stringlengths 8
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Akbar's mausoleum, located at Sikandra, is 10 km (6 miles) north of Agra. | There is a mausoleum of Akbar's in Skiandra is just 6 miles from Agra. | 0 | 1,727 | 1 |
The other gentile enters my story, and in a more important way, is George Shultz. | George Shultz is the other gentile enters my story. | 0 | 1,732 | 2 |
I dare say, said Tommy angrily, "she's probably been in with them from the start. | Tommy knew that there was no way she'd been in on it with them. | 2 | 1,748 | 1 |
Rothko's journey into literal and figurative darkness left behind a shimmering trail of canvases mark for many people the high-water mark of spiritual beauty and emotion in modern art. | Rothko left a lasting impression on many through his art. | 0 | 1,752 | 1 |
leaving it you know in a legal way or something they could send all the people over to uh you know one particular part of town or one particular project somebody had paid somebody to you know get supported or | All could be sent to a specific town area or project paid for by someone. | 0 | 1,754 | 1 |
In another situation, we noted that a program lacked an effective method to monitor the professional growth of new and inexperienced staff. | There have been 9 situations we have noted. | 1 | 1,761 | 1 |
That's best for his clients, he says, because most are people with low incomes and a history of legal problems could prove detrimental if aired in court. | His clients will handle better because of their histories and legal standings. | 0 | 1,768 | 1 |
In addition, there are a number of issues Congress should consider that S. 556 does not address. | S 556 did not address all issues for poor people. | 1 | 1,778 | 1 |
A rival Hapsburg claimant was supported by Austria and Britain, saw a powerful Spanish-French alliance as a major threat. | Holland was neutral of the matter of Hapsburg claimants. | 1 | 1,787 | 1 |
As discussed in the previous section on risk analysis, the central security groups served primarily as advisers or consultants to the business units, and, thus, they generally did not have the ability to independently dictate information security practices. | There are many industry experts have talked about eliminating central security groups in the future. | 1 | 1,792 | 1 |
That little Wilkins is about the greatest fool even I have ever seen. | I consider Wilkins to be a great fool. | 0 | 1,797 | 1 |
A microclimate in Cold River makes this an ideal stopover the souvenir sellers along the main road are an indicator of the number of people pop in. | Cold River has a microclimate makes it a great stopover. | 0 | 1,804 | 2 |
Through the free hotline, which officially made its debut last week, Luu and other project employees calm anxious callers and even elicit laughs from those don't know where else to turn. | Every caller did no enjoy the free hotline. | 2 | 1,806 | 1 |
The program's name is derived from the subparagraph of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) defines the status, 8 U.S.C. | A description in the Immigration and Nationality Act forms the basis of the program's name. | 0 | 1,810 | 1 |
During the 14th century the Turks in Anatolia rallied under the banner of one Osman Gazi, had won a great victory over the Byzantines in 1301. | Osman Gazi defeated the Byzantine in 1301. | 0 | 1,820 | 1 |
and uh i one day i was i like found myself uh telling them to write their spelling words a hundred times each and i just heard this comedian say that you know something s how you know you're a bad teacher | Telling my kids to spell their spelling words 100 times each was the most uncreative strategy I've had. | 1 | 1,826 | 2 |
yes i'm actually a Met's fan i'm i'm one of these people s actually a die hard Met fan and an avid Yankee hater | I hate the Mets. | 2 | 1,827 | 1 |
His books are still, astonishingly, best sellers (even his wretched new ones). | He has some books are best sellers. | 0 | 1,832 | 1 |
These values do not reflect the adjustment for changes in real income over time is included in the benefit valuations in our national benefits summaries. | These numbers do not show the adjustment for changes in real income over time. | 0 | 1,835 | 1 |
Do you remember affirming that if a crime had been committed, and anyone you loved had been murdered, 107 you felt certain that you would know by instinct who the criminal was, even if you were quite unable to prove it?" | Do you recall your assertion that you would never be able to instinctively tell which individual was behind the murder of a person you loved? | 2 | 1,837 | 1 |
Hence, this was a very complex project was completed approximately within the time frame estimated and shown in Exhibit A-7 in Appendix A. | The time frame was accurately predicted. | 1 | 1,840 | 1 |
