2 values
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My upstairs neighbors make a ton of noise at all hours of the night. It makes it difficult for me to sleep. " }, { "assistant": "I'm not trying to get arrested! I think I'll just wait things out until I move in two months.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Im expecting a good bonus to be on this check coming up. I can finally go buy a new car!" }, { "assistant": "Yes! Very exciting! Yes I had my eye on one all year. I cant wait", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I studied so hard and prepared for this exam tomorrow. I bet I will make no less than an A" }, { "assistant": "Thanks! It will be a breeze. ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Statistics exam. I aced this class for sure. There's no doubt in my mind. " }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I've got a big test coming up and I'm so worried!" }, { "assistant": "I hope so. I usually do better than I expect to, but that still doesn't make it any less scary.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "A female coworker came onto me at work the other day, but I refused her advances because I love my wife." }, { "assistant": "Yes, I just can't see myself being with another woman.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My bank has called me three times a day ever since I applied for a mortgage. It's been a week and they show no signs of slowing down. " }, { "assistant": "I want them to be able to get in touch with me if something important comes up.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My upstairs neighbors make a ton of noise at all hours of the night. It makes it difficult for me to sleep." }, { "assistant": "No, I don't like to be confrontational. I'm moving in two months anyway, so I'm just going to wait it out.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I watched Wimbledon on TV over the summer for the first time. Those tennis players are so good!" }, { "assistant": "Maybe. I hadn't considered it yet.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My bank has called me three times a day ever since I applied for a mortgage. It's been a week and they show no signs of slowing down." }, { "assistant": "Not yet. I just filled out the prequalification online. I haven't officially applied yet.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My mom said she was going to make me a mystery dinner. I believe in her!" }, { "assistant": "Nope! She was going to make something completely different from what she usually makes!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I met my wife online 7 years ago and can't see myself with anyone else, ever." }, { "assistant": "Oh I know. I got lucky, we found out we lived really close to each other so we met up and it has been great ever since.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My daughter has worked very hard to keep her school work finished, her room clean, and the dishes washed. I bought her a cell phone for her birthday this year. She is becoming a responsible young preteen" }, { "assistant": "She has been good so far. We are trying to limit her access to it to just a few hours per day. She also had to \"turn it in\" at night before she goes to bed.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yes, you do! Hopefully she keeps doing the right thing with it" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I have been having some anxiety lately and made an appointment with a psychiatrist. I kept going back and forth about if I wanted to actually go" }, { "assistant": "I ended up going. I'm really glad I did. She has been a HUGE help for me.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I had a septic tank issue and called a guy that I found a business card from and had him come out. He didn't have hardly any equipment with him and sounded like he didn't know what to do." }, { "assistant": "No. I just asked what it would cost to fix then told him I couldn't afford it to get him to leave. ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I bought a big bag of M&Ms and I could not resist it" }, { "assistant": "well that is what I just did, so far I have eaten half of it", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I do not think I can and feel ashamed that I cannot resist it" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I told my girlfriend about my self harm habits a little while ago." }, { "assistant": "She was really sad, but she appreciated the fact that I told her. ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My friends wanted to bring me to laser quest for my birthday." }, { "assistant": "Yeah exactly. I wasn't sure if I'd like it or not and I was a little unwilling to try it out. ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I spent all of summer doing everything but studying for my final exam" }, { "assistant": "I'm fairly certain I'm going to fail and I feel awful about myself, but I just can't get myself to do it.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My friends and I had spent all day troubleshooting a new PC build that we had just completed." }, { "assistant": "It went awful. It turned out that the motherboard or processor were defective and we had to deconstruct it to return both pieces. So much wasted time!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "It really was. At least my friend learned a lot about computers as we built it together!" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I found an injured spider with a leg missing in my bathroom a few days ago." }, { "assistant": "I saved it. I brought it outside and hoped for the best.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I passed two trials that a company put me through and I only have three left." }, { "assistant": "You got that right! I'm feeling pretty happy about my performance and I think I'll get the job!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I spent hours studying for a final exam." }, { "assistant": "It went amazing! I expected to pass but I didn't think I'd get a 91!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I found an old stamp booklet my girlfriend and I filled out before we started dating." }, { "assistant": " Definitely. I felt so warm and fuzzy on the inside, and so did she when I sent her a snapchat of it.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I'm pretty sure a girl at the convention was hitting on me." }, { "assistant": "Nah. I have a loving girlfriend and I would never cheat on her.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "For my camping trip, I brought with me my tent, camping chairs, mattress, sleeping bag, pillows, med-kit, bug spray, food and beer." }, { "assistant": "Oh yeah definitely. Never have I ever felt so ready for anything in my life.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I saw a man slap his dog on the sidewalk a few times while I was on the bus." }, { "assistant": "I should have, but last time my girlfriend did that the police ignored it. I was so angry.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I do, and I couldn't fathom how someone could do that. I wanted to hop off the bus and yell at the guy." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I just had to replace one of the window panes in my house." }, { "assistant": "I'm not sure what happened. I had to have a guy come out to replace it, and couldn't meet him, so my wife had to.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "My said he did! I had quite a bit of confidence in him, based on others' feedback." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "When I was a kid, all my friends had Yu-Gi-Oh cards but me." }, { "assistant": "I think my parents found them expensive, otherwise I can't think of any other good reason. To be honest, I kind of envied my friends.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "In that case, I feel much better haha." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I took up running and I started seeing a huge improvement in my cardiovascular endurance." }, { "assistant": "Unimaginably hard. But once I got into it I couldn't stop. I'm feeling pretty certain that I'll hit my 5km goal in no time.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I used to be that guy too. If I can do it, you can do it." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My younger brother was playing an old Gamecube game that I loved to play back when I was a kid." }, { "assistant": "He was playing Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door. What an awesome game! It brought back so many great memories.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My buddy drank way too much at a party and puked all over my favorite jacket." }, { "assistant": "I washed it and it came out surprisingly. But at that time, I felt so sick seeing what was happening to my jacket that I thought I was going to puke next.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "A few months ago, a good friend of mine that I look up to attempted suicide." }, { "assistant": "Thankfully he is. He's doing much better, but the thought still shakes me scared to this day.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yeah he did. He's on meds and he sees a therapist every week!" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I drank too much and passed out a few months ago. " }, { "assistant": "It was, but it got scary at some point. Apparently people were trying to wake me up by shaking me and I would not get up.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was packing up my house to move, and found my old yearbooks! It's so weird to look back and see how far everyone I knew in high school has come." }, { "assistant": "A couple people. Fewer as the years go by, unfortunately. ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My brother went on a low-calorie diet and began shaking everyday." }, { "assistant": "He quit the diet a while ago as recommended by his doctor. I was a little scared but I knew it was just side effects of a bad diet.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I let my brother drive my car for the first time yesterday." }, { "assistant": "No, he's such a good driver. I knew I had nothing to worry about.