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Core competencies and supporting The agencies identified core competencies and supporting behaviors for senior executives to follow that are intended to contribute to their agencies' achievement of performance goals. | Agencies have a set of performance goals senior executives should help achieve. | 0 | 818 | 1 |
For those like other horse-riding activities, there is also an equestrian center organizes exhilarating rides on the beach and trips along guided trails through the surrounding hills. | Horses are not allowed on any beaches locally. | 2 | 819 | 2 |
But the real problem with diGenova and Toensing isn't their pundit addiction or their neglect of an investigation Democrats would just as soon they neglect anyhow. | Both diGenova and Toensing have no personal reason to pay attention to the investigation. | 1 | 828 | 1 |
For a moment, there seemed to be a touch of friendliness and respect in them, but there was something else Hanson liked far less. | Their imposing manner didn't have any friendliness or respect in it at all. | 2 | 833 | 1 |
On the right, you'll come to the Art Deco Byzantine-style tower of the YMCA, designed by the firm also planned New York's Empire State Building. | The tower of the YMCA building was designed in a classic Greco-Roman style. | 2 | 838 | 1 |
yeah i mean they're not helping anybody s the that's the whole point they're not doing anything for anybody except themselves | The people need help. | 1 | 845 | 1 |
When agencies lose major accounts, they often fire nearly everyone involved with the account. | If an agency loses a big account, it's not uncommon for them to fire everyone was associated with that account. | 0 | 861 | 1 |
well the the problem i had with the movie was the problem i've had with a lot of uh i guess Hollywood movies which is you know it's a formula movie and they're making the movie according to a certain formula s a good formula but they seem to | The movie was original with a twist ending. | 2 | 876 | 1 |
I began to find myself in the same circle that I was in before. | I had returned to the same circle of friends I had in high school. | 1 | 885 | 1 |
In some cases, modern buildings were erected in their place are not admired today. | Some of the modern buildings were erected in their place are not admired today. | 0 | 888 | 2 |
Or, to put it another way, in the sense of asking an entirely different Is it really a requirement of sophistication a place provides good bookstores, movies, plays, museums, music, cuisines, and an opportunity for erotic and intellectual freedom? | Sophistication requires that people not have intellectual freedom. | 2 | 903 | 1 |
yeah the uh this this guy did too he ended up going to Leavenworth which is good i'm glad | There was a guy went to Leavenworth. | 0 | 907 | 1 |
Suggestions on how to improve the current process were implemented and, as a result, LSC will be sending feedback letters to applicants filed grant proposals for 2003 funding to begin a dialogue about the applicant's delivery system based on the grant application. | There were over five hundred suggestions on how to improve the current process. | 1 | 912 | 1 |
unless you're eating like a baked potato or something | Unless you are eating a potato has been cooked in the oven. | 0 | 917 | 1 |
to just to see all these things you can can see on television now and can read about that ten years ago we didn't have this kind of information i mean we didn't know | Ten days ago we got a new TV. | 2 | 919 | 1 |
I have found it hard to forgive the things you said against my dear husband but I am an old woman & very fond of you Yours affectionately, Emily Inglethorpe 79 It was handed to the jury scrutinized it attentively. | I am an old lady likes you a lot. | 0 | 950 | 2 |
oh really huh do you do they um have a policy where they counsel people if they come back positive or do they fire them right away or | I have heard that they fire the people come in positive. | 2 | 955 | 1 |
A remnant of the second century a.d. wall once supported the Temple Mount, this is the most revered place in the world for the Jewish faith. | The remnant of the wall is an interesting historical artifact, but doesn't have much religious meaning anymore. | 2 | 964 | 1 |
They were longitudinal, were made by on-site observers sought participant-observer roles, and constituted an inquiry structured from an evolving understanding of events and their meaning to the persons involved in them. | They were made on site by observers, constituted an inquiry, and were longitudinal. | 0 | 978 | 1 |
However, a change would not seem likely to have a negative impact, since, in contrast to the current policy, it would be consistent with the airlines' position that frequent flyer miles belong to the individual traveler. | Individuals are groups of people or businesses work as a team to achieve a goal. | 2 | 980 | 1 |
A narrow cobbled trail of 587 steps leads from the town to the small port below, now the domain of a fleet of donkeys wait to carry cruise ship passengers into town. | A fleet of donkeys ferries passengers from the town to the port. | 0 | 982 | 1 |
Youth is a failing only too easily outgrown. | The idea of youth is a fault is overcome easily by growth. | 0 | 988 | 1 |
