Rebekah: Just writing to let you know I'm home already :) Gianni: Thanks! I'm glad you got home safely, I hope there were no problems? Rebekah: None at all! Thank you so much for today, I really had fun! Gianni: I did too! Gianni: I hope we can repeat this sometime soon? Rebekah: Definitely! Rebekah: But now I need to get my beauty sleep, haha Rebekah: Thanks again! It's been ages since I last had such a nice evening Gianni: The pleasure is mine! Sleep tight!
Rebekah is home. She had a lot of fun.
Cliff: Hey Cliff: I heard you graduated. Congratulations Connie: Hey Connie: Yeah I did. Though you never came for the party😢 Cliff: Sorry. Cliff: I was having my exams that time Connie: Ooh Okay Connie: No worries though Cliff: Thanks for understanding
Connie graduated, but Cliff didn't come to her celebration party.
Greg: how much do I owe you? Frank: 100 in total for me Jane: i paid 80 (photos and frames) Greg: thanks! and thanks for organising the gifts!
Greg owns Frank 100. Jane paid 80 for photos and frames.
Jack: Christmas! Christmas everywhere! Jack: Same songs played every year. Jack: Same shitty decorations on every street and shopping mall. Jack: Same fucking comercials. Jack: I hate it. Nate: Calm down Grinch. Nate: Focus on good aspects of this. Nate: No work, no school, time for family meetings. Nate: Altough I prefer Easter Jack: Why? Nate: Because of food. Nate: Easter meals include sausage, eggs, pate... Nate: And Christmas is all about fish, cabbage, dumplings and soup. Jack: And outdated decorations.... Jack: But you're right. Jack: I also think Easter food is better than on Christmas :D Nate: Glad we agree on that :P
It's Christmas time. Nate prefers Easter, because of food. Jack agrees.
Mackenzie: LOOK! <file_photo> Mackenzie: It's Hailey!! Julia: :o what magazine is it? Julia: is she a model?? Mackenzie: "Elle" :) Mackenzie: Apparently. :D I'm as surprised as you are. Julia: i need to do some fb stalking Julia: SHE'S A PROFESSIONAL MODEL :o Julia: and she's married!! Mackenzie: wow :o that's some news!
Hailey is a model on "Elle" magazine as Mackenzie discovered. Julia looked for more information on Facebook. Hailey is married and she's a professional model.
Tessie: Hi there! I'm on the train to Frankfurt airport now. Meant to phone you last night but didn't manage. Are you cross with me? Merce: Hello Tessie, don't be silly. Certainly I'm not cross with you. I can imagine how hectic it was yesterday. Tessie: It was! But I even managed to go to town and put flowers on the grave. It was his birthday. Merce: I know, I was there in the morning. Tessie: Did you put a small pink stone on the tombstone? Merce: I did. It was a spontaneous idea to go to the cemetery, I didn't have any candles or flowers. I could have gotten him some from the shop opposite, but I somehow don't like all these things on graves. So bourgeois... Tessie: Well I do like bringing him flowers, shells, stones... He's got quite a collection by now. Yesterday I put loads of dry hydrangea heads from the garden on his place. Tessie: <file_photo> Merce: Oh that's fabulous! Very pretty! Tessie: And not bourgeois? Merce: Not at all! You always do it in such a tasty and original way. He would like it, I'm sure. Tessie: I only don't know how long they'll keep. Frost and snow will discolor them. What d'you think? Merce: I think they'll keep as nicely as they do on the bush. But if you want, I'll go and have a look from time to time. It will force me to have a walk! Tessie: Thank you. I do appreciate it. Merce: Any time. Now Tessie have a fabulous trip and let us know from time to time how you're doing. Take care! Tessie: Thank you. Yes, you'll hear from me regularly. Bye!!
Tessie is on the train to Frankfurt airport and going on a trip. Tessie visited the grave yesterday and decorated it. Merce was there yesterday too. Merce will check on the grave from time to time for Tessie.
Matilda: Hey!! How about going to the movies tomorrow?😺😺😺😺 Matilda: Maybe it's kinda unexpected but let’s spend some good time together! 😻😻 Dillon: Of course! If it’s you who suggests, I’m always in! 😉😉 Matilda: Ooooopppss! Shit! I’m sorry I got confused between the same names. I was supposed to send this message to the other “Dillon” (T▽T) Dillon: w...e...lll..... Matilda: Sorry again! (T▽T)
Matilda wants to go to the cinema with Dillon. She wrote to the wrong person.
Amya: U like the food last night? Marion: Yea it was good Amya: I didnt like it :/
Marion thinks the food she ate with Amya last night was tasty, but Amya disapproves.
Fred: Did you book the flight? Zach: Not yet Fred: What are you waiting for? Zach: I still hope to find a better deal Fred: Forget it Fred: Flights are only getting more expensive Zach: Did you book yours? Fred: Long time ago Fred: Listen, I don't want to stress you Fred: I just don't want you to overpay Fred: If you wait too long Zach: Relax dude Zach: I have it under control Zach: Everyday I check for deals Zach: I'll buy it soon.
Zach haven't booked his flight, because he hopes to get a better deal. Fred doesn't think waiting is a good idea.
Ceil: help with French pls! Darton: can't help sry Keyon: u need all? photo? Ceil: you save my ass thx! Keyon: there you go <file_photo>
Ceil needs help with French and Keyton sends her a photo with all she needs.
Zoe: OMG! Look what I've just found in the bushes! Benjamin: Show me Zoe: <file_photo> Benjamin: Holy shit! How many of them? 3 or 4? Zoe: 4, I need to take them home Benjamin: What if their mother just went to fetch some food? Zoe: You might be right, but anyway it's not a good place for tiny kittens! :( Benjamin: Perhaps you should wait and observe a bit if the mummy doesn't come around Zoe: I will hang out here for a while :( Benjamin: Where will you keep them? Zoe: I think in the laundry room, though mum won't be happy about that Benjamin: They need to be safe, that's what counts!
Zoe found four little kittens in the bush. Zoe wants to take them home and keep them in the laundry room. Benjamin thinks Zoe should first wait for the cats' mom to come around.
Alex: I passed it :))) Monica: Woooooooww!! Was it hard?? Alex: A bit Emma: Congrats :)) Alex: Thx :* And when is your exam @Mon? Monica: next Tue, so still practising... Emma: :< Monica: But i think it'll be OK Monica: Wish me luck Emma: Ofc it'll be OK!!!! You are well prepared Monica: <file_gif> Alex: xDD
Alex passed her exam. Monica's exam is due next Tuesday.
Kevin: Selling my car if anyone’s interested.. Rob: i’ll ask my friends Kevin: cheers mate! Greg: don’t like your car but good luck! Kelly: Have you sorted out that massive mess inside? Kevin: I did!
Kevin wants to sell his car. Rob will ask his frends if they are interested in buying it.
Hector: guys, we are cancelling the party because Yuri's rabbit, Nivea, has passed away Niamh: :C Ashley: so sorry to hear that Ze: what happened? I thought the rabbit was young Bob: so sorry to heat that Bob: how is Yuri feeling? Hector: she's really upset and needs some time alone Niamh: I thought Nivea was fine Hector: I think she got scared or sth, she had no health issues when we adopted her Ashley: should we call Yuri? I don't know if it's ok Ze: that's awful Bob: and how are you feeling? Hector: well I'm not feeling great but I wasn't super attached to this animal Hector: but it's depressing when your pet dies Hector: Ashley, I think texting her won't hurt but I'm pretty sure she is not in a mood for talking or partying soon Ashley: ok Niamh: I had a rabbit once and Pip died after three years, I was devastated Niamh: sorry for your loss Hector: thanks Hector: I will let you know when Yuri will feel better Ze: sure
Hector is forced to call off the party because Yuri's rabbit, Nivea, has died and Yuri is devastated. Ashley will text Yuri soon to check on him. Niamh used to have a rabbit, Pip, who died after 3 years.
