. Abdeslam, initially set to stand trial on Monday, has appointed a new lawyer who had asked for more time to prepare his case. The court will set a new date for his trial on Monday.
Oscar-winning actress Sandra Bullock is set to play Wendy Davis, or more commonly known to conservatives as, Abortion Barbie . When radical feminist Wendy Davis decided to make her gubenatorial campaign about killing babies, conservatives wasted no time outing her, and her radical agenda for the state of Texas. While attending a fundraiser in Los Angeles during her campaign for governor in the state of Texas, Davis was greeted by life size Abortion Barbie posters created by conservative artist Sabo .The Texas Democratic state senator who became a progressive darling after filibustering an abortion bill in 2013.Davis donned pink running shoes and filibustered for more than 11 hours on June 25, 2013, successfully blocking Senate Bill 5. The bill, among other measures, banned abortion after 20 weeks. WFBDavis got the unflattering nickname during her infamous filibuster. Thanks to conservative writer and Red State editor Erick Erickson, Davis will forever be known as Abortion Barbie. The moniker is a bit insulting but apropos given her steadfast defense of abortion on demand.Davis lost the race to the very popular conservative candidate, Republican Governor Greg Abott in a landslide.According to Variety, Sandra Bullock will star in the spec Let Her Speak as Texas senator Wendy Davis, whose 11-hour filibuster helped stall an anti-abortion bill in the Texas state house.Todd Black and Jason Blumenthal are on board to produce through their Escape Artists banner.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: HOLLYWOOD DARLING SANDRA BULLOCK To Play “Abortion Barbie” In New Movie TEXT: Oscar-winning actress Sandra Bullock is set to play Wendy Davis, or more commonly known to conservatives as, Abortion Barbie . When radical feminist Wendy Davis decided to make her gubenatorial campaign about killing babies, conservatives wasted no time outing her, and her radical agenda for the state of Texas. While attending a fundraiser in Los Angeles during her campaign for governor in the state of Texas, Davis was greeted by life size Abortion Barbie posters created by conservative artist Sabo .The Texas Democratic state senator who became a progressive darling after filibustering an abortion bill in 2013.Davis donned pink running shoes and filibustered for more than 11 hours on June 25, 2013, successfully blocking Senate Bill 5. The bill, among other measures, banned abortion after 20 weeks. WFBDavis got the unflattering nickname during her infamous filibuster. Thanks to conservative writer and Red State editor Erick Erickson, Davis will forever be known as Abortion Barbie. The moniker is a bit insulting but apropos given her steadfast defense of abortion on demand.Davis lost the race to the very popular conservative candidate, Republican Governor Greg Abott in a landslide.According to Variety, Sandra Bullock will star in the spec Let Her Speak as Texas senator Wendy Davis, whose 11-hour filibuster helped stall an anti-abortion bill in the Texas state house.Todd Black and Jason Blumenthal are on board to produce through their Escape Artists banner.
TITLE: HOLLYWOOD DARLING SANDRA BULLOCK To Play “Abortion Barbie” In New Movie TEXT: Oscar-winning actress Sandra Bullock is set to play Wendy Davis, or more commonly known to conservatives as, Abortion Barbie . When radical feminist Wendy Davis decided to make her gubenatorial campaign about killing babies, conservatives wasted no time outing her, and her radical agenda for the state of Texas. While attending a fundraiser in Los Angeles during her campaign for governor in the state of Texas, Davis was greeted by life size Abortion Barbie posters created by conservative artist Sabo .The Texas Democratic state senator who became a progressive darling after filibustering an abortion bill in 2013.Davis donned pink running shoes and filibustered for more than 11 hours on June 25, 2013, successfully blocking Senate Bill 5. The bill, among other measures, banned abortion after 20 weeks. WFBDavis got the unflattering nickname during her infamous filibuster. Thanks to conservative writer and Red State editor Erick Erickson, Davis will forever be known as Abortion Barbie. The moniker is a bit insulting but apropos given her steadfast defense of abortion on demand.Davis lost the race to the very popular conservative candidate, Republican Governor Greg Abott in a landslide.According to Variety, Sandra Bullock will star in the spec Let Her Speak as Texas senator Wendy Davis, whose 11-hour filibuster helped stall an anti-abortion bill in the Texas state house.Todd Black and Jason Blumenthal are on board to produce through their Escape Artists banner.
Echoes of Cold War as NATO mulls new North Atlantic command
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - NATO needs to establish a new regional base for protecting the North Atlantic against increased Russian naval strength, a senior alliance general said on Monday, as allies consider the next step in a military build-up reminiscent of the Cold War. General Petr Pavel, head of NATO s military committee, will help put the case to allied defense ministers this week for a new planning and strategy base to be located in a chosen NATO ally and focused on keeping Atlantic shipping lanes safe from enemy submarines. It would be the first such expansion in two decades after NATO sharply cut back its commands in 2011. If we look at the growing capabilities of countries like Russia and China, with a global reach, it is quite obvious that maritime lines of communication have to be protected, Pavel, a Czech army general, told Reuters in an interview. We observe increased Russian naval activity in the Arctic in the northern Atlantic ... We also assess that for any future crisis, the reinforcement of Europe and free lines of communication will be vital for European security, Pavel said. If approved, the new North Atlantic Command would survey a vast area and, in the event of any potential conflict with Russia, have the task of making sea lanes safe for U.S reinforcements to Europe. Strong in symbolism, the decision is unlikely to revive a much larger Cold War-era Atlantic Command that was disbanded in 2002, but it would broaden NATO s new deterrent against Russia. Despite NATO s cooperation with Moscow in the Balkans after a 1997 pact formalized friendly ties, the alliance sees the Kremlin s incursions in Georgia and eastern Ukraine and its seizure of Crimea as unacceptable breaches of international law. Pavel described Russia as a potential threat , while the West was alarmed by Moscow s war games in September that massed tens of thousands of troops and may have tested electronic warfare tools on Latvia, NATO officials say. Since Russia s 2014 Crimea annexation, NATO has sought to reassure its Baltic allies by sending troops to the Baltics, Poland and the Black Sea, setting up a network of NATO outposts, holding more exercises and preparing a rapid response force, including air, maritime and special operations components. The United States have also returned tanks and troops to Europe after a long drawdown at the end of the Cold War. Russia condemns the moves as an aggressive strategy on its frontiers that threatens to destabilize eastern Europe. U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis will join other allied defense ministers on Wednesday and Thursday to decide whether to approve the North Atlantic Command, as well as a logistics command to focus on moving troops more quickly across Europe. With renewed purpose since Russia s annexation of Crimea, NATO allies are broadly in favor of the two commands. Many are keen to lock in U.S. support given President Donald Trump s early doubts about the alliance he now says he strongly backs. Pavel cautioned that cost is likely to be an issue for NATO governments and said there were no short cuts in deterrence. I believe we are now out of the realm of doing more with less. We simply have to understand that wherever we want to do more, there will be resource implications, Pavel said. The alliance is being asked by Trump to do more in Afghanistan, in fighting Islamist militants and to stop migrants from the Middle East and North Africa reaching Europe. Many European NATO nations are still struggling to meet an alliance goal by 2024 to spend two percent of economic output on defense every year. We can call it modernization, we can call it adaptation. We simply have to adapt to a new reality, Pavel said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Echoes of Cold War as NATO mulls new North Atlantic command TEXT: BRUSSELS (Reuters) - NATO needs to establish a new regional base for protecting the North Atlantic against increased Russian naval strength, a senior alliance general said on Monday, as allies consider the next step in a military build-up reminiscent of the Cold War. General Petr Pavel, head of NATO s military committee, will help put the case to allied defense ministers this week for a new planning and strategy base to be located in a chosen NATO ally and focused on keeping Atlantic shipping lanes safe from enemy submarines. It would be the first such expansion in two decades after NATO sharply cut back its commands in 2011. If we look at the growing capabilities of countries like Russia and China, with a global reach, it is quite obvious that maritime lines of communication have to be protected, Pavel, a Czech army general, told Reuters in an interview. We observe increased Russian naval activity in the Arctic in the northern Atlantic ... We also assess that for any future crisis, the reinforcement of Europe and free lines of communication will be vital for European security, Pavel said. If approved, the new North Atlantic Command would survey a vast area and, in the event of any potential conflict with Russia, have the task of making sea lanes safe for U.S reinforcements to Europe. Strong in symbolism, the decision is unlikely to revive a much larger Cold War-era Atlantic Command that was disbanded in 2002, but it would broaden NATO s new deterrent against Russia. Despite NATO s cooperation with Moscow in the Balkans after a 1997 pact formalized friendly ties, the alliance sees the Kremlin s incursions in Georgia and eastern Ukraine and its seizure of Crimea as unacceptable breaches of international law. Pavel described Russia as a potential threat , while the West was alarmed by Moscow s war games in September that massed tens of thousands of troops and may have tested electronic warfare tools on Latvia, NATO officials say. Since Russia s 2014 Crimea annexation, NATO has sought to reassure its Baltic allies by sending troops to the Baltics, Poland and the Black Sea, setting up a network of NATO outposts, holding more exercises and preparing a rapid response force, including air, maritime and special operations components. The United States have also returned tanks and troops to Europe after a long drawdown at the end of the Cold War. Russia condemns the moves as an aggressive strategy on its frontiers that threatens to destabilize eastern Europe. U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis will join other allied defense ministers on Wednesday and Thursday to decide whether to approve the North Atlantic Command, as well as a logistics command to focus on moving troops more quickly across Europe. With renewed purpose since Russia s annexation of Crimea, NATO allies are broadly in favor of the two commands. Many are keen to lock in U.S. support given President Donald Trump s early doubts about the alliance he now says he strongly backs. Pavel cautioned that cost is likely to be an issue for NATO governments and said there were no short cuts in deterrence. I believe we are now out of the realm of doing more with less. We simply have to understand that wherever we want to do more, there will be resource implications, Pavel said. The alliance is being asked by Trump to do more in Afghanistan, in fighting Islamist militants and to stop migrants from the Middle East and North Africa reaching Europe. Many European NATO nations are still struggling to meet an alliance goal by 2024 to spend two percent of economic output on defense every year. We can call it modernization, we can call it adaptation. We simply have to adapt to a new reality, Pavel said.
TITLE: Echoes of Cold War as NATO mulls new North Atlantic command TEXT: BRUSSELS (Reuters) - NATO needs to establish a new regional base for protecting the North Atlantic against increased Russian naval strength, a senior alliance general said on Monday, as allies consider the next step in a military build-up reminiscent of the Cold War. General Petr Pavel, head of NATO s military committee, will help put the case to allied defense ministers this week for a new planning and strategy base to be located in a chosen NATO ally and focused on keeping Atlantic shipping lanes safe from enemy submarines. It would be the first such expansion in two decades after NATO sharply cut back its commands in 2011. If we look at the growing capabilities of countries like Russia and China, with a global reach, it is quite obvious that maritime lines of communication have to be protected, Pavel, a Czech army general, told Reuters in an interview. We observe increased Russian naval activity in the Arctic in the northern Atlantic ... We also assess that for any future crisis, the reinforcement of Europe and free lines of communication will be vital for European security, Pavel said. If approved, the new North Atlantic Command would survey a vast area and, in the event of any potential conflict with Russia, have the task of making sea lanes safe for U.S reinforcements to Europe. Strong in symbolism, the decision is unlikely to revive a much larger Cold War-era Atlantic Command that was disbanded in 2002, but it would broaden NATO s new deterrent against Russia. Despite NATO s cooperation with Moscow in the Balkans after a 1997 pact formalized friendly ties, the alliance sees the Kremlin s incursions in Georgia and eastern Ukraine and its seizure of Crimea as unacceptable breaches of international law. Pavel described Russia as a potential threat , while the West was alarmed by Moscow s war games in September that massed tens of thousands of troops and may have tested electronic warfare tools on Latvia, NATO officials say. Since Russia s 2014 Crimea annexation, NATO has sought to reassure its Baltic allies by sending troops to the Baltics, Poland and the Black Sea, setting up a network of NATO outposts, holding more exercises and preparing a rapid response force, including air, maritime and special operations components. The United States have also returned tanks and troops to Europe after a long drawdown at the end of the Cold War. Russia condemns the moves as an aggressive strategy on its frontiers that threatens to destabilize eastern Europe. U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis will join other allied defense ministers on Wednesday and Thursday to decide whether to approve the North Atlantic Command, as well as a logistics command to focus on moving troops more quickly across Europe. With renewed purpose since Russia s annexation of Crimea, NATO allies are broadly in favor of the two commands. Many are keen to lock in U.S. support given President Donald Trump s early doubts about the alliance he now says he strongly backs. Pavel cautioned that cost is likely to be an issue for NATO governments and said there were no short cuts in deterrence. I believe we are now out of the realm of doing more with less. We simply have to understand that wherever we want to do more, there will be resource implications, Pavel said. The alliance is being asked by Trump to do more in Afghanistan, in fighting Islamist militants and to stop migrants from the Middle East and North Africa reaching Europe. Many European NATO nations are still struggling to meet an alliance goal by 2024 to spend two percent of economic output on defense every year. We can call it modernization, we can call it adaptation. We simply have to adapt to a new reality, Pavel said.
UNIV Of WI Chancellor Contacts Police After Noticing Confederate Flag Displayed On Worker’s Truck On Campus
Is anyone else concerned that the Left was able to turn the display of a Confederate flag by an American into a criminal offense almost overnight? When a contractor s truck at the University of Wisconsin LaCrosse sported a Confederate flag across its grille in November, one official was quick to condemn the contractor, call for the flag s removal, and it turns out even asked for an informal police investigation into the matter. E-mails obtained by the LaCrosse Tea Party show Paula Knudson, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs at the school, went farther than previously known in her efforts to get the flag removed and the contractor punished.LaCrosse confederate flagUpon learning of the flag s presence on campus, Knudson e-mailed Doug Pearson, the head of Facilities Planning and Management for the school, to ask that the contractor be told the flag needed to go. The contractor quickly and willingly complied and Knudson went on to e-mail the entire UWL campus students and faculty to express her regret over the incident and say that she was personally. . . offended and. . . very sorry for the fear and angst caused by its presence. [Emphasis added]At the same time, e-mails reveal, Knudson e-mailed pictures of the truck to interim UW-LaCrosse Police Chief Scott McCullough with the subject line License please? After reading Knudson s campus-wide missive, McCullough responded to say he read her e-mail to mean that there was no longer any need for police action since the flag had been removed.McCullough also went on to reference another incident with yet another truck that displayed the Confederate flag and urged Knudson to remember that the police cannot run license plate numbers without a valid excuse to investigate the vehicle. I would like to take a second and make clear that like the last truck with this emblem, I would need to be conducting a police investigation into some violation (I believe it was harassment last time) before I can run this plate, he wrote. It could be literally only seconds talking with a complainant but it is an important protection to all of us that even the police cannot simply run records checks for no reason, he went on to say. Please don t take this as any hesitation on our part to help just that we have very specific rules that we (the police) need to follow. At least two students who were offended by the flag took action on their own and approached the construction site to express their indignation according to an e-mail from facilities chief Pearson. The job site superintendent was concerned about two students who walked into the job site and confronted the trucker, Pearson wrote in an e-mail to Knudson that included UWL Chancellor Joe Gow. The superintendent indicated they [the students] were rude and were baiting the trucker to say something. I can help resolve these issues, but staff and students should not be walking into a job site without proper personal protective equipment. The following day, Chancellor Gow e-mailed Knudson to chide her for how she handled the situation. He urged her to point out the trucker kindly complied with the school s request that the flag be removed. We need to refute the notion that we have somehow banned display of the confederate flag, because we don t have the legal authority to do so. And we wouldn t want to stifle free expression no matter how uncomfortable it might make us feel [emphasis added], Gow concluded.In public statements made after Media Trackers first broke the news of the incident and published a picture of the truck, Gow said the Confederate flag clearly is a racist symbol, but acknowledged that UWL would have allowed the trucker to continue to display it had he refused to remove it. Via: EAG News
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: UNIV Of WI Chancellor Contacts Police After Noticing Confederate Flag Displayed On Worker’s Truck On Campus TEXT: Is anyone else concerned that the Left was able to turn the display of a Confederate flag by an American into a criminal offense almost overnight? When a contractor s truck at the University of Wisconsin LaCrosse sported a Confederate flag across its grille in November, one official was quick to condemn the contractor, call for the flag s removal, and it turns out even asked for an informal police investigation into the matter. E-mails obtained by the LaCrosse Tea Party show Paula Knudson, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs at the school, went farther than previously known in her efforts to get the flag removed and the contractor punished.LaCrosse confederate flagUpon learning of the flag s presence on campus, Knudson e-mailed Doug Pearson, the head of Facilities Planning and Management for the school, to ask that the contractor be told the flag needed to go. The contractor quickly and willingly complied and Knudson went on to e-mail the entire UWL campus students and faculty to express her regret over the incident and say that she was personally. . . offended and. . . very sorry for the fear and angst caused by its presence. [Emphasis added]At the same time, e-mails reveal, Knudson e-mailed pictures of the truck to interim UW-LaCrosse Police Chief Scott McCullough with the subject line License please? After reading Knudson s campus-wide missive, McCullough responded to say he read her e-mail to mean that there was no longer any need for police action since the flag had been removed.McCullough also went on to reference another incident with yet another truck that displayed the Confederate flag and urged Knudson to remember that the police cannot run license plate numbers without a valid excuse to investigate the vehicle. I would like to take a second and make clear that like the last truck with this emblem, I would need to be conducting a police investigation into some violation (I believe it was harassment last time) before I can run this plate, he wrote. It could be literally only seconds talking with a complainant but it is an important protection to all of us that even the police cannot simply run records checks for no reason, he went on to say. Please don t take this as any hesitation on our part to help just that we have very specific rules that we (the police) need to follow. At least two students who were offended by the flag took action on their own and approached the construction site to express their indignation according to an e-mail from facilities chief Pearson. The job site superintendent was concerned about two students who walked into the job site and confronted the trucker, Pearson wrote in an e-mail to Knudson that included UWL Chancellor Joe Gow. The superintendent indicated they [the students] were rude and were baiting the trucker to say something. I can help resolve these issues, but staff and students should not be walking into a job site without proper personal protective equipment. The following day, Chancellor Gow e-mailed Knudson to chide her for how she handled the situation. He urged her to point out the trucker kindly complied with the school s request that the flag be removed. We need to refute the notion that we have somehow banned display of the confederate flag, because we don t have the legal authority to do so. And we wouldn t want to stifle free expression no matter how uncomfortable it might make us feel [emphasis added], Gow concluded.In public statements made after Media Trackers first broke the news of the incident and published a picture of the truck, Gow said the Confederate flag clearly is a racist symbol, but acknowledged that UWL would have allowed the trucker to continue to display it had he refused to remove it. Via: EAG News
TITLE: UNIV Of WI Chancellor Contacts Police After Noticing Confederate Flag Displayed On Worker’s Truck On Campus TEXT: Is anyone else concerned that the Left was able to turn the display of a Confederate flag by an American into a criminal offense almost overnight? When a contractor s truck at the University of Wisconsin LaCrosse sported a Confederate flag across its grille in November, one official was quick to condemn the contractor, call for the flag s removal, and it turns out even asked for an informal police investigation into the matter. E-mails obtained by the LaCrosse Tea Party show Paula Knudson, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs at the school, went farther than previously known in her efforts to get the flag removed and the contractor punished.LaCrosse confederate flagUpon learning of the flag s presence on campus, Knudson e-mailed Doug Pearson, the head of Facilities Planning and Management for the school, to ask that the contractor be told the flag needed to go. The contractor quickly and willingly complied and Knudson went on to e-mail the entire UWL campus students and faculty to express her regret over the incident and say that she was personally. . . offended and. . . very sorry for the fear and angst caused by its presence. [Emphasis added]At the same time, e-mails reveal, Knudson e-mailed pictures of the truck to interim UW-LaCrosse Police Chief Scott McCullough with the subject line License please? After reading Knudson s campus-wide missive, McCullough responded to say he read her e-mail to mean that there was no longer any need for police action since the flag had been removed.McCullough also went on to reference another incident with yet another truck that displayed the Confederate flag and urged Knudson to remember that the police cannot run license plate numbers without a valid excuse to investigate the vehicle. I would like to take a second and make clear that like the last truck with this emblem, I would need to be conducting a police investigation into some violation (I believe it was harassment last time) before I can run this plate, he wrote. It could be literally only seconds talking with a complainant but it is an important protection to all of us that even the police cannot simply run records checks for no reason, he went on to say. Please don t take this as any hesitation on our part to help just that we have very specific rules that we (the police) need to follow. At least two students who were offended by the flag took action on their own and approached the construction site to express their indignation according to an e-mail from facilities chief Pearson. The job site superintendent was concerned about two students who walked into the job site and confronted the trucker, Pearson wrote in an e-mail to Knudson that included UWL Chancellor Joe Gow. The superintendent indicated they [the students] were rude and were baiting the trucker to say something. I can help resolve these issues, but staff and students should not be walking into a job site without proper personal protective equipment. The following day, Chancellor Gow e-mailed Knudson to chide her for how she handled the situation. He urged her to point out the trucker kindly complied with the school s request that the flag be removed. We need to refute the notion that we have somehow banned display of the confederate flag, because we don t have the legal authority to do so. And we wouldn t want to stifle free expression no matter how uncomfortable it might make us feel [emphasis added], Gow concluded.In public statements made after Media Trackers first broke the news of the incident and published a picture of the truck, Gow said the Confederate flag clearly is a racist symbol, but acknowledged that UWL would have allowed the trucker to continue to display it had he refused to remove it. Via: EAG News
Obama's EU envoy says Brexiteer Farage misleading Trump
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Barack Obama’s envoy to Brussels warned Donald Trump against the “lunacy” of backing an EU break-up, saying Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage may have given the incoming U.S. president a false impression that more countries might follow Britain out of the bloc. Anthony Gardner, a banker who has run U.S. relations with the European Union for three years, made the frank comments on Friday in a final news conference a week before Trump has ordered all Obama appointees to quit. Gardner condemned the move as an unprecedented “guillotine exit” that had disrupted public servants’ lives. Referring to Trump’s welcome for the British vote to leave the EU and the apparent influence of Farage in the Trump camp, Gardner said: “For us to be the cheerleaders of Brexit and to be encouraging Brexit Mark 2, Mark 3, is the height of folly.” Gardner said Farage, an EU lawmaker and Trump ally, had written to him recently requesting a meeting. The U.S. envoy said Farage’s views were the “polar opposite” of his own and he thought Farage had misled Trump’s transition team on the state of the EU. Describing calls to EU institutions from Trump’s aides in recent weeks, Gardner said: “That was the one question that was asked - basically, ‘What’s the next country to leave?’. Which is kind of suggesting that the place is about to fall apart.” “It’s just reflective of the general perception, a misperception, a perception that Nigel Farage is presumably disseminating in Washington and it’s a caricature.” He said it would be “fundamentally flawed” for the United States to ignore the EU as “dysfunctional” and instead focus on key allies like Britain and Germany. “We should not depart from 50 years of foreign policy with regard to the EU,” he said. “We should not become the cheerleaders for Brexit, particularly if Brexit appears more likely to be a hard, disorderly unmanaged Brexit.” “A hard Brexit or a fragmentation of the European market would be very bad news for American business,” he added. “They’ve understood it ... and we need to make the case.” Gardner urged Europeans and the incoming administration not to break ranks on sanctions against Russia over Ukraine - Trump says he wants better relations with Moscow after he takes office next Friday. And he urged U.S. diplomats to speak frankly to the new leadership, even if that carried risks to their careers. He spoke of his “respect” for Britain’s EU ambassador, who resigned this month in a sign of behind-the-scenes arguments in London over Brexit. Ivan Rogers, he said, had “paid the price” for telling political leaders things they did not want to hear. “It’s critically important,” Gardner said, “That while being loyal to the new team ... people speak truth to power.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Obama's EU envoy says Brexiteer Farage misleading Trump TEXT: BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Barack Obama’s envoy to Brussels warned Donald Trump against the “lunacy” of backing an EU break-up, saying Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage may have given the incoming U.S. president a false impression that more countries might follow Britain out of the bloc. Anthony Gardner, a banker who has run U.S. relations with the European Union for three years, made the frank comments on Friday in a final news conference a week before Trump has ordered all Obama appointees to quit. Gardner condemned the move as an unprecedented “guillotine exit” that had disrupted public servants’ lives. Referring to Trump’s welcome for the British vote to leave the EU and the apparent influence of Farage in the Trump camp, Gardner said: “For us to be the cheerleaders of Brexit and to be encouraging Brexit Mark 2, Mark 3, is the height of folly.” Gardner said Farage, an EU lawmaker and Trump ally, had written to him recently requesting a meeting. The U.S. envoy said Farage’s views were the “polar opposite” of his own and he thought Farage had misled Trump’s transition team on the state of the EU. Describing calls to EU institutions from Trump’s aides in recent weeks, Gardner said: “That was the one question that was asked - basically, ‘What’s the next country to leave?’. Which is kind of suggesting that the place is about to fall apart.” “It’s just reflective of the general perception, a misperception, a perception that Nigel Farage is presumably disseminating in Washington and it’s a caricature.” He said it would be “fundamentally flawed” for the United States to ignore the EU as “dysfunctional” and instead focus on key allies like Britain and Germany. “We should not depart from 50 years of foreign policy with regard to the EU,” he said. “We should not become the cheerleaders for Brexit, particularly if Brexit appears more likely to be a hard, disorderly unmanaged Brexit.” “A hard Brexit or a fragmentation of the European market would be very bad news for American business,” he added. “They’ve understood it ... and we need to make the case.” Gardner urged Europeans and the incoming administration not to break ranks on sanctions against Russia over Ukraine - Trump says he wants better relations with Moscow after he takes office next Friday. And he urged U.S. diplomats to speak frankly to the new leadership, even if that carried risks to their careers. He spoke of his “respect” for Britain’s EU ambassador, who resigned this month in a sign of behind-the-scenes arguments in London over Brexit. Ivan Rogers, he said, had “paid the price” for telling political leaders things they did not want to hear. “It’s critically important,” Gardner said, “That while being loyal to the new team ... people speak truth to power.”
