Q: Summarize the following: Average breast height, which is a forestry measurement, is 4 1⁄2 ft (1.4 m) from ground level. Wrap a fabric measuring tape around the trunk at this height, and note the tree’s circumference. If the ground is sloped, measure 4 1⁄2 ft (1.4 m) from ground level on the uphill side, mark the spot, then do the same on the downhill side. The average breast height is the midpoint between the uphill and downhill measurements. For a trunk that forks at a height less than 4 1⁄2 ft (1.4 m), measure the circumference just below the fork. To find the diameter, divide the circumference by pi, or approximately 3.14. Then find the radius by dividing the diameter by 2. For example, if the circumference is 154 in (390 cm), the diameter is approximately 49 in (120 cm), and the radius is about 24 1⁄2 in (62 cm). For tree species with thick bark, such as black oak, subtract 1 in (2.5 cm) from the radius measurement. Subtract 1⁄4 in (0.64 cm) for species with thin bark, such as birch. If you’re not sure and just want a rough estimate, subtract 1⁄2 in (1.3 cm) from the radius. Including the bark would add extra girth and throw off your measurements. Check around the tree in question for dead or fallen trees of the same species. If you find one with visible rings, measure the radius and count the rings. Then divide the radius by the number of rings to find the average ring width. Suppose there’s a nearby stump with a radius of 25 in (64 cm), and you count 125 rings. The average ring width would be 1⁄5 in (0.51 cm). Growth rates vary by tree species and environmental conditions. The living tree you’re measuring probably grew at a rate similar to a tree of the same species that grew nearby. You’ll plug your ring width measurement or, if there are no nearby stumps, an average growth rate into an equation to estimate the tree’s age. Even if you have the average ring width, you can also use the average growth rate to estimate the age, then compare the results of the 2 methods. If you can’t find any nearby stumps or felled trees, search online for the average growth rate for the species of the tree you’re measuring. Including your location in your search terms could yield more accurate results. For example, oak, ash, beech, and sycamore trees grow about 1⁄2 to 3⁄4 in (1.3 to 1.9 cm) in circumference per year. If you don’t know the species, plug both 1⁄2 in (1.3 cm) and 3⁄4 in (1.9 cm) into your equation to guess an age rage. For a more accurate estimate, factor in the tree’s location. In open conditions, growth rates are usually greater, or 3⁄4 to 1 in (1.9 to 2.5 cm) per year. Growth tends to be slower in urban locations and crowded forests. Be sure to check how the growth rate is calculated. Many sources base growth rates on how much the tree’s girth, or circumference, grows per year. However, you might find rates based on the average ring width of the radius. If you used a nearby stump to calculate the average ring width, divide the radius of the living tree in question by the average ring width. Say that, excluding the bark, your tree has a radius of about 24 in (60.96 cm). Using a nearby tree stump of the same species, you calculated an average ring width of 0.20 in (0.508 cm). Divide 24 (or 60.96) by 0.20 (or 0.508) to come up with an estimated age of 120 years. If you found the average annual growth rate based on girth, or circumference, divide your tree’s circumference by the growth rate. Suppose your tree’s circumference is 154 in (391.16 cm), and its growth rate is between 0.75 and 1 in (1.905 and 2.54 cm) per year. Divide 154 (or 391.16) by 0.75 (or 1.905), then divide 154 (or 391.16) by 1 (or 2.54). Your estimated age range would be between 154 and 205 years old., A: Go to [ the Music Manager page in a web browser. Click Download Music Manager. Double-click the installation file to install Music Manager. Open Music Manager. Sign in with your Google account. Select Download songs from Google Play to my computer. Select a folder location where you want to download the music to. Select what music you want to download. Click Start Download.
The answer of "Summarize the following Gather a pencil or pen and a pad of paper. Find a timer—an egg timer, stop watch, or your phone will work—a set it for 5 or 10 minutes Settle into a quiet, distraction-free environment. Set your phone to silent. Avoid using a computer or tablet—they provide you with too many distractions! Sit in a comfortable position and take a deep breath to center yourself. Start the timer and begin writing. Never approach stream of consciousness writing with an agenda but allow your thoughts to flow naturally from one to another. As the thoughts enter your head, record them on paper. Don’t avoid writing down the mundane thoughts or ignore the odd thoughts—these may have arisen from your subconscious mind. Don’t judge the thoughts or stop to analyze them. Just write. Continue recording your thoughts until the timer buzzes. When the session is complete, read over your thoughts. Reflect upon your words. Identify recurring thoughts or odd phrases. Try to find a link between two disparate ideas. Make note of any potential subconscious thoughts. As you continue to execute this exercise, read over your work from previous sessions. Trace your progress with stream of consciousness writing and assess if your unconscious mind has revealed itself." is Give the snail calcium. Provide snail food. Provide a water dish.
Passage: Regardless of where you’re hanging the flag vertically, the union (the stars of the flag) should always be at the top. Flying an American flag with the union at the bottom is actually a sign of distress. According to the flag code, the union should always be at the top of the flag and to the observer’s left when it’s being displayed on a wall. If you’re hanging the flag parallel to a street, have the union point north if the street runs north to south, or east if the street runs east to west. If you’re hanging the flag over the street so the flag and street are perpendicular to each other, have the union point east if the street runs north to south, or north if it runs east to west. If you’re hanging the flag vertically from a flagpole coming off a building, the union should be in the top corner that’s furthest from the building., Summary: Obtain a brewing vessel. Heat the water so the tea will brew. Change the temperature depending on the type of tea.
Context: Gather parsley before the first flowers start to open, and gather it in the morning after the dew has dried. It will have maximum flavor at this time of day; the heat of the afternoon will diminish the parsley's flavor. Alternately, purchase fresh parsley at a grocery store. Choose bright green bunches of parsley that look nice and smell fresh. Don't pick parsley that is shriveled, brown, moldy, or is dried out. Carefully cut the parsley with stems still attached, and be careful to not bruise the leaves. Use cold water to rinse, and then shake the parsley gently to remove excess water from the leaves. This will remove any residual dirt, as well as any bugs that crawled into your parsley. Blanching is a method that scalds herbs, vegetables or fruit so that their color and flavor will last when they are preserved. To blanch the parsley, use tongs to dip sprigs of parsley into a pot of boiling water briefly and swirl them around. Pull out the parsley when the color brightens. The blanching step can be skipped, but the parsley will likely have less flavor and may have a gray-green color. This will stop the parsley from cooking after being in contact with boiling water. Be careful not to overflow the ice cube tray with water. Alternatively, put the chopped parsley in small freezer bags. Use within 4-6 months., Summary: Read the medication's instructions and/or label carefully. Weigh the person taking the medication to get an accurate dosage. Use the measuring device that comes with the medication. Pour the medication in at eye level.
Q: Summarize the following: ” Do this until you feel the front of your face buzz or vibrate. The vibration may cause the front of your face to tickle a bit, but this means you are doing the exercise correctly. Repeat this exercise five times. ” Say “Mm-mm” as in tummy, and “Mm-hmm” as in yes. Alternate between the two mm’s. Repeat this five times. Then, alternate between the two mm’s as you go from low to middle to high and back again with the pitch of your voice. Repeat this ten times. This exercise helps to develop mask resonance. ” Going up and down your vocal range, i.e., low to middle to high and back again, say “Ney ney ney ney ney.” Say it loudly, but do not yell. Repeat this exercise ten times. Say a tongue twister several times as fast as you can while keeping the words clear. Start out slow, but increase your speed over time. This exercise isolates the muscles in your throat, which helps with articulation. Some tongue twisters to practice with are: “Three free throws.” “She sells seashells by the seashore.” “The blue bluebird blinks.” “Freshly fried flying fish, freshly fried flesh.” “Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.” Do these exercises three to five times a week. Additionally, perform these exercises 30 minutes before speaking in public or for long periods of time., A: Decide how much money you want to spend. Decide what characteristics or features you want and need. Identify models in your price range that best suit your needs. Arrange test drives for cars you're not familiar with. Start searching for your car online. Visit local dealerships for a broad selection of cars. Scour listings from individual sellers.
Context: Fear can paralyze you and keep you from taking an active part in your life. Some of us will do anything to not challenge our negative view of ourselves. This happens because for some reason we’re afraid to act against those thoughts. It could be that we are invested in staying stuck. Growth is painful. Even though a life without growth is stagnant, it is something the individual has become familiar with. It’s like wearing a pair of old, beat up shoes. They’re not very pretty, but they are something you feel comfortable with. And believe it or not, even a negative self-concept can be comfortable for some of us because it doesn’t involve change. Perhaps the best example of fear paralyzing people is found when we ask why battered women stay in abusive relationships. The fear actually keeps them from acting in the own best interests. The emotional dependence they have on their batterer is what prevents them from leaving a situation where their very lives may be at risk. . There may be things in your past that you’re not proud of. Some of these things may actually make you dislike yourself. Once you acknowledge that you were doing the best you could under the circumstances, even some of the most harmful behavior and heinous acts can be forgiven. By holding on to the negative thoughts revolving around bad behaviors, you are not allowing yourself to grow and move past these events. . Think about how you’d speak to a friend who had difficulty liking herself. Would you reinforce the negative thoughts? Or would you focus on some of her strengths? Point out to yourself the reasons why you are a likeable and lovable person. . Believe what others are saying about you. They’re not just trying to make you feel good. They genuinely like you. Start looking at yourself through their eyes. This may quiet the inner critic so that you can begin liking yourself as others do. Know that you can start small. Another reason some are afraid to change is that they think of they change one thing about themselves they will have to change everything. They are afraid that the floodgates will open and they will not be able to continue in the life they’ve been living because they must make monumental changes in order to be happy. Start with small changes like smiling at one stranger every day, or repeating a positive mantra to yourself, or getting more sleep every night. Making small steps one at a time can be less overwhelming than trying to make drastic and massive changes all at once. With these small steps, you might be taking yourself out of your comfort zone. Getting outside your comfort zone is something that will happen to you a lot in your life. If you can control certain instances of it, for practice, you'll find that you're better able to feel confident in yourself and your own abilities when life throws you a curveball. Remember that you are trying to undo a lifetime of negative thinking. It’s not going to happen overnight, but with the right approach you can begin to like yourself. You must be willing to confront the inner critic that has been preventing you from liking yourself. You must be able to forgive all the wrongdoing you believe you’ve committed in the past. You must begin to look for your lovable qualities and remind yourself that others see the value in you. This will lead to your accepting yourself as a lovable and likeable person. Have trust in yourself. You are a survivor and you will do whatever it is that you need to do to improve your quality of life. If nothing else, you survived your difficult past. That takes a certain amount of strength and perseverance that not everybody has. Build on the strengths you have shown to get this far in your life., Summary: Gather your materials. Use a sharp knife to whittle tip of the pencil to a slight, flat angle.
The summary of "Just in case anything goes awry during the installation process, you want to make sure all your data is secure. You don’t have to connect it to the computer, but make sure it’s connected to a power source. Turn on your Wi-Fi. Software installations can be done over the air, meaning directly on your device without connecting to iTunes, but they do require a wireless connection. From there, click General > Software Update. Any available updates will be displayed here, and if there is a more up-to-date version available for your iOS, it will be listed. Your only option may be Download, and if that's the case, select it. If your device requires additional space to perform the download, you can select Continue when prompted and your device will temporarily remove some applications. Once your device has downloaded the proper iOS, if you only opted to download (not Download and Install) you will now have to install it. Still under Settings > General > Software Update, select Install. Enter your passcode if prompted, and agree to Apple's terms and conditions to continue. When it’s finished, it will restart itself. When you unlock your device, input your Apple ID and password if you are prompted, and then your phone will be ready to go." is Back up your device. Plug in your device. Go to the Settings on your phone. Click on Download and Install. Let your device install the new iOS.
Context: If your fence’s panels fasten to pickets, remove the screws at the top and bottom of the panels first. Then, slide the panels out of the rails. Clear the rails completely. Each rail slides into holes on the posts. You will find a pair of screws holding the rails in position. Turn these counterclockwise and set them aside. Then, slide the rails off of the posts. Store the screws in a safe location and keep the old rails in case you need to measure them. You can do this by running tape measure from 1 post to another. Remember that each rail needs to have a little extra length in order to slide into the post holes. Add about 2 in (5.1 cm) onto the length. If you have the old rail, you can also measure it for use as an estimate. Before sawing into the rails, take the proper safety precautions. Shield your eyes from debris by wearing safety goggles. Cover your mouth by wearing a respirator. Avoid wearing loose clothing or jewelry when operating a saw. Set the new rail on a workbench. Before cutting, mark where you need to make the cuts so you get the size of rail you need. Then, carefully cut through the rail. For the best results, choose a saw blade labeled for vinyl cutting. Fence companies and home improvement stores may sell these blades. Make sure the brackets for the panels are on the top side. Push the rail into the post holes until the rail hangs in place. As long as the rail is the right length, it should fit. If the rail doesn’t fit properly, check the length again. You may need to cut it a little shorter. Locate the screw holes on either end of the rail. You will need a pair of screws on each side. Twist them clockwise to lock the rails in place. When you’re done, you can begin installing the vinyl panels. The size of screws you need differ from rail to rail. Screws are usually included with new rails, but you can try using the screws from the old rail., Summary: Acknowledge any unintended distance by addressing it. Meet up. Hold an annual reunion event. Send invitations via snail-mail.
Passage: Prayer plants are shallow-rooted plants. So, if they are planted in a deep container with too much soil below its roots, the soil stays soggy for too long and they will develop root rot. If you are potting your plant, always use a container with drain holes so the water can drain from the roots and the soil. You can hang or set your prayer plant near a window where it will get indirect sunlight. Never set your plant in direct sunlight as the sun will bleach the plant's leaves. Find a corner where direct light cannot reach the plant and hang it so it gets proper light exposure and grows properly. Proper light exposure results in a prayer plant with rich, green stems and colorful leaves. If your plant does not get enough light, the stems will grow long and spindly as they will naturally reach for more light. As prayer plants are tropical plants, they do not thrive when temperatures dip too far below 70 °F (21 °C). Colder temperatures and dry air will cause the prayer plant's leaves to shrivel and turn brown. Temperatures hotter than 75 °F (24 °C) can result in fewer leaves and long, spindly stems. Increase the humidity in the room with a humidifier or set a pan or dish filled with pebbles and water below the plant to increase the room's humidity. Do not put the prayer plant near heating or cooling vents or doorways where it will be exposed to extreme temperature fluctuations and drafts., Summary: Put your plant in a shallow container that has drain holes in the bottom. Place your plant in indirect sunlight. Hang your plant from the ceiling in a west or south facing room. Keep the room temperature between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit and a little humid.
Passage: You can either use a microwave-safe bowl or create a double boiler. Stir the chocolate to make sure everything is melted evenly. Prick them in the center, just enough to pick them up from the parchment paper and hold. If you're wanting to present the cake balls on a stick, it's recommended to use lollipop sticks, which can be found in specialty baking aisles. Dip about 1/2 inch (1.27 cm) of the stick into the melted chocolate prior to inserting them into the cake balls. If you're wanting to present the cake balls in decorative individual wrappers, poke them with toothpicks. While holding the lollipop stick or toothpick, submerge the cake ball into the melted chocolate. When lifting it back up, gently lift in a swirling motion or give a gentle shake. If you are using toothpicks, remove them from the balls. Add a very small amount of extra melted chocolate to cover the holes. You can use the back of a spoon to evenly spread out any extra coating as well., Summary: Melt the chocolate. Insert sticks into the cake balls. Dip the cake balls.
Context: Rinse, hull, and slice 1 cup (144 grams) of strawberries. Next, peel a banana, and slice it into 1-inch (2.54-centimeter) pieces. Toss everything into a blender., Summary: Prep the fruit, then add them into the blender.
Q: Summarize the following: You will need to cook the corn one ear at a time, but the instructions are the same for each ear. Do not remove the husk. The corn will cook better in the microwave if left in the husk during the cooking process. The microwave should be set on high power or full power. Let stand in the microwave for 1 to 2 minutes to avoid burning yourself with the steam. Cut of the stem end using a sharp kitchen knife. Use oven mitts or a towel when removing the corn from the microwave. As you cut, you should also remove the first row of kernels. Make sure to cut through the husk completely. Use oven mitts or a towel to grab hold of the corn from the uncut top end. Gently shake the ear, allowing the corn to slip free. The ear of corn should slip out of the husk easily. Usually, even the silks will remain left behind inside the husks. You can serve the corn with butter and salt, or however you prefer it., A: Place an ear of corn in a microwave-safe dish. Microwave the corn for 5 minutes. Transfer the corn to a cutting board. Slip the corn out of its husk and serve.
The answer of "Summarize the following You’re probably more likely to enjoy your day if you’re allowed to make your own schedule, particularly if you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed, so when it’s possible, postpone any appointments, chores, or other commitments for another day. When you know the entire day is yours to plan as you wish, it’s already off to a great start. If it’s not possible to take an entire day for yourself, try to cut back on the number of must-do activities on your list. Doing a few less chores or tasks can help reduce your stress, so you’re in a better mood. Evaluate your schedule and only commit to doing the most important tasks. You’re always going to have a better day when you’re around people who make you happy, so seek out family and friends who are important to you and find a way to spend quality time with them. Don’t just watch TV with your loved ones; find meaningful activities that you’ll all enjoy. Sharing a meal and good conversation is a simple but effective way to bond with family and friends. Finding an activity where you have to work together, such as doing a puzzle or baking cookies, can be a fun way to spend time with your loved one. The right song can definitely help boost your mood, so pick your favorite tunes and turn up the volume. If you have to work or do chores, listening to good music can be especially helpful in improving your day.Music If you’re a big music fan, consider going to see some live music played. Karaoke is a great option if you enjoy singing yourself. Dancing to your favorite music is another effective way to boost your mood, so you may want to bust a move too -- even if it’s just alone in your room. You can help reduce stress and ensure a great day by taking the time to pamper or indulge yourself. That can mean something as simple as taking a nap or something elaborate like going bungee jumping if you’ve always wanted to. Devote at least part of the day to yourself. If you need a little pampering, a visit to a spa is a great idea. Get a massage or facial, and just allow yourself to relax. If you’re on a budget, you can do a spa day at home or just take a relaxing bath to help yourself unwind. If you like to shop, visit the mall and treat yourself to something to that you’ve been wanting for a while, such as new clothes, books, or video games. If you have a favorite activity that you don’t get to participate in too often, make plans to do it. Schedule a round of golf, play laser tag, or go horseback riding. Beautiful natural scenery can help you feel more happy, so go outside and look for ways to enjoy your surroundings. You might wake up early enough to enjoy the sunrise or go outside in the evening to take in the sunset. Let the sights and sounds of nature invigorate you. Let the season dictate how you interact with nature. In mild weather, you might take a hike on a local trail with striking views. In summer, you might hit a nearby beach to take a swim. In the winter, take a brisk walk to watch the snow fall." is Take the day off. Lighten your schedule. Spend time with your loved ones. Listen to upbeat music. Treat yourself. Enjoy nature.
Passage: Consider options not listed here that are unique to your situation. Maybe a friend or relative is willing to drive your vehicle and possessions across the country for you, just for the experience; you can offer to pay for their gas, lodging and it might still be cheaper than using a vehicle shipping service. It could actually make sense for you to let go of all of your large possessions and travel by train or bus. The possibilities are endless. Consider what's best for you and your situation, and enjoy the ride!, Summary: Differentiate an LOI from a contingent offer. Address your letter to the seller. Indicate that you are interested in buying the house. List the price you would be willing to offer in the second sentence. Propose a deposit, if applicable. Outline the finance period. Suggest a “due diligence” period. Close by stating that the letter of interest is not legally binding. Sign and date the letter.
