2 values
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Man I tried something GROSS the other night" }, { "assistant": "What was it?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Eggplant!! So gross! Have you ever tried it?" }, { "assistant": "Yeah and I understand. It's not for everybody!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I know! So mushy and just.......ewwww" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I'm really scared of going down to my basement. " }, { "assistant": "lol why?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "It's so dark and creepy down there." }, { "assistant": "lol. Do you think there are monsters down there?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Maybe...." }, { "assistant": "You should turn the lights on!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I just had my air conditioning system cleaned out because it wasn't working right. Wow, the junk that came out of it was awful. The owner before me never used filters." }, { "assistant": "Did you call him to complain about that?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "No, since its my house and they missed it in inspection, there wasn't much I could talk to him about. It was gross. Dirt, dust, and gobs of pet hair. I was breathing it the whole time!" }, { "assistant": "That's awful, my air conditioner is cleaned thankfully. ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "It's so nice to just relax by the beach,." }, { "assistant": "I'm right there with you! That is the best thing in the world! Are you there now? I'm talking to my husband about moving to the beach permanently.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I'm there now, laying in a hammock loving life." }, { "assistant": "I'm so jealous! I haven't been in years now! Breathe in the salt air for me!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My good friend doesnt have a car right now. I lent him mine to use in the evenings to get to work." }, { "assistant": "You must be a savior to him, is he paying you for that?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "He is just a good friend and I know he would do the same if I were in that position. I know he will treat my vehicle very carefully. " }, { "assistant": "Very true, I hope he knows how lucky he is.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I feel good about the chances of making this hockey team." }, { "assistant": "Have you been working hard in the off season?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I have been, did tons of squats earlier." }, { "assistant": "You sound very confident. Sounds like you put in the work. Good luck.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My son sits around all weekend and eats everything. " }, { "assistant": "Tell him to get out and do something! That must be frustrating. ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Well, he pays rent but he definitely uses up more resources than he pays for. " }, { "assistant": "Its hard being a parent... but i am sure you are doing it right! ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Well, I try. I moved to Alabama after the divorce and the kids hate it here." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I made an authentic peruvian dish the other day. it was awesome! " }, { "assistant": "I love peruvian food! What did you make?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I made lomo saltado ( i hope i spelled that right lol ) it turned out great. i love south american food " }, { "assistant": "That green sauce with the cilantro and the jalepenos is the best! What is lomo?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Its steak strips, with ajis onions peppers tomatoes.. almost like a stir fry but better! " }, { "assistant": "Yum! I have all the ingredients for the chicken, I might make that now instead of the bbq chicken, thanks for the idea. ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I just took the bar exam this week." }, { "assistant": "That is great how do you think you did?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I did awesome!" }, { "assistant": "Congratulations that is so awesome to have passed such a intense exam.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "my kids get on my nerves when it comes to dinner time" }, { "assistant": "Uh oh! Are they picky?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Now they only want fast food. Thats not cheap" }, { "assistant": "That's not cheap at all! ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My upstairs neighbor is making too much noise with her heels. Sometimes, she wake me up with the noise that she make." }, { "assistant": "Are you gonna complain to someone about it?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I already told her. The landlord also told her but she does care" }, { "assistant": "I am sorry to hear that then...", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was heartbroken when my grandmother passed away, it still hurts me a lot" }, { "assistant": "I understand. I had the same feeling. When did she passed away?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "in 2011, so a few years ago now" }, { "assistant": "How old was she when she passed away?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "We went out shopping for school supplies and backpacks and my two kiddos are get to go! " }, { "assistant": "good stuff, you picked a good time to do it!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yeah, I like being prepared and they start next Monday!" }, { "assistant": "wow that is pretty soon, it snuck up on me", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I am scared of horror movies, I never could tolerate them" }, { "assistant": "Me too! I used to be able to watch some when I was younger but then I realized I was torturing myself because I hate them!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yeah, they are just no fun to watch in my opinon" }, { "assistant": "I agree. They literally haunt you forever.