SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice TITLE: Having problems with my boyfriend, but I have no clue what to do about it. Please help... :( POST: I'll just start off by saying that I'm a girl. My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost two years, and recently he has been very stressed out with school. He never calls me or texts me, I always call him first and what not, sometimes he will ignore me all day even though I can see he is on facebook all the time. I'm not sure if I'm overreacting- I hope I'm not being a crazy bitch or anything. I just feel like he doesn't even care that we're dating. I haven't seen him in 2 weeks now, and we live 30 minutes away from each other- he says it is because he has tons of schoolwork. I don't think he is cheating on me, because he is the most sexually awkward guy I have ever been with to be perfectly honest. I don't know what to do. I appreciate any advice that anyone has to offer. :/ TL;DR:
Haven't seen boyfriend in two weeks, he doesn't seem to give a shit. I am incredibly hurt by this.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Friend in [M&F 26] first serious relationship about to re-enter abusive unfaithful relationship. POST: I need advice on how I can help my friend. He reached out to me as his relationship started to have problems and when it finally hit the fan. His GF was upset he was hanging out with an attractive girl, accused her of stealing him, then used it as a reason to cheat on him with three guys in a month. Now they live together, and although he has had previous gfs she is the first serious one and he was devastated. He fell into really bad depression but they live together, so through this they kept up a weird pseudo-relationship vibe that was pretty much just physical. She has fought him, like punching kicking, and he refused to lay a finger on her to fight back especially after she threatened to hit herself and go to the cops (lots of people know they argue a lot). All of a sudden this girl is not getting as much from these other guys and all of a sudden she's acting all nice again and saying that she wants him back. I feel like he's going to do it. I want to help him either way but I really think he shouldn't go back. Is there ANYTHING I can do? TL;DR:
friend is about to start dating abusive, unfaithful gf again. Is there ANYTHING I can do to help?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [26 M] with my wife [25 F] 7 years, She left out of state and tells me there is a chance of us fixing things while she is still talking to man she had affair with. POST: Original thread [here] ( My wife ended up leaving despite the court order. I just spoke to her on the phone and she told me she is still 'talking' to the guy she had an affair with. She told me there is a chance that things between us to work out if I 'get my shit together.' I have a lawyer breathing down my neck pushing a bench warrant. I am on govt pension due to war injuries and have NO money to do anything about it. On the other hand I have the love of my life for the past 10 years and I do not want to hurt her in any way. Any advice? TL;DR:
Wife defied court order. Left with kids. My lawyer is out for blood. Love is a bitch, wat do?
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: What is a surprising reward you have received just for being a decent person? POST: My father paints apartments in a college town, so the first weekend of August is known as turn-over weekend and is crazy busy. A few years back I was helping him as I usually do and he had a woman I didn't know helping as well. She only helped the first day, and that is the only time I have ever met her. We didn't talk a whole lot while working, just a little general stuff and we had lunch together at Applebee's. Well, she is on her second marriage to my father's cousin. One day my dad informs me that she has apparently made me the only beneficiary in her will. I guess her first husband had a good deal of money that she inherited when he died, she has no children of her own, and all her step-children treat her like shit. So, she decided I was nice to her and she was leaving me everything. TL;DR:
I was nice to a lady I didn't know for a day and now she is leaving everything to me in her will.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [20f] just lost the love of my life; what now? POST: I just lost my love of my life, he was my world. A few days ago he called me and just said told me bye then hung up. I tried calling him back and nothing. When I got home he removed me from everything. He was my world and I would have done anything for him. I don't know why he did this or what happened. We never fought and everything was great. I thought so at least. I know I'm so young but it was almost 5 years of my life with him. I don't know what I did wrong. I hate myself so much right now. I could have stopped this. I don't know what to do right now. I don't know how to move on. We shared so many interest from movies, music, games everything. We liked all the same things. Everything I do just makes me want to ball up and cry. I bought his Christmas gift. Everything he gave me. I can't let go of it It's all I have of him now. I'm so heart broken right now. He's gone from my life for ever. I know younge love and everything. We made plans. I was so close, we were so close to starting everything. Just a a few more months. Now it's all gone. How do I move on. How long did it takes you guys to move on after you lost someone you loved/first love. What did you do to move on. How many heart breaks did you go through before you found the one. What helped. I'm so lost. TL;DR:
My exboyfriend called me to say good bye. Now it's over and I don't know what to do.
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice TITLE: He's shy and I'm sick of making the moves! Do I have to keep this up? POST: [20] F here, he's almost 20. We've been dating for about a month now. After our first few dates, I started getting really anxious for him to kiss me... so I finally did it for him. It was explosive. It left me so excited that the nerve-wracking physical barrier was broken. Or so I thought. I'm not sure if he's just too nervous or if he doesn't want to move as fast as I do, but we've hung out since then and there hasn't been much more than a passionate kiss goodbye. I'm sexually frustrated in a sense. This guy has no idea how sexy he is and when he's got his back turned, I can't help but bite my lip and imagine pouncing on him. I've gotten him to instigate a make-out once, but I had to be painfully obvious that I wanted him to. I don't want to go through it again. Should I just go for it? The next time we hung out after our first kiss, I apologized if I was too forward and he said, "No, I'm glad you did it. I really like you... could I do it again?" So there's some proper encouragement, but still!! It's hard! TL;DR:
I like him, he likes me. I've given him the green light. Do I have to step on the pedal, too?
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU when I got fired from my first job. POST: About 3 weeks ago, I got a job at a grocery store as a stock boy. I was so happy that I could start saving up and buying more expensive things (Like a goddamn TL;DR:
I got fired for being shit at my job and no one told be beforehand that I was being shit at my job.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: 25 (M) my ex 20 (F) and I split a few weeks ago. She's pregnant and with a new guy and it's mine POST: My ex and I split about 3 weeks ago. (not on bad terms but not good terms) She's just found out she's pregnant and she's with another guy. It's mine and she unsure whether to keep it or not. It's all we ever wanted was to have a baby. We still love each other and it's tearing me up inside. We've had an abortion before so it makes it hard for to do it again even though it's in the best interests of all parties. Other option is she has the baby and I watch someone else raise my child. What advice do you guys have. I'm at breaking point. I'm finding it so hard to handle this. TL;DR:
ex and I split, she's pregnant with my kid and with a new guy. Wants me to stay out of it
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: What's happening to me? POST: So I've recently started taking prescribed meds (Zoloft) and they've done wonders to my mood. However, last night I pretty much had the equivalent of an LSD trip: I was falling asleep but then it started w me being able to hear and be conscious about my heartbeat. Eyes still closed, I began to see images and colors that swirled inwards (like those hypnotic black and white circles that spin) mostly red and black. I couldn't really see what they were since when I tried focusing on them, they just swirled away to be quickly replaced w new images. I opened my eyes and they were still there. My hands looked like they were "leaking" since they didn't really have a defined shape.. then they started glowing red like ET. I turned the lights on and it went away,, but once they were off they came back. I was kinda freaked out at first,, but by the end I just went w the flow because I didn't know what else to do. So I just took them a few hours ago (1 per day) and fast forward to now, I felt weird like I did last night. So I went to the bathroom, closed the door, shut the lights off and 'lo and behold, I'm seeing patterns. So yeah.. I didn't know where to post this so hopefully you guys can help me. I'll tell my psychiatrist and psychologist about it, naturally, but for now I just need to understand what's happening and why. Thanks for your help! TL;DR:
Took prescribed Zoloft last night, had an LSD-type trip. Took some this morning, same deal.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: [17F] wanting to propose to boyfriend [19M] POST: I [17F] want to propose to my boyfriend [19M] of less than a year. ~~I know~~ I sound really stupid, ~~I'm not~~. We're both going to be going to college soon. He will be going in the spring and I will be going next fall. I'm afraid I'll lose him since I might be going to college in FL and we're in PA. We talked about getting married, but he was assuming that it would be 3 to 5 years from now. I could marry him tomorrow and be okay with it. If I did propose, we wouldn't be getting married for a couple of years, but at that point, is it even worth it? I think we have a unique situation: We used to work together. We met at work. (He ended up getting fired for having too many attendance points, but I still work there) He saved me from an abusive relationship. He didn't just pity me; he loved me. He is good for me. *Should I propose to him? How should I propose to him? TL;DR:
I'm a teenager who wants to propose to my boyfriend of less than a year. Should I? If so, how?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [26F] with my best friend/ex [29M] He came out as gay years ago but I'm still in love with him. Should I tell him? POST: We've been friends since right after college and we also dated briefly (3 months). We broke up, he came out, and we stayed friends. I haven't dated anyone since then and he always tries to set me up, but the truth is I've been in love with him this whole time. He is truly my best friend and the person who understands me more than anyone, but it's getting to the point where it's actually painful for me to be around him. Several months ago he hooked up with a woman "out of curiousity" and it pretty much broke my heart. I don't think he's trying to hurt me, I just think he's oblivious that I feel this way. I now feel like something has to change. It's kind of unbearable to consider admitting that I've felt this way the whole time we've been friends, and the probability that he would reject me is too much. Is it selfish/unreasonable of me to end the friendship? It's destroying me to even think about that, but it's also destroying me to keep going the way we have been. I just need some input. TL;DR:
Best friend is gay and I'm in love with him. I don't know how to tell him or if I even should.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: Why won't my boyfriend fulfill my fantasy? POST: Throwaway account. Background. Both in our 20s. Live in the US. I'm a girl. He's a guy. We've been dating for 8ish months. Everything about our relationship is wonderful (get along great, little fighting, love spending time together, great sex etc.) except for one thing. He won't fulfill my fantasy. I know this is going to sound really weird, but the idea of making a guy jizz in his pants has always turned me on. After a couple months of being together we started to tell each other our fantasies. I mentioned that I wanted to make a guy jizz in his pants. He seemed fine with it and even mentioned that he had jizzed in his pants from dry humping in the past. But whenever I initiate a dry humping session, he refuses to go along with it. I don't know what's wrong. He'll be completely turned on and the minute I try to make him jizz in his pants he tells me he's "tired." But if I try other stuff (sex, bj, hj), he's not too "tired." I've tried talking to him about this both in bed and out of bed. He just ignores me or laughs it off. I'm getting really frustrated. I've tried to act out all his fantasies (dressing up in all kinds of sexy costumes for him), but he won't do the one thing that turns me on the most. I feel like this is really unfair. Why should I do what he wants in bed, if he won't do what I want? Help me R_A. Thanks. TL;DR:
Bf won't let me make him jizz in his pants even though he knows how much it would turn me on.
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Working next-door to Homeopathic Clinic - How should I prank them? POST: I work in an area that used to be residential, but now is a bunch of businesses in renovated craftsman homes. Signage is definitely poor, so its kind of hard to find businesses in the area. I was walking my boss' dog for a break, and realized the building next door is actually a homeopathic clinic. Now, I understand this might get some downvotes, but I really am not a fan of homeopathic medicine. I think that it is essentially a scam that encourages people not to take medicine that might actually help them. I don't want to get into a debate about homeopathic medicine. I know that doing any sort of pranks will probably make me burn in hell or whatever. Unfortunately, there is a SHOCKING amount of police activity in the area. You actually have to drive under 25, and there is a cop within 3 blocks of you at any time, and they patrol the streets REGULARLY. So I need some pranks that aren't likely to point right back to me, or back to my company. (Company only has 3 people who work from the office 5 days a week and I'm one of them.) TL;DR:
I need some solid, untraceable pranks to do to building next door, which is a homeopathic clinic.