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Last week I woke up to a really cute text from my girlfriend and a funny message from my brother." }, { "assistant": "Yeah! I had a moment of realizing how lucky I am to be in the position I find myself in, and felt really thankful for my life and the people a part of it.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My girlfriend spent a few days in the woods with no cellular service with her parents." }, { "assistant": "Really lonesome. I missed her so much.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Ever since I've been on these anti anxiety and depression medication, I've been able to socialize a lot more." }, { "assistant": "Just talking to more people in general. For example, at a convention I was volunteering at. ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "It's called Otakuthon. It celebrates Japanese culture, anime and videogames. I was with MSI and I was just so surprised with my improvement." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I volunteer at a dog shelter every weekend." }, { "assistant": "Thank you, they're so cute!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I'm still upset over Lil Peep's death." }, { "assistant": "November of 2017. Almost a year ago. ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Never really listened to XXX but Peep's music really resonated with me." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My dog sheds so much I have to vacuum my room practically every 4 days if I don't want little tufts of fur everywhere." }, { "assistant": "You're right. I'm just so irritated, even if it isn't his fault and I love the big goof.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My brother and a bunch of our friends planned to go to a 15-person cottage in July." }, { "assistant": "It was. At that time, I couldn't wait for all the fun and games we would experience!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "We stayed for only 4 days because it cost us about $200 each for four days and nights, but I hope we can book it for a whole week or two next summer." }, { "assistant": "It's very close to a lake, it probably takes a two minute hike down through a patch of trees and tall grass to get there.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "One time when I was in Kindergarten, I needed to go to the restroom. The teacher did not let me, so I peed myself" }, { "assistant": "Yes, they called my parents and I was sent home. I got spanked", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Last month I went on vacation and had to find someone to cat sit. It was a relief to find someone that I could trust to come by each day and not forget." }, { "assistant": "Yes, I was able to go visit my stepdaughter on the other side of the country. The sitter sent pictures occasionally, so I didn't spend my trip worrying.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My son had his 4th birthday a couple of weeks ago." }, { "assistant": "He got a remote control excavator, and had a lot of fun at his party. It's crazy how fast he's growing up, though.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "It's really hard to get motivated on Fridays." }, { "assistant": "Yeah, there's a lot going on. I ended up heading to work anyway.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "No, I don't have to. But there's plenty of work to do on our house!" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I bought a bunch of dumbbells, and a workout bench but I've barely used them." }, { "assistant": "I don't have the motivation. I know the workouts I should be doing but also struggle with proper form a bit.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Thanks for the advice!" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i have a impacted wisdom tooth. I need to go to the dentist but I am apprehensive about it." }, { "assistant": "on bad days it is about a 6", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "A few years ago, I was invited to Rockfest by my older brother and his friends." }, { "assistant": "Yeah it was awesome! I was a little scared at first but within a few hours of arriving there it turned into a total blast!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I haven't been following my healthy eating regiment as strictly as I should.,5|5|5_5|5|5,\nhit:10142_conv:20284,2,ashamed,I haven't been following my healthy eating regiment as strictly as I should. Even though I don't need to lose any weight, I want to be healthy and cheating on this diet makes me feel bad.,203,Why not, have you have many temptations? I know how difficult it can be at times to eat healthy, I struggle to do it too.,5|5|5_5|5|5,,Well, that would be terrifying! Were you afraid that a vampire was there?|Awesome! What kind of dog is Lola?|What makes you say that?|That is not too much, I think you made a good choice|it is easier to walk around when its sunny also|What incident was that ?|That would give me the creeps! Has anyone seen anything there?|I agree, plus I love making snowmen! |I am so glad that you are. Now no more driving when your sleepy.|yuck, how gross!!|That is a hilarious intro, thank you for that! So were you worried that your girlfriend found someone else humorous? (And you're very insightful + intelligent if you say yes! Though being both of those things, you have nothing to worry about ;-))|Haha brotherly love, I hope him and the lucky gal have a wonderful life together!|hey at least you got a nice workout in!|what is the worst hurt you've ever seen?|Yeah we dont thinnk about how special it was until it is gone|I would too why would she not tell you!? Did yall break up? |That really is a big change for you! Are you excited to have some more down time?|how old was it|I feel exactly the same way. People should be more considerate and be on time for the sake of others.|That's good! Hopefully you had a nice seatmate too!|It's okay it's pretty funny, and it'll be forgotten about so quick anyhow. I know how it feels haha, we all do.|that should be fun. good luck!|Yeah, sometimes I want to just stop going to work. I hate TPS reports so much!|Why dont u throw the trash awy?|Why did you throw your laptop?|That's your decision to make, but I think it would at least put you in control of the situation.|Are you afraid of the dentist?|great day to you too|Oh man! I hope no one noticed. |Well that's all that matters. If she was okay with it. I'm sure she was happy watching the episodes with you, even if you had already watched them. |Oh, I understand. Did it bring it to you at all?|I bet the next house you look at will be amazing and even better than that one.|I am glad you love her, it must be a nice feeling|Wow. I drink Dr Pepper like coffee.|I admire you! I don't think you'll regret getting this experience|Thanks that is quite the offer. How kind.|That is great, I believe that you will do amazing! |Oops. I hate when that happens. Did they say anything to you?|I think she's just trying to cause a problem.|Why not, have you have many temptations? I know how difficult it can be at times to eat healthy, I struggle to do it too.|Are you keeping it as a souvenir?|Wow. I am sure you will remember this for a long time. You are going to have to think of a great surprise for him now.|I would have been really mad as well! Hopefully he learned not to pull that kind of prank on you again!|Oh wow, are you feeling super envious?|That is good you have someone to share your happiness and problems with|What did you find?!|What kinds of fruit do they have there?|Amazing! Congratulation! Prayer is always a good thing to do! That is so incredible. Are you enjoying the job?|No way! I just moved from NY to FL. You are going to love NY tho, its an awesome state. Congrats on the job! |Oh my goodness, that is no fun. Was it poisonous?|How wonderful. What sort of dog?|You can always leave them an angry review online|I love math, good luck with your exams than.|I'm assuming that he/she didn't return it in time. I'm sorry.|Have you talked to her about it? Maybe she doesn't really think about it anymore.|well maybe you guys should talk|I get it. There is always another meal to start making the change!|I'm sorry to hear that. I hope that everything works out for you.|Sounds like a plan! Make sure to hydrate properly because unpacking is cumbersome work!|At least you're not getting sued|yeah it can be akward some times specially if you dont know what to talk about|Oh wow, it's fortunate that you managed to get out of that situation alive. I'm glad you made it out of that awful situation. |Oh that sounds worrisome, do you think you will pass?|I bet you had tons of catching up to do!|ugh thats the worst right.. everyone should have holidays off. |i feel the same one and lately it seems to be getting worse. i've never been brave enough to go eat alone.|literally me right now actually|I totally agree. That actually sounds really good rihgt now.|Did she say thank you?|wow that is amazing I went there back in 2000. You are in for a big treat. Make sure to get french bread.|Aw man, that sucks. Promotions usually aren't given fairly in my experience. Was that the case for you too?|Are they twins?!|Aww, I am sorry, but I must say Pirate peanut butte cookies do sound good, did they help you feel any better?|Did you hide the wrappers?|Gesh, that's frustrating. I had a dog that used to do that too. Had to get a trash can with a lid.|I understand. You were the only one getting hit?|Awesome! Hopefully what you guys learned in the ropes course translates over into the workplace.|I understand that, I will pray for you|OH wow! I bet you all had a blast!!|Did you eventually get it out? I would have been flipping bonkers! |Never be too confident! You've got to give life your all at every step.|I'm sorry to hear that. I hope he is feeling better. |Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. I know pets can be like one of the family. |It means he miscalculated the time he was to spend under the water. Sorry for him|Oh, that's too bad. I know exactly how you feel. Hopefully your husband will watch your son another night so you can go have some fun. |Ouch! Did she hurt it or is it a degenerative thing? I hope she can find help with physical therapy.|Yes I can related to that feeling|Yea my mother has been a huge support to me over the years, how about you?|Do you have daughters of your own?|Oh wow, What kind of dog was it? I'm so sorry that must've been super hard|That's what's most important. I'm glad everything has gone well.