Passage: As soon as a lamb is born, it should drink a large amount of colostrum, which is the first milk that comes from mother sheep after birth. It is unlike normal milk because it is full of protein, fats, and antibodies that help a lamb thrive. Getting your lamb to drink colostrum should be a priority immediately after birth. Colostrum from other sheep or cows can be given to lambs. If you can get fresh or frozen colostrum that is ideal. Supplements are typically available at farm supply stores or websites but are considered less effective. Your lamb should have about 500 milliliters (17  fl oz) of good quality colostrum over the first day of its life. This should be fed over the course of 6 to 8 feedings. Ask a veterinarian who is knowledgeable about caring for sheep how much colostrum to give per feeding. Your veterinarian may also be able to tell you where to get colostrum, such as some local farms that have some stored up. If you get frozen colostrum, make sure that you thaw it out in hot to warm water. Do not microwave the colostrum because this can damage the antibodies and proteins in it. Have the lamb stand up with its head up. Slowly put the nipple of the bottle in the lamb's mouth and move the lamb's jaw up and down in order to press the nipple together so that milk comes out. After about three or four times of opening and closing the animal's jaw, the lamb should catch on and suck regularly. If your lamb does not catch on, you should consult with a veterinarian. They may suggest the use of a feeding tube if your lamb is in desperate need of nutrition. You can test your lamb’s suckle reflex with your finger. If you offer your finger to the lamb, he should try to latch onto your finger and have a moderate to strong desire to nurse on your finger. If your lamb doesn’t have a strong suckle reflex, then consult a veterinarian. Do not attempt to bottle feed a lamb that can’t suckle. The lamb may end up inhaling some of the milk instead of drinking it. Once the lamb has drunk colostrum for the first day of its life, you can switch to milk replacement. The lamb will need to begin by drinking 140mL of milk replacement every four hours. Milk replacement can be obtained from your local feed store or ordered from a livestock supply website. Be sure to follow instructions on the replacement container, as some brand's mixing instructions differ from others. Over the course of the first couple weeks, gradually increase the amount it eats to 500mL every four hours. Feed that much to the lamb for two weeks and then increase the amount you feed it again, to 700mL three times a day for two weeks. After that, you can begin reducing the amount of milk replacement you are giving the lamb, down to 500mL twice daily. When the lamb is several weeks old you can begin giving it access to grass, hay, and water. As the lamb begins to eat these things, you will be able to wean it off of milk replacement. Once the lamb is over a month old, you should be reducing its milk intake. By the time it is three months old it should be totally weaned., Summary: Use a salt soak. Use a chamomile salt soak. Make a compress using breathable tape. See a professional piercer.
Passage: Usually, a hard blow to the shark's gills, eyes or snout (end of its nose) will cause it to retreat. These are really the only vulnerable areas on a shark. If you have a spear gun or pole, use it! A sharp object is a good way to inflict enough pain to scare away the shark. Aim for the head, specifically the eyes or the gills. If you do not have a weapon, improvise. Use any inanimate object, such as a camera or a rock to ward off the shark. If you have nothing around you, use your own body. Aim for the shark's eyes, gills, or snout. Fight with your fists, elbows, knees, and feet. Sharks have surprisingly rough and sharp skin, unlike the smooth scales of other fish, so be aware of this. Hit the eyes and gills repeatedly with hard, sharp jabs. Do not wind up before hitting, since this does not provide extra force underwater. You can also claw at the eyes and the gills. Keep doing this until the shark lets you go and swims away., Summary: Hit the shark in the face and gills.Your best bet, if attacked, is to make the shark see you as a strong, credible threat. Keep fighting if the shark persists.