SUBREDDIT: r/Advice TITLE: I am texting a girl and I am just not sure how to ask her why she seems uninterested. POST: I don't want to be blatant and just be like "let me ask you something. Why are you so uninterested in me?" Basically, I (16M) started talking to this girl as soon as she came back to my high school (about a week ago.). Since then, I have gotten her number, and have been texting her for about 2 days, along with talking to her at school. She showed me her homecoming dress, and acted a little sad that she didn't have a date, so I decided I'd ask her. She said no, because she already said no to someone else (confirmed, I am friends with the guy) and that it wouldn't be very nice. Anyway, I slowly made it apparent that I am certainly interested in her. She doesn't do one word replies, not even close, but she does use "lol" a lot and tends to try to reply to things in a way that would just end the conversation. I want to know how to ask her why she seems so uninterested, without being cringey or weird about it. However, im terrible at thinking of this kind of stuff. TL;DR:
how do I tell a girl she seems really uninterested with me, without sounding like a big fukboi?
SUBREDDIT: r/self TITLE: Family Quandry POST: Recently my family has been going through some changes and I'd like some opinions and advice. Basically here's whats up: My mom has recently reached retirement after a long stay on disability following a serious back injury (multiple surgeries, really ugly stuff but she's ok now). She is 5 years older than my dad, who still works to support the family and has done so for the past 10 years. My siblings and I are all away at school/jobs but are still financially dependent on my dad. Recently my mom has decided she wants to live the retired life, so she wants to spend the summer away at our vacation house while my dad stays in the city to work. their relationship has been weird like this for almost 2 years but I feel like once my dad retires, they'll be on level ground again. To me this seems unfair, as all the income still comes from my dad but my mom no longer holds up her end of the bargain, (cooking, cleaning, companionship for my dad etc.) How should I feel about this? TL;DR:
Dad's the breadwinner but Mom's no longer playing her role. Is it wrong to leave him with the bill?
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Can I sue for being fed something I'm allergic to at a restaurant? POST: I decided to go to Denny's with the family Friday night. I ordered a mushroom swiss burger and one of the mushrooms was really crunchy. I figured it was just overcooked and didn't think anything else of it. Then I got home and hives started appearing all over my body. I'm not allergic to any foods, I didn't have any new foods that night, no new lotions, soaps, nothing. I woke up the next morning and my eyes were almost swollen shut, my face was literally COVERED in hives, as well as the rest of my body. Now, the only things I'm severely allergic to are dust mites (which I took precautions against years ago when I found out, mattress cover, pillow cases, excessive vacuuming, furniture anti-allergen spray) and cockroaches. It sickens me to even think that I could have ate a part of a cockroach. Anyway, so I ended up going to the ER and had to be given a shot and some steroids that I need to take for the next 6 days. TL;DR:
I think I ate a cockroach at Denny's and it made me super sick, should I try to sue them?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: I (19M) don't think I'm sexually attracted to my gf (19) anymore. Please help!! 2 year relationship POST: For starters, I am absolutely in love with this girl. I don't think I can love anybody as much as I love her. She's still very pretty to look at, she's absolutely stunning and my friends think so too. It's just I don't really feel like having sex sometimes or doing anything with her. I just like lying down are relaxing with her. We've been dating for almost 2 years. I see other hot girls and fantasize about them but for some reason I just can't seem to get that arroused by my gf anymore. She's a great person too. I need help because I want to fix this, I don't want to leave her but I don't know what to do. TL;DR:
I(19M) don't think I'm sexually attracted to my gf(19) of 2 years anymore but I want to change it.
SUBREDDIT: r/Advice TITLE: Work wants me to provide "millennial" perspective, and I have no idea what to do with that? POST: I work for a small, but well known nonprofit that serves homeless families. I've been there for several years and I love it. This year, I joined the fundraising development committee (mostly because I was told there was drinking). Right now, we are planning a Winderland themed masqurade gala. Between me and one other girl, the board of directors is now excited to have millennials on the committee, but I'm freaked out by the idea that of what they might expect of me. I know what I like and what I would spend money on, but I dunno if I could really provide a whole lot of insight beyond just my own tastes. I've never done any kind of marketing or business, but now that the board has taken note of me I am afraid I will be a disappointment. TL;DR:
Any ideas on how to make people in their 20's give money to charity? I think I'm in over my head.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [28M] went on a with a blind date with someone [35F] and I don't know how to feel about the age difference. POST: My sister set me up with a date with one of her co-workers. We met up for coffee on Sunday and things went well. She's very pretty and I would consider her physical appearance to be "out of my league". She seemed genuinely interested in going on a second date although we haven't made specific plans yet. It wasn't until the next day that I found out how old she was. I had picked up context in our conversation that she was older than me I just didn't realize how much older. I've had 5 girlfriends all ranging from 2-6 years younger than me so this is very new territory. I don't know how I feel about the age difference. I kind of feel like a hypocrite because I've been on the other side of that coin. My biggest concern is that if this does turn in to something serious that by the time I would be ready to have kids and start a family it would be too late for her. I know I'm thinking way ahead here but I think that's a valid point to consider. TL;DR:
Went on a blind date, found out she's 7 years older than me, don't know how to feel about it.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My girlfriend (19 F) and I (21 M) broke up a few days ago, and I want to know how to recover as quickly as possible. POST: This was a fairly short relationship, but this one has hit me hard. I ended up really bonding with this girl, but in the end, her feelings changed, which is understandable. You can't feel the same about someone forever. Anyway, it's been two days, and I want to learn how to forget her as soon as possible. As soon as I got the text, I blocked her on every social media site and deleted all of our pictures. I never even replied to her long message. What else can I do to quicken my recovery? I've hung out with friends, but I still feel empty. Advice would be great. Thanks guys. TL;DR:
girlfriend and I broke up two days ago, and I want to know how to get over her as soon as possible.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I (19F) just broke up with my first boyfriend (20M) of over a year. POST: Well I don't know, I guess I'm just looking for advice. It was mutual. I didn't feel in love with him anymore. We are great friends but we are not a good match. We talked about it, decided to break up and then remembered good times and said our goodbyes. We both wanna be friends, but we know it's probably gonna be months until we can be alone with each other. So yeah. That's it. I feel like shit and I don't know what to do with myself. He was a great guy, best boyfriend I've ever had. I just wish I had met him later in life. Like in ten years from now. He was my first everything and I feel like I have a lot of growing up to do. Please tell me stories about your breakups. How can I deal with this? How long should I avoid contact with him? Are you friends with any of your exes? TL;DR:
Broke up with boyfriend of over a year. He was my first everything. It was mutual. What to do now?
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by almost telling my friend's gf that he's cheating on her. POST: The fuck up happened the other night actually. My friend who I had been out of touch with after high school decided to start talking to me again. When we're catching up he tells me that he has a girlfriend and they're in an open relationship, so they can have sex with whoever and proceeds to show me pics of all the girls he's doing. We end up talking and he starts trying to convince me to have sex with him, which I decline to and continue to decline. So the other night we're texting, he falls asleep, and his girlfriend starts texting me. We end up talking about staying in shape and I tell her it'd be beneficial for their type of relationship. She responds completely baffled saying that she never agreed to that arrangement and that they discussed this before and decided against it. I quickly realize that my friend is lying to his gf and I just gave away his secret, so I lie and cover up for him. But I know for sure he's cheating on her and now I feel bad for lying. TL;DR:
Accidentally told my friend's gf he's cheating, then lie to cover it up. Now I feel shitty.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: QUESTION FOR THE GUYS: Would you marry or long-term date a girl that has had sex with two guys at once? POST: I ask this as an addendum to an earlier post, below (29M), (27F) -- 3 months into relationship: QUESTION FOR THE GUYS: Would you ever marry or long-term date a girl who WOULD or HAS had sex with two guys at once? (This does not include fantasies, but actual action, or desire for real action in this way) The reason I ask the question is because I know it is hypocritical, but I do think in a guy's mind it is a different thing for a girl to have sex with 2 guys than it is for a guy to have sex with 2 girls. If a girl had done that, it seems pretty damn slutty, and she would no longer be an option for long-term commitment -- short-term fun maybe. That's not to say that I'm right in this matter, or that there aren't plenty of guys who disagree, but I would venture to guess that most guys would agree with me?? TL;DR:
I would never marry a girl who has had two dicks in her at once -- am I alone on this one?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [25F] childhood best friend [25F] is getting married in a few days. I can't go. How do I tell her? POST: One of my good friends got engaged around March time. I didn't even know she was seeing anyone. She wrote to me and said she wants me to be there, it would break her heart if I wasn't there, and of course I said I'd love to. I grew up with this girl until I moved away 5 years ago. She is important to me. Since then she has mentioned three different dates in August, each time saying that's when the wedding would be. I did manage to book one of these off work just in case, but the other two were difficult. I should mention I have recently started a new job. My partner has a high pressure job and struggles to get any time off. Additionally she lives a 5-hour drive away from me, and is getting married on a Wednesday. I would have to find somewhere to stay and my partner would have to drive there and back, since I have seizures and therefore can't drive myself. I received the invitation last week and it's this Wednesday. There is just no way I can get the time off. I've tried. There is a big meeting at my work on Wednesday that I just cannot miss. Even if we went after work, we wouldn't make it in time. My partner can't take those days off anyway. It's a lot to ask of him for someone he never met. How on earth do I tell her this without upsetting her? I don't even know what to say. TL;DR:
My childhood friend is getting married, it's short notice and I can't make it. How do I tell her?
SUBREDDIT: r/travel TITLE: Visiting the NYC/Boston area for the first time this weekend. POST: And I would love for some suggestions on what to do/see. I'll be arriving at the Airport in Albany (my friend lives in Saratoga Springs) at 9am on Friday and I'll be leaving on Tuesday of next week. I'd love to see NYC, Boston AND Montreal, but I'm not sure if I'll have time. If I can only see two, which cities should I go to? Saratoga Springs is pretty much in the middle of these three cities, so time and distance is pretty much equal. We all have passports, so no issues there either. Anyway, I'm a 30-year-old male that is into art, music, architecture, philosophy and women. Typical liberal shit (with a smattering of fringe pseudoscience bullshit). As an example of something I'm interested in, there's a psychedelic conference in NYC this weekend that I'd love to attend, but I don't think my friends have the money to spend on the tickets (they're around $100). Is the Alex Grey museum worth visiting? I'm also open to ideas outside of NYC, Boston and Montreal. I'm fairly ignorant about that whole region, so I would really love some help. My facebook friends failed me (though I don't think a damn person sees anything I post anymore), so I'm counting on you all! Thanks, reddit. TL;DR:
Visiting NYC/Boston/Montreal area 10/12 to 10/16 and need some suggestions on things to do.