|thats great, happy for yo|Wao it must be very difficult to be separated from your wife and son, sorry|I really hope she gets better too, it must be terrible to know you cant have any kids. You're a good man for helping her cope.|I will have a look at it on my lunch break today! I did snorkelling in the Philippines at it was amazing. That was on the island of Coron|Yeah I understand. Big life changes make me feel uneasy sometimes too.|About what?!|Yes, it is partially true. What is the problem?|Nice! Why do you like it more than other places you've lived?|Holy cow. Was anything missing?\nhit:10142_conv:20284,3,ashamed,I haven't been following my healthy eating regiment as strictly as I should. Even though I don't need to lose any weight, I want to be healthy and cheating on this diet makes me feel bad.,580,Yeah. Carbs like pasta and bread get me every time. ,5|5|5_5|5|5,\nhit:10142_conv:20284,4,ashamed,I haven't been following my healthy eating regiment as strictly as I should. Even though I don't need to lose any weight, I want to be healthy and cheating on this diet makes me feel bad.,203,I know, fresh bread is a big temptation to me, and what about sweets and desserts, do you have a weakness for those too?,5|5|5_5|5|5,,I usually love the trips down memory lane, but the sad side of it are the ones who are no longer around. I'm sorry.|Oh nice, where are you going?|I wouldnt get discouraged. Maybe talk to your boss and see what you can improve on next time. I'm sure, at least if you have a good boss, they will want you to succeed and guide you in how to do better.|which team are you supporting|I can imagine! That extra set of hands -- and a person you can *trust* -- that's the best!|I understand. Layoffs are hard. My brother in law has been through a lot of those at factories!|Oh no! Was anyone hurt?|Puppies are smart believe it or not, use treats and don't yell or punish for their mistakes. A change of tone and placing them outside works really well.|I know right. I would be so furious!|That is the worse, you finally find a brand and fit that perfect and they discontinue making them that is the worst, happens to me all the time.|Did that happen tonight?|I am sure he thinks it's his world, the rules dont apply to him. Sorry you have to deal with that people can be so rude|Ooh, will you be managing anyone?|You should keep an eye on him older people are more prone to getting sick.|Oh my gosh that's horrible. I hope they caught the person who hit her!|It reminds you of how beautiful life is.|That's a great asset to have emotionally I think.|I have never been on a trip before.|That's disappointing. What happened? Did he just not do anything?|That can be kind of scary. How did it go?|Why would you do that?|Oh, that would be rough. I've been through that too.|I bet It will teach you.|Oh I see, Ha! I would have just worn them like that to be more fashionable!|true that, you cant be too sure until you use it|Was it suppose to scare you?|Haha, nooooo... don't do that. There are too many of those people in the world as it is.|Yes I do actually, I was almost in an accident because of rain at night once. |Ugh! I use to have the same problem with my neighbors dog who would poop in my driveway! At least it was my tires and not my feet that got the unpleasant surprise.|Is there anyone you could go and visit and maybe stay the night?|That is terrible. Those days, a lot of people do stupid things.|Well sometimes that isn't a bad thing really. You didn't enjoy it at all?|Yes definitely, makes me feel like im doing soemthing good and helps me get better looking and healthier|That's great. What made it so special this year?|Was it real?|oh how does it go|What restaurant is it for? |What a great friend you have. Definitly get him a gift when you are done.|Drunk people can get pretty disgusting in general.|That's awesome. Sometimes I wish I could be back in my childhood. Maybe if only for a day. ha ha.|I understand. Stress is a definite mood killer|I know, fresh bread is a big temptation to me, and what about sweets and desserts, do you have a weakness for those too?|What was it? Was it really that crazy?|I hope you can have you applied or did you interview already?|Oh man, I can't stand barking dogs. I wish owners would do something to shut them up. |thats good you told him. Thats a lot to keep inside. Hopefully he wasnt mad|its ok you tried your best |Oh definitely, Youtube is a great platform for these talented people|That's not good, we ended up lucky with who we have |Oh I hope you do well then|I bet it was really quiet and lonely. Did you find some time for yourself though?|I agree 100%. Sounds like it's time to start downloading some new tunes to test out!|Congratulations on your hair.|That's still pretty impressive. I bet he was proud of himself also! Does he plan to do it again and will you maybe do it with him?|That's really great. I am sure you will do well on the test.|It paid off. Wish I was smart like that|i admire that |Why do you need to go to the doctor?|Were you star struck?|That sounds beautiful! What emotions did they bring out of you?|Yes it can be really helpful! I went to school 3 hours from my home and it was still hard to meet new people|That's wonderful that you are pursuing a degree. What is it in?|At his age, they progress very quickly|That's great , sorry for the error and unrelated message previously sent :) but you do have great friend that are dependable|I am the same way, I barely make anything compared to a lot of people I know|Yea my mother has been a huge support to me over the years, how about you?|Great, when will you know your scores?|That's good to hear! Hope that it continues that way.|That's great. What classes are you taking?|Wow! He sounds like a super smart cat! How did you get him out of there?|exam's are always scary. we just need to take the mind out of it|Did he go on anymore after that?|I bet he is. Don't worry|Awesome, congrats! I'm not too familiar with the Oculus Rift, is there a particular game you're eager to play?|Does she have like some other issues like mentally?|thats intresting, you must be very happy now|That's nice of them! People stopped doing that for me once I got older. I miss them|I am glad you love her, it must be a nice feeling|I loved that too!|I guess that was what you call a temporary situation. Sometimes moving on is required.|That is awful. Was anyone else hurt?|Lol, well done for attempting it. Did you make it to work on time?|That sounds unfortunate. You must have been so annoyed with him!|I can tell where this is going.|Wow, thats insane. I feel like thats illegal|Oh well maybe she has a lot of problems internally. You never know how someone's home life is like.|Did she die recently?|That is cool. Definitely you will|Wao,thats really not cool|Wow!! That's crazy. I'm like that though. I never win anything either|Did you kill the snake?|Oh my goodness! That is scary! Are you alright? Did anyone get hurt?|I'm so glad you came out of it okay. I hate driving in bad weather and reckless driving just makes it worse.|Wow, your son is lucky to have a parent who is on top of things!|Oh, he certainly will when he feels the hot, guilty tears running down his face from that strong, independent, jealous filled slap!|Thank goodness. Hurricanes are no joke.|I know that feeling. I like to keep the TV on to drown out the silence|That's true. Any memory in particular?|Can you report the caller?|You weren't excited about it?\nhit:10142_conv:20284,5,ashamed,I haven't been following my healthy eating regiment as strictly as I should. Even though I don't need to lose any weight, I want to be healthy and cheating on this diet makes me feel bad.,580,Yup. Even though I don't need to lose any weight, I want to be healthy and cheating on this diet makes me feel bad.,5|5|5_5|5|5,\nhit:10143_conv:20287,1,trusting,I told my best friends about my suicidal thoughts. I knew I could have faith in them, and they were super supportive.,580,I told my best friends about my suicidal thoughts.,5|5|5_5|5|5,\nhit:10143_conv:20287,2,trusting,I told my best friends about my suicidal thoughts. I knew I could have faith in them, and they were super supportive.,659,It's really a good start to recognized that you should talk about it. We all need someone to just listen once in awhile.,5|5|5_5|5|5,,haha.. Sorry, i couldn't help but picturize it.|I am sorry to hear that. Mine died of old age as well last month.|you didn't talk to any of them during summer break? is there anyone specific you're looking forward to see?|I think it's a good outlook.|I bet. I she moving school or a job?|I hope they do something to help that poor puppy.|Wow! 30th is a big milestone birthday! I can imagine that everyone was excited to get to share that with you.|Good for you. Being prepared is always better than the alternative.|Oh no, that's bad. Have you had someone come out and check the hose?|That is awful and very sorry you had to go through that. I work at a cancer hospital so I can't imagine going through that with a loved one.|You shoudl write the date on stuff to prevent that from happening again|Oh, I bet that could be frightening for your dogs. Did you try to complain to them?|I'm so sorry. You feel so helpless when someone you love is ill.|So i am guessing she gave you a good surprise?|I completely agree, having complete control over your diet is amazing and has a ton of benefits|Oh no, I hope it wasn't an important meeting.|That is very true. I sincerely wish you both to have a wonderful time!|I remember those times. Did you get what you wanted?|Nice. I like dogs.|oh yeah that must have been a good time|Be sure to do it, otherwise they could keep harassing you|It's really a good start to recognized that you should talk about it. We all need someone to just listen once in awhile.|what was wrong with it|That is a good thing then|Wow, you're smart and kind! I wouldn't know where to start re. building a computer. Well done!|Well I think as long as you say sorry, she can forgive.|The cat didn't like you, oh dear. I am so sorry that happened. You need to spend more time with the cat.|Absolutely|right now it's freezing in my home lol I just got out of bed after 30 mins of sitting because it's coold|That is terrible, he could have hurt the horse!|oh god, how did you . have the courage to even go outside?