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Autor kazu kontentor halai husi TL, Sosiedade Sivil konsidera frakeza husi sistema judisiariu – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Justica e Segurança » Autor kazu kontentor halai husi TL, Sosiedade Sivil konsidera frakeza husi sistema judisiariu\nSosiedade Sivil sira konsidera autor ka nain ba kazu kontentor sia (9) husi sidadaun Indonesia ho inisial MK, halai sai husi Timor-Leste (TL), iha loron lima liu ba, tanba frakeza husi sistema judisiariu TL.\n“Ha´u hanoin se ida ne´e akontese duni, dala ida tan kecolongan ida ba ita nia sistema justisa, intensaun ka la intensaun ita husik koak leet atu husik fatin ba ema ne´ebé mak iha prosesu investigasaun sei la´o hela, bele sai fasilmente husi prosesu ne´ebé mak sira hatan,“Diretor Judicial System Monitoring Program (JSMP), Luis de Oliveira Sampaio, ba GMN, Kuarta (07/03/18), iha nia servisu fatin Colmera Díli.\nNia hatutan, autor sira ne´e sai husi trritoriu Timor-Leste, tanba frakeza iha liña koordenasaun entre instituisaun relevante sira, tanba la konsege halo avaliasaun profunda ligasaun ho kazu ne´e.\n“Ita iha esperiensia barak ona hanesan kazu ne´e iha prosesu primeiru interogatoriu depois hein prosesu julgamentu ba kazu prinsipal maibe ema sira halai sai. Ita mós iha esperiensia iha kazu sira ne´ebé iha prosesu rekursu hela ema halai sai, ha´u hanoin Tribunal hamutuk ho Ministériu Públiku ténki avalia esperiensia sira ne´e,“dehan Luis De Oliveira Sampaio.\nNia dehan, kuandu kazu sira ne´e iha natureza todan indikasaun material sira ligasaun ho droga ne´ebé mak tama ba krimi tranzitu nasional. Ne´e lolos kazu todan, kazu sira ne´e ligasaun entre grupu redi involve iha laran.\nTanba ne´e atu hola desizaun aplika medida koasaun sira ne´e ténki avalia medida koasan ida ne´ebé mak apropriadu prizaun preventiva.\n“Hanesan kazu sira ne´e tuir lolos tribunal aplika medida koasan prizaun preventiva, laós Termu Identidade Rejidensia, ita esperiensia dala barak ona ema halai sai fasil los, kuandu sai tiha ona ita laiha mekanismu buka tuir, ne´e mak durante ne´e ita esperiensia,“`dehan Luis De Oliveira Sampaio.\nAlende ne´e Vise Diretor HAK, Sisto dos Santos, hateten, kuandu autor prinsipal husi kontentor sia ne´e mak halai sai husi Timor-Leste, ne´e dezastre ida.\nDejastre ne´e la´os foin mak akontese, maibe ne´e ba dala rua ka tolu ona, tanba iha indikasaun mai husi Ministériu Públiku katak, iha ema balun konsege fasilita kontentor ne´e mai iha Timor.\nNia hatutan, ema sira uluk komete kazu korrupsaun maibe sira halai sai husi nasaun ne´e, tanba ne´e dezafiu ba instituisaun judisiariu sira.\n“Entaun ami rekomenda, autor ne´e sai iha sa loron Departementu Imigrasaun hatene ida ne´e ka lae? ka nia sai ho ilegal, entaun importante ba ita atu investiga hodi haklean tan ita-nia informasaun balun, nune´e bele komesa komunika ona ba International Police, tanba ema sira ne´e la´os komete kazu iha Timor-Leste, maibe komete krimi ba nasaun sira ne´ebé la autoriza hahalok ida hanesan ne´e,“dehan Sisto dos Santos.\nIha parte seluk Adjuntu Diretor Fundasaun Mahein, João Almeida, hateten, se Tribunal aplika Termu Identidade Rezidensia ba autor sira ténki identifika autor sira nia hela fatin, atu nune´e hafasil kontrola ba ema sira ne´e.\nNia hatutan, kazu sidadaun Indonesia halai ona husi Timor-Leste, la´os foin akontese, maibe akontese ona ba kazu eis Ministra Finansas, Emília Pires no kazu ema Portugues, Tiago-Guerra-ho-Chan-fong-fong nian.\n“Seluk fali ema sei laiha konfiansa ba ita-nia instituisaun seguransa no judisiariu nian, ezemplu investidor atu mai investe iha Timor-Leste, kuandu haree setor no seguransa hanesan ne’e. Hanesan suspeitu ba kazu ruma ses husi justisa ema sei la mai investe, tanba ita-nia setor seguransa no justisa la garante investidor atu investe iha ita nia rai,“João Almeida, argumenta.\nEntretantu suspeitu ka nain husi kontentor 9 ne´e, Unidade Polísia Maritima (UPM) kaer iha loron 23 fulan Janeiro tinan 2018, iha Portu Díli, wainhira sobu hela kontetor atu tula ba ro ai Berkat Selayang atu ba Indonesia.\nUPM prende kontentor 9 ne´e, tanba deskonfia aimoruk Paracetamol Caffeine Carisopodrol (PCC), hanesan material prima bele produs ba droga.\nTanba ne´e iha loron 27/01/18, Servisu Investigasaun Kriminal submete ba primeiru interogatori, iha Tribunal Distrital Díli, aplika Termu Identidade Rezidensia (TIR) no Aprezentasaun periodika ba suspeitu Nain Tolu ne’ebe hatama kontentor 9 diskonfia ho materia Prima Droga.\nTribunal aplika medida koasaun TIR ho aprezentasaun periodika ba suspeitu nain tolu ho inisail H MK no JP tanba krime tolu ne’ebe Ministeriu Publikua akuza la priense kriteria\nKrime Tolu ne´e mak hanesan brankamentu kapital asosiasaun kriminozu no kombate trafiku droga.avi\nFamilia bo´ot Grupo Media Nasional, Jornal... | [
"Autor kazu kontentor halai husi TL, Sosiedade Sivil konsidera frakeza husi sistema judisiariu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Justica e Seguranca \" Autor kazu kontentor halai husi TL, Sosiedade Sivil konsidera frakeza husi sistema judisiariu Sosiedade Sivil sira konsidera autor ka nain ba kazu kontentor sia (9) husi sidadaun Indonesia ho inisial MK, halai sai husi Timor-Leste (TL), iha loron lima liu ba, tanba frakeza husi sistema judisiariu TL.",
"\"Ha'u hanoin se ida ne'e akontese duni, dala ida tan kecolongan ida ba ita nia sistema justisa, intensaun ka la intensaun ita husik koak leet atu husik fatin ba ema ne'ebe mak iha prosesu investigasaun sei la'o hela, bele sai fasilmente husi prosesu ne'ebe mak sira hatan,\"Diretor Judicial System Monitoring Program (JSMP), Luis de Oliveira Sampaio, ba GMN, Kuarta (07/03/18), iha nia servisu fatin Colmera Dili.",
"Nia hatutan, autor sira ne'e sai husi trritoriu Timor-Leste, tanba frakeza iha lina koordenasaun entre instituisaun relevante sira, tanba la konsege halo avaliasaun profunda ligasaun ho kazu ne'e.",
"\"Ita iha esperiensia barak ona hanesan kazu ne'e iha prosesu primeiru interogatoriu depois hein prosesu julgamentu ba kazu prinsipal maibe ema sira halai sai.",
"Ita mos iha esperiensia iha kazu sira ne'ebe iha prosesu rekursu hela ema halai sai, ha'u hanoin Tribunal hamutuk ho Ministeriu Publiku tenki avalia esperiensia sira ne'e,\"dehan Luis De Oliveira Sampaio.",
"Nia dehan, kuandu kazu sira ne'e iha natureza todan indikasaun material sira ligasaun ho droga ne'ebe mak tama ba krimi tranzitu nasional.",
"Ne'e lolos kazu todan, kazu sira ne'e ligasaun entre grupu redi involve iha laran.",
"Tanba ne'e atu hola desizaun aplika medida koasaun sira ne'e tenki avalia medida koasan ida ne'ebe mak apropriadu prizaun preventiva.",
"\"Hanesan kazu sira ne'e tuir lolos tribunal aplika medida koasan prizaun preventiva, laos Termu Identidade Rejidensia, ita esperiensia dala barak ona ema halai sai fasil los, kuandu sai tiha ona ita laiha mekanismu buka tuir, ne'e mak durante ne'e ita esperiensia,\"'dehan Luis De Oliveira Sampaio.",
"Alende ne'e Vise Diretor HAK, Sisto dos Santos, hateten, kuandu autor prinsipal husi kontentor sia ne'e mak halai sai husi Timor-Leste, ne'e dezastre ida.",
"Dejastre ne'e la'os foin mak akontese, maibe ne'e ba dala rua ka tolu ona, tanba iha indikasaun mai husi Ministeriu Publiku katak, iha ema balun konsege fasilita kontentor ne'e mai iha Timor.",
"Nia hatutan, ema sira uluk komete kazu korrupsaun maibe sira halai sai husi nasaun ne'e, tanba ne'e dezafiu ba instituisaun judisiariu sira.",
"\"Entaun ami rekomenda, autor ne'e sai iha sa loron Departementu Imigrasaun hatene ida ne'e ka lae? ka nia sai ho ilegal, entaun importante ba ita atu investiga hodi haklean tan ita-nia informasaun balun, nune'e bele komesa komunika ona ba International Police, tanba ema sira ne'e la'os komete kazu iha Timor-Leste, maibe komete krimi ba nasaun sira ne'ebe la autoriza hahalok ida hanesan ne'e,\"dehan Sisto dos Santos.",
"Iha parte seluk Adjuntu Diretor Fundasaun Mahein, Joao Almeida, hateten, se Tribunal aplika Termu Identidade Rezidensia ba autor sira tenki identifika autor sira nia hela fatin, atu nune'e hafasil kontrola ba ema sira ne'e.",
"Nia hatutan, kazu sidadaun Indonesia halai ona husi Timor-Leste, la'os foin akontese, maibe akontese ona ba kazu eis Ministra Finansas, Emilia Pires no kazu ema Portugues, Tiago-Guerra-ho-Chan-fong-fong nian.",
"\"Seluk fali ema sei laiha konfiansa ba ita-nia instituisaun seguransa no judisiariu nian, ezemplu investidor atu mai investe iha Timor-Leste, kuandu haree setor no seguransa hanesan ne'e.",
"Hanesan suspeitu ba kazu ruma ses husi justisa ema sei la mai investe, tanba ita-nia setor seguransa no justisa la garante investidor atu investe iha ita nia rai,\"Joao Almeida, argumenta.",
"Entretantu suspeitu ka nain husi kontentor 9 ne'e, Unidade Polisia Maritima (UPM) kaer iha loron 23 fulan Janeiro tinan 2018, iha Portu Dili, wainhira sobu hela kontetor atu tula ba ro ai Berkat Selayang atu ba Indonesia.",
"UPM prende kontentor 9 ne'e, tanba deskonfia aimoruk Paracetamol Caffeine Carisopodrol (PCC), hanesan material prima bele produs ba droga.",
"Tanba ne'e iha loron 27/01/18, Servisu Investigasaun Kriminal submete ba primeiru interogatori, iha Tribunal Distrital Dili, aplika Termu Identidade Rezidensia (TIR) no Aprezentasaun periodika ba suspeitu Nain Tolu ne'ebe hatama kontentor 9 diskonfia ho materia Prima Droga.",
"Tribunal aplika medida koasaun TIR ho aprezentasaun periodika ba suspeitu nain tolu ho inisail H MK no JP tanba krime tolu ne'ebe Ministeriu Publikua akuza la priense kriteria Krime Tolu ne'e mak hanesan brankamentu kapital asosiasaun kriminozu no kombate trafiku droga.avi Familia bo'ot Grupo Media Nasional, Jornal..."
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"Author of contentor case leaves Timor-Leste, Civil Society considering weakness in the judicial system - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Justica e Seguranca\" Autor de contedor caso deixa o TL. Sociedade Civil considera fraqueza do sistema judiciário The author or owner for nine (9) contendors cases by Indonesian citizen with initial MK left East Тимор last five days due to a flaw on their justice systems are considered as civil society members who believe that this is because there was no proper legal process and they have been forced out from east timors courthouse after being arrested during an investigation into criminal offences committed against Indonesia citizens under international law.\""
"\"I think that if this happens, it will be yet another failure of our justice system. Intentionally or not we have allowed the crackdown to make way for people who are under investigation and can easily escape from their prosecutions\", Judicial System Monitoring Program (JSMP) Director Luis de Oliveira Sampaio told GMN on Thursday 07/18 at his office in Colmera Dili"
"He added that the perpetrators left Timor-Leste because of a weak coordination between relevant institutions, which failed to carry out an in depth evaluation linked with this case."
"\"We have had many experiences like this case in the first interrogation process then waiting for trial proceeding on main cause but people run away."
"We also have experience in cases where there is an appeal process and people are still out, I think the Tribunal together with Public Prosecution must evaluate these experiencies\", said Luis De Oliveira Sampaio."
"He said, when these cases are of a serious nature there is no material indication that they have to do with drugs which enters into the national transit crime."
"It's a very serious case, these cases are linked between the red group involved in it."
"Therefore, in order to make a decision on the application of these coercive measures it is necessary that an appropriate preventive detention be evaluated."
"\"However, in these cases the courts usually apply preventive detention as a measure rather than Termo Identidade Residencia. We have experienced many times that people go away easily and when they leave we don't know how to find them again; this is what has happened during our time here\", said Luis De Oliveira Sampaia .\""
"In addition, HAK's Deputy Director Sisto dos Santos said that if the main author of this container was to leave Timor-Leste it would be a disaster."
"This disaster is not new, but it has happened twice or three times already because there are indications from the Public Prosecutor's Office that some people have managed to facilitate this container into Timor."
"He added that people who had previously committed corruption cases but fled the country are a challenge to judicial institutions."
"\"So we recommend, the author left in which day did Immigration Department know about this? or he went out illegally. So it is important for us to investigate and clean up some of our information so that you can start communicating with International Police because these people do not commit crimes on Timor-Leste but they committed a criminal act against countries who don't allow such an action\", said Sisto dos Santos.\""
"On the other hand, Deputy Director of Fundação Mahein Joao Almeida said that if courts apply Identity Residence Term to copyright holders they must identify their residence so as easier control over these people."
"He added that the case of Indonesian citizens leaving Timor-Leste is not new, but it has already happened to former Finance Minister Emilia Pires and Portuguese citizen Tiago Guerra ho Chan Fong."
"\"Therefore, people will not have confidence in our security and judicial institutions. For example investors to come investing into Timor-Leste when they see the sector of safety like this.\""
"If there is a suspect in some case and no justice, people will not come to invest because our security sector or the judiciary does NOT guarantee investors that they are going into this country,” Joao Almeida argues."
"The suspect or owner of the 9 containers was arrested by Maritime Police Unit (MPU) on January,23rd in Port Dili while demolishing a vessel to transport Berkat Selayang water for Indonesia."
"UPM seized the 9 containers on suspicion of Paracetamol Caffeine Carisopodrol (PCC), a raw material that could be used to produce drugs."
"Therefore, on January 27th of this year the Criminal Investigation Service submitted to first interrogation at Dili District Court and applied Termo Identidade Residencia (TIR) for three suspects who brought in nine container with suspicion containing drug raw materials."
"The court applied the TIR coercive measure with periodical presentation to three suspects, initial H MK and JP because of their offences which are not compliant against criteria.These Three Offences include money laundering criminal associations or combating drug trafficking...avi Familia bo'ot Grupo Media Nasional Jornal…"
] |
Familia Uma Kain 53 Seidauk Fila Ba Leorema | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA JUSTISA Familia Uma Kain 53 Seidauk Fila Ba Leorema\nDILI, 17 jullu 2019 (TATOLI)-Komandu Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) Munisípiu Liquiça, seidauk bele re-íntegra komunidade família uma kain 53 ba sira ida-idak nia horik fatin iha Loerema, tanba suspeitu prinsipál seidauk kaptura.\nKomandante Polisia Munisípiu Liquiça, Superintendente Asistente, Luis da Silva, esplika, família uma kain 53 sei trauma atu fila ba sira nia suku no aldeia, tanba too agora suspeitu prinsipál ida husi kazu krime omisídiu iha Suku Leorema PNTL seidauk kaptura no prosesu diálogu nahe biti boot mós seidauk realiza.\n“Ita sei halo diálogu envolve parte hotu-hotu inklui governu depois maka foin bele re-íntegra fila fali komunidade uma kain 53 ne’e fila ba Leorema,”informa Komandante Luis da Silva, ohin, ba jornalista iha Komandu PNTL, Caicoli, Dili.\nPNTL rasik kaptura ona suspeitu na’in 13, no arguido SP ne’ebé maka rekoñese halo krime omisídiu ba vítima sira tama ona prizaun preventiva iha Becora no sira seluk sei iha prosesu investigasaun.\n“Agora suspeitu ida ne’ebé maka halai ami deskonfia suspeitu prinsipál hotu, tanba envolve oho vítima ida, hamutuk ho arguido SP ne’ebé rekoñese halo krime omisídiu ba vítima sira,” hateten Komandante Luis.\nNia husu atu grupu ilegál sira ne’ebé subar suspeitu iha Liquiça, Ermera ka Dili no fatin seluk, atu entrega suspeitu ba PNTL hodi responsabiliza ba krime ne’ebé suspeitu komete.\nKomandu PNTL mós foin lalais ne’e simu informasaun husi grupu ilegál sira atu tenta sunu merkadu vila Liquiça, tanba ne’e parte PNTL halo nafatin seguransa makas.\n“Grupu (ilegál) balun atu asaltu tan merkadu Liquiça, tanba ne’e PNTL alerta um halo ona seguransa makas iha merkadu hodi kontrola sasán kro’at,” tenik Luis da Silva.\nKomandante PNTL Liquiça ne’e mós lamenta kazu Leorema nian ne’e envolve direita Xefe Suku ho inisiál ADS ne’ebé envolve iha grupu ilegál sira maka organiza halo asaltu oho vítima na’in rua, no hakanek ema na’in tolu inklui sunu uma no motór.\nAgora daudaun Xefe Suku Leorema ho inisiál ADS no suspeitu sira seluk sei detein hela iha Sela Komarka Liquiça hodi submete ba investigasaun kle’an.\nSituasaun seguransa iha Leorema kontinua alerta um no hetan seguransa makas husi parte Polisia Unidade Espesiál no Polisia Liquiça nian.\nKona-ba situasaun estudante na’in 13 kompostu Eskola Sekundária no Pre-Sekundária ne’ebé seidauk ba eskola iha Leorema, agora Edukasaun Munisipiu Liquiça provizóriu simu sira partisipa aula prosesu aprendizajen iha Liquiça hodi hein too situasaun hakmatek foin bele fila ba Leorema.\nPrevious articleTimor-Leste Poténsia Riku Petróleu no Gás\nNext articlePolítika SEAK Ba Tinan Tolu Harii Uma-Lulik 500 iha Territóriu Tomak | [
"Familia Uma Kain 53 Seidauk Fila Ba Leorema | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA JUSTISA Familia Uma Kain 53 Seidauk Fila Ba Leorema DILI, 17 jullu 2019 (TATOLI) -Komandu Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) Munisipiu Liquica, seidauk bele re-integra komunidade familia uma kain 53 ba sira ida-idak nia horik fatin iha Loerema, tanba suspeitu prinsipal seidauk kaptura.",
"Komandante Polisia Munisipiu Liquica, Superintendente Asistente, Luis da Silva, esplika, familia uma kain 53 sei trauma atu fila ba sira nia suku no aldeia, tanba too agora suspeitu prinsipal ida husi kazu krime omisidiu iha Suku Leorema PNTL seidauk kaptura no prosesu dialogu nahe biti boot mos seidauk realiza.",
"\"Ita sei halo dialogu envolve parte hotu-hotu inklui governu depois maka foin bele re-integra fila fali komunidade uma kain 53 ne'e fila ba Leorema,\"informa Komandante Luis da Silva, ohin, ba jornalista iha Komandu PNTL, Caicoli, Dili.",
"PNTL rasik kaptura ona suspeitu na'in 13, no arguido SP ne'ebe maka rekonese halo krime omisidiu ba vitima sira tama ona prizaun preventiva iha Becora no sira seluk sei iha prosesu investigasaun.",
"\"Agora suspeitu ida ne'ebe maka halai ami deskonfia suspeitu prinsipal hotu, tanba envolve oho vitima ida, hamutuk ho arguido SP ne'ebe rekonese halo krime omisidiu ba vitima sira,\" hateten Komandante Luis.",
"Nia husu atu grupu ilegal sira ne'ebe subar suspeitu iha Liquica, Ermera ka Dili no fatin seluk, atu entrega suspeitu ba PNTL hodi responsabiliza ba krime ne'ebe suspeitu komete.",
"Komandu PNTL mos foin lalais ne'e simu informasaun husi grupu ilegal sira atu tenta sunu merkadu vila Liquica, tanba ne'e parte PNTL halo nafatin seguransa makas.",
"\"Grupu (ilegal) balun atu asaltu tan merkadu Liquica, tanba ne'e PNTL alerta um halo ona seguransa makas iha merkadu hodi kontrola sasan kro'at,\" tenik Luis da Silva.",
"Komandante PNTL Liquica ne'e mos lamenta kazu Leorema nian ne'e envolve direita Xefe Suku ho inisial ADS ne'ebe envolve iha grupu ilegal sira maka organiza halo asaltu oho vitima na'in rua, no hakanek ema na'in tolu inklui sunu uma no motor.",
"Agora daudaun Xefe Suku Leorema ho inisial ADS no suspeitu sira seluk sei detein hela iha Sela Komarka Liquica hodi submete ba investigasaun kle'an.",
"Situasaun seguransa iha Leorema kontinua alerta um no hetan seguransa makas husi parte Polisia Unidade Espesial no Polisia Liquica nian.",
"Kona-ba situasaun estudante na'in 13 kompostu Eskola Sekundaria no Pre-Sekundaria ne'ebe seidauk ba eskola iha Leorema, agora Edukasaun Munisipiu Liquica provizoriu simu sira partisipa aula prosesu aprendizajen iha Liquica hodi hein too situasaun hakmatek foin bele fila ba Leorema.",
"Previous articleTimor-Leste Potensia Riku Petroleu no Gas Next articlePolitika SEAK Ba Tinan Tolu Harii Uma-Lulik 500 iha Territoriu Tomak"
] | [
"Família Uma Kain 53 Seidauk Fila Ba Leorema | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA JUSTIÇA FAMÍLIA UMANITY FAMILIAS OF THE LIKEMA COMMUNITÉ HAVE NOT REINTEGRATED TO EACH OTHER’S HOUSE IN LOEREMÁ Dili, July.17th (AP) - The National Police of Liquica Municipality has not been able to reintegrate the family homeless community in Loerema because its main suspects haven't yet being captured by police forces and they are still waiting for their release from custody at a local prison or other place where it is safely held under law enforcement control"
"Liquica Municipal Police Commander, Assistant Superintendent Luis da Silva explained that the 53 families will be traumatized to return their villages and hamlets because so far one of a main suspect in homicide crime case at Leorema Village has not been caught by PNTL nor have dialogue processes with his family taken place."
"\"We will have a dialogue involving all parties, including the government. Only then can we re-integrate this community of 53 homes back to Leorema\", said Commander Luis da Silva today at PNTL Headquarters Caicoli (Dili)."
"The police itself has arrested 13 suspects, and the defendant SP who admitted to committing a crime of homicide against victim have been taken into pretrial detention in Becora while others are under investigation."
"\"Now one suspect who has been carried away, we have dismissed all the main accused because it involves killing a victim together with an SP defendant that admitted to committing homicide against his own Victim\", said Commander Luis."
"He called on the illegal groups that are shooting suspects in Liquica, Ermera or Dili and elsewhere to hand over them back into police custody so they can be held accountable for their crime."
"The PNTL command also recently received information from illegal groups to try and burn the market in Liquica, therefore they are continuing with tight security."
"\"Some (illegal) groups are trying to assault the Liquica market again, which is why PNTL has alerted and put in place a strong security system at this Market for controlling cro'at goods\", said Luis da Silva."
"The Liquica Police Commander also deplored the Leorema case involving rightly a village chief with initials ADS who was involved to illegal groups that organized an assault killing two victim, and attacking three people including burning house & motor."
"At the moment, Leorema's Chief of Village with initial ADS and other suspected person will be detained in Sela Komarka Liquica to undergo further investigation."
"The security situation in Leorema continues to be on alert and is being closely guarded by the Special Police Unit of Liquica."
"Regarding the situation of 13 students from Secondary and Pre-Secondary Schools who have not been to school in Leorema, now Liquica Municipality Education Provisionally accept them participate class learning processes at LIQUICHA waiting for a calm environment before they can return."
"Previous articleTimor-Leste’s Potential Oil and Gas Richness Next ArticleSEAK Policy For Three Year To Build More Than Five Thousand Home in Timor Territory"
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COVID-19: kazu pozitivu ualu no ativu na’in-17 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE COVID-19: kazu pozitivu ualu no ativu na’in-17\nDILI, 26 janeiru 2022 (TATOLI)—Ministériu Saúde relata, ohin, kazu detetadu foun ualu, rekuperadu ida no kazu ativu na’in-17.\n”Kazu detetadu foun ohin ualu, rekuperadu ida no ativu 17,” Diretora Jerál Prestasaun Saúde iha Ministériu Saúde, Odete da Silva Viegas , hateten liuhosi nota ne’ebé Agência TATOLI asesu kuarta ne’e.\nNune’e, hahú 21 marsu 2020 to’o 26 janeiru 2022 iha kumulativu kazu konfirmadu 19.879 no óbitu 122.\nHosi horisehik mai ohin, Laboratóriu Nasionál Saúde halo teste PCR 229, kompostu vijilánsia sentinela laiha, rastreiu ba kontaku 13, rastreiu aleatóriu 98, viájen internasionál 118, follow up iha kuarentena laiha.\nAlende ne’e, totál teste PCR ne’ebé halo iha 25 janeiru 2022 iha munisípiu-sira seluk, Rejiaun Administravu Espesiál Oé-Cusse no Ambeno (RAEOA) no Hospitál Nasionál Guido Valadares (HNGV) 87, hanesan Maubisse laiha , Maliana 14, Viqueque laiha, Suai 16, Baucau lima, Ermera laiha, RAEOA tolu, HNGV 49, Lautém laiha, Vera-Cruz laiha.\nPopulasaun elijível tinan 18 ba leten, ne’ebé simu ona vasina to’o iha loron 26 janeiru 2022, tuir sistema informasaun Saúde iha Ministériu Saúde, hanesan kumulativu 1ª doze iha Dili (87,8%) no kumulativu 2ª doze iha Dili (82,1%).\nEnkuantu, Sidadaun iha territóriu nasionál ne’ebé simu ona vasina doze dahuluk iha Timor-Leste 84,0% no simu ona doze daruak 70,5%.\nIha loron 26 janeiru 2022, izolamentu Vera Cruz, Lahane, HNGV no fatin seluk iha territóriu laran tomak, halo tratamentu hospitalizadu ba kazu detetadu pozitivu la iha , moderadu la iha, no kaman la iha.\nNotísia Relevante: COVID-19: kazu pozitivu foun rua no ativu na’in-10\nCOVID-19: pozitivu ualu\nPrevious articleEskola DMCL Maliana simu de’it estudante na’in-450\nNext articleGrupu juventude mileniál apoia Horta kompete iha eleisaun prezidensiál | [
"COVID-19: kazu pozitivu ualu no ativu na'in-17 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE COVID-19: kazu pozitivu ualu no ativu na'in-17 DILI, 26 janeiru 2022 (TATOLI) - Ministeriu Saude relata, ohin, kazu detetadu foun ualu, rekuperadu ida no kazu ativu na'in-17.",
"\"Kazu detetadu foun ohin ualu, rekuperadu ida no ativu 17,\" Diretora Jeral Prestasaun Saude iha Ministeriu Saude, Odete da Silva Viegas , hateten liuhosi nota ne'ebe Agencia TATOLI asesu kuarta ne'e.",
"Nune'e, hahu 21 marsu 2020 to'o 26 janeiru 2022 iha kumulativu kazu konfirmadu 19.879 no obitu 122.",
"Hosi horisehik mai ohin, Laboratoriu Nasional Saude halo teste PCR 229, kompostu vijilansia sentinela laiha, rastreiu ba kontaku 13, rastreiu aleatoriu 98, viajen internasional 118, follow up iha kuarentena laiha.",
"Alende ne'e, total teste PCR ne'ebe halo iha 25 janeiru 2022 iha munisipiu-sira seluk, Rejiaun Administravu Espesial Oe-Cusse no Ambeno (RAEOA) no Hospital Nasional Guido Valadares (HNGV) 87, hanesan Maubisse laiha , Maliana 14, Viqueque laiha, Suai 16, Baucau lima, Ermera laiha, RAEOA tolu, HNGV 49, Lautem laiha, Vera-Cruz laiha.",
"Populasaun elijivel tinan 18 ba leten, ne'ebe simu ona vasina to'o iha loron 26 janeiru 2022, tuir sistema informasaun Saude iha Ministeriu Saude, hanesan kumulativu 1a doze iha Dili (87,8%) no kumulativu 2a doze iha Dili (82,1%).",
"Enkuantu, Sidadaun iha territoriu nasional ne'ebe simu ona vasina doze dahuluk iha Timor-Leste 84,0% no simu ona doze daruak 70,5%.",
"Iha loron 26 janeiru 2022, izolamentu Vera Cruz, Lahane, HNGV no fatin seluk iha territoriu laran tomak, halo tratamentu hospitalizadu ba kazu detetadu pozitivu la iha , moderadu la iha, no kaman la iha.",
"Notisia Relevante: COVID-19: kazu pozitivu foun rua no ativu na’in-10 COVID-19: pozitivu ualu Previous articleEskola DMCL Maliana simu de'it estudante na'in-450 Next articleGrupu juventude milenial apoia Horta kompete iha eleisaun prezidensial"
] | [
"COVID-19: eight new positive cases, one recovered and seventeen active | Tempotimor Timor News Agency VARANDA HEADLINE Coronavirus in East Тимор has increased to a total of ninety two. Dili/Dili (26 January) - The Ministry for Health reports today that there are now ten more confirmes case with the number rising by four as it reported on Monday after an additional sixth death from coronavirus among its staffers at hospital during last week' s lockdown period"
"\"Eight new cases were detected today, one recovers and there are 17 active in the country\", Odete da Silva Viegas said through a statement that Agência Tatoli access on Tuesday."
"Thus, from March 21st of this year to January the cumulative number is confirmed cases in Brazil are now at:"
"From yesterday to today, the National Health Laboratory has carried out 230 PCR tests; of which no sentinel vigilance test was conducted. Contact tracing results were obtained in a total number Of cases reported from international travel there have been:"
"In addition, the total PCR tests carried out on 25 January in other municipalities of Oe-Cusse and Ambeno (RAEOA) as well As National Guido Valadares Hospital(HNGV), is now: Maubisse -0; Maliana –14. Viqueque– no test results were reported from Suai hospital with a positive case for Covid/COVIDs resulting to death at Baucau national health center where there was also an active patient who had been contacted by another person infectious or suspect that could have transmitted HIV virus via sexual intercourse"
"The eligible population aged 18 and over, who have been vaccinated up to the date of Jan.26th (January), according health information system in Ministry Health is as cumulative first dose vaccination rate for Dili city(90%), second-dose immunization ratios are:"
"Meanwhile, 84.0% of the citizens in Timor-Leste have received their first dose and a second one has been administered to an average population rate for all national territories (71%)."
"On 26 January, the Vera Cruz isolation facilities in Lahane and at other locations throughout Brazil were treating hospitalized patients with no positive cases detected."
"Related News: COVID-19 in Mali, 2 new positive cases and ten active PreviousDMCL school only accepts students for the next year Next articleMillenial youth group support Horta to compete at Presidential election"
] |
By Tempo Timor December 27, 2020 908\nPadre Kapelaun Malurucomo suku Makadique Emanuel Raja 'Manu Kwuta' selebra misa Natal 25 Dezembru 2020, Uatulari Foto Tempo Timor\nPadre ko'alia lia hirak ne'e tanba, mezmu tama.ona loron boot, maibé kontinua mosu konflitu ne'ebé afeta husi hemu tua, fuma sigaru, inklui halimar facebook ho whatsapp.\n"Oinsa ita bele selebra Natal, se ita la hola parte no ativu, iha selebrasaun misa Natal nian, kalan ida ne'e ha'u konvida ita hotu-hotu, atu selebra Natal ho ativu, ho konsiénsia nakonu," dehan Padre Emanuel liuhusi nia omilia ba sarani sira bainhira prezide misa iha kalan Natal, horseik (25/12).\nBibi atan ne'e mós fó konvite ba sarani suku makadiki atu tau Jesus Kristu nu'udar sentru iha ida-idak nia moris, atu nune'e bele hametin liután sira-nia fiar no esperansa.\n"Nia hakarak tama iha ita-nia fuan, maibé ita taka hela ita-nia fuan, maske ita-nia laran hein hela nia. maibé ita halo finji la rona, tanba kolegas, tanba tua ho sigaru ka tanba ita halimar facebook no whatsapp demais," dehan Nia.\nPadre ne'e mós esplika liután, ko'alia kona-ba Natal ne'e la'ós atu hanoin kona-ba saida mak sarani presiza, maibé sarani sira presiza hasoru mak ida ne'ebé latan hela iha balada fatin.\nBibi atan ne'e mós husu ba ema hotu atu respeita malu no labele estraga ka hasai ema seluk nia vida. tanba nu'daru ema moris iha mundu ne'e iha diretu no dignidade hanesan.\n"Tan ne'e Maromak mai atu fó korajen ba ita hotu hodi luta kontra abortus, luta kontra odiu malu, oho malu, halakon ema Nia vida, no selu-seluk tan," katak Padre Emanuel.\nNia mós preokupa, tanba ema soe bebe oan sira iha ponte okos, iha ai-laran, fatin lixu, nune'e mós kazu rama ambon, tuda malu inklui oho malu ho sasan kroat.\nPadre ne'e afirma, selebrasaun loron Jesus nian bele lori sarani tomak atu proive funu no estraga malu, respeita moris ema ida-idak nian, tanba moris ne'e nu'udar doasaun gratuita husi Maromak, kee ita ema presiza kuidadu.\n"Nune'e ita hotu, mai ita han no simu kbiit husi Jesus iha balada sira nian han fatin, atu bele fo kbiit ba ita-nia maluk sira seluk," tenik nia.\nEntretantu, tuir observasaun www.tempotimor.com nian iha terenu nota katak, sarani sira ne'ebé barak liu partisipa iha misa ba festa Natal nian mak ferik no katuas, labarik, kaben-na'in sira, maibé joven sira ladun partisipa.(*)\nLast modified on Sunday, 27 December 2020 14:20\n« Komunidade Ossu: Kumpre EE Signifika Husik Familia "Hamlaha" Dezenvolvimentu Bee Moos-Eletrisidade iha Uatulari Atinji 75% » | [
"By Tempo Timor December 27, 2020 908 Padre Kapelaun Malurucomo suku Makadique Emanuel Raja 'Manu Kwuta' selebra misa Natal 25 Dezembru 2020, Uatulari Foto Tempo Timor Padre ko'alia lia hirak ne'e tanba, mezmu tama.ona loron boot, maibe kontinua mosu konflitu ne'ebe afeta husi hemu tua, fuma sigaru, inklui halimar facebook ho whatsapp.",
"\"Oinsa ita bele selebra Natal, se ita la hola parte no ativu, iha selebrasaun misa Natal nian, kalan ida ne'e ha'u konvida ita hotu-hotu, atu selebra Natal ho ativu, ho konsiensia nakonu,\" dehan Padre Emanuel liuhusi nia omilia ba sarani sira bainhira prezide misa iha kalan Natal, horseik (25/12).",
"Bibi atan ne'e mos fo konvite ba sarani suku makadiki atu tau Jesus Kristu nu'udar sentru iha ida-idak nia moris, atu nune'e bele hametin liutan sira-nia fiar no esperansa.",
"\"Nia hakarak tama iha ita-nia fuan, maibe ita taka hela ita-nia fuan, maske ita-nia laran hein hela nia. maibe ita halo finji la rona, tanba kolegas, tanba tua ho sigaru ka tanba ita halimar facebook no whatsapp demais,\" dehan Nia.",
"Padre ne'e mos esplika liutan, ko'alia kona-ba Natal ne'e la'os atu hanoin kona-ba saida mak sarani presiza, maibe sarani sira presiza hasoru mak ida ne'ebe latan hela iha balada fatin.",
"Bibi atan ne'e mos husu ba ema hotu atu respeita malu no labele estraga ka hasai ema seluk nia vida. tanba nu'daru ema moris iha mundu ne'e iha diretu no dignidade hanesan.",
"\"Tan ne'e Maromak mai atu fo korajen ba ita hotu hodi luta kontra abortus, luta kontra odiu malu, oho malu, halakon ema Nia vida, no selu-seluk tan,\" katak Padre Emanuel.",
"Nia mos preokupa, tanba ema soe bebe oan sira iha ponte okos, iha ai-laran, fatin lixu, nune'e mos kazu rama ambon, tuda malu inklui oho malu ho sasan kroat.",
"Padre ne'e afirma, selebrasaun loron Jesus nian bele lori sarani tomak atu proive funu no estraga malu, respeita moris ema ida-idak nian, tanba moris ne'e nu'udar doasaun gratuita husi Maromak, kee ita ema presiza kuidadu.",
"\"Nune'e ita hotu, mai ita han no simu kbiit husi Jesus iha balada sira nian han fatin, atu bele fo kbiit ba ita-nia maluk sira seluk,\" tenik nia.",
"Entretantu, tuir observasaun www.tempotimor.com nian iha terenu nota katak, sarani sira ne'ebe barak liu partisipa iha misa ba festa Natal nian mak ferik no katuas, labarik, kaben-na'in sira, maibe joven sira ladun partisipa. (*) Last modified on Sunday, 27 December 2020 14:20 \" Komunidade Ossu: Kumpre EE Signifika Husik Familia \"Hamlaha\" Dezenvolvimentu Bee Moos-Eletrisidade iha Uatulari Atinji 75% \""
] | [
"By Tempo Timor December 27,198 Father Chaplain Malurucomo suku Makadique Emanuel Raja 'Manu Kwuta' celebrates Christmas mass on Dec.30th in Uatulari Photo:Tempo Timor The priest said these words because even though it is a big day but there continue to be conflict which are affected by smoking cigarettes and facebook with whatsapp etc..."
"\"How can we celebrate Christmas, if not taking part and being active in the celebration of Mass? This evening I invite us all to participate with an open conscience.\" Father Emanuel said this during his homily when he presided over mass on December 25th."
"The Bishop also invited the Makadiki parishioners to put Jesus Christ as a centre in their lives, so that they can strengthen through it both faith and hope."
"\"He wants to come into our heart, but we keep closing it up even though he is waiting in the middle of us. But then you pretend that your not listening because colleagues are smoking cigarettes or just being too busy with facebook and whatsapp.\""
"The priest also explained that talking about Christmas is not to think of what the faithful need, but they must meet one who lives in a ballad place."
"He also urged all people to respect each other and not destroy or take the life of others. Because as we live in this world, everyone has equal rights & dignity..."
"\"That is why God has come to give us all courage in the struggle against abortion, fighting hatred of one another and killing each other."
"He is also concerned, because people are burning their babies on the bridges around town and in trees or garbage dumps. There have been cases of ram ambon (a kind Of firecracker), killing each other with croat stuff etc..."
"The priest affirms that the celebration of Jesus' Day can lead all believers to forbid war and destroy each other, respecting every person’S life because it is God‘ s free gift which we need care."
"\"Now, let us all come and eat from Jesus in our local dining halls so that we can give strength to others.\""
"Meanwhile, according to the observation of www.tempotimor!com on site it is noted that those who participate in mass for Christmas celebrations are mainly elders and children but young people do not take part (*) Last modified On Sunday 27 December -14:30 \" Community Ossu says compliance with EC means falling into family hunger Water-Water supply development reaches Uatulari at a rate as high As seventy five percent\""
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Vitíma dezastre naturais Uma kain 30 iha Suku Metiaut Hetan apoiu aihan husi HWI – Radio Comunidade Comoro\nVaranda / Notísia Vitíma dezastre naturais Uma kain 30 iha Suku Metiaut Hetan apoiu aihan husi HWI\n(Díli)-Health wealth internasional(HWI) foti inisiativa rasik apoiu aihan nesesidade bázika ba abitantes ne’ebe vitíma ba Inundasaun foin lalais ne’e hamutuk uma kain 30 iha suku Metiaut Postu administrativu Kristu-Rei munisipiu Díli.\nResponsavel Asaun karitativa grupo Health wealth internasional Eugenia guterres do Rego espresa, sentimentu solidadriedade ba maluk vitíma dezastre naturais ne’e, tanba nu’udar timor oan, tanba ne’e mak Health wealth internasional ho inisiativa hodi apoiu aihan bázika ba komunidade afetadu sira.\n“ami husi HWI no ami ho inisiativa rasik mak halo asaun karidade ida ne’e, hodi apoiu ba ita nia maluk sira ne’ebé mak foin lalais hasoru dezastre naturais, la signifika katak ami riku liu, maibe nu’udar timor oan ami ho fuan ho laran, atu ajuda ita nia maluk sira hotu ne’ebe hasoru situasaun ida ne’e , hodi bele hakman sira nia sofrementu.”Dehan Eugenia guterres ba jornalista iha fatin asaun karidade metiaut sábado 24-4/2021.\nFuan osan mean inan feton Eugenia guteres ho maluk feto sira halo asaun karidade ne’e tuir forsa no kbi’it ne’ebé iha, hodi tulun netik vitíma sira hodi hakman sira terus.\n“ami lori buat ne’ebé mak tuir ami nia forsa no kbi’it ne’ebé mak ami iha la barak maibe iha naton atu bele apoiu sira hodi hakman sira terus tanba ne’e mak ami husi HWI hola desizaun ne’e.“Dehan lider fuan osan mean ne’e.\nIha sorin seluk mos, familia vitíma dezastre naturais, Abita da Conceicão agradese tebes ba Health wealth internasional ne’ebé apoiu ona aihan bázika ba sira.\n“ami agradese tebes ba HWI nia apoiu ne’e, maske barak ka oituan ami simu.” Dehan komunidade afetadu Inundasaun ne’e.\nIha okajiaun hanesan, Delegadu aldeia Karumgulau suku Metiaut, Armando Correia, apresia tebes ho asaun karidade husi grupo HWI, tanba bele sustenta ona komunidade sira nesesidade lorloron.\n“ami nia bairu ne’e iha uma 13 mak hetan estragus ou grave tebes husi dezastre naturais foin lalais ne’e, tanba ne’e ami agradese tebes ba kolega sira husi HWI ne’ebé iha hanoin ida ne’ebé furak, ohin mai apoiu aihan ba ita nia komunidade sira hodi bele tahan netik sira nia nesesidade lorloron nian.”Lider lokal ne’e haktuir.\nDelegadu ne’e ho familia vitíma dezastre naturais uma kain 13 dadaun ne’e hela provijoriu iha kapela Metiaut , hodi hein deaijaun husi governu atu rekoperasaun ba hela fatin.\nHo nune’e etapa dahuluk Health wealth internasional(HWI) apoiu aihan nesesidade bázika hanesan fós ,mina , supermi inklui nesesidade sira ne’ebé uza ba loron-loron nian.\nHealth wealth internasional mós dehan, iha tempu tuir mai sei nafatin apoiu maluk sira ne’ebé hasoru dezastre naturais, tuir forsa no kbi’it ne’ebé sira iha.\nPrevious post Hahú aban sarani sira iha Arquídiosese Metropolitana Dili bele tuir misa\nNext post Inundasaun fulan abril, estraga Natar hektares 150 iha Atabae Kailaku | [
"Vitima dezastre naturais Uma kain 30 iha Suku Metiaut Hetan apoiu aihan husi HWI - Radio Comunidade Comoro Varanda / Notisia Vitima dezastre naturais Uma kain 30 iha Suku Metiaut Hetan apoiu aihan husi HWI (Dili) -Health wealth internasional (HWI) foti inisiativa rasik apoiu aihan nesesidade bazika ba abitantes ne'ebe vitima ba Inundasaun foin lalais ne'e hamutuk uma kain 30 iha suku Metiaut Postu administrativu Kristu-Rei munisipiu Dili.",
"Responsavel Asaun karitativa grupo Health wealth internasional Eugenia guterres do Rego espresa, sentimentu solidadriedade ba maluk vitima dezastre naturais ne'e, tanba nu'udar timor oan, tanba ne'e mak Health wealth internasional ho inisiativa hodi apoiu aihan bazika ba komunidade afetadu sira. \"ami husi HWI no ami ho inisiativa rasik mak halo asaun karidade ida ne'e, hodi apoiu ba ita nia maluk sira ne'ebe mak foin lalais hasoru dezastre naturais, la signifika katak ami riku liu, maibe nu'udar timor oan ami ho fuan ho laran, atu ajuda ita nia maluk sira hotu ne'ebe hasoru situasaun ida ne'e , hodi bele hakman sira nia sofrementu.\"Dehan Eugenia guterres ba jornalista iha fatin asaun karidade metiaut sabado 24-4/2021.",
"Fuan osan mean inan feton Eugenia guteres ho maluk feto sira halo asaun karidade ne'e tuir forsa no kbi'it ne'ebe iha, hodi tulun netik vitima sira hodi hakman sira terus. \"ami lori buat ne'ebe mak tuir ami nia forsa no kbi'it ne'ebe mak ami iha la barak maibe iha naton atu bele apoiu sira hodi hakman sira terus tanba ne'e mak ami husi HWI hola desizaun ne'e.\"Dehan lider fuan osan mean ne'e.",
"Iha sorin seluk mos, familia vitima dezastre naturais, Abita da Conceicao agradese tebes ba Health wealth internasional ne'ebe apoiu ona aihan bazika ba sira. \"ami agradese tebes ba HWI nia apoiu ne'e, maske barak ka oituan ami simu.\"",
"Dehan komunidade afetadu Inundasaun ne'e.",
"Iha okajiaun hanesan, Delegadu aldeia Karumgulau suku Metiaut, Armando Correia, apresia tebes ho asaun karidade husi grupo HWI, tanba bele sustenta ona komunidade sira nesesidade lorloron. \"ami nia bairu ne'e iha uma 13 mak hetan estragus ou grave tebes husi dezastre naturais foin lalais ne'e, tanba ne'e ami agradese tebes ba kolega sira husi HWI ne'ebe iha hanoin ida ne'ebe furak, ohin mai apoiu aihan ba ita nia komunidade sira hodi bele tahan netik sira nia nesesidade lorloron nian.\"Lider lokal ne'e haktuir.",
"Delegadu ne'e ho familia vitima dezastre naturais uma kain 13 dadaun ne'e hela provijoriu iha kapela Metiaut , hodi hein deaijaun husi governu atu rekoperasaun ba hela fatin.",
"Ho nune'e etapa dahuluk Health wealth internasional (HWI) apoiu aihan nesesidade bazika hanesan fos ,mina , supermi inklui nesesidade sira ne'ebe uza ba loron-loron nian.",
"Health wealth internasional mos dehan, iha tempu tuir mai sei nafatin apoiu maluk sira ne'ebe hasoru dezastre naturais, tuir forsa no kbi'it ne'ebe sira iha.",
"Previous post Hahu aban sarani sira iha Arquidiosese Metropolitana Dili bele tuir misa Next post Inundasaun fulan abril, estraga Natar hektares 150 iha Atabae Kailaku"
] | [
"Victims of natural disaster 30 household in Metiaut Village Get Food Support from HWI - Radio Comunidade Comoro Varanda / Notisia Vittima de desastres naturais Vitimas da catástrofe Natural em Dili recebem ajuda alimentar do Health Wealth International (HWI)-Health wellness international took its own initiatives to provide basic food supplies for the residentials who were victimized by recent flood."
"Health wealth international charity group responsible Eugenia Gutteres do Rego expresses a feeling of solidarity with the victims, because as Timorese people it is for this reason that we have taken on ourselves to support basic food supplies in affected communities. \"we from HWI and I made up my own mind when doing these charities actions so they can help those who were recently hit by natural disasters; not only are you richer than me but also like all other East-Timorese citizens your heart beats faster now.\"Dehan Eugénia told journalist at an event held Saturday (24 April) during their humanitarian action Metiaut"
"HWI's mother, Eugenia Guteres and other women made this charity action to the best of our ability in order for them helping those who suffered. \"We brought what we could with all that was available but there is a need from us as an organization so you can support these people.\" The leader said:"
"On the other hand, family members of natural disaster victims Abita da Conceicao thanked Health Wealth International for providing basic food to them. \"We are very grateful that HWI has provided this support no matter how much or little we have received.\""
"Dehan community affected by the flood."
"On the same occasion, Delegate of Karumgulau village Metiaut municipality Armando Correia appreciated very much with charity action by HWI group because it has supported communities' daily needs. \"Our neighborhood is in 13 houses that have been severely damages or badly from recent natural disasters therefore we are thankful to our colleagues who had a good idea and today came for food assistance so they can sustain their everyday necessity.\" The local leader said:"
"The delegate and the family of natural disaster victims 13 houses are currently living provisionally in Metiaut chapel, waiting for a deaijao from government to reconstruct their homes."
"Thus, the first stage of Health Wealth International (HWI) supported basic food such as flour . mines and supermi including everyday necessities for use in daily life"
"Health wealth international also said, in the coming time will continue to support people who faced natural disasters according their strength and capacity."
"Previous post Catholics in the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Dili can attend Mass tomorrow Next posta Flood damage 150 hectares at Kailaku Dam"
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Governu planeia konstrui portu navál Hera iha tinan oin | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DEFEZA Governu planeia konstrui portu navál Hera iha tinan oin\nDILI, 31 maiu 2021 (TATOLI)-–Governu liuhosi Ministériu Defeza (MD) iha ona planu atu propoin orsamentu balun iha Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 2022 atu halo konstrusaun portu iha Hera, munisípiu Dili, atu fasilita FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) hosi Unidade Komponente Navál halo serbisu ho di’ak.\n“Ita sei hatama proposta hodi propoin orsamenentu iha tinan 2022 atubele hahú konstrusaun ba portu Navál Hera atu fasilita Unidade Komponente Navál,” Minsitru Defeza, Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus, hateten iha edifisiu Ministériu Finansa, Aitarak-laran, segunda ne’e.\nNotísia relevante: Governu Sei Aprova Kriasaun Autoridade Marítima Nasionál\nTuir governante ne’e, daudaun ne’e, Governu Timor-Leste no Austrália halo hela diskusaun atu simu apoia ró rua ho medida metru 40 ba Timor-Leste.\nGovernu Austrália mós hakarak apoia konstrui portu ida iha Hera, nunee ró rua ne’ebé oferese ona bele atraka iha área ne’e no Timor-Leste mós hakarak konstrui portu ida fali, maibé sei propin iha orsamentu.\n“Kona-ba konstrusaun portu navál, ita bele implementa iha tinan oin, tanba orsamentu mak seidauk iha detallu, maibé sira (Austrália) iha kompromisu atu apoia halo portu foun,” nia akresenta.\nTuir kálkulu, presiza orsamentu millaun $20-resin ba konstrui portu naval Hera, maibé Governu nasaun rua sei aloka orsamentu pur faze to’o ratama.\nNune’e, Governu hahú kria Autoridade Marítima ne’ebé sei akumula hotu Unidade Komponente Navál hosi F-FDTL inklui Unidade Polísia Marítima no Polísia Nasionál Timor Leste (PNTL) atu hamutuk asegura riku-soin iha tasi laran.\nPrevious articleKomisaun D rekomenda reforsa kapitaliza BNCTL fó kréditu\nNext articlePNTL preokupa ho ema moras mentál iha Dili | [
"Governu planeia konstrui portu naval Hera iha tinan oin | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DEFEZA Governu planeia konstrui portu naval Hera iha tinan oin DILI, 31 maiu 2021 (TATOLI) --Governu liuhosi Ministeriu Defeza (MD) iha ona planu atu propoin orsamentu balun iha Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2022 atu halo konstrusaun portu iha Hera, munisipiu Dili, atu fasilita FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) hosi Unidade Komponente Naval halo serbisu ho di'ak.",
"\"Ita sei hatama proposta hodi propoin orsamenentu iha tinan 2022 atubele hahu konstrusaun ba portu Naval Hera atu fasilita Unidade Komponente Naval,\" Minsitru Defeza, Filomeno da Paixao de Jesus, hateten iha edifisiu Ministeriu Finansa, Aitarak-laran, segunda ne'e.",
"Notisia relevante: Governu Sei Aprova Kriasaun Autoridade Maritima Nasional Tuir governante ne'e, daudaun ne'e, Governu Timor-Leste no Australia halo hela diskusaun atu simu apoia ro rua ho medida metru 40 ba Timor-Leste.",
"Governu Australia mos hakarak apoia konstrui portu ida iha Hera, nunee ro rua ne'ebe oferese ona bele atraka iha area ne'e no Timor-Leste mos hakarak konstrui portu ida fali, maibe sei propin iha orsamentu.",
"\"Kona-ba konstrusaun portu naval, ita bele implementa iha tinan oin, tanba orsamentu mak seidauk iha detallu, maibe sira (Australia) iha kompromisu atu apoia halo portu foun,\" nia akresenta.",
"Tuir kalkulu, presiza orsamentu millaun $20-resin ba konstrui portu naval Hera, maibe Governu nasaun rua sei aloka orsamentu pur faze to'o ratama.",
"Nune'e, Governu hahu kria Autoridade Maritima ne'ebe sei akumula hotu Unidade Komponente Naval hosi F-FDTL inklui Unidade Polisia Maritima no Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL) atu hamutuk asegura riku-soin iha tasi laran.",
"Previous articleKomisaun D rekomenda reforsa kapitaliza BNCTL fo kreditu Next articlePNTL preokupa ho ema moras mental iha Dili"
] | [
"Government plans to build Hera naval port next year | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DEFEZA The government, through the Ministry of Defence (MD), has already planned on proposing some budget in its General State Budget for a construction project at Portu Naval do Estado da Bahia’s new terminal building."
"\"We will submit proposals to propose a budget in 2019 so that we can begin construction of the Hera Naval Port, which would be used as an area for naval component units (UCN),\" Defence Minister Filomeno da Paixao de Jesus said at his Ministry' s Finance building on Monday."
"Relevant News: Government Will Approve Creation of National Maritime Authority According to the governor, currently Timor-Leste and Australia are discussing about receiving support for two 40 metre boats."
"The Australian government also wants to support the construction of a port in Hera, so that two boats already offered can dock there and Timor-Leste would like build another one but will have its own budget."
"\"Regarding the construction of a naval port, we can implement it next year because there is no budget yet in detail but they (Australia) are committed to supporting building new harbours.\""
"According to estimates, it will take more than $20 million for the construction of Hera naval port but both countries' government shall allocate funds in phase until completion."
"Thus, the Government has begun to create a Maritime Authority which will combine all Naval Component Units of F-FDTL including Marine Police Unit and Timorese National police (PNTL) in order together secure resources at sea."
"Previous articleKomisi D rekomenda reforsa kapitaliza BNCTL fo kredit Next ArticlePNTL preokupa ho tawo sa sakit mental diha Dili"
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FORUM HAKSESUK: 500 ANOS – TINAN ATUS LIMA Emar Timor Ho Malae Mutin Hasoru Malu (Kapitulu 3)\n500 ANOS – TINAN ATUS LIMA Emar Timor Ho Malae Mutin Hasoru Malu (Kapitulu 3)\nKAPÍTULU 3.º - Frei Cristóvão Rangel, frei Rafael da Veiga, no Frei João das Chagas\n1 – Frei Cristóvão Rangel, O. P. (Ordo Praedicatorum)\nIha tinan 1633, amo lulik dominikanu frei Cristóvão Rangel, sai hosi Solor ba Timor. Nia haree katak iha rai seluk-seluk iha ona amo lulik, maibé, Timor nebé rai boot no iha populasaun wa’in tebes, la iha amo lulik. Ne’e duni nia sa’e ro ba tun iha Silawan, iha Timor ocidental, besik Mota ain no Batugadé.\nIha Silawan, nebé malae sira temi Silavão ou Silbão, frei Cristóvão hasoru nahas liurai, nia husu atu hanorin doutrina ba povu no dato sira; nia mos harii igreja ida iha knua laran. Liurai Silawan ne’e konverte no sarani ho naran Dom Cristóvão. Maibé, iha Silawan no Kowa, ema relijiaun islam barak. Sira la konkorda atu relijiaun katolika tama iha rai nebá. Loron ida sira tau veneno iha há-hán hodi fo ba padre Cristóvão. Ema rai na’in mak salva amo lulik hodi fó fali aimoruk kontra veneno. Amo lulik dominikanu ne’e wainhira haree katak nia isin tun ba beibeik, nia hola desizaun atu fila hikas ba Malaca, no ikus mai, liu ba Goa (India). Maibé, la kleur deit nia mate iha nebá. Nia mak amo lulik ba dala rua, nebé, ofisialemnte, tama Rai boot Timur (Timor).\nAtu troka padre Cristóvão, superior dominikanu iha Larantuka s haruka padre Bento Serrão, O. P., ba hela iha Silawan. Tam ba amo lulik ne’e hakark liu halo kontratu ho ai-kameli, liu ba tá no, governu haruka sai hosi Timor hodi fila ba Portugal.\n2 – Frei Rafael da Veiga, O.P.\nIha tinan 1636, padre Superior dominikanu iha Larantuka haruka amo lulik dominikanu naran Rafael da Veiga atu assiste sarnai sira iha ilha (pulau) Savu (Sabo). Iha fatin ne’e, rai manas, moras malaria maka’as, no ema feto sira buka hela de’it amo lulik. Frei Rafael, ema relijiozu ida ke diak no missionariu badinas, nia husik Savu, rai aat nakonu ho tentasaun no sala, nia liu ba rai boot Timor Ocidental. Nia ho labarik mane ida sa’e ro ba tun iha tasi ibun iha knua Batu Putih (Fatuk mutin). Ema rai na’in sira hakfodak haree amo lulik ne’e, tanba nia hatais batina metan, ho ho liman loos kaer kruz. Sira lori nia ba hasoru liurai iha Amabi nebé simu nia ho laran diak. Iha Amabi, nia mos hanorin doutrina hodi sarani ema. Ikus mai, frei Rafael loke eskola ba labarik sira no harii igreja ida. Nia mos liu ba reinu Amarasi, hanorin doutrina ba dato no povu kiik. Liurai Amarasi konverte, simu sakramentu batizmu. Nia naran mak Dom Agostinho. Tanba situasaun la dun diak (kurang há-hán, rai manas, etc.), amo lulik Rafael sai moras no ikus mai mate iha Amabi no hakoi iha Batu Putih. Liurai no povu la husik amo lulik seluk lorin isin mate ba Larantuka. Nia amo lulik nebé mate iha Timor ba dala uluk.\n3. Frei João das Chagas,O.P., missionariu ba dala uluk iha Kupang.\nIha tinan 1634-1635, to’o iha Cupão (Koepang, Kupang), amo lulik dominikanu Frei João das Chagas. To’o tiha Solor, padre superior frei Miguel Rangel haruka niba serbisu iha Ende (ilha). Nia rona katak iha Timor, ema barak converte atu sai kristaun. Nee duni, nia tun ba iha Cupão, rai nebé ema sira mesak jentiu no adora lulik (animistas). Loron ida, tan ba rai manas demais amo lulik husu be atu hemu. Ema Rai nai’n sira, la fo be, maibé, fo fali tua muitn kahur ho veneno. Tuir mai sira lori nia soe iha kuaak naruk ida. Liu tiha tina ida, dominikanus seluk hetan nia isin, no lori ba hakoi iha Larantuka. Atu troka fali padre João das Chagas, padre superior haruka amo lulik seluk ba Cupão, hanesan padre frei António de São Domingos ho padre António de São Jacinto.\nPorto, 22 de juñ de 2015\nPublicada por FORUM HAKSESUK à(s) 5:15 da manhã | [
"FORUM HAKSESUK: 500 ANOS - TINAN ATUS LIMA Emar Timor Ho Malae Mutin Hasoru Malu (Kapitulu 3) 500 ANOS - TINAN ATUS LIMA Emar Timor Ho Malae Mutin Hasoru Malu (Kapitulu 3) KAPITULU 3.o - Frei Cristovao Rangel, frei Rafael da Veiga, no Frei Joao das Chagas 1 - Frei Cristovao Rangel, O. P.",
"(Ordo Praedicatorum) Iha tinan 1633, amo lulik dominikanu frei Cristovao Rangel, sai hosi Solor ba Timor.",
"Nia haree katak iha rai seluk-seluk iha ona amo lulik, maibe, Timor nebe rai boot no iha populasaun wa'in tebes, la iha amo lulik.",
"Ne'e duni nia sa'e ro ba tun iha Silawan, iha Timor ocidental, besik Mota ain no Batugade.",
"Iha Silawan, nebe malae sira temi Silavao ou Silbao, frei Cristovao hasoru nahas liurai, nia husu atu hanorin doutrina ba povu no dato sira; nia mos harii igreja ida iha knua laran.",
"Liurai Silawan ne'e konverte no sarani ho naran Dom Cristovao.",
"Maibe, iha Silawan no Kowa, ema relijiaun islam barak.",
"Sira la konkorda atu relijiaun katolika tama iha rai neba.",
"Loron ida sira tau veneno iha ha-han hodi fo ba padre Cristovao.",
"Ema rai na'in mak salva amo lulik hodi fo fali aimoruk kontra veneno.",
"Amo lulik dominikanu ne'e wainhira haree katak nia isin tun ba beibeik, nia hola desizaun atu fila hikas ba Malaca, no ikus mai, liu ba Goa (India).",
"Maibe, la kleur deit nia mate iha neba.",
"Nia mak amo lulik ba dala rua, nebe, ofisialemnte, tama Rai boot Timur (Timor).",
"Atu troka padre Cristovao, superior dominikanu iha Larantuka s haruka padre Bento Serrao, O. P., ba hela iha Silawan.",
"Tam ba amo lulik ne'e hakark liu halo kontratu ho ai-kameli, liu ba ta no, governu haruka sai hosi Timor hodi fila ba Portugal.",
"2 - Frei Rafael da Veiga, O.P. Iha tinan 1636, padre Superior dominikanu iha Larantuka haruka amo lulik dominikanu naran Rafael da Veiga atu assiste sarnai sira iha ilha (pulau) Savu (Sabo).",
"Iha fatin ne'e, rai manas, moras malaria maka'as, no ema feto sira buka hela de'it amo lulik.",
"Frei Rafael, ema relijiozu ida ke diak no missionariu badinas, nia husik Savu, rai aat nakonu ho tentasaun no sala, nia liu ba rai boot Timor Ocidental.",
"Nia ho labarik mane ida sa'e ro ba tun iha tasi ibun iha knua Batu Putih (Fatuk mutin).",
"Ema rai na'in sira hakfodak haree amo lulik ne'e, tanba nia hatais batina metan, ho ho liman loos kaer kruz.",
"Sira lori nia ba hasoru liurai iha Amabi nebe simu nia ho laran diak.",
"Iha Amabi, nia mos hanorin doutrina hodi sarani ema.",
"Ikus mai, frei Rafael loke eskola ba labarik sira no harii igreja ida.",
"Nia mos liu ba reinu Amarasi, hanorin doutrina ba dato no povu kiik.",
"Liurai Amarasi konverte, simu sakramentu batizmu.",
"Nia naran mak Dom Agostinho.",
"Tanba situasaun la dun diak (kurang ha-han, rai manas, etc.), amo lulik Rafael sai moras no ikus mai mate iha Amabi no hakoi iha Batu Putih.",
"Liurai no povu la husik amo lulik seluk lorin isin mate ba Larantuka.",
"Nia amo lulik nebe mate iha Timor ba dala uluk.",
"Frei Joao das Chagas,O.P., missionariu ba dala uluk iha Kupang.",
"Iha tinan 1634-1635, to'o iha Cupao (Koepang, Kupang), amo lulik dominikanu Frei Joao das Chagas.",
"To'o tiha Solor, padre superior frei Miguel Rangel haruka niba serbisu iha Ende (ilha).",
"Nia rona katak iha Timor, ema barak converte atu sai kristaun.",
"Nee duni, nia tun ba iha Cupao, rai nebe ema sira mesak jentiu no adora lulik (animistas).",
"Loron ida, tan ba rai manas demais amo lulik husu be atu hemu.",
"Ema Rai nai'n sira, la fo be, maibe, fo fali tua muitn kahur ho veneno.",
"Tuir mai sira lori nia soe iha kuaak naruk ida.",
"Liu tiha tina ida, dominikanus seluk hetan nia isin, no lori ba hakoi iha Larantuka.",
"Atu troka fali padre Joao das Chagas, padre superior haruka amo lulik seluk ba Cupao, hanesan padre frei Antonio de Sao Domingos ho padre Antonio de Sao Jacinto.",
"Porto, 22 de jun de 2015 Publicada por FORUM HAKSESUK a (s) 5:15 da manha"
] | [
"FORUM HAKSESUK: THE FOURTH ANNIVERSARY OF LIMA'S DEPARTMENT (Chapter III) The Fourth Anniversaries of Lima’s Department Chapter Three - Frei Cristovao Rangel, frei Rafael da Veiga and Friar João das Chagas Part One – Fray Cristóvãos Rangel O.P"
"(Ordo Praedicatorum) In 1632, the Dominican monk Friar Cristovao Rangel left Solor for Timor."
"He observed that in other countries there were already amo lulik, but Timor with its large land and very small population had no."
"So he took a boat to Silawan, in western Timor near Mota Ain and Batugade."
"In Silawan, which the Malays called Silavao or Silbao. Friar Cristovo confronted nahas king and asked him to teach doctrine for his people; he also built a church in their knua (village)."
"The priest of Silawan converted and took the name Dom Cristovao."
"However, in Silawan and Kowa there are many Muslims."
"They did not agree to allow the Catholic religion into heaven."
"One day, they put poison in the food to give Padre Cristovao."
"The man of the land saved him by giving medication against poison."
"When the Dominican monk saw that his health was deteriorating, he made a decision to return quickly back into Malacca and eventually through Goa (India)."
"However, he died there shortly afterwards."
"He was the second Portuguese ruler, who officially entered Great Timor."
"To replace Fr. Cristovao, the Dominican superior in Larantuka s sent Fra Bento Serrau to live at Silawan 1950-62"
"He was more interested in contracting with camels than ta, and the government sent him out of Timor to Portugal."
"2 - Fra Rafael da Veiga, O.P In the year of (1635), a Dominican priest Superior in Larantuka sent an old dominican monk named Raphael to assist sailors on Savu Island(Sabo)."
"In the area, hot waters and high levels of malaria prevailed. Women were all looking for a man to marry them in this place where they could not find anybody else than their own father or mother-in–law!"
"Friar Rafael, a good religious man and courageous missionary left Savu an evil land filled with temptation & sin for the great country of West Timor."
"She and a boy jumped on the boat to go down into sea in Batu Putih (Fatuk Mutin) knua."
"The landlords were glad to see this man, because he was wearing a white robe and carried the cross in his right hand."
"They took him to the king in Amabi, who welcomed his arrival with open arms."
"In Amabi, he also taught the doctrine of baptizing people."
"So, Friar Raphael opened a school for children and built one church."
"He also went to the kingdom of Amarasi, teaching doctrine on data and small people."
"Liurai Amarasi converted, received the sacrament of baptism."
"His name is Dom Agostinho, and he lives in São Paulo."
"Due to poor conditions (lack of food, hot weather etc.), grandfather Rafael fell ill and eventually died in Amabi while he was still living at Batu Putih"
"The king and the people did not let other lulik lorin body dead to Larantuka."
"His grandfather died in Timor for the first time."
"3. The application process"
"Friar Joao das Chagas, O.P; first missionary in Kupang (Indonesia)."
"In 1634-5, in Cupao (Koepang or Kupang), the Dominican monk Frei João das Chagas arrived."
"After arriving in Solor, the superior Friar Miguel Rangel sent him to work on Ende (island)."
"He heard that in Timor, many people converted to Christianity."
"So he went down to Cupao, a land where the people were only gentiles and worshipped demons (animists)."
"One day, when the rain was too heavy my father asked me to go home."
"The people of the land did not give them water, but instead gave their muitn kahur with poison."
"Then they carried him to be burned in a long quaak."
"After one night, another Dominican found his body and carried it to a hakoi in Larantuka."
"To replace Father Joao das Chagas, the superior sent other monks to Cupão: Fr. Antonio de Sao Domingo and Fray Antônio do São Jacinto (the latter is now a priest)."
"Porto, 21 de Junho do.06 Publicada por FORUM HACKSESUK a(s)"
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Dili- Forsa konjunta kompostu husi PNTL no F-FDTL kontinua asegura seguransa iha fronteira terrestre hodi prevene movimentu no tranzasaun illegal.\nKomandante UPF Superintendente João Sancho Pires informa UPF kontinua halo patrulla tanba fronteira nee area luan nune’e UPF la mesak maibe hamutuk ho membru F-FDTL no Komando Operasaun Espesial (COE- sigla portuges) ne’ebe destaka kontinua mantein hodi asegura seguransa, Nia hato’o asuntu ne’e ba Jornalista sira iha Kuartel Jeral PNTL Kaikoli Dili, Tersa (01/12).\nKomandante ne’e haktuirtan membru sira la foti diretu lisensa annual hahu inplementasaun Estadu Emerjensia (EE) to’o agora UPF servisu nafatin hodi halo patrulla no kontinua apoiu Komandu munisipiu Bobonaro, Covalima no Oe-Cussse oinsa prevene movimentu no tranzasaun illegal iha fronteira.\n“Iha fulan kotuk osan alimentasaun tarde nune’e Komandu buka desaraska hodi kordena ho Ministeriu balu hodi fo apoiu fos nune’e ami fahe ba Kompania tolu (3) Maliana, Suai no Oe-Cusse hodi hein osan alimentasaun sai no laiha problema maske orsamentu tarde la difikulta UPF atu halo servisu maske hahan laiha no hamlaha maibe servisu nafatin tanba UPF nia papel atu asegura seguransa iha terrenu,” Komandante UPF esplika.\nForsa konjunta kontinua halo operasaun no passa revista iha postu 30 ne’ebe maka iha no postu provizoriu 8 ne’ebe maka aumenta mos lao hela hodi koloka efetivu UPF hamutuk ho F-FDTL, no COE.\nDurante periode EE Forsa konjunta kaptura ema hamutuk 38 kompostu husi timor oan hamutuk 27 ne’ebe maioria estudante ne’ebe nia kitas mate no sira balu ne’ebe maka halo tranzasaun illegal hodi faan sasan iha mota laran nomos sidadaun Indonezia hamutuk 13, ni prosesu timor oan ita entrega ba karantina no sidadaun Indonezia deporta ba Indonezia.\nAlende ne’e kapturamos sasan lubuk ida hanesan Fugetes, sigaru Surya ball ida (1), ropa obralan, Fugetes, Beer DS, Minarai 1200 litru no Ro’o maibe ema nain rua((2) foti ro’o peskador palaka nian hodi halai fila ba Atapupu. Sasan no suspetu balu ne’ebe maka deskumfia iha hela Kuartel UPF hodi submete ba prosesu investigasaun hodi ba Tribunal.\nAtu termina Komandante ne’e apela ba komunidade hirak ne’ebe hela besik lina fronteira atu kopera ho ami hodi prevene tanba iha Atambua mos afeta ona husi COVID-19 hamutuk ema nain 30 tanba ne’e maka husu ba komunidade sira ita kopera malu nune’e buat ruma ne’ebe illegal labele lao hodi prevene virus Corona labele hadaet. Media PNTL | [
"Dili- Forsa konjunta kompostu husi PNTL no F-FDTL kontinua asegura seguransa iha fronteira terrestre hodi prevene movimentu no tranzasaun illegal.",
"Komandante UPF Superintendente Joao Sancho Pires informa UPF kontinua halo patrulla tanba fronteira nee area luan nune'e UPF la mesak maibe hamutuk ho membru F-FDTL no Komando Operasaun Espesial (COE- sigla portuges) ne'ebe destaka kontinua mantein hodi asegura seguransa, Nia hato'o asuntu ne'e ba Jornalista sira iha Kuartel Jeral PNTL Kaikoli Dili, Tersa (01/12).",
"Komandante ne'e haktuirtan membru sira la foti diretu lisensa annual hahu inplementasaun Estadu Emerjensia (EE) to'o agora UPF servisu nafatin hodi halo patrulla no kontinua apoiu Komandu munisipiu Bobonaro, Covalima no Oe-Cussse oinsa prevene movimentu no tranzasaun illegal iha fronteira.",
"\"Iha fulan kotuk osan alimentasaun tarde nune'e Komandu buka desaraska hodi kordena ho Ministeriu balu hodi fo apoiu fos nune'e ami fahe ba Kompania tolu (3) Maliana, Suai no Oe-Cusse hodi hein osan alimentasaun sai no laiha problema maske orsamentu tarde la difikulta UPF atu halo servisu maske hahan laiha no hamlaha maibe servisu nafatin tanba UPF nia papel atu asegura seguransa iha terrenu,\" Komandante UPF esplika.",
"Forsa konjunta kontinua halo operasaun no passa revista iha postu 30 ne'ebe maka iha no postu provizoriu 8 ne'ebe maka aumenta mos lao hela hodi koloka efetivu UPF hamutuk ho F-FDTL, no COE.",
"Durante periode EE Forsa konjunta kaptura ema hamutuk 38 kompostu husi timor oan hamutuk 27 ne'ebe maioria estudante ne'ebe nia kitas mate no sira balu ne'ebe maka halo tranzasaun illegal hodi faan sasan iha mota laran nomos sidadaun Indonezia hamutuk 13, ni prosesu timor oan ita entrega ba karantina no sidadaun Indonezia deporta ba Indonezia.",
"Alende ne'e kapturamos sasan lubuk ida hanesan Fugetes, sigaru Surya ball ida (1), ropa obralan, Fugetes, Beer DS, Minarai 1200 litru no Ro'o maibe ema nain rua ((2) foti ro'o peskador palaka nian hodi halai fila ba Atapupu.",
"Sasan no suspetu balu ne'ebe maka deskumfia iha hela Kuartel UPF hodi submete ba prosesu investigasaun hodi ba Tribunal.",
"Atu termina Komandante ne'e apela ba komunidade hirak ne'ebe hela besik lina fronteira atu kopera ho ami hodi prevene tanba iha Atambua mos afeta ona husi COVID-19 hamutuk ema nain 30 tanba ne'e maka husu ba komunidade sira ita kopera malu nune'e buat ruma ne'ebe illegal labele lao hodi prevene virus Corona labele hadaet.",
"Media PNTL"
] | [
"Dili - A joint force composed of PNTL and F-FDTL continues to ensure security at the land border in an effort for preventing illegal movement or transaction."
"UPF Commander Superintendente Joao Sancho Pires informed that the police continue to patrol because border area is wide, so not only are they patrolling but together with members of F-FDTL and Special Operation command (COE - Portuguese acronym) who have been deployed there continuously maintaining security. He spoke about this issue for journalist at PNTL Kaikoli General Headquarters Dili on Tuesday 1st December"
"The commander said that the members did not take their annual license directly since implementation of State Emergency (EE) until now UPF still works to patrol and continue supporting Command municipalities Bobonaro, Covalima e Oe-Cussse in prevent movements or illegal transaction at border."
"\"Last month food money was late so the Command tried to coordinate with some Ministries for supporting us, and we divided ourselves into three (3) companies in Maliana. Suai & Oe-Cusse where there is no problem even though budgets are delayed it does not hinder UPF from doing its work despite lack of Food or hunger but still working because their role as a police force has been ensure security on site.\""
"The joint force continues operations and searches at the 30 existing posts, as well a temporary post of an increase in number to deploy UPF forces together with F-FDTL."
"During the EE period, Joint Forces captured a total of38 people including27 Timorese who were mostly students and some that had made illegal transaction to sell things on motorbike as wellas14 Indonesian citizens. In this process we handed over timorese for quarantine while deporting indonesian national into Indonesia"
"In addition, we captured a lot of things such as Fugetes (1), Surya ball cigars 2(3) and work clothes but two men ((4-5). took the fisherman' s boat to go back for Atapupu."
"Some items and suspects were kept at the UPF headquarters to be submitted for investigation in order that they could go before a court."
"To conclude, the Commander appealed to those communities that live near borderline cooperate with us in order for prevention because Atambua has also been affecting by COVID-19 a total of 30 people therefore we are asking our community cope together so nothing illegal can happen and prevent Corona virus not spread."
"Media PNTL"
] |
UNTL-INFORDEPE planeia realiza graduasaun profesór baxarelatu 2.000 iha fulan-juñu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EDUKASAUN UNTL-INFORDEPE planeia realiza graduasaun profesór baxarelatu 2.000 iha fulan-juñu\nUNTL-INFORDEPE planeia realiza graduasaun profesór baxarelatu 2.000 iha fulan-juñu\nPrezidente INFORDEPE, Manuel Gomes de Araújo. Imajen Tatoli/Francisco Sony\nDILI, 30 maiu 2022 (TATOLI)—Universidade Nasionál Timor-Lorosa’e (UNTL) no Instituto Nacional de Formacão de docentes e proffisionais da Educacão de Timor-Leste (INFORDEPE) planeia ona sei realiza graduasaun nível baxarelatu ba profesór ensinu báziku na’in-2.000, iha fulan-juñu bainhira laiha impedimentu.\nTuir Prezidente INFORDEPE, Manuel Gomes de Araújo, graduasaun sei realiza iha zona neen hanesan Ainaro, Baucau, Bobonaro, Dili, Ermera no Oé-cusse.\n“Ha’u hetan ona informasaun hosi ha’u-nia Diretór Formasaun Akadémika katak informasaun kontinuasaun ba prosesu graduasaun nian, ohin loron sei iha hela gabinete Ministru Ensinu Superiór Siénsia no Kultura hodi hein hatuun despaixu atu publika iha Jornál Repúblika ona ba graduasaun estudante baxarelatu sira ne’e. Karik laiha impedimentu ruma graduasaun ne’e sei hala’o iha juñu tinan ne’e,” Prezidente INFORDEPE informa ba Agência Tatoli, iha ninia knaar fatin, Balide, segunda ne’e.\nNotísia relevante: MESSK seidauk simu proposta graduasaun hosi INFORDEPE\nManuel Gomes dehan graduasaun ne’e sei realiza tuir planu agrupamentu ne’ebé iha ona.\n“Signifika graduasaun sei hala’o iha zona neen maka hanesan hosi munisípiu Baucau sei akumula Viqueque no Lautém, Ainaro sei akumula Manufahi no Covalima, Dili sei akumula Manatuto, Aileu Liquiçá inklui Atauro, enkuantu Ermera, Bobonaro no Oé-cusse sei hala’o ninia graduasaun ketak tanba Ermera no Bobonaro númeru graduasaun boot liu, besik 400 resin,” nia akresenta.\nRejiaun Oé-cusse sei hein, bainhira MESSK hatuun ona despaixu graduasaun no publika ona iha Jornál Repúblika maka sira foin deside serimónia judisium no graduasaun, enkuantu munisípiu seluk realiza ona judisium.\nDurante ne’e INFORDEPE trava hela serimónia rua tanba de’it dezlokasaun ne’e, nune’e bainhira liuhosi fronteira terrestre sei komplikadu tanba tenke trata dokumentu lubuk ida.\n“Ita deside Oé-cusse hela ba ikus atu nune’e ita trata dokumentu ne’e dala-ida de’it, kuandu loos ona ita uza loron-rua ba serimónia judisium no graduasaun, nune’e mós graduasaun sei la’o tuir agrupamentu tanba graduasaun ne’e reitór mak tenke fó, entaun zona ida hotu tiha maka foin hakat fali ba zona seluk. Entaun buat-hotu UNTL mak sei hatene atu nune’e labele soke malu,” nia tenik.\nProfesór baxarelatu hamutuk na’in-2.000 hosi ensinu báziku ne’ebé INFORDEPE integra ba UNTL ne’e bazeia ba akordu kooperasaun, tanba antes ne’e sira finaliza ona estudu iha UNTL no agora hein de’it atu gradua, tanba ne’e parte rua presiza haree hamutuk asuntu ne’e molok deside loron graduasaun.\nPrevious articleÍndise Presu Konsumidór abril 2022 sa’e ba +1,2%\nNext articleJoven 25 selesionadu tama kampu treinamentu kompetisaun negósiu inovativu\nEdmundo monozuela June 26, 2022 at 10:47 am\nBondia ba sr/ex.minteiro EJD Hau hakarak hatene ou husu deit informasaun konaba graduado professor/a sira nebe Liu ona ba iha Judisium hotu ona,maibe too Agora Tama ona 2022 informasaun sei la fo sai ou data atu graduacao la iha, oinsa no Nusa Mak sai abandona hnsn ne | [
"UNTL-INFORDEPE planeia realiza graduasaun profesor baxarelatu 2.000 iha fulan-junu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN UNTL-INFORDEPE planeia realiza graduasaun profesor baxarelatu 2.000 iha fulan-junu UNTL-INFORDEPE planeia realiza graduasaun profesor baxarelatu 2.000 iha fulan-junu Prezidente INFORDEPE, Manuel Gomes de Araujo.",
"Imajen Tatoli/Francisco Sony DILI, 30 maiu 2022 (TATOLI) - Universidade Nasional Timor-Lorosa'e (UNTL) no Instituto Nacional de Formacao de docentes e proffisionais da Educacao de Timor-Leste (INFORDEPE) planeia ona sei realiza graduasaun nivel baxarelatu ba profesor ensinu baziku na'in-2.000, iha fulan-junu bainhira laiha impedimentu.",
"Tuir Prezidente INFORDEPE, Manuel Gomes de Araujo, graduasaun sei realiza iha zona neen hanesan Ainaro, Baucau, Bobonaro, Dili, Ermera no Oe-cusse.",
"\"Ha'u hetan ona informasaun hosi ha'u-nia Diretor Formasaun Akademika katak informasaun kontinuasaun ba prosesu graduasaun nian, ohin loron sei iha hela gabinete Ministru Ensinu Superior Siensia no Kultura hodi hein hatuun despaixu atu publika iha Jornal Republika ona ba graduasaun estudante baxarelatu sira ne'e.",
"Karik laiha impedimentu ruma graduasaun ne'e sei hala'o iha junu tinan ne'e,\" Prezidente INFORDEPE informa ba Agencia Tatoli, iha ninia knaar fatin, Balide, segunda ne'e.",
"Notisia relevante: MESSK seidauk simu proposta graduasaun hosi INFORDEPE Manuel Gomes dehan graduasaun ne'e sei realiza tuir planu agrupamentu ne'ebe iha ona.",
"\"Signifika graduasaun sei hala'o iha zona neen maka hanesan hosi munisipiu Baucau sei akumula Viqueque no Lautem, Ainaro sei akumula Manufahi no Covalima, Dili sei akumula Manatuto, Aileu Liquica inklui Atauro, enkuantu Ermera, Bobonaro no Oe-cusse sei hala'o ninia graduasaun ketak tanba Ermera no Bobonaro numeru graduasaun boot liu, besik 400 resin,\" nia akresenta.",
"Rejiaun Oe-cusse sei hein, bainhira MESSK hatuun ona despaixu graduasaun no publika ona iha Jornal Republika maka sira foin deside serimonia judisium no graduasaun, enkuantu munisipiu seluk realiza ona judisium.",
"Durante ne'e INFORDEPE trava hela serimonia rua tanba de'it dezlokasaun ne'e, nune'e bainhira liuhosi fronteira terrestre sei komplikadu tanba tenke trata dokumentu lubuk ida.",
"\"Ita deside Oe-cusse hela ba ikus atu nune'e ita trata dokumentu ne'e dala-ida de'it, kuandu loos ona ita uza loron-rua ba serimonia judisium no graduasaun, nune'e mos graduasaun sei la'o tuir agrupamentu tanba graduasaun ne'e reitor mak tenke fo, entaun zona ida hotu tiha maka foin hakat fali ba zona seluk.",
"Entaun buat-hotu UNTL mak sei hatene atu nune'e labele soke malu,\" nia tenik.",
"Profesor baxarelatu hamutuk na'in-2.000 hosi ensinu baziku ne'ebe INFORDEPE integra ba UNTL ne'e bazeia ba akordu kooperasaun, tanba antes ne'e sira finaliza ona estudu iha UNTL no agora hein de'it atu gradua, tanba ne'e parte rua presiza haree hamutuk asuntu ne'e molok deside loron graduasaun.",
"Previous articleIndise Presu Konsumidor abril 2022 sa'e ba +1,2% Next articleJoven 25 selesionadu tama kampu treinamentu kompetisaun negosiu inovativu Edmundo monozuela June 26, 2022 at 10:47 am Bondia ba sr/ex.minteiro EJD Hau hakarak hatene ou husu deit informasaun konaba graduado professor/a sira nebe Liu ona ba iha Judisium hotu ona,maibe too Agora Tama ona 2022 informasaun sei la fo sai ou data atu graduacao la iha, oinsa no Nusa Mak sai abandona hnsn ne"
] | [
"UNTL-INFORDEPE plans to hold graduation ceremony for 2,016 undergraduate teachers in June | Timor Post Agência Noticiosa de Timór Leste HOME EDUCATION INVESTMENTS IN EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMES UNLTD.directory - News and Media Services"
"Image Tatoli/Francisco Sony DILI, May 30th (TATOLI) - The National University of Timor-Leste and the Institute for Teachers’ Training in Education has planned to hold a junior level graduation ceremony on June if no impediment."
"According to INFORDEPE President Manuel Gomes de Araujo, graduation will take place in six zones such as Ainaro; Baucau and Bobonaro."
"\"I have received information from my Director of Academic Formation that the continuing details for graduating process, today will be in office Minister Higher Education Science and Culture waiting to receive dispaixu published on Jornal Republika already about these bachelors students' gradations."
"If there is no impediment, the graduation will take place in June this year\", INFORDEPE President informs Agência Tatoli from his office at Balide on Monday."
"Relevant news: MESSK has not received the graduation proposal from INFORDEPE Manuel Gomes says that this will be done according to an existing grouping plan."
"\"It means graduation will take place in nine zones as from the municipality of Baucau, Viqueque and Lautem are to be accommodated; Ainaro has been selected for Manufahi & Covalima. Dili is also being chosen with Manatuto Aileu Liquica including atauro while Ermera Bobonaro e Oe-cusse have their own special graduates because there were more students enrolled than any other district at that time (401),\" he added.\""
"The Oe-cusse region will wait until MESSK has received the graduation dispaixu and published it in Jornal Republika before deciding on a ceremonia judisium, whereas other municipalities have already carried out juridium."
"Meanwhile, INFORDEPE is holding two ceremonies just because of this displacement. Thus when crossing the land border will be complicated as it has to deal with many documents;"
"\"We decided that Oe-cusse remains to the end so we deal with this document only once, when it is right then two days will be used for ceremonia judisium and graduation. Graduations also follow a grouping because they are given by rector; after one zone all students move back into another area.\""
"So everything will be known by UNTL so that they can't interfere with each other,\" he said."
"A total of 2,017 elementary school teachers who were integrated into UNTL by INFORDEPE are based on a cooperation agreement because they have already completed their studies at the University and now just wait to graduate. Therefore both parties need together look over this matter before deciding upon an official date for grading in accordance with international standards (the UN)."
"Previous articleJoven 25 selecionado tama campo treinamento competição negócio inovador Edmundo monozuela June,16th of this year at +0.9% Next ArticleYoung people selected to take part in training camp competition innovative business Edmond Monozuela Junho de3rdof the month on -487 Comments Good morning Mr/ex-minister EJD I want only know or ask information about graduation professors who have passed into Judisium all already but until now it has been coming up and there is no date for their grading how did Nusa Mak leave hnsn?"
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INSS finaliza ona pagamentu 60% ba traballadór rihun 10-resin | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE INSS finaliza ona pagamentu 60% ba traballadór rihun 10-resin\nINSS finaliza ona pagamentu 60% ba traballadór rihun 10-resin\nDILI, 10 outubru 2020 (TATOLI)–Governu liuhosi Instituisaun Nasionál Seguransa Sosiál (INSS) finaliza ona pagamentu 60% ba traballadór hamutuk rihun 10-resin ho montante rihun $7.\n“Ita-nia pagamentu 60% ba traballadór ne’e finaliza ona iha fulan setembru no selu ona ba traballadór hamutuk rihun 10-resin. Hosi osan miliaun $7 ne’e, $4,5 selu ba 60% no $2,5 selu ba 6%,” dehan Prezidente Autoridade INSS, Longuinhos Armando Leite ba Agência TATOLI, iha Parlamentu Nasionál, sesta ne’e.\nNia hatutan, maske pagamentu ramata ona maibé INSS simu reklamasaun haat ka lima maibé rezolve hotu ona. Daudaun ne’e, tuir nia, hein de’it bainhira iha kompañia balun mak justifika entaun INSS bele halo pagamentu maibé to’o agora laiha justifikasaun.\nEntretantu, nia informa, pagamentu ba idozu nian iha territóriu Timor-Leste kuaze hotu ona no daudaun ne’e INSS simu reklamasaun balun hosi suku no aldeia maibé seidauk hatene katak reklamasaun tanba mate ka halo hela servisu seluk.\n“Ita seidauk hatene objetivu hosi reklasamasaun hirak ne’e tanba ita seidauk halo pagamentu hotu. Bainhira tinan ne’e ramata ona mak foin hatene katak idozu hira mak mate ona,” nia esplika.\nNia haktuir, ema kuaze rihun 24 mak lahalo movimentu hahú hosi tinan 2019 nian mai to’o agora maibé seidauk hatene razaun hosi laiha movimentu ne’e.\n“Ita hapara no estende tanba ema laiha movimentu bainhira ita-nia ekipa hamutuk ho banku ba halo pagamentu iha suku. Tanba ne’e, ita labele dehan ema ne’e mate. Ho nune’e ha’u labele fó sai uluk katak ema hira mak mate ona,” nia dehan.\nNia hatete ema ne’ebé mak laiha movimentu ka halo reklamasaun hamutuk 778 no INSS mós halo ona pedidu ba Banku Nasionál Komérsiu Timor Leste (BNCTL) atu selu fila fali.\nPrevious articleProgresu kontrusaun projetu Baía Tibar atinje 25%\nNext articleFaze daruak, PNDS gasta tokon $2 ba programa fulan rua ikus | [
"INSS finaliza ona pagamentu 60% ba traballador rihun 10-resin | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE INSS finaliza ona pagamentu 60% ba traballador rihun 10-resin INSS finaliza ona pagamentu 60% ba traballador rihun 10-resin DILI, 10 outubru 2020 (TATOLI) -Governu liuhosi Instituisaun Nasional Seguransa Sosial (INSS) finaliza ona pagamentu 60% ba traballador hamutuk rihun 10-resin ho montante rihun $7.",
"\"Ita-nia pagamentu 60% ba traballador ne'e finaliza ona iha fulan setembru no selu ona ba traballador hamutuk rihun 10-resin.",
"Hosi osan miliaun $7 ne'e, $4,5 selu ba 60% no $2,5 selu ba 6%,\" dehan Prezidente Autoridade INSS, Longuinhos Armando Leite ba Agencia TATOLI, iha Parlamentu Nasional, sesta ne'e.",
"Nia hatutan, maske pagamentu ramata ona maibe INSS simu reklamasaun haat ka lima maibe rezolve hotu ona.",
"Daudaun ne'e, tuir nia, hein de'it bainhira iha kompania balun mak justifika entaun INSS bele halo pagamentu maibe to'o agora laiha justifikasaun.",
"Entretantu, nia informa, pagamentu ba idozu nian iha territoriu Timor-Leste kuaze hotu ona no daudaun ne'e INSS simu reklamasaun balun hosi suku no aldeia maibe seidauk hatene katak reklamasaun tanba mate ka halo hela servisu seluk.",
"\"Ita seidauk hatene objetivu hosi reklasamasaun hirak ne'e tanba ita seidauk halo pagamentu hotu.",
"Bainhira tinan ne'e ramata ona mak foin hatene katak idozu hira mak mate ona,\" nia esplika.",
"Nia haktuir, ema kuaze rihun 24 mak lahalo movimentu hahu hosi tinan 2019 nian mai to'o agora maibe seidauk hatene razaun hosi laiha movimentu ne'e.",
"\"Ita hapara no estende tanba ema laiha movimentu bainhira ita-nia ekipa hamutuk ho banku ba halo pagamentu iha suku.",
"Tanba ne'e, ita labele dehan ema ne'e mate.",
"Ho nune'e ha'u labele fo sai uluk katak ema hira mak mate ona,\" nia dehan.",
"Nia hatete ema ne'ebe mak laiha movimentu ka halo reklamasaun hamutuk 778 no INSS mos halo ona pedidu ba Banku Nasional Komersiu Timor Leste (BNCTL) atu selu fila fali.",
"Previous articleProgresu kontrusaun projetu Baia Tibar atinje 25% Next articleFaze daruak, PNDS gasta tokon $2 ba programa fulan rua ikus"
] | [
"INSS completes 60% payment to more than ten thousand workers | Tempotimor Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Insses has finalized the payout of over sixty percent for worker rihun one hundred and nineteen (19) in total with an amount $7."
"\"Our 60% payment to the workers has been completed in September and we have paid more than ten thousand employees."
"Of the $7 million, 60% will be paid out at a rate of US$4.5m and another USD218k for each other's contributions to INSS as well.\" President Longuinhos Armando Leite told Agência Anhanguera in Parliament on Saturday that he was paying an average annual premium amounting from about £39 per month upwards (around €-€)"
"He added that although the payments have been completed, INSS has received four or five claimes but all of them were resolvet."
"For the time being, according to him all that remains is for some companies' justification and then INSS can make payment but so far there has been no rationale."
"Meanwhile, he informed that payments to the elderly on Timor-Leste territory have almost been completed and at present INSS is receiving some claiming from communities but does not know whether it was because of death or doing other work."
"\"We do not know the purpose of these recalculations because we haven't made all payments."
"\"It's not until the end of this year that we will know how many elderly people have died,\" he explained."
"According to him, almost 24 thousand people have failed the movement since it began in January of this year but they still do not know why."
"\"We stopped and extended because there was no movement of people when our team together with the bank went to make payments in village."
"Therefore, we cannot say that the person is dead."
"So I can't give a prediction of how many people have died,\" he said."
"He said that there were a total of 780 people who had not moved or made claims and INSS has also requested the National Commercial Bank Timor-Leste (BNCTL) to repay them."
"Previous articleProgress in construction of Baia Tibar project reaches 25% Next artikelPhase two, PNDS spends $1.6 million on the last-two month program"
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PNTL Hasoru Problema ho Fornesedór Kombustivel\nPNTL Hasoru Problema ho Fornesedór Kombustivel Featured\n02 Marsu 2018\nDILI: Polisia Nasionál Timor Leste (PNTL), oras ne’e hasoru problema ho kompañia lima (5) ne'ebé durante sai fornesesdór kombustivel ba instituisaun ne’e.\nKompañia hirak ne’e simu ona pagamentu husi instituisaun ne’e, maibé to’o agora la fornese kombustivel.\nProblema kombustivel ne’e impede servisu PNTL nian lubuk ida, inklui Unidade Polisia Marítima (UMP) hodi halo operasaun iha tasi laran.\nKomandante Jerál PNTL, Komisáriu Júlio da Costa Hornai hateten, instituisaun kompleta ona pagamentu ba kompañia sira ne’e, maibé realidade kombustivel seidauk iha.\n“Ami hasoru problema ho Kompañia Ruvic, Borala, Lafaek, Arjumer no Nagarajdo. Ami selu tiha ona sira no ami simu tiha ona kupon maibé to’o agora sira la supply mina” dehan nia, iha Kuartél Jerál PNTL, Kaikoli-Dili, horisehik.\nHo problema ne’e, instituisaun PNTL sei bolu kompañia hirak ne’e atu esplika difikuldade ne'ebé iha hodi labele halo fornesimentu kombustivel.\nPlanu Hari Estasaun Mina\nProblema kombustivel ne’ebé akontese sai nu’udar lisaun ba instituisaun PNTL nian. Ne’e duni, sira iha planu harii estasaun kombustivel rasik, nune’e bele diminui problema kona-ba mina.\nMaski nune’e, polítika ne’e foin maka proposta, bainhira Governu konkorda instituisaun PNTL prontu atu ezekuta planu ne’e.\n“Ami sei esforsa atu esplika vantajen no dezvantajen kona-ba atu harii estasaun kombustivel PNTL nian ba governu”, tenik Komisáriu Júlio.\nTanba buat simples ida mak instituisaun ne’e hanoin atu halo mak buka atu apoiu governu. Tanba planu sira ne’e sei liu husi proposta ida no sei haruka ba governu kuandu sira aseita instituisaun sei halo.\nMore in this category: « Hahán La Ijiene, AIFAESA Taka Restaurante 74 Para Karreta-Motór Iha Zebra Cross, Sei Multa »\n/PNTL Hasoru Problema ho Fornesedór Kombustivel | [
"PNTL Hasoru Problema ho Fornesedor Kombustivel PNTL Hasoru Problema ho Fornesedor Kombustivel Featured 02 Marsu 2018 DILI: Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL), oras ne'e hasoru problema ho kompania lima (5) ne'ebe durante sai fornesesdor kombustivel ba instituisaun ne'e.",
"Kompania hirak ne'e simu ona pagamentu husi instituisaun ne'e, maibe to'o agora la fornese kombustivel.",
"Problema kombustivel ne'e impede servisu PNTL nian lubuk ida, inklui Unidade Polisia Maritima (UMP) hodi halo operasaun iha tasi laran.",
"Komandante Jeral PNTL, Komisariu Julio da Costa Hornai hateten, instituisaun kompleta ona pagamentu ba kompania sira ne'e, maibe realidade kombustivel seidauk iha.",
"\"Ami hasoru problema ho Kompania Ruvic, Borala, Lafaek, Arjumer no Nagarajdo.",
"Ami selu tiha ona sira no ami simu tiha ona kupon maibe to'o agora sira la supply mina\" dehan nia, iha Kuartel Jeral PNTL, Kaikoli-Dili, horisehik.",
"Ho problema ne'e, instituisaun PNTL sei bolu kompania hirak ne'e atu esplika difikuldade ne'ebe iha hodi labele halo fornesimentu kombustivel.",
"Planu Hari Estasaun Mina Problema kombustivel ne'ebe akontese sai nu'udar lisaun ba instituisaun PNTL nian.",
"Ne'e duni, sira iha planu harii estasaun kombustivel rasik, nune'e bele diminui problema kona-ba mina.",
"Maski nune'e, politika ne'e foin maka proposta, bainhira Governu konkorda instituisaun PNTL prontu atu ezekuta planu ne'e.",
"\"Ami sei esforsa atu esplika vantajen no dezvantajen kona-ba atu harii estasaun kombustivel PNTL nian ba governu,\" tenik Komisariu Julio.",
"Tanba buat simples ida mak instituisaun ne'e hanoin atu halo mak buka atu apoiu governu.",
"Tanba planu sira ne'e sei liu husi proposta ida no sei haruka ba governu kuandu sira aseita instituisaun sei halo.",
"More in this category: \" Hahan La Ijiene, AIFAESA Taka Restaurante 74 Para Karreta-Motor Iha Zebra Cross, Sei Multa \" /PNTL Hasoru Problema ho Fornesedor Kombustivel"
] | [
"PNTL Has Problema ho Fornesedor Kombustibel Featured March,02nd of Março de18 DILI: The Timor-Leste National Police (PNTL), is now facing problems with five companies that have been providing fuel to the institution for some time."
"These companies have received payments from the institution, but so far they do not supply fuel."
"The fuel problem has impeded many of the PNTL's activities, including for Maritime Police Unit (UMP) to carry out operations at sea."
"PNTL General Commander, Commissioner Julio da Costa Hornai said that the institution has completed payments to these companies but fuel is not yet available."
"\"We have had problems with Kompania Ruvic, Borala and Lafaek. Arjumer is not Nagarajdo.\""
"We have paid them and we've received the coupons but until now they are not supplying fuel,\" he said at PNTL Headquarters in Kaikoli-Dili today."
"With this problem, the PNTL will call these companies to explain their difficulty in not supplying fuel."
"The fuel problem that has occurred is a lesson for the PNTL institution. Planu Hari Estasaun Mina"
"However, they have plans to build their own fuel station so that the problem with oil can be reduced."
"However, the policy will only be proposed once Government agrees that PNTL is ready to implement it."
"\"We will endeavour to explain the advantages and disavantage of building an PNTL fuel station for government,\" said Commissioner Julio."
"Because one simple thing that this institution is thinking about doing, it's to seek support from the government."
"Because these plans will go through a proposal and be sent to the government when they accept that institutions shall do."
"More in this category: \" Hahan La Ijiene, AIFAESA Taka Restaurante 74 Para Karreta-Motor Iha Zebra Cross; Sei Multa\" /PNTL Encounters Problem With Fuel Supplier"
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CFDB oferese espasu ba vítima inundasaun kuda modo sustenta moris | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE CFDB oferese espasu ba vítima inundasaun kuda modo sustenta moris\nDon Bosco Comoro harii kuartu ba vítima dezastre iha resintu sentru ne’e. Imajen/Espesiál\nDILI, 16 outubru 2021 (TATOLI)—Vítima inundasaun, Maria de Jesus Ximenes, agradese ba Sentru Formasaun Don Bosco (CFDB, sigla portugés) tanba fó atendimentu di’ak ba sira no oferese espasu hodi kuda modo, nune’e bele sustenta moris loron-loron.\nInundasaun ne’ebé akontese iha loron 04 abríl, halo uma hamutuk 4.231 iha territóriu tomak mak hetan estragu totál, obrigadu vítima sira tenke hela provizóriu iha sentru akollimentu estabelesidu.\n“Ami kontente tebes tanba durante ami hela iha ne’e, ami susar hetan osan, maibé Don Bosco laran ruak bele oferese kintál oituan ba ami hodi kuda modo, hodi han no fa’an hodi sustenta moris, ita haree ba nesesidade uma-laran nian,” Maria de Jesus hateten ba Agência TATOLI, iha Don Bosco Comoro, sábadu ne’e.\nNotísia relevante: Lona sai mahon ba vítima inundasaun iha Manleuana hahú nakles\nVítima inundasaun ne’ebé daudaun hela iha Don Bosco Comoro hamutuk ema na’in-152, hosi uma-kain 35.\nKona-ba ba apoiu hahan, kada uma-kain iha sentru ne’e hetan foos saka ida hosi Governu.\n“Ita-nia Governu apoiu nafatin, maibé foos de’it, ami iha ne’e Amu sira iha Don Bosco mak kada semana apoiu modo sira ba ami, ne’ebé ba han hemu ami senti di’ak,” nia nia akresenta.\nHusu Governu foti desizaun ba opsaun hela fatin\nDurante fulan-neen nia laran ona vítima dezastre naturál hela iha sentru akollimentu sira, tanba ne’e sira husu Governu aselera foti desizaun hela fatin.\n“Governu antes ne’e mai no fó opsaun tolu ba ami hanesan fila bá munisípiu, hein Governu buka fatin própriu no opsaun seluk mak ami-nia fatin ne’ebé akontese inundasaun ne’e, Governu ba haree no posibilidade bele hadi’a, hodi ami bele fila ba hela, tanba ne’e ami hakarak Governu bele foti desizaun lalais ba opsaun tolu, tanba ami iha ne’e di’ak, maibé lona ne’e ami la tahan to’o tempu rai manas tebes no tauk akontese tan tan udan boot ruma,” nia akresenta.\nAleinde ne’e, Don Bosco harii kuartu provizóriu hamutuk 20 iha resintu sentru ne’e, ba vítima dezastre naturál, ne’ebé kada uma-kain ida hetan kuartu ida, enkuantu seluk kontinua iha lona hodi hein desizaun hosi Governu.\nNotísia relevante: Governu planeia tau vítima inundasaun iha alojamentu temporáriu\nEnkuantu kona-ba bee-moos, sanitária, saúde públika, abitante iha sentru ne’e konfesa katak laiha problema, tanba Don Bosco prepara hotu kondisaun ba vítima sira no ba parte saúde, pesoál saúde kada semana nafatin halo atendementu ba abitante sira.\nIha biban hanesan, Responsável Sentru akollimentu Don Bosco Comoro, Irmão, Adriano Maria de Jesus, hateten, parte sentru nafatin esforsu maibé husu mós Governu bele tau-matan no rezolve problema ne’ebé abitante sentru ne’e enfrenta.\nAleinde ne’e, vítima inundasaun uma-kain haat ne’ebé durante ne’e okupadu sala eskola rua iha Eskola UNAMET 04 setembru Balide, filafali ona ba sira-nia hela fatin, iha semana rua liubá.\n“Jerente eskola konsege konvense uma-kain haat hodi fila ba sira-nia hela fatin no ikus mai entrega sala rua ne’e ba fali eskola,” Diretór Eskola, Sergio Alfreo da Cruz, hateten.\nPrevious articleFilme “Konta Sai” sai “Best Film” iha Festival Filme Asia Pasífiku\nNext articleWFP konvida komunidade timor-oan harii reziliénsia ai-han ba mudansa klimátika | [
"CFDB oferese espasu ba vitima inundasaun kuda modo sustenta moris | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE CFDB oferese espasu ba vitima inundasaun kuda modo sustenta moris Don Bosco Comoro harii kuartu ba vitima dezastre iha resintu sentru ne'e.",
"Imajen/Espesial DILI, 16 outubru 2021 (TATOLI) - Vitima inundasaun, Maria de Jesus Ximenes, agradese ba Sentru Formasaun Don Bosco (CFDB, sigla portuges) tanba fo atendimentu di'ak ba sira no oferese espasu hodi kuda modo, nune'e bele sustenta moris loron-loron.",
"Inundasaun ne'ebe akontese iha loron 04 abril, halo uma hamutuk 4.231 iha territoriu tomak mak hetan estragu total, obrigadu vitima sira tenke hela provizoriu iha sentru akollimentu estabelesidu.",
"\"Ami kontente tebes tanba durante ami hela iha ne'e, ami susar hetan osan, maibe Don Bosco laran ruak bele oferese kintal oituan ba ami hodi kuda modo, hodi han no fa'an hodi sustenta moris, ita haree ba nesesidade uma-laran nian,\" Maria de Jesus hateten ba Agencia TATOLI, iha Don Bosco Comoro, sabadu ne'e.",
"Notisia relevante: Lona sai mahon ba vitima inundasaun iha Manleuana hahu nakles Vitima inundasaun ne'ebe daudaun hela iha Don Bosco Comoro hamutuk ema na'in-152, hosi uma-kain 35.",
"Kona-ba ba apoiu hahan, kada uma-kain iha sentru ne'e hetan foos saka ida hosi Governu.",
"\"Ita-nia Governu apoiu nafatin, maibe foos de'it, ami iha ne'e Amu sira iha Don Bosco mak kada semana apoiu modo sira ba ami, ne'ebe ba han hemu ami senti di'ak,\" nia nia akresenta.",
"Husu Governu foti desizaun ba opsaun hela fatin Durante fulan-neen nia laran ona vitima dezastre natural hela iha sentru akollimentu sira, tanba ne'e sira husu Governu aselera foti desizaun hela fatin.",
"\"Governu antes ne'e mai no fo opsaun tolu ba ami hanesan fila ba munisipiu, hein Governu buka fatin propriu no opsaun seluk mak ami-nia fatin ne'ebe akontese inundasaun ne'e, Governu ba haree no posibilidade bele hadi'a, hodi ami bele fila ba hela, tanba ne'e ami hakarak Governu bele foti desizaun lalais ba opsaun tolu, tanba ami iha ne'e di'ak, maibe lona ne'e ami la tahan to'o tempu rai manas tebes no tauk akontese tan tan udan boot ruma,\" nia akresenta.",
"Aleinde ne'e, Don Bosco harii kuartu provizoriu hamutuk 20 iha resintu sentru ne'e, ba vitima dezastre natural, ne'ebe kada uma-kain ida hetan kuartu ida, enkuantu seluk kontinua iha lona hodi hein desizaun hosi Governu.",
"Notisia relevante: Governu planeia tau vitima inundasaun iha alojamentu temporariu Enkuantu kona-ba bee-moos, sanitaria, saude publika, abitante iha sentru ne'e konfesa katak laiha problema, tanba Don Bosco prepara hotu kondisaun ba vitima sira no ba parte saude, pesoal saude kada semana nafatin halo atendementu ba abitante sira.",
"Iha biban hanesan, Responsavel Sentru akollimentu Don Bosco Comoro, Irmao, Adriano Maria de Jesus, hateten, parte sentru nafatin esforsu maibe husu mos Governu bele tau-matan no rezolve problema ne'ebe abitante sentru ne'e enfrenta.",
"Aleinde ne'e, vitima inundasaun uma-kain haat ne'ebe durante ne'e okupadu sala eskola rua iha Eskola UNAMET 04 setembru Balide, filafali ona ba sira-nia hela fatin, iha semana rua liuba.",
"\"Jerente eskola konsege konvense uma-kain haat hodi fila ba sira-nia hela fatin no ikus mai entrega sala rua ne'e ba fali eskola,\" Diretor Eskola, Sergio Alfreo da Cruz, hateten.",
"Previous articleFilme \"Konta Sai\" sai \"Best Film\" iha Festival Filme Asia Pasifiku Next articleWFP konvida komunidade timor-oan harii reziliensia ai-han ba mudansa klimatika"
] | [
"CFDB offers space for flood victims to grow livelihood | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Don Bosco Comoro has built a quarter in the centre' s compound."
"Image/Special DILI, October 16th - Flood victim Maria de Jesus Ximenes thanked the Don Bosco Training Center (CFDB) for providing good care and space to grow crops so that she can sustain her daily life."
"The floods that occurred on April 4, totally destroyed a number of houses in the entire country (about10.5 million square meters), forcing people to live temporarilly at established refuge centres and resettlement centers around their homes as they were forced out by waterlogged roadways or flooded areas with heavy rainfall during this period"
"\"We are very happy because during our stay here, we struggled to get money but Don Bosco's empty heart can offer us a lot of land for growing crops and selling them so that they could sustain themselves. We look at the needs in their homeland\", Maria de Jesus told Agência TATOLI (Indonesian news agency) on Saturday afternoon when she was visiting with her family from don’t-bosco Comoro"
"Relevant news: Flood victims in Manleuana begin to get clothing The flood survivors who are currently living at Don Bosco Comoro include 152 people, from a total of about three dozen and thirty-five families."
"Regarding food assistance, each household in the centre receives a single meal from government."
"\"Our government is still supporting, but only food. We are here because the Fathers at Don Bosco provide us with clothes every week so that we can eat and feel good.\""
"Victims of the natural disaster have been living in shelter centres for nine months, so they are asking government to speed up decision on relocation."
"\"The government came earlier and gave us three options to go back into the municipality, wait for a proper place or another option is our own site where this flood occurred. The Government will look at it so that we can return there again; then if possible they may improve on what was done in advance of flooding.\" He added: “We want an immediate decision from Parliament regarding these two alternatives as well because everything here has been made up very nicely but with such heavy rainfall which could not be resisted until after some time.”"
"In addition, Don Bosco has built 20 temporary quarters in the center' s compound for natural disaster victim. Each household is given a room while others are still staying under canvases waiting to be decided by government authorities"
"Relevant news: Government plans to put flood victims in temporary accommodation As for water, sanitation and public health services the resident of this centre confesses that there is no problem because Don Bosco has prepared all conditions. For medical care staff continue their weekly visiting activities amongst local population as well"
"In the same vein, Head of Don Bosco Comoro Shelter Center Irmao Adriana Maria de Jesus said that center continues to strive but also asks government can take care and solve problems facing inhabitants."
"In addition, the flood victims of four homes that had occupied two school rooms at UNAMET School September-04 in Balide have been returning to their residences since a couple weeks."
"\"The school manager was able to convince the four families that they should return home and finally handed over these two rooms back,\" said School Director Sergio Alfreo da Cruz."
"Previous articleFilm \"Konta Sai\" wins Best Film at the Asia-Pacific film festival Next artikelWFP invite Timorese communities to build food resilience for climate change"
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Avó Xavi: “Tempu Sei Hatete Ba Ita, Sé Mak Loos No Sé Mak Sala?” | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EDUKASAUN Avó Xavi: “Tempu Sei Hatete Ba Ita, Sé Mak Loos No Sé...\nAvó Xavi: “Tempu Sei Hatete Ba Ita, Sé Mak Loos No Sé Mak Sala?”\nDILI, 27 novembru 2019 (TATOLI)—“Sira julga ha’u ho julgamentu militár nian. Alarico Fernandes hakilar ba ha’u; Hei traidór, ko’alia ba! Ó haruka povu tuun husi ai-laran ba vila para Javanese sira foti ó sai ministru”. Ha’u hatán ba sira, “Tempu maka sei hatete sai ba ita. Sé maka loron ikus sai loos no sala.”\nDiálogu ne’ebé foti husi julgamentu entre Alarico Fernandes ho Avó Xavi ne’ebé Avó Xavi haktuir iha leten ne’ebá ne’e, hanesan realidade polítika ida ne’ebé akontese entre membru Comite Central Fretilin (CCF) ne’ebé iha diferensa ideia kona-ba estratéjia ne’ebé adota iha Konferensia Lalini (Avó Xavi nia sasin iha iha audiénsia públika CAVR, 2003).\nEstratéjia funu ne’ebé militár Indonézia uza hodi harahun rezisténsia halo Avó Xavi muda nia pozisaun relasiona ho estratéjia ne’ebé adota iha Soibada katak povu tenke rende ba vila, husik militár de’it mak reziste iha ai-laran no povu luta iha vila.\nHo hanoin no polítika ida ne’e, Alarico Fernandes akuza Avó Xavi hanesan ema traidór ida tanba de’it Avó Xavi iha konviksaun maka’as ba estratéjia povu tenke rende no halo funu iha vila laran. Avó Xavi simu akuzasaun hirak ne’e, hodi hatán ho neon no fuan boot: “O futuro virá a verdade, quem tem razão e quem não tem”—“Futuru mak sei hatudu lia loos, sé mak iha razaun no sé mak lae”.\nAtu hatene sé maka loos no sé mak sala, luta-na’in Francisco Xavier do Amaral la fó sala ba ema ida no la dehan nia maka loos to’o nia fila hikas ba Maromak nia uman. Iha ninia luta nia hahú, nu’udar timoroan, iha Portugés nia tempu, nia la gosta kedas malae-mutin hori nia sei labarik.\nRazaun ida de’it. Tanba de’it malae-mutin sira nia ukun, malae-mutin (Portugés) sira konsidera ita rai-na’in sai sira-nia atan iha ita-nia rain rasik no sira hanesan liurai boot (Maromak) ne’ebé ita tenke hahí no adora.\nTanba ne’e, uainhira Avó Xavi estuda Filozofia no Teolojia iha Semináriu Maior Macau (1955), uainhira halimar tenis, ninia kolega seminariu-maluk husi Portugal naran Jorge Silveiro Machado bolu nia “Oh, Seu Preto!”, nia kontra no hakilar maka’as. Nia la ta´uk, hodi kokotek hanesan manu-aman. “Imi Portugés ne’e, primitivu liu. Imi la halo buat ida iha Timór. Kuandu ema metan hanesan ami la iha, imi labele moris,” dehan Avó Xavi uainhira ha’u ho fotógrafu António Daciparu hala’o entrevista ho Avó Xavi iha ninia rezidénsia Lecidere, Sábadu (21/02/2004).\nHanesan manu-aman ne’ebé sempre kokorek iha tempu sa de’it, Avó Xavier la kolen atu kokorek. Nia kokorek hodi simu-hasoru bispu Dom Jaime Garcia Goulart tanba amu bispu Dom Jaimé hatete lia kro’at hasoru Avó Xavi, “Ó-nia hanoin brutál ba Portugal ne’e, pekadu mortal (sala boot ka grave)”.\nHo brani no hatudu hirus-matan hanesan manu-aman, Avó Xavi hatán, “Ha’u la kontra Portugal. Ha’u kontra estadu Portugal no ninia sistema ukun nian. Ha’u la kontra povu Portugal. Ha’u respeita tebes povu Portugal.”\nSó, Avó Xavi ninia luta atu kontra Portugal la to’o iha ne’e de’it. A luta continua! Hafoin ramata ninia estudu iha Semináriu Maior Macau (1963), nia hahú ninia profisaun sai hanesan mestre hodi hanorin dalen Portugés no dalen Latina iha Semináriu Dare, Dili. Tanba la iha vokasaun atu sai Nai Lulik, nia hala’o hikas nia moris nu’udar ema baibain.\nIha ne’e, ninia mehi luta atu liberta povu no rai Timor-Leste husi kolonialista hetok semo aas. Foufoun, nia harii eskola privadu ida iha Santa Cruz Dili (1966), atu simu timoroan sira ne’ebé akaba eskola iha Kuarta klase husi eskola Katólika sira iha Timor Leste nia laran hanesan Fuiloro, Maliana, Soibada, no Dili.\nUainhira revolusaun ai-funan nakfera iha fulan Maiu 1974 ne’ebé hakotu estadu Salazar (Portugal) ninia foti-aan no Movimentu Forsa Armada (FMA) Portugal hala’o polítika hamoos hahalok aat hodi fó liberdade ba Timor Portugés (ultramarinu) atu bele luta hodi hili sira-nia futuru [ukun aan rasik] no bele harii partidu polítika. Hakarak hamutuk nafatin ho Portugal ka hakarak hili hamriik mesak.\nPolitíka hakotu estadu Salazar ninia foti-aan ne’e mós nani-da’et to’o iha Dili-Timor Leste. Timoroan, intelektuál timoroan sira mós hadeer hodi realiza sira-nia mehi no hakarak ba ukun rasik-aan ne’e, bolu malu hamutuk hodi rame-rame harii partidu polítika. Partidu polítika ba dahuluk ne’ebé timoroan sira harii mak Partidu União Democrática Timorense (UDT) ne’ebé harii husi maun-alin ho naran tutun Carrascalão.\nIha loron 20 fulan Maiu tinan 1975, Ramos Horta no Mari Alkatiri obriga Avó Xavi atu harii Partidu ASDT (Assosiação Social Demokrática de Timor). Iha biban ne’ebá, José Ramos Horta hatete, “Se ita-boot la simu ideia ne’e no la asina, ha’u sei lees deklarasaun ida ne’e no ha’u sei sunu mohu. No, ita-boot labele mehi atu kaer kuda talin rasik ka ukun rasik-aan.”\nTanbasá? Razaun ida de’it. Tanba, Mari Alkatiri no Ramos Horta (mistu ka raan-kahór) iha tempu ne´ebá la autorizadu (tuir lei) atu harii partidu polítika ida. Tanba ne’e, Avó Xavi ne’ebé raan Timor nia raan loloos duni maka asina deklarasaun ne’e hodi bele harii Partidu ASDT no bele responsabiliza ba Governu Portugés. Iha loron ne’ebá, iha tuku ualu (8.00) kalan, sira deklara hodi harii Partidu ASDT iha Acait, Dili.\nTensaun polítika hetok sa’e maka’as. Iha Dili, iha fulan Agostu sai sasin-moris ba istória polítika ida-nian. Loron 10-11 fulan Agostu tinan 1975, tensaun konflitu polítika interna nakali nafurin sa’e maka´as hanesan ema nono-bee be nakali. Golpe no kontra golpe entre UDT no Fretilin hahú buras.\nEma ua’in ba ua’in, povu Timor-Leste sai mutun ba polítika ida ne’e no barak maka mate. Nasaun viziñu Indonézia mós hahú tau interrese atu mai invade Timor-Leste. Iha loron 7 fulan Dezembru tinan 1975, militár Indonezia ne’ebé hetan apoiu husi Amérika hahú invade Timor-Leste. Ema ua’in ba ua’in hetan terus no mate tan.\nTanba ne’e, antes Indonézia invade Timor Leste, Comite Central Fretilin (CCF) obriga Avó Xavier unilateralmente proklama República Democratica Timor-Leste iha 28 Novembru 1975. Iha biban ne’ebá, Avó Xavier mak hetan biban hodi sani (lee) testu Proklamasaun no sai prezidente dahuluk ba Repúblika Demokrátika Timor-Leste. Nicolau Lobato sai Primeiru-Minsitru Timor-Leste no Rogerio Tiago Lobato sai Ministru Defeza Timor-Leste ba dahuluk. Ramos Horta asumi kargu nu’udar Ministru Negósiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun no lori ukun ho sistema semi presidensiál hanesan ohin loron.\nSé maka hakerek no responsabiliza ba testu Proklamasaun RDTL ne’e? To´o oras ne’e ema ua’in kuriozu atu buka hatene maibé to’o ohin loron ema ua’in mós seidauk hatene loloos. Maibé, iha 11 Novembru 2013, Maun Boot Xanana Gusmão tuku nia hirus-matan hodi dehan, “Ha’u maka responsavel ba testu Proklamasaun RDTL ne’ebé Farncisco Xavier do Amaral lee sai iha 28 Novembru 1975 hodi proklama Timor-Leste sai nasaun RDTL ne’e.”\nUainhira Indonézia invade Timor-Leste no trajedia 7 Dezembru nakfera, nu’udar Prezidente da República Timor-Leste ba dahuluk, Avó Xavi só delega no fó karta kredensiál ba José Ramos Horta hodi ba hatutan luta no diplomasia polítika iha rai estranjeiru atu fó apoiu ba Timor-Leste nia luta ba ukun rasik-aan. Ema seluk eh sira seluk, Avó Xavi nunka temi naran no nunka fó responsabilidade atu ba halo diplomasia iha rai li´ur.\nIha ai-laran, tanba de’it foti desizaun atu lori fila povu mai vila laran, Avó Xavi ninia luta-maluk FRETILIN sira kaptura no kastigu Avó Xavi tanba sira trai Avó Xavi nu’udar ema traidór ida ne’ebé trai partidu no trai rai-lulik Timor-Leste. La’ós buat seluk ida. Tanba de’it diferensa ideia kona-ba ideolojia polítika no defende dutrina Fretilin nian ne’ebé tanba konsidera hahí komunista, la relevante ba Timor-Leste nia kultura, sira kaptura Avó Xavi no hatama ba kadeia laran.\nFukun polítika ida tan. Tanba de’it iha Kongresu Soibada no Lalini, Avó Xavi homan ideia ida atu lori [haruka] hikas povu kbiit la’ek sira ba vila laran (entrega-an ba Indonézia nia liman) no membru Falintil de’it maka luta iha ai-laran, lori Ministru Infromasaun, Alarico Fernandes, intrepreta sala hodi kesi-metin Avó Xavi nia liman hanesan na´uk-teen ida no sulan Avó Xavi iha kadeia laran hodi halo julgamentu.\nAvó Xavi kaer iha Tutuluro-Manufahi bainhira sei hala’o hela formasaun polítika, hodi halo julgamentu no hatama ba rai-ku´ak. Julgamentu ne’e hala’o iha tuku 22.00 kalan iha fatin ida naran Aikurus-Remexio-Aileu iha akampamentu Fretilin ninian. Durante julgamentu no torturasaun ne’ebé Alarico Fernandes halo ba nia, Avó Xavi nunka hatán akuzasaun ba nia. Avó Xavi hatán de’it ho liafuan badak, “O futuro virá a verdade, quem tem razão e quem não tem”—futuru mak sei hatudu lia loos, sé mak iha razaun no sé mak lae.\n“Sira julga ha’u ho julgamentu militár nian. Alarico Fernandes hakilar ba ha’u; Hei traidór, ko’alia ba! Ó haruka povu tuun husi ai-laran ba vila para Javanese sira foti ó sai ministru,” haktuir Avó Xavi. Avó Xavi hatán, “Tempu maka sei hatete sai ba ita. Sé maka loron ikus sai loos no sala. Liu tiha ida ne’e, ha’u la hatán ona sira-nia preguntas sira tuir mai.”\nIha kadeia tradisionál rai-kuak (metru rua) nia laran ne’ebé taka ho ai-donan boboot husi leten, sira husik hela ku´ak ki’ikoan ida hanesan ventilasaun ida ne’ebé uza hanesan media ida atu halo komunikasaun ba malu. Iha rai-ku´ak laran, sira la fó han no la fó hemu. Bainhira povu kbiit la’ek sira ne’ebé la’o husi fatin ne’e karik, liuhusi ku´ak ki´ik-oan ne’e mak povu sira ne’e soe hela batar-musan no ai-farina-baluk ida ba Avó Xavi hodi han no dada iis atu tahan moris.\nOnestu de’it, Avó Xavi nia oan na’in rua mós mate tanba Fretilin sira la fó han. Nune’e mós Avó Xavi nia feen-kaben, Fretilin sira hamolik nia fuuk no halo nia feen hanesan tiha sai atan ida hodi haruka kuru-bee ba membru Fretilin sira atu haris.\nIha funu ida-nia laran, Avó Xavi mós monu iha inimigu Indonézia nia liman laran iha 30 Agostu 1978. Avó Xave, membru militár Indónézia batallaun 744 kaptura iha Dilor, Lacluta, Viqueque ne’ebé lidera husi Herman Sedyono (Eis-Prezidente Munisípiu Baucau no Suai). Hafoin ne’e, liu interrogasaun oioin, militár sira lori Avó Xavi mai Dili no hela hamutuk ho Kolonel Dading Kalbuadi.\nIha Dili, Avó Xavier konsege haree [sai sasin moris] Saudozu Nicolau Lobato nia isin-mate iha aeroportu Dili (1978). La kle´ur de’it, bainhira Dading Kalbuadi hetan kargu foun sai Kepala Staf Logistik Kodam Udayana Bali iha Bali-Indonézia no Avó Xavi mós muda ba Bali-Indonézia.\nSorte aat karik! Iha Bali-Indonezia, Avó Xavi la hetan ona torturasaun (baku) no interrogasaun oioin. Iha ne’ebá, Avó Xavi sai Dading Kalbuadi nia atan. Atan, atan ida ne’ebé sai kuda-atan duni hodi hamatan, fó hariis, fó han no fó hemu ba Dading Kalbuadi nia kuda haki´ak sira be hamutuk kuda 34 ne’e (1978-1984).\n“Kada semana, Dading Kalbuadi fó ha’u-nia saláriu Rp. 1.000 ($10,00 cent) de’it,” Avó Xavi haktuir.\nIha tinan 1984, hamutuk ho Dading Kalbuadi, Avó Xavi muda tan ba Jakarta-Indónezia no hela iha diresaun Cijantung III, Jakarta Timur. Iha ne’ebá, Avó Xavi serbisu nu’udar jardineiru di’ak ida. Loron ba loron, Francisco Xavier Amaral be liurai Dom Cosme Rodriguês Pereira nia bei-oan, ne’ebé moris iha Turiscai-Same 3 Dezembru 1937 ne’e, durante tinan 22 iha Indonézia, ninia knaar mak rega ai-funan no hamoos jardin ho saláriu kada fulan ida $1.000 ($10 cent) de’it.\n“Fofoun militár Indonezia kaer haú iha Mota Dilor, Viqueque. Sira trata haú ho di’ak tanba militár sira hetan informasaun katak haú maka Prezidente Fretilin nian. Sira trata ha’u ho di’ak tanba sira iha interrese polítika. Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru Indonézia, Mocthar Kusuma Atmadja (1978-1988) ko’alia ba haú katak ita-boot ba Asembleia Jerál ONU hodi deklara katak ita-boot kole ona tanba Fretilin kaer no kastigu no la konsidera ha’u hanesan ema maibé hanesan animál.\nHa’u dehan sira-nia lian-fuan ne’e monu iha ha’u-nia laran. Ha’u-nia laran dodok. Ha’u atu monu tiha ba sira. Maibé ikus mai ha’u la konsege depende sira-nia opsaun tanba ha’u dehan ba ministru ne’e katak ha’u-nia deklarasaun ba ONU dala ruma la vale tanba ha’u iha imi-nia liman no imi obriga ha’u,” Avó Xavi haktuir iha Audénsia públika CAVR (2003).\nAvó Xavi fila hikas mai iha Timor-Leste iha tinan 1999. Iha Timor-Leste, Avó Xavi lidera hikas Partidu ASDT no sai membru Asembleia Konstituante iha tinan 2001. Tempu ua’in la’o liu, iha tempu tuir mai, Governu Timor-Leste mós fó valorizasaun ba Avó Xavi sai Proklamadór no konsege hodi fó fiar ba Avó Xavi hodi lee hikas “Testu Proklamasaun 28 Novembru 1975” iha komemorasaun 28 de Novembru (sa tinan haluha ona).\nTEXTO DA PROKLAMAÇÃO DA INDEPENDÊNCIA\nEncarnado a aspiração suprema do povo de Timor Leste e para salvaguarda dos seus mais legitimos direitos e interesses como Nação soberana, o Comité Central da FRENTE REVOLUCIONÁRIA DE TIMOR LESTE INDEPENDENTE—FRETILIN—decreta e eu proclamo, unilateralmente, a Independencia de Timor Leste que passa a ser, a partir das 00:00 de hoje, a República Democrática de Timor-Leste, anti-colonialista e anti-imperialista.\nViva a República Democrática de Timor Leste!\nViva povo de Timor Leste Livre e Independente!\nTempu Ukun-Aan (2000)\nIha tinan 2000, Governu Tranzisaun UNTAET, Avó Xavi hamoris fila-fali Partidu ASDT no sai prezidente Partidu hodi kompete iha elisaun ba Asembleia Konstituante. Iha eleisaun ne’e, Partidu ASDT hetan kadeira neen (6) iha Asembleia Konstituante ne’ebé mak hala’o knaar hodi hakerek Konstituisaun RDTL nian.\nHusi Asembleia Konstituiante hafoin transfere hanesan Parlamentu Nasionál iha tinan 2002, Avó Xavi hala’o kna´ar hanesan Vise-Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál. Iha eleisaun prezidensiál 2002, Avó Xavi kandidata-aan kompete ho Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão atu sai prezidente. Iha eleisaun prezidensiál 2007, Avó Xavi mós kandidata-aan hodi kompete ho kandidatu seluk iha momentu ne’ebá. Iha legislatura daruak nian, Avó Xavi sai membru deputadu Parlamentu Nasionál ba tinan lejislatura 2007-2012 no mós hanesan Prezidente Partidu ASDT.\nIha eleisaun prezidensiál 2012-2017, Avó Xavi mó nafatin kandidata-aan ba prezidente maibé Avó Xavi la konsege akompaña prosesu kampaña no elisaun. To’o ikus, iha loron 6 fulan Marsu tinan 2012, Avó Xavi hakotu iis eh mate iha loron ne’ebé iha prosesu kampaña ba elisaun prezidensiál nia laran. Ho avo Xavier nia mate Governu rekoñese hanesan eroi nasionál no deside loron tolu (3) lutu nasionál ba saudozu Proklamadór Avó Xavi.\nTo´o hakotu nia iis, Avó Xavi nafatin hatudu ninia espiritu luta no domin ba rai lulik Timor Leste no povu maubere liuhusi ninia dedik-aan sai kandidatu prezidente ba périodu 2012-2017. Eroi boot, fuan boot! Eroi boot maka sai tebes “atan” no “liurai” ba Timor Leste. Avó Xavi nia luta la hatene kolen na fronteira laek.\nOhin, ha’u kandidata-aa, ohin ha’u sai prezidente, aban ha’u mate laiha problema. Importante povu ne’e moris di’ak. Tanba, ne’e maka ha’u-nia mehi dezde uluk ha’u sei kiik. Ne’eduni, ha’u la sente kolen hasoru difikuldade ruma, hodi serbi rai no povu ida ne’e,” dehan Proklamadór Francisco Xavier do Amaral ba jornalista sira, Kuarta (15/02/2012), hafoin Tribunál Rekursu legaliza tama ba kandidatura prezidente da republika périodu 2012-2017 (Timor Post, 16/02/2012).\nLuta no mehi hirak ne’e, ita hotu, timoroan hotu-hotu, luta-na’in ka la’ós luta-na’in, mai ita hotu foti xapeu be aaas no aas katak Avó Xavi ninia luta hanesan loloos reflesaun ida ne’ebé Taur Matan Ruak tatoli liu hosi ninia rede sosiál (Facebook) hodi dedika ba Avó Xavi nia mate;\nManu aman Timor kokorek. Hafanun ita atu hari’i nasaun ida ne’e. Iha ukun-aan, nia kokorek nafatin. Hafanun ita atu labele husik hela povu no rai doben ida ne’e monu ba rai. Ohin, nia husik hela ita. Avó Xavi sei iha ita hotu nia neon. Rai doben ida ne’e lakon manu-aman di’ak ida. Iha Maromak nia sorin kuana, manu-aman ne’e sei kokorek nafatin.\nAdeus Eroi Boot Avó Xavi be Fuan Boot! Requem Aeternam Dona Eis Domine. Hakmatek ho dame!\nNotísia relevante:Biografia Proklamadór Francisco Xavier do Amaral\nPrevious articleTL ho RI Sei Estabelese MoU Protesaun Sivíl\nNext articlePNTL La Autoriza UNIJMA Selebra Ketak Loron Proklamasaun Independénsia | [
"Avo Xavi: \"Tempu Sei Hatete Ba Ita, Se Mak Loos No Se Mak Sala?\" | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN Avo Xavi: \"Tempu Sei Hatete Ba Ita, Se Mak Loos No Se...",
"Avo Xavi: \"Tempu Sei Hatete Ba Ita, Se Mak Loos No Se Mak Sala?\"",
"DILI, 27 novembru 2019 (TATOLI) - \"Sira julga ha'u ho julgamentu militar nian.",
"Alarico Fernandes hakilar ba ha'u; Hei traidor, ko'alia ba!",
"O haruka povu tuun husi ai-laran ba vila para Javanese sira foti o sai ministru.\"",
"Ha'u hatan ba sira, \"Tempu maka sei hatete sai ba ita.",
"Se maka loron ikus sai loos no sala.\"",
"Dialogu ne'ebe foti husi julgamentu entre Alarico Fernandes ho Avo Xavi ne'ebe Avo Xavi haktuir iha leten ne'eba ne'e, hanesan realidade politika ida ne'ebe akontese entre membru Comite Central Fretilin (CCF) ne'ebe iha diferensa ideia kona-ba estratejia ne'ebe adota iha Konferensia Lalini (Avo Xavi nia sasin iha iha audiensia publika CAVR, 2003).",
"Estratejia funu ne'ebe militar Indonezia uza hodi harahun rezistensia halo Avo Xavi muda nia pozisaun relasiona ho estratejia ne'ebe adota iha Soibada katak povu tenke rende ba vila, husik militar de'it mak reziste iha ai-laran no povu luta iha vila.",
"Ho hanoin no politika ida ne'e, Alarico Fernandes akuza Avo Xavi hanesan ema traidor ida tanba de'it Avo Xavi iha konviksaun maka'as ba estratejia povu tenke rende no halo funu iha vila laran.",
"Avo Xavi simu akuzasaun hirak ne'e, hodi hatan ho neon no fuan boot: \"O futuro vira a verdade, quem tem razao e quem nao tem\" - \"Futuru mak sei hatudu lia loos, se mak iha razaun no se mak lae.\"",
"Atu hatene se maka loos no se mak sala, luta-na'in Francisco Xavier do Amaral la fo sala ba ema ida no la dehan nia maka loos to'o nia fila hikas ba Maromak nia uman.",
"Iha ninia luta nia hahu, nu'udar timoroan, iha Portuges nia tempu, nia la gosta kedas malae-mutin hori nia sei labarik.",
"Razaun ida de'it.",
"Tanba de'it malae-mutin sira nia ukun, malae-mutin (Portuges) sira konsidera ita rai-na'in sai sira-nia atan iha ita-nia rain rasik no sira hanesan liurai boot (Maromak) ne'ebe ita tenke hahi no adora.",
"Tanba ne'e, uainhira Avo Xavi estuda Filozofia no Teolojia iha Seminariu Maior Macau (1955), uainhira halimar tenis, ninia kolega seminariu-maluk husi Portugal naran Jorge Silveiro Machado bolu nia \"Oh, Seu Preto!,\" nia kontra no hakilar maka'as.",
"Nia la ta'uk, hodi kokotek hanesan manu-aman.",
"\"Imi Portuges ne'e, primitivu liu.",
"Imi la halo buat ida iha Timor.",
"Kuandu ema metan hanesan ami la iha, imi labele moris,\" dehan Avo Xavi uainhira ha'u ho fotografu Antonio Daciparu hala'o entrevista ho Avo Xavi iha ninia rezidensia Lecidere, Sabadu (21/02/2004).",
"Hanesan manu-aman ne'ebe sempre kokorek iha tempu sa de'it, Avo Xavier la kolen atu kokorek.",
"Nia kokorek hodi simu-hasoru bispu Dom Jaime Garcia Goulart tanba amu bispu Dom Jaime hatete lia kro'at hasoru Avo Xavi, \"O-nia hanoin brutal ba Portugal ne'e, pekadu mortal (sala boot ka grave) .\"",
"Ho brani no hatudu hirus-matan hanesan manu-aman, Avo Xavi hatan, \"Ha'u la kontra Portugal.",
"Ha'u kontra estadu Portugal no ninia sistema ukun nian.",
"Ha'u la kontra povu Portugal.",
"Ha'u respeita tebes povu Portugal.\"",
"So, Avo Xavi ninia luta atu kontra Portugal la to'o iha ne'e de'it.",
"A luta continua!",
"Hafoin ramata ninia estudu iha Seminariu Maior Macau (1963), nia hahu ninia profisaun sai hanesan mestre hodi hanorin dalen Portuges no dalen Latina iha Seminariu Dare, Dili.",
"Tanba la iha vokasaun atu sai Nai Lulik, nia hala'o hikas nia moris nu'udar ema baibain.",
"Iha ne'e, ninia mehi luta atu liberta povu no rai Timor-Leste husi kolonialista hetok semo aas.",
"Foufoun, nia harii eskola privadu ida iha Santa Cruz Dili (1966), atu simu timoroan sira ne'ebe akaba eskola iha Kuarta klase husi eskola Katolika sira iha Timor Leste nia laran hanesan Fuiloro, Maliana, Soibada, no Dili.",
"Uainhira revolusaun ai-funan nakfera iha fulan Maiu 1974 ne'ebe hakotu estadu Salazar (Portugal) ninia foti-aan no Movimentu Forsa Armada (FMA) Portugal hala'o politika hamoos hahalok aat hodi fo liberdade ba Timor Portuges (ultramarinu) atu bele luta hodi hili sira-nia futuru [ukun aan rasik] no bele harii partidu politika.",
"Hakarak hamutuk nafatin ho Portugal ka hakarak hili hamriik mesak.",
"Politika hakotu estadu Salazar ninia foti-aan ne'e mos nani-da'et to'o iha Dili-Timor Leste.",
"Timoroan, intelektual timoroan sira mos hadeer hodi realiza sira-nia mehi no hakarak ba ukun rasik-aan ne'e, bolu malu hamutuk hodi rame-rame harii partidu politika.",
"Partidu politika ba dahuluk ne'ebe timoroan sira harii mak Partidu Uniao Democratica Timorense (UDT) ne'ebe harii husi maun-alin ho naran tutun Carrascalao.",
"Iha loron 20 fulan Maiu tinan 1975, Ramos Horta no Mari Alkatiri obriga Avo Xavi atu harii Partidu ASDT (Assosiacao Social Demokratica de Timor).",
"Iha biban ne'eba, Jose Ramos Horta hatete, \"Se ita-boot la simu ideia ne'e no la asina, ha'u sei lees deklarasaun ida ne'e no ha'u sei sunu mohu.",
"No, ita-boot labele mehi atu kaer kuda talin rasik ka ukun rasik-aan.\"",
"Razaun ida de'it.",
"Tanba, Mari Alkatiri no Ramos Horta (mistu ka raan-kahor) iha tempu ne'eba la autorizadu (tuir lei) atu harii partidu politika ida.",
"Tanba ne'e, Avo Xavi ne'ebe raan Timor nia raan loloos duni maka asina deklarasaun ne'e hodi bele harii Partidu ASDT no bele responsabiliza ba Governu Portuges.",
"Iha loron ne'eba, iha tuku ualu (8.00) kalan, sira deklara hodi harii Partidu ASDT iha Acait, Dili.",
"Tensaun politika hetok sa'e maka'as.",
"Iha Dili, iha fulan Agostu sai sasin-moris ba istoria politika ida-nian.",
"Loron 10-11 fulan Agostu tinan 1975, tensaun konflitu politika interna nakali nafurin sa'e maka'as hanesan ema nono-bee be nakali.",
"Golpe no kontra golpe entre UDT no Fretilin hahu buras.",
"Ema ua'in ba ua'in, povu Timor-Leste sai mutun ba politika ida ne'e no barak maka mate.",
"Nasaun vizinu Indonezia mos hahu tau interrese atu mai invade Timor-Leste.",
"Iha loron 7 fulan Dezembru tinan 1975, militar Indonezia ne'ebe hetan apoiu husi Amerika hahu invade Timor-Leste.",
"Ema ua'in ba ua'in hetan terus no mate tan.",
"Tanba ne'e, antes Indonezia invade Timor Leste, Comite Central Fretilin (CCF) obriga Avo Xavier unilateralmente proklama Republica Democratica Timor-Leste iha 28 Novembru 1975.",
"Iha biban ne'eba, Avo Xavier mak hetan biban hodi sani (lee) testu Proklamasaun no sai prezidente dahuluk ba Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste.",
"Nicolau Lobato sai Primeiru-Minsitru Timor-Leste no Rogerio Tiago Lobato sai Ministru Defeza Timor-Leste ba dahuluk.",
"Ramos Horta asumi kargu nu'udar Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun no lori ukun ho sistema semi presidensial hanesan ohin loron.",
"Se maka hakerek no responsabiliza ba testu Proklamasaun RDTL ne'e?",
"To'o oras ne'e ema ua'in kuriozu atu buka hatene maibe to'o ohin loron ema ua'in mos seidauk hatene loloos.",
"Maibe, iha 11 Novembru 2013, Maun Boot Xanana Gusmao tuku nia hirus-matan hodi dehan, \"Ha'u maka responsavel ba testu Proklamasaun RDTL ne'ebe Farncisco Xavier do Amaral lee sai iha 28 Novembru 1975 hodi proklama Timor-Leste sai nasaun RDTL ne'e.\"",
"Uainhira Indonezia invade Timor-Leste no trajedia 7 Dezembru nakfera, nu'udar Prezidente da Republica Timor-Leste ba dahuluk, Avo Xavi so delega no fo karta kredensial ba Jose Ramos Horta hodi ba hatutan luta no diplomasia politika iha rai estranjeiru atu fo apoiu ba Timor-Leste nia luta ba ukun rasik-aan.",
"Ema seluk eh sira seluk, Avo Xavi nunka temi naran no nunka fo responsabilidade atu ba halo diplomasia iha rai li'ur.",
"Iha ai-laran, tanba de'it foti desizaun atu lori fila povu mai vila laran, Avo Xavi ninia luta-maluk FRETILIN sira kaptura no kastigu Avo Xavi tanba sira trai Avo Xavi nu'udar ema traidor ida ne'ebe trai partidu no trai rai-lulik Timor-Leste.",
"La'os buat seluk ida.",
"Tanba de'it diferensa ideia kona-ba ideolojia politika no defende dutrina Fretilin nian ne'ebe tanba konsidera hahi komunista, la relevante ba Timor-Leste nia kultura, sira kaptura Avo Xavi no hatama ba kadeia laran.",
"Fukun politika ida tan.",
"Tanba de'it iha Kongresu Soibada no Lalini, Avo Xavi homan ideia ida atu lori [haruka] hikas povu kbiit la'ek sira ba vila laran (entrega-an ba Indonezia nia liman) no membru Falintil de'it maka luta iha ai-laran, lori Ministru Infromasaun, Alarico Fernandes, intrepreta sala hodi kesi-metin Avo Xavi nia liman hanesan na'uk-teen ida no sulan Avo Xavi iha kadeia laran hodi halo julgamentu.",
"Avo Xavi kaer iha Tutuluro-Manufahi bainhira sei hala'o hela formasaun politika, hodi halo julgamentu no hatama ba rai-ku'ak.",
"Julgamentu ne'e hala'o iha tuku 22.00 kalan iha fatin ida naran Aikurus-Remexio-Aileu iha akampamentu Fretilin ninian.",
"Durante julgamentu no torturasaun ne'ebe Alarico Fernandes halo ba nia, Avo Xavi nunka hatan akuzasaun ba nia.",
"Avo Xavi hatan de'it ho liafuan badak, \"O futuro vira a verdade, quem tem razao e quem nao tem\" - futuru mak sei hatudu lia loos, se mak iha razaun no se mak lae.",
"\"Sira julga ha'u ho julgamentu militar nian.",
"Alarico Fernandes hakilar ba ha'u; Hei traidor, ko'alia ba!",
"O haruka povu tuun husi ai-laran ba vila para Javanese sira foti o sai ministru,\" haktuir Avo Xavi.",
"Avo Xavi hatan, \"Tempu maka sei hatete sai ba ita.",
"Se maka loron ikus sai loos no sala.",
"Liu tiha ida ne'e, ha'u la hatan ona sira-nia preguntas sira tuir mai.\"",
"Iha kadeia tradisional rai-kuak (metru rua) nia laran ne'ebe taka ho ai-donan boboot husi leten, sira husik hela ku'ak ki'ikoan ida hanesan ventilasaun ida ne'ebe uza hanesan media ida atu halo komunikasaun ba malu.",
"Iha rai-ku'ak laran, sira la fo han no la fo hemu.",
"Bainhira povu kbiit la'ek sira ne'ebe la'o husi fatin ne'e karik, liuhusi ku'ak ki'ik-oan ne'e mak povu sira ne'e soe hela batar-musan no ai-farina-baluk ida ba Avo Xavi hodi han no dada iis atu tahan moris.",
"Onestu de'it, Avo Xavi nia oan na'in rua mos mate tanba Fretilin sira la fo han.",
"Nune'e mos Avo Xavi nia feen-kaben, Fretilin sira hamolik nia fuuk no halo nia feen hanesan tiha sai atan ida hodi haruka kuru-bee ba membru Fretilin sira atu haris.",
"Iha funu ida-nia laran, Avo Xavi mos monu iha inimigu Indonezia nia liman laran iha 30 Agostu 1978.",
"Avo Xave, membru militar Indonezia batallaun 744 kaptura iha Dilor, Lacluta, Viqueque ne'ebe lidera husi Herman Sedyono (Eis-Prezidente Munisipiu Baucau no Suai).",
"Hafoin ne'e, liu interrogasaun oioin, militar sira lori Avo Xavi mai Dili no hela hamutuk ho Kolonel Dading Kalbuadi.",
"Iha Dili, Avo Xavier konsege haree [sai sasin moris] Saudozu Nicolau Lobato nia isin-mate iha aeroportu Dili (1978).",
"La kle'ur de'it, bainhira Dading Kalbuadi hetan kargu foun sai Kepala Staf Logistik Kodam Udayana Bali iha Bali-Indonezia no Avo Xavi mos muda ba Bali-Indonezia.",
"Sorte aat karik!",
"Iha Bali-Indonezia, Avo Xavi la hetan ona torturasaun (baku) no interrogasaun oioin.",
"Iha ne'eba, Avo Xavi sai Dading Kalbuadi nia atan.",
"Atan, atan ida ne'ebe sai kuda-atan duni hodi hamatan, fo hariis, fo han no fo hemu ba Dading Kalbuadi nia kuda haki'ak sira be hamutuk kuda 34 ne'e (1978-1984).",
"\"Kada semana, Dading Kalbuadi fo ha'u-nia salariu Rp.",
"1.000 ($10,00 cent) de'it,\" Avo Xavi haktuir.",
"Iha tinan 1984, hamutuk ho Dading Kalbuadi, Avo Xavi muda tan ba Jakarta-Indonezia no hela iha diresaun Cijantung III, Jakarta Timur.",
"Iha ne'eba, Avo Xavi serbisu nu'udar jardineiru di'ak ida.",
"Loron ba loron, Francisco Xavier Amaral be liurai Dom Cosme Rodrigues Pereira nia bei-oan, ne'ebe moris iha Turiscai-Same 3 Dezembru 1937 ne'e, durante tinan 22 iha Indonezia, ninia knaar mak rega ai-funan no hamoos jardin ho salariu kada fulan ida $1.000 ($10 cent) de'it.",
"\"Fofoun militar Indonezia kaer hau iha Mota Dilor, Viqueque.",
"Sira trata hau ho di'ak tanba militar sira hetan informasaun katak hau maka Prezidente Fretilin nian.",
"Sira trata ha'u ho di'ak tanba sira iha interrese politika.",
"Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru Indonezia, Mocthar Kusuma Atmadja (1978-1988) ko'alia ba hau katak ita-boot ba Asembleia Jeral ONU hodi deklara katak ita-boot kole ona tanba Fretilin kaer no kastigu no la konsidera ha'u hanesan ema maibe hanesan animal.",
"Ha'u dehan sira-nia lian-fuan ne'e monu iha ha'u-nia laran.",
"Ha'u-nia laran dodok.",
"Ha'u atu monu tiha ba sira.",
"Maibe ikus mai ha'u la konsege depende sira-nia opsaun tanba ha'u dehan ba ministru ne'e katak ha'u-nia deklarasaun ba ONU dala ruma la vale tanba ha'u iha imi-nia liman no imi obriga ha'u,\" Avo Xavi haktuir iha Audensia publika CAVR (2003).",
"Avo Xavi fila hikas mai iha Timor-Leste iha tinan 1999.",
"Iha Timor-Leste, Avo Xavi lidera hikas Partidu ASDT no sai membru Asembleia Konstituante iha tinan 2001.",
"Tempu ua'in la'o liu, iha tempu tuir mai, Governu Timor-Leste mos fo valorizasaun ba Avo Xavi sai Proklamador no konsege hodi fo fiar ba Avo Xavi hodi lee hikas \"Testu Proklamasaun 28 Novembru 1975\" iha komemorasaun 28 de Novembru (sa tinan haluha ona).",
"TEXTO DA PROKLAMACAO DA INDEPENDENCIA Encarnado a aspiracao suprema do povo de Timor Leste e para salvaguarda dos seus mais legitimos direitos e interesses como Nacao soberana, o Comite Central da FRENTE REVOLUCIONARIA DE TIMOR LESTE INDEPENDENTE - FRETILIN - decreta e eu proclamo, unilateralmente, a Independencia de Timor Leste que passa a ser, a partir das 00:00 de hoje, a Republica Democratica de Timor-Leste, anti-colonialista e anti-imperialista.",
"Viva a Republica Democratica de Timor Leste!",
"Viva povo de Timor Leste Livre e Independente!",
"Tempu Ukun-Aan (2000) Iha tinan 2000, Governu Tranzisaun UNTAET, Avo Xavi hamoris fila-fali Partidu ASDT no sai prezidente Partidu hodi kompete iha elisaun ba Asembleia Konstituante.",
"Iha eleisaun ne'e, Partidu ASDT hetan kadeira neen (6) iha Asembleia Konstituante ne'ebe mak hala'o knaar hodi hakerek Konstituisaun RDTL nian.",
"Husi Asembleia Konstituiante hafoin transfere hanesan Parlamentu Nasional iha tinan 2002, Avo Xavi hala'o kna'ar hanesan Vise-Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional.",
"Iha eleisaun prezidensial 2002, Avo Xavi kandidata-aan kompete ho Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao atu sai prezidente.",
"Iha eleisaun prezidensial 2007, Avo Xavi mos kandidata-aan hodi kompete ho kandidatu seluk iha momentu ne'eba.",
"Iha legislatura daruak nian, Avo Xavi sai membru deputadu Parlamentu Nasional ba tinan lejislatura 2007-2012 no mos hanesan Prezidente Partidu ASDT.",
"Iha eleisaun prezidensial 2012-2017, Avo Xavi mo nafatin kandidata-aan ba prezidente maibe Avo Xavi la konsege akompana prosesu kampana no elisaun.",
"To'o ikus, iha loron 6 fulan Marsu tinan 2012, Avo Xavi hakotu iis eh mate iha loron ne'ebe iha prosesu kampana ba elisaun prezidensial nia laran.",
"Ho avo Xavier nia mate Governu rekonese hanesan eroi nasional no deside loron tolu (3) lutu nasional ba saudozu Proklamador Avo Xavi.",
"To'o hakotu nia iis, Avo Xavi nafatin hatudu ninia espiritu luta no domin ba rai lulik Timor Leste no povu maubere liuhusi ninia dedik-aan sai kandidatu prezidente ba periodu 2012-2017.",
"Eroi boot, fuan boot!",
"Eroi boot maka sai tebes \"atan\" no \"liurai\" ba Timor Leste.",
"Avo Xavi nia luta la hatene kolen na fronteira laek.",
"Ohin, ha'u kandidata-aa, ohin ha'u sai prezidente, aban ha'u mate laiha problema.",
"Importante povu ne'e moris di'ak.",
"Tanba, ne'e maka ha'u-nia mehi dezde uluk ha'u sei kiik.",
"Ne'eduni, ha'u la sente kolen hasoru difikuldade ruma, hodi serbi rai no povu ida ne'e,\" dehan Proklamador Francisco Xavier do Amaral ba jornalista sira, Kuarta (15/02/2012), hafoin Tribunal Rekursu legaliza tama ba kandidatura prezidente da republika periodu 2012-2017 (Timor Post, 16/02/2012).",
"Luta no mehi hirak ne'e, ita hotu, timoroan hotu-hotu, luta-na'in ka la'os luta-na'in, mai ita hotu foti xapeu be aaas no aas katak Avo Xavi ninia luta hanesan loloos reflesaun ida ne'ebe Taur Matan Ruak tatoli liu hosi ninia rede sosial (Facebook) hodi dedika ba Avo Xavi nia mate; Manu aman Timor kokorek.",
"Hafanun ita atu hari'i nasaun ida ne'e.",
"Iha ukun-aan, nia kokorek nafatin.",
"Hafanun ita atu labele husik hela povu no rai doben ida ne'e monu ba rai.",
"Ohin, nia husik hela ita.",
"Avo Xavi sei iha ita hotu nia neon.",
"Rai doben ida ne'e lakon manu-aman di'ak ida.",
"Iha Maromak nia sorin kuana, manu-aman ne'e sei kokorek nafatin.",
"Adeus Eroi Boot Avo Xavi be Fuan Boot!",
"Requem Aeternam Dona Eis Domine.",
"Hakmatek ho dame!",
"Notisia relevante:Biografia Proklamador Francisco Xavier do Amaral Previous articleTL ho RI Sei Estabelese MoU Protesaun Sivil Next articlePNTL La Autoriza UNIJMA Selebra Ketak Loron Proklamasaun Independensia"
] | [
"Avo Xavi: \"Tempu Sei Hatete Ba Ita, Se Mak Loos No se mak Sala?\" | TATOLI Agência noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN"
"Grandfather Xavi: \"Time Will Tell Us, If Mak Loos or Se Maka Sala?\""
"Dili, November 27th (TATOLI) - \"You are judging me with a military trial."
"Alarico Fernandes hasn't had any reason; Hei traidor, ko’alia ba!"
"He sent people down from the countryside to villages so that Javanese would choose him as a minister.\""
"I answered them, \"Time will tell us."
"If the day ends, it will be right and not wrong.\""
"The dialogue taken from the trial between Alarico Fernandes and Advocate Xavi, which is described below by Lawyer Xavi as a political reality that occurred among members of Fretilin Central Committee (CCF) who had different ideas about strategies adopted at lalini conference."
"The war strategy used by the Indonesian military to subdue resistance led Avo Xavi's position in relation with Soibada that people must surrender at village, let only soldiers resist on land and fight within town."
"With this idea and policy, Alarico Fernandes accused Avo Xavi of being a traitor because only the strong conviction that Ave. Xavi had for his strategy was to force people into surrender by fighting in their own villages; with such an opinion he would not allow any other political party or group from outside Portugal' s border territory (except Spain)"
"Xavi's grandfather accepted these accusations, and replied with neon in his eyes: \"O futuro vira a verdade. Quem tem razão e quem nao têm\" - The future will tell the truth if there is reason or not.\""
"To know who is right and wrong, the fighter Francisco Xavier do Amaral did not blame anyone or say he was correct until his return to God's presence."
"In his struggle he began, as a Tongan in Portuguese times. He disliked the malae-mutin right from childhood onwards and was not happy with it at all!"
"Razón ida de'it."
"It is only because of their angelic rule that the Angels (Portuguese) regard us as lord and servant in our own land, they are great king(Maromak), whom we should worship."
"Therefore, when Grandfather Xavi studied Philosophy and Theology at the Macau Major Seminary (1954), while playing tennis with his fellow seminarist from Portugal Jorge Silveiro Machado called him \"Oh Seu Preto!\" he protested by sneezing loudly."
"He did not bend, but stood like an animal."
"\"Imi Portuges ne'e, primitivo liu."
"You have done nothing in Timor."
"When people don't live like we do, you cannot survive\", said Xavi when I and photographer Antonio Daciparu interviewed him at his residence in Leccidere on Saturday (21/03) ."
"Like a bird that always sings when the time is right, Grandpa Xavier did not hesitate to play."
"He was surprised to meet Bishop Dom Jaime Garcia Goulart, because the bishop had said against Father Xavi: \"Your brutal thought of Portugal is a mortal sin.\""
"With a smile and showing his arms like an old man, Grandpa Xavi replied: \"I'm not against Portugal."
"I am against the Portuguese state and its system of government."
"Ha'u la kontra povu Portugal."
"I respect the people of Portugal.\""
"However, Avo Xavi's struggle against Portugal did not stop there."
"The fight continues!"
"After graduating from the Macau Major Seminary (1963), he began his profession as a teacher of Portuguese and Latin at Dare, Dili."
"Without a vocation to become the Lady of Light, she quickly pursued her life as an ordinary person."
"There, his determination to fight for the liberations of Timor-Leste's people and land from colonialist tyranny was high."
"Foufoun, founded a private school in Santa Cruz Dili (1965), to receive the Haitians who graduated from fourth grade of Catholic schools within East Timor such as Fuiloro and Maliana."
"When the May 1974 revolution brought an end to Salazar's (Portugal) secessionist state and Movimento Força Armada, Portugal pursued a policy of cleansing up its evil deeds in order for Portuguese Timorese [overseas] freedom so that they could fight their own future by establishing political parties."
"Do they want to remain united with Portugal or choose independence?"
"Salazar's de-state policy of selfishness also extended to Dili, East Timor."
"Timorese intellectuals also wanted to realize their desire for independence, called each other together and formed a political party."
"The first political party founded by the Timorese was Partido Uniao Democratice Timoreense (UDT) which had been formed in a brothers' group named tutun Carrascalão."
"On 20 May, Ramos Horta and Mari Alkatiri forced Avo Xavi to form the ASDT (Associacao Social Demokratica de Timor) Party."
"At the meeting, Jose Ramos Horta said: \"If you do not accept this idea and sign it I will read out my declaration."
"No, we can't be afraid to take our own horses and fight for independence.\""
"Razón ida de'it."
"Because, Mari Alkatiri and Ramos Horta (mixed or blood-red) at the time were not authorized by law to form a political party."
"Therefore, Avo Xavi whose blood is Timorese was the one to sign this declaration so that ASDT Party could be founded and accountable before Portuguese Government."
"On that day, at 8:05 p.m they declared the formation of ASDT Party in Acait (Dili)."
"Political tensions are rising in the country."
"In Dili, in August he became a witness to this political history."
"On August 10-25, the tensions of internal political conflict escalated like a baby in his breast."
"The coup and counter-coup between UDT in Fretilin has started to burst."
"One after another, the people of Timor-Leste have become victims to this policy and many are dying."
"Neighbouring nation Indonesia also began to show interest in invade East Timor."
"On 7 December, Indonesian troops with the support of United States forces invaded East Timor."
"A man suffered and died, one after the other."
"Therefore, before Indonesia invaded East Timor the Central Committee of Fretilin (CCF) forced Avo Xavier to unilaterally proclaim Republic Democratica de Timor-Leste on 28 November."
"At the ceremony, Avo Xavier was given a chance to read through (read) The Proclamation and became first President of Timor-Leste."
"Nicolau Lobato became Prime Minister of Timor-Leste and Rogerio Tiago Lobota was appointed as the first Defence minister."
"Ramos Horta assumed office as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, ruling under the semi-presidential system that still exists today."
"Who wrote and is responsible for the text of this RDTL Proclamation?"
"Until now, many people have been curious to find out but until today no one knows exactly what happened."
"However, on November 10th of the same year Xanana Gusmao took his hirus-matan and said: \"I am responsible for this text Proclamation RDTL which Farncisco Xavier do Amaral read out in Nov.28nd to proclaim Timor Leste as a nation.\""
"When Indonesia invaded Timor-Leste and the tragedy of December, Xavi delegates his credentials as President to Jose Ramos Horta in order that he may continue with political diplomacy abroad for supporting East Тимор's struggle towards independence."
"Other people and others, Avo Xavi never mentioned his name or gave responsibility to do diplomacy abroad."
"On the ground, just because he had decided to bring his people back into towns and village. Avo Xavi' s fighter-malicious FRETILIN captured him for betraying them as a traitor who has betrothed party & country Timor Leste!"
"Nothing else."
"Just because of different ideas about political ideology and defending the doctrine that Fretilin considers to be communist, irrelevant for East Timorese culture they captured Uncle Xavi."
"No more politics, no longer."
"Because only in the Soibada and Lalini Congresses, Avo Xavi came up with an idea to bring [hark] back powerless people into town (surrendering themselves at Indonesia's hands) while Falintil members were fighting on land alone; this led Information Minister Alarico Fernandes interpreted it wrongly by holding Abo Xávis hand as one of his own teeth."
"Avo Xavi was arrested in Tutuluro-Manufahi while he had been holding a political training, to be tried and sent back home."
"The trial was held at 10 p.m in a place called Aikurus-Remexio - Aileu, within the Fretilin campgrounds and it took about two hours to be completed with all witnesses presenting their testimony before judgement on Thursday evening (23/9)."
"During the trial and torture that Alarico Fernandes inflicted on him, Xavi's attorney never answered any of his accusations."
"Grandpa Xavi only replied with the short words, \"The future will tell you who is right and whom not\" - it's up to us if we are correct or wrong."
"\"You are trying me with a military trial."
"Alarico Fernandes hasn't had any reason; Hei traidor, ko’alia ba!"
"He sent people down from the countryside to villages so that Javanese would choose him as a minister,\" says Xavi."
"Grandpa Xavi replied, \"Time will tell us."
"If the day ends well, it will be a good one."
"After that, I have not answered their subsequent questions.\""
"In the traditional prison, inside a two-metre thick layer of earth covered with trees from above they leave behind small wooden vents that are used as means for communication between them."
"In the desert they do not give food or drink."
"When the poor people walked from this place, through these small trees they were selling batar-musan and flour for Avo Xavi to eat or give iis so that he could survive."
"To be honest, the two sons of Avô Xavi also died because Fretilin didn't give them food."
"Similarly, when Avo Xavi's wife was arrested by the members of Fretilin they broke her throat and made his widow a servant to send kuru-bee for member party leaders."
"In the course of this war, Grandpa Xavi also fell into Indonesian enemy hands on August 30th."
"Avo Xave, a member of the Indonesian military battalion 743 captured in Dilor Lacluta Viqueque led by Herman Sedyono (Former President Municipalities Baucau and Suai)."
"After that, through various interrogations the military took Xavi to Dili and lived with Colonel Dading Kalbuadi."
"In Dili, Grandfather Xavier was able to witness the death of His Excellency Nicolau Lobato in 1978 at his hometown airport."
"Unfortunately, when Dading Kalbuadi was given a new post as Kepala Staf Logistik Kodam Udayana Bali in Indonesia-Bali and Aunt Xavi also moved to the same place."
"Sorte aat karik! - Sorry, I'm sorry."
"In Bali-Indonesia, Grandpa Xavi has not been subjected to torture (baku) and various interrogations."
"There, Uncle Xavi became Dading Kalbuadi's servant."
"Atan, a servant who became an actual crop grower to care for Dading Kalbuadi's crops of haki’ak (1978-64). He fed and fertilized the ground in which he grew his fruit trees."
"\"Every week, Dading Kalbuadi fo ha'u-nia salary Rp."
"1,025 ($9.86 cents) a day,” said Xavi't grandfather Xavier Rego de Souza (47)."
"In 1984, together with Dading Kalbuadi and Grandpa Xavi moved to Jakarta-Indonesia where they live in the direction of Cijantung III."
"There, Grandpa Xavi worked as a good gardener."
"Day by day, Francisco Xavier Amaral - the nephew of Dom Cosme Rodrigues Pereira who was born in Turiscai-Same on December 3rd.1927 – during his twenty two years working for Indonesia he worked watering plants and cleaning gardens with a salary per month only $50 ($4 cent)."
"\"The Indonesian military captured me in Mota Dilor, Viqueque."
"They treated me well because the military had information that I was President of Fretilin."
"They treated me well because they had a political interest."
"Indonesian Foreign Minister, Mocthar Kusuma Atmadja (1978-2034) told me that he would go to the UN General Assembly and declare his resignation because Fretilin had arrested him. He did not consider myself a human being but an animal; it was just as if I were living in my own world without God's grace.\""
"I said that their language fell on me."
"My heart is in pain. I'm so sorry for you!"
"I'm about to fall for them."
"But in the end I was not able to depend on their options because i told this minister that my statements at UN are sometimes invalid, as they have me under your control and you forced it upon them\", Lawyer Xavi recalled during Public Hearing CAVR (2013)."
"Xavi’s grandfather returned to East Timor in 1980, and his wife came back with him."
"In Timor-Leste, Avo Xavi eventually led the ASDT Party and became a member of Constituent Assembly in 2051."
"As time went by, the Government of Timor-Leste also valued Avo Xavi as a Proclamator and managed to trust him with reading out \"The Text Of The November 28th (1975) proclamation\" in commemoration on that day."
"Embodied the supreme aspiration of East Timorese people and to safeguard their most legitimate rights as a sovereign nation, The Central Committee Of THE REVOLUTIONARY FRONT OF INDEPENDENT TIMOR-LESTE - FRETILIN – decrees that I proclaim unilaterally independence from 12:05 AM today onwards. This will be an anticolonial Antiimperialist Democratic Republic (República Democrática), which is independent in its own right by itself without any foreign intervention or interference; it shall remain under international laws for all time until this day' s end.\""
"Long live the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste!"
"Long live the people of Free and Independent East Timor!"
"Independence Period (2017) In the year 365, during UNTAET’s transitional government in Timor-Leste. Avo Xavi refounded ASDT and became its president to run for election as a member of Constituent Assembly; however he was defeated by Afonso de Sousa who had been elected President after his death on October"
"In this election, ASDT Party won nine (6) seats in the Constituent Assembly which was responsible for drafting Timor-Leste Constitution."
"From the Constituent Assembly after its transfer to National Parliament in 2013, Mr. Xavi has held office as Vice-President of this body legislative and was elected President by a majority vote on his first term at that position (in July)."
"In the 2017 presidential election, Avo Xavi contested against Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao to become President."
"In the 2013 presidential election, he ran against former President Barack Obama in a bid to win."
"In the second term, Avo Xavi became a member of Parliament for 2017-3 and also as President ASDT Party."
"In the 2017 presidential election, he ran for President but was unable to complete his campaign and electoral process."
"Finally, on March 6th of the same year Xavi's father died in a car accident during his presidential election campaign."
"With his death, the Government recognized him as a national hero and declares three (3) days of National Mourning for Proclamator Avo Xavi."
"Until his death, Avo Xavi continued to demonstrate the spirit of struggle and love for Timor-Leste's lulik land through its dedication as a presidential candidate in 2017."
"Hero boot, fuan Boot!"
"The great hero has become a very important \"anthropomorphic\" and 'reborn' to East Timor."
"Grandfather Xavi's struggle has no end on the border of Spain."
"Today, I am running for president; today i will be President. Tomorrow if u die it's okay with me!"
"It is important that the people live well."
"Because, that's been my desire since I was a child."
"Therefore, I do not feel sorry for any difficulty to serve this country and people\", Proclamador Francisco Xavier Do Amaral told journalists on Thursday (15/02) after the Court of Appeals legalized his candidacy as presidentially candidate in 3rd term."
"These struggles and aspirations, all of us Timorese people - fighter or not- fighters. Let' s take a high hat that Avo Xavi was truly the reflection which Taur Matan Ruak shared through his social network (Facebook) to dedicate on avo xavis death; Manu aman Timor kokorek!"
"If we want to build this country, then let's do it."
"When he is in power, it keeps on turning around."
"We must not let this precious people and land fall to the ground."
"Today, he is leaving us. He has left a lasting legacy in our hearts"
"Grandpa Xavi will be in all of our neons."
"This beautiful land has lost a good animal."
"In the presence of God, this animal will be still."
"Goodbye Hero Boot Avo Xavi be Fuan boot!"
"Requem Aeternam Dona Eis Domine. (Requiem for the Eternal Mother of God)"
"Damn it, ladies!"
"Relevant News:Biography of Proclamator Francisco Xavier do Amaral Previous articleTL and RI Will Establish Civil Protection MoU Next ArticlePNTL La Autoriza UNIJMA Selebrate Ketak Day Independence Declaration"
] |
OJE 2020 ba CAC pasa, prioritiza medida setoriál hitu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI OJE 2020 ba CAC pasa, prioritiza medida setoriál hitu\nOJE 2020 ba CAC pasa, prioritiza medida setoriál hitu\nDILI, 07 outubru 2020 (TATOLI)-Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun (CAC) prioritiza medida setoriál hitu iha proposta Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) tinan fiskál 2020.\nNotísia Relevante : Iha OJE 2020, CAC presiza $1,071,547\nProposta OJE CAC nian ne’ebé prevee $1,071,547 kobre ba item saláriu vensimentu $773,107, bens servisu $298,441, kapitál menór, kapital dezenvolvimentu no transferensia públika laiha.\nReprezentante povu iha Parlamentu Nasionál, ohin, aprova ona iha espesialidade OJE 2020 ba CAC montante $1,071,547 ho votu a-favor 44, kontra 0 no abstensaun 21.\n“Orsamentu ba Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun pasa,” deklara Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál, Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres, ohin, iha ámbitu diskusaun proposta Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 2020 iha faze espesialidade iha plenária Parlamentu Nasionál.\nTuir dokumentu livru Planu Asaun Annual númeru (Livru 2) prioridade prinsipál medida setoriál iha 2020 CAC prioritiza area hitu, maka hanesan, dahuluk; promove asaun ho prevensaun, sensibilizasaun no investigasaun kriminál ba krime korrupsaun iha kualkér forma.\nDaruak, rekolla no analiza informasaun relativa ba kauza prevensaun korrupsaun. Datoluk, realiza asaun sensibilizasaun destina hodi limita prátika aktu korrupsaun. Dahaat, motiva ema adota prekausaun redús aktu situasaun ne’ebé fasilita koerénsia konduta krime. Dalima, akonsella kualkér instituisaun ka entidade públika kona-ba forma prevensaun kombate konduta korrupsaun. Daneen, promove asesu justisa, no ikus dahitu nian maka promove boa governasaun, jestaun institusionál, fortalese kapasidade rekursu umanu.\nKomisáriu CAC Sergio Hornai hateten, iha OJE 2020 sei haree mós hodi ezekuta ba programa prioridade liu-liu halo ajustamentu preparativus ba implementasaun lei Medida Preventiva Kombate Korrupsaun (MPCC-sigla portugés).\nPrevious articleKursu 18 iha UNITAL seidauk akredita husi ANAAA\nNext articleNova Zelándia kapasita Polísia Tránzitu buka solusaun ba engarrafamentu iha Dili | [
"OJE 2020 ba CAC pasa, prioritiza medida setorial hitu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI OJE 2020 ba CAC pasa, prioritiza medida setorial hitu OJE 2020 ba CAC pasa, prioritiza medida setorial hitu DILI, 07 outubru 2020 (TATOLI) -Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun (CAC) prioritiza medida setorial hitu iha proposta Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) tinan fiskal 2020.",
"Notisia Relevante: Iha OJE 2020, CAC presiza $1,071,547 Proposta OJE CAC nian ne'ebe prevee $1,071,547 kobre ba item salariu vensimentu $773,107, bens servisu $298,441, kapital menor, kapital dezenvolvimentu no transferensia publika laiha.",
"Reprezentante povu iha Parlamentu Nasional, ohin, aprova ona iha espesialidade OJE 2020 ba CAC montante $1,071,547 ho votu a-favor 44, kontra 0 no abstensaun 21.",
"\"Orsamentu ba Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun pasa,\" deklara Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres, ohin, iha ambitu diskusaun proposta Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2020 iha faze espesialidade iha plenaria Parlamentu Nasional.",
"Tuir dokumentu livru Planu Asaun Annual numeru (Livru 2) prioridade prinsipal medida setorial iha 2020 CAC prioritiza area hitu, maka hanesan, dahuluk; promove asaun ho prevensaun, sensibilizasaun no investigasaun kriminal ba krime korrupsaun iha kualker forma.",
"Daruak, rekolla no analiza informasaun relativa ba kauza prevensaun korrupsaun.",
"Datoluk, realiza asaun sensibilizasaun destina hodi limita pratika aktu korrupsaun.",
"Dahaat, motiva ema adota prekausaun redus aktu situasaun ne'ebe fasilita koerensia konduta krime.",
"Dalima, akonsella kualker instituisaun ka entidade publika kona-ba forma prevensaun kombate konduta korrupsaun.",
"Daneen, promove asesu justisa, no ikus dahitu nian maka promove boa governasaun, jestaun institusional, fortalese kapasidade rekursu umanu.",
"Komisariu CAC Sergio Hornai hateten, iha OJE 2020 sei haree mos hodi ezekuta ba programa prioridade liu-liu halo ajustamentu preparativus ba implementasaun lei Medida Preventiva Kombate Korrupsaun (MPCC-sigla portuges).",
"Previous articleKursu 18 iha UNITAL seidauk akredita husi ANAAA Next articleNova Zelandia kapasita Polisia Tranzitu buka solusaun ba engarrafamentu iha Dili"
] | [
"Budget 2019 for the Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC) passed, prioritizes seven sectoral measure | Timor Post Agência Noticiosa de Timór -Leste VARANDA DILI The National Committee on Corrupt Practice and Compliance approves budget proposal to address corruption in public administration Dili/Aileu –The national committee against corrupt practice is agreed that it will adopt a set of five specific areas as its main objectives during this fiscal year."
"Relevant News: In the 2019 Budget, CCA Needs $753.4 Million The proposed budget of CAC which provides for a total amount ($68-$) covering salary and income items (US dollars), good services expenses(USD dollar)."