well that's uh to me it's it's really um i i i guess i guess i can intellectually uh kind of come to grips with all of that but you know emotionally i have a real difficult time believing that uh that that people believe in God and and love not war and to forgive can't get together | I don't understand religion. | 0 | 1,846 | 1 |
During a NewsHour discussion of Vernon Jordan's testimony, Shields comes out with the bizarrely malapropos comment Vernon Jordan's elocutionary style reminds him of nothing more than Barbara Jordan's measured diction. | During the discussion, Shields flew about the room and perched on the window sill. | 2 | 1,850 | 1 |
Political consultants have given the edge in this race to the candidate best addresses concerns about education, economic development, and the security of those depend on San Antonio's military bases. | The candidate most likely to win will be the one addresses education reform, how to improve the economy and military security. | 0 | 1,864 | 3 |
Employees are paid regardless of their presence or absence and who do not accrue leave under 5 U.S.C. | 5 USC governs the departure of an employee doesn't accrue and receives pay whether they are present or absent. | 0 | 1,883 | 2 |
i bought us tickets and stood there in line and i thought i'm going to end up on this elephant with him you know he did it by himself so stuff like is starting to come along where it's really getting fun you know but | He's starting to get braver with his activities. | 0 | 1,895 | 1 |
but uh some kind of a national service uh concept might be geared around reducing that would be a i think would be a big step so | I think that things are working great and it needs to increase and a national service would be a step in the wrong direction. | 2 | 1,898 | 1 |
right well uh most of our medical things we don't uh have to worry about because of insurance and they're they're relatively small uh we've been lucky in the past we didn't have that problem but right now we don't for the other things the things crop up we aren't really expecting we have different funds set aside for different things like we have a car fund and we put a certain amount of money into that every single month whether we need to or not | Because of the cost of insurance, we set money aside for the car every month. | 0 | 1,908 | 2 |
intent may be a matter of understanding the process by which decisions were made, was involved, and whether the actions are meeting local needs. | Intent is about understanding the process. | 0 | 1,934 | 1 |
Turn right at the end down Via Cappello for the 13th-century palazzo the local tourist authorities will have you believe was Juliet's House (Casa di Giulietta Cappelletti), complete with balcony. | Juliet did not really live in the palazzo. | 1 | 1,936 | 1 |
However, Sevilla la Nueva was not completely abandoned, continuing as a working plantation and rum distillery were later developed and expanded under British rule. | Sevilla la Nueva has about 500 workers left in it. | 1 | 1,941 | 1 |
It is screamingly obvious to everyone knows and loves her that the trouble lies with my mother and not, as she would have it, with the parade of horrible bosses fate has saddled her with. | My mother is faultless in her professional interactions with superiors. | 2 | 1,956 | 1 |
Many commercial firms, in recognition of the physical impact and disruption of family life results from frequent travel, allow their employees to keep frequent flyer awards. | Employees of several commercial firms are allowed to keep their frequent flyer awards. | 0 | 1,994 | 1 |
After conducting work at a field location, to the extent appropriate, GAO staff will hold a closeout meeting with agency officials are responsible for the operations of the field location and have oversight for issues related to the work's objectives. | GAO staff will not be inviting agency officials to the meeting. | 2 | 1,995 | 1 |
you bet no that's right yeah i i know of some people did uh it was it was indirectly related you know they could always come up with other reasons but it it had a lot to do with it just uh the the whole attitude because it's really uh it's just really it it seems so unTI you know with the the whole relaxed atmosphere that we have um to all of a sudden | I know some people did it which was indirectly related. | 0 | 2,013 | 2 |
Both Time and Newsweek run profiles of Betty Currie (here's Time's), more maps of was where in the White House, and updated scandal time lines. | There was a profile of Betty Currie run in Time, but not in Newsweek. | 2 | 2,019 | 1 |
It equals the gross or nominal amount of any asset or liability minus any allowance or valuation amount. | This is the calculation method will give you the most results. | 1 | 2,036 | 1 |
I thought of the white-haired old lady in the big house, and that vivid wicked little face had just smiled into ours, and a vague chill of foreboding crept over me. | I thought of the old lady in the house. | 0 | 2,047 | 1 |