|aww that stinks, i hope you were at least able to sell them and make some money|Have you been a long time runner before that?|To be fair, everybody makes mistakes and it's bound to happen even to the best of us!|Wow, that should have been amazing|Did you catch anything?|Oh no, poor dog :( I'd be devastated too, i love dogs so much.|You have a test coming up?|What did she surprise you with?|That's exciting! When will she be moving in?|Haha, same! Just one more hour for me. Hope you can enjoy it soon!|The way you wrote that makes it seem like you're anticipating something bad... Do you mind if I ask what you're expecting to happen?|What restaurant is it for? |Yeah I hear you! Do you like to read or watch TV?|That sucks. I'd be very upset. You have to be careful who you order from online. Some times if the price is too goot to be true its a fake product.|That's amazing. You must have been so surprised and happy!|Oh wow. That's pretty scary. I would be horrified.|I don't know what I would have done|I was very nervous. I did not know if I would pass or not.|Sorry, that was an error! Any way over to your conversation.Who did you cut off that made you feel bad?|Wow. I must have a boring life then, because I have only seen tug boats and barges on the Mississippi.|Do it! I bet you deserve it|that's why I do it, for a great cardio workout. so what were the results?|that sounds like a well deserved plan.|I agree with you there, I would ask him to pay honestly|really? was it about something very stupid?|Thats... uh... strange?|damn, him and XXXtentacion we're really good.|Thats horrible! Im so sorry to hear that. Why would she do that?|That sounds very frustrating.|How are you celebrating it?|Yeah, I can understand that. Sometimes when you're not in a position to enjoy yourself because you're busy being tied down with responsibilities, it's easy to get mad at others. Whatever you can do to spin it positively, I would suggest that. Being negative about it will only make everyone's lives worse.|Im sorry to hear that it can be hard ;/|That is a relief. Sounds like you made it just in time.|It's been really rainy. My power just went out awhile ago.|That's good, I love relaxing outside by a pool.|How so?|That is amazingly lucky! good for you!|That is a tough thing to deal with but hopefully his first F will also be his last.|I'm sorry to hear you're having to deal with that|Best way to ensure your food is clean and free of hair cook it yourself.|OH NO! I would be devastated. Did he pass, or missing?|Do you think he'll get angry?|What's the band?|I say skip work next time :p go for it |Oh your right, I have an almost 3 year old and I wouldn't know how to explain it as well! That is so hard sometimes because you don't know what to say!|That's understandable. I wish you the best in staying smoke free!|That is so sweet of you. I love cats, you must be a caring spouse.|I think my favorite and easiest would have to be Atkins but still alot of prep to get started|Those are the best. Especially the white sand crystal clear water beaches.|Where is she?|These references are perfect. And your girlfriend must enjoy you very much. Mazel tov, you crazy kids!|That's good! That probably means you worked on it until it became something you're proud of.|I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you don't have to work through the weekend!|Well, maybe yours. Mine just want to sit inside and play on their phones all day.|That's a great asset to have emotionally I think.|If you share the fridge, I'd let her know if it causes an odor or might affect the other food.|I don't know what I would do without my dog. I'm glad you have one that's always there for you!|That is SO exciting! Congratulations! You are a fabulous role model for your son.|I don't understand the context of this conversation.|I wish I could have heard your speech. it must have been really funny.|Whatever it is, I hope you have a good time!|Yes, I love to visit the zoo! |Hey, that's awesome! I hope you get it. When do you hear?|Thank God you will be able to tell them in person about how much you miss them|Wow, that's horrible, I hope he calmed down after and apologized to everyone|Thats never good when you have a bad manager. What made them so bad?|If it were me, I'd call the animal shelter and report possible abuse since the dog does nothing but bark all day - poor thing just needs attention and the owner isn't taking care of it.|That sounds very exciting! What kind of planning did you put into such an achievement?|Oh no! That is horrible! Is he OK?\nhit:10143_conv:20287,3,trusting,I told my best friends about my suicidal thoughts. I knew I could have faith in them, and they were super supportive.,580,Yeah you're right. I had faith in them and they ended up being really supportive.,5|5|5_5|5|5,\nhit:10143_conv:20287,4,trusting,I told my best friends about my suicidal thoughts. I knew I could have faith in them, and they were super supportive.,659,Oh that's a good friend. I hope your feeling better now.,5|5|5_5|5|5,,Oh no, poor dog :( I'd be devastated too, i love dogs so much.|Oh, I see. I thought that some other bad things happening in your personal life are making you cry|Aww.. Did you used to go as a family to the beach?|Sometimes we believe is the things that happen to us ... they are many|Okay, tell me more about that.|Was it more than expected?|The dentist makes me a bit nervous|Aww, was he scared?|I always liked those old lunch boxes myself. Do you have a favorite?|wow that is very nice|Yeah, we were blissfully unaware of the real world in those days. It must have been nice to reminisce.|Yes, they are. He is my daughter's best friend. She can do whatever she wants and he is unphased.|It seems most responsible to alert someone to clean it.|thats awesome|How many month earlier he came?|That is not good, what happened|well i hope everything goes well for you, you will sure find something fitting for you dont worry|I like your confidence! Fighting!|I hope all goes well so you're as happy as possible.|that is horrible, natural disaster are the worst because you cant do anything against them|I wish people understood how precious life really is.|Yeah, I guess you would know for sure, since you've seen it first hand. Especially a place like Haiti, that's just gets pounded with hurricanes. What brought you to Haiti, if you don't mind me asking?|I really love that album! We will have to listen to it together sometime.|Tots?|Well I can understand your nervousness. I probably would be on guard as well|Oh no. What did you do?|I do. It feels great to get out into nature doesn't it?|Was the color of red that different to show on the red carpet?|Well I hope it lasts forever|That's great. Maybe a promotion or a raise in on the horizon?|That sounds so good. Like I love that stuff.|Oh that's a good friend. I hope your feeling better now.|I can understand that. I think the next company you apply for will be your time to shine!|That's hilarious, But I also feel bad for you. Perhaps there is a way to calm yourself down after you watch a scary movie?|Maybe so. It's good he has a good home now.|at least your ok, thank god for that|What branch of the military then?|That must have been a bit scary, You should have called the police.|thats the way to do it|Keep up the great work. Pass that exam with flying colors.|What did you almost buy?|going to see some old friends this weekend|Ah yes, a glass of wine might help to make that feel better. Still, what a pain. Lousy end to a lousy day. |oh nice well happy birthday|Well that's kind of disappointing. It's always a let down when you go out and it isn't is good as you were hoping.|well that's better than nothing at all :)|Nice! I used to live in St. Paul, MN. Weather's like a tundra which is why I'm down here|But you have recovered now. Right?|That is terrible. Those days, a lot of people do stupid things.|Ohh wow! I hope it gets better for you|Oh my gosh that's insane. Well, I'm sure you'll be able to control your impulses in the future. |Yes I use to own an Audio.|Not too much. I used to fly a lot but not anymore. I stick around home now mostly.|I know! It's almost an unexplainable feeling isn't it?|Oh no! So what did you do?!|Hopefully next time you will get a better score and study more!|it must must a very much hard time for you and your family |Have you prepared enough for it?|Well, it must've been something you said.|I bet. I she moving school or a job?|you took a risk huh? i hope he will be a great worker! That's good you gave him a chance|Mmm, now you're making me hungry for cake. What kind of cake was it?|I can only imagine. At least you have each other |Yeah, I love Star Wars. I was sad when Han Solo died. He was my favorite character!|Thats so good, man I have done that a time of two.|Go hand out with friends or host a night over sleep,that would be fun.| partner is very romantic person.|Oh god.. so sorry to hear that.. May i ask how did Tom pass?|Oh, he certainly will when he feels the hot, guilty tears running down his face from that strong, independent, jealous filled slap!|Whow! That sounds really disgusting! What did you do?|Oh wow and you couldn't keep your job? What were you going to school for?|I'm glad they made the right decision eventually though. It's about time!|that nice, good for you|Come clean and fix it. It will make you feel better.|Are you based in the US? Is it not about 2 am over there?|Was she your girlfriend?|Ha!! Well I've woken up from a dream and been mad at my husband because of something he did in my dream - I guess it can go the other way too!|you must be loving it|That must have been a very big man.|i understand what you are saying, pets are always close to our hearts|I will do that, i had no idea.|All spiders or just the poisonous ones?|That is SO exciting! Congratulations! You are a fabulous role model for your son.|Yeah they are. It makes me sad too man.|I hope you pass your exam. Did you do good at your exam?|Word, college is tough, wishing you the best|Wow, that sounds terrifying. You are very lucky to have made it out without any property damage though.|He sounds very nice!|Yes, google has a lot of great information for pet care.|Oh, well that is a nice surprise though!|What were your favorite games?|What were they sick from?|What is the appointment for?|Were there any signs that the driver might have been impared, as opposed to the breaks malfunctioning?|Wow, congratulations!! Are you guys excited?