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U.S. slams proposed Israeli bill on settlements as 'troubling step'
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Monday described as “troubling” an Israeli bill supported by a ministerial committee allowing settlers in the occupied West Bank to remain in homes built on private Palestinian land and said it hoped the law does not pass. “We are deeply concerned about the advancement of legislation that would allow for the legalization of illegal Israeli outposts located on private Palestinian land,” State Department spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau told a briefing. If the law were enacted it could pave the way for the legalization of dozens of illegal outposts deep in the West Bank, she said, adding: “This would represent an unprecedented and troubling step that’s inconsistent with prior Israeli legal opinion and also break longstanding policy of not building on private Palestinian land,” Trudeau said. The U.S. believes settlements endangered prospects for a two-state solution and Israeli-Palestinian peace, she said. “We hope it doesn’t become law,” Trudeau added. The ministerial committee defied Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and voted on Sunday to back the bill, which will be debated by parliament on Wednesday and is still some distance from becoming law. Israel’s attorney-general, Avihai Mandelblit, has called the bill legally flawed in its current form, saying that it contravened private property rights legislation and did not tally with Israel’s international law commitments.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: U.S. slams proposed Israeli bill on settlements as 'troubling step' TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Monday described as “troubling” an Israeli bill supported by a ministerial committee allowing settlers in the occupied West Bank to remain in homes built on private Palestinian land and said it hoped the law does not pass. “We are deeply concerned about the advancement of legislation that would allow for the legalization of illegal Israeli outposts located on private Palestinian land,” State Department spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau told a briefing. If the law were enacted it could pave the way for the legalization of dozens of illegal outposts deep in the West Bank, she said, adding: “This would represent an unprecedented and troubling step that’s inconsistent with prior Israeli legal opinion and also break longstanding policy of not building on private Palestinian land,” Trudeau said. The U.S. believes settlements endangered prospects for a two-state solution and Israeli-Palestinian peace, she said. “We hope it doesn’t become law,” Trudeau added. The ministerial committee defied Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and voted on Sunday to back the bill, which will be debated by parliament on Wednesday and is still some distance from becoming law. Israel’s attorney-general, Avihai Mandelblit, has called the bill legally flawed in its current form, saying that it contravened private property rights legislation and did not tally with Israel’s international law commitments.
TITLE: U.S. slams proposed Israeli bill on settlements as 'troubling step' TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Monday described as “troubling” an Israeli bill supported by a ministerial committee allowing settlers in the occupied West Bank to remain in homes built on private Palestinian land and said it hoped the law does not pass. “We are deeply concerned about the advancement of legislation that would allow for the legalization of illegal Israeli outposts located on private Palestinian land,” State Department spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau told a briefing. If the law were enacted it could pave the way for the legalization of dozens of illegal outposts deep in the West Bank, she said, adding: “This would represent an unprecedented and troubling step that’s inconsistent with prior Israeli legal opinion and also break longstanding policy of not building on private Palestinian land,” Trudeau said. The U.S. believes settlements endangered prospects for a two-state solution and Israeli-Palestinian peace, she said. “We hope it doesn’t become law,” Trudeau added. The ministerial committee defied Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and voted on Sunday to back the bill, which will be debated by parliament on Wednesday and is still some distance from becoming law. Israel’s attorney-general, Avihai Mandelblit, has called the bill legally flawed in its current form, saying that it contravened private property rights legislation and did not tally with Israel’s international law commitments.
FLASHBACK: AMERICAN PASTOR Tells What Trump Did For His Family While He Was In Iranian Prison
Another untold story of a random act of kindness by President Donald J. Trump Iranian-American Pastor Saeed Abedini is brimming with gratitude for one U.S. presidential aspirant: Donald Trump.In a surprising revelation, Abedini said Trump helped provide for the needs of his family in Boise, Idaho while he was locked up in an Iranian prison for his faith. The pastor said Trump gave his family $10,000 while he was imprisoned for three and a half years. I am finally free in a free country. Last year on the same day I was sick and in chains for Christ, and now I can vote to choose my next president, Abedini said in a post on his Facebook page on Sunday. And most amazingly, I can vote for someone that I know fought for me and called my name so many times. He met my family and gave them a $10,000 gift. I think his ideas are more biblical than the other candidates, he added.In contrast, Abedini said Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton did not do or say anything to help secure his release from Iranian prison. The pastor said Clinton never spoke his name or met his family. As a woman who says she stands for women s rights when she was foreign minister, she never contacted my mom, wife, sister or my daughter. She never did anything to help when I was in prison as an American pastor who was detained in Iran as a hostage, he wrote.Abedini strongly defended Trump from attacks on his character, saying God used flawed men to lead nations in the Old Testament, likening him to King Cyrus of Persia, a figure mentioned more than 30 times in the Bible. According to Bible experts, Cyrus was a great pagan king who ruled Persia from 539 to 530 B.C. Under his rule, Jews were first allowed to return to Israel after 70 years of captivity. In the past few months, we have seen how media is attacking Donald Trump s past. I have even heard so many people said he is not a Christian. Of course, only God knows this for sure, but what I see is God is using him and anointed him. It seems to me that he is the Cyrus of our modern day, but like you and me, he is a flawed man, in the process of spiritual growth, Abedini said.The pastor pointed out that those who are condemning Trump for his past are forgetting that America is also a nation saved by grace. When we hear that this candidate or that candidate is not a strong Christian or has a past that disqualifies him to be the President of the United States, my answer is that we are a nation, a people who are also sinners, saved by grace, he wrote.Last week, Abedini said he already cast an early vote for Trump in the 2016 presidential election.From Abedini s Facebook page:
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: FLASHBACK: AMERICAN PASTOR Tells What Trump Did For His Family While He Was In Iranian Prison TEXT: Another untold story of a random act of kindness by President Donald J. Trump Iranian-American Pastor Saeed Abedini is brimming with gratitude for one U.S. presidential aspirant: Donald Trump.In a surprising revelation, Abedini said Trump helped provide for the needs of his family in Boise, Idaho while he was locked up in an Iranian prison for his faith. The pastor said Trump gave his family $10,000 while he was imprisoned for three and a half years. I am finally free in a free country. Last year on the same day I was sick and in chains for Christ, and now I can vote to choose my next president, Abedini said in a post on his Facebook page on Sunday. And most amazingly, I can vote for someone that I know fought for me and called my name so many times. He met my family and gave them a $10,000 gift. I think his ideas are more biblical than the other candidates, he added.In contrast, Abedini said Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton did not do or say anything to help secure his release from Iranian prison. The pastor said Clinton never spoke his name or met his family. As a woman who says she stands for women s rights when she was foreign minister, she never contacted my mom, wife, sister or my daughter. She never did anything to help when I was in prison as an American pastor who was detained in Iran as a hostage, he wrote.Abedini strongly defended Trump from attacks on his character, saying God used flawed men to lead nations in the Old Testament, likening him to King Cyrus of Persia, a figure mentioned more than 30 times in the Bible. According to Bible experts, Cyrus was a great pagan king who ruled Persia from 539 to 530 B.C. Under his rule, Jews were first allowed to return to Israel after 70 years of captivity. In the past few months, we have seen how media is attacking Donald Trump s past. I have even heard so many people said he is not a Christian. Of course, only God knows this for sure, but what I see is God is using him and anointed him. It seems to me that he is the Cyrus of our modern day, but like you and me, he is a flawed man, in the process of spiritual growth, Abedini said.The pastor pointed out that those who are condemning Trump for his past are forgetting that America is also a nation saved by grace. When we hear that this candidate or that candidate is not a strong Christian or has a past that disqualifies him to be the President of the United States, my answer is that we are a nation, a people who are also sinners, saved by grace, he wrote.Last week, Abedini said he already cast an early vote for Trump in the 2016 presidential election.From Abedini s Facebook page:
TITLE: FLASHBACK: AMERICAN PASTOR Tells What Trump Did For His Family While He Was In Iranian Prison TEXT: Another untold story of a random act of kindness by President Donald J. Trump Iranian-American Pastor Saeed Abedini is brimming with gratitude for one U.S. presidential aspirant: Donald Trump.In a surprising revelation, Abedini said Trump helped provide for the needs of his family in Boise, Idaho while he was locked up in an Iranian prison for his faith. The pastor said Trump gave his family $10,000 while he was imprisoned for three and a half years. I am finally free in a free country. Last year on the same day I was sick and in chains for Christ, and now I can vote to choose my next president, Abedini said in a post on his Facebook page on Sunday. And most amazingly, I can vote for someone that I know fought for me and called my name so many times. He met my family and gave them a $10,000 gift. I think his ideas are more biblical than the other candidates, he added.In contrast, Abedini said Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton did not do or say anything to help secure his release from Iranian prison. The pastor said Clinton never spoke his name or met his family. As a woman who says she stands for women s rights when she was foreign minister, she never contacted my mom, wife, sister or my daughter. She never did anything to help when I was in prison as an American pastor who was detained in Iran as a hostage, he wrote.Abedini strongly defended Trump from attacks on his character, saying God used flawed men to lead nations in the Old Testament, likening him to King Cyrus of Persia, a figure mentioned more than 30 times in the Bible. According to Bible experts, Cyrus was a great pagan king who ruled Persia from 539 to 530 B.C. Under his rule, Jews were first allowed to return to Israel after 70 years of captivity. In the past few months, we have seen how media is attacking Donald Trump s past. I have even heard so many people said he is not a Christian. Of course, only God knows this for sure, but what I see is God is using him and anointed him. It seems to me that he is the Cyrus of our modern day, but like you and me, he is a flawed man, in the process of spiritual growth, Abedini said.The pastor pointed out that those who are condemning Trump for his past are forgetting that America is also a nation saved by grace. When we hear that this candidate or that candidate is not a strong Christian or has a past that disqualifies him to be the President of the United States, my answer is that we are a nation, a people who are also sinners, saved by grace, he wrote.Last week, Abedini said he already cast an early vote for Trump in the 2016 presidential election.From Abedini s Facebook page:
Loyal Hope Hicks is Officially Trump’s Replacement for Scaramucci: ‘She started off with us right from day one’
Connecticut native, Hope Hicks, who had been serving as the interim White House communications director, is getting the job full-time, Bloomberg first reported Tuesday.Of course, the left immediately bombarded twitter with negative comments. They failed to note that this is the first time the communications team at the White House is two women. Nope, no mention of Hicks and Huckabee Sanders as a dynamic duo for President Trump. They re just taking bets on how long she lasts. What they failed to note is that Hicks has been with the campaign since day one .Her twitter bio :At age 28, Hicks will be the youngest person to hold the job, and it will mark the first time women have concurrently held the positions of communications director and White House press secretary, with Sarah Huckabee Sanders in the latter.Hicks replaces Trump s campaign donor Anthony Scaramucci, who held onto the job for just 10 days, and the low key Mike Dubke, the administration s first communications director, who left the White House in May.Hicks was one of Trump s originals, when his campaign was just a rag tag team of aides.Hicks is a Southern Methodist University graduate. She had been working for the first daughter, doing public relations for Ivanka Trump s brand, when the businessman brought her in to handle press requests for his young presidential campaign. She started off with us right from day one, President Trump told supporters at a rally last year, beckoning Hicks to come onstage. She used to be in my real estate company, he explained. I said, What do you know about politics? She said, Absolutely nothing, Trump said. With that, Hicks was hired.Read more: Daily Mail
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Loyal Hope Hicks is Officially Trump’s Replacement for Scaramucci: ‘She started off with us right from day one’ TEXT: Connecticut native, Hope Hicks, who had been serving as the interim White House communications director, is getting the job full-time, Bloomberg first reported Tuesday.Of course, the left immediately bombarded twitter with negative comments. They failed to note that this is the first time the communications team at the White House is two women. Nope, no mention of Hicks and Huckabee Sanders as a dynamic duo for President Trump. They re just taking bets on how long she lasts. What they failed to note is that Hicks has been with the campaign since day one .Her twitter bio :At age 28, Hicks will be the youngest person to hold the job, and it will mark the first time women have concurrently held the positions of communications director and White House press secretary, with Sarah Huckabee Sanders in the latter.Hicks replaces Trump s campaign donor Anthony Scaramucci, who held onto the job for just 10 days, and the low key Mike Dubke, the administration s first communications director, who left the White House in May.Hicks was one of Trump s originals, when his campaign was just a rag tag team of aides.Hicks is a Southern Methodist University graduate. She had been working for the first daughter, doing public relations for Ivanka Trump s brand, when the businessman brought her in to handle press requests for his young presidential campaign. She started off with us right from day one, President Trump told supporters at a rally last year, beckoning Hicks to come onstage. She used to be in my real estate company, he explained. I said, What do you know about politics? She said, Absolutely nothing, Trump said. With that, Hicks was hired.Read more: Daily Mail
TITLE: Loyal Hope Hicks is Officially Trump’s Replacement for Scaramucci: ‘She started off with us right from day one’ TEXT: Connecticut native, Hope Hicks, who had been serving as the interim White House communications director, is getting the job full-time, Bloomberg first reported Tuesday.Of course, the left immediately bombarded twitter with negative comments. They failed to note that this is the first time the communications team at the White House is two women. Nope, no mention of Hicks and Huckabee Sanders as a dynamic duo for President Trump. They re just taking bets on how long she lasts. What they failed to note is that Hicks has been with the campaign since day one .Her twitter bio :At age 28, Hicks will be the youngest person to hold the job, and it will mark the first time women have concurrently held the positions of communications director and White House press secretary, with Sarah Huckabee Sanders in the latter.Hicks replaces Trump s campaign donor Anthony Scaramucci, who held onto the job for just 10 days, and the low key Mike Dubke, the administration s first communications director, who left the White House in May.Hicks was one of Trump s originals, when his campaign was just a rag tag team of aides.Hicks is a Southern Methodist University graduate. She had been working for the first daughter, doing public relations for Ivanka Trump s brand, when the businessman brought her in to handle press requests for his young presidential campaign. She started off with us right from day one, President Trump told supporters at a rally last year, beckoning Hicks to come onstage. She used to be in my real estate company, he explained. I said, What do you know about politics? She said, Absolutely nothing, Trump said. With that, Hicks was hired.Read more: Daily Mail
STUNNING! TERRORISM EXPERT WHO INTERROGATED 9/11 Mastermind Has Warning for Americans [Video]
The video below is more important than ever! After the Berlin attack, Dr. James Mitchell spoke about what has come to be in Europe and warned America about how this could happen to us too!Dr. James Mitchell is the man who interrogated the 9/11 mastermind and is an expert on terrorism. He warns against immigration and political correctness as two things that will lead us to doom. If you doubt Dr. Mitchell, please see the video below this one for more on the truth of what mass migration is really about. Slow down our immigration from these countries Dr. James MitchellWE VE REPORTED ON THE TRUTH OF WHAT IMMIGRATION IS DOING IT S A PLAN IT S A CALIPHATE!Last September, a shocking video was released showing a Muslim Imam speaking before a group. He told the group to breed with Europeans. Yes, the plan is to breed with Europeans until all of Europe is Muslim. THE VIDEO IS BELOW:So now we have a second video from Denmark where an Imam is telling how Muslims are conquering Europe and that Muslims won t integrate into European society. We ve translated the video in the text below.These two videos follow with what we know. The invasion of Europe has a purpose and it s a very dark purpose. Conquering Europe is the end game Is America next?On hidden camera an imam explains how Muslims are conquering Europe and that Muslims should not integrate into society.Danish TV2 right now has a program called Mosques behind the veil which is focusing on whether a number of mosques discourage or contribute to integration. Right now we are in a time when we are opening these countries, says Mohammad Fouad al-Barazi, the head imam of the mosque of the Islamic Union in Denmark, in secret recordings from the third episode of Mosques behind the veil .The Imam speaks to TV2 s mole Fatima , who is seeking guidance about how she as a newly immigrated Muslim should act in Denmark, and Mohammad Fouad al-Barazi explains that Muslims are now consuming Denmark and Europe.The link to the video is here but it is not translated: NYHEDER VIDEOAccording to experts TV2 has spoken with, the word open in an Islamist meaning is understood as conquering . Actually, opening sounds beautiful , but this is the classic term for conquering a country, explains Professor Tina Magaard, who has studied the Quran and made fieldwork in Muslim communities in Denmark.According to Tina Magaard, some Islamic movements have the will to conquer Europe and the belief that one can.It is backed by a professor at the University of Copenhagen, Thomas Hoffmann, who has studied Islam and Islamic movements. What al-Barazi says here, means conquest, but need not necessarily be understood as war-like conquest, he said.On hidden camera, Mohammad Fouad al-Barazi, elaborates what he thinks about Muslims entry into Denmark and Europe. Now there are Muslim communities throughout Europe. This means that there are a large number of Muslims. A really large number.The Imam tells Fatma that since he came to Denmark, many more Muslims have come to Denmark, and it is important that Muslims are not merged with the rest of society. When I came to this country 23 years ago, we were only 55,000 Muslims. Now we are 300,000. The number of Muslims is 300,000 now. Hence the conclusion of this talk is that it is possible to live in this country without melting in. You must understand the conditions, without melting into society, says Mohammad Fouad Al-Barazi in the recordings.Via: nyheder
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: STUNNING! TERRORISM EXPERT WHO INTERROGATED 9/11 Mastermind Has Warning for Americans [Video] TEXT: The video below is more important than ever! After the Berlin attack, Dr. James Mitchell spoke about what has come to be in Europe and warned America about how this could happen to us too!Dr. James Mitchell is the man who interrogated the 9/11 mastermind and is an expert on terrorism. He warns against immigration and political correctness as two things that will lead us to doom. If you doubt Dr. Mitchell, please see the video below this one for more on the truth of what mass migration is really about. Slow down our immigration from these countries Dr. James MitchellWE VE REPORTED ON THE TRUTH OF WHAT IMMIGRATION IS DOING IT S A PLAN IT S A CALIPHATE!Last September, a shocking video was released showing a Muslim Imam speaking before a group. He told the group to breed with Europeans. Yes, the plan is to breed with Europeans until all of Europe is Muslim. THE VIDEO IS BELOW:So now we have a second video from Denmark where an Imam is telling how Muslims are conquering Europe and that Muslims won t integrate into European society. We ve translated the video in the text below.These two videos follow with what we know. The invasion of Europe has a purpose and it s a very dark purpose. Conquering Europe is the end game Is America next?On hidden camera an imam explains how Muslims are conquering Europe and that Muslims should not integrate into society.Danish TV2 right now has a program called Mosques behind the veil which is focusing on whether a number of mosques discourage or contribute to integration. Right now we are in a time when we are opening these countries, says Mohammad Fouad al-Barazi, the head imam of the mosque of the Islamic Union in Denmark, in secret recordings from the third episode of Mosques behind the veil .The Imam speaks to TV2 s mole Fatima , who is seeking guidance about how she as a newly immigrated Muslim should act in Denmark, and Mohammad Fouad al-Barazi explains that Muslims are now consuming Denmark and Europe.The link to the video is here but it is not translated: NYHEDER VIDEOAccording to experts TV2 has spoken with, the word open in an Islamist meaning is understood as conquering . Actually, opening sounds beautiful , but this is the classic term for conquering a country, explains Professor Tina Magaard, who has studied the Quran and made fieldwork in Muslim communities in Denmark.According to Tina Magaard, some Islamic movements have the will to conquer Europe and the belief that one can.It is backed by a professor at the University of Copenhagen, Thomas Hoffmann, who has studied Islam and Islamic movements. What al-Barazi says here, means conquest, but need not necessarily be understood as war-like conquest, he said.On hidden camera, Mohammad Fouad al-Barazi, elaborates what he thinks about Muslims entry into Denmark and Europe. Now there are Muslim communities throughout Europe. This means that there are a large number of Muslims. A really large number.The Imam tells Fatma that since he came to Denmark, many more Muslims have come to Denmark, and it is important that Muslims are not merged with the rest of society. When I came to this country 23 years ago, we were only 55,000 Muslims. Now we are 300,000. The number of Muslims is 300,000 now. Hence the conclusion of this talk is that it is possible to live in this country without melting in. You must understand the conditions, without melting into society, says Mohammad Fouad Al-Barazi in the recordings.Via: nyheder
TITLE: STUNNING! TERRORISM EXPERT WHO INTERROGATED 9/11 Mastermind Has Warning for Americans [Video] TEXT: The video below is more important than ever! After the Berlin attack, Dr. James Mitchell spoke about what has come to be in Europe and warned America about how this could happen to us too!Dr. James Mitchell is the man who interrogated the 9/11 mastermind and is an expert on terrorism. He warns against immigration and political correctness as two things that will lead us to doom. If you doubt Dr. Mitchell, please see the video below this one for more on the truth of what mass migration is really about. Slow down our immigration from these countries Dr. James MitchellWE VE REPORTED ON THE TRUTH OF WHAT IMMIGRATION IS DOING IT S A PLAN IT S A CALIPHATE!Last September, a shocking video was released showing a Muslim Imam speaking before a group. He told the group to breed with Europeans. Yes, the plan is to breed with Europeans until all of Europe is Muslim. THE VIDEO IS BELOW:So now we have a second video from Denmark where an Imam is telling how Muslims are conquering Europe and that Muslims won t integrate into European society. We ve translated the video in the text below.These two videos follow with what we know. The invasion of Europe has a purpose and it s a very dark purpose. Conquering Europe is the end game Is America next?On hidden camera an imam explains how Muslims are conquering Europe and that Muslims should not integrate into society.Danish TV2 right now has a program called Mosques behind the veil which is focusing on whether a number of mosques discourage or contribute to integration. Right now we are in a time when we are opening these countries, says Mohammad Fouad al-Barazi, the head imam of the mosque of the Islamic Union in Denmark, in secret recordings from the third episode of Mosques behind the veil .The Imam speaks to TV2 s mole Fatima , who is seeking guidance about how she as a newly immigrated Muslim should act in Denmark, and Mohammad Fouad al-Barazi explains that Muslims are now consuming Denmark and Europe.The link to the video is here but it is not translated: NYHEDER VIDEOAccording to experts TV2 has spoken with, the word open in an Islamist meaning is understood as conquering . Actually, opening sounds beautiful , but this is the classic term for conquering a country, explains Professor Tina Magaard, who has studied the Quran and made fieldwork in Muslim communities in Denmark.According to Tina Magaard, some Islamic movements have the will to conquer Europe and the belief that one can.It is backed by a professor at the University of Copenhagen, Thomas Hoffmann, who has studied Islam and Islamic movements. What al-Barazi says here, means conquest, but need not necessarily be understood as war-like conquest, he said.On hidden camera, Mohammad Fouad al-Barazi, elaborates what he thinks about Muslims entry into Denmark and Europe. Now there are Muslim communities throughout Europe. This means that there are a large number of Muslims. A really large number.The Imam tells Fatma that since he came to Denmark, many more Muslims have come to Denmark, and it is important that Muslims are not merged with the rest of society. When I came to this country 23 years ago, we were only 55,000 Muslims. Now we are 300,000. The number of Muslims is 300,000 now. Hence the conclusion of this talk is that it is possible to live in this country without melting in. You must understand the conditions, without melting into society, says Mohammad Fouad Al-Barazi in the recordings.Via: nyheder
U.S. judge presses Trump administration on Dreamer deadlines
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Thursday repeatedly pressed the Trump administration to extend an October deadline for some immigrants to reapply for a program that shielded children brought to the United States illegally by their parents from deportation. President Donald Trump recently decided to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, in March 2018. However, immigrants known as Dreamers with work permits that expire before then can apply to renew them for another two years if they do so before Oct. 5. At a hearing in a federal court in Brooklyn on Thursday, U.S. District Judge Nicholas Garaufis said the administration’s “arbitrary” deadline is destructive, and extending it would give Congress time for a legislative solution. “No one will be harmed by extending this deadline,” Garaufis said, “especially the 800,000 people who are sweating about whether someone is going to come knocking on their door and send them back to a country that they don’t even know and where they don’t speak the language.” Deputy Assistant Attorney General Brett Shumate said the Department of Homeland Security was already considering an extension due to recent hurricanes, but no decisions had been made. “We will definitely take your concerns back to our clients,” Shumate said. Trump said on Thursday he was close to a deal with Democratic congressional leaders on protections for Dreamers, astounding fellow Republicans while alarming conservative supporters. The judge’s comments came as he was deciding whether immigration advocacy groups would be allowed to file new legal claims challenging Trump’s decision to end DACA. Those groups hope to bring a national class action that includes allegations Trump did not follow proper administrative procedures in rescinding DACA. Garaufis cited Trump’s own tweets praising Dreamers as a reason to extend the October deadline. “It would be useful to take some of the pressure off some of the parties, particularly these good educated young people that the president is speaking about with such admiration,” Garaufis said. “This is a much wider situation than just these individuals,” the judge added. “They pay taxes, they pay mortgages, they support their communities.” Martín Batalla Vidal, a 26-year-old DACA recipient whose status expires in February 2019, said he was glad the judge saw the economic consequences of ending the program. “He knows that if we lose DACA and we lose our jobs, that will cause a lot of harm to our families,” Batalla Vidal told reporters after the hearing.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: U.S. judge presses Trump administration on Dreamer deadlines TEXT: NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Thursday repeatedly pressed the Trump administration to extend an October deadline for some immigrants to reapply for a program that shielded children brought to the United States illegally by their parents from deportation. President Donald Trump recently decided to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, in March 2018. However, immigrants known as Dreamers with work permits that expire before then can apply to renew them for another two years if they do so before Oct. 5. At a hearing in a federal court in Brooklyn on Thursday, U.S. District Judge Nicholas Garaufis said the administration’s “arbitrary” deadline is destructive, and extending it would give Congress time for a legislative solution. “No one will be harmed by extending this deadline,” Garaufis said, “especially the 800,000 people who are sweating about whether someone is going to come knocking on their door and send them back to a country that they don’t even know and where they don’t speak the language.” Deputy Assistant Attorney General Brett Shumate said the Department of Homeland Security was already considering an extension due to recent hurricanes, but no decisions had been made. “We will definitely take your concerns back to our clients,” Shumate said. Trump said on Thursday he was close to a deal with Democratic congressional leaders on protections for Dreamers, astounding fellow Republicans while alarming conservative supporters. The judge’s comments came as he was deciding whether immigration advocacy groups would be allowed to file new legal claims challenging Trump’s decision to end DACA. Those groups hope to bring a national class action that includes allegations Trump did not follow proper administrative procedures in rescinding DACA. Garaufis cited Trump’s own tweets praising Dreamers as a reason to extend the October deadline. “It would be useful to take some of the pressure off some of the parties, particularly these good educated young people that the president is speaking about with such admiration,” Garaufis said. “This is a much wider situation than just these individuals,” the judge added. “They pay taxes, they pay mortgages, they support their communities.” Martín Batalla Vidal, a 26-year-old DACA recipient whose status expires in February 2019, said he was glad the judge saw the economic consequences of ending the program. “He knows that if we lose DACA and we lose our jobs, that will cause a lot of harm to our families,” Batalla Vidal told reporters after the hearing.
TITLE: U.S. judge presses Trump administration on Dreamer deadlines TEXT: NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Thursday repeatedly pressed the Trump administration to extend an October deadline for some immigrants to reapply for a program that shielded children brought to the United States illegally by their parents from deportation. President Donald Trump recently decided to rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, in March 2018. However, immigrants known as Dreamers with work permits that expire before then can apply to renew them for another two years if they do so before Oct. 5. At a hearing in a federal court in Brooklyn on Thursday, U.S. District Judge Nicholas Garaufis said the administration’s “arbitrary” deadline is destructive, and extending it would give Congress time for a legislative solution. “No one will be harmed by extending this deadline,” Garaufis said, “especially the 800,000 people who are sweating about whether someone is going to come knocking on their door and send them back to a country that they don’t even know and where they don’t speak the language.” Deputy Assistant Attorney General Brett Shumate said the Department of Homeland Security was already considering an extension due to recent hurricanes, but no decisions had been made. “We will definitely take your concerns back to our clients,” Shumate said. Trump said on Thursday he was close to a deal with Democratic congressional leaders on protections for Dreamers, astounding fellow Republicans while alarming conservative supporters. The judge’s comments came as he was deciding whether immigration advocacy groups would be allowed to file new legal claims challenging Trump’s decision to end DACA. Those groups hope to bring a national class action that includes allegations Trump did not follow proper administrative procedures in rescinding DACA. Garaufis cited Trump’s own tweets praising Dreamers as a reason to extend the October deadline. “It would be useful to take some of the pressure off some of the parties, particularly these good educated young people that the president is speaking about with such admiration,” Garaufis said. “This is a much wider situation than just these individuals,” the judge added. “They pay taxes, they pay mortgages, they support their communities.” Martín Batalla Vidal, a 26-year-old DACA recipient whose status expires in February 2019, said he was glad the judge saw the economic consequences of ending the program. “He knows that if we lose DACA and we lose our jobs, that will cause a lot of harm to our families,” Batalla Vidal told reporters after the hearing.
British PM to attend event in her local electoral district: BBC
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May, who is facing an open rebellion from some of her own lawmakers, will attend an event in her electoral district on Friday, the first engagement since a disastrous speech to her Conservative Party s conference. May is due to attend a charity coffee morning in her constituency, the BBC said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: British PM to attend event in her local electoral district: BBC TEXT: LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May, who is facing an open rebellion from some of her own lawmakers, will attend an event in her electoral district on Friday, the first engagement since a disastrous speech to her Conservative Party s conference. May is due to attend a charity coffee morning in her constituency, the BBC said.
TITLE: British PM to attend event in her local electoral district: BBC TEXT: LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May, who is facing an open rebellion from some of her own lawmakers, will attend an event in her electoral district on Friday, the first engagement since a disastrous speech to her Conservative Party s conference. May is due to attend a charity coffee morning in her constituency, the BBC said.
Watch Chris Christie Awkwardly Squirm In Avoidance Of ANY Trump Questions (VIDEO)
There are moments in life when you have to admit you made mistakes. However, for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, this is not one of those moments. To be blunt, he s having a very bad week. Not only is Christie no longer in the running for the White House, he made the bizarre choice to endorse Donald Trump on the same weekend that Trump wouldn t disavow the Ku Klux Klan. And it even seems as if Trump isn t that thrilled with the support, telling Christie that he should just go home. Christie claims he s proud to support Trump, but his actions at a recent press conference suggest otherwise. He insisted that he only be asked questions that were on-topic, and anytime he was asked about Trump he would go off into a rehearsed non-answer to avoid the subject. He said things, such as: No, I won t permit you to. I told you that there s going to be only on-topic questions today. So, permission denied. That s an off-topic question. I think you understand that I m answering on-topic questions today. And then when asked why he wouldn t answer any questions related to Trump, he responded with the maturity level of a four-year-old being asked to eat his peas: Because I don t want to. At this point the New Jersey governor should just go back to his state to take care of business instead of try to hold on to whatever remaining spotlight he can. He should do so not only for his state, but also for his dignity.Christie, back away slowly while you still can and do your job. Both your state and your nation will appreciate it. Not only does your endorsement mean nothing to Trump, it makes you look like, to use your language, an idiot.Watch the awkward moments from the press conference here:Featured image via screen grab
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Watch Chris Christie Awkwardly Squirm In Avoidance Of ANY Trump Questions (VIDEO) TEXT: There are moments in life when you have to admit you made mistakes. However, for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, this is not one of those moments. To be blunt, he s having a very bad week. Not only is Christie no longer in the running for the White House, he made the bizarre choice to endorse Donald Trump on the same weekend that Trump wouldn t disavow the Ku Klux Klan. And it even seems as if Trump isn t that thrilled with the support, telling Christie that he should just go home. Christie claims he s proud to support Trump, but his actions at a recent press conference suggest otherwise. He insisted that he only be asked questions that were on-topic, and anytime he was asked about Trump he would go off into a rehearsed non-answer to avoid the subject. He said things, such as: No, I won t permit you to. I told you that there s going to be only on-topic questions today. So, permission denied. That s an off-topic question. I think you understand that I m answering on-topic questions today. And then when asked why he wouldn t answer any questions related to Trump, he responded with the maturity level of a four-year-old being asked to eat his peas: Because I don t want to. At this point the New Jersey governor should just go back to his state to take care of business instead of try to hold on to whatever remaining spotlight he can. He should do so not only for his state, but also for his dignity.Christie, back away slowly while you still can and do your job. Both your state and your nation will appreciate it. Not only does your endorsement mean nothing to Trump, it makes you look like, to use your language, an idiot.Watch the awkward moments from the press conference here:Featured image via screen grab
TITLE: Watch Chris Christie Awkwardly Squirm In Avoidance Of ANY Trump Questions (VIDEO) TEXT: There are moments in life when you have to admit you made mistakes. However, for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, this is not one of those moments. To be blunt, he s having a very bad week. Not only is Christie no longer in the running for the White House, he made the bizarre choice to endorse Donald Trump on the same weekend that Trump wouldn t disavow the Ku Klux Klan. And it even seems as if Trump isn t that thrilled with the support, telling Christie that he should just go home. Christie claims he s proud to support Trump, but his actions at a recent press conference suggest otherwise. He insisted that he only be asked questions that were on-topic, and anytime he was asked about Trump he would go off into a rehearsed non-answer to avoid the subject. He said things, such as: No, I won t permit you to. I told you that there s going to be only on-topic questions today. So, permission denied. That s an off-topic question. I think you understand that I m answering on-topic questions today. And then when asked why he wouldn t answer any questions related to Trump, he responded with the maturity level of a four-year-old being asked to eat his peas: Because I don t want to. At this point the New Jersey governor should just go back to his state to take care of business instead of try to hold on to whatever remaining spotlight he can. He should do so not only for his state, but also for his dignity.Christie, back away slowly while you still can and do your job. Both your state and your nation will appreciate it. Not only does your endorsement mean nothing to Trump, it makes you look like, to use your language, an idiot.Watch the awkward moments from the press conference here:Featured image via screen grab
Morawiecki sworn in as Polish PM amid dispute with EU
WARSAW (Reuters) - Mateusz Morawiecki was sworn in as Poland s new prime minister on Monday and European Council President Donald Tusk called on the new leader to pursue European unity. Poland s ruling Law and Justice Party (PiS) is at odds with the EU over immigration, logging in an ancient forest and government attempts to control the courts and the media. Critics say the eurosceptic party s policies have subverted democracy and the rule of law. At the same time, acrimony between Tusk and the PiS dates back years. Poland, acting on orders from the PiS boss and long-time Tusk adversary Jaroslaw Kaczynski, was the sole member of the 28 EU members to vote in March against Tusk s re-election. Morawiecki, 49, replaced Beata Szydlo, who became a deputy prime minister. PiS sacked the popular Szydlo last week in a bid to improve Poland s image abroad and prepare the conservatives for a series of elections. Morawiecki will remain finance minister and economy minister. All other ministers have kept their jobs for now, although some ministerial changes are expected in weeks to come. Morawiecki said his government will continue the work of Szydlo. He is expected to outline his policies on Tuesday. Tusk, a former Polish prime minister before PiS came to power in 2015, said he counts on good cooperation. Acting for Poland s strong position in the European Union and for the unity of all member states is the need of the moment, Tusk wrote. Former Polish President Lech Walesa, who is a critic of the PiS said on Twitter: The circus has stayed the same, only the clowns have changed their roles. Walesa led protests and strikes that shook communist rule in the 1980s. Szydlo s government was one of the most popular in Poland since the 1989 collapse of communism. It registered around 40 percent approval due to low unemployment, increases in public spending and a focus on traditional Catholic values in public life.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Morawiecki sworn in as Polish PM amid dispute with EU TEXT: WARSAW (Reuters) - Mateusz Morawiecki was sworn in as Poland s new prime minister on Monday and European Council President Donald Tusk called on the new leader to pursue European unity. Poland s ruling Law and Justice Party (PiS) is at odds with the EU over immigration, logging in an ancient forest and government attempts to control the courts and the media. Critics say the eurosceptic party s policies have subverted democracy and the rule of law. At the same time, acrimony between Tusk and the PiS dates back years. Poland, acting on orders from the PiS boss and long-time Tusk adversary Jaroslaw Kaczynski, was the sole member of the 28 EU members to vote in March against Tusk s re-election. Morawiecki, 49, replaced Beata Szydlo, who became a deputy prime minister. PiS sacked the popular Szydlo last week in a bid to improve Poland s image abroad and prepare the conservatives for a series of elections. Morawiecki will remain finance minister and economy minister. All other ministers have kept their jobs for now, although some ministerial changes are expected in weeks to come. Morawiecki said his government will continue the work of Szydlo. He is expected to outline his policies on Tuesday. Tusk, a former Polish prime minister before PiS came to power in 2015, said he counts on good cooperation. Acting for Poland s strong position in the European Union and for the unity of all member states is the need of the moment, Tusk wrote. Former Polish President Lech Walesa, who is a critic of the PiS said on Twitter: The circus has stayed the same, only the clowns have changed their roles. Walesa led protests and strikes that shook communist rule in the 1980s. Szydlo s government was one of the most popular in Poland since the 1989 collapse of communism. It registered around 40 percent approval due to low unemployment, increases in public spending and a focus on traditional Catholic values in public life.
TITLE: Morawiecki sworn in as Polish PM amid dispute with EU TEXT: WARSAW (Reuters) - Mateusz Morawiecki was sworn in as Poland s new prime minister on Monday and European Council President Donald Tusk called on the new leader to pursue European unity. Poland s ruling Law and Justice Party (PiS) is at odds with the EU over immigration, logging in an ancient forest and government attempts to control the courts and the media. Critics say the eurosceptic party s policies have subverted democracy and the rule of law. At the same time, acrimony between Tusk and the PiS dates back years. Poland, acting on orders from the PiS boss and long-time Tusk adversary Jaroslaw Kaczynski, was the sole member of the 28 EU members to vote in March against Tusk s re-election. Morawiecki, 49, replaced Beata Szydlo, who became a deputy prime minister. PiS sacked the popular Szydlo last week in a bid to improve Poland s image abroad and prepare the conservatives for a series of elections. Morawiecki will remain finance minister and economy minister. All other ministers have kept their jobs for now, although some ministerial changes are expected in weeks to come. Morawiecki said his government will continue the work of Szydlo. He is expected to outline his policies on Tuesday. Tusk, a former Polish prime minister before PiS came to power in 2015, said he counts on good cooperation. Acting for Poland s strong position in the European Union and for the unity of all member states is the need of the moment, Tusk wrote. Former Polish President Lech Walesa, who is a critic of the PiS said on Twitter: The circus has stayed the same, only the clowns have changed their roles. Walesa led protests and strikes that shook communist rule in the 1980s. Szydlo s government was one of the most popular in Poland since the 1989 collapse of communism. It registered around 40 percent approval due to low unemployment, increases in public spending and a focus on traditional Catholic values in public life.
U.S. Senate Republican leader delays Senate's August recess
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday announced a delay in the Senate’s planned August recess until the third week of the month to provide more time to work on legislation and approve nominees. “In order to provide more time to complete action on important legislative items and process nominees that have been stalled by a lack of cooperation from our friends across the aisle, the Senate will delay the start of the August recess until the third week of August,” McConnell said in a statement.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: U.S. Senate Republican leader delays Senate's August recess TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday announced a delay in the Senate’s planned August recess until the third week of the month to provide more time to work on legislation and approve nominees. “In order to provide more time to complete action on important legislative items and process nominees that have been stalled by a lack of cooperation from our friends across the aisle, the Senate will delay the start of the August recess until the third week of August,” McConnell said in a statement.
TITLE: U.S. Senate Republican leader delays Senate's August recess TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday announced a delay in the Senate’s planned August recess until the third week of the month to provide more time to work on legislation and approve nominees. “In order to provide more time to complete action on important legislative items and process nominees that have been stalled by a lack of cooperation from our friends across the aisle, the Senate will delay the start of the August recess until the third week of August,” McConnell said in a statement.
Mike Pence Indicates That He’ll Soon Be In The Russian Hot Seat
There has been a lot of social media speculation over what will happen if and when Donald Trump is impeached or he is forced to resign. The Constitution, obviously, says that Mike Pence will be made President. Pence, it s assumed, will be a slightly better alternative. While he s anti-LGBT and anti-woman enough to be the inspiration for the Handmaid s Tale, he appears to be just bland enough to be called sane.Not so fast. He might be sane, but if his latest move is any indication, he could be going down with Trump and the rest of the people who are in bed with Russia. He has hired his own lawyer for the apparent inevitability of appearing under oath.The vice president s office said Thursday that Pence has retained Richard Cullen, a Richmond-based lawyer and chairman of McGuireWoods who previously served as a U.S. attorney in the Eastern District of Virginia.Pence s decision comes less than a month after Trump hired his own private attorney, Marc E. Kasowitz, to help navigate the investigations related to the Russia probe, and a day after The Washington Post reported that special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is widening his investigation to examine whether the president attempted to obstruct justice.Source: Washington PostOf course, the act of hiring a lawyer in no way means Pence is guilty. What we do know, though, is that Pence knew from at least March that Trump s fired National Security Advisor, General Michael Flynn, was lobbying for a Turkish firm. Yes, there is evidence that policy changed because of Flynn s Turkish ties. Flynn had supposedly left that out when Pence was heading Trump s transition team.The White House, though, sat on that information for 18 days before firing Flynn.Again, hiring a lawyer does not mean guilt, but only three Vice Presidents have done so. Richard Nixon s VP, Spiro Agnew, hired one when he was under investigation for extortion, tax fraud, bribery and conspiracy. He ended up resigning, even before Watergate.Al Gore also hired counsel over questions about illegal fundraising. Dick Cheney hired counsel several times.The significant thing to note, though, is that none of the VPs hired counsel because their bosses were in trouble. They hired counsel because they were under fire. We can t be positive, but it s safe to assume that Pence will soon be testifying, and not just for his opinions.Featured image via Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Mike Pence Indicates That He’ll Soon Be In The Russian Hot Seat TEXT: There has been a lot of social media speculation over what will happen if and when Donald Trump is impeached or he is forced to resign. The Constitution, obviously, says that Mike Pence will be made President. Pence, it s assumed, will be a slightly better alternative. While he s anti-LGBT and anti-woman enough to be the inspiration for the Handmaid s Tale, he appears to be just bland enough to be called sane.Not so fast. He might be sane, but if his latest move is any indication, he could be going down with Trump and the rest of the people who are in bed with Russia. He has hired his own lawyer for the apparent inevitability of appearing under oath.The vice president s office said Thursday that Pence has retained Richard Cullen, a Richmond-based lawyer and chairman of McGuireWoods who previously served as a U.S. attorney in the Eastern District of Virginia.Pence s decision comes less than a month after Trump hired his own private attorney, Marc E. Kasowitz, to help navigate the investigations related to the Russia probe, and a day after The Washington Post reported that special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is widening his investigation to examine whether the president attempted to obstruct justice.Source: Washington PostOf course, the act of hiring a lawyer in no way means Pence is guilty. What we do know, though, is that Pence knew from at least March that Trump s fired National Security Advisor, General Michael Flynn, was lobbying for a Turkish firm. Yes, there is evidence that policy changed because of Flynn s Turkish ties. Flynn had supposedly left that out when Pence was heading Trump s transition team.The White House, though, sat on that information for 18 days before firing Flynn.Again, hiring a lawyer does not mean guilt, but only three Vice Presidents have done so. Richard Nixon s VP, Spiro Agnew, hired one when he was under investigation for extortion, tax fraud, bribery and conspiracy. He ended up resigning, even before Watergate.Al Gore also hired counsel over questions about illegal fundraising. Dick Cheney hired counsel several times.The significant thing to note, though, is that none of the VPs hired counsel because their bosses were in trouble. They hired counsel because they were under fire. We can t be positive, but it s safe to assume that Pence will soon be testifying, and not just for his opinions.Featured image via Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
TITLE: Mike Pence Indicates That He’ll Soon Be In The Russian Hot Seat TEXT: There has been a lot of social media speculation over what will happen if and when Donald Trump is impeached or he is forced to resign. The Constitution, obviously, says that Mike Pence will be made President. Pence, it s assumed, will be a slightly better alternative. While he s anti-LGBT and anti-woman enough to be the inspiration for the Handmaid s Tale, he appears to be just bland enough to be called sane.Not so fast. He might be sane, but if his latest move is any indication, he could be going down with Trump and the rest of the people who are in bed with Russia. He has hired his own lawyer for the apparent inevitability of appearing under oath.The vice president s office said Thursday that Pence has retained Richard Cullen, a Richmond-based lawyer and chairman of McGuireWoods who previously served as a U.S. attorney in the Eastern District of Virginia.Pence s decision comes less than a month after Trump hired his own private attorney, Marc E. Kasowitz, to help navigate the investigations related to the Russia probe, and a day after The Washington Post reported that special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is widening his investigation to examine whether the president attempted to obstruct justice.Source: Washington PostOf course, the act of hiring a lawyer in no way means Pence is guilty. What we do know, though, is that Pence knew from at least March that Trump s fired National Security Advisor, General Michael Flynn, was lobbying for a Turkish firm. Yes, there is evidence that policy changed because of Flynn s Turkish ties. Flynn had supposedly left that out when Pence was heading Trump s transition team.The White House, though, sat on that information for 18 days before firing Flynn.Again, hiring a lawyer does not mean guilt, but only three Vice Presidents have done so. Richard Nixon s VP, Spiro Agnew, hired one when he was under investigation for extortion, tax fraud, bribery and conspiracy. He ended up resigning, even before Watergate.Al Gore also hired counsel over questions about illegal fundraising. Dick Cheney hired counsel several times.The significant thing to note, though, is that none of the VPs hired counsel because their bosses were in trouble. They hired counsel because they were under fire. We can t be positive, but it s safe to assume that Pence will soon be testifying, and not just for his opinions.Featured image via Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Fox News Yuks It Up, Taunts The Donald Over The Reason For His Iowa Loss
Donald Trump has been gallivanting across America for months now talking about his own popularity and boasting about poll numbers. He gave the impression that he was invincible and his bid for thew presidency infallible. There s one thing you can t take from Donald Trump: He s extremely confident.Regardless of how he performed in the polls up until about a week ago, Trump made a mistake that an unlikely enemy to a Republican, Fox News, couldn t help but gloat over. Whether you call it ego, narcissism, pride or the delusional rantings of a bloviating blowhard, Trump s decision to boycott the last GOP debate may have just jumped up and bit him on the ass.It was just the Donald missing in South Carolina. It was his supporters; the idiots who will clap and shout for him no matter how stupid he sounds, creating a mob mentality and increasing his popularity among the fools who vote Republican in this country. In his absence, Ted Cruz and his supporters were able to steal the show, catapulting his campaign to a win in Iowa Monday night.Fox wasted no time gloating about the fact that trump s little bout of butcher is most likely what handed him his first taste of defeat. Fox correspondent John Roberts told anchor Bret Baier that Marco Rubio s surge with people who were later in deciding who to vote for showed that Trump s refusal to be in the same room with Megyn Kelly probably cost him the win.Baier, being the good little puppet that he is, ran with that theory and began polling other Fox actors and actresses how they felt. Charles Krauthammer was hesitant to give all the credit to the skipped debate, adding that Rubio s performance was worthy of a bump, meaning he was watching a different debate than people who live in the real world. Rubio did nothing but yell generalities at the crowd in an attempt to seem less timid.Other Fox hosts were more eager to give their network at least some of the credit. According to Talking Points Memo:Baier floated the idea to conservative radio host Laura Ingraham, asking her to look at the numbers and the surge that perhaps other candidates, Ted Cruz, Rubio had, and weigh in on the debate had any effect on these numbers? Baier presented the question to Fox News contributor Stephen Hayes as well, asking him if can we definitively say that not going to the debate hurt Trump, a strategic error, that close? Pundit Kirsten Powers suggested that Trump missed an opportunity to make his closing arguments and it looks like he s paying a price for it here. Fox News commentator Dana Perino argued that two polls that showed Rubio gaining traction were a direct result of the debate, comparing it to the last cycle, when 45 percent of people decided after the last debate in 2012. I think that looks like it could be true this time as well, she said.While skipping the doom and gloom of a Fox News debate may not seem like a big deal to normal people, It certainly doesn t seem to have helped Donald Trump out at all.Featured image by Media Matters screen capture
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Fox News Yuks It Up, Taunts The Donald Over The Reason For His Iowa Loss TEXT: Donald Trump has been gallivanting across America for months now talking about his own popularity and boasting about poll numbers. He gave the impression that he was invincible and his bid for thew presidency infallible. There s one thing you can t take from Donald Trump: He s extremely confident.Regardless of how he performed in the polls up until about a week ago, Trump made a mistake that an unlikely enemy to a Republican, Fox News, couldn t help but gloat over. Whether you call it ego, narcissism, pride or the delusional rantings of a bloviating blowhard, Trump s decision to boycott the last GOP debate may have just jumped up and bit him on the ass.It was just the Donald missing in South Carolina. It was his supporters; the idiots who will clap and shout for him no matter how stupid he sounds, creating a mob mentality and increasing his popularity among the fools who vote Republican in this country. In his absence, Ted Cruz and his supporters were able to steal the show, catapulting his campaign to a win in Iowa Monday night.Fox wasted no time gloating about the fact that trump s little bout of butcher is most likely what handed him his first taste of defeat. Fox correspondent John Roberts told anchor Bret Baier that Marco Rubio s surge with people who were later in deciding who to vote for showed that Trump s refusal to be in the same room with Megyn Kelly probably cost him the win.Baier, being the good little puppet that he is, ran with that theory and began polling other Fox actors and actresses how they felt. Charles Krauthammer was hesitant to give all the credit to the skipped debate, adding that Rubio s performance was worthy of a bump, meaning he was watching a different debate than people who live in the real world. Rubio did nothing but yell generalities at the crowd in an attempt to seem less timid.Other Fox hosts were more eager to give their network at least some of the credit. According to Talking Points Memo:Baier floated the idea to conservative radio host Laura Ingraham, asking her to look at the numbers and the surge that perhaps other candidates, Ted Cruz, Rubio had, and weigh in on the debate had any effect on these numbers? Baier presented the question to Fox News contributor Stephen Hayes as well, asking him if can we definitively say that not going to the debate hurt Trump, a strategic error, that close? Pundit Kirsten Powers suggested that Trump missed an opportunity to make his closing arguments and it looks like he s paying a price for it here. Fox News commentator Dana Perino argued that two polls that showed Rubio gaining traction were a direct result of the debate, comparing it to the last cycle, when 45 percent of people decided after the last debate in 2012. I think that looks like it could be true this time as well, she said.While skipping the doom and gloom of a Fox News debate may not seem like a big deal to normal people, It certainly doesn t seem to have helped Donald Trump out at all.Featured image by Media Matters screen capture
TITLE: Fox News Yuks It Up, Taunts The Donald Over The Reason For His Iowa Loss TEXT: Donald Trump has been gallivanting across America for months now talking about his own popularity and boasting about poll numbers. He gave the impression that he was invincible and his bid for thew presidency infallible. There s one thing you can t take from Donald Trump: He s extremely confident.Regardless of how he performed in the polls up until about a week ago, Trump made a mistake that an unlikely enemy to a Republican, Fox News, couldn t help but gloat over. Whether you call it ego, narcissism, pride or the delusional rantings of a bloviating blowhard, Trump s decision to boycott the last GOP debate may have just jumped up and bit him on the ass.It was just the Donald missing in South Carolina. It was his supporters; the idiots who will clap and shout for him no matter how stupid he sounds, creating a mob mentality and increasing his popularity among the fools who vote Republican in this country. In his absence, Ted Cruz and his supporters were able to steal the show, catapulting his campaign to a win in Iowa Monday night.Fox wasted no time gloating about the fact that trump s little bout of butcher is most likely what handed him his first taste of defeat. Fox correspondent John Roberts told anchor Bret Baier that Marco Rubio s surge with people who were later in deciding who to vote for showed that Trump s refusal to be in the same room with Megyn Kelly probably cost him the win.Baier, being the good little puppet that he is, ran with that theory and began polling other Fox actors and actresses how they felt. Charles Krauthammer was hesitant to give all the credit to the skipped debate, adding that Rubio s performance was worthy of a bump, meaning he was watching a different debate than people who live in the real world. Rubio did nothing but yell generalities at the crowd in an attempt to seem less timid.Other Fox hosts were more eager to give their network at least some of the credit. According to Talking Points Memo:Baier floated the idea to conservative radio host Laura Ingraham, asking her to look at the numbers and the surge that perhaps other candidates, Ted Cruz, Rubio had, and weigh in on the debate had any effect on these numbers? Baier presented the question to Fox News contributor Stephen Hayes as well, asking him if can we definitively say that not going to the debate hurt Trump, a strategic error, that close? Pundit Kirsten Powers suggested that Trump missed an opportunity to make his closing arguments and it looks like he s paying a price for it here. Fox News commentator Dana Perino argued that two polls that showed Rubio gaining traction were a direct result of the debate, comparing it to the last cycle, when 45 percent of people decided after the last debate in 2012. I think that looks like it could be true this time as well, she said.While skipping the doom and gloom of a Fox News debate may not seem like a big deal to normal people, It certainly doesn t seem to have helped Donald Trump out at all.Featured image by Media Matters screen capture
Trump aide Kushner scraps plan for Canada visit: Canada official
CALGARY, Alberta (Reuters) - A senior aide to U.S. President Donald Trump has scrapped plans to visit Canada for talks with officials in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s team, a Canadian government source said on Monday. The source said the planned visit by Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner had hit logistical problems. A separate source had earlier said Kushner intended to meet Trudeau aides on the margins of a cabinet retreat in Calgary.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Trump aide Kushner scraps plan for Canada visit: Canada official TEXT: CALGARY, Alberta (Reuters) - A senior aide to U.S. President Donald Trump has scrapped plans to visit Canada for talks with officials in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s team, a Canadian government source said on Monday. The source said the planned visit by Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner had hit logistical problems. A separate source had earlier said Kushner intended to meet Trudeau aides on the margins of a cabinet retreat in Calgary.
TITLE: Trump aide Kushner scraps plan for Canada visit: Canada official TEXT: CALGARY, Alberta (Reuters) - A senior aide to U.S. President Donald Trump has scrapped plans to visit Canada for talks with officials in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s team, a Canadian government source said on Monday. The source said the planned visit by Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner had hit logistical problems. A separate source had earlier said Kushner intended to meet Trudeau aides on the margins of a cabinet retreat in Calgary.
Trump's EPA pick resigns from Rule of Law Defense Fund: Bloomberg
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to lead the Environmental Protection Agency resigned as chairman of the Rule of Law Defense Fund in November, Bloomberg reported on Friday, citing a financial disclosure report filed with the Office of Government Ethics. Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, a critic of federal environmental regulation, has been questioned by environmental activists and Democrats on the U.S. Senate’s environmental panel about his ties to the energy industry. After resigning as chairman in November, Pruitt resigned from the board of the Rule of Law Defense Fund in December, Bloomberg said. (bloom.bg/2ilrlLa) The Rule of Law Defense Fund describes itself as a “public policy organization for issues relevant to the nation’s Republican attorneys general.” The Rule of Law Defense Fund and Trump’s transition team did not respond to a request for comment. Pruitt could not immediately be reached outside regular business hours. Reuters was not immediately able to verify the report with the Office of Government Ethics.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Trump's EPA pick resigns from Rule of Law Defense Fund: Bloomberg TEXT: (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to lead the Environmental Protection Agency resigned as chairman of the Rule of Law Defense Fund in November, Bloomberg reported on Friday, citing a financial disclosure report filed with the Office of Government Ethics. Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, a critic of federal environmental regulation, has been questioned by environmental activists and Democrats on the U.S. Senate’s environmental panel about his ties to the energy industry. After resigning as chairman in November, Pruitt resigned from the board of the Rule of Law Defense Fund in December, Bloomberg said. (bloom.bg/2ilrlLa) The Rule of Law Defense Fund describes itself as a “public policy organization for issues relevant to the nation’s Republican attorneys general.” The Rule of Law Defense Fund and Trump’s transition team did not respond to a request for comment. Pruitt could not immediately be reached outside regular business hours. Reuters was not immediately able to verify the report with the Office of Government Ethics.
TITLE: Trump's EPA pick resigns from Rule of Law Defense Fund: Bloomberg TEXT: (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to lead the Environmental Protection Agency resigned as chairman of the Rule of Law Defense Fund in November, Bloomberg reported on Friday, citing a financial disclosure report filed with the Office of Government Ethics. Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, a critic of federal environmental regulation, has been questioned by environmental activists and Democrats on the U.S. Senate’s environmental panel about his ties to the energy industry. After resigning as chairman in November, Pruitt resigned from the board of the Rule of Law Defense Fund in December, Bloomberg said. (bloom.bg/2ilrlLa) The Rule of Law Defense Fund describes itself as a “public policy organization for issues relevant to the nation’s Republican attorneys general.” The Rule of Law Defense Fund and Trump’s transition team did not respond to a request for comment. Pruitt could not immediately be reached outside regular business hours. Reuters was not immediately able to verify the report with the Office of Government Ethics.
BREAKING: Devin Nunes Is Now The Subject Of A CRIMINAL Complaint To The FBI
Embattled House Intel Chairman, Devin Nunes (R-CA), has been reported to the FBI for corruption. The criminal complaint, filed by Scott Dworkin of the Democratic Coalition Against Trump, seems to include Nunes failure to disclose the fact that he s got all his money sunk into a winery with heavy ties to Russia (which means he s got a conflict of interest). It may also includ his admission that he had an obligation to inform Trump that some of his transition team s communications got swept up in a foreign surveillance operation.Nunes is definitely compromised, which is worth investigating.Dworkin can t make the details of his complaint public, but he did say that Nunes is unethical and that he was working on just such a complaint earlier today:RT if u think Devin Nunes is unethicalI doI m finishing our House Ethics Complaint on him now#NunesMustResign #trumprussia #russiagate Scott Dworkin (@funder) March 26, 2017Then he tweeted the news that his criminal complaint had officially been filed, along with the FBI s explanation of their public corruption program. One of the things they do is work to identify any connection to terrorism or foreign intelligence that would pose and imminent threat to national security. The entire fact sheet is below:#BREAKING:Rep Devin Nunes Reported to FBI Office of Public Corruption for Russian Business Connections & Fraud #nunesmustresign #trumprussia pic.twitter.com/8lDDzVQtwd Scott Dworkin (@funder) March 24, 2017Something has to be done since Nunes doesn t seem to be willing to resign his post at this time, and he s guilty of both a lie of omission regarding his business investments, and of sabotaging an official investigation into whether the Trump campaign (and possibly, his administration) colluded with Russia.Whether the FBI will take this up is anybody s guess. They should, though, because Nunes has proven that he s compromised, which further drives us into the morass that is the Russian scandal.Featured image by Drew Angerer via Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: BREAKING: Devin Nunes Is Now The Subject Of A CRIMINAL Complaint To The FBI TEXT: Embattled House Intel Chairman, Devin Nunes (R-CA), has been reported to the FBI for corruption. The criminal complaint, filed by Scott Dworkin of the Democratic Coalition Against Trump, seems to include Nunes failure to disclose the fact that he s got all his money sunk into a winery with heavy ties to Russia (which means he s got a conflict of interest). It may also includ his admission that he had an obligation to inform Trump that some of his transition team s communications got swept up in a foreign surveillance operation.Nunes is definitely compromised, which is worth investigating.Dworkin can t make the details of his complaint public, but he did say that Nunes is unethical and that he was working on just such a complaint earlier today:RT if u think Devin Nunes is unethicalI doI m finishing our House Ethics Complaint on him now#NunesMustResign #trumprussia #russiagate Scott Dworkin (@funder) March 26, 2017Then he tweeted the news that his criminal complaint had officially been filed, along with the FBI s explanation of their public corruption program. One of the things they do is work to identify any connection to terrorism or foreign intelligence that would pose and imminent threat to national security. The entire fact sheet is below:#BREAKING:Rep Devin Nunes Reported to FBI Office of Public Corruption for Russian Business Connections & Fraud #nunesmustresign #trumprussia pic.twitter.com/8lDDzVQtwd Scott Dworkin (@funder) March 24, 2017Something has to be done since Nunes doesn t seem to be willing to resign his post at this time, and he s guilty of both a lie of omission regarding his business investments, and of sabotaging an official investigation into whether the Trump campaign (and possibly, his administration) colluded with Russia.Whether the FBI will take this up is anybody s guess. They should, though, because Nunes has proven that he s compromised, which further drives us into the morass that is the Russian scandal.Featured image by Drew Angerer via Getty Images
TITLE: BREAKING: Devin Nunes Is Now The Subject Of A CRIMINAL Complaint To The FBI TEXT: Embattled House Intel Chairman, Devin Nunes (R-CA), has been reported to the FBI for corruption. The criminal complaint, filed by Scott Dworkin of the Democratic Coalition Against Trump, seems to include Nunes failure to disclose the fact that he s got all his money sunk into a winery with heavy ties to Russia (which means he s got a conflict of interest). It may also includ his admission that he had an obligation to inform Trump that some of his transition team s communications got swept up in a foreign surveillance operation.Nunes is definitely compromised, which is worth investigating.Dworkin can t make the details of his complaint public, but he did say that Nunes is unethical and that he was working on just such a complaint earlier today:RT if u think Devin Nunes is unethicalI doI m finishing our House Ethics Complaint on him now#NunesMustResign #trumprussia #russiagate Scott Dworkin (@funder) March 26, 2017Then he tweeted the news that his criminal complaint had officially been filed, along with the FBI s explanation of their public corruption program. One of the things they do is work to identify any connection to terrorism or foreign intelligence that would pose and imminent threat to national security. The entire fact sheet is below:#BREAKING:Rep Devin Nunes Reported to FBI Office of Public Corruption for Russian Business Connections & Fraud #nunesmustresign #trumprussia pic.twitter.com/8lDDzVQtwd Scott Dworkin (@funder) March 24, 2017Something has to be done since Nunes doesn t seem to be willing to resign his post at this time, and he s guilty of both a lie of omission regarding his business investments, and of sabotaging an official investigation into whether the Trump campaign (and possibly, his administration) colluded with Russia.Whether the FBI will take this up is anybody s guess. They should, though, because Nunes has proven that he s compromised, which further drives us into the morass that is the Russian scandal.Featured image by Drew Angerer via Getty Images
Michelle Obama helps Prince Harry launch second Invictus Games
ORLANDO, Florida (Reuters) - Britain’s Prince Harry and U.S. first lady Michelle Obama mixed with headline acts from music and film to launch the second edition of the Invictus Games for wounded military personnel on Sunday. British singers James Blunt and Laura Wright performed at the two-hour ceremony before Oscar-winning actor Morgan Freeman led the crowd at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Champion Stadium in reciting the Invictus Games pledge. Former U.S. President George W Bush, the honorary chairman of this year’s Games, also spoke on stage to the near 500 athletes from 14 different countries who will compete over four days from Monday in 11 Paralympic sports. Harry, who started the Games two years ago in London, paid tribute to the courage of the athletes, who paraded through an interactive 3-D cube decorated in their country’s colors to warm applause. “When we give a standing ovation to the competitor with the missing limbs, let’s also cheer our hearts out for the man who overcame anxiety so severe he couldn’t leave his house,” the 31-year-old royal told the crowd. “Let’s cheer for the woman who fought through post-traumatic stress.” That spirit was echoed by Obama, who thanked U.S. veterans for their service. “I’m here and honor all of you: our extraordinary service members, our veterans, and of course our military families. You all are amazing. Truly amazing,” she said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Michelle Obama helps Prince Harry launch second Invictus Games TEXT: ORLANDO, Florida (Reuters) - Britain’s Prince Harry and U.S. first lady Michelle Obama mixed with headline acts from music and film to launch the second edition of the Invictus Games for wounded military personnel on Sunday. British singers James Blunt and Laura Wright performed at the two-hour ceremony before Oscar-winning actor Morgan Freeman led the crowd at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Champion Stadium in reciting the Invictus Games pledge. Former U.S. President George W Bush, the honorary chairman of this year’s Games, also spoke on stage to the near 500 athletes from 14 different countries who will compete over four days from Monday in 11 Paralympic sports. Harry, who started the Games two years ago in London, paid tribute to the courage of the athletes, who paraded through an interactive 3-D cube decorated in their country’s colors to warm applause. “When we give a standing ovation to the competitor with the missing limbs, let’s also cheer our hearts out for the man who overcame anxiety so severe he couldn’t leave his house,” the 31-year-old royal told the crowd. “Let’s cheer for the woman who fought through post-traumatic stress.” That spirit was echoed by Obama, who thanked U.S. veterans for their service. “I’m here and honor all of you: our extraordinary service members, our veterans, and of course our military families. You all are amazing. Truly amazing,” she said.
TITLE: Michelle Obama helps Prince Harry launch second Invictus Games TEXT: ORLANDO, Florida (Reuters) - Britain’s Prince Harry and U.S. first lady Michelle Obama mixed with headline acts from music and film to launch the second edition of the Invictus Games for wounded military personnel on Sunday. British singers James Blunt and Laura Wright performed at the two-hour ceremony before Oscar-winning actor Morgan Freeman led the crowd at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Champion Stadium in reciting the Invictus Games pledge. Former U.S. President George W Bush, the honorary chairman of this year’s Games, also spoke on stage to the near 500 athletes from 14 different countries who will compete over four days from Monday in 11 Paralympic sports. Harry, who started the Games two years ago in London, paid tribute to the courage of the athletes, who paraded through an interactive 3-D cube decorated in their country’s colors to warm applause. “When we give a standing ovation to the competitor with the missing limbs, let’s also cheer our hearts out for the man who overcame anxiety so severe he couldn’t leave his house,” the 31-year-old royal told the crowd. “Let’s cheer for the woman who fought through post-traumatic stress.” That spirit was echoed by Obama, who thanked U.S. veterans for their service. “I’m here and honor all of you: our extraordinary service members, our veterans, and of course our military families. You all are amazing. Truly amazing,” she said.
STUDY SHOWS UP TO 2.8 MILLION Non U.S. Citizens Voted In 2008…But Trump’s Crazy To Think 3 Million Illegally Voted In 2016…Right?