TITLE: Obama's EU envoy says Brexiteer Farage misleading Trump TEXT: BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Barack Obama’s envoy to Brussels warned Donald Trump against the “lunacy” of backing an EU break-up, saying Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage may have given the incoming U.S. president a false impression that more countries might follow Britain out of the bloc. Anthony Gardner, a banker who has run U.S. relations with the European Union for three years, made the frank comments on Friday in a final news conference a week before Trump has ordered all Obama appointees to quit. Gardner condemned the move as an unprecedented “guillotine exit” that had disrupted public servants’ lives. Referring to Trump’s welcome for the British vote to leave the EU and the apparent influence of Farage in the Trump camp, Gardner said: “For us to be the cheerleaders of Brexit and to be encouraging Brexit Mark 2, Mark 3, is the height of folly.” Gardner said Farage, an EU lawmaker and Trump ally, had written to him recently requesting a meeting. The U.S. envoy said Farage’s views were the “polar opposite” of his own and he thought Farage had misled Trump’s transition team on the state of the EU. Describing calls to EU institutions from Trump’s aides in recent weeks, Gardner said: “That was the one question that was asked - basically, ‘What’s the next country to leave?’. Which is kind of suggesting that the place is about to fall apart.” “It’s just reflective of the general perception, a misperception, a perception that Nigel Farage is presumably disseminating in Washington and it’s a caricature.” He said it would be “fundamentally flawed” for the United States to ignore the EU as “dysfunctional” and instead focus on key allies like Britain and Germany. “We should not depart from 50 years of foreign policy with regard to the EU,” he said. “We should not become the cheerleaders for Brexit, particularly if Brexit appears more likely to be a hard, disorderly unmanaged Brexit.” “A hard Brexit or a fragmentation of the European market would be very bad news for American business,” he added. “They’ve understood it ... and we need to make the case.” Gardner urged Europeans and the incoming administration not to break ranks on sanctions against Russia over Ukraine - Trump says he wants better relations with Moscow after he takes office next Friday. And he urged U.S. diplomats to speak frankly to the new leadership, even if that carried risks to their careers. He spoke of his “respect” for Britain’s EU ambassador, who resigned this month in a sign of behind-the-scenes arguments in London over Brexit. Ivan Rogers, he said, had “paid the price” for telling political leaders things they did not want to hear. “It’s critically important,” Gardner said, “That while being loyal to the new team ... people speak truth to power.”
Sri Lanka arrests 19 after Buddhist-Muslim violence; four injured
COLOMBO (Reuters) - Sri Lankan police arrested 19 people after a clash between extremists from the majority Buddhist and minority Muslim communities in which four people were injured, a spokesman said on Saturday. Tension has been growing between the two communities this year, with some hardline Buddhist groups accusing Muslims of forcing people to convert to Islam and vandalizing Buddhist archaeological sites. Some Buddhists nationalists have also protested against the presence in Sri Lanka of asylum seekers from mostly Buddhist Myanmar s persecuted Rohingya Muslim minority. Police said the late Friday violence in the southern coastal town of Ginthota was triggered by rumors and fake messages on social media. This was a clash between a small fraction of extremists in the both ethnic groups, police spokesman Ruwan Gunasekera told Reuters. One of those arrested was a woman who falsely spread news that Muslims were about to attack a Buddhist temple, he said. We ve decided to arrest those who have been spreading false messages and rumors on social media. Later police said all 19 suspects have been remanded until Nov. 30 and a local curfew had been imposed in the clash area for 12 hours to 0600 hours (0300 GMT) on Sunday. Law and Order Minister Sagala Ratnayaka said some political groups are now on a desperate mission to turn this minor brawl into a Sinhala-Muslim clash . I urge the public not to be misled by their false propaganda, he said. Additional police battalions, elite police forces, the anti-riot squad and the military were called late on Friday to bring the situation under control. Buddhists make up about 70 percent of Sri Lanka s population of 21 million, compared with about 9 percent for Muslims. President Maithripala Sirisena s government, after coming under fire from rights groups and diplomats for not doing enough to crack down on hardline Buddhist groups, acted against anti-Muslim attackers in June this year. That response came after more than 20 attacks on Muslims, including arson at Muslim-owned businesses and petrol-bomb attacks on mosques, were recorded in two months. In 2014, three Muslims were killed in riots stirred up by hardline Buddhist groups.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Sri Lanka arrests 19 after Buddhist-Muslim violence; four injured TEXT: COLOMBO (Reuters) - Sri Lankan police arrested 19 people after a clash between extremists from the majority Buddhist and minority Muslim communities in which four people were injured, a spokesman said on Saturday. Tension has been growing between the two communities this year, with some hardline Buddhist groups accusing Muslims of forcing people to convert to Islam and vandalizing Buddhist archaeological sites. Some Buddhists nationalists have also protested against the presence in Sri Lanka of asylum seekers from mostly Buddhist Myanmar s persecuted Rohingya Muslim minority. Police said the late Friday violence in the southern coastal town of Ginthota was triggered by rumors and fake messages on social media. This was a clash between a small fraction of extremists in the both ethnic groups, police spokesman Ruwan Gunasekera told Reuters. One of those arrested was a woman who falsely spread news that Muslims were about to attack a Buddhist temple, he said. We ve decided to arrest those who have been spreading false messages and rumors on social media. Later police said all 19 suspects have been remanded until Nov. 30 and a local curfew had been imposed in the clash area for 12 hours to 0600 hours (0300 GMT) on Sunday. Law and Order Minister Sagala Ratnayaka said some political groups are now on a desperate mission to turn this minor brawl into a Sinhala-Muslim clash . I urge the public not to be misled by their false propaganda, he said. Additional police battalions, elite police forces, the anti-riot squad and the military were called late on Friday to bring the situation under control. Buddhists make up about 70 percent of Sri Lanka s population of 21 million, compared with about 9 percent for Muslims. President Maithripala Sirisena s government, after coming under fire from rights groups and diplomats for not doing enough to crack down on hardline Buddhist groups, acted against anti-Muslim attackers in June this year. That response came after more than 20 attacks on Muslims, including arson at Muslim-owned businesses and petrol-bomb attacks on mosques, were recorded in two months. In 2014, three Muslims were killed in riots stirred up by hardline Buddhist groups.
TITLE: Sri Lanka arrests 19 after Buddhist-Muslim violence; four injured TEXT: COLOMBO (Reuters) - Sri Lankan police arrested 19 people after a clash between extremists from the majority Buddhist and minority Muslim communities in which four people were injured, a spokesman said on Saturday. Tension has been growing between the two communities this year, with some hardline Buddhist groups accusing Muslims of forcing people to convert to Islam and vandalizing Buddhist archaeological sites. Some Buddhists nationalists have also protested against the presence in Sri Lanka of asylum seekers from mostly Buddhist Myanmar s persecuted Rohingya Muslim minority. Police said the late Friday violence in the southern coastal town of Ginthota was triggered by rumors and fake messages on social media. This was a clash between a small fraction of extremists in the both ethnic groups, police spokesman Ruwan Gunasekera told Reuters. One of those arrested was a woman who falsely spread news that Muslims were about to attack a Buddhist temple, he said. We ve decided to arrest those who have been spreading false messages and rumors on social media. Later police said all 19 suspects have been remanded until Nov. 30 and a local curfew had been imposed in the clash area for 12 hours to 0600 hours (0300 GMT) on Sunday. Law and Order Minister Sagala Ratnayaka said some political groups are now on a desperate mission to turn this minor brawl into a Sinhala-Muslim clash . I urge the public not to be misled by their false propaganda, he said. Additional police battalions, elite police forces, the anti-riot squad and the military were called late on Friday to bring the situation under control. Buddhists make up about 70 percent of Sri Lanka s population of 21 million, compared with about 9 percent for Muslims. President Maithripala Sirisena s government, after coming under fire from rights groups and diplomats for not doing enough to crack down on hardline Buddhist groups, acted against anti-Muslim attackers in June this year. That response came after more than 20 attacks on Muslims, including arson at Muslim-owned businesses and petrol-bomb attacks on mosques, were recorded in two months. In 2014, three Muslims were killed in riots stirred up by hardline Buddhist groups.
Merkel has no doubts UK, EU will achieve good Brexit result
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday she had no doubts that the European Union and Britain could achieve a good result on Brexit after Prime Minister Theresa May appealed to leaders to move the talks forward. I have absolutely no doubts that if we are all focused and the speech in Florence was a contribution that we can get a good result, Merkel told reporters at an EU summit in Brussels. From my side there are no indications at all that we won t succeed, she said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Merkel has no doubts UK, EU will achieve good Brexit result TEXT: BRUSSELS (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday she had no doubts that the European Union and Britain could achieve a good result on Brexit after Prime Minister Theresa May appealed to leaders to move the talks forward. I have absolutely no doubts that if we are all focused and the speech in Florence was a contribution that we can get a good result, Merkel told reporters at an EU summit in Brussels. From my side there are no indications at all that we won t succeed, she said.
TITLE: Merkel has no doubts UK, EU will achieve good Brexit result TEXT: BRUSSELS (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday she had no doubts that the European Union and Britain could achieve a good result on Brexit after Prime Minister Theresa May appealed to leaders to move the talks forward. I have absolutely no doubts that if we are all focused and the speech in Florence was a contribution that we can get a good result, Merkel told reporters at an EU summit in Brussels. From my side there are no indications at all that we won t succeed, she said.
Virginia becomes first U.S. state to regulate fantasy sports
(Reuters) - Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe has signed a bill that makes the state the first in the United States to regulate fantasy sports, a multibillion-dollar online business whose legality has been challenged across the country. The measure signed by McAuliffe, a Democrat, mandates that players be 18 or older, offers players limits on how much they can bet, requires annual audits and bars employees from competing in company contests. It takes effect on July 1. “This bill, which was passed by super majorities of both chambers, will empower Virginia to regulate this emerging industry and keep consumers safe from abuses,” Brian Coy, a McAuliffe spokesman, said in a statement. The governor signed the bill on Monday. The growing fantasy sports industry dominated by DraftKings and FanDuel has drawn increased attention from state regulators over the past year, with the attorneys general of New York, Illinois and Nevada questioning their legality. The games are illegal in several states. The companies charge customers to take part in mostly single-day games in which they draft a roster of players whose performance on the field earns points. In statements on a sports gaming website, spokesmen for DraftKings and FanDuel welcomed the Virginia measure. Texas reached a deal with FanDuel last week in which the company will halt paid operations in the state on May 2.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Virginia becomes first U.S. state to regulate fantasy sports TEXT: (Reuters) - Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe has signed a bill that makes the state the first in the United States to regulate fantasy sports, a multibillion-dollar online business whose legality has been challenged across the country. The measure signed by McAuliffe, a Democrat, mandates that players be 18 or older, offers players limits on how much they can bet, requires annual audits and bars employees from competing in company contests. It takes effect on July 1. “This bill, which was passed by super majorities of both chambers, will empower Virginia to regulate this emerging industry and keep consumers safe from abuses,” Brian Coy, a McAuliffe spokesman, said in a statement. The governor signed the bill on Monday. The growing fantasy sports industry dominated by DraftKings and FanDuel has drawn increased attention from state regulators over the past year, with the attorneys general of New York, Illinois and Nevada questioning their legality. The games are illegal in several states. The companies charge customers to take part in mostly single-day games in which they draft a roster of players whose performance on the field earns points. In statements on a sports gaming website, spokesmen for DraftKings and FanDuel welcomed the Virginia measure. Texas reached a deal with FanDuel last week in which the company will halt paid operations in the state on May 2.
TITLE: Virginia becomes first U.S. state to regulate fantasy sports TEXT: (Reuters) - Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe has signed a bill that makes the state the first in the United States to regulate fantasy sports, a multibillion-dollar online business whose legality has been challenged across the country. The measure signed by McAuliffe, a Democrat, mandates that players be 18 or older, offers players limits on how much they can bet, requires annual audits and bars employees from competing in company contests. It takes effect on July 1. “This bill, which was passed by super majorities of both chambers, will empower Virginia to regulate this emerging industry and keep consumers safe from abuses,” Brian Coy, a McAuliffe spokesman, said in a statement. The governor signed the bill on Monday. The growing fantasy sports industry dominated by DraftKings and FanDuel has drawn increased attention from state regulators over the past year, with the attorneys general of New York, Illinois and Nevada questioning their legality. The games are illegal in several states. The companies charge customers to take part in mostly single-day games in which they draft a roster of players whose performance on the field earns points. In statements on a sports gaming website, spokesmen for DraftKings and FanDuel welcomed the Virginia measure. Texas reached a deal with FanDuel last week in which the company will halt paid operations in the state on May 2.
Syria opposition meeting in Riyadh sees no role for Assad in transition
RIYADH/AMMAN (Reuters) - Syria s main opposition stuck by its demand on Thursday that President Bashar al-Assad play no role in an interim period under any U.N.-sponsored peace deal, despite speculation it could soften its stance because of Assad s battlefield strength. A gathering in Saudi Arabia of more than 140 participants from a broad spectrum of Syria s mainstream opposition also blasted Iran s military presence in Syria and called on Shi ite militias backed by Tehran to leave the country. The participants stressed that this (the transition) cannot happen without the departure of Bashar al Assad and his clique at the start of the interim period, opposition groups said in a communique at the end of the meeting. Iran-backed militias sowed terrorism and sectarian strife between Sunni and Shi ite Muslims, the communique said. The opposition groups met to seek a unified position ahead of U.N.-backed peace talks after two years of Russian military intervention that has helped Assad s government recapture all of Syria s main cities. The Syrian opposition has sent a message that it is ready to enter serious direct talks over a political transition in Syria and has a unified position and a vision for the future of Syria, Ahmad Ramadan, opposition spokesman, told Reuters. The participants elected 50 members to a High Negotiations Committee and will finalize on Friday the delegation for the next round of U.N.-sponsored talks. We agreed with the group of components present here in Riyadh and the Cairo and Moscow platforms on the formation of one delegation to participate in direct negotiations in Geneva in a few days, spokeswoman Basma Qadmani said. U.N. peace talks mediator Staffan de Mistura, preparing for a new round of Geneva talks, will visit Moscow on Friday, where he is expected to discuss the situation in Syria. There had been speculation that the opposition, at the meeting, could soften its demands that Kremlin ally Assad leave power before any transition. Riyad Hijab, an opposition hardliner who led the High Negotiations Committee that represented the opposition at previous rounds of negotiations, abruptly quit this week. For many years, Western and Arab countries backed the opposition demand that Assad leave office. However, since Russia joined the war on behalf of Assad s government it has become increasingly clear that Assad s opponents have no path to victory on the battlefield. Russian President Vladimir Putin has called for a congress of the Syrian government and opposition to draw up a framework for the future structure of the Syrian state, adopt a new constitution and hold elections under UN supervision. But he has also said that any political settlement in Syria would be finalised within the Geneva peace talks process overseen by the United Nations. The opposition has long been suspicious of the parallel diplomatic track pushed by Russia, which before the proposed Sochi congress included talks in Kazakhstan, and has insisted that political dialogue should only take place in Geneva. The opposition communique said the participants supported a U.N. based process that would allow Syria to undergo a radical political transition from an authoritarian system to a democracy where free elections would be upheld. Negotiations should be direct and without preconditions based on past U.N. Security Council resolutions, it said. The opposition backed the restructuring of the army and security organs and preservation of state institutions, but called for the trial of those responsible for war crimes. The meeting, which included independents and Free Syrian Army military factions, also blamed the Syrian government for the lack of progress in Geneva-based talks held in the past. The political process has not achieved its goal because of the regime s violations, the communique said, citing the bombing of civilian areas, the siege of rebel held areas and the detention of tens of thousands of dissidents. Syria s civil war, now in its seventh year, has killed hundreds of thousands of people and created the world s worst refugee crisis, driving more than 11 million people from their homes.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Syria opposition meeting in Riyadh sees no role for Assad in transition TEXT: RIYADH/AMMAN (Reuters) - Syria s main opposition stuck by its demand on Thursday that President Bashar al-Assad play no role in an interim period under any U.N.-sponsored peace deal, despite speculation it could soften its stance because of Assad s battlefield strength. A gathering in Saudi Arabia of more than 140 participants from a broad spectrum of Syria s mainstream opposition also blasted Iran s military presence in Syria and called on Shi ite militias backed by Tehran to leave the country. The participants stressed that this (the transition) cannot happen without the departure of Bashar al Assad and his clique at the start of the interim period, opposition groups said in a communique at the end of the meeting. Iran-backed militias sowed terrorism and sectarian strife between Sunni and Shi ite Muslims, the communique said. The opposition groups met to seek a unified position ahead of U.N.-backed peace talks after two years of Russian military intervention that has helped Assad s government recapture all of Syria s main cities. The Syrian opposition has sent a message that it is ready to enter serious direct talks over a political transition in Syria and has a unified position and a vision for the future of Syria, Ahmad Ramadan, opposition spokesman, told Reuters. The participants elected 50 members to a High Negotiations Committee and will finalize on Friday the delegation for the next round of U.N.-sponsored talks. We agreed with the group of components present here in Riyadh and the Cairo and Moscow platforms on the formation of one delegation to participate in direct negotiations in Geneva in a few days, spokeswoman Basma Qadmani said. U.N. peace talks mediator Staffan de Mistura, preparing for a new round of Geneva talks, will visit Moscow on Friday, where he is expected to discuss the situation in Syria. There had been speculation that the opposition, at the meeting, could soften its demands that Kremlin ally Assad leave power before any transition. Riyad Hijab, an opposition hardliner who led the High Negotiations Committee that represented the opposition at previous rounds of negotiations, abruptly quit this week. For many years, Western and Arab countries backed the opposition demand that Assad leave office. However, since Russia joined the war on behalf of Assad s government it has become increasingly clear that Assad s opponents have no path to victory on the battlefield. Russian President Vladimir Putin has called for a congress of the Syrian government and opposition to draw up a framework for the future structure of the Syrian state, adopt a new constitution and hold elections under UN supervision. But he has also said that any political settlement in Syria would be finalised within the Geneva peace talks process overseen by the United Nations. The opposition has long been suspicious of the parallel diplomatic track pushed by Russia, which before the proposed Sochi congress included talks in Kazakhstan, and has insisted that political dialogue should only take place in Geneva. The opposition communique said the participants supported a U.N. based process that would allow Syria to undergo a radical political transition from an authoritarian system to a democracy where free elections would be upheld. Negotiations should be direct and without preconditions based on past U.N. Security Council resolutions, it said. The opposition backed the restructuring of the army and security organs and preservation of state institutions, but called for the trial of those responsible for war crimes. The meeting, which included independents and Free Syrian Army military factions, also blamed the Syrian government for the lack of progress in Geneva-based talks held in the past. The political process has not achieved its goal because of the regime s violations, the communique said, citing the bombing of civilian areas, the siege of rebel held areas and the detention of tens of thousands of dissidents. Syria s civil war, now in its seventh year, has killed hundreds of thousands of people and created the world s worst refugee crisis, driving more than 11 million people from their homes.