"The people’s representatives in the National Parliament today approved at plenary session a budget for CAC amounting to $1,072.54 with vote of approval by an absolute majority (38 against none and no abstentions)."
"\"The budget for the Anti-Corruption Commission is passed,\" declared President of National Parliament Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres today during discussions on proposed General State Budget (GSB) 2019 in plenary session."
"According to the document book Annual Action Plan number (Book 2) main sector priority measures in autumn of this year, CCA has set seven areas as its top focuses: firstly; promoting action with prevention and criminal investigation for corruption offences."
"Second, collect and analyze information relating to the causes of corruption prevention."
"Thirdly, carry out awareness-raising actions aimed at reducing the practice of corrupt acts."
"Moreover, motivating people to adopt precautionary actions reduces situational acts that facilitate coherent criminal behaviour."
"In particular, it advises any public institution or entity on ways to prevent and combat corrupt behaviour."
"Daneen promotes access to justice, and its goal is the promotion of good governance; institutional management: strengthening human resource capacity."
"CAC Commissioner Sergio Hornai said that in the budget for Budget of State (BGS) will also look to implement priority programs especially make preparatory adjustments on implementation law Preventive Measures Against Corruptions."
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Julgamentu kazu Topu Honiz, MP rejeita atu rona deklarasaun husi sasin na’in 17 - GMN TV\nGMN TV Justica e Segurança Julgamentu kazu Topu Honiz, MP rejeita atu rona deklarasaun husi sasin na’in 17\nJulgamentu kazu Topu Honiz, MP rejeita atu rona deklarasaun husi sasin na’in 17\nMinistériu Públiku rejeita atu rona tan deklarasaun sasin na’in 17 husi sasin 30 ne’ebé aprezenta iha julgamentu kontinuasaun kazu Topu Honiz ninian.\nMinistériu Públiku aprezenta sasin 30 iha julgamentu kontinuasaun kazu Topu Honiz, ne’ebé hala’o iha Tribunal Distrital Oecusse, Segunda (26/7/2021). Maibé husi 30 ne’e, Ministériu Públiku rejeita atu rona deklarasaun sasin 17 husi sasin 30 ne’ebé aprezenta, tanba duvida ho sasin sira-nia deklarasaun.\nTanba ne’e, Ministériu Públiku husu Tribunal Distrital Oecusse atu adia julgamentu kontinuasaun ne’e ba tempu seluk.\nSasin 17 ne’ebé aprezenta husi Ministériu Públiku ba kazu Topu Honiz ne’e, lamenta tebes ho desizaun Ministériu Públiku nian ne’e, tamba konsidera la respeita sira-nia direitu hodi fó deklarasaun iha Tribunal bazeia ba notifikasaun husi Ministériu Públiku.\n“Ohin loron ami mai Tribunal mai tuir notifikasaun ne’ebé mak fó ba ami. Ami kumpri nafatin regra, maibe ami mai to’o ne’e iha fatin julgamentu nian, ami rona katak naran ne’ebé Ministériu Públiku ne’ebé fó sai iha Tribunal dehan katak, husi Ministériu Públiku ba foti ami atu sai sasin ne’ebé agora husi Ministériu Públiku rasik mak kansela ida ne’e, dehan ami lalika deklara sai saida mak ami prontu ona atu deklara, keta buat ruma husi Ministériu Públiku tauk atu ami koalia sai sira-nia hahalok sira ne’ebé mak durante sira subar-subar hela iha kotuk ne’e, ne’e mak sira kansela ne’e. Tanba ami hot-hotu no ha’u rasik prontu atu koalia saida deit ha’u prontu atu koalia, maibe tanba saida mak agora ne’e ami mai sira la autoriza ami atu koalia saida deit iha Tribunal. Notifikasaun iha ne’e, ami sai testamuña, no testamuña ne’e mos Ministériu Públiku rasik mak fó, agora ami prontu ona atu sai testamuña, maibe tanba saida mak agora ne’e lakohi fó tempu ba ami atu deklara sai saida mak ami atu deklara sai ba sira atu rona. Ha’u-nia deskonfia ba sira (Ministériu Públiku) ne’e parese tauk, tauk ami koalia buat ida ne’ebé mak durante ne’e imi (Ministériu Públiku) subar hela ne’e, keta tauk. Tanba sira seluk fó deklarasaun hanesan testamuña, agora ami nian labele fali, ne’e tanba saida. Maibe ami prontu tau hatán”,Testamuña Ermelinda Elu, deklara sai iha Oecusse ba JNDiário.\nNune’e mos, testamuña Pascoela Eco, lamenta ho hahalok Ministériu Públiku nian ne’ebé la konsistente iha sira-nia servisu. Tanba sira hetan notifikasaun hanesan testamuña ba kazu Topu Honiz, maibe Ministériu Públiku la autoriza fali testamuña sira koalia sai ba públiku.\n“Ami-nia prezensa iha loron ohin nian tanba ami simu notifikasaun husi Ministériu Públiku nian, no ami kumpri notifikasaun ne’e. Maibe agora oras ida ne’e ami tama ona iha laran mak Ministériu Públiku nian la fó ami koalia, ne’e tanba saida? Ami hakarak hatene razaun saida esplika fó ami. Iha karta ne’e sira hatete katak, ami sai testamuña kona-ba kazu Topu Honiz nian. Notifikasaun ne’e iha dia 12 no adia ba 26 de jullu, tinan ne’e. Maibe ho loron ne’e ami mai iha ne’e, sira abandona tiha. Agora ohin loron ami mai ne’e sira bolu ami tama duni iha laran, maibe sira Ministériu Públiku la hatán”,dehan tan testamuña Pascoela Eco ho tristeza ba hahalok MP nian ne’e.\nSasin 30 ne’ebé aprezenta husi Ministériu Públiku ba julgamentu kontinuasaun kazu Topu Honiz ne’e to’o iha Tribunal iha tuku 9 dader Oras Timor-Leste, tanba hetan notifikasaun husi Ministériu Públiku.\nMinistériu Públiku (MP) aprezenta sasin 30 iha julgamentu kontinuasaun ba kazu Topu Honiz, ne’ebé deskonfia eis padre Richard Daschbach halo violasaun hasoru labarik sira, no sasin 30 ne’ebé aprezenta husi ministériu públiku ne’e, marka hotu prezensa iha julgamentu refere no mos eis padre Richard Daschbach.\nKazu Topu Honis ne’e, Ministériu Públiku akuza eis padre Richard Daschbach halo abuzu seksuál hasoru labarik minoridade iha Orfonatu Topu Honiz.\nAlende ne’e, marka mos prezensa husi líder karismátiku Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão. Líder nasionál Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão to’o iha Tribunal mais ou menus tuku 9 dader Oras Timor-Leste. Hafoin to’o, Xanana tama kedas ba sala julgamentu, maibe iha minutu balun, Xanana sai fali tanba julgamentu ne’e taka ba públiku.\nHafoin rona esplikasaun husi parte Tribunal, Xanana sai hikas husi sala julgamentu no hasoru labarik sira husi Orfonatu Topu Honiz, inan aman sira no matebian Febriana nia aman ne’ebé marka mós prezensa iha julgamentu ne’e.\nInan-aman inklui labarik sira husi Orfonatu Topu Honiz, kontente tebes hodi halai ba hakoak Xanana Gusmão. Prosesu julgamentu ne’e hetan seguransa máximu husi parte Polísia Nasionál Timor Leste.Nes | [
"Julgamentu kazu Topu Honiz, MP rejeita atu rona deklarasaun husi sasin na'in 17 - GMN TV GMN TV Justica e Seguranca Julgamentu kazu Topu Honiz, MP rejeita atu rona deklarasaun husi sasin na'in 17 Julgamentu kazu Topu Honiz, MP rejeita atu rona deklarasaun husi sasin na'in 17 Ministeriu Publiku rejeita atu rona tan deklarasaun sasin na'in 17 husi sasin 30 ne'ebe aprezenta iha julgamentu kontinuasaun kazu Topu Honiz ninian.",
"Ministeriu Publiku aprezenta sasin 30 iha julgamentu kontinuasaun kazu Topu Honiz, ne'ebe hala'o iha Tribunal Distrital Oecusse, Segunda (26/7/2021).",
"Maibe husi 30 ne'e, Ministeriu Publiku rejeita atu rona deklarasaun sasin 17 husi sasin 30 ne'ebe aprezenta, tanba duvida ho sasin sira-nia deklarasaun.",
"Tanba ne'e, Ministeriu Publiku husu Tribunal Distrital Oecusse atu adia julgamentu kontinuasaun ne'e ba tempu seluk.",
"Sasin 17 ne'ebe aprezenta husi Ministeriu Publiku ba kazu Topu Honiz ne'e, lamenta tebes ho desizaun Ministeriu Publiku nian ne'e, tamba konsidera la respeita sira-nia direitu hodi fo deklarasaun iha Tribunal bazeia ba notifikasaun husi Ministeriu Publiku.",
"\"Ohin loron ami mai Tribunal mai tuir notifikasaun ne'ebe mak fo ba ami.",
"Ami kumpri nafatin regra, maibe ami mai to'o ne'e iha fatin julgamentu nian, ami rona katak naran ne'ebe Ministeriu Publiku ne'ebe fo sai iha Tribunal dehan katak, husi Ministeriu Publiku ba foti ami atu sai sasin ne'ebe agora husi Ministeriu Publiku rasik mak kansela ida ne'e, dehan ami lalika deklara sai saida mak ami prontu ona atu deklara, keta buat ruma husi Ministeriu Publiku tauk atu ami koalia sai sira-nia hahalok sira ne'ebe mak durante sira subar-subar hela iha kotuk ne'e, ne'e mak sira kansela ne'e.",
"Tanba ami hot-hotu no ha'u rasik prontu atu koalia saida deit ha'u prontu atu koalia, maibe tanba saida mak agora ne'e ami mai sira la autoriza ami atu koalia saida deit iha Tribunal.",
"Notifikasaun iha ne'e, ami sai testamuna, no testamuna ne'e mos Ministeriu Publiku rasik mak fo, agora ami prontu ona atu sai testamuna, maibe tanba saida mak agora ne'e lakohi fo tempu ba ami atu deklara sai saida mak ami atu deklara sai ba sira atu rona.",
"Ha'u-nia deskonfia ba sira (Ministeriu Publiku) ne'e parese tauk, tauk ami koalia buat ida ne'ebe mak durante ne'e imi (Ministeriu Publiku) subar hela ne'e, keta tauk.",
"Tanba sira seluk fo deklarasaun hanesan testamuna, agora ami nian labele fali, ne'e tanba saida.",
"Maibe ami prontu tau hatan,\"Testamuna Ermelinda Elu, deklara sai iha Oecusse ba JNDiario.",
"Nune'e mos, testamuna Pascoela Eco, lamenta ho hahalok Ministeriu Publiku nian ne'ebe la konsistente iha sira-nia servisu.",
"Tanba sira hetan notifikasaun hanesan testamuna ba kazu Topu Honiz, maibe Ministeriu Publiku la autoriza fali testamuna sira koalia sai ba publiku.",
"\"Ami-nia prezensa iha loron ohin nian tanba ami simu notifikasaun husi Ministeriu Publiku nian, no ami kumpri notifikasaun ne'e.",
"Maibe agora oras ida ne'e ami tama ona iha laran mak Ministeriu Publiku nian la fo ami koalia, ne'e tanba saida?",
"Ami hakarak hatene razaun saida esplika fo ami.",
"Iha karta ne'e sira hatete katak, ami sai testamuna kona-ba kazu Topu Honiz nian.",
"Notifikasaun ne'e iha dia 12 no adia ba 26 de jullu, tinan ne'e.",
"Maibe ho loron ne'e ami mai iha ne'e, sira abandona tiha.",
"Agora ohin loron ami mai ne'e sira bolu ami tama duni iha laran, maibe sira Ministeriu Publiku la hatan,\"dehan tan testamuna Pascoela Eco ho tristeza ba hahalok MP nian ne'e.",
"Sasin 30 ne'ebe aprezenta husi Ministeriu Publiku ba julgamentu kontinuasaun kazu Topu Honiz ne'e to'o iha Tribunal iha tuku 9 dader Oras Timor-Leste, tanba hetan notifikasaun husi Ministeriu Publiku.",
"Ministeriu Publiku (MP) aprezenta sasin 30 iha julgamentu kontinuasaun ba kazu Topu Honiz, ne'ebe deskonfia eis padre Richard Daschbach halo violasaun hasoru labarik sira, no sasin 30 ne'ebe aprezenta husi ministeriu publiku ne'e, marka hotu prezensa iha julgamentu refere no mos eis padre Richard Daschbach.",
"Kazu Topu Honis ne'e, Ministeriu Publiku akuza eis padre Richard Daschbach halo abuzu seksual hasoru labarik minoridade iha Orfonatu Topu Honiz.",
"Alende ne'e, marka mos prezensa husi lider karismatiku Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao.",
"Lider nasional Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao to'o iha Tribunal mais ou menus tuku 9 dader Oras Timor-Leste.",
"Hafoin to'o, Xanana tama kedas ba sala julgamentu, maibe iha minutu balun, Xanana sai fali tanba julgamentu ne'e taka ba publiku.",
"Hafoin rona esplikasaun husi parte Tribunal, Xanana sai hikas husi sala julgamentu no hasoru labarik sira husi Orfonatu Topu Honiz, inan aman sira no matebian Febriana nia aman ne'ebe marka mos prezensa iha julgamentu ne'e.",
"Inan-aman inklui labarik sira husi Orfonatu Topu Honiz, kontente tebes hodi halai ba hakoak Xanana Gusmao.",
"Prosesu julgamentu ne'e hetan seguransa maximu husi parte Polisia Nasional Timor Leste.Nes"
] | [
"Topu Honiz case trial, MP refuses to hear statements from 17 witnesses - GMN TV Justica e Seguranca Trial of the Case for top honez. The Public Prosecutor' s Office rejecting hearing further testimony by seventeen out Of Thirty Witnessed in a Continuation Court Hearsay on TOPU HONIZ THE PROSECUTOR REJECTS TO HEARD STATEMENT OF SEVENTENEW WITNESS IN TRIAL FOR THIS CONTINUATION CASE"
"The Public Prosecutor's Office presented 30 witnesses in the continuation trial of Topu Honiz case, which was held at Oecusse District Court on Monday (26/7)"
"However, of the 30 witnesses presented in this case by Prosecutor General's Office (PPO), seventeen were refused to be heard because they had doubts about their testimony."
"Therefore, the Public Prosecutor's Office requested Oecusse District Court to postpone this continuation trial until another time."
"The 17 defendants presented by the Public Prosecutor's Office in this Topu Honiz case, deeply regretted that decision of public prosekution because they considered it did not respect their right to make a statement before court based on notification from government."
"\"Today we came to the Court following a notification that was given us."
"We complied with the rules, but we came to this place of trial and heard that a name which was given by Public Prosecutor's Office in court said: \"The public prosekution took us as witnesses\" now it has been cancelling them. They say they will not declare what is already ready for declarations; if there are any things about their actions during these past days when all were going on upside-down - so then why did you cancel?"
"Because we all and I myself are ready to talk about anything, but why have they not authorized us in court?"
"Notification here, we are witnesses and this testimony is also the Public Prosecutor's Office itself gives us. Now that it has been given to ourselves by them now they do not give any time for me or my wife (to) declare what I am going into declaration before their hearing?"
"My mistrust of them (the Public Prosecutor's Office) seems to be too strong, but we are talking about something that you have been undermining for a long time."
"Because the others gave statements as witnesses, now our own can't go back. That is why it was so difficult for us to do that.\""
"But we are ready to answer,\" witness Ermelinda Elu declared in Oecusse for JNDiario."
"Similarly, witness Pascoela Eco lamented the inconsistent behaviour of public prosecutors in their work."
"Because they were notified as witnesses in the Topu Honiz case, but Public Prosecutor's Office did no longer authorize them to speak publicly."
"\"Our presence today is because we received a notification from the Public Prosecutor's Office, and complied with that."
"But now this hour we have entered the Public Prosecutor's Office and they do not let us talk, why?"
"We want to know what the reason is for us."
"In the letter they stated that we were witnesses to Topu Honiz's case."
"The notification was made on 12 July and postponed to the following year's June."
"But with the day we came here, they abandoned us."
"Now today we came and they called us in, but the Public Prosecutor's Office did not answer\", said witnesses Pascoela Eco with sadness at MP actions."
"The 30 cases submitted by the Public Prosecutor's Office for trial in Topu Honiz case arrived at court on Monday, October12th (9am EST), after being notified of this decision."
"The Public Prosecutor's Office (MP) presented 30 witnesses in the follow-up trial of Topu Honiz case, which suspected former priest Richard Daschbach to have raped children. And all these testimonies mark their presence at that court hearing and also presentation by ex Father Ricardo da Schbach;"
"In the Topu Honis case, public prosecution accuses former priest Richard Daschbach of sexually abusing minority children at Orphanage top honiz."
"In addition, it also marked the presence of charismatic leader Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao."
"National leader Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao arrived at the Court about 9 a.m, Timor-Leste Time (08:35 UTC)."
"Once there, Xanana immediately entered the courtroom but after a few minutes left because it was closed to public."
"After hearing the explanation from Tribunal, Xanana quickly left courtroom and met with children of Topu Honiz Orphanage as well a few parents including Febriana's father who also attended."
"Parents including children from the Topu Honiz Orphanage were delighted to go on their way home. Xanana Gusmao"
"The trial process was given maximum security by the National Police of Timor-Leste."
] |
MUTL-AUTL ezije re-ativa aula normál | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI MUTL-AUTL ezije re-ativa aula normál\nMUTL-AUTL ezije re-ativa aula normál\nMUTL ho AUTL halo konferénsia imprensa hodi husu MESSK reativa aula normal ba UNTL, kuarta (28/04). Imajen TATOLI/Egas Crstovão.\nDILI, 28 abríl 2021 (TATOLI) – Movimentu Universitáriu Timor-Leste (MUTL) ho Aliansa Universitáriu Timor-Leste (AUTL) ezije ba Governu liuhosi Ministériu Ensinu Superior Siénsia no Kultura (MESSK) atu re-ativa hikas aula normál iha instituisaun ensinu superiór públiku, Universidade Nasional Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL) tanba sistema implementasaun programa online ne’e la benefisia estudante-sira.\nPortavóz MUTL, Gama Lemorai, kuarta ne’e, hateten ba jornalista-sira katak MUTL la konkorda implementasaun eskola online ne’e tanba liña internet de’it to’o agora labele perkore to’o area remotas.\n“Ami rejeita Governu ninia apoiu hodi fó $10 bá kada estudante ho internet gigabyte ida tanba ita la’ós nasaun ida avansadu hanesan nasaun sira seluk, ita nia nasaun TL moris hela ho kondisaun rai-rahun, ita seidauk iha liña internet ida ne’ebé bele perkore to’o area rurál sira,” Gama Lemorai hateten iha kampus UNTL, Fakuldade Ekonomia, Liçeo, Dili.\nGama afirma katak sira-nia ejijénsia hakarak re-ativa hikas aula normál ne’e ho medida prevensaun sira. Nune’e husu ba MESSK atu dada hikas osan sira ne’ebé mak re-aloka hodi apoiu liña internet no injesaun propina bá estudante-sira ne’e bele utiliza fali hodi sosa ekipamentu prevensaun COVID-19 nian.\nBiban ne’e, portavós AUTL Francisca da Silva akresenta katak impregnasaun eskola online ne’e la benefisia estudante sira tanba estudante barak mak laiha telefone android atu asesu programa online ne’e.\nIha fatin hanesan estudante husi fakuldade Arte Edukasaun Umaniora (FAEH) Guilhermino Maria de Araújo dehan, karik ejijénsia aula normál ne’e mak realia duni sira husu parte Universidade bele monta ekipa kontrolu saúde hodi bele kumpre nafatin regra protokolu ne’ebé fó sai ona hosi Organizasaun Mundial Saúde (OMS) ho Ministériu Saúde (MS).\nHatán ba reklamasaun MUTL ho AUTL nian ne’e, Ministru Ensinu Superior Siénsia no Kultura (MESSK), Longuinhos dos Santos afirma katak, ema hotu iha direitu atu halo komunikasaun maibé tenke kumpre lei ne’ebé mak aprova ona iha Parlamentu Nasionál.\nLonguinhos informa katak media ne’ebé mak hetan ona desizaun iha PN ne’e media ida refutavel. Governu propoin implementasaun liña internet ba IESPP sira-ne’e tanba kauza mundiál ho COVID-19.\n“Ita nia Governu haree kestaun ida ne’e maka foti desizaun hodi apoiu orsamentu millaun $2.1 hodi apoiu subsídiu internet ba estudante sira no estabelesimentu internet ba IESP sira karik presiza atu update inklui peskiza ruma bele nesesita sira,” Longuinhos dos Santos hateten.\nAliansa Universitáriu Timor-Leste\nMovimentu Universitáriu Timor-Leste\nPrevious articlePNTL-MEJD sensibiliza estudante iha Dili atu prevene COVID-19\nNext articleJaneiru-marsu kazu krime iha Dili 367 | [
"MUTL-AUTL ezije re-ativa aula normal | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI MUTL-AUTL ezije re-ativa aula normal MUTL-AUTL ezije re-ativa aula normal MUTL ho AUTL halo konferensia imprensa hodi husu MESSK reativa aula normal ba UNTL, kuarta (28/04).",
"Imajen TATOLI/Egas Crstovao.",
"DILI, 28 abril 2021 (TATOLI) - Movimentu Universitariu Timor-Leste (MUTL) ho Aliansa Universitariu Timor-Leste (AUTL) ezije ba Governu liuhosi Ministeriu Ensinu Superior Siensia no Kultura (MESSK) atu re-ativa hikas aula normal iha instituisaun ensinu superior publiku, Universidade Nasional Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL) tanba sistema implementasaun programa online ne'e la benefisia estudante-sira.",
"Portavoz MUTL, Gama Lemorai, kuarta ne'e, hateten ba jornalista-sira katak MUTL la konkorda implementasaun eskola online ne'e tanba lina internet de'it to'o agora labele perkore to'o area remotas.",
"\"Ami rejeita Governu ninia apoiu hodi fo $10 ba kada estudante ho internet gigabyte ida tanba ita la'os nasaun ida avansadu hanesan nasaun sira seluk, ita nia nasaun TL moris hela ho kondisaun rai-rahun, ita seidauk iha lina internet ida ne'ebe bele perkore to'o area rural sira,\" Gama Lemorai hateten iha kampus UNTL, Fakuldade Ekonomia, Liceo, Dili.",
"Gama afirma katak sira-nia ejijensia hakarak re-ativa hikas aula normal ne'e ho medida prevensaun sira.",
"Nune'e husu ba MESSK atu dada hikas osan sira ne'ebe mak re-aloka hodi apoiu lina internet no injesaun propina ba estudante-sira ne'e bele utiliza fali hodi sosa ekipamentu prevensaun COVID-19 nian.",
"Biban ne'e, portavos AUTL Francisca da Silva akresenta katak impregnasaun eskola online ne'e la benefisia estudante sira tanba estudante barak mak laiha telefone android atu asesu programa online ne'e.",
"Iha fatin hanesan estudante husi fakuldade Arte Edukasaun Umaniora (FAEH) Guilhermino Maria de Araujo dehan, karik ejijensia aula normal ne'e mak realia duni sira husu parte Universidade bele monta ekipa kontrolu saude hodi bele kumpre nafatin regra protokolu ne'ebe fo sai ona hosi Organizasaun Mundial Saude (OMS) ho Ministeriu Saude (MS).",
"Hatan ba reklamasaun MUTL ho AUTL nian ne'e, Ministru Ensinu Superior Siensia no Kultura (MESSK), Longuinhos dos Santos afirma katak, ema hotu iha direitu atu halo komunikasaun maibe tenke kumpre lei ne'ebe mak aprova ona iha Parlamentu Nasional.",
"Longuinhos informa katak media ne'ebe mak hetan ona desizaun iha PN ne'e media ida refutavel.",
"Governu propoin implementasaun lina internet ba IESPP sira-ne'e tanba kauza mundial ho COVID-19.",
"\"Ita nia Governu haree kestaun ida ne'e maka foti desizaun hodi apoiu orsamentu millaun $2.1 hodi apoiu subsidiu internet ba estudante sira no estabelesimentu internet ba IESP sira karik presiza atu update inklui peskiza ruma bele nesesita sira,\" Longuinhos dos Santos hateten.",
"Aliansa Universitariu Timor-Leste Movimentu Universitariu Timor-Leste Previous articlePNTL-MEJD sensibiliza estudante iha Dili atu prevene COVID-19 Next articleJaneiru-marsu kazu krime iha Dili 367"
] | [
"MUTL-AUTL demands reactivation of normal classroom | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor Leste VARANDA DILI Mutl and Autl hold a press conference to ask MESSK for the reinstatement, on Thursday (28/04)."
"Image: TATOLI/Egas Crstovao."
"DILI, April 28th - Timor-Leste University Movement (MUTL) and the Universities Alliance of East Тимор(AUTL), demand that Government through Ministry for Higher Education Science & Culture to reactivate normal classrooms at public higher education institution Universidade Nasional Timór Lorosa'e because online program implementation system does not benefit students."
"MUTL spokesperson Gama Lemorai told journalist on Tuesday that the party does not agree with online school implementation because only internet line so far cannot reach remote areas."
"\"We reject the government's support to give $10 per student with a gigabyte of internet because we are not an advanced country like other countries, our nation is living in poor conditions. We haven’t had one Internet line that can reach rural areas yet,” Gama Lemorai said at UNTL campus Faculty Of Economic Sciences Liceo Dili (Dili)."
"Gama stated that their demand was to re-activate the normal classrooms as soon As possible with preventive measure."
"Therefore, he asked the Ministry of Education and Science to speed up re-allocations for internet lines supporting students' tuition injection so that they can be used again in purchasing COVID 19 prevention equipment."
"In addition, AUTL spokeswoman Francisca da Silva added that the online school impregnation does not benefit students because many of them la have android phone to access this program."
"Guilhermino Maria de Araujo, a student from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Education (FAEH), said that if normal classrooms are indeed required they would ask University to set up health control teams so it can follow all protocol rules issued by World Health Organization(WHO)and Ministry for Social Welfare."
"In response to the complaints from MUTL and AUTLE, Minister of Higher Education Science & Culture (MESSK), Longuinhos dos Santos affirmed that everyone has right for communication but must comply with law which have been passed in National Parliament."
"Longuinhos informs that the media which has been decided in PN is a refutable one."
"The government proposes to implement internet lines for these IESPP because of the global cause with COVID-19."
"\"Our Government considered this issue and took the decision to support a budget of $2.1 million for internet subsidy in student education, as well Internet establishment at IESPs if they need updating including some research that may require them\", Longuinhos dos Santos said"
"Previous articlePNTL-MEJD raises awareness of students in Dili to prevent COVID 19 Next ArticleJanuary – March crime cases at the police headquarters:367"
] |
TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Tanba sá bolu masakre Santa Krús? Tanba sá la’ós de’it trajédia?\nCelestino Gusmão - Ativista ba Direitus Umanus\nOhin dia 12 Novembru, Povu Timor-Leste markadu iha istória boot ho naran Masakre santa krús. Ema balun bolu trajédia Santa Krús, ha’u seidauk rona ofisialmente husi estadu Indonézia ba loron ida ne’e naran saida, maibé autoridade estadu Timor-Leste bolu dala barak loron ne’e nudár masakre Santa Krús.\nTanba sá bolu masakre? Tanba sá la’ós de’it trajédia maibé tenke masakre mós? Loron ne’e popularmente Timor-Leste hatene hanesan masakre boot ida entre masakre seluk iha Timor-Leste, durante okupasaun ilegál militár Indonézia.\nAktu masakre nudár parte husi komponente sira ne’ebé kontra lei humanitarian International. Masakre santa krús hatudu momoos katak militár indonézia nia brutalmente tiru ba manifestante Pasífiku sira iha semitériu santa krús tinan 1991. La’ós de’it tiru iha semitériu maibé hafoin husi masakre ne’e mós kaer ema arbitraria, hodi halo tratamentu desumanu, kruél no degradante.\nMomentu ne’ebá Indonézia mós nudár membru ona ba nasoins unidas. Masakre ida ne’e konsege bolu hikas atensaun komunidade internasionál ne’ebé antes ne’e fiar liu propaganda Indonézia kona-ba funu sivíl, integrasaun no pas iha Timor-Leste. Liu tia masakre ne’e nasaun barak afirma fali nia pozisaun hodi hamriik hamutuk husi povu Timor-Leste nia sorin, luta ba direitu fundamental tuir lei internasionál. Finalmente Timor-Leste hetan nia ukun rasik ho dala konsulta Popular.\nLiu tiha ukun rasik an, prosesu lubuk halo husi entidade oin-oin inklui nasoins unidas, ativista sira husi Timor-Leste no solidariedade internasionál hodi buka justisa. Nasoins unidas hamutuk lider rezisténsia sira harii instituisaun CAVR, Relatóriu Chega rekomenda asuntu barak inklui rekomenda justisa no responsabilizasaun ba krime kontra umanidade durante okupasaun ilegál.\nRelatóriu Chega kompleta tinan 10 ona hela iha gaveta Nasoins Unidas nian, Parlamentu Nasionál nia gaveta, no komunidade internasionál mos ignora sira nia responsabilidade. Parlamentu Nasionál mós seidauk lori relatóriu ne’e ba diskute hodi hahú implementa rekomendasaun sira.\nUnidade ba krime sériu hetan kazu krime barak no espesiál panel nasoins unidas nia akuza kriminozu lubuk inklui Wiranto no Probowo husi Indonézia no Eurico Guteres no Abilio Jose Osorio husi Timor-Leste. Maske nune’e unidade ba krime sériu prosesa de’it kazu husi 1999 la’ós okupasaun tomak. Prosesu justisa balun la’o ona maibé hala’o la ho espíritu tomak orientasaun lei no krime nia natureza maibé hala’o de’it ho vontade polítika no interese lider sira husi nasaun rua nia.\nIndonézia nia ukun na’in sira sempre buka dala hodi fase liman husi hahalok sira krime nia durante okupasaun ilegál. Lider sira husi Timor mós halo tuir de’it saida mak ukun na’in Indonézia hakarak tanba ne’e seidauk prioritiza justisa kompara halo de’it mak rekonsiliasaun. Komunidade Internasionál sempre ko’alia maka’as hasoru impunidade maibé ate agora seidauk foti asaun konkretu hodi lori justisa ba povu Timor-Leste no julga kriminozu sira.\nGovernu Indonézia tenke loke vontade di’ak hodi prosesa kriminozu sira ne’ebé daudaun ne’e la’o livre iha Indonézia no rai seluk. Nasaun boot sira ne’ebé hetan benefísiu husi okupasaun ne’e mós tenke hamriik metin iha Povu Timor-Leste nia sorin hodi kontinua buka justisa no responsabilizasaun ba krime sériu sira. Estadu boot hanesan Estadus unidus Amérika, Inglaterra, Australia, Franca no sira seluk ne’ebé hetan benefísiu Polítika no ekonómiku husi okupasaun ne’e tenke mós foti medida efetivu reparasaun nia ba estragu tomak ne’ebé Indonézia nia militár komete durante periodu okupasaun ilegál. Luta ne’ebé sei manán mak luta ne’ebé nunka abandona katak A Luta Kontinua!\nJustisa no responsabilizasaun ba krime kontra umanidade sei hetan fatin duni tuir regra sira Internasionál sira. | [
"TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Tanba sa bolu masakre Santa Krus?",
"Tanba sa la'os de'it trajedia?",
"Celestino Gusmao - Ativista ba Direitus Umanus Ohin dia 12 Novembru, Povu Timor-Leste markadu iha istoria boot ho naran Masakre santa krus.",
"Ema balun bolu trajedia Santa Krus, ha'u seidauk rona ofisialmente husi estadu Indonezia ba loron ida ne'e naran saida, maibe autoridade estadu Timor-Leste bolu dala barak loron ne'e nudar masakre Santa Krus.",
"Tanba sa bolu masakre?",
"Tanba sa la'os de'it trajedia maibe tenke masakre mos?",
"Loron ne'e popularmente Timor-Leste hatene hanesan masakre boot ida entre masakre seluk iha Timor-Leste, durante okupasaun ilegal militar Indonezia.",
"Aktu masakre nudar parte husi komponente sira ne'ebe kontra lei humanitarian International.",
"Masakre santa krus hatudu momoos katak militar indonezia nia brutalmente tiru ba manifestante Pasifiku sira iha semiteriu santa krus tinan 1991.",
"La'os de'it tiru iha semiteriu maibe hafoin husi masakre ne'e mos kaer ema arbitraria, hodi halo tratamentu desumanu, kruel no degradante.",
"Momentu ne'eba Indonezia mos nudar membru ona ba nasoins unidas.",
"Masakre ida ne'e konsege bolu hikas atensaun komunidade internasional ne'ebe antes ne'e fiar liu propaganda Indonezia kona-ba funu sivil, integrasaun no pas iha Timor-Leste.",
"Liu tia masakre ne'e nasaun barak afirma fali nia pozisaun hodi hamriik hamutuk husi povu Timor-Leste nia sorin, luta ba direitu fundamental tuir lei internasional.",
"Finalmente Timor-Leste hetan nia ukun rasik ho dala konsulta Popular.",
"Liu tiha ukun rasik an, prosesu lubuk halo husi entidade oin-oin inklui nasoins unidas, ativista sira husi Timor-Leste no solidariedade internasional hodi buka justisa.",
"Nasoins unidas hamutuk lider rezistensia sira harii instituisaun CAVR, Relatoriu Chega rekomenda asuntu barak inklui rekomenda justisa no responsabilizasaun ba krime kontra umanidade durante okupasaun ilegal.",
"Relatoriu Chega kompleta tinan 10 ona hela iha gaveta Nasoins Unidas nian, Parlamentu Nasional nia gaveta, no komunidade internasional mos ignora sira nia responsabilidade.",
"Parlamentu Nasional mos seidauk lori relatoriu ne'e ba diskute hodi hahu implementa rekomendasaun sira.",
"Unidade ba krime seriu hetan kazu krime barak no espesial panel nasoins unidas nia akuza kriminozu lubuk inklui Wiranto no Probowo husi Indonezia no Eurico Guteres no Abilio Jose Osorio husi Timor-Leste.",
"Maske nune'e unidade ba krime seriu prosesa de'it kazu husi 1999 la'os okupasaun tomak.",
"Prosesu justisa balun la'o ona maibe hala'o la ho espiritu tomak orientasaun lei no krime nia natureza maibe hala'o de'it ho vontade politika no interese lider sira husi nasaun rua nia.",
"Indonezia nia ukun na'in sira sempre buka dala hodi fase liman husi hahalok sira krime nia durante okupasaun ilegal.",
"Lider sira husi Timor mos halo tuir de'it saida mak ukun na'in Indonezia hakarak tanba ne'e seidauk prioritiza justisa kompara halo de'it mak rekonsiliasaun.",
"Komunidade Internasional sempre ko'alia maka'as hasoru impunidade maibe ate agora seidauk foti asaun konkretu hodi lori justisa ba povu Timor-Leste no julga kriminozu sira.",
"Governu Indonezia tenke loke vontade di'ak hodi prosesa kriminozu sira ne'ebe daudaun ne'e la'o livre iha Indonezia no rai seluk.",
"Nasaun boot sira ne'ebe hetan benefisiu husi okupasaun ne'e mos tenke hamriik metin iha Povu Timor-Leste nia sorin hodi kontinua buka justisa no responsabilizasaun ba krime seriu sira.",
"Estadu boot hanesan Estadus unidus Amerika, Inglaterra, Australia, Franca no sira seluk ne'ebe hetan benefisiu Politika no ekonomiku husi okupasaun ne'e tenke mos foti medida efetivu reparasaun nia ba estragu tomak ne'ebe Indonezia nia militar komete durante periodu okupasaun ilegal.",
"Luta ne'ebe sei manan mak luta ne'ebe nunka abandona katak A Luta Kontinua!",
"Justisa no responsabilizasaun ba krime kontra umanidade sei hetan fatin duni tuir regra sira Internasional sira."
] | [
"TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Why do we call the Santa Cruz massacre?"
"Why isn't it just a tragedy?"
"Celestino Gusmao - Human Rights Activist Today, November 12th the people of Timor-Leste are marked in history by a big event called Santa Cruz Massacre."
"Some people call it the tragedy of Santa Cruz, I have not heard officially from Indonesia what this day is called but East Timorese state authorities often refer to that as a massacre."
"Why do you call it a massacre?"
"Why isn't it just a tragedy but also an actual massacre?"
"This day is popularly known in East Timor as one of the great massacres among other mass killings that took place during Indonesia's illegal military occupation."
"The massacre is part of the components that are contrary to international humanitarian law."
"The Santa Cruz massacre is a documentary about the brutal shooting of Pacifico protesters at St. Cross cemetery by Indonesian military in 1987 and its consequent deportation to Indonesia, where they were killed on October 20th (July) after being tortured for several days before their execution with gunshots from an army rifles near San Francisco Bay Area' s South Beach Cemetary during March–April of that year;"
"Not only did they shoot at the cemetery, but after this massacre people were arbitrarily arrested and subject to inhumane cruel degrading treatment."
"At the time, Indonesia was already a member of United Nations."
"The massacre quickly drew the attention of an international community that had previously relied on Indonesian propaganda about civil war, integration and peace in East Timor."
"After the massacre, many countries reaffirmed their position to stand together with East Timor's people in fighting for fundamental rights under international law."
"Timor-Leste finally gained its independence with a popular consultation."
"Since independence, a number of processes have been undertaken by various entities including the United Nations (UN), activists from Timor-Leste and international solidarity to seek justice."
"The United Nations and resistance leaders established the CAVR, a report by Chega that made many recommendations including justice for crimes against humanity committed during illegal occupation."
"The Chega report has been lying in the drawers of United Nations, national parliament and international community for 10 years now. They have ignored their responsibilities as well!"
"The National Parliament has not yet taken the report to discussion and is still waiting for implementation of its recommendations."
"The Serious Crimes Unit has found many criminal cases and the special panel of United Nations accused numerous offenders including Wiranto & Probowo from Indonesia, Eurico Guteres And Abilio Jose Osorio From Timor-Leste."
"However, the Serious Crimes Unit only processes cases from 1980 to now and not all of occupation."
"Some justice processes have been initiated but they are not being carried out with the full spirit of orientation to law and crime's nature, only by political will or interest among leaders from both countries."
"The Indonesian rulers have always sought to clear their hands of the crimes they committed during its illegal occupation."
"The Timorese leaders also follow what the Indonesian ruler wants because they have not prioritized justice over reconciliation."
"The international community has always spoken loudly against impunity but so far no concrete action to bring justice for the people of Timor-Leste and prosecute criminals."
"The Indonesian Government must show good will to prosecute the criminals who are currently at large in Indonesia and elsewhere."
"The great nations that have benefited from the occupation must also stand firmly with Timorese people in continuing to seek justice and accountability for serious crimes."
"Large nations such as the United States of America, Britain and France have benefited politically from this occupation. They must also take effective measures to compensate for all damage committed by Indonesian military during their illegal occupational period in Timor-Leste (Indochina)."
"The fight that will win is the struggle we never give up, and it's called \"The Fight Goes On!\""
"Justice and accountability for crimes against humanity will take place in accordance with international rules."
] |
Prezidente-da- Repúblika hasoru malu ho Prokurador Jerál - Presidência da República de Timor-Leste\nPalásiu Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, loron-7 fulan Agostu, Prezidente-da- Repúblika Francisco Guterres Lú Olo hala’o reniaun mensál ho Prokuradór Jerál-da-Repúblika Dr. Jose da Costa Ximenes ko’alia kona-ba serbisu prokuradória hanesan ezekusaun ba kondenadu Eis Ministru Edukasaun João Cancio Freitas ba kazu partisipasaun ekonomia no negósiu iha loron-26 Jullu ne’ebé agora iha prizaun Gleno, Ermera .\nProkuradór Jeral-da-Repúblika informa mós kazu hanesan komete husi kondenadu sira, Eis Sekretáriu Estadu ba Obrás Públika Domingos Caero no funsionáriu públiku ida iha Obras Públika Augostu Ingles ne’ebé tribunal foti desizaun kastigu iha prizaun tinan-tolu-fulan-neen.\nDepoisde rona sasin balun, iha loron-11 fulan-Agostu tribunál sei foti desizaun ba kazu sidadaun Portugés. Prokuradór mós informa kazu balun hanesan konstrusaun Ospitál Referal Baucau no investigasaun PNTL ba krime ne’ebé akontese iha Seisal Baucau.\nRelasiona ho serbisu ne’e, Prezidente-da-Repúblika enkoraja Prokuradór Jerál-da-Repúblika katak desde asumi nia kargu fó prioridade ba kazu Korupsaun tanba ne’e nia husu atu nafatin ho pozisaun firme hodi prosesa krime sira ho di’ak liutan ba oin. Xefe-de-Estadu husu ba Prokuradór Jerál katak Ministériu Públiku tenki hamrik iha prinsípiu igualdade hodi aplika lei hanesan ba sidadaun hotu. | [
"Prezidente-da- Republika hasoru malu ho Prokurador Jeral - Presidencia da Republica de Timor-Leste Palasiu Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, loron-7 fulan Agostu, Prezidente-da- Republika Francisco Guterres Lu Olo hala'o reniaun mensal ho Prokurador Jeral-da-Republika Dr. Jose da Costa Ximenes ko'alia kona-ba serbisu prokuradoria hanesan ezekusaun ba kondenadu Eis Ministru Edukasaun Joao Cancio Freitas ba kazu partisipasaun ekonomia no negosiu iha loron-26 Jullu ne'ebe agora iha prizaun Gleno, Ermera .",
"Prokurador Jeral-da-Republika informa mos kazu hanesan komete husi kondenadu sira, Eis Sekretariu Estadu ba Obras Publika Domingos Caero no funsionariu publiku ida iha Obras Publika Augostu Ingles ne'ebe tribunal foti desizaun kastigu iha prizaun tinan-tolu-fulan-neen.",
"Depoisde rona sasin balun, iha loron-11 fulan-Agostu tribunal sei foti desizaun ba kazu sidadaun Portuges.",
"Prokurador mos informa kazu balun hanesan konstrusaun Ospital Referal Baucau no investigasaun PNTL ba krime ne'ebe akontese iha Seisal Baucau.",
"Relasiona ho serbisu ne'e, Prezidente-da-Republika enkoraja Prokurador Jeral-da-Republika katak desde asumi nia kargu fo prioridade ba kazu Korupsaun tanba ne'e nia husu atu nafatin ho pozisaun firme hodi prosesa krime sira ho di'ak liutan ba oin.",
"Xefe-de-Estadu husu ba Prokurador Jeral katak Ministeriu Publiku tenki hamrik iha prinsipiu igualdade hodi aplika lei hanesan ba sidadaun hotu."
] | [
"President of the Republic meets with Prosecutor General - Presidencia da Republica de Timor-Leste Presidential Palace Nicolau Lobato, August 7th. The president Francisco Guterres Lu Olo held his monthly meetings and talk about prosekution work as execution for convicted Former Education Minister Joao Cancio Freitas in case economic involvement on July'26 which is now at Glenu Prison Ermera"
"The Prosecutor General also reported cases committed by the convicts, Former State Secretary for Public Works Domingos Caero and a civil servant in August English' public works which were sentenced to three years imprisonment."
"After hearing some witnesses, the court will take a decision on 10 August in this case of Portuguese citizens."
"The Prosecutor also informed about some cases such as the construction of Ospital Referal Baucau and investigation by PNTL to crimes that occurred at Seisal Bacau."
"In relation to this work, the President of Brazil encouraged Prosecutor General that since taking office he has prioritized corruption cases and therefore asked him for a firm position in order process crimes with good results."
"The Head of State asked the Attorney General that Public Prosecution must adhere to equality principles and apply law equally for all citizens."
] |
Loron Internasionál Feto Rurál hanesan loron ida-ne‘ebé ema iha mundu tomak selebra hodi valoriza no fó apresiasaun ba feto rurál sira-nia papél ba produsaun no rezilénsia ba ai-han. Tinan ida-ne‘e tema internasionál maka “Feto no Labarik-Feto Rurál Konstrui Rezilénsia“.\nIha Timor-Leste, tema nasionál ne‘ebé ita foti maka “Investe iha Ekonomia Rurál, sei Hamosu Rezilénsia no Bele Aselera Dezenvolvimentu Inkluzivu“. Governu hakarak atu ema hotu presiza investe maka‘as iha ekonomia rurál liuhusi hadi‘ak infraestrutura Estrada sira nune‘e feto no labarik-feto rurál sira bele fa‘an sira-nia sasan hodi bele hetan buat ruma ba sira-nia nesesidade loroloron, nune‘e ita bele haree duni katak dezenvolvimentu ne‘e inkluzivu ba ema hotu husi urbana ba to‘o iha rurál.\n“Ohin loron importante tebes ba maluk hotu iha area rurál inklui maluk feto rurál iha Suku Uaigae. Komemorasaun ne‘e atu hatudu katak maluk sira iha suku Uaigae mós hola parte husi maluk feto rurál sira ne‘ebé hela iha timor laran tomak. Populasaun ne‘ebé hela iha área rurál importante tebes tanba ne‘e presiza ita investe atu nune‘e ita sei hamosu rezilensia iha ita-nia komunidade nia le‘et atu hasoru krize saida de‘it, atu hasoru konflitu oin-oin ne‘ebé sei mosu sira sei iha rezilensia atu hasoru“, dehan Sekretária Estadu, Maria José de Jesus.\n“Ho intervensaun oin-oin ne‘ebé ita halo ho empoderamentu ekonómiku, ita hakarak atu hamosu feto sira ne‘ebé resiliente, sira ne‘ebé iha kapasidade finanseira atu fó apoiu ba famÃlia atu asegura oan sira-nia nutrisaun no asesu diak ba edukasaun“, governante ne‘e subliña.\nIha sorin seluk distinta deputada, Elvina Sousa Carvalho ne‘ebé reprezenta GMPTL Parlamentu Nasonál iha ninia intervensaun hateten katak komemorasaun loron internasional feto rurál labele hela ho komemorasaun de‘it maibé tenki tuir kedas ho asaun.\n“Ohin ne‘e loron espesiál ba ita no loron ne‘ebé la‘ós atu selebra hotu haluha ona maibé loron ne‘ebe atu halo reflesaun katak maluk sira ne‘ebé maka hela iha área rurál presiza hetan atensaun ba iha oportunidade hanesan ho maluk sira ne‘ebé mak la‘ós hela iha área rurál. Presiza hetan asesu ba edukasaun, presiza hetan asesu ba merkadu, presiza hetan asesu ba dezenvolvimentu no mós infraestrutura bazÃku sira. Ida-ne‘e maka esénsia husi ita-nia selebrasaun ida ohin“, dehan deputada Elvina.\nTinan ida-ne‘e selebrasaun hala‘o hamutuk ho komunidade suku Uaigae ho objetivu atu valoriza feto rurál sira-nia kontribuisaun ba dezenvolvimentu nasaun nian; Hasa‘e konxiénsia kona-ba partisipasaun feto rurál foka ba ai-han uma-laran, kuida koñesimentu tradisionál, konstrusaun ba paz; Haforsa kompromisu entidade governu no ajénsia estadu, hodi hakbiit feto rurál iha área ekonomia no halakon diskriminasaun hasoru sira, hodi bele asesu ba rekursu estadu no haforsa mekanizmu koordenasaun entidade governu nian ba implementasaun Deklarasaun Maubisse hodi hakbiit no haforsa ekonomia feto rurál. “Iha ita-nia nesesidade bazÃka loroloron nian, liuliu relasiona ho hahan, iha mundu no mós iha Timor-Leste hatudu katak ninia prosesamentu no ninian produsaun ne‘e kontribui barak liu mai husi inan feton sira ne‘ebé hela iha área rurál. Entaun loron ida-ne‘e hanesan loron espesiál hodi fó onra ba dedikasaun no sakrifisiu ne‘ebé inan-feton sira halo ba ita-nia oan sira hahú husi kedas uma no prepara sira ba tuir edukasaun sira“, dehan Prezidente Autoridade MunisÃpiu Baucau, Antonio Guterres.\nSekretaria Estadu ba Igualdade no Inkluzaun hanesan instituisaun Estadu ne‘ebé tau-matan ba asuntu promosaun ba igualdade no inkluzaun sosiál hamutuk ho instituisaun governu seluk no entidade hotu halo ona esforsu maka‘as atu asegura katak feto no labarik-feto inklui feto no labarik-feto rurál sira hetan tratamentu ne‘ebé hanesan iha vida polÃtika, ekonomia, sosiál, saúde no edukasaun.\nReprezentante Feto rurál Suku Uaigae, Aquelina Martins ne‘ebé hetan mós oportunidade hodi hato‘o mensajen hateten katak feto rurál suku Uaigae sente orgullu hodi organiza eventu ne‘e maske do‘ok no iha loos área remotas.\n“Maske ami hela subar loos iha rai sikun klot postu administrativu vemasse maibé hetan mos oportunidade hodi realiza eventu importante hodi komemora loron internasional feto rurál iha ami nia suku. Ida-ne‘e biban ida ba parte hotu atu haree direita kondisaun saida de‘it mak feto rurál sira infrenta hodi bele partisipa ativa iha prosesu konstrusaun estadu ne‘ebé ejiji mós feto nia partisipasaun no kontribuisaun“.\n“Tuir natureza hateten katak feto ne‘e nia hakat klot liu kompara ho mane, maibé feto nia influenza boot tebetebes iha kualkér momentu liuliu sai nu‘udar inspiradora ba mane sira iha nÃvel famÃlia, sosiedade, organizasaun to‘o iha nÃvel estadu“, tenik Aquelina. Atividade ne‘ebé hala‘o durante iha selebrasaun ne‘e mak aprezentasaun husi liña ministeriál sira kona-ba implementasaun serbisu hirak-ne‘ebé liga ba kompromisu deklarasaun Maubisse ninian no diálogu entre komunidade ho lideransa nasionál sira. Selebrasaun ne‘e prezide husi Sekretária Estadu ba Igualdade no Inluzaun hamutuk ho Prezidente Autoridade MunisÃpiu Baucau no hetan partsipasaun husi membru Parlamentu Nasionál Komisaun F, reprezentante GMPTL Parlamentu Nasionál, Sekretáriu Jerál MAP, Reprezentante Sekretaria Estadu Kooperativa, Komandante PNTL MunisÃpiu Baucau, Komandante F-FDTL primeiru Bataliaun, Administradór do postu, autoridade suku no komunidade suku Uaigae tomak.\nHits : 419357 | [
"Loron InternasionA!l Feto RurA!l hanesan loron ida-neaEUR~ebA(c) ema iha mundu tomak selebra hodi valoriza no fA3 apresiasaun ba feto rurA!l sira-nia papA(c)l ba produsaun no rezilA(c)nsia ba ai-han.",
"Tinan ida-neaEUR~e tema internasionA!l maka aEURoeFeto no Labarik-Feto RurA!l Konstrui RezilA(c)nsiaaEURoe.",
"Iha Timor-Leste, tema nasionA!l neaEUR~ebA(c) ita foti maka aEURoeInveste iha Ekonomia RurA!l, sei Hamosu RezilA(c)nsia no Bele Aselera Dezenvolvimentu InkluzivuaEURoe.",
"Governu hakarak atu ema hotu presiza investe makaaEUR~as iha ekonomia rurA!l liuhusi hadiaEUR~ak infraestrutura Estrada sira nuneaEUR~e feto no labarik-feto rurA!l sira bele faaEUR~an sira-nia sasan hodi bele hetan buat ruma ba sira-nia nesesidade loroloron, nuneaEUR~e ita bele haree duni katak dezenvolvimentu neaEUR~e inkluzivu ba ema hotu husi urbana ba toaEUR~o iha rurA!l. aEURoeOhin loron importante tebes ba maluk hotu iha area rurA!l inklui maluk feto rurA!l iha Suku Uaigae.",
"Komemorasaun neaEUR~e atu hatudu katak maluk sira iha suku Uaigae mA3s hola parte husi maluk feto rurA!l sira neaEUR~ebA(c) hela iha timor laran tomak.",
"Populasaun neaEUR~ebA(c) hela iha A!rea rurA!l importante tebes tanba neaEUR~e presiza ita investe atu nuneaEUR~e ita sei hamosu rezilensia iha ita-nia komunidade nia leaEUR~et atu hasoru krize saida deaEUR~it, atu hasoru konflitu oin-oin neaEUR~ebA(c) sei mosu sira sei iha rezilensia atu hasoruaEURoe, dehan SekretA!ria Estadu, Maria JosA(c) de Jesus. aEURoeHo intervensaun oin-oin neaEUR~ebA(c) ita halo ho empoderamentu ekonA3miku, ita hakarak atu hamosu feto sira neaEUR~ebA(c) resiliente, sira neaEUR~ebA(c) iha kapasidade finanseira atu fA3 apoiu ba famA lia atu asegura oan sira-nia nutrisaun no asesu diak ba edukasaunaEURoe, governante neaEUR~e subliA+-a.",
"Iha sorin seluk distinta deputada, Elvina Sousa Carvalho neaEUR~ebA(c) reprezenta GMPTL Parlamentu NasonA!l iha ninia intervensaun hateten katak komemorasaun loron internasional feto rurA!l labele hela ho komemorasaun deaEUR~it maibA(c) tenki tuir kedas ho asaun. aEURoeOhin neaEUR~e loron espesiA!l ba ita no loron neaEUR~ebA(c) laaEUR~A3s atu selebra hotu haluha ona maibA(c) loron neaEUR~ebe atu halo reflesaun katak maluk sira neaEUR~ebA(c) maka hela iha A!rea rurA!l presiza hetan atensaun ba iha oportunidade hanesan ho maluk sira neaEUR~ebA(c) mak laaEUR~A3s hela iha A!rea rurA!l.",
"Presiza hetan asesu ba edukasaun, presiza hetan asesu ba merkadu, presiza hetan asesu ba dezenvolvimentu no mA3s infraestrutura bazA ku sira.",
"Ida-neaEUR~e maka esA(c)nsia husi ita-nia selebrasaun ida ohinaEURoe, dehan deputada Elvina.",
"Tinan ida-neaEUR~e selebrasaun halaaEUR~o hamutuk ho komunidade suku Uaigae ho objetivu atu valoriza feto rurA!l sira-nia kontribuisaun ba dezenvolvimentu nasaun nian; HasaaEUR~e konxiA(c)nsia kona-ba partisipasaun feto rurA!l foka ba ai-han uma-laran, kuida koA+-esimentu tradisionA!l, konstrusaun ba paz; Haforsa kompromisu entidade governu no ajA(c)nsia estadu, hodi hakbiit feto rurA!l iha A!rea ekonomia no halakon diskriminasaun hasoru sira, hodi bele asesu ba rekursu estadu no haforsa mekanizmu koordenasaun entidade governu nian ba implementasaun Deklarasaun Maubisse hodi hakbiit no haforsa ekonomia feto rurA!l. aEURoeIha ita-nia nesesidade bazA ka loroloron nian, liuliu relasiona ho hahan, iha mundu no mA3s iha Timor-Leste hatudu katak ninia prosesamentu no ninian produsaun neaEUR~e kontribui barak liu mai husi inan feton sira neaEUR~ebA(c) hela iha A!rea rurA!l.",
"Entaun loron ida-neaEUR~e hanesan loron espesiA!l hodi fA3 onra ba dedikasaun no sakrifisiu neaEUR~ebA(c) inan-feton sira halo ba ita-nia oan sira hahAo husi kedas uma no prepara sira ba tuir edukasaun siraaEURoe, dehan Prezidente Autoridade MunisA piu Baucau, Antonio Guterres.",
"Sekretaria Estadu ba Igualdade no Inkluzaun hanesan instituisaun Estadu neaEUR~ebA(c) tau-matan ba asuntu promosaun ba igualdade no inkluzaun sosiA!l hamutuk ho instituisaun governu seluk no entidade hotu halo ona esforsu makaaEUR~as atu asegura katak feto no labarik-feto inklui feto no labarik-feto rurA!l sira hetan tratamentu neaEUR~ebA(c) hanesan iha vida polA tika, ekonomia, sosiA!l, saAode no edukasaun.",
"Reprezentante Feto rurA!l Suku Uaigae, Aquelina Martins neaEUR~ebA(c) hetan mA3s oportunidade hodi hatoaEUR~o mensajen hateten katak feto rurA!l suku Uaigae sente orgullu hodi organiza eventu neaEUR~e maske doaEUR~ok no iha loos A!rea remotas. aEURoeMaske ami hela subar loos iha rai sikun klot postu administrativu vemasse maibA(c) hetan mos oportunidade hodi realiza eventu importante hodi komemora loron internasional feto rurA!l iha ami nia suku.",
"Ida-neaEUR~e biban ida ba parte hotu atu haree direita kondisaun saida deaEUR~it mak feto rurA!l sira infrenta hodi bele partisipa ativa iha prosesu konstrusaun estadu neaEUR~ebA(c) ejiji mA3s feto nia partisipasaun no kontribuisaunaEURoe. aEURoeTuir natureza hateten katak feto neaEUR~e nia hakat klot liu kompara ho mane, maibA(c) feto nia influenza boot tebetebes iha kualkA(c)r momentu liuliu sai nuaEUR~udar inspiradora ba mane sira iha nA vel famA lia, sosiedade, organizasaun toaEUR~o iha nA vel estaduaEURoe, tenik Aquelina.",
"Atividade neaEUR~ebA(c) halaaEUR~o durante iha selebrasaun neaEUR~e mak aprezentasaun husi liA+-a ministeriA!l sira kona-ba implementasaun serbisu hirak-neaEUR~ebA(c) liga ba kompromisu deklarasaun Maubisse ninian no diA!logu entre komunidade ho lideransa nasionA!l sira.",
"Selebrasaun neaEUR~e prezide husi SekretA!ria Estadu ba Igualdade no Inluzaun hamutuk ho Prezidente Autoridade MunisA piu Baucau no hetan partsipasaun husi membru Parlamentu NasionA!l Komisaun F, reprezentante GMPTL Parlamentu NasionA!l, SekretA!riu JerA!l MAP, Reprezentante Sekretaria Estadu Kooperativa, Komandante PNTL MunisA piu Baucau, Komandante F-FDTL primeiru Bataliaun, AdministradA3r do postu, autoridade suku no komunidade suku Uaigae tomak.",
"Hits: 419357"
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"International Rural Women's Day is a day celebrated every year around the world to recognize and appreciate rural women for their role in producing food."
"This year's international theme is Rural Girls and Boys Build Resilience."
"In Timor-Leste, the national theme we have chosen is Investing in Rural Economy Will Boost Resilience and Can Accelerate Inclusive Development."
"The government wants everyone to invest heavily in the rural economy by improving road infrastructure so that women and girls can make their own stuff, get something for everyday needs. This way we really see this development is inclusive of all people from urban areas into countryside! Today'S a very important day For All People In Rural Area Including Our Women Of Uaigae Village"
"The commemoration is to show that the people of Uaigae village are part and parcel with all rural women living throughout Timor-Leste."
"The population living in rural areas is very important because it requires us to invest so that we can build resilience within our communities and face whatever crisis, any conflict they may encounter. They will have the resistance needed,” said Secretary of State Maria JosA(c) de Jesus .”With these various interventions which are being carried out with economic empowerment aim at creating women whose families supported by them would be able financially ensure their children’ s nutrition as well As access for better education”, underlined Governor NeaEUR~e+-o!"
"On the other hand, distinguished deputy Elvina Sousa Carvalho representing GMPTL National Parliament in her intervention said that commemoration of international rural women's day cannot be left without a celebration and must immediately follow with action. Today is an important date for us all to celebrate but we have already lost sight from this time when people should reflect on how those who live within our rural areas need attention at their own opportunity as well like others living outside these regions do!"
"They need access to education, they must have markets and development opportunities with the necessary basic infrastructure."
"This is the essence of our celebration, a shameful one,” said deputy Elvina."
"This year's celebration was held together with the Uaigae village community, aiming at: Valorizing rural women contributions to national development; Raising awareness about participating in home-grown food production and caring for traditional livelihood. Building peace Strengthening commitment of governmental entities as well state agencies towards empowered Rural Women economically by eliminate their discriminatory treatment so that they can access State resources strengthening coordinated mechanism between Government Entity on Maubisse Declaration Implementation which will enable Employed Agriculturists from all over Timor Leste are taking part this month 2014 through various activities including an event called \"Maubis\" where we discuss how our basic or everyday needs - especially those related To Food – In The World And Ourselves At Home (Food is not only one thing but more than it)."
"So this day is a special one to honour the dedication and sacrifice that mothers make for our children from home, preparing them in advance of their education,” said Antonio Guterres."
"The State Secretariat for Equality and Inclusion, as the state institution responsible to promote social inclusion together with other governmental institutions have made great efforts in ensuring that women & girls including rural ones are treated on an equitable basis both within political life. economically;socially: healthcare& education"
"Representative of Rural Women in Uaigae Village, Aquelina Martins had the opportunity to convey a message saying that rural women are proud for organizing this event even though they live on poor soil and very remote areas. Although we lived subar right at vemasse maibA(c) administrative post also have an important occasion with international woman day celebration within our village!"
"This is an opportunity for all parties to look at the conditions that rural women face in order actively participate and encourage their involvement, contribution. The nature of life dictates a woman's greater potential than men have but her influence on any given moment can be enormous especially when she become one who inspires others from within family or society through organizational activities up until national level.\""
"Activities that took place during the celebration included presentations by various ministries on their work in implementing Maubisse Declaration commitments and dialogue between communities with national leaders."
"The celebration was presided over by the State Secretary for Equality and Inclusion together with President of Municipal Authority Baucau. Members from National Parliament Commission F, representatives in GMPTL (National parliament), General Secretariat MAP Representative Cooperative Department state secretariats Police Commander municipal police commanders First Battalion FFDTL post administration village authorities all community Uaigae participated at this event!"
"Hits: 419357"
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TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: "PJR Sei Tetu Hatun Pena Ba 'Feen Oho La'en"\nJornal Independente - Tersa-Feira, 13 Maiu 2014\nProkurador Jeral da Republika (PJR) seidauk foti desizaun definitive ba ideia Prezidenti Republika nian kona-ba hamenus pena ba feto sira ne'ebe oho nia laen, tanba kazu hirak ne'e tenke haree no tetu tuir lei, kronolojia no faktu akontesementu.\nProkurador Jeral Republika (PJR), Jose Ximenes, deklara lia hirak ne'e, tanba esperensia balun hatudu ona katak, ema balun halo aktu hasoru ema seluk laos tanba ofenidu ka hetan torturasaun, maibe ho motivu seluk.\nNe'e duni, nia sujere, kuandu feto sira hetan violensia ba ofendidu husi sira nia kaben, bele halo reklamasaun ba Ministeriu publiku ka polisia hodi bele prosesu kazu ne'e ba oin, labele iha intensaun atu halakon ema nia vida, tanba ne'e krime.\n"Porzemplu se ita nia inan feton sira iha tratamentu ruma la diak ba sira, sira tenke hato'o keixa, maibe la admite sira atu sira oho sira nia laen, hanesan ezemplu uluk kazu ida akontese iha Ainaro, depois feto ne'e ba moris tiha ho mane seluk, lasu venenu ba nia laen la mate, ikus mai nia rasik mak ba oho, ne'e mak ita tenke hare didiak lai kazu ida-idak," dehan Prokurador Jose Ximenes, hafoin sorumutu ho prezidenti da Republika, Ai tarak laran horsehik.\nTuir prokurador, bainhira kazu feto ka mane ida oho ema, polisia kaer no ei halo akuzasaun ba prokurador hodi kondena tuir faktu no kornolojia ba kazu ne'ebe akontese, nune'e prokurador rekomenda kazu ne'e ba tribunal no juis sira mak bele julga kauz hodi foti desizaun bazeia ba aktu ne'ebe mak nia komete.\nAntes ne'e, PM xanana hateten katak, Governu sei enkontru ho PGR, Juis, Defensor publiku inklui organizasaun sira ne'ebe luta ba justisa hodi deskute atu hatun pena ba inan feton sira ne'ebe envolve iha kazu oho sira nia laen. | [
"TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: \"PJR Sei Tetu Hatun Pena Ba 'Feen Oho La'en\" Jornal Independente - Tersa-Feira, 13 Maiu 2014 Prokurador Jeral da Republika (PJR) seidauk foti desizaun definitive ba ideia Prezidenti Republika nian kona-ba hamenus pena ba feto sira ne'ebe oho nia laen, tanba kazu hirak ne'e tenke haree no tetu tuir lei, kronolojia no faktu akontesementu.",
"Prokurador Jeral Republika (PJR), Jose Ximenes, deklara lia hirak ne'e, tanba esperensia balun hatudu ona katak, ema balun halo aktu hasoru ema seluk laos tanba ofenidu ka hetan torturasaun, maibe ho motivu seluk.",
"Ne'e duni, nia sujere, kuandu feto sira hetan violensia ba ofendidu husi sira nia kaben, bele halo reklamasaun ba Ministeriu publiku ka polisia hodi bele prosesu kazu ne'e ba oin, labele iha intensaun atu halakon ema nia vida, tanba ne'e krime.",
"\"Porzemplu se ita nia inan feton sira iha tratamentu ruma la diak ba sira, sira tenke hato'o keixa, maibe la admite sira atu sira oho sira nia laen, hanesan ezemplu uluk kazu ida akontese iha Ainaro, depois feto ne'e ba moris tiha ho mane seluk, lasu venenu ba nia laen la mate, ikus mai nia rasik mak ba oho, ne'e mak ita tenke hare didiak lai kazu ida-idak,\" dehan Prokurador Jose Ximenes, hafoin sorumutu ho prezidenti da Republika, Ai tarak laran horsehik.",
"Tuir prokurador, bainhira kazu feto ka mane ida oho ema, polisia kaer no ei halo akuzasaun ba prokurador hodi kondena tuir faktu no kornolojia ba kazu ne'ebe akontese, nune'e prokurador rekomenda kazu ne'e ba tribunal no juis sira mak bele julga kauz hodi foti desizaun bazeia ba aktu ne'ebe mak nia komete.",
"Antes ne'e, PM xanana hateten katak, Governu sei enkontru ho PGR, Juis, Defensor publiku inklui organizasaun sira ne'ebe luta ba justisa hodi deskute atu hatun pena ba inan feton sira ne'ebe envolve iha kazu oho sira nia laen."
] | [
"TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: \"The Prosecutor-General of the Republic (PGR) has not yet taken a final decision on President's idea to reduce sentence for women who kill their wives, because these cases must be considered and assessed in accordance with law. The case should follow chronological sequence as it occurred.\""
"Prokurador Jeral Republika (PJR), Jose Ximenes, stated these words because some experiences have shown that people act against others not for offense or torture but with other motive."
"Therefore, she suggested that when women are victims of violence from their spouses they can make a complaint to the public prosecutor or police so as it could proceeds with this case. It is not an intentional act intended for killing people and thereby constitutes crime;"
"\"For example, if our mothers and sister have been treated badly they should file a complaint but not admit them to kill their wives. For instance there was one case in Ainaro where the woman died with another man after she had given poison for her wife so that it didn't die; then he killed himself - this is why we must look carefully at each individual cases\", said Prosecutor Jose Ximenes following his meeting on Thursday morning (10/2) With President of Brazil Ai tarak laran horsehik .\"There are many people who do these things without knowing what happened before\""
"According to the prosecutor, when a man or woman commits homicide police arrest and charge him/her with murder. The public defender then convicts accordingly in accordance by fact of time for what has happened so that he can recommend this case before court where judge will try it out based on his act committed"
"Earlier, PM Xanana said that the Government will meet with PGR (Prosecutor General of India), Judges and Public Defender including organization which fight for justice to discuss how they can reduce sentence on mother-in law who are involved in murdering their wife."
] |
Profesór Na´in 408 Asina Kontratu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EDUKASAUN Profesór Na´in 408 Asina Kontratu\nDILI, 09 dezembru 2019 (TATOLI) – Profesór reklamante na´in 408 asina ona kontratu ho Ministériu Edukasaun, Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) depois tinan ualu sein saláriu iha prosesu ensinu aprendizajen iha nivel ensinu pré-eskolár no ensinu báziku.\nMinistra Edukasaun, Juventude no Desportu, Dulce de Jesus Soares hateten, profesór reklamante na´in 408 ne´e foin hetan sira-nia direitu ne’e tanba iha momentu halo levantamentu informasaun ba profesór kontratadu 4208 kuaze 408 mak la prienxe kriteiru.\nGovernante ne´e esplika, razaun MEJD kontrata profesór sira ne´e tanba haree ba sira-nia partisipasaun iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu área edukasaun kuaze tinan ualu resin. Profesór sira ne´e sei destaka iha munisípiu sira. “Ita loke de’it prosesu kontratu ba sira hodi bele hetan sira-nia direitu”.\n“Maibe kuandu bazeia ba lei baze da edukasaun, tuir ministra katak loloos labele tanba iha lei MEJD nian sese de’it mak atu ssi profesor iha MEJD nia okos tenke liuhusi teste depois mak foin bele prienxe rejime karreira espesiál nu´udar profesór asistente “Sira la liuhusi prosesu ida ne’e maibe ita sei halo kontratu ba sira hodi haree dalan. Ba sira ne’ebé seidauk iha abilitasaun literaria, polítika MEJD nian atu hare prosesu ida ne’e”.\nMinistra Dulce de Jesus haklaken, temus kontratu ne’ebé realiza ona buat hotu mai husi prosesu verifikasaun dadus ne’ebé ekipa MEJD halo durante fulan tolu ba profesór sira iha munisípiu ida-idak no agora konsege hetan duni ninia rezultadu.\n“Ministériu espera liuhusi termus kontratu ne’e bele motiva liután profesór sira atu badinas servisu liután hodi lori estudante hetan edukasaun ida di´ak liután,” nia espera.\nNotisia relevante:Fasilita Prosesu Aprendijazen Entre Estudante Ho Profesór Garante Kualidade Edukasaun\nPrevious articleKOICA Oferese Ambulánsia Multifunsaun Tolu ba MS\nNext articleCO25 Husu Veteranu no Sobrevivente Ataúro Konta Istória Loloos\nGilberto Alves December 10, 2019 at 11:44 am\nEma ho abilitasaun literaria la tuir standar sai profesor ne’e Timor-Leste atu sai saida. Ministra ne’e kala matan delek hela karik, ne’e mak la haree hetan graduadu sira iha area edukasaun, ne’ebe tinan-tian universidade sira, liu-liu UNTL produs. Tuir loloos ne’e tempu to’o ona atu rekruta profesor sira liuhusi teste, la’os liuhusi sistema voluntariu ne’ebe nakonu ho korrupsaun no nepotizmu. | [
"Profesor Na'in 408 Asina Kontratu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN Profesor Na'in 408 Asina Kontratu DILI, 09 dezembru 2019 (TATOLI) - Profesor reklamante na'in 408 asina ona kontratu ho Ministeriu Edukasaun, Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) depois tinan ualu sein salariu iha prosesu ensinu aprendizajen iha nivel ensinu pre-eskolar no ensinu baziku.",
"Ministra Edukasaun, Juventude no Desportu, Dulce de Jesus Soares hateten, profesor reklamante na'in 408 ne'e foin hetan sira-nia direitu ne'e tanba iha momentu halo levantamentu informasaun ba profesor kontratadu 4208 kuaze 408 mak la prienxe kriteiru.",
"Governante ne'e esplika, razaun MEJD kontrata profesor sira ne'e tanba haree ba sira-nia partisipasaun iha prosesu dezenvolvimentu area edukasaun kuaze tinan ualu resin.",
"Profesor sira ne'e sei destaka iha munisipiu sira.",
"\"Ita loke de'it prosesu kontratu ba sira hodi bele hetan sira-nia direitu.\"",
"\"Maibe kuandu bazeia ba lei baze da edukasaun, tuir ministra katak loloos labele tanba iha lei MEJD nian sese de'it mak atu ssi profesor iha MEJD nia okos tenke liuhusi teste depois mak foin bele prienxe rejime karreira espesial nu'udar profesor asistente \"Sira la liuhusi prosesu ida ne'e maibe ita sei halo kontratu ba sira hodi haree dalan.",
"Ba sira ne'ebe seidauk iha abilitasaun literaria, politika MEJD nian atu hare prosesu ida ne'e.\"",
"Ministra Dulce de Jesus haklaken, temus kontratu ne'ebe realiza ona buat hotu mai husi prosesu verifikasaun dadus ne'ebe ekipa MEJD halo durante fulan tolu ba profesor sira iha munisipiu ida-idak no agora konsege hetan duni ninia rezultadu.",
"\"Ministeriu espera liuhusi termus kontratu ne'e bele motiva liutan profesor sira atu badinas servisu liutan hodi lori estudante hetan edukasaun ida di'ak liutan,\" nia espera.",
"Notisia relevante:Fasilita Prosesu Aprendijazen Entre Estudante Ho Profesor Garante Kualidade Edukasaun Previous articleKOICA Oferese Ambulansia Multifunsaun Tolu ba MS Next articleCO25 Husu Veteranu no Sobrevivente Atauro Konta Istoria Loloos Gilberto Alves December 10, 2019 at 11:44 am Ema ho abilitasaun literaria la tuir standar sai profesor ne'e Timor-Leste atu sai saida.",
"Ministra ne'e kala matan delek hela karik, ne'e mak la haree hetan graduadu sira iha area edukasaun, ne'ebe tinan-tian universidade sira, liu-liu UNTL produs.",
"Tuir loloos ne'e tempu to'o ona atu rekruta profesor sira liuhusi teste, la'os liuhusi sistema voluntariu ne'ebe nakonu ho korrupsaun no nepotizmu."
] | [
"408 Teachers Sign Contract | Timor Post Agência Noticiosa de Timór-Leste HOME EDUCATION Professor Na'in N’i Sinya Kontratu DILI, December.9th (TimorPost) - After seven years without salary in the teaching and learning process at preschool level as well a basic educational system for children under age five or six year old teachers who are claiming their rights to pay salaries have now been granted contract with Ministry of Education Youth & Sports(MEJD)."
"Minister of Education, Youth and Sports Dulce de Jesus Soares said that the 408 teachers who complained had only received their rights because when information was collecting on contractual professors (the total number is currently at least to be estimated) almost all but fourty-eight did not meet criteria."
"The governor explained that the reason MEJD hired these professors was due to their participation in development of education for almost 10 years."
"These professors will stand out in the municipalities."
"\"Let's just open the contract process for them so they can get their rights.\""
"\"But if it is based on the basic law of education, according to minister that in fact can not because under MEJD's Law only those who are professor within its scope must pass a test and then they may fill special career regime as an assistant teacher. They do Not go through this process but we will make contract for them so look at ways out.\""
"For those who do not have a literary qualification, MEJD's policy is to look at this process.\""
"Minister Dulce de Jesus announced that the contract, which has already carried out everything from data verification process by MEJD team for three months to teachers in each municipality and now managed its results."
"\"The ministry hopes that through the terms of this contract it will motivate more teachers to continue working hard and bring students a good education,\" he said."
"Relevant News:Facilita Processo Aprendijazen Entre Estudantes e Professor Garante Qualidade Educacional Previous articleKOICA Offeres Three Multi-Functional Ambulanças to MS Next ArticleCO25 Call for Veteran and Survivors of the War on Terrorism To Tell Story Loloos Gilberta Alves December 10,"
"If the minister's eyes are blind, it is because she has not seen graduated people in education that have been produced for years by universities and UNTL."
"In fact, it is high time that teachers were recruited by means of tests and not through a voluntary system riddled with nepotism."
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Rede Feto Presiza Apoia Finanseira | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Rede Feto Presiza Apoia Finanseira\nRede Feto Presiza Apoia Finanseira\nDILI, 09 jullu 2019 (TATOLI)—Rede Feto hanesan organizasaun ne’ebé serbisu ba feto nia interese ho vizaun Feto Timor Leste livre husi diskriminasaun oioin, atu nune’e feto Timor Leste bele dezenvolve-an iha iklima igualdade, no bele partisipa ho kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu global.\nRede Feto ne’ebé harii iha loron 10 marsu 2000, oras ne’e presiza tebes apoia finanseira atu bele atinje meta serbisu ne’ebé konsagra iha planu no polítika.\nRede Feto ne’ebé mai ho misaun Luta no Defende feto nia interese; Hasae feto nia kapasidade atu involve-an iha iklima igualdade no bele kontribui ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu; no promosaun ba direitu feto, ohin, iha salaun Fundasaun ALOLA, realiza enkontru ho parseiru nasionál sira atu bele komunika malu oinsá buka dalan bele hetan fundu ba reforsa serbisu Rede Feto nian.\nPrograma estratéjiku Rede Feto mak hala’o advokasia, dezenvolve kapasidade membru, sentru Informasaun no komunikasaun no hakbi’it feto iha partidu polítika.\nPrezidente Rede Feto, Judite Dias Ximenes, hateten, enkontru ne’e evaluasaun hamutuk ho parseiru nasionál sira ne’e bele haree hamutuk dezafiu Rede Feto nian, liuliu iha área kapasidade rekursu umanus no rekursu finanseiru.\n“Programa serbisu, ami atinje kuaze 40% de’it tanba la iha possibilidade. Ami atu haka’as-an atu to’o iha 90% susar tanba menus rekursu umanu no rekursu finanseira,” informa Prezidente Rede Feto, Judite Dias Ximenes, ba Ajénsia TATOLI hafoin enkontru ho parseiru nasionál.\nNia informa katak, Nova Zelándia no Estadu Unidus Amérika sira kontinua loke odamatan ba parseiru nasionál sira atu bele hatama sira-nia proposta.\n“Ohin ne’e ami konvida ami-nia parseiru sira husi nasionál nune’e mós parseiru sira ne’ebé mak foun atu oinsá mak bele loke sira-nia fuan, néon para aumenta osan uitoan ba programa serbisu Rede Feto nian,” hateten Judite Dias Ximenes.\nPartisipasaun ba seminário ne’e mai husi Ajénsia sira Nasoins Unidas (ONU) hanesan UNICEF, Embaixada Estadu Unidus Amérika mai Timor-Leste, membru Rede Feto, sosiedade sivíl no mós organizasaun ka asosiasaun nasionál sira.\nMembru Rede Feto nian durante ne’e mak hanesan Fundasaun Alola, Fokupers, APSC-TL, GFFTL, Klinika PAZ, FKSH, Caucus-Feto Polítika, Santa Bakhita, FMF-Liquiça, OMT, OPMT, AMST, UNFETIP, ISMAIK, Sagrada Familia, Asosiasaun JURISTAS, ET-WAVE, Hari’i Au-Metan, PRADET, HAFOTI, FFEO-Oecusse, FPSH, Fund. Moris Hamutuk (FMH) no Fundasaun Harii Familia (FHF).\nPrevious articleKonsellu Ministru Estraordinária Konklui Ona Prosedimentu Ratifikasaun Tratadu Timor-Leste no Austrália\nNext articleAlterasaun Lei Númeru 3/2014, PM Mak Sei Pose Prezidente RAEOA | [
"Rede Feto Presiza Apoia Finanseira | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Rede Feto Presiza Apoia Finanseira Rede Feto Presiza Apoia Finanseira DILI, 09 jullu 2019 (TATOLI) - Rede Feto hanesan organizasaun ne'ebe serbisu ba feto nia interese ho vizaun Feto Timor Leste livre husi diskriminasaun oioin, atu nune'e feto Timor Leste bele dezenvolve-an iha iklima igualdade, no bele partisipa ho kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu global.",
"Rede Feto ne'ebe harii iha loron 10 marsu 2000, oras ne'e presiza tebes apoia finanseira atu bele atinje meta serbisu ne'ebe konsagra iha planu no politika.",
"Rede Feto ne'ebe mai ho misaun Luta no Defende feto nia interese; Hasae feto nia kapasidade atu involve-an iha iklima igualdade no bele kontribui ba prosesu dezenvolvimentu; no promosaun ba direitu feto, ohin, iha salaun Fundasaun ALOLA, realiza enkontru ho parseiru nasional sira atu bele komunika malu oinsa buka dalan bele hetan fundu ba reforsa serbisu Rede Feto nian.",
"Programa estratejiku Rede Feto mak hala'o advokasia, dezenvolve kapasidade membru, sentru Informasaun no komunikasaun no hakbi'it feto iha partidu politika.",
"Prezidente Rede Feto, Judite Dias Ximenes, hateten, enkontru ne'e evaluasaun hamutuk ho parseiru nasional sira ne'e bele haree hamutuk dezafiu Rede Feto nian, liuliu iha area kapasidade rekursu umanus no rekursu finanseiru.",
"\"Programa serbisu, ami atinje kuaze 40% de'it tanba la iha possibilidade.",
"Ami atu haka'as-an atu to'o iha 90% susar tanba menus rekursu umanu no rekursu finanseira,\" informa Prezidente Rede Feto, Judite Dias Ximenes, ba Ajensia TATOLI hafoin enkontru ho parseiru nasional.",
"Nia informa katak, Nova Zelandia no Estadu Unidus Amerika sira kontinua loke odamatan ba parseiru nasional sira atu bele hatama sira-nia proposta.",
"\"Ohin ne'e ami konvida ami-nia parseiru sira husi nasional nune'e mos parseiru sira ne'ebe mak foun atu oinsa mak bele loke sira-nia fuan, neon para aumenta osan uitoan ba programa serbisu Rede Feto nian,\" hateten Judite Dias Ximenes.",
"Partisipasaun ba seminario ne'e mai husi Ajensia sira Nasoins Unidas (ONU) hanesan UNICEF, Embaixada Estadu Unidus Amerika mai Timor-Leste, membru Rede Feto, sosiedade sivil no mos organizasaun ka asosiasaun nasional sira.",
"Membru Rede Feto nian durante ne'e mak hanesan Fundasaun Alola, Fokupers, APSC-TL, GFFTL, Klinika PAZ, FKSH, Caucus-Feto Politika, Santa Bakhita, FMF-Liquica, OMT, OPMT, AMST, UNFETIP, ISMAIK, Sagrada Familia, Asosiasaun JURISTAS, ET-WAVE, Hari'i Au-Metan, PRADET, HAFOTI, FFEO-Oecusse, FPSH, Fund.",
"Moris Hamutuk (FMH) no Fundasaun Harii Familia (FHF).",
"Previous articleKonsellu Ministru Estraordinaria Konklui Ona Prosedimentu Ratifikasaun Tratadu Timor-Leste no Australia Next articleAlterasaun Lei Numeru 3/2014, PM Mak Sei Pose Prezidente RAEOA"
] | [
"Feto Network Needs Financial Support | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Red Women need financial support Rede Woman needs financed Dili, Jul.09th (AFP) - The Female network is an organization that works for the interest of women with a vision to make East Тимор' s female population free from all form Of discrimination so as they can develop in equality and participate by contributing towards global development"
"Rede Feto, which was founded on March 10th of the year in advance is now desperately needing financial support to achieve its work goals as set out by plan and policy."
"Rede Feto, which came with the mission to Fight and Defend women's interest; Raise their capacity for participation in a climate of equality that contributes towards development process. Today at ALOLA Foundation hall held meeting on promoting female rights where national partners were invited into communication about how they can find ways as well obtain funding so we could strengthen our work!"
"Rede Feto's strategic programs include advocacy, member capacity development and information/communication centres. It also promoted women in political parties through its network of regional representatives who represented the 150 local groups that are members thereof (see below)."
"Rede Feto President, Judite Dias Ximenes said that the meeting was a joint evaluation with national partners to see together challenges of Red Women' s especially in human resource capacity area and financial resources."
"\"Program work, we achieved almost 40% only because there was no possibility."
"We want to increase ourselves so that we can reach 90%, but it is difficult because of lack in human and financial resources,\" Rede Feto President Judite Dias Ximenes told Agência Imprensa after a meeting with national partners."
"He informed that New Zealand and the United States of America continue to open their doors for national partners so they can submit proposals."
"\"Today we are inviting our national partners and also new ones to open their hearts, neon for a little more money towards the work programme of Rede Feto\", said Judite Diaz Ximenes."
"Participation in the seminar came from United Nations (UN) agencies such as UNICEF, U.S Embassy to Timor-Leste and members of Rede Feto; civil society organizations or national associations also participated at this workshop"
"Members of the Feto Network are currently: Alola Foundation, Fokupers (Foundation), APSC-TL GFFTL Klinika PAZ(Peace Clinic) FCSH Caucus - Women in Politics Santa Bakhita FMLiquica OMT OPmt AMST UNFETIP ISMAIK Sagrada Familia JURISTS Association ET WAVE Hari'i Au Metan PRADET HAFOTI"
"Moris Hamutuk (FMH) and Fundasaun Harii Familia(FHF)."
"Previous articleExtraordinary Council of Ministers Concludes Ratification Procedure for Timor-Leste and Australia Treaty Next artikelAmendment to Law Number 3/2014, PM Will Take Office as President Of OEA Region"
] |
S.E. PREZIDENTE REPÚBLIKA TMR INAUGURA MONUMENTU TRAJÉDIA TCHAIVATXA 1985 - Presidência da República de Timor-Leste\nS.E. PREZIDENTE REPÚBLIKA TMR INAUGURA MONUMENTU TRAJÉDIA TCHAIVATXA 1985\nby Media Team Posted on 23/07/2015\nLospalos-Lautem, 21 Jullu 2015 – S.E. Prezidente Repúblika, Taur Matan Ruak, ne’ebé akompañadu hosi Primeira Dama, Isabel Ferreira, hamutuk ho eis-Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão hala’o inaugurasaun ba monumentu trajédia Tchaivatxa 1985, iha tersa-feira iha aldeia Tchaivatxa, suku Soru, postu administrativu Lospalos, munisípiu Lautem.\nTrajédia Tchaivatxa akontese iha loron 21 fulan-Jullu tinan 1985 wainhira hala’o kontaktu dame iha fatin refere entre forsa inimigu ho FALINTIL sira. Maibé, kontaktu ne’ebé atu hala’o ne’e, falla, ikusmai tiru-malu akontese no halo FALINTIL hamutuk na’in-sia inklui Primeiru Komandante Unidade Brigada Vermella, Miguel Pereira ho kódigu Falutxai mate iha akontesimentu refere. Vítima mate mós mosu husi parte Indonézia nian.\nLiuhusi diskursu Xefe Estadu hatete, iha fatin hotu mosu akontesimentu ne’ebé hanesan mosu iha Tchaivatxa, i akontesimentu refere hola parte marxa ida hodi kontribui ba ukun-rasik an.\n“Sira-ne’ebé mate iha ne’e, sira hotu ne’ebé mate iha ai-laran ne’ebá, sira hotu erois. Tanba, lori sira ita hetan independénsia, sira maka ita-nia eroi duni, jerasaun sei lembra. Lori sira maka ita hetan ukun-an, lori sira maka ohin ita hetan di’ak”, esplika Xefe Estadu.\nXefe Estadu subliña eroi sira-ne’ebé sakrifika ona sira-nia vida, husik hela todan ba Timór-oan hotu ne’ebé sei moris atu hatutan sira-nia luta hodi buka moris-di’ak.\n“Sira bá husik hela todan ba ita, todan ida-ne’ebé sira husik hela ba ita maka ba buka moris-di’ak. Sira fó Ukun-An ba ita, agora ita bá buka moris-di’ak. Moris-di’ak signifika família sira iha uma di’ak, iha estrada, iha bee moos, oan sira ba eskola, iha osan, la preokupa aban atu han saida, ne’e mak moris-di’ak”, dehan Xefe Estadu.\nXefe Estadu aproveita agradese ba komisaun organizadora no ba família eroi sira ne’ebé hola inisiativa halo monumentu refere. Xefe Estadu impresiona ho monumentu refere tanba iha duni sentidu hodi husik memória ba jerasaun foun sira.\nIha parte seluk, eis-Komandante En Xefe Falintil, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, atuál Ministru Planeamentu no Investimentu Estratéjiku, hatete katak “eroi trajédia Tchaivatxa la’ós família nian, nein Lospalos nian de’it, maibé sira hanesan herois Timor-Leste nian”.\nEis-Primeiru Ministru ne’e husu ba família eroi sira, liuliu deputada Albina ne’ebé hanesan feto-faluk hosi Komandante Falutxai atu husik ona sentimentu triste, no husu família tenke orgullu tanba ema ne’ebé sira hadomi husik sira hodi fó vida ba Ukun-Rasik An.\nSerimónia inaugurasaun ne’e hahú ho misa agradesimentu, no kontinua tau ai-funan no asina plaka inaugurasaun\nHola parte iha serimónia refere, membru governu balun, membru Parlamentu Nasionál balun, Komandante Jerál PNTL, Xefe Estadu Maiór Jenerál F-FDTL, família erois trajédia Tchaivatxa nian no komunidade Lospalos Villa. | [
"S.E. PREZIDENTE REPUBLIKA TMR INAUGURA MONUMENTU TRAJEDIA TCHAIVATXA 1985 - Presidencia da Republica de Timor-Leste S.E. PREZIDENTE REPUBLIKA TMR INAUGURA MONUMENTU TRAJEDIA TCHAIVATXA 1985 by Media Team Posted on 23/07/2015 Lospalos-Lautem, 21 Jullu 2015 - S.E. Prezidente Republika, Taur Matan Ruak, ne'ebe akompanadu hosi Primeira Dama, Isabel Ferreira, hamutuk ho eis-Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao hala'o inaugurasaun ba monumentu trajedia Tchaivatxa 1985, iha tersa-feira iha aldeia Tchaivatxa, suku Soru, postu administrativu Lospalos, munisipiu Lautem.",
"Trajedia Tchaivatxa akontese iha loron 21 fulan-Jullu tinan 1985 wainhira hala'o kontaktu dame iha fatin refere entre forsa inimigu ho FALINTIL sira.",
"Maibe, kontaktu ne'ebe atu hala'o ne'e, falla, ikusmai tiru-malu akontese no halo FALINTIL hamutuk na'in-sia inklui Primeiru Komandante Unidade Brigada Vermella, Miguel Pereira ho kodigu Falutxai mate iha akontesimentu refere.",
"Vitima mate mos mosu husi parte Indonezia nian.",
"Liuhusi diskursu Xefe Estadu hatete, iha fatin hotu mosu akontesimentu ne'ebe hanesan mosu iha Tchaivatxa, i akontesimentu refere hola parte marxa ida hodi kontribui ba ukun-rasik an.",
"\"Sira-ne'ebe mate iha ne'e, sira hotu ne'ebe mate iha ai-laran ne'eba, sira hotu erois.",
"Tanba, lori sira ita hetan independensia, sira maka ita-nia eroi duni, jerasaun sei lembra.",
"Lori sira maka ita hetan ukun-an, lori sira maka ohin ita hetan di'ak,\" esplika Xefe Estadu.",
"Xefe Estadu sublina eroi sira-ne'ebe sakrifika ona sira-nia vida, husik hela todan ba Timor-oan hotu ne'ebe sei moris atu hatutan sira-nia luta hodi buka moris-di'ak.",
"\"Sira ba husik hela todan ba ita, todan ida-ne'ebe sira husik hela ba ita maka ba buka moris-di'ak.",
"Sira fo Ukun-An ba ita, agora ita ba buka moris-di'ak.",
"Moris-di'ak signifika familia sira iha uma di'ak, iha estrada, iha bee moos, oan sira ba eskola, iha osan, la preokupa aban atu han saida, ne'e mak moris-di'ak,\" dehan Xefe Estadu.",
"Xefe Estadu aproveita agradese ba komisaun organizadora no ba familia eroi sira ne'ebe hola inisiativa halo monumentu refere.",
"Xefe Estadu impresiona ho monumentu refere tanba iha duni sentidu hodi husik memoria ba jerasaun foun sira.",
"Iha parte seluk, eis-Komandante En Xefe Falintil, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, atual Ministru Planeamentu no Investimentu Estratejiku, hatete katak \"eroi trajedia Tchaivatxa la'os familia nian, nein Lospalos nian de'it, maibe sira hanesan herois Timor-Leste nian.\"",
"Eis-Primeiru Ministru ne'e husu ba familia eroi sira, liuliu deputada Albina ne'ebe hanesan feto-faluk hosi Komandante Falutxai atu husik ona sentimentu triste, no husu familia tenke orgullu tanba ema ne'ebe sira hadomi husik sira hodi fo vida ba Ukun-Rasik An.",
"Serimonia inaugurasaun ne'e hahu ho misa agradesimentu, no kontinua tau ai-funan no asina plaka inaugurasaun Hola parte iha serimonia refere, membru governu balun, membru Parlamentu Nasional balun, Komandante Jeral PNTL, Xefe Estadu Maior Jeneral F-FDTL, familia erois trajedia Tchaivatxa nian no komunidade Lospalos Villa."
] | [
"HIS EXCELLENCY THE PRESIDENT OF TIMOR-LESTE INAUGURASES MONUMENTU TRAJEDIA TCHAIVATXA,1985 - Presidencia da Republica de Timor Leste His Excellency the President of Timourl Leste inaugurases monumentu trajedia tchaivatxa. by Media Team Posted on Julh23rd Lospalos – Lautem: HRH The Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao and his wife Isabel Ferreira attended an inauguration ceremony for a newly erected Monument to Memorialize Tragedy Tchaivatxa that took place during World War II between July/August (7th) & August / September(6 th)."
"The tragedy of Tchaivatxa occurred on July,21st in the same year when there was a peaceful contact at that place between enemy forces and FALINTIL."
"However, the contact failed and a gunfight broke out in which nine FALINTIL soldiers were killed including Prime Commander of Red Brigade Unit Miguel Pereira with codename Falutxai."
"There were also casualties on the Indonesian side."
"In his speech, the Head of State said that events like those in Tchaivatxa occurred everywhere and were a step towards independence."
"\"They who die here, all of them that died in the fields there are heroes."
"Because, thanks to them we gained independence. They are our heroes indeed and generations will remember it!"
"It was with them that we gained our independence, and it is thanks to their efforts today the country has achieved its well-being,” he explains."
"The Head of State emphasized the heroes who have sacrificed their lives, leaving a legacy for all Timorese to continue fighting in order that they may live better."
"\"They're going to leave us with nothing, and the thing they left behind is that we are looking for a better life."
"They gave us the Kingdom, now we are looking for death."
"Living well means families with good houses, roads and clean water; children going to school or having money. Not worrying about what they'll eat tomorrow is a way of living.\""
"The Head of State took this opportunity to thank the organizing committee and families who had taken on their own initiative in building a monument."
"The Head of State was impressed by the monument because it made a real sense to leave memory for new generations."
"On the other hand, former Chief Commander of FALINTIL Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao and current Minister for Planning & Strategic Investment said that \"the heroes in Tchaivatxa's tragedy are not just family or Lospalo’ s Heroe but they were all Timor-Leste."
"The former Prime Minister called on the families of heroes, especially deputy Albina who is a wife-in -law to Commander Falutxai's family and said that they should be proud because their loved one left them for life in Ukun Rasik An."
"The inauguration ceremony began with a mass of thanksgiving, followed by laying flowers and signing the opening plaque. Participants in this event included several government members; some national parliamentarians: PNTL Commander-General (Commander General), Chiefs Of Staff - F/FDTL general staff chief(Chef de Staff) family heroes from Tchaivatxa tragedy as well As Lospalo'S Villa community"
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SFJJ ajusta matéria foun ba formasaun autór judisiál | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI SFJJ ajusta matéria foun ba formasaun autór judisiál\nSFJJ ajusta matéria foun ba formasaun autór judisiál\nDILI, 21 maiu 2021 (TATOLI)—Sentru Formasaun Jurídika no Judisíariu (SFJJ), halo ajustamentu ba elaborasaun materia foun iha kurríkulu, hodi bele fó formasaun ba autór judisiál foun, hanesan juiz, prokuradór ho defensór.\nDiretór SFJJ, Antonino Gonçalves, hateten materia formasaun jerál ne’ebé durante ne’e hanorin ba autór judisiál foun mak hanesan, introdusaun direitu, kódigu penál, kódigu prosesu penál, kódigu sivíl, kódigu prosesu sivíl, lían portugés ba termu tékniku jurídiku no sira-seluk.\nNotísia relevante:SFJJ sei loke uluk vaga lisensiatura direitu ba formasaun juiz\nAlende ne’e, hanorin mós materia espesífiku-sira hanesan ba juiz-nian, oinsá bele halo interpretasaun foti desizaun ruma, ba prokuradór atu prodús akuzasaun no defensór oinsá bele fó asisténsia ida di’ak.\n“Maibé, iha avaliasaun durante ne’e ita presiza halo ajustamentu ba matéria foun-sira mak hanesan, direitu sosiedade komersiál, direitu traballu, direitu família menór, direitu administrativu, fiskál no finansa, korrupsaun, direitu tasi ka internasionál, direitu fundamentál iha konstituisaun, direitu organizasaun administrativu, direitu organizasaun sistema polítiku, planeamentu jestaun no lideransa, étika de antolojia, psikolojia, teknolojia informasaun no komunikasaun, violénsia doméstika, igualidade jéneru ho sira-seluk,’’ Antonino Gonçalves, hateten ba jornalista Agéncia Tatoli, iha kna’ar fatin Caicoli, sesta ne’e.\nMatéria hirak-ne’e, SFJJ halo ajustamentu ba kurríkulu no ninia elaborasaun finaliza ona, hein fó formasaun ba kandadatu foun-sira.\nIha formasaun, SFJJ mós sei introdús mateira balun liu hosi semináriu, hodi konvida péritu-sira atu bele partilla.\nNia dehan, SFJJ halo ona estudu komparativu ho nasaun sira iha komunidade ne’ebé ko’alia lian portugés (CPLP-siglá protugés), liu-liu iha Portugal, hodi dezenvolve kurríkulu ba elaborasaun matéria sira-ne’e.\n“Ita-nia kurríkulu ho elaborasaun matéria sira-ne’e ho nível internasionál, hanesan ho sentru formasaun jurídika-sira iha nasaun CPLP-nian liu-liu Portugal, tanba ita-nia sistema justisa, maioria adopta hosi ne’ebá,’’ Antónino Gonçalves, subliña.\nTanba ne’e, kandidatu-sira bainhira tuir formasaun, tenke aproveita tempu ho didi’ak atu bele kapasita an sai kapábel liu-tan.\n“kurríkulu ba matéria ne’ebé ita ajusta, sei forma autór judisial ne’ebé ho kapasidade preparadu ba futuru atu sai juiz, prokuradór no defensór,’’ nia hateten.\nOras-ne’e daudaun, SFJJ iha ona formadór internasionál na’in-rua hosi Portugal no hato’o ona pedidu ba ministériu tutela, atu rekruta tan formadór internasionál nu’udár juiz ida, prokuradór ida, defensór rua ho psikólogu ida, atu bele fó formasaun ba kandidatu foun.\nSFJJ presiza nafatin formadór internasionál, tanba durante tinan 20 ona, Timor-Leste seidauk halo investimentu di’ak.\n“Maibé komesa tinan oin, ita hanoin ona hodi selesiona mós formadór nasionál, atu bele akompaña asistente, nune’e iha futuru bele fó formasaun rasik, tanba iha juiz antigu ida ka rua no jurista balun ho karreira to’o tinan ualu, ho dosente-sira iha universidade balun iha esperiénsia di’ak, atu bele sai formadór,’’ nia dehan.\nFormasaun ba autór judisiál foun atu sai juiz, prokuradór no defensór sei hetan teoria tinan rua iha sentru formasaun no tinan ida sei halo estájiu.\nOras-ne’e daudaun, SFJJ loke ona vaga ba kanditadu atu tuir formasaun sai juiz, iha ona faze atu tama teste eskrita no prokuradór ho defensór hala’o hela inskrisaun.\nSuspende formasaun komplementár\nIha ámbitu implementasaun serka sanitária no konfinamentu domisiliáriu, SFJJ suspende atividade formasaun komplementár ba juiz, prokuradór no defensór.\nDiretór SFJJ, Antonino Gonçalves, hateten, bainhira autór judisiál-sira haree ba lei foun ruma no julgamentu kazu ne’ebé ho nia kompleksidade bo’ot, iha difikuldade bele hato’o pedidu atu hetan formasaun.\nTanba ne’e, formasaun komplementár nu’udár formasaun kontínua ba juiz, prokuradór no defensór ne’ebé oras-ne’e daudaun hala’o hela kna’ar atu bele aumenta no hadi’a liu tan sira-nia koñesimentu.\n“Ita mós simu pedidu hosi parte Defensoria Públika atu bele fó formasaun kona-bá lei foun Medida Prevensaun no Kombate Korrupsaun (MPCC-siglá portugés), maibé ho situasaun COVID-19, ita labele realiza,’’ nia informa.\nMaski nune’e, SFJJ kontinua atende juiz balun ne’ebé iha difikuldade hodi halo konsultasaun.\nPrevious articleKonsultór IFC aprezenta faze inísiu estudu viabilidade abitasaun iha Hera\nNext articleUNDIL-UNPAZ prepara simu estudante Bolsa Hakbiit | [
"SFJJ ajusta materia foun ba formasaun autor judisial | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI SFJJ ajusta materia foun ba formasaun autor judisial SFJJ ajusta materia foun ba formasaun autor judisial DILI, 21 maiu 2021 (TATOLI) - Sentru Formasaun Juridika no Judisiariu (SFJJ), halo ajustamentu ba elaborasaun materia foun iha kurrikulu, hodi bele fo formasaun ba autor judisial foun, hanesan juiz, prokurador ho defensor.",
"Diretor SFJJ, Antonino Goncalves, hateten materia formasaun jeral ne'ebe durante ne'e hanorin ba autor judisial foun mak hanesan, introdusaun direitu, kodigu penal, kodigu prosesu penal, kodigu sivil, kodigu prosesu sivil, lian portuges ba termu tekniku juridiku no sira-seluk.",
"Notisia relevante:SFJJ sei loke uluk vaga lisensiatura direitu ba formasaun juiz Alende ne'e, hanorin mos materia espesifiku-sira hanesan ba juiz-nian, oinsa bele halo interpretasaun foti desizaun ruma, ba prokurador atu produs akuzasaun no defensor oinsa bele fo asistensia ida di'ak.",
"\"Maibe, iha avaliasaun durante ne'e ita presiza halo ajustamentu ba materia foun-sira mak hanesan, direitu sosiedade komersial, direitu traballu, direitu familia menor, direitu administrativu, fiskal no finansa, korrupsaun, direitu tasi ka internasional, direitu fundamental iha konstituisaun, direitu organizasaun administrativu, direitu organizasaun sistema politiku, planeamentu jestaun no lideransa, etika de antolojia, psikolojia, teknolojia informasaun no komunikasaun, violensia domestika, igualidade jeneru ho sira-seluk, \" Antonino Goncalves, hateten ba jornalista Agencia Tatoli, iha kna'ar fatin Caicoli, sesta ne'e.",
"Materia hirak-ne'e, SFJJ halo ajustamentu ba kurrikulu no ninia elaborasaun finaliza ona, hein fo formasaun ba kandadatu foun-sira.",
"Iha formasaun, SFJJ mos sei introdus mateira balun liu hosi seminariu, hodi konvida peritu-sira atu bele partilla.",
"Nia dehan, SFJJ halo ona estudu komparativu ho nasaun sira iha komunidade ne'ebe ko'alia lian portuges (CPLP-sigla protuges), liu-liu iha Portugal, hodi dezenvolve kurrikulu ba elaborasaun materia sira-ne'e.",
"\"Ita-nia kurrikulu ho elaborasaun materia sira-ne'e ho nivel internasional, hanesan ho sentru formasaun juridika-sira iha nasaun CPLP-nian liu-liu Portugal, tanba ita-nia sistema justisa, maioria adopta hosi ne'eba, \" Antonino Goncalves, sublina.",
"Tanba ne'e, kandidatu-sira bainhira tuir formasaun, tenke aproveita tempu ho didi'ak atu bele kapasita an sai kapabel liu-tan. \"kurrikulu ba materia ne'ebe ita ajusta, sei forma autor judisial ne'ebe ho kapasidade preparadu ba futuru atu sai juiz, prokurador no defensor, \" nia hateten.",
"Oras-ne'e daudaun, SFJJ iha ona formador internasional na'in-rua hosi Portugal no hato'o ona pedidu ba ministeriu tutela, atu rekruta tan formador internasional nu'udar juiz ida, prokurador ida, defensor rua ho psikologu ida, atu bele fo formasaun ba kandidatu foun.",
"SFJJ presiza nafatin formador internasional, tanba durante tinan 20 ona, Timor-Leste seidauk halo investimentu di'ak.",
"\"Maibe komesa tinan oin, ita hanoin ona hodi selesiona mos formador nasional, atu bele akompana asistente, nune'e iha futuru bele fo formasaun rasik, tanba iha juiz antigu ida ka rua no jurista balun ho karreira to'o tinan ualu, ho dosente-sira iha universidade balun iha esperiensia di'ak, atu bele sai formador, \" nia dehan.",
"Formasaun ba autor judisial foun atu sai juiz, prokurador no defensor sei hetan teoria tinan rua iha sentru formasaun no tinan ida sei halo estajiu.",
"Oras-ne'e daudaun, SFJJ loke ona vaga ba kanditadu atu tuir formasaun sai juiz, iha ona faze atu tama teste eskrita no prokurador ho defensor hala'o hela inskrisaun.",
"Suspende formasaun komplementar Iha ambitu implementasaun serka sanitaria no konfinamentu domisiliariu, SFJJ suspende atividade formasaun komplementar ba juiz, prokurador no defensor.",
"Diretor SFJJ, Antonino Goncalves, hateten, bainhira autor judisial-sira haree ba lei foun ruma no julgamentu kazu ne'ebe ho nia kompleksidade bo'ot, iha difikuldade bele hato'o pedidu atu hetan formasaun.",
"Tanba ne'e, formasaun komplementar nu'udar formasaun kontinua ba juiz, prokurador no defensor ne'ebe oras-ne'e daudaun hala'o hela kna'ar atu bele aumenta no hadi'a liu tan sira-nia konesimentu.",
"\"Ita mos simu pedidu hosi parte Defensoria Publika atu bele fo formasaun kona-ba lei foun Medida Prevensaun no Kombate Korrupsaun (MPCC-sigla portuges), maibe ho situasaun COVID-19, ita labele realiza, \" nia informa.",
"Maski nune'e, SFJJ kontinua atende juiz balun ne'ebe iha difikuldade hodi halo konsultasaun.",
"Previous articleKonsultor IFC aprezenta faze inisiu estudu viabilidade abitasaun iha Hera Next articleUNDIL-UNPAZ prepara simu estudante Bolsa Hakbiit"
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"SFJJ adjusts new subject matter for judicial author training | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI The Legal and Judicial Training Centre (SFJB) has made some changes to its curriculum, in order that it can train the next generation of judiciary officials such as judge."
"Director of SFJJ, Antonino Goncalves said that the general training subjects taught during this time to new judicial authorities are such as: introduction in law; criminal code and civil procedure codes. The Portuguese language for technical legal terms etc..."
"Relevant news:SFJJ will first open a vacancy for the licentiate degree in law to train judges. In addition, it also teaches specific subject-matters such as how an interpreter can make his or her interpretation of some decision; prosecutors are taught on presenting charge and defense counsel is instructed about providing good assistance during trial process"
"\"However, in the evaluation process we need to make adjustments for new subjects such as corporate law; labour rights and minor family legal issues. Administrative Law: Taxes & Finance Corruption Sea or International Legal Fundamental Rights Constitutional Organization Political System Planning Management And Leadership Ethics Anthology Psychological Information Technology Communication Domestic Violence Gender Equality etc.\" Antonino Goncalves told reporter Agência Tatoli at Caicoli office on Saturday 10th of June that he is considering adding more course items during this year' s re-assessment period which will be completed by September (23rd)."
"These subjects, SFJJ has made adjustments to the curriculum and its elaboration is completed pending training of new candidate-sir."
"In the course of training, SFJJ will also introduce some topics through a seminar and invite experts to share their experience."
"He said that SFJJ has carried out a comparative study with countries in the Portuguese-speaking community (CPLP), particularly Portugal, to develop curricula for elaboration of these subject areas."
"\"Our curriculum and the elaboration of these subjects are at an international level, as with legal training centres in CPLP countries especially Portugal because our justice system is mostly adopted from there\", Antonino Goncalves emphasizes."
"Therefore, candidates when attending the training must make good use of their time to become more capable. \"The curriculum for subject matter that we adjust will form a judicial author who has capacity prepared in future as judge and prosecutor\", he said .\""
"At present, SFJJ already has two international trainers from Portugal and have submitted a request to the competent ministry for additional training of new candidates by recruiting an extra trainer as judge or prosecutor."
"SFJJ still needs international trainers, because for 20 years now Timor-Leste has not made any good investment."
"\"But starting next year, we are thinking of selecting also national trainers to accompany the assistants so that in future they can give their own training because there is one or two former judge and some lawyers with career up eight years. Some university lecturers have good experience as a formador\", he said.\""
"Training for new judicial author to become a judge, prosecutor and defender will have two years of theory in the training center with one year internship."
"At present, SFJJ has opened vacancies for candidates to train as judge and is in the process of taking a written test. Prosecutors with defence counsel are also enrolling at this time-frame;"
"Within the scope of implementing sanitary lockdown and home quarantine, SFJJ has suspended additional training activities for judges. prosecutors & defensores publicos (public defender)."
"Director of SFJJ, Antonino Goncalves said that when judicial authors are looking at some new law and trial cases with its complexity bo'o de difícil to submit a request for training."
"Therefore, complementary training as a continuing education for judges and prosecutors who are currently working in order to increase their knowledge."
"\"We have also received a request from the Public Defender's Office to provide training on new law Measure for Prevention and Combating Corruption (MPCC), but with COVID-19, we can not carry it out\", he said."
"Despite this, SFJJ continues to attend some judge in difficulty for consultation."
"Previous articleIFC consultant presents initial phase of housing feasibility study in Hera Next ArticleUNDIL-UNPAZ prepare to receive Hakbiit Scholarship students"
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Semana oin, MESSK-BNCTL asina akordu fó kréditu ba Universidade | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Semana oin, MESSK-BNCTL asina akordu fó kréditu ba Universidade\nDILI, 22 janeiru 2022 (TATOLI)– Ministériu Ensinu Superiór Siénsia no Kultura (MESSK), kuarta (26/01), asina akordu ho Banku Nasionál Komérsiu Timor-Leste (BNCTL,sigla portugés) atu hahú fó kréditu ba Universidade akreditadu hamutuk 16 hodi hadi’a kualidade infraestrutura no kapasitasaun rekursu umanu.\n“Totál orsamentu ba liña kréditu ne’ebé MESSK prevee ona hamutuk millaun $5. Fundu sira ne’e MESSK prevee hosi tinan 2021 millaun $2,5 no tinan 2022 kontinua tan ho millaun $2,5. Hosi totál fundu ne’e, MESSK sei aseleira prosesu kréditu ba Universidade 16 iha tinan ida ne’e atu apoia hadi’a kualidade Universidade sira nian,” Ministru Ensinu Superiór Siénsia no Kultura (MESSK), Longuinhos dos Santos, hateten iha Pálasiu Governu-Dili, kuarta foin lalais ne’e.\nUniversidade bele asesu liña kréditu, hafoin Governu ho BNCTL asina ona akordu no kada universidade másimu bele kréditu to’o $500.000 ho ninia jurus depende ba banku, maibé obrigasaun governu nia sei responsabiliza 3% hosi kréditu ne’ebé universidade sira foti.\n“Kona-ba jurus kréditu depende ba banku, maibé governu ninia obrigasaun sei responsabiliza 3%. Ezemplu ita nia universidade sira kréditu $500.000, kuandu banku fó ninia jurus 6% entaun ita responsabiliza 3% no universidade 3%,” nia akresenta\nDaudaun ne’e, MESSK simu ona lista ka dadus iha universidade 16 maka posibilidade atu asesu kréditu ba tinan ida ne’e. maibé proposta ne’ebé konfirmadu ona maka Institute off Business (IOB), Institutu Dom Boa Ventura, Universidade de Dili (UNDIL), UNITAL no ETCI hodi hadi’a infraestrutura no kapasita rekursu umanu universidade nian.\nPrevious articleBenefísia povu, Aileu-oan husu Governu kontinua implementa programa UKL\nNext articlePD deside Mariano ‘Assanami’ Sabino sai kandidatu ba Prezidente Repúblika | [
"Semana oin, MESSK-BNCTL asina akordu fo kreditu ba Universidade | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Semana oin, MESSK-BNCTL asina akordu fo kreditu ba Universidade DILI, 22 janeiru 2022 (TATOLI) - Ministeriu Ensinu Superior Siensia no Kultura (MESSK), kuarta (26/01), asina akordu ho Banku Nasional Komersiu Timor-Leste (BNCTL,sigla portuges) atu hahu fo kreditu ba Universidade akreditadu hamutuk 16 hodi hadi'a kualidade infraestrutura no kapasitasaun rekursu umanu.",
"\"Total orsamentu ba lina kreditu ne'ebe MESSK prevee ona hamutuk millaun $5.",
"Fundu sira ne'e MESSK prevee hosi tinan 2021 millaun $2,5 no tinan 2022 kontinua tan ho millaun $2,5.",
"Hosi total fundu ne'e, MESSK sei aseleira prosesu kreditu ba Universidade 16 iha tinan ida ne'e atu apoia hadi'a kualidade Universidade sira nian,\" Ministru Ensinu Superior Siensia no Kultura (MESSK), Longuinhos dos Santos, hateten iha Palasiu Governu-Dili, kuarta foin lalais ne'e.",
"Universidade bele asesu lina kreditu, hafoin Governu ho BNCTL asina ona akordu no kada universidade masimu bele kreditu to'o $500.000 ho ninia jurus depende ba banku, maibe obrigasaun governu nia sei responsabiliza 3% hosi kreditu ne'ebe universidade sira foti.",
"\"Kona-ba jurus kreditu depende ba banku, maibe governu ninia obrigasaun sei responsabiliza 3%.",
"Ezemplu ita nia universidade sira kreditu $500.000, kuandu banku fo ninia jurus 6% entaun ita responsabiliza 3% no universidade 3%,\" nia akresenta Daudaun ne'e, MESSK simu ona lista ka dadus iha universidade 16 maka posibilidade atu asesu kreditu ba tinan ida ne'e. maibe proposta ne'ebe konfirmadu ona maka Institute off Business (IOB), Institutu Dom Boa Ventura, Universidade de Dili (UNDIL), UNITAL no ETCI hodi hadi'a infraestrutura no kapasita rekursu umanu universidade nian.",
"Previous articleBenefisia povu, Aileu-oan husu Governu kontinua implementa programa UKL Next articlePD deside Mariano 'Assanami' Sabino sai kandidatu ba Prezidente Republika"
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"Next week, MESSK-BNCTL signs agreement to provide credit for University | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor -Leste VARANDA DILI Week ahead of the meeting in Dili between Minister Ensinu Superiór Siénsia no Kultura and National Commercial Bank (Banku Nasional Komersiu TL), two institutions have agreed on providing loans through their joint partnership."
"\"The total budget for the credit line that MESSK has provided is $5 million."
"The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology is planning to provide $2.5 million in funding for these programs from the year #10-34 (to be completed) until December#9 with a further increase by another$678m as per budgetary allocations"
"Of this total, MESSK will facilitate the credit process for 16 Universities in order to support improving their quality of higher education\", said Minister Longuinhos dos Santos at Government Palace on Tuesday."
"University can access the credit line, after Government and BNCTL have signed an agreement. Each university may maximum loan up to $501k with its interest rate depending on bank but government obligations will be responsible for a charge of three percent from any loans taken by universities"
"\"Regarding the credit rate, it depends on bank but government bond will be responsible for 3%."
"For example, our universities credit $501.6 million and when the bank gives its rates of interest at a rate that is higher than this we are responsible for an additional charges amounting to three percent (3%),\" he added To date MESSK has received list or data on sixteen Universitie which have been considered as potential candidate in accession from loan scheme by IOB but confirmed proposal were Institute off Business(Iob), Instituto Dom Boa Venturas) Universidade de Dili-UNDIL UNITAL e ETCI - all with objectives towards improvings infrastructure & human resource capacity building within their respective institutions"
"Previous articleBenefisia povo, Aileu-oan pedi Governo continua implementa programa UKL Next ArticlePD decide Mariano 'Assanami' Sabino to be candidate for President of the Republic"
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Foinsa’e Timoroan Sensibliza Risku Ambientál Liuhusi Kompetisaun | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EDUKASAUN Foinsa’e Timoroan Sensibliza Risku Ambientál Liuhusi Kompetisaun\nFoinsa’e Timoroan Sensibliza Risku Ambientál Liuhusi Kompetisaun\nKoordenadora Kompetisaun, Dircia Sarmento Belo. Foto TATOLI: Tomé Amado\nDILI, 11 outubru 2019 (TATOLI)-Foinsa’e timoroan sira ne’ebé hamahan aan iha Grupu TYIFD(Timor East Youths Inisiative for Development) hamutuk ho EWC (East-West Center) hala’o kompetisaun teatru no arte-vizuál nu´udar asaun sensiblizasaun ida hodi konvida komunidade tomak atu komprende kona-ba risku ambientál.\nTimor-Leste tama iha kategoria nasaun ida ne’ebé kada loron prodús lixu aas iha mundu, la´ós de’it iha rai maran maibé iha tasi laran no tasi ninin.\nImpaktu husi lixu sira ne’e sei lori risku boot ba ambientál iha tasi maran no mós iha tasi laran, tanba korál sira bele mate hotu. Ne’e duni, TYIFD serbisu hamutuk EWC halo kompetisaun teatru no arte-vizuál ne’e nudar asaun sensiblizasaun ida ba komunidade sira oinsá atu komprende kona-ba risku ambiente.\n“Kompetisaun ne’e nu´udar maneira ida atu hasa’e koñesementu komunidade nian oinsá atu hatene halo jestaun ba luxu ho di´ak. Ita tenta influénsia komunidade sira liuhusi teatru ne’e atu sira bele komprende di´ak liutan atu halo jestaun ba lixu sira,” hateten Koordenadora Kompetisaun, Dircia Sarmento Belo ba Ajénsia TATOLI iha Delta Nova, sesta (11/10/2019).\nNia dehan, iha meneira barak atu konvida komunidade sira, liuhusi teatru no arte-vizual ne’e atu hasa’e konsiénsia públiku atu bele resposta ba risku ambientál hodi bele elemina problema lixu iha tasi no kuidadu saúde ema nian. “Objetivu fundamentál mak oinsa atu influénsia publiku atu hatene didiak relasaun entre rai maran ho tasi ne’e oinsá”.\nDircia esplika katak prosesu atu atinje metas ba realizasaun kompetisaun nia prosesu naruk tanba antes sira halo proposta ba EWC iha Hawai (Estadu Unidu Amérika-EUA) hodi hetan apoiu fundu atu bele realiza kompetisaun. Maibé, envolvimentu grupu ualu iha kompetisian ne’e ba dahuluk tenke priense uluk aplikasaun.\n“Ami loke aplikasaun ne’e bazeia liu ba grupu sira ne’ebé ezisti tiha ona, la´ós grupu ne’ebé rona kompetisaun mak foin halibur malu,” nia informa.\nFoinsa´e timoroan ne´e informa tan katak kritériu ida ne’e TYIFD aplika atu promove liután kreatividade ne’ebé mak grupu sira ne’e iha ona tanba sira komprende ona kona-ba background ka antesidénsia no ideia teatru sira ne’e.\nDepois sira sei halo fali aprezentasaun atu komisaun bele haree fali kreatividade grupu sira nian inklui kompromísu atu lori projetu ne’e to’o ramata ka lae. Husi aprezentasaun ne’e mak grupu ualu ne’e fahe ba parte rua; grupu haat ba teatru no haat seluk ba arte-vizuál.\nLa´ós ne’e de’it, Koordenadora Dircia tenik tan katak komisaun sei fasilita fali grupu ualu ne’e liuhusi apoiu ideia husi espertu na´in sira kona-ba arte no vizuál nian mai fó hanoin tan ba grupu sira ne’e hafoin mak grupu ualu ne’e foin dezenvolve fali ideia ne’ebé sira hakerek ona.\n“Ami fó tempu fulan rua inklui fundu ba sira atu bele dezenvolve ideia sira ne’e no rezultadu mak sira mai halo ona aprezentasaun iha kompetisuan ne’e hodi hatudu fila fali materia ne’ebé sira prepara ona”.\n“Agora TYIFD sei lapara ninia suporta ba grupu ualu ne’e, kontinuasaun la´o nafatin hodi garante nafatin atividade kreativu grupu sira ne’e bele moris ba bebeik maibé fundus ba manan nain sira sei fó dala rua atu garante atividade ne’e bele implenta to’o ramata,” nia konklui.\nPrevious articlePrezensa Sabaun FINI Atu Kombate Moras Kulit\nNext articleCeslink Kompleta Ona Dokumentu | [
"Foinsa'e Timoroan Sensibliza Risku Ambiental Liuhusi Kompetisaun | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN Foinsa'e Timoroan Sensibliza Risku Ambiental Liuhusi Kompetisaun Foinsa'e Timoroan Sensibliza Risku Ambiental Liuhusi Kompetisaun Koordenadora Kompetisaun, Dircia Sarmento Belo.",
"Foto TATOLI: Tome Amado DILI, 11 outubru 2019 (TATOLI) -Foinsa'e timoroan sira ne'ebe hamahan aan iha Grupu TYIFD (Timor East Youths Inisiative for Development) hamutuk ho EWC (East-West Center) hala'o kompetisaun teatru no arte-vizual nu'udar asaun sensiblizasaun ida hodi konvida komunidade tomak atu komprende kona-ba risku ambiental.",
"Timor-Leste tama iha kategoria nasaun ida ne'ebe kada loron produs lixu aas iha mundu, la'os de'it iha rai maran maibe iha tasi laran no tasi ninin.",
"Impaktu husi lixu sira ne'e sei lori risku boot ba ambiental iha tasi maran no mos iha tasi laran, tanba koral sira bele mate hotu.",
"Ne'e duni, TYIFD serbisu hamutuk EWC halo kompetisaun teatru no arte-vizual ne'e nudar asaun sensiblizasaun ida ba komunidade sira oinsa atu komprende kona-ba risku ambiente.",
"\"Kompetisaun ne'e nu'udar maneira ida atu hasa'e konesementu komunidade nian oinsa atu hatene halo jestaun ba luxu ho di'ak.",
"Ita tenta influensia komunidade sira liuhusi teatru ne'e atu sira bele komprende di'ak liutan atu halo jestaun ba lixu sira,\" hateten Koordenadora Kompetisaun, Dircia Sarmento Belo ba Ajensia TATOLI iha Delta Nova, sesta (11/10/2019).",
"Nia dehan, iha meneira barak atu konvida komunidade sira, liuhusi teatru no arte-vizual ne'e atu hasa'e konsiensia publiku atu bele resposta ba risku ambiental hodi bele elemina problema lixu iha tasi no kuidadu saude ema nian.",
"\"Objetivu fundamental mak oinsa atu influensia publiku atu hatene didiak relasaun entre rai maran ho tasi ne'e oinsa.\"",
"Dircia esplika katak prosesu atu atinje metas ba realizasaun kompetisaun nia prosesu naruk tanba antes sira halo proposta ba EWC iha Hawai (Estadu Unidu Amerika-EUA) hodi hetan apoiu fundu atu bele realiza kompetisaun.",
"Maibe, envolvimentu grupu ualu iha kompetisian ne'e ba dahuluk tenke priense uluk aplikasaun.",
"\"Ami loke aplikasaun ne'e bazeia liu ba grupu sira ne'ebe ezisti tiha ona, la'os grupu ne'ebe rona kompetisaun mak foin halibur malu,\" nia informa.",
"Foinsa'e timoroan ne'e informa tan katak kriteriu ida ne'e TYIFD aplika atu promove liutan kreatividade ne'ebe mak grupu sira ne'e iha ona tanba sira komprende ona kona-ba background ka antesidensia no ideia teatru sira ne'e.",
"Depois sira sei halo fali aprezentasaun atu komisaun bele haree fali kreatividade grupu sira nian inklui kompromisu atu lori projetu ne'e to'o ramata ka lae.",
"Husi aprezentasaun ne'e mak grupu ualu ne'e fahe ba parte rua; grupu haat ba teatru no haat seluk ba arte-vizual.",
"La'os ne'e de'it, Koordenadora Dircia tenik tan katak komisaun sei fasilita fali grupu ualu ne'e liuhusi apoiu ideia husi espertu na'in sira kona-ba arte no vizual nian mai fo hanoin tan ba grupu sira ne'e hafoin mak grupu ualu ne'e foin dezenvolve fali ideia ne'ebe sira hakerek ona.",
"\"Ami fo tempu fulan rua inklui fundu ba sira atu bele dezenvolve ideia sira ne'e no rezultadu mak sira mai halo ona aprezentasaun iha kompetisuan ne'e hodi hatudu fila fali materia ne'ebe sira prepara ona.\"",
"\"Agora TYIFD sei lapara ninia suporta ba grupu ualu ne'e, kontinuasaun la'o nafatin hodi garante nafatin atividade kreativu grupu sira ne'e bele moris ba bebeik maibe fundus ba manan nain sira sei fo dala rua atu garante atividade ne'e bele implenta to'o ramata,\" nia konklui.",
"Previous articlePrezensa Sabaun FINI Atu Kombate Moras Kulit Next articleCeslink Kompleta Ona Dokumentu"
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"Foinsa'e Timoroan Sensibliza Risku Ambiental Liuhusi Kompetisaun | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timór-Leste HOME EDUCATION Focus on environmental risks through competition, says Dircia Sarmento Belo."
"Foto TATOLI: Tome Amado DILI, October10th (Xinhua) -The Timorese youths who have volunteered in the TYIFD Group together with EWC are conducting a theatrical and visual art competition as an action to invite all community members into understanding about environmental risk."
"Timor-Leste falls into the category of a country that produces high daily garbage levels worldwide, not only on land but also inland and underwater."
"The impact of this litter will bring great environmental risks to the sea and inland waterways, as corals may die."
"Therefore, TYIFD in collaboration with EWC organized the theatre and visual arts competition as an awareness-raising action for communities to understand environmental risks."
"\"The competition is a way to raise the community's knowledge of how well luxury can be managed."
"We try to influence the communities through this theatre so that they can understand better how it is necessary for waste management,\" said Competition Coordinator Dircia Sarmento Belo in Delta Nova on Saturday (October 10th)."
"He said, there are many ways to invite communities through theatre and visual arts in order for them raise public awareness of the environmental risks so as eliminate litter problems at sea."
"\"The fundamental objective is to influence the public so that they know more about how land and sea are related.\""
"Dircia explained that the process to achieve their goals for holding this competition was a long one because before they made an application at EWC in Hawaii (United States of America-USA) with supporting funds so it could be held."
"However, the involvement of six groups in this competition must first be preceded by application."
"\"We opened the application based on groups that already exist, not those who hear about competitions and come together\", he said."
"The founder also informed that this criterion is applied by TYIFD to promote through the creativity which these groups already have because they understand about background or antecedentes and ideas of theatres."
"They will then make a new presentation so that the commission can review whether or not they have shown creativity and commitment to carry this project through."
"From this presentation, the five groups were divided into two parts; four for theatre and another three visual arts."
"Not only that, Coordinator Dircia stressed the Commission will facilitate these six groups by supporting ideas from experts on art and visuals to give further thoughts for this group after which they can develop their own idea."
"\"We gave them two months including funding to develop their ideas and as a result they have come up with presentations in this competition showing back the material that has been prepared.\""
"\"Now TYIFD will extend its support to these seven groups, continuation is going on in order for the creative activities of this group can continue but fundings are given twice so that we guarantee they'll be implemented until completion\", he concludes."
"Previous articlePresensa Sabaun FINI Atu Kombate Moras Kulit Next ArticleCeslink Kompleta Ona Dokumentu"
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Trajédia hatudu situasaun triste mundu nian - Xanana Gusmão - Notícias SAPO - SAPO Notícias\nPájina aktualizada iha 12:35h, tersa-feira 18 Juñu\nTrajédia hatudu situasaun triste mundu nian - Xanana Gusmão\n26 de Julho de 2014, 18:02\nPrimeiru-ministru Timor-Leste nian, Xanana Gusmão, afirma ona, iha loron-sesta ne'e, katak trajédia aviaun MH17 hatudu situasaun triste mundu nian ba "dezorden no deskonfiansa".\nVijília ida ba vítima sira MH17 no MH370 nian iha Kuala Lumpur, Malázia. EPA@ Ahmad Yusni\n"Trajédia aviaun MH17 hatudu situasaun triste agora daudaun mundu nian. Ita hotu hein katak Funu Malirin ninia rohan sei lori ba orden mundiál foun ida koperasaun no progresu nian, maibé, ohin loron ita iha mundu ida dezorden no deskonfiansa nian", haktuir hosi xefe governu timoroan nian.\nBoeing 777 hosi Malaysia Airlines, ne'ebé halo ligasaun entre Amesterdaun no Kuala Lumpur ho númeru MH17, monu iha semana liubá iha rejiaun leste Ukránia nian ho ema na'in 298 iha aviaun laran, hafoin, karik, hetan tiru hosi missil ida ne'ebé komunidade internasionál hatete katak dispara hosi rebelde pró-rusu sira.\nXefe governu timoroan nian ko'alia iha sesaun abertura ba Reuniaun ho Parseiru ba Dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste nian ne'ebé hala'o to'o loron-sábadu ne'e iha Díli.\nEnkontru, ne'ebé halobur governu timoroan ho parseiru sira dezenvolvimentu nian, hakarak analiza objetivu sira ne'ebé alkansa ona no dezafiu sira ne'ebé sei mosu.\n"Ohin hamutuk ho ita reprezentante sira hosi nasaun sira ne'ebé terus iha eventu terivel ne'e, inklui ita ninia belun di'ak sira hosi Austrália no Nova Zelándia. Ba sira, ha'u hakarak hato'o povu Timor-Leste ninia kondolénsia", Xanana Gusmão afirma no hatutan katak nia hakerek mós ona ba primeiru-ministru Malázia nian. | [
"Trajedia hatudu situasaun triste mundu nian - Xanana Gusmao - Noticias SAPO - SAPO Noticias Pajina aktualizada iha 12:35h, tersa-feira 18 Junu Trajedia hatudu situasaun triste mundu nian - Xanana Gusmao 26 de Julho de 2014, 18:02 Primeiru-ministru Timor-Leste nian, Xanana Gusmao, afirma ona, iha loron-sesta ne'e, katak trajedia aviaun MH17 hatudu situasaun triste mundu nian ba \"dezorden no deskonfiansa.\"",
"Vijilia ida ba vitima sira MH17 no MH370 nian iha Kuala Lumpur, Malazia.",
"EPA@ Ahmad Yusni \"Trajedia aviaun MH17 hatudu situasaun triste agora daudaun mundu nian.",
"Ita hotu hein katak Funu Malirin ninia rohan sei lori ba orden mundial foun ida koperasaun no progresu nian, maibe, ohin loron ita iha mundu ida dezorden no deskonfiansa nian,\" haktuir hosi xefe governu timoroan nian.",
"Boeing 777 hosi Malaysia Airlines, ne'ebe halo ligasaun entre Amesterdaun no Kuala Lumpur ho numeru MH17, monu iha semana liuba iha rejiaun leste Ukrania nian ho ema na'in 298 iha aviaun laran, hafoin, karik, hetan tiru hosi missil ida ne'ebe komunidade internasional hatete katak dispara hosi rebelde pro-rusu sira.",
"Xefe governu timoroan nian ko'alia iha sesaun abertura ba Reuniaun ho Parseiru ba Dezenvolvimentu Timor-Leste nian ne'ebe hala'o to'o loron-sabadu ne'e iha Dili.",
"Enkontru, ne'ebe halobur governu timoroan ho parseiru sira dezenvolvimentu nian, hakarak analiza objetivu sira ne'ebe alkansa ona no dezafiu sira ne'ebe sei mosu.",
"\"Ohin hamutuk ho ita reprezentante sira hosi nasaun sira ne'ebe terus iha eventu terivel ne'e, inklui ita ninia belun di'ak sira hosi Australia no Nova Zelandia.",
"Ba sira, ha'u hakarak hato'o povu Timor-Leste ninia kondolensia,\" Xanana Gusmao afirma no hatutan katak nia hakerek mos ona ba primeiru-ministru Malazia nian."
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"Tragedy shows sad state of the world - Xanana Gusmao 26 de Julho,18:03 Timor-Leste's Prime Minister Gusmão said on Saturday that \"the tragic disaster involving Malaysian Airlines flight MH795\" showed a sorrowful situation where there is an uncertainty and mistrust.\""
"A vigil for the victims of MH17 and Malaysian Airlines flight 360 in Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia."
"EPA@ Ahmad Yusni \"The MH17 plane disaster shows the sad state of affairs in today' s world."
"We all hoped that the outbreak of World War II would lead to a new world order for cooperation and progress, but today we live in an unruly globalized environment where there is disorder."
"A Malaysia Airlines Boeing 789, on a flight between Amsterdam and Kuala Lumpur with registration number MH1643250 (IATA: MEX), crashed last week in the eastern region of Ukraine after being hit by an alleged missile that international community says was fired from pro-Russian rebels."
"The head of the government spoke at an opening session for a Meeting with Timor-Leste's Development Partners, which was held until Saturday in Dili."
"The meeting, which brings together the Tongan government and development partners in order to analyze what has been achieved so far as well As challenges that will arise."
"\"Join us today representatives of the countries that suffered in this terrible event, including our good neighbours from Australia and New Zealand."
"To them, I would like to extend the people of Timor-Leste's condolences\", Xanana Gusmao said and added that he had also written a letter for Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak."
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Loron Mundial Merenda/Alimentar Eskolar\nUN in Timor-Leste\t 14 Marsu 2019\t Acessu dala: 163\nOhin Loron Mundial Merenda/Alimentar Eskolar!! Globalmente World Food Programme/Programa Alimentar Mundial durante tinan 50 nia laran suporta ona nasaun liu 100 ba programa merenda/alimentar eskolar ka fo asistensia tekniku no transfere ba governu hodi toma responsabilidade tomak ba programa ida ne’e, iha nasaun liu 40 too ohin loron inklui Timor-Leste. Programa merenda/alimentar eskolar laos deit kona-ba aihan bikan ida…\n...maibe programa ne’e foo benefisiu barak no kontribui ba Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Sustentavel (ODS) sira hanesan:\nEdukasaun (ODS4): merenda eskolar bele ajuda labarik sira tama eskola no tuir aula durante tempu aprendizajen. Merenda/alimentar eskolar sai hanesan intervensaun ida nebe hatudu impaktu pozitivu iha partisipasaun eskola no mos hodi aprende.\nIgualidade Jeneru (ODS5): Merenda/alimentar eskolar bele ajuda aumenta partisipasaun feto iha eskola. Adisionalmente, nivel edukasaun as kontribui makaas ba redusaun kaben sedu.\nNutrisaun no Saúde (ODS2 no ODS3): merenda/alimentar eskolar bele promove konsumu makro no mikronutriente adekuadu ba labarik sira, hodi bele redus mortalidade no aumenta kapasidade hodi aprende. Aihan ka merenda fortifikadu ho neneik redus numeru anemia ka menus ran no mos hadia estatutu mikronutriente.\nProtesaun no Seguransa Sosial (ODS1): merenda/alimentar eskolar bele redus pobreza liu hosi hasae ekonomia komunidade, tamba ba familia balun, valor hahan iha eskola 10% ekivalente ho rendimentu familia.\nEkonomia no Agrikultura Lokal (ODS8): hola produtu lokal kria merkadu ida ne’ebe sustentavel, dezenvolve agrikultura lokal, kontribui ba transformasaun rural no mos haforsa sistema aihan lokal. Agrikultores sira dala barak maka inan-aman hosi estudante sira, ajuda sira hodi hapara siklu hamlaha no pobreza entre jerasaun. | [
"Loron Mundial Merenda/Alimentar Eskolar UN in Timor-Leste 14 Marsu 2019 Acessu dala: 163 Ohin Loron Mundial Merenda/Alimentar Eskolar!!",
"Globalmente World Food Programme/Programa Alimentar Mundial durante tinan 50 nia laran suporta ona nasaun liu 100 ba programa merenda/alimentar eskolar ka fo asistensia tekniku no transfere ba governu hodi toma responsabilidade tomak ba programa ida ne'e, iha nasaun liu 40 too ohin loron inklui Timor-Leste.",
"Programa merenda/alimentar eskolar laos deit kona-ba aihan bikan ida... ...maibe programa ne'e foo benefisiu barak no kontribui ba Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Sustentavel (ODS) sira hanesan: Edukasaun (ODS4): merenda eskolar bele ajuda labarik sira tama eskola no tuir aula durante tempu aprendizajen.",
"Merenda/alimentar eskolar sai hanesan intervensaun ida nebe hatudu impaktu pozitivu iha partisipasaun eskola no mos hodi aprende.",
"Igualidade Jeneru (ODS5): Merenda/alimentar eskolar bele ajuda aumenta partisipasaun feto iha eskola.",
"Adisionalmente, nivel edukasaun as kontribui makaas ba redusaun kaben sedu.",
"Nutrisaun no Saude (ODS2 no ODS3): merenda/alimentar eskolar bele promove konsumu makro no mikronutriente adekuadu ba labarik sira, hodi bele redus mortalidade no aumenta kapasidade hodi aprende.",
"Aihan ka merenda fortifikadu ho neneik redus numeru anemia ka menus ran no mos hadia estatutu mikronutriente.",
"Protesaun no Seguransa Sosial (ODS1): merenda/alimentar eskolar bele redus pobreza liu hosi hasae ekonomia komunidade, tamba ba familia balun, valor hahan iha eskola 10% ekivalente ho rendimentu familia.",
"Ekonomia no Agrikultura Lokal (ODS8): hola produtu lokal kria merkadu ida ne'ebe sustentavel, dezenvolve agrikultura lokal, kontribui ba transformasaun rural no mos haforsa sistema aihan lokal.",
"Agrikultores sira dala barak maka inan-aman hosi estudante sira, ajuda sira hodi hapara siklu hamlaha no pobreza entre jerasaun."
] | [
"World School Meal Day UN in Timor-Leste 14 March,2039 Acessado em: Março/Abr."
"Globally, the World Food Programme has for 50 years supported over a hundred countries with school snack/meal programmes or provided technical assistance and transferred full responsibility of this program to government in more than four decades including Timor-Leste."
"The school snack/food programme is not just about one meal... but it has many benefits and contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) such as: Education(SGD4): School lunch can help children get into schools, stay in class during learning time."
"School meals have emerged as an intervention that has shown a positive impact on school attendance and learning."
"Gender Equality (SDG5): School meals can help increase female participation in school."
"In addition, education levels contributed significantly to the reduction of sedentary lifestyles."
"Nutrition and Health (SDGs 2,3): school snacks/meals can promote adequate macro-nutrient intake by children to reduce mortality rate as well As increase the capacity for learning."
"Fortified foods or snacks do not reduce the incidence of anaemia and deficiency, nor improve micronutrient status."
"Social protection and security (SDG1): school snacks/meals can reduce poverty by boosting community economies, as for some families the value of a meal in schools is equal to about ten per cent their family income."
"Local Economy and Agriculture (SDG 8): Buy local produce, create sustainable markets for it; develop lokal agriculture to contribute towards rural transformation."
"Farmers are often the parents of students, helping them to break a circle that has passed hunger and poverty from one generation into another."
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Kada loron Solidaridade Sosiál Baucau simu reklamante subsídiu idozu na’in-10 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA BAUKAU Kada loron Solidaridade Sosiál Baucau simu reklamante subsídiu idozu na’in-10\nProsesu pagamentu subsídiu idozu iha munisípiu Baucau, kuarta (23/06). Imajen TATOLI/Natalino Belo\nBAUCAU, 27 jullu 2021 (TATOLI)–Diretór Servisu Sentru Solidariedade Sosiál munisípiu Baucau, Guido Ricardo Belo, hateten kada loron servisu ne’e bele simu reklamante benefisiáriu subsísiu idozu no invalidez hamutuk na’in-10.\n“Reklamante pur volta lima to’o 10 kada loron, depende ba kazu no dalaruma loron-ida bele to’o na’in-10,” Diretór hateten iha ninia knaar fatin, Villa nova, Baucau, tersa ne’e.\nNia esplika, reklamante mosu tanba hasoru problema hanesan naran laiha ka seidauk aprovadu, ne’ebé posibilidade lista aprovadu ona maibé konta error, naran no númeru kartaun eleitorál diferente inklui mudansa hela fatin.\nAleinde ne’e, dadus sira ne’ebé to’o iha munisípiu dalaruma iha lista aprovadu, maibé osan la transfere ba konta bankária, nune’e prejudika fali prosesu sira.\n“Sira ne’ebé la aprovadu, signifika katak dokumentu presiza hadi’a hanesan kompleta rekezitu durante rejistrasaun, ezemplu kartaun no númeru eleitorál la han malu, ka dalaruma suku troka,” nia akresenta.\nNune’e, servisu munisipál tenta komunika ho Institutu Nasionákl Seguransa Sosiál (INSS) atu atualiza dadus, hodi nune’e bele hatan prekupasaun lista sira ne’ebé aprovadu, hodi bele foti desizaun rejeita ka suspende.\n“Kazu sira ne’ebé akontese tenke halo reklamasaun hodi bele aprezenta fali ba nasionál, nune’e bele reativa fai benefisiáriu sira-nia konta hodi bele asesu,” nia hatutan.\nTinan ne’e, benefísiariu ba programa iha aumentu pur volta 300 resin, hosi totál antes ne’e 14.000 hosi postu neen.\nDaudaun ne’e, pagamentu hala’o hela iha postu Baucau villa, Venilale, Quelicai no Baguia, enkuantu, pagamentu iha postu Vemasse no Laga finaliza ona.\nServizu Solidaridade Sosial\nPrevious articlePNTL kontinua buka ema deskoñesidu sunu uma tolu iha Ritabou\nNext articleSEFOPE monitoriza kompañia Grig-Covec ba konstrusaun estrada Baucau-Viqueque | [
"Kada loron Solidaridade Sosial Baucau simu reklamante subsidiu idozu na'in-10 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BAUKAU Kada loron Solidaridade Sosial Baucau simu reklamante subsidiu idozu na'in-10 Prosesu pagamentu subsidiu idozu iha munisipiu Baucau, kuarta (23/06).",
"Imajen TATOLI/Natalino Belo BAUCAU, 27 jullu 2021 (TATOLI) -Diretor Servisu Sentru Solidariedade Sosial munisipiu Baucau, Guido Ricardo Belo, hateten kada loron servisu ne'e bele simu reklamante benefisiariu subsisiu idozu no invalidez hamutuk na'in-10.",
"\"Reklamante pur volta lima to'o 10 kada loron, depende ba kazu no dalaruma loron-ida bele to'o na'in-10,\" Diretor hateten iha ninia knaar fatin, Villa nova, Baucau, tersa ne'e.",
"Nia esplika, reklamante mosu tanba hasoru problema hanesan naran laiha ka seidauk aprovadu, ne'ebe posibilidade lista aprovadu ona maibe konta error, naran no numeru kartaun eleitoral diferente inklui mudansa hela fatin.",
"Aleinde ne'e, dadus sira ne'ebe to'o iha munisipiu dalaruma iha lista aprovadu, maibe osan la transfere ba konta bankaria, nune'e prejudika fali prosesu sira.",
"\"Sira ne'ebe la aprovadu, signifika katak dokumentu presiza hadi'a hanesan kompleta rekezitu durante rejistrasaun, ezemplu kartaun no numeru eleitoral la han malu, ka dalaruma suku troka,\" nia akresenta.",
"Nune'e, servisu munisipal tenta komunika ho Institutu Nasionakl Seguransa Sosial (INSS) atu atualiza dadus, hodi nune'e bele hatan prekupasaun lista sira ne'ebe aprovadu, hodi bele foti desizaun rejeita ka suspende.",
"\"Kazu sira ne'ebe akontese tenke halo reklamasaun hodi bele aprezenta fali ba nasional, nune'e bele reativa fai benefisiariu sira-nia konta hodi bele asesu,\" nia hatutan.",
"Tinan ne'e, benefisiariu ba programa iha aumentu pur volta 300 resin, hosi total antes ne'e 14.000 hosi postu neen.",
"Daudaun ne'e, pagamentu hala'o hela iha postu Baucau villa, Venilale, Quelicai no Baguia, enkuantu, pagamentu iha postu Vemasse no Laga finaliza ona.",
"Servizu Solidaridade Sosial Previous articlePNTL kontinua buka ema deskonesidu sunu uma tolu iha Ritabou Next articleSEFOPE monitoriza kompania Grig-Covec ba konstrusaun estrada Baucau-Viqueque"
] | [
"Solidaridade Social Baucau receives 10 claimants of elderly subsidy every day | TIMOR HAU NOVA Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BAUKAU Cada dia Solidaritate Sosial Viqueque simu reklamante subsidiu idozu na'in -9 Processo pagamento do benefício idosos em município da região metropolitana, terça (23/6)."
"BAUCAU, July 27th (TATOLI) -Director of the Social Solidarity Centre in Baucau municipality Guido Ricardo Belo said that each working day can receive a total number from ten claimants beneficiaries for old-age and invalid subsidy."
"\"The complainants are around five to 10 per day, depending on the case and sometimes in a few days they can be as many As ten\", said Director from his office at Villa Nova (Baucau), Tuesday."
"He explained that the complainant arose because of problems such as no names or unapproved, where there is possibility list has been adopted but count errors name and voter card number different including change residence."
"In addition, the data that reaches municipalities often has an approved list but money is not transferred to bank accounts and therefore impair process."
"\"Those who are not approved, mean that documents need to be improved such as completion of requirements during registration; for example the card and voter number don't match or sometimes villages change.\" he added."
"Thus, municipal services try to communicate with the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) in order for them updating their data so that they can answer questions about approved list and decide on rejection or suspension."
"\"Cases that occur must make a claim to be presented again at the national level, so we can reactivate beneficiaries' accounts for access.\""
"This year, the programme's beneficiaries have increased by more than 301 from a previous total of nearly nine thousand."
"At the moment, payments are being made in post Baucau villa and Venilale; Quelicai no Baguia. Payment has been completed at Vemasse Post (10), Laga Point(2)"
"Previous articlePNTL continues searching for unknown person burning three houses in Ritabou Next artikelSEFOPE monitora empresa Grig-Covec para construção da estrada Baucau – Viqueques"
] |
LIA MURAK-LIA MIDAR-LIA MATAK MALIRIN: AFORISMA DIARIA [10-82007]\nAFORISMA DIARIA [10-82007]\n[Agora ha'u iha fali ona TT Akait. Foin tama servisu fali ohin dadeer. Iha enkontru entre organizasaun ha'u-nia servisu fatin nian ho lider partidu politiku sira--tantu iha asentu parlamentar no mos sira ne'ebe laiha asentu parlamentar iha Obrigado Barracks. Durante oras tolu nia laran, hahu iha tuku 10 to'o tuku 1 loromanas. Depois ba almosu hamutuk ho lider sira iha almosu ida ne'ebe oferese hosi ha'u-nia xefe boot..\nViajen horiseik kalan hosi Semarang mai Surabaya la'o diak. Durante viajen ha'u halo belu ho maluk Xina foin sa'e oan ida naran Roy. Ami dada lia barak kona-ba estratejia halo bisnis ne'ebe iha relasaun ho dotrina Taoismu., no mos viajen horiseik dadeer hosi Surabaya, mai Denpasar la'o diak. Hasoru mos Xina feto Atambua nian ida naran Fatima. Ami dada lia kona-ba mundu halo bisnis, nst.\nViajen hosi Surabaya mai Denpasar, no hosi Denpasar mai liu Dili halo gasta osan estra tanba ha'u-nia bagajen todan nakonu ho livru. Ha'u matan dukur maka barak durante viajen ida ne'e.\nTo'o uma ha'u kole loos. No toba maka barak. ]\n*) Oinsa maka ita bele dasa fo'er iha ita-nia uma oin, se o mai ta kotu hotu aisar talin no ta kotu aisar kesak sira? No to'o ikus o dehan fali ona katak o la sala buat ida? No dehan tan katak ha'u maka kria tensaun?\n*) Karik ita maka matan delek espiritualmente, entaun ita sempre iha pre-konseitu ladiak oinoin ba ema seluk. Ita-nia egoismu maka boot liuhotu. Ita tenta, ho maneira hotu, buka atu nega buat ne'e. Maibe, bainhira ita tuur hakmatek no buka atu refleta klean liutan, ita sei rekonese buat sira ne'e. Se ida ne'e maka akontese duni ona, entaun ita sei kria armonia ida ne'ebe furak iha ita-nia relasaun inter-pesoal.\n*) Ita presiza deit maka sensu komun atu hodi bele komprende realidade moris nian maka dala barak mosu mai ho kompleksidade oinoin.\n*) Ita presiza leno ita-nia an bebeik hodi nune'e ita bele hatene ita ne'e iha isin fo'er ka lae'. Se ida ne'e maka ita la halo, entaun ita sempre buka duun deit ba ema seluk maka isin foer. Ita mos mosu mai hanesan anju ida maka sala laek.\nPosted by kesabere marubi at 2:50 PM\nAFORISMA DIARIA [23-8-2007]\nAFORISMA DIARIA [22-8-2007]\nAFORISMA DIARIA [17-8-2007]\nAFORISMA DIARIA [14-8-2007]\nAFORISMA DIARIA [ 8-8-2007]\nAFORISMA DIARIA [5-8-2007]\nAFORISMA DIARIA [4-8-2007] | [
"LIA MURAK-LIA MIDAR-LIA MATAK MALIRIN: AFORISMA DIARIA [10-82007] AFORISMA DIARIA [10-82007] [Agora ha'u iha fali ona TT Akait.",
"Foin tama servisu fali ohin dadeer.",
"Iha enkontru entre organizasaun ha'u-nia servisu fatin nian ho lider partidu politiku sira--tantu iha asentu parlamentar no mos sira ne'ebe laiha asentu parlamentar iha Obrigado Barracks.",
"Durante oras tolu nia laran, hahu iha tuku 10 to'o tuku 1 loromanas.",
"Depois ba almosu hamutuk ho lider sira iha almosu ida ne'ebe oferese hosi ha'u-nia xefe boot..",
"Viajen horiseik kalan hosi Semarang mai Surabaya la'o diak.",
"Durante viajen ha'u halo belu ho maluk Xina foin sa'e oan ida naran Roy.",
"Ami dada lia barak kona-ba estratejia halo bisnis ne'ebe iha relasaun ho dotrina Taoismu., no mos viajen horiseik dadeer hosi Surabaya, mai Denpasar la'o diak.",
"Hasoru mos Xina feto Atambua nian ida naran Fatima.",
"Ami dada lia kona-ba mundu halo bisnis, nst.",
"Viajen hosi Surabaya mai Denpasar, no hosi Denpasar mai liu Dili halo gasta osan estra tanba ha'u-nia bagajen todan nakonu ho livru.",
"Ha'u matan dukur maka barak durante viajen ida ne'e.",
"To'o uma ha'u kole loos.",
"No toba maka barak. ] *) Oinsa maka ita bele dasa fo'er iha ita-nia uma oin, se o mai ta kotu hotu aisar talin no ta kotu aisar kesak sira?",
"No to'o ikus o dehan fali ona katak o la sala buat ida?",
"No dehan tan katak ha'u maka kria tensaun? *) Karik ita maka matan delek espiritualmente, entaun ita sempre iha pre-konseitu ladiak oinoin ba ema seluk.",
"Ita-nia egoismu maka boot liuhotu.",
"Ita tenta, ho maneira hotu, buka atu nega buat ne'e.",
"Maibe, bainhira ita tuur hakmatek no buka atu refleta klean liutan, ita sei rekonese buat sira ne'e.",
"Se ida ne'e maka akontese duni ona, entaun ita sei kria armonia ida ne'ebe furak iha ita-nia relasaun inter-pesoal. *) Ita presiza deit maka sensu komun atu hodi bele komprende realidade moris nian maka dala barak mosu mai ho kompleksidade oinoin. *) Ita presiza leno ita-nia an bebeik hodi nune'e ita bele hatene ita ne'e iha isin fo'er ka lae'.",
"Se ida ne'e maka ita la halo, entaun ita sempre buka duun deit ba ema seluk maka isin foer.",
"Ita mos mosu mai hanesan anju ida maka sala laek.",
"Posted by kesabere marubi at 2:50 PM AFORISMA DIARIA [23-8-2007] AFORISMA DIARIA [22-8-2007] AFORISMA DIARIA [17-8-2007] AFORISMA DIARIA [14-8-2007] AFORISMA DIARIA [ 8-8-2007] AFORISMA DIARIA [5-8-2007] AFORISMA DIARIA [4-8-2007]"
] | [
"LIA MURAK-LIO MIDAR - LIA MATAK MALIRIN: AFORISMA DIARIA [10/82,567] Aphorisms of the Day (The Daily)"
"I went back to work today."
"There was a meeting between the organization of my workplace and political party leaders, both those with parliamentary seats but also without them at Obrigado Barracks."
"During the three-hour event, which started at ten o'clock and lasted until one."
"After almsgiving with the leaders, there was an offer of a small sum by my great boss."
"The morning and evening journey from Semarang to Surabaya went well."
"During the trip I met a new Chinese friend named Roy."
"We talked a lot about business strategies related to the doctrine of Taoism., and also our morning/evening trip from Surabaya into Denpasar went smoothly..."
"He also met a Chinese woman from Atambua named Fatima."
"We talk about the world of doing business, etc."
"The trip from Surabaya to Denpasar, and then back via Dili cost me extra money because my luggage was so full of books."
"I've seen dukur maka barak during this trip."
"Until I've been really busy."
"No toba maka barak. ] *) What can we plant a fire in front of our house, if he comes and cuts all the trees down?"
"And until the end have you said again that there is nothing wrong with me?"
"Do you not say that I created the tension? *) If we are spiritually blind, then there is always a negative preconception about others."
"Our egoism is the greatest of all."
"We try, in every way possible to deny this."
"But when we sit down and try to reflect clearly on it, then these things will be recognized."
"If this happens, then we will create a harmony that is deep in our inter-personal relationship. *) We only need common sense to understand the reality of life which often arises with unprecedented complexity*)."
"If we don't do this, then it is always the other person who gets angry."
"We also appeared as an angel who was sinless."
"Posted by kesabere marubi at 2:50 PM AFORISMA DIARIA [8-31/7] APHORESM OF THE WEEK (Day)[6th of July, the day before Christmas], aphorismen.de"
] |
Friday, 07 May 2021 19:48\nTempotimor (Dili)-Teste Swab ne’ebé ekipa saúde sira halo ba deputadu no funsionáriu sira iha Parlamentu Nasionál (PN) hatudu rezultadu covid-19 hada’et ona ba ema na’in-14, dadaun ne’e pasiénte sira evakua ona ba sala izolamentu iha kapitál Dili.\nFriday, 07 May 2021 19:24\nPopulasaun Aldeia 12 Outubru Sei Muda Ba Bairu Foun\nTempotimor (Dili)-Populasaun aldeia 12 Outubru, Suku Komoro, Postu Admistrativu Dom Aleixo, Munisípiu Dili hamutuk 2.076 pesóal mak sei muda ba Bairu foun hodi evita sira iha fatin risku ba dezastre natural.\nFriday, 07 May 2021 19:17\nNova Zelándia Apoia Kafé U’ut Tonelada 5 ba Vítima DN iha TL\nTempotimor (Dili)-Governu Nova Zelándia apoiu kafé u’ut tonelada hamutuk lima (5) mai vítima sira ne'ebé durante afeta Dezsatre Naturál (DN) iha Timor-Leste (TL).\nFriday, 07 May 2021 19:07\nTempotimor (Dili)-Parlamentu Nasional liuhusi komisaun F trata asuntu Saúde deside sei kria projetu-rezolusaun ida hodi fó rekuñesimentu ba serbisu profisionál saúde sira iha ambitu kombate propagasaun surtu Covid-19.\nFriday, 07 May 2021 18:54\nPD Husu Sidadaun Tenke Fiar Covid-19\nTempotimor (Dili)-Deputadu husi Bankada Partidu Demokrátika )PD), Mariano ‘Asanami’ Sabino, husu sidadaun hotu tenke fiar no kuidadu-an maske sira dúvida ho covid-19.\nFriday, 07 May 2021 18:42\nMEJD Sei Utiliza Millaun US$3.2 Ba Apoiu Estudante\nTempotimor (Dili)- Ministru Edukasaun Juventude Desportu (MEJD), Armindo Maia deklara sei ezekuta osan ho montante millaun US$ 3.2 hodi apoiu pulsa internet ba estudante sira.\nFriday, 07 May 2021 18:34\nSIJK Rejista Kazu Covid-19 Rekuperadu 147\nTempotimor (Dili)-Sentru Integradu Jestaun ba Krize (SIJK) iha loron, sesta (07/05) konsege rejistu kazu rekuperadu Covid-19 hamutuk 147 no kazu foun 95 iha munisípiu Dili.\nKoordenadór Forsa-Tarefa ba Prevensaun no Mitigasaun Surtu Covid-19 iha Timor-Leste, Rui Maria de Araújo, hatete husi totál kazu detetadu foun iha mane 57, feto 38 ho idade tinan 12 na'in-6, ho idade entre tinan 12-59 na'in-86 (95,2%) no idade 60 na'in-3.\nHusi, proporsaun kazu sintomátiku hamutuk 11,5%. Proporsaun kazu sintomátiku durante loron 7 nia laran, aumenta husi média 8,8% iha semana 2 liu bá, ba média 15,1% ohin.\nNune'e, kazu konfirmadu kumulativu iha loron 7 fulan-maiu tinan 2021 (sura husi 21 Marsu 2020) 2965.\n"Kazu rekuperadu 147, kazu foun 95 iha munisípiu Dili, kazu ativu 1365”, dehan Rui liuhusi komunikandu imprensa, sesta (07/05).\nRezultadu durante loron rua nia laran, Laboratóriu Nasionál Saúde (LNS) halo 847 testes PCRiha Dili, hodeta lladu hanesan, vijilánsia sentinela 30, Rastreiu ba kontaktu (Contact tracing) 50, rastreiu aleatoriu (Random Screening) 585, viajen sai husi serka sanitária Munisípiu Dili 157, viajen internasionál 13, Follow up iha kuarentina 11.\nTotál testes PCR ne’ebé halo iha loron 6 fulan-maiu iha Munisipiu sira seluk hamutuk 416, ho detalla hanesan, Ermera 80, Maliana 17, Maubisse 155, RAEOA 44, Suai 49 no Vikeke 71. (*)\nFriday, 07 May 2021 16:49\nFalsifika Dokumentu Viájen, PNTL Kaptura Sidadaun Na'in-2 iha Tasitolu\nTempotimor (Dili)-Polísia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) liuhusi komandu munisípiu Dili, kaptura sidadaun mane na'in-2 iha pontu entrada Tasitolu, tanba falsifika dokumentu hodi viájen ba mai munisípiu Dili.\nFriday, 07 May 2021 15:52\nAviaun Airasia tula pasajeiru 44 ho Medical Supplies Mai TL\nTempotimor(Dili)-Aviaun Airasia marka 9M- AGH ne'ebé charter husi New Timor Airlines (NITA)/Air Timor voo husi Malázia mai Dili lori pasajeiru na’in-44 no apoiu umanitária hanesan Medical Supplies.\nAviaun ne'e tun iha aeroportu Prezidente Nicolau Lobato komoro, sesta (07/05) maizumenus, 12:30 otl, tuir loloos apoiu umanitária, maibé tanba limitadu atu prosesu ne'e mak lori de’it Medical Supplies.\n“Tuir loloos apoiu umanitária ne'e iha duni, ami hetan aprovasaun ne'e hotu tanba tempu limitadu atu prosesu ne'e mak la konsege, entaun ohin (07/05) ne'e foin mak Medical Supplies”, informa funsionáriu la temi naran iha Aeroportu Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, Comoro, sesta (07/05).\nTanba ne’e, prosesu ba apoiu umanitáriu balun la konsege mai, maibé sei tula mai iha Timor-Leste ho vó (flight) tuir mai.\nAviaun Airasia ne'e lori pasajeiru timoroan no estranjeiru balun hamutuk na’in-44 husi Malázia mai Dili.\nAviaun refere tula ekipamentu umanitária, maski airAsia ne'e nu'udar aviaun komersial ne'ebé charter direita husi New Timor Airlines (NITA)/Air Timor.\nEntretantu aviaun refere tula fila pasajeiru husi Dili ba iha Malázia hamutuk na’in-43.(*)\nFriday, 07 May 2021 14:34\nMEJD Husu Vise-Prezidente INFORDEPE Servisu ho Responsabilidade\nTempotimor (Dili)-Ministru Edukasaun Juventude Desportu (MEJD), Armindo Maia, husu Vise-prezidente Institutu Nasional Formasaun ba Dosente no Profisionál Edukasaun Timor-Leste (INFORDEPE) na’in-3 ne’ebé simu posse hodi kontinua servisu ho responsabilidade. | [
"Friday, 07 May 2021 19:48 Tempotimor (Dili) -Teste Swab ne'ebe ekipa saude sira halo ba deputadu no funsionariu sira iha Parlamentu Nasional (PN) hatudu rezultadu covid-19 hada'et ona ba ema na'in-14, dadaun ne'e pasiente sira evakua ona ba sala izolamentu iha kapital Dili.",
"Friday, 07 May 2021 19:24 Populasaun Aldeia 12 Outubru Sei Muda Ba Bairu Foun Tempotimor (Dili) -Populasaun aldeia 12 Outubru, Suku Komoro, Postu Admistrativu Dom Aleixo, Munisipiu Dili hamutuk 2.076 pesoal mak sei muda ba Bairu foun hodi evita sira iha fatin risku ba dezastre natural.",
"Friday, 07 May 2021 19:17 Nova Zelandia Apoia Kafe U'ut Tonelada 5 ba Vitima DN iha TL Tempotimor (Dili) -Governu Nova Zelandia apoiu kafe u'ut tonelada hamutuk lima (5) mai vitima sira ne'ebe durante afeta Dezsatre Natural (DN) iha Timor-Leste (TL).",
"Friday, 07 May 2021 19:07 Tempotimor (Dili) -Parlamentu Nasional liuhusi komisaun F trata asuntu Saude deside sei kria projetu-rezolusaun ida hodi fo rekunesimentu ba serbisu profisional saude sira iha ambitu kombate propagasaun surtu Covid-19.",
"Friday, 07 May 2021 18:54 PD Husu Sidadaun Tenke Fiar Covid-19 Tempotimor (Dili) -Deputadu husi Bankada Partidu Demokratika) PD), Mariano 'Asanami' Sabino, husu sidadaun hotu tenke fiar no kuidadu-an maske sira duvida ho covid-19.",
"Friday, 07 May 2021 18:42 MEJD Sei Utiliza Millaun US$3.2 Ba Apoiu Estudante Tempotimor (Dili) - Ministru Edukasaun Juventude Desportu (MEJD), Armindo Maia deklara sei ezekuta osan ho montante millaun US$ 3.2 hodi apoiu pulsa internet ba estudante sira.",
"Friday, 07 May 2021 18:34 SIJK Rejista Kazu Covid-19 Rekuperadu 147 Tempotimor (Dili) -Sentru Integradu Jestaun ba Krize (SIJK) iha loron, sesta (07/05) konsege rejistu kazu rekuperadu Covid-19 hamutuk 147 no kazu foun 95 iha munisipiu Dili.",
"Koordenador Forsa-Tarefa ba Prevensaun no Mitigasaun Surtu Covid-19 iha Timor-Leste, Rui Maria de Araujo, hatete husi total kazu detetadu foun iha mane 57, feto 38 ho idade tinan 12 na'in-6, ho idade entre tinan 12-59 na'in-86 (95,2%) no idade 60 na'in-3.",
"Husi, proporsaun kazu sintomatiku hamutuk 11,5%.",
"Proporsaun kazu sintomatiku durante loron 7 nia laran, aumenta husi media 8,8% iha semana 2 liu ba, ba media 15,1% ohin.",
"Nune'e, kazu konfirmadu kumulativu iha loron 7 fulan-maiu tinan 2021 (sura husi 21 Marsu 2020) 2965.",
"\"Kazu rekuperadu 147, kazu foun 95 iha munisipiu Dili, kazu ativu 1365,\" dehan Rui liuhusi komunikandu imprensa, sesta (07/05).",
"Rezultadu durante loron rua nia laran, Laboratoriu Nasional Saude (LNS) halo 847 testes PCRiha Dili, hodeta lladu hanesan, vijilansia sentinela 30, Rastreiu ba kontaktu (Contact tracing) 50, rastreiu aleatoriu (Random Screening) 585, viajen sai husi serka sanitaria Munisipiu Dili 157, viajen internasional 13, Follow up iha kuarentina 11.",
"Total testes PCR ne'ebe halo iha loron 6 fulan-maiu iha Munisipiu sira seluk hamutuk 416, ho detalla hanesan, Ermera 80, Maliana 17, Maubisse 155, RAEOA 44, Suai 49 no Vikeke 71. (*) Friday, 07 May 2021 16:49 Falsifika Dokumentu Viajen, PNTL Kaptura Sidadaun Na'in-2 iha Tasitolu Tempotimor (Dili) -Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) liuhusi komandu munisipiu Dili, kaptura sidadaun mane na'in-2 iha pontu entrada Tasitolu, tanba falsifika dokumentu hodi viajen ba mai munisipiu Dili.",
"Friday, 07 May 2021 15:52 Aviaun Airasia tula pasajeiru 44 ho Medical Supplies Mai TL Tempotimor (Dili) -Aviaun Airasia marka 9M- AGH ne'ebe charter husi New Timor Airlines (NITA) /Air Timor voo husi Malazia mai Dili lori pasajeiru na'in-44 no apoiu umanitaria hanesan Medical Supplies.",
"Aviaun ne'e tun iha aeroportu Prezidente Nicolau Lobato komoro, sesta (07/05) maizumenus, 12:30 otl, tuir loloos apoiu umanitaria, maibe tanba limitadu atu prosesu ne'e mak lori de'it Medical Supplies.",
"\"Tuir loloos apoiu umanitaria ne'e iha duni, ami hetan aprovasaun ne'e hotu tanba tempu limitadu atu prosesu ne'e mak la konsege, entaun ohin (07/05) ne'e foin mak Medical Supplies,\" informa funsionariu la temi naran iha Aeroportu Prezidente Nicolau Lobato, Comoro, sesta (07/05).",
"Tanba ne'e, prosesu ba apoiu umanitariu balun la konsege mai, maibe sei tula mai iha Timor-Leste ho vo (flight) tuir mai.",
"Aviaun Airasia ne'e lori pasajeiru timoroan no estranjeiru balun hamutuk na'in-44 husi Malazia mai Dili.",
"Aviaun refere tula ekipamentu umanitaria, maski airAsia ne'e nu'udar aviaun komersial ne'ebe charter direita husi New Timor Airlines (NITA) /Air Timor.",
"Entretantu aviaun refere tula fila pasajeiru husi Dili ba iha Malazia hamutuk na'in-43. (*) Friday, 07 May 2021 14:34 MEJD Husu Vise-Prezidente INFORDEPE Servisu ho Responsabilidade Tempotimor (Dili) -Ministru Edukasaun Juventude Desportu (MEJD), Armindo Maia, husu Vise-prezidente Institutu Nasional Formasaun ba Dosente no Profisional Edukasaun Timor-Leste (INFORDEPE) na'in-3 ne'ebe simu posse hodi kontinua servisu ho responsabilidade."
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"Tempotimor (Dili) -The swab tests that health teams conducted for MPs and officials in the National Parliament show results of covid-19 spread to 20 people, currently patients have been evacuated into isolation rooms at Dili capital."
"12 October Village Population Will Move To New Neighborhood Tempotimor (Dili) -The population of village, Komoro Suku Dom Aleixo Administrative Post Office in Dili Municipality will move to a new neigrowhouse. The total number is now upto two thousand and seventy-six people who are living at risk from natural disaster as they live on the outskirts or nearby areas that have been affected by earthquakes since last year' s quake caused significant damage for many families including their own family members which were displaced after it hit them with an enormous flood this past summer"
"Friday, 07 May (Dili) - The Government of New Zealand has donated five tons coffee to the victims affected by Natural Disaster in Timor-Leste. This is part from a $15 million donation that it made last year for relief efforts after disasters hit this country and which will be used as food supplies during its recovery period following an earthquake on Thursday night at around midnight local time(UTC+8)."
"Tempotimor (Dili) -The National Parliament through the F committee dealing with health issues decided to create a draft resolution in recognition of work by medical professionals fighting against Covid-19 outbreak."
"Tempotimor (Dili) - Deputy of the Democratic Party Group, Mariano 'Asanami' Sabino has urged all citizens to trust and take care even if they have doubts about covid-19. He said: \"I am not saying that people should be afraid or worried because there is no vaccine for it.\""
"MEJD Will Use US$3.2 Million To Support Students Tempotimor (Dili) - Minister of Education, Youth and Sports Armindo Maia has declared that he will spend the sum amounting to 10 million dollars ($985k), or about $476m in current exchange rate for a student’s monthly internet bill as part from his efforts towards enhancing educational quality throughout Timor-Leste through increased accessibility by students with disabilities on high school level at Dili University School District(DUSD)."
"Tempotimor (Dili) - The Integrated Crisis Management Centre in Dili, Timor-Leste registered 147 recoveries from Covid and a new case of the virus on Saturday. On Friday May/08th there were also recording another one positive for COVID at SIJK’s hospital area where they have been treates with antiretroviral drugs to prevent further spread or relapse after being infectious during their quarantine period as well!"
"The Coordinator of the Task Force for Prevention and Mitigation Covid-19 Outbreak in Timor Leste, Rui Maria de Araujo said that 57 newly detected cases were male;6 females aged between six to twelve years old (38%) with an average age range from two months upwards."
"The proportion of symptomatic cases is 10.5%."
"The proportion of symptomatic cases over the past 7 days has increased from an average rate for two weeks ago (8.9%) to today’s level, which is a record-breaking increase in case numbers: it now means that more than half all newly diagnosed COVID patients have been infected with SARS CoV2 viruses during their last seven day stay at home period;"
"Thus, the cumulative confirmed cases as of 7th May (up from March) are now:2965."
"\"147 recovered cases, 95 new case in Dili municipality and active patients are now numbering up to a total of (360)\", Rui said through his press release on Saturday."
"Results during the two days, National Health Laboratory (LNS) made 847 PCR tests in Dili. The results were as follows: sentinel surveillance -30; contact tracing-519 and random screening –26); travelling out of Municipality sanitization area–"
"The total PCR tests carried out on May 6 in other municipalities amounted to, Ermera:80; Maliana (17); Maubisse(25), Oecusse Region of the East African Republic/RAEOA.49 and Vikeke Municipality-Vikeque County -3). (*) Friday – National Police captures two male citizens at Tasitolu entry point for falsifying travel documents Tempotimor [Dili]–The Timorese national police through Dili City Command has apprehending a man who had been using false documentation when he was entering from Pasir Gudang Airport into city center via terminal gate number one with his wife' s passport as their identity card while they were making an international flight back home after having made it over sea between Baliuag Island where she is currently reside"
"Airasia plane carries 45 passengers and medical supplies to Timor-Leste Tempotimor (Dili) -The airline's aircraft marked with the letter \"9M\" was chartered by New Тимор Airlines, which is a subsidiary of NITA. The flight from Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia on Monday morning took off for Dili carrying an additional passenger as well As humanitarian assistance such Medical Supplies that were needed during this emergency situation caused through COVID18 outbreak at East Asia region"
"The plane landed at the airport of President Nicolau Lobato Komoro, Saturday (07/15) approximately 24:39 o'clock. It should have been humanitarian aid but due to limitations on transportation it was only carrying Medical Supplies and other medical equipments that were needed for emergency operations in Timor-Leste during this crisis period which has left more than one thousand people without their home or workplace after being hit by earthquake forced out from its base near Comoros Island"
"\"The humanitarian aid is indeed there, we got all the approval because of limited time for this process was not able to succeed so today (7/05) it's only Medical Supplies\", inform an unnamed official at President Nicolau Lobato Airport. Comoro on Saturday 6th May"
"Therefore, some humanitarian aid did not arrive but will be brought to Timor-Leste on the next flight."
"The Airasia aircraft was carrying 45 Taiwanese and foreign passengers from Malaysia to Dili."
"The aircraft was carrying humanitarian equipment, although airAsia is the commercial plane that has been chartered directly by New Timor Airlines (NITA)/Air Тимор."
