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The answer of "Summarize the following The best time to speak with someone about their behavior is when you are both stress-free, in good moods and not under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Unfortunately, it may be difficult to find the time for a conversation when you are both at your absolute best. Still, you should try to initiate the conversation during a time when you think your friend will be more receptive. For instance, avoid talking while you are out drinking with each other. Also, try not to talk to your friend when they've had a particularly rough day or are overly stressed about something, if possible. Talking to your friend after they exhibit the behavior in question has more of an impact than waiting a substantial amount of time to point out their actions. They may forget what happened, or may not feel as emotionally attached to it if they have time to get over what occurred. As soon as you can, confront them about the situation. If you feel like your friend's risky behavior is potentially life-threatening and may be putting them or others into harm's way, don't wait to confront them. For example, if you're sure that your friend has been driving while intoxicated, talk to them about it immediately. If you are unable to address the behavior when it happens, keep a log of your friend's behavior. Write down the day and time the behavior occurred, and what your friend did. Having solid evidence in front of them may make them take your concern more seriously. As important as it is to point out the issue right away, it's also important not to sugarcoat it. You may try to minimize what's happening so you don't offend your friend, but downplaying risky behavior could lead to negative consequences. Be straightforward and honest with your friend about what happened. Try saying, “I watched the way you behaved last night and it really concerned me. Do you know why you behaved in that way?” Don't say, "You were wild last night!" since this could be misconstrued as approval rather than concern. Also, Avoid accusing your friend of anything and focus on what concerned you. Part of the benefit of planning your approach is the opportunity to conduct some research. If you don't take the time to research and brainstorm ways your friend can receive help with the behavior, the meeting won't have as much of an impact. Your friend may want to come up with solutions together with you, and that's fine, but you'll want to have some of the work already completed before you hold the meeting. If you're afraid your friend is addicted to drugs or alcohol, look into treatment options and support groups that may help. If you believe the behavior is due to a medical condition, talk to health care professionals about what can be done." is Talk to your friend when you are both clear-minded. Speak with your friend about the risky behavior soon after it happens. Be honest when you share your concerns. Research possible solutions prior to speaking to your friend. | 1 |
Q: Summarize the following: Playing sports can help broaden your social life in high school and take your mind off not having a best friend. You don’t have to be an all-star athlete in high school to enjoy sports. Whether it’s dance, volleyball, hockey, football, soccer, cheerleading, basketball, or track, choose a sport that you enjoy. Being on a team will let you meet and connect with your peers and maintain your physical fitness, which will keep your endorphins high. Endorphins are chemicals in your brain, and higher levels of endorphins equate to a higher level of happiness. They can act almost like an antidepressant. If you can’t play for a school team, look into playing in community leagues. Art classes can give you a creative outlet that will help you get through high school and learn to make something with your hands. You can take classes at school, join an after-school club, or look for local classes. Community newspapers often have a list of free or inexpensive art classes. There are many types of creative expression to choose from. You can draw, paint, write poetry, act in a play, sing, play an instrument, or even learn to build things. This will help you find a sense of purpose and meet like-minded, passionate individuals in your community. Volunteering lets you get outside yourself and do something for someone else. Volunteer based on your strengths. For example, if you are a great artist, volunteer at a local nonprofit arts museum. Or, if you’re good around children, volunteer somewhere like the Ronald McDonald house or the children’s hospital. If you are old enough, getting a job can be a great way to meet people outside of school, stay busy, and save some money for the future. Create a resume and go around to local business and fill out applications. Even if they aren’t hiring, they’ll often put your resume on file. Look to online job boards for posted openings. Qualifications will often be included in these, so you’ll know if you can apply. Ask your parents or other adults if they have any contacts that might help you find a job. Consider a nontraditional job with flexible hours like babysitting or taking care of a pet., A: Interview the grandparents. Make a family history scrapbook. Make a family tree. | 0 |
Q: Summarize the following: Because your bangs will be straight across, you won't need to part your hair to one side as you usually do. Take a comb and place the tip of it an inch or two above your hairline, in the center of your head. You may need to go a bit further back, such as one inch or even to the high, flat part of your head where a comb will balance. Then, draw a downward diagonal line from the center of your head to the end of your eyebrow. Make sure that this is before the recession area where your hair drops down along the side of your head. Then, repeat on the other side. Pull your bangs section towards the middle to separate it from the rest of your hair. After you've done this, you should have a triangle-like shape with the point a few inches above your hair line and the sides of the triangle coming down along the sides of your forehead. Once you've created a part, you'll want to comb your bangs forward and then pin the rest of your hair back or put it in a ponytail to keep it out of your face. Straight bangs can come in all different styles, so you'll want to figure out exactly how you want them to look before you cut them. Some people like their bangs to go straight across their forehead above their eyebrows for an edgier look, and others like longer bangs that angle down as they meet with the rest of their hair. Straight bangs usually need more attention, so you may have to straighten them or blow dry them every time you style your hair. If using a blow dryer, grab a round brush and pull bangs from underneath, up at the roots toward the ceiling. Then, once or twice pull your round brush underneath your bangs, from the roots of your bangs to the tips, in an arching motion to create volume. You can also do this same motion with a flat iron. If your hair is naturally curly or wavy, dry your bangs with a flat brush. Hold the brush close to your forehead and move it behind the dryer from roots to ends. This will avoid adding more volume to your bangs., A: Part your hair, creating a triangle in your roots. Determine the length and angle of your bang. Style your bangs. | 1 |
Q: Summarize the following: Use a paper towel to clean up the urine spot. If the spot is dry, then wet it with clean water and dab the area with a paper towel. of dish soap and 2 cups (470 mL) of cool water on a clean, white cloth. Use hydrogen peroxide or vinegar to blot any remaining stain, then blot up excess moisture with a dry cloth.”|}} Green dish detergents are recommended for spot cleaning recent pet urine accidents. Put a dollop of green dish detergent on a wet paper towel. Blot the area with the soapy towel to clean up the urine. While the carpet is still wet, pour a layer of baking soda over it. The baking soda may get damp, but that is okay. The baking soda and soap will need several hours to work. If you’re working on a small spot, cover it with paper towels while it treats. Don’t remove the baking soda. It’s normal for the area to foam as the baking soda and vinegar react to each other. This reaction between the two substances helps remove the bad smell. You can also clean the area with a mixture of water, white vinegar, and baking soda. Simply mix one cup (237 milliliters) of water, one cup (237 milliliters) of vinegar, and two tablespoons (30 milliliters) of baking soda into an empty spray bottle. This cleaner has a shelf life of 2-3 months. If the smell still lingers, hydrogen peroxide can be applied to the urine spot; however, you should test it on your carpet in a hidden area first as it can discolor carpet. Products that use enzymes to break down the smell are commercially available and require no extra cleanup. Monitor the vinegar as it treats the carpet. Make sure that your pets and/or children are kept away from it. If you’re using hydrogen peroxide, it should sit for 10-15 minutes. Wipe away the remaining baking soda and blot the area dry. Once it’s dry, smell the carpet to determine if the smell remains. If it does, then you may have to use a carpet steam cleaner. If your carpet pad is soaked with urine, then you may have to replace it to get rid of the smell. If you have a lot of set-in pet odors, you may need to treat the entire carpet with a carpet cleaner, such as a Green Machine or a Rug Doctor. You can use a commercial odor removing cleaner, or you can mix your own cleaner with white vinegar and water. Run the cleaner over the entire carpet and then let it dry. You may need to make several passes to get out the odor. If you have set in odors, an enzymatic cleaner can help deactivate the odor-causing bacteria. You simply soak the carpet in your cleaning and let it dry, so they’re easy to use., A: Recognize common physical symptoms of PCOS. Recognize psychological symptoms of PCOS. Determine whether you are suffering from infertility. | 0 |
The answer of "Summarize the following While you don't need to become proficient in Klingon, you should make an attempt to understand your partner's obsessions. Follow some of the movies, books, and games that your partner loves. Who knows--maybe they'll become your obsessions, too. A relationship is a two-way street. You should show some interest in your partner's passions, and demand that your partner do the same for you. Don't worry if you don't understand some of your partner's passions. While some shared interests are important, you don't need to share all of them. Your partner's nerdy obsessions and social awkwardness make them who they are. You shouldn't try to change them, and moreover, you won't be able to. If you can't accept them, then you probably shouldn't be together. Don't tease your partner for their mysterious obsessions. They've likely had to put up with such teasing their entire life, and more of it will only cause them to withdraw. Nerds often thrive on routine. They are very sensitive to change, whether it be at work, on the road, or at home. Simply moving an item in your partner's room might upset them. You partner may have a designated space in the home where they like to work or pursue their hobbies undisturbed. They value the predictability and security of this space, so be certain not to violate any boundaries. Ask before cleaning their space or moving any of their things. If you are the type of person that craves spontaneity, dating a routine-oriented nerd might seem challenging. However, you can still do spontaneous things with your partner, like traveling, by combining more spontaneous activities with more structured activities. For example, if you want to go on vacation with your partner, have a balance of very structured, highly scheduled days, and days that are more laid back. This might sound counterintuitive. Shouldn't the nerd be explaining to you? The truth is, you'll probably know more about many subjects than your partner. Nerds tend to specialize in one area of knowledge, which means you'll probably know more than they do about more mainstream things, like cars, pro football, and non-science-fiction movies. Don't belittle your partner for not knowing much about mainstream topics. Instead, try patiently explaining. Your partner's friends are important to them. You should take an interest in them, despite the fact that they'll probably be pretty nerdy, too. That's not to say you need to spend every night LARPing together. Rather, make sure you hang out with them sometimes, ask them questions, and are generally friendly. You may not like all of your partner's friends, but you should accept them. Try to understand and appreciate what they bring to your partner's life." is Take an interest in your partner's passions. Don't try to “cure” them. Respect your partner's routine. Find a balance between spontaneity and routine. Be prepared to explain mainstream pursuits. Take an interest in their friends. | 1 |
Context: Stuff sacks are a popular gear item used to help keep backpacks organized. They're lightweight but durable sacks that come in really handy for keeping your food items separate from the rest of your pack. Many people fill one stuff sack with food they're not going to eat on the trail, and another one with toiletries. You could use stuff sacks to pack nearly anything, but seasoned hikers don't bother putting clothing into stuff sacks, since packing softer, flexible items around the heavier, more awkward items is a more efficient use of space. Bear canisters are smell-tight containers used to store food, deodorant, sunscreen, and other items that attract bears. They're mandatory to use in certain areas with high concentrations of bears. If you're hiking in a place that requires the use of bear canisters, it's important to pack your canister efficiently so it doesn't become an awkwardly-weighted item in your pack. Don't use any items like clothes to fill the voids in a bear canister. You might use for example rain clothes or pack cover to fill up the space, but not anything that you are going to wear in camp. You do not want any bear attracting smells in your tent, like clothes that have been soaking in food scent an entire day. The canister is likely to be heavy, so pack it as a heavy item between your shoulder blades and right next to your spine. Pack a flexible item like a tarp or extra clothing around the canister so it doesn't move while you walk. This is a convenient and lightweight item that could save your backpack from getting soaked by rain or snow. It's a cover you attach over your backpack in inclement weather. When it's not raining or snowing, the packover is small and light enough to stuff into the top of your pack so you can easily access it when you need it., Summary: Quit smoking Avoid all contact with secondhand smoke. Avoid exposure to outdoor air pollution. Eliminate exposure to indoor air pollution. Eliminate occupational exposure to carcinogens and pollutants. Avoid inhaling other irritants. | 0 |
Passage: You want to make the surroundings of a person with delirium as calm and soothing as possible. This will make their waking hours more peaceful and can give some soothing effects when they are having a difficult time. Keeping the person calm and comfortable will also promote restful sleeping, which can sometimes be a problem for delirium patients. When someone has delirium they can get flustered or confused by very small changes in their surroundings. To minimize this, try not to move items in their room around. Keep furniture in the same place and put items that are brought and removed daily, such as food dishes, in the same place every time. You may even want to use the same dishes every day to keep that a stable part of their routine. Having friendly, familiar faces around can make a person with delirium more calm and happy. Keep loved ones nearby whenever possible and try to keep the same caretakers around on a daily basis, if possible. Show the person with delirium pictures of their friends and family on a regular basis so they can be reminded of the people that love and care for them. Having a set routine will often make a person with delirium feel more comfortable and less confused. Making sure they eat their meals, get exercise, and have visitors at the same time every day can minimize confusion and anxiousness. However, remember that having a set schedule is not always possible. Sometimes making an effort to keep the person's routine as stable as possible is all you can do and you will need to make adjustments due to doctor's visits or other obligations., Summary: Focus on keeping the person comfortable, calm, and content. Keep their surroundings stable. Surround them with familiar people. Keep their schedule the same every day. | 1 |
Passage: It's located at the bottom center of your page. From here, you can add pre-existing photos from your camera roll or take a photo. You have three upload possibilities listed at the bottom of this page: Library - This option lets you upload a photo already in your library. Photo - You can take a photo using Instagram's in-app camera here. You'll need to allow Instagram to access your camera before taking a photo. Video - You can record a video using Instagram's camera here. You'll need to allow Instagram to access your microphone first. If you're taking a photo or video, you'll need to tap the circular button toward the bottom of your screen to do so. If you're selecting a pre-existing photo, you'll need to tap Next in the top right corner of the screen to proceed. You can do this from the bottom of the screen. Today on an average 11 filters are available in your instagram account. The main intention of it is to make boring images interesting. You can even download Instagram filters. Filters change the color palette and composition of your photo--for example, applying the "Moon" filter changes your photo to a washed-out black-and-white color. You can also tap Edit in the bottom right corner of the screen to adjust aspects of your photo such as Brightness, Contrast, and Structure. This is in the top right corner of your screen. You'll do this in the "Write a caption" box at the top of the screen. If you want to add tags to your photo, you'll do that here as well. Before sharing your photo, you can do the following things: Tap Tag People to tag followers in your photo. Tap Add Location to add your current location to your photo's description. You'll need to allow Instagram to access your location services to do this. Post your photo to your Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or Flickr account by sliding the pertinent switch right to the "On" position. You will need to link your Instagram account to the external account in question before you can do this. You have successfully posted your first Instagram photo!, Summary: Click the + button to post a picture. Review the camera options. Select or take a photo. Select a filter for your photo. Tap Next. Add a caption to your photo. Review your remaining photo options. Tap Share in the top right corner of your screen. | 1 |
Passage: There are different spellings of words across dialects of Igbo. Any spelling you learn is not necessarily the correct spelling of a word, simply one acceptable spelling. Igbo written language is phonetic, so for the most part you will be okay if you learn the pronunciation of letters and write a word as it sounds. If vowels have either a dot under the letter or an umlaut above, this indicates a different pronunciation of that letter. New Standard Orthography uses an umlaut, but you may see previous versions in writing. In Igbo, personal pronouns are either separable or inseparable. Inseparable pronouns are singular, and appear in combination with the verb. For example, bi means "live." If you want to say "I live," it would be ebi m. For first person singular, the letter "m" follows the verb stem. Separable pronouns can be used as a subject, direct or indirect object, or to show possession. For example, the Igbo word anyï can be used to mean "we," "us," or "our." The word itself does not change regardless of how it's used. To conjugate verbs in present tense, give them a prefix that harmonizes with the verb stem vowel. Use an a- before a vowel stem with an a, ï, ö, or ü vowel. The e- prefix harmonizes with i, e, o, or u vowels. For example: ebi m (I live). You don't have to harmonize the vowels if you're using separable pronouns. Simply use the verb stem. For example: anyï bi (we live). Igbo verbs do not distinguish between past and present tense. Rather, suffixes are used to indicate when the action took place. The suffix -tara or -tere is added to a verb stem to indicate an action occurred in the past. For example: ö zütara anü (he bought meat). Choose the suffix form to harmonize vowels, not for gender or any other reason. In Igbo, nouns do not change form if they are plural. You can identify whether a word is singular or plural by looking at the words around it. Number words are found after the noun, while ordinals precede the noun. For example: ülö ise means "five houses." The word ülö means "house" while ise means "five." Look for an Igbo or Nigerian community group near you and see if they have any language resources available. Ideally, you can perfect your language skills by working with someone who has native fluency. If you find someone who is trying to learn English, you might be able to work out an exchange in which both of you help each other practice. Helping a native speaker learn English will also help you understand the grammatical structure of Igbo. They may make mistakes because some aspect of English grammar is absent from Igbo grammar. For example, they might say "five house" instead of "five houses," because in Igbo the noun form doesn't change when pluralized., Summary: Gather your materials. Use a sharp knife to whittle tip of the pencil to a slight, flat angle. | 0 |
The answer of "Summarize the following You can use a match or lighter. Make sure that you are working close to a sink, or have water close by, in case the candle tips over. Keep the spoon about one inch (2.54 centimeters) above the flame. You can leave the lipstick to cool in the room you were working in, or you can stick the container into the fridge or freezer." is Set a candle down on a heat-safe surface and light it. Hold the spoon above the flame. Let the lipstick cool. | 1 |
The answer of "Summarize the following The rubbing alcohol will preserve the body of the insect and prevent it from decaying, drying out, or breaking into pieces. The jar should be larger than the insect, but not unnecessarily so. If you put a small insect in a large jar, you’ll waste rubbing alcohol. Most rubbing alcohol is a 70% solution—this should work well for preserving your insects. Stronger rubbing alcohol—at 80 or 85%--is also appropriate, as some insects are better preserved with a stronger alcohol. Examples of insects that should be preserved in stronger alcohol include: spiders, scorpions, earthworms, and small insects including lice and silverfish. Make sure that the glass jar has a tight-fitting lid, and does not have any cracks. Keep in mind that soft-bodied insects are most commonly preserved in alcohol. The insect could come from anywhere: a window inside your house, the environment near where you live, or even from a nearby spider’s web. You’ll want to preserve an insect that is still in decent shape. If the insect has been dead for days and is already decaying and breaking apart, preserving it will be less effective. You can also trap insects yourself through a variety of methods: for example, catching moths and butterflies in a butterfly net. While some would object to the ethics of killing insects simply to preserve them, traps are an effective way to make sure you have dead insects available. When preserving insects, it’s important to know which specific species you are dealing with. This is an especially important part of the procedure if you are preserving insects for scientific purposes. The label should include: the genus and species of the insect, the date and location on which the insect was found, and the name of the collector. Tape the completed label to the outside of the alcohol-filled jar. There are many helpful websites that can help you identify the dead insect. Start by checking or If these sites aren’t helpful, try to contact a local entomologist. Be delicate, and handle the insect carefully: its body will be very fragile and could easily be crushed. It’s best if you handle the insect with forceps or a pair of tweezers, as your fingers could break or damage part of the insect. If the insect has a stinger (bees, wasps) or is otherwise poisonous, wear latex gloves when handling the body. Only do this once the body of the insect has settled to the bottom of the jar. Pour the rest of the alcohol in slowly. If you pour too fast, the liquid may damage or break the insect’s body. Close and seal the jar, then store it in a safe location. If you’re planning on starting a large insect collection, it may be prudent to dedicate an entire tabletop to the jars. Store the insect jars far from food, children, and animals." is Understand the purpose of an autopsy. Check your state’s policy on autopsy results. Write a request for the autopsy report. | 0 |
Passage: You’ll get better tips if you look presentable. Wear clothes without stains or rips, if possible, and make sure your hair is neat. Some guys even say they get better tips when they are clean-shaven, so you could consider getting rid of your beard if you’re not too attached to it. Make an “X” or an arrow that points to all three lines on the receipt (total, tip, and signature). Highlighting just the tip line is tacky, but pointing out all three may make a customer more likely to fill in that tip line rather than leave it blank. Rather than giving a five dollar bill back when someone hands you $20 and their total was $15, give them back five ones. This way, they’ll be more likely to give you a couple bucks, rather than stuffing that $5 back in their pocket. Some people add a tip to the bill on a credit card at the time they order. Though it may be tempting to leave this order for last, since you know you’ve already bagged a tip, don’t do that. Give them the respect they deserve and deliver their pizza promptly. They’ll remember your effort, and will be more likely to tip you well the next time, too. Some people order pizza often and may have tipped you well in the past. Try to remember these customers, and treat them well. Ask how they are doing, or suggest new menu items you think they may like. A little extra effort can go a long way to ensuring you always receive a good tip from these customers. While you may not be able to offer discounts or give out free pizza or sodas, you can offer extra items. Bring extra napkins, plates, or seasonings, such as red peppers or parmesan cheese. Offering these to your customers when you arrive shows them that you are prepared and that you care about their order and experience., Summary: Look your best. Highlight the tip line. Give ones back as change. Treat customers well if they’ve already tipped you. Remember good tippers. Offer extra items. | 1 |