These Year 2000 conversion efforts are often conducted under severe time constraints without adequate management attention, could result in a weakening of controls over the integrity of data and programs and over the confidentiality of sensitive data. | The severe time constraints on the Year 2000 conversion efforts should have absolutely no effect on the confidentiality of sensitive data. | 2 | 999 | 1 |
Saved from the plant over-growth in the past two decades, 12 km (7 miles) from Ipoh is Kellie's Castle, a mansion whose construction was halted when its owner, William Kellie Smith, a rubber planter, died while visiting Scotland in the mid-1920s. | William Kellie Smith was a rubber planter died while he was visiting Scotland in the mid-1920s. | 0 | 1,062 | 1 |
The greater use of broadbanding is one of the options deserves to be discussed. | There are no other options need to be discussed. | 1 | 1,065 | 2 |
6 percent in 1997.NHH-to-NHH (business mail) is the only sector of First-Class Mail has experienced healthy growth in the 90s. | NHH-to-NHH (business mail) knew a growth in the 90s of 15 percent. | 2 | 1,070 | 1 |
it's like you know even though two hundred and fifty thousand people died somewhere else they're not going to tell you you know they're going to spend more time on doing a a thing on a on a cross guard s a hundred and five years old than they are on anything else you know | Not many people died somewhere else. | 2 | 1,073 | 1 |
But evangelical leaders, are, in my experience, uniformly kind and generous in their personal relations, can also be terribly obnoxious in their relations with Jews. | evangelical leaders are jerks to everyone. | 2 | 1,079 | 1 |
Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder, suggested that the Justice Department, rather than a biased independent counsel, should investigate Baitgate. | Eric Holder predictably suggested that the Justice Department should investigate rather than any other agency. | 1 | 1,083 | 1 |
13 Such problems might well arise if the Service were to negotiate discounted rates-unaccompanied by a change in service conditions provided cost or revenue justification. | There might be problems if the service can negotiate rates without a change in the service conditions. | 1 | 1,089 | 1 |
The town of Antiparoseeems to move at a slower pace than Parikia; in fact, the town can be almost somnolent out of season. | Parikia is a much slower paced town Antiparo. | 2 | 1,103 | 1 |
Although we identified no organizations had made significant progress in applying such measures, we found that more precisely measuring the positive and negative effects of security on business operations is an area of developing interest among many information security experts. | Many information security experts are more and more interested in measuring positive and negative effects of security on business operations. | 0 | 1,107 | 1 |
yeah but don't you think in a way s kind of a cop out i mean it still is your responsibility and and and and nowadays they do have more information that you can become aware of and there are things like the League of Women Voters or some of the other groups | That is avoiding the responsibility you have to your constiutents. | 1 | 1,109 | 1 |
I want you to spark their minds. | I want you to do an experiment is exciting for them. | 1 | 1,127 | 1 |
When the Arabs took the country from the east they brought a new religion, art, and society swept away much of what had come before. | The arabs only brought materialistic things when they took over the east. | 2 | 1,129 | 1 |
And as my correspondent reminds us, the people ran LTCM understood all about this sort of thing--indeed, those Nobel laureates got their prizes for, guess what, developing the modern theory of option pricing. | The people running LTCM were poorly educated and generally unqualified. | 2 | 1,140 | 1 |
There's something about [Corgan's] whole grandiosity is very four years ago. | Corgan makes everyone remember 2013. | 1 | 1,141 | 1 |
and then i have a a Mac i use for graphics and | I don't own any computers. | 2 | 1,145 | 1 |
One curiosity is a charred electric light fixture and bulb somehow continued to work for 62 years until it suddenly stopped one day in 1964. | The light fixture stopped working because someone got water on it. | 1 | 1,174 | 1 |
Although Asian Americans live throughout Los Angeles County, there are several special cultural and shopping enclaves deserve visitors' special attention. | The population of Asian Americans in Los Angeles County has been steadily increasing recently. | 1 | 1,177 | 1 |
It's a lovely 3 km- (2 mile-) stroll down from the Porta Nuova, and is a point of pilgrimage for those curious to see the wooden crucifix spoke to a troubled 27-year-old Francis in 1209, telling him to go and repair the world. | Visitors can walk from the Porta Nuova to a famous wooden crucifix. | 0 | 1,182 | 1 |
The modes of any period can easily be made to look stupid. | There are some periods with modes simply can't be portrayed as stupid. | 2 | 1,210 | 1 |
Although other types of forfeited property must be sold in order to recognize revenue, or constructively sold (if transferred to another Federal agency or placed into internal use), this is the last step in a process is inherently nonexchange. | The government is not allowed to sell forfeited property. | 2 | 1,216 | 1 |