"The aircraft took back 43 passengers from Dili to Malaysia. (*) Friday, May-07th -2:15 PM MEJD Asks Vice President of INFORDEPE for Service and Responsibility Tempotimor (Dili), Timor Leste – Minister Armindo Maia urged the three newly installed vice president in charge at Instituto Nacional Formação para Docentes e Profissionais da Educação de Angola/Institute National Training Institute on Teacher Education & Professional Employment Services that they continue their work with responsibility after taking office today as a director general"
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Estrutura VII Governu Aumenta, CNRT Apoiu – STL Online\nEstrutura VII Governu Aumenta, CNRT Apoiu\nDILI—Pose segundu faze ba VII governu konstitusional la kleur tan sei realiza. Numeru membru governu neebe inisiu 30 deit, posibilidade aumenta, tanba sei envolve individu balu husi independente no partidu politiku.\nTuir Xefe Bankada Fretilin Francisco Miranda Branco Xefi Bankada Fretilin hatete, VII governu sei kompleta ho pose segundu ronde, maibe bele iha aumenta membru governu liu husi 30.\nPose ba segundu ronde nee sei ba kompleta hotu kedas fatin neebe mak mamuk. Maibe ami mos hanoin karik sei iha tendensia aumenta tan, tuir los 30 deit, maibe bele aumenta tanba koligasaun no mos sei iha inkluzaun,” katak Branco ba STL Segunda (25/09/2017) iha PN.\nLista governu atu halao pose ba segundu ronde tuir Branco sei aprezenta ba iha Prezidente Republika, depois simu tiha lista, dekreta depois marka loron pose.\nNeebe kona ba loron pose nia parte ladun hatene PR mak bele hatene, pose nee atu monu iha sa loron nee kompetensia PR nian,” Branco akresenta dokumentus legal ba paktu koligasaun entre partidu Fretilin ho Partidu PD, iha tiha ona, asina iha dia 11 Setembru liu ba.Paktu koligasaun ou dokumentus legal neebe Fretilin ho PD asina nee iha CCF (Comite Central Fretilin), iha momentu asina ne iha loron istoriku neebe ASDT nakfila aan ba Fretilin.\nBranco informa, iha loron asina paktu koligasaun nee media sira moshatene neebe halao iha dia 11 fulan setembnru 2017 nee. Iha loron istoriku nee mos hodi asina paktu koligasaun ou dokumentu legal ba koligasaun nee rasik.\nEntre tantu, Maria Teresa da Silva Gusmao Xefi Bankada PD hatete, ba ida nee so prezidente partidu mak bele koalia, tanba sira hanesan deputada so haree ba servisu iha PN.\nEntretantu iha parte seluk Xefi bankada CNRT Arao Noe dehan, governu agora ho estrutura kiik, ida nee kabe ba kompetenesia partidu neebe manan maioria simplesbele lobi partidu seluk hodi forma governu.\nVII governu neebe forma husi Partidu Fretilin ho partidu PD, ho estrutura neebe kiik. Tanba iha 15 fulan Setembru liu ba foin halo pose ba Primeiru ministru ho membru nain 11, maibe fatin balu sei mamuk.\nEntretantu iha parte seluk Reitor IOB Augusto da Conceicao dehan haree ba koligasaun nee husi partidu 2 mak avansa ba oin, Fretiin ho PD, tanba nee VII governu forma ona.Mezmu seidauk kompletu, maibe fiar katak governu ida agora neebe lidera husi PM Alkatiri nee sei kompleta membru governu sira iha tempu badak.\nCNRT Apoiu Governu\nNunee mos Retor Universidade Dili (UNDIL), Estevao da Costa Belo dehan partidu CNRT oras nee sai opozisaun iha parlamentu nasional, maibe bele mos fo apoiu politikamente ba programa governu nian ho intensaun atu halo dezenvolvimentu.\nNia hatutan durante tinan 15 nia laran, povu hotu-hotu nia esperansa ba governu maka nee hakarak dezenvolvimentu. No hakarak sente iha dezenvolvimentu liu husi area sira hanesan eletrisidade, estrada no seluk tan nebe sai nafatin preokupasaun. Maibe kuandu opozisaun kaer governu lahalo buat ida, nee fakar osan deit.\nKuandu opozisaun kaer governu tinan lima mai lahalo buat ida. Nee ita hanesan fakar osan deit tanba fiskalizasaun ladiak. Tanba ita hotu-hotu hamutuk governu, opozisaun sala, koligasaun sala hotu, neebe apoiu politika no humanu bele mais kuandu programa tenke iha opozisaun neebe los,” tenik Reitor UNDIL nee.\nEnkuantu Diretor Ezekutivu Luta Hamutuk, Jose da Costa Alves dehan argumentu politiku nee normal. Maibe CNRT nia argumentu politika sei ladura to tinan lima. Tanba partidu politika sira seluk mos iha iha nia politika rasik. Se partidu neebe mak lidera governasaun, iha aprezentasaun politika apar ho politika partidu. Entaun opoziosaun nia hakarak ka lakohi governu monu.\nSe partidu neebe maka sai lidera governasaun politika aprezentasaun politika la apar ho politika partidu sira seluk pozisaun neba hakarak ka lakohi governasaun tenke monu. Mais kuandu parpol ida-idak halo politika ba programa governu no orsamentu sei lapasa dala rua tutuir malu,” tenik Jose.\nIha fatin seluk Diretor Ezekutivu Fundasaun Mahein (FM), Nelson Belo dehan partidu opozisaun CNRT fo nia apoiu ba governu iha parlamentu nasional, nee diak. Maibe importante liu maka politika Timor oan sira nianatu halo dezenvolvimentu ba rai ida nee. Nunee mos tenke defende nafatin estabilidade nasional.\n“Ba ami sosiedades sivil no povu tomak nia hakarak maka estabiliadde politika no estabiliadde nasional. Agora interese sira nia nee sira rasik mak hatene. Ita nia hakarak kria situasaun diak no hakmatek,” yenik Nelson. Guilhermina Franco/Justinho Manuel\nPrevious article Uza Direitu Ho Konsensia\nNext article Caero Tama Prizaun Tinan 3 | [
"Estrutura VII Governu Aumenta, CNRT Apoiu - STL Online Estrutura VII Governu Aumenta, CNRT Apoiu DILI - Pose segundu faze ba VII governu konstitusional la kleur tan sei realiza.",
"Numeru membru governu neebe inisiu 30 deit, posibilidade aumenta, tanba sei envolve individu balu husi independente no partidu politiku.",
"Tuir Xefe Bankada Fretilin Francisco Miranda Branco Xefi Bankada Fretilin hatete, VII governu sei kompleta ho pose segundu ronde, maibe bele iha aumenta membru governu liu husi 30.",
"Pose ba segundu ronde nee sei ba kompleta hotu kedas fatin neebe mak mamuk.",
"Maibe ami mos hanoin karik sei iha tendensia aumenta tan, tuir los 30 deit, maibe bele aumenta tanba koligasaun no mos sei iha inkluzaun,\" katak Branco ba STL Segunda (25/09/2017) iha PN.",
"Lista governu atu halao pose ba segundu ronde tuir Branco sei aprezenta ba iha Prezidente Republika, depois simu tiha lista, dekreta depois marka loron pose.",
"Neebe kona ba loron pose nia parte ladun hatene PR mak bele hatene, pose nee atu monu iha sa loron nee kompetensia PR nian,\" Branco akresenta dokumentus legal ba paktu koligasaun entre partidu Fretilin ho Partidu PD, iha tiha ona, asina iha dia 11 Setembru liu ba.Paktu koligasaun ou dokumentus legal neebe Fretilin ho PD asina nee iha CCF (Comite Central Fretilin), iha momentu asina ne iha loron istoriku neebe ASDT nakfila aan ba Fretilin.",
"Branco informa, iha loron asina paktu koligasaun nee media sira moshatene neebe halao iha dia 11 fulan setembnru 2017 nee.",
"Iha loron istoriku nee mos hodi asina paktu koligasaun ou dokumentu legal ba koligasaun nee rasik.",
"Entre tantu, Maria Teresa da Silva Gusmao Xefi Bankada PD hatete, ba ida nee so prezidente partidu mak bele koalia, tanba sira hanesan deputada so haree ba servisu iha PN.",
"Entretantu iha parte seluk Xefi bankada CNRT Arao Noe dehan, governu agora ho estrutura kiik, ida nee kabe ba kompetenesia partidu neebe manan maioria simplesbele lobi partidu seluk hodi forma governu.",
"VII governu neebe forma husi Partidu Fretilin ho partidu PD, ho estrutura neebe kiik.",
"Tanba iha 15 fulan Setembru liu ba foin halo pose ba Primeiru ministru ho membru nain 11, maibe fatin balu sei mamuk.",
"Entretantu iha parte seluk Reitor IOB Augusto da Conceicao dehan haree ba koligasaun nee husi partidu 2 mak avansa ba oin, Fretiin ho PD, tanba nee VII governu forma ona.Mezmu seidauk kompletu, maibe fiar katak governu ida agora neebe lidera husi PM Alkatiri nee sei kompleta membru governu sira iha tempu badak.",
"CNRT Apoiu Governu Nunee mos Retor Universidade Dili (UNDIL), Estevao da Costa Belo dehan partidu CNRT oras nee sai opozisaun iha parlamentu nasional, maibe bele mos fo apoiu politikamente ba programa governu nian ho intensaun atu halo dezenvolvimentu.",
"Nia hatutan durante tinan 15 nia laran, povu hotu-hotu nia esperansa ba governu maka nee hakarak dezenvolvimentu.",
"No hakarak sente iha dezenvolvimentu liu husi area sira hanesan eletrisidade, estrada no seluk tan nebe sai nafatin preokupasaun.",
"Maibe kuandu opozisaun kaer governu lahalo buat ida, nee fakar osan deit.",
"Kuandu opozisaun kaer governu tinan lima mai lahalo buat ida.",
"Nee ita hanesan fakar osan deit tanba fiskalizasaun ladiak.",
"Tanba ita hotu-hotu hamutuk governu, opozisaun sala, koligasaun sala hotu, neebe apoiu politika no humanu bele mais kuandu programa tenke iha opozisaun neebe los,\" tenik Reitor UNDIL nee.",
"Enkuantu Diretor Ezekutivu Luta Hamutuk, Jose da Costa Alves dehan argumentu politiku nee normal.",
"Maibe CNRT nia argumentu politika sei ladura to tinan lima.",
"Tanba partidu politika sira seluk mos iha iha nia politika rasik.",
"Se partidu neebe mak lidera governasaun, iha aprezentasaun politika apar ho politika partidu.",
"Entaun opoziosaun nia hakarak ka lakohi governu monu.",
"Se partidu neebe maka sai lidera governasaun politika aprezentasaun politika la apar ho politika partidu sira seluk pozisaun neba hakarak ka lakohi governasaun tenke monu.",
"Mais kuandu parpol ida-idak halo politika ba programa governu no orsamentu sei lapasa dala rua tutuir malu,\" tenik Jose.",
"Iha fatin seluk Diretor Ezekutivu Fundasaun Mahein (FM), Nelson Belo dehan partidu opozisaun CNRT fo nia apoiu ba governu iha parlamentu nasional, nee diak.",
"Maibe importante liu maka politika Timor oan sira nianatu halo dezenvolvimentu ba rai ida nee.",
"Nunee mos tenke defende nafatin estabilidade nasional.",
"\"Ba ami sosiedades sivil no povu tomak nia hakarak maka estabiliadde politika no estabiliadde nasional.",
"Agora interese sira nia nee sira rasik mak hatene.",
"Ita nia hakarak kria situasaun diak no hakmatek,\" yenik Nelson.",
"Guilhermina Franco/Justinho Manuel Previous article Uza Direitu Ho Konsensia Next article Caero Tama Prizaun Tinan 3"
] | [
"Estrutura VII Governo Aumenta, CNRT Apoiu - STL Online Structure of the Seventh Government Increases and CNRP Supports it Dili – The second phase for a constitutional government will soon take place."
"The number of cabinet members, initially only 30 people is likely to increase as it will involve some individuals from independent parties and political party."
"According to Fretilin Party Chair Francisco Miranda Branco, the VII government will be completed with a second round of inauguration but there may have been an increase in cabinet members by more than 30."
"Posse for the second round will be completed immediately after all places have been occupied."
"But we also think that there will be a tendency to increase, accordingly only 30 but it can rise because of the coalition and inclusion\", Branco told STL Monday (25/9) in Parliament."
"The list of government to take office for the second round according Branco will be submitted in President da República, after receiving alist decree then mark date."
"As for the date of his takeover, he does not know. The PR can decide it; if this takes over on which day is up to him.\" Branco added that legal documents concerning a coalition pact between Fretilin and PD had already been signed in September last year's CCF (Fretilin Central Committee) meeting at an historic time when ASDT turned its back upon FRETILIN:"
"Branco informed that on the day of signing this coalition pact, there was a media conference held at 10:35 am (local time) today."
"On this historic day, the coalition pact or legal document for its own was also signed."
"Meanwhile, Maria Teresa da Silva Gusmao PD Group Leader said that only the party president can speak about this because they as deputies are looking for work in PN."
"Meanwhile, on the other hand CNRP Group Leader Arao Noe said that government now has a small structure. This is due to competence of parties winning majority simply lobbying another party in order for it forms Government"
"The VII government formed by the Fretilin Party and PD party, with a small structure."
"On 15 September, the Prime Minister was sworn in with an eleven-member cabinet but some positions remained vacant."
"On the other hand, IOB Rector Augusto da Conceicao said that considering this coalition of 2 parties is moving forward Fretin and PD. Therefore VII government has already been formd but it's not complete yet; however he trusted a new cabinet led by PM Alkatiri will fill up its members in short time"
"Rector of Dili University (UNDIL), Estevao da Costa Belo, said that CNRP is now in opposition to the national parliament but can also give political support for government programmes with a view towards development."
"He added that over the past 15 years, all people’s hope for this government has been to achieve development."
"And they want to feel the development through areas such as electricity, roads and other things that are always a concern."
"But when the opposition takes over government and does nothing, it only makes money."
"When the opposition takes over government for five years, it will do nothing."
"It is like we are only making money because of poor taxation."
"Because we are all together in government, the wrong opposition and coalition is faulty. We can get more political support if there's a right opponent for our program.\""
"As for Luta Hamutuk Executive Director Jose da Costa Alves, he says political arguments are normal."
"However, CNRP's political argument will last up to five years."
"Because other political parties also have their own policies."
"If the party leads government, there is a political presentation apart from partisan politics."
"But the opposition wants or does not wish for a government to collapse."
"If the party that is going to lead governance presents a political statement which does not match other parties' policy, then this position will or won’t cause government collapse."
"But when each party makes a policy for the government program and budget will pass twice,\" said Jose."
"On the other hand, Executive Director of Mahein Foundation (FM), Nelson Belo said that opposition party CNRP gave its support to government in national parliament is good."
"But more importantly, the Timorese politicians are not willing to develop this country."
"However, we must also defend national stability."
"\"For us civil society and the people as a whole, political stability is what we want."
"Now their interests are known to them."
"We want to create a good and peaceful environment,\" said Nelson."
"Guilhermina Franco/Justinho Manuel Previous article Use Right With Consent Next Article Caero Sentenced to 3 Years in Prison"
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Timor GAP negosia ho Woodside-Osaka Gas ba projetu Greater Sunrise | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Timor GAP negosia ho Woodside-Osaka Gas ba projetu Greater Sunrise\nMapa dezenvolvimentu kampu Greater Sunrise. Imajen/Espesiál\nDILI, 30 setembru 2021 (TATOLI)—Estadu Timor-Leste liuhosi Timor Gás no Petróleu, Empreza Públika (Timor GAP, E.P) daudaun ne’e serbisu maka’as hodi halo negosiasaun ho konsórsiu Woodside no Osaka Gas hodi dezenvolve projetu kampu petrolífera Greater Sunrise.\n“Ho prinsípiu ida katak projetu Greater Sunrise tenke fó benefísiu másimu ba povu no Estadu Timor-Leste,” Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun Timor GAP, E.P, António José Loiola de Sousa, hateten, liuhosi nota imprensa ne’ebé Agência TATOLI asesu, kinta ne’e.\nIha diálogu no sosializasaun kona-ba atualizasaun informasaun kona-ba projetu tasi mane ba komunidade no autoridade lokál iha Betano, munisípiu Manufahi, foin lalais ne’e, Prezidente Timor GAP informa katak sosa ona asaun liuhosi fundu empréstimu.\nGovernu anteriór sosa asaun hosi ConocoPhillips no Osaka Gas ho montante millaun $651,7, ne’ebé osan millaun $650 mai hosi empréstimu direta hosi Banku Federál Amérika no millaun $1,7 mai hosi fundu Timor GAP nian ne’ebé mak kada tinan hetan alokasaun liuhosi Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE).\nNotísia relevante: BSTL Ho Timor Gap Asina Ona Protokolu Ba Transferénsia Osan Hodi Sosa Asaun\nHo nune’e, Estadu Timor-Leste iha asaun 30% ne’ebé sosa hosi kompañia ConocoPhilips no Shell hamutuk 26,56%, ho kustu millaun $650, ne’ebé Timor GAP hanesan kompañia petrolífera nasionál iha ona partisipasaun hamutuk 56,56% iha Greater Sunrise.\n“Timor GAP atualmente tenke selu ho funan 4,5% annual compound, hahú hosi 19 abríl 2019, hanesan kompañia subsidiáriu iha Greater Sunrise ho kustu $82.500 kada loron ida,” Prezidente Timor GAP akresenta.\nRelasiona ho projetu Tasi Mane, Dirijente empreza estatál ne’e dehan Timor GAP refere ba padraun internasionál iha setór petrolíferu, ne’ebé projetu hotu tenke inisia uluk hosi parte upstream mai mid-stream hafoin mak to’o parte downstream.\nProjetu Tasi Mane presiza asegura, katak Governu tenki hatene uluk rezerva petrolífera hira mak eziste iha tasi-laran no rai-maran, atu nune’e tuir mai bele aplika projetu Tasi Mane ne’ebé fo benefísiu másimu ba povu no Estadu.\nHo nune’e, redefinisaun ba projetu Tasi Mane sei aprezenta ba Governu atu konsidera ba ezekusaun.\nIha ámbitu sosializasaun no dialogu ne’e, Prezidente Autoridade Nasionál Petróleu no Minerál (ANPM), Florentino Mateus Soares Ferreira, atualiza kona-ba projetu Tasi Mane ninia konseitu ne’ebé mak konsideradu nu’udar ‘projetu ne’ebé mak la tuir padraun indústria petrolífera’, tanba Governu anteriór la dezenvolve konseitu ida bazeia ba padraun internasionál ba indústria petrolífera ne’ebé mak adota iha mundu.\nPrezidente ANPM aprezenta mós ba autoridade lokál no komunidade sira kona-ba ‘konseitu foun’ ne’ebé adota padraun petrolíferu internasionál, atualmente sei iha faze diskusaun atu bele konsidera hodi aplika iha Timor-Leste, liuliu setór petrolíferu iha parte Tasi Mane, nune’e tuir aspetu tékniku no komersiál, sei oferese benefísiu másimu ba povu no Estadu.\nMinistru Petróleu no Minerál, Victor da Conceição Soares, aprezenta kona-ba progresu serbisu sira ne’ebé mak VIII Governu Konstitusionál atinje ona to’o ohin loron liuhosi ministériu tutela.\nPrograma diálogu no sosializasaun ne’e, hetan apresiasaun di’ak hosi komunidade no entidade relevante hanesan lider Komunitáriu, Administradór munisípiu, joven sira, veteranu, membru Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) no FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL).\nPrevious articleCOVID-19 iha RAEOA: pozitivu neen, ativu 31 no rekoperadu 291\nNext articleSemana oin, CDC sei realiza formasaun movel iha Baucau | [
"Timor GAP negosia ho Woodside-Osaka Gas ba projetu Greater Sunrise | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Timor GAP negosia ho Woodside-Osaka Gas ba projetu Greater Sunrise Mapa dezenvolvimentu kampu Greater Sunrise.",
"Imajen/Espesial DILI, 30 setembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Estadu Timor-Leste liuhosi Timor Gas no Petroleu, Empreza Publika (Timor GAP, E.P) daudaun ne'e serbisu maka'as hodi halo negosiasaun ho konsorsiu Woodside no Osaka Gas hodi dezenvolve projetu kampu petrolifera Greater Sunrise.",
"\"Ho prinsipiu ida katak projetu Greater Sunrise tenke fo benefisiu masimu ba povu no Estadu Timor-Leste,\" Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun Timor GAP, E.P, Antonio Jose Loiola de Sousa, hateten, liuhosi nota imprensa ne'ebe Agencia TATOLI asesu, kinta ne'e.",
"Iha dialogu no sosializasaun kona-ba atualizasaun informasaun kona-ba projetu tasi mane ba komunidade no autoridade lokal iha Betano, munisipiu Manufahi, foin lalais ne'e, Prezidente Timor GAP informa katak sosa ona asaun liuhosi fundu emprestimu.",
"Governu anterior sosa asaun hosi ConocoPhillips no Osaka Gas ho montante millaun $651,7, ne'ebe osan millaun $650 mai hosi emprestimu direta hosi Banku Federal Amerika no millaun $1,7 mai hosi fundu Timor GAP nian ne'ebe mak kada tinan hetan alokasaun liuhosi Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE).",
"Notisia relevante: BSTL Ho Timor Gap Asina Ona Protokolu Ba Transferensia Osan Hodi Sosa Asaun Ho nune'e, Estadu Timor-Leste iha asaun 30% ne'ebe sosa hosi kompania ConocoPhilips no Shell hamutuk 26,56%, ho kustu millaun $650, ne'ebe Timor GAP hanesan kompania petrolifera nasional iha ona partisipasaun hamutuk 56,56% iha Greater Sunrise.",
"\"Timor GAP atualmente tenke selu ho funan 4,5% annual compound, hahu hosi 19 abril 2019, hanesan kompania subsidiariu iha Greater Sunrise ho kustu $82.500 kada loron ida,\" Prezidente Timor GAP akresenta.",
"Relasiona ho projetu Tasi Mane, Dirijente empreza estatal ne'e dehan Timor GAP refere ba padraun internasional iha setor petroliferu, ne'ebe projetu hotu tenke inisia uluk hosi parte upstream mai mid-stream hafoin mak to'o parte downstream.",
"Projetu Tasi Mane presiza asegura, katak Governu tenki hatene uluk rezerva petrolifera hira mak eziste iha tasi-laran no rai-maran, atu nune'e tuir mai bele aplika projetu Tasi Mane ne'ebe fo benefisiu masimu ba povu no Estadu.",
"Ho nune'e, redefinisaun ba projetu Tasi Mane sei aprezenta ba Governu atu konsidera ba ezekusaun.",
"Iha ambitu sosializasaun no dialogu ne'e, Prezidente Autoridade Nasional Petroleu no Mineral (ANPM), Florentino Mateus Soares Ferreira, atualiza kona-ba projetu Tasi Mane ninia konseitu ne'ebe mak konsideradu nu'udar 'projetu ne'ebe mak la tuir padraun industria petrolifera', tanba Governu anterior la dezenvolve konseitu ida bazeia ba padraun internasional ba industria petrolifera ne'ebe mak adota iha mundu.",
"Prezidente ANPM aprezenta mos ba autoridade lokal no komunidade sira kona-ba 'konseitu foun' ne'ebe adota padraun petroliferu internasional, atualmente sei iha faze diskusaun atu bele konsidera hodi aplika iha Timor-Leste, liuliu setor petroliferu iha parte Tasi Mane, nune'e tuir aspetu tekniku no komersial, sei oferese benefisiu masimu ba povu no Estadu.",
"Ministru Petroleu no Mineral, Victor da Conceicao Soares, aprezenta kona-ba progresu serbisu sira ne'ebe mak VIII Governu Konstitusional atinje ona to'o ohin loron liuhosi ministeriu tutela.",
"Programa dialogu no sosializasaun ne'e, hetan apresiasaun di'ak hosi komunidade no entidade relevante hanesan lider Komunitariu, Administrador munisipiu, joven sira, veteranu, membru Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) no FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL).",
"Previous articleCOVID-19 iha RAEOA: pozitivu neen, ativu 31 no rekoperadu 291 Next articleSemana oin, CDC sei realiza formasaun movel iha Baucau"
] | [
"Timor GAP negotiates with Woodside-Osaka Gas for Greater Sunrise project | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de TL Home Economy and Business East Timor’s gas company, Timor Gaap (TG), has concluded a partnership agreement to develop the oil field in Southeastern Asia."
"Image/Special DILI, September 30th (TATOLI) - The State of Timor-Leste through the Public Company for Gas and Petroleum Developments (“Timor GAP”), is currently working hard to negotiate with Woodside Consortium & Osaka Gaze Corporation on developing a Greater Sunrise oil field project."
"\"With one principle that the Greater Sunrise project must give maximum benefits to Timor-Leste's people and State,\" said Chairman of Board Of Director’S (BOD) E.P Antonio Jose Loiola de Sousa in a press release which Agência TATOLI accessed on Wednesday night"
"In a dialogue and publication on the update of information regarding sea man project to communities, local authorities in Betano municipality Manufahi recently Timor GAP President informs that it has purchased share through loan fund."
"The previous government bought shares in ConocoPhillips and Osaka Gas for $651.7 million, of which the amount was covered by a direct loan from Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) US$408mn plus an annual allocation to Timor GAP Fund through State General Budget ($239M)."
"Relevant News: BSTL and Timor Gap Sign Protocol for Transfer of Funds through Share Acquisition Thurso, the State has a shareholding in Greater Sunrise amounting to $650 million. The state owned an ownership stake (31%) which was purchased by ConocoPhilip-Shell totalling £27m ($498million), while GAP as national oil company already had its participations at that time - respectively with one percent per cent on both companies' joint capital investment scheme \"Growth\"."
"\"Timor GAP currently has to pay a 4.5% annual compound fee, beginning on April19th of this year as subsidiary company in Greater Sunrise at the cost $820 per day\", Timor-Gap President adds"
"Regarding the Tasi Mane project, state-owned company's director said Timor GAP referred to international standard in oil sector where all projects must first start from upstream and then go mid stream before going down."
"The Manta Sea project needs to ensure that the government knows first how many oil reserve exist on land and offshore, so as then applying mantas sea projects which will give maximum benefits for people."
"Thus, a redefinition of the Man River project will be submitted to Government for considerations on implementaation."
"Within the context of this communication and dialogue, President National Petroleum & Mineral Authority (ANPM), Florentino Mateus Soares Ferreira updated about its concept for Manta Ray project which is considered as 'a non-oil industry standards' because previous government did not develop a design based on international oil industries that are adopted worldwide."
"The President of ANPM also presented to local authorities and communities about the 'new concept' that adopts international petroleum standard, currently in discussion phase for consideration as applicable on Timor-Leste particularly oil sector part Manna Sea so according technical aspect commercial will offer maximum benefits both people & State."
"The Minister of Petroleum and Minerals, Victor da Conceicao Soares presented the progress made to date by his ministry in carrying out work undertaken under this Constitutional Government."
"This dialogue and socialization programme has been well received by the community, including relevant entities such as Community Leaders (CL), Municipal Administrator(S) 2017-365.pdf"
"Previous articleCOVID-19 in the RAEOA: no positive, active case number is up to three and recovered cases are over two hundred Next artikelCDC will conduct mobile training next week at Baucau"
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Eleisaun ba komisariu KAK adia dala 3 ■Hein diskusaun OJE remata - GMN TV\nGMN TV Politika Eleisaun ba komisariu KAK adia dala 3 ■Hein diskusaun OJE remata\nParlamentu Nasionál (PN) adia eleisaun ba Komisariu Komisaun Anti Korupsaun (KAK) ba dala 3 ona, tanba laiha kuorum halo votasaun, tanba ne’e Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál (PPN) Arão Noe de Jesus Amaral, hateten, proposta refere sei hein fali diskusaun Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2018 remata mak foin hala’o fali eleisaun.\n“Kandidatu sira iha ona, Governu kumpri ona nia kompetensia, agora kabe ba Parlamentu Nasionál atu kumpri hodi halo eleisaun,”dehan PPN Arão Noe ba jornalista iha PN, Sesta (24/08/2018).\nLíder órgaun lejislador ne’e mós, sujere ba bankada Parlamentar sira V lejislatura nian, atu iha konsensu ba malu lalais, hodi nune’e remata diskusaun OJE, bele halo kedas eleisaun.\n“Ne’e labele dada bebeik hodi husik órgaun kria ho lei, maibe laiha líder ida atu bele organiza, ne’e mós impaktu ba funsionariu téknika sira ne’ebé servisu iha instituisaun no funsionamentu, tanba de’it laiha xefi atu lidera,”dehan PPN Arão Noe.\nIha sorin seluk, Xefi bankada CNRT, Duarte Nunez, relata, to’o agora seidauk iha konsensu entre xefi bankada sira Parlamentu Nasionál kona-ba proposta Governu atu hili atu halo eleisaun ba komisariu KAK.\nDuarte Nunez hateten tan, bainhira laiha konsensu entre deputadu sira, AMP sei buka meius hodi entende malu, hodi priense priense kuorum hodi diskute no votasaun ba proposta importante ne’e.\nAntes ne’e, deputadu sira husi bankada opozisaun Fretilin walk out (La’o sai) husi plenaria, no sei lakohi partisipa iha ajenda atu halo votasaun ba komisariu KAK, bainhira bankada AMP ho Governu laiha konsensu hodi aprezenta kandidatu konsensual ba komisariu KAK.\nTanba tuir deputadu opozisaun sira, ho kandidatu konsensual ne’e labele dúvida iha aprezentasaun kandidatu komisariu KAK nian.\nGovernu aprezenta proposta dahuluk hodi prolonga mandatu komisariu KAK anterior Adérito Tilman, maibe to’o iha plenaria, deputadu sira husi bankada AMP ne’ebé kompostu husi CNRT, PLP no KHUNTO rasik adia ajenda dahuluk ne’e, hodi husu tan kandidatu seluk ba Governu atu bele kompete, nune’e bele fó opsaun ba deputadu sira iha eleisaun hodi hili komisariu KAK.\nTanba razaun deputadu AMP sira, bainhira kandidatu úniku mak la presiza halo eleisaun no nomeia direta de’it.\nEnkuantu, naran kandidatu ne’ebé VIII Governu aprezenta hafoin deside liu hosi konsellu ministru sira mak hanesan, prolonga mandatu komisariu KAK anterior Adérito Tilman ho Jurista Sergio Hornai, hodi assume mandatu komisariu KAK ba tinan 4, 2018 to’o 2022.Say | [
"Eleisaun ba komisariu KAK adia dala 3 #Hein diskusaun OJE remata - GMN TV GMN TV Politika Eleisaun ba komisariu KAK adia dala 3 #Hein diskusaun OJE remata Parlamentu Nasional (PN) adia eleisaun ba Komisariu Komisaun Anti Korupsaun (KAK) ba dala 3 ona, tanba laiha kuorum halo votasaun, tanba ne'e Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional (PPN) Arao Noe de Jesus Amaral, hateten, proposta refere sei hein fali diskusaun Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2018 remata mak foin hala'o fali eleisaun.",
"\"Kandidatu sira iha ona, Governu kumpri ona nia kompetensia, agora kabe ba Parlamentu Nasional atu kumpri hodi halo eleisaun,\"dehan PPN Arao Noe ba jornalista iha PN, Sesta (24/08/2018).",
"Lider orgaun lejislador ne'e mos, sujere ba bankada Parlamentar sira V lejislatura nian, atu iha konsensu ba malu lalais, hodi nune'e remata diskusaun OJE, bele halo kedas eleisaun.",
"\"Ne'e labele dada bebeik hodi husik orgaun kria ho lei, maibe laiha lider ida atu bele organiza, ne'e mos impaktu ba funsionariu teknika sira ne'ebe servisu iha instituisaun no funsionamentu, tanba de'it laiha xefi atu lidera,\"dehan PPN Arao Noe.",
"Iha sorin seluk, Xefi bankada CNRT, Duarte Nunez, relata, to'o agora seidauk iha konsensu entre xefi bankada sira Parlamentu Nasional kona-ba proposta Governu atu hili atu halo eleisaun ba komisariu KAK.",
"Duarte Nunez hateten tan, bainhira laiha konsensu entre deputadu sira, AMP sei buka meius hodi entende malu, hodi priense priense kuorum hodi diskute no votasaun ba proposta importante ne'e.",
"Antes ne'e, deputadu sira husi bankada opozisaun Fretilin walk out (La'o sai) husi plenaria, no sei lakohi partisipa iha ajenda atu halo votasaun ba komisariu KAK, bainhira bankada AMP ho Governu laiha konsensu hodi aprezenta kandidatu konsensual ba komisariu KAK.",
"Tanba tuir deputadu opozisaun sira, ho kandidatu konsensual ne'e labele duvida iha aprezentasaun kandidatu komisariu KAK nian.",
"Governu aprezenta proposta dahuluk hodi prolonga mandatu komisariu KAK anterior Aderito Tilman, maibe to'o iha plenaria, deputadu sira husi bankada AMP ne'ebe kompostu husi CNRT, PLP no KHUNTO rasik adia ajenda dahuluk ne'e, hodi husu tan kandidatu seluk ba Governu atu bele kompete, nune'e bele fo opsaun ba deputadu sira iha eleisaun hodi hili komisariu KAK.",
"Tanba razaun deputadu AMP sira, bainhira kandidatu uniku mak la presiza halo eleisaun no nomeia direta de'it.",
"Enkuantu, naran kandidatu ne'ebe VIII Governu aprezenta hafoin deside liu hosi konsellu ministru sira mak hanesan, prolonga mandatu komisariu KAK anterior Aderito Tilman ho Jurista Sergio Hornai, hodi assume mandatu komisariu KAK ba tinan 4, 2018 to'o 2022.Say"
] | [
"Eleição para comissário KAK adia dala 3 #Hein discussão OGE termina - GMN TV Politika The National Parliament (PN) has postponed the election for Commissioner of Anti-Corruption Commission, because there is no quorum to vote. That's why President Arao Noe de Jesus Amaral said that this proposal will wait until discussion on State General Budget end before rescheduling elections in Brazil and he added: \"We are not ready yet.\""
"\"The candidates are there, the Government has fulfilled its competence. Now it is up to Parliament and National Assembly (PN) for their compliance so that elections can be held.\" PPN Arao Noe told journalist in PN on Saturday 24 August"
"The leader of the legislative body also suggested that parliamentary groups in this V legislature should reach a consensus quickly, so as to finish discussions on budget and hold elections immediately."
"\"It can not be repeatedly allowed to leave the body created by law, but there is no leader who could organize it. This also affects technical officials working in this institution and its functioning because of lack a chief that would lead them\", said PPN Arao Noe.\""
"On the other hand, CNRP Group Leader Duarte Nunez reported that so far there has not been a consensus among Parliament's group leaders on government proposal to choose an election for KPK commissioner."
"Duarte Nunez also said that if there is no consensus among MPs, AMP will seek ways to understand each other in order for the quorum and debate on this important proposal."
"Earlier, MPs from the opposition group Fretilin walk out of plenary and will not participate in voting on KAK commissioner' s agenda if AMP Group with Government fail to reach a consensus for presenting an agreed-upon candidate."
"Because according to opposition MPs, with this consensual candidate there is no doubt about the presentation of a CPC commissioner."
"The government submitted the initial proposal to extend Aderito Tilman's mandate as former KAK commissioner, but until plenary session MPS members from AMP group composed of CNRT (Congress for National Unity), PLP and KHUNTO themselves postponed this first agenda. They asked another candidate in order that they could compete with them so it would give an option on how MLA’ s can elect a new KAK Commissioner during election period"
"Because of the reasons AMP MP, if there is only one candidate do not need to vote and appoint directly."
"Meanwhile, the names of candidates submitted by Government VIII after a decision through Council is to extend mandates for former CPC commissioner Aderito Tilman and lawyer Sergio Hornai. They will take up their position as Commissioners from 4th January until end-2018 or beginning in December (see below)."
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Emmanuel troka Ultramar lidera grupu B ho pontu 12 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DESPORTU Emmanuel troka Ultramar lidera grupu B ho pontu 12\nEmmanuel troka Ultramar lidera grupu B ho pontu 12\nJogadór Emanuel FC ( kamiola mean) hadau malu bola ho Jogadór Ultramar FC iha joga divisaun II, Liga Futeból Timor-Leste, tersa 10 Novembru 2021, iha Stadium Munisipal Dili, Imajen Tatoli/António Gonçalves\nDILI, 10 novembru 2021 (TATOLI)– Ekipa Emmanuel FC susesu iha nia jornada ikus kontra Ultramar FC, ne’ebé hala’o iha Estadiu Munisipál Dili kuarta loraik, ho skore 6-0.\nHosi rezultadu ne’e fó oportunidade ba Emmanuel FC lidera permanente grupu B ho pontu 12 no Ultramar obrigadu tenke tun ba pozisaun segundu tanba pontu 10 de’it.\nNotísia relevante: Academica-Ultramar lidera tabela klasifikasaun segunda divizaun\nTanba ne’e, Emmanuel mak iha direitu absoluta hodi hasoru malu ho nia adversariu ne’ebé lidera grupu A Academica FC iha final segunda Divizaun hodi buka kampiaun.\nBainhira halakon Ultramar durante minutu 90, Emmanuel ne’ebé lidera hosi treinadór Emilio da Silva halo estratejia ne’ebé adekuadu tebes halo ekipa ne’ebé lidera hosi Moises da Silva book an la di’ak too han golu hamutuk neen.\nIha minutu primeira parte hahú ekipa rua lansa kontra no atake ba malu ho ritmu ne’ebé makas. Emmanuel halo jogu ho kontra no atake ne’ebé makas hakarak halo golu lais, enkuantu Ultramar mós hanesan.\nHo esforsu ekipa rua nian hosi minutu 1 to’o 25 labele halo golu ruma tanba forsa entre ekipa rua hanesan no la fó ameasa ba malu.\nJogadór Emanuel FC halao selebrasaun hafoin hatama golu ba guarda rede Ultramar FC iha joga divisaun II, Liga Futeból Timor-Leste, tersa 10 Novembru 2021, iha Stadium Munisipal Dili, Imajen Tatoli/António Gonçalves\nHakur ba minutu 27 oportunidade di’ak mosu ba Emanuel hodi realiza sira nia ambisaun hatama golu, hosi jogadór Alexandre Morreira (9) hodi muda rezultadu ba 1-0.\nGolu ne’e halo mentalidade Ultramar komesa monu daudaun, nune’e iha minutu 35 jogadór Emanuel Alexandre Morreira nafatin halo golu ida muda, bainhira bola barullu iha lia Ultramar nia oin hodi muda skore 2-0\nUltramar iha ambisaun makas hodi hatudu jogu, maibé jogadór Emanuel tenta hamate tutuir jog, nune’e iha minutu 38 Filomeno Xavio fura tan rede Ultramar ba 3-0.\nGolu ne’e, hanesan golu ikus iha minutu primeira parte no laiha tan golu ruma mak akontese no Emanuel provizóriu lidera jogu.\nDolar ba segunda parte ekipa rua nafatin hatudu jogu ne’ebé di’ak, sorte aat monu nafatin ba Ultramar tanba iha minutu 59, Mario Quintão lansa tan golu ida hodi muda rezultadu ba 4-0.\nTreinadór Moises da Silva tur la hakmatek uza maneira oioin atu hamate Emanuel nia jogu maibé jogadór Emanuel sira antisipa ho di’ak tebes hodi la fó leet ba Ultramar atu halo golu.\nEkipa ho jersi mean domina iha kampo laran duir bola hosi ain baa in halo tiki taka ba mai hodi provoka Ultramar nia emosaun hodi joga la tuir orientasaun treinadór nian.\nHo fallansu ne’ebé Ultramar komete fó risku ba sira nia ekipa no hakoi rasik sira nia ambisaun no esperansa hakarak manan Emanuel.\nJogu la’o to’o minutu 66 jogadór Filomeno Xavio halo tan golu ida muda rezultadu ba 5-0. Nune’e mós iha minutu 88 Zeferino Nheu (18) realiza golu ikus liu husi sutu falta iha lina oin Ultramar nian no bola tama ba rede hodi muda skore ba 6-0.\nJogadór Ultramar nian barak mak joga ho emosaun ne’ebé makas nune’e iha minute 88 jogadór Lesi Atok komete erru ne’ebé makas iha kampu laran hodi tebe monu jogadór Emanuel, Jonatas Pereira (7) árbitru foti desizaun sériu fó kartaun mean.\nHo erru ne’ebé iha halo Ultramar nia jogadór hela de’it na’in 10 mak iha kampu ne’ebé Emanuel la fó oportunidade ba sira lansa golu to’o minutu 90 termina.\nJogu ne’e dirije hosi árbitru Francisco Pereira, juiz liña Filomeno da Silva, João Paulo da Costa no árbitru rezerva Fernando Matos.\nNotísia relevante: Emmanuel FC prontu kompete iha jogu époka 2021\nPrevious articleMAPKOMS enkoraja komunidade Betulau partisipa vasina\nNext articleSTVJ Comoro finaliza ona formasaun movel iha Covalima | [
"Emmanuel troka Ultramar lidera grupu B ho pontu 12 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DESPORTU Emmanuel troka Ultramar lidera grupu B ho pontu 12 Emmanuel troka Ultramar lidera grupu B ho pontu 12 Jogador Emanuel FC (kamiola mean) hadau malu bola ho Jogador Ultramar FC iha joga divisaun II, Liga Futebol Timor-Leste, tersa 10 Novembru 2021, iha Stadium Munisipal Dili, Imajen Tatoli/Antonio Goncalves DILI, 10 novembru 2021 (TATOLI) - Ekipa Emmanuel FC susesu iha nia jornada ikus kontra Ultramar FC, ne'ebe hala'o iha Estadiu Munisipal Dili kuarta loraik, ho skore 6-0.",
"Hosi rezultadu ne'e fo oportunidade ba Emmanuel FC lidera permanente grupu B ho pontu 12 no Ultramar obrigadu tenke tun ba pozisaun segundu tanba pontu 10 de'it.",
"Notisia relevante: Academica-Ultramar lidera tabela klasifikasaun segunda divizaun Tanba ne'e, Emmanuel mak iha direitu absoluta hodi hasoru malu ho nia adversariu ne'ebe lidera grupu A Academica FC iha final segunda Divizaun hodi buka kampiaun.",
"Bainhira halakon Ultramar durante minutu 90, Emmanuel ne'ebe lidera hosi treinador Emilio da Silva halo estratejia ne'ebe adekuadu tebes halo ekipa ne'ebe lidera hosi Moises da Silva book an la di'ak too han golu hamutuk neen.",
"Iha minutu primeira parte hahu ekipa rua lansa kontra no atake ba malu ho ritmu ne'ebe makas.",
"Emmanuel halo jogu ho kontra no atake ne'ebe makas hakarak halo golu lais, enkuantu Ultramar mos hanesan.",
"Ho esforsu ekipa rua nian hosi minutu 1 to'o 25 labele halo golu ruma tanba forsa entre ekipa rua hanesan no la fo ameasa ba malu.",
"Jogador Emanuel FC halao selebrasaun hafoin hatama golu ba guarda rede Ultramar FC iha joga divisaun II, Liga Futebol Timor-Leste, tersa 10 Novembru 2021, iha Stadium Munisipal Dili, Imajen Tatoli/Antonio Goncalves Hakur ba minutu 27 oportunidade di'ak mosu ba Emanuel hodi realiza sira nia ambisaun hatama golu, hosi jogador Alexandre Morreira (9) hodi muda rezultadu ba 1-0.",
"Golu ne'e halo mentalidade Ultramar komesa monu daudaun, nune'e iha minutu 35 jogador Emanuel Alexandre Morreira nafatin halo golu ida muda, bainhira bola barullu iha lia Ultramar nia oin hodi muda skore 2-0 Ultramar iha ambisaun makas hodi hatudu jogu, maibe jogador Emanuel tenta hamate tutuir jog, nune'e iha minutu 38 Filomeno Xavio fura tan rede Ultramar ba 3-0.",
"Golu ne'e, hanesan golu ikus iha minutu primeira parte no laiha tan golu ruma mak akontese no Emanuel provizoriu lidera jogu.",
"Dolar ba segunda parte ekipa rua nafatin hatudu jogu ne'ebe di'ak, sorte aat monu nafatin ba Ultramar tanba iha minutu 59, Mario Quintao lansa tan golu ida hodi muda rezultadu ba 4-0.",
"Treinador Moises da Silva tur la hakmatek uza maneira oioin atu hamate Emanuel nia jogu maibe jogador Emanuel sira antisipa ho di'ak tebes hodi la fo leet ba Ultramar atu halo golu.",
"Ekipa ho jersi mean domina iha kampo laran duir bola hosi ain baa in halo tiki taka ba mai hodi provoka Ultramar nia emosaun hodi joga la tuir orientasaun treinador nian.",
"Ho fallansu ne'ebe Ultramar komete fo risku ba sira nia ekipa no hakoi rasik sira nia ambisaun no esperansa hakarak manan Emanuel.",
"Jogu la'o to'o minutu 66 jogador Filomeno Xavio halo tan golu ida muda rezultadu ba 5-0.",
"Nune'e mos iha minutu 88 Zeferino Nheu (18) realiza golu ikus liu husi sutu falta iha lina oin Ultramar nian no bola tama ba rede hodi muda skore ba 6-0.",
"Jogador Ultramar nian barak mak joga ho emosaun ne'ebe makas nune'e iha minute 88 jogador Lesi Atok komete erru ne'ebe makas iha kampu laran hodi tebe monu jogador Emanuel, Jonatas Pereira (7) arbitru foti desizaun seriu fo kartaun mean.",
"Ho erru ne'ebe iha halo Ultramar nia jogador hela de'it na'in 10 mak iha kampu ne'ebe Emanuel la fo oportunidade ba sira lansa golu to'o minutu 90 termina.",
"Jogu ne'e dirije hosi arbitru Francisco Pereira, juiz lina Filomeno da Silva, Joao Paulo da Costa no arbitru rezerva Fernando Matos.",
"Notisia relevante: Emmanuel FC prontu kompete iha jogu epoka 2021 Previous articleMAPKOMS enkoraja komunidade Betulau partisipa vasina Next articleSTVJ Comoro finaliza ona formasaun movel iha Covalima"
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"Emmanuel replaces Ultramar lead group B with 12 points | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DESPORTU Emanuel FC (kamiola mean) plays the ball against Jogador Ultarm Fc in Division II, Liga Futebol Timór Leste game on Tuesday November.09th at Dili Municipal Stadium Image Tatoli/Antonio Goncalves DILI - The team of Emanual Football Club succeeded during its last matchday as they beat ULTARM football club by a score that was set to go into history: it won their final round playoff games over each other and went through for second time this season!"
"The result gave an opportunity to Emmanuel FC permanently lead group B with 12 points and Ultramar forced down into second position because of only ten."
"Relevant news: Academica-Ultramar leads the second division standings table Therefore, Emmanuel has an absolute right to meet his opponent who is leading group A of Academy FC in final Second Division for championship."
"After losing Ultramar during the 90 minutes, Emmanuel led by coach Emilio da Silva made a very appropriate strategy to make Moses's team not beat them and scored six times."
"In the first minute of halftime, both teams launched counter-attacks and attacked each other at a fast pace."
"Emmanuel played a game of counter and attack that was very keen to score, while Ultramar did the same."
"With the efforts of both teams from minute 1 through to min.25 no goals were scored because there was a similar force between two sides and they did not threaten each other at all, but it didn't stop them in any way!"
"Emanuel FC player celebrates after scoring a goal against UltramarFC in the Division II, Liga Futebol Timor-Leste match on Tuesday 10th November at Dili Municipal Stadium. Image Tatoli/Antonio Goncalves After just over two minutes of play an excellent opportunity was created for Emmanuel to realize their ambition and score by Alexandre Morreira (9) who changed it into one point with his shot from close range that went right past Manuel' s backline but passed away behind him before being blocked off as he tried out another chance which ended up falling shortly thereafter"
"The goal made Ultramar's mentality begin to deteriorate, so in the 35th minute player Emanuel Alexandre Morreira again scored another change when a noisy ball came into front of him and changed it out. It was then that ultramarians had an ambition for showing off their game but Emmanuel tried his hardest workout before Filomeno Xavio could break through yet once more on time (minute:10) making them lead by three points at half-time!"
"The goal was the final one in half time and no more scores were made, with Emanuel provisionally leading."
"In the second half, both teams continued to show good play but Ultramar were unlucky again as in 59 minutes Mario Quintao scored another goal and changed it into a draw."
"Coach Moises da Silva was unwilling to use various ways of kill Emanuel's game but the players anticipated very well and did not give Ultramar any chance for a goal."
"The team in the yellow jersey dominated on field, holding ball from behind and making ticks to provoke Ultramar's emotions by playing against their coach."
"With the failures that Ultramar committed put their team at risk and shed themselves of ambition, hope to win Emanuel."
"The game went on until the 65th minute when Filomeno Xavio scored another goal to change things up."
"Also in the 89th minute Zeferino Nheu (17) scored his final goal from a free-kick on Ultramar's front line and put it into their net to change things up."
"Many Ultramar players played with strong emotions so in the 89th minute player Lesi Atok committed a serious error on field and knocked down Emanuel, Jonatas Pereira (7) referee took an important decision to give card mean."
"With the errors that were made, Ultramar players remained with only 10 on field and Emanuel did not give them a chance to score until after all ninety minutes."
"The match was administered by referee Francisco Pereira, assistant judges Filomeno da Silva and Joao Paulo Da Costa. Reserve arbitrator Fernando Matos directed the game as a substitute for João Paulinho do Nascimento whose injury left him unable to play in his first two games of this season against São Caetano FC on Sunday night (12/09)."
"Relevant news: Emmanuel FC ready to compete in the 2019-nCoV season PreviousMAPKOMS encourages Betulau community participate vaccination Next articleSTVJ Comoro has completed mobile training at Covalima"
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Uluk lidera kaixa klandestina, agora eduka estudante sira iha Ossouala | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA BAUKAU Uluk lidera kaixa klandestina, agora eduka estudante sira iha Ossouala\nKoordenadora Ensinu Báziku Filliál (EBF) Ossouala, Laura de Fátima Correia/ Imajen Agência TATOLI/Natalino Belo.\nBAUCAU, 13 outubru 2021 (TATOLI) – Nu’udar responsável kaixa klandestina iha tempu invazaun ilegál Indonézia nian la’ós fásil tanba konvense populasaun iha situasaun ne’ebé defísil tebes, nune’e oras ne’e veterana Laura de Fátima Correia kontinua enkoraja estudante ba luta edukasaun.\nIha situasaun defísil, Laura de Fátima Correia nu’udar responsável kaixa klandestina Oe-dolar, suku Ossouala, postu administrativu Vemasse, munisípiu Baucau, oras ne’e kontinua kontribui prosesu dezenvolvimentu nu’udar manorin na’in iha eskola filiál Ossouala.\n“Uluk iha Ossouala ne’e zona mean no situasaun ne’ebé defísil tebes. Agora ha’u nafatin prepara estudante sira nune’e ba futuru bele dezenvolve di’ak liután nasaun liuhosi setór edukasaun, liuliu suku ida-ne’e,” Laura informa ba Agência TATOLI, iha sede suku Ossouala, kuarta ne’e.\nVeterana Laura hakarak Ossouala oan sira tenke matenek hodi halo prezervasaun ba istória pasada iha tempu luta ba prosesu luta ba libertasaun nasionál, espesialmente istória hosi Ossouala nian.\nKoordenadora Ensinu Báziku Filliál (EBF) Ossouala ne’e akresenta, nu’udar veterana nafatin apoia governu liuhosi kontribuisaun hanoin balun atubele dezenvolve Timor-Leste liuhosi setór edukasaun.\nMaske hasoru difikuldade maibé profesora primeiru no segundu siklu ne’e nunka sente kole nu’udar manorin na’in iha eskola refere, tanba edukasaun ne’e importante ba ema hotu-hotu.\n“Bele dehan kolen mós labele maibé defísil tanba ami-nia eskola ne’e sentrál ba Aubaka, Triloka, tempu udan susar tanba kondisaun estrada entaun bainhira enkontru tenke ho sakrifísiu mak to’o Aubaka,” Laura hateten.\nLaura haktuir, suku Ossouala iha tempu Indonézia kategoria nu’udar liña-mean tanba fó hahán ba Komandu da Luta maibé to’o agora kontinua iha liña-mean tanba seidauk senti dezenvolvementu fíziku hanesan eletrisidade, estrada no bee-mos.\nVeterana Laura lidera estudante hamutuk na’in-150, profesór na’in-ualu kompostu hosi na’in-neen permanente no na’in-rua kontratadu iha eskola refere.\nSuku Ossoala iha aldeia lima kompostu Cai-denulale, Heine-uai, Lolinunu, Uai-khanasa, Uma-ana iku ne’ebé totál komunidade hamutuk 2.339 hosi uma-kain 103.\nHosi aldeia hirak ne’e, maiória komunidade sira hela besik área baliza entre munisípiu Viqueque baliza ho Ossu mak aldeia Lolinunu, aldeia Cai-denulale baliza ho suku Bercoli, postu administrativu Vemasse.\nNune’e mós aldeia Uai-khanasa baliza ho suku Caicua, postu administrativu Vemasse, Uma-ana iku baliza ho suku Ostiku no Heine-uai baliza ho suku Uaimori, munisípiu Viqueque.\nagora enkoraja estudante ba edukasaun\neskola filial Ossouala\nLaura de Fátima Correia\nResponsável kaixa Oe-dolar\nUluk lidera kaixa klandestina\nPrevious articleLocateli husu Governu hakbesik dezenvolvimentu ba Ossouala\nNext articlePR Lú Olo husu Governu aselera kampaña vasinasaun | [
"Uluk lidera kaixa klandestina, agora eduka estudante sira iha Ossouala | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BAUKAU Uluk lidera kaixa klandestina, agora eduka estudante sira iha Ossouala Koordenadora Ensinu Baziku Fillial (EBF) Ossouala, Laura de Fatima Correia/ Imajen Agencia TATOLI/Natalino Belo.",
"BAUCAU, 13 outubru 2021 (TATOLI) - Nu'udar responsavel kaixa klandestina iha tempu invazaun ilegal Indonezia nian la'os fasil tanba konvense populasaun iha situasaun ne'ebe defisil tebes, nune'e oras ne'e veterana Laura de Fatima Correia kontinua enkoraja estudante ba luta edukasaun.",
"Iha situasaun defisil, Laura de Fatima Correia nu'udar responsavel kaixa klandestina Oe-dolar, suku Ossouala, postu administrativu Vemasse, munisipiu Baucau, oras ne'e kontinua kontribui prosesu dezenvolvimentu nu'udar manorin na'in iha eskola filial Ossouala.",
"\"Uluk iha Ossouala ne'e zona mean no situasaun ne'ebe defisil tebes.",
"Agora ha'u nafatin prepara estudante sira nune'e ba futuru bele dezenvolve di'ak liutan nasaun liuhosi setor edukasaun, liuliu suku ida-ne'e,\" Laura informa ba Agencia TATOLI, iha sede suku Ossouala, kuarta ne'e.",
"Veterana Laura hakarak Ossouala oan sira tenke matenek hodi halo prezervasaun ba istoria pasada iha tempu luta ba prosesu luta ba libertasaun nasional, espesialmente istoria hosi Ossouala nian.",
"Koordenadora Ensinu Baziku Fillial (EBF) Ossouala ne'e akresenta, nu'udar veterana nafatin apoia governu liuhosi kontribuisaun hanoin balun atubele dezenvolve Timor-Leste liuhosi setor edukasaun.",
"Maske hasoru difikuldade maibe profesora primeiru no segundu siklu ne'e nunka sente kole nu'udar manorin na'in iha eskola refere, tanba edukasaun ne'e importante ba ema hotu-hotu.",
"\"Bele dehan kolen mos labele maibe defisil tanba ami-nia eskola ne'e sentral ba Aubaka, Triloka, tempu udan susar tanba kondisaun estrada entaun bainhira enkontru tenke ho sakrifisiu mak to'o Aubaka,\" Laura hateten.",
"Laura haktuir, suku Ossouala iha tempu Indonezia kategoria nu'udar lina-mean tanba fo hahan ba Komandu da Luta maibe to'o agora kontinua iha lina-mean tanba seidauk senti dezenvolvementu fiziku hanesan eletrisidade, estrada no bee-mos.",
"Veterana Laura lidera estudante hamutuk na'in-150, profesor na'in-ualu kompostu hosi na'in-neen permanente no na'in-rua kontratadu iha eskola refere.",
"Suku Ossoala iha aldeia lima kompostu Cai-denulale, Heine-uai, Lolinunu, Uai-khanasa, Uma-ana iku ne'ebe total komunidade hamutuk 2.339 hosi uma-kain 103.",
"Hosi aldeia hirak ne'e, maioria komunidade sira hela besik area baliza entre munisipiu Viqueque baliza ho Ossu mak aldeia Lolinunu, aldeia Cai-denulale baliza ho suku Bercoli, postu administrativu Vemasse.",
"Nune'e mos aldeia Uai-khanasa baliza ho suku Caicua, postu administrativu Vemasse, Uma-ana iku baliza ho suku Ostiku no Heine-uai baliza ho suku Uaimori, munisipiu Viqueque. agora enkoraja estudante ba edukasaun eskola filial Ossouala Laura de Fatima Correia Responsavel kaixa Oe-dolar Uluk lidera kaixa klandestina Previous articleLocateli husu Governu hakbesik dezenvolvimentu ba Ossouala Next articlePR Lu Olo husu Governu aselera kampana vasinasaun"
] | [
"Uluk leads clandestine gang, now educates students in Ossouala | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BAUKAU The former leader of the illegal group is currently educating children and young people at Ensinu Baziku Fillial (EBF) school."
"BAUCAU, October 13th - As the head of a clandestine school during Indonesia's illegal invasion it was not easy because she had to convince people in such difficult circumstance. Therefore now veteran Laura de Fatima Correia is encouraging students for their educational struggle and has made herself known as an educator who can help them get better at everything they want from life!"
"In difficult circumstances, Laura de Fatima Correia as the head of Oe-dolar clandestines' caixão (cash box), in Ossouala commune and Vemasse administrative post at Baucau municipality is now continuing her contribution to development process by being a nunneries owner for an educational institution."
"\"Before in Ossouala it was a middle zone and the situation is very difficult."
"Now I'm still preparing students so that in the future they can develop well throughout our country through education, especially this village\", Laura told Agência TATOLI at Ossouala Village headquarters on Tuesday."
"Veteran Laura wants the children of Ossouala to be wise in preserving their past history during struggle for national liberation, especially about what happened at Ossoualá."
"Ensinu Baziku Fillial (EBF) Coordinator Ossouala adds, as a veteran she still support the government through her contribution of ideas to develop Timor-Leste via education."
"Despite the difficulties, this first and second cycle teacher never felt guilty as a master of her school because education is important to everyone."
"\"Bele said that we couldn't go to school, but it was difficult because our schools are centrally located in Aubaka and Triloka. In the rainy season there is a problem with road conditions so when meetings take place you have sacrificial efforts made before reaching aubakia\", Laura explained.\""
"According to Laura, the Ossouala village was classified as a middle-class community in Indonesia because it provided food for Commando da Luta but until now continues being considered an intermediate category since they have not experienced physical development like electricity and water."
"Veteran Laura leads a total of 150 students, with nine teachers comprising seven permanent and two contracted at the school."
"The Ossoala village consists of the following 5 hamlets: Cai-denulale, Heine -uai (103 household), Lolinunu(279) Uai Khanasa and Uma Ana with a total population numbering about."
"Of these villages, most communities live near the area of baliza between Viqueque municipality and Ossu are Lolinunu Village Cai-denulale Balisa with Bercoli Township administrative post Vemasse."
"Likewise, the village of Uai-khanasa baliza with Caicua subdistrict in Vemasse administrative post office; Umaana is a beacon for Ostiku and Heine -uai to Uaimori. now encouraging students' education at school branches Laura de Fatima Correia responsible kaixa 10 dollar uluk leads clandestinely Previous articleLocateli asks government approach development on Ossoala Next ArticlePR Lu Olo urges Government accelerate vaccination campaign"
] |
Munisípiu 3, 100% negativu COVID-19 – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Saude e Educação » Munisípiu 3, 100% negativu COVID-19\nPorta-Voz Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (SIJK), Rui Maria de Araújo, hateten, rezultadu husi prosesu vijilánsia sentinela no triajen hatudu munisípiu Baucau, Lautem no Liquiça porsentu 100 negativu husi Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).\nHahú husi loron 17, fulan Abril, tinan ne’e, Ministériu Saúde (MS) halo ezame laboratóriu ho mekanizmu triajen no vijilánsia sentinela ba munisípiu hotu, hodi indentifika posibilidade transmisaun COVID-19 iha komunidade nia le’et.\n“To’o ohin husi total amostra ba análiza laboratóriu ne’ebé foti iha prosesu triajen no vijilánsia sentinel iha teritóriu laran tomak, 49% hatudu rezultadu negativu, husi total ne’e, iha amostra husi munisípiu Baucau, Lautem no Liquiça mak 100% hatudu ona negativu, sira seluk sei hein rezultadu husi laboratóriu”, Porta-Voz SIJK ne’e liu husi konferénsia imprensa iha Centro Convenções de Díli (CCD), Sesta (18-05-2020).\nEnkuantu total kumulativu amostra husi triajen hamutuk 63 kuaze negativu 58 ou porsentu 92, amostra husi vijilánsia sentinela hamutuk 801, porsentu 44 mak negativu.\nRui kontinua husu ba populasaun tomak atu kontinua halo tuir meiu preventivu sira, maske to’o agora seidauk deteta númeru kazu konfirmadu fóun.\n“Ema hotu obrigatóriamente tenki uza máskara iha fatin públiku no liu-liu wainhira iha fatin ne’ebé ema barak hanesan loja, merkadu, fasilidade saúde sira no seluk tan. Uza máskara tenke taka di-di’ak inus ho ibun, la’ós tara fali máskara iha kakorok. Wainhira uza máskara ho disiplina no loloos, ita bele kontribui maka’as tebes atu hado’ok moras COVID-19 husi ita nia-an no moos husi ema-seluk”, tenik Porta-Voz SIJK ne’e. ida\nPapel joventude importante ba dezenvolvimentu\nInácio:Iha ona ema substitui doútor Daniel\nKlínika Bairopite Ameasadu taka\nONG Belun husu UNTL fo teste ba estudante RS\nFRETILIN : MS ladauk aloka osan alozamentu ba pasiente iha Bali\nPMI tulun ekipamentu prevensaun COVID-19 ba CVTL\nKada tinan Prezidente Repúblika (PR) sempre...\nKonsidera asaltu poder, PPN sei keixa VPPN Angelina ba Tribunal\nSentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (SIJK) alerta... | [
"Munisipiu 3, 100% negativu COVID-19 - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Saude e Educacao \" Munisipiu 3, 100% negativu COVID-19 Porta-Voz Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (SIJK), Rui Maria de Araujo, hateten, rezultadu husi prosesu vijilansia sentinela no triajen hatudu munisipiu Baucau, Lautem no Liquica porsentu 100 negativu husi Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).",
"Hahu husi loron 17, fulan Abril, tinan ne'e, Ministeriu Saude (MS) halo ezame laboratoriu ho mekanizmu triajen no vijilansia sentinela ba munisipiu hotu, hodi indentifika posibilidade transmisaun COVID-19 iha komunidade nia le'et.",
"\"To'o ohin husi total amostra ba analiza laboratoriu ne'ebe foti iha prosesu triajen no vijilansia sentinel iha teritoriu laran tomak, 49% hatudu rezultadu negativu, husi total ne'e, iha amostra husi munisipiu Baucau, Lautem no Liquica mak 100% hatudu ona negativu, sira seluk sei hein rezultadu husi laboratoriu,\" Porta-Voz SIJK ne'e liu husi konferensia imprensa iha Centro Convencoes de Dili (CCD), Sesta (18-05-2020).",
"Enkuantu total kumulativu amostra husi triajen hamutuk 63 kuaze negativu 58 ou porsentu 92, amostra husi vijilansia sentinela hamutuk 801, porsentu 44 mak negativu.",
"Rui kontinua husu ba populasaun tomak atu kontinua halo tuir meiu preventivu sira, maske to'o agora seidauk deteta numeru kazu konfirmadu foun.",
"\"Ema hotu obrigatoriamente tenki uza maskara iha fatin publiku no liu-liu wainhira iha fatin ne'ebe ema barak hanesan loja, merkadu, fasilidade saude sira no seluk tan.",
"Uza maskara tenke taka di-di'ak inus ho ibun, la'os tara fali maskara iha kakorok.",
"Wainhira uza maskara ho disiplina no loloos, ita bele kontribui maka'as tebes atu hado'ok moras COVID-19 husi ita nia-an no moos husi ema-seluk,\" tenik Porta-Voz SIJK ne'e. ida Papel joventude importante ba dezenvolvimentu Inacio:Iha ona ema substitui doutor Daniel Klinika Bairopite Ameasadu taka ONG Belun husu UNTL fo teste ba estudante RS FRETILIN: MS ladauk aloka osan alozamentu ba pasiente iha Bali PMI tulun ekipamentu prevensaun COVID-19 ba CVTL Kada tinan Prezidente Republika (PR) sempre...",
"Konsidera asaltu poder, PPN sei keixa VPPN Angelina ba Tribunal Sentru Integradu Jestaun Krize (SIJK) alerta..."
] | [
"Municipality 3,105% negative COVID-29 - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Health and Education\" Municipiiu (Sistema Integrado de Gestão Crise) spokesperson of the Integrated Center for crisis management center(SIJK), Ruy Maria De Araujo said that as a result from sentinel surveillance process showed municipalities Baucau Lautem e Liquica were all positive to Corona Virus Disease."
"Since 17 April this year, the Ministry of Health (MS) has conducted laboratory tests with triage mechanism and sentinel vigilance for all municipalities to identify possible COVID-20 transmission in communities."
"\"To date, of the total samples for laboratory analysis taken in screening and sentinel vigilance throughout national territory (49%) have shown negative results. Of that number a full hundred per cent has already been tested positively on those from Baucau municipalities; Lautem Municipality is also being monitored with an intensive monitoring programme to ensure all tests are carried out as quickly As possible.\" The SIJK Spokesperson said this during his press conference at Centro Convencoes de Dili(CCD), Saturday May18-20"
"While the cumulative total of 63 triage samples were almost negative, with a positive rate for all three groups being nearly negativity (58 percent) and sentinel vigilance sampling showed an average result in which only one patient was found to be infectious."
"Rui continues to call on the entire population, even though no new confirmed cases have been reported so far."
"\"It is mandatory for everyone to wear a mask in public places and especially when they are at crowded locations such as shops, market place or health facilities."
"Wear a mask that covers your nose and throat well, not putting it on the neck."
"When we use masks with discipline and correctly, you can make a great contribution to prevent COVID-19 disease from ourselves as well... Important role of youth for development Inacio:There is already someone replacing doctor Daniel Klinika Bairopite threatened closure ONG Belun ask UNTL test students RS FRETILIN - MS does not allocate money accommodation patients in Bali PMI help equipment prevention Covid at CVTL Every year the President (PR) always has an important responsibility towards its citizens."
"Considering an assault on power, PPN will sue VPPN Angelina to the Integrated Crisis Management Center (SIJK) alert..."
] |
Orsamentu ba rekuperasaun ekonómika transfere hosi MKAE ba fundu COVID-19 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA Orsamentu ba rekuperasaun ekonómika transfere hosi MKAE ba fundu COVID-19\nOrsamentu ba rekuperasaun ekonómika transfere hosi MKAE ba fundu COVID-19\nDebate proposta OJE 2020 iha faze jeneralidade iha sala plenáriu. Imajen Tatoli/Egas Cristovão\nDILI, 05 outubru 2020 (TATOLI)—VIII Governu Konstitusionál introdús ona planu rekuperasaun ekonómika kurtu prazu ba medida haat ne’ebé implementa hahú jullu to’o dezembru 2020 ho totál despeza millaun $113,4.\nDespeza ne’e alokadu iha proposta Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 2020 ba verba Ministériu Koordenadór Asuntu Ekonómiku (MKAE) maibé iha diskusaun faze espesialidade ba loron daruak, mosu proposta hosi deputadu bankada Governu hodi muda despeza ba programa haat ne’e ba fundu COVID-19.\nProposta númeru ualu ne’ebé aprezenta hosi proponente sira pasa ho votu a-favór 44, kontra 0, abstensaun 17.\nAleinde ne’e, aprova mós orsamentu ba MKAE ho votu a-favór 45, kontra 0, abstensaun 16, ho nune’e orsamentu ba ministériu ne’e hetan redusaun no agora ho montante $716.000, hosi alokasaun inisiál millaun $113,739, kompostu hosi saláriu no vensimentu $56.000, bens no servisu millaun $4,653 no transferénsia públika $109.030.\nMinistru Koordenadór Asuntu Ekonómiku, Joaquim Amaral, esplika despeza ne’ebé aloka ba orsamentu ministériu koordenadór ne’e sei transfere ba fundu COVID-19 ne’ebé deskreve kategoria bens no servisu no transferénsia públika.\n“Proposta ne’e simplesmente atu ajuda Governu ezekuta osan ho lalais, nune’e ministériu implementadór sira bele asesu ba orsamentu ne’e bainhira tau iha kategoria fundu COVID-19,” tenik Ministru Joaquim iha sala plenáriu Parlamentu Nasionál (PN), segunda ne’e.\nOrsamentu ne’ebé tranzita hosi MKAE ba fundu espesiál ne’e, aloka millaun $45,5 ba transferénsia públika, ne’ebé sei transfere millaun $42 ba Institutu Nasionál Seguransa Sosiál (INSS) iha Ministériu Solidaridade Sosiál no Inkluzaun (MSSI) hodi finansia medida tolu rekuperasaun ekonómika, destina ba empreza no traballadór sira ne’ebé hala’o atividade iha setór informál.\nEnkuantu medida seluk maka cesta bázika ho totál despeza millaun $71, ne’ebé destina ba sidadaun hotu ne’ebé kada ema sei hetan $25.\nPrezidente komisaun C (finansa públika) no proponente ba proposta númeru ualu, Maria Agélica, fundamenta proposta ne’e mósu tanba hetan rekomendasaun hosi komisaun tanba haree MKAE ninia natureza atu halo liña koordenasaun ba ministériu sira no orsamentu ne’ebé prevee atu halo rekuperasaun ekonómika tuir programa.\n“MKAE simplismente koordena kestaun ekonómiku ne’ebé ministériu sira iha kompeténsia jurídika atu implementa osan ne’e,” akresenta Deputada bankada FRETILIN ne’e.\nTanba ne’e maka orsamentu ba programa COVID-19 bazeia ba proposta hosi ministériu no alokadu iha fundu COVID-19hodi bele jere.\n“Kona-ba kapasidade ezekusaun, tanba hanesan fundu espesiál ho ninia natureza rasik no iha autononia finanseira maka bele implementa didi’ak programa sira ne’ebé introdús, tanba ne’e ami hanoin MKAE hanesan ministériu atu koordena liña ministeriál ne’ebé iha kapasidade jurídika atu implementa rekuperasaun ekonómika,” nia akresenta.\nDeputadu bankada FRETILIN, Antoninho Bianco, argumenta komponente ne’e maka atu reforsa fundu ne’ebé prevee ba kombate moras maibé programa ba rekuperasaun ekonómika la tama fundu espesiál ne’e.\n“Despeza medida haat rekuperasaun ekómika ne’e iha relasaun ho fundu COVID-19, tanba ne’e presiza halo transferénsia públika hosi MKAE ba fundu atu alarga ba komponente ne’ebé la’ós de’it atu atu kombate no prevene moras maibé mós ba medida rekuperasaun ekonómika,” nia akresenta.\nNune’e mós, Deputadu Bankada CNRT, Patrocínio António, konsidera bainhira estabelese fundu COVID-19 tanba momentu ne’ebá laiha orsamentu normál no laiha meiu atu halo intervensaun atu moras, entaun Governu aproveita kria fundu.\n“Polítika rekuperasaun ekonómika ita hakarak introdús ona iha proposta OJE, maibé tanba saida tenke hasai no tau fali iha ministériu lubuk ida ne’ebé sira rasik iha sira-nia orsamentu no prevee ona saida maka presiza atu halo iha tinan ne’e,” argumenta Deputadu bankada opozisaun ne’e.\nNia hatutan: “Orsamentu iha ministériu ketak ida maka obriga tau iha ministériu seluk atu ezekuta enkuantu ministériu sira iha rasik iha orsamentu liga ho polítika rekuperasaun ekonómika.\nDeputadu António da Conceição, konsidera kestaun transferénsia ne’e presiza tetu tanba Ministériu Asuntu Ekonómiku hanesan ministériu ne’ebé iha kompeténsia atu koordena tanba ne’e presiza rekursu.\n“Fundu COVID-19 importante atu bele reforsa maibé presiza define montante iha MKAE atu bele garante asesibilidade ministériu sira ne’ebé asume portafóliu ligadu ba asuntu ekonomia hanesan Sekretaria Estatu Kooperativa (SEKoop), Ministériu Turizmu, Komérsiu no Indústria (MTKI), Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP) ne’ebé iha alokasaun orsamentu kiik maibé hanesan instrumentu polítiku di’ak atubele reforsa minitériu tékniku sira ninia kapasidade,” Deputadu bankada opozisaun ne’e fó hanoin.\nNia nota, orsamentu ne’ebé alokadu ba fundu COVID-19 orientadu ba impaktu moras ne’e.\n“Rekuperasaun ekonómika la nesesáriu sei osan ne’e ba de’it fundu COVID-19, ita iha impaktu barak tanba ne’e presiza iha mekanizmu atu posibilita ministériu tékniku sira,” nia akresenta.\nPrevious articleOJE 2020: orsamentu millaun $16,313 ba MF aprovadu iha espesialidade\nNext articleUNICEF apoiu reajente GeneXpert 2.230 ba LABNAS | [
"Orsamentu ba rekuperasaun ekonomika transfere hosi MKAE ba fundu COVID-19 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Orsamentu ba rekuperasaun ekonomika transfere hosi MKAE ba fundu COVID-19 Orsamentu ba rekuperasaun ekonomika transfere hosi MKAE ba fundu COVID-19 Debate proposta OJE 2020 iha faze jeneralidade iha sala plenariu.",
"Imajen Tatoli/Egas Cristovao DILI, 05 outubru 2020 (TATOLI) - VIII Governu Konstitusional introdus ona planu rekuperasaun ekonomika kurtu prazu ba medida haat ne'ebe implementa hahu jullu to'o dezembru 2020 ho total despeza millaun $113,4.",
"Despeza ne'e alokadu iha proposta Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2020 ba verba Ministeriu Koordenador Asuntu Ekonomiku (MKAE) maibe iha diskusaun faze espesialidade ba loron daruak, mosu proposta hosi deputadu bankada Governu hodi muda despeza ba programa haat ne'e ba fundu COVID-19.",
"Proposta numeru ualu ne'ebe aprezenta hosi proponente sira pasa ho votu a-favor 44, kontra 0, abstensaun 17.",
"Aleinde ne'e, aprova mos orsamentu ba MKAE ho votu a-favor 45, kontra 0, abstensaun 16, ho nune'e orsamentu ba ministeriu ne'e hetan redusaun no agora ho montante $716.000, hosi alokasaun inisial millaun $113,739, kompostu hosi salariu no vensimentu $56.000, bens no servisu millaun $4,653 no transferensia publika $109.030.",
"Ministru Koordenador Asuntu Ekonomiku, Joaquim Amaral, esplika despeza ne'ebe aloka ba orsamentu ministeriu koordenador ne'e sei transfere ba fundu COVID-19 ne'ebe deskreve kategoria bens no servisu no transferensia publika.",
"\"Proposta ne'e simplesmente atu ajuda Governu ezekuta osan ho lalais, nune'e ministeriu implementador sira bele asesu ba orsamentu ne'e bainhira tau iha kategoria fundu COVID-19,\" tenik Ministru Joaquim iha sala plenariu Parlamentu Nasional (PN), segunda ne'e.",
"Orsamentu ne'ebe tranzita hosi MKAE ba fundu espesial ne'e, aloka millaun $45,5 ba transferensia publika, ne'ebe sei transfere millaun $42 ba Institutu Nasional Seguransa Sosial (INSS) iha Ministeriu Solidaridade Sosial no Inkluzaun (MSSI) hodi finansia medida tolu rekuperasaun ekonomika, destina ba empreza no traballador sira ne'ebe hala'o atividade iha setor informal.",
"Enkuantu medida seluk maka cesta bazika ho total despeza millaun $71, ne'ebe destina ba sidadaun hotu ne'ebe kada ema sei hetan $25.",
"Prezidente komisaun C (finansa publika) no proponente ba proposta numeru ualu, Maria Agelica, fundamenta proposta ne'e mosu tanba hetan rekomendasaun hosi komisaun tanba haree MKAE ninia natureza atu halo lina koordenasaun ba ministeriu sira no orsamentu ne'ebe prevee atu halo rekuperasaun ekonomika tuir programa.",
"\"MKAE simplismente koordena kestaun ekonomiku ne'ebe ministeriu sira iha kompetensia juridika atu implementa osan ne'e,\" akresenta Deputada bankada FRETILIN ne'e.",
"Tanba ne'e maka orsamentu ba programa COVID-19 bazeia ba proposta hosi ministeriu no alokadu iha fundu COVID-19hodi bele jere.",
"\"Kona-ba kapasidade ezekusaun, tanba hanesan fundu espesial ho ninia natureza rasik no iha autononia finanseira maka bele implementa didi'ak programa sira ne'ebe introdus, tanba ne'e ami hanoin MKAE hanesan ministeriu atu koordena lina ministerial ne'ebe iha kapasidade juridika atu implementa rekuperasaun ekonomika,\" nia akresenta.",
"Deputadu bankada FRETILIN, Antoninho Bianco, argumenta komponente ne'e maka atu reforsa fundu ne'ebe prevee ba kombate moras maibe programa ba rekuperasaun ekonomika la tama fundu espesial ne'e.",
"\"Despeza medida haat rekuperasaun ekomika ne'e iha relasaun ho fundu COVID-19, tanba ne'e presiza halo transferensia publika hosi MKAE ba fundu atu alarga ba komponente ne'ebe la'os de'it atu atu kombate no prevene moras maibe mos ba medida rekuperasaun ekonomika,\" nia akresenta.",
"Nune'e mos, Deputadu Bankada CNRT, Patrocinio Antonio, konsidera bainhira estabelese fundu COVID-19 tanba momentu ne'eba laiha orsamentu normal no laiha meiu atu halo intervensaun atu moras, entaun Governu aproveita kria fundu.",
"\"Politika rekuperasaun ekonomika ita hakarak introdus ona iha proposta OJE, maibe tanba saida tenke hasai no tau fali iha ministeriu lubuk ida ne'ebe sira rasik iha sira-nia orsamentu no prevee ona saida maka presiza atu halo iha tinan ne'e,\" argumenta Deputadu bankada opozisaun ne'e.",
"Nia hatutan: \"Orsamentu iha ministeriu ketak ida maka obriga tau iha ministeriu seluk atu ezekuta enkuantu ministeriu sira iha rasik iha orsamentu liga ho politika rekuperasaun ekonomika.",
"Deputadu Antonio da Conceicao, konsidera kestaun transferensia ne'e presiza tetu tanba Ministeriu Asuntu Ekonomiku hanesan ministeriu ne'ebe iha kompetensia atu koordena tanba ne'e presiza rekursu.",
"\"Fundu COVID-19 importante atu bele reforsa maibe presiza define montante iha MKAE atu bele garante asesibilidade ministeriu sira ne'ebe asume portafoliu ligadu ba asuntu ekonomia hanesan Sekretaria Estatu Kooperativa (SEKoop), Ministeriu Turizmu, Komersiu no Industria (MTKI), Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peska (MAP) ne'ebe iha alokasaun orsamentu kiik maibe hanesan instrumentu politiku di'ak atubele reforsa miniteriu tekniku sira ninia kapasidade,\" Deputadu bankada opozisaun ne'e fo hanoin.",
"Nia nota, orsamentu ne'ebe alokadu ba fundu COVID-19 orientadu ba impaktu moras ne'e.",
"\"Rekuperasaun ekonomika la nesesariu sei osan ne'e ba de'it fundu COVID-19, ita iha impaktu barak tanba ne'e presiza iha mekanizmu atu posibilita ministeriu tekniku sira,\" nia akresenta.",
"Previous articleOJE 2020: orsamentu millaun $16,313 ba MF aprovadu iha espesialidade Next articleUNICEF apoiu reajente GeneXpert 2.230 ba LABNAS"
] | [
"Budget for economic recovery transferred from the Ministry of Economic Affairs to COVID-19 fund | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor -Leste Home Economy Funding budgeted by MKAE is now being used in supports against Covid, says MPAE Debate on proposed BUDGET FOR THE YEAR OF FUTURE at plenary session."
"Image Tatoli/Egas Cristovao DILI, October 5th (TATOLI) - The Eighth Constitutional Government has introduced a short-term economic recovery plan for four measures to be implemented from July until December of this year with total expenditure $13.4 billion ($206 million)."
"This expenditure was allocated in the proposed General State Budget (GSB) 2019 to be funded by Ministry of Coordinating Economic Affairs, but during plenary session discussion for day two there arose proposals from government group members that spending on these four programs should go towards COVID-4 funds."
"Proposal number eight submitted by the proponents passed with a vote of in favour, for and against."
"In addition, the budget for MKAE was approved by 45 votes in favour to none against and with a total of16 abstentions. The Ministry' s current allocation is reduced from $730 million initially allocated ($98 billion), comprising salaries & wages ($2) millions; good-service expense dollars [USD]: USD £/£mn + public transferred funds(USD)."
"Minister Coordinating Economic Affairs, Joaquim Amaral explained that expenditure allocated to the budget of his ministry will be transferred into a COVID-19 fund which describes categories for good and services as well public Transfer."
"\"This proposal is simply to help the government execute money quickly, so that implementing ministries can access this budget when it's put in a COVID-19 fund category\", said Minister Joaquim at Parliament plenary on Monday."
"The budget transferred from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to this special fund allocates $45.6 million for public payments, which will be converted into an additional 10% (US$32mn) in cash and a portion ($798k), as well with other funds that are being used by government agencies or private sector companies on their own account;"
"Another measure is the basic basket with a total expenditure of $71 million, which will be allocated to all citizens who each receives 25 dollars."
"Chair of Commission C (Public Finance) and proponent for proposal number eight, Maria Agelica explains that the proposed measure was recommended by a committee because it is in accordance with MFA'S nature to coordinate ministries on budgetary issues which are necessarily needed if economic recovery should take place as schedule."
"\"MKAE simply coordinates economic issues where the ministries have legal competence to implement this money,\" added FRETILIN MP."
"Therefore, the budget for COVID-19 programme is based on proposals from ministries and allocated in a Covid funding framework so that it can be managed."
"\"Regarding the capacity of implementation, because it is a special fund with its own nature and financial autonomy that can properly implement programmes introduced. Therefore we think MKAE as ministry to coordinate ministerial lines which have legal capability for economic recovery\", he added .\""
"FRETILIN MP Antoninho Bianco argues that this component is intended to reinforce the fund provided for combating diseases, but economic recovery programs do not include it."
"\"The expenditure of these four economic recovery measures is related to the COVID-19 fund, therefore it will be necessary for public transfer from MKAE into funds in order that they can extend their component not only towards combating and prevented disease but also on Economic Recovery Measure."
"Likewise, CNRT Group MP Patrocinio Antonio considers that when the COVID-19 fund was established because there were no normal budget and means to intervene in cases of illnesses at this time. The Government took advantage by creating it; he says: \"There is nothing wrong with establishing funds for Covid 2035.\""
"\"The economic recovery policy we want to introduce in the proposed budget, but why should it be taken away and put back into a number of ministries that have their own financial resources which already provide for what needs being done this year?\" he argues."
"He added: \"The budget in one ministry is obliged to be put into another Ministry for execution, while the ministries have their own Budgets related with economic recovery policy."
"MP Antonio da Conceicao, considers that the issue of transfer needs to be considered because Ministry for Economic Affairs is a ministry with competence in coordinating so it require resources."
"\"The COVID-19 fund is important to be reinforced but it needs defining the amount in MKAE so that we can guarantee accessibility of ministries which assume portfolios linked with economic matters such as State Secretariat for Cooperative Affairs (SEKoop), Ministry Of Tourism, Commerce and Industry(MTKI) or Agriculture & Fisheries Ministery. These have small budget allocation however they are a good political instrument when strengthening their technical ministry capacity.\""
"He noted that the budget allocated to COVID-19 fund is geared towards impact of disease."
"\"The economic recovery does not require this money to be used only for the COVID-19 fund, we have a lot of impact so there is need in mechanisms that enable technical ministries\", he added."
"Previous articleBudget 2019: $3.5 billion budget approved in plenary Next artikelUNICEF donates GeneXpert reagents to LABNAS for COVID-4 testing"
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Kazu Foun Nain 17, Rekoperadu Nain 14 | STLNEWS\nKazu Foun Nain 17, Rekoperadu Nain 14\nDILI, STLNEWS.co – Loron 14 fulan Abril tinan 2021, Centro Integrado Gestão de Crises, Sala Situação (CIGC-SS) rejistu tan kazu foun iha Munisipiu Dili nain 17 no rekoperadu hamutuk nain 14.\nHaktuir Koordenador Forsa-Tarefa ba Prevensaun no Mitigasaun Surtu Covid-19 iha Timor-Leste, (CIGC-SS), Rui Maria de Araújo ba jornalista sira liu husi konferensia imprensa iha CCD, Segunda (14/04/2021).\n“Iha munisipiu Dili, iha dia 14 Abril ita deteta kazu foun nain 17, tanba kazu detetadu ka pozitivu iha Munisipiu Dili husi loron 7 fulan Marsu hahu deteta kazu iha cluster BTN II, Terra Santa, Madohi, too ohin loron 14 fulan Abril hamutuk hotu 861, kazu rekoperadu ohin loron nain 14,” katak nia.\nNia afirma, suku sai nuudar area geografika neebe uza hanesan baze atu haree ligasaun entre kazu, no ligasaun ho expozisaun ba fonte infesaun.\nNunee mos foku propagasaun/cluster iha Dili, hetan revizaun hanesan tuir mai. Ho nunee iha Munisipiu Dili hamutuk hotu iha cluster 23.\nAleinde nee mos dadus jeral Timor Leste detetadu kazu foun iha loron 14 fulan Abril tinan 2021, total kazu 17 no kazu nee iha Dili hotu.\nOhin kazu rekoperadu iha loron 14 fulan Abril tinan 2021 hamutuk nain 14, nomos kazu ativu iha iha sala izolamentu hamutuk nain 547 nee husi total kazu ohin nian, maibe kazu ohin iha mane 10 no feto 7. Depois husi total kazu detetadu foun ohin, sintomatiku 3 no asintomatiku hamutuk nain 14.*\nPrevious articleIzolamentu Vera Cruz Kazu Pozitivu Moderadu 7 – Grave 1\nNext articleFundasaun Alola Preokupa Distribuisaun Susubeen | [
"Kazu Foun Nain 17, Rekoperadu Nain 14 | STLNEWS Kazu Foun Nain 17, Rekoperadu Nain 14 DILI, STLNEWS.co - Loron 14 fulan Abril tinan 2021, Centro Integrado Gestao de Crises, Sala Situacao (CIGC-SS) rejistu tan kazu foun iha Munisipiu Dili nain 17 no rekoperadu hamutuk nain 14.",
"Haktuir Koordenador Forsa-Tarefa ba Prevensaun no Mitigasaun Surtu Covid-19 iha Timor-Leste, (CIGC-SS), Rui Maria de Araujo ba jornalista sira liu husi konferensia imprensa iha CCD, Segunda (14/04/2021).",
"\"Iha munisipiu Dili, iha dia 14 Abril ita deteta kazu foun nain 17, tanba kazu detetadu ka pozitivu iha Munisipiu Dili husi loron 7 fulan Marsu hahu deteta kazu iha cluster BTN II, Terra Santa, Madohi, too ohin loron 14 fulan Abril hamutuk hotu 861, kazu rekoperadu ohin loron nain 14,\" katak nia.",
"Nia afirma, suku sai nuudar area geografika neebe uza hanesan baze atu haree ligasaun entre kazu, no ligasaun ho expozisaun ba fonte infesaun.",
"Nunee mos foku propagasaun/cluster iha Dili, hetan revizaun hanesan tuir mai.",
"Ho nunee iha Munisipiu Dili hamutuk hotu iha cluster 23.",
"Aleinde nee mos dadus jeral Timor Leste detetadu kazu foun iha loron 14 fulan Abril tinan 2021, total kazu 17 no kazu nee iha Dili hotu.",
"Ohin kazu rekoperadu iha loron 14 fulan Abril tinan 2021 hamutuk nain 14, nomos kazu ativu iha iha sala izolamentu hamutuk nain 547 nee husi total kazu ohin nian, maibe kazu ohin iha mane 10 no feto 7.",
"Depois husi total kazu detetadu foun ohin, sintomatiku 3 no asintomatiku hamutuk nain 14.* Previous articleIzolamentu Vera Cruz Kazu Pozitivu Moderadu 7 - Grave 1 Next articleFundasaun Alola Preokupa Distribuisaun Susubeen"
] | [
"Dili, STLNEWS.co - On April 14th of this year the Centro Integrado Gestao de Crises (CIGC-SS) registered a new case and recovers in total from Covid –20 cases for all areas including District Administrative Centre(DAC)."
"Coordinator of the Task Force for Prevention and Mitigation Covid-19 Outbreak in Timor Leste (CIGC), Rui Maria de Araujo, told journalists during a press conference held at Central Committee on Development Coordination Monday."
"\"In Dili municipality, on April 14 we detected a new case of the virus and there are now seventeen positive cases. The number has been rising since March sixth with detections in cluster BTN II Terra Santa Madohi until today (April nineteen) totaling all together at least one thousand eighty-one; foureen recoveries have taken place to date.\""
"He stated that the village has become a geographical area used as baseline to look at links between cases, and linkages with exposure from sources of infection."
"Also, the focus of propagation/cluster in Dili was reviewed as follows."
"Thus, in the Municipality of Dili together all are within cluster 23."
"In addition, the general data of Timor-Leste detected new cases on April 14th. The total case number is seventeen and they are all in Dili city (Dili)."
"Today, the number of recovered cases on April 14th amounts to one hundred and forty-five. There are also active case in isolation room totaling five thousand four Hundred eleven from today' s overall numbers; but there is a male patient ten times more than female patients seventimes as many people have been diagnosed with this disease during last two weeks"
"After the total of new cases detected today, symptomatic 3 and asymptometic alone are in all numbering up to fourteen.* Previous articleVera Cruz Isolation Moderate Positive Cases Seven - Severe One Next ArticleAlola Foundation Concern Distribution Of Milk"
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DNTL Rejista Transporte Karreta -Motor 219.854 – ::Timor Post Online::\nHome » Ekonomia » DNTL Rejista Transporte Karreta -Motor 219.854\ntransporte Tama TL\nDNTL Rejista Transporte Karreta -Motor 219.854\n26 julho 2021 by Timor Post-289 views\nDILI (Timor Post) —Hahu hosi tinan 2001 to’o fulan Juñu 2021 Diresaun Nasionál Transporte Terestre (DNTT) rejista transporte ne’ebé tama iha territóriu nasionál Timor-Leste hamutuk 219.854.\nDiretór interinu DNTL, Nelson Sequeira Martins, relata DNTT rejista dezde inisiu 2001 to’o Juñu 2021 transporte ne’ebé tama iha territóriu Timor-Leste, karreta ho motorizada hamutuk 219.854, ba motorizada hamutuk 170.429 no ba karreta hamutuk 49.425 veíkulu ne’ebé tama mai, hosi numeru ne’e transporte husi estadu nian, karreta hamutuk 1.887 no motorizada iha 2.830.\nBainhira konfirma kona-ba dadus karreta at, dirijente ne’e hatan departamentu rejistu mak hatene, tanba departementu ne’e mak halo inspesaun sira mak hatene, sira nia parte so halo de’it rejistu ba transporte ne’ebé tama.\nDNTT kontrola no hala’o tuir regra ne’ebé fahe tiha ona, katak atu kontrola iha terrenu ne’e polisia nia poder.\n“Ami nia knar rejistu veíkulu sira ne’e, fó karta konduzaun halo inspesaun ba karreta sira ne’e, haree sinais tránzitu marka dalan sira ne’e”, informa tan ba iha nia knar fatin Balide, Sesta (23/07). (61L)\nTagged 219.854 DNTL Rejista Motor Transporte Karreta\nPrevious post Reseita Petróleu Tun ba Bei-Beik\nNext post Povu Kontente Fa’an Produtu Iha Dili | [
"DNTL Rejista Transporte Karreta -Motor 219.854 -::Timor Post Online:: Home \" Ekonomia \" DNTL Rejista Transporte Karreta -Motor 219.854 transporte Tama TL DNTL Rejista Transporte Karreta -Motor 219.854 26 julho 2021 by Timor Post-289 views DILI (Timor Post) - Hahu hosi tinan 2001 to'o fulan Junu 2021 Diresaun Nasional Transporte Terestre (DNTT) rejista transporte ne'ebe tama iha territoriu nasional Timor-Leste hamutuk 219.854.",
"Diretor interinu DNTL, Nelson Sequeira Martins, relata DNTT rejista dezde inisiu 2001 to'o Junu 2021 transporte ne'ebe tama iha territoriu Timor-Leste, karreta ho motorizada hamutuk 219.854, ba motorizada hamutuk 170.429 no ba karreta hamutuk 49.425 veikulu ne'ebe tama mai, hosi numeru ne'e transporte husi estadu nian, karreta hamutuk 1.887 no motorizada iha 2.830.",
"Bainhira konfirma kona-ba dadus karreta at, dirijente ne'e hatan departamentu rejistu mak hatene, tanba departementu ne'e mak halo inspesaun sira mak hatene, sira nia parte so halo de'it rejistu ba transporte ne'ebe tama.",
"DNTT kontrola no hala'o tuir regra ne'ebe fahe tiha ona, katak atu kontrola iha terrenu ne'e polisia nia poder.",
"\"Ami nia knar rejistu veikulu sira ne'e, fo karta konduzaun halo inspesaun ba karreta sira ne'e, haree sinais tranzitu marka dalan sira ne'e,\" informa tan ba iha nia knar fatin Balide, Sesta (23/07).",
"(61L) Tagged 219.854 DNTL Rejista Motor Transporte Karreta Previous post Reseita Petroleu Tun ba Bei-Beik Next post Povu Kontente Fa'an Produtu Iha Dili"
] | [
"DNTL Registers 219,854 Cargo Vehicle -Motor vehicles in Timor-Leste (DNTTL) registered transportation that enter the national territories of TL totalled from year to June. The National Directorate for Terrestrial Transportations(DNTT), which is responsible by registration and control over all land based road traffic on its own or through third parties who have been authorized thereto; has a record number as at July'06:"
"Interim Director of the DNTL, Nelson Sequeira Martins reported that DNTT has registered from early 2019 to June this year transport entering Timor-Leste with motorized cars totalling a whopping number (total) incoming vehicles: carriages and motorcycle for all together amounting at an estimated value(amount), which is approximately $4.5 million; truck/cargo units comprise about £367m per month or around US$8 billion annual revenues by taxpayer account on average each day since January until December last years' end as well!"
"When verified about the data of cars at, this manager replied that register department knows because it is inspect them and they only do their part to record transportation."
"DNTT controls and enforce the rules that have been distributed, i.e to check in this field is police power ;"
"\"Our job is to register these vehicles, give them driving licences and inspect the cars. We also look at transit signage that marks those roadways\", he said from his office on Saturday (23/07)."
"(61L) Tagged 209,854 DNTL Rejista Motor Transporte Karreta Previous post Petroleu Reseita Tun ba Bei-Beik Next posta Povu Kontente Fa'an Produtu Iha Dili"
] |
Dijitaliza RTTL, E.P ajuda komunidade sai hosi plataforma analog | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA AILEU Dijitaliza RTTL, E.P ajuda komunidade sai hosi plataforma analog\nDijitaliza RTTL, E.P ajuda komunidade sai hosi plataforma analog\nDILI, 09 jullu 2021 (TATOLI)- Ministériu ba asuntu Parlamentár no Komunikasaun Sosiál (MAPCOMS-sigla portugés), Francisco Jerónimo, esklarese katak programa dijitalizasaun Rádiu Televizaun Timor-Leste, Empreza Publika (RTTL,E.P) la iha intensaun polítika ruma, maibé Governu ajuda komunidade oinsá bele sai hosi situasaun plataforma analog ba fali dijitál.\nNotísia Relevante : MAPCOMS halo sosializasaun kona-ba dijitalizasaun RTTL,E.P ba komunidade Laulara\nLiuhosi divulgasaun ka sosializasaun dijitalizasaun RTTL,E.P iha Postu Administrativu Laulara, Munisípiu Aileu, Ministru Francisco Jerónimo, afirma programa ne’e implementa iha RTTL,E.P atu ajuda komunidade oinsá hato’o informasaun ne’ebé kredivel to’o baze. Tanba ne’e, MAPCOMS husu ba komunidade Laulara koopera ho Governu bainhira ekipa ba estabelese dijitál transmisaun multimedia terrestre ka dijitál RTTL, E.P iha Laulara.\nNia hatutan, programa dijitál transmisaun RTTL,EP ne’ebé estabele iha Postu Administrativu Laulara ne’e tanba alvu ikus liuhosi programa ne’e, maka komunidade hotu-hotu tenke asesu programa dijitalizasaun ne’e rasik, nune’e agora tama ba faze ida atu halo instalasaun Set Top Box (STB) ba uma-kain sira, hosi STB mak pakote ne’ebé hanesan, antena, receiver no fiu.\n“Ita hakarak muda sistema plataforma analog ba fali dijitál tanba ita-nia televizaun RTTL,E.P nia transmisaun ne’ebé dala ruma fallansu ho imajen sira ne’e tanba ita-nia sistema ne’e sei analog tanba ne’e agora atu muda fali ba dijitál nune’e bele fó kualidade transmisaun ba públiku,” Ministru Francisco Jerónimo hateten.\nIha sosializasaun programa dijitalizasaun ne’e Administradór Munisípiu Aileu, Abel da Conceição, agradese tebes ba Governu tanba bele halo sosializasaun dijitalizasaun ba komunidade oinsá bele hatene lala’ok kona-ba programa dijitalizasaun.\n“Ami-nia munisípiu hetan oportunidade kona-ba sosializasaun dijitalizasaun ne’e, ami agradese tebes, ami sei koopera ho Governu nune’e programa ida-ne’e la’o di’ak iha ami-nia munisípiu,” Abel da Conceição hateten.\nAsesór MAPCOMS, Graciano dos Santos, liuhosi sosializasaun ne’e hateten, sosializasaun ne’ebé ohin hala’o ona semana oin ekipa tékniku sei fila-fali ba Postu Administrative Laulara hodi rekolla dadus komunidade ne’ebé iha televizaun rejistu hotu mak foin lori sasán STB ba monta iha komunidade ida-ida nia uma.\nNia hatutan, daudaun sira parte sei haree uluk ba komunidade ne’ebé iha televizaun ajuda monta antena dijitál nian, no ba sira ne’ebé seidauk iha televizaun sei hetan oportunidade tuir mai.\nMaterial STB ne’ebé daudaun ne’e prepara ona atu distribui ba komunidade iha Postu Administrativu Laulara hamutuk 750 ba uma-kain 750.\nEmpreza Publika (RTTL\nprograma dijitalizasaun Rádiu Televizaun Timor-Leste\nPrevious articlePN sei halo revizaun ba Estatutu Deputadu sira\nNext articleAi-moruk item 42 iha armazen SAMES hotu | [
"Dijitaliza RTTL, E.P ajuda komunidade sai hosi plataforma analog | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA AILEU Dijitaliza RTTL, E.P ajuda komunidade sai hosi plataforma analog Dijitaliza RTTL, E.P ajuda komunidade sai hosi plataforma analog DILI, 09 jullu 2021 (TATOLI) - Ministeriu ba asuntu Parlamentar no Komunikasaun Sosial (MAPCOMS-sigla portuges), Francisco Jeronimo, esklarese katak programa dijitalizasaun Radiu Televizaun Timor-Leste, Empreza Publika (RTTL,E.P) la iha intensaun politika ruma, maibe Governu ajuda komunidade oinsa bele sai hosi situasaun plataforma analog ba fali dijital.",
"Notisia Relevante: MAPCOMS halo sosializasaun kona-ba dijitalizasaun RTTL,E.P ba komunidade Laulara Liuhosi divulgasaun ka sosializasaun dijitalizasaun RTTL,E.P iha Postu Administrativu Laulara, Munisipiu Aileu, Ministru Francisco Jeronimo, afirma programa ne'e implementa iha RTTL,E.P atu ajuda komunidade oinsa hato'o informasaun ne'ebe kredivel to'o baze.",
"Tanba ne'e, MAPCOMS husu ba komunidade Laulara koopera ho Governu bainhira ekipa ba estabelese dijital transmisaun multimedia terrestre ka dijital RTTL, E.P iha Laulara.",
"Nia hatutan, programa dijital transmisaun RTTL,EP ne'ebe estabele iha Postu Administrativu Laulara ne'e tanba alvu ikus liuhosi programa ne'e, maka komunidade hotu-hotu tenke asesu programa dijitalizasaun ne'e rasik, nune'e agora tama ba faze ida atu halo instalasaun Set Top Box (STB) ba uma-kain sira, hosi STB mak pakote ne'ebe hanesan, antena, receiver no fiu.",
"\"Ita hakarak muda sistema plataforma analog ba fali dijital tanba ita-nia televizaun RTTL,E.P nia transmisaun ne'ebe dala ruma fallansu ho imajen sira ne'e tanba ita-nia sistema ne'e sei analog tanba ne'e agora atu muda fali ba dijital nune'e bele fo kualidade transmisaun ba publiku,\" Ministru Francisco Jeronimo hateten.",
"Iha sosializasaun programa dijitalizasaun ne'e Administrador Munisipiu Aileu, Abel da Conceicao, agradese tebes ba Governu tanba bele halo sosializasaun dijitalizasaun ba komunidade oinsa bele hatene lala'ok kona-ba programa dijitalizasaun.",
"\"Ami-nia munisipiu hetan oportunidade kona-ba sosializasaun dijitalizasaun ne'e, ami agradese tebes, ami sei koopera ho Governu nune'e programa ida-ne'e la'o di'ak iha ami-nia munisipiu,\" Abel da Conceicao hateten.",
"Asesor MAPCOMS, Graciano dos Santos, liuhosi sosializasaun ne'e hateten, sosializasaun ne'ebe ohin hala'o ona semana oin ekipa tekniku sei fila-fali ba Postu Administrative Laulara hodi rekolla dadus komunidade ne'ebe iha televizaun rejistu hotu mak foin lori sasan STB ba monta iha komunidade ida-ida nia uma.",
"Nia hatutan, daudaun sira parte sei haree uluk ba komunidade ne'ebe iha televizaun ajuda monta antena dijital nian, no ba sira ne'ebe seidauk iha televizaun sei hetan oportunidade tuir mai.",
"Material STB ne'ebe daudaun ne'e prepara ona atu distribui ba komunidade iha Postu Administrativu Laulara hamutuk 750 ba uma-kain 750.",
"Empreza Publika (RTTL programa dijitalizasaun Radiu Televizaun Timor-Leste Previous articlePN sei halo revizaun ba Estatutu Deputadu sira Next articleAi-moruk item 42 iha armazen SAMES hotu"
] | [
"Digitization of RTTL, E.P helps community move from analog platform to digital | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Digitalizing the public broadcaster Radio and Television (RT TL) will not have any political intention but it is intended as a way for government supporting local communities with their transition back into digitized television service Dili/Aileu - The Ministry on Parliamentary Affairs & Social Communications Minister Francisco Jeronimo said that there are no policy motive behind its program aimed at transformation RTE Public Broadcasting Company(RTVL), which has been an analogue station until now; instead this programme aims towards enhancing accessibility by enabling people who cannot receive TV through other means like cable or satellite telecommunication systems such As Internet etc..."
"Through the dissemination or socialization of RTTL,E.P digitisation in Laulara Administrative Post Office (Aileu Municipality), Minister Francisco Jeronimo affirmed that this programme is being implementing at RTP to help community how they can provide credible information on their local level and raise knowledge about digital media amongst people from all over Timor-Leste through educational programs for children's school students as well"
"Therefore, MAPCOMS asks Laulara community to cooperate with the Government when team establish digital terrestrial multimedia transmission or RTTL Digital E.P in laular 2018-3"
"He added that the digital transmission program RTTL,EP established in Laulara Administrative Post is because ultimately through this programme all communities should have access to digitization itself. Thus now entered into a phase of installing Set Top Boxes (STB) for homes from STB package such as antenna receiver and wire rope..."
"\"We want to change the analogue platform system back digital because our television RTTL, E.P's transmission that sometimes fail with these images as we have an analogic one so now it is necessary for us switching over again into digitization in order of giving quality broadcast services\", said Minister Francisco Jeronimo.\""
"In the promotion of this digitization program, Aileu Municipal Administrator Abel da Conceicao thanked very much to Government for making digitalisation socializing with community so that they can know about how it works."
"\"Our municipality has been given the opportunity to promote digitization, we are very grateful. We will work with government so that this program runs well in our city\", said Abel da Conceicao .\""
"MAPCOMS advisor, Graciano dos Santos said during the information session that after today's briefing next week technical team will return to Laulara Administrative Post for collect data of communities who have television registered all before taking STB stuff and install in each community home."
"He added that at the moment they will look firstly for communities with television help to mount digital antennas, and those who do not have TV shall be given a next opportunity."
"The STB material that is currently being prepared for distribution to the community in Laulara Administrative Post consists of 750 materials, which will be distributed amongst a total number Of household."
"Public Enterprise (RTTL digitization program Radio Television Timor-Leste Previous articlePN will revise the Members’ Statute Next Article42 items of medicine in all SAMES stores"
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Tribunál adia leitura desizaun ba kazu droga | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Tribunál adia leitura desizaun ba kazu droga\nTribunál adia leitura desizaun ba kazu droga\nDILI, 21 agostu 2020 (TATOLI)-Tribunál Distritál Dili (TDD), ohin, adia julgamentu ba leitura desizaun final ba kazu droga ne’ebé envolve husi arguidu JGB ne’ebé antes ne’e haruka kazál timoroan lori Pill Ecstasy sai husi territóriu Timor-Leste ba Indonézia liuhusi fronteira Motain iha tinan 2019.\nTuir loloos audiénsia ne’e, ohin, tuku 9:00 dadeer, atu rona leitura, maibé Tribunál koletivu husu ba parte Ministériu Públiku (MP) atu junta mós ho aktu teste laboratóriu ba matéria Ddoga husi parte Indonézia nian hafoin omóloga.\n“Buat hotu loos ona, ohin, ita submete dokumentu teste ne’e ba Tribunál no Tribunál adia hodi hein notifikasaun tuir mai,” hateten Prokuradór titular, Luis Hernanio Rangel, iha TDD.\nArguidu sira ne’ebé deskonfia komete krime prátika tráfiku droga no atividade ilísitu. Imajen/Nelson de Sousa\nIha loron 4 agostu 2020, Ministériu Públiku (MP) liuhusi Prokuradór titular Luis Hernanio Rangel, iha nia alegasaun husu ba Tribunál Distritál Dili (TDD) atu aplika pena prizaun efetivu tinan-15 ba arguidu JGB ne’ebé deskonfia komete krime prátika tráfiku droga no atividade ilísitu ne’ebé antes ne’e haruka kazál timoroan lori Pill Ecstasy sai husi territóriu Timor-Leste husi Motain ba Indonézia.\nLiuhusi audiénsia julgamentu ne’ebé prezide husi juis koletivu Julmira Auxiladora, João Ribeiro, Argentino Nunes ne’e, MP husu atu aplika pena ne’e tanba iha produsaun prova no faktu, maske arguidu ho hili dalan nonook la ko’alia iha julgamentu sira liu ba. Nia ko’alia de’it iha julgamentu primeiru interrogatóriu no rona mós parte sasin sira katak, no entendimentu MP nian prienxe krime tanba simu duni sasán husi Afrikanu ida ho inisiál VCO depois haruka fila-fali ba Indonézia.\nProkudór titular Luis Hernanio Rangel hateten, kona-ba prova printer haruka husi liur mai la liu hosi Indonesia maibé to’o tiha Timor-Leste mak haruka sai fali, mezmu kompañia JVK rasik nia ‘cabang’ iha Indonézia, tanba sa la direita, nune’e mosu indísiu sasán ilísitu droga ne’ebé perigu hodi fó ameasa ba nasaun.\nTuir entendimentu MP nian prienxe elementu krime hodi kondena arguidu JGB hanesan autoria materiál ba pratika krime-rua (2); Tráfiku no atividade ilísitu, P no P tuir artigu 7 númeru 1 no krime Asosiasaun Kriminoza P no P tuir artigu 10 númeru 1, husi lei númeru 2/2017, kona-ba kombate Tráfiku Ilísitu, ho forma konsumada, ho nia agravasaun tuir artigu 9 alínea E,K husi lei ne’ebé mak hanesan. Husi krime rua ne’e ninia agravasaun pena tinan-10 to’o tinan-15. Nune’e MP husu tribunál koletivu atu aplika pena prizaun efetivu tinan 15 ba arguidu.\nMP mós husu Tribunál atu aplika pena expulsaun iha artigu 87, katak sidadaun estranjeiru ne’ebé hetan kondenasaun tanba prátika krime ne’ebé fó fatin prizaun aas liu tinan-tolu (3) no seidauk hela iha Timor-Leste tinan-15 bele hetan expulsaun husi territóriu nasionál, inklui taka atividade ne’ebé nia hala’o.\nTuir faktu ne’e arrola hosi Ministériu Públiku katak, iha loron 29 maiu 2019, Polísia Investigasaun Nasionál Narkotika nian simu, informasaun ( via WhatsApp) husi POLRI iha Atambua Motain, iha loron ne’ebá maizamenus iha tuku 15h30 katak, POLRI detein ona kazál timoroan iha Motain ne’ebé mak pertensia ba territóriu Indonézia nian tanba lori droga ho tipu Ecstasy.\nBainhira Polísia Indonézia halo detensaun no pasa revista ba kazál timoroan ne’e, deteta katak, sira lori duni Pill Ecstasy husi territóriu Timor-Leste ho nia kuantidade 4.874 ho nia modelu ne’ebé maka hanesan, maibé kór maka lahanesan no balun kór matak, azul no kór kafé.\nNotísia Relevante : TDD rona sasin ba kazu droga iha relasaun ho kondenadu kazál timoroan\nIha audiénsia julgamentu ne’e, arguidu hetan asisténsia legal husi advogadu privadu Domingos Pinto, José Andrade ho Agostinho de Jesus.\nNotísia Relevante : Kazu Droga, Arguidu JGB Iha Relasaun Ho Kondenadu Kazál Timoroan\nPrevious articlePR ho MNEK diskute prosesu adezaun TL ba ASEAN\nNext articleUNTL aplika propinas $ 5.00 ba estudante | [
"Tribunal adia leitura desizaun ba kazu droga | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Tribunal adia leitura desizaun ba kazu droga Tribunal adia leitura desizaun ba kazu droga DILI, 21 agostu 2020 (TATOLI) -Tribunal Distrital Dili (TDD), ohin, adia julgamentu ba leitura desizaun final ba kazu droga ne'ebe envolve husi arguidu JGB ne'ebe antes ne'e haruka kazal timoroan lori Pill Ecstasy sai husi territoriu Timor-Leste ba Indonezia liuhusi fronteira Motain iha tinan 2019.",
"Tuir loloos audiensia ne'e, ohin, tuku 9:00 dadeer, atu rona leitura, maibe Tribunal koletivu husu ba parte Ministeriu Publiku (MP) atu junta mos ho aktu teste laboratoriu ba materia Ddoga husi parte Indonezia nian hafoin omologa.",
"\"Buat hotu loos ona, ohin, ita submete dokumentu teste ne'e ba Tribunal no Tribunal adia hodi hein notifikasaun tuir mai,\" hateten Prokurador titular, Luis Hernanio Rangel, iha TDD.",
"Arguidu sira ne'ebe deskonfia komete krime pratika trafiku droga no atividade ilisitu.",
"Imajen/Nelson de Sousa Iha loron 4 agostu 2020, Ministeriu Publiku (MP) liuhusi Prokurador titular Luis Hernanio Rangel, iha nia alegasaun husu ba Tribunal Distrital Dili (TDD) atu aplika pena prizaun efetivu tinan-15 ba arguidu JGB ne'ebe deskonfia komete krime pratika trafiku droga no atividade ilisitu ne'ebe antes ne'e haruka kazal timoroan lori Pill Ecstasy sai husi territoriu Timor-Leste husi Motain ba Indonezia.",
"Liuhusi audiensia julgamentu ne'ebe prezide husi juis koletivu Julmira Auxiladora, Joao Ribeiro, Argentino Nunes ne'e, MP husu atu aplika pena ne'e tanba iha produsaun prova no faktu, maske arguidu ho hili dalan nonook la ko'alia iha julgamentu sira liu ba.",
"Nia ko'alia de'it iha julgamentu primeiru interrogatoriu no rona mos parte sasin sira katak, no entendimentu MP nian prienxe krime tanba simu duni sasan husi Afrikanu ida ho inisial VCO depois haruka fila-fali ba Indonezia.",
"Prokudor titular Luis Hernanio Rangel hateten, kona-ba prova printer haruka husi liur mai la liu hosi Indonesia maibe to'o tiha Timor-Leste mak haruka sai fali, mezmu kompania JVK rasik nia 'cabang' iha Indonezia, tanba sa la direita, nune'e mosu indisiu sasan ilisitu droga ne'ebe perigu hodi fo ameasa ba nasaun.",
"Tuir entendimentu MP nian prienxe elementu krime hodi kondena arguidu JGB hanesan autoria material ba pratika krime-rua (2); Trafiku no atividade ilisitu, P no P tuir artigu 7 numeru 1 no krime Asosiasaun Kriminoza P no P tuir artigu 10 numeru 1, husi lei numeru 2/2017, kona-ba kombate Trafiku Ilisitu, ho forma konsumada, ho nia agravasaun tuir artigu 9 alinea E,K husi lei ne'ebe mak hanesan.",
"Husi krime rua ne'e ninia agravasaun pena tinan-10 to'o tinan-15.",
"Nune'e MP husu tribunal koletivu atu aplika pena prizaun efetivu tinan 15 ba arguidu.",
"MP mos husu Tribunal atu aplika pena expulsaun iha artigu 87, katak sidadaun estranjeiru ne'ebe hetan kondenasaun tanba pratika krime ne'ebe fo fatin prizaun aas liu tinan-tolu (3) no seidauk hela iha Timor-Leste tinan-15 bele hetan expulsaun husi territoriu nasional, inklui taka atividade ne'ebe nia hala'o.",
"Tuir faktu ne'e arrola hosi Ministeriu Publiku katak, iha loron 29 maiu 2019, Polisia Investigasaun Nasional Narkotika nian simu, informasaun (via WhatsApp) husi POLRI iha Atambua Motain, iha loron ne'eba maizamenus iha tuku 15h30 katak, POLRI detein ona kazal timoroan iha Motain ne'ebe mak pertensia ba territoriu Indonezia nian tanba lori droga ho tipu Ecstasy.",
"Bainhira Polisia Indonezia halo detensaun no pasa revista ba kazal timoroan ne'e, deteta katak, sira lori duni Pill Ecstasy husi territoriu Timor-Leste ho nia kuantidade 4.874 ho nia modelu ne'ebe maka hanesan, maibe kor maka lahanesan no balun kor matak, azul no kor kafe.",
"Notisia Relevante: TDD rona sasin ba kazu droga iha relasaun ho kondenadu kazal timoroan Iha audiensia julgamentu ne'e, arguidu hetan asistensia legal husi advogadu privadu Domingos Pinto, Jose Andrade ho Agostinho de Jesus.",
"Notisia Relevante: Kazu Droga, Arguidu JGB Iha Relasaun Ho Kondenadu Kazal Timoroan Previous articlePR ho MNEK diskute prosesu adezaun TL ba ASEAN Next articleUNTL aplika propinas $ 5.00 ba estudante"
] | [
"Dili, August 21st (Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste) -Dili District Court today postponed the trial for reading of final decision in a drug case that involves defendant JGB who had previously sent two people carrying Pill Ecstasy from East Тимор to Indonesia via Motain border. The judgement was adjourned until after hearing on Thursday and will be announced later this week at around noon local time by court officials as it is likely they would not have been allowed into their country again because there are no evidence against them or any other person involved with transporting pills ecstacy outside east timorense territories towards indonesia through motan frontier during year"
"The hearing was originally scheduled for today, at 9:30 a.m to hear the reading of evidences; but after homologation by Indonesian side and before being heard in full on Monday morning (12/4), Tribunal Collective asked Public Prosecution Service(PPS) party also attach laboratory test report from Indonesia' s Custom Department regarding DDO matter as well"
"\"Everything is in order, today we have submitted this test document to the Court and it has been adjourned until further notice\", said titular prosecutor Luis Hernanio Rangel at TDD."
"The defendants are suspected of committing crimes involving drug trafficking and other illegal activities."
"Image/Nelson de Sousa On August 4th, the Public Prosecutor's Office (MP) through titular Attorney General Luis Hernanio Rangel in his allegation requested from Dili District Court to impose an effective prison sentence of fifteen years on defendant JGB who is suspectingly guilty for drug trafficking and illegal activities. The judge said that before this time he had sent a Timorese man carrying Pill Ecstasy out Of East-Timor Territory From Motain To Indonesia"
"After the trial hearing presided over by judges Julmira Auxiladora, Joao Ribeiro and Argentinos Nunez in a collegial panel of three members (João Pereira da Silva), MP asked to apply this sentence because there was evidence on hand."
"He said only in the first trial interrogation and hearing part of witnesses that, as per MP's understanding charged with crime because they did accept items from an African initial VCO then sent them back to Indonesia."
"Prosecutor titular Luis Hernanio Rangel said, regarding the evidence printer sent from abroad did not come through Indonesia but after Timor-Leste it was returned back out of country even though JVK company owns 'branch' in indonesia because what is wrong therefore indicates illicit drugs that are dangerous to threaten our nation."
"According to the MP's understanding, there are sufficient elements of a crime in order for defendant JGB be convicted as material perpetrator (2); Trafficking and Illicit Activity under Article 7 number one; Crimen Criminal Association P &P according article10 Number One from Law No."
"For these two offences, the maximum sentence is from 10 years to a total of upto fifteen."
"The prosecution therefore requested the collective court to apply an effective 15-year prison sentence for defendants."
"The Public Prosecutor also asked the Court to apply expulsion under article 87, which states that a foreign national who has been convicted of committing crimes punishable by more than three (3) years' imprisonment and have not resided in Timor-Leste for at least fifteen months may be expelled from National Territory."
"According to the Public Prosecutor's Office, on May 29th of this year National Narcotic Investigation Police received information (via WhatsApp) from POLIRI in Atambua Motain that day at about three and a half p.m which stated they had arrested two Taiwanese men who were carrying Ecstasy drugs within Indonesian territories as well with them was also an individual named \"A\"."
"When the Indonesian police arrested and searching these two Timorese men, they detect that indeed 4.875 ecstasy pills were being brought from East-Timor with a similar model of pill but without Indonesia's colour; some had brown color while others have blue or coffee shade colors (these are called \"black\" Pill Ecstacy)."
"Related News: TDD hears witnesses on drug case in relation to convicted Portuguese criminal In the trial hearing, defendants were represented by private lawyers Domingoes Pinto and Agostinho de Jesus."
"Related News: Drug Case, Accused JGB Has Relationship With Convicted Timorese Previous articlePR and MNEK discuss TL’s accession process to ASEAN Next ArticleUNTL applies $5.01 tuition for students"
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Dili, Komandu Polísia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) durante semana ida nia laran hahu’u husi loron 22 to’o 24 fulan Novembru tinan ne’e rezista kazu Insidente hamutuk 24 ne’ebe maioria kazu asaltu malu.\nPorta Voz Komandu PNTL Superintendente Xefe Arnaldo Araújo liu husi Konferensia Imprensa ne’ebe hala’o iha Kuartel Jerál kuarta-feira (24/11) ne’e relata além-de kazu asaltu malu, PNTL mós rezista kazu tranjaksaun illegal iha fronteira entre Timor-Leste no Indonesia.\n“Iha loron 19/11/2021 oras 10:29 otl Komando PNTL Munisipiu Bobonaro halo apresaun ba sasan ne’ebe konsidera kontra bandu mak hanesan Kilat Anin modelo Shraps tiger lolos walu (8) no fugetis kaixa tolu (3 ); Suspeito ba kazu ne’e ho nia inisial D, ho tinan 40 iha Tunubibi , suspeito no sasan hira ne’e iha ona Komando PNTL Munisipiu Bobonaro hodi submete ba Ministerio Públiku”, relata Porta Voz Komandu PNTL ne’e.\nSuperintendente Xefe esplika tan katak iha loron 23/11/2021 oras 11:00 iha posto UPF Derok Neen kaptura estudante mane na’in rua ne’ebe tama ho dalan ilegal tanba sira nia pasaporte mate no oras ne’e dadaun Komandu UPF entrega hodi tama iha karantina Batugade. Nune’e mós iha loron ne’ebe hanesan (23/11/2021) oras 12:00 Komandu UPF halo Auto stop/Check Point no konsege kaptura sidadaun Timor oan na’in rua ne’ebe fila husi Balibo ba foti enkomenda (titipan) atributu Arte marsiais (IKS) Kera Sakti hamutuk par 145 ne’ebe uja motorizada Mio rua, agora iha hela Komandu UPF hafoin entrega ba Komando PNTL Bobonaro hodi submete ba prosesu investigasaun.\n“Komandu UPF munisipiu Bobonaro mós hetan fugetis abandonadu iha dalan ninian no agora rai hela iha Komando UPF Batugade, sasan hirak ne’e na’in laiha. Iha loron 23 fulan Novembru Komandu UPF Oecusse halo apresaun ba sasan ilegal hanesan gazolina hamutuk jerigen walu (8) no entrega ba Komando PNTL Oecusse halo prossesu kontinuasaun”, akresenta Superintendente Xefe ne’e.\nXefe Gabinete Relasaun Públika PNTL ne’e haktuir tan iha loron 22 fulan Novembru tinan ne’e, oras 19:00 akontese asidente ida iha suku Maabat, aldeia Toraha, munisipiu Manatuto iha ne’ebe kasal ida (Fen ho Laen-red) ho motor soke ai ida hodi monu ba kanu kuak no lori mai iha HNGV hodi rezulta fen ne’e mate no laen lori ona mai iha Komandu munisipiu Dili hodi halo prosesu indentifikasaun.\n“Iha oportunidade ne’e, Komandu PNTL liu husi Porta Voz hakarak apela ba komunidades sira katak oras ne’e dadaun Komandu PNTL liu husi UPF halo hela vizilansia maka’as hodi kontrola ema no sasan ne’ebe tama liu husi fronteira tantu liu husi rai maran no tasi hodi asegura ita nia nasaun husi ema hirak ne’ebe hakarak hatama sasan illegal tantu mós hanesan fugetis; tanba ne’e apela ba sidadaun hotu atu labele faan no hatama fugetis mai ita nia rai”, apela Xefe Gabinete Relasaun Públika PNTL ne’e. | [
"Dili, Komandu Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) durante semana ida nia laran hahu'u husi loron 22 to'o 24 fulan Novembru tinan ne'e rezista kazu Insidente hamutuk 24 ne'ebe maioria kazu asaltu malu.",
"Porta Voz Komandu PNTL Superintendente Xefe Arnaldo Araujo liu husi Konferensia Imprensa ne'ebe hala'o iha Kuartel Jeral kuarta-feira (24/11) ne'e relata alem-de kazu asaltu malu, PNTL mos rezista kazu tranjaksaun illegal iha fronteira entre Timor-Leste no Indonesia.",
"\"Iha loron 19/11/2021 oras 10:29 otl Komando PNTL Munisipiu Bobonaro halo apresaun ba sasan ne'ebe konsidera kontra bandu mak hanesan Kilat Anin modelo Shraps tiger lolos walu (8) no fugetis kaixa tolu (3); Suspeito ba kazu ne'e ho nia inisial D, ho tinan 40 iha Tunubibi , suspeito no sasan hira ne'e iha ona Komando PNTL Munisipiu Bobonaro hodi submete ba Ministerio Publiku,\" relata Porta Voz Komandu PNTL ne'e.",
"Superintendente Xefe esplika tan katak iha loron 23/11/2021 oras 11:00 iha posto UPF Derok Neen kaptura estudante mane na'in rua ne'ebe tama ho dalan ilegal tanba sira nia pasaporte mate no oras ne'e dadaun Komandu UPF entrega hodi tama iha karantina Batugade.",
"Nune'e mos iha loron ne'ebe hanesan (23/11/2021) oras 12:00 Komandu UPF halo Auto stop/Check Point no konsege kaptura sidadaun Timor oan na'in rua ne'ebe fila husi Balibo ba foti enkomenda (titipan) atributu Arte marsiais (IKS) Kera Sakti hamutuk par 145 ne'ebe uja motorizada Mio rua, agora iha hela Komandu UPF hafoin entrega ba Komando PNTL Bobonaro hodi submete ba prosesu investigasaun.",
"\"Komandu UPF munisipiu Bobonaro mos hetan fugetis abandonadu iha dalan ninian no agora rai hela iha Komando UPF Batugade, sasan hirak ne'e na'in laiha.",
"Iha loron 23 fulan Novembru Komandu UPF Oecusse halo apresaun ba sasan ilegal hanesan gazolina hamutuk jerigen walu (8) no entrega ba Komando PNTL Oecusse halo prossesu kontinuasaun,\" akresenta Superintendente Xefe ne'e.",
"Xefe Gabinete Relasaun Publika PNTL ne'e haktuir tan iha loron 22 fulan Novembru tinan ne'e, oras 19:00 akontese asidente ida iha suku Maabat, aldeia Toraha, munisipiu Manatuto iha ne'ebe kasal ida (Fen ho Laen-red) ho motor soke ai ida hodi monu ba kanu kuak no lori mai iha HNGV hodi rezulta fen ne'e mate no laen lori ona mai iha Komandu munisipiu Dili hodi halo prosesu indentifikasaun.",
"\"Iha oportunidade ne'e, Komandu PNTL liu husi Porta Voz hakarak apela ba komunidades sira katak oras ne'e dadaun Komandu PNTL liu husi UPF halo hela vizilansia maka'as hodi kontrola ema no sasan ne'ebe tama liu husi fronteira tantu liu husi rai maran no tasi hodi asegura ita nia nasaun husi ema hirak ne'ebe hakarak hatama sasan illegal tantu mos hanesan fugetis; tanba ne'e apela ba sidadaun hotu atu labele faan no hatama fugetis mai ita nia rai,\" apela Xefe Gabinete Relasaun Publika PNTL ne'e."
] | [
"Dili, Komandu Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) during a week from November 21 to the end of December this year resisted cases Incidents totaling in all about twenty four which were mostly case assault."
"PNTL Command Spokesperson Superintendent Chief Arnaldo Araujo, during a Press Conference held at the General Headquarters on Tuesday (24/10), reported that in addition to assault cases against each other and illegal transactions between Timor-Leste' s border with Indonesia."
"\"On November 19th, at around noon (local time), the Bobonaro Municipal Police Command seized items that were considered against law such as Shraps tiger model Kilat Anin with a total of eighteen(8) and three fugetis kaixa; Suspect in this case is initial D. He has over forty years old from Tunubibi municipality where he was arrested by police to be submitted on prosecution\", said MPP spokesman Afonso de Jesus da Silva Soares.\""
"The Chief Superintendent further explained that on 23/10-5 at the UPF Derok Neen post, two male students were arresting who had enters illegally because their passport was expired and now are being hand over to Batugade quarantine."
"Likewise, on the same day (23/10 ) at noon UPF Command made Auto stop / Check Point and managed to capture two Timorese citizens who were returning from Balibo for taking encomendas of martial art attributes Kera Sakti totalling a pair in which used motorized Mio Two. They are now held by upf command after being handed over To PNTL Bobonaro Comando so that they can be submitted For investigation processes"
"\"The UPF Command of Bobonaro County also found abandoned fugetis in this road and now they are at the Batugade command, these things have no owner."
"On November 23, UPF Command Oecusse seized illegal goods such as gasoline in the amount of jerigen eighteen (8) and handed it over to PNTL Komando oecusse for follow-up procedure\", Chief Superintendent added."
"The Chief of Police Public Relations Office said that on November 21, at around seven p.m an accident occurred in the Maabat village (Toraha), Manatuto municipality where a couple - Man and Woman- with their motorcycle hit one tree falling onto it which led to her death; she was taken into Dili Municipal Hospital for identification processes after being killed by another man who had also been carried away from his home town as well"
"\"On this occasion, the PNTL Command through its spokesperson would like to appeal for communities that at present time Police command via UPF is carrying out a high level of vigilance and control over people entering our country both by land or sea in order secure us from those who want import illegal good as well fugetis; therefore we call on all citizens not sell nor bring any fugitives into Our Country\", said Chief Office Public Relation Policing."
] |
TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Sabino Ho Nia Membru 47 Entrega-An – Julio Hornai Responde L-7\nSabino Ho Nia Membru 47 Entrega-An – Julio Hornai Responde L-7\nJornal Nacional Diário - 11 de maio de 2015\nKordenador CPD-RDTL, Suku Lavateri, Postu Administrativu Baguia, Munisípiu Baucau, Sabino Pereira alias Foholete ho nia membru hamutuk nain 47, Sesta (08/05/2015), tuku 22:00 OTL, enrega-an ba Komando Operasaun Konjunta (KOK).\nSabino Foholete ho nia membru sira ne’e entrega an ba KOK iha Posto Komando 3, kompostu husi Posto Komando Baguia, Sagadate ho Samalari, Munisípiu Baucau.\nSabino ne’ebe helik subar ba mai iha ai-laran, fatuk kuak no ai-kuak sira iha Laga ho Baguia nia klaran, tanba tauk hasoru forsa hafoin kazu agresaun fiziku no asaltu hasoru membru PNTL Eskuadra Laga iha Suku Lalulai.\nSabino nia membru sira ne’e simu diretamente husi Komandante Taktika KOK, Koronel Rairia, ne’ebé maka destaka iha Munisípiu Baucau.\nIha deklarasaun ba media, Sabino Foholete, reprezenta nia maluk sira ne’ebé maka entrega an ba KOK esklarese katak, nia rasik entega-an ho nia membru nain 6 seluk iha kedas Kinta (07/05/2015) no membru sira seluk entrega-an iha loron tuir mai Sesta. Nune’e, iha Sabadu (09/05/2015), KOK tula sira 47 ne’e ho kareta HiCom F-FDTL nian hodi lori hotu mai aprezenta iha Komando Baucau.\nSira ne’ebé mai ho kareta HiCom senti laran lametin, tanba tauk hetan persegisaun ou torturasaun, maibe hafoin hasoru malu tiha ho Koronel Rairia no haree hetan sira lider Sabino Foholete, sira senti hanesan esperansa bot no ho hamanasa sira tun husi kareta ba kaer liman ho Koronel Rairia ho membru KOK sira seluk tan.\n“Ha’u ho ha’u nia membru sira durante ne’e subar an. Ami lahatene buat ida, tanba ne’e maka ha’u mobiliza membru sira mai entrega-an para koopera ho justisa no koopera ba estabilidade. Lalika rona isu barak dehan atu tiru malu, tiru malu ho se?, ami mai para koopera ho maun sira para ita hamutuk hodi submete ba justisa,” esklarese Sabino Foholete ba jornalista sira iha Komando PNTL, Baucau, Sabado (09/05/2015).\nSabino hateten, antes ne’e sira lakohi koopera ho justisa, tanba tauk ho torturasaun husi polisia, hafoin kazu ataka membru PNTL Eskuadra Laga iha Lalulai. Maibe, tuir informasaun ne’ebé iha katak, operasaun HANITA ne’e la’os atu baku ka oho, maibe bolu malu tanba ne’e maka kontaktu malu hodi tun mai koopera ho seguransa no justisa.\nNia hateten, membru CPD-RDTL halai sae ba foho hodi hein mos prosesu Welaluhu nian hodi kaer ba filozofias ida katak, uluk luta ba Independensia, mas agora luta ba ekonomia.\nKoperativa Welaluhu, Sabino fo sasin katak, hetan apoiu husi Prezidente Republika (PR), Taur Matan Ruak, Xefi Estado Maior Jeneral das FALINTIL-FDTL, Maijor Jeneral Lere Anan Timur, eis Primeiru Ministru (PM), Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão.\nMomentu neba, lider historiku no ukun nain hirak ne’e tatoli ba CPD-RDTL atu ida-idak fila ba nia knua, maibe buka mobiliza malu atu halo koperativa.\n“Momentu ne’eba Prezidente Taur Matan Ruak hateten katak buat ne’ebe imi halo exemplu ida diak hodi hatudu ba Povu Timor tomak no mos Primeiru Ministru Xanana husu mai ami atu husik fatin ne’eba depois maka Governu tau matan no aranza fini no fatin ne’e Governu mak responsabilidade. Iha ne’eba mos Governu promete ba hodi hein rezultadu husi Welaluhu, mais husi Governu no komisaun CPD-RDTL, Antonio Aitahan Matak ho sira seluk nunka aparese to’o akontesementu iha Lalulai,” afirma Sabino Foholete.\nSabino rekoñese katak, nia durante ne’e nunka hatene paradeiru eis Komandante Brigada Vermelha, Paulino Gama “Mauk Moruk” nian.\n“Ha’u husu deskulpa kona ba atetude Mauk Moruk nian kontra Estado ne’e ha’u lahatene, atu hatene kona ba ne’e husu ba nia rasik, ami lahatene, ami povu bai-bain ne’ebe ami hakarak halo koperativa hodi sustenta ba ami nia moris ami nia kabun hamblaha. Ami la’os grupu Mauk Moruk nian, ami grupu CPD-RDTL nian, kona ba kazu Saelari ho Baguia, ami lahatene, tanba ami durante ne’e tauk ne’ebé ami subar deit,” Sabino esklarese tan.\nHusu kona ba kontaktu ka ligasaun ho MM durante ne’e, Sabino dehan kontaktu ka lakontaktu Cowboy mak hatene. Maibe durante ne’e iha ai-laran, han deit maka batar ut, aifarinha ho fehuk tunu.\nMaske haksimuk an iha ai-laran no dezvia husi forsa KOK, maibe Sabino ho nia grupu kontinua mobiliza malu hodi kuda kafe oan iha Lavateri nian.\nSabino dehan, nia la’os membru Mauk Moruk nian no la tama iha estrutura Konselhu Revolusaun Maubere (KRM).\nSabino relata katak, nia nunka hasoru malu no tuur hamutuk ho Mauk Moruk. Karik iha evidensia ruma, nia prontu simu konsekuensia justisa.\n“Kona-ba foti pistola PNTL Laga nian ne’e, ha’u ho ha’u nia grupu la involve. Aktu ida ne’e husu ba Mauk Moruk ho Cowboy maka responsabiliza,”afirma Sabino Foholete.\nLiu husi biban ne’e, Sabino apela ba membru grupu ilegais ne’ebé mak sei movimenta iha ailaran atu entrega-an lalika tauk, mai hodi koopera ho Forsa no Polisia hodi koopera ho Justisa hodi buka lia los, labele fiar rumoris, propaganda no polítika foer sira, karik mak tauk nia prontu atu fasilita hodi mai entrega-an.\nIha fatin hanesan Komandante Taktika KOK, Tenente Koronel Rairia akresenta tan, membru grupu ilegais sira entrega-an, tanba durante KOK halo aprosimasaun liu husi telefone no mós maneira seluk tan.\nKoronel Rairia hateten, ba oin KOK iha pozisaun firme katak, grupu ne’ebé mak sente subar an karik tun mai deit ona hodi koopera ho KOK atu nune’e bele kontribui ba estabilidade, tanba mesak Timor oan deit.\nAdministrador Munisípiu Baucau, Antonio Augosto Guterres, realsa tan katak, nia nu’udar lideransa Munisípiu nian sente kontente tebes no agradese ba forsa rua ne’ebé mak hala’o operasaun hanaran HANITA.\nHa’u kontente bainhira sira mai entrega-an ba ita nia forsa sira hodi koopera hamutuk kria estabilidade hodi dezenvolve ita nia rain. Kuandu buat ruma iha justisa mak sei deside,”hateten Administrador Antonio Guterres.\nAdministrador ne’e mós rekoñese katak, durante operasaun HANITA halo povu trauma oitoan, tanba ne’e mak nia rasik hamutuk ho liders forsa rua ne’e nian tun direta ba iha suku hodi halo aprosimasaun ho komunidade rasik.\nOras ne’e dadauk Sabino ho nia membru detein hela iha sela Komando PNTL, tanba sei halo identifikasaun durante oras hira nia laran hodi nune’e bele submete ba Primeiru Interogatoriu iha Tribunal Munisípiu Baucau.\nDurante operasaun HANITA husi faze primeiru to’o segundu, iha membru KRM ho CPD-RDTL entrega-an no mós hetan kaptura hamutuk nain 392. Husi total sira ne’e, submete ba tribunal, balun livre no balun TIR (Termo Identidade Residencia) no mos balun mak ba Prijaun Preventiva.\nHornai Responde L-7\nHusi sorin seluk, Komandante Jeral PNTL, Komisariu Julio Hornai, afirma katak, KOK sei la retira husi Munisípiu Baucau, hodi kontinua buka tuir Mauk Moruk ho nia membru sira.\nKestaun ne’e afirma husi Komisariu Julio Hornai, hodi responde ba opsaun husi eis Komandante FALINTIL, Cornelio Gama “L-7” ne’ebé husu atu retira KOK para sira bele halo aprosimasaun ho Mauk Moruk.\n“Ami kumpri ami nia misaun ami kumpri ami nia dever ne’ebé maka Governu fo rezolusaun katak, ba atu halo operasaun no bolu ita nia maluk sira ne’ebé maka tuir mandadu de kapturasaun ne’ebé maka iha para atu ba prosesu justisa, entaun operasaun ne’e sei lao nafatin,” hateten Julio Hornai iha Kuartel Jeral PNTL, Sesta (08/05/2015).\nCowboy hetan Autorizasaun husi DP\nKomandante Jeral PNTL Komisariu Julio Hornai informa mós katak, arguido Cowboy halo konferensia imprensa iha Kuartel Jeral F-DTL, Sesta foin lalais ne’e, tanba hetan lisensa husi Defensor Públiku (DP) Munisípiu Baucau, atu nune’e nia bele hato’o nia deklarasaun ba públiku kona-ba kazu ne’ebé mak nia infrenta dadauk.\n“Cowboy nia Defensor ho Komando Taktika iha akordu ida no hetan autorizasaun husi Tribunal para halo aktividade ne’e,” hateten Julio Hornai.may/nax | [
"TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Sabino Ho Nia Membru 47 Entrega-An - Julio Hornai Responde L-7 Sabino Ho Nia Membru 47 Entrega-An - Julio Hornai Responde L-7 Jornal Nacional Diario - 11 de maio de 2015 Kordenador CPD-RDTL, Suku Lavateri, Postu Administrativu Baguia, Munisipiu Baucau, Sabino Pereira alias Foholete ho nia membru hamutuk nain 47, Sesta (08/05/2015), tuku 22:00 OTL, enrega-an ba Komando Operasaun Konjunta (KOK).",
"Sabino Foholete ho nia membru sira ne'e entrega an ba KOK iha Posto Komando 3, kompostu husi Posto Komando Baguia, Sagadate ho Samalari, Munisipiu Baucau.",
"Sabino ne'ebe helik subar ba mai iha ai-laran, fatuk kuak no ai-kuak sira iha Laga ho Baguia nia klaran, tanba tauk hasoru forsa hafoin kazu agresaun fiziku no asaltu hasoru membru PNTL Eskuadra Laga iha Suku Lalulai.",
"Sabino nia membru sira ne'e simu diretamente husi Komandante Taktika KOK, Koronel Rairia, ne'ebe maka destaka iha Munisipiu Baucau.",
"Iha deklarasaun ba media, Sabino Foholete, reprezenta nia maluk sira ne'ebe maka entrega an ba KOK esklarese katak, nia rasik entega-an ho nia membru nain 6 seluk iha kedas Kinta (07/05/2015) no membru sira seluk entrega-an iha loron tuir mai Sesta.",
"Nune'e, iha Sabadu (09/05/2015), KOK tula sira 47 ne'e ho kareta HiCom F-FDTL nian hodi lori hotu mai aprezenta iha Komando Baucau.",
"Sira ne'ebe mai ho kareta HiCom senti laran lametin, tanba tauk hetan persegisaun ou torturasaun, maibe hafoin hasoru malu tiha ho Koronel Rairia no haree hetan sira lider Sabino Foholete, sira senti hanesan esperansa bot no ho hamanasa sira tun husi kareta ba kaer liman ho Koronel Rairia ho membru KOK sira seluk tan.",
"\"Ha'u ho ha'u nia membru sira durante ne'e subar an.",
"Ami lahatene buat ida, tanba ne'e maka ha'u mobiliza membru sira mai entrega-an para koopera ho justisa no koopera ba estabilidade.",
"Lalika rona isu barak dehan atu tiru malu, tiru malu ho se?, ami mai para koopera ho maun sira para ita hamutuk hodi submete ba justisa,\" esklarese Sabino Foholete ba jornalista sira iha Komando PNTL, Baucau, Sabado (09/05/2015).",
"Sabino hateten, antes ne'e sira lakohi koopera ho justisa, tanba tauk ho torturasaun husi polisia, hafoin kazu ataka membru PNTL Eskuadra Laga iha Lalulai.",
"Maibe, tuir informasaun ne'ebe iha katak, operasaun HANITA ne'e la'os atu baku ka oho, maibe bolu malu tanba ne'e maka kontaktu malu hodi tun mai koopera ho seguransa no justisa.",
"Nia hateten, membru CPD-RDTL halai sae ba foho hodi hein mos prosesu Welaluhu nian hodi kaer ba filozofias ida katak, uluk luta ba Independensia, mas agora luta ba ekonomia.",
"Koperativa Welaluhu, Sabino fo sasin katak, hetan apoiu husi Prezidente Republika (PR), Taur Matan Ruak, Xefi Estado Maior Jeneral das FALINTIL-FDTL, Maijor Jeneral Lere Anan Timur, eis Primeiru Ministru (PM), Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao.",
"Momentu neba, lider historiku no ukun nain hirak ne'e tatoli ba CPD-RDTL atu ida-idak fila ba nia knua, maibe buka mobiliza malu atu halo koperativa.",
"\"Momentu ne'eba Prezidente Taur Matan Ruak hateten katak buat ne'ebe imi halo exemplu ida diak hodi hatudu ba Povu Timor tomak no mos Primeiru Ministru Xanana husu mai ami atu husik fatin ne'eba depois maka Governu tau matan no aranza fini no fatin ne'e Governu mak responsabilidade.",
"Iha ne'eba mos Governu promete ba hodi hein rezultadu husi Welaluhu, mais husi Governu no komisaun CPD-RDTL, Antonio Aitahan Matak ho sira seluk nunka aparese to'o akontesementu iha Lalulai,\" afirma Sabino Foholete.",
"Sabino rekonese katak, nia durante ne'e nunka hatene paradeiru eis Komandante Brigada Vermelha, Paulino Gama \"Mauk Moruk\" nian.",
"\"Ha'u husu deskulpa kona ba atetude Mauk Moruk nian kontra Estado ne'e ha'u lahatene, atu hatene kona ba ne'e husu ba nia rasik, ami lahatene, ami povu bai-bain ne'ebe ami hakarak halo koperativa hodi sustenta ba ami nia moris ami nia kabun hamblaha.",
"Ami la'os grupu Mauk Moruk nian, ami grupu CPD-RDTL nian, kona ba kazu Saelari ho Baguia, ami lahatene, tanba ami durante ne'e tauk ne'ebe ami subar deit,\" Sabino esklarese tan.",
"Husu kona ba kontaktu ka ligasaun ho MM durante ne'e, Sabino dehan kontaktu ka lakontaktu Cowboy mak hatene.",
"Maibe durante ne'e iha ai-laran, han deit maka batar ut, aifarinha ho fehuk tunu.",
"Maske haksimuk an iha ai-laran no dezvia husi forsa KOK, maibe Sabino ho nia grupu kontinua mobiliza malu hodi kuda kafe oan iha Lavateri nian.",
"Sabino dehan, nia la'os membru Mauk Moruk nian no la tama iha estrutura Konselhu Revolusaun Maubere (KRM).",
"Sabino relata katak, nia nunka hasoru malu no tuur hamutuk ho Mauk Moruk.",
"Karik iha evidensia ruma, nia prontu simu konsekuensia justisa.",
"\"Kona-ba foti pistola PNTL Laga nian ne'e, ha'u ho ha'u nia grupu la involve.",
"Aktu ida ne'e husu ba Mauk Moruk ho Cowboy maka responsabiliza,\"afirma Sabino Foholete.",
"Liu husi biban ne'e, Sabino apela ba membru grupu ilegais ne'ebe mak sei movimenta iha ailaran atu entrega-an lalika tauk, mai hodi koopera ho Forsa no Polisia hodi koopera ho Justisa hodi buka lia los, labele fiar rumoris, propaganda no politika foer sira, karik mak tauk nia prontu atu fasilita hodi mai entrega-an.",
"Iha fatin hanesan Komandante Taktika KOK, Tenente Koronel Rairia akresenta tan, membru grupu ilegais sira entrega-an, tanba durante KOK halo aprosimasaun liu husi telefone no mos maneira seluk tan.",
"Koronel Rairia hateten, ba oin KOK iha pozisaun firme katak, grupu ne'ebe mak sente subar an karik tun mai deit ona hodi koopera ho KOK atu nune'e bele kontribui ba estabilidade, tanba mesak Timor oan deit.",
"Administrador Munisipiu Baucau, Antonio Augosto Guterres, realsa tan katak, nia nu'udar lideransa Munisipiu nian sente kontente tebes no agradese ba forsa rua ne'ebe mak hala'o operasaun hanaran HANITA.",
"Ha'u kontente bainhira sira mai entrega-an ba ita nia forsa sira hodi koopera hamutuk kria estabilidade hodi dezenvolve ita nia rain.",
"Kuandu buat ruma iha justisa mak sei deside,\"hateten Administrador Antonio Guterres.",
"Administrador ne'e mos rekonese katak, durante operasaun HANITA halo povu trauma oitoan, tanba ne'e mak nia rasik hamutuk ho liders forsa rua ne'e nian tun direta ba iha suku hodi halo aprosimasaun ho komunidade rasik.",
"Oras ne'e dadauk Sabino ho nia membru detein hela iha sela Komando PNTL, tanba sei halo identifikasaun durante oras hira nia laran hodi nune'e bele submete ba Primeiru Interogatoriu iha Tribunal Munisipiu Baucau.",
"Durante operasaun HANITA husi faze primeiru to'o segundu, iha membru KRM ho CPD-RDTL entrega-an no mos hetan kaptura hamutuk nain 392.",
"Husi total sira ne'e, submete ba tribunal, balun livre no balun TIR (Termo Identidade Residencia) no mos balun mak ba Prijaun Preventiva.",
"Hornai Responde L-7 Husi sorin seluk, Komandante Jeral PNTL, Komisariu Julio Hornai, afirma katak, KOK sei la retira husi Munisipiu Baucau, hodi kontinua buka tuir Mauk Moruk ho nia membru sira.",
"Kestaun ne'e afirma husi Komisariu Julio Hornai, hodi responde ba opsaun husi eis Komandante FALINTIL, Cornelio Gama \"L-7\" ne'ebe husu atu retira KOK para sira bele halo aprosimasaun ho Mauk Moruk.",
"\"Ami kumpri ami nia misaun ami kumpri ami nia dever ne'ebe maka Governu fo rezolusaun katak, ba atu halo operasaun no bolu ita nia maluk sira ne'ebe maka tuir mandadu de kapturasaun ne'ebe maka iha para atu ba prosesu justisa, entaun operasaun ne'e sei lao nafatin,\" hateten Julio Hornai iha Kuartel Jeral PNTL, Sesta (08/05/2015).",
"Cowboy hetan Autorizasaun husi DP Komandante Jeral PNTL Komisariu Julio Hornai informa mos katak, arguido Cowboy halo konferensia imprensa iha Kuartel Jeral F-DTL, Sesta foin lalais ne'e, tanba hetan lisensa husi Defensor Publiku (DP) Munisipiu Baucau, atu nune'e nia bele hato'o nia deklarasaun ba publiku kona-ba kazu ne'ebe mak nia infrenta dadauk.",
"\"Cowboy nia Defensor ho Komando Taktika iha akordu ida no hetan autorizasaun husi Tribunal para halo aktividade ne'e,\" hateten Julio Hornai.may/nax"
] | [
"TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: Sabino And His 47 Members Surrender - Julio Hornai Respondes L-10 Jornal Nacional Diario – May,26th of March de l’Anniversaire du Parti Communiste Timorais (PCT) The CPD/CDTL Coordinator from the Lavateri Village in Baguia Administratived Post Office at Baucau Municipality called for his members to surrendered on Saturday morning. He was followed by a group consisting about four dozen people who were also known as “Foholete”. On Friday evening he and some other former PDT member turned themselves over with all their weaponry into Joint Operational Command(KOK)."
"Sabino Foholete and his members surrendered to the KOK at Command Post 3, composed of Baguia's command post Sagadate with Samalari in Baucau Municipality."
"Sabino whose helicopter crashed into the trees, rocks and shrubs in Laga with Baguia' s claran because he failed to face force after a case of physical assault against member PNTL Esquadra Lag at Lalulai Village."
"The members of Sabino's group received direct instructions from KOK Tactical Commander, Colonel Rairia who was stationed in Baucau Municipality."
"In a statement to the media, Sabino Foholete on behalf of his comrades who had surrendered themselves at KOK clarified that he himself and six other members handed over their bodies immediately Thursday (07/15) while others did so Saturday."
"Thus, on Saturday (09/15), KOK took the 47 in a HiCom F-FDTL car to bring them all and present at Baucau Command."
"Those who arrived in the HiCom car were feeling a little disheartened, because they feared persecution or torture. But after meeting Colonel Rairia and seeing their leader Sabino Foholete on stage with them as leaders of KOK (Konfederação Operária Comunista), it felt like hope was coming to life for all these peoples; therefore we stepped out from our cars holding hands at him alongside other members that had come together under his leadership during this time-out period:"
"\"I and my members have been going uphill during this time."
"We want one thing, that is why I am mobilizing members to come and surrender themselves in order for them co-operate with justice."
"We don't hear much about shooting each other, we are here to cooperate with our brothers so that they can be brought before justice together\", Sabino Foholetes explained in a press conference at the PNTL Commando (Police Headquarters), Baucau on Saturday 9 May."
"Sabino said that before they did not cooperate with the justice system, because of fears about torture by police after a case attacked member PNTL Esquadra Laga in Lalulai."
"However, according to the information available that operation HANITA was not for beating or killing but calling each other so they contacted one another and came down with security co-operation."
"He said that members of the CPD-RDTL went out to sea and waited for Welaluhu’s process, in order as they took up a philosophy which was formerly fighting independence but now struggling economically."
"Welaluhu Cooperative, Sabino testified that it has the support of President Taur Matan Ruak; Chief General Staff Major-General Lere Anan Timur and former Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao."
"At that moment, these historical leaders and rulers told the CPD-RDTL to each go back into their clans but seek mobilization together in order for cooperative action."
"\"At that moment, President Taur Matan Ruak said what you are doing is a good example to show the whole Timorese people and Prime Minister Xanana asked us if we would leave this place afterwards it will be taken care of by Government. The government has responsibility for these places.\""
"The Government promised to wait for the results of Welaluhu, but from government and CPD-RDTL commission Antonio Aitahan Matak with others never appeared until incident in Lalulai\", says Sabino Foholete."
"Sabino acknowledged that during this time, he never knew the whereabouts of former Red Brigade Commander Paulino Gama \"Mauk Moruk\"."
"\"I apologize about Mauk Moruk's attitude against the State, I ask him to know it. We are people of Bai-Bai who want cooperative so that we can sustain our lives and have good food for us.\""
"We are not the Mauk Moruk group, we're CPD-RDTL groups. In relation to Saelari and Baguia cases that were brought up by us during this period of time is something which has been ignored.\""
"Asked about the contact or connection with MM during this time, Sabino said that Cowboy knows if there was any."
"But during this time in the field, eat only batar ut. flour with beans tuned 10-25 g"
"Despite hiding in the fields and defying KOK forces, Sabino with his group continued to mobilize themselves for coffee cultivation on Lavateri."
"Sabino said that he was not a member of Mauk Moruk and did NOT belong to the Maubere Revolutionary Council (KRM) structure."
"Sabino reports that he never met and sat with Mauk Moruk."
"Should there be any evidence, he is ready to take the consequences of justice."
"\"Regarding the taking of PNTL Laga's pistol, I and my group were not involved."
"Mauk Moruk and Cowboy are responsible for this act,\" affirms Sabino Foholete."
"Through this meeting, Sabino appealed to the members of illegal groups that are moving in streets and surrender themselves do not be afraid. Come cooperate with Force & Police co-operation for Justice searching truthfulness; don't believe rumoris propaganda e politics foreigners if you want he is ready facilitating come hand over yourself"
"Lieutenant Colonel Rairia, KOK Tactical Commander added that the members of illegal groups surrendered because they had been approached by phone and other means."
"Colonel Rairia said, in the future KOK has a firm position that groups who feel they are being overlooked should come down and cooperate with it so as to contribute towards stability because only Timorese."
"The Municipal Administrator of Baucau, Antonio Augosto Guterres said that he as the leadership in his municipality feels very satisfied and grateful to both forces who carried out operation called HANITA."
"I am pleased when they come and surrender to our forces so that we can cooperate together in creating stability for the development of this country."
"When there is something in the justice system that will be decided,\" said Administrator Antonio Guterres."
"The administrator also acknowledged that, during the HANITA operation traumatized eight people. That is why he himself together with leaders of these two forces went directly to villages in order for an approximation between them and their communities themselves"
"At the moment Sabino and his members are detained in a police cell, because they will be identified during some hours so as to submit them for First Interrogation at Baucau Municipal Court."
"During HANITA operation from phase one to the second, KRM and CPD-RDTL members surrendered themselves as well. A total of a wholly captive number was recorded at about:"
"Of the total, some have been submitted to courts and released; others are in TIR (Termo Identidade Residencia) or Precautionary Detention."
"On the other hand, PNTL Commander General Commissioner Julio Hornai affirmed that KOK will not withdraw from Baucau Municipality to continue searching for Mauk Moruk and his members. He said: \"They are still on their tracks.\""
"The question was affirmed by Commissioner Julio Hornai, in response to the option of former FALINTIL Commander Cornelio Gama \"L-7\" who asked that KOK be withdrawn so they could make an approximation with Mauk Moruk."
"\"We fulfilled our mission, we fulfil the duty that was given by a government resolution to carry out an operation and call for those of us who are under arrest warrants which have been issued so they can be brought before justice. The operations will continue\", said Julio Hornai at PNTL General Headquarters on Saturday (08/15)."
"Cowboy Gets Authorization from the Public Defender The Chief of Police, Commissioner Julio Hornai also informed that accused person called a press conference at F-FDTL General Headquarters on Saturday recently because he received permission to do so by Baucau Municipality' s public defender (DP), which allowed him for making his statement regarding cases facing them today."
"\"The Cowboy's Defender and the Tactical Command have an agreement, which has been authorized by a court to carry out this activity\", said Julio Hornai.may/nax"
] |
By Tempo Timor October 18, 2020 780\nSEKoop Elizario Ferreira hamutuk ho membru Kooperativa Feto sira iha Suai, koileta hela foretali metan foto File Tempo Timor\nDeklarasaun ne'e nia hato'o, bainhira partisipa iha selebrasaun loron internasionál Feto-Rurál ho tema nasionál "Investe iha ekonómia Rurál sei hamosu Rezisténsia no bele aselera dezenvolvimentu inkluzivu", iha munisípiu Likísa, suku Dato no Loidaha.\nElizário hatete, liga ho tema ne'ebé iha, kooperativa iha nia ramu hamutuk 14, no ida ne'ebé relasaun ho agrikultura, iha ramu ida mak responsável ba Kooperativa Agrikula, ne'ebé kabe ba kooperativa hotu-hotu.\n"Ami nafatin nakloke no husu ba Inan-Feton sira atu bele hola parte iha vida kooperativa, i parte Sekretária Kooperativa prontu atu apoiu formasaun, fasilitasaun no kondisiona", hateten SEKoop Elizário Ferreira iha Likísa, kinta (15/10).\nNia informa, kooperativa hamutuk 214 ne'ebé eziste iha TL, kooperativa kréditu mak hatudu dezempeñu di'ak liu, no funsiona hanesan instituisaun, maibé seluk la eziste ona.\nMaske nune'e, nia dehan, sira iha papél hanesan kooperativa, tenta nafatin atu eduka, tanba prinsipiu internasionál da-lima husi kooperativa nian mak, formasaun, edukasaun no informasaun.\n"Ida ne'e, katak saida? ami la fó osan, kooperativa la eduka ema atu fahe osan ba malu. Maibé, eduka ema oinsá atu kria kondisaun", nia haktuir.\nNia dehan, bainhira SEKoop fó ona kail, sira sei akompaña oinsá hakail ho di'ak. Sé SEKoop la akompaña ema atu hakail ho di'ak, ema sei la hakail ho di'ak.\n"Sé imi hahú atu hakail ikan, ró laiha, SEKoop bele kondisiona oinsá iha ró bele kail. Sé imi hakarak han ikan, ami fó kail, ami sei la fó ikan", dehan nia. (*)\n« SEKoop Fó Pose Ba Membru Kooperativa Foun Na'in 25 Hasoru Dezafiu, SEKoop: Membru Koopas Labele Tauk » | [
"By Tempo Timor October 18, 2020 780 SEKoop Elizario Ferreira hamutuk ho membru Kooperativa Feto sira iha Suai, koileta hela foretali metan foto File Tempo Timor Deklarasaun ne'e nia hato'o, bainhira partisipa iha selebrasaun loron internasional Feto-Rural ho tema nasional \"Investe iha ekonomia Rural sei hamosu Rezistensia no bele aselera dezenvolvimentu inkluzivu,\" iha munisipiu Likisa, suku Dato no Loidaha.",
"Elizario hatete, liga ho tema ne'ebe iha, kooperativa iha nia ramu hamutuk 14, no ida ne'ebe relasaun ho agrikultura, iha ramu ida mak responsavel ba Kooperativa Agrikula, ne'ebe kabe ba kooperativa hotu-hotu.",
"\"Ami nafatin nakloke no husu ba Inan-Feton sira atu bele hola parte iha vida kooperativa, i parte Sekretaria Kooperativa prontu atu apoiu formasaun, fasilitasaun no kondisiona,\" hateten SEKoop Elizario Ferreira iha Likisa, kinta (15/10).",
"Nia informa, kooperativa hamutuk 214 ne'ebe eziste iha TL, kooperativa kreditu mak hatudu dezempenu di'ak liu, no funsiona hanesan instituisaun, maibe seluk la eziste ona.",
"Maske nune'e, nia dehan, sira iha papel hanesan kooperativa, tenta nafatin atu eduka, tanba prinsipiu internasional da-lima husi kooperativa nian mak, formasaun, edukasaun no informasaun.",
"\"Ida ne'e, katak saida? ami la fo osan, kooperativa la eduka ema atu fahe osan ba malu.",
"Maibe, eduka ema oinsa atu kria kondisaun,\" nia haktuir.",
"Nia dehan, bainhira SEKoop fo ona kail, sira sei akompana oinsa hakail ho di'ak.",
"Se SEKoop la akompana ema atu hakail ho di'ak, ema sei la hakail ho di'ak.",
"\"Se imi hahu atu hakail ikan, ro laiha, SEKoop bele kondisiona oinsa iha ro bele kail.",
"Se imi hakarak han ikan, ami fo kail, ami sei la fo ikan,\" dehan nia. (*) \" SEKoop Fo Pose Ba Membru Kooperativa Foun Na'in 25 Hasoru Dezafiu, SEKoop: Membru Koopas Labele Tauk \""
] | [
"SEKoop Elizario Ferreira together with members of the Feto Cooperative in Suai, collecting foretali metan photo File Tempo Timor He made this statement when he participated at a celebration on International Rural Women's Day under national theme \"Investing In The rural economy will create Resistance and can accelerate inclusive development\", held by Likisa municipality. Dato Township & Loidaha Town Council October 18th"
"Elizario said that, related to the theme of co-operation there are 14 branches in total and one is for agriculture. There's a Branch responsible from Agricultural Cooperative which has responsibility over all cooperatives;"
"\"We are still open and ask Mothers-Daughter to take part in cooperative life, the Coop Secretariat is ready for training supporting facilitating conditions\", said SEKoops Elizario Ferreira on Wednesday (15/ 20)."
"He informed that there are 214 cooperatives existing on the island, credit co-operatives showed better performance and function as an institution but others no longer exist."
"However, he said that in their role as a cooperative they still try to educate because the five international principles of cooperatives are: training; education and information."
"\"What does this mean? We don't give money, the co-operative doesn\" t educate people to share."
"But, educate people how to create the right conditions,” he said."
"He said, when SEKoop has given the kail they will accompany how to do it well."
"If SEKoop doesn't accompany people to do good, no one will."
"\"If you start fishing and there is no boat, SEKoop can condition how the boats will be able to sail."
"If you want to eat fish, we will give kail. We won't be giving any of it.\" (*) \"SEKoop Gives Posse To The New Cooperative Membership Of Twenty-Five Having Faced Challenge; SEKeup: Koopas Member Should Not Be Afraid\""
] |
Konfiansa Hosi Estadu ne’e Importante - TIMOR AGORA\nKonfiansa Hosi Estadu ne’e Importante\nDILI, (ANTIL) – Komandante Jerál, Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL), Júlio Hornay husu ba membru sira ne’ebé fó seguransa ba eleisaun prezidensiál atu toma responsabilidade ho másimu, nune’e manan nafatin konfiansa hosi Estadu.\n“Husu atu toma responsabilidade ba misaun ne’ebé ita boot sira atu hala’o, ita sakrifika ita nia-án atu manan konfiansa nafatin husi Estadu, governu no ba mundu, ita PNTL mos bele”, ulun boot PNTL ne’e apela iha seremonia despedida membru PNTL iha kuartel jerál, Sesta (17/3).\nAtu asegura seguransa ba eleisaun, PNTL tenke mantein disiplina hodi garante seguransa. Membru ne’ebé mak hala’o kna’ar hodi fó seguransa ba eleisaun sei ezerse direitu votu iha sentru votasaun ne’ebé mak sira kolokadu ba.\nBainhira membru ida atu tama iha estasaun bandu tebes atu utiliza arma bainhira vota. Husu mos atu membru sira ne’ebé mak kolokadu labele abandona servisu, tanba ne’e husu atu komandante tau matan ba membru sira.\nMembru sira ne’ebé lori kareta aluga, labele uza tuir hakarak. Maibé, to’o munisípiu kareta aluga sira sei responsabiliza hosi komandante munisípiu.\nMembru sira ne’ebé mak atu apoia servisu seguransa iha munisípiu kompostu hosi unidade tolu ho tipu konjunta ho membru atus ida resin.\nApoiu ne’ebé komandu jerál oferese ba membru sira mak aluga kareta 40, orsamentu ba alimentasaun durante loron haat nia laran. (Jornalista: Manuel Pinto - Editora: Rita Almeida)\nFoto: Komandante PNTL, Julio Hornay ho Xefe Estadu Maior F-FDTL, Lere Anan Timur. Foto midia MI | [
"Konfiansa Hosi Estadu ne'e Importante - TIMOR AGORA Konfiansa Hosi Estadu ne'e Importante DILI, (ANTIL) - Komandante Jeral, Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL), Julio Hornay husu ba membru sira ne'ebe fo seguransa ba eleisaun prezidensial atu toma responsabilidade ho masimu, nune'e manan nafatin konfiansa hosi Estadu.",
"\"Husu atu toma responsabilidade ba misaun ne'ebe ita boot sira atu hala'o, ita sakrifika ita nia-an atu manan konfiansa nafatin husi Estadu, governu no ba mundu, ita PNTL mos bele,\" ulun boot PNTL ne'e apela iha seremonia despedida membru PNTL iha kuartel jeral, Sesta (17/3).",
"Atu asegura seguransa ba eleisaun, PNTL tenke mantein disiplina hodi garante seguransa.",
"Membru ne'ebe mak hala'o kna'ar hodi fo seguransa ba eleisaun sei ezerse direitu votu iha sentru votasaun ne'ebe mak sira kolokadu ba.",
"Bainhira membru ida atu tama iha estasaun bandu tebes atu utiliza arma bainhira vota.",
"Husu mos atu membru sira ne'ebe mak kolokadu labele abandona servisu, tanba ne'e husu atu komandante tau matan ba membru sira.",
"Membru sira ne'ebe lori kareta aluga, labele uza tuir hakarak.",
"Maibe, to'o munisipiu kareta aluga sira sei responsabiliza hosi komandante munisipiu.",
"Membru sira ne'ebe mak atu apoia servisu seguransa iha munisipiu kompostu hosi unidade tolu ho tipu konjunta ho membru atus ida resin.",
"Apoiu ne'ebe komandu jeral oferese ba membru sira mak aluga kareta 40, orsamentu ba alimentasaun durante loron haat nia laran.",
"(Jornalista: Manuel Pinto - Editora: Rita Almeida) Foto: Komandante PNTL, Julio Hornay ho Xefe Estadu Maior F-FDTL, Lere Anan Timur.",
"Foto midia MI"
] | [
"Confidence from the State is Important - TIMOR AGORA Confiança do Estado é Importante DILI, (ANTIL) – General Commander of Timor-Leste National Police Julio Hornay has asked members who are providing security for presidents' elections to take maximum responsibility in order that they can win again state confidentiality."
"\"We are urged to take responsibility for the mission that we have been given, and sacrifice ourselves in order again winning confidence from state governments. We can do it as well,” said Chief of Police at a farewell ceremonies held on Saturday (17/3)."
"In order to ensure the security of elections, PNTL must maintain discipline and guarantee safety."
"Members of the electoral security force shall exercise their right to vote at a polling station where they are assigned."
"When a member enters the station it is strictly forbidden to use weapon when voting."
"He also requested that members who are on duty do not abandon their duties, so he asked the commander to take care of them."
"Members who carry a rented car cannot use it at will."
"However, up to the municipality rental cars will be responsible for town commander."
"The members to support the security service in municipalities are composed of three joint-type units with about 1,025 personnel."
"The support the general command offered to its members included renting 40 cars, food budget for four days."
"(Journalist: Manuel Pinto - Editora, Rita Almeida) Photo of PNTL Commander Julio Hornay and F-FDTL Chief Of Staff Lere Anan Timur."