The answer of "Summarize the following Use a DSLR if you are taking professional photos. If you don't have a DSLR, that's okay! Both digital cameras and smartphone cameras take great photos. The best time to take your pictures is outside during an overcast day. If you are taking photos inside, use natural light sources if you can. Stand near a bright window or in a well-lit room. DSLR cameras have automatic lighting settings. You can adjust the settings for daytime and nighttime shots, for example. To take a great photo, you don’t want the background to compete with the subject matter. Instead of taking your picture with a complex, detailed backdrop, use a simple background that won’t take away the focus from your subject. For example, shoot with a solid-colored, plain backdrop. If shooting outside, pick a grassy field without many houses or objects visible. The easiest way to take a full-body shot by yourself is using the self-timer feature on your camera. Before you take the picture, go into your camera settings and select the “Timer” option. Set the timer for 5-10 seconds, so you have time to pose yourself in between shots. Then, press the photo button, strike your pose, and capture your picture. Most timer camera settings automatically take 3 shots. When learning photography, experimentation is the best way to find your preferences. Take some shots low to the ground, then try taking some pointing down on your model. Get inspired by your subject and move the camera around to try different angles. This also gives you a diversity of images to choose from. When taking your shots, take 3-10 of each pose. Then, select the one that looks the best after you complete the photoshoot. Taking many shots gives you plenty of options, so it’s okay if you blink or look blurry in a few of them. It can be helpful to review the photos from your computer rather than your camera. Using a bigger screen can show the images in more detail, so you can pick the very best one." is Choose between a DSLR, digital, or smartphone camera. Utilize natural lighting when taking your photos. Select a background that is not distracting. Use the self-timer to take full-body shots of yourself. Experiment with different angles to see what looks best. Take many pictures so you can select the best ones.
Context: Sewing in a patch is the most comprehensive, but also labour-intensive, way to fix a larger hole in the crotch of your jeans. This requires some basic command of a needle and thread or sewing machine, but when done well it could be neater and more reliable than gluing or ironing on a patch. Begin by finding a patch for the hole in your jeans. If placing the patch on the interior, choose a colour that closely matches the colour of your jeans to make it look more natural. You can be creative with your patches if you want to make a statement or have some fun. Make sure the patch material isn’t thicker than the material of your jeans. If it doesn’t give when you move, it will force the jeans to tear around it instead. Make sure there is no bunching or pulling or the patch will end up bulky and stressed. Unless you’d like to place a colourful or conspicuous patch over the damaged area, slide the patch into the interior of the jeans, which should be kept right-side out. Another option is to use an iron on patch. Instead of pinning it, you can iron it on and then sew it in for more durability. If you sew it in by hand use an overcast stitch. Poke the needle up through the patch near the edge. Plunge the needle and thread back down through the denim just outside the edge of the patch and somewhat forward from where your needle emerged, creating a single diagonal stitch. Once again poke the needle up through the underside of the patch (near the edge and slightly forward) to create another diagonal stitch on the underside of the material. Repeat until you’ve covered the entire perimeter of the patch in diagonal stitches. When you’re done, do the entire process over again only this time, move in the opposite direction to create diagonal stitches that cross the first set you made. The resulting effect will look like a string of Xs. Be careful and make sure you are not sewing two sides of your jeans together, or sewing the material from the inside of the pocket to the jean leg or crotch. Now that the patch is firmly in place, you can also sew closer to the edges of the tear to hold it down for a cleaner look. Re-sewing will reinforce the strength of the patch. But be aware that adding layer upon layer of stitches can lead to your jeans becoming stiff and uncomfortable., Summary: Turn off the power. Verify that the power is off. Remove detachable portions from the old fixture. Detach the old fixture. Note how the wires are connected. Disconnect the wiring.
Context: Plan your videos out ahead of time; if you don't, there is a risk you'll ramble on or fail to engage the audience. Find some topics you think people are ,most interested in, but also throw in some unique ideas from your own head. Be sure to vary your videos. (For example, don't make every other video a makeup tutorial.) You can also occasionally collaborate with other Youtubers you do the same things as you. Make sure to have good lighting (sunlight or a bright inside light) and good audio. Speak clearly and loudly. Keep the videos at around 6-8 minutes (or shorter). Try not to ramble; instead, get to the point and discuss the video topic. (This is why planning before shooting matters.) Use a program such as iMovie (Mac) or Windows Movie Maker (PC). Keeping things new and fresh is important and brings your viewers back frequently., Summary: Start looking for domestic tickets at least 6 weeks in advance. Purchase your tickets at least 2 weeks before flying. Check out alternate dates to find more affordable tickets. Save money by taking your flight early in the morning or late at night. Schedule your departure for the middle of the week or a Saturday.
Context: Chances are, you know someone who was adopted. Talking with them can help you understand how they learned they were adopted and what they did afterward. Friends may also be able to offer you advice on how to bring your questions to your family. Thanks to social media, it is now very easy to get in touch with people from your past even if you can’t visit your childhood home in person. Understand, though, that people may not feel comfortable discussing their knowledge of your family with you. Explain to them why you want to know, but don’t press them for information if they seem reluctant. Many people go through the process of discovering that they’re adopted and dealing with that information every year. A support group of other adoptees may be able to offer you advice and resources for your own search, as well as help you handle the process emotionally. DNA sampling can track your genetic markers and compare them to those of other family members. You can visit a genetic specialist, or you can use a mail-order test like the “Family Finder” test. For this option, though, you will need to get another close relative (a parent, sibling, or first cousin) to agree to have a test done so that you have a point of comparison. If you buy a DNA test online, go with a reputable provider. The three biggest providers of online DNA testing are, 23 and me, and FamilyTreeDNA. These companies also often maintain large databases of other individuals who have had these tests and can compare your DNA to theirs. A DNA test can offer you clues to your genetic identity, but it is often limited in its effectiveness without a large pool for comparison. If you are having a DNA test done without the participation of another family member, your information may be less useful. There are 3 basic kinds of DNA tests: mitochondrial (inherited maternal DNA), Y-line (inherited paternal DNA, but only works for males), and autosomal (inherited relations to others such as cousins). Autosomal DNA tests may be the best option for adoptees, as they can connect your genetics to a wider network of people. A DNA test can verify whether or not you are biologically related to your immediate family, usually through mitochondrial DNA. However, it is less likely to be able to connect you to another family if your genetics don’t match your own family’s. The International Soundex Reunion Registry and are both considered reputable, reliable registries for individuals who are seeking to reunite with their biological families. This option can be very expensive, so it is usually reserved for once you know you've been adopted but can't locate your birth parents or information about them. Look for an investigator in your hometown as they are probably familiar with the town's record archives., Summary: Talk to friends who are adopted. Contact family friends or neighbors. Join an adoption support group in your area. Have a DNA test done. Understand how DNA testing works. Register with a reputable adoption reunion registry. Contact a private investigator who specializes in adoption cases.
The answer of "Summarize the following While you may be embarrassed about your ED, shutting your partner out is not the answer. The problem involves both of you, and your partner will end up feeling distant and neglected if you don't keep her or him involved in your life. Make every effort to talk with your partner about what's going on. The outlook is generally much better for men who involve their partner in the healing process. Erectile dysfunction is like any other problem in a relationship, and requires both partners to fully fix. You may have to attend doctor's appointments and therapy sessions to treat your ED, and it would be great to have your partner there for you. Men and women with a partner struggling with ED often blame themselves for not satisfying their partner. Most often, however, it is a physical or mental issue with the man, not his partner. You need to make this clear to your partner, otherwise he or she may internalize the problem and feel like the cause. Reassure your partner that you're committed to the relationship, and this isn't a sign that you aren't interested. Stress that you're not having an affair or are interested in someone else. Some partners see ED as a sign of an affair, but this is not true an overwhelming majority of the time. Prevent suspicion and negative feelings in your partner by assuring him or her of this. Of course, don't lie to your partner. If there is a problem with the relationship, you need to communicate this. Tell your partner if he or she does something sexually that you don't like, or if you have sexual needs that aren't being met. Dissatisfaction with your sex life could be a contributing factor to your ED. Have an honest conversation with your partner about your needs. Keeping your needs to yourself could make the problem worse. Keep this conversation friendly and blame-free. This is a sensitive topic, and your partner may feel like he or she failed you by not meeting a sexual need. Assure your partner that you're committed to the relationship, and that this is a way to strengthen the relationship. Erectile dysfunction can put a strain on any relationship, even if you've properly communicated with your partner. If you and your partner are having trouble getting through this, try going to therapy together. A counselor can help you work through your problems and remain strong as a couple." is Combine the heavy cream, half and half, vanilla, and sugar in a large stainless steel mixing bowl. Mix the ingredients together. Add the liquid nitrogen. Serve the ice cream.
The answer of "Summarize the following This should be large enough to put the entire, ramen into without having to break it (you can break it if that is your preference). It should also be small enough so that water can completely cover the ramen noodles. Some people like to eat ramen wet instead of completely drained, so if that's the case, you can be more generous with the water. If in doubt, try 2 cups, but if you want more, that'll work, too. You can substitute some other liquid for the water, such as soy sauce, or broth, but water will work as well. On most stoves, you should just turn the knob as high as it can go and wait for the water to boil. If, during the cooking process, the pan starts to bubble over the top, just turn it down. Next time you make ramen, do not turn the stove on as high as it can go. So long as the water is bubbling, its temperature is at the boiling point and it is circulating. A furious boil adds little and risks a boil-over, so feel free to turn down the heat a bit once boiling commences. At this point, you can do one of two things: you can pour the entire pot of ramen, including all of the liquid, into a bowl, and have a soup, or drain the water, and just eat the ramen." is Get a big pot. Pour your preferred amount of water into the pot. Boil the water. Stir well.
Context: This experiment will allow you to create a light pinhole, which will show you how light travels in a straight line by filtering it through a hole. To create a light pinhole, you will need the following supplies: Three index cards. A piece of modeling clay or sticky tack. You can also use double sided tape. A flashlight or a laser pointer. A hole puncher. A ruler. To do this without any excessive measuring, use the ruler to draw two diagonal lines on an index card that connect the opposite corners of the card. Repeat this for the other two cards. Take the hole puncher and punch a hole at the center of the card where the two lines intersect. Do this for the other two cards. The cards need to stand vertically, at equal distance from each other, and in a straight line for this experiment to work. Form a stand for the cards using the clay so the cards are straight and upright. Use the ruler to ensure the cards are two to five inches from each other. You can also use double sided tape to attach the cards to a surface in a vertical position. Do not cover or obstruct the hole in the center of the cards with modeling clay or tape. Hold the flashlight in your hand so it hits the center of the hole in the first card. Turn on the flashlight or the laser pointer. Note that the light can be seen through all the holes. You should be able to see the light go through all the holes and land on a wall or surface beyond the last index card. You will note that the light does not travel beyond the card. This illustrates that light will travel in a straight line when it hits a non reflective material like the index card., Summary: Gather your materials. Punch a hole in the center of the index cards. Use the modeling clay to stand up the cards. Position the flashlight or the laser pointer at one end of the row of cards. Move the flashlight or laser pointer so it does not hit the center of the first card.
The answer of "Summarize the following Keeping up-to-date on your payments is an important part of building a good credit history. Late payments are reported to the credit bureaus and will negatively impact your credit score. This could keep you from being able to purchase things you want in the future with credit. This applies to all of your financial obligations, not just credit card payments. You should use also pay your other bills on time whenever possible – like your utility bills, phone bills, and any other loans you might have (car, mortgage, etc.). . A good way to start building up your credit score is by getting a credit card. There are many different options for this, so even if you have been refused in the past you should still be able to find a type of credit card that works for you. Try one of the following options for credit cards: Secured credit card – this kind of card is great for people with no credit because almost anyone can get approved for them. It is a card that is funded by cash deposit you made ahead of time so there is little risk for a lender and you’ll still get credit for positive payments. Student credit card – this kind of card is often easier to get because they are geared towards students who they already assume have little to no credit history. Unfortunately, they often have lower credit limits than other types of cards, but they also sometimes come with enticing promotional offers. Retail credit card – a retail credit card is a good credit-building option because it usually has a higher acceptance rate than a regular card. They can also offer promotional incentives to help you save money at their store. But these kinds of cards may also have lower credit limits than a normal card. Authorized user – being an authorized user on someone’s account means that you’ll have a card with your name on it for someone else’s credit account. So, you have access to the credit (and, therefore, the account holder’s payment history will positively affect yours), but you are not responsible for any of the payments. Ask your parents or another friend or family member who already has good credit if they’ll let you be an authorized user on their account. Using your credit cards is important, but it’s also a good idea to not use them too much. Try to keep your balances low by paying them off every month (or as close to it as you can get). Using 30% or less of your available credit looks good to potential lenders. If you max your credit cards out, this can appear to lenders as if you rely too much on your credit, which is not a good sign to them. These kinds of loans are low-risk (for your and the lender!) loans that you can get from most banks. They are usually for a small amount (not more than $1000) and the money is put in an interest-earning account while you make monthly payments toward this “loan.” Once the amount is paid off, the funds are released to you plus the interest it accrued while it was being held by the bank. These kinds of loans are usually designed to be paid back within 6 to 18 months." is Place all your ingredients in a heavy sauce pan. Boil the apple mixture for five minutes. Cook the mixture until the apples begin to dissolve.
The summary of "If you've installed another browser like Chrome or Firefox, you can launch that instead. Subsequent steps will remain the same with any major browser on an iOS mobile device. Note that rather than using the Share button, this method relies on a basic "copy and paste" technique. This may be advantageous if you want to use an email account that hasn't been linked to your iOS client or if you'd like to add a URL to an already-existing email thread (e.g. to reply to someone else's message). This method would also be helpful if you wish to include more than one URL in the same email message. Simply click on the URL in the web address bar and make sure the entire link is selected (which will likely happen automatically). Then select the "Copy" button that appears after highlighting your desired text. This might include clients like Gmail, Microsoft Outlook or Yahoo Mail, and you'll find this located wherever you've stored it on your iPad Home Screen. You can either compose a new email or reply to a preexisting email thread. Determine your recipient(s) and make sure their email addresses are entered in the "To:" field. Remember that you can also email your own email address if you wish to access your link later. Finally, don't forget to enter your preferred text into the subject line. Tap and hold a preferred spot within the body of your email message. You'll see a "Paste" option appear. Select the "Paste" option, and your link will appear in your message. You may of course add additional text above or below that link. Once your message appears as you'd like, just tap the "Send" button as you normally would in order to send an email." is Click the Safari icon on your iPad’s Home screen to launch the Safari web browser. Navigate to the page you wish to share and copy the URL. Open your preferred email client. Start a new message. Paste your link. Send your email.
Context: Set your large piece of scrap paper, like a place mat, in front of you. Place your cardstock in the middle of the scrap paper. Lay out your cardstock so the surface you want to emboss on is faced upward. Look at the stamp to make sure the surface of the stamp is completely covered with the embossing solution from the pad. Firmly press the stamp onto the desired spot on the cardstock. Find a happy medium with the amount of ink you use to cover the surface of the stamp. Too much ink can make the design appear blurred once stamped onto the paper. To ensure a crisp image, carefully lift the stamp straight up. Clean the stamp by wiping any leftover embossing solution off with a damp rag. When pressing the stamp against the paper, make sure that level pressure is applied firmly to the stamp’s back to ensure an even application. Follow the stamping up with embossing powder. Make sure all the embossing solution is completely covered. Lift the card so any embossing powder that did not adhere to the stamped area can fall to the paper below. You may need to lightly tap the card. Return this unused powder to its container to be used again. Sit your card back down. Use your paint brush to dust off any embossing granules that remain on the card outside the stamped design. Plug in your heat gun and hold it a couple inches away from the card. Move it around above the powdered area. The heat will begin to transform the powder into a raised, shiny coating. Pay attention not to get the heat too close to the card or hold it in one place too long as it can scorch the card and ruin the embossing. Be careful not to burn yourself with the heat gun or with the finished embossed design. Allow it to cool for at least 30 seconds before touching it., Summary: Prepare the cardstock for embossing. Press the rubber stamp you chose lightly onto the embossing pad. Stamp the paper with your coated stamp. Sprinkle embossing powder over the stamped location. Emboss the design onto the paper with your heat gun.
The answer of "Summarize the following A color wheel is a disk divided into colored sections in the order of the rainbow. It contains primary, secondary, and tertiary colors. Primary colors include red, blue, and yellow, while secondary colors are orange, green, and purple. The tertiary colors are those found between the primary and secondary on the color wheel." is Assess the best way to strike depending on your position. Strike with the heel of your palm from the front. Strike with your elbow if the attacker is behind you.
Q: Summarize the following: The most important factor for your page rank is the content on your site. If your content is original and useful, it will draw more visitors than a page with poor content. Creating good content is not a simple task, and involves a lot of different factors. Websites that stagnate and do not stay current will drop in the ranks. If you’re writing a blog, try to update at least once a week at the minimum. If readers click away from your site after discovering that the content does not match their search, you will get penalized when they leave quickly., A: Focus on your content. Update your website regularly with new content. Ensure that your content matches your site description and keywords.
Q: Summarize the following: Don’t act like you are strangers, instead, be friendly, warm and comfortable with him. Pretend like he is your friend and start a conversation casually. Guys like girls who seem relaxed and fun because it puts them at ease. Talk at your normal speed and tone that you use to talk to your friends. When you talk to your friends, listen to how you sound, and look for the kinds of gestures you make when you are talking naturally. Try to do the same thing around him. Don’t be overly fascinated by everything that he says and keep your cool. Guys like girls who have their own thing going on. If you can stay engaged with him while showing that you are your own person, this confidence will attract him to you more. Try not to make eye contact where your eyes are really wide open while you are talking with him. This may make you appear desperate or clingy. Because you are getting to know him for the first time, don’t worry about telling him everything about you in the first night. You want to concentrate on the fluency of the conversation and not the accuracy of everything you are saying. You want to tell him some interesting and cool things about you, but the main point of the conversation is to keep things between you lively and interesting. Find something in your environment that you can make a funny comment about. For example, if you have waited a long time for your drinks you can say something silly like, “So do you think we should just ditch this place?" Simple remarks like this can keep the conversation light hearted, and that is good for picking up a guy. Guys find playfulness attractive in women, and it will give you something to bond over. This playfulness can help make the conversation low pressure for the guy. Even if you don’t think of yourself as a funny person, you can still be playful by exaggerating in conversation. Practice being funny with your friends, and make little humorous remarks on your environment or what is going on with you. Guys find it attractive when women touch their neck and hair while they talk. You can tilt your head to the side and make eye contact while you smile to show him you are interested. Women also flirt by positioning their bodies when they laugh so that they show off their best features. Another way to flirt and show your sexual interest is if you look at him with your upper eyelids partly lowered and smile, the classic Marilyn Monroe look. This look is particularly seductive to guys. As the night goes on, maintain your eye contact longer, stay close by his side, and let your hands touch if you are walking side by side. If you want to break the initial touch barrier, you can lightly touch his forearm when you are talking. Use active listening in your conversation with him. Maintain eye contact, smile and nod along to the things he says. Then ask questions related to what he is saying, and paraphrase the important things to show him that you are interested in the things he is talking about. People like it when they feel like you really care about the things they say and think. At the same time, be transparent with your intentions if you are just looking for a fling, and let him know that before you go too far that you are interested in a casual hook-up. Keep your interests in others as well. Don’t become completely absorbed into him. Check in with your friends, and any people you were engaged with before. Read what kind of guy he is. When you are actively listening, you can pick up on his vibes. Does he seem to like to lead the conversation or does he seem to like to listen? Depending on what kind of guy he is, you may want to let him talk more, or you can talk more. If you find yourself liking him a lot, don’t drink too much or become too excited by your conversation. You might regret some of the things you say or do if you don’t take a break and cool down. For example, if you find yourself laughing an unnatural amount or drinking too fast, leave for a bathroom break. Try to calm down by splashing water on your face, talking to yourself, or texting a friend. You might want to make a clean break so as to not regret anything later. So make a plan for how much longer you want the conversation to go and how much more you can drink, and then stick to it. After you have made good connections with him by listening to him attentively, joking with him, and talking to him like a friend, leave the conversation before the conversation naturally wears out. Tell him positive things about your time talking, and then ask for his contact information. Say something like, “I really liked talking to you- can I have your number? I would love to keep talking more.” Send him a text message in the next couple of days and see where it goes. If he doesn’t want to keep talking, don’t worry. Making the first move and talking to a guy you like is good experience, and it will help your conversational and flirting skills so that you are even better the next time you chat with a guy you like., A: Start a conversation with him like you know him already. Be playful and show your sense of humor to him. Flirt with him using your body language. Act open and genuinely interested in him. Act appropriately, and don’t get sloppy. End the conversation and ask for his number.
Q: Summarize the following: You'll need fuller's earth clay, plain yogurt with live cultures, honey and optionally aloe vera and tea tree oil. The clay may need to be bought online, although you should be able to purchase it from a hardware store. The rest should be available at large grocery stores. Mix two tablespoons of the clay with 1 tablespoon of yogurt, 1 teaspoon of honey, and either 2-3 drops of tea tree oil or 1 tablespoon aloe vera (depending on if you want these). The tea tree oil is good for fighting acne, the aloe vera for repairing damaged skin. Wash your face first. Then, with the ingredients completely mixed, use a clean brush (like a paint brush or a cheap makeup brush) to apply it to your face. Be careful not to get it in your eyes. After allowing the mask to sit on your face for at least half an hour (1-2 hours is best), rinse it off completely., A: Educate yourself about your medical conditions. Discuss your current medications with your physician. Inquire about medications available to reduce lung inflammation.