Henry: What does this leaning in thing mean? Henry: Mrs. Obama said something about it and I don't even know what it is LOL Ruby: Some chick wrote a book about working harder so the economy would become more gender equal and grow. Henry: Oh! Ruby: MO said that shit don't work half the time! Ruby: So true! Henry: Yeah...the world is crazy. Ruby: Especially business. Especially for females! Henry: The whole Me Too business. Just yikes. Ruby: You don't know the half of it. Henry: I had no idea! Ruby: The world has changed. Henry: Scary. For honest people, that is. Ruby: Everyone is under scrutiny. I think it's the end of the population! Henry: How hard is it to flirt and date, etc. now? Ruby: Pretty damn hard! Henry: Anyway, just thought you'd know! Ruby: No problem!
Ruby explains "leaning in" to Henry. Ruby and Henry talk about business, the Me Too movement, dating and how the times are changing.
Kayla: Are watching Great British Bake Off? Tom: I am, it's so exciting! Kayla: I know! I am so cheering for Bryony! Tom: Oh no, I'm all for Ruby to win! Kayla: Really??? I find her a bit annoying. Tom: Great baker though! Loved her donuts Kayla: true, but they all are! Oh it's back on, have fun! Tom: let the best baker win... Kayla: 🤞 🎂
Kayla and Tom are watching Great British Bake Off. Kayla is cheering for Bryony, while Tom is all for Ruby.
Jenny: Where should we spend the New Year's Eve? Kate: I think we should go to the South Will: I agree Will: I really don't like Bangkok Jenny: why? Will: too crowded, chaotic Jenny: I like it, partying there would be nice, but if you prefer the islands, we can go there Jenny: I would really prefer the islands
Kate thinks they should go to the South for the New Year's Eve. Will agrees. For him, Bangkok is too crowded and chaotic. Jenny likes it, but she would still prefer to go to the islands.
Paul: I'm on board. Anne: ok, honey, have a safe flight! <3 Paul: Thank you :* Anne: give me a call when you land. Paul: I will. Love you.
Anne will phone Paul when her plane touches down.
Jeannette: Hi, Mr James John: Good afternoon. Jeanette: I saw your profile on Facebook and I like your style. John: I am flattered. Jeanette: Where are you from? John: Depends what you mean. I am in Poznan at the moment, but I don't live there. Jeanette: Where do you live then? John: I normally live in Warsaw. Jeanette: Where's Warsaw? John: In Poland. Jeanette: Where's Poland? John: In Europe. Jeanette: Oh. I hear it's nice in Europe. Lots of rain. I like rain. John: Well, we didn't have enough rain this year. There was a drought and we only harvested about half the food we normally make. Jeanette: Yeah. We usually make less food than we normally make. We have droughts almost every year. John: Where are you from then? Jeanette: Kokologo John: Where on earth's that? Jeanette: Just south from Ougadougou. John: Where's Ougadougou? Jeanette: In Burkina Faso, of course! You haven't heard of Ougadougou? It's the capital! John: Well, I haven't been to Africa. Hang on, I'll look on Google Maps. Jeanette: ... you still there? John: Aha, yes I see it you have a dam in the lake there. Is that for hydroelectric power? Jeanette: Yeah, my dad used to work there, before his accident. John: He had an accident? He's OK, I hope? Jeanette: He fell off of the dam. John: Well I hope he could swim. Jeanette: Well, he can swim all right, but unfortunately there was no water in it. Like I say, we get a lot of droughts...
John is currently in Poznan, but he lives in Warsaw, Poland. Jeanette is from Kokologo, Burkina Faso. John and Jeanette experienced droughts this year and their farmers made less food. Jeanette's dad fell off a dam when there was no water.
James: Honey, I don't want you to freak out, but there's been a burglary May: Oh my god! Where?! James: At our place May: OH MY GOD are you all right?! May: Did they steal anything? What happened? May: When?! May: I'm coming back! James: As I said I don't want you to freak it, the police's here, they're checking everything James: You don't need to come back, everything's under control May: But are you all right? James: Yes, I'm absolutely fine. They stole the TV, couple of stuff from the kitchen and a laptop May: How are the dogs? How come they didn't alarm you? James: They're fine, they were sleeping with me in the bedroom. It's actually better they did, otherwise the burglars might have hurt them May: Don't even tell me about it :( May: What does the police say? James: That there was definitely more than one burglar as they took the tv James: It happened to the Smiths just last week, apparently some group is targeting our neighbourhood May: That's terrible... Is the house going to be protected? James: Uhm, what do you mean? May: Well, the police should take watch and protect the house and the neighbourhood James: Yeah, sure May: What? James: Honey, they’re here just to take my statement, look around and out they go May: Aren’t they going to investigate it? James: They will, but it’s a burglary, not a homicide and we’re not in any danger. They already stole what they wanted to May: I want to come home James: There’s no need for that, I’ve got this, you just relax May: how am I supposed to relax now?! James: There’s nothing you can do now, everything’s fine
Someone robbed James and May's place. They stole the TV, kitchen equipment and a laptop. The police is there and checks everything. The dogs didn't alarm James, because they were sleeping in the bedroom.
Pearl: Hi lover! Vince: Oh, it's my gorgeous girl, are you all ready for tonight? Pearl: You bet! I will be a vision in silver, the belle of the ball! Vince: Oh oh! Can't wait? What exactly are you planning to wear?! Pearl: Well, as you know, I was a snazzy dresser in my youth as well as a ballroom dancer! Vince: I heard it through the grapevine! Pearl: Love that song! Well, in 68, my first husband and I won a cup in Blackpool and I decided to put on my old costume for tonight! Guess what? It still fits like a glove after 50 years! Vince: Well, you've got a beautiful figure, darling, but maybe it won't be as flattering, after all you're not a 20 something anymore! Pearl: So what! 70 something's can look sexy too! Vince: True, but won't the fabric have deteriorated? Pearl: No! I've kept it wrapped up, with moth repellent in the cupboard and I've sewn the loose sequins back on. My silver heels have hardly been worn too, good as new! Vince: You don't need to doll yourself up, darling, you'd look fab in anything! 😚 Pearl: Well, I've been to have my hair done and I'm trying on the dress for you to see it to check it's all ok! What are you wearing? Vince: Well, if it's 68 we're revisiting, I thought my paisley shirt, flares, love beads and Lennon specs! I was a student then and extremely groovy! Pearl: Hold on, Austin Powers, you're 71 not 21. Act your age! Vince: Just kidding, darling. No, just my boring old suit and A nice patterned tie! As befits a retired banker! Pearl: Just wait till your stuffy old City mates get a load of me. Just putting on a bit of extra warpaint! Vince: Er, ok, less is more sometimes, sweetie! Pearl: There, all set. Now, just time for a quick selfie. Vince: Can't wait! Pearl: There we are! <file_photo> Vince: Bloody hell Pearl, you look stunning! Pearl: Thanks, darling. Love you! 💖 Vince: Love you too!!!!!
Pearl and Vince are going to a dance party tonight. Pearl and her first husband won a dancing competition in Blackpool in 1968. She will wear the old costume for tonight. Vince will dress in an old suit and a patterned tie.
