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"People are unlikely to make a connection between a meal they have eaten and a subsequent illness unless the illness strikes a group who are in communication with one another.",
"Many restaurant provide catering services for banquets in addition to serving individual meals.",
"A significantly large number of people eat in restaurants than attend catered banquets in any given time period.",
"Catering establishments know how many people they expect to serve, and ttherefore are less likely than restaurants to have, and serve, leftover foods, a major source of food poisoning."
] | Despite the fact that the health-inspection procedure for catering establishments are more stringent than those for ordinary restaurant, more of the cases of food poisoning reported to the city health department were brought on by banquets served by catering services than were brought on by restaurant meals. | 0 | train_4200 | Which of the following, if true, helps explain the apparent paradox in the statement above? |
"Orangutans are the most intelligent of nonhuman primates.",
"Orangutans dislike being caged more than chimpanzees do.",
"Some nonhuman primates are capable of deception.",
"Not all nonhuman primates understand tool use."
] | Naturalist: Different nonhuman primate species exhibit many contrasts in behavior. If a zookeeper leaves a screwdriver within reach of a chimpanzee, the animal is likely to examine and play with it for a time, and then move on to something else. In the same circumstances, an orangutan is likely to pretend to ignore the tool at first; later, in the zookeeper ' s absence, the orangutan may use the screwdriver to try to dismantle its cage. | 2 | train_4201 | Which one of the following is most strongly supported by the naturalist's statements? |
"It fails to consider whether the owls' vision was permanently impaired by their having worn the lenses while immature.",
"It uses as evidence experimental results that were irrelevant to the conclusion.",
"It neglects to consider how similar distorting lenses might affect the behavior of other bird species.",
"It attributes human reasoning processes to a nonhuman organism."
] | To find out how barn owls learn how to determine the direction from which sounds originate, scientists put distorting lenses over the eyes of young barn owls before the owls first opened their eyes. The owls with these lenses behaved as if objects making sounds were farther to the right than they actually were. Once the owls matured, the lenses were removed, yet the owls continued to act as if they misjudged the location of the source of sounds. The scientists consequently hypothesized that once a barn owl has developed an auditory scheme for estimating the point from which sounds originate, it ceases to use vision to locate sounds. | 0 | train_4202 | The scientists' reasoning is vulnerable to which one of the following criticisms? |
"High blood cholesterol levels preclude the weakening of artery walls.",
"Cerebral hemorrhages are more dangerous than strokes caused by blood clots.",
"Western diets result in higher blood cholesterol levels than do non-Western diets.",
"People who have low blood pressure are at increased risk of cerebral hemorrhage."
] | The public is well aware that high blood cholesterol levels raise the risk of stroke caused by blood clots. But a recent report concludes that people with low blood cholesterol levels are at increased risk of the other lethal type of stroke -- cerebral hemorrhage, caused when a brain artery bursts. The report suggests that because blood cholesterol plays a vital role in maintaining cell membranes, low blood cholesterol weakens artery walls, making them prone to rupture. The conclusion thus supports a long-standing contention by Japanese researchers that Western diets better protect against cerebral hemorrhage than do non-Western diets. | 2 | train_4203 | The argument is based on which one of the following assumptions? |
"In some animal species, no members ever display tameness.",
"Domesticated animals cannot be turned into wild species by breeding only those animals that display some wild characteristics.",
"In some animal species, wild members mate more frequently than tame members.",
"In some domesticated animal species, some members are much more tame than other members."
] | Domesticated animals, such as dogs, have come into existence by the breeding of only the individuals of a wild species that are sufficiently tame. For example, if when breeding wolves one breeds only those that display tameness when young, then after a number of generations the offspring will be a species of dog. Ttherefore, all animals can, in principle, be bred for domesticity. | 0 | train_4204 | Which one of the following, if true, most weakens the argument? |
"The number of graduates who went on to college remained constant each year during the 10-year period.",
"Many of last year's graduates who went on to college did so in order to prepare for careers requiring college degrees.",
"Some of the graduates who went on to college never received guidance from a high school counselor.",
"Any college courses that the graduates take will improve their career prospects."
] | For the past 13 years, high school guidance counselors nationwide have implemented an aggressive program to convince high school students to select careers requiring college degrees. The government reported that the percentage of last year' s high school graduates who went on to college was 15 percent greater than the percentage of those who graduated 10 years ago and did so. The counselors concluded from this report that the program had been successful. | 1 | train_4205 | The guidance counselors'reasoning depends on which one of the following assumptions about high school graduates? |
"Children would be terrified if they believed they were in the presence of a real lion.",
"Children apparently have a reasonably sophisticated understanding of what is real and what is pretend.",
"Children who have acquired a command of language generally answer correctly when asked about whether a thing is real or pretend.",
"The pleasure children get from make-believe would be impossible to explain if they could not distinguish between what is real and what is pretend."
] | Children clearly have a reasonably sophisticated understanding of what is real and what is pretend. Once they have acquired a command of language, we can ask them which is which, and they generally get it right. Even a much younger child who runs away when she sees her father roaring and prowling like a lion does not act as though she thinks her father is actually a lion. If she believed that, she would be terrified. The pleasure children get from make-believe would be impossible to explain if they could not distinguish the real from the pretend. | 1 | train_4206 | Which one of the following most accurately expresses the overall conclusion drawn in the argument? |
"The handling of water drainage and retention is the most important part of good farming.",
"Industrial solutions for problems in farming should never be sought.",
"Farmers are better than anyone else at solving farming problems.",
"The problems of farming should be viewed in all their complexity."
] | Madden: Industrialists address problems by simplifying them, but in farming that strategy usually leads to oversimplification. For example, industrialists see water retention and drainage as different and opposite functions -- that good topsoil both drains and retains water is a fact alien to industrial logic. To facilitate water retention, they use a terrace or a dam; to facilitate drainage, they use drain tile, a ditch, or a subsoiler. More farming problems are created than solved when agriculture is the domain of the industrialist, not of the farmer. | 3 | train_4207 | The situation as Madden describes it best illustrates which one of the following propositions? |
"aesthetically relevant properties other than representation can determine whether an object is a work of art",
"some objects that represent things other than themselves are not works of art",
"because some works of art are nonrepresentational, there is no way of judging our aesthetic experience of them",
"an object may have some aesthetic properties and not be a work of art"
] | Not all works of art represent something, but some do, and their doing so is relevant to our aesthetic experience of them; representation is ttherefore an aesthetically relevant property. Whether a work of art possesses this property is dependent upon context. Yet there are no clear criteria for determining whether context-dependent properties are present in an object, so there cannot be any clear criteria for determining whether an object qualifies as art. | 0 | train_4208 | The reasoning above is questionable because it fails to exclude the possibility that |
"presumes, without providing justification, that a phenomenon that supposedly increases the total amount of suffering in a society should ttherefore be changed or eliminated, regardless of its beneficial consequences",
"presumes, without providing justification, that if many people have a negative psychological reaction to a phenomenon, then no one can have a positive reaction to that phenomenon",
"fails to address adequately the possibility that one phenomenon may causally contribute to the occurrence of another, even though the two phenomena do not always occur together",
"takes for granted that a behavior that sometimes leads to a certain phenomenon cannot also significantly reduce the overall occurrence of that phenomenon"
] | Social critic: One of the most important ways in which a society socializes children is by making them feel ashamed of their immoral behavior. But in many people this shame results in deep feelings of guilt and selfloathing that can be a severe hardship. Thus, moral socialization has had a net effect of increasing the total amount of suffering. | 3 | train_4209 | The social critic's argument is most vulnerable to criticism on the grounds that it |
"In conducting the tests, the laboratory used each type of petrol on each type of engine.",
"Drivers whose automobiles regularly exhibit adverse effects from oxygenated petrol generally cease to notice the adverse effects by the time their automobiles have been driven 100, 000 kilometers.",
"The adverse effects from oxygenated petrol can be distinguished from mechanical engine problems in the laboratory tests.",
"Automobile owners who regularly use oxygenated petrol get more frequent engine maintenance because of the adverse effects from the petrol."
] | Oxygenated petrol, although it reduces pollution, causes frequent stalling in poorly maintained automobiles. However, in laboratory tests of automobiles that had been driven 100, 000 kilometers, those that had regularly used oxygenated petrol stalled less than those that had regularly used nonoxygenated petrol. | 3 | train_4210 | Which one of the following, if true, most helps to explain the results of the laboratory tests described above? |
"Customers differ significantly in the percentage of resources they can devote to computer workstations.",
"The capabilities of workstations suitable for given jobs are not significantly different among various manufacturers.",
"Buyers for corporations that purchase workstations for computer-aided design receive bonuses for negotiating large discounts from the list price.",
"The proposed list prices would seem low to a typical buyer for the manufacturer's most important corporate customers."