Q: Summarize the following: Exercise reduces anxiety and stimulates your brain to create memories. Exercise will increase your ability to focus and keep your mind on the task at hand. Do any exercise you enjoy that gets your heart rate up and causes you to sweat. Just 30 minutes of exercise can improve your ability to solve problems. A brief self-affirmation exercise reduces stress and improves your ability to solve your problems. Write down the values (e.g. family and friends, business, money, independence, creativity, music, politics, religious values, humor, kindness, etc.) that are most important to you. Then write about why the value(s) you chose are important and a specific time they were important. This exercise gives you the opportunity to broaden your perspective and realize what is really important to you.A broadened perspective will help you feel less overwhelmed by your confusing thoughts and may help you identify a way to make a decision. Taking 20 minutes to relax your mind can give you new ideas. Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Breathe deeply and think about a relaxing moment that you have experienced. Use all your senses as you go to this relaxing place. It may help to tell yourself, "I'm going on vacation." Slowly inhale for 6 seconds; hold your breath for 3 seconds; slowly exhale for 6 seconds. When your mind is racing, you need to calm your thoughts and refocus. Progressive muscle relaxation is an effective strategy to do this. Go to a quiet place where you will not be interrupted. Tense each muscle group for 5 seconds and then relax for 30 seconds. Repeat and then move to the next muscle group. Start at your toes and work your way up. Do not forget to breathe as you do this exercise. . Taking deep breaths from your diaphragm triggers your body to relax. Sit upright with your back straight. Slowly inhale and fill your belly with air. Hold your breath for 4 seconds, and slowly exhale for 4 seconds. Repeat the cycle a total of 5 times., A: Tap your Android's Gmail app to open Gmail. Open the Gmail Menu. Tap "Settings". Tap "General Settings". Tap "Gmail Default Action". Tap the "Archive" option. Return to your inbox. Search for an e-mail to archive. Select a message. Tap the Archive button. Access your archived mail in the "All Mail" folder.
The summary of "Printable canvas comes in a variety of textures and quality. It should also be specifically designed for use with an inkjet printer. Gloss canvas creates a work of art equal to something you would buy. Important works of art or keepsakes will benefit from UV resistant canvas. Visit art supply stores, galleries and museum stores to get an idea of what is offered. Select the fine art file you want for your new canvas print. Saved or scanned images will print directly on canvas. Make certain the file has good clarity and contrast at your desired size before making your final decision. On a PC, open Windows Photo and Fax Viewer. Choose the right document or image from within this program and then go to "Printing Options." Choices will range from wallet size to full-page photos. Set your printer, too. On a Mac, select "Application." Edit the graphic file so it is the way you want it and select your printer if it is not already chosen. Run a trial copy on plain paper to get the look and feel of the final product. You may want a border on all sides of your canvas if you're later turning it into a canvas print to hang. If you do want a border, 1 1/2" (3.75 cm) on all sides is a good amount, depending on the size of your canvas and how much of a 3D effect you're going for." is Purchase your chosen canvas at an office supply or crafts store. Search online to buy digitized art prints. Alternatively, use a photo from your computer. Decide what size picture you want to create.
The answer of "Summarize the following The easiest way to begin drawing from life is to use a model. Draw what is directly in front of you. This can be a person, an object, or a landscape. Drawing directly from something you can observe will result in the greatest improvement in your skills. Try to work as quickly as you can. This will teach your brain to take in the most important information quickly and efficiently. Note basic shapes and proportions before moving on to details. This will keep you from having to adjust if your model moves. . If a live model is unavailable, you are worried about the model moving too much, or simply don't have the time to devote to a live model drawing, you can draw instead from a photograph. This is not as effective a learning tool but produces similar results in terms of a final drawing. If you want to draw something photo-realistic but lack proper skills, this will be the easiest method since you will be able to take in minute details at your own pace. . Though you will not learn as much, you can simply create a realistic image from your imagination. To be truly realistic, you will need to have an excellent understanding of light and shadow, as well as proportion, form, and fold physics." is Wet the eraser under running water. Scrub the area in a circular motion. Use a clean towel to dry the spot.