The answer of "Summarize the following The best way to heat treat a blade is using a forge. For smaller blades, a torch can work as a substitute. For a forge, either a coal or gas forge will work. Prepare your hardening bath. To cool the knife, you will need to douse it in a hardening bath. What you use depends on the type of steel, but for 01 you can use a bucket of motor oil. You need to be able to completely submerge the blade in the bucket. Keep it heating until the metal is orange. Tap it against a magnet to see if it is hot enough. When the steel reaches the correct temperature, it loses its magnetic properties. Once it does not stick, let it cool by air. Repeat this process 3 times. On the 4th time, instead of letting it air cool, douse it in the oil bath. Be aware that there will be fire when the blade is put into the oil, so be sure that you are properly protected. When the blade is hardened, it can break when dropped, so handle carefully. Set your oven for 425°. Put the blade on the middle rack and cook it for 1 hour. Once that hour is up, heat treatment is complete. Use increasingly finer grits of paper, going past 220 and up to around 400 grit. Polish the blade if you want some extra shine." is Visit the iTunes website. Download the iTunes installer. Run the installer. Follow the prompts to install iTunes. Launch iTunes.
Context: A dormant bare root tree is best planted in the spring, after the soil has thawed enough to dig a deep hole. This is especially important in colder regions. The trees' roots need a chance to take hold before the next winter, or they'll suffer from the frost. If you live in a place with mild winters, you can plant apple trees in the fall without worrying that they'll die from the frost before they get a chance to set. Buy a soil testing kit to find out whether you need to adjust your soil's pH. Different apple trees need different types of soil to do well, so talk with a local horticulturist, an expert at your local nursery or your County Extension Center to find out what pH is correct for the apple variety you're growing. Your County Extension Office may also be able to help you test your soil sample. If necessary, amend the soil to adjust the pH level before planting. You should also adjust the soil to account for nutrient deficiencies. Again, conduct research to find out how rich or poor the soil should be for the variety you're planting. Amend the soil to a depth of 18 inches below the planting hole, so that the tree's roots grow into healthy soil. Apple trees need full sun, so choose a spot that gets at least six hours a day. They like soil that is moist, but not sopping wet. If your soil is clay-heavy or doesn't drain quickly, amend it by working in straw, compost, or another organic material to create better drainage. Using an organic material will also provide nutrients to the tree as it decomposes over time. If you are planting seedlings, which will grow into full-sized trees about thirty feet tall, they should be planted fifteen to eighteen feet apart. If you're planting dwarfing rootstock, plant them four to eight feet apart. Dwarfing trees tend to fall over under the weight of a heavy flush of apples, so it's a good idea to plant them near something sturdy, like a fence. If no fence is available, you can set up a trellis to support them. If your property is hilly or sloped, plant the trees in higher areas. During the winter, cold air settles in the lower areas, and these "frost pockets" can be harmful to the trees. Use a spade to remove all grass, weeds and stones in a circle about four feet in diameter. Dig a hole twice the diameter of the root system. It should be just deep enough so that the tips of the roots graze the bottom of the hole, and the graft union (where the scion is joined to the rootstock) is two inches above the soil line. Put some of the loose soil back in the hole so it will surround the roots. Loosen the soil on the bottom and sides of the hole so it will be easy for the roots to penetrate as they grow. Position it in the center of the hole. Spread out the roots so they aren't cramped or curled in the hole. Replace soil around the roots to fill in the hole. After you've replaced a few inches of soil, use your fists to tamp down the soil around the roots, so no air pockets will form around the roots. Keep going until the hole is completely filled in. As you work, check the tree to make sure the trunk is standing upright at a ninety-degree angle to the ground. If you plant the tree crooked, it will grow crooked. Don't add fertilizer to the hole. The soil should have already been amended so that it's nutritious enough for the tree to grow well. Fertilizer could burn the roots. Make sure the graft union is not buried; it must be above the soil. Water the tree well. This removes air pockets and helps the roots and soil make firm contact., Summary: Plant your trees in the spring. Test the soil. Choose a sunny spot that drains well. Space the trees according to size. Dig a hole. Plant the tree.
The summary of "Tap the Pocket Frogs app icon, which resembles a purple frog on a leafy background. Doing so will bring you to the main Pocket Frogs interface, which is the frogs' main habitat. If you haven't yet downloaded Pocket Frogs, you can download it for free from the App Store for an iPhone or the Google Play Store for an Android. Ultimately, the goal of Pocket Frogs is to unlock every frog in the game by breeding different frogs together. Other important game conventions include the following: Frogs must be tamed by eating a certain number of flies in the pond. Tamed frogs can breed with other tamed frogs in your habitat. You can find new frogs with which to breed in the pond. Leveling up leads to different frogs being unlocked in the pond. Taming your frogs is accomplished by having your frogs eat flies in the pond; when in the pond, you'll see the number of required flies listed at the top of the screen. To tame your frog, do the following: Tap the frog. Tap Pond Tap a lily pad to jump to it. Jump from one lily pad to another when there is a dragonfly between them to eat the dragonfly. Tap X in the bottom-right corner of the screen, then tap Leave when prompted. This will take your frog back to its habitat. Once you've tamed two frogs, you can breed them in their habitat. To do so, tap a frog, tap Breed, select another frog, and tap Breed at the bottom of the screen. This will place an egg in the Nursery habitat. You can access the Nursery by tapping the habitat number (e.g., 1) at the bottom of the screen and then tapping the N habitat. Tap the silver egg icon, then tap Use potion (1 max) at the top of the pop-up menu. The egg will turn into a baby frog. You can also wait for the egg to hatch, but this can take anywhere from 12 to 48 hours in real life. You'll do this in the same way in which you tamed the first two frogs. To do so: Tap the frog. Tap Move Select the 1 habitat. Tap the frog in question, tap Sell, and tap Sell when prompted. This is your primary way of making money in-game. Breeding, selling frogs, and exploring the pond will all net you experience (XP) points which are noted in the top-right corner of the screen. Once you reach level 2, you can buy a new habitat for your frogs, thus increasing the number of frogs you can keep by 8. Each habitat can hold 8 frogs. You can redeem gifts received throughout the game in a couple of different ways: Daily Gift — This gift is available every 24 hours. Tap menu, tap Daily Gift, accept the gift, and then tap Mailbox and select the gift when the gift is available. You can also tap use stamps to the right of a gift to unlock the gift immediately. Pond Gifts — Tap menu, tap Mailbox, tap PLACE to the right of a gift, and select a habitat." is Visit soup kitchens. Ask for food Get free samples. Dumpster dive Prioritize proteins. Keep lightweight snacks. Carry a water bottle.
Context: Choose a fabric that will not fray, such as felt. The fabric should be wide enough to fit around the doll and overlap by at least 1 inch (2.5 cm). The fabric piece can be as long as you want the top or dress to be. Measure the widest part of your doll to find the width. Then, use the doll to find the length. For a top, cut the fabric so that it will end about 1 inch (2.5 cm) below the doll's waist. For a short dress, cut the fabric so that it will come to the doll’s knees. For a long dress, cut the fabric so that it will come to the doll’s toes. Center the doll on the fabric from the right and left sides. The top of the doll’s shoulders should be about 0.5 inches (1.3 cm) to 1 inch (2.5 cm) below the top edge of the fabric. Use a pen or piece of fabric chalk to place a small mark on the fabric next to each of your doll’s shoulders. There should be 2 marks when you are done. Cut along each of the marks you made on the fabric to create armholes for the doll dress or shirt. Make sure that the holes are wide enough for the doll’s arms to fit through by inserting the doll’s arms through each one. Insert your doll’s hands through each of the holes and slide the holes up to your doll’s shoulders. If the holes are not wide enough to get them all the way to the doll’s shoulders, then snip a little more fabric to widen the holes. Keep mind that it is better for the armholes to be a little too small than too big because you can always make them larger. Next, wrap the fabric across the doll’s body, as if you were closing a robe. Wrap the fabric as tight or as loose as you want it to be. The fabric should be long enough to wrap all the way around to the back of the doll if you want it to. To secure the wrap dress you have created, cut out a strip of stretch fabric. Wrap it around the doll’s waist and tie a bow to secure it. You can also use a piece of ribbon to secure the dress if you prefer. You can leave the neckline area of the dress as is, or you can fold it back to create the look of a collar. It’s up to you! Use glue to attach jewels, beads, and/or sequins to the dress. You can add them anywhere you like. Just add a dab of fabric glue to the jewel, bead, or sequin and press it onto the dress where you want it to go. Let the glue dry overnight. Add a jewel to the center of the neckline. Apply some beads to the bottom of the skirt. Layer the skirt with sequins., Summary: Cut out a piece of fabric. Lay the doll on the fabric and mark the fabric next to the doll’s shoulders. Cut holes in the fabric where you marked it. Slide your doll’s arms into the holes. Cross the fabric in front of the doll’s body. Use a long strip of fabric to secure the shirt or dress at your doll’s waist. Fold back the collar if desired. Decorate the dress with jewels, beads, and sequins.
Context: On the flip-side of negative self-talk, is the one surefire way to combat berating yourself, positive self-talk. First, notice and catch yourself - when you have a negative thought change that thought in that very moment to something more positive. Think of your negative thoughts as a parrot that keeps repeating unhelpful things over and over to you. You can choose to listen to the parrot, or tell the parrot that he’s wrong! You can use affirmations such as, “I can do this. This will pass. I can be angry and still deal with this. Right now I am safe. I will learn from this and it will be easier next time.” Now that you have a list of negative self-talk patterns, you can identify ways to turn those negative thoughts into positive or more realistic ones. For example, if you think, “I’m so stupid,” when you drop something or make a mistake, you can immediately tell yourself, “That’s not a nice thought about myself. I’m not stupid. It’s okay that I made a mistake and I will focus on doing better next time.” In this way, you are having a conversation with yourself. The more you do this, the better you will become at correcting your negative thoughts. You can use a self-compassion thought record sheet to organize your ideas. With this, you can identify your: triggering events, feelings or images, unhelpful thoughts and images, feelings, self-compassionate alternatives to unhelpful thoughts and images (i.e. what would you say to a friend in this situation?), understanding of your change in feelings and what you did that helped. Anxiety influences and increases negative self-talk. The more anxious you are, the more critical you may be about yourself. One of the best ways to stay calm is to use relaxation or deep-breathing techniques. Sit in a comfortable position with your eyes closed. Breathe slowly and deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth. Focus solely on your breathing and how it feels throughout your body, especially the movement of your diaphragm/stomach in and out as you breathe. Do this for a few minutes or until you feel more relaxed. Sometimes, you may berate yourself through your interpretation of how others think of you. This practice is a common thought pattern called mind-reading. This means you believe you know what others are thinking. The problem is, you can’t mind-read so you don’t really know what they are thinking. Make a conscious decision to stop trying to live up to how you think others expect you to act. It can be quite liberating. If you find yourself thinking that others have negative thoughts about you, ask yourself, “Am I assuming that I know how others are thinking? What’s the evidence? Those are my own thoughts. Is there another, more balanced way of looking at it?, Summary: Tighten the hinges on your door. Check the state of the old weather stripping. Clean the areas that need to be sealed. Buy new weather stripping at a home improvement or hardware store.
Passage: If there is a by-line for the article you want to cite, your bibliographic citation should begin with the author's last name. Place a comma after the last name, then add the author's first name. End this portion of your citation with a period. Example: Kent, Clark. If there's no author, skip to the next element in the citation. After the name of the author, provide the full title of the article along with any subtitle. Separate the title and the subtitle (if any) with a semicolon. Use title-case, capitalizing nouns and verbs. Place a period after the end of the title, inside the quotation marks. Example: Kent, Clark. "Villains Take Over Gotham; Superman Stays Away." After the name of the article, identify the newspaper in which the article appeared. Even if you found the article online, use the name of the newspaper itself, not the name of the website. If the city isn't included in the name of the newspaper, include it in square brackets after the name of the newspaper. Place a comma after this part of your citation. If you include the city in italics, it isn't italicized. Example: Kent, Clark. "Villains Take Over Gotham; Superman Stays Away." The Daily Planet [Metropolis], After the name of the newspaper, type the date the article was published using day-month-year format. Place a comma, then type the page number on which the article appears. If there's no page number, place a period after the date. Example: Kent, Clark. "Villains Take Over Gotham; Superman Stays Away." The Daily Planet [Metropolis], 17 July 2017, p. A1. If the article appears online without a page number, simply place a period after the date of publication. Generally, MLA uses parenthetical citations within the text of your paper or presentation to refer your reader to the full citation in your Works Cited page. Example: (Kent, A1) If there's no author listed, place the first word or words of the title in quotation marks for your parenthetical. If there's no page number, simply leave that part out., Summary: Brown and drain the ground beef as normal. Add the pasta, milk, and water. Add the seasonings. Simmer. Remove from heat and add cheese. Let cool and serve.
The summary of "The easiest way to begin a conversation with someone you want to talk to is to ask a favor. You don’t know this person yet, so you don’t know what you have in common. Asking a favor is a neutral way to enter into conversation without boring them with something they don’t care about. Make sure it’s a small favor that won’t put her out. For example, ask to borrow a pen or read their class notes to see something you missed. If you don’t have your textbook, ask to look on with her. That way, you can sit closer to her, too! Since you don’t know her very well yet, you might not know what she likes. The only thing you know for sure that you have in common is the class you’re in with her. Even if you understood the class lecture perfectly, ask her to clarify something the teacher said. As opposed to asking a favor, which can result in a very quick interaction, asking someone to explain something to you will probably result in a longer conversation. Keep the conversation going by asking follow-up questions. If she didn’t understand either, show solidarity! Let her know that you’re in it together, and that you have something in common. Girls love guys with a sense of humor, so try to make her laugh. Make eye contact with her when somebody says something silly, or roll your eyes when the teacher assigns homework. Make sure you’re not disrupting class, though, or drawing the teacher’s attention. Getting in trouble will not impress her! You’re looking for anything that begins a speaking relationship with her, so make her feel like you want to know what she has to say. Ask her something related to class, like what she thinks is going to be on the next test, or how many hours she’s planning on putting into preparation for a presentation. Don’t talk over her when she gives her opinion. Let her talk for as long as she wants, and show interest in what she has to say. Giving compliments is a lot trickier than it sounds. You may think “who doesn’t like getting a compliment?” but you should always be respectful of girls when complimenting them. Always complimenting girls on how pretty they are sends the message that you only like them for their looks, and most girls don’t like to be made to feel that way. Compliment her on something she actually had to work for, rather than something she was born with. This might be related to her appearance or not. Compliment her on her hairstyle on a particular day instead of her eyes. Compliment her on an outfit she put together. Tell her you liked her answer to a question in class. Congratulate her for doing well on a test if you see she got a good grade. Don't bother her with questions or favors if you see that she's concentrating on something or she's late and has to run to her next class. If you have a class with her, you're going to see her every day, so wait for a time when she seems relaxed and in a good mood to break the ice with her." is Ask a small favor. Ask a question about something the teacher said. Make her laugh. Ask for her opinion on something related to class. Give her a compliment. Choose the right time for your icebreaker.
Passage: It's a gray app that contains an image of gears (⚙️) and is typically found on your home screen. It's at the top of the menu. If you're running an older version of iOS, instead tap iCloud and then tap Create a new Apple ID. It's at the top of the pop-up menu. Swipe up or down on the month, day, and year sections to enter a valid birth date and then tap Next in the top-right corner. Then tap Next. This email address will become the Apple ID you'll use to sign in to iCloud. Then tap Next. Then tap Next. Select whether you want to verify your phone number with a Text Message or a Phone Call. Then tap Next. Then tap Next. It's in the bottom-right of the Terms and Conditions page. Then tap Agree on the pop-up menu. This is the unlock code you established for your device when you set it up. The screen will display the message "Signing into iCloud" as it accesses your data. If you have data on your phone such as calendars, reminders, contacts, and notes that you'd like merged with your new iCloud account, tap Merge; if not, tap Don't Merge. You will then be signed into your newly created iCloud account. You can now set up iCloud on your iPhone or iPad with your new iCloud account., Summary: Cut away dead, diseased, or damaged branches promptly. Sanitize your pruners before and during trimmings. Sanitize any other tools you use in the same fashion. Leave the “branch collar” behind when you remove a branch. Remove thick branches by making 3 separate cuts. Train a new “leader” if the current one is damaged. Limit your pruning during the late summer and early fall.
The answer of "Summarize the following Disney Parks periodically posts contest and sweepstakes, so bookmark on your web browser. Find the tab marked “Special Offers” to browse discounts and sweepstakes. You can also type keywords such as “Disneyland,” “contests,” and “sweepstakes” in the search bar. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are also great ways to find out about official Disney-sponsored giveaways. Just make sure the social media account you’re following is actually affiliated with Disney. It should be free of spelling and grammatical errors and have a blue verified check mark next to its name. Find a full list of official Disney Parks social media accounts at Websites such as compile current Disney contests and sweepstakes. Make sure any contest-listing websites you browse only list contests sponsored by Disney or a major corporation or organization. Check “About” pages for information about how websites vet their listings. Contest listings are typically updated weekly, so check back once a week. Official tourism associations frequently offer discounts and occasionally run contests. The official tourism association for Anaheim, CA, which is where Disneyland is located, is You can also search for associations affiliated with other Disney park locations. Enter the location plus “official tourism association.” Check websites’ “About” sections to ensure they specify that they’re a city’s official tourism organization. Official tourism organization websites typically have a “Discounts” tab on the home page’s menu bar. You can also enter “special offer,” “contest,” or “sweepstakes” into the search bar. You could search every day for giveaways sponsored by Disney, reputable websites, travel companies, or local TV and radio stations. However, setting up a search alert is easy and can save time. For instance, set up a Google alert at Type your query in the box at the top, then click “Create Alert.”" is Choose a piece of paper.
Q: Summarize the following: Turn on your Xbox console and connect it to the Internet using either a Wi-Fi connection or an Internet cable. Go back to your Droid Razr and enter your Microsoft account details on the log-in page of the SmartGlass app. Type in your e-mail address and password on the text field provided, and tap the green “Sign in” button to log into your account. Keep in mind that you have to enter the same Microsoft account you used on your Xbox; otherwise, your Droid Razr and your Xbox won’t connect to each other. On your TV screen, you’ll see a pop-up message at the bottom that will notify and confirm that your Droid Razr has connected to your Xbox console via the SmartGlass app. You can now start using your Droid Razr as a remote control for your Xbox., A: Connect the Xbox console to the Internet. Log into SmartGlass. Wait for the two devices to link.
Q: Summarize the following: Morse Code is comprised of two different signal units—dots and dashes. Your first objective will be learning to recognize these units as they appear in text. Dots look like simple periods, whereas dashes are long horizontal lines similar to hyphens. Every character in the English language can be represented using these two signals. In the official terminology of Morse Code, dots are called “dits,” pronounced with a short “i” sound and a silent “t.” Dashes are formally known as “dahs,” with a short “a” sound. Scan the Morse Code alphabet and refer to it when attempting to decipher single characters. As you go through the alphabet, make a note of each individual letter or numeral, then recite its corresponding dit-dah combination out loud. With time, you’ll be able to recall bits of code reflexively based on both their sound and appearance. Though the Morse Code alphabet is a helpful resource, most accomplished users recommend learning the system by its sounds rather than the way it's represented in text. This greatly simplifies the process by getting rid of the extra step of referencing the way the signals look when written out. A downloadable reproduction of the Morse Code alphabet can also be found at the bottom of this article. Practice saying dits and dahs aloud in the correct rhythm. Dits make a short, single-syllable sound. Dahs are more drawn out, and should last approximately three times as long as dits when pronounced. This fast and slow rhythm is how individual units are distinguished in Morse Code. Pay attention to the spacing between words and letters. Each letter should be separated by a space equal to one dash, while complete words should be separated by the space of seven dots. The more meticulous your spacing is, the more likely it is that your message will be understood. It is generally faster to learn Morse Code by sound rather than sight, since it allows you to forego the process of counting up dits and dahs. Word association can be a valuable tool in helping you keep track of letters and numerals in Morse Code. For instance, you could link the letter “C” in your memory to the word “catastrophic,” which begins with a “C”, contains the same number of syllables and even has the same syllabic emphasis. Other examples include “mailman” for “M” and “gingerbread” for “G.” Devise your own word associations that will help link sequences of signals with their related sounds naturally in your mind. Jot down a few word associations in a notebook and study them while getting the hang of reciting each letter out loud. The simplest letters to begin with are the ones that are represented by a single dit or dah. One dit, for instance, makes the letter “E,” while one dah makes “T.” From there, you can move on to two dits (“I”) and two dahs (“M”) and so on. Solidify your knowledge of elementary characters before putting together more complex sequences. Two and three letter words ("me" = - - • ) ("cat" = -•-• •- - ) will be easiest to commit to memory when you’re first getting a feel for the format. The sequence for the distress call “SOS” ( • • • - - - • • • ) should be one of the first things you learn, as it could potentially save your life in an emergency situation., A: Ask your friends what they think. If you’re feeling bold, ask his friends. Ask him yourself.