One California resident commented: Lots of illegals vote here in California. Crooked Democrats run everything here and any Illegal invader can go to the DMV and get a drivers license/ID card which they can register to vote with.Police, a few patriotic state bureaucrats, concerned real American citizens or anyone else are not even allowed to question citizenship of obvious illegal grifters because that is considered racist. President Trump s new DOJ needs to come in and bust some heads and work with some real journalists to break this story wide open. Jerry Brown (D) and all California Democrats should be arrested and brought up on federal voter fraud charges.Somewhere between 38,000 and almost 2.8 million non-citizens voted in the 2008 elections, according to a study published in Electoral Studies journal in 2014.Old Dominion University professors Jesse Richman and David Earnest, the study s co-authors, concluded that some non-citizens participate in U.S. elections, and that this participation has been large enough to change meaningful election outcomes including Electoral College votes, and Congressional elections. In spite of substantial public controversy, very little reliable data exists concerning the frequency with which non-citizen immigrants participate in United States elections. Although such participation is a violation of election laws in most parts of the United States, enforcement depends principally on disclosure of citizenship status at the time of voter registration, Richman and Earnest note. We find that some non-citizens participate in U.S. elections, and that this participation has been large enough to change meaningful election outcomes including Electoral College votes, and Congressional elections. Non-citizen votes likely gave Senate Democrats the pivotal 60th vote needed to overcome filibusters in order to pass health care reform and other Obama administration priorities in the 111th Congress, they continue.The authors later say that the number of non-citizen voters could range from just over 38,000 at the very minimum to nearly 2.8 million at the maximum. Richman and Earnest s study has been contested by other social scientists and was the subject of a rebuttal article challenging their findings. That study, led by Harvard political scientist Stephen Ansolabehere, claimed instead that the likely percent of non-citizen voters in recent US elections is 0. The Trump White House has faced criticism over President Donald Trump s belief that millions of illegal votes were cast in the 2016 presidential election. Trump has declined to offer any evidence to back up his claim. The president does believe that, I think he s stated that before, and stated his concern of voter fraud and people voting illegally during the campaign and continues to maintain that belief based on studies and evidence people have brought to him. press secretary Sean Spicer said on Tuesday. Spicer did not cite any specific studies to back up Trump s belief.The White House has not yet returned an email from The Daily Caller regarding whether or not Richman and Earnest s study was part of Trump s belief that millions of illegal votes were cast in the 2016 election and if not what other studies make up the basis of Trump s belief.Read more: Daily Caller
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: STUDY SHOWS UP TO 2.8 MILLION Non U.S. Citizens Voted In 2008…But Trump’s Crazy To Think 3 Million Illegally Voted In 2016…Right? TEXT: One California resident commented: Lots of illegals vote here in California. Crooked Democrats run everything here and any Illegal invader can go to the DMV and get a drivers license/ID card which they can register to vote with.Police, a few patriotic state bureaucrats, concerned real American citizens or anyone else are not even allowed to question citizenship of obvious illegal grifters because that is considered racist. President Trump s new DOJ needs to come in and bust some heads and work with some real journalists to break this story wide open. Jerry Brown (D) and all California Democrats should be arrested and brought up on federal voter fraud charges.Somewhere between 38,000 and almost 2.8 million non-citizens voted in the 2008 elections, according to a study published in Electoral Studies journal in 2014.Old Dominion University professors Jesse Richman and David Earnest, the study s co-authors, concluded that some non-citizens participate in U.S. elections, and that this participation has been large enough to change meaningful election outcomes including Electoral College votes, and Congressional elections. In spite of substantial public controversy, very little reliable data exists concerning the frequency with which non-citizen immigrants participate in United States elections. Although such participation is a violation of election laws in most parts of the United States, enforcement depends principally on disclosure of citizenship status at the time of voter registration, Richman and Earnest note. We find that some non-citizens participate in U.S. elections, and that this participation has been large enough to change meaningful election outcomes including Electoral College votes, and Congressional elections. Non-citizen votes likely gave Senate Democrats the pivotal 60th vote needed to overcome filibusters in order to pass health care reform and other Obama administration priorities in the 111th Congress, they continue.The authors later say that the number of non-citizen voters could range from just over 38,000 at the very minimum to nearly 2.8 million at the maximum. Richman and Earnest s study has been contested by other social scientists and was the subject of a rebuttal article challenging their findings. That study, led by Harvard political scientist Stephen Ansolabehere, claimed instead that the likely percent of non-citizen voters in recent US elections is 0. The Trump White House has faced criticism over President Donald Trump s belief that millions of illegal votes were cast in the 2016 presidential election. Trump has declined to offer any evidence to back up his claim. The president does believe that, I think he s stated that before, and stated his concern of voter fraud and people voting illegally during the campaign and continues to maintain that belief based on studies and evidence people have brought to him. press secretary Sean Spicer said on Tuesday. Spicer did not cite any specific studies to back up Trump s belief.The White House has not yet returned an email from The Daily Caller regarding whether or not Richman and Earnest s study was part of Trump s belief that millions of illegal votes were cast in the 2016 election and if not what other studies make up the basis of Trump s belief.Read more: Daily Caller
TITLE: STUDY SHOWS UP TO 2.8 MILLION Non U.S. Citizens Voted In 2008…But Trump’s Crazy To Think 3 Million Illegally Voted In 2016…Right? TEXT: One California resident commented: Lots of illegals vote here in California. Crooked Democrats run everything here and any Illegal invader can go to the DMV and get a drivers license/ID card which they can register to vote with.Police, a few patriotic state bureaucrats, concerned real American citizens or anyone else are not even allowed to question citizenship of obvious illegal grifters because that is considered racist. President Trump s new DOJ needs to come in and bust some heads and work with some real journalists to break this story wide open. Jerry Brown (D) and all California Democrats should be arrested and brought up on federal voter fraud charges.Somewhere between 38,000 and almost 2.8 million non-citizens voted in the 2008 elections, according to a study published in Electoral Studies journal in 2014.Old Dominion University professors Jesse Richman and David Earnest, the study s co-authors, concluded that some non-citizens participate in U.S. elections, and that this participation has been large enough to change meaningful election outcomes including Electoral College votes, and Congressional elections. In spite of substantial public controversy, very little reliable data exists concerning the frequency with which non-citizen immigrants participate in United States elections. Although such participation is a violation of election laws in most parts of the United States, enforcement depends principally on disclosure of citizenship status at the time of voter registration, Richman and Earnest note. We find that some non-citizens participate in U.S. elections, and that this participation has been large enough to change meaningful election outcomes including Electoral College votes, and Congressional elections. Non-citizen votes likely gave Senate Democrats the pivotal 60th vote needed to overcome filibusters in order to pass health care reform and other Obama administration priorities in the 111th Congress, they continue.The authors later say that the number of non-citizen voters could range from just over 38,000 at the very minimum to nearly 2.8 million at the maximum. Richman and Earnest s study has been contested by other social scientists and was the subject of a rebuttal article challenging their findings. That study, led by Harvard political scientist Stephen Ansolabehere, claimed instead that the likely percent of non-citizen voters in recent US elections is 0. The Trump White House has faced criticism over President Donald Trump s belief that millions of illegal votes were cast in the 2016 presidential election. Trump has declined to offer any evidence to back up his claim. The president does believe that, I think he s stated that before, and stated his concern of voter fraud and people voting illegally during the campaign and continues to maintain that belief based on studies and evidence people have brought to him. press secretary Sean Spicer said on Tuesday. Spicer did not cite any specific studies to back up Trump s belief.The White House has not yet returned an email from The Daily Caller regarding whether or not Richman and Earnest s study was part of Trump s belief that millions of illegal votes were cast in the 2016 election and if not what other studies make up the basis of Trump s belief.Read more: Daily Caller
Trump considering Fiorina for director of national intelligence: New York Times
(Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump spoke on Monday to former chief executive of Hewlett-Packard Carly Fiorina about the job of director of national intelligence, the New York Times reported, citing a senior Trump transition team member. Fiorina, once a rival for the White House Republican nomination who clashed with Trump during primary debates, visited Trump Tower, his transition team said on a conference call.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Trump considering Fiorina for director of national intelligence: New York Times TEXT: (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump spoke on Monday to former chief executive of Hewlett-Packard Carly Fiorina about the job of director of national intelligence, the New York Times reported, citing a senior Trump transition team member. Fiorina, once a rival for the White House Republican nomination who clashed with Trump during primary debates, visited Trump Tower, his transition team said on a conference call.
TITLE: Trump considering Fiorina for director of national intelligence: New York Times TEXT: (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump spoke on Monday to former chief executive of Hewlett-Packard Carly Fiorina about the job of director of national intelligence, the New York Times reported, citing a senior Trump transition team member. Fiorina, once a rival for the White House Republican nomination who clashed with Trump during primary debates, visited Trump Tower, his transition team said on a conference call.
Ten million Australians vote so far in same-sex marriage poll
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Ten million Australians, or 62.5 percent of eligible voters, have cast their votes so far in a postal ballot on whether same-sex marriage should be legalized, the Bureau of Statistics said on Tuesday. That was up from an estimate of 9.2 million made a week ago. Australians began voting last month in the non-binding poll to inform the government on whether voters wanted Australia to become the 25th nation to permit same-sex marriage. The results will be announced on Nov. 15. The response rate already surpasses the 60.5 percent reached in Ireland s same-sex marriage referendum in 2015.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Ten million Australians vote so far in same-sex marriage poll TEXT: SYDNEY (Reuters) - Ten million Australians, or 62.5 percent of eligible voters, have cast their votes so far in a postal ballot on whether same-sex marriage should be legalized, the Bureau of Statistics said on Tuesday. That was up from an estimate of 9.2 million made a week ago. Australians began voting last month in the non-binding poll to inform the government on whether voters wanted Australia to become the 25th nation to permit same-sex marriage. The results will be announced on Nov. 15. The response rate already surpasses the 60.5 percent reached in Ireland s same-sex marriage referendum in 2015.
TITLE: Ten million Australians vote so far in same-sex marriage poll TEXT: SYDNEY (Reuters) - Ten million Australians, or 62.5 percent of eligible voters, have cast their votes so far in a postal ballot on whether same-sex marriage should be legalized, the Bureau of Statistics said on Tuesday. That was up from an estimate of 9.2 million made a week ago. Australians began voting last month in the non-binding poll to inform the government on whether voters wanted Australia to become the 25th nation to permit same-sex marriage. The results will be announced on Nov. 15. The response rate already surpasses the 60.5 percent reached in Ireland s same-sex marriage referendum in 2015.
SHAME: Desperate Rubio Repeatedly Tries To Pin ALL Blame For 9/11 On Clinton (VIDEO)
In what can only be seen as the worst attempt ever to be a George W. Bush apologist, even more so than his own brother Jeb, Sen. Marco Rubio is repeatedly touting the line that Bill Clinton is actually who we should blame for the attacks on 9/11/01.Living in his alternate reality, he fails to see that, unlike George W. Bush, who ignored intelligence and reports that indicated attacks were imminent within the United States by Osama bin Laden, Clinton actually attempted to thwart the terror mastermind s progress just years earlier. The fact that he wasn t able to rests heavy with Clinton, but to see Rubio clearly ignore Clinton s attempt, and even worse, completely ignore the fact that his beloved George W. Bush was absolutely negligent, goes beyond absurd and inaccurate to just outright pathetic.You can watch him during the GOP debate try to shift blame from Republican President Bush to Democratic President Clinton. Republicans biggest line that they try to tout is that they will be the ones to keep us safe, when reality shows it s quite the opposite.Watch here:Then the storyteller goes on Meet the Press Sunday morning, and when pressed on the lie by host Chuck Todd, Rubio doesn t backtrack, instead he doubles down.CHUCK TODD: So I m actually still not quite clear. Are you putting 9/11 on Bill Clinton?MARCO RUBIO: No, I m putting it on his decision not to take out bin Laden, absolutely. This is what happens when you have a chance to take out the leader of a terrorist organization, and you failed to do so. And the results are something like 9/11.So, yes, you are putting the blame on Bill Clinton, Rubio, and the fact that you have to meander around directly answering that answer like a used car salesman refusing to say if a car has flood damage, is more proof of that.Watch Rubio be VERY clear that he thinks Clinton is to blame:Does Rubio realize that everyone who is present in reality, and not in the bubble of the lies touted on Fox News, knows that the attacks on 9/11 occurred on George W. Bush s watch? Does he realize that he s only damaging himself and his reputation by delivering such nonsense time and time again? Bush didn t keep us safe. Plain and simple. Ignoring reality doesn t change facts.Rubio should honestly be ashamed of himself.Featured image: Video screen capture
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: SHAME: Desperate Rubio Repeatedly Tries To Pin ALL Blame For 9/11 On Clinton (VIDEO) TEXT: In what can only be seen as the worst attempt ever to be a George W. Bush apologist, even more so than his own brother Jeb, Sen. Marco Rubio is repeatedly touting the line that Bill Clinton is actually who we should blame for the attacks on 9/11/01.Living in his alternate reality, he fails to see that, unlike George W. Bush, who ignored intelligence and reports that indicated attacks were imminent within the United States by Osama bin Laden, Clinton actually attempted to thwart the terror mastermind s progress just years earlier. The fact that he wasn t able to rests heavy with Clinton, but to see Rubio clearly ignore Clinton s attempt, and even worse, completely ignore the fact that his beloved George W. Bush was absolutely negligent, goes beyond absurd and inaccurate to just outright pathetic.You can watch him during the GOP debate try to shift blame from Republican President Bush to Democratic President Clinton. Republicans biggest line that they try to tout is that they will be the ones to keep us safe, when reality shows it s quite the opposite.Watch here:Then the storyteller goes on Meet the Press Sunday morning, and when pressed on the lie by host Chuck Todd, Rubio doesn t backtrack, instead he doubles down.CHUCK TODD: So I m actually still not quite clear. Are you putting 9/11 on Bill Clinton?MARCO RUBIO: No, I m putting it on his decision not to take out bin Laden, absolutely. This is what happens when you have a chance to take out the leader of a terrorist organization, and you failed to do so. And the results are something like 9/11.So, yes, you are putting the blame on Bill Clinton, Rubio, and the fact that you have to meander around directly answering that answer like a used car salesman refusing to say if a car has flood damage, is more proof of that.Watch Rubio be VERY clear that he thinks Clinton is to blame:Does Rubio realize that everyone who is present in reality, and not in the bubble of the lies touted on Fox News, knows that the attacks on 9/11 occurred on George W. Bush s watch? Does he realize that he s only damaging himself and his reputation by delivering such nonsense time and time again? Bush didn t keep us safe. Plain and simple. Ignoring reality doesn t change facts.Rubio should honestly be ashamed of himself.Featured image: Video screen capture
TITLE: SHAME: Desperate Rubio Repeatedly Tries To Pin ALL Blame For 9/11 On Clinton (VIDEO) TEXT: In what can only be seen as the worst attempt ever to be a George W. Bush apologist, even more so than his own brother Jeb, Sen. Marco Rubio is repeatedly touting the line that Bill Clinton is actually who we should blame for the attacks on 9/11/01.Living in his alternate reality, he fails to see that, unlike George W. Bush, who ignored intelligence and reports that indicated attacks were imminent within the United States by Osama bin Laden, Clinton actually attempted to thwart the terror mastermind s progress just years earlier. The fact that he wasn t able to rests heavy with Clinton, but to see Rubio clearly ignore Clinton s attempt, and even worse, completely ignore the fact that his beloved George W. Bush was absolutely negligent, goes beyond absurd and inaccurate to just outright pathetic.You can watch him during the GOP debate try to shift blame from Republican President Bush to Democratic President Clinton. Republicans biggest line that they try to tout is that they will be the ones to keep us safe, when reality shows it s quite the opposite.Watch here:Then the storyteller goes on Meet the Press Sunday morning, and when pressed on the lie by host Chuck Todd, Rubio doesn t backtrack, instead he doubles down.CHUCK TODD: So I m actually still not quite clear. Are you putting 9/11 on Bill Clinton?MARCO RUBIO: No, I m putting it on his decision not to take out bin Laden, absolutely. This is what happens when you have a chance to take out the leader of a terrorist organization, and you failed to do so. And the results are something like 9/11.So, yes, you are putting the blame on Bill Clinton, Rubio, and the fact that you have to meander around directly answering that answer like a used car salesman refusing to say if a car has flood damage, is more proof of that.Watch Rubio be VERY clear that he thinks Clinton is to blame:Does Rubio realize that everyone who is present in reality, and not in the bubble of the lies touted on Fox News, knows that the attacks on 9/11 occurred on George W. Bush s watch? Does he realize that he s only damaging himself and his reputation by delivering such nonsense time and time again? Bush didn t keep us safe. Plain and simple. Ignoring reality doesn t change facts.Rubio should honestly be ashamed of himself.Featured image: Video screen capture
UNBELIEVABLE! Students Succeed In Removing US Border Patrol Agents From Career Fair: Concerned They Won’t Make Illegal Students Feel Welcome
This is not some small obscure community college. Disallowing our law enforcement to attend a school sponsored event in favor of protecting lawbreakers is a BIG deal! This school with over 30,000 students has managed to marginalize these brave men and women who put their lives on the line every day to protect and defend our borders!U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has reversed its decision to participate in a career fair at the University of California-Irvine in response to a petition signed by hundreds of students.According to the New University student newspaper, CBP s withdrawal represents an unexpected victory for student activists, whose claims that the Border Patrol s involvement in the Fall Career Fair this Thursday would be insensitive to undocumented students had previously failed to convince the university to rescind the agency s invitation. Organizations like the US Customs and Border Patrol are the organizations that are tasked with various roles including targeting Undocumented Communities, which is against the nature of our campus s values for welcoming communities regarding their background, Associated Students of UC Irvine (ASUCI) President Parshan Khosravi wrote in an email to the Career Center Sunday night. This message right now is saying that undocumented students are not welcome, he asserted, adding, That s the type of message that I do not want to see as someone who is a student on this campus, as someone who is a student leader on this campus, and [as] someone who believes in [sic] the values of our campus are inclusivity and a safe space. The next day, Monday morning, student Amy Yu and another individual visited the Career Center in person to voice their concerns directly to administrators. Despite their warnings that undocumented students might experience trauma and discomfort from such close proximity to law enforcement, though, the Center refused to disinvite CBP, explaining that the purpose of the fair is to provide job opportunities for all students. We care about and value all students. We have a diverse student body made up of individuals with many wonderful talents and personal values, Career Center Director Suzanne Helbig told New University. To serve all students, we bring employers to campus and let students use their own judgement to decide which ones fit their skills, interests, and values. Undeterred by the Career Center s response, Yu proceeded to create a Change.org petition in the hope of effecting CBP s removal by appealing to a higher authority. We, as students from UC Irvine, are demanding that the CBP be removed as participants [sic] for the upcoming Fall Career Fair, the petition states. The undocumented community is directly affected by deportation and detention policies that are carried out by Border Patrol, and having Border Patrol agents on campus is a blatant disregard to undocumented students safety and well-being. Prior to being closed amidst declarations of victory Wednesday, the petition had garnered 659 signatures in roughly two days, which was apparently enough for CBP to decide that participating in the jobs fair was not worth enduring a potentially hostile reception from UC-Irvine students. As of this morning, U.S. Customs & Border Patrol has decided not to attend the campus Career Fair on Thursday, Oct. 22, UC-Irvine senior director of communications Cathy Lawhon told The College Fix Wednesday. However, the agency will continue to utilize UCI s Career Center on-line job postings system to list available positions for those students interested in working with CBP. While undocumented students may rejoice, though, others are less thrilled about losing the chance to engage with the largest law enforcement agency in the world. I feel that these efforts are an attempt to politicize a jobs fair that is supposed to help college students find much needed work once they graduate, UC Irvine s College Republicans President Rob Petrosyan told The College Fix. If you don t approve of U.S. Customs, don t apply to work for them, it s that simple. Via: Campus Reform
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: UNBELIEVABLE! Students Succeed In Removing US Border Patrol Agents From Career Fair: Concerned They Won’t Make Illegal Students Feel Welcome TEXT: This is not some small obscure community college. Disallowing our law enforcement to attend a school sponsored event in favor of protecting lawbreakers is a BIG deal! This school with over 30,000 students has managed to marginalize these brave men and women who put their lives on the line every day to protect and defend our borders!U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has reversed its decision to participate in a career fair at the University of California-Irvine in response to a petition signed by hundreds of students.According to the New University student newspaper, CBP s withdrawal represents an unexpected victory for student activists, whose claims that the Border Patrol s involvement in the Fall Career Fair this Thursday would be insensitive to undocumented students had previously failed to convince the university to rescind the agency s invitation. Organizations like the US Customs and Border Patrol are the organizations that are tasked with various roles including targeting Undocumented Communities, which is against the nature of our campus s values for welcoming communities regarding their background, Associated Students of UC Irvine (ASUCI) President Parshan Khosravi wrote in an email to the Career Center Sunday night. This message right now is saying that undocumented students are not welcome, he asserted, adding, That s the type of message that I do not want to see as someone who is a student on this campus, as someone who is a student leader on this campus, and [as] someone who believes in [sic] the values of our campus are inclusivity and a safe space. The next day, Monday morning, student Amy Yu and another individual visited the Career Center in person to voice their concerns directly to administrators. Despite their warnings that undocumented students might experience trauma and discomfort from such close proximity to law enforcement, though, the Center refused to disinvite CBP, explaining that the purpose of the fair is to provide job opportunities for all students. We care about and value all students. We have a diverse student body made up of individuals with many wonderful talents and personal values, Career Center Director Suzanne Helbig told New University. To serve all students, we bring employers to campus and let students use their own judgement to decide which ones fit their skills, interests, and values. Undeterred by the Career Center s response, Yu proceeded to create a Change.org petition in the hope of effecting CBP s removal by appealing to a higher authority. We, as students from UC Irvine, are demanding that the CBP be removed as participants [sic] for the upcoming Fall Career Fair, the petition states. The undocumented community is directly affected by deportation and detention policies that are carried out by Border Patrol, and having Border Patrol agents on campus is a blatant disregard to undocumented students safety and well-being. Prior to being closed amidst declarations of victory Wednesday, the petition had garnered 659 signatures in roughly two days, which was apparently enough for CBP to decide that participating in the jobs fair was not worth enduring a potentially hostile reception from UC-Irvine students. As of this morning, U.S. Customs & Border Patrol has decided not to attend the campus Career Fair on Thursday, Oct. 22, UC-Irvine senior director of communications Cathy Lawhon told The College Fix Wednesday. However, the agency will continue to utilize UCI s Career Center on-line job postings system to list available positions for those students interested in working with CBP. While undocumented students may rejoice, though, others are less thrilled about losing the chance to engage with the largest law enforcement agency in the world. I feel that these efforts are an attempt to politicize a jobs fair that is supposed to help college students find much needed work once they graduate, UC Irvine s College Republicans President Rob Petrosyan told The College Fix. If you don t approve of U.S. Customs, don t apply to work for them, it s that simple. Via: Campus Reform
TITLE: UNBELIEVABLE! Students Succeed In Removing US Border Patrol Agents From Career Fair: Concerned They Won’t Make Illegal Students Feel Welcome TEXT: This is not some small obscure community college. Disallowing our law enforcement to attend a school sponsored event in favor of protecting lawbreakers is a BIG deal! This school with over 30,000 students has managed to marginalize these brave men and women who put their lives on the line every day to protect and defend our borders!U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has reversed its decision to participate in a career fair at the University of California-Irvine in response to a petition signed by hundreds of students.According to the New University student newspaper, CBP s withdrawal represents an unexpected victory for student activists, whose claims that the Border Patrol s involvement in the Fall Career Fair this Thursday would be insensitive to undocumented students had previously failed to convince the university to rescind the agency s invitation. Organizations like the US Customs and Border Patrol are the organizations that are tasked with various roles including targeting Undocumented Communities, which is against the nature of our campus s values for welcoming communities regarding their background, Associated Students of UC Irvine (ASUCI) President Parshan Khosravi wrote in an email to the Career Center Sunday night. This message right now is saying that undocumented students are not welcome, he asserted, adding, That s the type of message that I do not want to see as someone who is a student on this campus, as someone who is a student leader on this campus, and [as] someone who believes in [sic] the values of our campus are inclusivity and a safe space. The next day, Monday morning, student Amy Yu and another individual visited the Career Center in person to voice their concerns directly to administrators. Despite their warnings that undocumented students might experience trauma and discomfort from such close proximity to law enforcement, though, the Center refused to disinvite CBP, explaining that the purpose of the fair is to provide job opportunities for all students. We care about and value all students. We have a diverse student body made up of individuals with many wonderful talents and personal values, Career Center Director Suzanne Helbig told New University. To serve all students, we bring employers to campus and let students use their own judgement to decide which ones fit their skills, interests, and values. Undeterred by the Career Center s response, Yu proceeded to create a Change.org petition in the hope of effecting CBP s removal by appealing to a higher authority. We, as students from UC Irvine, are demanding that the CBP be removed as participants [sic] for the upcoming Fall Career Fair, the petition states. The undocumented community is directly affected by deportation and detention policies that are carried out by Border Patrol, and having Border Patrol agents on campus is a blatant disregard to undocumented students safety and well-being. Prior to being closed amidst declarations of victory Wednesday, the petition had garnered 659 signatures in roughly two days, which was apparently enough for CBP to decide that participating in the jobs fair was not worth enduring a potentially hostile reception from UC-Irvine students. As of this morning, U.S. Customs & Border Patrol has decided not to attend the campus Career Fair on Thursday, Oct. 22, UC-Irvine senior director of communications Cathy Lawhon told The College Fix Wednesday. However, the agency will continue to utilize UCI s Career Center on-line job postings system to list available positions for those students interested in working with CBP. While undocumented students may rejoice, though, others are less thrilled about losing the chance to engage with the largest law enforcement agency in the world. I feel that these efforts are an attempt to politicize a jobs fair that is supposed to help college students find much needed work once they graduate, UC Irvine s College Republicans President Rob Petrosyan told The College Fix. If you don t approve of U.S. Customs, don t apply to work for them, it s that simple. Via: Campus Reform
Senior U.S. lawmakers call to condemn Turkey after Washington street brawl
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senior U.S. lawmakers want the House of Representatives to formally condemn Turkish security forces’ violent response to a street protest in Washington during a recent visit by President Tayyip Erdogan, a congressional aide said on Wednesday. The leaders of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and top Republican and Democratic House leaders are co-sponsoring a resolution condemning the violence against peaceful protesters and calling for the perpetrators to be brought to justice. The measure introduced by Foreign Affairs Republican Chairman Ed Royce and ranking Democrat Eliot Engel, Republican Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer, also calls for measures to be taken to prevent similar incidents in the future. The brawl that erupted on May 16 between protesters and Turkish security personnel outside the Turkish ambassador’s residence during Erdogan’s visit to meet U.S. President Donald Trump has caused a diplomatic dispute between the two NATO allies. At least 11 people were injured in the encounter, two so seriously they had to go to the hospital. Turkey blamed the violence on demonstrators linked to the militant Kurdistan Workers Party while Washington’s police chief described the incident as a “brutal attack” on peaceful protesters. The U.S. State Department said in a statement the conduct of Turkish security personnel during the incident was “deeply disturbing.” And the Turkish government summoned the U.S. ambassador in Ankara to discuss the “violent incidents.” The congressional aide said the Foreign Affairs Committee would take up the resolution on Thursday.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Senior U.S. lawmakers call to condemn Turkey after Washington street brawl TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senior U.S. lawmakers want the House of Representatives to formally condemn Turkish security forces’ violent response to a street protest in Washington during a recent visit by President Tayyip Erdogan, a congressional aide said on Wednesday. The leaders of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and top Republican and Democratic House leaders are co-sponsoring a resolution condemning the violence against peaceful protesters and calling for the perpetrators to be brought to justice. The measure introduced by Foreign Affairs Republican Chairman Ed Royce and ranking Democrat Eliot Engel, Republican Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer, also calls for measures to be taken to prevent similar incidents in the future. The brawl that erupted on May 16 between protesters and Turkish security personnel outside the Turkish ambassador’s residence during Erdogan’s visit to meet U.S. President Donald Trump has caused a diplomatic dispute between the two NATO allies. At least 11 people were injured in the encounter, two so seriously they had to go to the hospital. Turkey blamed the violence on demonstrators linked to the militant Kurdistan Workers Party while Washington’s police chief described the incident as a “brutal attack” on peaceful protesters. The U.S. State Department said in a statement the conduct of Turkish security personnel during the incident was “deeply disturbing.” And the Turkish government summoned the U.S. ambassador in Ankara to discuss the “violent incidents.” The congressional aide said the Foreign Affairs Committee would take up the resolution on Thursday.
TITLE: Senior U.S. lawmakers call to condemn Turkey after Washington street brawl TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senior U.S. lawmakers want the House of Representatives to formally condemn Turkish security forces’ violent response to a street protest in Washington during a recent visit by President Tayyip Erdogan, a congressional aide said on Wednesday. The leaders of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and top Republican and Democratic House leaders are co-sponsoring a resolution condemning the violence against peaceful protesters and calling for the perpetrators to be brought to justice. The measure introduced by Foreign Affairs Republican Chairman Ed Royce and ranking Democrat Eliot Engel, Republican Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer, also calls for measures to be taken to prevent similar incidents in the future. The brawl that erupted on May 16 between protesters and Turkish security personnel outside the Turkish ambassador’s residence during Erdogan’s visit to meet U.S. President Donald Trump has caused a diplomatic dispute between the two NATO allies. At least 11 people were injured in the encounter, two so seriously they had to go to the hospital. Turkey blamed the violence on demonstrators linked to the militant Kurdistan Workers Party while Washington’s police chief described the incident as a “brutal attack” on peaceful protesters. The U.S. State Department said in a statement the conduct of Turkish security personnel during the incident was “deeply disturbing.” And the Turkish government summoned the U.S. ambassador in Ankara to discuss the “violent incidents.” The congressional aide said the Foreign Affairs Committee would take up the resolution on Thursday.
War criminal or role model? It's a thin line in Serbia
LJUBLJANA/BELGRADE (Reuters) - In 2009, Serbian general Vladimir Lazarevic was convicted by a U.N. court of war crimes over the forced deportation of more than 700,000 ethnic Albanians during the 1989-99 Kosovo war. The squat, bespectacled Lazarevic was one of the chief executors of a systematic effort to empty the then-Serbian province of ethnic Albanian civilians and raze their homes in the last bloody chapter in the collapse of Yugoslavia. This week, two years after he was released from jail, the 68-year-old found a new job lecturer to the next generation of Serbian soldiers at the country s Military Academy. Where a war crimes conviction might count as a minus in most countries, in Serbia it has become a badge of honor. The role models for the cadets should be Serbian generals, in particular those who have proven themselves in the toughest of times, Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin told the Vecernje Novosti newspaper on Wednesday, confirming the appointment. The move has alarmed human rights activists in the Balkan country. But Lazarevic is not alone. He is one of a trio of convicted Serbian war criminals who have risen to political prominence since serving out their sentences, testing trust in the country s claim to have left behind its dark past and embraced Western democracy. Civil society activists and Western diplomats are warning of the damage to Serbia s image abroad and to the slow process of reconciliation in the region a key condition of integration with the European Union. Accession talks with the EU opened at the end of 2015 and are not expected to end before 2022. The message is very dangerous; it s playing with fire, said Natasha Kandic, a prominent human rights lawyer in Serbia who has spent years documenting war crimes in Kosovo and elsewhere in the former Yugoslavia. This is not even historical revisionism, it s the introduction of crime as a recommended act, Kandic told Reuters. It s the end of any vision of European integration, good neighborly relations, regional cooperation none of that makes any sense after this. A spokeswoman for the EU s foreign policy arm did not respond to a request for comment. Reuters could not obtain a phone number for Lazarevic, who rarely appears in the media. A spokeswoman said Vulin was not immediately available to comment. Convicted war criminal Nikola Sainovic, a close ally of late Serbian strongman Slobodan Milosevic during the Kosovo war, was appointed to the governing board of Serbia s co-ruling Socialist Party within a week of being released in 2015. Former army officer Veselin Sljivancanin, convicted in The Hague over the killing of more than 200 Croat prisoners of war at a pig farm in the Croatian town of Vukovar in 1991, is now a regular feature at events of the ruling Progressive Party of conservative President Aleksandar Vucic. Lazarevic, Sainovic and Sljivancanin have always denied any wrongdoing. While there is no law barring them from political roles, their prominence and the enthusiasm with which they have been embraced sit uneasily with the image Vucic has projected of a reformed former ultranationalist determined to take Serbia into the European mainstream. Vucic, Serbia s information minister during the Kosovo war, wowed European capitals this year with his choice of a lesbian technocrat as prime minister. The appointment of Vulin, a hardliner and former ally of Milosevic s exiled widow, as defense minister in June was seen as a nod to nationalists and Serbian ally Russia, however. Last week, Vulin told a gathering of army veterans that Serbia need no longer feel ashamed but quietly proud of officers such as Lazarevic, the bravest of the brave. Afterward, Washington s ambassador to Belgrade, Kyle Scott, took to Twitter. Unfortunately, months of work on improving Serbia s image in the US can be undermined with just one statement, he wrote on Oct 11. Kosovo, which declared independence with Western backing in 2008 but is not recognized by Serbia, said the appointment demonstrated that Serbia has never changed. We are deeply disturbed by the systematic glorification of war criminals in Serbia, and their rehabilitation in senior political, security, and education institutions, Kosovo s deputy prime minister, Enver Hoxhaj, told Reuters. Kosovo s prime minister, Ramush Haradinaj, is himself a veteran of the war, a former guerrilla fighter against Serbian forces who was twice tried and twice acquitted of war crimes by the U.N. court in The Hague. But convicted war criminals have made it into public office in other parts of the former Yugoslavia: the mayor of the northern Bosnian town of Velika Kladusa, Fikret Abdic, is a notorious former warlord, while Johan Tarculovski, the only Macedonian to be convicted of war crimes in The Hague, is now a member of parliament. The gradual normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo is central to Serbia s EU accession hopes, but the process has dragged on for years. Hoxhaj lamented what he called the silence of the international community on Serbia s derailing from the alleged commitment to European values, democracy, rule of law and international justice.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: War criminal or role model? It's a thin line in Serbia TEXT: LJUBLJANA/BELGRADE (Reuters) - In 2009, Serbian general Vladimir Lazarevic was convicted by a U.N. court of war crimes over the forced deportation of more than 700,000 ethnic Albanians during the 1989-99 Kosovo war. The squat, bespectacled Lazarevic was one of the chief executors of a systematic effort to empty the then-Serbian province of ethnic Albanian civilians and raze their homes in the last bloody chapter in the collapse of Yugoslavia. This week, two years after he was released from jail, the 68-year-old found a new job lecturer to the next generation of Serbian soldiers at the country s Military Academy. Where a war crimes conviction might count as a minus in most countries, in Serbia it has become a badge of honor. The role models for the cadets should be Serbian generals, in particular those who have proven themselves in the toughest of times, Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin told the Vecernje Novosti newspaper on Wednesday, confirming the appointment. The move has alarmed human rights activists in the Balkan country. But Lazarevic is not alone. He is one of a trio of convicted Serbian war criminals who have risen to political prominence since serving out their sentences, testing trust in the country s claim to have left behind its dark past and embraced Western democracy. Civil society activists and Western diplomats are warning of the damage to Serbia s image abroad and to the slow process of reconciliation in the region a key condition of integration with the European Union. Accession talks with the EU opened at the end of 2015 and are not expected to end before 2022. The message is very dangerous; it s playing with fire, said Natasha Kandic, a prominent human rights lawyer in Serbia who has spent years documenting war crimes in Kosovo and elsewhere in the former Yugoslavia. This is not even historical revisionism, it s the introduction of crime as a recommended act, Kandic told Reuters. It s the end of any vision of European integration, good neighborly relations, regional cooperation none of that makes any sense after this. A spokeswoman for the EU s foreign policy arm did not respond to a request for comment. Reuters could not obtain a phone number for Lazarevic, who rarely appears in the media. A spokeswoman said Vulin was not immediately available to comment. Convicted war criminal Nikola Sainovic, a close ally of late Serbian strongman Slobodan Milosevic during the Kosovo war, was appointed to the governing board of Serbia s co-ruling Socialist Party within a week of being released in 2015. Former army officer Veselin Sljivancanin, convicted in The Hague over the killing of more than 200 Croat prisoners of war at a pig farm in the Croatian town of Vukovar in 1991, is now a regular feature at events of the ruling Progressive Party of conservative President Aleksandar Vucic. Lazarevic, Sainovic and Sljivancanin have always denied any wrongdoing. While there is no law barring them from political roles, their prominence and the enthusiasm with which they have been embraced sit uneasily with the image Vucic has projected of a reformed former ultranationalist determined to take Serbia into the European mainstream. Vucic, Serbia s information minister during the Kosovo war, wowed European capitals this year with his choice of a lesbian technocrat as prime minister. The appointment of Vulin, a hardliner and former ally of Milosevic s exiled widow, as defense minister in June was seen as a nod to nationalists and Serbian ally Russia, however. Last week, Vulin told a gathering of army veterans that Serbia need no longer feel ashamed but quietly proud of officers such as Lazarevic, the bravest of the brave. Afterward, Washington s ambassador to Belgrade, Kyle Scott, took to Twitter. Unfortunately, months of work on improving Serbia s image in the US can be undermined with just one statement, he wrote on Oct 11. Kosovo, which declared independence with Western backing in 2008 but is not recognized by Serbia, said the appointment demonstrated that Serbia has never changed. We are deeply disturbed by the systematic glorification of war criminals in Serbia, and their rehabilitation in senior political, security, and education institutions, Kosovo s deputy prime minister, Enver Hoxhaj, told Reuters. Kosovo s prime minister, Ramush Haradinaj, is himself a veteran of the war, a former guerrilla fighter against Serbian forces who was twice tried and twice acquitted of war crimes by the U.N. court in The Hague. But convicted war criminals have made it into public office in other parts of the former Yugoslavia: the mayor of the northern Bosnian town of Velika Kladusa, Fikret Abdic, is a notorious former warlord, while Johan Tarculovski, the only Macedonian to be convicted of war crimes in The Hague, is now a member of parliament. The gradual normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo is central to Serbia s EU accession hopes, but the process has dragged on for years. Hoxhaj lamented what he called the silence of the international community on Serbia s derailing from the alleged commitment to European values, democracy, rule of law and international justice.
TITLE: War criminal or role model? It's a thin line in Serbia TEXT: LJUBLJANA/BELGRADE (Reuters) - In 2009, Serbian general Vladimir Lazarevic was convicted by a U.N. court of war crimes over the forced deportation of more than 700,000 ethnic Albanians during the 1989-99 Kosovo war. The squat, bespectacled Lazarevic was one of the chief executors of a systematic effort to empty the then-Serbian province of ethnic Albanian civilians and raze their homes in the last bloody chapter in the collapse of Yugoslavia. This week, two years after he was released from jail, the 68-year-old found a new job lecturer to the next generation of Serbian soldiers at the country s Military Academy. Where a war crimes conviction might count as a minus in most countries, in Serbia it has become a badge of honor. The role models for the cadets should be Serbian generals, in particular those who have proven themselves in the toughest of times, Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin told the Vecernje Novosti newspaper on Wednesday, confirming the appointment. The move has alarmed human rights activists in the Balkan country. But Lazarevic is not alone. He is one of a trio of convicted Serbian war criminals who have risen to political prominence since serving out their sentences, testing trust in the country s claim to have left behind its dark past and embraced Western democracy. Civil society activists and Western diplomats are warning of the damage to Serbia s image abroad and to the slow process of reconciliation in the region a key condition of integration with the European Union. Accession talks with the EU opened at the end of 2015 and are not expected to end before 2022. The message is very dangerous; it s playing with fire, said Natasha Kandic, a prominent human rights lawyer in Serbia who has spent years documenting war crimes in Kosovo and elsewhere in the former Yugoslavia. This is not even historical revisionism, it s the introduction of crime as a recommended act, Kandic told Reuters. It s the end of any vision of European integration, good neighborly relations, regional cooperation none of that makes any sense after this. A spokeswoman for the EU s foreign policy arm did not respond to a request for comment. Reuters could not obtain a phone number for Lazarevic, who rarely appears in the media. A spokeswoman said Vulin was not immediately available to comment. Convicted war criminal Nikola Sainovic, a close ally of late Serbian strongman Slobodan Milosevic during the Kosovo war, was appointed to the governing board of Serbia s co-ruling Socialist Party within a week of being released in 2015. Former army officer Veselin Sljivancanin, convicted in The Hague over the killing of more than 200 Croat prisoners of war at a pig farm in the Croatian town of Vukovar in 1991, is now a regular feature at events of the ruling Progressive Party of conservative President Aleksandar Vucic. Lazarevic, Sainovic and Sljivancanin have always denied any wrongdoing. While there is no law barring them from political roles, their prominence and the enthusiasm with which they have been embraced sit uneasily with the image Vucic has projected of a reformed former ultranationalist determined to take Serbia into the European mainstream. Vucic, Serbia s information minister during the Kosovo war, wowed European capitals this year with his choice of a lesbian technocrat as prime minister. The appointment of Vulin, a hardliner and former ally of Milosevic s exiled widow, as defense minister in June was seen as a nod to nationalists and Serbian ally Russia, however. Last week, Vulin told a gathering of army veterans that Serbia need no longer feel ashamed but quietly proud of officers such as Lazarevic, the bravest of the brave. Afterward, Washington s ambassador to Belgrade, Kyle Scott, took to Twitter. Unfortunately, months of work on improving Serbia s image in the US can be undermined with just one statement, he wrote on Oct 11. Kosovo, which declared independence with Western backing in 2008 but is not recognized by Serbia, said the appointment demonstrated that Serbia has never changed. We are deeply disturbed by the systematic glorification of war criminals in Serbia, and their rehabilitation in senior political, security, and education institutions, Kosovo s deputy prime minister, Enver Hoxhaj, told Reuters. Kosovo s prime minister, Ramush Haradinaj, is himself a veteran of the war, a former guerrilla fighter against Serbian forces who was twice tried and twice acquitted of war crimes by the U.N. court in The Hague. But convicted war criminals have made it into public office in other parts of the former Yugoslavia: the mayor of the northern Bosnian town of Velika Kladusa, Fikret Abdic, is a notorious former warlord, while Johan Tarculovski, the only Macedonian to be convicted of war crimes in The Hague, is now a member of parliament. The gradual normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo is central to Serbia s EU accession hopes, but the process has dragged on for years. Hoxhaj lamented what he called the silence of the international community on Serbia s derailing from the alleged commitment to European values, democracy, rule of law and international justice.
Tillerson accuses Iran of 'alarming provocations' as U.S. reviews policy
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Wednesday accused Iran of ‘alarming ongoing provocations’ to destabilize countries in the Middle East as the Trump administration launched a review of its policy toward Tehran. Tillerson told reporters the review, which he announced on Tuesday, would not only look at Tehran’s compliance with a 2015 nuclear deal but also its behavior in the region which he said undermined U.S. interests in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon. His tough words matched those of U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, who said in a visit to Saudi Arabia on Wednesday that Iran’s destabilizing influence would have to be overcome to end the conflict in Yemen. President Donald Trump ordered the review to evaluate whether suspension of sanctions related to the nuclear deal was “vital to the national security interests of the United States,” Tillerson said Though there was no sign the Trump administration intended to walk away from the deal, Tillerson twice cautioned that if left unchecked Tehran could become a threat like North Korea, which is also under pressure over its nuclear ambitions. In a letter to U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan released late on Tuesday, Tillerson declared that Iran was meeting its commitments under the 2015 nuclear deal but there were concerns about Tehran’s role as a state sponsor of terrorism. “A comprehensive Iran policy requires we address all of the threats posed by Iran and it is clear there are many,” Tillerson told reporters at the State Department. Tillerson said the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers failed “to achieve the objective of a non-nuclear Iran and only delays their goal of becoming a nuclear state.” Iran has yet to comment on the Trump administration’s review, but Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei warned in November that Tehran would retaliate if the United States breached the nuclear agreement. Tillerson said one of the mistakes in the way the agreement was put together was that it ignored all the other serious threats Iran posed outside of its nuclear program. “That is why we have to look at Iran in a very comprehensive way in terms of the threat it poses in all areas of the region and the world,” he added. “This deal represents the same failed approach of the past that brought us to the current imminent threat we face from North Korea,” Tillerson said of the nuclear deal. The nuclear agreement, negotiated during Barack Obama’s presidency, placed limitations on Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for lifting economic sanctions against Iran. Tillerson’s notice to Congress was part of a 90-day process in which the president has to certify that Iran is complying with the nuclear accord. It is the first update under the Trump administration. The next test of Trump’s attitude toward the nuclear deal will be in May when he must decide whether to extend sanctions waivers for Iran first signed by President Barack Obama. During his presidential campaign, Trump called the agreement “the worst deal ever negotiated” and said he would review it once he reached office. The European Union’s foreign policy chief, Frederica Mogherini, said last month after meetings with senior Trump administration officials she was reassured in the talks that the U.S. was committed to fully implementing the deal.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Tillerson accuses Iran of 'alarming provocations' as U.S. reviews policy TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Wednesday accused Iran of ‘alarming ongoing provocations’ to destabilize countries in the Middle East as the Trump administration launched a review of its policy toward Tehran. Tillerson told reporters the review, which he announced on Tuesday, would not only look at Tehran’s compliance with a 2015 nuclear deal but also its behavior in the region which he said undermined U.S. interests in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon. His tough words matched those of U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, who said in a visit to Saudi Arabia on Wednesday that Iran’s destabilizing influence would have to be overcome to end the conflict in Yemen. President Donald Trump ordered the review to evaluate whether suspension of sanctions related to the nuclear deal was “vital to the national security interests of the United States,” Tillerson said Though there was no sign the Trump administration intended to walk away from the deal, Tillerson twice cautioned that if left unchecked Tehran could become a threat like North Korea, which is also under pressure over its nuclear ambitions. In a letter to U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan released late on Tuesday, Tillerson declared that Iran was meeting its commitments under the 2015 nuclear deal but there were concerns about Tehran’s role as a state sponsor of terrorism. “A comprehensive Iran policy requires we address all of the threats posed by Iran and it is clear there are many,” Tillerson told reporters at the State Department. Tillerson said the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers failed “to achieve the objective of a non-nuclear Iran and only delays their goal of becoming a nuclear state.” Iran has yet to comment on the Trump administration’s review, but Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei warned in November that Tehran would retaliate if the United States breached the nuclear agreement. Tillerson said one of the mistakes in the way the agreement was put together was that it ignored all the other serious threats Iran posed outside of its nuclear program. “That is why we have to look at Iran in a very comprehensive way in terms of the threat it poses in all areas of the region and the world,” he added. “This deal represents the same failed approach of the past that brought us to the current imminent threat we face from North Korea,” Tillerson said of the nuclear deal. The nuclear agreement, negotiated during Barack Obama’s presidency, placed limitations on Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for lifting economic sanctions against Iran. Tillerson’s notice to Congress was part of a 90-day process in which the president has to certify that Iran is complying with the nuclear accord. It is the first update under the Trump administration. The next test of Trump’s attitude toward the nuclear deal will be in May when he must decide whether to extend sanctions waivers for Iran first signed by President Barack Obama. During his presidential campaign, Trump called the agreement “the worst deal ever negotiated” and said he would review it once he reached office. The European Union’s foreign policy chief, Frederica Mogherini, said last month after meetings with senior Trump administration officials she was reassured in the talks that the U.S. was committed to fully implementing the deal.
TITLE: Tillerson accuses Iran of 'alarming provocations' as U.S. reviews policy TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Wednesday accused Iran of ‘alarming ongoing provocations’ to destabilize countries in the Middle East as the Trump administration launched a review of its policy toward Tehran. Tillerson told reporters the review, which he announced on Tuesday, would not only look at Tehran’s compliance with a 2015 nuclear deal but also its behavior in the region which he said undermined U.S. interests in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon. His tough words matched those of U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, who said in a visit to Saudi Arabia on Wednesday that Iran’s destabilizing influence would have to be overcome to end the conflict in Yemen. President Donald Trump ordered the review to evaluate whether suspension of sanctions related to the nuclear deal was “vital to the national security interests of the United States,” Tillerson said Though there was no sign the Trump administration intended to walk away from the deal, Tillerson twice cautioned that if left unchecked Tehran could become a threat like North Korea, which is also under pressure over its nuclear ambitions. In a letter to U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan released late on Tuesday, Tillerson declared that Iran was meeting its commitments under the 2015 nuclear deal but there were concerns about Tehran’s role as a state sponsor of terrorism. “A comprehensive Iran policy requires we address all of the threats posed by Iran and it is clear there are many,” Tillerson told reporters at the State Department. Tillerson said the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers failed “to achieve the objective of a non-nuclear Iran and only delays their goal of becoming a nuclear state.” Iran has yet to comment on the Trump administration’s review, but Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei warned in November that Tehran would retaliate if the United States breached the nuclear agreement. Tillerson said one of the mistakes in the way the agreement was put together was that it ignored all the other serious threats Iran posed outside of its nuclear program. “That is why we have to look at Iran in a very comprehensive way in terms of the threat it poses in all areas of the region and the world,” he added. “This deal represents the same failed approach of the past that brought us to the current imminent threat we face from North Korea,” Tillerson said of the nuclear deal. The nuclear agreement, negotiated during Barack Obama’s presidency, placed limitations on Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for lifting economic sanctions against Iran. Tillerson’s notice to Congress was part of a 90-day process in which the president has to certify that Iran is complying with the nuclear accord. It is the first update under the Trump administration. The next test of Trump’s attitude toward the nuclear deal will be in May when he must decide whether to extend sanctions waivers for Iran first signed by President Barack Obama. During his presidential campaign, Trump called the agreement “the worst deal ever negotiated” and said he would review it once he reached office. The European Union’s foreign policy chief, Frederica Mogherini, said last month after meetings with senior Trump administration officials she was reassured in the talks that the U.S. was committed to fully implementing the deal.
MOST DIVISIVE POTUS EVER Takes Swipe At Trump Using Despicable Alinsky Tactic [Video]
Barack Obama stutters through yet another jerky moment where he just can t zip his lips: He s the president who just won t go away: Some, some of the politics we see, now we, we thought we put that to bed. Uh-I-uh-mean that-uh-that folks looking fifty years back. It s the 21st century. Obama really was the most divisive POTUS in history. It s pretty unbelievable that he s now claiming Trump is divisive. This made us think of slinky and the tactics used by Obama in the past to divide Americans: Saul Alinsky 101: Accuse your opponent of what only you are doing, as you are doing it, to create confusion, cloud the issue, and inoculate voters against any evidence of your guilt. That about nails what Obama did in the video above. He and Hillary are fans and supporters of Saul Alinsky. Check out the video below:Let s see if you notice any other tactics used by the left in trying to bring down President Trump:Alinsky s 12 Rules: 1. Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have. Power is derived from 2 main sources money and people. Have-Nots must build power from flesh and blood. 2. Never go outside the expertise of your people. It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone. 3. Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy. Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty. 4. Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules. 5. Ridicule is man s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It s irrational. It s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. 6. A good tactic is one your people enjoy. They ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones. 7. A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag. Don t become old news. 8. Keep the pressure on. Never let up. Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new. 9. The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself. Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist. 10. If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive. Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog. 11. The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative. Never let the enemy score points because you re caught without a solution to the problem. 12. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.TUCKER AND MARK STEYN DISCUSS THIS TACTIC: Why is it the left always accuses its opponents of the exact same thing they re guilty of? @TuckerCarlson RT #MAGA #TRUMP #Weinstein pic.twitter.com/g5oI4TqVHR DONNA WARREN (@DonnaWR8) October 12, 2017
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: MOST DIVISIVE POTUS EVER Takes Swipe At Trump Using Despicable Alinsky Tactic [Video] TEXT: Barack Obama stutters through yet another jerky moment where he just can t zip his lips: He s the president who just won t go away: Some, some of the politics we see, now we, we thought we put that to bed. Uh-I-uh-mean that-uh-that folks looking fifty years back. It s the 21st century. Obama really was the most divisive POTUS in history. It s pretty unbelievable that he s now claiming Trump is divisive. This made us think of slinky and the tactics used by Obama in the past to divide Americans: Saul Alinsky 101: Accuse your opponent of what only you are doing, as you are doing it, to create confusion, cloud the issue, and inoculate voters against any evidence of your guilt. That about nails what Obama did in the video above. He and Hillary are fans and supporters of Saul Alinsky. Check out the video below:Let s see if you notice any other tactics used by the left in trying to bring down President Trump:Alinsky s 12 Rules: 1. Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have. Power is derived from 2 main sources money and people. Have-Nots must build power from flesh and blood. 2. Never go outside the expertise of your people. It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone. 3. Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy. Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty. 4. Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules. 5. Ridicule is man s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It s irrational. It s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. 6. A good tactic is one your people enjoy. They ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones. 7. A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag. Don t become old news. 8. Keep the pressure on. Never let up. Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new. 9. The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself. Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist. 10. If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive. Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog. 11. The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative. Never let the enemy score points because you re caught without a solution to the problem. 12. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.TUCKER AND MARK STEYN DISCUSS THIS TACTIC: Why is it the left always accuses its opponents of the exact same thing they re guilty of? @TuckerCarlson RT #MAGA #TRUMP #Weinstein pic.twitter.com/g5oI4TqVHR DONNA WARREN (@DonnaWR8) October 12, 2017
TITLE: MOST DIVISIVE POTUS EVER Takes Swipe At Trump Using Despicable Alinsky Tactic [Video] TEXT: Barack Obama stutters through yet another jerky moment where he just can t zip his lips: He s the president who just won t go away: Some, some of the politics we see, now we, we thought we put that to bed. Uh-I-uh-mean that-uh-that folks looking fifty years back. It s the 21st century. Obama really was the most divisive POTUS in history. It s pretty unbelievable that he s now claiming Trump is divisive. This made us think of slinky and the tactics used by Obama in the past to divide Americans: Saul Alinsky 101: Accuse your opponent of what only you are doing, as you are doing it, to create confusion, cloud the issue, and inoculate voters against any evidence of your guilt. That about nails what Obama did in the video above. He and Hillary are fans and supporters of Saul Alinsky. Check out the video below:Let s see if you notice any other tactics used by the left in trying to bring down President Trump:Alinsky s 12 Rules: 1. Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have. Power is derived from 2 main sources money and people. Have-Nots must build power from flesh and blood. 2. Never go outside the expertise of your people. It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone. 3. Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy. Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty. 4. Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules. If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules. 5. Ridicule is man s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It s irrational. It s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. 6. A good tactic is one your people enjoy. They ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones. 7. A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag. Don t become old news. 8. Keep the pressure on. Never let up. Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new. 9. The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself. Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist. 10. If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive. Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog. 11. The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative. Never let the enemy score points because you re caught without a solution to the problem. 12. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.TUCKER AND MARK STEYN DISCUSS THIS TACTIC: Why is it the left always accuses its opponents of the exact same thing they re guilty of? @TuckerCarlson RT #MAGA #TRUMP #Weinstein pic.twitter.com/g5oI4TqVHR DONNA WARREN (@DonnaWR8) October 12, 2017
Slick Willy s back! Bill Clinton had fun on the taxpayer s dime but he s just an everyday American who shops at luxury retailers like Hermes, right?While in Paris, Clinton was dropped off at the luxury boutique Herm s by a five-car convoy. Clinton was said to be probably buying the store, after an hour-long private visit.The limousines that took Bill Clinton to Herm s in Paris cost taxpayers over $8,000.The State Department picked up the tab for the multimillionaire former president s transportation costs during his trip to Paris last month, government contracts show. The agency paid Biribin Limousines $8,852 for rental cars for Clinton during his stay. HERE S A LITTLE VIDEO OF BUBBA DOING SOME POWER SHOPPING IN PARIS: Biribin Limousines is an international chauffeur company with prestigious references. With exceptional customers historically composed of national and international institutions, corporations, personality of the World of Arts and Fashion, but also the partner of major events that make the news, the company said.While in Paris, Clinton was dropped off at the luxury boutique Herm s by a five-car convoy. Clinton was said to be probably buying the store, after an hour-long private visit.Clinton s wife, Hillary, is vying for the Democratic nomination for president as a champion of everyday Americans. Via: WFB
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: “EVERYDAY AMERICAN”? U.S. TAXPAYERS PICK UP THE HUGE TAB FOR BILL CLINTON’S LIMO RIDE TO A LUXURY RETAILER (VIDEO) TEXT: Slick Willy s back! Bill Clinton had fun on the taxpayer s dime but he s just an everyday American who shops at luxury retailers like Hermes, right?While in Paris, Clinton was dropped off at the luxury boutique Herm s by a five-car convoy. Clinton was said to be probably buying the store, after an hour-long private visit.The limousines that took Bill Clinton to Herm s in Paris cost taxpayers over $8,000.The State Department picked up the tab for the multimillionaire former president s transportation costs during his trip to Paris last month, government contracts show. The agency paid Biribin Limousines $8,852 for rental cars for Clinton during his stay. HERE S A LITTLE VIDEO OF BUBBA DOING SOME POWER SHOPPING IN PARIS: Biribin Limousines is an international chauffeur company with prestigious references. With exceptional customers historically composed of national and international institutions, corporations, personality of the World of Arts and Fashion, but also the partner of major events that make the news, the company said.While in Paris, Clinton was dropped off at the luxury boutique Herm s by a five-car convoy. Clinton was said to be probably buying the store, after an hour-long private visit.Clinton s wife, Hillary, is vying for the Democratic nomination for president as a champion of everyday Americans. Via: WFB
TITLE: “EVERYDAY AMERICAN”? U.S. TAXPAYERS PICK UP THE HUGE TAB FOR BILL CLINTON’S LIMO RIDE TO A LUXURY RETAILER (VIDEO) TEXT: Slick Willy s back! Bill Clinton had fun on the taxpayer s dime but he s just an everyday American who shops at luxury retailers like Hermes, right?While in Paris, Clinton was dropped off at the luxury boutique Herm s by a five-car convoy. Clinton was said to be probably buying the store, after an hour-long private visit.The limousines that took Bill Clinton to Herm s in Paris cost taxpayers over $8,000.The State Department picked up the tab for the multimillionaire former president s transportation costs during his trip to Paris last month, government contracts show. The agency paid Biribin Limousines $8,852 for rental cars for Clinton during his stay. HERE S A LITTLE VIDEO OF BUBBA DOING SOME POWER SHOPPING IN PARIS: Biribin Limousines is an international chauffeur company with prestigious references. With exceptional customers historically composed of national and international institutions, corporations, personality of the World of Arts and Fashion, but also the partner of major events that make the news, the company said.While in Paris, Clinton was dropped off at the luxury boutique Herm s by a five-car convoy. Clinton was said to be probably buying the store, after an hour-long private visit.Clinton s wife, Hillary, is vying for the Democratic nomination for president as a champion of everyday Americans. Via: WFB
EPIC FLASHBACK: MEGYN KELLY Destroyed By Newt Gingrich…Her Predictions Are 100% WRONG! [VIDEO]
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: EPIC FLASHBACK: MEGYN KELLY Destroyed By Newt Gingrich…Her Predictions Are 100% WRONG! [VIDEO] TEXT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RVqTfIKGbU
TITLE: EPIC FLASHBACK: MEGYN KELLY Destroyed By Newt Gingrich…Her Predictions Are 100% WRONG! [VIDEO] TEXT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RVqTfIKGbU
U.S. consumer financial watchdog official defies Trump from within agency
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two days after a federal court endorsed President Donald Trump’s deregulatory pick for a consumer watchdog, a rival official was encouraging agency staff to keep up the pressure on the lending industry, several current and former officials said on Friday. Leandra English, the deputy director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), is suing Trump for the right to lead the agency. She wants the bureau to follow through on “several enforcement actions in the pipeline” targeting companies that violate fair lending rules, these people said. Trump has said the agency “devastated” lenders, and his administration is eager to lessen the power of the agency, which was conceived to halt abusive loans. A judge on Tuesday rejected English’s argument to lead the agency, but an appeal is expected. Meanwhile, she is urging colleagues to continue policing the lending industry, said several current and former agency officials who were not authorized to speak publicly. In an email to CFPB managers Thursday evening, English reminded them of the pending enforcement actions and said other routine reports on consumer protections are due in December. English wrote colleagues that she wants “to be sure that these are still on track,” according to the email seen by Reuters. She signed the email, “Leandra English, Acting Director.” English has been active at the agency this week, said her lawyer. “She is doing the work of the bureau and looking out for its mission,” said attorney Deepak Gupta. Mick Mulvaney, the White House budget director, has been endorsed by a federal court to lead the CFPB and he has instructed agency staff to “disregard” instructions from English. And he is increasing his influence at the agency. A spokesman for Representative Jeb Hensarling, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, confirmed Friday that Brian Johnson, one of his top aides, had left the committee to assist Mulvaney at the CFPB. Hensarling, a Texas Republican, is one of the CFPB’s harshest critics in Congress. The CFPB’s last director, Richard Cordray, tapped English as his successor when he stepped down last week, a move that sparked the legal wrangling. Cordray left behind 14 lawsuits that are ready to be filed against financial services companies, Mulvaney told the Washington Times on Thursday. Mulvaney told the newspaper he is “combing through” those draft lawsuits now. A spokesman for Mulvaney did not immediately respond to a request for comment Friday. One of the drafted lawsuits is against Santander bank and accuses the Spanish lender of overcharging borrowers on auto loans in the United States, Reuters has reported. Consumer advocates and banking industry leaders have battled over the CFPB for years but both sides agree the president has the right to nominate Cordray’s full-time successor, who must be confirmed by the Senate. Both sides also agree that English is the agency’s deputy director for the time being. The legal fight should last for weeks.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: U.S. consumer financial watchdog official defies Trump from within agency TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two days after a federal court endorsed President Donald Trump’s deregulatory pick for a consumer watchdog, a rival official was encouraging agency staff to keep up the pressure on the lending industry, several current and former officials said on Friday. Leandra English, the deputy director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), is suing Trump for the right to lead the agency. She wants the bureau to follow through on “several enforcement actions in the pipeline” targeting companies that violate fair lending rules, these people said. Trump has said the agency “devastated” lenders, and his administration is eager to lessen the power of the agency, which was conceived to halt abusive loans. A judge on Tuesday rejected English’s argument to lead the agency, but an appeal is expected. Meanwhile, she is urging colleagues to continue policing the lending industry, said several current and former agency officials who were not authorized to speak publicly. In an email to CFPB managers Thursday evening, English reminded them of the pending enforcement actions and said other routine reports on consumer protections are due in December. English wrote colleagues that she wants “to be sure that these are still on track,” according to the email seen by Reuters. She signed the email, “Leandra English, Acting Director.” English has been active at the agency this week, said her lawyer. “She is doing the work of the bureau and looking out for its mission,” said attorney Deepak Gupta. Mick Mulvaney, the White House budget director, has been endorsed by a federal court to lead the CFPB and he has instructed agency staff to “disregard” instructions from English. And he is increasing his influence at the agency. A spokesman for Representative Jeb Hensarling, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, confirmed Friday that Brian Johnson, one of his top aides, had left the committee to assist Mulvaney at the CFPB. Hensarling, a Texas Republican, is one of the CFPB’s harshest critics in Congress. The CFPB’s last director, Richard Cordray, tapped English as his successor when he stepped down last week, a move that sparked the legal wrangling. Cordray left behind 14 lawsuits that are ready to be filed against financial services companies, Mulvaney told the Washington Times on Thursday. Mulvaney told the newspaper he is “combing through” those draft lawsuits now. A spokesman for Mulvaney did not immediately respond to a request for comment Friday. One of the drafted lawsuits is against Santander bank and accuses the Spanish lender of overcharging borrowers on auto loans in the United States, Reuters has reported. Consumer advocates and banking industry leaders have battled over the CFPB for years but both sides agree the president has the right to nominate Cordray’s full-time successor, who must be confirmed by the Senate. Both sides also agree that English is the agency’s deputy director for the time being. The legal fight should last for weeks.
TITLE: U.S. consumer financial watchdog official defies Trump from within agency TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two days after a federal court endorsed President Donald Trump’s deregulatory pick for a consumer watchdog, a rival official was encouraging agency staff to keep up the pressure on the lending industry, several current and former officials said on Friday. Leandra English, the deputy director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), is suing Trump for the right to lead the agency. She wants the bureau to follow through on “several enforcement actions in the pipeline” targeting companies that violate fair lending rules, these people said. Trump has said the agency “devastated” lenders, and his administration is eager to lessen the power of the agency, which was conceived to halt abusive loans. A judge on Tuesday rejected English’s argument to lead the agency, but an appeal is expected. Meanwhile, she is urging colleagues to continue policing the lending industry, said several current and former agency officials who were not authorized to speak publicly. In an email to CFPB managers Thursday evening, English reminded them of the pending enforcement actions and said other routine reports on consumer protections are due in December. English wrote colleagues that she wants “to be sure that these are still on track,” according to the email seen by Reuters. She signed the email, “Leandra English, Acting Director.” English has been active at the agency this week, said her lawyer. “She is doing the work of the bureau and looking out for its mission,” said attorney Deepak Gupta. Mick Mulvaney, the White House budget director, has been endorsed by a federal court to lead the CFPB and he has instructed agency staff to “disregard” instructions from English. And he is increasing his influence at the agency. A spokesman for Representative Jeb Hensarling, chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, confirmed Friday that Brian Johnson, one of his top aides, had left the committee to assist Mulvaney at the CFPB. Hensarling, a Texas Republican, is one of the CFPB’s harshest critics in Congress. The CFPB’s last director, Richard Cordray, tapped English as his successor when he stepped down last week, a move that sparked the legal wrangling. Cordray left behind 14 lawsuits that are ready to be filed against financial services companies, Mulvaney told the Washington Times on Thursday. Mulvaney told the newspaper he is “combing through” those draft lawsuits now. A spokesman for Mulvaney did not immediately respond to a request for comment Friday. One of the drafted lawsuits is against Santander bank and accuses the Spanish lender of overcharging borrowers on auto loans in the United States, Reuters has reported. Consumer advocates and banking industry leaders have battled over the CFPB for years but both sides agree the president has the right to nominate Cordray’s full-time successor, who must be confirmed by the Senate. Both sides also agree that English is the agency’s deputy director for the time being. The legal fight should last for weeks.
Senators seek to block $1.15 billion U.S. arms sale to Saudi Arabia
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Four U.S. senators introduced a joint resolution on Thursday seeking to block the U.S. sale of $1.15 billion of Abrams tanks and other military equipment to Saudi Arabia, citing issues including the conflict in Yemen. The measure was introduced by Republican Senators Rand Paul and Mike Lee and Democrats Chris Murphy and Al Franken, the latest indication of strong disapproval of the deal among some U.S. lawmakers. “Selling $1.15 billion in tanks, guns, ammunition, and more to a country with a poor human rights record embroiled in a bitter war is a recipe for disaster and an escalation of an ongoing arms race in the region,” Paul said in a statement. In August, 64 members of the House of Representatives signed a letter urging President Barack Obama to delay the sale. The Pentagon announced on Aug. 9 that the State Department has approved the potential sale of more than 130 Abrams battle tanks, 20 armored recovery vehicles and other equipment to Saudi Arabia. The U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency, which implements foreign arms sales, said that General Dynamics would be the principal contractor for the sale. Introducing the resolution, the senators cited the conflict in Yemen, where Saudi Arabia is leading a coalition in support of forces loyal to the exiled government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi who are trying to oust Iran-allied Houthi forces from the capital, Sanaa. Human rights groups have criticized the coalition’s air strikes because of the deaths of civilians. “Thousands of civilians are being killed, and terrorist groups inside the country, like al Qaeda and ISIS, are getting stronger. Until the Saudis’ conduct changes, the U.S. should put a pause on further arms sales,” Murphy said in a statement. Some congressional aides questioned whether Congress had the right to try to block the sale, since it has been more than 30 days since Congress was notified about it. But the four senators said the Arms Export Control Act of 1976 allows senators to force a vote on an arms sale by a president. Human rights activists applauded the resolution. “Congress’ silence would signal to the Yemeni people that U.S. support for the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen is unconditional – no matter how cruel the parties’ methods of warfare or how unwilling they are to make peace,” Scott Paul, senior humanitarian policy advisor at Oxfam America, said in a statement.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Senators seek to block $1.15 billion U.S. arms sale to Saudi Arabia TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Four U.S. senators introduced a joint resolution on Thursday seeking to block the U.S. sale of $1.15 billion of Abrams tanks and other military equipment to Saudi Arabia, citing issues including the conflict in Yemen. The measure was introduced by Republican Senators Rand Paul and Mike Lee and Democrats Chris Murphy and Al Franken, the latest indication of strong disapproval of the deal among some U.S. lawmakers. “Selling $1.15 billion in tanks, guns, ammunition, and more to a country with a poor human rights record embroiled in a bitter war is a recipe for disaster and an escalation of an ongoing arms race in the region,” Paul said in a statement. In August, 64 members of the House of Representatives signed a letter urging President Barack Obama to delay the sale. The Pentagon announced on Aug. 9 that the State Department has approved the potential sale of more than 130 Abrams battle tanks, 20 armored recovery vehicles and other equipment to Saudi Arabia. The U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency, which implements foreign arms sales, said that General Dynamics would be the principal contractor for the sale. Introducing the resolution, the senators cited the conflict in Yemen, where Saudi Arabia is leading a coalition in support of forces loyal to the exiled government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi who are trying to oust Iran-allied Houthi forces from the capital, Sanaa. Human rights groups have criticized the coalition’s air strikes because of the deaths of civilians. “Thousands of civilians are being killed, and terrorist groups inside the country, like al Qaeda and ISIS, are getting stronger. Until the Saudis’ conduct changes, the U.S. should put a pause on further arms sales,” Murphy said in a statement. Some congressional aides questioned whether Congress had the right to try to block the sale, since it has been more than 30 days since Congress was notified about it. But the four senators said the Arms Export Control Act of 1976 allows senators to force a vote on an arms sale by a president. Human rights activists applauded the resolution. “Congress’ silence would signal to the Yemeni people that U.S. support for the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen is unconditional – no matter how cruel the parties’ methods of warfare or how unwilling they are to make peace,” Scott Paul, senior humanitarian policy advisor at Oxfam America, said in a statement.