and that innocent people i i shouldn't say innocent because i mean actually actually if they commit a crime they're in the same circumstances but | If they commit a crime under duress, they are not innocent. | 1 | 2,052 | 1 |
Unfortunately, there was no mention of the Capital Region's own Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York, the nonprofit organization works to ensure that justice is available to the poor, the disabled and the endangered members of our community. | The nonprofit organization works to ensure that euthanasia is available to the poor and disabled. | 2 | 2,056 | 2 |
Paris and its immediate surroundings are a magnet for tourists, students, businessmen, artists, inventors ' in short, everyone except perhaps the farmer and fisherman, may well come to the city to protest government policies. | The farmer and the fisherman may come to Paris for different reasons from everyone else. | 0 | 2,069 | 1 |
The boots worn by the conductores push the Monte toboggans are available (as are the straw hats, old-style boaters, that they wear). | The people push the toboggans wear slippers. | 2 | 2,080 | 2 |
if you'll think back a few years to when the Mets were just all this sort of young bunch of guys really were raw talent but weren't very sort of well trained you know back to the you know maybe eighty um eighty four or or eighty three or or eighty five you know when they were first when they weren't quite the eighty six team that that that they were um | Everyone loved the Mets even when they first started out. | 1 | 2,087 | 1 |
the security program to supplement basic guidance, such as the importance | A basic security program demonstrates importances. | 0 | 2,102 | 1 |
Although the Reformation and Lutherism had an impact on Poland, the country largely avoided the devastating religious wars raged elsewhere in Europe. | Poland still has several notable chapels. | 1 | 2,110 | 1 |
I liked Michael Kinsley's article . Here's a political glossary might be helpful in interpreting future lies. | I can point you to a political glossary might be helpful. | 0 | 2,115 | 2 |
it's loud and repetitious without having a great deal of meaning now i do like folk song um and there have been some nice folk songs over the years you know kind of still hang around | I have never heard any good folk songs. | 2 | 2,119 | 1 |
you know on it huh i mean i don't even know who did which ones but he does | I do not know the things he knows. | 1 | 2,127 | 1 |
but that's i don't know i think it just builds on the foundation they've already built you get people out of high schools and college junior colleges that don't have the background for an MIT kind of curriculum so | Students coming from high schools and junior colleges don't have a background for Technological Study. | 0 | 2,142 | 1 |
yeah well even the you know they they claimed they did the best they could and then the cat uh died so now i'm looking for another cat for them um i i've i've got a little kitten uh that's still uh oh it just being born right now so another five or six weeks i'll be bringing the little kitten over to uh to my folks | MY cat is alive and well. | 2 | 2,147 | 1 |
and you know if they just would have thought well gee if we don't you know if we put a freeze on new home starts will bring the price of houses back up our tax base revenue will go up and we won't have to increase taxes and make it more of a burden on people are living here | There was a way they could have done this, that would have made life easy for home-owners. | 1 | 2,155 | 2 |
The cover story marvels at the Wild Bunch of egotistical celebrities (including Warren Beatty and Donald Trump) are pondering third-party runs for the presidency. | The cover story talks about celebrities want to run for president on 2022. | 1 | 2,175 | 2 |
With the help of the pirates made the town their base, Port Royal became a very rich city, with the income from sugar and rum combined with stolen Spanish treasure (see page 18). | The pirates are nomadic and never took the town as their base. | 2 | 2,192 | 1 |
Susan's talent can help in many ways. | There are many ways Susan's talent can help. | 0 | 2,213 | 1 |
Blumenthal's face has been everywhere in the last week, and he is clearly enjoying his moment in the limelight, building valuable name recognition for the day when he decides whether to run for governor or senator. | Blumenthal's current fifteen minutes of fame is building recognition could help him if he decides to run for governor. | 0 | 2,216 | 1 |
Recommendation #6 Research is needed to identify the factors foster the organizational and practitioner behavior changes needed to institutionalize screening and intervention for alcohol problems among ED patients. | ED patients have alcohol problems need to be intervened. | 0 | 2,223 | 2 |