"Photo midia MI photo gallery"
] |
Oinsá sustentabiliza investimentu indústria petróleu iha Timor-Leste | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA OPINIAUN Oinsá sustentabiliza investimentu indústria petróleu iha Timor-Leste\nDalan estratéjiku atu sustentabiliza indústria petróleu iha Timor-Leste mak governu tenke intensifika investimentu fundu petróleu ba atividade esplorasaun mina no gás. Atividade esplorasaun mak atividade sira ne’ebé ligadu ho buka no deskobre potensia rezerva minarai no gás iha teritóriu TL, tantu iha rai maran (onshore) no tasi laran (offshore). Objetivu identifikasaun mak asegura sustentabilidade indústria petróleu no fundu petróleu até futuru jerasaun. Minarai no gás sai fatór importante ba ekonomia TL iha tempu agora no futuru. Tuir planu estratejiku dezenvolvimentu 2011-2030, TL hasai ona vizaun konaba dezenvolvimentu setór petrolifera.\nDurante ne’e TL nia reseita mai husi produsaun kampu minarai Kitan iha tinan 2011-2015 inklui produsaun kampu minarai Bayu Undan (BU) ne’ebé kontribui ona reseita ba kofre estadu hamutuk +- $30 bilaun. Husi reseita $30 bilaun, +- $12 bilaun mak uza ona ba despeza públika. Nune’e fundu petróliferu (FP) agora daudaun rai iha banku federál US purvolta $18 bilaun dollar amerikanu.\nRelatóriu trimestrál ikus tinan 2020 husi BCTL FP agora daudaun +-$18 bilaun. Husi rendimentu petrolifera 99.9% mak finansia OJE kada tinan ba setór dezenvolvimentu hotu-hotu iha TL. Iha parte seluk reseita doméstika TL nia sei ki’ik tebes. Dadus hatudu 2018 ita nia reseita doméstika kobra de’it 198 milaun dollar amerikanu. Inklui dadus revela reseita doméstika fulan-janeiru to’o setembru 2020 kobra de’it +- 200 milaun. Tanba ne’e karik OJE kada tinan mak kontinua sa’e to’o $1.4 ou $1.6 bilaun mak estimasaun fundu petróliferu bele hotu iha tinan 12 ou 13 nia-laran.\nIha parte seluk, kampu minarai Kitan la ekonomis no abandona ona produsaun iha tinan 2016. Enkuantu kampu BU hahú prodús ona likidu iha tinan 2004 no gás hahú prodús 2006. Kampu BU nia estimasaun gás 4 TCF (trillion cubic feet), no estimasaun rezerva mina 550 milaun barrel hidrokarbunetu likidu. Estimasaun life time ba kampu BU to’o tinan 23. Enkuantu produsaun gás husi kampu BU prosesa iha Darwin LNG ou Norte Austrália. Tuir akordu tratadu anteriór, Austrália benefisiáriu husi dezenvolvimentu kampu BU. Austrália unilateralmente reklama kontrolu ba kadoras BU tomak inkluindu impostu. Austrália mos unilateralmente apoia ka faan gás helium. Gás ida ne’ebé importante tebes ba iha área defeza ninian no prosesa iha Darwin LNG. Maibé faan gás helium la hetan koñesementu ou nunka atu fahe ho reseita ba TL. Nune’e mos Austrália benefisia husi lei karantina. Signifika ekipamentu ne’ebé tama no fornese ba kampu BU ne’e tenke liuhusi ou sujeita ba Austrália, inklui 90% fornese servisu di’ak ba operasaun BU mai de’it husi Austrália.\nKampu Greater Sunrise (GS) nu’udar alternativu kampu minarai provadu ne’ebé futuru bele prodús hodi asegura kontinuidade reseita ba governu TL, bainhira kampu BU remata. Komersialidade dezenvolvimentu gás iha kampu GS depende ba: rezerva gás (reserve), folin gás (price) no demanda gás iha merkadu (buyer market). Tuir publikasaun jurnál sientifika no dadus husi ANPM hatudu estimasaun rezerva gás iha kampu Greater Sunrise (GS) boot liu kompara ho gás iha kampu Bayu Undang (BU). Tuir Public Data From Northern Austrália Government Territory Kampu GS kompostu husi kampu gás rua mak: Sunrise no Troubador ho potensia rezervatoriu gás purvolta 8.4 TCF (trillion cubic feet) no mina purvolta 300 milaun barrels kondensadu.\nMolok hahú dezenvolve kampu GS, presiza diskute no hatur klaru regulamentu no prosedimentu legál ne’ebé opera, regula no kontempla ona iha akordu FM (Fronteira Marítima), PMC (Petróleu Mining Code), IPMC (Interim Petróleu Mining Code), Ancillary regulation, Production Sharing Contract (PSC) hodi asegura win-win solution ba empreza no governu.\nInvestimentu ba kampu GS sei kompostu husi investimentu upstream, midstream no downstream. Bain-bain indústria mina-rai atividade hirak ne’e iha interkonesaun, hahú husi upstream, midstream no to’o downstream. Aplikasaun rejime fiskál nasaun ida-idak nia diferente, depende ba kondisaun no situasaun atuál nasaun orijin nian. Iha ita nia rai, liu-liu iha TL opta kontratu fahe rezultadu ou PSC. FM ne’ebé ratifika ona husi parlamentu nasaun TL ho Austrália sei posibiliza hodi deskute klean liu tan sobre futuru planu dezenvolvimentu kampu GS (field development plan) intermu partilla reseita, aplikasaun taxa no ect ne’ebé prevee iha akordu PSC. Importante mak garantia kondisaun ekivalente entre kontratór ou kompañia no governu hodi atrai International Oil Company (IOC) halo investimentu.\nIha parte seluk Austrália, TL ho kompañia minarai konkorda ona katak produsaun likidu ou mina sei faan kedan iha plataforma leten, ou iha termu petróleu bain-bain hanaran upstream katak atividade ne’ebé ligadu ho halo peskiza, perfurasaun, produsaun ou foti mina no gás husi tasi ou rai okos. Nune’e rezultadu husi faan likidu sei fahe reseita kedan entre kompañia ho governu. Reseita husi upstream mak sei partilla 70%:30%. Partilla intermu de upstream (produsaun mina iha plata forma no faan kedan rezultadu sei fahe 60%:40%. Husi ne’e 60% ba kontratór no 40% seluk ba governu. Governu fahe ba parte rua: Timor-Leste sei hetan 70% no Austrália sei simu 30%). Ne’e mak senáriu fahe 30%:70% prevee ona iha rejime foun ne’ebé sei aplika iha dezenvolvimentu kampu GS.\nEntertantu iha parte downstream karik IOC ruma hakarak investa hamutuk ho Timor Gap (TG) nu’udar National Oil Company (NOC), konserteza reseita downstream 100% mai TL tuir rejime foun ne’ebé sei aplika. Downstream mak pipeline gás inklui planta LNG ou fasilidade likifikasaun ba gás naturál. Iha parte downstream, kompañia joint venture Osaka no operadór Woodside deklara ona katak sira sei la investa iha parte downstream. Nune’e TG ho nia parseria mak sei investa iha parte downstream ne’ebé sei involve instalasaun pipeline, harii fasilidade planta LNG no ect.\nKonaba financing option. Kuandu fundu minarai boot, dezenvolvimentu upstream, midstream, ho TLNG bele finansia husi fundu minarai. Maibé iha investimentu boot hanesan minarai, maski kompañia iha osan. Tanbasá? Tanba sira uza prinsípiu time value of money, katak osan ida agora folin boot liu osan ida aban bainrua. Nune’e kompañia sira dala barak la uza osan rasik, no sira uza osan empréstimu (loan) ne’ebé sura hotu ona selu fila osan inan ho funan iha OPEX, ne’ebé liga ona ba NPV, IRR ho analiza sensibilidade. Tanba ne’e financing option hodi dezenvolve upstream, midstream ho downstream la presiza uza fundu mina-rai. Maibé kompañia operadór sira bele uza osan imprestimu no sei hetan fali sira nian osan via cost recovery ho insentiva kustu seluk. Ne’e prátika normativa iha indústria minarai.\nTuir informasaun husi NOC investimentu ba upstream no downstream kustu pur-volta $10.5 billaun to’o $12 billaun dollar. Iha parte seluk, kompañia operadór Woodside ho joint venture Osaka deklara ona sira sei la investa iha parte downstream. Nune’e TL via Timor Gap mak sei investa fundu 100% ba parte downstream. Pergunta mak ne’e, fundu investimentu husi ne’ebé?. Enkuantu TL nia fundu petrolifera (FP) ne’ebé rai iha Banku Federal U.S. hela de’it ona +- $18 bilaun dollar, nune’e TG sei evita no la uza FP hodi halo investimentu.\nFaze tuir mai, di’ak liu tuir prátika normativa indústria minarai, investimentu ba downstream bele halo husi TG ho nia partnership sein uza fundu petróleu. Partnership mak sei investe Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC ou EPC plus Finance). EPC plus finance signifika kompañia mak sei investa osan no konstrui projetu intermu investimentu iha pipeline, marine no surface facilities ou planta LNG. TG ho nia parseria bele halo imprestimu (loan) hodi halo investimentu no sira sei rekopera fali osan bainhira hahú halo produsaun ba kampu GS ho potensia rezerva gás 8.4 TCF no mina 300 MMbbls kondensadu no LPG. Kompañia sei rekupera osan via profit share, cost recovery (CR), internal rate of return (IRR), ho instrumentu fiskál seluk. Ho ida ne’e, TG tenke servisu makas halo negosiasaun no buka partnership ou IOC, Empreza E&P ne’ebé iha kapitál finansia no kapasidade téknika di’ak, reputasaun no hetan rekoñesimentu no sertifikasaun internasionál, iha esperiénsia hodi investe iha parte downstream. TG ho kompañia EPC bele investa iha parte downstream hodi lori pipeline mai TL no asegura reseita 100% mai TL.\nHarii fasilidade TLNG importante tebes atu responde ba sustentabilidade indústria petróleu iha TL, estimula no garantia kontinuidade esplorasaun no esploitasaun ba setór petrolifera agora no futuru. Alende fasilidade refere la’ós de’it responde ba dezenvolvimentu kampu gás GS, maibé mos sei tulun hodi responde ba dezenvolvimentu kampu gás seluk ne’ebé identifikadu ona ho rezervatóriu gás hanesan kampu gás Chuditch, Kelp Deep, no ect ne’ebé lokaliza iha tasi Timor no potensia gás seluk ne’ebé lokaliza iha rai maran.\nFasilidade TLNG, Refinaria, Supply base, Pipeline, nu’udar penunjang (suporta) no revitaliza potensia petróleu seluk ne’ebé mak deskoberta ona mak hanesan kampu Jahal, Kuda Tasi, Squilla no Krill lokaliza iha Block 11-106, opera husi kompañia Eni, INPEX no TIMOR GAP. Inklui liu 65% área ne’ebé mamuk, prospetus no deskoberta ona hanesan kampu gás Kelp Deep 13 TCF, Chuditch 0.75 Tcf, sst, lokaliza iha ex-JPDA. Tuir kontratu fahe produsaun ou production sharing contract (PSC) iha área Esklusiva (Eni, Galp and KOGAS halo hela esplorasaun). Iha área esklusiva, 85% sei mamuk, katak seidauk iha lisensa de esplorasaun. Enkuantu iha Timor Gap onshore block (bloku rai maran); Block A (PSC TL-OT-17-08), B, and C (PSC TL-OT-17-09).\nFasilidade ne’e mós atu suporta no prodús poténsia Petróleu ne’ebé lokaliza iha rai maran mak: Aimaulin Seep, Horba Seep, Holmesel Seep, Lour Seep, Aisaleuk Seep, Atalele Seep, Aliambata Seep no Badulobo Seep. Fatin sira ne’e konsidera potensia ou prospetu ba petróleu ou konsidera nu’udar gás naturál ne’ebé suli husi rai okos sai mai rai leten ou bain-bain hanaran gás seep. Fatin sira ne’e identifika liu husi SURVEI AÉREO GEOFÍSIKA, ne’ebé kompostu husi estudu Aero Magnetic and Radiometric; atu deteta fatuk nia Magnetismu no Radioactive, Aero Gravity: atu deteta densidade husi fatuk no Survei Aéreo Geofísika mais detalhadu (Magneto Telluric no Electromagnetic (EM)) (Fontes Informasaun: Timor Gap E.P).\nFinansiamentu ba projetu TLNG, Refinaria, Supply base, Pipeline, no ect, sei la finansia direitamente husi governu TL mesak no sei la foti direitamente FP hodi finansia tanba ita nia osan FP +- $ 18 billiaun la sufisiente hodi funding ba projetu. Iha kontratu PSC laran fó CAPEX no OPEX bele finansia husi kompañia operadór no join venture ou International Oil Company (IOC) ou fundu independente seluk depende ba negosiasaun kontratu. Bainhira ita halo ona perfurasaun, produsaun mina no gás, hahú faan ona ba merkadu, foin kompañia no governu sei rekopera fali osan (cost recovery) plus ho net cash flow ou profit. Kompañia operadór ho joint venture sei hetan benefisiu husi IRR, no instrumentu fiskál seluk. Governu sei benefisia husi FTP, Tax, benefisiu direita no indereita ou benefisiu husi spin off.\nTanba ne’e atu asegura sustentabilidade reseita husi setór petrolifera mak di’ak liu mak TL tenke iha maioria asoens 56,56% ba GS hodi haforsa TL nia pozisaun nune’e asegura pipeline mai TL. Ho partisipasaun TL iha GS sei reforsa liu tan TL nia pozisaun para foti desizaun no garantia harii TLNG. Ne’e pasu importante hodi estimula independensia ekonomia tanba kampu GS sei haksubik hela billiaun dollar amerikanu, presiza investimentu boot nune’e bele lori benefisiu dupla ba kofre estadu.\nPrezensa TLNG, Pipeline, Refinaria, Supply base, no ect nu’udar baze ba motor dezenvolvimentu ekonomia rai laran, sei fó impaktu boot ba setór turizmu no otelária, infraestrutura, agrikultura, saúde, edukasaun no peska. Tanba ne’e TL tenke brani halo investimentu, apoiu forsa polítika, nune’e bele sustentabiliza fundu petróleu iha futuru. Ho razaun ne’e, di’ak liu mak uza rekursu nasaun nian tomak hodi hasa’e produtividade ho kompetividade nasionál hodi muda povu nian moris ba di’ak. Rekursu nasaun nian mak kualidade kapitál umanu, teknolojia, osan, rekursu naturais, koñesimentu, dame, demokrátiku, lei ba ema hotu, profisionalizmu no independensia tribunál, atendimentu públiku di’ak, baratu no lais via dijitalizasaun ou e-service, estabilidade nasionál, respeita valór umanu, laiha diskriminasaun iha kualker forma, liberdade espresaun, valoriza kreatividade, inovasaun ho profisionalidade, ho tane aas identidade nasionál nu’udar baze ba dezenvolvimentu no moris di’ak.\nIta lalika pesimista no politiza kadoras mai TL. Step primeiru fronteira marítima (FM) iha ita nian liman ona. Step segundu TG agora sai nain ida ba konsorsiu kampu GS ho share 56.56%. Step terseiru dada kadoras gás mai TL. Step dahaat diversifika rendimentu via indústria petrokimia. Step dalima haforsa indústria servis (service industry). Step daneen. Redus dependensia ekonomia ba indústria estrativa. Atu tulun step daneen ne’e la’o di’ak presiza pre-kondisaun neen: investa iha kualidade kapitál umanu, dezenvolve infrastrutura, haforsa lei ho orden, mantein unidade, pás ho estabilidade, hadia no simplifika atendimentu públiku no kombate inefisiensia ho korrupsaun.\nTLNG nu’udar esperansa joven, foin sa’e no Timor oan tomak nian. Tanba ne’e labele pesimista. Importante mak investimentu hotu-hotu inkluisivamente tenke hahú ho estudu viabilidade hodi haree retornu finansiál, ekonomia ho sosiál. Haree kontestu ne’e, tenke estudu potensia ho kompetitividade. Realidade hatudu efetividade FM fó benefisiu boot ba TL tanba kampu minarai BU, kampu minarai kitan, kampu bufalo, no kampu laminaria carolina 100% tama hotu mai iha área TL no Timor mak nain ba rekursu, nune’e reseita husi kampu hirak ne’e 100% tama hotu ba kofre estadu. Molok asina FM kampu bufalo ho laminaria pertense ba Austrália. Inklui realizaun FM tuir kontratu sei posibiliza empregadór ou fornesementu bem servisu iha kampu BU, GS, bufalo, laminaria carolina sei mai husi Timor oan, tantu konaba lei karantina, supply ekipamentu, apoiu lojistiku bele mai husi TL. Signifika ho realizasaun FM, kontratu anteriór balu sei autentikamente la funsiona, no sei konverta kontratu hirak ne’e tuir akordu foun ne’ebé governu TL ho Austrália konkorda ona, nune’e mos nafatin garante kondisaun ekivalente para labele prejudika kompañia operadór no joint venture.\nRealidade futuru dezenvolvimentu kampu GS maioria TL sei benefisiáriu entermu fahe rezultadu ou rendimentu, royalty, impostu, reimbolsa kustu kapitál 100% + 127%, fornesementu servisu di’ak 90% sei mai husi TL ou sujeita liu husi TL, fornesementu ekipamentu no apoiu lojistika, karantina sei liu husi TL, nune’e sei hamosu multiplier effect (spinoff) iha setór hotu, sei estimula TL nia ekonomia no sirkulasaun osan iha rai laran, kria kampu servisu, transfer skill no teknolojia ba joven no foin sae, hamosu enterpreneurship, hamosu kompetividade, hamoris setór turismu no otelária, no garantia liu tan independente ekonomia bainhira pipeline gás mai TL.\nBenefisiu sosio-ekonómiku ne’ebé TL sei hetan mak kriasaun kampu traballu hahú husi konstrusaun indústria bele absorve ±10,000 empregu diretu, operasaun: ±500 empregu diretu no empregu indiretu normalmente ratio indústria 1:5 (Fontes info SPE, 2019). Nune’e mós, ooportunidade ba negósiu (Business Opportunity) mak hanesan; Supply Goods & services, Fabrication, Hospitality, Etc. Iha parte seluk bainhira indústria ne’e la’o sei hamosu Supply of Goods & Services mak hanesan: Manutensaun, enjeñaria, fabrikasaun ki’ik, hadi’a sasán, soldadura espesializadu, cleaning services, transportasaun, Gardening/jardineiru, servisu Guarda/seguransa, suplai kímika, Business tanker LNG, Tug boats, uzu eletrisidade, aluga eskritóriu & akomodasaun, otél sira no divertimentu, suplai hahán, suplai ai-fuan, suplai modo no ect. Buat sira ne’e hotu sei kria empregu indiretu rihun barak, no estimula atividade ekonomia iha Beaço, Vikeke no Timor laran tomak liu husi selu taxa/impostu no kontribui ba kresimentu gross domestic product (GDP).\nBainhira pipe line mai TL no indústria petróleu krexe posibilidade boot sei estimula Indústria SERVICES ne’ebé kompostu husi Supply Base Management (Manpower, Supporting facilities, Waste management, Repair and maintenance), Port Services (Berthing space booking, Vessel clearance, Customs & immigration no Crew change), Vessel Supply (Fuel, Water, Food (meat, fruits & vegetables, no provisions seluk), Cargo Handling at Quay (Stevedoring, Heavy equipment, Trucking no Liquid mud transfer), Cargo Handling at Base (Labor, Heavy equipment no Trucking), Marine Services (Rig Agency, Rig/Vessel Lay-up, Tug Boats, Vessel Chartering, AHTS & PSVs, Rig Tow no Crew Change), Facility Rent & Management (Warehouse /Yard Management, Bulk Plant Área, Port-a-camp, Office Space, Equipment Rental, Cargo Handling, Security Services, Waste Management no Fuel/Water Supply), Supply Chain Services (International Transportation, Customs Clearance, Heavy Lift Transportation, Material Management, Dangerous Goods Handling, Hand-Carry & Hotshot, Air/Sea Chartering no Helicopter Operations), Oilfield Support Services (Engineering, Fabrications small to big, CCU & Basket Rental, Equipment Rental, Manpower Supply, Inspection Services, Procurement Services, Oil Spill Response, Maintenance Services, Pipe Repair & Threading, Seismic Surveys, Drilling Rigs Stations, Drilling Muds no Bunkering), Supply Services, 24/7 operation, Cargo loading/unloading, Cargo lifters, Fuel Supply, Fuel Storage, Inspection Areas, Rigging & Slinging, Pipe racking, fuel tanks and warehouses, Oil rigs parking for supply/maintenance, Welding, Fabrication, Waste Management, Drilling Muds & Silos, Chemical Warehouse, Repairs and Maintenance.\nNota katak atividade sira iha leten naturalmente sei estimula dezenvolvimentu agrikultura, peska, no atividade ekonomia ba setór privadu, husi eskala ki’ik to mediu (‘small to medium enterprises’). Produsaun alimentár, ai-fuan, no nesesidade diária ba ema sira ne’ebé servisu iha indústria ne’e no sei fó insentiva ita nia to’os nain sira atu bele prodús ho kuantidade no kualidade aas liu tan.\nEzemplu projetu Bayu Undan perfíl rendimentu ba Timor – Leste. Iha Inisiu hahú atu dezenvolve kampu Bayu Undan tuir estimasaun Economia: Governu Timor-Leste sei hetan de’it: $2.0 bilaun lukru mai husi: royalty, lukru no impostu. Maibé realidade hatudu katak kampu Bayu Undan fó ona totál rendimentu: $20,501 bilaun tinan 2017. Totál rendimentu ba TL husi inisiu to’o fim 2017 no projesaun to’o kontratu hotu: $22.487 bilaun iha tinan 2022-2023. Iha Diferensa boot husi kalkulasaun inisiu tanba: presu mina ne’ebé uluk uza hodi halo kalkulu ne’e $24/barril realidade hatudu presu sa’e to’o $120 iha tinan 2011-2012 no reserva ne’ebé uluk uza hodi halo kalkulu mak 2.1 tcf mas to’o ikus sae ba 3.4 tcf.\nGreater Sunrise bele fó reseita $30 to’o $56 bilaun ba Timor-Leste. Returnu ekonóniku uza senáriu konservativu ou base case, TIMOR GAP nu’udar joint contract ho share 56.56% bele hetan reseita totál $14 bilaun no Governu Timor-Leste totál $18 bilaun. Reseita ne’e mai husi rendimentu royalty, lukru no impostu ho totál retornu $32 bilaun to’o $56 bilaun bainhira folin minarai sa’e. Reseita ne’e bele halo kalkulasaun uza modelu ekonomia (economic modelling) ho rezerva Greater Sunrise husi 6.5 TCF to’o 8,4 TCF (Public Data From Northern Austrália Government Territory).\nTuir informasaun Timor-Leste ninia potensia totál Petróleu Initial in Place (PIIP) pur volta 12.6 – 45 Bilaun Barrels Oleo Ekivalente (BOE). Kompañia minarai nasionál Timor Gap (TG) halo ona estimasaun katak rekursu ne’e bele rekupera mak 6.3 bilaun Barrels Oleo Ekivalente (BOE) $378 bilaun. Se uza kustu pur barril bele atinje to’o $35 bilaun, entaun presiza gastu ba atividade oi-oin iha enjeñeria, fabrika, “services” hahú husi fabrika ki’ik to’o boot, konstrusaun, operasaun, manutensaun, esplorasaun no sst, bele konsume fundu to’o valór $220 bilaun. Husi dadus refere fó serteza boot ba TL hodi dezenvolve setór petroliferu hodi sustentabiliza fundu petroliferu (http://noticias.sapo.tl/portugues/info/artigo/1531899.html). Fasilidade indústria petroleu, Refinaria, Supply base, Pipeline, TLNG, no ect bele mos utiliza hodi likifika, prosesa, no prodús gás husi nasaun seluk liu-liu nasaun viziñu Indonézia, Austrália, Malázia no rejiaun. God bless TL.\nHakerek nain mestradu hosi Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonézia. Agora daudaun nu’udar dosente iha Dili Institute of Technology (DIT).\n Jurnál no livru : Petróleu fiscal systems and contracts, Hamburg, 2010.\n California Energy Commission. “Liquefied Naturál Gás Safety.” Asesu dia 15 Oktober 2007, web:http://www.energy.ca.gov/lng/safety.html\n TVTL, GMNTV no Radio (8 Dezembru 2018): “Semináriu nasionál kona-ba asuntus relasionadus ho fronteiras marítimas no nia impaktu ba atividades petrolíferas.”, Sentru Konvensaun Dili (CCD).\n TVTL, GMNTV no Radio (8 Janeiru 2019): “Aprezentasaun husi Chefi negosiador, ANPM, Timor Gap ep., kona-ba asuntus relasionadus ho fronteiras marítimas no sosa asoens conocophillips no shell energy.”, Parlamentu Nasionál (PN).\n internet web; http://gmntv.tl/en/economia/2019/05/esplorasaun-kampu-gs-sei-fó-servisu-ba-timor-oan-10-000/?fbclid=IwAR0gzQUKbZh6zxMHkabdjdZiQSVp5SFc2SKkhTn8HsxbtPrtYSnfKhQZX2g\nPrevious articleJoven kreativu na’in-21 tuir formasaun kooperativa\nNext articleKlube futeból husu Governu re-ativa liga | [
"Oinsa sustentabiliza investimentu industria petroleu iha Timor-Leste | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA OPINIAUN Oinsa sustentabiliza investimentu industria petroleu iha Timor-Leste Dalan estratejiku atu sustentabiliza industria petroleu iha Timor-Leste mak governu tenke intensifika investimentu fundu petroleu ba atividade esplorasaun mina no gas.",
"Atividade esplorasaun mak atividade sira ne'ebe ligadu ho buka no deskobre potensia rezerva minarai no gas iha teritoriu TL, tantu iha rai maran (onshore) no tasi laran (offshore).",
"Objetivu identifikasaun mak asegura sustentabilidade industria petroleu no fundu petroleu ate futuru jerasaun.",
"Minarai no gas sai fator importante ba ekonomia TL iha tempu agora no futuru.",
"Tuir planu estratejiku dezenvolvimentu 2011-2030, TL hasai ona vizaun konaba dezenvolvimentu setor petrolifera.",
"Durante ne'e TL nia reseita mai husi produsaun kampu minarai Kitan iha tinan 2011-2015 inklui produsaun kampu minarai Bayu Undan (BU) ne'ebe kontribui ona reseita ba kofre estadu hamutuk +- $30 bilaun.",
"Husi reseita $30 bilaun, +- $12 bilaun mak uza ona ba despeza publika.",
"Nune'e fundu petroliferu (FP) agora daudaun rai iha banku federal US purvolta $18 bilaun dollar amerikanu.",
"Relatoriu trimestral ikus tinan 2020 husi BCTL FP agora daudaun +-$18 bilaun.",
"Husi rendimentu petrolifera 99.9% mak finansia OJE kada tinan ba setor dezenvolvimentu hotu-hotu iha TL.",
"Iha parte seluk reseita domestika TL nia sei ki'ik tebes.",
"Dadus hatudu 2018 ita nia reseita domestika kobra de'it 198 milaun dollar amerikanu.",
"Inklui dadus revela reseita domestika fulan-janeiru to'o setembru 2020 kobra de'it +- 200 milaun.",
"Tanba ne'e karik OJE kada tinan mak kontinua sa'e to'o $1.4 ou $1.6 bilaun mak estimasaun fundu petroliferu bele hotu iha tinan 12 ou 13 nia-laran.",
"Iha parte seluk, kampu minarai Kitan la ekonomis no abandona ona produsaun iha tinan 2016.",
"Enkuantu kampu BU hahu produs ona likidu iha tinan 2004 no gas hahu produs 2006.",
"Kampu BU nia estimasaun gas 4 TCF (trillion cubic feet), no estimasaun rezerva mina 550 milaun barrel hidrokarbunetu likidu.",
"Estimasaun life time ba kampu BU to'o tinan 23.",
"Enkuantu produsaun gas husi kampu BU prosesa iha Darwin LNG ou Norte Australia.",
"Tuir akordu tratadu anterior, Australia benefisiariu husi dezenvolvimentu kampu BU.",
"Australia unilateralmente reklama kontrolu ba kadoras BU tomak inkluindu impostu.",
"Australia mos unilateralmente apoia ka faan gas helium.",
"Gas ida ne'ebe importante tebes ba iha area defeza ninian no prosesa iha Darwin LNG.",
"Maibe faan gas helium la hetan konesementu ou nunka atu fahe ho reseita ba TL.",
"Nune'e mos Australia benefisia husi lei karantina.",
"Signifika ekipamentu ne'ebe tama no fornese ba kampu BU ne'e tenke liuhusi ou sujeita ba Australia, inklui 90% fornese servisu di'ak ba operasaun BU mai de'it husi Australia.",
"Kampu Greater Sunrise (GS) nu'udar alternativu kampu minarai provadu ne'ebe futuru bele produs hodi asegura kontinuidade reseita ba governu TL, bainhira kampu BU remata.",
"Komersialidade dezenvolvimentu gas iha kampu GS depende ba: rezerva gas (reserve), folin gas (price) no demanda gas iha merkadu (buyer market).",
"Tuir publikasaun jurnal sientifika no dadus husi ANPM hatudu estimasaun rezerva gas iha kampu Greater Sunrise (GS) boot liu kompara ho gas iha kampu Bayu Undang (BU).",
"Tuir Public Data From Northern Australia Government Territory Kampu GS kompostu husi kampu gas rua mak: Sunrise no Troubador ho potensia rezervatoriu gas purvolta 8.4 TCF (trillion cubic feet) no mina purvolta 300 milaun barrels kondensadu.",
"Molok hahu dezenvolve kampu GS, presiza diskute no hatur klaru regulamentu no prosedimentu legal ne'ebe opera, regula no kontempla ona iha akordu FM (Fronteira Maritima), PMC (Petroleu Mining Code), IPMC (Interim Petroleu Mining Code), Ancillary regulation, Production Sharing Contract (PSC) hodi asegura win-win solution ba empreza no governu.",
"Investimentu ba kampu GS sei kompostu husi investimentu upstream, midstream no downstream.",
"Bain-bain industria mina-rai atividade hirak ne'e iha interkonesaun, hahu husi upstream, midstream no to'o downstream.",
"Aplikasaun rejime fiskal nasaun ida-idak nia diferente, depende ba kondisaun no situasaun atual nasaun orijin nian.",
"Iha ita nia rai, liu-liu iha TL opta kontratu fahe rezultadu ou PSC.",
"FM ne'ebe ratifika ona husi parlamentu nasaun TL ho Australia sei posibiliza hodi deskute klean liu tan sobre futuru planu dezenvolvimentu kampu GS (field development plan) intermu partilla reseita, aplikasaun taxa no ect ne'ebe prevee iha akordu PSC.",
"Importante mak garantia kondisaun ekivalente entre kontrator ou kompania no governu hodi atrai International Oil Company (IOC) halo investimentu.",
"Iha parte seluk Australia, TL ho kompania minarai konkorda ona katak produsaun likidu ou mina sei faan kedan iha plataforma leten, ou iha termu petroleu bain-bain hanaran upstream katak atividade ne'ebe ligadu ho halo peskiza, perfurasaun, produsaun ou foti mina no gas husi tasi ou rai okos.",
"Nune'e rezultadu husi faan likidu sei fahe reseita kedan entre kompania ho governu.",
"Reseita husi upstream mak sei partilla 70%:30%.",
"Partilla intermu de upstream (produsaun mina iha plata forma no faan kedan rezultadu sei fahe 60%:40%.",
"Husi ne'e 60% ba kontrator no 40% seluk ba governu.",
"Governu fahe ba parte rua: Timor-Leste sei hetan 70% no Australia sei simu 30%).",
"Ne'e mak senariu fahe 30%:70% prevee ona iha rejime foun ne'ebe sei aplika iha dezenvolvimentu kampu GS.",
"Entertantu iha parte downstream karik IOC ruma hakarak investa hamutuk ho Timor Gap (TG) nu'udar National Oil Company (NOC), konserteza reseita downstream 100% mai TL tuir rejime foun ne'ebe sei aplika.",
"Downstream mak pipeline gas inklui planta LNG ou fasilidade likifikasaun ba gas natural.",
"Iha parte downstream, kompania joint venture Osaka no operador Woodside deklara ona katak sira sei la investa iha parte downstream.",
"Nune'e TG ho nia parseria mak sei investa iha parte downstream ne'ebe sei involve instalasaun pipeline, harii fasilidade planta LNG no ect.",
"Konaba financing option.",
"Kuandu fundu minarai boot, dezenvolvimentu upstream, midstream, ho TLNG bele finansia husi fundu minarai.",
"Maibe iha investimentu boot hanesan minarai, maski kompania iha osan.",
"Tanba sira uza prinsipiu time value of money, katak osan ida agora folin boot liu osan ida aban bainrua.",
"Nune'e kompania sira dala barak la uza osan rasik, no sira uza osan emprestimu (loan) ne'ebe sura hotu ona selu fila osan inan ho funan iha OPEX, ne'ebe liga ona ba NPV, IRR ho analiza sensibilidade.",
"Tanba ne'e financing option hodi dezenvolve upstream, midstream ho downstream la presiza uza fundu mina-rai.",
"Maibe kompania operador sira bele uza osan imprestimu no sei hetan fali sira nian osan via cost recovery ho insentiva kustu seluk.",
"Ne'e pratika normativa iha industria minarai.",
"Tuir informasaun husi NOC investimentu ba upstream no downstream kustu pur-volta $10.5 billaun to'o $12 billaun dollar.",
"Iha parte seluk, kompania operador Woodside ho joint venture Osaka deklara ona sira sei la investa iha parte downstream.",
"Nune'e TL via Timor Gap mak sei investa fundu 100% ba parte downstream.",
"Pergunta mak ne'e, fundu investimentu husi ne'ebe?.",
"Enkuantu TL nia fundu petrolifera (FP) ne'ebe rai iha Banku Federal U.S. hela de'it ona +- $18 bilaun dollar, nune'e TG sei evita no la uza FP hodi halo investimentu.",
"Faze tuir mai, di'ak liu tuir pratika normativa industria minarai, investimentu ba downstream bele halo husi TG ho nia partnership sein uza fundu petroleu.",
"Partnership mak sei investe Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC ou EPC plus Finance).",
"EPC plus finance signifika kompania mak sei investa osan no konstrui projetu intermu investimentu iha pipeline, marine no surface facilities ou planta LNG.",
"TG ho nia parseria bele halo imprestimu (loan) hodi halo investimentu no sira sei rekopera fali osan bainhira hahu halo produsaun ba kampu GS ho potensia rezerva gas 8.4 TCF no mina 300 MMbbls kondensadu no LPG.",
"Kompania sei rekupera osan via profit share, cost recovery (CR), internal rate of return (IRR), ho instrumentu fiskal seluk.",
"Ho ida ne'e, TG tenke servisu makas halo negosiasaun no buka partnership ou IOC, Empreza E&P ne'ebe iha kapital finansia no kapasidade teknika di'ak, reputasaun no hetan rekonesimentu no sertifikasaun internasional, iha esperiensia hodi investe iha parte downstream.",
"TG ho kompania EPC bele investa iha parte downstream hodi lori pipeline mai TL no asegura reseita 100% mai TL.",
"Harii fasilidade TLNG importante tebes atu responde ba sustentabilidade industria petroleu iha TL, estimula no garantia kontinuidade esplorasaun no esploitasaun ba setor petrolifera agora no futuru.",
"Alende fasilidade refere la'os de'it responde ba dezenvolvimentu kampu gas GS, maibe mos sei tulun hodi responde ba dezenvolvimentu kampu gas seluk ne'ebe identifikadu ona ho rezervatoriu gas hanesan kampu gas Chuditch, Kelp Deep, no ect ne'ebe lokaliza iha tasi Timor no potensia gas seluk ne'ebe lokaliza iha rai maran.",
"Fasilidade TLNG, Refinaria, Supply base, Pipeline, nu'udar penunjang (suporta) no revitaliza potensia petroleu seluk ne'ebe mak deskoberta ona mak hanesan kampu Jahal, Kuda Tasi, Squilla no Krill lokaliza iha Block 11-106, opera husi kompania Eni, INPEX no TIMOR GAP.",
"Inklui liu 65% area ne'ebe mamuk, prospetus no deskoberta ona hanesan kampu gas Kelp Deep 13 TCF, Chuditch 0.75 Tcf, sst, lokaliza iha ex-JPDA.",
"Tuir kontratu fahe produsaun ou production sharing contract (PSC) iha area Esklusiva (Eni, Galp and KOGAS halo hela esplorasaun).",
"Iha area esklusiva, 85% sei mamuk, katak seidauk iha lisensa de esplorasaun.",
"Enkuantu iha Timor Gap onshore block (bloku rai maran); Block A (PSC TL-OT-17-08), B, and C (PSC TL-OT-17-09).",
"Fasilidade ne'e mos atu suporta no produs potensia Petroleu ne'ebe lokaliza iha rai maran mak: Aimaulin Seep, Horba Seep, Holmesel Seep, Lour Seep, Aisaleuk Seep, Atalele Seep, Aliambata Seep no Badulobo Seep.",
"Fatin sira ne'e konsidera potensia ou prospetu ba petroleu ou konsidera nu'udar gas natural ne'ebe suli husi rai okos sai mai rai leten ou bain-bain hanaran gas seep.",
"Fatin sira ne'e identifika liu husi SURVEI AEREO GEOFISIKA, ne'ebe kompostu husi estudu Aero Magnetic and Radiometric; atu deteta fatuk nia Magnetismu no Radioactive, Aero Gravity: atu deteta densidade husi fatuk no Survei Aereo Geofisika mais detalhadu (Magneto Telluric no Electromagnetic (EM)) (Fontes Informasaun: Timor Gap E.P).",
"Finansiamentu ba projetu TLNG, Refinaria, Supply base, Pipeline, no ect, sei la finansia direitamente husi governu TL mesak no sei la foti direitamente FP hodi finansia tanba ita nia osan FP +- $ 18 billiaun la sufisiente hodi funding ba projetu.",
"Iha kontratu PSC laran fo CAPEX no OPEX bele finansia husi kompania operador no join venture ou International Oil Company (IOC) ou fundu independente seluk depende ba negosiasaun kontratu.",
"Bainhira ita halo ona perfurasaun, produsaun mina no gas, hahu faan ona ba merkadu, foin kompania no governu sei rekopera fali osan (cost recovery) plus ho net cash flow ou profit.",
"Kompania operador ho joint venture sei hetan benefisiu husi IRR, no instrumentu fiskal seluk.",
"Governu sei benefisia husi FTP, Tax, benefisiu direita no indereita ou benefisiu husi spin off.",
"Tanba ne'e atu asegura sustentabilidade reseita husi setor petrolifera mak di'ak liu mak TL tenke iha maioria asoens 56,56% ba GS hodi haforsa TL nia pozisaun nune'e asegura pipeline mai TL.",
"Ho partisipasaun TL iha GS sei reforsa liu tan TL nia pozisaun para foti desizaun no garantia harii TLNG.",
"Ne'e pasu importante hodi estimula independensia ekonomia tanba kampu GS sei haksubik hela billiaun dollar amerikanu, presiza investimentu boot nune'e bele lori benefisiu dupla ba kofre estadu.",
"Prezensa TLNG, Pipeline, Refinaria, Supply base, no ect nu'udar baze ba motor dezenvolvimentu ekonomia rai laran, sei fo impaktu boot ba setor turizmu no otelaria, infraestrutura, agrikultura, saude, edukasaun no peska.",
"Tanba ne'e TL tenke brani halo investimentu, apoiu forsa politika, nune'e bele sustentabiliza fundu petroleu iha futuru.",
"Ho razaun ne'e, di'ak liu mak uza rekursu nasaun nian tomak hodi hasa'e produtividade ho kompetividade nasional hodi muda povu nian moris ba di'ak.",
"Rekursu nasaun nian mak kualidade kapital umanu, teknolojia, osan, rekursu naturais, konesimentu, dame, demokratiku, lei ba ema hotu, profisionalizmu no independensia tribunal, atendimentu publiku di'ak, baratu no lais via dijitalizasaun ou e-service, estabilidade nasional, respeita valor umanu, laiha diskriminasaun iha kualker forma, liberdade espresaun, valoriza kreatividade, inovasaun ho profisionalidade, ho tane aas identidade nasional nu'udar baze ba dezenvolvimentu no moris di'ak.",
"Ita lalika pesimista no politiza kadoras mai TL.",
"Step primeiru fronteira maritima (FM) iha ita nian liman ona.",
"Step segundu TG agora sai nain ida ba konsorsiu kampu GS ho share 56.56%.",
"Step terseiru dada kadoras gas mai TL.",
"Step dahaat diversifika rendimentu via industria petrokimia.",
"Step dalima haforsa industria servis (service industry).",
"Step daneen.",
"Redus dependensia ekonomia ba industria estrativa.",
"Atu tulun step daneen ne'e la'o di'ak presiza pre-kondisaun neen: investa iha kualidade kapital umanu, dezenvolve infrastrutura, haforsa lei ho orden, mantein unidade, pas ho estabilidade, hadia no simplifika atendimentu publiku no kombate inefisiensia ho korrupsaun.",
"TLNG nu'udar esperansa joven, foin sa'e no Timor oan tomak nian.",
"Tanba ne'e labele pesimista.",
"Importante mak investimentu hotu-hotu inkluisivamente tenke hahu ho estudu viabilidade hodi haree retornu finansial, ekonomia ho sosial.",
"Haree kontestu ne'e, tenke estudu potensia ho kompetitividade.",
"Realidade hatudu efetividade FM fo benefisiu boot ba TL tanba kampu minarai BU, kampu minarai kitan, kampu bufalo, no kampu laminaria carolina 100% tama hotu mai iha area TL no Timor mak nain ba rekursu, nune'e reseita husi kampu hirak ne'e 100% tama hotu ba kofre estadu.",
"Molok asina FM kampu bufalo ho laminaria pertense ba Australia.",
"Inklui realizaun FM tuir kontratu sei posibiliza empregador ou fornesementu bem servisu iha kampu BU, GS, bufalo, laminaria carolina sei mai husi Timor oan, tantu konaba lei karantina, supply ekipamentu, apoiu lojistiku bele mai husi TL.",
"Signifika ho realizasaun FM, kontratu anterior balu sei autentikamente la funsiona, no sei konverta kontratu hirak ne'e tuir akordu foun ne'ebe governu TL ho Australia konkorda ona, nune'e mos nafatin garante kondisaun ekivalente para labele prejudika kompania operador no joint venture.",
"Realidade futuru dezenvolvimentu kampu GS maioria TL sei benefisiariu entermu fahe rezultadu ou rendimentu, royalty, impostu, reimbolsa kustu kapital 100% + 127%, fornesementu servisu di'ak 90% sei mai husi TL ou sujeita liu husi TL, fornesementu ekipamentu no apoiu lojistika, karantina sei liu husi TL, nune'e sei hamosu multiplier effect (spinoff) iha setor hotu, sei estimula TL nia ekonomia no sirkulasaun osan iha rai laran, kria kampu servisu, transfer skill no teknolojia ba joven no foin sae, hamosu enterpreneurship, hamosu kompetividade, hamoris setor turismu no otelaria, no garantia liu tan independente ekonomia bainhira pipeline gas mai TL.",
"Benefisiu sosio-ekonomiku ne'ebe TL sei hetan mak kriasaun kampu traballu hahu husi konstrusaun industria bele absorve +-10,000 empregu diretu, operasaun: +-500 empregu diretu no empregu indiretu normalmente ratio industria 1:5 (Fontes info SPE, 2019).",
"Nune'e mos, ooportunidade ba negosiu (Business Opportunity) mak hanesan; Supply Goods & services, Fabrication, Hospitality, Etc.",
"Iha parte seluk bainhira industria ne'e la'o sei hamosu Supply of Goods & Services mak hanesan: Manutensaun, enjenaria, fabrikasaun ki'ik, hadi'a sasan, soldadura espesializadu, cleaning services, transportasaun, Gardening/jardineiru, servisu Guarda/seguransa, suplai kimika, Business tanker LNG, Tug boats, uzu eletrisidade, aluga eskritoriu & akomodasaun, otel sira no divertimentu, suplai hahan, suplai ai-fuan, suplai modo no ect.",
"Buat sira ne'e hotu sei kria empregu indiretu rihun barak, no estimula atividade ekonomia iha Beaco, Vikeke no Timor laran tomak liu husi selu taxa/impostu no kontribui ba kresimentu gross domestic product (GDP).",
"Bainhira pipe line mai TL no industria petroleu krexe posibilidade boot sei estimula Industria SERVICES ne'ebe kompostu husi Supply Base Management (Manpower, Supporting facilities, Waste management, Repair and maintenance), Port Services (Berthing space booking, Vessel clearance, Customs & immigration no Crew change), Vessel Supply (Fuel, Water, Food (meat, fruits & vegetables, no provisions seluk), Cargo Handling at Quay (Stevedoring, Heavy equipment, Trucking no Liquid mud transfer), Cargo Handling at Base (Labor, Heavy equipment no Trucking), Marine Services (Rig Agency, Rig/Vessel Lay-up, Tug Boats, Vessel Chartering, AHTS & PSVs, Rig Tow no Crew Change), Facility Rent & Management (Warehouse /Yard Management, Bulk Plant Area, Port-a-camp, Office Space, Equipment Rental, Cargo Handling, Security Services, Waste Management no Fuel/Water Supply), Supply Chain Services (International Transportation, Customs Clearance, Heavy Lift Transportation, Material Management, Dangerous Goods Handling, Hand-Carry & Hotshot, Air/Sea Chartering no Helicopter Operations), Oilfield Support Services (Engineering, Fabrications small to big, CCU & Basket Rental, Equipment Rental, Manpower Supply, Inspection Services, Procurement Services, Oil Spill Response, Maintenance Services, Pipe Repair & Threading, Seismic Surveys, Drilling Rigs Stations, Drilling Muds no Bunkering), Supply Services, 24/7 operation, Cargo loading/unloading, Cargo lifters, Fuel Supply, Fuel Storage, Inspection Areas, Rigging & Slinging, Pipe racking, fuel tanks and warehouses, Oil rigs parking for supply/maintenance, Welding, Fabrication, Waste Management, Drilling Muds & Silos, Chemical Warehouse, Repairs and Maintenance.",
"Nota katak atividade sira iha leten naturalmente sei estimula dezenvolvimentu agrikultura, peska, no atividade ekonomia ba setor privadu, husi eskala ki'ik to mediu ('small to medium enterprises').",
"Produsaun alimentar, ai-fuan, no nesesidade diaria ba ema sira ne'ebe servisu iha industria ne'e no sei fo insentiva ita nia to'os nain sira atu bele produs ho kuantidade no kualidade aas liu tan.",
"Ezemplu projetu Bayu Undan perfil rendimentu ba Timor - Leste.",
"Iha Inisiu hahu atu dezenvolve kampu Bayu Undan tuir estimasaun Economia: Governu Timor-Leste sei hetan de'it: $2.0 bilaun lukru mai husi: royalty, lukru no impostu.",
"Maibe realidade hatudu katak kampu Bayu Undan fo ona total rendimentu: $20,501 bilaun tinan 2017.",
"Total rendimentu ba TL husi inisiu to'o fim 2017 no projesaun to'o kontratu hotu: $22.487 bilaun iha tinan 2022-2023.",
"Iha Diferensa boot husi kalkulasaun inisiu tanba: presu mina ne'ebe uluk uza hodi halo kalkulu ne'e $24/barril realidade hatudu presu sa'e to'o $120 iha tinan 2011-2012 no reserva ne'ebe uluk uza hodi halo kalkulu mak 2.1 tcf mas to'o ikus sae ba 3.4 tcf.",
"Greater Sunrise bele fo reseita $30 to'o $56 bilaun ba Timor-Leste.",
"Returnu ekononiku uza senariu konservativu ou base case, TIMOR GAP nu'udar joint contract ho share 56.56% bele hetan reseita total $14 bilaun no Governu Timor-Leste total $18 bilaun.",
"Reseita ne'e mai husi rendimentu royalty, lukru no impostu ho total retornu $32 bilaun to'o $56 bilaun bainhira folin minarai sa'e.",
"Reseita ne'e bele halo kalkulasaun uza modelu ekonomia (economic modelling) ho rezerva Greater Sunrise husi 6.5 TCF to'o 8,4 TCF (Public Data From Northern Australia Government Territory).",
"Tuir informasaun Timor-Leste ninia potensia total Petroleu Initial in Place (PIIP) pur volta 12.6 - 45 Bilaun Barrels Oleo Ekivalente (BOE).",
"Kompania minarai nasional Timor Gap (TG) halo ona estimasaun katak rekursu ne'e bele rekupera mak 6.3 bilaun Barrels Oleo Ekivalente (BOE) $378 bilaun.",
"Se uza kustu pur barril bele atinje to'o $35 bilaun, entaun presiza gastu ba atividade oi-oin iha enjeneria, fabrika, \"services\" hahu husi fabrika ki'ik to'o boot, konstrusaun, operasaun, manutensaun, esplorasaun no sst, bele konsume fundu to'o valor $220 bilaun.",
"Husi dadus refere fo serteza boot ba TL hodi dezenvolve setor petroliferu hodi sustentabiliza fundu petroliferu (http://noticias.sapo.tl/portugues/info/artigo/1531899.html).",
"Fasilidade industria petroleu, Refinaria, Supply base, Pipeline, TLNG, no ect bele mos utiliza hodi likifika, prosesa, no produs gas husi nasaun seluk liu-liu nasaun vizinu Indonezia, Australia, Malazia no rejiaun.",
"God bless TL.",
"Hakerek nain mestradu hosi Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonezia.",
"Agora daudaun nu'udar dosente iha Dili Institute of Technology (DIT).",
"Jurnal no livru: Petroleu fiscal systems and contracts, Hamburg, 2010.",
"California Energy Commission.",
"\"Liquefied Natural Gas Safety.\"",
"Asesu dia 15 Oktober 2007, web:http://www.energy.ca.gov/lng/safety.html TVTL, GMNTV no Radio (8 Dezembru 2018): \"Seminariu nasional kona-ba asuntus relasionadus ho fronteiras maritimas no nia impaktu ba atividades petroliferas.,\" Sentru Konvensaun Dili (CCD).",
"TVTL, GMNTV no Radio (8 Janeiru 2019): \"Aprezentasaun husi Chefi negosiador, ANPM, Timor Gap ep., kona-ba asuntus relasionadus ho fronteiras maritimas no sosa asoens conocophillips no shell energy.,\" Parlamentu Nasional (PN). internet web; http://gmntv.tl/en/economia/2019/05/esplorasaun-kampu-gs-sei-fo-servisu-ba-timor-oan-10-000/?fbclid=IwAR0gzQUKbZh6zxMHkabdjdZiQSVp5SFc2SKkhTn8HsxbtPrtYSnfKhQZX2g Previous articleJoven kreativu na'in-21 tuir formasaun kooperativa Next articleKlube futebol husu Governu re-ativa liga"
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"Oinsa sustainably invests oil industry in Timor-Leste | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timór - Leste VARANDA OPINIÃO The strategic way of sustaining the petroleum sector is for government to intensify investment from its Oil Fund into mine and gas exploration."
"Exploration activities are those related to the search and discovery of potential minerals, oil or gas reserve in a country' s territories both onshore (on land) as well offshore."
"Objective identification is to ensure the sustainability of oil industry and petroleum fund through future generations."
"Minerals and gas are becoming important factors for the economy of TL in present time as well."
"According to the Strategic Development Plan 2013-4, TL has set out a vision for development of its petroleum sector."
"During this time, the revenue of TL came from production in Kitan mineral fields during years (2015-) including Bayu Undan mine which has already contributed + - $34 billion to state coffer."
"Of the $30 billion in revenue, +-$12bn has already been spent on public spending."
"Thus, the Petroleum Fund (PF) currently holds around $18 billion in US federal bank loans."
"BCTL FP’s latest quarterly report for the year ended March, now +-$18 billion."
"Of the oil revenues, 98.5% finances annual budget for all development sector in Malaysia and more than half of it is spent on infrastructure projects such as road construction or water supply systems"
"On the other hand, TL's domestic revenue will be very small."
"Data show that in 2018 our domestic revenue collected only US$39 million."
"Including data reveals domestic revenue from January to September 2019 collected only +- $35 million."
"Therefore, if the annual budget continues to rise upwards of $1.4 billion or 60 million dollars per year it is estimated that oil funds can be exhausted in about twelve-three years' time;"
"Meanwhile, the Kitan mineral field is uneconomical and has abandoned production in 2016."
"While the BU field started producing liquid in 2014 and gas production began on June, this year."
"The BU camp's estimated gas reserve is 4 TCF (trillion cubic feet), and the mines are valuet to have a mine reservoir of approx."
"Estimated life time for the BU camp to 23 years."
"As far as gas production from the BU field is concerned, it will be processed in Darwin LNG or North Australia."
"Under the previous treaty agreement, Australia is a beneficiary of BU. field developments in South Africa and New Zealand (see below)."
"Australia unilaterally claimed control over the entire BU stock including taxes."
"Australia also unilaterally supports ka faan helium gas."
"A gas that is very important in the defence sector and processed at Darwin LNG."
"However, the sale of helium gas has not been approved or never to share in revenue for TL."
"Similarly, Australia has benefited from the quarantine law."
"This means that equipment coming into and supplied to the BU field must pass through or be subject of Australia, including 90% goods providing service for Bu operations only from Australian."
"The Greater Sunrise (GS) camp is an alternative to the proven mineral field that can produce in future, ensuring continuity of revenue for TL government once BU'S site has been completed."
"The commerciality of gas development in the GS field depends on: reserve, price and buyer market."
"According to scientific journal publications and data from ANPM, the estimated gas reserves in Greater Sunrise (GS) field are larger than those of Bayu Undang(BU)."
"According to Public Data From Northern Australia Government Territory, the GS field comprises two gasfields: Sunrise and Troubador with a potential reservoir of about (8.4 TCF) trillion cubic feet in natural gases; mined capacity is approximately over three hundred million condensate barrel-year(BCN)."
"Before beginning the development of GS field, it is necessary to discuss and clarify regulations & legal procedure that are in place. These have been regulated by FM (Maritime Frontier), PMC(Petroleum Mining Code) IPMC Ancillary Regulation Production Sharing Contract agreement so as ensure a win-win solution for both company&government"
"Investments in the GS field will be composed of upstream, mid stream and down Stream investment."
"In the entire mining industry, these activities are interconnected from upstream to mid stream and back down."
"The application of the tax regime in each country is different, depending on current conditions and situations at home."
"In our country, especially in TL opt for result-sharing contract or PSC."
"The FM which has been ratified by the parliaments of both countries and Australia will enable to discuss more clearly on future field development plan (field GS) interim revenue sharing, tax application etc. provided for in PSC agreement"
"It is important to guarantee an equitable playing field between the contractor or company and government in order for International Oil Company (IOC) investments."
"On the other hand, Australia and its oil companies have agreed that liquid products or petroleum will be sold only on subsea platforms; in terms of crude petrol it is called upstream. Upstroom means activities related to exploration for gas from offshore sites such as shale-oil well drillings (see below)."
"Thus, the result of liquid selling will divide revenue between companies and government."
"Revenue from upstream will be shared 70%:35%."
"Partilla intermu de upstream (mine production on the platform and sale of output will be divided 60%:45%)."
"Of this, 60% goes to the contractor and a further forty percent is paid by government."
"The government is split into two parts: Timor-Leste will get 70% and Australia would receive the remaining part (35%)."
"This is the 30%:75 % split scenario envisaged in a new regime that will be applied to development of G.S fields, which are currently undergoing extensive exploration and exploitation by private sector companies (P&I)."
"However, in the downstream part if any IOC wants to invest together with Timor Gap (TG) as a National Oil Company(NOC), then 105% of its revenue will go back into TL under new regime."
"Downstream is the gas pipeline including LNG plants or liquefaction facilities for natural Gas."
"On the downstream side, Osaka’s joint venture and Woodside operator have declared that they will not invest in it."
"Thus TG and its partners will invest in the downstream part which would involve pipeline installation, building LNG plant facilities etc."
"Konaba financing option."
"When the mineral fund is large, upstream developments and mid-stream projects can be financed from it."
"But there are big investments like mines, even though the company has money."
"Because they use the time value of money principle, that is a piece now worth more than another one tomorrow."
"As a result, companies often do not use their own money and they rely on loans that have already been paid back with OPEX costs linked to NPVs (net worth), IRR'S(internal return)and sensitivity analysis."
"Therefore the financing option to develop upstream, midstroom and downstrom does not require using oil funds."
"However, operator companies can use the loan money and will get their cash back via cost recovery with other costs incentives."
"This is a normative practice in the mining industry."
"According to the NOC, upstream and downstrom investments cost around $10.5 billion-$ 24 million dollars per MWh (US)."
"Meanwhile, the operating company Woodside and joint-venture Osaka have declared that they will not invest in downstream."
"Thus, TL via Timor Gap will invest 102% of the funds in downstream."
"The question is, whose investment funds?."
"While TL's Petroleum Fund (PF) held in the U.S Federal Bank has only +- $18 billion dollars, so TG will avoid and not use FP to make investment"
"The next phase, better in line with the regulatory practices of mineral industry companies is that downstream investment can be made by TG and its partnership without using oil funds."
"The Partnership will invest in Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC or Epc plus Finance)."
"EPC plus finance means the company will invest money and build interim investment projects in pipelines, marine or surface facilities."
"TG and its partners can borrow money to invest in it, which they will recover when the GS field with potential reserves of upto $8.4 billion (TCF) is put into production; this includes a gas reservoir that has an oil capacity for about US$30 million per year plus approximately USD15-26 Mbbls condensate or LPG from mine sites on both sides"
"The company will recover money via profit share, cost recovery (CR), internal rate of return(IRR) and other tax instruments."
"With this, TG must work hard to negotiate and seek partnership or IOCs; E&P enterprises with good financial capital & technical capability. Reputational ones that have international recognition/certificate of experience in investing downstream"
"TG and EPC companies can invest in the downstream part to bring pipeline into TL, ensuring 102% revenue for TH."
"The construction of TLNG facilities is very important in order to address the sustainability for PT's petroleum industry, stimulate and ensure continuity exploration & exploitation on oil sector now as well into future."
"In addition, this facility will not only respond to the development of GS gas field but also assist in addressing other identified and potentially gasoline reservoirs such as Chuditch Gas Field (Chuditch), Kelp Deep Oilfield etc. which are located on Timor Sea soil or offshore with a similar oil/gas reserve capacity;"
"The TLNG facilities, Refinery and Supply Base are supporting the revitalisation of other oil potentials that have already been discovered such as Jahal field in Block 106-234. These areas will be operated by Eni company together with INPEX Company (Indonesian Petroleum Exploration Corporation), TIMOR GAP Co Ltd & Squilla Oil Field located at block #578 -#9;"
"Includes more than 65% of the area that has been exploited, prospected and discovered such as Kelp Deep gas fields (13 TCF), Chuditch(0.74Tcf) etc located in ex-JPDA;"
"Under a production sharing contract (PSC) in the Exclusive Area, Eni is exploring with Galp and KOGAS."
"In the exclusive area, 85% will remain unexplored which means there is no exploration license."
"As far as the Timor Gap onshore block is concerned; Block A (PSC TL-OT 17/08), B, and C. The PSCs are:"
"The facility is also to support and produce the oil potential located on land: Aimaulin Seep, Horba Seabeds Holmesel Seaseds Lour seesds Aisaleuk seeps Atalelesease AliambataSeased Baduloboseeped."
"These wells are considered potential or prospective for oil, natural gas that is seeping from the ground to subsurface water (seep) and so on."
"These rocks are identified through GEOPHYSICAL AEROSURVEY, which consist of Aero Magnetic and Radiometric studies; to detect the magnetic properties (magnetism), radioactivity(radioactive) or aerogravity: for determining density in a specific area. More detailes Geophysical Air Survey is carried out with Telluric Magnifying Spectrometer/Electro-Magnetic Scanner 2013)."
"The funding for TLNG projects, Refinery and Supply Bases will not be financed directly by the Government of Malaysia alone nor is it going to take direct financing from PPF because our $18 billion+PFP funds are insufficient."
"Under the PSC contract, both CAPEX and OPEX can be financed by operator companies in a joint venture or International Oil Company (IOC) fund depending on agreement negotiations."
"Once we have drilled, produced oil and gas to sell on the markets it is only then that companies or government will recover costs plus net cash flow."
"The operating company with the joint-venture will benefit from IRR, and other tax instruments."
"The government will benefit from FTP, Taxes or direct and indirect benefits."
"Therefore, in order to ensure the sustainability of revenues from oil sector it is better that TL should have a 56.4% majority for SG so as strengthen its position thereby ensuring pipeline into TH"
"With the participation of TL in GS, it will further strengthen its position to make decisions and guarantee establishing a NGL."
"This is an important step to stimulate economic independence because the GS field will cost billions of US dollars, requiring large investment in order that it can bring double benefits for state treasury."
"The presence of TLNG, Pipeline and Refinery as the engines for economic development will have a huge impact on tourism & hospitality sector. Infrastructural projects like agriculture; healthcare services: education or fisheries are also important in this area"
"Therefore, TL must be willing to invest and support the political force so that it can sustain its oil fund in future."
"For this reason, it is better to use the entire country's resources in order for increase productivity and national competitiveness so as change life of people."
"The resources of the country are quality human capital, technology and money natural resource knowledge peace democratic law for all professionalism independence courts good public service inexpensive e-service national stability respecting people value no discrimination free expression appreciating creativity innovation with a high level professionalism enhancing our nation identity as foundation to development."
"It seems pessimistic and politicizes the situation in TL."
"The first step of the maritime border (MB) is already in our hands."
"Step Second TG now becomes a shareholder in the GS field consortium with an ownership stake of about (56.47%)."
"Third step is to send the gas samples back home."
"Step dahaat diversify income via petrochemical industry."
"Step dalima haforsa industria servis (service industry)."
"Step down."
"Reduced economic dependence on extractive industry."
"To help the Danish step forward requires nine pre-condition: investing in quality human capital, developing infrastructure; strengthening law and order. Maintaining unity with stability to improve public service delivery as well combat corruption by improvings efficiency of services provided for citizens' needs"
"TLNG as a young, emerging and all Timorese's hope."
"Don't be pessimistic."
"It is important that all inclusive investments should begin with a feasibility study to look at the financial, economic and social return."
"Given this context, a study of potential and competitiveness is necessary."
"Reality shows that FM's effectiveness has brought great benefits to Timor-Leste because the BU, Kitan and Bufalo mineral field as well a Carolina laminaria 102% are all located in TL area. The resource is owned by both countries so revenue from these camp will go directly into state coffer of which it takes up about one hundred percent!"
"Molok asina FM camp buffalo ho laminaria belonging to Australia."
"Including the performance of FM according to contract will enable employer or supply goods and services in BU, GS field bufalo laminaria carolina come from Timorese. Both regarding quarantine law supplies equipment logistical support can be coming From TL"
"This means that with the completion of FM, some previous contracts will authentically no longer function and they shall be converted according to new agreement agreed between TL government & Australia. In addition it also guarantee equivalent conditions so as not prejudice operator companies or joint venture partners in any way!"
"Reality of future development GS field most TL will benefit entirely share results or revenue, royalties and taxes reimburse capital costs to the full +127%, good service provision -90% coming from Timor-Leste (TL), supply equipments & logistical support going through Taiwan thud create multiplier effect(spinoff) in every sector. It'll stimulate TT economy&money circulation at home; it’lls generate jobs for young people transfer skill+technology into youth/newcomers bring enterprising spirit boost competitiveness encourage tourism industry guarantee more independent economically when gas pipeline comes TO"
"The socio-economic benefits that TL will get is the job creation starting from construction industry can absorb + -10,275 direct jobs; operation:+ –386 directly and indirectly employed normal ratio of industries to be about one in five (Sources info SPS."
"Similarly, Business Opportunities are: Supply Goods & services; Manufacturing and Hospitality etc."
"On the other hand, as this industry develops it will create Supply of Good & Services such: Maintenance and engineering services; small manufacturing operations. repairing equipment pieces specialized welding cleaning service transportation gardener security chemical supplies business tanker LNG Tug boats electricity use office rental accommodations hotels entertainment food supply meat products animal feed etc..."
"All of this will create thousands more indirect jobs, and stimulate economic activity in Beaconsfield/Vikeke & the whole interior Timor through paying taxes to contribute towards gross domestic product (GDP) growth."
"As the pipeline to TL and oil industry grows, there is great potential for boosting SERVICES Industry which comprises Supply Base Management (Manpower; Supported facilities: Waste management & repair), Port Services(Berthing space booking. Vessel clearance immigration etc)Vehicle supply/Fuel Water Food Cargo Handling at Quay Heavy equipment Truckings Liquid mud transfer). Marine services Rig Agency /Rigs Lay-up Tugging Boats Ship Charter AHTS PSV'S Tow Facility Rent&Management Warehouse Storage Material Transportation Dangerous Good handling Air Helicopter operations Oilfield support service Engineering Manufacturing small - big CCU Basket Rental Equipment rental Inspection Procurement Service Maintenance Piping Repair Seismic Survey Drilling rig Station Drill Mud Bunkering Pipe racking Fuel tank maintenance Welding Fabricating inspecting areas Slinging pipe Racks fuels Tank storage"
"Note that the activities below will naturally stimulate development of agriculture, fisheries and economic activity for private sectors from small to medium enterprises."
"The production of food, crops and daily necessities for the people who work in this industry will provide incentives to our farmers so that they can produce with greater quantity as well."
"Example of Bayu Undan project performance profile for East Timor."
"Initially, the development of Bayu Undan field is estimated to begin in 2015. Economy: The Government will only receive $3 billion from royalties and tax revenues (including profits)."
"But reality shows that the Bayu Undan field has already yielded a total return: $20,51 billion in 36 months."
"Total revenue for the Philippines from beginning to end of 2017 and projection through all contracts: $34.6 billion in year-end, with a projected total reaching US$59 trillion by mid -term (year)"
"There is a big difference from the initial estimates because: The oil price used for calculation was $24/barrel but reality shows that it rose to US$130 in 5 years and reserve use of calculated as being at about TCF."
"Greater Sunrise could generate $30 to 56 billion in revenue for Timor-Leste. The project is estimated at approximately US$128 million per year, with a potential of upwards USD479m annual incomes from the construction and operational costs associated"
"Economic return using conservative scenario or base case, TIMOR GAP as a joint contract with 56.4% share could generate total revenue of $13 billion and the Government to Timor-Leste would receive an additional income in excess ($20bn)."
"This revenue comes from royalty income, profits and taxes with a total return of $32 billion to$56bn as mineral prices rise."
"This revenue can be calculated using economic modelling with the Greater Sunrise reserve ranging from 6.5 TCF up to a total of about (Public Data From Northern Australia Government Territory)."
"According to information Timor-Leste’s total potential Initial Petroleum in Place (IIP) is around 12.6 -45 Billion Barrels Oil Equivalent(BOE)."
"The national mineral company Timor Gap (TG) has estimated that the resource can be recovered at 6.3 billion Barrels Oil Equivalents ($BOE), or $280-$415 bn per year, which is about half of what it would cost to reclaim a larger area in South Africa and more than twice as much for an oilfield located on its coastline near Cape Town City Centre"
"If we use the cost per barrel, it could reach up to $35 billion. The expenditure on various activities in engineering and plant services from small-to large factories through construction operations maintenance exploration etc would consume funds worth as much a 20% of that amount (around US$186bn)."
"The data gives great certainty to the country in developing its petroleum sector and sustainability of oil funds (http://noticias.sapo tl/portugues /info-articles_1532049)."
"Petroleum industry facilities, Refineries and Supply Bases can also be used to liquefy gas from neighboring countries such as Indonesia. Australia is a major importer of natural gases in the region including LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas)."
"God bless TL. Good luck in the future!"
"The author is a Master of Science from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia."
"He is currently a lecturer at the Dili Institute of Technology (DIT)."
"Journal no book: Petroleu fiscal systems and contracts, Hamburg 2013."
"California Energy Commission."
"\"Liquefied Natural Gas Safety.\""
"Accessed 15 October, web:http://www.energy-canada/lng_safety (8 December) TVTL and GMNTV no Radio - \"National Seminar on Issues Related to Maritime Boundary & Its Impacts for Petroleum Activities.\" Dili Convention Centre(CCD)."
"TVTL, GMNTV no Radio (8 January 2019): \"Presentation by Chief Negotiator ANPM Timor Gap on issues related to maritime borders and conocophillips sourcing agreement in shell energy.\" National Parliament. internet web; http://gmntv"
] |
Promesa Dialétika, Retórika ka Finjidu entre Horta no Lú-Olo? | RTTL\nHome/Opiníaun/Promesa Dialétika, Retórika ka Finjidu entre Horta no Lú-Olo?\nE. Dias Send an email April 12, 2022Last Updated: April 12, 2022\n[OPINIAUN] – Hakerek ida ne’e refleta ba programa polítika atividade kampaña eleitóral entre kandidatu Prezidente da Repúblika Dr. José Ramos Horta no Dr. Francisco Guterres Lú-Olo, haleu territóriu Nasional, hodi husu apoiu sidadaun sira atu depozita votus hodi hetan konfiansa atu sai Xefe Estado, ema númeru un iha Paíz ne’e. Apoiu ne’e Hau konsidera nu’udar “esmola” ka tane liman ba povu sira, nune’e iha loron eleisaun, bele vota ba kandidatu ida, atu hetan vitória atu sai Xefe Estado. Situasaun ida ne’e laos buat foun ba povu sira, tamba kada tinan lima sempre akontese, hahu’u husi kampaña Prezidente da Repúblika no Eleisaun Parlamentar. Entre Dr. José Ramos Horta no Dr. Francisco Guterres Lú-Olo, sira naín rua iha istória luta ne’ebé diferente iha tempu pasadu, ohin no ba futuru. Timor-oan tomak, no komunidade internasional mos koñese hotu kandidatu naín rua ne’e, tamba ne’e la presija atu bele esplika detallu biográfia ida-idak.\nTo’o oras ne’e, ita hotu akompaña sira naín rua ninia komprimisu eleitóral; serake halo ajitasaun, propaganda, ka retórika wainhira hasoru malu ho povu sira iha kampaña eleitóral. Komísiu polítika durante sira naín rua hala’o hodi haleu Timor, ne’e tama iha kategória ida ne’e? Buat hotu sei malahuk hela?\nDurante ne’e ita hotu akompaña sira nia komprimisu eleitóral iha komísiu polítika. Ida-idak aprejenta ninia programa ba sidadaun hotu mesak furak lo’os. Programa furak ne’e atu gaña votu, maibe perguntas, serake bele implementa ka lae, wainhira kandidatu hirak ne’e hetan konfiansa sai Xefe Estado durante mandate tinan-5. Iha fatin balun, sidadaun sira ne’ebé partisipa kampaña eleitóral, hamosu fali perguntas ba programa polítika ne’ebé sira rasik aprejenta. Ita fila-fali b alia-fuan tolu ne’e; ajitasaun, propaganda, ka retórika? Hau prefere atu insere termu retórika iha hakerek ida ne’e, hodi hakat lalais ba esplikasaun títulu iha leten. Tamba hakerek ida ne’e mos dala-ruma konsideradu hanesan retórika, tamba pensamentu ba esperansa ida sei namlele hela, ka sei metan, dala-ruma bele lo’os no dala-ruma mos la lo’os, mais pior liu mak da-ruma la kona, maibe tamba halo ánaliza, retórika bele sai lia-lo’os. Retórika ne’e akontese tamba nesesidade, maibe ho finalidade ho lolo’os, konsideradu Retórika rásiu iha prátika.\nBaze fundamentu husi retórika iha debate públiku hatudu desde tinan rihun liu ba. Sientista Aristo Teles, Filosófiku Yunani Kuno ne’ebé moris iha decade rihun atus rua liu ba, ne’ebé esplika ho seriu kona-ba RETÓRIKA. Nia hakerek On Rhetoric, iha livru ida koalia espesífiku kona-ba RETÓRIKA no oinsa ninia prátika ne’ebé nunka halakon Wisdom [Prudente]. Tuir Aristoteles, Retórika produs lia-fuan ho nia frase ida [Eloquence], ho nia funsaun atu haforsa persuasaun ba debate ida. Retórika hafahe ba Dialetika ka Dialogostai ne’ebé bainbain uza husi Socrates wainhira hala’o dialogu one on one. Dialektika ho intensaun atu buka no hetan lia-loos, enkuantu Retórika atu haforsa no fiar metin públiku ba lia-loos ida.\nHau ho intensaun esplika oituan kona-ba konteúdu husi retórika ho ninia ramu sira, nune’e bele haforsa mos hau nia nia artigu ida ne’e, bazeia ba natureza polítika ne’ebé lao hela, hadulas rai Timor ne’e ho kandidatu Dr. José Ramos Horta no Dr. Francisco Guterres Lú-Olo nia programa ho kores oi-oin ne’ebé pinta husi ki’ik to’o bo’ot, hanesan fali Borboleta ne’ebé semo iha lorokraik, hobur ai-funan midar, wainhira loron matan atu mout iha lorokraik.\nAntes atu tama ba títulu esensial kona-ba “Dialétika ka Retórika entre Horta no Lú-Olo”, esplika detallu programa prinsipal ne’ebé sira hato’o durante iha kampaña eleitóral no dialogu komunitáriu. Tamba ne’e atu esplika dala-ida tan kona-ba utilizasaun termu Retórika, ne’ebé hafahe ba parte hanesan Juíz (Courtroom speaking), Polítika (Political speaking) no fígura públika (Cerimonial speaking). Husi parte tolu ne’e, Juíz hanesan debate judisiariu atu foti desizaun ida, Polítika hanesan debate politizasaun atu halo influensia ba órgaun lejislador, no fígura públika hanesan ema sira ne’ebé atu hetan motivasaun no tane a’as tebes ho kontenti. Tuir Aristoteles, ikus liu ne’e halakon sesaun prudensia husi retórika.\nHo baze fundamentu simples ida ne’e, Hau atu tama ona ba komprimisu polítika ne’ebe kandidatu naín rua aprejenta ona ba povu sira. Tuir faktus hatudu, programa ne’ebé sira aprejenta, dala-ruma programa hanesan ho Órgaun Ezekutivu, Lejislador no Judisiariu sira nian, maibe Xefe Estado iha kompetensia bo’ot liu tuir Konstituisaun RDTL artigu 88 kona-ba Promulgasaun no Vetu. Ida ne’e mak direitu absolute Xefe Estado, tamba ne’e programa sira ne’ebé aprejenta iha kampaña eleitóral, sei sai nu’udar programa prinsipal Governu ninian, ne’ebé sei hetan aseitasaun husi Prezidente da Repúblika kuandu entre sira naín rua, ida eleitu.\nAtu atinji metas ka objetividade husi komprimisu eleitóral, ne’e depende ba desizaun povu nian. kona-ba desizaun povu nian ne’e bazeia fali ba termu Retórika ne’ebé diak. Tuir Aristoteles, retórika presija atinji duni tipu lójika (Logos), étika (Ethos) no emosi (Pathos). Lójika iha ligasaun oinsa ho pozisaun sira ne’ebé utiliza hanesan material argumentu, no oinsa atu forma pozisaun hirak ne’e sai baze argumentasaun tui-tuir malu ho sistemátika no tama iha faktus nian.\nIta koalia kona-ba étika ne’ebé iha ligasaun ho fígura ba debate públiku, signifika figura refere tenke iha kredibilidade diak ka track record iha nível sosiedade la iha problema. La nesesita atu figura refere hala hala’o deklarasaun iha palku polítika mos povu sira depozita ona konfiansa; iha ne’e mak akontese ona válor moral, onestidade no integridade ne’ebé atinji duni ba fígura ida diak.\nIha artigu ida ne’e, Hau mos aprejenta konkordánsia Partidu CNRT ne’ebé apoiu kandidatu Dr. Ramos Horta ba Prezidente da Repúblika ho períodu tinan 2022-2027. Komprimisu hirak ne’e mak hanesan 1) Respeita no halo tuir deit saída mak Konstituisaun RDTL haruka, 2) Hatu’ur fila-fali ka Repozisaun Orden Konstitusional ne’ebé Partidu CNRT konsidera polítiku sira sobu no estraga tiha ona, 3) Hatu’ur hikas lejitimidade no dignidade órgaun Parlamentu Nasional, 4) Restaura fila-fali lejitimidade no funsiona hikas normalidade Governu ne’ebé la funsiona desde tinan 2020 hodi rejulta ekonómia rai laran lao hakdasak, 5) Reforma setór judisiariu, no 6) Prezidente da Repúblika labele sai fali opozisaun Governu, nune’e bele fo espasu ba Governu atu implementa polítika dada kadoras Greater Sunrise mai Timor Leste. Konkordánsia hirak ne’e mak kandidatu Dr. José Ramos Horta tula kedan iha kabas ho responsábilidade bo’ot ne’ebé tenke esplika ba povu sira iha baze, liu husi kampaña primeira volta to’o segunda volta. Laos Horta deit mak lori programa ne’e ba povu, maibe akompaña mos husi Prezidente Partidu CNRT Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, hetan mos tulun husi Partidu ki’ik sira hanesan PD, PUDD, PDRT, Frente-Mudansa, no seluk tan, inklui mos hetan apoiu husi kandidatu balun ne’ebé hakneak kedan desde iha primeira volta.\nNatureza polítika ho programa prioritáriu sira ne’ebé aprenjenta, tenke koalia lolo’os katak, povu sira la iha koñesimentu klean kona-ba ida ne’e, ne’e faktus, no labele nega. Lalika mos atu deklara katak, programa ka konkordánsia ne’ebé kandidatu Horta hulan, la signifika povu, militante no simpatijantes sira husi partidu CNRT ho nia forsa polítika sira, apoiu total, Hau hanoin ne’e mos LAE. Povu nia aseitasaun hodi depozita konfiansa ba Ramos Horta tamba hare’e ba fígura nasional Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, nu’udar líder karismátiku, inklui mos ho Horta ninia fígura rasik.\nKonkordánsia polítika ne’e tuir Hau nia hanoin katak, ne’e senáriu polítika ida ho importante tebes. Liga ba ne’e, presija tebes atu halo ánaliza tuir ókulu ema ida nian. Implementasaun ba komprimisu programa ne’e wainhira Horta eleitu sai Xefe Estado, Hau hakrak atu liga-fila fali mos kona-ba étika. Signifika atu dezenvolve elementu husi étika, presija ema ho intelijensia (intelligence), karakteristika (character) no intensaun diak (good will). Buat tolu ne’e nu’udar dignidade humanu, ne’ebé atrbui mos ba dignidade Ramos nian. Wainhira Nia la implementa konfiansa Partidu CNRT nia programa, ne’e hanesan traisaun bo’ot ida, no mais pior sei estrutura partidu CNRT, liu-liu Xanana Gusmão dala-ruma bele prega lia-fuan LA IHA ÉTIKA, TRAIDOR ba Horta. Kuandu ida ne’e akontese, étika fígura mundial Horta la iha ona válor iha povu nia matan.\nIha plataforma mídia Nasional no Internasional, Kandidatu Dr. José Ramos Horta sempre koalia bebeik kona-ba atu dada investidor Internasional sira mai halo investimentu iha rai laran, atu fo oportunidade ba joven sira atu servisu hodi hadia ekonómia família. Iha programa seluk ne’ebé importante ne’ebé sei implementa mak fo apoiu ai-han nutrisaun ba kosok-oan sira. Nia mos promete sei hala’o dialogu ho líder nasional sira, tamba lakohi atu Timor Leste nia líder sira iha inimigu ba malu, tamba rekonsiliasaun ne’ebé Timor Leste hala’o hasoru Indonézia hanesan ezemplu ida diak tebes ne’ebé nasaun seluk iha Mundu labele halo hafoin hakotu funu militar ka funu polítika. Programa sira ne’e atrai duni votantes sira, sira kontente, basa-lima ho ksolok wainhira partisipa kampaña eleitóral no dialogu komunitáriu ne’ebé kandidatu ho Xanana hala’o durante ne’e.\nTuir observasaun, sidadaun balun iha area remotes, mai partisipa kampaña Ramos Horta nian, laos atu rona programa, maibe atu mai hare’e ka hasai foto hamutuk ho kandidatu, liu-liu Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, koñesidu ho naran AVO NANA. Tamba ne’e ho ánaliza katak, programa polítika entre Ramos ho CNRT ne’e senáriu nível superior. Povu la interese programa ne’e implement aka lae wainhira kandidatu Horta eleitu sai Xefe Estado. Maibe povu ninia interese, saida mak Xanana planeia no ba implementasaun ne’e aseita ka afavor, katak la iha objesaun atu kontra.\nArkiva barak ona kona-ba deklarasaun polítika kandidatu Ramos Horta nian. Maibe kandidatu Dr. Francisco Guterres Lú-Olo mos iha programa importante ne’ebé kompromete mos ba sidadaun sira, liu-liu apoiante, militantes, simpatijantes sira husi partidu Fretilin, PLP no KHUNTO liu husi Plataforma de Entendimentu. Partidu tolu ne’e iha Komprimisu Polítiku ne’ebé públika iha loron 08 fulan Abril tinan 2022 ne’ebé asina husi Koordenador, atúal Secretáriu-Jéral Partidu Fretilin Dr. Marí Alkatiri.\nHare’e ba realidade Timor Leste nian no ho konsiderasaun katak funsionáriu públiku sira, tinan-tinan simu pagamentu estraordináriu ba salariu fulan ida adisional, (Dekretu Lei 29/2021 husi 09 de Dezembru – Aprova pagamentu extraordináriu de um mês de salario adicional), maibe maioria populasaun sei moris ho kondisaun ekonómika ne’ebé hasoru dezafius oin-oin no bo’ot.\nNune’e, plataforma Entendimentu simu proposta husi Sua Exelência Presidente da República ba sua Exelência Primeiro Ministro atu kria subsidiu ba uma kain hotu-hotu ba fulan ikus tina-tinan kompromete atu, hahu’u iha fulan Dezembro 2022, VIII Governu Konstitusional atu aprova Lei hodi implementa polítika justisa social ida ne’e hodi atribui subsidiu iha fulan Dezembro kada tinan, ho válor “dolar atus rua” ($ 200), ba uma kain ida-idak iha Timor Leste laran tomak.\nNune’e plataforma de Entendimentu konkorda ho polítika ida ne’e no sugere mos atu polítika ida ne’e tenki inklui mos veteranos ho família ho pensaun decimo-terseiro kada tinan.\nKomprimisu ida ne’e ho hanoin atu bele tulun maluk sira hotu atu iha kondisoens netik atu bele selebra espoka festivas ho ksolok no dame hamutuk ho família no amigus.\nViva Povu Doben Timor Leste!\nOnra no Glória ba Mártires no Eroi Pátria Timor Leste nian!\nHo komprimisu entre kandidatu Ramos Horta ho Partidu CNRT, no Plataforma Polítiku Partidu Fretilin, PLP no KHUNTO, konsideradu nu’udar komprimisu polítiku ho Dialétika ka retóriku. Hau hanoin katak, ne’e komprimisu dialétika, tamba plataforma polítika ne’e tuir loloos bele implementa ona, tan partidu tolu mak oras ne’e involve no forma Governasaun; katak sira iha kompetensia atu ezekuta. Maibe plataforma ne’e mosu iha kampaña eleitóral, entaun ita deskonfia buat balun katak, dala-ruma bele realiza ou lae? Hau fiar metin katak ne’e retórika deit, no finje la hatene hotu.\nRajaun Hau prega Finjidu ba kandidatu Prezidente da Repúblika, tamba sira hatene kondisaun ne’ebé nasaun infrenta, liu-liu dezenvolviimentu infra-estrutura bázika, problema edukasaun, saúde, eletrisidade, be’e mo’os no seluk tan, maibe finji la hatene. sira kari ai-funan ba povu nia matan ho komprimisu oi-oin. Sira kanta bebeik atu hadia povu nia moris, maibe realidade nunka hatudu prátika. Durante períodu governasaun, promesa mak barak liu, finji la hatene, la rona, la hare’e problema ne’ebé povu infrenta. ida ne’e mak susar, nune’e sira nia retórika ne’e baratu liu fali barata. Povu tanis, líder sira triste maibe fuan dehan ho votus, ita apoiu. Tamba ne’e, lia-fuan ida ne’ebé bain-bain ema koalia dehan LIAN POVU, LIAN MAROMAK. Termu ne’e vale duni, maibe vale iha tempu kampaña no eleisaun. LIAN POVU sei la vale, wainhira líder sira hahu’u ukun ona, hetan ona poder, mehi atinji ona, LIAN POVO nakfilak sai LIAN DIABU. Tamba ne’e, sidadaun hotu-hotu tenke deside no fihir didiak kandidatu ida ne’ebé hadomi Povu, sai Prezidente ba Povu tomak, no labele Prezidente ida ne’ebé hatudu nia egoismu ba interese partidária no organizasaun polítika seluk tan.\nIha artigu ida ne’e, Hau mos lamenta deklarasaun husi Timor-oan sira ne’ebé input alia-fuan Mistisu no Maubere oan ka Paun no Kumbili ba kandidatu Prezidénte da Repúblika Dr. José Ramos Horta no Dr. Franisco Guterres Lú-Olo. Lia-fuan ne’e provokativu, lia-fuan diskriminativu, no hamosu rasismu ba Timor-oan tomak, no termu ne’e mak bele harahun Timor-oan ho hun ida, abut ida ne’ebé metin lo’os ho kulturalmente husi tempu pasadu nu’udar identidade feton-san umane. Hau hanoin katak, kandidatu naín rua ne’e Timor-oan. Sira nia kontribuisaun ba luta libertasaun nasional bo’ot tebes. Tamba ne’e tenke evita ho lia-fuan diskriminativu ne’e, tamba estraga relasaun Timor-oan tomak nian. tenke komunga Partidu PD nia moto katak, Timor Leste ba Timor-oan tomak, hun ida, abut ida.\nIta fila-fali ba tópiku husi artigu ne’e katak, Dialetika, Retórika ka finjidu entre Horta no Lú-Olo. antes atu konklui, dala-ida tan hateten katak, signfikadu husi Dialetika ne’e mak intensaun atu buka no hetan lia-loós. Ho signifiika ida ne’e, hamosu perguntas iha Hau nia kakutak katak, serake Ramos no Lú-Olo ninia programa sira ne’e ho intensaun atu buka no hetan lia-loós. Buka – keridijer ke kandidatu ida-idak ba buka votus, buka simpatia povu nian, nune’e bele depozita konfiansa ba eleisaun atu hetan vitória. Lia-loos mak povu sei hatudu iha eleisaun. Agora koalia kona-ba Retórika mak atu haforsa no fiar metin sidadaun sira nian ba lia-loos ida. Lia-fuan Haforsa, hau halo sondajen observasaun ida katak, Haforsa no Fiar metin ne’e atu kandidatu naín mantein deit sira nia programa. Kandidatu naín rua hanoin katak, ho programa ne’ebé aprejenta ne’e iha isin no klamar, no bele konsidera hanesan programa ida ne’ebé la iha foer. Tamba ne’e sira tama sai munisípiu, lalin sidadaun sira iha area remotes, hodi mai rona kandidatu ida-idak ninia programa. Tamba ne’e, komprimisu Partidu CNRT ho Ramos Horta, no Plataforma de Entendimentu partidu Fretilin, PLP no KHUNTO ho Lú-Olo ne’e hau konsidera RETÓRIKA deit. Retórika tamba sira fiar metin deit ba programa longu-prazu ninian, programa esperansa ninian katak, bele implementa ka lae? Tamba programa ne’e dala-ruma bele implementa no dala-ruma mos lae, tamba ezekusaun programa ne’e integra mos ho kompetensia órgaun Estado ida-idak nian. kandidatu naín rua mos komprende muito-bém kona-ba konseitu Estado, kompetensia Xefe Estado nian, no hatene mos servisu órgaun Estado nian, maibe sira naín finje la hatene, tamba deit atu hetan konfiansa husi Povu sai Xefe Estado, matenek no komprensaun, intrepretasaun klean ne’ebé iha, sai brinkedus durante fulan hirak nia laran, tamba hatene saída mak sira atu halo.\nIha fatin-fatin, sidadaun sira intrepreta nune’e, dala-ruma bo’ot sira mai hala’o kampaña atu buka deit ita nia votus, maibe liu tiha ida ne’e, haluhan ona, ka hanaran la realiza. Husi hanoin hirak ne’e, lo’os duni…tamba faktus hatudu, sira nia prezensa iha area remotes ne’e iha mumentu ba hala’o esmola ka tane liman ho votus. Tamba ne’e Lian povu ne’e Lian Maromak, ka Vox Populy, Vox Dei. Nune’e, deklarasaun retórika ho eskrita no oral ne’ebé hato’o husi kandidatu Prezidente da Repúblika ne’e pertinente tebes. Sira sai anju, inosente ba sala laek sira, no sira sai liurai, gosta hatun ema ida, no hasae ida seluk. Ida ne’e hatudu katak ne’e polítika la edukativu. Jerasaun foun aprende atuasaun polítika ne’e nu’udar material, maibe labele aplika iha konseitu estado tamba konsideradu nu’udar polítika interese poder.\nAtu termina, dala-ida tan alerta katak, programa polítika kandidatu Prezidente da Repúblika ne’e retórika deit ka ho argumentu ne’ebé resin, no bain-bain ema bolu dehan NATO [No Action Talk Only – La iha Asaun Koalia deit]. Termu ne’e akontese barak liu husi polítiku naín sira nia le’et. Koalia hela deit to’o lingua hotu, ikus mai nervozu rasik, ikus mai trata ema, defama ema ka prega ho lia-fuan permatura sira, la lójika. Natureza polítika Timor nian ne’e hanesan fali polítika dezastre natural. Tamba ne’e desizaun ba eleisaun Prezidénsial ne’e hanesan referendum ba povu. Povu sira sei hato’o sira nia votus ho VOX POPULY, VOX DEI ho livre no sekreta. Iha pepatah ida dehan nune’e “ó atu kaer manu ida labele duni, tamba manu sei fuik no labesik ó, maibe hamaus nia ho nia hahan, manu ne’e sei maus no ó sei kaer, no dala-ruma ó sei kaer hotu nia maluk”. Termu ida halo ánaliza katak, kandidatu ka partidu polítiku sira nia prezensa iha komunidade nia le’et wainhira besik eleisaun. Perguntas: tan-sá antes eleisaun, labele hakbesik a’an ba povu, hala’o dialogu atu konfiansa ne’e kesi metin kedan iha ne’ebá, duke besik eleisaun mak ba aprejenta programa, ne’e konsidera nu’udar komprimisu ka propaganda barata, maibe tamba interese ba poder; atu iha anin bo’ot, udan ka loron-manas, luta nafatin hodi ba hasoru populasaun sira ho retórika no finjidu.\nHusu ba povu tomak, ita nia lian, lian Maromak, lian esperansa, lian sagradu, no lian determinante. Tetu didiak, sukat didiak, fihir didiak, tuir LIAN MAROMAK nian, nune’e lian sei la sala, lian sei la mout, lian sei la tanis. Votu ida, deside distiñu nasaun, moris oan, bei-oan nia futuru, hodi tane no dignifika rai lulik, rai Timor nia riku. Tamba ne’e atu termina, Hau konklui katak, programa sira ne’ebé kandidatu Prezidénte da Repúblika ida-idak aprejenta, tenke benefísia ba povu no nasaun, no labele uza povu nu’udar instrumentu polítika hodi hetan poder, tamba intensaun ida ne’e nu’udar malisioza ba futuru, ba jerasaun tuir mai. Hamutuk ho Povu RDTL, sei salva Estado. Viva RDTL, Viva Povu Maubere, Viva Éroi sira !!! SHALLOM [REMATA].\nHakerek naín hela iha Bairo Puasoru, Aldeia Chai, Suku Loré Postu Loré Munisípiu Laútem.\nNúmeru kontaktu [+670] 7763 9282, E-mail [email protected]\nIncanto Aposta No Seitor Do Turismo\nMinistra Saude Inaugura Fasilidade Covid-19 Tolu Iha Hospital Referal Maliana\nPingback: Horta: Manan ona – hakraik a’an ba ida ne’ebé lakon | Rádio e Televisão de Timor-Leste | [
"Promesa Dialetika, Retorika ka Finjidu entre Horta no Lu-Olo? | RTTL Home/Opiniaun/Promesa Dialetika, Retorika ka Finjidu entre Horta no Lu-Olo?",
"E. Dias Send an email April 12, 2022Last Updated: April 12, 2022 [OPINIAUN] - Hakerek ida ne'e refleta ba programa politika atividade kampana eleitoral entre kandidatu Prezidente da Republika Dr. Jose Ramos Horta no Dr. Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo, haleu territoriu Nasional, hodi husu apoiu sidadaun sira atu depozita votus hodi hetan konfiansa atu sai Xefe Estado, ema numeru un iha Paiz ne'e.",
"Apoiu ne'e Hau konsidera nu'udar \"esmola\" ka tane liman ba povu sira, nune'e iha loron eleisaun, bele vota ba kandidatu ida, atu hetan vitoria atu sai Xefe Estado.",
"Situasaun ida ne'e laos buat foun ba povu sira, tamba kada tinan lima sempre akontese, hahu'u husi kampana Prezidente da Republika no Eleisaun Parlamentar.",
"Entre Dr. Jose Ramos Horta no Dr. Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo, sira nain rua iha istoria luta ne'ebe diferente iha tempu pasadu, ohin no ba futuru.",
"Timor-oan tomak, no komunidade internasional mos konese hotu kandidatu nain rua ne'e, tamba ne'e la presija atu bele esplika detallu biografia ida-idak.",
"To'o oras ne'e, ita hotu akompana sira nain rua ninia komprimisu eleitoral; serake halo ajitasaun, propaganda, ka retorika wainhira hasoru malu ho povu sira iha kampana eleitoral.",
"Komisiu politika durante sira nain rua hala'o hodi haleu Timor, ne'e tama iha kategoria ida ne'e?",
"Buat hotu sei malahuk hela?",
"Durante ne'e ita hotu akompana sira nia komprimisu eleitoral iha komisiu politika.",
"Ida-idak aprejenta ninia programa ba sidadaun hotu mesak furak lo'os.",
"Programa furak ne'e atu gana votu, maibe perguntas, serake bele implementa ka lae, wainhira kandidatu hirak ne'e hetan konfiansa sai Xefe Estado durante mandate tinan-5.",
"Iha fatin balun, sidadaun sira ne'ebe partisipa kampana eleitoral, hamosu fali perguntas ba programa politika ne'ebe sira rasik aprejenta.",
"Ita fila-fali b alia-fuan tolu ne'e; ajitasaun, propaganda, ka retorika?",
"Hau prefere atu insere termu retorika iha hakerek ida ne'e, hodi hakat lalais ba esplikasaun titulu iha leten.",
"Tamba hakerek ida ne'e mos dala-ruma konsideradu hanesan retorika, tamba pensamentu ba esperansa ida sei namlele hela, ka sei metan, dala-ruma bele lo'os no dala-ruma mos la lo'os, mais pior liu mak da-ruma la kona, maibe tamba halo analiza, retorika bele sai lia-lo'os.",
"Retorika ne'e akontese tamba nesesidade, maibe ho finalidade ho lolo'os, konsideradu Retorika rasiu iha pratika.",
"Baze fundamentu husi retorika iha debate publiku hatudu desde tinan rihun liu ba.",
"Sientista Aristo Teles, Filosofiku Yunani Kuno ne'ebe moris iha decade rihun atus rua liu ba, ne'ebe esplika ho seriu kona-ba RETORIKA.",
"Nia hakerek On Rhetoric, iha livru ida koalia espesifiku kona-ba RETORIKA no oinsa ninia pratika ne'ebe nunka halakon Wisdom [Prudente].",
"Tuir Aristoteles, Retorika produs lia-fuan ho nia frase ida [Eloquence], ho nia funsaun atu haforsa persuasaun ba debate ida.",
"Retorika hafahe ba Dialetika ka Dialogostai ne'ebe bainbain uza husi Socrates wainhira hala'o dialogu one on one.",
"Dialektika ho intensaun atu buka no hetan lia-loos, enkuantu Retorika atu haforsa no fiar metin publiku ba lia-loos ida.",
"Hau ho intensaun esplika oituan kona-ba konteudu husi retorika ho ninia ramu sira, nune'e bele haforsa mos hau nia nia artigu ida ne'e, bazeia ba natureza politika ne'ebe lao hela, hadulas rai Timor ne'e ho kandidatu Dr. Jose Ramos Horta no Dr. Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo nia programa ho kores oi-oin ne'ebe pinta husi ki'ik to'o bo'ot, hanesan fali Borboleta ne'ebe semo iha lorokraik, hobur ai-funan midar, wainhira loron matan atu mout iha lorokraik.",
"Antes atu tama ba titulu esensial kona-ba \"Dialetika ka Retorika entre Horta no Lu-Olo,\" esplika detallu programa prinsipal ne'ebe sira hato'o durante iha kampana eleitoral no dialogu komunitariu.",
"Tamba ne'e atu esplika dala-ida tan kona-ba utilizasaun termu Retorika, ne'ebe hafahe ba parte hanesan Juiz (Courtroom speaking), Politika (Political speaking) no figura publika (Cerimonial speaking).",
"Husi parte tolu ne'e, Juiz hanesan debate judisiariu atu foti desizaun ida, Politika hanesan debate politizasaun atu halo influensia ba orgaun lejislador, no figura publika hanesan ema sira ne'ebe atu hetan motivasaun no tane a'as tebes ho kontenti.",
"Tuir Aristoteles, ikus liu ne'e halakon sesaun prudensia husi retorika.",
"Ho baze fundamentu simples ida ne'e, Hau atu tama ona ba komprimisu politika ne'ebe kandidatu nain rua aprejenta ona ba povu sira.",
"Tuir faktus hatudu, programa ne'ebe sira aprejenta, dala-ruma programa hanesan ho Orgaun Ezekutivu, Lejislador no Judisiariu sira nian, maibe Xefe Estado iha kompetensia bo'ot liu tuir Konstituisaun RDTL artigu 88 kona-ba Promulgasaun no Vetu.",
"Ida ne'e mak direitu absolute Xefe Estado, tamba ne'e programa sira ne'ebe aprejenta iha kampana eleitoral, sei sai nu'udar programa prinsipal Governu ninian, ne'ebe sei hetan aseitasaun husi Prezidente da Republika kuandu entre sira nain rua, ida eleitu.",
"Atu atinji metas ka objetividade husi komprimisu eleitoral, ne'e depende ba desizaun povu nian. kona-ba desizaun povu nian ne'e bazeia fali ba termu Retorika ne'ebe diak.",
"Tuir Aristoteles, retorika presija atinji duni tipu lojika (Logos), etika (Ethos) no emosi (Pathos).",
"Lojika iha ligasaun oinsa ho pozisaun sira ne'ebe utiliza hanesan material argumentu, no oinsa atu forma pozisaun hirak ne'e sai baze argumentasaun tui-tuir malu ho sistematika no tama iha faktus nian.",
"Ita koalia kona-ba etika ne'ebe iha ligasaun ho figura ba debate publiku, signifika figura refere tenke iha kredibilidade diak ka track record iha nivel sosiedade la iha problema.",
"La nesesita atu figura refere hala hala'o deklarasaun iha palku politika mos povu sira depozita ona konfiansa; iha ne'e mak akontese ona valor moral, onestidade no integridade ne'ebe atinji duni ba figura ida diak.",
"Iha artigu ida ne'e, Hau mos aprejenta konkordansia Partidu CNRT ne'ebe apoiu kandidatu Dr. Ramos Horta ba Prezidente da Republika ho periodu tinan 2022-2027.",
"Komprimisu hirak ne'e mak hanesan 1) Respeita no halo tuir deit saida mak Konstituisaun RDTL haruka, 2) Hatu'ur fila-fali ka Repozisaun Orden Konstitusional ne'ebe Partidu CNRT konsidera politiku sira sobu no estraga tiha ona, 3) Hatu'ur hikas lejitimidade no dignidade orgaun Parlamentu Nasional, 4) Restaura fila-fali lejitimidade no funsiona hikas normalidade Governu ne'ebe la funsiona desde tinan 2020 hodi rejulta ekonomia rai laran lao hakdasak, 5) Reforma setor judisiariu, no 6) Prezidente da Republika labele sai fali opozisaun Governu, nune'e bele fo espasu ba Governu atu implementa politika dada kadoras Greater Sunrise mai Timor Leste.",
"Konkordansia hirak ne'e mak kandidatu Dr. Jose Ramos Horta tula kedan iha kabas ho responsabilidade bo'ot ne'ebe tenke esplika ba povu sira iha baze, liu husi kampana primeira volta to'o segunda volta.",
"Laos Horta deit mak lori programa ne'e ba povu, maibe akompana mos husi Prezidente Partidu CNRT Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, hetan mos tulun husi Partidu ki'ik sira hanesan PD, PUDD, PDRT, Frente-Mudansa, no seluk tan, inklui mos hetan apoiu husi kandidatu balun ne'ebe hakneak kedan desde iha primeira volta.",
"Natureza politika ho programa prioritariu sira ne'ebe aprenjenta, tenke koalia lolo'os katak, povu sira la iha konesimentu klean kona-ba ida ne'e, ne'e faktus, no labele nega.",
"Lalika mos atu deklara katak, programa ka konkordansia ne'ebe kandidatu Horta hulan, la signifika povu, militante no simpatijantes sira husi partidu CNRT ho nia forsa politika sira, apoiu total, Hau hanoin ne'e mos LAE.",
"Povu nia aseitasaun hodi depozita konfiansa ba Ramos Horta tamba hare'e ba figura nasional Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, nu'udar lider karismatiku, inklui mos ho Horta ninia figura rasik.",
"Konkordansia politika ne'e tuir Hau nia hanoin katak, ne'e senariu politika ida ho importante tebes.",
"Liga ba ne'e, presija tebes atu halo analiza tuir okulu ema ida nian.",
"Implementasaun ba komprimisu programa ne'e wainhira Horta eleitu sai Xefe Estado, Hau hakrak atu liga-fila fali mos kona-ba etika.",
"Signifika atu dezenvolve elementu husi etika, presija ema ho intelijensia (intelligence), karakteristika (character) no intensaun diak (good will).",
"Buat tolu ne'e nu'udar dignidade humanu, ne'ebe atrbui mos ba dignidade Ramos nian.",
"Wainhira Nia la implementa konfiansa Partidu CNRT nia programa, ne'e hanesan traisaun bo'ot ida, no mais pior sei estrutura partidu CNRT, liu-liu Xanana Gusmao dala-ruma bele prega lia-fuan LA IHA ETIKA, TRAIDOR ba Horta.",
"Kuandu ida ne'e akontese, etika figura mundial Horta la iha ona valor iha povu nia matan.",
"Iha plataforma midia Nasional no Internasional, Kandidatu Dr. Jose Ramos Horta sempre koalia bebeik kona-ba atu dada investidor Internasional sira mai halo investimentu iha rai laran, atu fo oportunidade ba joven sira atu servisu hodi hadia ekonomia familia.",
"Iha programa seluk ne'ebe importante ne'ebe sei implementa mak fo apoiu ai-han nutrisaun ba kosok-oan sira.",
"Nia mos promete sei hala'o dialogu ho lider nasional sira, tamba lakohi atu Timor Leste nia lider sira iha inimigu ba malu, tamba rekonsiliasaun ne'ebe Timor Leste hala'o hasoru Indonezia hanesan ezemplu ida diak tebes ne'ebe nasaun seluk iha Mundu labele halo hafoin hakotu funu militar ka funu politika.",
"Programa sira ne'e atrai duni votantes sira, sira kontente, basa-lima ho ksolok wainhira partisipa kampana eleitoral no dialogu komunitariu ne'ebe kandidatu ho Xanana hala'o durante ne'e.",
"Tuir observasaun, sidadaun balun iha area remotes, mai partisipa kampana Ramos Horta nian, laos atu rona programa, maibe atu mai hare'e ka hasai foto hamutuk ho kandidatu, liu-liu Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, konesidu ho naran AVO NANA.",
"Tamba ne'e ho analiza katak, programa politika entre Ramos ho CNRT ne'e senariu nivel superior.",
"Povu la interese programa ne'e implement aka lae wainhira kandidatu Horta eleitu sai Xefe Estado.",
"Maibe povu ninia interese, saida mak Xanana planeia no ba implementasaun ne'e aseita ka afavor, katak la iha objesaun atu kontra.",
"Arkiva barak ona kona-ba deklarasaun politika kandidatu Ramos Horta nian.",
"Maibe kandidatu Dr. Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo mos iha programa importante ne'ebe kompromete mos ba sidadaun sira, liu-liu apoiante, militantes, simpatijantes sira husi partidu Fretilin, PLP no KHUNTO liu husi Plataforma de Entendimentu.",
"Partidu tolu ne'e iha Komprimisu Politiku ne'ebe publika iha loron 08 fulan Abril tinan 2022 ne'ebe asina husi Koordenador, atual Secretariu-Jeral Partidu Fretilin Dr. Mari Alkatiri.",
"Hare'e ba realidade Timor Leste nian no ho konsiderasaun katak funsionariu publiku sira, tinan-tinan simu pagamentu estraordinariu ba salariu fulan ida adisional, (Dekretu Lei 29/2021 husi 09 de Dezembru - Aprova pagamentu extraordinariu de um mes de salario adicional), maibe maioria populasaun sei moris ho kondisaun ekonomika ne'ebe hasoru dezafius oin-oin no bo'ot.",
"Nune'e, plataforma Entendimentu simu proposta husi Sua Exelencia Presidente da Republica ba sua Exelencia Primeiro Ministro atu kria subsidiu ba uma kain hotu-hotu ba fulan ikus tina-tinan kompromete atu, hahu'u iha fulan Dezembro 2022, VIII Governu Konstitusional atu aprova Lei hodi implementa politika justisa social ida ne'e hodi atribui subsidiu iha fulan Dezembro kada tinan, ho valor \"dolar atus rua\" ($ 200), ba uma kain ida-idak iha Timor Leste laran tomak.",
"Nune'e plataforma de Entendimentu konkorda ho politika ida ne'e no sugere mos atu politika ida ne'e tenki inklui mos veteranos ho familia ho pensaun decimo-terseiro kada tinan.",
"Komprimisu ida ne'e ho hanoin atu bele tulun maluk sira hotu atu iha kondisoens netik atu bele selebra espoka festivas ho ksolok no dame hamutuk ho familia no amigus.",
"Viva Povu Doben Timor Leste!",
"Onra no Gloria ba Martires no Eroi Patria Timor Leste nian!",
"Ho komprimisu entre kandidatu Ramos Horta ho Partidu CNRT, no Plataforma Politiku Partidu Fretilin, PLP no KHUNTO, konsideradu nu'udar komprimisu politiku ho Dialetika ka retoriku.",
"Hau hanoin katak, ne'e komprimisu dialetika, tamba plataforma politika ne'e tuir loloos bele implementa ona, tan partidu tolu mak oras ne'e involve no forma Governasaun; katak sira iha kompetensia atu ezekuta.",
"Maibe plataforma ne'e mosu iha kampana eleitoral, entaun ita deskonfia buat balun katak, dala-ruma bele realiza ou lae?",
"Hau fiar metin katak ne'e retorika deit, no finje la hatene hotu.",
"Rajaun Hau prega Finjidu ba kandidatu Prezidente da Republika, tamba sira hatene kondisaun ne'ebe nasaun infrenta, liu-liu dezenvolviimentu infra-estrutura bazika, problema edukasaun, saude, eletrisidade, be'e mo'os no seluk tan, maibe finji la hatene. sira kari ai-funan ba povu nia matan ho komprimisu oi-oin.",
"Sira kanta bebeik atu hadia povu nia moris, maibe realidade nunka hatudu pratika.",
"Durante periodu governasaun, promesa mak barak liu, finji la hatene, la rona, la hare'e problema ne'ebe povu infrenta. ida ne'e mak susar, nune'e sira nia retorika ne'e baratu liu fali barata.",
"Povu tanis, lider sira triste maibe fuan dehan ho votus, ita apoiu.",
"Tamba ne'e, lia-fuan ida ne'ebe bain-bain ema koalia dehan LIAN POVU, LIAN MAROMAK.",
"Termu ne'e vale duni, maibe vale iha tempu kampana no eleisaun.",
"LIAN POVU sei la vale, wainhira lider sira hahu'u ukun ona, hetan ona poder, mehi atinji ona, LIAN POVO nakfilak sai LIAN DIABU.",
"Tamba ne'e, sidadaun hotu-hotu tenke deside no fihir didiak kandidatu ida ne'ebe hadomi Povu, sai Prezidente ba Povu tomak, no labele Prezidente ida ne'ebe hatudu nia egoismu ba interese partidaria no organizasaun politika seluk tan.",
"Iha artigu ida ne'e, Hau mos lamenta deklarasaun husi Timor-oan sira ne'ebe input alia-fuan Mistisu no Maubere oan ka Paun no Kumbili ba kandidatu Prezidente da Republika Dr. Jose Ramos Horta no Dr. Franisco Guterres Lu-Olo.",
"Lia-fuan ne'e provokativu, lia-fuan diskriminativu, no hamosu rasismu ba Timor-oan tomak, no termu ne'e mak bele harahun Timor-oan ho hun ida, abut ida ne'ebe metin lo'os ho kulturalmente husi tempu pasadu nu'udar identidade feton-san umane.",
"Hau hanoin katak, kandidatu nain rua ne'e Timor-oan.",
"Sira nia kontribuisaun ba luta libertasaun nasional bo'ot tebes.",
"Tamba ne'e tenke evita ho lia-fuan diskriminativu ne'e, tamba estraga relasaun Timor-oan tomak nian. tenke komunga Partidu PD nia moto katak, Timor Leste ba Timor-oan tomak, hun ida, abut ida.",
"Ita fila-fali ba topiku husi artigu ne'e katak, Dialetika, Retorika ka finjidu entre Horta no Lu-Olo. antes atu konklui, dala-ida tan hateten katak, signfikadu husi Dialetika ne'e mak intensaun atu buka no hetan lia-loos.",
"Ho signifiika ida ne'e, hamosu perguntas iha Hau nia kakutak katak, serake Ramos no Lu-Olo ninia programa sira ne'e ho intensaun atu buka no hetan lia-loos.",
"Buka - keridijer ke kandidatu ida-idak ba buka votus, buka simpatia povu nian, nune'e bele depozita konfiansa ba eleisaun atu hetan vitoria.",
"Lia-loos mak povu sei hatudu iha eleisaun.",
"Agora koalia kona-ba Retorika mak atu haforsa no fiar metin sidadaun sira nian ba lia-loos ida.",
"Lia-fuan Haforsa, hau halo sondajen observasaun ida katak, Haforsa no Fiar metin ne'e atu kandidatu nain mantein deit sira nia programa.",
"Kandidatu nain rua hanoin katak, ho programa ne'ebe aprejenta ne'e iha isin no klamar, no bele konsidera hanesan programa ida ne'ebe la iha foer.",
"Tamba ne'e sira tama sai munisipiu, lalin sidadaun sira iha area remotes, hodi mai rona kandidatu ida-idak ninia programa.",
"Tamba ne'e, komprimisu Partidu CNRT ho Ramos Horta, no Plataforma de Entendimentu partidu Fretilin, PLP no KHUNTO ho Lu-Olo ne'e hau konsidera RETORIKA deit.",
"Retorika tamba sira fiar metin deit ba programa longu-prazu ninian, programa esperansa ninian katak, bele implementa ka lae?",
"Tamba programa ne'e dala-ruma bele implementa no dala-ruma mos lae, tamba ezekusaun programa ne'e integra mos ho kompetensia orgaun Estado ida-idak nian. kandidatu nain rua mos komprende muito-bem kona-ba konseitu Estado, kompetensia Xefe Estado nian, no hatene mos servisu orgaun Estado nian, maibe sira nain finje la hatene, tamba deit atu hetan konfiansa husi Povu sai Xefe Estado, matenek no komprensaun, intrepretasaun klean ne'ebe iha, sai brinkedus durante fulan hirak nia laran, tamba hatene saida mak sira atu halo.",
"Iha fatin-fatin, sidadaun sira intrepreta nune'e, dala-ruma bo'ot sira mai hala'o kampana atu buka deit ita nia votus, maibe liu tiha ida ne'e, haluhan ona, ka hanaran la realiza.",
"Husi hanoin hirak ne'e, lo'os duni...tamba faktus hatudu, sira nia prezensa iha area remotes ne'e iha mumentu ba hala'o esmola ka tane liman ho votus.",
"Tamba ne'e Lian povu ne'e Lian Maromak, ka Vox Populy, Vox Dei.",
"Nune'e, deklarasaun retorika ho eskrita no oral ne'ebe hato'o husi kandidatu Prezidente da Republika ne'e pertinente tebes.",
"Sira sai anju, inosente ba sala laek sira, no sira sai liurai, gosta hatun ema ida, no hasae ida seluk.",
"Ida ne'e hatudu katak ne'e politika la edukativu.",
"Jerasaun foun aprende atuasaun politika ne'e nu'udar material, maibe labele aplika iha konseitu estado tamba konsideradu nu'udar politika interese poder.",
"Atu termina, dala-ida tan alerta katak, programa politika kandidatu Prezidente da Republika ne'e retorika deit ka ho argumentu ne'ebe resin, no bain-bain ema bolu dehan NATO [No Action Talk Only - La iha Asaun Koalia deit].",
"Termu ne'e akontese barak liu husi politiku nain sira nia le'et.",
"Koalia hela deit to'o lingua hotu, ikus mai nervozu rasik, ikus mai trata ema, defama ema ka prega ho lia-fuan permatura sira, la lojika.",
"Natureza politika Timor nian ne'e hanesan fali politika dezastre natural.",
"Tamba ne'e desizaun ba eleisaun Prezidensial ne'e hanesan referendum ba povu.",
"Povu sira sei hato'o sira nia votus ho VOX POPULY, VOX DEI ho livre no sekreta.",
"Iha pepatah ida dehan nune'e \"o atu kaer manu ida labele duni, tamba manu sei fuik no labesik o, maibe hamaus nia ho nia hahan, manu ne'e sei maus no o sei kaer, no dala-ruma o sei kaer hotu nia maluk.\"",
"Termu ida halo analiza katak, kandidatu ka partidu politiku sira nia prezensa iha komunidade nia le'et wainhira besik eleisaun.",
"Perguntas: tan-sa antes eleisaun, labele hakbesik a'an ba povu, hala'o dialogu atu konfiansa ne'e kesi metin kedan iha ne'eba, duke besik eleisaun mak ba aprejenta programa, ne'e konsidera nu'udar komprimisu ka propaganda barata, maibe tamba interese ba poder; atu iha anin bo'ot, udan ka loron-manas, luta nafatin hodi ba hasoru populasaun sira ho retorika no finjidu.",
"Husu ba povu tomak, ita nia lian, lian Maromak, lian esperansa, lian sagradu, no lian determinante.",
"Tetu didiak, sukat didiak, fihir didiak, tuir LIAN MAROMAK nian, nune'e lian sei la sala, lian sei la mout, lian sei la tanis.",
"Votu ida, deside distinu nasaun, moris oan, bei-oan nia futuru, hodi tane no dignifika rai lulik, rai Timor nia riku.",
"Tamba ne'e atu termina, Hau konklui katak, programa sira ne'ebe kandidatu Prezidente da Republika ida-idak aprejenta, tenke benefisia ba povu no nasaun, no labele uza povu nu'udar instrumentu politika hodi hetan poder, tamba intensaun ida ne'e nu'udar malisioza ba futuru, ba jerasaun tuir mai.",
"Hamutuk ho Povu RDTL, sei salva Estado.",
"Viva RDTL, Viva Povu Maubere, Viva Eroi sira !!!",
"Hakerek nain hela iha Bairo Puasoru, Aldeia Chai, Suku Lore Postu Lore Munisipiu Lautem.",
"Numeru kontaktu [+670] 7763 9282, E-mail [email protected] Incanto Aposta No Seitor Do Turismo Ministra Saude Inaugura Fasilidade Covid-19 Tolu Iha Hospital Referal Maliana Pingback: Horta: Manan ona - hakraik a'an ba ida ne'ebe lakon | Radio e Televisao de Timor-Leste"
] | [
"Promise Dialetica, Rhetorika ka Finjidu entre Horta no Lu-Olo? | RTTL Home/Opinion & Opinions /Promesa dialétika."
"E. Dias Send an email April 12,"
"I consider this support as an \"almsgiving\" or handshake to the people, so that on election day they can vote for a candidate who will win and become Head of State."
"This situation is not new to the people, since it always happens every five years. It began with President of Republic campaign and Parliamentary Election 2014 (Eleições Parlamentares)."
"Between Dr. Jose Ramos Horta and Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo, the two have different history of struggle in past times; present time as well for futures years to come"
"Both candidates are well known to the Timorese and international community, so it is not necessary for me here in this blog post that I explain each of them' biographic details."
"Until now, we have all accompanied both of them in their electoral compressed; they don't want to make any agitation or propaganda and rhetoric when meeting with the people during election campaigns."
"Does the political commissions that they carried out during their visit to Timor fall into this category?"
"What do you want to make of it?"
"During this time, we all accompanied their electoral campaigns in the political committee."
"Each of them presents his or her programme to all citizens, not just the poor."
"The programme is intended to win votes, but the question arises whether or not it can be implemented once these candidate are confidently elected as Head of State for a five-year term."
"In some places, citizens who participate in the electoral campaign raise questions about their own political programmes."
"Let's go back to the three-pronged question: provocation, propaganda or rhetoric?"
"I prefer to insert the rhetorical term in this article, so as quickly and easily explain my title below."
"Because this writing is also sometimes considered as rhetoric, because the thought of a hope that will come to pass or go away may be lying at times and not always; but worse still it might never happen."
"This rhetoric occurs out of necessity, but with a clear purpose; it is considered to be rationalised in practice."
"The foundations of rhetoric in public debate have been demonstrated since thousand years ago."
"The scientist Aristotle Teles, an ancient Greek philosopher who lived two hundred thousand years ago gave a serious explanation of rhetoric."
"He wrote On Rhetoric, a book that speaks specifically about RHETORIC and how its practice never overcomes Wisdom."
"According to Aristotle, Rhetoric produces the word with its phrase [Eloquence], and it functioned as a means of reinforcing persuasion for debate."
"Rhetoric extends to the dialectics or Dialogostai that Socrates often used when engaging in one on-one dialogue."
"Dialectic has the intention of seeking and finding truth, whereas Rhetoric aims to reinforce public confidence in a certain fact."
"I intend to explain a little about the content of rhetoric and its ramifications, so that it can also strengthen my article this one. Based on political nature which is happening now at Timor-Leste with candidate Dr Jose Ramos Horta' s program as well As Mr Francisco Guterres Lu - Olo 'S programs are painted from small until big colors like butterflies fly by daylight hover over green trees when sun goes down during night time"
"Before entering into the essential heading on \"Dialectic or Rhetoric between Horta and Lu-Olo,\" explains in detail their main programs presented during election campaign."
"Therefore, it is necessary to explain once again the use of Rhetoric as a term that includes courtroom speaking (for judges), political and ceremonial speeches."
"Of these three parts, Juiz is the judicial debate to make a decision; Política (Politics) as politicization of discussions in an attempt at influencing legislating bodies and public figure like people who are motivated by high expectations."
"According to Aristotle, this ultimately destroyed the prudential session of rhetoric."
"Based on this simple premise, I'm going to go into the political compressed message that both candidates have already delivered."
"According to facts, the programs they present are often similar with those of Executive Bodies and Legislative or Judiciary. But under Article 89 on Promulgation & Veto in Timor-Leste' s Constitution (Articulo103 da Constituicao RDTL), Head Of State has greater competence than President for such matters as promulgations/vetos"
"This is the absolute prerogative of Heads Of State, therefore programs presented in electoral campaign will become main government program which shall be approved by President if one among them elected."
"To achieve the objectives or objectivity of electoral compression, it depends on decision by people. Regarding popular choice this is based again in terms good rhetoric ;"
"According to Aristotle, precise rhetoric has three types: logical (Logos), ethical and emotional."
"Logic has to do with how positions are used as material argument, and the way in which they form a basis for systematically intertwined arguing that goes into fact."
"We are talking about ethics in relation to a figure for public debate, meaning that the person must have good credibility or track record at social level."
"It is not necessary for the figure to make statements on a political stage and people have already deposited their trust; there are moral value, honesty or integrite that can be achieved by any good person."
"In this article, I also present the agreement of CNRT Party which supports Dr. Ramos Horta as candidate for presidential election in 2017 and will run on a second term from June to December (year) next year"
"These are: 1) Respect and follow only what the Constitution of Timor-Leste says,2), Restore or restore constitutional order which CNRT Party considers politician have destroyed;3). Quickly restoring legitimacy to Parliament' s organ.4): Restaurating legality for normal functioning Government that has not been working since years ago result in poor domestic economy5); Reform judiciary sector6)\\tThe President cannot become opposition again so it can give space on government implementation policy devastated Greater Sunrise East"
"These are the agreements that candidate Dr. Jose Ramos Horta carries in his pocket with great responsibility to be explained for people at grassroot level, through campaigning first round and second Round 2014 elections"
"Not only Horta brought this program to the people, but he was also accompanied by CNRP Party President Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao. He received support from smaller parties such as PD (Democratic People's party), PUDD and Frente-Mudansa among others; in addition there were some of those candidate who had been strongly opposing him since his first round victory:"
"The political nature and the priority programmes that are being pursued, it must be said clearly: people do not have a good knowledge about this; is fact. It cannot to deny 10"
"I would also like to declare that the program or agreement which candidate Horta has announced, does not imply full support of people and militants from CNRT party with its political forces."
"The people's acceptance to deposit their trust in Ramos Horta is based on the national figure of Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, as a charismatic leader and also with his own personality."
"This political concordance, in my opinion is a very important policy scenario."
"In connection with this, it is very important to analyze the eye of a person."
"Implementation of this comprehensive programme when Horta is elected as Head Of State, will require a realignment on ethics."
"It means to develop elements of ethics, it requires people with intelligence (intellect), character and good will."
"These three things are human dignity, which also applies to the Ramos's."
"If He does not implement the confidence of Partido CNRT's program, it is a great betrayal and worse will be that CNRT party structure especially Xanana Gusmao can often preach words like LA IHA ETIKA TRAIDOR to Horta."
"When this happens, the ethics of Horta as a world figure will lose all value in people' s eyes."
"On national and international media platforms, Candidate Dr. Jose Ramos Horta has always spoken about giving International investor to come invest in the country as well for young people opportunities of working so that they can improve their family economy"
"Another important program to be implemented is the provision of nutritional food support for children."
"He also promised to hold a dialogue with the national leaders, because he does not want East Timor's leader have enemies for each other. The reconciliation that has been carried out in Indonesia is an excellent example of what many countries cannot do after ending military or political warfare and it will be used by others around this world as well.\""
"These programmes attracted voters, who were happy to participate in the electoral campaign and community dialogue held by candidate Xanana Gusmão during this time."
"According to observation, some citizens in remote areas came participate Ramos Horta's campaign not for listening the program but rather come see or take pictures with candidate Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao connected by name AVO NANA."
"Therefore, by analyzing that the political program between Ramos and CNRT is a higher level scenario."
"The people have no interest in this program being implemented or not when the candidate Horta is elected Head of State."
"But the people's interest, what Xanana plans and for implementation of this agree or favor that there is no objection to oppose."
"There are many archives of political declarations made by candidate Ramos Horta."
"However, the candidate Dr. Francisco Guterres Lu-Olo also has an important programme which is committed to citizens as well - especially supporters and sympathizers of Fretilin party PLP KHUNTO through Plataforma de Entendimento (Platform for understanding)."
"The three parties have a Political Compress published on 08 April of this year, which is the Coordinator and current Secretary-General Dr. Mari Alkatiri's political compressed that was issued by Fretilin Party (Fretilin)."
"Given the reality of Timor-Leste and considering that public servants receive an extraordinary payment each year for one additional month salary, (Decree Law 29/3160 - Aprova pagamento extraordinario de um mês do salário adicional), but most people will live with economic conditions facing various challenges."
"Thus, the Entendimento platform received a proposal from His Excellency President of The Republic to his Exellence Prime Minister for creating subsidies in all household each month commitment that starting December 2019 and until January next year will be implemented by this Constitutional Government VIII approve law on social justice policy assigned subsidy every december with value \"one thousand two dollars\" ($35) per house throughout Timor-Leste."
"Therefore, the Platform of Understanding agreed with this policy and suggested that it should also include veteran family members who receive a thirteenth pension each year."
"The purpose of this composition is to help all people have the necessary conditions for celebrating festive seasons in joy and peace with their family, friends."
"Long live the people of Doben Timor-Leste!"
"Honor and Glory to the Martyrs, Heroes of East Timor!"
"The compression between candidate Ramos Horta and the CNRT Party, as well a political platform of Fretilin party PLP KHUNTO is considered to be an integrated politics with dialectics or rhetoric."
"I think that this is a dialectical compression, because the political platform should have been implemented already since three parties are now involved and form Government; so they had competence to execute."
"But this platform appears in the electoral campaign, so we are suspicious of some things that sometimes can be realized or not?"
"I strongly believe that this is just rhetoric, not pretending to know everything."
"Rajaun Hau prays for the President of Republic candidate, because they know about conditions that country faced in particular basic infrastructure development problems education health electricity fresh water and others but pretend not to. They carry flowers on people' s eyes with various compresses 10"
"They sing about improving people's lives, but reality never shows any practice."
"During the period of governance, promises are made more often and they pretend not to know or hear about problems that people face. This is difficult so their rhetoric costs less than it does in fact cost them money!"
"The people are sad, the leaders saddened but they said with their votes that we support them."
"Therefore, a proverb that is often spoken by people says: LIAN POVU (LOVE THE PEOPLE), LIAI MAROMAK."
"The term is indeed valid, but only during campaign and election time."
"LIAN POPU will not be valid, when the leaders have begun to rule and gained power. When they want it all achieved by themselves then LIANPOP becomes a DEVIL'S LIAN"
"Therefore, all citizens must decide and carefully look for a candidate who loves the people to be President of their whole nation. Not one that shows his selfishness in favour Of partisan interest or other political organizational ones..."
"In this article, I also deplore the statements by Timorese people who input Mistisu and Maubere allies or Paun no Kumbili to Presidential candidate Dr. Jose Ramos-Horta of Republic (PR)and Mr Franisco Guterres Lu Olo(PT)."
"The word is provocative, discriminatory and racist to all Timorese. It can unite the people of East Тимор with a single sting that's firmly rooted in their cultural past as an identity for every human being on earth.\""
"I think that both of these candidates are Timorese."
"Their contribution to the national liberation struggle was enormous."
"Therefore, this discriminatory language must be avoided because it damages the relationship of all Timorese. The PD Party motto that \"Timor-Leste for All\" should remain in place: one head and a single mouth;"
"Let us return to the topic of this article, which is Dialectic or Rhetoric between Horta and Lu-Olo. Before concluding we should say that what dialectic means in fact it's an intentional search for a truthful answer:"
"With this significance, it raises questions in my mind that Ramos and Lu-Olo's programs are with the intention of seeking for justice."
"Each candidate's mission is to seek the vote, gain sympathy from people and deposit their confidence in him or her for victory."
"The truth will be shown by the people in elections."
"Now we are talking about Rhetoric to strengthen and establish the confidence of citizens in a truth."
"In Haforsa's words, I have done a survey observation that the strongest and most trusted candidate is only to maintain their program."
"Both candidates believe that the programme they have presented is full of lies, and can be considered as a program with no focus."
"Therefore, they enter the municipalities and meet with citizens in remote areas to hear each candidate's programme."
"Therefore, the compressed CNRT Party with Ramos Horta and Platform of Understanding between Fretilin party PLP KHUNTO ho Lu-Olo I consider to be RHETORICA."
"Rhetoric because they only believe in this long-term program, the hopeful programme: can it be implemented?"
"Both candidates understand very well about the concept of State, competence as Head Of The state and know how to work in a governmental body but they pretend that it isn't so just for winning trust from people who want them heading up their country. Their wisdom & understanding; clear interpretation become playful during these months because you can tell what will happen next"
"At home, citizens interpret it this way. Often they come to campaign just for our votes but afterwards either have lost sight of them or the name has not been realized at all!"
"From these ideas, it is not true...but the facts show that their presence in remote areas at times of almsgiving or laying hands with vows."
"Therefore, the voice of people is a Voice to God or Vox Populy (or Vox Dei)."
"Therefore, the rhetorical statements made in writing and orally by President of Republic candidate are very pertinent."
"They become angels, innocent to the sinners; and they are kingly men who like one man downward holding up another."
"This shows that this is not an educational policy."
"The new generation learns this political action as material, but cannot apply it in the concept of state because considered a power interest politics."
"To conclude, once again we warn that the political programme of this candidate for President is only rhetoric or with too many arguments and often called NATO [No Action Talk Only]."
"The term is used more frequently by politicians than any other."
"He talks to the point of breaking his teeth, is nervous at first glance and then treating people with defamatory or preaching words that are permature but not logical."
"The political nature of Timor-Leste is like the politics in a natural disaster."
"Therefore, the decision on this presidential election is a referendum for people."
"The people will cast their votes with VOX POPULY,Vox Dei freely and secretely."
"There is a proverb that says, \"You can't catch an elephant because the bird will be furious and not come near you; but if it gets caught with its food then they become greedy. You take them all.\""
"A term analyzes the presence of candidates or political parties in communities as they approach elections."
"Perguntas: why before the elections, can't approach to people and conduct dialogue so that confidence is secured there; rather than near election presenting programmes it was considered as a cheap propaganda or compresses but because of interest in power. To have great wind rain hot day still fight against population with rhetoric fake?"
"Call on the whole people, our language is God's tongue; it’ s a hopeful and sacred one."
"Tetu didiak, ment diadik and fihir dinaik according to the LIAN MAROMAK so that they will not be mistaken or wronged."
"One vote, decided to distinguish the country and its future from that of our children. To cultivate Timor’s rich land in order for it be dignified as a lulik (land)."
"To conclude, I would therefore like to say that the programmes presented by each candidate for President of Brazil must benefit people and country. They should not be used as a political instrument in order secure power because this is malicious intention towards future generation' s well-being"
"Together with the People of Timor-Leste, we will save our country."
"Long live the RDTL, long life to Maubere peoples and their heroes!!!"
"The author lives in Bairo Puasoru, Aldeia Chai of the Lore Village (Lore Post), Lautem Municipality."
"Contact number [+670] 9281-453, E mail [email protected] Incanto Aposta No Sector Do Turismo Minister of Health Inaugurates Three Covid -"
] |
PN inisia projetu-lei kona-ba responsabilidade Prezidente Repúblika | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE PN inisia projetu-lei kona-ba responsabilidade Prezidente Repúblika\nPN inisia projetu-lei kona-ba responsabilidade Prezidente Repúblika\nDILI, 08 maiu 2022 (TATOLI)—Prezidente Komisaun A, Joaquim dos Santos ‘Borululi’ hateten, Parlamentu Nasionál inisia ona projetu-lei ida kona-ba responsabilidade Prezidente Repúblika no baixa ona iha Komisaun A.\n“Iha semana kotuk, iha inisiativa lei ida-ne’ebé tama iha Parlamentu Nasionál kona-ba lei ba responsablidade Prezidente Repúblika. Lei ne’e foin iha loron 5 maiu lorokraik mak Parlamentu baixa ona iha Komisaun A no komisaun sei haree no estuda hela. Semana oin, se parlamentu kokorda aprova, se la aprova laiha buat ida. Se hotu karik, Prezidente Repúblika bele promulga kedas ka depois Prezidente Repúblika foun simu tomada pose mak promulga, ne’e depende,” Prezidente Komisaun A, Joaquim dos Santos, hateten ba Agência TATOLI, iha Parlamentu Nasionál, sesta ne’e.\nTuir loloos, lei ne’e halo kedan iha mandatu dahuluk iha Prezidente Repúblika sira kotuk maibé la konsege, entaun liu tiha tinan 20 mak foin inisia fali lei ne’e.\n“Lei ne’e kona-ba responsablidade órgaun soberania neste kazu Prezidente Repúblika nia responsabilidade. Lei ne’e nia efeitu atu regula PR nia responsabilidade, nune’e to’o iha momentu ruma nia viola ninia kompeténsia, viola ninia dever ne’ebé tuir konstitusaun, entaun ita iha ona norma ida nune’e garantia Tribunál atu halo julgamentu, se iha aktu ruma violentu kontra konstitusaun,” Joaquim dos Santos hateten.\nTuir nia, lei ida-ne’ebé daudaun ne’e Parlamentu Nasionál inisia ne’e hanaran lei ba responsablidade. Lei ne’e aprova la’ós automatikamente ba hatun Prezidente Repúblika ida, lei ne’e norma ida-ne’ebé atu garantia estabilidade polítika no lalika interpreta oioin.\n“Ema hanoin Parlamentu halo lei ne’e atu ba lori hatun Prezidente Repúblika, la’ós ida-ne’e. Ha’u dehan tiha ona lei ne’e instrumentu ida atu mai kompleta normativu internu Estadu nian kona-ba justisa no Judisiáriu Timor-Leste. Ne’ebé, labele interpreta sasán ne’e,” nia dehan.\nPN hahú inisia projeitu lei kona-ba responsablidade Prezidente Repúblika\nPrevious articleUNPAZ seidauk asesu liña kréditu ba ‘Ensinu Superiór Kualidade Plus’\nNext articleTL lakon ho Myanmar 2-3 iha jogu daruak SEA Games | [
"PN inisia projetu-lei kona-ba responsabilidade Prezidente Republika | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE PN inisia projetu-lei kona-ba responsabilidade Prezidente Republika PN inisia projetu-lei kona-ba responsabilidade Prezidente Republika DILI, 08 maiu 2022 (TATOLI) - Prezidente Komisaun A, Joaquim dos Santos 'Borululi' hateten, Parlamentu Nasional inisia ona projetu-lei ida kona-ba responsabilidade Prezidente Republika no baixa ona iha Komisaun A.",
"\"Iha semana kotuk, iha inisiativa lei ida-ne'ebe tama iha Parlamentu Nasional kona-ba lei ba responsablidade Prezidente Republika.",
"Lei ne'e foin iha loron 5 maiu lorokraik mak Parlamentu baixa ona iha Komisaun A no komisaun sei haree no estuda hela.",
"Semana oin, se parlamentu kokorda aprova, se la aprova laiha buat ida.",
"Se hotu karik, Prezidente Republika bele promulga kedas ka depois Prezidente Republika foun simu tomada pose mak promulga, ne'e depende,\" Prezidente Komisaun A, Joaquim dos Santos, hateten ba Agencia TATOLI, iha Parlamentu Nasional, sesta ne'e.",
"Tuir loloos, lei ne'e halo kedan iha mandatu dahuluk iha Prezidente Republika sira kotuk maibe la konsege, entaun liu tiha tinan 20 mak foin inisia fali lei ne'e.",
"\"Lei ne'e kona-ba responsablidade orgaun soberania neste kazu Prezidente Republika nia responsabilidade.",
"Lei ne'e nia efeitu atu regula PR nia responsabilidade, nune'e to'o iha momentu ruma nia viola ninia kompetensia, viola ninia dever ne'ebe tuir konstitusaun, entaun ita iha ona norma ida nune'e garantia Tribunal atu halo julgamentu, se iha aktu ruma violentu kontra konstitusaun,\" Joaquim dos Santos hateten.",
"Tuir nia, lei ida-ne'ebe daudaun ne'e Parlamentu Nasional inisia ne'e hanaran lei ba responsablidade.",
"Lei ne'e aprova la'os automatikamente ba hatun Prezidente Republika ida, lei ne'e norma ida-ne'ebe atu garantia estabilidade politika no lalika interpreta oioin.",
"\"Ema hanoin Parlamentu halo lei ne'e atu ba lori hatun Prezidente Republika, la'os ida-ne'e.",
"Ha'u dehan tiha ona lei ne'e instrumentu ida atu mai kompleta normativu internu Estadu nian kona-ba justisa no Judisiariu Timor-Leste.",
"Ne'ebe, labele interpreta sasan ne'e,\" nia dehan.",
"PN hahu inisia projeitu lei kona-ba responsablidade Prezidente Republika Previous articleUNPAZ seidauk asesu lina kreditu ba 'Ensinu Superior Kualidade Plus' Next articleTL lakon ho Myanmar 2-3 iha jogu daruak SEA Games"
] | [
"PN initiates draft law on responsibility of President | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE National Parliament launches bill concerning the liability and accountabilities to be afforded by Presidente da Republika (President) The national parliament has launched, said Committee Chairman Joaquim dos Santos 'Borululi' today."
"\"Last week, there was an initiative law that entered the National Parliament on a Law of Responsibility for President."
"The law was only passed in Parliament's Committee A on 5 May at night and the committee is looking into it."
"Next week, if the parliament agrees to approve it. If they don't do so there is nothing going on here!"
"If all goes well, the President of Republic can promulga immediately or after a new president takes office he will promulgate it. That depends\", said Joaquim dos Santos (Chairman Commission A) to TATOLI news agency in National Parliament on Saturday night"
"In fact, the law was initiated during Presidents' first terms of office but failed to succeed and so it took 20 years for a new legislation."
"\"The law concerning the responsibility of sovereign organs in this case is a matter for President."
"This law's effect is to regulate the responsibility of PR, so that at some point he violates his competence and violations its constitutional duties. We have a rule which guaranteed court judgment if there was any violent act against Constitution\", said Joaquim dos Santos 10:35 AM"
"According to him, the law that is currently being initiated by National Parliament was called a responsibility act."
"This law does not automatically remove a President of the Republic, it is an instrument to guarantee political stability and cannot be interpreted differently."
"\"People think Parliament made this law to bring down the President of Republic, it's not that."
"I have already said that this law is an instrument to complete the internal State regulations on justice and judiciary in Timor-Leste."
"That, you can't interpret this stuff,” he said."
"Previous articleUNPAZ still hasn’t accessed credit line for ‘Quality Plus Higher Education' Next artikelTL loses to Myanmar 2-3 in second game of the Sea Games"
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SEJD, Leovigildo Hornai ho Prezidente FFTL\nSEJD Mediadór ba Problema FFTL Featured\nNe’e duni, oras ne’e daudaun SEJD halo ona kontaktu ho parte sira ne’e atu bele buka dalan oinsa solusiona problema ho di'ak.\n“Trés partida ne’e atu rona parte hotu-hotu, depois atu fó solusaun ba kongresu no prosesu atu hadi'a federasaun ba futuru ne’e oinsá,” dehan Sekretáriu Estadu Leovigildo Hornai, iha Palasiu Governu, horisehik.\nNia hatutan, enkontru trés partida kontinua la’o nafatin hamutuk ho klube futeból sira, LFA no FFTL hodi rona parte hotu-hotu.\n“Ha’u ko'alia ona ho Prezidente Futeból Timor-Leste nian, ha’u mós ko'alia ona ho klube sira no prezidente LFA nian, para depois hodi haree asuntu ne’e”, tenik nia.\nAleinde ne’e, nia dehan, realiza enkontru para atu mai rona malu. Maibé enkontru sei barak para atu haree problema ne’e.\nGovernu nafatin hola nia pozisaun atu hateten katak, buat hotu tenke liu husi enkontru para bele iha solusaun.\nLiga lokál konsege organiza di'ak ona, maibé agora tenke hasoru fali dezafiu foun tanba Timor-Leste labele joga iha eventu formál sira iha rejiaun ne'e.\nFederasaun Futeból Timor-Leste (FFTL) ofisialmente hetan blacklist husi FIFA husi Asia Football Confederation (AFC) hodi labele partisipa jogu iha Kopa Ázia nian to'o tinan 2023.\nSansaun ne'e FIFA hatún tanba identifika FFTL halo falsifikasaun dokumentu ba jogadór Brazileiru na'in 12 ne'ebé halo naturalizasaun, maibé ho karakter falsifika sira nia dokumentu hodi sai hanesan timoroan.\nNune’e antes ne’e, SEJD realiza ona reuniaun trés partida, maibé la koopera husi FFTL tanba sira lakohi atu Governu envolve-aan iha problema federasaun nian.\nMaski nune’e, iha primeiru reuniaun ne’e Governu sei tolera auzénsia FFTL nian, maibé ba oin mak kuandu la partisipa nafatin Governu sei medida tuir ninia kompeténsia.\nTanba tuir lei baze desportu nian fó dalan ba Governu atu fó xamada ba federasaun ne’ebé jere la tuir estatutu.\nEntretantu, tuir karta ne’ebé FFTL hasai, sira deside la partisipa iha enkontru trés partida tanba FFTL halo tuir de’it ninia estatutu no estatutu AFC-FIFA nian.\nFFTL konsidera reuniaun ne’e hanesan julgamentu populár hasoru FFTL, tanba ne’e sira deside hodi lakohi partisipa.\nFFTL rasik seidauk preparadu atu halo kongresu estraordináriu. Tanba ne’e, FFTL sei kontinua nafatin hala’o sira ninia funsaun hanesan baibain.\nRead 2504 times Last modified on Kuarta, 22 Fevereiru 2017 11:07 | [
"SEJD, Leovigildo Hornai ho Prezidente FFTL SEJD Mediador ba Problema FFTL Featured Ne'e duni, oras ne'e daudaun SEJD halo ona kontaktu ho parte sira ne'e atu bele buka dalan oinsa solusiona problema ho di'ak.",
"\"Tres partida ne'e atu rona parte hotu-hotu, depois atu fo solusaun ba kongresu no prosesu atu hadi'a federasaun ba futuru ne'e oinsa,\" dehan Sekretariu Estadu Leovigildo Hornai, iha Palasiu Governu, horisehik.",
"Nia hatutan, enkontru tres partida kontinua la'o nafatin hamutuk ho klube futebol sira, LFA no FFTL hodi rona parte hotu-hotu.",
"\"Ha'u ko'alia ona ho Prezidente Futebol Timor-Leste nian, ha'u mos ko'alia ona ho klube sira no prezidente LFA nian, para depois hodi haree asuntu ne'e,\" tenik nia.",
"Aleinde ne'e, nia dehan, realiza enkontru para atu mai rona malu.",
"Maibe enkontru sei barak para atu haree problema ne'e.",
"Governu nafatin hola nia pozisaun atu hateten katak, buat hotu tenke liu husi enkontru para bele iha solusaun.",
"Liga lokal konsege organiza di'ak ona, maibe agora tenke hasoru fali dezafiu foun tanba Timor-Leste labele joga iha eventu formal sira iha rejiaun ne'e.",
"Federasaun Futebol Timor-Leste (FFTL) ofisialmente hetan blacklist husi FIFA husi Asia Football Confederation (AFC) hodi labele partisipa jogu iha Kopa Azia nian to'o tinan 2023.",
"Sansaun ne'e FIFA hatun tanba identifika FFTL halo falsifikasaun dokumentu ba jogador Brazileiru na'in 12 ne'ebe halo naturalizasaun, maibe ho karakter falsifika sira nia dokumentu hodi sai hanesan timoroan.",
"Nune'e antes ne'e, SEJD realiza ona reuniaun tres partida, maibe la koopera husi FFTL tanba sira lakohi atu Governu envolve-aan iha problema federasaun nian.",
"Maski nune'e, iha primeiru reuniaun ne'e Governu sei tolera auzensia FFTL nian, maibe ba oin mak kuandu la partisipa nafatin Governu sei medida tuir ninia kompetensia.",
"Tanba tuir lei baze desportu nian fo dalan ba Governu atu fo xamada ba federasaun ne'ebe jere la tuir estatutu.",
"Entretantu, tuir karta ne'ebe FFTL hasai, sira deside la partisipa iha enkontru tres partida tanba FFTL halo tuir de'it ninia estatutu no estatutu AFC-FIFA nian.",
"FFTL konsidera reuniaun ne'e hanesan julgamentu popular hasoru FFTL, tanba ne'e sira deside hodi lakohi partisipa.",
"FFTL rasik seidauk preparadu atu halo kongresu estraordinariu.",
"Tanba ne'e, FFTL sei kontinua nafatin hala'o sira ninia funsaun hanesan baibain.",
"Read 2504 times Last modified on Kuarta, 22 Fevereiru 2017 11:07"
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"SEJD, Leovigildo Hornai and FFTL President Mediate the Problems of FFTLSejd.org This is true but at present SEJD has made contact with these parties to find a way how they can resolve their problems in good faith"
"\"The three parties will listen to all sides, then give solutions for the congress and how we can improve this federation in future\", said Secretary of State Leovigildo Hornai at Government Palace on Monday."
"He added that the three-party meeting continues to be held together with football club, LFA and FFTL in order for all parties are heard."
"\"I've talked to the President of Football Timor-Leste, I have also spoken with clubs and LFA president so that we can look at this issue later on."
"In addition, he said that meetings are being held to hear each other."
"But there will be many meetings to look at this problem."
"The government still maintains its position to say that everything must go through meeting in order for a solution."
"The local league has been well organized, but now faces new challenges as Timor-Leste cannot play in the formal events of this region."
"The Timor-Leste Football Federation (FFTL) has officially been blacklisted by FIFA and the Asia Soccer Confederation to be banned from participating in Asian Cup matches until 2019."
"The sanction was imposed by FIFA after identifying FFTL as having falsified documents for twelve Brazilian players who had naturalized, but with the character of faking their papers to become Timorese."
"Previously, SEJD had held three meetings with the FFTL but they did not cooperate because of their refusal to involve government in federational problems."
"However, at this first meeting the Government will tolerate FFTL's absence but in future if it does not participate again we shall take action according to our competences."
"Because under the basic law of sport gives a way for government to call on federations that do not adhere."
"Meanwhile, according to the letter issued by FFTL they decided not participate in a three-match meeting because it was only following its own statutes and those of AFC/FIFA."
"FFTL considered the meeting as a popular trial against them, so they decided not to participate."
"FFTL itself is not prepared to hold an extraordinary congress."
"Therefore, FFTL will continue to carry out its functions as usual."
"Read 2504 times Last modified on Thursday, (18 February) at the time of:"
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Eleitór sira iha RAEOA hahú dezloka ba sub-rejiaun tuir votasaun | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Eleitór sira iha RAEOA hahú dezloka ba sub-rejiaun tuir votasaun\nEleitór sira iha RAEOA hahú dezloka ba sub-rejiaun tuir votasaun\nEleitór sira iha RAEOA hahú hein transporte públiku iha merkadu Tono atu ba sub-rejiaun sira tuir votasaun. Imajen Tatoli/Abílio Elo Nini.\nOÉ-CUSSE, 18 abríl 2022 (TATOLI) – Eleitór sira iha Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oé-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA), hahú dezloka ba sub-rejiaun Oésilo, Pássabe no Nítibe hodi tuir votasaun iha eleisaun prezidensiál volta daruak ne’ebé realiza iha loron-tersa 19 abríl.\nObservasaun Agência Tatoli, nota katak iha loron-segunda ne’e eleitór hirak-ne’ebé durante ne’e hela sub-rejiaun Pante Makasar, kapitál RAEOA nian hahú hein karreta iha eis merkadu Tono, suku Cunha, sub-rejiaun Pante Makasar atu ba sub-rejiaun sira hodi tuir votasaun iha idak-idak nia suku no aldeia.\nEleitór sira entusizamu tebes atu partisipa iha eleisaun prezidensiál volta daruak ne’e tanba dadeersan nakukun hein ona movimentasaun transporte públiku iha eis merkadu Tono, tanba hakarak ezerse direitu votu iha festa demokrasia ne’e.\nKomunidade RAEOA ne’ebé atu ba sub-rejiaun sira atu tuir votasaun. Iha imajen ne’e komunidade ne’ebé seidauk hetan transporte públiku. Imajen Tatoli/Abílio Elo Nini.\nEleitorál kuaze atus tolu resin hein karreta dezde dadeersan, balun dezloka ona ba sub-rejiaun Oésilo, Pássabe no Nítibe tanba eis merkadu Tono ne’e nu’udar sentru ba movimentasaun transporte públiku no privada sira atu asesu ka ultrapasa ba sub-rejiaun tolu ne’e.\nSituasaun oras ne’e iha eis merkadu Tono, eleitór balun hetan ona transporte no balu sei kontinua hein.\n“Ha’u ohin halai dala-rua ona, primeiru iha tuku 08:00 dadersan, agora mai atu sa’e fali ba foho tanba pasajeiru barak, mak antrian loos atu ba foho, balu hakarak fila sedu tanba bainbain kuandu lokraik ona sempre udan no mota tún, entaun balu sei la konsege tuir vota,” kondutór angguna, Júlio Neno hateten iha eis merkadu Tono, suku Cunha, Oé-Cusse, segunda ne’e.\nTuir nia, iha dadersan tuku 08:00, iha karreta anguna kuaze 10 ona mak viajen ho pasajeiru nakonu maioria ba sub-rejiaun Oésilo no Pássabe, ba sub-rejiaun Nítibe ladun tanba balun bele liuhosi dalan ponte Noefefan, suku Lifau nian.\nTanba iha sub-rejiaun Oésilo iha suku Tolu, iha sub-rejiaun Pássabe iha suku rua no iha sub-rejiaun Nítibe iha suku lima, ne’ebé komunidade barak mak fila ba sira-nia rai moris fatin atu tuir votasaun iha eleisaun volta daruak aban.\nEleitór Anastasia Kaunan, hatete, razaun sira sub-rejiaun atu tuir votasaun iha tersa 19 abríl, tanba tuir kartaun eleitorál sira rejista iha suku rai moris fatin.\n“Durante ne’e ami hela iha sub-rejiaun Pante Makasar mai serbisu iha vila, maibé ami-nia eleitorál halo iha foho, entaun ohin ami tenke ba ona foho atu prepara aban tuir votasaun, tanba votasaun ne’e importante atu hili ita-nia xefe Estadu ba tinan lima nian,” nia katak.\nNune’e, iha eis merkadu Tono, sidadaun ne’ebé aranka sub-rejiaun sira maioria joven feto ho mane, nomoos estudante sira no laiha sidadaun balu dada bandeira kandidatu nian, hodi fila ba knua moris fatin.\nTuir dadus hos STAE totál eleitór ne’ebé sei partisipa iha eleisaun prezidensiál 19 abríl 2022, iha RAEOA hamutuk 51.495 komposta hosi mane 26.232, feto 25.263. iha eleisaun ida-ne’e envolve brigadista na’in-60 no ofisiál eleitorál na’in-880, maibé iha eleisaun volta dahuluk STAE rejista eleitór hamutuk 12.523 mak konsege tuir vota.\nPrevious articleUma kreda apela sarani no sidadaun sira vota ho konsiénsia\nNext articleSTAE Bobonaro distribui materiál eleisaun ba sentru votasaun 130 | [
"Eleitor sira iha RAEOA hahu dezloka ba sub-rejiaun tuir votasaun | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Eleitor sira iha RAEOA hahu dezloka ba sub-rejiaun tuir votasaun Eleitor sira iha RAEOA hahu dezloka ba sub-rejiaun tuir votasaun Eleitor sira iha RAEOA hahu hein transporte publiku iha merkadu Tono atu ba sub-rejiaun sira tuir votasaun.",
"Imajen Tatoli/Abilio Elo Nini.",
"OE-CUSSE, 18 abril 2022 (TATOLI) - Eleitor sira iha Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oe-Cusse Ambeno (RAEOA), hahu dezloka ba sub-rejiaun Oesilo, Passabe no Nitibe hodi tuir votasaun iha eleisaun prezidensial volta daruak ne'ebe realiza iha loron-tersa 19 abril.",
"Observasaun Agencia Tatoli, nota katak iha loron-segunda ne'e eleitor hirak-ne'ebe durante ne'e hela sub-rejiaun Pante Makasar, kapital RAEOA nian hahu hein karreta iha eis merkadu Tono, suku Cunha, sub-rejiaun Pante Makasar atu ba sub-rejiaun sira hodi tuir votasaun iha idak-idak nia suku no aldeia.",
"Eleitor sira entusizamu tebes atu partisipa iha eleisaun prezidensial volta daruak ne'e tanba dadeersan nakukun hein ona movimentasaun transporte publiku iha eis merkadu Tono, tanba hakarak ezerse direitu votu iha festa demokrasia ne'e.",
"Komunidade RAEOA ne'ebe atu ba sub-rejiaun sira atu tuir votasaun.",
"Iha imajen ne'e komunidade ne'ebe seidauk hetan transporte publiku.",
"Imajen Tatoli/Abilio Elo Nini.",
"Eleitoral kuaze atus tolu resin hein karreta dezde dadeersan, balun dezloka ona ba sub-rejiaun Oesilo, Passabe no Nitibe tanba eis merkadu Tono ne'e nu'udar sentru ba movimentasaun transporte publiku no privada sira atu asesu ka ultrapasa ba sub-rejiaun tolu ne'e.",
"Situasaun oras ne'e iha eis merkadu Tono, eleitor balun hetan ona transporte no balu sei kontinua hein.",
"\"Ha'u ohin halai dala-rua ona, primeiru iha tuku 08:00 dadersan, agora mai atu sa'e fali ba foho tanba pasajeiru barak, mak antrian loos atu ba foho, balu hakarak fila sedu tanba bainbain kuandu lokraik ona sempre udan no mota tun, entaun balu sei la konsege tuir vota,\" kondutor angguna, Julio Neno hateten iha eis merkadu Tono, suku Cunha, Oe-Cusse, segunda ne'e.",
"Tuir nia, iha dadersan tuku 08:00, iha karreta anguna kuaze 10 ona mak viajen ho pasajeiru nakonu maioria ba sub-rejiaun Oesilo no Passabe, ba sub-rejiaun Nitibe ladun tanba balun bele liuhosi dalan ponte Noefefan, suku Lifau nian.",
"Tanba iha sub-rejiaun Oesilo iha suku Tolu, iha sub-rejiaun Passabe iha suku rua no iha sub-rejiaun Nitibe iha suku lima, ne'ebe komunidade barak mak fila ba sira-nia rai moris fatin atu tuir votasaun iha eleisaun volta daruak aban.",
"Eleitor Anastasia Kaunan, hatete, razaun sira sub-rejiaun atu tuir votasaun iha tersa 19 abril, tanba tuir kartaun eleitoral sira rejista iha suku rai moris fatin.",
"\"Durante ne'e ami hela iha sub-rejiaun Pante Makasar mai serbisu iha vila, maibe ami-nia eleitoral halo iha foho, entaun ohin ami tenke ba ona foho atu prepara aban tuir votasaun, tanba votasaun ne'e importante atu hili ita-nia xefe Estadu ba tinan lima nian,\" nia katak.",
"Nune'e, iha eis merkadu Tono, sidadaun ne'ebe aranka sub-rejiaun sira maioria joven feto ho mane, nomoos estudante sira no laiha sidadaun balu dada bandeira kandidatu nian, hodi fila ba knua moris fatin.",
"Tuir dadus hos STAE total eleitor ne'ebe sei partisipa iha eleisaun prezidensial 19 abril 2022, iha RAEOA hamutuk 51.495 komposta hosi mane 26.232, feto 25.263. iha eleisaun ida-ne'e envolve brigadista na'in-60 no ofisial eleitoral na'in-880, maibe iha eleisaun volta dahuluk STAE rejista eleitor hamutuk 12.523 mak konsege tuir vota.",
"Previous articleUma kreda apela sarani no sidadaun sira vota ho konsiensia Next articleSTAE Bobonaro distribui material eleisaun ba sentru votasaun 130"
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"Voters in the RAEOA begin to move into sub-regions after voting | Tempo Timor VARANDA HEADLINE The electorate of Oecusse Region (REAO) start moving towards their respective regions following vote. Electors from East and West are waiting for public transportation at Tono Market, before going on a journey through all four areas where they will be polling during this election period"
"Image Tatoli/Abilio Elo Nini. Photo: Abilion"
"OE-CUSSE, April 18 (PIA) - Voters in the Special Administrative Region of Oecusse Ambeno have begun to move towards subregions oesilo and passabe for voting on Tuesday. The second round presidential elections will take place this week at a time when there are no officially registered parties or political groups that can be considered legitimate by electoral authorities as they do not hold their own ballot box with them during election day"
"Agencia Tatoli's observation, notes that on Monday the voters who have been living in Pante Makasar sub-region of RAEOA capital started waiting for cars at former Tono market and Cunha village to go into their respective communities. This is because they are not allowed by law or otherwise as there was no public transportation available during this time period so it would be difficult if a person hadn’t got an appointment with his/her local police station when he arrived home from work after being arrested while attending elections held within two hours beforehand (10:35am)."
"The voters are very enthusiastic to participate in the second round of this presidential election because they have been waiting for public transportation movements at former Tono market, as it is their right."
"RAEOA communities who are going to the sub-regions for voting."
"In this image, a community that has not had public transport."
"Image Tatoli/Abilio Elo Nini. Photo: Abilion"
"Almost 130 voters have been waiting for the carriage since last week, some of them already moved to Oesilo sub-regions Passabe and Nitibe because former Tono market is a hub in public transportation movement."
"The current situation in the former Tono market, some voters have received transportation and others will continue to wait."
"\"I've gone twice today, first at 08:15 a.m and now I want to go back because there are many passengers waiting in line for the bus; some of them would rather return home as it is always raining when dawn comes so they will not be able To vote\", driver Julio Neno said on Monday (23/9) from former marketplace 'Tonao’ located near Cunha village Oe-Cusse province"
"According to him, at around 08:15 am there were almost ten vans travelling with full passengers mostly for the sub-region Oesilo and Passabe. For Nitibe it was not easy because some of them could pass through Noefefan Bridge road in Lifau village"
"Because in the sub-region of Oesilo, at Tolu Village; Passabe Subdistrict (two villages) and Nitibe Inferior District(five communities), many people are returning to their homes for voting on tomorrow' s second round."
"Voter Anastasia Kaunan, said the reasons for her sub-region to vote on Tuesday 19 April were that according their voters' cards they are registered in a village where she lives."
"\"During this time we lived in the sub-region of Pante Makasar to work here, but our electoral process was done at home. So today I have already gone back and prepared for tomorrow's vote because it is an important one that will elect us as Head Of State on a five year term.\""
"Thus, in the former Tono market citizen who came from sub-region mostly young women and men as well students but no citizens gave up their candidate flag to return home."
"According to STAE data, the total number of voters who will participate in April 19th presidential election is at present estimated as being: men -26.307; women-485 (in this elections there were about a hundred and sixty brigadier's officer’ s personnel involved) but during first round vote only one thousand two cent twenty three registered elector was able on time for his/her ballot"
"Previous articleUma kreda appeals to Catholic and citizens vote with conscience Next artikelSTAE Bobonaro distributes election material at 130 polling centres"
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Estudante husu órgaun eleitorál hadi’a jestaun hodi sidadaun labele lakon direitu votu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EDUKASAUN Estudante husu órgaun eleitorál hadi’a jestaun hodi sidadaun labele lakon direitu votu\nEstudante husu órgaun eleitorál hadi’a jestaun hodi sidadaun labele lakon direitu votu\nEstudante hosi munisípiu 12 inklui RAEOA ne'ebé eskola iha Dili halo konférensia imprensa, iha Jardin 05 de Maio, Colmera, sábadu (02/04). Imajen/Espesiál\nDILI, 02 abril 2022 (TATOLI)—Reprezentante estudante hosi munisípiu 12 inklui Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oé-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA), Rosário Doloroso Ximenes, husu órgaun eleitorál hadi’a jestaun di’ak, nune’e sidadaun sira labele lakon votu iha Eleisaun Prezidensiál 2022 segunda volta.\nEstudante sira konsidera Sekretariadu Tékniku Administrasaun Eleitorál (STAE) no Komisaun Nasionál Eleisaun (CNE, sigla portugés) presiza sensibiliza nafatin atu estudante no komunidade hosi munisípiu bele hetan oportunidade halo rejista iha sentru paralelu sira Dili.\n“Maibé atu tama tan ba eleisaun segunda volta, STAE deklara sei laiha tan rejistu ba sentru paralelu iha Dili. Tanba ne’e, hanesan estudante hakarak hato’o preokupasaun hodi husu ba STAE no CNE hadi’a jestaun ho di’ak hodi kontinua loke sentru votasaun paralelu atubele fasilita estudante universitáriu sira bele vota iha Dili,” Reprezentante estudante hateten liuhosi konferénsia imprensa ne’ebé hala’o iha jardín 5 de Maiu, Colmera, sábadu ne’e.\nTuir Rosário Ximenes, estudante barak mak foin lalais la fila munisípiu atu ezerse direitu votu ho hanoin ida órgaun eleitorál sira bele fasilita, maibé ikus mai lakon direitu votu iha Dili.\n“Ami estudante barak mak lakon ami-nia votu ka la tuir vota tanba de’it Sekretariadu STAE no CNE la halo sensibilizasaun klaru atu estudante sira bele ba rejistu iha sentru paralelu sira hodi ezerse ami-nia direitu iha loron 19 marsu liubá,” nia akresenta.\nTanba eleisaun segunda volta ne’e iha kandidatu José Ramos Horta (1) no Francisco Guterres ‘Lú Olo’ (2) de’it mak kompete, tanba ne’e estudante sira lakohi akontese tan hanesan eleisaun primeira volta, ne’ebé sidadaun barak mak lakon votu ba kandidatura hamutuk 16.\n“Molok atu hakat ba eleisaun segunda volta, husu ba STAE no CNE tenke halo preparasaun di’ak atu hamosu nafatin sentru paralelu iha Dili maibé tenke halo mós sensibilizasaun,” nia tenik.\nBa kestaun ne’e, estudante sira prontu mobiliza dadus sira atu submete ba STAE atu hakma’an serbisu órgaun eleitorál.\n“Husu ba STAE no CNE labele hamosu konfuzaun no diskriminasaun ba sentru votasaun paralelu iha Dili, tanba foin lalais halo ona diskriminasaun boot ba komunidade ein jerál hosi munisípiu ne’ebé mai buka moris iha Dili no halo esforsu-an hakarak filafali ba munisípiu maibé la konsege,” estudante ne’e dehan.\nNune’e, estudante sira husu órgaun eleitorál foti desizaun ruma liga ho preokupasaun ne’e iha loron-tolu nia laran tanba bainhira laiha resposta maka sira sei hakat ba Parlamentu Nasionál.\nTuir kalendáriu eleitorál, kampaña prezidensiál segunda volta hahú iha loron 02 to’o 16 abril no loron votasaun prezidensiál iha 19 abril.\nAntes ne’e, Diretór Jerál STAE, Acilino Manuel Branco, hateten, eleitór sira ne’ebé la konsege vota iha sentru votasaun paralelu tanba sira foti de’it deklarasaun xefe suku iha sede suku maibé la rejista iha STAE nune’e naran la sai iha sistema.\nBazeia ba dadus resensiamentu eleitorál, eleitór ne’ebé ezerse votu iha sentru votasaun paralelu tolu iha Dili hamutuk 4.032, maibé hosi dadus ne’e balun de’it mak vota enkuantu seluk la konsege tanba naran la sai.\nTotál eleitór iha territóriu tomak hamutuk 864.754 no iha diáspora hamutuk 1.277.\nSentru votasaun paralelu ne’e sentraliza iha kapitál nasaun, destinada ba eleitór inskritu sira iha unidade jeográfika resensiamentu ne’ebé lokalizada fora hosi munisípiu Dili, ne’ebé hetan impedimentu, ho razaun médika, eskolár ka ezersísiu funsaun públika, bainhira dezloka ba lokalizasaun ne’ebé de’it iha sentru votasaun sira.\nKritériu atu vota iha sentru votasaun paralelu, ba estudante, profesór no dosente sira, maka eskola ida nia superiór hanesan diretór eskola ka reitór universidade mak halo deklarasaun ruma liuhosi Ministéiru Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) mak enkamiña ba STAE.\nEstudante bele vota\nPrevious articleDon Virgílio: “kampaña tenke nafatin konserva sakralidade semana santa”\nNext articleEkipa susesu garante kandidatu Lú Olo manán iha Baucau | [
"Estudante husu orgaun eleitoral hadi'a jestaun hodi sidadaun labele lakon direitu votu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN Estudante husu orgaun eleitoral hadi'a jestaun hodi sidadaun labele lakon direitu votu Estudante husu orgaun eleitoral hadi'a jestaun hodi sidadaun labele lakon direitu votu Estudante hosi munisipiu 12 inklui RAEOA ne'ebe eskola iha Dili halo konferensia imprensa, iha Jardin 05 de Maio, Colmera, sabadu (02/04).",
"Imajen/Espesial DILI, 02 abril 2022 (TATOLI) - Reprezentante estudante hosi munisipiu 12 inklui Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oe-cusse Ambeno (RAEOA), Rosario Doloroso Ximenes, husu orgaun eleitoral hadi'a jestaun di'ak, nune'e sidadaun sira labele lakon votu iha Eleisaun Prezidensial 2022 segunda volta.",
"Estudante sira konsidera Sekretariadu Tekniku Administrasaun Eleitoral (STAE) no Komisaun Nasional Eleisaun (CNE, sigla portuges) presiza sensibiliza nafatin atu estudante no komunidade hosi munisipiu bele hetan oportunidade halo rejista iha sentru paralelu sira Dili.",
"\"Maibe atu tama tan ba eleisaun segunda volta, STAE deklara sei laiha tan rejistu ba sentru paralelu iha Dili.",
"Tanba ne'e, hanesan estudante hakarak hato'o preokupasaun hodi husu ba STAE no CNE hadi'a jestaun ho di'ak hodi kontinua loke sentru votasaun paralelu atubele fasilita estudante universitariu sira bele vota iha Dili,\" Reprezentante estudante hateten liuhosi konferensia imprensa ne'ebe hala'o iha jardin 5 de Maiu, Colmera, sabadu ne'e.",
"Tuir Rosario Ximenes, estudante barak mak foin lalais la fila munisipiu atu ezerse direitu votu ho hanoin ida orgaun eleitoral sira bele fasilita, maibe ikus mai lakon direitu votu iha Dili.",
"\"Ami estudante barak mak lakon ami-nia votu ka la tuir vota tanba de'it Sekretariadu STAE no CNE la halo sensibilizasaun klaru atu estudante sira bele ba rejistu iha sentru paralelu sira hodi ezerse ami-nia direitu iha loron 19 marsu liuba,\" nia akresenta.",
"Tanba eleisaun segunda volta ne'e iha kandidatu Jose Ramos Horta (1) no Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo' (2) de'it mak kompete, tanba ne'e estudante sira lakohi akontese tan hanesan eleisaun primeira volta, ne'ebe sidadaun barak mak lakon votu ba kandidatura hamutuk 16.",
"\"Molok atu hakat ba eleisaun segunda volta, husu ba STAE no CNE tenke halo preparasaun di'ak atu hamosu nafatin sentru paralelu iha Dili maibe tenke halo mos sensibilizasaun,\" nia tenik.",
"Ba kestaun ne'e, estudante sira prontu mobiliza dadus sira atu submete ba STAE atu hakma'an serbisu orgaun eleitoral.",
"\"Husu ba STAE no CNE labele hamosu konfuzaun no diskriminasaun ba sentru votasaun paralelu iha Dili, tanba foin lalais halo ona diskriminasaun boot ba komunidade ein jeral hosi munisipiu ne'ebe mai buka moris iha Dili no halo esforsu-an hakarak filafali ba munisipiu maibe la konsege,\" estudante ne'e dehan.",
"Nune'e, estudante sira husu orgaun eleitoral foti desizaun ruma liga ho preokupasaun ne'e iha loron-tolu nia laran tanba bainhira laiha resposta maka sira sei hakat ba Parlamentu Nasional.",
"Tuir kalendariu eleitoral, kampana prezidensial segunda volta hahu iha loron 02 to'o 16 abril no loron votasaun prezidensial iha 19 abril.",
"Antes ne'e, Diretor Jeral STAE, Acilino Manuel Branco, hateten, eleitor sira ne'ebe la konsege vota iha sentru votasaun paralelu tanba sira foti de'it deklarasaun xefe suku iha sede suku maibe la rejista iha STAE nune'e naran la sai iha sistema.",
"Bazeia ba dadus resensiamentu eleitoral, eleitor ne'ebe ezerse votu iha sentru votasaun paralelu tolu iha Dili hamutuk 4.032, maibe hosi dadus ne'e balun de'it mak vota enkuantu seluk la konsege tanba naran la sai.",
"Total eleitor iha territoriu tomak hamutuk 864.754 no iha diaspora hamutuk 1.277.",
"Sentru votasaun paralelu ne'e sentraliza iha kapital nasaun, destinada ba eleitor inskritu sira iha unidade jeografika resensiamentu ne'ebe lokalizada fora hosi munisipiu Dili, ne'ebe hetan impedimentu, ho razaun medika, eskolar ka ezersisiu funsaun publika, bainhira dezloka ba lokalizasaun ne'ebe de'it iha sentru votasaun sira.",
"Kriteriu atu vota iha sentru votasaun paralelu, ba estudante, profesor no dosente sira, maka eskola ida nia superior hanesan diretor eskola ka reitor universidade mak halo deklarasaun ruma liuhosi Ministeiru Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) mak enkamina ba STAE.",
"Estudante bele vota Previous articleDon Virgilio: \"kampana tenke nafatin konserva sakralidade semana santa\" Next articleEkipa susesu garante kandidatu Lu Olo manan iha Baucau"
] | [
"Estudante husu orgaun eleitorál hadi'a jestaun hodi sidadaun labele lakon direitu votu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste HOME EDUCATION Students ask electoral body to improve management so that citizens do not lose their right of vote Student requests election organ improvement in the administration, students from Dili held a press conference at Jardin Maio no Colmera on Saturday (02/4)."
"Image/Special DILI, April 02nd (TATOLI) - A student representative from the city of Dili and Oecusse Ambeno special administrative region Rosario Doloroso Ximenes has asked electoral bodies to improve their management so that citizens do not loose votes in Presidential Election second round."
"The students believe that the Technical Secretariat of Electoral Administration (STAE) and National Elections Commission(CNE, Portuguese acronym), need to raise awareness in order for student community from municipalities can have an opportunity register at parallel centres Dili."
"\"But in order to enter the second round of elections, STAE declares that there will be no further registration for parallel centres at Dili."
"Therefore, as students we want to raise concerns and ask STAE (State Electoral Authority) & CNE improve the management of parallel polling stations so that university Students can vote in Dili\", said student representative during a press conference held at Jardim de Maio on Saturday."
"According to Rosario Ximenes, many students have recently not returned home towns in the hope that electoral bodies could facilitate their voting rights but eventually lost them."
"\"Many of us students lost our votes or did not go to the poll because STAE Secretariat and CNE failed in making clear awareness so that we could register at parallel centres, exercising this right on March 19th.\""
"Because the second round of elections only had candidates Jose Ramos Horta (1) and Francisco Guterres 'Lu Olo'(2), therefore, students did not want to see a first-round election where many citizens lost their vote for 36."
"\"Before proceeding to the second round of elections, I ask STAE and CNE that they make good preparations in order for parallel centres also be established at Dili but we must raise awareness as well.\""
"On this issue, the students are ready to mobilize data for submission at STAE so as improve electoral bodies' work."
"\"The request to the STAE and CNE cannot create confusion or discrimination for parallel polling stations in Dili, because recently there has been a great deal of discrimination against community members from other municipalities who have come here looking at living conditions. They made an effort but failed when they tried back into their own towns.\""
"Thus, the students requested that electoral bodies take a decision on their concern within three days because if they do not receive an answer then it will be taken to Parliament."
"According to the electoral calendar, a second round of presidential campaign will be held from 2 April until October."
"Previously, Director General of STAE Acilino Manuel Branco said that voters who were unable to vote in the parallel polling station because they only took a declaration from village chief at their local headquarters but did not register with Stae so no name appears on system."
"Based on the electoral census data, 4032 voters were registered to vote at three parallel polling centres in Dili. However only a few of them did so and others failed because their names weren't shown as they had not been eligible for registration or could have done it without being identifiable by name (see figures)."
"The total number of voters in the whole territory amounts to a wholly registered electorate (864,753) and there are also some people living outside their home country."
"The parallel polling station is centralized in the capital of Timor-Leste, and will be used by voters registered at census geographical units located outside Dili municipality who are preventing themselves from travelling to a location only available for polls on medical or academic reason."
"The criteria for voting in parallel polling stations, students and professors must have a declaration from their school principal or university rector through the Ministry of Education Youth & Sports (MEJD) sent to STAE."
"Previous articleDon Virgilio: \"campaign must continue to preserve the sacrality of Holy Week\" NextSuccessful team guarantees candidate Lu Olo win in Baucau"
] |
Governu aprova ligasaun fibra óptika hosi Austrália mai Timor-Leste | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Governu aprova ligasaun fibra óptika hosi Austrália mai Timor-Leste\nGovernu aprova ligasaun fibra óptika hosi Austrália mai Timor-Leste\nPrimeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, prezide reuniaun Konsellu Ministru, iha Palásiu Governu, kuarta (04/11). Imajen Tatoli/Egas Cristovão\nDILI, 04 novembru 2020 (TATOLI)–Governu liuhosi sorumutuk Konsellu Ministru (KM) delibera no aprova projetu ligasaun kabu submarinu ne’ebé liga hosi Austrália mai Timor-Leste.\n“Sub-proposta Vise-Primeiru-Ministru no Ministru Planu no Ordenamentu, José Maria dos Reis, prosede ho projetu ligasaun dijitál Timor-Leste, liuhosi kabu submarinu fibra óptika, ne’ebé liga ba sidade sira iha Darwin no Port Hedland iha Commonwealth Austrália ne’e aprovadu iha Konsellu Ministru,” Ministru Prezidénsia Konsellu Ministru, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhães, relata hafoin ramata reuniaun ezekutivu iha Palásiu Governu, kuarta ne’e.\nPortavóz Governu informa, ho aprovasaun projetu deliberasaun ne’e maka iha tempu oin mai parte Ministériu Planu no Ordenamentu inklui ministériu relevante sira hahú ona serbisu atu asegura ligasaun kabu submarinu.\nPolítika dada kabu submarinu hosi Darwin mai Timor-Leste nu’udar prioridade Governu, ho kooperasaun Governu Canberra ho objetivu atu eleva kapasidade rede internét iha rai laran tanba VIII Governu Konstitusionál mós iha programa ba Governu eletróniku, ne’ebé atu realiza presiza iha liña internét ne’ebé lais.\nDaudaun ne’e, banda internét internasioál ne’ebé iha ho kapasidade 6 Gigabyte/segundu, ne’ebé fahe ba populasaun iha territóriu tomak ne’ebé asesu ba internét liuhosi operadór Timor-Telecom, Telkomcel no Telemor.\nPrevious articleRekrutamentu dosente ba IPB barak la prienxe kriteria\nNext articleSEII husu prezidente autoridade promove tais Lautém | [
"Governu aprova ligasaun fibra optika hosi Australia mai Timor-Leste | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Governu aprova ligasaun fibra optika hosi Australia mai Timor-Leste Governu aprova ligasaun fibra optika hosi Australia mai Timor-Leste Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak, prezide reuniaun Konsellu Ministru, iha Palasiu Governu, kuarta (04/11).",
"Imajen Tatoli/Egas Cristovao DILI, 04 novembru 2020 (TATOLI) -Governu liuhosi sorumutuk Konsellu Ministru (KM) delibera no aprova projetu ligasaun kabu submarinu ne'ebe liga hosi Australia mai Timor-Leste.",
"\"Sub-proposta Vise-Primeiru-Ministru no Ministru Planu no Ordenamentu, Jose Maria dos Reis, prosede ho projetu ligasaun dijital Timor-Leste, liuhosi kabu submarinu fibra optika, ne'ebe liga ba sidade sira iha Darwin no Port Hedland iha Commonwealth Australia ne'e aprovadu iha Konsellu Ministru,\" Ministru Prezidensia Konsellu Ministru, Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes, relata hafoin ramata reuniaun ezekutivu iha Palasiu Governu, kuarta ne'e.",
"Portavoz Governu informa, ho aprovasaun projetu deliberasaun ne'e maka iha tempu oin mai parte Ministeriu Planu no Ordenamentu inklui ministeriu relevante sira hahu ona serbisu atu asegura ligasaun kabu submarinu.",
"Politika dada kabu submarinu hosi Darwin mai Timor-Leste nu'udar prioridade Governu, ho kooperasaun Governu Canberra ho objetivu atu eleva kapasidade rede internet iha rai laran tanba VIII Governu Konstitusional mos iha programa ba Governu eletroniku, ne'ebe atu realiza presiza iha lina internet ne'ebe lais.",
"Daudaun ne'e, banda internet internasioal ne'ebe iha ho kapasidade 6 Gigabyte/segundu, ne'ebe fahe ba populasaun iha territoriu tomak ne'ebe asesu ba internet liuhosi operador Timor-Telecom, Telkomcel no Telemor.",
"Previous articleRekrutamentu dosente ba IPB barak la prienxe kriteria Next articleSEII husu prezidente autoridade promove tais Lautem"
] | [
"Government approves fiber optic connection from Australia to Timor-Leste | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timór - Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak chaired a meeting of the Council, at Palasiu Governu on Thursday (04/12). The prime minister said that he was pleased with progress made in implementing an optical network link between East and West."
"Image Tatoli/Egas Cristovao DILI, 04 November (TATOLI) -The Government has deliberated and approved the project of a submarine cable connection from Australia to Timor-Leste."
"\"The sub-proposal of Deputy Prime Minister and Planner, Jose Maria dos Reis to proceed with the digital connection project in Timor Leste through a fibre optic cable undersea that connects cities like Darwin or Port Hedland within Commonwealth Australia has been adopted by Cabinet\", said Fidelis Manuel Leite Magalhaes after an executive meeting held at Government Palace on Tuesday."
"The Government spokesman informed that with the approval of this draft resolution, within a short time Ministry for Planning and Urbanization including relevant ministries will have begun work to ensure submarine cable connection."
"The policy of providing submarine cable from Darwin to Timor-Leste is a priority for the Government, in cooperation with Canberra's government and aimed at raising internet network capacity domestically because Eighth Constitutional Administration also has an eGovernment program which require fast Internet connection."
"Currently, the international Internet bandwidth available has a capacity of 6 Gigabyte/second and is distributed to all populations in Timor-Leste who access internet through operator Telkomcel or Telemor."
"Previous articleRecruitment of teaching staff for IPB barely meets criteria Next ArticleSEII asks president to promote authority such Lautem"
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Lere konsidera Saudozu Renan Selak hanesan biblioteka ba istória TL | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE Lere konsidera Saudozu Renan Selak hanesan biblioteka ba istória TL\nLere konsidera Saudozu Renan Selak hanesan biblioteka ba istória TL\nLAUTÉM, 15 Juñu 2020 (TATOLI)-Xefe Estadu Maiór Jenerál FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), Majór Jenerál Lere Anan Timur, konsidera Saúdozu Faustino dos Santos “Renan Selak” nu’udar biblioteka boot ida hosi prosesu funu ba libertasaun nasionál (Timor-Leste) ne’ebé nia rasik dedika hodi dokumenta istoria furak oin-oin.\nNotísia Relevante: Governu fó atensaun nafatin ba saudozu Renan Selak nia oan sira\nLere hateten, saudozu Renan Selak nia mate hanesan lakon boot ida ba Estadu Timor-Leste, tanba saúdozu mós nu’udar autór prinsipál hatene istoria ba prosesu funu ne’ebé FALINTIL sira hakat ho dezafiu oin-oin.\n“Ami veteranu sira lakon belun boot ida hanesan Saudozu Renan Selak. Ninia mate hanesan, ita hanesan lakon bilioteka boot ida, istoria ida ne’ebé seidauk konta hotu maibé nia husik ona ita. Ita hotu ne’ebé sei moris, ita mak sei hatutan, ita maka sei sai testamuña ba istoria ne’ebé nia husik hela ba ita,” dehan Lere Anan Timur liuhosi deskursu iha serimónia funebre Saudozu Renan Selak nian iha Jardim dos Herrois e Martires da Patria Assalainu-Lautém.\nLere apela ba veteranu Lautém-oan sira ne’ebé sei moris, atu idak-idak hahú konta sira-nia istória hodi hakerek iha livru boot ida nu’udar dokumentu ba istória iha futuru. Tanba istória funu naruk kada veteranu iha Timor-Leste mak sei haforsa nasaun Timor-Leste atu moris metin liután.\n“Ita-nia istória sei konta ho loloos hodi prezerva ba futuru,” Lere Anan Timur hateten.\nKomandante F-FDTL ne’e hatutan, nia koñese didiak saudozu Renan Selak nu’udar lider FALINTIL abut iha ninia luta no defende ninia prinisipiu no vizaun, luta tinan naruk sei sai di’ak ba futuru Timor-Leste.\n“Ba maluk veteranu sira, ita-nia alin Renan Selak ita la’o hamutuk iha dalan ida naruk tebes. Dalan ida ne’ebé defisil iha tinan naruk nia laran, hakat liu maluk barak ninia isin-mate ho raan fakar ba ita-nia rain,” nia dehan.\nLere hatutan, nia rasik ho Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak no veteranu barak bainhira tuur hamutuk sempre ko’alia ba malu katak funu naruk ne’e sorte tebes ba sira ne’ebé sei moris, maibé funu ne’e sai tristeza mós ba feto faluk no oan-ki’ak sira ne’ebé sira-nia laen mate tiha ona maibé too ohin loron Estadu Timor-Leste seidauk tau matan atu hadia faluk no oan-ki’ak sira-nia moris.\nTuir Lere, durante ne’e nia akompaña veteranu barak ne’ebé mate ona, hanesan Saudozu Ular Rihuk ninia oan no família sira agora moris mukit tebes, tanba estadu la tau matan atu hadia sira-nia moris hanesan halo netik uma ruma no fó bolsu estudu ba oan sira.\n“Ami rua Primeiru-Ministru Taur ko’alia, ita sorte depois tinan 20, ita-nia maluk rihun ba rihun mate iha ita-nia kotuk, ita sei bele hakat. Maibé ohin loron, ita forma tiha estadu, ita husik ita-nia feen faluk, ita-nia oan-ki’ak, lahatene ita Estadu tau matan ba sira ne’e ka lae. Hanesan ita-nia kamarada Saudozu Ular Rihik ninia feen no oan moris halerik, moris ho matan-been nafatin,” Lere lamenta.\nNu’udar veteranu rezistensia tinan 24, Jenerál Lere reprezenta veteranu ne’ebé laiha lian no laiha forsa, husu ba Estadu Timor-Leste atu rekoñese no dignifika veteranu nia luta hanesan pensaun vitalisia ne’ebé eis titulares sira simu iha Parlamentu Nasionál.\nIha parte seluk, Lere preokupa, nasaun ne’e ukun hosi lider rezistensia sira hanesan Prezidente Repúblika, Fransisco Guterres Lú Olo no Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak no Maun Boot, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão mós veteranu nian boot, maibé too ohin loron sira seidauk hamutuk hodi halo impase politika iha rai laran sai naruk liután.\n“Balun preokupa nusa maka sira labele rezolve problema. Maibé ha’u husu ba sira atu tau preokupasaun ne’e hamutuk para bele rezolve problema sira-ne’e,” nia dehan.\nJenerál Lere hatutan, ohin loron lider sira-ne’e sei fahe malu, tanba ema sira-ne’ebé servisu ho maun boot sira maka tau aas sira-nia interese hodi halo maun boot sira mós haluha tiha atu tau matan no rezolve problema veteranu iha Timor-Leste.\nPrevious articleGovernu fó atensaun nafatin ba saudozu Renan Selak nia oan sira\nNext articleGovernu-família haloot Renan Selak nia mate-isin liuhosi serimónia rituál | [
"Lere konsidera Saudozu Renan Selak hanesan biblioteka ba istoria TL | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Lere konsidera Saudozu Renan Selak hanesan biblioteka ba istoria TL Lere konsidera Saudozu Renan Selak hanesan biblioteka ba istoria TL LAUTEM, 15 Junu 2020 (TATOLI) -Xefe Estadu Maior Jeneral FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL), Major Jeneral Lere Anan Timur, konsidera Saudozu Faustino dos Santos \"Renan Selak\" nu'udar biblioteka boot ida hosi prosesu funu ba libertasaun nasional (Timor-Leste) ne'ebe nia rasik dedika hodi dokumenta istoria furak oin-oin.",
"Notisia Relevante: Governu fo atensaun nafatin ba saudozu Renan Selak nia oan sira Lere hateten, saudozu Renan Selak nia mate hanesan lakon boot ida ba Estadu Timor-Leste, tanba saudozu mos nu'udar autor prinsipal hatene istoria ba prosesu funu ne'ebe FALINTIL sira hakat ho dezafiu oin-oin.",
"\"Ami veteranu sira lakon belun boot ida hanesan Saudozu Renan Selak.",
"Ninia mate hanesan, ita hanesan lakon bilioteka boot ida, istoria ida ne'ebe seidauk konta hotu maibe nia husik ona ita.",
"Ita hotu ne'ebe sei moris, ita mak sei hatutan, ita maka sei sai testamuna ba istoria ne'ebe nia husik hela ba ita,\" dehan Lere Anan Timur liuhosi deskursu iha serimonia funebre Saudozu Renan Selak nian iha Jardim dos Herrois e Martires da Patria Assalainu-Lautem.",
"Lere apela ba veteranu Lautem-oan sira ne'ebe sei moris, atu idak-idak hahu konta sira-nia istoria hodi hakerek iha livru boot ida nu'udar dokumentu ba istoria iha futuru.",
"Tanba istoria funu naruk kada veteranu iha Timor-Leste mak sei haforsa nasaun Timor-Leste atu moris metin liutan.",
"\"Ita-nia istoria sei konta ho loloos hodi prezerva ba futuru,\" Lere Anan Timur hateten.",
"Komandante F-FDTL ne'e hatutan, nia konese didiak saudozu Renan Selak nu'udar lider FALINTIL abut iha ninia luta no defende ninia prinisipiu no vizaun, luta tinan naruk sei sai di'ak ba futuru Timor-Leste.",
"\"Ba maluk veteranu sira, ita-nia alin Renan Selak ita la'o hamutuk iha dalan ida naruk tebes.",
"Dalan ida ne'ebe defisil iha tinan naruk nia laran, hakat liu maluk barak ninia isin-mate ho raan fakar ba ita-nia rain,\" nia dehan.",
"Lere hatutan, nia rasik ho Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak no veteranu barak bainhira tuur hamutuk sempre ko'alia ba malu katak funu naruk ne'e sorte tebes ba sira ne'ebe sei moris, maibe funu ne'e sai tristeza mos ba feto faluk no oan-ki'ak sira ne'ebe sira-nia laen mate tiha ona maibe too ohin loron Estadu Timor-Leste seidauk tau matan atu hadia faluk no oan-ki'ak sira-nia moris.",
"Tuir Lere, durante ne'e nia akompana veteranu barak ne'ebe mate ona, hanesan Saudozu Ular Rihuk ninia oan no familia sira agora moris mukit tebes, tanba estadu la tau matan atu hadia sira-nia moris hanesan halo netik uma ruma no fo bolsu estudu ba oan sira.",
"\"Ami rua Primeiru-Ministru Taur ko'alia, ita sorte depois tinan 20, ita-nia maluk rihun ba rihun mate iha ita-nia kotuk, ita sei bele hakat.",
"Maibe ohin loron, ita forma tiha estadu, ita husik ita-nia feen faluk, ita-nia oan-ki'ak, lahatene ita Estadu tau matan ba sira ne'e ka lae.",
"Hanesan ita-nia kamarada Saudozu Ular Rihik ninia feen no oan moris halerik, moris ho matan-been nafatin,\" Lere lamenta.",
"Nu'udar veteranu rezistensia tinan 24, Jeneral Lere reprezenta veteranu ne'ebe laiha lian no laiha forsa, husu ba Estadu Timor-Leste atu rekonese no dignifika veteranu nia luta hanesan pensaun vitalisia ne'ebe eis titulares sira simu iha Parlamentu Nasional.",
"Iha parte seluk, Lere preokupa, nasaun ne'e ukun hosi lider rezistensia sira hanesan Prezidente Republika, Fransisco Guterres Lu Olo no Primeiru-Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak no Maun Boot, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao mos veteranu nian boot, maibe too ohin loron sira seidauk hamutuk hodi halo impase politika iha rai laran sai naruk liutan.",
"\"Balun preokupa nusa maka sira labele rezolve problema.",
"Maibe ha'u husu ba sira atu tau preokupasaun ne'e hamutuk para bele rezolve problema sira-ne'e,\" nia dehan.",
"Jeneral Lere hatutan, ohin loron lider sira-ne'e sei fahe malu, tanba ema sira-ne'ebe servisu ho maun boot sira maka tau aas sira-nia interese hodi halo maun boot sira mos haluha tiha atu tau matan no rezolve problema veteranu iha Timor-Leste.",
"Previous articleGovernu fo atensaun nafatin ba saudozu Renan Selak nia oan sira Next articleGovernu-familia haloot Renan Selak nia mate-isin liuhosi serimonia ritual"
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"Lere considers Renan Selak as a library for Timor-Leste history | Tempotimor Agencia Noticiosa de TL VARANDA HEADLINE LERE CONSIDERES RENAN SELAK COMO BIBLIOTECA PARA HISTORIA DE TIMOR LESTE (FDTL) Chief of the General Staff, Maj. Gen lera Anan Timur considered Faustino dos Santos \"Renanin\" SELAK to be one big bookstore in national liberation struggle process that he himself devoted his time documenting its many facets and stories from beginning until end!"