TITLE: Syria opposition meeting in Riyadh sees no role for Assad in transition TEXT: RIYADH/AMMAN (Reuters) - Syria s main opposition stuck by its demand on Thursday that President Bashar al-Assad play no role in an interim period under any U.N.-sponsored peace deal, despite speculation it could soften its stance because of Assad s battlefield strength. A gathering in Saudi Arabia of more than 140 participants from a broad spectrum of Syria s mainstream opposition also blasted Iran s military presence in Syria and called on Shi ite militias backed by Tehran to leave the country. The participants stressed that this (the transition) cannot happen without the departure of Bashar al Assad and his clique at the start of the interim period, opposition groups said in a communique at the end of the meeting. Iran-backed militias sowed terrorism and sectarian strife between Sunni and Shi ite Muslims, the communique said. The opposition groups met to seek a unified position ahead of U.N.-backed peace talks after two years of Russian military intervention that has helped Assad s government recapture all of Syria s main cities. The Syrian opposition has sent a message that it is ready to enter serious direct talks over a political transition in Syria and has a unified position and a vision for the future of Syria, Ahmad Ramadan, opposition spokesman, told Reuters. The participants elected 50 members to a High Negotiations Committee and will finalize on Friday the delegation for the next round of U.N.-sponsored talks. We agreed with the group of components present here in Riyadh and the Cairo and Moscow platforms on the formation of one delegation to participate in direct negotiations in Geneva in a few days, spokeswoman Basma Qadmani said. U.N. peace talks mediator Staffan de Mistura, preparing for a new round of Geneva talks, will visit Moscow on Friday, where he is expected to discuss the situation in Syria. There had been speculation that the opposition, at the meeting, could soften its demands that Kremlin ally Assad leave power before any transition. Riyad Hijab, an opposition hardliner who led the High Negotiations Committee that represented the opposition at previous rounds of negotiations, abruptly quit this week. For many years, Western and Arab countries backed the opposition demand that Assad leave office. However, since Russia joined the war on behalf of Assad s government it has become increasingly clear that Assad s opponents have no path to victory on the battlefield. Russian President Vladimir Putin has called for a congress of the Syrian government and opposition to draw up a framework for the future structure of the Syrian state, adopt a new constitution and hold elections under UN supervision. But he has also said that any political settlement in Syria would be finalised within the Geneva peace talks process overseen by the United Nations. The opposition has long been suspicious of the parallel diplomatic track pushed by Russia, which before the proposed Sochi congress included talks in Kazakhstan, and has insisted that political dialogue should only take place in Geneva. The opposition communique said the participants supported a U.N. based process that would allow Syria to undergo a radical political transition from an authoritarian system to a democracy where free elections would be upheld. Negotiations should be direct and without preconditions based on past U.N. Security Council resolutions, it said. The opposition backed the restructuring of the army and security organs and preservation of state institutions, but called for the trial of those responsible for war crimes. The meeting, which included independents and Free Syrian Army military factions, also blamed the Syrian government for the lack of progress in Geneva-based talks held in the past. The political process has not achieved its goal because of the regime s violations, the communique said, citing the bombing of civilian areas, the siege of rebel held areas and the detention of tens of thousands of dissidents. Syria s civil war, now in its seventh year, has killed hundreds of thousands of people and created the world s worst refugee crisis, driving more than 11 million people from their homes.
OBAMA MAKES STUNNING 11th Hour Gift Of Massive Uranium Shipment To Iran…As Iran Develops Long-Range Missile Plan
In what amounts to an 11th hour gift by the outgoing Obama administration to Tehran s leadership to keep the country, which on Sunday was involved in yet another shooting incident with a US destroyer, content and compliant with Obama s landmark Nuclear deal , the AP reported that Iran is to receive a huge shipment of natural uranium from Russia to compensate it for exporting tons of reactor coolant. The move was approved by the outgoing U.S. administration and other governments seeking to keep Tehran committed to a landmark nuclear pact. AP cites two senior diplomats who said that the transfer which was recently agreed by the U.S. and five other world powers that negotiated the nuclear deal with Iran, foresees delivery of 116 metric tons (nearly 130 tons) of natural uranium. U.N. Security Council approval is needed but a formality, considering five of those powers are permanent Security Council members, they said. The swap is in compensation for the approximately 40 metric tons (44 tons) of heavy water exported by Iran to Russia since the nuclear agreement went into effect. Another 30 metric tons have gone to the U.S. and Oman.While Uranium can be enriched to levels ranging from reactor fuel or medical and research purposes to the core of an atomic bomb, Iran has claimed it has no interest in such weapons and its activities are being closely monitored under the nuclear pact to make sure they remain peaceful. As we reported at the time, Tehran previously received a similar amount of natural uranium in 2015 as part of negotiations leading up to the nuclear deal, in a swap for enriched uranium it sent to Russia. But the new shipment will be the first such consignment since the deal came into force a year ago.The news comes ahead of a meeting in Vienna, where representatives of Iran, the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany will review Iranian complaints that the U.S. was reneging on sanctions relief pledges included in the nuclear deal.As AP adds, the uranium agreement comes at a sensitive time. With the incoming U.S. administration and many U.S. lawmakers already skeptical of how effective the nuclear deal is in keeping Iran s nuclear program peaceful over the long term, they might view it as further evidence that Tehran is being given too many concessions. Tehran s nuclear activities start to expire in less than a decade. The troubling part, if only for those who see Iran as hell bent on creating nucleaar weapons was noted by David Albright, whose Institute of Science and International Security often briefs U.S. lawmakers on Iran s nuclear program, says the shipment could be enriched to enough weapons-grade uranium for more than 10 simple nuclear bombs, depending on the efficiency of the enrichment process and the design of the nuclear weapon. While it remains to be seen if Trump will comment on the unexpected delivery, we are certain that Israel, and especially its embattled prime minister Netanyahu, will raise a substantial fuss over the renewed possibility of a nuclear-armed neighbor. Heavy water is used to cool a type of reactor that produces more plutonium than reactors cooled by light water. Like enriched uranium, plutonium can be turned into the fissile core of a nuclear weaponMeanwhile, Reuters reports that Iranian lawmakers, far from demilitarizing, approved plans on Monday to expand military spending to five percent of the budget, including developing the country s long-range missile program which U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has pledged to halt. The vote is a boost to Iran s military establishment the regular army, the elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and defense ministry which was allocated almost 2 percent of the 2015-16 budget. But it could put the Islamic Republic on a collision course with the incoming Trump administration, and fuel criticism from other Western states which say Tehran s recent ballistic missile tests are inconsistent with a U.N. resolution on Iran. The resolution, adopted last year as part of the deal to curb Iran s nuclear activities, calls on Iran to refrain from work on ballistic missiles designed to deliver nuclear weapons. Tehran says it has not carried out any work on missiles specifically designed to carry such payloads.The Obama administration says Iran s ballistic missile tests have not violated the nuclear agreement with Tehran, but Trump, who criticized the accord as the worst deal ever negotiated , has said he would stop Iran s missile program. Those ballistic missiles, with a range of 1,250 miles, were designed to intimidate not only Israel but also intended to frighten Europe and someday maybe hit even the United States, he told the American Israel Public Affairs Committee AIPAC in March. We re not going to let that happen. So one hand, we have Obama desperate to salvage his diplomatic legacy (having already seen TPP implode and Obamacare starting the repeal proess), appeasing Iran in every possible way, even if it means further antagonizing Israel; on the other we have Iran taking advantage of Obama s weakness, and accelerating the ballistic weapons program which has been banned per the same treasury that Obama wants to see continue. Finally, throw in Trump and Netanyahu in the mix, and the future for US-Iranian relations after January 20 suddenly looks rather volatile. Zero Hedge
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: OBAMA MAKES STUNNING 11th Hour Gift Of Massive Uranium Shipment To Iran…As Iran Develops Long-Range Missile Plan TEXT: In what amounts to an 11th hour gift by the outgoing Obama administration to Tehran s leadership to keep the country, which on Sunday was involved in yet another shooting incident with a US destroyer, content and compliant with Obama s landmark Nuclear deal , the AP reported that Iran is to receive a huge shipment of natural uranium from Russia to compensate it for exporting tons of reactor coolant. The move was approved by the outgoing U.S. administration and other governments seeking to keep Tehran committed to a landmark nuclear pact. AP cites two senior diplomats who said that the transfer which was recently agreed by the U.S. and five other world powers that negotiated the nuclear deal with Iran, foresees delivery of 116 metric tons (nearly 130 tons) of natural uranium. U.N. Security Council approval is needed but a formality, considering five of those powers are permanent Security Council members, they said. The swap is in compensation for the approximately 40 metric tons (44 tons) of heavy water exported by Iran to Russia since the nuclear agreement went into effect. Another 30 metric tons have gone to the U.S. and Oman.While Uranium can be enriched to levels ranging from reactor fuel or medical and research purposes to the core of an atomic bomb, Iran has claimed it has no interest in such weapons and its activities are being closely monitored under the nuclear pact to make sure they remain peaceful. As we reported at the time, Tehran previously received a similar amount of natural uranium in 2015 as part of negotiations leading up to the nuclear deal, in a swap for enriched uranium it sent to Russia. But the new shipment will be the first such consignment since the deal came into force a year ago.The news comes ahead of a meeting in Vienna, where representatives of Iran, the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany will review Iranian complaints that the U.S. was reneging on sanctions relief pledges included in the nuclear deal.As AP adds, the uranium agreement comes at a sensitive time. With the incoming U.S. administration and many U.S. lawmakers already skeptical of how effective the nuclear deal is in keeping Iran s nuclear program peaceful over the long term, they might view it as further evidence that Tehran is being given too many concessions. Tehran s nuclear activities start to expire in less than a decade. The troubling part, if only for those who see Iran as hell bent on creating nucleaar weapons was noted by David Albright, whose Institute of Science and International Security often briefs U.S. lawmakers on Iran s nuclear program, says the shipment could be enriched to enough weapons-grade uranium for more than 10 simple nuclear bombs, depending on the efficiency of the enrichment process and the design of the nuclear weapon. While it remains to be seen if Trump will comment on the unexpected delivery, we are certain that Israel, and especially its embattled prime minister Netanyahu, will raise a substantial fuss over the renewed possibility of a nuclear-armed neighbor. Heavy water is used to cool a type of reactor that produces more plutonium than reactors cooled by light water. Like enriched uranium, plutonium can be turned into the fissile core of a nuclear weaponMeanwhile, Reuters reports that Iranian lawmakers, far from demilitarizing, approved plans on Monday to expand military spending to five percent of the budget, including developing the country s long-range missile program which U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has pledged to halt. The vote is a boost to Iran s military establishment the regular army, the elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and defense ministry which was allocated almost 2 percent of the 2015-16 budget. But it could put the Islamic Republic on a collision course with the incoming Trump administration, and fuel criticism from other Western states which say Tehran s recent ballistic missile tests are inconsistent with a U.N. resolution on Iran. The resolution, adopted last year as part of the deal to curb Iran s nuclear activities, calls on Iran to refrain from work on ballistic missiles designed to deliver nuclear weapons. Tehran says it has not carried out any work on missiles specifically designed to carry such payloads.The Obama administration says Iran s ballistic missile tests have not violated the nuclear agreement with Tehran, but Trump, who criticized the accord as the worst deal ever negotiated , has said he would stop Iran s missile program. Those ballistic missiles, with a range of 1,250 miles, were designed to intimidate not only Israel but also intended to frighten Europe and someday maybe hit even the United States, he told the American Israel Public Affairs Committee AIPAC in March. We re not going to let that happen. So one hand, we have Obama desperate to salvage his diplomatic legacy (having already seen TPP implode and Obamacare starting the repeal proess), appeasing Iran in every possible way, even if it means further antagonizing Israel; on the other we have Iran taking advantage of Obama s weakness, and accelerating the ballistic weapons program which has been banned per the same treasury that Obama wants to see continue. Finally, throw in Trump and Netanyahu in the mix, and the future for US-Iranian relations after January 20 suddenly looks rather volatile. Zero Hedge
TITLE: OBAMA MAKES STUNNING 11th Hour Gift Of Massive Uranium Shipment To Iran…As Iran Develops Long-Range Missile Plan TEXT: In what amounts to an 11th hour gift by the outgoing Obama administration to Tehran s leadership to keep the country, which on Sunday was involved in yet another shooting incident with a US destroyer, content and compliant with Obama s landmark Nuclear deal , the AP reported that Iran is to receive a huge shipment of natural uranium from Russia to compensate it for exporting tons of reactor coolant. The move was approved by the outgoing U.S. administration and other governments seeking to keep Tehran committed to a landmark nuclear pact. AP cites two senior diplomats who said that the transfer which was recently agreed by the U.S. and five other world powers that negotiated the nuclear deal with Iran, foresees delivery of 116 metric tons (nearly 130 tons) of natural uranium. U.N. Security Council approval is needed but a formality, considering five of those powers are permanent Security Council members, they said. The swap is in compensation for the approximately 40 metric tons (44 tons) of heavy water exported by Iran to Russia since the nuclear agreement went into effect. Another 30 metric tons have gone to the U.S. and Oman.While Uranium can be enriched to levels ranging from reactor fuel or medical and research purposes to the core of an atomic bomb, Iran has claimed it has no interest in such weapons and its activities are being closely monitored under the nuclear pact to make sure they remain peaceful. As we reported at the time, Tehran previously received a similar amount of natural uranium in 2015 as part of negotiations leading up to the nuclear deal, in a swap for enriched uranium it sent to Russia. But the new shipment will be the first such consignment since the deal came into force a year ago.The news comes ahead of a meeting in Vienna, where representatives of Iran, the United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany will review Iranian complaints that the U.S. was reneging on sanctions relief pledges included in the nuclear deal.As AP adds, the uranium agreement comes at a sensitive time. With the incoming U.S. administration and many U.S. lawmakers already skeptical of how effective the nuclear deal is in keeping Iran s nuclear program peaceful over the long term, they might view it as further evidence that Tehran is being given too many concessions. Tehran s nuclear activities start to expire in less than a decade. The troubling part, if only for those who see Iran as hell bent on creating nucleaar weapons was noted by David Albright, whose Institute of Science and International Security often briefs U.S. lawmakers on Iran s nuclear program, says the shipment could be enriched to enough weapons-grade uranium for more than 10 simple nuclear bombs, depending on the efficiency of the enrichment process and the design of the nuclear weapon. While it remains to be seen if Trump will comment on the unexpected delivery, we are certain that Israel, and especially its embattled prime minister Netanyahu, will raise a substantial fuss over the renewed possibility of a nuclear-armed neighbor. Heavy water is used to cool a type of reactor that produces more plutonium than reactors cooled by light water. Like enriched uranium, plutonium can be turned into the fissile core of a nuclear weaponMeanwhile, Reuters reports that Iranian lawmakers, far from demilitarizing, approved plans on Monday to expand military spending to five percent of the budget, including developing the country s long-range missile program which U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has pledged to halt. The vote is a boost to Iran s military establishment the regular army, the elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and defense ministry which was allocated almost 2 percent of the 2015-16 budget. But it could put the Islamic Republic on a collision course with the incoming Trump administration, and fuel criticism from other Western states which say Tehran s recent ballistic missile tests are inconsistent with a U.N. resolution on Iran. The resolution, adopted last year as part of the deal to curb Iran s nuclear activities, calls on Iran to refrain from work on ballistic missiles designed to deliver nuclear weapons. Tehran says it has not carried out any work on missiles specifically designed to carry such payloads.The Obama administration says Iran s ballistic missile tests have not violated the nuclear agreement with Tehran, but Trump, who criticized the accord as the worst deal ever negotiated , has said he would stop Iran s missile program. Those ballistic missiles, with a range of 1,250 miles, were designed to intimidate not only Israel but also intended to frighten Europe and someday maybe hit even the United States, he told the American Israel Public Affairs Committee AIPAC in March. We re not going to let that happen. So one hand, we have Obama desperate to salvage his diplomatic legacy (having already seen TPP implode and Obamacare starting the repeal proess), appeasing Iran in every possible way, even if it means further antagonizing Israel; on the other we have Iran taking advantage of Obama s weakness, and accelerating the ballistic weapons program which has been banned per the same treasury that Obama wants to see continue. Finally, throw in Trump and Netanyahu in the mix, and the future for US-Iranian relations after January 20 suddenly looks rather volatile. Zero Hedge
Prior to his SEC nomination, Clayton communicated with SEC contractor
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Before Wall Street attorney Jay Clayton was nominated to be head of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, he communicated with more than a half dozen of President Donald Trump’s transition representatives, including one whose company has a multi-million-dollar contract with the SEC, according to documents seen by Reuters. Among those whom Clayton was in touch with was Peter Thiel, a Trump donor and Silicon Valley entrepreneur who co-founded Palantir Technologies, which has a contract with the SEC that Clayton may one day have to review, according to written answers from Clayton in response to questions from the Senate Banking Committee’s top Democrat, Sherrod Brown. Clayton’s responses followed his confirmation hearing before the committee on March 23. Clayton wrote that he communicated on a “substantive basis” with current members of the Trump administration and other former transition officials including Thiel. He did not elaborate about the nature of the communications. In 2015, Palantir, based in Palo Alto, California, won a more than $43 million contract with the SEC to provide data mining services, according to public records. The contract was for five years, with years two through five being optional, an SEC spokeswoman told Reuters at the time. If confirmed as SEC chairman, Clayton will have direct authority over contracting matters for the agency. A spokesman for Clayton declined to comment. Palantir did not respond to requests for comment. A spokeswoman for the White House referred all questions to spokesmen for Clayton. Clayton also disclosed in his written responses that he communicated with others, including Rebekah Mercer, a Trump donor whose father, Robert Mercer, founded the hedge fund Renaissance Technologies; Genie Energy Ltd President Ira Greenstein; venture capitalist Darren Blanton; Martin Silverstein, a lawyer who is senior counsel with the law firm Greenberg Taurig and who was ambassador to Uruguay for four years under President George W. Bush; Trump’s current chief strategist Steve Bannon; and White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, the documents show. “I believe it is fair to presume that one or more of these individuals may be affiliated with one or more public companies or other companies that are regulated by the SEC,” Clayton wrote. He did not address whether any of the individuals may also have a financial stake in SEC contracts. The disclosure of his communications with Thiel come just one day before the Senate Banking Committee is set to vote on whether to send Clayton’s nomination to the full Senate. He is still expected to be approved by the committee and later by the full Senate. The issue has the potential to stoke deeper concerns among some Democrats on the panel who already have misgivings about possible conflicts of interest. Senator Catherine Cortez Masto, a Democrat from Nevada, told Reuters in a statement that Clayton should disclose more details about his talks with Thiel. “We must be sure that no commitments or deals were made between Mr. Thiel and Mr. Clayton, especially pertaining to Thiel’s company’s pending business before the SEC,” she said. At his confirmation hearing last month, Clayton was grilled repeatedly about possible conflicts of interest.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Prior to his SEC nomination, Clayton communicated with SEC contractor TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Before Wall Street attorney Jay Clayton was nominated to be head of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, he communicated with more than a half dozen of President Donald Trump’s transition representatives, including one whose company has a multi-million-dollar contract with the SEC, according to documents seen by Reuters. Among those whom Clayton was in touch with was Peter Thiel, a Trump donor and Silicon Valley entrepreneur who co-founded Palantir Technologies, which has a contract with the SEC that Clayton may one day have to review, according to written answers from Clayton in response to questions from the Senate Banking Committee’s top Democrat, Sherrod Brown. Clayton’s responses followed his confirmation hearing before the committee on March 23. Clayton wrote that he communicated on a “substantive basis” with current members of the Trump administration and other former transition officials including Thiel. He did not elaborate about the nature of the communications. In 2015, Palantir, based in Palo Alto, California, won a more than $43 million contract with the SEC to provide data mining services, according to public records. The contract was for five years, with years two through five being optional, an SEC spokeswoman told Reuters at the time. If confirmed as SEC chairman, Clayton will have direct authority over contracting matters for the agency. A spokesman for Clayton declined to comment. Palantir did not respond to requests for comment. A spokeswoman for the White House referred all questions to spokesmen for Clayton. Clayton also disclosed in his written responses that he communicated with others, including Rebekah Mercer, a Trump donor whose father, Robert Mercer, founded the hedge fund Renaissance Technologies; Genie Energy Ltd President Ira Greenstein; venture capitalist Darren Blanton; Martin Silverstein, a lawyer who is senior counsel with the law firm Greenberg Taurig and who was ambassador to Uruguay for four years under President George W. Bush; Trump’s current chief strategist Steve Bannon; and White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, the documents show. “I believe it is fair to presume that one or more of these individuals may be affiliated with one or more public companies or other companies that are regulated by the SEC,” Clayton wrote. He did not address whether any of the individuals may also have a financial stake in SEC contracts. The disclosure of his communications with Thiel come just one day before the Senate Banking Committee is set to vote on whether to send Clayton’s nomination to the full Senate. He is still expected to be approved by the committee and later by the full Senate. The issue has the potential to stoke deeper concerns among some Democrats on the panel who already have misgivings about possible conflicts of interest. Senator Catherine Cortez Masto, a Democrat from Nevada, told Reuters in a statement that Clayton should disclose more details about his talks with Thiel. “We must be sure that no commitments or deals were made between Mr. Thiel and Mr. Clayton, especially pertaining to Thiel’s company’s pending business before the SEC,” she said. At his confirmation hearing last month, Clayton was grilled repeatedly about possible conflicts of interest.