Passage: Check the expiration dates on any formula containers before purchasing or preparing them for your baby. Remember to always shake the ready-to-feed liquid formulas before opening the can, as the ingredients will separate as they settle. Follow all of the directions carefully. The proper measurement of water and formula is vital. Too little water can lead to dehydration whereas too much water can cause an insufficient supply of nutrients. Use water that has been labeled safe for water consumption by the state or local health department or sterilize it yourself by boiling water for 2 minutes to kill any germs. Always allow water to cool for approximately 45 minutes before adding formula to it. Keep in mind that bottled water or filtered water does not necessarily indicate that the water is free from bacteria. Filters need to be changed within a required amount of time to avoid possible bacteria growth. Shake the bottle vigorously for a few seconds to distribute the temperature evenly. Shake a few drops of the formula from the bottle onto your wrist. If it feels a bit too warm allow more cooling time. If you are going to make a batch of formula, make only as much as you will need for the next 24 hours. This can help you cut down on waste and save a little bit of money in the long run., Summary: Avoid expired formula. Avoid ingredient separation. Use accurate measuring utensils. Pay attention to the water you use. Test the temperature of the formula before offering it to your baby. Prepare your baby’s bottles on a need-to-have basis.
The summary of "It's a dark-blue app with a white "f" on it. This will open your Facebook News Feed if you're already logged into Facebook on your phone or tablet. If you aren't logged into Facebook, enter your email address (or phone number) and password to continue. It's in either the bottom-right corner of the screen (iPhone) or the top-right corner of the screen (Android). It's near the bottom of the page. Skip this step on Android. This option will take you to your Account Settings page. On Android, you must first scroll down. It's in the second group of options on this page, near the bottom of the screen. For some smaller phones, you may first have to scroll down. It's the text box that says "Type a name or email" near the top of the screen. This will take you to the confirmation page. If you have this person's email address, you can type that in instead. Facebook will bring up several profiles that match the name you entered; tap Block to the right of the one you want to block. It's the blue button near the bottom of the page. Doing so will block your selected user." is Open Facebook. Tap ☰. Scroll down and tap Settings. Tap Account Settings. Tap Blocking. Tap the name field. Type in the name of the person you want to block, then tap Block. Tap Block next to the profile you want to block. Tap Block when prompted.
Passage: Avoiding things you dread doing never makes it easier to do them. Force yourself to tackle the hard stuff early in the day while you are somewhat fresh. You’ll rarely stop dreading something if you put it off longer. Once the dreaded task is completed, you’ll feel a burden lifted and it will spur you on for the rest of the day. Dreaded tasks may not always be things that are prioritized highest, but it’s an exception to the priority rule. If you are dreading something that also happens to be a time-consuming task, weigh this in mind. Maybe you can tackle a significant chunk of the process in the morning one day and finish it in the morning the next day. You’ll have times when you are working on something important, but you just hit a wall and stop making progress. Staring at the wall and beating yourself up are not helpful, so make a smooth transition on to other work. You may need to come back quickly, but taking a break will help keep you productive. Switching off to another task may not always be an option, especially if you are under a tight time crunch. Consider your situation and act accordingly. Maybe you don’t have time to switch completely to a different project, but you can take a five minute breather and refocus. If you have the time to switch off to a different project, give that one your full attention. It’s no use changing projects if your mind is stuck on the first one. You may have habits while working on projects, but you realize those things are not directly contributing to the work at hand. Don’t make extra work for yourself. Evaluate your processes and look for things that you can stop doing. This will free up time for important things and will streamline your efforts. For example, maybe you always make a themed bulletin board for new projects, which is really only a tactic to put off getting started. Or maybe you come up with funny code names for team members, but you never actually use them during the project. You don’t want to start cutting things out that are worthwhile practices, but try to be honest about what things contribute and what things don’t., Summary: Pick something you dread and get to work on it first thing in the morning. Make course corrections when you hit a wall. Eliminate unnecessary aspects of the work.