] | A manufacturer of workstations for computer-aided design seeks to increase sales to its most important corporate customers. Its strategy is to publish very low list prices for workstations in order to generate interest among the buyers for those corporations. | 2 | train_4211 | Which of the following, if characteristic of the marketplace, would tend to cause the manufacturer's strategy to fail? |
"It fails to address the issue, raised by the public-housing advocates' argument, of who would pay for the construction of more low-income housing.",
"It overlooks the possibility that not all apartment buildings have vacant apartments for rent.",
"It offers no justification for dismissing as absurd the housing advocates' claim that there are many homeless people in the city.",
"It responds to a claim in which \"available\" is used in the sense of\"affordable\" by using \"available\" in the sense of \"not occupied. \""
] | Lucien: Public-housing advocates claim that the many homeless people in this city are proof that there is insufficient housing available to them and ttherefore that more low-income apartments are needed. But that conclusion is absurd. Many apartments in my own building remain unrented and my professional colleagues report similar vacancies where they live. Since apartments clearly are available, homelessness is not a housing problem. Homelessness can, ttherefore, only be caused by people' s inability or unwillingness to work to pay the rent. Maria: On the contrary, all recent studies show that a significant percentage of this city' s homeless people hold regular jobs. These are people who lack neither will nor ability. | 3 | train_4212 | Lucien's argument against the public-housing advocates' position is most vulnerable to which one of the following criticisms? |
"Some mall shoppers patronize more than one store in any given shopping trip.",
"Mall shoppers, on average, spend 50 percent more time shopping than shoppers at other locations do.",
"Indoor malls often attract the customary numbers of shoppers even during inclement weather when outdoor malls are likely to lose business.",
"In the course of any year, 95 percent of all households in the United States have at least one member who does some shopping at a mall."
] | United States advertising agencies are increasingly using interviews at shopping malls, called "mall intercepts", to test for advertising effectiveness, product concept viability, and consumer buying habits. Critics of mall intercepts maintain that the shopping habits of mall shoppers are not representative of those of the larger population. | 1 | train_4213 | Which of the following, if true, would provide evidence that most supports the critics' claim about mall intercepts? |
"Jeff had to choose either a grapefruit or cereal for breakfast this morning. Given that Jeff is allergic to grapefruit, Jeff must have had cereal for breakfast this morning.",
"Emily's water glass is wet and it would be wet only if she drank water from it this morning. Since the only time she drinks water in the morning is when she takes her medication, Emily took her medication this morning.",
"Lisa went to the hair salon today since either she went to the hair salon today or she went to the bank this morning, but Lisa did not go to the bank this morning.",
"Linda is grumpy only if she does not have her coffee in the morning, and Linda does not have her coffee in the morning only if she runs out of coffee. Ttherefore, Linda runs out of coffee only on days that she is grumpy."
] | Whenever Joe' s car is vacuumed, the employees of K& L Auto vacuum it; they are the only people who ever vacuum Joe' s car. If the employees of K & L Auto vacuumed Joe' s car, then Joe took his car to K & L Auto to be fixed. Joe' s car was recently vacuumed. Ttherefore, Joe took his car to K & L Auto to be fixed. | 1 | train_4214 | The pattern of reasoning exhibited by the argument above is most similar to that exhibited by which one of the following? |
"Ramirez was forced by the discovery of new evidence to admit that she lied about her role in managing the chief of staff 's financial affairs. Nevertheless, the board of directors cannot justifiably take action against Ramirez, because in past instances it has pardoned others guilty of similar improprieties.",
"After a conservation officer discovered them, Kuttner admitted that he had set the illegal animal traps on his land. But, because she was trespassing at the time, the conservation officer cannot justifiably punish Kuttner in this case.",
"After Takashi told Sarah's parents that he had seen her at the movies on Tuesday, Sarah confessed to sneaking out that day. On Monday, however, Takashi had violated the local curfew for minors. Hence Sarah's parents cannot justifiably punish her in this case.",
"Shakila's secretary has admitted that he is illegally receiving cable television without paying for it. Shakila would not be justified in reporting him, though, since she once did the same thing."
] | When presented with the evidence against him, Ellison freely admitted to engaging in illegal transactions using company facilities. However, the company obtained the evidence by illegally recording Ellison' s conversations. Ttherefore, although the company may demand that he immediately cease, it cannot justifiably take any punitive measures against him. | 1 | train_4215 | Which one of the following judgments best illustrates the principle illustrated by the argument above? |
"Governments have near monopolies on the dissemination of many kinds of information.",
"Preserving a free marketplace of ideas is important.",
"The control that governments have over information needs to be reduced.",
"The freedom of the marketplace of ideas is in jeopardy."
] | Journalist: A free marketplace of ideas ensures that all ideas get a fair hearing. Even ideas tainted with prejudice and malice can prompt beneficial outcomes. In most countries, however, the government is responsible for over half the information released to the public through all media. For this reason, the power of governments over information needs to be curtailed. Everyone grants that governments should not suppress free expression, yet governments continue to construct near monopolies on the publication and dissemination of enormous amounts of information. | 2 | train_4216 | Which one of the following most accurately expresses the conclusion of the journalist's argument? |
"the opinions of the Athenian prosecutors did not represent popular opinion",
"the Athenian prosecutors considered themselves too harsh",
"although Athenians considered themselves too lenient, they might not actually have been too lenient",
"the mercy the Athenians showed was not always misguided"
] | In fifth-century B. C. Athenian courts, prosecutors scolded juries far more often for lenience than for harshness. We may conclude that Athenians considered themselves overly inclined to allow people to escape the punishment they deserved in the name of misguided mercy. | 0 | train_4217 | The reasoning in the argument above is flawed because it fails to consider the possibility that |
"Workers at nuclear power plants have filed only a few lawsuits against the management concerning unsafe working conditions.",
"Medical problems arising from work at a nuclear power plant are unusual in that they are not likely to appear until after an employee has left employment at the plant.",
"The exposure of the workers to radiation at nuclear power plants was within levels the government considers safe.",
"Workers at nuclear power plants are required to report to the manager any cases of accidental exposure to radiation."
] | The manager of a nuclear power plant defended the claim that the plant was safe by revealing its rate of injury for current workers: only 3. 2 injuries per 200, 000 hours of work, a rate less than half the national average for all industrial plants. The manager claimed that, ttherefore, by the standard of how many injuries occur, the plant was safer than most other plants where the employees could work. | 1 | train_4218 | Which one of the following, if true, most calls into question the manager's claim? |
"The assigning of praise and blame is what is most important in the assessment of the value of human actions.",
"There can be good actions that are not performed by a good person.",
"The intention of an action is indispensable for an evaluation of its morality.",
"One can sometimes know one's own motives for a particular action."
] | One can never tell whether another person is acting from an ulterior motive; ttherefore, it is impossible to tell whether someone' s action is moral, and so one should evaluate the consequences of an action rather than its morality. | 2 | train_4219 | Which one of the following principles, if valid, most helps to justify the reasoning above? |
"People admit to having only those character flaws that most other people consider trivial.",
"In casual conversation, people readily admit to having a character flaw only when that admission causes them little psychological discomfort.",
"In casual conversation, people admit to having character flaws only when they must.",
"Most character flaws are considered trivial by those who have them."
] | In casual conversation, people experience little psychological discomfort in admitting that they have some particular character flaw, but only if they consider trivial the flaw to which they admit. Ttherefore, if in a casual conversation an individual readily admits that he or she has some particular character flaw, the individual must not consider that flaw to be serious. | 1 | train_4220 | Which one of the following is an assumption necessary to the argument? |
"Amelia's society has a rule against lying. However, she lies anyway in order to protect an innocent person from being harmed. While the rule against lying promotes the general welfare of people in the society, Amelia's lie is not wrong because she is preventing harm.",
"Jordan lives in a society that requires its members to eat certain ceremonial foods during festivals. Jordan disobeys this rule. Because the rule is not detrimental to the general welfare of people in her society, Jordan's disobedience is wrong.",
"Edward's society requires children to take care of their aged parents. Edward's taking care of his aged parents is the right thing for him to do because the rule requiring this action promotes the general welfare of people in the society.",
"Dahlia always has a cup of coffee before getting dressed in the morning. Dahlia's action is right because it does not violate any rule of the society in which she lives."
] | Ethicist: An action is wrong if it violates a rule of the society in which the action is performed and that rule promotes the general welfare of people in the society. An action is right if it is required by a rule of the society in which the action is performed and the rule promotes the general welfare of the people in that society. | 2 | train_4221 | Which one of the following judgments most closely conforms to the principle cited by the ethicist? |
"People do less well on a task if they have been told that they will be closely watched while doing it.",
"People execute a task more proficiently when they do not believe their abilities are being judged.",
"People who assess their talents accurately generally perform near their actual level of proficiency.",
"People who think that a superior performance will please those who are testing them generally try harder."
] | In an experiment, tennis players who were told that their performance would be used to assess only the quality of their rackets performed much better than an equally skilled group of tennis players who were told that their tennis-playing talent would be measured. | 1 | train_4222 | The situation described above most closely conforms to which one of the following propositions? |
"people can be persuaded to have a greater concern for the environment than they now have",
"the rise in organic food production shows people to have a greater concern for the environment than they had before",
"people ought to be more concerned about the environment than they currently are",
"people can become healthier by increasing their consumption of organic foods"
] | Azadeh: The recent increase in the amount of organically produced food indicates that consumers are taking a greater interest in the environment. Thus, there is new hope for a healthier planet. Ben: No, Azadeh, if you interviewed people who buy organic produce, you' d see that they' re actually as selfish as everyone else, since they' re motivated only by worries about their own health. | 1 | train_4223 | Azadeh's and Ben's statements provide the most support for holding that they disagree about whether |
"The ability to use landmarks to find one's way home is probably not an innate ability in birds.",
"Studies testing whether the accuracy of birds' migratory patterns is due to an innate homing sense are inconclusive.",
"There is as yet little reason to accept that birds have an innate homing sense.",
"It is as false to claim that humans have an innate sense of direction as it is to claim that birds have an innate homing sense."