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I ate a PB&J sandwich yesterday and it reminded me so much of childhood days." }, { "assistant": "Why is that?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I used to eat them so much as a kid, but never as an adult." }, { "assistant": "oh, that makes sense. why yesterday then?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I randomly decided to make one with what I had on hand in the house. Really took me back." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was heartbroken when my grandmother passed away, I am still not over it" }, { "assistant": "Oh I am sorry to hear that. You must have been close to her.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I was yes, but I guess that is life sometimes" }, { "assistant": "Yes, at least you have those memories of her to cherish and hold forever.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I worked for a company for 5 years and I found a new job that paid better. I worked out the last of my shifts but I felt bad for leaving a company that was so good to me." }, { "assistant": "I get that, but money talks at the end of the day", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Absolutely, I felt bad but the company I was working for did not offer the same benefits of the new company." }, { "assistant": "That is what it comes down to sometimes!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was heartbroken when my grandmother passed away, I still am not over it" }, { "assistant": "That is always tough to deal with. Time can help, but it can't get you over the loss of a loved one.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "It is, and time heals all, but very slowly" }, { "assistant": "I agree. Things can always get better, just remember her and honor her the best that you can.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I am working parent who also goes to school. It can be tough" }, { "assistant": "I can imagine so! I bet you are one tired person when you hit the bed at night!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I am. But this is the first semester that all of the kids will be at school in the day time. I am going to kill it this semester" }, { "assistant": "I hope you do! I really wish you the best.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Thanks! You too" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I am ready to play the new mario party game, I wish it would hurry up and release!" }, { "assistant": "I bet that will be fun. Do you do that a lot", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Play games? Yes, very often" }, { "assistant": "I need to game more when I can", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I am going to do well at work tomorrow. I am prepared for it" }, { "assistant": "Well with what?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I have a team meeting" }, { "assistant": "Well best of luck!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I am proud of my girlfriend for getting a new job, she makes more than me now" }, { "assistant": "That's awesome! What does she do?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "she works with special needs students" }, { "assistant": "That's amazing! What a commendable job! Good for her!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was going through my attic yesterday" }, { "assistant": "What happened?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I found my old Nintendo (NES) that I used to play as a kid! So many memories!" }, { "assistant": "Wow I love nintendo, you should get an NES classic!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Why when I already have the old one? lol. I tried to buy one but couldnt find one a couple years ago" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i was at this major store and the lady ahd like 4 items on the belt , and i wanted to put mines on but she would not move hers" }, { "assistant": "Oh wow, sorry to hear, that was really rude of her.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "that was very stupid of her , it seemed kind of racist to me" }, { "assistant": "Some people can take things so far. I hate it when they do that.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "that store is notorious for rude shoppers though" }, { "assistant": "I am the type of person that gets what I have to buy and get out of the store. ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was so excited when my oldest daughter came home from college to visit." }, { "assistant": "proud parent right , do you miss her during the year ?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yes, I sure do. She is so smart. Taking courses for graphic arts while working a job with her major. " }, { "assistant": "one day my child will make me proud like that", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "We have five two in college and two in high school and one in pre school. They all make us proud. Children are such great blessings." }, { "assistant": "thats a lot of kids, god bless", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Today, I lost my wallet. I am mad at myself." }, { "assistant": "I am so sorry to hear it! ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I think I lost it at the TimHortons when I was paying for my coffee. I should have left there." }, { "assistant": "Hopefully you can go back and get it! ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I found my old Nintendo at my parents. I had so much fun playing it last week." }, { "assistant": "That sounds like a lot of fun! What were some of your favorite games to play?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I play Super Mario Brothers and Metroid. I even remembered most of the levels. It was really cool." }, { "assistant": "That is really cool. It's nice that you could rediscover a bit of your childhood. ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I just got a raise at work!" }, { "assistant": "Thats great news. Where you expecting it?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yeah I sort of was because I've been working really hard at work!" }, { "assistant": "Well that is great. Sounds like you really deserved it.