SUBREDDIT: r/running TITLE: Actual MaxHR vs. formula predicted MaxHR POST: So, I've had my Garmin 305 for a couple of months now and up until today my highest HR hit was 200. Today I hit 207 in my first 5K race (in 15 years). My calculated max HR is ~188. 220-age and most of the other formulas all put me around 188 or 189 (I'm 32, male) 207 seems kind of high but my only base of knowledge are those HR formulas and I know that they are biased towards the sedentary. But 207 seems quite a bit higher than 188. Does this seem odd or something I should look into with a doctor? Does anyone else have a large differential of Actual vs Estimated? On a side note, I was fairly hungover when I ran. I know HR can raise with dehydration and the like, but can it increase the max too? I guess I always assumed it just got you closer to your max. TL;DR:
Hit HR 207 bpm today, estimate formula says 188 bpm (for a 32yr old), should I be concerned?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [20 M] with my GF [21 F] 5 months, am I showing too much affection? POST: I'm really in love with my girlfriend, she takes up a solid 80% of my thoughts, after dating this long I am still yet to find a single flaw with her. Over time I've been progressively more and more comfortable with telling her these sorts of things. She says similar things, but not quite as often, and often tells me things like "you're being too nice". She often says similar things when I bring around flowers or the like. She will say she loves me, and I believe her, but she doesn't seem to fall apart in the same way that I do when we're not together. If she does love me, but not to the same extent that I love her, would it be wise for me to not show as much affection as I do? And to try to make it seem like there are other priorities in my life? [Background Info; Am in really good shape physically and mentally, as is my GF. Before I met my GF I had dated a string of attractive girls over 4 months and found I just didn't care for them, I fell in love with my GF the first night I met her however] TL;DR:
I might love my GF more than she loves me, should I dial down the effusion of affection I show her?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [32F] fiancé's [35M] ex-MIL posting on fb, inappropriate? POST: My fiancé divorced his wife about 4 years ago. His ex cheated on him, and after finding out, he cheated on her. They stayed together after this until she cheated again. He never told her parents, so it's unlikely they don't know the real reason for the divorce. His birthday was yesterday, and his ex-MIL posted on his Facebook wall, "Happy birthday ___!! Always in my thoughts! I will never forget you!!!" Is it wrong that this makes me feel icky? Why is he still friends with her? If someone cheated on my daughter, no matter what the circumstances, I wouldn't have the guy "always in my thoughts." Am I overreacting to be upset? TL;DR:
My guy's ex-MIL thinks of him always and it makes me feel weird. What should I say/do?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: I(F24) met a nice guy(M24) but he's from Tinder... POST: I'm a bit confused.I'm in this very happy moment of my life where I'm having several casual relationships with guys from Tinder. (i'm seeing 2-3 guys) they are all very nice and i like them a lot. they are more like friends that i sleep with. i have absolutely no romantic feelings for any of them. i've recently met this guy and i feel with this one things are different. he's not specifically handsome or well dressed, but he's really enjoyable to spend time with. he's the most tender guy when he kiss me. We obviously like each-over, but i'm afraid that I could fall in love with him. we slept together for the first time the other night and i asked him "what are you looking for?" he answered "i'm leaving in six months i just want some casual fun" then i told him that it might not be a good idea to see each other again. we've been texting a bit since then, (quite cute and nice stuff) but i dont know what to do. I'm not planning on falling in love now, I am not looking for a relationship and especially to a guy who told me he's not looking for a relationship either. And i mean he's coming from tinder... it's not the place to find a boyfriend! But he's really nice and i feel that we have a connection. I don't even want to see the other guys now.... I feel like cheating when I text them now.. What would you guys do? TL;DR:
I;ve been looking for casual guys in Tinder, but met one that i kinda like.. don't know what to do.
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU: Forgot to take off my pants when using the crapper. POST: (All Happened Yesterday) I woke up, feeling sorta sick, but it wasn't terrible, so i sucked it up. As a Sub. at a middle school today (The High School I normally work in was closed, another story) I went out the door, and started driving. When I got to the school, I was about 7 minutes late, not a big deal, so I progressed through the day, until 3rd period (6 periods in a day, excluding lunch) in which I had to take a BAS (Big-Ass-Shit) I couldn't go until the period was over (18 minutes) so I just gave the kids their work, and did what I was supposed to, trying to avoid moving much. When the class finally ended, I ran to the bathroom, and sat on the toilet, Forgetting to pull down my pants. It was BAAAAADDD. So I took my pants & underwear off (Luckily for me, i was in the handicapped stall) and washed it, and attempted to dry it, which didn't go so well. Had to continue the day for 3 more hours with wet underwear, got home, changed, threw the old ones away. TL;DR:
Had to poop, had to wait to poop, pooped; with pants still on, Cleaned It Up, Continued Day
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, I just failed my first class ever. I may have failed two. Is that it for me? POST: In high school I always got fairly decent grades (A's and B's with one or two C's sprinkled in there), but this year, my freshman year of college, was a bit different. It started out okay, but as the year progressed I became more and more introverted, and I began to sleep and eat at stranger times and in stranger quantities. I got kicked off my school newspaper (I think so at least), and everything kinda spiraled down from there. I was a nervous wreck, and didn't have the confidence to even go to class a lot of the time (if that makes sense). As things started to pile up more and more, I just got more and more anxious, and started to feel it was pointless to try. I've always been an anxious person, with the occasional panic attack, but this was on a whole new all the time. Also, I began to have bizarre, disturbing dreams. So anyway, I think I ended up failing one or possibly two courses, and now I don't know what happens next. The worst part is, I was planning on transfering to a new school next year, but that seems impossible now. Without being on the newspaper here, I could have trouble getting a job down the road. What do I do? I'm sorry this sounds so pathetic (hence the throwaway). TL;DR:
I really messed up at the end of this semester and I messed up my college gpa.. What do I do?
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Redditors, what's the scariest thing that's happened to you during sex? POST: My college girlfriend wanted to try anal sex. (Yep, SHE suggested it. If she hadn't turned out to be batshit crazy she would have been a keeper!) So we get some lube, and start playing around. Finally she says "I'm ready, just go slow." So I do, and not more than 15 seconds into it she passes out mid-moan. At first I couldn't tell what happened, but then she started snoring. I freaked out. I tried to wake her up, the whole time thinking "Fuck, I'm going to have to tell her dad how she died!!!" Could you imagine that conversation? After about 30 seconds her eyes started fluttering and she finally comes around. She was on her stomach, she got back up on all-fours and says "I smell popcorn." She then turned her head back and looked at me dead in the eye and said "Why did you stop?" I was mortified. The look on my face must have been a sight. When I told her what happened she didn't believe me. Interesting post-script to this story. She dumped me for my best friend, married him, had two kids and then cheated on him. He found out when a co-worker pulled him aside and said "Your wife is cheating on you, and she just asked me to have sex with you so she could "catch us" in the act. Classy broad, 'eh? True story! TL;DR:
Poked my college GF in the tuchus, she passed out and apparently woke up to the smell of popcorn.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [25 F] with my boyfriend [25 M] of 6 months... I'm sitting here terrified that he's going to end it. POST: Last night we went out with his friends and I drank too much wine. I got the dizzy spins and had to go home. He got an Uber and came with me to my house and put me in bed. Then he left. He promised me he would come back here after hanging out with his friends more, but obviously didn't. There was a girl at the bar that we were at that he was talking to and I admittedly got a little jealous. He seemed to be full on flirting and chatting her up, and I left the bar and went outside for while. Once I came back in he told me they went to college together and he was just catching up with her. He then introduced me to her, not as his girlfriend, but just "this is bizsib" in an attempted to make me not be upset. I'm not sure what to think or do. It's early in the morning and I'm just laying in bed awake freaking out that he's not here and that something happened when he went back to the bar where that chick was. Don't know what I'm asking here. Just hoping someone can tell me I'm being crazy. TL;DR:
Got drunk; bf didn't come home. Scared he's with another chick or mad and going to dump me.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me 25/M currently dating 19/F for about four weeks. What's the easiest method of telling her it's not going to work out? POST: Been dating about four weeks. She seemed mature when we met up, however after noticing many things, which is rapidly turning immature for me. One instance is: Twitter, I knew she had this and I try my best to respect peoples privacy but when you come across tweets angrily pointed at you (She happily posted them but didn't tell me anything that she was upset about). I don't know what to think. Anyway, I know normally in all situations text message is the wrong way to tell people things. Which is why I don't want to take that route. However it's going to be difficult otherwise. Is sending a text at this stage okay? I only get to see her, pretty much Friday for fifteen minutes and that's it. And should I tell her I found her Twitter feed? TL;DR:
What is the best way for letting her know it's not going to work out? Phone/Text/Meetup?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Did I [15M] just get rejected? Reddit what do? POST: I suggest you take a quick look at my other [post] first Backstory: So I've been talking with this girl alot, I installed Snapchat and we had happy conversations. Then, I went to a sleepover birthday party and there literally everyone said that we would be a dream pair etc. The next day, I felt like talking to her again and told her about what happened at the party just to get the conversation started (happened end of december). Since this moment, she has been VERY quiet. After holidays, my friends annoyed both me and her all the time, shouting around how we would love each other. It was just the usual crap, nothing special. Current situation: We are on school internship right now, and I am working at the same location she is. I noticed that every day, she would talk less and less often to me, until today where she didn't say a single word. After work I texted her, then she told me "I do not want to be engaged with any boy with whom im going to school, I'm sorry and it's the best for you" It feels like I got rejected (even tho I just wanted to have a nice talk with her the last days) I fully respect her decision, however it would be nice to at least be friends. Do you think that's possible? TL;DR:
I got pseudo-rejected and I fully respect it, I just want to be friends with her now. How do?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [26 M] with my girlfriend [24 F] of two years, How can I tell her I have herpes? POST: Many years ago, I was diagnosed with herpes. dating has been difficult since then. A couple years or so ago, I met this girl. It was my intention to tell her I had herpes before we had sex, but it didn't quite work that way. I kept putting off telling her because I was afraid to. Now we've been in a committed relationship for 2 years, and have been having unprotected sex for most of it. We both have pretty much decided that we could see ourselves married to each other, and she has been hinting very heavily that she wants me to propose. I feel she needs to know I have herpes though beforehand. What's the best way of telling her, without getting dumped? I haven't had an outbreak in over 6 years, and I've been on suppression meds, but still. TL;DR:
I have herpes, and need to know a good way to tell my longterm girlfriend who I want to propose to.
SUBREDDIT: r/jobs TITLE: best way to address an unfinished degree on your resume? POST: So, I went to college straight out of high school and got a degree in Psychology. As I got nearer to graduation, I realized there were a lot of things that I would rather do than be a research psychologist and essentially go to school for the rest of my life. I decided the best thing to do was to go back and get a second bachelor's in a field I actually wanted to work in. However, with 15 credits left on my degree I maxed out my student loan borrowing limit. This meant, not only could I not pay for the last bit of my degree, I desperately need to get a job, like now. I'm updating my resume and basically carpet bombing employers with it, but I haven't really figured out how to address the second degree. I have just about all of the skills I was going to garner, I'm just not getting to complete my capstone. So I can't really lie and say I graduated (also because I'm trying to stay in the city where I got the degree, and it would be insanely easy to get caught in the lie), I can't really leave it off because it would look weird to have a degree in one thing and a skillset that has nothing to do with it, and I can't just push back my graduation date, because I'd think it would make it look like I'm still in school and no one wants to hire a student for a big-boy full time job. I'm stuck, what do I do? TL;DR:
I ran out of money and can't finish my degree, but I have no idea how to address it on my resume.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [26 M] am still waiting for my stuff from LDR with[20 F], what do I do? POST: We broke up in the begining of October. She had told me she was sending me some clothes and money (That was loaned) almost 4 weeks ago. I live in New York, she goes to school in Canada (by Buffalo). She had messaged me like once to see if I got my stuff two weeks ago and she hasn't said anything since. Should I even bother with this shit? I was thinking maybe she didn't even bother sending it, and honestly I don't feel like hounding someone for stuff that is rightfully mine, but then again I do want my shit back. I have been no contact with her, since the mentioned sending of stuff. TL;DR:
Was told my clothes/money was sent 4 weeks ago, still has not arrived. What do I do at this point?