Q: Summarize the following: Use the picture on the box to guide your color and shape groupings. It is important to break the work down into smaller groups so that it’s easier to tackle the project. Most puzzles have large sections with similar colors, such as large bodies of water or mountains, so sorting the pieces will give you an advantage. One alternative to sorting is to arrange pieces in a large horseshoe shape. This arrangement will allow you to see all of the puzzle pieces by sweeping your gaze from left to right. Set all of the pieces out flat and picture side up. If you place the pieces into piles it will be harder to identify the pieces you need. Use the box as a reference. Look for long lines, large shapes, and unifying aspects. These features will help you to quickly find the right pieces hiding among the others. Leave complicated features such as faces and small details for last. These features use fewer pieces and are therefore more difficult to find. If you get stuck, move to another section. The purpose of this step is to create many small groups that can be put together later. This is the part of puzzle building that frustrates the most people. If you find yourself getting angry at the puzzle, take a quick break to clear your mind. Go for a walk, have a glass of water, or read a book. Take your mind off of the puzzle for a little while. When you return, you’ll feel refreshed and ready to search for puzzle pieces again. If you’ve really hit a dead end, turn the puzzle picture upside down or work from a different side of the puzzle. This will force you to search for similarities in color and shape between the pieces that you may not have noticed otherwise. Puzzles always take longer than you expect. If you’re in a rush, consider getting an easier puzzle. If you can only work on your puzzle for a few hours at a time, build your puzzle somewhere that it will be undisturbed for a few days. Once again, if you need to move around a lot while working on this puzzle, consider purchasing a puzzle board to make your puzzle mobile. Once you’ve created small clusters of finished sections, carefully place them inside of the “frame” you built from the edge pieces. Using the top of the box as a guide, move the different clusters around until they’re in the right places. Connect the clusters together and press in any finishing pieces. You’re finished!, A: Talk to a registered dietitian. Continue with your food/symptom journal. Use lactose-free foods. Consume gluten free foods. Take supplements. | 0 |
The answer of "Summarize the following Begin with an 18-inch piece of floss. Wrap it around your two middle fingers leaving a gap of 1 to 2 inches in between. Then slide the floss between two teeth, and wiggle it up and down and back and forth, several times. Keep in mind that plaque and food can get stuck under the gum line, so this is what you want to target with the floss. Be sure to wrap the floss around each tooth, and floss all the way to your gums, extending as far as you can without causing discomfort. Then repeat the process on the next tooth, moving to a new section of the floss, as it becomes soiled or frayed. Make sure that once you have placed the floss between two teeth you are flossing two surfaces. Once you have this down, the entire process should only take two or three minutes per day. If you are unsure about your flossing technique, be sure to ask your dentist or hygienist for tips when you are in for your exam. Be sure to brush for at least two minutes per session, and pay special attention to cleaning the gum line. Any toothbrush will do, but electric toothbrushes are especially effective. Also be sure to use a toothpaste containing fluoride. Since periodontal disease is a bacterial infection, some dentists also recommend a toothpaste that contains the antibacterial ingredient triclosan, such as Colgate Total). If possible, acquire a dental irrigator such as a Water Pik, Hydro Floss, or similar tool, and use it twice per day. Although these devices might seem expensive, they are very good at fighting periodontal disease, and are a fraction of the cost of even a single dental cleaning. Dental irrigators last up to several years and they are great for gum massage, getting rid of plaque, or cleaning around dental implants This helps to reduce bacteria in your mouth and prevent further infection. If your dentist recommended a prescription mouthwash, use that, otherwise an over-the-counter brand will work fine. Just be sure to read the label and choose using a germ-fighting formula like Listerine or Crest Advanced. You can also put mouthwash into a dental irrigator’s reservoir and then clean all around your mouth with higher pressure. Be aware some prescription antibiotic rinses used for a prolonged period of time (more than two weeks) can cause tooth staining that can be removed during your next cleaning. Your dentist or periodontist may prescribe you antibiotic gel to apply to your gums twice daily after brushing, flossing, and irrigation. This gel kills bacteria, and will help get your periodontal infection under control. Taken by mouth, these antibiotics can help kill the periodontal infection and also prevent the forming of new bacterial colonies, especially after a surgical intervention. Make sure to take these antibiotics as prescribed." is Add 2 to 3 drops of essential oil to your potpourri. | 0 |
Q: Summarize the following: Double-click the document to which you want to apply your template. This will only work for recently-opened templates. If you haven't recently opened the template you want to use, open the template and then close it before continuing. It's in the upper-left side of the page. You'll find this in the bottom-left side of the "File" page. It's on the left side of the Options window. This box is at the bottom of the Add-Ins page. A drop-down menu will appear. It's near the middle of the drop-down menu. This button is to the right of the "Manage" drop-down box. It's in the upper-right side of the page. Click a template that you want to use. It's at the bottom of the Template window. This will open your template. You'll find this box below the template's name near the top of the page. It's at the bottom of the window. Doing so will apply your template's formatting to the document. Click File in the upper-left side of the page, click Save As, double-click a save location, enter your document's name, and click Save., A: Determine the significance of the dicta at issue. Understand that judicial dicta still do not constitute binding authority. Distinguish obiter dicta by asking whether it supports or relates to the holding of the case. | 0 |
Q: Summarize the following: If you're thinking about mining Bitcoin with your own hardware, you need to understand exactly how much of an investment you're going to make and how long it will likely be before you turn a profit. Online mining calculators can help you determine if it's really worth it for you to invest in your own rig. Bitcoin is mined by networks of computers that solve difficult numeric problems to verify Bitcoin blocks of transactions. A block of transactions is made up of a reward subsidy and transaction fees. As of 2020 the block reward subsidy is 12.5 bitcoin, but the amount halves every four years with the amount scheduled to halve to 6.25 bitcoin around the 12th of May 2020. To be competitive as a miner, you will either need an ASIC (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) unit connected to a computer or several GPUs (Graphics Processing Units) which would be better suited to mining alternative crypto currencies which could be traded for bitcoins. Go to to get an idea of how much you would have to spend in hardware and electricity costs before you turned a profit mining Bitcoin. Keep in mind that for most individual miners, the reality is that they will spend thousands before they mine enough Bitcoin to put them over the top. If you're set on trying to mine Bitcoin despite the cost, you'll need an ASIC miner and a power supply to run it, as well as several GPUs. ASIC miners vary in price depending on their power and efficiency, but you can expect to spend between $1500 and $2000. Once you buy your hardware, you need to be able to set it up. If you don't know your way around circuit boards and computer hardware, this might not be the best hobby for you. A mining pool, such as BitMinter, CK Pool, or Slush Pool, allows you to pool your mining resources with other miners to increase your power and efficiency. Without a mining pool, you would likely mine for years before you managed to get any Bitcoin at all. When you register with a mining pool, you'll receive configuration settings you can use to add your mining rig to the pool as a worker. Your mining rig will start working as soon as you save these settings in your rig. You can control electricity costs by only running your mining rig a few hours a day. However, you're not likely to mine very much Bitcoin this way. Even in a pool, you're only going to get Bitcoin that your rig actually played a part in mining. Because mining rigs generate a lot of heat, keeping it in a basement or garage, where it may be naturally cooler, can be a good option. Not everybody has thousands of dollars to invest in a mining rig, or the tech savvy to keep it up and running –that's where cloud mining comes in. Cloud mining companies own massive server farms of mining rigs and offer contracts that essentially allow you to lease the power of their miner farms for a limited period of time. There are a lot of cloud-mining scams out there. Go to to research the company's reputation before you buy a contract. Smaller contracts (typically around $100) may never mine enough Bitcoin to turn a profit. Even larger contracts (several thousand dollars) may take years to mine enough Bitcoin for you to break even., A: Focus on symptoms difficult to verify. Be dramatic. Keep your sick call short. Return to work under the weather. | 0 |
Passage: Close the Contacts tab to do so. It's the gear-shaped icon in the upper-right side of the inbox. A drop-down menu will appear. This option is in the drop-down menu. You'll find this tab at the top of the page. It's a link in the "Import mail and contacts" section of the page. A pop-up window will appear. Type the email address of the account from which you want to import mail into the text box in the middle of the pop-up window. This is at the bottom of the window. It's at the bottom of the window. Doing so opens a new pop-up window. In the new window that opens, do the following: Enter your email address and password when prompted. Scroll down and click Agree or Allow in the ShuttleCloud menu. Close the email verification window when asked. It's in the middle of the window. You can uncheck the "Import contacts" and "Import new mail" boxes here; if you want your inbox to import new emails for the next 30 days, leave that box checked. This is at the bottom of the window. It's at the bottom of the window. Doing so will prompt your old email service's emails to begin importing into your Gmail inbox. It can take several hours for the emails to finish importing, and you may not actually see the imported emails in your inbox for a couple of days., Summary: Take note every time you say something sarcastic. Identify your "trigger situations. Imagine that all of your words are being written down. Rate your sarcasm usage. | 0 |
Q: Summarize the following: Your doctor can diagnose if it really is a bladder infection or something else. If you can’t get an appointment with your normal doctor, try visiting an urgent care center. If you suspect a bladder infection, you can purchase a urinary tract infection home test kit at your local pharmacy. You can also check your urine for signs of infection by urinating into a clear glass container and letting it sit for a while. Hold the glass up to the light and look for clouding or sediment. These are both signs of infection. Symptoms of a bladder infection include a constant desire to urinate, a burning sensation when you urinate, red or cloudy urine, a foul unusual smell from your urine, or pelvic pain in women. If you have a fever, chills, flushed skin, or back pain, the infection may have spread to your kidneys. Get immediate medical care. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or if you could be pregnant. Your doctor may ask you to urinate into a cup. Follow your doctor’s instructions for this test. Generally, you will step into the bathroom and clean your genitals using an antibacterial wipe given to you by your doctor. Hold the cup above the toilet as you urinate into it. Your doctor may be able to test the sample right in their own office. In some cases, however, they will need to send it off to a lab. Some types of bacteria are resistant to certain antibiotics, so your doctor may want to get a culture and sensitivity test done on your urine to be sure you are getting the most effective treatment. Make sure to follow up with them about the results. Your doctor will likely prescribe you a pill to take once or twice a day. Although discomfort and burning may clear up in a few days, do not stop taking your antibiotic until you have gone through the full course of medication. Women may take antibiotics for as few as 3 days, although pregnant women may need them for up to 2 weeks. Men will usually take antibiotics for 1-2 weeks. If you stop taking the medication, the infection could return, and it may be harder to treat. Children over the age of 2 months will also be given an antibiotic, although it may come in chewable form. Talk to their pediatrician for more information. The most common side effects of antibiotics are nausea and lack of appetite. If you have a rash, shortness of breath, hives, or swelling on your face, see a doctor immediately, as this could be an allergic reaction. Severe allergic reactions rarely happen after the first 1-2 doses, although some people may develop a mild reaction (such as a rash) after several doses. Some women may develop yeast infections while taking antibiotics. Infants may experience this side effect in the form of diaper rash. Eating acidophilus yogurt while you are on antibiotics may help prevent yeast infections. If you develop back pain, chills, fever, or vomiting, your doctor may recommend that you go to the hospital. They will insert an IV into your body to provide fluids and antibiotics. You may be in the hospital for a few days. If you experience unusual lower back pain, even without any other symptoms, get immediate medical attention. If you are pregnant, your doctor may advise you to go to the hospital if a fever develops. If you have another medical condition, such as cancer, diabetes, or a spinal cord injury, your doctor may admit you to the hospital as a precaution. An IV may be used for children under the age of 2 months instead of a pill or chewable tablet., A: Visit your doctor if you are worried about a bladder infection. Undergo a urine analysis to diagnose the infection. Take a prescription antibiotic according to your doctor’s instructions. Check into the hospital for IV treatment in severe situations. | 1 |
Context: If you are not able to get stubborn hair dye off your skin, consider investing in an over-the-counter stain remover. Many drug stores sell stain removers that can remove excess color from the ends of your hair, any stains on your clothes, and any stains on your skin. For very easy application, look for hair dye remover wipes at your local drug store. These wipes dissolve any color stains on your skin and are often made with products that will not irritate your skin. Your hairdresser may be able to recommend a stain removal product for your skin type and based on the type of dye you used on your hair. Ask her for advice, but be prepared for her to scold you for not getting your hair professionally dyed!, Summary: Buy a professional stain remover. Use stain remover wipes. Talk to your hairdresser about a professional stain removal product. | 1 |
The answer of "Summarize the following Using the USB cable that came with your device, plug your device into your computer. If it's your first time doing this, your computer should begin to install drivers automatically. If your Mp3 player came with a CD or instructions on how to install drivers, follow the instructions specific to your player's manufacturer. Launch the File Explorer in any version of Windows by pressing ⊞ Win+E and navigate to the folder which contains your music. If you don't know where your music files are stored on your Windows computer, press ⊞ Win+F to open Windows Search. Type *.mp3 (or .ogg, .flac, .mp4, etc) in the search box and press ↵ Enter. When the files are returned, right-click on one and choose “Properties.” The full path to the file will appear next to Location. Press ⊞ Win+E and expand the Computer menu on the left side of the screen. Double-click on your Mp3 player, which should be called something like “Removable Disk” or “Mp3 Player.” Check the instructions that came you're your device for the exact place to store your music files, but most players have a folder called “Music.” Once you've located the folder, open it by double-clicking. In the first File Explorer window (the one open to the music folder on your PC), select the files you want to transfer. Most Mp3 players will allow you to drag an entire folder (or folders) to the device, so don't panic if you you're your files neatly organized by artist. Highlight the files drag them to the other File Explorer screen (the one open to the Music folder on your Mp3 device). Make sure the songs are copying before you do this. You can do this by clicking on your USB device in the system tray (the lower right hand corner of your screen, near the clock) and selecting “Safely eject hardware.” This should happen automatically once you've disconnected it from the computer. If the files don't show up in your Music menu, restart the device to initiate the scan." is Connect the Mp3 player to the computer. Find the folder on your computer that contains your music. Open another File Explorer window to view your Mp3 Player. Find the Music folder on your Mp3 player. Drag the songs to the Mp3 player. Close the File Explorer windows. Safely disconnect the Mp3 Player. Wait for your Mp3 player to scan the new files. | 1 |
Context: Once you have an idea of how to control your lines and create different values of light and dark, try drawing a real object or group of objects. Pick something relatively simple to start with, like a bowl of fruit, a flower, or a vase. Use a lamp to create a strong light source. Sketch in the outlines of what you see, then fill in the shadows and interior details. Try to really draw what you see rather than what you think the objects should look like. This is harder than it sounds! To do it, try outlining the negative spaces around and between the objects rather than the outlines of the objects themselves. These are called still-life drawings, and they are commonly used in art classes for practicing technique. Cartoon drawings tend to be more simple than realistic drawings, but they also open the door for you to be more creative. You might draw yourself as a superhero, for instance, or you could draw a cartoon animal who goes on adventures. You could even practice drawing a character that already exists, like your favorite anime or comic-book hero. Focus on your main character first, then create different backgrounds, supporting characters, and props for your cartoon to interact with. Also, play with your character's facial expressions and pose to convey different emotions and actions. You can also create realistic-looking fantasy drawings from your own imagination. For instance, if you have a clear idea in your head of what a dragon would look like, you could try drawing that! For more tips, check out How to Draw Cartoon Characters or How to Draw Cartoon Animals. Find a reference photo of an animal you really like and study its features before you start to draw. Then, start by sketching the outline of the animal. Once you've done that, fill in any major features, like its face, wings, or fins. Then, gradually add detail and shading until you're happy with the picture. Drawing animals can be hard! Pay attention to light and shadows if you want to make your picture look realistic, or emphasize the animal's most notable features if you want a more cartoonish drawing. Check out How to Draw Animals for a more in-depth look. If you want to draw a specific animal, try reading an article like How to Draw a Dog, How to Draw a Cat, How to Draw a Lion, How to Draw a Fish, or How to Draw a Bird., Summary: Sketch a simple object from life. Try your hand at drawing cartoons if you have a playful style. Draw a picture of your favorite animal to practice detail. | 1 |
Passage: This will stiffen the mesh so that you can attach it to the fence posts and rails. The mesh should overlap the rail by 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5.1 cm) and be 2 inches (5.1 cm) off the ground. You'll need someone to help you stand the mesh up to the end post and a socket wrench to turn the bolt. Stand it up against the fence frame, taking out the slack as you go. Use fence ties to hold it in place. Separate enough length from the roll to span the opening between the terminal posts. Using a single strand of wire removed from one end of the mesh, join two sections by corkscrewing the loose strand through the end links. A second strand may have to be removed to provide the correct line-up of "diamonds." Using pliers, untwist the top and bottom loops on one strand of wire where you want to separate the mesh. Work the freed strand out of the links until the two sections separate., Summary: Take note of any itching or bumps on your skin. Check your clothing. Identify the body lice. | 0 |
Passage: "prt sc" stands for Print Screen. All Windows operating systems will have this functionality built in already. This will copy whatever is on your screen to the clipboard. You can then paste it into a program such as Paint, Word, PowerPoint, etc. Depending on your keyboard, "prt sc" may be its own button. On other keyboards, though, it may share with another button. It is usually located in the upper right of the keyboard, near the number pad if you have one. This will copy to the clipboard whatever is on your screen. Many programs will accept pasted images, including Word, PowerPoint, Paint, PhotoShop, etc. While in the program, either press CTRL + V or right-click and select "Paste" from the dropdown menu in order to paste the screenshot., Summary: Assess your feed by smelling it and looking at it. Have your feed tested. | 0 |
The summary of "A globe or ball (sphere) can work also, but it's harder to measure. Circumference | diameter | quotient C / d = ? __________|________|__________________ __________|________|__________________ __________|________|__________________ __________|________|__________________ Mark the distance one time around it on the string. This is the circumference: it's just like perimeter, but, the perimeter of a circle--the distance around a circle--is called the circumference, not perimeter, usually. Write down your measurement of the circumference using decimals. Pin or tape the ends of the string for measuring it accurately (straight and extended to its full measure), since you would have needed to tighten the string around the circular object, so now you would tighten it lengthwise. This is the diameter. Note: Multiplying two times radius, i.e.: "2 X radius = diameter" is also written as "2r = d". The four division problems of C / d = _____, should be about 3 or 3.1 (or about 3.14 if your measurements are accurate); so what is pi: It's a number. It's a ratio. It relates diameter to circumference. Of course, using precise measurements using dividers, which are similar to a compass can help. 3.1 + 3.15 + 3.1 + 3.2 = ____ /4 = ____? That's 12.55 / 4 = 3.1375, and can be rounded-off to 3.14). That's the idea of "pi". The number of diameters that makes the circumference (all the time, so it's constant)... That is the constant "pi". That number of diameters. Also, the radius will fit a little more than 6 (2 times pi) times around a circle, as well as knowing that the diameter goes three times; so, that implies a circumference formula C = 2 X 3.14 X r, which is just = 3.14 X d ... by using 2r is d ("Got it", nod yes. "Yeah!" But, read and think over it again until it really soaks in, if it's not yet crystal clear). Do this for each of the containers. The left-over piece of string from each of the circumference strings cut-outs will be approximately the same length. The measurement length of this short piece of string should be .1415 which is just an example of getting approximately 3.14..." is Combine two Striped Candies. Combine a Striped Candy and a Wrapped Candy. Combine a Striped Candy and a Candy Bomb. Combine two Wrapped Candies. Combine a Wrapped Candy and a Candy Bomb. Combine two Candy Bombs. | 0 |
Context: Scorpios can tell right off if you're being fake. They are the best lie detectors, and value sincerity and trustworthiness in prospective partners. You can know that they will never share a secret you trust them with, and for your own good, you'd best not be spreading any of theirs. Never lie to a scorpio. Breaking trust can be one of the quickest ways of turning a Scorpio guy off and losing him. Even if you think the truth will hurt, it'll be better to be completely honest. Talk with him about subjects which excite your passion. Many Scorpios secretly feel that the rest of the world lives on the surface of life while they go spelunking into the depths. Show him that you have investigated a few deep caves of meaning as well. Cut right for the heart of an issue and talk about big topics. Scorpios can spot insincerity a mile away, and will turn the other way when they see it coming. It will help if you are as intrigued by some of Scorpio's favorite subjects like science, political power and the occult. Stay up on current events and world issues. Voice your opinion about what's going on and ask him what he thinks as well. Don't shy away from a good debate. Challenge him on things you disagree about and stand up for yourself. Scorpios are driven by the desire to lose themselves fully in The Other, to achieve an almost mystical state of Kundalini with another person that makes them feel regenerated, renewed, and reborn. Scorpios want to get to know you on an intimate level, but may shy away from making the first move. Be forthright and answer questions he asks as sincerely as possible. If a Scorpio asks a question, he's not just asking to be polite. Scorpios truly want to know and understand you and figure out why you are the way you are. Clue him into what makes you tick. A Scorpio will appreciate learning more about you, for Scorpios are cursed with craving intense emotional honesty. They often feel that nobody will ever truly understand them, but struggle to express themselves without some encouragement. Scorpios are serious and will appreciate your desire to have serious conversations, or to spend time reflecting together. Scorpios don't need constant entertainment or constant chatter in their lives, but do require a lot of time spend in reflection. When you're with him, it's ok to share silence comfortably. Don't look for easy solutions or easy entertainments. Talk about recent books that you've both read, or difficult films that you've seen. Don't brush things off by saying, "I didn't like it." Instead, think about it. Discuss it. Wrestle with things together. Don't fill time by rambling. When you talk, it should be in terms of substance, sharing your hopes, fears, and dreams. No Twitter updates. When you're with a Scorpio, focus your attention on being together, and doing what you're doing. Shut off and put away your cell phone when you're hanging out and talking, so this guy won't feel and if he's being ignored. Make eye contact while you're talking. Practice active listening skills, summarizing the things that he says and responding to them in turn. A Scorpio prides himself on being mysterious and layered, and it might take a while to get to know him. But he'll appreciate the chance to share with you, if you play your cards right. Listen when he talks and look for opportunities to get him to open up even more. If a Scorpio says something, take it to the bank. It will mean a lot to him later if you remember little details, like the name of his best friend from school, or the name of his favorite pet from childhood. These little details show you care. Don't tease Scorpios. If you want to leaven your conversation with humor, keep it a bit dark and sarcastic. A Scorpio man is not attracted by goofiness or silliness since it tends to deflate the intensity of a conversation., Summary: Act naturally and prove your trustworthiness. Show that you have some substance. Share some intense emotional secrets with a Scorpio. Spend time contemplating the same things together. Give him your undivided attention. Don't pry into his life, but listen to what he reveals. | 1 |