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My cable costs me 100 dollars a month" }, { "assistant": "That's a rip off at that price.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "IT is. Plus, I can never find anything to watch!" }, { "assistant": "Did you ever try netflix? It's great.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yes. I love netflix. I dont know why I thought this would be better" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Just got dumped by the girl." }, { "assistant": "Thats too bad", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "It was on christmas no less, tragic really." }, { "assistant": "wow. thats kind of cruel", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I cannot wait for the new super smash bros, it is going to be so good!" }, { "assistant": "What is that game about", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "it is a fighting game with lots of nintendo characters" }, { "assistant": "That sounds really fun, I am sure it will be good", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was shocked in a good way at the weather this morning. It felt nice outside" }, { "assistant": "that is good, it has been hot here recently", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "It has, so it was a nice change" }, { "assistant": "that is good, cherish that stuff while it lasts!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My girlfriend is so supportive." }, { "assistant": "That is very nice to have someone providing support", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I opened up to her about my depression." }, { "assistant": "Good. It is important to be open about all subject. Is she accepting it?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "At work, there is a coworker that smell terribly bad. I can't breath." }, { "assistant": "Did you tell him about it or no?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I can't tell him. I don't want to make any trouble." }, { "assistant": "You should tell him he will like you for it.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My friend is getting a new truck tomorrow. I wanted it so bad" }, { "assistant": "Aww dangit! Maybe he'll let you drive it", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I hope so, I would love that" }, { "assistant": "And then just keep driving and don't take it back lol", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I found my old yearbook yesterday" }, { "assistant": "How did that make you feel", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "It brough back some old memories of school! I miss some of my friends." }, { "assistant": "I have been there. It is nice to have those memories", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yeah! I think I may find a couple on FB and see if they want to hangout soon!" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I have a big job interview coming up. I am so nervous I almost dont want to go. Its kind of scary to think about." }, { "assistant": "i get that, I have one coming up as well", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I dont know what to do. My nerves are really bad." }, { "assistant": "just stay calm and collected, talk slowly, gather your thought", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was surprised when my parents got me a car as my graduation present, it was not expected" }, { "assistant": "That is so awesome. I hope you show them how grateful you are.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I try to the best I can!" }, { "assistant": "Well I am sure you deserve it. Just take real good care of it.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Just sent in my application to Burger King, feeling good." }, { "assistant": "That is great you should follow up with them in a few days.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I plan on it, it's a manager position too." }, { "assistant": "I was going to ask if it was for a manager that is awesome you got this they will be hiring you on the spot.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Have you been to a circus?" }, { "assistant": "I have. It was a long time ago. I had a lot of fun watching it with my daughter but I always feel sad for the animals, until I found out that the circus I went to helps injured animals have a home.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "operation free the circus animals!" }, { "assistant": "Yes! I'm very much against animal cruelty but not every circus is bad thankfully. Do you love the circus?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I went once and it was cool. I didn't think about animal rights back then though." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Someone got shot near my house the other day. I am terrified now and want to move." }, { "assistant": "Did you see the person that got shot when it happened?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "No, I didn't see anything. Just heard it and the police came by to see if we saw anything or had any information. The shooter knew the person and had a big problem with them which kind of made me feel better that it wasn't a random shooter, but still! This neighborhood is usually so nice!" }, { "assistant": "Where do you live?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Some of my daughters classmates in pre-k have been crying since the first day of school." }, { "assistant": "Oh no! Are they just scared?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I guess. My daughter has done well since the first day. She was excited about school" }, { "assistant": "I'm so happy for her! Hopefully everything goes well for her", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I hope the other kids get it together too lol" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Hey, how's it going?" }, { "assistant": "Going good...what's up with you.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Nothing much. Just thinking about the time when I was still in college and had exams, and how hard that was. Sitting there wishing I was going to get an A at the end of it" }, { "assistant": "So how did you do? Did the hard work pay off for you?