The summary of "All foil balloons have a small, 1–2 in (2.5–5.1 cm) filling tab designed to easily blow up your balloons. Typically, this is on the outside of the balloon toward the bottom, and the tab is secured by 2-3 layers of plastic. For instance, you can find this approximately where you attach a string to a standard balloon." is Drink lots of water. Bathe in Epsom salts. Wear loose, cotton clothing. Keep your skin dry. Apply bandages over any open skin.
The summary of "If you know why the dog is underweight, such as a bitch that has recently raised a litter of strong, greedy puppies, or a rescue dog has been mistreated, then fattening up the dog will be relatively straight forward. Be sure to monitor the dog who is underweight, so that you can find any issues that might be easy to fix. For example, if you have several dogs, the answer can be as simple as the other dogs stealing your underweight dog's food. All kinds of illnesses can interfere with the body's ability to process food and get the goodness out of it, leading to weight loss. If this is the case, the dog will almost certainly show some signs including decreased appetite, increased thirst, lack of energy, vomiting, diarrhea, or a change of body shape. Conditions that can cause weight loss include lack of pancreatic enzymes, diabetes mellitus, liver disease, kidney disease, cancer, and inflammatory bowel disease. Again, if you notice any of these symptoms then a vet check is for the best. If you suspect your dog is ill, or if you notice unexplained weight loss, it's best to consult a vet. If your dog suddenly has a poor appetite for no reason, it's also best to consult a professional before the problem gets out of control. Once the vet gives the all clear, and you know you just have a fussy dog, then there are a variety of strategies that can help improve its appetite." is Figure out if there is a logical reason your dog is underweight. Assess the overall health of your dog. Get your dog checked by a veterinarian.
Q: Summarize the following: Let your government know how you feel about acid rain, and tell them if you think they should be doing more. You can even petition industry leaders and business owners if you feel they could be doing a better job of cleaning up their acts. For industries that do contribute lots of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere, explain to them and governments that regulate them that they can: Use chemical scrubbers to remove pollutants from their smokestacks. Seek out alternative fuels. Switch to green technologies that don’t require fossil fuels. Tell them why this issue is important to you and why it should be important to them by explaining what kinds of impacts acid rain can have on the environment and our future. Ask family to adopt the same eco-friendly chore practices that you’ve taken on, such as reducing energy consumption, replacing lightbulbs with CFLs, and reducing the use of electronics and appliances. When it comes to transportation, explain how their pocketbooks (and waistlines) can benefit from being more active and using the car less. Explain to anyone who’s willing to listen, including friends, coworkers, and schoolmates, that acid rain damages lakes, streams, soils, forests, and the plants and animals that live in those ecosystems. Tell them that acid deposition also causes the premature decay of buildings, homes, and works of art, and has a negative impact on human health and animal life. Tell other people about the steps you’ve taken to reduce acid rain, and show them how easy it can be for them to adopt some of those same practices., A: Write to industry leaders and government. Get your family involved. Inform others.
The answer of "Summarize the following While education, examination, and supervised experience are the most common things you need to do, each state has different requirements to obtain full licensure. Research these specific requirements very carefully. Material published by your state’s licensing board will be the most reliable guide. Complete all these requirements to ensure that you are legally recognized as a licensed professional counselor. Once you’re sure you’ve fulfilled all requirements, you need to fill out a formal application to receive your license. Research the application process in your state. In most cases, you will simply have to provide evidence -- such as exam results -- that you have completed the licensing requirements. You will then be granted your official license. Research the rules in your state about maintaining your counseling license. You will usually have to officially renew it periodically, and often you will have to take some continuing education courses to show that you’re up-to-date in your field. If anything about the licensing process is ever unclear to you, ask officials for help. Usually, you will be able to email or call your state’s licensing board to clarify anything or resolve any problems you may have." is Soak the pan in vinegar. Scrub out any lingering rust with soap. Re-season the pan.
Q: Summarize the following: Because you are not allowed to eat anything the morning before the procedure, take sips of water with your medication. This will help make the pills go down easier. Do not eat food of any kind the morning before your procedure. Taking insulin may reduce your blood sugar level too much, making the biopsy difficult. Instead, you will be given short acting insulin with a saline infusion to keep your sugar level optimum. After your kidney biopsy, you will be able to return home that day. However, you may remain drowsy throughout the day because of the anesthetic and any sedative drug you may have received. Because of this, you will need to arrange for someone to drive you home, as driving yourself could be dangerous., A: Choose a wall where you want to place your TV. Position your TV so it’s at eye level. Select a location that allows you to conceal wires and devices. Move any furniture, pictures, or decor from the area.
The answer of "Summarize the following If you have a specific device that you want the video to be compatible with, click the Auto menu and select it from the list of presets. All of the settings will be configured automatically. If your device is not on the list or you want to convert to something else, continue to the following steps. In the Video Output section in the left frame, click the dropdown menu and select the codec that you need. Mpeg4 (x264) is one of the most common formats accepted by most media players. Selecting Copy will keep the existing format. In the Audio Output section, directly beneath the Video Output section, click the pulldown menu and select the audio codec that you prefer. AC3 and AAC are two of the most popular codecs. In the Output Format section, click the pulldown menu to select the format you want the file to be. MP4 will play on most devices, and MKV is one of the preferred formats for PC use. Click the Calculator button in the top row of icons to adjust the final file size. Set the “Custom size” field to the size that you want the file to be. The bitrate of the video will be changed automatically to meet that size requirement. Small videos will end up with a lower quality that larger video files." is Choose a format preset. Select your video codec. Select your Audio codec. Select your format. Change the file size of the video.
The answer of "Summarize the following It’s the green speech bubble icon with a white phone receiver inside. You’ll usually find it on the home screen. This method will also block incoming messages from the selected contact. There’s no way to disable calls without disabling messages. It’s the two overlapping speech bubbles near the bottom-right corner of the screen. If there’s no conversation with this person in the list, tap the New Chat icon—it’s the square with a pencil at the top-right corner of the screen—and then select the contact from the list. It’s at the top of the conversation. This displays their profile. It’s one of the red links near the bottom of the profile. A menu will expand. This blocks all incoming calls and messages from this contact." is Open WhatsApp on your iPhone or iPad. Tap Chats. Tap the person you want to block. Tap the person’s name. Scroll down and tap Block Contact. Tap Block.
Q: Summarize the following: Cold air is very drying, and sunlight reflects off snow, intensifying UV rays. Cover any exposed skin with a broad-spectrum moisturizing sunscreen and use lip balm, both with an SPF of at least 30. Wear body lotion to keep your skin hydrated. Pick running gear that makes it easier for drivers to spot you. There is less light during the winter, especially in the morning or evening, and when the sky is overcast. Wear reflective gear or add reflective tape, and choose outfits in bright colors. These layers will help you stay dry and warm by wicking moisture away from your skin, providing insulation, and protecting you from the wind and snow or rain. The inner layer should wick sweat away and fit close to your skin. Opt for synthetics or silk. This layer should keep you dry and not feel scratchy against your skin. Avoid cotton because it will hold moisture, which will quickly turn chilly. A good example is a long sleeved tech shirt. The middle layer is to keep you warm. Pick a fabric that will keep heat against your body without holding moisture, such as a fleece jacket or vest. Experiment to determine how thick this layer should be, depending on the temperatures in your area. The outer layer should provide protection from wind and moisture. It should also be easy to unzip or remove if you get too warm. A lightweight windbreaker is a good choice, and if you need to take it off, you can tie it around your waist. For your legs, thermal running tights can provide all three layers of protection. Find a pair made of synthetic fibers that wick moisture but still retain heat and have an outer coating to repel water. You will warm up as you exercise, so if your outfit is comfortable when you step outside, you will soon be too hot. Dress for weather that is warmer by 20 degrees Fahrenheit (11 degrees Celsius) than it is outside. Your shoes should provide extra traction for running in icy or wet conditions.Trail running shoes will have a deeper tread to give you more stability. If you’re running in a lot of snow and need more traction, add spikes that you can strap onto your shoes. Wear shoes with waterproof uppers to keep your feet dry in puddles or melting snow. They should also have breathable liners to wick away moisture. Wear socks that are thick and warm. Like all the layers against your skin, these need to be made of fibers that won’t hold moisture, such as a wool blend. Make sure they cover your ankles to keep them warm. You lose a lot of heat from these areas, and fingers get cold and stiff quickly. Wear a headband to keep your ears warm. If that’s not enough warmth, add a fleece or knit hat. Gloves should be windproof and insulated. Add mittens on top of gloves if your hands are still cold. You can remove these layers if you get hot as you run., A: Protect your skin. Wear reflective clothes. Wear three layers. Keep your legs warm. Dress for warmer temperatures. Choose waterproof shoes with good traction. Protect your feet with thick, wicking socks. Cover your hands and head.
The answer of "Summarize the following When designing your own jewelry, you will first want to get ideas. This will help you to think about which design aspects are most important to you and what will best fit your needs. Look at your collection. Look at your own jewelry, purchased or made by others. You can recreate or take ideas from aspects of pieces you already own and like. Maybe you like a particular type of bead or clasp or color combination. You will also want to look at your own collection to assess if there is a type of jewelry that you might need. Look for holes in your collection, such as a lack of casual pieces for everyday use, and think about what you can make to fill that need. Look at stores. Go to stores that specialize in jewelry, like Claire’s, or larger stores with jewelry departments, like Macy’s, to get ideas about what you might want to make. The wide selection in stores like these will allow you to get more ideas, as well as helping you stay at the front of fashion trends. Look at others. You can look at the jewelry your friends have, what you see in magazines and the internet, and what your favorite celebrities are wearing. Think about what you like about their jewelry and what pieces you really wish you had for yourself. Look at vintage pieces. In looking at vintage pieces and the history of jewelry, you can see a large number of styles very easily. Examine what aspects of the vintage pieces you like to get ideas for design elements you would like to emulate. Once you have decided upon the design aspects you enjoy most and what your needs and desires are, you will want to decide which materials are best for you. Some material choices will be based on taste, some on availability, and some on necessity. Metals. Metals will usually be used, in the form of wires, chains and rings, to bind together the other elements of the jewelry piece. The type of metal used will depend on what it is being used for, as well as personal taste. For example, soft metals are better for bending and should be used when you need to create loops. Whether or not that metal is gold or copper, however, is up to personal preference. Stones. You may want to use stones or gemstones in the creation of your jewelry, especially if you are making pendants or rings. Choose your stone largely based on personal taste but be aware that some stones are more expensive than others. You may also wish to use false stones in order to save money. When choosing colors, try to choose those that mimic your natural eye color or fit well with your wardrobe. This will make your jewelry stand out and show off your wonderful design. Other materials can also be used, depending on the look you are trying to achieve. If metal and gemstone is too traditional for you, try alternative materials like wood, resin, plastic, twine, leather and other less common sources. You could create a stunning resin pendant or beautiful leather earrings, for instance. Before you make your jewelry, you will want to sketch out your ideas and then draw your final design. This will let you plan how large or long each element should be and ensure that you have a plan to follow. This will keep you from wasting supplies. Sketching on graph paper can help you better align design elements and gauge relative sizes. You can also use tools like rulers, stencils, and tracing paper to further hone your drawn designs." is Know what the Multiple Listing Service system is. Pay a company to list for you. Stay local. Check out the packages.
The summary of "Turn your jeans inside out and put them on. Pinch the waistband on each side until you get the right fit in the waist. Try to pinch an equal amount on both sides so that your jeans will sit evenly after the alteration. You can secure the pinched fabric with a large safety pin to help you as you proceed to the next step. Carefully put the pins in the waistband on each side where you have pinched the fabric, as close to your waist as possible to keep the jeans snug. Be careful not to pin your finger. Keeping pinning down the sides of the jeans where you can pinch out loose fabric. Pin as far down as you would like, depending on how you would like the jeans to fit. You can pinch and pin just along the waist, down to the mid-thigh, or even all the way down to your knee if you want a extra skinny fit. Carefully take your jeans off. Sew each side of the jeans along the pinned line. Use a sturdy denim needle, a longer stitch length than normal, and higher tension. Go over the stitches again with a backstitch (reversing back over your stitches) at the beginning and end to secure the stitching in place. Try a stitch length of 2 and a thread tension of 4 to start. If that doesn’t work, you can easily take out the stitching with a seam ripper and try again with different settings. Don’t be afraid to experiment until you are happy with how your seam looks. Try your jeans on again and check the fit. You can always take your stitching out and try again if there is something off. If you are happy with the fit, but feel like excess fabric inside the jeans is too bulky, you can cut it out. Leave about a 1⁄4 inch (0.64 cm) border outside the stitching to prevent the fabric from unravelling. Otherwise, you can leave the fabric in. You can also fold the excess fabric to one side and sew the end down so it lies flat inside when you wear them." is Wash your face every day, being careful not to overwash. Apply ice cubes to your face. Make a baking soda paste. Drench a washcloth in lemon and pineapple juice. Use a light scrub. Try a yogurt mask. Eat healthy. Use alpha and beta hydroxy acids, or AHAs and BHAs.
Q: Summarize the following: If your poodle is a puppy, it will be important to teach him how to stay in a crate. Choose a crate that will be large enough for him to stand up and move around in, but not so large that he can use a separate space to go to the bathroom. The crate should feel cozy to him, but not claustrophobic. A toy or miniature poodle’s crate should be 24 x 18 inches (61 x 46 cm) or 24 x 24 inches (61 x 61 cm). For a standard poodle, an ideal crate size is 48 x 36 inches (122 x 91 cm). Crate training will go more smoothly if the crate looks inviting to your poodle. Place comfortable bedding in the crate that already has his scent on it. In addition, place some of his favorite toys in the crate, along with his food and water bowls. Place the crate in an area close to people. Since poodles love human companionship, having your Poodle’s crate in area with a lot of human activity will help him feel more comfortable. Remember that the crate should be a place of comfort and peace, not punishment. Over the course of crate training, you will practice leaving your poodle in the crate for increasingly longer periods. To begin, leave the crate door open and toss some treats inside. When your Poodle enters the crate to eat the treats, immediately give him verbal praise. Do not force him into the crate if he is hesitant—let him enter on his own time so he will not have a negative association with the crate. Work up to feeding him his meals in the crate. It may help to give your poodle a verbal command, such as ‘kennel,’ when you want him to enter the kennel. Immediately give him a treat when he enters the crate after your command. When your poodle is comfortable entering his crate, start closing the door behind him. Begin by closing it only for a few seconds when he is inside, then opening it back up again. Next, close the crate’s door and leave the room, randomly coming back for short time periods. Over time, gradually increase the time you stay out of the room after closing the crate door. Do not open the crate door if your poodle whines or fusses. Doing so will teach him a bad habit for getting attention. Even as your puppy becomes comfortable with staying in the crate with the door closed, you should not leave him in there day and night. He will not be able to hold his bladder for that long, and he will start feeling lonely by not being able to interact with you., A: Start with the combination dial. Know how the spindle works. Know how the drive cam is connected to the spindle. Understand a safe's wheels. Visualize the fence. Understand how wheel notches come into play. Continue to the appropriate section based on your available knowledge.
Passage: Laces can be subjected to tougher cleaning than the shoe itself, so you should remove your laces and clean them separately. For tough stains, you can begin by sprinkling a little bit of laundry detergent over the tough stains. Use your fingers to rub in the detergent before running it through warm water. Laces can be run through the laundry machine, but if left loose they will wrap themselves around the other items in your laundry. Place laces in a delicates bag and then run on a normal setting., Summary: Remove the laces from your shoe. Pretreat laces with laundry detergent. Wash your laces in a delicates bag.
Context: If this works, then you're set; if not, move onto another method. Use an old toothbrush or a clean household brush. Keep an eye on canvas furniture, awnings and sails around the house. As soon as you spot bird droppings, remove them. The faster this is done, the easier the stain will be to remove., Summary: Look up the requirements for your portfolio. Choose finished or unfinished pieces, based on the requirements for your portfolio. Include observational drawings. Highlight your best pieces. Ask a friend to look over your art. Include supplemental articles, publications or awards.
The answer of "Summarize the following In order to properly practicing blocking, you'll need three players. One person will do the passing, the second will try to receive the ball, and the third will execute the block. If you're practicing for the sake of playing competitively, it's a good idea to practice with your teammates. After all, improving their blocking skills will work out for your team just as much as honing your own. You should alternate between each of the three positions while you practice. This will make you a more dynamic player, and it will give the other players a chance to practice blocking too. If you have a coach, he will try passing the ball. You can do this with two players as well. If you're blocking, stand in front of a wall and try to block shots from hitting the wall. A two player practice isn't as recommended however, as it robs the dynamic element from the exercise. The most common method of getting a foul call is through physical contact with a member of the opposing team. This happens often when players are attempting to block shots. As a result, you should cater your blocking to minimize risks of bumping into a player. This can be helped by jumping upward, and using your body as an obstacle, rather than actively reaching out and grabbing the ball. You shouldn't try to actively grab the ball out of the opposing player's hands. If you do, you'll get a foul call. A foul call will offer the other side a chance to get a 3 point shot without risk of being tampered with by your side. Although height and size are obviously important to shot blocking, agility is necessary in order to get you to a place where you can block. In competitive environments, opposing players are going to be moving fast. In most cases, you'll only have a few seconds to get between the other player and the net. Run to block the other player's path, and rotate quickly to face them. It may help to do "run and rotate" exercises in your own time. Luckily, these can be accomplished without help from anyone else. Keeping your feet in control during all stages of a blocking technique will limit the risk of a foul, and ensure you're in proper position to continue playing smoothly once the block is completed. Don't put one foot in front of the other. Keep them evenly spaced apart, and relatively parallel with one another. As you ready yourself for a blocking move, it's good to arch your legs in a squatting stance. This will give you the built-up force necessary to execute a proper block. Because jump shots are some of the most-used shots in basketball, knowing how to time your jump is imperative. Hold your blocking hand up to give yourself extra height, and jump up to meet the opposing player at his highest point. One way to time properly is to watch the other player's feet as they leave the ground. This will only allot you a split-second of time to react, but with enough practice, you'll begin to find yourself jumping on instinct. Jump directly upwards when you're blocking. This will limit the risk of coming into contact with the other player. In executing a block, you'll need to raise one of your hands up in the air to impede the ball's course. The surest way of deflecting a ball is to use the hand that's closest to the ball relative to your body. While most players will harbour a preference of one blocking hand over another, it's important to get both hands versed in blocking mechanics. This will make you a more versatile, and therefore more effective player. It's important to use your hand as an obstacle impeding the natural arc of the ball, rather than reaching out and grabbing it. Grabbing the ball directly could result in a foul call. Like all competitive sports, some of your success in basketball will rely on your honed instincts. This sort of thing only comes with a lot of practice. Even when you're blocking shots consistently, it's a good idea to keep pushing yourself until you're able to do so without consciously thinking about it." is Assemble a group of three. Avoid contact with the shooting player. Run and rotate between the shooter and net. Stabilize your feet. Master your jump timing. Block using the hand closest to the ball. Practice until it's second nature.