TITLE: Prior to his SEC nomination, Clayton communicated with SEC contractor TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Before Wall Street attorney Jay Clayton was nominated to be head of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, he communicated with more than a half dozen of President Donald Trump’s transition representatives, including one whose company has a multi-million-dollar contract with the SEC, according to documents seen by Reuters. Among those whom Clayton was in touch with was Peter Thiel, a Trump donor and Silicon Valley entrepreneur who co-founded Palantir Technologies, which has a contract with the SEC that Clayton may one day have to review, according to written answers from Clayton in response to questions from the Senate Banking Committee’s top Democrat, Sherrod Brown. Clayton’s responses followed his confirmation hearing before the committee on March 23. Clayton wrote that he communicated on a “substantive basis” with current members of the Trump administration and other former transition officials including Thiel. He did not elaborate about the nature of the communications. In 2015, Palantir, based in Palo Alto, California, won a more than $43 million contract with the SEC to provide data mining services, according to public records. The contract was for five years, with years two through five being optional, an SEC spokeswoman told Reuters at the time. If confirmed as SEC chairman, Clayton will have direct authority over contracting matters for the agency. A spokesman for Clayton declined to comment. Palantir did not respond to requests for comment. A spokeswoman for the White House referred all questions to spokesmen for Clayton. Clayton also disclosed in his written responses that he communicated with others, including Rebekah Mercer, a Trump donor whose father, Robert Mercer, founded the hedge fund Renaissance Technologies; Genie Energy Ltd President Ira Greenstein; venture capitalist Darren Blanton; Martin Silverstein, a lawyer who is senior counsel with the law firm Greenberg Taurig and who was ambassador to Uruguay for four years under President George W. Bush; Trump’s current chief strategist Steve Bannon; and White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, the documents show. “I believe it is fair to presume that one or more of these individuals may be affiliated with one or more public companies or other companies that are regulated by the SEC,” Clayton wrote. He did not address whether any of the individuals may also have a financial stake in SEC contracts. The disclosure of his communications with Thiel come just one day before the Senate Banking Committee is set to vote on whether to send Clayton’s nomination to the full Senate. He is still expected to be approved by the committee and later by the full Senate. The issue has the potential to stoke deeper concerns among some Democrats on the panel who already have misgivings about possible conflicts of interest. Senator Catherine Cortez Masto, a Democrat from Nevada, told Reuters in a statement that Clayton should disclose more details about his talks with Thiel. “We must be sure that no commitments or deals were made between Mr. Thiel and Mr. Clayton, especially pertaining to Thiel’s company’s pending business before the SEC,” she said. At his confirmation hearing last month, Clayton was grilled repeatedly about possible conflicts of interest.
COMEDY GOLD ON DETROIT NEWS: “Willy” Dumps His Tires In The Wrong Spot [Video]
Charlie LeDuff is legend in Detroit but this is a classic:
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: COMEDY GOLD ON DETROIT NEWS: “Willy” Dumps His Tires In The Wrong Spot [Video] TEXT: Charlie LeDuff is legend in Detroit but this is a classic:
TITLE: COMEDY GOLD ON DETROIT NEWS: “Willy” Dumps His Tires In The Wrong Spot [Video] TEXT: Charlie LeDuff is legend in Detroit but this is a classic:
SELF-RIGHTEOUS LIBERAL Saves Fish from Fisherman: “You’re harassing this fish!” [VIDEO]
Animal activists harassed a fisherman in a big way until the cops were called! It all started when a young boy walked up to two men and complained about their treatment of fish. Then the dad got into the act and eventually the entire family began chanting at the men. The activist eventually threw the fish back in the water. The video was posted on youtube with the proud activist s comments Our favorite line of insanity: You re harassing this fish! LOL!Unfortunately for them, the video only illustrates how illogical and psychologically unstable they appear to be. As they lecture on and on about how fish are just exactly like human children (seriously?) and can process and feel just like a person, the hapless victims of their attack, the two fishermen, to their great credit, continue calmly fishing and they don t punch them. Clearly from the video, most people would probably have punched them.Leave it to a twisted liberal to conflate fish with humans THEN THE COPS CAME THIS IS INSANITY!
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: SELF-RIGHTEOUS LIBERAL Saves Fish from Fisherman: “You’re harassing this fish!” [VIDEO] TEXT: Animal activists harassed a fisherman in a big way until the cops were called! It all started when a young boy walked up to two men and complained about their treatment of fish. Then the dad got into the act and eventually the entire family began chanting at the men. The activist eventually threw the fish back in the water. The video was posted on youtube with the proud activist s comments Our favorite line of insanity: You re harassing this fish! LOL!Unfortunately for them, the video only illustrates how illogical and psychologically unstable they appear to be. As they lecture on and on about how fish are just exactly like human children (seriously?) and can process and feel just like a person, the hapless victims of their attack, the two fishermen, to their great credit, continue calmly fishing and they don t punch them. Clearly from the video, most people would probably have punched them.Leave it to a twisted liberal to conflate fish with humans THEN THE COPS CAME THIS IS INSANITY!
TITLE: SELF-RIGHTEOUS LIBERAL Saves Fish from Fisherman: “You’re harassing this fish!” [VIDEO] TEXT: Animal activists harassed a fisherman in a big way until the cops were called! It all started when a young boy walked up to two men and complained about their treatment of fish. Then the dad got into the act and eventually the entire family began chanting at the men. The activist eventually threw the fish back in the water. The video was posted on youtube with the proud activist s comments Our favorite line of insanity: You re harassing this fish! LOL!Unfortunately for them, the video only illustrates how illogical and psychologically unstable they appear to be. As they lecture on and on about how fish are just exactly like human children (seriously?) and can process and feel just like a person, the hapless victims of their attack, the two fishermen, to their great credit, continue calmly fishing and they don t punch them. Clearly from the video, most people would probably have punched them.Leave it to a twisted liberal to conflate fish with humans THEN THE COPS CAME THIS IS INSANITY!
Chagrined anti-Trump Republicans seek to recruit third-party candidate
(This version of the May 5, 2016 story has been corrected to make clear Ralph Nader ran as a Green Party candidate) By Ginger Gibson and Jonathan Allen WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s emergence as the last man standing in the Republican presidential race has prompted his critics inside the party to intensify their search for a candidate they could back as a serious third-party alternative. Political operatives are courting donors, calling potential candidates and developing legal contingency plans for overcoming onerous ballot qualification laws. “This is as much as anything a battle for the future of American party politics,” said Republican strategist Joel Searby, who is working with conservative writer Bill Kristol, among others, on an effort to identify a third-party candidate to run in the Nov. 8 presidential election. A separate group, Conservatives Against Trump, which includes blogger Erick Erickson, has been holding calls and meetings to discuss third-party candidates as well as other options to stop the New York billionaire from winning the White House. The hurdles to a third-party candidacy are immense. No independent candidate has ever won a presidential election, although some have played spoilers. But the efforts by the Republican groups underscore the unusual divisiveness of Trump’s candidacy within Republican ranks ahead of a likely general election fight with Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton. Trump’s opposition to free trade is at odds with the views of many Republicans, especially in the party’s business wing. Many of Trump’s critics also find his rhetoric offensive, including his call to temporarily bar Muslims from entering the country and his comment describing Mexican immigrants to the United States as rapists and drug dealers. Some Republicans say they worry that any third-party candidate would only siphon votes away from Trump and help Clinton win the election. Ralph Nader’s Green Party presidential run has been blamed by some Democrats for the razor-thin defeat of Democratic nominee Al Gore in the 2000 election. Ross Perot’s independent candidacy in 1992 was seen by some Republicans as contributing to President George H.W. Bush’s loss to Democrat Bill Clinton. One outcome, though rare, may be that no candidate crosses the necessary threshold of 270 votes in the U.S. Electoral College. In that case, the vote for the next president would pass to the U.S. House of Representatives, currently controlled by Republicans. Deborah DeMoss Fonseca, who recruited donors for former Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush and is working with Conservatives Against Trump, said her group was trying to find a candidate who would be high-profile enough to compete with Trump and Clinton. But finding a candidate of that caliber who would be willing to run is no easy feat. Searby’s group has reached out to former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and James Mattis, a retired U.S. Marine Corps general, among others, but both declined after discussions. Republican U.S. Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska has emerged as a favorite of the Republicans seeking a third-party candidate. Kristol has had warm words for him. Sasse, a freshman lawmaker and former Bush administration official, is a strong critic of Trump and has called for an alternative candidate to him. But he says that person should be someone other than him. On Wednesday, the morning after Trump emerged as the presumptive presidential nominee, phones at the office of Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson were ringing off the hook with calls from small-government Republicans who feel they cannot get behind Trump. But as a Libertarian, Johnson holds views on some issues, such as the legalization of marijuana, that are antithetical to the views of some Republicans. In March, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, an independent, said he had considered jumping into the race as a third-party candidate but opted against it, saying he feared it would only serve to help get Trump elected. One of the biggest hurdles to a third-party run is simply getting on the ballot in enough states to mount a viable campaign. Texas requires more than 79,000 signatures from voters who did not participate in either primary. Its deadline is Monday. Among other states, North Carolina’s deadline is the end of May, and Illinois and Florida in mid-July. “A third-party candidate is a pipe dream,” said Republican strategist Tony Fratto, who worked in Bush’s administration and strongly opposes Trump. “What’s going to happen is Hillary Clinton is going to win big. It won’t be close.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Chagrined anti-Trump Republicans seek to recruit third-party candidate TEXT: (This version of the May 5, 2016 story has been corrected to make clear Ralph Nader ran as a Green Party candidate) By Ginger Gibson and Jonathan Allen WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s emergence as the last man standing in the Republican presidential race has prompted his critics inside the party to intensify their search for a candidate they could back as a serious third-party alternative. Political operatives are courting donors, calling potential candidates and developing legal contingency plans for overcoming onerous ballot qualification laws. “This is as much as anything a battle for the future of American party politics,” said Republican strategist Joel Searby, who is working with conservative writer Bill Kristol, among others, on an effort to identify a third-party candidate to run in the Nov. 8 presidential election. A separate group, Conservatives Against Trump, which includes blogger Erick Erickson, has been holding calls and meetings to discuss third-party candidates as well as other options to stop the New York billionaire from winning the White House. The hurdles to a third-party candidacy are immense. No independent candidate has ever won a presidential election, although some have played spoilers. But the efforts by the Republican groups underscore the unusual divisiveness of Trump’s candidacy within Republican ranks ahead of a likely general election fight with Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton. Trump’s opposition to free trade is at odds with the views of many Republicans, especially in the party’s business wing. Many of Trump’s critics also find his rhetoric offensive, including his call to temporarily bar Muslims from entering the country and his comment describing Mexican immigrants to the United States as rapists and drug dealers. Some Republicans say they worry that any third-party candidate would only siphon votes away from Trump and help Clinton win the election. Ralph Nader’s Green Party presidential run has been blamed by some Democrats for the razor-thin defeat of Democratic nominee Al Gore in the 2000 election. Ross Perot’s independent candidacy in 1992 was seen by some Republicans as contributing to President George H.W. Bush’s loss to Democrat Bill Clinton. One outcome, though rare, may be that no candidate crosses the necessary threshold of 270 votes in the U.S. Electoral College. In that case, the vote for the next president would pass to the U.S. House of Representatives, currently controlled by Republicans. Deborah DeMoss Fonseca, who recruited donors for former Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush and is working with Conservatives Against Trump, said her group was trying to find a candidate who would be high-profile enough to compete with Trump and Clinton. But finding a candidate of that caliber who would be willing to run is no easy feat. Searby’s group has reached out to former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and James Mattis, a retired U.S. Marine Corps general, among others, but both declined after discussions. Republican U.S. Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska has emerged as a favorite of the Republicans seeking a third-party candidate. Kristol has had warm words for him. Sasse, a freshman lawmaker and former Bush administration official, is a strong critic of Trump and has called for an alternative candidate to him. But he says that person should be someone other than him. On Wednesday, the morning after Trump emerged as the presumptive presidential nominee, phones at the office of Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson were ringing off the hook with calls from small-government Republicans who feel they cannot get behind Trump. But as a Libertarian, Johnson holds views on some issues, such as the legalization of marijuana, that are antithetical to the views of some Republicans. In March, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, an independent, said he had considered jumping into the race as a third-party candidate but opted against it, saying he feared it would only serve to help get Trump elected. One of the biggest hurdles to a third-party run is simply getting on the ballot in enough states to mount a viable campaign. Texas requires more than 79,000 signatures from voters who did not participate in either primary. Its deadline is Monday. Among other states, North Carolina’s deadline is the end of May, and Illinois and Florida in mid-July. “A third-party candidate is a pipe dream,” said Republican strategist Tony Fratto, who worked in Bush’s administration and strongly opposes Trump. “What’s going to happen is Hillary Clinton is going to win big. It won’t be close.”
TITLE: Chagrined anti-Trump Republicans seek to recruit third-party candidate TEXT: (This version of the May 5, 2016 story has been corrected to make clear Ralph Nader ran as a Green Party candidate) By Ginger Gibson and Jonathan Allen WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s emergence as the last man standing in the Republican presidential race has prompted his critics inside the party to intensify their search for a candidate they could back as a serious third-party alternative. Political operatives are courting donors, calling potential candidates and developing legal contingency plans for overcoming onerous ballot qualification laws. “This is as much as anything a battle for the future of American party politics,” said Republican strategist Joel Searby, who is working with conservative writer Bill Kristol, among others, on an effort to identify a third-party candidate to run in the Nov. 8 presidential election. A separate group, Conservatives Against Trump, which includes blogger Erick Erickson, has been holding calls and meetings to discuss third-party candidates as well as other options to stop the New York billionaire from winning the White House. The hurdles to a third-party candidacy are immense. No independent candidate has ever won a presidential election, although some have played spoilers. But the efforts by the Republican groups underscore the unusual divisiveness of Trump’s candidacy within Republican ranks ahead of a likely general election fight with Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton. Trump’s opposition to free trade is at odds with the views of many Republicans, especially in the party’s business wing. Many of Trump’s critics also find his rhetoric offensive, including his call to temporarily bar Muslims from entering the country and his comment describing Mexican immigrants to the United States as rapists and drug dealers. Some Republicans say they worry that any third-party candidate would only siphon votes away from Trump and help Clinton win the election. Ralph Nader’s Green Party presidential run has been blamed by some Democrats for the razor-thin defeat of Democratic nominee Al Gore in the 2000 election. Ross Perot’s independent candidacy in 1992 was seen by some Republicans as contributing to President George H.W. Bush’s loss to Democrat Bill Clinton. One outcome, though rare, may be that no candidate crosses the necessary threshold of 270 votes in the U.S. Electoral College. In that case, the vote for the next president would pass to the U.S. House of Representatives, currently controlled by Republicans. Deborah DeMoss Fonseca, who recruited donors for former Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush and is working with Conservatives Against Trump, said her group was trying to find a candidate who would be high-profile enough to compete with Trump and Clinton. But finding a candidate of that caliber who would be willing to run is no easy feat. Searby’s group has reached out to former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and James Mattis, a retired U.S. Marine Corps general, among others, but both declined after discussions. Republican U.S. Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska has emerged as a favorite of the Republicans seeking a third-party candidate. Kristol has had warm words for him. Sasse, a freshman lawmaker and former Bush administration official, is a strong critic of Trump and has called for an alternative candidate to him. But he says that person should be someone other than him. On Wednesday, the morning after Trump emerged as the presumptive presidential nominee, phones at the office of Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson were ringing off the hook with calls from small-government Republicans who feel they cannot get behind Trump. But as a Libertarian, Johnson holds views on some issues, such as the legalization of marijuana, that are antithetical to the views of some Republicans. In March, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, an independent, said he had considered jumping into the race as a third-party candidate but opted against it, saying he feared it would only serve to help get Trump elected. One of the biggest hurdles to a third-party run is simply getting on the ballot in enough states to mount a viable campaign. Texas requires more than 79,000 signatures from voters who did not participate in either primary. Its deadline is Monday. Among other states, North Carolina’s deadline is the end of May, and Illinois and Florida in mid-July. “A third-party candidate is a pipe dream,” said Republican strategist Tony Fratto, who worked in Bush’s administration and strongly opposes Trump. “What’s going to happen is Hillary Clinton is going to win big. It won’t be close.”