Jenny: Do we need to bring anything to your parents for Christmas day? Matt: They said not to bother but it would be nice to though Jenny: have you got something in mind? I don't want to leave it so last minute Matt: I haven't really thought about it, maybe cheese, crackers, chutney type of thing? Jenny: ok, does Mark eat all of that? being a veggie and all? Matt: I think so Jenny: cool, I'll get some on Friday. Matt: Thanks Jenny: XX
Jenny and Matt are going to Matt's parents for Christmas. Jenny will get some cheese, crackers and chutney on Friday to bring for the party.
Nick: Hi, got your message. Ralph: Good, what do you say? Nick: Depends. Need more info. Let's meet. Ralph: Ok. Will email you later.
Nick got Ralph's message. Nick and Ralph will meet, because Nick needs more information. Ralph will send an email to Nick later.
Tito: guys check this out! Tito: <file_link> Rose: that's so cool! Peppa: i thought those recipes will be way more complicated Tito: I'm gonna pickle veggies next week Tito: so if you have any spare jars, lemme know Rose: I've never eated pickled cauliflower Peppa: really? it's amazing, especially with chilli Rose: pickled pumpkin sounds weird Tito: I love pickled pumpkin Tito: when I'll pickle them you'll try out Peppa: I never did it and I'm afraid I'm gonna screw up :c Tito: if you drop by on Friday I'll teach you Tito: Rose, bring some food and we'll all hang out :) Rose: I end my French classes at 5, so I can come at 6 Tito: perfect Peppa: we'll bring some jars too :) Tito: :)
Tito needs more jars to pickle vegetables. Rose and Peppa will come by on Friday to learn it.
Scott: Where should we meet? John: at Oculus? Scott: ok! at 7.30 John: yup!
Scott and John will meet at 7.30 at Oculus.
David: Hi Terry , How’s the work progress, Terry: Sorry for the delay boss in posting my work, Its been a rough week, one I have finally caught upto. David: Well don’t take too long I need the work finished by now, its approaching the deadline. Terry: Ok. I will submit right away.
Terry's having a rough week and there's some delay in his work. David, his boss, needs it finished. Terry will submit it now.
Chris:: What are your plans now for Halloween? Amka: Just gonna stay in? Mick: Yeah Mick: nothing special <file_gif> Amka: Fair enough I never used to do anything for Halloween. Chris: in Poland we actually don't celebrate Halloween and don't do all this dressing up, pumpking curving and so on. Chris: on November 1st we just go to the cementary with our families and after that spend time together. Amka: I like it like this.
Amka and Mick don't have any special plans for Halloween and neither does Chris as Halloween much celebrated in Poland.
Bary: Hi, how are you? Kate: Good. Just waking up. How about you? Bary: Very good! Kate: Not headache? Bary: Surprisingly not! :D Kate: :) Bary: Did you sleep well? Kate: More or less. The was some noise in the street in the morning. But, yeah, a good night sleep. Bary: Would you like to go for a walk in the evening? Kate: Sure, with pleasure. Where? Bary: How about I come around 3:00 and we'll see, ok? Kate: Okey. I haven't been to Wilanów lately. Maybe there? Bary: Why not :) Kate: Great :) Bary: Any particular place there? The park or the newer part? Kate: I was thinking more like park. Bary: Fine with me :) See you at 3:00. Kate: :) See you :)
Bary doesn't have a headache. Kate slept quite well. Bary and Kate will meet around 3:00 in a park in Wilanów.
Becky: Ladies are you going to the beach? Erin: We are going for a massage :woman-getting-massage::skin-tone-3: Erin: Then infinity pool later Becky: Ooo nice! Becky: What time are you heading to the pool? I think Fred and I are thinking of getting there at 3 Eva: are guys you driving there? If yes, can I and Vic squeeze in the trunk? :) Erin: Prob around 3 also! Becky: I think so but we have to see which one we’re going to cause one of them supposedly is too steep to drive up Eva: isnt it The last 100 metres that is too steep to drive? Either way, we're up for anything :wink: Becky: Honestly there’s one that you can drive up and the other we’d have to park and walk up, but I have no idea where they are or which one people are going to lol Irene: yea what is the infinity pool place called? can’t find this info anywhere Eva: Hotel Vista de Olas Summer: It really easy to find. Just look for the sign along the left side of the road. Only took Alex and I like 20 minutes to walk there yesterday. It’s not super steep but the road seems like it would be really hard to drive on because of pot holes Irene: Thanks thats good to know! Don’t want to risk it with the car - so will prob just park close to the bottom.
Becky will give Eva and Vic a ride to the infinity pool. Summer gives Irene directions to Hotel Vista de Olas.
Sue: Hi love, you alright! Paul: yeah, been all over the place. Was meaning to ring you, sorry! Sue: No probs. Dad's fine, maybe give him a bell, He's always asking if I've heard from you... Paul: Will do... how is Dad? Sue: Yeah, not bad, his legs giving him gip, though. I've told him to go to Drs, but he doesn't listen! Paul: does he ever? What you been up to, working yet? Sue: yes, did some supply last week in Swansea. Kids were little shits, really don't want to go there again! Paul: think of the money! That's what I Do! Sue: got an interview next week, mind. In that new school in Port Talbot. Nervous, but hopeful. I'm sick of supply teaching! Paul : Good luck! Saw Russell Howard in Birmingham last weekend. The was amazing! Sue: Brilliant! Love him on TV! Tell me next time you go, I'll try and get up there. We saw Bohemian Rhapsody last Sat. Was excellent. Brian May actor was just like him and the guy who played Freddie was stunning! Paul: oh yeah, I read about that. It had terrible reviews, it put me off! Sue: yeah, I thought so too. But everyone in the cinema loved it. You always liked Queen as a kid, much more than me. You should go, the kids would like it too. Paul: maybe! They don't like old stuff, mind. Zack is always saying my taste is crap! Sue: he needs to broaden his tastes. That Korean stuff he likes is not the best! Paul : yep, it's terrible! I should educate him in good music. We'll go this weekend! Karen won't mind. We never go out together anymore, she says! Sue: you won't be sorry! When you visiting next? Paul: Christmas, I think, not sure when exactly. Sue: any ideas for the kids' presents? Money again! Paul: I'll get back to you about that! Anyway, see you later, love. Sue: 👍
Sue and Paul's dad has some problems with legs. Sue did some supply teaching work last week in Swansea and has an interview next week in a new school in Port Talbot. Paul saw Russell Howard in Birmingham last weekend and Sue saw Bohemian Rhapsody. Paul will probably visit for Christmas next.
Davon: what are you up to Laila: Dying in front of my laptop Davon: Lol working hard? Laila: Yess i'm slowly heading to the end Davon: Haha thats good! Laila: I'm afraid i'll get recklessly drunk tomorrow because of this job Davon: Haha yo im going to a haunted house tommorow so imma get lit before Laila: Haunted house again? XD Davon: Haha im like a teenager basically Laila: As i said, youre a small boy... Just big xD Davon: Haha im scared when you meet me in person you will be like omg he is huge Laila: Noo ill be like omg he is cute Davon: Haha no way. Not gonna lie the first words out of my mouth will probably be “wow she is soo tall” haha Laila: Ehhh why am i so cursed Davon: Its so rare here to have girls taller than like 5’5” Laila: I wish I was shorter Davon: I love it! Laila: You do, I don’t xd Davon: Ehh good luck with your work ;p
Laila is about to finish her job. Laila and Davon want to get drunk tomorrow. Davon is going to a haunted house. Davon loves tall girls though admits it's unusual for them to be taller than 5'5''. Laila wishes she was shorter.