"Relevant News: Government continues to pay attention for the children of late-Renan Selak Lere said, that death is a big loss in Timor Leste because he was also one who knew about history and how FALINTIL struggled with various challenges."
"\"We veterans have lost a great brother as the late Renan Selak."
"His death is like, we are losing a huge library of stories that have not been told but he has left us."
"All of us who will live, we are going to carry on. We shall be witnesses for the history that he left behind him\", said Lere Anan Timur during a speech at Renan Selak's funeral in Jardim dos Heróis e Martires da Patria Assalainu-Lautem (Jardin des Héros et Martyrs de la patrie d’Assalinus Lautemis)."
"Lere appealed to the living veterans of Lautem, that each one start telling their own story and write it in a big book as document for future history."
"Because the long history of struggle each veteran in Timor-Leste will strengthen that country to live together."
"\"Our history will be told correctly to preserve it for the future,\" said Lere Anan Timur."
"The F-FDTL commander said, he knew the late Renan Selak well as a strong FALINTIL leader in his struggle and defended its principles & vision. Long years of fighting will be good for Timor Leste' s future"
"\"To our fellow veterans, to Renan Selak we walked together on a very long road."
"A path that has been difficult over the years, costing many people their lives and blood shed for our country,” he said."
"Lere said that he himself, Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak and many veterans when sitting together always talk to each other about the long war as a blessing for those who are still living but also sadness of women victimized by it. The Timorese State has not yet taken any steps towards improvings their lives even though they have lost both parents or grandparents in this timeless struggle against colonialism which is taking its toll on them all today.\""
"According to Lere, during this time he accompanied many veterans who have passed away such as Saudozu Ular Rihuk and his children. Their families are now living in great hardship because the state does not take care of improving their lives like building a house or providing scholarhood for them;"
"\"We two Prime Minister Taur ko'ala, we are lucky after 20 years our fellow people thousands and again died on the back of us."
"But today, we have formed a state and let our wives go to war or leave us with young children depending on whether the State takes care of them."
"Like our comrade Saudozu Ular Rihik's wife and children lived peacefully, living with good care of themselves.\" Lere regretted."
"As a veteran of 24 years' resistance, General Lere represents the voiceless and power-free Veteran. He asks Timor Leste to recognise his struggle in recognition with lifetime pension that former members receive from Parliament (Parliamentu Nasional)."
"On the other hand, Lere is concerned that this country has been ruled by resistance leaders such as President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo and Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak. But until today they have not come together to make a political impasse in their own countries become longer than it was before 2017 when opposition leader Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao took over power after his father's death on January of last year (see below)."
"\"People are worried about how they can't solve the problem."
"But I ask them to put these concerns together so that we can solve the problems,\" he said."
"General Lere added that today these leaders will be divided, because the people who work with their big brothers are putting up high themselves so as to make them forget about looking after and solving Timor-Leste veteran problems."
"Previous articleGovernment continues to pay attention for the children of late Renan Selak Next ArticleThe government family honours his deceased body through a ritual ceremony."
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FRETILIN.Media: JDN: Loke Auto-Estrada Com-Mota Ain: PR Horta Rejeita Assina MoU Ho Kuwait\nJDN: Loke Auto-Estrada Com-Mota Ain: PR Horta Rejeita Assina MoU Ho Kuwait\nJornal Diario Nacional\nLoke Auto-Estrada Com-Mota Ain\nPR Horta Rejeita Assina MoU Ho Kuwait\n2 Junhu 2010\nPresidente Repúblika (PR), José Ramos Horta rejeita totalmente katak, nia parte assina nota Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) ho nasaun Kuwait kona ba atu loke auto Estrada komesa husi Suku Com, Distrito Lospalos to’o Mota-Ain, Distrito Bobonaro.\nPR Horta hato’o lia hirak ne’e ba Jornalista sira iha Aeroportu, Nicolau Lobato Dili, Kuarta, (1/6), hafoin fila husi vizita estado ba estrangeiro ao mesmo tempo halo check up ba nia Saude iha Singapura.\n“Uluk iha Primeiro Governo konstitusional, Dr. Mari Alkatiri nudar Primeiro Ministro, Kuwait rasik mak selu so para halo deit Previgibility study ida atu lori hare Estrada husi Lospalos to’o Mota-Ain. Sira (Kuwait nia ema) halo hotu tia estudu ida ne’e sira aprezenta ba Konselho Ministro, depois se Governo hakarak duni, tenki halo vigibility study. Entaun se Governo hakarak duni, entaun Governo rasik mak loke konkursu internasional e halo projektu ne’e,”\n“Maibe, se Governo lakoi tau osan, hakarak husu osan Kuwait e Kuwait mak fo karik osan ne’e, entaun Kuwait mak depois sei halo konkursu internasional, para sira mak deside fo ba se, nemak sistema Kuwait nian. Maibe ne’e nungka aprovadu husi Konselho Ministro iha Primeiro to’o Segundo Governo konstitusional,”dehan Xefi estado ke hetan akompanha husi Major General F-FDTL Taur Matan Ruak.\nPre-vigibility study kona ba projektu Auto-Estrada nebe tuir planu atu halo husi Com, Lospalos to’o Mota Ain ne’e, Kuwait rasik mak finansia, laos estado Timorense.\n“Se Primeiro Ministro (Xanana) iha karik dadus kona ba ne’e, aprezenta provas. Maibe hau uluk hanesan Ministro Negosiu Estrangeiro, hau hatene Kuwait mak fo US$1 millaun ital atu selu previgibility study ne’e, ke kompanha boot ida mak halo pois hatudu ba Governo katak, imi haretok ne’e imi gosta ka lae, se projektu ba oin orsamentu mak ida ne’e. maibe ne’e la konsege avansa,”haktuir PR Horta.\nTuir PR Horta, uluk nia kaer pasta nudar Primeiro Ministro iha Segundo Governo Konstitusional, nia parte la assina akordu ida ho Kuwait atu halo Auto-Estrada husi Com, Lospalos to’o Mota-Ain, Bobonaro. Tanba ne’e, sira hirak ne’ebé hateten PR Horta assina akordu ho Kuwait ne’e bosok, e ne’e akuzasaun ba nia.\n“Hau Primeiro Ministro iha krizi nia laran, fulan 10 deit. Se ita boot sira hanoin Primeiro Ministro iha krizi nia laran atu assina akordu para lao tinan lima nia laran, hau hanoin hau laos aventureiro para halo buat ne’e,”afirma PR Horta.\nLauriado Nobel da paz ne’e akresenta, kona ba projetu refere, primeiro Governo mos iha dúvida itoan tanba TL nia osan seidauk maka’as atu finansia nomos seidauk iha planu estrategiku ida atu define Estrada ida ne’ebe mak prioridade.\n“Portanto buat sira ne’e ita bele hatete, akontese deit iha surat, iha mehi deit. Se mak hatete halo akordu, hau hanoin diak liu hatudu akordu ne’e para ita hot-hotu hare,”sadik PR Horta tan.\nPosted by FRETILIN.MEDIA at 3:59 PM | [
"FRETILIN.Media: JDN: Loke Auto-Estrada Com-Mota Ain: PR Horta Rejeita Assina MoU Ho Kuwait JDN: Loke Auto-Estrada Com-Mota Ain: PR Horta Rejeita Assina MoU Ho Kuwait Jornal Diario Nacional Loke Auto-Estrada Com-Mota Ain PR Horta Rejeita Assina MoU Ho Kuwait 2 Junhu 2010 Presidente Republika (PR), Jose Ramos Horta rejeita totalmente katak, nia parte assina nota Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) ho nasaun Kuwait kona ba atu loke auto Estrada komesa husi Suku Com, Distrito Lospalos to'o Mota-Ain, Distrito Bobonaro.",
"PR Horta hato'o lia hirak ne'e ba Jornalista sira iha Aeroportu, Nicolau Lobato Dili, Kuarta, (1/6), hafoin fila husi vizita estado ba estrangeiro ao mesmo tempo halo check up ba nia Saude iha Singapura.",
"\"Uluk iha Primeiro Governo konstitusional, Dr. Mari Alkatiri nudar Primeiro Ministro, Kuwait rasik mak selu so para halo deit Previgibility study ida atu lori hare Estrada husi Lospalos to'o Mota-Ain.",
"Sira (Kuwait nia ema) halo hotu tia estudu ida ne'e sira aprezenta ba Konselho Ministro, depois se Governo hakarak duni, tenki halo vigibility study.",
"Entaun se Governo hakarak duni, entaun Governo rasik mak loke konkursu internasional e halo projektu ne'e,\" \"Maibe, se Governo lakoi tau osan, hakarak husu osan Kuwait e Kuwait mak fo karik osan ne'e, entaun Kuwait mak depois sei halo konkursu internasional, para sira mak deside fo ba se, nemak sistema Kuwait nian.",
"Maibe ne'e nungka aprovadu husi Konselho Ministro iha Primeiro to'o Segundo Governo konstitusional,\"dehan Xefi estado ke hetan akompanha husi Major General F-FDTL Taur Matan Ruak.",
"Pre-vigibility study kona ba projektu Auto-Estrada nebe tuir planu atu halo husi Com, Lospalos to'o Mota Ain ne'e, Kuwait rasik mak finansia, laos estado Timorense.",
"\"Se Primeiro Ministro (Xanana) iha karik dadus kona ba ne'e, aprezenta provas.",
"Maibe hau uluk hanesan Ministro Negosiu Estrangeiro, hau hatene Kuwait mak fo US$1 millaun ital atu selu previgibility study ne'e, ke kompanha boot ida mak halo pois hatudu ba Governo katak, imi haretok ne'e imi gosta ka lae, se projektu ba oin orsamentu mak ida ne'e. maibe ne'e la konsege avansa,\"haktuir PR Horta.",
"Tuir PR Horta, uluk nia kaer pasta nudar Primeiro Ministro iha Segundo Governo Konstitusional, nia parte la assina akordu ida ho Kuwait atu halo Auto-Estrada husi Com, Lospalos to'o Mota-Ain, Bobonaro.",
"Tanba ne'e, sira hirak ne'ebe hateten PR Horta assina akordu ho Kuwait ne'e bosok, e ne'e akuzasaun ba nia.",
"\"Hau Primeiro Ministro iha krizi nia laran, fulan 10 deit.",
"Se ita boot sira hanoin Primeiro Ministro iha krizi nia laran atu assina akordu para lao tinan lima nia laran, hau hanoin hau laos aventureiro para halo buat ne'e,\"afirma PR Horta.",
"Lauriado Nobel da paz ne'e akresenta, kona ba projetu refere, primeiro Governo mos iha duvida itoan tanba TL nia osan seidauk maka'as atu finansia nomos seidauk iha planu estrategiku ida atu define Estrada ida ne'ebe mak prioridade.",
"\"Portanto buat sira ne'e ita bele hatete, akontese deit iha surat, iha mehi deit.",
"Se mak hatete halo akordu, hau hanoin diak liu hatudu akordu ne'e para ita hot-hotu hare,\"sadik PR Horta tan.",
"Posted by FRETILIN.MEDIA at 3:59 PM"
] | [
"FRETILIN.Media: JDN Rejects Signing MoU With Kuwait Over Com-Mota Ain Highway Jornal Diario Nacional President of the Republic (PR), Jose Ramos Horta, totally rejected that his side signed a Memorandum Of Understandings with Saudi Arabia on opening an auto road from Suku com in Lospalo'S District to motata ainin district Bobonaro and said he would not sign any agreement if it wasn’t for this reason!"
"PR Horta made these remarks to journalist in the airport, Nicolau Lobato Dili on Thursday (1/6), after returning from a state visit overseas while doing check up for his health at Singapore."
"\"Before in the First Constitutional Government, Dr. Mari Alkatiri was Prime Minister and Kuwait itself paid only for a Previgibility study to carry out road from Lospalos until Mota-Ain.\""
"They (Kuwaiti people) have done all of this study and they are presenting it to the Cabinet, then if Government really wants that there should be a vigibility Study."
"So if the Government really wants, then it should open an international tender and do this project itself.\" \"But when a government doesn't put money in. If they ask for Kuwaiti funds that will be given to them by their own country - which is what we are doing now- there would have been some kind of competition between these two countries so as not just one but both sides could decide who was best suited; because all things depend on each other\"."
"But it was not approved by the Council of Ministers in First to Second constitutional Government,\" said Chief State who is accompanies Major General F-FDTL Taur Matan Ruak."
"The pre-vigibility study on the planned Com, Lospalos to Mota Ain motorway project was funded by Kuwait itself and not Timorese state."
"\"If Prime Minister (Xanana) has any data on this, present the evidence."
"But as I was Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kuwait gave me US$1 million to pay for the previgibility study that a big company did because it showed Governments you liked this or not. If project is going forward budget will be in these funds but they didn't make any progress\", said President Horta .\"There were no advancements at all\"."
"According to PR Horta, when he was Prime Minister in the Second Constitutional Government his party did not sign an agreement with Kuwait for a motorway from Com (Lospalos) through Mota-Ain."
"Therefore, those who say that PR Horta signed the agreement with Kuwait are lying and this is an accusation against him."
"\"I am the Prime Minister in crisis, only 10 months old."
"If you think the Prime Minister is in a crisis to sign an agreement for five years, I don't believe that it would be adventurous of me\", said PM Horta."
"The Nobel Peace Laureate adds, regarding the project in question that first Government also had serious doubts because TL has not enough money to finance it and there is no strategic plan for defining a priority road."
"\"Therefore these things we can say, happen only in the letters."
"If they say to make an agreement, I think it's better show the accord for us all see\", said PM Horta."
"Posted by FRETILIN.MEDIA at 3:59 PM No comments"
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Ezame Nasional Hein Data Husi MEJD | STLNEWS\nEzame Nasional Hein Data Husi MEJD\nFoto: Pendidiakan Kreatif\nDILI, STLNEWS.co – Estudante finalista husi Munisipiu Ainaro, prepara ona atu hasoru ezame nasional, maibe sei hein data fiksu husi Ministeriu Edukasaun, Juventude, no Desportu (MEJD).\n“Ita nia eskola ka profesores sira prepara ona materia para hein ezame nasional, maibe ita seidauk hatene los bainhira, no loron 4 fulan Novembru hau ba Dili foin hatene lolos bainhira mak ezame nasional,” dehan Diretor Edukasaun Munisipiu Ainaro, Celestino Pereira Rodrigues Magno ba STL liu husi telefone, Kuarta nee (27/10/2021).\nNia hatutan, nuudar manorin no estudante preparadu ona, nunee hein ezame nasional bainhira. Covid-19 buat ketak ida, maibe nuudar estudante sempre preparadu atu hein ezame nasional.\nIha parte seluk, tuir Diretor Eskola Ensinu Sekundaria Cristal Rafael Savio hatete, primeiru prosesu aprendizajen normal, tuir kalendariu nasional neebe estabelese ona katak, ezame nasional sei realiza iha loron 13 fulan Dezembru tinan nee.\n“Ami agora regulamentu prepara ami nia estudante, prepara rezumu materia ba estudante finalista sira atu hasoru ba iha ezame nasional nebe sei mai, maibe antes nee atu halo projetu, entaun tenke lee ligasaun ba idak-idak nia materia ezame nasional,” hatete nia ba STL iha Balide, Kuarta nee (27/10/2021).\nNia haktuir, segundu ami sei prepara sira, antes tama ezame nasional rekolla resposta lao tuir orariu husi MEJD nian.\nTotal estudante finalista Eskola Sekundariu Katolika Cristal hamutuk ema nain 585, neebe tuir ezame nasional, tinan – tinan atu besik ezame nasional prepara rezumu material ba sira antes ezame, ami prepara materia ezame nia rezultadu ba, depois sira dezenvolve, orientasaun ba professores sira hodi prepara estudante finalista sira.*\nPrevious articlePR Husu Populasaun Kontinua Vasina\nNext articleLabele Interpreta Vasina Ladiak | [
"Ezame Nasional Hein Data Husi MEJD | STLNEWS Ezame Nasional Hein Data Husi MEJD Foto: Pendidiakan Kreatif DILI, STLNEWS.co - Estudante finalista husi Munisipiu Ainaro, prepara ona atu hasoru ezame nasional, maibe sei hein data fiksu husi Ministeriu Edukasaun, Juventude, no Desportu (MEJD).",
"\"Ita nia eskola ka profesores sira prepara ona materia para hein ezame nasional, maibe ita seidauk hatene los bainhira, no loron 4 fulan Novembru hau ba Dili foin hatene lolos bainhira mak ezame nasional,\" dehan Diretor Edukasaun Munisipiu Ainaro, Celestino Pereira Rodrigues Magno ba STL liu husi telefone, Kuarta nee (27/10/2021).",
"Nia hatutan, nuudar manorin no estudante preparadu ona, nunee hein ezame nasional bainhira.",
"Covid-19 buat ketak ida, maibe nuudar estudante sempre preparadu atu hein ezame nasional.",
"Iha parte seluk, tuir Diretor Eskola Ensinu Sekundaria Cristal Rafael Savio hatete, primeiru prosesu aprendizajen normal, tuir kalendariu nasional neebe estabelese ona katak, ezame nasional sei realiza iha loron 13 fulan Dezembru tinan nee.",
"\"Ami agora regulamentu prepara ami nia estudante, prepara rezumu materia ba estudante finalista sira atu hasoru ba iha ezame nasional nebe sei mai, maibe antes nee atu halo projetu, entaun tenke lee ligasaun ba idak-idak nia materia ezame nasional,\" hatete nia ba STL iha Balide, Kuarta nee (27/10/2021).",
"Nia haktuir, segundu ami sei prepara sira, antes tama ezame nasional rekolla resposta lao tuir orariu husi MEJD nian.",
"Total estudante finalista Eskola Sekundariu Katolika Cristal hamutuk ema nain 585, neebe tuir ezame nasional, tinan - tinan atu besik ezame nasional prepara rezumu material ba sira antes ezame, ami prepara materia ezame nia rezultadu ba, depois sira dezenvolve, orientasaun ba professores sira hodi prepara estudante finalista sira.* Previous articlePR Husu Populasaun Kontinua Vasina Next articleLabele Interpreta Vasina Ladiak"
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"National Examination Waiting Data From Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports | STLNEWS.co - Finalist students from Ainaro Municipality have prepared to face the national exams but will wait for a date set by MEJD (Ministry Of education youth sports)."
"\"Our school or teachers have prepared the material to wait for national exams, but we do not know exactly when and on November 4 I will be in Dili only if it is clear that they are taking them at any time\", said Director of Education Ainaro Municipality Celestino Pereira Rodrigues Magno via telephone with STL Thursday (27/10)"
"She added that as a monk and student she is prepared, so wait for the national exam when."
"Covid-19 has made it hard, but as a student I am always prepared to wait for the national exam."
"Meanwhile, according to the Director of Cristal Secondary School Rafael Savio said that first normal learning processes are being carried out and in accordance with a national calendar established by this year's National Exam will be held on December 13."
"\"We are now preparing our students' regulations, we prepare the summary of subject for finalist student to meet in upcoming national exam. But before doing this project you have a link on each topic that will be presented at your next National Examination\", he told STL from Balide Thursday (27/10)."
"He said, secondly we will prepare them before entering the national exam collecting answers according to schedule of MEJD."
"The total number of students finalists in the Cristal Catholic Secondary School is 586, who take national exam. Every year before coming to a nationwide examination we prepare material summary for them prior examinations; after they develop orientation materials on their results and then provide guidance towards preparing final student.* Previous articlePR Call For Population To Continue Vaccinating Next ArticleLabele Interpret Vasina Ladiak"
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Saudozu Daitula Nia Maun Fila Hikas ba Maromak\nSaudozu Daitula Nia Maun Fila Hikas ba Maromak Featured\nBy Tempo Timor June 28, 2019 2703\nAtual PM Taur Matan Ruak (Liman Los) ho oin midar lolon liman ba saudozu Francisco Loi Kati ne'ebe hatais jaket metan (Karuk)\nTempotimor (DILI) Notisia triste falun veteranus no Timor-oan tomak. Veteranu ida, Francisco Freitas, ne’ebé mós nu’udar maun rasik husi saudozu David Alex Daitula, fila hikas ba Aman Maromak nia kadunan iha Tersa (25/06) iha Buibau, Postu Administrativu Baukau Villa, Munisipiu Baukau.\nIha tinan 22 liu ba, iha loron ne’ebé hanesan no fulan ne’ebé hanesan, 25 Juñu 1997, Saudozu nia alin mane David Alex Daitula hetan tiru husi Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) no ikus mai lakon. Iha 25 Juñu 2019 meiudia, Saudozu mós lakon nia vida tanba moras.\nSaudozu Francisco Freitas ka koñesidu ho naran Loi Kati hahú envolve an iha luta ba libertasaun nasionál iha 1975 nu’udar asistente zona. Serbisu ida ne’e Saudozu hala’o to’o tinan 1979.\nHahú iha 1979, Saudozu Loi Kati hetan fiar hodi assume kargu nu’udar responsavel ba kaixa Komando Luta ho naran “Uluk Kedas” ne’ebé ikus mai muda ba naran “Caixa Male-Male” ba Maun Boot Xanana Gusmão nian ba li’ur.\nDurante periodu defisil nia laran, Saudozu Loi Kati hatudu nafatin ninia domin ba rai no povu ida ne’e. Firme iha pozisaun “mate ka moris, ukun rasik aan”.\nIda ne’e bele prova liu husi Saudozu nia knar hahú husi tinan 1975 to’o 1999.\n“Pai Jiboy durante funu nia dedika vida ba funu liu-liu fó tulun ba ninia maun-alin gerilleiru sira iha ai-laran nu’udar responsavel Caixa postal. Uma ne’ebé nia ho familia hela ba hanesan Caixa postal permanente. Tempu la di’ak atu hasoru ho nia iha uma, ami husik hela surat iha Caixa Postal atu informa katak ami Frente Armada iha sira-nia zona,” veteranu ida, Custodio Belo “Jaids Blayck” fó sasin kona-ba Saudozu Loi Kati.\nSakrifisiu lubuk mak Saudozu ne’e oferese ona, la’os de’it sakrifika nia vida tomak ba luta maibé mós nia familia lubuk ida mak mate ba funu ida ne’e.\nIha tinan 1983 bainhira Saudozu Loi Kati hetan kapturasaun no hela iha prizaun to’o tinan 1986, nia espiritu luta nian nunka mihis maibé sai boot liu tan.\n“Pai (Loi Kati) nia serbisu ba funu ha’u bele dehan laiha interrrupsaun. Razaun, nia iha kadeia laran maibé ninia kaben halo ligasaun metin ho ami Frente Armada, serbisu ba exterior la’o nafatin, normal,” sasin husi Jaids Blayck.\nBiografia Badak Saudozu Loi Kati\nSaudozu Loi Kati moris iha Osso-Messa, Bualale, Postu Administrativu Kelikai, Munisipiu Baukau iha 15 Jullu 1933.\nIha tinan 1975 to’o tinan 1978, Saudozu Loi Kati hala’o serbisu ba funu libertasaun nasionál nian nu’udar Asistente Zona.\nIha tinan 1979 to’o 1981, Saudozu hala’o serbisu nu’udar Responsavel Kaixa OD/Miplin.\nIha tinan 1981 to’o 1983, Saudozu hala’o serbisu nu’udar Responsavel Kaixa CRRN/Frente Klandestina.\nIha tinan 1983, Saudozu hetan kapturasaun no tama iha prizaun, hafoin hetan liberdade iha tinan 1986.\nHafoin livre, iha tinan 1986, Saudozu kontinua kedan ninia serbisu nu’udar Responsavel Kaixa CRRN/Frente Klandestina.\nIha tinan 1987 to’o 1992, Saudozu hala’o serbisu nu’udar Responsavel Kaixa CNRM/Frente Klandestina.\nIha tinan 1993 to’o 1996, Saudozu hala’o serbisu nu’udar Responsavel Kaixa CNRM/Frente Klandestina.\nIha tinan 1998 to’o 1999, Saudozu hala’o serbisu nu’udar Responsavel Kaixa CNRT/Frente Politika Interna.\n« Riin Eletrisidade Monu Fiu Latan Estrada, Autoridade Preokupa no EDTL “Toba” Lansa Fatuk Dahuluk Estrada Baucau-Viqueque » | [
"Saudozu Daitula Nia Maun Fila Hikas ba Maromak Saudozu Daitula Nia Maun Fila Hikas ba Maromak Featured By Tempo Timor June 28, 2019 2703 Atual PM Taur Matan Ruak (Liman Los) ho oin midar lolon liman ba saudozu Francisco Loi Kati ne'ebe hatais jaket metan (Karuk) Tempotimor (DILI) Notisia triste falun veteranus no Timor-oan tomak.",
"Veteranu ida, Francisco Freitas, ne'ebe mos nu'udar maun rasik husi saudozu David Alex Daitula, fila hikas ba Aman Maromak nia kadunan iha Tersa (25/06) iha Buibau, Postu Administrativu Baukau Villa, Munisipiu Baukau.",
"Iha tinan 22 liu ba, iha loron ne'ebe hanesan no fulan ne'ebe hanesan, 25 Junu 1997, Saudozu nia alin mane David Alex Daitula hetan tiru husi Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) no ikus mai lakon.",
"Iha 25 Junu 2019 meiudia, Saudozu mos lakon nia vida tanba moras.",
"Saudozu Francisco Freitas ka konesidu ho naran Loi Kati hahu envolve an iha luta ba libertasaun nasional iha 1975 nu'udar asistente zona.",
"Serbisu ida ne'e Saudozu hala'o to'o tinan 1979.",
"Hahu iha 1979, Saudozu Loi Kati hetan fiar hodi assume kargu nu'udar responsavel ba kaixa Komando Luta ho naran \"Uluk Kedas\" ne'ebe ikus mai muda ba naran \"Caixa Male-Male\" ba Maun Boot Xanana Gusmao nian ba li'ur.",
"Durante periodu defisil nia laran, Saudozu Loi Kati hatudu nafatin ninia domin ba rai no povu ida ne'e.",
"Firme iha pozisaun \"mate ka moris, ukun rasik aan.\"",
"Ida ne'e bele prova liu husi Saudozu nia knar hahu husi tinan 1975 to'o 1999.",
"\"Pai Jiboy durante funu nia dedika vida ba funu liu-liu fo tulun ba ninia maun-alin gerilleiru sira iha ai-laran nu'udar responsavel Caixa postal.",
"Uma ne'ebe nia ho familia hela ba hanesan Caixa postal permanente.",
"Tempu la di'ak atu hasoru ho nia iha uma, ami husik hela surat iha Caixa Postal atu informa katak ami Frente Armada iha sira-nia zona,\" veteranu ida, Custodio Belo \"Jaids Blayck\" fo sasin kona-ba Saudozu Loi Kati.",
"Sakrifisiu lubuk mak Saudozu ne'e oferese ona, la'os de'it sakrifika nia vida tomak ba luta maibe mos nia familia lubuk ida mak mate ba funu ida ne'e.",
"Iha tinan 1983 bainhira Saudozu Loi Kati hetan kapturasaun no hela iha prizaun to'o tinan 1986, nia espiritu luta nian nunka mihis maibe sai boot liu tan.",
"\"Pai (Loi Kati) nia serbisu ba funu ha'u bele dehan laiha interrrupsaun.",
"Razaun, nia iha kadeia laran maibe ninia kaben halo ligasaun metin ho ami Frente Armada, serbisu ba exterior la'o nafatin, normal,\" sasin husi Jaids Blayck.",
"Biografia Badak Saudozu Loi Kati Saudozu Loi Kati moris iha Osso-Messa, Bualale, Postu Administrativu Kelikai, Munisipiu Baukau iha 15 Jullu 1933.",
"Iha tinan 1975 to'o tinan 1978, Saudozu Loi Kati hala'o serbisu ba funu libertasaun nasional nian nu'udar Asistente Zona.",
"Iha tinan 1979 to'o 1981, Saudozu hala'o serbisu nu'udar Responsavel Kaixa OD/Miplin.",
"Iha tinan 1981 to'o 1983, Saudozu hala'o serbisu nu'udar Responsavel Kaixa CRRN/Frente Klandestina.",
"Iha tinan 1983, Saudozu hetan kapturasaun no tama iha prizaun, hafoin hetan liberdade iha tinan 1986.",
"Hafoin livre, iha tinan 1986, Saudozu kontinua kedan ninia serbisu nu'udar Responsavel Kaixa CRRN/Frente Klandestina.",
"Iha tinan 1987 to'o 1992, Saudozu hala'o serbisu nu'udar Responsavel Kaixa CNRM/Frente Klandestina.",
"Iha tinan 1993 to'o 1996, Saudozu hala'o serbisu nu'udar Responsavel Kaixa CNRM/Frente Klandestina.",
"Iha tinan 1998 to'o 1999, Saudozu hala'o serbisu nu'udar Responsavel Kaixa CNRT/Frente Politika Interna. \"",
"Riin Eletrisidade Monu Fiu Latan Estrada, Autoridade Preokupa no EDTL \"Toba\" Lansa Fatuk Dahuluk Estrada Baucau-Viqueque \""
] | [
"Saudozu Daitula Nia Maun Fila Hikas ba Maromak Featured By Tempo Timor June.28,019 Atual PM Taur Matan Ruak (Liman Los) ho oin midar lalehan liman bá saudoso Francisco Loi Kati ne'ebe hatais jaket metan(Karuk)."
"A veteran, Francisco Freitas who was also the brother of David Alex Daitula returned to his Father' s presence on Tuesday (25/06) in Buibau administrative post Baukau Villa municipality."
"Twenty-two years ago, on the very same day and month of June 25th (1987), David Alex Daitula's brother was shot by Tentara Nasional Indonesia(TNI) soldiers."
"On 25 June, the late Saudozu also lost his life due to illness."
"The late Francisco Freitas or known as Loi Kati began his involvement in the struggle for national liberation from 1975, when he became a zonal assistant."
"This service was carried out by the Holy Father until 1978."
"In 1978, Loi Kati was given the responsibility to take charge of a fighting command box named \"Uluk Kedas\" which later changed its name into Maun Boot Xanana Gusmao's Caixa Male-Male."
"During this difficult period, Mr. Loi Kati continued to show his love for the country and its people; he was a true hero of our nation's struggle against communism in Vietnam during World War II"
"Firme is in the position of \"death or life, independence.\""
"This can be proved by the work of His Holiness from his inauguration in January,1975 to September."
"\"Father Jiboy during the war he dedicated his life to fighting especially helped their guerrilla brothers in field as responsible Postal Box."
"The house where he and his family lived was used as a permanent mailbox."
"It was not a good time to meet him at home, so we left letters in the Postal Box informing them that our Frente Armada had entered their zone,” one veteran Custodio Belo “Jaids Blayck” testified about Loi Kati."
"He has made many sacrifices, not only his whole life but also the lives of a lot more members in this struggle."
"In 1983, when Loi Kati was captured and held in prison until the end of his life (he remained there till he died) her fighting spirit never faded but grew stronger."
"\"Father (Loi Kati)'s work for the war I can say was without interruption."
"The reason, he is in prison inside but his wife has strong connections with us Armed Front. Work abroad goes on as usual,” Jaids Blayck testified to the witnesses’ testimony of 2014-3:"
"Short Biography of Brother Loi Kati Bro.Loy was born in Osso-Messa, Bualale administrative post Kelikai district Baukau municipality on July 15th (2nd Sunday after Easter) at the time when his father and mother were still living with their families there; he died a few months later from tuberculosis"
"From 1975 to the end of his life, Loi Kati worked for national liberation as a Zone Assistant."
"In 1978, he was promoted to the position of Chief Cashier and from then on until his retirement in May/June."
"From 1982 to the end of his life, he worked as a member and then headed CRRN/Frente Klandestina."
"In 1983, Saudozu was captured and imprisoned for a period of time before being released on bail in the year following his arrest."
"After his release in 1986, he continued to work as the head of CRRN/Frente Klandestina."
"From 1987 until the end of his life, he was a member and headed CNRM/Frente Klandestina."
"From 1986 to the end of his life, he worked as a member and secretary-general for CNRM/Frente Klandestina."
"In 1986, he was elected to the National Council of Communist Party (CNRP) and from then on until his death in December."
"Riin Eletrisidade Monu Fius Latan Estrada, Autoridade Preokupa no EDTL \"Toba\" Lansa Fatuk Dahuluk estrada Baucau-Viqueques."
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Marcos 13 | Bíblia online | New World Translation (1984)\n13 Kuandu nia laʼo sai daudaun husi templu, ninia dixípulu ida hatete ba nia: “Mestre, haree toʼok ba fatuk no uma sira-neʼe!” 2 Maibé Jesus hatete ba nia: “Ó haree uma boot sira-neʼe ka? La iha fatuk ida sei husik hela iha fatuk seluk nia leten, sira hotu sei naksobu.” 3 Jesus tuur iha Foho Oliveira nian, no iha fatin neʼe bele haree templu. Iha tempu neʼe Pedro, Tiago, João, no André hahú husu nia mesamesak: 4 “Fó-hatene mai ami, bainhira mak buat sira-neʼe sei mosu, no sinál saida mak sei hatudu katak buat hotu neʼe besik ona atu ramata?” 5 Entaun, Jesus hahú koʼalia ba sira: “Kuidadu bá atu ema ida la lohi imi. 6 Ema barak sei mai hodi haʼu-nia naran no dehan: ‘Haʼu mak nia’, no sira sei lohi ema barak. 7 Liután neʼe, kuandu imi rona kona-ba funu iha fatin oioin, keta sai taʼuk, buat sira-neʼe tenke mosu duni, maibé rohan seidauk mai. 8 “Nasaun sei hamriik hasoru nasaun seluk no ukun ida sei hamriik hasoru ukun seluk, rai sei nakdoko iha fatin oioin, no rai sei hamlaha. Buat sira-neʼe hatudu katak terus foin hahú. 9 “No kona-ba imi, kuidadu imi-nia an bá. Ema sei lori imi ba tribunál, no sira sei baku imi iha sinagoga sira no sira sei lori imi hodi hamriik iha governadór no liurai sira-nia oin tanba haʼu, atu fó sasin ba sira. 10 No mós, liafuan diʼak neʼe ema tenke haklaken uluk iha nasaun hotu. 11 Maibé kuandu sira lori imi ba tribunál, keta sai laran-taridu kona-ba saida mak imi sei koʼalia. Koʼalia deʼit buat neʼebé haraik ba imi iha oras neʼebá, tanba laʼós imi rasik mak koʼalia maibé espíritu santu. 12 Liután neʼe, maun-alin sira sei entrega sira-nia maun ka alin ba mate, nuneʼe mós oan ida ho ninia aman. Oan sei hamriik hodi kontra nia inan-aman no entrega sira ba mate. 13 No ema hotu sei odi imi tanba haʼu-nia naran. Maibé ema neʼebé tahan toʼo rohan mak ida neʼebé sei hetan salvasaun. 14 “Maibé, kuandu imi haree buat foʼer neʼebé hamosu susar hamriik iha fatin neʼebé nia labele hamriik (atu komprende ida-neʼe, ema neʼebé lee hanoin didiʼak bá), iha oras neʼe, ema neʼebé iha Judeia presiza halai ba foho. 15 No ema neʼebé iha uma-leten keta tun ka tama ba uma laran atu foti buat ruma. 16 No ema neʼebé iha toʼos keta fila fali hodi foti ninia hatais. 17 Susar ba feto sira neʼebé isin-rua no mós ba sira neʼebé fó-susu ba bebé iha loron sira neʼebá! 18 Kontinua harohan atu ida-neʼe la mosu iha tempu malirin. 19 Tanba loron sira-neʼe mak loron terus nian. Husi tempu neʼebé Maromak kria mundu toʼo tempu neʼe seidauk mosu terus hanesan neʼe, no depois neʼe sei la mosu fali. 20 Tuir loloos, se Jeová la habadak loron sira-neʼe, la iha ema ida neʼebé sei hetan salvasaun. Maibé tanba sira neʼebé nia hili ona, nia sei habadak loron sira-neʼe. 21 “Entaun, se ema ruma dehan ba imi: ‘Haree! Kristu iha neʼe’, ka ‘Haree! Nia iha neʼebá’, keta fiar ida-neʼe. 22 Tanba Kristu falsu no profeta falsu sira sei mosu no sira sei halo sinál oioin no halo milagre sira atubele karik dada mós sira neʼebé Maromak hili ona. 23 Neʼe duni, imi matan-moris bá. Haʼu fó-hatene nanis ona ba imi kona-ba buat hotu neʼe. 24 “Maibé iha loron sira-neʼe, depois susar neʼe, loro-matan sei sai nakukun, no fulan sei la fó tan ninia naroman. 25 Fitun sira sei monu husi lalehan no lalehan nia kbiit sei nakdoko. 26 No tuirmai sira sei haree Oan-Mane husi ema, no nia sei mai iha kalohan ho kbiit boot no ho glória. 27 No nia sei haruka nia anju sira no sei halibur ema neʼebé Maromak hili ona husi mundu nia parte haat,* husi rai no mós husi lalehan. 28 “Aprende husi ai-figeira nuʼudar ai-knanoik ida: Kuandu ai-sanak nurak mosu no hamosu tahan, imi hatene katak tempu bailoro* besik ona. 29 Nuneʼe mós kuandu imi haree buat sira-neʼe mosu, imi hatene bá katak nia besik ona odamatan. 30 Haʼu hatete loloos ba imi katak jerasaun neʼe sei la lakon toʼo buat hotu neʼe mosu. 31 Maski lalehan no rai sei lakon, maibé haʼu-nia liafuan sira sei la lakon. 32 “Kona-ba loron ka oras, ema ida la hatene, anju sira iha lalehan la hatene, Oan-Mane mós la hatene, só deʼit Aman. 33 Kontinua haree bá, no matan-moris nafatin bá, tanba imi la hatene tempu neʼebé Maromak hili tiha ona. 34 Ida-neʼe hanesan mane ida neʼebé laʼo ba rai seluk no husik hela ninia uma ba atan sira atu tau matan no fó sira knaar ida-idak. No nia haruka ema neʼebé hein odamatan atu matan-moris nafatin. 35 Tan neʼe, matan-moris nafatin bá, tanba imi la hatene bainhira mak Uma-Naʼin sei mai, iha kalan, iha kalan fahe-rua, ka kuandu manu kokoreek, ka iha dadeer-saan nakukun, 36 atu nuneʼe kuandu nia mai derrepente deʼit, nia la hetan imi toba hela. 37 Buat neʼebé haʼu hatete ba imi, haʼu hatete mós ba ema hotu: Matan-moris nafatin bá.”\n^ Mc 13:27 Neʼe katak parte norte, súl, leste, no oeste iha rai.\n^ Mc 13:28 Iha rai-Palestina, bailoro mak tempu neʼebé ai sira sai buras. | [
"Marcos 13 | Biblia online | New World Translation (1984) 13 Kuandu nia la'o sai daudaun husi templu, ninia dixipulu ida hatete ba nia: \"Mestre, haree to'ok ba fatuk no uma sira-ne'e!\"",
"2 Maibe Jesus hatete ba nia: \"O haree uma boot sira-ne'e ka?",
"La iha fatuk ida sei husik hela iha fatuk seluk nia leten, sira hotu sei naksobu.\"",
"3 Jesus tuur iha Foho Oliveira nian, no iha fatin ne'e bele haree templu.",
"Iha tempu ne'e Pedro, Tiago, Joao, no Andre hahu husu nia mesamesak: 4 \"Fo-hatene mai ami, bainhira mak buat sira-ne'e sei mosu, no sinal saida mak sei hatudu katak buat hotu ne'e besik ona atu ramata?\"",
"5 Entaun, Jesus hahu ko'alia ba sira: \"Kuidadu ba atu ema ida la lohi imi.",
"6 Ema barak sei mai hodi ha'u-nia naran no dehan: 'Ha'u mak nia', no sira sei lohi ema barak.",
"7 Liutan ne'e, kuandu imi rona kona-ba funu iha fatin oioin, keta sai ta'uk, buat sira-ne'e tenke mosu duni, maibe rohan seidauk mai.",
"8 \"Nasaun sei hamriik hasoru nasaun seluk no ukun ida sei hamriik hasoru ukun seluk, rai sei nakdoko iha fatin oioin, no rai sei hamlaha.",
"Buat sira-ne'e hatudu katak terus foin hahu.",
"9 \"No kona-ba imi, kuidadu imi-nia an ba.",
"Ema sei lori imi ba tribunal, no sira sei baku imi iha sinagoga sira no sira sei lori imi hodi hamriik iha governador no liurai sira-nia oin tanba ha'u, atu fo sasin ba sira.",
"10 No mos, liafuan di'ak ne'e ema tenke haklaken uluk iha nasaun hotu.",
"11 Maibe kuandu sira lori imi ba tribunal, keta sai laran-taridu kona-ba saida mak imi sei ko'alia.",
"Ko'alia de'it buat ne'ebe haraik ba imi iha oras ne'eba, tanba la'os imi rasik mak ko'alia maibe espiritu santu.",
"12 Liutan ne'e, maun-alin sira sei entrega sira-nia maun ka alin ba mate, nune'e mos oan ida ho ninia aman.",
"Oan sei hamriik hodi kontra nia inan-aman no entrega sira ba mate.",
"13 No ema hotu sei odi imi tanba ha'u-nia naran.",
"Maibe ema ne'ebe tahan to'o rohan mak ida ne'ebe sei hetan salvasaun.",
"14 \"Maibe, kuandu imi haree buat fo'er ne'ebe hamosu susar hamriik iha fatin ne'ebe nia labele hamriik (atu komprende ida-ne'e, ema ne'ebe lee hanoin didi'ak ba), iha oras ne'e, ema ne'ebe iha Judeia presiza halai ba foho.",
"15 No ema ne'ebe iha uma-leten keta tun ka tama ba uma laran atu foti buat ruma.",
"16 No ema ne'ebe iha to'os keta fila fali hodi foti ninia hatais.",
"17 Susar ba feto sira ne'ebe isin-rua no mos ba sira ne'ebe fo-susu ba bebe iha loron sira ne'eba!",
"18 Kontinua harohan atu ida-ne'e la mosu iha tempu malirin.",
"19 Tanba loron sira-ne'e mak loron terus nian.",
"Husi tempu ne'ebe Maromak kria mundu to'o tempu ne'e seidauk mosu terus hanesan ne'e, no depois ne'e sei la mosu fali.",
"20 Tuir loloos, se Jeova la habadak loron sira-ne'e, la iha ema ida ne'ebe sei hetan salvasaun.",
"Maibe tanba sira ne'ebe nia hili ona, nia sei habadak loron sira-ne'e.",
"21 \"Entaun, se ema ruma dehan ba imi: 'Haree!",
"Kristu iha ne'e', ka 'Haree!",
"Nia iha ne'eba', keta fiar ida-ne'e.",
"22 Tanba Kristu falsu no profeta falsu sira sei mosu no sira sei halo sinal oioin no halo milagre sira atubele karik dada mos sira ne'ebe Maromak hili ona.",
"23 Ne'e duni, imi matan-moris ba.",
"Ha'u fo-hatene nanis ona ba imi kona-ba buat hotu ne'e.",
"24 \"Maibe iha loron sira-ne'e, depois susar ne'e, loro-matan sei sai nakukun, no fulan sei la fo tan ninia naroman.",
"25 Fitun sira sei monu husi lalehan no lalehan nia kbiit sei nakdoko.",
"26 No tuirmai sira sei haree Oan-Mane husi ema, no nia sei mai iha kalohan ho kbiit boot no ho gloria.",
"27 No nia sei haruka nia anju sira no sei halibur ema ne'ebe Maromak hili ona husi mundu nia parte haat,* husi rai no mos husi lalehan.",
"28 \"Aprende husi ai-figeira nu'udar ai-knanoik ida: Kuandu ai-sanak nurak mosu no hamosu tahan, imi hatene katak tempu bailoro* besik ona.",
"29 Nune'e mos kuandu imi haree buat sira-ne'e mosu, imi hatene ba katak nia besik ona odamatan.",
"30 Ha'u hatete loloos ba imi katak jerasaun ne'e sei la lakon to'o buat hotu ne'e mosu.",
"31 Maski lalehan no rai sei lakon, maibe ha'u-nia liafuan sira sei la lakon.",
"32 \"Kona-ba loron ka oras, ema ida la hatene, anju sira iha lalehan la hatene, Oan-Mane mos la hatene, so de'it Aman.",
"33 Kontinua haree ba, no matan-moris nafatin ba, tanba imi la hatene tempu ne'ebe Maromak hili tiha ona.",
"34 Ida-ne'e hanesan mane ida ne'ebe la'o ba rai seluk no husik hela ninia uma ba atan sira atu tau matan no fo sira knaar ida-idak.",
"No nia haruka ema ne'ebe hein odamatan atu matan-moris nafatin.",
"35 Tan ne'e, matan-moris nafatin ba, tanba imi la hatene bainhira mak Uma-Na'in sei mai, iha kalan, iha kalan fahe-rua, ka kuandu manu kokoreek, ka iha dadeer-saan nakukun, 36 atu nune'e kuandu nia mai derrepente de'it, nia la hetan imi toba hela.",
"37 Buat ne'ebe ha'u hatete ba imi, ha'u hatete mos ba ema hotu: Matan-moris nafatin ba.\" ^ Mc 13:27 Ne'e katak parte norte, sul, leste, no oeste iha rai. ^ Mc 13:28 Iha rai-Palestina, bailoro mak tempu ne'ebe ai sira sai buras."
] | [
"Mark 13 | New World Translation (NWT) Online Bible: English-English Dictionary And it came to pass, as he went out of the temple and was coming in from them that a certain one said unto him; Master."
"2 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Behold thou these great houses?"
"There will not be left one stone upon another, and they shall all fall down.\""
"3 And he sat in the Olivet, where was a view of that temple."
"3 Then Peter, James and Andrew began to ask him in secret: \"Tell us when these things will be? And what sign is there of the time that all this shall come about?\""
"5 And Jesus began to say unto them, Take heed lest any man blaspheme you."
"6 For many shall come in my name, saying: I am he; and they will deceive most."
"7 And when ye shall hear of wars in various places, be not troubled: for these things must come to pass; but the time is yet coming."
"8 For nation shall rise against country, and kingdom upon kingship; the land will be desolate from one place to another."
"These actions show that the continuation is just beginning."
"9 \"No concerning you, take care of your own."
"They will bring you before the councils, and in their synagogues they are going to scourge your face. You’ll be brought forth also into court of rulers (governor) or king because I am here as a testimony against them.”"
"10 And the good word must first be preached in all nations."
"10 But when they bring you before the court, be not anxious what ye shall say."
"But whatever will be given you in that hour, speak it; for not yourselves are speaking but the Holy Spirit."
"12 And brothers will betray one another to death, and a child his father."
"The child will rise up against his parents and deliver them to death."
"13 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake."
"But he that shall endure till the end, this one will inherit salvation."
"14 But when ye shall see a great fire standing where it cannot, (let him that readeth understand this; let his mind be careful), then they which are in Judaea must depart into the wilderness."
"15 And he that is in the upper room shall not go down, neither enter into his house to take any thing."
"16 And the man who had a garden did not go back to take his harvest."
"17 But woe to those who are with child and suckling infants in that time, for they will be afflicted."
"18 Continue to pray that this may not happen in the near future."
"19 For those days are a time of mourning."
"For there has not been such suffering as this from the creation of God until now, nor will it ever be."
"20 For if the Lord did not abbreviate those days, no flesh would be saved."
"But he will shorten those days for the sake of his chosen ones."
"21 \"Therefore, if anyone says to you: 'Here it is!'"
"Christ is here', or 'Here!"
"He is there, don't believe it."
"21 For false Christs and falsely prophet will arisen, showing many miracles so as to deceive even the elect."
"23 Now therefore, I am your mother-morris."
"I have already told you about all these things."
"24 And it shall come to pass in those days, after that distress the sun will be darkened and its moon won't give her fruit."
"25 And the winds shall fall from heaven, and their power will be taken away."
"26 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a chariot with power and great glory."
"27 And he shall send forth his angels, and gather together the chosen of him from all four wind-wardes* in heaven."
"28 \"Learn a parable from the fig tree: When its leaves are already tender and it is producing fruit, you know that spring time* has come."
"29 Even so, when you see these things happening in the world around yourselves and nearby to be seen by people who are not from God’s kingdom of heaven – know that it is at hand."
"30 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away until all these things be come to passe."
"31 Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words shall not."
"32 But concerning that day or hour no man knoweth, neither the angels of heaven nor even my Father but I alone."
"32 And he said unto them, Be ye watchful and keep your eyes open: for all of you know not the time."
"34 It is like a man going forth into another country, and leaving his house to servants in order that they might oversee it."
"And he sent the doorkeeper to keep watch."
"35 Watch therefore, for you do not know when the Lord of your house will come: in night or at midnight; whether it is by day's darkness (or if he comes suddenly), and find us lying down."
"37 What I have said to you, it is also told all men: Go and do the works of God.\" ^ Mk."
] |
Kustu estimativa ba apoiu rekoperasaun millaun $42 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI Kustu estimativa ba apoiu rekoperasaun millaun $42\nKustu estimativa ba apoiu rekoperasaun millaun $42\nKondisaun uma komunidade iha aldeia Moris Foun, Tasi-tolu kauza hosi inundasaun iha 04 abríl. Imajen Tatoli/Eugénio Pereira.\nDILI, 11 maiu 2021 (TATOLI)—Sekretária Estadu Protesaun Sivíl (SEPS), kalkula kustu estimativa ba apoiu rekoperasaun liuliu ba rekonstrusaun uma ne’ebé hetan estragu durante dezastre natural, hamutuk millaun $42.\n“Ita-nia kustu estimative, propoin ba fundu kontijénsia hamutuk millaun $42,’’ SEPS, Joaquim Gusmão, hateten ba jornalista Agéncia Tatoli, iha kna’ar fatin Caicoli, segunda ne’e.\nNotísia relevante:SEPS husu millaun $12 ba akizasaun nesesidade bázika\nNia dehan, ekipa liña ministériu uza formuláriu multi Assessment hodi halo levantamentu ba uma sira ne’ebé hetan estragu no daudaun ne’e prosesu identifikasaun ba dadus tama ona sei verifika ho loloos mak bele fó apoiu.\nGovernante ne’e hatutan, liña ministériu mós diskute hela mekanizmu no métodu oinsá bele fó apoiu ba família-sira, hodi haree ba uma ne’ebé hela permanente ka provizóriu, sei iha desizaun.\nTuir padraun SEPS, apoiu rekoperasaun hanesan materiál konstrusaun ho osan maun de-obra, maibé benefisiáriu-sira sei simu apoiu la hanesan no ida-idak tuir kategoria estragu aat kamán, aat natón no aat totál.\nDadus hosi Ministériu Administrasaun Estatál (MAE) ho SEPS, rejista família afetadu dezastre naturál hamutuk 33.177 iha territóriu Timor-Leste (TL). Hosi númeru ne’e, família besik 90% mak hosi Dili no 10% hosi munisípiu seluk.\nIha rezultadu levantamentu, identifika uma 25.000 mak afetadu, iha uma 24.000 aat kamán, aat natón 553 ho aat totál 554.\nDadus hosi MAE ho SEPS identifika mós família hamutuk 2.558 mak hela iha área risku dezastre naturál hanesan besik mota, foho lolon no lagoa iha munisípiu Dili.\nGovernu mós sei foti solusaun ba família-sira ba fatin livre, nune’e prevene afeta inundasaun iha tempu tuir-mai.\nMinistériu Justisa (MJ), liu hosi Diresaun Nasionál Teras no Propriedade (DNTP), identifika ona rai Estadu ne’ebé mamuk iha fatin tolu, atu bele re-aloka vítima dezastre naturál ne’ebé hela iha área risku.\nFatin tolu ne’e nu’udár rai Estadu ho luan ka ektare iha Hera 20-resin, Beduku ektare ne’en (6) no Tibar ektare ne’en (6).\nMJ prepara fatin ne’e hodi hein aprezenta ba entidade relevante no kontribui ba planu hosi Ministériu Planu Ordenamentu (MPO), ho Ministériu Obra Públika (MOP), kona-bá urbanizasaun no atu re-aloka família-sira.\nPrevious articleSEPS husu millaun $12 ba akizasaun nesesidade bázika\nNext articleGovernu Austrália entrega apoiu umanitáriu ba MSSI | [
"Kustu estimativa ba apoiu rekoperasaun millaun $42 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Kustu estimativa ba apoiu rekoperasaun millaun $42 Kustu estimativa ba apoiu rekoperasaun millaun $42 Kondisaun uma komunidade iha aldeia Moris Foun, Tasi-tolu kauza hosi inundasaun iha 04 abril.",
"Imajen Tatoli/Eugenio Pereira.",
"DILI, 11 maiu 2021 (TATOLI) - Sekretaria Estadu Protesaun Sivil (SEPS), kalkula kustu estimativa ba apoiu rekoperasaun liuliu ba rekonstrusaun uma ne'ebe hetan estragu durante dezastre natural, hamutuk millaun $42.",
"\"Ita-nia kustu estimative, propoin ba fundu kontijensia hamutuk millaun $42, \" SEPS, Joaquim Gusmao, hateten ba jornalista Agencia Tatoli, iha kna'ar fatin Caicoli, segunda ne'e.",
"Notisia relevante:SEPS husu millaun $12 ba akizasaun nesesidade bazika Nia dehan, ekipa lina ministeriu uza formulariu multi Assessment hodi halo levantamentu ba uma sira ne'ebe hetan estragu no daudaun ne'e prosesu identifikasaun ba dadus tama ona sei verifika ho loloos mak bele fo apoiu.",
"Governante ne'e hatutan, lina ministeriu mos diskute hela mekanizmu no metodu oinsa bele fo apoiu ba familia-sira, hodi haree ba uma ne'ebe hela permanente ka provizoriu, sei iha desizaun.",
"Tuir padraun SEPS, apoiu rekoperasaun hanesan material konstrusaun ho osan maun de-obra, maibe benefisiariu-sira sei simu apoiu la hanesan no ida-idak tuir kategoria estragu aat kaman, aat naton no aat total.",
"Dadus hosi Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal (MAE) ho SEPS, rejista familia afetadu dezastre natural hamutuk 33.177 iha territoriu Timor-Leste (TL).",
"Hosi numeru ne'e, familia besik 90% mak hosi Dili no 10% hosi munisipiu seluk.",
"Iha rezultadu levantamentu, identifika uma 25.000 mak afetadu, iha uma 24.000 aat kaman, aat naton 553 ho aat total 554.",
"Dadus hosi MAE ho SEPS identifika mos familia hamutuk 2.558 mak hela iha area risku dezastre natural hanesan besik mota, foho lolon no lagoa iha munisipiu Dili.",
"Governu mos sei foti solusaun ba familia-sira ba fatin livre, nune'e prevene afeta inundasaun iha tempu tuir-mai.",
"Ministeriu Justisa (MJ), liu hosi Diresaun Nasional Teras no Propriedade (DNTP), identifika ona rai Estadu ne'ebe mamuk iha fatin tolu, atu bele re-aloka vitima dezastre natural ne'ebe hela iha area risku.",
"Fatin tolu ne'e nu'udar rai Estadu ho luan ka ektare iha Hera 20-resin, Beduku ektare ne'en (6) no Tibar ektare ne'en (6).",
"MJ prepara fatin ne'e hodi hein aprezenta ba entidade relevante no kontribui ba planu hosi Ministeriu Planu Ordenamentu (MPO), ho Ministeriu Obra Publika (MOP), kona-ba urbanizasaun no atu re-aloka familia-sira.",
"Previous articleSEPS husu millaun $12 ba akizasaun nesesidade bazika Next articleGovernu Australia entrega apoiu umanitariu ba MSSI"
] | [
"Estimated cost of recovery assistance $42 million | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI Cost estimated for rehabilitation support billions dollars ($39) Condition community house in the village Moris Foun, Tasi tolu cause by flooding on April."
"Image Tatoli/Eugenio Pereira."
"DILI, May 10th (TATOLI) - The State Secretariat for Civil Protection has calculated the estimated cost of recovery support especially to reconstruct houses damages during natural disaster at $42 million."
"\"Our estimated cost, propose for contingency fund totals $42 million\", SEPS Joaquim Gusmao told the journalist Agência Tatoli in Caicoli office on Monday."
"Relevant news:SEPS asked $12 million for the acquisition of basic necessities He said, line ministry team uses multi Assessment form to make a survey on houses that have been damaged and currently process identification data has come in will be verified correctly so they can provide assistance."
"The governor added that the ministry is also discussing mechanisms and methods to provide support for families, regarding permanent or temporary housing will be decided."
"According to SEPS standards, reconstruction assistance is provided as building materials and labor costs but beneficiaries will receive different types of aid depending on the categories: minor damage; permanent or total."
"According to data from the Ministry of State Administration (MAE) and SEPS, there are 32.975 families affected by natural disaster in Timor-Leste’s territories as a whole;"
"Of this number, nearly 90% of the families are from Dili and about ten percent come in other municipalities."
"In the survey results, 25.018 houses were identified as affecting; of these there are about a dozen damaged and over one hundred with total destructions to be estimaten at around $364 million (USD$79 billion)."
"Data from MAE and SEPS also identified a total of 2,580 families living in areas at risk for natural disasters such as near roads or lakes."
"The government will also provide a solution for the families to free space, thus preventing flooding affect in future."
"The Ministry of Justice (MJ), through the National Directorate for Land and Property, has identified three locations where State land is damaged in order to re-allocate natural disaster victim housing at risk areas."
"The three houses are state land with an area of over 20 hectares in Hera, Beduku (6) and Tibar."
"The MJ is preparing the site to be presented for approval by relevant entities and contribute towards a plan of urbanization, relocations amongst families from both MPO (Ministerial Planning Office), with Ministry Of Public Works."
"Previous articleSEPS asks for $12 million to procure basic necessities Next ArticleAustralian government delivers humanitarian aid in MSSI"
] |
Inan-Aman Tenki Brani Koalia Edukasaun Seksual Ba Oan | STLNEWS\nInan-Aman Tenki Brani Koalia Edukasaun Seksual Ba Oan\nDILI- Komisaun Nasional Kontra HIV/Sida sei servisu hamutuk ho Igreja katolika, Protestante no mos Muslumanu iha Timor Leste, hodi halo kampania edukasuan seksual atu redus moras HIV/Sida komesa husi familia uma laran.\nTuir sekretariu ezekutivu ba Komisaun Nasional Kombate HIV/Sida Timor Leste Daniel Marcal katak atu Kombate HIV/Sida iha Timor Leste, Komisaun nasional Kontra HIV/Sida halao ekontru ho lider reliziosu iha Timor Leste hanesan Katolika, Protestente, no Muslumanu hodi koalia kona ba kombate moras HIV/Sida iha Timor Leste.\nIta nia inan Aman tenki brani eduka ita nia oan kona ba relasaun seksual, diak liu sira aprende husi uma duka aprende husi liur, tamba ohin loron iha internet, dehan Daniel ba Jornalista Segunda (05/05/2014) iha Palasiu Governu hafoin halao enktru ho lider relijiosa sira.\nNia esplika tan katak programa komisaun atu hare ba oin hodi halo programa hamutuk ho igreja atu eduka uma kain ida-idak, atu forma uma kain tamba inan Aman tenki brani eduka oan sira kona ba relasaun seksual.\nIha fatin hanesan Prezidente Episcopal Timor Leste atual Bispu Deosece Baucau Dom Basilio do Nacimento hatete, kultura Timor nian tauk atu koalia kona ba vida intimu, maibe tenki iha edukasaun husi inan Aman ninian. Informasaun kompletu iha STL Jornal no STL Web, edisaun Kuarta, (7/5/2014). Timotio Gusmão\nPrevious articleFungsionariu Estatal 5 Abuzu Poder-Falsifika Dokumentus\nNext articleSimeira CPLP Governu Rehabilista Estrada Kapital Urjente\nMargaret Durom May 6, 2014 At 17:56\nInan -Aman mos tenke hatene atu koalia kona be sex, no hatene importancia asunto ida ne’e. Fo formasaun ba sira uluk tamba sira for deit buat hotu sira simu, entau fo ba sira formasaun liu liu ba kabe nain joven sira. | [
"Inan-Aman Tenki Brani Koalia Edukasaun Seksual Ba Oan | STLNEWS Inan-Aman Tenki Brani Koalia Edukasaun Seksual Ba Oan DILI- Komisaun Nasional Kontra HIV/Sida sei servisu hamutuk ho Igreja katolika, Protestante no mos Muslumanu iha Timor Leste, hodi halo kampania edukasuan seksual atu redus moras HIV/Sida komesa husi familia uma laran.",
"Tuir sekretariu ezekutivu ba Komisaun Nasional Kombate HIV/Sida Timor Leste Daniel Marcal katak atu Kombate HIV/Sida iha Timor Leste, Komisaun nasional Kontra HIV/Sida halao ekontru ho lider reliziosu iha Timor Leste hanesan Katolika, Protestente, no Muslumanu hodi koalia kona ba kombate moras HIV/Sida iha Timor Leste.",
"Ita nia inan Aman tenki brani eduka ita nia oan kona ba relasaun seksual, diak liu sira aprende husi uma duka aprende husi liur, tamba ohin loron iha internet, dehan Daniel ba Jornalista Segunda (05/05/2014) iha Palasiu Governu hafoin halao enktru ho lider relijiosa sira.",
"Nia esplika tan katak programa komisaun atu hare ba oin hodi halo programa hamutuk ho igreja atu eduka uma kain ida-idak, atu forma uma kain tamba inan Aman tenki brani eduka oan sira kona ba relasaun seksual.",
"Iha fatin hanesan Prezidente Episcopal Timor Leste atual Bispu Deosece Baucau Dom Basilio do Nacimento hatete, kultura Timor nian tauk atu koalia kona ba vida intimu, maibe tenki iha edukasaun husi inan Aman ninian.",
"Informasaun kompletu iha STL Jornal no STL Web, edisaun Kuarta, (7/5/2014).",
"Timotio Gusmao Previous articleFungsionariu Estatal 5 Abuzu Poder-Falsifika Dokumentus Next articleSimeira CPLP Governu Rehabilista Estrada Kapital Urjente Margaret Durom May 6, 2014 At 17:56 Inan -Aman mos tenke hatene atu koalia kona be sex, no hatene importancia asunto ida ne'e.",
"Fo formasaun ba sira uluk tamba sira for deit buat hotu sira simu, entau fo ba sira formasaun liu liu ba kabe nain joven sira."
] | [
"Inan-Aman Tenki Brani Koalia Pendidikan Seksual Ba Anak | STLNEWS Dili - The National Commission Against HIV/AIDS will work together with the Catholic Church, Protestant and also Muslims in Timor Leste to carry out a sexual education campaign for reducing AIDS from family level."
"According to the Executive Secretary of National Commission Against HIV/AIDS Timor-Leste Daniel Marcal that in order To Combat AIDS, national commission against hiv / aids held meetings with religious leaders like Catholic and Protestant churches as well Muslim communities on combating this disease."
"Our parents should be committed to educating our children about sexual relations, it is better they learn from home than outside because nowadays on the internet,” Daniel told Jornalista Monday (05/14) in Government Palace after meeting with religious leaders."
"He also explained that the commission’s program is to look ahead and make programs together with churches in order for each household, every family member because parents must educate their children about sexuality."
"As for the current Episcopal President of Timor-Leste, Bishop Deosece Baucau Dom Basilio do Nacimento said that it is uncommon in East Тимор culture to talk about intimate life but children must be educated by their parents."
"Full information in STL Jornal and on the website, Thursday edition (7/5) 2014."
"Previous article5 State Officials Abuse Power-Falsify Document Next ArticleSimeira CPLP Governo Rehabilista Estrada Capital Urgente Margaret Durom May 6,2014 At (UTC) Inan -Aman mos tenke hatene atu koalia kona be sex."
"Give them training first because they are the only ones who get everything, and then give their younger players a great deal more of that."
] |
Produsaun biodiesel husi kafe :: KIMIKA OHIN LORON\nInisiu > Produsaun biodiesel husi kafe\nProdusaun biodiesel husi kafe\nProdus biodiesel husi kafe nia mina, posivel???\nKafe hanesan produtu ida valioju tebes ba ekonomia global no nia bebida ema hotu konsome iha mundu rai klaran ohin loron. Ho konsome kafe aumenta, koprodutu denominadu ho kafe teen nebe nia aplikasaun seidauk barak, sai preokupasaun ba meio meio ambiente.\nKafe kontendu aliende aroma tamba mina esensial nebe bele aproveita ba industria hahan, iha mos mina graxu, nebe husi mina graxu ne’e bele produs biodiesel.\nAtu hasai mina no aroma kafe, utiliza teknika extrasaun ida hanaran extrasaun Soxhlet ho solvente organiku (ex; n-hexanu ka etanol). Ho teknika ida ne’e ita bele aproveita mina no aroma husi kafe teen nebe dala barak ita soe tiha deit.\nPeskiza konaba produsaun biodiesel husi mina kafe dezenvolve husi bolsista Timor oan ida (eis alunu UNTL) nebe oras ne'e sei kontinua nia estudu iha Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG-Brasil). Peskija ida ne'e realiza iha Laboratório de Métodos de Extração e Separação (LAMES-UFG) hahu kedas iha tinan 2009 liuba no nia rejultadu hafoin apresenta iha congresu RBTB (Rede Brasileira de Tecnologia de Biodiesel). Atu hatene konaba apresentasaun iha kongresu ne'e, bele KONTINUA... lee.\nIha Fevereiro 2011, peskijador husi Universidade de São Paulo (USP-Brasil) divulga iha media uja titlu hanesan tuir mai ne'e “Cientistas da USP produzem biodiesel da borra de café”, kontroversia tebes tamba pekija ida ne'e primeira vez aprejenta iha III CONGRESSO RBTB tinan 2009. Hafoin divulgasaun ne'e akipe husi LAMES entre kontatu ho peskijador USP no media sira.\nTuir mai bele asesu site nebe divulga mos konaba produsaun ne'e, hafoin muda fali titlu sai "Cientistas brasileiros produzem biodiesel a partir da borra de café". Iha site ne'e maluk sira bele asesu informasaun nebe divulga husi USP nomos UFG.\nFiltru ba bee moos\nAtu koñese liu tan projetu estudu nebe dezenvolve iha LAMES, extrasaun mina no aroma, no produsaun biodiesel lapara iha etapa ida ne’e deit. Hala’o mos estudu adsorsaun ka kapasidade husi torta kafe (kafe teen izenta husi mina no aroma), sai hanesan filtru ba bee moos. Projetu konaba dezenvolviementu filtru ida ne’e divulga iha SBPC (Sociedade Brasileira para o Congresso de Ciência). | [
"Produsaun biodiesel husi kafe:: KIMIKA OHIN LORON Inisiu > Produsaun biodiesel husi kafe Produsaun biodiesel husi kafe Produs biodiesel husi kafe nia mina, posivel???",
"Kafe hanesan produtu ida valioju tebes ba ekonomia global no nia bebida ema hotu konsome iha mundu rai klaran ohin loron.",
"Ho konsome kafe aumenta, koprodutu denominadu ho kafe teen nebe nia aplikasaun seidauk barak, sai preokupasaun ba meio meio ambiente.",
"Kafe kontendu aliende aroma tamba mina esensial nebe bele aproveita ba industria hahan, iha mos mina graxu, nebe husi mina graxu ne'e bele produs biodiesel.",
"Atu hasai mina no aroma kafe, utiliza teknika extrasaun ida hanaran extrasaun Soxhlet ho solvente organiku (ex; n-hexanu ka etanol).",
"Ho teknika ida ne'e ita bele aproveita mina no aroma husi kafe teen nebe dala barak ita soe tiha deit.",
"Peskiza konaba produsaun biodiesel husi mina kafe dezenvolve husi bolsista Timor oan ida (eis alunu UNTL) nebe oras ne'e sei kontinua nia estudu iha Universidade Federal de Goias (UFG-Brasil).",
"Peskija ida ne'e realiza iha Laboratorio de Metodos de Extracao e Separacao (LAMES-UFG) hahu kedas iha tinan 2009 liuba no nia rejultadu hafoin apresenta iha congresu RBTB (Rede Brasileira de Tecnologia de Biodiesel).",
"Atu hatene konaba apresentasaun iha kongresu ne'e, bele KONTINUA... lee.",
"Iha Fevereiro 2011, peskijador husi Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP-Brasil) divulga iha media uja titlu hanesan tuir mai ne'e \"Cientistas da USP produzem biodiesel da borra de cafe,\" kontroversia tebes tamba pekija ida ne'e primeira vez aprejenta iha III CONGRESSO RBTB tinan 2009.",
"Hafoin divulgasaun ne'e akipe husi LAMES entre kontatu ho peskijador USP no media sira.",
"Tuir mai bele asesu site nebe divulga mos konaba produsaun ne'e, hafoin muda fali titlu sai \"Cientistas brasileiros produzem biodiesel a partir da borra de cafe.\"",
"Iha site ne'e maluk sira bele asesu informasaun nebe divulga husi USP nomos UFG.",
"Filtru ba bee moos Atu konese liu tan projetu estudu nebe dezenvolve iha LAMES, extrasaun mina no aroma, no produsaun biodiesel lapara iha etapa ida ne'e deit.",
"Hala'o mos estudu adsorsaun ka kapasidade husi torta kafe (kafe teen izenta husi mina no aroma), sai hanesan filtru ba bee moos.",
"Projetu konaba dezenvolviementu filtru ida ne'e divulga iha SBPC (Sociedade Brasileira para o Congresso de Ciencia)."
] | [
"Biodiesel production from coffee: KIMIKA OHIN LORON Home > Production of bioethanol by extracting the oils in a process known as \"coffee-oil\" Extraction and processing, possible?"
"Coffee is a valuable commodity for the global economy and its beverages are consumed by everyone in today' s world."
"With the increase in coffee consumption, a co-product known as tea is becoming an environmental concern."
"Coffee contains additional aroma because essential oils that can be used in the food industry, there are also fatty acid Oil from which this fat is produced biodiesel."
"To extract the coffee oil and flavor, an extraction technique called Soxhlet Extraction with organic solvents (e.g; n-hexane or ethanol) is used to do so"
"With this technique, we can take advantage of the oil and aroma from coffee tea that many times is just drunk."
"Research on the production of biodiesel from coffee oil was developed by a Timorese fellow (former UNTL student) who is currently continuing his studies at Universidade Federal de Goias."
"This research was carried out at the Laboratory of Extraction and Separation Methods (LAMES-UFG) in 2013. The results were presented to RBTB congress, which is a Brazilian network for biodiesel technology; this project has been funded by Brazil' s Federal Government through its National Research Programme on Bioenergy Development from Renewable Energy Resources Funding Program(PRP)."
"To find out about the presentations at this congress, please CONTINUE... read."
"In February 2013, researchers from the University of Sao Paulo (USP-Brazil) published in media using titles such as \"Scientists at USP produce biodiesel by extracting coffee beans\", which was very controversial since this claim first appeared during III CONGRESSO RBTB."
"Following the disclosure, LAMES made contact with USP researchers and media."
"You can then access the website that also publishes about this production, after which it changes its title to \"Brazilian scientists produce biodiesel from coffee dust.\""
"On this site, people can access information disclosed by USP and UFG."
"To learn more about the study projects being developed at LAMES, oil and aroma extraction as well a biodiesel production of lapara are only in this stage."
"He also studied the adsorption or capacity of coffee cake (tea free from oils and flavors), to act as a filter for clean water."
"The project on the development of this filter is published in SBPC (Sociedade Brasileira para o Congresso de Ciência)."
] |
Regra Obrigatoriu Tenke Swab, La Viola Direitu | STLNEWS\nRegra Obrigatoriu Tenke Swab, La Viola Direitu\nDILI, STLNEWS.co – Relasiona ho lei neebe governu kria katak, ema hotu obrigatoriu tenke swab, hodi prevene Covid-19, jurista konsidera la viola ema nia direitu.\n“Regra neebe governu estabelese hodi obriga sidadaun sira swab nee la viola ema nia direitu, tanba ita hatene katak ohin loron laos Timor Leste deit mak infrenta problema pandemia Covid-19, maibe nee problema mundial,” dehan Jurista Sergio Dias Quintas ba STL iha TDD, Sesta (07/05/202).\nNia dehan, ezemplu simples kuandu ema estranjeiru ida mak tama iha Indonezia obrigatoriamente tenke swab, pais balu neebe sira tane aas estadu de direitu, maibe sira nia aktuasaun ba covid rigorozu liu Timor-Leste.\nTuir jurista nia hanoin, governu tenke impoin regra para ema hotu obedese, tanba liga ba saude publiku no direitu ba vida ema nia tuir artigu 29 KRDTL.\nIha fatin ketak, Akdemika UNTL Romerio Maria dehan, atu aplika medida sira neebe iha presiza esplikasaun uluk, atu nunee ema bele komprende didiak.*\nPrevious articleSosiedade Sivil Husu Governu Fo Subsidiu Ba Familia\nNext articleSwab Obrigatoriu Fo Implikasaun Tauk Ba EHD | [
"Regra Obrigatoriu Tenke Swab, La Viola Direitu | STLNEWS Regra Obrigatoriu Tenke Swab, La Viola Direitu DILI, STLNEWS.co - Relasiona ho lei neebe governu kria katak, ema hotu obrigatoriu tenke swab, hodi prevene Covid-19, jurista konsidera la viola ema nia direitu.",
"\"Regra neebe governu estabelese hodi obriga sidadaun sira swab nee la viola ema nia direitu, tanba ita hatene katak ohin loron laos Timor Leste deit mak infrenta problema pandemia Covid-19, maibe nee problema mundial,\" dehan Jurista Sergio Dias Quintas ba STL iha TDD, Sesta (07/05/202).",
"Nia dehan, ezemplu simples kuandu ema estranjeiru ida mak tama iha Indonezia obrigatoriamente tenke swab, pais balu neebe sira tane aas estadu de direitu, maibe sira nia aktuasaun ba covid rigorozu liu Timor-Leste.",
"Tuir jurista nia hanoin, governu tenke impoin regra para ema hotu obedese, tanba liga ba saude publiku no direitu ba vida ema nia tuir artigu 29 KRDTL.",
"Iha fatin ketak, Akdemika UNTL Romerio Maria dehan, atu aplika medida sira neebe iha presiza esplikasaun uluk, atu nunee ema bele komprende didiak.* Previous articleSosiedade Sivil Husu Governu Fo Subsidiu Ba Familia Next articleSwab Obrigatoriu Fo Implikasaun Tauk Ba EHD"
] | [
"Mandatory Swab Rule Violates Rights | STLNEWS Dili, stlnews.co - Relating to the law created by government that everyone must take a swabs in order for prevent Covid-19 spreading among public health workers and employees of state agencies or private sector companies; jurista consider it does not violate human rights as an obligation on all people who have been tested positive with PCR test before travelling from one country into another (see below)."
"\"The rule established by the government to oblige citizens swab does not violate people's rights, because we know that today it isn’t just Timor-Leste facing a problem of Covid 19 pandemic but this worldwide issue\", said Lawyer Sergio Diaz Quinta de STL at TDD on Saturday (07/25)."
"He said, simple example when a foreigner enters Indonesia compulsorily must swab. Some countries that they hold high the rule of law but their actions to covid is more rigorous than Timor-Leste 10 days ago"
"According to the lawyer, government must impose rules for all peoples obey because they are linked with public health and human rights under article 29 of CRDTL."
"In a separate statement, UNTL Academician Romerio Maria said that to apply the measures in place need explanation first so people can understand well.* Previous articleCivil Society Call on Government To Give Subsidy For Family Next ArticleCompulsory Swab Has Negative Implication for EHD"
] |
Dioseze Baucau selebra misa solenidade Santa Maria Maromak Nia Inan no paz bá mundu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA BAUKAU Dioseze Baucau selebra misa solenidade Santa Maria Maromak Nia Inan no paz...\nDioseze Baucau selebra misa solenidade Santa Maria Maromak Nia Inan no paz bá mundu\nIgreja Katedrál Baucau. Imajen/foti hosi Google\nBAUCAU, 01 janeiru 2021 (TATOLI)–Uma Kreda Katóliku, ohin, loron 01 fulan-janeiru 2021, selebra eukaristia misa solenidade Santa Maria Maromak Nia Inan no misa paz nian bá mundu rai-klaran.\nNotísia Relevante : Impaktu COVID-19, sarani Baucau rona misa hosi rádiu de’it\nBispu Dioseze Baucau, Mgr. Basílio do Nascimento, prezide misa solene iha Igreja Katedrál Baucau. Imajen/Espesiál\nMaske selebrasaun liturjia festa solenidade ne’e la hetan prezensa hosi sarani sira ka la iha partisipasaun sarani sira nian, maibé uma kreda liuhosi Bispu Dioseze Baucau, Mgr. Basílio do Nascimento, kontinua bolu atensaun liuhosi transmisaun Rádiu Fini Lorosa’e (RFL) ba sarani sira hotu, atu hametin fiar iha Kristu hodi hetan iha Kristu lia loos tomak.\nIha nia omilia Bispu Basílio lia tun dehan, “maun-alin sarani doben sira hotu, tuir ita hatene tinan-tinan loron 01 janeiru, tinan foun nian, uma kreda fó hanoin ba ita hanoin rua bainhira misa hahú; primeiru, Santa Maria Maromak Nia Inan no segundu loron paz nian.”\nDon Basílio esplika katak uma kreda tau hanoin rua; Santa Maria Maromak Nia Inan no loron paz nian, iha loron ida ne’e, atu sarani no ema hotu iha mundu komprende Santa Maria Maromak Nia Inan bá hanoin tinan tomak nian.\n“Ita bá pasajen tolu iha Bíblia nian; primeiru Anju mai fó hatene ba Maria katak Nia sai Maromak Nia inan hodi ko’us Kosok Oan Jezús Kristu, segundu kuandu ita Nai Jezús hala’o ona Nia servisu iha Kana bainhira Inan ida-ne’e hanoin ema sira halo festa, sira nia susar tanba tua la iha ona, Nai Feto hakbesik ba Jezús hodi dehan de’it sira tua la iha ona, terseira pasajen, tuir Bíblia nian kuandu ita Nai Jezús Kristu atu mate iha krús, ita Nai Jezús Kristu hateten ba Saun João katak “o nia Inan mak ida-ne’e no hateten ba Maria o nia oan mak ne’e”.\nNu’udar inan, Don Basilio fó sasin, ema hotu hatene inan sira nia fuan, inan sira nia laran no inan sira nia sentimentu. Oan bele sabraut rihun ida, bá inan ida nia oan nafatin. Nune’e mós oan bele fila kotuk dala barak nia inan, aman sira fuan to’os atu perdua, maibé inan sira, lae, oan nafatin oan.\nDon Basílio hateten, dala barak inan ida tanis mesak-mesak iha uma laran, reza mesak-mesak hodi hanoin oan sira nia problema no hanoin oan sira nia hahalok ne’ebé la loos.\nIha istória uma kreda nian, Amu Basílio haktuir, iha señora ida naran Santa Monika nia oan ida naran Santu Agostinho, nia oan ida ne’e buat aat boot ida, sabraut, tanba nia vida ne’e dook hosi Maromak.\nSanta Monika la hateten buat ida ba nia oan, nia loron-loron reza no tanis ba Maromak atu loron ida lori nia oan Agostinho bá hasoru fali ba Maromak. Nia esforsu no nia konsagrasaun ne’e atu hetan dalan loos. Nia oan ne’e sai tiha bispu no bainhira tempu besik ferik atu mate, nia oan konta, sira na’in-rua ko’alia kona-bá hanoin vida uluk nian.\nSanta Monika dehan, hanesan ne’e bá nia oan Santu Agostinho, “buat ne’ebé ha’u mehi bá o la iha ona, ha’u mehi mak o hetan ona Maromak Nia grasa. Buat ne’ebé ha’u manan iha vida mak ida ne’e. O bispu ona, o fila ba Maromak.”\nUma kreda nian hanoin, tinan ida ne’e tomak konfia uma kreda nia moris, mundu nia moris, sarani nia moris, ema hotu-hotu nia moris biar la’ós katóliku mós mesak Maromak nia oan, ne’e duni kuandu iha loron 01 janeiru, uma kreda hato’o mai Nossa Señora hanesan modela, hanesan dalan no uma kreda hakarak tau hanoin ida ne’e.\nIda seluk tan, Don Basílio tenik, bainhira iha Kanan bainhira Nai Feto hakbesik ba Jezús dehan bá Jezús, sira tua la iha. Ne’e hatudu inan nia preokupasaun!\n“Tinan ida tan iha ita nia vida, Nossa Señora Nia loron ida ne’e mai fó hanoin bá ita katak inan, inan ida ne’ebé la’ós tilun diuk, la’ós matan delek no la’ós fuan to’os. Maibé, inan ne’ebé besik hela ba oan sira hodi husu ba Maromak haraik grasa bá oan sira,” Don Basílio tenik.\nMaria rai buat hirak ne’e hotu iha nia fuan. Kuandu Anju hateten ba Nia, “O sei sai Maromak Nia Inan hodi ko’us kosok oan Jezús.” Rona liafuan ne’e Nossa Señora konfuzu, hodi husu “oinsá mak ha’u bele, ha’u la hola mane”. Maibé, Maria rai buat hotu iha Nia fuan.\n“Rai buat hotu-hotu iha ita nia fuan. Maromak Nia liman fatin iha ita nia vida, ita ida-idak mak koko. Tanba Maromak liuhosi ita nia vida ne’e liuhosi dalan oioin. Dalan ne’ebé Maromak hatudu ba ida seluk la hanesan ho ba ita. Maromak hatene bainhira mak Nia dada ita no oinsá Nia dada ita ba Nia,” Amu Basílio esplika.\nIha Bíblia, Don Basílio haktuir, dehan Maria rai buat hirak ne’e hotu iha Nia fuan, ne’e katak Nia haree bibi-atan sira ba adora Kosok Oan Jezús iha balada nia han fatin. Nia dehan bibi-atan sira ne’e mak kanta bá Jezús.\n“Ita hametin ita nia fiar ho esperiénsia ne’ebé ita ida-idak koko. Dala barak esperiénsia aat, todan no ita sente hanesan hanehan ita nia moris, mak Maromak hatudu Nia dalan no hatudu Nia prezensa iha ita nia vida.”\nLoron paz, loron ida ne’e, tuir Don Basilio, Santu Paulo Sestu bainhira funu Vietname nian, funu entre nasaun barak komesa mosu tempu ne’ebá atu da’et ba funu mundiál nian, Santu Paulo Sestu konvida mundu tomak atu hanoin ida-idak nia kontribuisaun ba paz.\n“Amu papa Paulo Sestu dehan hanesan ne’e, se o hakarak paz hahú hosi o nia fuan, se o hakarak mundu atu sai paz, hahú hosi o nia uma laran, se o hakarak paz evita buat ne’ebé kontribui ba funu. Ne’e duni maluk sira, paz ne’e buat ne’ebé ita hotu mehi,” Don Basílio afirma.\nOhin loron COVID-19, Amu Basílio tenik, halo ema hotu iha mundu atu bulelu. COVID ida-ne’e halo uma laran fraku, ekonomia família fraku, to’o fulan ikus, ferik-katuas haree malu matan la mós. Iha lia-dadolin ka lia-menon ida dehan, iha fatin ne’e paun la iha, ema hotu-hotu hirus malu, maibé ida la iha fó razaun tanba la’ós sala ida ne’e ka sala ida ne’ebá nian, maibé tanba konjuntura ne’e mak halo ita minima atu moris hodi hada’et malu ba família.\nHafoin buat hirak ne’e bele lori ba buat seluk, katak Don Basílio, bele lori ema hadau ema nia sasán, na’ok ema nia sasán no buat ida sériu ne’e iha. Ne’e duni Amu Papa Paulo Sestu dehan, hakarak paz hahú hosi uma laran.\n“Husu bá Nossa Señora atu husu bá Maromak haraik mai ita kapasidade paz nian, atu ita hatene lee paz ho Nossa Señora Nia matan, rai buat hotu-hotu iha Nia fuan,” Don Basílio afirma tan.\nPrevious articleImpaktu COVID-19, sarani Baucau rona misa hosi rádiu de’it\nNext articleKrisdayanti, furak iha tais nia falun | [
"Dioseze Baucau selebra misa solenidade Santa Maria Maromak Nia Inan no paz ba mundu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BAUKAU Dioseze Baucau selebra misa solenidade Santa Maria Maromak Nia Inan no paz...",
"Dioseze Baucau selebra misa solenidade Santa Maria Maromak Nia Inan no paz ba mundu Igreja Katedral Baucau.",
"Imajen/foti hosi Google BAUCAU, 01 janeiru 2021 (TATOLI) -Uma Kreda Katoliku, ohin, loron 01 fulan-janeiru 2021, selebra eukaristia misa solenidade Santa Maria Maromak Nia Inan no misa paz nian ba mundu rai-klaran.",
"Notisia Relevante: Impaktu COVID-19, sarani Baucau rona misa hosi radiu de'it Bispu Dioseze Baucau, Mgr.",
"Basilio do Nascimento, prezide misa solene iha Igreja Katedral Baucau.",
"Imajen/Espesial Maske selebrasaun liturjia festa solenidade ne'e la hetan prezensa hosi sarani sira ka la iha partisipasaun sarani sira nian, maibe uma kreda liuhosi Bispu Dioseze Baucau, Mgr.",
"Basilio do Nascimento, kontinua bolu atensaun liuhosi transmisaun Radiu Fini Lorosa'e (RFL) ba sarani sira hotu, atu hametin fiar iha Kristu hodi hetan iha Kristu lia loos tomak.",
"Iha nia omilia Bispu Basilio lia tun dehan, \"maun-alin sarani doben sira hotu, tuir ita hatene tinan-tinan loron 01 janeiru, tinan foun nian, uma kreda fo hanoin ba ita hanoin rua bainhira misa hahu; primeiru, Santa Maria Maromak Nia Inan no segundu loron paz nian.\"",
"Don Basilio esplika katak uma kreda tau hanoin rua; Santa Maria Maromak Nia Inan no loron paz nian, iha loron ida ne'e, atu sarani no ema hotu iha mundu komprende Santa Maria Maromak Nia Inan ba hanoin tinan tomak nian.",
"\"Ita ba pasajen tolu iha Biblia nian; primeiru Anju mai fo hatene ba Maria katak Nia sai Maromak Nia inan hodi ko'us Kosok Oan Jezus Kristu, segundu kuandu ita Nai Jezus hala'o ona Nia servisu iha Kana bainhira Inan ida-ne'e hanoin ema sira halo festa, sira nia susar tanba tua la iha ona, Nai Feto hakbesik ba Jezus hodi dehan de'it sira tua la iha ona, terseira pasajen, tuir Biblia nian kuandu ita Nai Jezus Kristu atu mate iha krus, ita Nai Jezus Kristu hateten ba Saun Joao katak \"o nia Inan mak ida-ne'e no hateten ba Maria o nia oan mak ne'e.\"",
"Nu'udar inan, Don Basilio fo sasin, ema hotu hatene inan sira nia fuan, inan sira nia laran no inan sira nia sentimentu.",
"Oan bele sabraut rihun ida, ba inan ida nia oan nafatin.",
"Nune'e mos oan bele fila kotuk dala barak nia inan, aman sira fuan to'os atu perdua, maibe inan sira, lae, oan nafatin oan.",
"Don Basilio hateten, dala barak inan ida tanis mesak-mesak iha uma laran, reza mesak-mesak hodi hanoin oan sira nia problema no hanoin oan sira nia hahalok ne'ebe la loos.",
"Iha istoria uma kreda nian, Amu Basilio haktuir, iha senora ida naran Santa Monika nia oan ida naran Santu Agostinho, nia oan ida ne'e buat aat boot ida, sabraut, tanba nia vida ne'e dook hosi Maromak.",
"Santa Monika la hateten buat ida ba nia oan, nia loron-loron reza no tanis ba Maromak atu loron ida lori nia oan Agostinho ba hasoru fali ba Maromak.",
"Nia esforsu no nia konsagrasaun ne'e atu hetan dalan loos.",
"Nia oan ne'e sai tiha bispu no bainhira tempu besik ferik atu mate, nia oan konta, sira na'in-rua ko'alia kona-ba hanoin vida uluk nian.",
"Santa Monika dehan, hanesan ne'e ba nia oan Santu Agostinho, \"buat ne'ebe ha'u mehi ba o la iha ona, ha'u mehi mak o hetan ona Maromak Nia grasa.",
"Buat ne'ebe ha'u manan iha vida mak ida ne'e.",
"O bispu ona, o fila ba Maromak.\"",
"Uma kreda nian hanoin, tinan ida ne'e tomak konfia uma kreda nia moris, mundu nia moris, sarani nia moris, ema hotu-hotu nia moris biar la'os katoliku mos mesak Maromak nia oan, ne'e duni kuandu iha loron 01 janeiru, uma kreda hato'o mai Nossa Senora hanesan modela, hanesan dalan no uma kreda hakarak tau hanoin ida ne'e.",
"Ida seluk tan, Don Basilio tenik, bainhira iha Kanan bainhira Nai Feto hakbesik ba Jezus dehan ba Jezus, sira tua la iha.",
"Ne'e hatudu inan nia preokupasaun!",
"\"Tinan ida tan iha ita nia vida, Nossa Senora Nia loron ida ne'e mai fo hanoin ba ita katak inan, inan ida ne'ebe la'os tilun diuk, la'os matan delek no la'os fuan to'os.",
"Maibe, inan ne'ebe besik hela ba oan sira hodi husu ba Maromak haraik grasa ba oan sira,\" Don Basilio tenik.",
"Maria rai buat hirak ne'e hotu iha nia fuan.",
"Kuandu Anju hateten ba Nia, \"O sei sai Maromak Nia Inan hodi ko'us kosok oan Jezus.\"",
"Rona liafuan ne'e Nossa Senora konfuzu, hodi husu \"oinsa mak ha'u bele, ha'u la hola mane.\"",
"Maibe, Maria rai buat hotu iha Nia fuan.",
"\"Rai buat hotu-hotu iha ita nia fuan.",
"Maromak Nia liman fatin iha ita nia vida, ita ida-idak mak koko.",
"Tanba Maromak liuhosi ita nia vida ne'e liuhosi dalan oioin.",
"Dalan ne'ebe Maromak hatudu ba ida seluk la hanesan ho ba ita.",
"Maromak hatene bainhira mak Nia dada ita no oinsa Nia dada ita ba Nia,\" Amu Basilio esplika.",
"Iha Biblia, Don Basilio haktuir, dehan Maria rai buat hirak ne'e hotu iha Nia fuan, ne'e katak Nia haree bibi-atan sira ba adora Kosok Oan Jezus iha balada nia han fatin.",
"Nia dehan bibi-atan sira ne'e mak kanta ba Jezus.",
"\"Ita hametin ita nia fiar ho esperiensia ne'ebe ita ida-idak koko.",
"Dala barak esperiensia aat, todan no ita sente hanesan hanehan ita nia moris, mak Maromak hatudu Nia dalan no hatudu Nia prezensa iha ita nia vida.\"",
"Loron paz, loron ida ne'e, tuir Don Basilio, Santu Paulo Sestu bainhira funu Vietname nian, funu entre nasaun barak komesa mosu tempu ne'eba atu da'et ba funu mundial nian, Santu Paulo Sestu konvida mundu tomak atu hanoin ida-idak nia kontribuisaun ba paz.",
"\"Amu papa Paulo Sestu dehan hanesan ne'e, se o hakarak paz hahu hosi o nia fuan, se o hakarak mundu atu sai paz, hahu hosi o nia uma laran, se o hakarak paz evita buat ne'ebe kontribui ba funu.",
"Ne'e duni maluk sira, paz ne'e buat ne'ebe ita hotu mehi,\" Don Basilio afirma.",
"Ohin loron COVID-19, Amu Basilio tenik, halo ema hotu iha mundu atu bulelu.",
"COVID ida-ne'e halo uma laran fraku, ekonomia familia fraku, to'o fulan ikus, ferik-katuas haree malu matan la mos.",
"Iha lia-dadolin ka lia-menon ida dehan, iha fatin ne'e paun la iha, ema hotu-hotu hirus malu, maibe ida la iha fo razaun tanba la'os sala ida ne'e ka sala ida ne'eba nian, maibe tanba konjuntura ne'e mak halo ita minima atu moris hodi hada'et malu ba familia.",
"Hafoin buat hirak ne'e bele lori ba buat seluk, katak Don Basilio, bele lori ema hadau ema nia sasan, na'ok ema nia sasan no buat ida seriu ne'e iha.",
"Ne'e duni Amu Papa Paulo Sestu dehan, hakarak paz hahu hosi uma laran.",
"\"Husu ba Nossa Senora atu husu ba Maromak haraik mai ita kapasidade paz nian, atu ita hatene lee paz ho Nossa Senora Nia matan, rai buat hotu-hotu iha Nia fuan,\" Don Basilio afirma tan.",
"Previous articleImpaktu COVID-19, sarani Baucau rona misa hosi radiu de'it Next articleKrisdayanti, furak iha tais nia falun"
] | [
"Diocese of Baucau celebrates Mass solemnity Santa Maria Maromak Nia Inan no paz ba mundu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BAUKAU Dioseze Manatuto celebra mass solenim..."
"Diocese of Baucau celebrates Mass Solemnity to St. Mary the Virgin and Peace in The World Igreja Catedral de Bacau (Baucao Cathedral Church)."
"BAUCAU, January 1st (AFP) - The Catholic Creed House today celebrates the Eucharist Mass of Solemnity to Our Lady and a mass for peace on earth."
"Related News: Impact of COVID-19, Catholics in Baucau listen to mass only from the radio The Diocese Bishop Mgr."
"Basilio do Nascimento, presided over the solemn mass in Baucau Cathedral Church."
"Although the liturgical celebration of this solemn feast was not attended or participated by any believers, but a home for faith through Diocese Bishop Baucau Mgr."
"Basilio do Nascimento, continues to call attention through the transmission of Radio Fini Lorosa'e (RFL) for all believers in order that they strengthen their faith and find Christ fully."
"In his homily, Bishop Basilio continued: \"all my dear brothers and sister-Christian friends. As we know every year on January 1st of the New Year a creed reminds us two things when Mass begin; first is St Mary Mother Of God' s Day (the day before Easter) then there are days for peace.\""
"Don Basilio explained that the crest house has two thoughts; Our Lady of God and Day for Peace, on this day so Catholics in all parts to understand our Mother Mary as a reflection over an entire year."
"\"Let us look at three passages in the Bible; first Angel came and told Mary that She was to be God' s mother, so she could conceive Jesus Christ. Secondly when Our Lady had done her work on Cana while Mother thought people were celebrating their feast because they are afflicted with pain for Her lack of presence The Virgin approached Him saying only They have gone away from them 3rd Passage: According our Biblical story about how When We Lord is dying upon a cross He said To St John “This Is Your Mom And Tell Me That This Was your Son.”"
"As a mother, Don Basilio testifies that everyone knows the heart of women and their feeling."
"A son may save a thousand, but the mother's children remain."
"Likewise, a child may return back to his mother many times; fathers seek forgiveness from her but not the children."
"Don Basilio says that many times a mother sits in the house, praying only to think about her children's problems and their wrong actions."
"In the history of our house, Father Basilio tells us that there was a lady named St. Monica who had one son called Saint Augustine; his child is an evil thing because he has been deprived from God's blessing for so long as it takes him to live in this world and be saved by His grace!"
"St. Monica said nothing to her son, she prayed daily and hoped that God would one day bring Augustine back into the presence of his Father in Heaven for a lifetime longer than he had ever lived beforehand!"
"His efforts and his consecration are to find the right path."
"His son became a bishop and when he was nearing death, his child recounted that they both talked about the thoughts of their former lives."
"St. Monica said, likewise to her son Saint Augustine: \"All that I wish for you do not have already; what i want is the grace of God in your possession.\""
"The thing I've won in life is this."
"O bispo ona, o fila ba Maromak.\""
"The Creed House thinks that this whole year is entrusted to the life of a creeds house, and also for those who are not Catholic but still belong in God. Therefore when on January first day one believers present themselves before Nossa Senhora as their model or pathway they want it so we can reflect upon ourselves with her thought: Our Lady has been used by many people like an example; she was taken up into prayer at various times throughout history from time immemorial until today (1980)."
"In another, Don Basilio says that while in Kana when Our Lady approached Jesus she said to Him they were not there."
"That shows mother's concern!"
"\"Once again in our lives, this day of Nossa Senhora comes to remind us that we are mothers. A Mother who is not a tiny finger or an evil eye and no fucking mouth.\""
"But the mother is close to her children and asks God for grace,\" said Don Basilio."
"But Mary kept all these things in her heart."
"When the angel said to her, \"You shall be a mother of God and bear Jesus.\""
"Hearing this, Nossa Senhora was confused and asked \"what can I do?"
"But Mary talked about all these things in her heart."
"\"All things are in our hearts."
"God’s hand is in our lives, each of us has a place."
"Because God is through our life in this world, by various means."
"The way God shows others is not the same as ours."
"God knows when and how He gives us to Him,\" Father Basilio explained."
"In the Bible, Don Basilio says that Mary kept all these things in her heart. That is to say she saw animals worshipping Jesus's Child at his bedside dining room and prayed for him as he would be saved from death by God through His Son (Luke 2:1-3)."
"He said that the animals were singing to Jesus."
"\"Let us strengthen our faith with the experiences we each have."
"Many times it is through bad experiences, hard and we feel like our lives are being destroyed that God shows us His way to show his presence in your life.\""
"Day of Peace, this day according to Don Basilio St. Paul Sixth when the Vietnam War began wars between many nations that time was about a world-war breaking out Saint Paulus Sextus invited all people in every country and region for peace reflect on their contribution each one made"
"\"Father Pope Paul VI said this way, if you want peace start in your heart; If the world is to be at rest begin within yourself."
"That's right, my friends. Peace is something we all desire.\" Don Basilio affirmed that peace was what he wanted to see in his life and for the rest of our lives:"
"Today COVID-19, Father Basilio said that makes everyone in the world to weep."
"This COVID has made the home fragile, family economy weak. Until last month children and grandchildren did not see each other as well;"
"There is a saying or proverb that says, in this place there's no paun and everyone hurts each other but none of us gives any reason because it was not the fault one person had. But due to these circumstance we have been living together for family purpose only so long as they can feed ourselves with their food"
"After these things can take to something else, says Don Basilio may carry people's belongings not their own and there is a serious thing in it."
"As Father Pope Paul VI said, he wants peace to begin at home."
"\"We ask Our Lady to pray that God will give us the ability of peace, so we can read it with Her eyes and see everything in her heart\", Don Basilio adds."
"Previous articleImpact of COVID-19, Catholics in Baucau listen to mass only from the radio Next ArticleKrisdayanti furak dalam tais nya falun"
] |
MI Orienta PNTL Investiga Membro Falisita Movimento Ilegal Membrus GAM\nVise Ministru Interior (MI), Antonio Armindo fo orientasaun ba komando jeral PNTL atu investiga membro sira liu-liu iha fronteira tanba iha ona informasaun katak membro balun fasilita grupu arte marsiais (GAM) halo movimento ilegal iha fronteira hodi ba tuir juramento no sae sinto iha teritoiru Indonesia.\nNia dehan, movimento ilegal ne’ebe mak kuntinua buras iha fronteira kada loron ne’e tanba iha individo balun mak fasilita ema hirak ne’e hakat liu fronteira Timor-Leste hodi ba Indonesia.\n“Ita husu komando PNTL tenke halo investigasaun ba membro sira hodi buka hatene tanba, iha ona informasaun balun katak iha individo balun mak fasilita iha fronteira,” Vise MI Armindo dehan.\nTanba ne’e nia dehan, komando mos tenke reforasa serviso intelijensia iha fronteira hodi kontrola erro sira ne’ebe mak akontese iha fronteira.\n“Ita mos husu komando atu halo mos investigasaun grupo arte marsiais hodi bele hatene lolos se mak fasilita,” nia sujere.\nIha fatin hanesan komandante jeral PNTL, Komisariu polisia Faustino da Costa hateten kada loron iha fronteira ekipa konjunta halo kapturasaun ba membru arte masiais ba indonezia sae sintu no fila mai ho ilegal, sempre iha nain 20 ba leten.\n“Maibe ita seidauk simu informasaun katak iha membro [PNTL] balun iha fronteira mak fasilita,” Komisario PNTL Costa dehan.\nNia dehan, bainhira komando simu keixa ruma iha indikasaun envolve membru polisia balun iha mak fasilita apoiu informasuan ba arte masiais atu halo movimentu ilegal konsekuensia komando tenke foti sai nia.\n“Tanba ne’e ita husu ba membro sira atu labele halimar ho no sira serviso, tenke serviso ho profisionalidade labele uza privasidade iha oras serviso liu-liu garante seguransa iha fronteira tanba kuando iha keixa ruma hakarak ka lakoi tenke foti ain husi instituisaun ida ne’e,” Komisario dehan.\nNia informa, iha estadu emerjensia (EE), periodo dalima ne’e iha fornteira ekipa konjunta kontinua halo kapturasaun ba movimentu ilegal sira husi arte marsiais besik nain 200 resin ona.\nIha parte seluk prezidente PSHT, Baltazar Lemos Seixas hateten, membro PSHT sira ne’ebe alega ba tuir juramento sae sinto iha Indonesia ne’e sira la husu orientasaun ruma hodi atu halo movimento ilegal.\n“Ita lahusu, maibe individo sira ne’e mak hakarak rasik fasilita. Maibe ami labele mensiona. Hein prosesu investigasaun mak bele hetene rezultado tanba vise ministero interior nian bolu ona ami ba halo deklarasaun,” nia informa. | [
"MI Orienta PNTL Investiga Membro Falisita Movimento Ilegal Membrus GAM Vise Ministru Interior (MI), Antonio Armindo fo orientasaun ba komando jeral PNTL atu investiga membro sira liu-liu iha fronteira tanba iha ona informasaun katak membro balun fasilita grupu arte marsiais (GAM) halo movimento ilegal iha fronteira hodi ba tuir juramento no sae sinto iha teritoiru Indonesia.",
"Nia dehan, movimento ilegal ne'ebe mak kuntinua buras iha fronteira kada loron ne'e tanba iha individo balun mak fasilita ema hirak ne'e hakat liu fronteira Timor-Leste hodi ba Indonesia.",
"\"Ita husu komando PNTL tenke halo investigasaun ba membro sira hodi buka hatene tanba, iha ona informasaun balun katak iha individo balun mak fasilita iha fronteira,\" Vise MI Armindo dehan.",
"Tanba ne'e nia dehan, komando mos tenke reforasa serviso intelijensia iha fronteira hodi kontrola erro sira ne'ebe mak akontese iha fronteira.",
"\"Ita mos husu komando atu halo mos investigasaun grupo arte marsiais hodi bele hatene lolos se mak fasilita,\" nia sujere.",
"Iha fatin hanesan komandante jeral PNTL, Komisariu polisia Faustino da Costa hateten kada loron iha fronteira ekipa konjunta halo kapturasaun ba membru arte masiais ba indonezia sae sintu no fila mai ho ilegal, sempre iha nain 20 ba leten.",
"\"Maibe ita seidauk simu informasaun katak iha membro [PNTL] balun iha fronteira mak fasilita,\" Komisario PNTL Costa dehan.",
"Nia dehan, bainhira komando simu keixa ruma iha indikasaun envolve membru polisia balun iha mak fasilita apoiu informasuan ba arte masiais atu halo movimentu ilegal konsekuensia komando tenke foti sai nia.",
"\"Tanba ne'e ita husu ba membro sira atu labele halimar ho no sira serviso, tenke serviso ho profisionalidade labele uza privasidade iha oras serviso liu-liu garante seguransa iha fronteira tanba kuando iha keixa ruma hakarak ka lakoi tenke foti ain husi instituisaun ida ne'e,\" Komisario dehan.",
"Nia informa, iha estadu emerjensia (EE), periodo dalima ne'e iha fornteira ekipa konjunta kontinua halo kapturasaun ba movimentu ilegal sira husi arte marsiais besik nain 200 resin ona.",
"Iha parte seluk prezidente PSHT, Baltazar Lemos Seixas hateten, membro PSHT sira ne'ebe alega ba tuir juramento sae sinto iha Indonesia ne'e sira la husu orientasaun ruma hodi atu halo movimento ilegal.",
"\"Ita lahusu, maibe individo sira ne'e mak hakarak rasik fasilita.",
"Maibe ami labele mensiona.",
"Hein prosesu investigasaun mak bele hetene rezultado tanba vise ministero interior nian bolu ona ami ba halo deklarasaun,\" nia informa."
] | [
"Vice Minister of the Interior (MI), Antonio Armindo, instructed PNTL General Command to investigate members especially at borders because there is information that some member facilitated martial arts groups(GAM) make illegal movement on frontier in order for them take their oath and leave sinto into Indonesian territories. MI Instructions Police Investigating Falisita Member Illegal Movement GAM MPI"
"He said, the illegal movement that continues to occur at this border every day is because there are some individual who facilitate these people crossing Timor-Leste' s frontier into Indonesia."
"\"We are asking the PNTL command to investigate members and find out, because there is some information that certain individuals facilitated in border areas\", Deputy MI Armindo said."
"For this reason, he said that the command also needs to reinforce its intelligence services at borders in order for it To control any error which may occur."
"\"We also asked the command to investigate martial arts groups so that we can find out who facilitated them,\" he suggested."
"As for PNTL Commander General, Police Commissioner Faustino da Costa said every day at the border joint teams make captures of members art masiais to Indonesia leave and return illegally always in 20 or more."
"\"But we have not received any information that there are some [PNTL] members at the border who facilitate,\" said PNTL Commissioner Costa."
"He said, when the command receives a complaint that there is an indication of some police member facilitating information support to mass armed groups for illegal movement as consequence it must be removed."
"\"That is why we ask the members not to take advantage of their service, they must serve with professionalism and cannot use privacy during duty especially guarantee security at border because when there are complaints whether you want it or don'ts have your hands off this institution\", said Commissioner."
"He informed that, during the state of emergency (EE), this past week at border joint teams have continued to capture illegal movements by martial arts for nearly more than two hundred."
"On the other hand, PSHT president Baltazar Lemos Seixas said that members of PSHT who allegedly took oath to leave Indonesia did not ask for any guidance in making an illegal movement."
"\"We've lost, but these individuals want to facilitate themselves."
"But we can't mention it."
"\"We are waiting for the investigation process to be completed, because we have been summoned by vice-minister of interior and will make a statement.\""
] |
Eskola 28 Novembru Preokupa Bee no Eletrisidade | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EDUKASAUN Eskola 28 Novembru Preokupa Bee no Eletrisidade\nEskola 28 Novembru Preokupa Bee no Eletrisidade\nDILI, (TATOLI) – Diretór Eskola Sekundáriu 28 Novembru, Pedro da Silva Ximenes, informa ba jornalista sira katak eskola refere preokupa ba falta bee, eletrisidade nomós moru hale’u hodi asegura kondisaun no fasilita ba prosesu aprendizajen.\n“Preokupasaun mak bee, eletrisidade no importante mak moru. Rehabilitasaun ida ne’e importante la halimar atu bele hala’o buat hotu-hotu”, dehan diretór Pedro da Silva iha nia kna’ar fatin, foin lalais ne’e.\nNia hatutan duut naruk ne’ebé oras ne’e hale’u hela eskola tanba prosesu aprendizajen foin mak hahú fila fali iha loron ualu janeiru 2018 hafoin férias. Nune’e fiar katak sei hadi’a eh hamoos bainhira aprendijazen atu la’o hikas.\nBuat seluk fila fali mak ambiente eskola ema hakerek aat; ida ne’e efeitu husi rehabilitasaun eskola ne’ebé hatuun tiha moru i moru hirak ne’e la harii fila fali kuaze tinan rua ona, nune’e fasilita ema deskoñesidu sira tama ba ambiente eskola bainhira profesór no alunu sira fila hotu.\nEskola 28 Novembru iha duni seguransa maibé aréa ne’e luan no tempu kalan ahi la iha. “Iha oin ne’e de’it. Difísil oituan bainhira ita-nia seguransa sira iha ne’e halo pasa-revista ba mai, ba mai. Tanba ida ne’e mak iha balun, hakerek aat”, katak.\nNia hatutan dezde asume kargu nu’udar diretór eskola iha 2016 sa’e mai, ahi la iha duni no intalasaun ahi ba eskola laran mós seidauk iha.\nNune’e, bainhira rehabilitasaun fó hatene bebeik ona ba kompañia ne’ebé responsabiliza rehabilitasaun ne’e sira promote ona katak sei halo instalasaun hotu ba iha sala-de-aula hotu-hotu bainhira rehabilitasaun remata.\n“Até agora seidauk mosu, hein katak bainhira rehabilitasaun ne’e hotu, fiar katak sira sei halo buat ne’ebé sira promesa”, realsa.\nHodi reforsa : “La’ós ahi de’it maibé bee mós iha ne’e la iha, talvez ami ezame ami tenke hola bee, serimónia ruma ne’ebé atu halo iha eskola ami tenke hola bee mai enxe fase hariis fatin sira ne’e hodi uza. Nesesidade bázika sira ne’ebé iha eskola ne’e ita labele atende hotu tanba falta buat barak”.\nTotál Funsionáriu Na’in 85\nDiretór Eskola Sekundáriu 28 Novembru, Pedro da Silva Ximenes informa, totál funsionáriu iha eskola ne’e hamutuk na’in 85 nomós seguransa na’in haat, administrasaun na’in haat.\nHusi númeru ne’e profesór permanente na’in 64 no kontratadu husi KFP (Komisaun Funsaun Públika) na’in no 21.\nEnkuantu totál estudante, ensinu sekundáriu jerál 12o anos eskolaridade hamutuk estudante na’in 242 no Ensinu Sekundáriu Tékniku Vokasionál, Indústria no Teknolojia 12o anos eskolaridade estudante na’in 48. Kandidatu ba 1o ano eskolaridade, hamutuk estudante na’in 110.\nEntretantu tuir observasaun katak alende falta bee no eletrisidade seidauk instalada hotu, rehabilitasaun ba eskola, liu-liu sala-de-aula mós balun seidauk monta odamatan no janela no janela ho odamatan balun ne’ebé iha ona rahun fali ona no kuadru identidade eskola nian ema deskoñesidu tesi kotu hotu.\nEskola Sekundáriu 28 Novembru\nPrevious article2018 UNTL Simu Estudante 3500, Fahe Almamater Ba 2946 Pesoa\nNext articleGovernu Haruka Tan Pesoál Saúde Nain Tolu Estuda iha Portugal | [
"Eskola 28 Novembru Preokupa Bee no Eletrisidade | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN Eskola 28 Novembru Preokupa Bee no Eletrisidade Eskola 28 Novembru Preokupa Bee no Eletrisidade DILI, (TATOLI) - Diretor Eskola Sekundariu 28 Novembru, Pedro da Silva Ximenes, informa ba jornalista sira katak eskola refere preokupa ba falta bee, eletrisidade nomos moru hale'u hodi asegura kondisaun no fasilita ba prosesu aprendizajen.",
"\"Preokupasaun mak bee, eletrisidade no importante mak moru.",
"Rehabilitasaun ida ne'e importante la halimar atu bele hala'o buat hotu-hotu,\" dehan diretor Pedro da Silva iha nia kna'ar fatin, foin lalais ne'e.",
"Nia hatutan duut naruk ne'ebe oras ne'e hale'u hela eskola tanba prosesu aprendizajen foin mak hahu fila fali iha loron ualu janeiru 2018 hafoin ferias.",
"Nune'e fiar katak sei hadi'a eh hamoos bainhira aprendijazen atu la'o hikas.",
"Buat seluk fila fali mak ambiente eskola ema hakerek aat; ida ne'e efeitu husi rehabilitasaun eskola ne'ebe hatuun tiha moru i moru hirak ne'e la harii fila fali kuaze tinan rua ona, nune'e fasilita ema deskonesidu sira tama ba ambiente eskola bainhira profesor no alunu sira fila hotu.",
"Eskola 28 Novembru iha duni seguransa maibe area ne'e luan no tempu kalan ahi la iha.",
"\"Iha oin ne'e de'it.",
"Difisil oituan bainhira ita-nia seguransa sira iha ne'e halo pasa-revista ba mai, ba mai.",
"Tanba ida ne'e mak iha balun, hakerek aat,\" katak.",
"Nia hatutan dezde asume kargu nu'udar diretor eskola iha 2016 sa'e mai, ahi la iha duni no intalasaun ahi ba eskola laran mos seidauk iha.",
"Nune'e, bainhira rehabilitasaun fo hatene bebeik ona ba kompania ne'ebe responsabiliza rehabilitasaun ne'e sira promote ona katak sei halo instalasaun hotu ba iha sala-de-aula hotu-hotu bainhira rehabilitasaun remata.",
"\"Ate agora seidauk mosu, hein katak bainhira rehabilitasaun ne'e hotu, fiar katak sira sei halo buat ne'ebe sira promesa,\" realsa.",
"Hodi reforsa: \"La'os ahi de'it maibe bee mos iha ne'e la iha, talvez ami ezame ami tenke hola bee, serimonia ruma ne'ebe atu halo iha eskola ami tenke hola bee mai enxe fase hariis fatin sira ne'e hodi uza.",
"Nesesidade bazika sira ne'ebe iha eskola ne'e ita labele atende hotu tanba falta buat barak.\"",
"Total Funsionariu Na'in 85 Diretor Eskola Sekundariu 28 Novembru, Pedro da Silva Ximenes informa, total funsionariu iha eskola ne'e hamutuk na'in 85 nomos seguransa na'in haat, administrasaun na'in haat.",
"Husi numeru ne'e profesor permanente na'in 64 no kontratadu husi KFP (Komisaun Funsaun Publika) na'in no 21.",
"Enkuantu total estudante, ensinu sekundariu jeral 12o anos eskolaridade hamutuk estudante na'in 242 no Ensinu Sekundariu Tekniku Vokasional, Industria no Teknolojia 12o anos eskolaridade estudante na'in 48.",
"Kandidatu ba 1o ano eskolaridade, hamutuk estudante na'in 110.",
"Entretantu tuir observasaun katak alende falta bee no eletrisidade seidauk instalada hotu, rehabilitasaun ba eskola, liu-liu sala-de-aula mos balun seidauk monta odamatan no janela no janela ho odamatan balun ne'ebe iha ona rahun fali ona no kuadru identidade eskola nian ema deskonesidu tesi kotu hotu.",
"Eskola Sekundariu 28 Novembru Previous article2018 UNTL Simu Estudante 3500, Fahe Almamater Ba 2946 Pesoa Next articleGovernu Haruka Tan Pesoal Saude Nain Tolu Estuda iha Portugal"
] | [
"Escola 28 Novembro Preocupa Water e Eletrisidade | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste HOME EDUCATION School of the Secondary Education, Pedro da Silva Ximenes informed journalists that they are concerned about lack water and electricity. The school is also worried by a shortage on ground floor facilities to ensure conditions for learning processes at their secondary schools (Escola Secundária)."
"\"The concerns are water, electricity and the important one is moru."
"This rehabilitation is important not to slow it down in order for everything,\" said director Pedro da Silva at his office recently."
"He explained that the long duration of this time is due to school because learning process only started back on January 15,2038 after holidays."
"Thus, it is believed that he will repair and clean when learning to walk hikas."
"Another thing that has returned is the poor school environment; it's an effect of rehabilitating schools which have taken over beaches and these are not being rebuilt for almost two years, so unfamiliar people can easily enter into a classroom when teachers or students go home."
"The 28 de Noviembre school is indeed under security, but the area was wide and there were no lights at night."
"\"I've been there before."
"It is very difficult when our security guards here are interviewing us back and forth."
"Because there are some in this, badly written,” he said."
"He said that since he took over as school principal in 2016, there has been no fire and the building is still without a centralized system."
"Thus, when the rehabilitation has been repeatedly informed to company responsible for this renovation they have promoted that will make all installation into every classroom once complete."
"\"Until now, it has not come up. I hope that when the rehabilitation is over we will have confidence in them to do what they promised.\""
"\"Not only is there no fire, but water too. Perhaps we have to buy some drinking-water for our exams or a ceremony at the school that needs it and so on.\""
"We cannot meet all the basic needs of this school because there are many things lacking.\""
"The Director of the 28 de Novembro Secondary School, Pedro da Silva Ximenes said that there are a total staff at this school amounting to an estimated seventy-five people plus four security personnel and three administrative workers."
"Of this number, 64 are permanent professors and the KFP (Commission on Public Service) has contracted with them."
"As for the total number of students, general secondary education 12th year schooling comprises a student na'in in Ensinu Secundariu Technical Vocational Education and Training (ETSVET) with an enrolment rate on 'n."
"Candidates for the 1st year of schooling, total student na'a."
"However, according to observations that in addition the lack of water and electricity is not all installed rehabilitation for schools especially classrooms also some haven't fitted doors & windows window with a few existing door has broken back. The school identity frame unknown person teases cut it out everything"
"Previous article2018 UNTL Simu Estudante 3597, Fahe Almamater Ba Atas Ribu Lima Puluh Empat puluh Sembilan Next artikelGovernment Sends More Than Three Health Personnel Study in Portugal"
] |
INSS verifika ona dadus entidade empregadór-fakultativu 6.707 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA COVID-19 INSS verifika ona dadus entidade empregadór-fakultativu 6.707\nINSS verifika ona dadus entidade empregadór-fakultativu 6.707\nDILI, 02 juñu 2021 (TATOLI)—Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun Institutu Nasionál Seguransa Sosiál (INSS), Longinhos Armando Leite, informa INSS verifika ona dadus entidade empregadór-fakultativu hamutuk 6.707 ne’ebé rejistu ba programa “apoiu ba empregu”.\nNotísia Relevante: Dadus provizóriu “apoiu ba empregu” iha territóriu nasionál hamutuk 5.095\n“Dadus entidade empregadór-fakultativu iha munisípiu Dili hamutuk 6.707 ne’e, INSS verifika ona. Hosi dadus ne’e, ita-nia entidade empregadór hamutuk 1.623 no fakultativu hamutuk 5.084,” Longinhos Armando Leite hateten ba Agência TATOLI iha nia knaar fatin, Caicoli, Dili, kuarta ne’e.\nNia hatutan, entidade empregadór no fakultativu iha territóriu nasionál ne’ebé hakarak adere ba seguransa sosiál ne’e, sira-nia dokumentu iha ona INSS ne’ebé seidauk verifika ne’e hamutuk 2000-resin.\nBainhira INSS verifika hotu ona dadus hirak ne’e mak sei halo pedidu ida ba fundu COVID-19 nian para sira bele transfere osan mai iha INSS nia konta bankaria, mak foin bele halo pagamentu.\nEntretantu, Prezidente INSS ne’’e apela ba empreza no traballadór tuan sira-ne’ebé daudaun ne’e sei rejistu iha INSS ne’e tenke kumpre regra ne’ebé Governu liuhosi Ministériu Saúde (MS) no Organizasaun Mundiál Saúde (OMS) aplika, atu nune’e bele evita moras COVID-19 ne’e da’et ba ema seluk.\nINSS verifika ona entidade empregadór-fakultativu 6.707\nPrevious articleEkipa task force prepara dezeñu rekuperasaun imediata infraestrutura fatin hitu\nNext articleRó-ahi KMP Tranship II halo operasaun kada semana dala-ida | [
"INSS verifika ona dadus entidade empregador-fakultativu 6.707 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA COVID-19 INSS verifika ona dadus entidade empregador-fakultativu 6.707 INSS verifika ona dadus entidade empregador-fakultativu 6.707 DILI, 02 junu 2021 (TATOLI) - Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun Institutu Nasional Seguransa Sosial (INSS), Longinhos Armando Leite, informa INSS verifika ona dadus entidade empregador-fakultativu hamutuk 6.707 ne'ebe rejistu ba programa \"apoiu ba empregu.\"",
"Notisia Relevante: Dadus provizoriu \"apoiu ba empregu\" iha territoriu nasional hamutuk 5.095 \"Dadus entidade empregador-fakultativu iha munisipiu Dili hamutuk 6.707 ne'e, INSS verifika ona.",
"Hosi dadus ne'e, ita-nia entidade empregador hamutuk 1.623 no fakultativu hamutuk 5.084,\" Longinhos Armando Leite hateten ba Agencia TATOLI iha nia knaar fatin, Caicoli, Dili, kuarta ne'e.",
"Nia hatutan, entidade empregador no fakultativu iha territoriu nasional ne'ebe hakarak adere ba seguransa sosial ne'e, sira-nia dokumentu iha ona INSS ne'ebe seidauk verifika ne'e hamutuk 2000-resin.",
"Bainhira INSS verifika hotu ona dadus hirak ne'e mak sei halo pedidu ida ba fundu COVID-19 nian para sira bele transfere osan mai iha INSS nia konta bankaria, mak foin bele halo pagamentu.",
"Entretantu, Prezidente INSS ne \" e apela ba empreza no traballador tuan sira-ne'ebe daudaun ne'e sei rejistu iha INSS ne'e tenke kumpre regra ne'ebe Governu liuhosi Ministeriu Saude (MS) no Organizasaun Mundial Saude (OMS) aplika, atu nune'e bele evita moras COVID-19 ne'e da'et ba ema seluk.",
"INSS verifika ona entidade empregador-fakultativu 6.707 Previous articleEkipa task force prepara dezenu rekuperasaun imediata infraestrutura fatin hitu Next articleRo-ahi KMP Tranship II halo operasaun kada semana dala-ida"
] | [
"INSS has verified the data of 6,708 employer-facultative entities | TIMOR HAU Notícias Agência Noticiosa de Timor Lorosa'e COVID19 INDUSTRY AND TRADE INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SECURITIES (INSSE) VERIFIED THE DATA FOR Employer - Facultatives Entity Number Of Employed Person In The State Dili/Dili – Longinhos Armando Leites informed that National Institute for Social Security Board President and Director General said on Thursday he had already checked all employee registering with \"support to work\" program."
"Relevant News: Provisional data \"support for employment\" in the national territories totals to a whopping of5,094.678 person(i) INSS has verified this provisional figure which includes employer-facultative entities (EFEs), with an overall number at Dili City assigned that amounted upto123 thousand people.\""
"From this data, our employer entity totals 1.623 and the optional one is a whopping number of (5084),\" Longinhos Armando Leite told Agência Tatoli at his office in Caicoli Dili on Tuesday night"
"He added that employers and voluntary entities in the national territory who want to join this social security, their documents already have INSS not verified are more than two thousand."
"Once INSS has verified all the data, it will make a request to COVID-19 fund so that they can transfer money into their bank accounts and then payment may be made."
"Meanwhile, the President of INSS appealed to companies and old workers who are currently registering with ins that they must comply With rules applied by Government through Ministry Of Health (MS) And World health Organization(WHO), so as not spread COVID-19 disease."
"PreviousTask force team prepares design for immediate recovery of infrastructure in seven places Next articleTrain KMP Tranship II operated once a week on one route"
] |
CNCS-TL Komemora Loron Mundiál HIV/SIDA Ba Dala 16 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE CNCS-TL Komemora Loron Mundiál HIV/SIDA Ba Dala 16\nDILI, 03 dezembru 2019 (TATOLI)-Komisaun Nasionál ba Kombate HIV/SIDA (vírus da imunodeficiência humana/Síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida) komemora loron mundiál ba dala 16 ho tema Mai Ita Hamutuk Liberta Timor-Leste Husi Transmisaun HIV.\n“Agora ema barak mak teste raan hodi hatene nia status maibé uluk ema ta´uk ladun mai tes raan maibé agora ita hotu nia esforsu tomak ema la ta´uk ema la moe hodi teste raan,” dehan Sekretariu Ezekutivu CNCS-TL, Daniel Marcal iha nia diskursu bainhira selebra loron mundiál hiv sida ba dala 16 iha Edifisiu CNCS-TL Lurumata, Dili, ohin.\nNia hateten, daudaun ne’e ema mai teste raan barak loos tanba ita identifika iha ne’ebá katak ema nee iha HIV/SIDA ida ne’e mak públiku tenke komprende ba rezultadu di’ak ita idetifika ema iha kazu HIV de’it seidauk to´o ba iha SIDA maibé ita labele salva ema nia moris.\nIda ne’e mak importante para públiku hatene katak rezultadu ne’ebé ita servisu ne’e di’ak no komesa ema barak mai husu atu koko raan rasik ne’e di’ak liután hodi bele hatene idaidak nia an tanba situasaun seksu livre ita-nia rain ne’e boot tebes, ba ema sira ne’ebé mak seksu livre ne’e balun koñese nia estatutu no balun la hatene nia estatutu no balun finji la hatene nia estatutu.\n“Esforsu husi Komisaun Nasionál, Ministériu Saúde no mós parseiru internasionál para oinsá ita atu redús ka hamenus infeksaun foun HIV/SIDA tanba ne’e mak ita atu fó koñesimentu ba públiku hodi evita hahalok ne’ebé risku ba transmisaun HIV/SIDA nian”.\nSekretariu Ezekutivu Daniel Marçal fó hanoin, ema ne´ebé mak iha ona virus HIV, tenke ba halo tratamentu para bele asegura idaidak nia moris.\nBa ema sira ne’ebé mak afeta ona HIV/SIDA lalika ta´uk lalika moe ba koko ran atu konfirma ita-nia saúde para bele intervensaun lalais antes para HIV ne’e lalika nakfila an ba SIDA tanba SIDA ne’e lori ita ba susar nia laran.\nMaibé ita daudaun ne’e iha ona progresu no ema barak mak iha ona koñesimentu maibé la’ós ba ema hotu hotu maibé ema barak livre husi ta´uk no moe sira tanba sira teste raan ne’e la ta´uk hanesan uluk ona no ema barak mak hetan ona rekoperasaun uluk ta´uk hemu ai-moruk agora ema hotu hemu ai-moruk Anti Retro Viral (ARV) tanba ema iha koñesimentu ne’ebé komesa hakle´an liu atu hatene moras ne’e.\nIha fatin hanesan, Diretòr Jerál Ministériu Solidariedade Sosiál Inkluzaun (MSSI) Rui Exposto hateten katak ita-nia populsaun iha Timor-Leste ita bele dehan katak 0,09% mak hetan ona moras HIV/SIDA maibé\nita mós tenki halakon diskriminasaun ba ema sira ne’ebé mak afetadu ba moras HIV ida ne’e. Ita hothotu tenke proteje no promove sira-nia direitu hanesan sidadaun bainbain iha Timor-Leste.\nMSSI rekomenda ba CNCS-TL ne’ebé mak tutela ba iha MSSI katak husi dadus iha tinan-2003 too agora hamutuk 1.039 ne’ebé deteka hetan positivu ba HIV/SIDA, iha 400 itál de’it mak ativu halo tratamentu. Signifika, CNCS-TL nia papel tenke buka tuir ba ema sira ne’ebé mak seidauk hetan tratamentu ba HIV ne’e.\nEntretantu iha serimónia komemorasaun loron mundiál ba HIV/SIDA ba 16 iha Timor-Leste ne´e, diretór jerál MSSI mós lansa sentru informasaun biblioteka HIV/SIDA nian.\nPartisipa iha serimónia ne´e mak reprezentante Uniaun Europeia (UE), Organizasaun Mundiál Saúde (OMS), Komadante Operasionál Munisípiu Dili no reprezentante Ministériu Saúde inklui estudante universitáriu sira.\nPrevious articleArão Noé: AMP Sólidu Hela\nNext articleKolokasaun OJE 2020 La Tuir Dalan | [
"CNCS-TL Komemora Loron Mundial HIV/SIDA Ba Dala 16 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE CNCS-TL Komemora Loron Mundial HIV/SIDA Ba Dala 16 DILI, 03 dezembru 2019 (TATOLI) -Komisaun Nasional ba Kombate HIV/SIDA (virus da imunodeficiencia humana/Sindrome da imunodeficiencia adquirida) komemora loron mundial ba dala 16 ho tema Mai Ita Hamutuk Liberta Timor-Leste Husi Transmisaun HIV.",
"\"Agora ema barak mak teste raan hodi hatene nia status maibe uluk ema ta'uk ladun mai tes raan maibe agora ita hotu nia esforsu tomak ema la ta'uk ema la moe hodi teste raan,\" dehan Sekretariu Ezekutivu CNCS-TL, Daniel Marcal iha nia diskursu bainhira selebra loron mundial hiv sida ba dala 16 iha Edifisiu CNCS-TL Lurumata, Dili, ohin.",
"Nia hateten, daudaun ne'e ema mai teste raan barak loos tanba ita identifika iha ne'eba katak ema nee iha HIV/SIDA ida ne'e mak publiku tenke komprende ba rezultadu di'ak ita idetifika ema iha kazu HIV de'it seidauk to'o ba iha SIDA maibe ita labele salva ema nia moris.",
"Ida ne'e mak importante para publiku hatene katak rezultadu ne'ebe ita servisu ne'e di'ak no komesa ema barak mai husu atu koko raan rasik ne'e di'ak liutan hodi bele hatene idaidak nia an tanba situasaun seksu livre ita-nia rain ne'e boot tebes, ba ema sira ne'ebe mak seksu livre ne'e balun konese nia estatutu no balun la hatene nia estatutu no balun finji la hatene nia estatutu.",
"\"Esforsu husi Komisaun Nasional, Ministeriu Saude no mos parseiru internasional para oinsa ita atu redus ka hamenus infeksaun foun HIV/SIDA tanba ne'e mak ita atu fo konesimentu ba publiku hodi evita hahalok ne'ebe risku ba transmisaun HIV/SIDA nian.\"",
"Sekretariu Ezekutivu Daniel Marcal fo hanoin, ema ne'ebe mak iha ona virus HIV, tenke ba halo tratamentu para bele asegura idaidak nia moris.",
"Ba ema sira ne'ebe mak afeta ona HIV/SIDA lalika ta'uk lalika moe ba koko ran atu konfirma ita-nia saude para bele intervensaun lalais antes para HIV ne'e lalika nakfila an ba SIDA tanba SIDA ne'e lori ita ba susar nia laran.",
"Maibe ita daudaun ne'e iha ona progresu no ema barak mak iha ona konesimentu maibe la'os ba ema hotu hotu maibe ema barak livre husi ta'uk no moe sira tanba sira teste raan ne'e la ta'uk hanesan uluk ona no ema barak mak hetan ona rekoperasaun uluk ta'uk hemu ai-moruk agora ema hotu hemu ai-moruk Anti Retro Viral (ARV) tanba ema iha konesimentu ne'ebe komesa hakle'an liu atu hatene moras ne'e.",
"Iha fatin hanesan, Diretor Jeral Ministeriu Solidariedade Sosial Inkluzaun (MSSI) Rui Exposto hateten katak ita-nia populsaun iha Timor-Leste ita bele dehan katak 0,09% mak hetan ona moras HIV/SIDA maibe ita mos tenki halakon diskriminasaun ba ema sira ne'ebe mak afetadu ba moras HIV ida ne'e.",
"Ita hothotu tenke proteje no promove sira-nia direitu hanesan sidadaun bainbain iha Timor-Leste.",
"MSSI rekomenda ba CNCS-TL ne'ebe mak tutela ba iha MSSI katak husi dadus iha tinan-2003 too agora hamutuk 1.039 ne'ebe deteka hetan positivu ba HIV/SIDA, iha 400 ital de'it mak ativu halo tratamentu.",
"Signifika, CNCS-TL nia papel tenke buka tuir ba ema sira ne'ebe mak seidauk hetan tratamentu ba HIV ne'e.",
"Entretantu iha serimonia komemorasaun loron mundial ba HIV/SIDA ba 16 iha Timor-Leste ne'e, diretor jeral MSSI mos lansa sentru informasaun biblioteka HIV/SIDA nian.",
"Partisipa iha serimonia ne'e mak reprezentante Uniaun Europeia (UE), Organizasaun Mundial Saude (OMS), Komadante Operasional Munisipiu Dili no reprezentante Ministeriu Saude inklui estudante universitariu sira.",
"Previous articleArao Noe: AMP Solidu Hela Next articleKolokasaun OJE 2020 La Tuir Dalan"
] | [
"CNCS-TL Celebrates 16th Anniversary of World HIV/AIDS Day | TIMOR HEADLINE The National Commission for the Fight against Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired immune deficit Syndrome celebrates its sixteen th aniversary with “Together, Free Timor Leste from Transmission” as theme."
"\"Now a lot of people are testing their blood to know its status, but before the poor didn't come and test it. But now we all have made every effort so that no one is sick or tired for this screening\", said CNCS-TL Executive Secretary Daniel Marcal in his speech when celebrating World HIV/AIDS Day 2016 at Lurumata Building (Dili)."
"He said, at the moment people come to test blood because we identify there that a person has HIV/AIDS this is something public must understand for good results. We only identified someone in an AIDS case but it's not yet finished and you cannot save their lives.\""
"This is important for the public to know that we are working on a good result and many people have started asking us if they can take their own blood test so each one of them could be identified because free sex in our country has become very widespread, some men who practice this form known its statute but others do not."
"\"The National Commission, the Ministry of Health and international partners are working to reduce new HIV/AIDS infections. We need public awareness so that we can avoid behaviours at risk for transmission.\""
"Executive Secretary Daniel Marcal reminded that people who are already infected with the HIV virus must get treatment to ensure their lives."
"For people who are already affected by HIV/AIDS, do not be afraid to go through a blood test and confirm our health so that we can intervene quickly before the virus turns into AIDS because it is what causes us trouble."
"But we now have progress and many people already know, but not for everyone. Many are free from the flu because their blood test isn't as cold like it used to be; a lot of those who were infected with HIV had been recovering before they started taking medication today everybody takes anti-retroviral (ARV) medicines since there has become more knowledge about this disease than in previous years"
"Meanwhile, Director General of the Ministry for Social Solidarity and Inclusion (MSSI) Rui Exposto said that we can say 0.9% have contracted HIV/AIDS in Timor-Leste but it is also important to eliminate discrimination against people who are affecting by this illness as well: \"We must fight AIDS with all means available.\""
"We must all protect and promote their rights as citizens of Timor-Leste."
"MSSI recommended to CNCS-TL, which supervises the Ministry of Social Security that from data in 2013 up until now there have been a total number for HIV/AIDS positives detecting as many and only about four hundred people are actively receiving treatment."
"This means that the role of CNCS-TL is to seek out people who have not received HIV treatment."
"Meanwhile, at the ceremony commemorating World HIV/AIDS Day for 16th time in Timor-Leste this year MSSI's Director General also launched an information centre of AIDS Library."
"The ceremony was attended by representatives of the European Union (EU), World Health Organization, Dili Municipality Operation Commander and a delegation from health ministry including university students."
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XXV Domingo Tempo Comum (ANO C) – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > LETURA DIÁRIA > XXV Domingo Tempo Comum (ANO C)\nXXV Domingo Tempo Comum (ANO C)\nPrimeira Leitura Am. 8, 4-7\nLia housi Livro Profeta Amós:\nImi sira be sama hanehan ema ki’ak sira, imi sira be hakarak halakon tiha kiik sira iha rai-klaran, imi ne’e rona didi’ak mai! Imi dehan: “Bainhira mak sei liu fulan foun atu ita bele fa’an tiha ita nia ai-han? Bainhira mak sei liu loron sábado atu ita bele loke ita nia uma laran hodi fa’an ita nia trigo? Ita sei halo ita nia sasukat sira kiik liu tan, ita sei hasa’e osan mutin nia folin, ita sei halo dasin falsu atu han matak? Ita sei hodi ita nia osan sosa ema ki’ak sira. Ita sei sosa duni ema ki’ak sira hodi chenela par ida. Ita nia fos íkis sira mos, ita sei fa’an hotu.” Maibé, Na’i hakotu kedas lia ba Jacob, dehan: “Sira nia hahalok ida de’it mos Ha’u sei la haluhan!”\nSalmo Responsorial Sal. 112(113), 1-2, 4-6, 7-8\nRefrão : Imi sei hahí Na’i, Na’i be foti ema kbiit laek!!! Repete-se\nNa’i nia atan sira,\nimi sei hahí Na’i naran.\nHaklaken Na’i nia naran,\nNa’i ita povo hotu nia leten,\nNia gloria iha lalehan tutun.\nNia trono leten aas ba. Refrão\nNia foti housi rai ema sira be monu,\nNia hasai housi foer ema sira be ki’ak,\nhodi halo sira tur hamutuk\nho sira rai nian, iha fatin di’ak. Refrão\nSegunda Leitura 1 Tim. 2, 1-8\nOan doben! Uluk knana’in ha’u husu atu imi fo agradece, keta haluhan harohan hodi halo orasaun, keta haluhan husu barak ba ema hotu-hotu, ba liurai sira no ba autoridade hotu-hotu, atu nune’e ita bele moris hakmatek, moris nu’udar ema los, hodi hamta’uk Maromak. Ne’e mak di’ak, ne’e mak Na’i Maromak, ita nia Maksoin hadomi liu. Na’i Maromak hakarak ema hotu hetan salvsaun, ema hotu hetan hodi hatene lia los. Basá, Na’i Maromak ida de’it, Mediador mos ida de’it iha Maromak ho ema sira leet: Mediador ne’e mak ida be naran Jesus Cristo. Nia mak saran-An ba mate atu soi ita hotu. Ida ne’e mak lia sasin to’o mai ona iha oras lolos. Ha’u hateten lolos, ha’u la bosok: Na’i Maromak hili ha’u atu fo hatene lia sasin ida ne’e. Na’i Maromak foti ha’u ba Apóstolo no ba mestre kona fiar no kona ba lialos.\nAclamação Lc. 16, 13\nAtan ida labele serbi ba liurai rua.\nImi labele serbi ba Maromak no serbi ba osan. Refrão\nEvangelho Lc. 16, 1-3 ou 10-13\nIha tempo nebá, Jesus lia tun ba Escolante sira: “Riku ida iha ema ida atu hare nia sasan. Riku rona katak nia ema ne’e, halakon nia sasan barak. Tan ne’e, nia bolu ema ne’e hodi husu: ‘Sa mak ha’u rona ba ó nia hahalok? Haktuir ó nia servisu, basá, ohin ba oin, ó sei labele kaer tan ó nia servisu ne’e’. Ema ne’e hanoin iha nia laran: ‘Ha’u nia na’in hasai karik ha’u housi servisu, ha’u sei halo sa los? Fila rai ha’u labele! Husu esmola ha’u moe.. Ha’u hatene ona atu halo nusa, atu ema ruma bele simu netik ha’u, wainhira ha’u husik tiha ha’u nia servisu’. Bolu tiha sira ida-idak be debe hela nia patraun, nia dehan ba ida uluk liu. ‘Ó debe ha’u nia na’i hira?’ Nia hatan: Mina kalen atus ida!’ Nia dehan fali: ‘Tur lalais, kaer ó nia recibo, hakerek de’it lima nulu’. Tuir fali, nia dehan ba ida seluk: ‘Ó debe hira?’ Nia hatan: ‘Trigo karon atus ida!’ Nia dehan: ‘Kaer ó nia recibo, hakerek walu nulu’. Patraun hahí tiha ema aat ida ne’e, tan nia hatene moris. Basá, ema mundo ninian hatene moris ba maluk sira, liu fali ema Maromak ninian. Ha’u dehan kedas ba imi: Habelun malu ho osan be la folin: Bainhira osan ne’e mohu tiha, belun sira sei simu imi iha reino rohan laek. Ema nebé hatene hare sasan witoan, nia sei hatene mos hare sasan barak. Imi la hatene karik kaer imi nia osan folin laek, se mak beik tau iha imi liman sasan folin boot? Imi la hatene karik tau matan ba ema seluk nia sasan, se mak beik tau iha imi liman imi nia sasan rasik? Atan ida la bele serbi patraun na’in rua: basá, nia serbi ida hodi husik ida seluk, eh nia sei hadomi ida hodi hewai ida seluk. Imi la bele serbi Na’i Maromak hodi serbi mos osan!”.\nPrevious Post“TEM QUE HADOMI MORIS TANBA NE’E PRESENTE IDA HOSI MAROMAK” Next PostLABELE SERVI OSAN HO MAROMAK DALA IDA | [
"XXV Domingo Tempo Comum (ANO C) - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > LETURA DIARIA > XXV Domingo Tempo Comum (ANO C) XXV Domingo Tempo Comum (ANO C) Primeira Leitura Am.",
"8, 4-7 Lia housi Livro Profeta Amos: Imi sira be sama hanehan ema ki'ak sira, imi sira be hakarak halakon tiha kiik sira iha rai-klaran, imi ne'e rona didi'ak mai!",
"Imi dehan: \"Bainhira mak sei liu fulan foun atu ita bele fa'an tiha ita nia ai-han?",
"Bainhira mak sei liu loron sabado atu ita bele loke ita nia uma laran hodi fa'an ita nia trigo?",
"Ita sei halo ita nia sasukat sira kiik liu tan, ita sei hasa'e osan mutin nia folin, ita sei halo dasin falsu atu han matak?",
"Ita sei hodi ita nia osan sosa ema ki'ak sira.",
"Ita sei sosa duni ema ki'ak sira hodi chenela par ida.",
"Ita nia fos ikis sira mos, ita sei fa'an hotu.\"",
"Maibe, Na'i hakotu kedas lia ba Jacob, dehan: \"Sira nia hahalok ida de'it mos Ha'u sei la haluhan!\"",
"Salmo Responsorial Sal.",
"112 (113), 1-2, 4-6, 7-8 Refrao: Imi sei hahi Na'i, Na'i be foti ema kbiit laek!!!",
"Repete-se Na'i nia atan sira, imi sei hahi Na'i naran.",
"Haklaken Na'i nia naran, Na'i ita povo hotu nia leten, Nia gloria iha lalehan tutun.",
"Nia trono leten aas ba.",
"Refrao Nia foti housi rai ema sira be monu, Nia hasai housi foer ema sira be ki'ak, hodi halo sira tur hamutuk ho sira rai nian, iha fatin di'ak.",
"Refrao Segunda Leitura 1 Tim.",
"2, 1-8 Oan doben!",
"Uluk knana'in ha'u husu atu imi fo agradece, keta haluhan harohan hodi halo orasaun, keta haluhan husu barak ba ema hotu-hotu, ba liurai sira no ba autoridade hotu-hotu, atu nune'e ita bele moris hakmatek, moris nu'udar ema los, hodi hamta'uk Maromak.",
"Ne'e mak di'ak, ne'e mak Na'i Maromak, ita nia Maksoin hadomi liu.",
"Na'i Maromak hakarak ema hotu hetan salvsaun, ema hotu hetan hodi hatene lia los.",
"Basa, Na'i Maromak ida de'it, Mediador mos ida de'it iha Maromak ho ema sira leet: Mediador ne'e mak ida be naran Jesus Cristo.",
"Nia mak saran-An ba mate atu soi ita hotu.",
"Ida ne'e mak lia sasin to'o mai ona iha oras lolos.",
"Ha'u hateten lolos, ha'u la bosok: Na'i Maromak hili ha'u atu fo hatene lia sasin ida ne'e.",
"Na'i Maromak foti ha'u ba Apostolo no ba mestre kona fiar no kona ba lialos.",
"Aclamacao Lc.",
"16, 13 Atan ida labele serbi ba liurai rua.",
"Imi labele serbi ba Maromak no serbi ba osan.",
"Refrao Evangelho Lc.",
"16, 1-3 ou 10-13 Iha tempo neba, Jesus lia tun ba Escolante sira: \"Riku ida iha ema ida atu hare nia sasan.",
"Riku rona katak nia ema ne'e, halakon nia sasan barak.",
"Tan ne'e, nia bolu ema ne'e hodi husu: 'Sa mak ha'u rona ba o nia hahalok?",
"Haktuir o nia servisu, basa, ohin ba oin, o sei labele kaer tan o nia servisu ne'e'.",
"Ema ne'e hanoin iha nia laran: 'Ha'u nia na'in hasai karik ha'u housi servisu, ha'u sei halo sa los?",
"Fila rai ha'u labele!",
"Husu esmola ha'u moe..",
"Ha'u hatene ona atu halo nusa, atu ema ruma bele simu netik ha'u, wainhira ha'u husik tiha ha'u nia servisu'.",
"Bolu tiha sira ida-idak be debe hela nia patraun, nia dehan ba ida uluk liu.",
"'O debe ha'u nia na'i hira?'",
"Nia hatan: Mina kalen atus ida!'",
"Nia dehan fali: 'Tur lalais, kaer o nia recibo, hakerek de'it lima nulu'.",
"Tuir fali, nia dehan ba ida seluk: 'O debe hira?'",
"Nia hatan: 'Trigo karon atus ida!'",
"Nia dehan: 'Kaer o nia recibo, hakerek walu nulu'.",
"Patraun hahi tiha ema aat ida ne'e, tan nia hatene moris.",
"Basa, ema mundo ninian hatene moris ba maluk sira, liu fali ema Maromak ninian.",
"Ha'u dehan kedas ba imi: Habelun malu ho osan be la folin: Bainhira osan ne'e mohu tiha, belun sira sei simu imi iha reino rohan laek.",
"Ema nebe hatene hare sasan witoan, nia sei hatene mos hare sasan barak.",
"Imi la hatene karik kaer imi nia osan folin laek, se mak beik tau iha imi liman sasan folin boot?",
"Imi la hatene karik tau matan ba ema seluk nia sasan, se mak beik tau iha imi liman imi nia sasan rasik?",
"Atan ida la bele serbi patraun na'in rua: basa, nia serbi ida hodi husik ida seluk, eh nia sei hadomi ida hodi hewai ida seluk.",
"Imi la bele serbi Na'i Maromak hodi serbi mos osan!.\"",
] | [
"25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (YEAR C) - Diocese of Dili The diocese > NEWS> DAILY READINGS: Daily Readings from the Gospel according to St. Matthew and Saint Luke for this week' s first reading, read by Revd Dr John O’Connor"
"Amos 8:4-7 Words from the Book of The Prophet Amoz. \"You who oppress and kill poor people, you that want to destroy those in need on earth; hear now!"
"You say, \"When is the new moon to come that we may sell our grain?"
"When will the Sabbath pass, that we may open our houses and sell us grain?"
"We will make our scales smaller, we'll raise the price of gold and silver coins.We’re going to produce fake food for eating?"
"We will give our money to buy the poor."
"We will buy the poor people a pair of chenelas."
"We'll sell them all.\""
"But the LORD made an end of his word to Jacob, saying: \"Neither will I forget this one thing that they have done.\""
"Responsorial Psalm Ps."
"Psalm 109 (86),2-3,4 Refrain: I will be with the LORD; for he is a good God."
"Say again, O servants of the LORD; ye shall call upon his name."
"Proclaim the name of Yahweh over all our peoples, his glory in heaven is smoke."
"His throne is exalted, and his powers are great."
"He takes up the fallen from under, and he lifts out of their abode those who are poor; so that they may sit with them in a good place."
"Refrain Second Reading 1 Tim."
"2:1-8 We are free!"
"First of all I ask you to give thanks, do not forget praying and pleading with everybody; make many requests from people in power or authority that we may live a righteous life as worthy men who love God."
"That is good, that's the LORD our God who loveth us most."
"The Lord wants all people to be saved, everyone will know the word of truth."
"For there is only one Lord God, and a mediator with men: Jesus Christ."
"He sacrificed Himself to die in order that he might save us all."
"This is the testimony that has come in due time."
"I tell you the truth, and do not lie: for it is me that Yahweh has chosen to make known this testimony."
"God has chosen me to be an apostle and a teacher of faith, in the truth."
"Acclamation Lc."
"16:20 One man cannot serve two kings."
"You cannot serve both God and money."
"Refrao Gospel of Luke."
"16:3-4 At that time Jesus said to his disciples, \"There was a rich man who had one over all of what he owned."
"Riku hears that his men have destroyed many of their possessions."
"So he called him to himself and said, 'What do I hear about you?"
"Take your job, because from today on you will not be able to take it anymore.'"
"And he thought within himself, saying: 'If my master dismisses me from his office what shall I do?'"
"Don't throw me in the fire!"
"Husu esmola ha'u moe ."
"I already know how to do it so that someone can take care of me when my job is over.'"
"And when he had made known to each of them what they owed his master, He said unto the first."
"'How much do you owe me?'"
"And he said, A thousand shekels.'"
"And he said to him, 'Go quickly and get your receipts. Write five zeroes on it'.\""
"Then he said to another, 'How much do you owe?'"
"He answered, 'A hundred and one pieces of wheat today.'"
"He said, 'Take your receipt and write eight hundred dollars.'"
"The policeman hacked this evil man, because he knew how to die."
"For the man of this world knows better how to live for his fellow men than he who is from God."
"I tell you now: Give to one another with money of no value; for when it is spent, your neighbors will receive them in the kingdom."
"A man who knows how to see things clearly, he will also be aware of many."
"Do you not know that if your precious money is taken away, who will put valuable things in the hands of others?"
"Do you not know that if your eyes are set on other people's things, who will put in the hands of others what is their own?"
"A man cannot serve two masters: for he will either worship one and despise the other, or love One but hate The Other."
"You cannot serve the LORD your God while you are serving money!\""
] |
By Tempo Timor November 21, 2021 1034\nPrimeiru Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak no Arkebispu Arkedioseze Metropolitana Dili, Dom Virgílio do Carmo da Silva asina hela plaka Igreja Sagrado Coração de Jesus Bekora, dimingu (21/11). Foto Tempo Timor\nIha inaugurasaun ne’e, PM Taur agradese Arkebispu Arkedioseze Metropolitana Dili, Dom Virgílio do Carmo da Silva, no entidade apoiante sira ba prosesu konstrusaun no inaugurasaun (Igreja Sagrada Coração de Jesus) hanesan uma-kreda foun ida ba sarani Bekora.\n“Ha’u kontente, haree konstrusaun igreja ida-ne’e, tanba ninia konstrusaun kualidade tebes. E ha’u lori VIII Governu nia naran agradese ba amu bispu no amu Paróku. Koodenadór Gabinete Sosiadade Sivíl, nomós kompaña ne’ebé fó apoiu hodi finaliza konstrusaun ida-ne’e”, dehan nia hafoin inaugurasaun igreja Sagrada Coração de Jesus, Bekora, domingu (21/11)\nHo inaugurasaun igreja ida ne'e, parte Governu mós sei la haluha partisipasaun igreja ba luta libertasaun nasionál Timor-Leste nian.\nTanba ne'e husu atu komunidade no sarani Bekora atu hamutuk ho parte igreja tau matan ba igreja foun ne’ebé hari’i ona, hodi kontribui hadi’a lisuk buat balun nune'e obra ne'e ba oin bele di'ak nafatin.\nArkebispu Arkedioseze Metropolitana Dili, Dom Virgílio do Carmo da Silva liuhusi nia omilia misa santa agradese ba apoiu husi Governu no entidade relavante ba obra igreja Bekora ne’ebé ohin loron bele hamriik hanesan uma kreda foun ida.\nMaibé atu hametin fidelidade iha uma kreda ida ne'e, sarani Bekora presiza esforsu labele baruk hakbesik-an ba igreja.\nTuir dadus balun ne’ebé fó sai husi Komisaun Organizadora, Padre Guilhermino da Silva katak, prosesu konstrusaun ba igreja Bekora ne'e hahú dezde iha inísiu 2013, iha mandatu Governu Dalima.\nAleinde Obra dahuluk ba konstrusaun ne’e, momentu ne'ebá, maihusi kotratór kompaña Integra,Lda mak halo konstrusaun ho valór U$$1,398,956.\nMaibé iha altura ne'e, komisaun konstrusaun igreja Bekora deside retira tanba parte Ajénsia Dezenvolvimentu Nasionál (ADN) halo verifikasaun no analizasaun ba BoQ (bill of quantity), aprova ho montante orsamentu US$938.1303.97, maibé dezeñu la kompletu.\nNune'e buka fali kontratór identifikadu seluk mak kompaña BTK, hodi aprezenta kedas proposta foun ho kustu konstrusaun ba igreja US$2.111.381.05. hafoin parte ADN aprova proposta ida-ne’ebé aprova husi Primeiru Ministru, Xanana Gusmão.\nIha ne'e, Dioseze Dili mós finansia orsamentu ho montante rihun US$300 no Governu apoia tan millaun US$1 ne’ebé konsege finaliza ninia konstrusaun.\nEnkuantu plaka kona-ba inaugura Igreja Sagrada Coração de Jesus Bekora ne’e hetan asinatura husi Primeiru Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak no Arkebispu Arkedioseze Metropolitana Dili, Dom Virgílio do Carmo da Silva. (*)\nLast modified on Monday, 22 November 2021 06:34\n« Martinho Gusmão La’ós ona Na’i-Lulik, Maibé Bele Absolve Pekadu Lú Olo Sei Kondekora Veteranu Na’in-50 iha Loron 28 Novembru » | [
"By Tempo Timor November 21, 2021 1034 Primeiru Ministru (PM), Taur Matan Ruak no Arkebispu Arkedioseze Metropolitana Dili, Dom Virgilio do Carmo da Silva asina hela plaka Igreja Sagrado Coracao de Jesus Bekora, dimingu (21/11).",
"Foto Tempo Timor Iha inaugurasaun ne'e, PM Taur agradese Arkebispu Arkedioseze Metropolitana Dili, Dom Virgilio do Carmo da Silva, no entidade apoiante sira ba prosesu konstrusaun no inaugurasaun (Igreja Sagrada Coracao de Jesus) hanesan uma-kreda foun ida ba sarani Bekora.",
"\"Ha'u kontente, haree konstrusaun igreja ida-ne'e, tanba ninia konstrusaun kualidade tebes.",
"E ha'u lori VIII Governu nia naran agradese ba amu bispu no amu Paroku.",
"Koodenador Gabinete Sosiadade Sivil, nomos kompana ne'ebe fo apoiu hodi finaliza konstrusaun ida-ne'e,\" dehan nia hafoin inaugurasaun igreja Sagrada Coracao de Jesus, Bekora, domingu (21/11) Ho inaugurasaun igreja ida ne'e, parte Governu mos sei la haluha partisipasaun igreja ba luta libertasaun nasional Timor-Leste nian.",
"Tanba ne'e husu atu komunidade no sarani Bekora atu hamutuk ho parte igreja tau matan ba igreja foun ne'ebe hari'i ona, hodi kontribui hadi'a lisuk buat balun nune'e obra ne'e ba oin bele di'ak nafatin.",
"Arkebispu Arkedioseze Metropolitana Dili, Dom Virgilio do Carmo da Silva liuhusi nia omilia misa santa agradese ba apoiu husi Governu no entidade relavante ba obra igreja Bekora ne'ebe ohin loron bele hamriik hanesan uma kreda foun ida.",
"Maibe atu hametin fidelidade iha uma kreda ida ne'e, sarani Bekora presiza esforsu labele baruk hakbesik-an ba igreja.",
"Tuir dadus balun ne'ebe fo sai husi Komisaun Organizadora, Padre Guilhermino da Silva katak, prosesu konstrusaun ba igreja Bekora ne'e hahu dezde iha inisiu 2013, iha mandatu Governu Dalima.",
"Aleinde Obra dahuluk ba konstrusaun ne'e, momentu ne'eba, maihusi kotrator kompana Integra,Lda mak halo konstrusaun ho valor U$$1,398,956.",
"Maibe iha altura ne'e, komisaun konstrusaun igreja Bekora deside retira tanba parte Ajensia Dezenvolvimentu Nasional (ADN) halo verifikasaun no analizasaun ba BoQ (bill of quantity), aprova ho montante orsamentu US$938.1303.97, maibe dezenu la kompletu.",
"Nune'e buka fali kontrator identifikadu seluk mak kompana BTK, hodi aprezenta kedas proposta foun ho kustu konstrusaun ba igreja US$2.111.381.05. hafoin parte ADN aprova proposta ida-ne'ebe aprova husi Primeiru Ministru, Xanana Gusmao.",
"Iha ne'e, Dioseze Dili mos finansia orsamentu ho montante rihun US$300 no Governu apoia tan millaun US$1 ne'ebe konsege finaliza ninia konstrusaun.",
"Enkuantu plaka kona-ba inaugura Igreja Sagrada Coracao de Jesus Bekora ne'e hetan asinatura husi Primeiru Ministru, Taur Matan Ruak no Arkebispu Arkedioseze Metropolitana Dili, Dom Virgilio do Carmo da Silva. (*) Last modified on Monday, 22 November 2021 06:34 \" Martinho Gusmao La'os ona Na'i-Lulik, Maibe Bele Absolve Pekadu Lu Olo Sei Kondekora Veteranu Na'in-50 iha Loron 28 Novembru \""
] | [
"By Tempo Timor November 21,-0938 Prime Minister (PM), Taur Matan Ruak and Archbishop of Dili Metropolitan Diocese Virgilio do Carmo da Silva sign the plaque for Igreja Sagrado Coracao de Jesus Bekora in Diminui on Nov.(November)"
"At the inauguration, PM Taur thanked Archbishop Virgilio do Carmo da Silva of Dili Metropolitan Diocese and all supporting entities for their efforts in building this new home-of faith (Igreja Sagrada Coracao de Jesus) as a place where Bekora believers can gather."
"\"I am pleased to see the construction of this church, because its building is very quality."
"On behalf of the Eighth Government, I would like to express my thanks and gratitude for this opportunity."
"Co-ordinator Civil Society Office, and the company that supported to complete this construction\", he said after inauguration of Sacra Coracao de Jesus church in Bekora on Sunday (21/09). With its opening ceremony government will not forget about Church's contributions towards Timor Leste national liberation struggle."
"Therefore, he asked the community and Bekora's faithful to work together with church members in looking after this newly built Church so that they can contribute towards improving some of its features."
"Archbishop Virgilio do Carmo da Silva of the Metropolitan Archidiocese in Dili, during his homily at Holy Mass thanked for support from Government and relevant entities to work on Bekora church which today can stand as a new credo."
"However, in order to strengthen their fidelity towards this home of faith the Bekora believers need an effort not only for themselves but also as a way out."
"According to some data provided by the Organizing Committee, Father Guilhermino da Silva said that construction for Bekora church has been underway since early in January of this year."
"In addition to the initial work for this construction, at that time a major contractor company Integra Lda. was constructing with value of U$ $ 1398056"
"However, at that time the Bekora church construction commission decided to withdraw because National Development Agency (ADN) had verified and analyzed BoQ for US$938.1270645 but approved a budget of $US€-£– £ – € - EUR/USD incorrect or incomplete design"
"Therefore, another identified contractor was sought out - the BTK company. The latter immediately submitted a new proposal for construction costs of US$2 138056974 to build this church after an initial approval by DND which then received confirmation from Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao in November last year (see below)."
"The Diocese of Dili also financed the budget with US$30, 125 and Government supported another $4 million to complete its construction."