Passage: Dripper irrigation systems provide a steady flow of water to individual plants. If you want to water each plant on its own, choose a dripper system to give your plants a direct water source. A dripper system consists of many square, flat waterspout-like "drippers" hooked to your irrigation piping that emit a small, steady water flow. Dripper systems also work well for potted outdoor plants. If you have a large yard or want to cover more area, you may want to choose another system. Sprinkler heads can water a radius between 3 feet (0.91 m) to 30 feet (9.1 m), depending on the flow rate and water pressure. Pick a sprinkler system if you have a large yard that needs even watering. Sprinkler irrigation systems consist of many sprinkler bulbs hooked to the irrigation piping that spray water out of their nozzles. Sprayers and bubblers have adjustable radiuses and can provide either direct or general attention to plants in your yard. Choose a bubbler or sprayer system if you want to control the amount of direct water flow your plants get at a given time. Sprayer and bubbler systems look like a cross between sprinklers and bubblers. They are generally flat and square, with a nozzle on top that sprays a steady water flow. Bubbler and sprayer systems tend to have a smaller radius than sprinkler systems., Summary: Install a dripper system to water individual plants. Choose a sprinkler irrigation system to cover more distance. Buy a sprayer or bubbler system as a hybrid between drippers and sprinklers. | 1 |
Context: Cut out a 3 by 2 in (7.6 by 5.1 cm) rectangle from yellow construction paper. Cut out another rectangle inside of it to create a hollow buckle shape. The rectangle can be vertical or horizontal--it’s up to you! Do not cut through the edge when cutting out the center. Pierce the center of the rectangle with your scissors or, if necessary, cut the center out using a craft knife or utility knife. Apply a thin coat of glue stick to one side of the paper buckle. Shake some gold glitter over the glue and let dry. This will make it look like shiny metal buckle! Make sure to shake off the excess glitter after you apply it. Use scissors to cut a standard sheet of green construction paper in half lengthwise, creating two skinny rectangles. If you want a taller hat, you can skip this step and use the entire sheet of construction paper for the body of the hat. You can recycle the other half of the sheet--you won’t need it anymore! Carefully draw a straight line along the bottom of one of the green halves, about 2 inches (51 mm) from the bottom. Color this bottom portion in with black marker, crayon, or colored pencil. Apply glue along the edge of the paper, on the side opposite from the belt. Bring the other edge around so that it overlaps the glue edge, forming a cylinder. Press the two edges in place and let dry. The paper should be face up, with the black band visible, when you apply the glue to one edge. Place the cylinder on top of another sheet of green construction paper. Draw a circle around the cylinder that is roughly 2 inches (51 mm) wider than the cylinder itself. Cut this circle out with scissors. Place the cylinder on top of the circle again. Trace around it exactly this time, making sure that this second inside circle is the same size as the opening of the cylinder. Cut this circle out with scissors, but be careful not cut the outside circle. Avoid making the circumference of the circle smaller than that of the cylinder, since a circle that is too small will fall through when placed on the top of the cylinder. Use glue or tape to attach the smaller green circle to the top of the cylinder. This will close it off and make it look like a hat! Place circle on your work surface and set the cylinder on top of it. Tape the two pieces together, attaching the tape to the inside of the cylinder rather than the outside. If using glue, you will need to lay the circle on your work surface and draw a thin line of glue around the edge. Set the cylinder on top so that it dips into the glue. Turn the hat upside-down and place the ring on top. Tape the two pieces together, attaching the tape to the inside of the cylinder and the bottom of the brim. Apply a thin coat of glue to the paper buckle. Press the buckle onto the black strip at the bottom of the hat and let it dry. The seam of the hat should face the back, and the buckle should be directly across from the seam at the front of the hat., Summary: Cut out a rectangle for the buckle. Coat the buckle in glitter. Cut a sheet of green construction paper in half. Draw a belt onto the bottom of one construction paper half. Glue the sides together to form a cylinder. Cut out a circle 2 inches (51 mm) wider than the cylinder. Cut the center of the circle out. Tape or glue the small circle to the top of the cylinder. Attach the ring to the bottom of the cylinder. Glue the buckle onto the hat. | 1 |
Passage: Go over your lawn with your trusty lawnmower, on a lower-than-usual setting. This will thin out the existing lawn and help your new seed blend in better. Go over the entire lawn with a rake, making sure to thin out dried-out or dead grass. Plunge the tines of the broad fork into the soil, pull back slightly, and then take your broad fork out of the soil. When doing this, be careful not to disturb the structure of the soil. When aerating, you don't want to overturn the soil, just loosen it up a bit. Overturning the soil will uproot the grass and may cause the proliferation of weeds. Spread just enough to cover anywhere from 1⁄4 inch (0.6 cm) to 1⁄2 inch (1.3 cm) of grass. Apply the mulch lightly enough that some of the soil surface is visible through the mulch. Once the seedlings begin to grow, water less frequently, hitting 1 inch (2.5 cm) per week., Summary: Mow the lawn lower than usual. Rake the existing lawn to further thin it out. Aerate the soil with a broad fork (preferable) or other aerating device. Spread compost, and then fertilizer, over the entire lawn. Pass over the lawn with a spreader several times to apply the seed. Rake in the seed, making sure to cover all spots equally. Mulch the entire area lightly using weed-free straw or hay. Water the area regularly in the beginning. | 1 |
The answer of "Summarize the following Every day before you write, go back and re-read what you have already written. Fix obvious mistakes in grammar, syntax, perspective, tense, spelling, and punctuation immediately. When you see something you think needs to be re-written or fact-checked, mark it. By the time you finish your first draft, it will already be in relatively tidy shape. Going back and editing what you have written recently will help you avoid inconsistencies in storyline and style. Don't re-write when you edit. Mark it so that you can return to it later. When you are trying to generate a first draft, it's important not to get bogged down second-guessing yourself. If you can't proofread and make marks without also rewriting, skip the proofreading and marking. Having written the whole first draft, break it into sections. These sections should not be your chapters, unless your chapters are especially long. Instead, divide your manuscript into quarters, fifty-page units, or 20,000 word units, whichever feels right to you. Take the next several days to edit one section at a time. Fact-check and rewrite the sections you have marked. Revise for coherence and speed. Does each section of the book do the work you want it to do? Once you have the quarters edited, read the whole manuscript from beginning to end. Print it for a fresh perspective, and make notes on the printed manuscript. Ask yourself, does the story happen at the right pace? Does each section set up the next section? This is your chance to delete paragraphs or chapters that aren't contributing to the whole. Anything that feels repetitive or unnecessary should be cut. Make the changes to your document. Keep the manuscript with your notes in case you want to revisit it later. This is not the time to polish every sentence. You're trying to build the foundation at this point. Once you have this second draft written, let it sit. Try to not even think about it for a period of weeks or months. The amount of time is up to you. When the time feels right, return to it. If you aren't sure, look at the manuscript. If you immediately start to rewrite it, you aren't ready. Some authors take six months, and others only take a few weeks. You should have some emotional distance by the time you return. This will allow you to spot and excise weaknesses in your prose, and to have a clearer vision of the work as a whole. If you have people in your life who are willing to read early drafts, you can send them your draft while you wait. Be sure to explain exactly what kind of feedback you want. Don't leave it for too long. While a few months is fine, a year or more might distance you too much from your original ideas. This edit should take place on your computer, and will probably involve serious changes. Read through the manuscript once, taking notes as you go. When you're done, organize these new notes alongside any other notes you have (notes you left yourself before the rest, notes you got from other readers, notes you jotted while you waited) so that they are in the chronological order of your manuscript. Revise your manuscript according to the notes. After this initial read-through, make the changes your notes point to. Go through again in sections, like you did for the first draft. This stage can take weeks or months, depending on the level of change your book needs. When your manuscript is in reasonable, readable shape, having been edited twice and having been freed of typos and inconsistencies, get a few readers together. You can ask for friends, colleagues, and professional editors to read your manuscript. Ask them for specific feedback, and explain exactly what you are going to do with their feedback. For a first or second draft, you might ask for advice on plot, characters, research, or sequence. For a later draft, you might ask more general questions, such as "is this believable? Original? Does it make sense? Were you surprised by the ending?" You can hire professional editors to give you feedback on your manuscript. Look online for "manuscript editors" or call up editing agencies and ask for someone who is experienced at editing your specific genre. Even if you do have friends who are willing to look at your manuscript, professional readers and editors can make a huge difference. When your book is pretty polished, and you've edited it so many times you can't really hear it anymore, print it off and read it aloud from beginning to end. Reading it aloud will teach you what parts are still not quite working. It is natural, after this much editing, to hate your manuscript. If you get bored by any section, however, you may want to revise it or edit it out. After you have read the whole book, do a nonlinear read-through. Go through and read the first sentence in every chapter. Read the first sentence and last sentence of each section, and of the book as a whole. If you find echoes, but not repetition, your book is exhibiting coherence. Look through your manuscript for sentences and paragraphs that are too long, too choppy, fragmented or run-on. Make sure your opening paragraph is elegantly written and contains action that will pull your reader in. If you wrote a book of poems, read each line separately and determine that it is worth attention on its own. If you wrote a novel or a play, edit the dialogue for flow, characterization, and style. Read the dialogue aloud to feel whether or not it sounds natural: do your characters all talk the same way? Do they use too much repetitive filler language? Is there vocabulary and syntax consistent with the time and station they live within? Proofread and revise one final time. This is a good time to format your manuscript, and add footnotes, endnotes, or epigraphs, depending on the kind of book you are editing. Format your book according to the guidelines of your agent or the press (or presses) you are submitting to. If you haven't yet titled your book, now is the time. Write a title that will catch your readers attention, and that is representative of the content and style of your book. To brainstorm a title, pull language from the book that is representative of its main themes. This could be dialogue, description, a symbolic object, or even proper names, such as the name of a protagonist, a place, or a time/event. The title you give to your draft is called your "working title." Your publishers or editors may want to see several working titles to determine the best one." is Edit as you write. Edit each quarter. Print it and read the whole thing. Let it cook. Write a second draft. Get outside feedback. Read it aloud. Edit on the level of the line. Make finishing touches. | 1 |
Context: Head to your local hardware store for two 6-ft two-by-fours, two 17-by-17-inch squares of plywood, two 14-by-14-inch squares of carpet (or fake grass) and two 3.5-inch pieces of PVC pipe, each with a 4-inch diameter. Cut each two-by-four to 17 inches in length. Create a 17-by-17-inch square by cutting the ends of each of these four two-by-fours at 45-degree angles with a miter saw or box saw. Ensure that they can fit together to form perfect 90-degree angles in order to give the corners of the box a more finished look. Alternatively, cut two pieces of two-by-four to 14 inches (35.6 cm) and another two to 17 inches (43.2 cm). Place the shorter pieces between the longer ones; this will still give you a 17-by-17-inch square without the hassle of making angled cuts. You may use plywood, OSB, or any type of wood that suits your budget and playing needs. Be sure to lay the two-by-fours down on their narrow sides, not on the fat sides. Cut PVC pipe into two sections of about 3 ½”. You can also use other type of pipe but PVC is best for durability and budget. Flip the carpet face-down and, using a straight edge, trace two diagonal lines connecting the opposite corners. This will mark the center of the square. Center it according to the X you drew in the previous step and, using a marker, trace both the inside and the outside of the pipe onto the fabric. Using the utility knife, first cut the smaller circle out of the carpet. Try to keep the shape intact and set it aside, as you will need it later. Then, cut the remaining larger circle out of the carpet. Since you will not need this piece later, don’t worry about keeping it intact., Summary: Gather your materials. Cut four pieces of two-by-four to create a square. Create the targets using PVC pipe. Draw an X on the backside of your square of carpet. Trace the PVC pipe onto the center of the backside of the carpet. Cut the traced areas out of the carpet. | 1 |
The answer of "Summarize the following When you have rolled your bread slices up, you should have one or more burrito shaped rolls. In order to make them into pinwheel sandwiches, take a knife and hew them into evenly-sized chunks. Cut them into bite-sized chunks that are similar in size to bites of sushi. If you want a proper measurement, cut the pieces in one inch segments. An inch length is a good bite-size for this type of sandwich. If you've sufficiently loaded your sandwiches, there's a good chance there will be ingredients that are protruding from the bread once you've rolled it up. If there's anything sticking out from your roll, snip it off as close to the roll as you can. If you're short and time and aren't trying to make perfect pinwheels, you don't necessarily have to trim the excess pieces. But doing so will make your pinwheels look more professional. Although pinwheel sandwiches do a reasonably good job of holding their shape, locking them down with a toothpick will make sure they don't unfurl before being eaten. Before you present them, impale them down the centre with one toothpick each. If you're packing the sandwiches for children, it may be best for safety's sake to go without the toothpicks. The same applies to serving the very elderly. Pinwheel sandwiches are a perfect party food. Because they look great as a finger food, you should put some effort into the way you present them on a platter. The most common way to do this is to ring them around the perimeter of the platter, working your way in as you fill the tray. Including a dipping sauce in the center of the platter will be a hit if you're serving a group. Pinwheel sandwiches are small enough to fit snugly into a kid's lunch box. Seal them in ziploc bags to preserve their freshness. Because of their small size, you should be able to pack three or four into one bag. If you're making them specifically for a child, you should fill them with his favourite ingredients." is Add 2 to 3 drops of essential oil to your potpourri. | 0 |
Q: Summarize the following: A great thing about weight loss is that even small changes can improve your overall health. A normal initial goal for treating obesity is a “modest weight loss” – usually 3-5% of your total weight. For instance, if you weigh 250 lbs (114kg), you can set an initial goal of losing 7.5-12.5 lbs (3.5-5.7 kg) to start improving your health. Losing even 5% of your body weight can reduce your risk for developing diabetes, and it may even help improve liver function. The more weight you lose, the bigger the health benefits – but set small, attainable goals in order to stay positive and dedicated. You don't have to be perfect – it's okay to treat yourself occasionally. If you meet a weight-loss or exercise goal, reward yourself. Ideally, do something fun such as seeing that movie that's in theatres or taking a weekend trip; but if it's a food treat you're craving, go for it. One fattening meal won't impede your success, and it's important to appreciate your hard work. Body mass index, or BMI, is defined by comparing your body weight in kgs to your height in meters. It's usually a good measure of your amount of body fat. A BMI of 18-25 is considered normal, and obesity is classified into ranges of severity. Keep track of your BMI with your doctor to monitor your progress, and set health-conscious goals. BMI is categorized as follows: 40 and higher: Extreme/morbid obesity (class III obesity) 35-39.9: Class II obesity 30-34.9: Class I obesity 25-29.9: Overweight 18.5-24.9: Normal/healthy When you don't sleep enough or sleep too much, your body releases a hormone that can affect your appetite and make you crave carbohydrates. Maintain a healthy and consistent sleep schedule and get as close to 7-9 hours of sleep as you can. Try the following: Set regular times to go to bed and wake up. Avoid napping during the day. Leave your bedroom for sleeping – don't watch TV or do other activities in bed. Sleep in a cool, dark space. Avoid caffeine after 4pm, or earlier if you're sensitive to caffeine. Create a relaxing ritual before bed, like taking a hot bath or having a cup of (decaffeinated) tea. Surround yourself with friends and family who encourage your goal of overcoming obesity and maintaining a healthy weight. Invite others to cook healthy meals with you. Find a “workout buddy,” and encourage each other to exercise regularly. The National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) is an ongoing database and investigation of people who have successfully lost weight and who are continuing to do so. This program will ask you to record your eating, health, and exercise habits by occasionally sending you questionnaires. This is a great way to help researchers understand weight loss while helping you keep track of your own habits. To join, you must be 18 years old. You need to have lost at least 30 pounds and to have kept 30 pounds off for at least a year. Questionnaires are sent out every two months., A: Set realistic goals. Reward yourself when you meet your goals. Keep track of your BMI. Get 8 hours of sleep every night. Seek out supportive people. Join The National Weight Control Registry. | 1 |
The summary of "Making a film is more than picking up a camera and filming something. There is a whole legal side that must be taken care of in pre-production before filming starts. You must get a film permit from whatever city you are filming in. If you do not have a permit and the cops show up, your production will be shut down. You also need to purchase insurance for your production. If you do not have insurance and something goes wrong, you can be held liable and sued for injury or damaged property. . It's that simple." is Take care of legal issues. Be organized | 1 |
The summary of "Look for grilled or roasted options such as chicken, fish, shellfish, or lean cuts of beef. Selecting a main dish with a protein base, instead of a pasta base, will help you to vary the kinds of macro-nutrients you consume. Try chicken paillard, a classic Tuscan dish, or chicken caprese. Avoid Parmigiana and Milanesa dishes.These are breaded and fried. Italian restaurants often have a variety of seafood on their menus. Fish, shellfish, squid and octopus are all common, healthy options, provided they are not fried. They are high in unhealthy fats, sodium, and cholesterol. Selecting fish or chicken to add to pasta or pizza is a better choice for your health. They are generally not as processed as other Italian meat products. They also contain less fat and cholesterol." is Keep lean proteins in mind rather than huge, heavy, pasta-laden dishes. Go with seafood. Avoid meats that are high in nitrates like pepperoni and sausage. | 1 |
Context: Unfortunately, mosquitoes live on every continent except Antarctica. However, they're generally more common in warmer, wetter areas, which tend to be close to the equator. If you really want to avoid mosquito bites, stay out of tropical climates entirely. Mosquitoes are especially common in jungles and swamps in Central and South America, South and Southeast Asia, Sub Saharan Africa, and Oceania. If you're unsure about whether it's safe to travel to a certain part of the world, visit the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Malaria Travel Information website. This site gives a country-by-country breakdown of malaria prevalence, as well as any noted malarial drug resistances. Mosquitoes are often attracted to water, especially standing water, so lakes, stagnant creeks, bogs, marshes, and swamps are mosquito havens, especially during hot months. Most species of mosquitoes lay their eggs in stagnant water and some have even adapted to lay their eggs in salt water. Stay away from any bodies of stagnant water, whether they're small puddles or vast swamps, to reduce your risk of encountering mosquitoes. Many species of mosquito stay fairly close to where they hatch and breed. If you can give these wet, standing areas a wide berth, you'll avoid these species entirely. It's easy to unintentionally create habitats for mosquitoes to live and breed in. For instance, a kiddy pool left out in the summer sun for several days can soon become a hotbed for mosquitoes. Get rid of any standing water around your home or campsite. If you have a pool, cover it when it's not in use and treat the water with chemical additives like chlorine according to the manufacturer's instructions. Here are just a few places water can accumulate: Discarded tires or industrial containers Construction ditches or trenches Pools Natural low points on a piece of property Clogged storm drains In the tropics, differences between seasons are minimal, so mosquitoes are able to thrive in warm weather year-round. In temperate areas, however, mosquitoes are only active during warmer months. In colder periods, mosquitoes hibernate and new adults do not mature past the larval stage. For example, parts of the American Midwest have cold, snowy winters which eliminate mosquitoes entirely, but also have hot, humid summers, which cause mosquito populations to swell. "Mosquito season" varies depending on the locale - generally, it's the hottest and/or most-humid part of the year. Another seasonal factor which can influence mosquito populations is flooding. Some parts of the world, like Egypt's Nile River, experience periodic flooding. Standing water from the flooding can cause a dramatic boom in mosquito populations. This advice is especially important if you're in a hot, humid climate. Mosquitoes are thought to be attracted to warm bodies, so staying cool is one way to avoid bites. Dark-colored fabrics absorb more heat from the sun than light-colored alternatives, so avoid them. Also avoid excessive exercise when possible. Not only will exercise cause you to radiate heat, it will also cause you to breathe heavily. Carbon dioxide, one of the gasses you exhale, can be smelled by mosquitoes even at relatively long distances., Summary: Brush off the excess paint. Pour paint thinner over the stain. Scrape off the softened paint. Place a dry cloth over the stain on the outside of the shoe. Apply a bit of turpentine to the inside of the shoe behind the stained area. Rub the stain with a dry cloth and some laundry detergent. Soak overnight in a tub of hot water. Rinse off the shoes with cold water. | 0 |