Hilary: can't belive that our children start school tommorow Mandy: I know, yesterday they couldn't even walk :D Hilary: Max is so happy, his backpack is already near the door :) Mandy: I think Lisa is a little scared Hilary: she'll be fine, as soon as she meet new friend everything will be great Mandy: Hope so :) Hilary: ok, see u tomorrow then :)
Hilary's son and Mandy's daughter are starting school tomorrow.
John: Hi! Maybe u've been on the Bohemian Rhapsody? Mike: Sure! John: Gr8! I asked Angie, bt she hasn't seen it yet and then I got into a small fight with Martha. Mike: What did u argue about? John: She basically thinks I called her a skank. Mike: And did u? John: I thought she changed bfs, but turns out that her bf has a bro. Mike: Right, Andy. John: U knew? Mike: Yup. Met him once. Nice guy. John: Y didn't u tell me? Mike: U never asked.
John had a fight with Martha about her boyfriend and his brother Andy. Mike met Andy once.
Caroline: There are no more tickets for Ed... ;( Monica: COME AGAIN?! Caroline: i'm serious... <file_gif> Monica: ARE THEY OUT OF THEIR MINDS? It's in TEN MONTHS! Caroline: Yep, I know, they said the tickets sold out in two days... Monica: talking about being off mainstream... Caroline: lol, yeah everyone is 'offstream' nowadays. Monica: but r u serious serious? maybe there will be another round? Caroline: dead serious. Monica: OK, someone will sell their tickets before the concert for sure Caroline: Yeah, we should keep our eyes open Monica: how can anyone be so popular, lol Caroline: It's Ed, Monica... Monica: You're right... Caroline: <file_gif>
Caroline and Monica hoped to buy tickets for Ed but they sold out in 10 minutes. They will try to buy them before the concert.
Francis: Sounds like Kev-Kev has a plan! Kevin: Don't call me Kev-Kev. Don't like that. And yes, I do have a plan ;) a devious one ;) Francis: Sry, Kev-Kev. Will not happen again, Kev-Kev. Cora: Oops! I did it again! Francis: Lol Kevin: Rotfl
Kevin doesn't like to be called Kev-Kev, but Francis keeps calling him this way.
Tommy: I went to the Strand Bookstore Jane: great! Tommy: but I really don't know what to buy her Jane: but the have everything there Tommy: exactly Tommy: I think this is the problem Tommy: the hell of choice Jane: haha, just buy anything that could be of her interest Tommy: but a novel or rather an album Tommy: I also saw among comic books Jane: a comic book would be surely surprising for her, but maybe a good choice Tommy: but they are millions of them here Jane: I would by something on a certain topic, not a series Tommy: I've seen a feminist comic book about abortion Jane: that could work beautifully Tommy: <file_photo> Jane: seems really nice Jane: I'd love to read it myself hahaha Tommy: it's 30$ Jane: a very good price Tommy: ok! thanks for helping me with it Jane: xoxox
Tommy is in the Strand Bookstore. He will buy a comic book about abortion for her which costs 30$.
Kim: Hi how's your tooth? Jools: not there anymore Jools: feels odd Jools: like a huge hole in my mouth Kim: does it hurt? Jools: not now, I took some pills Jools: but my whole head hurts :/ Kim: you're going to be better soon Kim: can you eat? Jools: not really Jools: I can't eat or drink anything hot today Jools: just some cool cocktails Kim: <file_other> Kim: I like these cocktails Kim: I saw them at tesco Jools: I'm on my way to tesco right now ;) Jools: thanks, I'll try it Jools: I'm starving Kim: maybe just some drinks tonight? ;) Kim: are you doing anything tonight? Jools: I don't know, I will tell you in 2 hours ok? Jools: I have to do some shopping and see how I am in a couple of hours Kim: ok sure Kim: take care
Jools is in pain after his tooth extraction. He is going to Tesco's to buy some cool cocktails. He will let Kim know in two hours if they can go out together tonight.
Francis: it won't work :/ Jason: why Lara: he is too clever Francis: yea, it's not worth the risk Jason: so... no cheating then Lara: it's only 2 chapters Francis: we can do this
Francis and Lara are against cheating as they can manage to learn material from two chapters.
Diana Voss: Good morning Ms. Hobbs! We have just landed in Frankfurt and be arriving in the evening. Could you please turn the heating on in our apartment? Ms. Hobbs: A very good morning to you, Diana! Sure I will do it. Diana Voss: Thank you very much! Ms. Hobbs: Pleasure.
Diana Voss has just landed in Frankfurt and will be arriving in the evening. Ms. Hobbs will turn the heating on in her apartment.
Ashley: You asked me to come behind the building? Nicholas: Yeah I asked Ethan to tell you that Ashley: Ok coming in 5 minutes
Ashleyh will come behind the building in 5 minutes.
David: We gotta split the bills guys Monica: Sure, I'm looking at this email too David: How bout you Nina? Nina: I'm here, I'm here, 3 ways? David: I was gone for 2 weeks so maybe lets try to divide electricity different ways? Nina: Sure, any idea how to divide it? David: I'll make some excel calculations Monica: Just send it over, I'm fine with it
David, Monica and Nina will split the bills. David will divide the electricity bill differently, because he was gone for 2 weeks.
Dominika: Hiiiii Tom: Oh, hi Julia: Hi, Domi! Dominika: <file_video> Tom: Ok, are you drunk? :D Julia: WHAT are you wearing? :O
Dominika send Tom and Julia a video of her.
Ellen: Are you taking a break now? Susie: Yep, in five, I just need to finish the report Ellen: Wanna get some coffee? Susie: Love to
Susie is taking a break in 5 after she's done with the report. Ellen wants to get some coffee with Susie.
George: guys, I will be late, there was a huge traffic jam in Austria Maria: what happened? George: maybe just an accident, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was weather related, there's so much snow everywhere Joseph: Where are you know? George: close to Kufstein Teddy: so almost Germany! George: Yes, but I am driving very slowly, and at this time I was supposed to be close to Munich Maria: Don't worry, just drive safely George: but don't wait for me with dinner George: it may take even 2 hours I think Maria: ok, I'll warm it up for you as soon as you arrive Maria: just inform us how it is going George: I will!
George will be late because of the congestion on the road in Austria. There is a lot of snow everywhere. He is close to Kufstein now. Maria will leave a dinner for George.
Tim: how's Des? Amanda: usuall Amanda: sleeping and driving me crazy Tim: he's lovely Amanda: sure, when he's not awake Amanda: then he's a devil in cat skinn Tim: <lol>
Des is nice when he is asleep and annoying when he is awake.
Rebecca: We should leave by 7AM Rebecca: Otherwise we will be stuck in traffic Logan: I know, I would even suggest 6.15 if we won't to get to the peak by lunchtime Zach: how long it take to get to the mountain? Logan: 2h by car and then about 30min walk to the first hut Zach: ok, so let's try to meet at my place at 6.15 Rebecca: very good!
Rebecca and Logan suggest to leave before 7AM in order to avoid traffic. Logan informs Zach that it takes 2h by car to get to the mountains and then half an hour to the first hut.