Q: Summarize the following: Do this before you remove your fish from the carrying container, since fish are sensitive to light and may be traumatized by a sudden change in lighting. Once your fish is used to the tank, you can be less strict about lighting. It's a good idea to initially introduce your fish to a dim environment, as this will reduce the shock of being introduced to a new environment. Your fish likely came in a bag from a pet store. If your fish did not come in a bag, you can transfer the fish and water to a small, plastic bag. Tie the end of the bag together and use a rubber band to seal the bag. It's important the bag is sealed tight, as your want your fish to stay in its original water for the initial 15 minutes. Simply set the bag on top of the water in the quarantine tank. The fish bag should float on the water's surface. Set a timer for 15 minutes. Keep an eye on the bag during this time to make sure it does not fall over or come undone. For about 15 minutes, allow the bag to float. This way, the water in the bag will gradually become the same temperature as the water in the tank. Cut it just under the metal clip or rubber band keeping the bag closed. Roll down the top edges of the bag about an inch. This will create an air pocket. This pocket will allow the bag to float as you begin adding water from the tank to the bag. If you're acclimating a heavier fish, you may have to place the bag in a floatable device like a small tupperware container. Get a measuring cup. Add a half cup of the aquarium water to the bag. Allow the bag to float for another 4 minutes. When 4 minutes have passed, add another half cup of aquarium water to the bag. Keep adding water from the aquarium every 4 minutes until the bag is completely full. How long this process will take varies. For a smaller bag, you may only need to add a couple of half cups. For a larger bag, you may need to add water 3 or 4 times before the bag is full. Once the bag is full, carefully lift it out of the water. Pour about half the water from the bag down the sink. After discarding the water, place the bag back in the quarantine tank. Allow the bag to start floating again. Once again, you will add half a cup of water to the bag every 4 minutes. Keep adding water from the tank until the bag is full. Once again, length will vary. For a small bag, you may only need to add a couple half cups. A larger bag may need to be filled 3 or 4 times until it's full. You will need a small net here. Dip your net into the bag and get your fish in the net. Gently lift the fish out of the bag and place it into the tank. Make sure to be gentle as you net your fish. You do not want your fish to become tangled in the netting. Use a slow, swooping gesture to capture your fish. Be gentle, but quick, when you transfer your fish to the main water. You do not want your fish to be out of water for too long., A: Remove all food and dishes from your cabinets. Clean the interior with all-purpose cleaner or a vinegar solution. Let the shelves air dry.
Passage: There are many different types of sealant you can use. It depends on how aesthetically concerned you are about your smoke bombs. The simplest method is to apply a small strip of tape over the opening. You could also seal the hole by using tissue paper and a glue stick. Cut the tissue paper a little larger than the shell's opening. Use standard tissue paper like you'd use to wrap a birthday present. You can use different colors of tissue paper if you want. You can take this in any direction you want. If you'd like a simpler design, draw something with a marker. You could also paint a fun design using watercolors. Remember you're going to ultimately break this, so don't become too invested in your design. Be careful when decorating; the egg's shell is still very fragile. This step is optional., Summary: Gather the sealant. Cut tissue paper. Decorate your smoke bomb.
Passage: Messy buns also work great, as braids do too, depending on what type of braid you choose to do. If you're in a hurry, it's best to stick with hairstyles you're most familiar with. That way, you can do them faster and have more time for your makeup or whatever else you need to get done. If worst comes to worse, wear your hair down for the day. Brush it out and scrunch it to add some body and height. Spray it with hairspray to lock in the body for at least a few hours. If you have time, add a cute headband (having a few patterned headbands are recommended). However, be sure the headband matches your outfit! You can also do your hair in the bathroom at school when you have time. Just be sure you aren't missing any classes or taking too long! You could also do your hair on the bus/car. It's cute, chic and you can enjoy having part of your hair down while having the rest clipped up! Try adding a little body to the top of your hair for some elegance. Just take the hair that falls in front of your face and comb it back against your scalp. Twist it two-three times and gently push it forward for a bump. Pin it in place. Either put the remaining hair in a low ponytail or keep it down. The best type of ponytails are the sleek, oily kinds, but you don't have to have gross hair to do a ponytail!, Summary: Grab some cold dairy. Avoid drinking water to cool your mouth. Swig alcohol. Use other oils to cool the burn. Eat starches. Try folk remedies.