leadership succession, but will continue to adhere to the core vision and values embedded in the community in ways ensure the highest degree of relevancy to the increasingly diverse communities of clients in need of equal justice services. | The communities in need of equal justice services are becoming more and more diverse. | 0 | 2,232 | 1 |
being a renter not even caring about that | Being a person rents not even caring about that. | 0 | 2,239 | 1 |
These expectations, for purposes of brevity, can be summarized as a delivery system in which eligible clients in every state are afforded an equal opportunity to avail themselves and ultimately to attain high-quality civil legal assistance. | The system is only for high-paying clients have high-profile cases. | 2 | 2,240 | 1 |
Beside this temple is a huge bell has no rope (its clapper is swung by hand). | The bell beside this temple has no rope. | 0 | 2,254 | 1 |
Let me propose another reference group the culturati might glorify in the (perhaps vain) hope of curbing spending- happily functioning people. | I am going to come up with another group. | 0 | 2,257 | 1 |
But it would be a pity to miss the quiet majesty of the Palacio de los Duques (Palace of the Dukes of Gandaa), home of Saint Francis Borja (1510-1572), fourth Duke of Gandaa, abandoned worldly pleasures to join the Jesuit order after the death of his wife. | Francis Borja led a life of hedonism after his wife died. | 2 | 2,259 | 1 |
And uh then i have given that up but uh i would really like to start that again because i am now you know not in a position i like myself i don't feel | I would love to pick up some sports again, because I am out of shape. | 1 | 2,265 | 1 |
The amount and kinds of evidence required to support auditors' conclusions should be based on auditors' professional judgment. | The kinds of evidence support auditors conclusions should be based on their professional judgment, never their personal feelings. | 1 | 2,274 | 1 |
Legal Aid workers say their 13-attorney staff can provide full services for only about one in every five people ask for them, leaving many to fend for themselves. | The staff has 13 attorneys. | 0 | 2,283 | 1 |
A few days later, the Times printed an op-ed criticizing the liberal media for ignoring the Davidson news conference. | The Times printed an editorial said the liberal media ignored a news conference was very important. | 1 | 2,293 | 2 |
The Beverly Hills set usually bops over to Century CityShopping Ceter, a pleasantly designed open-air mall s an absolute parking nightmare on weekends. | The is no parking space at the Century City Shopping Center. | 2 | 2,309 | 1 |
A more complex question | Query is more detailed. | 0 | 2,311 | 1 |
Migrants from Africa stop to rest in the Balearics, and some stay for the summer. | African migrants rest in the Balearics sometimes stay for summer. | 0 | 2,312 | 1 |
they have that show on yeah every now and then um-hum well i found that they they have just a much better program than the other shows are on TV | Their program has better ratings than the others shows that are on TV. | 1 | 2,331 | 1 |
a doctoral-level psychologist trained and certified in motivational interviewing techniques. | A doctoral-level psychologist has no idea how to conduct motivational interviews. | 2 | 2,342 | 1 |
That went quick, he already had a tried and true mix of additives, preservatives, and stabilizers ready, which had always worked just fine. | That was quick since he always had on hand all of the ingredients he has used with success in the past. | 0 | 2,347 | 1 |
oh uh-huh well i've seen the afghans in the in the stores uh are designed for cross-stitch | The afghans I viewed in the shop were for cross-stitching. | 0 | 2,348 | 1 |
Managers generally welcomed their new authority to make spending, personnel, and operational decisions had formerly been made by central authorities. | It is more affordable if new authority is used over the central authorities. | 1 | 2,353 | 1 |
Next to the MGM Grand you will find M and M World, four stories of merchandise and memorabilia dedicated to the candy doesn't melt in your hand. | The candy has many fans love its attractions. | 1 | 2,375 | 2 |
But your remembrance of the history, the past, the events shepherding you all the way through yesterday toward today- is important. | This is less imporatnt - what you ate yesterday, what someone told you, or what is the hour. | 1 | 2,378 | 1 |
And there have been some attempts to build political portals, such as . But while such sites do a good job of making recent articles and broad-based resources available, they've yet to combine the Net's strongest attributes--searchability and multiple information sources--with political sophistication. | Users would be more interested in a political portal was searchable in terms of information sources. | 1 | 2,401 | 1 |
uh others people don't know what they want to do but as far as uh you know the Peace Corps i guess i suppose there's a few people have done it at that point in their lives but i think a lot of it's you know when the people get older they'll do something like that | When people grow up they sometimes join the Peace Corps. | 0 | 2,405 | 1 |