Pathetic: Jeb Bush Gets His Mommy To Take On Bully Donald Trump (VIDEO)
One of the hallmarks about Jeb Bush s failing presidential campaign has been just how pathetic it has turned out to be. His latest campaign ad won t help that perception of the Republican once spoken about as a shoo-in for the nomination.The ad features Jeb Bush s mother, Barbara Bush, and she takes a swipe at Donald Trump.The former first lady says Jeb Bush wants to be president for the right reasons, unlike some other candidates in the field. Rather than talking about how popular they are or how great they are, he s doing it because he sees a huge need and it s not being filled by anybody, Mrs. Bush says, likely referring to Trump, the GOP front-runner.After months of being depicted as out of touch and a wimp, it probably won t help to have your mother now fight your battles for you. It s an approach that is sure to attract the derision of Donald Trump and other, more pugilistic Republicans.It has been startling how the Bush campaign and its affiliated super PAC has made so many mistakes throughout their campaign. Starting with a candidate with very strong name recognition and a $100 million-plus war chest that reportedly scared off a campaign from Mitt Romney, by this point Bush was supposed to be on the verge of accepting the nomination.Instead, he is polling in single digits, behind Trump and Cruz. He s served as the poster boy for the impotent Republican establishment, while his super PAC has been lighting money on fire on things like nonsensical ads making fun of Marco Rubio s boots.Bush himself has been a dud of a candidate, leading some to comment on how his brother and father seem to have had far more natural political talent. Bush has been awkward on the campaign trail, showing quirks more often associated with a political rookie rather than someone elected to govern in a populous state like Florida.Featured image via YouTube
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Pathetic: Jeb Bush Gets His Mommy To Take On Bully Donald Trump (VIDEO) TEXT: One of the hallmarks about Jeb Bush s failing presidential campaign has been just how pathetic it has turned out to be. His latest campaign ad won t help that perception of the Republican once spoken about as a shoo-in for the nomination.The ad features Jeb Bush s mother, Barbara Bush, and she takes a swipe at Donald Trump.The former first lady says Jeb Bush wants to be president for the right reasons, unlike some other candidates in the field. Rather than talking about how popular they are or how great they are, he s doing it because he sees a huge need and it s not being filled by anybody, Mrs. Bush says, likely referring to Trump, the GOP front-runner.After months of being depicted as out of touch and a wimp, it probably won t help to have your mother now fight your battles for you. It s an approach that is sure to attract the derision of Donald Trump and other, more pugilistic Republicans.It has been startling how the Bush campaign and its affiliated super PAC has made so many mistakes throughout their campaign. Starting with a candidate with very strong name recognition and a $100 million-plus war chest that reportedly scared off a campaign from Mitt Romney, by this point Bush was supposed to be on the verge of accepting the nomination.Instead, he is polling in single digits, behind Trump and Cruz. He s served as the poster boy for the impotent Republican establishment, while his super PAC has been lighting money on fire on things like nonsensical ads making fun of Marco Rubio s boots.Bush himself has been a dud of a candidate, leading some to comment on how his brother and father seem to have had far more natural political talent. Bush has been awkward on the campaign trail, showing quirks more often associated with a political rookie rather than someone elected to govern in a populous state like Florida.Featured image via YouTube
TITLE: Pathetic: Jeb Bush Gets His Mommy To Take On Bully Donald Trump (VIDEO) TEXT: One of the hallmarks about Jeb Bush s failing presidential campaign has been just how pathetic it has turned out to be. His latest campaign ad won t help that perception of the Republican once spoken about as a shoo-in for the nomination.The ad features Jeb Bush s mother, Barbara Bush, and she takes a swipe at Donald Trump.The former first lady says Jeb Bush wants to be president for the right reasons, unlike some other candidates in the field. Rather than talking about how popular they are or how great they are, he s doing it because he sees a huge need and it s not being filled by anybody, Mrs. Bush says, likely referring to Trump, the GOP front-runner.After months of being depicted as out of touch and a wimp, it probably won t help to have your mother now fight your battles for you. It s an approach that is sure to attract the derision of Donald Trump and other, more pugilistic Republicans.It has been startling how the Bush campaign and its affiliated super PAC has made so many mistakes throughout their campaign. Starting with a candidate with very strong name recognition and a $100 million-plus war chest that reportedly scared off a campaign from Mitt Romney, by this point Bush was supposed to be on the verge of accepting the nomination.Instead, he is polling in single digits, behind Trump and Cruz. He s served as the poster boy for the impotent Republican establishment, while his super PAC has been lighting money on fire on things like nonsensical ads making fun of Marco Rubio s boots.Bush himself has been a dud of a candidate, leading some to comment on how his brother and father seem to have had far more natural political talent. Bush has been awkward on the campaign trail, showing quirks more often associated with a political rookie rather than someone elected to govern in a populous state like Florida.Featured image via YouTube
Pope says foes make reforming Vatican as hard as cleaning Sphinx with toothbrush
VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis issued a stinging new critique of the Vatican s top administration on Thursday, saying traitors stood in the way of his reforms and made any change as hard as cleaning Egypt s Sphinx with a toothbrush . For the fourth year running, Francis used his annual Christmas greetings to the Roman Catholic Church s central bureaucracy, or Curia, to lecture the assembled cardinals, bishops and other department heads on the need for change. Reforming Rome is like cleaning the Sphinx of Egypt with a toothbrush, he said, quoting a 19th-century Belgian churchman. The phrase did not evoke much laughter when the pope read it in the frescoed Clementina Hall of the Vatican s Apostolic Palace. Since his election as the first Latin American pope in 2013, Francis has been trying to reform the Italian-dominated Curia to bring the Church s hierarchy closer to its members, to enact financial reforms and guide it out of scandals that marked the pontificate of his predecessor, former Pope Benedict. But he has encountered resistance, particularly as some departments have been closed, merged or streamlined. Francis said some in the bureaucracy - the nerve center of the 1.2-billion-member Church and whose members are entrusted with carrying out the pope s decisions - were part of cliques and plots . Francis called this unbalanced and degenerate and a cancer that leads to a self-referential attitude . In his address on Thursday, he spoke of those traitors of trust who had been entrusted with carrying out reforms but let themselves be corrupted by ambition and vainglory. When they are quietly let go, he said, they erroneously declare themselves to be martyrs of the system ... instead of reciting a mea culpa (Latin for my fault ). Francis did not cite any specific examples. Last June the Vatican s first auditor general resigned suddenly. He later said he was forced to step down because he had discovered irregularities but the Vatican said he had been spying on his superiors. Earlier this month, the Vatican bank s deputy director was fired under circumstances that have not been explained. In July, in a major shake-up of the Vatican administration, Francis replaced Catholicism s top theologian, a conservative German cardinal who has been at odds with the pontiff s vision of a more inclusive Church. Francis said the overwhelming majority of Curia members were faithful, competent and some saintly. Later, in a separate meeting with lay Vatican employees and their families, Francis asked forgiveness for the failings of some Church officials. He spoke hours before the funeral of Cardinal Bernard Law, the ex-Archbishop of Boston who resigned in disgrace after covering up years of sexual abuse of children by priests and whose name became a byword for scandal in the Catholic Church.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Pope says foes make reforming Vatican as hard as cleaning Sphinx with toothbrush TEXT: VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis issued a stinging new critique of the Vatican s top administration on Thursday, saying traitors stood in the way of his reforms and made any change as hard as cleaning Egypt s Sphinx with a toothbrush . For the fourth year running, Francis used his annual Christmas greetings to the Roman Catholic Church s central bureaucracy, or Curia, to lecture the assembled cardinals, bishops and other department heads on the need for change. Reforming Rome is like cleaning the Sphinx of Egypt with a toothbrush, he said, quoting a 19th-century Belgian churchman. The phrase did not evoke much laughter when the pope read it in the frescoed Clementina Hall of the Vatican s Apostolic Palace. Since his election as the first Latin American pope in 2013, Francis has been trying to reform the Italian-dominated Curia to bring the Church s hierarchy closer to its members, to enact financial reforms and guide it out of scandals that marked the pontificate of his predecessor, former Pope Benedict. But he has encountered resistance, particularly as some departments have been closed, merged or streamlined. Francis said some in the bureaucracy - the nerve center of the 1.2-billion-member Church and whose members are entrusted with carrying out the pope s decisions - were part of cliques and plots . Francis called this unbalanced and degenerate and a cancer that leads to a self-referential attitude . In his address on Thursday, he spoke of those traitors of trust who had been entrusted with carrying out reforms but let themselves be corrupted by ambition and vainglory. When they are quietly let go, he said, they erroneously declare themselves to be martyrs of the system ... instead of reciting a mea culpa (Latin for my fault ). Francis did not cite any specific examples. Last June the Vatican s first auditor general resigned suddenly. He later said he was forced to step down because he had discovered irregularities but the Vatican said he had been spying on his superiors. Earlier this month, the Vatican bank s deputy director was fired under circumstances that have not been explained. In July, in a major shake-up of the Vatican administration, Francis replaced Catholicism s top theologian, a conservative German cardinal who has been at odds with the pontiff s vision of a more inclusive Church. Francis said the overwhelming majority of Curia members were faithful, competent and some saintly. Later, in a separate meeting with lay Vatican employees and their families, Francis asked forgiveness for the failings of some Church officials. He spoke hours before the funeral of Cardinal Bernard Law, the ex-Archbishop of Boston who resigned in disgrace after covering up years of sexual abuse of children by priests and whose name became a byword for scandal in the Catholic Church.
TITLE: Pope says foes make reforming Vatican as hard as cleaning Sphinx with toothbrush TEXT: VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis issued a stinging new critique of the Vatican s top administration on Thursday, saying traitors stood in the way of his reforms and made any change as hard as cleaning Egypt s Sphinx with a toothbrush . For the fourth year running, Francis used his annual Christmas greetings to the Roman Catholic Church s central bureaucracy, or Curia, to lecture the assembled cardinals, bishops and other department heads on the need for change. Reforming Rome is like cleaning the Sphinx of Egypt with a toothbrush, he said, quoting a 19th-century Belgian churchman. The phrase did not evoke much laughter when the pope read it in the frescoed Clementina Hall of the Vatican s Apostolic Palace. Since his election as the first Latin American pope in 2013, Francis has been trying to reform the Italian-dominated Curia to bring the Church s hierarchy closer to its members, to enact financial reforms and guide it out of scandals that marked the pontificate of his predecessor, former Pope Benedict. But he has encountered resistance, particularly as some departments have been closed, merged or streamlined. Francis said some in the bureaucracy - the nerve center of the 1.2-billion-member Church and whose members are entrusted with carrying out the pope s decisions - were part of cliques and plots . Francis called this unbalanced and degenerate and a cancer that leads to a self-referential attitude . In his address on Thursday, he spoke of those traitors of trust who had been entrusted with carrying out reforms but let themselves be corrupted by ambition and vainglory. When they are quietly let go, he said, they erroneously declare themselves to be martyrs of the system ... instead of reciting a mea culpa (Latin for my fault ). Francis did not cite any specific examples. Last June the Vatican s first auditor general resigned suddenly. He later said he was forced to step down because he had discovered irregularities but the Vatican said he had been spying on his superiors. Earlier this month, the Vatican bank s deputy director was fired under circumstances that have not been explained. In July, in a major shake-up of the Vatican administration, Francis replaced Catholicism s top theologian, a conservative German cardinal who has been at odds with the pontiff s vision of a more inclusive Church. Francis said the overwhelming majority of Curia members were faithful, competent and some saintly. Later, in a separate meeting with lay Vatican employees and their families, Francis asked forgiveness for the failings of some Church officials. He spoke hours before the funeral of Cardinal Bernard Law, the ex-Archbishop of Boston who resigned in disgrace after covering up years of sexual abuse of children by priests and whose name became a byword for scandal in the Catholic Church.
gruselig fc bayern verkleidet sich zu halloween als hsv
sonntag oktober wegen ruhestörung gerufene polizisten gewinnen überraschend halloweenkostümwettbewerb ingelheim am rhein archiv zwei polizisten haben in der vergangenen nacht in ingelheim am rhein einen kostümwettbewerb gewonnen nachdem sie zu einer lauten halloweenparty gerufen worden waren nachbarn hatten die beamten wegen kiffgeräuschen und zu lauter musik alarmiert einen knappen zweiten platz belegten drei rettungssanitäter die wegen des hohen alkoholkonsums einiger gäste ebenfalls vor ort waren martin d und yvonne a trugen nach eigenen angaben ihre normale polizeiuniform als sie gegen mitternacht bei der party im zweiten stock eines wohnhauses ankamen im innern der wohngemeinschaft schmb herrschte absolutes chaos erinnert sich martin d ungefähr bis jugendliche grölten zu lauter musik tranken wild durcheinander und tanzten total falsch als endlich die musik aus war bekamen meine kollegin und ich plötzlich unter applaus eine sektflasche überreicht das war schon toll weil wir ja sonst so selten anerkennung für unsere arbeit bekommen stolz verließen die beamten nach ihrem sieg das haus und fuhren zurück auf die wache allerdings droht ihnen nun ein verfahren wegen bestechlichkeit weil sie die sektflasche angenommen haben fed dan ssi foto kzenon shutterstock hinweis erstmals erschienen am artikel teilen
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: gruselig fc bayern verkleidet sich zu halloween als hsv TEXT: sonntag oktober wegen ruhestörung gerufene polizisten gewinnen überraschend halloweenkostümwettbewerb ingelheim am rhein archiv zwei polizisten haben in der vergangenen nacht in ingelheim am rhein einen kostümwettbewerb gewonnen nachdem sie zu einer lauten halloweenparty gerufen worden waren nachbarn hatten die beamten wegen kiffgeräuschen und zu lauter musik alarmiert einen knappen zweiten platz belegten drei rettungssanitäter die wegen des hohen alkoholkonsums einiger gäste ebenfalls vor ort waren martin d und yvonne a trugen nach eigenen angaben ihre normale polizeiuniform als sie gegen mitternacht bei der party im zweiten stock eines wohnhauses ankamen im innern der wohngemeinschaft schmb herrschte absolutes chaos erinnert sich martin d ungefähr bis jugendliche grölten zu lauter musik tranken wild durcheinander und tanzten total falsch als endlich die musik aus war bekamen meine kollegin und ich plötzlich unter applaus eine sektflasche überreicht das war schon toll weil wir ja sonst so selten anerkennung für unsere arbeit bekommen stolz verließen die beamten nach ihrem sieg das haus und fuhren zurück auf die wache allerdings droht ihnen nun ein verfahren wegen bestechlichkeit weil sie die sektflasche angenommen haben fed dan ssi foto kzenon shutterstock hinweis erstmals erschienen am artikel teilen
TITLE: gruselig fc bayern verkleidet sich zu halloween als hsv TEXT: sonntag oktober wegen ruhestörung gerufene polizisten gewinnen überraschend halloweenkostümwettbewerb ingelheim am rhein archiv zwei polizisten haben in der vergangenen nacht in ingelheim am rhein einen kostümwettbewerb gewonnen nachdem sie zu einer lauten halloweenparty gerufen worden waren nachbarn hatten die beamten wegen kiffgeräuschen und zu lauter musik alarmiert einen knappen zweiten platz belegten drei rettungssanitäter die wegen des hohen alkoholkonsums einiger gäste ebenfalls vor ort waren martin d und yvonne a trugen nach eigenen angaben ihre normale polizeiuniform als sie gegen mitternacht bei der party im zweiten stock eines wohnhauses ankamen im innern der wohngemeinschaft schmb herrschte absolutes chaos erinnert sich martin d ungefähr bis jugendliche grölten zu lauter musik tranken wild durcheinander und tanzten total falsch als endlich die musik aus war bekamen meine kollegin und ich plötzlich unter applaus eine sektflasche überreicht das war schon toll weil wir ja sonst so selten anerkennung für unsere arbeit bekommen stolz verließen die beamten nach ihrem sieg das haus und fuhren zurück auf die wache allerdings droht ihnen nun ein verfahren wegen bestechlichkeit weil sie die sektflasche angenommen haben fed dan ssi foto kzenon shutterstock hinweis erstmals erschienen am artikel teilen
U.S. congressional panels spar over 'Trump dossier' on Russia contacts
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Three congressional committees are scuffling over a former British spy’s reports that are central to investigations into U.S. allegations that Russia tried to help Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, people involved in the inquiries said. The dossier assembled by former MI6 officer Christopher Steele outlined Russian financial and personal links to Trump’s campaign and associates. The Senate Intelligence Committee and special counsel Robert Mueller are looking into possible collusion between Russia and Trump’s campaign and Mueller’s investigators have met with Steele. However, the Republican chairmen of the House Intelligence and Senate Judiciary committees are challenging the dossier’s credibility and one has implied that Russians may have played a role in its preparation, sources familiar with the inquiries said. The duel is not purely partisan. Senator Richard Burr, the Republican chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, and Mark Warner, the committee’s ranking Democrat, are leading what other committee members from both parties called a serious effort to pursue the allegations dug up by Steele. “As I understand it, a good deal of his information remains unproven, but none of it has been disproven, and considerable amounts of it have been proven,” Democrat Sheldon Whitehouse, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said in an interview with Reuters. He did not elaborate. Russia has repeatedly denied any interference in last November’s election won by businessman Trump, a Republican, against Democrat and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton. Trump has denied any collusion by his campaign or associates. In a report published in January four U.S. intelligence agencies said they took the dossier’s allegations seriously. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley has been the harshest public critic of Steele, suggesting that Russia might have somehow had influence with Fusion GPS, the U.S. opposition research firm that hired Steele, and that they may have broken U.S. law. The dossier was first commissioned on behalf of Trump opponents in the Republican primary and then Democrats took it up when Trump became the presidential nominee. Steele met with FBI representatives before the election to discuss his findings. In a March 6 letter to then-FBI Director James Comey, Grassley wrote: “The idea that the FBI and associates of the Clinton campaign would pay Mr. Steele to investigate the Republican nominee for president in the run-up to the election raises further questions about the FBI’s independence from politics, as well as the Obama administration’s use of law enforcement and intelligence agencies for political ends.” Whitehouse, however, said that a July 27 Judiciary Committee hearing called by Grassley was part of a Republican effort to discredit Steele by creating “confusion” and the false impression that Russia paid Steele for the dossier. “It could not have been clearer that there is no evidence of any Russian role behind the Steele dossier,” Whitehouse said. A Judiciary Committee aide, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said: “The American people need to be able to trust that the FBI and Justice Department are operating free from political influence. That’s what this investigation is about, and we will follow the facts wherever they lead.” Despite recusing himself in April from the House Intelligence Committee investigation, the Republican chairman, Devin Nunes, is also trying to discredit Steele’s work, sources familiar with the probe said. On Tuesday, Nunes subpoenaed the partners who run Fusion GPS, the U.S. opposition research firm that hired Steele, a source familiar with the matter said. “This is a blatant attempt to undermine the reporting of the so-called ‘dossier,’ even as its core conclusion of a broad campaign by the Russian government to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election has been confirmed by the U.S. intelligence community and is now widely accepted as fact,” Joshua Levy, counsel to Fusion GPS, said in a statement. Committee Democrat Eric Swalwell also fired back, saying Nunes told Congress he had recused himself and that issuing the subpoenas would violate that recusal. “It is also a way to go it alone, not work with Democrats, and it looks like he is trying to again undermine the investigation,” Swalwell said. Nunes also used his power last month to issue subpoenas to the FBI and Justice Department, FBI Director Christopher Wray and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, demanding that they surrender their files on Steele, his dossier, and their investigations into his work. So far, the Justice Department and FBI have not turned over the information Nunes requested because of the FBI investigation, which is supervised by special counsel Mueller. Mueller’s office declined to comment on the request or the investigation.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: U.S. congressional panels spar over 'Trump dossier' on Russia contacts TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Three congressional committees are scuffling over a former British spy’s reports that are central to investigations into U.S. allegations that Russia tried to help Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, people involved in the inquiries said. The dossier assembled by former MI6 officer Christopher Steele outlined Russian financial and personal links to Trump’s campaign and associates. The Senate Intelligence Committee and special counsel Robert Mueller are looking into possible collusion between Russia and Trump’s campaign and Mueller’s investigators have met with Steele. However, the Republican chairmen of the House Intelligence and Senate Judiciary committees are challenging the dossier’s credibility and one has implied that Russians may have played a role in its preparation, sources familiar with the inquiries said. The duel is not purely partisan. Senator Richard Burr, the Republican chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, and Mark Warner, the committee’s ranking Democrat, are leading what other committee members from both parties called a serious effort to pursue the allegations dug up by Steele. “As I understand it, a good deal of his information remains unproven, but none of it has been disproven, and considerable amounts of it have been proven,” Democrat Sheldon Whitehouse, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said in an interview with Reuters. He did not elaborate. Russia has repeatedly denied any interference in last November’s election won by businessman Trump, a Republican, against Democrat and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton. Trump has denied any collusion by his campaign or associates. In a report published in January four U.S. intelligence agencies said they took the dossier’s allegations seriously. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley has been the harshest public critic of Steele, suggesting that Russia might have somehow had influence with Fusion GPS, the U.S. opposition research firm that hired Steele, and that they may have broken U.S. law. The dossier was first commissioned on behalf of Trump opponents in the Republican primary and then Democrats took it up when Trump became the presidential nominee. Steele met with FBI representatives before the election to discuss his findings. In a March 6 letter to then-FBI Director James Comey, Grassley wrote: “The idea that the FBI and associates of the Clinton campaign would pay Mr. Steele to investigate the Republican nominee for president in the run-up to the election raises further questions about the FBI’s independence from politics, as well as the Obama administration’s use of law enforcement and intelligence agencies for political ends.” Whitehouse, however, said that a July 27 Judiciary Committee hearing called by Grassley was part of a Republican effort to discredit Steele by creating “confusion” and the false impression that Russia paid Steele for the dossier. “It could not have been clearer that there is no evidence of any Russian role behind the Steele dossier,” Whitehouse said. A Judiciary Committee aide, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said: “The American people need to be able to trust that the FBI and Justice Department are operating free from political influence. That’s what this investigation is about, and we will follow the facts wherever they lead.” Despite recusing himself in April from the House Intelligence Committee investigation, the Republican chairman, Devin Nunes, is also trying to discredit Steele’s work, sources familiar with the probe said. On Tuesday, Nunes subpoenaed the partners who run Fusion GPS, the U.S. opposition research firm that hired Steele, a source familiar with the matter said. “This is a blatant attempt to undermine the reporting of the so-called ‘dossier,’ even as its core conclusion of a broad campaign by the Russian government to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election has been confirmed by the U.S. intelligence community and is now widely accepted as fact,” Joshua Levy, counsel to Fusion GPS, said in a statement. Committee Democrat Eric Swalwell also fired back, saying Nunes told Congress he had recused himself and that issuing the subpoenas would violate that recusal. “It is also a way to go it alone, not work with Democrats, and it looks like he is trying to again undermine the investigation,” Swalwell said. Nunes also used his power last month to issue subpoenas to the FBI and Justice Department, FBI Director Christopher Wray and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, demanding that they surrender their files on Steele, his dossier, and their investigations into his work. So far, the Justice Department and FBI have not turned over the information Nunes requested because of the FBI investigation, which is supervised by special counsel Mueller. Mueller’s office declined to comment on the request or the investigation.
TITLE: U.S. congressional panels spar over 'Trump dossier' on Russia contacts TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Three congressional committees are scuffling over a former British spy’s reports that are central to investigations into U.S. allegations that Russia tried to help Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, people involved in the inquiries said. The dossier assembled by former MI6 officer Christopher Steele outlined Russian financial and personal links to Trump’s campaign and associates. The Senate Intelligence Committee and special counsel Robert Mueller are looking into possible collusion between Russia and Trump’s campaign and Mueller’s investigators have met with Steele. However, the Republican chairmen of the House Intelligence and Senate Judiciary committees are challenging the dossier’s credibility and one has implied that Russians may have played a role in its preparation, sources familiar with the inquiries said. The duel is not purely partisan. Senator Richard Burr, the Republican chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, and Mark Warner, the committee’s ranking Democrat, are leading what other committee members from both parties called a serious effort to pursue the allegations dug up by Steele. “As I understand it, a good deal of his information remains unproven, but none of it has been disproven, and considerable amounts of it have been proven,” Democrat Sheldon Whitehouse, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said in an interview with Reuters. He did not elaborate. Russia has repeatedly denied any interference in last November’s election won by businessman Trump, a Republican, against Democrat and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton. Trump has denied any collusion by his campaign or associates. In a report published in January four U.S. intelligence agencies said they took the dossier’s allegations seriously. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley has been the harshest public critic of Steele, suggesting that Russia might have somehow had influence with Fusion GPS, the U.S. opposition research firm that hired Steele, and that they may have broken U.S. law. The dossier was first commissioned on behalf of Trump opponents in the Republican primary and then Democrats took it up when Trump became the presidential nominee. Steele met with FBI representatives before the election to discuss his findings. In a March 6 letter to then-FBI Director James Comey, Grassley wrote: “The idea that the FBI and associates of the Clinton campaign would pay Mr. Steele to investigate the Republican nominee for president in the run-up to the election raises further questions about the FBI’s independence from politics, as well as the Obama administration’s use of law enforcement and intelligence agencies for political ends.” Whitehouse, however, said that a July 27 Judiciary Committee hearing called by Grassley was part of a Republican effort to discredit Steele by creating “confusion” and the false impression that Russia paid Steele for the dossier. “It could not have been clearer that there is no evidence of any Russian role behind the Steele dossier,” Whitehouse said. A Judiciary Committee aide, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said: “The American people need to be able to trust that the FBI and Justice Department are operating free from political influence. That’s what this investigation is about, and we will follow the facts wherever they lead.” Despite recusing himself in April from the House Intelligence Committee investigation, the Republican chairman, Devin Nunes, is also trying to discredit Steele’s work, sources familiar with the probe said. On Tuesday, Nunes subpoenaed the partners who run Fusion GPS, the U.S. opposition research firm that hired Steele, a source familiar with the matter said. “This is a blatant attempt to undermine the reporting of the so-called ‘dossier,’ even as its core conclusion of a broad campaign by the Russian government to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election has been confirmed by the U.S. intelligence community and is now widely accepted as fact,” Joshua Levy, counsel to Fusion GPS, said in a statement. Committee Democrat Eric Swalwell also fired back, saying Nunes told Congress he had recused himself and that issuing the subpoenas would violate that recusal. “It is also a way to go it alone, not work with Democrats, and it looks like he is trying to again undermine the investigation,” Swalwell said. Nunes also used his power last month to issue subpoenas to the FBI and Justice Department, FBI Director Christopher Wray and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, demanding that they surrender their files on Steele, his dossier, and their investigations into his work. So far, the Justice Department and FBI have not turned over the information Nunes requested because of the FBI investigation, which is supervised by special counsel Mueller. Mueller’s office declined to comment on the request or the investigation.