Passage: After you have removed the stinger, wash the area with soap and water. This will clean it and reduce the chances of it becoming contaminated with dirt or bacteria. Hold the sting under running water for several seconds to thoroughly flush the area of dirt and debris. Gently rub the area with a mild soap and rinse thoroughly. Pat the area dry. Apply ice wrapped in a clean towel to the sting. Apply the cold pack for 10–15 minutes, and then remove it for ten minutes to allow the tissue to warm up, before reapplying it. If you have circulation problems, then use the ice for less time to reduce the risk of frostbite. If you do not have an ice pack handy, a bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel will work just as well. Do not put the ice directly on your skin because it can cause frostbite. Wrap it in a towel or cloth. Consult your doctor before taking these medications if you are pregnant, nursing, treating a child, or on other medications which could interact. Do not give children or teenagers aspirin. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Possible medications include: Paracetamol Ibuprofen The amount of localized swelling that people get varies from person to person. In addition, while the sting may hurt at first, it may itch more later. Possible treatments include: Hydrocortisone cream (1%) Calamine lotion An oral antihistamine with diphenhydramine (Benadryl) or chlorpheniramine (Chlor-Trimeton) If you know you are allergic to bee stings, you have likely been prescribed an emergency epinephrine autoinjector (EpiPen, Twinject). Use it according to your doctor’s orders and the manufacturer’s instructions. If you have used an epinephrine injector or you are going into anaphylactic shock, call emergency responders immediately. Symptoms include: Itchy skin Red rash Swelling of the eyes, lips, hands, feet The feeling that your throat is closing or swelling of the mouth, throat, or tongue Difficulty swallowing Difficulty breathing Abdominal discomfort Nausea or vomiting Unconsciousness, Summary: Try to stay as calm as you can. Make eye contact with the robber to humanize yourself. Give them what they ask for instead of fighting back. Fight for your life only if it's absolutely necessary. Call emergency services
The summary of "Many people suffer from a stiff neck because their work setup is not ergonomic. Position your chair so that you sit with your feet flat on the floor and your arms rest on your desk. If you have a computer monitor, make sure it is at eye level. If you sit at a desk all day or you spend a lot of time in the car, take a lot of short breaks. Moving around gives your muscles a chance to stretch out instead of remaining rigid for hours on end. Craning your neck downwards constantly can slowly harm your neck. Instead, try holding your phone or tablet up in front of you at eye level. Carrying a lot of weight on one shoulder will disproportionately strain one side of your body over the other. Your neck and back will compensate for the weight and this can result in a stiff neck. Instead, choose a backpack or a small rolling suitcase. Lifting weights improperly is a common cause of stiff necks. You can strain your muscles or pinch a nerve if you don't use a safe technique. Work with an instructor to make sure you're using the right form. Don't try to lift more weight than you can handle. Lifting shouldn't be easy, but you also shouldn't feel like you're going to topple forward. Find the appropriate weight for your body type and strength level. Don't lift too many times per week. Your muscles need time to repair between workout sessions. You can overstrain yourself if you work out too often." is Set up your workspace to be ergonomic. Don't sit too long. Don't look down at your phone frequently. Don't wear a heavy book bag on only one shoulder. Use the proper workout technique.
Context: These sorts of dyes will have a better effect on natural materials, such as jute or hemp. Many of these products will come in dissolvable powder packets so they can be easily added and mixed. The dye can be purchased in hobby stores or online. Direct dyes are also available in liquids to help better control the amount you are adding. This process better prepares the rope to accept the dye. Wring out the rope as best as you can, leaving it a little damp. Wet fabrics will hold color better than dry material. This dowel will help you later on when you want to re-wrap the rope. It will also keep the end of the rope out of the pot to avoid it from getting tangled. Use a simple knot to attach the rope to the center of the dowel. Direct dye activates with heat. First, bring your water to a low boil. After it is boiling, bring the water down to a simmer. Use a pot different from one that you cook in, as the dye may stain and leave residue that should not be consumed. The addition of dish soap to your water will help the dye spread throughout the pot and coat the rope evenly. Slowly stir in the soap to avoid bubbles. You’ll use this water to mix your dye before adding it to the pot. Keep it separated from the boiling water in the pot. Use as much as the dye packet as you want to reach the desired color. Using the full packet will give you a more vibrant color. The colors will be much deeper if using jute rope that is a natural brown color. Consider using an ivory rope if you want a color truer to the dye you’ve prepared. Test the dye on a paper towel to get an idea of how the final color will turn out., Summary: Use direct dye packets, like Rit or iDye. Unravel and presoak the rope under warm water until it is wet throughout. Tie a small dowel to the end of the rope. Fill a large pot 2/3 full of water and bring it to a boil. Add 1 tbsp (15 mL) of dish soap to the water. Microwave 2 cups (470 ml) of water in a measuring cup until it boils. Add the dye packet to the microwaved water and stir until it completely dissolves.
Passage: In a professional environment or conservative fields like banking, teaching, and office work to name a few, you might find you are not taken seriously if you interview with obvious gauges. To give ear gaugers a better chance of overcoming this kind of discrimination, many piercing and gauge manufacturers offer skin tone plug to make your gauges less noticeable. You'll have to experiment with different kinds of plugs before you find the one that works best for you. This is especially true for skin tone plugs bought online. A gauge that looks suitable online might be obvious once you put it in your ear. You could always make your own flesh tone plugs. A pair of simple wooden plugs can be painted the same color as your skin tone to achieve the same effect as pre-made skin tone plugs. Some gauges have large studs that cover the outer part of your ear, like large diamond studs or studs with thick metal designs. These can effectively hide your gauges and make it look as though you only have a "socially acceptable" kind of earring. You may have to invest in several different varieties of this kind of gauge. In a workplace or less accepting environment, people might get suspicious if they see you wearing the same earring too frequently. The size difference of the hook or stud that is inserted into your ear in tapered jewelry will draw attention to your gauged ears. Even if you have a pair of beloved tapered ear accessories that you want to show off, when trying to hide your gauges, you should refrain from wearing these., Summary: Don't multitask. Go slowly. Think about chores differently. Spend time doing nothing. Notice the world around you.
The answer of "Summarize the following Having a high vertical jump will enable you to be a more formidable player, giving you an advantage over your opponent. Achieve high jumping with plyometrics, which are movements that are completed with a lot of force very quickly. Measuring your current jump height will give you a good indication of how much you are improving. To measure your height: Ask someone to observe you. Jump up as high as you can next to a wall while reaching your arms upward. Have your observer mark on the wall how high you jumped and measure the height. You can also put a bit of chalk on your hands. As you jump up against a wall, extend your arm upward and touch the wall at the highest point you can reach. Measure that height. Use a surface that is about 2 feet off the ground, such as a jump box or bench. Face the box and jump on it with both feet landing flat and balanced. Do 3 sets of 20 repetitions every day. When this height becomes easy for you, add more height and challenge yourself further. Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart and hold 10-pound weights in each hand at your sides. Bend your knees and jump up in the air. At the same time, shrug your shoulders to help lift the weights. Land back down with both feet firmly balanced on the floor. Complete 3 sets of 25 repetitions every day. When this weight becomes easy, increase your weights in 5-poumd increments. Alternately, use a medicine ball instead of weights. Lift the ball above your head as you jump up. Bring the ball back to your chest when you land on the ground. In between other exercises, jump rope as quickly as possible for 30-second intervals. This will not only improve your ability to jump quickly and with height, but it will also improve your endurance and cardio performance. Training your leg muscles will help you jump higher with more force. Do squats, deadlift weight training, and other strength training for your legs 2-3 times a week. After spending two weeks on these types of jump training exercises, re-measure your jump height to see how much you have improved. If you haven’t improved as much as you’d like, keep working at these drills." is Recognize situations in which fights are likely to occur. Try to get away. Get attention. Use verbal techniques. Learn self-defense.
The answer of "Summarize the following If you'd like the blanket to be double-sided, cut two pieces of fleece instead: one that is solid-colored, and one that is patterned. Trace the corners first using a pen, then cut the corners out using a sharp pair of scissors. Not only does this give your blanket a unique touch, but you won't have to sew Mildred corners when adding the bias tape. You can also use a plate or a lid. Unless you made your own bias tape, or bought it already the right length, you will have to sew two or more lengths of bias tape together to make one long, continuous strand. Open up both ends of the bias tape, then pin them together, with the wrong sides facing out. Sew the two strands together using a ¼-inch (0.64-centimeter) seam allowance. Nestle the raw edge of the blanket right into the fold of the bias tape. Place a sewing pin ever 3 inches (7.62 centimeters). Trim off the excess bias tape until you have about 1 inch (2.54 centimeters) left. Overlap it by ½ inch (1.27 centimeters), then fold the excess under itself. Press it flat with an iron, then pin it in place. Use a thread color that matches the bias tape. Remove the pins as you sew. Go over your blanket and double-check for any missed pins, then carefully trim off any loose threads. Your blanket is now complete, and ready to use!" is Cut a 36 by 36-inch (91.44 by 91.44-centimeter) piece of fleece. Use a bowl to trace and cut rounded edges onto the corners of your blanket. Sew the bias tape together, if needed. Pin the bias tape all the way around the edge of the blanket. Fold the end of the bias tape under itself to conceal the raw edge. Sew around the bias tape, using a ⅛-inch (0.32-centimeter) seam allowance. Finish the blanket.
The answer of "Summarize the following Remind yourself those relationships occurred in the past and they didn't work for a reason. Try and focus instead on the present. Utilizing mindfulness techniques will help you to train your brain to stay in the moment. It will also help you to refocus when your thoughts drift to the past. Try a sense activity. Begin by naming things in the present moment that you can see, feel, hear, touch, taste, or smell. Repeat affirmations to refocus yourself on the present. Try “I am happy in my relationship now. I won't listen to my jealous thoughts.” Engage in mindful appreciation. Notice 5 positive things about your relationship that usually go unnoticed or unappreciated. Reframing is a way to change how you view and think about things. Lately, you have been focusing on her past, but you are her present. Recognize that you, or the two of you together, have something she never had in her past relationship. She is choosing you over her ex by being with you. Choose her as well. Ask her what she values about your relationship. Notice if she is talking about a future with you. If so, then you know she is invested in your future together! Each time a thought about a past relationship or an ex comes up, try and replace it with a positive thought. There are things you love about her and your relationship. Whether you like it or not, her past comes along with that. Consider the fact that everything that has happened in her past has contributed to the person she is today. Accept her as a package deal, and try some thought replacement practices to help you get there. Think of a positive image you have about her, a great memory of something you have done together, or a feeling you have about your relationship together. Put your energy into making new memories with your girlfriend. As you work on moving on from both of your pasts, build your future together with new activities, photographs, and memories. This will help you focus more on your present and your future together than her past. Go on a vacation together. Plan a day trip somewhere you have both been meaning to go. Pretend to be tourists in your own town. Learn something new together." is Enter the file path to go to a specific page on the site. Use the computer's Copy function, if possible. Understand parameters and anchors.
The answer of "Summarize the following If you notice or suspect a tail pull injury in your cat, it’s important to get prompt medical attention. Although many tail pull injuries will heal on their own, a vet can provide a definitive diagnosis and provide the best treatment plan for your cat. Call the vet’s office or an emergency vet clinic to inform them that your cat has or may have a tail pull injury. Provide any relevant details such as if your cat is howling in pain and not able to control its urinary function. This can ensure you get a diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible. A cat’s tail is important to many bodily functions, including continence and balance. Because of this, your cat’s vet will do an extensive exam. The exam may include touching different parts of your cat’s body and getting diagnostic tests including X-rays and bloodwork. Tell your vet any specific symptoms you have noticed in your cat. This can help the doctor better assess the injury. Answer any questions that your vet may have about your cat’s behavior or physical signs of injury. Allow your vet to perform a complete physical and neurological examination on your cat. This can detect potential related conditions including spinal displacement. Recognize that your vet may perform blood work, a urinalysis, or X-rays on your cat. These can also rule out other conditions that may appear like a pull injury. In most cases, a tail pull injury can heal on its own. Most vets will see if the tail pull injury mends on its own before trying more invasive treatments such as surgery or amputation. Make sure your cat gets sufficient rest, which can promote healing. If your cat’s tail is broken, dislocated or isn’t healing well naturally, your doctor may suggest surgery. A surgical procedure to reset any tail bones or vertebrae can help your cat heal more effectively as well as restore feeling and continence. Allow your cat plenty of rest following its surgery. This can promote healing and minimize the risk of infection. Follow your vet’s post-op instructions. This will likely include rest, pain medication and a course of antibiotics. Your vet may also prescribe medications stool softeners for constipation or bladder expressing if your cat has no sensation in its urethra. Your cat’s tail may be severely broken or there may be related spinal or pelvic damage. This may cause permanent loss of sensory and motor functions. If this is the case, your vet will likely suggest amputating your cat’s tail to prevent further injury to the cat’s nerves. Amputation won’t disable your cat in any way. Be aware that tail amputation due to injury is common for cats. It can take your cat—and you—time to get used to not having a tail, but it is unlikely that the amputation will have a long-term impact on your cat’s behavior. Follow your vet’s post-op instructions. Even though it is common, amputation is still major surgery. The instructions may include giving your cat pain meds, antibiotics, stool softeners, and how to operate a urinary catheter. Contact your vet immediately if you notice any signs of infection at the amputation site. These may include: bleeding or leakage from the site, swelling, bruising, pale gums, strong body odor, diarrhea, difficulty breathing." is Go snorkeling to see protected marine species. Enjoy nature with a day trip package. Do a cave tour or climb the lighthouse if you're feeling adventurous.
Context: If your computer system has 4GB or more of memory most likely it is a 64 bit computer. You can tell if your Ubuntu Linux operating system is 32 or 64 bit by opening up a terminal and running the following command: Type/Copy/Paste: file /sbin/init Download Eclipse IDE it will download into your /home/"your_user_name"/Downloads Select the correct bit version for your corresponding system architecture. For example, if you are on 32-bit Ubuntu Linux select 32-bit Eclipse IDE and if you are on 64-bit Ubuntu Linux select 64-bit Eclipse IDE. Type/Copy/Paste: cd /home/"your_user_name"/Downloads this will change you in your Downloads directory Type/Copy/Paste: sudo -s cp -r eclipse-SDK-3.7-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz /usr/local this will copy your Eclipse IDE to the /usr/local directory Type/Copy/Paste: cd /usr/local this will change you into the eclipse directory Type/Copy/Paste: sudo -s chmod a+x eclipse-SDK-3.7-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz this command makes the eclipse binaries executable for all on the system Type/Copy/Paste: sudo -s tar xvzf eclipse-SDK-3.7-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz this unpacks your Eclipse IDE compressed binaries Type/Copy/Paste: exit this command takes you out of root user Type/Copy/Paste: cd /home/"your_user_name"/Desktop this will change you into your user Desktop, make sure you are not root Type/Copy/Paste: ln -s /usr/local/eclipse/eclipse Type/Copy/Paste: chown "your_user_name" eclipse this will make the Eclipse symbolic link located on your desktop belong to the user Important, make sure you are not root when you create this symbolic link from your Eclipse IDE /usr/local/eclipse directory to your Desktop /home/"your_user_name"/Desktop, Summary: Click the arrow next to your location. Select "search places". Key in the place you're looking for, such as the name of a restaurant or a cinema. Click on the magnifying glass in the search box.
The answer of "Summarize the following Talk to your doctor if you have unexplained vaginal bleeding, amniotic fluid leaking from your vagina, a multiple pregnancy, or a history of preterm labor. Your doctor may also discuss placenta previa with you, which is when the placenta covers the cervical opening. These conditions may make you more prone to complications, and pelvic rest may be recommended. If you have a new partner or are not monogamous, practice safe sex during pregnancy with condoms and dental dams. Bacteria and viral infections from sexually transmitted diseases can affect your pregnancy and growing baby. Avoid lying flat on your back in the second and third trimesters. In this position, your growing uterus puts pressure on a major artery in your body, which may reduce blood flow to your baby and make you feel lightheaded. Instead, try to lie on your left side. Ask your partner not to blow air into your vagina during oral sex. In rare cases, this puff of air can block an artery, potentially harming the baby. Air blocking an artery in this way is called an air embolism. Try other forms of intimacy in the third trimester if your partner has cold sores (HSV1) or genital herpes (HSV2). Herpes can cause neonatal herpes when a mother with no antibodies is infected for the first time in late pregnancy. While herpes is mostly a minor nuisance for adults, it can be fatal in infants. Ask your doctor about oral suppression medication for you and/or your partner. People with oral herpes (cold sores) can transfer the virus to the genitals of a partner during oral sex, particularly if they have an active sore. It’s best to avoid performing oral sex on a pregnant mother. If you don’t have herpes, be sure to use a condom each time you have sex when you are pregnant. Even if your partner doesn’t have symptoms, you could still contract herpes if you don’t use protection. Refrain from having sex when your partner has an outbreak at any time during your pregnancy. If you and your partner have the same strain of herpes, there is no risk in engaging in vaginal or oral sex in the third trimester. Your doctor can perform a blood test if you don’t know your herpes status. Having anal sex then vaginal sex can transfer harmful bacteria to the vaginal canal. This bacteria can cause vaginal and uterine infections in rare cases. Table anal sex until after birth. Many pregnant mothers also have hemorrhoids during pregnancy, which can make anal sex painful." is Use screws to secure the window to the opening in your wall. Install insulation around the window between the frame and opening. Reinstall the stops, trim, and molding that you removed earlier. Stain or paint the interior surfaces
Passage: You can purchase vintage memorabilia on eBay, Etsy, or in thrift stores, or you can make use of stores such as Target that occasionally carry items in the style of the psychedelic era. Memorabilia might be larger, including bean bag chairs, or might be small, such as a mushroom-themed trinket. You can also make use of wicker, whether that is in the form of baskets, shelves, or furniture. Look for movie and music posters from the 70s to hang on your walls. Although black lights are great on their own, they really pop when paired with black light posters with cool designs and wild colors. Stores such as Wal-Mart frequently carry black light posters, but they can also be found on sites such as eBay and Etsy. Black light posters are widely varied, so you can probably find a poster that you’ll like. Designs include flowers, buses, landscapes, mandalas, and even abstract designs. Draping, flowing fabric is a staple of psychedelic decorating, so adorn your walls with large tapestries of peace signs, celestial bodies, mandalas, and other psychedelic images. A lot of companies sell simple, light tapestries that can be hung up with a pushpin or temporary hook. If you live in a dorm or apartment, these will help you decorate without doing any damage to the walls. Hang a scarf or rug over a wooden rod and hang it on your wall to make an easy tapestry. When searching for decor for your psychedelic room, look for peace signs, VW vans, and mushrooms, as all of these items are associated with the psychedelic lifestyle and decor of the 60s and 70s. If you have tie-dye clothing or clothing featuring psychedelic imagery, you can also hang these up on the wall or a hanging rack and use them as a form of decoration. Flowers featured prominently in the hippie culture, and are a great way to invite a psychedelic vibe into your room. Pick wildflowers and place them in a vase in a macramé plant holder, or braid wildflower crowns to wear on your head or hang over your dresser mirror. If you don’t have wildflowers or are in the midst of winter, you can also bring fake flowers into your decor, focusing on sunflowers and other bright, sunny options. Try putting real or fake sunflowers in tall vases or spreading petals on top of your tables and dressers for a calming ambiance. Mid-century furniture is a great addition to your psychedelic room, including beanbag chairs, record stands, and loveseats. Many of these items can be found for a good price at thrift and antique stores. Mid-century furniture is currently enjoying a moment, so try to find pieces in thrift stores or replicas in department stores to avoid a hefty price tag. Look for wicker or bamboo furniture to help complete your look. The 60s and 70s were all about high-pile carpets. Whether you have carpet, tile, laminate, or hardwood flooring, amp up your 70s style by including a high-pile rug in your room. High-pile rugs are not as popular as they once were, but most large hardware stores such as Lowe’s and Home Depot possess a wide variety of rug options., Summary: Buy 60s and 70s memorabilia. Make use of black light posters. Decorate with scarves and tapestries. Use peace signs, mushrooms, and VW van images. Bring in flowers. Decorate with vintage furniture. Cushion your floor with a brightly colored shag rug.
The summary of "An eyebrow powder kit will usually come with clear wax. The wax helps hold the hair in place and gives the powder something to adhere to. A small, angled brush helps set the shape." is Look up the requirements for your portfolio. Choose finished or unfinished pieces, based on the requirements for your portfolio. Include observational drawings. Highlight your best pieces. Ask a friend to look over your art. Include supplemental articles, publications or awards.