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I didn't get an A, but I ended up getting good enough grades to pass. So, I guess that's something" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was driving through flood waters and my car stalled out." }, { "assistant": "Holy cow. I hate when that happens. It happens a lot here since I live near the ocean. How did it end up?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I was sitting in water nearly up to the windows and someone in a big truck came and pulled me out." }, { "assistant": "Wow, how lucky. How did you end up thanking that person?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was up for promotion this year. I lost out to another coworker. I really thought I had it." }, { "assistant": "Oh no, I'm sorry man. Hopefully next time. Were you at least able to reach out and see what you could improve upon? ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I got some good feed back. I really thought I had it though. Just a little bummed out." }, { "assistant": "I bet that is pretty disappointing. Maybe some ice cream will make you feel better.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Another one of my friends got engaged" }, { "assistant": "You are saying it as if it's a bad thing, are you left without friends?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "i feel left out" }, { "assistant": "My friend just stay strong, family and kids can suck you life away(not always of course).", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "That was dark lol" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was stressing over my accounting final today, but all that stress was for nothing." }, { "assistant": "I guess you got an A?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I got a 95% on it! Looks like all those extra study sessions paid off!" }, { "assistant": "Well done, what other exams are left?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "That was the last one for the summer, but then I have five more classes starting in two weeks." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I have been traveling for a month now. I am starting to miss my family and friends." }, { "assistant": "Where have you been traveling", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Im in Vietnam right now. This hostel I am in is so empty. " }, { "assistant": "Oh that sounds very exotic", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I am going to feel pretty alone this weekend, My friends are going out of town" }, { "assistant": "Maybe you can catch up on some sleep?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I will need some for sure, good idea" }, { "assistant": "I know it will feel lonely but a good weekend to recharge will do some good.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My husband gets back from a month long business trip on Friday! I'm really looking forward to it!" }, { "assistant": "Are yall gonna go on a date?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I hope so! Gotta get my parents to take the kids and I was thinking of making his favorite dinner myself." }, { "assistant": "what is the dinner?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I am gonna eat some chocolate cake!" }, { "assistant": "Yum!!!!! I literally just watched a recipe on how to make a vegan chocolate cake so I'm craving one! With tons of icing!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yea, thats what I'm gonna get!" }, { "assistant": "Yum! Have a piece for me!!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I recently sat down and went through some old love letters I wrote my wife when we were younger. Talk about brought back so many memories of when we were young and life was so simple." }, { "assistant": "Yeah that must have been a trip down memory lane.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Life is a lot more complicated now, but I'd say we still have a great life!" }, { "assistant": "Well you are one of the lucky ones then", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I inherited my grandfathers watch when he passed. I like to wear it as a reminder of him." }, { "assistant": "I bet he would be proud", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I would hope so. He was a great person. I can still see him putting that watch on in the morning." }, { "assistant": "It will always be a nice reminder then", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was pretty happy tonight. I got some wings and beer" }, { "assistant": "You got some good new? ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I just liked drinking and eating with friends tonight" }, { "assistant": "I cant think of better way to have fun with friends. Sounds like a great time.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I hate when my son doesnt take a nap during the day." }, { "assistant": "Why?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "at night he is so irritated and it irritates me" }, { "assistant": "I understand. He need to rest and take a nap.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I wish he understood that lol" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "When I was kid, I was exhorting money from a kid that lived in my neighborhood. Now, I feel bad about it." }, { "assistant": "You should. Thats not nice", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "When I was kid, I didn't think about how bad is it to do that. Now, I understand." }, { "assistant": "well i hope you learned your lesson", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I am very lucky to have healthy, happy children. There is so much sickness and sadness in the world today." }, { "assistant": "Health is truly a blessing! How old are your children? ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I have 4. They are 21, 19, 17, and 14. It makes me so sad to watch tv or be on the internet and see all the children living in poverty or with diseases like cancer. " }, { "assistant": "I agree. I can't imagine what it must be like to be a parent and go through that. ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I absolutely hate olives. The other day I was eating a salad I got from Whole Foods and somehow a stray black olive was in there. >:(" }, { "assistant": "Eww! I really hate olives also. What things do you like in your salad?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I really like mixed greens with shredded carrots, onions, broccoli, almonds or pumpkin seeds, avocado...ah I could go on and on! " }, { "assistant": "I'm just a plain salad person, but I do like my bacon bits and croutons in a salad. Also some carrots.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I really nervous right now. I am waiting on a phone call to see if I got a job I interviewed for." }, { "assistant": "That is very tense to be waiting on that kind of call you got this positive thoughts only. What position is it for?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "It is for a manager position. I just wish they would call soon. Its hard waiting around." }, { "assistant": "Just be patient you aced it and you will get that position and call soon. ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I am so ready to move! " }, { "assistant": "Where are you moving to?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I am moving to California! I have everything ready to go! " }, { "assistant": "I love California.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My team, the Yankees won last night." }, { "assistant": "Cool who were they up against? ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "They played the Kansas City Royals." }, { "assistant": "Nice! ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My nephew starts 10th grade this year" }, { "assistant": "Ohhhh sophomore year can be tough. How do you feel about that?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Pretty proud of him! He's starting the football team too!" }, { "assistant": "Wow. He's taking on quite a lot, but it'll be good for building his character as he gets older!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yeah. he's pretty good at football too!" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My wife is getting checked at the hospital. We might be getting good news!" }, { "assistant": "Oh that's awesome! Congrats!!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Not yet. We don't know if it's going be a little one or she's just having weird stomach pangs lol." }, { "assistant": "I hope it's a baby!!!! Good luck!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "When I was a teenager, I was exhorting money from kids in my neighborhood. Now, I feel bad about it." }, { "assistant": "Oh wow, how were you doing that? ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I was stronger because they were just kids." }, { "assistant": "I'm sorry you feel bad about it now. I'm not really sure what I can say, it's not like you can change the past. You could try volunteering. ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My husband has been out of town for work for the past few days. It's been a bit interesting." }, { "assistant": "Why so interestin?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Well, I did not realize how different it would be to be alone in the house for a few days. I don't really like it much." }, { "assistant": "I know the feeling. Do you huys get to talk?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Today wasnt a good day" }, { "assistant": "Why was it not a good day? What happened?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "The doctor recommended hospice for my grandad today" }, { "assistant": "Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. My father in law had to have hospice and although it's not what you want to hear, the people that work with hospice are really a lifeline for the family.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I know. My grandmother hasnt been gone a year. I dont want to lose him too. just not a good day. " }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I cannot wait for tomorrow night. We are going to a cigar bar" }, { "assistant": "That sounds like a lot of fun I have never been to one before.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "They are really fun, even for first timers" }, { "assistant": "I may to check one out. I like trying out new places.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I have test coming up tomorrow. I just know I am going to do very well." }, { "assistant": "What kind of test is it", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Its a math test. I usually do very well with that subject." }, { "assistant": "I hope you do well", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I am doing to do well tomorrow at work. I am prepared for a meeting" }, { "assistant": "oh yea what is the meeting about ?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Its a team meeting for sales" }, { "assistant": "oh that sounds interesting, good luck", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "it was supring to see someone eat a 3 lbs burger" }, { "assistant": "I have seen them eat bigger", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "um ok" }, { "assistant": "Why that response?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I have to go to the dmv on friday. I am nervous about it" }, { "assistant": "Why are you nervous?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I hate going to that place" }, { "assistant": "Yes, the lines are a pain.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My stepmom called today with some bad news. News I was not expecting at all." }, { "assistant": "What was the news?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "It seems that my father had a stroke. He's only 64! We are headed up there tomorrow to see how he's doing." }, { "assistant": "That's so tragic, did the doctor say what happened?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "This test is going to be difficult." }, { "assistant": "Have you been studying for it? I hope you do well.