Filip: Hello Alienor: Hello Filip Filip: I have question Filip: How seriously it would be improper if I would ask you to translate something for me from English to French Filip: I do not have it with me now but will have it in couple hours Filip: It is manual written by my father for device he is manufacturing Alienor: Is it a long text? Filip: Problem we are facing is that customer from Africa claims to speak English but they seem not to understand it. Their main language is French Filip: Do not think so. Alienor: If it is not too long I am happy to translate it Filip: <file_other>chtm15ken.pdf Filip: That is one of them and only couple sections B, c, d, f Filip: And there is second one but have it on pc Filip: Let me know if that is not too much to ask Filip: <file_other> gl2m-man.pdf Filip: That is second one but I will say more later. Please do not translate straight away Alienor: <file_other> section B Filip: You are Starr, I did not expect you to do anything right away Alienor: <file_other> section_D, <file_other> section F Alienor: I had to modify it to make it more French so it is not 100% following your text, but it means the same. Alienor: I made it using Google Translate + correcting and adapting it so it is more French :D Alienor: hope it is ok Alienor: I usually do it that way so it is quicker and easier Filip: Can I approach you in the evening about other one? Alienor: no problem Alienor: might only do it tomorrow though Filip: Ok Filip: Hello. I was cough with work yesterday and today working till late night. I did not forget about you. Just need to find some spear time 😊 Alienor: no problem
Filip wants that Alienor translates for him a manual of a device manufactured by his father from English to French. Alienor translates the fragments of the manual and sends them back to Filip. He will approach her later for some more translation.
Magda: So what's up? Are they marching peacefully? Piotr: From what I heard, yea :P Magda: Are you going to that party through the city center? Piotr: I don't know yet, I have to agree with a friend Magda: Aha Piotr: But I think we will go around anyway Magda: That is good Piotr: And what did they say on the news? Are they fighting with the police already? Magda: There were no excesses for now, they only burned a few flags Piotr: Cool. It can't be a Polish party without a few burnt flags :) Magda: For me patriotism is an overused word. Instead of whatever this march cost, they could have built some library or a public object... Piotr: Why have a library when you can have people marching the street and having fun Magda: It is so embarrassing. But it is the same, every year Piotr: Adults participating I can even understand, but young people or families with children? It makes no sense Magda: It is basically asking for something to happen to them Piotr: I don't think anything will "happen", but it is brainwashing since young age... Magda: Supposedly Antifa also had a march. What a circus Piotr: People are bored and stupid Magda: I can't wait for this day to end. I always get upset Piotr: That is why I don't read the news for a few days before and after :)
Magda and Piotr are discussing a march in Poland. Piotr has to go through the city centre where the march is taking place. The march has been peaceful so far. Piotr and Magda are upset by the march.
Magdalene: Are you coming to the cocktail party this Sunday? Frederick: Yes Josephine: I don't know yet Josephine: Jamie is sick Josephine: If he's not better I'll stay to take care of him Magdalene: I hope he gets better soon Magdalene: I'm going. Let me know if you need a lift.
Frederick and Magdalene are coming to the cocktail party this Sunday. Josephine doesn't know yet, because Jamie is sick. Magdalene can give someone a lift.
Hannah: Got myself a new jacket Hannah: Look Hannah: <file_photo> Elly: looking classy Hannah: Exactly what I was looking for Elly: u going to impress that guy at your office lol Hannah: You got me... 😝 Elly: good luck anyway Hannah: 😉
Hanna got herself a new jacket to impress the guy at her office.
Jess: Tom! I’m so sorry! I don’t think I can make it today! I’m feeling pretty sick today. Is it alright if we skip this week and meet at the same time next Tuesday ? Tom: Yes, that’s fine. Hope you feel better 😗 Jess: Thank you! You’re the best! 😘
Jess is feeling sick and won't be able to meet Tom today. They will meet at the same time next Tuesday.
Jason: hey u coming for dinner with mom? Alba: nope. Busy right now. Jason: c'mon. Mom's been asking about u the whole week!
Alba is not coming for the dinner with mom. Mom has been asking about Alba the whole week.
Lennie: A view from our window <file_photo> Daddy: So you'll get white Xmas after all. Lennie: D:<
Lennie sends Daddy a picture of his location. The place is full of snow for Christmas.
William: I'm so mad at you! Elizabeth: What have I done this time? William: Why did you tell Tom that I won the contest? Elizabeth: I didn't know it was a secret…
William is mad at Elizabeth because she told Tom that William won the contest.
Thomas: I'm buying a ticket to Paris, when are you flying? Hunter: 26 Dec Evan: I am flying 27 Dec, I bought it quite late, there were no cheap flights on 26 any more Thomas: I've just found a flight for €25 Evan: shite! how? Thomas: skyscanner Evan: Ryanair? Thomas: of course Evan: ok, with the luggage etc, it will be more than 50 Thomas: yup, but still cheap
Hunter is flying to Paris on Dec 26th, Evan on the 27th. Thomas has found a 25€ flight for the 26th. It will cost more than 50 with luggage.
Pam: Whose turn is it to throw the garbage away? Don: Ron's Ron: Yes, I'll do it when I come home
Ron will throw the garbage away when he comes home.
Terrence: what's new? Sabrina: i'd say the situation is dynamic Terrence: oh? Sabrina: yeah Sabrina: i got an email today that i'm to be a form teacher starting September Terrence: wow Sabrina: yeah Terrence: i mean that's great isn't it? Sabrina: <file_gif> Terrence: not convinced, i see? Sabrina: i don't really know what to think about it Sabrina: on the one hand i like workign with students and they like me Terrence: but? Sabrina: but it's so fucking emotionally draining Sabrina: every time a kid with problems comes to me i feel responsible Terrence: does sound draining Sabrina: yeah and i get you know pains in my chest or headaches Sabrina: because of stress and all the emotions Terrence: i see Terrence: but for them u'd be like the perfect form teacher Sabrina: yeah but only till i hold on ;) Terrence: #fact Sabrina: so as you can see, a lot's going on;) Terrence: the situation really is dynamic;) Sabrina: and how are you? Terrence: hahaha yeah i'm fine, absolutely ;D no problems of this sort;D Sabrina: good for you hahaha Terrence: ;D
Sabrina got an e-mail today, with the offer to work as a form teacher starting September. Sabrina is hesitating whether to accept the job, as she fears it can be too emotionally draining for her.
Eve: Our neighbours want to move to New Zealand next year Cara: really? Eve: yes, like many other people of course Cara: the family from the destroyed island? Eve: yes, I'm sad Sam: I know, we're disappearing Ryan: I still think we should fight, it's stupid to give up Sam: but what can we do? Sam: stop the ocean from devouring Kiribati? Ryan: convince the world that the global warming is real Eve: they don't care Ryan Ryan: I think there are enough people with enough empathy, they just don't understand Sam: it seems to late Sam: I think the government should have a plan where to resettle us Eve: I think we will all have to move to Australia or New Zealand Eve: and they won't even organise a special way for us Eve: we will have to apply, go through humiliation and they will pick up individuals who will seem the most valuable Eve: young, healthy, ready to clean toilets in New Zealand Sam: and they will present themselves to the world as champions of human rights, progress and protection of the environment Ryan: :(
The ocean is taking away Kiribati, because of risen sea levels. Eve's neighbours are planning to move to New Zealand next year.