The summary of "A physical card is much nicer than only sending an email to say thank you. It’s a more personal gesture and it is more meaningful than an ecard or email. It will also give your teacher a physical keepsake to remember their old students by. If you aren’t sure of your teacher’s mailing address, then you might need to do some investigating. Some options to try for locating the address include contacting the school directly or contacting the alumni or local teacher's associations. If the teacher you’re thanking is a high school teacher, then you can simply address the card to your teacher at the school’s address, which will be available on the main page of the school’s website. If you’re thanking a former college professor, then things get a little trickier. You’ll need to either call the office of the department in which your professor teaches to find out their specific mailing address or search the school’s website to find out the address of a particular department. For example, if you want to thank your former Political Science professor, then you will need to call or search the website of that department to find the correct mailing address for your professor. Do not send the card to the general university mailing address, as that is for school administrators, not faculty. College faculty are often very mobile, more so than K-12 teachers, so they might not still be teaching at the school where they taught you. If this is the case, you can contact the department office and ask for a forwarding address for them. When you go shopping for a thank you card, keep in mind what you want to convey with your card. Do you want it to be serious or would you prefer a more playful message and design? Make sure the tone of your thank you card is appropriate for the relationship you have with your teacher. If you’re unsure, err on the side of caution. You’ll be personalizing the card, so pictures on the card are less important. A handmade card is also a wonderful gesture! It shows a little more effort on your part and is easy to create. You can simply fold a piece of paper in half widthwise and include a combination of illustrations and words on both the inside and outside. Your card should begin with "Dear [teacher's name]." To ensure that your thank you note doesn't feel stiff or sound strange, address your teacher the way you addressed them in class. For example, use "Ms. Smith," "Dr. Jones," or "Amy," depending on how you referred to them in class. Likewise, if your college professor has their doctorate, use “Dr.” and not “Mr.” or “Mrs.” If you’re unsure of their proper title, this will require some research on your part. Check out the university department’s website. There is usually a faculty page with brief biographies and resumes that will let you know whether “Dr.” is the right title to use. Teachers love to get positive feedback from their students, so you should let them know specifically what they did that endeared them to you. For example, did they stay after class to help you understand some course material better? Did they make an ordinary lecture interesting or inspiring? Were they flexible or understanding when you had personal issues during the school year? Be sure to say thank you, but also make sure to include specifics. Begin your letter with “Dear [Name]” and make sure that you use proper grammar and punctuation throughout. Avoid using “hey” as your greeting because that’s not a respectful, professional greeting. If you’re worried you’ll make a mistake while writing, try writing your message on a separate piece of paper and then transcribing it onto the card. This way you can avoid having to scribble out or white-out over mistakes." is Evaluate your curtain fabric. Use starch when recommended. Iron the back of the curtain for further heat protection. Take extra care with silk or satin curtains. Iron pleats to make them more pronounced.
Context: In the U.S., you can only obtain an IDP through the American Automobile Association (AAA) or the American Automobile Touring Alliance (AATA). Either visit a AAA branch in person or apply to either organization by mail; you can only apply through AATA by mail. You don't need to be a member of either organization in order to get an IDP. Keep in mind you must already hold a valid driver's license in order to apply for an IDP. Be wary of scams that claim to offer IDPs. Only AAA and AATA are authorized by the U.S. State Department to issue IDPs. Locate your local AAA branch at If you apply through AATA, send your application to P.O. Box 24980, San Jose, CA 95154. In most countries, much like the U.S., you apply for an IDP through a national or state auto club. For example, if you live in Australia, you'd apply through your state's Australian Automobile Association-affiliated club, such as the Royal Automobile Club of Victoria. In some nations, such as the United Kingdom, national postal services issue IDPs. Search online to find the right procedures for your nation. Visit or, or your national auto club's website, and download, print, and fill out the IDP application. Alternatively, visit your local auto club branch (or post office) and fill out the application in person. You'll need to provide your full name, home address, driver's license number, license issuing and expiration dates, date and location of birth, phone number, and email address. You must also indicate where and when you plan to travel. You'll need to include a few other documents with your application, along with a $20 fee (U.S., as of 2019). Required documents include 2 original color passport photos and a signed photocopy of the front and back of your driver's license. If you mail your application, enclose a check or money order for the application fee; you may also need to pay for shipping and handling. If you apply in person, acceptable forms of payment include check, money order, and credit or debit. Outside the U.S. fees vary, but they're generally the equivalent of $10 to $20 USD. If you applied in person, you'll likely receive your IDP immediately. If you mailed your application, expect to receive your IDP in 2 to 4 weeks. Delivery may take an additional 2 weeks if you've applied for an IDP in your home country but are currently located overseas. If you mailed your application and need it promptly, you can pay extra to have it expedited. Express delivery fees may total up to $85 (U.S.). Keep in mind you'll need to have your IDP in hand you before you can drive in Japan. Simply submitting the application is not enough. An IDP is valid for 1 year. If you plan on staying in Japan for more than a year, you'll need to obtain a Japanese driver's license., Summary: Gather your supplies. Wash your hands. Check for infection. Wash the cord. Dry the cord.
The answer of "Summarize the following oil water in a saucepan. You don't need to fill the saucepan with water, an inch or two will be enough to create steam. To serve four people, you will need about 1 1/2 lbs of carrots. Wash the carrots thoroughly in cold water to remove any remaining dirt or pesticides. Chop off the stems of the carrots with a small knife, then peel them using a vegetable peeler. You can then cut up the carrots any way you like: you can leave them whole, slice or dice them, or cut them into rounds. Make sure the water does not reach the bottom of the steamer basket. If the carrots are immersed in water they will be boiled, rather than steamed. Use a lid to cover the saucepan, but don't cover it completely. Leave a small gap on one side to allow the steam to vent. This should take 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the size of the chunks. You can check the carrots for doneness by sticking a fork into them. If it slides in easily, the carrots are done. Although this is the recommended cooking time, you can steam the carrots for as long or short a time as you want, depending on whether you like your carrots very soft or extremely crisp. While the carrots are still hot, you can mix in any flavors of your choice. They work very well drizzled with a teaspoon of melted butter, or quickly sauteed with a little olive oil, some garlic and a squeeze of lemon juice. And don't forget the salt and pepper." is . Prepare the carrots. Put the basket over the boiling water. Cover the saucepan. Steam the carrots until they are tender. Drain the carrots into a colander. Transfer them to a serving dish. Add any flavors or seasoning.
The summary of "Dip a Q-tip in nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol. Use the Q-tip to lightly dab at the stain or mark on the gel nail, being careful not to vigorously rub so that you don’t remove the gel color. This works best if you use the nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol very soon after the stain appears on your nail. Lay a towel down on a table and place your hand on top. Spray hairspray over the nail with the stain until the nail looks wet. Use a Q-tip to remove the hairspray, which should remove the stain as well. Wash your hands well with soap and water to get the hairspray off of your hand. You shouldn’t need to rub the gel nail harshly to get the marking off of it. Fill a regular-sized bowl with water and add 3-4 drops of tea tree oil to it. Place the gel nail that needs to be cleaned in the bowl, letting it soak for at least 5 minutes. Wash your hands after removing the nail from the mixture. If the stain is still there, do the same process over again once a day for several days. Sometimes a mark or stain on your gel nail just won’t come out using at-home remedies, which is when it’s time to turn to professionals. See if your nail salon will redo the one nail that was damaged so that your nail will look good as new. Some nail salons will do this for free while others will charge a small fee, so ask your nail salon before committing to redoing the nail." is Use nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol to wipe away fresh marks. Spray your gel nail with hairspray to remove stubborn stains. Soak your nail in water and tea tree oil for a natural fix. Visit your nail salon if you can’t remove the stain or mark yourself.
Passage: Regardless of whether or not you believe the rifle to be unloaded, you should go through the unloading process before attempting to measure the barrel. Note that the measuring process is essentially the same for all rifles, including both bolt-action and semi-automatic rifles. There can be some differences in the unloading process, however. For a bolt-action rifle: Point the gun in a safe direction, supporting the barrel with your dominant hand. Click the bolt upward and back to open it, using your non-dominant hand. Look down into the chamber and into the magazine. If there is any ammo in the gun, carefully slide the bolt into the magazine until it ejects the cartridges. For a semi-automatic rifle: Point the gun in a safe direction. Locate the magazine release latch at the rear of the magazine cover. Pull the latch back to drop the magazine open. The cartridges inside the magazine should drop out of the bottom. The length of the barrel spans between the muzzle and the face of the bolt or breech face. Do not measure any portion of the barrel that extends behind the bolt or breech face. Close the bolt by sliding it forward and down. Close the breech face by pushing the slide back and allowing it to snap back forward. Insert an appropriately sized dowel rod into the muzzle. Slide it into the barrel until it comes to a stop at the face of the bolt or the breech face. The diameter of the dowel should be smaller than the diameter of the gun barrel. Draw a line just above the muzzle, keeping your writing instrument as close to the muzzle as possible for a more accurate reading. Use a pencil, pen, or permanent marker for best results. Slide the dowel out of the barrel. Place the dowel in front of you and set the gun aside. When setting the gun aside, make sure that it is pointing in a safe direction. Using a tape measure or measuring stick, measure the distance between the line and the end of the dowel previously inside the barrel. The length of this section is the length of the gun barrel., Summary: Verify that the gun is unloaded. Close any bolts or breech faces. Slip a dowel rod into the barrel. Mark the dowel rod at the correct point. Remove the dowel rod. Measure the length.
Context: Drilling a well involves a higher initial cost than connecting to a public water supply, as well as risks of not finding enough water or water of sufficient quality and ongoing costs to pump the water and maintain the well. However, some water districts may make residents wait years before they can be connected to a public supply, thus making well drilling a viable option where there is enough groundwater at a reasonable depth. You'll need to know the section, township, range and quarters to access land and well records through your state's geological survey or from your State Watermaster. Geological survey records or state well drilling reports will record the depths of previous wells in the area and whether or not they found water. You can access these records in person, by telephone or online. These records can help you determine the depth of the water table, as well as the location of any confined aquifers. Most aquifers are at the depth of the water table; these are called unconfined aquifers, as all the material above them is porous. Confined aquifers are covered by nonporous layers, which, although they push the static water level above the top of the aquifer, are more difficult to drill into. Although less useful than well-drilling records, geologic maps can show the general location of aquifers, as well as the rock formations in an area. Topographic maps show the surface features and their elevations and can be used to plot well locations. Together, they can determine whether an area has sufficient groundwater to make drilling a well viable. Water tables are not uniformly level, but follow ground contours to some extent. The water table is nearer the surface in valleys, particularly those formed by rivers or creeks, and is harder to access at higher elevations. Many older wells have no documentation, and even if records exist, someone who lived nearby may remember how much water those wells produced. Your state's geological survey personnel may be able to answer general questions and direct you to resources beyond those mentioned here. If you need more detailed information than what they can provide, you may need the services of a professional hydrologist. Contact local well drilling companies, especially ones that have been established for a long time. A 'Dowser' or 'Water Witcher' is a person who uses willow branches, brass rods or similar items to search for water. If you want, you might employ one to help you find a good site. Consult the appropriate municipal and state agencies to find out what permits you need to obtain before drilling and any regulations that govern drilling wells., Summary: Understand the difference between cream and powder blush. Choose the right shade of blush. Know the benefits of cream blush.
Q: Summarize the following: Nearly 15% of children still wet the bed by the time they reach five years of age. Though this number tapers off, you generally shouldn’t worry about bedwetting up until the age of seven. Prior to that, a child’s bladder and control can still be developing. In the hours leading up to bedtime, try to reduce the amount that your child has to drink. Note that this does not need to be over the course of the entire day. On the contrary, encouraging your child to hydrate in the morning and early afternoon can actually help cut down on evening-time thirst. If your child is thirsty in the evening, especially if they are participating in sports or other physical activities, do offer them water. If your child’s school allows it, send him or her to school with a water bottle to avoid excessive fluid intake in the late afternoon and evening. Caffeine is a diuretic, which means that it can lead to a need to urinate. While you should generally avoid giving young children caffeine anyway, it’s especially true when trying to help stop bedwetting. In addition to caffeine, you should try to cut out other possible bladder irritants in the evening that can lead to bedwetting. These include citrus juices, dyes (particularly juices with red dyes), sweeteners, and artificial flavorings. In the late afternoon and into the evening, encourage your child to use the toilet roughly every two hours. This will help avoid a sense of urgency over the evening. Many children use the bathroom at the start of their bedtime routine as they get ready to change into pajamas, brush their teeth, etc. “Double-voiding” means having your child use the bathroom then and then going a second time directly before actually going to sleep. Pressure from your child’s rectum due to constipation can manifest as bedwetting. To make matters more difficult, children often feel too embarrassed to discuss constipation, but this simple issue comprises up to a third of all instances of bedwetting in children who otherwise have control. If you confirm that he or she is constipated, try a fiber-rich diet for several days. If this doesn’t make a difference, then see your pediatrician. There are many good options to help children with constipation. Though the process is frustrating, you should never resort to punishing your child for bedwetting. Your child likely feels embarrassed by the occurrences and wants to stop just as much as you want him or her to stop. Instead of punishing failure, try rewarding the successes on nights when your child stays dry. You can reward your child with anything from playing a game, stickers, to a favorite dish for dinner. Use what you know he or she enjoys. Waking your child up before you go to bed to have him or her use the bathroom again will resort in a frustrated and poorly rested child. You don’t want to wake your child on instances when it’s not necessary either. Instead, try a bedwetting alarm. These devices clip to underwear or a pad on the mattress and beep as soon as they detect moisture, allowing your child to get up and go only when a bedwetting incident is imminent. Bedwetting in children can indicate a more serious issue in a minority of cases. To be safe, see your pediatrician, so he or she can test for: Sleep apnea A urinary tract infection Diabetes Abnormalities of the urinary tract or nervous system Since children typically outgrow bedwetting, medications aren’t usually recommended by most pediatricians. However, some are available as a method of last resort. These options include: Desmopressin (DDAVP), which boosts a natural anti-diuretic hormone to make less urine at night. However, these drugs have side effects and can also affect sodium levels, and you must monitor your child’s fluid intake while on the drug. Oxybutynin (Ditropan XL), which can help cut down on bladder contractions and cause greater bladder capacity., A: Follow a spark. Accept yourself. Choose between the one and the many. Stick with what fulfills you. Ask yourself what kind of person you want to be.
Passage: Recognize if you have these common tendencies and work on changing them through simple intention, mental exercises, or therapy: Sulking, whining, or complaining, Manipulat­ing others to get sympathy Continually seeking direction from others Acting in a disorganized or irresponsible way Procrastinating, carelessness, and frequently being late Driving recklessly, or acting without regard to yours or others’ health and safety. Make choices in your life, whether they’re about colleges, jobs, relationships, or goals, because they are important to you and make you happy, not because your parents, friends, or other people tell you that you should. It is perfectly fine to ask other people for advice. In the end, however, you should be the one making the decision. For example, you can ask your friends which doctor they recommend, but in the end, you should choose your doctor—not your friends. It may sound obvious, but just own up to the things you genuinely enjoy and that make you happy. If you like a band that most people you know would deem corny or outdated, don’t make excuses or say that you like them in an ironic, joking way; just enjoy them. Don't force yourself to like something just because everyone else likes it. If you hate a certain popular band, then you don't have to listen to them. Let go of any tendency to rebel against or defy those older than you or in a superior position. Listen respectfully to those above you, and know that just because you’re an adult doesn’t mean you don’t have to listen to others. On the other hand, don’t do everything you do just to seek approval of superiors in your school, work, or social life. For example, if your boss tells you a report is due, complete the report on time. Don’t seek your boss's approval until after every section of the report is complete. First, listen carefully to everything the person has to say about you or your performance. Then, decide which parts of their feedback you agree or disagree with, and what could be helpful to you. Finally, respond to them with mature and genuine questions, concerns, and thanks. Remember to take criticism with a grain of salt. If you feel that something might actually make things worse, then don't do it. Make goals that are both readily attainable (such as “Make a new friend this week” or “Go somewhere you’ve never been”) and more long-term (such as “Become a chef in a 5-star restaurant” or “Save enough money for a house”). Write your goals down to keep them in your mind, and reward yourself every time you attain one. It's okay to adjust your goals. If you realize that your goal may not be realistic, then modify it so that it is. Use goals for self-improvement and to break bad habits or addictions. When something goes wrong, avoid blaming other people or circumstances for the problem. Instead, follow this process to recognizing your mistakes without shame and using them to create better circumstances: Acknowledge when you’ve made a mistake Do whatever is possible to correct it Think of how you can prevent it from happening again Come up with a mantra or a phrase to repeat in your head to avoid shame, such as, “It’s over and it won’t happen again.”, Summary: Let go of childish behavior you still have. Make independent decisions. Like the things you like. Respect authority figures, without needing their constant approval. Seek out constructive criticism. Develop goals and stick to them. Don’t blame others for your mistakes; own them.
Context: Your Softdisc will protect you from leaks overnight, but it’s best to put in a new cup shortly before bed. Make sure you won’t go over the 12 hour time limit. Remember, your cup may fill up faster on heavy period days. If your period is very heavy, you might want to wear a backup pantyliner just in case. Like tampons, Softdisc is a great option if you have an active lifestyle. Once it’s in place, your disc won’t leak while you’re playing sports or swimming unless it overflows. If you’re worried about leaks, put in a new Softdisc right before you swim or wear a backup pantyliner while playing sports. Softdisc are safe to wear during sex. They will continue to collect your menstrual fluids during and after intercourse. However, Softdisc does not provide any pregnancy or STD protection. It’s safe to use condoms when you’re using a Softdisc., Summary: Change your Softdisc before bed for overnight protection. Use a Softdisc for period protection while playing sports or swimming. Wear a Softdisc during sex but use your normal birth control method.
Passage: vegetables with minced ginger. If you don't like the taste of plain vegetables, add a little minced ginger to taste. Peel your ginger root to remove the skin, then place it in your frying pan alongside whatever vegetables you choose. Add sautéed vegetables to your favorite stir-fry or soup recipes, or eat it as a dinner side. Sautéed vegetables with ginger pair well with chicken or vegetable stock. Grated ginger can be added to soups, sauces, and salad dressings if you like a mild spice. Grated ginger works well in these dishes instead of minced ginger because of its smoother consistency. Tomato-based sauces benefit from ginger's strong taste. Add small amounts of ginger at a time to avoid overpowering your food. Kimchi, a spicy Korean dish made with cabbage, is one of the most popular ginger dishes. The probiotics and vitamins in kimchi make it a healthy way to enjoy ginger, especially if you deal with digestive troubles. Kimchi can be eaten alone as a side dish or added to fried rice, eggs, burgers, or stir-fries. Many grocery stores or Asian markets carry refrigerated kimchi. Though often featured in savory dishes, ginger gives baked goods a strong flavor. Muffins, cakes, cookies, and other desserts all pair well with candied ginger in the recipe. Pumpkin pie, ginger snaps, gingerbread cookies, and pumpkin bread are all popular desserts made with ginger., Summary: Preheat your oven to 350 °F (177 °C). Brown one side of the smoked pork chops in a pan over medium-high heat. Transfer the pork chops to a baking pan so the browned side is face up. Roast the pork chops in the oven for 20 minutes. Transfer the pork chops from the pan to a plate and serve. Finished.
Passage: Exercising your whole body to lose weight will eventually reduce fat in the facial area, too. In fact, it's very difficult to lose weight in just your face, and that's often the last place to thin out. Starting a steady exercise routine with cardio and strength training can put you on the path toward a thinner face. Running, swimming, and biking are all great cardio activities. Plan to do one of these activities for at least 1/2 hour 4 times a week. Go to the gym and meet with a personal trainer to get acquainted with a strength training routine. Learn how to lift weights to work out all of your muscle groups. This reduces the amount of fat you store in your body and your face. Satisfy your hunger with fruits, salad and low calorie food items. If you are really serious about getting rid of your double chin, losing weight can definitely help. Don't try anything restrictive or faddish. Your change must be one that you can carry on for the rest of your life. Small, consistent losses are what you should be aiming for and maintaining. Your diet should include plenty of fiber, fruits, vegetables and water. See a nutritionist, dietician or doctor for advice and encouragement., Summary: Find a good opening line. Create close relationships within your story. Build up to the main sad event. Write your climax. Choose an appropriate ending.