|Poor thing! Is he felling better now? I hope he quit that diet.|I am so sorry to hear you're going through this. Hopefully, it's nothing.|almost? so the situation resolved itself?|Sounds like a lot of fun, I kinda wish I got to do those too back in high school.|Oh god. The living room is shared. She should just leave the messiness in her room.\nhit:10147_conv:20294,1,faithful,One time I thought about getting Dominoes Pizza, but then I remembered I was loyal to Pizza Hut,547,One time I thought about getting Dominoes Pizza, but then I remembered I was loyal to Pizza Hut,5|5|5_4|5|3,\nhit:10147_conv:20294,2,faithful,One time I thought about getting Dominoes Pizza, but then I remembered I was loyal to Pizza Hut,241,I like dominos better,5|5|5_4|5|3,,That's great. What will you be doing at your new job?|that is really innocent and sweet of you my friend|I would be envious too. Perhaps next time you can go somewhere and return the feeling :D|and did you knock it out of the park? |I have to be very careful in the sun. My allergies and the sun don't mix too well. I can tolerate the rain much better. I love the sound of water.|Sounds like a wacky place to work.|Hopefully you'll able to get it all sorted out soon. I'm sure when it's done it'll be a beautiful house.|Oh that's great! Does it come with a nice raise?|Never. I hate cats personally|oooh, sorry about that, what happened|You are a true friend indeed. I bet he is very appreciative!|Its nice to have the internet|Good job! Do you feel pretty prepared?|I'm sorry, How long has it been?|That must be nice. I wish i had one.|But you have recovered now. Right?|Did you tell someone about it so they could take care of it?|Aww man that sucks, One day your hard work will pay off, so don't let it get to you too much. I am sure she is not intentially doing that|Did you fart?|Have you always been scared of heights?|That is so sweet. My apartments don't allow pets|Wow that must be lot of preparation |I love the Autobahn.|LOL. Be careful.. thats a ton of carbs.|I don't know what I would have done|Do you know it was her for sure? That is horrible that you cant trust your own sister.|I'm sure you did. Guess he couldn't make it to the trash can.|That is not good|Nice to still see that behavior in todays world. :)|That is great to hear that things are going well for you.|That sucks. How long have you been a teacher for?|Did it rain a lot?|That is unfortunate, my own mother was ill for several years, she is getting older as well. Do you get to see her often?|I hope you can have you applied or did you interview already?|I'm so glad you came out of it okay. I hate driving in bad weather and reckless driving just makes it worse.|I would argue most good employers can diagnose incompetence from the first or second conversation. If they can't, maybe they aren't good employers.|It's always best to just open your mind to anything that could happen. It's the best way to learn.|I like dominos better|Go hand out with friends or host a night over sleep,that would be fun.|That is so sad. I hope they recover okay. Hopefully you weren't in trouble for being late either.|That is great. That should be good insurance. Are you generaly happy with it?|Oh no, I'm sorry hun. I hope you're at least moving for a good reason like better opportunities. |That's good on his part, how do you feel about it?|I've done that before... I enjoyed it too! I love looking back at old pictures and stuff|Thats always fun! Does your pup do well with other dogs?|And more to come hopefully! Don't forget to save for retirement and/or emergency fund :D|Yeah, that is a hard one to deal with. Maybe you should give it back so you will not feel bad about yourself.|Is it not going to happen?|That's great!! Hopefully he will do good in school this year and not have to go to summer school again!|lol that remind me of a movie i saw with robert deniro , thats absolutly bizzare by the way but cool at the same time|Oh no! Did you get the surgery?|Wow, thats very admirable of you. People who abuse animals are the worst kind of people.|Good luck to you! I wish you all the best <3|That is a good lesson to learn early, I am glad everything turned out okay for you!|Tell me all about it.|Is he sick or just being lazy?|You are welcome, if you take your stand they will behave|I am so sorry to hear that, that is a real bummer. Were you injured?|I know how you feel, I'm sorry about that, at least he probably came back pretty quickly.|That's great. Maybe a promotion or a raise in on the horizon?|Oh no. I hope it goes well for you. That's a lot of hard work.|Bah, those newfangled computers. It's nice to have a tech saavy friend.|Well sometimes that isn't a bad thing really. You didn't enjoy it at all?|That's always a good thing. It means you should get on great with your neighbors.|That's great news! It sounds like he is enjoying his new freedom, and was ready for it. |That's terrible. Someone should call animal control on them.|Did you take it back that is so disgusting. |oh wow that really sucks|At least it sounds like you recovered everything! |Where are you going?|Ugh noooo! Thats terrible i am so sorry. :( |Same here. Well I hope he can adapt and do well. Good luck with your BA too!|That sounds like some efficient planning! I hope you enjoy your trip!|I feel your pain. I live in Orlando, Florida. So Im in the same boat.|That's sweet! I have a great husband too! How long have you been married?|Mmhm. I wish I studied more, paid more attention, and joined more clubs. But I guess that's the thing, you're already as busy as it gets, and unfortunately you can't experience it all.|You are a good example to others.|Oh man. That would of startled me too. What did you do after?|yeah it unfortunate we have to worry about things like this.|Good for you. You can also call your friends to hang out if you have close ones|Word, college is tough, wishing you the best|Yeah, that is tough. Once you get to a certain age you have to work pretty hard to meet people. Maybe you could join a softball league, that's what I did.|Don't be. Just visualize yourself already having the job.|They will really appreciate that when they are older and look back on it. |Guilt can be a terrible thing to live with.|oh thats really sweet!|Right!? It's weird, you buy them all the toys in the world, but they still go after your stuff.|Good luck|Thats horrible! Did you get the police involved?|Are you trying to go out and meet some ladies |What are your plans?|We live and we learn lol|Sounds like the trip went well. I am glad you enjoyed it!| And why do not you try to teach your brother?|that sounds like a good career|That is awesome that he gave it away! Maybe good karma will let him win again.|Did you bring them a pan of ludefisk first? What did they say?|Thats horrible, hope he is ok.|No way? Do you have proof? That is terrible.|That would be awesome to have the whole lake to yourself! My guess is the weather was nice too if you guys got to use the boat most days!\nhit:10147_conv:20294,3,faithful,One time I thought about getting Dominoes Pizza, but then I remembered I was loyal to Pizza Hut,547,It tastes pretty good now, but I still like the oily goodness of Pizza Hut!,5|5|5_4|5|3,\nhit:10147_conv:20294,4,faithful,One time I thought about getting Dominoes Pizza, but then I remembered I was loyal to Pizza Hut,241,Dominoes, IMO, has better prices and better pizza. I dont like all that oil,5|5|5_4|5|3,,That's awful! I hope that she didn't mean too!|so bad i can imagine that loose he made to you|Congrats!, I'm sure you must be very happy!|That is good to hear. She should be a big help a lot quicker than normal then.|i bet that was quite the blast from the past|Wow, I hope you're getting paid for all that extra time!|Oh I don't deal with that well. I hope you get a new boss!|That's awesome! Hopefully it comes back in one piece.|I love old school video games. What were your favorites?|is that the one with Bryce Dallas Howard?|hi|That's good, sometimes it's good to just be lazy inside the house.|Dominoes, IMO, has better prices and better pizza. I dont like all that oil|Yeah, I had my Commodore 64 and Amiga in the late 80's. Still, the games were great when they worked!|That's good to hear that you care for your son so much. I am sure he will be quite an intelligent child going to the best of the best.|Well music does have a really cathartic effect on people.|Its fair that way|Wow, are they going to pay for it?|Oh no, I am so sorry to hear that. It's stressful. I hope your job is safe?|Wao thats so cool you must so excited, how long has it been?|That sucks, I love dogs.|That would be awesome! Did your cousin pay you?|I can't even imagine to be honest.|Oh wow, that does sound horrible|I am so glad! You know what to do to help your body and mind and that is good self-care. I try to do that as well as meditate and pray in the morning. Really refocuses me. I'm glad you're feeling better!|i hope your work day goes by fast|I hope that all goes well. I am sure he will be good as new after!|The coolest race I saw was late at night on the highway out of town.|Did you try therapy at all or counseling?|Oh I'll bet that didn't smell pleasant.|Ooh, I've always wanted to learn how to do that. You must be so excited!|same with me if i ever see someone that could use my help, i will most likely bring it to you|Lol, well done for attempting it. Did you make it to work on time?|That isn't good. Are you mad at your friend?|what did you see? please don't tell me there was a bug in your bread|One day she'll look back and it will mean so much to her! Memories with parents are the best ones.|Please tell me you won a lot of money.|I bet they were lol atleast you can laugh about it now. |That's awesome! Happy belated birthday! What did she get you?|Perhaps be less cocky next time? Either way B's get degree's. |That's nice that you helped him. I'm sure he appreciated it!|and did you find one?|It must've have been. Glad they are okay now.|That is not very considerate or respectful, plus the dog could get hurt if a vehicle were traveling down the street.|That's good to hear. I do plan on taking my kids in the future!|I know what you mean. Just believe in yourself|I hope he did a good job!|I bought a lite brite from goodwill about a year ago. It was one of the remakes from recent years but we had fun with it.|That sounds super scary, could he tell that your were scared or nervous? How did you escape that situation?