Context: Open your browser and navigate to This will load the Mac-specific section of the Microsoft website. You will be taken to the list of available Mac Office programs. You can compare the features for the available bundles. All of the bundles available contain Word. Click the "Buy now" button for the bundle you want. You cannot purchase Word as a separate program, you must choose an Office bundle. If you are a student, you can get a four year subscription to Office 365 by clicking the "See options >" link at the bottom of the chart. You must have a valid university or other higher-education institution email address for this version. You will need to pay with a credit card, as well as create a Microsoft account in order to complete the purchase. You can also pay with PayPal. After you finish purchasing the product, an installer will be downloaded to your computer. Open the installer to begin the downloading and installation of the Office software. You will be given the option to choose which products you want to install, depending on which bundle you picked. You will need to log into the installer using your Microsoft account. Downloading Word can take a while, depending on the speed of your connection. You cannot use an existing Office product key to activate a new Mac download., Summary: Start at the top level. Write a Table of Contents, if applicable. Proofread again. Select a title. | 0 |
Context: You may want to build shelves into the wall or buy them, or you may already have shelves. If you put up shelves, you may want them right above your desk or on the other side of the room. This usually depends on where your desk is and what you use it for. If your desk is in a cubicle at work, you may need to set up some small shelves above or next to your desk. If your desk is in a home office or bedroom, you may want your shelves away from your desk so that they’re out of sight and don’t pose a visual distraction. Think about what will go on the shelves before you install them. Make sure they’re the right size for the books or tools you plan to put on them. By labeling shelves and drawers, you are telling yourself what goes in each place. This is key for staying organized. You can make your own labels with masking tape or stickers, or you can buy more decorative labels if you prefer. Make sure every label is clear and specific. That way, no drawer will simply become a “junk drawer.” If you like, you can use a color-coding system instead of writing the words on each drawer. Be careful with labels. Don't generalize too much or you can end up having messy drawers full of miscellaneous items. This can also cause confusion when it's time to put something away. You know the things that you use at your desk the most often. Keep those things close by and easy to get to. For example, if you have a few vertical drawers under your desk, the top one should contain the things you’ll reach for most frequently. Alternately, you can keep crucial items on shelves that are visible and easily within reach. You can choose a few important things that get to sit on top of your desk. These can include current projects or tools you use repeatedly, such as a ruler or calculator. This is key for not having trash pile up around your desk. Your trashcan should be reachable without getting up from your desk. That way, there’s no danger of leaving a piece of trash on your desk to clutter it up., Summary: Use shelves. Label drawers and shelves without damaging the finish of the drawers or shelves. Make important things accessible. Place a trashcan nearby. | 1 |
The summary of "There are a variety of dyes that can achieve this look, so shop around at your local beauty supply store or online. You can find many dyes that will actually be called “rose” or even “rose gold,” but layering any pink dye over your golden hair should do the trick. Depending on the intensity of the color dye you choose, you may need to pick up a diluter as well. A diluter will dilute the hair dye, giving you a lighter, more pastel result. Or, you can purchase a pastel pink dye, like from the Pravana Chromasilk Pastel collection or the L'Oreal Paris Féria Smokey Pastels collection. By splitting your hair into sections, you can ensure that you coat every piece with your rose dye. Sectioning your hair into a bottom, middle, and top layer may be sufficient. Hold sections out of the way with claw or duckbill hair clips. If you have thick hair, you may need to create more sections. Because there is no bleach involved in this step, time is a bit less critical. It’s more important that you thoroughly coat every single strand of hair that you want to be rose gold. You can use a dye brush to apply the product, but you can also simply rub the product into your hair with gloved hands. After you’ve applied it to each section, brush the section out to help distribute the dye even more and ensure you’ve gotten every piece. Typically, the longer you let your dye sit, the more intense the final color. Check the instructions on the dye you’ve purchased, and keep an eye on your hair as it processes. Once time is up, rinse the dye out of your hair. If your hair was very light, you may not need to leave your rose dye on for very long." is Enjoy the pomegranate by itself. Sprinkle the pomegranate seeds over a variety of ordinary foods. Add the pomegranate seeds to a variety of soups. Add pomegranate seeds to a variety of salads. Add the pomegranate seeds to a variety of drinks. Use pomegranate seeds to spice up your dessert. | 0 |
Context: Before going to any additional methods, try removing a stain the same way you would with a new stain. You may be able to get rid of the stain by simply soaking the fabric and then machine or hand washing it. If linen items are stored improperly or are put away with existing stains, it may be more difficult to remove the stains. Fill up a bathtub or sink with cool water for soaking. Hot water needs an added cleanser to prevent stains from setting. Every once in a while, check on the stain to see if it is being absorbed into the water. To test the stain, lightly rub the material between your fingers to see if it's coming out. Be gentle so that you don't rub the stain into the fabric. If the stains persist through multiple soakings and washing, let the fabric sit in the sun for a few hours. Sunlight can also damage fabric and bleach too much, so it’s important to keep an eye out if your fabric begins to look too light. Remove your linens from the sun if they begin to fade beyond the original color. You can put the linens out completely dry, or you can lightly mist them with a spray bottle filled with water, non-chlorine bleach, or any other liquid stain remover. Do not soak the fabric if you’re leaving it in the sun. It may create an unpleasant odor. Vintage fabrics may become damaged from direct sunlight so use caution when deciding whether or not to put antiques in sunlight. It’s best to iron linen while it’s slightly damp. Once you have successfully removed a stain, you can safely apply heat to any of your linen items. Use the proper setting on your iron so that you don't cause any damage. By pressing fabric, it is then easier to store and less susceptible to damage and wrinkling. Ironing a stain is a perfect way to seal the stain into the fibers. Check your whole garment or fabric to make sure that there are no other hidden stains. No matter the age of a stain, putting linens that have been rescued from stains in the dryer is not advised. Use a drying rack, clothesline with clothespins, or a clothes rack to air out your linens., Summary: Learn to palm-mute Write polyrhythmic riffs on a single note. Make it chug. Make breakdown riffs a feature of the music. | 0 |
The summary of "To find this, click the Apple menu. Select About This Mac then click More Info… In the left frame under Hardware, select Graphics/Displays. The right frame will list the graphics card that you have installed, as well as information about your connected monitor or display. Open the Terminal and type “system_profiler SPDisplaysDataType” then press Enter. Your video card information will be displayed in the terminal screen." is Open the System Profile. Find your graphics card. Find the System Profile from the command line. | 1 |
Q: Summarize the following: To cultivate an ongoing understanding of situations that tend to offend you, try journaling about some of your most memorable moments of victimhood. List 3 or 4 incidents with as much detail as possible. Push yourself to think deeply about these moments, expressing how you felt and why you took offense. Don't assume that the offense requires no explanation or is "obviously" offensive. Write why you were offended, not why anyone would take offense at the same thing. Then, write these moments down as if you are a journalist reporting an incident. Instead of writing about how you feel, try writing about what an outside observer saw. Is there anything you notice across these situations? Does a particular way of being treated frequently make you indignant with consistency? Look for the deeper reasons you were offended. For example, say you are offended by someone explaining something to you that you already know. Perhaps you are offended because your ego is bruised because the person doesn't see your smarts. Can you reasonably expect that this person should spend their time keeping track of what you know and don't know? These patterns are your triggers. When something like this happens to you in the future, you will know that the moment is ideal for trying out other responses. We typically justify or "prop up" our actions and beliefs with thoughts that rationalize them. What thoughts about what should and shouldn't be the case allow you to claim offense? What makes you think it's a proper response? Maybe you are offended because someone comes to your house-warming party without bringing a gift. The thoughts that might support taking offense could be ideas like: "Bringing a gift is the only way to show warmth." "A gift for me should be this person's priority regardless of other financial obligations." "I need to receive tokens from others to know that I am loved and supported". When it comes down to it, we can either spend our time trying to get others to adjust their behavior or work on our own reactions. Trying to change others is a weighty task because people are always changing, surprising us—not to mention how many there are out there. What’s more, trying to change others amounts to controlling others. Ethical issues abound. When you work on your reactions, you are making yourself a more flexible and joyous person who can handle more of the world with ease. Taking the “high road” is not just more noble, but actually more beneficial to your ability to cope with everyday life., A: Reflect upon past situations. Look for patterns. Explore the thoughts that justify offense-taking. Choose to privilege yourself over the “offender”. | 1 |
The answer of "Summarize the following Before you go through the whole trouble of trying to install the microwave, make sure it has all of the parts it needs. Nothing’s more frustrating that getting right to the last step of installation and realizing you’re missing a bolt or other part you need. The microwave kit should include a list of parts. Go through and check what’s actually in the box against this kit. If your kit is missing any parts, return to the store you bought it from to exchange it, or contact the manufacturer to order the component you lack. Reading the instructions beforehand will give you an overview of the whole process. That way, you’ll not only understand what each step requires, but also think ahead to what comes next. This will reduce the chances of making a mistake during the installation process. If the instructions ask you to use a technique you’re not familiar with, consider contacting a professional for help. Since a microwave is an electrical appliance, you will need to take care to avoid electrocution or other damage. Before you start installation, go to your circuit breaker, and flip the breaker for the range to the “off” position." is Unpack the microwave kit and check the contents. Read the instructions. Turn off the power. | 1 |
Passage: These aches, also known as reactive arthritis, can indicate that a chlamydia infection. Approximately one percent of men with urethritis will develop reactive arthritis, and approximately one-third of these patients have the complete reactive arthritis triad (RAT) formerly referred to as Reiter syndrome (arthritis, uveitis, and urethritis). Scrotal pain and swelling is the most common. If left untreated, as the chlamydia progresses, you will have a feeling of fullness in your abdomen, caused by infection in the epididymus, that leads to these other lower body aches. If you recently engaged in oral sex and have a sore throat, you could have contracted chlamydia from your partner this way, even if he wasn’t showing any symptoms. Transmission of chlamydia is possible from penis-to-mouth, as well as through vaginal and anal sex. Men with chlamydia may develop a fever and become nauseated, especially if the infection has spread to the ureters. A fever is generally anything higher than 37.3C or 99F., Summary: Watch for lower back, abdominal, and general pelvic pain. Monitor a sore throat. Watch for nausea or fever. | 1 |
The summary of "Make a doctor’s appointment if your tongue ulcer persists beyond 3 weeks. It may be infected or require special care. Typical ulcers should heal within a week or 2 at home. See your doctor or dentist if your tongue ulcer bleeds or becomes acutely painful. It may be caused by a viral infection or skin condition that needs to be addressed with medication rather than home care. Cold sores, caused by the herpes virus HSV-1, and hand, foot, and mouth disease are examples of viral infections that can cause tongue ulcers. Tell your doctor about any recurrent tongue sores, which may be a sign of a more serious condition. Nerve irritation, Chron’s disease, ulcerative colitis, Behcet’s disease and Reiter’s syndrome, and oral cancer can all cause recurrent tongue ulcers that heal slowly. Your doctor can examine your sores and create a treatment plan for you." is Read up on your options. Take a tour of each service. Try a few different programs. | 0 |
Context: Go to in your web browser. This will open your Yahoo inbox page if you're logged in. If you aren't logged into Yahoo, enter your email address and password when prompted. If you're still using the old Yahoo interface, you'll need to click the blue One click away from your upgraded Inbox link in the bottom-left corner of the page. Skip this step if you're using the new Yahoo view. Click a spam email to open it. In the upper-left corner of the email, you'll see a sender name (e.g., "Facebook") along with an email address between a set of brackets (e.g., "<[email protected]>"). Click and drag your mouse across the email address to select it, then press Ctrl+C (Windows) or ⌘ Command+C (Mac) to copy the address. Make sure not to include the brackets in the email address. It's in the upper-right side of the inbox. A drop-down menu will appear. This option is at the bottom of the drop-down menu. The Settings window will open. It's on the left side of the page. This option is to the right of the "Blocked addresses" heading in the middle of the Security and Privacy section. Click the "Address" text field, then press Ctrl+V (Windows) or ⌘ Command+V (Mac) to paste the copied email address into the text field. It's a blue button below the entered email address. Doing so will add the address to your blocked list, preventing any of their future emails from reaching your inbox., Summary: Open your Yahoo inbox. Switch to the new Yahoo view if necessary. Open a spam email. Copy the spam email's address. Click Settings. Click More Settings. Click the Security and Privacy tab. Click + Add. Enter the spam email address. Click Save. | 1 |
Passage: Before starting anything you should be clean. Be sure your hair is soft and groomed, not oily or frizzy. Use a gentle scrub to clear away any dead skin and oil on your body, and pat yourself dry. You may want to use just a little bit of moisturizer to keep your skin from looking too dry, and this can also make applying makeup a bit easier. After you are all ready, clip back your hair to keep it out of your face. Usually, Visual Kei makeup creates a very pale look. However, not many bands nowadays go for the full-facial white face-paint look, but there is nothing wrong with doing that, either. For a completely white face, do not over-apply! This can cause the makeup to look cakey. Use a makeup sponge or brush to spread it evenly over your face for a clean finish. If you want even more of a 'ghostly' glow on your face, you can apply a small amount of powder. If you cannot find any powder foundations that are light enough, baby powder can work wonders. For a more common look, you should choose a liquid foundation one or two shades lighter than your actual skin tone, but not any lighter than that–it will end up looking unnatural. You might want to choose a foundation with little or no oil because it can be uncomfortable and tends to look heavy. Water-based foundations are much lighter and sometimes cheaper. You may be able to spread out your foundation with your fingers. However, to avoid any streaking, you may be better off with a makeup sponge. After evenly applying your liquid foundation, make sure there are no obvious streaks or lines, and apply a small amount of powder foundation or shimmer. If you wish to manipulate lighting or the shape of your face, you should have even lighter and darker foundations handy. To accentuate features, use darker foundation on places such as cheekbones, on your jawline and around your nose. To give a bit more of a light, elegant look you can use lighter foundation on the bridge of your nose, your brow area, and/or cheeks. Something as simple as surrounding your eye with black eyeshadow for a smoky look and wearing concealer and gloss on your lips can look great for daily-wear. Jewels are always a nice and fun touch to finish off your eyes. You can place them along the bottom of your eyelid, in a row down the side, across your nose to the other eye, or anything you can think of! You can get jewels at any craft store or anywhere where cosmetics are sold. They may come with glue or you may need to use your own. An old glue stick could be fine, and eyelash glue works perfectly! Remember, in Visual Kei the sky's the limit. Look as strange as you please. Other items can be used, such as buttons, glitter, bits of fabric, fishnet/mesh - even tinfoil! If you like how it looks, go for it. Another wonderful touch for your eyes is false eyelashes. Be as tame or as wild as you want. Usually, the crazier-looking lashes are easiest to find during Halloween. If you want to add some extra pop to your eye makeup, why not even try circle lenses in a variety of colors? Usually, a nice gloss will finish off your look, but you can go much further if you'd prefer. Some bands will smear makeup, usually black, from their lips to the side of their face. While this is easy and can look great, it must be remembered that this is often ridiculed by older members of the scene due to its connections with cosplay and amateurish outfits. Others will make their lips pale (usually with foundation) and only color the inner portion of the mouth for a creepy, rigid look. For a full effect, you could always use lipliner, though it can be tricky to apply, so keep at it if you're going to use it. Just be creative with your lips: Line them with black and color them in with white, only color half of your lips, color beyond your actual lips, or anything you want. Have fun!, Summary: Hygiene comes first. Use foundation. Heavy, intricate eye makeup is a bit difficult to do every morning if you are in a hurry- so if you want to be quick about it, why not try experimenting with a more everyday look? Add jewels and other items. Lips. | 1 |
The answer of "Summarize the following Wait to preheat the oven until you are ready to begin preparing the ingredients. Turn the oven to 425°F (225°C). The oven should be ready by the time you have prepared the ingredients and shaped the dough. Depending on the amount of and size of gougères you're making, you may need more than one baking sheet. Consider how much room you have in the oven, how many pans you have, and how many people you will be serving. Line the baking tray with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat. Put the 1/2 cup (118.3 ml) of water, 1 stick (14.8 ml) of unsalted butter, 1/2 teaspoon (4.9 ml) of salt, and 1/2 cup (118.3 ml) of whole milk into a two or four quart saucepan. Stir the ingredients together and bring them to a rolling boil. You can also choose to add a ½ teaspoon (2.47 ml) of dry mustard powder to the mix." is Eat right Sleep well. Have all the necessary supplies. Drink lots of water. Don't do anything different. | 0 |
Passage: If you have identified symptoms that may indicate a learning disorder, talk to your doctor. They’ll have questions about your family medical history and the child’s academic performance. The doctor may refer you and your child to a neurologist to get a more complete picture of how the child’s brain functions. The doctor will also help you to rule out medical reasons for learning problems, such as poor vision or hearing. If you have your child’s IQ and standardized test results, show these to your doctor. There are various psychological and emotional tests that your child can take to help you and your doctor identify any issues and decide on a good course of treatment. The doctor may also ask you and your child to work closely with the school psychologist in diagnosing and treating a learning disorder. If your child struggles specifically with issues related to reading and speech, your doctor may refer them to a speech pathologist. The discrepancy between the two test scores that’s sufficient to diagnose a learning disability will differ between states. For example, in some states a difference of 15 points may be sufficient to diagnose the child with a learning disability, while in others, the difference may need to be over 20 points. Talk to your school district about whether your child's learning disability will permit them to get extra help in school. Talk to the school administrators or counselor about how to help your child if they’re not diagnosed with a learning disability. There may be other reasons for why your child is not performing at the level at which they should be., Summary: Visit your pediatrician to discuss the possibility of a learning disorder. Talk to your doctor about other tests to diagnose a learning disorder. Find out how your state identifies a learning disability. | 1 |
Context: Use your hydrometer to confirm that the water is still at roughly 25% salinity (or 1.02 specific gravity). Use a pH testing kit (either digital or chemical, both available at pet supply stores) to check the acidity of the water. For saltwater crabs, the pH should be between 8.0 and 8.3; for freshwater crabs, it should be between 6.5 and 7.5. Add a bit more water or marine salt to adjust the salinity, if needed. Add about 0.25 tsp (1.25 g) of baking soda per 1 US gal (3.8 L) of water to increase the pH, if necessary. If your tank has a filter, remove 50% of the water once per month or 25% of it twice per month. Do this by using a ladle or large syringe to remove the water, then add water that is at the tank’s temperature and that has been prepared (for salinity, pH, etc.) according to the needs of the crabs in the tank. Skim the sandy surface with the scoop so that you pick up the very top layer of sand and any feces or food waste present. Shake the scoop lightly so that the sand falls through the slits or holes, then discard the waste. Clean the sand more frequently if the tank tends to develop an unpleasant odor during the week. the tank completely 3 times per year. Move the crabs to individual containers that they can’t escape from, like high-sided plastic storage containers without lids. Return them to the tank as soon as you complete all of the following cleaning measures: Remove all plastic plants, toys, etc., wipe them down with a rag soaked in a 3% bleach solution (available at pet supply stores), rinse them with clean water, and dry them with a clean towel. Remove and discard all the water and sand in the tank. Clean all the interior surfaces of the tank with the 3% bleach solution, rinse them thoroughly with clean water, and dry them completely with clean towels. Prepare the tank as you did for the original setup, using new sand and properly-prepared water. Make sure the water and the tank interior are within the appropriate temperature range., Summary: Insert your toes into his armpits or sides. Begin to tickle the armpits with the sides of your feet. Reach in front of you to tickle your opponent's feet. Continue tickling your opponent's feet, sides, and armpits until he gives up. | 0 |
Context: Grab a pencil or some colored pens and just start doodling! Express yourself and draw whatever inspires you. You could try drawing less realistic things like cartoons and manga, or perhaps draw something in the room or a friend or family member. A really nice way to use the paper would be to go outside and just draw what you see. Once you have finished you can proudly display your artwork, perhaps in your new origami frame! Think tic tac toe is the only paper game out there? Think again. There are other games you can play to occupy time when all you have is paper and pen. Try Haikai (Collaborative Poetry Game). You could also make your own paper puzzles such as sudoku. You can also play paper football. Simply fold the paper into a small triangle or roll it into a ball and then start flicking it around. You might also want to make goal posts, depending on how much paper you have. You can actually play the classic board game using just a sheet of paper (and a partner!). Draw out an 11x11 grid and label one side with letters and the other with numbers. Plot your ships and then start playing. Just don't cheat! . Draw a grid of evenly-spaced dots, perhaps around 20 dots x 20 dots. Now, each player takes a turn drawing a line between two dots. Whoever draws the 4th line of a box claims that box. Whoever has the most boxes when the grid is full wins! You can make a paper gun using paper, scissors, and a rubber band. With this weapon in hand, you can start an office war or start a game with your friends. Just be careful not to hit anyone in the eye!, Summary: Understand that training does not guarantee you a position. Plan to devote 4 to 8 weeks to training. Study before training begins. Accept that company-specific training is required. Arrive at training well-prepared. | 0 |