TITLE: Senators seek to block $1.15 billion U.S. arms sale to Saudi Arabia TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Four U.S. senators introduced a joint resolution on Thursday seeking to block the U.S. sale of $1.15 billion of Abrams tanks and other military equipment to Saudi Arabia, citing issues including the conflict in Yemen. The measure was introduced by Republican Senators Rand Paul and Mike Lee and Democrats Chris Murphy and Al Franken, the latest indication of strong disapproval of the deal among some U.S. lawmakers. “Selling $1.15 billion in tanks, guns, ammunition, and more to a country with a poor human rights record embroiled in a bitter war is a recipe for disaster and an escalation of an ongoing arms race in the region,” Paul said in a statement. In August, 64 members of the House of Representatives signed a letter urging President Barack Obama to delay the sale. The Pentagon announced on Aug. 9 that the State Department has approved the potential sale of more than 130 Abrams battle tanks, 20 armored recovery vehicles and other equipment to Saudi Arabia. The U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency, which implements foreign arms sales, said that General Dynamics would be the principal contractor for the sale. Introducing the resolution, the senators cited the conflict in Yemen, where Saudi Arabia is leading a coalition in support of forces loyal to the exiled government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi who are trying to oust Iran-allied Houthi forces from the capital, Sanaa. Human rights groups have criticized the coalition’s air strikes because of the deaths of civilians. “Thousands of civilians are being killed, and terrorist groups inside the country, like al Qaeda and ISIS, are getting stronger. Until the Saudis’ conduct changes, the U.S. should put a pause on further arms sales,” Murphy said in a statement. Some congressional aides questioned whether Congress had the right to try to block the sale, since it has been more than 30 days since Congress was notified about it. But the four senators said the Arms Export Control Act of 1976 allows senators to force a vote on an arms sale by a president. Human rights activists applauded the resolution. “Congress’ silence would signal to the Yemeni people that U.S. support for the Saudi-led coalition in Yemen is unconditional – no matter how cruel the parties’ methods of warfare or how unwilling they are to make peace,” Scott Paul, senior humanitarian policy advisor at Oxfam America, said in a statement.
Spanish markets rise on report of possible Catalan election
LONDON (Reuters) - Spanish government bonds and stocks were in demand on Thursday after a media report said Catalonian President Carles Puigdemont was set to call a snap regional election for Dec. 20, a move that could ease tensions with Madrid. Barcelona-based La Vanguardia said Puigdemont had taken the decision in a bid to persuade the government of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy not to enforce direct rule in the region. Puigdemont will make a statement at 1330 CET (1130 GMT), the regional government said. This news is positive for Spain because it looks like Puigdemont is looking for ways other than declaring independence, said ING strategist Martin van Vliet. It sounds like he is calling these elections so that Madrid does not have to invoke article 155, that would allow central government to suspend the wealthy region s autonomy. Spain s 10-year government bond yield - which moves inversely to price - fell 6 basis points to 1.58 percent on the news. Spain s country stock index IBEX rose as much as 1.9 percent to a four-week high. The gap between Spanish and German 10-year government bond yields a keenly watched measure of market sentiment towards Spain moved to its tightest in a month. The spread between the two widened sharply earlier this month after Catalonia voted overwhelmingly in favor of breaking away from Spain, albeit on a low turnout, in an Oct. 1 referendum declared illegal by authorities in Madrid.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Spanish markets rise on report of possible Catalan election TEXT: LONDON (Reuters) - Spanish government bonds and stocks were in demand on Thursday after a media report said Catalonian President Carles Puigdemont was set to call a snap regional election for Dec. 20, a move that could ease tensions with Madrid. Barcelona-based La Vanguardia said Puigdemont had taken the decision in a bid to persuade the government of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy not to enforce direct rule in the region. Puigdemont will make a statement at 1330 CET (1130 GMT), the regional government said. This news is positive for Spain because it looks like Puigdemont is looking for ways other than declaring independence, said ING strategist Martin van Vliet. It sounds like he is calling these elections so that Madrid does not have to invoke article 155, that would allow central government to suspend the wealthy region s autonomy. Spain s 10-year government bond yield - which moves inversely to price - fell 6 basis points to 1.58 percent on the news. Spain s country stock index IBEX rose as much as 1.9 percent to a four-week high. The gap between Spanish and German 10-year government bond yields a keenly watched measure of market sentiment towards Spain moved to its tightest in a month. The spread between the two widened sharply earlier this month after Catalonia voted overwhelmingly in favor of breaking away from Spain, albeit on a low turnout, in an Oct. 1 referendum declared illegal by authorities in Madrid.
TITLE: Spanish markets rise on report of possible Catalan election TEXT: LONDON (Reuters) - Spanish government bonds and stocks were in demand on Thursday after a media report said Catalonian President Carles Puigdemont was set to call a snap regional election for Dec. 20, a move that could ease tensions with Madrid. Barcelona-based La Vanguardia said Puigdemont had taken the decision in a bid to persuade the government of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy not to enforce direct rule in the region. Puigdemont will make a statement at 1330 CET (1130 GMT), the regional government said. This news is positive for Spain because it looks like Puigdemont is looking for ways other than declaring independence, said ING strategist Martin van Vliet. It sounds like he is calling these elections so that Madrid does not have to invoke article 155, that would allow central government to suspend the wealthy region s autonomy. Spain s 10-year government bond yield - which moves inversely to price - fell 6 basis points to 1.58 percent on the news. Spain s country stock index IBEX rose as much as 1.9 percent to a four-week high. The gap between Spanish and German 10-year government bond yields a keenly watched measure of market sentiment towards Spain moved to its tightest in a month. The spread between the two widened sharply earlier this month after Catalonia voted overwhelmingly in favor of breaking away from Spain, albeit on a low turnout, in an Oct. 1 referendum declared illegal by authorities in Madrid.
‘We See Only One Viable Leader’: Nonpartisan Generals Break Tradition, Endorse Hillary (VIDEO)
Two previously nonpartisan generals have broken a decades-long tradition of keeping their votes private, in what is likely to be yet another nail in the GOP s coffin this election cycle. TIME magazine reports:Two four-star generals, Bob Sennewald, former commanding general of the U.S. Army Forces Command and David Maddox, former commander in chief of the U.S. Army-Europe, announced their endorsement on Thursday. Our votes have always been private, and neither of us has ever previously lent his name or voice to a presidential candidate, they said in a joint statement. Having studied what is at stake for this country and the alternatives we have now, we see only one viable leader, and will be voting this November for Secretary Hillary Clinton. This is a victory for Hillary, as both campaigns focus on courting the military vote. American Legion, the largest veterans organization in the United States, held their convention last week. Both candidates gave speeches and pandered as best as they could (Trump s speech had some creepy fascist undertones), but with key differences: Supporters of Trump praised his forcefulness and presence, whereas Hillary supporters applauded her for actual plans and substance.This actually serves very well as an example to illustrate the primary differences between the candidates as a whole. And while Trump likely enjoys a massive lead among most active-duty troops, that pattern does not hold true everywhere intelligence officials, national security advisers, and military leadership all seem to favor Hillary.The reason is simple: Trump is not competent. There is emotional appeal in his charisma and presence that apparently strikes a chord with some people, but for the half of the nation that prefers thought before action, it s simply not enough. Hillary has the experience, knowledge, and basic competency to get the job done, which Trump entirely lacks. For strategic thinkers worried about the future of our nation, the choice could not be any more clear.Here s the entirety of Hillary s speech to the American Legion, courtesy of PBS:Featured image via Scott Eisen/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: ‘We See Only One Viable Leader’: Nonpartisan Generals Break Tradition, Endorse Hillary (VIDEO) TEXT: Two previously nonpartisan generals have broken a decades-long tradition of keeping their votes private, in what is likely to be yet another nail in the GOP s coffin this election cycle. TIME magazine reports:Two four-star generals, Bob Sennewald, former commanding general of the U.S. Army Forces Command and David Maddox, former commander in chief of the U.S. Army-Europe, announced their endorsement on Thursday. Our votes have always been private, and neither of us has ever previously lent his name or voice to a presidential candidate, they said in a joint statement. Having studied what is at stake for this country and the alternatives we have now, we see only one viable leader, and will be voting this November for Secretary Hillary Clinton. This is a victory for Hillary, as both campaigns focus on courting the military vote. American Legion, the largest veterans organization in the United States, held their convention last week. Both candidates gave speeches and pandered as best as they could (Trump s speech had some creepy fascist undertones), but with key differences: Supporters of Trump praised his forcefulness and presence, whereas Hillary supporters applauded her for actual plans and substance.This actually serves very well as an example to illustrate the primary differences between the candidates as a whole. And while Trump likely enjoys a massive lead among most active-duty troops, that pattern does not hold true everywhere intelligence officials, national security advisers, and military leadership all seem to favor Hillary.The reason is simple: Trump is not competent. There is emotional appeal in his charisma and presence that apparently strikes a chord with some people, but for the half of the nation that prefers thought before action, it s simply not enough. Hillary has the experience, knowledge, and basic competency to get the job done, which Trump entirely lacks. For strategic thinkers worried about the future of our nation, the choice could not be any more clear.Here s the entirety of Hillary s speech to the American Legion, courtesy of PBS:Featured image via Scott Eisen/Getty Images
TITLE: ‘We See Only One Viable Leader’: Nonpartisan Generals Break Tradition, Endorse Hillary (VIDEO) TEXT: Two previously nonpartisan generals have broken a decades-long tradition of keeping their votes private, in what is likely to be yet another nail in the GOP s coffin this election cycle. TIME magazine reports:Two four-star generals, Bob Sennewald, former commanding general of the U.S. Army Forces Command and David Maddox, former commander in chief of the U.S. Army-Europe, announced their endorsement on Thursday. Our votes have always been private, and neither of us has ever previously lent his name or voice to a presidential candidate, they said in a joint statement. Having studied what is at stake for this country and the alternatives we have now, we see only one viable leader, and will be voting this November for Secretary Hillary Clinton. This is a victory for Hillary, as both campaigns focus on courting the military vote. American Legion, the largest veterans organization in the United States, held their convention last week. Both candidates gave speeches and pandered as best as they could (Trump s speech had some creepy fascist undertones), but with key differences: Supporters of Trump praised his forcefulness and presence, whereas Hillary supporters applauded her for actual plans and substance.This actually serves very well as an example to illustrate the primary differences between the candidates as a whole. And while Trump likely enjoys a massive lead among most active-duty troops, that pattern does not hold true everywhere intelligence officials, national security advisers, and military leadership all seem to favor Hillary.The reason is simple: Trump is not competent. There is emotional appeal in his charisma and presence that apparently strikes a chord with some people, but for the half of the nation that prefers thought before action, it s simply not enough. Hillary has the experience, knowledge, and basic competency to get the job done, which Trump entirely lacks. For strategic thinkers worried about the future of our nation, the choice could not be any more clear.Here s the entirety of Hillary s speech to the American Legion, courtesy of PBS:Featured image via Scott Eisen/Getty Images
Kushner told Flynn to contact Russians last year: NBC News
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, directed Michael Flynn, then a Trump adviser, to contact Russian officials around Dec. 22 about a UN resolution regarding Israel, NBC News reported on Friday, citing two people familiar with the matter. Flynn, who later briefly served as Trump’s national security adviser, pleaded guilty earlier on Friday to lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia’s ambassador, and prosecutors said he consulted with a senior official in Trump’s presidential transition team before speaking to the envoy.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Kushner told Flynn to contact Russians last year: NBC News TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, directed Michael Flynn, then a Trump adviser, to contact Russian officials around Dec. 22 about a UN resolution regarding Israel, NBC News reported on Friday, citing two people familiar with the matter. Flynn, who later briefly served as Trump’s national security adviser, pleaded guilty earlier on Friday to lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia’s ambassador, and prosecutors said he consulted with a senior official in Trump’s presidential transition team before speaking to the envoy.
TITLE: Kushner told Flynn to contact Russians last year: NBC News TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, directed Michael Flynn, then a Trump adviser, to contact Russian officials around Dec. 22 about a UN resolution regarding Israel, NBC News reported on Friday, citing two people familiar with the matter. Flynn, who later briefly served as Trump’s national security adviser, pleaded guilty earlier on Friday to lying to the FBI about contacts with Russia’s ambassador, and prosecutors said he consulted with a senior official in Trump’s presidential transition team before speaking to the envoy.
I'm no populist, says new leader of Italy's 5-Star
RIMINI, Italy (Reuters) - The new leader of Italy s anti-establishment 5-Star movement says it is not a populist party and will make cutting waste and reducing debt its priority. 5-Star, which leads most opinion polls ahead of national elections due early next year, has been trying to shed its maverick, populist image and reassure foreign capitals that it can be trusted with power. Luigi Di Maio, the 31-year-old lawmaker picked on Saturday to lead the movement, told Reuters on Sunday that 5-Star stood for post ideological common sense, and was opposed to right-wing and left-wing extremism. I reject populism as a label for 5-Star, he said in an interview on the sidelines of the party s annual gathering in Rimini, on the Adriatic coast. 5-Star, founded by comedian Beppe Grillo nine years ago as a protest movement, bases its appeal mainly on opposition to corruption and vested interests. Boyish-looking and usually immaculately turned out in suit and tie, Di Maio presents a more moderate image than Grillo, who is famous for raucous tirades against the ruling elite. He had been groomed for the leadership by Grillo, who is 69 and now plans to withdraw gradually from his figurehead role. Di Maio said many of the party s proposals, such as a public bank to fund investments, had been adopted with success by mainstream parties in Northern Europe which he wanted to emulate. He said that, if 5-Star won next year s election, due by May, he would try to negotiate changes to European Union fiscal rules to allow Italy to invest more to boost its stagnant economy. However, he said he would also cut waste, arguing that this was the best way to bring down Italy s huge public debt, forecast to be just under 132 percent of GDP this year, the highest in the euro zone after Greece s. We have brought down debt in every town and city where 5-Star governs. We will do that at the national level too, he said. 5-Star has rowed back from a pledge to hold a referendum on Italy s membership of the euro and now says this would only be a last resort if the EU rejects any reforms to current budget rules. Di Maio, who comes from Italy s poor south and entered parliament at 26 five years ago, after mostly doing odd jobs and internet marketing, dismissed the suggestion that he was too inexperienced to be prime minister. I came from a part of Italy with 60 percent youth unemployment, and people who sneer at my background are sneering at thousands of young Italians who are trying to create a future for themselves, he said. The ability to build a competent team was the most important quality for a prime minister, Di Maio said, vowing to present a full cabinet line-up before the election. Asked to name three priorities that would mark his leadership of the party, Di Maio listed universal income support for the poor, cutting wasteful public spending and increasing forms of direct democracy.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: I'm no populist, says new leader of Italy's 5-Star TEXT: RIMINI, Italy (Reuters) - The new leader of Italy s anti-establishment 5-Star movement says it is not a populist party and will make cutting waste and reducing debt its priority. 5-Star, which leads most opinion polls ahead of national elections due early next year, has been trying to shed its maverick, populist image and reassure foreign capitals that it can be trusted with power. Luigi Di Maio, the 31-year-old lawmaker picked on Saturday to lead the movement, told Reuters on Sunday that 5-Star stood for post ideological common sense, and was opposed to right-wing and left-wing extremism. I reject populism as a label for 5-Star, he said in an interview on the sidelines of the party s annual gathering in Rimini, on the Adriatic coast. 5-Star, founded by comedian Beppe Grillo nine years ago as a protest movement, bases its appeal mainly on opposition to corruption and vested interests. Boyish-looking and usually immaculately turned out in suit and tie, Di Maio presents a more moderate image than Grillo, who is famous for raucous tirades against the ruling elite. He had been groomed for the leadership by Grillo, who is 69 and now plans to withdraw gradually from his figurehead role. Di Maio said many of the party s proposals, such as a public bank to fund investments, had been adopted with success by mainstream parties in Northern Europe which he wanted to emulate. He said that, if 5-Star won next year s election, due by May, he would try to negotiate changes to European Union fiscal rules to allow Italy to invest more to boost its stagnant economy. However, he said he would also cut waste, arguing that this was the best way to bring down Italy s huge public debt, forecast to be just under 132 percent of GDP this year, the highest in the euro zone after Greece s. We have brought down debt in every town and city where 5-Star governs. We will do that at the national level too, he said. 5-Star has rowed back from a pledge to hold a referendum on Italy s membership of the euro and now says this would only be a last resort if the EU rejects any reforms to current budget rules. Di Maio, who comes from Italy s poor south and entered parliament at 26 five years ago, after mostly doing odd jobs and internet marketing, dismissed the suggestion that he was too inexperienced to be prime minister. I came from a part of Italy with 60 percent youth unemployment, and people who sneer at my background are sneering at thousands of young Italians who are trying to create a future for themselves, he said. The ability to build a competent team was the most important quality for a prime minister, Di Maio said, vowing to present a full cabinet line-up before the election. Asked to name three priorities that would mark his leadership of the party, Di Maio listed universal income support for the poor, cutting wasteful public spending and increasing forms of direct democracy.
TITLE: I'm no populist, says new leader of Italy's 5-Star TEXT: RIMINI, Italy (Reuters) - The new leader of Italy s anti-establishment 5-Star movement says it is not a populist party and will make cutting waste and reducing debt its priority. 5-Star, which leads most opinion polls ahead of national elections due early next year, has been trying to shed its maverick, populist image and reassure foreign capitals that it can be trusted with power. Luigi Di Maio, the 31-year-old lawmaker picked on Saturday to lead the movement, told Reuters on Sunday that 5-Star stood for post ideological common sense, and was opposed to right-wing and left-wing extremism. I reject populism as a label for 5-Star, he said in an interview on the sidelines of the party s annual gathering in Rimini, on the Adriatic coast. 5-Star, founded by comedian Beppe Grillo nine years ago as a protest movement, bases its appeal mainly on opposition to corruption and vested interests. Boyish-looking and usually immaculately turned out in suit and tie, Di Maio presents a more moderate image than Grillo, who is famous for raucous tirades against the ruling elite. He had been groomed for the leadership by Grillo, who is 69 and now plans to withdraw gradually from his figurehead role. Di Maio said many of the party s proposals, such as a public bank to fund investments, had been adopted with success by mainstream parties in Northern Europe which he wanted to emulate. He said that, if 5-Star won next year s election, due by May, he would try to negotiate changes to European Union fiscal rules to allow Italy to invest more to boost its stagnant economy. However, he said he would also cut waste, arguing that this was the best way to bring down Italy s huge public debt, forecast to be just under 132 percent of GDP this year, the highest in the euro zone after Greece s. We have brought down debt in every town and city where 5-Star governs. We will do that at the national level too, he said. 5-Star has rowed back from a pledge to hold a referendum on Italy s membership of the euro and now says this would only be a last resort if the EU rejects any reforms to current budget rules. Di Maio, who comes from Italy s poor south and entered parliament at 26 five years ago, after mostly doing odd jobs and internet marketing, dismissed the suggestion that he was too inexperienced to be prime minister. I came from a part of Italy with 60 percent youth unemployment, and people who sneer at my background are sneering at thousands of young Italians who are trying to create a future for themselves, he said. The ability to build a competent team was the most important quality for a prime minister, Di Maio said, vowing to present a full cabinet line-up before the election. Asked to name three priorities that would mark his leadership of the party, Di Maio listed universal income support for the poor, cutting wasteful public spending and increasing forms of direct democracy.
Putin critic Navalny barred from Russian presidential election
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was barred on Monday from running in next year s presidential election after officials ruled he was ineligible to take part due to a suspended prison sentence he says was trumped up. The decision by the central election commission was widely expected as election officials had repeatedly declared Navalny would be ineligible to run. Twelve members of the 13-member commission voted to bar Navalny. One member abstained, citing a possible conflict of interest. Navalny, 41, who polls show would struggle to beat incumbent Vladimir Putin in the March election, said he would appeal and called on his supporters to boycott the election and campaign against it being held. We knew this could happen, and so we have a straight-forward, clear plan, Navalny said in a pre-recorded video released immediately after the decision. We announce a boycott of the election. The process in which we are called to participate is not a real election. It will feature only Putin and the candidates which he has personally selected. Navalny said he would use his campaign headquarters across Russia to support the boycott and monitor turnout on voting day, March 18. Polls show Putin, 65, who has dominated Russia s political landscape for the last 17 years, is on course to be comfortably re-elected, making him eligible to serve another six years until 2024, when he turns 72. Allies laud Putin as a father-of-the-nation figure who has restored national pride and expanded Moscow s global clout with interventions in Syria and Ukraine. Navalny says Putin s support is exaggerated and artificially maintained by a biased state media and an unfair system. He says he could defeat him in a fair election, an assertion Putin s supporters have said is laughable. Before the commission voted, Navalny, dressed in a dark suit, had demanded he be allowed to take part in the election delivering a speech that angered election officials. In one heated exchange, he said Russian voters faith in the system hung in the balance. If you do not allow me to run, you are taking a decision against millions of people who are demanding that Navalny take part, he said, referring to himself in the first person. You are not robots, you are living, breathing human beings you are an independent body ... for once in your lives, do the right thing, he said. His supporters clapped him, but officials were unmoved. Boris Ebzeev, one of the officials, said: We re talking about the law and abiding by the law. Ebzeev said there could not be the slightest doubt that Navalny was ineligible to run, a reference to Russia s constitution that bars him running because of his suspended sentence relating to an embezzlement case. Navalny has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing, and says the case is politically motivated. There had been some speculation prior to the decision among the opposition that Navalny might be allowed to run in order to inject more interest into what looks like a predictable contest amid Kremlin fears that apathetic voters might not bother to vote. Navalny has been jailed three times this year and charged with breaking the law by repeatedly organizing public meetings and rallies.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Putin critic Navalny barred from Russian presidential election TEXT: MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was barred on Monday from running in next year s presidential election after officials ruled he was ineligible to take part due to a suspended prison sentence he says was trumped up. The decision by the central election commission was widely expected as election officials had repeatedly declared Navalny would be ineligible to run. Twelve members of the 13-member commission voted to bar Navalny. One member abstained, citing a possible conflict of interest. Navalny, 41, who polls show would struggle to beat incumbent Vladimir Putin in the March election, said he would appeal and called on his supporters to boycott the election and campaign against it being held. We knew this could happen, and so we have a straight-forward, clear plan, Navalny said in a pre-recorded video released immediately after the decision. We announce a boycott of the election. The process in which we are called to participate is not a real election. It will feature only Putin and the candidates which he has personally selected. Navalny said he would use his campaign headquarters across Russia to support the boycott and monitor turnout on voting day, March 18. Polls show Putin, 65, who has dominated Russia s political landscape for the last 17 years, is on course to be comfortably re-elected, making him eligible to serve another six years until 2024, when he turns 72. Allies laud Putin as a father-of-the-nation figure who has restored national pride and expanded Moscow s global clout with interventions in Syria and Ukraine. Navalny says Putin s support is exaggerated and artificially maintained by a biased state media and an unfair system. He says he could defeat him in a fair election, an assertion Putin s supporters have said is laughable. Before the commission voted, Navalny, dressed in a dark suit, had demanded he be allowed to take part in the election delivering a speech that angered election officials. In one heated exchange, he said Russian voters faith in the system hung in the balance. If you do not allow me to run, you are taking a decision against millions of people who are demanding that Navalny take part, he said, referring to himself in the first person. You are not robots, you are living, breathing human beings you are an independent body ... for once in your lives, do the right thing, he said. His supporters clapped him, but officials were unmoved. Boris Ebzeev, one of the officials, said: We re talking about the law and abiding by the law. Ebzeev said there could not be the slightest doubt that Navalny was ineligible to run, a reference to Russia s constitution that bars him running because of his suspended sentence relating to an embezzlement case. Navalny has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing, and says the case is politically motivated. There had been some speculation prior to the decision among the opposition that Navalny might be allowed to run in order to inject more interest into what looks like a predictable contest amid Kremlin fears that apathetic voters might not bother to vote. Navalny has been jailed three times this year and charged with breaking the law by repeatedly organizing public meetings and rallies.
TITLE: Putin critic Navalny barred from Russian presidential election TEXT: MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was barred on Monday from running in next year s presidential election after officials ruled he was ineligible to take part due to a suspended prison sentence he says was trumped up. The decision by the central election commission was widely expected as election officials had repeatedly declared Navalny would be ineligible to run. Twelve members of the 13-member commission voted to bar Navalny. One member abstained, citing a possible conflict of interest. Navalny, 41, who polls show would struggle to beat incumbent Vladimir Putin in the March election, said he would appeal and called on his supporters to boycott the election and campaign against it being held. We knew this could happen, and so we have a straight-forward, clear plan, Navalny said in a pre-recorded video released immediately after the decision. We announce a boycott of the election. The process in which we are called to participate is not a real election. It will feature only Putin and the candidates which he has personally selected. Navalny said he would use his campaign headquarters across Russia to support the boycott and monitor turnout on voting day, March 18. Polls show Putin, 65, who has dominated Russia s political landscape for the last 17 years, is on course to be comfortably re-elected, making him eligible to serve another six years until 2024, when he turns 72. Allies laud Putin as a father-of-the-nation figure who has restored national pride and expanded Moscow s global clout with interventions in Syria and Ukraine. Navalny says Putin s support is exaggerated and artificially maintained by a biased state media and an unfair system. He says he could defeat him in a fair election, an assertion Putin s supporters have said is laughable. Before the commission voted, Navalny, dressed in a dark suit, had demanded he be allowed to take part in the election delivering a speech that angered election officials. In one heated exchange, he said Russian voters faith in the system hung in the balance. If you do not allow me to run, you are taking a decision against millions of people who are demanding that Navalny take part, he said, referring to himself in the first person. You are not robots, you are living, breathing human beings you are an independent body ... for once in your lives, do the right thing, he said. His supporters clapped him, but officials were unmoved. Boris Ebzeev, one of the officials, said: We re talking about the law and abiding by the law. Ebzeev said there could not be the slightest doubt that Navalny was ineligible to run, a reference to Russia s constitution that bars him running because of his suspended sentence relating to an embezzlement case. Navalny has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing, and says the case is politically motivated. There had been some speculation prior to the decision among the opposition that Navalny might be allowed to run in order to inject more interest into what looks like a predictable contest amid Kremlin fears that apathetic voters might not bother to vote. Navalny has been jailed three times this year and charged with breaking the law by repeatedly organizing public meetings and rallies.
LOL! POLITICO Publishes Article Blaming TRUMP And His Supporters For Horrific Violence Committed Against Them
This ridiculous article by Politico, who pretends to be a non-biased source for news is sadly, what passes as journalism today. We ve taken the liberty of highlighting the article in places where POLTICO has gone out of their way to blame Trump and/or his supporters for the violent protesters (many of whom are paid by leftist organizations). Our comments can be found in parenthesis following the highlighted copy.Outside Donald Trump s campaign rallies in recent days, protesters have gathered and, increasingly, clashed violently with Trump supporters and police. Inside, Trump is going to new rhetorical extremes in his attempts to delegitimize a Mexican-American judge. Together, (Together? Does anyone else find it to be slightly ridiculous that the person writing this piece would honestly think anyone believes Trump and the violent anti-Trump protesters were working together?) they re forming an increasingly combustible atmosphere as the campaign enters the summer and temperatures here climb into triple digits.Trump has in the past vowed to become more presidential after dispatching his primary foes, and many political observers hoped tensions would decrease as Trump pivoted to appeal to broader swath of voters in the general election.Instead, the end of the primary has seen a steady rise in tension, fueling fears that the convention in Cleveland next month will surpass the turbulence of the 1968 Democratic convention in Chicago.Tense standoffs involving police, protesters and Trump supporters are common sights at campaign rallies, and violence has occasionally flared up, but there has been an uptick in the scale and frequency of violence over the past two weeks during the candidate s swing through the West. Most of the violence has been directed at police officers and Trump supporters outside rally venues, but on Friday, one local leader who condemned the violence also partly blamed Trump for it. (Of course, it s Trump s fault that the Left is paying people to riot and to attack innocent people along with the law enforcement officers who are hired to keep the peace.) While it s a sad statement about our political discourse that Mr. Trump has focused on stirring antagonism (Trump s fault) instead of offering real solutions to our nation s challenges, there is absolutely no place for violence against people who are simply exercising their rights to participate in the political process, said San Jose Mayor Sam Riccardo, a Democrat, in a statement on Friday. In another statement, Riccardo said Trump s rhetoric is no excuse for violence and that city police would investigate and prosecute offenders. She said no protesters had applied for permits to demonstrate. In Albuquerque, where demonstrators shattered windows at the site of Trump s rally on Tuesday, police made three arrests and have an outstanding felony warrant for another demonstrator that includes eight counts of aggravated battery on a police officer, according to Albuquerque Police public information officer Tanner Tixier. He added that police were working four to five other cases that could lead to more arrests.Tidier also shot down as conspiracy theories rumors that anti-Trump demonstrators were illegal immigrants or paid agitators. (Because this public information officer knows each and every protester, and whether they ve been paid or are legal citizens of the United States.) They re just general local criminals. I don t even think they knew what they were protesting, he said.The Mexican flag has been a common sight at recent protests in the West, which is home to many Mexicans and Mexican-Americans. Trump, meanwhile, began insisting during the past week that the judge presiding over one of the lawsuits against Trump University, Gonzalo Curiel, could not be fair because of his Mexican heritage. The statement condemned by House Speaker Paul Ryan, editorial boards and legal watchdogs can only inflame tensions out here. Muriel, the son of Mexican immigrants, was born in Indiana. (Because if Paul Ryan condemned Trump, the whole Republican party must be against him right?)Despite the warning signs, there is little indication from the Trump campaign or anti-Trump demonstrators that they plan to change course, making continued unrest likely in the months ahead. (In other words, there is no indication Trump plans to change his policies in order to appease illegal aliens and leftist thugs.)Entire article can be found at Politico
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: LOL! POLITICO Publishes Article Blaming TRUMP And His Supporters For Horrific Violence Committed Against Them TEXT: This ridiculous article by Politico, who pretends to be a non-biased source for news is sadly, what passes as journalism today. We ve taken the liberty of highlighting the article in places where POLTICO has gone out of their way to blame Trump and/or his supporters for the violent protesters (many of whom are paid by leftist organizations). Our comments can be found in parenthesis following the highlighted copy.Outside Donald Trump s campaign rallies in recent days, protesters have gathered and, increasingly, clashed violently with Trump supporters and police. Inside, Trump is going to new rhetorical extremes in his attempts to delegitimize a Mexican-American judge. Together, (Together? Does anyone else find it to be slightly ridiculous that the person writing this piece would honestly think anyone believes Trump and the violent anti-Trump protesters were working together?) they re forming an increasingly combustible atmosphere as the campaign enters the summer and temperatures here climb into triple digits.Trump has in the past vowed to become more presidential after dispatching his primary foes, and many political observers hoped tensions would decrease as Trump pivoted to appeal to broader swath of voters in the general election.Instead, the end of the primary has seen a steady rise in tension, fueling fears that the convention in Cleveland next month will surpass the turbulence of the 1968 Democratic convention in Chicago.Tense standoffs involving police, protesters and Trump supporters are common sights at campaign rallies, and violence has occasionally flared up, but there has been an uptick in the scale and frequency of violence over the past two weeks during the candidate s swing through the West. Most of the violence has been directed at police officers and Trump supporters outside rally venues, but on Friday, one local leader who condemned the violence also partly blamed Trump for it. (Of course, it s Trump s fault that the Left is paying people to riot and to attack innocent people along with the law enforcement officers who are hired to keep the peace.) While it s a sad statement about our political discourse that Mr. Trump has focused on stirring antagonism (Trump s fault) instead of offering real solutions to our nation s challenges, there is absolutely no place for violence against people who are simply exercising their rights to participate in the political process, said San Jose Mayor Sam Riccardo, a Democrat, in a statement on Friday. In another statement, Riccardo said Trump s rhetoric is no excuse for violence and that city police would investigate and prosecute offenders. She said no protesters had applied for permits to demonstrate. In Albuquerque, where demonstrators shattered windows at the site of Trump s rally on Tuesday, police made three arrests and have an outstanding felony warrant for another demonstrator that includes eight counts of aggravated battery on a police officer, according to Albuquerque Police public information officer Tanner Tixier. He added that police were working four to five other cases that could lead to more arrests.Tidier also shot down as conspiracy theories rumors that anti-Trump demonstrators were illegal immigrants or paid agitators. (Because this public information officer knows each and every protester, and whether they ve been paid or are legal citizens of the United States.) They re just general local criminals. I don t even think they knew what they were protesting, he said.The Mexican flag has been a common sight at recent protests in the West, which is home to many Mexicans and Mexican-Americans. Trump, meanwhile, began insisting during the past week that the judge presiding over one of the lawsuits against Trump University, Gonzalo Curiel, could not be fair because of his Mexican heritage. The statement condemned by House Speaker Paul Ryan, editorial boards and legal watchdogs can only inflame tensions out here. Muriel, the son of Mexican immigrants, was born in Indiana. (Because if Paul Ryan condemned Trump, the whole Republican party must be against him right?)Despite the warning signs, there is little indication from the Trump campaign or anti-Trump demonstrators that they plan to change course, making continued unrest likely in the months ahead. (In other words, there is no indication Trump plans to change his policies in order to appease illegal aliens and leftist thugs.)Entire article can be found at Politico
TITLE: LOL! POLITICO Publishes Article Blaming TRUMP And His Supporters For Horrific Violence Committed Against Them TEXT: This ridiculous article by Politico, who pretends to be a non-biased source for news is sadly, what passes as journalism today. We ve taken the liberty of highlighting the article in places where POLTICO has gone out of their way to blame Trump and/or his supporters for the violent protesters (many of whom are paid by leftist organizations). Our comments can be found in parenthesis following the highlighted copy.Outside Donald Trump s campaign rallies in recent days, protesters have gathered and, increasingly, clashed violently with Trump supporters and police. Inside, Trump is going to new rhetorical extremes in his attempts to delegitimize a Mexican-American judge. Together, (Together? Does anyone else find it to be slightly ridiculous that the person writing this piece would honestly think anyone believes Trump and the violent anti-Trump protesters were working together?) they re forming an increasingly combustible atmosphere as the campaign enters the summer and temperatures here climb into triple digits.Trump has in the past vowed to become more presidential after dispatching his primary foes, and many political observers hoped tensions would decrease as Trump pivoted to appeal to broader swath of voters in the general election.Instead, the end of the primary has seen a steady rise in tension, fueling fears that the convention in Cleveland next month will surpass the turbulence of the 1968 Democratic convention in Chicago.Tense standoffs involving police, protesters and Trump supporters are common sights at campaign rallies, and violence has occasionally flared up, but there has been an uptick in the scale and frequency of violence over the past two weeks during the candidate s swing through the West. Most of the violence has been directed at police officers and Trump supporters outside rally venues, but on Friday, one local leader who condemned the violence also partly blamed Trump for it. (Of course, it s Trump s fault that the Left is paying people to riot and to attack innocent people along with the law enforcement officers who are hired to keep the peace.) While it s a sad statement about our political discourse that Mr. Trump has focused on stirring antagonism (Trump s fault) instead of offering real solutions to our nation s challenges, there is absolutely no place for violence against people who are simply exercising their rights to participate in the political process, said San Jose Mayor Sam Riccardo, a Democrat, in a statement on Friday. In another statement, Riccardo said Trump s rhetoric is no excuse for violence and that city police would investigate and prosecute offenders. She said no protesters had applied for permits to demonstrate. In Albuquerque, where demonstrators shattered windows at the site of Trump s rally on Tuesday, police made three arrests and have an outstanding felony warrant for another demonstrator that includes eight counts of aggravated battery on a police officer, according to Albuquerque Police public information officer Tanner Tixier. He added that police were working four to five other cases that could lead to more arrests.Tidier also shot down as conspiracy theories rumors that anti-Trump demonstrators were illegal immigrants or paid agitators. (Because this public information officer knows each and every protester, and whether they ve been paid or are legal citizens of the United States.) They re just general local criminals. I don t even think they knew what they were protesting, he said.The Mexican flag has been a common sight at recent protests in the West, which is home to many Mexicans and Mexican-Americans. Trump, meanwhile, began insisting during the past week that the judge presiding over one of the lawsuits against Trump University, Gonzalo Curiel, could not be fair because of his Mexican heritage. The statement condemned by House Speaker Paul Ryan, editorial boards and legal watchdogs can only inflame tensions out here. Muriel, the son of Mexican immigrants, was born in Indiana. (Because if Paul Ryan condemned Trump, the whole Republican party must be against him right?)Despite the warning signs, there is little indication from the Trump campaign or anti-Trump demonstrators that they plan to change course, making continued unrest likely in the months ahead. (In other words, there is no indication Trump plans to change his policies in order to appease illegal aliens and leftist thugs.)Entire article can be found at Politico
DONALD TRUMP Calls Meeting With Press…Dresses Down Real Fake News Networks: “Everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed”
They had to know they had it coming Donald Trump scolded media big shots during an off-the-record Trump Tower sitdown on Monday, sources told The Post. It was like a f ing firing squad, one source said of the encounter. Trump started with [CNN chief] Jeff Zucker and said I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed, the source said. The meeting was a total disaster. The TV execs and anchors went in there thinking they would be discussing the access they would get to the Trump administration, but instead they got a Trump-style dressing down, the source added.A second source confirmed the fireworks. The meeting took place in a big board room and there were about 30 or 40 people, including the big news anchors from all the networks, the other source said. Trump kept saying, We re in a room of liars, the deceitful dishonest media who got it all wrong. He addressed everyone in the room calling the media dishonest, deceitful liars. He called out Jeff Zucker by name and said everyone at CNN was a liar, and CNN was [a] network of liars, the source said. Trump didn t say [NBC reporter] Katy Tur by name, but talked about an NBC female correspondent who got it wrong, then he referred to a horrible network correspondent who cried when Hillary lost who hosted a debate which was Martha Raddatz who was also in the room. The stunned reporters tried to get a word in edgewise to discuss access to a Trump Administration. [CBS Good Morning co-host Gayle] King did not stand up, but asked some question, How do you propose we the media work with you? Chuck Todd asked some pretty pointed questions. David Muir asked How are you going to cope living in DC while your family is in NYC? It was a horrible meeting. Here s a sampling of Trump hitting back at the dishonest media while he was on the campaign trail. Trump did something no other presidential candidate has ever done before, he won the election in a landslide, in spite of the entire fake news empire working together to take him down:Trump spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway told reporters the gathering went well. Excellent meetings with the top executives of the major networks, she said during a gaggle in the lobby of Trump Tower. Pretty unprecedented meeting we put together in two days. The meeting was off the record, meaning the participants agreed not to talk about the substance of the conversations.The hour-long session included top execs from network and cable news channels. Among the attendees were NBC s Deborah Turness, Lester Holt and Chuck Todd, ABC s James Goldston, George Stephanopoulos, David Muir and Martha Raddatz,Also, CBS Norah O Donnell John Dickerson, Charlie Rose, Christopher Isham and King, Fox News Bill Shine, Jack Abernethy, Jay Wallace, Suzanne Scott, MSNBC s Phil Griffin and CNN s Jeff Zucker and Erin Burnett. -Via: NYP
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: DONALD TRUMP Calls Meeting With Press…Dresses Down Real Fake News Networks: “Everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed” TEXT: They had to know they had it coming Donald Trump scolded media big shots during an off-the-record Trump Tower sitdown on Monday, sources told The Post. It was like a f ing firing squad, one source said of the encounter. Trump started with [CNN chief] Jeff Zucker and said I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed, the source said. The meeting was a total disaster. The TV execs and anchors went in there thinking they would be discussing the access they would get to the Trump administration, but instead they got a Trump-style dressing down, the source added.A second source confirmed the fireworks. The meeting took place in a big board room and there were about 30 or 40 people, including the big news anchors from all the networks, the other source said. Trump kept saying, We re in a room of liars, the deceitful dishonest media who got it all wrong. He addressed everyone in the room calling the media dishonest, deceitful liars. He called out Jeff Zucker by name and said everyone at CNN was a liar, and CNN was [a] network of liars, the source said. Trump didn t say [NBC reporter] Katy Tur by name, but talked about an NBC female correspondent who got it wrong, then he referred to a horrible network correspondent who cried when Hillary lost who hosted a debate which was Martha Raddatz who was also in the room. The stunned reporters tried to get a word in edgewise to discuss access to a Trump Administration. [CBS Good Morning co-host Gayle] King did not stand up, but asked some question, How do you propose we the media work with you? Chuck Todd asked some pretty pointed questions. David Muir asked How are you going to cope living in DC while your family is in NYC? It was a horrible meeting. Here s a sampling of Trump hitting back at the dishonest media while he was on the campaign trail. Trump did something no other presidential candidate has ever done before, he won the election in a landslide, in spite of the entire fake news empire working together to take him down:Trump spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway told reporters the gathering went well. Excellent meetings with the top executives of the major networks, she said during a gaggle in the lobby of Trump Tower. Pretty unprecedented meeting we put together in two days. The meeting was off the record, meaning the participants agreed not to talk about the substance of the conversations.The hour-long session included top execs from network and cable news channels. Among the attendees were NBC s Deborah Turness, Lester Holt and Chuck Todd, ABC s James Goldston, George Stephanopoulos, David Muir and Martha Raddatz,Also, CBS Norah O Donnell John Dickerson, Charlie Rose, Christopher Isham and King, Fox News Bill Shine, Jack Abernethy, Jay Wallace, Suzanne Scott, MSNBC s Phil Griffin and CNN s Jeff Zucker and Erin Burnett. -Via: NYP
TITLE: DONALD TRUMP Calls Meeting With Press…Dresses Down Real Fake News Networks: “Everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed” TEXT: They had to know they had it coming Donald Trump scolded media big shots during an off-the-record Trump Tower sitdown on Monday, sources told The Post. It was like a f ing firing squad, one source said of the encounter. Trump started with [CNN chief] Jeff Zucker and said I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed, the source said. The meeting was a total disaster. The TV execs and anchors went in there thinking they would be discussing the access they would get to the Trump administration, but instead they got a Trump-style dressing down, the source added.A second source confirmed the fireworks. The meeting took place in a big board room and there were about 30 or 40 people, including the big news anchors from all the networks, the other source said. Trump kept saying, We re in a room of liars, the deceitful dishonest media who got it all wrong. He addressed everyone in the room calling the media dishonest, deceitful liars. He called out Jeff Zucker by name and said everyone at CNN was a liar, and CNN was [a] network of liars, the source said. Trump didn t say [NBC reporter] Katy Tur by name, but talked about an NBC female correspondent who got it wrong, then he referred to a horrible network correspondent who cried when Hillary lost who hosted a debate which was Martha Raddatz who was also in the room. The stunned reporters tried to get a word in edgewise to discuss access to a Trump Administration. [CBS Good Morning co-host Gayle] King did not stand up, but asked some question, How do you propose we the media work with you? Chuck Todd asked some pretty pointed questions. David Muir asked How are you going to cope living in DC while your family is in NYC? It was a horrible meeting. Here s a sampling of Trump hitting back at the dishonest media while he was on the campaign trail. Trump did something no other presidential candidate has ever done before, he won the election in a landslide, in spite of the entire fake news empire working together to take him down:Trump spokeswoman Kellyanne Conway told reporters the gathering went well. Excellent meetings with the top executives of the major networks, she said during a gaggle in the lobby of Trump Tower. Pretty unprecedented meeting we put together in two days. The meeting was off the record, meaning the participants agreed not to talk about the substance of the conversations.The hour-long session included top execs from network and cable news channels. Among the attendees were NBC s Deborah Turness, Lester Holt and Chuck Todd, ABC s James Goldston, George Stephanopoulos, David Muir and Martha Raddatz,Also, CBS Norah O Donnell John Dickerson, Charlie Rose, Christopher Isham and King, Fox News Bill Shine, Jack Abernethy, Jay Wallace, Suzanne Scott, MSNBC s Phil Griffin and CNN s Jeff Zucker and Erin Burnett. -Via: NYP
White Men Threw Eggs, Shouted Racial Slurs At Black Woman Waiting For Bus
On Friday, St. Louis police arrested two 30-year-old white men in connection with a racially motivated attack on a Black woman.According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Jesse Reed and David Ragain, both of Jefferson County, Missouri, maliciously attacked the woman as she was waiting at a public bus stop.The men threw eggs and shouted racial slurs at the victim, according to police.The men were taken into custody after police identified one of the suspects vehicles, using video from surveillance cameras.Both Reed and Ragain are charged with assault motivated by discrimination, a third-degree felony. They are currently being held on a $20,000 bond.St. Louis police believe that the pair has carried out similar attacks against people of color in the past. They are asking any person who believes they were targeted by the two men to come forward. These weren t two white teenagers on a joy ride, St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson said during an interview with the Post-Dispatch.Indeed, this was a deliberate, planned and unprovoked act of hate, carried out by two adult men.As reported here, hate crimes like this can have a lingering psychological impact both on the targeted victim and on the Black community as a whole.Racially motivated attacks cause generalized terror in the group to which the victim belongs, inspiring feelings of vulnerability over the other members, who could be the next victims. People of color have been terrorized by racist whites since the United States was founded.Over the past year racially motivated attacks have become more and more common across the U.S., a fact which can be directly attributed to the rise of Donald Trump.Trump s racist hate speech has been cited as the motivation for everything from targeted racist mailings, directed at members of the Latino community, to the brutal assault and beating of a homeless man by two Boston-area brothers.As Addicting Info reported here:Since last September, America s Voice has been tracking instances where Trump, his staff and his supporters have assaulted or harassed immigrants and Latinos. As you can imagine, his special brand of xenophobia and racism has caused a lot of white nationalists to feel comfortable with their hate for others. Using reports of Trump inspired racist attacks, the group created an interactive map which shows just how dangerous the candidate s hate speech really is.While we hear Trump and his supporters talk a lot about the dangers of Muslim terrorists in the U.S., racist white terrorists remain the most common, and the most dangerous threat to American citizens.Residents of the United States are seven times more likely to be killed by a right-wing terrorist than a Muslim terrorist. Nearly 60 percent of hate crimes committed in the United States are motivated by racial and ethnic bias. Another 20 percent are motivated by gender identity and sexual orientation. Religiously motivated hate crimes, attacks on Muslims, Jews, atheists and other non-Christian groups, also account for nearly 20 percent of hate crimes.Contrary to Trump s propaganda, we don t need a watch-list to identify who the real terrorists are. We have more than enough evidence to identify the hateful, violent and dangerous groups that are terrorizing the American people.Featured image via limecools on Flickr
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: White Men Threw Eggs, Shouted Racial Slurs At Black Woman Waiting For Bus TEXT: On Friday, St. Louis police arrested two 30-year-old white men in connection with a racially motivated attack on a Black woman.According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Jesse Reed and David Ragain, both of Jefferson County, Missouri, maliciously attacked the woman as she was waiting at a public bus stop.The men threw eggs and shouted racial slurs at the victim, according to police.The men were taken into custody after police identified one of the suspects vehicles, using video from surveillance cameras.Both Reed and Ragain are charged with assault motivated by discrimination, a third-degree felony. They are currently being held on a $20,000 bond.St. Louis police believe that the pair has carried out similar attacks against people of color in the past. They are asking any person who believes they were targeted by the two men to come forward. These weren t two white teenagers on a joy ride, St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson said during an interview with the Post-Dispatch.Indeed, this was a deliberate, planned and unprovoked act of hate, carried out by two adult men.As reported here, hate crimes like this can have a lingering psychological impact both on the targeted victim and on the Black community as a whole.Racially motivated attacks cause generalized terror in the group to which the victim belongs, inspiring feelings of vulnerability over the other members, who could be the next victims. People of color have been terrorized by racist whites since the United States was founded.Over the past year racially motivated attacks have become more and more common across the U.S., a fact which can be directly attributed to the rise of Donald Trump.Trump s racist hate speech has been cited as the motivation for everything from targeted racist mailings, directed at members of the Latino community, to the brutal assault and beating of a homeless man by two Boston-area brothers.As Addicting Info reported here:Since last September, America s Voice has been tracking instances where Trump, his staff and his supporters have assaulted or harassed immigrants and Latinos. As you can imagine, his special brand of xenophobia and racism has caused a lot of white nationalists to feel comfortable with their hate for others. Using reports of Trump inspired racist attacks, the group created an interactive map which shows just how dangerous the candidate s hate speech really is.While we hear Trump and his supporters talk a lot about the dangers of Muslim terrorists in the U.S., racist white terrorists remain the most common, and the most dangerous threat to American citizens.Residents of the United States are seven times more likely to be killed by a right-wing terrorist than a Muslim terrorist. Nearly 60 percent of hate crimes committed in the United States are motivated by racial and ethnic bias. Another 20 percent are motivated by gender identity and sexual orientation. Religiously motivated hate crimes, attacks on Muslims, Jews, atheists and other non-Christian groups, also account for nearly 20 percent of hate crimes.Contrary to Trump s propaganda, we don t need a watch-list to identify who the real terrorists are. We have more than enough evidence to identify the hateful, violent and dangerous groups that are terrorizing the American people.Featured image via limecools on Flickr
TITLE: White Men Threw Eggs, Shouted Racial Slurs At Black Woman Waiting For Bus TEXT: On Friday, St. Louis police arrested two 30-year-old white men in connection with a racially motivated attack on a Black woman.According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Jesse Reed and David Ragain, both of Jefferson County, Missouri, maliciously attacked the woman as she was waiting at a public bus stop.The men threw eggs and shouted racial slurs at the victim, according to police.The men were taken into custody after police identified one of the suspects vehicles, using video from surveillance cameras.Both Reed and Ragain are charged with assault motivated by discrimination, a third-degree felony. They are currently being held on a $20,000 bond.St. Louis police believe that the pair has carried out similar attacks against people of color in the past. They are asking any person who believes they were targeted by the two men to come forward. These weren t two white teenagers on a joy ride, St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson said during an interview with the Post-Dispatch.Indeed, this was a deliberate, planned and unprovoked act of hate, carried out by two adult men.As reported here, hate crimes like this can have a lingering psychological impact both on the targeted victim and on the Black community as a whole.Racially motivated attacks cause generalized terror in the group to which the victim belongs, inspiring feelings of vulnerability over the other members, who could be the next victims. People of color have been terrorized by racist whites since the United States was founded.Over the past year racially motivated attacks have become more and more common across the U.S., a fact which can be directly attributed to the rise of Donald Trump.Trump s racist hate speech has been cited as the motivation for everything from targeted racist mailings, directed at members of the Latino community, to the brutal assault and beating of a homeless man by two Boston-area brothers.As Addicting Info reported here:Since last September, America s Voice has been tracking instances where Trump, his staff and his supporters have assaulted or harassed immigrants and Latinos. As you can imagine, his special brand of xenophobia and racism has caused a lot of white nationalists to feel comfortable with their hate for others. Using reports of Trump inspired racist attacks, the group created an interactive map which shows just how dangerous the candidate s hate speech really is.While we hear Trump and his supporters talk a lot about the dangers of Muslim terrorists in the U.S., racist white terrorists remain the most common, and the most dangerous threat to American citizens.Residents of the United States are seven times more likely to be killed by a right-wing terrorist than a Muslim terrorist. Nearly 60 percent of hate crimes committed in the United States are motivated by racial and ethnic bias. Another 20 percent are motivated by gender identity and sexual orientation. Religiously motivated hate crimes, attacks on Muslims, Jews, atheists and other non-Christian groups, also account for nearly 20 percent of hate crimes.Contrary to Trump s propaganda, we don t need a watch-list to identify who the real terrorists are. We have more than enough evidence to identify the hateful, violent and dangerous groups that are terrorizing the American people.Featured image via limecools on Flickr
Israel: No peace talks with Palestinian government reliant on Hamas
JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel said on Tuesday it would not hold peace negotiations with a Palestinian government dependent on the Islamist Hamas group, responding to a new reconciliation agreement between the two main Palestinian factions. Hamas, dominant in Gaza, and West Bank-based Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas s Fatah faction sealed a deal last week in Cairo in which Hamas agreed to cede administrative control of Gaza, including the key Rafah border crossing. Under the Egyptian-brokered accord, the Fatah-backed government headed by Prime Minister Rami al-Hamdallah will run Gaza and the West Bank and Palestinian officials said there were no plans to add Hamas ministers to the government. The last Israeli-Palestinian peace talks collapsed in 2014, partly due to Israel s opposition to an earlier attempt at a Fatah-Hamas unity pact, and to Israeli settlement building on occupied land Palestinians seek for a state, among other factors. In a statement on Tuesday after a meeting of senior Israeli ministers known as the Security Cabinet, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reaffirmed longstanding Israeli demands that Hamas abandon militancy. Pursuant to previous decisions, (Israel) will not conduct diplomatic negotiations with a Palestinian government that relies on Hamas, a terrorist organization that calls for the destruction of Israel, as long as it does not fulfill the following conditions, the statement began. It outlined seven conditions including a demand that Hamas recognize Israel and disarm, sever its ties with Iran, return bodies of Israeli soldiers and civilians Israel believes are alive and held in Gaza, and that Abbas s Palestinian Authority (PA) assume full security control of the coastal enclave. Under the reconciliation deal, about 3,000 Fatah security officers are to join the Gaza police force but Hamas will remain the most powerful armed Palestinian faction in the territory, with some 25,000 well-equipped militants. Hamas seized Gaza from Fatah forces in a brief Palestinian civil war in 2007 and previous Egyptian mediation efforts to reconcile the rivals fell short. Analysts said the current deal is more likely to stick, given Hamas s growing isolation from erstwhile donor states and realization of how hard it would be to govern and rebuild Gaza. Abbas spokesman Nabil Abu Rdainah said the Palestinians would not be swayed by Israel s statement as it will not change the official Palestinian position to move forward with reconciliation efforts. He said the deal and the PA s return to Gaza had been welcomed by major powers including the United States and this would achieve the aspirations of our people ... ending the occupation and establishing an independent Palestinian state. Netanyahu s call is certain to please the right flank of his coalition and settler supporters with whom he has tried to find favor. On Tuesday, Israel announced more plans to build hundreds of new settler homes in the occupied West Bank. But it could hamper U.S. mediation attempts to resume peace negotiations. U.S. President Donald Trump s Middle East peace negotiator, Jason Greenblatt, and his son-in-law Jared Kushner have held discussions to achieve what Trump hopes will be the deal of the century .
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Israel: No peace talks with Palestinian government reliant on Hamas TEXT: JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel said on Tuesday it would not hold peace negotiations with a Palestinian government dependent on the Islamist Hamas group, responding to a new reconciliation agreement between the two main Palestinian factions. Hamas, dominant in Gaza, and West Bank-based Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas s Fatah faction sealed a deal last week in Cairo in which Hamas agreed to cede administrative control of Gaza, including the key Rafah border crossing. Under the Egyptian-brokered accord, the Fatah-backed government headed by Prime Minister Rami al-Hamdallah will run Gaza and the West Bank and Palestinian officials said there were no plans to add Hamas ministers to the government. The last Israeli-Palestinian peace talks collapsed in 2014, partly due to Israel s opposition to an earlier attempt at a Fatah-Hamas unity pact, and to Israeli settlement building on occupied land Palestinians seek for a state, among other factors. In a statement on Tuesday after a meeting of senior Israeli ministers known as the Security Cabinet, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reaffirmed longstanding Israeli demands that Hamas abandon militancy. Pursuant to previous decisions, (Israel) will not conduct diplomatic negotiations with a Palestinian government that relies on Hamas, a terrorist organization that calls for the destruction of Israel, as long as it does not fulfill the following conditions, the statement began. It outlined seven conditions including a demand that Hamas recognize Israel and disarm, sever its ties with Iran, return bodies of Israeli soldiers and civilians Israel believes are alive and held in Gaza, and that Abbas s Palestinian Authority (PA) assume full security control of the coastal enclave. Under the reconciliation deal, about 3,000 Fatah security officers are to join the Gaza police force but Hamas will remain the most powerful armed Palestinian faction in the territory, with some 25,000 well-equipped militants. Hamas seized Gaza from Fatah forces in a brief Palestinian civil war in 2007 and previous Egyptian mediation efforts to reconcile the rivals fell short. Analysts said the current deal is more likely to stick, given Hamas s growing isolation from erstwhile donor states and realization of how hard it would be to govern and rebuild Gaza. Abbas spokesman Nabil Abu Rdainah said the Palestinians would not be swayed by Israel s statement as it will not change the official Palestinian position to move forward with reconciliation efforts. He said the deal and the PA s return to Gaza had been welcomed by major powers including the United States and this would achieve the aspirations of our people ... ending the occupation and establishing an independent Palestinian state. Netanyahu s call is certain to please the right flank of his coalition and settler supporters with whom he has tried to find favor. On Tuesday, Israel announced more plans to build hundreds of new settler homes in the occupied West Bank. But it could hamper U.S. mediation attempts to resume peace negotiations. U.S. President Donald Trump s Middle East peace negotiator, Jason Greenblatt, and his son-in-law Jared Kushner have held discussions to achieve what Trump hopes will be the deal of the century .
TITLE: Israel: No peace talks with Palestinian government reliant on Hamas TEXT: JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel said on Tuesday it would not hold peace negotiations with a Palestinian government dependent on the Islamist Hamas group, responding to a new reconciliation agreement between the two main Palestinian factions. Hamas, dominant in Gaza, and West Bank-based Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas s Fatah faction sealed a deal last week in Cairo in which Hamas agreed to cede administrative control of Gaza, including the key Rafah border crossing. Under the Egyptian-brokered accord, the Fatah-backed government headed by Prime Minister Rami al-Hamdallah will run Gaza and the West Bank and Palestinian officials said there were no plans to add Hamas ministers to the government. The last Israeli-Palestinian peace talks collapsed in 2014, partly due to Israel s opposition to an earlier attempt at a Fatah-Hamas unity pact, and to Israeli settlement building on occupied land Palestinians seek for a state, among other factors. In a statement on Tuesday after a meeting of senior Israeli ministers known as the Security Cabinet, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reaffirmed longstanding Israeli demands that Hamas abandon militancy. Pursuant to previous decisions, (Israel) will not conduct diplomatic negotiations with a Palestinian government that relies on Hamas, a terrorist organization that calls for the destruction of Israel, as long as it does not fulfill the following conditions, the statement began. It outlined seven conditions including a demand that Hamas recognize Israel and disarm, sever its ties with Iran, return bodies of Israeli soldiers and civilians Israel believes are alive and held in Gaza, and that Abbas s Palestinian Authority (PA) assume full security control of the coastal enclave. Under the reconciliation deal, about 3,000 Fatah security officers are to join the Gaza police force but Hamas will remain the most powerful armed Palestinian faction in the territory, with some 25,000 well-equipped militants. Hamas seized Gaza from Fatah forces in a brief Palestinian civil war in 2007 and previous Egyptian mediation efforts to reconcile the rivals fell short. Analysts said the current deal is more likely to stick, given Hamas s growing isolation from erstwhile donor states and realization of how hard it would be to govern and rebuild Gaza. Abbas spokesman Nabil Abu Rdainah said the Palestinians would not be swayed by Israel s statement as it will not change the official Palestinian position to move forward with reconciliation efforts. He said the deal and the PA s return to Gaza had been welcomed by major powers including the United States and this would achieve the aspirations of our people ... ending the occupation and establishing an independent Palestinian state. Netanyahu s call is certain to please the right flank of his coalition and settler supporters with whom he has tried to find favor. On Tuesday, Israel announced more plans to build hundreds of new settler homes in the occupied West Bank. But it could hamper U.S. mediation attempts to resume peace negotiations. U.S. President Donald Trump s Middle East peace negotiator, Jason Greenblatt, and his son-in-law Jared Kushner have held discussions to achieve what Trump hopes will be the deal of the century .
All eyes on the 'Crocodile' as Zimbabwe's Mugabe resigns
HARARE (Reuters) - When Zimbabwean leader Robert Mugabe sacked his vice president in front of 12,000 baying party members in 2014, Emmerson Mnangagwa sat quietly in the crowd, a green baseball cap pulled low over his eyes. The man who stood to gain most from the dismissal betrayed nothing through his expression and gentle clapping - a survival tactic honed during five decades of service to the mercurial Mugabe. His cap, however, spoke volumes. Emblazoned across its front, next to a portrait of Mugabe, were four words: Indigenise, Empower, Develop, Employ - a slogan of the ruling ZANU-PF party. That day, he became Mugabe s official deputy. Mnangagwa, whose sacking from the post this month brought Zimbabwe s political crisis to a head, is now poised to take over after Mugabe, 93, resigned on Tuesday, ending almost four decades of rule. Mnangagwa will be sworn in on Wednesday or Thursday, ZANU-PF s legal secretary Patrick Chinamasa told Reuters. The party s chief whip said Mnangagwa would serve the remainder of Mugabe s term until the next election due by September 2018. But there are questions over how Mnangagwa will lead the country led by Mugabe since independence in 1980. In a statement issued from hiding on Tuesday, Mnangagwa said Zimbabweans from all walks of life had to work together to rebuild a shattered economy and deeply polarized society. My desire is to join all Zimbabweans in a new era, where corruption, incompetence, dereliction of duty and laziness, social and cultural decadence is not tolerated, he said. In that new Zimbabwe, it is important for everyone to join hands so that we rebuild this nation to its full glory. This is not a job for ZANU-PF alone but for all people of Zimbabwe. The 75-year-old was one of Mugabe s most trusted lieutenants, having been at his side in prison, during wartime and then in government. With his appointment in 2014 as Mugabe s official deputy, Mnangagwa had appeared well set as the eventual successor to Africa s oldest head of state. There are no arguments around his credentials to provide strong leadership and stability, but there are questions over whether he can also be a democrat, said Eldred Masunungure, a political science lecturer at the University of Zimbabwe. Speaking at the congress in 2014, Mnangagwa reinforced the message emblazoned on his headgear, announcing revisions to ZANU-PF s constitution that backed total ownership and control of Zimbabwe s natural resources. It was a key insight to the party s direction as it contemplated life beyond Mugabe. We will remain forever masters of our own destiny, Mnangagwa said at the time, to cheers from the crowd. Along the way, Mnangagwa earned the nickname Ngwena , Shona for crocodile, an animal famed in Zimbabwean lore for its stealth and ruthlessness. He backed Mugabe s economic nationalism, especially a drive to force foreign firms to hand majority stakes to local blacks, suggesting he may not be the pro-market pragmatist many investors were hoping for. He has been in every administration since independence, holding posts as varied as minister of state security, defense and finance, as well as speaker of parliament. Most controversially, he was in charge of internal security in the mid-1980s when Mugabe deployed a crack North Korean-trained brigade against rebels loyal to his rival Joshua Nkomo. Rights groups say 20,000 civilians, mostly from the Ndebele tribe, were killed. Mugabe denies genocide or crimes against humanity but has admitted it was a moment of madness . Mnangagwa s role remains shrouded in mystery, typical of a political operator trained as a communist guerrilla in China in the 1960s and who always stayed in the shadows behind Mugabe. Secretive and insular, he prefers to operate under the radar, those in his inner circle say, and when pushed into a corner, resorts to jokes and trivia to avoid serious discussion. I wouldn t say he is deceptive but it s fair to say his default position is to crack jokes and deflect uncomfortable questions by asking endless questions, one member of parliament close to him said. He is very conscious that his public image is that of a hard man but he is a much more complex personality - pleasant and an amazing story-teller, the politician, also from Mnangagwa s Midlands Province, told Reuters. Mnangagwa s appointment as vice president came a day after his predecessor Joice Mujuru was fired for allegedly planning to topple Mugabe. Asked whether the purge would weaken the party, a smiling Mnangagwa said: The revolution has a way of strengthening itself. It goes through cycles, this is another cycle where it rids itself of elements that had now become inconsistent with the correct line. Mnangagwa learnt his politics in prison in the 1960s after being sentenced to death for sabotage by British authorities. He was captured while in one of the earliest guerrilla units fighting white colonial rule in what was then Rhodesia. He was 19 and only spared the noose by a law prohibiting the execution of convicts under 21. After a decade in prison, often sharing a cell with Mugabe, Mnangagwa became personal assistant to the leader of the liberation struggle, and went on to head the guerrilla movement s feared internal security bureau. In January, a photograph appeared in local media showing Mnangagwa enjoying drinks with a friend. In his hand was a large novelty mug emblazoned with the words: I M THE BOSS. To supporters of Mugabe, this bordered on treason. They suspected that Mnangagwa already saw himself in the leader s shoes. When Mugabe fired Mnangagwa as vice president this month for showing traits of disloyalty , he removed a possible successor who was also one of his last remaining liberation war comrades. But relations had already cooled between the two men after suggestions by Mnangagwa s allies in August that he had been poisoned by ice cream from a dairy owned by the Mugabes.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: All eyes on the 'Crocodile' as Zimbabwe's Mugabe resigns TEXT: HARARE (Reuters) - When Zimbabwean leader Robert Mugabe sacked his vice president in front of 12,000 baying party members in 2014, Emmerson Mnangagwa sat quietly in the crowd, a green baseball cap pulled low over his eyes. The man who stood to gain most from the dismissal betrayed nothing through his expression and gentle clapping - a survival tactic honed during five decades of service to the mercurial Mugabe. His cap, however, spoke volumes. Emblazoned across its front, next to a portrait of Mugabe, were four words: Indigenise, Empower, Develop, Employ - a slogan of the ruling ZANU-PF party. That day, he became Mugabe s official deputy. Mnangagwa, whose sacking from the post this month brought Zimbabwe s political crisis to a head, is now poised to take over after Mugabe, 93, resigned on Tuesday, ending almost four decades of rule. Mnangagwa will be sworn in on Wednesday or Thursday, ZANU-PF s legal secretary Patrick Chinamasa told Reuters. The party s chief whip said Mnangagwa would serve the remainder of Mugabe s term until the next election due by September 2018. But there are questions over how Mnangagwa will lead the country led by Mugabe since independence in 1980. In a statement issued from hiding on Tuesday, Mnangagwa said Zimbabweans from all walks of life had to work together to rebuild a shattered economy and deeply polarized society. My desire is to join all Zimbabweans in a new era, where corruption, incompetence, dereliction of duty and laziness, social and cultural decadence is not tolerated, he said. In that new Zimbabwe, it is important for everyone to join hands so that we rebuild this nation to its full glory. This is not a job for ZANU-PF alone but for all people of Zimbabwe. The 75-year-old was one of Mugabe s most trusted lieutenants, having been at his side in prison, during wartime and then in government. With his appointment in 2014 as Mugabe s official deputy, Mnangagwa had appeared well set as the eventual successor to Africa s oldest head of state. There are no arguments around his credentials to provide strong leadership and stability, but there are questions over whether he can also be a democrat, said Eldred Masunungure, a political science lecturer at the University of Zimbabwe. Speaking at the congress in 2014, Mnangagwa reinforced the message emblazoned on his headgear, announcing revisions to ZANU-PF s constitution that backed total ownership and control of Zimbabwe s natural resources. It was a key insight to the party s direction as it contemplated life beyond Mugabe. We will remain forever masters of our own destiny, Mnangagwa said at the time, to cheers from the crowd. Along the way, Mnangagwa earned the nickname Ngwena , Shona for crocodile, an animal famed in Zimbabwean lore for its stealth and ruthlessness. He backed Mugabe s economic nationalism, especially a drive to force foreign firms to hand majority stakes to local blacks, suggesting he may not be the pro-market pragmatist many investors were hoping for. He has been in every administration since independence, holding posts as varied as minister of state security, defense and finance, as well as speaker of parliament. Most controversially, he was in charge of internal security in the mid-1980s when Mugabe deployed a crack North Korean-trained brigade against rebels loyal to his rival Joshua Nkomo. Rights groups say 20,000 civilians, mostly from the Ndebele tribe, were killed. Mugabe denies genocide or crimes against humanity but has admitted it was a moment of madness . Mnangagwa s role remains shrouded in mystery, typical of a political operator trained as a communist guerrilla in China in the 1960s and who always stayed in the shadows behind Mugabe. Secretive and insular, he prefers to operate under the radar, those in his inner circle say, and when pushed into a corner, resorts to jokes and trivia to avoid serious discussion. I wouldn t say he is deceptive but it s fair to say his default position is to crack jokes and deflect uncomfortable questions by asking endless questions, one member of parliament close to him said. He is very conscious that his public image is that of a hard man but he is a much more complex personality - pleasant and an amazing story-teller, the politician, also from Mnangagwa s Midlands Province, told Reuters. Mnangagwa s appointment as vice president came a day after his predecessor Joice Mujuru was fired for allegedly planning to topple Mugabe. Asked whether the purge would weaken the party, a smiling Mnangagwa said: The revolution has a way of strengthening itself. It goes through cycles, this is another cycle where it rids itself of elements that had now become inconsistent with the correct line. Mnangagwa learnt his politics in prison in the 1960s after being sentenced to death for sabotage by British authorities. He was captured while in one of the earliest guerrilla units fighting white colonial rule in what was then Rhodesia. He was 19 and only spared the noose by a law prohibiting the execution of convicts under 21. After a decade in prison, often sharing a cell with Mugabe, Mnangagwa became personal assistant to the leader of the liberation struggle, and went on to head the guerrilla movement s feared internal security bureau. In January, a photograph appeared in local media showing Mnangagwa enjoying drinks with a friend. In his hand was a large novelty mug emblazoned with the words: I M THE BOSS. To supporters of Mugabe, this bordered on treason. They suspected that Mnangagwa already saw himself in the leader s shoes. When Mugabe fired Mnangagwa as vice president this month for showing traits of disloyalty , he removed a possible successor who was also one of his last remaining liberation war comrades. But relations had already cooled between the two men after suggestions by Mnangagwa s allies in August that he had been poisoned by ice cream from a dairy owned by the Mugabes.