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice TITLE: I [29F] have just started seeing a guy [32M]. One of his family members is having health problems. How do I help? POST: I've just started seeing a guy, it's still VERY early stages but we seem to get on well and like each other. Texting every day, good banter when we're together. He's a quiet guy, but I'm a quiet gal so we seem well matched. He told me on our first date that one of his family members is going through some health issues at the moment, namely chemo. At the time I said I was sorry to hear it and that I hoped he was better soon. Now I'm not quite sure how to go about this. Should I ask him how they are? Obviously I don't want to push him to talk about it if he doesn't want to, but at the same time I want him to know that if he does want to talk about it that's ok with me. I like him, and want to continue to see him so I want to make sure I am going about this the right way and not making it uncomfortable for him. No-one I know has had to go through Chemo, thank god, so I've never had the experience of supporting someone through this. On the other hand, I'm aware that our chats and dates might serve as a distraction from his home life, so I don't want to bring it up if he's trying to take his mind of things. Any words of advice Reddit? TL;DR:
Met a lovely guy, one of his family is going through chemo. How do I help/go about this?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I (15/M) really like this girl (16/M), but she has a boyfriend. POST: Okay so we're both sophomores in high school, she's a year older than me because I'm the youngest in the class. Anyways, I like her, and I'm pretty sure she likes me as well. As in, she flirts with me, was *kinda* all over me when we were backstage during our school plays (she was an actress and I'm tech), stuff like that. At least that's how it seemed to me. I've also been told that she flirts with me a lot (sometimes I'm not the greatest at picking up on signs). But, she has a boyfriend. They've been dating about a month and a half, maybe two, I want to say. I guess I'm posting here because I don't know what to do about. I flirt back with her, nothing that I shouldn't do since she has a boyfriend, of course. I've been told that I flirt very subtly, though. TL;DR:
I like this girl, pretty sure she likes me back. She has a boyfriend, I don't know what to do.
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice TITLE: I'm [20F] very worried about my dangerous ex [20M] POST: He was a psychopath. Not even exaggerating. He's told me if someone where to mess with me, he would kill them and he knows how to hide a body. He's told me how he would in detail. He goes to a military academy. Anyways, I broke up with him and he said he was going to jump off a building. I haven't had contact with him since. I facebook creeped on him. He has a pic of him with his arm around another girl (dating, maybe?) She lives in a state next to mine (he lives in on the coast & I'm midwet). A little over an hour from where I go to college. I have no idea how they could have met.. Also, she liked the college I go to class of 2017. i'm worried she is transferring. This is too scary for me. What the hell do I do? TL;DR:
Pyscho ex might be dating another girl to get closer to me (I think) what the hell do I do
SUBREDDIT: r/Advice TITLE: [Serious] My parents went missing 1 day ago POST: Hey! I haven't got contact with my parents with little over a day and now Im super worried. Im 18 living home with them, their work places have called our home phone if something is wrong because they weren't at work. They took nothing nor left any notes of what is going on, on sunday they just dissapeared after going somewhere with car, I was busy doing homework so didn't pay attention much. What should I do now? I already called their work places and told everything, but I haven't done anything else because it's still pretty short time. TL;DR:
SUBREDDIT: r/loseit TITLE: 80 pounds down, ~20 to go. No signs of loose skin yet: am I out of the woods? POST: So, as a general question to those of you who have completed goals of weight-loss or body transformation, *where in the process do the signs of loose-skin first show?* I understand that many suffer from excess skin after weightloss, but others often don't. In June, I began my journey toward a better body at 275 pounds (6' 0" tall). Today, I'm at 193. I achieved this solely through high-rep low-ish weight exercises, with practically no cardio (I went on a few runs, but that's it), as well as some abdominal work. Even though I had (and still have) some pretty significant stretch marks, I'm not seeing any real signs of excess folds of loose skin. It's pretty exciting, seeing as how in just a few months I should be at my goal weight, and hopefully not having to worry about then being self-conscious about loose skin while I just wait for it to resolve itself. So this has been pretty rambly, but TL;DR:
Lost 80 pounds, 20 to go. No signs of loose skin yet, does that mean I won't have any?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [20s F] am an Artist. My Mother [50sF] always wants free art from me. POST: I am a relatively recent grad from art school and am working full time at a design position. I try to make fine art in my spare time, but I do freelance on top of my full-time work, and I am a pretty busy person. As mentioned in the title, every time my mom's birthday, Mother's Day or Christmas comes up, she asks for a sculpture. Sometimes she'll even tell me to make something for grandma too. Now I don't get the chance these days to make sculptures super often, and they take a LOT of work, 50+ hours, and when trying to sell them are in the 200-500 dollar range. I can't spare the time, and I can't afford to give something like that away for free. I've bought art for her, and when I was in school I'd reluctantly give her the odd assignment here and there, but I'm a professional now. My other family members and even friends don't really understand, they look at me like I'm the grinch for not giving mom what she wants. This isn't high school ceramics, it's my job. I forgot to mention- my current art style and typical subject matter isn't something that most middle aged women would like. I do monsters, body horror, etc. When she asks for art, she wants "something pretty" from me. I can tell me denying her makes her sad. Am I being unreasonable in saying no to her requests? How can I placate her? Thank you for reading, and any advice you can spare. TL;DR:
I'm an Artist. My Mother always wants free art from me. I'm too busy/can't afford it.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My bf(m/19) is also my bestfriend (f/19) but can I tell him something as a bestfriend and not a bf?? POST: We've been going out for 3yrs and we have a really good relationship. I feel like I can tell him anything but recently I've been really sad because of family issues and I've been crying a lot every night for about 2 weeks now. Anyways I didn't want to worry him which is why I didn't mention it. But I would want someone to talk to about it and he really is my best friend. I'm just worried that if I tell him he might see me differently since I act like nothing is wrong I don't want him to think I'm always pretending to be happy. TL;DR:
Can I tell something to my bf as a bestfriend without it affecting the "he's also my bf" part
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: What should I do about my broken hand (currently six months after incident) POST: I broke my hand (boxer's fracture in right hand) about 6 months ago and other than wearing a splint for 3-4 weeks, I haven't really had anything done to it. My doctor told me I should just live with it, but as I recall more and more this seems to be her answer to everything and I'm thinking of switching doctors. The hand's strength seems fine, but it doesn't look/feel right (though it doesn't do much to the point where I find my eyes wandering to knuckle on a regular basis. My doctor did (after much pushing on my part) agree to try to get me into an orthopedist but said said it would be at least a year, if not two. Any suggestions on how I could get to an ortho in a faster time than 1-2 years Also I'm in Canada if that slows/speedsthings up. TL;DR:
Broke my right hand six months ago, can I see an ortho surgeon in less than 1-2 years?
SUBREDDIT: r/Pets TITLE: Does my cat have attachment issues? x-post from /r/cats POST: I have had Watson for about a year now. I got him from a shelter and they said he had been on the streets for about the first five months of his life. He is terrified of most people save for me and my girlfriend. For the last year then I was living in a small apartment and he was pretty much confined to my room. However, we just moved into our new apartment and he can have the run of the place now. We decided that we didn't want his hair all over the bedroom so every night when we go to bed, we take him out of the room and close the door. Several times a night he will paw and meow at the door for what feels like hours. What is going on? Is there a better way to deal with it? TL;DR:
My cat paws and meows at bedroom door but we don't want him in the bedroom. What can I do?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: (18F) I'm having issues with my (18M) FWB. POST: So, my friend and I (both 18) have had what I guess you'd classify as a friends with benefits relationship for about two months now, and it's always been weird but recently it's gotten worse. It started with us having crushes on each other, but we hung out and decided nothing was going to happen. We're in the same friend group and one night we were hanging out and stuff happened. This continued for awhile, then he started to ignore me. We randomly hung out maybe a week and a half later and did more stuff. That's been the pattern since then: we hook up, don't talk for awhile, then hook up again. He's always really nice and sweet to me before we hook up, but as soon as it's over he's quiet and leaves quickly. I've always had a problem with that, but a few days ago we were in the middle of hooking up when he gets up, says he's late for something, and then leaves. The next night I saw him at a party and he avoided eye contact and left immediately. I tried texting him, but he doesn't answer. This has hurt my feelings quite a bit, and I have no idea what's going on. Should I bother trying to find out what's up? I do care about him as a friend, and I don't want to make things weird for us. But maybe I should just let him do his thing and distance myself? TL;DR:
My FWB has been acting weird lately, should I try to figure out what's going on? Or just let it go?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [24 M] with my ex gf [24 F] of 3.5 years broke up and having a hard time get over it POST: I had been dating my ex for three and a half years, we lived in the same town and had similar friends. Aside from some issues in the begging things were fantastic for the majority of the relationship and I was planning on asking her to marry me in a few more years. During the last year of our relationship she became more distant, took school way more seriously, and started hanging out with other people. It was a struggle for her to text once a day and we would see each other maybe once a month and generally not for a long period of time. It has been about 6 months since we broke up. I still think about it every day, it causes me anxiety and puts me in a terrible mood. She on the other hand is relatively unaffected as I am fairly certain she had moved on at least 6 months before the relationship ended. This month we are going to my buddies cottage to which she was invited to before we broke up and is not being uninvited. She is friends with the people going but to a much lesser extent than I am for all except a couple people. I'm not sure how or if I can handle her coming to the cottage and how should I handle the situation in general? TL;DR:
Can't get over ex-gf, she is coming on a cottage trip this month and I don't know what to do.
SUBREDDIT: r/legaladvice TITLE: I am filling out a DRFA. I have secret information to use against my ex. How do I write down this information? POST: Basic Info: I am located in Georgia. I am in a custody case with my ex for our 1 child, and we each want primary custody. We currently have a 50/50 temporary order, and a GAL is assigned to our case. I am Pro Se; he has 2 expensive lawyers. I will be as vague as I can be for fear of my ex finding me out. When he and I were together, we shared each other's camera rolls. When we broke up, he forgot to revoke my permission. Here I am, almost a year later, and I have uncovered a lot of dirt on him through screenshots and photos. I am filling out the Domestic Relations Financial Affidavit (DRFA) and am wanting to fill in some of the knowledge I know to be true. Only, I will surely be found out that I've been viewing his photos (but with his permission, mind you!). I don't really want to risk him ever finding out that I know about it unless there comes something *really* incriminating, so that is not an option for me right now. Should I be questioned (and I definitely will be), what should I say? Is there some legal jargon loophole I could use? Could I plead the 5th? What are my options? TL;DR:
I spy on my ex, have good evidence, how do I work it into my report and have a good cover story?