] | Some claim that migratory birds have an innate homing sense that allows them to return to the same areas year after year. However, there is little evidence to support this belief, since the studies testing whether the accuracy of birds' migratory patterns is due to such an innate ability are inconclusive. After all, birds may simply navigate using landmarks, just as humans do, and we do not say that humans have an innate sense of direction simply because they find their way home time after time. | 2 | train_4224 | Which one of the following statements most accurately expresses the main conclusion drawn in the argument? |
"rejecting a hypothesis because it is seemingly self-contradictory",
"considering people and locations whose existence cannot be substantiated by modern historians",
"ignoring available, potentially useful counterevidence",
"taking evidence that a text has correctly described an effect to show that the text has correctly described the cause"
] | An ancient Pavonian text describes how an army of one million enemies of Pavonia stopped to drink at a certain lake and drank the lake dry. Recently, archaeologists discovered that water-based life was suddenly absent just after the event was alleged by the text to have occurred. On the basis of reading the text and an account of the archaeological evidence, some students concluded that the events described really took place. | 3 | train_4225 | Which one of the following is a questionable technique used by the students to reach their conclusion? |
"research efforts aimed at discovering how to change the climate of Mars are justified",
"it is probably technologically possible for humankind to alter the climate of Mars",
"efforts to change the climate of Mars could facilitate understanding of the Earth's climate",
"it would take several centuries to make Mars even marginally inhabitable"
] | It is probably within the reach of human technology to make the climate of Mars inhabitable. It might be several centuries before people could live there, even with breathing apparatuses, but some of the world' s great temples and cathedrals took centuries to build. Research efforts now are justified if there is even a chance of making another planet inhabitable. Besides, the intellectual exercise of understanding how the Martian atmosphere might be changed could help in understanding atmospheric changes inadvertently triggered by human activity on Earth. | 0 | train_4226 | The main point of the argument is that |
"Traffic lights and street markings are intended to have benefits in addition to those related to safety.",
"Most drivers were not aware that traffic lights and street markings had been removed.",
"Drivers were given advance notice that the traffic lights and street markings would be removed.",
"The lack of traffic lights and street markings caused drivers to drive more cautiously."
] | Recently, many traffic lights and street markings were temporarily removed from a heavily traveled street in a major metropolitan area. Given that this street experiences significant volumes of automobile traffic, the number of accidents on the street was expected to increase. However, even though the street experienced no reduction in traffic, the number of accidents was greatly reduced. | 3 | train_4227 | Which one of the following, if true, most helps to resolve the apparent conflict described above? |
"Characteristics associated with maturity are important factors in psychotherapy's success.",
"Elderly people should not be reluctant to undergo psychotherapy.",
"Elderly people are better able to benefit from psychotherapy than are younger people.",
"Certain psychotherapists practice age discrimination."
] | Psychologist: Because of a perceived social stigma against psychotherapy, and because of age discrimination on the part of some professionals, some elderly people feel discouraged about trying psychotherapy. They should not be, however, for many younger people have greatly benefited from it, and people in later life have certain advantages over the young -- such as breadth of knowledge, emotional maturity, and interpersonal skills -- that contribute to the likelihood of a positive outcome. | 1 | train_4228 | Which one of the following most accurately expresses the main conclusion of the psychologist's argument? |
"presumes, without presenting relevant evidence, that an entity can be distinguished as the best only on the basis of competition",
"presumes, without providing warrant, that if an entity is the best among its competitors, then each individual part of that entity must also be the best",
"concludes that because an event is the most likely of a set of possible events, that event is more likely to occur than not",
"predicts the success of an entity on the basis of features that are not relevant to the quality of that entity"
] | Because our club recruited the best volleyball players in the city, we will have the best team in the city. Moreover, since the best team in the city will be the team most likely to win the city championship, our club will almost certainly be city champions this year. | 2 | train_4229 | The reasoning in the argument is flawed because the argument |
"Parents' and siblings' perceptions of a person's personality tend not to change between that person's early childhood and adulthood.",
"Parents and siblings have accurate perceptions of the behavior patterns of other family members.",
"Standard personality tests have detected significant birth-order effects in some studies of young children's personalities.",
"Standard personality tests will detect at least some birth-order effects on personality, if those effects exist."
] | Psychologist: Birth-order effects, the alleged effects of when one was born relative to the births of siblings, have not been detected in studies of adult personality that use standard personality tests. However, they have been detected in birth-order studies that are based on parents' and siblings' reports of the subjects' personalities. All of these birth-order studies, taken together, show that birth order has no lasting effect on personality; instead, birth order affects merely how a sibling' s behavior is perceived. | 3 | train_4230 | Which one of the following is an assumption required by the psychologist's argument? |
"Prediction about the results of future observations must be made by any good scientific theory.",
"Observation of physical phenomena was not a major concern in Aristotle's cosmological theory.",
"Aristotle's cosmological theory described a large class of observations in terms of only four elements.",
"A scientific model that contains many elements is not a good theory."
] | A scientific theory is a good theory if it satisfies two requirements: It must accurately describe a large class of observations in terms of a model that is simple enough to contain only a few elements, and it must make definite predictions about the results of future observations. For example, Aristotle' s cosmological theory, which claimed that everything was made out of four elements -- earth, air, fire, and water -- satisfied the first requirement, but it did not make any definite predictions. Thus, Aristotle' s cosmological theory was not a good theory. | 1 | train_4231 | If all the statements in the passage are true, each of the following must also be true EXCEPT: |
"Certain cuisines that have become popular use many more vegetable ingredients, including carrots, than most cuisines that were previously popular.",
"Weather conditions have caused a decrease in the availability of carrots.",
"The purchase of peeled and chopped carrots has become very popular, though carrots are known to lose their vitamins quickly once peeled.",
"Carrot consumption has increased only among those demographic groups that have historically had low vitamin A deficiency rates."
] | Carrots are known to be one of the best sources of naturally occurring vitamin A. However, although farmers in Canada and the United States report increasing demand for carrots over the last decade, the number of people diagnosed with vitamin A deficiency in these countries has also increased in that time. | 0 | train_4232 | Each of the following, if true of Canada and the United States over the last decade, helps to resolve the apparent discrepancy described above EXCEPT: |
"It's not obvious that reducing the number of criminals will always be beneficial.",
"Because these robots could pose a hazard to cars at night, special barriers would have to be constructed between the paths of the robots and the lanes of traffic.",
"Since police officers carry guns, the robots would incapacitate them just as efficiently as they incapacitate criminals.",
"Such robots would need to be charged during the daytime."
] | According to futuristic writings in the 1960s, robots would soon drastically reduce crime. With night vision and ability to detect the chemicals involved in ballistics, such robots could be programed to paralyze anyone roaming the street at night with a gun: virtually all criminals fit that description. These criminals would be incapacitated and thus unable to resist an easy arrest. | 2 | train_4233 | Which of the following, if true, most strongly indicates that the logic of the prediction is flawed? |
"If an artist is sympathetic to social justice, that artist is unemployed.",
"If there are artists interested in the prospect of great personal fame, they are sympathetic to social justice.",
"All artists are either sympathetic to social justice or are interested in the prospect of great personal fame.",
"All artists uninterested in the prospect of great personal fame are sympathetic to social justice."
] | All unemployed artists are sympathetic to social justice. And no employed artists are interested in the prospect of great personal fame. | 1 | train_4234 | If the claims made above are true, then which one of the following must be true? |
"corporations make nonfinancial contributions to social programs within their local communities",
"many shareholders of corporations are in favor of their corporations making contributions to community social programs",
"financial contributions to community social programs improve a corporation's image in a way that improves its profitability",
"a corporation's making financial contributions to community social programs violates no laws"
] | Columnist: In a recent article an economist argues that corporations have no responsibility to society beyond obeying the law and maximizing profit for shareholders. But in a different article the same economist endorses the view that corporations ought to make financial contributions to social programs in the communities in which they are located. Thus the economist is caught in a contradiction. | 2 | train_4235 | The columnist's argument is questionable because it fails to rule out the possibility that |
"Enabling people to believe that better futures are possible will help prevent the loss of motivation that results from pessimistic beliefs about the future.",
"If future generations believe that the future can be better, then pollution, poverty, and war will be eliminated.",
"Motivating people to work to solve humanity's problems will enable them to believe that the future can be better and will cause them to be less pessimistic.",
"The current prevalence of such problems as pollution and poverty stems from previous generations' inability to believe that futures can be better."
] | Young people believe efforts to reduce pollution, poverty, and war are doomed to failure. This pessimism is probably harmful to humanity' s future, because people lose motivation to work for goals they think are unrealizable. We must do what we can to prevent this loss of motivation and ttherefore must enable our children to believe that better futures are possible. | 0 | train_4236 | Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends? |
"That fewer people use cigarettes than eat fast food",
"That health concerns are the only reason people believe tobacco companies should be held liable",
"That the long-term health impact is the same for cigarettes as fast food",
"That tobacco companies tend to use the same type of marketing for their products as fast food companies"
] | It is undeniable that regular consumption of fast food can lead to serious health problems. However, most people agree that fast food companies should not be held liable for the effects their product has on the health of consumers. Few people, however, disagree with holding tobacco companies liable for the serious health problems caused by cigarette usage. Ttherefore, fast food must not be as unhealthy as cigarettes. | 1 | train_4237 | Which one of the following is assumed in the passage? |
"undermining a view by showing that its general acceptance would lead to undesirable consequences",
"claiming that whatever is true of a group must be true of each of the members of the group",
"rebutting an objection by attacking the assumption on which it is said to be based",
"attacking a view by claiming that those who propose it are motivated only by self-interest"
] | Political scientist: Efforts to create a more egalitarian society are often wrongly criticized on the grounds that total equality would necessarily force everyone into a common mold. Equality is presumed by such critics to require unacceptably bland uniformity. But this is not so. By promoting complementary human interests, a society can achieve a greater and more prosperous equality while enhancing rather than minimizing diversity. | 2 | train_4238 | The political scientist's argument proceeds by |
"If Pellman's corporate leaders had expected that the legal fees for going to trial would have been less costly than the settlement, they would have taken the lawsuit to trial.",
"If Pellman's corporate leaders had expected to win in court, then they would not have settled the lawsuit out of court for $1 million.",
"If Pellman's legal fees for going to trial would have been more costly than the settlement, then settling the lawsuit was the most cost-effective solution for the corporation.",
"Pellman's corporate leaders were able to accurately estimate their chances of winning in court."