TITLE: All eyes on the 'Crocodile' as Zimbabwe's Mugabe resigns TEXT: HARARE (Reuters) - When Zimbabwean leader Robert Mugabe sacked his vice president in front of 12,000 baying party members in 2014, Emmerson Mnangagwa sat quietly in the crowd, a green baseball cap pulled low over his eyes. The man who stood to gain most from the dismissal betrayed nothing through his expression and gentle clapping - a survival tactic honed during five decades of service to the mercurial Mugabe. His cap, however, spoke volumes. Emblazoned across its front, next to a portrait of Mugabe, were four words: Indigenise, Empower, Develop, Employ - a slogan of the ruling ZANU-PF party. That day, he became Mugabe s official deputy. Mnangagwa, whose sacking from the post this month brought Zimbabwe s political crisis to a head, is now poised to take over after Mugabe, 93, resigned on Tuesday, ending almost four decades of rule. Mnangagwa will be sworn in on Wednesday or Thursday, ZANU-PF s legal secretary Patrick Chinamasa told Reuters. The party s chief whip said Mnangagwa would serve the remainder of Mugabe s term until the next election due by September 2018. But there are questions over how Mnangagwa will lead the country led by Mugabe since independence in 1980. In a statement issued from hiding on Tuesday, Mnangagwa said Zimbabweans from all walks of life had to work together to rebuild a shattered economy and deeply polarized society. My desire is to join all Zimbabweans in a new era, where corruption, incompetence, dereliction of duty and laziness, social and cultural decadence is not tolerated, he said. In that new Zimbabwe, it is important for everyone to join hands so that we rebuild this nation to its full glory. This is not a job for ZANU-PF alone but for all people of Zimbabwe. The 75-year-old was one of Mugabe s most trusted lieutenants, having been at his side in prison, during wartime and then in government. With his appointment in 2014 as Mugabe s official deputy, Mnangagwa had appeared well set as the eventual successor to Africa s oldest head of state. There are no arguments around his credentials to provide strong leadership and stability, but there are questions over whether he can also be a democrat, said Eldred Masunungure, a political science lecturer at the University of Zimbabwe. Speaking at the congress in 2014, Mnangagwa reinforced the message emblazoned on his headgear, announcing revisions to ZANU-PF s constitution that backed total ownership and control of Zimbabwe s natural resources. It was a key insight to the party s direction as it contemplated life beyond Mugabe. We will remain forever masters of our own destiny, Mnangagwa said at the time, to cheers from the crowd. Along the way, Mnangagwa earned the nickname Ngwena , Shona for crocodile, an animal famed in Zimbabwean lore for its stealth and ruthlessness. He backed Mugabe s economic nationalism, especially a drive to force foreign firms to hand majority stakes to local blacks, suggesting he may not be the pro-market pragmatist many investors were hoping for. He has been in every administration since independence, holding posts as varied as minister of state security, defense and finance, as well as speaker of parliament. Most controversially, he was in charge of internal security in the mid-1980s when Mugabe deployed a crack North Korean-trained brigade against rebels loyal to his rival Joshua Nkomo. Rights groups say 20,000 civilians, mostly from the Ndebele tribe, were killed. Mugabe denies genocide or crimes against humanity but has admitted it was a moment of madness . Mnangagwa s role remains shrouded in mystery, typical of a political operator trained as a communist guerrilla in China in the 1960s and who always stayed in the shadows behind Mugabe. Secretive and insular, he prefers to operate under the radar, those in his inner circle say, and when pushed into a corner, resorts to jokes and trivia to avoid serious discussion. I wouldn t say he is deceptive but it s fair to say his default position is to crack jokes and deflect uncomfortable questions by asking endless questions, one member of parliament close to him said. He is very conscious that his public image is that of a hard man but he is a much more complex personality - pleasant and an amazing story-teller, the politician, also from Mnangagwa s Midlands Province, told Reuters. Mnangagwa s appointment as vice president came a day after his predecessor Joice Mujuru was fired for allegedly planning to topple Mugabe. Asked whether the purge would weaken the party, a smiling Mnangagwa said: The revolution has a way of strengthening itself. It goes through cycles, this is another cycle where it rids itself of elements that had now become inconsistent with the correct line. Mnangagwa learnt his politics in prison in the 1960s after being sentenced to death for sabotage by British authorities. He was captured while in one of the earliest guerrilla units fighting white colonial rule in what was then Rhodesia. He was 19 and only spared the noose by a law prohibiting the execution of convicts under 21. After a decade in prison, often sharing a cell with Mugabe, Mnangagwa became personal assistant to the leader of the liberation struggle, and went on to head the guerrilla movement s feared internal security bureau. In January, a photograph appeared in local media showing Mnangagwa enjoying drinks with a friend. In his hand was a large novelty mug emblazoned with the words: I M THE BOSS. To supporters of Mugabe, this bordered on treason. They suspected that Mnangagwa already saw himself in the leader s shoes. When Mugabe fired Mnangagwa as vice president this month for showing traits of disloyalty , he removed a possible successor who was also one of his last remaining liberation war comrades. But relations had already cooled between the two men after suggestions by Mnangagwa s allies in August that he had been poisoned by ice cream from a dairy owned by the Mugabes.
Taiwan president arrives in Hawaii despite Chinese objections
HONOLULU (Reuters) - Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen landed in Honolulu on Saturday en route to the island s diplomatic allies among Pacific nations and set off for a visit to a Pearl Harbor memorial, despite strong objections to the visit from China. China regards self-ruled Taiwan as sovereign territory and regularly calls it the most sensitive and important issue between it and the United States, complaining to Washington about transit stops by Taiwanese presidents. China has not renounced the possible use of force to bring the island under its control. Tsai, who China believes is seeking formal independence for Taiwan, left on Saturday on a week-long trip to three Pacific island allies - Tuvalu, the Solomon Islands and the Marshall Islands - via Honolulu and the U.S. territory of Guam. For her part, Tsai says she wants to maintain peace with China but will defend Taiwan s democracy and security. Earlier this week, the U.S. State Department said Tsai s transits through U.S. soil would be private and unofficial and were based on long-standing U.S. practice consistent with our unofficial relations with Taiwan . It noted there was no change to the U.S. one-China policy which recognizes that Beijing takes the view that there is only one China, and Taiwan is part of it. Tsai, accompanied by her entourage and members of the media, left on a short boat ride for the USS Arizona Memorial, which is built over the remains of the battleship sunk in Pearl Harbor in the Second World War, on Saturday afternoon. The memorial, where Tsai was expected to lay a wreath, now forms a centerpiece of the World War Two Valor in the Pacific National Monument, a site administered by the National Park Service. U.S. President Donald Trump is due to visit China in less than two weeks. He angered Beijing last December by taking a telephone call from Tsai shortly after he won the presidential election. The trip to the United States is Tsai s second this year. In January she stopped over in Houston and San Francisco on her way to and from Latin America, visiting the headquarters of Twitter, which is blocked in China. China has claimed sovereignty over Taiwan since 1949, when Mao Zedong s Communist forces won the Chinese civil war and Chiang Kai-shek s Nationalists fled to the island.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Taiwan president arrives in Hawaii despite Chinese objections TEXT: HONOLULU (Reuters) - Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen landed in Honolulu on Saturday en route to the island s diplomatic allies among Pacific nations and set off for a visit to a Pearl Harbor memorial, despite strong objections to the visit from China. China regards self-ruled Taiwan as sovereign territory and regularly calls it the most sensitive and important issue between it and the United States, complaining to Washington about transit stops by Taiwanese presidents. China has not renounced the possible use of force to bring the island under its control. Tsai, who China believes is seeking formal independence for Taiwan, left on Saturday on a week-long trip to three Pacific island allies - Tuvalu, the Solomon Islands and the Marshall Islands - via Honolulu and the U.S. territory of Guam. For her part, Tsai says she wants to maintain peace with China but will defend Taiwan s democracy and security. Earlier this week, the U.S. State Department said Tsai s transits through U.S. soil would be private and unofficial and were based on long-standing U.S. practice consistent with our unofficial relations with Taiwan . It noted there was no change to the U.S. one-China policy which recognizes that Beijing takes the view that there is only one China, and Taiwan is part of it. Tsai, accompanied by her entourage and members of the media, left on a short boat ride for the USS Arizona Memorial, which is built over the remains of the battleship sunk in Pearl Harbor in the Second World War, on Saturday afternoon. The memorial, where Tsai was expected to lay a wreath, now forms a centerpiece of the World War Two Valor in the Pacific National Monument, a site administered by the National Park Service. U.S. President Donald Trump is due to visit China in less than two weeks. He angered Beijing last December by taking a telephone call from Tsai shortly after he won the presidential election. The trip to the United States is Tsai s second this year. In January she stopped over in Houston and San Francisco on her way to and from Latin America, visiting the headquarters of Twitter, which is blocked in China. China has claimed sovereignty over Taiwan since 1949, when Mao Zedong s Communist forces won the Chinese civil war and Chiang Kai-shek s Nationalists fled to the island.
TITLE: Taiwan president arrives in Hawaii despite Chinese objections TEXT: HONOLULU (Reuters) - Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen landed in Honolulu on Saturday en route to the island s diplomatic allies among Pacific nations and set off for a visit to a Pearl Harbor memorial, despite strong objections to the visit from China. China regards self-ruled Taiwan as sovereign territory and regularly calls it the most sensitive and important issue between it and the United States, complaining to Washington about transit stops by Taiwanese presidents. China has not renounced the possible use of force to bring the island under its control. Tsai, who China believes is seeking formal independence for Taiwan, left on Saturday on a week-long trip to three Pacific island allies - Tuvalu, the Solomon Islands and the Marshall Islands - via Honolulu and the U.S. territory of Guam. For her part, Tsai says she wants to maintain peace with China but will defend Taiwan s democracy and security. Earlier this week, the U.S. State Department said Tsai s transits through U.S. soil would be private and unofficial and were based on long-standing U.S. practice consistent with our unofficial relations with Taiwan . It noted there was no change to the U.S. one-China policy which recognizes that Beijing takes the view that there is only one China, and Taiwan is part of it. Tsai, accompanied by her entourage and members of the media, left on a short boat ride for the USS Arizona Memorial, which is built over the remains of the battleship sunk in Pearl Harbor in the Second World War, on Saturday afternoon. The memorial, where Tsai was expected to lay a wreath, now forms a centerpiece of the World War Two Valor in the Pacific National Monument, a site administered by the National Park Service. U.S. President Donald Trump is due to visit China in less than two weeks. He angered Beijing last December by taking a telephone call from Tsai shortly after he won the presidential election. The trip to the United States is Tsai s second this year. In January she stopped over in Houston and San Francisco on her way to and from Latin America, visiting the headquarters of Twitter, which is blocked in China. China has claimed sovereignty over Taiwan since 1949, when Mao Zedong s Communist forces won the Chinese civil war and Chiang Kai-shek s Nationalists fled to the island.
Two worlds of Labour, Britain's opposition party struggles to unite
BRIGHTON, England (Reuters) - A baby gurgles in the background, posters defend workers rights and between DJ decks and a well-stocked bar of an old nightclub, dozens of young activists flesh out their demands that Britain s Labour Party become a wider movement for the left. Across the road, in the southern seaside town of Brighton s main conference center, and in the nearby hotels and restaurants, Labour s established lawmakers are discussing Brexit, policy and how to oust the governing Conservative Party. Welcome to the two worlds of Britain s main opposition party: a division centered around Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn who after months of fighting off attempts to depose him, is more cemented at its helm than ever. It is not the only division at Labour s annual conference, where the party is struggling to unite over Britain s departure from the European Union. But it is one that may define Labour s future for beneath the outward comradeship is a fight for direction. I m more convinced now than I ever have been that MPs (members of parliament, or lawmakers) aren t as relevant as they think, said Laura Pidcock, a Labour lawmaker who was elected for the first time to parliament in June and has frequently spoken out about it as an elitist institution. I bet there s people in this room who have felt this during this conference, or are experiencing this now, that you shouldn t really be there, she told an audience gathered to talk about Corbynism from Below organized by a group called The World Transformed. The World Transformed grew out of Momentum, a campaign group which drummed up support for veteran leftist Corbyn to lead Labour and acted in his defense when centrist members in the party tried to oust him, unconvinced his leftist views could ever win over voters. But June s general election changed all that. Corbyn, running on a manifesto that instead of austerity promised an end to university tuition fees, renationalization and increased public spending, won more votes than expected, many from younger voters who wanted change. The vote forced Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May into a minority government, and set the mood at this conference mostly upbeat, with Corbyn feted by almost all wings of the party. His face adorns T-shirts, mugs and posters on sale. Oh Jeremy Corbyn sung to the chords of The White Stripes 2003 hit Seven Nation Army can be heard across the conference, much as it was at the Glastonbury rock festival earlier this year. For those activists behind The World Transformed, it is a chance to revel in their moment and press for change in a parliamentary party populated what some describe as the suits . It is a sea change for the Labour Party, which last won power in 1997 with the business-friendly, center-ground policies of former prime minister Tony Blair. Once Momentum was written off by some Labour lawmakers, seen as little more than a cult following for a leader whose politics, his critics said, were little changed from the 1980s when the party wrote what was described as the longest suicide note in history for helping the Conservatives to victory. Now, with Labour closing the gap in opinion polls to stand roughly level with the Conservatives and Corbyn in sight of becoming prime minister if an early election were called, it has the power to influence party policy. Earlier this week, several Labour lawmakers criticized Momentum for blocking a main conference debate on Brexit after the group urged its members to vote for other issues to be included on the official conference program. In response, some activists accused lawmakers of wanting to undermine Corbyn by speaking about an issue that divides the party. Jeremy Corbyn wouldn t be the first Labour leader to fix a conference vote, said Alison McGovern, a Labour lawmaker who is leading a campaign to keep Britain in the single market after Brexit. I just think it s a mistake on their part. Conference wants to talk about Brexit ... The World Transformed has been wall-to-wall Brexit chat. And nothing seems to be off the agenda at the venues used by The World Transformed, which offers child-friendly spaces for discussion of everything from bringing the game of football back to its roots to How to Run a Kickass Social Media Campaign . But the overriding message is, don t let this opportunity slip. The fight really isn t over if we get a Labour government, said Maya Goodfellow, a writer and researcher. We hear people chanting Jeremy Corbyn s name which is great. Great that so many people are enthused, but the state will kick into power, there will be moves to stop a radical government from doing what it wants to do.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Two worlds of Labour, Britain's opposition party struggles to unite TEXT: BRIGHTON, England (Reuters) - A baby gurgles in the background, posters defend workers rights and between DJ decks and a well-stocked bar of an old nightclub, dozens of young activists flesh out their demands that Britain s Labour Party become a wider movement for the left. Across the road, in the southern seaside town of Brighton s main conference center, and in the nearby hotels and restaurants, Labour s established lawmakers are discussing Brexit, policy and how to oust the governing Conservative Party. Welcome to the two worlds of Britain s main opposition party: a division centered around Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn who after months of fighting off attempts to depose him, is more cemented at its helm than ever. It is not the only division at Labour s annual conference, where the party is struggling to unite over Britain s departure from the European Union. But it is one that may define Labour s future for beneath the outward comradeship is a fight for direction. I m more convinced now than I ever have been that MPs (members of parliament, or lawmakers) aren t as relevant as they think, said Laura Pidcock, a Labour lawmaker who was elected for the first time to parliament in June and has frequently spoken out about it as an elitist institution. I bet there s people in this room who have felt this during this conference, or are experiencing this now, that you shouldn t really be there, she told an audience gathered to talk about Corbynism from Below organized by a group called The World Transformed. The World Transformed grew out of Momentum, a campaign group which drummed up support for veteran leftist Corbyn to lead Labour and acted in his defense when centrist members in the party tried to oust him, unconvinced his leftist views could ever win over voters. But June s general election changed all that. Corbyn, running on a manifesto that instead of austerity promised an end to university tuition fees, renationalization and increased public spending, won more votes than expected, many from younger voters who wanted change. The vote forced Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May into a minority government, and set the mood at this conference mostly upbeat, with Corbyn feted by almost all wings of the party. His face adorns T-shirts, mugs and posters on sale. Oh Jeremy Corbyn sung to the chords of The White Stripes 2003 hit Seven Nation Army can be heard across the conference, much as it was at the Glastonbury rock festival earlier this year. For those activists behind The World Transformed, it is a chance to revel in their moment and press for change in a parliamentary party populated what some describe as the suits . It is a sea change for the Labour Party, which last won power in 1997 with the business-friendly, center-ground policies of former prime minister Tony Blair. Once Momentum was written off by some Labour lawmakers, seen as little more than a cult following for a leader whose politics, his critics said, were little changed from the 1980s when the party wrote what was described as the longest suicide note in history for helping the Conservatives to victory. Now, with Labour closing the gap in opinion polls to stand roughly level with the Conservatives and Corbyn in sight of becoming prime minister if an early election were called, it has the power to influence party policy. Earlier this week, several Labour lawmakers criticized Momentum for blocking a main conference debate on Brexit after the group urged its members to vote for other issues to be included on the official conference program. In response, some activists accused lawmakers of wanting to undermine Corbyn by speaking about an issue that divides the party. Jeremy Corbyn wouldn t be the first Labour leader to fix a conference vote, said Alison McGovern, a Labour lawmaker who is leading a campaign to keep Britain in the single market after Brexit. I just think it s a mistake on their part. Conference wants to talk about Brexit ... The World Transformed has been wall-to-wall Brexit chat. And nothing seems to be off the agenda at the venues used by The World Transformed, which offers child-friendly spaces for discussion of everything from bringing the game of football back to its roots to How to Run a Kickass Social Media Campaign . But the overriding message is, don t let this opportunity slip. The fight really isn t over if we get a Labour government, said Maya Goodfellow, a writer and researcher. We hear people chanting Jeremy Corbyn s name which is great. Great that so many people are enthused, but the state will kick into power, there will be moves to stop a radical government from doing what it wants to do.
TITLE: Two worlds of Labour, Britain's opposition party struggles to unite TEXT: BRIGHTON, England (Reuters) - A baby gurgles in the background, posters defend workers rights and between DJ decks and a well-stocked bar of an old nightclub, dozens of young activists flesh out their demands that Britain s Labour Party become a wider movement for the left. Across the road, in the southern seaside town of Brighton s main conference center, and in the nearby hotels and restaurants, Labour s established lawmakers are discussing Brexit, policy and how to oust the governing Conservative Party. Welcome to the two worlds of Britain s main opposition party: a division centered around Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn who after months of fighting off attempts to depose him, is more cemented at its helm than ever. It is not the only division at Labour s annual conference, where the party is struggling to unite over Britain s departure from the European Union. But it is one that may define Labour s future for beneath the outward comradeship is a fight for direction. I m more convinced now than I ever have been that MPs (members of parliament, or lawmakers) aren t as relevant as they think, said Laura Pidcock, a Labour lawmaker who was elected for the first time to parliament in June and has frequently spoken out about it as an elitist institution. I bet there s people in this room who have felt this during this conference, or are experiencing this now, that you shouldn t really be there, she told an audience gathered to talk about Corbynism from Below organized by a group called The World Transformed. The World Transformed grew out of Momentum, a campaign group which drummed up support for veteran leftist Corbyn to lead Labour and acted in his defense when centrist members in the party tried to oust him, unconvinced his leftist views could ever win over voters. But June s general election changed all that. Corbyn, running on a manifesto that instead of austerity promised an end to university tuition fees, renationalization and increased public spending, won more votes than expected, many from younger voters who wanted change. The vote forced Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May into a minority government, and set the mood at this conference mostly upbeat, with Corbyn feted by almost all wings of the party. His face adorns T-shirts, mugs and posters on sale. Oh Jeremy Corbyn sung to the chords of The White Stripes 2003 hit Seven Nation Army can be heard across the conference, much as it was at the Glastonbury rock festival earlier this year. For those activists behind The World Transformed, it is a chance to revel in their moment and press for change in a parliamentary party populated what some describe as the suits . It is a sea change for the Labour Party, which last won power in 1997 with the business-friendly, center-ground policies of former prime minister Tony Blair. Once Momentum was written off by some Labour lawmakers, seen as little more than a cult following for a leader whose politics, his critics said, were little changed from the 1980s when the party wrote what was described as the longest suicide note in history for helping the Conservatives to victory. Now, with Labour closing the gap in opinion polls to stand roughly level with the Conservatives and Corbyn in sight of becoming prime minister if an early election were called, it has the power to influence party policy. Earlier this week, several Labour lawmakers criticized Momentum for blocking a main conference debate on Brexit after the group urged its members to vote for other issues to be included on the official conference program. In response, some activists accused lawmakers of wanting to undermine Corbyn by speaking about an issue that divides the party. Jeremy Corbyn wouldn t be the first Labour leader to fix a conference vote, said Alison McGovern, a Labour lawmaker who is leading a campaign to keep Britain in the single market after Brexit. I just think it s a mistake on their part. Conference wants to talk about Brexit ... The World Transformed has been wall-to-wall Brexit chat. And nothing seems to be off the agenda at the venues used by The World Transformed, which offers child-friendly spaces for discussion of everything from bringing the game of football back to its roots to How to Run a Kickass Social Media Campaign . But the overriding message is, don t let this opportunity slip. The fight really isn t over if we get a Labour government, said Maya Goodfellow, a writer and researcher. We hear people chanting Jeremy Corbyn s name which is great. Great that so many people are enthused, but the state will kick into power, there will be moves to stop a radical government from doing what it wants to do.
Melania Trump's speech has an echo of Michelle Obama words
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Melania Trump’s speech at the Republican National Convention has ignited controversy because it contained a section strikingly similar to words delivered at the Democratic convention in 2008 by the woman she hopes to succeed as U.S. first lady, Michelle Obama. An official with the campaign of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump suggested the similarity in the section to Michelle Obama’s speech may have been the result of an error by her team of speech writers. Donald Trump made no mention of the issue in a Twitter post early on Tuesday, saying simply: “It was truly an honor to introduce my wife, Melania Trump last night. Her speech and demeanor were absolutely incredible. Very proud!” Trump has never held elective office and his White House campaign has been marked by frequent controversy over unorthodox policies and freewheeling remarks that have alarmed many in the Republican establishment. It is a tradition of the party conventions for spouses to offer an enthusiastic personal endorsement of candidates. On Tuesday night, the gathering in Cleveland will formally anoint Donald Trump the Republican presidential candidate for the Nov. 8 election. It was a small section of Melania Trump’s roughly 15-minute speech, a highlight of the opening day of the convention, that was similar to a part of Michelle Obama’s speech in 2008 in support of Barack Obama, who was then campaigning for president. “My parents impressed on me the values that you work hard for what you want in life; that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise; that you treat people with respect,” said Melania Trump, a Slovenian-born jewelry designer and former model. “They taught me to show the values and morals in my daily life. That is the lesson that I continue to pass along to our son,” she said. “And we need to pass those lessons on to the many generations to follow, because we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.” In 2008, Michelle Obama said, “And Barack and I were raised with so many of the same values: that you work hard for what you want in life; that your word is your bond and you do what you say you’re going to do; that you treat people with dignity and respect.” “...And Barack Obama and I set out to build lives guided by these values, and pass them on to the next generations,” she added. “Because we want our children, and all children in this nation, to know that the only limit to the height of your achievement is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.” Before Monday’s speech, Melania Trump told NBC in remarks that were aired on several networks: “I wrote it... with as little help as possible.” A spokesman for the Trump campaign called the speech a success, but suggested her writers might have mistakenly injected some borrowed language. “In writing her beautiful speech, Melania’s team of writers took notes on her life’s inspirations, and in some instances included fragments that reflected her own thinking,” Jason Miller, Trump’s senior communications adviser, said in a statement. Paul Manafort, chairman of the Trump campaign, played down the similarities in the Trump and Obama speeches. “There aren’t that many similarities. There are a couple of phrases,” Manafort told CBS News on Tuesday. “It’s basically three places in the speech and it’s fragments of words. She spoke in front of 35 million people yesterday. She knew what she was doing. And she never cribbed from another speech without acknowledging that she was quoting somebody else.” “There was nothing that she did in that speech that she thought was anybody’s words but herself,” Manafort said. Asked if she wrote it herself, Manafort said it was a “collaboration” and he didn’t know how much exactly she had written. “But the words of her speech reflect her feelings for her husband, her country and her family.” “Frankly this was her vision that she wanted to communicate about her husband.” New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, asked if as a former prosecutor he could make a case for plagiarism from Melania Trump’s speech, replied: “No, not when 93 percent of the speech is completely different from Michelle Obama’s speech, and they express common thoughts.“ “I think after tonight we won’t be talking about this, we’ll move on to whatever ... comes up tonight,” Christie, a former rival to Trump for the Republican presidential nomination who now supports him, told NBC’s Today show on Tuesday. (This story corrects to show Melania interview was with NBC, paragraph 13)
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Melania Trump's speech has an echo of Michelle Obama words TEXT: CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Melania Trump’s speech at the Republican National Convention has ignited controversy because it contained a section strikingly similar to words delivered at the Democratic convention in 2008 by the woman she hopes to succeed as U.S. first lady, Michelle Obama. An official with the campaign of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump suggested the similarity in the section to Michelle Obama’s speech may have been the result of an error by her team of speech writers. Donald Trump made no mention of the issue in a Twitter post early on Tuesday, saying simply: “It was truly an honor to introduce my wife, Melania Trump last night. Her speech and demeanor were absolutely incredible. Very proud!” Trump has never held elective office and his White House campaign has been marked by frequent controversy over unorthodox policies and freewheeling remarks that have alarmed many in the Republican establishment. It is a tradition of the party conventions for spouses to offer an enthusiastic personal endorsement of candidates. On Tuesday night, the gathering in Cleveland will formally anoint Donald Trump the Republican presidential candidate for the Nov. 8 election. It was a small section of Melania Trump’s roughly 15-minute speech, a highlight of the opening day of the convention, that was similar to a part of Michelle Obama’s speech in 2008 in support of Barack Obama, who was then campaigning for president. “My parents impressed on me the values that you work hard for what you want in life; that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise; that you treat people with respect,” said Melania Trump, a Slovenian-born jewelry designer and former model. “They taught me to show the values and morals in my daily life. That is the lesson that I continue to pass along to our son,” she said. “And we need to pass those lessons on to the many generations to follow, because we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.” In 2008, Michelle Obama said, “And Barack and I were raised with so many of the same values: that you work hard for what you want in life; that your word is your bond and you do what you say you’re going to do; that you treat people with dignity and respect.” “...And Barack Obama and I set out to build lives guided by these values, and pass them on to the next generations,” she added. “Because we want our children, and all children in this nation, to know that the only limit to the height of your achievement is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.” Before Monday’s speech, Melania Trump told NBC in remarks that were aired on several networks: “I wrote it... with as little help as possible.” A spokesman for the Trump campaign called the speech a success, but suggested her writers might have mistakenly injected some borrowed language. “In writing her beautiful speech, Melania’s team of writers took notes on her life’s inspirations, and in some instances included fragments that reflected her own thinking,” Jason Miller, Trump’s senior communications adviser, said in a statement. Paul Manafort, chairman of the Trump campaign, played down the similarities in the Trump and Obama speeches. “There aren’t that many similarities. There are a couple of phrases,” Manafort told CBS News on Tuesday. “It’s basically three places in the speech and it’s fragments of words. She spoke in front of 35 million people yesterday. She knew what she was doing. And she never cribbed from another speech without acknowledging that she was quoting somebody else.” “There was nothing that she did in that speech that she thought was anybody’s words but herself,” Manafort said. Asked if she wrote it herself, Manafort said it was a “collaboration” and he didn’t know how much exactly she had written. “But the words of her speech reflect her feelings for her husband, her country and her family.” “Frankly this was her vision that she wanted to communicate about her husband.” New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, asked if as a former prosecutor he could make a case for plagiarism from Melania Trump’s speech, replied: “No, not when 93 percent of the speech is completely different from Michelle Obama’s speech, and they express common thoughts.“ “I think after tonight we won’t be talking about this, we’ll move on to whatever ... comes up tonight,” Christie, a former rival to Trump for the Republican presidential nomination who now supports him, told NBC’s Today show on Tuesday. (This story corrects to show Melania interview was with NBC, paragraph 13)
TITLE: Melania Trump's speech has an echo of Michelle Obama words TEXT: CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Melania Trump’s speech at the Republican National Convention has ignited controversy because it contained a section strikingly similar to words delivered at the Democratic convention in 2008 by the woman she hopes to succeed as U.S. first lady, Michelle Obama. An official with the campaign of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump suggested the similarity in the section to Michelle Obama’s speech may have been the result of an error by her team of speech writers. Donald Trump made no mention of the issue in a Twitter post early on Tuesday, saying simply: “It was truly an honor to introduce my wife, Melania Trump last night. Her speech and demeanor were absolutely incredible. Very proud!” Trump has never held elective office and his White House campaign has been marked by frequent controversy over unorthodox policies and freewheeling remarks that have alarmed many in the Republican establishment. It is a tradition of the party conventions for spouses to offer an enthusiastic personal endorsement of candidates. On Tuesday night, the gathering in Cleveland will formally anoint Donald Trump the Republican presidential candidate for the Nov. 8 election. It was a small section of Melania Trump’s roughly 15-minute speech, a highlight of the opening day of the convention, that was similar to a part of Michelle Obama’s speech in 2008 in support of Barack Obama, who was then campaigning for president. “My parents impressed on me the values that you work hard for what you want in life; that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise; that you treat people with respect,” said Melania Trump, a Slovenian-born jewelry designer and former model. “They taught me to show the values and morals in my daily life. That is the lesson that I continue to pass along to our son,” she said. “And we need to pass those lessons on to the many generations to follow, because we want our children in this nation to know that the only limit to your achievements is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.” In 2008, Michelle Obama said, “And Barack and I were raised with so many of the same values: that you work hard for what you want in life; that your word is your bond and you do what you say you’re going to do; that you treat people with dignity and respect.” “...And Barack Obama and I set out to build lives guided by these values, and pass them on to the next generations,” she added. “Because we want our children, and all children in this nation, to know that the only limit to the height of your achievement is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work for them.” Before Monday’s speech, Melania Trump told NBC in remarks that were aired on several networks: “I wrote it... with as little help as possible.” A spokesman for the Trump campaign called the speech a success, but suggested her writers might have mistakenly injected some borrowed language. “In writing her beautiful speech, Melania’s team of writers took notes on her life’s inspirations, and in some instances included fragments that reflected her own thinking,” Jason Miller, Trump’s senior communications adviser, said in a statement. Paul Manafort, chairman of the Trump campaign, played down the similarities in the Trump and Obama speeches. “There aren’t that many similarities. There are a couple of phrases,” Manafort told CBS News on Tuesday. “It’s basically three places in the speech and it’s fragments of words. She spoke in front of 35 million people yesterday. She knew what she was doing. And she never cribbed from another speech without acknowledging that she was quoting somebody else.” “There was nothing that she did in that speech that she thought was anybody’s words but herself,” Manafort said. Asked if she wrote it herself, Manafort said it was a “collaboration” and he didn’t know how much exactly she had written. “But the words of her speech reflect her feelings for her husband, her country and her family.” “Frankly this was her vision that she wanted to communicate about her husband.” New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, asked if as a former prosecutor he could make a case for plagiarism from Melania Trump’s speech, replied: “No, not when 93 percent of the speech is completely different from Michelle Obama’s speech, and they express common thoughts.“ “I think after tonight we won’t be talking about this, we’ll move on to whatever ... comes up tonight,” Christie, a former rival to Trump for the Republican presidential nomination who now supports him, told NBC’s Today show on Tuesday. (This story corrects to show Melania interview was with NBC, paragraph 13)
Trump’s Flip-Flop: Now He’s Complaining That Obama Deports Too Many People
Donald Trump appears to be backing off on his pledge to deport immigrants, at least he appeared to be earlier on Saturday. Instead, Trump is accusing Obama of being too anti-immigrant.Yes, you read that right. In an interview in Scotland, he said that he would limit deportations to countries with known terrorists and he would start over again on the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. He toned down his usual xenophobic rhetoric to say that his policies would have heart, unlike, according to him, President Obama. President Obama has mass deported vast numbers of people the most ever, and it s never reported. I think people are going to find that I have not only the best policies, but I will have the biggest heart of anybody, Trump said.Pressed on whether he would issue mass deportations, Trump answered: No, I would not call it mass deportations. Source: Bloomberg.comIt s a damned good thing that Trump has the best health insurance money can buy, because he s risking a serious case of whiplash. In the last few months alone, Trump has said about immigration: Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country s representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population. That s pretty definitive. I think Islam hates us, Trump told CNN s Anderson Cooper after he was asked whether he thinks Islam is at war with the West. There s a tremendous hatred. We have to get to the bottom of it. There is an unbelievable hatred of us. If Islam hates us (they don t), then why let in immigrants from any country at all? I will build a great wall and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me and I ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words. The entire foundation of his campaign was built around this wall. I never thought of Mexico as a Muslim country, let alone one that hates us. I do business with the Mexican people, but you have people coming through the border that are from all over. And they re bad. They re really bad. You have people coming in, and I m not just saying Mexicans, I m talking about people that are from all over that are killers and rapists and they re coming into this country. I guess he won t be keeping these people out. We must have strong borders and not let illegal immigrants enter the United States. As has been stated continuously in the press, people are pouring across our borders unabated. Public reports routinely state great amounts of crime are being committed by illegal immigrants. If anything, this latest pivot could be a misguided attempt to appeal to Bernie Sanders voters, who often disagree with Obama s deportation policies. Yes, it is true that Obama has deported a record number of immigrants, but that s not a fact we would have heard from the Donald Trump of last week or last month, or likely of tomorrow.h/t: Newsday, America s Voice | Featured image via Jeff J. Mitchell with Getty Images.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Trump’s Flip-Flop: Now He’s Complaining That Obama Deports Too Many People TEXT: Donald Trump appears to be backing off on his pledge to deport immigrants, at least he appeared to be earlier on Saturday. Instead, Trump is accusing Obama of being too anti-immigrant.Yes, you read that right. In an interview in Scotland, he said that he would limit deportations to countries with known terrorists and he would start over again on the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. He toned down his usual xenophobic rhetoric to say that his policies would have heart, unlike, according to him, President Obama. President Obama has mass deported vast numbers of people the most ever, and it s never reported. I think people are going to find that I have not only the best policies, but I will have the biggest heart of anybody, Trump said.Pressed on whether he would issue mass deportations, Trump answered: No, I would not call it mass deportations. Source: Bloomberg.comIt s a damned good thing that Trump has the best health insurance money can buy, because he s risking a serious case of whiplash. In the last few months alone, Trump has said about immigration: Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country s representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population. That s pretty definitive. I think Islam hates us, Trump told CNN s Anderson Cooper after he was asked whether he thinks Islam is at war with the West. There s a tremendous hatred. We have to get to the bottom of it. There is an unbelievable hatred of us. If Islam hates us (they don t), then why let in immigrants from any country at all? I will build a great wall and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me and I ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words. The entire foundation of his campaign was built around this wall. I never thought of Mexico as a Muslim country, let alone one that hates us. I do business with the Mexican people, but you have people coming through the border that are from all over. And they re bad. They re really bad. You have people coming in, and I m not just saying Mexicans, I m talking about people that are from all over that are killers and rapists and they re coming into this country. I guess he won t be keeping these people out. We must have strong borders and not let illegal immigrants enter the United States. As has been stated continuously in the press, people are pouring across our borders unabated. Public reports routinely state great amounts of crime are being committed by illegal immigrants. If anything, this latest pivot could be a misguided attempt to appeal to Bernie Sanders voters, who often disagree with Obama s deportation policies. Yes, it is true that Obama has deported a record number of immigrants, but that s not a fact we would have heard from the Donald Trump of last week or last month, or likely of tomorrow.h/t: Newsday, America s Voice | Featured image via Jeff J. Mitchell with Getty Images.
TITLE: Trump’s Flip-Flop: Now He’s Complaining That Obama Deports Too Many People TEXT: Donald Trump appears to be backing off on his pledge to deport immigrants, at least he appeared to be earlier on Saturday. Instead, Trump is accusing Obama of being too anti-immigrant.Yes, you read that right. In an interview in Scotland, he said that he would limit deportations to countries with known terrorists and he would start over again on the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. He toned down his usual xenophobic rhetoric to say that his policies would have heart, unlike, according to him, President Obama. President Obama has mass deported vast numbers of people the most ever, and it s never reported. I think people are going to find that I have not only the best policies, but I will have the biggest heart of anybody, Trump said.Pressed on whether he would issue mass deportations, Trump answered: No, I would not call it mass deportations. Source: Bloomberg.comIt s a damned good thing that Trump has the best health insurance money can buy, because he s risking a serious case of whiplash. In the last few months alone, Trump has said about immigration: Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country s representatives can figure out what is going on. According to Pew Research, among others, there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population. That s pretty definitive. I think Islam hates us, Trump told CNN s Anderson Cooper after he was asked whether he thinks Islam is at war with the West. There s a tremendous hatred. We have to get to the bottom of it. There is an unbelievable hatred of us. If Islam hates us (they don t), then why let in immigrants from any country at all? I will build a great wall and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me and I ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words. The entire foundation of his campaign was built around this wall. I never thought of Mexico as a Muslim country, let alone one that hates us. I do business with the Mexican people, but you have people coming through the border that are from all over. And they re bad. They re really bad. You have people coming in, and I m not just saying Mexicans, I m talking about people that are from all over that are killers and rapists and they re coming into this country. I guess he won t be keeping these people out. We must have strong borders and not let illegal immigrants enter the United States. As has been stated continuously in the press, people are pouring across our borders unabated. Public reports routinely state great amounts of crime are being committed by illegal immigrants. If anything, this latest pivot could be a misguided attempt to appeal to Bernie Sanders voters, who often disagree with Obama s deportation policies. Yes, it is true that Obama has deported a record number of immigrants, but that s not a fact we would have heard from the Donald Trump of last week or last month, or likely of tomorrow.h/t: Newsday, America s Voice | Featured image via Jeff J. Mitchell with Getty Images.
President Obama Just Put Republicans In Their Place With 36 Words From The Constitution (IMAGE)
Ever since Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia s death. Republicans have been clear about one thing: No matter what, they intend to obstruct Obama because every day is a day that ends in -day. While the president has a Constitutional duty to appoint a new Justice to replace the much-reviled racist, anti-gay, anti-woman sleazebag now that he is burning in Hell, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has vowed that he won t allow the Senate to even consider Obama s nominee no hearings, no votes, nothing.Republicans falsely claim that it is outside tradition for a president to appoint a new Supreme Court Justice in his final year in office, despite that a full third of presidents have done so in an election year. On Tuesday, the president met with McConnell and Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley in the Oval Office to talk about Obama s plan to nominate someone within the next couple weeks. Unfortunately, the Republicans refused to budge on their mission to obstruct the president.The meeting barely lasted forty minute and, while the president offered to consider anyone McConnell and pals suggested for the position, they continued their usual modus operandi of not having a single f*cking idea.After the pointless meeting, President Obama took to social media to smack down some elephants. On Facebook, he brilliantly trolled the pro-Constitution party with 36 words that should (but won t) shut them up namely, Article II Section 2 of the Constitution. The message was punctuated with the hashtag #DoYourJob a message Obama has been sending Republicans since they initially announced that they would obstruct him no matter what. On Twitter, the president posted a petition urging the Senate to do its job. Our Supreme Court is too important to be held hostage by the same partisan gridlock that has caused government shutdowns, the petition reads. President Obama is taking his constitutional responsibility seriously the Senate should do the same. Along with the petition, Obama left a very clear message: Leaving a seat open on the Supreme Court for more than a year is irresponsible. Along with the petition, Obama left a very clear message: Leaving a seat open on the Supreme Court for more than a year is irresponsible but what else can we expect from Republicans these days? Irresponsibility is their defining attribute. Do your job is not a hard message to understand, but it is certainly not a course of action the Party of Reagan views as viable.Featured image via White House/screengrab
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: President Obama Just Put Republicans In Their Place With 36 Words From The Constitution (IMAGE) TEXT: Ever since Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia s death. Republicans have been clear about one thing: No matter what, they intend to obstruct Obama because every day is a day that ends in -day. While the president has a Constitutional duty to appoint a new Justice to replace the much-reviled racist, anti-gay, anti-woman sleazebag now that he is burning in Hell, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has vowed that he won t allow the Senate to even consider Obama s nominee no hearings, no votes, nothing.Republicans falsely claim that it is outside tradition for a president to appoint a new Supreme Court Justice in his final year in office, despite that a full third of presidents have done so in an election year. On Tuesday, the president met with McConnell and Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley in the Oval Office to talk about Obama s plan to nominate someone within the next couple weeks. Unfortunately, the Republicans refused to budge on their mission to obstruct the president.The meeting barely lasted forty minute and, while the president offered to consider anyone McConnell and pals suggested for the position, they continued their usual modus operandi of not having a single f*cking idea.After the pointless meeting, President Obama took to social media to smack down some elephants. On Facebook, he brilliantly trolled the pro-Constitution party with 36 words that should (but won t) shut them up namely, Article II Section 2 of the Constitution. The message was punctuated with the hashtag #DoYourJob a message Obama has been sending Republicans since they initially announced that they would obstruct him no matter what. On Twitter, the president posted a petition urging the Senate to do its job. Our Supreme Court is too important to be held hostage by the same partisan gridlock that has caused government shutdowns, the petition reads. President Obama is taking his constitutional responsibility seriously the Senate should do the same. Along with the petition, Obama left a very clear message: Leaving a seat open on the Supreme Court for more than a year is irresponsible. Along with the petition, Obama left a very clear message: Leaving a seat open on the Supreme Court for more than a year is irresponsible but what else can we expect from Republicans these days? Irresponsibility is their defining attribute. Do your job is not a hard message to understand, but it is certainly not a course of action the Party of Reagan views as viable.Featured image via White House/screengrab
TITLE: President Obama Just Put Republicans In Their Place With 36 Words From The Constitution (IMAGE) TEXT: Ever since Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia s death. Republicans have been clear about one thing: No matter what, they intend to obstruct Obama because every day is a day that ends in -day. While the president has a Constitutional duty to appoint a new Justice to replace the much-reviled racist, anti-gay, anti-woman sleazebag now that he is burning in Hell, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has vowed that he won t allow the Senate to even consider Obama s nominee no hearings, no votes, nothing.Republicans falsely claim that it is outside tradition for a president to appoint a new Supreme Court Justice in his final year in office, despite that a full third of presidents have done so in an election year. On Tuesday, the president met with McConnell and Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley in the Oval Office to talk about Obama s plan to nominate someone within the next couple weeks. Unfortunately, the Republicans refused to budge on their mission to obstruct the president.The meeting barely lasted forty minute and, while the president offered to consider anyone McConnell and pals suggested for the position, they continued their usual modus operandi of not having a single f*cking idea.After the pointless meeting, President Obama took to social media to smack down some elephants. On Facebook, he brilliantly trolled the pro-Constitution party with 36 words that should (but won t) shut them up namely, Article II Section 2 of the Constitution. The message was punctuated with the hashtag #DoYourJob a message Obama has been sending Republicans since they initially announced that they would obstruct him no matter what. On Twitter, the president posted a petition urging the Senate to do its job. Our Supreme Court is too important to be held hostage by the same partisan gridlock that has caused government shutdowns, the petition reads. President Obama is taking his constitutional responsibility seriously the Senate should do the same. Along with the petition, Obama left a very clear message: Leaving a seat open on the Supreme Court for more than a year is irresponsible. Along with the petition, Obama left a very clear message: Leaving a seat open on the Supreme Court for more than a year is irresponsible but what else can we expect from Republicans these days? Irresponsibility is their defining attribute. Do your job is not a hard message to understand, but it is certainly not a course of action the Party of Reagan views as viable.Featured image via White House/screengrab
Indonesia warns of tough response after Papuan rebels threaten Freeport
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia s military said on Friday it was prepared to take tough measures against rebels who have threatened to destroy the mining operations of Freeport-McMoRan Inc in the eastern province of Papua in their independence struggle. Police say an armed separatist group linked to the Free Papua Movement (OPM) is preventing about 1,000 people in five villages from leaving an area near the giant Grasberg copper mine, operated by a unit of the Arizona-based company. A state of emergency has been declared and at least 300 additional security forces have been deployed to the area after a string of shootings since Aug. 17 killed one police officer and wounded six. The group, the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPN-OPM), on Friday denied occupying villages near the mine. Hendrik Wanmang, a representative of TPN-OPM, said none of its more than 2,000 fighters was stationed in the villages. We cannot mingle with the community, Wanmang said in a telephone interview. That would endanger them. Wanmang also denied police allegations his group had carried out rape and torture of civilians, saying villagers were continuing to carry out activities as usual . But he warned that Freeport employees and security personnel remained in the area at their own risk. We are at war against the National Police, Indonesian military and Freeport, he said. (TPN-OPM) will continue to fight until the root of this problem - Freeport - is removed, Wanmang said. A Freeport Indonesia spokesman declined to comment. Papua Police spokesman Suryadi Diaz said the situation in the villages near the town of Tembagapura was conducive and the community was functioning as usual . They aren t hostage, but if you want to get to these villages you have to get past this armed criminal group, Diaz said, referring to the OPM. Police were taking persuasive steps to resolve the conflict through negotiations and dialogue with community, religious and tribal leaders, he said. Authorities made conflicting statements about the situation. Indonesian military chief Gatot Nurmayanto said the group had taken hostages in the villages and the army would take a hard approach if necessary. Tough measures, including armed conflict, would be a last resort if negotiations with the group failed to resolve the issue, Papua military commander George Enaldus Supit said later, clarifying the statement. Wanmang said his group was not interested in negotiating. If the government wants to send millions of national police and Indonesian military troops to protect the Freeport area, go ahead - they are just trying to protect the deception. The Grasberg mine has been dogged by security concerns for decades, as pro-independence rebels have waged a low-level conflict in Papua. Between 2009 and 2015, shootings in the mine project area killed 20 people and wounded 59. More recently, Freeport, the world s largest publicly listed copper producer, has been grappling with labor problems at Grasberg and a mine rights dispute with Indonesia. The Freeport dispute is likely to overshadow efforts by President Joko Widodo s government to resolve conflict in Papua, the Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict said. Any violence in the Freeport area can involve multiple actors with multiple interests, it said in a recent report. Even if the OPM is blamed, Papuans will be asking who else was involved.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Indonesia warns of tough response after Papuan rebels threaten Freeport TEXT: JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia s military said on Friday it was prepared to take tough measures against rebels who have threatened to destroy the mining operations of Freeport-McMoRan Inc in the eastern province of Papua in their independence struggle. Police say an armed separatist group linked to the Free Papua Movement (OPM) is preventing about 1,000 people in five villages from leaving an area near the giant Grasberg copper mine, operated by a unit of the Arizona-based company. A state of emergency has been declared and at least 300 additional security forces have been deployed to the area after a string of shootings since Aug. 17 killed one police officer and wounded six. The group, the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPN-OPM), on Friday denied occupying villages near the mine. Hendrik Wanmang, a representative of TPN-OPM, said none of its more than 2,000 fighters was stationed in the villages. We cannot mingle with the community, Wanmang said in a telephone interview. That would endanger them. Wanmang also denied police allegations his group had carried out rape and torture of civilians, saying villagers were continuing to carry out activities as usual . But he warned that Freeport employees and security personnel remained in the area at their own risk. We are at war against the National Police, Indonesian military and Freeport, he said. (TPN-OPM) will continue to fight until the root of this problem - Freeport - is removed, Wanmang said. A Freeport Indonesia spokesman declined to comment. Papua Police spokesman Suryadi Diaz said the situation in the villages near the town of Tembagapura was conducive and the community was functioning as usual . They aren t hostage, but if you want to get to these villages you have to get past this armed criminal group, Diaz said, referring to the OPM. Police were taking persuasive steps to resolve the conflict through negotiations and dialogue with community, religious and tribal leaders, he said. Authorities made conflicting statements about the situation. Indonesian military chief Gatot Nurmayanto said the group had taken hostages in the villages and the army would take a hard approach if necessary. Tough measures, including armed conflict, would be a last resort if negotiations with the group failed to resolve the issue, Papua military commander George Enaldus Supit said later, clarifying the statement. Wanmang said his group was not interested in negotiating. If the government wants to send millions of national police and Indonesian military troops to protect the Freeport area, go ahead - they are just trying to protect the deception. The Grasberg mine has been dogged by security concerns for decades, as pro-independence rebels have waged a low-level conflict in Papua. Between 2009 and 2015, shootings in the mine project area killed 20 people and wounded 59. More recently, Freeport, the world s largest publicly listed copper producer, has been grappling with labor problems at Grasberg and a mine rights dispute with Indonesia. The Freeport dispute is likely to overshadow efforts by President Joko Widodo s government to resolve conflict in Papua, the Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict said. Any violence in the Freeport area can involve multiple actors with multiple interests, it said in a recent report. Even if the OPM is blamed, Papuans will be asking who else was involved.
TITLE: Indonesia warns of tough response after Papuan rebels threaten Freeport TEXT: JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia s military said on Friday it was prepared to take tough measures against rebels who have threatened to destroy the mining operations of Freeport-McMoRan Inc in the eastern province of Papua in their independence struggle. Police say an armed separatist group linked to the Free Papua Movement (OPM) is preventing about 1,000 people in five villages from leaving an area near the giant Grasberg copper mine, operated by a unit of the Arizona-based company. A state of emergency has been declared and at least 300 additional security forces have been deployed to the area after a string of shootings since Aug. 17 killed one police officer and wounded six. The group, the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPN-OPM), on Friday denied occupying villages near the mine. Hendrik Wanmang, a representative of TPN-OPM, said none of its more than 2,000 fighters was stationed in the villages. We cannot mingle with the community, Wanmang said in a telephone interview. That would endanger them. Wanmang also denied police allegations his group had carried out rape and torture of civilians, saying villagers were continuing to carry out activities as usual . But he warned that Freeport employees and security personnel remained in the area at their own risk. We are at war against the National Police, Indonesian military and Freeport, he said. (TPN-OPM) will continue to fight until the root of this problem - Freeport - is removed, Wanmang said. A Freeport Indonesia spokesman declined to comment. Papua Police spokesman Suryadi Diaz said the situation in the villages near the town of Tembagapura was conducive and the community was functioning as usual . They aren t hostage, but if you want to get to these villages you have to get past this armed criminal group, Diaz said, referring to the OPM. Police were taking persuasive steps to resolve the conflict through negotiations and dialogue with community, religious and tribal leaders, he said. Authorities made conflicting statements about the situation. Indonesian military chief Gatot Nurmayanto said the group had taken hostages in the villages and the army would take a hard approach if necessary. Tough measures, including armed conflict, would be a last resort if negotiations with the group failed to resolve the issue, Papua military commander George Enaldus Supit said later, clarifying the statement. Wanmang said his group was not interested in negotiating. If the government wants to send millions of national police and Indonesian military troops to protect the Freeport area, go ahead - they are just trying to protect the deception. The Grasberg mine has been dogged by security concerns for decades, as pro-independence rebels have waged a low-level conflict in Papua. Between 2009 and 2015, shootings in the mine project area killed 20 people and wounded 59. More recently, Freeport, the world s largest publicly listed copper producer, has been grappling with labor problems at Grasberg and a mine rights dispute with Indonesia. The Freeport dispute is likely to overshadow efforts by President Joko Widodo s government to resolve conflict in Papua, the Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict said. Any violence in the Freeport area can involve multiple actors with multiple interests, it said in a recent report. Even if the OPM is blamed, Papuans will be asking who else was involved.
PM Orban: Hungary will block any punitive EU action on Poland
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Friday said that Hungary sees a strong Poland as a vital component of a central European caucus within the European Union, and so will block any action to suspend Poland s voting rights in the EU. Orban said Poland, under fire from Brussels for its transformation of the judiciary, was being criticized unfairly and unjustly. He spelled out that Hungary would not subscribe to an attempt to invoke the EU s Article 7 sanction process. We need to make it clear to the EU that it is pointless even to start proceedings against Poland as there is no chance of seeing it through - because Hungary will be there and form an insurmountable road block, Orban said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: PM Orban: Hungary will block any punitive EU action on Poland TEXT: BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Friday said that Hungary sees a strong Poland as a vital component of a central European caucus within the European Union, and so will block any action to suspend Poland s voting rights in the EU. Orban said Poland, under fire from Brussels for its transformation of the judiciary, was being criticized unfairly and unjustly. He spelled out that Hungary would not subscribe to an attempt to invoke the EU s Article 7 sanction process. We need to make it clear to the EU that it is pointless even to start proceedings against Poland as there is no chance of seeing it through - because Hungary will be there and form an insurmountable road block, Orban said.
TITLE: PM Orban: Hungary will block any punitive EU action on Poland TEXT: BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Friday said that Hungary sees a strong Poland as a vital component of a central European caucus within the European Union, and so will block any action to suspend Poland s voting rights in the EU. Orban said Poland, under fire from Brussels for its transformation of the judiciary, was being criticized unfairly and unjustly. He spelled out that Hungary would not subscribe to an attempt to invoke the EU s Article 7 sanction process. We need to make it clear to the EU that it is pointless even to start proceedings against Poland as there is no chance of seeing it through - because Hungary will be there and form an insurmountable road block, Orban said.
Japan weighs plans to deal with North Korean evacuees in case of crisis
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan is studying plans to cope with an influx of perhaps tens of thousands of North Korean evacuees if a military or other crisis breaks out on the peninsula, including ways to weed out spies and terrorists, a domestic newspaper said. The Japan Coast Guard would escort boats fleeing North Korea to designated ports, where police would screen them by checking their identity and possible criminal records and expel those deemed a threat, the Yomiuri newspaper said on Thursday. It did not say where those people would be sent, however. Evacuees granted temporary entrance would be transferred to emergency detention centers, probably in southern Japan, after completing quarantine and other procedures. Officials would then decide whether they were eligible to remain in Japan, the Yomiuri said. Regional tension over Pyongyang s missile and nuclear arms programs remain high. A senior Chinese diplomat was to visit the North from Friday as a special envoy of Chinese President Xi Jinping, just a week after U.S. President Donald Trump met Xi in Beijing and pressed for greater action to rein in Pyongyang. Junji Ito, an official of the justice ministry s immigration bureau, said the Japanese government was looking at steps to deal with a possible influx of people from North Korea but declined to comment on details. Outspoken Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso grabbed headlines in September when he touched on the possibility of shooting armed refugees from North Korea. Will police respond and arrest them on charges of illegal immigration? media quoted him as saying in a speech. If the Self-Defense Forces (military) are dispatched, will they shoot them down? On Thursday, the Japan Coast Guard said it had rescued three North Korean men on a capsized boat a day earlier and was searching for 12 missing crew. The men said they were fishermen, not defectors, and Japan was arranging to send them home, it added. Japan has strict requirements for recognizing asylum seekers and accepted only three refugees in the first half of 2017 despite a record 8,561 fresh applications. In January, Human Rights Watch described Japan s record on asylum seekers as abysmal . The country took in more than 11,000 Indochinese boat people refugees over three decades to 2005 in the aftermath of the Vietnam War, a little-remembered open-door policy.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Japan weighs plans to deal with North Korean evacuees in case of crisis TEXT: TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan is studying plans to cope with an influx of perhaps tens of thousands of North Korean evacuees if a military or other crisis breaks out on the peninsula, including ways to weed out spies and terrorists, a domestic newspaper said. The Japan Coast Guard would escort boats fleeing North Korea to designated ports, where police would screen them by checking their identity and possible criminal records and expel those deemed a threat, the Yomiuri newspaper said on Thursday. It did not say where those people would be sent, however. Evacuees granted temporary entrance would be transferred to emergency detention centers, probably in southern Japan, after completing quarantine and other procedures. Officials would then decide whether they were eligible to remain in Japan, the Yomiuri said. Regional tension over Pyongyang s missile and nuclear arms programs remain high. A senior Chinese diplomat was to visit the North from Friday as a special envoy of Chinese President Xi Jinping, just a week after U.S. President Donald Trump met Xi in Beijing and pressed for greater action to rein in Pyongyang. Junji Ito, an official of the justice ministry s immigration bureau, said the Japanese government was looking at steps to deal with a possible influx of people from North Korea but declined to comment on details. Outspoken Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso grabbed headlines in September when he touched on the possibility of shooting armed refugees from North Korea. Will police respond and arrest them on charges of illegal immigration? media quoted him as saying in a speech. If the Self-Defense Forces (military) are dispatched, will they shoot them down? On Thursday, the Japan Coast Guard said it had rescued three North Korean men on a capsized boat a day earlier and was searching for 12 missing crew. The men said they were fishermen, not defectors, and Japan was arranging to send them home, it added. Japan has strict requirements for recognizing asylum seekers and accepted only three refugees in the first half of 2017 despite a record 8,561 fresh applications. In January, Human Rights Watch described Japan s record on asylum seekers as abysmal . The country took in more than 11,000 Indochinese boat people refugees over three decades to 2005 in the aftermath of the Vietnam War, a little-remembered open-door policy.
TITLE: Japan weighs plans to deal with North Korean evacuees in case of crisis TEXT: TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan is studying plans to cope with an influx of perhaps tens of thousands of North Korean evacuees if a military or other crisis breaks out on the peninsula, including ways to weed out spies and terrorists, a domestic newspaper said. The Japan Coast Guard would escort boats fleeing North Korea to designated ports, where police would screen them by checking their identity and possible criminal records and expel those deemed a threat, the Yomiuri newspaper said on Thursday. It did not say where those people would be sent, however. Evacuees granted temporary entrance would be transferred to emergency detention centers, probably in southern Japan, after completing quarantine and other procedures. Officials would then decide whether they were eligible to remain in Japan, the Yomiuri said. Regional tension over Pyongyang s missile and nuclear arms programs remain high. A senior Chinese diplomat was to visit the North from Friday as a special envoy of Chinese President Xi Jinping, just a week after U.S. President Donald Trump met Xi in Beijing and pressed for greater action to rein in Pyongyang. Junji Ito, an official of the justice ministry s immigration bureau, said the Japanese government was looking at steps to deal with a possible influx of people from North Korea but declined to comment on details. Outspoken Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso grabbed headlines in September when he touched on the possibility of shooting armed refugees from North Korea. Will police respond and arrest them on charges of illegal immigration? media quoted him as saying in a speech. If the Self-Defense Forces (military) are dispatched, will they shoot them down? On Thursday, the Japan Coast Guard said it had rescued three North Korean men on a capsized boat a day earlier and was searching for 12 missing crew. The men said they were fishermen, not defectors, and Japan was arranging to send them home, it added. Japan has strict requirements for recognizing asylum seekers and accepted only three refugees in the first half of 2017 despite a record 8,561 fresh applications. In January, Human Rights Watch described Japan s record on asylum seekers as abysmal . The country took in more than 11,000 Indochinese boat people refugees over three decades to 2005 in the aftermath of the Vietnam War, a little-remembered open-door policy.
The GOP Senate Just Set A Huge Trap For Trump; He’ll Be Screwed No Matter What He Does
While the GOP Congress has mostly fallen right in line behind their Dear Orange Leader, there are some signs that the veneer of support is beginning to crack. On Thursday, Congress sent Donald Trump a near unanimous bill that will test Trump s patriotism and his allegiance to Russia.The bill would increase sanctions against Iran, North Korea and Russia. It would also prevent Trump from easing current sanctions against Russia. In the Senate, only Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul voted against the bill (Sanders said it could interfere with the Iran nuclear agreement). The House s bill passed by a vote of 419 to 3. In other words, even if Trump vetoes the bill, Congress will easily override it.Under the bill, the president is required to notify Congress before making any alterations to Russia sanctions policy, and lawmakers then have 30 days in which they can block the president from implementing those changes. The procedure, known as congressional review, is the most sweeping authority Congress has given itself to check the president on sanctions policy in decades.Such matters have traditionally been left to the executive branch once Congress authorizes the sanctions at the administration s disposal. Even in the case of mandatory sanctions, Congress usually steers clear of the president on matters of national security.If Trump does veto the bill, that s a tacit admission that yes, he is a Putin puppet. If he doesn t, it s a signal to Russia that Trump is no longer living up to the bargain. There is no winning on this one.While White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said she doesn t know whether Trump will sign the bill, Trump s new Communications Director, Anthony Scaramucci, hinted that Trump might veto the bill, but only to negotiate an even tougher deal against the Russians. If you believe that, I have some Trump University diplomas for sale.This is an interesting trap. It shows that Congress (at least most of them) doesn t trust Trump with national security. If that s not an admission of guilt on the part of the Republican Party, I don t know what is. Now if only they would publicly admit that they are worried about the future of this country.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: The GOP Senate Just Set A Huge Trap For Trump; He’ll Be Screwed No Matter What He Does TEXT: While the GOP Congress has mostly fallen right in line behind their Dear Orange Leader, there are some signs that the veneer of support is beginning to crack. On Thursday, Congress sent Donald Trump a near unanimous bill that will test Trump s patriotism and his allegiance to Russia.The bill would increase sanctions against Iran, North Korea and Russia. It would also prevent Trump from easing current sanctions against Russia. In the Senate, only Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul voted against the bill (Sanders said it could interfere with the Iran nuclear agreement). The House s bill passed by a vote of 419 to 3. In other words, even if Trump vetoes the bill, Congress will easily override it.Under the bill, the president is required to notify Congress before making any alterations to Russia sanctions policy, and lawmakers then have 30 days in which they can block the president from implementing those changes. The procedure, known as congressional review, is the most sweeping authority Congress has given itself to check the president on sanctions policy in decades.Such matters have traditionally been left to the executive branch once Congress authorizes the sanctions at the administration s disposal. Even in the case of mandatory sanctions, Congress usually steers clear of the president on matters of national security.If Trump does veto the bill, that s a tacit admission that yes, he is a Putin puppet. If he doesn t, it s a signal to Russia that Trump is no longer living up to the bargain. There is no winning on this one.While White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said she doesn t know whether Trump will sign the bill, Trump s new Communications Director, Anthony Scaramucci, hinted that Trump might veto the bill, but only to negotiate an even tougher deal against the Russians. If you believe that, I have some Trump University diplomas for sale.This is an interesting trap. It shows that Congress (at least most of them) doesn t trust Trump with national security. If that s not an admission of guilt on the part of the Republican Party, I don t know what is. Now if only they would publicly admit that they are worried about the future of this country.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images.
TITLE: The GOP Senate Just Set A Huge Trap For Trump; He’ll Be Screwed No Matter What He Does TEXT: While the GOP Congress has mostly fallen right in line behind their Dear Orange Leader, there are some signs that the veneer of support is beginning to crack. On Thursday, Congress sent Donald Trump a near unanimous bill that will test Trump s patriotism and his allegiance to Russia.The bill would increase sanctions against Iran, North Korea and Russia. It would also prevent Trump from easing current sanctions against Russia. In the Senate, only Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul voted against the bill (Sanders said it could interfere with the Iran nuclear agreement). The House s bill passed by a vote of 419 to 3. In other words, even if Trump vetoes the bill, Congress will easily override it.Under the bill, the president is required to notify Congress before making any alterations to Russia sanctions policy, and lawmakers then have 30 days in which they can block the president from implementing those changes. The procedure, known as congressional review, is the most sweeping authority Congress has given itself to check the president on sanctions policy in decades.Such matters have traditionally been left to the executive branch once Congress authorizes the sanctions at the administration s disposal. Even in the case of mandatory sanctions, Congress usually steers clear of the president on matters of national security.If Trump does veto the bill, that s a tacit admission that yes, he is a Putin puppet. If he doesn t, it s a signal to Russia that Trump is no longer living up to the bargain. There is no winning on this one.While White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said she doesn t know whether Trump will sign the bill, Trump s new Communications Director, Anthony Scaramucci, hinted that Trump might veto the bill, but only to negotiate an even tougher deal against the Russians. If you believe that, I have some Trump University diplomas for sale.This is an interesting trap. It shows that Congress (at least most of them) doesn t trust Trump with national security. If that s not an admission of guilt on the part of the Republican Party, I don t know what is. Now if only they would publicly admit that they are worried about the future of this country.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images.
Tom Morello: Muhammad Ali’s Legacy Is Being Whitewashed — The Worst Offender Is Trump (VIDEO)
During a segment of HBO s Real Time with Bill Maher, Prophets of Rage guitarist Tom Morello sat down with the show s host Bill Maher where they discussed the legacy of Muhammed Ali.Maher described the influence that the late boxing champion had on himself and the world, saying: He invented hip-hop. It was completely revolutionary. For everyone who is younger, who grew up in a world of hip-hop, where braggadocio is a big part of life. You know I used to say, rap is affirmative action for the ego. Morello agreed with Maher, saying that Ali had influenced himself, saying that he was particularly attracted to Ali because of how unapologetic his attitude was. Morello also went on to comment on how Ali s legacy is now being whitewashed. I was attracted to Muhammad Ali by how he used his vocation to inflict his worldview on the public, and it was unapologetic. In the same way with Nelson Mandela, there s been a sort of a whitewash of who Muhammad Ali was. He was a person who said, You might not like my religion, but it s my religion. You might not like the color of my skin, or my opinions, but I am just as American as you are. And the powers that be can shove it, because I m the champion of the world and I m the peoples champion. And that s thing, as a kid, that made me think, in my vocation, I can express my opinion in a way that is unapologetic as well. Morello was spot on with his statement that Ali s legacy is being whitewashed. That s why a hate-mongerer like Donald Trump feels comfortable tweeted out platitudes to The Greatest despite the fact that Trump s presidential campaign flies in the face of everything that Ali stood for. Ali was so much against Trump s stance on banning Muslim s from entering the United States, that he wrote a public letter lambasting the idea.You can watch the segment below:"Muhammad Ali invented hip-hop." @BillMaher and @TMorello reflect on Ali's revolutionary and unapologetic persona:https://t.co/qj1YJc1D71 Real Time (@RealTimers) June 11, 2016Featured image from video screenshot
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Tom Morello: Muhammad Ali’s Legacy Is Being Whitewashed — The Worst Offender Is Trump (VIDEO) TEXT: During a segment of HBO s Real Time with Bill Maher, Prophets of Rage guitarist Tom Morello sat down with the show s host Bill Maher where they discussed the legacy of Muhammed Ali.Maher described the influence that the late boxing champion had on himself and the world, saying: He invented hip-hop. It was completely revolutionary. For everyone who is younger, who grew up in a world of hip-hop, where braggadocio is a big part of life. You know I used to say, rap is affirmative action for the ego. Morello agreed with Maher, saying that Ali had influenced himself, saying that he was particularly attracted to Ali because of how unapologetic his attitude was. Morello also went on to comment on how Ali s legacy is now being whitewashed. I was attracted to Muhammad Ali by how he used his vocation to inflict his worldview on the public, and it was unapologetic. In the same way with Nelson Mandela, there s been a sort of a whitewash of who Muhammad Ali was. He was a person who said, You might not like my religion, but it s my religion. You might not like the color of my skin, or my opinions, but I am just as American as you are. And the powers that be can shove it, because I m the champion of the world and I m the peoples champion. And that s thing, as a kid, that made me think, in my vocation, I can express my opinion in a way that is unapologetic as well. Morello was spot on with his statement that Ali s legacy is being whitewashed. That s why a hate-mongerer like Donald Trump feels comfortable tweeted out platitudes to The Greatest despite the fact that Trump s presidential campaign flies in the face of everything that Ali stood for. Ali was so much against Trump s stance on banning Muslim s from entering the United States, that he wrote a public letter lambasting the idea.You can watch the segment below:"Muhammad Ali invented hip-hop." @BillMaher and @TMorello reflect on Ali's revolutionary and unapologetic persona:https://t.co/qj1YJc1D71 Real Time (@RealTimers) June 11, 2016Featured image from video screenshot
TITLE: Tom Morello: Muhammad Ali’s Legacy Is Being Whitewashed — The Worst Offender Is Trump (VIDEO) TEXT: During a segment of HBO s Real Time with Bill Maher, Prophets of Rage guitarist Tom Morello sat down with the show s host Bill Maher where they discussed the legacy of Muhammed Ali.Maher described the influence that the late boxing champion had on himself and the world, saying: He invented hip-hop. It was completely revolutionary. For everyone who is younger, who grew up in a world of hip-hop, where braggadocio is a big part of life. You know I used to say, rap is affirmative action for the ego. Morello agreed with Maher, saying that Ali had influenced himself, saying that he was particularly attracted to Ali because of how unapologetic his attitude was. Morello also went on to comment on how Ali s legacy is now being whitewashed. I was attracted to Muhammad Ali by how he used his vocation to inflict his worldview on the public, and it was unapologetic. In the same way with Nelson Mandela, there s been a sort of a whitewash of who Muhammad Ali was. He was a person who said, You might not like my religion, but it s my religion. You might not like the color of my skin, or my opinions, but I am just as American as you are. And the powers that be can shove it, because I m the champion of the world and I m the peoples champion. And that s thing, as a kid, that made me think, in my vocation, I can express my opinion in a way that is unapologetic as well. Morello was spot on with his statement that Ali s legacy is being whitewashed. That s why a hate-mongerer like Donald Trump feels comfortable tweeted out platitudes to The Greatest despite the fact that Trump s presidential campaign flies in the face of everything that Ali stood for. Ali was so much against Trump s stance on banning Muslim s from entering the United States, that he wrote a public letter lambasting the idea.You can watch the segment below:"Muhammad Ali invented hip-hop." @BillMaher and @TMorello reflect on Ali's revolutionary and unapologetic persona:https://t.co/qj1YJc1D71 Real Time (@RealTimers) June 11, 2016Featured image from video screenshot
Unprecedented not to hold Senate hearing on top court pick: White House
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Any decision not to hold a U.S. Senate hearing on President Barack Obama’s eventual Supreme Court nominee would be unprecedented, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said on Tuesday. “This would be a historic and unprecedented acceleration of politicizing a branch of government,” Earnest told reporters as top Senate Republicans vowed not to hold a hearing for any Obama choice to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Unprecedented not to hold Senate hearing on top court pick: White House TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Any decision not to hold a U.S. Senate hearing on President Barack Obama’s eventual Supreme Court nominee would be unprecedented, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said on Tuesday. “This would be a historic and unprecedented acceleration of politicizing a branch of government,” Earnest told reporters as top Senate Republicans vowed not to hold a hearing for any Obama choice to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia.