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: This was in my cheesebread from Papa John's. Any idea what it could be? POST: So, earlier tonight, my girlfriend and I ordered a pizza from Papa John's and 6 cheese tuscan cheese sticks. They were delicious, by the way. After we had it remade because some jackass stole it. We get back from picking it up (sorry delivery guys, but that extra delivery fee can rack up when you order as much pizza as I do), and start chowing down, and my girlfriend bites something hard. It's a small, white SOMETHING. It's hard, looks like a small pebble (or maybe a tiny tooth), and sounds like it when it hits the table. [Here's a picture of it with size comparison.]( Any idea what it is, Reddit? I can take a video of it and get the sound of it dropping if someone needs that. If the misbegotten soul who stole it is on Reddit, shame on you. Shame on your thieving ass. I would expect better from a Redditor. TL;DR:
Something small, white, and hard was in a cheese stick order from Papa John's. Needs to be ID'd.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [24M] Short Romance with [22 F] should I pursuit? POST: In short about 4 days ago I swipe right to a girl on tinder, I tend to have a lot of matches but after initial generic conversations I don't ever bother moving forward with them. However this girl was different, we chatted for 2 days almost constantly on tinder initially then Whatsapp. The problem was she was only in my country (UK) for a short time for work before flying home to Spain, we met up anyway and had such a good time, everything seemed to click. Date ended with a kiss etc and a nice message from her to me a little bit after I left. She has headed home now, I have her on Facebook and I am still chatting with her and I have kinda fell for her, which is strange as I usually take a fair bit of time to fall for someone! Question is, should I pursuit her or is it just going to be a waste of time due to the distance between us. Reddit, what would you guys do!? TL;DR:
fell for a girl who was only in my area for a few days, she has not gone back! What should I do
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My girlfriend of a year still will not have sex with me. POST: So my girlfriend and I (a man) have been dating for nearly a year now. We're both 19, and both virgins. We've talked about sex a few times before, and these are the relevant things that have come from it: 1. I am ready to have sex, and have been for quite awhile; she is not, and doesn't think she will be for at least another year. However, I told her that I'm fine waiting until she is ready. 2. The reasons for her wanting to wait are basically that she's nervous, and that she doesn't really want to. So here are my questions: 1. Is it normal to wait this long before having sex? 2. Without breaking up with her, what are some ways for me to deal with not being sexually satisfied? TL;DR:
My girlfriend will not have sex with me, and I'm having a hard time with it. What should I do?
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: My 16 year old friend is dating a 27 year old man POST: One of my friends at school is dating a guy who is 10 years older than her. She is 16, soon to be 17, and I am 17. Her boyfriend lives with her and her parents and he is a friend of her dad. She has told me that they have had sex and a while ago she feared that she was pregnant (thankfully she was not). To my knowledge, her parents nor anyone else in her family know of their relationship. In spite of her alarming relationship with this guy, I want to date her. I have told her my feeling about her relationship and she agreed with my opinions. She told me that she left a note on his bed saying that she wanted to break up with him and he that he left her a note saying that he did not want to. I'm not sure how I should go about handling this situation. If I do end up dating her, I will fear that she might cheat on me with her ex-boyfriend considering they live in the same house. However, if I do end up dating her, I plan on speaking with her ex and telling him if he "drinks my Kool-Aid", I'll put his ass in prison. TL;DR:
My 16 year old friend, who I want to be my girlfriend, is dating a guy 10 years older than her.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [20F] with bf [20M] of a year, can't agree on gaming issue POST: I met my current SO online and moved to his country a few months ago to be with him. We live together. He works part time 2-3 days a week and I cannot work currently on my visa. The problem is that the Internet here is pretty bad, and he can't play his online games if someone else is using the wifi. This means that he does most of his online gaming when the household is asleep, after midnight. So, from midnight to 3-4am most days, he games with his friends on skype. That would be fine but his computer is in our bedroom, and it gets too loud for me to sleep. I also can't use the Internet or netflix because it makes him lag. So I spend a lot of this time either reading, or redditing on the mobile data. It gets really boring for me during that time - I can't sleep and it's too late to leave the house. We've been in arguments and he says that since he "spends all day with me" he should be allowed to talk to his friends and this is "the only time he can play". I don't care about him talking to his friends, I just want to be able to sleep or watch Netflix/youtube in peace! I feel like I shouldn't have to sleep on the couch when he wants to game all night. But we live with his family and we're both private people, so moving the whole rig out to the living room is not a great option. Idk what to do! TL;DR:
bf keeps me up at night gaming, can't move computer out of room, he can't game during the day
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [19f] neighbor [50ish?] is really scary and makes me feel threatened. POST: I apoligize for any errors or mistakes. Im tying this on my phone and i'm really freaked out... I have a neighbor who is always drunk or high. He comes over to our house late at night or at odd times and knocks on our door asking to borrow money or for a ride. He comes barging into our house and hits on me and my friends. Hes really racist and will rant about black people for a long time even though hes black. He pulls my friends and I to him and make us hug him, which makes us uncomfortable... He knew my boyfriend's old roomate and so him by extension, and now I guess he latched on to my boyfriend. My boyfriend gave him 10 dollars once because he felt bad, and he never got it back. Then when my roomate moved in, my boyfriend and I forgot to warn him. And he loaned him $20. And after not seeing him for a while, he just showed up at our door demanding a ride. My roomate told him that he wasnt going to give him a ride anywhere without getting his money back. And he got kind of silent and angry looking and he said something like "I got you, I got you..." and maybe I am being paranoid, but I thought it sounded threatening. I locked the deadbolt and the doorknob, but I'm really freaked out... TL;DR:
My neighbor comes over asking for rides, he owes us money, and I feel like he could get violent.
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by letting my drunk friends cut my hair POST: So to give my background, I go to a small liberal arts college in a freezing state. Since it's January we don't have much to do except well...drink. Now my buddies and I have a tradition, during the month of January we have a bucket list that's filled with debauchery. From stealing tables in the cafeteria, getting peed of by someone or plain ole streaking, we have it all. Last night we were all kicking back having some delicious Hamm's special light and I get the idea "hey I want to complete an item of the bucket list!" I get my phone out and scroll through the list till I reach [get hair cut by opposing team member.] I think to myself "this is made for me!" I tell the boys at the party, which had around 30 or so people by this point and they get out the clippers. After a few short minutes and everyone taking a swipe at my hair I end up with two mohawks, and not just any mohawks but the most uneven, messed up mohawks in my life. I woke up this morning to go to work, I work as a tour guide, and the first thing my boss tells me to do is take off my hat. She sees my hair and tells me how unprofessional I am and gives me a warning...and now I have to give a tour...well shit TL;DR:
got drunk, let my friends cut my hair while they are drunk, now I look like a who from whoville.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I (23F) got stood up tonight by a guy (24M). Dont know what to do. :( POST: So tonight was supposed to be our forth date. I was going to make him dinner before we hit up some bars. Our first three dates went REALLY well. We just click with each other. On the days we havent seen each other, we have been texting non-stop. I double checked these plans yesterday, but we havent talked much today besides the random snapchat or two. I got home from work, got ready, and texted him "pssst" to see where he was. While I waited for a reply, I started to prep dinner. 40 minutes went by and I still hadnt heard from him, so I texted him again "Hey what is your eta?" No response. So I started cooking dinner. I realize that I probably wont see him tonight, and have decided to eat a fucking awesome meal, get drunk, and watch the new aziz standup on Netlix. But what do I say to him? I am really hurt that he blew off these plans, because I like him a lot and I thought he felt the same (because he told me so). I'm pretty sure hes hanging out with coworkers drinking and smoking. What do I do? What do I say? TL;DR:
Stood up by a guy I like on our forth date, I liked him a lot. How do I talk to him about this?
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice TITLE: Not sure how or if I should make a move. Help please? POST: I am a 23 year old female, 5'2 115lb who got out of a 5 year relationship about 10 months ago and haven't really had too much experience with the whole flirting/dating game. I met a guy (20) about 2-3 months ago and just recently started hitting it off with him for the past couple of weeks while playing xbox games together at his place. Through mutual friends and partying there have been a couple of occasions in which we ended up spooning/cuddling together in bed (others present) but it hasn't gone past the friend-zone. The more I hang out with him the more I like him, but it's hard to say if he feels the same. I'm one of those people that admittedly gets the jitters when I start labeling things as dates and such so I don't want to ask him out so much as just let things naturally progress. However, I'm not sure how to go about making a move. How do I know if he's interested without asking? We text back and forth pretty frequently and he seems to enjoy my company, but I'm rusty with this kind of thing. I worry he may just be looking for a cuddle buddy or friends with benefits sort of thing which I'm not interested in. TL;DR:
Not sure if guy (20) I like feels the same way. How do I know if I should make a move?
SUBREDDIT: r/offmychest TITLE: My little brother POST: My little brother is the type of person to Go into a room, some how use ALL the electronic devices and not turn of any of them when he leaves Leave his wet clothes from swimming in the tub rather than hanging them to dry Take a shit and instead of facing the possible clogging, leave it for the next person to handle so it smells And that was just tonight He also has to comprehension of table manners, I'm talking smacking like a cow, using a fork he dropped on the ground, eating with his hands, talking with food in his mouth, all of that a public restaurant. He also throws the biggest fits when you say no At 15 years old still doesn't comprehend that *No, you can't use your mothers phone, it needs to remain charged so people can contact her, you have a phone so you can check Facebook on it, not hers.* He doesn't understand that you can in fact let you mother go somewhere alone And not to mention his inability to ever go to a grocery store or gas station without demanding $10 of stuff for himself when money is already tight. He's gonna have a bright future as a semi-high school freshman drop out. But it's okay, he'll have an aspiring career as a mobile DJ because listening to music with earphones is nonsense, no, he needs to blast in where ever he goes, stores and all, everyone must listen to his ghetto rap music and blast it on shitty speakers when we drive. Top notch guy. Please die you little shit. TL;DR:
My little brother is a piece of shit and I have a year left and I'm gone, never gonna miss him.
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice TITLE: [19/m] There is this girl in my class I know is interested.. But need help initiating. POST: I know there is no guide or 'special words,' I have already talked to her outside of class. I walked to her almost to her car, I was about to be late for class and we were going in opposite directions and I didn't ask her for her number! I know huge mistake. But there is always another time if i do it soon. I need to keep her interested, so is there any thing I can say to her that will let her know I'm into her or any type of 'in class' kino'ing i can do that is appropriate? TL;DR:
Need to get a girls number, any class appropriate kino'ing or gestures to let her know i like her.
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by leaving my girlfriend alone with my laptop POST: We've been together for a little more than 7 months and yesterday she was alone, all day at my house while I was at work. She was using my laptop for Facebook, email, etc. No big deal, until she starts deleting the history "icons" from Chrome's home page. She continues to do so until she sees this flaming dick with rainbows shooting out. Her curiosity got the best of her and so she opened /r/spacedicks for the first time ever. She slammed the lid shut so hard it cracked the LCD. The best part was once I got home. She proceeded to ask me if I was secretly gay or bi-sexual and that she found my history of "rainbow dicks" and "bizarre fetishes". After laughing hysterically, I had to explain /r/spacedicks. I took her straight to /r/awww for some eye-bleach and now all is good in the world again. TL;DR:
Girlfriend found /r/spacedicks, asked me if I was gay, showed her /r/awww, now it's ok. :D
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Am I emotionally cheating? POST: Me, 22f. Bf, 24m. Male friend, 22. Me and bf have been dating for 11 months. Me and male friend have been good friend for about 2 years now. Me and male friend didn't contact each other very much about a year ago and began reconnecting about a month ago. We have tons in common and have a lot of fun conversating. It never really gets flirty, there are some smiley faces but I wouldn't say flirting. I love my boyfriend but he is extremely jealous and controlling, and can be emotionally abusive. He does not want me talking to any other males so I haven't told him I still talk to male friend. So I thought me and male friend were just friends, very good friends, but still only friends. Then today he texted me "hey cutie :)" which is the first time since I have been dating bf anythinf like that has been said between us. So now I'm wondering, have I been apart of an emotional affair? TL;DR:
been talking with ex-crush, he called me cute, haven't told my bf, cheating or no?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My[24F] friend [28/F] wants to apply for a job with the Dad of the kids I nanny. Should I tell him she's a total flake? POST: Hey All-- Sorry if this isn't the right place? Anyways--I have been a nanny for an amazing family for 2.5 years. The Dad is a doctor with his own private practice. Him and I have become very close over the past years and can talk about anything (Obviously it's a professional relationship.) I have a good friend who has worked in the field he is in before as an office aid/front desk/whatever else position. She is thinking about applying to work with him because he recently hired someone from her previous office. This is the issue--she is VERY flakey. She quit her previous job because of mental health issues (that have not been resolved) and left with zero notice. She has taken a new front desk within the past 2 weeks, and already talks about how much she hates it. After quitting her first job, she moved and stayed with her brother for 2 months with no warning. She is also flakes out or is extremely late anytime we have plans. She wants me to put in a good word for her with my boss, but I don't want to look bad/have it be a waste of his time if he hires her. Do I tell him this?? She's adamant about me getting her this job--but frankly, I know it wouldn't be a good fit. Any advice would be VERY helpful--I have no idea what to do! TL;DR:
Friend is a total flake and wants me to put in a good word for her to work at my bosses office.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My GF's[24F] Parents hate when we travel together. POST: I'm also 24 and we've been dating for almost 2 years. Everytime we plan a trip they make this guilt game. She's always so sad and afraid of telling them our plans. Last year we went to NYC, her father didn't spoke to her for almost 2 months after we came back home. In 17 days we will go to Germany and she still didn't spoke to him, being afraid of his reaction! Her family likes me, her mother likes me, her dad likes me, it's just this thought of traveling together is too much for them, like we should do that only when we get married. Being honest with her feelings doesn't work as expected, her mother is just like "That's the way it is". TL;DR:
It's the title, they hate it for no good reason and I would like tips on how to deal with it.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [20 M] don't trust my [23 F] gf that I love. POST: Things used to be great. I loved her. But it felt like she never put in the same level of effort that I did. I caught her doing some things that killed my trust.. Flirting with other guys and whatnot. (That's putting it lightly, I don't want to tell details) One time I caught her playing with herself while skyping a guy friend. Then recently she starts hanging out with this guy that I hate and she is super flirty with him. She won't make time for me, but she does for him. I can't trust her. I tried talking to her about it several times but she just gets defensive and won't be open with me about it. I know that you need trust for a relationship to work, but I loved her and I don't know what to do. I know the logical thing is to break things off. I already broke things off once but she came running back and said things would be different. But they aren't. Help me please because I am miserable. TL;DR:
I love my gf, and I don't want to leave her, but she has lost all my trust and it's killing me.