Passage: A quiet moment sitting next to each other is a good time to start a cuddle. Try arranging a candlelit movie night, and bring along a blanket to snuggle under if the weather is cold. You could also try a moment after a date that's gone particularly well, when you feel extra close and happy. Scoot closer and lean on him. Hopefully he should take the hint and respond. Put your hand on his knee, or wrap your arm around his shoulder and hug him close. If he hasn't moved toward you yet, turn and look at his face, and smile. If you like, you can lean in for a kiss. Some guys are shy and nervous about misinterpreting signals. Tell him you'd like to cuddle, and let him respond at his own pace. If he still doesn't respond, have a conversation about it, as described in the next section., Summary: Open Microsoft Powerpoint. Open the presentation you would like to convert. Convert your presentation. Change the "Save as Type" from PowerPoint Presentation to JPEG File Interchangeable Format. Select the folder to save the presentation in. Save the presentation.
Passage: Flashing money around when you're traveling can make you an easy target for a thief. Try to avoid pulling out wads of cash from your wallet. Instead, keep a small amount of cash in your pocket and only pull out how much you need when purchasing something. Be extremely careful when taking money from ATMs. Be aware of who's standing behind you, and don't just stuff the money in your back pocket and walk away. If you're in another country, use their currency. It makes transactions easier, and using currency from a foreign country might get the attention of thieves. Keep a little cash and your credit cards in a wallet or purse. Then, keep additional money and cards in a pocket or money pouch. You can also stash a little more cash in your checked luggage or your carry-on. That way, your money and important documents aren't all together in one place. Carry your passport separately from your money and credit cards when you're flying. When you get to the hotel, lock your passport in the hotel safe. Unfortunately, hotel safes aren't 100% foolproof, so you may want to carry the items on your person if you're concerned about theft. Make copies of important documents, IDs, and credit cards in case you lose them. It's best to leave jewelry and other expensive items at home, but if you insist on bringing them, keep them with you in a purse or carry-on bag. Avoid packing them into a regular bag and checking the luggage, which can easily be stolen or searched. When you get to your hotel, secure your valuables in the room safe. Leave unnecessary forms of identification, like your social security card, at home. You can make copies of other important cards, like your health insurance card, rather than taking the actual cards with you. Store your photo IDs, credit cards, and passport in a secure wallet and take them out as infrequently as possible. Do not travel with your debit card. Use cash, traveler's checks, or credit cards. Never leave your wallet unattended. Laptops, jewelry, passports, extra cash, and documents that have personal information on them should be placed in your room or hotel safe. Avoid leaving these important items in your regular suitcase when you're out of the room—they are only secure if they're locked up. If the hotel safe looks sketchy or you don't feel comfortable leaving the items behind, keep them on your person. Be sure to set strong passwords on your mobile phone, laptop, and other electronic devices when you're traveling. That way, even if your devices are stolen, thieves will have difficulty accessing your private materials and accounts. Be sure to log out of your accounts before putting your devices away. Look into apps that provide additional security for your devices. Cerberus, Prey, and AppLock are just a few examples of anti-theft apps you can check out. Be careful when using public wi-fi spots, since hackers might be able to access your information that way., Summary: Keep your cash hidden and limit the amount you carry on you. Stash passports, cash, and credit cards in separate places. Keep valuables in your carry-on bag when traveling. Carry only the essentials in your wallet. Lock up valuables in your hotel's safe when you're out of the room. Protect your devices with strong passwords and encryptions.