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I have been studying quite hard actually." }, { "assistant": "Then hopefully you will do really well on it. It's normal to be a bit apprehensive before a big test though.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "It's storming really badly outside at the moment." }, { "assistant": "Really, where is that?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I'm here in South Korea for work at the moment. A typhoon is coming." }, { "assistant": "Well at least you are not in the middle of the flight.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My husband works really hard for our family and makes good money. We've made choices to give our kids experiences rather than have the biggest house." }, { "assistant": "Very wise of you, experiences are all that matters.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "But sometimes it is hard going over to our friend's big homes and seeing another way to live as well." }, { "assistant": "I see, but you do realize that happiness for the most part is immaterial, right?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I stole a bottle of wine from the store." }, { "assistant": "Do you feel guilty now?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yes, I feel really guilty about it!" }, { "assistant": "How are you going to make up for it?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "So, I lied to my girlfriend about how much education I had" }, { "assistant": "why would you do that", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Well because she's a little older and I felt like I was lagging behind her in life" }, { "assistant": "I am not sure I get it", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Well, basically she had already graduated and had a good job, and I was someone who hadn't completed college yet. But I wanted her to stay with me and not break up, so I lied" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My first day of my senior year impressed me when I met the new science teacher. He was cool and made it easy for everyone" }, { "assistant": "I love it when teachers are down to earth and easy to get along with. What did you like most about him?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "he was witty and nice" }, { "assistant": "That's pretty cool. Do you guys still keep in touch?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I wish, but no" }, { "assistant": "Sorry to hear that. I hope you've had good teachers since then.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was going through old items and came across a card from my mom. " }, { "assistant": "What a nice surprise. What was the card for?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "It was a birthday card from a while ago. I started to cry and think about how I wish I could visit her more often." }, { "assistant": "What is limiting your ability to visit?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Living too far across the states and work, but hopefully during the holidays I can see her." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My coworker just got a huge raise." }, { "assistant": "Are you happy for him?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yes, but I am so envious of him." }, { "assistant": "Don't be, it's a destructive emotion. ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I visited the great pyramid recently. I'm amazed at what ancient humans were capable of building. Quite fascinating." }, { "assistant": "Isn't it grand, I bet we no very little authentic information about them.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I wouldn't be surprised. While I do trust the experts, I'm sure there is a lot they don't know. It's still kind of a mystery as to how they built it." }, { "assistant": "I bet they are much older than we believe them to be.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I'm not too sure about that part. But who knows, you could very well be right!" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "When my car would not start the other morning, it was pretty sad" }, { "assistant": "I would be sad about that! I'm so sorry", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yeah, it was just a rough time" }, { "assistant": "Did you finally get it working ?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i am out of dr pepper and I am so peeved right now" }, { "assistant": "Is doctor pepper your favorite?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "it is. it is mu cigarette dipped in coffee. And my daughter drank my last one!" }, { "assistant": "That's awful, sorry to hear that. I love me some Sprite.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I wont be able to sleep" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Just got back from my dads first day at school, so proud." }, { "assistant": "Thats interesting", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "He started nursing, I'm happy for him." }, { "assistant": "Thats awesome. How was the first day for him?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "A few years ago I went on vacation to Aruba. It was the best trip ever! " }, { "assistant": "oh wow, i wish i could go there, do you plan to return one day ?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Oh definitely! Maybe even next year. " }, { "assistant": "that is something i hope to do one day as well. good luck", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i was ready for that intervlew last week" }, { "assistant": "That's the best way to go in to an interview. How do you think it went?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "i ended up getting a job offer." }, { "assistant": "Oh congratulations! What kind of job? ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My dog passed away last month. I am still feeling pretty down about it." }, { "assistant": "I am so sorry. It happens to everyone and no one is ever prepared for it", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Its almost like I thought he would live with me forever. He was there for most of my life." }, { "assistant": "Thats the only bad thing about having animals, you are going to outlive them", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My cat was acting weird earlier. It was starting to scare me a bit" }, { "assistant": "Is you cat ok now? What do you think it is?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "He was just running around. I guess that is normal" }, { "assistant": "Most likely. They can be skittish little things.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I'm so proud my cat beat cancer." }, { "assistant": "That's awesome! Congrats!!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Thank you! She had been fighting for 15 years." }, { "assistant": "Wow! That's a long hard battle! Poor little kitty", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Man we're going to the amusement park this weekend" }, { "assistant": "Which amusement park?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "six flags. I've never rode a coaster before!" }, { "assistant": "Roller coasters are fun but you should stay safe too.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yeah! Maybe if I try one I'll like it." }, { "assistant": "What other rides should you take?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Dunno yet. I've never been there! We're taking the kids though!" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I really miss my family and friends. " }, { "assistant": "I'm sorry to hear that. Did something happen to make you miss them?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yeah I live in a new state. " }, { "assistant": "Oh no! That is hard, I have the same issue. How far away did you move?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I have to shop after work and I can be really spacy, one time I left my purse in the shopping cart with all my cards and phone in it." }, { "assistant": "Omg! I am the same way... i always end up putting my list down while shopping. Where are you going? ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I was at the store. I drove off but luckily, when I came back, someone had turned it in, with everything in it." }, { "assistant": "Thats so kind of them! ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "When we lived in an apartment, we had a lady with a dog above us." }, { "assistant": "That's one thing I don't miss is having someone stay above me did they dog make lot's of noise?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Not too bad, but she would let him go out onto her deck. One day he peed out there and it went all over our deck, our grill, everything basically!" }, { "assistant": "That is so rude and disgusting I know you was a tad bit furious. ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "There is a drug dealer selling drugs in my building. I am very afraid when I have to get out or in." }, { "assistant": "That would make me SO angry. What kind of drugs is it? I would make sure the police took him out.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "The police doesn't come in my neighborhood. They are too afraid to come." }, { "assistant": "Well I have the same issue..they aren't afraid..they're just corrupt..but I just yell at those people myself. I don't put up with the ghetto corrupt crap", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "A dude pulled up halfway in my driveway, beeping at me UNTIL I came 50 times! Smoking and leaving his ashes everywhere" }, { "assistant": "Is he a pervert?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "He certainly gave me the creeps. Likely. He wanted to buy the rack off of a truck I have in the driveway. He can drive on by! .I am a woman..home alone..Seriously? I am so tired of people in poor areas behaving ghetto..Acting like they have zero couth and respect for others property!" }, { "assistant": "Did you call the police?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Oh..the police don't show for gunshots here lol! I told him to get some couth and get off my property. Seriously! this is a dangerous neighborhood- They think they can act however they'd like. You can live in a poor neighborhood and still have some manners." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "my sister used to live in the apartment across the hall from me" }, { "assistant": "That's great! Did she move recently? Do you miss her?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "She moved recently. Its pretty lonely over here now" }, { "assistant": "I'm sorry. That can be so tough when you're used to her being so close. Did she move far away?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "across town. i miss my neice the most" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I won a vacation sweepstakes! I am shocked!" }, { "assistant": "wow. Where are you going?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "An all-inclusive resort for 5 nights in Florida. I couldn't believe it since I NEVER win anything." }, { "assistant": "omg. that is going to be so nice", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My girlfriend is so supportive." }, { "assistant": "It is good to have someone that can provide support. Do you have a depression?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I do, often sad and she helps me a lot." }, { "assistant": "It is very nice from her.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My father promised to buy me a car when I graduate from university. He never did." }, { "assistant": "Are you disappointed with it?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I was very angry and disappointed. I was dream to have a care." }, { "assistant": "I feel like you should take it up with him.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Just lost my best friend." }, { "assistant": "I cant imagine how much that hurts.. I would be so sad.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "It was my dog, he got ran over." }, { "assistant": "It always hurts more when its unexpected. Hopefully time heals.", "user": null } ]