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Me brother knows he's on edge and slightly insane. POST: Throw away. This is only for older redditors. My brother has massive paranoid or everyone is out to truly get him. I have my guess. Terms like "Take Care" or "Have a good one" are deceptive to him. In reality, they just annoy him. But, in particular, "It is what it is" (I hate that one myself) and "You have to do what you need to do" drives him bonkers because they don't mean anything (and I agree). He thinks these nonsensical phrases (and that truly is what they are) are folks trying to somehow manipulate him. All I'm asking is this: what are some nonsensical terms or phrases that existed back in the 70s, 80s, or even 90s referring to, well basically nothing. I couldn't think of one. My brother thinks whether this is his paranoia or what not, that humans got invaded in their minds by alien pod people (he is joking on this, I hope) and just say stupid terms or phrases that don't make any sense. I figure this has been going on for decades, but I can't match these stupid phrases that are said today with the past. e: TL;DR:
what are phrases that sound like they mean something, but mean nothing (must be from the 70s - 90s)
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [20] girlfriend [21] really done with me or is this more of just a panic attack? POST: So just the other day my girlfriend of about a year broke up with me. It was so out of the blue, we had just got back from a great vacation, we had plans for later this week. We were happy, atleast I was, but she seemed to feel the same. Sex life was good, lot of romance, everything seemed right. Well out of the blue she dumped me, talking about how this is to serious for her and she just doesn't feel 'it' anymore (she even said that she wasn't even thinking about it that morning, but it just came to her that she didn't want to be with me anymore), she also couldn't tell me any reason other then just not feeling 'it'. She's has had fazes in the past few months were she will go into an I don't know what I want kinda mood. Right after we broke up (literally ten minutes after I dropped her of at home) she sent some guy her number. I know they had been talking for a little bit, but nothing much and nothing more then facebook. I don't know if this is just a rebound thing or what, but I'm so lost. A lot of people in my life are telling me she's scared of cometement and being serious, but when it hits her that I'm really out of her life she'll come crawling back. I really don't know how to feel or what to do. I'm very lost, is this relationship really over? TL;DR:
Girlfriend dumped me out of the blue and I don't know if it's really over or what I should do.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Need advice about a dilemma between me [20F] and my best friend/roommate [19F] of over ten years. Help!! POST: My best friend and I, we'll just call her "Alex", have been friends since second grade. We now go to the same college and are roommates. I have always considered Alex my best friend, but I don't think I have truly ever been considered Alex's best friend in her eyes. I always go out of my way to get her a generous birthday gift, last year I spent $180 on her gift, and the year before that about $60. The last time I ever even received a birthday gift from her was five years ago, and it was a pink Snuggie. I hate pink. This year I wasn't even surprised when I didn't get a gift for my birthday from her, but she didn't even hang out with me the day of. Instead, she said she was tired and just went to bed early when we had made plans to hang out that night. Her 20th birthday is coming up next week, and she invited me to the celebration she has planned. Despite the fact that it will be an outdoor party and we live in Texas, I just don't want to go because she doesn't reciprocate the efforts I make. HELP!! I need a good excuse not to go, without overtly telling her my actual problem with the situation. I don't want to get in a fight, I don't have many friends as is and I still have to live with her for the next three months. TL;DR:
My best friend treats me like a doormat and I need to weasle my way out of this situation!
SUBREDDIT: r/Advice TITLE: How do I approach this girl? POST: To start off, we are both 17 and are on the same athletic team at our school. I have always been a pretty shy and quiet guy but have always tried to make myself sort of at least try to talk to different people when I get the chance. But there is a girl on the team that seems very outgoing, energetic, and fun overall. I've talked to her a few times but never really have hung out or talked much outside of the school events. I have her number but she initially texted me just to ask when the next practice is and we haven't texted outside of that. I find her really cute and from mentioning it to my friends they have all said that she is really cute too. I wouldn't consider myself much to look at, but I'm not awful. To me, she seems out of my league in various aspects and we aren't in the same friend group whatsoever. I just can't muster up the confidence or courage to talk to her more or ask her to hang out I guess. What should I do to kind of let her know I'm interested when talking to her over the next few times? TL;DR:
How do I quit being a pussy and make the move on this girl that I think is out of my league?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [20m] girlfriend [19f] of six months is mad at me because she thinks I called her fat. POST: So I was over at my girlfriend's place last night and we were watching tv on the couch. She said something about how she has good genes because she and her family don't really have any health problems. I squished her leg a few times while making squishy sounds and said something like "yeah, you're the epitome of athleticism" and she immediately just stopped talking, got up, and went into her bedroom. I followed her a few minutes later and she was just laying on her bed facing the wall. She said she wanted to be left alone, so I said okay and left. I think she's mad because she thinks I was calling her fat, which she isn't, but she's definitely not athletic. She's even joked about how unathletic she is before. But now she's giving me the cold shoulder and not responding to my texts. I just don't understand why this is such a big deal to her and I don't know how to make it better. TL;DR:
Made a joke about my girlfriend being unathletic and now she's mad and ignoring me, what do I do?
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: What car should I buy, reddit, and why? POST: I have about 20-25 k for a car. I don't mind used and in fact I think a dealer certified used vehicle is the way to go in order to maximize my pay off. I have never bought a car and I don't know which brand I want. I am ok with anything, but one thing is I don't want some car that will be extremely more expensive to upkeep (if that even exists). I've heard having a BMW vs a Volvo costs much more even after you buy the vehicle. So, I guess I do like to surf, and occasionally snowboard, but it a snow vehicle isn't necessary. TL;DR:
I surf, I need car, I have 25k. I am single male mid 20's. Which one to buy?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I 25M have a date with a 25F tomorrow, and she is not responding to my texts POST: So I have two previous posts with this throwaway you can look at for more context. But basically, I met this girl at a bar last week, and we hit it off really well. She texted me first actually the next day to see if I wanted to hang out, and we went back and forth a bit before arranging a date for this weekend. Then we texted some more during the week. It even turns out she was out on St patty's day in a group that included a guy I lived with in my dorms freshman year of college. He put in good words for me, and apparently she was asking if I was a normal guy. I think she might be someone who has been with crazy guys, or is just a typical female who wants to know as much as possible about a guy before a date. Anyways, I got tickets to an event we are going too tomorrow. I texted her earlier(like 2 hours ago on a friday night), and wanted to confirm we were still good to go and where I should pick her up. She hasn't responded. Now I know this seems super clingy, and anxious, but she was a super fast texter the first couple days after we me, so I dunno what has changed. Maybe she is busy, but just curious if any women think this means she is going to leave me hanging. And I'm not usually this micromanagerish, but I think she is funny and attractive, so it would be a bummer if I never find out more. TL;DR:
She was a fast texter, and now a slow texter. We have a date tomorrow and she hasn't responded.
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: I really, really, REALLY want to be a musician. POST: Yeah, what the title said. Ever since I first started playing the drums when I was a wee little kid, there's been nothing else that I've wanted more than to be a professional musician. I can't really see myself doing anything else. The problem, of course, is that it's pretty hard and unlikely to make it big, so to speak. Also, I don't know how I would go about actually getting out there forming a band. I mean, I turn 18 next year, so it's a decision that legitimately needs to be made... College, or music? My grades aren't exactly stellar, so it's not like I'd be throwing anything away by, say, moving to LA to find a band. TL;DR:
I want to be a professional musician, but I don't know where to start, or if it's even worth it.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Am I [M/16] being dumb for still being in a relationship with my gf [F/16] who cheated on me? POST: So yeah my gf who is out of town told me that she kissed another guy that she used to have a crush on and still does. She thought that I should know what because a friend told her to me what she did. I talked to her but every question I'd ask she would just say that she doesn't know and that's all she kept saying until she said she made out with him once. Later that night I kept trying talk to her about until she finally admitted they made out many times before. She then told the guy that they should stop and the other guy agree but they're going to continue hanging out. I lost her trust and loyalty but she says I can trust now after all that happened but I still can't believe her So am I dumb for trying to stay and fix this relationship? TL;DR:
She cheated on me. I lost her trust. We're still in a relationship. I'm trying to fix it.