TITLE: Unprecedented not to hold Senate hearing on top court pick: White House TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Any decision not to hold a U.S. Senate hearing on President Barack Obama’s eventual Supreme Court nominee would be unprecedented, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said on Tuesday. “This would be a historic and unprecedented acceleration of politicizing a branch of government,” Earnest told reporters as top Senate Republicans vowed not to hold a hearing for any Obama choice to replace the late Justice Antonin Scalia.
Turkey says hopes U.S. will lift decision on visa embargo soon
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey hopes the United States will lift its decision on suspending visa services soon, the spokesman for the ruling AK Party said on Wednesday. Speaking at an interview with broadcaster A Haber, Mahir Unal said Ankara hopes the escalating dispute between the NATO allies will not impact military operations. Turkey was holding talks at the foreign ministry level to resolve the U.S. visa crisis, he also said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Turkey says hopes U.S. will lift decision on visa embargo soon TEXT: ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey hopes the United States will lift its decision on suspending visa services soon, the spokesman for the ruling AK Party said on Wednesday. Speaking at an interview with broadcaster A Haber, Mahir Unal said Ankara hopes the escalating dispute between the NATO allies will not impact military operations. Turkey was holding talks at the foreign ministry level to resolve the U.S. visa crisis, he also said.
TITLE: Turkey says hopes U.S. will lift decision on visa embargo soon TEXT: ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey hopes the United States will lift its decision on suspending visa services soon, the spokesman for the ruling AK Party said on Wednesday. Speaking at an interview with broadcaster A Haber, Mahir Unal said Ankara hopes the escalating dispute between the NATO allies will not impact military operations. Turkey was holding talks at the foreign ministry level to resolve the U.S. visa crisis, he also said.
Congressman Conyers not planning to resign: lawyer tells Detroit News
(Reuters) - Democratic U.S. Representative John Conyers has no immediate plans to resign after several women accused him of sexual misconduct, his lawyer told the Detroit News on Wednesday. “He’s not going to be forced out of office, and no one has told him he has to leave,” said attorney Arnold Reed, according to the newspaper. “He has not indicated he’s going to resign at this point,” Reed said of the 88-year-old congressman from Michigan.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Congressman Conyers not planning to resign: lawyer tells Detroit News TEXT: (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. Representative John Conyers has no immediate plans to resign after several women accused him of sexual misconduct, his lawyer told the Detroit News on Wednesday. “He’s not going to be forced out of office, and no one has told him he has to leave,” said attorney Arnold Reed, according to the newspaper. “He has not indicated he’s going to resign at this point,” Reed said of the 88-year-old congressman from Michigan.
TITLE: Congressman Conyers not planning to resign: lawyer tells Detroit News TEXT: (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. Representative John Conyers has no immediate plans to resign after several women accused him of sexual misconduct, his lawyer told the Detroit News on Wednesday. “He’s not going to be forced out of office, and no one has told him he has to leave,” said attorney Arnold Reed, according to the newspaper. “He has not indicated he’s going to resign at this point,” Reed said of the 88-year-old congressman from Michigan.
Obama: Trump doesn't know much about foreign policy, world
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said on Friday that Donald Trump’s recent comments that South Korea and Japan should acquire nuclear weapons show the leading Republican presidential candidate is not well informed on international relations. Trump told The New York Times in an interview published on Sunday that he would consider letting the countries build their own nuclear weapons, rather than having them count on U.S. protection against North Korea and China. Obama has made no secret of his disdain for the billionaire businessman, and he continued that theme with his repudiation of Trump’s pronouncements. “What do the statements you mentioned tell us?” Obama told reporters at a news conference at the conclusion of a nuclear security summit. “They tell us that the person who made the statements doesn’t know much about foreign policy or nuclear policy or the Korean peninsula, or the world generally.” Obama said Trump’s candidacy had come up as a topic with world leaders on the sidelines of the summit, and he lamented the state of the Republican race. “Even ... those countries that are used to a carnival atmosphere in their own politics want sobriety and clarity when it comes to U.S. elections because they understand the president of the United States needs to know what’s going on around the world,” he said. Obama took apart Trump’s positions point by point. The U.S. alliance with Japan and South Korea was one of the cornerstones of America’s presence in the Asia Pacific region and had underwritten peace and prosperity there, he said. The relationship had been a boon to U.S. commerce and influence in addition to preventing nuclear escalation and conflict, he added. “You don’t mess with that. It is an investment that rests on the sacrifices that our men and women made back in World War II when they were fighting throughout the Pacific,” Obama said. “We don’t want somebody in the Oval Office who doesn’t recognize how important that is.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Obama: Trump doesn't know much about foreign policy, world TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said on Friday that Donald Trump’s recent comments that South Korea and Japan should acquire nuclear weapons show the leading Republican presidential candidate is not well informed on international relations. Trump told The New York Times in an interview published on Sunday that he would consider letting the countries build their own nuclear weapons, rather than having them count on U.S. protection against North Korea and China. Obama has made no secret of his disdain for the billionaire businessman, and he continued that theme with his repudiation of Trump’s pronouncements. “What do the statements you mentioned tell us?” Obama told reporters at a news conference at the conclusion of a nuclear security summit. “They tell us that the person who made the statements doesn’t know much about foreign policy or nuclear policy or the Korean peninsula, or the world generally.” Obama said Trump’s candidacy had come up as a topic with world leaders on the sidelines of the summit, and he lamented the state of the Republican race. “Even ... those countries that are used to a carnival atmosphere in their own politics want sobriety and clarity when it comes to U.S. elections because they understand the president of the United States needs to know what’s going on around the world,” he said. Obama took apart Trump’s positions point by point. The U.S. alliance with Japan and South Korea was one of the cornerstones of America’s presence in the Asia Pacific region and had underwritten peace and prosperity there, he said. The relationship had been a boon to U.S. commerce and influence in addition to preventing nuclear escalation and conflict, he added. “You don’t mess with that. It is an investment that rests on the sacrifices that our men and women made back in World War II when they were fighting throughout the Pacific,” Obama said. “We don’t want somebody in the Oval Office who doesn’t recognize how important that is.”
TITLE: Obama: Trump doesn't know much about foreign policy, world TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama said on Friday that Donald Trump’s recent comments that South Korea and Japan should acquire nuclear weapons show the leading Republican presidential candidate is not well informed on international relations. Trump told The New York Times in an interview published on Sunday that he would consider letting the countries build their own nuclear weapons, rather than having them count on U.S. protection against North Korea and China. Obama has made no secret of his disdain for the billionaire businessman, and he continued that theme with his repudiation of Trump’s pronouncements. “What do the statements you mentioned tell us?” Obama told reporters at a news conference at the conclusion of a nuclear security summit. “They tell us that the person who made the statements doesn’t know much about foreign policy or nuclear policy or the Korean peninsula, or the world generally.” Obama said Trump’s candidacy had come up as a topic with world leaders on the sidelines of the summit, and he lamented the state of the Republican race. “Even ... those countries that are used to a carnival atmosphere in their own politics want sobriety and clarity when it comes to U.S. elections because they understand the president of the United States needs to know what’s going on around the world,” he said. Obama took apart Trump’s positions point by point. The U.S. alliance with Japan and South Korea was one of the cornerstones of America’s presence in the Asia Pacific region and had underwritten peace and prosperity there, he said. The relationship had been a boon to U.S. commerce and influence in addition to preventing nuclear escalation and conflict, he added. “You don’t mess with that. It is an investment that rests on the sacrifices that our men and women made back in World War II when they were fighting throughout the Pacific,” Obama said. “We don’t want somebody in the Oval Office who doesn’t recognize how important that is.”
WATCH Rachel Maddow Tear Trump APART For Validating White Supremacists
Rachel Maddow has a way of cutting to the point with a very sharp knife, and if the point is raw and bloody when she s done, then it deserves to be. On Friday night, Maddow discussed the dangerous, white supremacist views of the alt-right, and how they relate to Donald Trump s campaign. One side of American politics is pulling a drag bar through the sewer tank of what gets flushed out of normal politics. She s right the fact that white supremacists that think immigration from anywhere other than Europe means white genocide are embracing Trump is extremely telling.She began this particular segment with a clip of Hillary Clinton denouncing Trump and the dangerous alt-right. Those total bigots held a press conference last week, where they discussed the need for a white homeland as though it was the most natural thing on the planet. To them, Trump is their white (emphasis on white) knight in shining armor: [Richard] Spencer [who coined the term alt-right ] was greeted with much applause by his fans in the room. He elaborated that rather than a multicultural America, his ideal is a white empire. He described his dream ethno-state as a homeland for all Europeans, which would take an imperial form. Here s how Trump fits into that, via Mother Jones:Spencer s ideas about race are intertwined with his support for Trump. Spencer explained that he likes Trump s immigration policy, which not only calls for mass deportation of undocumented immigrants but also reduces legal immigration into the country. (Spencer s ideal policy would also favor immigrants from Europe.) But as Spencer put it, it s Trump s more intangible qualities that make him a hero of the alt-right. To Spencer, Trump s brash style suggests a white savoir, unwilling to be bullied by the politically correct crowd. These are the people who love Donald Trump, and that s what Maddow was highlighting in her show this evening. Watch some of it below:They ve made him one of their own because, to them, he hates everyone they hate. He ll make the white race truly superior again. Note that we said everyone; that s not by accident. The alt-right wants an actual homeland for white people, because to them, white people are victims, and have totally not forced themselves on other cultures at all: Spencer proposed the following mantra for his movement: Race is real, race matters, and race is the foundation of identity. The ultimate ideal is that the world be divided into ethno-states so that white people could have a homeland.' And Trump is directly feeding into that. The fact that those closest to him love Pepe the Frog a symbol co-opted by the alt-right proves that. Pepe the Frog was a symbol for, well, pretty much everything, but now white supremacists use him for their eugenics propaganda. It s sick, it s disgusting, and it needs to stop. These people need to go back to the far fringes where they effing belong.Featured image by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: WATCH Rachel Maddow Tear Trump APART For Validating White Supremacists TEXT: Rachel Maddow has a way of cutting to the point with a very sharp knife, and if the point is raw and bloody when she s done, then it deserves to be. On Friday night, Maddow discussed the dangerous, white supremacist views of the alt-right, and how they relate to Donald Trump s campaign. One side of American politics is pulling a drag bar through the sewer tank of what gets flushed out of normal politics. She s right the fact that white supremacists that think immigration from anywhere other than Europe means white genocide are embracing Trump is extremely telling.She began this particular segment with a clip of Hillary Clinton denouncing Trump and the dangerous alt-right. Those total bigots held a press conference last week, where they discussed the need for a white homeland as though it was the most natural thing on the planet. To them, Trump is their white (emphasis on white) knight in shining armor: [Richard] Spencer [who coined the term alt-right ] was greeted with much applause by his fans in the room. He elaborated that rather than a multicultural America, his ideal is a white empire. He described his dream ethno-state as a homeland for all Europeans, which would take an imperial form. Here s how Trump fits into that, via Mother Jones:Spencer s ideas about race are intertwined with his support for Trump. Spencer explained that he likes Trump s immigration policy, which not only calls for mass deportation of undocumented immigrants but also reduces legal immigration into the country. (Spencer s ideal policy would also favor immigrants from Europe.) But as Spencer put it, it s Trump s more intangible qualities that make him a hero of the alt-right. To Spencer, Trump s brash style suggests a white savoir, unwilling to be bullied by the politically correct crowd. These are the people who love Donald Trump, and that s what Maddow was highlighting in her show this evening. Watch some of it below:They ve made him one of their own because, to them, he hates everyone they hate. He ll make the white race truly superior again. Note that we said everyone; that s not by accident. The alt-right wants an actual homeland for white people, because to them, white people are victims, and have totally not forced themselves on other cultures at all: Spencer proposed the following mantra for his movement: Race is real, race matters, and race is the foundation of identity. The ultimate ideal is that the world be divided into ethno-states so that white people could have a homeland.' And Trump is directly feeding into that. The fact that those closest to him love Pepe the Frog a symbol co-opted by the alt-right proves that. Pepe the Frog was a symbol for, well, pretty much everything, but now white supremacists use him for their eugenics propaganda. It s sick, it s disgusting, and it needs to stop. These people need to go back to the far fringes where they effing belong.Featured image by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images
TITLE: WATCH Rachel Maddow Tear Trump APART For Validating White Supremacists TEXT: Rachel Maddow has a way of cutting to the point with a very sharp knife, and if the point is raw and bloody when she s done, then it deserves to be. On Friday night, Maddow discussed the dangerous, white supremacist views of the alt-right, and how they relate to Donald Trump s campaign. One side of American politics is pulling a drag bar through the sewer tank of what gets flushed out of normal politics. She s right the fact that white supremacists that think immigration from anywhere other than Europe means white genocide are embracing Trump is extremely telling.She began this particular segment with a clip of Hillary Clinton denouncing Trump and the dangerous alt-right. Those total bigots held a press conference last week, where they discussed the need for a white homeland as though it was the most natural thing on the planet. To them, Trump is their white (emphasis on white) knight in shining armor: [Richard] Spencer [who coined the term alt-right ] was greeted with much applause by his fans in the room. He elaborated that rather than a multicultural America, his ideal is a white empire. He described his dream ethno-state as a homeland for all Europeans, which would take an imperial form. Here s how Trump fits into that, via Mother Jones:Spencer s ideas about race are intertwined with his support for Trump. Spencer explained that he likes Trump s immigration policy, which not only calls for mass deportation of undocumented immigrants but also reduces legal immigration into the country. (Spencer s ideal policy would also favor immigrants from Europe.) But as Spencer put it, it s Trump s more intangible qualities that make him a hero of the alt-right. To Spencer, Trump s brash style suggests a white savoir, unwilling to be bullied by the politically correct crowd. These are the people who love Donald Trump, and that s what Maddow was highlighting in her show this evening. Watch some of it below:They ve made him one of their own because, to them, he hates everyone they hate. He ll make the white race truly superior again. Note that we said everyone; that s not by accident. The alt-right wants an actual homeland for white people, because to them, white people are victims, and have totally not forced themselves on other cultures at all: Spencer proposed the following mantra for his movement: Race is real, race matters, and race is the foundation of identity. The ultimate ideal is that the world be divided into ethno-states so that white people could have a homeland.' And Trump is directly feeding into that. The fact that those closest to him love Pepe the Frog a symbol co-opted by the alt-right proves that. Pepe the Frog was a symbol for, well, pretty much everything, but now white supremacists use him for their eugenics propaganda. It s sick, it s disgusting, and it needs to stop. These people need to go back to the far fringes where they effing belong.Featured image by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images
Trump close to picking outside counsel for Russia probe: Washington Post
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is seeking outside counsel to help him during investigations into his campaign and Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. election, and has narrowed the search to four prominent attorneys, the Washington Post reported on Monday. The lawyers who have spoken to the White House and are widely seen as the finalists are Marc Kasowitz; Robert Giuffra Jr.; Reid Weingarten; and Theodore Olson, the Post said, citing four people briefed on the discussions. The Post said the four spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly. Giuffra met with Trump in the Oval Office on Friday, a person familiar with the matter told Reuters. The person also said Kasowitz may have had dinner with Trump on Thursday. A White House spokeswoman did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the meetings. Names could still be added to the list, but two people close to the search told the Post that Trump wants a team of attorneys rather than a single lawyer to represent him. It cited them as saying the team is likely to have lead counselors. The four attorneys did not immediately respond to requests for comment, the Post said, and they did not respond to requests for comment from Reuters. A White House official told the Post that the administration had no comment at the time. The outside counsel would be separate from the White House Counsel’s Office, which is led by Donald McGahn, who served as the Trump campaign’s lawyer. U.S. intelligence agencies concluded in January that Moscow tried to sway the November vote in Trump’s favor. Russia has denied involvement, and Trump has denied any collusion between his campaign and Russia.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Trump close to picking outside counsel for Russia probe: Washington Post TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is seeking outside counsel to help him during investigations into his campaign and Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. election, and has narrowed the search to four prominent attorneys, the Washington Post reported on Monday. The lawyers who have spoken to the White House and are widely seen as the finalists are Marc Kasowitz; Robert Giuffra Jr.; Reid Weingarten; and Theodore Olson, the Post said, citing four people briefed on the discussions. The Post said the four spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly. Giuffra met with Trump in the Oval Office on Friday, a person familiar with the matter told Reuters. The person also said Kasowitz may have had dinner with Trump on Thursday. A White House spokeswoman did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the meetings. Names could still be added to the list, but two people close to the search told the Post that Trump wants a team of attorneys rather than a single lawyer to represent him. It cited them as saying the team is likely to have lead counselors. The four attorneys did not immediately respond to requests for comment, the Post said, and they did not respond to requests for comment from Reuters. A White House official told the Post that the administration had no comment at the time. The outside counsel would be separate from the White House Counsel’s Office, which is led by Donald McGahn, who served as the Trump campaign’s lawyer. U.S. intelligence agencies concluded in January that Moscow tried to sway the November vote in Trump’s favor. Russia has denied involvement, and Trump has denied any collusion between his campaign and Russia.
TITLE: Trump close to picking outside counsel for Russia probe: Washington Post TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump is seeking outside counsel to help him during investigations into his campaign and Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. election, and has narrowed the search to four prominent attorneys, the Washington Post reported on Monday. The lawyers who have spoken to the White House and are widely seen as the finalists are Marc Kasowitz; Robert Giuffra Jr.; Reid Weingarten; and Theodore Olson, the Post said, citing four people briefed on the discussions. The Post said the four spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly. Giuffra met with Trump in the Oval Office on Friday, a person familiar with the matter told Reuters. The person also said Kasowitz may have had dinner with Trump on Thursday. A White House spokeswoman did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the meetings. Names could still be added to the list, but two people close to the search told the Post that Trump wants a team of attorneys rather than a single lawyer to represent him. It cited them as saying the team is likely to have lead counselors. The four attorneys did not immediately respond to requests for comment, the Post said, and they did not respond to requests for comment from Reuters. A White House official told the Post that the administration had no comment at the time. The outside counsel would be separate from the White House Counsel’s Office, which is led by Donald McGahn, who served as the Trump campaign’s lawyer. U.S. intelligence agencies concluded in January that Moscow tried to sway the November vote in Trump’s favor. Russia has denied involvement, and Trump has denied any collusion between his campaign and Russia.
Watch How Trump Just Screwed Every Republican By Saying He’d Punish Women For Abortions (VIDEO)
Trump s latest fiasco is so bad that it s bleeding over into other GOP presidential campaigns. Not only that, but there s every reason to think this could land on House and Senate Republicans in 2016 as well. You can see the perfect example of it already happening in the videos below.It all started with Trump saying, during a town hall interview with Chris Matthews, that he feels there should be a punishment for women who get abortions. This is how he suggests you enforce a theoretical law that would either ban abortion altogether or punish certain abortions that happen outside of limitations like rape and incest.The backlash to this came swiftly from pro and anti-abortion advocates alike. Despite both sides disavowing it, though, the damage to Republicans has already been done. Now, Republicans other than Trump ones who bragged hugely about how they would do everything they can to ban abortion in an effort to out-pro-life each other are being asked a very uncomfortable question while the cameras are rolling; What kind of punishments would you seek for women who get abortions? Here is the first of two reasons why this might be the worst thing to happen to the Republican party since Trump:.@JohnKasich reacts to Trump s abortion comments: Of course, women shouldn t be punished for having an abortion https://t.co/bLyaNPVGoE MSNBC (@MSNBC) March 30, 2016Remember, John Kasich is the grown up in the room and he can t even answer the freakin question properly. How would you punish women is not answered by there s exceptions for rape, unless you think literally every pregnancy is caused by rape in America, which I doubt he does. And, admitting you wouldn t punish them is going to political suicide.But wait, it gets even worse.Here is how it will go down. Republican voters finally heard a Republican presidential candidate say they would actually go after women who get abortions with criminal penalties . This is the answer to their prayers literally. Now the smell of blood is in the air and Republicans will not take no for an answer to the question of will you punish women who get abortions? Below is the second reason and a perfect example of the sh*tstorm that Trump has started:Trump may have single-handedly taken the entire pro-life movement to a place from where it won t easily be able to recover. Logically speaking, it s difficult to ban a thing without criminal penalties associated with violating the ban. Republican voters want sooooo badly for there to be criminal penalties for women who murder babies along with the doctors and whoever else they can blame for it. The logical outcome of this is obvious.In the space of one day being pro-life was made uncool for Republicans. Now you need to be pro-punishment to satisfy your rabid voter base. Bravo Donald, you just helped Democrats more than you will ever know.Featured image via youtube screen capture Featured image via video screen capture
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Watch How Trump Just Screwed Every Republican By Saying He’d Punish Women For Abortions (VIDEO) TEXT: Trump s latest fiasco is so bad that it s bleeding over into other GOP presidential campaigns. Not only that, but there s every reason to think this could land on House and Senate Republicans in 2016 as well. You can see the perfect example of it already happening in the videos below.It all started with Trump saying, during a town hall interview with Chris Matthews, that he feels there should be a punishment for women who get abortions. This is how he suggests you enforce a theoretical law that would either ban abortion altogether or punish certain abortions that happen outside of limitations like rape and incest.The backlash to this came swiftly from pro and anti-abortion advocates alike. Despite both sides disavowing it, though, the damage to Republicans has already been done. Now, Republicans other than Trump ones who bragged hugely about how they would do everything they can to ban abortion in an effort to out-pro-life each other are being asked a very uncomfortable question while the cameras are rolling; What kind of punishments would you seek for women who get abortions? Here is the first of two reasons why this might be the worst thing to happen to the Republican party since Trump:.@JohnKasich reacts to Trump s abortion comments: Of course, women shouldn t be punished for having an abortion https://t.co/bLyaNPVGoE MSNBC (@MSNBC) March 30, 2016Remember, John Kasich is the grown up in the room and he can t even answer the freakin question properly. How would you punish women is not answered by there s exceptions for rape, unless you think literally every pregnancy is caused by rape in America, which I doubt he does. And, admitting you wouldn t punish them is going to political suicide.But wait, it gets even worse.Here is how it will go down. Republican voters finally heard a Republican presidential candidate say they would actually go after women who get abortions with criminal penalties . This is the answer to their prayers literally. Now the smell of blood is in the air and Republicans will not take no for an answer to the question of will you punish women who get abortions? Below is the second reason and a perfect example of the sh*tstorm that Trump has started:Trump may have single-handedly taken the entire pro-life movement to a place from where it won t easily be able to recover. Logically speaking, it s difficult to ban a thing without criminal penalties associated with violating the ban. Republican voters want sooooo badly for there to be criminal penalties for women who murder babies along with the doctors and whoever else they can blame for it. The logical outcome of this is obvious.In the space of one day being pro-life was made uncool for Republicans. Now you need to be pro-punishment to satisfy your rabid voter base. Bravo Donald, you just helped Democrats more than you will ever know.Featured image via youtube screen capture Featured image via video screen capture
TITLE: Watch How Trump Just Screwed Every Republican By Saying He’d Punish Women For Abortions (VIDEO) TEXT: Trump s latest fiasco is so bad that it s bleeding over into other GOP presidential campaigns. Not only that, but there s every reason to think this could land on House and Senate Republicans in 2016 as well. You can see the perfect example of it already happening in the videos below.It all started with Trump saying, during a town hall interview with Chris Matthews, that he feels there should be a punishment for women who get abortions. This is how he suggests you enforce a theoretical law that would either ban abortion altogether or punish certain abortions that happen outside of limitations like rape and incest.The backlash to this came swiftly from pro and anti-abortion advocates alike. Despite both sides disavowing it, though, the damage to Republicans has already been done. Now, Republicans other than Trump ones who bragged hugely about how they would do everything they can to ban abortion in an effort to out-pro-life each other are being asked a very uncomfortable question while the cameras are rolling; What kind of punishments would you seek for women who get abortions? Here is the first of two reasons why this might be the worst thing to happen to the Republican party since Trump:.@JohnKasich reacts to Trump s abortion comments: Of course, women shouldn t be punished for having an abortion https://t.co/bLyaNPVGoE MSNBC (@MSNBC) March 30, 2016Remember, John Kasich is the grown up in the room and he can t even answer the freakin question properly. How would you punish women is not answered by there s exceptions for rape, unless you think literally every pregnancy is caused by rape in America, which I doubt he does. And, admitting you wouldn t punish them is going to political suicide.But wait, it gets even worse.Here is how it will go down. Republican voters finally heard a Republican presidential candidate say they would actually go after women who get abortions with criminal penalties . This is the answer to their prayers literally. Now the smell of blood is in the air and Republicans will not take no for an answer to the question of will you punish women who get abortions? Below is the second reason and a perfect example of the sh*tstorm that Trump has started:Trump may have single-handedly taken the entire pro-life movement to a place from where it won t easily be able to recover. Logically speaking, it s difficult to ban a thing without criminal penalties associated with violating the ban. Republican voters want sooooo badly for there to be criminal penalties for women who murder babies along with the doctors and whoever else they can blame for it. The logical outcome of this is obvious.In the space of one day being pro-life was made uncool for Republicans. Now you need to be pro-punishment to satisfy your rabid voter base. Bravo Donald, you just helped Democrats more than you will ever know.Featured image via youtube screen capture Featured image via video screen capture
White House In Deep Denial Over Dumpster Fire Healthcare Plan (DETAILS)
The Congressional Budget Office released their analysis of the GOP s Obamacare replacement plan today, and their findings were bad. Really bad. According to the CBO s report, 14 million people are going to lose their healthcare by the end of the year and 24 million will be without coverage by 2026. But somehow, the White House is in complete denial about what a disastrous bill they are pushing.Health Secretary Tom Price said on Monday afternoon that the administration strenuously disagrees with the CBO s report. Despite the numbers presented to him, he still insists that more people will be covered and costs will be lowered under the Republican plan.White House says it disagrees strenuously with finding that 14M would lose health coverage under GOP plan. https://t.co/Q4fZoG4jFV The Associated Press (@AP) March 13, 2017The job of the CBO is to analyze proposed legislation and provide Congress with a nonpartisan assessment. Their findings in regards to the GOP plan? By 2026, 24 million Americans will be without healthcare. No wonder they tried to hide it from the public.According to Price, the White House disagrees strenuously with the report that was put out. Price said that the CBO isn t looking at the whole picture. He argues that the Republicans have a three-part plan, but the CBO only looked at the House Bill, which is just othe first step. It s just not believable is what we would suggest, Price said of the CBO s assessment.House Speaker Paul Ryan defended the bill against the report as well. On Monday, he praised the plan for lowering the deficit by a measly $336 billion over a decade, which is a mere drop in the bucket when looking at the overall budget.It is obvious that the Republican s make America sick again bill is horrible. People are going to die, plain and simple. The CBO report laid out the numbers. You know, facts and stuff. Yet, the White House and the rest of the GOP just can t believe it so they disagree. Here s the thing, that isn t how it works. You can say you disagree with a fact and you can say you don t believe a fact, but it s still a fact.Millions of people, many of whom just finally got insurance under the Affordable Care Act, are going to lose their coverage under the GOP plan. Saying you don t believe it doesn t change a damn thing.Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: White House In Deep Denial Over Dumpster Fire Healthcare Plan (DETAILS) TEXT: The Congressional Budget Office released their analysis of the GOP s Obamacare replacement plan today, and their findings were bad. Really bad. According to the CBO s report, 14 million people are going to lose their healthcare by the end of the year and 24 million will be without coverage by 2026. But somehow, the White House is in complete denial about what a disastrous bill they are pushing.Health Secretary Tom Price said on Monday afternoon that the administration strenuously disagrees with the CBO s report. Despite the numbers presented to him, he still insists that more people will be covered and costs will be lowered under the Republican plan.White House says it disagrees strenuously with finding that 14M would lose health coverage under GOP plan. https://t.co/Q4fZoG4jFV The Associated Press (@AP) March 13, 2017The job of the CBO is to analyze proposed legislation and provide Congress with a nonpartisan assessment. Their findings in regards to the GOP plan? By 2026, 24 million Americans will be without healthcare. No wonder they tried to hide it from the public.According to Price, the White House disagrees strenuously with the report that was put out. Price said that the CBO isn t looking at the whole picture. He argues that the Republicans have a three-part plan, but the CBO only looked at the House Bill, which is just othe first step. It s just not believable is what we would suggest, Price said of the CBO s assessment.House Speaker Paul Ryan defended the bill against the report as well. On Monday, he praised the plan for lowering the deficit by a measly $336 billion over a decade, which is a mere drop in the bucket when looking at the overall budget.It is obvious that the Republican s make America sick again bill is horrible. People are going to die, plain and simple. The CBO report laid out the numbers. You know, facts and stuff. Yet, the White House and the rest of the GOP just can t believe it so they disagree. Here s the thing, that isn t how it works. You can say you disagree with a fact and you can say you don t believe a fact, but it s still a fact.Millions of people, many of whom just finally got insurance under the Affordable Care Act, are going to lose their coverage under the GOP plan. Saying you don t believe it doesn t change a damn thing.Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
TITLE: White House In Deep Denial Over Dumpster Fire Healthcare Plan (DETAILS) TEXT: The Congressional Budget Office released their analysis of the GOP s Obamacare replacement plan today, and their findings were bad. Really bad. According to the CBO s report, 14 million people are going to lose their healthcare by the end of the year and 24 million will be without coverage by 2026. But somehow, the White House is in complete denial about what a disastrous bill they are pushing.Health Secretary Tom Price said on Monday afternoon that the administration strenuously disagrees with the CBO s report. Despite the numbers presented to him, he still insists that more people will be covered and costs will be lowered under the Republican plan.White House says it disagrees strenuously with finding that 14M would lose health coverage under GOP plan. https://t.co/Q4fZoG4jFV The Associated Press (@AP) March 13, 2017The job of the CBO is to analyze proposed legislation and provide Congress with a nonpartisan assessment. Their findings in regards to the GOP plan? By 2026, 24 million Americans will be without healthcare. No wonder they tried to hide it from the public.According to Price, the White House disagrees strenuously with the report that was put out. Price said that the CBO isn t looking at the whole picture. He argues that the Republicans have a three-part plan, but the CBO only looked at the House Bill, which is just othe first step. It s just not believable is what we would suggest, Price said of the CBO s assessment.House Speaker Paul Ryan defended the bill against the report as well. On Monday, he praised the plan for lowering the deficit by a measly $336 billion over a decade, which is a mere drop in the bucket when looking at the overall budget.It is obvious that the Republican s make America sick again bill is horrible. People are going to die, plain and simple. The CBO report laid out the numbers. You know, facts and stuff. Yet, the White House and the rest of the GOP just can t believe it so they disagree. Here s the thing, that isn t how it works. You can say you disagree with a fact and you can say you don t believe a fact, but it s still a fact.Millions of people, many of whom just finally got insurance under the Affordable Care Act, are going to lose their coverage under the GOP plan. Saying you don t believe it doesn t change a damn thing.Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
Bernie Sanders Just Used Trump’s Own Tweets To Publicly Shame Him On The Senate Floor
Donald Trump s tweets just became the club progressives like Bernie Sanders are going to use to hammer him with over the next four years.It s no secret that Trump is obsessed with spewing all kinds of bullshit on Twitter, but they are a liability that will make Republicans regret making Trump their leader.Because messages on Twitter can live forever. Even if Trump deletes them, there are likely always going to be copies that were captured via screenshot.But Bernie Sanders didn t need to worry about that because Trump rarely deletes his past tweets, which made things awkward for Trump and the Senate Republicans as Sanders took to the floor to passionately defend Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, all three of which Republicans want to gut after Trump takes office on January 20th.Throughout the primaries and the presidential campaign, Trump told his supporters that he would not cut Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid. Most prominently, he repeated that message on Twitter in May 2015 to claim that Mike Huckabee copied him by saying the same thing. I was the first & only potential GOP candidate to state there will be no cuts to Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid, Trump wrote. Huckabee copied me. Well, during his time on the Senate floor on Wednesday, Sanders used that very tweet against Trump, even going so far as to blow it up for all to see, to demonstrate that if Trump signs any legislation Republicans send him to target these sacred programs, he would be breaking a core promise to the people who voted for him.Sanders began by calling out Republicans for cruelly seeking to repeal Obamacare, which would leave millions of Americans without health insurance and increase the deficit by hundreds of millions of dollars.He then slammed Republicans for taking at a Medicare in their budget bill, a move that would eliminate Medicare as it currently exists, a government-run program that actually works to provide senior citizens the healthcare they need at a far lower cost than a private insurance plan would provide.Sanders also repeated a statement Trump made on April 8, 2015. Every Republican wants to do a big number on Social Security, Trump said. They want to do it on Medicare and they want to do it on Medicaid and we can t do it. It s not fair to the people who have been paying in for years. In March, Trump attacked Paul Ryan for planning to gut Medicare, but Trump made it clear that he doesn t support Ryan s plan because it will cost Republicans the election. Millions of people voted for him on the belief that he would keep his word, Sanders declared.Here s the video via YouTube:Donald Trump is already backing away from his promises, which means his supporters were duped in the worst way. They were stabbed in the back and now have to face a future where Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, and Obamacare do not exist. And they only have themselves to blame for believing Trump in the first place.Featured image via screenshot
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Bernie Sanders Just Used Trump’s Own Tweets To Publicly Shame Him On The Senate Floor TEXT: Donald Trump s tweets just became the club progressives like Bernie Sanders are going to use to hammer him with over the next four years.It s no secret that Trump is obsessed with spewing all kinds of bullshit on Twitter, but they are a liability that will make Republicans regret making Trump their leader.Because messages on Twitter can live forever. Even if Trump deletes them, there are likely always going to be copies that were captured via screenshot.But Bernie Sanders didn t need to worry about that because Trump rarely deletes his past tweets, which made things awkward for Trump and the Senate Republicans as Sanders took to the floor to passionately defend Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, all three of which Republicans want to gut after Trump takes office on January 20th.Throughout the primaries and the presidential campaign, Trump told his supporters that he would not cut Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid. Most prominently, he repeated that message on Twitter in May 2015 to claim that Mike Huckabee copied him by saying the same thing. I was the first & only potential GOP candidate to state there will be no cuts to Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid, Trump wrote. Huckabee copied me. Well, during his time on the Senate floor on Wednesday, Sanders used that very tweet against Trump, even going so far as to blow it up for all to see, to demonstrate that if Trump signs any legislation Republicans send him to target these sacred programs, he would be breaking a core promise to the people who voted for him.Sanders began by calling out Republicans for cruelly seeking to repeal Obamacare, which would leave millions of Americans without health insurance and increase the deficit by hundreds of millions of dollars.He then slammed Republicans for taking at a Medicare in their budget bill, a move that would eliminate Medicare as it currently exists, a government-run program that actually works to provide senior citizens the healthcare they need at a far lower cost than a private insurance plan would provide.Sanders also repeated a statement Trump made on April 8, 2015. Every Republican wants to do a big number on Social Security, Trump said. They want to do it on Medicare and they want to do it on Medicaid and we can t do it. It s not fair to the people who have been paying in for years. In March, Trump attacked Paul Ryan for planning to gut Medicare, but Trump made it clear that he doesn t support Ryan s plan because it will cost Republicans the election. Millions of people voted for him on the belief that he would keep his word, Sanders declared.Here s the video via YouTube:Donald Trump is already backing away from his promises, which means his supporters were duped in the worst way. They were stabbed in the back and now have to face a future where Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, and Obamacare do not exist. And they only have themselves to blame for believing Trump in the first place.Featured image via screenshot
TITLE: Bernie Sanders Just Used Trump’s Own Tweets To Publicly Shame Him On The Senate Floor TEXT: Donald Trump s tweets just became the club progressives like Bernie Sanders are going to use to hammer him with over the next four years.It s no secret that Trump is obsessed with spewing all kinds of bullshit on Twitter, but they are a liability that will make Republicans regret making Trump their leader.Because messages on Twitter can live forever. Even if Trump deletes them, there are likely always going to be copies that were captured via screenshot.But Bernie Sanders didn t need to worry about that because Trump rarely deletes his past tweets, which made things awkward for Trump and the Senate Republicans as Sanders took to the floor to passionately defend Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, all three of which Republicans want to gut after Trump takes office on January 20th.Throughout the primaries and the presidential campaign, Trump told his supporters that he would not cut Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid. Most prominently, he repeated that message on Twitter in May 2015 to claim that Mike Huckabee copied him by saying the same thing. I was the first & only potential GOP candidate to state there will be no cuts to Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid, Trump wrote. Huckabee copied me. Well, during his time on the Senate floor on Wednesday, Sanders used that very tweet against Trump, even going so far as to blow it up for all to see, to demonstrate that if Trump signs any legislation Republicans send him to target these sacred programs, he would be breaking a core promise to the people who voted for him.Sanders began by calling out Republicans for cruelly seeking to repeal Obamacare, which would leave millions of Americans without health insurance and increase the deficit by hundreds of millions of dollars.He then slammed Republicans for taking at a Medicare in their budget bill, a move that would eliminate Medicare as it currently exists, a government-run program that actually works to provide senior citizens the healthcare they need at a far lower cost than a private insurance plan would provide.Sanders also repeated a statement Trump made on April 8, 2015. Every Republican wants to do a big number on Social Security, Trump said. They want to do it on Medicare and they want to do it on Medicaid and we can t do it. It s not fair to the people who have been paying in for years. In March, Trump attacked Paul Ryan for planning to gut Medicare, but Trump made it clear that he doesn t support Ryan s plan because it will cost Republicans the election. Millions of people voted for him on the belief that he would keep his word, Sanders declared.Here s the video via YouTube:Donald Trump is already backing away from his promises, which means his supporters were duped in the worst way. They were stabbed in the back and now have to face a future where Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, and Obamacare do not exist. And they only have themselves to blame for believing Trump in the first place.Featured image via screenshot
Polls open as Slovenian president runs for his second mandate
LJUBLJANA (Reuters) - Polls opened in the Slovenian presidential election on Sunday with incumbent President Borut Pahor running for his second five-year mandate against eight other candidates. Opinion polls had shown that Pahor, who is running as an independent and says his main task is bringing people together, will win most votes but the question remains whether there will be a need for a second election round. If no candidate wins at least 50 percent of votes in the first round, the two candidates with the most votes will compete in a second round on Nov. 12. Apart from Pahor, the most likely candidate to get into the second round is the mayor of Kamnik Marjan Sarec, who is backed by his own non-parliamentary center-left party Lista Marjana Sarca, opinion polls showed. A lot will depend upon turnout, upon whether young people will come to vote. In this case Pahor would benefit as he is the king of the Instagram and is therefore more likely to get votes of the young, Tanja Staric, an analyst at Radio Slovenia, told Reuters. Pahor, 53, who is a former fashion model, is famous for posting his photos on Instagram showing him in his official duties but also in various sports activities. His campaign included 25 days of walking totaling some 700 kilometers (435 miles) between Slovenian cities and villages to meet local people. He is a former long-time leader of the center-left Social Democrats and had been Slovenian prime minister from 2008 to 2012, in the years which led to the worst financial crisis in Slovenia s history. The country managed to only narrowly avoid an international bailout for its banks in 2013. Although the role is mostly ceremonial, the president leads the army and also nominates several top officials, including the central bank governor. Most of his nominations have to be confirmed by parliament. The election is seen as a possible indication of parties support before general elections due in June or July next year. Polls are due to close at 1700 GMT with preliminary results expected around 1900 GMT.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Polls open as Slovenian president runs for his second mandate TEXT: LJUBLJANA (Reuters) - Polls opened in the Slovenian presidential election on Sunday with incumbent President Borut Pahor running for his second five-year mandate against eight other candidates. Opinion polls had shown that Pahor, who is running as an independent and says his main task is bringing people together, will win most votes but the question remains whether there will be a need for a second election round. If no candidate wins at least 50 percent of votes in the first round, the two candidates with the most votes will compete in a second round on Nov. 12. Apart from Pahor, the most likely candidate to get into the second round is the mayor of Kamnik Marjan Sarec, who is backed by his own non-parliamentary center-left party Lista Marjana Sarca, opinion polls showed. A lot will depend upon turnout, upon whether young people will come to vote. In this case Pahor would benefit as he is the king of the Instagram and is therefore more likely to get votes of the young, Tanja Staric, an analyst at Radio Slovenia, told Reuters. Pahor, 53, who is a former fashion model, is famous for posting his photos on Instagram showing him in his official duties but also in various sports activities. His campaign included 25 days of walking totaling some 700 kilometers (435 miles) between Slovenian cities and villages to meet local people. He is a former long-time leader of the center-left Social Democrats and had been Slovenian prime minister from 2008 to 2012, in the years which led to the worst financial crisis in Slovenia s history. The country managed to only narrowly avoid an international bailout for its banks in 2013. Although the role is mostly ceremonial, the president leads the army and also nominates several top officials, including the central bank governor. Most of his nominations have to be confirmed by parliament. The election is seen as a possible indication of parties support before general elections due in June or July next year. Polls are due to close at 1700 GMT with preliminary results expected around 1900 GMT.
TITLE: Polls open as Slovenian president runs for his second mandate TEXT: LJUBLJANA (Reuters) - Polls opened in the Slovenian presidential election on Sunday with incumbent President Borut Pahor running for his second five-year mandate against eight other candidates. Opinion polls had shown that Pahor, who is running as an independent and says his main task is bringing people together, will win most votes but the question remains whether there will be a need for a second election round. If no candidate wins at least 50 percent of votes in the first round, the two candidates with the most votes will compete in a second round on Nov. 12. Apart from Pahor, the most likely candidate to get into the second round is the mayor of Kamnik Marjan Sarec, who is backed by his own non-parliamentary center-left party Lista Marjana Sarca, opinion polls showed. A lot will depend upon turnout, upon whether young people will come to vote. In this case Pahor would benefit as he is the king of the Instagram and is therefore more likely to get votes of the young, Tanja Staric, an analyst at Radio Slovenia, told Reuters. Pahor, 53, who is a former fashion model, is famous for posting his photos on Instagram showing him in his official duties but also in various sports activities. His campaign included 25 days of walking totaling some 700 kilometers (435 miles) between Slovenian cities and villages to meet local people. He is a former long-time leader of the center-left Social Democrats and had been Slovenian prime minister from 2008 to 2012, in the years which led to the worst financial crisis in Slovenia s history. The country managed to only narrowly avoid an international bailout for its banks in 2013. Although the role is mostly ceremonial, the president leads the army and also nominates several top officials, including the central bank governor. Most of his nominations have to be confirmed by parliament. The election is seen as a possible indication of parties support before general elections due in June or July next year. Polls are due to close at 1700 GMT with preliminary results expected around 1900 GMT.
DNC Chair Just DIRECTLY attacked Obama, Elizabeth Warren, And Everyone Who Voted For Them
One of the biggest Democratic themes of the 2016 election is building on President Obama s legacy. It has come from many establishment Democrats during the 2016 primary season. Even Debbie Wasserman Schultz has used this theme in a statement released by her office, and she isn t even running in the primaries. This all makes it rather strange that with this in mind, Wasserman-Schultz has decided to help Republicans to destroy a very popular Obama-created governmental office of which he is very proud and voters absolutely love.The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which was set up by Elizabeth Warren after President Obama personally appointed her to do so, is coming under heavy attack by the ultra-predatory payday lending industry. The industry is also enjoying the assistance of Republicans and a few Democratic sellouts which now includes Wasserman-Schultz among their number.The CFPB is approaching a point where they are going to be able to adopt better rules to protect consumers from predatory lending practices, which disproportionately harm the poorest among us and can throw an otherwise financially stable family into a long and sometimes inescapable cycle debt. This has caused the industry to rally Republicans to assault the CFPB by attacking its budget, burdening it with impossible amounts of regulation, and creating outright lies about the agency unilaterally shutting down businesses.Wasserman-Schultz is co-sponsoring a new bill that would completely gut the CFPB s approaching payday loan regulations and she is trying to lobby other Democrats in Washington to join her in this unprecedented attack on the poorest and most vulnerable Americans.The upcoming Republican sabotage is wrapped in a misleading name, the Consumer Protection and Choice Act. What exactly it has to do with protection and choice is not clear, since it actively blocks protections and poor people who are in desperate need tend to have no choice when it comes to resorting to a payday loan. The legislation would delay the CFPB s new regulations by two years, and would allow for state-level nullification of their federal authority in states that adopted their own laws regarding payday lenders. It s important to note that it doesn t have any classification for a level of protection of consumers only that the state has adopted a law regarding payday lenders. It could be a mostly anti-consumer measure, but if it fulfills the letter of the law it would make it literally impossible for the CFPB to help an entire state.The Consumer Federation of America, the NAACP, The National Consumer Law Center, The National Council of La Raza, The Southern Poverty Law Center, and dozens of others sent letters to every member of Congress urging them to oppose the law. This isn t an online petition by regular people on some website. These are some of the biggest progressive social justice movements in America.A typical Florida payday loan customer takes out 9 loans per year and is stuck in debt for almost half that year. The average interest on Florida payday loans is 304 percent, which is less than the national average but still huge.Wasserman-Schultz is partially reacting to a state-level law she helped create in Florida, that her office claims sharply reduced the need to go after bad actors, curbed predatory practices, and created standards and protections for low-income borrowers. The problem with this is, it simply isn t true. 76 percent of payday loans are turned, which means that they are made to help the borrower pay off a previous payday loan. This is exactly what the CFPB wants to help stop a cycle of debt that the poor can t escape where they need to keep taking out loans to pay off previous ones.Debbie Wasserman Schultz is quickly becoming a pariah among Democrats. Her management of Democratic primary debates has garnered her a fair amount of infamy, and many have been calling for her to resign from her position as DNC chairperson. She will also be facing a primary challenge for her seat in the next election cycle. With this latest assistance to Republicans, will it mean the end of her seat at the DNC as well as in Congress?Featured image via Flickr
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: DNC Chair Just DIRECTLY attacked Obama, Elizabeth Warren, And Everyone Who Voted For Them TEXT: One of the biggest Democratic themes of the 2016 election is building on President Obama s legacy. It has come from many establishment Democrats during the 2016 primary season. Even Debbie Wasserman Schultz has used this theme in a statement released by her office, and she isn t even running in the primaries. This all makes it rather strange that with this in mind, Wasserman-Schultz has decided to help Republicans to destroy a very popular Obama-created governmental office of which he is very proud and voters absolutely love.The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which was set up by Elizabeth Warren after President Obama personally appointed her to do so, is coming under heavy attack by the ultra-predatory payday lending industry. The industry is also enjoying the assistance of Republicans and a few Democratic sellouts which now includes Wasserman-Schultz among their number.The CFPB is approaching a point where they are going to be able to adopt better rules to protect consumers from predatory lending practices, which disproportionately harm the poorest among us and can throw an otherwise financially stable family into a long and sometimes inescapable cycle debt. This has caused the industry to rally Republicans to assault the CFPB by attacking its budget, burdening it with impossible amounts of regulation, and creating outright lies about the agency unilaterally shutting down businesses.Wasserman-Schultz is co-sponsoring a new bill that would completely gut the CFPB s approaching payday loan regulations and she is trying to lobby other Democrats in Washington to join her in this unprecedented attack on the poorest and most vulnerable Americans.The upcoming Republican sabotage is wrapped in a misleading name, the Consumer Protection and Choice Act. What exactly it has to do with protection and choice is not clear, since it actively blocks protections and poor people who are in desperate need tend to have no choice when it comes to resorting to a payday loan. The legislation would delay the CFPB s new regulations by two years, and would allow for state-level nullification of their federal authority in states that adopted their own laws regarding payday lenders. It s important to note that it doesn t have any classification for a level of protection of consumers only that the state has adopted a law regarding payday lenders. It could be a mostly anti-consumer measure, but if it fulfills the letter of the law it would make it literally impossible for the CFPB to help an entire state.The Consumer Federation of America, the NAACP, The National Consumer Law Center, The National Council of La Raza, The Southern Poverty Law Center, and dozens of others sent letters to every member of Congress urging them to oppose the law. This isn t an online petition by regular people on some website. These are some of the biggest progressive social justice movements in America.A typical Florida payday loan customer takes out 9 loans per year and is stuck in debt for almost half that year. The average interest on Florida payday loans is 304 percent, which is less than the national average but still huge.Wasserman-Schultz is partially reacting to a state-level law she helped create in Florida, that her office claims sharply reduced the need to go after bad actors, curbed predatory practices, and created standards and protections for low-income borrowers. The problem with this is, it simply isn t true. 76 percent of payday loans are turned, which means that they are made to help the borrower pay off a previous payday loan. This is exactly what the CFPB wants to help stop a cycle of debt that the poor can t escape where they need to keep taking out loans to pay off previous ones.Debbie Wasserman Schultz is quickly becoming a pariah among Democrats. Her management of Democratic primary debates has garnered her a fair amount of infamy, and many have been calling for her to resign from her position as DNC chairperson. She will also be facing a primary challenge for her seat in the next election cycle. With this latest assistance to Republicans, will it mean the end of her seat at the DNC as well as in Congress?Featured image via Flickr
TITLE: DNC Chair Just DIRECTLY attacked Obama, Elizabeth Warren, And Everyone Who Voted For Them TEXT: One of the biggest Democratic themes of the 2016 election is building on President Obama s legacy. It has come from many establishment Democrats during the 2016 primary season. Even Debbie Wasserman Schultz has used this theme in a statement released by her office, and she isn t even running in the primaries. This all makes it rather strange that with this in mind, Wasserman-Schultz has decided to help Republicans to destroy a very popular Obama-created governmental office of which he is very proud and voters absolutely love.The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which was set up by Elizabeth Warren after President Obama personally appointed her to do so, is coming under heavy attack by the ultra-predatory payday lending industry. The industry is also enjoying the assistance of Republicans and a few Democratic sellouts which now includes Wasserman-Schultz among their number.The CFPB is approaching a point where they are going to be able to adopt better rules to protect consumers from predatory lending practices, which disproportionately harm the poorest among us and can throw an otherwise financially stable family into a long and sometimes inescapable cycle debt. This has caused the industry to rally Republicans to assault the CFPB by attacking its budget, burdening it with impossible amounts of regulation, and creating outright lies about the agency unilaterally shutting down businesses.Wasserman-Schultz is co-sponsoring a new bill that would completely gut the CFPB s approaching payday loan regulations and she is trying to lobby other Democrats in Washington to join her in this unprecedented attack on the poorest and most vulnerable Americans.The upcoming Republican sabotage is wrapped in a misleading name, the Consumer Protection and Choice Act. What exactly it has to do with protection and choice is not clear, since it actively blocks protections and poor people who are in desperate need tend to have no choice when it comes to resorting to a payday loan. The legislation would delay the CFPB s new regulations by two years, and would allow for state-level nullification of their federal authority in states that adopted their own laws regarding payday lenders. It s important to note that it doesn t have any classification for a level of protection of consumers only that the state has adopted a law regarding payday lenders. It could be a mostly anti-consumer measure, but if it fulfills the letter of the law it would make it literally impossible for the CFPB to help an entire state.The Consumer Federation of America, the NAACP, The National Consumer Law Center, The National Council of La Raza, The Southern Poverty Law Center, and dozens of others sent letters to every member of Congress urging them to oppose the law. This isn t an online petition by regular people on some website. These are some of the biggest progressive social justice movements in America.A typical Florida payday loan customer takes out 9 loans per year and is stuck in debt for almost half that year. The average interest on Florida payday loans is 304 percent, which is less than the national average but still huge.Wasserman-Schultz is partially reacting to a state-level law she helped create in Florida, that her office claims sharply reduced the need to go after bad actors, curbed predatory practices, and created standards and protections for low-income borrowers. The problem with this is, it simply isn t true. 76 percent of payday loans are turned, which means that they are made to help the borrower pay off a previous payday loan. This is exactly what the CFPB wants to help stop a cycle of debt that the poor can t escape where they need to keep taking out loans to pay off previous ones.Debbie Wasserman Schultz is quickly becoming a pariah among Democrats. Her management of Democratic primary debates has garnered her a fair amount of infamy, and many have been calling for her to resign from her position as DNC chairperson. She will also be facing a primary challenge for her seat in the next election cycle. With this latest assistance to Republicans, will it mean the end of her seat at the DNC as well as in Congress?Featured image via Flickr
Mattis visits Seoul for defense talks as tensions climb
SEOUL (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis flew into Seoul on Friday for annual defense talks as tensions with North Korea climb ahead of a visit to the region next month by President Donald Trump. Mattis has emphasized diplomatic efforts to find a peaceful solution to the crisis during his week-long trip to Asia, even as North Korea’s weapons tests and bellicose verbal exchanges between Pyongyang and Washington stoke fears of an armed confrontation. “I carried the message that the more we do together today the greater the chance for enduring peace in the future,” Mattis said earlier this week, looking back at three days of meetings with Asian defense chiefs in the Philippines. “That’s really what it was all about – to keep the (North Korea) effort firmly in the diplomatic lane for resolution.” Even before landing in Seoul, Mattis held a meeting in the Philippines on Monday with his South Korea and Japanese counterparts, where they agreed to keep bolstering intelligence sharing about North Korea and enhance exercises. “Now we got to do the ‘roll up our sleeves’ (work) and do the pragmatic planning and coordination,” he told reporters. Japanese Defence Minister Itsunori Onodera warned the threat from North Korea has grown to a “critical and imminent level”. CIA chief Mike Pompeo said last week North Korea could be only months away from developing the ability to hit the United States with nuclear weapons, a scenario Trump has vowed to prevent. U.S. intelligence experts say Pyongyang believes it needs the weapons to ensure its survival and have been skeptical about diplomatic efforts, focusing on sanctions, to get Pyongyang to denuclearize. The United States on Thursday imposed sanctions on seven North Korean individuals and three entities for “flagrant” human rights abuses, including killings, torture, forced labor and the hunting down of asylum seekers abroad. Mattis is expected to meet South Korean leaders on Friday before he joins the top U.S. military officer, Marine General Joseph Dunford, at the annual “Security Consultative Meeting” with South Korea’s military on Saturday. The visit comes just before Trump’s departs on Nov. 3 to Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam and the Philippines, a trip which is expected to be dominated by the nuclear and ballistic missile threat posed by North Korea. Trump, in a speech last month at the United Nations, threatened to destroy North Korea if necessary to defend itself and allies. Kim has blasted Trump as “mentally deranged.” Despite the rhetoric, White House officials say Trump is looking for a peaceful resolution of the standoff. But all options, including military ones, are on the table. Mattis, for his part, dismissed the idea that U.S. allies were confused about the U.S. approach, noting U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s recent trip to Beijing to get China to do more to pressure Pyongyang. China is North Korea’s biggest trading partner. “Do we have military options in defense for attack, if our allies are attacked? Of course we do. But everyone is out for a peaceful resolution,” Mattis told reporters traveling with him earlier this week. “No one’s rushing for war.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Mattis visits Seoul for defense talks as tensions climb TEXT: SEOUL (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis flew into Seoul on Friday for annual defense talks as tensions with North Korea climb ahead of a visit to the region next month by President Donald Trump. Mattis has emphasized diplomatic efforts to find a peaceful solution to the crisis during his week-long trip to Asia, even as North Korea’s weapons tests and bellicose verbal exchanges between Pyongyang and Washington stoke fears of an armed confrontation. “I carried the message that the more we do together today the greater the chance for enduring peace in the future,” Mattis said earlier this week, looking back at three days of meetings with Asian defense chiefs in the Philippines. “That’s really what it was all about – to keep the (North Korea) effort firmly in the diplomatic lane for resolution.” Even before landing in Seoul, Mattis held a meeting in the Philippines on Monday with his South Korea and Japanese counterparts, where they agreed to keep bolstering intelligence sharing about North Korea and enhance exercises. “Now we got to do the ‘roll up our sleeves’ (work) and do the pragmatic planning and coordination,” he told reporters. Japanese Defence Minister Itsunori Onodera warned the threat from North Korea has grown to a “critical and imminent level”. CIA chief Mike Pompeo said last week North Korea could be only months away from developing the ability to hit the United States with nuclear weapons, a scenario Trump has vowed to prevent. U.S. intelligence experts say Pyongyang believes it needs the weapons to ensure its survival and have been skeptical about diplomatic efforts, focusing on sanctions, to get Pyongyang to denuclearize. The United States on Thursday imposed sanctions on seven North Korean individuals and three entities for “flagrant” human rights abuses, including killings, torture, forced labor and the hunting down of asylum seekers abroad. Mattis is expected to meet South Korean leaders on Friday before he joins the top U.S. military officer, Marine General Joseph Dunford, at the annual “Security Consultative Meeting” with South Korea’s military on Saturday. The visit comes just before Trump’s departs on Nov. 3 to Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam and the Philippines, a trip which is expected to be dominated by the nuclear and ballistic missile threat posed by North Korea. Trump, in a speech last month at the United Nations, threatened to destroy North Korea if necessary to defend itself and allies. Kim has blasted Trump as “mentally deranged.” Despite the rhetoric, White House officials say Trump is looking for a peaceful resolution of the standoff. But all options, including military ones, are on the table. Mattis, for his part, dismissed the idea that U.S. allies were confused about the U.S. approach, noting U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s recent trip to Beijing to get China to do more to pressure Pyongyang. China is North Korea’s biggest trading partner. “Do we have military options in defense for attack, if our allies are attacked? Of course we do. But everyone is out for a peaceful resolution,” Mattis told reporters traveling with him earlier this week. “No one’s rushing for war.”
TITLE: Mattis visits Seoul for defense talks as tensions climb TEXT: SEOUL (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis flew into Seoul on Friday for annual defense talks as tensions with North Korea climb ahead of a visit to the region next month by President Donald Trump. Mattis has emphasized diplomatic efforts to find a peaceful solution to the crisis during his week-long trip to Asia, even as North Korea’s weapons tests and bellicose verbal exchanges between Pyongyang and Washington stoke fears of an armed confrontation. “I carried the message that the more we do together today the greater the chance for enduring peace in the future,” Mattis said earlier this week, looking back at three days of meetings with Asian defense chiefs in the Philippines. “That’s really what it was all about – to keep the (North Korea) effort firmly in the diplomatic lane for resolution.” Even before landing in Seoul, Mattis held a meeting in the Philippines on Monday with his South Korea and Japanese counterparts, where they agreed to keep bolstering intelligence sharing about North Korea and enhance exercises. “Now we got to do the ‘roll up our sleeves’ (work) and do the pragmatic planning and coordination,” he told reporters. Japanese Defence Minister Itsunori Onodera warned the threat from North Korea has grown to a “critical and imminent level”. CIA chief Mike Pompeo said last week North Korea could be only months away from developing the ability to hit the United States with nuclear weapons, a scenario Trump has vowed to prevent. U.S. intelligence experts say Pyongyang believes it needs the weapons to ensure its survival and have been skeptical about diplomatic efforts, focusing on sanctions, to get Pyongyang to denuclearize. The United States on Thursday imposed sanctions on seven North Korean individuals and three entities for “flagrant” human rights abuses, including killings, torture, forced labor and the hunting down of asylum seekers abroad. Mattis is expected to meet South Korean leaders on Friday before he joins the top U.S. military officer, Marine General Joseph Dunford, at the annual “Security Consultative Meeting” with South Korea’s military on Saturday. The visit comes just before Trump’s departs on Nov. 3 to Japan, South Korea, China, Vietnam and the Philippines, a trip which is expected to be dominated by the nuclear and ballistic missile threat posed by North Korea. Trump, in a speech last month at the United Nations, threatened to destroy North Korea if necessary to defend itself and allies. Kim has blasted Trump as “mentally deranged.” Despite the rhetoric, White House officials say Trump is looking for a peaceful resolution of the standoff. But all options, including military ones, are on the table. Mattis, for his part, dismissed the idea that U.S. allies were confused about the U.S. approach, noting U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s recent trip to Beijing to get China to do more to pressure Pyongyang. China is North Korea’s biggest trading partner. “Do we have military options in defense for attack, if our allies are attacked? Of course we do. But everyone is out for a peaceful resolution,” Mattis told reporters traveling with him earlier this week. “No one’s rushing for war.”
Mexican president says won't pay for Trump wall, makes Hitler warning
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico’s president has said his country will not pay for White House hopeful Donald Trump’s proposed wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, and likened his “strident tone” to the ascent of dictators like Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. President Enrique Pena Nieto’s comments, published in Monday’s Excelsior newspaper, were among the most critical public comments yet by a foreign leader of the New York billionaire. READ MORE: Diplomats sound alarm bells over 'President Trump' Trump, front-runner to win the Republican Party presidential nomination for the Nov. 8 election, has sparked outrage in Mexico with his campaign vow to build a wall along the southern U.S. border to keep out illegal immigrants and drugs, and to make Mexico pay for it. Asked by Excelsior whether there was a “scenario” under which Mexico would pay if Trump won the presidency, Pena Nieto was clear. “There is no scenario,” he said. “I have to say that I regret (the plan), and of course, I can’t agree with this American politician’s position.” Trump, who has also aroused concern among many in his own party with his proposals, has accused Mexico of sending rapists and drug runners across the border and vowed to increase fees on some Mexican visas and all border crossing cards to help make Mexico pay for the wall. Pena Nieto attacked the “populism” of the Trump campaign, which he said sought to put forward “very easy, simple solutions to problems that are obviously not that easy to solve.” “And there have been episodes in human history, unfortunately, where these expressions of this strident rhetoric have only led to very ominous situations in the history of humanity,” the Mexican president added. “That’s how Mussolini got in, that’s how Hitler got in, they took advantage of a situation, a problem perhaps, which humanity was going through at the time, after an economic crisis. “And I think what (they) put forward ended up at what we know today from history, in global conflagration. We don’t want that happening anywhere in the world,” Pena Nieto said. Mexican Finance Minister Luis Videgaray called Trump’s wall a “terrible” idea in an interview last week, while former Mexican presidents Felipe Calderon and Vicente Fox have both compared Trump to Hitler. In spite of his comments, Pena Nieto stressed that his administration will seek to reach agreement and maintain a respectful relationship with whoever wins the U.S. presidency. Foreign diplomats are expressing alarm to U.S. government officials about what they say are Trump’s inflammatory and insulting public statements.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Mexican president says won't pay for Trump wall, makes Hitler warning TEXT: MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico’s president has said his country will not pay for White House hopeful Donald Trump’s proposed wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, and likened his “strident tone” to the ascent of dictators like Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. President Enrique Pena Nieto’s comments, published in Monday’s Excelsior newspaper, were among the most critical public comments yet by a foreign leader of the New York billionaire. READ MORE: Diplomats sound alarm bells over 'President Trump' Trump, front-runner to win the Republican Party presidential nomination for the Nov. 8 election, has sparked outrage in Mexico with his campaign vow to build a wall along the southern U.S. border to keep out illegal immigrants and drugs, and to make Mexico pay for it. Asked by Excelsior whether there was a “scenario” under which Mexico would pay if Trump won the presidency, Pena Nieto was clear. “There is no scenario,” he said. “I have to say that I regret (the plan), and of course, I can’t agree with this American politician’s position.” Trump, who has also aroused concern among many in his own party with his proposals, has accused Mexico of sending rapists and drug runners across the border and vowed to increase fees on some Mexican visas and all border crossing cards to help make Mexico pay for the wall. Pena Nieto attacked the “populism” of the Trump campaign, which he said sought to put forward “very easy, simple solutions to problems that are obviously not that easy to solve.” “And there have been episodes in human history, unfortunately, where these expressions of this strident rhetoric have only led to very ominous situations in the history of humanity,” the Mexican president added. “That’s how Mussolini got in, that’s how Hitler got in, they took advantage of a situation, a problem perhaps, which humanity was going through at the time, after an economic crisis. “And I think what (they) put forward ended up at what we know today from history, in global conflagration. We don’t want that happening anywhere in the world,” Pena Nieto said. Mexican Finance Minister Luis Videgaray called Trump’s wall a “terrible” idea in an interview last week, while former Mexican presidents Felipe Calderon and Vicente Fox have both compared Trump to Hitler. In spite of his comments, Pena Nieto stressed that his administration will seek to reach agreement and maintain a respectful relationship with whoever wins the U.S. presidency. Foreign diplomats are expressing alarm to U.S. government officials about what they say are Trump’s inflammatory and insulting public statements.
TITLE: Mexican president says won't pay for Trump wall, makes Hitler warning TEXT: MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico’s president has said his country will not pay for White House hopeful Donald Trump’s proposed wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, and likened his “strident tone” to the ascent of dictators like Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. President Enrique Pena Nieto’s comments, published in Monday’s Excelsior newspaper, were among the most critical public comments yet by a foreign leader of the New York billionaire. READ MORE: Diplomats sound alarm bells over 'President Trump' Trump, front-runner to win the Republican Party presidential nomination for the Nov. 8 election, has sparked outrage in Mexico with his campaign vow to build a wall along the southern U.S. border to keep out illegal immigrants and drugs, and to make Mexico pay for it. Asked by Excelsior whether there was a “scenario” under which Mexico would pay if Trump won the presidency, Pena Nieto was clear. “There is no scenario,” he said. “I have to say that I regret (the plan), and of course, I can’t agree with this American politician’s position.” Trump, who has also aroused concern among many in his own party with his proposals, has accused Mexico of sending rapists and drug runners across the border and vowed to increase fees on some Mexican visas and all border crossing cards to help make Mexico pay for the wall. Pena Nieto attacked the “populism” of the Trump campaign, which he said sought to put forward “very easy, simple solutions to problems that are obviously not that easy to solve.” “And there have been episodes in human history, unfortunately, where these expressions of this strident rhetoric have only led to very ominous situations in the history of humanity,” the Mexican president added. “That’s how Mussolini got in, that’s how Hitler got in, they took advantage of a situation, a problem perhaps, which humanity was going through at the time, after an economic crisis. “And I think what (they) put forward ended up at what we know today from history, in global conflagration. We don’t want that happening anywhere in the world,” Pena Nieto said. Mexican Finance Minister Luis Videgaray called Trump’s wall a “terrible” idea in an interview last week, while former Mexican presidents Felipe Calderon and Vicente Fox have both compared Trump to Hitler. In spite of his comments, Pena Nieto stressed that his administration will seek to reach agreement and maintain a respectful relationship with whoever wins the U.S. presidency. Foreign diplomats are expressing alarm to U.S. government officials about what they say are Trump’s inflammatory and insulting public statements.