Context: You'll usually find this receiver-shaped app icon on the Home Screen. Many carriers have a code or a number that you can dial to turn off your voicemail feature (or request that it be turned off). If your Phone app doesn't open to the dial pad, tap the dial pad tab to open it. It's the icon with 9 squares. Using the dial pad, type in one of the following codes or phone numbers depending on your carrier: Verizon - (800) 922-0204 Sprint - *2 AT&T - 611 T-Mobile - 611 This is usually at the bottom of the screen. In most cases, you'll have to select a language, wait for a "Voicemail" or "other inquiries" section, and then speak to a customer service representative about disabling your Android's voicemail. You may be asked for your voicemail PIN, account password, and/or other credentials. When the customer service representative or automated service confirms that your voicemail has been disabled, it's okay to hang up., Summary: Visit the Bandwidth Meter Online Speed Test page on the CNET Reviews website. Select the location from where you are performing the test. Watch the 2 speedometers on your screen. Read the line speed result in the box that appears.
Passage: In order to craft a hopper, you will need the following items: 5 iron ore - Iron ore is grey rock with orange/peach spots on it, most commonly found in caves or cliff faces. You will need at least a stone pickaxe to mine iron. 2 wood blocks - Chop two blocks of literally any wood from a tree in Minecraft. This will yield eight wooden planks, which will allow you to make one chest. A fuel source - You can use coal, which is found by mining the grey rock with black spots on it, or you can use wood planks. A furnace - Furnaces are crafted using eight blocks of cobblestone around the border of a crafting table. A crafting table - Crafting tables are created using a two-by-two grid of wood planks in your inventory's "Crafting" section. Open your inventory, place the wood blocks in one square of the "Crafting" section, and click and drag the resulting planks into your inventory. In Minecraft PE, tap ⋯, tap the crafting table icon, tap the wood planks icon, and tap 4 x twice. In Minecraft for consoles, press X (Xbox) or square (PlayStation), scroll down to select the correct wood type, and press A or X twice. Right-click your furnace to open it, drag your fuel source into the bottom box, and drag your iron ore into the top box. Your furnace will begin creating iron bars. In Minecraft PE, tap the bottom box, tap your fuel source, tap the top box, and tap the iron ore. In Minecraft for consoles, select your icon and press Y or triangle, then select your fuel and press Y or triangle. Open your crafting table, place one wood block in each box of the grid except for the center one, and then drag the chest into your inventory. In Minecraft PE, tap the chest icon and then tap 1 x. In Minecraft for consoles, scroll over to the chest icon and press A or X. Open the furnace and drag the iron bars from the far-right box into your inventory. In Minecraft PE, open the furnace and tap the iron bars icon on the far-right side. In Minecraft for consoles, select the furnace, select the iron bars icon, and press Y or triangle. Now that you have all of the necessary ingredients, you're ready to create your hopper. Place an iron block in the top-left, middle-left, top-right, middle-right, and bottom-middle boxes in the crafting grid, then place the chest in the center box of the grid. Drag the completed hopper from your crafting table into your inventory to complete the building process. Now that you have a hopper, you can begin setting it up. In Minecraft PE, tap the cone-shaped hopper icon, then tap 1 x. In Minecraft for consoles, scroll over to the "Mechanisms" tab, then select the cone-shaped hopper icon and press A or X., Summary: Gather the necessary building materials. Turn your wood blocks into planks. Smelt your iron. Create a chest. Retrieve your iron bars. Re-open the crafting table. Create the hopper.