The summary of "Wait for Agro to arrive and press ∆ to ride. Look around until you find the direction where the light beams centralize, which should be around the Shrine of Worship . The dirt bridge is the same one you used when you traveled to the second colossus, but instead of heading down the branching path at the end, head up. Keep traveling until you find a path between the mountains, go through this path until you arrive at a very creepy-looking lake with a large platform at the middle of it. Swim toward the fallen walkway at the left side of the lake and climb onto it. Then keep moving toward the right side of the ledge until you get to the next side, and jump to the platform. Be extremely careful while jumping across the platforms; it's a real pain to swim back to the walkway, and the lake looks really creepy. Once there, a cut scene will play, and Gaius will attack you." is Strip the insulation off the end of a coaxial cable to create a simple antenna. Try putting an unbent paper clip directly into the coaxial port on your TV. Create an FM radio antenna by stripping the end from an ethernet cord.
The answer of "Summarize the following If you're using a gas grill, turn the burners to high. If you're using a charcoal grill, fill a chimney with briquettes and light them. Dump the briquettes onto the grill once they're hot and lightly covered with ash. If you'd like your salmon to have a smoked flavor, add a handful of soaked woodchips to the grill. Take a paper towel and pat each side of the salmon with it to remove moisture. Pour 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of olive oil into a small dish and dip a pastry brush into it. Brush each side of the salmon with the oil. If you don't have olive oil, use vegetable, canola, or coconut oil, since these can withstand the high heat of the grill. The oil will prevent the salmon from sticking to the grill grate. Insert an instant-read thermometer into the thickest part of a salmon fillet. You can transfer the fish to a serving platter once the fish reaches 145 °F (63 °C) and let it rest a few minutes while you get side dishes ready. Store leftover grilled salmon in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 to 4 days." is Heat a gas or charcoal grill to high. Pat the salmon dry and brush it with olive oil. Remove the salmon once it reaches 145 °F (63 °C) and rest it for 3 minutes.
Passage: Diversify your sources of information. Read books about gold and silver scrap dealing, as well as the blogs of dealers. Many dealers post scrap buying and selling tips online. Learning about silver buying means learning about the scrap dealing market and about silver itself. Common sources of silver include jewelry, watches, flatware, medals, awards, plaques, and older currency. Coins minted up to and including 1964 in the US or 1968 in Canada often contain silver. Look through mismatched spoon and fork bins in thrift stores. Jewelry from thrift stores may have been combed through thoroughly already, but check out the watches and jewelry at obscure stores in small towns, antique shops, and estate sales. Look for decorative items, jewelry, vases, tea sets, and silverware. You may be able to buy bulk amounts of certain items in these stores. Search for silver, and read the description. Some sellers will use a stock photo of coins or other silver, but will write a more revealing description. Make sure the seller is clear about having authenticated the metal. Only buy scraps from sellers who have a return policy in case you're displeased with the condition or nature of the item., Summary: Read the source or sources carefully and take notes. Identify the author's thesis statement. Note the author’s main ideas as you read. Summarize
Context: "PRICEM" stands for "protect," "rest," "ice," "compress," "elevate," and "medicate". Provide protection by padding the joint, especially if it's in the lower half of your body. For instance, wear knee pads if your bursitis is in your knees, and you need to continue kneeling. Give your joint as much of a break as possible by staying off of it. For instance, try different exercises that don't hurt the area near the joint that is inflamed. Use ice packs wrapped in a cloth. You can also use frozen vegetables such as peas. Ice the area for 20 minutes at a time, and you can use this method up to 4 times a day. You can wrap the joint in an elastic bandage to provide support. Also, be sure to raise the area above your heart as often as possible. Otherwise, blood and fluid may collect in the area. Use anti-inflammatory pain pills, such as ibuprofen, which can help decrease the swelling and pain. Apply heat to the area for up to 20 minutes four times a day. You can use a hot pad or a hot water bottle. If you don't have either of those, dampen a washcloth, and place it in the microwave. Heat for 30 seconds or so to warm it, making sure it's not too hot. Though you may not like using a cane or walker, you may need one while you recover. These devices help take some of the weight off the bursa area, allowing it to heal faster, as well as reducing your pain. Splints and braces provide support to injured areas. In the case of bursitis, they can provide some much-needed relief for your joint areas, leading to quicker healing. However, only use braces or splints for the initial burst of pain. If you use them too long, it decreases strength in that joint. Talk to your doctor about how long you should wear one., Summary: Use the PRICEM treatment. Use warm compresses for pain that last longer than 2 days. Try a cane, crutches wheelchair or any other type of walker for bursitis in your legs. Try a splint or brace.
Q: Summarize the following: Your stainless steel dishwasher drains into the same pipe your sink does. To keep the drain clear and effectively drain the water from the stainless steel dishwasher, run your garbage disposal before you start cleaning it. Remove the bottom rack on your stainless steel dishwasher. Examine it for clumps of debris that might cause it to drain improperly. Remove anything that might be clogging the drain. Fill a dishwasher-safe cup on the top rack of the stainless steel dishwasher with vinegar. Slide the rack back in the stainless steel dishwasher and close the door. With only the cupful of vinegar inside, turn the stainless steel dishwasher on and run it on the highest water temperature setting. The vinegar will help loosen grease and grime, and remove any odor that the dishwasher might have acquired. Use distilled white vinegar or specialized cleaning vinegar. When the first wash cycle is done, sprinkle the bottom of the stainless steel dishwasher with baking soda. Run the dishwasher on a short cycle with water at the highest temperature. Baking soda will help you remove stains from your dishwasher. Check the area around the dishwasher door for debris and grime. Some dishwashers cannot adequately clean this area, which leads to an accumulation of yucky material. If you see anything, use a damp cloth to wipe the area down. Additionally, use a damp cotton swab to clean along the ridges of the seal. The stainless steel dishwasher’s filter collects prevents large debris from entering the drain. You’ll probably have to use a screwdriver to remove the screws that hold the grate in place. Some newer stainless steel dishwashers, however, have filters that simply pop out when turned. Rinse the filter in your sink under warm water. Dip a soft-bristled toothbrush in warm, soapy water. Use the toothbrush to scrub the filter until clean. Replace it after cleaning. Not every stainless steel dishwasher has a filter. The utensil rack is a small container attached to the dishwasher rack. You might have just one, or one on each rack. Remove it and rinse it in the sink beneath warm water. Use a sponge dampened with warm, soapy water to clean the inside and outside of the utensil rack. If the utensil rack does not detach, just clean it inside and outside with a damp sponge or dishcloth. Stainless steel is pretty tough, but bleach can cause it to corrode. Instead, use a milder substance like dishwasher-safe detergent., A: Run the garbage disposal. Check the drain. Run the wash with vinegar. Wash again with baking soda. Wipe the edges along the door. Wash the filter. Clean the utensil rack. Do not use bleach to clean your stainless steel dishwasher.
The summary of "Monthly cleaning is needed to prevent the build-up of dirt and grime on cubic zirconia. If you're consistent with monthly cleaning, this reduces the likelihood the jewelry will build up dirt to the point professional cleaning is required. If you wear cubic zirconia on your hands, avoid using lotion or things like essential oils. Cubic zirconia is sensitive to such substances and can easily be damaged. If you do use lotion or oils, keep it away from any cubic zirconia you're wearing. Bleach, chlorine, and ammonia should not be used on cubic zirconia. Do not use any chemical cleaners to remove harsh stains, as this can easily damage your jewelry. Cubic zirconia should be stored in an airtight container to prevent wear and tear. Any time you're not wearing cubic zirconia, store it promptly and in a safe container." is Listen carefully to her. Respond to her. Send her messages throughout the day. Call her. Speak to her with respect. Tell her you love her.
The summary of "You may experience physical or emotional abuse in your time as a caregiver. This is because many people who experience a stroke have personality changes that can cause them to become abusive to those closest to them. Abuse may include physical actions such as hitting, biting, or scratching. It may also include emotional abuse, such as calling you names, yelling at you, or making unreasonable demands of you. Remember that this behavior has nothing to do with you or anything you are doing. You cannot change it by changing your behavior. However, you can use some strategies to stop the abuse, get support, and get help for the patient. If you experience abuse from your patient warn him or her that you will not put up with it. For example, if your patient begins to yell at you for something trivial, then let him or her know that if the yelling does not stop that you will walk away. Try saying something like, “I don’t deserve to treated like this and if you do not stop then I will leave the room.” If the patient does not stop, then walk away. Go to another room or go outside for five minutes or more if necessary. Do not return until the patient has calmed down. If the patient starts yelling again or abusing you in another way, walk away again. Keep doing this to show the patient that you are serious and that you refuse to put up with his or her abuse. If the abuse continues despite walking away when the patient is yelling at you, then talk to the patient’s other family members about it. Let them know what has been happening and what you have done to try to stop it. Request their help with the situation. Bringing in other family members may help because some stroke survivors will target their caregiver and be more reasonable around other people. Therefore, you might request that another family member helps you when you are providing care to the patient to serve as a buffer from the abuse. Another family member might also be willing to provide care for the patient part of the time to take some of the pressure off of you and give you some relief from the abuse. If the abuse continues despite bringing in other family members, then enlist the help of your family physician. Tell him or her what has been happening and what you have done to try to stop the abuse. Your patient’s physician may recommend a psychiatric consultation for the patient to determine if he or she is suffering from a mental health condition as a result of the stroke. Your patient may need to undergo therapy sessions and/or take medication to help control a mental health condition, such as depression or bipolar disorder." is Anticipate abuse from your patient. Warn the patient that you will not put up with abuse. Talk to other family members. Discuss the patient’s behavior with his or her physician.
Passage: a proper diet. You need to make sure your squirrel has a healthy, balanced diet. As squirrels are not traditionally kept as pets, this can be somewhat tricky. Do not attempt to feed a baby squirrel on your own. Baby squirrels need specific vitamins and minerals. Feeding a baby squirrel formula or milk could result in the squirrel dying. Take your baby squirrel to a vet or wildlife rescue as soon as you can. The workers there will know how to feed him properly. In the event you take him back home with you, you can learn how to care for the baby online at They do make specially designed food for squirrels. It can be tricky to find, however, as it may be sold at your local pet store. Some states do not allow people to keep squirrels as pets. You may be able to order squirrel food online, but it might take a few days. In the event you cannot get squirrel food quickly, has recipes to make temporary formula. Keep a bowl of water in your squirrels cage or enclosure. Squirrels need plenty of water for their health and wellbeing. You can either leave water in a bowl or use a bottle, like you would in a hamster cage. If you're getting a bottle, make sure you use a glass bottle. Some squirrels chew through plastic. If you're giving water to a baby squirrel, make sure any bowls you use are not too big. You would not want a baby squirrel to accidentally drown in his water bottle. You can place rocks or marbles at the bottom and fill the bowl to just halfway up to the marbles so he doesn’t drown. If you found a squirrel in the wild, he may be injured. You should carefully assess a squirrel for injury and get him veterinary care if you see any injuries. Find a safe spot in your home with good lighting. Stay away from children or other pets. Wear heavy, protective gloves when handling a wild animal. You should also wear a long sleeve coat. If a squirrel has not been handled before, he may bite or scratch. Squirrels are cleaner than most other animals. Just rinse out the cut and go about your business. Keep a basin of warm water and a few clean washcloths on hand. Check the face, nose, and mouth for dried blood. If you see any parasites, like fleas or ticks, remove them. Parasites should be killed if still alive to avoid infecting other pets in your home. If you need to wash any blood, wring out the rag thoroughly and move it gently over the squirrel's fur. Pay attention to your squirrel's limbs. Lets and feet may be twisted awkwardly or limp. Baby squirrels are especially prone to injury from falling out of a tree or nest. If your squirrel is injured, contact a wildlife rehabber and/or vet IMMEDIATELY. Squirrels need a lot of exercise. If you plan to keep your squirrel for awhile, you need to make sure he spends time building his muscles. Allow your squirrel access to one room of your house for at least an hour a day. Make sure you remove anything breakable or anything you do not want damaged. Allow your squirrels to run, climb, and play in this room. Do not allow the squirrel outside without a cage. Hawks and other predators are faster than you and can make a meal out of the baby before you can react. Also, the baby may get spooked and run away, to never return, and thus die due to not knowing how to fend for himself. If you're keeping your squirrel longer than a week or so, install some perches in his cage. As stated earlier, bird perches work well for a squirrel cage. They should come with manufacturer's instructions for set up., Summary: Feed your squirrel Provide plenty of water. Check your squirrel for wounds and injuries. Encourage exercise.
Q: Summarize the following: Having a safe pregnancy is important to a healthy birth and baby. Making sure you’re getting proper obstetrical care from a doctor, nurse practitioner or midwife can help ensure not only that your pregnancy is progressing normally but also that it’s safe for you to check your cervix for dilation. Be aware that beginning in your ninth month of pregnancy, your doctor will begin looking for signs that your labor is getting closer. This includes palpitating your abdomen and performing an internal exam to check your cervix. He or she will see if the baby has “dropped,” which means that the cervix has begun to dilate and get softer. Ask your doctor any questions you may have, including if the baby has dropped. You should also ask if it is safe to check dilation on your own. If your pregnancy is safe, then you can proceed. Having dirty hands can spread bacteria and germs that cause infection. Checking your cervix requires inserting a hand or fingers into your vagina. It’s imperative to your health and that of your unborn baby to wash your hands before you check your cervix for dilation. Use any soap and some warm water to clean your hands. Wet your hands with running water and apply your soap, lathering well. Rub your hands vigorously for at least 20 seconds, making sure to scrub each surface of your hands. Rinse off the soap and then dry your hands thoroughly. Use a hand sanitizer of at least 60% alcohol if you don’t have soap. Apply enough of the sanitizer for both hands to the palm of one hand. Just as with soap, rub your hands together and make sure you cover every surface including nails. Keep rubbing until your hands are dry. If you’re a bit worried or scared about doing the exam on your own, ask your partner or another loved one for help. Allow the person to help as much as you are comfortable with and like. Support can come in the form of holding a mirror or your hand or even offering calming words. Before you can effectively check your cervix for dilation, you need to be in a comfortable position. You might want to sit on your toilet or lie on your bed with your legs spread, just do what is most comfortable for you. Take off your clothes on your lower half before you start. This way, you don’t have to awkwardly remove them when you’re comfy. Sit or squat on the toilet with one foot on the floor and the other on the toilet seat. You can also squat on the floor or lie on your bed if these are more comfortable Remember that you have nothing about which to be ashamed. You’re doing something completely normal and natural., A: Talk to your medical professional. Wash your hands. Reach out for help. Get into a comfortable position.
Q: Summarize the following: These corner bookmarks can range from a basic solid color corner to designs like hearts or ice cream cones. Whatever design you choose will determine what color fabric to buy. For this bookmark, you’ll need felt squares of your color or design choice, scissors, a ruler, a sewing needle, and either sewing thread or embroidery thread of your color choice. If you’re making a simple design, like a heart, use a marker to draw the shape outline on the felt before you start cutting. Measure one corner of the felt square to fit the corner of the book page. Fold the felt square in half, line up the corners, and cut the corners together to create two equally measured cut outs. Line up the two corner cutouts and sew together two of the edges along the trim. Leave one side open, or the top of your design open, to slip over the corner of your book page., A: Learn how keloids form. Learn what a keloid looks like. Know if you are at risk for developing keloids. Have a suspected keloid examined by a doctor.
Q: Summarize the following: You will need to wash your hair before drying it, but do not wash your hair every day if possible. When you do wash it, do not use shampoo every time. Do not aggressively rub the shampoo into your hair. Instead, let the water run through it, and gently massage your scalp. Buy a shampoo that is 100% sulfate- and alcohol-free. Sulfates create frizz, and alcohol dries your hair out. You can go 3 days without washing your hair if it is thick. Use dry shampoo in between washed if your hair looks or feels greasy. Take a soft towel and gently squeeze and pat the excess water out of your hair. Do not use too much force while using a towel because it can cause breakage. Your hair should still be wet, but not sopping. You can use a soft, cotton t-shirt instead of a towel to further prevent breakage. Consider investing in a towel specifically made for hair drying. It takes natural oils longer to travel from the scalp to the ends of curly hair, which makes curly hair more vulnerable to damage. That is why it is important to condition your hair well. Look for a leave-in conditioner that is made for curly hair. Use a wide-tooth comb to evenly distribute the product throughout your hair. You can also deep condition your hair with a mask every week to keep it moisturized. Apply a styling product while your hair is still wet. Using a styling product before drying will help your hair maintain full, bouncy curls. The type of styling product you use depends on your hair type. Distribute the product through your hair from root to ends, scrunch, and then squeeze your hair upwards, towards your scalp. Sprays are best for those with soft curls. Use thicker gels for medium to big curls. A thick gel should have a consistency similar to shampoo and be fairly easy to spread in your hands. Try dense gels for tight coils. A dense gel will probably be a bit sticky and more difficult spread. Don’t use more than a dime-size portion of product. Too much product will make your curls crunchy. You should use a heat-protectant product no matter what your hair type is, as the heat of blow drying has damaging effects on hair. Heat-protectant products come in both creams and sprays. To use it, divide your hair into 4 sections with clips or bobby pins. Then, coat each section thoroughly with the product of your choice. Some leave-in conditioners are also heat-protectant products, so you may want to choose a product with both benefits., A: Wash your hair. Remove excess water from your hair. Apply a leave-in conditioner. Use a styling product. Use a heat-protectant spray.
The summary of "Though there is no cure for ALS, research is being conducted in the focus areas of nanotechnology, precision medicine, and drug development. Help to prevent ALS by giving money to the cause, either in a single payment or through recurring monthly donations. Visit the ALS Association’s website at to donate. Donations to the ALS Association are tax deductible. Donate online with your credit card or bank information, or mail in a donation. Each year the ALS Association holds a fundraising walk in support of research and care services for the disease. Visit the ALS Association’s website at to find a walk near you and register. Encourage family, friends, co-workers, and other acquaintances to sponsor you, in person or through social media. Sign up on the ALS Association’s website to build your own fundraising page and host a charity event. Set a fundraising goal and organize an event to raise money. Your fundraiser could be anything from a bake sale to comedy night or cycling marathon, depending on the support and resources you have at your disposal." is Childproof your house. Check recommended ages on toys. Clean up any messes involving small objects. Ask older children to clean up. Watch children when they play.
The answer of "Summarize the following Eat foods from all five food groups every day. Don't substitute one kind of food or supplement for another. You'll get all the vitamins and minerals you need if you eat a varied diet. If the options in your home or at school are always the same, start working on getting some variety. Get plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits. Eat them raw and cooked. Juice lacks fiber and can't provide all the benefits of whole produce, so don't replace your eating with drinking. Get protein every day. If you're a vegan or a vegetarian, make sure you get adequate amounts of protein-rich foods like rice and beans, hummus, tofu, and nuts. Eat whole-grain carbohydrates for energy and minerals. Yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese, and milk are delicious and provide essential calcium. Homemade food is almost always lower in calories than frozen or prepared food. Tell your parents you want to pack your own lunches. If your parents buy a lot of take-out, ask them if you can all start taking turns making dinner several nights a week. Your parents are going to worry if they think you're starving yourself. They're less likely to worry if they can see that you are eating well and getting interested in food preparation. Skipping meals will make you gain weight. Make sure you eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with some healthy snacks in between. You will overeat if you get too hungry. Try keeping a few snack bars, nuts, apples, and other filling snacks in your locker or backpack so that you can eat when you're hungry. Make sure you get breakfast! Skipping breakfast will make you hungry and low-energy. It may even lead to weight gain. Don't consume these things every day, but don't eliminate things you like completely. Treat sugary drinks and snacks as treats. Consume them as a special occasion. If you get out of the habit of eating sugar all the time, you won't crave it as much. Alcohol is very high in sugar, and it's best to avoid it if you're trying to lose weight. If you eat when you are stressed or distracted, you might eat too much or eat the wrong things. Try paying attention when you eat. Eat slowly so that you notice yourself filling up. Start eating when you're hungry, and stop eating when you're full. Try tasting every bite you take. Eat with your family. Eating with people you like can help you eat the right way. Most restaurants will serve you more than you need to feel full. Dieting can actually make you gain weight. Most diets will cause you to lose weight at first, then gain it all back. The best way to have a healthy weight is to eat a healthy diet, get ordinary amounts of physical activity, and feel fine about your body and your habits. Avoid any crash diets that claim you can lose a lot of weight at once. Never take laxatives, skip meals, vomit, or take weight loss pills to lose weight. It's hard to calculate your own correct weight, because everyone's healthy weight is different. You can calculate your BMI, which is how you find out if your weight is correct for your height, but the BMI fails to factor in things like your genes and your growth. You can talk to your doctor during an ordinary doctor's appointment. Talk to your pediatrician, who has a record of your weight over your whole childhood, and ask if you are an ordinary weight for your age. You might also ask: "I'd like to lose weight. How can I do this safely?" Your doctor might refer you to a nutritionist who can give you advice. When you stress about food, you make worse eating choices. If you worry too much about your weight, your calorie intake, and eating the "right" foods, you may make worse and worse eating choices, and even develop an eating disorder. To strike a positive balance, try eating healthily but having the occasional treat. If you overeat, don't beat yourself up. Let it go." is Eat a variety of foods. Make food at home. Eat regular meals. Limit your soda, alcohol, and candy. Eat mindfully. Beware of dieting. Talk to a doctor or nutritionist. Don't worry.