Texas gives Houston $50 million for Hurricane Harvey costs
(Reuters) - Texas Governor Greg Abbott on Friday gave $50 million to Houston to help cover costs related to Hurricane Harvey, a move the mayor said will allow the city to avoid a temporary property tax hike that was up for a city council vote in October. Mayor Sylvester Turner, who accepted the money from the Republican governor at a city hall press conference, said he will pull his proposal for a one-year tax increase to cover the city’s share of debris removal expenses and for insurance-related payments. Parts of Houston suffered severe wind and flood damage after Hurricane Harvey made landfall on Aug. 25. It was the strongest hurricane to hit Texas in more than 50 years. Earlier this week, Abbott rejected Turner’s request for the state to immediately tap its $10 billion rainy day fund to aid its largest city. On Friday, the governor said he had the flexibility to withdraw $50 million from a state disaster relief fund for Houston. “This looked like the best solution at this point,” Abbott told reporters. He added that once the state gets a handle on total hurricane expenses, the Texas legislature will consider tapping into the rainy day fund when its next regular session begins in January 2019 or sooner in a special session.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Texas gives Houston $50 million for Hurricane Harvey costs TEXT: (Reuters) - Texas Governor Greg Abbott on Friday gave $50 million to Houston to help cover costs related to Hurricane Harvey, a move the mayor said will allow the city to avoid a temporary property tax hike that was up for a city council vote in October. Mayor Sylvester Turner, who accepted the money from the Republican governor at a city hall press conference, said he will pull his proposal for a one-year tax increase to cover the city’s share of debris removal expenses and for insurance-related payments. Parts of Houston suffered severe wind and flood damage after Hurricane Harvey made landfall on Aug. 25. It was the strongest hurricane to hit Texas in more than 50 years. Earlier this week, Abbott rejected Turner’s request for the state to immediately tap its $10 billion rainy day fund to aid its largest city. On Friday, the governor said he had the flexibility to withdraw $50 million from a state disaster relief fund for Houston. “This looked like the best solution at this point,” Abbott told reporters. He added that once the state gets a handle on total hurricane expenses, the Texas legislature will consider tapping into the rainy day fund when its next regular session begins in January 2019 or sooner in a special session.
TITLE: Texas gives Houston $50 million for Hurricane Harvey costs TEXT: (Reuters) - Texas Governor Greg Abbott on Friday gave $50 million to Houston to help cover costs related to Hurricane Harvey, a move the mayor said will allow the city to avoid a temporary property tax hike that was up for a city council vote in October. Mayor Sylvester Turner, who accepted the money from the Republican governor at a city hall press conference, said he will pull his proposal for a one-year tax increase to cover the city’s share of debris removal expenses and for insurance-related payments. Parts of Houston suffered severe wind and flood damage after Hurricane Harvey made landfall on Aug. 25. It was the strongest hurricane to hit Texas in more than 50 years. Earlier this week, Abbott rejected Turner’s request for the state to immediately tap its $10 billion rainy day fund to aid its largest city. On Friday, the governor said he had the flexibility to withdraw $50 million from a state disaster relief fund for Houston. “This looked like the best solution at this point,” Abbott told reporters. He added that once the state gets a handle on total hurricane expenses, the Texas legislature will consider tapping into the rainy day fund when its next regular session begins in January 2019 or sooner in a special session.
Detained Venezuelan-U.S. Citgo executives to be tried as 'traitors': Maduro
WASHINGTON/CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said on Wednesday that Venezuelan-American executives at refiner Citgo who were arrested in a corruption sweep this week would be tried as corrupt, thieving traitors despite a request by the United States to free them. Five of six executives of U.S.-based refiner Citgo [PDVSAC.UL] who were arrested in Caracas this week are U.S. citizens, according to a source familiar with the matter, possibly complicating Venezuela s corruption sweep of the oil industry. The six executives included acting Citgo President Jose Pereira, who has Venezuelan citizenship and U.S. permanent residency, the source said. Citgo did not respond to requests for comment. Late on Wednesday, Maduro tapped Asdrubal Chavez, a former oil minister and cousin of the late president Hugo Chavez, to replace Pereira. Military intelligence agents detained the Texas-based executives during an event at state oil company PDVSA s headquarters in Caracas on Tuesday, two sources told Reuters. U.S.-based Citgo Petroleum Corp (Citgo) is a Venezuelan-owned refiner and marketer of oil and petrochemical products. Maduro said the U.S. embassy had requested that its nationals be freed. He mocked the demand and vowed that the men, who are also Venezuelan, would pay for alleged wrongdoing in a financial deal. These are people born in Venezuela, they re Venezuelan and they re going to be judged for being corrupt, thieving traitors, Maduro said in a televised broadcast during which he also sang and danced salsa. They re properly behind bars, and they should go to the worst prison in Venezuela. Relations between Caracas and Washington have long been tense. They have further soured under President Donald Trump since his administration imposed sanctions on Venezuelan officials including Maduro, and economic sanctions that have impeded the OPEC nation s access to international banks. Venezuela has defaulted on sovereign debt and bonds issued by PDVSA after failing to make timely payments, a New York-based derivatives group ruled on Thursday. Late on Wednesday, a U.S. State Department official said, We have seen media reports of the arrest of U.S. citizens in Venezuela. Venezuela is required under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations to provide consular notification to the U.S. upon request of a detained U.S. citizen, and to provide consular access. When a U.S. citizen is arrested overseas, we immediately request permission to visit him or her. We have no additional information to offer at this time. Venezuelan state Prosecutor Tarek Saab has declared a crusade against organized crime in Venezuela s oil industry. Saab told a news conference on Tuesday that his office had uncovered a roughly $4 billion planned deal with foreign companies, offering the refiner as guarantee in a detrimental deal for Venezuela. According to Saab, the deal was with U.S. investment fund Apollo Global Management LLC and Dubai-based Frontier Management Group LTD, and also included a Swiss-based intermediary, Mangore Sarl. He added there was a presumed link between Mangore Sarl and the Citgo executives. Opposition leaders have attributed the arrests to in-fighting among government factions and the cash-strapped government s desire to gain control of money-making companies rather than a genuine desire to root out corruption. Venezuela has whipped out much of Citgo s top brass at a delicate time for the OPEC nation, which has been declared in selective default after some late payments. But as Venezuela is making efforts to pay, bondholders of some of the world s highest yielding debt have so far been tolerant of the delays. The five other arrested executives are: Tomeu Vadell, vice president of refining operations; Alirio Zambrano, vice president and general manager of Corpus Christi refinery; Jose Luis Zambrano, vice president of shared services; Gustavo Cardenas, vice president of strategic shareholder relations, government and public affairs; Jorge Toledo, vice president of supply and marketing.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Detained Venezuelan-U.S. Citgo executives to be tried as 'traitors': Maduro TEXT: WASHINGTON/CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said on Wednesday that Venezuelan-American executives at refiner Citgo who were arrested in a corruption sweep this week would be tried as corrupt, thieving traitors despite a request by the United States to free them. Five of six executives of U.S.-based refiner Citgo [PDVSAC.UL] who were arrested in Caracas this week are U.S. citizens, according to a source familiar with the matter, possibly complicating Venezuela s corruption sweep of the oil industry. The six executives included acting Citgo President Jose Pereira, who has Venezuelan citizenship and U.S. permanent residency, the source said. Citgo did not respond to requests for comment. Late on Wednesday, Maduro tapped Asdrubal Chavez, a former oil minister and cousin of the late president Hugo Chavez, to replace Pereira. Military intelligence agents detained the Texas-based executives during an event at state oil company PDVSA s headquarters in Caracas on Tuesday, two sources told Reuters. U.S.-based Citgo Petroleum Corp (Citgo) is a Venezuelan-owned refiner and marketer of oil and petrochemical products. Maduro said the U.S. embassy had requested that its nationals be freed. He mocked the demand and vowed that the men, who are also Venezuelan, would pay for alleged wrongdoing in a financial deal. These are people born in Venezuela, they re Venezuelan and they re going to be judged for being corrupt, thieving traitors, Maduro said in a televised broadcast during which he also sang and danced salsa. They re properly behind bars, and they should go to the worst prison in Venezuela. Relations between Caracas and Washington have long been tense. They have further soured under President Donald Trump since his administration imposed sanctions on Venezuelan officials including Maduro, and economic sanctions that have impeded the OPEC nation s access to international banks. Venezuela has defaulted on sovereign debt and bonds issued by PDVSA after failing to make timely payments, a New York-based derivatives group ruled on Thursday. Late on Wednesday, a U.S. State Department official said, We have seen media reports of the arrest of U.S. citizens in Venezuela. Venezuela is required under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations to provide consular notification to the U.S. upon request of a detained U.S. citizen, and to provide consular access. When a U.S. citizen is arrested overseas, we immediately request permission to visit him or her. We have no additional information to offer at this time. Venezuelan state Prosecutor Tarek Saab has declared a crusade against organized crime in Venezuela s oil industry. Saab told a news conference on Tuesday that his office had uncovered a roughly $4 billion planned deal with foreign companies, offering the refiner as guarantee in a detrimental deal for Venezuela. According to Saab, the deal was with U.S. investment fund Apollo Global Management LLC and Dubai-based Frontier Management Group LTD, and also included a Swiss-based intermediary, Mangore Sarl. He added there was a presumed link between Mangore Sarl and the Citgo executives. Opposition leaders have attributed the arrests to in-fighting among government factions and the cash-strapped government s desire to gain control of money-making companies rather than a genuine desire to root out corruption. Venezuela has whipped out much of Citgo s top brass at a delicate time for the OPEC nation, which has been declared in selective default after some late payments. But as Venezuela is making efforts to pay, bondholders of some of the world s highest yielding debt have so far been tolerant of the delays. The five other arrested executives are: Tomeu Vadell, vice president of refining operations; Alirio Zambrano, vice president and general manager of Corpus Christi refinery; Jose Luis Zambrano, vice president of shared services; Gustavo Cardenas, vice president of strategic shareholder relations, government and public affairs; Jorge Toledo, vice president of supply and marketing.
TITLE: Detained Venezuelan-U.S. Citgo executives to be tried as 'traitors': Maduro TEXT: WASHINGTON/CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said on Wednesday that Venezuelan-American executives at refiner Citgo who were arrested in a corruption sweep this week would be tried as corrupt, thieving traitors despite a request by the United States to free them. Five of six executives of U.S.-based refiner Citgo [PDVSAC.UL] who were arrested in Caracas this week are U.S. citizens, according to a source familiar with the matter, possibly complicating Venezuela s corruption sweep of the oil industry. The six executives included acting Citgo President Jose Pereira, who has Venezuelan citizenship and U.S. permanent residency, the source said. Citgo did not respond to requests for comment. Late on Wednesday, Maduro tapped Asdrubal Chavez, a former oil minister and cousin of the late president Hugo Chavez, to replace Pereira. Military intelligence agents detained the Texas-based executives during an event at state oil company PDVSA s headquarters in Caracas on Tuesday, two sources told Reuters. U.S.-based Citgo Petroleum Corp (Citgo) is a Venezuelan-owned refiner and marketer of oil and petrochemical products. Maduro said the U.S. embassy had requested that its nationals be freed. He mocked the demand and vowed that the men, who are also Venezuelan, would pay for alleged wrongdoing in a financial deal. These are people born in Venezuela, they re Venezuelan and they re going to be judged for being corrupt, thieving traitors, Maduro said in a televised broadcast during which he also sang and danced salsa. They re properly behind bars, and they should go to the worst prison in Venezuela. Relations between Caracas and Washington have long been tense. They have further soured under President Donald Trump since his administration imposed sanctions on Venezuelan officials including Maduro, and economic sanctions that have impeded the OPEC nation s access to international banks. Venezuela has defaulted on sovereign debt and bonds issued by PDVSA after failing to make timely payments, a New York-based derivatives group ruled on Thursday. Late on Wednesday, a U.S. State Department official said, We have seen media reports of the arrest of U.S. citizens in Venezuela. Venezuela is required under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations to provide consular notification to the U.S. upon request of a detained U.S. citizen, and to provide consular access. When a U.S. citizen is arrested overseas, we immediately request permission to visit him or her. We have no additional information to offer at this time. Venezuelan state Prosecutor Tarek Saab has declared a crusade against organized crime in Venezuela s oil industry. Saab told a news conference on Tuesday that his office had uncovered a roughly $4 billion planned deal with foreign companies, offering the refiner as guarantee in a detrimental deal for Venezuela. According to Saab, the deal was with U.S. investment fund Apollo Global Management LLC and Dubai-based Frontier Management Group LTD, and also included a Swiss-based intermediary, Mangore Sarl. He added there was a presumed link between Mangore Sarl and the Citgo executives. Opposition leaders have attributed the arrests to in-fighting among government factions and the cash-strapped government s desire to gain control of money-making companies rather than a genuine desire to root out corruption. Venezuela has whipped out much of Citgo s top brass at a delicate time for the OPEC nation, which has been declared in selective default after some late payments. But as Venezuela is making efforts to pay, bondholders of some of the world s highest yielding debt have so far been tolerant of the delays. The five other arrested executives are: Tomeu Vadell, vice president of refining operations; Alirio Zambrano, vice president and general manager of Corpus Christi refinery; Jose Luis Zambrano, vice president of shared services; Gustavo Cardenas, vice president of strategic shareholder relations, government and public affairs; Jorge Toledo, vice president of supply and marketing.
The Internet Perfectly HUMILIATES Racist Breitbart For Boycotting Kellogg’s
If you ever wondered what racist conservatives would like to eat for breakfast, Twitter has the answer.White nationalist website Breitbart is throwing a hissy fit because Kellogg s pulled advertising from the site to ensure our ads do not appear on sites that aren t aligned with our values as set forth in our advertising guidelines. In other words, the cereal maker does not want their company associated with a racist sexist publication that spews hateful right-wing propaganda.And they can t be blamed for that. After all, companies like Kellogg s want to sell their products to as diverse a consumer base as possible and giving a racist company like Breitbart adverting dollars only alienates.So Breitbart decided to get revenge by declaring war on Kellogg s and calling for a boycott. You know, because conservative boycotts always work.Yeah, that was sarcasm. In reality, conservative boycotts rarely work. In fact, they are usually mocked relentlessly and humiliated. Breitbart definitely learned that overnight because Twitter users started a new hashtag and #BreitbartCereals has been trending ever since.The Fascist Monster cereals: Count Trumpula and Boo Bannon #BreitbartCereals Carlos Pecciotto (@EEgreenbunny) December 1, 2016Hooded Bunches of Oafs #BreitbartCereals Adam Stillman (@Stillyman11) December 1, 2016Children of the Corn Flakes#BreitbartCereals pic.twitter.com/i1RYbOOvBB Christian Greco (@Jolly_Esquire) December 1, 2016Chex (and Balances are Gone) #BreitbartCereals Portmanteau Jones (@SadlyCatless) December 1, 2016#BreitbartCereals Frosted Fake News Michael K. Ferrante (@MKFerrante) December 1, 2016Corn-flicts of Interest #BreitbartCereals Bo Lenerf (@BoLenerf) December 1, 2016Apple Jack Boots #BreitbartCereals kara bishop (@AnaisNincompoop) December 1, 2016Republican Nut Bran #BreitbartCereals LizMcNabb (@LizabethMcNabb) December 1, 2016Cocoa Stop-and Friskies #BreitbartCereals Kirk (@WorkWithKirk) December 1, 2016#BreitbartCereals Tony the alt-Righter says Thiiiiiiird REICH! (((Jake Turk))) (@71djt) December 1, 2016#BreitbartCereals pic.twitter.com/l00It7umuq Marcus Hawkins (@HawkinsUSA) December 1, 2016Special KKK: Start Your Day Alt-Right #BreitbartCereals pic.twitter.com/1ItBv4ibCu Joshua Zitser (@mrjoshz) December 1, 2016Honey Bunches of A-Holes #BreitbartCereals Boycott Trump SCION (@puppymnkey) December 1, 2016Honey Nut GestapOoos! So good, the Nazis will kick your door down for them!#BreitbartCereals pic.twitter.com/0918g8A7Wo Nathan Ralph (@thenateralph) December 1, 2016Breitbart is literally trying to bully Kellogg s out of business simply because the company disagrees with them. Kellogg s decision to blacklist one of the largest conservative media outlets in America is economic censorship of mainstream conservative political discourse, Breitbart whined. That is as un-American as it gets. Except that it s not un-American at all. Just like Breitbart is exercising their right to be total dicks, Kellogg s is exercising their right to not associate with them. It s called the free market.Despite being humiliated, conservatives are already crowing because Kellogg s stock price coincidentally dropped after Breitbart called for a boycott. So those of us who hate racists should go out and support Kellogg s by buying their cereal and other products to make sure Kellogg s is rewarded for rejecting hate. Because if Breitbart is allowed to successfully bully Kellogg s into supporting them, they ll do it to other companies who also do the right thing.Featured image via Twitter
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: The Internet Perfectly HUMILIATES Racist Breitbart For Boycotting Kellogg’s TEXT: If you ever wondered what racist conservatives would like to eat for breakfast, Twitter has the answer.White nationalist website Breitbart is throwing a hissy fit because Kellogg s pulled advertising from the site to ensure our ads do not appear on sites that aren t aligned with our values as set forth in our advertising guidelines. In other words, the cereal maker does not want their company associated with a racist sexist publication that spews hateful right-wing propaganda.And they can t be blamed for that. After all, companies like Kellogg s want to sell their products to as diverse a consumer base as possible and giving a racist company like Breitbart adverting dollars only alienates.So Breitbart decided to get revenge by declaring war on Kellogg s and calling for a boycott. You know, because conservative boycotts always work.Yeah, that was sarcasm. In reality, conservative boycotts rarely work. In fact, they are usually mocked relentlessly and humiliated. Breitbart definitely learned that overnight because Twitter users started a new hashtag and #BreitbartCereals has been trending ever since.The Fascist Monster cereals: Count Trumpula and Boo Bannon #BreitbartCereals Carlos Pecciotto (@EEgreenbunny) December 1, 2016Hooded Bunches of Oafs #BreitbartCereals Adam Stillman (@Stillyman11) December 1, 2016Children of the Corn Flakes#BreitbartCereals pic.twitter.com/i1RYbOOvBB Christian Greco (@Jolly_Esquire) December 1, 2016Chex (and Balances are Gone) #BreitbartCereals Portmanteau Jones (@SadlyCatless) December 1, 2016#BreitbartCereals Frosted Fake News Michael K. Ferrante (@MKFerrante) December 1, 2016Corn-flicts of Interest #BreitbartCereals Bo Lenerf (@BoLenerf) December 1, 2016Apple Jack Boots #BreitbartCereals kara bishop (@AnaisNincompoop) December 1, 2016Republican Nut Bran #BreitbartCereals LizMcNabb (@LizabethMcNabb) December 1, 2016Cocoa Stop-and Friskies #BreitbartCereals Kirk (@WorkWithKirk) December 1, 2016#BreitbartCereals Tony the alt-Righter says Thiiiiiiird REICH! (((Jake Turk))) (@71djt) December 1, 2016#BreitbartCereals pic.twitter.com/l00It7umuq Marcus Hawkins (@HawkinsUSA) December 1, 2016Special KKK: Start Your Day Alt-Right #BreitbartCereals pic.twitter.com/1ItBv4ibCu Joshua Zitser (@mrjoshz) December 1, 2016Honey Bunches of A-Holes #BreitbartCereals Boycott Trump SCION (@puppymnkey) December 1, 2016Honey Nut GestapOoos! So good, the Nazis will kick your door down for them!#BreitbartCereals pic.twitter.com/0918g8A7Wo Nathan Ralph (@thenateralph) December 1, 2016Breitbart is literally trying to bully Kellogg s out of business simply because the company disagrees with them. Kellogg s decision to blacklist one of the largest conservative media outlets in America is economic censorship of mainstream conservative political discourse, Breitbart whined. That is as un-American as it gets. Except that it s not un-American at all. Just like Breitbart is exercising their right to be total dicks, Kellogg s is exercising their right to not associate with them. It s called the free market.Despite being humiliated, conservatives are already crowing because Kellogg s stock price coincidentally dropped after Breitbart called for a boycott. So those of us who hate racists should go out and support Kellogg s by buying their cereal and other products to make sure Kellogg s is rewarded for rejecting hate. Because if Breitbart is allowed to successfully bully Kellogg s into supporting them, they ll do it to other companies who also do the right thing.Featured image via Twitter
TITLE: The Internet Perfectly HUMILIATES Racist Breitbart For Boycotting Kellogg’s TEXT: If you ever wondered what racist conservatives would like to eat for breakfast, Twitter has the answer.White nationalist website Breitbart is throwing a hissy fit because Kellogg s pulled advertising from the site to ensure our ads do not appear on sites that aren t aligned with our values as set forth in our advertising guidelines. In other words, the cereal maker does not want their company associated with a racist sexist publication that spews hateful right-wing propaganda.And they can t be blamed for that. After all, companies like Kellogg s want to sell their products to as diverse a consumer base as possible and giving a racist company like Breitbart adverting dollars only alienates.So Breitbart decided to get revenge by declaring war on Kellogg s and calling for a boycott. You know, because conservative boycotts always work.Yeah, that was sarcasm. In reality, conservative boycotts rarely work. In fact, they are usually mocked relentlessly and humiliated. Breitbart definitely learned that overnight because Twitter users started a new hashtag and #BreitbartCereals has been trending ever since.The Fascist Monster cereals: Count Trumpula and Boo Bannon #BreitbartCereals Carlos Pecciotto (@EEgreenbunny) December 1, 2016Hooded Bunches of Oafs #BreitbartCereals Adam Stillman (@Stillyman11) December 1, 2016Children of the Corn Flakes#BreitbartCereals pic.twitter.com/i1RYbOOvBB Christian Greco (@Jolly_Esquire) December 1, 2016Chex (and Balances are Gone) #BreitbartCereals Portmanteau Jones (@SadlyCatless) December 1, 2016#BreitbartCereals Frosted Fake News Michael K. Ferrante (@MKFerrante) December 1, 2016Corn-flicts of Interest #BreitbartCereals Bo Lenerf (@BoLenerf) December 1, 2016Apple Jack Boots #BreitbartCereals kara bishop (@AnaisNincompoop) December 1, 2016Republican Nut Bran #BreitbartCereals LizMcNabb (@LizabethMcNabb) December 1, 2016Cocoa Stop-and Friskies #BreitbartCereals Kirk (@WorkWithKirk) December 1, 2016#BreitbartCereals Tony the alt-Righter says Thiiiiiiird REICH! (((Jake Turk))) (@71djt) December 1, 2016#BreitbartCereals pic.twitter.com/l00It7umuq Marcus Hawkins (@HawkinsUSA) December 1, 2016Special KKK: Start Your Day Alt-Right #BreitbartCereals pic.twitter.com/1ItBv4ibCu Joshua Zitser (@mrjoshz) December 1, 2016Honey Bunches of A-Holes #BreitbartCereals Boycott Trump SCION (@puppymnkey) December 1, 2016Honey Nut GestapOoos! So good, the Nazis will kick your door down for them!#BreitbartCereals pic.twitter.com/0918g8A7Wo Nathan Ralph (@thenateralph) December 1, 2016Breitbart is literally trying to bully Kellogg s out of business simply because the company disagrees with them. Kellogg s decision to blacklist one of the largest conservative media outlets in America is economic censorship of mainstream conservative political discourse, Breitbart whined. That is as un-American as it gets. Except that it s not un-American at all. Just like Breitbart is exercising their right to be total dicks, Kellogg s is exercising their right to not associate with them. It s called the free market.Despite being humiliated, conservatives are already crowing because Kellogg s stock price coincidentally dropped after Breitbart called for a boycott. So those of us who hate racists should go out and support Kellogg s by buying their cereal and other products to make sure Kellogg s is rewarded for rejecting hate. Because if Breitbart is allowed to successfully bully Kellogg s into supporting them, they ll do it to other companies who also do the right thing.Featured image via Twitter
Poland's PM Szydlo to reshuffle cabinet soon
WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland s Prime Minister Beata Szydlo will announce a cabinet reshuffle in coming days, she said on Tuesday, declining to respond to talk that her own job might be at risk. Media and market speculation about a reshuffle has been rife, with the governing Law and Justice (PiS) party thought to be planning to get rid of some ministers weighing on the party s broadly positive popularity ratings as it prepares for regional elections in 2018. On Monday, weekly Sieci Prawdy suggested Szydlo, 54, might herself be replaced by Jaroslaw Kaczynski, who heads the right-wing PiS to which they both belong. Tabloid Fakt said on Tuesday that Szydlo was likely to keep her job, but that others including Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski and Environment Minister Jan Szyszko both relatively unpopular among the electorate might be replaced. Kaczynski, 68, a divisive figure who is one of the least trusted politicians in Poland, exerts huge influence behind the scenes and media have said he might be targeting Szydlo s job ahead of national elections due in 2019. I do not want the speculation regarding changes in the government to continue. My decisions will be announced soon, Szydlo told private broadcaster TVN 24. This decision has been taken - there will be changes in the government. I have discussed this decision with Jaroslaw Kaczynski, which is a natural thing. Asked about her own possible departure, Szydlo said she did not want to speculate, adding she was not tired or burned out. Opinion polls show Szydlo is the second most trusted politician in Poland, just behind President Andrzej Duda. If the reshuffle is limited to a few ministers, then it will done out of the natural desire to get rid of the weakest links (in the cabinet), said Jaroslaw Flis, a sociologist at the Krakow-based Jagiellonian University. The PiS government has divided opinion, putting Poland on a collision course with the EU with policies including increasing control over the judiciary and state media that critics say undermine the rule of law. But the party continues to enjoy strong backing from voters. In a survey released (when) by state pollster CBOS, 44 percent of respondents described themselves as supporters of the government, the largest share in six years.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Poland's PM Szydlo to reshuffle cabinet soon TEXT: WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland s Prime Minister Beata Szydlo will announce a cabinet reshuffle in coming days, she said on Tuesday, declining to respond to talk that her own job might be at risk. Media and market speculation about a reshuffle has been rife, with the governing Law and Justice (PiS) party thought to be planning to get rid of some ministers weighing on the party s broadly positive popularity ratings as it prepares for regional elections in 2018. On Monday, weekly Sieci Prawdy suggested Szydlo, 54, might herself be replaced by Jaroslaw Kaczynski, who heads the right-wing PiS to which they both belong. Tabloid Fakt said on Tuesday that Szydlo was likely to keep her job, but that others including Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski and Environment Minister Jan Szyszko both relatively unpopular among the electorate might be replaced. Kaczynski, 68, a divisive figure who is one of the least trusted politicians in Poland, exerts huge influence behind the scenes and media have said he might be targeting Szydlo s job ahead of national elections due in 2019. I do not want the speculation regarding changes in the government to continue. My decisions will be announced soon, Szydlo told private broadcaster TVN 24. This decision has been taken - there will be changes in the government. I have discussed this decision with Jaroslaw Kaczynski, which is a natural thing. Asked about her own possible departure, Szydlo said she did not want to speculate, adding she was not tired or burned out. Opinion polls show Szydlo is the second most trusted politician in Poland, just behind President Andrzej Duda. If the reshuffle is limited to a few ministers, then it will done out of the natural desire to get rid of the weakest links (in the cabinet), said Jaroslaw Flis, a sociologist at the Krakow-based Jagiellonian University. The PiS government has divided opinion, putting Poland on a collision course with the EU with policies including increasing control over the judiciary and state media that critics say undermine the rule of law. But the party continues to enjoy strong backing from voters. In a survey released (when) by state pollster CBOS, 44 percent of respondents described themselves as supporters of the government, the largest share in six years.
TITLE: Poland's PM Szydlo to reshuffle cabinet soon TEXT: WARSAW (Reuters) - Poland s Prime Minister Beata Szydlo will announce a cabinet reshuffle in coming days, she said on Tuesday, declining to respond to talk that her own job might be at risk. Media and market speculation about a reshuffle has been rife, with the governing Law and Justice (PiS) party thought to be planning to get rid of some ministers weighing on the party s broadly positive popularity ratings as it prepares for regional elections in 2018. On Monday, weekly Sieci Prawdy suggested Szydlo, 54, might herself be replaced by Jaroslaw Kaczynski, who heads the right-wing PiS to which they both belong. Tabloid Fakt said on Tuesday that Szydlo was likely to keep her job, but that others including Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski and Environment Minister Jan Szyszko both relatively unpopular among the electorate might be replaced. Kaczynski, 68, a divisive figure who is one of the least trusted politicians in Poland, exerts huge influence behind the scenes and media have said he might be targeting Szydlo s job ahead of national elections due in 2019. I do not want the speculation regarding changes in the government to continue. My decisions will be announced soon, Szydlo told private broadcaster TVN 24. This decision has been taken - there will be changes in the government. I have discussed this decision with Jaroslaw Kaczynski, which is a natural thing. Asked about her own possible departure, Szydlo said she did not want to speculate, adding she was not tired or burned out. Opinion polls show Szydlo is the second most trusted politician in Poland, just behind President Andrzej Duda. If the reshuffle is limited to a few ministers, then it will done out of the natural desire to get rid of the weakest links (in the cabinet), said Jaroslaw Flis, a sociologist at the Krakow-based Jagiellonian University. The PiS government has divided opinion, putting Poland on a collision course with the EU with policies including increasing control over the judiciary and state media that critics say undermine the rule of law. But the party continues to enjoy strong backing from voters. In a survey released (when) by state pollster CBOS, 44 percent of respondents described themselves as supporters of the government, the largest share in six years.
Oklahoma Supreme Court strikes down restrictive abortion law
(Reuters) - Oklahoma’s highest court on Tuesday struck down a law imposing restrictions on abortion providers, including a requirement that they take samples of fetal tissue from patients younger than 14 and preserve them for state investigators. The law also set new criminal penalties for providers who violate abortion-related statutes as well as individuals who help a minor evade the requirement to obtain parental consent. In addition, the bill created a new, stricter inspection system for abortion clinics. Legislators had said the fetal tissue section was aimed at capturing child rapists and that the law would protect women’s health. But the New York-based Center for Reproductive Rights, which challenged the law in court, said it unfairly targeted facilities that perform abortions. In a unanimous opinion, the nine-member Oklahoma Supreme Court found the law violated the state constitution’s requirement that each legislative bill must address only “one subject.” The rule, the court said, is designed to prevent legislators from including provisions that would not normally pass in otherwise popular bills. The state unsuccessfully asserted that each part of the law addressed a single subject: women’s reproductive health. “We reject defendants’ arguments and find this legislation violates the single subject rule as each of these sections is so unrelated and misleading that a legislator voting on this matter could have been left with an unpalatable all-or-nothing choice,” Justice Joseph Watt wrote for the court. In a concurring opinion, four judges said they also would have struck down the law as an unconstitutional burden on a woman’s right to have an abortion. Lincoln Ferguson, a spokesman for the Oklahoma Attorney General’s Office, called the decision “disappointing.” “This law would have given law enforcement the ability to more easily prosecute sexual assaults of children that are discovered when a child under 14 has an abortion,” he said. “The Attorney General’s Office remains committed to defending laws aimed at protecting the safety and well-being of Oklahoma women.” In a statement, Center for Reproductive Rights President Nancy Northup said the law was “nothing but a cynical attack on women’s health and rights by unjustly targeting their trusted health care providers.” Oklahoma’s Republican-dominated government has joined several socially conservative states in enacting abortion restrictions in recent years, drawing court challenges. In June, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a Texas law imposing strict regulations on facilities that perform abortions. A similar law is on hold in Oklahoma while the state Supreme Court considers its legality.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Oklahoma Supreme Court strikes down restrictive abortion law TEXT: (Reuters) - Oklahoma’s highest court on Tuesday struck down a law imposing restrictions on abortion providers, including a requirement that they take samples of fetal tissue from patients younger than 14 and preserve them for state investigators. The law also set new criminal penalties for providers who violate abortion-related statutes as well as individuals who help a minor evade the requirement to obtain parental consent. In addition, the bill created a new, stricter inspection system for abortion clinics. Legislators had said the fetal tissue section was aimed at capturing child rapists and that the law would protect women’s health. But the New York-based Center for Reproductive Rights, which challenged the law in court, said it unfairly targeted facilities that perform abortions. In a unanimous opinion, the nine-member Oklahoma Supreme Court found the law violated the state constitution’s requirement that each legislative bill must address only “one subject.” The rule, the court said, is designed to prevent legislators from including provisions that would not normally pass in otherwise popular bills. The state unsuccessfully asserted that each part of the law addressed a single subject: women’s reproductive health. “We reject defendants’ arguments and find this legislation violates the single subject rule as each of these sections is so unrelated and misleading that a legislator voting on this matter could have been left with an unpalatable all-or-nothing choice,” Justice Joseph Watt wrote for the court. In a concurring opinion, four judges said they also would have struck down the law as an unconstitutional burden on a woman’s right to have an abortion. Lincoln Ferguson, a spokesman for the Oklahoma Attorney General’s Office, called the decision “disappointing.” “This law would have given law enforcement the ability to more easily prosecute sexual assaults of children that are discovered when a child under 14 has an abortion,” he said. “The Attorney General’s Office remains committed to defending laws aimed at protecting the safety and well-being of Oklahoma women.” In a statement, Center for Reproductive Rights President Nancy Northup said the law was “nothing but a cynical attack on women’s health and rights by unjustly targeting their trusted health care providers.” Oklahoma’s Republican-dominated government has joined several socially conservative states in enacting abortion restrictions in recent years, drawing court challenges. In June, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a Texas law imposing strict regulations on facilities that perform abortions. A similar law is on hold in Oklahoma while the state Supreme Court considers its legality.
TITLE: Oklahoma Supreme Court strikes down restrictive abortion law TEXT: (Reuters) - Oklahoma’s highest court on Tuesday struck down a law imposing restrictions on abortion providers, including a requirement that they take samples of fetal tissue from patients younger than 14 and preserve them for state investigators. The law also set new criminal penalties for providers who violate abortion-related statutes as well as individuals who help a minor evade the requirement to obtain parental consent. In addition, the bill created a new, stricter inspection system for abortion clinics. Legislators had said the fetal tissue section was aimed at capturing child rapists and that the law would protect women’s health. But the New York-based Center for Reproductive Rights, which challenged the law in court, said it unfairly targeted facilities that perform abortions. In a unanimous opinion, the nine-member Oklahoma Supreme Court found the law violated the state constitution’s requirement that each legislative bill must address only “one subject.” The rule, the court said, is designed to prevent legislators from including provisions that would not normally pass in otherwise popular bills. The state unsuccessfully asserted that each part of the law addressed a single subject: women’s reproductive health. “We reject defendants’ arguments and find this legislation violates the single subject rule as each of these sections is so unrelated and misleading that a legislator voting on this matter could have been left with an unpalatable all-or-nothing choice,” Justice Joseph Watt wrote for the court. In a concurring opinion, four judges said they also would have struck down the law as an unconstitutional burden on a woman’s right to have an abortion. Lincoln Ferguson, a spokesman for the Oklahoma Attorney General’s Office, called the decision “disappointing.” “This law would have given law enforcement the ability to more easily prosecute sexual assaults of children that are discovered when a child under 14 has an abortion,” he said. “The Attorney General’s Office remains committed to defending laws aimed at protecting the safety and well-being of Oklahoma women.” In a statement, Center for Reproductive Rights President Nancy Northup said the law was “nothing but a cynical attack on women’s health and rights by unjustly targeting their trusted health care providers.” Oklahoma’s Republican-dominated government has joined several socially conservative states in enacting abortion restrictions in recent years, drawing court challenges. In June, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a Texas law imposing strict regulations on facilities that perform abortions. A similar law is on hold in Oklahoma while the state Supreme Court considers its legality.
NOT KIDDING! Serial Liar Brian Williams Blames “FAKE NEWS” For Hillary’s Loss On MSNBC Last Night [VIDEO]
The man suspended from his TV anchor job for faking his own news is furious about the spread of fake news. Brian Williams, who was forced to take a 6-month vacation before being permanently relieved of his Nightly News duties on NBC, railed about the new epidemic of fake news in his MSNBC show earlier this week. Fake news played a role in this election and continues to find a wide audience, Williams whined Tuesday night in his middle-of-the-night show.Specifically, Williams singled out Trump s incoming national security adviser, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, and his son for spreading falsehoods. Williams is no stranger to fake news. He was punished in February 2015 for lying about a helicopter ride in Iraq that he claimed came under heavy enemy fire.In 2003, Williams and an NBC team were reporting in Iraq when three Chinook helicopters came under fire.Williams claimed he was on one of the copters that were hit, when he aboard a different helicopter located about an hour behind the other three. I don t know what screwed up in my mind that caused me to conflate one aircraft with another, Williams told Stars and Stripes after crew members from the helicopters that were hit that day came forward.Questions were also raised about Williams coverage in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans in 2005.Williams claimed he could see bodies in flooding from his hotel room in the French Quarter.But the New Orleans Advocate reported that the French Quarter was largely spared in the catastrophe and saw little flooding.-NYP
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: NOT KIDDING! Serial Liar Brian Williams Blames “FAKE NEWS” For Hillary’s Loss On MSNBC Last Night [VIDEO] TEXT: The man suspended from his TV anchor job for faking his own news is furious about the spread of fake news. Brian Williams, who was forced to take a 6-month vacation before being permanently relieved of his Nightly News duties on NBC, railed about the new epidemic of fake news in his MSNBC show earlier this week. Fake news played a role in this election and continues to find a wide audience, Williams whined Tuesday night in his middle-of-the-night show.Specifically, Williams singled out Trump s incoming national security adviser, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, and his son for spreading falsehoods. Williams is no stranger to fake news. He was punished in February 2015 for lying about a helicopter ride in Iraq that he claimed came under heavy enemy fire.In 2003, Williams and an NBC team were reporting in Iraq when three Chinook helicopters came under fire.Williams claimed he was on one of the copters that were hit, when he aboard a different helicopter located about an hour behind the other three. I don t know what screwed up in my mind that caused me to conflate one aircraft with another, Williams told Stars and Stripes after crew members from the helicopters that were hit that day came forward.Questions were also raised about Williams coverage in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans in 2005.Williams claimed he could see bodies in flooding from his hotel room in the French Quarter.But the New Orleans Advocate reported that the French Quarter was largely spared in the catastrophe and saw little flooding.-NYP
TITLE: NOT KIDDING! Serial Liar Brian Williams Blames “FAKE NEWS” For Hillary’s Loss On MSNBC Last Night [VIDEO] TEXT: The man suspended from his TV anchor job for faking his own news is furious about the spread of fake news. Brian Williams, who was forced to take a 6-month vacation before being permanently relieved of his Nightly News duties on NBC, railed about the new epidemic of fake news in his MSNBC show earlier this week. Fake news played a role in this election and continues to find a wide audience, Williams whined Tuesday night in his middle-of-the-night show.Specifically, Williams singled out Trump s incoming national security adviser, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, and his son for spreading falsehoods. Williams is no stranger to fake news. He was punished in February 2015 for lying about a helicopter ride in Iraq that he claimed came under heavy enemy fire.In 2003, Williams and an NBC team were reporting in Iraq when three Chinook helicopters came under fire.Williams claimed he was on one of the copters that were hit, when he aboard a different helicopter located about an hour behind the other three. I don t know what screwed up in my mind that caused me to conflate one aircraft with another, Williams told Stars and Stripes after crew members from the helicopters that were hit that day came forward.Questions were also raised about Williams coverage in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans in 2005.Williams claimed he could see bodies in flooding from his hotel room in the French Quarter.But the New Orleans Advocate reported that the French Quarter was largely spared in the catastrophe and saw little flooding.-NYP
Italian parliament passes 2018 budget, clearing way for elections
ROME (Reuters) - Italy s upper house Senate on Saturday gave parliament s final approval to the government s 2018 budget, clearing the way for national elections expected to be held in March. The financial law, which had already passed in the Chamber of Deputies, aims to lower next year s fiscal deficit to 1.6 percent of gross domestic product from a targeted 2.1 percent this year. It also introduces a web tax from 2019, obliging companies to pay a three percent levy on some Internet transactions. The Senate passed the package in a vote of confidence by 140 votes to 97. Confidence votes allow the government to speed up legislation by curtailing debate on proposed amendments. If the government loses such a vote it has to resign, but with elections in any case imminent no parties had any real interest in scuppering the budget and bringing down Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni s administration. President Sergio Mattarella is expected to dissolve parliament before the end of the year, after which the government will set the date of the election. Politicians often tout March 4 as the most likely date. The European Commission says the budget may break EU rules because it raises previously agreed deficit targets and does too little to rein in Italy s huge public debt. At just over 130 percent of national output, Italy s debt is the highest in the euro zone after that of Greece. Brussels will issue a final verdict on the budget in the spring, after the Italian election which opinion polls suggest will produce a hung parliament. The anti-establishment 5-Star Movement leads in the polls, with around 28 percent of the vote, but a center-right coalition of parties is seen winning most seats in parliament. The ruling Democratic Party has been hit by internal divisions and lags 5-Star by around four points in most polls.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Italian parliament passes 2018 budget, clearing way for elections TEXT: ROME (Reuters) - Italy s upper house Senate on Saturday gave parliament s final approval to the government s 2018 budget, clearing the way for national elections expected to be held in March. The financial law, which had already passed in the Chamber of Deputies, aims to lower next year s fiscal deficit to 1.6 percent of gross domestic product from a targeted 2.1 percent this year. It also introduces a web tax from 2019, obliging companies to pay a three percent levy on some Internet transactions. The Senate passed the package in a vote of confidence by 140 votes to 97. Confidence votes allow the government to speed up legislation by curtailing debate on proposed amendments. If the government loses such a vote it has to resign, but with elections in any case imminent no parties had any real interest in scuppering the budget and bringing down Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni s administration. President Sergio Mattarella is expected to dissolve parliament before the end of the year, after which the government will set the date of the election. Politicians often tout March 4 as the most likely date. The European Commission says the budget may break EU rules because it raises previously agreed deficit targets and does too little to rein in Italy s huge public debt. At just over 130 percent of national output, Italy s debt is the highest in the euro zone after that of Greece. Brussels will issue a final verdict on the budget in the spring, after the Italian election which opinion polls suggest will produce a hung parliament. The anti-establishment 5-Star Movement leads in the polls, with around 28 percent of the vote, but a center-right coalition of parties is seen winning most seats in parliament. The ruling Democratic Party has been hit by internal divisions and lags 5-Star by around four points in most polls.
TITLE: Italian parliament passes 2018 budget, clearing way for elections TEXT: ROME (Reuters) - Italy s upper house Senate on Saturday gave parliament s final approval to the government s 2018 budget, clearing the way for national elections expected to be held in March. The financial law, which had already passed in the Chamber of Deputies, aims to lower next year s fiscal deficit to 1.6 percent of gross domestic product from a targeted 2.1 percent this year. It also introduces a web tax from 2019, obliging companies to pay a three percent levy on some Internet transactions. The Senate passed the package in a vote of confidence by 140 votes to 97. Confidence votes allow the government to speed up legislation by curtailing debate on proposed amendments. If the government loses such a vote it has to resign, but with elections in any case imminent no parties had any real interest in scuppering the budget and bringing down Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni s administration. President Sergio Mattarella is expected to dissolve parliament before the end of the year, after which the government will set the date of the election. Politicians often tout March 4 as the most likely date. The European Commission says the budget may break EU rules because it raises previously agreed deficit targets and does too little to rein in Italy s huge public debt. At just over 130 percent of national output, Italy s debt is the highest in the euro zone after that of Greece. Brussels will issue a final verdict on the budget in the spring, after the Italian election which opinion polls suggest will produce a hung parliament. The anti-establishment 5-Star Movement leads in the polls, with around 28 percent of the vote, but a center-right coalition of parties is seen winning most seats in parliament. The ruling Democratic Party has been hit by internal divisions and lags 5-Star by around four points in most polls.
London's Leadenhall market briefly evacuated after reports of suspect package
LONDON (Reuters) - Leadenhall market in London s financial district was briefly evacuated on Tuesday after reports of a suspicious package in the area. City of London Police said a cordon had been put in place around the ornate arcade, home to bars and shops and close to the Lloyd s of London insurance building. They later said the package had been declared non-suspicious and that the cordons had been lifted.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: London's Leadenhall market briefly evacuated after reports of suspect package TEXT: LONDON (Reuters) - Leadenhall market in London s financial district was briefly evacuated on Tuesday after reports of a suspicious package in the area. City of London Police said a cordon had been put in place around the ornate arcade, home to bars and shops and close to the Lloyd s of London insurance building. They later said the package had been declared non-suspicious and that the cordons had been lifted.
TITLE: London's Leadenhall market briefly evacuated after reports of suspect package TEXT: LONDON (Reuters) - Leadenhall market in London s financial district was briefly evacuated on Tuesday after reports of a suspicious package in the area. City of London Police said a cordon had been put in place around the ornate arcade, home to bars and shops and close to the Lloyd s of London insurance building. They later said the package had been declared non-suspicious and that the cordons had been lifted.
WATCH The Weird Ad George W. Bush Made For His Little Brother Jeb
The people supporting Jeb Bush s quest for the presidency have invested millions in a candidate who has so far failed to inspire support from Republican voters, and has in fact continued to collapse in poll after poll resulting in a 6th place finish in the Iowa caucus with a measly 2.8% of the vote behind Ben Carson and Rand Paul, who has now dropped out of the race.But when you ve wasted that much money, there s probably a temptation to salvage something, anything. So the geniuses at Right to Rise, the super PAC that Bush himself raised funds for and directed right-wing millionaires to pour their funds into, has released a new ad featuring the most infamous Bush ever: George W. Bush.In the ad, Bush touts his younger brother. And that s where the ad gets extremely bizarre. George, who lost more Americans to terrorism than any other president in American history, describes Jeb as the right person to protect America. After touting Jeb s heart and strong backbone, he says Jeb will unite our country. Of course, during his presidency George W. Bush pioneered new techniques in dividing the country, particularly on the topic of a war of choice in Iraq he used as a political weapon describing those opposed to the war as allies of terrorists, and directing his underlings like Karl Rove to insinuate that Democrats were soft on terrorism despite his administration s failure to kill or capture Osama bin Laden.The elder Bush also claims that his brother knows how to bring the world together against terrorism but what sort of standing does Bush have on that type of diplomacy? He failed to unite the world in support of invading Iraq, and in the wake of that failure chose to commit Americans to a war that would eventually kill 4,491 members of the U.S. armed services and thousands more Iraqis.George W. Bush even reminds people about how his administration crossed the moral threshold and utilized torture, claiming that Jeb Bush knows when tough measures must be taken. That kind of talk might help among Republicans, but it also reminds people of the abdication of moral leadership that happened on Bush s watch.It is highly unlikely that Jeb Bush will become the Republican Party s nominee. He has been exposed as a poor campaigner who let a playground bully like Donald Trump pull his pants down in front of the entire world without ever really fighting back.And now his big brother has come barreling into the election after sitting on the sidelines since his failed presidency, reminding everyone left and right just why it is the country moved on from the Bush clan.Featured image via YouTube
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: WATCH The Weird Ad George W. Bush Made For His Little Brother Jeb TEXT: The people supporting Jeb Bush s quest for the presidency have invested millions in a candidate who has so far failed to inspire support from Republican voters, and has in fact continued to collapse in poll after poll resulting in a 6th place finish in the Iowa caucus with a measly 2.8% of the vote behind Ben Carson and Rand Paul, who has now dropped out of the race.But when you ve wasted that much money, there s probably a temptation to salvage something, anything. So the geniuses at Right to Rise, the super PAC that Bush himself raised funds for and directed right-wing millionaires to pour their funds into, has released a new ad featuring the most infamous Bush ever: George W. Bush.In the ad, Bush touts his younger brother. And that s where the ad gets extremely bizarre. George, who lost more Americans to terrorism than any other president in American history, describes Jeb as the right person to protect America. After touting Jeb s heart and strong backbone, he says Jeb will unite our country. Of course, during his presidency George W. Bush pioneered new techniques in dividing the country, particularly on the topic of a war of choice in Iraq he used as a political weapon describing those opposed to the war as allies of terrorists, and directing his underlings like Karl Rove to insinuate that Democrats were soft on terrorism despite his administration s failure to kill or capture Osama bin Laden.The elder Bush also claims that his brother knows how to bring the world together against terrorism but what sort of standing does Bush have on that type of diplomacy? He failed to unite the world in support of invading Iraq, and in the wake of that failure chose to commit Americans to a war that would eventually kill 4,491 members of the U.S. armed services and thousands more Iraqis.George W. Bush even reminds people about how his administration crossed the moral threshold and utilized torture, claiming that Jeb Bush knows when tough measures must be taken. That kind of talk might help among Republicans, but it also reminds people of the abdication of moral leadership that happened on Bush s watch.It is highly unlikely that Jeb Bush will become the Republican Party s nominee. He has been exposed as a poor campaigner who let a playground bully like Donald Trump pull his pants down in front of the entire world without ever really fighting back.And now his big brother has come barreling into the election after sitting on the sidelines since his failed presidency, reminding everyone left and right just why it is the country moved on from the Bush clan.Featured image via YouTube
TITLE: WATCH The Weird Ad George W. Bush Made For His Little Brother Jeb TEXT: The people supporting Jeb Bush s quest for the presidency have invested millions in a candidate who has so far failed to inspire support from Republican voters, and has in fact continued to collapse in poll after poll resulting in a 6th place finish in the Iowa caucus with a measly 2.8% of the vote behind Ben Carson and Rand Paul, who has now dropped out of the race.But when you ve wasted that much money, there s probably a temptation to salvage something, anything. So the geniuses at Right to Rise, the super PAC that Bush himself raised funds for and directed right-wing millionaires to pour their funds into, has released a new ad featuring the most infamous Bush ever: George W. Bush.In the ad, Bush touts his younger brother. And that s where the ad gets extremely bizarre. George, who lost more Americans to terrorism than any other president in American history, describes Jeb as the right person to protect America. After touting Jeb s heart and strong backbone, he says Jeb will unite our country. Of course, during his presidency George W. Bush pioneered new techniques in dividing the country, particularly on the topic of a war of choice in Iraq he used as a political weapon describing those opposed to the war as allies of terrorists, and directing his underlings like Karl Rove to insinuate that Democrats were soft on terrorism despite his administration s failure to kill or capture Osama bin Laden.The elder Bush also claims that his brother knows how to bring the world together against terrorism but what sort of standing does Bush have on that type of diplomacy? He failed to unite the world in support of invading Iraq, and in the wake of that failure chose to commit Americans to a war that would eventually kill 4,491 members of the U.S. armed services and thousands more Iraqis.George W. Bush even reminds people about how his administration crossed the moral threshold and utilized torture, claiming that Jeb Bush knows when tough measures must be taken. That kind of talk might help among Republicans, but it also reminds people of the abdication of moral leadership that happened on Bush s watch.It is highly unlikely that Jeb Bush will become the Republican Party s nominee. He has been exposed as a poor campaigner who let a playground bully like Donald Trump pull his pants down in front of the entire world without ever really fighting back.And now his big brother has come barreling into the election after sitting on the sidelines since his failed presidency, reminding everyone left and right just why it is the country moved on from the Bush clan.Featured image via YouTube
BREAKING! TERROR ATTACK BY SUICIDE BOMBER At Ariana Grande Concert: 19 Dead, 50 Injured…Panicked, Bloodied Kids Seen Stampeding Out Of Stadium [VIDEO]
At least 19 people have been killed after explosions were heard inside Manchester Arena at the end of an Ariana Grande concert. American authorities are saying this was a suicide bomb that not only killed 19 but injured 50 concertgoers. Speculation is that this was a pressure cooker bomb. We cannot confirm. A CONCERTGOER IS IN SHOCK RECEIVING HELP -These horrible terrorists hurt and killed young people!BREAKING: VIDEO & REPORTS that this was likely a nail bomb. TERRORISTS killed kids with a NAIL BOMB. #Manchesterpic.twitter.com/LfQsmaXUw9 Democrats for Trump (@YoungDems4Trump) May 22, 2017Video below shows people fleeing from the concert after loud bangs rang out immediately after the concert finished:Horrific, frightening video of panic after large explosion at #Manchester arena.pic.twitter.com/onxMbX60Me Tennessee (@TEN_GOP) May 23, 2017Video showing concert goers racing for the exits:EXPLOSION AT MANCHESTER ARENA AND EVERYONE RAN OUT SO SCARY pic.twitter.com/pJbUBoELtE (@hannawwh) May 22, 2017ARMED POLICE ARRIVE ON THE SCENE OF THE EXPLOSION:Manchester Arena: Armed police arrive on the scene of explosion pic.twitter.com/h5cfz8w6qz Democrats for Trump (@YoungDems4Trump) May 22, 2017THE LATEST FROM THE SCENE:LATEST from #Manchester Arena @GranadaReports pic.twitter.com/JvT0Md4WYN Michael Worrall (@mikeyworrall1) May 22, 2017NAIL BOMBS:#BREAKING: Sources from Manchester hospitals say they re receiving patients with injuries compatible with a nail bomb. #sun7 pic.twitter.com/wL0A18Mje8 Sunrise (@sunriseon7) May 22, 2017
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: BREAKING! TERROR ATTACK BY SUICIDE BOMBER At Ariana Grande Concert: 19 Dead, 50 Injured…Panicked, Bloodied Kids Seen Stampeding Out Of Stadium [VIDEO] TEXT: At least 19 people have been killed after explosions were heard inside Manchester Arena at the end of an Ariana Grande concert. American authorities are saying this was a suicide bomb that not only killed 19 but injured 50 concertgoers. Speculation is that this was a pressure cooker bomb. We cannot confirm. A CONCERTGOER IS IN SHOCK RECEIVING HELP -These horrible terrorists hurt and killed young people!BREAKING: VIDEO & REPORTS that this was likely a nail bomb. TERRORISTS killed kids with a NAIL BOMB. #Manchesterpic.twitter.com/LfQsmaXUw9 Democrats for Trump (@YoungDems4Trump) May 22, 2017Video below shows people fleeing from the concert after loud bangs rang out immediately after the concert finished:Horrific, frightening video of panic after large explosion at #Manchester arena.pic.twitter.com/onxMbX60Me Tennessee (@TEN_GOP) May 23, 2017Video showing concert goers racing for the exits:EXPLOSION AT MANCHESTER ARENA AND EVERYONE RAN OUT SO SCARY pic.twitter.com/pJbUBoELtE (@hannawwh) May 22, 2017ARMED POLICE ARRIVE ON THE SCENE OF THE EXPLOSION:Manchester Arena: Armed police arrive on the scene of explosion pic.twitter.com/h5cfz8w6qz Democrats for Trump (@YoungDems4Trump) May 22, 2017THE LATEST FROM THE SCENE:LATEST from #Manchester Arena @GranadaReports pic.twitter.com/JvT0Md4WYN Michael Worrall (@mikeyworrall1) May 22, 2017NAIL BOMBS:#BREAKING: Sources from Manchester hospitals say they re receiving patients with injuries compatible with a nail bomb. #sun7 pic.twitter.com/wL0A18Mje8 Sunrise (@sunriseon7) May 22, 2017
TITLE: BREAKING! TERROR ATTACK BY SUICIDE BOMBER At Ariana Grande Concert: 19 Dead, 50 Injured…Panicked, Bloodied Kids Seen Stampeding Out Of Stadium [VIDEO] TEXT: At least 19 people have been killed after explosions were heard inside Manchester Arena at the end of an Ariana Grande concert. American authorities are saying this was a suicide bomb that not only killed 19 but injured 50 concertgoers. Speculation is that this was a pressure cooker bomb. We cannot confirm. A CONCERTGOER IS IN SHOCK RECEIVING HELP -These horrible terrorists hurt and killed young people!BREAKING: VIDEO & REPORTS that this was likely a nail bomb. TERRORISTS killed kids with a NAIL BOMB. #Manchesterpic.twitter.com/LfQsmaXUw9 Democrats for Trump (@YoungDems4Trump) May 22, 2017Video below shows people fleeing from the concert after loud bangs rang out immediately after the concert finished:Horrific, frightening video of panic after large explosion at #Manchester arena.pic.twitter.com/onxMbX60Me Tennessee (@TEN_GOP) May 23, 2017Video showing concert goers racing for the exits:EXPLOSION AT MANCHESTER ARENA AND EVERYONE RAN OUT SO SCARY pic.twitter.com/pJbUBoELtE (@hannawwh) May 22, 2017ARMED POLICE ARRIVE ON THE SCENE OF THE EXPLOSION:Manchester Arena: Armed police arrive on the scene of explosion pic.twitter.com/h5cfz8w6qz Democrats for Trump (@YoungDems4Trump) May 22, 2017THE LATEST FROM THE SCENE:LATEST from #Manchester Arena @GranadaReports pic.twitter.com/JvT0Md4WYN Michael Worrall (@mikeyworrall1) May 22, 2017NAIL BOMBS:#BREAKING: Sources from Manchester hospitals say they re receiving patients with injuries compatible with a nail bomb. #sun7 pic.twitter.com/wL0A18Mje8 Sunrise (@sunriseon7) May 22, 2017
OBAMA AND VALERIE JARRETT Finalize Executive Action Gun Control Proposal
It s almost as though we don t even have a Constitution Never let a crisis go to waste President Barack Obama s advisers are finalizing a proposal that would expand background checks on gun sales without congressional approval.White House adviser Valerie Jarrett says the president has asked his team to complete a proposal and submit it for his review in short order. She says the recommendations will include measures to expand background checks.Jarrett spoke Wednesday night at a vigil for the victims of the Newtown shooting, according to a summary provided by the White House.After the mass shooting in Roseburg, Oregon, Obama said his team was looking for ways to tighten gun laws without a vote in Congress. White House officials have said they re exploring closing the so-called gun show loophole that anti-gun advocates claim allows people to buy weapons at gun shows and online without a background check.The move comes following the deadly terrorist attack in San Bernardino, California, that left 14 people dead. All of the guns used in the massacre were purchased legally. Opponents of new gun control regulations have argued that the proposals being pushed by Obama would not have prevented the tragedy or recent mass shootings. Via: The Blaze
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: OBAMA AND VALERIE JARRETT Finalize Executive Action Gun Control Proposal TEXT: It s almost as though we don t even have a Constitution Never let a crisis go to waste President Barack Obama s advisers are finalizing a proposal that would expand background checks on gun sales without congressional approval.White House adviser Valerie Jarrett says the president has asked his team to complete a proposal and submit it for his review in short order. She says the recommendations will include measures to expand background checks.Jarrett spoke Wednesday night at a vigil for the victims of the Newtown shooting, according to a summary provided by the White House.After the mass shooting in Roseburg, Oregon, Obama said his team was looking for ways to tighten gun laws without a vote in Congress. White House officials have said they re exploring closing the so-called gun show loophole that anti-gun advocates claim allows people to buy weapons at gun shows and online without a background check.The move comes following the deadly terrorist attack in San Bernardino, California, that left 14 people dead. All of the guns used in the massacre were purchased legally. Opponents of new gun control regulations have argued that the proposals being pushed by Obama would not have prevented the tragedy or recent mass shootings. Via: The Blaze
TITLE: OBAMA AND VALERIE JARRETT Finalize Executive Action Gun Control Proposal TEXT: It s almost as though we don t even have a Constitution Never let a crisis go to waste President Barack Obama s advisers are finalizing a proposal that would expand background checks on gun sales without congressional approval.White House adviser Valerie Jarrett says the president has asked his team to complete a proposal and submit it for his review in short order. She says the recommendations will include measures to expand background checks.Jarrett spoke Wednesday night at a vigil for the victims of the Newtown shooting, according to a summary provided by the White House.After the mass shooting in Roseburg, Oregon, Obama said his team was looking for ways to tighten gun laws without a vote in Congress. White House officials have said they re exploring closing the so-called gun show loophole that anti-gun advocates claim allows people to buy weapons at gun shows and online without a background check.The move comes following the deadly terrorist attack in San Bernardino, California, that left 14 people dead. All of the guns used in the massacre were purchased legally. Opponents of new gun control regulations have argued that the proposals being pushed by Obama would not have prevented the tragedy or recent mass shootings. Via: The Blaze
Lebanon PM Hariri to supporters: 'I'm staying with you'
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri told his supporters on Wednesday he would stay with them, after suspending his resignation in a move that eased a major political crisis. I am staying with you and will continue with you...to be a line of defense for Lebanon, Lebanon s stability and Lebanon s Arabism, he said to hundreds of people gathered outside his house in central Beirut.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Lebanon PM Hariri to supporters: 'I'm staying with you' TEXT: BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri told his supporters on Wednesday he would stay with them, after suspending his resignation in a move that eased a major political crisis. I am staying with you and will continue with you...to be a line of defense for Lebanon, Lebanon s stability and Lebanon s Arabism, he said to hundreds of people gathered outside his house in central Beirut.
TITLE: Lebanon PM Hariri to supporters: 'I'm staying with you' TEXT: BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri told his supporters on Wednesday he would stay with them, after suspending his resignation in a move that eased a major political crisis. I am staying with you and will continue with you...to be a line of defense for Lebanon, Lebanon s stability and Lebanon s Arabism, he said to hundreds of people gathered outside his house in central Beirut.
Thousands rally for gay marriage in Australia ahead of vote
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Thousands of people rallied for marriage equality in Australia s second-biggest city of Melbourne on Saturday ahead of a postal survey on same-sex marriage which could lead to its legalisation. Australia is one of the only developed English-speaking countries not to have legalised same-sex marriage, despite strong popular support and the backing of a majority of lawmakers. Shadow Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus, of the opposition Labor Party, called on the conservative Liberal Party-led government to do more to ensure the debate did not turn ugly ahead of the postal survey next month. I m particularly calling on the prime minister of Australia to speak out against any bile or hate speech that we might see in this campaign, he told the rally. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull last week urged supporters and opponents of same-sex marriage to show mutual respect as their campaigns turned increasingly vitriolic. [nL4N1LB1TJ] Rally organiser Anthony Wallace from activist group Equal Love said 15,000 people attended the event, making it one of the largest gay rights rallies in Australian history. Police declined to estimate the size of the crowd. The rally is an annual event, which this year began and ended at the Victorian State Library, where a mass same-sex wedding ceremony was held. Australians will vote over several weeks from mid-September in the non-compulsory postal ballot on whether to legalise same-sex marriage. Same-sex marriage is supported by 61 percent of Australians, a 2016 Gallup opinion poll showed, but the issue has fractured the Turnbull government and damaged his standing with voters, now at a six-month low.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Thousands rally for gay marriage in Australia ahead of vote TEXT: SYDNEY (Reuters) - Thousands of people rallied for marriage equality in Australia s second-biggest city of Melbourne on Saturday ahead of a postal survey on same-sex marriage which could lead to its legalisation. Australia is one of the only developed English-speaking countries not to have legalised same-sex marriage, despite strong popular support and the backing of a majority of lawmakers. Shadow Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus, of the opposition Labor Party, called on the conservative Liberal Party-led government to do more to ensure the debate did not turn ugly ahead of the postal survey next month. I m particularly calling on the prime minister of Australia to speak out against any bile or hate speech that we might see in this campaign, he told the rally. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull last week urged supporters and opponents of same-sex marriage to show mutual respect as their campaigns turned increasingly vitriolic. [nL4N1LB1TJ] Rally organiser Anthony Wallace from activist group Equal Love said 15,000 people attended the event, making it one of the largest gay rights rallies in Australian history. Police declined to estimate the size of the crowd. The rally is an annual event, which this year began and ended at the Victorian State Library, where a mass same-sex wedding ceremony was held. Australians will vote over several weeks from mid-September in the non-compulsory postal ballot on whether to legalise same-sex marriage. Same-sex marriage is supported by 61 percent of Australians, a 2016 Gallup opinion poll showed, but the issue has fractured the Turnbull government and damaged his standing with voters, now at a six-month low.
TITLE: Thousands rally for gay marriage in Australia ahead of vote TEXT: SYDNEY (Reuters) - Thousands of people rallied for marriage equality in Australia s second-biggest city of Melbourne on Saturday ahead of a postal survey on same-sex marriage which could lead to its legalisation. Australia is one of the only developed English-speaking countries not to have legalised same-sex marriage, despite strong popular support and the backing of a majority of lawmakers. Shadow Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus, of the opposition Labor Party, called on the conservative Liberal Party-led government to do more to ensure the debate did not turn ugly ahead of the postal survey next month. I m particularly calling on the prime minister of Australia to speak out against any bile or hate speech that we might see in this campaign, he told the rally. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull last week urged supporters and opponents of same-sex marriage to show mutual respect as their campaigns turned increasingly vitriolic. [nL4N1LB1TJ] Rally organiser Anthony Wallace from activist group Equal Love said 15,000 people attended the event, making it one of the largest gay rights rallies in Australian history. Police declined to estimate the size of the crowd. The rally is an annual event, which this year began and ended at the Victorian State Library, where a mass same-sex wedding ceremony was held. Australians will vote over several weeks from mid-September in the non-compulsory postal ballot on whether to legalise same-sex marriage. Same-sex marriage is supported by 61 percent of Australians, a 2016 Gallup opinion poll showed, but the issue has fractured the Turnbull government and damaged his standing with voters, now at a six-month low.
Questions on free movement, red tape linger in Brexit citizens' deal
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s agreement with the European Union over key Brexit terms still leaves major issues like freedom of movement undecided, some campaigners said on Friday. Prime Minister Theresa May and EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker unveiled an agreement earlier on the Irish border, citizens rights and the Brexit bill, opening the way for talks on trade and a transition period. While the status of the EU s only land border with the United Kingdom was perhaps the thorniest issue, the deal safeguarding the rights of 3 million EU citizens in Britain and around 1.2 million Britons living elsewhere in the EU will affect households across the continent. London and Brussels agreed to offer equal treatment in social security, health care, employment and education and to let British judges ask the European Court of Justice to weigh in when necessary for eight years after Brexit. But Jane Golding, who heads British in Europe, a coalition of 10 citizens groups representing around 35,000 Britons living in the rest of the bloc, said fundamental issues had not been dealt with. The really big one is free movement, and we are worried that that is just simply going to be deferred until the next phase, Golding, a Briton who has lived in Berlin for nine years, told Reuters. In future, if you don t have the right of free movement, the right to go and work and live in those other countries and have your qualifications recognized in those other countries, you could be passed up for those opportunities, and that s going to impact your career, she said. EU and British officials say that British citizens on the continent will, as things stand, only have rights in the member state they are living in on the day of Brexit. However, the two sides are prepared to negotiate further on this next year. Britain, for example, had earlier offered a lifetime guarantee of residence rights but that is, for the time being, off the table, with people losing those rights if they leave the country for five years. However, that is an area where both sides may continue to look for tradeoffs. Getting a deal that works is crucial to both Britain, the world s sixth-largest economy, and the EU, the world s biggest trading bloc. Britons hold positions in major businesses across the continent and take advantage of overseas study schemes such as Erasmus, while tens of thousands of elderly people rely on EU agreements for access to public services and their pensions in countries such as Spain. EU citizens fill key roles in Britain s state-run health service, construction sector and many professional jobs, with British business leaders keen to retain unfettered access to the continent s labor market. Nicolas Hatton, co-chair of campaign group the3million, said he was unhappy that the deal backed Britain s stance of making EU citizens apply to remain in the country. All EU citizens here will need to apply to stay, while so far we were granted residents rights, he told Reuters. This application process will be made with the Home Office and with the current hostile environment policy ... We are very worried. There will be errors, there will be mistakes, people will be affected by these mistakes, he said. Responding to fears of overly bureaucratic barriers, Friday s joint report from the negotiators emphasized that the process for applying to remain will be as transparent and easy as possible. Application forms will be short, simple, user-friendly and adjusted to the context of the Withdrawal Agreement, it reads. But Britons in the EU face uncertainty as to what the process may involve in different member states, while Europeans in Britain have complained about the need to fill in an 85-page application form for residency and to produce tax returns and provide details of their movements over the last five years. At an early morning media conference in Brussels, May offered reassurance to Europeans: They will be able to go on living their lives as before, she said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Questions on free movement, red tape linger in Brexit citizens' deal TEXT: LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s agreement with the European Union over key Brexit terms still leaves major issues like freedom of movement undecided, some campaigners said on Friday. Prime Minister Theresa May and EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker unveiled an agreement earlier on the Irish border, citizens rights and the Brexit bill, opening the way for talks on trade and a transition period. While the status of the EU s only land border with the United Kingdom was perhaps the thorniest issue, the deal safeguarding the rights of 3 million EU citizens in Britain and around 1.2 million Britons living elsewhere in the EU will affect households across the continent. London and Brussels agreed to offer equal treatment in social security, health care, employment and education and to let British judges ask the European Court of Justice to weigh in when necessary for eight years after Brexit. But Jane Golding, who heads British in Europe, a coalition of 10 citizens groups representing around 35,000 Britons living in the rest of the bloc, said fundamental issues had not been dealt with. The really big one is free movement, and we are worried that that is just simply going to be deferred until the next phase, Golding, a Briton who has lived in Berlin for nine years, told Reuters. In future, if you don t have the right of free movement, the right to go and work and live in those other countries and have your qualifications recognized in those other countries, you could be passed up for those opportunities, and that s going to impact your career, she said. EU and British officials say that British citizens on the continent will, as things stand, only have rights in the member state they are living in on the day of Brexit. However, the two sides are prepared to negotiate further on this next year. Britain, for example, had earlier offered a lifetime guarantee of residence rights but that is, for the time being, off the table, with people losing those rights if they leave the country for five years. However, that is an area where both sides may continue to look for tradeoffs. Getting a deal that works is crucial to both Britain, the world s sixth-largest economy, and the EU, the world s biggest trading bloc. Britons hold positions in major businesses across the continent and take advantage of overseas study schemes such as Erasmus, while tens of thousands of elderly people rely on EU agreements for access to public services and their pensions in countries such as Spain. EU citizens fill key roles in Britain s state-run health service, construction sector and many professional jobs, with British business leaders keen to retain unfettered access to the continent s labor market. Nicolas Hatton, co-chair of campaign group the3million, said he was unhappy that the deal backed Britain s stance of making EU citizens apply to remain in the country. All EU citizens here will need to apply to stay, while so far we were granted residents rights, he told Reuters. This application process will be made with the Home Office and with the current hostile environment policy ... We are very worried. There will be errors, there will be mistakes, people will be affected by these mistakes, he said. Responding to fears of overly bureaucratic barriers, Friday s joint report from the negotiators emphasized that the process for applying to remain will be as transparent and easy as possible. Application forms will be short, simple, user-friendly and adjusted to the context of the Withdrawal Agreement, it reads. But Britons in the EU face uncertainty as to what the process may involve in different member states, while Europeans in Britain have complained about the need to fill in an 85-page application form for residency and to produce tax returns and provide details of their movements over the last five years. At an early morning media conference in Brussels, May offered reassurance to Europeans: They will be able to go on living their lives as before, she said.