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by playing video games POST: Long time lurker here,now with a story to share Today I wasn't able to get a lift into town to skateboard,so I spent the day playing video games on the computer. My mum returns home and suddenly becomes very angry ''How many hours have you been on that machine?'' I explain I've had nothing else to do all day so I've been on most of the day. My mum goes ballistic ''What are you implying?Get off it now!'' She grabs my keyboard and yanks it,pulling the computer along with it,and my pc falls to the ground smashing.I get angry at my mum ''What the hell why would you do that?'' to which she gets even angrier,saying it was my own fault and that she's glad it can't continue to ''dominate my life'' and that she's not replacing it TL;DR:
I play games,mum gets angry,pulls keyboard,pulls computer,RIP in pepperoni computer 2k15
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by telling my mom I smoke weeks POST: TIFU. It happened today at around 6:30 pm. Me and a couple of friends decide to go to the Swapmeet. We roll a joint, smoke it in the parking lot, and then go out for an adventure. One of my friends, we'll call him A, wants to buy a knitted beanie, but doesn't know the name. I call my sister, who owns like 5, to try and find out the name. In the middle of the call, I try to take it off speaker, and I accidentally press end. No biggie. I'll call her back in a little after we pay. We pay, walk in, and being stoned, run over to the churro stand. I decide I'll call my sister back. Unlock phone, call sister. S: "hello?" Me: "aye dude, I'm high a'f and hung up on accident" Silence... S: "um... This is your mom dummy!... Hahahha" She hangs up. I'm frozen. Wtf did I just do!? Holy shit! Wtf!!!? In my attempt to call my sister, I didn't realize I opened my moms contact. Stupid iphone. TL;DR:
Got really high. Called sister, said I was high a'f, but it wasn't my sister. It was my mom.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [21M] want to get back with my ex [21F] that I was unfaithful to three years ago. POST: Three years ago I managed to have one of the sweetest girls I've ever met become interested in me. It wasn't long before we were very much in love. However, this was at the height of my depression (I'm talking nearly non-functional) combined with my 17/18 year old libido, and her wanting to wait till marriage. I cheated on her, twice. On top of that I would always pressure her for sex, and my depression made me the least fun person to be around since I was always either asleep, or completely fucking out of it in misery. I admitted to both cases of infidelity and she stayed with me. I actually ended up breaking up with her, because I felt like she had an amazing future ahead of her that I'd just hold back. Oddly enough, over these past three years I've gone through everything I put her through. I was cheated on twice, I dated someone so mentally/emotionally out of it they were almost non-functional, and I dated someone who was ready for a lot more sex than I was. I've suffered for what I did, and from that I grew as a person and have made giant improvements with myself. I'd have no problem waiting till marriage now, my depression affects me maybe twice a month, and I've also gotten my life together a fair bit and have **NO** desire to chase other women. TL;DR:
Could I get her back? Should I even bother? Have I come far enough or is that not actually a thing?
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Ex-Boyfriend trying to screw my mom out of $2000. I need legal advice. POST: My mom bought my (then) boyfriend a car in December 2008, with the understanding that he would pay her back in a timely manner. He paid her $100 monthly for a while, but then the payments tapered off. He paid her $25 a month for 8 months and payments ceased entirely in Feb 2011. I just found this out. He lives a few states away from me and no longer has any contact with me. I have tried contacting him, his mother, and his grandmother to attain his address so I can send him a notarized letter informing him we will be taking legal action to get the car back. His grandma took my call and made it clear she was not allowed to give me any information. He and his mother won't talk to me at all. When he first got the car, my mom and him signed this contract: "I, fake name, will pay off the car in a reasonable manner as determined by plasmin's mom and myself. Failure to do so will result in ownership of the car being turned over to plasmin's mom." Unfortunately, we did not get this notarized. I want the car back so I can forget about this situation and have it over with. What are my options? TL;DR:
My ex-boyfriend stopped paying my mom for a car she bought him. How can I get the car repossessed?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: 17[f] soon to be 18, wants to be with me 27[m] POST: Okay, for starters I'm not sure if I need to be here with this, but here goes. I have a friend who has a daughter that is 17 and will be 18 in February. She's constantly sending me Facebook messages and "poking" me on Facebook. I want to think its weird, but to be honest she is conetely beautiful. I find myself in a unique predicament. She is a really sweet girl and everything, but is it bad that I actually want to consider this? I don't want to lose my friend or come off as a pervert. I'm not too sure what to do here. I see it in my eyes as, when she's 18, I shouldn't have to worry about it. But her mom, my friend, is a a few years older than myself and I don't know what to do. What should I do? Should I let it go? I don't want the impression that I'm cradle robbing or anything. I don't ever message her back. Just periodically and it's usually a sentence or two. Help me, please. TL;DR:
Soon to be 18 year old girl, friends daughter, wants to be with me and I'm confused of what to do.
SUBREDDIT: r/BreakUps TITLE: *Update* I broke it off with her POST: [I posted about it last night.]( I told her I was being selfish in keeping her even after I cheated. I told her that I'm trying to grow on my own and really get my shit together. (I've been really unmotivated to be in school). She was upset and I actually left her crying. She wanted to stay with me even after I said that. She kept calling and calling me when I finally answered she said she still loves me and that we have been perfectly fine just days before. She keeps texting me even now to please, please not give up on us. Let me provide some background: we broke up before, 6 months ago. And this is the same way it went. Except she caught me texting another girl and I decided to end it right then and there. But she wanted to stay in the relationship. I said no. 3 months later we got back together. Since then she has caught me texting girls again but we decided to go through it together. Right now, I'm not sure what to do. I'm unfaithful and I will continue to be with her. Should I ignore her questions and completely cut everything off? Or respond.. because she won't stop texting and calling. I just want to be with other girls but I'm pretty sure that's a big no-no to say at this point. Should I tell her that? And in what manner? TL;DR:
she wants me back after I cheated on her and I know I will do it again, what do I say to her?
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by hitting myself with a 10lb brick. POST: This happened a few years ago, but I got reminded of it because I can still feel it. So, I was at my Buddy's house, lets call him "Buddy". So buddy and I had just made slingshots out of clothes hangers and rubber bands, and used those spiny nuts on trees for ammo. We decided to build a tree fort in his front yard, and we got started. A few hours later it looked like a regular tree, with a few baskets of ammo, and a few boards to climb on. With a tripwire trap at the bottom. I had this amazing idea to take this fat ass brick from his garage and tie it to the tree, so that of anyone walks near and trips the wire, the brick swings down from the tree branch. Genius, right? Well my buddy thinks its dangerous, and says to disarm it when not in the tree... Wuss. Buddy slips and kicks a basket of ammo out of the tree, this was my basket, so I call him a tard as all best friends do, and climbed down to fetch it. After picking up around half of the ammo, I hear a *TWANG* noise. I then realize what that was, and in my current crouching state, this fat ass 10lb brick is swinging en route with my left temple. I jump back like a Naruto ninja, and instead of hitting my head, the truck hits my knee, and turns me about 30' degrees mid air. I hobble on into the house, with "I told you so, HAHAHAHAHA" echoing behind me. It was fun as fuck though I am not gonna lie. TL;DR:
Set up tripwire, tripped it myself on accident, bigass brick smacked the side of my kneecap.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: If I tell my wife of 15 yrs that I [40M] kissed someone, it's over. So guilty and scared. Please help. POST: On a business trip, drank too much and responded to flirting of younger woman. Kissed her and nothing more but am now physically hurting with guilt. If I tell my wife she will end our 15 year marriage with three kids. There's no question about it. This is my first instance and I have never felt so overwhelmed with guilt and fear. She knows I'm off but attributes it to fatigue and work stress (which are both true). I want someone to give me a pass on this one, but I also know how absurdly selfish that is. I've been reading a lot of posts about trusting your partner to accept and forgive, but I also know that won't happen. If I tell her, there's no going back and our family is ruined. I'm not overstating that. Despite the pain and guilt and fear and loneliness, I can't justify ruining a family for an indiscretion. But will I ever be whole again? So I'm going to swallow the guilt and try to rebuild. But I am not sure it can happen - I'm two days removed from the incident and am barely functional. I might want to seek a therapist but at the end of the day, if I get coached into disclosing, I know I can't, so how do I move on? All for a f*cking drunken kiss that, if I could do over, I would run away. TL;DR:
Kissed a girl, wife will end it no question. Can't see past the pain and don't know what to do.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [27F] ex [M26] of 1 year contacted me after 2 years of! POST: My ex and I were together for 1 year. He immediately broke up with me when I admitted to lying about an insecurity of mine. He considered any form of lying, small or not, a betrayal. He went NC and blocked me on everything possible. I emailed him a handful of times for about a month, begging him to let me explain, or for him to try and understand. I never got any response. For the past 2 years I've tried moving on. I've had a year long relationship, kept as busy as possible, am bettering myself in every way I can, etc. But I still miss him. I tell myself that it's a lost cause at this point, and learning to live without him is what I continue to do. Well, he contacted me yesterday. After 2 years of total silence. He said he misses me, asked how I'm doing, and asked to meet up when I have the time. I haven't responded yet. I don't know what he's done in these 2 years. How many women has he been with? Did he just end a relationship, and is contacting me as a rebound? Tons of questions have gone through my mind. I have no idea what to do. I do miss him, part of me still loves him. It was by far the best relationship I've ever been in, and I have zero complaints about him. He was nothing but kind, supportive, and loyal to me during our time. Would it be wrong to respond to him? I need any advice you guys can give! Thanks! TL;DR:
My [27F] ex [M26] of 1 year contacted me after 2 years of NC to meet up with him. What do I do?
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice TITLE: Second date after successful(?) first blind date. Don't have much dating experience. General advice? POST: Hey fellow redditors. I (M/24) was recently set up on a blind date (F/24). I feel like it went well. We grabbed a coffee and went on a walk around town. No awkward moments, a lot of common interests etc.. We're going miniputting on Thursday (weee), and I was wondering if I could get some general do's and dont's. I don't have much dating experience, and I'm a little self conscious about this, which is why I'd appreciate any advice. I feel I can carry a conversation well enough, and I won't let things get awkward, but anything you can suggest beyond that would be awesome ;D. Hrm.. a weakness of mine: initiating physical contact. Holding hands, kissing etc.. If things go well, should I be looking to start this on Thursday? I know this is more of a 'you do it when the timings right' thing, but it's a question that's been popping into my head.. I'll be glad to answer any questions that you may have. thanks :) TL;DR:
I'm a (male) dating n00b. Got me a second date. Would appreciate some general dating advice.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [18F] with my guy friend [18 M] 6 months, Should I tell a guy that I like him? and How? POST: I have a guy friend and I really like him but I don't know whether he likes me or not. He is one of those people that is really difficult to read and don't know where he stands on the subject of us. **Background info** He is very sarcastic and intelligent which I think hinders him expressing his emotions. He is fun to be around, we have great banters and especially when we both get drunk, he gets very cuddly and touchy. This is also a problem because it makes me fall in to a trap to think that he likes me. But then he would do weird things. Onetime we were playing spin the bottle and he had to kiss me. After the kiss he apologised which I thought was weird. So my problem here is that I really like him and kind of want him to know this. Should I tell him on the chance that he might reciprocate feelings? Or should I not take the risk as they are which is okay but mildly unsatisfying for me. And if I do tell him, how would I tell him that I like him? TL;DR:
I like my guy friend but he is really hard to read. Should I tell him that I like him or not.