"The plaque on the inauguration of Igreja Sagrada Coracao de Jesus Bekora was signed by Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak and Archbishop Virgilio do Carmo da Silva. (*) Last modified On Monday, Novemrby2019-3576:48 \" Martinho Gusmao La'os ona Na’i Lulik maibe Bele Absolve Pekadu\""
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FORUM HAKSESUK: PADRE BELE BOSOK KA LAE? Reajusta ba Padre Martinho nia Resposta\nPADRE BELE BOSOK KA LAE? Reajusta ba Padre Martinho nia Resposta\nReajusta ba Padre Martinho nia Resposta\n)* Domingos Saldanha\nObrigadu ba alin Pader Martinho Gusmao nia artigu nebee publika ona iha STL hodi fo resposta ba artigu nebee hau hakerek iha STL edisaun Kinta 25 Marsu 2010. No hau nia respeitu boot ida, tanba lahakmatek ba hau nia resposta, padre mos fo kedas resposta ba hau nia artigu ho argumentu nebee desvia husi problema nia hun. Tanba nee hau mos fo kedas resposta hodi defende STL nia pozisaun, maibe laos ho matan delek, maibe hau defende hodi aprezenta mos fatum dan daktum, hodi hatudu katak iha deklarasaun barak nebee Martinho Gusmao aprezenta nee, lakonsiona ho realidade hosi problema nebee akontese. Maske ita boot dehan hau hasai energia tomak hodi hatan ba ita boot nia artigu ida uluk, kala nunee duni, tanba hau nia matenek latoo tuir Martinho Gusmao nia matenek. Maibe hau esperimenta koloka problema ho kontestu nebee loos atu opiniaun publiku labele sai manipuladu ho argumentu nebee lakontestual. Laos uza faktum ho daktum hodi halo manipulasaun.\nHa’u fiar alin Padre Martinho mos halo kamballota balu hodi lee hau nia resposta ida uluk. Kala artigu naruk liu, neduni Padre Martinho la lee ho kuidadu no la interpreta ho diak. Diak liu agora hau hakerek ho badak de’it hodi bele persebe diak no lalika halai bobar ba mai.\nHau mos hatene hanesan ema hotu hatene katak kada diskusaun ninia objektivu maka buka esklarese buat ida no karik ida-idak kontinua ho nia pozisaun mos, nee normal. Nee signifika katak ita konkorda atu la konkorda malu.\nKestaun sentral nebee sai baze ba hau nia esplikasaun liu ba maka iha Padre Martinho ninian artigu dehan: “Kazu espulsa [aluna na’in 8 hosi Eskola S. Pedro] ne’e relasiona ho publikasaun Suara Timor Lorosae nian (STL 23 Fevereiru 2010)”. Iha pontu ida nee maka hau dehan Padre Martinho la buka hatene uluk, STL maka hakerek uluk notisia ho publika uluk foto ka desizaun Padre Domingos hasai uluk aluna sira foin mosu notisia ho foto. Iha pontu ida ne’e amu Martinho halai liu fali russa. Ha’u dehan klaru tiha ona iha resposta ida uluk, agora mos hau repete tan fali hodi Alin Padre Martinho bele hatene didiak katak Padre Domingos hasai tiha ona aluna sira nee, maka foin ami hakerek notisia kona ba desizaun nee no ikus mai ami hatun foto hodi haree to’ok, foto sira nee aat tebes no merese hetan espulsaun ka lae? Ami hanoin lae. Se Padre pedófilo ida nebee kontra momos moral nebee uma-kreda hanorin, uma-kreda la hasai sira maibe muda tiha ba fatin seluk no ikus simu fali de’it, nusa maka aluna sira foin halo sala oan nee, hasai tiha kedas sira hosi eskola? Buat ida dehan edukasaun nee iha nebee? Hau temi Padre pedófilo ne’e refere ba kazu sira agora mosu iha Amerika ho Europa nebee lori Papa Bento mos husu deskulpa ona. Liu-liu edukasaun iha eskola hanesan fatin ida atu eduka, tulun, fasilita no hadia estudante sira nia personalidade ho dezenvolve matenek hodi hakat ba oin, la'os hasai sira hodi taka dalang ba sira.\nPadre Martinho la buka hun hosi hasai aluna sira, maibe koko fila lia fali katak foto nebee ami hatun maka influensia Padre Domingos hasai aluna sira. Nee laloos Padre Martinho. Hafoin ami rona Padre Domingos hasai tiha aluna sira maka foin ami ba ko’alia ho nia hodi konfirma razaun sa-ida maka hasai aluna sira nee. Klaru ninia razaun maka aluna sira ba hasai foto nee, la’os foto ida ami hatun iha STL maka lori Padre hasai sira. La hatene Padre hetan foto hosi se ami la hatene. Ikus mai, bainhira ami hetan foto hosi facebook no ami hatun iha STL, inan-aman sira atu halo presaun ba Padre Domingos tanba sira hanoin Padre Domingos maka fo foto ba STL tanba antes kedas ami rona katak Padre Domingos dehan ameasa aluna sira atu fo foto sira nee ba STL ho Timor Post. Tanba nee bainhira ami hatun foto, inan-aman sira hanoin kedas Padre Domingos maka fo, maibe laloos. Tanba ami hetan hosi Facebook no Padre Domingos mos la fo foto ruma ba ami, maka ami tenki dehan buat nebee loos, ami labele nonok de’it hodi inan aman sira hanoin dehan Padre maka fo. Ida nee klaru tebes hanesan bee mos, neduni lalika fila lia tan.\nKonaba foto sira nee hetan hosi nebee mos ami esplika klaru tebes ona iha resposta uluk kedas. Hau fiar katak Padre Martinho la’os mai hosi China, Arabi ka Afrika neduni la hatene Tétum. Iha neba hau esplika tiha klaru tiha ona iha hau nia primeira resposta kedas, dehan hosi facebook. Karik Padre Martinho hakarak lidera investigasaun ruma hodi hatene se maka hatama ba facebook, bele halo ba. Buka tuir se maka hasai foto sira ne’e no hatama iha facebook.\nHau la justifika katak ami STL maka loos, maibe STL loos iha buat ida, la fila lia hodi hateten katak foto nebee ami hatun maka influensia desizaun Padre Domingos nian tanba desizaun hasai aluna sira hola antes tiha ona.\nPadre Martinho deskonfia hau nia sobrinha maka hasai foto no hatama iha internet, tanba ne’e nia hateten nunee: “Se nia [hau nia sobrinha] la tama iha foto nee, enatun sorti boot. Maibe, situasaun ida nee bele sai “grave” liu. Bele ka lae, investiga husi uma laran hodi detekta lolos “se mak hasai foto” (?), “se mak haruka foto liu husi internet” (?); “intensaun saida maka iha ne’e nia kotuk atu hasai foto no publika foto”?”\nBa ida ne’e hau lakohi hatudu liman ba ema ruma, hau husu de’it Padre Martinho bele forma ekipa ida ba no ita boot maka lidera rasik investigasaun nee. Karik hakarak husu tulun ba polisia mos diak. Aluna sira hotu be hasai foto ne’e pasti hatene, se maka hasai no hasai ho se nia makina ka kamera telemovel nian. La iha ema ruma hasai na’uk, nem paparazi sira basaa, aluna sira be hasai foto nee hothotu hamrik halo action hamutuk no haree ba kamera, la’os buat espontanea ida.\nPadre Martinho dehan nunee kona ba nia artigu: “Hau mos hatene, katak, hau haruka artigu ne’e liu husi Microsoft 2007 no STL la konsege loke (maibe, diak liu STL lalika dehan ida ne’e: tan “nggak enak, kalo ketahuan gagap teknologi” / “gatek”)”.\nHau nia resposta maka nee, ami seidauk domina di’ak teknolojia, tanba ne’e lori artigu ne’ebe kompativel ho ami nia programa mai hodi loke, duke ami ba fera ulun fali ba artigu ida, enkuantu iha buat seluk nebee ami presiza halo. Se Padre Martinho hateten katak “haluha atu hatama versaun 1993-2003 iha nia laptop”, nusa maka ita boot fiar loos katak ami tenki iha versaun 2007 hanesan ho ita boot nian, maski ami dehan tiha ona katak ami so iha versaun 2003. Tanba Padre Martinho domina teknolojia komputador nian diak, tanba nee maka ami husu atu muda ita boot nia artigu tuir versaun nebee ami husu, maibe ita boot la halo tuir, keta ita hotu fehuk hotu ba teknolojia informatika karik?\nPadre Martinho mos dehan nune’e: “Hau hatene, jornalista sira mos wainhira halo kobertura, sira halo gravasaun depois mak halo transkrip no “ketik ulang”. So, what’s wrong? Hanesan deit! Ketik ulang hau nia artigu, hanesan deit ketik ulang ba notisia ne’ebe jornalista grava. Los ka lae, Maun? Ne’e duni, ita boot ninia razaun la forte (ka, dibuat-buat)”.\nLa hanesan Padre Martinho, jornalista sira be halo kobertura ou halo gravasaun, sira ida-idak hatene sira nia letra no sira ida-idak hakerek notisia nebee sira halo kobertura ba nunee mos sira envolve direitu halo transkrip ba gravasaun nebee sira halo, la’os jornalista seluk maka ba ketik fali. Sa tan Padre Martinho nia artigu la’os notisia nebee badak, maibe artigu nebee naruk. Transkrip notisia hosi kasete dala ruma ita bele rona sala, sei tolera tanba gravasaun la moos ou ita la persebe diak lian rai-li’ur nian nebee ita rona, maibe ketik ulang textu ida maka sala sei grave tebes, tanba nee maka ami lakohi ketik ulang, maibe ami hakarak grava hosi USB de’it. Karik Padre Martinho hatene, tuir loloos fasilita ami nia serbisu ho artigu nebee prontu hatun la’os ba ketik ulang. Artigu nee iha hela ita boot nia komputador laran, nusa maka la husu ba ema sira hatene hodi hodi grava ba versaun 2003 nusa maka tenki haruka ami tenki ketik ulang artigu boot ida?\nAlin Padre Martinho mos dehan : “Maibe, Maun Domingos keta haluha katak, ita hasoru malu nudar amigo no kolaborador. Ita boot rasik mak dehan katak ami sala ona. No hau simu arependimentu ne’e. Ita mos dehan, “hau siak ona labarik sira”. Tan ne’e, hau la insisti atu publika defeza kona ba hau nia “honra”. Sa tan, jornalista STL rasik dehan ba hau, “Amo, artigu ne’e manas”. Hau iha intuisaun, katak, ita boot sira la brani publika artigu ne’e tan artigu ida ne’e toka duni problema todan no eksistensial,”.\nHau konkorda tomak ho deklarasaun Padre Martinho nian, tanba nee ami hasoru padre Martinho iha STL. Iha momentu nebaa ami konkorda malu, maibe depoisde hasoru malu, Padre Martinho hakerek barak liu ona ba media seluk duke hakerek ba STL. Ami lahola ba lia, tanba liberdade ema idak idak nian hodi deside atu hakerek ba jornal nebee autor artigu nee hakarak. STL laiha autoridade ida, atu bandu hakerek ba jornal seluk, maibe ba STL deit. Hau mos sente keta Padre Martinho kala sei hirus STL karik, tanba nee artigu laharuka mai STL ona.\nMaibe iha tinan klaran 2009, padre Martinho telephone hau dala tolu, husu atu publika nia artigu ida kona ba lei abortu. Publika duni ba edisaun rua. Atu dehan deit katak STL lahalo buykota ba se deit inklui mos Padre Martinho. Tanba nee hau husu ita hotu tenke onestu ba ita nia aan rasik antes ita bosok ema seluk.\nPadre Martinho dehan: “Ita hotu konkorda kona ba liberdade expresaun nian. Wainhira hau sente katak, STL taka oportunidade ba hau, entaun hau bele buka media seluk. Sa tan, ita la iha kontratu atu obriga hau hakerek deit ba STL”.\nHau konkorda ho ita boot katak ema hotu iha liberdade atu publika ninia artigu iha nebee de’it tuir ninia hakarak. Karik hanesan ne’e, elegante liu lalika hanorin Mindo Tylycai, tanba ita boot hanorin hela ba ema seluk atu halo buat loos nian depois ita boot maka hili soe tama an ba rai ko’ak. Kontrariu loos ho ditadu Indonezia nian ne’ebe dehan “guru kencing berdiri dan murid kencing berlari” hodi sai fali “guru kencing berlari dan murid kencing berdiri”. Hau nia ta’uk maka ida ne’e, ita boot amu-lulik, hanorin ba sarani sira halo buat loos no ita boot ba halo fali buat sala. Buat sira nee bele halo ami nia fiar lakon tanba, nudar amlulik, ita boot hanorin buat diak ba ami, maibe ita boot haluha tutuir buat diak nebee ita boot hanorin hodi ita boot rasik ba halo kontra buat nebee ita boot hanorin. No to’o loron ida, ami mos bele la fiar hotu buat loos nebee ita boot hanorin tanba ita boot rasik la halo tuir.\nPadre Martinho, nusa maka tenki inventa lia hodi dehan: “…wainhira iha jornal seluk ne’ebe hakarak publika hau nia artigu entaun STL mos la bele bandu”. Ita boot bele hatudu mai ha’u, iha nebee no hori bainhira maka ami bandu ita boot atu publika ita boot nia artigu iha jornal seluk? Ita boot maka hanorin ba Mindo Tylycai katak “…tuir kode etik (codigo de conduta) lolos karik, Mindo tenki hakerek ba STL… Nune’e mos, tuir kode etik hau tenki hakerek ba STL”. Nee ita boot nia lisaun Padre Martinho, la’os hau ka jornalista STL ruma maka dehan. Ami fiar lisaun nee loos no hanesan neduni, tuir kode etiku jornalista iha mundu tomak nian, tanba nee maka ami mos tuir, maibe ita boot fo haksoit ida hanesan loos kangaru ou busa fuik hodi ses fali nee maka ami mos la kumprende ALIN. Nebee kuandu hakarak hanorin, diak liu ita hotu kumpri no tuir, labele hanorin buat ida ba ami no ita boot halo fali buat seluk. Mestri sira maka tenki hatudu dalan no tau uluk iha pratika, la’os alunu sira. Nee hanesan ita boot lori borraxa apaga hotu kedas buat diak nebee ita boot hanorin, tanba ita boot maka la kumpri uluk. Nebee diak liu para lai oituan, halo refleksaun didiak tiha maka hanorin fali, se lae ita hanorin tiha alunu sira depois ita mos haluha tuituir materia nebee ita hanorin.\nHau la presiza esplika konseitu “Kitsch” tanba ita boot esplika loos hotu ona. Nebee hau hakarak dehan de’it “desgostu”, “desgrsa”, “ngisin”, “risih”, “malu”, “resah”, “gelisah” nee mosu tanba foto ka tanba liafuan nebee ita fo marka ba foto sira nudar “vulgar” ho “erotica”? Karik ita boot dehan foto sira ne’e hanesan baibain de’it karik la mosu buat sira ita boot temi iha leten nee. Ami koko atu hasae labarik sira nia fiar-an, ami koko fo imajem pozitivu ba labarik tanba ami mos haree katak foto nee baibain de’it, maibe ita boot maka mai ho propaganda ida negativu nian hodi dehan foto nee “vulgar” no “erotica”. Liafuan sira nee maka transmite ona mensagem negativu hodi kria situasaun sira disgostu, “disgrasa”, “ngisin”, “risih, “malu”, “resah” ho “gelisah” nee ba familia ho aluna oan sira. Buat sira nee mosu nudar rezultadu hosi ita nia propaganda hotu ho halo moe labarik sira ho nia familia sira, nee la’os edukasaun nebee diak. Ita maka konduz opiniaun publika ba kondena labarik sira ho liafuan “vulgar” ho “erotica”, depois mosu mai fase liman tiha hodi mosu nudar jeneral ida foin fila hosi manan funu.\nHau nia “… respeito pela dignidade da pessoa humana” (Konstituisaun RDTL, art. 1) maka hodi la fo marka negativu ba labarik sira. Foto nee hanesan faktu ida hodi hatudu ba publiku katak labarik sira ninia hatais nee hanesan baibain de’it. Karik STL la hatun foto ne’e, sira hotu sei dehan foto nee “vulgar” no “erotica” hanesan Padre Martinho marka hela ba aluna na’in walu (8) nee, no balu imajina aat liu tan tuir sira ida-idak nia esperiensia tuir foto “vulgar” ho “erotica” nee oin-sa. Karik STL la apoia aluna hirak nee, pasti sei hakerek hanesan buat nebee Padre Martinho dehan hatis “vulgar” no “erotica” nee. STL ajuda inan-aman sira hodi dehan ba publiku katak sira nian oan la’os feto aat liu hosi foto sira nee, karik STL hanoin aat ba labarik sira no la hamutuk ho labarik sira nia inan-aman, tuir loloos tenki hamrik iha Padre Martinho nia sorin hodi insulta labarik sira hodi dehan aluna sira hatais “vulgar” ho “erotica”. So hanesan nee maka foin dehan iha onestidade, la’os trata tiha labarik sira depois maka dehan fali iha “sentimentu humana” ou “respeitu pela dignidade da pessoa humana”. Hau la’os asu neduni susar buka tuir busa-fuik nia ain-fatin. Hau hatene Padre Martinho atu haksoit no ziguezague ba nebee.\nPadre Martinho dehan: “facebook ho internet ne’e serve deit ba “kalangan terbatas”. Iha Timor Leste, aksesu ba internet la boot. Ema iha liuron, aldeia ka suku sira iha Timor laran la hakerek facebook ka internet loro-loron. Atu sai internet mos, ema buka mak foto sira hanesan Paris Hilton, Madonna, Demi Moore, no seluk tan. Sim! Maibe, sira le jornal STL, tan ne’e atu publika iha pagina ne’ebe deit ita boot nia jornal “kontribui” ba disgostu/ disgrasa ida ne’e”.\nPadre Martinho jornal iha Timor-Lete la’os STL mesak. Ita boot bele sura rasik. Karik STL mesak ita boot iha razaun, hakarak ou lakohi tenki sosa duni. La interese iha notisia diak ka aat. Maibe kuandu jornal barak, ema iha opsaun barak atu hili jornal no atu dada ema nia atensaun atu sosa jornal notisia ka foto sira dada atensaun ema nian, tanba nee tenki tau iha primeira pajina la’os tau fali iha laran ou kotuk. Nee hatudu, dahuluk, ita boot matan tomak ba media no la hatene kompetisaun media nian hodi lidera merkadu. Daruak ita boot nia datum ho factum la iha bainhira ita boot la iha indikador ruma hodi justifika katak facebook ho internet ne’e serve deit ba “kalangan terbatas”. Atu ita boot hatene, STL nia oplah loron ida….., nee mos dala ruma ema la sosa hotu. Kompara to’ok oplah STL ho komputador sira ligadu ba rede ida nebee maka barak liu. Sura de’it funsionariu iha Timor na’in hira no na’in hira maka uza komputador ligadu ba internet, ita boot bele hatene ona katak asesu ba meiu ida nebee maka boot liu. Iha Kantor hothotu iha Timor-Leste iha Komputador no iha Dili laran tomak nunee mos iha Distritu balu komputador ligadu ho internet. Ami nia indikador ida maka nee, uluk ami halo STL online ema barak la sosa tiha jornal tanba sira prefere lee hosi internet de’it, tanba nee maka ami para tiha halo online hodi ami nia oplah sa’e fali. Bazeia ba faktu ida maka hau duvida tebes ba ita boot nia konkluzaun katak ema asesu ba internet terbatas liu duke jornal.\nFavor ida ba halo lai estudu ida nee maka mai dehan ema uza “internet terbatas” no le jornal maka barak liu. Jornal iha Subdistritu mos la iha. Iha distritu balu mos ninia sirkulasaun limitadu tebes, ida nee mak ita boot dala ruma la hanoin. Fasil liu ema print notisia ka foto ruma hosi internet duke sosa jornal ida. Sosa jornal sei hasai osan 50 centimos, print out notisia ka foto iha serbisu fatin la hasai duit metan ida no bele print out to’o tahan hira mos la selu.\nAgora ita boot fo tan haksoit ida hodi dehan “eksploitasaun”, la’os deit relasiona ho ekonomia (osan)”, maibe iha artigu ida dahuluk ita boot dehan nunee: “Tuir hau nia haree, publikasaun foto ne’e nudar parte ida hosi “eksploitasaun”ba alin feto nain 8 ne’e! Tan sa? Tan wainhira publika foto vulgar ka semi erotica, entaun publiku hakarak sosa jornal. STL hetan foto esklusivu ida ne’e atu faan ka hasae sira nia oplah. Economikamente, STL hetan lukru no redimentu makaas. Sa tan sira hetan foto gratis… Sira manan ‘osan”hosi ema seluk nia susar”.\nNinja mos ninja, Padre Martinho isin moris liu fali “ninja”, nia sempre buka dalan atu halai sai. Hakerek buat ida soe hela hodi haksoit fali ba buat seluk. La konsistente defende ninia argumentu tanba ko’alia mamuk de’it, la iha datum ho factum. Agora dehan la’os ekonomia fali de’it ona, la hatene aban atu haksoit fali ba nebee.\nIta boot dehan nunee: “Hau sinti, katak, estudante sira ne’e hatene duni katak sira sala ona. Maibe, ita la bele akuza sira todan liu tan hodi halekar sira nia foto. Basa, hau hare katak ita nia alin feto sira ne’e bele sofre barak iha tempu naruk hodi viola sira “honra” no “privacidade”.\nHau esplika tiha ona iha leten, foto de’it la akuza buat ruma ba sira, tanba foto nee baibain de’it, akuzasaun nebee todan ba sira maka hakerek iha jornal hodi dehan sira hatais “vulgar” no “erotica”. Hau kontinua koalia pozitivu nafatin ba larik sira nia foto, ita boot maka foufoun dehan foto “vulgar” no “erotica”, agora la dehan ona. Ne’e signifika ita boot konkorda ho ha’u, se la konkorda mantem diskursu. Espresaun foto “vulgar” ho “erotica” kontradiz ho buat hotu nebee ita boot dehan “… ida ne’e mosu tan hau nia simpatia no “sentimento da humanidade” (perasaan kemanusiaan) ba alin feto sira no familia vitima”. Karik iha “simapatia” no “sentimentu umanidade” ba alin feto sira karik, la mai akuza sira ho lia-fuan todan sira hatais “vulgar” no “erotica”. Lia-fuan rua nee de’it esplika buat hothotu, ne’e espresaun Padre Martinho nian rasik, la’os STL nian. Iha nee maka ita foin nota se maka hatudu “character building” (membagun watak) ba foinsae sira, no se maka halo “character assassination” (membunuh watak) ba labarik sira hodi dehan sira hatais “vulgar” no “erotica”.\nPadre Martinho dehan: “Konstituisaun RDTL artigu 38, no. 3 dehan: “Bandu tebetebes halo tratamentu informatizadu kona-ba vida particular, konviksaun politika no filosofia nian, relijiaun, no filiasaun iha partidu politiku eh sindikatu no orijen etnika wainhira la iha lisensa husi dadus ne’e nia nain” (É expressamente proibido, sem o consentimento do interessado, o tratamento informatizado de dados pessoais relativos à vida privada, às convicções políticas e filosóficas, à fé religiosa, à filiação partidária ou syndical e à origem étnica)”.\nDiak Padre Martinho ba husu ba se maka hatama labarik sira nia foto ba facebook, tanba iha neba maka koalia kona ba “tratamentu informatizadu kona-ba vida partukular”, tanba la’os ami STL maka ba hasai foto no hatama iha internet.\nPadre Martinho dehan nunee: “Sr. Domingos: kronologia hatudu katak hau mai ikus, maibe ita boot dehan hau mak hahu. Keta nune’e be diak, Maun!?”\nLos duni Padre Martinho, ita boot mai ikus, tanba ne’e maka ita boot fila lalais tiha buat ida ikus ba fali uluk ou oin. Em vez de dehan desizaun Padre Domingos nia maka uluk ba STL nia notisia ho foto be hatun, ita boot fila lalais tiha katak foto be ami hatun maka influensia desizaun Padre Domingos nian hodi hasai aluna sira. Se loos maka bosok iha nee? Publiku hatene interpreta.\nPadre Martinho diak liliu le didiak lai molok hakerek, labele ansi atu hatan hodi la le didiak. Karik lee didiak ita boot sei hare iha neba, “dehan netik ba eskola privada sira” hodi labele simu aluna sira, la’os eskola publika. Aluna sira ne’e balu ba tama tiha ona iha Eskola Kristal no selu hotu ona, maibe, ikus mai Eskola nee fo fila hotu fali sira nia osan hodi dehan labele simu sira. Ita boot nu’udar investigador diak, bele ba investiga mos ida nee.\nSai hosi Eskola Kristal no ho intervensaun entidades barak nian maka hodi Eskola publika simu fali aluna sira. “Generosidade” nebee ita boot temi iha artigu dahuluk la existe, tanba buat nebee aluna sira hetan maka surat espulsaun, la iha ajuda ruma hosi Eskola S. Pedro, neduni lalika tan temi buat “generosidade” nee.\nAmu Martinho dehan: ”hau bele bosok, wainhira hau buka atu salva ema seluk nia vida; defende ema seluk nia “honra” no “privacidade”. La’os hau mesak mak halo ida ne’e. Iha tempu okupasaun Indonesia, Padre sira tenki nega tun nega sae, subar tun subar sae atu ema sira ne’ebe “perseguido” husi militar sira la bele lakon sira nia vida”.\nAtu bosok ida salva ema nia vida ka buat diak ruma ema hotu halo, maibe bosok ida momoos katak haruka artigu tolu ba STL ne’e atu salva se nia vida ho se nia privacidade? Bosok ida dehan STL hatun foto maka halo Diretor Eskola S. Pedro hodi espulsa labarik sira ne’e atu salva se nia vida? Kala buka salva Eskola S. Pedro hodi hatama STL ba rai ku’ak, loos ka lae Padre Martinho.\nNotisia konaba aluna sira malirin tiha ona no ema kuaze haluha ona, maibe Padre Martinho sengaja foti fila fali hodi selipkan ninia frustrasaun tanba STL la publika nia artigu sira. Tan sa hau dehan nunee? Tanba wainhira kazu nee sei manas hela, Padre Martinho nusa maka la hakerek? Fo hanoin de’it, Mindu Tylycai hakerek iha Timor Post iha dia 5/03/2010, nusa maka kleur loos ona foin iha dia 22/03/2010 maka ita boot mosu mai hakerek iha Forum Haksesuk no tau mos iha Timor Post iha dia 23/03/2010. Iha semana hira nia laran nee ita boot ba nebee? Baibain buat ruma mosu ita boot tama kedas, nusa maka dala ida nee hein buat hotu malirin tiha ona maka ita boot foin tama? Nee la signifika ita boot rasik buka hamanas hikas buat nebee malirin tiha ona?\nKarik ita boot preokupa duni ho aluna sira, tuir loloos lalika esplora sira nia kazu hodi sikat tama ita boot nia frustrasaun tanba la publika ita boot nia artigu. Tuir lolos hakerek ketak problema aluna sira nian ho problema ita boot nian, so hanesan nee maka dehan “elegante”.\nKarik preokupa ho aluna sira, tuir loloos tun kedas iha primeirus dias hodi defende aluna sira no buka solusaun ba aluna sira nia futuru, la’os aluna sira ho nia familia hamutuk ho Governu resolve tiha ona nia problema maka ita boot foin mosu mai hakilar hosi kotuk no tenta sai heroi ho salvador ba aluna sira.\nKarik ita boot preokupa ho aluna sira nia trankuilidade, tuir loloos hosik aluna sira estuda ho hakmatek iha sira nia eskola foun, lalika mai sukit fali hodi relasiona ho ita boot nia artigu sira tuan nian. Aproveita situasaun hodi ko’alia konaba ita nia problema rasik, nee la’os elegante.\nNebee diak liu, diak liu hosik aluna sira estuda ho hakmatek. Hosik sira konsentra ba sira nia estudus duke mai sukit sira nia problema nebee rezolvidu ona hodi kahur fali ho ita nia problema rasik. So hanesan nee maka dehan ita iha sentimentu duni no hakarak atu ajuda aluna sira nee eskola ba oin.\nAtu remata hau dehan deit STL sei konsistemente defende nebee buat loos no lakohi inventa problema ou buka bobar tun-sae. STL hakarek deit fakta tuir doutrina jornalista nebe ami komunga. Halai sai husi fakta signifika katak jornal nee laos ona media professional maibe sai boletin nebee akomoda deit interese ba grupu duke ba interese komum. Ba kazu espulsa estudante nain walu husi eskola S. Pedro, dala ida tan hau dehan STL loos no sei defende nafatin too bainhira deit.\n)* Jornalista STL, iha Kupang! | [
"Reajusta ba Padre Martinho nia Resposta PADRE BELE BOSOK KA LAE?",
"Reajusta ba Padre Martinho nia Resposta Reajusta ba Padre Martinho nia Resposta ) * Domingos Saldanha Obrigadu ba alin Pader Martinho Gusmao nia artigu nebee publika ona iha STL hodi fo resposta ba artigu nebee hau hakerek iha STL edisaun Kinta 25 Marsu 2010.",
"No hau nia respeitu boot ida, tanba lahakmatek ba hau nia resposta, padre mos fo kedas resposta ba hau nia artigu ho argumentu nebee desvia husi problema nia hun.",
"Tanba nee hau mos fo kedas resposta hodi defende STL nia pozisaun, maibe laos ho matan delek, maibe hau defende hodi aprezenta mos fatum dan daktum, hodi hatudu katak iha deklarasaun barak nebee Martinho Gusmao aprezenta nee, lakonsiona ho realidade hosi problema nebee akontese.",
"Maske ita boot dehan hau hasai energia tomak hodi hatan ba ita boot nia artigu ida uluk, kala nunee duni, tanba hau nia matenek latoo tuir Martinho Gusmao nia matenek.",
"Maibe hau esperimenta koloka problema ho kontestu nebee loos atu opiniaun publiku labele sai manipuladu ho argumentu nebee lakontestual.",
"Laos uza faktum ho daktum hodi halo manipulasaun.",
"Ha'u fiar alin Padre Martinho mos halo kamballota balu hodi lee hau nia resposta ida uluk.",
"Kala artigu naruk liu, neduni Padre Martinho la lee ho kuidadu no la interpreta ho diak.",
"Diak liu agora hau hakerek ho badak de'it hodi bele persebe diak no lalika halai bobar ba mai.",
"Hau mos hatene hanesan ema hotu hatene katak kada diskusaun ninia objektivu maka buka esklarese buat ida no karik ida-idak kontinua ho nia pozisaun mos, nee normal.",
"Nee signifika katak ita konkorda atu la konkorda malu.",
"Kestaun sentral nebee sai baze ba hau nia esplikasaun liu ba maka iha Padre Martinho ninian artigu dehan: \"Kazu espulsa [aluna na'in 8 hosi Eskola S. Pedro] ne'e relasiona ho publikasaun Suara Timor Lorosae nian (STL 23 Fevereiru 2010) .\"",
"Iha pontu ida nee maka hau dehan Padre Martinho la buka hatene uluk, STL maka hakerek uluk notisia ho publika uluk foto ka desizaun Padre Domingos hasai uluk aluna sira foin mosu notisia ho foto.",
"Iha pontu ida ne'e amu Martinho halai liu fali russa.",
"Ha'u dehan klaru tiha ona iha resposta ida uluk, agora mos hau repete tan fali hodi Alin Padre Martinho bele hatene didiak katak Padre Domingos hasai tiha ona aluna sira nee, maka foin ami hakerek notisia kona ba desizaun nee no ikus mai ami hatun foto hodi haree to'ok, foto sira nee aat tebes no merese hetan espulsaun ka lae?",
"Ami hanoin lae.",
"Se Padre pedofilo ida nebee kontra momos moral nebee uma-kreda hanorin, uma-kreda la hasai sira maibe muda tiha ba fatin seluk no ikus simu fali de'it, nusa maka aluna sira foin halo sala oan nee, hasai tiha kedas sira hosi eskola?",
"Buat ida dehan edukasaun nee iha nebee?",
"Hau temi Padre pedofilo ne'e refere ba kazu sira agora mosu iha Amerika ho Europa nebee lori Papa Bento mos husu deskulpa ona.",
"Liu-liu edukasaun iha eskola hanesan fatin ida atu eduka, tulun, fasilita no hadia estudante sira nia personalidade ho dezenvolve matenek hodi hakat ba oin, la'os hasai sira hodi taka dalang ba sira.",
"Padre Martinho la buka hun hosi hasai aluna sira, maibe koko fila lia fali katak foto nebee ami hatun maka influensia Padre Domingos hasai aluna sira.",
"Nee laloos Padre Martinho.",
"Hafoin ami rona Padre Domingos hasai tiha aluna sira maka foin ami ba ko'alia ho nia hodi konfirma razaun sa-ida maka hasai aluna sira nee.",
"Klaru ninia razaun maka aluna sira ba hasai foto nee, la'os foto ida ami hatun iha STL maka lori Padre hasai sira.",
"La hatene Padre hetan foto hosi se ami la hatene.",
"Ikus mai, bainhira ami hetan foto hosi facebook no ami hatun iha STL, inan-aman sira atu halo presaun ba Padre Domingos tanba sira hanoin Padre Domingos maka fo foto ba STL tanba antes kedas ami rona katak Padre Domingos dehan ameasa aluna sira atu fo foto sira nee ba STL ho Timor Post.",
"Tanba nee bainhira ami hatun foto, inan-aman sira hanoin kedas Padre Domingos maka fo, maibe laloos.",
"Tanba ami hetan hosi Facebook no Padre Domingos mos la fo foto ruma ba ami, maka ami tenki dehan buat nebee loos, ami labele nonok de'it hodi inan aman sira hanoin dehan Padre maka fo.",
"Ida nee klaru tebes hanesan bee mos, neduni lalika fila lia tan.",
"Konaba foto sira nee hetan hosi nebee mos ami esplika klaru tebes ona iha resposta uluk kedas.",
"Hau fiar katak Padre Martinho la'os mai hosi China, Arabi ka Afrika neduni la hatene Tetum.",
"Iha neba hau esplika tiha klaru tiha ona iha hau nia primeira resposta kedas, dehan hosi facebook.",
"Karik Padre Martinho hakarak lidera investigasaun ruma hodi hatene se maka hatama ba facebook, bele halo ba.",
"Buka tuir se maka hasai foto sira ne'e no hatama iha facebook.",
"Hau la justifika katak ami STL maka loos, maibe STL loos iha buat ida, la fila lia hodi hateten katak foto nebee ami hatun maka influensia desizaun Padre Domingos nian tanba desizaun hasai aluna sira hola antes tiha ona.",
"Padre Martinho deskonfia hau nia sobrinha maka hasai foto no hatama iha internet, tanba ne'e nia hateten nunee: \"Se nia [hau nia sobrinha] la tama iha foto nee, enatun sorti boot.",
"Maibe, situasaun ida nee bele sai \"grave\" liu.",
"Bele ka lae, investiga husi uma laran hodi detekta lolos \"se mak hasai foto\" (?), \"se mak haruka foto liu husi internet\" (?); \"intensaun saida maka iha ne'e nia kotuk atu hasai foto no publika foto\"?\"",
"Ba ida ne'e hau lakohi hatudu liman ba ema ruma, hau husu de'it Padre Martinho bele forma ekipa ida ba no ita boot maka lidera rasik investigasaun nee.",
"Karik hakarak husu tulun ba polisia mos diak.",
"Aluna sira hotu be hasai foto ne'e pasti hatene, se maka hasai no hasai ho se nia makina ka kamera telemovel nian.",
"La iha ema ruma hasai na'uk, nem paparazi sira basaa, aluna sira be hasai foto nee hothotu hamrik halo action hamutuk no haree ba kamera, la'os buat espontanea ida.",
"Padre Martinho dehan nunee kona ba nia artigu: \"Hau mos hatene, katak, hau haruka artigu ne'e liu husi Microsoft 2007 no STL la konsege loke (maibe, diak liu STL lalika dehan ida ne'e: tan \"nggak enak, kalo ketahuan gagap teknologi\" / \"gatek\") .\"",
"Hau nia resposta maka nee, ami seidauk domina di'ak teknolojia, tanba ne'e lori artigu ne'ebe kompativel ho ami nia programa mai hodi loke, duke ami ba fera ulun fali ba artigu ida, enkuantu iha buat seluk nebee ami presiza halo.",
"Se Padre Martinho hateten katak \"haluha atu hatama versaun 1993-2003 iha nia laptop,\" nusa maka ita boot fiar loos katak ami tenki iha versaun 2007 hanesan ho ita boot nian, maski ami dehan tiha ona katak ami so iha versaun 2003.",
"Tanba Padre Martinho domina teknolojia komputador nian diak, tanba nee maka ami husu atu muda ita boot nia artigu tuir versaun nebee ami husu, maibe ita boot la halo tuir, keta ita hotu fehuk hotu ba teknolojia informatika karik?",
"Padre Martinho mos dehan nune'e: \"Hau hatene, jornalista sira mos wainhira halo kobertura, sira halo gravasaun depois mak halo transkrip no \"ketik ulang.\"",
"So, what's wrong?",
"Hanesan deit!",
"Ketik ulang hau nia artigu, hanesan deit ketik ulang ba notisia ne'ebe jornalista grava.",
"Los ka lae, Maun?",
"Ne'e duni, ita boot ninia razaun la forte (ka, dibuat-buat) .\"",
"La hanesan Padre Martinho, jornalista sira be halo kobertura ou halo gravasaun, sira ida-idak hatene sira nia letra no sira ida-idak hakerek notisia nebee sira halo kobertura ba nunee mos sira envolve direitu halo transkrip ba gravasaun nebee sira halo, la'os jornalista seluk maka ba ketik fali.",
"Sa tan Padre Martinho nia artigu la'os notisia nebee badak, maibe artigu nebee naruk.",
"Transkrip notisia hosi kasete dala ruma ita bele rona sala, sei tolera tanba gravasaun la moos ou ita la persebe diak lian rai-li'ur nian nebee ita rona, maibe ketik ulang textu ida maka sala sei grave tebes, tanba nee maka ami lakohi ketik ulang, maibe ami hakarak grava hosi USB de'it.",
"Karik Padre Martinho hatene, tuir loloos fasilita ami nia serbisu ho artigu nebee prontu hatun la'os ba ketik ulang.",
"Artigu nee iha hela ita boot nia komputador laran, nusa maka la husu ba ema sira hatene hodi hodi grava ba versaun 2003 nusa maka tenki haruka ami tenki ketik ulang artigu boot ida?",
"Alin Padre Martinho mos dehan: \"Maibe, Maun Domingos keta haluha katak, ita hasoru malu nudar amigo no kolaborador.",
"Ita boot rasik mak dehan katak ami sala ona.",
"No hau simu arependimentu ne'e.",
"Ita mos dehan, \"hau siak ona labarik sira.\"",
"Tan ne'e, hau la insisti atu publika defeza kona ba hau nia \"honra.\"",
"Sa tan, jornalista STL rasik dehan ba hau, \"Amo, artigu ne'e manas.\"",
"Hau iha intuisaun, katak, ita boot sira la brani publika artigu ne'e tan artigu ida ne'e toka duni problema todan no eksistensial,.\"",
"Hau konkorda tomak ho deklarasaun Padre Martinho nian, tanba nee ami hasoru padre Martinho iha STL.",
"Iha momentu nebaa ami konkorda malu, maibe depoisde hasoru malu, Padre Martinho hakerek barak liu ona ba media seluk duke hakerek ba STL.",
"Ami lahola ba lia, tanba liberdade ema idak idak nian hodi deside atu hakerek ba jornal nebee autor artigu nee hakarak.",
"STL laiha autoridade ida, atu bandu hakerek ba jornal seluk, maibe ba STL deit.",
"Hau mos sente keta Padre Martinho kala sei hirus STL karik, tanba nee artigu laharuka mai STL ona.",
"Maibe iha tinan klaran 2009, padre Martinho telephone hau dala tolu, husu atu publika nia artigu ida kona ba lei abortu.",
"Publika duni ba edisaun rua.",
"Atu dehan deit katak STL lahalo buykota ba se deit inklui mos Padre Martinho.",
"Tanba nee hau husu ita hotu tenke onestu ba ita nia aan rasik antes ita bosok ema seluk.",
"Padre Martinho dehan: \"Ita hotu konkorda kona ba liberdade expresaun nian.",
"Wainhira hau sente katak, STL taka oportunidade ba hau, entaun hau bele buka media seluk.",
"Sa tan, ita la iha kontratu atu obriga hau hakerek deit ba STL.\"",
"Hau konkorda ho ita boot katak ema hotu iha liberdade atu publika ninia artigu iha nebee de'it tuir ninia hakarak.",
"Karik hanesan ne'e, elegante liu lalika hanorin Mindo Tylycai, tanba ita boot hanorin hela ba ema seluk atu halo buat loos nian depois ita boot maka hili soe tama an ba rai ko'ak.",
"Kontrariu loos ho ditadu Indonezia nian ne'ebe dehan \"guru kencing berdiri dan murid kencing berlari\" hodi sai fali \"guru kencing berlari dan murid kencing berdiri.\"",
"Hau nia ta'uk maka ida ne'e, ita boot amu-lulik, hanorin ba sarani sira halo buat loos no ita boot ba halo fali buat sala.",
"Buat sira nee bele halo ami nia fiar lakon tanba, nudar amlulik, ita boot hanorin buat diak ba ami, maibe ita boot haluha tutuir buat diak nebee ita boot hanorin hodi ita boot rasik ba halo kontra buat nebee ita boot hanorin.",
"No to'o loron ida, ami mos bele la fiar hotu buat loos nebee ita boot hanorin tanba ita boot rasik la halo tuir.",
"Padre Martinho, nusa maka tenki inventa lia hodi dehan: ...\"wainhira iha jornal seluk ne'ebe hakarak publika hau nia artigu entaun STL mos la bele bandu.\"",
"Ita boot bele hatudu mai ha'u, iha nebee no hori bainhira maka ami bandu ita boot atu publika ita boot nia artigu iha jornal seluk?",
"Ita boot maka hanorin ba Mindo Tylycai katak ...\"tuir kode etik (codigo de conduta) lolos karik, Mindo tenki hakerek ba STL...",
"Nune'e mos, tuir kode etik hau tenki hakerek ba STL.\"",
"Nee ita boot nia lisaun Padre Martinho, la'os hau ka jornalista STL ruma maka dehan.",
"Ami fiar lisaun nee loos no hanesan neduni, tuir kode etiku jornalista iha mundu tomak nian, tanba nee maka ami mos tuir, maibe ita boot fo haksoit ida hanesan loos kangaru ou busa fuik hodi ses fali nee maka ami mos la kumprende ALIN.",
"Nebee kuandu hakarak hanorin, diak liu ita hotu kumpri no tuir, labele hanorin buat ida ba ami no ita boot halo fali buat seluk.",
"Mestri sira maka tenki hatudu dalan no tau uluk iha pratika, la'os alunu sira.",
"Nee hanesan ita boot lori borraxa apaga hotu kedas buat diak nebee ita boot hanorin, tanba ita boot maka la kumpri uluk.",
"Nebee diak liu para lai oituan, halo refleksaun didiak tiha maka hanorin fali, se lae ita hanorin tiha alunu sira depois ita mos haluha tuituir materia nebee ita hanorin.",
"Hau la presiza esplika konseitu \"Kitsch\" tanba ita boot esplika loos hotu ona.",
"Nebee hau hakarak dehan de'it \"desgostu,\" \"desgrsa,\" \"ngisin,\" \"risih,\" \"malu,\" \"resah,\" \"gelisah\" nee mosu tanba foto ka tanba liafuan nebee ita fo marka ba foto sira nudar \"vulgar\" ho \"erotica\"?",
"Karik ita boot dehan foto sira ne'e hanesan baibain de'it karik la mosu buat sira ita boot temi iha leten nee.",
"Ami koko atu hasae labarik sira nia fiar-an, ami koko fo imajem pozitivu ba labarik tanba ami mos haree katak foto nee baibain de'it, maibe ita boot maka mai ho propaganda ida negativu nian hodi dehan foto nee \"vulgar\" no \"erotica.\"",
"Liafuan sira nee maka transmite ona mensagem negativu hodi kria situasaun sira disgostu, \"disgrasa,\" \"ngisin,\" \"risih, \"malu,\" \"resah\" ho \"gelisah\" nee ba familia ho aluna oan sira.",
"Buat sira nee mosu nudar rezultadu hosi ita nia propaganda hotu ho halo moe labarik sira ho nia familia sira, nee la'os edukasaun nebee diak.",
"Ita maka konduz opiniaun publika ba kondena labarik sira ho liafuan \"vulgar\" ho \"erotica,\" depois mosu mai fase liman tiha hodi mosu nudar jeneral ida foin fila hosi manan funu.",
"Hau nia ...\" respeito pela dignidade da pessoa humana\" (Konstituisaun RDTL, art.",
"1) maka hodi la fo marka negativu ba labarik sira.",
"Foto nee hanesan faktu ida hodi hatudu ba publiku katak labarik sira ninia hatais nee hanesan baibain de'it.",
"Karik STL la hatun foto ne'e, sira hotu sei dehan foto nee \"vulgar\" no \"erotica\" hanesan Padre Martinho marka hela ba aluna na'in walu (8) nee, no balu imajina aat liu tan tuir sira ida-idak nia esperiensia tuir foto \"vulgar\" ho \"erotica\" nee oin-sa.",
"Karik STL la apoia aluna hirak nee, pasti sei hakerek hanesan buat nebee Padre Martinho dehan hatis \"vulgar\" no \"erotica\" nee.",
"STL ajuda inan-aman sira hodi dehan ba publiku katak sira nian oan la'os feto aat liu hosi foto sira nee, karik STL hanoin aat ba labarik sira no la hamutuk ho labarik sira nia inan-aman, tuir loloos tenki hamrik iha Padre Martinho nia sorin hodi insulta labarik sira hodi dehan aluna sira hatais \"vulgar\" ho \"erotica.\"",
"So hanesan nee maka foin dehan iha onestidade, la'os trata tiha labarik sira depois maka dehan fali iha \"sentimentu humana\" ou \"respeitu pela dignidade da pessoa humana.\"",
"Hau la'os asu neduni susar buka tuir busa-fuik nia ain-fatin.",
"Hau hatene Padre Martinho atu haksoit no ziguezague ba nebee.",
"Padre Martinho dehan: \"facebook ho internet ne'e serve deit ba \"kalangan terbatas.\"",
"Iha Timor Leste, aksesu ba internet la boot.",
"Ema iha liuron, aldeia ka suku sira iha Timor laran la hakerek facebook ka internet loro-loron.",
"Atu sai internet mos, ema buka mak foto sira hanesan Paris Hilton, Madonna, Demi Moore, no seluk tan.",
"Maibe, sira le jornal STL, tan ne'e atu publika iha pagina ne'ebe deit ita boot nia jornal \"kontribui\" ba disgostu/ disgrasa ida ne'e.\"",
"Padre Martinho jornal iha Timor-Lete la'os STL mesak.",
"Ita boot bele sura rasik.",
"Karik STL mesak ita boot iha razaun, hakarak ou lakohi tenki sosa duni.",
"La interese iha notisia diak ka aat.",
"Maibe kuandu jornal barak, ema iha opsaun barak atu hili jornal no atu dada ema nia atensaun atu sosa jornal notisia ka foto sira dada atensaun ema nian, tanba nee tenki tau iha primeira pajina la'os tau fali iha laran ou kotuk.",
"Nee hatudu, dahuluk, ita boot matan tomak ba media no la hatene kompetisaun media nian hodi lidera merkadu.",
"Daruak ita boot nia datum ho factum la iha bainhira ita boot la iha indikador ruma hodi justifika katak facebook ho internet ne'e serve deit ba \"kalangan terbatas.\"",
"Atu ita boot hatene, STL nia oplah loron ida....., nee mos dala ruma ema la sosa hotu.",
"Kompara to'ok oplah STL ho komputador sira ligadu ba rede ida nebee maka barak liu.",
"Sura de'it funsionariu iha Timor na'in hira no na'in hira maka uza komputador ligadu ba internet, ita boot bele hatene ona katak asesu ba meiu ida nebee maka boot liu.",
"Iha Kantor hothotu iha Timor-Leste iha Komputador no iha Dili laran tomak nunee mos iha Distritu balu komputador ligadu ho internet.",
"Ami nia indikador ida maka nee, uluk ami halo STL online ema barak la sosa tiha jornal tanba sira prefere lee hosi internet de'it, tanba nee maka ami para tiha halo online hodi ami nia oplah sa'e fali.",
"Bazeia ba faktu ida maka hau duvida tebes ba ita boot nia konkluzaun katak ema asesu ba internet terbatas liu duke jornal.",
"Favor ida ba halo lai estudu ida nee maka mai dehan ema uza \"internet terbatas\" no le jornal maka barak liu.",
"Jornal iha Subdistritu mos la iha.",
"Iha distritu balu mos ninia sirkulasaun limitadu tebes, ida nee mak ita boot dala ruma la hanoin.",
"Fasil liu ema print notisia ka foto ruma hosi internet duke sosa jornal ida.",
"Sosa jornal sei hasai osan 50 centimos, print out notisia ka foto iha serbisu fatin la hasai duit metan ida no bele print out to'o tahan hira mos la selu.",
"Agora ita boot fo tan haksoit ida hodi dehan \"eksploitasaun,\" la'os deit relasiona ho ekonomia (osan) ,\" maibe iha artigu ida dahuluk ita boot dehan nunee: \"Tuir hau nia haree, publikasaun foto ne'e nudar parte ida hosi \"eksploitasaun\"ba alin feto nain 8 ne'e!",
"Tan sa?",
"Tan wainhira publika foto vulgar ka semi erotica, entaun publiku hakarak sosa jornal.",
"STL hetan foto esklusivu ida ne'e atu faan ka hasae sira nia oplah.",
"Economikamente, STL hetan lukru no redimentu makaas.",
"Sa tan sira hetan foto gratis...",
"Sira manan 'osan\"hosi ema seluk nia susar.\"",
"Ninja mos ninja, Padre Martinho isin moris liu fali \"ninja,\" nia sempre buka dalan atu halai sai.",
"Hakerek buat ida soe hela hodi haksoit fali ba buat seluk.",
"La konsistente defende ninia argumentu tanba ko'alia mamuk de'it, la iha datum ho factum.",
"Agora dehan la'os ekonomia fali de'it ona, la hatene aban atu haksoit fali ba nebee.",
"Ita boot dehan nunee: \"Hau sinti, katak, estudante sira ne'e hatene duni katak sira sala ona.",
"Maibe, ita la bele akuza sira todan liu tan hodi halekar sira nia foto.",
"Basa, hau hare katak ita nia alin feto sira ne'e bele sofre barak iha tempu naruk hodi viola sira \"honra\" no \"privacidade.\"",
"Hau esplika tiha ona iha leten, foto de'it la akuza buat ruma ba sira, tanba foto nee baibain de'it, akuzasaun nebee todan ba sira maka hakerek iha jornal hodi dehan sira hatais \"vulgar\" no \"erotica.\"",
"Hau kontinua koalia pozitivu nafatin ba larik sira nia foto, ita boot maka foufoun dehan foto \"vulgar\" no \"erotica,\" agora la dehan ona.",
"Ne'e signifika ita boot konkorda ho ha'u, se la konkorda mantem diskursu.",
"Espresaun foto \"vulgar\" ho \"erotica\" kontradiz ho buat hotu nebee ita boot dehan ...\" ida ne'e mosu tan hau nia simpatia no \"sentimento da humanidade\" (perasaan kemanusiaan) ba alin feto sira no familia vitima.\"",
"Karik iha \"simapatia\" no \"sentimentu umanidade\" ba alin feto sira karik, la mai akuza sira ho lia-fuan todan sira hatais \"vulgar\" no \"erotica.\"",
"Lia-fuan rua nee de'it esplika buat hothotu, ne'e espresaun Padre Martinho nian rasik, la'os STL nian.",
"Iha nee maka ita foin nota se maka hatudu \"character building\" (membagun watak) ba foinsae sira, no se maka halo \"character assassination\" (membunuh watak) ba labarik sira hodi dehan sira hatais \"vulgar\" no \"erotica.\"",
"Padre Martinho dehan: \"Konstituisaun RDTL artigu 38, no.",
"3 dehan: \"Bandu tebetebes halo tratamentu informatizadu kona-ba vida particular, konviksaun politika no filosofia nian, relijiaun, no filiasaun iha partidu politiku eh sindikatu no orijen etnika wainhira la iha lisensa husi dadus ne'e nia nain\" (E expressamente proibido, sem o consentimento do interessado, o tratamento informatizado de dados pessoais relativos a vida privada, as conviccoes politicas e filosoficas, a fe religiosa, a filiacao partidaria ou syndical e a origem etnica) .\"",
"Diak Padre Martinho ba husu ba se maka hatama labarik sira nia foto ba facebook, tanba iha neba maka koalia kona ba \"tratamentu informatizadu kona-ba vida partukular,\" tanba la'os ami STL maka ba hasai foto no hatama iha internet.",
"Padre Martinho dehan nunee: \"Sr. Domingos: kronologia hatudu katak hau mai ikus, maibe ita boot dehan hau mak hahu.",
"Keta nune'e be diak, Maun!?\"",
"Los duni Padre Martinho, ita boot mai ikus, tanba ne'e maka ita boot fila lalais tiha buat ida ikus ba fali uluk ou oin.",
"Em vez de dehan desizaun Padre Domingos nia maka uluk ba STL nia notisia ho foto be hatun, ita boot fila lalais tiha katak foto be ami hatun maka influensia desizaun Padre Domingos nian hodi hasai aluna sira.",
"Se loos maka bosok iha nee?",
"Publiku hatene interpreta.",
"Padre Martinho diak liliu le didiak lai molok hakerek, labele ansi atu hatan hodi la le didiak.",
"Karik lee didiak ita boot sei hare iha neba, \"dehan netik ba eskola privada sira\" hodi labele simu aluna sira, la'os eskola publika.",
"Aluna sira ne'e balu ba tama tiha ona iha Eskola Kristal no selu hotu ona, maibe, ikus mai Eskola nee fo fila hotu fali sira nia osan hodi dehan labele simu sira.",
"Ita boot nu'udar investigador diak, bele ba investiga mos ida nee.",
"Sai hosi Eskola Kristal no ho intervensaun entidades barak nian maka hodi Eskola publika simu fali aluna sira.",
"\"Generosidade\" nebee ita boot temi iha artigu dahuluk la existe, tanba buat nebee aluna sira hetan maka surat espulsaun, la iha ajuda ruma hosi Eskola S. Pedro, neduni lalika tan temi buat \"generosidade\" nee.",
"Amu Martinho dehan: \"hau bele bosok, wainhira hau buka atu salva ema seluk nia vida; defende ema seluk nia \"honra\" no \"privacidade.\"",
"La'os hau mesak mak halo ida ne'e.",
"Iha tempu okupasaun Indonesia, Padre sira tenki nega tun nega sae, subar tun subar sae atu ema sira ne'ebe \"perseguido\" husi militar sira la bele lakon sira nia vida.\"",
"Atu bosok ida salva ema nia vida ka buat diak ruma ema hotu halo, maibe bosok ida momoos katak haruka artigu tolu ba STL ne'e atu salva se nia vida ho se nia privacidade?",
"Bosok ida dehan STL hatun foto maka halo Diretor Eskola S. Pedro hodi espulsa labarik sira ne'e atu salva se nia vida?",
"Kala buka salva Eskola S. Pedro hodi hatama STL ba rai ku'ak, loos ka lae Padre Martinho.",
"Notisia konaba aluna sira malirin tiha ona no ema kuaze haluha ona, maibe Padre Martinho sengaja foti fila fali hodi selipkan ninia frustrasaun tanba STL la publika nia artigu sira.",
"Tan sa hau dehan nunee?",
"Tanba wainhira kazu nee sei manas hela, Padre Martinho nusa maka la hakerek?",
"Fo hanoin de'it, Mindu Tylycai hakerek iha Timor Post iha dia 5/03/2010, nusa maka kleur loos ona foin iha dia 22/03/2010 maka ita boot mosu mai hakerek iha Forum Haksesuk no tau mos iha Timor Post iha dia 23/03/2010.",
"Iha semana hira nia laran nee ita boot ba nebee?",
"Baibain buat ruma mosu ita boot tama kedas, nusa maka dala ida nee hein buat hotu malirin tiha ona maka ita boot foin tama?",
"Nee la signifika ita boot rasik buka hamanas hikas buat nebee malirin tiha ona?",
"Karik ita boot preokupa duni ho aluna sira, tuir loloos lalika esplora sira nia kazu hodi sikat tama ita boot nia frustrasaun tanba la publika ita boot nia artigu.",
"Tuir lolos hakerek ketak problema aluna sira nian ho problema ita boot nian, so hanesan nee maka dehan \"elegante.\"",
"Karik preokupa ho aluna sira, tuir loloos tun kedas iha primeirus dias hodi defende aluna sira no buka solusaun ba aluna sira nia futuru, la'os aluna sira ho nia familia hamutuk ho Governu resolve tiha ona nia problema maka ita boot foin mosu mai hakilar hosi kotuk no tenta sai heroi ho salvador ba aluna sira.",
"Karik ita boot preokupa ho aluna sira nia trankuilidade, tuir loloos hosik aluna sira estuda ho hakmatek iha sira nia eskola foun, lalika mai sukit fali hodi relasiona ho ita boot nia artigu sira tuan nian.",
"Aproveita situasaun hodi ko'alia konaba ita nia problema rasik, nee la'os elegante.",
"Nebee diak liu, diak liu hosik aluna sira estuda ho hakmatek.",
"Hosik sira konsentra ba sira nia estudus duke mai sukit sira nia problema nebee rezolvidu ona hodi kahur fali ho ita nia problema rasik.",
"So hanesan nee maka dehan ita iha sentimentu duni no hakarak atu ajuda aluna sira nee eskola ba oin.",
"Atu remata hau dehan deit STL sei konsistemente defende nebee buat loos no lakohi inventa problema ou buka bobar tun-sae.",
"STL hakarek deit fakta tuir doutrina jornalista nebe ami komunga.",
"Halai sai husi fakta signifika katak jornal nee laos ona media professional maibe sai boletin nebee akomoda deit interese ba grupu duke ba interese komum.",
"Ba kazu espulsa estudante nain walu husi eskola S. Pedro, dala ida tan hau dehan STL loos no sei defende nafatin too bainhira deit. ) * Jornalista STL, iha Kupang!"
] | [
"Re-adjust to Father Martinho's Answer: IS FATHER BESOK?"
"Re-adjustment to Father Martinho's Response (Readjusted for the response of Padre Martíno) * Domingo Saldanha Thank you, brother Fr. Gushmaos article which has been published in STL as a reply on an Article that I have written at Friday 25th March edition from Stl"
"And I have a great respect for him, because he was very interested in my reply. The priest immediately replied to me with arguments that deviated from the point of view at hand and were not relevant as such!"
"Therefore I immediately responded to defend STL's position, but not with a blind eye. Instead of that i defende and present evidence as well so it can be shown how many declarations made by Martinho Gusmao are inconsistent from the real situation in which we find ourselves today :"
"Even though you say that I spent all my energy to reply your previous article, it's not the case. My wisdom is different from Martinho Gusmao ' s wise mind :("
"But I experiment with putting the problem in context so that public opinion is not manipulated by out-of -context arguments."
"Don’t use facts and dates to manipulate."
"I believe that Father Martinho's brother also made some mistake to read my reply first."
"The article was too long, so Father Martinho did not read it carefully and interpreted the text incorrectly."
"It's better now that I write in a short way so as to be more persistent and not let the bobar go on."
"I also know as everyone else that the objective of any discussion is to clarify something and if one continues with their position, it'd be normal."
"This means that we agree to disagree with each other."
"The central issue on which my further explanations are based is that in Father Martinho's article he says: \"The case of the expulsion [of 8 students from Escola S. Pedro] was related to a publication by Suara Timor Lorosae (STL, Febuary23rd10).\""
"At this point I would like to say that Father Martinho did not seek out first, STL wrote the news and published photos before or Padre Domingos' decision was taken by his students after they appeared in a report with photo."
"At this point, Father Martinho went over the Russian."
"I said it clearly in a previous reply, now again i repeat so Alin Father Martinho can know well that Padre Domingos has expelled the students. Only then did we write news about this decision and finally took photos to see how they looked; are these pictures bad enough for them deserving of expulsion?"
"We think so."
"If a paedophile priest who is against the morals of his church does not be expelled but moved to another place and then accepted again, why did those students make that mistake?"
"There is no one who says where education takes place?"
"I referred to this paedophile priest in reference with the cases that are happening now on America and Europe which have led Pope Benedict also apologised."
"Especially school education is a place to educate, assist and improve the personality of students by developing their wisdom so that they can move forward. It's not about removing them from schools or closing doors for themselves!"
"Father Martinho did not seek to expel the students, but he returned and said that our photos influenced Padre Domingos' decision."
"No laloos Padre Martinho."
"After we heard that Padre Domingos had dismissed the students, it was only afterwards when I went to speak with him in order for me and my wife (who is also a teacher at this school) To confirm what reason he used."
"Klaru's reason was that the students were taking this photo, it is not a picture we put in STL which caused Padre to take them."
"I don't know Father got a photo of the house if we do not."
"Then, when we got the photos from facebook and posted them on STL. The parents wanted to pressure Padre Domingos because they thought that he had given us these pictures since beforehand Father Domenico threatened his students with giving those images up for publication in Timor Post or at least a newspaper of their choice (STL)."
"Because when we took the picture, parents immediately thought it was Padre Domingos who had given them but they were wrong."
"Because we got it from Facebook and Father Domingos did not give us any photos, so that'd be the truth. We can’t just tell them what happened in order for their parents to think they were given by a priest!"
"This is as clear a matter of course, so don't go back on it."
"As for the source of these photos, we explained it very clearly in our previous response."
"I believe that Father Martinho did not come from China, Arabia or Africa and therefore knew no Tetum."
"There I explained what was already clear in my first reply, said from facebook."
"If Father Martinho wants to lead an investigation into whether he has posted on facebook, please do so."
"Find out who took the photos and posted them on facebook."
"I do not justify that we STL are the right ones, but in one way it is true. We didn't say to Padre Domingos who took his decision because he had already taken this beforehand: The photos which were uploaded by us influenced him and made a different judgment about our pupils from those of other students at St Louis School for Girls (STS)."
"Father Martinho suspects that my niece took the photo and posted it on internet, so he says: \"If she [my nichtie] is not in this picture then we'll have a lot of trouble."
"However, this situation could become more \"serious\"."
"Whether or not, investigate from inside the house to really detect \"who takes photos\" (?), “who sends pictures via internet”(?!); what intention is behind taking and publishing a photo?”."
"For this I don't want to show my hand, but just ask Father Martinho if he can form a team and lead the investigation."
"Karik wants to ask for help from the police."
"All the students who took this photo will know, if they have taken it and removed with their machine or mobile phone camera."
"There was no one taking the photos, not even paparazzi. The students who took these pictures were all going to do some action together and look at their cameras; this isn't spontaneous!"
"Father Martinho says about his article: \"I also know that I sent this through Microsoft 2013 and STL could not open it (but, better still if you say so because of the wording 'not good')."
"My answer is, we have not mastered the technology well enough so bring an article that's compatible with our software and open it instead of heading back to another one while there are other things you need done."
"If Father Martinho says that he \"wants to put the 1983-2054 version on his laptop,\" how can we really believe it is necessary for us all in our own way and have a copy of both versions?"
"Since Father Martinho is well versed in computer technology, that's why we asked him to change our article accordingly. He did not do so; wouldn’t it be better if all of us were more familiar with information technologies?"
"Father Martinho said the same: \"I know, journalists also when they do coverage make a recording then transcribe and 'retype'.\""
"So, what's wrong?"
"Like a dream!"
"Re-write my article, just as I retype the news that a journalist has recorded."
"Can you let me go, Maun?"
"But our great reason is not strong (or, fabricated).\""
"Unlike Padre Martinho, journalists who cover or record each know their lyrics and they write the news that are covered so also have a right to transcribe what is written on them. Other reporter will not do it for you!"
"Father Martinho's article is not a short piece of news, but rather an extensive one."
"Transcribe news from tapes sometimes we can hear wrong, will tolerate because the recording is not clean or you don't perceive well foreign language that hearing but re-type a text error would be very serious therefore it was no need to rewrite and only want recorded by USB."
"If Father Martinho knew, he should have facilitated our work with articles that were ready to be printed and not for re-printing."
"The article is already on our computer, why not ask the people who know how to save it for a 2013 version? Why have us re-type this big piece of paper again and over yet another time."
"Alin Father Martinho also said: \"But, Maun Domingos do not forget that we met as friends and collaborators."
"You yourself say that we are wrong. We were mistaken, you know?"
"I don't feel this repentance."
"We also say, \"I've been watching the children.\""
"Therefore, I did not insist on publishing a defence of my \"honor.\""
"Moreover, the STL journalist himself said to me: \"Master this article is very good.\""
"I have an intuition, that we don't want to publish this article because it touches on a serious and existential problem.\""
"I fully agree with Father Martinho's statement, which is why we met him at STL."
"At the time we agreed, but after meeting together Father Martinho has written more for other media than he does to STL."
"We do not speak, because it is the freedom of any person to decide whether or no he wants this article published in a newspaper."
"STL has no authority to prohibit writing in other newspapers, but only for itself."
"I also feel that Padre Martinho would not be hired by STL, because the article has already been published in this newspaper."
"But in 2015, Father Martinho telephoned me for the third time and asked to publish an article on abortion law."
"Published in two editions."
"Just to say that STL will not boycott anyone, including Father Martinho."
"That is why I ask that we all be honest with ourselves before lying to others."
"Father Martinho said: \"We all agree on freedom of expression."
"When I feel that STL is closing opportunities for me, then i can look to other media."
"Furthermore, we don't have a contract to oblige me only write for STL.\""
"I agree with you that everyone is free to publish his articles wherever he wishes."
"If so, it would be more elegant not to teach Mindo Tylycai because we are teaching others how they should do the right thing and then ourselves have chosen that way."
"This is in stark contrast to the Indonesian proverb that says \"guru kencing berdiri dan murid buang air kecil berlari\" (teachers pee standing and pupils waste their time running) instead of, for example: “Guru minum urin duduk” or ”Pupils drink urine sitting”."
"I believe that this is what we must do, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ teaches us to be righteous. We should not go back on the wrong paths again.\""
"These things can cause us to lose our faith because, as believers we teach good stuff but forget about what is right and do something contrary."
"And until one day, we may not believe all the truth that you teach because of our own failure to follow it."
"Father Martinho, why do you have to invent words and say: \"...if there is another newspaper that wants my article published then STL cannot be banned.\""
"Can you show me, where and when did we forbid us to publish our article in another newspaper?"
"Our grandfather taught Mindo Tylycai that \"...according to the code of ethics (codigo de conduta) if it is true, then mindoro should write for STL..."
"In addition, according to the code of ethics I must write in STL.\""
"This is the lesson of our great Father Martinho, not me or any STL journalist."
"We believe that the lesson is true and therefore, according to journalistic code of ethics all over The world we follow it. But if you give a comment like this as well canguru or busa fuik for nothing else then I do not understand ALIN!"
"When someone wants to teach, it is better for us all comply and follow. We can't learn one thing from him while he does something else!"
"Teachers should lead the way and put practice first, not students."
"It is as if we were taking a eraser and immediately wiping out all the good things that you taught us, because it wasn't your fault."
"It would be better to leave the classroom, reflect on it and then teach again. Otherwise we have taught our students but later forget about what they were learning in that time of day; so let’s take a look at how this is happening today:"
"I don't need to explain the concept of \"Kitsch\" because we have already done so."
"I just want to say that \"disgust,\" 'desgrace' ’ ‘injustices,” “shamefulness” and the like arise because of photos or are they caused by words we use when labelling pictures as vulgar & erotic?"
"You might say that these photos are just ordinary if there were nothing of the sort we have mentioned above."
"We want to raise the confidence of children, we don't give a positive image for kids because also see that photos are just ordinary but our parents come up with negative propaganda by saying these pictures \"vulgar\" and 'erotic.\""
"These words have already conveyed a negative message to create situations of disgust, \"disgrace\",\" misfortune,” “shame”,“resentment” and „gelishness“, for families with pupils."
"These things are the result of all our propaganda and making children, their families cry. This is not good education!"
"We have led public opinion to condemn children with the words \"vulgar\" and 'erotic,' then emerged in a handshake as generals who had just returned from winning war."
"Hau nia ...\" respect for the dignity of human person\" (Konstituisaun RDTL, art."
"1) is not to give negative mark for children."
"The photo is a fact to show the public that children's clothes are just as normal."
"If STL had not removed the photo, they would all say that it was \"vulgar\" and “erotic” as Padre Martinho marked out for these eight (8) students. Some of them imagine worse according to their own experiences after seeing this 'volgural' with ‘erotica’ picture in front-of themselves:"
"If STL does not support these students, it will certainly write as Father Martinho says that is \"vulgar\" and the other way around."
"STL helps parents to tell the public that their child is not a worse woman than in these photos, if it had thought badly about children and wasn't together with them then they should have been sitting at Padre Martinho’ s table insulting students by saying “vulgar” or \"erotic.\""
"Only then can we say it in honesty, not by treating the children and saying \"human feeling\" or “respect for human person’s dignidade.”"
"I'm not an ass, so it is hard to follow the bus-fuik in his furnace."
"I know Father Martinho to hassoit no zigzague ba nebee."
"Father Martinho says: \"facebook and the internet are only for a 'limited group'.\""
"In East Timor, internet access is not widespread."
"People abroad, villages or communities in Timor-Leste do not write on Facebook and the Internet every day."
"In order to get on the internet, people are also looking for photos of such celebrities as Paris Hilton and Madonna."
"Yes, yes!"
"But they read the STL newspaper, so to publish on that page only our big paper \"contributes\" in this disgust/disgrace.\""
"Padre Martinho newspaper in Timor-Leste is not just STL."
"You can do it yourself."
"If STL has a reason for doing so, whether they want to or not must buy it."
"I am not interested in good or bad news."
"But when there are so many newspapers, people have a lot of options to choose from and in order for the news or photos that attract attention should be on front page not inside."
"This shows, first of all that we have our entire attention on the media and do not know how to compete with them for market leadership."
"Secondly, our datum and factum are not there when we have no indicator to justify that facebook or the internet serves only a \"limited audience.\""
"Just to let you know, STL's one day oplah..... sometimes people do not buy it all."
"Compare STL to'ok oplah with computers connected on a network that is larger."
"If we just look at how many Timorese employees and who use a computer connected to the Internet, it is clear that accessing this medium has become more widespread."
"All offices in Timor-Leste are equipped with computer and throughout Dili as well, some district have their own internet connected."
"One of our indicators is that before we made STL online, many people did not buy the newspaper because they preferred to read it only from internet. That's why when I stopped doing this on-line my oplah went up a lot again!"
"Based on one fact, I have serious doubts about your conclusion that people's access to the Internet is more limited than their daily newspaper."
"A favour for not doing this study is that people who use \"limited internet\" and read newspapers are more likely to do so."
"No newspaper in the Subdistrict."
"In some districts circulation is also very limited, which we sometimes don't think about."
"It is easier for people to print some news or pictures from the internet than buying a newspaper."
"Sosa newspaper will charge 50 centimos, print out news or photos in the workplace does not take a penny and can be Printed Out to any length without paying."
"Now we give another explanation to say \"exploitation,\" not only related with economics (money), but in the first article it says this: In my view publicing these photos is part of exploitating those 8 sister!"
"So what?"
"But when they publish vulgar or semi-erotic photos, the public wants to buy a newspaper."
"STL obtained this exclusive photo to sell or use in their oplah."
"Economically, STL generates high profit and return."
"What more they get free photos..."
"They gain \"from the hardship of others.\""
"Ninja is ninju, Father Martinho was more tired than a \"ninja.\" He always looked for ways to escape."
"Writing one thing is a waste of time to write something else."
"La consistente defends his argument because he is speaking in vain, with no datum and factum."
"Now he says that the economy is not just back, I don't know what to do tomorrow."
"His father said: \"I feel that these students know they are wrong."
"However, we cannot accuse them of being even more stubborn in destroying their photos."
"Because, I think that our sisters can suffer a lot in the long term by violating their \"honor\" and privacy.\""
"As I have explained above, the photo alone does not charge them with anything because it is just an ordinary picture. The accusation that was made against these people in newspapers said they were \"vulgar\" and erotic.\""
"I continue to speak positively about the ladies' photos, we were old enough and said that pictures are \"vulgar\" or “erotic,” but no longer."
"That means you agree with me, if not we have a debate."
"The expression of the photo as \"vulgar\" and “erotic” contradicts everything you have said ...\" this arises from my sympathy for these women, their families.\""
"If you have \"sympathy\" and a sense of humanity for your female siblings, don't accuse them with their foul language that they are vulgar or erotic."
"These two words alone explain everything, this is Father Martinho's own expression and not STL."
"It is here that we notice whether they are showing \"character building\" to young people, and if it's character assassination of children by saying them look vulgar or erotic."
"Father Martinho says: \"Konstituisaun RDTL article 38, no."
"3 states: \"It is expressly prohibited, without the consent of interested party(s), to process computerized personal data concerning private life; political and philosophical convictions. religious belief or affiliation with a Party/trade union as well ethnic origin\" (Está explicitamente proibido sem o consentimento do interessado tratar por computador dados pessoais relativos à vida privada)."
"Diak Father Martinho asked who was posting the photos of children on facebook, because there it is said about \"computerized treatment regarding private life\", since we STL are not going to take pictures and post them online."
"Father Martinho said this: \"Mr. Domingos, chronology shows that I came to see you but we say it was the beginning..."
"Isn't that good, Maun!?\""
"It's true Father Martinho, we came last and that is why you quickly return after something has been done before or later."
"Instead of saying that Padre Domingos’ decision was first to STL news with the photo, we quickly returned back and said our photos influenced Father Domenico' s choice in removing students."
"Who is truly lying in this?"
"The public knows how to interpret."
"Father Martinho diak translated the question before writing, do not be anxious to answer without reading it."
"If you read the article, we will see that there is a \"command to private schools\" not accepting girls in public school."
"Some of these students had already entered the Cristal School and paid all their fees, but afterwards they were told that there was no room for them."
"As a good researcher, you can investigate this as well."
"After leaving the Cristal School and with intervention of many entities, public schools were able to re-admit students."
"The \"generosity\" we mentioned in the first article does not exist, because all that students get is a letter of expulsion and no help from S. Pedro School; so let's stop talking about this kind 'of generousness\"."
"Father Martinho says: \"I can lie, when I try to save the lives of others; defending their 'honor' and privacy.\""
"I'm not the only one doing this."
"During the Indonesian occupation, priests were forced to stand up and go down so that people who had been \"persecuted\" by military forces could not lose their lives.\""
"A lie to save a life or something good that everyone does, but the falsehood of sending three articles on STL is in order for him/her's lives and privacy?"
"One commenter said that STL's posting of the photo caused School Director, Escola São Pedro to expel these children in order for him or her life?"
"Kala buka salva Eskola S. Pedro hodi hatama stl ba rai ku'ak, loos ka Padre Martinho ?"
"The news about the students has long gone and people have almost forgotten, but Father Martinho deliberately took it up again to cover his frustration that STL did not publish its articles."
"Why do I say that?"
"Because when the case was still hot, why did Father Martinho not write?"
"Just to remind you, Mindu Tylycai wrote in Timor Post on 5/03 /24. How is it possible that we haven't written until the day of our death (March)? It was not till March-16th - February and then I came up with a post at Forum Haksesuk which appeared also as an article for The Times Online from Tuesday morning – April:"
"In how many weeks are we going to where?"
"If something happens, we will come in immediately. Why this time wait until everything is over before entering?"
"Does this not mean that we are always looking for something new?"
"If we are really concerned about our students, then it is not appropriate to explore their case in order that you may get into your frustration over the non-publication of an article."
"According to the author, there is no difference between our students' problems and those of us adults. Just like that we can say \"elegant.\""
"If you are concerned about the students, should go down right from their first days to defend them and find a solution for her future. It is not because she has already solved his problem with him that we come out of our backyards as heroes who save us all!"
"If we are concerned about the students’ peace of mind, then they should study with pleasure in their new school and not come back to our old articles."
"Taking advantage of the situation to talk about our own problems is not elegant."
"The better, the more students will study with pleasure."
"We should concentrate on our studies rather than turning to their already solved problems and focusing instead upon the ones of us."
"So this is how we can say that there are real feelings and a desire to help the students in school."
"To conclude I just say that STL will consistently defend what is right and not invent problems or try to find a way out."
"STL only hacked the facts according to journalistic doctrine that we share."
"To move away from facts means that the newspaper is no longer a professional media but rather an informative bulletin which accommodates only group interest instead of common concern."
"In the case of eight students being expelled from S. Pedro school, once again I say that ST is right and will continue to defend it until any time comes)."
] |
Profesór 84% iha Baucau simu ona vasina | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA BAUKAU Profesór 84% iha Baucau simu ona vasina\nProfesór 84% iha Baucau simu ona vasina\nDiretór Servisu Edukasaun Baucau, Augusto Hornai Ximenes. Imajen TATOLI/Natalino Belo\nBAUCAU, 28 setembru 2021 (TATOLI)–Diretór Servisu Edukasaun munisípiu Baucau, Augusto Hornai Ximenes, hateten, profesór hamutuk 1.860 hosi totál mak simu ona vasina, ne’ebé reprezenta 84%.\n“Munisípiu Baucau liu ona 70%, ita atinje ona 80% resin, enkuantu bazeia ba karta sirkulár, nia konteúdu hateten katak profesór sira tenke simu vasina ho alvu ne’ebé ministériu fó,” Diretór hateten hafoin remata abertura enkontru ho diretór eskola iha salaun Servisu Edukasaun munisipál, Villa nova, tersa ne’e.\nGovernu liuhosi Ministériu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) fó sai karta sirkulár, ne’ebé mensiona katak mínimu profesór 70% iha eskola ida tenke partisipa vasina mak foin reativa aula prezensiál.\nTuir dadus hosi Servisu Edukasaun Baucau, totál profesór iha Baucau hamutuk na’in-2.215, ne’ebé na’in-1.373 (62%) mak kompleta ona vasina doze daruak no na’in-487 (22%) foin simu doze dahuluk, nune’e hela de’it 354 (16%) mak seidauk vasina tanba kestaun saúde pesoál, partu no balun laiha justifikasaun klaru.\nBiban ne’e, Diretór Servisu munisipál enkoraja profesór sira ne’ebé seudauk vasina, tempu besik bele hakbesik-an ba sentru saúde atu tuir kampaña vasinasaun, nune’e hasa’e imunidade pesoál no garante prosesu aprendizajen iha aula prezensiál.\n“Tempu besik bele hakbesik-an atu simu vasina, tanba kuandu profesór sira simu ona vasina, ita hein fali alunu sira,” Augusto akresenta.\nIha fatin hanesan, Diretór Eskola Ensinu Báziku Seisal, Luís da Silva Correia, hateten, profesór ne’ebé daudaun ne’e hanorin iha eskola ne’e hamutuk iha 39, ne’ebé profesór hotu kompleta vasina ona vasina doze dahuluk no daruak.\n“Ami-nia profesór hirak ne’e simu kompletu hotu ona vasina, tanba ne’e ami prontu ona re-ativasaun prosesu aprendizajen,” nia hatutan.\nProfesor iha Baucau\nPrevious articlePra Liga Futsal, Jerman manan “mihis” Boavista\nNext articleAutoridade RAEOA sei transforma Nunuhenu sai fatin istóriku | [
"Profesor 84% iha Baucau simu ona vasina | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA BAUKAU Profesor 84% iha Baucau simu ona vasina Profesor 84% iha Baucau simu ona vasina Diretor Servisu Edukasaun Baucau, Augusto Hornai Ximenes.",
"Imajen TATOLI/Natalino Belo BAUCAU, 28 setembru 2021 (TATOLI) -Diretor Servisu Edukasaun munisipiu Baucau, Augusto Hornai Ximenes, hateten, profesor hamutuk 1.860 hosi total mak simu ona vasina, ne'ebe reprezenta 84%.",
"\"Munisipiu Baucau liu ona 70%, ita atinje ona 80% resin, enkuantu bazeia ba karta sirkular, nia konteudu hateten katak profesor sira tenke simu vasina ho alvu ne'ebe ministeriu fo,\" Diretor hateten hafoin remata abertura enkontru ho diretor eskola iha salaun Servisu Edukasaun munisipal, Villa nova, tersa ne'e.",
"Governu liuhosi Ministeriu Edukasaun Juventude no Desportu (MEJD) fo sai karta sirkular, ne'ebe mensiona katak minimu profesor 70% iha eskola ida tenke partisipa vasina mak foin reativa aula prezensial.",
"Tuir dadus hosi Servisu Edukasaun Baucau, total profesor iha Baucau hamutuk na'in-2.215, ne'ebe na'in-1.373 (62%) mak kompleta ona vasina doze daruak no na'in-487 (22%) foin simu doze dahuluk, nune'e hela de'it 354 (16%) mak seidauk vasina tanba kestaun saude pesoal, partu no balun laiha justifikasaun klaru.",
"Biban ne'e, Diretor Servisu munisipal enkoraja profesor sira ne'ebe seudauk vasina, tempu besik bele hakbesik-an ba sentru saude atu tuir kampana vasinasaun, nune'e hasa'e imunidade pesoal no garante prosesu aprendizajen iha aula prezensial.",
"\"Tempu besik bele hakbesik-an atu simu vasina, tanba kuandu profesor sira simu ona vasina, ita hein fali alunu sira,\" Augusto akresenta.",
"Iha fatin hanesan, Diretor Eskola Ensinu Baziku Seisal, Luis da Silva Correia, hateten, profesor ne'ebe daudaun ne'e hanorin iha eskola ne'e hamutuk iha 39, ne'ebe profesor hotu kompleta vasina ona vasina doze dahuluk no daruak.",
"\"Ami-nia profesor hirak ne'e simu kompletu hotu ona vasina, tanba ne'e ami prontu ona re-ativasaun prosesu aprendizajen,\" nia hatutan.",
"Profesor iha Baucau Previous articlePra Liga Futsal, Jerman manan \"mihis\" Boavista Next articleAutoridade RAEOA sei transforma Nunuhenu sai fatin istoriku"
] | [
"84% of teachers in Baucau have been vaccinated | Tempo Timor VARANDA BAUKAU Teachers are getting the vaccine, says Director for Educational Services (DES), Augusto Hornai Ximenes."
"BAUCAU, September 28th (AFP) -Education Service Director of Baucau Municipality Augusto Hornai Ximenes said that a total number Of teachers have been vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus in this district."
"\"Baucau Municipality has already exceed 70%, we have reached more than a total of over the past year, but based on circular letters its content says that teachers must be vaccinated with target given by ministry\", said Director after meeting opening session in municipal education service hall Villa Nova."
"The government through the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEJD) issued a circular letter mentioning that at least 70% teachers in schools must be vaccinated before classrooms can reopen."
"According to data from the Educational Service of Baucau, there are 2.150 teachers in total at this time; among them: -63% have completed their second dose and only-487 (about two thirds) just received a first one so that still remained no more than –9%. There is also an uncertainty about whether they will be vaccinated because personal health issues or childbirth may cause some not being immunized for any reason whatsoever"
"In addition, the Director of Municipal Services encouraged teachers who have not been vaccinated to come soon at health centers and take part in vaccination campaigns so as increase personal immunity while guaranteeing learning processes during classroom hours."
"\"In the near future, we can get closer to getting vaccinated because when teachers have been immunized then students will be waiting for us again\", Augusto adds."
"Meanwhile, the Principal of Seisal Primary School Luis da Silva Correia said that there are 39 teachers currently teaching at his school and all have completed their first dose as well."
"\"Our teachers have all been fully vaccinated, so we are ready to re-activate the learning process.\""
"Previous articleFor the Futsal League, Germany wins Boavista \"mixes\" Next ArticleRAEOA authorities will transform Nunuhenu into a historic site"
] |
Polisia Labele Backing Jogu Ilegal – STL Online\nPolisia Labele Backing Jogu Ilegal\nDILI-Segundu Komandante PNTL Munisipiu Dili, Superintendente Assistente Polisia, Euclides Belo, husu pesoal polisa labele backing jogu ilegal iha Dili laran. Lalaok nee kontra lei.\nNia husu komunidade, karik iha pesoal polisia ka forsa (F-FDTL) mak backing jogu ilegal hanesan bola guling, bele hatoo keixa ba Komando PNTL Municipiu Dili.\nSe hatene sira, bele hatoo keixa. Bola guling nee ilegal, autoridade seguransa labele ba backing fali ka legaliza fali. Laiha atutoridade ida atu legaliza fali buat sira neebe ilegal. Ida nee kontra lai. Kuandu ami detekta ka komunidade hatoo keixa katak, pesoal polisia ka forsa mak backing jogu ilegal, maka sei kona sansaun disiplinar, kriminal mos kona tanba legaliza fali atividade neebe mak ilegal,” hateten Euclides ba STL iha Kuartel PNTL Munisipiu Dili, Segunda (9/10/2017), hodi responde informasaun neebe hateten katak, pesoal polisia balu backing jogu ilegal (bola guling) iha Dili laran.\nKonaba atividade futu manu, nia dehan, ida MCIA fo lisensa para sira bele halao atividade ida nee. Ida nee jogu neebe mak iha lisensa. Nee avontade, maibe tenke displina no tuir regras.\nEnkuantu SDSB neebe ilegal, nia dehan, polisia nafatin kombate, servisu hamutuk ho servisu informasaun nian hodi buka. Kuandu detekta hetan, polisia sei foti medida rigoroju ba ida nee.\nHusi fatin ketak, Diretor Fundasaun Mahein (FM), Nelson Belo hateten, jogu sira iha Dili laran nee, se legal, tenke iha fatin ida ba publiku, para ema hotu bele asesu. Se ilegal entaun membru seguransa tenke halo intervein.\nIntervein laos haruka deit polisia mak ba, maibe haruka inspesaun husi ministeriu sira neebe ligadu nee ba para atu halo inspesaun tuir rekezitus ka lae! verifika sira nia dokumentus, ida nee iha ka lae? Se lae kiik boot ita haruka polisia ho militari mak ba e ministeriu sira hateke deit, entaun ita hakarak kiik boot nee ita fo sala ba ita nia povu deit,” dehan Nelson\nNia dehan konaba pesoal neebe mak diskunfia backing jogu ilegal sira nee, Nelson dehan ida nee fila fali ba instituisaun neebe mak iha.\nIha fulan kotuk, FM produs relatoriu ida katak polisia komete korupsaun efikes, ida nee akontese, tuir ami nia monitorizsaun ida nee akontese, loza sira nee sira ba husu osan ba loza sira nee, dalaruma xineza sira neebe lao korta dalan mos sir aba husu osan, kareta sira dokumentu laiha sira husu osan akontese barak,” hateten Belo.\nProblema refere mosu tanba disiplina sama tiha ba rai. Tanba sa mak akontese hanesan nee. Nee mai husi tratamentu ida neebe mak la dignu, salariu la diak.\n“Se sira nia salariu la diak, sira nia familia nia moris mos la diak entaun sira buka meius para bele halo sira nia malandru sira nee iha instituisaun estadu nia servisu, neebe sala nee laos sira, maibe sala nee instituisaun tomak katak mai husi aspeitu politiku mos sala”. Lucia Ximenes\nPrevious article Polisia Kontinua Pasa Revista Armas Branka\nNext article Komunidade Becora Infrenta Bee Mos | [
"Polisia Labele Backing Jogu Ilegal - STL Online Polisia Labele Backing Jogu Ilegal DILI-Segundu Komandante PNTL Munisipiu Dili, Superintendente Assistente Polisia, Euclides Belo, husu pesoal polisa labele backing jogu ilegal iha Dili laran.",
"Lalaok nee kontra lei.",
"Nia husu komunidade, karik iha pesoal polisia ka forsa (F-FDTL) mak backing jogu ilegal hanesan bola guling, bele hatoo keixa ba Komando PNTL Municipiu Dili.",
"Se hatene sira, bele hatoo keixa.",
"Bola guling nee ilegal, autoridade seguransa labele ba backing fali ka legaliza fali.",
"Laiha atutoridade ida atu legaliza fali buat sira neebe ilegal.",
"Ida nee kontra lai.",
"Kuandu ami detekta ka komunidade hatoo keixa katak, pesoal polisia ka forsa mak backing jogu ilegal, maka sei kona sansaun disiplinar, kriminal mos kona tanba legaliza fali atividade neebe mak ilegal,\" hateten Euclides ba STL iha Kuartel PNTL Munisipiu Dili, Segunda (9/10/2017), hodi responde informasaun neebe hateten katak, pesoal polisia balu backing jogu ilegal (bola guling) iha Dili laran.",
"Konaba atividade futu manu, nia dehan, ida MCIA fo lisensa para sira bele halao atividade ida nee.",
"Ida nee jogu neebe mak iha lisensa.",
"Nee avontade, maibe tenke displina no tuir regras.",
"Enkuantu SDSB neebe ilegal, nia dehan, polisia nafatin kombate, servisu hamutuk ho servisu informasaun nian hodi buka.",
"Kuandu detekta hetan, polisia sei foti medida rigoroju ba ida nee.",
"Husi fatin ketak, Diretor Fundasaun Mahein (FM), Nelson Belo hateten, jogu sira iha Dili laran nee, se legal, tenke iha fatin ida ba publiku, para ema hotu bele asesu.",
"Se ilegal entaun membru seguransa tenke halo intervein.",
"Intervein laos haruka deit polisia mak ba, maibe haruka inspesaun husi ministeriu sira neebe ligadu nee ba para atu halo inspesaun tuir rekezitus ka lae! verifika sira nia dokumentus, ida nee iha ka lae?",
"Se lae kiik boot ita haruka polisia ho militari mak ba e ministeriu sira hateke deit, entaun ita hakarak kiik boot nee ita fo sala ba ita nia povu deit,\" dehan Nelson Nia dehan konaba pesoal neebe mak diskunfia backing jogu ilegal sira nee, Nelson dehan ida nee fila fali ba instituisaun neebe mak iha.",
"Iha fulan kotuk, FM produs relatoriu ida katak polisia komete korupsaun efikes, ida nee akontese, tuir ami nia monitorizsaun ida nee akontese, loza sira nee sira ba husu osan ba loza sira nee, dalaruma xineza sira neebe lao korta dalan mos sir aba husu osan, kareta sira dokumentu laiha sira husu osan akontese barak,\" hateten Belo.",
"Problema refere mosu tanba disiplina sama tiha ba rai.",
"Tanba sa mak akontese hanesan nee.",
"Nee mai husi tratamentu ida neebe mak la dignu, salariu la diak.",
"\"Se sira nia salariu la diak, sira nia familia nia moris mos la diak entaun sira buka meius para bele halo sira nia malandru sira nee iha instituisaun estadu nia servisu, neebe sala nee laos sira, maibe sala nee instituisaun tomak katak mai husi aspeitu politiku mos sala.\"",
"Lucia Ximenes Previous article Polisia Kontinua Pasa Revista Armas Branka Next article Komunidade Becora Infrenta Bee Mos"
] | [
"Dili-Police Assistant Superintendent Euclides Belo, Deputy Police Chief of the Municipality (MPD), has urged police personnel not to backing illegal gambling. He said that there is no reason for any person who does so in a city where they are operating as an agent or agents should be held accountable and prosecuted by law enforcement agencies if he/she supported such activities within his area' s jurisdiction"
"This game is against the law."
"He asked the community, if any police personnel or forces (F- FDTL) are backing illegal games such as bola guling can file a complaint to PNTL Municipality Dili Command."
"If you know them, make a complaint."
"The golf ball is illegal, security authorities can not backing back or legalize it."
"There is no authority to legalize things that are illegal."
"This is contrary to law."
"When we detect or the community makes a complaint that police personnel are backing illegal games, they will be subject to disciplinary sanctions and criminal charges for legalizing an activity which is unlawful,” said Euclides in Dili Municipal Police Headquarters on Monday (9/10), responding with information saying some of their staff were supported by ilegal gambling activities."
"Regarding the cattle breeding activity, he said that MCIA has issued a licence for them to carry out this activities."
"This is a licensed game."
"It's not free will, but you have to be disciplined and follow rules."
"While the SDSB is illegal, he said that police continue to fight it and work together with intelligence services in searching."
"When detected, the police will take strict measures against this."
"From a remote location, Nelson Belo said that if the games in Dili are legal they must be opened to public so everyone can access them."
"If it is illegal then a security member must intervene."
"Intervention is not just sending the police, but also inspections from related ministries to do an investigation whether they are complying with requirements! Verify their documents. Is this possible?"
"Otherwise, we send the police and military to ministers just for monitoring. We want this small thing that is blamed on our people alone,” Nelson said He added regarding those who are suspected of backing illegal games: “This should go back into institutions.”"
"Last month, FM produced a report that the police committed corruption effectively. This happens according to our monitoring this occurred; these people go and ask for money at those shops often Chinese who are shorting road also come asking you cash cars with no documents they demand much of it.\""
"The problem arises because the discipline is as bad a matter of course."
"Why is this happening?"
"This is due to unworthy treatment, poor wages and a lack of dignity."
"\"If their salary is not good, then the living conditions of them families are also bad so they look for ways to make these thugs work in state institutions. It' s no fault by themselves but it was a political error.\""
"Lucia Ximenes Previous article Polisia Kontinua Pasa Revista Armas Branka Next Article Becora Community Infront Bee Mos"
] |
F-FDTL Kontinua Investiga Kauza Asidente Becora | STLNEWS\nDILI, STLNEWS.co – Komando FALINTIL – Forsa Defeza Timor Leste (F-FDTL) kontinua halo investigasaun hodi buka tuir kauza asidente membru F-FDTL ida ne’ebe mak soke iha Becora.\nKestaun ne’e hato’o husi Vice Xefe Estado Maior-Jeneral das Forças Armadas, Major Jeneral Domingos Raul ‘Falur Rate Laek’ ba jornalista bainhira remata hasoru malu ho Prezidente Republika Francisco Guterres Lú Olo iha Palasiu Prezidente Bairru Pite, Kuarta (20/10/2021).\nVice Xefe Estadu Maior Jeneral ne’e hatete komandu forma ona komisaun konjunta ida atu bele halo prosesu investigasaun ba patrimoniu estadu ne’ebe mak antes ne’e hetan estragu husi membru F-FDTL iha area Becora ne’e.\nNia mos hatutan, iha defikuldade teknika bele konsidera hanesan sala iha prosesu toma desizaun iha depois buka hadia iha tempu ikus.\n“Prosesu agora lao dadaun, nuudar orgaun de apoiu ami atu halo komisaun konjunta ida atu buka nia kauza loloos ne’e saida, kareta mak sala ka ema mak sala ka kontratu mak sala, buat sira ne’e hatene ba nia kauza prinsipal atu rezolve no halo investigasaun klean liu tan ” dehan Falur.\nFalur hatutan investigasaun ne’e atu bele hatene motivu loloos husi akontesimentu ne’ebe rezulta kareta estadu hetan estragus, maibe ninia prosesu ne’e laos fasil.\n“Investigasaun 24 oras ba semana ida no fulan ida halo ona no prosesu naruk laos buat kiik ida, no prosesu administrasaun lei barak tanba ne’e implementa tuir lei,” katak nia.\nIha biban nee Falur mos aprezenta situasaun rai laran liu liu treinamentu ba membru FFDTL to’o iha ne”ebe ona ba iha Prezidente Republika Francisco Guterres Lú Olo.\nNune’e mos Xefe Estadu Maior-Jeneral das F-FDTL,Tenente Jeneral Lere Anan Timur, hatete sei la tolera membru F-FDTL ne’ebe mak estraga patrimonia estadu.\nTenente Jeneral Lere hatete patrimonia estadu ne’e hola ho osan mil maibe estraga tanba deit lanu ne’e ladun diak, tanba ne’e husu responsabilizasaun ba membru ne’ebe mak estraga kareta estadu.*\nPrevious articleHorta: Respeita Dignidade – Privasidade Vitima; La Konkorda Tau Fotografia\nNext articleMaromak La Dukur Ba Nia Ema | [
"F-FDTL Kontinua Investiga Kauza Asidente Becora | STLNEWS DILI, STLNEWS.co - Komando FALINTIL - Forsa Defeza Timor Leste (F-FDTL) kontinua halo investigasaun hodi buka tuir kauza asidente membru F-FDTL ida ne'ebe mak soke iha Becora.",
"Kestaun ne'e hato'o husi Vice Xefe Estado Maior-Jeneral das Forcas Armadas, Major Jeneral Domingos Raul 'Falur Rate Laek' ba jornalista bainhira remata hasoru malu ho Prezidente Republika Francisco Guterres Lu Olo iha Palasiu Prezidente Bairru Pite, Kuarta (20/10/2021).",
"Vice Xefe Estadu Maior Jeneral ne'e hatete komandu forma ona komisaun konjunta ida atu bele halo prosesu investigasaun ba patrimoniu estadu ne'ebe mak antes ne'e hetan estragu husi membru F-FDTL iha area Becora ne'e.",
"Nia mos hatutan, iha defikuldade teknika bele konsidera hanesan sala iha prosesu toma desizaun iha depois buka hadia iha tempu ikus.",
"\"Prosesu agora lao dadaun, nuudar orgaun de apoiu ami atu halo komisaun konjunta ida atu buka nia kauza loloos ne'e saida, kareta mak sala ka ema mak sala ka kontratu mak sala, buat sira ne'e hatene ba nia kauza prinsipal atu rezolve no halo investigasaun klean liu tan \" dehan Falur.",
"Falur hatutan investigasaun ne'e atu bele hatene motivu loloos husi akontesimentu ne'ebe rezulta kareta estadu hetan estragus, maibe ninia prosesu ne'e laos fasil.",
"\"Investigasaun 24 oras ba semana ida no fulan ida halo ona no prosesu naruk laos buat kiik ida, no prosesu administrasaun lei barak tanba ne'e implementa tuir lei,\" katak nia.",
"Iha biban nee Falur mos aprezenta situasaun rai laran liu liu treinamentu ba membru FFDTL to'o iha ne\"ebe ona ba iha Prezidente Republika Francisco Guterres Lu Olo.",
"Nune'e mos Xefe Estadu Maior-Jeneral das F-FDTL,Tenente Jeneral Lere Anan Timur, hatete sei la tolera membru F-FDTL ne'ebe mak estraga patrimonia estadu.",
"Tenente Jeneral Lere hatete patrimonia estadu ne'e hola ho osan mil maibe estraga tanba deit lanu ne'e ladun diak, tanba ne'e husu responsabilizasaun ba membru ne'ebe mak estraga kareta estadu.* Previous articleHorta: Respeita Dignidade - Privasidade Vitima; La Konkorda Tau Fotografia Next articleMaromak La Dukur Ba Nia Ema"
] | [
"F-FDTL Continues to Investigate Cause of Becora Accident | STLNEWS DILI, stlnews.co - FALINTIL Command – The Timor Leste Defence Force (FTD) is continuing its investigation into the cause for an accident involving a member from their force who fell down on his way back home after being shot dead by police officer at 12:30am local time yesterday morning when he was driving off road towards Dili City'"
"The question was raised by the Deputy Chief of Staff General, Major-General Domingos Raul 'Falur Rate Laek' to journalist after his meeting with President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo at Bairru Pite Presidential Palace on Thursday (20/15) ."
"The Deputy Chief of General Staff said that the command has formed a joint commission to carry out an investigation into state property which was previously damaged by F-FDTL members in Becora area."
"He also added that there are technical difficulties which can be considered as mistakes in the decision-making process and then look for correction at a later time."
"\"The process is now underway, as a supporting body we are to make joint commissions and find out what the real cause of this accident was. The car or people were at fault; it may have been contracted wrongly but they know its main causes so that there can be resolved in order for more clear investigation\" Falur said"
"Falur continues the investigation in order to find out exactly what caused this accident, but his process is not easy."
"\"The investigation 24 hours a week and one month has been done, the long process is not small thing. And there are many laws that govern this administration so it'll be implemented according to them.\""
"At the meeting, Falur also presented to President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo about situation in Timor-Leste especially training for FFDTL members."
"Likewise, F-FDTL Chief of General Staff Lieutenant Gen Lere Anan Timur said that he would not tolerate any members who destroy state property."
"Lieutenant General Lere said that the state's patrimony is bought for a thousand dollars but damaged because only it does not look good, so he asks accountability to members who have destroyed State car.* Previous articleHorta: Respect Dignity - Privacy Victim; La Konkorda Tau Fotografia NextThe Murderer Does Not Dukur To His People."
] |
Abraao no Isaac | Istoria husi Biblia\nMaromak koko Abraão nia fiar\nBELE haree saida mak Abraão halo iha dezeñu neʼe ka lae? Nia iha tudik, no haree hanesan nia atu oho nia oan. Tansá mak nia halo hanesan neʼe? Uluk, mai ita haree oinsá mak Abraão no Sara iha oan.\nHanoin-hetan, Maromak promete ba sira katak sira sei iha oan-mane ida. Maibé, haree hanesan ida-neʼe la bele mosu, tanba Abraão no Sara katuas no ferik liu ona. Maski nuneʼe, Abraão fiar katak Maromak bele halo buat hotu. Entaun, saida mak akontese?\nDepois Maromak halo promesa neʼe, tinan ida liu tiha ona. Kuandu Abraão tinan 100 no Sara tinan 90, sira hetan oan-mane naran Isaac. Maromak halo tuir duni ninia promesa!\nMaibé, bainhira Isaac sai boot liu, Jeová koko Abraão nia fiar. Nia bolu: ‘Abraão!’ No Abraão hatán: ‘Haʼu mak neʼe!’ Depois Maromak hatete: ‘Lori ó-nia oan, ó-nia oan mesak, no bá foho ida neʼebé haʼu sei hatudu ba ó. Iha neʼebá, oho ó-nia oan no fó nuʼudar sakrifísiu ida.’\nLiafuan neʼe halo Abraão triste duni, tan Abraão hadomi tebes nia oan. No hanoin-hetan, Maromak promete ona katak Abraão nia oan sira sei moris iha rai Kanaan. Maibé, oinsá ida-neʼe bele mosu se Isaac mate? Abraão la komprende, maski nuneʼe nia halo tuir.\nKuandu toʼo foho neʼe, Abraão harii altár ida, kesi Isaac no tau iha altár leten. Depois, nia foti tudik ida atu oho nia oan. Maibé, iha tempu neʼebá kedas, Maromak nia anju bolu: ‘Abraão, Abraão!’ No Abraão hatán: ‘Haʼu mak neʼe!’\nMaromak hatete: ‘Keta hakanek labarik neʼe, ka halo buat ruma ba nia. Agora haʼu hatene katak ó-nia fiar boot tebes mai haʼu, tanba ó prontu atu fó ó-nia oan, ó-nia oan mesak, mai haʼu.’\nHaree toʼok, Abraão iha fiar boot tebes ba Maromak! Nia fiar katak la iha buat ida neʼebé Jeová la bele halo, no katak Jeová bele halo moris fali Isaac husi mate. Maibé tuir loloos, laʼós Maromak nia hakarak atu Abraão oho Isaac. Tan neʼe, Maromak halo bibi ida kaʼit iha ai, no haruka Abraão atu fó bibi neʼe, laʼós nia oan, nuʼudar sakrifísiu.\nGênesis 21:1-7; 22:1-18. | [
"Abraao no Isaac | Istoria husi Biblia Maromak koko Abraao nia fiar BELE haree saida mak Abraao halo iha dezenu ne'e ka lae?",
"Nia iha tudik, no haree hanesan nia atu oho nia oan.",
"Tansa mak nia halo hanesan ne'e?",
"Uluk, mai ita haree oinsa mak Abraao no Sara iha oan.",
"Hanoin-hetan, Maromak promete ba sira katak sira sei iha oan-mane ida.",
"Maibe, haree hanesan ida-ne'e la bele mosu, tanba Abraao no Sara katuas no ferik liu ona.",
"Maski nune'e, Abraao fiar katak Maromak bele halo buat hotu.",
"Entaun, saida mak akontese?",
"Depois Maromak halo promesa ne'e, tinan ida liu tiha ona.",
"Kuandu Abraao tinan 100 no Sara tinan 90, sira hetan oan-mane naran Isaac.",
"Maromak halo tuir duni ninia promesa!",
"Maibe, bainhira Isaac sai boot liu, Jeova koko Abraao nia fiar.",
"Nia bolu: 'Abraao!'",
"No Abraao hatan: 'Ha'u mak ne'e!'",
"Depois Maromak hatete: 'Lori o-nia oan, o-nia oan mesak, no ba foho ida ne'ebe ha'u sei hatudu ba o.",
"Iha ne'eba, oho o-nia oan no fo nu'udar sakrifisiu ida.'",
"Liafuan ne'e halo Abraao triste duni, tan Abraao hadomi tebes nia oan.",
"No hanoin-hetan, Maromak promete ona katak Abraao nia oan sira sei moris iha rai Kanaan.",
"Maibe, oinsa ida-ne'e bele mosu se Isaac mate?",
"Abraao la komprende, maski nune'e nia halo tuir.",
"Kuandu to'o foho ne'e, Abraao harii altar ida, kesi Isaac no tau iha altar leten.",
"Depois, nia foti tudik ida atu oho nia oan.",
"Maibe, iha tempu ne'eba kedas, Maromak nia anju bolu: 'Abraao, Abraao!'",
"No Abraao hatan: 'Ha'u mak ne'e!'",
"Maromak hatete: 'Keta hakanek labarik ne'e, ka halo buat ruma ba nia.",
"Agora ha'u hatene katak o-nia fiar boot tebes mai ha'u, tanba o prontu atu fo o-nia oan, o-nia oan mesak, mai ha'u.'",
"Haree to'ok, Abraao iha fiar boot tebes ba Maromak!",
"Nia fiar katak la iha buat ida ne'ebe Jeova la bele halo, no katak Jeova bele halo moris fali Isaac husi mate.",
"Maibe tuir loloos, la'os Maromak nia hakarak atu Abraao oho Isaac.",
"Tan ne'e, Maromak halo bibi ida ka'it iha ai, no haruka Abraao atu fo bibi ne'e, la'os nia oan, nu'udar sakrifisiu.",
"Genesis 21:1-7; 22:1-18."
] | [
"Abraham and Isaac | Bible Story God acknowledges the faith of Abram Shouldn't you see what he does in this drawing?"
"He has a tudik, and looks like he is about to kill his son."
"Why did he do this?"
"First, let us look at how Abraham and Sarah had children."
"Remember, God promised them that they would have a son."
"However, it seems that this could not happen because Abraham and Sarah were both older."
"Nevertheless, Abraham believed that God was able to do all things."
"So, what happened?"
"When God made the promise, a year had passed since then."
"When Abraham was a hundred years old and Sarah ninety, they bore Isaac."
"God did indeed keep His promises!"
"But when Isaac grew up, the Lord looked upon Abraham's faith. He gave him a son and called his name Jacob (Hebrew: Ya’akov)."
"She called out, 'Abraham!'"
"And Abraham said to him, 'I am he.'"
"And God said, 'Take your son alone and go to one of the villages that I will show you."
"There, go and offer your son as a sacrifice.'"
"And this word grieved Abraham: for he loved his son."
"And remember, God had promised that Abraham's descendants would live in the land of Canaan."
"But how can this happen if Isaac is dead?"
"Abraham did not understand, but he followed."
"And when he had come to the valley, Abraham built an altar there; and took Isaac's flesh in his arms."
"Then he took a knife to kill his son."
"17 But an angel of God called out to him, \"Abraham! Abraham!\""
"And Abraham said to him, 'I am he.'"
"God said, 'Do not insult the child or do anything to him."
"Now I know that he has great faith in me, because even his only son He gave for Me.'"
"Look at that, Abraham had a great faith in God!"
"He believed that there was nothing the Lord could not do, and he trusted God to raise Isaac from death."
"But in fact, it was not God's will that Abraham should kill Isaac."
"Therefore, God made a small calf in the wood and told Abraham to offer it as an offering instead of his son."
"Genesis 21:3-7."
] |
Taxa Xanana-Cosgrove ba datoluk, Relembra Hikas Prezensa INTERFET iha Timor-Leste - NEWS VIP TV\nHome EDUKASAUN Taxa Xanana-Cosgrove ba datoluk, Relembra Hikas Prezensa INTERFET iha Timor-Leste\nXanana Gusmao hasai foto ho lideransa F-FDTL no INTERFET iha loron komemorasaun INTERFET iha TImor-Leste 18 Outubru 2021, iha Estadiu Municipal Dili. Photo: Australia Embassy\nDILI, www.news-viptv.com – Misaun Forsa Internasional iha Timor-Leste, INTERFET ne’ebe mai iha Timor-Leste hodi stabilizia hikas paz no seguransa hafoin rezultadu referendum Timor-Leste iha Agostu 1999, liu hosi nia veteranu sira kontinua komemora loron importante ne’e hodi realiza jogu amizade ba datoluk ho F-FDTL ne’ebe hanaran Taxa Xanana-Cosgrove.\nIha jogu amizade ne’e ekipa F-FDTL manan ekipa INTERFET 4-0.\nHafoin jogu, antigu Prezidenti Republika Timor-Leste, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao informa atividade ne’e importante los ba istoria Timor-Leste no atu relembra hikas prezensa INTERFET iha Timor-Leste hodi nune’e labele haluha hosi nova jerasaun sira.\n“Hau sei husu nafatin ba INTERFET atu kontinua bebeik atividade ne’e iha futuru,” dehan Xanana Gusmao, Segunda (18/10/2021), iha Estadiu Municipal Dili.\nXanana esplika, nia mos sei husu ba INTERFET atu ajuda nasaun seluk, liliu iha kontinenti Afrika ne’ebe nasaun balun kontinua moris laiha paz no seguransa.\nAntigu Komandante INTERFET, Jenerál Onorável Dom Peter Cosgrove AK AC (mil) CVI MC (Retd) liu hosi nia karta senti haksolok tebes bele fahe mensajen ida ba jogu amizade anuál ba Taxa Xanana Cosgrove ba datoluk nian.\nNia hakerek, Tinan rua-nulu resin liu ba, bainhira INTERFET tuun hala’o misaun iha Timor-Leste, membru INTERFET no povu Timoroan sira bele buka tempu hodi halimar jogu futeból. Momentu furak ida ba haksolok no amizade iha tempu ne’ebé susar liu.\n“Tinan rua liu ba, iha aniversáriu misaun INTERFET ba rua-nulu, ha’u to’o rasik ba Dili hamutuk ho Xanana Gusmão hodi lansa jogu komemorativu ba dala-uluk entre nasaun INTERFET sira ho veteranu no soldadu Timoroan sira – ba Taxa Xanana Cosgrove,” dehan Peter Cosgrove.\nNia hakerek tan, “Momentu ne’e tempu lorokraik ida ne’ebé manas. Ain halai dalaruma agora la lais ona. Maibé amizade no respeita ba malu sai metin no forte liu tan. Durante ha’u nia viajen tinan rua liu ba ha’u mós sente, tanba ha’u hatene veteranu INTERFET barak tebes ne’ebé mak durante ne’e, haree no asiste progressu ne’ebé di’ak tebes iha Timor-Leste. Povu Timoroan ne’ebé reziliente no forte, ne’ebé ha’u haree ho momoos durante tempu INTERFET, apoia ba Timor-Leste nia dezenvolvimentu. “\nBa Peter Cosgrove, Timor-Leste nia konsidera sempre espesiál ba nia no ba Australianu barak. Austrália no Timor-Leste viziñu ba-malu liuhosi jeográfia. Parseiru liuhosi presiza no benefísiu ba malu. Maibé belun liuhosi istória no opsaun.\n“Ita nia parseria agora ne’e forte los ona ho dalan serbisu hamutuk hodi responde ba COVID-19 no inundasaun durante tempu Páskua ne’ebé aat tebes iha Timor-Leste. Ha’u haksolok tebes ba ita nia hamutuk iha loron amizade ida ne’e,” nia dehan.\nNune’e mós furak tebtebes katak reprezentante INTERFET sira husi nasaun seluk mós sei uza farda jogu nian ohin loron hamutuk ho Australianu sira.\n“Ha’u espera reprezentante husi Nova Zelanda, Estadus Unidus, Portugal no Brazil sei tulun INTERFET nia parte hodi hala’o jogu ho di’ak. Maibé kualkér ida ne’ebé mak manan, no ha’u fiar Timor mak sei manan, importante liu ha’u enkoraza ita hotu hodi haksolok amizade hamutuk ne’e, hanoin ba sakrifisiu barak ne’ebé halo ona hodi tulun ba Timor-Leste nia independénsia no dezenvolvimentu, no ita selebra ita nia futuru hamutuk. ‘Viva Timor-Leste!’ no ha’u nia abrasu forte ba maluk sira hotu!”.\nWriter: GUTERRES, ViolanteEditor: MEILANA, Evangelisto Santos | [
"Taxa Xanana-Cosgrove ba datoluk, Relembra Hikas Prezensa INTERFET iha Timor-Leste - NEWS VIP TV Home EDUKASAUN Taxa Xanana-Cosgrove ba datoluk, Relembra Hikas Prezensa INTERFET iha Timor-Leste Xanana Gusmao hasai foto ho lideransa F-FDTL no INTERFET iha loron komemorasaun INTERFET iha TImor-Leste 18 Outubru 2021, iha Estadiu Municipal Dili.",
"Photo: Australia Embassy DILI, www.news-viptv.com - Misaun Forsa Internasional iha Timor-Leste, INTERFET ne'ebe mai iha Timor-Leste hodi stabilizia hikas paz no seguransa hafoin rezultadu referendum Timor-Leste iha Agostu 1999, liu hosi nia veteranu sira kontinua komemora loron importante ne'e hodi realiza jogu amizade ba datoluk ho F-FDTL ne'ebe hanaran Taxa Xanana-Cosgrove.",
"Iha jogu amizade ne'e ekipa F-FDTL manan ekipa INTERFET 4-0.",
"Hafoin jogu, antigu Prezidenti Republika Timor-Leste, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao informa atividade ne'e importante los ba istoria Timor-Leste no atu relembra hikas prezensa INTERFET iha Timor-Leste hodi nune'e labele haluha hosi nova jerasaun sira.",
"\"Hau sei husu nafatin ba INTERFET atu kontinua bebeik atividade ne'e iha futuru,\" dehan Xanana Gusmao, Segunda (18/10/2021), iha Estadiu Municipal Dili.",
"Xanana esplika, nia mos sei husu ba INTERFET atu ajuda nasaun seluk, liliu iha kontinenti Afrika ne'ebe nasaun balun kontinua moris laiha paz no seguransa.",
"Antigu Komandante INTERFET, Jeneral Onoravel Dom Peter Cosgrove AK AC (mil) CVI MC (Retd) liu hosi nia karta senti haksolok tebes bele fahe mensajen ida ba jogu amizade anual ba Taxa Xanana Cosgrove ba datoluk nian.",
"Nia hakerek, Tinan rua-nulu resin liu ba, bainhira INTERFET tuun hala'o misaun iha Timor-Leste, membru INTERFET no povu Timoroan sira bele buka tempu hodi halimar jogu futebol.",
"Momentu furak ida ba haksolok no amizade iha tempu ne'ebe susar liu.",
"\"Tinan rua liu ba, iha aniversariu misaun INTERFET ba rua-nulu, ha'u to'o rasik ba Dili hamutuk ho Xanana Gusmao hodi lansa jogu komemorativu ba dala-uluk entre nasaun INTERFET sira ho veteranu no soldadu Timoroan sira - ba Taxa Xanana Cosgrove,\" dehan Peter Cosgrove.",
"Nia hakerek tan, \"Momentu ne'e tempu lorokraik ida ne'ebe manas.",
"Ain halai dalaruma agora la lais ona.",
"Maibe amizade no respeita ba malu sai metin no forte liu tan.",
"Durante ha'u nia viajen tinan rua liu ba ha'u mos sente, tanba ha'u hatene veteranu INTERFET barak tebes ne'ebe mak durante ne'e, haree no asiste progressu ne'ebe di'ak tebes iha Timor-Leste.",
"Povu Timoroan ne'ebe reziliente no forte, ne'ebe ha'u haree ho momoos durante tempu INTERFET, apoia ba Timor-Leste nia dezenvolvimentu. \"",
"Ba Peter Cosgrove, Timor-Leste nia konsidera sempre espesial ba nia no ba Australianu barak.",
"Australia no Timor-Leste vizinu ba-malu liuhosi jeografia.",
"Parseiru liuhosi presiza no benefisiu ba malu.",
"Maibe belun liuhosi istoria no opsaun.",
"\"Ita nia parseria agora ne'e forte los ona ho dalan serbisu hamutuk hodi responde ba COVID-19 no inundasaun durante tempu Paskua ne'ebe aat tebes iha Timor-Leste.",
"Ha'u haksolok tebes ba ita nia hamutuk iha loron amizade ida ne'e,\" nia dehan.",
"Nune'e mos furak tebtebes katak reprezentante INTERFET sira husi nasaun seluk mos sei uza farda jogu nian ohin loron hamutuk ho Australianu sira.",
"\"Ha'u espera reprezentante husi Nova Zelanda, Estadus Unidus, Portugal no Brazil sei tulun INTERFET nia parte hodi hala'o jogu ho di'ak.",
"Maibe kualker ida ne'ebe mak manan, no ha'u fiar Timor mak sei manan, importante liu ha'u enkoraza ita hotu hodi haksolok amizade hamutuk ne'e, hanoin ba sakrifisiu barak ne'ebe halo ona hodi tulun ba Timor-Leste nia independensia no dezenvolvimentu, no ita selebra ita nia futuru hamutuk.",
"'Viva Timor-Leste!' no ha'u nia abrasu forte ba maluk sira hotu!.\"",
"Writer: GUTERRES, ViolanteEditor: MEILANA, Evangelisto Santos"
] | [
"Xanana Gusmao takes a photo with F-FDTL and INTERFET leaders on the day of commemoration for Interfet in Timor Leste, October 18th. - NEWS VIP TV Home EDUCATIONAL News & Events Fotos de Presidente da República e do Executivo Nacional to take photos together at Dili Municipal Stadium during an event held by Prime Minister José Ramos Horta (L) as part from his visiting office"
"Photo: Australia Embassy DILI, www.news-viptv"
"In this friendly match, the F-FDTL team beat INTERFET 4:0."
"After the game, former President of Timor-Leste Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao informed that this activity was important for East Тимор's history and to remind people about INTERFET presence so it could not be lost by new generation."
"\"I will ask INTERFET to continue this activity more often in the future,\" Xanana Gusmao said Monday (18/20), at Dili Municipal Stadium."
"Xanana explained that he will also ask INTERFET to help other countries, especially on the African continent where some nations continue living in peace and security."
"The former INTERFET Commander, Honorable General Dom Peter Cosgrove AK AC (mil) CVI MC(Retd), through his letter feels delighted to share a message for the annual friendly game at Taxa Xanana Cosmroves."
"He writes, \"Two decades ago when INTERFET came down on a mission in East Timor the members and people of Interfet could find time to watch football games."
"A joyous moment of happiness and friendship in the most difficult time."
"\"Two years ago, on the 20th anniversary of INTERFET's mission in Timor-Leste I came to Dili with Xanana Gusmao and launched an inaugural commemorative game between Interfet nations alongside veteran soldiers - for Xana Cosgrove Award\", said Peter."
"He wrote, \"This is a moment of warm sunny weather."
"Ain halai dalaruma now la las ona. I didn't leave her, but she left me!"
"But friendship and respect for each other grew stronger."
"During my trip two years ago I also felt, because i know so many INTERFET veterans who have seen and witnessed the great progress in Timor-Leste during this time."
"The resilient and strong Timorese people, whom I have seen with great interest during INTERFET time support the development of East Тимор.\""
"For Peter Cosgrove, East Timor has always been something special to him and many Australians."
"Australia and East Timor are geographically neighboring."
"Partner through mutual need and benefit."
"But belun through history and options."
"\"Our partnership is now strong enough to work together in responding both COVID-19 and the floods during Easter, which were very bad for Timor Leste."
"I'm very happy that we are together on this day of friendship,\" he said."
"It is also a great pleasure that INTERFET representatives from other countries will wear the game uniform today alongside Australians."
"\"I expect representatives from New Zealand, the United States of America (USA), Portugal and Brazil to assist INTERFET on its part in conducting games properly."
"But whoever wins, and I believe that Timor-Leste will be the winner. Most importantly of all i encourage us to celebrate our friendship together with a reflection on many sacrifice made in supporting independence for East Тимор' s development as we are celebrating this future alongside each other :"
"'Long live Timor-Leste!' and my strong embrace to all of you!\""
"Writer: GUTERRES, ViolanteEditor (s): MEILANA - Evangelisto Santos"
] |
By Tempo Timor September 08, 2021 268\nMAPKomS, Francisco Martins Jerónimo halo hela lansamentu ba programa naroman ba suku iha suku Mulo, tersa (07/08). Foto Suplay\nTanba joven sira ne'ebé iha suku Mulo mak sei tuir formasaun no sira rasik sei hala'o atividade nune'e husu atu kuidadu no aproveita, tanba joven sira mak sai sentru ba dezenvolvimentu iha futuru.\n"Atu garante de'it ba joven sira, ho estabelesimentu sentru formasaun ne'e husu ita-boot sira atu aproveita didi'ak no kuidadu sentru formasaun ne'e, nune'e programa sira ne'e nafatin iha nia kontinuidade", dehan Francisco Martins, bainhira halo lansa Programa Naroman ba Suku, iha suku Mulo, tersa (07/08).\nPrograma Naroman ba Suku iha área MAPKomS nia ne'e oinsá fó formasaun ba joven sira iha suku, nune'e halo naroman komunidade nia hanoin iha suku kona-ba dezenvolvimentu ne'ebé la'ó iha rai laran.\nGovernu nia hakarak, lori dezenvolvimentu konsentra iha povu, tanba povu mak sai na'in ba dezenvolvimentu, nune'e hein katak sentru formasaun iha suku Mulo ne'e bele habelar liután mós oinsá mak atu halo kombate ba propagasaun Covid-19 iha rai ida ne'e.\nEntretantu MAPKomS Kompremetidu sei nafatin fó asisténsia ba programa naroman ba suku, iha suku Mulo.\nJoventude Suku Mulo, Estevanos Magalhães hatete, nia parte prontu tuir formasaun ne'e ho di'ak hodi bele ajuda Governu atu fó informasaun ba ninia komunidade sira iha suku refere.\nMaibé husu ba parte kompaña telekomunikasaun sira hodi bele ajuda sira iha rede internet inklui liña eletrisidade, tanba iha suku refere dezaraska ba liña eletrisidade inklui rede internet.\n"Kontente tebes ba programa naroman ba suku ne'e, maibé husu ba kompaña telekomunikasaun,atu ajuda ami liuhusi liña internet, nomós husu ba Governu atu haree mós ba liña eletrisidade tanba iha suku Mulo rasik komunidade seidauk asesu hotu liña eletrisidade, nune'e sei difikulta sira atu asesu tuir formasaun", dehan nia. (*)\nLast modified on Wednesday, 08 September 2021 20:33\n« PLP Seidauk Deklara Kandidata Isabel Ferreira ba PR MAE Planeia Kria Sentru Akollimentu Multifunsaun » | [
"By Tempo Timor September 08, 2021 268 MAPKomS, Francisco Martins Jeronimo halo hela lansamentu ba programa naroman ba suku iha suku Mulo, tersa (07/08).",
"Foto Suplay Tanba joven sira ne'ebe iha suku Mulo mak sei tuir formasaun no sira rasik sei hala'o atividade nune'e husu atu kuidadu no aproveita, tanba joven sira mak sai sentru ba dezenvolvimentu iha futuru.",
"\"Atu garante de'it ba joven sira, ho estabelesimentu sentru formasaun ne'e husu ita-boot sira atu aproveita didi'ak no kuidadu sentru formasaun ne'e, nune'e programa sira ne'e nafatin iha nia kontinuidade,\" dehan Francisco Martins, bainhira halo lansa Programa Naroman ba Suku, iha suku Mulo, tersa (07/08).",
"Programa Naroman ba Suku iha area MAPKomS nia ne'e oinsa fo formasaun ba joven sira iha suku, nune'e halo naroman komunidade nia hanoin iha suku kona-ba dezenvolvimentu ne'ebe la'o iha rai laran.",
"Governu nia hakarak, lori dezenvolvimentu konsentra iha povu, tanba povu mak sai na'in ba dezenvolvimentu, nune'e hein katak sentru formasaun iha suku Mulo ne'e bele habelar liutan mos oinsa mak atu halo kombate ba propagasaun Covid-19 iha rai ida ne'e.",
"Entretantu MAPKomS Kompremetidu sei nafatin fo asistensia ba programa naroman ba suku, iha suku Mulo.",
"Joventude Suku Mulo, Estevanos Magalhaes hatete, nia parte prontu tuir formasaun ne'e ho di'ak hodi bele ajuda Governu atu fo informasaun ba ninia komunidade sira iha suku refere.",
"Maibe husu ba parte kompana telekomunikasaun sira hodi bele ajuda sira iha rede internet inklui lina eletrisidade, tanba iha suku refere dezaraska ba lina eletrisidade inklui rede internet.",
"\"Kontente tebes ba programa naroman ba suku ne'e, maibe husu ba kompana telekomunikasaun,atu ajuda ami liuhusi lina internet, nomos husu ba Governu atu haree mos ba lina eletrisidade tanba iha suku Mulo rasik komunidade seidauk asesu hotu lina eletrisidade, nune'e sei difikulta sira atu asesu tuir formasaun,\" dehan nia. (*) Last modified on Wednesday, 08 September 2021 20:33 \" PLP Seidauk Deklara Kandidata Isabel Ferreira ba PR MAE Planeia Kria Sentru Akollimentu Multifunsaun \""
] | [
"MAPKomS, Francisco Martins Jeronimo is launching a programme for the development of communities in Mulo community on Tuesday (07/18). By Tempo Timor September 269"
"Because the young people in Mulo village will be taking training and they themselves are going to carry out activities, so we ask that you take care of them because it is these youth who become centres for future development."
"\"In order to guarantee only for young people, with the establishment of this training centre we ask you all that take full advantage and care about it so these programs remain in its continuity\", said Francisco Martins when launching Programa Naroman ba Suku (Programme on Rural Development), at Mulo village Tuesday 7 August."
"The National Community Program in MAPKomS's area is how to provide training for young people of the village, thues making national community opinion about development that takes place within country."
"The government wants to bring development focused on the people, because they are owners of their own growth. Therefore it is hoped that this training centre in Mulo village will also be used as a tool for combating Covid-19 propagation across our country.\""
"Meanwhile, MAPKomS Kompremetidu will continue to provide assistance for the national programme in Mulo village."
"Juventude Suku Mulo, Estevanos Magalhaes said that his part is ready to follow this training well so as help the government provide information for its communities in these village."
"However, they are asking telecommunications companies to help them with the internet network including electricity lines because in this village there is a derailment of electrical line and Internet."
"\"We are very pleased with the new program for this village, but we ask telecommunications companies to help us through internet lines and also requested that Government take care of electricity line because in Mulo itself community has not access all electrical cable. This will make it difficult they can get their training\", he said.\" (*) Last modified on Wednesday 08 September - PLP Does Not Declare Candidate Isabel Ferreira For PR MAE Plan To Create Multifunctional Accomodation Center\""
] |
Feliz Natal no Ano Novo 2021: Apresiasaun ba hakerek nain no le’e nain sira. – Celso'Personal Blog\nPosted byCelso Da Fonseca December 31, 2020 January 2, 2021 Posted inUncategorizedTags:Apresiasaun ba hakerek nain no lee nain sira\nCelso da Fonseca, WebCelso Editor no Admin\nTinan 2020 sei remata orsida kalan, liu husi oportunidade ida nee web-editor no admin <Web_Celso> hakarak hatoo apresiasaun ba maluk hakerek nain no le’e nain sira ne’ebe sempre kontribui hakerek no lee iha pajina website www.webcelso.net. Web ida nee funda iha Marsu 2020, eziste iha momentu situasaun moruk, wainhira COVID-19 mosu iha Timor-Leste. Nudar maneira komunikasaun ho artigu oi-oin sira ne’ebe publika, web ida nee akumula opiniaun oi-oin relasiona ho asuntu sosial, politika, ekonomia no kultural iha rai laran.\nOpiniaun no artigu sira ne’ebe publika ho tipu no karakter (freestyle writing), ho jeitu hakerek livre maibe nafatin lao tuir modelu no prinsipiu imparsialidade, onestidade no atual, bazeia ba faktus.\nOhin ita ultrapasa ona ita nia vida tomak iha situasaun ne’ebe difisil,\nita nafatin ho saude diak no espiritu bo’ot hodi apoiu posesu konstrusaun estadu\nRepublika Demokratika de Timor-Leste (RDTL). Ami fiar katak, karik kontribusaun hirak ne’e ita bele prenxe liu husi atividade hakerek no lee opiniaun konstrutivu sira ne’ebe publika iha webcelso. Ho ida nee bele aumenta tan dinamika tradisaun hakerek no lee kritiku konstrutivu sira iha ita nian rai Timor-Leste.\nIha biban ida nee, lahaluha, hau hatoo obrigado wain ba lee nain sira tanba liu husi imi nia vontade hodi le’e artigu sira ne’ebe publika iha webcelso, no komentariu kritiku sira kontribui ona vontade hakerek nain sira hodi kontinua hakerek, no hau fiar sei kontinua nafatin vontade sira nee iha futuru oin mai.\nDurante fulan 10 nia laran, mesmu ita iha situasaun susar nia laran maibe\nnafatin iha vijitante ne’ebe kontinua lee artigu sira iha webcelso, no nia\nrezultadu hatudu katak iha total lee nain hamutuk 4608 ne’ebe mak lee ona artigu sira ne’ebe publika iha webcelso. Husi numeru ne’ebe mak mensiona, lee nain sira mai husi kiaje 50 pais, inklui Timor-Leste ne’ebe ho numeru lee nain boot liu ho\ntotal 2834 vijitante.\nArtigu sira ne’e ami konsidera seidauk sai perfeitu, iha frakeja barak ne’ebe presija hadia diak liutan liu husi ita boot sira (lee nain) nia kontribusaun ho komentariu kritiku konstruktivu sira. Ho espiritu no vontande boot, espera tinan oin maluk hakerek nain sira sei kontinua kontribui iha pajina webcelso, no aumenta tan hakerek nain foun no lee nain sira.\nIkus liu, hau hakarak hatoo Feliz Natal no Ano Novo 2021 ba ita hotu,\nliu-liu ba lee nain sira ne’ebe mak durante nee sempre akompana artigu,\nopiniaun no reflesaun sira ne’ebe ami publika.\nWabah Covid-19: Produk Politik dan Penegakan Hukum yang tidak pasti. | [
"Feliz Natal no Ano Novo 2021: Apresiasaun ba hakerek nain no le'e nain sira. - Celso'Personal Blog Posted byCelso Da Fonseca December 31, 2020 January 2, 2021 Posted inUncategorizedTags:Apresiasaun ba hakerek nain no lee nain sira Celso da Fonseca, WebCelso Editor no Admin Tinan 2020 sei remata orsida kalan, liu husi oportunidade ida nee web-editor no admin <Web_Celso> hakarak hatoo apresiasaun ba maluk hakerek nain no le'e nain sira ne'ebe sempre kontribui hakerek no lee iha pajina website www.webcelso.net.",
"Web ida nee funda iha Marsu 2020, eziste iha momentu situasaun moruk, wainhira COVID-19 mosu iha Timor-Leste.",
"Nudar maneira komunikasaun ho artigu oi-oin sira ne'ebe publika, web ida nee akumula opiniaun oi-oin relasiona ho asuntu sosial, politika, ekonomia no kultural iha rai laran.",
"Opiniaun no artigu sira ne'ebe publika ho tipu no karakter (freestyle writing), ho jeitu hakerek livre maibe nafatin lao tuir modelu no prinsipiu imparsialidade, onestidade no atual, bazeia ba faktus.",
"Ohin ita ultrapasa ona ita nia vida tomak iha situasaun ne'ebe difisil, ita nafatin ho saude diak no espiritu bo'ot hodi apoiu posesu konstrusaun estadu Republika Demokratika de Timor-Leste (RDTL).",
"Ami fiar katak, karik kontribusaun hirak ne'e ita bele prenxe liu husi atividade hakerek no lee opiniaun konstrutivu sira ne'ebe publika iha webcelso.",
"Ho ida nee bele aumenta tan dinamika tradisaun hakerek no lee kritiku konstrutivu sira iha ita nian rai Timor-Leste.",
"Iha biban ida nee, lahaluha, hau hatoo obrigado wain ba lee nain sira tanba liu husi imi nia vontade hodi le'e artigu sira ne'ebe publika iha webcelso, no komentariu kritiku sira kontribui ona vontade hakerek nain sira hodi kontinua hakerek, no hau fiar sei kontinua nafatin vontade sira nee iha futuru oin mai.",
"Durante fulan 10 nia laran, mesmu ita iha situasaun susar nia laran maibe nafatin iha vijitante ne'ebe kontinua lee artigu sira iha webcelso, no nia rezultadu hatudu katak iha total lee nain hamutuk 4608 ne'ebe mak lee ona artigu sira ne'ebe publika iha webcelso.",
"Husi numeru ne'ebe mak mensiona, lee nain sira mai husi kiaje 50 pais, inklui Timor-Leste ne'ebe ho numeru lee nain boot liu ho total 2834 vijitante.",
"Artigu sira ne'e ami konsidera seidauk sai perfeitu, iha frakeja barak ne'ebe presija hadia diak liutan liu husi ita boot sira (lee nain) nia kontribusaun ho komentariu kritiku konstruktivu sira.",
"Ho espiritu no vontande boot, espera tinan oin maluk hakerek nain sira sei kontinua kontribui iha pajina webcelso, no aumenta tan hakerek nain foun no lee nain sira.",
"Ikus liu, hau hakarak hatoo Feliz Natal no Ano Novo 2021 ba ita hotu, liu-liu ba lee nain sira ne'ebe mak durante nee sempre akompana artigu, opiniaun no reflesaun sira ne'ebe ami publika.",
"Wabah Covid-19: Produk Politik dan Penegakan Hukum yang tidak pasti."
] | [
"Posted byCelso Da Fonseca December 31,.204 January (5) February(6),\\tPosted inUncategorizedTags:Appreciation to writers and readers Celsos Personal Blog Tags:\\tIn the name of Web-Editor & Admin <Web_Fonseo> I wish you all a very Happy New Year! The year will end today at midnight; through this opportunity we would like web editor&admin<Wednesday'S Celebrations >to express our appraise for your contribution as well with those who have always contribute writing or reading on website page www/webcelsonet"
"The website was founded in March 2019, at the time of COVID-4 outbreak. This site exists during a difficult situation when Covid has emerged on Timor Leste"
"As a means of communication with the various articles it publishes, this web accumulates different opinions related to social issues in our country."
"Opinions and articles are published in a freestyle writing style, with the freedom to write but still following models of impartiality. Honesty is always up-to date based on factual information;"
"Today we have overcome our entire lives in difficult circumstances, but still with good health and great spirit to support the construction of state possession Republic Democratic Timor-Leste (RDTL)."
"We believe that, if these contributions can be fulfilled through the writing activity and reading constructive opinions published on webcelso."
"This will increase the dynamics of writing and reading traditions for constructive criticism in our country Timor-Leste."
"In addition, I would like to express my sincere thanks and appreciation for the reader's willingness in reading our articles published on webcelso.com as your critical comments have helped us continue writing this blog; we are confident that you will do so again soon!"
"During the past ten months, despite our difficult situations there were still visitors who continued to read articles on webcelso. The results showed that a total number of readers amounting in all published article has been reached by WebCelsa:4608 people have already visited this website and are reading it every day!"
"From the figures I mentioned, readers come from over 50 countries including Timor-Leste which has a larger number of visitors with totaling about2834."
"We consider these articles to be imperfect, with many flaws that need further improvement through our readers' contributions and constructive critical comments."
"With great spirit and enthusiasm, we hope that in the coming years our fellow writers will continue to contribute on webcelso pages as well."
"Finally, I would like to extend a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2019 for all of us. Especially the readers who have always accompanied our articles with their opinions or reflections during this period that we are publishing here on my blog!"
"The Covid-19 Outbreak: Uncertain Political and Law Enforcement Products."
] |
CNC entrega ona “Uma Memoria Esperansa” haat ba sobrevivente | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE CNC entrega ona “Uma Memoria Esperansa” haat ba sobrevivente\nCNC entrega ona “Uma Memoria Esperansa” haat ba sobrevivente\nDILI, 28 marsu 2022 (TATOLI)-Diretór Ezekutivu Sentru Nasionál Chega (CNC-sigla portugés) Hugo Maria Fernandes, relata nia parte entrega ona uma memoria esperansa hamutuk haat ba sobrevivente sira iha Munisípiu Liquiça, Covalima no Ainaro.\n“Iha semana kotuk to’o agora, ita entrega ona “Uma Memoria Esperansa” haat ba sobrevivente sira, hanesan iha Maubara, Nahaek, Suai no Mausiga,”nia dehan ba Agênsia Tatoli, iha CNC Balide Dili, segunda ne’e.\nNotísia relevante : CNC entrega xave “Uma Memória Esperansa” ba sobrevivente iha Nahaek\nNo daudaun ne’e, nia esplika sei falta tan uma hamutuk lima ne’ebé oras ne’e sei kontinua iha prosesu konstrusaun iha Atauro, Viqueque, Lautem no Baucau.\n“Maibé, CNC nian uma uma lima (5) ne’ebé mak ami aloka orsamentu ne’e, hanesan uma ida ho orsamentu $15.000,” nia katak.\nMaibé ba tinan ida ne’e, CNC koopera ona ho Ministériu Administrasaun Estatál (MAE) liuhosi Programa Nasionál Dezenvolvimentu Suku (PNDS) atu enkaixa mós programa harii uma memoria esperansa ba sobrivente sira.\n“Ami halo kooperasaun ida, hanesan ami hatama de’it lista ba MAE orsida MAE halo verifikasaun liuhosi programa PNDS, nune’e sira mak sei atribui fali uma ida ne’ebé sira bolu uma kbiit la’ek ba sobrevivente sira,” nia akresenta.\nTuir planu iha semana ida ne’e, Sentru Nasionál Chega sei submete lista sobrevivente hamutuk 500 ba Ministériu Administrasaun Estatál tanba hahú iha tinan 2022 ne’e, MAE sei harii uma kbiit laek (UKL) 10 ba kada suku.\nNia hateten CNC ninia pedidu ba MAE maka atu hatama mós programa harii “Uma Memoria Esperansa” ba sovrevivente sira iha programa harii uma kbiit laek (UKL).\nKona-ba kriteria harii uma ba sobrevivente sira, CNC sei entrega ba MAE atu deside tuir sira-nia mekanismu rasik. Maibé lista ne’ebé CNC haruka ona ba Ministériu Administrasaun Estatál ne’e maihosi sobrevivente violasaun diretu umanu ne’ebé luta ba libertasaun nasionál nian.\n“Entaun, orsida ita sei kompleta malu, ne’ebé se la sala MAE atu harii uma hamutuk rihun haat (4) resin, se kooperasaun ne’e la’o di’ak sei hetan 400 ka 10% hosi uma UKL ni’an,” nia afirma.\nKona-bá orsamentu harii uma, Diretór Ezekutivu ne’e hateten, orsamentu harii uma ne’e mai hosi Ministériu Administrasaun Estatál, ne’ebé ho totál kuaze millaun $ 80.\nba sobrevivente sira\nPrevious articleMS lansa kampana vasinasaun “Covid-19 seguru” ba komunidade_Tapo-Memo\nNext articleMAE atribui materiál eletróniku ba suku hotu | [
"CNC entrega ona \"Uma Memoria Esperansa\" haat ba sobrevivente | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE CNC entrega ona \"Uma Memoria Esperansa\" haat ba sobrevivente CNC entrega ona \"Uma Memoria Esperansa\" haat ba sobrevivente DILI, 28 marsu 2022 (TATOLI) -Diretor Ezekutivu Sentru Nasional Chega (CNC-sigla portuges) Hugo Maria Fernandes, relata nia parte entrega ona uma memoria esperansa hamutuk haat ba sobrevivente sira iha Munisipiu Liquica, Covalima no Ainaro.",
"\"Iha semana kotuk to'o agora, ita entrega ona \"Uma Memoria Esperansa\" haat ba sobrevivente sira, hanesan iha Maubara, Nahaek, Suai no Mausiga,\"nia dehan ba Agensia Tatoli, iha CNC Balide Dili, segunda ne'e.",
"Notisia relevante: CNC entrega xave \"Uma Memoria Esperansa\" ba sobrevivente iha Nahaek No daudaun ne'e, nia esplika sei falta tan uma hamutuk lima ne'ebe oras ne'e sei kontinua iha prosesu konstrusaun iha Atauro, Viqueque, Lautem no Baucau.",
"\"Maibe, CNC nian uma uma lima (5) ne'ebe mak ami aloka orsamentu ne'e, hanesan uma ida ho orsamentu $15.000,\" nia katak.",
"Maibe ba tinan ida ne'e, CNC koopera ona ho Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal (MAE) liuhosi Programa Nasional Dezenvolvimentu Suku (PNDS) atu enkaixa mos programa harii uma memoria esperansa ba sobrivente sira.",
"\"Ami halo kooperasaun ida, hanesan ami hatama de'it lista ba MAE orsida MAE halo verifikasaun liuhosi programa PNDS, nune'e sira mak sei atribui fali uma ida ne'ebe sira bolu uma kbiit la'ek ba sobrevivente sira,\" nia akresenta.",
"Tuir planu iha semana ida ne'e, Sentru Nasional Chega sei submete lista sobrevivente hamutuk 500 ba Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal tanba hahu iha tinan 2022 ne'e, MAE sei harii uma kbiit laek (UKL) 10 ba kada suku.",
"Nia hateten CNC ninia pedidu ba MAE maka atu hatama mos programa harii \"Uma Memoria Esperansa\" ba sovrevivente sira iha programa harii uma kbiit laek (UKL).",
"Kona-ba kriteria harii uma ba sobrevivente sira, CNC sei entrega ba MAE atu deside tuir sira-nia mekanismu rasik.",
"Maibe lista ne'ebe CNC haruka ona ba Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal ne'e maihosi sobrevivente violasaun diretu umanu ne'ebe luta ba libertasaun nasional nian.",
"\"Entaun, orsida ita sei kompleta malu, ne'ebe se la sala MAE atu harii uma hamutuk rihun haat (4) resin, se kooperasaun ne'e la'o di'ak sei hetan 400 ka 10% hosi uma UKL ni'an,\" nia afirma.",
"Kona-ba orsamentu harii uma, Diretor Ezekutivu ne'e hateten, orsamentu harii uma ne'e mai hosi Ministeriu Administrasaun Estatal, ne'ebe ho total kuaze millaun $ 80. ba sobrevivente sira Previous articleMS lansa kampana vasinasaun \"Covid-19 seguru\" ba komunidade_Tapo-Memo Next articleMAE atribui material eletroniku ba suku hotu"
] | [
"CNC delivers four \"Memories of Hope\" to survivors | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE NCCS handed over a total Of Four Memories for Survivors Dili, March.28th (HNTV) - Executive Director Hugo Maria Fernandes from the National Chega Centre has presented an overall Total Number OF4 memorie(S), which are hopeful memory cards and will be used by victim/survivalist in Liquica Municipality as well As Covalima & Ainaro municipalities"
"\"In the past week to now, we have delivered four “Uma Memoria Espírito” (Hopeful Homes) for survivors in Maubara and Nahaek as well As Suai e Mausigá,” he told Tatoli Agency at CNC Balide Dili on Monday."
"Relevant news: CNC delivers key \"Uma Memória Espírito\" to survivors in Nahaek At the moment, he explained that there are five more houses missing which will now continue with construction processes at Atauro. Viqueque Lautem and Baucau 10/25"
"\"But, the CNC's five (5) houses that we allocate this budget to is like one house with a $10.7 million in funding.\""
"However, this year CNC has cooperated with the Ministry of State Administration (MAE) through its National Village Development Program to also include a program for building memorial homes and hope houses."
"\"We have a cooperation, like we just send the list to MAE orsita Mae verify through PNDS program so that they will assign back one house which is called low income home for survivors\", he adds."
"According to the plan this week, National Chega Center will submit a list of 501 survivors for Ministry State Administration because starting in year '23 MAE is building ten low-income homes (UKL) per village."
"He said that CNC's request to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was for a program called \"Uma Memoria Espírito\" (Hopeful Home) also be included in survivors’ housing programs."
"Regarding the criteria to build a home for survivors, CNC will hand it over in accordance with their own mechanisms."
"However, the list that CNC has sent to Ministry of State Administration does not include survivors from direct human rights violations who fought for national liberation."
"\"Therefore, we will complement each other. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has agreed to build four thousand (4) houses and if the cooperation goes well it would be 10% or a quarter hundred more than UKL's\", he said in an interview with SAPO News on Monday morning.\""
"Regarding the budget for building housing, Executive Director said that it came from Ministry of State Administration with a total amount nearly $80 million. For survivors Previous articleMS launches \"Covid-19 safe\" vaccination campaign in communities_TapoMemo NextMAE allocates electronic material to all villages"
] |
GASC selebra akordu transferénsia fundu ho organizasaun 79 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA GASC selebra akordu transferénsia fundu ho organizasaun 79\nKoordenadór GASC, Filipe da Costa, entrega akordu subvensaun públika ba organizasaun, iha Palásiu Governu, tersa (14/09). Imajen TATOLI/Egas Cristóvão\nDILI, 14 setembru 2021 (TATOLI)–Gabinete Apoiu Sosiedade Sivil (GASC, sigla portugés) selebra akordu ho grupu komunitáriu no rezisténsia hamutuk 79 hodi realiza transferénsia fundu, ne’ebé antes ne’e realiza ona ho tipu hanesan.\n“Asina akordu ba etapa datoluk, ida-ne’e grupu datoluk ne’ebé mak asina akordu no grupu ne’e nia laran iha organizasaun baze komunitária 51 inklui organizasaun rezisténsia sira ne’ebé benefisia ba fundu apoiu sosiedade sivil iha 28,” Koordenadór GASC, Filipe da Costa, relata, hafoin selebra akordu iha auditóriu GASC, Palásiu Governu, tersa ne’e.\nHafoin asina akordu ne’e, GASC sei ezekuta fundu hamutuk millaun $2 resin, nune’e ezekusaun Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 2021 ba instituisaun ne’e sa’e ba 86%.\n“Ami kontente katak hosi apoia ne’e iha atividade oioin de’it, ne’ebé barak mós envolve iha atividade dada bee-moos ba komunidade ho projetu eskalaun kiik, hanesan kilómetru rua to’o tolu, ne’ebé baibain la tama iha projetu boot sira, entaun organizasaun sosiedade sivil voluntáriamente hatama pedidu sosa materiál no halo kanalizasaun sistema ne’ebé ho eskalaun kiik. Nune’e mós fó formasaun ba grupu agrikultór no ortikultura,” nia esplika.\nNune’e, Koordenadór ne’e espera, ho apoiu fundu ne’e bele atribui apoia ba komunidade no tulun Governu hodi atinje objetivu, katak atubele asegura aihan ne’ebé seguru no nutrisaun ba populasaun sira, inklui tulun komunidade hetan rendimentu família no organizasaun sira ne’ebé ligadu ho advokasia, monitorizasaun ba sistema servisu públiku atu nune’e asegura boa governasaun, garante direitu umanu, no demokrasia di’ak liután iha futuru.\n“GASC garante katak tanba proposta hotu aprova ona, entaun ne’e hatudu katak ami sei iha posibilidade atu gasta fundu apoiu sosiedade sivil ne’e to’o 98% tanba osan sira ne’e hein de’it ona sosiedade sivil sira ba implementa atividade no hatama relatóriu, nune’e hatudu katak ezekusaun ami-nian di’ak,” nia subliña.\nNune’e, Koordenadór ne’e garante ezekusaun orsamentu GASC ne’e tinan-tinan di’ak tanba ezekuta orsamentu bazeia ba proposta hosi sosiedade sivil sira.\nPrevious articleTR oferese motorizada sia ba TDD\nNext articleKuarta, universidade sira re-ativa ensinu aprendizajen prejensiál | [
"GASC selebra akordu transferensia fundu ho organizasaun 79 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA GASC selebra akordu transferensia fundu ho organizasaun 79 Koordenador GASC, Filipe da Costa, entrega akordu subvensaun publika ba organizasaun, iha Palasiu Governu, tersa (14/09).",
"Imajen TATOLI/Egas Cristovao DILI, 14 setembru 2021 (TATOLI) -Gabinete Apoiu Sosiedade Sivil (GASC, sigla portuges) selebra akordu ho grupu komunitariu no rezistensia hamutuk 79 hodi realiza transferensia fundu, ne'ebe antes ne'e realiza ona ho tipu hanesan.",
"\"Asina akordu ba etapa datoluk, ida-ne'e grupu datoluk ne'ebe mak asina akordu no grupu ne'e nia laran iha organizasaun baze komunitaria 51 inklui organizasaun rezistensia sira ne'ebe benefisia ba fundu apoiu sosiedade sivil iha 28,\" Koordenador GASC, Filipe da Costa, relata, hafoin selebra akordu iha auditoriu GASC, Palasiu Governu, tersa ne'e.",
"Hafoin asina akordu ne'e, GASC sei ezekuta fundu hamutuk millaun $2 resin, nune'e ezekusaun Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2021 ba instituisaun ne'e sa'e ba 86%.",
"\"Ami kontente katak hosi apoia ne'e iha atividade oioin de'it, ne'ebe barak mos envolve iha atividade dada bee-moos ba komunidade ho projetu eskalaun kiik, hanesan kilometru rua to'o tolu, ne'ebe baibain la tama iha projetu boot sira, entaun organizasaun sosiedade sivil voluntariamente hatama pedidu sosa material no halo kanalizasaun sistema ne'ebe ho eskalaun kiik.",
"Nune'e mos fo formasaun ba grupu agrikultor no ortikultura,\" nia esplika.",
"Nune'e, Koordenador ne'e espera, ho apoiu fundu ne'e bele atribui apoia ba komunidade no tulun Governu hodi atinje objetivu, katak atubele asegura aihan ne'ebe seguru no nutrisaun ba populasaun sira, inklui tulun komunidade hetan rendimentu familia no organizasaun sira ne'ebe ligadu ho advokasia, monitorizasaun ba sistema servisu publiku atu nune'e asegura boa governasaun, garante direitu umanu, no demokrasia di'ak liutan iha futuru.",
"\"GASC garante katak tanba proposta hotu aprova ona, entaun ne'e hatudu katak ami sei iha posibilidade atu gasta fundu apoiu sosiedade sivil ne'e to'o 98% tanba osan sira ne'e hein de'it ona sosiedade sivil sira ba implementa atividade no hatama relatoriu, nune'e hatudu katak ezekusaun ami-nian di'ak,\" nia sublina.",
"Nune'e, Koordenador ne'e garante ezekusaun orsamentu GASC ne'e tinan-tinan di'ak tanba ezekuta orsamentu bazeia ba proposta hosi sosiedade sivil sira.",
"Previous articleTR oferese motorizada sia ba TDD Next articleKuarta, universidade sira re-ativa ensinu aprendizajen prejensial"
] | [
"GASC signs fund transfer agreement with organization 79 | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Gasc concludes Fund Transfer Agreement With Organization \"The Seventy Nine\" The Coordinator of the Government Assistance Committee, Filipe da Costa handed over a public subsidy to this organisation at government palace on Tuesday (14/08)."
"DILI, September 14th (AFP) - The Civil Society Support Cabinet has concluded an agreement with a total of seventy-nine community and resistance groups to carry out fund transfers that had previously been carried through in the same way."
"\"The agreement was signed for the third stage, this is a group of three that has been signing an accord and within it there are community-based organizations including resistance groups who benefit from funds to support civil society in their respective communities. In total they will be about fifty one\", said GASC Coordinator Filipe da Costa after concluding his meeting with representatives on Tuesday at its auditorium (Government Palace)."
"Following the signing of this agreement, GASC will execute funds totalling more than $2 million. This brings to 86% implementation in its General State Budget (GSB) for that year and a further decrease is anticipated as it reaches an annual budget limit on June-July with approximately €105m being spent over two years from now until December/January"
"\"We are pleased that from this support there have been only a few activities, many of which also involved water supplying to communities with small-scale projects such as two or three kilometers. This is not normally included in larger ones so civil society organization voluntary submitted the request for purchase material and make drainage system at low scale.\""
"He also provided training for groups of farmers and horticulture,\" he explained."
"Therefore, the Coordinator hopes that with this fund' s support it will be possible to provide community-based assistance and help government achieve its objectives of en sure safe food supply for population nutrition including assisting communities in generating family income. He also encouraged organization related advocacy activities such as monitoring public service systems so they can ensure good governance guarantee human rights a better democracy alongside future development projects"
"\"GASC guarantees that since all the proposal has been approved, it shows we will have a possibility to spend this fund supporting civil society up 98% because these money are just waiting for civilian societies implement activities and submit report. This demonstrates our good execution\", he emphasizes.\""
"Thus, the Coordinator guaranteed that GASC' s budget is being implemented well every year because it executes on proposal from civil society."
"Previous articleTR offers motorized scooter to TDD Next ArticleFourth, universities re-activate presence learning instruction"
] |
Ensinu portugés iha Timor-Leste tenki ezijente liu tan - SENEC portugeza - TIMOR AGORA\nEnsinu portugés iha Timor-Leste tenki ezijente liu tan - SENEC portugeza\nEnsinu lian portugés iha Timor-Leste presiza ezije liu tan ba Portugál maibé moos Timor-Leste maka nunka responde ho "kompromissu klaru" iha material ne’e, defende sekretária Estadu Kooperasaun portugeza.\n"Ita tenki ezijente liu tan, maibé tenki ezijente liu moos ho Timor, karik Timor hakarak ami ajuda, liliu iha matéria ba lian portugés", afirma sekretária Estadu Negósiu Estranjeirus no Kooperasaun (SENEC), Teresa Ribeiro, iha Díli.\n"Buat ne’ebé ha’u nota ona no nota katak – maski ha’u haree timoroan iha esforsu maka’as no interesse iha lian portugés -, Agora serbisu ne’ebé atu halo dalabarak vontade di’ak ida maka’as , iha parte seluk timoroan sira laiha kompromissu klaru, tenki haree fila fali ho forma seluk", tenik nia.\nSENEC koa’lia iha konkluzaun vizita ida ba Timor-Leste, liuhosi enkontru ho ajente kooperasaun portugeza nian ne’ebé serbisu iha nasaun, iha área oioin hanesan edukasaun, defeza, justisa, seguransa, no sira seluk tan.\nApoiu ba setór edukativu liliu hanorin portugés hanesan liña prinsipál hosi programa alargadu kooperasaun bilaterál Portugál nian hoTimor-Leste, ho inisiativu iha setór oioin ne’ebé refere apoiu ho profesór 140 ba eskola referénsia sira, maka ohin loron koñesidu hanesan Centros de Aprendizagem e Formação Escolar (CAFE).\nKonsidera katak kestaun iha hanorin portugés hanesan preokupasaun boot ida iha kuadru kooperasaun ho Timor-Leste – ne’ebé kontinua sai prioridade iha polítika esterna portugeza, Teresa Ribeiro refere frakeza ne’ebé sei nota notam ho matéria ba lian, maski avansu ne’ebé konsege ona, hanesan ezemplu Parlamentu Nasionál.\n"Difísil atu harii Estadu ida, harii demokrasia ida ne’ebé metade hosi parlamentu lakoa’lia portugés. Oinsa bele diskute diploma ne’ebé produz iha ne’ebá, ne’ebé sei halo análize, ba avaliasaun?", nia kestiona.\n"Labele ezerse ninia misaun fiskalizadór ba Governu no tanba ne’e labele karik laiha papel ida ne’ebé real, laiha buat ida substantivu ba termu konsolidasaun iha demokrasia", nia afirma.\nDurante ninia vizita, Teresa Ribeiro hatete rona ona hosi autoridade timoroan sira kona-ba "absoluta urjénsia" iha apoiu prioritáriu ba setór edukativu no kapasitasaun alargadu ba rekursu umanu.\n"Laiha posibilidade ruma ba prosperidade karik edukasaun, kualifikasaun ba rekursu ne’e laeziste. Ne’e hanesan área ida ne’ebé moos Timor vokál liu iha diskusaun ho ami, ba ninia absoluta urjénsia, nomós ninia prioridade absoluta ", nia hatete.\n"Portugál iha ne’e atu fó ninia kontributu no apostadu boot liu ba iha setór ne’e", nia afirma.\nKona-ba kooperante, Teresa Ribeiro agradese "brio, dedikasaun no patriotizmu" ne’ebé serbisu barak iha apoiu ba ensinu portugés hanesan apoiu ba fortalesimentu iha instituisaun timoroan nian.\n"Maski sira ne’ebé ho diresaun ida direta liu ba autoridade timoroan nian, sira moos inklui iha servisu prioridade Portugál nian ne’ebé hakarak Timor-Leste hanesan nasaun ida ho instituisaun forte, bazeia ba observánsia direitus umanus, nasaun ida ne’ebé koa’lia portugés, mantéin ligasaun istórika ho Portugál", nia haktuir. | [
"Ensinu portuges iha Timor-Leste tenki ezijente liu tan - SENEC portugeza - TIMOR AGORA Ensinu portuges iha Timor-Leste tenki ezijente liu tan - SENEC portugeza Ensinu lian portuges iha Timor-Leste presiza ezije liu tan ba Portugal maibe moos Timor-Leste maka nunka responde ho \"kompromissu klaru\" iha material ne'e, defende sekretaria Estadu Kooperasaun portugeza.",
"\"Ita tenki ezijente liu tan, maibe tenki ezijente liu moos ho Timor, karik Timor hakarak ami ajuda, liliu iha materia ba lian portuges,\" afirma sekretaria Estadu Negosiu Estranjeirus no Kooperasaun (SENEC), Teresa Ribeiro, iha Dili.",
"\"Buat ne'ebe ha'u nota ona no nota katak - maski ha'u haree timoroan iha esforsu maka'as no interesse iha lian portuges -, Agora serbisu ne'ebe atu halo dalabarak vontade di'ak ida maka'as , iha parte seluk timoroan sira laiha kompromissu klaru, tenki haree fila fali ho forma seluk,\" tenik nia.",
"SENEC koa'lia iha konkluzaun vizita ida ba Timor-Leste, liuhosi enkontru ho ajente kooperasaun portugeza nian ne'ebe serbisu iha nasaun, iha area oioin hanesan edukasaun, defeza, justisa, seguransa, no sira seluk tan.",
"Apoiu ba setor edukativu liliu hanorin portuges hanesan lina prinsipal hosi programa alargadu kooperasaun bilateral Portugal nian hoTimor-Leste, ho inisiativu iha setor oioin ne'ebe refere apoiu ho profesor 140 ba eskola referensia sira, maka ohin loron konesidu hanesan Centros de Aprendizagem e Formacao Escolar (CAFE).",
"Konsidera katak kestaun iha hanorin portuges hanesan preokupasaun boot ida iha kuadru kooperasaun ho Timor-Leste - ne'ebe kontinua sai prioridade iha politika esterna portugeza, Teresa Ribeiro refere frakeza ne'ebe sei nota notam ho materia ba lian, maski avansu ne'ebe konsege ona, hanesan ezemplu Parlamentu Nasional.",
"\"Difisil atu harii Estadu ida, harii demokrasia ida ne'ebe metade hosi parlamentu lakoa'lia portuges.",
"Oinsa bele diskute diploma ne'ebe produz iha ne'eba, ne'ebe sei halo analize, ba avaliasaun?,\" nia kestiona.",
"\"Labele ezerse ninia misaun fiskalizador ba Governu no tanba ne'e labele karik laiha papel ida ne'ebe real, laiha buat ida substantivu ba termu konsolidasaun iha demokrasia,\" nia afirma.",
"Durante ninia vizita, Teresa Ribeiro hatete rona ona hosi autoridade timoroan sira kona-ba \"absoluta urjensia\" iha apoiu prioritariu ba setor edukativu no kapasitasaun alargadu ba rekursu umanu.",
"\"Laiha posibilidade ruma ba prosperidade karik edukasaun, kualifikasaun ba rekursu ne'e laeziste.",
"Ne'e hanesan area ida ne'ebe moos Timor vokal liu iha diskusaun ho ami, ba ninia absoluta urjensia, nomos ninia prioridade absoluta ,\" nia hatete.",
"\"Portugal iha ne'e atu fo ninia kontributu no apostadu boot liu ba iha setor ne'e,\" nia afirma.",
"Kona-ba kooperante, Teresa Ribeiro agradese \"brio, dedikasaun no patriotizmu\" ne'ebe serbisu barak iha apoiu ba ensinu portuges hanesan apoiu ba fortalesimentu iha instituisaun timoroan nian.",
"\"Maski sira ne'ebe ho diresaun ida direta liu ba autoridade timoroan nian, sira moos inklui iha servisu prioridade Portugal nian ne'ebe hakarak Timor-Leste hanesan nasaun ida ho instituisaun forte, bazeia ba observansia direitus umanus, nasaun ida ne'ebe koa'lia portuges, mantein ligasaun istorika ho Portugal,\" nia haktuir."
] | [
"Portuguese language teaching in Timor-Leste must be more demanding - SENEC portugeza Instruction of the portuguese to learn abroad needs Portugal's greater commitment, but it has never been responded with \"a clear pledge\" on this matter by East Тимор. The State Secretariat for Cooperation (SECOOP) says that there is no such thing as an explicit and unambiguous promise from both sides about what will happen after 2017 when they sign their agreement between them regarded educational materials which are being taught at all schools throughout South Eastern Asia or anywhere where Portugese can not yet speak fluently English"
"\"We have to be more demanding, but we must also ask Timor if it wants our help especially in the area of Portuguese language\", said State Secretariat for Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (SENEC) Teresa Ribeiro."
"\"What I've noticed and note that - although i see the Malagasy in great effort with interest for Portuguese language-, Now work to be done is often very good will . On another part there are no clear commitments from our peoples who must look at it again under other form.\""
"The SENEC coalition concluded a visit to Timor-Leste, through meetings with Portuguese cooperation agents working in the country. They worked on various areas such as education and defence; justice or security among others"
"Support for the education sector, especially teaching Portuguese is a main line of Portugal's extended bilateral cooperation programme with Timor-Leste. This includes initiatives in various areas such as supporting 140 teachers at reference schools that are now connecteded to Centro de Aprendizagem e Formacao Escolar (CAFE)."
"Considering that the issue of teaching Portuguese is a major concern in cooperation with Timor-Leste - which continues to be prioritized by Portugal' s foreign policy, Teresa Ribeiro referred also notably weak points on language matters despite progress already made such as Parliament."
"\"It's difficult to build a state, create democracy when half of the parliament is not Portuguese."
"How can we discuss the diploma that is produced there, which will be analyzed and evaluated?"
"\"It must exercise its fiscalizing mission to the government and therefore it cannot be without a real role, nothing substantive in terms of consolidation into democracy\", he says."
"During her visit, Teresa Ribeiro said she had heard from the Tongan authorities about \"absolute urgency\" in prioritizing support for education sector and expanded human resource capacitation."
"\"There is no prospect of prosperity if education, the qualification for this resource does not exist."
"This is an area that Timor-Leste has been most vocal about in discussions with us, for its absolute urgency and as a matter of priority ."
"\"Portugal is here to make its contribution and bet more on this sector,\" he said."
"Concerning the cooperants, Teresa Ribeiro thanked them for their \"enthusiasm and dedication\" to work so hard in support of Portuguese education as a means towards strengthening Timorese institutions."
"\"Although they have a more direct direction to the authorities of Timor-Leste, these should be included in Portugal's priority work which want East Тимор as an institutionally strong country based on human rights observance and one that maintained historical ties with its Portuguese allies.\""
] |
KIDA Husu Governu Uza OJE 2021 ba Povu nia Moris Di'ak\nBy Tempo Timor December 15, 2020 403\nPrezidente Repúblika (PR) Francisco Guterres Lú Olo simu KIDA iha Palasiu Prezidensial (14/12) Foto Midia PR\nTempotimor (Dili)- Koordenadór Komisaun Instalasaun Desteradu Atauru (KIDA) husu ba governu atu uza Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 2021 ho di'ak hodi hadi'a povu no nasaun Timor-Leste ninia dezenvolvimentu.\nKoordenadór KIDA Agostinho Grigório Ramos, bainhira orsamentu ne'e mak hetan promulasaun husi Prezidente Repúblika (PR) Francisco Guterres Lú Olo, governu presiza uza ho didi'ak nune'e bele halo dezenvolvimentu ba povu no nasaun Timor-Leste.\n“Mekanizmu atu ezekuta orsamentu nafatin iha governu tenke aloka no jere didi'ak atu nune'e ninia benefisia ne'e ba povu no rai ida ne'e ho di'ak,” Agostinho hateten iha Palasiu Prezidensiál Bairu-pite, Segunda (14/12).\nNia dehan, orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) nu'udar raan ba povu no nasaun, tanba ne'e presiza ezekuta ho di'ak.\n"Tenke la'o ba oin tanba ida ne'e maka garante dezenvolvimentu estadu nasaun ida ne'e ninia, orsamentu tenke ba oin, soberania hotu-hotu tenke konserta, mezmu polítiku no situasaun bele diferente maibé orsamentu estadu nu'udar garantia, raan no mós nu'udar iis ba rai no estadu ida ne'e tenke ba oin," Agostinho afirma.\nEntretantu proposta orsamentu 2021 nian ne'ebé governu submete ba iha Parlamentu Nasionál (PN) iha 15 Outubru hamutuk billaun $1.895 hetan ona aprovasaun iha PN iha Sábadu (12/12) ho totál vota a favór 44 kontra no abstensaun zero.(*)\n« Lugu: “TL manan Nobel ba Pás tanba Povu halo rezisténsia” PJR Preokupa ho Estadu TL ne’ebé Kuaze Laiha Rai » | [
"KIDA Husu Governu Uza OJE 2021 ba Povu nia Moris Di'ak By Tempo Timor December 15, 2020 403 Prezidente Republika (PR) Francisco Guterres Lu Olo simu KIDA iha Palasiu Prezidensial (14/12) Foto Midia PR Tempotimor (Dili) - Koordenador Komisaun Instalasaun Desteradu Atauru (KIDA) husu ba governu atu uza Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2021 ho di'ak hodi hadi'a povu no nasaun Timor-Leste ninia dezenvolvimentu.",
"Koordenador KIDA Agostinho Grigorio Ramos, bainhira orsamentu ne'e mak hetan promulasaun husi Prezidente Republika (PR) Francisco Guterres Lu Olo, governu presiza uza ho didi'ak nune'e bele halo dezenvolvimentu ba povu no nasaun Timor-Leste.",
"\"Mekanizmu atu ezekuta orsamentu nafatin iha governu tenke aloka no jere didi'ak atu nune'e ninia benefisia ne'e ba povu no rai ida ne'e ho di'ak,\" Agostinho hateten iha Palasiu Prezidensial Bairu-pite, Segunda (14/12).",
"Nia dehan, orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) nu'udar raan ba povu no nasaun, tanba ne'e presiza ezekuta ho di'ak.",
"\"Tenke la'o ba oin tanba ida ne'e maka garante dezenvolvimentu estadu nasaun ida ne'e ninia, orsamentu tenke ba oin, soberania hotu-hotu tenke konserta, mezmu politiku no situasaun bele diferente maibe orsamentu estadu nu'udar garantia, raan no mos nu'udar iis ba rai no estadu ida ne'e tenke ba oin,\" Agostinho afirma.",
"Entretantu proposta orsamentu 2021 nian ne'ebe governu submete ba iha Parlamentu Nasional (PN) iha 15 Outubru hamutuk billaun $1.895 hetan ona aprovasaun iha PN iha Sabadu (12/12) ho total vota a favor 44 kontra no abstensaun zero. (*) \" Lugu: \"TL manan Nobel ba Pas tanba Povu halo rezistensia\" PJR Preokupa ho Estadu TL ne'ebe Kuaze Laiha Rai \""
] | [
"KIDA Calls on Government to Use Budget 2019 for the People'S Better Living By Tempo Timor December,3(Dili) - The Coordinator of Atauru Desertification Facilities Commission (Kida), Francisco Guterres Lu Olo has called upon government and other stakeholder groups in this country that they should use budget funds properly so as it can improve development."
"KIDA Coordinator Agostinho Grigorio Ramos, when the budget is promulgated by President Francisco Guterres Lu Olo (PR), government needs to use it carefully so that they can make development for people and country Timor-Leste."
"\"Mechanisms to execute the budget still in government must be allocated and managed properly so that its benefits are good for this people,\" Agostinho said at Bairu-pite Presidential Palace on Monday (14/2)."
"He said that the General State Budget (GSB) is blood for people and country, so it needs to be executed well."
"\"We have to move forward because this is what guarantees the development of our state, budget must go ahead and all sovereignties should be respected. Although political situation may differ but State Budget as it stands for blood & ices on land; we need that government goes further.\""
"Meanwhile, the budget proposal for 2019 that was submitted by government to National Parliament (PN) in October on a total of $3.5 billion has been approved at PN Saturday with votes against and zero abstentions (*). \"Lugu: 'TL won Nobel Peace Prize because people made resistance' JPR Preoccupies With State TL Almost No Land\""
] |
Lee nain: 3334\nDILI (TOP) — Governu liu husi Sentru Integradu ba Jestaun Krize Covid-19 (SIJK) ikus mai rende hodi entrega tiha ona mate-isin Armindo Borges ba eis Primeiru-Ministru, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, no familia matebian hodi halo’ot tuir sira nia lisan iha loron Kinta 15 Abril liuba, maibé partidu FRETILIN iha Parlamentu Nasionál foin akuza partidu opozisaun CNRT maka organiza halo demostrasaun Free Covid-19 iha Vera Cruz, Dili foin lalais.\nNotisia relevante: Governu rende ba Xanana no familia matebian\nPrezidente Parlamentu Nasional (PPN) deputadu Aniceto Longuinhos Lopes Guterres hateten, saida maka akontese iha Vera Cruz iha loron Segunda 12 Abril liuba ne’e organiza husi partidu Congresso Nacional Reconstrução Timorense (CNRT) maka organiza demostrasaun hakerek ho spanduk Free COVID-19 iha sala izolamentu Vera Cruz.\n“Ita bosok la hetan seidauk to’o semana ida asaun ida mosu iha sala izolamentu Vera-Crus ne’e, grupu joven ka ema balun halo manifestasaun iha ne’ebá loke spanduk dehan Free COVID-19 ida ne’e ita atu esklarese halo oinsa, más ha’u iha provas hotu katak deputadu CNRT sira iha ne’ebá hotu mak organiza manifestasaun ne’e,” deputadu Aniceto Guterres lansa akuzasaun ne’e bainhira lidera hela plenaria ba diskusaun Orsamentu Retifikativu iha sala plenaria Parlamentu Nasional, Dili, Tersa 20 Abril 2021.\nDeputadu ne’e hatutan, politika bele fila lia oi-oin, ohin ko’alia ida, aban koalia seluk maibé ema nia matan ne’e labele bosok.\nHafoin akuzasaun ne’e, deputadu sira husi bankada CNRT husu ba meja PN atu fó tempu ba sira atu halo auto-defeza (defeza onra), maibé deputadu Aniceto nu’udar Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál ne’ebé maka lidera meja ne’e la fó tempu ba deputadu CNRT sira hodi halo defeza, maibé deputadu CNRT José Virgilio katak, sira nia prezensa iha Vera Cruz ne’e atu fó solidaridade ba familia matebian Armindo Borges ne’ebé médiku sira rasik maka deklara katak nia la’os mate, tanba kauza husi moras Covid-19, maibé mate tanba kauza husi moras stroke ne’ebé governu rasik maka politiza mate-isin ne’e hodi lori ba tau fali iha fatin izolamentu iha sentru saúde Vera Cruz, Dili.\n“Ami iha ne’ebá atu defende povu ki’ik ida ne’e,” deklara deputadu José Virgilio.\n“Ami nunka hatete katak Covid-19 ne’e bosok, ami nunka koalia. Ita boot deputadu Aniceto maka halo provokasaun iha Parlamentu ida ne’e”.\nTanba deputadu Aniceto la fó tempu, nune’e deputada CNRT, Veneranda Lemos hakilar deputadu Aniceto katak, tur iha meja Parlamentu Nasionál ne’e atu habosok de’it povu.\n“Ita boot labele mai tur iha leten para bosok povu, asaltu poder, deputadu aniceto ita boot bosok ten, ita boot hadau poder keta bosok,” hakilar deputada Veneranda, maibé deputadu Aniceto nafatin firme iha nia pozisaun hodi la fó tempu ba deputadu CNRT sira atu halo auto-defeza ba saida maka nia akuza ba sira.\nMaske la fó tempu, maibé hafoin deklarasaun bankada politika bankada CNRT nian kona-ba debate Orsamentu Retifikativu ne’e, deputadu Aniceto hatete tan dala ida katak, saida maka nia hatete ne’e maka lia-loos.\n“Kona-ba defeza de onra atu hatete katak ha’u ko’alia lia-loos. Dala barak lia-loos ne’e ema la prontu atu simu lia-loos ne’e depois hatete fali Parlamentu ne’e maka lakon dignidade. Mas pelo-kontrariu parese ho lia-loos ne’e maka ha’u dignifika Parlamentu ne’e. Mas se laloos, ita boot sira iha direitu tomak, se ida ne’e defamasaun karik lori ba Tribunal para ha’u mós bele aprezenta ha’u nia ha’u nia faktus,” esplika deputadu Aniceto.\nMatebian Armindo husi munisipiu Ermera, maibé durante ne’e hela iha Komoro, no nia sofre nanis ona moras stroke.\nFamilia sira haktuir katak, matebian foin maka hetan atakasaun iha loron Domingu lorokraik, nune’e sira ba bolu ambulansia iha Sentru Saúde Komoro hodi lori ba Hospital Nasionál Guido Valadares (HNGV) atu konsulta. To’o sala emerjensia iha horas tuku 7 kalan, no médiku sira mós imediata halo Swab Test ho nia durasaun minute 15 fó sai ona rezultadu katak, matebian mós sofre moras Covid-19, maibé familia la simu rezultadu ne’e basa matebian ne’e hetan atakasaun stroke hemoragic maka lori ba HNGV atu konsulta, la’os sofre moras Covid-19.\nLourdes de Jesus nu’udar oan-feto husi matebian Armindo Borges katak, sira familia tomak diskorda ho rezultadu teste Swab ne’e, tanba durante ne’e matebian sofre moras stroke, la’os sofre Covid-19.\nXanana hamutuk ho familia matebian sira hakatak ba sala izolamentu Vera Cruz iha loron Segunda 12 Abril 2021 oras tuku 8 dadersan, no to’o oras 11 kalan, Xanana toba de’it iha estrada klaran Vera Cruz.\nRegra husi Organizasaun Mundial ba Saúde (OMS) esplika klaru katak, bainhira atu hakoi ema ruma mate tanba kauza husi Covid-19 tenke respeita ema nia dignidade hanesan respeita ema nia kultura no relijiaun, la’os hakoi hanesan vitima Covid-19 ho naran Francisca Gama (Baucau) ne’ebé hakoi iha Metinaro la liu husi respeita ema nia dignidade, tradisaun no relijiaun.\nNotisia relevante: Regra OMS katak tenke respeita kultura vitima Covid-19 bainhira hakoi\nTimor-Leste mós nu’udar nasaun membru ba OMS nian, nune’e presija kumpri protokolu OMS nian kona-ba oinsa prevene no hakoi vitima Covid-19 sira.\nAtu labele hamosu konfujaun ba públiku, governu tenke kria lei ruma, maibé lei ne’e mós labele kontra fali konvensaun internasional, tanba tuir artigu 9 husi Konstituisaun RDTL katak, labele halo lei ida kontraria ho konvensaun internasional.\nFaktu hatudu katak, governu hakoi vitima dahuluk Covid-19, Francisca Gama kontra tebes ninia dignidade, la respeita kultura, tradisaun no relijiaun ne’ebé matebian Francisca partense ba.\nEntretantu, liga ba matebian Armindo Borges nia mate ne’e, tuir familia sira katak, nia la’os mate, tanba Covid-19, maibé mate tanba moras stroke ne’ebé nia sofre kleur ona, maibé governu dehan nia mate ho Covid-19 tuir rezultadu teste swab ne’ebé gasta de’it minutu 15 detekta kedas Covid-19 iha nia isin-lolon. Ho kestaun ne’e maka mosu disputa entre familia matebian ne’ebé hetan suporta maka’as husi eis Primeiru-Ministru, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão ho governu. Husi disputa ne’e rezulta Xanana ho familia matebian tenke toba kalan rua ona iha estrada Vera Cruz hodi hein mate isin ne’e.\nPrevious Article OJE 2021 sa’e ba billaun $2,030, maibé governu tane-liman nafatin ba rai-liur\nNext Article CNRT prefere vasina Pfizer’s, la’os AstraZeneca\nHare dala: 4163 | [
"Lee nain: 3334 DILI (TOP) - Governu liu husi Sentru Integradu ba Jestaun Krize Covid-19 (SIJK) ikus mai rende hodi entrega tiha ona mate-isin Armindo Borges ba eis Primeiru-Ministru, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, no familia matebian hodi halo'ot tuir sira nia lisan iha loron Kinta 15 Abril liuba, maibe partidu FRETILIN iha Parlamentu Nasional foin akuza partidu opozisaun CNRT maka organiza halo demostrasaun Free Covid-19 iha Vera Cruz, Dili foin lalais.",
"Notisia relevante: Governu rende ba Xanana no familia matebian Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional (PPN) deputadu Aniceto Longuinhos Lopes Guterres hateten, saida maka akontese iha Vera Cruz iha loron Segunda 12 Abril liuba ne'e organiza husi partidu Congresso Nacional Reconstrucao Timorense (CNRT) maka organiza demostrasaun hakerek ho spanduk Free COVID-19 iha sala izolamentu Vera Cruz.",
"\"Ita bosok la hetan seidauk to'o semana ida asaun ida mosu iha sala izolamentu Vera-Crus ne'e, grupu joven ka ema balun halo manifestasaun iha ne'eba loke spanduk dehan Free COVID-19 ida ne'e ita atu esklarese halo oinsa, mas ha'u iha provas hotu katak deputadu CNRT sira iha ne'eba hotu mak organiza manifestasaun ne'e,\" deputadu Aniceto Guterres lansa akuzasaun ne'e bainhira lidera hela plenaria ba diskusaun Orsamentu Retifikativu iha sala plenaria Parlamentu Nasional, Dili, Tersa 20 Abril 2021.",
"Deputadu ne'e hatutan, politika bele fila lia oi-oin, ohin ko'alia ida, aban koalia seluk maibe ema nia matan ne'e labele bosok.",
"Hafoin akuzasaun ne'e, deputadu sira husi bankada CNRT husu ba meja PN atu fo tempu ba sira atu halo auto-defeza (defeza onra), maibe deputadu Aniceto nu'udar Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional ne'ebe maka lidera meja ne'e la fo tempu ba deputadu CNRT sira hodi halo defeza, maibe deputadu CNRT Jose Virgilio katak, sira nia prezensa iha Vera Cruz ne'e atu fo solidaridade ba familia matebian Armindo Borges ne'ebe mediku sira rasik maka deklara katak nia la'os mate, tanba kauza husi moras Covid-19, maibe mate tanba kauza husi moras stroke ne'ebe governu rasik maka politiza mate-isin ne'e hodi lori ba tau fali iha fatin izolamentu iha sentru saude Vera Cruz, Dili.",
"\"Ami iha ne'eba atu defende povu ki'ik ida ne'e,\" deklara deputadu Jose Virgilio.",
"\"Ami nunka hatete katak Covid-19 ne'e bosok, ami nunka koalia.",
"Ita boot deputadu Aniceto maka halo provokasaun iha Parlamentu ida ne'e.\"",
"Tanba deputadu Aniceto la fo tempu, nune'e deputada CNRT, Veneranda Lemos hakilar deputadu Aniceto katak, tur iha meja Parlamentu Nasional ne'e atu habosok de'it povu.",
"\"Ita boot labele mai tur iha leten para bosok povu, asaltu poder, deputadu aniceto ita boot bosok ten, ita boot hadau poder keta bosok,\" hakilar deputada Veneranda, maibe deputadu Aniceto nafatin firme iha nia pozisaun hodi la fo tempu ba deputadu CNRT sira atu halo auto-defeza ba saida maka nia akuza ba sira.",
"Maske la fo tempu, maibe hafoin deklarasaun bankada politika bankada CNRT nian kona-ba debate Orsamentu Retifikativu ne'e, deputadu Aniceto hatete tan dala ida katak, saida maka nia hatete ne'e maka lia-loos.",
"\"Kona-ba defeza de onra atu hatete katak ha'u ko'alia lia-loos.",
"Dala barak lia-loos ne'e ema la prontu atu simu lia-loos ne'e depois hatete fali Parlamentu ne'e maka lakon dignidade.",
"Mas pelo-kontrariu parese ho lia-loos ne'e maka ha'u dignifika Parlamentu ne'e.",
"Mas se laloos, ita boot sira iha direitu tomak, se ida ne'e defamasaun karik lori ba Tribunal para ha'u mos bele aprezenta ha'u nia ha'u nia faktus,\" esplika deputadu Aniceto.",
"Matebian Armindo husi munisipiu Ermera, maibe durante ne'e hela iha Komoro, no nia sofre nanis ona moras stroke.",
"Familia sira haktuir katak, matebian foin maka hetan atakasaun iha loron Domingu lorokraik, nune'e sira ba bolu ambulansia iha Sentru Saude Komoro hodi lori ba Hospital Nasional Guido Valadares (HNGV) atu konsulta.",
"To'o sala emerjensia iha horas tuku 7 kalan, no mediku sira mos imediata halo Swab Test ho nia durasaun minute 15 fo sai ona rezultadu katak, matebian mos sofre moras Covid-19, maibe familia la simu rezultadu ne'e basa matebian ne'e hetan atakasaun stroke hemoragic maka lori ba HNGV atu konsulta, la'os sofre moras Covid-19.",
"Lourdes de Jesus nu'udar oan-feto husi matebian Armindo Borges katak, sira familia tomak diskorda ho rezultadu teste Swab ne'e, tanba durante ne'e matebian sofre moras stroke, la'os sofre Covid-19.",
"Xanana hamutuk ho familia matebian sira hakatak ba sala izolamentu Vera Cruz iha loron Segunda 12 Abril 2021 oras tuku 8 dadersan, no to'o oras 11 kalan, Xanana toba de'it iha estrada klaran Vera Cruz.",
"Regra husi Organizasaun Mundial ba Saude (OMS) esplika klaru katak, bainhira atu hakoi ema ruma mate tanba kauza husi Covid-19 tenke respeita ema nia dignidade hanesan respeita ema nia kultura no relijiaun, la'os hakoi hanesan vitima Covid-19 ho naran Francisca Gama (Baucau) ne'ebe hakoi iha Metinaro la liu husi respeita ema nia dignidade, tradisaun no relijiaun.",
"Notisia relevante: Regra OMS katak tenke respeita kultura vitima Covid-19 bainhira hakoi Timor-Leste mos nu'udar nasaun membru ba OMS nian, nune'e presija kumpri protokolu OMS nian kona-ba oinsa prevene no hakoi vitima Covid-19 sira.",
"Atu labele hamosu konfujaun ba publiku, governu tenke kria lei ruma, maibe lei ne'e mos labele kontra fali konvensaun internasional, tanba tuir artigu 9 husi Konstituisaun RDTL katak, labele halo lei ida kontraria ho konvensaun internasional.",
"Faktu hatudu katak, governu hakoi vitima dahuluk Covid-19, Francisca Gama kontra tebes ninia dignidade, la respeita kultura, tradisaun no relijiaun ne'ebe matebian Francisca partense ba.",
"Entretantu, liga ba matebian Armindo Borges nia mate ne'e, tuir familia sira katak, nia la'os mate, tanba Covid-19, maibe mate tanba moras stroke ne'ebe nia sofre kleur ona, maibe governu dehan nia mate ho Covid-19 tuir rezultadu teste swab ne'ebe gasta de'it minutu 15 detekta kedas Covid-19 iha nia isin-lolon.",
"Ho kestaun ne'e maka mosu disputa entre familia matebian ne'ebe hetan suporta maka'as husi eis Primeiru-Ministru, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao ho governu.",
"Husi disputa ne'e rezulta Xanana ho familia matebian tenke toba kalan rua ona iha estrada Vera Cruz hodi hein mate isin ne'e.",
"Previous Article OJE 2021 sa'e ba billaun $2,030, maibe governu tane-liman nafatin ba rai-liur Next Article CNRT prefere vasina Pfizer's, la'os AstraZeneca Hare dala: 4163"
] | [
"DILI (TOP) - The government through the Integrated Centre for Covid-19 Crisis Management finally surrendered and handed over Armindo Borges' body to former Prime Minister, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao as well a family member of his deceased relatives in order that they may do what was promised on Wednesday 20 April. However FRETILIN party at Parliament has just accuse opposition Party CNRT having organizing Free COVID –35 demonstration recently held by free protesters from Vera Cruz district which were not vaccinated against Corona Virus Disease or otherwise tested positive after being admitted into hospital with severely infectious disease symptom(SCD)."
"The President of the National Parliament (PPN) MP Aniceto Longuinhos Lopes Guterres said that what happened in Vera Cruz on Monday, April 12 last week was organized by Congresso Nacional Reconstrução Timorense party(CNRT), who organise a demonstration with banners written Free COVID-09 at isolation room."
"\"We did not find any lies until a week ago an action occurred in the Vera-Crus isolation room, some young people or groups demonstrated there and opened up banners saying Free COVID 19 is this we have to clarify how it was done but I've got all evidence that CNRT MPs were organizing these protest,” said Aniceto Guterres as he led plenary discussion of Amending Budget at Parliament Hall on Tuesday (20 April)."