TITLE: Questions on free movement, red tape linger in Brexit citizens' deal TEXT: LONDON (Reuters) - Britain s agreement with the European Union over key Brexit terms still leaves major issues like freedom of movement undecided, some campaigners said on Friday. Prime Minister Theresa May and EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker unveiled an agreement earlier on the Irish border, citizens rights and the Brexit bill, opening the way for talks on trade and a transition period. While the status of the EU s only land border with the United Kingdom was perhaps the thorniest issue, the deal safeguarding the rights of 3 million EU citizens in Britain and around 1.2 million Britons living elsewhere in the EU will affect households across the continent. London and Brussels agreed to offer equal treatment in social security, health care, employment and education and to let British judges ask the European Court of Justice to weigh in when necessary for eight years after Brexit. But Jane Golding, who heads British in Europe, a coalition of 10 citizens groups representing around 35,000 Britons living in the rest of the bloc, said fundamental issues had not been dealt with. The really big one is free movement, and we are worried that that is just simply going to be deferred until the next phase, Golding, a Briton who has lived in Berlin for nine years, told Reuters. In future, if you don t have the right of free movement, the right to go and work and live in those other countries and have your qualifications recognized in those other countries, you could be passed up for those opportunities, and that s going to impact your career, she said. EU and British officials say that British citizens on the continent will, as things stand, only have rights in the member state they are living in on the day of Brexit. However, the two sides are prepared to negotiate further on this next year. Britain, for example, had earlier offered a lifetime guarantee of residence rights but that is, for the time being, off the table, with people losing those rights if they leave the country for five years. However, that is an area where both sides may continue to look for tradeoffs. Getting a deal that works is crucial to both Britain, the world s sixth-largest economy, and the EU, the world s biggest trading bloc. Britons hold positions in major businesses across the continent and take advantage of overseas study schemes such as Erasmus, while tens of thousands of elderly people rely on EU agreements for access to public services and their pensions in countries such as Spain. EU citizens fill key roles in Britain s state-run health service, construction sector and many professional jobs, with British business leaders keen to retain unfettered access to the continent s labor market. Nicolas Hatton, co-chair of campaign group the3million, said he was unhappy that the deal backed Britain s stance of making EU citizens apply to remain in the country. All EU citizens here will need to apply to stay, while so far we were granted residents rights, he told Reuters. This application process will be made with the Home Office and with the current hostile environment policy ... We are very worried. There will be errors, there will be mistakes, people will be affected by these mistakes, he said. Responding to fears of overly bureaucratic barriers, Friday s joint report from the negotiators emphasized that the process for applying to remain will be as transparent and easy as possible. Application forms will be short, simple, user-friendly and adjusted to the context of the Withdrawal Agreement, it reads. But Britons in the EU face uncertainty as to what the process may involve in different member states, while Europeans in Britain have complained about the need to fill in an 85-page application form for residency and to produce tax returns and provide details of their movements over the last five years. At an early morning media conference in Brussels, May offered reassurance to Europeans: They will be able to go on living their lives as before, she said.
U.S. Senate hearings delayed for three wealthy Trump nominees
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate has postponed confirmation hearings for three nominees to serve in President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet, all wealthy people with wide-ranging potential conflicts of interest, including billionaire Wilbur Ross for Commerce secretary. The Senate Commerce Committee said on Tuesday it was moving Ross’s hearing to Jan. 18 from Jan. 12 because Ross has not completed all of the necessary government paperwork. Trump takes office on Jan. 20. “While Mr. Ross has submitted his responses to the committee’s questionnaire, we have not yet received the ethics agreement he is working on with the Office of Government Ethics and the Department of Commerce to finalize,” the panel’s Republican and Democratic leaders said in a joint statement. The Ross delay came shortly after postponements of hearings for Trump’s choices to head the Education and Labor departments. The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee delayed a hearing for Betsy DeVos, the billionaire Republican donor tapped for Education secretary, to Jan. 17 from Jan. 11. The committee’s Republican majority said on Twitter on Monday that it had moved DeVos’s hearing at the request of Senate leadership to accommodate its schedule. DeVos is a former chair of the Michigan Republican Party and an advocate for the privatization of education. The same panel had tentatively slated a confirmation hearing for fast-food executive Andy Puzder, Trump’s selection for Labor secretary, for Jan. 17. With DeVos’s hearing moved to that date, the committee said it had no specific date selected for Puzder’s hearing and may not hold it until February. Puzder has submitted his paperwork to the Office of Government Ethics, according to a Trump transition staffer. Puzder is chief executive of CKE Restaurants Inc [APOLOT.UL], which runs the Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s fast-food chains. He has been a critic of government regulation of the workplace and the National Labor Relations Board.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: U.S. Senate hearings delayed for three wealthy Trump nominees TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate has postponed confirmation hearings for three nominees to serve in President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet, all wealthy people with wide-ranging potential conflicts of interest, including billionaire Wilbur Ross for Commerce secretary. The Senate Commerce Committee said on Tuesday it was moving Ross’s hearing to Jan. 18 from Jan. 12 because Ross has not completed all of the necessary government paperwork. Trump takes office on Jan. 20. “While Mr. Ross has submitted his responses to the committee’s questionnaire, we have not yet received the ethics agreement he is working on with the Office of Government Ethics and the Department of Commerce to finalize,” the panel’s Republican and Democratic leaders said in a joint statement. The Ross delay came shortly after postponements of hearings for Trump’s choices to head the Education and Labor departments. The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee delayed a hearing for Betsy DeVos, the billionaire Republican donor tapped for Education secretary, to Jan. 17 from Jan. 11. The committee’s Republican majority said on Twitter on Monday that it had moved DeVos’s hearing at the request of Senate leadership to accommodate its schedule. DeVos is a former chair of the Michigan Republican Party and an advocate for the privatization of education. The same panel had tentatively slated a confirmation hearing for fast-food executive Andy Puzder, Trump’s selection for Labor secretary, for Jan. 17. With DeVos’s hearing moved to that date, the committee said it had no specific date selected for Puzder’s hearing and may not hold it until February. Puzder has submitted his paperwork to the Office of Government Ethics, according to a Trump transition staffer. Puzder is chief executive of CKE Restaurants Inc [APOLOT.UL], which runs the Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s fast-food chains. He has been a critic of government regulation of the workplace and the National Labor Relations Board.
TITLE: U.S. Senate hearings delayed for three wealthy Trump nominees TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate has postponed confirmation hearings for three nominees to serve in President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet, all wealthy people with wide-ranging potential conflicts of interest, including billionaire Wilbur Ross for Commerce secretary. The Senate Commerce Committee said on Tuesday it was moving Ross’s hearing to Jan. 18 from Jan. 12 because Ross has not completed all of the necessary government paperwork. Trump takes office on Jan. 20. “While Mr. Ross has submitted his responses to the committee’s questionnaire, we have not yet received the ethics agreement he is working on with the Office of Government Ethics and the Department of Commerce to finalize,” the panel’s Republican and Democratic leaders said in a joint statement. The Ross delay came shortly after postponements of hearings for Trump’s choices to head the Education and Labor departments. The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee delayed a hearing for Betsy DeVos, the billionaire Republican donor tapped for Education secretary, to Jan. 17 from Jan. 11. The committee’s Republican majority said on Twitter on Monday that it had moved DeVos’s hearing at the request of Senate leadership to accommodate its schedule. DeVos is a former chair of the Michigan Republican Party and an advocate for the privatization of education. The same panel had tentatively slated a confirmation hearing for fast-food executive Andy Puzder, Trump’s selection for Labor secretary, for Jan. 17. With DeVos’s hearing moved to that date, the committee said it had no specific date selected for Puzder’s hearing and may not hold it until February. Puzder has submitted his paperwork to the Office of Government Ethics, according to a Trump transition staffer. Puzder is chief executive of CKE Restaurants Inc [APOLOT.UL], which runs the Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s fast-food chains. He has been a critic of government regulation of the workplace and the National Labor Relations Board.
Trump still weighing whether to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital: Kushner
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has not yet made a decision on whether to formally recognize Jerusalem as Israel s capital, his adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner said on Sunday, a move that would break with decades of U.S. policy and could fuel violence in the Middle East. He s still looking at a lot of different facts, and then when he makes his decision, he ll be the one to want to tell you, not me, Kushner said at an annual conference on U.S. policy in the Middle East organized by the Brookings Institution think tank in Washington. A senior administration official said last week that Trump could make the announcement on Wednesday. Kushner is leading Trump s efforts to restart long-stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, efforts that so far have shown little progress. Past U.S. presidents have insisted that the status of Jerusalem home to sites holy to the Jewish, Muslim and Christian religions must be decided in negotiations. The Palestinians want Jerusalem as the capital of their future state, and the international community does not recognize Israel s claim on all of the city. Any move by the United States to recognize Jerusalem as Israel s capital would fuel extremism and violence, Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit said on Saturday. A senior Jordanian source said on Sunday that Amman, the current president of the Arab summit, has begun consultations on convening an emergency meeting of the Arab League and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation before Trump s expected declaration this week.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Trump still weighing whether to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital: Kushner TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has not yet made a decision on whether to formally recognize Jerusalem as Israel s capital, his adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner said on Sunday, a move that would break with decades of U.S. policy and could fuel violence in the Middle East. He s still looking at a lot of different facts, and then when he makes his decision, he ll be the one to want to tell you, not me, Kushner said at an annual conference on U.S. policy in the Middle East organized by the Brookings Institution think tank in Washington. A senior administration official said last week that Trump could make the announcement on Wednesday. Kushner is leading Trump s efforts to restart long-stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, efforts that so far have shown little progress. Past U.S. presidents have insisted that the status of Jerusalem home to sites holy to the Jewish, Muslim and Christian religions must be decided in negotiations. The Palestinians want Jerusalem as the capital of their future state, and the international community does not recognize Israel s claim on all of the city. Any move by the United States to recognize Jerusalem as Israel s capital would fuel extremism and violence, Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit said on Saturday. A senior Jordanian source said on Sunday that Amman, the current president of the Arab summit, has begun consultations on convening an emergency meeting of the Arab League and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation before Trump s expected declaration this week.
TITLE: Trump still weighing whether to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital: Kushner TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has not yet made a decision on whether to formally recognize Jerusalem as Israel s capital, his adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner said on Sunday, a move that would break with decades of U.S. policy and could fuel violence in the Middle East. He s still looking at a lot of different facts, and then when he makes his decision, he ll be the one to want to tell you, not me, Kushner said at an annual conference on U.S. policy in the Middle East organized by the Brookings Institution think tank in Washington. A senior administration official said last week that Trump could make the announcement on Wednesday. Kushner is leading Trump s efforts to restart long-stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, efforts that so far have shown little progress. Past U.S. presidents have insisted that the status of Jerusalem home to sites holy to the Jewish, Muslim and Christian religions must be decided in negotiations. The Palestinians want Jerusalem as the capital of their future state, and the international community does not recognize Israel s claim on all of the city. Any move by the United States to recognize Jerusalem as Israel s capital would fuel extremism and violence, Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit said on Saturday. A senior Jordanian source said on Sunday that Amman, the current president of the Arab summit, has begun consultations on convening an emergency meeting of the Arab League and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation before Trump s expected declaration this week.
EYE BLEACH ALERT: Hillary Gets Her Groove On With Fellow Loony Dems [Video]
GET OUT THE EYE BLEACH!Hillary Clinton and her Democrat friends got together for a rally today and here s the grand finale for you. Just a bunch of loony libs rockin it out LOL!Hillary has a history of awkward dance moves:
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: EYE BLEACH ALERT: Hillary Gets Her Groove On With Fellow Loony Dems [Video] TEXT: GET OUT THE EYE BLEACH!Hillary Clinton and her Democrat friends got together for a rally today and here s the grand finale for you. Just a bunch of loony libs rockin it out LOL!Hillary has a history of awkward dance moves:
TITLE: EYE BLEACH ALERT: Hillary Gets Her Groove On With Fellow Loony Dems [Video] TEXT: GET OUT THE EYE BLEACH!Hillary Clinton and her Democrat friends got together for a rally today and here s the grand finale for you. Just a bunch of loony libs rockin it out LOL!Hillary has a history of awkward dance moves:
UK PM May wants to agree outline Brexit transition in next few months
LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May wants to agree the broad outline of a transition deal with the European Union for after Brexit in the next few months, her spokesman said on Monday. We would hope we could reach an agreement on the broad outline of what an implementation period looks like within the next few months, the spokesman told reporters.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: UK PM May wants to agree outline Brexit transition in next few months TEXT: LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May wants to agree the broad outline of a transition deal with the European Union for after Brexit in the next few months, her spokesman said on Monday. We would hope we could reach an agreement on the broad outline of what an implementation period looks like within the next few months, the spokesman told reporters.
TITLE: UK PM May wants to agree outline Brexit transition in next few months TEXT: LONDON (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May wants to agree the broad outline of a transition deal with the European Union for after Brexit in the next few months, her spokesman said on Monday. We would hope we could reach an agreement on the broad outline of what an implementation period looks like within the next few months, the spokesman told reporters.
Ben Carson: Homeless Shelters Shouldn’t Be “Comfortable” Because People Might “Stay”
If you didn t know that Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson was once a neurosurgeon, you would never believe he had any hint of intelligence just from the idiotic things he says.Today, Ben Carson was quoted in a New York Times interview painting an extremely solemn picture of what public housing will look like under the Trump administration. As Carson has said several ridiculous things during his own failed presidential campaign and while he was helping with Trump s campaign, this should hardly be surprising but it will still infuriate you.Carson defended disabled and elderly people who might need public housing, and said we can t expect to do a great deal to take care of themselves. But when it came to others who did not fall into those two categories but still needed public housing, Carson had something else to say. He said: There is another group of people who are able-bodied individuals, and I think we do those people a great disservice when we simply maintain them. The Times reported:Compassion, Mr. Carson explained in an interview, means not giving people a comfortable setting that would make somebody want to say: I ll just stay here. They will take care of me. It s safe to say that most of us have been taught a VERY different meaning of the word compassion , and Carson s definition clearly does not fit. Carson has been traveling all over the United States to get a scope of public housing in places like Detroit and Miami. While he was in Ohio, Carson visited a facility for drug abusers and reportedly said: We are talking about incentivizing those who help themselves. Carson s attitude toward public housing is disgraceful, and ABC s Sunny Hostin was right to slam him immediately:Featured image via Joe Raedle / Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Ben Carson: Homeless Shelters Shouldn’t Be “Comfortable” Because People Might “Stay” TEXT: If you didn t know that Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson was once a neurosurgeon, you would never believe he had any hint of intelligence just from the idiotic things he says.Today, Ben Carson was quoted in a New York Times interview painting an extremely solemn picture of what public housing will look like under the Trump administration. As Carson has said several ridiculous things during his own failed presidential campaign and while he was helping with Trump s campaign, this should hardly be surprising but it will still infuriate you.Carson defended disabled and elderly people who might need public housing, and said we can t expect to do a great deal to take care of themselves. But when it came to others who did not fall into those two categories but still needed public housing, Carson had something else to say. He said: There is another group of people who are able-bodied individuals, and I think we do those people a great disservice when we simply maintain them. The Times reported:Compassion, Mr. Carson explained in an interview, means not giving people a comfortable setting that would make somebody want to say: I ll just stay here. They will take care of me. It s safe to say that most of us have been taught a VERY different meaning of the word compassion , and Carson s definition clearly does not fit. Carson has been traveling all over the United States to get a scope of public housing in places like Detroit and Miami. While he was in Ohio, Carson visited a facility for drug abusers and reportedly said: We are talking about incentivizing those who help themselves. Carson s attitude toward public housing is disgraceful, and ABC s Sunny Hostin was right to slam him immediately:Featured image via Joe Raedle / Getty Images
TITLE: Ben Carson: Homeless Shelters Shouldn’t Be “Comfortable” Because People Might “Stay” TEXT: If you didn t know that Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson was once a neurosurgeon, you would never believe he had any hint of intelligence just from the idiotic things he says.Today, Ben Carson was quoted in a New York Times interview painting an extremely solemn picture of what public housing will look like under the Trump administration. As Carson has said several ridiculous things during his own failed presidential campaign and while he was helping with Trump s campaign, this should hardly be surprising but it will still infuriate you.Carson defended disabled and elderly people who might need public housing, and said we can t expect to do a great deal to take care of themselves. But when it came to others who did not fall into those two categories but still needed public housing, Carson had something else to say. He said: There is another group of people who are able-bodied individuals, and I think we do those people a great disservice when we simply maintain them. The Times reported:Compassion, Mr. Carson explained in an interview, means not giving people a comfortable setting that would make somebody want to say: I ll just stay here. They will take care of me. It s safe to say that most of us have been taught a VERY different meaning of the word compassion , and Carson s definition clearly does not fit. Carson has been traveling all over the United States to get a scope of public housing in places like Detroit and Miami. While he was in Ohio, Carson visited a facility for drug abusers and reportedly said: We are talking about incentivizing those who help themselves. Carson s attitude toward public housing is disgraceful, and ABC s Sunny Hostin was right to slam him immediately:Featured image via Joe Raedle / Getty Images
German minister favors longer ban on Syrian refugees bringing families
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said he favors extending a temporary ban on Syrian migrants bringing their families to Germany, a move that reflects growing popular opposition to family reunifications. De Maiziere, a member of Chancellor Angela Merkel s conservatives, told the Heilbronner Stimme newspaper that a huge number of Syrians were expected to enter Germany unless the ban was extended when it expires in March 2018. Officials expect every refugee to bring at least one family member to Germany, he said in an article published on Thursday. Bild newspaper said this week that internal government estimates showed that about 390,000 Syrians who had been recognized as asylum seekers could request visas for family members when the two-year ban on reunifications expires next March. Merkel, who is expected to win a fourth term in Sept. 24 elections, has said the government will decide the issue after the election. The government has sought to tighten asylum rules after suffering regional election losses over Merkel s 2015 decision to leave borders open to over a million migrants. Concern about migration has fueled support in particular for the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, which is expected to win seats in the national parliament for the first time at the election. A poll conducted by the INSA institute for daily newspaper Bild this week showed that 58.3 percent of Germans opposed family reunifications for recognized asylum seekers, although they are allowed under German law. The poll showed that 95.8 percent of AfD supporters and 66.8 percent of supporters of the pro-business Free Democrats opposed family reunifications. About 54.3 percent of conservatives were also opposed, compared to 42.7 percent of backers of the Social Democrats, junior partners in the current coalition government. Richard Hilmer, head of the Berlin-based Policy Matters think tank, said migration remained a key issue for German voters in the 2017 election. He said German law allowed family reunifications to help ensure good integration of asylum seekers whose applications were accepted. Otherwise you wind up with single men who are not integrated into the social fabric, and in the worst cases, even a sort of ghettoisation, he said.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: German minister favors longer ban on Syrian refugees bringing families TEXT: BERLIN (Reuters) - German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said he favors extending a temporary ban on Syrian migrants bringing their families to Germany, a move that reflects growing popular opposition to family reunifications. De Maiziere, a member of Chancellor Angela Merkel s conservatives, told the Heilbronner Stimme newspaper that a huge number of Syrians were expected to enter Germany unless the ban was extended when it expires in March 2018. Officials expect every refugee to bring at least one family member to Germany, he said in an article published on Thursday. Bild newspaper said this week that internal government estimates showed that about 390,000 Syrians who had been recognized as asylum seekers could request visas for family members when the two-year ban on reunifications expires next March. Merkel, who is expected to win a fourth term in Sept. 24 elections, has said the government will decide the issue after the election. The government has sought to tighten asylum rules after suffering regional election losses over Merkel s 2015 decision to leave borders open to over a million migrants. Concern about migration has fueled support in particular for the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, which is expected to win seats in the national parliament for the first time at the election. A poll conducted by the INSA institute for daily newspaper Bild this week showed that 58.3 percent of Germans opposed family reunifications for recognized asylum seekers, although they are allowed under German law. The poll showed that 95.8 percent of AfD supporters and 66.8 percent of supporters of the pro-business Free Democrats opposed family reunifications. About 54.3 percent of conservatives were also opposed, compared to 42.7 percent of backers of the Social Democrats, junior partners in the current coalition government. Richard Hilmer, head of the Berlin-based Policy Matters think tank, said migration remained a key issue for German voters in the 2017 election. He said German law allowed family reunifications to help ensure good integration of asylum seekers whose applications were accepted. Otherwise you wind up with single men who are not integrated into the social fabric, and in the worst cases, even a sort of ghettoisation, he said.
TITLE: German minister favors longer ban on Syrian refugees bringing families TEXT: BERLIN (Reuters) - German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said he favors extending a temporary ban on Syrian migrants bringing their families to Germany, a move that reflects growing popular opposition to family reunifications. De Maiziere, a member of Chancellor Angela Merkel s conservatives, told the Heilbronner Stimme newspaper that a huge number of Syrians were expected to enter Germany unless the ban was extended when it expires in March 2018. Officials expect every refugee to bring at least one family member to Germany, he said in an article published on Thursday. Bild newspaper said this week that internal government estimates showed that about 390,000 Syrians who had been recognized as asylum seekers could request visas for family members when the two-year ban on reunifications expires next March. Merkel, who is expected to win a fourth term in Sept. 24 elections, has said the government will decide the issue after the election. The government has sought to tighten asylum rules after suffering regional election losses over Merkel s 2015 decision to leave borders open to over a million migrants. Concern about migration has fueled support in particular for the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, which is expected to win seats in the national parliament for the first time at the election. A poll conducted by the INSA institute for daily newspaper Bild this week showed that 58.3 percent of Germans opposed family reunifications for recognized asylum seekers, although they are allowed under German law. The poll showed that 95.8 percent of AfD supporters and 66.8 percent of supporters of the pro-business Free Democrats opposed family reunifications. About 54.3 percent of conservatives were also opposed, compared to 42.7 percent of backers of the Social Democrats, junior partners in the current coalition government. Richard Hilmer, head of the Berlin-based Policy Matters think tank, said migration remained a key issue for German voters in the 2017 election. He said German law allowed family reunifications to help ensure good integration of asylum seekers whose applications were accepted. Otherwise you wind up with single men who are not integrated into the social fabric, and in the worst cases, even a sort of ghettoisation, he said.
Chess federation says Israel excluded from Saudi-hosted match
ATHENS (Reuters) - Israeli players have been denied visas to participate in a speed chess championship hosted by Saudi Arabia this week, a vice president of the World Chess Federation (FIDE) said on Sunday. Seven Israeli players had requested visas for the tournament on Dec. 26-30. It would have marked the first time Saudi Arabia had publicly hosted Israelis as the Gulf state does not recognize Israel and there are no formal ties between them. Israel Gelfer, vice president of FIDE, whose Secretariat is based in Athens, told Reuters in an email that visas for the Israeli players have not been issued and will not be issued . He said the tournament would go ahead as planned. It was not immediately clear if other delegations had been excluded but players from Qatar had suggested they may have been rejected. Saudi Arabia s Center for International Communication said in a statement that more than 180 players would participate but did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Israel Chess Federation Spokesman Lior Aizenberg said efforts were still being made by various parties to ensure the Israeli players took part. The event is not a world championship if they prevent chess players from several countries from taking part, Aizenberg told Reuters. Every chess player should have the right to participate in an event on the basis of professional criteria, regardless of their passports, their place of issue or the stamps they bear. Aizenberg said FIDE should ensure Israeli players could compete in international events and that the Israeli federation was considering all options, including legal action and holding an international competition in Israel for players excluded from the Saudi match. FIDE had said in November it was undertaking a huge effort to ensure all players were granted visas. (This version of the story was refiled to clarify that FIDE secretariat in Athens, but unclear where Gelfer speaking from)
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Chess federation says Israel excluded from Saudi-hosted match TEXT: ATHENS (Reuters) - Israeli players have been denied visas to participate in a speed chess championship hosted by Saudi Arabia this week, a vice president of the World Chess Federation (FIDE) said on Sunday. Seven Israeli players had requested visas for the tournament on Dec. 26-30. It would have marked the first time Saudi Arabia had publicly hosted Israelis as the Gulf state does not recognize Israel and there are no formal ties between them. Israel Gelfer, vice president of FIDE, whose Secretariat is based in Athens, told Reuters in an email that visas for the Israeli players have not been issued and will not be issued . He said the tournament would go ahead as planned. It was not immediately clear if other delegations had been excluded but players from Qatar had suggested they may have been rejected. Saudi Arabia s Center for International Communication said in a statement that more than 180 players would participate but did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Israel Chess Federation Spokesman Lior Aizenberg said efforts were still being made by various parties to ensure the Israeli players took part. The event is not a world championship if they prevent chess players from several countries from taking part, Aizenberg told Reuters. Every chess player should have the right to participate in an event on the basis of professional criteria, regardless of their passports, their place of issue or the stamps they bear. Aizenberg said FIDE should ensure Israeli players could compete in international events and that the Israeli federation was considering all options, including legal action and holding an international competition in Israel for players excluded from the Saudi match. FIDE had said in November it was undertaking a huge effort to ensure all players were granted visas. (This version of the story was refiled to clarify that FIDE secretariat in Athens, but unclear where Gelfer speaking from)
TITLE: Chess federation says Israel excluded from Saudi-hosted match TEXT: ATHENS (Reuters) - Israeli players have been denied visas to participate in a speed chess championship hosted by Saudi Arabia this week, a vice president of the World Chess Federation (FIDE) said on Sunday. Seven Israeli players had requested visas for the tournament on Dec. 26-30. It would have marked the first time Saudi Arabia had publicly hosted Israelis as the Gulf state does not recognize Israel and there are no formal ties between them. Israel Gelfer, vice president of FIDE, whose Secretariat is based in Athens, told Reuters in an email that visas for the Israeli players have not been issued and will not be issued . He said the tournament would go ahead as planned. It was not immediately clear if other delegations had been excluded but players from Qatar had suggested they may have been rejected. Saudi Arabia s Center for International Communication said in a statement that more than 180 players would participate but did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Israel Chess Federation Spokesman Lior Aizenberg said efforts were still being made by various parties to ensure the Israeli players took part. The event is not a world championship if they prevent chess players from several countries from taking part, Aizenberg told Reuters. Every chess player should have the right to participate in an event on the basis of professional criteria, regardless of their passports, their place of issue or the stamps they bear. Aizenberg said FIDE should ensure Israeli players could compete in international events and that the Israeli federation was considering all options, including legal action and holding an international competition in Israel for players excluded from the Saudi match. FIDE had said in November it was undertaking a huge effort to ensure all players were granted visas. (This version of the story was refiled to clarify that FIDE secretariat in Athens, but unclear where Gelfer speaking from)
Take that you filthy animals!
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: WATCH WHAT OUR US MILITARY DOES TO PEDOPHILIC MONSTERS Who Prey On Innocent Christians and Yazidis TEXT: Take that you filthy animals!
TITLE: WATCH WHAT OUR US MILITARY DOES TO PEDOPHILIC MONSTERS Who Prey On Innocent Christians and Yazidis TEXT: Take that you filthy animals!
Clinton warns against complacency, Trump warns of World War Three
COCONUT CREEK, Fla. (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton warned her supporters on Tuesday against complacency as opinion polls show her holding a clear lead over Republican rival Donald Trump with two weeks left until the Nov. 8 election. Clinton told voters in Florida, one of the battleground states where the election will likely be decided, that Democrats could not afford to relax. “I hope you will come out and vote because it’s going to be a close election. Pay no attention to the polls. Don’t forget, don’t get complacent, because we’ve got to turn people out,” she told a rally in Coconut Creek, standing in front of a large sign reading: “Vote Early.” Trump also campaigned in Florida on Tuesday. He blasted recent spikes in premiums for health insurance under President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare. Trump promised to repeal and replace the healthcare law as soon as he takes office. “This is why we have to drain the swamp and repeal and replace Obamacare immediately, and I’m the only candidate running for president who will do it,” Trump said. On Monday, the U.S. government said the average premium for insurance plans sold on Healthcare.gov for 2017 rose by 25 percent compared with 2016. But with polls showing Trump trailing Clinton, Trump has asked his campaign to cut back on work identifying candidates for jobs in his future administration and focus instead on bolstering his chances on Nov. 8, according to two people familiar with the campaign’s inner workings. An average of national polls on the RealClearPolitics website since mid-October gives Clinton a lead of more than 5 percentage points, as Trump fights off accusations that he groped women and faces heavy criticism for suggesting he might not accept the result of the election if he loses. Trump denies the accusations of sexual misconduct and says the election is rigged against him, although he has not cited widely accepted evidence to back that up. On Tuesday, Trump told Reuters that Clinton’s plan for fixing the Syrian civil war would “lead to World War Three,” because of the potential for conflict with military forces from nuclear-armed Russia. In an interview focused largely on foreign policy, Trump said defeating Islamic State was a higher priority than persuading Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step down, playing down a long-held goal of U.S. policy. Clinton has called for the establishment of a no-fly zone and “safe zones” on the ground in Syria to protect noncombatants. Her campaign responded in a statement later on Tuesday noting that both Republican and Democratic national security experts had deemed Trump ill-prepared to be commander in chief, and accusing Trump of “parroting” Russian President Vladimir Putin and playing on Americans’ fears. Colin Powell, who served as Republican President George W. Bush’s secretary of state and was chairman of the U.S. military’s joint chiefs of staff under his father, Republican President George Bush, said on Tuesday he would vote for Clinton. The two candidates have sparred in recent days over the U.S.-backed Iraqi military push to take the northern Iraqi city of Mosul from Islamic State, which Trump described as a “total disaster.” “He’s declaring defeat before the battle has even started,” Clinton, who was secretary of state during Obama’s first term, said on Tuesday. She urged supporters to participate in early voting, which began this week in Florida. “Nobody should want to wake up on Nov. 9 and wonder whether there was more you could have done,” Clinton said. Clinton also appeared on Tuesday at the Univision studio in Doral, Florida, on “El Gordo y La Flaca” (“The Fat Man and the Skinny Woman”), a long-running entertainment show aimed at Latinos. The appearance underscored the importance of Latino voters in the battle for Florida’s 29 electoral votes. Clinton maintained a commanding lead in the race to secure the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win the White House, according to Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project results released on Saturday.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Clinton warns against complacency, Trump warns of World War Three TEXT: COCONUT CREEK, Fla. (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton warned her supporters on Tuesday against complacency as opinion polls show her holding a clear lead over Republican rival Donald Trump with two weeks left until the Nov. 8 election. Clinton told voters in Florida, one of the battleground states where the election will likely be decided, that Democrats could not afford to relax. “I hope you will come out and vote because it’s going to be a close election. Pay no attention to the polls. Don’t forget, don’t get complacent, because we’ve got to turn people out,” she told a rally in Coconut Creek, standing in front of a large sign reading: “Vote Early.” Trump also campaigned in Florida on Tuesday. He blasted recent spikes in premiums for health insurance under President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare. Trump promised to repeal and replace the healthcare law as soon as he takes office. “This is why we have to drain the swamp and repeal and replace Obamacare immediately, and I’m the only candidate running for president who will do it,” Trump said. On Monday, the U.S. government said the average premium for insurance plans sold on Healthcare.gov for 2017 rose by 25 percent compared with 2016. But with polls showing Trump trailing Clinton, Trump has asked his campaign to cut back on work identifying candidates for jobs in his future administration and focus instead on bolstering his chances on Nov. 8, according to two people familiar with the campaign’s inner workings. An average of national polls on the RealClearPolitics website since mid-October gives Clinton a lead of more than 5 percentage points, as Trump fights off accusations that he groped women and faces heavy criticism for suggesting he might not accept the result of the election if he loses. Trump denies the accusations of sexual misconduct and says the election is rigged against him, although he has not cited widely accepted evidence to back that up. On Tuesday, Trump told Reuters that Clinton’s plan for fixing the Syrian civil war would “lead to World War Three,” because of the potential for conflict with military forces from nuclear-armed Russia. In an interview focused largely on foreign policy, Trump said defeating Islamic State was a higher priority than persuading Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step down, playing down a long-held goal of U.S. policy. Clinton has called for the establishment of a no-fly zone and “safe zones” on the ground in Syria to protect noncombatants. Her campaign responded in a statement later on Tuesday noting that both Republican and Democratic national security experts had deemed Trump ill-prepared to be commander in chief, and accusing Trump of “parroting” Russian President Vladimir Putin and playing on Americans’ fears. Colin Powell, who served as Republican President George W. Bush’s secretary of state and was chairman of the U.S. military’s joint chiefs of staff under his father, Republican President George Bush, said on Tuesday he would vote for Clinton. The two candidates have sparred in recent days over the U.S.-backed Iraqi military push to take the northern Iraqi city of Mosul from Islamic State, which Trump described as a “total disaster.” “He’s declaring defeat before the battle has even started,” Clinton, who was secretary of state during Obama’s first term, said on Tuesday. She urged supporters to participate in early voting, which began this week in Florida. “Nobody should want to wake up on Nov. 9 and wonder whether there was more you could have done,” Clinton said. Clinton also appeared on Tuesday at the Univision studio in Doral, Florida, on “El Gordo y La Flaca” (“The Fat Man and the Skinny Woman”), a long-running entertainment show aimed at Latinos. The appearance underscored the importance of Latino voters in the battle for Florida’s 29 electoral votes. Clinton maintained a commanding lead in the race to secure the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win the White House, according to Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project results released on Saturday.
TITLE: Clinton warns against complacency, Trump warns of World War Three TEXT: COCONUT CREEK, Fla. (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton warned her supporters on Tuesday against complacency as opinion polls show her holding a clear lead over Republican rival Donald Trump with two weeks left until the Nov. 8 election. Clinton told voters in Florida, one of the battleground states where the election will likely be decided, that Democrats could not afford to relax. “I hope you will come out and vote because it’s going to be a close election. Pay no attention to the polls. Don’t forget, don’t get complacent, because we’ve got to turn people out,” she told a rally in Coconut Creek, standing in front of a large sign reading: “Vote Early.” Trump also campaigned in Florida on Tuesday. He blasted recent spikes in premiums for health insurance under President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare. Trump promised to repeal and replace the healthcare law as soon as he takes office. “This is why we have to drain the swamp and repeal and replace Obamacare immediately, and I’m the only candidate running for president who will do it,” Trump said. On Monday, the U.S. government said the average premium for insurance plans sold on Healthcare.gov for 2017 rose by 25 percent compared with 2016. But with polls showing Trump trailing Clinton, Trump has asked his campaign to cut back on work identifying candidates for jobs in his future administration and focus instead on bolstering his chances on Nov. 8, according to two people familiar with the campaign’s inner workings. An average of national polls on the RealClearPolitics website since mid-October gives Clinton a lead of more than 5 percentage points, as Trump fights off accusations that he groped women and faces heavy criticism for suggesting he might not accept the result of the election if he loses. Trump denies the accusations of sexual misconduct and says the election is rigged against him, although he has not cited widely accepted evidence to back that up. On Tuesday, Trump told Reuters that Clinton’s plan for fixing the Syrian civil war would “lead to World War Three,” because of the potential for conflict with military forces from nuclear-armed Russia. In an interview focused largely on foreign policy, Trump said defeating Islamic State was a higher priority than persuading Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step down, playing down a long-held goal of U.S. policy. Clinton has called for the establishment of a no-fly zone and “safe zones” on the ground in Syria to protect noncombatants. Her campaign responded in a statement later on Tuesday noting that both Republican and Democratic national security experts had deemed Trump ill-prepared to be commander in chief, and accusing Trump of “parroting” Russian President Vladimir Putin and playing on Americans’ fears. Colin Powell, who served as Republican President George W. Bush’s secretary of state and was chairman of the U.S. military’s joint chiefs of staff under his father, Republican President George Bush, said on Tuesday he would vote for Clinton. The two candidates have sparred in recent days over the U.S.-backed Iraqi military push to take the northern Iraqi city of Mosul from Islamic State, which Trump described as a “total disaster.” “He’s declaring defeat before the battle has even started,” Clinton, who was secretary of state during Obama’s first term, said on Tuesday. She urged supporters to participate in early voting, which began this week in Florida. “Nobody should want to wake up on Nov. 9 and wonder whether there was more you could have done,” Clinton said. Clinton also appeared on Tuesday at the Univision studio in Doral, Florida, on “El Gordo y La Flaca” (“The Fat Man and the Skinny Woman”), a long-running entertainment show aimed at Latinos. The appearance underscored the importance of Latino voters in the battle for Florida’s 29 electoral votes. Clinton maintained a commanding lead in the race to secure the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win the White House, according to Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project results released on Saturday.
KEY TERROR GROUPS EMERGE As U.S. Grip On Afghanistan Unravels
Obama pulled troops out so this created a vacuum whereby the terror groups could come in and take over. Terrorists in Afghanistan control more territory than at any time since 2001 as America s grip on the country continues to unravel amid a spike in violence that has made Afghanistan more dangerous than ever, according to a new government oversight report.The Afghan government has lost control of about 30 percent of the country, with terrorists linked to the Taliban, ISIS, and other groups moving freely in the region, according to new findings by the Special Inspector General For Afghanistan Reconstructions, otherwise known as SIGAR. The lack of security has made it almost impossible for many U.S. and even some Afghan officials to manage and oversee ongoing reconstruction projects that could total billions of dollars, according to the report, which found that the Afghan government has control of more than 70 percent of the country.The deteriorating security situation has endangered oversight operations meant to ensure that billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars are being appropriately spent. American military casualties also have risen as terrorists gain a renewed foothold in the country, according to the report. The security situation leaves billions and billions of dollars worth of U.S.-funded projects and programs out of the reach of any American officials, said an oversight official not authorized to speak on the record. Afghanistan proved even more dangerous than it was a year ago, according to the report. The Taliban now controls more territory than at any time since 2001. Vicious and repeated attacks in Kabul this quarter shook confidence in the national-unity government. About a year after U.S. coalition forces turned security operations over to Afghan forces, the situation continues to worsen, particularly due to the Afghan forces inability to properly conduct operations.Read more: WFB
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: KEY TERROR GROUPS EMERGE As U.S. Grip On Afghanistan Unravels TEXT: Obama pulled troops out so this created a vacuum whereby the terror groups could come in and take over. Terrorists in Afghanistan control more territory than at any time since 2001 as America s grip on the country continues to unravel amid a spike in violence that has made Afghanistan more dangerous than ever, according to a new government oversight report.The Afghan government has lost control of about 30 percent of the country, with terrorists linked to the Taliban, ISIS, and other groups moving freely in the region, according to new findings by the Special Inspector General For Afghanistan Reconstructions, otherwise known as SIGAR. The lack of security has made it almost impossible for many U.S. and even some Afghan officials to manage and oversee ongoing reconstruction projects that could total billions of dollars, according to the report, which found that the Afghan government has control of more than 70 percent of the country.The deteriorating security situation has endangered oversight operations meant to ensure that billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars are being appropriately spent. American military casualties also have risen as terrorists gain a renewed foothold in the country, according to the report. The security situation leaves billions and billions of dollars worth of U.S.-funded projects and programs out of the reach of any American officials, said an oversight official not authorized to speak on the record. Afghanistan proved even more dangerous than it was a year ago, according to the report. The Taliban now controls more territory than at any time since 2001. Vicious and repeated attacks in Kabul this quarter shook confidence in the national-unity government. About a year after U.S. coalition forces turned security operations over to Afghan forces, the situation continues to worsen, particularly due to the Afghan forces inability to properly conduct operations.Read more: WFB
TITLE: KEY TERROR GROUPS EMERGE As U.S. Grip On Afghanistan Unravels TEXT: Obama pulled troops out so this created a vacuum whereby the terror groups could come in and take over. Terrorists in Afghanistan control more territory than at any time since 2001 as America s grip on the country continues to unravel amid a spike in violence that has made Afghanistan more dangerous than ever, according to a new government oversight report.The Afghan government has lost control of about 30 percent of the country, with terrorists linked to the Taliban, ISIS, and other groups moving freely in the region, according to new findings by the Special Inspector General For Afghanistan Reconstructions, otherwise known as SIGAR. The lack of security has made it almost impossible for many U.S. and even some Afghan officials to manage and oversee ongoing reconstruction projects that could total billions of dollars, according to the report, which found that the Afghan government has control of more than 70 percent of the country.The deteriorating security situation has endangered oversight operations meant to ensure that billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars are being appropriately spent. American military casualties also have risen as terrorists gain a renewed foothold in the country, according to the report. The security situation leaves billions and billions of dollars worth of U.S.-funded projects and programs out of the reach of any American officials, said an oversight official not authorized to speak on the record. Afghanistan proved even more dangerous than it was a year ago, according to the report. The Taliban now controls more territory than at any time since 2001. Vicious and repeated attacks in Kabul this quarter shook confidence in the national-unity government. About a year after U.S. coalition forces turned security operations over to Afghan forces, the situation continues to worsen, particularly due to the Afghan forces inability to properly conduct operations.Read more: WFB
Paul Ryan: No, The GOP Is Not Donald Trump’s Party
Paul Ryan just gave another one of his notoriously lukewarm endorsements of Donald Trump. Intent on walking the thin line between backing his party s nominee and dumping Trump, the speaker of the house has tried to set himself up to come out smelling like a rose regardless of the outcome of tomorrow s election.During a radio interview on Monday, Ryan conceded that, yes, Trump won the Republican nomination fair and square. However, when conservative host Charlie Sykes asked if the GOP was now Trump s party, Ryan made it as clear as he could that no, the Republican party does not belong to Donald Trump. It is no one person s party. Donald Trump won the primary fair and square, Ryan said. As a party leader, as the highest elected official in the party, I have always felt a duty to the process, to democracy, to the primary voter who must be respected. And he won this fair and square, Ryan added. But no one person controls this party. This is a bottom-up, organic grassroots party based on conservative principles. What a ringing endorsement to give on the eve of the election. (Insert sarcasm here.)Ryan was slow to endorse Trump and has repeatedly condemned the bombastic billionaire s offensive actions. Ryan denounced the Muslim ban as unconstitutional and declared Trump s attacks on the Mexican-American judge presiding over a Trump University lawsuit as the textbook definition of racism. But Ryan just doesn t have the cajones to stand up and walk away from Trump.Sykes asked the speaker about the long list of women who have come forward to accuse Trump of sexually assaulting them after the Access Hollywood tape was leaked, in which Trump bragged about committing sexual assault. Suddenly, Ryan leaped back onto the Trump Train. What do you think helps [Sen.] Ron Johnson and Mike Gallagher and all our candidates across the country more in the closing two days of an election: having party discord and having party leaders snub each other, or unifying the Republican Party and focusing and prosecuting our case against Hillary Clinton? Ryan responded. What helps Republicans more: infighting or unifying, focusing on Clinton or focusing on our differences as Republicans? the Speaker continued. I don t want to harm our team going into the election. I want to unify our team going into the election so as many of our candidates as possible can win this election. Either Ryan can t make up his mind or he is trying to play both sides. Ummm, weasel much?Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images and Mark Wilson/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Paul Ryan: No, The GOP Is Not Donald Trump’s Party TEXT: Paul Ryan just gave another one of his notoriously lukewarm endorsements of Donald Trump. Intent on walking the thin line between backing his party s nominee and dumping Trump, the speaker of the house has tried to set himself up to come out smelling like a rose regardless of the outcome of tomorrow s election.During a radio interview on Monday, Ryan conceded that, yes, Trump won the Republican nomination fair and square. However, when conservative host Charlie Sykes asked if the GOP was now Trump s party, Ryan made it as clear as he could that no, the Republican party does not belong to Donald Trump. It is no one person s party. Donald Trump won the primary fair and square, Ryan said. As a party leader, as the highest elected official in the party, I have always felt a duty to the process, to democracy, to the primary voter who must be respected. And he won this fair and square, Ryan added. But no one person controls this party. This is a bottom-up, organic grassroots party based on conservative principles. What a ringing endorsement to give on the eve of the election. (Insert sarcasm here.)Ryan was slow to endorse Trump and has repeatedly condemned the bombastic billionaire s offensive actions. Ryan denounced the Muslim ban as unconstitutional and declared Trump s attacks on the Mexican-American judge presiding over a Trump University lawsuit as the textbook definition of racism. But Ryan just doesn t have the cajones to stand up and walk away from Trump.Sykes asked the speaker about the long list of women who have come forward to accuse Trump of sexually assaulting them after the Access Hollywood tape was leaked, in which Trump bragged about committing sexual assault. Suddenly, Ryan leaped back onto the Trump Train. What do you think helps [Sen.] Ron Johnson and Mike Gallagher and all our candidates across the country more in the closing two days of an election: having party discord and having party leaders snub each other, or unifying the Republican Party and focusing and prosecuting our case against Hillary Clinton? Ryan responded. What helps Republicans more: infighting or unifying, focusing on Clinton or focusing on our differences as Republicans? the Speaker continued. I don t want to harm our team going into the election. I want to unify our team going into the election so as many of our candidates as possible can win this election. Either Ryan can t make up his mind or he is trying to play both sides. Ummm, weasel much?Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images and Mark Wilson/Getty Images
TITLE: Paul Ryan: No, The GOP Is Not Donald Trump’s Party TEXT: Paul Ryan just gave another one of his notoriously lukewarm endorsements of Donald Trump. Intent on walking the thin line between backing his party s nominee and dumping Trump, the speaker of the house has tried to set himself up to come out smelling like a rose regardless of the outcome of tomorrow s election.During a radio interview on Monday, Ryan conceded that, yes, Trump won the Republican nomination fair and square. However, when conservative host Charlie Sykes asked if the GOP was now Trump s party, Ryan made it as clear as he could that no, the Republican party does not belong to Donald Trump. It is no one person s party. Donald Trump won the primary fair and square, Ryan said. As a party leader, as the highest elected official in the party, I have always felt a duty to the process, to democracy, to the primary voter who must be respected. And he won this fair and square, Ryan added. But no one person controls this party. This is a bottom-up, organic grassroots party based on conservative principles. What a ringing endorsement to give on the eve of the election. (Insert sarcasm here.)Ryan was slow to endorse Trump and has repeatedly condemned the bombastic billionaire s offensive actions. Ryan denounced the Muslim ban as unconstitutional and declared Trump s attacks on the Mexican-American judge presiding over a Trump University lawsuit as the textbook definition of racism. But Ryan just doesn t have the cajones to stand up and walk away from Trump.Sykes asked the speaker about the long list of women who have come forward to accuse Trump of sexually assaulting them after the Access Hollywood tape was leaked, in which Trump bragged about committing sexual assault. Suddenly, Ryan leaped back onto the Trump Train. What do you think helps [Sen.] Ron Johnson and Mike Gallagher and all our candidates across the country more in the closing two days of an election: having party discord and having party leaders snub each other, or unifying the Republican Party and focusing and prosecuting our case against Hillary Clinton? Ryan responded. What helps Republicans more: infighting or unifying, focusing on Clinton or focusing on our differences as Republicans? the Speaker continued. I don t want to harm our team going into the election. I want to unify our team going into the election so as many of our candidates as possible can win this election. Either Ryan can t make up his mind or he is trying to play both sides. Ummm, weasel much?Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images and Mark Wilson/Getty Images
Bathroom lawsuit could send transgender rights to Supreme Court
(Reuters) - A lawsuit brought by Texas and other states against the Obama administration’s policy on bathroom access may move the United States closer to a resolution on transgender rights by putting the issue on a trajectory for the Supreme Court. Conservative officials from 11 states sued the federal government on Wednesday to overturn a directive that transgender students be allowed to use the bathroom matching their gender identity instead of being forced to use one corresponding to gender assigned at birth. The governor of a 12th state, Mississippi, said he planned to join the lawsuit. The country’s high court has never ruled on a main question of the lawsuit: Do federal legal protections against sex discrimination apply to transgender people? The plaintiffs picked a path that could get them two quick wins in lower courts. The lawsuit is expected to be heard first by an appointee of Republican President George W. Bush and if there is an appeal by a conservative federal appeals court covering Texas. If that appeals court ruled against the Obama administration, the Supreme Court may feel compelled to take up the matter because of a likely conflict with a ruling last month from a federal appeals court in Virginia. That ruling revived a transgender teen’s lawsuit against his school district. The Supreme Court is more likely to agree to hear a case when there is a split among different federal appeals courts, and such a conflict does not yet exist on transgender rights. The plaintiffs have accused the administration of President Barack Obama of overreaching its authority and said the U.S. Congress, or individual states, should set policy. At least two provisions of federal law ban discrimination on the basis of sex: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which covers employment, and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. When lawmakers passed the education amendments, they did not consider that the law could one day be applied to gender identity, said Jeremy Tedesco, senior counsel at the Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative Christian legal group. “The (administration’s) lawless interpretation ignores the will of Congress in enacting Title IX,” Tedesco said. “It’s a clear case of federal overreach.” The Obama administration has argued that the education amendments encompass discrimination based on gender identity, including transgender status. It said in a letter to school districts this month that their access to federal money depended on their compliance. The states that sued have two paths to victory, Tedesco said: a ruling that the Obama administration did not follow proper procedure for making new regulations, which would leave the larger issue unsettled, or that its interpretation of Title IX is inconsistent with the law. Without clear guidance from the courts, the question of transgender rights would remain open to interpretation by federal agencies, meaning a future president could take the opposite view of Obama. The Republican-controlled Congress has the power to end the dispute immediately, either in favor of transgender rights or against them, but it has shown few signs of acting, especially with a Democrat, Obama, in the White House. A series of decisions suggests courts are coming around to a more expansive definition of sex discrimination, said Jennifer Levi, director of the Transgender Rights Project at GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders. Federal agencies clearly have the authority to interpret civil rights law when its application is unclear, she said. “To characterize (the administration’s position) as extraordinary or overreaching shows a complete misunderstanding of what these agencies do,” Levi said. The states countered in their lawsuit that the federal agencies went beyond mere interpretation of civil rights law and in effect created new regulations that should have gone through a notice-and-comment procedure. A court could also find that the states’ lawsuit was premature because the Obama administration has not yet moved to cut off funding to any state or school district, said Arthur Leonard, a professor at New York Law School and an expert on LGBT law.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Bathroom lawsuit could send transgender rights to Supreme Court TEXT: (Reuters) - A lawsuit brought by Texas and other states against the Obama administration’s policy on bathroom access may move the United States closer to a resolution on transgender rights by putting the issue on a trajectory for the Supreme Court. Conservative officials from 11 states sued the federal government on Wednesday to overturn a directive that transgender students be allowed to use the bathroom matching their gender identity instead of being forced to use one corresponding to gender assigned at birth. The governor of a 12th state, Mississippi, said he planned to join the lawsuit. The country’s high court has never ruled on a main question of the lawsuit: Do federal legal protections against sex discrimination apply to transgender people? The plaintiffs picked a path that could get them two quick wins in lower courts. The lawsuit is expected to be heard first by an appointee of Republican President George W. Bush and if there is an appeal by a conservative federal appeals court covering Texas. If that appeals court ruled against the Obama administration, the Supreme Court may feel compelled to take up the matter because of a likely conflict with a ruling last month from a federal appeals court in Virginia. That ruling revived a transgender teen’s lawsuit against his school district. The Supreme Court is more likely to agree to hear a case when there is a split among different federal appeals courts, and such a conflict does not yet exist on transgender rights. The plaintiffs have accused the administration of President Barack Obama of overreaching its authority and said the U.S. Congress, or individual states, should set policy. At least two provisions of federal law ban discrimination on the basis of sex: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which covers employment, and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. When lawmakers passed the education amendments, they did not consider that the law could one day be applied to gender identity, said Jeremy Tedesco, senior counsel at the Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative Christian legal group. “The (administration’s) lawless interpretation ignores the will of Congress in enacting Title IX,” Tedesco said. “It’s a clear case of federal overreach.” The Obama administration has argued that the education amendments encompass discrimination based on gender identity, including transgender status. It said in a letter to school districts this month that their access to federal money depended on their compliance. The states that sued have two paths to victory, Tedesco said: a ruling that the Obama administration did not follow proper procedure for making new regulations, which would leave the larger issue unsettled, or that its interpretation of Title IX is inconsistent with the law. Without clear guidance from the courts, the question of transgender rights would remain open to interpretation by federal agencies, meaning a future president could take the opposite view of Obama. The Republican-controlled Congress has the power to end the dispute immediately, either in favor of transgender rights or against them, but it has shown few signs of acting, especially with a Democrat, Obama, in the White House. A series of decisions suggests courts are coming around to a more expansive definition of sex discrimination, said Jennifer Levi, director of the Transgender Rights Project at GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders. Federal agencies clearly have the authority to interpret civil rights law when its application is unclear, she said. “To characterize (the administration’s position) as extraordinary or overreaching shows a complete misunderstanding of what these agencies do,” Levi said. The states countered in their lawsuit that the federal agencies went beyond mere interpretation of civil rights law and in effect created new regulations that should have gone through a notice-and-comment procedure. A court could also find that the states’ lawsuit was premature because the Obama administration has not yet moved to cut off funding to any state or school district, said Arthur Leonard, a professor at New York Law School and an expert on LGBT law.
TITLE: Bathroom lawsuit could send transgender rights to Supreme Court TEXT: (Reuters) - A lawsuit brought by Texas and other states against the Obama administration’s policy on bathroom access may move the United States closer to a resolution on transgender rights by putting the issue on a trajectory for the Supreme Court. Conservative officials from 11 states sued the federal government on Wednesday to overturn a directive that transgender students be allowed to use the bathroom matching their gender identity instead of being forced to use one corresponding to gender assigned at birth. The governor of a 12th state, Mississippi, said he planned to join the lawsuit. The country’s high court has never ruled on a main question of the lawsuit: Do federal legal protections against sex discrimination apply to transgender people? The plaintiffs picked a path that could get them two quick wins in lower courts. The lawsuit is expected to be heard first by an appointee of Republican President George W. Bush and if there is an appeal by a conservative federal appeals court covering Texas. If that appeals court ruled against the Obama administration, the Supreme Court may feel compelled to take up the matter because of a likely conflict with a ruling last month from a federal appeals court in Virginia. That ruling revived a transgender teen’s lawsuit against his school district. The Supreme Court is more likely to agree to hear a case when there is a split among different federal appeals courts, and such a conflict does not yet exist on transgender rights. The plaintiffs have accused the administration of President Barack Obama of overreaching its authority and said the U.S. Congress, or individual states, should set policy. At least two provisions of federal law ban discrimination on the basis of sex: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which covers employment, and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. When lawmakers passed the education amendments, they did not consider that the law could one day be applied to gender identity, said Jeremy Tedesco, senior counsel at the Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative Christian legal group. “The (administration’s) lawless interpretation ignores the will of Congress in enacting Title IX,” Tedesco said. “It’s a clear case of federal overreach.” The Obama administration has argued that the education amendments encompass discrimination based on gender identity, including transgender status. It said in a letter to school districts this month that their access to federal money depended on their compliance. The states that sued have two paths to victory, Tedesco said: a ruling that the Obama administration did not follow proper procedure for making new regulations, which would leave the larger issue unsettled, or that its interpretation of Title IX is inconsistent with the law. Without clear guidance from the courts, the question of transgender rights would remain open to interpretation by federal agencies, meaning a future president could take the opposite view of Obama. The Republican-controlled Congress has the power to end the dispute immediately, either in favor of transgender rights or against them, but it has shown few signs of acting, especially with a Democrat, Obama, in the White House. A series of decisions suggests courts are coming around to a more expansive definition of sex discrimination, said Jennifer Levi, director of the Transgender Rights Project at GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders. Federal agencies clearly have the authority to interpret civil rights law when its application is unclear, she said. “To characterize (the administration’s position) as extraordinary or overreaching shows a complete misunderstanding of what these agencies do,” Levi said. The states countered in their lawsuit that the federal agencies went beyond mere interpretation of civil rights law and in effect created new regulations that should have gone through a notice-and-comment procedure. A court could also find that the states’ lawsuit was premature because the Obama administration has not yet moved to cut off funding to any state or school district, said Arthur Leonard, a professor at New York Law School and an expert on LGBT law.