Context: Before you try to attract any man, be it across the room or directly in front of you, it is important that you be confident in yourself. Loving yourself and knowing how amazing you are is one of the most attractive things you can do. When you love yourself, it is more likely that others will follow suit. To practice yourself confidence: Focus on your positive traits. These should include both physical traits and parts of your personality that you love. Focusing on the positive, rather than on the negative, can help you to feel more comfortable in your own skin. Remind yourself of how awesome you are. Consider your accomplishments and the amazing things that you have done in your lifetime. Consider how you can improve the things that you don't like as much about yourself. If you don't like the color of your hair, consider dyeing it. If you don't like that you become easily stressed, practice relaxation techniques. However, always bear in mind that you should be making these improvements for yourself—not to attract someone else. Once you feel confident about yourself both inside and out, you can then begin to focus on attracting a man's attention. Begin with your outfit. You should wear something that you feel comfortable in, but that also makes you feel beautiful, or even sexy. However, don't try to catch a guy's eye by wearing a dress with a neckline that reaches down to your belly button; instead, wear an outfit that compliments your personality and—most importantly—makes you feel fabulous. Show of your neck and shoulders if possible. Many men consider a woman's neck and shoulders to be very alluring and attractive parts of her body. Instead of wearing a dress that hardly covers your breasts try wearing a halter top dress and a loose updo to give your man a peek at your neck. Don't forget to pick out some great shoes. Again, wearing a pair of shoes that you feel comfortable in (meaning you can walk in them) is key—if you are tottering around on sky-high heels, you may come across as looking like you've had one too many drinks. Once you have selected a jaw-dropping outfit, it's time to do your makeup and hair. There is no need to pile on the makeup, but if you feel like you look great with a bunch of eyeliner and mascara making your eyes pop, then go for it! Again, do what will make you feel the most confident and sexy—when you feel confident, you will certainly catch men's attentions. Choosing a hairstyle can be tricky. It is important to keep your face shape in mind, as well as the texture of your hair. To learn more about choosing a hairstyle, click here. When you smell good, a man will notice. When you smell bad, a man will also notice. Because of this, make sure to rub on some deodorant and give yourself a spritz of your favorite perfume. Using perfume can actually enhance your natural pheromones, making you more attractive to the opposite sex. Some scents that are considered to work well when catching a man's attention are: Rose. Sandalwood. Jasmine. Wearing a necklace that will draw his attention to your neck can help to hook a man's attention. Many men consider a woman's neck to be a feminine and captivating part of her body, so show off your elegant neckline by wearing a necklace that flatters your looks., Summary: Figure out how you want to restrain your dog in the car. Introduce your dog to the cage, if you are using one. Exercise your dog before loading it into the car. Avoid feeding your dog right before your trip. Pack appropriate supplies for your dog when embarking on a long car journey. Place a few chew toys in the back with your dog to keep your dog occupied. Consult a vet if your dog shows signs of car sickness. Address hyperactivity before the trip.
Context: These can be your general orange, black and witch-y decorations, or you can go with a more specific theme. If your coworkers can get into it, go for it. Design your workplace like the set of a movie. The staff can take a vote prior to Halloween. Then, on the actual day, members can dress up as characters. Or certain sections of the work environment could be different movies. Then, you could pass around a bowl of movie titles and each person gets a movie title for the basis of their costume design. It could get turned into a contest or a guessing game on the day of. A music theme works long as you celebrate dead rockers of the past. For a twist on Halloween, choose this orientation, decorate your workspace like an abandoned music studio and get each of your peers into a dead but musical persona. Halloween doesn't have to be all about pumpkins, pretzels, and zombies. It can be old school and sophisticated, too. Have a murder mystery at work. This will take preparation in advance, but could be well worth it. You'll have to write up a character outline for each guest, informing them how they knew "the deceased" and how they feel about other characters. Give one to each guest at the start of the game and reveal clues throughout the night, uncovering alibis, secrets, and interactions, etc. Before people start going home, have them all take a guess at the murderer (if they're the murderer, it should be indicated on their character outline). Of course, have the perp reveal themselves! Unfortunately, there are no traditional foods or drinks that come with a Halloween party. Whatever your theme is, cater to that. Butterbeer, anyone? Generally, finger foods are the way to go. Pumpkin cookies, lady fingers (can be decorated like a witch's finger), devil's egg eyeballs, and crab leg spiders are solid hits., Summary: Transfer the pepper to a heat-safe glass bowl. Peel off the skin. Remove the stem and seeds. Slice the pepper or leave it whole.