] | Justine: Pellman, Inc. settled the lawsuit out of court by paying $1 million. That Pellman settled instead of going to trial indicates their corporate leaders expected to lose in court. Simon: It' s unclear whether Pellman' s leaders expected to lose in court. But I think they expected that, whether they won or lost the case, the legal fees involved in going to trial would have been more costly than the settlement. So settling the lawsuit seemed the most cost-effective solution. | 1 | train_4239 | The dialogue provides the most support for the claim that Justine and Simon disagree with each other about which one of the following? |
"new crops of spring wheat must be planted earlier than the time at which standing crops of winter wheat are ready to be harvested",
"spring wheat has uses that are different from those of winter wheat",
"the smaller-than-average size of a winter wheat harvest this year would not be compensated for by higher winter wheat prices",
"planting spring wheat is more profitable than planting certain other crops, such as rye"
] | Davison River farmers are currently deciding between planting winter wheat this fall or spring wheat next spring. Winter wheat and spring wheat are usually about equally profitable. Because of new government restrictions on the use of Davison River water for irrigation, per acre yields for winter wheat, though not for spring wheat, would be much lower than average. Ttherefore, planting spring wheat will be more profitable than planting winter wheat, since__. | 2 | train_4240 | Which of the following most logically completes the argument below? |
"Since every year there are more marriages than divorces, there must be some marriages that will not end in divorce.",
"At least one of the families in Herndon has more than one child, since in Herndon, there are fewer families than children and every child is a member of a family.",
"Since boys under ten slightly outnumber girls under ten and since some families have more than one child under ten, it follows that at least one girl under ten has more than one brother under ten.",
"There must be fewer families that include teenagers than there are teenagers belonging to such families, since there is at least one family that includes more than one teenager."
] | Since the zoo has more animals than enclosures, and every animal lives in an enclosure, it must be true that at least one of the enclosures contains more than one animal. | 1 | train_4241 | The argument above exhibits a pattern of reasoning that is most closely paralleled by which one of the following? |
"the evidence cited to show that one factor led to a certain result is not sufficient to show that a second factor will not also lead to that result",
"the reason indicated for the claim that one event caused a second more strongly supports the claim that both events were independent effects of a third event",
"the evidence cited to show that a certain factor was absent when a certain result occurred does not show that the absence of that factor caused that result",
"the reasons given in support of the conclusion presuppose the truth of that conclusion"
] | A careful review of hospital fatalities due to anesthesia during the last 20 years indicates that the most significant safety improvements resulted from better training of anesthetists. Equipment that monitors a patient' s oxygen and carbon dioxide levels was not available in most operating rooms during the period under review. Ttherefore, the increased use of such monitoring equipment in operating rooms will not significantly cut fatalities due to anesthesia. | 0 | train_4242 | A flaw in the argument is that |
"Many criminals do not have access to the advanced photocopiers that are needed to produce counterfeits of microprinted paper currency that cashiers will accept as real.",
"Before photocopying technology existed, most counterfeits of paper currency were accomplished by master engravers.",
"When an anticounterfeiting technique depends on the detection of counterfeits by experts, the cost of inspection by experts adds significantly to the cost to society of that technique.",
"The process of microprinting paper currency involves fewer steps than does the printing of paper currency with the special ink."
] | Advances in photocopying technology allow criminals with no printing expertise to counterfeit paper currency. One standard anticounterfeiting technique, microprinting, prints paper currency with tiny designs that cannot be photocopied distinctly. Although counterfeits of microprinted currency can be detected easily by experts, such counterfeits often circulate widely before being detected. An alternative, though more costly, printing technique would print currency with a special ink. Currency printed with the ink would change color depending on how ordinary light strikes it, whereas photocopied counterfeits of such currency would not. Because this technique would allow anyone to detect photocopied counterfeit currency easily, it should be adopted instead of microprinting, despite the expense. | 2 | train_4243 | Which one of the following, if true, provides the most support for the recommendation made by the argument? |
"mistakes a property of each member of a group taken as an individual for a property of the group taken as a whole",
"assumes without warrant that the newspaper stories in question are not biased",
"presupposes that most newspaper stories are about violent crime",
"presupposes the truth of the conclusion it is attempting to establish"
] | Sociologist: The claim that there is a large number of violent crimes in our society is false, for this claim is based upon the large number of stories in newspapers about violent crimes. But since violent crimes are very rare occurrences, newspapers are likely to print stories about them. | 3 | train_4244 | The sociologist's argument is flawed because it |
"It is presented to counteract a possible objection to the argument's overall conclusion.",
"It provides the basis for an analogy used in support of the argument's overall conclusion.",
"It is the overall conclusion of the argument.",
"It helps establish the scientific importance of the argument's overall conclusion, but is not offered as evidence for that conclusion."
] | Paleontologists recently excavated two corresponding sets of dinosaur tracks, one left by a large grazing dinosaur and the other by a smaller predatory dinosaur. The two sets of tracks make abrupt turns repeatedly in tandem, suggesting that the predator was following the grazing dinosaur and had matched its stride. Modern predatory mammals, such as lions, usually match the stride of prey they are chasing immediately before they strike those prey. This suggests that the predatory dinosaur was chasing the grazing dinosaur and attacked immediately afterwards. | 1 | train_4245 | Which one of the following most accurately describes the role played in the argument by the statement that the predatory dinosaur was following the grazing dinosaur and had matched its stride? |
"Size is the most important factor in deter- mining dominance among tigers.",
"Some large female tigers dominate young male tigers.",
"Some lions are more ferocious than tigers.",
"If a female tiger dominates a male of the species, the male is not an adult."
] | Every adult male tiger is larger than even the largest female tiger. In groups of tigers, any adult male tiger will dominate any female tiger. | 3 | train_4246 | If the statements above are true, which one of the following must, on the basis of them, be true? |
"users of a language can easily adapt to changes in that language",
"grammar violations should be resisted",
"languages evolve through an accumulation of changes in usage and rules",
"people only rarely violate grammar rules"
] | Anderson: Taking the long view, history shows that word usage and grammar rules are constantly changing and evolving-sometimes resulting in entirely new languages. Since they will change regardless of our efforts, we shouldn' t worry about violations of grammar rules. Lipton: That' s like arguing that we shouldn' t worry about enforcing laws since, in the larger scheme of things, laws change and nations come and go. But of course it is good that laws are enforced. | 1 | train_4247 | The dialogue provides the most support for the claim that Anderson and Lipton disagree over whether |
"presumes, without providing justification, that the public has a right to all information about matters of public safety",
"presumes, without providing justification, that information about airline safety is impossible to find in the absence of government disclosures",
"fails to consider whether the publication of airline safety statistics will have an effect on the revenues of airlines",
"fails to consider that, even if the reports are incomplete, they may nevertheless provide the public with important information about airline safety"
] | The government has recently adopted a policy of publishing airline statistics, including statistics about each airline' s number of near collisions and its fines for safety violations. However, such disclosure actually undermines the government' s goal of making the public more informed about airline safety, because airlines will be much less likely to give complete reports if such information will be made available to the public. | 3 | train_4248 | The reasoning in the argument is most vulnerable to criticism on the grounds that it |
"The diet of H. erectus was richer in calcium than was the diet of A. robustus.",
"The diet of A. robustus included at least some meat.",
"The diets of A. robustus and H. erectus both contained less strontium than calcium.",
"The meat in the diet of H. erectus was higher in strontium than was the meat in the diets of other hominids."
] | Fossilized bones from the hominids Australopithecus robustus and Homo erectus were chemically analyzed. The robustus bones contained a lower ratio of strontium to calcium than did the erectus bones. The lower the ratio of strontium to calcium in fossilized hominid bones, the more meat the hominid had in its diet. H. erectus is known to have eaten meat. | 1 | train_4249 | The statements above, if true, most strongly support which one of the following? |
"Any psychological technique that can be successfully taught to a child can also be successfully taught to an adult.",
"Psychologists should do everything they can to minimize the number of adults troubled by chronic nightmares.",
"Psychologists should not teach the technique for replacing nightmares with pleasant dreams to children who are unlikely to suffer from nightmares as adults.",
"Identifying nightmare-prone children is generally more difficult than teaching adults the technique for replacing nightmares with pleasant dreams."