McCain warns Trump not to lift sanctions on Russia
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator John McCain, commenting on Friday on speculation that President Donald Trump may lift sanctions on Russia, said he hoped the administration would reject that “reckless course.” “If he does not, I will work with my colleagues to codify sanctions against Russia into law,” McCain, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee and one of the Republican party’s senior foreign policy voices, said in a statement. A decision by Trump to ease sanctions imposed on Moscow over its annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea region could complicate efforts to win Senate confirmation of Rex Tillerson, Trump’s nominee for secretary of state. Tillerson worked with Russia’s government for years as a top executive at the energy giant Exxon Mobil, and has questioned the wisdom of sanctions against Russia that he said could harm U.S. businesses. In 2013, Putin awarded Tillerson an Order of Friendship award for his work in Russia. Tillerson had engineered a joint venture with Russian oil companies estimated to be worth many billions of dollars. Many senators, mostly Democrats but also Republicans such as McCain, Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio, have expressed concerns about Tillerson becoming secretary of state because of his ties to Russia. However, all three announced this week that they would support Tillerson, virtually ensuring he would become the top diplomat. A reversal by Trump of sanctions could turn lawmakers against him.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: McCain warns Trump not to lift sanctions on Russia TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator John McCain, commenting on Friday on speculation that President Donald Trump may lift sanctions on Russia, said he hoped the administration would reject that “reckless course.” “If he does not, I will work with my colleagues to codify sanctions against Russia into law,” McCain, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee and one of the Republican party’s senior foreign policy voices, said in a statement. A decision by Trump to ease sanctions imposed on Moscow over its annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea region could complicate efforts to win Senate confirmation of Rex Tillerson, Trump’s nominee for secretary of state. Tillerson worked with Russia’s government for years as a top executive at the energy giant Exxon Mobil, and has questioned the wisdom of sanctions against Russia that he said could harm U.S. businesses. In 2013, Putin awarded Tillerson an Order of Friendship award for his work in Russia. Tillerson had engineered a joint venture with Russian oil companies estimated to be worth many billions of dollars. Many senators, mostly Democrats but also Republicans such as McCain, Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio, have expressed concerns about Tillerson becoming secretary of state because of his ties to Russia. However, all three announced this week that they would support Tillerson, virtually ensuring he would become the top diplomat. A reversal by Trump of sanctions could turn lawmakers against him.
TITLE: McCain warns Trump not to lift sanctions on Russia TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator John McCain, commenting on Friday on speculation that President Donald Trump may lift sanctions on Russia, said he hoped the administration would reject that “reckless course.” “If he does not, I will work with my colleagues to codify sanctions against Russia into law,” McCain, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee and one of the Republican party’s senior foreign policy voices, said in a statement. A decision by Trump to ease sanctions imposed on Moscow over its annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea region could complicate efforts to win Senate confirmation of Rex Tillerson, Trump’s nominee for secretary of state. Tillerson worked with Russia’s government for years as a top executive at the energy giant Exxon Mobil, and has questioned the wisdom of sanctions against Russia that he said could harm U.S. businesses. In 2013, Putin awarded Tillerson an Order of Friendship award for his work in Russia. Tillerson had engineered a joint venture with Russian oil companies estimated to be worth many billions of dollars. Many senators, mostly Democrats but also Republicans such as McCain, Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio, have expressed concerns about Tillerson becoming secretary of state because of his ties to Russia. However, all three announced this week that they would support Tillerson, virtually ensuring he would become the top diplomat. A reversal by Trump of sanctions could turn lawmakers against him.
Mexico will only remain in NAFTA if good for national interest: foreign minister
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico will only remain within the North American Free Trade Agreement if the renegotiated treaty is good for the country, Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray said on Tuesday, as trade negotiators gathered in Washington for talks. The talks to update the 23-year-old NAFTA pact have turned increasingly acrimonious, with Mexico and business groups warning that several U.S. proposals would limit trade. Videgaray said Mexico must be ready for the “different scenarios” that the talks could produce. U.S. President Donald Trump was quoted on Tuesday as saying he believed NAFTA should be terminated.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Mexico will only remain in NAFTA if good for national interest: foreign minister TEXT: MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico will only remain within the North American Free Trade Agreement if the renegotiated treaty is good for the country, Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray said on Tuesday, as trade negotiators gathered in Washington for talks. The talks to update the 23-year-old NAFTA pact have turned increasingly acrimonious, with Mexico and business groups warning that several U.S. proposals would limit trade. Videgaray said Mexico must be ready for the “different scenarios” that the talks could produce. U.S. President Donald Trump was quoted on Tuesday as saying he believed NAFTA should be terminated.
TITLE: Mexico will only remain in NAFTA if good for national interest: foreign minister TEXT: MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico will only remain within the North American Free Trade Agreement if the renegotiated treaty is good for the country, Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray said on Tuesday, as trade negotiators gathered in Washington for talks. The talks to update the 23-year-old NAFTA pact have turned increasingly acrimonious, with Mexico and business groups warning that several U.S. proposals would limit trade. Videgaray said Mexico must be ready for the “different scenarios” that the talks could produce. U.S. President Donald Trump was quoted on Tuesday as saying he believed NAFTA should be terminated.
Racist Trump Fan Arrested By FBI For Threat On Obama’s Life, Had Bombs
A racist Donald Trump fan has been arrested by the FBI after he made threats to kill President Obama. The authorities also found that he had a cache of pipe bombs on his property when they raided his home in Oregon.John Martin Roos, a 61-year-old from Oregon, has been charged with communication of a threat in interstate commerce, and additional charges are likely forthcoming. Roos first came onto the federal government s radar after a concerned citizen brought Roos Facebook and Twitter postings to the FBI s attention in February, according to an affidavit from Special Agent Jeffrey Gray.Roos also had a series of Facebook and Twitter posts with racist rants targeting the President. Obama you goat fffing fudgepacker, the refugees are men of fighting age. Black lives matter! Sure we need someone to pick cotton and wash cars. Paris, burn diseased muslim neighborhoods to the ground and start over with human beings. Obama you are on a hit list, he wrote in a post that appears to have been removed.He is just the latest in a line of people, ranging from the truly dangerous to just out and out cranks, that have been apprehended since Obama s inauguration in 2009 for threats towards the first black president.His postings online definitely took cues from the targets of Donald Trump s ire. The Huffington Post reported that Roos used his online postings to attack Attorney General Loretta Lynch, singer Beyonce, Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly and reporter Michelle Fields. Roos also had praise for those who have supported Trump or been praised by the reality TV star:He praised Ann Coulter and Stacey Dash, and posted several links to posts on Breitbart.com.Coulter has identified herself as a Trump supporter, while on Fox News, Dash has defended and promoted Trump.Breitbart.com has been the most pro-Trump of the conservative media outlets, and an insider has actually alleged that Trump has been paying the site for favorable coverage.Featured image via Facebook
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Racist Trump Fan Arrested By FBI For Threat On Obama’s Life, Had Bombs TEXT: A racist Donald Trump fan has been arrested by the FBI after he made threats to kill President Obama. The authorities also found that he had a cache of pipe bombs on his property when they raided his home in Oregon.John Martin Roos, a 61-year-old from Oregon, has been charged with communication of a threat in interstate commerce, and additional charges are likely forthcoming. Roos first came onto the federal government s radar after a concerned citizen brought Roos Facebook and Twitter postings to the FBI s attention in February, according to an affidavit from Special Agent Jeffrey Gray.Roos also had a series of Facebook and Twitter posts with racist rants targeting the President. Obama you goat fffing fudgepacker, the refugees are men of fighting age. Black lives matter! Sure we need someone to pick cotton and wash cars. Paris, burn diseased muslim neighborhoods to the ground and start over with human beings. Obama you are on a hit list, he wrote in a post that appears to have been removed.He is just the latest in a line of people, ranging from the truly dangerous to just out and out cranks, that have been apprehended since Obama s inauguration in 2009 for threats towards the first black president.His postings online definitely took cues from the targets of Donald Trump s ire. The Huffington Post reported that Roos used his online postings to attack Attorney General Loretta Lynch, singer Beyonce, Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly and reporter Michelle Fields. Roos also had praise for those who have supported Trump or been praised by the reality TV star:He praised Ann Coulter and Stacey Dash, and posted several links to posts on Breitbart.com.Coulter has identified herself as a Trump supporter, while on Fox News, Dash has defended and promoted Trump.Breitbart.com has been the most pro-Trump of the conservative media outlets, and an insider has actually alleged that Trump has been paying the site for favorable coverage.Featured image via Facebook
TITLE: Racist Trump Fan Arrested By FBI For Threat On Obama’s Life, Had Bombs TEXT: A racist Donald Trump fan has been arrested by the FBI after he made threats to kill President Obama. The authorities also found that he had a cache of pipe bombs on his property when they raided his home in Oregon.John Martin Roos, a 61-year-old from Oregon, has been charged with communication of a threat in interstate commerce, and additional charges are likely forthcoming. Roos first came onto the federal government s radar after a concerned citizen brought Roos Facebook and Twitter postings to the FBI s attention in February, according to an affidavit from Special Agent Jeffrey Gray.Roos also had a series of Facebook and Twitter posts with racist rants targeting the President. Obama you goat fffing fudgepacker, the refugees are men of fighting age. Black lives matter! Sure we need someone to pick cotton and wash cars. Paris, burn diseased muslim neighborhoods to the ground and start over with human beings. Obama you are on a hit list, he wrote in a post that appears to have been removed.He is just the latest in a line of people, ranging from the truly dangerous to just out and out cranks, that have been apprehended since Obama s inauguration in 2009 for threats towards the first black president.His postings online definitely took cues from the targets of Donald Trump s ire. The Huffington Post reported that Roos used his online postings to attack Attorney General Loretta Lynch, singer Beyonce, Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly and reporter Michelle Fields. Roos also had praise for those who have supported Trump or been praised by the reality TV star:He praised Ann Coulter and Stacey Dash, and posted several links to posts on Breitbart.com.Coulter has identified herself as a Trump supporter, while on Fox News, Dash has defended and promoted Trump.Breitbart.com has been the most pro-Trump of the conservative media outlets, and an insider has actually alleged that Trump has been paying the site for favorable coverage.Featured image via Facebook
France to skip 2018 Winter Games if security not assured
PARIS/SEOUL (Reuters) - France s Winter Olympics team will not travel to the 2018 Games in South Korea if its security cannot be guaranteed, France s sports minister said on Thursday, the first major doubts by a participating nation about growing North Korean tensions. The games organizer said on Friday that it is closely monitoring the current geopolitical situation with the South Korean government, adding that safety is the top priority. Tensions in the region have escalated since North Korea conducted its sixth and largest nuclear test on Sept. 3, prompting global condemnation. North Korea s leader Kim Jong Un said on Friday the North will consider the highest level of hard-line countermeasure in history against the United States in response to U.S. President Donald Trump s threat to destroy the North. France s Sports Minister Laura Flessel told RTL radio that if the crisis deepened and our security cannot be assured, the French Olympics team will stay at home. But she added: We re not there yet. Participants in the Games - the first Winter Olympics hosted by an Asian nation outside Japan - had not previously raised safety concerns publicly. The games are scheduled for Feb 9-25 next year in Pyeongchang, just 80 km (50 miles) from the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea, the world s most heavily armed border. The two countries remain technically at war after their 1950-53 conflict ended with a truce and not a peace treaty. Safety and security is one of the most important aspects of Games preparations, Sung Baik-you, a spokesman for the organizing committee, said in a statement to Reuters on Friday. South Korea s President Moon Jae-in said on Wednesday the country is pushing to ensure security at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics. In a meeting with International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach, Moon said South Korea is well aware of the concerns. The Japanese Olympic Committee said on Friday it is not considering the cancellation of its plans. We will continue to prepare in the same way as with other international competitions that we take part in, a spokeswoman for the committee said. The United States Olympic Committee (USOC) said it was working with all the relevant authorities to ensure its athletes would be safe. Each host city presents a unique challenge from a security perspective, and, as is always the case, we are working with the organizers, the U.S. State Department and the relevant law enforcement agencies to ensure that our athletes, and our entire delegation, are safe, USOC spokesman Patrick Sandusky said. The Chinese Olympic Committee said it had no immediate comment. The Canadian Olympic Committee (COC), which has representatives in South Korea, said the safety of its team was always its main priority. The safety of our entire Canadian Olympic Team is always our main priority, no matter where the Games are held, the COC said in a statement emailed to Reuters. The Government of Canada does not currently have travel advisories in place for South Korea and recommends that Canadians exercise normal security precautions, which is the lowest of four risk levels. Australia, one of Asia s largest participants at recent Winter Games, is monitoring the situation. The safety of our team is of the highest priority but we are comfortable with the priority that the (International Olympic Committee) and the Org Comm are placing on security and safety of the Games and its participants, the Australian Olympic Committee said in a statement emailed to Reuters. We are relying on advice from DFAT (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade) and working with the Korean Ambassador and if their advice changes, we will advise our team accordingly but for the moment there is no suggestion that the Games will not go ahead or their safety is compromised. The chief of the International Ski Federation, Gian-Franco Kasper, dismissed any fears among athletes, saying the Pyeongchang Olympics would be the safest in the world . He conceded, however, that ticket sales among overseas visitors could be affected. The IOC has said it is not contemplating any Plan B for the Games. IOC President Thomas Bach said last week that considering any scenario other than holding the Olympics in South Korea could hamper diplomatic efforts.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: France to skip 2018 Winter Games if security not assured TEXT: PARIS/SEOUL (Reuters) - France s Winter Olympics team will not travel to the 2018 Games in South Korea if its security cannot be guaranteed, France s sports minister said on Thursday, the first major doubts by a participating nation about growing North Korean tensions. The games organizer said on Friday that it is closely monitoring the current geopolitical situation with the South Korean government, adding that safety is the top priority. Tensions in the region have escalated since North Korea conducted its sixth and largest nuclear test on Sept. 3, prompting global condemnation. North Korea s leader Kim Jong Un said on Friday the North will consider the highest level of hard-line countermeasure in history against the United States in response to U.S. President Donald Trump s threat to destroy the North. France s Sports Minister Laura Flessel told RTL radio that if the crisis deepened and our security cannot be assured, the French Olympics team will stay at home. But she added: We re not there yet. Participants in the Games - the first Winter Olympics hosted by an Asian nation outside Japan - had not previously raised safety concerns publicly. The games are scheduled for Feb 9-25 next year in Pyeongchang, just 80 km (50 miles) from the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea, the world s most heavily armed border. The two countries remain technically at war after their 1950-53 conflict ended with a truce and not a peace treaty. Safety and security is one of the most important aspects of Games preparations, Sung Baik-you, a spokesman for the organizing committee, said in a statement to Reuters on Friday. South Korea s President Moon Jae-in said on Wednesday the country is pushing to ensure security at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics. In a meeting with International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach, Moon said South Korea is well aware of the concerns. The Japanese Olympic Committee said on Friday it is not considering the cancellation of its plans. We will continue to prepare in the same way as with other international competitions that we take part in, a spokeswoman for the committee said. The United States Olympic Committee (USOC) said it was working with all the relevant authorities to ensure its athletes would be safe. Each host city presents a unique challenge from a security perspective, and, as is always the case, we are working with the organizers, the U.S. State Department and the relevant law enforcement agencies to ensure that our athletes, and our entire delegation, are safe, USOC spokesman Patrick Sandusky said. The Chinese Olympic Committee said it had no immediate comment. The Canadian Olympic Committee (COC), which has representatives in South Korea, said the safety of its team was always its main priority. The safety of our entire Canadian Olympic Team is always our main priority, no matter where the Games are held, the COC said in a statement emailed to Reuters. The Government of Canada does not currently have travel advisories in place for South Korea and recommends that Canadians exercise normal security precautions, which is the lowest of four risk levels. Australia, one of Asia s largest participants at recent Winter Games, is monitoring the situation. The safety of our team is of the highest priority but we are comfortable with the priority that the (International Olympic Committee) and the Org Comm are placing on security and safety of the Games and its participants, the Australian Olympic Committee said in a statement emailed to Reuters. We are relying on advice from DFAT (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade) and working with the Korean Ambassador and if their advice changes, we will advise our team accordingly but for the moment there is no suggestion that the Games will not go ahead or their safety is compromised. The chief of the International Ski Federation, Gian-Franco Kasper, dismissed any fears among athletes, saying the Pyeongchang Olympics would be the safest in the world . He conceded, however, that ticket sales among overseas visitors could be affected. The IOC has said it is not contemplating any Plan B for the Games. IOC President Thomas Bach said last week that considering any scenario other than holding the Olympics in South Korea could hamper diplomatic efforts.
TITLE: France to skip 2018 Winter Games if security not assured TEXT: PARIS/SEOUL (Reuters) - France s Winter Olympics team will not travel to the 2018 Games in South Korea if its security cannot be guaranteed, France s sports minister said on Thursday, the first major doubts by a participating nation about growing North Korean tensions. The games organizer said on Friday that it is closely monitoring the current geopolitical situation with the South Korean government, adding that safety is the top priority. Tensions in the region have escalated since North Korea conducted its sixth and largest nuclear test on Sept. 3, prompting global condemnation. North Korea s leader Kim Jong Un said on Friday the North will consider the highest level of hard-line countermeasure in history against the United States in response to U.S. President Donald Trump s threat to destroy the North. France s Sports Minister Laura Flessel told RTL radio that if the crisis deepened and our security cannot be assured, the French Olympics team will stay at home. But she added: We re not there yet. Participants in the Games - the first Winter Olympics hosted by an Asian nation outside Japan - had not previously raised safety concerns publicly. The games are scheduled for Feb 9-25 next year in Pyeongchang, just 80 km (50 miles) from the demilitarized zone between North and South Korea, the world s most heavily armed border. The two countries remain technically at war after their 1950-53 conflict ended with a truce and not a peace treaty. Safety and security is one of the most important aspects of Games preparations, Sung Baik-you, a spokesman for the organizing committee, said in a statement to Reuters on Friday. South Korea s President Moon Jae-in said on Wednesday the country is pushing to ensure security at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics. In a meeting with International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach, Moon said South Korea is well aware of the concerns. The Japanese Olympic Committee said on Friday it is not considering the cancellation of its plans. We will continue to prepare in the same way as with other international competitions that we take part in, a spokeswoman for the committee said. The United States Olympic Committee (USOC) said it was working with all the relevant authorities to ensure its athletes would be safe. Each host city presents a unique challenge from a security perspective, and, as is always the case, we are working with the organizers, the U.S. State Department and the relevant law enforcement agencies to ensure that our athletes, and our entire delegation, are safe, USOC spokesman Patrick Sandusky said. The Chinese Olympic Committee said it had no immediate comment. The Canadian Olympic Committee (COC), which has representatives in South Korea, said the safety of its team was always its main priority. The safety of our entire Canadian Olympic Team is always our main priority, no matter where the Games are held, the COC said in a statement emailed to Reuters. The Government of Canada does not currently have travel advisories in place for South Korea and recommends that Canadians exercise normal security precautions, which is the lowest of four risk levels. Australia, one of Asia s largest participants at recent Winter Games, is monitoring the situation. The safety of our team is of the highest priority but we are comfortable with the priority that the (International Olympic Committee) and the Org Comm are placing on security and safety of the Games and its participants, the Australian Olympic Committee said in a statement emailed to Reuters. We are relying on advice from DFAT (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade) and working with the Korean Ambassador and if their advice changes, we will advise our team accordingly but for the moment there is no suggestion that the Games will not go ahead or their safety is compromised. The chief of the International Ski Federation, Gian-Franco Kasper, dismissed any fears among athletes, saying the Pyeongchang Olympics would be the safest in the world . He conceded, however, that ticket sales among overseas visitors could be affected. The IOC has said it is not contemplating any Plan B for the Games. IOC President Thomas Bach said last week that considering any scenario other than holding the Olympics in South Korea could hamper diplomatic efforts.