|Cherish this time you have, because you never know when it could change!|Are you pregnant? |I bet! I can't imagine what that must be like to see a bran new life.|Thats nice, i wish you the very best for your results!|Well, I'm happy for you :) It shows that they care|Oh wow! Are the babies ok?|Wow that must be lot of preparation |Oh no! That's not very nice but I guess you can play it off by just acting cool and laughing it off. |Awesome! It's nice to see people who knew you so long ago. No friendships like those!|Oh that sounds even tougher. It is a long time but I hope it flies by for you and your hubby is back home again.|That's not good, we ended up lucky with who we have |You're lucky the cow didnt hurt you.|Don't be. i think you will ace it.|Oooh, that's rough. Did you make him mad?|I took it to the apple store and it actually got fixed in 5 mins, just needed a hardware reset|Yes definitely, makes me feel like im doing soemthing good and helps me get better looking and healthier|That is terrible, you must have been devastated, I hope he find the help he/she needs.|That's great. I bet it was wonderful experience.|Oh, that must have been so precious! We had deer around where I used to live - they're gorgeous creatures.|That sounds fun. Is it a special occasion?|lol, it happens to us all|You must be really excited for it! Do you think its going to be girl or boy?|Be responsible about what?|Oh my! That sounds exciting for sure! I couldn't do it, I don't think.|its always nice when grandmas come visit.|I hate it when that happens! were you ok?|Everyone gets jealous, It when you act on unfounded stuff that is the issue.|I don't think you will need to worry then.|Well, At least you're in one piece. you could have been in several.|Awww. Did you keep it?|Yes I do actually, I was almost in an accident because of rain at night once. |He's very lucky to have you.|Why not?|Australia. I hope to go there some day|Do you think you will ever zip line again?|Wow they must have had 1 too many drinks if they could not even get to the bathroom. I am sorry you had to see such a disgusting sight |Well, hopefully there will be nothing but great things for him in his future.|That movie is a classic! I loved it as a kid!|How come you didn't collect them? i loved them myself.|thats amazing i cant wait to have my own one day|Oh no, how did you make things right with the manager. I am sure he is just wanting to get paid. |i would be really annoyed myself, why so many frequent calls ?|Nice choice! Getting a B is definitely something to celebrate|oh that sucks, i hope it has healed since then|That had to be relief. So now you won't have to deal with that frustration again.|Is it not going to happen?|i know ever since i purchased a new car, i know for a fact i did not read the fine print but insurance companys call me almost every day multiple times a day , its really annoying |Oh wow! I bet that was really exciting. I have never been out of the country.|Golf is by far my favourite hobby, this sounds awesome! What island was it?|Oh wow! I bet the person inside would've pooped his pants, but there was probably none left!|Oh, sorry. That's awesome. What does his charity support?\nhit:10172_conv:20344,1,caring,One time my mom brought me lunch all the way from her work!,547,One time my mom brought me lunch all the way from the restaurant where she works!,5|5|5_5|5|5,\nhit:10172_conv:20344,2,caring,One time my mom brought me lunch all the way from her work!,561,That's thoughtful of her. Nice to know that your mom was thinking of you in the middle of the day.,5|5|5_5|5|5,,You can do better next time I believe in you!|Oh that sounds really annoying. maybe you can look it up online or get someone to help?|Sounds like a lot of fun, I kinda wish I got to do those too back in high school.|Oh that's wonderful! How long have you two been dating?|Oh no! Was anyone hurt?|That is for sure, especially a smell that just throws you back|eww LOL|I am sure it'll be ok. Usually if you stay in contact with them and don't blow them off for a long time it will be OK.|You must be really excited for it! Do you think its going to be girl or boy?|I understand that completely! Did you have to get any work done?|Did you get anything extra, like a bonus or a trip.|I would've too, but sometimes people need to learn a lesson.|I have no doubt that you will be a great RN!|That is probably so annoying|Caring for both the young and the old. Any hospital would be lucky to have you on staff!|Me too, especially when it's still the middle of the day.|Wow, thats very admirable of you. People who abuse animals are the worst kind of people.|Why do you say that|I am the same way, I barely make anything compared to a lot of people I know|They're going to remember that forever|I am so sorry to hear about your loss. What did he get you?|I'm sorry to hear about that. It sounds like, to me, that he lived a long life with you though, and that you were able to spend a lot of time with him. I'm worried for my girlfriend and what she'll do when that happens to her and her dog|That's good, glad he wasn't having too tough a time.|Idk beat him up, lol. throw a drink at him, the sky is the limit! |What did you find?|I don't blame you. I've never seen one before, I'd hate to see one.|Why do cities make you feel that way?|Do you exercise often?|That's thoughtful of her. Nice to know that your mom was thinking of you in the middle of the day.|It's always difficult losing a pet. I'm sure you had a flood of positive memories and sadness than they're gone|Oh no, I've had a few days like that. Did you laugh it off?|True, you never know these days.|Well that's sweet. How did the policeman react?|That is very very cool. I would love something like that in mine|That was probably a good plan to buy them ahead of time|That is a good one! it is not always broken though. Sometimes they are out of ice cream mix because the workers eat it all|Were you suprised that they did this for you?|No way! That's actually a super awesome prize! Have fun|Oh crap! how long untill you realized?|Ouch that sucks. I'm sorry to hear that.|Aw well that is normal. I'm sure she didn't want to leave. Every day will get a little easier.|its a beautiful place|You should. and get new friend|I still could not do that, I am very weak human person.|Well at least he passed - that's great!|well that's great news congratulations, how long have you known each other?|Oh, I understand. Did it bring it to you at all?|You definitely took a leap of faith there. How'd it go?|well that was nice of someone|I hope it wasn't too much money just in case.|lol. it kinda is. i moved about 3 hours south of my office a few years ago and since even at the office my work involves connecting to remote data centers it hasn't changed my job any. |Sounds like someone who is actually not a friend. How long have you known her?|That sucks. Did anyone get hurt?|What a surprise haha|I'm glad you didn't get hurt.|Wow! That's awesome! What did you do with it?|That is good, such an embarrassing situation to be in.|I bet you are. What are you going to do? |Does it have a good location? You know the only rule of real estate, right? Location, Location, Location.|Oh wow. is it really as scary as the reviews say it is?|Too late I already took it. Just kidding, did you find it?|Great, when will you know your scores?|Same here, I'm in Texas. Where are you located|That's exciting! I'm guessing you're a Lakers fan?|Being good at math will open lots of opportunities for you. Keep at it.|I would call them. They usually give you some credit for that.|Where are you located ?|Oh no, what happened? Hopefully the whole weekend didn't get ruined!|I like incense. Did you find the cause of the bad odor?|Did you feel lonely, or were you happy to have some time to yourelf?|I am never ready. which diet are you trying|Oh my goodness, are you alright? I bet you created a mess!|I hope you guys have the best time!|That really sucks. Have you tried taking some melatonin?|That sucks! I hate wasps and most other bugs, so I feel your annoyance.|wow , thats great. You must be loving it|Awesome. I am so glad to hear that.. Always good to hear the stories were someone gets away!!|He was lucky to have you waiting there for him!|It will be okay|Just cherish the moments|That is good to hear. What will he be doing?|You are so welcomed!|That's a bad supervisor. Did you call him/her out on it?|Wow, so a proper adventure then. Have fun and stay safe!|Why, what do you have planned?|How did you discover exactly what it was?|That's good! I guess you studied a lot?|That's great. I have been there before. It used to be a Spring Break hotspot.|Ooh I live pretty close to it. You have a great husband to give you that treat!|Well, don't let this one situation define you. Use it as a learning experience and move on, and do you best not to repeat it.|Oh yes. But, I found that getting involved in clubs along with a major I liked actually allowed me to spend less time studying and more time learning for fun. It's a subtle, but important diffeence|Oh that is great! Congratulations on your knew home! That must be so exciting!|ok, next|Oh wow. Give me the details.|Sorry to hear that, were they understanding about it?|What was so fun?|It is the best season, by far! Plus, Halloween!|Wao it must be very difficult to be separated from your wife and son, sorry|Are you pregnant? |I always keep some propolis pills with me just in case.\nhit:10172_conv:20344,3,caring,One time my mom brought me lunch all the way from her work!,547,Yup, she is the best! I shall make it up to her one day!,5|5|5_5|5|5,\nhit:10172_conv:20344,4,caring,One time my mom brought me lunch all the way from her work!,561,Take her out to dinner! That would be a treat.,5|5|5_5|5|5,,Were you in a tent or a camper? I hope you kept your food locked up tightly.|Oh, I shouldn't be ungrateful, lol! At least he kills them before delivering them. A friends cat used to deliver live mice into the bathtub!|You are good to allow him to borrow the car.|You are a true friend indeed. I bet he is very appreciative!|Your best friends?|He is just a mix breed. We really don't even know.|It's awful out there. It's been in the 100's here in TX|yes the patient is very ill|That's good, I love relaxing outside by a pool.|I would definitely make digital copies and upload to a cloud or a disk in case something happens.|I'm sorry to hear that. That's an awful way to go.