] | Bethany: Psychologists have discovered a technique for replacing one' s nightmares with pleasant dreams, and have successfully taught it to adults suffering from chronic nightmares. Studies have found that nightmare-prone children are especially likely to suffer from nightmares as adults. Thus, psychologists should direct efforts toward identifying nightmare-prone children so that these children can be taught the technique for replacing their nightmares with pleasant dreams. | 1 | train_4250 | Which one of the following principles, if valid, most helps to justify drawing the conclusion in Bethany's argument? |
"All of the 1, 000 to 2, 000 species of fruit flies worldwide are believed to be the descendants of one or two females.",
"All of the picture-winged drosophilids in Hawaii are believed to be the descendants of the same one or two ancestral female fruit flies.",
"Some fruit flies originated in Hawaii and spread from there to other parts of the world.",
"Picture-winged drosophilids are found only in the Hawaiian islands."
] | Only 1, 000 to 2, 000 species of fruit flies exist worldwide. Nowhere in the world are fruit flies more taxonomically diverse than in the Hawaiian islands, which host some 500 species. A subset of fruit flies called the picture-winged drosophilids is represented in Hawaii by 106 species. All of the fruit fly species now present in the Hawaiian archipelago are thought to be the descendants of the same one or two ancestral females. | 1 | train_4251 | Which one of the following can be inferred from the passage? |
"Camera stores that are part of the same national franchise in major metropolitan locations, like New York or Los Angeles, sell comparatively large numbers of the high end cameras.",
"The sales associates are already well informed about the capabilities of all the cameras, and often know detailed technical information about their circuitry.",
"The high end cameras can generate photographs of profession quality, such as those a portrait photographer might produce",
"The only reason many customers buy the economy cameras is that they do not appreciate that the high-end cameras are significantly better."
] | A manager is hoping to reach a certain target for camera sales in his store, which sells between 10 and 20 cameras a week. Typically, most cameras sold in any week are the less expensive economy models, and his store has sold relatively fewer of the more expensive, high-end cameras. The manager realizes that if, on average, three more cameras sold each week were high-end instead of economy models, the store would reach its target in sales. The manager prepares a detailed information sheet for the sales associates, outlining the numerous advantages of the high-end cameras over the economy cameras, and provides each sales associate with a portfolio of contrasting photos of the same images, showing the clearly superior image quality of the high-end cameras. | 3 | train_4252 | Which of the following, if true, would provide most support for the prediction that the detailed information sheet and photo portfolio given to sales associates will have its intended effect of allowing the store to reach its target in sales? |
"showing that two alternate explanations for a situation are equally probable",
"citing a law of nature to explain a particular kind of change",
"explaining why a situation came about by referring to the intended outcome of a course of action",
"presenting the situation to be explained as part of a general pattern"
] | Theories in certain scientific fields may be in flux today, but this unsettled state must be attributed to scientific progress, not to a lack of theoretical rigor. Several decades of scientific research have recently culminated in a wealth of new discoveries in these fields, and whenever many new facts come to light in a field, the ways in which that field organizes its knowledge inevitably need adjustment. | 3 | train_4253 | The argument proceeds by |
"Socially responsible companies offer better pay than companies that are not socially responsible.",
"Funding social programs is required for a business to be socially responsible.",
"To be socially responsible, it is not enough for a company to make fine products.",
"Adkjos treats its employees and customers well."
] | Anju: The Adkjos corporation does not fund social programs. Ttherefore, although Adkjos does make fine products, it is not socially responsible. Sanjeev: That doesn' t mean that Adkjos is not socially responsible. If a business offers good pay and benefits to its employees, and fine service and value to customers, it is socially responsible. Adkjos does those things. | 1 | train_4254 | On the basis of their statements, Anju and Sanjeev are committed to disagreeing about which one of the following? |
"Field observations of the behavior of young animals often inspire insightful hypotheses about human personality development.",
"It is generally less expensive to perform experiments on animals than it is to perform them on humans.",
"Proper understanding of human personality is thought to provide a model for better understanding the personality of animals.",
"The actions of humans and animals are believed to be motivated by similar instincts, but these instincts are easier to discern in animals."
] | To acquire a better understanding of the structure and development of the human personality, some psychologists study the personalities of animals. | 2 | train_4255 | Each of the following, if true, contributes to an explanation of the practice mentioned above EXCEPT: |
"It supports the conclusion that forcing children to pursue academic success is not objectionable.",
"It supports the ethicist's view that vanity's being the motivation for cloning is not enough of a reason to ban cloning.",
"It describes a legal position that the ethicist argues should be changed.",
"It is implied by the ethicist's conviction that clones are not subpeople."
] | Ethicist: Some would ban cloning on the grounds that clones would be subpeople, existing to indulge the vanity of their "originals. " It is not illegal, however, to use one person as a vehicle for the ambitions of another. Some people push their children to achieve in academics or athletics. You do not have to have been born in a test tube to be an extension of someone else' s ego. | 1 | train_4256 | The assertion that it is not illegal to use one person as a vehicle for another's ambitions is used in the ethicist's argument in which one of the following ways? |
"the immediate per capita cost to inhabitants of changing the name of the town would be less than the immediate per capita revenue they would receive from the change",
"other towns in the region have changed their names to reflect historical associations and have, as a result, experienced a rise in tourism",
"the town can accomplish, at a very low cost per capita, the improvements in tourist facilities that an increase in tourism would require",
"many inhabitants would be ready to supply tourists with information about Washington Irving and his \"legend\""
] | The town council of North Tarrytown favored changing the name of the town to Sleepy Hollow. Council members argued that making the town' s association with Washington Irving and his famous "legend" more obvious would increase tourism and result immediately in financial benefits for the town' s inhabitants. | 0 | train_4257 | The council members' argument requires the assumption that |
"It is not a requirement of house paints that they correct surface defects such as badly cracked paint.",
"Acrylic paints come in as wide a range of colors as do any other paints.",
"Acrylics should not be used to paint over other types of house paint.",
"Badly cracked paint is not a result of harsh weather conditions."
] | For house painting, acrylic paints are an excellent choice. They provide everything that a good paint should provide: smooth and even coverage, quick drying time, durability, and easy cleanup. Even acrylics, however, cannot correct such surface defects as badly cracked paint. Such conditions indicate some underlying problem, such as water damage, that needs repair. | 0 | train_4258 | Which one of the following is most strongly supported by the statements above? |
"The first is an explanation that the argument challenges; the second provides evidence in support of a competing explanation that the argument defends.",
"The first and second are both claims that have been advanced in support of a position that the argument as a whole opposes.",
"The first is an explanation that the argument defends; the second is evidence that has been used to challenge that explanation.",
"The first is an explanation that the argument challenges; the second is evidence that has been used against an alternative explanation that the argument defends."
] | Scientists typically do their most creative work before the age of forty. It is commonly thought that this happens because <b> aging by itself brings about a loss of creative capacity </b>. However, a study has found that almost all scientists who produce highly creative work beyond the age of forty entered their fields late and less than a dozen years before their creative breakthroughs. Since <b> creative breakthroughs by scientists under forty also generally occur within a dozen years of the scientist' s entry into the field </b>, the study' s finding strongly suggests that the real reason why scientists over forty rarely produce highly creative work is not due to age but rather because most have spent too long in their fields. | 0 | train_4259 | In the argument given, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles? |
"A decreased risk of stroke is correlated with increased levels of folic acid.",
"An increased propensity for blocked arteries is correlated with decreased levels of homocysteine.",
"Stroke is prevented by ingestion of folic acid in quantities sufficient to prevent a decline in the levels of homocysteine.",
"A decreased propensity for blocked arteries is correlated with low levels of folic acid."
] | Recent research indicates that increased consumption of fruits and vegetables by middle-aged people reduces their susceptibility to stroke in later years. The researchers speculate that this may be because fruits and vegetables are rich in folic acid. Low levels of folic acid are associated with high levels of homocysteine, an amino acid that contributes to blocked arteries. | 0 | train_4260 | Which one of the following statements is most strongly supported by the information above? |
"Among office workers who rarely use keyboards, the rate of carpal tunnel syndrome is much higher for those who feel that they lack control over their own work.",
"Office workers who have the most control over their own work tend to perform repetitive motions other than typing more often than do office workers with the least control over their own work.",
"The keyboards on which office workers type tend to put typists' arms and hands in positions that promote the development of carpal tunnel syndrome.",
"Feeling a lack of control over one's own work tends to put one under emotional stress that makes one more susceptible to nerve disorders."
] | Carpal tunnel syndrome, a nerve disorder that affects the hands and wrists, is often caused by repetitive motions such as typing on a keyboard. A recent study of office workers found that, among those who do similar amounts of typing, workers reporting the least control over their own work had almost three times the risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome as did those who reported the most control. | 3 | train_4261 | Which one of the following, if true, most helps to explain the study's findings? |
"The percentage of restaurant bills paid with a given brand of credit card increases when that credit card's logo is displayed on the tray with which the bill is presented.",
"In general, restaurant patrons who pay their bills in cash leave larger tips than do those who pay by credit card.",
"Patrons who are under financial pressure from their credit-card obligations tend to tip less when presented with a restaurant bill on a tray with a credit-card logo than when the tray has no logo.",
"The effect noted in the studies is not limited to patrons who have credit cards."