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by overreacting to winning. POST: So, I was playing Halo 4 at my friends house. We played like 5 matches, and I had been doing horribly. We start up a game of free for all and we get at it. Intense game. Last 20 seconds and im tied with my friend who is sitting there split screening with me. I win by a kill. Herrs where I fuck up. I get so excited and all of us are cheering that I kick the Xbox over. It makes a weird humming noise and we wait like 10 seconds before unplugging it. He pops out the disc, and shit, its scratched. Its now unreadable. I had to give him my copy. Fuck. TL;DR:
Im a loser at Halo, win once, freak out, kick xbox, scratch disc, have to give him mine.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [22F] with my boyfriend [25M] of two years are having trust problems. POST: There was a classic "why did you like her profile photos" fight last night and my trust issues were brought back to the surface. I admit it, I have huge trust issues. Almost every boyfriend I 've had so far has cheated on me multiple times and I simply can't trust anyone, ever again. I don't make scenes often, quite rarely actually and my jealousy *rarely* affects our lives. I 've never asked him not to go out, or not to speak to anyone or things like these. I consider those acts petty and pointless. He keeps asking that I trust him 100%, and by that he means total and blind trust, in any issue. Bf says he can't live like that, if I don't trust him that much but I really can't and I don't think I ever will. Suggestions for getting past this? In all these, I have to add that I practically trust him with my life, because we are a BDSM couple and he is my master. Also, currently we live in different cities so we see each other once in 2-3 months. My question is: am I irrational for not trusting him 100%? I think it's pretty standard to *always* have doubts, even if you don't consider my failed love life's history. Do you trust your SO 100%? TL;DR:
Bf wants me to trust him 100% that he won't cheat on me, am I irrational for not doing it?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [16M] girlfriend [18F] is troubled and I want to help POST: So something has happened and I think it has to relate to when her nudes were leaked a couple years back, although I am not sure, she says that something happened and she isn't talking to anybody and she is depressed, but she won't tell me about it, I can't just walk up to her door, she lives far away, I want to know how to approach her and how to make her feel better, she isn't telling anybody whats going on and I really want her to open up to me, but she says she can't, she finds it extremely hard. Any advice is appreciated, thanks! TL;DR:
Girlfriend is troubled, won't tell anyone (not even me) and I want her to tell me and help her out
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Why doesn't Reddit have a remote logout feature like Gmail? POST: Here's the story. Boss asks to speak with me. I step into the meeting room thinking it's my 5 year review today, and bingo I'm let go. No hard feelings or anything like that just tough times in our industry. Now, that being said there are a few things that we fundamentally disagree with, one of them being using cannabis. Now I have my card, I'm legal in my state. I'm responsible and never let it affect my job (IT / graphic design so no heavy labor involved that anyone's life would be affected anyway) and I also have *valid* a medical need for it. That being said I still wouldn't like them having this information. After the owner and the GM and I shook hands I went back to my desk to pick up my few personal items and when I returned I found myself locked out of my work station and the password changed (smart on their part as I was in charge of their entire network / and IT) but I was also logged into Reddit. Searching and I can't find any way to be able to do so. Would changing my password affect the cookie or am I just missing something? (already did). [Example]( I understand posting about it may also lead to the [Streisand effect] but if they find out it also won't be the end of the world. TL;DR:
Why is there a no 'sign out of active sessions' or am I that retarded that I can't find it?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [22 M] and girlfriend [21 F] ended our 4.5 year relationship POST: We started dating in our senior year of high school. We ended up going to college about an hour apart but still only saw each other 2-3 times a month on weekends when school was in session. We only lived a few blocks away so we saw eachother a lot when we were both home, but we both worked during the summer too. We seemed to have "it" when we first started dating, then as time progressed we just got too comfortable with one another and neither of us were very happy. We were both too nice to tell eachother that we weren't happy, so honestly this was probably coming for awhile. It was the first serious relationship for both of us, which probably makes the break up even harder. Neither one of us feels that we are right for each other's future. I know this really sucks right now, but I know deep down that this is right for the future for both of us, as much as I want to talk to her and try to get her back. Any advice out there? Thanks :) TL;DR:
GF and I of 4.5 years broke up. We know it's right but it still really hurts right now.
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by not knowing how to use a machine in the woodshop POST: This was actually yesterday. I'm doing a project with my science olympiad team with my high school, and we needed to sand down a wooden cylinder. I'm usually very adept at using power tools, I've been taking classes and doing after school activities for 3 years around them, so I figured I could figure out how to use a lathe (it rotates a piece of wood around and around). However, I didn't realize the piece of wood required TWO things on the ends, not one. I only put the sharp end on one side, and pushed the clamp over, tightening the piece of wood. I turned it on, and BAM!!! Everything turned black. The girl next to me screamed, and I couldn't feel my face (I wasn't the weeknd either). I went to the hospital and I had to get 4 stitches, I busted my lip. To make things worse, when they were sewing it up, I don't think they used enough numbing stuff because I felt every single thing. Lesson learned: don't mess with machinery you don't know how to use, no matter how safe it looks. TL;DR:
I didn't know how to use a machine in the woodshop and I got hit in the face with a piece of wood.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: 28/f dating 26/m for four months. Advice for getting over getting ghosted/what's your story? POST: I have been dating a guy casually for about four months. We are long distance but I have gotten to see him twice for weekend trips in this period of time. We talk every day, all day, throughout various forms of social media and then at night usually skype 1-3 hours every other day ish. He just recently went on a trip and started going radio silent. I sent him a message telling him how I felt about the situation (negatively) and he did not respond for a few days, when I asked him to please respond and that I was concerned and not to ghost me (lol). He did respond, tried telling me he wasn't getting service , and promised he wouldn't. I know he has service - I see him active all over social media. Here we are, a week later, and I still haven't heard from him. It's hard to fathom that someone you talk to so much clearly has very little regard to your feelings, and can do this with ease. I'm having a hard time coping and am reaching crazy status by messaging him more. In a way, I think I know what went wrong (I was expecting too much out of a long distance relationship with no defined goal at the end) but it's the response (or lack thereof)that hurts the most. TL;DR:
Got ghosted, how to cope? do you have a ghosting story of your own to share (ghosted or ghoster)
SUBREDDIT: r/Parenting TITLE: Any advice on getting kids to sleep in the same room? Is it possible at these ages? POST: My daughters are two and four months. The younger one is a pro at sleeping. I can put her down when she is awake and she'll fall asleep on her own. She has a very tight schedule of her naps and bedtimes. She is just starting to sleep mostly through the night and I was thinking ahead to putting them in the same room in a month or two. But the older one is a monster at bed and nap time! She jumps on the bed and shouts, getting out her monstrous energy before a collapse. This may just be a phase she is going through. So does anyone else out there have kids that sleep in the same room and can offer any advice? I may be trying it when the baby is too young. Once they get asleep, I know it will be great. My only concern is the older one being too loud for the younger one as they fall asleep. TL;DR:
2-year-old noisy, 4-month-old good sleeper - how to get them to sleep in same room?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [24F] am 'forbidden' to see my best friend [31M] of 6 years. POST: I'm currently in a situation where my (male) friend's girlfriend has 'forbidden' him to hang out or really even talk with me. Obviously, there is a jealousy issue here and I feel like I've tried my best to be nice to her and give her the impression that I'm not around to 'steal' her boyfriend. He's been a great friend to me over the years and I've come to depend on him more than any other friend I have. I'd hate to lose him over this, but if it comes down to it I know he'll 'choose' his girlfriend. Do you have any experience with a situation like this? What can I do to smooth this over? Maybe you've been on the girlfriend side of this? What made you dislike your boyfriend's female friends? *He and I used to be FWB but we haven't done anything of that nature for over a year and I'm currently single, so obviously she feels threatened, but there's nothing I can do about either of those facts. TL;DR:
[M]BFF's GF 'forbids' him to see me[F] based on jealousy, insecurity. What can I do?
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: How do I ask someone not to talk like a baby without offending them? POST: So, I took on a fast food job to help pay the rent. I didn't mind it that much seeing that I was now able to pay my rent and bills and such. Well, a few months ago they hired this new girl who talks like a fucking baby and it annoys the shit out of me. The managers lover her because she is all that is a service champion. Nice, perky, always smiling no matter what is thrown at her... really she is the Bizzaro Unicorn_factory. I work with her every day and the baby voice is really starting to get to me. Yesterday I was about ready to scream at her to talk normally because i couldn't take it anymore. I know she has a normal voice, I had to call her once and she use her normal adult voice on the phone. What I want to know is how do i go about asking her not to use her baby voice anymore without being a dick about it? TL;DR:
I am as tactful as a wrecking ball, how do I ask my co-worker not to use her baby voice?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Im (23M) australian, fiancee is (22F) filipino. Family is harassing her to tears. What can i do? POST: Hi friends. So im a 23 year old man who lives in australia. I met this 22 year old girl online 2 years ago and fell in love pretty quickly. Ive gone over to stay with her multiple times, and last month i proposed to her, with her happily accepting. She moved away from her large family at the beginning of 2016 for better job prospects. She misses them dearly, even though theyre quite strict and overbearing. The last month, the females in her family have said some horrible things. They accuse her of being pregnant when she clearly isnt, for only wanting a foreigner partner for the benefits, saying i only want her as a maid, and other similiar harrassments. I feel pretty bad because i know her family is incredibly important to her. She was raised by her grandmothed, who is now spouting off cruel statements and making her cry. The very last thing i ever want to do is cause strife with her family. I dont know what i can do in this situation. Shes forbidden me from talking to her family about it because ive said stupid things in the past. I want to do more than comfort and reassure her, but im worried about making it worse. Has anyone been in a similiar situation? Im very sure i want this woman as my wife, and she feels the same. Not sure what the bloke is supposed to do in this situation. Thanks TL;DR:
fiancees family being horrible to her cus shes with a foreigner. I feel powerless. What do i do?
SUBREDDIT: r/BreakUps TITLE: I feel awful after breaking up with her. Help? POST: I'm a 15 year old guy and I very recently broke up with my 15 year old girlfriend. We would have been dating for a year on the 16th of October. There were many reasons I had to do this, these two being the most important: * I had started fading out of the relationship for about a month or so. We started to run out of things to talk about and things were getting boring. * If we continued dating, things would have only gotten worse and the break up would have been more painful for the both of us. Even though I am the one who ended the relationship, I still have some feelings for her (not incredibly strong, but still prevalent). I still care about her greatly and I want her to be okay. She is a great girl, but she has been mad at me and incredibly upset because she says she never saw it coming. She has posted some things on facebook that have hurt me and she accused me of not caring about her. Because she feels bad, I feel bad. I know that I caused her to be upset and I just cant seem to get over this guilt and her inadvertently making me feel bad. My biggest concern is that we might not be friends anymore. I want to maintain a friendship even if it wont be for a while. Any advice about what to do would be beneficial. This is my first big relationship and I am completely lost on what to do. TL;DR:
I just broke up with my gf and I feel bad. I want her to be friends with me in the end. Help?
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU picking up a book that was peed on POST: First submission here, long time lurker, but i thought I'd share a story of mine here: 7th grade I was a quiet kid, not the brightest and going through my chubby stage well I'm in my English class and have to go to the bathroom. Well after I'm done in the bathroom and washing my hands I notice a English text book directly under the urinal and I remembered someone said about a group of kids peeing on a book yesterday, but I knew it couldn't be this one, so I picked it up and wiped the bit off stuff on it. Well I proceeded to walk into the classroom with it and I said "Mr.B I found this book in the bathroom an-" I was interrupted when a kid from the class said "DUDE DID YOU FIND THAT NEAR THE URINAL" as he was holding back his laughter and a second later he said "I PEED ON THAT BOOK DUDE" I then screamed and dropped the book in the recycling bin and ran to the bathroom and washed my hands for 10 minutes. I came back to the whole class and teacher laughing at me, for two years I was called "Pee book". TL;DR:
tried to do something right picked up a book with piss on it, got called "pee book" for two years.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: 20f, feel insecure initiating a hookup with 22M FWB POST: Me and a fellow student at my college had casual sex a few times last year, i guess you could call it FWB but every time was after nights out drinking Given I didn't see it as anything serious, i started dating a guy who was later to become my bf of 8 months, and cale fit off with the original FWB. I think he was quite disappointed but there wasn't any animosity between us if we ran into each other Now that Im single again we bumped into each other at a nightclub recently and went home together. We didn't have sex as I didn't really feel comfortable with that for some reason but we did other things Over the last week or so Ive been thinking about him more and more and felt generally horny but I can't quite work up the courage to message him In general I'm really bad at initiating things with guys in case I come off as desperate or get rejected. Also I feel like it would be SUPER awkward to just have him turn up at my apartment when we're both sober - would we just start having sex???? Writing this to makes me feel like Ive treated this guy badly over the time we've known each other. Although Im not interested in a relationship with him ( doubt he is with me either ) I wan to treat him respectfully and kindly as I hope thats how he would treat me TL;DR:
Have I screwed this up or can i just text him? and what do I say experienced FWB's of reddit?