Trump Brags About How Powerful America’s Nuclear Arsenal Is In Scary Twitter Post
Donald Trump continued escalating his rhetoric on nuclear weapons Wednesday morning in a boast that should concern every American.The reality of a potential nuclear holocaust hasn t been this worrisome since the Cuban Missile Crisis. Except the threat isn t coming from the Russians this time, but our own president.On Tuesday, Trump threatens to rain fire and fury upon North Korea, which resulted in Kim Jong-Un threatening to bomb Guam.Trump s irresponsible threats made the country gasp in horror. After all, Trump has been obsessed with nuclear weapons since the 2016 campaign and is mentally unstable enough that he may actually use them to retaliate against even the smallest personal slight against him.Hillary Clinton was right when she warned that, A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons. On Wednesday morning, Trump bragged about America s nuclear arsenal on his Twitter feed and promised that America would remain the most powerful nation on Earth because of it. He even had the audacity to claim that he is responsible for the renovation of the arsenal.My first order as President was to renovate and modernize our nuclear arsenal. It is now far stronger and more powerful than ever before . Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 9, 2017 Hopefully we will never have to use this power, but there will never be a time that we are not the most powerful nation in the world! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 9, 2017For the record, it was President Obama who ordered a sweeping renovation of America s nuclear arsenal in 2014. So once again, Trump gets caught taking credit for something President Obama did.In addition, Donald Trump must not be aware that Russia has more nuclear weapons than the United States.And, finally, America s nuclear arsenal does not make us the most powerful nation in the world. It now makes us the number one threat against it because of Trump.Forcing Trump out of office has never been more important than it is right now. Because failure to do so could result in trying to survive a nuclear apocalypse caused by a petulant child.Read more:Featured Image: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Trump Brags About How Powerful America’s Nuclear Arsenal Is In Scary Twitter Post TEXT: Donald Trump continued escalating his rhetoric on nuclear weapons Wednesday morning in a boast that should concern every American.The reality of a potential nuclear holocaust hasn t been this worrisome since the Cuban Missile Crisis. Except the threat isn t coming from the Russians this time, but our own president.On Tuesday, Trump threatens to rain fire and fury upon North Korea, which resulted in Kim Jong-Un threatening to bomb Guam.Trump s irresponsible threats made the country gasp in horror. After all, Trump has been obsessed with nuclear weapons since the 2016 campaign and is mentally unstable enough that he may actually use them to retaliate against even the smallest personal slight against him.Hillary Clinton was right when she warned that, A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons. On Wednesday morning, Trump bragged about America s nuclear arsenal on his Twitter feed and promised that America would remain the most powerful nation on Earth because of it. He even had the audacity to claim that he is responsible for the renovation of the arsenal.My first order as President was to renovate and modernize our nuclear arsenal. It is now far stronger and more powerful than ever before . Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 9, 2017 Hopefully we will never have to use this power, but there will never be a time that we are not the most powerful nation in the world! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 9, 2017For the record, it was President Obama who ordered a sweeping renovation of America s nuclear arsenal in 2014. So once again, Trump gets caught taking credit for something President Obama did.In addition, Donald Trump must not be aware that Russia has more nuclear weapons than the United States.And, finally, America s nuclear arsenal does not make us the most powerful nation in the world. It now makes us the number one threat against it because of Trump.Forcing Trump out of office has never been more important than it is right now. Because failure to do so could result in trying to survive a nuclear apocalypse caused by a petulant child.Read more:Featured Image: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
TITLE: Trump Brags About How Powerful America’s Nuclear Arsenal Is In Scary Twitter Post TEXT: Donald Trump continued escalating his rhetoric on nuclear weapons Wednesday morning in a boast that should concern every American.The reality of a potential nuclear holocaust hasn t been this worrisome since the Cuban Missile Crisis. Except the threat isn t coming from the Russians this time, but our own president.On Tuesday, Trump threatens to rain fire and fury upon North Korea, which resulted in Kim Jong-Un threatening to bomb Guam.Trump s irresponsible threats made the country gasp in horror. After all, Trump has been obsessed with nuclear weapons since the 2016 campaign and is mentally unstable enough that he may actually use them to retaliate against even the smallest personal slight against him.Hillary Clinton was right when she warned that, A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons. On Wednesday morning, Trump bragged about America s nuclear arsenal on his Twitter feed and promised that America would remain the most powerful nation on Earth because of it. He even had the audacity to claim that he is responsible for the renovation of the arsenal.My first order as President was to renovate and modernize our nuclear arsenal. It is now far stronger and more powerful than ever before . Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 9, 2017 Hopefully we will never have to use this power, but there will never be a time that we are not the most powerful nation in the world! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 9, 2017For the record, it was President Obama who ordered a sweeping renovation of America s nuclear arsenal in 2014. So once again, Trump gets caught taking credit for something President Obama did.In addition, Donald Trump must not be aware that Russia has more nuclear weapons than the United States.And, finally, America s nuclear arsenal does not make us the most powerful nation in the world. It now makes us the number one threat against it because of Trump.Forcing Trump out of office has never been more important than it is right now. Because failure to do so could result in trying to survive a nuclear apocalypse caused by a petulant child.Read more:Featured Image: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
no title
shares coming this weekend over million pilgrims will rally in the holy city of karbala to mark the greatest pilgrimage of all arbaeen right at the heart of iraq surrounded by the terror of the black flag army it is communities of men which will gather in prayers and in mourning to perform the last rites of imam hussain ibn ali the grandson of the prophet muhammad while arbaeen has eclipsed even the hajj in terms of attendance few even within islam have ever heard of the pilgrimage let alone the tragedy it recalls never mind the principles it saw enacted arbaeen it needs to be said stands very much an offense to wahhabism this dogma the house of saud has furiously promoted to assert its ascent to power arbaeen it needs to be emphasised actually speaks of this eternal struggle in between good and evil freedom and slavery piety and dogmatism sidelined by mainstream media for it speaks of islams attachment and commitment to such values as justice freedom and compassion towards all men and all fashion of faiths arbaeen has nevertheless towered a beacon of hope amid the furious rise of radicalism arbaeen i would personally argue has become a grand symbol of resistance against oppression the coming together of communities beyond their differences and most importantly perhaps in spite of their differences so that together they could oppose tyranny and offer the oppressed a rampart behind which to find refuge for those of you who still have no idea what in the world i am talking about allow me to tell you the story of a man a man whose courage resolute strength of character and yearning for truth have echoed across the centuries to inspire generations upon generations to think themselves free and to rise themselves independent from the yoke of tyranny more messenger muslims develop technology to promote religious unity against radicalism why muslims hold the biggest human gathering under the threat of isis in iraq the th days new campaign communitybuilding and social solidarity shia muslims gather in dc for antiterror rally imam hussain ibn alis martyrdom in the plain of karbala over a millennium ago stands testimony to our collective struggle against injustice and though it is islams banner the third imam carried his message was a universal call for freedom an immovable promise that real tragedy lies not in our failure to defeat tyrants but in our reluctance to oppose them allow me to take you back a few centuries back when islams early history was still being written back when the name of the prophet muhammad was still murmured in the present tense through the lips of his progeny the house ahlulbayt only a few decades after islams last prophets passed islam stood divided as a nationstate its religious sovereignty challenged by men of greed and oppression yazid ibn muawiyah was one of them arguably the most barbaric of them all since he envisioned slaughter to be the legacy of his throne as bigots brandished islam to rationalise their heresy and proclaim righteous exceptionalism before the abomination of their deeds imam hussain had no other choice but to march against yazid even if alone for as long as there was breath in him it is justice he would command for all people and so the imam marched on from the holy city of mecca to the thendeserted plain of karbala he walked knowing death would be his fate and still he pushed on it is this determination to meet evil and not relent in the task which arbaeen speaks of most loudly it is allegiance loyalty and love pilgrims manifest into reality as they walk towards their imam united not faith but in their humanity arbaeen you most likely were never told is not exclusive to islam arbaeen is neither shia nor sunni arbaeen is for all who dare think themselves free under god and in him seek refuge and while arbaeen has long been associated to shia islam for its school of thought revolve around those very principles imam hussain consecrated with his death the pilgrimage stands not in opposition or rejection of any faith quite the contrary since christians yezidis hussainis brahims alongside countless other religious denominations have year after year centuries after centuries come to karbala to remember arbaeen is remembrance of hussain ibn ali remembrance of the word of god made complete through hussain the man the prophet muhammad called his son and whose leadership he commanded all believers to forever follow if many failed in their allegiance for fear rendered them motionless before their imams calls hussains station in karbala has echoed ever since of a love so brilliant and unparalleled that all people all nations all faiths across time and space have found themselves compelled to walk the great walk of arbaeen and through hussain ibn ali find their humanity arbaeen i have to say speaks to the best of our humanity it is home after all to the best of humanity martyr among all martyrs there has never been a day like hussains day and though his name wahhabism has worked to bury under the rubbles of history karbala has remembered its imam with fierce loyalty a city build around and for hussain ibn ali karbala is a declaration of allegiance to the house of the prophet those extraordinary men and women whose hearts lips and prayers have spoken islam in wisdom and piety and without whom we would be orphans every year without fail karbala has fervently commemorated its imam even in oppression especially when in oppression before the poison of radicalism karbala has offered generosity and compassion before brutal repression karbala has opened its doors and to all oppressed offered a shelter before the depravity of sectarianism karbalas pulpits have called upon men and women to hold to rope of allah never to disunite a city surrounded by the evil of daesh karbala has never shun brighter in the face of insane fanaticism imam hussains followers have never been braver and so coming this november karbala will let out a roar which will shook tyrants thrones karbala will offer all of its prayers and all of its devotion hussains name will be etched on believers hearts tears of allegiance will flow fists will rise to the sky a promise that when called upon all will answer islam today is best manifested in karbala since karbala shuns no one karbala today has put saudi arabia to shame since it has provided food and shelter to tens of millions of pilgrims without expectation without any hope of a thank you a city has proven more generous and compassionate in its destitution than saudi arabia in its wealth and might where the socalled custodians of islam have cried the weight of the hajj on their coffers karbala has provided beyond the mathematically feasible in a few short days karbala will stop time once more so that all could remember all martyrs are in fact alive and that the sons of hussain are still standing vigil
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: no title TEXT: shares coming this weekend over million pilgrims will rally in the holy city of karbala to mark the greatest pilgrimage of all arbaeen right at the heart of iraq surrounded by the terror of the black flag army it is communities of men which will gather in prayers and in mourning to perform the last rites of imam hussain ibn ali the grandson of the prophet muhammad while arbaeen has eclipsed even the hajj in terms of attendance few even within islam have ever heard of the pilgrimage let alone the tragedy it recalls never mind the principles it saw enacted arbaeen it needs to be said stands very much an offense to wahhabism this dogma the house of saud has furiously promoted to assert its ascent to power arbaeen it needs to be emphasised actually speaks of this eternal struggle in between good and evil freedom and slavery piety and dogmatism sidelined by mainstream media for it speaks of islams attachment and commitment to such values as justice freedom and compassion towards all men and all fashion of faiths arbaeen has nevertheless towered a beacon of hope amid the furious rise of radicalism arbaeen i would personally argue has become a grand symbol of resistance against oppression the coming together of communities beyond their differences and most importantly perhaps in spite of their differences so that together they could oppose tyranny and offer the oppressed a rampart behind which to find refuge for those of you who still have no idea what in the world i am talking about allow me to tell you the story of a man a man whose courage resolute strength of character and yearning for truth have echoed across the centuries to inspire generations upon generations to think themselves free and to rise themselves independent from the yoke of tyranny more messenger muslims develop technology to promote religious unity against radicalism why muslims hold the biggest human gathering under the threat of isis in iraq the th days new campaign communitybuilding and social solidarity shia muslims gather in dc for antiterror rally imam hussain ibn alis martyrdom in the plain of karbala over a millennium ago stands testimony to our collective struggle against injustice and though it is islams banner the third imam carried his message was a universal call for freedom an immovable promise that real tragedy lies not in our failure to defeat tyrants but in our reluctance to oppose them allow me to take you back a few centuries back when islams early history was still being written back when the name of the prophet muhammad was still murmured in the present tense through the lips of his progeny the house ahlulbayt only a few decades after islams last prophets passed islam stood divided as a nationstate its religious sovereignty challenged by men of greed and oppression yazid ibn muawiyah was one of them arguably the most barbaric of them all since he envisioned slaughter to be the legacy of his throne as bigots brandished islam to rationalise their heresy and proclaim righteous exceptionalism before the abomination of their deeds imam hussain had no other choice but to march against yazid even if alone for as long as there was breath in him it is justice he would command for all people and so the imam marched on from the holy city of mecca to the thendeserted plain of karbala he walked knowing death would be his fate and still he pushed on it is this determination to meet evil and not relent in the task which arbaeen speaks of most loudly it is allegiance loyalty and love pilgrims manifest into reality as they walk towards their imam united not faith but in their humanity arbaeen you most likely were never told is not exclusive to islam arbaeen is neither shia nor sunni arbaeen is for all who dare think themselves free under god and in him seek refuge and while arbaeen has long been associated to shia islam for its school of thought revolve around those very principles imam hussain consecrated with his death the pilgrimage stands not in opposition or rejection of any faith quite the contrary since christians yezidis hussainis brahims alongside countless other religious denominations have year after year centuries after centuries come to karbala to remember arbaeen is remembrance of hussain ibn ali remembrance of the word of god made complete through hussain the man the prophet muhammad called his son and whose leadership he commanded all believers to forever follow if many failed in their allegiance for fear rendered them motionless before their imams calls hussains station in karbala has echoed ever since of a love so brilliant and unparalleled that all people all nations all faiths across time and space have found themselves compelled to walk the great walk of arbaeen and through hussain ibn ali find their humanity arbaeen i have to say speaks to the best of our humanity it is home after all to the best of humanity martyr among all martyrs there has never been a day like hussains day and though his name wahhabism has worked to bury under the rubbles of history karbala has remembered its imam with fierce loyalty a city build around and for hussain ibn ali karbala is a declaration of allegiance to the house of the prophet those extraordinary men and women whose hearts lips and prayers have spoken islam in wisdom and piety and without whom we would be orphans every year without fail karbala has fervently commemorated its imam even in oppression especially when in oppression before the poison of radicalism karbala has offered generosity and compassion before brutal repression karbala has opened its doors and to all oppressed offered a shelter before the depravity of sectarianism karbalas pulpits have called upon men and women to hold to rope of allah never to disunite a city surrounded by the evil of daesh karbala has never shun brighter in the face of insane fanaticism imam hussains followers have never been braver and so coming this november karbala will let out a roar which will shook tyrants thrones karbala will offer all of its prayers and all of its devotion hussains name will be etched on believers hearts tears of allegiance will flow fists will rise to the sky a promise that when called upon all will answer islam today is best manifested in karbala since karbala shuns no one karbala today has put saudi arabia to shame since it has provided food and shelter to tens of millions of pilgrims without expectation without any hope of a thank you a city has proven more generous and compassionate in its destitution than saudi arabia in its wealth and might where the socalled custodians of islam have cried the weight of the hajj on their coffers karbala has provided beyond the mathematically feasible in a few short days karbala will stop time once more so that all could remember all martyrs are in fact alive and that the sons of hussain are still standing vigil
TITLE: no title TEXT: shares coming this weekend over million pilgrims will rally in the holy city of karbala to mark the greatest pilgrimage of all arbaeen right at the heart of iraq surrounded by the terror of the black flag army it is communities of men which will gather in prayers and in mourning to perform the last rites of imam hussain ibn ali the grandson of the prophet muhammad while arbaeen has eclipsed even the hajj in terms of attendance few even within islam have ever heard of the pilgrimage let alone the tragedy it recalls never mind the principles it saw enacted arbaeen it needs to be said stands very much an offense to wahhabism this dogma the house of saud has furiously promoted to assert its ascent to power arbaeen it needs to be emphasised actually speaks of this eternal struggle in between good and evil freedom and slavery piety and dogmatism sidelined by mainstream media for it speaks of islams attachment and commitment to such values as justice freedom and compassion towards all men and all fashion of faiths arbaeen has nevertheless towered a beacon of hope amid the furious rise of radicalism arbaeen i would personally argue has become a grand symbol of resistance against oppression the coming together of communities beyond their differences and most importantly perhaps in spite of their differences so that together they could oppose tyranny and offer the oppressed a rampart behind which to find refuge for those of you who still have no idea what in the world i am talking about allow me to tell you the story of a man a man whose courage resolute strength of character and yearning for truth have echoed across the centuries to inspire generations upon generations to think themselves free and to rise themselves independent from the yoke of tyranny more messenger muslims develop technology to promote religious unity against radicalism why muslims hold the biggest human gathering under the threat of isis in iraq the th days new campaign communitybuilding and social solidarity shia muslims gather in dc for antiterror rally imam hussain ibn alis martyrdom in the plain of karbala over a millennium ago stands testimony to our collective struggle against injustice and though it is islams banner the third imam carried his message was a universal call for freedom an immovable promise that real tragedy lies not in our failure to defeat tyrants but in our reluctance to oppose them allow me to take you back a few centuries back when islams early history was still being written back when the name of the prophet muhammad was still murmured in the present tense through the lips of his progeny the house ahlulbayt only a few decades after islams last prophets passed islam stood divided as a nationstate its religious sovereignty challenged by men of greed and oppression yazid ibn muawiyah was one of them arguably the most barbaric of them all since he envisioned slaughter to be the legacy of his throne as bigots brandished islam to rationalise their heresy and proclaim righteous exceptionalism before the abomination of their deeds imam hussain had no other choice but to march against yazid even if alone for as long as there was breath in him it is justice he would command for all people and so the imam marched on from the holy city of mecca to the thendeserted plain of karbala he walked knowing death would be his fate and still he pushed on it is this determination to meet evil and not relent in the task which arbaeen speaks of most loudly it is allegiance loyalty and love pilgrims manifest into reality as they walk towards their imam united not faith but in their humanity arbaeen you most likely were never told is not exclusive to islam arbaeen is neither shia nor sunni arbaeen is for all who dare think themselves free under god and in him seek refuge and while arbaeen has long been associated to shia islam for its school of thought revolve around those very principles imam hussain consecrated with his death the pilgrimage stands not in opposition or rejection of any faith quite the contrary since christians yezidis hussainis brahims alongside countless other religious denominations have year after year centuries after centuries come to karbala to remember arbaeen is remembrance of hussain ibn ali remembrance of the word of god made complete through hussain the man the prophet muhammad called his son and whose leadership he commanded all believers to forever follow if many failed in their allegiance for fear rendered them motionless before their imams calls hussains station in karbala has echoed ever since of a love so brilliant and unparalleled that all people all nations all faiths across time and space have found themselves compelled to walk the great walk of arbaeen and through hussain ibn ali find their humanity arbaeen i have to say speaks to the best of our humanity it is home after all to the best of humanity martyr among all martyrs there has never been a day like hussains day and though his name wahhabism has worked to bury under the rubbles of history karbala has remembered its imam with fierce loyalty a city build around and for hussain ibn ali karbala is a declaration of allegiance to the house of the prophet those extraordinary men and women whose hearts lips and prayers have spoken islam in wisdom and piety and without whom we would be orphans every year without fail karbala has fervently commemorated its imam even in oppression especially when in oppression before the poison of radicalism karbala has offered generosity and compassion before brutal repression karbala has opened its doors and to all oppressed offered a shelter before the depravity of sectarianism karbalas pulpits have called upon men and women to hold to rope of allah never to disunite a city surrounded by the evil of daesh karbala has never shun brighter in the face of insane fanaticism imam hussains followers have never been braver and so coming this november karbala will let out a roar which will shook tyrants thrones karbala will offer all of its prayers and all of its devotion hussains name will be etched on believers hearts tears of allegiance will flow fists will rise to the sky a promise that when called upon all will answer islam today is best manifested in karbala since karbala shuns no one karbala today has put saudi arabia to shame since it has provided food and shelter to tens of millions of pilgrims without expectation without any hope of a thank you a city has proven more generous and compassionate in its destitution than saudi arabia in its wealth and might where the socalled custodians of islam have cried the weight of the hajj on their coffers karbala has provided beyond the mathematically feasible in a few short days karbala will stop time once more so that all could remember all martyrs are in fact alive and that the sons of hussain are still standing vigil
Treasury, House panel getting 'very close' on Puerto Rico debt bill
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Treasury Department and a key U.S. House of Representatives panel are getting “very close” toward legislation to address Puerto Rico’s debt crisis, U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan said on Thursday. “I think the Resources Committee and the Treasury Department are getting very close,” Ryan told reporters at his weekly press conference, adding that both parties are “working in good faith” on the bill.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Treasury, House panel getting 'very close' on Puerto Rico debt bill TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Treasury Department and a key U.S. House of Representatives panel are getting “very close” toward legislation to address Puerto Rico’s debt crisis, U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan said on Thursday. “I think the Resources Committee and the Treasury Department are getting very close,” Ryan told reporters at his weekly press conference, adding that both parties are “working in good faith” on the bill.
TITLE: Treasury, House panel getting 'very close' on Puerto Rico debt bill TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Treasury Department and a key U.S. House of Representatives panel are getting “very close” toward legislation to address Puerto Rico’s debt crisis, U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan said on Thursday. “I think the Resources Committee and the Treasury Department are getting very close,” Ryan told reporters at his weekly press conference, adding that both parties are “working in good faith” on the bill.
Senate Intelligence committee leaders confirm Kushner testimony
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican and Democratic leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee said on Monday that Republican President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, had voluntarily agreed to be interviewed in its investigation of Russian activities surrounding the 2016 U.S. election. They said timing for the appearance by Kushner, who serves as a senior adviser to Trump, had not yet been determined. “Mr. Kushner will certainly not be the last person the committee calls to give testimony, but we expect him to be able to provide answers to key questions that have arisen in our inquiry,” the committee’s chairman, Republican Senator Richard Burr, and top Democrat, Senator Mark Warner, said in a joint statement.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Senate Intelligence committee leaders confirm Kushner testimony TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican and Democratic leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee said on Monday that Republican President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, had voluntarily agreed to be interviewed in its investigation of Russian activities surrounding the 2016 U.S. election. They said timing for the appearance by Kushner, who serves as a senior adviser to Trump, had not yet been determined. “Mr. Kushner will certainly not be the last person the committee calls to give testimony, but we expect him to be able to provide answers to key questions that have arisen in our inquiry,” the committee’s chairman, Republican Senator Richard Burr, and top Democrat, Senator Mark Warner, said in a joint statement.
TITLE: Senate Intelligence committee leaders confirm Kushner testimony TEXT: WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican and Democratic leaders of the Senate Intelligence Committee said on Monday that Republican President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, had voluntarily agreed to be interviewed in its investigation of Russian activities surrounding the 2016 U.S. election. They said timing for the appearance by Kushner, who serves as a senior adviser to Trump, had not yet been determined. “Mr. Kushner will certainly not be the last person the committee calls to give testimony, but we expect him to be able to provide answers to key questions that have arisen in our inquiry,” the committee’s chairman, Republican Senator Richard Burr, and top Democrat, Senator Mark Warner, said in a joint statement.
Ukrainian lawmaker blames Russia for deadly Kiev blast
KIEV (Reuters) - A Ukrainian lawmaker wounded in an explosion in Kiev that killed two people blamed Russia on Thursday for the blast while investigators said they were considering various motives for what they called an act of terrorism. Ihor Mosiychuk, a member of the populist opposition Radical Party, was hospitalized but did not suffer life-threatening injuries, while his bodyguard and a passerby were killed. Two others were wounded. Since fighting with pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine broke out in 2014, the number of incidents involving explosives outside the conflict zone has increased. There has been a spate of vehicle bombings over the past 18 months in Kiev, the capital, and elsewhere, but investigators have failed to find those responsible. Ukraine s state security service (SBU) said that unknown perpetrators had rigged a motorcycle with explosives on Wednesday that detonated as the lawmaker left a TV station. Radical party leader Oleg Lyashko said he had no doubt the incident was politically motivated, while Mosiychuk blamed Russia. I believe that the initiators are in Moscow, the executors are in Kiev, Mosiychuk said on Facebook. Russian involvement is one of the possible motives being investigated, deputy Kiev prosecutor Pavlo Kononenko told journalists. Another explanation is Mosiychuk s political activity, his public position within our country, he said. A third explanation is an attempt on Mosiychuk s life for personal reasons. The Kremlin dismissed the accusations as a product of anti-Russian sentiment. Beyond all doubt, these are new signs of this anti-Russian campaign which has unfortunately swept across Ukraine and Kiev, Russian President Vladimir Putin s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in a conference call with reporters. Relations between Kiev and Moscow collapsed in 2014 after Russia seized Ukraine s Crimea peninsula and backed a pro-Russian separatist insurgency in eastern Ukrainian regions. Radical Party lawmaker Evhen Deidei posted photos on his Facebook page from the scene of Wednesday s attack which showed the burnt-out shell of a motorcycle in front of a damaged vehicle. Judging by the damage to the car and the shrapnel holes in the doors, the power of the explosion was pretty strong, he said. There is a lot of blood on the stairs, where Ihor was situated at the time of the explosion. The interior ministry s Shkiryak said political analyst Vitaliy Bala was one of the three wounded in the blast. In June, a colonel in Ukraine s military intelligence was killed by a car bomb in central Kiev. In 2016 a prominent investigative journalist, Pavel Sheremet, was killed by an explosive device in his car.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Ukrainian lawmaker blames Russia for deadly Kiev blast TEXT: KIEV (Reuters) - A Ukrainian lawmaker wounded in an explosion in Kiev that killed two people blamed Russia on Thursday for the blast while investigators said they were considering various motives for what they called an act of terrorism. Ihor Mosiychuk, a member of the populist opposition Radical Party, was hospitalized but did not suffer life-threatening injuries, while his bodyguard and a passerby were killed. Two others were wounded. Since fighting with pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine broke out in 2014, the number of incidents involving explosives outside the conflict zone has increased. There has been a spate of vehicle bombings over the past 18 months in Kiev, the capital, and elsewhere, but investigators have failed to find those responsible. Ukraine s state security service (SBU) said that unknown perpetrators had rigged a motorcycle with explosives on Wednesday that detonated as the lawmaker left a TV station. Radical party leader Oleg Lyashko said he had no doubt the incident was politically motivated, while Mosiychuk blamed Russia. I believe that the initiators are in Moscow, the executors are in Kiev, Mosiychuk said on Facebook. Russian involvement is one of the possible motives being investigated, deputy Kiev prosecutor Pavlo Kononenko told journalists. Another explanation is Mosiychuk s political activity, his public position within our country, he said. A third explanation is an attempt on Mosiychuk s life for personal reasons. The Kremlin dismissed the accusations as a product of anti-Russian sentiment. Beyond all doubt, these are new signs of this anti-Russian campaign which has unfortunately swept across Ukraine and Kiev, Russian President Vladimir Putin s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in a conference call with reporters. Relations between Kiev and Moscow collapsed in 2014 after Russia seized Ukraine s Crimea peninsula and backed a pro-Russian separatist insurgency in eastern Ukrainian regions. Radical Party lawmaker Evhen Deidei posted photos on his Facebook page from the scene of Wednesday s attack which showed the burnt-out shell of a motorcycle in front of a damaged vehicle. Judging by the damage to the car and the shrapnel holes in the doors, the power of the explosion was pretty strong, he said. There is a lot of blood on the stairs, where Ihor was situated at the time of the explosion. The interior ministry s Shkiryak said political analyst Vitaliy Bala was one of the three wounded in the blast. In June, a colonel in Ukraine s military intelligence was killed by a car bomb in central Kiev. In 2016 a prominent investigative journalist, Pavel Sheremet, was killed by an explosive device in his car.
TITLE: Ukrainian lawmaker blames Russia for deadly Kiev blast TEXT: KIEV (Reuters) - A Ukrainian lawmaker wounded in an explosion in Kiev that killed two people blamed Russia on Thursday for the blast while investigators said they were considering various motives for what they called an act of terrorism. Ihor Mosiychuk, a member of the populist opposition Radical Party, was hospitalized but did not suffer life-threatening injuries, while his bodyguard and a passerby were killed. Two others were wounded. Since fighting with pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine broke out in 2014, the number of incidents involving explosives outside the conflict zone has increased. There has been a spate of vehicle bombings over the past 18 months in Kiev, the capital, and elsewhere, but investigators have failed to find those responsible. Ukraine s state security service (SBU) said that unknown perpetrators had rigged a motorcycle with explosives on Wednesday that detonated as the lawmaker left a TV station. Radical party leader Oleg Lyashko said he had no doubt the incident was politically motivated, while Mosiychuk blamed Russia. I believe that the initiators are in Moscow, the executors are in Kiev, Mosiychuk said on Facebook. Russian involvement is one of the possible motives being investigated, deputy Kiev prosecutor Pavlo Kononenko told journalists. Another explanation is Mosiychuk s political activity, his public position within our country, he said. A third explanation is an attempt on Mosiychuk s life for personal reasons. The Kremlin dismissed the accusations as a product of anti-Russian sentiment. Beyond all doubt, these are new signs of this anti-Russian campaign which has unfortunately swept across Ukraine and Kiev, Russian President Vladimir Putin s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in a conference call with reporters. Relations between Kiev and Moscow collapsed in 2014 after Russia seized Ukraine s Crimea peninsula and backed a pro-Russian separatist insurgency in eastern Ukrainian regions. Radical Party lawmaker Evhen Deidei posted photos on his Facebook page from the scene of Wednesday s attack which showed the burnt-out shell of a motorcycle in front of a damaged vehicle. Judging by the damage to the car and the shrapnel holes in the doors, the power of the explosion was pretty strong, he said. There is a lot of blood on the stairs, where Ihor was situated at the time of the explosion. The interior ministry s Shkiryak said political analyst Vitaliy Bala was one of the three wounded in the blast. In June, a colonel in Ukraine s military intelligence was killed by a car bomb in central Kiev. In 2016 a prominent investigative journalist, Pavel Sheremet, was killed by an explosive device in his car.
Episode #126 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Déjà vu 1968!’ with guests Matthew Richer and Basil Valentine
Episode #126 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this Sunday March 13, 2016 as host Patrick Henningsen broadcasts 3 HOURS of power-packed talk radio LIVE on ACR LISTEN LIVE ON THIS PAGE AT THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULED SHOW TIMES:SUNDAYS 5pm-8pm UK Time | 12pm-3pm ET (US) | 9am-12pm PT (US)This week s very special edition of THE SUNDAY WIRE is broadcasting LIVE with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top news stories internationally. In the first hour we cover America s wild 2016 primary election race and Donald Trump s 1968 moment which took place in Chicago this week, as well as the accelerating agenda in Libya. At the 30 min mark we ll feature this week s SHOUT! Poll on freedom of speech and assembly. In the second hour we re joined by writer Matthew Richer to discuss America s explosive Trump paradigm. In third hour we connect with Basil Valentine for a breakdown of US voter and election fraud, Germany s migrant crisis, Brexit and the coming summer of uncertainty. Is it 1968 all over again?SHOUT! POLL: SHOULD PROTESTERS BE ALLOWED TO SHUT DOWN POLITICAL RALLIES? VOTE HERE.Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield this is your brave new world *NOTE: THIS EPISODE MAY CONTAIN STRONG LANGUAGE AND MATURE THEMES* // <![CDATA[ broadstreet.zone(46707); // ]]&gt;
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Episode #126 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Déjà vu 1968!’ with guests Matthew Richer and Basil Valentine TEXT: Episode #126 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this Sunday March 13, 2016 as host Patrick Henningsen broadcasts 3 HOURS of power-packed talk radio LIVE on ACR LISTEN LIVE ON THIS PAGE AT THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULED SHOW TIMES:SUNDAYS 5pm-8pm UK Time | 12pm-3pm ET (US) | 9am-12pm PT (US)This week s very special edition of THE SUNDAY WIRE is broadcasting LIVE with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top news stories internationally. In the first hour we cover America s wild 2016 primary election race and Donald Trump s 1968 moment which took place in Chicago this week, as well as the accelerating agenda in Libya. At the 30 min mark we ll feature this week s SHOUT! Poll on freedom of speech and assembly. In the second hour we re joined by writer Matthew Richer to discuss America s explosive Trump paradigm. In third hour we connect with Basil Valentine for a breakdown of US voter and election fraud, Germany s migrant crisis, Brexit and the coming summer of uncertainty. Is it 1968 all over again?SHOUT! POLL: SHOULD PROTESTERS BE ALLOWED TO SHUT DOWN POLITICAL RALLIES? VOTE HERE.Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield this is your brave new world *NOTE: THIS EPISODE MAY CONTAIN STRONG LANGUAGE AND MATURE THEMES* // <![CDATA[ broadstreet.zone(46707); // ]]&gt;
TITLE: Episode #126 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Déjà vu 1968!’ with guests Matthew Richer and Basil Valentine TEXT: Episode #126 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this Sunday March 13, 2016 as host Patrick Henningsen broadcasts 3 HOURS of power-packed talk radio LIVE on ACR LISTEN LIVE ON THIS PAGE AT THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULED SHOW TIMES:SUNDAYS 5pm-8pm UK Time | 12pm-3pm ET (US) | 9am-12pm PT (US)This week s very special edition of THE SUNDAY WIRE is broadcasting LIVE with host Patrick Henningsen covering the top news stories internationally. In the first hour we cover America s wild 2016 primary election race and Donald Trump s 1968 moment which took place in Chicago this week, as well as the accelerating agenda in Libya. At the 30 min mark we ll feature this week s SHOUT! Poll on freedom of speech and assembly. In the second hour we re joined by writer Matthew Richer to discuss America s explosive Trump paradigm. In third hour we connect with Basil Valentine for a breakdown of US voter and election fraud, Germany s migrant crisis, Brexit and the coming summer of uncertainty. Is it 1968 all over again?SHOUT! POLL: SHOULD PROTESTERS BE ALLOWED TO SHUT DOWN POLITICAL RALLIES? VOTE HERE.Strap yourselves in and lower the blast shield this is your brave new world *NOTE: THIS EPISODE MAY CONTAIN STRONG LANGUAGE AND MATURE THEMES* // <![CDATA[ broadstreet.zone(46707); // ]]&gt;
Austrian party leader quits parliament over accusation of sexual assault
VIENNA (Reuters) - The fallout from the Harvey Weinstein scandal spread to Austria on Saturday as one of the country s best-known politicians said he would give up his seat in parliament over an allegation of sexual assault. Veteran left-wing lawmaker Peter Pilz, 63, has been a fixture in Austrian politics for decades, having made a name for himself railing against arms deals with countries accused of human rights abuses and leading investigations into corruption like one this year connected to Austrian fighter-jet purchases. He also recently pulled off a political coup - leaving the Greens this summer to form his own party, Pilz List, which not only beat the Greens in last month s parliamentary election, it also passed the 4 percent threshold for entering parliament, which the Greens fell just short of. Weekly newspaper Falter reported on Saturday that Pilz had repeatedly groped a female employee of the center-right European People s Party during a conference in the Alps four years ago. The article included her description of the incident. She said Pilz was relatively drunk at the time. Pilz one of the more colorful figures in Austrian politics, a straight talker fond of singing rock songs like Wild Thing at party events said he could not remember what happened. Not remembering is no excuse, Pilz told a news conference, adding that Falter s editor in chief had assured him the report was thoroughly researched. Because of these accusations, which I take extremely seriously, even though I do not remember, I will not take up my mandate in the coming parliament. I will not be at the swearing-in ceremony on Thursday, he said. In the wake of the Weinstein scandal and the resignations over inappropriate behavior that have followed, including that of British Defence Minister Michael Fallon this week, Austrian media had begun to ask whether there were previously unreported cases of sexual harassment by influential Austrians. U.S. movie mogul Weinstein has been accused by numerous women of having sexually harassed or assaulted them in incidents dating back to the 1980s, including three who said they were raped. Weinstein denies having non-consensual sex with anyone. Pilz said he would work to bring all the facts to light in the accusations made against him. But he also said he rejected separate allegations by a former colleague that he sexually harassed her on dozens of occasions. That case was first reported by Austrian media on Friday. Pilz said he would support his party s work in parliament from the outside , though he did not say specifically that he was stepping down as party leader. A spokeswoman for Pilz was not immediately available for comment. (Refiles with Vienna dateline)
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Austrian party leader quits parliament over accusation of sexual assault TEXT: VIENNA (Reuters) - The fallout from the Harvey Weinstein scandal spread to Austria on Saturday as one of the country s best-known politicians said he would give up his seat in parliament over an allegation of sexual assault. Veteran left-wing lawmaker Peter Pilz, 63, has been a fixture in Austrian politics for decades, having made a name for himself railing against arms deals with countries accused of human rights abuses and leading investigations into corruption like one this year connected to Austrian fighter-jet purchases. He also recently pulled off a political coup - leaving the Greens this summer to form his own party, Pilz List, which not only beat the Greens in last month s parliamentary election, it also passed the 4 percent threshold for entering parliament, which the Greens fell just short of. Weekly newspaper Falter reported on Saturday that Pilz had repeatedly groped a female employee of the center-right European People s Party during a conference in the Alps four years ago. The article included her description of the incident. She said Pilz was relatively drunk at the time. Pilz one of the more colorful figures in Austrian politics, a straight talker fond of singing rock songs like Wild Thing at party events said he could not remember what happened. Not remembering is no excuse, Pilz told a news conference, adding that Falter s editor in chief had assured him the report was thoroughly researched. Because of these accusations, which I take extremely seriously, even though I do not remember, I will not take up my mandate in the coming parliament. I will not be at the swearing-in ceremony on Thursday, he said. In the wake of the Weinstein scandal and the resignations over inappropriate behavior that have followed, including that of British Defence Minister Michael Fallon this week, Austrian media had begun to ask whether there were previously unreported cases of sexual harassment by influential Austrians. U.S. movie mogul Weinstein has been accused by numerous women of having sexually harassed or assaulted them in incidents dating back to the 1980s, including three who said they were raped. Weinstein denies having non-consensual sex with anyone. Pilz said he would work to bring all the facts to light in the accusations made against him. But he also said he rejected separate allegations by a former colleague that he sexually harassed her on dozens of occasions. That case was first reported by Austrian media on Friday. Pilz said he would support his party s work in parliament from the outside , though he did not say specifically that he was stepping down as party leader. A spokeswoman for Pilz was not immediately available for comment. (Refiles with Vienna dateline)
TITLE: Austrian party leader quits parliament over accusation of sexual assault TEXT: VIENNA (Reuters) - The fallout from the Harvey Weinstein scandal spread to Austria on Saturday as one of the country s best-known politicians said he would give up his seat in parliament over an allegation of sexual assault. Veteran left-wing lawmaker Peter Pilz, 63, has been a fixture in Austrian politics for decades, having made a name for himself railing against arms deals with countries accused of human rights abuses and leading investigations into corruption like one this year connected to Austrian fighter-jet purchases. He also recently pulled off a political coup - leaving the Greens this summer to form his own party, Pilz List, which not only beat the Greens in last month s parliamentary election, it also passed the 4 percent threshold for entering parliament, which the Greens fell just short of. Weekly newspaper Falter reported on Saturday that Pilz had repeatedly groped a female employee of the center-right European People s Party during a conference in the Alps four years ago. The article included her description of the incident. She said Pilz was relatively drunk at the time. Pilz one of the more colorful figures in Austrian politics, a straight talker fond of singing rock songs like Wild Thing at party events said he could not remember what happened. Not remembering is no excuse, Pilz told a news conference, adding that Falter s editor in chief had assured him the report was thoroughly researched. Because of these accusations, which I take extremely seriously, even though I do not remember, I will not take up my mandate in the coming parliament. I will not be at the swearing-in ceremony on Thursday, he said. In the wake of the Weinstein scandal and the resignations over inappropriate behavior that have followed, including that of British Defence Minister Michael Fallon this week, Austrian media had begun to ask whether there were previously unreported cases of sexual harassment by influential Austrians. U.S. movie mogul Weinstein has been accused by numerous women of having sexually harassed or assaulted them in incidents dating back to the 1980s, including three who said they were raped. Weinstein denies having non-consensual sex with anyone. Pilz said he would work to bring all the facts to light in the accusations made against him. But he also said he rejected separate allegations by a former colleague that he sexually harassed her on dozens of occasions. That case was first reported by Austrian media on Friday. Pilz said he would support his party s work in parliament from the outside , though he did not say specifically that he was stepping down as party leader. A spokeswoman for Pilz was not immediately available for comment. (Refiles with Vienna dateline)
homeschool families targeted in districts operation round up
october at am omg a confederate flag at school minds have been warped forever we cant have that the truth being spewed out in public like that people might think they actually have rights what will you do without freedom william wallace i dont know about how others feel but in my mind were quite far from true freedom you need to dispose rubbish better have your permit need to take a shit better get your permit birth and death certificates log you in and out and youre property the dehumanizing of the species is well underway your number is like rats in a cage we eat shit and breathe our cage is our own minds manipulated beyond measure by unscrupulous bastards with a greed that can never be quenched its unfortunate that there are those that exist with a superiority complex and think their shit dont stink that superiority complex leads to wars were the most advanced civilized monkeys on the planet but you steal my bananas were goin to war a confederate flag they get their undies in a bundy over a confederate flag yep we must lie to our children and not tell them our true history we must protect them from the psychological trauma of the truth yes jimmy everythings lollypops and rainbowshere take some more ritalin and stfu pharmacy regulars it seems most parents on some damned drug too well i gotta get the kids pills i may as well get some for me as long as im there hey dr feelgood whats up mothers little helpers told the story decades ago now snoop in anyones medicine chest and youll discover an array of concoctions herbals stimulants downers mood enhancers sleeping pills wake up pills stay awake pills two in the morning two at noon two at bedtime repeat every day until your dead you want to live forever i dont i suspect bigger and better things await my arrival at least i hope so
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: homeschool families targeted in districts operation round up TEXT: october at am omg a confederate flag at school minds have been warped forever we cant have that the truth being spewed out in public like that people might think they actually have rights what will you do without freedom william wallace i dont know about how others feel but in my mind were quite far from true freedom you need to dispose rubbish better have your permit need to take a shit better get your permit birth and death certificates log you in and out and youre property the dehumanizing of the species is well underway your number is like rats in a cage we eat shit and breathe our cage is our own minds manipulated beyond measure by unscrupulous bastards with a greed that can never be quenched its unfortunate that there are those that exist with a superiority complex and think their shit dont stink that superiority complex leads to wars were the most advanced civilized monkeys on the planet but you steal my bananas were goin to war a confederate flag they get their undies in a bundy over a confederate flag yep we must lie to our children and not tell them our true history we must protect them from the psychological trauma of the truth yes jimmy everythings lollypops and rainbowshere take some more ritalin and stfu pharmacy regulars it seems most parents on some damned drug too well i gotta get the kids pills i may as well get some for me as long as im there hey dr feelgood whats up mothers little helpers told the story decades ago now snoop in anyones medicine chest and youll discover an array of concoctions herbals stimulants downers mood enhancers sleeping pills wake up pills stay awake pills two in the morning two at noon two at bedtime repeat every day until your dead you want to live forever i dont i suspect bigger and better things await my arrival at least i hope so
TITLE: homeschool families targeted in districts operation round up TEXT: october at am omg a confederate flag at school minds have been warped forever we cant have that the truth being spewed out in public like that people might think they actually have rights what will you do without freedom william wallace i dont know about how others feel but in my mind were quite far from true freedom you need to dispose rubbish better have your permit need to take a shit better get your permit birth and death certificates log you in and out and youre property the dehumanizing of the species is well underway your number is like rats in a cage we eat shit and breathe our cage is our own minds manipulated beyond measure by unscrupulous bastards with a greed that can never be quenched its unfortunate that there are those that exist with a superiority complex and think their shit dont stink that superiority complex leads to wars were the most advanced civilized monkeys on the planet but you steal my bananas were goin to war a confederate flag they get their undies in a bundy over a confederate flag yep we must lie to our children and not tell them our true history we must protect them from the psychological trauma of the truth yes jimmy everythings lollypops and rainbowshere take some more ritalin and stfu pharmacy regulars it seems most parents on some damned drug too well i gotta get the kids pills i may as well get some for me as long as im there hey dr feelgood whats up mothers little helpers told the story decades ago now snoop in anyones medicine chest and youll discover an array of concoctions herbals stimulants downers mood enhancers sleeping pills wake up pills stay awake pills two in the morning two at noon two at bedtime repeat every day until your dead you want to live forever i dont i suspect bigger and better things await my arrival at least i hope so
Republican convention in turmoil as anti-Trump delegates protest
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - The Republican National Convention was in an uproar on Monday after opponents of presumptive U.S. presidential nominee Donald Trump failed in their effort to hold a roll-call vote in opposition to his candidacy. The anti-Trump forces at the Cleveland convention started shouting “Roll Call” after the party leaders approved by acclamation rules at the start of the convention that barred them from registering their opposition. Party leaders declared there was insufficient support to allow for a roll-call vote that would record the number of delegates opposed to Trump, a New York businessman who has never held political office and has struggled to win over many mainstream Republicans. Some delegates walked out of the convention in protest at the leaders’ ruling while others chanted loudly, demanding a roll-call vote take place. Trump last week declared the so-called “Never Trump” movement dead, tweeting that “#NeverTrump is never more.”
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Republican convention in turmoil as anti-Trump delegates protest TEXT: CLEVELAND (Reuters) - The Republican National Convention was in an uproar on Monday after opponents of presumptive U.S. presidential nominee Donald Trump failed in their effort to hold a roll-call vote in opposition to his candidacy. The anti-Trump forces at the Cleveland convention started shouting “Roll Call” after the party leaders approved by acclamation rules at the start of the convention that barred them from registering their opposition. Party leaders declared there was insufficient support to allow for a roll-call vote that would record the number of delegates opposed to Trump, a New York businessman who has never held political office and has struggled to win over many mainstream Republicans. Some delegates walked out of the convention in protest at the leaders’ ruling while others chanted loudly, demanding a roll-call vote take place. Trump last week declared the so-called “Never Trump” movement dead, tweeting that “#NeverTrump is never more.”
TITLE: Republican convention in turmoil as anti-Trump delegates protest TEXT: CLEVELAND (Reuters) - The Republican National Convention was in an uproar on Monday after opponents of presumptive U.S. presidential nominee Donald Trump failed in their effort to hold a roll-call vote in opposition to his candidacy. The anti-Trump forces at the Cleveland convention started shouting “Roll Call” after the party leaders approved by acclamation rules at the start of the convention that barred them from registering their opposition. Party leaders declared there was insufficient support to allow for a roll-call vote that would record the number of delegates opposed to Trump, a New York businessman who has never held political office and has struggled to win over many mainstream Republicans. Some delegates walked out of the convention in protest at the leaders’ ruling while others chanted loudly, demanding a roll-call vote take place. Trump last week declared the so-called “Never Trump” movement dead, tweeting that “#NeverTrump is never more.”
Hariri says Gulf states not planning measures against Lebanon
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri said on Thursday Gulf Arab countries were planning no action against Lebanon after a political crisis last month thrust it onto the front line of rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Hariri has been a political ally of Saudi Arabia but his coalition government includes Lebanon s powerful Shi ite Muslim Hezbollah group, an ally of Shi ite Iran and sworn enemy of Sunni Muslim Riyadh. Last month s political crisis, sparked when Hariri announced his resignation while in Saudi Arabia, raised fear in Lebanon that Riyadh and its Gulf allies would take economic action against the tiny Mediterranean country. In an interview broadcast from Riyadh before he returned to Lebanon and rescinded his resignation, Hariri warned of possible Gulf sanctions on Lebanon and of a threat to the livelihood of Lebanese workers in Gulf states. His remarks on Thursday seemed aimed at reassuring that no such action was in the cards. This is not going to happen. I assure you we have the best relationship with Saudi Arabia, we have a very good relationship with the UAE, and most of the Gulf, he said at a business conference. The Gulf has a problem with one political party in Lebanon and does not have a problem with the whole of Lebanon, Hariri added, alluding to Hezbollah.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Hariri says Gulf states not planning measures against Lebanon TEXT: BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri said on Thursday Gulf Arab countries were planning no action against Lebanon after a political crisis last month thrust it onto the front line of rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Hariri has been a political ally of Saudi Arabia but his coalition government includes Lebanon s powerful Shi ite Muslim Hezbollah group, an ally of Shi ite Iran and sworn enemy of Sunni Muslim Riyadh. Last month s political crisis, sparked when Hariri announced his resignation while in Saudi Arabia, raised fear in Lebanon that Riyadh and its Gulf allies would take economic action against the tiny Mediterranean country. In an interview broadcast from Riyadh before he returned to Lebanon and rescinded his resignation, Hariri warned of possible Gulf sanctions on Lebanon and of a threat to the livelihood of Lebanese workers in Gulf states. His remarks on Thursday seemed aimed at reassuring that no such action was in the cards. This is not going to happen. I assure you we have the best relationship with Saudi Arabia, we have a very good relationship with the UAE, and most of the Gulf, he said at a business conference. The Gulf has a problem with one political party in Lebanon and does not have a problem with the whole of Lebanon, Hariri added, alluding to Hezbollah.
TITLE: Hariri says Gulf states not planning measures against Lebanon TEXT: BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri said on Thursday Gulf Arab countries were planning no action against Lebanon after a political crisis last month thrust it onto the front line of rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Hariri has been a political ally of Saudi Arabia but his coalition government includes Lebanon s powerful Shi ite Muslim Hezbollah group, an ally of Shi ite Iran and sworn enemy of Sunni Muslim Riyadh. Last month s political crisis, sparked when Hariri announced his resignation while in Saudi Arabia, raised fear in Lebanon that Riyadh and its Gulf allies would take economic action against the tiny Mediterranean country. In an interview broadcast from Riyadh before he returned to Lebanon and rescinded his resignation, Hariri warned of possible Gulf sanctions on Lebanon and of a threat to the livelihood of Lebanese workers in Gulf states. His remarks on Thursday seemed aimed at reassuring that no such action was in the cards. This is not going to happen. I assure you we have the best relationship with Saudi Arabia, we have a very good relationship with the UAE, and most of the Gulf, he said at a business conference. The Gulf has a problem with one political party in Lebanon and does not have a problem with the whole of Lebanon, Hariri added, alluding to Hezbollah.
Defiant Kurds shrug off risk of trade war after independence vote
ZAKHO, Iraq (Reuters) - More than three weeks after Iraq s Kurds voted for independence, it s business as usual at the bustling Ibrahim Khalil border crossing with Turkey. Ankara has threatened to impose economic sanctions on Iraq s autonomous Kurdistan region to deter moves towards independence, but hundreds of trucks still cross the border each day some with supplies for Kurdish areas, others en route to Baghdad. Closure of the border would sever a lifeline for the region in northern Iraq and step up efforts by Turkey, Iran and the Iraqi government to isolate it. But the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) is gambling that its three main trade partners will be reluctant to impose a blockade that would put billions of dollars in trade at risk and could hurt all sides involved. We send about 100 packed trucks a day to Baghdad, said Hani Anas, a trader standing by rows of steel rods stacked near the border. Iraq will suffer as well. It is a risky gamble for a region that is heavily dependent on food imports and oil exports, via a pipeline that passes through Turkey. The undermining of its economy could deal a heavy blow to its chances of survival as an independent state if it pushes ahead with breakaway moves. The outcome of the standoff could also have repercussions far beyond the immediate region as Iraqi Kurdistan produces about 650,000 barrels of crude oil per day 15 percent of Iraqi output and around 0.7 percent of global oil production. The KRG has not taken any formal steps to break away from Iraq since the Kurds overwhelmingly backed independence in a referendum on Sept. 25, but has scheduled regional presidential and parliamentary elections for Nov. 1. If Baghdad tries to hurt us it will hurt itself, said Soran Aziz, vice president of the chamber of commerce and industry in the Kurdish administrative capital Erbil. If borders are closed with neighboring countries it will have a limited impact on us, he added. If an economic blockade impacts us by 1 percent, it will impact them by 10 percent. Baghdad opposes Kurdish independence because it wants to hold Iraq together. Iran and Turkey fear secession would encourage their own Kurdish populations to press for a homeland, and Washington worries that the tensions will damage unity in the fight against Islamic State. Iraqi Kurdistan is certainly vulnerable over its economy. Apart from oil, it is largely dependent on agriculture, tourism, and cement and steel exports to Baghdad and other Iraqi cities. But some Iraqi officials acknowledge that blocking the main trade route between Iraqi Kurdistan and other parts of Iraq would hit not just the Kurds economy. Turkish exports to Iraq this year had by the end of August reached $6.4 billion. This key trade route is a lifeline for all of us and we will make sure to keep it operational, no matter what levels of disagreements, said Waleed Mohammed, an advisor to the Iraqi trade ministry. Near the border with Turkey, traders seem confident as they work their cell phones, dealing with orders. Around them, laborers load crates of powdered milk and potatoes on to trucks that haul average loads of 27 tonnes to Baghdad and elsewhere. There is no way anyone can close down the border. One truck arrives and then heads to Baghdad, another one goes the other way, said Samer Rushdi, a trader who says he is so busy he cannot take time off. Even so, pressure on the Kurds has mounted since the referendum, especially from Baghdad, which has imposed an air ban on Iraqi Kurdistan, slapped sanctions on Kurdish banks and halted foreign currency transfers to the region. Iraqi government forces have also captured the city of Kirkuk, wresting control of an area that is rich in oil and a vital source of revenue. Government forces have also taken control of Kurdish-held areas of Nineveh province, which includes the city of Mosul, and the Mosul hydro-electric dam is among the positions recaptured, according to a government statement. Iran has shut its border crossings with Iraqi Kurdistan and Turkey has said it could do the same, warning the Kurds they will go hungry if the border is closed and that their revenues will dry up if it closes the oil tap. Iran has vast economic and military influence in Iraq, but also has reason to tread cautiously. Iraqi officials say Tehran has gained a big edge in the Iraqi market by flooding the country with cheap goods such as air conditioners and cars, and cannot afford prolonged disruptions. Iran exports goods worth about $20 million dollars to Iraq each day. One third of the exports goods worth about $200 million a month go to the KRG, Hamid Hosseini, head of the Iran-Iraq Chamber of Commerce, was quoted as saying by Iranian media. About 2,000 trucks usually bring goods from Iran to Iraq each day with 500 to 600 of them delivering items to the KRG. But since the referendum, Iran has prevented at least 600 trucks, carrying about 13,000 tonnes of fuel, from crossing the border into Iraqi Kurdistan. At the Haj Omran border post, a poster of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, leader of the 1979 Iranian Revolution, stares down at rows trucks lined up to cross the border. Iran can t afford to shut the border, Kurdish truck driver Jalal Rasoul said. Besides, it s our right to create an independent state.
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: Defiant Kurds shrug off risk of trade war after independence vote TEXT: ZAKHO, Iraq (Reuters) - More than three weeks after Iraq s Kurds voted for independence, it s business as usual at the bustling Ibrahim Khalil border crossing with Turkey. Ankara has threatened to impose economic sanctions on Iraq s autonomous Kurdistan region to deter moves towards independence, but hundreds of trucks still cross the border each day some with supplies for Kurdish areas, others en route to Baghdad. Closure of the border would sever a lifeline for the region in northern Iraq and step up efforts by Turkey, Iran and the Iraqi government to isolate it. But the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) is gambling that its three main trade partners will be reluctant to impose a blockade that would put billions of dollars in trade at risk and could hurt all sides involved. We send about 100 packed trucks a day to Baghdad, said Hani Anas, a trader standing by rows of steel rods stacked near the border. Iraq will suffer as well. It is a risky gamble for a region that is heavily dependent on food imports and oil exports, via a pipeline that passes through Turkey. The undermining of its economy could deal a heavy blow to its chances of survival as an independent state if it pushes ahead with breakaway moves. The outcome of the standoff could also have repercussions far beyond the immediate region as Iraqi Kurdistan produces about 650,000 barrels of crude oil per day 15 percent of Iraqi output and around 0.7 percent of global oil production. The KRG has not taken any formal steps to break away from Iraq since the Kurds overwhelmingly backed independence in a referendum on Sept. 25, but has scheduled regional presidential and parliamentary elections for Nov. 1. If Baghdad tries to hurt us it will hurt itself, said Soran Aziz, vice president of the chamber of commerce and industry in the Kurdish administrative capital Erbil. If borders are closed with neighboring countries it will have a limited impact on us, he added. If an economic blockade impacts us by 1 percent, it will impact them by 10 percent. Baghdad opposes Kurdish independence because it wants to hold Iraq together. Iran and Turkey fear secession would encourage their own Kurdish populations to press for a homeland, and Washington worries that the tensions will damage unity in the fight against Islamic State. Iraqi Kurdistan is certainly vulnerable over its economy. Apart from oil, it is largely dependent on agriculture, tourism, and cement and steel exports to Baghdad and other Iraqi cities. But some Iraqi officials acknowledge that blocking the main trade route between Iraqi Kurdistan and other parts of Iraq would hit not just the Kurds economy. Turkish exports to Iraq this year had by the end of August reached $6.4 billion. This key trade route is a lifeline for all of us and we will make sure to keep it operational, no matter what levels of disagreements, said Waleed Mohammed, an advisor to the Iraqi trade ministry. Near the border with Turkey, traders seem confident as they work their cell phones, dealing with orders. Around them, laborers load crates of powdered milk and potatoes on to trucks that haul average loads of 27 tonnes to Baghdad and elsewhere. There is no way anyone can close down the border. One truck arrives and then heads to Baghdad, another one goes the other way, said Samer Rushdi, a trader who says he is so busy he cannot take time off. Even so, pressure on the Kurds has mounted since the referendum, especially from Baghdad, which has imposed an air ban on Iraqi Kurdistan, slapped sanctions on Kurdish banks and halted foreign currency transfers to the region. Iraqi government forces have also captured the city of Kirkuk, wresting control of an area that is rich in oil and a vital source of revenue. Government forces have also taken control of Kurdish-held areas of Nineveh province, which includes the city of Mosul, and the Mosul hydro-electric dam is among the positions recaptured, according to a government statement. Iran has shut its border crossings with Iraqi Kurdistan and Turkey has said it could do the same, warning the Kurds they will go hungry if the border is closed and that their revenues will dry up if it closes the oil tap. Iran has vast economic and military influence in Iraq, but also has reason to tread cautiously. Iraqi officials say Tehran has gained a big edge in the Iraqi market by flooding the country with cheap goods such as air conditioners and cars, and cannot afford prolonged disruptions. Iran exports goods worth about $20 million dollars to Iraq each day. One third of the exports goods worth about $200 million a month go to the KRG, Hamid Hosseini, head of the Iran-Iraq Chamber of Commerce, was quoted as saying by Iranian media. About 2,000 trucks usually bring goods from Iran to Iraq each day with 500 to 600 of them delivering items to the KRG. But since the referendum, Iran has prevented at least 600 trucks, carrying about 13,000 tonnes of fuel, from crossing the border into Iraqi Kurdistan. At the Haj Omran border post, a poster of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, leader of the 1979 Iranian Revolution, stares down at rows trucks lined up to cross the border. Iran can t afford to shut the border, Kurdish truck driver Jalal Rasoul said. Besides, it s our right to create an independent state.
TITLE: Defiant Kurds shrug off risk of trade war after independence vote TEXT: ZAKHO, Iraq (Reuters) - More than three weeks after Iraq s Kurds voted for independence, it s business as usual at the bustling Ibrahim Khalil border crossing with Turkey. Ankara has threatened to impose economic sanctions on Iraq s autonomous Kurdistan region to deter moves towards independence, but hundreds of trucks still cross the border each day some with supplies for Kurdish areas, others en route to Baghdad. Closure of the border would sever a lifeline for the region in northern Iraq and step up efforts by Turkey, Iran and the Iraqi government to isolate it. But the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) is gambling that its three main trade partners will be reluctant to impose a blockade that would put billions of dollars in trade at risk and could hurt all sides involved. We send about 100 packed trucks a day to Baghdad, said Hani Anas, a trader standing by rows of steel rods stacked near the border. Iraq will suffer as well. It is a risky gamble for a region that is heavily dependent on food imports and oil exports, via a pipeline that passes through Turkey. The undermining of its economy could deal a heavy blow to its chances of survival as an independent state if it pushes ahead with breakaway moves. The outcome of the standoff could also have repercussions far beyond the immediate region as Iraqi Kurdistan produces about 650,000 barrels of crude oil per day 15 percent of Iraqi output and around 0.7 percent of global oil production. The KRG has not taken any formal steps to break away from Iraq since the Kurds overwhelmingly backed independence in a referendum on Sept. 25, but has scheduled regional presidential and parliamentary elections for Nov. 1. If Baghdad tries to hurt us it will hurt itself, said Soran Aziz, vice president of the chamber of commerce and industry in the Kurdish administrative capital Erbil. If borders are closed with neighboring countries it will have a limited impact on us, he added. If an economic blockade impacts us by 1 percent, it will impact them by 10 percent. Baghdad opposes Kurdish independence because it wants to hold Iraq together. Iran and Turkey fear secession would encourage their own Kurdish populations to press for a homeland, and Washington worries that the tensions will damage unity in the fight against Islamic State. Iraqi Kurdistan is certainly vulnerable over its economy. Apart from oil, it is largely dependent on agriculture, tourism, and cement and steel exports to Baghdad and other Iraqi cities. But some Iraqi officials acknowledge that blocking the main trade route between Iraqi Kurdistan and other parts of Iraq would hit not just the Kurds economy. Turkish exports to Iraq this year had by the end of August reached $6.4 billion. This key trade route is a lifeline for all of us and we will make sure to keep it operational, no matter what levels of disagreements, said Waleed Mohammed, an advisor to the Iraqi trade ministry. Near the border with Turkey, traders seem confident as they work their cell phones, dealing with orders. Around them, laborers load crates of powdered milk and potatoes on to trucks that haul average loads of 27 tonnes to Baghdad and elsewhere. There is no way anyone can close down the border. One truck arrives and then heads to Baghdad, another one goes the other way, said Samer Rushdi, a trader who says he is so busy he cannot take time off. Even so, pressure on the Kurds has mounted since the referendum, especially from Baghdad, which has imposed an air ban on Iraqi Kurdistan, slapped sanctions on Kurdish banks and halted foreign currency transfers to the region. Iraqi government forces have also captured the city of Kirkuk, wresting control of an area that is rich in oil and a vital source of revenue. Government forces have also taken control of Kurdish-held areas of Nineveh province, which includes the city of Mosul, and the Mosul hydro-electric dam is among the positions recaptured, according to a government statement. Iran has shut its border crossings with Iraqi Kurdistan and Turkey has said it could do the same, warning the Kurds they will go hungry if the border is closed and that their revenues will dry up if it closes the oil tap. Iran has vast economic and military influence in Iraq, but also has reason to tread cautiously. Iraqi officials say Tehran has gained a big edge in the Iraqi market by flooding the country with cheap goods such as air conditioners and cars, and cannot afford prolonged disruptions. Iran exports goods worth about $20 million dollars to Iraq each day. One third of the exports goods worth about $200 million a month go to the KRG, Hamid Hosseini, head of the Iran-Iraq Chamber of Commerce, was quoted as saying by Iranian media. About 2,000 trucks usually bring goods from Iran to Iraq each day with 500 to 600 of them delivering items to the KRG. But since the referendum, Iran has prevented at least 600 trucks, carrying about 13,000 tonnes of fuel, from crossing the border into Iraqi Kurdistan. At the Haj Omran border post, a poster of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, leader of the 1979 Iranian Revolution, stares down at rows trucks lined up to cross the border. Iran can t afford to shut the border, Kurdish truck driver Jalal Rasoul said. Besides, it s our right to create an independent state.
no title
the above photo was snapped in ferguson as thugs burned the city down could we see a repeat of that fateful event and perhaps a worsening of it soon to a city near you the election is the focus of every news channel ad nauseum but few people are focused on the day after the election no matter who wins this years presidential selection the possibility of civil unrest the day after election day and beyond is a real possibility are you ready for chaos if it develops the nation is so divided we are likely to run into problems the ugliest scenario for the day after election day plays out if trump wins if trump wins get ready for black lives matter the black panthers the race la raza and other racially motivated antiwhite groups to come out and possibly start burning cities down again after all they have been given carte blanche all year long to do so in ferguson baltimore charlotte and san jose a worrisome precedent has been set of course trump wont be in power the day after election day we have to wait until inauguration day for him to clean up any potential messes so barack hussein obama is likely to give the racial hate groups the green light once again while the media whips out their collective stradivarius plays my heart bleeds for thee and sympathizes with the devils destroying the nation if the bitch wins conservative groups may clash with leftists over rights being stripped away if hillary wins theres the real possibility of protests the day after the election and the social conditioning of whites to be polite and docile even as theyre railroaded in what was formerly their nation may not hold this time around a hillary win means the chaos and possibly violence could wait until she starts stripping constitutional rights away then we are likely to see conservatives finally come out and start raising some righteous hell there could be racially motivated clashes on the horizon as white people standing up for themselves goes against a longestablished narrative that theyre all evil racists few people think of the effects civil unrest could have on their livelihood and wellbeing its time for a little education on just how thinly stretched the american supply chain is and what could happen with only a shortterm disruption in it heres a scenario just one of many possible scenarios video of rioters stopping and then looting a semi tractortrailer in charlotte is worrying because if trucks stop america stops if attacks on truckers happen often enough truckers may decide its not worth the risk to their lives to continue moving freight around and stop driving within a day bedlam could ensue as the supply chain runs on a razors edge in modern america and everything from food to medication to gasoline starts running out supply chain rioters broke into trucks on i and burned cargo in charlotte according to the american trucking association ata a disruption of to hours means hospitals and nursing homes would run out of food fuel supplies at gas stations would also run out in that time frame garbage would start to pile up most grocery and retail stores would start to run out of food and merchandise atm and bank cash supplies would also run out the tight rope the corporate system walks quickly breaks when merchandise stops moving as an example the ata tells us this is what happens during a hurricane imagine what would happen with days or weeks of rioting in major cities in a hurricane situation supplies that would normally last a few days such as water powdered milk and canned meat typically disappear within one day given these inventory rates this means that perishable goods could be depleted in a matter of days and nonperishables in just a few days runs on food and nonfood staples during hurricanes and even before big winter storms provide a good example of how fast some retail inventories can be depleted during panic buying the same quick depletion of inventories could occur if trucks stopped making deliveries for any reason panic buying means no food on the shelves when people dont have food at home and then the grocery store doesnt have food rioting will intensify things could get ugly in a hurry as one small disruption leads to a domino effect after which bedlam ensues so it is best to be prepared with nonperishable items just in case things get out of hand have at least several weeks food supply on hand but how do you stop people from coming and taking your stash be armed the police wont be around to protect you if bedlam ensues contrary to gun propaganda from the media you absolutely want to be armed in the event the election and its aftermath dont pass peacefully what happens when stores no longer have food and gas stations no longer have gas gangs form looking for homes that do have those items theyre going to pick out the weakest home in the neighborhood and pounce a home with guns is a safe home just as this youtube video shows armed thugs may bust into a house looking for money or food but they started jumping through plate glass windows and scrambling like cockroaches once the homeowner came out with guns blazing several handguns with extra ammunition are advised know how to use them be steady with the trigger and dont be afraid to use them if looters come to your house the police will not be there to protect you as theyll have their hands full with the chaos better to be safe than sorry the idea of an intact nuclear family may be a trite memory but protecting your loved ones is still key with the meltdown of america happening right before our very eyes we are entering an unstable period in the nations history to say the least no matter who wins the election the nation we once knew and loved is passing away trump may be able to turn things around temporarily but even if he does the country now has so many immigrants it will be impossible to assimilate them all we are entering a period in which america will resemble a third world country more and more the demographics of the nation are being changed on purpose so white people are diminished at the ballot box and democrats will gain a lock grip on the levers of power in the nation in the coming years divisions between rich and poor will grow and the evil media will be there stirring the pot with racial class and gender division every step of the way peace will become a thing of the past as squabbling factions compete with each other for dominance in this transition from prosperity to despotism it is best to be safe than sorry the day after election day will be telling in that it will set the tone for the next four years it may be a somewhat peaceful turn towards communism if the bitch wins or it may not be but my money is on a steady degradation of civil society in the coming years tend your own garden as i know i will be tending my own my military friends are already discussing what will happen in shtf scenario you should be thinking about it too read more has the theft of the presidential election already begun
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: no title TEXT: the above photo was snapped in ferguson as thugs burned the city down could we see a repeat of that fateful event and perhaps a worsening of it soon to a city near you the election is the focus of every news channel ad nauseum but few people are focused on the day after the election no matter who wins this years presidential selection the possibility of civil unrest the day after election day and beyond is a real possibility are you ready for chaos if it develops the nation is so divided we are likely to run into problems the ugliest scenario for the day after election day plays out if trump wins if trump wins get ready for black lives matter the black panthers the race la raza and other racially motivated antiwhite groups to come out and possibly start burning cities down again after all they have been given carte blanche all year long to do so in ferguson baltimore charlotte and san jose a worrisome precedent has been set of course trump wont be in power the day after election day we have to wait until inauguration day for him to clean up any potential messes so barack hussein obama is likely to give the racial hate groups the green light once again while the media whips out their collective stradivarius plays my heart bleeds for thee and sympathizes with the devils destroying the nation if the bitch wins conservative groups may clash with leftists over rights being stripped away if hillary wins theres the real possibility of protests the day after the election and the social conditioning of whites to be polite and docile even as theyre railroaded in what was formerly their nation may not hold this time around a hillary win means the chaos and possibly violence could wait until she starts stripping constitutional rights away then we are likely to see conservatives finally come out and start raising some righteous hell there could be racially motivated clashes on the horizon as white people standing up for themselves goes against a longestablished narrative that theyre all evil racists few people think of the effects civil unrest could have on their livelihood and wellbeing its time for a little education on just how thinly stretched the american supply chain is and what could happen with only a shortterm disruption in it heres a scenario just one of many possible scenarios video of rioters stopping and then looting a semi tractortrailer in charlotte is worrying because if trucks stop america stops if attacks on truckers happen often enough truckers may decide its not worth the risk to their lives to continue moving freight around and stop driving within a day bedlam could ensue as the supply chain runs on a razors edge in modern america and everything from food to medication to gasoline starts running out supply chain rioters broke into trucks on i and burned cargo in charlotte according to the american trucking association ata a disruption of to hours means hospitals and nursing homes would run out of food fuel supplies at gas stations would also run out in that time frame garbage would start to pile up most grocery and retail stores would start to run out of food and merchandise atm and bank cash supplies would also run out the tight rope the corporate system walks quickly breaks when merchandise stops moving as an example the ata tells us this is what happens during a hurricane imagine what would happen with days or weeks of rioting in major cities in a hurricane situation supplies that would normally last a few days such as water powdered milk and canned meat typically disappear within one day given these inventory rates this means that perishable goods could be depleted in a matter of days and nonperishables in just a few days runs on food and nonfood staples during hurricanes and even before big winter storms provide a good example of how fast some retail inventories can be depleted during panic buying the same quick depletion of inventories could occur if trucks stopped making deliveries for any reason panic buying means no food on the shelves when people dont have food at home and then the grocery store doesnt have food rioting will intensify things could get ugly in a hurry as one small disruption leads to a domino effect after which bedlam ensues so it is best to be prepared with nonperishable items just in case things get out of hand have at least several weeks food supply on hand but how do you stop people from coming and taking your stash be armed the police wont be around to protect you if bedlam ensues contrary to gun propaganda from the media you absolutely want to be armed in the event the election and its aftermath dont pass peacefully what happens when stores no longer have food and gas stations no longer have gas gangs form looking for homes that do have those items theyre going to pick out the weakest home in the neighborhood and pounce a home with guns is a safe home just as this youtube video shows armed thugs may bust into a house looking for money or food but they started jumping through plate glass windows and scrambling like cockroaches once the homeowner came out with guns blazing several handguns with extra ammunition are advised know how to use them be steady with the trigger and dont be afraid to use them if looters come to your house the police will not be there to protect you as theyll have their hands full with the chaos better to be safe than sorry the idea of an intact nuclear family may be a trite memory but protecting your loved ones is still key with the meltdown of america happening right before our very eyes we are entering an unstable period in the nations history to say the least no matter who wins the election the nation we once knew and loved is passing away trump may be able to turn things around temporarily but even if he does the country now has so many immigrants it will be impossible to assimilate them all we are entering a period in which america will resemble a third world country more and more the demographics of the nation are being changed on purpose so white people are diminished at the ballot box and democrats will gain a lock grip on the levers of power in the nation in the coming years divisions between rich and poor will grow and the evil media will be there stirring the pot with racial class and gender division every step of the way peace will become a thing of the past as squabbling factions compete with each other for dominance in this transition from prosperity to despotism it is best to be safe than sorry the day after election day will be telling in that it will set the tone for the next four years it may be a somewhat peaceful turn towards communism if the bitch wins or it may not be but my money is on a steady degradation of civil society in the coming years tend your own garden as i know i will be tending my own my military friends are already discussing what will happen in shtf scenario you should be thinking about it too read more has the theft of the presidential election already begun
TITLE: no title TEXT: the above photo was snapped in ferguson as thugs burned the city down could we see a repeat of that fateful event and perhaps a worsening of it soon to a city near you the election is the focus of every news channel ad nauseum but few people are focused on the day after the election no matter who wins this years presidential selection the possibility of civil unrest the day after election day and beyond is a real possibility are you ready for chaos if it develops the nation is so divided we are likely to run into problems the ugliest scenario for the day after election day plays out if trump wins if trump wins get ready for black lives matter the black panthers the race la raza and other racially motivated antiwhite groups to come out and possibly start burning cities down again after all they have been given carte blanche all year long to do so in ferguson baltimore charlotte and san jose a worrisome precedent has been set of course trump wont be in power the day after election day we have to wait until inauguration day for him to clean up any potential messes so barack hussein obama is likely to give the racial hate groups the green light once again while the media whips out their collective stradivarius plays my heart bleeds for thee and sympathizes with the devils destroying the nation if the bitch wins conservative groups may clash with leftists over rights being stripped away if hillary wins theres the real possibility of protests the day after the election and the social conditioning of whites to be polite and docile even as theyre railroaded in what was formerly their nation may not hold this time around a hillary win means the chaos and possibly violence could wait until she starts stripping constitutional rights away then we are likely to see conservatives finally come out and start raising some righteous hell there could be racially motivated clashes on the horizon as white people standing up for themselves goes against a longestablished narrative that theyre all evil racists few people think of the effects civil unrest could have on their livelihood and wellbeing its time for a little education on just how thinly stretched the american supply chain is and what could happen with only a shortterm disruption in it heres a scenario just one of many possible scenarios video of rioters stopping and then looting a semi tractortrailer in charlotte is worrying because if trucks stop america stops if attacks on truckers happen often enough truckers may decide its not worth the risk to their lives to continue moving freight around and stop driving within a day bedlam could ensue as the supply chain runs on a razors edge in modern america and everything from food to medication to gasoline starts running out supply chain rioters broke into trucks on i and burned cargo in charlotte according to the american trucking association ata a disruption of to hours means hospitals and nursing homes would run out of food fuel supplies at gas stations would also run out in that time frame garbage would start to pile up most grocery and retail stores would start to run out of food and merchandise atm and bank cash supplies would also run out the tight rope the corporate system walks quickly breaks when merchandise stops moving as an example the ata tells us this is what happens during a hurricane imagine what would happen with days or weeks of rioting in major cities in a hurricane situation supplies that would normally last a few days such as water powdered milk and canned meat typically disappear within one day given these inventory rates this means that perishable goods could be depleted in a matter of days and nonperishables in just a few days runs on food and nonfood staples during hurricanes and even before big winter storms provide a good example of how fast some retail inventories can be depleted during panic buying the same quick depletion of inventories could occur if trucks stopped making deliveries for any reason panic buying means no food on the shelves when people dont have food at home and then the grocery store doesnt have food rioting will intensify things could get ugly in a hurry as one small disruption leads to a domino effect after which bedlam ensues so it is best to be prepared with nonperishable items just in case things get out of hand have at least several weeks food supply on hand but how do you stop people from coming and taking your stash be armed the police wont be around to protect you if bedlam ensues contrary to gun propaganda from the media you absolutely want to be armed in the event the election and its aftermath dont pass peacefully what happens when stores no longer have food and gas stations no longer have gas gangs form looking for homes that do have those items theyre going to pick out the weakest home in the neighborhood and pounce a home with guns is a safe home just as this youtube video shows armed thugs may bust into a house looking for money or food but they started jumping through plate glass windows and scrambling like cockroaches once the homeowner came out with guns blazing several handguns with extra ammunition are advised know how to use them be steady with the trigger and dont be afraid to use them if looters come to your house the police will not be there to protect you as theyll have their hands full with the chaos better to be safe than sorry the idea of an intact nuclear family may be a trite memory but protecting your loved ones is still key with the meltdown of america happening right before our very eyes we are entering an unstable period in the nations history to say the least no matter who wins the election the nation we once knew and loved is passing away trump may be able to turn things around temporarily but even if he does the country now has so many immigrants it will be impossible to assimilate them all we are entering a period in which america will resemble a third world country more and more the demographics of the nation are being changed on purpose so white people are diminished at the ballot box and democrats will gain a lock grip on the levers of power in the nation in the coming years divisions between rich and poor will grow and the evil media will be there stirring the pot with racial class and gender division every step of the way peace will become a thing of the past as squabbling factions compete with each other for dominance in this transition from prosperity to despotism it is best to be safe than sorry the day after election day will be telling in that it will set the tone for the next four years it may be a somewhat peaceful turn towards communism if the bitch wins or it may not be but my money is on a steady degradation of civil society in the coming years tend your own garden as i know i will be tending my own my military friends are already discussing what will happen in shtf scenario you should be thinking about it too read more has the theft of the presidential election already begun
OOPS! [Video] Flashback To When Carly Fiorina Made Fun Of A Female Political Opponent’s Appearance
Hmmmm .interesting HT: U.S.Patriot1776 Via: Weasel Zippers
Your task is to classify the provided input as real or fake news. Label 0 is meant for fake news, Label 1 is for real news. TITLE: OOPS! [Video] Flashback To When Carly Fiorina Made Fun Of A Female Political Opponent’s Appearance TEXT: Hmmmm .interesting HT: U.S.Patriot1776 Via: Weasel Zippers
TITLE: OOPS! [Video] Flashback To When Carly Fiorina Made Fun Of A Female Political Opponent’s Appearance TEXT: Hmmmm .interesting HT: U.S.Patriot1776 Via: Weasel Zippers