Context: The rules of volleyball state that in order to strike the ball over the net, you must be a front row player. It's most effective to strike the ball from the right or left side at a sharp downward angle. Whether you are spiking the ball from the right or left front position, position yourself behind the 10-foot line (attack line), which is the line that is about four steps away from the net. If you have long legs or take bigger steps, and stand further back. If you are right handed, you may have a more powerful spike when you approach from the left side of the court, and vice versa if you are left handed. If you are tall or can jump higher, try starting near the middle. The person playing the center position will set the ball high in your direction, arcing it so that it falls close to the net in a position that makes it easy to spike it to the other side. You'll start your approach after the ball is set. As you practice spiking, make sure you're working with a skilled setter. It should rise and fall in a gentle arc close to the net, putting it in the perfect position for you to go in for the kill. As you practice with your team, you'll want to call to your teammates to let them know you're striking. Many teams come up with codes for each side, so use them if yours does. Face the ball and bend your knees so you're ready to move. If you're right handed, your left foot should be set back from your right foot. If you're left handed, your right foot should be set back from your left foot. As you reach the height of your jump, your arms should swing above your head. Pull back your right elbow (or your left, if you're left-handed) and bend it at a ninety degree angle. Your hand should now be at head level. If the opposing team returns the ball, you'll need to be ready for more action. Drop back from the net and get in your ready position. Keep your eye on the ball the whole time., Summary: Get into position. Watch the setter. Assume the correct stance. Rear your hand back to strike. Get back into position.
Passage: In Spanish, there are 2 different tenses used for talking about actions that occurred in the past. Use imperfect tense if you're talking about something you used to do (continually or habitually). You need the preterite tense if you're talking about something that is done, meaning the action occurred entirely in the past. Poner is regular in the imperfect tense, but irregular in the preterite tense. If you want to talk about the continual past action of putting something somewhere, you would use the imperfect tense. Drop the -er ending and add the same ending to the verb stem (pon-) as you would for regular -er verbs. Yo ponía (I used to put) Tú ponías (you used to put) Él/ella/usted ponía (he/she/you used to put) Nosotros/as poníamos (we used to put) Vosotros/as poníais (you all used to put) Ellos/ellas/ustedes ponían (they/you all used to put) If you're talking about an action that began and ended in the past, you want to use the preterite tense. The verb "poner" is highly irregular in the preterite sense. Yo puse (I put) Tú pusiste (you put) Él/ella/usted puso (he/she/you put) Nosotros/as pusimos (we put) Vosotros/as pusisteis (you all put) Ellos/ellas/ustedes pusieron (they/you all put), Summary: Let your emotions out. Forget your anger and bitterness. Focus on your crush’s worst qualities. Know that you deserve better. Remember how amazing you are.
Passage: Some orchids are easier to grow than others. Cattleya, Phalaenopsis and Paphiopedilum orchids are amongst the easiest to grow and are recommended for most beginner gardeners and orchid growers. There are, however, believed to be over 40,000 species of orchid species — that's two times the amount of existing bird species and four times the amount of existing mammalian species. There's almost literally an orchid for any type of person. Perhaps the most common genera of orchids found for sale include Phalaenopsis, Dendrobium and Oncidium. Phalaenopsis is known as the "moth orchid" and is extremely popular among beginning growers; the genus Dendrobium contains about 1,200 species of orchids and is the classic epiphyte of orchids; Oncidiums are characterized by column wings and a callus at the lip of the flower. Different genera of orchids have different ideal humidities, growing temperatures, watering schedules, and light requirements. Talk with your local nursery or visit the local chapter of your orchid society to find out what makes your genus of orchid grow best. Some first-time orchid growers make the mistake of assuming that orchids need to be potted in soil like other blooming flowers, choosing potting soil as a conduit. That would likely kill your orchid. Most orchid roots need far more air than potting soil would give them, but they still need something to anchor their roots, and so they benefit from a looser, more porous mix. Many people use bark chips, sphagnum moss, coconut husks, charcoal, perlite, and even styrofoam pellets as potting mix, often in combination. Experiment with porous, breathable mixes that you have on hand, or ask an expert for his or her special recipe. For simplicity's sake, you can make two basic kinds of potting mixes that will work for most kinds of orchids. Make sure to add water to your mix and strain it before using for best results. Make a fine potting mix, suitable for slipper orchids, most oncidiums, miltonias, and orchids with small roots that enjoy moisture more than most: 4 parts fine (grain) fir bark or fine (grain) coco husk 1 part fine (grain) charcoal 1 part perlite Make a medium potting mix, suitable for cattleyas, phalaenopsis, and other mature orchids. If you're unsure of which mix to use, try the medium-grade potting mix before the fine-grade mix: 4 parts medium (grain) fir bark or medium (grain) coco husk 1 part medium (grain) charcoal 1 part perlite Many orchids are comfortable being root-bound. Choose a smaller pot to place your orchid in, making sure that there are plenty of holes in the pot itself for drainage. Make sure to avoid decorative pots as well because the glaze is harmful to orchids. Remember, the enemy of orchids is often over-watering. Some orchids, such as cymbidiums, will require longer pots to accommodate very long root systems. The following types of pots offer a break from the traditional clay pot (which is perfectly acceptable and preferred by most orchid growers): Net pots, which have wire mesh and allow for a breathable environment. These can be hung in advantageous locations for better sunlight. Clear plastic pots, which get better sunlight to the roots. These allow the grower to inspect the root systems without disturbing the orchid. Wooden pots, which are constructed of rot-resistant wood. Line any wooden pots with sheet moss before adding your potting mixture. Remove the orchid from its original pot, making sure to cut off any dead or rotting roots. Divide the root matter into several different sections, if needed, before placing the plant in its pot. The most mature section of growth should be positioned towards the bottom of the pot and newer growth should be positioned near the sides of the pot. Lightly add the potting mix, barely covering the root system. In general, you will need to repot your orchid every two years or whenever you notice that the lower leaves have died. You may also need to repot your orchid if the plant outgrows its pot or if the roots are dying., Summary: Select a species of orchid. Choose the right kind of soil for your orchids. Try a potting mix, or combination of several different mediums. Choose a snug pot for your orchid unless it is large. Pot your orchid. Know when to re-pot your orchids.
The summary of "When you are constipated, tight clothing around your abdomen can cause pain. Wear loose clothing that doesn’t put extra pressure on your abdomen. Tight pants or skirts may cause digestive problems because it constricts the belly area. One natural remedy that has a reputation for immediate relief is honey and water. The high sugar level can act as an osmotic laxative, meaning that the sugar quickly moves water into your bowels. Mix two tablespoons of honey with eight to 10 ounces of hot water. Drink it all as quickly as you can. Some people report that this method works very quickly. You can use the same approach with blackstrap molasses instead of honey. Olive oil can help with your bowel movements. Take one tablespoon of olive oil and follow it with one six to eight ounce cup of water. Mix the juice of one fresh lemon into the water. You can also substitute one tablespoon of flaxseed oil in place of the olive oil. Mineral oil taken orally can work as well, but should never be used for long periods because it slows down the absorption of various vitamins and nutrients. Glycerin suppositories can work very quickly to help you have a bowel movement. The glycerin lubricates the rectal walls and allows for easier bowel release. Since glycerin is administered by inserting the suppository in the rectum, there are relatively fewer adverse effects. Use glycerin suppositories only occasionally, when needed. Follow manufacturer’s instructions and be aware that glycerin suppositories can work within a short period of time. Some herbs can help with relieving constipation because they act as purgatives. These herbs include senna, buckthorn, cascara, and aloe. Only use these for acute or rare constipation, and only under the direction of a physician such as a naturopath or a medical herbalist. Milder herbs act as bulking agents or as mild stimulants. These include flaxseed, senna, psyllium and fenugreek. There are many commercial herbal teas available. Find the one that you like the best. Don’t forget, you can always add a bit of lemon or honey if that helps it taste better for you. Examples of these teas include Traditional Medicinals Smooth Move Tea and Yogi Get Regular Tea. You can also take senna in a tablet or capsule form. Senna can gently and effectively relieve the pain and discomfort of constipation. Senna is FDA approved for constipation and usually works within eight to 12 hours. Don’t use senna if you have Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis and follow manufacturer’s directions for use. You can also try psyllium. Try one tablespoon of psyllium seeds two times a day along with at least two full eight ounce glasses of water. Start out by taking one tablespoon of seeds. If there is no bowel movement within eight to 12 hours, take another tablespoon along with water. If you have asthma or are allergic to psyllium, don’t use this method.4" is Refrain from restricting your abdomen. Make a honey laxative. Try olive oil. Use glycerin suppositories. Try herbs.
The summary of "You’re going to repeat the first 2 steps, but moving forward this time. Stretch your right foot out and to your left. Don’t raise the ball of your foot off of the floor as your move. Stop moving your foot at the end of the 3 count. Return your feet to the starting position with your knees still bent. You can shuffle again in place if you’d like. You’ll notice that you’re moving to your left as you complete these steps. You can reverse the order and move in the opposite direction if you run into any obstructions or other dancers on the dance floor." is Stretch your right foot out 2–4 feet (0.61–1.22 m) to your left on the 3 count. Take your left foot and slide it to meet your right on the 4 count.
The summary of "Sugar maples, bigleaf maples, boxelder maples, Japanese maples, Norway maples, and some red maples lie dormant over the winter, then germinate as soon as temperatures warm. The cold stratification approach produces very high germination rates in these species. All of these species drop their seeds in autumn or early winter. If your red maple trees drop their seeds in spring or early summer, try germinating them in the soil instead. If you're going to plant the seeds outdoors, start this method 90–120 days before the last winter frost. Place a handful of peat moss, vermiculite, or germination paper in a small, plastic, zip-locked bag. For best results, use sterile material and handle it with disposable gloves to avoid introducing fungus. Tiny "snack sized" bags work best. Larger bags trap more air with the seeds, which can lead to fungal problems. Red maple seeds are sensitive to acidity. For this species, choose vermiculite (a neutral or basic substance) rather than peat moss (acidic). Add a couple drops of water to the growing material to dampen the material slightly. If you see standing water, or if you can squeeze out water from the material, it is too wet. Fungicide can prevent mold from destroying your seeds, but it is not always necessary, and may damage the plant if overused. Add only in tiny quantities, following manufacturer's instructions. Some growers rinse the seeds in very diluted bleach solutions instead. Place your seeds in the bag. Starting from the base, roll the bag to expel most of the air. Zip it closed. Now it's time to "stratify" the seeds, or expose them to temperatures that trigger germination. For most species, the ideal temperature is usually around 1–5ºC (33.8–41ºF). The crisper drawer of a refrigerator is usually about this temperature. Ideally, use a thermometer to confirm the correct temperature. Some seeds may fail to germinate if the temperature is just a couple degrees off. If possible, keep boxelder and Norway maple seeds at exactly 5ºC (41ºF), and red maple seeds at exactly 3ºC (37.4ºF). Other species are not as picky. Most of these species take 90–120 days to germinate, but the bigleaf maple and a few others can sprout in as few as 40. Every week or 2, check on the bag and make adjustments as needed: If you notice condensation, pick up the bag and gently tap it to knock the water droplets off. Lay the bag back down on the opposite side, so the wet seeds have a chance to dry off. If the growing material has dried out, add a drop or 2 of water. If you notice any mold or black spots, remove the affected seed and throw it away. (If the whole batch is molding, try a little fungicide.) If the seeds have begun to sprout, remove them from the refrigerator. Once the seeds have germinated, plant them 0.6–1.2cm (¼–½ inch) under moist soil. Most maples do well in partial shade, but look up the exact species if possible for more info on planting. To increase the odds of survival, start the seedlings in an indoor seed tray instead. Fill the tray with 7.6–10 cm (3–4 inches) of well-draining potting soil, or an even mix of peat moss, rotted compost, vermiculite and coarse sand. Water whenever the soil becomes completely dry. Transfer to planter pots once the second set of leaves appear." is Click File and select “New Playlist”. Name your playlist. Add music to your new playlist. Organize your playlist. Share your playlist.
Passage: d = R * arccos(R/(R + h)), where• d = distance to horizon• R = radius of the Earth• h = height of eye The geometric horizon calculated using the method in this article may not be the same as the optical horizon, which is what your eye actually sees. Why is this? The atmosphere bends (refracts) light that is traveling horizontally. What this usually means is that a ray of light is able to slightly follow the curvature of the earth, so that the optical horizon is a bit further away than the geometric horizon. Unfortunately the refraction due to the atmosphere is neither constant nor predictable, as it depends on the change of temperature with height. There is therefore no simple way to add a correction to the formula for the geometric horizon, though one may achieve an "average" correction by assuming a radius for the earth that is a bit greater than the true radius. This will calculate the length of the curved line that follows from your feet to the true horizon (shown in green in this image). Now, the arccos(R/(R+h)) portion refers to the angle that is made at the center of the Earth by the line going from the true horizon to the center and the line going from you to the center. With this angle, we multiply it by R to get the "arc length," which, in this case, is the distance that you are looking for., Summary: Insert the installation disk or flash drive. Restart your computer. Wait for the computer's first startup screen to appear. Press and hold Del or F2 to enter the BIOS page. Locate the "Boot Order" section. Select the location from which you want to start your computer. Move your selected location to the top of the list. Save your settings and exit the BIOS. Restart your computer. Follow the on-screen prompts.
Context: The first thing you should include in a Bibliography citation in Chicago style is the author’s name. You should list the author’s last name, followed by a comma, then the author’s first name, followed by a period. For example: “Harris, Muriel.” For a chapter with 2 or more authors, list the first name in the same order (last name, first name), then each subsequent name in the order “first name last name,” separated by commas, with “and” before the last name. For example: “Harris, Muriel, and Bill Jones.” The citation should be listed alphabetically by the author’s last name in accordance with your other entries. After the author’s name, you’ll need to list the title of the book chapter inside quotation marks. You should capitalize all major words in the title. The following period should appear inside the closing quotation mark. For example: “Harris, Muriel. “Talk to Me: Engaging Reluctant Writers.”” After the book title, you’ll need to add the title of the book that the chapter appears in. You should first write the word “In” (with a capital "I") and then the title of the book with all major words capitalized and followed by a comma. Italicize the book title. For example: “Harris, Muriel. “Talk to Me: Engaging Reluctant Writers.” In A Tutor’s Guide: Helping Writers One to One,” After the comma following the book title, you should add the editor’s name. Write the words “edited by” and then the full name of the editor in first name last name format, followed by a comma. Then write the page range of the book chapter, followed by a period. Do not include “p.” before the page numbers. For example: “Harris, Muriel. “Talk to Me: Engaging Reluctant Writers.” In A Tutor’s Guide: Helping Writers One to One, edited by Ben Rafoth, 24-34.” After the page range, you should write the city of publication, followed by a colon. Then include the name of the publisher, a comma, and the date of publication, followed by a final period. For example: “Harris, Muriel. “Talk to Me: Engaging Reluctant Writers.” In A Tutor’s Guide: Helping Writers One to One, edited by Ben Rafoth, 24-34. London: Heinemann, 2000.”, Summary: List the author’s last name, first name. Include the title of the book chapter in quotation marks. List the title of the book with the word “In” before it. Include the editor’s name and the page range of the book chapter. List the publication information last.
The summary of "You want this picture to light up and glow so think about ways the sun might hit the dandelion to make it really sparkle. Use a small pair of scissors to remove any hanging canvass in the event you have hanging pieces. Use duct tape to secure the strand to the canvas. Secure the light plug toward the bottom of the painting with duct tape. Make sure it’s positioned closest to the nearest outlet. Since you are hanging three consecutive canvasses you’ll want to make sure they are all level and spaced evenly. Use a level and a ruler to mark hanging positions. Nail picture hangers to the wall and hang the canvasses. Make adjustments as necessary as sometimes you may see gaps or the paintings may not appear to be level. Add a white extension cord if necessary to plug in your light strand. Consider obtaining a cord cover from the local hardware store to hide the hanging extension cord." is Stab small holes around the dandelion and in the middle of the flying fuzz and seeds. Lay the string of lights behind the canvasses and match up lights with holes. Hang canvasses. Light at night! Finished.
Context: Respect should be the cornerstone of any relationship. This means that each member of the relationship should not feel the need to control or manipulate the other person. No one in a healthy relationship should feel the need to make the other person feel bad, guilty or ridiculed. And if it is a romantic relationship, sex should not be used as a weapon or tool, and should only occur when both people want it. Trust comes in multiple formats. Each partner in a relationship should always feel trusted by the other partner. This includes trusting that no cheating is taking place; trust that no one is being disrespectful; and trust that each partner is able to have secrets without feeling guilt. Both members of any relationship need to feel safe and secure around each other. No one should feel scared or nervous when in the other's presence, especially of any form of violence. This also includes no one having any fear that the other person is going to have a temper that suddenly explodes and results in things being punched or thrown. Conflicts will happen in any relationship. However, healthy relationships should spend more time outside of a conflict than in one. If a conflict happens in a healthy relationship, it should be resolved respectfully and without any lasting damage. Conflict in an unhealthy relationship may appear to be resolved, but upon closer examination you may find it was not resolved fairly. Compromises are required at times, but it should not always be weighted in one partner's favour. Each person in the relationship should be able to support the other in whatever they choose to do (or not to do). This also means that each partner should have the ability to express themselves and their opinions without being concerned about negative consequences. It's okay not to like something your partner says or does, but you don't need to like it to support it. You should never have to sacrifice your own happiness for the sake of your partner's. Sometimes being able to support your partner means not agreeing with something. This is especially true when that 'something' may result in the partner becoming hurt or injured. For example, not agreeing that your partner should have another drink because your partner needs to drive home. A healthy relationship includes both members having other healthy friendships. Each person in a relationship should be able to continue the friendships they had before the relationship started. And neither member in the relationship should have friendships criticized or friends disrespected. No member of a healthy relationship should feel the need to be isolated from family and friends because of their partner. If one member of the relationship feels the other person is in an unhealthy friendship, something should be said. However, it should be handled in a respectful, not critical, manner. Each member of a healthy relationship needs to understand that each partner needs to keep some things private. Not for deceptive purposes, but simply because no person's life is an open book. Privacy includes neither partner feeling obligated to share every phone call, email or text they receive with the other partner. And neither partner should fear that the other is going to become jealous and possessive if something is kept private. Respecting each other's privacy is related to the fact that you trust each other., Summary: Gather the supplies: Pour a one inch/2.5 centimeter (1.0 in) layer of oats/cornmeal into the bottom of each plastic container. Deposit some vegetable slices into each bin. Pour the live mealworms into one of the containers. Place a few scraps of cardboard material on top of the oats. Label the containers accordingly. Seal the containers and place them in a warm, dark area.
The answer of "Summarize the following Don't forget that as a breastfeeding mom, you have special nutritional needs. This is especially true when you are following a vegetarian diet. Consult with your doctor before your baby is born and ask him for tips about your diet. When you take your baby for checkups, talk to your doctor about what you have been eating. Ask plenty of questions. Let your doctor know if you have any concerns about your baby's development or nutritional needs. Research shows that breastfeeding is very beneficial for babies. It can have a major impact on your baby's health. Studies show that babies who are breastfed are less likely to have asthma or suffer from childhood obesity. Breastfeeding is also good for the environment, as it produces less waste than purchasing food. Breastfeeding can make your life easier, as you don't have to worry about shopping for formula or baby food. When you are breastfeeding, it is important to remember that whatever you consume, your baby also consumes. Certain foods and drinks can cause your baby to suffer an allergic reaction or become irritable. If you are concerned, talk to your doctor. Avoid large amounts of caffeine and alcohol, as they can be harmful to your baby's health. Do not eat much fish. Fish is good for you, but many varieties contain high levels of mercury, which can harm your baby. Do not eat more than 6 oz. of fish per week." is Talk to your doctor. Understand the benefits. Know how your baby is affected.