] | Studies in restaurants show that the tips left by customers who pay their bill in cash tend to be larger when the bill is presented on a tray that bears a credit card logo. Consumer psychologists hypothesize that simply seeing a credit-card logo makes many credit card holders willing to spend more because it reminds them that their spending power exceeds the cash they have immediately available. | 2 | train_4262 | Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the psychologists' interpretation of the studies? |
"In the past 1, 000 experiments, whenever an experimental fungicide was applied to coffee plants infected with coffee rust, the infection disappeared. The coffee rust never disappeared before the fungicide was applied. Ttherefore, in these experiments, application of the fungicide caused the disappearance of coffee rust.",
"Three thousand registered voters -- 1, 500 members of the Liberal party and 1, 500 members of the Conservative party -- were asked which mayoral candidate they favored. Four hundred of the Liberals and 300 of the Conservatives favored Pollack. Ttherefore, Pollack has more support among Liberals than among Conservatives.",
"Every one of these varied machine parts is of uniformly high quality. Ttherefore, the machine that we assemble from them will be of equally high quality.",
"All of my livestock are registered with the regional authority. None of the livestock registered with the regional authority are free-range livestock. Ttherefore, none of my livestock are free-range livestock."
] | In a sample containing 1, 000 peanuts from lot A and 1, 000 peanuts from lot B, 50 of the peanuts from lot A were found to be infected with Aspergillus. Two hundred of the peanuts from lot B were found to be infected with Aspergillus. Ttherefore, infection with Aspergillus is more widespread in lot B than in lot A. | 1 | train_4263 | The reasoning in which one of the following is most similar to the reasoning in the argument above? |
"The footprints showing human characteristics were clearly those of at least two distinct individuals.",
"Footprints shaped like a human's that do not show a cross-stepping pattern exist at site M, which is a mile away from site G, and the two sets of footprints are contemporaneous.",
"When the moist volcanic ash became sealed under additional layers of ash before hardening, some details of some of the footprints were erased.",
"Certain species of bears had feet very like human feet, except that the outside toe on each foot was the biggest toe and the innermost toe was the smallest toe."
] | Two paleontologists, Dr. Tyson and Dr. Rees, disagree over the interpretation of certain footprints that were left among other footprints in hardened volcanic ash at site G. Dr. Tyson claims they are clearly early hominid footprints since they show human characteristics: a squarish heel and a big toe immediately adjacent to the next toe. However, since the footprints indicate that if hominids made those prints they would have had to walk in an unexpected cross-stepping manner, by placing the left foot to the right of the right foot, Dr. Rees rejects Dr. Tyson' s conclusion. | 3 | train_4264 | Which one of the following, if true, most seriously undermines Dr. Tyson's conclusion? |
"Disease is not a biochemical phenomenon at all.",
"Stress can weaken the immune system.",
"Discussing one's condition eliminates the stress of being in that condition.",
"Cancer patients can learn to function well under extreme stress."
] | Psychologist: Research has shown that a weakened immune system increases vulnerability to cancer. So, cancer-patient support groups, though derided by those who believe that disease is a purely biochemical phenomenon, may indeed have genuine therapeutic value, as it is clear that participation in such groups reduces participants' stress levels. | 1 | train_4265 | Which one of the following is an assumption required by the psychologist's argument? |
"The stock portfolios for which the guests were consultants performed better for the past 12 year period than the market as a whole.",
"Performance of the stocks recommended on the television show was measured independently by a number of analysts, and the results of all the measurements concurred.",
"Taken together, the stocks recommended on the television show performed better than the market as a whole for the past year.",
"Performance of the stocks recommended on the telephone show was measured by stock dividends, whereas the performance of the market as a whole was measured by change in share value."
] | Taken together, some 2, 000 stocks recommended on a popular television show over the course of the past 12 years by the show' s guests, most of whom are successful consultants for multibillion-dollar stock portfolios, performed less successfully than the market as a whole for this 12-year period. So clearly, no one should ever follow any recommendations by these so-called experts. | 1 | train_4266 | Each of the following, if true, weakens the argument EXCEPT: |
"that departments other than sales are more vital to the company's success",
"that the sales department taken by itself is not critical to the company's success as a whole",
"an absurd consequence of its apparent assumption that a department's necessity earns it the highest priority",
"that the sales manager makes a generalization from an atypical case"
] | Sales manager: The highest priority should be given to the needs of the sales department, because without successful sales the company as a whole would fail. Shipping manager: There are several departments other than sales that also must function successfully for the company to succeed. It is impossible to give the highest priority to all of them. | 2 | train_4267 | The shipping manager criticizes the sales manager's argument by pointing out |
"It is a conclusion based on the premise in the argument that it is best to let small forest foes bum.",
"It is used as evidence against the contention that the Forestry Department is not doing its job properly if it does not extinguish forest fires as quickly as possible.",
"It is used to show what the consequences would be if the Forestry Department based its policies on the ideas most people have about how it should do its job.",
"It is offered as support for the contention that the Forestry Department is not doing its job properly if it does not extinguish forest fires as quickly as possible."
] | Forestry official: Many people think that if forest fires are not extinguished as quickly as possible, the Forestry Department is not doing its job properly. But relatively frequent, small fires clear out small trees and forest debris, which, if allowed to accumulate, would create the conditions for large, devastating fires. | 1 | train_4268 | Ttherefore, it's best to let small fires burn The statement that relatively frequent, small fires clear out small trees and forest debris plays which one of the following roles in the official' s argument? |
"taking for granted that dependable predictions about the future cannot ever be made simply on the basis of the present facts",
"inferring that since an event that is taken to be likely on a given hypothesis has not occurred, the hypothesis is probably false",
"reasoning that because an event has not occurred, that event has a low probability of occurring",
"making a prediction far into the future based on established human tendencies"
] | Scientist: Given the human tendency to explore and colonize new areas, some people believe that the galaxy will eventually be colonized by trillions of humans. If so, the vast majority of humans ever to live would be alive during this period of colonization. Since all of us are humans and we have no reason to think we are unrepresentative, the odds are overwhelming that we would be alive during this period, too. But, because we are not alive during this period, the odds are slim that such colonization will ever happen. | 1 | train_4269 | The scientist's argument proceeds by |
"presents counterarguments to a view that is not actually held by any medical researcher",
"fails to consider the possibility that popular newspapers and magazines do a good job of identifying the most important medical research articles",
"fails to consider the possibility that popular newspapers and magazines are able to review only a minuscule percentage of medical research articles",
"draws a conclusion that is logically equivalent to its premise"
] | Panelist: Medical research articles cited in popular newspapers or magazines are more likely than other medical research articles to be cited in subsequent medical research. Thus, it appears that medical researchers' judgments of the importance of prior research are strongly influenced by the publicity received by that research and do not strongly correspond to the research' s true importance. | 1 | train_4270 | The panelist's argument is most vulnerable to criticism on the grounds that it |
"The outside audit of our public relations department has exposed serious deficiencies in the competence of each member of that department. We must conclude that the department is inadequate for our needs.",
"The employees at this fast-food restaurant are the youngest and most inexperienced of any fast-food workers in the city. Given this, it seems obvious that customers will have to wait longer for their food at this restaurant than at others.",
"This supercomputer is the most sophisticated -- and the most expensive -- ever built. It must be that each of its components is the most sophisticated and expensive available.",
"Literature critics have lavished praise on every chapter of this book. In light of their reviews, one must conclude that the book is excellent."
] | The university' s purchasing department is highly efficient overall. We must conclude that each of its twelve staff members is highly efficient. | 2 | train_4271 | Which one of the following arguments exhibits flawed reasoning most similar to that exhibited by the argument above? |
"Most of the major carpet producers market other floor coverings as well.",
"The carpet market is unlike most markets in that consumers are becoming increasingly resistant to new patterns and styles.",
"Price reductions, achieved by cost-cutting in production, by some of the dominant firms in the carpet market are causing other producers to leave the market altogether.",
"Two of the three mergers in the industry's last ten years led to a decline in profits and revenues for the newly merged companies."
] | There is relatively little room for growth in the overall carpet market, which is tied to the size of the population. Most who purchase carpet do so only once or twice, first in their twenties or thirties, and then perhaps again in their fifties or sixties. Thus as the population ages, companies producing carpet will be able to gain market share in the carpet market only through purchasing competitors, and not through more aggressive marketing. | 2 | train_4272 | Which one of the following, if true, casts the most doubt on the conclusion above? |
"It begins with a generalization, offers some examples, and concludes with a definition.",
"It begins with a definition, offers some examples, and concludes with speculation.",
"It begins with a generalization, defines some terms, and concludes with an example.",
"It begins with a bright-line test, offers some examples, and concludes with a definition."
] | Corruption is the cost of doing business in the context of the modern governmental climate. In some countries, corruption takes the form of campaign donations to politicians for passing favorable legislation, while in other countries, politicians receive kickbacks for the successful completion of a government initiative. As long as humans are involved in government, corruption will never be eliminated. | 1 | train_4273 | Which one of the following most accurately describes how the argument proceeds? |
"If a species is highly adaptable, it will thrive when introduced into a new environment. If a species thrives in its new environment, it will have an adverse effect on species already existing in that environment. But, since this species has not had an adverse effect on any species already existing in its new environment, it is not highly adaptable.",
"If the introduction of a new species would adversely affect some species already existing in an environment, that species should not be introduced into it. Ttherefore, since the introduction of species into new environments will result in some species in those environments being adversely affected, species should probably not be introduced into new environments.",
"If a species thrives in a new environment, that species is adaptable. Species that adapt to new environments adversely affect some species already existing in those environments. So, if a species does not adversely affect any species already existing in its new environment, it has not adapted to it.",
"If a species is introduced into a new environment, it adversely affects some species already existing in that environment, but only if it adapts well to it. Ttherefore, if a species does not adapt well to a new environment, it will not adversely affect any species already existing in it."