Q: Summarize the following: No matter what else, avoid the poor quality video or your prospective viewers will take one look and move along. The picture and sound quality must be good to excellent, to keep the viewer interested in continuing with your work. Things to bear in mind include: Ensure that the lighting is good. Bad lighting is irritating because there are shadows, blurry bits and an inability to focus properly. All of this suggests poor quality and soon becomes so annoying it's hard to persevere with. Film with daylight where possible or use excellent indoor lighting in the filming areas. Don't have annoying or distracting noises in the background of videos. Such noises can make it difficult to hear your voice may over them. In general, it reduces the professional nature of your work. Make use of sound effects. For example: If someone is meant to be slapping someone, use sound effects, so that it seems real. These help to make the video more professional. If you're recording videos in real life, don't use your phone; use an actual camera. If you're making videos on your computer, don't use a camera; use screencasting or video capture software like Hypercam or Bandicam. If you're playing on a game console, use a capture card. Don't copy other videos. While it's okay to be inspired by the different ideas you come across in other videos, place your own mark on such ideas by expanding on them and mixing them up in your own way, so that your content is wholly unique and yours. Where you do rely on information from others, cite the sources and give them a kudos for an idea well executed, then borrowed by you. You'll win fans by being honest and by being supportive of other video makers. If your videos are the exact same as other people's videos, that won't be too interesting. It's okay, to have the same general theme but make it unique. Remember that people are meant to want to copy your videos, not the other way around! Adhere to the rules about copyright. Avoid using music, stills and video clips that are copyright unless you have the permission for them. It's demoralizing to have your video taken down because the copyright police found your content in breach of the rules. You don't have to plan everything you say word for word. But have a good idea of what you're going to be explaining or talking about. Planning ahead avoids things such as you stumbling or stuttering over words and so on. Good editing makes the difference between an amateur and a serious Youtuber. If you want to add special effects, this is the time to do so, provided they're good and make sense for the video., A: Identify the Big Dipper. Use the pointer stars to find the North Star. Locate north. | 0 |
The summary of "Right after planting, the tulips do actually need watering to trigger growth. This will likely be one of the few times you actually have to water them. Do not water them again until you see leaves. Then, you can give them a light sprinkling and that's it. If it hasn't rained in a few weeks in your area, give your tulips a dusting of water. This will be one of the rare occasions when you should step in and get some moisture into the soil. Tulips often need less water during the spring due to lots of rain and moisture. Most of the time, the weather will take care of this plant for you. Normal rainfall is all they need." is Water your tulips once planted. Water developing tulips only during a dry spell. | 1 |
Context: Putty, Play-doh, or modeling clay are all good options, as long as they are clean and new. Roll a small piece of your chosen material into a ball, and press the finger you wish to imitate into the putty. A hot, flattened piece of paraffin wax will leave a better impression, but only after five or ten minutes of pressing. This will keep the impression of the fingerprint as hard as possible while you work with it. Different materials and brands will react differently to cold, and may not be usable as putty afterward — but that's fine for this purpose. Boil a small pot of water, then add an equal amount of gelatin powder by volume. Stir constantly for several minutes, dissolving as much of the powder as you can. Let the mixture cool. Once the gelatin has cooled to a thick gel, melt it in the microwave, then let cool to a gel again. Microwave repeatedly until the gelatin has no bubbles, and when a drop acts thick and rubbery. Once the gelatin is rubbery and bubble-free, melt it one final time, then pour the hot, liquid gelatin into the fingerprint mold you made from putty. Put the putty and gelatin into the freezer. Within a few minutes, the gelatin should harden into a solid, rubbery substance. Peel the gelatin carefully off the putty. You now have a fake fingertip, with the impression of a real fingerprint marked on the surface., Summary: Know when it's time to stop texting. Leave on a good note. Use your texts as a way to ask your crush out. | 0 |
Passage: While going with the black base coat against white web may be traditional, consider getting funky by using a neon base color and a contrasting web color. You may get away with only one coat for this nail as the star is the webbing. For webs coming out of the side of your nail, draw two wavy circles coming from one side. Create the circle waves, like you would if you were to draw a wavy ocean pattern with peaks and valleys. While the circle waves are still wet, use your nail art striper brush or a toothpick and lightly drag white polish down the side, middle and end of the circles., Summary: Do ice breaker activities. Use team building exercises. Encourage good communication in the group. Allow time for group members to mingle and chat. | 0 |
Q: Summarize the following: Your first priority after birth is caring for yourself and your baby. You may have wanted visitors after giving birth, but find that you are too tired or overwhelmed once you’ve delivered. Doing what makes you feel best can help you focus on yourself and your baby, even if it means disappointing someone momentarily. Inform scheduled or other potential visitors that you’re not ready to see them. You don’t have to provide extensive details. A simple, “Hey Sam, I am really looking forward to seeing you and introducing Ellie, but we’re really exhausted today after the C-section. I’ll let you know when we’re ready for a visit. I’m so sorry to break our plans.” Many people with new babies don’t have a chance to clean or shower all of the time. This may make you nervous when having guests. But you should welcome guests in a way that makes you feel comfortable. This may include seeing people in pajamas or hiding dirty laundry behind closed doors. In most cases, visitors will understand that you’ve just had a baby and may not be on top of everything. Set aside on comfortable, clean outfit for guests you don’t want to visit with in pajamas. You can also throw on a cardigan over pajamas or dirty clothes. Keep a stash of cosmetics or other beauty products within reach if you want to freshen up. Host people in one room and close the doors to others you don’t want them to see. Stash dirty laundry under the bed or in closets if you like. Avoid feeling the need to apologize for not cleaning, showering, or offering guests something to eat or drink. Visitors are often there because they love you and want to meet the baby. Some of your friends and family may have babies or small children of their own. They may want to bring these small persons along during the visit. Children often carry germs or conditions such as chicken pox. Babies haven’t built up their immune systems and don’t usually get vaccinations until they are 8 weeks old and exposure to a bacteria or virus could be fatal. Sticking to a policy on child visitors can help keep your baby healthy. Let friends and family with children know you would like them to visit without their children because your baby doesn’t have their vaccinations. Set up an alternative time after your baby has had their first round of shots. Recognize that small children have a lot of energy and may be loud. They can also be curious and get into things in your home you don’t want others to see. Seeing people after you give birth may exhaust you—even after 15 minutes. Remember that visits should be fun for you. If you have an oblivious guest who overstays their welcome, you can gently let the person know it’s time to go. A few ways to politely tell someone to leave include: ”Hey there, Peg, thanks for stopping by! Come on in and see the baby. Unfortunately, I’m going to have to cut out to feed Felix at 2:30, but we’d love to see you until then.” ”It’s been really wonderful to see you, Bob. It’s time for Charlotte’s feeding and I want to help out Sara with it. Let’s try and get together sometime soon.” ”Alexander just put down Eloise. I usually take a nap with her, so I’m going to sneak away now.”, A: Be flexible with your plans. Host people to your comfort level. Have a policy on child visitors. Let visitors know when it’s time to go. | 1 |
Q: Summarize the following: Rather than getting up and dreading the day, remind yourself that you're fortunate to have a job and to get to work, even if you don't love what you're doing. Try to remember that if you aren't happy where you are, your situation doesn't have to be permanent. Commit to doing a good job in the space where you currently are. Choosing to be an active participant in your job rather than a reluctant one can make a huge difference in your attitude and productivity, which in turn can really help make you more proud of the work you do. Of course, most people work because they need to make a living. Beyond that, though, are you working to help take care of a family, to provide a life for yourself, to help out your community, to learn a new trade, to meet new people, or to offer your skills to others? Try to remember that there is more to your work than just getting a paycheck. Keeping the right motivation in mind will help you take more pride in your work, and it'll keep you in the right mindset during times when you might feel unsatisfied or bored. If you are working on a project either by yourself or in a group, decide that you personally are going to do the best job that you can. It could be easy to blame a coworker or partner for your work being subpar, but in reality, your work efforts are up to you. If you are working with someone who isn't doing their part, talk to them about it directly. If that doesn't work, bring the situation up to your supervisor or boss. Avoid criticizing the person or complaining about them. Instead, say something simple, like, “Hi Renee, I wanted to let you know that Joe has been coming in late to work the past few weeks. It's affecting our ability to get the store opened up in time. I wanted to make you aware of the issue.” If you focus on the negative or annoying things, you'll feel less motivated to do a good job. When you feel tempted to complain, instead think of something positive to say. For example, if you are annoyed by how often you're asked to cover for a coworkers task, instead try thinking about how you feel proud that your boss can rely on you to help pick up the slack., A: Start your day with positive affirmations to get you in the right mindset. Remember the “why” behind your work. Take ownership of your work rather than letting others dictate your success. Avoid complaining about your job, boss, or coworkers. | 1 |
Passage: Use analytic tools, like Google Analytics, Datahero, or Yahoo Web Analytics, to track your media engagement. Make use of platform analytic tools, like the “Insights” tab on Facebook business pages. Pay specific attention to how you positively impacted growth, savings, and time. Keep track of analytics in a spreadsheet. Employers regard numerical proof of your skills highly. Instead of making broad statements, say things like, “I was able to increase unique views by 250% in three months.” Honesty is the best policy when applying with companies. You may be asked to back up your data. If you can't because you fudged the numbers, it could hurt your reputation. Collect samples of your best work. Write a table of contents for these samples and follow it with a short introduction that tells a little bit about yourself, your goals, and the included samples. Demonstrate your range of ability with samples from different projects. Some of the most useful portfolio samples include things like integrated marketing campaigns, new ideas, and particularly effective campaigns. A digital portfolio can be uploaded to your professional website or a platform page, like LinkedIn and Facebook. It’ll show preparedness if you have a hardcopy of your portfolio at interviews. Print materials on quality paper and insert them into a professional binder. The phrase, “loose lips sink ships,” is especially applicable to protecting your online image. Posting something inappropriate accidentally or in an emotional moment could lose you followers and hurt your prestige in your online community. Contemplate posts carefully before publishing them. To protect yourself from accidentally posting something inappropriate, run your content by a friend, coworker, or supervisor before publishing it online. When you’re feeling emotional, give yourself some time to calm down. If you’re ever on the fence about a post, give yourself a day or two to think it over. Consistency is an important key for locking down your image. Inconsistently posting or publishing dubious content could make you seem unreliable. Applying for a job is basically marketing yourself, right? So you’ll want to put your best foot forward with a unique, thoughtful resume. Display your design skills with a simple, pertinent graphic or two. Include links to your personal and professional social media pages. Showcase your knowledge of what clients want and how to promote it. Visual techniques, like the use of photos and memes, are an eye-catching way of promoting products and services. Employers will want to see evidence of your ability to include visual elements in your work. for jobs. Look for social media marketing position with major marketing agencies. Make use of job aggregating websites, like Indeed, LinkedUp, and Monster, to broaden your search. Peruse classified ads for marketing positions in print newspapers and on sites like Craigslist., Summary: Make a nail polish remover tub. Make some jumbo crayons. Make a candle holder. Write a love medication for your partner. | 0 |
Passage: In order to search a specific folder for a file's contents, you'll first need to open that folder. For example, if you wanted to search for a file inside of the "Documents" folder, you'd open Documents. It's in the upper-right corner of the folder's window. Type in content: into the search bar. Anything that you type after this prompt will be used as a content search term. Immediately after the "content:" prompt, type in the word or phrase that you want to use to search the folders' files' contents. For example, if you're looking for a file that has the phrase "An elephant never forgets" in its body, you would have content:an elephant never forgets in the search bar. Each of the files in the search results will be indexed by content, meaning that you should see your preferred file somewhere near the top of the window if you entered correctly the word or phrase. You can narrow your search results by typing in a longer or more distinct phrase from the file that you want to find., Summary: Open the folder that you want to search. Click the search bar. Enter the "content search" prompt. Enter the content search term. Review the results. | 1 |
Q: Summarize the following: The patch should be relatively flat and each side must measure between 37 and 44 yards (34 and 40 meters). This bowling green should also be divided into six equal sections, called rinks. The ditch defines the end of the green. Surround the outside of the ditch with a bank. The bank should be about 9 inches (23 cm) (230 mm) higher than the level of the bowling green. A pin should be placed at the center of each rink, and each pin should be numbered according to the rink number. The numbering system goes from one through six. Note that these pins are not the target. They merely exist to set the boundary of the rink., A: Mark a square patch of lawn for your bowling green. Create a shallow ditch with a bank around the bowling green. Place a boundary marker at the end of each rink. | 1 |
The answer of "Summarize the following If you plan to use a filter, either insert it now or leave a tobacco-less space to slip it in later. Make the space exactly as long as the filter. You have several filter options: Buy a bag of fresh cellulose cigarette filters. You can find these online, at smoke shops, and at certain marijuana dispensaries. These are essentially the same filters that you'd find on a store-bought cigarette. Remove the filter from a store-bought cigarette. If you have store-bought filter cigarettes around, and you don't want to smoke them—or if you just want to practice rolling—you can carefully tear the paper and remove the filter. Lay this filter into your rolled cigarette. Make your own rough filter. First, tear a thin strip of sturdy paper from an index card or business card. Fold it three times to make a pleat, and roll the rest of the unfolded filter around the folded. It should look like a "W" encircled. Make sure that that the folded filter will fit smoothly into the cigarette; you may need to adjust it several times. Keep in mind that this homemade filter will only block the largest particulate matter from entering your lungs. When the cigarette is full of tobacco, it is ready to roll. Keep holding the paper in the same hand, but grasp the other end in the same way—between your middle finger and thumb. Lift your stabilizing index finger from the paper; you no longer need its support. The paper should rest between the thumb and middle finger of both hands. The tobacco should be evenly spread, except at the very tip where your index finger was. Your fingers should form a fairly straight line from one end of the cigarette to the other. Use your thumbs to hold the unrolled cigarette slightly below the underside of your middle fingers. The contour of the fingers should suggest the shape of the cigarette." is Insert the filter or leave a space for it. Hold both ends of the paper. Wrap your middle fingers along the back side of the paper for extra support. | 1 |
Q: Summarize the following: Take your sharp pencil and draw an oval or seed shape that's as large as you want the eye to be. You'll need to draw a small half-circle that extends near the inner eye. This will be the tear duct. You can make the curved lid as close or as far from the eyelash line as you like. Keep in mind that some women don't have noticeable curves along the upper eyelid, so you may want to position it close to the eyelash line., A: Recognize situations in which fights are likely to occur. Try to get away. Get attention. Use verbal techniques. Learn self-defense. | 0 |
Q: Summarize the following: If you're citing a classic or literary work with many different editions, add information to help your readers locate the specific passage you're referencing – even if they're looking at a different edition of the work. List the author if necessary, then the page number followed by a semi-colon. Then include your specific edition or chapter number after the appropriate abbreviation. For example: Marx and Engels viewed history as a series of class struggles (79; ch. 1). If an author is particularly prolific or a leader in the field, you may have more than one work written by them. List the author's name unless it is included in the body of your paper, then type a shortened version of the title – typically the first 2 or 3 words. For example: Developmental psychologists originally believed small children would not benefit from computer usage (Murray "Too Soon" 38). However, later studies showed playing video games led to better small motor skill development (Murray "Hand-Eye Development" 17). If you have a sentence that synthesizes information or ideas contained in multiple sources, your parenthetical citation at the end of the sentence should include both of them. Type the first one followed by a semi-colon, then add the second one. For example: Small children can interact with tablets or touch-screen devices better than with desktop computers that require the use of a keyboard and a mouse (Murray 17; Smith 37). If you're citing the same source several times in a row, with no intervening sources, you may be able to simplify subsequent citations. For example, if you included the author's last name and page number in the first citation, you could use page numbers only in recurring citations. If the source is not paginated, you may not be able to simplify the citation any further. You don't normally have an entry for the Bible on your Works Cited page. Therefore, include the title of the version of the Bible you're using in your in-text citation, followed by the book, chapter, and verse. For example: Ezekiel described four creatures, each with the faces of a man, a lion, an ox, and an eagle (New Jerusalem Bible, Ezek. 1.5-10). in" to cite an indirect source. If the source you used included a quote or a paraphrase from another work, try to find the original source. If the original source is unavailable, use the indirect source as a last resort. Indicate in your in-text citation that the words you referenced are not those of the author. Include the source you used in your Works Cited, not the original source. For example: Lennon argued that all problems of the world could be solved if they were approached with love (qtd. in Starr 22)., A: Provide edition or chapter numbers for classic works. Add a shortened title when citing 2 works by the same author. Separate multiple sources in the same citation with a semi-colon. Simplify recurring citations from the same source, if appropriate. Alter your format when citing the Bible. Use the abbreviation "qtd. | 1 |
Q: Summarize the following: Hygiene plays an important role in fungal growth. Chances are, if you don’t normally clean the areas of your body that are usually warm and moist, you will grow fungus easily. Ensure that you regularly clean and dry all parts of your body. You should make sure that all parts of your body are cool, dry, and moisture-free. Keep affected areas dry and clean, especially in areas where there are skin folds. Always dry your feet after washing them. Always cut and trim your nails. Sharing these items, such as towels, toothbrushes, socks, and underwear, can bring you into contact with fungus. In order to be certain that you don't pick up an infection from anyone, try to avoid sharing items that come in regular contact with the body. Use slippers when walking in saunas and communal shower facilities to avoid stepping on fungus. Regularly washing clothes, especially undergarments, will remove fungus from the garments. Additionally, keeping garments clean and free of sweat will prevent the creation of an environment suitable for fungal development. Change your socks every day. Wear socks made of cotton, which is a more breathable material that will help keep your feet dry. This is especially important for rooms like the bedroom or bathroom, where you might spend a lot of time with exposed skin. Use disinfectants in the bathroom, and try to keep sinks, tubs, and showers dry when not in use. For the bedroom, wash bed sheets and covers regularly. If you are overweight, diabetic, incontinent, or sweat heavily, you will be at greater risk for contracting a fungal rash. Certain lifestyle changes may also increase the risk of fungal rash. People who are taking high-dose or long-term antibiotics, have started using new skin care products, or have lost their mobility could contract a fungus as a result of these conditions., A: Soak the pan in vinegar. Scrub out any lingering rust with soap. Re-season the pan. | 0 |
The summary of "Being a “good Christian” is not so much about performing any specific actions as it is simply believing in God as a higher power and growing in love for Our Lord Jesus Christ, allowing Him to transform your life.The following steps are all good activities for Christians, but the one thing that makes a true Christian is simply loving and trusting in God. Talk to a pastor, your parents, or other Christians if you have any questions about your belief in God. Find a church you really like—maybe it’s one that your parents, relatives, teachers, or friends go to—and attend services regularly. Church is a place where you can worship God, but also, connect with other Christians to help grow your faith and better understand Jesus’ message through sermons and Bible readings. Find out when your church holds other events and activities in addition to weekly services, such as Sunday School, charity events, or other ways to get involved with fellow Christians and the community. Talk to God daily to thank Him for his guidance, ask questions, confess sins, and pray for others to follow Jesus Christ in order to lead better and more fulfilling lives. Start by picking a time and location to pray every day. Whether you kneel, stand, or walk, there is not one way to pray, so find what is best for you. Start reading on your own or join a Bible study group. Take notes on what you find interesting, and write down questions about what confuses you. Talk to someone at your church or another Christian you trust to deepen your understanding of the scripture. Try reading just one passage every day and seek to understand it fully by asking all the questions you need to. Remember that even if you adopt another lifestyle like emo, as a Christian you worship God first and foremost. Being emo isn't the greatest commandment; loving the Lord is. The Bible says, “Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” (Proverbs 16:3) If other people at your church or in your Christian community approach you with negative judgment or untrue stereotypes about the emo way you act or dress, kindly talk to them about how being emo is just a way of expressing your personality and doesn’t interfere with worshipping God. The Bible says, “But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.’” (I Samuel 16:7) Use this and other Bible verses to help you explain self-expression and why your identity as emo doesn’t interfere with your identity as a Christian. You can even introduce others in your church to Christian emo bands to help them see the crossover between these two identities and share what you like." is Press the Power button on your tablet. Try to guess the pattern. Tap Forgot Pattern. Enter your Google username and password. Tap Sign In. Draw a new lock pattern and tap Continue. | 0 |