Terry: Hi Karen, we srsly need to plan that b-day party for Travis! Time is running out :D Karen: Yeah, I know, I started making a guest list yesterday. How many ppl are we inviting? Terry: You, me, Johnny and Sheila, Julie, Robert, Sarah and Ruth, Stinky Steven.. Karen: Really? Are we inviting Stinky Steven to the party? Isn't it a bit of a social suicide? XD Terry: Travis likes him and come on, he doesn't smell that badly XD Karen: When you keep the windows open he doesn't… Have you checked if Cute Barber is still available? Terry: I did this and even more! I already booked a place for us! Karen: That's great! What about food and drinks? Isn't it a bit expensive there? Terry: No worries dear when Terry's on the job! I fixed us 15% off! Do not ask me how :D Karen: You're on fire Terry! Have you also bought the gift? Terry: I didn't have time to go to the shop, I just talked to Sheila and John about it. They live closer so they can buy it anytime Karen: What do they think about it? Is it a good idea? Terry: They agree, he should be happy with a new drone, especially when he lost his in this stupid accident Karen: So it seems we are set. What time should we start? Terry: Travis ends job at 5, he shoud be in the pub around 5.30 Karen: What did you tell him? I hope it was something believable XD Terry: I told him that I got promoted so it would be a celebration evening :D Karen: LOL, so NOT believable!
Terry and Karen are planning b-day party for Travis. Terry booked Cute Barber and fixed them 15% off food and drinks. Sheila and John are buying a new drone as a gift. They are starting at 5.30. Travis thinks they are celebrating Terry's promotion.
Karen: Judy and Irwin, I must send a complete list of those who want to go to Roma next month Karen: So I need information from you. Should I put your names on the list? Irwin: I've already confirmed but yeah, sure, I'm in Judy: Sorry guys, I've got plans already... Judy: Hope you'll enjoy the trip :) Take some photos Karen: Alright, thanks
Irwin will go to Roma next month with Karen. Judy cannot go.
Paul: Sorry, I'm late sending this, but I'll have a copy tomorrow in any case Paul: <file> Jake: Fine, thanx Paul: There's going to be a short presentation tomorrow Paul: Let's hope they'll like it Jake: They will. I'm sure about it Paul: :)
Paul sent some files to Jake and there is going to be a short presentation tomorrow.
Kitty: We don’t have morning class on Tuesday yay! Jill: Well that’s nice, any idea when we are making up for it? Kimberly: Email didn’t say, probably gonna schedule next class Jill: That’s chill, Just hope it’s not gonna be weekend Kitty: With him, you never know
The morning class on Tuesday was cancelled. It will be postponed to a later date.
Jeremy: Anyone know what happened to professor Xavier? Jake: Why? Was he absent today? Joselyn: Broke his leg Jeremy: For real? No classes for us? Jake: Yeah, right. We’re gonna have some substitution teacher for sure
Jeremy, Jake and Joselyn won't have classes because professor Xavier broke his leg and is absent.
Cory: Here's a link to a language school near you <file_other>. Check if they have German. Emily: Thanks! Will do! Jem: <file_other> and here's another one! It's a bit further away, but has great reviews. Emily: Thank you. Will check them out! Cory: Good luck! Jem: Maybe next time we'll be speaking German ;)
Cory and Jem send Emily links to some language schools near her. Emily wants to learn German.
Tab: Watching that Dynasties show? Lyla: No! I hate animal shows. Something always dies or gets hurt! Tab: Er, well... Lyla: See! Tab: It's a real good show, tho! Lyla: I can't stand that kind of stuff. Makes me too sad! Tab: I understand. Too bad though. Lyla: You enjoy, though! Tab: I will! Lyla: I'm watching old stuff like Big Bang! Tab: I think I've seen every episode, some twice! Lyla: Prob me too! Tab: Let me know if you decide to watch. I'll watch with you! Lyla: I prob won't!
Lyla doesn't watch the Dynasties show. She watches the show Big Bang. Tab wants to watch it together with Lyla.
Carlie: My little one just woke a few steps today Rylen: Wow Carlie: What about yours? Rylen: He is still on the bed, Carlie: Has he started to speak something? Rylen: Yeah he says Mama and Dada :P Carlie: Cutee Rylen: Our child need to be friends some day :) Carlie: Yeah they will Rylen: I have to boil the rice for my child now Carlie: ok sure Rylen: What do you feed your child? Carlie: He eats cerelac Rylen: Fruits Carlie: Only Banana Rylen: Great Carlie: hmm Rylen: I will also try to feed mine a banana Carlie: sure :)
Carlie's child just walked a few steps today, Rylen's is still on the bed, but says "mama" and "dada". Carlie's child eats Cerelac and bananas.
Anna: <file_gif> Anna: Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you're enjoying time with the fam. Anton: Aw thanks girl. Yeah you too! :)
Anna wishes Anton happy Thanksgiving.
Aj: what is going on with you? Sue: nothing why do you ask? Aj: you have been very quiet lately 😒 Aj: am I in trouble?xx Sue: well only you know that Aj: hmmm sounds like I am then... Sue: well what do you expect, I am sick of being let down by you... Aj: let down how? Sue: you are joking? Sue: Idiot Aj: wow, thats harsh Sue: you promised me you would be here this morning its now 2. 30 in the afternoon Aj: oh shit.. yeah sorry babe, my bad I forgot Sue: well I cant be bothered to keep chasing after you you know I getting bored of it Aj: oooops, Im sorry Sue, honest... Aj:,file_photo> Sue: you really think a sad face will make a difference???? Aj: yes.. you know I love you ❤ Sue: thats not in question, its the always waiting for you that annoys me...🤦‍♀️😒 Aj: I will be over within the hour and I'll bring cake xxx Sue: you are incourageable.. see you when I see you, I wont wait for my cake xx
Sue was expecting Aj at her place this morning. It's 2.30 p.m. now and Aj's still not there. Aj apologizes. Aj promises to come to Sue in an hour and to bring a cake.
Brooke: i failed the exam :((( Brooke: they will probably kick me out :( shit Brooke: i have no idea what to do Emily: i am sorry, but don't worry that much :) Emily: they won't throw you of university just for failing one exam Emily: it happens to a lot of people :D Angela: hehe, i am a great example :D Angela: you can always take the exam again and pass it Angela: chill out :) Brooke: it's the third freaking exam i failed Brooke: that's the problem... Emily: well then it's a little worse :/ Emily: can't you retake them? Brooke: maybe 2 of them, one i already failed Brooke: on the second try... and i have to take it next year Angela: crap that's not so good Angela: but they didn't kick you out yet, did they? Angela: just keep calm and study for the second terms, it will be all right Brooke: maybe i should find a tutor... math is killing ,e Brooke: do you know anyone? Emily: my cousin used to do tutoring Emily: i could ask him Brooke: please do Emi... Brooke: i am really desperate, i can't get thrown out for fuck's sake Brooke: my parents will kill me Angela: relax Brooke it will be fine, one day we will have a laugh about this Brooke: so far it's not too funny for me :(
Brooke has failed her third exam, she also failed the one she retook and she will need to take it again next year. Emily will ask her cousin if he could tutor Brooke.
Michelle: Hi! How's Byron treating you? I need some help with something. You got 5min to look at something? Linda: Oh sorry, didn't see this till now. Still working, trying to meet a copywriting deadline 😟 Michelle: Good Luck! Linda: Just finished now. Absolutely fucked and going straight to bed. Send through what it is and we can talk in the morning if that’s ok x
Michelle needed Linda's help, but Linda didn't see the message in time. She was trying to meet a deadline. She went straight to bed after she finished.