] | If temperatures had dropped below freezing when I was gone last week, the impatiens in my garden would have died. If the impatiens had died, they obviously could not continue to bloom. However, since the impatiens in my garden are still in bloom today, temperatures did not drop below freezing last week. | 0 | train_4274 | The pattern of reasoning in which one of the following arguments most closely parallels that in the argument above? |
"People are not morally responsible for most of the actions that they perform .",
"A person is morally responsible for an action if there is an alternative action that is genuinely open to the person.",
"An alternative action is not genuinely open to a person unless that person would be morally responsible for performing the alternative action.",
"An action is not free unless there is an alternative action that is not morally wrong."
] | Philosopher: A person is morally responsible for an action only if that action is performed freely. And an action is free only if there is an alternative action that is genuinely open to the person. But an alternative action is genuinely open only if performing that alternative action is not morally wrong. | 3 | train_4275 | If the philosopher 's statements are true, which one of the following must also be true? |
"young people who have asthma are no more likely to become competitive athletes than are young people who do not have asthma",
"many people have asthma without knowing they have it and thus are not diagnosed with the condition until they begin engaging in very strenuous activities, such as competitive athletics",
"competitive athletes who specialize in sports other than swimming are rarely exposed to chlorine",
"until a few years ago, physicians routinely recommended competitive swimming to children with asthma, in the belief that this form of exercise could alleviate asthma symptoms"
] | Asthma, a chronic breathing disorder, is significantly more common today among adult competitive swimmers than it is among competitive athletes who specialize in other sports. Although chlorine is now known to be a lung irritant and swimming pool water is generally chlorinated, it would be rash to assume that frequent exposure to chlorine is the explanation of the high incidence of asthma among these swimmers, since __ . | 3 | train_4276 | Which of the following most logically completes the argument given? |
"The study found that for people who drank three or more cups of coffee daily, the additional risk of heart disease increased with each extra daily cup.",
"The study did not collect information that would show whether variations in level of coffee consumption are directly related to variations in level of stress, a major causal factor in heart disease.",
"Subsequent studies have shown that heavy coffee consumption tends to cause an elevated blood-cholesterol level, an immediate indicator of increased risk of heart disease.",
"Per capita coffee consumption has been declining over the past 20 years because of the increasing popularity of soft drinks and also because of health worries."
] | Researchers have found that people who drink five or more cups of coffee a day have a risk of heart disease 2. 5 times the average after corrections are made for age and smoking habits. Members of the research team say that, on the basis of their findings, they now limit their own daily coffee intake to two cups. | 1 | train_4277 | Which one of the following, if true, indicates that the researchers' precaution might NOT have the result of decreasing their risk of heart disease? |
"Antismoking education programs that are funded by taxes on cigarettes will tend to lose their funding if they are successful.",
"People who are well informed about the effects of long-term tobacco use are significantly less likely to smoke than are people who are not informed.",
"Usually, cigarette sales will increase substantially in the areas surrounding a city after that city imposes stiff taxes on cigarettes.",
"A city-imposed tax on cigarettes will substantially reduce the amount of smoking in the city if the tax is burdensome to the average cigarette consumer."
] | Mayor: Local antitobacco activists are calling for expanded antismoking education programs paid for by revenue from heavily increased taxes on cigarettes sold in the city. Although the effectiveness of such education programs is debatable, there is strong evidence that the taxes themselves would produce the sought-after reduction in smoking. Surveys show that cigarette sales drop substantially in cities that impose stiff tax increases on cigarettes. | 2 | train_4278 | Which one of the following, if true, most undermines the reasoning in the argument above? |
"The reputation of a vineyard generally plays a greater role than the quality of its grapes in determining its wines' prices.",
"The reputation of a vineyard does not always indicate the quality of its wines.",
"Wines produced by lesser-known vineyards generally are priced to reflect accurately the wines' quality.",
"Price is never an accurate indication of the quality of a bottle of wine."
] | In addition to the labor and materials used to make wine, the reputation of the vineyard where the grapes originate plays a role in determining the price of the finished wine. Ttherefore, an expensive wine is not always a good wine. | 1 | train_4279 | Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends? |
"Will owners who have placed decals on their cars'windows but who find it necessary to drive between 1 A. M. and 5 A. M. be harassed by police?",
"Are the neighborhoods in which the program has been put into effect a representative cross section of neighborhoods with respect to the types of automobiles owned by residents?",
"In how many neighborhoods is the police program operating?",
"Are owners who are cautious enough to join the program taking other special measures to protect their cars against theft?"
] | In a new police program, automobile owners in some neighborhoods whose cars are not normally driven between 1 A. M. and 5 A. M. can display a special decal in the cars' windows and authorize police to stop the cars during those hours to check the drivers' licenses. The theft rate for cars bearing such decals is much lower than had been usual for cars in those neighborhoods. | 3 | train_4280 | If it is concluded from the statements above that automobile theft has been reduced by the program, which one of the following would it be most important to answer in evaluating that conclusion? |
"The eyesight of a fetus develops during the last trimester of pregnancy.",
"Babies generally prefer mother's milk to formulas low in P-fat.",
"Adults whose diets lack P-fat tend to have worse eyesight than those whose diets are high in P-fat.",
"A fetus typically receives high levels of P-fat from the mother during only the last four weeks of pregnancy."
] | Scientists hypothesize that a particular type of fat known as "P-fat" is required for the development of eyesight. Researchers were led to this hypothesis by observing that babies who are fed formulas low in P-fat tend to have worse eyesight than babies fed mother' s milk, which is high in P-fat. It has also been shown that babies that are five to six weeks premature tend to have worse eyesight than babies carried to term. | 3 | train_4281 | Which one of the following, if true, most supports the scientists' hypothesis? |
"envisaging radically new technologies rather than radically new social arrangements is a shortcoming of futuristic science fiction",
"writers of conventional fiction are more skillful than are writers of futuristic science fiction",
"some science fiction writers have succeeded in envisaging convincing, radically new social arrangements",
"futuristic science fiction has more promise as a source of social criticism than does conventional fiction"
] | Lutsina: Because futuristic science fiction does not need to represent current social realities, its writers can envisage radically new social arrangements. Thus it has the potential to be a richer source of social criticism than is conventional fiction. Priscilla: That futuristic science fiction writers more skillfully envisage radically new technologies than new social arrangements shows how writers' imaginations are constrained by current realities. Because of this limitation, the most effective social criticism results from faithfully presenting the current social realities for critical examination, as happens in conventional fiction. | 3 | train_4282 | Lutsina and Priscilla disagree with each other about whether |
"Some three-month-old children weigh as much as 17 pounds.",
"The phrase \"below average\" does not necessarily mean insufficient.",
"It is possible for a normal child to weigh 10 pounds at birth.",
"Average weight gain is not the same as average weight."
] | The average normal infant born in the United States weighs between 12 and 14 pounds at the age of three months. Ttherefore, if a three-month-old child weighs only 10 pounds, its weight gain has been below the United States average. | 3 | train_4283 | Which of the following indicates a flaw in the reasoning above? |
"The argument questions the integrity of those who are opposed to allowing runways to be built closer together.",
"The argument presumes, without providing justification, that the air traffic control tapes studied do not provide accurate information concerning specific flights.",
"The argument overlooks the fact that those who make mistakes are often unreliable sources of information about those mistakes.",
"The argument presumes, without providing justification, that building runways closer together will encourage pilots to be more cautious while landing."
] | Airport administrator: According to the latest figures, less than 1 commercial flight in 2 million strays off course while landing, a number low enough to allow runways to be built closer together without a significant increase in risk. Opponents of closer runways claim that the number is closer to 1 in 20, 000, but this figure is based on a partial review of air traffic control tapes and so is relatively unreliable compared to the other figure, which is based on a thorough study of the flight reports required of pilots for all commercial flights. | 2 | train_4284 | Which one of the following most accurately describes a flaw in the airport administrator's argument? |
"Mandatory minimum sentences are too mechanical and reduce judicial discretion.",
"Mandatory minimum sentences are needed to help prevent judicial arbitrariness.",
"People believe that they have good judgment but never do.",
"Judges should be free to exercise their own judgment."
] | Some judges complain about statutes that specify mandatory minimum sentences for criminal offenses. These legal restrictions, they complain, are too mechanical and prevent judges from deciding when a given individual can or cannot be rehabilitated. But that is precisely why mandatory minimum sentences are necessary. History amply demonstrates that when people are free to use their own judgment they invariably believe themselves to act wisely when in fact they are often arbitrary and irrational. There is no reason to think that judges are an exception to this rule. | 1 | train_4285 | Which one of the following sentences most accurately expresses the main point of the passage? |
"All substances except those that do not occur naturally in any source are considered natural.",
"Many other foods advertising all natural ingredients also contain some ingredients that are chemically synthesized.",
"The label was printed before the cookie company decided to switch from sugarcane alphahydroxy acids to synthesized ones.",
"Not all chemicals that are part of the manufacturing process are ingredients of the cookies."
] | Gilbert: This food label is mistaken. It says that these cookies contain only natural ingredients, but they contain alphahydroxy acids that are chemically synthesized by the cookie company at their plant. Sabina: The label is not mistaken. After all, alphahydroxy acids also are found occurring naturally in sugarcane. | 0 | train_4286 | Which one of the following, if true, would most strengthen Sabina's argument? |
"The argument takes evidence showing merely that its conclusion could be true to constitute evidence showing that the conclusion is in fact true.",
"The argument depends for its appeal only on the emotional content of the example cited.",
"The argument does not explain what is meant by \"reward\" and \"personal benefit. \"",
"The term \"self-interest\" is allowed to shift in meaning over the course of the argument."