The answer of "Summarize the following The collar is padded to help your horse pull heavy carts like passenger carriages. Gently put the collar over the top of the horse’s head. The collar should sit at the base of the horse’s neck where it meets their body. You can put the collar on upside down if your horse has a large head or sensitive ears. After the collar is around the horse, twist it around to the correct position. The collar should fit snug across the horse’s shoulder blades. The horse pulls the cart by pushing its shoulder blades into the collar. The breast strap is a wide leather band that fits around the horse's chest. It is a good idea for this to be padded if possible. Bring the breast strap in front of and around the horse's chest. To hold the breast strap in place, attach the martingale to the girth and the neck strap over the horse's withers. Most drivers connect the center of the neckstrap (over withers) to the top of the belly band of the harness. Fasten the buckle so the neckpiece sits securely and comfortably in the center of the horse’s chest. The martingale is a strap on the breast strap that helps control the horse’s head. The horse pulls the cart by pushing their chest into the breast strap. If the breast strap sits too high, it can push into the horse’s windpipe and cause breathing troubles. If the breast strap sits too low, it may get in the way of the horse’s leg movements. With most light harnesses, the traces are made onto the breast strap itself. If not, on the collar or breast strap, there is a leather strap and buckle used to attach the traces. Insert 1 end of the traces and fasten it with the buckle, then attach the traces to the other side. The traces are what the horse pulls the cart with. They should be run through the bellyband tie-downs and back toward the cart. They can be wrapped around the shafts or most often run through leather shaft guides then fastened to the cart itself at special hooks. Put the saddle on your horse so sits just behind the withers (base of the neck above the shoulders). Secure the saddle strap around the horse behind its front legs. Place the end with the breeching around the back end of your horse. Then, gently pull the horse’s tail above the breeching. The saddle is made from leather straps and doesn’t look like a riding saddle. The saddle and breeching also have small leather straps that sit across the horse’s back called ornaments. You can simply slide them apart across the saddle area. Attached to the saddle are leather loops called tugs, which hold the shafts of your cart in place. The breeching works as the brakes of the cart or carriage. The crupper is a padded leather loop that goes around the horse’s tail to keep the saddle in place. Loop the crupper around the horse’s tail, and fasten the buckle to secure it in place. Your crupper should not be too tight that it raises up the horse’s tail or pulls back on the saddle." is Use a collar if your horse is pulling a heavy carriage. Use a breast strap if you are driving a lighter cart. Buckle the traces to the collar or breast strap on both sides of the horse. Place the saddle and breeching around the horse’s body. Fasten the crupper around the horse’s tail. | 1 |
The summary of "Part of building a lasting relationship with any person hinges on actually spending time with one another and engaging in a meaningful way. In order to create a positive relationship with your new in-laws, you should try to spend some quality time with them. Invite your in laws over for dinner or go away for a weekend vacation with them. Try any activities that force you together with your in-laws in situations where you can talk and get to know each other better. Identify social and/or recreational activities that both you, your spouse, and in-laws will enjoy. Partaking in an activity that one person may not enjoy may lead to a stressful gathering. Try to be creative and coordinate activities that will encourage you all to get to know one another, especially if this is a new relationship. When you engage with your new in-laws, it's important to try to establish your own relationship with each of them. Don't just rely on your partner's closeness with them to be sufficient for the both of you. Take some time to get to know your in-laws on a personal, individual level. Invite your father-in-law out for a drink or a friendly game of golf. Offer to help your mother-in-law with some yard work or take her out for coffee. Ask your in-laws how they would prefer to be addressed by you. Depending on their cultural family norms, some may prefer that you address them as “mom” and “dad,” while others may be more formal. Identifying what they prefer, will help everyone feel more comfortable with one another. Realize that even if your in-laws prefer a more formal approach, this may change over time. Now that you've aced meeting your in-laws, it's time for both families to get acquainted. If that means introducing your liberal, outspoken New York parents to your fiancé's conservative, reserved Nebraska parents, so be it. Ensuring that the meeting is effortless means following all of the above rules, which continue to apply throughout your entire wedding process. Try to pick a comfortable setting for the meeting like dinner at casual restaurant or lunch at your place. Make sure the location is quiet enough for everyone to be able to converse easily. Try to find things that you share in common with your new in-laws – like favorite activities or travel destinations. And help your families discover commonalities, too. It's part of your job to facilitate conversations and to make sure that everyone is communicating. If you know both your dad and your fiancé's dad love to fish, say something like: “Hey, Dad, Mr. Johnson just got back from a deep-sea fishing trip in the Gulf of Mexico.” Or tell your sister who is interested in attending Yale that your fiancé's brother just graduated from there and go ahead and introduce them. After the initial meeting, send a thank you email to everyone and attach a picture or two. By doing this, you will open up new lines of communication, giving everyone a chance to say anything they may not have had a chance to say. This will help to keep the conversation flowing and ensure the next meeting goes just as smoothly. By tying up loose ends, you'll feel more comfortable tying the knot. You want your in-laws to be happy to see you again and that you're joining their family." is Make a gratitude list once a month. Give a small gift. Give away something you love. Appreciate nature. Write thank you cards. | 0 |
The summary of "Simply double-click an Excel document to open it in Excel. Doing so will select it, allowing you to type into it. This command indicates that you want to multiply items together. This should be the cell at the top of the range of data. For example, you might type "A1" here. . The colon symbol (":") indicates to Excel that you want to multiply everything from the first cell through the next cell you enter. This cell must be in the same column or row as the first cell in the formula if you want to multiply all the cells from the first cell to this one. In the example, typing "A5" would set up the formula to multiply the contents of A1, A2, A3, A4, and A5 together. This last parenthesis closes the formula, and hitting enter runs the command and multiplies your range of cells together, displaying the result instantly in your selected cell. If you change the contents of a cell within the multiplication range, the value in your selected cell will also change." is Open an Excel presentation. Click a cell. Type =PRODUCT( into your cell. Type in the first cell's name. Type : Type in another cell's name. Type ), then press ↵ Enter. | 1 |
The summary of "Dogs can be quite agile, and if your fence isn't high enough or offers some footholds, he can jump over top of it. Try the following to make it difficult for your dog to hop over your fence: Check the areas near the fence. Look for any objects that your dog could be using to get over the fence. It may be a chair or some potted plants, with just enough height to help your dog make the jump. Move them away from the fence. Install a fence extension. You can try to make your fence taller if your dog seems to be big enough to jump over by himself. When you add the extension, try to slant the new addition inwards at about a forty-five degree angle. This will make it very difficult for your dog to make the leap. Sometimes, dogs will take the low road, and dig under a fence to escape. There are a few methods you can use to reinforce your fence and make any attempts at burrowing more difficult for your dog. Dig down and place chicken wire below the fence. Make sure to point any sharp edges outwards, away from the inside of the fence, to prevent injury to your dog. Try putting large stones around the foot of the fence. By putting these stones in place, your dog will be unable to dig close to the fence and escape. If you install a chain link fence, make sure to leave enough height to put some of it underground. This will make an escape by digging difficult, as your dog will have to dig down quite far to break free. Look for any other small gaps he may be squeezing through and cover them up. Sometimes dogs can gnaw his way through a fence or other barrier you have put around them. This can not only be dangerous for your dog, but can be an expense as well. Your best option is to figure out what is triggering your dog's escapes and alter that. Install a fence made from a material that is hard to chew through. Sturdy wood or metal can be good options, but if your dog chews them, it may prevent a health hazard." is See if your dog is jumping the fence. Look for signs that your dog digs under the fence. Inspect the fence for holes caused by chewing. | 1 |
The summary of "Check online to see if there are any fun movies currently playing in the movie theater. Choose a film that fits into a genre that you really enjoy. To double the fun, invite a friend or family member to come along! You can save money by seeing a matinee instead of a nighttime movie showing. Try switching things up! If you usually watch drama films, opt for an action movie instead. Start saving up money by working at a local business over the summer. Look for places near you that are hiring, like restaurants and retail stores. If you don’t have a car of your own, try applying to places that are relatively close to your home. When you’re scouting for jobs in the area, ask employers right off the bat if they hire teenagers. Some businesses are okay with hiring teens, while others require you to be at least 18. Look on a map or search online to find an exciting, interesting place to sightsee. If you can’t decide on a town to visit, try going to the next town or city over from your hometown. You never know what fun things might be waiting for you nearby. If you live near a public transit system, see if a friend or family member would be interested in going with you to visit a big city. Search online to see if there are any concerts or fun musical activities being hosted in your community. Depending on the venue or event, you might be able to get in for free, or you might have to pay for a ticket. Invite a friend or family member to join you whenever the time comes! If it’s an outdoor music festival, bring a towel or blanket to sit on. Ask your parent or guardian for permission to register for a summer camp. If your parents or guardians tend to be more overprotective, try attending a day camp instead of a sleep away excursion. Choose a generalized summer camp if you want to do stereotypical camp activities, or register for a specialized camp if you want to focus on 1 specific activity (e.g., horseback riding)! Depending on the place, specialized camp can end up being expensive. Invite a friend to join you for summer camp. Search online to locate the nearest escape room, or puzzle room. Get a group of friends or family members together and register for an escape room, where you work as a group to find your way out of a locked room. Before booking anything, be sure to check the reviews of the escape room business first. Ask for everyone to chip in a little bit of money to make the cost more manageable. If you’re traveling with younger kids, try choosing an escape room with a more family-friendly theme. Search online to see if there are any parks or trail systems near your home. When the weather is nice, drive or catch a ride to begin exploring the great outdoors! Take in the beautiful scenery by taking a hike, or by going on a bike ride. Ask your friends and family to join you on a hike. If you have a furry friend, bring them along too!" is Watch a movie at your local theater. Get a part-time job to make some extra cash. Visit a nearby town as a fun day trip. Attend a nearby music festival. Sign up for a summer camp in your area. Find an escape room in your town. Check out local parks and hiking trails to enjoy nature. | 1 |
Q: Summarize the following: The oval should be at least 7 inches (17.8 cm) wide by 5 inches (12.7 cm) tall, or large enough for your face to show through from the inside. Sketch it out using a pencil. Make sure that the hole will be able to line up with your face when you put the bucket on. To gauge where the hole needs to be, hold the bucket upside-down in front of you, with the bottom of the bucket even to the top of your head. Quickly mark the point that is even with your eyebrows and the point even with your bottom lip. Draw your oval based on those marks. Position the tip of a nail somewhere along the oval outline you just created. Use a hammer to strike the nail into the bucket just far enough to create a hole. Remove the nail once the hole has been created. Wedge a pair of sharp wire cutters into the pilot hole created by the nail. Carefully cut around the entire oval outline. Remove and discard the plastic oval you cut out. If the edge seems too jagged and potentially dangerous, cover it with strips of white duct tape. Use a ruler and a pencil to measure out two 2 inch by 9 inch (5.1 cm by 22.9 cm) rectangular pieces from a larger sheet of white foam board. Cut these rectangles out using a craft knife. Use the craft knife to carefully round off the lower corners of both rectangles. Use white duct tape to adhere the top of each foam rectangle to the inside of the helmet. The two rectangles both be positioned toward the back of the helmet. When you slip the helmet on, these rectangles should slide just behind your shoulders and onto your upper back. Their purpose is to serve as braces that can help keep the helmet straight on your head. Take a standard dish towel and roll it up crosswise (widthwise). Wrap this cloth around your forehead, creating a ring, and tape the ends of the ring together with duct tape. The ring should be loose enough to slide on and off your head without difficulty. Use more duct tape to attach the towel ring to the inside top of the bucket. The center of the ring should match up with the center of the bucket. Slide the helmet bucket onto your head with the opening in front of your face. The towel ring should rest on your head, and the foam braces should land behind your shoulders. If everything feels right and the helmet feels stable, it's ready to wear., A: Talk to your doctor about prescription medications to prevent migraine headaches. Discuss acute or abortive medications with your doctor. Try feverfew. Consider butterbur to help reduce the severity and number of your migraines. | 0 |
The answer of "Summarize the following These small, circular or flower-shaped adhesive coverings are meant to cover only your nipples, so they’re a great option for low-cut tops and thin or sheer fabrics that might make your nipples visible. Stick the adhesive side onto your nipple and press it down gently. Look for a color close your skin tone for the least noticeable solution. You can buy stick-on nipple covers online or in stores that sell bras and related accessories. Wash the covers with gentle soap and water after use and store them in their original packaging to reuse. The adhesive will wear out eventually, but many covers come with a 30 to 50-wear guarantee. Like the silicon nipple covers, pasties are placed directly over your nipple and stay on using a sticky adhesive. They’re cheaper and come in packs of 4-6, because they’re meant to be for one-time use. Some people prefer pasties because they’re less noticeable under tight shirts than silicon covers, which are thick and might stand out under a tight fabric. On the flip side, pasties might not be as adept at concealing your nipples when they harden. Try both nipple covers and pasties to see which works best at concealing your nipples. Cut the pad in half, then cut out 2 circles large enough to cover your nipples, keeping the paper covering the adhesive in place. Stick them on over your nipples and throw them away when you’re done. Like pasties, this method might not conceal hard nipples well under a tight shirt. Try it at home before you wear it out. You can also use small bandages or surgical tape." is Wear reusable silicone nipple covers under thin fabrics. Try disposable pasties for a cheap, one-time cover-up. Cut a panty liner for a cheap DIY stick-on covering. | 1 |
Context: Public transportation is reliable in London and most other large cities, while parking and petrol prices are challenging. If you do decide to drive, click here to find out whether you can use your current licence. Rail travel is common for longer journeys, with price and speed ranging from convenient to absurd depending on the route. If you plan on traveling and are aged over 60 or under-25, buy a discount railcard. In London, buy an Oyster Card from a Underground (tube) station. These give discounted prices on tube, bus, and city rail fares. A bank account and associated debit/credit card are usually free. A few of the largest English banks are: Lloyds, HSBC, Barclay's, and NatWest. Ask your current bank whether it has a "sister bank" program you can use while in the UK. You can try opening a bank account from overseas, but you may need to provide a UK address. There are a couple useful documents a visitor to the UK should have: National Insurance Number. This is used for tax purposes, and required for employment and to claim any benefits. Call Jobcentre at 0345 600 0643 to apply. Passport photo (with UK specifications). These can be taken at photo booths for £6 or less. Emergency medical care is free at-point-of-use for all visitors. Hospital visits are free to most visitors, including anyone who paid a one-time healthcare surcharge when applying. For other health-related issues, it's up to the doctor whether to charge you or not. You may want to ask several doctors in your area about prices before you choose one. Although this may seem like something you can just get used to, it's good to figure out the English version of some words, or you might end up saying the wrong word and getting in trouble! For example: in England, "fanny" is much more vulgar and socially unacceptable word in England than it is in the USA; as it means something else., Summary: Check for hernias that occur around the stomach, abdomen, or chest. Know the types of hernias that affect the groin area. | 0 |
Context: Sometimes embarrassment is unavoidable, so the only thing you can do is to pretend you're not embarrassed at all. With time and practice, this form of acting will help you actually overcome your embarrassment. You can also try to deal with embarrassment by using humor to lighten the atmosphere. This is a common strategy among young people learning about sex; just mention the word "penis" in a room of teens and everyone will start to giggle! It turns out that laughter is a normal human instinct to try to deflect attention from feelings of embarrassment. So don't be afraid to smile to relieve some tension. Embarrassment tends to feel like everyone is looking at you and judging you. But when young people learn about sex education, they all likely feel embarrassed and awkward. No one is busy judging you; they are all busy feeling just as awkward as you do! Especially in a school sex ed course, there might be times when you disagree with something that your teacher says. It is OK to disagree and have your own opinion. If you feel that the teacher is saying things that are discriminatory or dangerous, let your parents know so that they can determine if they should talk with school officials. Otherwise, feel free to raise your hand and politely but firmly let the teacher know that there are other valid opinions on the subject. Realize you are unlikely to change the teacher's opinion, but at least you will let other students know that there are other opinions out there. If you are overwhelmed by information you've learned about sexuality or the human body, you might feel anxious, confused, or scared. Sometimes these responses happen because a person has heard just enough about an issue to worry them but hasn't learned enough to understand the issue completely. If you are feeling confused, worried, or disturbed by something you have heard, talk to someone you trust who can help to reassure you. Consider talking to your parent or a trusted adult and letting them know what you heard or experienced and why it is bothering you. If you experience prolonged anxiety about these issues or about yourself as a sexual being, consider talking to a professional therapist or counselor. You can start by talking to your parents or to your doctor, school nurse, or school counselor about your concerns. Ask for a referral or recommendation., Summary: Fake it till you make it. Know how to respond if you disagree. Find someone to talk to. | 1 |
Passage: Modeling positive behavior will help others realize how hard we are on each other and ourselves. You can be a good example of how a person can think positively about him- or herself and see his or her own value, so when you give a compliment the other person might believe you. Eliminate “fat talk” and other negativity toward yourself and other people. Even if you are putting yourself down and not someone else or your friend, it can still have a negative influence. This is particularly important around children and adolescents, who learn these behaviors from the adults in their lives. Part of helping build someone else's self-esteem is to shine a light on the great things about her. Acknowledge that the other person may have room to grow in some areas of her life, but that she has other wonderful qualities. People get into the habit of refuting anything good other people say about them, but pointing it out in a kind way will help the person recognize his behavior so he can start to learn how to accept praise gracefully. Let him know that you wouldn't have said anything if you didn't believe it, and it hurts your feelings when he rejects or discounts your feelings toward him., Summary: Limit trash talking about other people and talking about your own flaws. Focus on people's good qualities. Call him out on it if he deflects or rejects praise regularly. | 1 |
Context: Whenever you're going to be wearing a bold lipstick look – or any lip product for that matter – it's a great idea to start out by exfoliating your lips. This will create a smooth base for your products, and help the colors glide on (and stay on) smoothly. Luckily, this isn't a difficult process. Make your own lip scrub with coconut oil or olive oil and sugar. Mix it up to form a paste, and then rub it on your lips using your finger or a soft toothbrush., Summary: Exfoliate your lips. | 1 |
The summary of "Check for symptoms such as difficulty breathing, trouble moving, numbness, a large loss of blood, chest pain, or nausea. If any of these symptoms are present, contact emergency services immediately. Alert the lifeguard if you are at a beach, as they will be able to give some advice and treatment while you are waiting for emergency services. Always seek emergency medical treatment for any injuries caused by blue-ringed octopuses, box jellyfish, Irukandji, cone shells, stonefish, stingrays, sharks, crocodiles, and sea snakes. Injuries from fire corals, blue bottles, and some sea urchins may not require emergency treatment but do still need medical attention. Use your own best judgment and always call emergency services if you are unsure. Although box jellyfish and Irukandji stings require emergency medical treatment, in the meantime pour vinegar over the site if possible. This helps to reduce the pain. Locations will often have warning signs if any dangerous marine animals are frequently in the area. Always read the signs carefully before you enter the area and follow all of the instructions to keep yourself safe. Obeying the warning signs and being cautious is necessary regardless of if you are swimming, wading, fishing, surfing, or simply being around the water. Warning signs are common in areas with sharks, crocodiles, and jellyfish. Don’t assume that no warning sign means that it’s safe to enter the water. Always use your own best judgment and ask a local for advice if you are unsure. Due to the variety of dangerous marine animals in Australia, there are often designated safe swimming zones at most popular beaches. Always swim between the flags at these beaches, as this is the area that has been checked and cleared as safe. Follow all instructions from the lifeguard. Swimming only in safe zones is also the best way to avoid rips and dangerous tides. Safe swimming zones can change throughout the day as the water changes. Full body wetsuits provide great protection against jellyfish stings. Look for a wetsuit that covers 75% to 80% of your body for the best protection. Full body wetsuits also have the added bonus of preventing sunburn! It’s safest to swim, fish, surf, and wade in clear water because you can see your surroundings and are less likely to accidentally touch or stand on animals. Stick to being in or around water only in full daylight and avoid the water between dusk and dawn, as the visibility is too low to spot any danger signs. Always avoid murky water as visibility is low and this is where sharks prefer to live." is Prepare a section of ground that is 5 feet (1.5 m) or more in diameter. Add peat moss and organic matter such as compost to the prepared soil. Plant your peach tree in the middle of the prepared soil. | 0 |
The answer of "Summarize the following The Shark Tank website has a page where you can send an email to the casting team. The URL for that site is You’ll have to read the terms and conditions and then agree to them. Once you do this, an email screen will automatically pop up. Make sure you include your name, age, contact information, and the name of your product. You also need to include information about your business or product. Pitch the dream, rather than the figures, so that the casting directors can really pick up on your passion. Also include a bit of brief background information about the history of your product or business, as well as an outline of how you plan to make your business thrive. Live casting calls are also a chance to get on Shark Tank and meet Mark Cuban. The Shark Tank website has a list of open casting call locations when the process is underway. The open calls usually begin in January. Download the Application packet and fill it out completely before you attend the open call. The packet is available on the open call page of the Shark Tank website. When you actually show up for the casting call, be prepared for the resources you'll have. You won’t necessarily have access to electricity or any A/V equipment, so don’t rely on computer presentations for your pitch. You can leave big props in your car until you get your wristband once you get to the venue. Then you can go back and get what you need for your pitch. If you make it through the audition round, you’ll have a chance to be on the show and actually pitch to Mark Cuban. Tailor your pitch to him in order to increase his potential interest. Research the products he’s invested in from the show as well as his current businesses to tailor your pitch to him. Cuban has invested in Ten Thirty One Productions, an entertainment company that specializes in live-action horror attractions. He's also invested in sports apparel, smartphone LED bulbs, and restaurants." is Brown and drain the ground beef as normal. Add the pasta, milk, and water. Add the seasonings. Simmer. Remove from heat and add cheese. Let cool and serve. | 0 |