The latter two districts are newer residential and shopping barrios extend west and south of the old city. | The latter two districts are older residential and shopping barrios extend east and north of the old city. | 2 | 2,408 | 2 |
Our approach would significantly reduce the state resources needed to conduct modeling, planning and regulatory activities to attain the standards. | Our approach would reduce state resources are needed to conduct modeling. | 0 | 2,430 | 1 |
With the exception of the lowest volume post (Poste Italiane) the model's predicted percentages are close to the actual percentages for delivery. | The model predicts percentages are quite accurate. | 0 | 2,439 | 1 |
Unresolved questions about the nature and format of the intervention could use input from research are enumerated below. | Every question was answered. | 2 | 2,440 | 1 |
It's your own foolishness in trying to take something without permission gave you away. | You were given away because you tried to steal. | 0 | 2,444 | 1 |
The second thing I learned is the importance of collaboration among judges, bar associations, private attorneys and civil legal service providers. | Everyone works in law must work together. | 0 | 2,450 | 1 |
you and your dog huh hey sounds great well we don't we don't camp quite as much as we used to but uh i still think it's a great way to spend a time with your family and | My family used to go camping every summer when I was a kid, though we don't do it that much anymore. | 1 | 2,454 | 1 |
four people with with luggage and uh course this grant it that's you know it's been four years ago but it's remarkable that the that the bigger vans uh they're uh my boss just bought a a pick up truck and uh he only gets seventeen miles a gallon | My boss drives a car gets 30mpg. | 2 | 2,467 | 1 |
Barry McCaffrey, has made it clear he regards the two laws as the work of deceptive and mischievous drug legalizers have snookered a lot of otherwise right-thinking people. | Barry McCaffrey wants to legalize drugs. | 2 | 2,470 | 1 |
Already recognized as a federal nonprofit, the agency is awaiting state status would allow it to survive on charitable donations. | They would still seek other sources of funding. | 1 | 2,481 | 1 |
i had i had an eighty eight i really liked then it got wrecked and so i bought a ninety um because i i really liked my eighty eight and i've had a lot of problems with this one so | I bought a ninety because I really liked the eighty-eight I had. | 0 | 2,490 | 2 |
Much was said about Japanese management style in the 1980s--with its supposed Zen focus and greater sense of process than outcome--was pure buncombe. | The information about Japaneese management in the 1990s was correct. | 1 | 2,505 | 1 |
He likens the revered editor to the character Prince Myshkin in The Idiot : innocent and vulnerable, someone must be protected. | The editor, has been likened to Prince Myshkin in The Idiot, is not at all revered. | 2 | 2,506 | 2 |
The attorneys take on These cases often do so on extremely short notice. | These cases can sit for years before an attorney works on them. | 2 | 2,509 | 1 |
uh and i i think that's probably the fun of watching minor league baseball and the other thing is watching guys on the other end uh guys i had seen play for both the Red Sox and Pittsburgh | It's fun seeing players play for opposite teams. | 0 | 2,510 | 1 |
and uh and i'm i'm i'm especially sorry for the people are you know have spent all these years trying to deal with it emotionally because you know until the last past four or five years nobody ever really worried about that for them | People had emotional problems. | 1 | 2,513 | 1 |
In Palma, the shops Can Bonet and Dana sell fine handmade embroidery. | There are embroidery shops in Palma will embroider anything you bring them. | 1 | 2,531 | 1 |
EPA estimates that there are approximately 490 respondents are affected by the air emission rules and must submit an initial applicability notification. | Anyone harming the air must answer to the epa. | 1 | 2,537 | 1 |
Agencies were to implement the new policies for the SES appraisal cycles began in 2001. | Appraisal cycles starting in 2001 were done under new rules requiring greater oversight and accounting. | 1 | 2,545 | 1 |
There's a shop specializing in all these items on Av. | There are no stores deal with these items on Av. | 2 | 2,559 | 1 |
right and it's cutting off the uh the there there are two knives and it cuts off the uh you know excess seam allowance | It has two cutting blades trim off extra seam fabric. | 0 | 2,571 | 1 |
Or will they stay with a president claims to have ended the Bush recession and who offers a lesser tax cut? | I am not interested in which president the voters choose. | 2 | 2,579 | 1 |
Subsets and Splits