|Oh wow! My dog Jr died of old age too.|Ah, gotcha. I hate it when things happen out of our control. Hope you get it figured out|I am so happy for you. You should get a nice dinner with your family.|I do not yet but hope to one day. I think you will be a great parent! |That is terrible. How long have you had this pet?|That's crazy, and a little heart-breaking too. I'm envious of the bond and routine it sounds like you guys had. I have yet to develop a bond like that with a pet. I hope I do at some point|Oh lord, i am so sorry! I have been there, that is hard!|Oh no! When that happens you have to get up and yell, Safe!\"|Sometimes deaths affect us even when we're not really close.|I'll bet it is! Best of luck with your new truck!|Oh no! What's wrong with your dad?|oh no. im sorry to hear that|Are you prepared?|It sounds like a very challenging environment to work in.|That has got to feel good! You must feel very happy and relaxed!|What happened?|That's very sad, has he considered getting help for his addiction?|That's so true. Im 30 and just now having the time to work on my bachelors. But I have a lot of work experience.|Could you get with your HR department to see if they can assist?|oh that sucks.. did someone move it out of the way?|That's good. Now you don't have to worry about it.|Maybe they know a friend who knows a friend.|Yeah, that does sound like a conflicting situation. Well at least you're doing something positive.|I hope so too, get it checked out!|Ohhhh, disgusting. What did you do?|Sounds like you are doing all the right things. Did anything go wrong?|Good for you! Congrats buddy|She's also a hard worker.|Oh that's never a good situation. It happens to the best of us though. I need to clean my fridge|That's a bad attitude to have. I hope he can straighten up a bit if we wants to keep working there.|That was so awesome of your mom :)|I understand but memories are always nice. |That is awesome, what types of photos did you find? Anything funny or silly? |Sounds like a plan! Make sure to hydrate properly because unpacking is cumbersome work!|Wow, I hope you're getting paid for all that extra time!|i totally understand that. i'm sorry.|I've tried a few, and I would have to say the one that I liked the most was Weight Watchers. It's pretty easy to stay on, and the food is usually good. The only big problem is that it gets expensive.|Awesome. What is your job?|You got a figure in mind for your house or are you letting the agent handle that as well?|For real. Glad you had enough self-respect to handle it, most people dont'|Wait, you forgot you're vegetarian? That must've been pretty shocking|That's great. Maybe a promotion or a raise in on the horizon?|Did you not have your own food?|Nice! Where did you go?|I hope you're holding up then, I would be devastated if my pet died.|That is terrible, you must have been devastated, I hope he find the help he/she needs.|He must be very smart|That is an amazing accomplishment. What field are you in?|I am sorry that you are going through this|The loss of a pet is heartbreaking. I know how you feel. How old was Trevor.|Nice, a step up is always such a relief. Do you feel confident you'll get the job?|Ouch that sucks. I'm sorry to hear that.|I wouldn't want another either it takes one time for me to find hair, bug etc and I am done with the restaurant. |That sounds like a blast. Compared to my job LOL. |Haha, nooooo... don't do that. There are too many of those people in the world as it is.|So, did you get it?|That sounds really disappointing. Hopefully, you'll be able to see them soon! I'm sure they were excited too.|Probably the mid to late 90s. This is going to be hilarious but my one memory from that era is when I first heard Brittany Spears hit me baby one more time song. It changed my life|Oh, I'm sorry. Why didn't you get to go with him?|So did you help him / her|She will definitely appreciate it when she gets older too. I still remember my dad helping me with math homework and cant thank him enough for the help he gave me throughout the years.|Why was she upset? Depending on how many people entered, fifth could be really good.|That's great news! I bet you're so proud.|I haven't been there in so long for that exact reason.|Sounds like fun! I'm glad you had a happy birthday.|thats really cool. How did he react?|good luck! we just had our mini cooper blow its engine yesterday .. $12.5k to replace |That's good to hear. I do plan on taking my kids in the future!|Ah ok, was it fun then?|Is there anything you can put on them or near them to stop him?|How big was the deck?|That's amazing! How old is she?|You need to save your money to be able to afford it.|Children usually do really well, they are versatile. |I'm sure he doesn't expect it but thats a really nice thing he did.|That's odd. I would've told him so and asked for my money back. |That was lucky. Losing power is bad, but at least that was it. Scary situation. |Oh man! I have been there, I hope you didn't have anything special down there??|yes. I wish I could send you a clip of it from the concert. It was awesome. Maybe you could catch def leppard next time. |That would be awesome to have the whole lake to yourself! My guess is the weather was nice too if you guys got to use the boat most days!|Oh good, I'm glad the entire garden didn't get ruined. I would love to plant a garden one day soon since I went vegan plant based about 3 months ago. Happy tomato eating to you!|How did you discover exactly what it was?|Did you get it all straightened out?|Take her out to dinner! That would be a treat.|Oh no! I confess I have done that to my kids!|Were you satisfied with the results?|Yes,i am|A fluffy white one? How amazing!|That's one of the hardest parts of life. What happened??" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "One time I was at the grocery store and I accidentally walked out with a item without paying for it" }, { "assistant": "Yes, I got caught and had to walk back in shame!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was very late to work today and they were so busy with patients." }, { "assistant": "Well I will find out tomorrow. I know better than that is what she told me, especially on Fridays, when we are the busiest. ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I agree. I feel so bad and embarrassed about it. Even the doctor scolded me. " }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My boss told me to go to school to become a doctor instead of a nurse. I felt like it was a compliment. Im worried about how much and how long medical school will take." }, { "assistant": "I agree. I guess I will weigh my options, its just im getting old and watn to start a family too, so I dont know.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Thank you for that! You just made my day!" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My friend and I got in an argument about religion today. It made me question my faith. " }, { "assistant": "Yeah. I want to stay true to my beliefs, but she made some very valid points. ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I will do research about her theories and then make really think about sticking to my beliefs. " }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I remember back when I started college. I moved to a new state where I didn't know anyone and I had no idea what to expect." }, { "assistant": "Yes, I did eventually. There's something to be said for living in a dorm at a time when you want to meet new people and fit in.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Today I had to tell a patient about her lab results. Come to find out she could not have babies. She was very upset." }, { "assistant": "Yeah I felt bad. She started crying so much. Its like her world ended there.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Whenever I go back to my hometown I love driving by the house I grew up in. I have such great memories." }, { "assistant": "I get to visit about once a year. I always wish that I knew who lived there now so I could see the inside of the house.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "A little, but mostly I love seeing all the things that are the same." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I found out some bad news the other day." }, { "assistant": "I just got back my grade for my final for my class and I failed it. I studied real hard, but unfortunately it didn't seem to matter.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I'm going to have to at least try. Maybe they'll be understanding and let me attempt again." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Someone twisted what I Said earlier today to make it seem like i was saying something else. I felt reall ybad." }, { "assistant": "They were angry and wanted to be aggressive. ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Some lady I know tried to hit on me even though she very well knew I am in a relationship!" }, { "assistant": "It really did but I would never do something to jeopardize my relationship.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I had a nice quiet evening at home tonight." }, { "assistant": "Well, my family was here, too. Toddlers don't make life quiet, but they make me feel fulfilled.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Full of meaning." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "There was a meeting scheduled today that I thought was utterly pointless." }, { "assistant": "It definitely was, so I ended up skipping it.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I regretted skipping the meeting a little bit, but probably not as much as if I'd gone to it." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I told my close friend a very big secret yesterday." }, { "assistant": "It was my choice. I really don't think they'll tell anyone! They're good people.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "One time I was really sure that I was going to ace a test because I studied all night" }, { "assistant": "Yup, I was worried during the test too, but I am glad everything turned out okay", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "A friend at work recently got a raise. That's the 2nd one in the last year for him!" }, { "assistant": "Yeah, but I haven't had one in 3 years.