Passage: It might sound counter-intuitive, but one of the easiest ways to come up with song ideas is to think of potential titles. Listen and look for particularly catchy or pithy phrases in TV shows, movies, books, and everyday conversation and write them down in a notebook or in your phone. You can also wait to title the song until after you've written the melody and lyrics.One approach isn't better than the other when it comes to titles, so do what feels the most natural for you. It might help to make a list of questions suggested by your title. Then, your lyrics can answer all of those questions by the end of the song. For example, the title “Heartbreak Hotel” asks the questions, “What is a Heartbreak Hotel?” “What happens there?” and “Where is it?” Elvis answers all of these questions in his lyrics. The hook in a song is the catchy phrase that worms its way into your brain and never leaves, and is frequently used as the title of the song. Play around with ideas and melodies until you hit on something that feels right. If you have a working list of title ideas already, experiment to see if any work particularly well as a hook by singing them to various melodies. The hook of Lady Gaga’s song “Bad Romance” is “Rah rah ah-ah-ah!/Ro mah ro-mah-mah/Gaga oh-la-la!/Want your bad romance.” The hook of Carly Rae Jepsen’s song “Call Me Maybe” is “Hey, I just met you and this is crazy/But here's my number, so call me maybe.” The hook of Neil Diamond’s song “Sweet Caroline” is “Sweet Caroline.” Sometimes, your hook can serve as your entire chorus. Other times, it’s just a part of your chorus, usually at the beginning or end. Regardless, your chorus should generally be vaguer than your verses. Use your chorus as a way of summarizing the themes of your song without getting into specifics. For example, the chorus of “You’re So Vain” by Carly Simon introduces the vanity of her subject as the theme of the song, but doesn’t specifically explain why the subject is vain. that builds on the themes introduced by your chorus. Your verses should use strong, concrete imagery and specific examples to build on the more vague themes introduced by your chorus. For example, in the first verse of “You’re So Vain,” Carly Simon sings “You had one eye in the mirror/As you watched yourself gavotte” to establish her subject’s vanity with a specific example. Once you’ve written the first verse, the next 2 should be fairly easy to write in a short period of time. The other 2 verses should follow the same lyrical and melodic patterns as your first while providing new information., Summary: Choose a title for your song. Come up with a hook for your song. Build a chorus around your hook. Write a verse Write 2 more verses that follow the same pattern as your first. | 1 |
The summary of "The other team will have to take the field while choosing defensive positions. One person on the defensive team must be the pitcher. The team who kicks first should choose a kicking order. The offensive team should get in a line to determine who will kick the ball first, second, third and so on. The pitcher rolls the kicking team the ball. The kicker stands at home base and the pitcher rolls the ball directly toward them over home base. They should roll it in such a way that the ball stays flat to the ground. The ball shouldn’t bounce wildly – that is considered a bad pitch. You are allowed to roll it fast, but kickball is supposed to be a fun game. Generally you want the other team to kick the ball and then it is up to your team to play good defense. The first person in line on the offensive team will try to kick the ball out towards the field as it rolls towards them. Start running as soon as you have kicked the ball as long as it remains in the field of play. You can kick it on the ground or in the air. Try to kick the ball so that it doesn’t go right at a defender. The kicker runs to first base, then second base, and so on around the bases. If you get back home base again after touching all other bases, you score one run. The defensive players try to catch the ball in the air to earn an out. If the defensive players are unable to catch the ball, they run to get the ball and then run or pass the ball to the base ahead of the kicker. They want to get to the base in time to touch the base while holding the ball, or touch the kicker himself with the ball. Once the team gets three outs, the two teams switch places. The offensive players take up defensive positions and the defensive players form a batting order. You then continue to play the game in the same way. Once each side has batted once, the inning is over. You play six innings in kickball before you determine the winner of the game. The team with the most runs at the end of the game wins. After the game the two teams can line up side by side and shake hands and say " good game" to show good sportsmanship." is Choose which team will get the ball first. Choose an offensive lineup. Roll the ball. Kick the ball. Switch sides after three outs. Determine the winner at the end, based on the number of runs. | 1 |
Passage: Give your doe lots of grass hay and fresh greens to munch on daily. You can also use timothy pellets to supplement her diet. She can have as much vegetation as she likes, but you’ll want to portion out her pellets based on her weight to make sure you’re not overfeeding her. Rabbits love romaine lettuce, bok choy, carrot tops, kohlrabi, cilantro, basil, watercress, and mustard and beet greens. A good rule of thumb is to give your rabbit 1/4-1/8 cup (16-32 g) of pellets for every 5 pounds (2,300 g) of bodyweight. Avoid excessive feeding since overweight and obese rabbits can have more complications with pregnancy and giving birth. Providing proper nutrition is always a key part of rabbit ownership, but it’s especially important where pregnant females are concerned, as she’ll be eating for up to 12! Refill the receptacle with fresh water at least once a day. Female rabbits who are expecting need to stay hydrated in order to produce enough milk to nurse their young. You’ll probably notice an increase in the amount of water your doe drinks every day as she begins to lactate. Nestle the lower part of her chest just above her front legs in the crook of your arm and use your hand to support her hindquarters from beneath as you gently elevate her. Hold her close to your body to ensure that she stays warm and secure. If she’s feeling shy or anxious, allow her to burrow her head into your underarm until she relaxes a bit. If your rabbit is being uncooperative while you try to pick it up, try laying a large bath towel over it before trying to pick it up. The darkness will help the rabbit calm down more. Make sure you support your rabbit’s entire body when you pick it up. Once or twice a day for half an hour or so at a time, take your doe out of her cage and allow her to roam freely. She can use this time to play, exercise, or leisurely explore an exciting new environment. Be sure to watch her closely to make sure she doesn’t accidentally hurt herself or end up somewhere she’s not supposed to be. If you’re planning on letting your doe play indoors, take a moment to make sure that any and all items that could pose a danger to her are off limits before you turn her loose. This includes things like electrical cords, sharp objects, and anything small enough for her to get choked on. Daily exercise is essential for pregnant does, as it serves to stimulate blood flow, which in turn carries more vital nutrients to the unborn kits., Summary: Feed your rabbit a high-quality diet. Keep your doe’s water bottle or dish topped off. Pick up your doe carefully when you want to hold or move her. Let your rabbit play outside of her cage for at least an hour every day. | 1 |
Context: One of the common treatments for Parkinson’s is physical activity. Regular physical activity or exercise may minimize your risk for developing the disease by about 30%. This may be especially true for people in their 30s and 40s, which is decades before Parkinson’s often develops. Try and get some type of physical activity most days of the week to try and reduce your Parkinson’s risk. Do aerobic activity that gets your heart beating faster, which has a protective effect on brain tissue. Aim for least 75 minutes of vigorous activity or 150 minutes of moderate activity each week. This translates to about 30 minutes five days a week. Do exercises and activities that challenge your body and that you enjoy. Things like hiking, walking, jogging or running, swimming, or biking are great options. Activities like jumping rope or on a trampoline can also get your heart pumping. Exposing yourself to pesticides, insecticides, and herbicides may increase your risk of developing Parkinson’s. These compounds can mimic the same function as Parkinson’s in the brain: they kill neurons in a small part of the brain called the substantia nigra pars compacta. Avoid or limit your exposure to any pesticide as much as you can. Stay indoors if you are around an area being sprayed with insecticides. Like pesticides, petrochemical solvents such as paints and glues may increase your risk for Parkinson’s. Although the evidence isn’t entirely clear on the connection between the two, it’s advisable to steer clear of solvents as much as you possibly can. Check product labels for the names of commonly used solvents including: isopropanol, toluene, xylene, white spirits, methylene chloride, trichloroethylene, and perchloroethylene. Make sure your employer uses safe practices if exposure to solvents is a part of your job. If not, contact OSHA at 1-800-321-6742 to file a report and set in motion getting proper protection from solvents. Use low-volatility paints and glues if you can. Make sure any area exposed to solvents is adequately ventilated with open windows and fans. A strange fact about Parkinson’s is that people who smoke appear to be less likely to develop the disease; however, this is no reason to start smoking, because the harmful effects of smoking far outweigh any benefit you might gain against Parkinson’s. Recognize that the link between smoking and a lower risk of Parkinson’s is that tobacco is a nightshade plant. You can incorporate other healthy nightshades into your diet by eating veggies like peppers, cauliflower, eggplant, potatoes, and tomatoes., Summary: Take a music, art, or language class. Read a new book, magazine, or comic. Make a summer playlist. Visit a museum. Get a part-time summer job. | 0 |
The summary of "Click the magnifying glass icon in the top-right corner of the screen. This will search your Mac for the Terminal app. It should be the top result beneath the Spotlight search bar. This will run a command to open the hosts file, which is a file on your Mac that controls the websites you can access in all web browsers—Safari included. This is the password you use to log into your Mac. You won't see the characters appear as you type, but they will be entered into Terminal nonetheless. This may take a few seconds. Once the file opens in a new window, you can proceed with editing it. Use the ↓ arrow key to navigate to the bottom of the file. Pressing ⏎ Return will create a new line. This should leave a few spaces' worth of room between and the next piece of text. This will typically consist of typing www., the website's name (e.g., Google), and .com, .net, or .org. The line will look something like this: If you're blocking multiple websites, each URL must be on its own line. Once you have entered all of the sites that you want to block, save and exit by pressing Control+O and then pressing ⏎ Return. To exit the hosts file, press Control+X. . In order for the settings to take effect, you will need to flush your DNS cache. You can do this by typing sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder;say DNS cache has been flushed and pressing ⏎ Return." is Open Spotlight . Type terminal into Spotlight. Click Terminal. Type sudo nano /etc/hosts into Terminal and press ⏎ Return. Enter your Mac's administrator password and press ⏎ Return. Wait for the hosts file to open. Scroll to the bottom of the file and press ⏎ Return. Type in and then press Tab ↹. Type in the URL of the website you want to block. Save and exit the editor. Flush your DNS | 1 |
The answer of "Summarize the following Sometimes, you need to throw in the towel and replace the oil. There's no clear rule on how many times you can reuse oil. However, you do have signs you should look for of when to toss the oil. If it's dark even after you filter it, it's time to throw it out. If it has a foam on the top, it's also time to throw it out. Eventually, the oil will break down, and it will start making your food greasy instead of crispy it because it will seep into the food too quickly. When it foams, it will smoke too soon for frying, meaning you won't be able to fry the food at the right temperature. Old oil goes rancid, which smells bad. When you pull your oil out for frying, smell it first. If it doesn't smell right, it's time to toss it. You don't want to use an oil that will ruin a batch of food by making it taste awful. Rancid oil usually won't hurt you. However, the flavor is pretty bad. Cooking oil that has gone rancid will have a musty smell that smells somewhat like fish or a bad fast-food restaurant in addition to being dirty looking. When you first get oil, it should pour smoothly, with the exception of oils that are solid at room temperature, such as coconut oil. However, as oil breaks down, it will get a lot thicker. If the oil is looking thick or sticky, it's time to toss it. However, remember that putting it in the refrigerator will also make it thick. Let the oil come to room temperature before checking it for thickness. Once you figure out you need to throw your oil away, you should do it properly. For instance, it's a terrible idea to dump grease down the drain, as it clogs pipes not only at your house, but in the rest of the city. So don't get rid of oil that way once it's time to discard it. The best way to deal with oil is to put it in a container that you are planning to throw away anyway. Just don't put in plastic while it's hot. Even with hot water applied, the oil will get stuck in pipes and necessitate calling a plumber. In fact, tossing oil (fat and grease as well) down the kitchen drain is the leading cause of sewer backups. The oil clogs pipes over time and could cost you thousands of dollars in repairs. Never put your cooking oil into a storm drain as that can impact the environment, including fish and wildlife. Even with hot water and detergent you won't be able to get all of the oil down the drain. Some local disposal centers might accept used cooking oil if you don't want to put it in the trash for environmental reasons. Check with local government about whether you community recycles used cooking oil. Using cooking oil when deep frying can be dangerous because temperatures can exceed 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Be careful not to burn yourself and to not get too close to the oil while it's frying. Use a frying screen to block flying oil when you're not turning the food. Oil is very flammable, making it easy to start a fire, especially if you're working near an open flame like a gas burner. It's a good idea to have a kitchen fire extinguisher nearby when working with cooking oil. Water turns into hot steam when it hits very hot oil. Water can cause oil to splatter and injure you, so don't let water get into the hot fat. If you have a grease fire, don't use water to put it out. The oil will just spread and splatter further. Cover the fryer with a metal lid if you don't have a kitchen fire extinguisher, and call 911 immediately. Keep any pots with hot oil on the back burner if you have kids in the house. That way, they can't come up and stick a hand in the pot or turn the pot over. Read the owner's manual before using a deep fryer. Don't add oil to the deep fryer unless it's turned off, has been wiped dry, and is away from water." is Replace the oil when it's too dark or foamy. Smell the oil. Watch for how thick it is. Throw the oil away properly. Be safe. | 1 |
The answer of "Summarize the following Apply a hair mask at least once a month to provide deep conditioning and to encourage softness and shine. Use a hair mask that's specially designed for your hair type, whether your hair is dry, oily or colored. Good hair masks can be found in pharmacies and hair salons. Alternatively, you can make your own hair mask, using ingredients from your kitchen. For all hair types: avocado and honey: Cut and scoop out the flesh from a ripened avocado and mix in a tablespoon of organic honey. Apply to hair and allow it to sit for 20 minutes before rinsing it off in the shower. For dry hair: olive oil and egg: Combine three tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil with two eggs and apply the mixture to your hair and let the mixture sit for 20 minutes before rinsing in the shower with cool water (so the egg doesn't cook!). If you do not like the smell of raw eggs, you can use a ready egg oil (eyova) instead. For oily hair: apple cider vinegar and lemon: Combine 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar with the grated peel of an entire lemon and allow it to set for 15 minutes to absorb the excess oil from your scalp, and then rinse in the shower. For flaky scalp: banana, honey and almond: Mash together 1/2 a ripe banana and add two tablespoons of honey and a few drops of almond oil and allow it to set with a shower cap on for 20 minutes before rinsing. Apply to serum to wet hair before drying, or to freshly blow-dried hair. It will help keep your hair soft and shiny, while minimizing frizz. Usually only a very small amount of serum is required (dime-sized amount). Apply serum to ends and mid lengths of hair, but avoid the roots, otherwise your hair will look greasy. It is crucial to apply some sort of heat protection product before subjecting your hair to high temperatures from irons and dryers. Heat is your hair's worst enemy, so use a heat-protection spray to lock in moisture and minimize burning and breakage. Heat protection products come in many forms, including sprays, serums, mousses and creams. Always apply heat protection to wet or damp hair to ensure it absorbs fully. If you apply to dry hair, it will sit on top of the hair and will not provide adequate heat protection. You know how important it is to protect your skin from harmful UV rays, but what about your hair? The sun can be drying and damaging to your hair, so it's important to use products that are specifically designed to minimize of sun damage. These products can help prevent highlighted hair from lightening too quickly and looking fried, and they can keep dark hair from turning brassy or red. Most UV shields are finishing products such as UV-based hairsprays or leave-in conditioners. Keep in mind that UV shielding products always need to be applied to damp hair. Otherwise, they'll sit on the surface and won't sink into the hair. Avoid shampoos, conditioners and other hair care products that contain harsh sulfates, parabens or sodium chlorine. These ingredients will build up in hair over time, causing damage and weighing down your locks." is Apply a hair mask. Use serum. Use heat protection. Use UV shielding products. Avoid chemical-laden products. | 1 |
Q: Summarize the following: Just like the Sag wants to be his/her own person, they want to date someone that's like that too! If you're following them around wherever they go, taking on their hobbies and interests, your mysteriousness and self go away. They'll get bored. So whatever got you them in the first place, keep it. They're not interested in another version of themselves. It's really easy to lose yourself in another person, especially when you're beyond infatuated. Resist! Don't compromise your values and belief system for them -- they won't do you the favor, so why should you?! Remember how we talked about Sagittarians needing to be free? Yep. Even when your relationship is solidified it's important not to be too clingy. So the next time you're at a party, wander to the other side of the room. This isn't a display of your relationship hitting the skids -- it's a sign that your relationship is strong enough to be apart for an hour! Your Sag won't be clinging onto you too tightly, either. Again, this is fine. This is to be expected. It's not a lack of a display of affection -- it's just a display of their personality. Rest assured that if your Sag is thinking something (positive or negative), they'll let you know! This is important in your relationship and just for you. The Sagittarius loves dating someone who's just as open to exploring as they are. So take a wine tasting class, a DJing course -- even if it's by yourself! Adding facets to your personality (even if they're facets you don't share) will make you more interesting. There is no limit to adventure here. S/He is just as likely to try a new coffee flavor as they are to book an impromptu trip to the Siberian Desert. Seek it with them and you'll be a match made in heaven. The fact that Sagittarians are adventure-seekers who seem to thwart emotion may make you throw up your hands in the air like you wish you didn't care. Obviously they can and have been pinned down thousands of times over, so there's no need to worry! Connections can't be ignored -- if you and your Sag feel that spark, your Sag won't be denying it, commitment issues or not! Look for hints that your Sag is ready to commit. Are they depending on you more than anyone else? Do they go out of their way to make sure you're happy? Do the surprises and adventure just keep on coming? If so, then you might be ready to take it to the next level. Who's the archer now?, A: Be your own person. Don't cling on too tight. Seek adventure. Deepen your relationship. | 1 |
The summary of "One of the most common tones in literature is a solemn or gloomy tone, where the tone feels heavy or serious. Often the tone comes across as bleak or dark if it is solemn. You may respond to a solemn literary work by feeling sad or unsettled. A good example of a solemn or gloomy tone is in the short story “The School” by Donald Barthelme. Another common tone in literature is a suspenseful tone, which creates a sense of dread and anticipation in the reader. Often, you may feel on the edge of your seat or full of anxiety as you read a literary work with a suspenseful tone. A good example of a suspenseful tone is in the short story “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson. A work of literature with a humorous tone will often make the reader laugh or smile. It can come across as playful, witty, or ironic. Sometimes writers use a humorous tone to counter a solemn tone in the same work, such as in a novel or a short story. A good example of a humorous tone is the poem “Snowball” by Shel Silverstein. In many cases, the genre of the piece can give you clues about the tone. For instance, a suspenseful tone is often found in thriller novels or mystery stories while a humorous tone is often found in works of comedy and satire. It can be tricky to distinguish between mood and tone in literature, especially because they are often connected or interrelated. Mood is different from tone in that it describes the setting and atmosphere of a text. Mood is created through the reader's response to the tone in a work. However, both mood and tone are shaped by the writer's ability to convey emotion in the reader. For example, if a story is set in an abandoned cabin the woods, it may have a creepy or unsettling mood. The author may then have a narrator or main character who uses a gloomy or depressing tone to describe the cabin in the woods to the reader." is Assess the best way to strike depending on your position. Strike with the heel of your palm from the front. Strike with your elbow if the attacker is behind you. | 0 |
Q: Summarize the following: o a standing hip hinge. This is a good starter warmup exercise for opening up the hip flexors. Use your hands to support your back as you stretch the muscles in your groin. For an added challenge, kneel on the floor and then bend your upper body back. You’ll feel the stretch not only in your hip flexors but also in your quads. . This stretch requires the aid of a chair. As you twist your body, you will stretch not only your hip flexors but also your thighs and your chest. You should keep your abdominals engaged throughout the exercise so that you don’t overextend your back. If you sit a great deal during the day, this stretch will ensure that your hip flexors don’t grow short and impeded. o a hip flexor stretch on a table . If you have no table suitable for the exercise, then you can use a workout bench or simply perform this stretch while lying on the floor. If you scoot down so that your pelvis isn’t supported by the table, then you will engage your core muscles. In addition to stretching your hip flexors, this exercise will help to relax and lengthen your lower back. o frog pullovers. In addition to stretching your hip flexors, this exercise will lengthen and strengthen your arm and shoulder muscles. You will also feel a nice stretch down the sides of your torso as you raise and lower your arms above your head. To increase the stretch in your hips, start in the beginning position for the frog pullover. Then, sit up and slowly lower your chest down over your feet to stretch the groin. o a hip rotator stretch. Instead of resting your feet on a wall, you can get into a 90/90 neutral back position with your legs supported by a bench. This exercise focuses on using the bent leg to push your other leg toward the wall. You can also draw your knees toward your chest to stretch the hip flexor in your bent leg., A: . Do a 3D hip flexor stretch . . . | 1 |
Q: Summarize the following: Orthodontists are dentists who specialize in diagnosing, preventing, and treating irregularities in your teeth. See your regular dentist and ask for a referral to an orthodontist. Your dentist can probably make helpful suggestions for finding a professional in your area. The orthodontist will evaluate your teeth, jaw, and gums and help you decide on the best treatment plan for you. If you have health insurance that covers dentistry, call your insurance company and ask for a list of in-network orthodontists that they will cover. Some dentists can do orthodontic work, whereas others will refer you to a specialist. Just ask! Braces are a traditional way of realigning crooked teeth. You will have small brackets cemented to your teeth and connected by wires. The braces will apply pressure to slowly move your teeth into a straighter position over time. You will see your dentist or orthodontist periodically so they can appropriately tighten your braces. How long you have braces varies and depends on your teeth, but the normal range is between one and three years. Braces now are more comfortable than ever before. Braces can be fun bright colors, or subtler tooth-colored brackets. Some braces can even be placed behind your teeth (lingual braces) so you don’t see them much – they’re nearly invisible, but may be less comfortable. Discuss your options with your orthodontist. Your dentist or orthodontist will probably give you a retainer after your braces are removed. This is a removable mouthpiece that keeps your teeth in their new position. You’ll wear it at night for a while, but not forever. Be sure to wear your retainer as directed by your dentist so your teeth don’t start to shift back to their previous position., A: Find an orthodontist. Get braces. Choose your type of braces. Wear your retainer. | 1 |