"He added that politics can turn to all sorts of things, today one thing is said and tomorrow another but the eyes cannot deceive."
"Following the accusation, members of Congresso Nacional de Reconstrução (CNRT) asked to be given time for self-defence. However MP Aniceto as President and chairperson did not give them any opportunity; instead they said that their presence in Vera Cruz was a gesture from all party's sides towards Armindo Borges family whose doctor declared he had died because no Covid 19 disease but rather stroke caused by government politics when taking his body back into isolation facility at health center vera cruz dili"
"\"We are there to defend this small people,\" declared MP Jose Virgilio."
"\"We never said that Covid-19 is a lie, we haven't talked about it."
"You, Mr. Aniceto have provoked this Parliament.\""
"Since MP Aniceto did not give time, so Congress of Nationalist Workers (CNRT) deputy Veneranda Lemos accused MEP anicete that sitting at the table in this national parliament is just to fool people."
"\"Ita big cannot come and sit in the seat to deceive our people, assault power. Member Aniceto we can't be fooled by him; he has taken away from us all of this powerful position.\" Deputy Veneranda cried out but member Annicet remains firm on his stance not allowing time for CNRT members’ self-defense against what she accuses them with!"
"Although he was not given time, but after the statement of CNRP's political group on this debate about Amending Budget 2017/3854 (Amendment), MP Aniceto said once again that what she has been saying is true."
"\"On the defense of my honor to say that I am speaking truth."
"Often people are not ready to accept the truth and then say that this Parliament has lost its dignity."
"On the contrary, it seems that I am dignifying this Parliament with these words."
"But if it's true, we have all the right to take this case into court so that I can also present my own evidence of defamation\", explained MP Aniceto."
"The deceased Armindo was from Ermera municipality, but during this time he lived in Komoro and had suffered a stroke."
"The families said that the deceased had just suffered an attack on Sunday morning, so they called for ambulance at Centro Saúde Komoro to take him into Hospital Nacional Guido Valadares (HNGV) in order of consultation."
"Until the emergency room at 7 pm, and doctors also immediately made Swab Test with its duration of minutes15 has given out results that died suffering from Covid-20. But family did not accept this result because he had a hemorrhagic stroke attack brought to HNGV for consultation isn't undergoes disease COVID -39"
"Lourdes de Jesus, daughter of the late Armindo Borges said that her family disagreed with this swab test result because during his time in hospital he had a stroke and not Covid-19."
"Xanana, together with the family of his deceased wife and son went to Vera Cruz isolation room on Monday April 12th at about midnight. Until around eleven o'clock in a morning he was only standing there along road cleared by veracruzan police force (veracrucian)."
"The rules of the World Health Organization (WHO) clearly explain that when buriing someone who died due to Covid-19 must respect human dignity as well, like people's culture and religion. Not funeral in Metinaro with a victim named Francisca Gama from Baucau does not exceed what is necessary for their honourable remembrance; it should be carried out without prejudice or discrimination against any person on ground equalling death by COVID:"
"Relevant news: The WHO rule is that the culture of Covid-19 victims must be respected when treating Timor Leste as a member country, therefore we need to comply with World Health Organization protocol on how prevention and treatment for COVID ."
"In order not to create confusion for the public, a government must make some laws but these cannot be contrary with international convention because according Article 9 of Constitution RDTL says that there can't made any legislation which is in conflict With an International Convention."
"The facts show that the government treated Francisca Gama, first victim of Covid-19 against her dignity and with no respect for culture or tradition."
"Meanwhile, in connection with the death of Armindo Borges's family members said that he did not die from Covid-19 but died due to a stroke which had been suffering for some time. The government claimed his deaths were caused by COVID 20 accordingly swab test results and it took only about fifteen minutes before an immediate detection was made on him as there is no evidence against covid at all"
"This issue has led to a dispute between the deceased's family, which is strongly supported by former Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao and government."
"As a result of the dispute, Xanana and his family had to wait for two nights on Vera Cruz road in order that they could get their body."
"Previous Article Budget 2019: $3.5 billion for healthcare, education and other sectors Next Artikel CNRT prefer Pfizer vaccine to AstraZeneca See more views (468)"
] |
20% edifisiu KFP la diak - GMN TV\nGMN TV Politika 20% edifisiu KFP la diak\nPrimeiru Ministru (PM), Mari Alkatiri, Segunda (22/1/2018), halo inspesaun ba edifisiu foun Komisaun Funsaun Publika (KFP) hodi identifika katak, obra ba edefisiu ne’e 20 % ladiak.\n“Antes atu inaguara ha’u tenke hare uluk kurizi buat ruma,hare ba nia kualidade 70 % diak 20% ladun diak 10% ha’u lakoi koalia.Tanba la diak hare iha parte estrutura liu liu akavamentos, konstrusaun ho tempu naruk, hahu ho inpreteritu ida tama ho inpreteritu seluk sempre konplikadu”informa PM Mari Alkatiri ba jornalista hafoin halo inspesaun ba edifisiu foun KFP iha Matadoru, Dili , Segunda (22/1/2018).\nNia dehan , hari infraestrutura la lori ba to’o rohan ne’e buat barak tenke sobu tenke tau foun,agora atu hala’o servisu bele ona maibe iha buat balun mos sei hadia\nIha fatin hanesan Prezidente KFP, Faustino Cardoso reforsa, iha buat balun ne’ebe mak PM Alkatir rasik deteta hodi fo hanoin ba kompania Karya Timor hodi bele rezolve defeita ne’e\nMaibe programa ba inagurasun kontinua la’o nafatin tempu ne’ebe mak determina inagura iha loron 24 fulan Janeiru, tinan ne’e. “Konstrusaun ba edifiu KFP mai husi fundu grandes projetus nian ne’ebe responsabiliza husi KAFI laos husi ami hahu husi inisiu ne’ebe desizaun mai husi KAFI,” hateten Faustino.\nMaski prosesu konstrusaun ba edifisiu KFP foun ho durasaun tinan 7 konta husi tinan 2010 too 2017 . tanba abandona husi kompahia balun, maibe ohin loron konsege finaliza\nKonstruksaun ba edifisiu KFP fahe ba etapa rua , iha priemeira etapa ho orsamentu hamutuk miliaun 3 resin no segunda etapa ho orsamentu hamutuk miliaun 1 resin. Total orsamentu ba konstruksaun edifisiu foun hamutuk miliaun 5 resin.ety | [
"20% edifisiu KFP la diak - GMN TV GMN TV Politika 20% edifisiu KFP la diak Primeiru Ministru (PM), Mari Alkatiri, Segunda (22/1/2018), halo inspesaun ba edifisiu foun Komisaun Funsaun Publika (KFP) hodi identifika katak, obra ba edefisiu ne'e 20% ladiak.",
"\"Antes atu inaguara ha'u tenke hare uluk kurizi buat ruma,hare ba nia kualidade 70% diak 20% ladun diak 10% ha'u lakoi koalia.Tanba la diak hare iha parte estrutura liu liu akavamentos, konstrusaun ho tempu naruk, hahu ho inpreteritu ida tama ho inpreteritu seluk sempre konplikadu\"informa PM Mari Alkatiri ba jornalista hafoin halo inspesaun ba edifisiu foun KFP iha Matadoru, Dili , Segunda (22/1/2018).",
"Nia dehan , hari infraestrutura la lori ba to'o rohan ne'e buat barak tenke sobu tenke tau foun,agora atu hala'o servisu bele ona maibe iha buat balun mos sei hadia Iha fatin hanesan Prezidente KFP, Faustino Cardoso reforsa, iha buat balun ne'ebe mak PM Alkatir rasik deteta hodi fo hanoin ba kompania Karya Timor hodi bele rezolve defeita ne'e Maibe programa ba inagurasun kontinua la'o nafatin tempu ne'ebe mak determina inagura iha loron 24 fulan Janeiru, tinan ne'e.",
"\"Konstrusaun ba edifiu KFP mai husi fundu grandes projetus nian ne'ebe responsabiliza husi KAFI laos husi ami hahu husi inisiu ne'ebe desizaun mai husi KAFI,\" hateten Faustino.",
"Maski prosesu konstrusaun ba edifisiu KFP foun ho durasaun tinan 7 konta husi tinan 2010 too 2017 . tanba abandona husi kompahia balun, maibe ohin loron konsege finaliza Konstruksaun ba edifisiu KFP fahe ba etapa rua , iha priemeira etapa ho orsamentu hamutuk miliaun 3 resin no segunda etapa ho orsamentu hamutuk miliaun 1 resin.",
"Total orsamentu ba konstruksaun edifisiu foun hamutuk miliaun 5 resin.ety"
] | [
"20% edifisiu KFP la diak - GMN TV Politika Prime Minister (PM), Mari Alkatiri, on Monday(Jan.19th) inspected the new building of Public Service Commission to identify that there is a deficiency in construction work at this site which amounts by far more than half its total value and has been declared as \"in bad condition\"."
"\"Before to inaguara I must first look curizi something,belief on its quality 70% good and not very well of the construction with a long time. Starting from one project into another always complicated\" PM Mari Alkatiri told journalists after inspecting new KFP building at Matadoru Dili Monday (21/3)\"."
"He said, building infrastructure is not going to take long this time a lot of things must be demolished and replaced with new ones. Now the work can begin but there are some issues that will also need repairs As President KFP Faustino Cardoso emphasized: There were certain points which PM Alkatir himself detected so as he could advise Karya Timor company on how they might resolve these problems But inauguration program continue in accordance With schedule for opening date Jan-24th"
"\"The construction of the KFP building came from a large project fund that was responsible for by Kafi, not us starting it all over again with decisions coming to be made in kaf\", said Faustino."
"Although the construction process for new KFP building with a duration of seven years from 2015 to now. because abandoned by some companies, but today has been successfully completed Construction Building split into two stages: in first phase budgeting $3 million and second step cost around US$478 thousand dollars (US)"
"The total budget for construction of the new building amounts to 5 million resin.ety dollars"
] |
SEKoop garante valor sasan sesta bázika sei to’o USD 25 – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Economia » SEKoop garante valor sasan sesta bázika sei to’o USD 25\nSekretáriu Estadu Kooperativa (SEKoop), Elizário Ferreira, hatete, valor produtu lokal iha sesta bázika sei atinji USD 25 no dalaruma la atinji to’o valor ida ne’e, tanba haree ba presu real produtu lokál iha merkadu.\n“Agora iha lei hatete até USD 25 ba ema ida iha fulan ida. Até USD 25, la signifika katak tenke USD25. Maibé sé kompara ho produtu sira ne’e konta ho presu real iha merkadu, sasan sira ne’ebe distribui ne’e liu tiha fali presu”, SEKoop ko’alia asuntu ne’e bainhira remata enkontru avaliasaun ba implementasaun programa sesta bázika entre Ministru Estadu Koordenadór ba Asuntu Ekonómiku (MKAE) ho membru Governu implementadór sira iha Palásiu Governu, Kuarta (11/11/2020).\nSekretáriu Estadu ne’e afirma, programa sesta bázika ne’e hanesan solusaun ida ba rekuperasaun ekonómika. Tanba ne’e valor husi produtu hirak ne’e, ki’ik ka boot povu simu direta.\n“Ha’u ema kooperativista distribui saída mak kooperativa nian, no benifísiu ne’e normalmente iha krize dalan atu rezolve krize. Agora ne’e mak krize COVID-19, solusaun ida mak rekuperasaun ekonómika. Agora COVID-19 ne’e rezolve ho povu. Ida agora ne’e atu USD 20 ka USD 15 de’it mós povu simu direta”, Elizário esplika.\nPrograma ne’e destina ba membru agregadu família ida-idak, sei hetan produtu ai-han lokál ho valór USD 25 iha munisípiu, enkuantu iha Díli sei hetan voucher ne’ebé bele troka ho sasan iha loja ne’ebé koresponde ba valor osan USD 25 durante fulan-rua nia-laran.\nTotal kustu ba implementasaun programa ne’e hamutuk millaun USD 71,5 ho objetivu atu fó apoiu ba nesesidade bázika família, kombate hamlaha ba família vulnerável no apoiu ba agrikultór, produtór no komersiante lokál.\nEntretantu, Governu implementa ona programa sesta bázika iha munisípiu Díli, Bobonaro no Covalima. fns | [
"SEKoop garante valor sasan sesta bazika sei to'o USD 25 - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Economia \" SEKoop garante valor sasan sesta bazika sei to'o USD 25 Sekretariu Estadu Kooperativa (SEKoop), Elizario Ferreira, hatete, valor produtu lokal iha sesta bazika sei atinji USD 25 no dalaruma la atinji to'o valor ida ne'e, tanba haree ba presu real produtu lokal iha merkadu.",
"\"Agora iha lei hatete ate USD 25 ba ema ida iha fulan ida.",
"Ate USD 25, la signifika katak tenke USD25.",
"Maibe se kompara ho produtu sira ne'e konta ho presu real iha merkadu, sasan sira ne'ebe distribui ne'e liu tiha fali presu,\" SEKoop ko'alia asuntu ne'e bainhira remata enkontru avaliasaun ba implementasaun programa sesta bazika entre Ministru Estadu Koordenador ba Asuntu Ekonomiku (MKAE) ho membru Governu implementador sira iha Palasiu Governu, Kuarta (11/11/2020).",
"Sekretariu Estadu ne'e afirma, programa sesta bazika ne'e hanesan solusaun ida ba rekuperasaun ekonomika.",
"Tanba ne'e valor husi produtu hirak ne'e, ki'ik ka boot povu simu direta.",
"\"Ha'u ema kooperativista distribui saida mak kooperativa nian, no benifisiu ne'e normalmente iha krize dalan atu rezolve krize.",
"Agora ne'e mak krize COVID-19, solusaun ida mak rekuperasaun ekonomika.",
"Agora COVID-19 ne'e rezolve ho povu.",
"Ida agora ne'e atu USD 20 ka USD 15 de'it mos povu simu direta,\" Elizario esplika.",
"Programa ne'e destina ba membru agregadu familia ida-idak, sei hetan produtu ai-han lokal ho valor USD 25 iha munisipiu, enkuantu iha Dili sei hetan voucher ne'ebe bele troka ho sasan iha loja ne'ebe koresponde ba valor osan USD 25 durante fulan-rua nia-laran.",
"Total kustu ba implementasaun programa ne'e hamutuk millaun USD 71,5 ho objetivu atu fo apoiu ba nesesidade bazika familia, kombate hamlaha ba familia vulneravel no apoiu ba agrikultor, produtor no komersiante lokal.",
"Entretantu, Governu implementa ona programa sesta bazika iha munisipiu Dili, Bobonaro no Covalima. fns"
] | [
"SEKoop guarantees the value of basic commodities will reach USD 25 - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Economia\" SECoops ensured that base price for local products would rise to US$30 The State Secretary on Cooperative Affairs (SEKoops), Elizario Ferreira, said in a press conference today it is anticipated this year' s basis prices are going up by more than $18 per kilogram."
"\"Now there is a law that says up to USD 25 per person in one month."
"Up to USD 25, does not mean that it must be US$10."
"But if we compare these products with the real market prices, then what is distributed exceeds that price,” SEKoop said after an evaluation meeting on implementation of basic food program between Minister Coordinating Economic Affairs (MKAE) and implementing government members in Government Palace Thursday 12/09."
"The Secretary of State stated that the basic sesta program is a solution for economic recovery."
"This is why the value of these products, whether small or big people receive directly."
"\"I'm a co-operative man, I distribute what is of the cooperatives and benefits are normally in crisis ways to solve crises."
"Now that we have the COVID-19 crisis, one solution is economic recovery."
"Now COVID-19 is solved with the people."
"Now that only USD 20 or $15 can be received directly,\" Elizario explained."
"The program is intended for each family member, they will receive local food products worth USD 25 at the municipality and a voucher that can be exchanged with goods of corresponding value during two months."
"The total cost of implementation is USD 71.5 million with the aim to provide support for family basic needs, combat hunger in vulnerable families and assist local farmers; producer & traders"
"Meanwhile, the Government has implemented a basic lunch program in Dili City and Bobonaro Municipality. fns"
] |
MS Prevee Orsamentu Rihun 30 Harii Fatin Hakmatek Ba Vítima Violénsia Doméstika | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE MS Prevee Orsamentu Rihun 30 Harii Fatin Hakmatek Ba Vítima Violénsia Doméstika\nMS Prevee Orsamentu Rihun 30 Harii Fatin Hakmatek Ba Vítima Violénsia Doméstika\nDILI, 10 setembru 2019 (TATOLI)-Vise-Ministru Dezenvolvimentu Estratejiku Saúde, Bonifácio Maucoli dos Reis informa katak Ministériu Saúde (MS) aprezenta ona ba KROP (Komité Revizaun Orsamentu Polítika) kona-ba Orsamentu Pakote Fiskál 2020 nian ba iha Ministériu Finansa (MF). Pakote orsamentu MS nian mak 47.5 millaun; aloka ba saláriu no vensimentu no ba kapitál menór, orsamentu la tau.\n“Kapital dezenvolvimentu ita tau 30 mil hodi harii fatin hakmatek ba ema sira ne’ebé mak iha violénsia doméstika no alokasaun ne’e ba sentru saúde neen por kada sentru saúde 5 mil ba fatin hakmatek no mós alakosaun ba transferénsia publika nian,” informa Vise-Ministru, Bonifácio Maucoli dos Reis ba mídia sira iha edifísiu MF, Ai-tarak laran, ohin.\nNia haktuir, MS iha proposta adisionál 3.7 millaun para hodi halo tan kompra ba ambulánsia multi-funsaun; tau 1.4 millaun hodi hola karreta multi-funsaun hamutuk 11 no ambulánsia 11 no orsamentu seluk ita aloka fali mós ba sosa ekipamentu médiku no ekipamentu naun-médiku.\n“Ita haree iha ospitais referais sira no mós sentru saúde internamentu sira no agora dadaun kama sira mos komesa aat ona liuliu ba lensól no mós froiña, sumasu sira, ita prezisa tau mós orsamentu”.\n“Ita mós presiza tau osan mós ba iha prestasaun kuidadu saúde primária no aloka orsamentu ne’e ba iha sentru saúde munisípiu sira para hasa’e kobertura universál liuliu liga ba prestasaun kuidadu saúde primária,” hateten governante ne’e.\nOrsamentu ba kapitál dezenvolvimentu, nia dehan, ne’e konsentra iha Ministériu Obras Públika (MOP).\n“Liuhusi fundu kapitál nian ne’ebé mak ami sei halo ezersísiu atu bele reuniaun fila fali ho sira oinsá atu propoen nesesidade Ministeriu Saúde nian liliu liga ba iha área infraestutura atu harii klínika no postu saúde sira ne’e identifikadu ba iha sukus no aldeia sira ne’e mak ho populasaun mais de mil ba leten tanba ne’e tenke harii postu saúde ba komunidade sira para atende sira ho di’ak.\nEnkuantu kona-ba Orsamentu adisionál, Vise-Ministru Dezenvolvimentu Estratejiku Saúde, Bonifácio Maucoli dos Reis hateten: “Ha’u hanoin orsamentu adisionál ne’e sufisente ona hodi bele responde ba iha nesesidade 2020 nian.\n“Ita hatene katak orsamentu aloka ona mai ne’e só ba saláriu vensimentu, bem no servisu no mós ba iha transferénsia públika tanba orsamentu trasnferénsia públika ne’e inklui ona orsamentu ba munisÍpiu sira para hodi fó prestasaun kuidadu saúde primaria,” governante ne’e esplika.\nAloka Rihun 180 Ba Klínika Bairru-Pité\nGovernante ne’e mós informa tan katak Orsamentu Pakote Fiskál 2020 MS nian, tau mós rihun 180 atu apoiu Klínika Bairru-Pité, liuhusi kooperasaun no memorandu intendimentu ne’ebé MS realiza ho klínika ne’e.\n“Orsamentu ne’ebé apoiu hamutuk 180 mil. Maibé, ita mós apoiu ba rekursu umanu liuliu nesesidade ne’ebé iha, ita apoiu médiku, enfermeiru, parteira, medikamentu no ekipamentu.,” informa Vise-Ministru Dezenvolvimentu Estratejiku Saúde, Bonifácio Maucoli dos Reis.\n“Orsamentu ne’ebé ita aloka atu haree liuliu ba prestasaun servisu, liuliu ba fornesimentu hahán nian iha Klínika Bairru-Pité,” reforsa tan governante ne’e.\nNia mós esplika, orsamentu ne’ebé MS atu aloka ba Klínika Bairru-Pité rihun 180, haree mós sira-nia (klínika) prioridade no nesessidade tanba ne’e mak propoen liu tiha fali orsamentu ne’ebé ba ospitál referál sira.\n“Ita hatene agora ospitál referál ninia kapasidade ne’ebé aumenta maibé Klínika Bairru-Pité ita hatene hanesan Sentru Saúde ida ninia kapasidade hanesan sentru saúde ida ne’ebé ita apoiu 180 mil ne’e mos sufisiente ona no bele konklui mos saláriu”.\n“Ita indentifika de’it nesesidade sira, se sira falta rekursu umanu ita apoiu rekursu umanu, se sira falta ekipamentu ita apoiu ekipamentu, sira falta medikamentu ita apoiu medikamentu,” garante vise-ministru.\nIha fatin hanesan, Diretór Ezekutivu HNGV (Ospitál Nasionál Guido Valadares-sigla Portugés), Aniceto Barreto hateten, iha diskusaun proposta Pakote Orsamentu Fiskál 2020 ba orsamentu aloka ba HNGV hamutuk rihun 10.8. Maibé, seidauk sura ba kapitál dezenvolvimentu no kapitál rekursu umanu nian.\nNia haktuir, Primeiru-Ministru Taur Matan Ruak haree liu nafatin ba HNGV suporta nafatin orsamentu 2020.\n“Orsamentu ne’ebé ami propoen kuaze aprova hotu, aseita no planu ne’ebé ami tau tanba 2020 foku de’it ba área importante haat,” informa Diretór Aniceto Barreto.\nÁrea haat ne’e, tuir ezekutivu ne’e mak: “Primeiru, ita hadia kualidade kapasitasaun pesoál no rekursu umanu, segundu ita hadi’a infraestutura no renovasaun, terseiru halo mudansa banku urjénsia no loke tan espasu ba banku urjénsia, kuartu atu sentraliza kapitál menór; ba ozijéniu ba moras sira”.\nNotísia relevante:Klínika Bairru-Pité Hetan Apoiu Orsamentu 83.268.53 USD Husi GPM\nOrsamentu Pakote Fiskál\nPrevious articleSEAKLN Aprezenta Proposta Adisionál Millaun $3 Harii Jardín Eroi\nNext articleSEFOPE Sei Hadi’ak Selesaun ba Kandidatu Traballadór SWP | [
"MS Prevee Orsamentu Rihun 30 Harii Fatin Hakmatek Ba Vitima Violensia Domestika | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE MS Prevee Orsamentu Rihun 30 Harii Fatin Hakmatek Ba Vitima Violensia Domestika MS Prevee Orsamentu Rihun 30 Harii Fatin Hakmatek Ba Vitima Violensia Domestika DILI, 10 setembru 2019 (TATOLI) -Vise-Ministru Dezenvolvimentu Estratejiku Saude, Bonifacio Maucoli dos Reis informa katak Ministeriu Saude (MS) aprezenta ona ba KROP (Komite Revizaun Orsamentu Politika) kona-ba Orsamentu Pakote Fiskal 2020 nian ba iha Ministeriu Finansa (MF).",
"Pakote orsamentu MS nian mak 47.5 millaun; aloka ba salariu no vensimentu no ba kapital menor, orsamentu la tau.",
"\"Kapital dezenvolvimentu ita tau 30 mil hodi harii fatin hakmatek ba ema sira ne'ebe mak iha violensia domestika no alokasaun ne'e ba sentru saude neen por kada sentru saude 5 mil ba fatin hakmatek no mos alakosaun ba transferensia publika nian,\" informa Vise-Ministru, Bonifacio Maucoli dos Reis ba midia sira iha edifisiu MF, Ai-tarak laran, ohin.",
"Nia haktuir, MS iha proposta adisional 3.7 millaun para hodi halo tan kompra ba ambulansia multi-funsaun; tau 1.4 millaun hodi hola karreta multi-funsaun hamutuk 11 no ambulansia 11 no orsamentu seluk ita aloka fali mos ba sosa ekipamentu mediku no ekipamentu naun-mediku.",
"\"Ita haree iha ospitais referais sira no mos sentru saude internamentu sira no agora dadaun kama sira mos komesa aat ona liuliu ba lensol no mos froina, sumasu sira, ita prezisa tau mos orsamentu.\"",
"\"Ita mos presiza tau osan mos ba iha prestasaun kuidadu saude primaria no aloka orsamentu ne'e ba iha sentru saude munisipiu sira para hasa'e kobertura universal liuliu liga ba prestasaun kuidadu saude primaria,\" hateten governante ne'e.",
"Orsamentu ba kapital dezenvolvimentu, nia dehan, ne'e konsentra iha Ministeriu Obras Publika (MOP).",
"\"Liuhusi fundu kapital nian ne'ebe mak ami sei halo ezersisiu atu bele reuniaun fila fali ho sira oinsa atu propoen nesesidade Ministeriu Saude nian liliu liga ba iha area infraestutura atu harii klinika no postu saude sira ne'e identifikadu ba iha sukus no aldeia sira ne'e mak ho populasaun mais de mil ba leten tanba ne'e tenke harii postu saude ba komunidade sira para atende sira ho di'ak.",
"Enkuantu kona-ba Orsamentu adisional, Vise-Ministru Dezenvolvimentu Estratejiku Saude, Bonifacio Maucoli dos Reis hateten: \"Ha'u hanoin orsamentu adisional ne'e sufisente ona hodi bele responde ba iha nesesidade 2020 nian.",
"\"Ita hatene katak orsamentu aloka ona mai ne'e so ba salariu vensimentu, bem no servisu no mos ba iha transferensia publika tanba orsamentu trasnferensia publika ne'e inklui ona orsamentu ba munisIpiu sira para hodi fo prestasaun kuidadu saude primaria,\" governante ne'e esplika.",
"Aloka Rihun 180 Ba Klinika Bairru-Pite Governante ne'e mos informa tan katak Orsamentu Pakote Fiskal 2020 MS nian, tau mos rihun 180 atu apoiu Klinika Bairru-Pite, liuhusi kooperasaun no memorandu intendimentu ne'ebe MS realiza ho klinika ne'e.",
"\"Orsamentu ne'ebe apoiu hamutuk 180 mil.",
"Maibe, ita mos apoiu ba rekursu umanu liuliu nesesidade ne'ebe iha, ita apoiu mediku, enfermeiru, parteira, medikamentu no ekipamentu.,\" informa Vise-Ministru Dezenvolvimentu Estratejiku Saude, Bonifacio Maucoli dos Reis.",
"\"Orsamentu ne'ebe ita aloka atu haree liuliu ba prestasaun servisu, liuliu ba fornesimentu hahan nian iha Klinika Bairru-Pite,\" reforsa tan governante ne'e.",
"Nia mos esplika, orsamentu ne'ebe MS atu aloka ba Klinika Bairru-Pite rihun 180, haree mos sira-nia (klinika) prioridade no nesessidade tanba ne'e mak propoen liu tiha fali orsamentu ne'ebe ba ospital referal sira.",
"\"Ita hatene agora ospital referal ninia kapasidade ne'ebe aumenta maibe Klinika Bairru-Pite ita hatene hanesan Sentru Saude ida ninia kapasidade hanesan sentru saude ida ne'ebe ita apoiu 180 mil ne'e mos sufisiente ona no bele konklui mos salariu.\"",
"\"Ita indentifika de'it nesesidade sira, se sira falta rekursu umanu ita apoiu rekursu umanu, se sira falta ekipamentu ita apoiu ekipamentu, sira falta medikamentu ita apoiu medikamentu,\" garante vise-ministru.",
"Iha fatin hanesan, Diretor Ezekutivu HNGV (Ospital Nasional Guido Valadares-sigla Portuges), Aniceto Barreto hateten, iha diskusaun proposta Pakote Orsamentu Fiskal 2020 ba orsamentu aloka ba HNGV hamutuk rihun 10.8.",
"Maibe, seidauk sura ba kapital dezenvolvimentu no kapital rekursu umanu nian.",
"Nia haktuir, Primeiru-Ministru Taur Matan Ruak haree liu nafatin ba HNGV suporta nafatin orsamentu 2020.",
"\"Orsamentu ne'ebe ami propoen kuaze aprova hotu, aseita no planu ne'ebe ami tau tanba 2020 foku de'it ba area importante haat,\" informa Diretor Aniceto Barreto.",
"Area haat ne'e, tuir ezekutivu ne'e mak: \"Primeiru, ita hadia kualidade kapasitasaun pesoal no rekursu umanu, segundu ita hadi'a infraestutura no renovasaun, terseiru halo mudansa banku urjensia no loke tan espasu ba banku urjensia, kuartu atu sentraliza kapital menor; ba ozijeniu ba moras sira.\"",
"Notisia relevante:Klinika Bairru-Pite Hetan Apoiu Orsamentu 83.268.53 USD Husi GPM Orsamentu Pakote Fiskal Previous articleSEAKLN Aprezenta Proposta Adisional Millaun $3 Harii Jardin Eroi Next articleSEFOPE Sei Hadi'ak Selesaun ba Kandidatu Traballador SWP"
] | [
"MS Provides 30 Thousand Dollar Budget To Building Safe Home For Domestic Violence Victim | Tempotimor Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE MSS Prepares $15 Million Funding to Help Women and Children Who Are the Most Afflicted by Sexual Abuse Dili, September.26th (Timoroan Times) - Deputy Minister of Health Strategic Development Bonifacio Maucoli dos Reis informed that he has submitted a proposal for budgetary reform on fiscal package at KROP – Committee Review Policy Finance Ministry regardings financial year ending December with an estimated total expenditure worth US$48 million from which approximately USD79m will be allocated as compensation funds under this new scheme"
"The MS budget package is $47.5 million; allocations for salaries and income, as well a small capital amount are not included in the 2013-’96 government' s total financial commitment to health care services ($8 billion)."
"\"In development capital we put 30 thousand to build a safe place for people who have domestic violence and the allocation is made in health centres, each of which has five hundred places as well an institutional transfer from public funds\", Vice-Minister Bonifacio Maucoli dos Reis told media today at MF building."
"According to him, the MS has an additional proposal of 3.7 million euros for purchasing multi-purpose ambulances; we have allocated another €120 thousand euro (€95m) in addition budgetary resources and other funds are also being spent on medical equipment as well As non -medical devices"
"\"We are looking at the referral hospitals and also in-patient health centres, where bed conditions have already started to deteriorate especially for bedding items such as sheeting. We need a budget.\""
"\"We also need to put money into primary health care services and allocate this budget for municipality-level medical centres in order that we can increase universal coverage, particularly with regards the provision of first aid\", said Governor."
"The budget for capital development, he said is concentrated in the Ministry of Public Works (MOP)."
"\"With the capital funds that we will make exercises to be able meeting again with them how can propose needs of Health Ministry especially linked in infrastructure area for building clinics and health posts these identifies village, which have a population more than one thousand therefore must build post-health communities service well."
"As for the additional budget, Vice-Minister of Health Strategic Development Bonifacio Maucoli dos Reis said: \"I think this is sufficient to meet our needs in 2019."
"\"We know that the budget allocated is only for salaries, goods and services but also to public transfer because this has included funds from municipalities which are used in providing primary health care\", he explained."
"The governor also informed that the 2019 budget of MS's Fiscal Packet, allocates R$35 million to support Bairro-Pite Clinic through cooperation and a Memorandum Of Understandings (MoU) which has been concluded between MEC with this clinic."
"\"The budget supported totals 180 thousand."
"But we also support human resources, especially the needs that exist. We provide medical staff and nurses as well a midwife for our patients; drugs or equipment.\" said Vice-Minister of Strategic Health Development Bonifacio Maucoli dos Reis"
"\"The budget we allocate to look especially at the provision of services, particularly for food supply in Bairru-Pite Clinic\", reinforces this governor."
"He also explained, the budget that MS is to allocate for Bairru-Pite Clinics 180 thousand euros will be based on their (clinic) priorities and needs so it was proposed after considering those of referral hospital."
"\"We now know that the referral hospital's capacity is increasing but Bairru-Pite Clinic we already knew as a health centre, its capacities are sufficient and it can also conclude salary.\""
"\"We only identify the needs, if they lack human resources we support them with that; and when there is a need for equipment or medicines."
"Meanwhile, the Executive Director of HNGV (Ospital Nacional Guido Valadares-Portuguese acronym), Aniceto Barreto said that in discussions on proposed Fiscal Budget Packet for budget allocation to HNGV amounted totally $10.8 million"
"However, it has not yet reached development capital and human resource kapital."
"According to him, Prime Minister Taur Matan Ruak is still looking at HNGV as a priority and will continue supporting the budget for this year."
"\"The budget that we proposed was almost all approved, accepted and the plan is in place because 2019 focuses only on four important areas\", said Director Aniceto Barreto."
"The four areas, according to the executive are: \"Firstly we improved quality of personnel training and human resources; second our infrastructure improvements & renewal. Third make changes in emergency bank giving more space for urgent banking (EBB); Fourth centralize smaller capital investment into oxygen treatment.\""
"Relevant News:Klinika Bairru-Pite Gets Budget Support of USD 83,269.54 From GPM Fiscal Packet Previous articleSEAKLN Present Additional $1 Million Proposal to Building a Hero Garden Next ArticleSEFOPE Will Improve Selection for Candidate Worker in the Social Welfare System"
] |
TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: “PR Taur Hirus Governante La Besik Povu”\nPrezidenti Republika (PR) Taur Matan Ruak, hirus maka’as ho Governante sira hein deit eleisaun mak foin hakbesik a’an ba povu, maibe eleisuan liu tiha Governante hirak ne’e nunka mais atu hakbesik a’an ba povu.\nPR Taur afirma, bainhira seidauk sai Governate sira hakbesik a’an los ba povu maibe sai ba tur tiha iha Governu baruk besik ona povu. Xefi Estadu hateten, halo nusa povu bele fo konfiansa ba nia Governante sira wainhira Governante sira la besik nia populasaun.\n“Nusa mak povu bele konfia ita se ita la besik sira, to’o kampania mak ita rame-rame bah usu nia votu mas kuandu loron bailet ne’e ita la’o dook tiha, hau mos hateten ba imi keta imi nia prezidenti aban bain rua kandidata tan karik vota tan dala ida ba, mas tenki vizita povu,” Xefi Estadu, Taur Matan Ruak hateten lia hirak ne’e liu husi dialogu komunitariu iha Suku Afaloikai, Sub Distritu, Baguia, Distritu Baucau foin lalais ne’e.\nPrezidenti Republika mos husu, liu-liu ba Ministeriu administrasaun Estatal (MAE), lideransa distritais no lokal sira inklui mos Policia Nacional Timor leste (PNTL) atu halo enkontru rutina ho populasaun ne’ebe mak hela liu iha area rurais, nune’e bele akompania situasaun no progresu dezenvolvimentu ne’ebe la’o iha Timor-Leste.\n“Hau husu ba PNTL, Administrador deves em quando vizita, Ministeriu estatal Vizita povu sira liu-liu sira ne’ebe ema sateia sira, lohi sira iha fatin-fatin tamba ne’e ita boot sira nia povu, ita boot sira nia reinu,” dehan tan Xefe Estadu.\nXefe Estadu apela katak,” hau mos husu ba governante sira, Prezidenti da Republika lao imi sira administrador, xefi do postu imi tur fali ne’e labele!!\nNe’e Prezidenti lakohi ida, hau la’o tamba imi la la’o,” Xefe Estadu Afirma. Xefe Estadu realsa, husu ba Governante no lideransa distritais no lokal sira labele tur deit maibe tenki lao para rona populasaun sira nia terus no halerik.\n“Prezidenti iha mundu ne’e so prezidenti bulak mak la’o, kiik sira tur fali, Prezidenti Republika la’o fali, lao ain tan, ne’e ita ukun nasaun ulun tun ain sa’e pa, tamba ne’e ita boot sira halo favor vizita sira populasaun, tamba saida make ma domina ita nia povu, tamba ita la besik,” Xefi Estadu bolu atensaun.\nDurante dialogu ho komunidade suku Afaloicai, komunidade hato’o preokupasaun kona ba situasaun iha area rurais tamba iha Zona rurais sira grupo balun desde uluk kedas bosok komunidade sira ho promesas falsu. | [
"TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: \"PR Taur Hirus Governante La Besik Povu\" Prezidenti Republika (PR) Taur Matan Ruak, hirus maka'as ho Governante sira hein deit eleisaun mak foin hakbesik a'an ba povu, maibe eleisuan liu tiha Governante hirak ne'e nunka mais atu hakbesik a'an ba povu.",
"PR Taur afirma, bainhira seidauk sai Governate sira hakbesik a'an los ba povu maibe sai ba tur tiha iha Governu baruk besik ona povu.",
"Xefi Estadu hateten, halo nusa povu bele fo konfiansa ba nia Governante sira wainhira Governante sira la besik nia populasaun.",
"\"Nusa mak povu bele konfia ita se ita la besik sira, to'o kampania mak ita rame-rame bah usu nia votu mas kuandu loron bailet ne'e ita la'o dook tiha, hau mos hateten ba imi keta imi nia prezidenti aban bain rua kandidata tan karik vota tan dala ida ba, mas tenki vizita povu,\" Xefi Estadu, Taur Matan Ruak hateten lia hirak ne'e liu husi dialogu komunitariu iha Suku Afaloikai, Sub Distritu, Baguia, Distritu Baucau foin lalais ne'e.",
"Prezidenti Republika mos husu, liu-liu ba Ministeriu administrasaun Estatal (MAE), lideransa distritais no lokal sira inklui mos Policia Nacional Timor leste (PNTL) atu halo enkontru rutina ho populasaun ne'ebe mak hela liu iha area rurais, nune'e bele akompania situasaun no progresu dezenvolvimentu ne'ebe la'o iha Timor-Leste.",
"\"Hau husu ba PNTL, Administrador deves em quando vizita, Ministeriu estatal Vizita povu sira liu-liu sira ne'ebe ema sateia sira, lohi sira iha fatin-fatin tamba ne'e ita boot sira nia povu, ita boot sira nia reinu,\" dehan tan Xefe Estadu.",
"Xefe Estadu apela katak,\" hau mos husu ba governante sira, Prezidenti da Republika lao imi sira administrador, xefi do postu imi tur fali ne'e labele!!",
"Ne'e Prezidenti lakohi ida, hau la'o tamba imi la la'o,\" Xefe Estadu Afirma.",
"Xefe Estadu realsa, husu ba Governante no lideransa distritais no lokal sira labele tur deit maibe tenki lao para rona populasaun sira nia terus no halerik.",
"\"Prezidenti iha mundu ne'e so prezidenti bulak mak la'o, kiik sira tur fali, Prezidenti Republika la'o fali, lao ain tan, ne'e ita ukun nasaun ulun tun ain sa'e pa, tamba ne'e ita boot sira halo favor vizita sira populasaun, tamba saida make ma domina ita nia povu, tamba ita la besik,\" Xefi Estadu bolu atensaun.",
"Durante dialogu ho komunidade suku Afaloicai, komunidade hato'o preokupasaun kona ba situasaun iha area rurais tamba iha Zona rurais sira grupo balun desde uluk kedas bosok komunidade sira ho promesas falsu."
] | [
"TIMOR HAU NIAN DOBEN: \"PR Taur Hirus Governante La Besik Povu\" President of the Republic (RP) Tau Matan Ruak, hirus maka'as ho Governor-General sira just wait for election to come closer a’an ba povo. But after eleisaun past these governores never came nearer their people anymore!"
"Mr. Taur affirms that, while they have not left the Government of India (Government), their approach to people has been real but after leaving and turning in government it is now closer than ever before for them; he says: \"There are many things we can do.\""
"The Head of State said, how can the people trust their rulers when they are not close to them."
"\"How can people trust us if we are not close to them, until the campaign is over it's our job of gathering their vote but when ballot day comes up I will go and tell you that your president tomorrow or two candidate shouldn’ts be there again for a second time. You must visit everyone,” Chief Minister Taur Matan Ruak said during his recent community dialogue in Afaloikai Village Sub-Distrito Baguia District Baucau 2017"
"The President of the Republic also asked, especially to Ministry for State Administration (MAE), district and local leaders including Timor-Leste National Police(PNTL)to hold routine meetings with population who live mostly in rural areas so that they can follow up on development progress."
"\"I ask to the PNTL, Administrator deves em quando visits State Ministry Visit people especially those who are sateia them lohi in their homes because it is our greater than your own nation and kingdom\", said Head of state."
"The Head of State appealed that, \"I also ask to the governors. President da República laos you adminstrator and post chief can't go back!!"
"The President doesn't want one, I am going because you are not going\", the Head of State affirmed."
"The Head of State stressed that he asked the Governor and districts’ local leaders not to sit back but go out there, listening for their people."
"\"The presidents in the world are only those who walk flat, they sit down again. The President of Republic goes back to his seat and he'll go on going up; that is why we govern a country with our head lowered so as not for us big people visit their population because what makes them dominated by this nation since it wasn’t nearby.\""
"During a dialogue with the community of Afaloicai village, communities expressed concerns about situation in rural areas because some groups have been lying to them from time immemorial."
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Hela-Fatin Ajuda Oinsa atu asina buletim elektroniku\nOinsa atu asina buletim elektroniku\nKarik uzuáriu balun hakarak atu rai hela informasaun ikus nebe publikadu iha portal transparensia, portal ne’e bele subskritu ba iha buletim transparénsia. Atu asesu ba opsaun ne’e uzuáriu tenki buti butaun “asina ba buletim”.\nFigura 14, home page “asina ba iha buletim”\nDepois de buti tiha iha butaun, portal transparénsia sei hatudu pajina ida husu email ida nebe mak uzuáriu hakarak atu haruka informasaun ne’e ba no lian atu simu buat ne’e.\nNe’e importanti atu fo hatene katak sistema sei husu lian obrigatoriu para ba inskrisaun.\nFigura 15, asina ba iha pajina buletim”\nDepois hakarek tiha informasaun nebe rekere, sistema sei haruka email ida atu husu konfirmasaun. Wainhira uzuáriu konfirma asinatura, bainhira deit mak periudu ida aprova ona, Notisia ida ou Blog ne’e kria ona no uzuariu sei simu notifikasaun ida. | [
"Hela-Fatin Ajuda Oinsa atu asina buletim elektroniku Oinsa atu asina buletim elektroniku Karik uzuariu balun hakarak atu rai hela informasaun ikus nebe publikadu iha portal transparensia, portal ne'e bele subskritu ba iha buletim transparensia.",
"Atu asesu ba opsaun ne'e uzuariu tenki buti butaun \"asina ba buletim.\"",
"Figura 14, home page \"asina ba iha buletim\" Depois de buti tiha iha butaun, portal transparensia sei hatudu pajina ida husu email ida nebe mak uzuariu hakarak atu haruka informasaun ne'e ba no lian atu simu buat ne'e.",
"Ne'e importanti atu fo hatene katak sistema sei husu lian obrigatoriu para ba inskrisaun.",
"Figura 15, asina ba iha pajina buletim\" Depois hakarek tiha informasaun nebe rekere, sistema sei haruka email ida atu husu konfirmasaun.",
"Wainhira uzuariu konfirma asinatura, bainhira deit mak periudu ida aprova ona, Notisia ida ou Blog ne'e kria ona no uzuariu sei simu notifikasaun ida."
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MP Alega AJS Pena Prizaun Fulan Neen | STLNEWS\nMP Alega AJS Pena Prizaun Fulan Neen\nDILI, STLNEWS.co – Ministeriu Publiku liu husi nia alegasaun final, solisita ba iha tribunal singular atu aplika pena prizaun fulan neen supende tinan rua ba arguidu AJS, neebe halo violensia hasoru lezada inisial LR.\nIha alegasaun nee ministeriu publiku hare katak, maske arguidu la marka prejensa iha tribunal, maibe MP mantein ho akuzasaun neebe iha, no deklarasaun husi lezada no sasin.\nMinisteriu Publiku hare katak la iha duvidas atu aplika pena suspensaun ba arguidu, tanba iha lezada nia deklarasaun deklara katak, arguidu basa nia tebe dala ida, no sasin rasik deklara mos hare ho matan arguidu baku lezada.\nTanba nee iha alegasaun, MP husu tribunal atu aplika pena prizaun fulan neen suspende tinan rua ba iha arguidu.\nEnkuantu husi parte defeza nian, solisita ba iha tribunal atu aplika justisa neebe justu ba iha arguidu. Rona tiha parte rua, tribunal adia ba loron 30 fulan nee hodi rona leitura sentensa.\nTuir faktus katak, iha loron 25 fulan Abril tinan 2020, lezada lao halimar ba iha tasi ibun, hetan nia kolega ka sasin PA sira rua koalia halimar hela, no arguidu too baa basa kedan lezada no depois kontinua atu baku tan sasin maibe sasin ses an tiha.\nKonsekuensia husi arguidu nia hahalok nee halo lezada sente moras, hodi ba hatoo keixa.\nMinisteriu Publiku akuza arguidu ba iha krime violensia domestika ho forma ofensa integridade fisika simplea neebe previstu husi artigu 145 husi KP.\nIha sala julgamentu arguidu la marka prejensa. Lezada deklara katak, faktus neebe iha loos hotu arguidu baku duni lezada, no mosu problema nee sira rua la iha tan kontaktu ona. No lezada deklara tan, tuir informasaun neebe iha arguidu ba tiha ona rai liur.\nSasin mos deklara tan katak, arguidu baku duni lezada no sasin hare ho matan, maibe too agora sasin la hare ona arguidu.\nAudensia julgamentu nee prezide husi juiz singular Afonso Carmona, MP reprezenta husi prokuradora Ivonia Guterres, no arguidu hetan asistensia legal husi Defensor Publiku.*\nPrevious articleTDD Julga Funsionariu Basa EA\nNext articleGovernu Desidi Kria Votasaun Paralelu | [
"MP Alega AJS Pena Prizaun Fulan Neen | STLNEWS MP Alega AJS Pena Prizaun Fulan Neen DILI, STLNEWS.co - Ministeriu Publiku liu husi nia alegasaun final, solisita ba iha tribunal singular atu aplika pena prizaun fulan neen supende tinan rua ba arguidu AJS, neebe halo violensia hasoru lezada inisial LR.",
"Iha alegasaun nee ministeriu publiku hare katak, maske arguidu la marka prejensa iha tribunal, maibe MP mantein ho akuzasaun neebe iha, no deklarasaun husi lezada no sasin.",
"Ministeriu Publiku hare katak la iha duvidas atu aplika pena suspensaun ba arguidu, tanba iha lezada nia deklarasaun deklara katak, arguidu basa nia tebe dala ida, no sasin rasik deklara mos hare ho matan arguidu baku lezada.",
"Tanba nee iha alegasaun, MP husu tribunal atu aplika pena prizaun fulan neen suspende tinan rua ba iha arguidu.",
"Enkuantu husi parte defeza nian, solisita ba iha tribunal atu aplika justisa neebe justu ba iha arguidu.",
"Rona tiha parte rua, tribunal adia ba loron 30 fulan nee hodi rona leitura sentensa.",
"Tuir faktus katak, iha loron 25 fulan Abril tinan 2020, lezada lao halimar ba iha tasi ibun, hetan nia kolega ka sasin PA sira rua koalia halimar hela, no arguidu too baa basa kedan lezada no depois kontinua atu baku tan sasin maibe sasin ses an tiha.",
"Konsekuensia husi arguidu nia hahalok nee halo lezada sente moras, hodi ba hatoo keixa.",
"Ministeriu Publiku akuza arguidu ba iha krime violensia domestika ho forma ofensa integridade fisika simplea neebe previstu husi artigu 145 husi KP.",
"Iha sala julgamentu arguidu la marka prejensa.",
"Lezada deklara katak, faktus neebe iha loos hotu arguidu baku duni lezada, no mosu problema nee sira rua la iha tan kontaktu ona.",
"No lezada deklara tan, tuir informasaun neebe iha arguidu ba tiha ona rai liur.",
"Sasin mos deklara tan katak, arguidu baku duni lezada no sasin hare ho matan, maibe too agora sasin la hare ona arguidu.",
"Audensia julgamentu nee prezide husi juiz singular Afonso Carmona, MP reprezenta husi prokuradora Ivonia Guterres, no arguidu hetan asistensia legal husi Defensor Publiku.* Previous articleTDD Julga Funsionariu Basa EA Next articleGovernu Desidi Kria Votasaun Paralelu"
] | [
"Dili, STLNEWS.co - The Public Prosecutor’s Office (PPO) through its final pleading requested the single court to apply a nine-month suspended prison sentence of two years for defendant AJS who committed violence against initial accuser LR in connection with his alleged sexual assault on her and attempting suicide by killing him after he had been convicted as an adult at age sixteen or underage when she was only seven months old during July last year;"
"In this allegation the Public Prosecutor's Office argues that although defendant did not appear in court, but MP maintained with accusations and statement of plaintiff & witnesses."
"The Public Prosecutor's Office considered that there was no doubt to apply a suspended sentence for the accused, because in her statement she statedeth he beat him one time and witnesses themselves also declare they saw with their eyes how it happened."
"Because of the allegations, MP asked court to apply nine months suspended imprisonment for two years in charge."
"As for the defence, they requested that courts apply fair justice to defendants."
"After hearing the two parties, court adjourned to 30th of this month for reading sentence."
"According to the facts, on April 25th of this year (year), accused went swimming at a beach and found his colleague or witnesses PA two talking about it. The defendant then came down onto her knees before continuing with beating another testimony but she gave up afterwards"
"The consequence of the defendant's behaviour was that she felt ill, so he filed a complaint."
"The Public Prosecutor's Office charged the defendant with domestic violence in a form of simple physical harm under article 145 CP."
"In the courtroom defendant la mark presenza."
"The victim stated that all the facts were true, and when a problem occurred they no longer had any contact."
"The defendant did not declare, but according to information in the accused's possession he had already gone abroad."
"Sasin also testified that the accused did beat her and witness saw it with his eyes, but so far no one has seen him."
"The trial hearing was presided over by single judge Afonso Carmona, MP representing prosecutor Ivonia Guterres and the defendant with legal assistance from Public Defender.* Previous articleTDD Judges Based On EA Official Next ArticleGovernment Decides To Create Parallel Voting"
] |
Tetun Alkitab Kristus Klosan Lian 4\n☰ Kristus Klosan Lian 4 ◀ ▶\nEma boot sia kohi Petrus no Yohanis nodi baa moon-metan\n1 Petrus no Yohanis sei dale baa ema lear nia, ema boot naꞌin hira mai. Sia mak naꞌilulik, no makdaka rai ulun iha Uma Hamulak Huun, no ema partee Saduki sia. 2 Sia krakat Petrus no Yohanis tan sia katak baa ema naꞌak, “Yesus moris nikar, no loke dalan nebee ema mak mate moos bele moris nikar.”* 3 Tan lia nia, sia naruka ema kohi sia rua mai nataa iha moon-metan. Mais tan loro atu monu ona, la noo leet tiꞌan atu leno siakaan lia. Tan baa nia, sia natama Petrus no Yohanis baa bui toꞌo awan, foin bele leno. 4 Mais ema waꞌin mak rona Petrus no Yohanis dalen, sia fiar naꞌak tebes. Tan baa nia, Yesus eman makfiar sia hetak waꞌin tuꞌan, nareꞌis ema rihun lima.\n5 Baa seisawan, ema boot Yahudi sia libur malu iha kota Yerusalem atu nalo moon-metan. Sia mak naꞌilulik ulun sia, manorik ukun sia, no fukun adat sia. 6 Naꞌilulik ulun boot moos iha nia. Nia naran Hanas. Noo naꞌilulik seluk sia, mak Kayafas, Yohanis, no Aleksander. Hanas familin seluk sia moos iha nia. 7 Ema boot nia sia tama moon-metan tiꞌan, sia naruka ema baa nola Petrus no Yohanis atu mai nataa. Sia rua mai tiꞌan, ema boot sia nakusuk naꞌak, “Oin nunabee emi bele hadiꞌak hola ema ai asak nia? See mak foo beran nia baa emi?”\n8 Baa oras nia Maromak Kmalar Lulik babilan Petrus. Hotu Petrus nataa naꞌak,\n“Ama boot sia no fukun Israꞌel sia! Keta krakat kalo ami benar oda. 9 Ami horan ama sia atu nalo lia no ami, tan ami hadiꞌak hola ema ai asak neꞌe. Oras neꞌe, emi hakara hatene ami hadiꞌak hola ema nia hodi see beran? 10 Tan nunia, haꞌu kataa malorek nuneꞌe: Ama sia nanis sei nanoin Ema Nasaret naran Yesus. Nia, Kristus mak Naꞌi Maromak natudu kedan hori uluk. Masik emi hedi hoꞌo Nia baa ai karuus moos, Naꞌi Maromak nalo Nia moris nikar tiꞌan. Haꞌu kakara nebee ama sia no ema Israꞌel hotu-hotu hatene haꞌak, ami hadiꞌak hola ema ai asak nia hodi Yesus beran. 11 Maromak makoꞌan nakerek kedan hori uluk lia nosi Yesus neꞌe naꞌak,\n‘Noo fatuk ida mak badaen fatuk sia soe lerek tiꞌan.\nMais oras neꞌe fatuk nia dadi baa uma tatuur fatuk tiꞌan!’✡\n12 Iha raiklaran tomak, la noo dalan seluk mak bele sori ita nosi sala. Dalan mesak dei! Neꞌe, mak Yesus. Kalo lahoos Nia, la noo seluk mak bele sori ita.”\n13 Rona Petrus dale nunia, ema boot sia blaar, tan natene naꞌak Petrus no Yohanis nia, ema kiꞌik mak fatik lalek. Mais sia blaar tuan, tan sia rua matenek basuk dale Hakerek Moon isin. Ema boot sia moos natene sia rua tuir Yesus hori hirak nia. 14 Mais sia la bele dale waꞌin baa Petrus no Yohanis, tan ema ai asak mak diꞌak tiꞌan nia, nariik iha siakaan oin. 15 Tan lia nia, sia naruka Petrus no Yohanis naꞌak, “Sai heik lai!” Petrus no Yohanis sai tiꞌan, sia koꞌa lia buka dalan. 16 Sia katak baa malu naꞌak, “Mamaluk sia! Ita musti halo saa ho ema naꞌin rua neꞌe? Ema hotu-hotu iha Yerusalem natene sia rua mak nalo tadak neꞌe. Ita atu heli saa tenik, tan lia kakaer iha tiꞌan! 17 Diꞌak liu, ita buka dalan nebee lia neꞌe keta lema rai. Ita tarata taꞌuk sia no hakahik sia, nebee sia keta nanorin tenik lia Yesus. Kalo sia la tuir, sia lei naree!”\n18 Hotu, sia bolu nikar Petrus no Yohanis nodi katak naꞌak, “Sintidu! La bele hanorin tenik lia Yesus!”\n19 Mais Petrus no Yohanis nataa naꞌak, “Ama boot sia duꞌuk hanoin kokon baa. Nabee mak diꞌak? Tuir ama siakaan ukun ka, tuir Naꞌi Maromak ukun? 20 Ami naꞌin duꞌuk haree hodi matan no rona hodi tilun lia waꞌin tiꞌan. Nansaa ami musti taka ibun?!”\n21 Rona nola nunia, ema boot sia tarata nataꞌuk tenik Petrus no Yohanis. Mais sia la natene taa ukun oin nunabee. Kalo sia taa ukun, sia nataꞌuk ema waꞌin mak iha luan krakat sia. Ema waꞌin nia tonu-naboot Naꞌi Maromak, tan ema ai asak nia diꞌak tiꞌan. Tan sia la bele nalo sa-saa tenik, ema boot sia nabusik Petrus no Yohanis nunia dei. 22 (Ema nia, ain asak tinan haat nulu resin tiꞌan, foin bele laꞌo.)\nYesus eman sia namulak nebee nakbiit neon\n23 Ema boot sia nabusik Petrus no Yohanis sai tiꞌan, sia rua fila nikar baa siakaan mamaluk sia. Toꞌo nebaa, sia dale lia hotu-hotu mak ema boot sia badu baa sia. 24 Rona nola nunia, mamaluk sia libur malu nodi neon ida. Sia namulak naꞌak, “Naꞌi Maromak. Ita Boot mak haseꞌi laleꞌan no raiklaran no sa-saa hotu-hotu.✡ 25 Hori uluk, Ita Boot Kmalar Lulik foti Bei Daud nalo baa makoꞌan, nebee nia nakerek nela lia nosi ema sakar Yesus naꞌak:\n‘Ema nosi rai seluk krakat tan rona lia anin.\nSia tokar lauk tan lia mak la noo huun-dikin.\n26 Naꞌi raiklaran sia nadiꞌa roꞌat-meik atu natuda.\nUlun sia moos kabuar lia fuan atu sakar Naꞌi Maromak no Kristus mak Naꞌi Maromak boi kedan hori uluk.’✡\n27 Baa oras neꞌe, ami hatene tiꞌan Bei Daud niakaan hakerek nia, dadi ona. Lia nia isin moos malorek tiꞌan. Iha kota neꞌe, Naꞌi Herodes no Gubernur Pontius Pilatus namutuk no itakaan fukun Israꞌel sia, no tenik ema ulun seluk sia hotu-hotu kabuar lia atu sakar Yesus.✡ 28 Mais oras neꞌe ami hatene siakaan hahalok nia kona baa Ita Boot hakaran no Ita Boot lia kakotun hori uluk. 29 Ami hakroꞌan nebee Ita Boot mana netik ami, tan ema tarata nataꞌuk ami. Nebee Ita Boot hakbiit amikaan neon nebee ami baa katak Ita Boot Manfatin bodik ema hotu-hotu. 30 Nebee Ita Boot hatuun beran baa ami hodi hadiꞌak ema mak moras. No beran hodi halo tadak blaar, nebee ema natene beran nia nosi Ita Boot Eman Lulik, mak Yesus. Aaa Naꞌi Maromak! Amikaan hamulak, nunia dei.”\n31 Sia sei namulak, uma nia moos nakdoko. Maromak Kmalar Lulik moos tuun baa sia hotu-hotu. Nunia hotu, sia naberan aan baa katak Maromak Manfatin.\nYesus eman sia moris neon ida, laran ida\n32 Yesus eman sia hotu-hotu moris neon ida, laran ida. Sia ida-idak babilan nahan duꞌuk, nodi baa tau namutuk.✡ 33 Kristus klosan sia nodi Naꞌi Maromak beran boot, katak lia nosi Naꞌi Yesus moris nikar nosi mate. Naꞌi Maromak moos natuun matak-malirin naresin rua-ruan baa sia. 34-35 Noo ema mak faꞌan niakaan rai, lale, niakaan uma. Sia latan osan nia baa Kristus klosan sia nodi babilan ema waꞌin. Hodi nunia, la noo ema ida mak noran la toꞌo.\n36-37 Hatete baa Yusuf. Nia neꞌe, Lewi husar-binan nosi rai Siprus. Kristus klosan sia temi nia naꞌak ‘Barnabas’, tan naran nia naꞌak, ‘ema mak nakbiit maluk neon’. Nia baa faꞌan rai rohan ida, hotu nodi osan nia latan baa Kristus klosan sia.\n* 4:2 Ema nosi partee Saduki fiar naꞌak, ema mak mate tiꞌan la moris nikar. ✡ 4:11 Kananuk Sia 118:22 ✡ 4:24 Ema Israꞌel Sai Nosi Mesir 20:11; Nehemia 9:6; Kananuk Sia 146:6 ✡ 4:26 Kananuk Sia 2:1-2 ✡ 4:27 Mateus 27:1-2; Markus 15:1; Lukas 23:1,7-11; Yohanis 18:28-29 ✡ 4:32 Kristus Klosan Lian 2:44-45 | [
"Tetun Alkitab Kristus Klosan Lian 4 Kristus Klosan Lian 4 < > Ema boot sia kohi Petrus no Yohanis nodi baa moon-metan 1 Petrus no Yohanis sei dale baa ema lear nia, ema boot nain hira mai.",
"Sia mak nailulik, no makdaka rai ulun iha Uma Hamulak Huun, no ema partee Saduki sia.",
"2 Sia krakat Petrus no Yohanis tan sia katak baa ema naak, \"Yesus moris nikar, no loke dalan nebee ema mak mate moos bele moris nikar.\"* 3 Tan lia nia, sia naruka ema kohi sia rua mai nataa iha moon-metan.",
"Mais tan loro atu monu ona, la noo leet tian atu leno siakaan lia.",
"Tan baa nia, sia natama Petrus no Yohanis baa bui too awan, foin bele leno.",
"4 Mais ema wain mak rona Petrus no Yohanis dalen, sia fiar naak tebes.",
"Tan baa nia, Yesus eman makfiar sia hetak wain tuan, nareis ema rihun lima.",
"5 Baa seisawan, ema boot Yahudi sia libur malu iha kota Yerusalem atu nalo moon-metan.",
"Sia mak nailulik ulun sia, manorik ukun sia, no fukun adat sia.",
"6 Nailulik ulun boot moos iha nia.",
"Nia naran Hanas.",
"Noo nailulik seluk sia, mak Kayafas, Yohanis, no Aleksander.",
"Hanas familin seluk sia moos iha nia.",
"7 Ema boot nia sia tama moon-metan tian, sia naruka ema baa nola Petrus no Yohanis atu mai nataa.",
"Sia rua mai tian, ema boot sia nakusuk naak, \"Oin nunabee emi bele hadiak hola ema ai asak nia?",
"See mak foo beran nia baa emi?\"",
"8 Baa oras nia Maromak Kmalar Lulik babilan Petrus.",
"Hotu Petrus nataa naak, \"Ama boot sia no fukun Israel sia!",
"Keta krakat kalo ami benar oda.",
"9 Ami horan ama sia atu nalo lia no ami, tan ami hadiak hola ema ai asak nee.",
"Oras nee, emi hakara hatene ami hadiak hola ema nia hodi see beran?",
"10 Tan nunia, hau kataa malorek nunee: Ama sia nanis sei nanoin Ema Nasaret naran Yesus.",
"Nia, Kristus mak Nai Maromak natudu kedan hori uluk.",
"Masik emi hedi hoo Nia baa ai karuus moos, Nai Maromak nalo Nia moris nikar tian.",
"Hau kakara nebee ama sia no ema Israel hotu-hotu hatene haak, ami hadiak hola ema ai asak nia hodi Yesus beran.",
"11 Maromak makoan nakerek kedan hori uluk lia nosi Yesus nee naak, 'Noo fatuk ida mak badaen fatuk sia soe lerek tian.",
"Mais oras nee fatuk nia dadi baa uma tatuur fatuk tian!' 12 Iha raiklaran tomak, la noo dalan seluk mak bele sori ita nosi sala.",
"Dalan mesak dei!",
"Nee, mak Yesus.",
"Kalo lahoos Nia, la noo seluk mak bele sori ita.\"",
"13 Rona Petrus dale nunia, ema boot sia blaar, tan natene naak Petrus no Yohanis nia, ema kiik mak fatik lalek.",
"Mais sia blaar tuan, tan sia rua matenek basuk dale Hakerek Moon isin.",
"Ema boot sia moos natene sia rua tuir Yesus hori hirak nia.",
"14 Mais sia la bele dale wain baa Petrus no Yohanis, tan ema ai asak mak diak tian nia, nariik iha siakaan oin.",
"15 Tan lia nia, sia naruka Petrus no Yohanis naak, \"Sai heik lai!\"",
"Petrus no Yohanis sai tian, sia koa lia buka dalan.",
"16 Sia katak baa malu naak, \"Mamaluk sia!",
"Ita musti halo saa ho ema nain rua nee?",
"Ema hotu-hotu iha Yerusalem natene sia rua mak nalo tadak nee.",
"Ita atu heli saa tenik, tan lia kakaer iha tian!",
"17 Diak liu, ita buka dalan nebee lia nee keta lema rai.",
"Ita tarata tauk sia no hakahik sia, nebee sia keta nanorin tenik lia Yesus.",
"Kalo sia la tuir, sia lei naree!\"",
"18 Hotu, sia bolu nikar Petrus no Yohanis nodi katak naak, \"Sintidu!",
"La bele hanorin tenik lia Yesus!\"",
"19 Mais Petrus no Yohanis nataa naak, \"Ama boot sia duuk hanoin kokon baa.",
"Nabee mak diak?",
"Tuir ama siakaan ukun ka, tuir Nai Maromak ukun?",
"20 Ami nain duuk haree hodi matan no rona hodi tilun lia wain tian.",
"Nansaa ami musti taka ibun?!\"",
"21 Rona nola nunia, ema boot sia tarata natauk tenik Petrus no Yohanis.",
"Mais sia la natene taa ukun oin nunabee.",
"Kalo sia taa ukun, sia natauk ema wain mak iha luan krakat sia.",
"Ema wain nia tonu-naboot Nai Maromak, tan ema ai asak nia diak tian.",
"Tan sia la bele nalo sa-saa tenik, ema boot sia nabusik Petrus no Yohanis nunia dei.",
"22 (Ema nia, ain asak tinan haat nulu resin tian, foin bele lao.)",
"Yesus eman sia namulak nebee nakbiit neon 23 Ema boot sia nabusik Petrus no Yohanis sai tian, sia rua fila nikar baa siakaan mamaluk sia.",
"Too nebaa, sia dale lia hotu-hotu mak ema boot sia badu baa sia.",
"24 Rona nola nunia, mamaluk sia libur malu nodi neon ida.",
"Sia namulak naak, \"Nai Maromak.",
"Ita Boot mak hasei lalean no raiklaran no sa-saa hotu-hotu. 25 Hori uluk, Ita Boot Kmalar Lulik foti Bei Daud nalo baa makoan, nebee nia nakerek nela lia nosi ema sakar Yesus naak: 'Ema nosi rai seluk krakat tan rona lia anin.",
"Sia tokar lauk tan lia mak la noo huun-dikin.",
"26 Nai raiklaran sia nadia roat-meik atu natuda.",
"Ulun sia moos kabuar lia fuan atu sakar Nai Maromak no Kristus mak Nai Maromak boi kedan hori uluk.' 27 Baa oras nee, ami hatene tian Bei Daud niakaan hakerek nia, dadi ona.",
"Lia nia isin moos malorek tian.",
"Iha kota nee, Nai Herodes no Gubernur Pontius Pilatus namutuk no itakaan fukun Israel sia, no tenik ema ulun seluk sia hotu-hotu kabuar lia atu sakar Yesus. 28 Mais oras nee ami hatene siakaan hahalok nia kona baa Ita Boot hakaran no Ita Boot lia kakotun hori uluk.",
"29 Ami hakroan nebee Ita Boot mana netik ami, tan ema tarata natauk ami.",
"Nebee Ita Boot hakbiit amikaan neon nebee ami baa katak Ita Boot Manfatin bodik ema hotu-hotu.",
"30 Nebee Ita Boot hatuun beran baa ami hodi hadiak ema mak moras.",
"No beran hodi halo tadak blaar, nebee ema natene beran nia nosi Ita Boot Eman Lulik, mak Yesus.",
"Aaa Nai Maromak!",
"Amikaan hamulak, nunia dei.\"",
"31 Sia sei namulak, uma nia moos nakdoko.",
"Maromak Kmalar Lulik moos tuun baa sia hotu-hotu.",
"Nunia hotu, sia naberan aan baa katak Maromak Manfatin.",
"Yesus eman sia moris neon ida, laran ida 32 Yesus eman sia hotu-hotu moris neon ida, laran ida.",
"Sia ida-idak babilan nahan duuk, nodi baa tau namutuk. 33 Kristus klosan sia nodi Nai Maromak beran boot, katak lia nosi Nai Yesus moris nikar nosi mate.",
"Nai Maromak moos natuun matak-malirin naresin rua-ruan baa sia.",
"34-35 Noo ema mak faan niakaan rai, lale, niakaan uma.",
"Sia latan osan nia baa Kristus klosan sia nodi babilan ema wain.",
"Hodi nunia, la noo ema ida mak noran la too.",
"36-37 Hatete baa Yusuf.",
"Nia nee, Lewi husar-binan nosi rai Siprus.",
"Kristus klosan sia temi nia naak 'Barnabas', tan naran nia naak, 'ema mak nakbiit maluk neon'.",
"Nia baa faan rai rohan ida, hotu nodi osan nia latan baa Kristus klosan sia. * 4:2 Ema nosi partee Saduki fiar naak, ema mak mate tian la moris nikar. 4:11 Kananuk Sia 118:22 4:24 Ema Israel Sai Nosi Mesir 20:11; Nehemia 9:6; Kananuk Sia 146:6 4:26 Kananuk Sia 2:1-2 4:27 Mateus 27:1-2; Markus 15:1; Lukas 23:1,7-11; Yohanis 18:28-29 4:32 Kristus Klosan Lian 2:44-45"
] | [
"1 Peter and John will come to the people who know them, they are great men. The Bible Christ Closing Chapter Four < > Jesus said unto him: “I am a man of God.”"
"The Sadducees were the ones who did not believe and beat their heads in God' s Temple."
"2 And he called Peter and John, saying unto them that were with him: Jesus is risen from the dead; for this openeth a way whereby those who are in death may live again."
"Mais tan loro atu monu ona, la noo leet tian tau lenco siakaan lia."
"For he took Peter and John with him into the cave until it was dark, that they might eat."
"4 But the wine-drinkers, when they heard Peter and John speaking in this manner to them of their own faith were troubled."
"But Jesus forgive them, and they were saved. He gave a thousand talents of wine to the fifteen-thousend people who had received it from him;"
"5 At that time, the Jews’ leaders gathered in Jerusalem to take over."
"They have not covered their heads, they are no longer rulers of the land and do nothing to change its custom."
"6 There was no great head in him."
"His name was Hanas, and his wife' s names were Hannah."
"The other three were Caiaphas, John and Alexander. And they came to Jesus in the same way as he had come before them:"
"Hanas also had a family of his own living in it."
"7 The great man went in to the moon-metan, and he sent men like Peter & John."
"When they came, the old man nakedly said: \"How can I help you buy me a piece of bread?"
"What is it that you want me to eat?\""
"8 The God of the hour kmalar Lulik babilan Peter."
"Then Peter answered, \"The greatest of all is not Israel!"
"Keta krakat kalo ami benar oda. keta krakat kolo am bener od"
"9 We have hired a father to take care of us, for we are better off buying the seeds."
"Now, how do I know if we can improve people's lives to make them better?"
"10 Therefore I tell you this: We shall also bear the name of Jesus, who is from Nazareth."
"He is the Christ whom God revealed to us at first."
"But when I threw him into the wood, God took his life away from me."
"I know well, as our fathers and all the people of Israel also do: that we have been made to be a fruitful tree for Jesus Christ."
"10 Jesus said to him, \"Isn't this the stone that you are looking for?\" He replied: “No.”"
"12 In all the world, there is no other way to show us what we are wrong."
"The roads are crazy!"
"No, my God."
"If we do not have Him, no one else can show us.\""
"13 When Peter heard it, the great men were dismayed; but not so much as those who had seen both John and Petrus."
"But their leaves are old, and they have no clues about the origin of Hakerek Moon."
"The two elders also followed Jesus in these days."
"14 And they could not keep the wine for Peter and John, because a man who had seen him before stood in front of them."
"15 And he said to Peter and John, \"Get out of my way!\""
"Peter no John went after him, and they found the way."
"16 And the frog was ashamed, and said unto herself: \"Woe to you!"
"Should we do anything wrong with these two people?"
"And all the people in Jerusalem thought that it was two men who had taken away this tadak."
"Let us hear the sound of your voice, for it is a loud cry in our heart!"
"17 Rather, let us find a way that this word will not be lost."
"It is not easy for us to see the truth, but we can do so by looking at Jesus’ words."
"Kalo sia la tuir, ia lei naree!\""
"18 Then Peter and John called out to him, saying: \"Hear me!"
"I can't teach you the words of Jesus!\""
"19 But Peter and John answered, saying to him: \"Our Father is in the heavens."
"Are you all right?"
"Do you rule according to your father’s will, or the law of God?"
"20 We have seen with our eyes, and heard by the fingers of Our hands."
"Nansaa ami musti taka ibun?!\""
"21 And when the rulers heard this, they went away and said to Peter no John."
"But it is not natene taa ukun oin nunabee."
"If we are kings, then the wine will be sold to people who have a lot of money in their pockets."
"God is the wine-maker's friend, for he who has matured fruit will enjoy it."
"Because they couldn't take any of the money, he took Peter and John with him."
"21 (And she was four hundred and ten years old, when he began to walk.)"
"23 And the elders took Peter and John with them, so that they went out to see him."
"Too nebaa, sia dale lia hotu-hotu mak ema boot Sia badu baa nia."
"24 And hearing this, they gathered themselves together without saying a word."
"They prayed, \"Our Lord. Our God.\""
"25 And before that, the Lord our God took David's house and brought it to him; which he cut down with a knife. He said unto them who had heard of Jesus: 'The people are afraid when they hear his words.\""
"She would throw away her fish, but she didn't drink the water."
"26 Thee raiklaran sia nadia roat-meik atu natuda."
"26 And I also have been told to reject the Lord God, and Christ is a godly beast of old time.'"
"His body was so sore."
"27 And there was in the city Herod and Pontius Pilate, who ruled over them: they put to death all Israel; also were gathered together every chief man of Judah that he might be slain."
"29 We do what you have commanded us, and no one can destroy it."
"If You will grant us the peace we have promised, then you are our Lord and Savior."
"30 And when we were sick, you sent us to heal those who are diseased."
"And he did not wear it to make the blaar that was worn by him appear, but wearing our Lord and Savior Jesus."
"Aaa Nai Maromak! - O Lord God of heavens and earth."
"Amikaan hamulak, nunia dei.\""
"31 She shall mourn, and her house also will be desolate."
"The Lord Jesus Christ also came down to all of us."
"Then all, sia naberan aan baa katak Allah Manfatin."
"32 Jesus gave to all his disciples one life, a single heart."
"32 But Christ is our Lord and God, the Word of Jesus that he did not live nor die."
"The Lord will send a storm of fire and rain on you."
"34 And they sold on the land, and in their houses."
"She laid her money on Christ, and she became a virgin."
"Therefore, there is not a single person who has no desires."
"36 He didn’t kill Joseph. Hatete baa Yusuf (Joseph did not die)."
"These are the Levitical centurions of Cyprus."
"Christ called his brother Barnabas, because of the name he was given: 'the one who strengthens our fellows'."
"* 4:2 The Sadducees and the unbelievers were those who died, but did not live forever. (Luke)*10 He sold a large plot of land with all its money given to Christ his Savior.*(Matthew), which he gave as gifts in exchange against His life on this earth.[b]"
] |
MAP sei fasilita formasaun ba diversifikasaun nuu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EKONOMIA MAP sei fasilita formasaun ba diversifikasaun nuu\nDILI, 05 maiu 2020 (TATOLI)–Ministériu Agrikultura Peska (MAP), liuhosi Diresaun Agro-Komérsiu no Kooperasaun Setór Privadu, servisu hamutuk ho Embaixada Indonézia, sei fó formasaun iha área diversifiksaun nuu.\n“Ha’u rasik maka husu sira atubele fasilita formasaun ida ba setór privadu, instituisaun relevante no parseiru sira atu haree investimentu iha nuu ne’ebé sei sai indústria boot atu responde ba krize ai-han ne’ebé mak ita hasoru tanba populasaun idade tinan 25 to’o 50 aumenta ba bebeik,” Diretór Agro-Komérsiu no Koopersaun Setór Privadu Ministériu Agrikultura no Peska, Fernando Egidio Amaral, informa ba Agência TATOLI, via telefónika, kuarta ne’e.\nTanba ne’e, MAP halo hela preparasaun tékniku tanba formasaun ne’ebé foku ba produsaun no indústria iha merkadu sei iha ninia kontinuidade.\nNia esplika, iha formasaun produsaun sei foka no fó importánsia ba agrikultura no hasa’e koñesimentu formandu kona-ba prátika agrikultura kuda nuu no prátika agrikutura hodi diversifika ai-han nutrisaun ho materiál prima nuu.\nTuir Diretór ne’e, formasaun sei envolve péritu sira hosi Indonezia Tailándia.\n“Ita hatene Tailándia ne’e nu’udar nasaun avansadu iha smart agriculture, ho ida-ne’e péritu no instrutór sira sei fó matéria kompletu iha formasaun hodi bele implementa iha prátika agrikultura di’ak, liu-liu atu kuda nuu ba oin no bele fó benefísiu ba ita,” nia akresenta.\nEntretantu, formasaun kapasitasaun iha diverifikasaun nuu sei realiza hahú loron 20 maiu liuhosi vídeo konferénsia.\nPrevious articleGovernu transforma ona kuarentena lima ba izolamentu\nNext articlePopulasaun 85% iha territóriu nasionál simu ona Cesta Bázika | [
"MAP sei fasilita formasaun ba diversifikasaun nuu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA MAP sei fasilita formasaun ba diversifikasaun nuu DILI, 05 maiu 2020 (TATOLI) -Ministeriu Agrikultura Peska (MAP), liuhosi Diresaun Agro-Komersiu no Kooperasaun Setor Privadu, servisu hamutuk ho Embaixada Indonezia, sei fo formasaun iha area diversifiksaun nuu.",
"\"Ha'u rasik maka husu sira atubele fasilita formasaun ida ba setor privadu, instituisaun relevante no parseiru sira atu haree investimentu iha nuu ne'ebe sei sai industria boot atu responde ba krize ai-han ne'ebe mak ita hasoru tanba populasaun idade tinan 25 to'o 50 aumenta ba bebeik,\" Diretor Agro-Komersiu no Koopersaun Setor Privadu Ministeriu Agrikultura no Peska, Fernando Egidio Amaral, informa ba Agencia TATOLI, via telefonika, kuarta ne'e.",
"Tanba ne'e, MAP halo hela preparasaun tekniku tanba formasaun ne'ebe foku ba produsaun no industria iha merkadu sei iha ninia kontinuidade.",
"Nia esplika, iha formasaun produsaun sei foka no fo importansia ba agrikultura no hasa'e konesimentu formandu kona-ba pratika agrikultura kuda nuu no pratika agrikutura hodi diversifika ai-han nutrisaun ho material prima nuu.",
"Tuir Diretor ne'e, formasaun sei envolve peritu sira hosi Indonezia Tailandia.",
"\"Ita hatene Tailandia ne'e nu'udar nasaun avansadu iha smart agriculture, ho ida-ne'e peritu no instrutor sira sei fo materia kompletu iha formasaun hodi bele implementa iha pratika agrikultura di'ak, liu-liu atu kuda nuu ba oin no bele fo benefisiu ba ita,\" nia akresenta.",
"Entretantu, formasaun kapasitasaun iha diverifikasaun nuu sei realiza hahu loron 20 maiu liuhosi video konferensia.",
"Previous articleGovernu transforma ona kuarentena lima ba izolamentu Next articlePopulasaun 85% iha territoriu nasional simu ona Cesta Bazika"
] | [
"MAP will facilitate training for fish diversification | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EKONOMIA Map to Facilitate Training For Fish Diversifying Dili, May.05th (UNTL) - The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries through the Directorate on Agribusiness & Private Sector Cooperation in collaboration with Indonesia’s Embassy is providing educational support regarding fisheries diversity activities at a regional level as part from its efforts towards enhancing agriculture productivity by promoting diversified food production systems across all areas including farmland management; forestry development projects"
"\"I personally asked them to facilitate training for the private sector, relevant institutions and partners in order that they can look at investments into nuts which will become a big industry as we face our food crisis because of an increasing population between 25-and -40 years old\", Director Agrocomercio e Cooperação do Setor Privado da Ministério de Agricultura y Pesca Fernando Egidio Amaral told Agência Estado via telephone on Tuesday."
"Therefore, MAP is making technical preparations because training focused on production and industry in the market will have its continuity."
"He explained that the production training will focus on and give importance to agriculture, raising trainees' knowledge of agricultural practices in cultivating nuts. The aim is also for them as well: diversify food nutrition with nut raw materials by farming seedlings from locally grown crops"
"According to the Director, training will involve experts from Indonesia and Thailand."
"\"We know Thailand is an advanced country in smart agriculture, with this experts and instructors will give complete material for training to be implemented into good agricultural practice. Especially so that we can grow nuts ahead of time which could benefit us.\""
"Meanwhile, capacity building training in nut diversification will be conducted starting on May 20 through video conferencing."
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Timor Oan Okupa Primeiru Lugar – STL Online\nTimor Oan Okupa Primeiru Lugar\nTimor Leste mak sai uma nain ba iha atleta Marathon internasional 2017 iha Dili neebe halai iha kategori full 42 km mane no feto Timor oan okupa hotu iha primeiru lugar nee hatudu katak Timor oan mos bele.\nTuir Romenio De deus Maia hateten nia sente sente orguillu tebes sai primeiru Lugar iha eventu nee, maibe iha tempu nee ho manas, nia esforsu an katak Timor Leste mos bele. Maske eventu internasional maibe Timor oan mos sai nudar atleta ida internasional.\nHau mos esforsu an katak hau mos bele, needuni Timor oan mos tenke hatudu ba mundu internasional katak ita mos bele. Neebe atleta Romenio halai lalais ho oras 02.26 menit, 47 detik,”dehan atleta Romenio ba STL iha Palasiu Governu, Sabadu (19/08/2017).\nDepois lahaluha hatoo hau nia agradese ba nia treinador neebe durante nee akonpaina nia iha terenu hanesan halai sae foho tun foho no halai tama mota kuak ai kuak no rai nakukun no udan no loro manas no nia treinador sira nunka husik nia mesak.\nHanesan bibi atan ida karik tuir nia durante iha fulan sanulu nia laran nomos sempre akonpaina iha oras sai no oras tama maske lahare ba udan boot no loro manas maibe sira iha vontadi no disiplika hodi tuir treinamentu neebe hatudu rezultadu TL sai nudar premeiru lugar iha eventu Dili marathon 2017.\nhau mos agradese mos ba familia tomak maske durante fulan sanulu hau nunka besik sira no hadook an husi sira tanba hakarak sai ema nebe diak non konesidu entaun hau tenki husik familia sira para hau bele focus ba hau nia terenu nee, signifika laos atu husik no haluha sira maibe familia sira sempre iha hau nia fuan.\nIda nee mak liu husi hau nia esforsu an tomak no treinador nia motivasaun mak ohin loron sai premeiru lugar ba iha eventu Dili marathon 2017. Nomos familia sira rona no hare hau ohin sai primeiru lugar ba iha eventu ida nee hau sente sira mos kontente tebes bainhira sira hare hau mak sai vensedor ba iha eventu ida nee.\nIha eventu Dili marathon 2017, 42 km mane nebe okupa iha segundu lugar husi atleta internasional Kenya Stephen ho oras 02.33 menit 12 detik no terseiru lugar okupa husi Timor oan Jeferino hop oras 02.43 minit 37 detik.\nIha fatin hanesan atleta Feto Nelia Martins hateten uluk nanain hau agadese ba Aman Maromak nomos ba hau nia treinadora Odete Belo nebe durante nee fo treinu hau, no hau sente orguilhu tebes tanba eventu nee hahu partisipa ba dala rua nian, ida ohin nian hau hetan primeiru lugar hau sente ho orguilho tebes.\nTanba hau nia preparasaun diak ba iha eventu nee ho loron naruk nemak ohin loron hau bele hetan no okupa iha premeiru lugar. Maske ami nia treinu nee hasoru ho dezefius buat barak maibe nafatin esforsu an no lahare ba iha tenpu hanesan kalan no loron manas,udan. Ami sempre fo ami nia an ba iha tempu terenu nian.\nIha futuru mai sei fo ami nia tenpu hodi tuir terenu nee atu bele preparasaun ho diak liu tan atu bele hein fali eventu nebe sei tuir mai. no ami sei hadia baut nebe ma kami nia frakeza liu-liu iha oras nian atu nunee bele iha future mai bele halai ho ras minimu liu tan.\nNunee mos treinadora atleta Odete Belo hateten “hau sente orguilhu ba hau nia atleta sira nebe mak ohin hatudu sira nia rezultadu ho diak sai hanesan premeiru lugar ba iha 42 km nian. ida nee hanesan liu husi ami nia esforsu nebe iha terenu mak ohin loron hatudu duni katak Timor oan mos bele nee hanesan reprejenta nasaun Timor leste nina. Nomos parabens ba atleta sira liu-liu ba iha Timor oan sira no atleta internasional sira nebe mak fo ona sira nia tempu mai tuir eventu ida nee. EST 3\nPrevious article Treinador Protesta Ba Komisaun Dili Marathon\nNext article Governu Apoiu Rihun USD 50 Ba Dili Marathon | [
"Timor Oan Okupa Primeiru Lugar - STL Online Timor Oan Okupa Primeiru Lugar Timor Leste mak sai uma nain ba iha atleta Marathon internasional 2017 iha Dili neebe halai iha kategori full 42 km mane no feto Timor oan okupa hotu iha primeiru lugar nee hatudu katak Timor oan mos bele.",
"Tuir Romenio De deus Maia hateten nia sente sente orguillu tebes sai primeiru Lugar iha eventu nee, maibe iha tempu nee ho manas, nia esforsu an katak Timor Leste mos bele.",
"Maske eventu internasional maibe Timor oan mos sai nudar atleta ida internasional.",
"Hau mos esforsu an katak hau mos bele, needuni Timor oan mos tenke hatudu ba mundu internasional katak ita mos bele.",
"Neebe atleta Romenio halai lalais ho oras 02.26 menit, 47 detik,\"dehan atleta Romenio ba STL iha Palasiu Governu, Sabadu (19/08/2017).",
"Depois lahaluha hatoo hau nia agradese ba nia treinador neebe durante nee akonpaina nia iha terenu hanesan halai sae foho tun foho no halai tama mota kuak ai kuak no rai nakukun no udan no loro manas no nia treinador sira nunka husik nia mesak.",
"Hanesan bibi atan ida karik tuir nia durante iha fulan sanulu nia laran nomos sempre akonpaina iha oras sai no oras tama maske lahare ba udan boot no loro manas maibe sira iha vontadi no disiplika hodi tuir treinamentu neebe hatudu rezultadu TL sai nudar premeiru lugar iha eventu Dili marathon 2017. hau mos agradese mos ba familia tomak maske durante fulan sanulu hau nunka besik sira no hadook an husi sira tanba hakarak sai ema nebe diak non konesidu entaun hau tenki husik familia sira para hau bele focus ba hau nia terenu nee, signifika laos atu husik no haluha sira maibe familia sira sempre iha hau nia fuan.",
"Ida nee mak liu husi hau nia esforsu an tomak no treinador nia motivasaun mak ohin loron sai premeiru lugar ba iha eventu Dili marathon 2017.",
"Nomos familia sira rona no hare hau ohin sai primeiru lugar ba iha eventu ida nee hau sente sira mos kontente tebes bainhira sira hare hau mak sai vensedor ba iha eventu ida nee.",
"Iha eventu Dili marathon 2017, 42 km mane nebe okupa iha segundu lugar husi atleta internasional Kenya Stephen ho oras 02.33 menit 12 detik no terseiru lugar okupa husi Timor oan Jeferino hop oras 02.43 minit 37 detik.",
"Iha fatin hanesan atleta Feto Nelia Martins hateten uluk nanain hau agadese ba Aman Maromak nomos ba hau nia treinadora Odete Belo nebe durante nee fo treinu hau, no hau sente orguilhu tebes tanba eventu nee hahu partisipa ba dala rua nian, ida ohin nian hau hetan primeiru lugar hau sente ho orguilho tebes.",
"Tanba hau nia preparasaun diak ba iha eventu nee ho loron naruk nemak ohin loron hau bele hetan no okupa iha premeiru lugar.",
"Maske ami nia treinu nee hasoru ho dezefius buat barak maibe nafatin esforsu an no lahare ba iha tenpu hanesan kalan no loron manas,udan.",
"Ami sempre fo ami nia an ba iha tempu terenu nian.",
"Iha futuru mai sei fo ami nia tenpu hodi tuir terenu nee atu bele preparasaun ho diak liu tan atu bele hein fali eventu nebe sei tuir mai. no ami sei hadia baut nebe ma kami nia frakeza liu-liu iha oras nian atu nunee bele iha future mai bele halai ho ras minimu liu tan.",
"Nunee mos treinadora atleta Odete Belo hateten \"hau sente orguilhu ba hau nia atleta sira nebe mak ohin hatudu sira nia rezultadu ho diak sai hanesan premeiru lugar ba iha 42 km nian. ida nee hanesan liu husi ami nia esforsu nebe iha terenu mak ohin loron hatudu duni katak Timor oan mos bele nee hanesan reprejenta nasaun Timor leste nina.",
"Nomos parabens ba atleta sira liu-liu ba iha Timor oan sira no atleta internasional sira nebe mak fo ona sira nia tempu mai tuir eventu ida nee.",
"EST 3 Previous article Treinador Protesta Ba Komisaun Dili Marathon Next article Governu Apoiu Rihun USD 50 Ba Dili Marathon"
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"Timor Oan Okupa Primeira Lugar - STL Online East-Timor's athletes take first place at the 2017 International Marathon in Dili, which was held on Saturday and Sunday. Both men’ s full distance (43 km) race took part with all of them finishing atop that showed they can do it too!"
"According to Romenio De deus Maia, he feels very proud of being first place in the event. But at this time with a great dedication and commitment for his teammates that Timor-Leste can do it too!"
"Despite the international event, Timorese athletes have made their mark as well."
"I have also tried to show that i can do it too, not only Timorese people but the international world must see we are able."
"The Romanian athlete ran faster with a time of 02:19 minutes,\" the Rumanian said to STL in Government Palace on Saturday (August."
"After the speech, I thanked his coaches for accompanying him throughout this time in field as he walks uphill and down hills to get into waterfalls with rocky terrain that is very wet. His trainers never leaved her alone during rain or cold weather conditions because they are always there when she needs them most of all!"
"As a runner I would follow him throughout the ten months and always accompanied in his time out, even though it rained heavily but they had willpower to take training which result TL took first place at Dili marathon event. i also thank all my family because during those nine month of running im never closer or separated from them as if wanting be better people not connecting so am leaving their families for me focus on mine fields meaning that isn't about abandonment nor neglect your parents are with you everywhere"
"It was through my hard work and the motivation of our coach that I finished in first place at Dili marathon event."
"My family listened and saw me today in first place for this event. I feel they are very happy when seeing that i was the winner of these events ,"
"In the Dili marathon 2017 event, men's (43 km) second place was occupied by international Kenya athlete Stephen with a time of."
"In the same way as Feto athlete Nelia Martins said before I was born, i thank God and my coach Odete Belo who trained me during this time. And im very proud because it is second participation in an event like that today 1st place which makes you feel so prideful!"
"Because of my good preparation for this event with a long day today I was able to get and occupy the first place."
"Even though our training encountered many challenges but we still strived and worked hard in the weather such as nights, hot days or rain."
"We always devote ourselves to the field time."
"In the future we will give ourselves time to follow this field so that you can prepare better and wait for next event. And I'll fix what was my biggest flaw especially in terms of speed, which is why it would be possible with a minimum crash rate at any given moment on courses like these!"
"Also the athlete coach Odete Belo said \"I am proud of my Athletes who today showed their results with good finishing in first place for 42 km. this is as through our efforts that we are on field which shows us to be Timorese can also represent country east timor nina.\""
"Our congratulations to the athletes, especially those from Timor and internationally who have given their time for this event."
"Previous article Trainer Protests Dili Marathon Commission Next artikel Government Support USD 50,127.69 For the Delhi Maratona"
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Robert Nia Blog: Timor Leste iha Istoria 1520-2005\nRobert Nia Blog\nTimor Leste iha Istoria 1520-2005\nTinan 10 ona maka Timor Leste husik an husi kolonialismo. To’o konkista nia Independensia iha loron 20 Maio 2002, Timor Leste oras nee tama ona ba paises nebe joven liu iha Planeta, Parte Leste rai Timor, ilha sudeste Asiatico, no ohin loron hanaran Repúblika Demokratika Timor Leste, Hafoin domina husi kolonialismo sira durante seclo lima nia laran\nBa maluk sira nebe hakarak hatene Istoria Timor Leste ninian lee deit kronologia nee.\n1520- Entreposto Portugues\nEma Portugueses, hanesan ema Europeia Primeiro nebe kolonia sudeste asiatiku, monta entreposto komersiais iha ilha Timor ho hare sandalo ka ai kameli. Tamba ai kameli nudar ai ida nebe ho folin aas no iha komersio nian hodi utiliza ba fabrika moveis nebe luxo, no halo mina morin.\n1613 - Dominação holandesa\nHolandes halo funu contra Espana no portugal, Espana desembarca cidade Kupang no domina parte ocidental ilha Timor, Teritorio nee aktual hanaran Timor-Oeste.\n1859 - Timor dividido, Iha loron 20 Abril, Portugal no Holanda fahe Ilha Timor ba kolonia rua, Holanda ukun parte Oeste no Portugal ukun parte Leste. Tratado nee foin halao iha tinan 1861 no dekada ida tuir 1914 mai definida fronteirasTimor.\n1942- Invasão Japonesa. Iha Segunda guerra, Japaun Invade, Timor sai ilha disputa husi Australia, to’o iha tinan 1945 Portugal domina Parte oriental. No parte Oeste passa ba provinsia Indonesia.\n1974- Revolusaun dos Cravos. Iha loron 25 Abril 1974 mosu revolusaun boot husi kolonia Portuguesa hodi hatun junta militar portugal. Sinal diak ba rai kolonia sira atu bele ukun an.\n11 Maio Forma Uniaun Demokratiku Timorense (UDT)\n20 Maio 1974 Partido ASDT funda hodi responde revolusaun dos Cravos 25 Abril 1974. Iha loron 11 Setembro 1974 ASDT muda naran ba Fretilin (Frente revulusionaria Timor leste independente) ho nia Presidente Fransisco Xavier do Amaral no Nicolau Lobatu nudar Secretario Geral.\n27 Maio Funda Assosiasaun popular Demokratika Timor (APODETI).\nIha Julho Embaisador Indonesia nian iha Bruxelas Franz Seda Visita Portugal\nIha Setembro Primeiro Ministro Australia Inkontro ho Jeneral Soeharto hodi ekpresa apoio Integrasaun Timor Leste ba Indonesia\n14 Novembro Lemos Pires assume Cargo Guvernador no chefe komandante iha Timor.\n1975- Primeira Independência ,\nIha 20 Janeiro UDT ho Fretilin halo koligasaun koalia konaba proseso autonomia ida ba Timor Leste durante Tinan 5-10 molok hetan Independensia loloos.\n09 Marsu delegasaun Portugal ho Indonesia halo reuniaun iha Loundres hodi deskute kestaun Timor Leste.\n20 Maio Fretilin halo manifestasaun primiero Aniversario iha Dili.\n27 Maio UDT rompe kolegasaun ho FRETILIN\n05 Junho primeiraves Portugal komunika informasaun ba UNO konaba Timor Leste\n17 Junho Suharto Visita Estadus Unidus Amerika hodi esplika konaba apoio Amerika nian ba Indonesia hodi halo Invasaun mai Timor Leste.\n26 Junho Manifestasaun UDT iha Dili konaba cimeira ida iha rai Macau nebe representa partidos Timorense.\n17 Julho Promulgasaun lei no 7/75 nebe defini prosesu dekolonizasaun Timor Leste.\n10-11 Agostu UDT lansa golpe armada hodi hetan poder ba ukun Timor\n20 Agostu FRETILIN halo kontra golpe no Forca Armada ba libertasaun Nasional, Falintil sai liman kroat no lutu nasaun nian, Nikolau Lobatu sai nudar Primeira Komandante FALINTIL.\n26 Agosto Administrasaun Portuguesa nian sai husi Dili no muda ba Atauro\n27 Agostu UDT husik hela Dili no desloka ba Likisa\n16 Outobro Tropas Indonesia tama iha Batugade, Jornalista Australiano nain lima mate\n14 Novembro Exersito Indonesia komesa Ataka Atabae\n27 Novembro negosiasaun Portugal ho Partidos timorense iha Darwin atu boikota Indonesia\n28 Novembro, Tinan ida hafoin Revolusaun dos Cravos no ikus husi ditadura Portugal, Fretilin deklara Independensia hafoin manan luta contra golpe UDT.\n29 Novembro , Portugal la rekonhese Independensia unilateral nomos inegrasaun nebe maka partido iha Timor halo.\n30 Novembro Representante UDT,APODETI,KOTA (Klibur Oan Timor Aswain) no Partido Trabalhista assina Proklamasaun Integrasaun hanaran deklarasaun Balibo hodi defende Integrasaun Timor Leste ba Indonesia.\n06 Desembro Presidente Norte Amerikano Gerald Ford ho nia secretario estado Kenry Kissinger enkrontro ho Suharto para halo asaun rapida no drastika hasoru Timor Leste.\n07 Desembro Forca Indonesia halao Operasaun Komodo no Invade Timor Leste.\n12 Desembro Asembleia geral ONU hasai resulusaun no 3485 kondena Intervesaun military Indonesia iha Timor Leste.\n22 Desembro Konselu siguransa ONU Vota unanimidade resulusaun no 384 kondena Invasaun mai Timor leste no husu imediata retira forca invasor.\n1976 - Invasão indonésia, iha 20-22 Janeiro enviado especial Secretario jeral ONU Vittorio Guicciardi, Visita Timor-Leste\nIha ditadura Suharto nian, Indonesia Anexa Timor Leste, no ignora Guverno Portugues nomos ONU. Nunee haruka tropas Indonesia tama Timor Leste. Timor oan besik 200.000 maka mate durante invasaun nee.\nIha Loron 17 Juilo 1976, partido Apodeti deklara Timor Leste Integra ho Indonesia, no sai hanesan provinsia 27 ba Indonesia.\n1977- iha tinan nee iha Remexio (Aileu) Fransisco Xavier tun husi nia kargu nudar Presidente Partido Fretilin nomos Presidente RDTL no troka fali Husi Nikolau Lobato hanesan presidente Partido Fretilin no Presidente RDTL daruak.\n1978- iha 22 Novembro Forca Indonesia controla Matebian, Matebian nudar ikus husi base resistensia lima nebe sai intesaun ataqe husi Forsa Indonesia.\n22 Desembro Australia rekonyese de jure Integrasaun Timor Leste ba Indonesia\n31 Desembro Tropas Indonesia oho Komandante Falintil Nikolau Lobato iha Mindelo/Turiscai.\n1980- Xanana chefia Falintil no Conselho Revolusionario de Resistensia Nasional (CRRN).\n1981- iha 01-08 Marsu halao Konferensia Nasional Sekretu ida iha Lakluta Viqueque Xanana Gusmao eleito ba komando Falintil.\n07 Abril Santa se Aprova Lian tetum nudar lian Liturgica\nFulan Maio to’o setembro Indonesia halao operasaun Pagar Betis ou operasi kikis iha operasaun nee militar Indonesia uza populasaun sira hodi ataka gerilieiru sira nebe halo rezistensia iha foho. 19-21 Junho Komisaun dos direitus do povu maubere (CDPM) Reuniaun iha Lisboa konaba situasaun iha Timor\n07 setembro akontese masakre iha Lakluta\n1982 – 02 Abril Asembleia republika Portugal aprova comisaun iventual hodi akompanha situasaun iha Timor-Leste\nIha Setembro D. Martnho Lopes enkontro ho Xanana iha Mehara\nComisario politika nasional no comandante FALINTIL Xanana Gusmao enkontro ho komandante Tropas Indonesia iha Timor Leste Coronel Purwanto konaba Cessar-fogo, enkontro nee halao iha Buburake Viqueque.\n1983- iha loron 10 Maio liu husi komunikadu imprensa Xanana gusmao propoen conversasoens entre Portugal, Indonesia, Australia no FRETILIN konaba Forca nasionalista iha Timor.\n12 Maio Monsenhor Ximenes Belo simu pose nudar Administrador Apostolico Dili, substitui Monsenhor Martinho da Costa Lopes. Iha loron nebe hanesan Xanana proklama konvergensia nasionalista luta kontra invazor indonesia to’o 1984.\n07 Setembro akontese Masakre iha Kraras hamate ema wain, operasaun ofensia Forsa Indonesia nee hanaran Operasaun Keamanan\n1984- Xanana halo re-estruturasaun Forca Armada.\n1985- Iha loron 05 Maio 1985 Xanana husik Comite central Fretilin no strutura CRRN assume komando Falintil\n1986- Iha Marso 1986 iha ona unifikasaun movimentu resistensia hafoin Fretilin no UDT konkorda kriaasaun Convergensia Nasionalista.\n25 Abril Xanana Gusmao inkontru ho Amo Belo iha Fatumaca\n1987- Iha 1 janeiro 1987 Fretilin no UDT hari Conselho nasional da Resistensia Maubere (CNRM) .\n1988- Iha loron 20 Juino 1988 hari Resistensia nasional dos estudantes de Timor leste (RENETIL).iha fulan Juino neemos Mario carrascalao nudar Guvernador Timor propoen ba Suharto atu loke Timor ba rai liur.\n31 Desembro 1988 Xanana Gusmao Anuncia Falintil non Partisan, no iha Loron nee kedas FALINTIL mos fila an hanesan liman kroat povu nian iha CNRM nia aimahon okos.\n1989- Iha loron 06 Febreiro Amo Belo hakerek karta ida ba Secretario geral ONU hodi realize referendum iha Timor Leste.\n05 Outobro Presidente CNRM no komandante FALINTIL Xanana Gusmao apresenta plano foun ba secretario geral ONU\n12 Outobro Amo Papa João Paulo II Visita Timor leste. Iha visita Tasi Tolu nee akontese mos manifestasaun husi organisaun rede Clandestina.\n1990 - Iha loron 23-28 Maio 1990 iha Aitana , CNRM halo enkontro ekstraordinario ba restruturasaun movimentu resistensia. Husi inkontro nee Xanana rejignaan husi Partido Fretilin, maibe kontinua asume komando FALINTIL no presidente CNRM. Husi enkontro nee forma Front Clandestina. Falintil rekonyese nudar Front Armada hodi halo gerilya kontra actividade tropas Indonesia nebe okupa Timor Leste. Front Clandetina organiza povu kontra actividade militar Indonesia nudar parte ida husi movimentu resistensia. Front ida seluk maka Front Diplomasia, hodi halao diplomasia iha rai liur ba Timor Leste nia ukun rasik an. Frente Clandestina kontinua halibur foinsae sira hodi halo manifestasaun pasifika.\n11 Agosto Xanana Gusmao haruka karta ida ba Constansio Pinto atu juventude sira respeita desizaun komando da luta no evita manisfestasaun nebe la iha autorizasaun husi komando da luta.\n1991- iha loron 28 Janeiro Forca Indonesia Kaptura Mau Hodu, Vice Secretario Comisaun diretiva FRETILIN\n12 Novembro 1991 mosu akontese masacre boot iha Santa Cruz. Husi tragedia nee Timor Leste hetan atensaun boot husi mundo. Desde reestruturasaun foun Lider FALINTIL no CNRM barak mak mate, lakon no tun husi Foho to’o kapturasaun Xanana nian iha 1992.\n1992- iha loron 20 Novembro 1992 Forca Indonesia kaptura Xanana Gusmao. Mau Huno husi Esterin Komite Fretilin kontinua lidera Falintil no CNRM to’o 05 Abril 1993.\n1993- hafoin Forsa Indonesia kaptura Mau huno, Iha loron 25 Abril 1993 komando Falintil ho CNRM entrega ba Nino Koni Santana. Comandante FALINTIL, Nino Konis Santana kaer comando iha territorio laran i organiza estrutura resistencia foun.\n21 Maio Xanana hetan sentensa cadeia to’o mate. Loron ikus sira muda fali sentensa ba tinan 20 iha cadeia.\nJulho Autoridade Indonesia halo “conversasaun ba reconsiliasaun” maibe povo barak nunca simu.\n05 Setembro Joven sira halo manifestasaun perante membros Congresso dos estados unidos nebe Vista Dili.\nDezembro “Conversasaun ba reconsiliasaun” halo iha London, hetan critica barak.\n1994- iha Fevereiro Konis Santana reorganiza resistencia i chefia atu hahu operasaun ho escala boot.\n11 ~13 Agosto Membros Parlamento Japaun nain lima visita oficialmente Timor Loro Sa’e. Novembro Baku malu entre imigrantes mai husi Indonesia ho Timor oan iha Becora.\n12 Novembro Klosan Timor oan nain 29 tama iha Embaixada America iha Jakarta durante APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference) halo reuniao iha Indonesia.\n1995 – iha 1 Janeiro Besik emar 200 Timor oan baku malu ho tropa Indonesia iha Baucau, hahu husi discusaun entre emar rai nain ho imigrante ida husi Sulawesi.\n3 ~ 5 Junho Hahu encontro AIETD (All-inclusive Intra East Timorese Dialogue) Nasoens Unidas maka esponsoriza, halo iha Austria.\n29 Junho Chefe CEL/FC (Conselho Executivo da Luta / Frente Clandestina) Sabalae ho nia assistente lakon.\n30 Junho Tribunal Justisa Internasional hakotu julgamento katak labele halo decisaun ba caso proseso judicial Portugal ho Australia kona ba Timor Gap.\n14 Novembro Klosan 21 Timor oan tama ba Embaixada Japaun nian iha Jakarta iha tempo lolos APEC halo reuniaun iha Japaun.\n1996- Pressão internacional. Iha 19 Marso Nasoens Unidas ajuda reuniaun AIETD ba dala rua iha Austria ba loron hira nia laran.\n20 Agosto Funu entre FALINTIL (Comandante David Alex nia grupo) ho TNI (Tentara Nasional Indonesia) ema estrangeiro hasai filme ba dala uluk.\nOutubro Premio Nobel Paz hakotu atu fo ba Amu Bispo Belo ho CNRM nia Espesial Representante José Ramos Horta.\n1997- iha Marso Nasoens Unidas haruka Jamsheed Marker visita Xanana. I iha Timor Loro Sa’e, activista Timor oan baku malu ho autoridade Indonesia depois de nia visita.\n25 Junho Tropa Indonesia kaer Comandante David Alex “Dai-Tula”. Problema nia mate ka moris sedauk loos.Presidente Africa do Sul Nelson Mandela hasoru Xanana.\n20 ~ 23 Outubro Nasoens Unidas ajuda encontro ba dala tolu AIETD nebe halo iha Austria.\n1998- iha Janeiro 1998 Indonesia nia osan Rupia tuun makaas. Crisis economia iha Indonesia.\n11 Marso 1998 Comandante Nino Konis Santana mate tamba monu iha fatuk koak ka moras. Comandante Taur Matan Ruak, chefe EMF (Estado-Maior das FALINTIL), sai hanesan comandante iha rai Timor Loro Sa’e laran.\n30 Marso Konis Santana nia mate anunsia husi radio Portugal programa internasional.\n23 ~ 27 Abril Reuniaun Nasional Timor nian halo iha Peniche-Portugal. UDT simu partisipasaun CNRT(Conselho Nacional da Resistência Timorense). Presidente maka Xanana Gusmão i vice-Presidente maka José Ramos Horta.\n21 Maio Soeharto sai husi nia posisaun hanesan Presidente. Hakotu tinan 32 nia ditadura. Habibie sai hanesan presidente foun Republica Indonesia.\n9 Junho Presidente foun Habibie hatete sai katak governo Indonesia prepara atu fo Timor Loro Sa’e status foun “provincia especial” iha rai Indonesia nia laran.\n12 Junho Estudantes Timor oan liu rihun ida halo demonstrasaun iha Ministro Negocios Estrangeiros nian oin iha Jakarta, la’e simu Habibie fo referendo i husik Xanana.\n28 Julho Hanesan dalan ba paz husi Habibie, soldado Indonesia balu hahu dada sai husi Timor Loro Sa’e. Mai be liu tia, hanesan resultado, numero soldado Indonesia aumenta tan.\n4 ~ 5 Agosto Conversasaun entre Ministro Negocios Estrangeiros Indonesia ho Portugal ho ajuda Secretario Geral Nasoens Unidas. Laiha acordo ida ba proseso referendo.\nOutubro Tropa Indonesia hahu halao operasaun hasoru FALINTIL.\nFim de Outubro Nasoens Unidas halao reuniaun ba dala hat AIETD iha Austria\nNovembro Iha reportagem katak acontece massacre iha Alas.\nFim de Dezembro Emar atus ida halo deslocasaun husi Alas ba Dili.\n1999- Masacre Civil, iha 12 Janeiro Governo Australiano halo mudansa politica kona ba Timor Loro Sa’e, suporta Xanan nia libertasaun i referendo.\n27 Janeiro Ba dala uluk governo Indonesia fo hatene Timor iha posibilidades ba ukun rasik an.\n10 Fevereiro Xanana sai husi Prisaun Cipinang muda ba prisaun espesial.\n5 Marso Xanana hasoru Secretaria Estados Unidos da América nian Madeleine Albright i husu referendo i suportasaun internasional.\n11 Marso Ministro Negocios Estrangeiros Indonesia ho Portugal halo acordo atu halo referendo.\nAbril Hahu hari milicia pro-integrasaun, organizado i hetan suportasaun husi militar Indonesia ho forsa halo acsoens violensias, emar barak mate i halo emar barak halai sai husi uma.\n6 Abril Massacre iha Igreja Liquisa nudar testemunha emar mate atus rua liu.\n5 Maio Indonesia, Portugal i Nasoens Unidas halo acordo atu halo referendum iha 8 de Agosto atu husik povo Timor decide simu ou la’e simu autonimia especial. Sira mos halo acordo katak Nasoens Unidas ho naran UNAMET (United Nations Assistance Mission in East Timor) hari i estado Indonesia responsabiliza sobre seguransa. Maibe ulun Resitensia Timor sira la’e simu katak Indonesia toma responsabilidade ba seguransa atu halo referendo i husu forsas armadas internasionais atu tau matan ba tropas Indonesia i milicias.\n20 Maio UNAMET anunsia violensia husi milicia i husu atensaun ba Nasoens Unidas.\n26 Maio Conselho Seguransa Nasoens Unidas preocupa sobre seguransa situansaun iha Timor Loro Sa’e.\n3 Junho UNAMET loke nia ofisio.\n25~30 Junho Conferensia entre CNRT (Xanana halo presensa) ho grupo pro-integrasaun halo iha Jakarta. Conferensia ne’e naran Dare ・ Paz i Reconsiliasaun. Ramos Horta halo visita ba dala uluk Jakarta iha tinan 24 nia laran.\n4 Julho Ba dala uluk grupos armadas tiro Nasoens Unidas nia kareta iha Liquisa.\n12 Julho Referendo adia tan semana rua.\n16 Julho Hahu halo registrasaun ba referendo.\n28 Julho Referendo adia tan dala ida i decide atu halo iha 30 de Agusto.\n14 ~ 27 Agosto Campanhe ba referendo.\n20 Agosto FALINTIL halo celebrasaun tinan 24 ba dala uluk iha acontonamento iha Waimori.\n28 Agosto Iha Oe-Cusse (populasaun besik 58,000), milicia comesa halo destruisaun iha cidade. Populasaun barak emar obriga atu evacua ba Timor Loro Monu, lao hakur foho.\n30 Augosto Referendo iha Timor Loro Sa’e tama ba historia. Emar tuir eleisaun besik 450,000. Emar halo parte to’o 98.6%.\n4 Setembro Hatete sae resultado kona ba referendo. Vota ba ukun rasik an menan 78.5%. Vota ba autonomia menan 21.5%. Comunidade internasional aceita ukun rasik an ba Timor Loro Sa’e. Maibe grupo milicia pro-integrasaun hahu operasaun violensia ba emar ho cidade. Staf UNAMET i jornalistas sira halai. Populasaun besik 250,000 ~ 300,000 emar obriga atu halai sai ba Timor Loro Monu ho rai seluk husi Indonesia. Emar besik rihun ida mate. Timor Loro Sa’e hahu runguranga. Iha horas tolu dadesan populasaun barak maka halai ba Dare, Waimori, Bemos ho fatin seluk-seluk tan, durante semana tolu nia laran to’o INTERFET (International Force East Timor = Forsa Internasional ba Timor Loro Sa’e) tama iha Timor Loro Sa’e. Iha tempo neeba mos populasaun barak la lori bukae barak to’o loron bukae ne’e hotu populasaun tun mai Dili buka hahan ruma atu aguenta moris.\n7 Setembro Xanana sai husi cadeia i hela iha Inglaterra nia Embaixada. Amu Bispo Belo evacua ba Darwin tanba indiscriminasaun violencia aumenta husi militar/milicias.\n10 Setembro Tuir jurnal Portugues, Militar Indonesia oho Mau Hudo iha Batugade, maibe nia certeza seidauk loos.\n12 Setembro Habibie simu tropas internasionais tama iha Timor Loro Sa’e depois de hetan presaun internasional, espesialmente husi America. Maibe husik hela pergunta boot ida nusa Uma Mutin (White House) hein atu fo pressaun ba Jakarta to’o milicias hakotu ho sira acsaun destruisaun.\n14 Setembro Besik 1,500 staf Timor oan husi UNAMET, nebe halai ba Nasoens Unidas nia repartisaun semo ba Darwin.\n15 Setembro Conselho Seguransa Nasoens Unidas hakotu atu haruka forsa multinasional ho tropa barak liu husi Australia ba Timor Loro Sa’e.\n19 Setembro Loron ida ne’e, Xanana to’o iha Darwin husi Jakarta.\n20 Setembro Primeiro grupo forsas multinasionais ho naran INTERFET to’o iha Dili.\n28 Setembro Xanana iha Nova Yorke hasoru Secretario Geral Nasoens Unidas Kofi Annan.\nFim de Setembro Tiro malu entre INTERFET ho tropas pro-Jakarta iha fronteira.\n1 Outubro 1999 Xanana ba Lisboa husi New Yorke ho aviaun Forsa Aerea Portuguesa.\n6 Outubro Amu Bispo Belo fila fali ba Timor Loro Sa’e.\n14 Outubro Xanana fila fali ba Darwin, depois de visita Dablin i Londres.\n16 ~ 20 Outubro Conferensia CNRT iha Darwin, atu discuti estrategia foun.\n18 Outubro FALINTIL husu lalais INTERFET haruka ba Oe-Cusse.\n21 Outubro Xanana fila fali ba Timor Loro Sa’e desde emar kaer nia iha 1992.\n22 Outubro Xanana koalia dala uluk ba povo iha Repartisaun Governador nian oin iha Dili i Taur Matan Ruak hamarik iha Xanana nia sorin. Iha Oe-Cusse INTERFET hahu ho operasaun.\n24 Outubro Xanana visita Remexio segundo acontonamento FALINTIL nian, nebe dala ikus muda ba Aileu.\n25 Outubro Conselho Seguransa Nasoens Unidas harii UNTAET (United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor = Nasoens Unidas nian Administrasaun Transitoria iha Timor Loro Sa’e). Sergio Vieira de Mello sai Secretario Geral Nasoens Unidas nian Representante.\n31 Outubro Tropas Indonesia dada sai husi Timor Loro Sa’e, hakotu ocupasaun militar Indonesia iha Timor Loro Sa’e durante tinan 24 nia laran.\n28 Novembro Primeiro Ministro Australiano John Haward visita Timor Loro Sa’e.\n1 Desembro José Ramos Horta fila fali ba Timor Loro Sa’e ba dala uluk depois de tinan 24 nia laran.\n17 ~ 18 Dezembro Nasoens Unidas, Banco Mundial ho Japaun organiza ba dala uluk reunaun ida nasoens doador iha Tokyo. Besik delegados 200 husi nasoens 50 ho organizasoens internasionais aceita fo ajuda besik US$520 milhoes iha tinan tolu ni laran atu reconstrui Timor Loro Sa’e. Xanana visita Tokyo iha loron 16 to’o 18 i husu comunidade internasional atu halo lalais acsaun atu intensifica produsaun alimento iha Timor Loro Sa’e.\n20 Dezembro Xanana halo parte iha ceremonia Macau entrega fila fali ba China.\n28 Dezembro Relasoens Diplomaticas entre Portugal ho Indonesia, nebe kotu tamba problema Timor Loro Sa’e iha tinan 24 nia laran, oficialmente restaura fila fali.\n2000- iha 23 Janeiro Jaime do Los Santos, Oficial Militar Philipina, sai comandante PKF (Peace Keeping Force = Forsa Manutensaun Paz) iha Timor Loro Sa’e.\n22 Janeiro UNTAET hakotu osan America (dolar) hanesan osan oficial durante periodo transisaun ne’e. CNRT simu decisaun ida ne’e.\n9 Fevereiro Forsa Portuguesa tun iha Timor Loro Sa’e depois de 1975.\n12 Fevereiro Presidente Portugal Jorge Sampaio visita Timor Loro Sa’e.\n17 Fevereiro Secretario Geral Nasoens Unidas Kofi Annan visita Timor Loro Sa’e.\n23 Fevereiro Comandante INTERFET Peter Cosgrove ho Representante Especial UNTAET Sergio Vieira de Mello ho Xanana hamotuk ho Amu Bispo Belo nia presensa halo assinatura iha cerimonia INTERFET entrega nia serviso ba UNTAET. INTERFET sai i PKF hahu ho operasoens.\n29 Fevereiro Presidente Indonesia Wahid visita Timor Loro Sa’e i halo acordo atu estabelece amizade entre nasoens rua.\n27 Marso UNTAET loke Academia Polisia Timor Loro Sa’e iha Dili ho candidato nain 50 hahu treino fulan tolu nia laran.\n22 ~ 25 Abril Primeiro Ministro Portugal Antonio Guterres visita Timor Loro Sa’e ba dala uluk.\n29 Abril Repartisaun Postal Dili hahu loke, oficialmente inaugura hahu serviso postal iha Timor Loro Sa’e, fo serviso postal hahu entre Dili ho Baucau, internasionalmente liu Darwin, Australia. Selo domestico folin 10¢ i selos internasinal folin 50¢ (centavo = osan Americano).\n30 Abril Iha estadium municipal Dili, emar barak besik 70 ataca espetadores jogo futebol,\nMaio nia klaran Udan boot. Iha Timor Loro Monu, povoasaun Betun besik fronteira, emar 5,000 liu afectuado tamba inundasaun. Refugiados Timor Loro Sa’e mate 100 liu. Iha Timor Loro Sa’e, Suai, Viqueque ho Baucau sofre tanba udan boot.\n8 Junho Governador NTT (Nusa Tenggara Timur) Piet Tallo visita Timor Loro Sa’e atu koalia kona ba problema fronteira e problema refugiados nia.\n20 Junho Iha fronteira Loro Monu, oficio Australia husi PKF hetan atake husi grupo milicia. Emar ida la hetan kanek.\n24 Julho Soldado PKF husi Zelandia Foun, tinan 24, mate iha funu laran ho milicias iha Nana, kilometro ida husi fronteira, Suai Loro Monu. Ne’e caso ba dala uluk nebe PKF iha Timor Loro Sa’e mate iha funu laran.\n25~26 Julho Iha reuniao ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) nebe Xanana i Ramos Horta husi CNRT i Sergio Vieira de Melo husi UNTAET halo parte hanesan convidado, ASEAN iha vontade atu suporta reconciliasaun i reconstrusaun Timor Loro Sa’e.\n20 Agosto FALINTIL celebra 25 aniversario iha Aileu, nebe comunidade internacional halo presensa iha cerimonia ne’e.\n21~30 Agosto Congresso Nasional CNRT atu halo reorganizasaun i redefinisaun.\n30 Agosto Hahu aniversario ba dala uluk referendo iha Timor Loro Sa’e.\n4 Setembro Aniversario ba dala uluk anunciamento resultado referendo, nebe comemora hanesan loron vitoria ba independencia Timor Loro Sa’e.\n6 Setembro Emar besik 5000 husi grupo milicia oho staf internacional nain tolu husi UNHCR iha Atambua, liu tia emar besik 400 serviso ba ajuda humanitaria ba refugiados sira sai husi Timor Loro Monu.\n19 Outubro José Ramos Horta sai hanesan membro gabinete i responsabiliza ba Ministeiro Negocios Estrangeiros.\n12 Novembro Comemorasaun aniversario “Massacre Santa Cruz” i delegasaun Conselho Segransa Nasoens Unidas to’o iha Dili halao visita loron hat iha Timor Loro Sa’e i Loro Monu.\n21~23 Novembro Reuniaun nasoens doadores ba Timor Loro Sa’e iha Dili atu koalia kona ba Forsas Defesa Nacional.\n2001- Guverno Provisório. Iha 5 Janeiro Amu Bispo nain rua mai husi Kupang ho’o Atambua mai hasoru amu Bispo Timor nian nain rua iha Dare Timor Loro Sa’e, atu koalia kona ba problema refugiado nian.\n16 ~19 Janeiro Ministro Negocios Estrangerios Portugal nian, Jaime da Gama mai visita Timor Loro Sa’e. Ba visita Oe-Cusse, Aileu ho’o fatin seluk tan.\n18 Janeiro Hosi 250 refugiados mai hare’e Timor Loro Sa’e nain 170 fila hikas ba Loro Monu. No’o mos hela deit nain 80 hela iha sira nian rain Timor Loro Sa’e.\n22 Janeiro Presidente Brasil nian, Fernand Henrique Cardoso, visita Timor Loro Sa’e. Loron ida depois nia ba visita Jakarta atu hasoru ho’o Presidente Wahid ho’o vice-presidente Megawati atu koalia kona ba suporta Timor Loro Sa’e.\n22 ~ 23 Janeiro Ramos Horta ho’o Mari Alkatiri ba visita Jakarta primeiro vez nudar sai hanesan membro gabinete transicional.\n24 ~ 25 Janeiro Militar PKF Zelandia Foun kaer militia mane nain haat iha besik fronteira/balisa tamba prekupasaun kona ba problema iha Setembro 1999.\n25 Janeiro Militia mane ida pro-Indonesia tinan 22, haruka tama tiha kadea to’o tinan 12 iha Tribunal Distrito Dili, tamba oho activista pro-Independencia iha Maliana, iha loron 8 Setembro 1999. Ema ne’e hatete katak Militar Indonesia fo’o “katana” ba nia atu oho ema ne’e be suporta independencia/ pro-independencia. Nune’e mos ida ne’e maka kaso primeiro kona ba militia nian.\n1 Fevereiro FALINTIL tama ba forsa defesa nasional ho’o naran “Forças de Defesa de Timor-Leste” (FDTL). Taur Matan Ruak maka sai nudar brigadeiro general ba FDTL. Iha momento ne’e militar hamutuk 650. Ho’o maisomenus 750 ex-FALINTIL, membro ne’e be ke maka la tama ba FDTL kumesa fila fali ba sira nia uma.\n5 Fevereiro Sasaun Televizaun Timor Loro Sa’e nian bolu/fo’o naran “Televizaun Timor Loro Sa’e”, kumesa halo ona programa, inclui mos ho’o programa BBC, Portugues, no’o mos programa notisias iha Tetun.\n5~9 Fevereiro Ramos Horta foin maka primeira vez ba visita Alemanha. Guverno Alemanha promete atu fo’o suporta ba Timor Loro Sa’e.\n22 Fevereiro Conselho Nasional dehan katak eleisaun ba Assembleia Constituinte tuir lo’os atu hahu iha loron 30 Agosto ho’o mos constituisaun ne’e hahu iha loron 15 Dezembro. Ro’o funu naran “Kristy Wilsbar” esquadra dahitu (yang ketujuh) nian sai tiha ona husi U.S.A. no’o mos to’o iha ponte kais Dili. Tuir hatete sai katak ro’o funu ne’e se hela iha ne’e loron tolu nia laran atu fo’o suporta ba humanitario.\n24 Fevereiro Conflito ida naruk akontese iha Uai-tolari ho’o Viqueque tamba rai, kumesa iha ona prosseso resolve tuir regulamento ho’o planumento mediatasaun. Conflito hanesan ida ne’e atu hanesan fila fali problema originais nian hanesan tempu uluk iha 1940 henesan ne’e.\n7 Marso Iha conferencia iha Dili, labarik Timor oan nain tolu atu tenta estraga Xanana kaer tiha ona. Iha Baucau, ema ataka kareta ida ne’e be lori governo transicional rejiaun Baucau, no’o mos sunu mesjid.\n12 Marso Iha Viqueque, ema barak (grupo) sunu uma hamutuk sanulu, ema nain rua maka mate no’o mos ema nain 600 sai refugiados.\n16 Marso Ema sira ne’e be iha direito atu ba vota kumesa registo ona iha Assembleia Constituinte iha loron 30 Agosto.\n28 Marso Xanana nudar chefe Conselho Nasional resigna tiha ona. Conselho Nasional sai confusaun.\n2 Abril Iha vila ida besik fronteira, talvez- militia sira maka tiru ema sira iha vila. Feto ida kanek liu tiha loron haat ema ne’e mate.\n8 Abril Brigadeiro General Taur Matan Ruak ba visita Korea do Sul semana ida nia laran ho’o mos observa linha fornteira.\n9 Abril Manuel Carrascalão maka sae chefe/lider foun iha Conselho Nasional.\n30 Abril Iha Jakarta Utara tribunal distrik Indonesia hatama Eurico Guterres iha kadea ba fulan 6 nia laran.\n7 Maio Comisaun Eleitiral Independente kumesa ona registu partido politico.\n9 Maio Col. Andrew Pranket nudar membru ida husi departamento intelizen militar Australiana nian ne’e be mak serviso iha Timor Loro Sa’e, hatete sai ba compania publicasaun jornal ho’o estasaun Televizaun Australia nian, dehan katak Governo Australia la halo boat ida atu hapara masacre iha Maliana nebe akontece depois de referendum maiske Governo Australia hetan informasaun klaro kona ba atu sei iha akontese masacre iha neba. Ministro Negocios Estrangeiros Australia nian Alexander Downer nega kona ba buat hirak ne’e.\n16 Maio Xanana ho’o Ramos Horta ba visita America loron 5 nia laran. Iha Washington D.C. sira hasoru malu ho’o Secretaria Estados Unidos da America nian Colin Powel. Governo Americano promete atu ajuda/suporta rai Timor Loro Sa’e. Iha Nova Yorke sira ba visita Nasoes Unidas. Ho’o mos iha loron 18 sira hasoru malu ho’o Henry Kissinger, ho’o mos secretariado estado, iha ne’e be maka fo’o “ahi oan verde” ba Indonesia atu ukun rai Timor Loro Sa’e iha tinan 1975.\n29 Maio Iha fronteira Timor Loro Monu, granada rebenta. Ho resultado ema nain haat mate ho nain haat nulu maka kanek.\n6 ~ 7 Junho Conferensia extraordinaria ba haketak an husi CNRT/CN. CNRT/CN ofisialmente hakotu ona.\n9 Junho Ceremonia haketak an husi CNRT/CN.\n21 Junho Ceremonia kona ba primeiro graduasaun ema ne’ebe maka simu treinu ba FDTL iha Aileu. Husi soldado hamutuk nain 650 ema nain 250 deit maka hetan posto.\n23 Junho Registasaun kona ba ema ne’ebe ke bele vota atu remata iha loron 30 Agosto.\n5 Julho Suat akordo kona ba desenvolvimento hamutuk mina ho gas nian iha area ida naran “Zone of Cooperation” (ZOC) Tasi Timor nian asina tiha ona entre Timor Loro Sa’e ho Australia. Timor Loro Sa’e sei simu 90% ho Australia simu 10% husi rikusia gas ho mina. Perguntas ida bo’ot tebe-tebes, tamba sa maka lideransa Timor sira nian simu area ZOC ne’e, tamba ZOC nian ne’e ilegal husi kontrato “Timor Gap Treaty” entre Indonesia ho Australia iha tempo ukupasaun Indonesia. Naran area nian deit troka husi ZOC ba “Joint Petroleum Development Area”(JPDA). Pergunta basico nian tamba Timor Loro Sa’e ho Australia nunka koalia kona ba fronteira tasi nian. Ida ne’e maka kontra Lei Internacional Tasi nian.\n5~6 Julho Soldado FDTL sira lao to’o ba centro treino foun iha Matinaro.\n8 Julho Ceremonia asina “Pacto de Unidade Nacional.” Partido politico hamutuk nain 14 husi 16. Sira halo juramento malu atu labele usa violencia ba campanha eleisaun. “Pacto de Unidade Nacional” condisaun ida ne’e atu haketak an husi CNRT/CN.\n15 Julho ~ 28 Agosto Campanha ba eleisaun Assembleia Constituinte nian.\n20 Agosto FALINTIL celebra 26 aniversario iha Dili. Soldado FDTL sira lao to’o ba Santa Cruz hosi Catedral.\n30 Agosto Loron eleisaun atu hili membro Assembleia Constituinte. Ida ne’e mak primeiro eleisaun demokrasia iha Timor Loro Sa’e. Emar halo parte to’o 91.3%.\n6 Setembro Hatete sae resultado kona ba eleisaun. FRETILIN menan 55 kadeira (64%) hosi 88.\nFRETILIN (Frente Revolucionária de Timor-Leste Independente)―55,\nPD (Partido Democrático)―7,\nASDT ( Associação Social-Democrata Timorense) ― 6,\nPSD (Partido Social Democrata) ―6,\nPPT (Partido do Povo de Timorense) ―2,\nPDC (Partido Democrata Cristão) ―2,\nUDT (União Democrática Timorense) ― 2,\nKOTA (Klibur Oan Timor Aswa’in)―2,\nPNT (Partido Nacionalista Timorense) ― 2,\nUDC/PDC (União Democrática Cristã/Partido Democrata- Cristão de Timor) ―1,\nPST (Partido Socialista de Timor) ―1,\nPL (Partai Liberal) ―1, Independente―1.\n15 Setembro Assembleia Constituinte kumesa ona halo constituisaun foun.\n20 Setembro Sergio Vieira de Mello anuncia membro Gabinete transisaun segundo. Membro sira ne’e mak ema Timor.\n11 Dezembro Assembleia Constituinte decide simu lian Portugues ho lian Tetun ba lian ofisial iha nasaun Timor Loro Sa’e.\n2002- Independência definitiva, iha 28 Janeiro Xanana Gusmão visita Tokyo ho Okinawa iha Japaun loron lima nia laran.\n4 Marso Militar Japones to’o iha Dili. Iha protesto contra militar Japones ida ne’e kona ba ocupasaun militar durante “Funu Segundo iha Mundo tomak.”\n7 Marso Militia mane ida haruka tama tiha kadea to’o tinan 6 iha Tribunal Jakarta, tamba oho soldado PKF husi Zelandia Foun iha loron 24 Julho 2000.\n15 Marso ~ 12 Abril Campanha ba eleisaun presidensial. Canditato Xanana Gusmão ho Francisco Xavier do Amaral.\n19 Marso Caso kona ba masacre iha Suai, maka akontese iha loron 9 Setembro 1999, tama tiha ona ba Ad-hoc Tribunal Direitos Humanos nian iha Jakarta. Militar nain 5 ho Polisia, inclui mos Colonel Herman Sedyono. Iha tempo ne’e mak nudar hanesan administrador sub-distrito Covalima nian, maka akusado. Chefe ida husi TNI, Admiral Widodo Adisucipto ho General Endriartono Sutarto, mai iha tribunal nia laran, sira dehan sira mai atu hatudu sira nia “suporta moral” ba ema sira ne’e be akusa.\n22 Marso Assembleia Constituinte halo resolusaun ba rascunho constituisaun foun. Vota ba “simu”―72, vota ba “la’e” ―14, ausente―2.\n14 Abril Loron eleisaun presidential. Emar halo parte to’o 86.3%.\n17 Abril Hatete sae resultado kona ba eleisaun prsidential. Votos hira Xanana nian 301,634 mak 82.69%, numero votos nian nudar % (porcentagem) votos total nian. Votos hira Xavier do Amaral nian 63,146 mak 17.31%.\n17 Maio Conselho Seguransa Nasoens Unidas halo resolusaun ba organizasaun foun UNMISET (United Nations Mission of Support in East Timor = Nasoens Unidas Misaun ba Suporta Timor Loro Sa’e) mak UNTAET nia substituto.\n20 Maio Loron ukun rasik an ba Timor Loro Sa’e. Juramento ba Presidente uluk Xanana i Primeiro Ministro uluk Mari Alkatiri. Assembleia Constituinte sai Parlamento Nasional no’o mos membro sira Assembleia Constituinte maka sai membro sira Parlamento Nasional. Presidente uluk Parlamento Nasional nian Francisco Guterres “Lú-Olo”. UNTAET ofisialmente hakotu ona. FDTL agora naran FALINTIL/FDTL.\n17 Junho Presidente Xanana ho Ministro Negocios Estrangeiros José Ramos Horta visita Australia.\n2 Julho Presidente Xanana visita Jakarta.\n20 Agosto FALINTIL/FDTL celebra comemorasaun 27 aniversario FALINTIL nian iha plasa Palacio Governo, Dili.\n27 Setembro Assembleia Geral Nasoens Unidas halo resolusaun ba Timor Loro Sa’e nia membro. Iha momento ne’e numero membro hamutuk Nasoens Unidas 191.\n3 Dezembro Polisi kaer estudante iha escola, Dili. Estudante sira protest contra polisi ida ne’e. Polisi usa gas (lacrimogêneo) contra demonstrasi.\n4 Dezembro Demonstrasi sai boot. Polisi tiru ba ema sira iha demonstrasi. Ema nain rua maka mate. Ema barak (grupo) iha demonstrasi ne’e usa violensia ba cidade. Grupo ne’e ataka edificio sira, inclui mos ho’o supermarcado “Hello Mister”, hotel “Loro Sa’e Dili Hotel” no’o mos uma nain rua familia Primeiro Ministro Mari Alkatiri nian.\n14 Dezembro FALINTIL/FDTL foun 260 (feto 27) fo graduasaun ba“terseiru grupo”rekruta F/FDTL iha Metinaro. Ho nune’e agora Timor Loro Sa’e iha forsa besik 1,500 soldados.\n2003- iha 4 ~ 5 Janeiro Grupo militia ataka populasaun iha Atsabe, ema nain tolu (haat) maka mate iha violencia ida. FALINTIL/FDTL ho PKF hahu operasaun iha Atsabe. F/FDTL kaer membro sira “Kolimau 2000.” Maibe comissario polisi Nasoens Unidas nian ho grupo NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) “Judicial System Monitoring Programme” critica ba F/FDTL nia operasaun, hatete katak iha possibilidade ba violensia contra humano direito. Brigadeiro General Taur Matan Ruak ho opiniaun publica acusa barak ba critica ida ne’e.\n23 Janeiro Um padre timorense declarou um tribunal de Jacarta que slodados e polícias indonésios faziam parte do grupo que em Abril de 1999 atacou a igreja de Lquiçá, causando pelo menos 18 mortos. O depoimento foi feito por videconferência, a partir de Díli, para o tribunal especial de dereitos humanos de Jacarta.\n25 Janeiro “Primeiro Diálogo Nacional 2003”. Debate entre FRETILIN ho CPD-RDTL.\n24 Fevereiro Grupo militia ataka camiaun ho mini-bus iha Atabae, ema nain rua maka mate. Besik 300 soldados PKF nian hahu operasaun militar.\n28 Fevereiro Telstra (companhia telefone hosi Australia) hakotu serviso ba emar Timor.\n1 Marso Timor Telecom (companhia telefone foun Timor nian) hahu serviso iha rai Timor Loro Sa’e.\n28 ~ 29 Abril CAVR (Comissão de Acolhimento, Verdade e Reconciliação de Timor Leste) loke Audiensia Publika Nacional “Feto Timor Leste Iha Konflito” iha Balide, Dili.\n20 Maio Timor Loro Sa’e celebra primeiro aniversario ba loron ukun rasik an.\n24 Maio “Segundo Diálogo Nacional 2003”. Debate kona ba “poders locais.\n”28~29 Julho 2003 CAVR loke Audiensia Publika Nacional kona ba “MUDA OBRIGATORIO NO HAMLAHA” iha excritorio nasional CAVR.\n20 Agosto FALINTIL/FDTL celebra comemorasaun 28 aniversario FALINTIL nian iha Waimori (ex-acantonamento FALINTIL nian).\n19~21 Novembro 2003 CAVR loke Audiensia Publika Nacional kona ba “MASAKRE” iha Balide, Dili.\n15~18 Dezembro 2003 CAVR loke Audiensia Publika Nacional kona ba “Konflitu Politik” 1974~1976” iha Balide, Dili.\n2004- iha 23 ~ 26 Fevereiro 2004 Presidente Xanana visita ba Japaun ofisialmente.\n2 Marso 2004 Kompanhia “Oceanic Exploration” tau kazu direitu explorasaun iha Tasi Timor ba tribunal Washinton D.C. iha U. S. A. “Oceanic Exploration” akuza “Conoco Phillips” (U.S. oil major), Governu Australianu, Governu Indonesia no Governu Timor Loro Sa’e tanba “Oceanic Exploration” nia kompanhia “Petro Timor” iha direitu exklusivu atu bele halo explorasaun rekeza natural iha Tasi Timor antes Indonesia tama Timor Loro Sa’e maibe agora ne’e “Petro Timor” nia direitu lakon ilegalmente. “Oceanic Exploration” reklama $30 bilioens hanesa indemnizasaun no katak Mari Alkatiri sumu ona osan $2.5 milioens husi “Conoco Phillips”. Mari Alkatiri nega.\n15~17 Marso 2004 CAVR loke Audiensia Publika Nacional kona ba “Diretu Auto Determinasaun No Komunidade Internasional” iha ex-Comarca, Balide, Dili.\n25 Marso 2004 Chefe Polisia China, Yang Juang, halo vizita iha Academia PNTL (Polisia Nasional Timor Leste), Comoro, atu hare derectamente kondisaun dezenvolvimentu Academia PNTL nian.\n7 Abril 2004 Loron internacional ba “Refleksaun iha Genosidiu 1994”. Membros governo Timor Loro Sa’e, membros ONU no mos komunidade international hodi hanoin fali genocidio iha Rwanda, i halo um minuto de silencio. Genocidio iha Rwanda hahu iha 7 fulan Abril 1994, tinan sanulu liu ba, nebe halo ema Rwanda/Afrika nain 800,000 mate.\n8 Maio 2004 A festa dos antigos combatantes e veteranos das FALINTIL iha eis Merkado Munisipil Dili. UDT serimonia aniversario ba hodi komemora loron fundasaun partidu ne’e iha dia 11 de Maio 1974.\n14 Maio 2004 Conselho Seguransa ONU nian halo desizaun ba UNMISET atu hatutan nia misaun iha fulan neen nia laran.\n15 Maio 2004 Presidente RDTL Xanana Gusmao no Presidente RI Megawati Soekarno Putri hasoru malu iha Hotel Patra Jaya Bali. Iha hasoru malu nee koalia kona ba raiketan TL-RI entre tasi nomos rai maran no koalia mos kona ba refujiado no buat seluk tan.\n19 Maio 2004 Iha Heliport Dili, Representante ONU iha Timor Loro Sa’e, Kamalesh Sharma offisicalmente entrega poder seguransa ba governo Timor Loro Sa’e.\n20 Maio 2004 Loron independensia Timor Loro Sa’e nian ba dala rua. UNMISET hatutan nia misaun iha fulan neen nia laran. Depois Hasegawa Sukehiro sai repersentante foun ba UNMISET.\n29 Maio 2004 Presidente Xanana hasoru ho eis-general TNI Wiranto iha Bali. Enkontro ida ne’e fo preocupasaun boot ba ema barak tanba ema hotu-hotu hakarak justisa kona ba violasaun kontra humano direito.\n3 Julho 2004 Cerimonia inaugurasaun “Ro Atauro Express” halao iha Porto Dili. “Ro Atauro Express” halo operasaun transporte ba Atauro no Oecusse hosi Dili. Ro ne’e hola hosi Japaun ofisialmente.\n11 Julho 2004 Sensus Nacional hahu halao.\n16 Julho 2004 Eis Governador Abilio Jose Osorio Soares tama iha prisaun Cipinang iha Jakarta hanesan kastigo nebe nia heta husi tribunal Ad-Hoc Jakarta nebe fo pena tinan tolu iha prisaun tamba hahalok kontra humanidade iha tinan 1999 hotu tiha referendo iha Timor Loro Sa’e. Maibe depois de fulan tulu, Abilio Jose Osorio Soares sai livre.\n19 ~ 20 Julho 2004 Eis-komandante FALINTIL Regiaun ・ Ely Foho Rai Boot (L-7) halo manifestasaun iha Palacio do Governo nia oin. Manifetante sira (kuaze 200) husu ba governu atu troka Minitru Interior Rogerio Lobato i halo remodelasaun iha institusaun polisia nian. Polisia rega gas air mata ba manifestante sira. Polisia kaer manifestante kuaze 30.\n20 Agosto 2004 Aniversario FALINTIL nian ba dala ruanulu resin sia. Cerimonia “fatuk uluk” (primeira pedra) ba konstrusaun cemiterio heroi nian iha Metinaro.\n21 Agosto 2004 Dialogo Nacional entre governo ho memberos veteranos funu nian.\nSetembro 2004 Sensus Nacional anunsia resultadu mediu katak numeru populasaun Timor Loro Sa’e nian 925,000.\n12 Novembro 2004 Rai nakadoko akontese iha Dili. Qurtal geral F-FDTL nian nakadoko. Depois (iha Dezembro), F-FDTL troka sede qurtal geral husi Caicoli ba sede Tasi Tolu nebe tropas Japaun usa.\n19 Novembro 2004 Ministeriu Edukasaun、Kultura, Juventude ho Desportu Timor Loro Sa’e nian fo sai nota-memorandu ida ― “Konselho de Ministrus aprova tiha ona Planu implementasaun kurríkulo Ensinu Primaríu nian iha fulan Outubro tinan 2004, no mós programa nebé aprovadu ona sei koko iha eskola-pilotu 32 iha distritu 13 nia laran, hosi 10 ano to’o 6o ano, hahu fulan Janeiro tinan 2005” i “ Religiaun disiplina fakultativa ida.”\n19 Novembro 2004 UNMISET hatutan nia misaun iha fulan neen nia laran.\n26 Dezembro 2004 Rai nakadoko boot doko Ache iha Sumatra, Indonesia i rai nakadoko ne’e hakiak Tsunami boot iha Tasi India nebe ataka populasaun barak haleu Tasi India. Dezastre natural nain rua oho ema bara-barak, tatalmente kala 300,000 mate. Iha Timor Loro Sa’e, populasaun hahu tauk Tsunami.\n2005- iha 2 Janeiro 2005 Paniko akontece iha cidade Dili kalan. Ema laran foer habosok ba populasaun katak “tasi sae” (ou tsunami mai) i halo ema barak husik sira nia uma. Kala meio de cidadaun iha Dili halai ba buka fatin iha foho lolon nebe haleu Dili.\n9~26 Janeiro 2005 “Operasaun Domin” hahu. Operasaun ne’e actividade ba solidariedade Timor Loro Sa’e nian ho vitima sira husi rai nakadoko/tsunami iha Ache, Sumatra. I operasaun ida ne’e kobra hanesan doasaun atu ajuda vitima sira iha Ache. Governu, jornarisita, estudante, ho selku-seluk tan hanesan voluntario halo kontribusaun.\n18 Janeiro 2005 Um alegado miliciano pro-indonesio foi detido terca-feira pela policia timorense na sequencia de uma troca de tiros com autoridade. O detido, de 24 anos, integrava um grupo de seis pessoas referenciado pela população da aldeia de Atudara no sub-distrito de Cailaco, como membro das antigas milícias pro-Indonesia.\n20 Janeiro 2005 Primeiru Ministru Mari Alkateri hateten katak, Governu prontu atu servisu hamutuk ho companha minarai Portugal (GALP) hodi opera iha Timor Leste nee, para nasaun rua bele hare asuntu mina ba futuru.\n27 Janeiro 2005 Presidente Xanana visita ba Indonesia atu entrega kontribusaun husi “Operasaun Domin” ba Indonesian presidente Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Kontribusaun nebe totalmente US$75,000.\n1 Fevereiro 2005 Aniversario F-FDTL nian ba dala ha’at. Roque Rodrigues (Secretario de Estado da Defesa Timor Loro Sa’e) ho Jorge Neto (Secretario de Estado da Defesa Portugal) asina acordo kona ba cooperasaun militar foun nebee Portugal ajuda F-FDTL nafatin ho liu.\n9 Fevereiro 2005 UPF (Unidade Pilicia Fronteira) kaer eis-milisia nain rua iha Distrito Maliana, sub-Distrito Balibo, suco Cowa.\n17 Fevereiro 2005 Bispo nain rua, D. Alberto Ricardo da Silva (Bispo de Dili) ho D. Basilio do Nascimento (Bispo de Baucau) hasai Nota Pastoral nebe kestiona desizaun governo kona ba hanorin religiaun iha escola pubilica. Nota Pastoral dehan katak, por exzemplo, “hanorin Religiaun la bele fakulitativu deit, mai be obrigatoriu iha kurrikulu” i “Ami hakarak no hein katak Governu sei buka no hetan dalan ida nebe simu konsensu ema hotu nian molok atu la’o ba oin ho esperiensa-pilot ida ne’e.”\n9 Marso 2005 Iha Jakarta, Presidente Xanana no presidente Susilo Bambang Yudoyono asina akordu kona ba kriasaun KVA (Kommisaun Verdade e Amizade) nebee sei investiga krime iha durante/depois referendo tinan 1999 iha Timor Loro Sa’e.\n19 Marso 2005 Iha Atabae, juventude Katoliko husi parokia Balibo, Maliana, Bobonaro no Zumalai halo manifestasaun kontra desizaun governo nebe hasai materia religiaun hanesan facultativa husi obrigatoria iha edukasaun nasional wainhira Nunsiu Apostoliku (Nuncio Apostolico) Vaticano ba Indonesia ho Timor Loro Sa’e Arcebispo Marlcom Raamjiph ho Bispo Alberto Ricardo da Silva inaugura Igreja Atabae hanesan parokia foun. Juventude sira hakerek iha spanduk “Mate ka moris ami defende nafatin ami nia religiaun” ho seluk-seluk tan.\n20 Marso 2005 Padre Domingos Soares ― nebe konhesido ho naran “Amo Maubere” ― hateten katak (ba journal “Timor Post”), maske Igreja ate agora seidauk simu resposta oficial husi governo kona ba Nota Pastoral nebe bispo nain rua fo’o ba governo. Igreja pronto atu hala’o dialgo, maibe se governo hakarak povo koalia rasik entaun bele koalia.\n27 Marso 2005 Ministro Negosios Estrangeiros i Kooperasaun, Jose Ramos Horta, hato’o nia reasaun kontra Arcebispo Marcolm Raamjiph nia intervensaun relasiona ho governo nia posisaun kona ba materia religiaun iha escola publica.\n29 Marso 2005 U.S. Navy Hospital Ship, Ro Marcy too tasi Dili husi operasaun humanitaria iha Ache, Sumatra. Spesialista medica Ro Marcy nian sei fo asistensia medika ba pasiente iha hospital nasional ho seluk tan durante loron haat.\n31 Marso 2005 Ro Marcy fali hikasu urjenti ba Sumatra hodi ajuda vitima iha Nias tanba rai nakadoko akontece iha 28 Marso.\n2 Abril 2005 (3 Abril iha oras Timor Loro Sa’e) Amo Papa João Paulo ・ mate.\n5 Abril 2005 Wainhira membero nian tolu ONU komisaun especialista to’o aeroporto Comoro hodi investiga liu acusasaun krime kontra direito humano iha 1999, ema nain 100 halo manifestasaun i manifestante sira taka sira nia ibun ho hena metan nebe dehan katak “WE NEED JUSTICE”.Hesegawa Sukehiro, Reprezentante Especial ba Secretario Geral ONU nian dehan katak ONU sei hari’i nia misaun foun hodi fo’o asistensia ba governo Timor Loro Sa’e depois de 20 Maio 2005.\n8 ~ 9 Abril 2005 Presidente Republik Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono visita Timor Loro Sa’e. Governo Timor Loro Sa’e ho Indonesia halao asinatura ba acordo kona ba provisorio fronteira. Acordo ida ne’e hatan 96% determinasaun rai nia fronteira entre nasaun rua.\n13 Abril 2005 Embaxador Kuwait iha Indonesia Mohammad Fadel Khalaf hasoru ho Presidenti Xanana Gusmao iha Palacio das Cinzas entrega karta kredensial ba Xanana no sai nudar Embaxador Kuwait iha Timor Loro Sa’e. Embaxador Kuwait ne’e foo hatene ba Xanana kona ba cooperasaun iha explorasaun mina rai.\n18 Abril 2005 Membrus F-FDTL 150 resin arabka ba Iha Atauro hodi tuir treinamentu (durante loron 5) kona ba dezastre naurais hahesan rai nakdoko, tsunami no anin/udan bo’ot.\n19 Abril 2005 Madre, padre, sarani ho juventude husi parokia Bobonaro, Suai, Liquiça no Atabae halo manifestaun pasifiku iha Palacio do Governo nia oin. Policia hasai manifestador sira (kala 2000) iha sorin. Coordenador manifestante Padre Domingos Soares (Amo Maubere) husu governo dialogo kona ba hanorin religiaun iha escola publica. Manifetante hakerek iha spanduk “POVU LA SIMU DITADOR ALKATIRI” i Igreja reklama resignasaun Primeiro Ministro Mari Alkatiri nian. Manifeatante ida ne’e sai continua tempo naruk. Manifestador mai husi district oi-oin no ninian numero sai boot. Polisia taka dalan ba manifestasaun iha Uma Fukun nia oin, Lecidere i manifestante sira organiza seguransa an hodi manten manifestasaun pasifiku.\n22 Abril 2005 Presidente Xanana partisipa iha Konferensia Asia-Africa iha Jakarta.\n30 Abril 2005 Comite Central FRETILN halao reuniaun i reconhece Mari Alkatiri nia posisaun.\n28 Abril 2005 Konselho Seguransa Nasoens Unidos harii misaun foun iha Timor Loro Sa’e, naran UNOTIL (United Nations Office in Timor Leste), nebe serviso durante tinan ida.\n3 Maio 2005 Policia fo ultimato ba manifestante Igreja nian atu sai husi fatin manifestasaun nia ne’e. Maibe policia hanaruk ultimato.\n7 Maio 2005 Iha Palacio das Cinzas, representante Igreja Katplika D. Alberto Ricardo da Silva ho D. Basilio do Nascimento, representante Governo Primeiro Ministro Mari Alkatiri ho Presidente Xanana Gusmao nudar testemunha ida, asina Dekalarasaun Konjunta. Parte rua ― Igreja Katolika ho Governo ― konkorda hamutuk. Dekalarasaun Konjunta ida ne’e temi katak materira religiaun tenki tama iha kurikulo, kona ba frekuensia, sei deside iha oras materikula, tuir inan-aman nia opusaun livre. Manifestasaun boot teb-tebs remata.\n8 Maio 2005 Manifestante sira ida-idak fila ba sira nia fatin.\n11 Maio 2005 Governu Australia hasai avizo kona ba posibilidade ataka ka bomba terorista nian iha Dili. Por outra lado, policia kaer ema nain tolu ― eis-membro FALINTIL regiaun ・ nebe lori pistola ho ninian kolega nain rua ― besik Palacio do Governo.\n12 Maio 2005 Konselho Superior Defesa ho Segransa hahu funsiona nudar Prezidenti Rebulika kona ba asuntus Defesa ho Soberania previstu iha konstituisaun ho sai nudar orgaun, tuir lei nebe Parlamentu Nasional aprova. Kompozisaun membrus Konselho Superior Defesa ho Segransa hamutuk nain 9 mak, Primeiru Ministru Dr. Mari Alkatiri, Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru no Koperasaun Dr. Ramost Horta, Ministru Justisa Dr. Domingos Maria Sarmento. Ministru Interior Rogerio Lobato, Sekretariu Estadu Defeza Dr. Roque Rodrigues, Kimandante F-FDTL Brigadeiru General Taur Matan Ruak, Komandante PNTL Superintendente Paulo da Fatima Martins, Chefi Nasional Seguransa Estadu Ir. Ricardo Ribeiro.\n18 Maio 2005 Governu Timor Loro Sa’e no Representante Especial ba Secretario Geral Nasoens Unidos nian iha Timor Loro Sa’e Hasegawa Sukehiro asina akordu kona ba pisisaun UNOTIL nian.\n20 Maio 2005 Loron independensia Timor Loro Sa’e nian ba dala tolu. Militantes ho simpatisantes FRETILIN kuaze 7000 nebe mai husi distritu oin-oin marsa iha Dili.\n3 Junho 2005 Hasegawa Sukehiro nebe nafatin Representante Espesial Sekretariu Genral ONU nian no mos sai representante.\n21 Junho 2005 Pierre-Richard Prosper, Estadus Unidus da Amerika Ambassador-at-Large kona ba Kazu Funu Crimes halo visita mai Timor Loro Sa’e atu rona opiniaun kona ba justisa husi Timorenses representante oin-oin. Amerika hatudu nia posisaun positivo kona ba Internasional Tribunal.\n27 Julho 2005 Primeiru Ministru Mari Alkateri ofisialmente anunsia estrutura foun governu nian, aumenta ministeiru foun lima. Gabinet foun nia pozisaun 41.\n1 Agosto 2005 Anunsia naran memberus KVA (Kommisaun Verdade e Amizade) - nain lima husi Timor Loro Sa’e ho nain lima seluk husi Indonesia.\n11 Agosto 2005 Iha Bali-Denpasar, Presidente Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono no Presidente Timor Loro Sa’e Xanana Gusmao hahu KVR ofisialmente.\n20 Agosto 2005 F-FDTL hala’o seremonia ba aniversario FALINTIL nian ba dala 30 iha Oe-Cusse.\nFontes dadus hirak nee foti husi sitiu : Timor Leste (Memoria ) http://amrtimor.org/ nomos sitiu seluk nebe relevante ho Istoria Timor Leste ninian.\nCentro Turismo Marobo\nBe Manas Marobo\nTinan 18 Masacre Santa Cruz\nAyam kampus Kidung Molik\nTinan 10 konsulta popular\nA Traveller's Dictionary in Tetun-English and English-Tetun from the Land of the Sleeping Crocodile East Timor\n20 Program Jahat paling NGETOP\nFransico Xavier do Amaral\nHelder de Araujo\nMusika halo dukur\nRobert Mendonca 2006. Diberdayakan oleh Blogger.\nCopyright © 2013 Robert Nia Blog | All Rights Reserved. | [
"Robert Nia Blog: Timor Leste iha Istoria 1520-2005 Robert Nia Blog Timor Leste iha Istoria 1520-2005 Tinan 10 ona maka Timor Leste husik an husi kolonialismo.",
"To'o konkista nia Independensia iha loron 20 Maio 2002, Timor Leste oras nee tama ona ba paises nebe joven liu iha Planeta, Parte Leste rai Timor, ilha sudeste Asiatico, no ohin loron hanaran Republika Demokratika Timor Leste, Hafoin domina husi kolonialismo sira durante seclo lima nia laran Ba maluk sira nebe hakarak hatene Istoria Timor Leste ninian lee deit kronologia nee.",
"1520- Entreposto Portugues Ema Portugueses, hanesan ema Europeia Primeiro nebe kolonia sudeste asiatiku, monta entreposto komersiais iha ilha Timor ho hare sandalo ka ai kameli.",
"Tamba ai kameli nudar ai ida nebe ho folin aas no iha komersio nian hodi utiliza ba fabrika moveis nebe luxo, no halo mina morin.",
"1613 - Dominacao holandesa Holandes halo funu contra Espana no portugal, Espana desembarca cidade Kupang no domina parte ocidental ilha Timor, Teritorio nee aktual hanaran Timor-Oeste.",
"1859 - Timor dividido, Iha loron 20 Abril, Portugal no Holanda fahe Ilha Timor ba kolonia rua, Holanda ukun parte Oeste no Portugal ukun parte Leste.",
"Tratado nee foin halao iha tinan 1861 no dekada ida tuir 1914 mai definida fronteirasTimor.",
"1942- Invasao Japonesa.",
"Iha Segunda guerra, Japaun Invade, Timor sai ilha disputa husi Australia, to'o iha tinan 1945 Portugal domina Parte oriental.",
"No parte Oeste passa ba provinsia Indonesia.",
"1974- Revolusaun dos Cravos.",
"Iha loron 25 Abril 1974 mosu revolusaun boot husi kolonia Portuguesa hodi hatun junta militar portugal.",
"Sinal diak ba rai kolonia sira atu bele ukun an.",
"11 Maio Forma Uniaun Demokratiku Timorense (UDT) 20 Maio 1974 Partido ASDT funda hodi responde revolusaun dos Cravos 25 Abril 1974.",
"Iha loron 11 Setembro 1974 ASDT muda naran ba Fretilin (Frente revulusionaria Timor leste independente) ho nia Presidente Fransisco Xavier do Amaral no Nicolau Lobatu nudar Secretario Geral.",
"27 Maio Funda Assosiasaun popular Demokratika Timor (APODETI).",
"Iha Julho Embaisador Indonesia nian iha Bruxelas Franz Seda Visita Portugal Iha Setembro Primeiro Ministro Australia Inkontro ho Jeneral Soeharto hodi ekpresa apoio Integrasaun Timor Leste ba Indonesia 14 Novembro Lemos Pires assume Cargo Guvernador no chefe komandante iha Timor.",
"1975- Primeira Independencia , Iha 20 Janeiro UDT ho Fretilin halo koligasaun koalia konaba proseso autonomia ida ba Timor Leste durante Tinan 5-10 molok hetan Independensia loloos.",
"09 Marsu delegasaun Portugal ho Indonesia halo reuniaun iha Loundres hodi deskute kestaun Timor Leste.",
"20 Maio Fretilin halo manifestasaun primiero Aniversario iha Dili.",
"27 Maio UDT rompe kolegasaun ho FRETILIN 05 Junho primeiraves Portugal komunika informasaun ba UNO konaba Timor Leste 17 Junho Suharto Visita Estadus Unidus Amerika hodi esplika konaba apoio Amerika nian ba Indonesia hodi halo Invasaun mai Timor Leste.",
"26 Junho Manifestasaun UDT iha Dili konaba cimeira ida iha rai Macau nebe representa partidos Timorense.",
"17 Julho Promulgasaun lei no 7/75 nebe defini prosesu dekolonizasaun Timor Leste.",
"10-11 Agostu UDT lansa golpe armada hodi hetan poder ba ukun Timor 20 Agostu FRETILIN halo kontra golpe no Forca Armada ba libertasaun Nasional, Falintil sai liman kroat no lutu nasaun nian, Nikolau Lobatu sai nudar Primeira Komandante FALINTIL.",
"26 Agosto Administrasaun Portuguesa nian sai husi Dili no muda ba Atauro 27 Agostu UDT husik hela Dili no desloka ba Likisa 16 Outobro Tropas Indonesia tama iha Batugade, Jornalista Australiano nain lima mate 14 Novembro Exersito Indonesia komesa Ataka Atabae 27 Novembro negosiasaun Portugal ho Partidos timorense iha Darwin atu boikota Indonesia 28 Novembro, Tinan ida hafoin Revolusaun dos Cravos no ikus husi ditadura Portugal, Fretilin deklara Independensia hafoin manan luta contra golpe UDT.",
"29 Novembro , Portugal la rekonhese Independensia unilateral nomos inegrasaun nebe maka partido iha Timor halo.",
"30 Novembro Representante UDT,APODETI,KOTA (Klibur Oan Timor Aswain) no Partido Trabalhista assina Proklamasaun Integrasaun hanaran deklarasaun Balibo hodi defende Integrasaun Timor Leste ba Indonesia.",
"06 Desembro Presidente Norte Amerikano Gerald Ford ho nia secretario estado Kenry Kissinger enkrontro ho Suharto para halo asaun rapida no drastika hasoru Timor Leste.",
"07 Desembro Forca Indonesia halao Operasaun Komodo no Invade Timor Leste.",
"12 Desembro Asembleia geral ONU hasai resulusaun no 3485 kondena Intervesaun military Indonesia iha Timor Leste.",
"22 Desembro Konselu siguransa ONU Vota unanimidade resulusaun no 384 kondena Invasaun mai Timor leste no husu imediata retira forca invasor.",
"1976 - Invasao indonesia, iha 20-22 Janeiro enviado especial Secretario jeral ONU Vittorio Guicciardi, Visita Timor-Leste Iha ditadura Suharto nian, Indonesia Anexa Timor Leste, no ignora Guverno Portugues nomos ONU.",
"Nunee haruka tropas Indonesia tama Timor Leste.",
"Timor oan besik 200.000 maka mate durante invasaun nee.",
"Iha Loron 17 Juilo 1976, partido Apodeti deklara Timor Leste Integra ho Indonesia, no sai hanesan provinsia 27 ba Indonesia.",
"1977- iha tinan nee iha Remexio (Aileu) Fransisco Xavier tun husi nia kargu nudar Presidente Partido Fretilin nomos Presidente RDTL no troka fali Husi Nikolau Lobato hanesan presidente Partido Fretilin no Presidente RDTL daruak.",
"1978- iha 22 Novembro Forca Indonesia controla Matebian, Matebian nudar ikus husi base resistensia lima nebe sai intesaun ataqe husi Forsa Indonesia.",
"22 Desembro Australia rekonyese de jure Integrasaun Timor Leste ba Indonesia 31 Desembro Tropas Indonesia oho Komandante Falintil Nikolau Lobato iha Mindelo/Turiscai.",
"1980- Xanana chefia Falintil no Conselho Revolusionario de Resistensia Nasional (CRRN).",
"1981- iha 01-08 Marsu halao Konferensia Nasional Sekretu ida iha Lakluta Viqueque Xanana Gusmao eleito ba komando Falintil.",
"07 Abril Santa se Aprova Lian tetum nudar lian Liturgica Fulan Maio to'o setembro Indonesia halao operasaun Pagar Betis ou operasi kikis iha operasaun nee militar Indonesia uza populasaun sira hodi ataka gerilieiru sira nebe halo rezistensia iha foho.",
"19-21 Junho Komisaun dos direitus do povu maubere (CDPM) Reuniaun iha Lisboa konaba situasaun iha Timor 07 setembro akontese masakre iha Lakluta 1982 - 02 Abril Asembleia republika Portugal aprova comisaun iventual hodi akompanha situasaun iha Timor-Leste Iha Setembro D. Martnho Lopes enkontro ho Xanana iha Mehara Comisario politika nasional no comandante FALINTIL Xanana Gusmao enkontro ho komandante Tropas Indonesia iha Timor Leste Coronel Purwanto konaba Cessar-fogo, enkontro nee halao iha Buburake Viqueque.",
"1983- iha loron 10 Maio liu husi komunikadu imprensa Xanana gusmao propoen conversasoens entre Portugal, Indonesia, Australia no FRETILIN konaba Forca nasionalista iha Timor.",
"12 Maio Monsenhor Ximenes Belo simu pose nudar Administrador Apostolico Dili, substitui Monsenhor Martinho da Costa Lopes.",
"Iha loron nebe hanesan Xanana proklama konvergensia nasionalista luta kontra invazor indonesia to'o 1984.",
"07 Setembro akontese Masakre iha Kraras hamate ema wain, operasaun ofensia Forsa Indonesia nee hanaran Operasaun Keamanan 1984- Xanana halo re-estruturasaun Forca Armada.",
"1985- Iha loron 05 Maio 1985 Xanana husik Comite central Fretilin no strutura CRRN assume komando Falintil 1986- Iha Marso 1986 iha ona unifikasaun movimentu resistensia hafoin Fretilin no UDT konkorda kriaasaun Convergensia Nasionalista.",
"25 Abril Xanana Gusmao inkontru ho Amo Belo iha Fatumaca 1987- Iha 1 janeiro 1987 Fretilin no UDT hari Conselho nasional da Resistensia Maubere (CNRM).",
"1988- Iha loron 20 Juino 1988 hari Resistensia nasional dos estudantes de Timor leste (RENETIL).iha fulan Juino neemos Mario carrascalao nudar Guvernador Timor propoen ba Suharto atu loke Timor ba rai liur.",
"31 Desembro 1988 Xanana Gusmao Anuncia Falintil non Partisan, no iha Loron nee kedas FALINTIL mos fila an hanesan liman kroat povu nian iha CNRM nia aimahon okos.",
"1989- Iha loron 06 Febreiro Amo Belo hakerek karta ida ba Secretario geral ONU hodi realize referendum iha Timor Leste.",
"05 Outobro Presidente CNRM no komandante FALINTIL Xanana Gusmao apresenta plano foun ba secretario geral ONU 12 Outobro Amo Papa Joao Paulo II Visita Timor leste.",
"Iha visita Tasi Tolu nee akontese mos manifestasaun husi organisaun rede Clandestina.",
"1990 - Iha loron 23-28 Maio 1990 iha Aitana , CNRM halo enkontro ekstraordinario ba restruturasaun movimentu resistensia.",
"Husi inkontro nee Xanana rejignaan husi Partido Fretilin, maibe kontinua asume komando FALINTIL no presidente CNRM.",
"Husi enkontro nee forma Front Clandestina.",
"Falintil rekonyese nudar Front Armada hodi halo gerilya kontra actividade tropas Indonesia nebe okupa Timor Leste.",
"Front Clandetina organiza povu kontra actividade militar Indonesia nudar parte ida husi movimentu resistensia.",
"Front ida seluk maka Front Diplomasia, hodi halao diplomasia iha rai liur ba Timor Leste nia ukun rasik an.",
"Frente Clandestina kontinua halibur foinsae sira hodi halo manifestasaun pasifika.",
"11 Agosto Xanana Gusmao haruka karta ida ba Constansio Pinto atu juventude sira respeita desizaun komando da luta no evita manisfestasaun nebe la iha autorizasaun husi komando da luta.",
"1991- iha loron 28 Janeiro Forca Indonesia Kaptura Mau Hodu, Vice Secretario Comisaun diretiva FRETILIN 12 Novembro 1991 mosu akontese masacre boot iha Santa Cruz.",
"Husi tragedia nee Timor Leste hetan atensaun boot husi mundo.",
"Desde reestruturasaun foun Lider FALINTIL no CNRM barak mak mate, lakon no tun husi Foho to'o kapturasaun Xanana nian iha 1992.",
"1992- iha loron 20 Novembro 1992 Forca Indonesia kaptura Xanana Gusmao.",
"Mau Huno husi Esterin Komite Fretilin kontinua lidera Falintil no CNRM to'o 05 Abril 1993.",
"1993- hafoin Forsa Indonesia kaptura Mau huno, Iha loron 25 Abril 1993 komando Falintil ho CNRM entrega ba Nino Koni Santana.",
"Comandante FALINTIL, Nino Konis Santana kaer comando iha territorio laran i organiza estrutura resistencia foun.",
"21 Maio Xanana hetan sentensa cadeia to'o mate.",
"Loron ikus sira muda fali sentensa ba tinan 20 iha cadeia.",
"Julho Autoridade Indonesia halo \"conversasaun ba reconsiliasaun\" maibe povo barak nunca simu.",
"05 Setembro Joven sira halo manifestasaun perante membros Congresso dos estados unidos nebe Vista Dili.",
"Dezembro \"Conversasaun ba reconsiliasaun\" halo iha London, hetan critica barak.",
"1994- iha Fevereiro Konis Santana reorganiza resistencia i chefia atu hahu operasaun ho escala boot.",
"11 ~13 Agosto Membros Parlamento Japaun nain lima visita oficialmente Timor Loro Sa'e.",
"Novembro Baku malu entre imigrantes mai husi Indonesia ho Timor oan iha Becora.",
"12 Novembro Klosan Timor oan nain 29 tama iha Embaixada America iha Jakarta durante APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference) halo reuniao iha Indonesia.",
"1995 - iha 1 Janeiro Besik emar 200 Timor oan baku malu ho tropa Indonesia iha Baucau, hahu husi discusaun entre emar rai nain ho imigrante ida husi Sulawesi.",
"3 ~ 5 Junho Hahu encontro AIETD (All-inclusive Intra East Timorese Dialogue) Nasoens Unidas maka esponsoriza, halo iha Austria.",
"29 Junho Chefe CEL/FC (Conselho Executivo da Luta / Frente Clandestina) Sabalae ho nia assistente lakon.",
"30 Junho Tribunal Justisa Internasional hakotu julgamento katak labele halo decisaun ba caso proseso judicial Portugal ho Australia kona ba Timor Gap.",
"14 Novembro Klosan 21 Timor oan tama ba Embaixada Japaun nian iha Jakarta iha tempo lolos APEC halo reuniaun iha Japaun.",
"1996- Pressao internacional.",
"Iha 19 Marso Nasoens Unidas ajuda reuniaun AIETD ba dala rua iha Austria ba loron hira nia laran.",
"20 Agosto Funu entre FALINTIL (Comandante David Alex nia grupo) ho TNI (Tentara Nasional Indonesia) ema estrangeiro hasai filme ba dala uluk.",
"Outubro Premio Nobel Paz hakotu atu fo ba Amu Bispo Belo ho CNRM nia Espesial Representante Jose Ramos Horta.",
"1997- iha Marso Nasoens Unidas haruka Jamsheed Marker visita Xanana.",
"I iha Timor Loro Sa'e, activista Timor oan baku malu ho autoridade Indonesia depois de nia visita.",
"25 Junho Tropa Indonesia kaer Comandante David Alex \"Dai-Tula.\"",
"Problema nia mate ka moris sedauk loos.Presidente Africa do Sul Nelson Mandela hasoru Xanana.",
"20 ~ 23 Outubro Nasoens Unidas ajuda encontro ba dala tolu AIETD nebe halo iha Austria.",
"1998- iha Janeiro 1998 Indonesia nia osan Rupia tuun makaas.",
"Crisis economia iha Indonesia.",
"11 Marso 1998 Comandante Nino Konis Santana mate tamba monu iha fatuk koak ka moras.",
"Comandante Taur Matan Ruak, chefe EMF (Estado-Maior das FALINTIL), sai hanesan comandante iha rai Timor Loro Sa'e laran.",
"30 Marso Konis Santana nia mate anunsia husi radio Portugal programa internasional.",
"23 ~ 27 Abril Reuniaun Nasional Timor nian halo iha Peniche-Portugal.",
"UDT simu partisipasaun CNRT (Conselho Nacional da Resistencia Timorense).",
"Presidente maka Xanana Gusmao i vice-Presidente maka Jose Ramos Horta.",
"21 Maio Soeharto sai husi nia posisaun hanesan Presidente.",
"Hakotu tinan 32 nia ditadura.",
"Habibie sai hanesan presidente foun Republica Indonesia.",
"9 Junho Presidente foun Habibie hatete sai katak governo Indonesia prepara atu fo Timor Loro Sa'e status foun \"provincia especial\" iha rai Indonesia nia laran.",
"12 Junho Estudantes Timor oan liu rihun ida halo demonstrasaun iha Ministro Negocios Estrangeiros nian oin iha Jakarta, la'e simu Habibie fo referendo i husik Xanana.",
"28 Julho Hanesan dalan ba paz husi Habibie, soldado Indonesia balu hahu dada sai husi Timor Loro Sa'e.",
"Mai be liu tia, hanesan resultado, numero soldado Indonesia aumenta tan.",
"4 ~ 5 Agosto Conversasaun entre Ministro Negocios Estrangeiros Indonesia ho Portugal ho ajuda Secretario Geral Nasoens Unidas.",
"Laiha acordo ida ba proseso referendo.",
"Outubro Tropa Indonesia hahu halao operasaun hasoru FALINTIL.",
"Fim de Outubro Nasoens Unidas halao reuniaun ba dala hat AIETD iha Austria Novembro Iha reportagem katak acontece massacre iha Alas.",
"Fim de Dezembro Emar atus ida halo deslocasaun husi Alas ba Dili.",
"1999- Masacre Civil, iha 12 Janeiro Governo Australiano halo mudansa politica kona ba Timor Loro Sa'e, suporta Xanan nia libertasaun i referendo.",
"27 Janeiro Ba dala uluk governo Indonesia fo hatene Timor iha posibilidades ba ukun rasik an.",
"10 Fevereiro Xanana sai husi Prisaun Cipinang muda ba prisaun espesial.",
"5 Marso Xanana hasoru Secretaria Estados Unidos da America nian Madeleine Albright i husu referendo i suportasaun internasional.",
"11 Marso Ministro Negocios Estrangeiros Indonesia ho Portugal halo acordo atu halo referendo.",
"Abril Hahu hari milicia pro-integrasaun, organizado i hetan suportasaun husi militar Indonesia ho forsa halo acsoens violensias, emar barak mate i halo emar barak halai sai husi uma.",
"6 Abril Massacre iha Igreja Liquisa nudar testemunha emar mate atus rua liu.",
"5 Maio Indonesia, Portugal i Nasoens Unidas halo acordo atu halo referendum iha 8 de Agosto atu husik povo Timor decide simu ou la'e simu autonimia especial.",
"Sira mos halo acordo katak Nasoens Unidas ho naran UNAMET (United Nations Assistance Mission in East Timor) hari i estado Indonesia responsabiliza sobre seguransa.",
"Maibe ulun Resitensia Timor sira la'e simu katak Indonesia toma responsabilidade ba seguransa atu halo referendo i husu forsas armadas internasionais atu tau matan ba tropas Indonesia i milicias.",
"20 Maio UNAMET anunsia violensia husi milicia i husu atensaun ba Nasoens Unidas.",
"26 Maio Conselho Seguransa Nasoens Unidas preocupa sobre seguransa situansaun iha Timor Loro Sa'e.",
"3 Junho UNAMET loke nia ofisio.",
"25~30 Junho Conferensia entre CNRT (Xanana halo presensa) ho grupo pro-integrasaun halo iha Jakarta.",
"Conferensia ne'e naran Dare * Paz i Reconsiliasaun.",
"Ramos Horta halo visita ba dala uluk Jakarta iha tinan 24 nia laran.",
"4 Julho Ba dala uluk grupos armadas tiro Nasoens Unidas nia kareta iha Liquisa.",
"12 Julho Referendo adia tan semana rua.",
"16 Julho Hahu halo registrasaun ba referendo.",
"28 Julho Referendo adia tan dala ida i decide atu halo iha 30 de Agusto.",
"14 ~ 27 Agosto Campanhe ba referendo.",
"20 Agosto FALINTIL halo celebrasaun tinan 24 ba dala uluk iha acontonamento iha Waimori.",
"28 Agosto Iha Oe-Cusse (populasaun besik 58,000), milicia comesa halo destruisaun iha cidade.",
"Populasaun barak emar obriga atu evacua ba Timor Loro Monu, lao hakur foho.",
"30 Augosto Referendo iha Timor Loro Sa'e tama ba historia.",
"Emar tuir eleisaun besik 450,000.",
"Emar halo parte to'o 98.6%.",
"4 Setembro Hatete sae resultado kona ba referendo.",
"Vota ba ukun rasik an menan 78.5%.",
"Vota ba autonomia menan 21.5%.",
"Comunidade internasional aceita ukun rasik an ba Timor Loro Sa'e.",
"Maibe grupo milicia pro-integrasaun hahu operasaun violensia ba emar ho cidade.",
"Staf UNAMET i jornalistas sira halai.",
"Populasaun besik 250,000 ~ 300,000 emar obriga atu halai sai ba Timor Loro Monu ho rai seluk husi Indonesia.",
"Emar besik rihun ida mate.",
"Timor Loro Sa'e hahu runguranga.",
"Iha horas tolu dadesan populasaun barak maka halai ba Dare, Waimori, Bemos ho fatin seluk-seluk tan, durante semana tolu nia laran to'o INTERFET (International Force East Timor = Forsa Internasional ba Timor Loro Sa'e) tama iha Timor Loro Sa'e.",
"Iha tempo neeba mos populasaun barak la lori bukae barak to'o loron bukae ne'e hotu populasaun tun mai Dili buka hahan ruma atu aguenta moris.",
"7 Setembro Xanana sai husi cadeia i hela iha Inglaterra nia Embaixada.",
"Amu Bispo Belo evacua ba Darwin tanba indiscriminasaun violencia aumenta husi militar/milicias.",
"10 Setembro Tuir jurnal Portugues, Militar Indonesia oho Mau Hudo iha Batugade, maibe nia certeza seidauk loos.",
"12 Setembro Habibie simu tropas internasionais tama iha Timor Loro Sa'e depois de hetan presaun internasional, espesialmente husi America.",
"Maibe husik hela pergunta boot ida nusa Uma Mutin (White House) hein atu fo pressaun ba Jakarta to'o milicias hakotu ho sira acsaun destruisaun.",
"14 Setembro Besik 1,500 staf Timor oan husi UNAMET, nebe halai ba Nasoens Unidas nia repartisaun semo ba Darwin.",
"15 Setembro Conselho Seguransa Nasoens Unidas hakotu atu haruka forsa multinasional ho tropa barak liu husi Australia ba Timor Loro Sa'e.",
"19 Setembro Loron ida ne'e, Xanana to'o iha Darwin husi Jakarta.",
"20 Setembro Primeiro grupo forsas multinasionais ho naran INTERFET to'o iha Dili.",
"28 Setembro Xanana iha Nova Yorke hasoru Secretario Geral Nasoens Unidas Kofi Annan.",
"Fim de Setembro Tiro malu entre INTERFET ho tropas pro-Jakarta iha fronteira.",
"1 Outubro 1999 Xanana ba Lisboa husi New Yorke ho aviaun Forsa Aerea Portuguesa.",
"6 Outubro Amu Bispo Belo fila fali ba Timor Loro Sa'e.",
"14 Outubro Xanana fila fali ba Darwin, depois de visita Dablin i Londres.",
"16 ~ 20 Outubro Conferensia CNRT iha Darwin, atu discuti estrategia foun.",
"18 Outubro FALINTIL husu lalais INTERFET haruka ba Oe-Cusse.",
"21 Outubro Xanana fila fali ba Timor Loro Sa'e desde emar kaer nia iha 1992.",
"22 Outubro Xanana koalia dala uluk ba povo iha Repartisaun Governador nian oin iha Dili i Taur Matan Ruak hamarik iha Xanana nia sorin.",
"Iha Oe-Cusse INTERFET hahu ho operasaun.",
"24 Outubro Xanana visita Remexio segundo acontonamento FALINTIL nian, nebe dala ikus muda ba Aileu.",
"25 Outubro Conselho Seguransa Nasoens Unidas harii UNTAET (United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor = Nasoens Unidas nian Administrasaun Transitoria iha Timor Loro Sa'e).",
"Sergio Vieira de Mello sai Secretario Geral Nasoens Unidas nian Representante.",
"31 Outubro Tropas Indonesia dada sai husi Timor Loro Sa'e, hakotu ocupasaun militar Indonesia iha Timor Loro Sa'e durante tinan 24 nia laran.",
"28 Novembro Primeiro Ministro Australiano John Haward visita Timor Loro Sa'e.",
"1 Desembro Jose Ramos Horta fila fali ba Timor Loro Sa'e ba dala uluk depois de tinan 24 nia laran.",
"17 ~ 18 Dezembro Nasoens Unidas, Banco Mundial ho Japaun organiza ba dala uluk reunaun ida nasoens doador iha Tokyo.",
"Besik delegados 200 husi nasoens 50 ho organizasoens internasionais aceita fo ajuda besik US$520 milhoes iha tinan tolu ni laran atu reconstrui Timor Loro Sa'e.",
"Xanana visita Tokyo iha loron 16 to'o 18 i husu comunidade internasional atu halo lalais acsaun atu intensifica produsaun alimento iha Timor Loro Sa'e.",
"20 Dezembro Xanana halo parte iha ceremonia Macau entrega fila fali ba China.",
"28 Dezembro Relasoens Diplomaticas entre Portugal ho Indonesia, nebe kotu tamba problema Timor Loro Sa'e iha tinan 24 nia laran, oficialmente restaura fila fali.",
"2000- iha 23 Janeiro Jaime do Los Santos, Oficial Militar Philipina, sai comandante PKF (Peace Keeping Force = Forsa Manutensaun Paz) iha Timor Loro Sa'e.",
"22 Janeiro UNTAET hakotu osan America (dolar) hanesan osan oficial durante periodo transisaun ne'e.",
"CNRT simu decisaun ida ne'e.",
"9 Fevereiro Forsa Portuguesa tun iha Timor Loro Sa'e depois de 1975.",
"12 Fevereiro Presidente Portugal Jorge Sampaio visita Timor Loro Sa'e.",
"17 Fevereiro Secretario Geral Nasoens Unidas Kofi Annan visita Timor Loro Sa'e.",
"23 Fevereiro Comandante INTERFET Peter Cosgrove ho Representante Especial UNTAET Sergio Vieira de Mello ho Xanana hamotuk ho Amu Bispo Belo nia presensa halo assinatura iha cerimonia INTERFET entrega nia serviso ba UNTAET.",
"INTERFET sai i PKF hahu ho operasoens.",
"29 Fevereiro Presidente Indonesia Wahid visita Timor Loro Sa'e i halo acordo atu estabelece amizade entre nasoens rua.",
"27 Marso UNTAET loke Academia Polisia Timor Loro Sa'e iha Dili ho candidato nain 50 hahu treino fulan tolu nia laran.",
"22 ~ 25 Abril Primeiro Ministro Portugal Antonio Guterres visita Timor Loro Sa'e ba dala uluk.",
"29 Abril Repartisaun Postal Dili hahu loke, oficialmente inaugura hahu serviso postal iha Timor Loro Sa'e, fo serviso postal hahu entre Dili ho Baucau, internasionalmente liu Darwin, Australia.",
"Selo domestico folin 10/C i selos internasinal folin 50/C (centavo = osan Americano).",
"30 Abril Iha estadium municipal Dili, emar barak besik 70 ataca espetadores jogo futebol, Maio nia klaran Udan boot.",
"Iha Timor Loro Monu, povoasaun Betun besik fronteira, emar 5,000 liu afectuado tamba inundasaun.",
"Refugiados Timor Loro Sa'e mate 100 liu.",
"Iha Timor Loro Sa'e, Suai, Viqueque ho Baucau sofre tanba udan boot.",
"8 Junho Governador NTT (Nusa Tenggara Timur) Piet Tallo visita Timor Loro Sa'e atu koalia kona ba problema fronteira e problema refugiados nia.",
"20 Junho Iha fronteira Loro Monu, oficio Australia husi PKF hetan atake husi grupo milicia.",
"Emar ida la hetan kanek.",
"24 Julho Soldado PKF husi Zelandia Foun, tinan 24, mate iha funu laran ho milicias iha Nana, kilometro ida husi fronteira, Suai Loro Monu.",
"Ne'e caso ba dala uluk nebe PKF iha Timor Loro Sa'e mate iha funu laran.",
"25~26 Julho Iha reuniao ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) nebe Xanana i Ramos Horta husi CNRT i Sergio Vieira de Melo husi UNTAET halo parte hanesan convidado, ASEAN iha vontade atu suporta reconciliasaun i reconstrusaun Timor Loro Sa'e.",
"20 Agosto FALINTIL celebra 25 aniversario iha Aileu, nebe comunidade internacional halo presensa iha cerimonia ne'e.",
"21~30 Agosto Congresso Nasional CNRT atu halo reorganizasaun i redefinisaun.",
"30 Agosto Hahu aniversario ba dala uluk referendo iha Timor Loro Sa'e.",
"4 Setembro Aniversario ba dala uluk anunciamento resultado referendo, nebe comemora hanesan loron vitoria ba independencia Timor Loro Sa'e.",
"6 Setembro Emar besik 5000 husi grupo milicia oho staf internacional nain tolu husi UNHCR iha Atambua, liu tia emar besik 400 serviso ba ajuda humanitaria ba refugiados sira sai husi Timor Loro Monu.",
"19 Outubro Jose Ramos Horta sai hanesan membro gabinete i responsabiliza ba Ministeiro Negocios Estrangeiros.",
"12 Novembro Comemorasaun aniversario \"Massacre Santa Cruz\" i delegasaun Conselho Segransa Nasoens Unidas to'o iha Dili halao visita loron hat iha Timor Loro Sa'e i Loro Monu.",
"21~23 Novembro Reuniaun nasoens doadores ba Timor Loro Sa'e iha Dili atu koalia kona ba Forsas Defesa Nacional.",
"2001- Guverno Provisorio.",
"Iha 5 Janeiro Amu Bispo nain rua mai husi Kupang ho'o Atambua mai hasoru amu Bispo Timor nian nain rua iha Dare Timor Loro Sa'e, atu koalia kona ba problema refugiado nian.",
"16 ~19 Janeiro Ministro Negocios Estrangerios Portugal nian, Jaime da Gama mai visita Timor Loro Sa'e.",
"Ba visita Oe-Cusse, Aileu ho'o fatin seluk tan.",
"18 Janeiro Hosi 250 refugiados mai hare'e Timor Loro Sa'e nain 170 fila hikas ba Loro Monu.",
"No'o mos hela deit nain 80 hela iha sira nian rain Timor Loro Sa'e.",
"22 Janeiro Presidente Brasil nian, Fernand Henrique Cardoso, visita Timor Loro Sa'e.",
"Loron ida depois nia ba visita Jakarta atu hasoru ho'o Presidente Wahid ho'o vice-presidente Megawati atu koalia kona ba suporta Timor Loro Sa'e.",
"22 ~ 23 Janeiro Ramos Horta ho'o Mari Alkatiri ba visita Jakarta primeiro vez nudar sai hanesan membro gabinete transicional.",
"24 ~ 25 Janeiro Militar PKF Zelandia Foun kaer militia mane nain haat iha besik fronteira/balisa tamba prekupasaun kona ba problema iha Setembro 1999.",
"25 Janeiro Militia mane ida pro-Indonesia tinan 22, haruka tama tiha kadea to'o tinan 12 iha Tribunal Distrito Dili, tamba oho activista pro-Independencia iha Maliana, iha loron 8 Setembro 1999.",
"Ema ne'e hatete katak Militar Indonesia fo'o \"katana\" ba nia atu oho ema ne'e be suporta independencia/ pro-independencia.",
"Nune'e mos ida ne'e maka kaso primeiro kona ba militia nian.",
"1 Fevereiro FALINTIL tama ba forsa defesa nasional ho'o naran \"Forcas de Defesa de Timor-Leste\" (FDTL).",
"Taur Matan Ruak maka sai nudar brigadeiro general ba FDTL.",
"Iha momento ne'e militar hamutuk 650.",
"Ho'o maisomenus 750 ex-FALINTIL, membro ne'e be ke maka la tama ba FDTL kumesa fila fali ba sira nia uma.",
"5 Fevereiro Sasaun Televizaun Timor Loro Sa'e nian bolu/fo'o naran \"Televizaun Timor Loro Sa'e,\" kumesa halo ona programa, inclui mos ho'o programa BBC, Portugues, no'o mos programa notisias iha Tetun.",
"5~9 Fevereiro Ramos Horta foin maka primeira vez ba visita Alemanha.",
"Guverno Alemanha promete atu fo'o suporta ba Timor Loro Sa'e.",
"22 Fevereiro Conselho Nasional dehan katak eleisaun ba Assembleia Constituinte tuir lo'os atu hahu iha loron 30 Agosto ho'o mos constituisaun ne'e hahu iha loron 15 Dezembro.",
"Ro'o funu naran \"Kristy Wilsbar\" esquadra dahitu (yang ketujuh) nian sai tiha ona husi U.S.A. no'o mos to'o iha ponte kais Dili.",
"Tuir hatete sai katak ro'o funu ne'e se hela iha ne'e loron tolu nia laran atu fo'o suporta ba humanitario.",
"24 Fevereiro Conflito ida naruk akontese iha Uai-tolari ho'o Viqueque tamba rai, kumesa iha ona prosseso resolve tuir regulamento ho'o planumento mediatasaun.",
"Conflito hanesan ida ne'e atu hanesan fila fali problema originais nian hanesan tempu uluk iha 1940 henesan ne'e.",
"7 Marso Iha conferencia iha Dili, labarik Timor oan nain tolu atu tenta estraga Xanana kaer tiha ona.",
"Iha Baucau, ema ataka kareta ida ne'e be lori governo transicional rejiaun Baucau, no'o mos sunu mesjid.",
"12 Marso Iha Viqueque, ema barak (grupo) sunu uma hamutuk sanulu, ema nain rua maka mate no'o mos ema nain 600 sai refugiados.",
"16 Marso Ema sira ne'e be iha direito atu ba vota kumesa registo ona iha Assembleia Constituinte iha loron 30 Agosto.",
"28 Marso Xanana nudar chefe Conselho Nasional resigna tiha ona.",
"Conselho Nasional sai confusaun.",
"2 Abril Iha vila ida besik fronteira, talvez- militia sira maka tiru ema sira iha vila.",
"Feto ida kanek liu tiha loron haat ema ne'e mate.",
"8 Abril Brigadeiro General Taur Matan Ruak ba visita Korea do Sul semana ida nia laran ho'o mos observa linha fornteira.",
"9 Abril Manuel Carrascalao maka sae chefe/lider foun iha Conselho Nasional.",
"30 Abril Iha Jakarta Utara tribunal distrik Indonesia hatama Eurico Guterres iha kadea ba fulan 6 nia laran.",
"7 Maio Comisaun Eleitiral Independente kumesa ona registu partido politico.",
"9 Maio Col. Andrew Pranket nudar membru ida husi departamento intelizen militar Australiana nian ne'e be mak serviso iha Timor Loro Sa'e, hatete sai ba compania publicasaun jornal ho'o estasaun Televizaun Australia nian, dehan katak Governo Australia la halo boat ida atu hapara masacre iha Maliana nebe akontece depois de referendum maiske Governo Australia hetan informasaun klaro kona ba atu sei iha akontese masacre iha neba.",
"Ministro Negocios Estrangeiros Australia nian Alexander Downer nega kona ba buat hirak ne'e.",
"16 Maio Xanana ho'o Ramos Horta ba visita America loron 5 nia laran.",
"Iha Washington D.C. sira hasoru malu ho'o Secretaria Estados Unidos da America nian Colin Powel.",
"Governo Americano promete atu ajuda/suporta rai Timor Loro Sa'e.",
"Iha Nova Yorke sira ba visita Nasoes Unidas.",
"Ho'o mos iha loron 18 sira hasoru malu ho'o Henry Kissinger, ho'o mos secretariado estado, iha ne'e be maka fo'o \"ahi oan verde\" ba Indonesia atu ukun rai Timor Loro Sa'e iha tinan 1975.",
"29 Maio Iha fronteira Timor Loro Monu, granada rebenta.",
"Ho resultado ema nain haat mate ho nain haat nulu maka kanek.",
"6 ~ 7 Junho Conferensia extraordinaria ba haketak an husi CNRT/CN.",
"CNRT/CN ofisialmente hakotu ona.",
"9 Junho Ceremonia haketak an husi CNRT/CN.",
"21 Junho Ceremonia kona ba primeiro graduasaun ema ne'ebe maka simu treinu ba FDTL iha Aileu.",
"Husi soldado hamutuk nain 650 ema nain 250 deit maka hetan posto.",
"23 Junho Registasaun kona ba ema ne'ebe ke bele vota atu remata iha loron 30 Agosto.",
"5 Julho Suat akordo kona ba desenvolvimento hamutuk mina ho gas nian iha area ida naran \"Zone of Cooperation\" (ZOC) Tasi Timor nian asina tiha ona entre Timor Loro Sa'e ho Australia.",
"Timor Loro Sa'e sei simu 90% ho Australia simu 10% husi rikusia gas ho mina.",
"Perguntas ida bo'ot tebe-tebes, tamba sa maka lideransa Timor sira nian simu area ZOC ne'e, tamba ZOC nian ne'e ilegal husi kontrato \"Timor Gap Treaty\" entre Indonesia ho Australia iha tempo ukupasaun Indonesia.",
"Naran area nian deit troka husi ZOC ba \"Joint Petroleum Development Area\" (JPDA).",
"Pergunta basico nian tamba Timor Loro Sa'e ho Australia nunka koalia kona ba fronteira tasi nian.",
"Ida ne'e maka kontra Lei Internacional Tasi nian.",
"5~6 Julho Soldado FDTL sira lao to'o ba centro treino foun iha Matinaro.",
"8 Julho Ceremonia asina \"Pacto de Unidade Nacional.\"",
"Partido politico hamutuk nain 14 husi 16.",
"Sira halo juramento malu atu labele usa violencia ba campanha eleisaun.",
"\"Pacto de Unidade Nacional\" condisaun ida ne'e atu haketak an husi CNRT/CN.",
"15 Julho ~ 28 Agosto Campanha ba eleisaun Assembleia Constituinte nian.",
"20 Agosto FALINTIL celebra 26 aniversario iha Dili.",
"Soldado FDTL sira lao to'o ba Santa Cruz hosi Catedral.",
"30 Agosto Loron eleisaun atu hili membro Assembleia Constituinte.",
"Ida ne'e mak primeiro eleisaun demokrasia iha Timor Loro Sa'e.",
"Emar halo parte to'o 91.3%.",
"6 Setembro Hatete sae resultado kona ba eleisaun.",
"FRETILIN menan 55 kadeira (64%) hosi 88.",
"FRETILIN (Frente Revolucionaria de Timor-Leste Independente) --55, PD (Partido Democratico) --7, ASDT (Associacao Social-Democrata Timorense) -- 6, PSD (Partido Social Democrata) --6, PPT (Partido do Povo de Timorense) --2, PDC (Partido Democrata Cristao) --2, UDT (Uniao Democratica Timorense) -- 2, KOTA (Klibur Oan Timor Aswa'in) --2, PNT (Partido Nacionalista Timorense) -- 2, UDC/PDC (Uniao Democratica Crista/Partido Democrata- Cristao de Timor) --1, PST (Partido Socialista de Timor) --1, PL (Partai Liberal) --1, Independente--1.",
"15 Setembro Assembleia Constituinte kumesa ona halo constituisaun foun.",
"20 Setembro Sergio Vieira de Mello anuncia membro Gabinete transisaun segundo.",
"Membro sira ne'e mak ema Timor.",
"11 Dezembro Assembleia Constituinte decide simu lian Portugues ho lian Tetun ba lian ofisial iha nasaun Timor Loro Sa'e.",
"2002- Independencia definitiva, iha 28 Janeiro Xanana Gusmao visita Tokyo ho Okinawa iha Japaun loron lima nia laran.",
"4 Marso Militar Japones to'o iha Dili.",
"Iha protesto contra militar Japones ida ne'e kona ba ocupasaun militar durante \"Funu Segundo iha Mundo tomak.\"",
"7 Marso Militia mane ida haruka tama tiha kadea to'o tinan 6 iha Tribunal Jakarta, tamba oho soldado PKF husi Zelandia Foun iha loron 24 Julho 2000.",
"15 Marso ~ 12 Abril Campanha ba eleisaun presidensial.",
"Canditato Xanana Gusmao ho Francisco Xavier do Amaral.",
"19 Marso Caso kona ba masacre iha Suai, maka akontese iha loron 9 Setembro 1999, tama tiha ona ba Ad-hoc Tribunal Direitos Humanos nian iha Jakarta.",
"Militar nain 5 ho Polisia, inclui mos Colonel Herman Sedyono.",
"Iha tempo ne'e mak nudar hanesan administrador sub-distrito Covalima nian, maka akusado.",
"Chefe ida husi TNI, Admiral Widodo Adisucipto ho General Endriartono Sutarto, mai iha tribunal nia laran, sira dehan sira mai atu hatudu sira nia \"suporta moral\" ba ema sira ne'e be akusa.",
"22 Marso Assembleia Constituinte halo resolusaun ba rascunho constituisaun foun.",
"Vota ba \"simu\"--72, vota ba \"la'e\" --14, ausente--2.",
"14 Abril Loron eleisaun presidential.",
"Emar halo parte to'o 86.3%.",
"17 Abril Hatete sae resultado kona ba eleisaun prsidential.",
"Votos hira Xanana nian 301,634 mak 82.69%, numero votos nian nudar % (porcentagem) votos total nian.",
"Votos hira Xavier do Amaral nian 63,146 mak 17.31%.",
"17 Maio Conselho Seguransa Nasoens Unidas halo resolusaun ba organizasaun foun UNMISET (United Nations Mission of Support in East Timor = Nasoens Unidas Misaun ba Suporta Timor Loro Sa'e) mak UNTAET nia substituto.",
"20 Maio Loron ukun rasik an ba Timor Loro Sa'e.",
"Juramento ba Presidente uluk Xanana i Primeiro Ministro uluk Mari Alkatiri.",
"Assembleia Constituinte sai Parlamento Nasional no'o mos membro sira Assembleia Constituinte maka sai membro sira Parlamento Nasional.",
"Presidente uluk Parlamento Nasional nian Francisco Guterres \"Lu-Olo.\"",
"UNTAET ofisialmente hakotu ona.",
"FDTL agora naran FALINTIL/FDTL.",
"17 Junho Presidente Xanana ho Ministro Negocios Estrangeiros Jose Ramos Horta visita Australia.",
"2 Julho Presidente Xanana visita Jakarta.",
"20 Agosto FALINTIL/FDTL celebra comemorasaun 27 aniversario FALINTIL nian iha plasa Palacio Governo, Dili.",
"27 Setembro Assembleia Geral Nasoens Unidas halo resolusaun ba Timor Loro Sa'e nia membro.",
"Iha momento ne'e numero membro hamutuk Nasoens Unidas 191.",
"3 Dezembro Polisi kaer estudante iha escola, Dili.",
"Estudante sira protest contra polisi ida ne'e.",
"Polisi usa gas (lacrimogeneo) contra demonstrasi.",
"4 Dezembro Demonstrasi sai boot.",
"Polisi tiru ba ema sira iha demonstrasi.",
"Ema nain rua maka mate.",
"Ema barak (grupo) iha demonstrasi ne'e usa violensia ba cidade.",
"Grupo ne'e ataka edificio sira, inclui mos ho'o supermarcado \"Hello Mister,\" hotel \"Loro Sa'e Dili Hotel\" no'o mos uma nain rua familia Primeiro Ministro Mari Alkatiri nian.",
"14 Dezembro FALINTIL/FDTL foun 260 (feto 27) fo graduasaun ba\"terseiru grupo\"rekruta F/FDTL iha Metinaro.",
"Ho nune'e agora Timor Loro Sa'e iha forsa besik 1,500 soldados.",
"2003- iha 4 ~ 5 Janeiro Grupo militia ataka populasaun iha Atsabe, ema nain tolu (haat) maka mate iha violencia ida.",
"FALINTIL/FDTL ho PKF hahu operasaun iha Atsabe.",
"F/FDTL kaer membro sira \"Kolimau 2000.\"",
"Maibe comissario polisi Nasoens Unidas nian ho grupo NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) \"Judicial System Monitoring Programme\" critica ba F/FDTL nia operasaun, hatete katak iha possibilidade ba violensia contra humano direito.",
"Brigadeiro General Taur Matan Ruak ho opiniaun publica acusa barak ba critica ida ne'e.",
"23 Janeiro Um padre timorense declarou um tribunal de Jacarta que slodados e policias indonesios faziam parte do grupo que em Abril de 1999 atacou a igreja de Lquica, causando pelo menos 18 mortos.",
"O depoimento foi feito por videconferencia, a partir de Dili, para o tribunal especial de dereitos humanos de Jacarta.",
"25 Janeiro \"Primeiro Dialogo Nacional 2003.\"",
"Debate entre FRETILIN ho CPD-RDTL.",
"24 Fevereiro Grupo militia ataka camiaun ho mini-bus iha Atabae, ema nain rua maka mate.",
"Besik 300 soldados PKF nian hahu operasaun militar.",
"28 Fevereiro Telstra (companhia telefone hosi Australia) hakotu serviso ba emar Timor.",
"1 Marso Timor Telecom (companhia telefone foun Timor nian) hahu serviso iha rai Timor Loro Sa'e.",
"28 ~ 29 Abril CAVR (Comissao de Acolhimento, Verdade e Reconciliacao de Timor Leste) loke Audiensia Publika Nacional \"Feto Timor Leste Iha Konflito\" iha Balide, Dili.",
"20 Maio Timor Loro Sa'e celebra primeiro aniversario ba loron ukun rasik an.",
"24 Maio \"Segundo Dialogo Nacional 2003.\"",
"Debate kona ba \"poders locais.",
"\"28~29 Julho 2003 CAVR loke Audiensia Publika Nacional kona ba \"MUDA OBRIGATORIO NO HAMLAHA\" iha excritorio nasional CAVR.",
"20 Agosto FALINTIL/FDTL celebra comemorasaun 28 aniversario FALINTIL nian iha Waimori (ex-acantonamento FALINTIL nian).",
"19~21 Novembro 2003 CAVR loke Audiensia Publika Nacional kona ba \"MASAKRE\" iha Balide, Dili.",
"15~18 Dezembro 2003 CAVR loke Audiensia Publika Nacional kona ba \"Konflitu Politik\" 1974~1976\" iha Balide, Dili.",
"2004- iha 23 ~ 26 Fevereiro 2004 Presidente Xanana visita ba Japaun ofisialmente.",
"2 Marso 2004 Kompanhia \"Oceanic Exploration\" tau kazu direitu explorasaun iha Tasi Timor ba tribunal Washinton D.C. iha U. S. A.",
"\"Oceanic Exploration\" akuza \"Conoco Phillips\" (U.S. oil major), Governu Australianu, Governu Indonesia no Governu Timor Loro Sa'e tanba \"Oceanic Exploration\" nia kompanhia \"Petro Timor\" iha direitu exklusivu atu bele halo explorasaun rekeza natural iha Tasi Timor antes Indonesia tama Timor Loro Sa'e maibe agora ne'e \"Petro Timor\" nia direitu lakon ilegalmente.",
"\"Oceanic Exploration\" reklama $30 bilioens hanesa indemnizasaun no katak Mari Alkatiri sumu ona osan $2.5 milioens husi \"Conoco Phillips.\"",
"Mari Alkatiri nega.",
"15~17 Marso 2004 CAVR loke Audiensia Publika Nacional kona ba \"Diretu Auto Determinasaun No Komunidade Internasional\" iha ex-Comarca, Balide, Dili.",
"25 Marso 2004 Chefe Polisia China, Yang Juang, halo vizita iha Academia PNTL (Polisia Nasional Timor Leste), Comoro, atu hare derectamente kondisaun dezenvolvimentu Academia PNTL nian.",
"7 Abril 2004 Loron internacional ba \"Refleksaun iha Genosidiu 1994.\"",
"Membros governo Timor Loro Sa'e, membros ONU no mos komunidade international hodi hanoin fali genocidio iha Rwanda, i halo um minuto de silencio.",
"Genocidio iha Rwanda hahu iha 7 fulan Abril 1994, tinan sanulu liu ba, nebe halo ema Rwanda/Afrika nain 800,000 mate.",
"8 Maio 2004 A festa dos antigos combatantes e veteranos das FALINTIL iha eis Merkado Munisipil Dili.",
"UDT serimonia aniversario ba hodi komemora loron fundasaun partidu ne'e iha dia 11 de Maio 1974.",
"14 Maio 2004 Conselho Seguransa ONU nian halo desizaun ba UNMISET atu hatutan nia misaun iha fulan neen nia laran.",
"15 Maio 2004 Presidente RDTL Xanana Gusmao no Presidente RI Megawati Soekarno Putri hasoru malu iha Hotel Patra Jaya Bali.",
"Iha hasoru malu nee koalia kona ba raiketan TL-RI entre tasi nomos rai maran no koalia mos kona ba refujiado no buat seluk tan.",
"19 Maio 2004 Iha Heliport Dili, Representante ONU iha Timor Loro Sa'e, Kamalesh Sharma offisicalmente entrega poder seguransa ba governo Timor Loro Sa'e.",
"20 Maio 2004 Loron independensia Timor Loro Sa'e nian ba dala rua.",
"UNMISET hatutan nia misaun iha fulan neen nia laran.",
"Depois Hasegawa Sukehiro sai repersentante foun ba UNMISET.",
"29 Maio 2004 Presidente Xanana hasoru ho eis-general TNI Wiranto iha Bali.",
"Enkontro ida ne'e fo preocupasaun boot ba ema barak tanba ema hotu-hotu hakarak justisa kona ba violasaun kontra humano direito.",
"3 Julho 2004 Cerimonia inaugurasaun \"Ro Atauro Express\" halao iha Porto Dili.",
"\"Ro Atauro Express\" halo operasaun transporte ba Atauro no Oecusse hosi Dili.",
"Ro ne'e hola hosi Japaun ofisialmente.",
"11 Julho 2004 Sensus Nacional hahu halao.",
"16 Julho 2004 Eis Governador Abilio Jose Osorio Soares tama iha prisaun Cipinang iha Jakarta hanesan kastigo nebe nia heta husi tribunal Ad-Hoc Jakarta nebe fo pena tinan tolu iha prisaun tamba hahalok kontra humanidade iha tinan 1999 hotu tiha referendo iha Timor Loro Sa'e.",
"Maibe depois de fulan tulu, Abilio Jose Osorio Soares sai livre.",
"19 ~ 20 Julho 2004 Eis-komandante FALINTIL Regiaun * Ely Foho Rai Boot (L-7) halo manifestasaun iha Palacio do Governo nia oin.",
"Manifetante sira (kuaze 200) husu ba governu atu troka Minitru Interior Rogerio Lobato i halo remodelasaun iha institusaun polisia nian.",
"Polisia rega gas air mata ba manifestante sira.",
"Polisia kaer manifestante kuaze 30.",
"20 Agosto 2004 Aniversario FALINTIL nian ba dala ruanulu resin sia.",
"Cerimonia \"fatuk uluk\" (primeira pedra) ba konstrusaun cemiterio heroi nian iha Metinaro.",
"21 Agosto 2004 Dialogo Nacional entre governo ho memberos veteranos funu nian.",
"Setembro 2004 Sensus Nacional anunsia resultadu mediu katak numeru populasaun Timor Loro Sa'e nian 925,000.",
"12 Novembro 2004 Rai nakadoko akontese iha Dili.",
"Qurtal geral F-FDTL nian nakadoko.",
"Depois (iha Dezembro), F-FDTL troka sede qurtal geral husi Caicoli ba sede Tasi Tolu nebe tropas Japaun usa.",
"19 Novembro 2004 Ministeriu Edukasaun,Kultura, Juventude ho Desportu Timor Loro Sa'e nian fo sai nota-memorandu ida -- \"Konselho de Ministrus aprova tiha ona Planu implementasaun kurrikulo Ensinu Primariu nian iha fulan Outubro tinan 2004, no mos programa nebe aprovadu ona sei koko iha eskola-pilotu 32 iha distritu 13 nia laran, hosi 10 ano to'o 6o ano, hahu fulan Janeiro tinan 2005\" i \" Religiaun disiplina fakultativa ida.\"",
"19 Novembro 2004 UNMISET hatutan nia misaun iha fulan neen nia laran.",
"26 Dezembro 2004 Rai nakadoko boot doko Ache iha Sumatra, Indonesia i rai nakadoko ne'e hakiak Tsunami boot iha Tasi India nebe ataka populasaun barak haleu Tasi India.",
"Dezastre natural nain rua oho ema bara-barak, tatalmente kala 300,000 mate.",
"Iha Timor Loro Sa'e, populasaun hahu tauk Tsunami.",
"2005- iha 2 Janeiro 2005 Paniko akontece iha cidade Dili kalan.",
"Ema laran foer habosok ba populasaun katak \"tasi sae\" (ou tsunami mai) i halo ema barak husik sira nia uma.",
"Kala meio de cidadaun iha Dili halai ba buka fatin iha foho lolon nebe haleu Dili.",
"9~26 Janeiro 2005 \"Operasaun Domin\" hahu.",
"Operasaun ne'e actividade ba solidariedade Timor Loro Sa'e nian ho vitima sira husi rai nakadoko/tsunami iha Ache, Sumatra.",
"I operasaun ida ne'e kobra hanesan doasaun atu ajuda vitima sira iha Ache.",
"Governu, jornarisita, estudante, ho selku-seluk tan hanesan voluntario halo kontribusaun.",
"18 Janeiro 2005 Um alegado miliciano pro-indonesio foi detido terca-feira pela policia timorense na sequencia de uma troca de tiros com autoridade.",
"O detido, de 24 anos, integrava um grupo de seis pessoas referenciado pela populacao da aldeia de Atudara no sub-distrito de Cailaco, como membro das antigas milicias pro-Indonesia.",
"20 Janeiro 2005 Primeiru Ministru Mari Alkateri hateten katak, Governu prontu atu servisu hamutuk ho companha minarai Portugal (GALP) hodi opera iha Timor Leste nee, para nasaun rua bele hare asuntu mina ba futuru.",
"27 Janeiro 2005 Presidente Xanana visita ba Indonesia atu entrega kontribusaun husi \"Operasaun Domin\" ba Indonesian presidente Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.",
"Kontribusaun nebe totalmente US$75,000.",
"1 Fevereiro 2005 Aniversario F-FDTL nian ba dala ha'at.",
"Roque Rodrigues (Secretario de Estado da Defesa Timor Loro Sa'e) ho Jorge Neto (Secretario de Estado da Defesa Portugal) asina acordo kona ba cooperasaun militar foun nebee Portugal ajuda F-FDTL nafatin ho liu.",
"9 Fevereiro 2005 UPF (Unidade Pilicia Fronteira) kaer eis-milisia nain rua iha Distrito Maliana, sub-Distrito Balibo, suco Cowa.",
"17 Fevereiro 2005 Bispo nain rua, D. Alberto Ricardo da Silva (Bispo de Dili) ho D. Basilio do Nascimento (Bispo de Baucau) hasai Nota Pastoral nebe kestiona desizaun governo kona ba hanorin religiaun iha escola pubilica.",
"Nota Pastoral dehan katak, por exzemplo, \"hanorin Religiaun la bele fakulitativu deit, mai be obrigatoriu iha kurrikulu\" i \"Ami hakarak no hein katak Governu sei buka no hetan dalan ida nebe simu konsensu ema hotu nian molok atu la'o ba oin ho esperiensa-pilot ida ne'e.\"",
"9 Marso 2005 Iha Jakarta, Presidente Xanana no presidente Susilo Bambang Yudoyono asina akordu kona ba kriasaun KVA (Kommisaun Verdade e Amizade) nebee sei investiga krime iha durante/depois referendo tinan 1999 iha Timor Loro Sa'e.",
"19 Marso 2005 Iha Atabae, juventude Katoliko husi parokia Balibo, Maliana, Bobonaro no Zumalai halo manifestasaun kontra desizaun governo nebe hasai materia religiaun hanesan facultativa husi obrigatoria iha edukasaun nasional wainhira Nunsiu Apostoliku (Nuncio Apostolico) Vaticano ba Indonesia ho Timor Loro Sa'e Arcebispo Marlcom Raamjiph ho Bispo Alberto Ricardo da Silva inaugura Igreja Atabae hanesan parokia foun.",
"Juventude sira hakerek iha spanduk \"Mate ka moris ami defende nafatin ami nia religiaun\" ho seluk-seluk tan.",
"20 Marso 2005 Padre Domingos Soares -- nebe konhesido ho naran \"Amo Maubere\" -- hateten katak (ba journal \"Timor Post\"), maske Igreja ate agora seidauk simu resposta oficial husi governo kona ba Nota Pastoral nebe bispo nain rua fo'o ba governo.",
"Igreja pronto atu hala'o dialgo, maibe se governo hakarak povo koalia rasik entaun bele koalia.",
"27 Marso 2005 Ministro Negosios Estrangeiros i Kooperasaun, Jose Ramos Horta, hato'o nia reasaun kontra Arcebispo Marcolm Raamjiph nia intervensaun relasiona ho governo nia posisaun kona ba materia religiaun iha escola publica.",
"29 Marso 2005 U.S. Navy Hospital Ship, Ro Marcy too tasi Dili husi operasaun humanitaria iha Ache, Sumatra.",
"Spesialista medica Ro Marcy nian sei fo asistensia medika ba pasiente iha hospital nasional ho seluk tan durante loron haat.",
"31 Marso 2005 Ro Marcy fali hikasu urjenti ba Sumatra hodi ajuda vitima iha Nias tanba rai nakadoko akontece iha 28 Marso.",
"2 Abril 2005 (3 Abril iha oras Timor Loro Sa'e) Amo Papa Joao Paulo * mate.",
"5 Abril 2005 Wainhira membero nian tolu ONU komisaun especialista to'o aeroporto Comoro hodi investiga liu acusasaun krime kontra direito humano iha 1999, ema nain 100 halo manifestasaun i manifestante sira taka sira nia ibun ho hena metan nebe dehan katak \"WE NEED JUSTICE.\"Hesegawa Sukehiro, Reprezentante Especial ba Secretario Geral ONU nian dehan katak ONU sei hari'i nia misaun foun hodi fo'o asistensia ba governo Timor Loro Sa'e depois de 20 Maio 2005.",
"8 ~ 9 Abril 2005 Presidente Republik Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono visita Timor Loro Sa'e.",
"Governo Timor Loro Sa'e ho Indonesia halao asinatura ba acordo kona ba provisorio fronteira.",
"Acordo ida ne'e hatan 96% determinasaun rai nia fronteira entre nasaun rua.",
"13 Abril 2005 Embaxador Kuwait iha Indonesia Mohammad Fadel Khalaf hasoru ho Presidenti Xanana Gusmao iha Palacio das Cinzas entrega karta kredensial ba Xanana no sai nudar Embaxador Kuwait iha Timor Loro Sa'e.",
"Embaxador Kuwait ne'e foo hatene ba Xanana kona ba cooperasaun iha explorasaun mina rai.",
"18 Abril 2005 Membrus F-FDTL 150 resin arabka ba Iha Atauro hodi tuir treinamentu (durante loron 5) kona ba dezastre naurais hahesan rai nakdoko, tsunami no anin/udan bo'ot.",
"19 Abril 2005 Madre, padre, sarani ho juventude husi parokia Bobonaro, Suai, Liquica no Atabae halo manifestaun pasifiku iha Palacio do Governo nia oin.",
"Policia hasai manifestador sira (kala 2000) iha sorin.",
"Coordenador manifestante Padre Domingos Soares (Amo Maubere) husu governo dialogo kona ba hanorin religiaun iha escola publica.",
"Manifetante hakerek iha spanduk \"POVU LA SIMU DITADOR ALKATIRI\" i Igreja reklama resignasaun Primeiro Ministro Mari Alkatiri nian.",
"Manifeatante ida ne'e sai continua tempo naruk.",
"Manifestador mai husi district oi-oin no ninian numero sai boot.",
"Polisia taka dalan ba manifestasaun iha Uma Fukun nia oin, Lecidere i manifestante sira organiza seguransa an hodi manten manifestasaun pasifiku.",
"22 Abril 2005 Presidente Xanana partisipa iha Konferensia Asia-Africa iha Jakarta.",
"30 Abril 2005 Comite Central FRETILN halao reuniaun i reconhece Mari Alkatiri nia posisaun.",
"28 Abril 2005 Konselho Seguransa Nasoens Unidos harii misaun foun iha Timor Loro Sa'e, naran UNOTIL (United Nations Office in Timor Leste), nebe serviso durante tinan ida.",
"3 Maio 2005 Policia fo ultimato ba manifestante Igreja nian atu sai husi fatin manifestasaun nia ne'e.",
"Maibe policia hanaruk ultimato.",
"7 Maio 2005 Iha Palacio das Cinzas, representante Igreja Katplika D. Alberto Ricardo da Silva ho D. Basilio do Nascimento, representante Governo Primeiro Ministro Mari Alkatiri ho Presidente Xanana Gusmao nudar testemunha ida, asina Dekalarasaun Konjunta.",
"Parte rua -- Igreja Katolika ho Governo -- konkorda hamutuk.",
"Dekalarasaun Konjunta ida ne'e temi katak materira religiaun tenki tama iha kurikulo, kona ba frekuensia, sei deside iha oras materikula, tuir inan-aman nia opusaun livre.",
"Manifestasaun boot teb-tebs remata.",
"8 Maio 2005 Manifestante sira ida-idak fila ba sira nia fatin.",
"11 Maio 2005 Governu Australia hasai avizo kona ba posibilidade ataka ka bomba terorista nian iha Dili.",
"Por outra lado, policia kaer ema nain tolu -- eis-membro FALINTIL regiaun * nebe lori pistola ho ninian kolega nain rua -- besik Palacio do Governo.",
"12 Maio 2005 Konselho Superior Defesa ho Segransa hahu funsiona nudar Prezidenti Rebulika kona ba asuntus Defesa ho Soberania previstu iha konstituisaun ho sai nudar orgaun, tuir lei nebe Parlamentu Nasional aprova.",
"Kompozisaun membrus Konselho Superior Defesa ho Segransa hamutuk nain 9 mak, Primeiru Ministru Dr. Mari Alkatiri, Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru no Koperasaun Dr. Ramost Horta, Ministru Justisa Dr. Domingos Maria Sarmento.",
"Ministru Interior Rogerio Lobato, Sekretariu Estadu Defeza Dr. Roque Rodrigues, Kimandante F-FDTL Brigadeiru General Taur Matan Ruak, Komandante PNTL Superintendente Paulo da Fatima Martins, Chefi Nasional Seguransa Estadu Ir.",
"Ricardo Ribeiro.",
"18 Maio 2005 Governu Timor Loro Sa'e no Representante Especial ba Secretario Geral Nasoens Unidos nian iha Timor Loro Sa'e Hasegawa Sukehiro asina akordu kona ba pisisaun UNOTIL nian.",
"20 Maio 2005 Loron independensia Timor Loro Sa'e nian ba dala tolu.",
"Militantes ho simpatisantes FRETILIN kuaze 7000 nebe mai husi distritu oin-oin marsa iha Dili.",
"3 Junho 2005 Hasegawa Sukehiro nebe nafatin Representante Espesial Sekretariu Genral ONU nian no mos sai representante.",
"21 Junho 2005 Pierre-Richard Prosper, Estadus Unidus da Amerika Ambassador-at-Large kona ba Kazu Funu Crimes halo visita mai Timor Loro Sa'e atu rona opiniaun kona ba justisa husi Timorenses representante oin-oin.",
"Amerika hatudu nia posisaun positivo kona ba Internasional Tribunal.",
"27 Julho 2005 Primeiru Ministru Mari Alkateri ofisialmente anunsia estrutura foun governu nian, aumenta ministeiru foun lima.",
"Gabinet foun nia pozisaun 41.",
"1 Agosto 2005 Anunsia naran memberus KVA (Kommisaun Verdade e Amizade) - nain lima husi Timor Loro Sa'e ho nain lima seluk husi Indonesia.",
"11 Agosto 2005 Iha Bali-Denpasar, Presidente Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono no Presidente Timor Loro Sa'e Xanana Gusmao hahu KVR ofisialmente.",
"20 Agosto 2005 F-FDTL hala'o seremonia ba aniversario FALINTIL nian ba dala 30 iha Oe-Cusse.",
"Fontes dadus hirak nee foti husi sitiu: Timor Leste (Memoria) http://amrtimor.org/ nomos sitiu seluk nebe relevante ho Istoria Timor Leste ninian.",
"Centro Turismo Marobo Be Manas Marobo Tinan 18 Masacre Santa Cruz Ayam kampus Kidung Molik Tinan 10 konsulta popular A Traveller's Dictionary in Tetun-English and English-Tetun from the Land of the Sleeping Crocodile East Timor 20 Program Jahat paling NGETOP Fransico Xavier do Amaral Helder de Araujo Musika halo dukur Robert Mendonca 2006.",
"Diberdayakan oleh Blogger.",
"Copyright (c) 2013 Robert Nia Blog | All Rights Reserved."