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was totally committed to him in every way I could be. HOwever he ended up cheating on me" }, { "assistant": "It would me too, not only that but he just up and got with her like I never existed to him. Its funny because he always accused me of cheating on him and I had no clue why. It was him the whole time!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "He kept doing drugs, and taking things that didnt belong to him. It broke my heart but I didnt know what else to do." }, { "assistant": "Yes you are right about that. I dealt with it for a long time and then I just couldn't anymore. Over and over things would disappear and he would of course always deny it. He became violent at time to his sister and me and I couldn't put them at risk.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "today after coming back from work i saw my wife and she was asking me why are you late with questioning eyes, i told her that i wen't to go and get her favourite meal, i felt so faithful " }, { "assistant": "she was joking about it, but she was so happy afterwards and we ate together, it was such a nice day", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "after a long day from work, i was stuck at this math problem, but then i decided to go for a walk instead of working on the problem, i trust my guts, after i had come back from the walk, the solution kicked in and i was able to do the problem" }, { "assistant": "yes always, it is something that works for me", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "it was 3am, i was walking at the utter night... i was scared out of my mind... anything could happen, my walking speed increased... and everything i was seeing suddenly became more and more scary" }, { "assistant": "in the end yes.. but the journey was sure hell", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "today i realised the small details of my life and i feel more satisfied" }, { "assistant": "that i have everything i wished for.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "One time I bought water and snacks before a hurricane came to wreck my city" }, { "assistant": "My house flooded so I had to get on my roof !", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "One time they put cheese in my hamburger when I told them not to!" }, { "assistant": "They are complete monsters I tell ya!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i lied to my mother and i feel very uneasy" }, { "assistant": "i just realised this now", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i am beginning to realise in my abilities and i feel so confident in them, i am able to anything" }, { "assistant": "In a way yes,yes i do the power of my will and mind", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "When I drink coffee, memories from my past keep playing in my head" }, { "assistant": "Memories of talking to strangers in chatroom. Lots of things ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I have been working on my programming skills and I feel like I can get a new job now!" }, { "assistant": "Hell yeah, no more living in mom's basement!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "From time to time I see an older man around our town driving his lawn mower from place to place.. SOmetimes I see him at McDonalds,or the Dollar General Store. " }, { "assistant": "Well at first I thought it was cute until I saw him at the gas station the other day. I overheard him asking someone that was getting gas if he happened to have a little change he could have. He needed to get home in his lawnmower but didn't have the money to do so. I ended up giving him 3 bucks.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i believe i am a really caring person, because i always take care of cats and feed them and lately they are more and more close to me" }, { "assistant": "i am a both person ahaha i also have a dog, but he is always so mean ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "towels, clothes, underwear and phone all checked! and ready for my holiday #feelingsoprepeared" }, { "assistant": "TO SEE MY BABY GIRL", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "One time I bought a scratch lottery ticket and I didn't win anything!" }, { "assistant": "Yes, I was off by one number. I was going to be a millionaire!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "every day the weather makes me feel so nostalgic, the colors, the wind all bring back a certain memory from my past" }, { "assistant": "yes! i am so glad you get it, it's beautiful but also sad at the same time", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "One time I went into the public restroom and saw poop smeared everywhere! Ew!" }, { "assistant": "I left as fast as possible!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Nope, just you!" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "One time I was so nervous to look at my grade for my final exam" }, { "assistant": "I failed and dropped out! Now I live in my parents house doing nothing all day", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "like who on earth writes var int value = 1, this is so ridiculous i am so annoyed at my brother, after everything i tought him, he doesn't even know the basics " }, { "assistant": "no i was the one who was upset with him", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "PROGRAMMING!" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i am working so hard, that i can see a pile of money building up for my future " }, { "assistant": "it doesn't i am taking regular breaks", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "One time I saw a creepy person run towards me in the night out in the streets" }, { "assistant": "I froze up because I was terrified. It was just my brother though", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "While I was packing my stuff to move, I found Old high school pictures. It made me think of all the good times I had." }, { "assistant": "Well more of my old best friend. I have not seen her i a long time.We went through alot together. It was nostalgic to me. ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I agree! We have alot of things to catch up on. " }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "being alive is so much stress and anxiety, why does it have to be like this? why can't we just all express our individual selves, instead we are forced to work so that we can eat " }, { "assistant": "Yes, it's true we all know this inside out, but we still continue to work on our meaningless lives, the funny thing is we all know but no one is acting, if we all acted we would be living in a much more beautiful and free life, not one which just gives the impression of freedom, that's all there is now, faking but i guess the one thing that is true is my feelings", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I watched a movie the other night that really got me in my feelings." }, { "assistant": "I don't remember the name. I was watching it with a friend and they put it on but it was about a son who found his birth mother after many years apart.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i am so disappointed in myself, i could have do so much better at work but i guess it wasn't my day, i was not able to focus" }, { "assistant": "what makes you so sure? anything can happen i mean just look at murphy's law ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My grandma ended up getting really sick this last week." }, { "assistant": "She is getting much better. My family and I did everything we could to take care of her.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i feel so guilty, my sister crying because 'someone eat her cake' that she had been saving for 2 days now, and that someone was non other than me..." }, { "assistant": "oh wow you are such a genius! why didn't i think of that before... there is always a bright side to everything", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "words cannot describe how happy i am, in 2 weeks time i will go and see my wife i am so joyful and exciting " }, { "assistant": "no we live in a long distance relationship (not for long though) so it's hard for me to see her, but i will be able to see her after 6 months apart ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I had a terrible experience at the grocery store today." }, { "assistant": "Yeah, I'm alright. But I dropped a jar of pasta sauce and it ended up shattering. Sauce got all over the floor.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I aced all my classes this semester, so Im hoping and thinking my GPA will be a 4.0" }, { "assistant": "I actually gave more effort this semester, so I will continue to do goo and hope to get into nursing school next year.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I agree. Im planning and hopping things go well." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "So everything for a party im throwing this weekend is ready and everything is paid for. I have it ready last week so I wouldnt stress." }, { "assistant": "Yea. I like to have things ready and done prior to make sure everything goes well.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Im going to ask my girlfriend to marry me this weekend! I have no doubt in my mind she will say no" }, { "assistant": "Thanks! I think we are doing well so i wont be disappointed or sidetracked by a no from her.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i am so afraid... afraid that i am not giving too much to the world, what if i parish not having done anything?" }, { "assistant": "no, i don't believe that, whether you are having a bad day or not if you look at everything clearly you will see there is a next stage, just like birth death is a process", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Not necessarily, while it's true you have your traditional christian or Muslim that preach the afterlife as some miracle and hell, scaring people into not being themselves, but death isn't a scary phase, and i don't care about whether i am going to die, as that is just the ego trying to cling on and survive, i've passed that point, but after looking clearly you'll see there is more than just this dimension and that is just a simple fact, science tells us this too, it's not about feeling good or feeling comfortable with death, it's about growing " }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]

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