Stanley: Ok. It's been 2 months since our graduation and we never had a chance to have a drink to celebrate. Stanley: What do You do next Saturday? Angela: I'm home and I'm free. Could arrange meeting at my place. Stanley: That's great! Could You speak to others? Angela: Dymitr said he's at home. Angela: I mean in Ukraine and I don't know when he's going back. Stanley: Ok. Sorry to hear that. Stanley: I mean I'm happy that he's home with family, but I honestly miss You all - including Dymitr and I really want us all to meet and have a drink. Angela: I've spoken to Przemek, he said he was not sure yet, but for now, he said that he's free on saturday evening. Unless his father asks him to visit him in Warsaw and to take care of kids for weekend. Stanley: Ok. As for now, it's three of us. What about Aleksandra, Karol and Martyna? Angela: As far as I know Martyna always does her best to come every time we gather. I'll write to her, but she probably will be nagging again that we should visit her in Germany. Stanley: Yeah. It will be like: "But I also remember, that You didn't want to come visit me in Frankfurt!" ! Stanley: And we will be like: "Oh, don't be mad! It's a lot easier for us to meet in Poznań than arrange a trip to Germany". Angela: Hahaha! I already have that vision in my head. Stanley: <file_gif> Angela: :) :) :) Stanley: I've called Aleksandra. She said she didn't know yet, but she said that she thought they won't be able to come. Karol works in Bielsko-Biala, and commutes to Radom. They have a difficult situation, as he travels a lot to Sweden and they have little time for themselves, not to mention traveling to Poznań. Angela:: Ehh, I understand. Nevertheless, I feel sad. Stanely: Don't be. I'm sure even without them we will have a great time! They usually don't come when we gather. Angela: I know :( Angela: There's no solution for that :( Stanley: <file_photo> Stanley: I send them this pic saying that My cat ordered them to come. Angela: <3 <3 <3 CAT! Stanley: Jessica said she's free this Saturday Stanley: She said she would come, but probably not for long. She said she was exhausted and she needed some time to rest and regenerate. Angela: But she will come for 1 drink? :) Stanley: Exactly! Angela: Awesome! So we're all set for Saturday then!
It's been 2 months since Stanley and Angela's graduation. Stanley and Angela are trying to arrange a meeting of their old group to celebrate. They want to meet on Saturday. Some of their friends might be available, others can't come.
Fiona: My phone's about to die Tom: Ok Fiona: have the battery only for 30 minutes, don't worry when I don't reply
Fiona's phone's going to die in about 30 minutes.
Esther: Where were yesterday?? Stacy: What do you mean? Esther: We were supposed to meet, remember?? Stacy: Yesterday? Yesterday was Tues. Esther: Exactly. Stacy: I'm really sorry. I got confused because of the holiday. Since Mon was off I thought yesterday was Mon. Esther: Yeah, well you missed out on LOTS. Stacy: Like what? Esther: Doris is getting married! Stacy: Doris, really? I guess I'll catch up on everything next time. I kind of like this little club we have, don't you? Esther: Sure, it's a nice escape from the every day :)
Stacy got the dates confused because of the holiday and missed a meeting with Esther and other girls. One of them, Doris, is getting married.
Harry: help me Jack: hi, sup Harry: its almost valentines, i have no idea what to buy for my lady Jack: im going to the movies with mine, but its probably too late to book it a day before valentines Harry: im not the best at romantic stuff Jack: just spend time with her, buy flowers or chocolates Harry: might work Jack: its really simple, its about your time together, not the gifts Harry: i hope she thinks the same haha Jack: good luck mate Harry: thanks mate
Jack is going to the cinema with his lady for the Valentine's day and suggest Jack should spend some time with his lady, buy her flowers or chocolates.
Ollie: Where is the store? Jake: where its always been Ollie: very funny Ollie: pin me Jake: <file_other> Ollie: thanks
Ollie can't find the store. He needs Jake's help with that.
Lilly: Dearest Olivia, just talked about you with Mark and remembered our delightful stay at your place. Hope you two are fine. Olivia: Hello dear Lilly, I'm so thrilled that your stay here brings back such happy memories. :o) Olivia: More drama with Bill... He had an emergency op on his eye due to retina displacement. 5 tears in the retina... As you can imagine we've now learned a great deal about the eye! LOL Lilly: Oh my dear Olivia! Now thank you for the update on Bill, we are all worried then. A torn retina and a new operation. How did it happen?? Lilly: Exertion, sudden movement, weakened veins? What are the prospects? Please tell us more. Olivia: There were 5 tears and probably caused by the cataract op. The doc is happy with the progress after a week of recovering the eye. Lilly: Can Bill use the eye? Olivia: He can see some fuzzy outline of objects. Colour is distorted, mainly green and blue. Lilly: And what are the prospects? Olivia: Progress will be slow up to 6 months of vision gradually changing. He has to to take things easy and only gentle walks. Lilly: I suppose that suits him fine. Him always preferring a sedentary lifestyle. Olivia: But one obvious torture: during this time alcohol, in any form, is strictly forbidden. Lilly: How is he coping? Olivia: Barely so. I gave up hope long ago. But so far he's been dry. Olivia: At this stage the doc says his vision should return. This is encouraging. Lilly: Fingers crossed!! Lilly: Please give Bill our love!
Bill had an emergency op in his eye due to a retina displacement. He had 5 tears in his retina, probably caused by the cataract op. Now he's recovering and he can see some fuzzy outline of objects, with distorted colors. He needs to reduce his physical activity and refrain from alcohol.
Rick: that goes without saying!! what type of music should we have their then? Evelyn: Haha of course 🙂Hmm how about sound of music? Rick: which song? Evelyn: I've got no idea Rick: ohh - iv got music for my dramatic entrance!! Evelyn: Ooh go on ;) Rick: its the spy theme tune they always play in spy movies Evelyn: Haha like your a new detective ;) Rick: you know - dun dun, de de, dun dun, de de, dun dun, de de dun... Evelyn: Of course I know what you mean ;) yeah sure 🙂 Rick: de de duuuunnn, de de duuuuuuuuunn, de de duuuuuuuuunnn, de dem Evelyn: You're erm gettin rather carried away now aren't you ;)
Rick picked a spy theme for his dramatic entrance.
Linda: Jeff, are you home? Jeff: Not at the moment, why? Linda: I am not sure if I unplugged the iron. Jeff: So, what do you suggest we do? Linda: Well, I cannot leave the meeting. Jeff: Don't worry. From where I am I'd see smoke if there is a fire at home.
Linda isn't sure if she unplugged the iron. She can't leave the meeting to check. Jeff is near the house and he would see the smoke if there was a fire.
Nancy: Can you NOT turn on the light when you come home? Giovanni: I'm not coming home tonight ;-) Henry: I see... The date was a success!
Giovanni's date was a success and he's not coming home tonight.
Harold: Since it's my last day, I brought cookies! Patty: Awesome! Harold: They are in the breakroom, get em while they last. Patty: That's so nice of you! Harold: I know! LOL! Patty: We're going to miss you. Harold: That's nice! I'll miss you guys too!
It's Harold's last day, he brought cookies.
Phillip: good morning, how's my beautiful sister? Elizabeth: what do you want? you're never this nice to me. >:-( Phillip: can i borrow your car? Elizabeth: what for? Phillip: that's not important lol Phillip: can i borrow it? Elizabeth: you're insane!!! hahaha Elizabeth: you're not asking to borrow a pencil, it's a car!!! Phillip: i met this girl and i'd like to take her out and i want to impress her Phillip: come on sis, come on! I'll owe you one Elizabeth: you are aware that if you guys hit it off she'll know the car is not yours right? Elizabeth: lol Elizabeth: i have the dumbest brother ever Phillip: don't call me dumb! lol Phillip: so what should i do, thake the bus? Elizabeth: YES!!! Elizabeth: you should take the bus if you don't have a car, like a normal person Phillip: you're so cruel Phillip: that's why i'm mom and dad's favorite Elizabeth: oh shut up Elizabeth: text me after the date and let me know how it goes Elizabeth: good luck!!!!!!!