Turkish opposition journalist sentenced to three years over tweet: agency
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - A Turkish court sentenced a journalist from opposition newspaper Cumhuriyet to three years in prison on Tuesday on a charge of spreading terrorist propaganda over a tweet which the paper briefly posted in May, state media said. The newspaper s online editor, Oguz Guven, was accused of discrediting Ankara s fight against supporters of the U.S.-based cleric Fethullah Gulen, who the government says orchestrated a coup attempt last year. The tweet had referred to a prosecutor being killed in a road accident with the expression that he had been mowed down by a truck . Cumhuriyet, long a pillar of the secularist establishment, says the tweet was replaced within one minute by one saying the prosecutor died awfully in a truck accident . The prosecutor who died had prepared an indictment against Gulen s network. The cleric denies any involvement in the coup attempt. State-run Anadolu agency said Guven was sentenced to three years and one month in jail. He had been remanded in custody in May but was released in June pending trial. More than a dozen Cumhuriyet correspondents and executives are being tried in a separate case in which prosecutors say the paper was taken over by supporters of Gulen and used to target Erdogan and veil the actions of militant groups. Prosecutors are seeking up to 43 years in jail for the paper s staff, accused of targeting Erdogan through asymmetric war methods. They have denied the charges. Since the failed coup in July 2016, Turkey has jailed more than 50,000 people and closed more than 130 media outlets, raising concerns among Western allies about deteriorating rights and freedoms.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Turkish opposition journalist sentenced to three years over tweet: agency TEXT: ISTANBUL (Reuters) - A Turkish court sentenced a journalist from opposition newspaper Cumhuriyet to three years in prison on Tuesday on a charge of spreading terrorist propaganda over a tweet which the paper briefly posted in May, state media said. The newspaper s online editor, Oguz Guven, was accused of discrediting Ankara s fight against supporters of the U.S.-based cleric Fethullah Gulen, who the government says orchestrated a coup attempt last year. The tweet had referred to a prosecutor being killed in a road accident with the expression that he had been mowed down by a truck . Cumhuriyet, long a pillar of the secularist establishment, says the tweet was replaced within one minute by one saying the prosecutor died awfully in a truck accident . The prosecutor who died had prepared an indictment against Gulen s network. The cleric denies any involvement in the coup attempt. State-run Anadolu agency said Guven was sentenced to three years and one month in jail. He had been remanded in custody in May but was released in June pending trial. More than a dozen Cumhuriyet correspondents and executives are being tried in a separate case in which prosecutors say the paper was taken over by supporters of Gulen and used to target Erdogan and veil the actions of militant groups. Prosecutors are seeking up to 43 years in jail for the paper s staff, accused of targeting Erdogan through asymmetric war methods. They have denied the charges. Since the failed coup in July 2016, Turkey has jailed more than 50,000 people and closed more than 130 media outlets, raising concerns among Western allies about deteriorating rights and freedoms.
TITLE: Turkish opposition journalist sentenced to three years over tweet: agency TEXT: ISTANBUL (Reuters) - A Turkish court sentenced a journalist from opposition newspaper Cumhuriyet to three years in prison on Tuesday on a charge of spreading terrorist propaganda over a tweet which the paper briefly posted in May, state media said. The newspaper s online editor, Oguz Guven, was accused of discrediting Ankara s fight against supporters of the U.S.-based cleric Fethullah Gulen, who the government says orchestrated a coup attempt last year. The tweet had referred to a prosecutor being killed in a road accident with the expression that he had been mowed down by a truck . Cumhuriyet, long a pillar of the secularist establishment, says the tweet was replaced within one minute by one saying the prosecutor died awfully in a truck accident . The prosecutor who died had prepared an indictment against Gulen s network. The cleric denies any involvement in the coup attempt. State-run Anadolu agency said Guven was sentenced to three years and one month in jail. He had been remanded in custody in May but was released in June pending trial. More than a dozen Cumhuriyet correspondents and executives are being tried in a separate case in which prosecutors say the paper was taken over by supporters of Gulen and used to target Erdogan and veil the actions of militant groups. Prosecutors are seeking up to 43 years in jail for the paper s staff, accused of targeting Erdogan through asymmetric war methods. They have denied the charges. Since the failed coup in July 2016, Turkey has jailed more than 50,000 people and closed more than 130 media outlets, raising concerns among Western allies about deteriorating rights and freedoms.
Sorry, GOP: This Economic Powerhouse Just Got 99% Of Its Energy From Renewable Energy
Republicans have pessimistically said it can t be done, that renewable energy can t do for us what oil, gas, and coal have done for generations.But Germany just put Republicans in their place and proved that clean energy can do just that if given the chance.On Sunday, Chancellor Angela Merkel had good reason to celebrate as renewable energy sources provided nearly 100 percent of the nation s energy needs for the first time.According to Bloomberg:Solar and wind power peaked at 2 p.m. local time on Sunday, allowing renewables to supply 45.5 gigawatts as demand was 45.8 gigawatts, according to provisional data by Agora Energiewende, a research institute in Berlin. Power prices turned negative during several 15-minute periods yesterday, dropping as low as minus 50 euros ($57) a megawatt-hour In other words, clean energy saved people lots of money on their electricity bills on several occasions on Sunday and proved that it is possible to replace conventional energy sources with renewable energy sources.If you take a look at the graph below, you will see that solar power, as represented in yellow, surged to hit the red line, which represents the electricity consumption of the population. For that one shining brief period, clean energy surpassed the conventional sources and embarrassed every single Republican who has scoffed at the prospect of clean energy in the United States.Just imagine if clean energy did this here. Imagine if we actually put our full effort and focus into developing a clean energy infrastructure, we could watch as our electric bills shrink and our dependence on fossil fuels disappears. It would save us money and help save the planet at the same time.But that s assuming Republicans jump on board the clean energy train instead of continuing to be shills for oil and coal companies while claiming that God will save the planet.Featured image via Wikimedia
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Sorry, GOP: This Economic Powerhouse Just Got 99% Of Its Energy From Renewable Energy TEXT: Republicans have pessimistically said it can t be done, that renewable energy can t do for us what oil, gas, and coal have done for generations.But Germany just put Republicans in their place and proved that clean energy can do just that if given the chance.On Sunday, Chancellor Angela Merkel had good reason to celebrate as renewable energy sources provided nearly 100 percent of the nation s energy needs for the first time.According to Bloomberg:Solar and wind power peaked at 2 p.m. local time on Sunday, allowing renewables to supply 45.5 gigawatts as demand was 45.8 gigawatts, according to provisional data by Agora Energiewende, a research institute in Berlin. Power prices turned negative during several 15-minute periods yesterday, dropping as low as minus 50 euros ($57) a megawatt-hour In other words, clean energy saved people lots of money on their electricity bills on several occasions on Sunday and proved that it is possible to replace conventional energy sources with renewable energy sources.If you take a look at the graph below, you will see that solar power, as represented in yellow, surged to hit the red line, which represents the electricity consumption of the population. For that one shining brief period, clean energy surpassed the conventional sources and embarrassed every single Republican who has scoffed at the prospect of clean energy in the United States.Just imagine if clean energy did this here. Imagine if we actually put our full effort and focus into developing a clean energy infrastructure, we could watch as our electric bills shrink and our dependence on fossil fuels disappears. It would save us money and help save the planet at the same time.But that s assuming Republicans jump on board the clean energy train instead of continuing to be shills for oil and coal companies while claiming that God will save the planet.Featured image via Wikimedia
TITLE: Sorry, GOP: This Economic Powerhouse Just Got 99% Of Its Energy From Renewable Energy TEXT: Republicans have pessimistically said it can t be done, that renewable energy can t do for us what oil, gas, and coal have done for generations.But Germany just put Republicans in their place and proved that clean energy can do just that if given the chance.On Sunday, Chancellor Angela Merkel had good reason to celebrate as renewable energy sources provided nearly 100 percent of the nation s energy needs for the first time.According to Bloomberg:Solar and wind power peaked at 2 p.m. local time on Sunday, allowing renewables to supply 45.5 gigawatts as demand was 45.8 gigawatts, according to provisional data by Agora Energiewende, a research institute in Berlin. Power prices turned negative during several 15-minute periods yesterday, dropping as low as minus 50 euros ($57) a megawatt-hour In other words, clean energy saved people lots of money on their electricity bills on several occasions on Sunday and proved that it is possible to replace conventional energy sources with renewable energy sources.If you take a look at the graph below, you will see that solar power, as represented in yellow, surged to hit the red line, which represents the electricity consumption of the population. For that one shining brief period, clean energy surpassed the conventional sources and embarrassed every single Republican who has scoffed at the prospect of clean energy in the United States.Just imagine if clean energy did this here. Imagine if we actually put our full effort and focus into developing a clean energy infrastructure, we could watch as our electric bills shrink and our dependence on fossil fuels disappears. It would save us money and help save the planet at the same time.But that s assuming Republicans jump on board the clean energy train instead of continuing to be shills for oil and coal companies while claiming that God will save the planet.Featured image via Wikimedia
david fahrenthold strikes exposing donald trumps false philanthropy
politics us actor robert de niro photo by afp hollywood actor robert de niro who had criticized americans for putting an idiot like donald trump in a position where he might become the us president now says he respects him because he is the presidentelect of the united states before the november presidential election de niro had been enlisted along with several other actors to speak in a nonpartisan video encouraging americans to vote in but the yearold actor defied script and delivered a scathing rebuke of trump hes so blatantly stupid hes a punk hes a dog hes a pig a mutt who doesnt do his homework doesnt care hes an idiot colin powell said it best hes a national disaster hes an embarrassment to this country the raging bull actor said it makes me so angry that this country has gotten to this point that this fool this bozo has wound up where he has he stated he talks how he wants to punch people in the face well id like to punch him in the face de niro said but after the republican presidential nominee was declared the th presidentelect on wednesday de niro clarified that he would no longer like to punch trump because the man was elected to the highest seat in political office the veteran actor however told jimmy kimmel on his latenight show on abc news that he is not feeling good after trumps victory which caused protests and student walkouts across the country protesters on wednesday slammed trumps divisive campaign rhetoric against immigrants refugees muslims and ethnic minorities de niro said he has to respect trump because of his new position which means no punching are you still going to punch donald trump in the face kimmel asked the actor because you could now get arrested for that i think i cant do that now hes the president replied de niro and i have to respect that position although we all know what he we have to see what hes gonna do and how hes really gonna follow through on certain things as we can see now in a lot of cities a lot of people are getting very upset and protesting many renowned figures including some heads of states and other highranking officials had publicly denounced trump some even used abusive language against him in the runup to the november presidential election but several of them have now softened their stance and some even sent messages of congratulations to the presidentelect loading
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: david fahrenthold strikes exposing donald trumps false philanthropy TEXT: politics us actor robert de niro photo by afp hollywood actor robert de niro who had criticized americans for putting an idiot like donald trump in a position where he might become the us president now says he respects him because he is the presidentelect of the united states before the november presidential election de niro had been enlisted along with several other actors to speak in a nonpartisan video encouraging americans to vote in but the yearold actor defied script and delivered a scathing rebuke of trump hes so blatantly stupid hes a punk hes a dog hes a pig a mutt who doesnt do his homework doesnt care hes an idiot colin powell said it best hes a national disaster hes an embarrassment to this country the raging bull actor said it makes me so angry that this country has gotten to this point that this fool this bozo has wound up where he has he stated he talks how he wants to punch people in the face well id like to punch him in the face de niro said but after the republican presidential nominee was declared the th presidentelect on wednesday de niro clarified that he would no longer like to punch trump because the man was elected to the highest seat in political office the veteran actor however told jimmy kimmel on his latenight show on abc news that he is not feeling good after trumps victory which caused protests and student walkouts across the country protesters on wednesday slammed trumps divisive campaign rhetoric against immigrants refugees muslims and ethnic minorities de niro said he has to respect trump because of his new position which means no punching are you still going to punch donald trump in the face kimmel asked the actor because you could now get arrested for that i think i cant do that now hes the president replied de niro and i have to respect that position although we all know what he we have to see what hes gonna do and how hes really gonna follow through on certain things as we can see now in a lot of cities a lot of people are getting very upset and protesting many renowned figures including some heads of states and other highranking officials had publicly denounced trump some even used abusive language against him in the runup to the november presidential election but several of them have now softened their stance and some even sent messages of congratulations to the presidentelect loading
TITLE: david fahrenthold strikes exposing donald trumps false philanthropy TEXT: politics us actor robert de niro photo by afp hollywood actor robert de niro who had criticized americans for putting an idiot like donald trump in a position where he might become the us president now says he respects him because he is the presidentelect of the united states before the november presidential election de niro had been enlisted along with several other actors to speak in a nonpartisan video encouraging americans to vote in but the yearold actor defied script and delivered a scathing rebuke of trump hes so blatantly stupid hes a punk hes a dog hes a pig a mutt who doesnt do his homework doesnt care hes an idiot colin powell said it best hes a national disaster hes an embarrassment to this country the raging bull actor said it makes me so angry that this country has gotten to this point that this fool this bozo has wound up where he has he stated he talks how he wants to punch people in the face well id like to punch him in the face de niro said but after the republican presidential nominee was declared the th presidentelect on wednesday de niro clarified that he would no longer like to punch trump because the man was elected to the highest seat in political office the veteran actor however told jimmy kimmel on his latenight show on abc news that he is not feeling good after trumps victory which caused protests and student walkouts across the country protesters on wednesday slammed trumps divisive campaign rhetoric against immigrants refugees muslims and ethnic minorities de niro said he has to respect trump because of his new position which means no punching are you still going to punch donald trump in the face kimmel asked the actor because you could now get arrested for that i think i cant do that now hes the president replied de niro and i have to respect that position although we all know what he we have to see what hes gonna do and how hes really gonna follow through on certain things as we can see now in a lot of cities a lot of people are getting very upset and protesting many renowned figures including some heads of states and other highranking officials had publicly denounced trump some even used abusive language against him in the runup to the november presidential election but several of them have now softened their stance and some even sent messages of congratulations to the presidentelect loading
Democrats must focus on swing suburbs to win elections, Chicago mayor says
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Democrats face years of work, focusing on “kitchen table” economic issues over several election cycles, if they want to regain ground lost to Republicans, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said on Wednesday. The Democratic mayor of the nation’s third largest city also said Republican President Donald Trump’s legal and political troubles give Democrats a chance to regain a large slice of the more than 1,000 seats Democrats have lost in Congress and state legislatures since 2008. With Democrats controlling cities and Republicans dominating rural areas, the battle will be fought among swing suburban voters, he added. “It’s not going to be done in a singular election,” Emanuel told Reuters in a wide-ranging, exclusive interview. “The real crux question to me as a party is what I call kitchen table economics,” Emanuel said. Home ownership, affordable college, job security, retirement savings and health care are key issues, he said. Chicago has faced fiscal problems and untamed street violence since Emanuel first was elected mayor in 2011. The release in 2015 of a dashcam video showing a Chicago police officer fatally shooting an unarmed teenager led to street protests that hurt the mayor’s standing with voters. Black Lives Matter sued the city Wednesday, seeking to force Emanuel to agree to federal oversight of proposed police reforms. Emanuel said the Justice Department under President Trump will not participate. “I can’t wish a different Justice Department,” Emanuel said. Instead, he is focused on police body cameras, more training and the hiring of new cops in supervisory roles, he added. Emanuel cited improvements under his leadership, public transportation in particular. “Eighty-five percent of our people in the city are happy with our public transportation system. In New York, I don’t think you could get 85 people, let alone 85 percent,” he said, citing not-yet-published data from an annual ridership survey for the Chicago Transit Authority. Emanuel blamed Illinois Republican Governor Bruce Rauner for gridlock that has put the state’s credit rating near “junk” status and helped bring the Chicago Public Schools to the brink of insolvency. “There is a fundamental flaw here in the inability to find a way to say, ‘Yes,’” Emanuel said. Rauner spokeswoman Eleni Demertzis said the mayor and Democratic House Speaker Michael Madigan are to blame for the state’s budget stalemate and “saying no at every turn.” In national politics, Emanuel is positioned to play a role as a leader of Democratic Party efforts to recover from the 2016 electoral defeat. He has served as White House adviser to President Barack Obama and President Bill Clinton and led the 2006 mid-term campaign that returned Democrats to a majority in Congress. With a 38 percent approval rating in a May Reuters/Ipsos poll, Trump’s unpopularity figures to be a dominant issue during the 2018 mid-term elections, Emanuel said. He declined to predict whether Trump will finish his term. “It’s a parlor game right now,” he said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Democrats must focus on swing suburbs to win elections, Chicago mayor says TEXT: CHICAGO (Reuters) - Democrats face years of work, focusing on “kitchen table” economic issues over several election cycles, if they want to regain ground lost to Republicans, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said on Wednesday. The Democratic mayor of the nation’s third largest city also said Republican President Donald Trump’s legal and political troubles give Democrats a chance to regain a large slice of the more than 1,000 seats Democrats have lost in Congress and state legislatures since 2008. With Democrats controlling cities and Republicans dominating rural areas, the battle will be fought among swing suburban voters, he added. “It’s not going to be done in a singular election,” Emanuel told Reuters in a wide-ranging, exclusive interview. “The real crux question to me as a party is what I call kitchen table economics,” Emanuel said. Home ownership, affordable college, job security, retirement savings and health care are key issues, he said. Chicago has faced fiscal problems and untamed street violence since Emanuel first was elected mayor in 2011. The release in 2015 of a dashcam video showing a Chicago police officer fatally shooting an unarmed teenager led to street protests that hurt the mayor’s standing with voters. Black Lives Matter sued the city Wednesday, seeking to force Emanuel to agree to federal oversight of proposed police reforms. Emanuel said the Justice Department under President Trump will not participate. “I can’t wish a different Justice Department,” Emanuel said. Instead, he is focused on police body cameras, more training and the hiring of new cops in supervisory roles, he added. Emanuel cited improvements under his leadership, public transportation in particular. “Eighty-five percent of our people in the city are happy with our public transportation system. In New York, I don’t think you could get 85 people, let alone 85 percent,” he said, citing not-yet-published data from an annual ridership survey for the Chicago Transit Authority. Emanuel blamed Illinois Republican Governor Bruce Rauner for gridlock that has put the state’s credit rating near “junk” status and helped bring the Chicago Public Schools to the brink of insolvency. “There is a fundamental flaw here in the inability to find a way to say, ‘Yes,’” Emanuel said. Rauner spokeswoman Eleni Demertzis said the mayor and Democratic House Speaker Michael Madigan are to blame for the state’s budget stalemate and “saying no at every turn.” In national politics, Emanuel is positioned to play a role as a leader of Democratic Party efforts to recover from the 2016 electoral defeat. He has served as White House adviser to President Barack Obama and President Bill Clinton and led the 2006 mid-term campaign that returned Democrats to a majority in Congress. With a 38 percent approval rating in a May Reuters/Ipsos poll, Trump’s unpopularity figures to be a dominant issue during the 2018 mid-term elections, Emanuel said. He declined to predict whether Trump will finish his term. “It’s a parlor game right now,” he said.
TITLE: Democrats must focus on swing suburbs to win elections, Chicago mayor says TEXT: CHICAGO (Reuters) - Democrats face years of work, focusing on “kitchen table” economic issues over several election cycles, if they want to regain ground lost to Republicans, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said on Wednesday. The Democratic mayor of the nation’s third largest city also said Republican President Donald Trump’s legal and political troubles give Democrats a chance to regain a large slice of the more than 1,000 seats Democrats have lost in Congress and state legislatures since 2008. With Democrats controlling cities and Republicans dominating rural areas, the battle will be fought among swing suburban voters, he added. “It’s not going to be done in a singular election,” Emanuel told Reuters in a wide-ranging, exclusive interview. “The real crux question to me as a party is what I call kitchen table economics,” Emanuel said. Home ownership, affordable college, job security, retirement savings and health care are key issues, he said. Chicago has faced fiscal problems and untamed street violence since Emanuel first was elected mayor in 2011. The release in 2015 of a dashcam video showing a Chicago police officer fatally shooting an unarmed teenager led to street protests that hurt the mayor’s standing with voters. Black Lives Matter sued the city Wednesday, seeking to force Emanuel to agree to federal oversight of proposed police reforms. Emanuel said the Justice Department under President Trump will not participate. “I can’t wish a different Justice Department,” Emanuel said. Instead, he is focused on police body cameras, more training and the hiring of new cops in supervisory roles, he added. Emanuel cited improvements under his leadership, public transportation in particular. “Eighty-five percent of our people in the city are happy with our public transportation system. In New York, I don’t think you could get 85 people, let alone 85 percent,” he said, citing not-yet-published data from an annual ridership survey for the Chicago Transit Authority. Emanuel blamed Illinois Republican Governor Bruce Rauner for gridlock that has put the state’s credit rating near “junk” status and helped bring the Chicago Public Schools to the brink of insolvency. “There is a fundamental flaw here in the inability to find a way to say, ‘Yes,’” Emanuel said. Rauner spokeswoman Eleni Demertzis said the mayor and Democratic House Speaker Michael Madigan are to blame for the state’s budget stalemate and “saying no at every turn.” In national politics, Emanuel is positioned to play a role as a leader of Democratic Party efforts to recover from the 2016 electoral defeat. He has served as White House adviser to President Barack Obama and President Bill Clinton and led the 2006 mid-term campaign that returned Democrats to a majority in Congress. With a 38 percent approval rating in a May Reuters/Ipsos poll, Trump’s unpopularity figures to be a dominant issue during the 2018 mid-term elections, Emanuel said. He declined to predict whether Trump will finish his term. “It’s a parlor game right now,” he said.