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"Robert Nia Blog: Timor Leste iha Istoria 1520-3986 It has been ten years since East Тимор was freed from colonialism."
"By the time it conquered its independence on 20th May, East Timor was now one of world's youngest countries. The eastern part is known as \"Timor\", an island in Southeast Asia and today called Democratic Republic (República Democrática) after being dominated by colonialism for over five centuries For those who want to know more about history just read this chronology:"
"1520- Portuguese Warehouse The first Europeans to colonize Southeast Asia, the portuguese women set up commercial warehouse on Timor Island with sandalwood or camellia trees."
"Because camelwood is a highly valuable wood and commercially used for the manufacture of luxury furniture, it makes morin oil."
"1609 - Dutch domination of Timor. The Spanish invade the island and establish a colony in Kupang, which is now known as West-Timor (East). In this period Spain gains control over all East Asia from Portugal to Indonesia through an agreement with King Willem I on October"
"1859 – Timor is divided. On April, Portugal and the Netherlands split up East-Timor into two colonies: Dutch West (West Indies) with capital in Jakarta; Portuguese Eastern Province of Indonesia which was to be controlled by Spain until its independence from France on August"
"The treaty was not implemented until 1862 and a decade later, in the year of Timor's independence from Portugal (in October) it set out its border."
"1942- Japanese invasion."
"During World War II, Japan invaded Timor and the island became a dispute between Australia to which it belongs today."
"In the west, it passes to Indonesia. The province of Sulawesi is located in this region"
"1974- Carnation Revolution."
"On 25 April, a revolution in the Portuguese colonies overthrew Portugal's military junta."
"A good sign for the colonies to achieve independence."
"1974: The Timorese Democratic Union (UDT) is founded in response to the Carnation Revolution."
"On 10 September, the ASDT changed its name to Fretilin (Frente Revolucionaria Timor Leste Independente) with President Fransisco Xavier do Amaral and Secretary General Nicolau Lobatu."
"27 May Founding of the Association Popular Democratic Timor (APODETI)."
"In July Indonesian Ambassador to Brussels Franz Seda Visit Portugal in September Prime Minister of Australia Meet with General Soeharto expressing support for East Timor integration into Indonesia November 14 Lemos Piries takes over as Governor and Chief Commander on the island."
"1975- First Independence, On January the UDT and Fretilin made a coalition talks about an autonomy process for East Timor during five to ten years before achieving full independence."
"09 March Delegations from Portugal and Indonesia meet in Launceston to discuss the East Timor issue."
"20 May Fretilin held a demonstration in Dili to mark its first Anniversary."
"27 May UDT breaks collaboration with FRETILIN June,5 First time Portugal communicates information to the UN about East Timor Jun.16 Suharto visit United States of America explaining American support for Indonesia in invasion on east timor"
"June 26 UDT demonstration in Dili regarding a summit of Timorese parties represented on the Macau island."
"July 17 Promulgation of law no."
"10-23 August UDT launches an armed coup to gain power in Timor. On the day of independence, on Augst’s twentieth FRETILIN fight against a military cop and establishes its National Liberation Army (FALINTIL). The FALINET become one handedly croat army that takes control over all areas; Nikolau Lobatu is elected as First Commander OF THE FALINTIL ARMED FORCES"
"August 26 Portuguese administration leaves Dili and move to Atauro (Aurora) UDT leaving for Likisa on Aug.17 October Indonesian troops enter Batugade, five Australian journalist are killed November: The Indonesia Army begin attacking the town of Batavia December Portugal negotiates with Timorese parties in Darwin that they will boycott India January - Insurrection against colonial rule by PT Independência de Moçambique"
"On 29 November, Portugal did not recognize the unilateral independence and integration of Timor-Leste."
"November 30 Representatives of UDT,APODETI and KOTA (Klibur Oan Timor Aswain) in the Labour Party sign an Integration Proclamations called Balibo Declaration to defend East-Timor's integrtion into Indonesia."
"06 December U.S President Gerald Ford and Secretary of State Kenry Kissinger enlist Suharto to take swift, drastic action against East Timor"
"07 December Indonesian Forces conduct Operation Komodo and Invade East Timor."
"12 December The UN General Assembly adopts Resolution No.3485 condemning the Indonesian military intervention in East Timor"
"December 23 – The UN Security Council unanimously votes resolution no.184 condemning the invasion of East Timor and calling for an immediate retreat from invader forces"
"1976 - Indonesian invasion, on January the special envoy of UN Secretary-General Vittorio Guicciardi visits East Timor. Under Suharto' s dictatorship Indonesia annexes east timor and ignores Portuguese government as well a United Nations resolution to annexate eastern timors"
"He sent Indonesian troops into East Timor."
"Nearly 201,536 Timorese died during the invasion."
"On 17 July, the Apodeti party declared that East Timor would be integrated into Indonesia and become its twenty-seventh province."
"1976- In the same year in Remexio (Aileu) Fransisco Xavier departed from his post as President of Partido Fretilin and RDTL’s second president, replacing with Nikolaus Lobato."
"1978 - On November, the Indonesian Forces control Matebian as one of five resistance bases that were targeted by an attack from Indonesia."
"December 31 Indonesian troops kill Falintil Commander Nikolau Lobato in Mindelo/Turiscai."
"1980- Xanana leads Falintil in the Revolutionary Council of National Resistance (CRRN) and is elected President."
"1980- On March, a Secret National Conference was held in Lakluta Viqueque. Xanana Gusmao elected to the Falintil command on that day and he became its leader for five years later (March)."
"May to September Indonesia conducted Operation Pagar Betis or Operasi Kikis in which the Indonesian military used civilians against guerrillas who were resisting on shore. The war ended with an agreement between both sides that would allow for a peaceful settlement of conflict areas, but it was not followed up by any action from either side until April and June when they agreed upon peace terms as well:"
"19-20 June Committee of the Rights Of The Mapuche People (CDPM) Meeting in Lisbon about situation on Timor September,7th there was a massacre at Lakluta. April - Portugal's Assembly approves an ad hoc commission to follow up with regarding status for East Тимор In september D Martnho Lopese meets Xanana Guteres and FALINTIL National Political Commissioner & Commander Xanna Gusmao meet Indonesian troops commanders Colonel Purwanto over Ceasefire meeting held by Buburake Viqueque"
"1983 - On May, through a press release Xanana Gusmao proposed talks between Portugal and Indonesia on the nationalist forces in Timor."
"May 12 Monsignor Ximenes Belo takes office as Apostolic Administrator of Dili, replacing Bishop Martinho da Costa Lopes."
"On the same day Xanana proclaimed a nationalist convergence to fight against Indonesian invaders until 1984."
"September 07 Massacre in Kraras kills many people, offensive operation Indonesian Forces is called Operation Keamanan.1984- Xanana restructures the Armed forces"
"1985- On May, Xanana left the Central Committee of Fretilin and CRRN structure assumed command Falintil. In March there was a unification resistance movement after FRETILIN with UDT agree to create Convergencia Nacionalista (Nationalist convergency)."
"April 25 Xanana Gusmao meets with Amo Belo in Fatumaca.1987- On January, Fretilin and UDT form the National Council of Maubere Resistance (CNRM)."
"In June 1987, Mario Carrascalão as Governor of East Timor proposed to Suharto that the country be opened up for foreign investments. The proposal was rejected by his counterpart in South Korea and a new government came into power on July (20)."
"December 31,2089 Xanana Gusmao Announces the Falintil as Non-Partisan and on that same day FALINTIL returns to be a croat arm of people in CNRM' s wings."
"On 6 February, Amo Belo wrote a letter to the UN Secretary-General requesting that East Timor hold an independent referendum."
"05 October CNRM President and FALINTIL Commander Xanana Gusmao presents new plan to UN Secretary-General.12 Oct Pope John Paul II visit East Timor"
"During the visit of Tasi Tolu, there was also a demonstration by organizations from Clandestine Network."
"1987 - On May, the CNRM held an extraordinary meeting to restructure its resistance movement."
"From this meeting Xanana resigned from the Fretilin Party, but continued to assume FALINTIL command and CNRM president."
"These meetings formed the Front Clandestina."
"Falintil is recognized as an Armed Front to carry out guerrilla warfare against the activities of Indonesian troops occupying East Timor."
"The Clandetina Front organized people against Indonesian military activity as part of the resistance movement."
"Another front is the Diplomacy Front, which conducts diplomacies abroad for East Timor' s independence."
"The Clandestine Front continues to gather young people for peaceful demonstrations."
"On August 12, Xanana Gusmao sent a letter to Constancio Pinto asking the youths in Angola and Mozambique that they respect command of fighting decision (comando da luta) by avoid demonstrations without authorization."
"On 28 January, the Indonesian Forces captured Mau Hodu who was Vice-Secretary of FRETILIN'S Directive Committee."
"The tragedy in East Timor has attracted great attention from the world."
"Since the new restructuring, many leaders of FALINTIL and CNRM died or disappeared from Foho until Xanana's capture in 1982."
"On 20 November, the Indonesian forces captured Xanana Gusmao and took him to Indonesia."
"Mau Huno from the Foreign Committee of Fretilin continued to lead Falintil and CNRM until 5 April,1983."
"On 25 April, the command of both Falintil and CNRM surrendered to Nino Koni Santana."
"FALINTIL Commander, Nino Konis Santana took command of the territory and organized a new resistance structure."
"May 21 Xanana was sentenced to death."
"The following day they commuted his sentence to 20 years in prison."
"July Indonesian authorities hold \"conversations for reconciliation\" but many people never accept."
"05 September Young people demonstrated in front of members Congress from the United States at Vista Dili."
"December \"Conversations for Reconciliation\" held in London, received much criticism."
"In February 1984, the U.S-led coalition force launched a major offensive to reorganize and demobilize its forces in order for them back into action on larger scales as well; this was called Operation Desert Storm (Operación Desierto)."
"10 ~23 August Members of the Japanese Parliament nain lima officially visit Timor Loro Sa'e."
"November Indonesian and Timorese immigrants clashes in Becora."
"November 12: Twenty-nine Klosan Timorese entered the American Embassy in Jakarta during APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference) meetings, which were held at Indonesia."
"On 1 January, a group of about two hundred Timorese clashed with Indonesian troops in Baucau after an argument between locals and immigrants from Sulawesi."
"June 3 ~5 United Nations sponsored AIETD (All-inclusive Intra East Timorese Dialogue) meeting held in Austria."
"June 29 Head of the Executive Council for Struggle/Clandestine Front (CEL / FC) Sabala and his assistant are killed."
"30 June The International Court of Justice concluded that it could not make a decision in the case between Portugal and Australia over Timor Gap."
"November 14, Klosan-20 Timorese enter the Japanese Embassy in Jakarta at a time when APEC is meeting."
"1986- International Pressure."
"On 19 March, the United Nations facilitated a second AIETD meeting in Austria for several days."
"20 August Fight between FALINTIL (Commander David Alex's group) and TNI(Tentara Nasional Indonesia). Foreign filmmakers shoot for the first time."
"October Nobel Peace Prize decided to be given by Father Bishop Belo and CNRM Special Representative Jose Ramos Horta."
"1976- In March the United Nations sent Jamsheed Marker to visit Xanana."
"And in Timor Loro Sa'e, East-Timor activists clashed with Indonesian authorities after his visit."
"June 25 Indonesian troops capture Commander David Alex \"Dai-Tula.\""
"The problem is that his death or life are not true. President Nelson Mandela of South Africa against Xanana Gusmão, 1986"
"October 20 ~13 United Nations assisted the third meeting of AIETD held in Austria."
"In January 1986, the Indonesian rupiah was devalued to US$0.25 per dollar and in February of that year Indonesia's rupee fell sharply against its foreign counterpart (the Japanese yen)."
"Crisis economy in Indonesia."
"On March 10, the commander Nino Konis Santana died after falling on a rock."
"Commander Taur Matan Ruak, chief of the EMF (FALINTIL’s General Staff), has been appointed as commanding officer in Timor-Leste."
"30 March Konis Santana's death was announced by radio Portugal international program."
"23 ~ April, the Timorese National Meeting was held in Peniche-Portugal."
"UDT is participated by CNRT (Conselho Nacional da Resistencia Timorense)."
"President is Xanana Gusmao and Vice-President Jose Ramos Horta, with the latter serving as Prime Minister."
"On 21 May, Soeharto resigned from his position as President."
"He put an end to his 32-year dictatorship."
"Habibie emerged as the new President of Republic Indonesia."
"On June 9, the new President Habibie said that Indonesia's government was preparing to give East Timor a \"special province\" status within Indonesian soil."
"June 12 More than a thousand Timorese students demonstrated in front of the Foreign Minister's Office, Jakarta to demand that Habibie refuse referendum and leave Xanana."
"July 28 As Habibie's way of peace, some Indonesian soldiers begin to leave Timor-Leste."
"As a result, the number of Indonesian soldiers increased further."
"August 4~5 Conversation between Minister of Foreign Affairs Indonesia and Portugal with the help Secretary General United Nations."
"There was no agreement on the referendum process."
"October Indonesian troops begin to carry out operations against FALINTIL."
"At the end of October, United Nations held its fourth AIETD meeting in Austria November There is a report that there was massacre at Alas."
"At the end of December, Emar atus ida made a trip from Ala'a to Dili."
"On 12 January, the Australian government changed its policy on Timor-Leste and supported Xanan's release as well."
"January 27 For the first time, Indonesia's government made Timor aware of its possibilities for independence."
"On February 10, Xanana was released from Cipinang Prison and transferred to a special prison."
"March 5 Xanana met with United States Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Mrs. Albright and asked her to call a referendum on the issue asking international support"
"March 12 Foreign Ministers of Indonesia and Portugal agree to hold a referendum."
"April Hahu formed a pro-integration militia, organized and backed by the Indonesian military with force to carry out violent attacks that killed many people."
"April 6 Massacre in Liquisa Church as a witness to more than two thousand dead."
"5 May Indonesia, Portugal and the United Nations agreed to hold a referendum on August 8 that would let Timorese decide whether or not they wanted special autonomy."
"They also agreed that the United Nations would establish UNAMET (United Nation Assistance Mission in East Timor) and Indonesia assume responsibility for security."
"However, the Timorese Resistance leaders did not accept that Indonesia took responsibility for security in order to hold a referendum and asked international armed forces on watch over Indonesian troops or militias."
"On 20 May, the United Nations Mission in Timor-Leste (UNAMET) reported militia violence and called for UN attention."
"26 May The United Nations Security Council expresses concern about the security situation in Timor-Leste."
"June 3 – UNAMI opens its office."
"25~30 June Conference between CNRT (Xanana was present) and pro-integration group held in Jakarta."
"The conference's title is \"Give Peace and Reconciliation.\""
"Ramos Horta visited Jakarta for the first time in 24 years."
"July 4 For the first time, armed groups opened fire on a United Nations car in Liquisa."
"12 July Referendum postponed to next week."
"July 16 Hahu registered for the referendum."
"July 28 Referendum postponed once again and decided to hold on August, the referendum was held in June."
"14 ~27 August Referendum campaign."
"20 August FALINTIL celebrated its twenty-fourth anniversary for the first time in an encampment at Waimori."
"28 August In Oe-Cusse (population approximately,590), militia committed destruction in the city."
"Many people were forced to evacuate their homes and settle in Timor Loro Monu."
"30 August Referendum in Timor-Leste goes down into history."
"Emar attended the election with nearly 450,123."
"Emar participated to 98.6%."
"4 September Hatete announces the result of a referendum."
"Voting for independence was at least 78.5%."
"Voting for autonomy stood at 21.5%."
"The international community accepts the independence of Timor-Leste."
"However, pro-integration militia groups began a violent operation against the city."
"UNAMET staff and journalists fled."
"The population of about 250,147 ~368.9 thousand people was forced to flee East Timor and other lands from Indonesia in the aftermath (see below)."
"Nearly a thousand women died."
"Timor Loro Sa'e hahu runguranga."
"At three o'clock in the morning many people fled to Dare, Waimori and Bemos among other places for a period of 3 weeks until INTERFET (International Force East Timor) entered North-East."
"At that time also many people did not carry much food until the last day all of them returned to Dili looking for some kinds Of Food in order To survive."
"On 7 September, Xanana was released from prison and moved to the British Embassy."
"Father Bishop Belo evacuated to Darwin because of indiscriminate violence increased by the military/milicias."
"September 10 According to Portuguese newspapers, Indonesian military killed Mau Hudo in Batugade but his certainty is not true."
"On 12 September, Habibie welcomed international troops into Timor-Leste. It rose after receiving pressure from the rest of world and particularly Americans to do so; he was then recalled by his army on a plane back home in April for an official ceremony at Port Vila Airport (IATA: PLQ)."
"But it leaves the big question as to how long does The White House wait before putting pressure on Jakarta until militias stop their destructive actions."
"14 September: A group of about a thousand and fifty Timorese staff members from the United Nations Mission in East Тимор (UNAMET) are transferred to Darwin, Australia."
"On 15 September, the United Nations Security Council decided to send a multinational force with significant troops via Australia into East Timor."
"September 19 This day, Xanana arrived in Darwin from Jakarta."
"September 20 The first group of multinational forces called INTERFET arrives in Dili."
"September 28 Xanana in New York City with United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan."
"End of September Fire fight between INTERFET and pro-Jakarta troops on the border."
"October 1st,2039 Xanana goes to Lisbon from New York on a Portuguese Air Force plane."
"October 6: Reverend Bishop Belo returns to Timor-Leste."
"October 14 Xanana returns to Darwin, after visiting Dublin and London."
"16 ~20 October CNRP Conference in Darwin, to discuss new strategy."
"October 18 FALINTIL requested INTERFET to send a force quickly for Oe-Cusse."
"October 21 Xanana returns to Timor-Leste after being captured by the Indonesian army in November of that year."
"October 21 Xanana speaks for the first time to people in front of Governor' s Office, Dili and Taur Matan Ruak sits on his back."
"At Oe-Cusse, INTERFET began operations."
"October 24 Xanana visits Remexio, the second FALINTIL encampment which was later moved to Aileu."
"On 25 October, the United Nations Security Council established UNTAET (United Nation Transitional Administration in East Timor), which was to be responsible for maintaining peace and security on Eastern-Timor."
"Sergio Vieira de Mello becomes Representative of the Secretary-General to United Nations."
"October 31 Indonesian troops leave Timor-Leste, ending the Indonesia's military occupation of East and Central Asia for more than two decades."
"28 November Australian Prime Minister John Haward visits Timor Loro Sa'e."
"December 1 – Jose Ramos Horta returns to Timor-Leste. He rises for the first time in more than twenty four years as Prime Minister of East and West Тимор (East)"
"December 17-20 - The United Nations, the World Bank and Japan organize a first international donor meeting in Tokyo."
"Nearly 201 delegates from more than fifty nations and international organizations agreed to provide almost US$536 million in aid over three years for the reconstruction of Timor-Leste."
"Xanana visited Tokyo on 16 to the, and urged international community for rapid action in intensifying food production at Timor-Leste."
"20 December Xanana participated in the ceremony of Macau's return to China."
"28 December Diplomatic relations between Portugal and Indonesia, which had been severed due to the problem of Timor Leste for more than a decade are officially restored."
"On 23 January, the Philippine military officer Jaime do Los Santos became commander of PKF (Peace Keeping Force) in East Timor."
"On 23 January, UNTAET discontinued the American dollar as official money during this transition period."
"CNT accepts this decision."
"February 9 Portuguese forces invade Timor-Leste. It remains a part of Portugal until the independence in October, after which it became an independent state (1825). After this date:"
"12 February President of Portugal Jorge Sampaio visits Timor Loro Sa'e."
"17 February United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan visits Timor Loro Sa'e."
"February 23 INTERFET Commander Peter Cosgrove and UNTAET Special Representative Sergio Vieira de Mello with Xanana Gusmão in the presence of Father Bishop Belo sign at a ceremony to hand over Interfet's services."
"INTERFET is out and PKF begins operations."
"February 29 Indonesian President Wahid visits East Timor and agree to establish friendship between the two nations."
"March 27 UNTAET opens the Timor-Leste Police Academy in Dili with a total of about fifty candidate to begin training over three months."
"2017-4 - Prime Minister of Portugal Antonio Guterres visits Timor Loro Sa'e for the first time."
"April 29 Dili Post Office opens, officially inaugurates the opening of postal service in Timor-Leste and provides postal services between Dili to Baucau. International mail goes through Darwin Australia on this day"
"Domestic stamp folin 10/C and international seal folin5-c (centavo=American dollar)."
"April 30 At the Dili municipal stadium, a group of nearly seventy people attacked spectators playing football in May's heavy rain."
"In Timor Loro Monu, a Betun village near the borders of Indonesia and Malaysia more than 50% have been affected by flood."
"Timor Loro Sa'e refugees kill 102 more. More than a hundred people are missing"
"In Timor Loro Sa'e, Suai and Viqueque districts of Baucau are suffering from heavy rains."
"June 8 NTT (Nusa Tenggara Timur) Governor Piet Tallo visits East Timor to discuss border and refugee issues."
"June 20 At the Loro Monu border, an Australian office of PKF was attacked by a militia group."
"Emar was not injured."
"July 24 PKF soldier from New Zealand Foun, aged19 died in fighting with militias at Nana one kilometer away of the border Suai Loro Monu."
"This was the first time that a PKF soldier in Timor-Leste had died during war."
"July 25~16 At the ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) meeting in which Xanana and Ramos Horta from CNRT, as well Sergio Vieira de Melo for UNTAET participated on a guest basis. The willingness was expressed by all members to support reconciliations with Timor-Leste's government so that it can begin reconstruction processes at home or internationally if necessary"
"On 20 August FALINTIL celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary in Aileu, where the international community was present at this ceremonY."
"21~30 August National Congress of CNRP to reorganize and redefine."
"August 30 Anniversary of the first referendum in Timor-Leste."
"September 4 Anniversary of the first announcement results referendum, which is celebrated as victory day for independence Timor-Leste."
"6 September Nearly a half-thousand militia groups kill three international UNHCR staff in Atambua, and nearing four hundred humanitarian services to refugees leaving East Timor."
"October 19 Jose Ramos Horta leaves as cabinet member and become responsible to the Minister of Foreign Affairs."
"November 12th Anniversary of the \"Santa Cruz Massacre\" and a delegation from UN Security Council arrives in Dili for seven-day visit to East Timor."
"November 21~30: National donor meeting for Timor-Leste in Dili to discuss the national defence forces."
"2013- Provisional Government."
"On January 5, two Bishops from Kupang and Atambua met with the East Timorese Archbishop in Dare Loro Sa'i to discuss refugee problems."
"January 16 ~20 Portuguese Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jaime da Gama visits Timor-Leste."
"To visit Oe-Cusse, Aileu and many other places."
"January 18 Of the over two hundred and fifty (250) refugees who arrived to visit Timor-Leste, only about seventeen were allowed into Loro Monu."
"Only 80 of them remain in their homeland, Timor-Leste."
"January 23 Brazilian President, Fernand Henrique Cardoso visits Timor Loro Sa'e."
"A day later he visited Jakarta to meet with President Wahide and Vice-President Megawati for talks on supporting Timor Leste."
"January 23 - Mari Alkatiri and Ramos Horta visit Jakarta for the first time as members of a transitional cabinet."
"January 24 ~15 New Zealand PKF military arrests four militia men near border/beacon due to concern about problems in September,90."
"January 25 A pro-Indonesian male militiaman, aged about twenty two years old was sentenced to twelve months in prison by the Dili District Court for killing an independentist activist at Maliana on Sept."
"The man said the Indonesian military fired a \"katana\" at him to kill this independence/pro-independent supporter."
"This is also the first case involving a militia."
"1 February FALINTIL joins the national defence force under its new name, \"Forças Defesa do Timor-Leste\" (FDTL), or Force of Defense for East Тимор."
"Taur Matan Ruak has been appointed as Brigadier General of the F-FDTL."
"At the moment, there are 650 soldiers in service."
"With 750 ex-FALINTIL members, those who had not joined the FDTL were sent back to their homes."
"February 5 The TV Loro Sa'e season of Timor-Leste, called \"Televizaun Timór Lòro Sâ\" (TVLT), has started broadcasting programmes including BBC Portuguese and news in Tetun."
"5~9 February Ramos Horta visited Germany for the first time, during his visit he met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel."
"The German government promised to provide support for Timor-Leste."
"On 23 February, the National Council announced that elections for a Constituent Assembly were scheduled to begin on August. The Constitution was also set as starting date of election by December (15)."
"The battleship \"Kristy Wilsbar\" of the seventh squadron had already left U.S, and arrived at Dili bridge on its way back to Indonesia in early November (1945)."
"It was said that the warship would stay there for three days to provide humanitarian support."
"February 24 A long conflict occurred in Uai-tolari and Viqueque due to land dispute, which has already been resolved according the regulations with mediation planning."
"Such a conflict would be like returning to the original problem as it was back in 1940."
"March 7 At a conference in Dili, three Timorese children who tried to spoil Xanana were caught."
"In Baucau, people attacked a car carrying the transitional government of region and burned mosques."
"March 12 In Viqueque, many people (groups) burned thirty houses; two were killed and more than six hundred became refugee."
"March 16 People entitled to vote must have registered at the Constituent Assembly on August,30."
"28 March Xanana as head of the National Council has resigned."
"Conselho Nasional sai konfusaun. - National Council is confused!"
"April 2 In a village near the border, perhaps- militias were shooting people in town."
"A woman was wounded four days after the man died."
"April 8 Brigadier General Taur Matan Ruak visits South Korea within a week and observe the border line."
"On 9 April, Manuel Carrascalao was elected as the new head/leader of Conselhos Nacionais."
"April 30 In Jakarta Utara, Indonesia's district court sentenced Eurico Guterres to six months in prison."
"May 7 Independent Electoral Commission approves registration of political parties."
"On May 9, Col. Andrew Pranket a member of the Australian military's Intelligence Department serving in East Timor told an Australia newspaper publishing company and television station that his government had not taken any action to stop massacres occurring after referendum on Malina even though it received clear information about them being planned there; he said: \"There is no reason why we should be worried.\""
"Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer has denied any such allegations."
"May 16 Xanana and Ramos Horta to visit America for five days."
"In Washington D.C, they met with United States Secretary of State Colin Powell and the President's spokesman Mike Pompeo on Monday morning in a joint press conference at White House 2013"
"The U.S Government promises to help/support Timor Loro Sa'e country,"
"In New York they visited the United Nations."
"On the 18th, they met with Henry Kissinger and his secretary of state who gave Indonesia a \"green light\" to invade East Timor in October."
"May 29 At the border with Timor-Leste, a grenade explodes."
"As a result, four people died and no one was injured."
"June 6 ~7 Extraordinary Conference to be held by CNRT/CN."
"CNRT/CN has been officially dissolved."
"9 June Ceremony hosted by CNRT/CN."
"June 21 The first graduation ceremony of F-FDTL trainees was held in Aileu."
"Of the 650 soldiers, only about two-thirds of them were given a post."
"23 June Registration of eligible voters to close on August, the last day for registration."
"July 5 A joint agreement on the development of oil and gas in a so-called \"Zone Of Cooperation\" (ZOC) area around Timor Sea has been concluded between South East Тимор, with Australia."
"Timor-Leste will receive 90% and Australia gets a ten percent share of the oil & gas richness."
"One big question is, why did the Timorese leadership accept this ZOC area since it was illegal under \"Timor Gap Treaty\" between Indonesia and Australia during Indonesian occupation."
"The name of the area itself was changed from ZOC to \"Joint Petroleum Development Area\" (JPDA)."
"The basic question is why Timor-Leste and Australia have never discussed the maritime boundary."
"This is contrary to International Law of the Sea and violates international law."
"July 5~6 FDTL soldiers arrive at the new training centre in Matinaro."
"July 8 Ceremony signs \"Pact of National Unity.\""
"Fourteen out of the 16 political parties are represented in parliament."
"They swore not to use violence in the election campaign."
"The \"Pact of National Unity\" is a condition to be met by the CNRT/CN."
"15 July ~28 August Campaign for the election of a Constituent Assembly."
"20 August FALINTIL celebrates its twenty-Sixth Anniversary in Dili."
"The F-FDTL soldiers walked to Santa Cruz from the Cathedral."
"30 August Election day to elect members of the Constituent Assembly."
"This was the first democratic election in Timor-Leste."
"Emar participated to 91.3%."
"6 September Hatete sae resultado kona ba eleisaun."
"FRETILIN has 54 seats (63%) out of the total number."
"FRETILIN (Revolutionary Front of Independent East Timor) --56, PD [Democratic Party] -7; ASDT[Timorese Social Democratic Association], 10 PSD(Social Democratic party),-2.PPT/PPT: People's Partij van het Oostenrijkse Koninkryk in de Tweede Kamer der Staten Generaal gekozen door een absolute meerderheid met als resultaat dat er geen enkele oppositiepartijen meer zijn die aanwezig waren op deze verkiezingsdag!"
"September 15 The Constituent Assembly is mandated to make a new constitution."
"20 September Sergio Vieira de Mello announces second transitional Cabinet member."
"These members are Timorese."
"1975 – The Constituent Assembly of Timor-Leste adopts the Portuguese and Tetun as official languages in East/Central Indonesia."
"2013- Final independence, on January the President of Mozambique visits Tokyo and Okinawa in Japan for five days."
"March 4 Japanese troops arrive in Dili."
"It was a protest against this Japanese military occupation during the \"Second World War.\""
"March 7 A militia man was sentenced to six years in jail by the Jakarta Court for killing a New Zealand PKF soldier on July,24th."
"15 March ~ April, campaign for the presidential election."
"Candidates Xanana Gusmao and Francisco Xavier do Amaral."
"March 19 The case concerning the massacre in Suai, which took place on September.08/25-36 has been submitted to Ad Hoc Human Rights Tribunal (AHRT) at Jakarta"
"5 soldiers and police, including Colonel Herman Sedyono."
"At the time, he was a sub-district administrator of Colima and therefore accused."
"TNI chiefs, Admiral Widodo Adisucipto and General Endriartono Sutarto came into the courtroom saying they had come to show their \"moral support\" for those who accused them."
"On 23 March, the Constituent Assembly adopted a resolution on drafting of new constitution."
"Votes \"for\" -- 72, vote 'against'-14. Absent members: two (absentee)."
"April 14 Presidential election day."
"Emar participated to 86.3%."
"April 17: The results of the presidential election are announced."
"The number of votes for Xanana 301,624 is a percentage (percentage) from the total."
"Xavier do Amaral's 63,147 vote was a decline of just over one percent."
"On 17 May, the United Nations Security Council adopted a resolution to replace UNTAET with UNMISET (United Nation Mission of Support in East Timor), which was established as an interim administration."
"May 20, Timor-Leste's independence day."
"Oath of office by former President Xanana Gusmão and Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri."
"The Constituent Assembly becomes the National Parliament and members of it are elected to that parliament."
"Former President of the National Parliament Francisco Guterres \"Lu-Olo.\""
"UNTAET has been officially disbanded."
"F-FDTL is now called FALINTIL/Polícia Militar de Timor Leste."
"17 June President Xanana Gusmão and Foreign Minister Jose Ramos Horta visit Australia."
"2 July President Xanana visits Jakarta. Presidency of the Republic"
"20 August FALINTIL/FDTL celebrates the commemoration of its twenty-seventh anniversary in Plaza Palacio Governo, Dili."
"September 27, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution to recognize Timor-Leste as an independent state."
"At the moment, there are 192 United Nations member states."
"December 3 Polisi kaer estudante iha eskola, Dili."
"Students protested against this policy."
"Polisi uses gas (tear) against demonstrasi."
"4 December Demonstrasi goes boot."
"The police shot at people in the demonstration."
"Two people died."
"Many people (groups) in this demonstration used violence against the city."
"The group attacked buildings, including the \"Hello Mister\" supermarket and hotel (Loro Sa'e Dili Hotel) as well a couple of Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri family members."
"14 December FALINTIL/FDTL newly recruited group number:260 (female,37) give graduation to the \"third Group\" of F / FDTL in Metinaro."
"As a result, Timor Loro Sa'e now has an army of about 1.5 million soldiers in the country and is currently undergoing training for its new mission to protect it from attacks by foreign troops on their own soil (see below)."
"2014 - On January, a group of militants attacked the population in Atsabe. Three people were killed and several others wounded during this violent incident that took place on Jan-5th at around midnight local time (UTC+3)."
"FALINTIL/FDTL and PKF began operations in Atsabe."
"F/FDTL captures members of \"Kolimau 2013.\""
"However, the United Nations police commissioner and NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) group \"Judicial System Monitoring Programme\" criticized F/FDTL's operation saying that there was a possibility of violence against human rights."
"Brigadier General Taur Matan Ruak and public opinion accuse barak for this criticism."
"January 23 A Timorese priest testified to a court in Jakarta that slodados and Indonesian police were part of the group which attacked Lquica church, killing at least18 people."
"The testimony was given by videoconference from Dili to the special human rights court in Jakarta."
"25 January \"First National Dialogue,\" in the year of national unity."
"Debate between FRETILIN and CPD-RDTL."
"February 24 Militia group attacks truck with mini-bus in Atabae, two people are killed."
"Besik 301 PKF soldiers launched a military operation."
"February 28 Telstra (Australian telephone company) ceased service to Timorese."
"March 1 Timor Telecom (Timor's new telephone company) start service in the land of East and Central Тимор."
"April 28th ~4/30 CAVR (Comissao de Acolhimento, Verdade e Reconciliação) opens the National Public Hearing \"Feto Timor Leste Iha Konflito\" in Balide district of Dili."
"20 May Timor Loro Sa'e celebrates the first anniversary of Independence Day."
"24 May \"Second National Dialogue\" (NDD) in Colombia."
"Debate on \"local powers."
"\"July 28-30, CAVR opened a National Public Hearing on the “COMPULSIVE AND OBLIGATORY CHANGE” at its national office."
"20 August FALINTIL/FDTL celebrates the commemoration of its twenty-eighth anniversary in Waimori (formerly known as Falintil cantonment)."
"19~20 November, CAVR opens a National Public Hearing on the \"MASAKRE\" in Balide (Dili)."
"December 15-20, CAVR opens a National Public Hearing on \"Political Conflict\" in Balide (Dili), Timor Leste."
"2014 - President Xi Jinping of China visits Japan officially."
"March 2,1904 The company \"Oceanic Exploration\" filed a case for exploration rights in the Timor Sea at Washington D.C courts of law (U S A)."
"\"Oceanic Exploration\" sued Conoco Phillips (U.S oil major), the Australian Government, Indonesia's government and Timor-Leste because its company PetroTimor had an exclusive right to explore natural resources in The East Sea before Indonesian entry into Northeast Asia but now it has illegally lost that rights 10 years ago by a decision of South African court which ruled against Oceanic Experiment for violating international law on exploration with unauthorized access from outside countries within their jurisdictional boundaries"
"\"Oceanic Exploration\" claims $30 billion without compensation and that Mari Alkatiri has collected a total of US$2.5 million from the Conoco Phillips company.\""
"Mari Alkatiri denies it.Mari Xanana Gusmao says he does not have any connections with the government of Timor-Leste"
"March 15~20, CAVR opened a National Public Hearing on \"The Right to Self-Determination and the International Community\" in ex Comarca of Balide (Dili)."
"March 25th, China Police Chief Yang Juang visited the PNTL Academy (Polisia Nasional Timor Leste), Comoro to see first-hand conditions of development at that academy."
"April 7,2014 International Day of \"Reflection on the Genocide in Rwanda\""
"Members of the Timor-Leste government, UN members and also international community remembered genocide in Rwanda by keeping a minute' s silence."
"The Rwandan genocide began on 7 April, a decade ago and resulted in the death of more than one million people."
"May 8,2014 The celebration of the ex-combatants and veterans from FALINTIL was held at Merkado Munisipal Dili."
"UDT anniversary ceremony to mark the party's founding day on May 10,274."
"On 14 May, the UN Security Council decided to extend its mandate for a further six months."
"15 May, President Xanana Gusmao of Timor-Leste and Indonesian president Megawati Soekarno Putri meet at the Patra Jaya Bali Hotel."
"During the meeting they discussed TL-RI relations between sea and land, as well talk about refugees etc."
"19 May, at Dili Heliport the UN Representative in East Timor Kamalesh Sharma officially handed over security powers to Government of Eastern and South-East Indonesia."
"20 May, the second Independence Day of Timor-Leste."
"UNMISET extended its mission for a further six months."
"Hasegawa Sukehiro became the new representative to UNMISET."
"29 May, President Xanana met with former TNI General Wiranto in Bali."
"This meeting is of great concern to many people because everyone wants justice for the violations against human rights."
"July 3,2014 Inauguration Ceremony of \"Ro Atauro Express\" held in Porto Dili."
"\"Ro Atauro Express\" carries out transport operations to the islands of Oecusse from Dili."
"The ship was officially acquired by Japan."
"July 10th, the National Census has been held."
"July 16,2054 Former Governor Abilio Jose Osorio Soares enters Cipinang Prison in Jakarta as a punishment he had been given by the Ad-Hoc Tribunal of Djakarta which sentenced him to three years' imprisonments for acts against humanity committed during and immediately after Timor Leste referendum."
"But after a few months, Abilio Jose Osorio Soares is released from the prison."
"July 19 ~20,3754 Former FALINTIL Region * Commandant Ely Foho Rai Boot (L-6) demonstrated in front of the Government Palace."
"The demonstrators (almost 201) called on the government to replace Interior Minister Rogerio Lobato and make reforms in police institutions."
"Police fired tear gas at the demonstrators."
"The police arrested nearly 30 demonstrators."
"August 20,1974 Anniversary of FALINTIL for the nineteenth time."
"\"First stone\" ceremony for the construction of a heroes' graveyard in Metinaro."
"21 August, National Dialogue between the government and veterans of war."
"The September 2014 National Census announced the average result of Timor-Leste's population as being about, or approximately:"
"November 12,3094: Overcast rain occurred in Dili."
"The F-FDTL General Assembly was postponed."
"Later (in December), the F-FDTL moved its headquarters from Caicoli to Tasi Tolu, which was used by Japanese troops."
"November 19,2054 The Ministry of Education Culture Youth and Sports in Timor-Leste issued a memorandum -- \"The Council Of Ministers has approved the implementation plan for Primary School curriculum by October year'36; also this programme will be implementing at pilot schools across thirteen district from grade ten to sixth starting January years next.\""
"19 November, UNMISET extends its mission for a further six months."
"December 26,1904 Heavy rains hit the island of Ache on Sumatra in Indonesia and caused a massive Indian Ocean Tsunami that affected many people around India."
"Two natural disasters claimed many lives, killing a total of 301.5 million people in the country's northern regions and more than one hundred thousand on its southern coastline"
"In Timor Loro Sa'e, the population begins to fear Tsunami."
"2015 - On January, the city celebrates its fifth anniversary of Independence."
"Local people were frightened and told the population that a \"tsunami\" was coming, causing many to flee their homes."
"Around half of the citizens in Dili have been searching for a safe place to hide."
"9~26 January, \"Operasaun Domin\" begins."
"The operation is an activity of solidarity from Timor Loro Sa'e with the victims in Ache, Sumatra."
"And this operation is collected as a donation to help victims in Ache."
"Government, journalists and students contributed as well."
"An alleged pro-Indonesian militia member was arrested by the East Timorese police on Tuesday following an exchange of fire with authorities."
"The 24-year old detainee belonged to a group of six persons referred by the population in Atudara village, Cailaco subdistrict as former pro Indonesia militia members."
"20 January, Prime Minister Mari Alkateri said that the Government is ready to work with Portugal's mining company (GALP) in order for it and Timor-Leste together. The two countries can deal more effectively on mineral issues as they move towards a future of development alongside each other.\""
"January 27th, President Xanana visits Indonesia to deliver the \"Operation Love\" contributions for Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono."
"The total contribution was $75,012."
"February 1,205 F-FDTL's anniversary for the fifth time."
"Roque Rodrigues (Secretario de Estado da Defesa Timor Loro Sa'e) and Jorge Neto, Secretary of State for Defense Portugal signed an agreement on a new military cooperation whereby the Portuguese help to F-FDTL will continue."
"February 9,2015 UPF (Police Frontier Unit) arrests two former militiamen in Maliana District of Balibo Sub-District Cowa Township."
"17 February, two bishops: Alberto Ricardo da Silva (Bishop of Dili) and Basilio do Nascimento(biskup Baucau), issued a pastoral note questioning the government's decision on teaching religion in public schools."
"The Pastoral Note states that, for example: \"Religion should not be treated as a mere option and must come compulsorily into the curriculum.\" And it adds to this statement by stating in detail how they hoped their government would find an agreement with all parties before proceeding further."
"On 9 March in Jakarta, President Xanana and the Indonesian president Susilo Bambang Yudoyono sign an agreement on establishing a KVA (Truth & Friendship Commission) to investigate crimes during/post-the Timorese independence referendum."
"March 19,205 In Atabae Catholic youth from the parishes of Balibo and Maliana demonstrated against government decision to remove religious subjects as optional in national education while Vatican Apostolic Nuncio (Nunzio Apostolico) for Indonesia Archbishop Marlcom Raamjiph with Bishop Alberto Ricardo da Silva inaugurate Church at a new Parish."
"The youths wrote on the banners \"Dead or alive we will defend our religion\" and so forth."
"March 20th, Father Domingos Soares -- known by the nickname \"Amo Maubere\" - said that (to newspaper Timor Post), although Church has not yet received an official response from government regarding Pastoral Note which two bishops sent to Government."
"The Church is ready to hold a dialogue, but if the government wants people speak for themselves then they can talk."
"March 27,1905 Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Jose Ramos Horta reacts to Archbishop Marcolm Raamjiph's intervention regarding the government position on religious subject in public schools."
"March 29,10: U.S Navy Hospital Ship Ro Marcy arrives off the coast of Dili from a humanitarian operation at Ache in Sumatra"
"The medical specialists of Ro Marcy will provide health care to patients in the national hospital and other for four days."
"March 31,205 Marcy returned to Sumatra as an emergency rescue for victims of the earthquake that struck Nias Island on march."
"April 2,1985 (April the third in Eastern Daylight Time) Pope John Paul II * passed away."
"April 5,1906 When the members of a three-member UN expert commission arrived at Comoro airport to investigate allegations against human rights crimes committed in Timor Leste during its occupation by Indonesia from May until September (see below), more than one hundred people demonstrated and protesters cover their head with methane wax saying \"WE NEED JUSTICE\". Hesegawa Sukehiro Special Representative for United Nations Secretary General said that after June/July."
"April 8~9,2015 President of Republik Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono visits Timor Loro Sa'e."
"The Government of East Timor and Indonesia signed an agreement on the provisional border."
"This agreement resolves 96% of the land boundary determination between both countries."
"April 13,205 Kuwaiti Ambassador to Indonesia Mohammad Fadel Khalaf met with President Xanana Gusmao at the Palacio das Cinzas and handed over credentials for his appointment as new ambassador of Qatar in Timor-Leste."
"The Kuwaiti ambassador informed Xanana about cooperation on exploration of land mines."
"18 April, F-FDTL members of about a hundred and fifty went to Atauro for training (during five days) on natural disasters such as earthquakes in the near future tsunamis or strong wind/rain."
"April 19th, Mothers and priestes from Bobonaro Parish together with young people of Suai parish held a peaceful demonstration in front the Government Palace."
"Police evacuated the demonstrators (class 2015) in front of their houses."
"Protester coordinator Padre Domingos Soares (Amo Maubere) asked the government for dialogue on teaching religion in public schools."
"Manifestants wrote on banners \"POVU LA SIMU DITADOR ALKATIRI\" and the Church called for Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri's resignation."
"This manifestation continues for a long time."
"Demonstrators came from various districts and the number of them grew."
"Police blocked the demonstration in front of House Fukun, Lecidere and protesters organise their own security to maintain a peaceful rally."
"20 April, President Xanana participates in the Asia-Africa Conference held at Jakarta."
"On 30 April, the Central Committee of FRELIMO held a meeting and recognized Mari Alkatiri's position."
"On 28 April, the United Nations Security Council established a new mission in Timor-Leste for one year. It was called \"UNOTIL\" (United Nation Office on East Тимор)."
"On May 3, the police gave an ultimatum to Church protesters that they should leave their demonstration site."
"But the police will not accept an ultimatum."
"May 7,2015 In the Palace of Ashes (Palacio das Cinzas), representative from Katplika Church D. Alberto Ricardo da Silva and Dr Basilio do Nascimento; Government Representative Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri with President Xanana Gusmão as a witness sign joint declaration"
"The two sides -- the Catholic Church and Government - agree together."
"The Joint Declaration states that religious subjects must be included in the curriculum, with frequency to have been decided at class time after free opposition from parents."
"Large demonstration tearfully ended."
"May 8th, the demonstrators returned to their places and each of them took his place."
"On 12 May, the Australian government issued a warning regarding possible terrorist attacks or bombings in Dili."
"On the other hand, police arrested three persons -- a former FALINTIL member of region * who carried pistol with his two colleagues - near Government Palace."
"On May 12, the Superior Council for Defence and Security began to function as President of Republic on matters relating defense & sovereignty provided in constitution by becoming an organ under a law approved from Parliament."
"The composition of the 9-member Superior Council for Defence and Security is as follows: Prime Minister Dr. Mari Alkatiri, Foreign Affairs & Cooperation minister Mr Ramos Horta; Justice secretary Domingoes Maria Sarmento"
"Interior Minister Rogerio Lobato, Secretary of State for Defence Dr. Roque Rodrigues; F-FDTL Commander Brigadier General Taur Matan Ruak and PNTL Chief Superintendent Paulo da Fatima Martins were among those present at the ceremony as well:"
"Ricardo Ribeiro."
"On 18 May, the Government of East Timor and Hasegawa Sukehiro Special Representative to United Nations Secretary-General in Eastern Тимор sign an agreement on a position for UNODIL."
"20 May, the third independence day of Timor-Leste."
"Almost 7,015 FRETILIN militants and supporter from various district of the country marched in Dili."
"On 3 June, Hasegawa Sukehiro who remained Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and also became representative."
"On June 21st, Pierre-Richard Prosper the United States Ambassador at large for Human Rights Crimes visited Timor Leste to hear from various representatives about justice."
"The United States has shown its positive position on the International Tribunal."
"On 27 July, Prime Minister Mari Alkateri officially announced the new government structure and added five ministers."
"The new cabinet is in position 41."
"1 August, announcement of the members KVA (Truth and Friendship Commission) - five from Timor-Leste Sa'e with another fifth member Indonesia."
"10 August, Bali-Denpasar: President of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Timor Loro Sa'e Xanana Gusmao officially open the KVR."
"20 August, F-FDTL held a ceremony for the FALINTIL's thirtieth Anniversary in Oecusse."
"The sources of the data are taken from: Timor Leste (Memoria) http://amrtimor.org/ and other sites relevant to East Тимор's history"
"Centro Turismo Marobo Be Manas Tinan 18 Masacre Santa Cruz Ayam kampus Kidung Molik Tinan A Traveller'S Dictionary in Tetun-English and English - Tetun from the Land of The Sleepy Crocodile East Timor Program Jahat paling NGETOP Fransico Xavier do Amaral Helder de Araujo Musika halo dukur Robert Mendonca"
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Riku Matak KAK Tenke Book Aan – STL Online\nDeskonfia Governante KKN Tama Lista Pendente, Jose Ximenes: No Coment\nAntonio : “Ita Goja Salariu Tenke Iha Interese Povu”\nPJR-PTR Reniaun Regular Ho PR\nNaimori Politiza Instituisaun Estadu\nBaku Oan, Aman Ameasa Kadeia Tinan 3\nDeskonfia Fen Selingkuh, Laen Tanis\nRiku Matak KAK Tenke Book Aan\nDILI- Komisaun Anti Korupsaun (KAK) tenke halao nia knar ho diak, matan moris no book aan hodi bele hareee ema neebe riku matak deit.\nDeklarasaun nee, fo sai husi Advogadu Privadu Manuel Tilman ba Jornalista sira iha nia knar fatin Pantai Kelapa, Tersa, (12/09/2017).\nRiku matak anti korupsaun tenke book aan. Agora anti korupsaun atu book aan, tenke iha lei ida tulun komisaun anti korupsaun, selae komisaun anti korupsaun lao la diak, no komisaun anti korupsaun laos ministeriu publiku, no komisaun investiga deit submete ba iha ministeriu publiku no ministeriu publiku mak akuza, no komisaun servisu didiak bazei ba lei, ministeriu publiku tenke simu, selae ministeriu publiku majistradu ida neebe la simu nee mos ba para kadeia,” hateten Manuel.\nSublinha tan, Lei neebe iha atu haforsa servisu komisaun anti korupsaun nia, neebe agora dadaun seidauk aprova husi parlamentu nasional iha prinsipiu rua. Hanesan obras ida halo tiha akordu ho governu, maka la lao fali no ema nee sai riku tiha, osan ba obras nia mak emprejariu lori tiha fali nee krime nee korupsaun.\nNunee ministru ida neebe fo osan ba emprejariu, atu halo obra hanesan halo ponte no ikus be tun mai lori tiha ponte, nee tenke tama kadeia la presija prova tan, ida nee mak tau iha lei anti korupsaun neebe too agora parlamentu seidauk aprova atu bele tulun komisaun sira.\nTilman afirma tan, se ema ida manan salariu atus tolu, derepenti nia bele iha uma andar rua tolu, iha kareta tolu, tanba nia diretor, nee presija haree lai bolu sinal de riqueza seim kauza, sira nee mak tama hotu iha lei anti korupsaun neebe too agora dadaun seidauk aprova nee.\nPontu importante rua husi lei anti korupsaun neebe agora dadaun seidauk aprova, mak hanesan prinsipiu neebe sai riku matak deit la iha kauza nee krime ona. No iha mos prinspiu ida seluk neebe halo tiha akordu ida menaan tiha, no ikus obra la lao emprejariu nee mos bele tama kadeia. Maibe hein katak parlamentu nasiona neebe foun, iha konsiente atu bele aprova lei ida nee.\nIha fatin hanesan finalista FCS UNTL, Mateus Soares hateten, parlamentu sira tenke aprova lei anti korupsaun, nunee bele tulun komisaun sira halo servisu ho diak.\nLei anti korupsaun nee importante atu sira bele haforsa no tulun komisaun anti korupsaun atu bele halao servisu ho diak, no forte liu tan. No hein katak parlamentu foun sira sei aprova lei ida nee, hodi tulun komisaun sira,” esplika Mateus.\nNia afirma tan, maske lei KAK nee seidauk aprova, maibe sira haree katak komisaun halao servisu ho diak tebes, koopera ho estadu kontinua halo nafatin investigasaun ba problema balu neebe iha. Tanba sira mos hakarak nasaun Timor, labele moris iha korupsaun nia laran. Terezinha De Deus\nPrevious article Kria Rezolusaun Ba Juiz Internasional\nNext article Justisa Tenki Vale Ba Ema Hotu\nSTL Online 37 mins ago\nSTL Online 40 mins ago | [
"Riku Matak KAK Tenke Book Aan - STL Online Deskonfia Governante KKN Tama Lista Pendente, Jose Ximenes: No Coment Antonio: \"Ita Goja Salariu Tenke Iha Interese Povu\" PJR-PTR Reniaun Regular Ho PR Naimori Politiza Instituisaun Estadu Baku Oan, Aman Ameasa Kadeia Tinan 3 Deskonfia Fen Selingkuh, Laen Tanis Riku Matak KAK Tenke Book Aan DILI- Komisaun Anti Korupsaun (KAK) tenke halao nia knar ho diak, matan moris no book aan hodi bele hareee ema neebe riku matak deit.",
"Deklarasaun nee, fo sai husi Advogadu Privadu Manuel Tilman ba Jornalista sira iha nia knar fatin Pantai Kelapa, Tersa, (12/09/2017).",
"Riku matak anti korupsaun tenke book aan.",
"Agora anti korupsaun atu book aan, tenke iha lei ida tulun komisaun anti korupsaun, selae komisaun anti korupsaun lao la diak, no komisaun anti korupsaun laos ministeriu publiku, no komisaun investiga deit submete ba iha ministeriu publiku no ministeriu publiku mak akuza, no komisaun servisu didiak bazei ba lei, ministeriu publiku tenke simu, selae ministeriu publiku majistradu ida neebe la simu nee mos ba para kadeia,\" hateten Manuel.",
"Sublinha tan, Lei neebe iha atu haforsa servisu komisaun anti korupsaun nia, neebe agora dadaun seidauk aprova husi parlamentu nasional iha prinsipiu rua.",
"Hanesan obras ida halo tiha akordu ho governu, maka la lao fali no ema nee sai riku tiha, osan ba obras nia mak emprejariu lori tiha fali nee krime nee korupsaun.",
"Nunee ministru ida neebe fo osan ba emprejariu, atu halo obra hanesan halo ponte no ikus be tun mai lori tiha ponte, nee tenke tama kadeia la presija prova tan, ida nee mak tau iha lei anti korupsaun neebe too agora parlamentu seidauk aprova atu bele tulun komisaun sira.",
"Tilman afirma tan, se ema ida manan salariu atus tolu, derepenti nia bele iha uma andar rua tolu, iha kareta tolu, tanba nia diretor, nee presija haree lai bolu sinal de riqueza seim kauza, sira nee mak tama hotu iha lei anti korupsaun neebe too agora dadaun seidauk aprova nee.",
"Pontu importante rua husi lei anti korupsaun neebe agora dadaun seidauk aprova, mak hanesan prinsipiu neebe sai riku matak deit la iha kauza nee krime ona.",
"No iha mos prinspiu ida seluk neebe halo tiha akordu ida menaan tiha, no ikus obra la lao emprejariu nee mos bele tama kadeia.",
"Maibe hein katak parlamentu nasiona neebe foun, iha konsiente atu bele aprova lei ida nee.",
"Iha fatin hanesan finalista FCS UNTL, Mateus Soares hateten, parlamentu sira tenke aprova lei anti korupsaun, nunee bele tulun komisaun sira halo servisu ho diak.",
"Lei anti korupsaun nee importante atu sira bele haforsa no tulun komisaun anti korupsaun atu bele halao servisu ho diak, no forte liu tan.",
"No hein katak parlamentu foun sira sei aprova lei ida nee, hodi tulun komisaun sira,\" esplika Mateus.",
"Nia afirma tan, maske lei KAK nee seidauk aprova, maibe sira haree katak komisaun halao servisu ho diak tebes, koopera ho estadu kontinua halo nafatin investigasaun ba problema balu neebe iha.",
"Tanba sira mos hakarak nasaun Timor, labele moris iha korupsaun nia laran.",
"Terezinha De Deus Previous article Kria Rezolusaun Ba Juiz Internasional Next article Justisa Tenki Vale Ba Ema Hotu STL Online 37 mins ago STL Online 40 mins ago"
] | [
"Riku Matak KAK Tenke Book Aan - STL Online Desconfia Governante KKN Tama Lista Pendente, Jose Ximenes: No Coment Antonio PJR-PTR Reniaun Regular Ho PR Naimori Politiciza Instituisaun Estadu Baku Oao Aman Ameasa Prison Tinang3 Diskonfilia Fen Selingkuh. Laen Tanis Anti Corruption Commission (AK) must carry out its work well and with a lively eye so that it can only look at the rich people who are not corrupt"
"The statement was made by Private Attorney Manuel Tilman to Journalists at his office in Pantai Kelapa, Tuesday (12/09) ."
"Riku matak anti korupsie moet book aan."
"Now anti-corruption is going to be better, there needs a law helping the commission against corruption. Otherwise it will not work well and this Commission does NOT act as prosecutor's office but only investigates cases submitted by public accusers who are charged in court; if they do their job properly on basis of Law then that Public Prosekutors must accept them because unless such an action takes place any Magistrate would go into jail.\""
"He also emphasized that the law to strengthen anti-corruption commission, which is currently pending approval by national parliament has two principles."
"If a contractor has made an agreement with the government, it does not work and he becomes rich. The money for his works is taken back by this entrepreneur that crime of corruption stands as evidenced in court cases against corrupt people who have been convicted or are being prosecuted under criminal law on such ground (corruption)."
"So a minister who gives money to an entrepreneur, for doing work such as building bridges and then comes back with the new one he must go into jail without any further evidence. This is what we have in our anti-corruption law which has not yet been approved by parliament so that it can help commissioners do their job better!"
"Tilman also says, if a person earns three thousand salary and suddenly he can have two-storey house of 3 floors in his director' s car because the latter needs to look for evidence that they are rich without cause. They will all be included under anti corruption law which has not yet been approved until now!"
"Two important points of the anti-corruption law that has yet to be approved, are: The principles which become rich simply without cause is a crime."
"And there is another principle that if an agreement has been made and the work does not go ahead, then you can get jail."
"However, it is to be hoped that the new national parliament will have sufficient awareness in order for this law of its own."
"Finalist FCS UNTL, Mateus Soares said that parliaments must pass anti-corruption law so as to help the commission work well."
"The anti-corruption law is important so that they can strengthen and assist the Anti Corrupt Commission to work better, stronger."
"And we hope that the new parliament will pass this law, to assist these commissions\", explained Mateus."
"He also said that although the KAK law has not been approved, they believed it was working very well and cooperating with state to continue investigating some of its problems."
"Because they also want the Timorese nation, can not live in corruption."
"Terezinha De Deus Previous article 2018: Justice Tenki Vale Ba Ema Hotu STL Online (37 mins ago)"
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ARTEMARSIAIS HAHÚ FALI CHECK POINT, MEMBRU PNTL MAK ORGANIZA - TIMOR AGORA\nARTEMARSIAIS HAHÚ FALI CHECK POINT, MEMBRU PNTL MAK ORGANIZA\nBesik ona eleisaun Prezidensial no eleisaun Parlamentar, grupu artemarsiais mós hahú hamanas situasaun hodi halo aktividade check point ba malu iha tempu kalan.\nDeputadu membru Komisaun B, husi bankada CNRT, Cesar Valente ‘Pilotu’ informa, check point artemarsiais nian ne’e, membru Polisia Nasionál Timor Leste (PNTL), mós hatais sivil hodi halo hotu check point.\n“Iha Dili laran, iha fali ona buat ida check point, artes kriminozu sira ne’e, agora halo fali check point. Ida ne’e Polisia ba iha ne’ebé? Ha’u rona polisia balu mós tau sivil atu halo check point hotu,”levanta Cesar Valente iha plenária Parlamentu Nasional (PN), Segunda (23/01).\nTanba ne’e, nia ejiji ba Komandante Jeral PNTL atu loke investigasaun ba membru PNTL sira ne’e, hodi membru PNTL ne’ebé mak involve iha aktu check point ne’e, tenki fó sansaun ida ne’ebé sériu.\n“Ema sira hanesan ne’e, tenki soe ba iha Atauro ne’eba, ou dudu sira ba hein iha Jaco ne’eba ne’e. Foti medidas aruma ema sira hanesan ne’e ba tau hotu iha Jaco hodi hein Rusa, hola tan Leaun ba hakiak iha ne’eba para sira hein”, katak Pilotu.\nIha fatin hanesan, deputadu Francisco Branco husi bankada FRETILIN mós dehan, kestaun seguransa nasionál tenki sai asuntu nasionál PN ninian.\n“Preokupa ho situasaun grupu balu ne’ebé halo check point. Estadu Timor Leste tenki halo afirmasaun ba lei no orden, no ida ne’e instituisaun Estadu, liu-liu polisia tenki interven, tanba sidadaun jeral Timor Leste tenki moris hakmatek,” dehan deputadu Francisco Branco.\nAlénde ne’e, Xefi bankada CNRT, deputadu Natalino dos Santos, mos dehan katak, aktus ne’ebé mak artemarsiais halo iha fatin-fatin, kria des-estabilidade ba eleisaun jeral.\n“Ida ne’e preokupasoaun bo’ot tebes. Tanba ita haree atu eleisoens ona, komesa ona iha check point, no balu mós halo tauk labarik sira lakohi ba eskola tanba iha check point,” lamenta Natalino.\nTanba ne’e nia husu ba PNTL atu fó atensaun ba kazu ne’e, hodi labele impede movimentu povu nian, tanba grupu artemarsiais halo check point ba malu.\nHatan ba preokupasaun ne’e, Prezidenti Parlamentu Nasionál, Aderito Hugo da Costa, hatete, rezolusaun taka artemarsiais ne’e, agora dada’uk atu transfere ba lei.\n“Tanba kaer tiha, lori ba prosesu labele halo andamentu, tanba laiha kobertura lei ne’ebé forte, agora duni lei ida ne’e atu fó solusaun,” dehan Aderito.\nLei atu regula artemarsiais ne’e, horiseik Segunda (23/01) Prezidenti PN baixa ona ba komisaun A hodi halo diskusaun.\n“Ita haree iha tinan rua, rezolusaun ne’e implementa laiha forsa sufisiente, entaun solusaun mak agora lei iha ona komisaun A,”katak Aderito.cos | [
"ARTEMARSIAIS HAHU FALI CHECK POINT, MEMBRU PNTL MAK ORGANIZA - TIMOR AGORA ARTEMARSIAIS HAHU FALI CHECK POINT, MEMBRU PNTL MAK ORGANIZA Besik ona eleisaun Prezidensial no eleisaun Parlamentar, grupu artemarsiais mos hahu hamanas situasaun hodi halo aktividade check point ba malu iha tempu kalan.",
"Deputadu membru Komisaun B, husi bankada CNRT, Cesar Valente 'Pilotu' informa, check point artemarsiais nian ne'e, membru Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL), mos hatais sivil hodi halo hotu check point.",
"\"Iha Dili laran, iha fali ona buat ida check point, artes kriminozu sira ne'e, agora halo fali check point.",
"Ida ne'e Polisia ba iha ne'ebe?",
"Ha'u rona polisia balu mos tau sivil atu halo check point hotu,\"levanta Cesar Valente iha plenaria Parlamentu Nasional (PN), Segunda (23/01).",
"Tanba ne'e, nia ejiji ba Komandante Jeral PNTL atu loke investigasaun ba membru PNTL sira ne'e, hodi membru PNTL ne'ebe mak involve iha aktu check point ne'e, tenki fo sansaun ida ne'ebe seriu.",
"\"Ema sira hanesan ne'e, tenki soe ba iha Atauro ne'eba, ou dudu sira ba hein iha Jaco ne'eba ne'e.",
"Foti medidas aruma ema sira hanesan ne'e ba tau hotu iha Jaco hodi hein Rusa, hola tan Leaun ba hakiak iha ne'eba para sira hein,\" katak Pilotu.",
"Iha fatin hanesan, deputadu Francisco Branco husi bankada FRETILIN mos dehan, kestaun seguransa nasional tenki sai asuntu nasional PN ninian.",
"\"Preokupa ho situasaun grupu balu ne'ebe halo check point.",
"Estadu Timor Leste tenki halo afirmasaun ba lei no orden, no ida ne'e instituisaun Estadu, liu-liu polisia tenki interven, tanba sidadaun jeral Timor Leste tenki moris hakmatek,\" dehan deputadu Francisco Branco.",
"Alende ne'e, Xefi bankada CNRT, deputadu Natalino dos Santos, mos dehan katak, aktus ne'ebe mak artemarsiais halo iha fatin-fatin, kria des-estabilidade ba eleisaun jeral.",
"\"Ida ne'e preokupasoaun bo'ot tebes.",
"Tanba ita haree atu eleisoens ona, komesa ona iha check point, no balu mos halo tauk labarik sira lakohi ba eskola tanba iha check point,\" lamenta Natalino.",
"Tanba ne'e nia husu ba PNTL atu fo atensaun ba kazu ne'e, hodi labele impede movimentu povu nian, tanba grupu artemarsiais halo check point ba malu.",
"Hatan ba preokupasaun ne'e, Prezidenti Parlamentu Nasional, Aderito Hugo da Costa, hatete, rezolusaun taka artemarsiais ne'e, agora dada'uk atu transfere ba lei.",
"\"Tanba kaer tiha, lori ba prosesu labele halo andamentu, tanba laiha kobertura lei ne'ebe forte, agora duni lei ida ne'e atu fo solusaun,\" dehan Aderito.",
"Lei atu regula artemarsiais ne'e, horiseik Segunda (23/01) Prezidenti PN baixa ona ba komisaun A hodi halo diskusaun.",
"\"Ita haree iha tinan rua, rezolusaun ne'e implementa laiha forsa sufisiente, entaun solusaun mak agora lei iha ona komisaun A,\"katak Aderito.cos"
] | [
"ARTEMARSIAIS HAVE TO FALL CHECK POINT, POLICE MEMBERS ORGANIZE - TIMOR AGORA Artemarsiais have to fall check point after the presidential and parliamentary elections are over. The armed groups also started fighting each other at night by holding a number of checking points in their areas during this time periods as they prepared for these election days (10-23/5)."
"Deputy member of Committee B, from the CNRT party Cesar Valente 'Pilotu' informed that check point for martial arts is made up by Timor-Leste National Police (PNTL) members and civilian personnel."
"\"In Dili, there was once again something called a check point. These criminal arts now have another name: the Check Points.\""
"Where is this Police going?"
"I've heard that some policemen also put civilian personnel to do all check points,\" said Cesar Valente in the National Parliament (PN) plenary on Monday."
"Therefore, he urged the Chief of Police to open an investigation into these members so that those involved in this check point act should be given a serious sanction."
"\"People like this, they must go to Atauro there or take them and wait in Jaco."
"\"We have taken measures to encourage people like this, and we've sent them all in Jaco where they can wait for the Russian. We will send another Lion there so that he may be able waiting.\""
"Similarly, MP Francisco Branco of the FRETILIN party also said that national security issues should be a National Assembly issue."
"\"I am concerned about the situation of some groups that are holding checkpoints."
"The State of Timor-Leste must affirm law and order, which is where the state institutions should intervene. In particular police officers because all citizens have to live in dignity,” said MP Francisco Branco (PSD)."
"In addition, the leader of CNRT parliamentary group and MP Natalino dos Santos said that acts by martial arts practitioners in public places create destabilization for general elections."
"\"This is a very big concern."
"Because we see that the elections have already begun, there are checkpoints and some people also make children refuse to go school because of them,” laments Natalino."
"Therefore, he asked the PNTL to pay attention in this case so that they do not impede people's movement because martial arts groups make check point with each other."
"Responding to this concern, President of the National Parliament Aderito Hugo da Costa said that resolution on ending martial arts is now being transferred into law."
"\"Because they were caught, brought to trial and cannot proceed because there is no strong legal coverage. Now this law will provide a solution\", Aderito said in an interview with the AFP news agency on Thursday (12/09)."
"On Monday (23/01) afternoon, the President of Parliament sent a letter to Committee A for discussion on this law."
"\"We see in two years, this resolution is not implemented with sufficient force. So the solution that now exists as a law has already been passed by committee A\", says Aderito Cos"
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Direitu no Impostu sira – Timor-Leste Customs Authority\nTarifa sira Aplikável ba Merkadoria sira Importadu\nSe ita-boot halo importasaun komersiál ba merkadoria sira tama mai Timor-Leste, ita-boot tenki selu direitu no impostu sira ne’ebé aplikável tuir lei.\nIha tipu tolu husi direitu no impostu sira ne’ebé aplika ba importasaun, mak hanesan tuirmai:\nImpostu Importasaun, ne’ebé mak koñesidu mós hanesan “direitu aduaneiru”, ne’e kalkuladu ho taxa 2.5% husi valór merkadoria nian.\nImpostu ba Venda ne’e kobradu ho taxa 2.5% husi montante ka valór sira tuirmai:\n(A) valór aduaneiru husi merkadoria nian\n(B) valór husi impostu Importasaun ne’ebé impoin\n(C) valór husi kualkér impostu-konsumu ne’ebé selu\nHo liafuan seluk, valór baze ba Impostu ba Venda = A+B+C\nImpostu-Konsumu nian ne’e kobradu tuir taxa persentajen ne’ebé diferente ka unidade espesífiku, depende ba tipu merkadoria sira.\nValór baze ba Impostu-Konsumu nian mak totál husi montante ka valór sira tuirmai:\n(B) valór husi kualkér impostu ba importsaun ne’ebé impoin\nHo liafuan seluk, valór baze ba Impostu ba Venda = A+B\nProdutu sira ne’ebé Sujeitu ba Impostu-Konsumu\nAmi alista ona merkadoria sira ne’ebé atrai impostu-konsumu nian mak hanesan iha kraik. Ita-boot bele asesu no foti-grava ka download kópia ida husi Lei Impostu nian (Lei 08/2008), iha ne’e.\nDeskrisaun Jerál ba Merkadoria sira\nImpostu Aplikável (USD)\n01 Serveja, ho konteúdu alkólika menus husi 4.5% $2.50 kada litru\n02 Serveja ho konteúdu alkólika 4.5% ka liu tan $3.50 kada litru\n03 Viñu husi uvas freska, inklui viñu enrikesidu ho álkol $3.50 kada litru\n04 Bebida fermentada sira seluk (porezemplu, tua-masán, perada, idromél, saku); mistura husi bebida sira fermentada no mistura husi bebida sira fermentada ho bebida sira naun-alkólika, la espesifikadu ka inkluidu iha parte seluk $3.50 kada litru\n05 Álkol etíliku (seluk husi deznaturadu) no bebida alólika sira seluk $8.90 kada litru\n06 Tabaku no produtu sira tabaku nian $19.00 kada kg\n07 Gazolina, produtu kombustível gazoél no produtu petróleu nian sira seluk $0.06 kada litru\n08 Iskeiru 12% husi valór impostu-konsumu\n09 Kaximbu 12% husi valór impostu-konsumu\n10 Kilat no munisaun sira 200% husi valór impostu-konsumu\n11 Automóvel no veíkulu ki’ik sira ba pasajeiru ho valór impostu-konsumu nian boot liu $70,000 35% husi valór impostu-konsumu\n12 Ró no aviaun sira ba uzu privada 20% husi valór impostu-konsumu\nMerkadoria sira ne’ebé izenta ka livre husi Impostu Importasaun\nMerkadoria sira balun ne’ebé izenta ka livre husi direitu no impostu se bainhira sira prienxe kondisaun balun, inklui:\na) Merkadoria sira ne’ebé akompaña viajante ida ne’ebé to’o mai iha Timor-Leste husi nasaun ida seluk\nIta-boot bele hatene liutan kona-ba tipu merkadoria hirak ne’e, iha ne’e.\nb) Merkadoria importadu sira ne’ebé pertense ba tipu sira tuirmai:\nIzentu tuir Konvensaun Vienna kona-ba Relasaun Diplomátika tinan1961 no Relasaun KOnsulár tinan 1963;\nIzentu tuir Konvensaun kona-ba Priviléjiu no Imunidade sira husi Nasoens Unidas;\nIzentu tuir Konvensaun kona-ba Priviléjiu no Imunidade sira husi Ajénsia Espesializada sira;\nMerkadoria sira ne’ebé re-importadu iha kondisaun hanesan bainhira sira esportadu;\nmerkadoria sira ne’ebé importadu husi organizasaun karitativa rejistada iha Timor-Leste, ho exesaun ba álkol ka tabaku, se merkadoria sira-ne’e atu uza ba fins karitativa asisténsia umanitária no sokorru, edukasaun ka kuidadu saúde;\nMerkadoria sira ba admisaun temporária, hanesan makinaria boboot sira atu kompleta projetu ida. Importadór sei iha obrigasaun atu fornese garantia finanseira ida;\nSasán sira ba konsumu husi funsionáriu internasionál UNMIT nian ka membru sira Forsa Manutensaun Pás husi nasaun kontinjente sira, se produtu sira-ne’e fa’an tuir ba regra venda nian ne’ebé preskritu;\nSusubeen-lata sira ne’ebé dezeña espesialmente ba bebé sira ho idade tinan ida (1) mai kraik, nune’e, depoizde preparasaun, sira nakfilak sai nabeen atu konsume no fó benefísiu saúde ne’ebé hanesan ho susubeen inan nian ne’ebé normalmente sei fó ba bebé ida ne’ebé sei konsumu hela susubeen inan nian; no\nTampaun ka pensu no absorvente ijiéniku sira\nc) Merkadoria sira ne’ebé la deskritu iha (a) no (b) iha leten, se:\nMerkadoria sira-ne’e importadu mai iha Timor-Leste la’ós nu’udar produtu sira ba uzu pesoál ne’ebé akompaña viajante ida, no impostu importasaun nian ne’ebé sei aplika ba importasaun se bainhira la’ós pertense ba parágrafu ida-ne’e nian mak $10 ka menus.\nLei Impostu nian (Lei 08/2008) | [
"Direitu no Impostu sira - Timor-Leste Customs Authority Tarifa sira Aplikavel ba Merkadoria sira Importadu Se ita-boot halo importasaun komersial ba merkadoria sira tama mai Timor-Leste, ita-boot tenki selu direitu no impostu sira ne'ebe aplikavel tuir lei.",
"Iha tipu tolu husi direitu no impostu sira ne'ebe aplika ba importasaun, mak hanesan tuirmai: Impostu Importasaun, ne'ebe mak konesidu mos hanesan \"direitu aduaneiru,\" ne'e kalkuladu ho taxa 2.5% husi valor merkadoria nian.",
"Impostu ba Venda ne'e kobradu ho taxa 2.5% husi montante ka valor sira tuirmai: (A) valor aduaneiru husi merkadoria nian (B) valor husi impostu Importasaun ne'ebe impoin (C) valor husi kualker impostu-konsumu ne'ebe selu Ho liafuan seluk, valor baze ba Impostu ba Venda = A+B+C Impostu-Konsumu nian ne'e kobradu tuir taxa persentajen ne'ebe diferente ka unidade espesifiku, depende ba tipu merkadoria sira.",
"Valor baze ba Impostu-Konsumu nian mak total husi montante ka valor sira tuirmai: (B) valor husi kualker impostu ba importsaun ne'ebe impoin Ho liafuan seluk, valor baze ba Impostu ba Venda = A+B Produtu sira ne'ebe Sujeitu ba Impostu-Konsumu Ami alista ona merkadoria sira ne'ebe atrai impostu-konsumu nian mak hanesan iha kraik.",
"Ita-boot bele asesu no foti-grava ka download kopia ida husi Lei Impostu nian (Lei 08/2008), iha ne'e.",
"Deskrisaun Jeral ba Merkadoria sira Impostu Aplikavel (USD) 01 Serveja, ho konteudu alkolika menus husi 4.5% $2.50 kada litru 02 Serveja ho konteudu alkolika 4.5% ka liu tan $3.50 kada litru 03 Vinu husi uvas freska, inklui vinu enrikesidu ho alkol $3.50 kada litru 04 Bebida fermentada sira seluk (porezemplu, tua-masan, perada, idromel, saku); mistura husi bebida sira fermentada no mistura husi bebida sira fermentada ho bebida sira naun-alkolika, la espesifikadu ka inkluidu iha parte seluk $3.50 kada litru 05 Alkol etiliku (seluk husi deznaturadu) no bebida alolika sira seluk $8.90 kada litru 06 Tabaku no produtu sira tabaku nian $19.00 kada kg 07 Gazolina, produtu kombustivel gazoel no produtu petroleu nian sira seluk $0.06 kada litru 08 Iskeiru 12% husi valor impostu-konsumu 09 Kaximbu 12% husi valor impostu-konsumu 10 Kilat no munisaun sira 200% husi valor impostu-konsumu 11 Automovel no veikulu ki'ik sira ba pasajeiru ho valor impostu-konsumu nian boot liu $70,000 35% husi valor impostu-konsumu 12 Ro no aviaun sira ba uzu privada 20% husi valor impostu-konsumu Merkadoria sira ne'ebe izenta ka livre husi Impostu Importasaun Merkadoria sira balun ne'ebe izenta ka livre husi direitu no impostu se bainhira sira prienxe kondisaun balun, inklui: a) Merkadoria sira ne'ebe akompana viajante ida ne'ebe to'o mai iha Timor-Leste husi nasaun ida seluk Ita-boot bele hatene liutan kona-ba tipu merkadoria hirak ne'e, iha ne'e. b) Merkadoria importadu sira ne'ebe pertense ba tipu sira tuirmai: Izentu tuir Konvensaun Vienna kona-ba Relasaun Diplomatika tinan1961 no Relasaun KOnsular tinan 1963; Izentu tuir Konvensaun kona-ba Privilejiu no Imunidade sira husi Nasoens Unidas; Izentu tuir Konvensaun kona-ba Privilejiu no Imunidade sira husi Ajensia Espesializada sira; Merkadoria sira ne'ebe re-importadu iha kondisaun hanesan bainhira sira esportadu; merkadoria sira ne'ebe importadu husi organizasaun karitativa rejistada iha Timor-Leste, ho exesaun ba alkol ka tabaku, se merkadoria sira-ne'e atu uza ba fins karitativa asistensia umanitaria no sokorru, edukasaun ka kuidadu saude; Merkadoria sira ba admisaun temporaria, hanesan makinaria boboot sira atu kompleta projetu ida.",
"Importador sei iha obrigasaun atu fornese garantia finanseira ida; Sasan sira ba konsumu husi funsionariu internasional UNMIT nian ka membru sira Forsa Manutensaun Pas husi nasaun kontinjente sira, se produtu sira-ne'e fa'an tuir ba regra venda nian ne'ebe preskritu; Susubeen-lata sira ne'ebe dezena espesialmente ba bebe sira ho idade tinan ida (1) mai kraik, nune'e, depoizde preparasaun, sira nakfilak sai nabeen atu konsume no fo benefisiu saude ne'ebe hanesan ho susubeen inan nian ne'ebe normalmente sei fo ba bebe ida ne'ebe sei konsumu hela susubeen inan nian; no Tampaun ka pensu no absorvente ijieniku sira c) Merkadoria sira ne'ebe la deskritu iha (a) no (b) iha leten, se: Merkadoria sira-ne'e importadu mai iha Timor-Leste la'os nu'udar produtu sira ba uzu pesoal ne'ebe akompana viajante ida, no impostu importasaun nian ne'ebe sei aplika ba importasaun se bainhira la'os pertense ba paragrafu ida-ne'e nian mak $10 ka menus.",
"Lei Impostu nian (Lei 08/2008)"
] | [
"Duties and Taxes - Timor-Leste Customs Authority Tariffs Applicable to Imported Merchandise If you are making commercial imports of merch into the territory, we must pay any duty or tax applicable by law."
"There are three types of duties and taxes that apply to imports, as follows: Import tax (also known by the acronym \"custom duty\") is calculated at a rate equal or greater than two-quarters per cent on market value."
"Sales tax is levied at a rate of 2.5% on the following amounts or value: (A) custom-value for market;(B), import taxes to be paid, and/or any consumption duty payable In other words base sales income= A+ B + C Consumer Taxes are raised by different percentage levels in specific units depending upon type Of Market"
"The base value of the consumption tax is equal to: (A) Value or amounts that have been imposed on imports In other words, Sales Tax Base Valeur= A+B Products Subject To Consumption Taxes We listed below which market attracting a consumer taxe."
"You can access and download a copy of the Tax Law (Law 08/219), here."
"General description of goods Applicable tax (USD) 01 Serving, with an alcoholic content less than or equivalent to $4.5% ($2 per litre), and above that amounting at a maximum value in the US$ area: Served beverage from fresh grape wine including wines enriched by Alcohol; blendings between fermente drink & non-alcoholics not specified herein but included otherwise are subject for excise duties on importation only if they meet certain conditions such as these listed below - Other fermente drink(ies): mixtures amongst Fermentated Drinks And Mixture Between Ferretted Beverages Without Alcool Included In The Import Tax -- Amount is limited To One Liter Of Wine Per Container For each container thereof You can find out more about those types where you click HERE b/ Good imports which fall into one OF THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES EXCEPTED UNDER VIENA CONVENTION ON DIPLOMATIC RELATATIONS AND UNITED NACIONES' PRIVILEGIAS E IMMUNITY CONTRACT OR UNION INTERNATIONAL FOR PROTECTING HUMAN"
"The importer shall be obliged to provide a financial guarantee; Goods for the consumption of UNMIT international staff or peacekeeping force members from contributing countries, if these products are sold in accordance with prescribed sales rules. Milk formulae designed specifically as milk-milk preparations that have been prepared and developed exclusively by infants under one (1) year old so they can become breastfeedable after their first use providing similar health benefits like those normal baby food which would otherwise give an infant who is still feeding on mother' s cream giving birth at this age period: Cappuccino/Coffee Cup & Cocktail Pantyhose c)."
"The Tax Law (Law 08/216)"
] |
PNTL koloka membru 200 reforsa seguransa iha eleisaun prezidensiál | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE PNTL koloka membru 200 reforsa seguransa iha eleisaun prezidensiál\nPNTL koloka membru 200 reforsa seguransa iha eleisaun prezidensiál\nKomandu Jerál Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste koloka tan membru na’in-200. Imajen/Natalino Costa\nDILI, 17 marsu 2022 (TATOLI)— Komandu Jerál Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) koloka tan membru na’in-200 atu apoia no reforsa seguransa iha sentru votasaun sira iha área rurál iha eleisaun prezidensiál ne’ebé hala’o iha 19 marsu ne’e.\nSeremónia dezlokasaun ba membru efetivu PNTL nain-200 ba munisípiu, liuhosi formatura jerál ne’ebé prezide direta hosi Komandante Jerál PNTL, Komisáriu Faustino da Costa, akompaña hosi Segundu Komandante PNTL, Komisáriu Mateus Fernandes no Komandante Operasaun Komandu Jerál PNTL, Superintendente Xefe, Polisia Pedro Belo.\n“Ita koloka tan membru efetivu nain-200 atu asegura prosesu eleisaun Prezidensiál 2022-2027 ne’ebe sei hala’o iha 19 marsu tinan ne’e. Membru sira ne’e sei apoia komandu munisipiu sira ne’ebé limitasaun ba rekursu atu fó seguransa ba sentru votasaun 1.800, ne’ebé daudaun ita iha inklui estasaun votu sira,” Komandante Jerál PNTL, Komisáriu Faustino da Costa, hateten ba jornalista sira iha kuartél jerál-Caicoli, kinta ne’e.\nNotísia relevante: PM Taur husu PNTL kontinua asegura kampaña no eleisaun prezidensiál\nKolokasaun membru efetivu 200 ne’e bazeia ba pedidu hosi Komandu PNTL Munisípiu 12 inklui Rejiaun Administrativa Espesiál Oé-Cusse no Ambeno (RAEOA).\n“Ita ohin destaka tan ba munisípiu ne’e bazea ba pedidu tanba rekursu iha Komandu Munisípiu la sufiente kada munisipiu konforme pedidu husi Komandu Munisipiu balun ne’ebé husu nain-10, nain-15 to’o 40, hodi reforsa seguransa iha prosesu eleisaun prezidensiál liuliu oinsá atu asegura prosesu kontajen votus, iha nivél munisípiu to’o mai iha nasionál,” nia dehan.\nMaske, PNTL iha limitasaun rekursu no fasilidade, maibé PNTL firme nafatin hodi garantia seguransa ba povu no nasaun perante festa demokrásia.\nAlende ne’e, Komisáriu Faustino mós kongratula ba membru PNTL iha territóriu nasionál tanba ho esforsu no serbisu di’ak hodi asegura seguransa durante kampaña eleitorál.\n“Maske, ita rejista asidente no insidente balun iha kampaña, maibé ita nia atuasaun iha kampaña profisional tebes, Nune’e ita kontinua hatudu servisu di’ak perante eleisaun prezidensiál, hodi povu kontinua fiar ita,” Komisáriu Faustino enkorja.\nKomandante Jerál mós heteten lei permite atu membru sira ezerse nian votu, maibé husu nafatin ba membru sira atu kontinua hatudu profisionalizmu, imparsialidade, neutralidade no loyalidade ba Kamandu sira.\nHusu membru sira atu koopera ho autoridade lokál, órgaun eleitorál sira, nune’e asegura festa demokrásia bele la’o di’ak, nune’e povu bele ezerse sira nian direitu ho di’ak.\nEntertantu efetivu 200 ne’ebé Komandu Jerál PNTL koloka ba munisípiu sira hodi apoia seguransa iha eleisaun prezidensiál kompostu hosi Unidade Espesiál Polisia (UEP), Batallaun Ordem Públiku (BOP), Komandu Espesiál Polísia (COE), Korpu Seguransa Pesoál (CSP), Unidade Patrollamentu Fronteira (UPF), Unidade Polisia Maritima (UPM), membru balun husi Komandu Jerál PNTL rasik no Sentru Formasaun Polisia (CFP, sigla portuges).\nNotísia relevante: F-FDTL preparadu apoiu PNTL iha eleisaun PR\nKomandu PNTL dezloka tan membru 200 reforsa segurasa eleisaun prezodensial\nPrevious articleSTAE Viqueque finaliza verifika no halo pakote materiál eleisaun\nNext articleCNE-UNDP-Governu Japaun lansa Sentru Tabulasaun Nasionál | [
"PNTL koloka membru 200 reforsa seguransa iha eleisaun prezidensial | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE PNTL koloka membru 200 reforsa seguransa iha eleisaun prezidensial PNTL koloka membru 200 reforsa seguransa iha eleisaun prezidensial Komandu Jeral Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste koloka tan membru na'in-200.",
"Imajen/Natalino Costa DILI, 17 marsu 2022 (TATOLI) - Komandu Jeral Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) koloka tan membru na'in-200 atu apoia no reforsa seguransa iha sentru votasaun sira iha area rural iha eleisaun prezidensial ne'ebe hala'o iha 19 marsu ne'e.",
"Seremonia dezlokasaun ba membru efetivu PNTL nain-200 ba munisipiu, liuhosi formatura jeral ne'ebe prezide direta hosi Komandante Jeral PNTL, Komisariu Faustino da Costa, akompana hosi Segundu Komandante PNTL, Komisariu Mateus Fernandes no Komandante Operasaun Komandu Jeral PNTL, Superintendente Xefe, Polisia Pedro Belo.",
"\"Ita koloka tan membru efetivu nain-200 atu asegura prosesu eleisaun Prezidensial 2022-2027 ne'ebe sei hala'o iha 19 marsu tinan ne'e.",
"Membru sira ne'e sei apoia komandu munisipiu sira ne'ebe limitasaun ba rekursu atu fo seguransa ba sentru votasaun 1.800, ne'ebe daudaun ita iha inklui estasaun votu sira,\" Komandante Jeral PNTL, Komisariu Faustino da Costa, hateten ba jornalista sira iha kuartel jeral-Caicoli, kinta ne'e.",
"Notisia relevante: PM Taur husu PNTL kontinua asegura kampana no eleisaun prezidensial Kolokasaun membru efetivu 200 ne'e bazeia ba pedidu hosi Komandu PNTL Munisipiu 12 inklui Rejiaun Administrativa Espesial Oe-Cusse no Ambeno (RAEOA).",
"\"Ita ohin destaka tan ba munisipiu ne'e bazea ba pedidu tanba rekursu iha Komandu Munisipiu la sufiente kada munisipiu konforme pedidu husi Komandu Munisipiu balun ne'ebe husu nain-10, nain-15 to'o 40, hodi reforsa seguransa iha prosesu eleisaun prezidensial liuliu oinsa atu asegura prosesu kontajen votus, iha nivel munisipiu to'o mai iha nasional,\" nia dehan.",
"Maske, PNTL iha limitasaun rekursu no fasilidade, maibe PNTL firme nafatin hodi garantia seguransa ba povu no nasaun perante festa demokrasia.",
"Alende ne'e, Komisariu Faustino mos kongratula ba membru PNTL iha territoriu nasional tanba ho esforsu no serbisu di'ak hodi asegura seguransa durante kampana eleitoral.",
"\"Maske, ita rejista asidente no insidente balun iha kampana, maibe ita nia atuasaun iha kampana profisional tebes, Nune'e ita kontinua hatudu servisu di'ak perante eleisaun prezidensial, hodi povu kontinua fiar ita,\" Komisariu Faustino enkorja.",
"Komandante Jeral mos heteten lei permite atu membru sira ezerse nian votu, maibe husu nafatin ba membru sira atu kontinua hatudu profisionalizmu, imparsialidade, neutralidade no loyalidade ba Kamandu sira.",
"Husu membru sira atu koopera ho autoridade lokal, orgaun eleitoral sira, nune'e asegura festa demokrasia bele la'o di'ak, nune'e povu bele ezerse sira nian direitu ho di'ak.",
"Entertantu efetivu 200 ne'ebe Komandu Jeral PNTL koloka ba munisipiu sira hodi apoia seguransa iha eleisaun prezidensial kompostu hosi Unidade Espesial Polisia (UEP), Batallaun Ordem Publiku (BOP), Komandu Espesial Polisia (COE), Korpu Seguransa Pesoal (CSP), Unidade Patrollamentu Fronteira (UPF), Unidade Polisia Maritima (UPM), membru balun husi Komandu Jeral PNTL rasik no Sentru Formasaun Polisia (CFP, sigla portuges).",
"Notisia relevante: F-FDTL preparadu apoiu PNTL iha eleisaun PR Komandu PNTL dezloka tan membru 200 reforsa segurasa eleisaun prezodensial Previous articleSTAE Viqueque finaliza verifika no halo pakote material eleisaun Next articleCNE-UNDP-Governu Japaun lansa Sentru Tabulasaun Nasional"
] | [
"PNTL posts 201 members to reinforce security in presidential election | Timor Post Agência Noticiosa de Timór-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE TIMOR POLICE POSTS SOUVENIR OF THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION AND REPRESENTATIVE ELECTIONAL PROCEDURE The General Command of the National Police (KMP) has posted more than a hundred new police officers."
"Image/Natalino Costa DILI, March 17th - The General Command of the National Police (PNTL) has deployed an additional team with a total number to support and reinforce security at polling centres in rural areas during presidential elections on this month's march."
"The deployment ceremony of the 201 full-time PNTL members to municipalities, through a general formation which was directly presided over by Police Commander General Faustino da Costa and accompanies Deputy Chief Inspector Mateus Fernandes. Operations commanders from Policial Comando Nacional (PCN), Superintendente Principal Pedro Belo were present at this event as well"
"\"We have deployed an additional 201 full-time members to ensure the process of presidential elections in Brazil, which will take place on March."
"These members will support municipal commands that have limited resources to provide security for the 1,802 polling centres we currently possess including voting station facilities\", PNTL Commander-in–Chief Commissioner Faustino da Costa told journalist in Caicoli headquarters on Wednesday."
"Relevant news: PM Taur asks PNTL to continue securing campaign and presidential elections The deployment of the 201 active members is based on a request from Police Command in twelve municipalities including Oecusse-Ambeno Special Administratives Region (RAEOA)."
"\"Today we are focusing on this municipality based upon request because the resources in Municipal Command were not sufficient for each of them, according to a demand from some Provincial commands who asked 10 or even upwards and downwardly asking about how they could increase security during presidential elections especially with regard that vote-count process at local level until it reaches national levels\", he said."
"Although the PNTL has limited resources and facilities, it remains determined to guarantee security for its people in front of a democratic festival."
"In addition, Commissioner Faustino also congratulated the members of PNTL in national territory for their efforts and good work to ensure security during electoral campaign."
"\"Although we recorded some accidents and incident in the campaign, but our performance during this period was very professional. We continue to show good work ahead of presidential elections so that people can keep trusting us\", Commissioner Faustino urged them on Wednesday (10/2)."
"The Commander General also stated that the law allows members of his corps to vote, but urged them still continue showing professionalism and impartiality."
"He urged the members to cooperate with local authorities, electoral bodies and other agencies in order for this democratic celebration can run smoothly so that people may exercise their rights."
"In addition, the 201 police officers who were deployed by PNTL General Command to municipalities in support of security during presidential elections are composed from Special Police Unit (UEP), Public Order Battalion(BO P) and special commando for public order/public safety.These include: Personal Security Corpus; Border Patrol unit-UPF); Maritime Policing Units - UPM)."
"Relevant news: F-FDTL prepares to support PNTL in PR election Police Command deploy 201 more members reinforce security of preconstitutional elections Previous articleSTAE Viqueque finalize verification and make electoral material package Next ArticleCNE, UNDP & Japanese Government launch National Tabulating Centre"
] |
Publika iha: 04 Julho 2017\nHare na'in: 823\nConselho de Imprensa de Timor-Leste (CI) serbisu hamutuk ho Grupu Mídia Nasionál (GMN-TV) no Organizasaun Nosoens Unidas ba Programa Dezenvolvimentu (UNDP) ne’ebé hetan tulun hosi povu Japaun, realiza primeira faze programa Political Parties Meet The Press ka Sorumutu Partidus Polítikus ho Imprensa.\nSorumutu primeira faze entre partidus polítikus ho imprensa ne’e realiza iha loron sábadu, 1/07/2017, liuhosi transmisaun direita iha GMN-TV durante oras rua (2) hosi tuku 8:30 to’o 10:30 kalan ne’ebé hetan partisipasaun hosi partidu neen (6) mak hanesan APMT, KHUNTO, PEP, PST, PDP, CNRT, no Bloku Unidade Popular (BUP).\nIha biban ne’e mós hetan partisipasaun hosi mídia nasionál no internasionál sira maka hanesan Timor Post, STL, Independente, Timoroman, GMN, Matadalan, Time Timor, Rádiu Liberdade, Rádiu Komunidade Comoro, Rádiu Metro, Ajensia Tatoli, Tafara.org, Kyodo News.\nPrograma “Sorumutu Partidus Polítikus ho Imprensa” atu fó espasu b aba mídia sira iha asesu hanesan ba informasaun hosi partidu polítiku sira no mós loke espasu hanesan ba partidu polítiku sira atu fahe informasaun ba mídia sira.\nLiuhosi sorumutu ne’ebé hetan transmisaun direta ba públiku bele ajuda ona sosiedade sira atu hetan informasaun hanesan no direita hosi partidu polítiku sira liuhosi kanál mídia sira.\nIha introdusaun, Prezidente CI, Virgílio da Silva Guterres hanesan mós moderadór ba sorumutu ne’e dehan sorumutu ne’e importante tebes atu mídia sira kobre informasaun hosi partidu polítiku sira nune’e bele hato’o ba públiku ho loos no balansu.\n“Tema debate kona-ba estadu komunikasaun estadu ninian, katak estadu nia komunikasaun ho ninia sidadaun sira di’ak ka lae? Sé partidu sira hetan fiar hosi eleitores sira hosi povu atu ukun, oinsá maka sira bele mantein komunikasaun di’ak ho sidadaun sira,” Prezidente CI, Virgílio da Silva Guterres hato’o kestaun ne’e iha biban sorumutu Partidu Polítiku ho jornalista, editor no diretor mídia sira, iha GMN, Sábadu, 01/07/2017.\nPrezidente Ci hatutan polítika sira nia planu ba estabelese komunikasaun di’ak ho instuitusaun sira, garante mós komunikasaun atu bele sai ponte de komunikasaun ho sidadaun no ukun nain sira.\nDurante oras rua (2), jornalista sira kestiona maka’as liu kona-ba oinsá partidu polítiku sira kaer ukun sei fó prioridade saída ba seitór komunikasaun sosiál Timor-Leste. Levanta mós kestaun seluk kona-ba oinsá bele resolve problema dezempregu estruturál ne’ebé oras ne’e akontese iha ita nia rain.\nIha parte seluk, mídia sira mós kestiona maka’as kona-ba komitmentu partidu polítiku sira nian ba luta hasoru korrupsaun tanba to’o oras ne’e seidauk iha lei anti korrupsaun.\nJornalista sira mós husu atu governasaun foun mai atu halo lakon tiha birokrasia ne’ebé oras ne’e difikulta tebes atividade jornalizmu ninian hodi asesu ba dokumentus hotu estadu ne’e nian.\nHatan ba preokupasaun hirak ne’e, partidu polítiku sira ne’ebé partisipa iha sorumutu primeira faze kompromitidu atu hadi’a no hametin liutan kestaun sira ne’ebé jornalista sira foti.\nBainhira kaer ukun, Partidu polítiku sira sei fó atensaun másima ba serbisu jornalizmu nian, fó Liberdade tomak ba mídia sira atu halo serbisu ho profisionál maibé tenke ho responsabilidade hodi labele kontra kódigu konduta jornalizmu nian ne’ebé estabele ona.\nSorumutu entre partidu polítiku sira ho imprensa, hala’o ba faze tolu (3) hanesan primeira faze iha loron sábadu, 01/07/2017, ne’ebé partisipa hosi partidu neen (6) hanesan APMT, KHUNTO, PEP, PST, PDP, CNRT, no Bloku Unidade Popular (BUP).\nSegunda faze sei realiza iha loron sábadu, 08/07/2017, ne’ebé partisipa hosi partidu hitu (7) maka hanesan PR, UDT, PDC, MPLP, PLP, PD, UNDERTIM. Terseira faze partisipa hosi partidu hitu (7) hanesan PUDD, PTD, FM, PSD, CASDT, PDN no FRETILIN.\nPrograma ne’e realiza tanba serbisu hamutuk entre CI, UNDP no GMNT-TV no halo tranzmisaun direita hosi GMN-TV durante oras rua hosi 8:30 to’o 10:30. (CI) | [
"Publika iha: 04 Julho 2017 Hare na'in: 823 Conselho de Imprensa de Timor-Leste (CI) serbisu hamutuk ho Grupu Midia Nasional (GMN-TV) no Organizasaun Nosoens Unidas ba Programa Dezenvolvimentu (UNDP) ne'ebe hetan tulun hosi povu Japaun, realiza primeira faze programa Political Parties Meet The Press ka Sorumutu Partidus Politikus ho Imprensa.",
"Sorumutu primeira faze entre partidus politikus ho imprensa ne'e realiza iha loron sabadu, 1/07/2017, liuhosi transmisaun direita iha GMN-TV durante oras rua (2) hosi tuku 8:30 to'o 10:30 kalan ne'ebe hetan partisipasaun hosi partidu neen (6) mak hanesan APMT, KHUNTO, PEP, PST, PDP, CNRT, no Bloku Unidade Popular (BUP).",
"Iha biban ne'e mos hetan partisipasaun hosi midia nasional no internasional sira maka hanesan Timor Post, STL, Independente, Timoroman, GMN, Matadalan, Time Timor, Radiu Liberdade, Radiu Komunidade Comoro, Radiu Metro, Ajensia Tatoli, Tafara.org, Kyodo News.",
"Programa \"Sorumutu Partidus Politikus ho Imprensa\" atu fo espasu b aba midia sira iha asesu hanesan ba informasaun hosi partidu politiku sira no mos loke espasu hanesan ba partidu politiku sira atu fahe informasaun ba midia sira.",
"Liuhosi sorumutu ne'ebe hetan transmisaun direta ba publiku bele ajuda ona sosiedade sira atu hetan informasaun hanesan no direita hosi partidu politiku sira liuhosi kanal midia sira.",
"Iha introdusaun, Prezidente CI, Virgilio da Silva Guterres hanesan mos moderador ba sorumutu ne'e dehan sorumutu ne'e importante tebes atu midia sira kobre informasaun hosi partidu politiku sira nune'e bele hato'o ba publiku ho loos no balansu.",
"\"Tema debate kona-ba estadu komunikasaun estadu ninian, katak estadu nia komunikasaun ho ninia sidadaun sira di'ak ka lae?",
"Se partidu sira hetan fiar hosi eleitores sira hosi povu atu ukun, oinsa maka sira bele mantein komunikasaun di'ak ho sidadaun sira,\" Prezidente CI, Virgilio da Silva Guterres hato'o kestaun ne'e iha biban sorumutu Partidu Politiku ho jornalista, editor no diretor midia sira, iha GMN, Sabadu, 01/07/2017.",
"Prezidente Ci hatutan politika sira nia planu ba estabelese komunikasaun di'ak ho instuitusaun sira, garante mos komunikasaun atu bele sai ponte de komunikasaun ho sidadaun no ukun nain sira.",
"Durante oras rua (2), jornalista sira kestiona maka'as liu kona-ba oinsa partidu politiku sira kaer ukun sei fo prioridade saida ba seitor komunikasaun sosial Timor-Leste.",
"Levanta mos kestaun seluk kona-ba oinsa bele resolve problema dezempregu estrutural ne'ebe oras ne'e akontese iha ita nia rain.",
"Iha parte seluk, midia sira mos kestiona maka'as kona-ba komitmentu partidu politiku sira nian ba luta hasoru korrupsaun tanba to'o oras ne'e seidauk iha lei anti korrupsaun.",
"Jornalista sira mos husu atu governasaun foun mai atu halo lakon tiha birokrasia ne'ebe oras ne'e difikulta tebes atividade jornalizmu ninian hodi asesu ba dokumentus hotu estadu ne'e nian.",
"Hatan ba preokupasaun hirak ne'e, partidu politiku sira ne'ebe partisipa iha sorumutu primeira faze kompromitidu atu hadi'a no hametin liutan kestaun sira ne'ebe jornalista sira foti.",
"Bainhira kaer ukun, Partidu politiku sira sei fo atensaun masima ba serbisu jornalizmu nian, fo Liberdade tomak ba midia sira atu halo serbisu ho profisional maibe tenke ho responsabilidade hodi labele kontra kodigu konduta jornalizmu nian ne'ebe estabele ona.",
"Sorumutu entre partidu politiku sira ho imprensa, hala'o ba faze tolu (3) hanesan primeira faze iha loron sabadu, 01/07/2017, ne'ebe partisipa hosi partidu neen (6) hanesan APMT, KHUNTO, PEP, PST, PDP, CNRT, no Bloku Unidade Popular (BUP).",
"Segunda faze sei realiza iha loron sabadu, 08/07/2017, ne'ebe partisipa hosi partidu hitu (7) maka hanesan PR, UDT, PDC, MPLP, PLP, PD, UNDERTIM.",
"Terseira faze partisipa hosi partidu hitu (7) hanesan PUDD, PTD, FM, PSD, CASDT, PDN no FRETILIN.",
"Programa ne'e realiza tanba serbisu hamutuk entre CI, UNDP no GMNT-TV no halo tranzmisaun direita hosi GMN-TV durante oras rua hosi 8:30 to'o 10:30.",
] | [
"The Timor-Leste Council of the Press (CI), in collaboration with Grupo Media Nasional, a television network owned by GMN and United Nations Development Programme supporting through Japan's assistance program for political parties \"Political Parties MeetThePress\", has held its first phase meeting."
"The first phase of the meeting between political parties and press took place on Saturday, July 1st (20) through a live broadcast from GMN-TV for two hours during which participated nine party's: APMT; PEP."
"The event also saw the participation of national and international media such as Timor Post, STL. Independente 102 FM (Radio Liberdade), Radio Comunidade Comoro(Comunidade de Moçambique) Radiu Metro Agenzia Tatoli Tafara News Kyodo Media Groups: GMN-GTN/TVI"
"The \"Connect Political Parties with the Press\" programme aims to give media outlets equal access of information from political parties and also open up space for party members in order that they can share their opinion."
"Through live broadcast meetings to the public, it has already helped societies get equal and correct information from political parties through media channel."
"In his introduction, CI President Virgilio da Silva Guterres who also moderated the meeting said that it was very important for media to cover information from political parties so as they can report in a truthful and balanced way."
"\"The topic of the debate about state communications is whether or not a State communicates well with its citizens."
"If parties gain the confidence of voters to govern, how can they maintain good communication with citizens?\" CI President Virgilio da Silva Guterres raised this issue at a meeting between political party representatives and journalists in GMN on Saturday 01 July."
"President Ci explained his policy plan to establish good communication with the institutions, ensuring that they can be a bridge between citizens and rulers."
"During two (2) hours, journalists questioned more about how the political parties in power will give priority to social communication sector Timor-Leste."
"It also raises other questions about how to solve the problem of structural unemployment that is currently occurring in our country."
"On the other hand, media also questioned strongly about political parties' commitment to fighting corruption because so far there is no anti-corruption law."
"Journalists also asked the new government to eliminate bureaucracy that is currently making it very difficult for journalistic activities in order access all documents of this state."
"In response to these concerns, the political parties that participated in this first phase of meeting committed themselves for improvement and strengthening on issues raised by journalist."
"When they come to power, the political parties will give maximum attention on journalism's work and allow full freedom for media outlet of doing their job professionally but with responsibility so that it does not go against established journalistic codes."
"The meeting between the political parties and press, held in three (3) phases as first stage on Saturday 01/27-6(Saturday), which was attended by nine parties: APMT; KHUNTO. PEP - People' s Democratic Party of Timor Leste / Partido Democrata Popular de Moçambique"
"The second phase will take place on Saturday, 08/7 /216 with the participation of seven (9) parties: PR; UDT. PDC and MPLP are in opposition to this stage as they have not been elected by their constituents for a period longer than one year or two years beforehand"
"The third phase was attended by seven (7) parties: PUDD, PTD. FM and the Democratic Party of South Sudan as well ASDT PDN & FRETILIN ;"
"The programme was realized thanks to the collaboration between CI, UNDP and GMNT-TV. It will be broadcast live on GMN TV for two hours from 8:30 a"
"(CI) CI = Coordinate Interpolation"
] |
SM Aplika Multa ba Movimento Ilegal Durante EE\nServiso Migrasaun (SM) aplika multa hahu husi $30 to’o $200 ba sidadaun sira ne’ebe mak halo movimento ilegal iha fronteira liu-liu durante estado emergensia (EE) nian.\nDiretor Jeral SM, Superientendente Asistente Luis Bareto hateten, bazeia ba dekreto lei EE no liga ba lei migrasuan nian numero 11/2017 nian, ema ruma bainhira tama Timor-Leste tuir dalan ilegal tenke selu multa.\n“Movimento ilegal tanto sidadaun nasional ka estrangeiro ita aplika multa hahu husi $30 to’o $200 ne’e obrigatorio tenke seluk,” DG SM Bareto dehan.\nMaibe nia dehan, husi movimento ilegal sira ne’e maioria selu deit $30 no minoria mak selu $200.\n“Movimento ilegal sira ne’e akontese iha ita nia fronteira sira hanesan Batugade, Salele, Sakato no mos fronteira ilegal sira seluk,” Superientendente Asistente Bareto salienta.\nAlende ne’e nia dehan, dadaun ne’e SM kopera ho Unidade Patrulhamento Fronteira (UPF) no Polisia Militar (PM) atu nafatin mantein kontrolu movimento ilegal iha fronteira.\nEntretanto, Diretor Ezekutivo Fundasaun Mahein (FM) Joao Almeida hateten, movimento ilegal sempre akontese iha fronteira tanba lei ne’ebe hodi regula movimento ilegal ne’e fraku.\n“Liu-liu movimento ilegal ne’ebe fasilita husi seguransa sira ne’ebe mak destaka iha fronteira ne’e prosesu mos la iha, multa mos la iha, ne’e livre,” nia dehan.\nTanba ne’e husu seguransa sira ne’ebe mak destaka iha fronteira hala’o knar tuir lei no ordem haruka, selu multa karik aplika ba ema hotu no la bele hamosu diskriminasaun.\n“Sidadaun ne’ebe mak komete iha movimento ilegal aplika multa ne’e diak liu nune’e bele kuntribui reseitas ba estado,” nia salienta.\nTanba ne’e nia dehan, dadaun ne’e fronteira taka mos, ema sira ne’e nafatin buka dalan ilegal nune’e bele hakat mai teritorio nasional, tanba ne’e ekipa ne’ebe destaka iha fronteira hanesan migrasaun, UPF, saude tenke esforsu hodi garante katak ema hotu ne’ebe tama mai hela iha kuarentina. | [
"SM Aplika Multa ba Movimento Ilegal Durante EE Serviso Migrasaun (SM) aplika multa hahu husi $30 to'o $200 ba sidadaun sira ne'ebe mak halo movimento ilegal iha fronteira liu-liu durante estado emergensia (EE) nian.",
"Diretor Jeral SM, Superientendente Asistente Luis Bareto hateten, bazeia ba dekreto lei EE no liga ba lei migrasuan nian numero 11/2017 nian, ema ruma bainhira tama Timor-Leste tuir dalan ilegal tenke selu multa.",
"\"Movimento ilegal tanto sidadaun nasional ka estrangeiro ita aplika multa hahu husi $30 to'o $200 ne'e obrigatorio tenke seluk,\" DG SM Bareto dehan.",
"Maibe nia dehan, husi movimento ilegal sira ne'e maioria selu deit $30 no minoria mak selu $200.",
"\"Movimento ilegal sira ne'e akontese iha ita nia fronteira sira hanesan Batugade, Salele, Sakato no mos fronteira ilegal sira seluk,\" Superientendente Asistente Bareto salienta.",
"Alende ne'e nia dehan, dadaun ne'e SM kopera ho Unidade Patrulhamento Fronteira (UPF) no Polisia Militar (PM) atu nafatin mantein kontrolu movimento ilegal iha fronteira.",
"Entretanto, Diretor Ezekutivo Fundasaun Mahein (FM) Joao Almeida hateten, movimento ilegal sempre akontese iha fronteira tanba lei ne'ebe hodi regula movimento ilegal ne'e fraku.",
"\"Liu-liu movimento ilegal ne'ebe fasilita husi seguransa sira ne'ebe mak destaka iha fronteira ne'e prosesu mos la iha, multa mos la iha, ne'e livre,\" nia dehan.",
"Tanba ne'e husu seguransa sira ne'ebe mak destaka iha fronteira hala'o knar tuir lei no ordem haruka, selu multa karik aplika ba ema hotu no la bele hamosu diskriminasaun.",
"\"Sidadaun ne'ebe mak komete iha movimento ilegal aplika multa ne'e diak liu nune'e bele kuntribui reseitas ba estado,\" nia salienta.",
"Tanba ne'e nia dehan, dadaun ne'e fronteira taka mos, ema sira ne'e nafatin buka dalan ilegal nune'e bele hakat mai teritorio nasional, tanba ne'e ekipa ne'ebe destaka iha fronteira hanesan migrasaun, UPF, saude tenke esforsu hodi garante katak ema hotu ne'ebe tama mai hela iha kuarentina."
] | [
"SM Fines Illegal Movement During State of Emergency The Migration Service (SM) is applying a fine from $30 up to$215 for citizens who make illegal movement at the border, especially during state emergency."
"Director General of SM, Assistant Superintendent Luis Bareto said that based on the decree-law EE and linked to migration law number 12/0976 a person who enters Timor via illegal means must pay fine."
"\"Illegal movement of both national and foreign citizens we apply fines ranging from $30 to 25,\" DG SM Bareto said."
"However, he said that the majority of these illegal movements pay only $30 and a minority pays up to 25."
"\"These illegal movements occur at our border points such as Batugade, Salele and Sakato along with other unauthorized crossings of the frontier\", Assistant Superintendent Baretos emphasizes."
"In addition, he said that the SM is currently cooperating with Border Patrol Unit (UPF) and Military Police to maintain control of illegal movements in border areas."
"Meanwhile, Executive Director of Fundação Mahein (FM) Joao Almeida says that illegal movement always occurs at the border because law to regulate it is weak."
"\"Especially the illegal movements that are facilitated by security forces standing at this border, there is no process and also not a fine. It'd be free.\""
"Therefore, we ask the border guards to carry out their duties in compliance with law and order. If they pay a fine it should be applied for all people without discriminating against any one person or group of them; this would not create an environment that encouraged violence amongst citizens.\""
"\"Citizens who commit illegal movement apply the fine better so they can contribute revenues to state,\" he emphasized."
"Therefore, he said that the border is currently closed and people are still looking for illegal ways to get into national territory. That's why teams working at frontier points such as migration department of police (UPF) or health must make every effort in order To ensure all those entering Brazil remain under quarantine;"
] |
Terça – Feira, XXXII Semana do Tempo Comum (Ano C) – Diocese de Dili\nDiocese de Dili > NOTÍCIAS > LETURA DIÁRIA > Terça – Feira, XXXII Semana do Tempo Comum (Ano C)\nTerça – Feira, XXXII Semana do Tempo Comum (Ano C)\nPosted on: November 11, 2019 by: Departamento Comunicação Diocese Dili\nPrimeira Leitura Sab. 2. 23, 3. 1-9\nMaromak hakiak ema atu la bele sa dodok, hakiak ema tuir Nia ilas rasik. Mate tama mundo tan ba Diabo laran moras, no sira nebe liu housi nia, sei hetan mate. Maibé, ema di’ak sira nia klamar iha Maromak futar liman, castigo ida sei la besik sirak. Tuir ema áat sira nia haré, hanesan malisan ida; sira nia mate hanesan buat áat ida nebe lakon tiha ona; maibe sira hôrik hela iha dame laran. Maski sira hetan castigo, tuir ema nia haré, sira laran metin lós ba moris rohan laek. Sira simu tiha castigo oituan, sei hetan rahun di’ak boot tebes, basá, Maromak koko tiha sira; hetan iha sira di’ak hodi simu sira iha Nia sorin. Maromak koko sira hanesan haben osan mean iha ahi; simu sira hanesan karan housi ahi. Uainhira simu tiha tulun, sira sei sai nabilan hodi halai hanesan ahi nia funan iha du’ut maran sira le’et.\nSira sei ukun nação sira hodi tau matan ba povo sira; Na’i sei ukun sira hotu tinan-ba-tinan. Ema sira nebe fiar iha Na’i, sei hatene lialós; sira nebe halo tuir Na’i Nia hakaran sei horik ho Nia iha domin, basá, graça no laran luak sei haraik ba Nia emar nebe Nia fihir tiha ona.\nSalmo Responsorial Sal. 33(34). 2-3, 16-17, 18-19, (R. cf. 2ª)\nRefrão : Ha’u sei hahi Na’i loron kalan!!! Repete-se\nHa’u sei hahi Na’i kalan loron,\nNai tau matan nafatin ba ema nebe laran mós,\nNia rona ema laran di’ak nia hakilar;\nNia fila oin housi sira be halo áat,\nAtu halakon nia naran housi rai. Refrão\nNa’i sei rona sira nia halerik,\nSei hasai sira housi todan neon sala nian;\nTan ba Na’i besik liu ema neon susar sira,\nNo soi sira housi susar laran. Refrão\nAclamação Jo. 14-23\nEma nebe hadomi Ha’u, sei halo tuir Ha’u nia liafuan;\nHa’u Aman sei hadomi nia, Ami sei hela ho nia. Refrão\nIha tempo neba, Jesus lia tun ba escolante sira: “Iha imi leet se mak iha atan ida nebe fila rai ka hein bibi, uainhira nia fila mai uma, sei dehan ba nia: ‘O mai lalais tur iha mesa?’ Nia sei la dehan fali: ‘O ba tein,’ ka ‘O ba hatais lalais atu ha’u han no hemu; ne’e liu tiha mak o sei tur han no hemu?’ Ema se mak sei fó obrigado ba nia atan tan atan ne’e halo buat nebe nia haruka? Nune’e mós imi, uainhira imi halo tiha imi nia knaar tomak, dehan ba: ‘Ami atan folin laek, ami halo de’it ami nia obrigação.”\nPrevious PostSegunda – Feira, XXXII Semana do Tempo Comum (Ano C) Next PostQuarta – Feira, XXXII Semana do Tempo Comum (Ano C) | [
"Terca - Feira, XXXII Semana do Tempo Comum (Ano C) - Diocese de Dili Diocese de Dili > NOTICIAS > LETURA DIARIA > Terca - Feira, XXXII Semana do Tempo Comum (Ano C) Terca - Feira, XXXII Semana do Tempo Comum (Ano C) Posted on: November 11, 2019 by: Departamento Comunicacao Diocese Dili Primeira Leitura Sab.",
"23, 3.",
"1-9 Maromak hakiak ema atu la bele sa dodok, hakiak ema tuir Nia ilas rasik.",
"Mate tama mundo tan ba Diabo laran moras, no sira nebe liu housi nia, sei hetan mate.",
"Maibe, ema di'ak sira nia klamar iha Maromak futar liman, castigo ida sei la besik sirak.",
"Tuir ema aat sira nia hare, hanesan malisan ida; sira nia mate hanesan buat aat ida nebe lakon tiha ona; maibe sira horik hela iha dame laran.",
"Maski sira hetan castigo, tuir ema nia hare, sira laran metin los ba moris rohan laek.",
"Sira simu tiha castigo oituan, sei hetan rahun di'ak boot tebes, basa, Maromak koko tiha sira; hetan iha sira di'ak hodi simu sira iha Nia sorin.",
"Maromak koko sira hanesan haben osan mean iha ahi; simu sira hanesan karan housi ahi.",
"Uainhira simu tiha tulun, sira sei sai nabilan hodi halai hanesan ahi nia funan iha du'ut maran sira le'et.",
"Sira sei ukun nacao sira hodi tau matan ba povo sira; Na'i sei ukun sira hotu tinan-ba-tinan.",
"Ema sira nebe fiar iha Na'i, sei hatene lialos; sira nebe halo tuir Na'i Nia hakaran sei horik ho Nia iha domin, basa, graca no laran luak sei haraik ba Nia emar nebe Nia fihir tiha ona.",
"Salmo Responsorial Sal.",
"33 (34).",
"2-3, 16-17, 18-19, (R. cf.",
"2a) Refrao: Ha'u sei hahi Na'i loron kalan!!!",
"Repete-se Ha'u sei hahi Na'i kalan loron, Nai tau matan nafatin ba ema nebe laran mos, Nia rona ema laran di'ak nia hakilar; Nia fila oin housi sira be halo aat, Atu halakon nia naran housi rai.",
"Refrao Na'i sei rona sira nia halerik, Sei hasai sira housi todan neon sala nian; Tan ba Na'i besik liu ema neon susar sira, No soi sira housi susar laran.",
"Refrao Aclamacao Jo.",
"14-23 Ema nebe hadomi Ha'u, sei halo tuir Ha'u nia liafuan; Ha'u Aman sei hadomi nia, Ami sei hela ho nia.",
"Refrao Iha tempo neba, Jesus lia tun ba escolante sira: \"Iha imi leet se mak iha atan ida nebe fila rai ka hein bibi, uainhira nia fila mai uma, sei dehan ba nia: 'O mai lalais tur iha mesa?'",
"Nia sei la dehan fali: 'O ba tein,' ka 'O ba hatais lalais atu ha'u han no hemu; ne'e liu tiha mak o sei tur han no hemu?'",
"Ema se mak sei fo obrigado ba nia atan tan atan ne'e halo buat nebe nia haruka?",
"Nune'e mos imi, uainhira imi halo tiha imi nia knaar tomak, dehan ba: 'Ami atan folin laek, ami halo de'it ami nia obrigacao.\"",
"Previous PostSegunda - Feira, XXXII Semana do Tempo Comum (Ano C) Next PostQuarta - Feira, XXXII Semana do Tempo Comum (Ano C)"
] | [
"Tuesday, 32nd Week in Ordinary Time (Year C) - Diocese of Dili Diocese de Díli > NEWS> DAILY READINGS: Daily Readings from the Holy Bible for Sunday – Saturday The First Day Of Every Month Posted on November.10th/Nov-9 /November_7 by Department Comunicacao Diocesi di Diu Primeira Leitura"
"2. The purpose of the contract"
"23, no."
"1-9 God created man so that he could not be dozed, and He made him according to His own will."
"Death has come into the world through Satan, and those who go with him will die."
"But if the righteous believe in God's hand, no punishment will come near them."
"For the wicked, they are as a waste; their death is like an evil thing that has passed away: but in peace do you live."
"Though they are punished in the eyes of men, their hearts remain firmly bound to eternal life."
"They will receive a very good reward after their first punishment, for God has loved them; he found in they the right to take him into his presence."
"God will cleanse them as silver is purified in the fire; he shall receive their souls like a burning coal."
"When they are helped, their heads will be like a fire in the deep sea."
"And they shall rule over the nations, to look after them: and Jehovah will judge all of their countenances from year unto years."
"Those who trust in the LORD will know truth; those that keep his commandments shall walk with him, and love Him. He is gracious to His servants: he gives them what they desire of their possessions.\""
"Responsorial Psalm Ps."
"32 (10). pp. 45–68, and pgs:"
"2-3, (R. cf; see also: Psalter of the Catholic Church)."
"2a) Refrao: I'm going to praise the Lord at night!!!"
"Again I will cry to the LORD night and day: for he is ever attentive unto him that hath a heart, He heareth his sighing; And turns away from them which do evil To blot out their name of earth."
"The LORD will hear their cry, and deliver them from the depths of iniquity; for he is near to those in distress."
"Refrao Acclamation Jo."
"14 If anyone loves me, he will keep my word; and I shall be with him in heaven. And if any man deceives the one who has sent Me to Himseth"
"1 Then he said to his disciples, \"Which of you has a servant who is going out and tilling or waiting for the sheep; when it comes home they will tell him: 'Come straightway down at table'?"
"He will no longer say, 'Go and cook for me;' or: `Hast thou gone to make it ready so that I may eat? Afterwards shalt Thou sit down with thee."
"Who is the man that will render thanks to his servant, if he doeth whatsoever [he] commanded him?"
"In the same way, when you have done all your work say to him: 'My dear servant; we only did what was our duty.'"
"Previous PostMonday 32nd Week in Ordinary Time (Yy C) Next postWednesday, XXXIIth week of Normal Season(Year B), Day XXVII"
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PNTL Liquiça sosializa programa “harii dame” | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DEFEZA PNTL Liquiça sosializa programa “harii dame”\nPNTL Liquiça sosializa programa “harii dame”\nJornalista Agência Tatoli, Eugénio Pereira halo entrevista Komandante Polísia Munisipiu Liquiça, Superintendente Umbelina dos Santos Soares. Imajen Tatoli/António Gonçalves\nLIQUIÇA, 10 setembru 2020 (TATOLI)- Komandu Polísia Nasionál Timor-Leste (PNTL) Munisípiu Liquiça liuhusi Ofisiál Polísia Suku (OPS), daudaun ne’e, implementa hela programa “Harii Dame” ba grupu juventude no grupu organizasaun arte marsiál (GAM) no arte rituál sira atu bele garante paz.\nKomandante Polísia Munisípiu Liquiça Superintendente Umbelina dos Santos Soares, deklara programa ne’e sira hala’o hodi bele redús kazu krime ne’ebé envolve grupu juventude no GAM iha area jurisdisaun Liquiça.\nSuperintendente Umbelina rasik foin simu pose husi Komandante Jerál PNTL, Komisáriu Faustino da Costa, hodi hala’o knaar foin fulan rua ho balun hodi aprezenta programa Harii Dame ne’e hetan apoiu másimu husi autoridade suku, veteranu, igreja no sosiedade sivíl sira.\n“Hafoin simu pose, ha’u mai koordena kedas ho komandante postu no Ofisiál Polísia Suku (OPS) oinsá ami tun direta ba povu hodi sosializa programa “Harii Dame” hodi bele lori povu liu-liu juventude no GAM sira atu servisu hamutuk lori pas no moris hakmatek ba too postu administrativu sira too suku no aldeia sira iha Liquiça,” hateten Komandante Umbelina ba Agência Tatoli, ohin, iha Suku Loes-Liquiça.\nNia dehan, bainhira povu moris hakmatek sei fó benefísiu ba ema hotu-hotu atu hala’o servisu ho di’ak hodi kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu iha Liquiça Vila, Postu Administrativu Bazartete no Postu Administrativu Maubara.\nPNTL Liquiça rasik servisu hamutuk ho autoridade suku mós re-íntegra ona komunidade sira ne’ebé sai vítima ba konflitu iha Bazartete no sira fila ona ba sira nia hela nafatin.\n“Ita nia populasaun sira ne’ebé uluk mai hela iha Komandu PNTL Liquiça mós re-íntegra fila fali ona ba sira nia hela fatin. Ha’u rasik halo vizita ba populasaun sira nia fatin hodi hala’o diálogu ho sira oinsá kria nafatin pas atu labele hamosu tan problema ruma,” nia hateten.\nPNTL mós koordena ho lideransa GAM sira hanesan, PSHT, Kera Sakti no KORKA no Grupu Arte Rituál 77 iha Maubara Lisa, no Suku Ulumera no suku seluk tan atu sai autór no na’in ba pas.\nDaudaun situasaun seguransa iha suku no aldeia sira la’o hakmatek nafatin no seidauk mosu perturbasaun ruma. Tanba Komandu PNTL rasik koloka ona Batallaun Orden Públiku (BOP) iha Bazartete.\nPNTL Liquiça mós kontinua implementa regra Estadu Emerjénsia (EE) dalimak hodi sosializa informasaun ba povu atu kumpre nafatin regra saúde nian hodi lori sosiedade livre husi ameasa surtu COVID-19.\nPrevious articleMS husu Servisu Saude Covalima kontinua halo promosaun saúde\nNext articleINFORDEPE fó ona formasaun lian jestuál ba profesór 300 | [
"PNTL Liquica sosializa programa \"harii dame\" | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DEFEZA PNTL Liquica sosializa programa \"harii dame\" PNTL Liquica sosializa programa \"harii dame\" Jornalista Agencia Tatoli, Eugenio Pereira halo entrevista Komandante Polisia Munisipiu Liquica, Superintendente Umbelina dos Santos Soares.",
"Imajen Tatoli/Antonio Goncalves LIQUICA, 10 setembru 2020 (TATOLI) - Komandu Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) Munisipiu Liquica liuhusi Ofisial Polisia Suku (OPS), daudaun ne'e, implementa hela programa \"Harii Dame\" ba grupu juventude no grupu organizasaun arte marsial (GAM) no arte ritual sira atu bele garante paz.",
"Komandante Polisia Munisipiu Liquica Superintendente Umbelina dos Santos Soares, deklara programa ne'e sira hala'o hodi bele redus kazu krime ne'ebe envolve grupu juventude no GAM iha area jurisdisaun Liquica.",
"Superintendente Umbelina rasik foin simu pose husi Komandante Jeral PNTL, Komisariu Faustino da Costa, hodi hala'o knaar foin fulan rua ho balun hodi aprezenta programa Harii Dame ne'e hetan apoiu masimu husi autoridade suku, veteranu, igreja no sosiedade sivil sira.",
"\"Hafoin simu pose, ha'u mai koordena kedas ho komandante postu no Ofisial Polisia Suku (OPS) oinsa ami tun direta ba povu hodi sosializa programa \"Harii Dame\" hodi bele lori povu liu-liu juventude no GAM sira atu servisu hamutuk lori pas no moris hakmatek ba too postu administrativu sira too suku no aldeia sira iha Liquica,\" hateten Komandante Umbelina ba Agencia Tatoli, ohin, iha Suku Loes-Liquica.",
"Nia dehan, bainhira povu moris hakmatek sei fo benefisiu ba ema hotu-hotu atu hala'o servisu ho di'ak hodi kontribui ba dezenvolvimentu iha Liquica Vila, Postu Administrativu Bazartete no Postu Administrativu Maubara.",
"PNTL Liquica rasik servisu hamutuk ho autoridade suku mos re-integra ona komunidade sira ne'ebe sai vitima ba konflitu iha Bazartete no sira fila ona ba sira nia hela nafatin.",
"\"Ita nia populasaun sira ne'ebe uluk mai hela iha Komandu PNTL Liquica mos re-integra fila fali ona ba sira nia hela fatin.",
"Ha'u rasik halo vizita ba populasaun sira nia fatin hodi hala'o dialogu ho sira oinsa kria nafatin pas atu labele hamosu tan problema ruma,\" nia hateten.",
"PNTL mos koordena ho lideransa GAM sira hanesan, PSHT, Kera Sakti no KORKA no Grupu Arte Ritual 77 iha Maubara Lisa, no Suku Ulumera no suku seluk tan atu sai autor no na'in ba pas.",
"Daudaun situasaun seguransa iha suku no aldeia sira la'o hakmatek nafatin no seidauk mosu perturbasaun ruma.",
"Tanba Komandu PNTL rasik koloka ona Batallaun Orden Publiku (BOP) iha Bazartete.",
"PNTL Liquica mos kontinua implementa regra Estadu Emerjensia (EE) dalimak hodi sosializa informasaun ba povu atu kumpre nafatin regra saude nian hodi lori sosiedade livre husi ameasa surtu COVID-19.",
"Previous articleMS husu Servisu Saude Covalima kontinua halo promosaun saude Next articleINFORDEPE fo ona formasaun lian jestual ba profesor 300"
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"PNTL Liquica promotes \"harii dame\" program | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste HOME DEFENSE Polisia Munisipaliu liquiça promovem programa “Harie Dame” Policies of the Municipality, Superintendent Umbelina dos Santos Soares was interviewed by Tatoli Agency journalist Eugenio Pereira."
"LIQUICA, September 10th (Agência Tatoli) - The National Police of Timor-Leste's Command in Liquica Municipality through the Community Policing Officer is currently implementing a \"Harii Dame\" program for youth groups and martial art organization group to ensure peace."
"Liquica Municipal Police Commander Superintendent Umbelina dos Santos Soares, declared that the program is being carried out to reduce crime cases involving youth groups and GAMs within its jurisdiction."
"Superintendent Umbelina herself has just been sworn in by the Chief of Police, Commissioner Faustino da Costa to carry out his duties for two months and a few days before presenting Harii Dame. The program received maximum support from local authorities as well As veterans Churches And civil society Organizations"
"\"After taking office, I immediately coordinated with the post commander and Municipal Police Officer (OPS) how we could go directly to people in order for them of publicize our program 'Harii Dame' so that they can work together especially youths as well As GAM members bringing peace And a decent life all over administrative posts To village & township In Liquica\", said Commandant Umbelina Agência Tatoli today at Loes-Liquisa Village."
"He said that when the people live happy it will benefit everyone to work well and contribute for development in Liquica Vila, Bazartete Administratives Postus (APS) & Maubara."
"The Liquica Police itself, working with the village authorities has also re-integrated communities that were victims of conflict in Bazartete and they have returned to their homes."
"\"Our population who had previously lived in the Liquica Police Command has also been re-integrated back to their places of residence."
"I myself have visited the people's places to conduct a dialogue with them on how we can continue creating passageways so that there is no further problem,\" he said."
"The PNTL also coordinated with the leadership of GAMs such as PSHT, Kera Sakti and KORKA in Maubara Lisa (Group Art Ritual 78), Ulumera Village & others to become authorities for peace."
"At present, the security situation in villages and township is calm without any disturbances. There have been no disruptions at all to this day' s events"
"Because the PNTL Command itself has deployed a Battalion of Public Order (BOP) in Bazartete."
"The Liquica Police also continues to implement the State of Emergency (EE) rules in a regular manner, so as for them and their family members have information on how they can comply with health regulation. This will help ensure that our society is free from COVID-19 outbreak threats.”"
"Previous articleMS asks Serviço Saúde Covalima to continue promoting health Next artikelINFORDEPE has given sign language training for 301 teachers"
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