Phillip met a girl. He will take her out. Elizabeth won't lend him her car.
Lidia: Are you inside Tesco Caesar: yes, wait outside Tom: we're almost done Lidia: ok
Lidia is waiting for Caesar and Tom outside Tesco.
Clarissa: <photo_file> Jessica: What a view! Olympia: I envy you !!!
Jessica and Olympia like Clarissa's photo.
Alejandra: Fuck me, I’ve just looked out the window and turns out my neighbourhood is almost completely inundated 😱 Alejandra: <file_photo> Alejandra: Sorry for being stupid but is it as bad as this where you are? Pepe: Hmmm interesting. It hasn’t rained so much here. And it’s what, like 8 km away? Aaron: I’m at work, writing away in my Excel sheet. Haven’t seen the outside world for ages Pepe: ⚰️
There's a heavy downpour in Alejandra's sorroundings. It is not that bad where Pepe is. Aaron is too busy with Excel to even notice.
Jay: hey - want a ride 2 Mark's party tnite? Martha: lol, did u mean 2 txt my bruv? Jay: no. i didn't mean 2 txt Pat. Jay: I meant to text YOU, Martha. Jay: Let's go to the party together :) Martha: is that kinda weird tho? Jay: no. why would it be? Martha: it's just... showing up @ a party together... Martha: people might think we're dating or somethin Jay: would that b so bad? Jay: if we really were dating? Martha: no... Martha: just kinda weird. Martha: u've always been pat's bff and now this? Jay: i've always liked u. Jay: and u know more about me than most the girls i date... it would b nice to see u ;) Jay: WITHOUT Pat being arount Martha: okay :) Martha: but... what r we gonna tell Pat? Jay: tht i asked u out and u said yes Jay: he'll be cool with it Jay: besides - he'll prob wanna see me new wheels Martha: OMG, stop! ur cars finally in? Jay: Yean :D Jay: <file_photo> Martha: sweet! i TOTALLY want a ride in that Jay: i'll be over in 10 ;)
Jay will go to a party with Martha tonight. He will be over in 10 minutes.
John: Mary, where r u? Mary: I'm home now John: What took you so long? Mary: Shopping :)
Mary has now returned home from shopping.
Harry: should we collect some money for a present for Mia? Anne: 20 per person? Tom: sounds reasonable! Edward: ok William: 👍
The group will collect 20 per person for Mia's present.
Tony: We're waiting for you in our apartment Mirko: in Puerto del Rosario? Tony: of course Ellen: ok, we're on the way
Tony is waiting for Mirko and Ellen in their apartment in Puerto del Rosario. They're coming.
Hugo: Do you guys need something? Leon: grab me 2 beers Leon: or better 3 Elliot: get me a sprite please Hugo: Ok. That's all? Leon: elliot is gay
Leon wants Hugo to bring him 3 beers. Elliot wants sprite.
Tom: Have you woken up? Peter: yes, but I didn't sleep well Peter: what time are we meeting? Rebeca: 8.00 Peter: ok
Peter haven't slept well. Peter and Rebeca are meeting at 8.
Pat: can i eat your salad? Dad: no i need it for tomorrow Pat: im hungry Dad: make some scrumbled eggs
Dad doesn't let Pat eat his salad.
Andrew: <file_photo> Andrew: Care to join me? :D Herbert: HAHAHA! Are they really organizing CEMS party?? Andrew: Why not, even such successful people need to let off some steam ;) Olga: What is so funny about them? Andrew: It is a course on our university filled with autists :D Herbert: Remember last year when I showed you that video of people on a show? Olga: Family Feud? That group from our uni? Herbert: Yea, the high guys Andrew: They weren't high, they were just retarded :D So imagine a full club of such people haha Herbert: Plus a handful of Indians taking that course Andrew: Oh yea, they can bring some spiked curry haha Herbert: HAHAHA Olga: I think I will pass on that :P
There's going to be CEMS party, Andrew offers Herbert to go with him. They joke about it as it's a course at the university which is attended by autists and Indians.
Terry: I read your short story, it's great! Danielle: I'm happy you liked it :) Terry: Well, I like epic fantasy and I like your writing style, so it was a win-win situation from the start ;) Danielle: Haha :)
Terry has read Danielle's epic fantasy short story.
Jake: I'm sorry for what I've said yesterday. Reese: Jake, I don't want to talk with you. Reese: I don't know who you are anymore. Jake: What can I do for you to forgive me? Reese: I told you. Leave me alone. Jake: Reese, I love you and I will do anything for you!
Jake is sorry for what he has told Reese yesterday. She doesn't forgive him. He is desperate.
Hannah: good luck with your exam! Rosie: thanks Hannah: you're ready for it? Rosie: not sure but I can't study anymore Rosie: I think I'll just go to bed and rest Hannah: that's not a bad idea, just rest and relax and everything should be fine
Rosie doesn't feel she's ready for the exam, but she can't study anymore. She'll go to bed and rest.
Kamil: Hey Thomas: Hey, what's up? Kamil: I've been wondering if you want to go bowling tomorrow Thomas: nice, who else is coming? Kamil: me, Godek and Prosty with his girl Thomas: Hmm... Kamil: come on, it will be fun Thomas: Well, ok! Kamil: Great! Thomas: one more thing Kamil: Ye? Thomas: Can I bring my girlfriend? Kamil: Sure thing, more people more fun Thomas: Good, when and where exactly are we going there? Kamil: 8PM at the same place as the last time Thomas: Ok, see you there Kamil: See you!
Kamil, Thomas with his girlfriend, Godek and Prosty with his girl are going bowling tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the same place as the last time.
Aston: I can't believe our trip to Japan is in 3 months already, feels like I booked it just yesterday Mona: True! Mona: I'm really excited about it too, can't wait to go back there <3 Aston: If only it wasn't so far away we could go there more often but it can't be helped Mona: Ah, speaking of which! Mona: How much do I owe you for the plane tickets? Mona: You should've reminded me, I keep forgetting and time flies by without me even noticing Aston: I told you you could pay me back whenever, it's not a big deal Aston: It was 600 euros Mona: Hmm, do you want that in cash? Or should I send you a transfer? Aston: Whichever is fine! Mona: Then I'd rather transfer. Can you give me the details?
Aston and Mona are going to Japan in 3 months. Mona owes Aston 600 euros for the tickets. She will transfer the amount.
Ted: Can I bring Ally with me? Portia: Sure! We haven’t seen her in ages! How is she? Ted: Fine! You guys can have a wee chat today 😜 Portia: Looking forward! Agatha: Oh, I want to see her! Good, good. Bring Ally! Give her to me 😈😈😈
Portia and Agatha don't mind Ted bringing Ally with him.
Gavin: what do you think? Gavin: <file_video> Roy: good sound, new band? Gavin: yeah, I liked them Roy: they sounds great Gavin: wanna go on concert? Roy: sure thing!
Roy and Gavin will go to the concert of the new band they listen to.
Peterson: <file_photo> Peterson: my assistant Philipa: what a cutieeee Philipa: these photos lighten up my day 😍🤗 Peterson: 😘
Peterson sends Philipa a photo of his assistant and she finds the assistant cute.