Senators want Obama to impose sanctions on Congo
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. senators called on President Barack Obama’s administration on Friday to impose targeted sanctions on officials in the Democratic Republic of Congo responsible for violence and rights violations amid rising political tensions. Hoping to increase pressure on the government of President Joseph Kabila, three of Obama’s fellow Democrats, senators Richard Durbin, Edward Markey and Christopher Murphy, said on Friday they had introduced a Senate resolution this week calling on Kabila’s government to fulfill its constitutional mandate for a democratic transition of power late this year. They called for targeted sanctions, including visa bans and asset freezes, until Kabila publicly commits to a peaceful transition of power. Their action reflected growing international worry over the situation in the African nation. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Wednesday voiced concern about reports of rising political tension due to uncertainty about the presidential election. Dozens of Kabila critics have been arrested since last year as part of what the United Nations and rights groups say is an escalating crackdown on political dissent ahead of a presidential election scheduled for November. Kabila is ineligible to stand for re-election after serving two elected terms, but opponents accuse him of trying to delay the poll to hold onto power. Congo’s highest court ruled last week that the president could stay in power if elections did not occur by the end of his mandate. On Thursday, a protester and a police officer were killed in Goma, in the eastern part of the country, during protests against a possible elections delay. The United Nations said dozens of people were arrested. Opposition leaders accuse Kabila of stalling the vote in order to extend his 15-year rule, which the president denies. Democratic congressional aides said they expected to add more co-sponsors for the resolution after Congress returns from its Memorial Day recess on June 6. There is bipartisan support for U.S. action to address the situation. Republican Senator Jeff Flake, the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee’s Africa subcommittee, told Reuters in a brief interview this week that he felt sanctions would be appropriate and had discussed them with U.S. State Department officials. “Hopefully we’re together on this,” Flake said. “I think we will be. We just want to make sure that whatever we do, pushes in the right direction.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Senators want Obama to impose sanctions on Congo TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. senators called on President Barack Obama’s administration on Friday to impose targeted sanctions on officials in the Democratic Republic of Congo responsible for violence and rights violations amid rising political tensions. Hoping to increase pressure on the government of President Joseph Kabila, three of Obama’s fellow Democrats, senators Richard Durbin, Edward Markey and Christopher Murphy, said on Friday they had introduced a Senate resolution this week calling on Kabila’s government to fulfill its constitutional mandate for a democratic transition of power late this year. They called for targeted sanctions, including visa bans and asset freezes, until Kabila publicly commits to a peaceful transition of power. Their action reflected growing international worry over the situation in the African nation. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Wednesday voiced concern about reports of rising political tension due to uncertainty about the presidential election. Dozens of Kabila critics have been arrested since last year as part of what the United Nations and rights groups say is an escalating crackdown on political dissent ahead of a presidential election scheduled for November. Kabila is ineligible to stand for re-election after serving two elected terms, but opponents accuse him of trying to delay the poll to hold onto power. Congo’s highest court ruled last week that the president could stay in power if elections did not occur by the end of his mandate. On Thursday, a protester and a police officer were killed in Goma, in the eastern part of the country, during protests against a possible elections delay. The United Nations said dozens of people were arrested. Opposition leaders accuse Kabila of stalling the vote in order to extend his 15-year rule, which the president denies. Democratic congressional aides said they expected to add more co-sponsors for the resolution after Congress returns from its Memorial Day recess on June 6. There is bipartisan support for U.S. action to address the situation. Republican Senator Jeff Flake, the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee’s Africa subcommittee, told Reuters in a brief interview this week that he felt sanctions would be appropriate and had discussed them with U.S. State Department officials. “Hopefully we’re together on this,” Flake said. “I think we will be. We just want to make sure that whatever we do, pushes in the right direction.”
TITLE: Senators want Obama to impose sanctions on Congo TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. senators called on President Barack Obama’s administration on Friday to impose targeted sanctions on officials in the Democratic Republic of Congo responsible for violence and rights violations amid rising political tensions. Hoping to increase pressure on the government of President Joseph Kabila, three of Obama’s fellow Democrats, senators Richard Durbin, Edward Markey and Christopher Murphy, said on Friday they had introduced a Senate resolution this week calling on Kabila’s government to fulfill its constitutional mandate for a democratic transition of power late this year. They called for targeted sanctions, including visa bans and asset freezes, until Kabila publicly commits to a peaceful transition of power. Their action reflected growing international worry over the situation in the African nation. United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Wednesday voiced concern about reports of rising political tension due to uncertainty about the presidential election. Dozens of Kabila critics have been arrested since last year as part of what the United Nations and rights groups say is an escalating crackdown on political dissent ahead of a presidential election scheduled for November. Kabila is ineligible to stand for re-election after serving two elected terms, but opponents accuse him of trying to delay the poll to hold onto power. Congo’s highest court ruled last week that the president could stay in power if elections did not occur by the end of his mandate. On Thursday, a protester and a police officer were killed in Goma, in the eastern part of the country, during protests against a possible elections delay. The United Nations said dozens of people were arrested. Opposition leaders accuse Kabila of stalling the vote in order to extend his 15-year rule, which the president denies. Democratic congressional aides said they expected to add more co-sponsors for the resolution after Congress returns from its Memorial Day recess on June 6. There is bipartisan support for U.S. action to address the situation. Republican Senator Jeff Flake, the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee’s Africa subcommittee, told Reuters in a brief interview this week that he felt sanctions would be appropriate and had discussed them with U.S. State Department officials. “Hopefully we’re together on this,” Flake said. “I think we will be. We just want to make sure that whatever we do, pushes in the right direction.”
At least six die during Colombia protest over coca crop removal
BOGOTA (Reuters) - At least six farmers protesting the removal of coca crops, the base ingredient in cocaine, were killed during a confrontation in rural southwestern Colombia, President Juan Manuel Santos said on Friday. Santos ordered further investigation into the event, which took place on Thursday and also injured 19 people. The incident occurred in Narino province, near Tumaco, a key zone for coca growing. Reports on how exactly the six people died were contradictory. The defense ministry said on Thursday that a dissident group of ex-fighters from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) rebel group forced farmers to protest against police who were removing coca crops. The dissidents then fired on the officers and launched home-made missiles, hitting the farmers, the ministry said. But regional farmers organizations accused the police and army of firing at the civilians to break up the protest and clear the way for the manual eradication of the crops. The majority of FARC fighters demobilized under a peace deal signed last year, but some dissident units remain involved in drug trafficking and illegal mining. The FARC, now a political party, has distanced itself from the dissidents. We are verifying the exact way in which things occurred, Santos said during a press conference. We are investigating, I don t want to tie myself to any version of events until these investigations give us total clarity about what happened. The events underlined the significant challenge that the drug trade represents to the peace process with the FARC, the head of the United Nations mission in Colombia said. The events reinforce our conviction at the United Nations of the necessity of giving coca farmers in affected regions all the means to escape the terrible choice between extreme poverty and illegality, mission chief Jean Arnault told journalists. Subsistence farmers have often been obliged by rebel groups, paramilitaries and crime gangs to plant and harvest coca. Some also choose to grow the crop because illegal groups will pay more for it than farmers can earn at market with other products - a tempting possibility amid dire poverty. Coca cultivation reached levels not seen for a decade last year after the government banned aerial fumigation with glyphosate, an herbicide that has been linked to cancer. The prohibition has sparked criticism from the United States, which is set to give the Andean country more than $400 million in funding help for the FARC deal. Coca is cultivated on about 188,000 hectares (464,000 acres) across Colombia. The government wants to manually eradicate 100,000 hectares this year.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: At least six die during Colombia protest over coca crop removal TEXT: BOGOTA (Reuters) - At least six farmers protesting the removal of coca crops, the base ingredient in cocaine, were killed during a confrontation in rural southwestern Colombia, President Juan Manuel Santos said on Friday. Santos ordered further investigation into the event, which took place on Thursday and also injured 19 people. The incident occurred in Narino province, near Tumaco, a key zone for coca growing. Reports on how exactly the six people died were contradictory. The defense ministry said on Thursday that a dissident group of ex-fighters from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) rebel group forced farmers to protest against police who were removing coca crops. The dissidents then fired on the officers and launched home-made missiles, hitting the farmers, the ministry said. But regional farmers organizations accused the police and army of firing at the civilians to break up the protest and clear the way for the manual eradication of the crops. The majority of FARC fighters demobilized under a peace deal signed last year, but some dissident units remain involved in drug trafficking and illegal mining. The FARC, now a political party, has distanced itself from the dissidents. We are verifying the exact way in which things occurred, Santos said during a press conference. We are investigating, I don t want to tie myself to any version of events until these investigations give us total clarity about what happened. The events underlined the significant challenge that the drug trade represents to the peace process with the FARC, the head of the United Nations mission in Colombia said. The events reinforce our conviction at the United Nations of the necessity of giving coca farmers in affected regions all the means to escape the terrible choice between extreme poverty and illegality, mission chief Jean Arnault told journalists. Subsistence farmers have often been obliged by rebel groups, paramilitaries and crime gangs to plant and harvest coca. Some also choose to grow the crop because illegal groups will pay more for it than farmers can earn at market with other products - a tempting possibility amid dire poverty. Coca cultivation reached levels not seen for a decade last year after the government banned aerial fumigation with glyphosate, an herbicide that has been linked to cancer. The prohibition has sparked criticism from the United States, which is set to give the Andean country more than $400 million in funding help for the FARC deal. Coca is cultivated on about 188,000 hectares (464,000 acres) across Colombia. The government wants to manually eradicate 100,000 hectares this year.
TITLE: At least six die during Colombia protest over coca crop removal TEXT: BOGOTA (Reuters) - At least six farmers protesting the removal of coca crops, the base ingredient in cocaine, were killed during a confrontation in rural southwestern Colombia, President Juan Manuel Santos said on Friday. Santos ordered further investigation into the event, which took place on Thursday and also injured 19 people. The incident occurred in Narino province, near Tumaco, a key zone for coca growing. Reports on how exactly the six people died were contradictory. The defense ministry said on Thursday that a dissident group of ex-fighters from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) rebel group forced farmers to protest against police who were removing coca crops. The dissidents then fired on the officers and launched home-made missiles, hitting the farmers, the ministry said. But regional farmers organizations accused the police and army of firing at the civilians to break up the protest and clear the way for the manual eradication of the crops. The majority of FARC fighters demobilized under a peace deal signed last year, but some dissident units remain involved in drug trafficking and illegal mining. The FARC, now a political party, has distanced itself from the dissidents. We are verifying the exact way in which things occurred, Santos said during a press conference. We are investigating, I don t want to tie myself to any version of events until these investigations give us total clarity about what happened. The events underlined the significant challenge that the drug trade represents to the peace process with the FARC, the head of the United Nations mission in Colombia said. The events reinforce our conviction at the United Nations of the necessity of giving coca farmers in affected regions all the means to escape the terrible choice between extreme poverty and illegality, mission chief Jean Arnault told journalists. Subsistence farmers have often been obliged by rebel groups, paramilitaries and crime gangs to plant and harvest coca. Some also choose to grow the crop because illegal groups will pay more for it than farmers can earn at market with other products - a tempting possibility amid dire poverty. Coca cultivation reached levels not seen for a decade last year after the government banned aerial fumigation with glyphosate, an herbicide that has been linked to cancer. The prohibition has sparked criticism from the United States, which is set to give the Andean country more than $400 million in funding help for the FARC deal. Coca is cultivated on about 188,000 hectares (464,000 acres) across Colombia. The government wants to manually eradicate 100,000 hectares this year.
Clinton turns down Fox News offer to debate Sanders again
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton, the front-runner in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, turned down on Monday an invitation by Fox News to debate rival Bernie Sanders in California, despite having agreed previously to a debate in May. “We believe that Hillary Clinton’s time is best spent campaigning and meeting directly with voters across California and preparing for a general election campaign that will ensure the White House remains in Democratic hands,” her campaign said in a statement. Sanders had already agreed to participate in the event to be hosted by Fox News, following a series of heated exchanges during their fifth debate in April in New York. “I am disappointed but not surprised by Secretary Clinton’s unwillingness to debate before the largest and most important primary in the presidential nominating process,” Sanders said in a statement. The U.S. senator from Vermont has remained steadfast in his long-shot battle with Clinton for the Democratic nomination for the Nov. 8 presidential election, although he lags her in the delegate count with only a few state contests remaining.”Naturally, Fox News is disappointed that Secretary Clinton has declined our debate invitation,” Bill Sammon, Fox News vice president and Washington managing editor, said in a statement, “especially given that the race is still contested and she had previously agreed to a final debate before the California primary.” California holds its primary on June 7.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Clinton turns down Fox News offer to debate Sanders again TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton, the front-runner in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, turned down on Monday an invitation by Fox News to debate rival Bernie Sanders in California, despite having agreed previously to a debate in May. “We believe that Hillary Clinton’s time is best spent campaigning and meeting directly with voters across California and preparing for a general election campaign that will ensure the White House remains in Democratic hands,” her campaign said in a statement. Sanders had already agreed to participate in the event to be hosted by Fox News, following a series of heated exchanges during their fifth debate in April in New York. “I am disappointed but not surprised by Secretary Clinton’s unwillingness to debate before the largest and most important primary in the presidential nominating process,” Sanders said in a statement. The U.S. senator from Vermont has remained steadfast in his long-shot battle with Clinton for the Democratic nomination for the Nov. 8 presidential election, although he lags her in the delegate count with only a few state contests remaining.”Naturally, Fox News is disappointed that Secretary Clinton has declined our debate invitation,” Bill Sammon, Fox News vice president and Washington managing editor, said in a statement, “especially given that the race is still contested and she had previously agreed to a final debate before the California primary.” California holds its primary on June 7.
TITLE: Clinton turns down Fox News offer to debate Sanders again TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton, the front-runner in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, turned down on Monday an invitation by Fox News to debate rival Bernie Sanders in California, despite having agreed previously to a debate in May. “We believe that Hillary Clinton’s time is best spent campaigning and meeting directly with voters across California and preparing for a general election campaign that will ensure the White House remains in Democratic hands,” her campaign said in a statement. Sanders had already agreed to participate in the event to be hosted by Fox News, following a series of heated exchanges during their fifth debate in April in New York. “I am disappointed but not surprised by Secretary Clinton’s unwillingness to debate before the largest and most important primary in the presidential nominating process,” Sanders said in a statement. The U.S. senator from Vermont has remained steadfast in his long-shot battle with Clinton for the Democratic nomination for the Nov. 8 presidential election, although he lags her in the delegate count with only a few state contests remaining.”Naturally, Fox News is disappointed that Secretary Clinton has declined our debate invitation,” Bill Sammon, Fox News vice president and Washington managing editor, said in a statement, “especially given that the race is still contested and she had previously agreed to a final debate before the California primary.” California holds its primary on June 7.
BAM! ANN COULTER EXPOSES DELTA: Flight Attendant Group Confirms She Was Targeted
Wow! Conservative Ann Coulter was in fact targeted by Delta employees who wanted to make the popular Republican uncomfortable. Coulter tweeted out a screenshot of a back and forth that confirms the employees decided to mess with her because of her political affiliation:BEWARE OF @DELTA REPUBLICANS. Texts from a flight attendant: It was political. @Delta still won t give a reason. pic.twitter.com/Tcxp2DlPa0 Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 18, 2017In case you missed it: CONSERVATIVE FIREBRAND ANN COULTER DESTROYS Delta Airlines On Twitter For Kicking Her Out Of Reserved Seat There are some people you probably shouldn t cross. Donald Trump is one, and conservative author and political analyst Ann Coulter is the other one Conservative columnist Ann Coulter flew into a fit of fury Saturday after Delta Airlines booted her from her reserved Comfort+ seat which comes with 3 additional inches of legroom and gave it to another passenger.In a two-hour tweeting tantrum,she quoted her exchange with a flight attendant: Why are you taking me out of the extra room seat I specifically booked? she asked.Their answer, she said, was I don t know. Before Coulter posted a picture of the woman Delta gave her extra-legroom reserved seat to, she tweeted this:Suckiest @Delta moved me from my PRE-BOOKED SEAT & gave it to some woman, not elderly, child, or sick. I have pictures so don t lie, @Delta! Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 16, 2017But at least @Delta was nice @ it, summarily snatching my ticket from my hand & ordering me to move w/o explanation, compensation or apology Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 16, 2017The 6-foot-tall Coulter, who is 55, tweeted a picture of the woman who got her aisle seat on the flight from LaGuardia to Florida, noting, Delta didn t give my extra room seat to an air marshal or tall person. NYP.@Delta didn t give my extra room seat to an air marshall or tall person. Here s the woman given my PRE-BOOKED seat: pic.twitter.com/iDNB8xXXOd Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 15, 2017The long-legged Coulter, who still appeared to furious about Delta s decision to boot her from her reserved seat with extra legroom, tweeted again to Delta about the daschund-legged woman who they gave her seat to:So glad I took time investigate the aircraft & PRE-BOOK a specific seat on @Delta, so some woman could waltz at the last min & take my seat. Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 15, 2017Hey @Delta, if it was so important for the dachshund-legged woman to take my seat, she should have BOOKED THE SEAT IN ADVANCE. Like I did. Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 16, 2017The sharp-tongued conservative firebrand continued to rip into Delta Airlines in a series of tweets criticizing their customer service:.@Delta motto: "How can we make your flight more uncomfortable?" Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 16, 2017.@Delta employee questionnaire: What is your ideal job: Prison guard? Animal handler? Stasi policeman? All of the above: HIRED! Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 16, 2017A Delta spokesman said it appeared Coulter was in the same extra-room row, just in a different seat. But he promised to look into it.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: BAM! ANN COULTER EXPOSES DELTA: Flight Attendant Group Confirms She Was Targeted TEXT: Wow! Conservative Ann Coulter was in fact targeted by Delta employees who wanted to make the popular Republican uncomfortable. Coulter tweeted out a screenshot of a back and forth that confirms the employees decided to mess with her because of her political affiliation:BEWARE OF @DELTA REPUBLICANS. Texts from a flight attendant: It was political. @Delta still won t give a reason. pic.twitter.com/Tcxp2DlPa0 Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 18, 2017In case you missed it: CONSERVATIVE FIREBRAND ANN COULTER DESTROYS Delta Airlines On Twitter For Kicking Her Out Of Reserved Seat There are some people you probably shouldn t cross. Donald Trump is one, and conservative author and political analyst Ann Coulter is the other one Conservative columnist Ann Coulter flew into a fit of fury Saturday after Delta Airlines booted her from her reserved Comfort+ seat which comes with 3 additional inches of legroom and gave it to another passenger.In a two-hour tweeting tantrum,she quoted her exchange with a flight attendant: Why are you taking me out of the extra room seat I specifically booked? she asked.Their answer, she said, was I don t know. Before Coulter posted a picture of the woman Delta gave her extra-legroom reserved seat to, she tweeted this:Suckiest @Delta moved me from my PRE-BOOKED SEAT & gave it to some woman, not elderly, child, or sick. I have pictures so don t lie, @Delta! Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 16, 2017But at least @Delta was nice @ it, summarily snatching my ticket from my hand & ordering me to move w/o explanation, compensation or apology Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 16, 2017The 6-foot-tall Coulter, who is 55, tweeted a picture of the woman who got her aisle seat on the flight from LaGuardia to Florida, noting, Delta didn t give my extra room seat to an air marshal or tall person. NYP.@Delta didn t give my extra room seat to an air marshall or tall person. Here s the woman given my PRE-BOOKED seat: pic.twitter.com/iDNB8xXXOd Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 15, 2017The long-legged Coulter, who still appeared to furious about Delta s decision to boot her from her reserved seat with extra legroom, tweeted again to Delta about the daschund-legged woman who they gave her seat to:So glad I took time investigate the aircraft & PRE-BOOK a specific seat on @Delta, so some woman could waltz at the last min & take my seat. Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 15, 2017Hey @Delta, if it was so important for the dachshund-legged woman to take my seat, she should have BOOKED THE SEAT IN ADVANCE. Like I did. Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 16, 2017The sharp-tongued conservative firebrand continued to rip into Delta Airlines in a series of tweets criticizing their customer service:.@Delta motto: "How can we make your flight more uncomfortable?" Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 16, 2017.@Delta employee questionnaire: What is your ideal job: Prison guard? Animal handler? Stasi policeman? All of the above: HIRED! Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 16, 2017A Delta spokesman said it appeared Coulter was in the same extra-room row, just in a different seat. But he promised to look into it.
TITLE: BAM! ANN COULTER EXPOSES DELTA: Flight Attendant Group Confirms She Was Targeted TEXT: Wow! Conservative Ann Coulter was in fact targeted by Delta employees who wanted to make the popular Republican uncomfortable. Coulter tweeted out a screenshot of a back and forth that confirms the employees decided to mess with her because of her political affiliation:BEWARE OF @DELTA REPUBLICANS. Texts from a flight attendant: It was political. @Delta still won t give a reason. pic.twitter.com/Tcxp2DlPa0 Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 18, 2017In case you missed it: CONSERVATIVE FIREBRAND ANN COULTER DESTROYS Delta Airlines On Twitter For Kicking Her Out Of Reserved Seat There are some people you probably shouldn t cross. Donald Trump is one, and conservative author and political analyst Ann Coulter is the other one Conservative columnist Ann Coulter flew into a fit of fury Saturday after Delta Airlines booted her from her reserved Comfort+ seat which comes with 3 additional inches of legroom and gave it to another passenger.In a two-hour tweeting tantrum,she quoted her exchange with a flight attendant: Why are you taking me out of the extra room seat I specifically booked? she asked.Their answer, she said, was I don t know. Before Coulter posted a picture of the woman Delta gave her extra-legroom reserved seat to, she tweeted this:Suckiest @Delta moved me from my PRE-BOOKED SEAT & gave it to some woman, not elderly, child, or sick. I have pictures so don t lie, @Delta! Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 16, 2017But at least @Delta was nice @ it, summarily snatching my ticket from my hand & ordering me to move w/o explanation, compensation or apology Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 16, 2017The 6-foot-tall Coulter, who is 55, tweeted a picture of the woman who got her aisle seat on the flight from LaGuardia to Florida, noting, Delta didn t give my extra room seat to an air marshal or tall person. NYP.@Delta didn t give my extra room seat to an air marshall or tall person. Here s the woman given my PRE-BOOKED seat: pic.twitter.com/iDNB8xXXOd Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 15, 2017The long-legged Coulter, who still appeared to furious about Delta s decision to boot her from her reserved seat with extra legroom, tweeted again to Delta about the daschund-legged woman who they gave her seat to:So glad I took time investigate the aircraft & PRE-BOOK a specific seat on @Delta, so some woman could waltz at the last min & take my seat. Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 15, 2017Hey @Delta, if it was so important for the dachshund-legged woman to take my seat, she should have BOOKED THE SEAT IN ADVANCE. Like I did. Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 16, 2017The sharp-tongued conservative firebrand continued to rip into Delta Airlines in a series of tweets criticizing their customer service:.@Delta motto: "How can we make your flight more uncomfortable?" Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 16, 2017.@Delta employee questionnaire: What is your ideal job: Prison guard? Animal handler? Stasi policeman? All of the above: HIRED! Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) July 16, 2017A Delta spokesman said it appeared Coulter was in the same extra-room row, just in a different seat. But he promised to look into it.