The answer of "Summarize the following Be specific about the kinds of flavors and textures that appeal to you. Many picky eaters tend to find both sweet and bitter to be extreme tastes, and thus often opt for more mild foods including wheat products, cereals, and potatoes. Write down whether you prefer mild foods like pizza, french fries, and grilled cheese; or if you only like to eat foods with certain textures, such as crunchy crackers and popcorn. Determine what you gravitate towards eating on a daily basis. List all your favorite foods, and describe the flavor and texture of each of them. Then go over the foods to see what they have in common. For example, you may prefer pepperoni pizza because it is salty, crunchy, and served hot. Or you may prefer plain cheese pizza because it is cheesy, crunchy, hot, and does not contain any other flavors that are too bitter, sweet, or strong. For some picky eaters, this may include foods with a bitter flavor, like acidic fruits or green, leafy vegetables. You may also have issues with food that share a certain texture, such as mushy foods like yogurt and creamed spinach. List your deal breaker foods, and note why each one is unappealing to you. When you list deal breaker foods, be specific about the flavor or texture of the food that you dislike. For example, you may dislike bananas because they have a mushy texture, or you may have a hard time with strong vinegar flavors in foods such as ketchup, sauerkraut, or pickles. If you have any allergies to certain foods, add these to the list of deal breaker foods as well. Sometimes, picky eaters gravitate to certain foods because they prefer a certain preparation, such as fried instead of steamed, or sliced instead of mashed. For example, you may prefer potatoes that are baked rather than mashed, or spinach that is kept fresh in a salad, instead of steamed or cooked. You may also enjoy certain foods only on their own, or only when they are combined with other foods. For example, you may dislike spinach in your pasta but be fine with eating a spinach salad on its own." is Eliminate foods with refined sugar. Decrease your meat consumption. Cut out bread. Avoid condiments. Replace acidic beverages with alkaline ones. | 0 |
Passage: Are you a novice when it comes to anatomical studies, or do you have experience with the subject? Is there a particular component of anatomy, such as the skeletal structure or the central nervous system, that interests you? Make sure you are in an anatomy class that caters to your level of understanding and your needs. If you are new to studying anatomy, it is advisable to take an introductory course in order to provide you with basic concepts, theories, and terms that will be needed for your future studies. If you have the ability, you may want to ask a friend or peer who has previously taken an anatomy course if you can look over their notes and syllabus to see if the class meets your needs. If you are studying anatomy as part of a diploma, degree, or certificate program, work with your academic advisor to make sure you are taking the correct course for your program. You may want to ask, “Does this course have a lab component that requires separate enrollment?” so that you can ensure you are in all of the right classes to get the credit you need. Check with your academic advisor regularly to make sure that your courses are correct. Anatomy deals with a large number of components of the human body. Use labeled diagrams and sketches in your notes so that you understand how the specific parts you study fit and interact in the rest of the body. Ask your teacher, “Do you have any images or diagrams I can copy for study aids?” Use unlabeled versions of your diagrams or note sketches to test yourself and help reinforce your knowledge. Look to your classmates and see if you can create a study group or weekly meeting group to exchange notes and talk about the course. Use this time to have your peers help you with concepts that aren’t sticking with you. This is also a great space to help tutor your peers, which in turn allows you to review and reinforce information in your own mind. Make these meetings fun, informal spaces where you and your peers can talk freely about what you are learning. Allow for conversation, rather than the question and answer format you have in class. Tutor for the subject, or teach your friends, your family, your roommates, or someone else who wants to learn more. Trying to teach is one of the best way to know whether or not you fully comprehend the subject, and this way you and your student both benefit. Ask a friend or family member, “Can I try to teach you this particular anatomy concept?” Explain it to them as best as you can, and have them repeat it back to you. Use their informational gaps as guides for where you should study. Offer to tutor a lower grade level in their anatomy class. This gives you the chance to review material while helping another student of anatomy. Anatomy has a lot of shared information with subjects such as embryology, comparative anatomy, and evolutionary biology. Enroll in classes in related subjects that might help you with your educational goals. Comparative anatomy and evolutionary biology look at how the human anatomical structure developed and how it relates to the anatomy of other animals. Embryology focuses on the development of sex cells in the womb up to birth., Summary: Breathe more slowly and deeply. Seek respiratory training for maximum health benefits. Try coughing. Practice pursed-lips breathing. | 0 |
Context: Don’t take the unclean pallet inside your home. Use a garden house or power washer to give the whole pallet an initial rinse. This should wash away any debris. Allow the pallet to dry. Reclaimed wood may contain insects, for example, that you wouldn’t want indoors. Try using a hammer, pry bar and cat’s paw to take apart the pallet without breaking it. If a pry bar doesn’t finish the job, a nail punch or drill can drive the nails out. Alternatively, you can cut through exposed nails with an oscillating tool, or cut through the planks themselves. Disassemble the pallet if you want to use the planks instead of the whole pallet in one piece. Place the pallet or planks between sawhorses. Rub the wood’s surface with the grain, starting with a coarse sandpaper and moving up to a fine grade. Sand the entire pallet so that it is smooth to the touch and won’t create splinter. Make sure to sand your pallet outdoors, wearing safety goggles and a respirator to avoid dust issues. If you opt not to sand the pallet, only use it somewhere that family and guests won’t touch it, since rough wood can cause splinter. In a bucket, combine five parts water to one part dish detergent. Alternatively, you can use a solution of one part detergent, ten parts bleach and twenty parts water. Use a scrub brush to scrub all of the wood with the solution. Scrub notches and grooves vigorously. Wear old clothes and rubber gloves. If you’re using bleach, you should also wear safety goggles and a face mask. You may want to use bleach if you have a reason to suspect mold or mildew. Don’t combine bleach with any products that contain ammonia. Use a garden hose or power washer to rinse all the solution from the wood. Use the solution and your scrub brush to clean the wood a second time. Rinse the pallet a final time, then leave it in the sun until it’s dry., Summary: Eliminate foods with refined sugar. Decrease your meat consumption. Cut out bread. Avoid condiments. Replace acidic beverages with alkaline ones. | 0 |
Q: Summarize the following: Find some comfortable heavy blankets and big pillows when you know that a storm is coming. These can block out the storm. If you are agitated or particularly bothered by the noise, try covering your head with the blanket or with a large pillow – being very careful that you have room to breathe. Grab a hoodie instead of pillows and blankets. This can be a pullover, zip-up, or full zip. It really doesn’t matter. However, the hoodie should preferably be a thick but comfortable, and not one that is tight or restrictive. Try to fall asleep the hoodie on. Once you have retreated to your thunderstorm room, have earplugs, and are snug in your hoodie, give sleep a shot. The hoodie will cover your ears. If the lightning is still bothering you, reverse it so that the hood covers your eyes. Alternatively, some hoodies zip up all the way to the top of the hood. If you have one of these, pull the zipper all the way up to cover your face. If it makes you feel more secure, make a barrier of your favorite stuffed animals against the storm. Gather your animals together. Try arranging them in a circle or rectangle around your bed. You will be at the center. Hop into bed and snuggle down. Imagine that the animals are guarding you. Let their presence reassure you and create a make-believe force field to keep away the dark things. Remember, the storm will not last. Usually, the worst of a thunderstorm is over within a short amount of time, often between thirty minutes to an hour. You are also safe at home, inside of your room. Try not to worry yourself too much., A: Create a pillow and blanket barrier. Put on a hoodie. Create a stuffed animal barrier. Try not to worry about the storm. | 1 |
The summary of "A decreased appetite is a common sign of digestive problems in rabbits. Be aware that a reduced appetite can be hard to notice at first—your rabbit may be sick for several days before you realize he’s eating less. Anorexia in rabbits can lead to serious medical problems, so do not delay in getting treatment for your rabbit if you notice he is not eating. Your rabbit may be eating less because he is unable to eat, not because he doesn’t want to. For example, dental disease may make it difficult for your rabbit to chew his food properly. A healthy rabbit produces two types of fecal pellets: a hard pellet made of indigestible fiber, and a soft pellet (‘cecotrope’). Rabbits eat the cecotropes for additional nutrients. For some digestive problems, such as gastrointestinal (GI) stasis, rabbits will produce fewer pellets, or none at all. Digestive problems due to a bacteria or virus can cause diarrhea. Inflammation of the intestine can produce mucus-covered pellets. Consider taking a picture of the feces so you can show your veterinarian what the feces look like. As with a decreased appetite, your rabbit’s demeanor and behavior may change when he has digestive upset. For example, he may become more lethargic and prefer to be left alone. Your rabbit may also lie awkwardly on his side or remain in a sitting position to decrease pressure on his belly. Your rabbit may develop a hunched posture and start grinding his teeth because of the abdominal pain. Your rabbit may even press his stomach against the floor because of the pain. This occurs if your rabbit has gas. If your rabbit will let you, gently touch his belly. His belly may feel like dough, which indicates gas buildup. Gas accumulation may also make the belly feel very hard. With some digestive problems, such as GI stasis, harmful bacteria can outnumber good bacteria in the gut. These harmful bacteria can release gas. The digestive system will make sounds (‘gut sounds’) as it is processing food and moving it along through the system. These sounds will be abnormal or completely absent if your rabbit has a digestive problem. For example, if your rabbit has gas, his belly will make gurgling noises. With GI stasis, gut sounds are abnormally frequent early on, then decrease or stop completely as the condition worsens." is Observe changes in your rabbit’s appetite. Monitor your rabbit’s production of fecal pellets. Look for changes in your rabbit’s behavior. Touch your rabbit’s belly. Listen to the sounds of your rabbit’s belly. | 1 |
The answer of "Summarize the following If you want to limit your conversation, don’t skimp on manners. Be polite, but don’t feel the need to carry out long conversations. Remain respectful in your interactions, but send the message that you are not willing to talk at length. For example, if the person asks you a question, respond minimally with a “yes” or “no” and don’t elaborate. If you feel annoyed by something the person is doing or saying, don’t feel the need to respond to it. If the person is getting to you, ignore the behavior. Especially if they enjoy getting a rise out of you, be non-reactive and don’t let things get to you. It’s annoying to live with someone who triggers you. For example, if your roommate wants to talk and you’re not in the mood for a conversation, excuse yourself neutrally. Say, “I know you want to talk about your office drama, but this isn’t a good time for me.” Avoid reacting emotionally. Instead, take a deep breath and respond with a calm, level tone. If you’re going to ignore the other person, watch your nonverbal language toward them. For example, avoid eye rolling, muttering under your breath, or giving a disapproving look at them. Even if you’re not speaking verbally, you may still be speaking through your behavior. Keep your face and body neutral. Don’t tense of or show your expressions on your face, no matter how much they try to get a rise out of you. It’s difficult to ignore someone when they’re cruel or harsh. If the person tends to put you down or treat you disrespectfully, it’s worth ignoring these statements if you don’t want to argue or get upset. If they say something unkind and you’d rather not get into it, avoid reacting by saying nothing. You can avoid acknowledging their words or say something simple such as, “I’m not interested in taking part in this discussion, especially if you’re going to yell at me” and say nothing else. Try to avoid letting their negative behavior affect you. You might imagine that you have a bubble surrounding you which repels their insults and criticism." is Respond politely, yet curtly. Be neutral in your responses. Manage your nonverbal behavior. Silence your reaction to harsh words. | 1 |
Passage: In a spray bottle, combine 1 teaspoon (5 g) of baking soda, ½ teaspoon (2.5 ml) of liquid dish soap, and 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of vinegar. Shake the mixture and allow it to bubble and settle. Then, fill the bottle the rest of the way with warm water. Always shake the bottle before using. This spray can be used in the kitchen and bathroom, on floors and walls, to clean the sink and refrigerator, and to wipe down appliances and other surfaces. Baking soda is slightly alkaline and mildly abrasive, so it can be used effectively as a cleaner around the house. For stains, tough jobs, and baked-on foods, make a baking soda paste by combining equal parts baking soda and coarse salt. Then, add a few drops of liquid dish soap and just enough water to stir the mixture into a paste. Apply the paste with a clean cloth, soak for 10 minutes, and then scrub the area before rinsing. This paste can be used to scrub a number of surfaces, including: Dishes with baked on foods Storage containers with sauce stains Teacups, coffeepots, and teapots with stains Microwaves and ovens with baked-on foods and grease Dirty grills Grimy showers and sinks You can use baking soda to absorb grease and oil in the kitchen, on dishes and appliances, and even in the garage floor or on the driveway. For oil and grease spills outside, sprinkle baking soda over the spill and leave it to absorb for about 10 minutes. Scrub the area with a brush and rinse it with a hose. Inside, sprinkle baking soda over the spill and wipe it with a clean cloth after 10 minutes. To remove grease from dishes, add a scoop of baking soda to the soapy dishwater and soak the dishes for 10 minutes before scrubbing clean. Baking soda can get your laundry cleaner by cutting grease, whitening, and eliminating odors. Just add 1 cup (220 g) of baking soda to the washing machine drum and wash your clothes using your regular detergent and washing settings. Baking soda is particularly good for deodorizing gym clothes, sports gear, cloth diapers, baby clothes, musty towels, and other stinky fabrics., Summary: Make an all-purpose spray cleaner for the house. Make a tougher scrubbing paste for multipurpose cleaning. Use baking soda to absorb grease and oil spills. Boost your laundry detergent. | 1 |
The answer of "Summarize the following Multiply the amount of ice cream by 5 to find out how much liquid nitrogen you need. For example, one gallon of ice cream requires five gallons of liquid nitrogen. This might not be as easy as it sounds. Since liquid nitrogen has to be stored and transported carefully (and because it is somewhat dangerous), you can't just buy it at any old grocery store. Look in your local Yellow Pages to see if there is a liquid nitrogen supplier listed. You might also try calling a dermatologist to ask them where they purchase the liquid nitrogen they use for burning off warts. You could try calling a local high school or college chemistry department to see where they get their liquid nitrogen for science experiments. Some farmers and welders also use liquid nitrogen, so you might try calling people in those professions. Liquid nitrogen is usually held in a special container called a Dewar that helps prevent it from evaporating. You'll need a container like this to transport your liquid nitrogen to your home. But most places that sell liquid nitrogen will let you rent or borrow a Dewar for relatively cheap. Each Dewar usually holds about 5 liters (1 US gal) of liquid nitrogen." is Use bobby pins and headbands to keep your bangs out of the way. Keep your hair back with a headband. Look cute and girly with a few bows. Avoid using too many or too big accessories. | 0 |
Context: There are many that can be found on the Internet. Just do a search for “GIMP Brushes”. Both dedicated sites like and artist sites such as DeviantArt feature GIMP brushes. GIMP brushes end in the extensions “.gbr”, “.gih”, or “.vbr”. Simple brushes for other programs, such as Photoshop, also often work for GIMP by simply changing the file extension to “.gbr”. Note that recent versions of GIMP will actually convert Photoshop brushes automatically. The more complex the brush, the less likely it is to be convertible to GIMP. Procedural brushes, which change shape depending on how they are used, generally can’t be converted. The proper place for this is in your personal “Brushes” folder, generally found at “C:\Documents and Settings\myusername\.gimp-2.6\brushes”. The exact filename will vary according to the version of GIMP you are using. There is a general brushes folder that is not separated by user, but GIMP advises that you do not edit that folder in any way. This is a button near the bottom right of the brushes display that shows two arrows, each pointing at the beginning of the other. This should cause GIMP to detect and display your brushes., Summary: Craft items Browse through of the various articles: | 0 |
The answer of "Summarize the following Your object has volume and weight, which, when light falls on it, results in shadows and highlights. Instead of drawing the outline of your object, try starting by sketching a well-balanced separation of light and dark areas. Approach shadows as you would a flat, graphic shapes. Some may be darker than others, but within individual shadows there should be a minimum of contrast and texture. Use the side of your charcoal pencil to create these shadow shapes, rather than scribbling in lines. Transition from shadows to highlights with halftones. Here, create gradations of contrast with darks from the shadow side and lights from the highlights. Your highlights may have some texture, depending on the material. There may also be areas without any texture. Hold a charcoal pencil like a brush. Use the length of the charcoal to produce thin lines, and the side for softer, thicker lines. You can also transition the line from thick to thin to produce a taper (great for lines moving between shadows and highlights). If you are drawing from life, walk around the model or object and observe it from all angles. If you're having a hard time conveying light and shade properly, make a basic model of your subject with moulding clay. It needn't be perfect: the point is to help you see how light bounces off the shape, creating highlights and shadows. Negative space is all the space between objects. Looking at negative space can be very helpful in understanding volume, as well as for measuring distances between things. As an exercise, you can draw negative space only (rather than the object). This is particularly effective when working with a heavier medium like charcoal. This is a trick you can use to make your picture "pop": it brings out strong contrast and drop shadows, which often give the illusion of reality." is Watch the movie in the morning to make it seem less scary. Avoid watching scary movies by yourself. Talk to yourself or others throughout the movie to ease your mind. Laugh Watch the special features to educate yourself on the film. | 0 |
Context: The throat is a weak point in a person's body. When defending yourself, attack their throat by punching or hitting it. If you're able to get your arm completely around their neck, you can apply pressure to their carotid artery to induce unconsciousness. This artery can be found on both sides of the neck and only requires 11 pounds of pressure to close. Pinching off the carotid artery stops oxygenated blood from going to the brain and could cause brain damage if held for too long. You can use your hands, elbows, feet, or forearms to attack the strong persons's throat. If you are behind them, using a rear naked choke can cause unconsciousness quickly. Read Do-a-Sleeper-Choke-Hold to learn how to do this. While this tends to be more effective when dealing with a male opponent, kicking anyone regardless of sex in the groin will temporarily incapacitate them, making it a great strategy when defending yourself. Make sure you are close enough to them to make clean contact, and don't hesitate. Doing a soccer kick in-between their legs is the best way to strike the groin. Mix in attacks to the groin with strikes to other parts of their body so it catches them off guard. Eye gouges and pokes can hinder the ability for a person to see, and more severe eye gouges can cause permanent blindness or death. If you are struggling against an attacker, press your thumbs hard against the surface of their eyeballs. Only perform this attack if you are in a dire situation. You could potentially kill someone by performing an eye gouge. Places like the elbow, ankles, and knees are vulnerable parts of the body. Each joint has a range of mobility, and will break or sprain if pulled or pushed in the opposite direction. Attack the soft part behind their kneecap, or do a push kick with the bottom of your foot onto their kneecap to incapacitate them. Try to find things around you that you could swing at your attacker, like a broom, a brick, or a bottle. Any object in your vicinity that's hard enough to break skin can be used. Using a weapon can carry heavier jail times if you are convicted of assault. Be careful when reaching for a weapon. It may escalate the situation and your opponent may also grab a weapon in retaliation, or take your weapon away from you., Summary: Attack their throat with strikes and chokes. Kick them in the groin. Gouge or poke their eyes. Attack their joints to remove their mobility. Use a weapon to neutralize your opponent. | 1 |
The summary of "Most home improvement centers have concrete grinders you can rent out for a project so you don’t have to buy one outright. If you’re not sure whether a store near you rents them, call ahead and ask before you go in. When using a concrete grinder, it's important that the floor is completely free of any obstacles or debris. Remove all of the appliances and furniture in your basement. Then, go over the floor with a vacuum to pick up any dirt or dust. When you’re grinding concrete, small particles of concrete can be thrown into the air. These particles can be dangerous if they get in your eyes or lungs. It’s important that you wear safety goggles and a respirator at all times when you’re using a concrete grinder. You can find safety goggles and a respirator online or at your local home improvement center. You can either dry grind or wet grind your floor. Wet grinding is preferable because the water on the floor soaks up the concrete dust and leaves less of a mess to clean up later on. You don’t have to wet grind your basement floor, just keep in mind that you’ll have a bigger mess to clean up if you don’t. Read the manual that came with your concrete grinder to make sure it’s compatible with wet grinding. If you decide to wet grind, spray your basement floor with enough water that there's a visible puddle across the entire floor. Make sure all of the proper attachments are in place so it works effectively. You should also read through the user’s manual that came with the grinder before you turn it on. When you reach one side of the floor, move the grinder over next to the row you just made and then slowly push it back to the other side to make a new row. Continue doing this until you’ve gone over the entire surface of the floor. When you encounter a raised spot on the floor, hold the grinder over it for a few seconds so it grinds it down. Make sure you’re pushing the grinder in a straight line. Once you’ve gone over the floor once with the concrete grinder, it’s important that you go over it a second time in the opposite direction so that the floor is even. Do the same thing you did the first time you went over the floor, only this time push the grinder perpendicular to the rows you just made. If you wet ground the floor, you’ll need to let it completely dry before you clean it. Otherwise, you can start vacuuming up the dust right away. Once your floor is clean, you can move any furniture and appliances you took out back into the room." is Rent a concrete grinder from your local home improvement center. Clear off your basement floor. Put on safety goggles and a respirator before you start. Spray your basement floor with a hose if you want to wet grind the concrete. Plug in your concrete grinder and turn it on. Push the grinder back and forth from one side of the floor to the other. Repeat going in the opposite direction to create a crosshatch pattern. Let your basement floor dry if necessary and then vacuum up any dust. | 1 |
Subsets and Splits