] | All actions are motivated by self-interest, since any action that is apparently altruistic can be described in terms of self-interest. For example, helping someone can be described in terms of self-interest: the motivation is hope for a reward or other personal benefit to be bestowed as a result of the helping action. | 0 | train_4287 | Which one of the following most accurately describes an error in the argument's reasoning? |
"Gary will do his laundry tomorrow only if Peter has to go to work. Unless Cathy is ill, Peter will not have to go to work. Since Cathy is not ill, Gary will not do his laundry tomorrow.",
"Lisa will attend the family reunion next week only if one of her brothers, Jared or Karl, also attends. Karl will not attend the reunion, but Jared will. So Lisa will attend the reunion.",
"If Janice comes to visit, Mary will not pay the bills tomorrow. Janice will not come to visit unless she locates a babysitter. However, Janice has located a babysitter, so she will visit Mary.",
"George will not go to the museum tomorrow unless Mark agrees to go. Mark will go to the museum only if he can postpone most of his appointments. Mark has postponed some of his appointments, so he will go to the museum."
] | Rhonda will see the movie tomorrow afternoon only if Paul goes to the concert in the afternoon. Paul will not go to the concert unless Ted agrees to go to the concert. However, Ted refuses to go to the concert. So Rhonda will not see the movie tomorrow afternoon. | 0 | train_4288 | The pattern of reasoning displayed above is most closely paralleled in which one of the following? |
"Displays of works of art that are considered obscene change the way in which obscenity is defined.",
"Public opinion does not determine the artistic value of a work of art.",
"The number of things that are considered obscene has decreased with the passage of time.",
"Not all currently recognized masterpieces that were once considered obscene are still considered obscene."
] | Some works of art that today are recognized masterpieces were considered obscene when first created. It ttherefore follows that what is considered obscene or not obscene has changed over time. | 3 | train_4289 | Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends? |
"The first is inferred from another statement in the argument; the second is inferred from the first.",
"The first is one of two premises used to support the argument's main conclusion; the second is the other of those two premises.",
"The first is the argument's main conclusion; the second is a premise used to support that conclusion.",
"The first is a premise used to support the argument's main conclusion; the second is a premise used to support another conclusion drawn in the argument."
] | Chaco Canyon, a settlement of the ancient Anasazi culture in North America, had massive buildings. <b> It must have been a major Anasazi center. </b> Analysis of wood samples shows that some of the timber for the buildings came from the Chuska and San Mateo mountains, 50 miles from Chaco Canyon. <b> Only a major cultural center would have the organizational power to import timber from 50 miles away. </b> | 2 | train_4290 | In the argument given, the two portions in boldface play which of the following roles? |
"the danger of chemical pollution of waterways is to be evaluated in terms of human health only and not in terms of the health of both human beings and wildlife",
"there is a swift flow of water in the waterway that ensures rapid dispersion of chemicals discharged",
"relatively harmless chemicals do not interact with each other in the water to form harmful compounds",
"there are no chemicals for which discharge into waterways is entirely prohibited"
] | When permits for the discharge of chemicals into a waterway are issued, they are issued in terms of the number of pounds of each chemical that can be discharged into the waterway per day. These figures, calculated separately for each chemical for which a permit is issued, are based on an estimate of the effect of the dilution of the chemical by the amount of water flowing through the waterway. The waterway is ttherefore protected against being adversely affected by chemicals discharged under the permits. | 2 | train_4291 | The argument depends on the assumption that |
"Property owners are sometimes allowed exemptions from restrictive zoning laws.",
"An individual's property rights may be infringed upon by other people altering their own property .",
"Zoning laws ensure that property rights are not overly extensive.",
"It is in the best interest of property owners to maintain current laws in order to prevent an increase in their property taxes."
] | Council member: The preservation of individual property rights is of the utmost importance to the city council. Yet, in this city, property owners are restricted to little more than cutting grass and weeding. Anything more extensive, such as remodeling, is prohibited by our zoning laws. | 1 | train_4292 | Which one of the following provides a resolution to the apparent inconsistency described by the council member? |
"Many of the patrons who do use the library are dissatisfied with the library's resources.",
"The last time the town allocated additional funding for the library, the funding was used to repair the crumbling staircase and ramp leading to the library entrance.",
"A large percentage of library users are children and teens, who do not vote or pay taxes.",
"Usage of the library did increase in 1994, when the town voted to allocate funds for an advertising campaign promoting reading."
] | Mayor: The city council has proposed additional funding for the town library. However, the library's own studies show that fewer than 10% of town residents use the library. The city council claims that the library is underutilized because the books, electronic media, and computer equipment are outdated, and that if these were updated, more residents would use the library. However, the last time the town allocated additional funding to the library, usage of the library did not increase. Ttherefore the town should not allocate additional funding for the library. | 1 | train_4293 | Which of the following most seriously weakens the mayor's argument? |
"Industrial workers who have just been exposed to noxious fumes are not good judges of whether they should keep working.",
"People who are being treated for schizophrenia are not good judges of whether they should continue their medical treatments.",
"Elementary school students who dislike arithmetic are not good judges of whether multiplication tables should be included in the school's curriculum.",
"People who have been drinking alcohol are not good judges of whether they are too drunk to drive."
] | When drivers are deprived of sleep there are definite behavioral changes, such as slower responses to stimuli and a reduced ability to concentrate, but people' s self-awareness of these changes is poor. Most drivers think they can tell when they are about to fall asleep, but they cannot. | 2 | train_4294 | Each of the following illustrates the principle that the passage illustrates EXCEPT: |
"The insurance companies were already aware of the difference in the likelihood of collisions before the publication of the police reports.",
"Repairing typical collision damage does not cost more in Greatport than in Fairmont.",
"Fairmont and Greatport are the cities with the highest collision-damage insurance rates.",
"There are no more motorists in Greatport than in Fairmont."
] | For similar cars and drivers, automobile insurance for collision damage has always cost more in Greatport than in Fairmont. Police studies, however, show that cars owned by Greatport residents are, on average, slightly less likely to be involved in a collision than cars in Fairmont. Clearly, ttherefore, insurance companies are making a greater profit on collision-damage insurance in Greatport than in Fairmont. | 1 | train_4295 | Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends? |
"The total amount of writing paper manufactured worldwide will increase significantly in the future.",
"Certain kinds of paper cannot be manufactured from recycled paper.",
"Beyond a certain limit, increasing the amount of filler added to paper pulp does not increase the whiteness of the paper made from the pulp.",
"Grayish writing paper will not be a universally acceptable alternative to white writing paper."
] | Manufacturers of writing paper need to add mineral "filler" to paper pulp if the paper made from the pulp is to look white. Without such filler, paper products look grayish. To make writing paper that looks white from recycled paper requires more filler than is required to make such paper from other sources. Ttherefore, barring the more efficient use of fillers in paper manufacturing or the development of paper-whitening technologies that do not require mineral fillers, if writing paper made from recycled paper comes to replace other types of writing paper, paper manufacturers will have to use more filler than they now use. | 3 | train_4296 | Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends? |
"A prominent plastic surgeon loses her license after an employee sues her for malpractice after she operates on him.",
"A Congressional aide reveals cases of bribery in the House of Representatives.",
"An energy company's stock plunges after an employee publicizes its accounting records.",
"A movie star loses popularity because a studio employee tells a magazine about the star's troubled personal life."
] | The First Amendment prevents the government from violating a person' s right to free speech. But it does not protect government employees from disciplinary action for all statements they make in the course of their official duties. However, laws should protect them in cases in which employees bring to light information that advances the public interest in honest government and the rule of law. | 1 | train_4297 | Which of the following would provide the best example for the argument above? |
"from the location of certain hunting weapons in juxtaposition with mastodon remains, it is possible to determine whether those weapons were used to hunt mastodons",
"it is possible to determine whether the earliest human dwellings constructed from mastodon tusks and bones come from an earlier period than the earliest hunting weapons unambiguously associated with mastodon remains",
"from the remains of mastodons already discovered, it can be accurately estimated when mastodons became extinct",
"the average age at which mastodons reached reproductive maturity can be established from mastodon tusks, of which there are many fossils dating from different periods"
] | When species are extensively hunted, individuals that reach reproductive maturity early make up a larger proportion of the population, because they have a better chance of reproducing. When species face diminished food resources, on the other hand, individuals tend to take longer to reach reproductive maturity. These considerations may help settle whether the primary cause of the gradual disappearance of North America' s mastodons, prehistoric animals related to elephants, was diminished food resources or human hunting, since __. | 3 | train_4298 | Which of the following most logically completes the reasoning? |
"A second largely undeveloped airstrip close to Greentown airport would be a more attractive alternative than Hevelia for many passengers who now use Greentown.",
"If an airplane has to wait to land, the extra jet fuel required adds significantly to the airline's costs.",
"Turning Hevelia into a full-service airport would require not only substantial construction at the airport itself, but also the construction of new access highways.",
"Several airlines use Greentown as a regional hub, so that most flights landing at Greentown have many passengers who then take different flights to reach their final destinations."
] | Only a reduction of 10 percent in the number of scheduled flights using Greentown' s airport will allow the delays that are so common there to be avoided. Hevelia airstrip, 40 miles away, would, if upgraded and expanded, be an attractive alternative for fully 20 percent of the passengers using Greentown airport. Nevertheless, experts reject the claim that turning Hevelia into a full-service airport would end the chronic delays at Greentown. | 3 | train_4299 | Which of the following, if true, most helps to justify experts' position? |
Subsets and Splits