yeah the other thing we've done that that was really nice to see we had one of the financial companies um Hancock oh John Hancock company came out and their agents did a long term analysis based on salary and uh what we were planning what what what our uh goals were on a long term budget in terms of retirement kid's college paying off the house buying a different house | It was a huge shame John Hancock came out because they had nothing to say. | 2 | 1,224 | 2 |
There are 18th-century royal portraits in the Salen Azul (Blue Room) and archives preserve the document of privileges granted to the city by Alfonso X, the Wise, in the 13th century. | All documents from the era of Alfonso X were lost many years ago. | 2 | 1,232 | 1 |
In California, the client's rights to representation would be lost in certain administrative proceedings. | There are a lot of people in California have lost access to their rights to representation. | 1 | 1,239 | 1 |
Once darkness falls, the water in the bay is filled with luminescent micro-organisms glow when agitated. | The bay no longer has any water. | 2 | 1,243 | 1 |
Perhaps they didn't, because they had in mind the conclusion of Aesop's famous fable--the one about the mice decided to protect themselves from their sly and treacherous enemy, the cat, by tying a bell around its neck. | Maybe they did because they thought about the end of the story and it was too dull. | 2 | 1,247 | 1 |
right knowledge at the right time. | knowing the things are learned at a specific time. | 1 | 1,255 | 1 |
Countless Renaissance and Baroque sculptors have drawn inspiration from the friezes on the triple Arch of Septimius Severus (honoring a third-century emperor died in York, England, the northernmost boundary of the empire). | The Arch of Septimius Severus' friezes have served as a source of inspiration for many Baroque and Renaissance sculptors. | 0 | 1,259 | 1 |
employees to handle return processing workload during the annual filing season, IRS plans to increase the number of permanent employees and expand their job responsibilities to include compliance work they can do after the filing season. | IRS is going to expand the job responsibilities of permanent employees. | 0 | 1,272 | 1 |
In earlier reports and testimonies, we observed that top leadership must play a critical role in creating and sustaining high-performing organizations. | Previous research determined that individuals excel as leaders share similar personality traits. | 1 | 1,287 | 1 |
Centrelink is a one-stop shop pays a variety of Australian government benefits. | Centrelink pays a number of Australian government benefits. | 0 | 1,313 | 1 |
The Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996 amended the PRA, renaming and elevating former information resources manager positions to executive-level CIOs report directly to the agency head and have information management as a primary responsibility. | The CIOs have to report to the chairman of the board only. | 2 | 1,320 | 1 |
there are a lot of people aren't guilty that's in jail | A lot of people in jail have been set up for crimes they did not commit. | 1 | 1,325 | 1 |
. The beautiful stucco ceiling is by Michael Stapleton (is also responsible for the ceilings in the Dublin Writers Museum). | Michael Stapleton designed the beautiful stucco ceiling in the Dublin Writers Museum. | 0 | 1,326 | 1 |
right and you know there's not going to be those adding mistakes we all make | you know that computers will make adding mistakes a thing of the past | 1 | 1,341 | 1 |
but it but it's always seemed to me that that those people should be paid the most i think or paid significantly you know significantly more are are teacher types because they sort of hold for of the future in our hands than almost anyone else yet yet i don't think that uh it it it's being done i also i mean in general i think that our educational system is okay but i think we're lacking in some very specific areas | Teachers have the most important jobs ever. | 1 | 1,351 | 1 |
Agencies can use IT to inform the public about participation opportunities either through passive systems require users to take the initiative to discover rules available for comment or proactive systems alert interested individuals or organizations about impending regulatory actions. | Alerting individuals by using IT strategies is the future of agency relations. | 1 | 1,357 | 2 |
The work we do is the purest form of expression of the core values of all of the major faith traditions. | All major faith traditions have a core value our work exemplifies. | 0 | 1,362 | 2 |
if they don't have good French fries you know if it's one of if it's a place has other things if it's not that then we go to Chinese food you know i order | If they don't have good fries, we're getting Chinese. | 0 | 1,367 | 1 |
A risk assessment is the process of identifying potential risks in a system under development and then determining the significance of each risk in terms of its likelihood and impact on the acquisition's cost, schedule, and ability | The risk assessment finds potential risks in a system s being developed. | 0 | 1,382 | 1 |
oh that's quite reasonable | You are being overcharged, there is no way it should be | 2 | 1,388 | 1 |
At the request of Congress, we studied a number of leading public sector organizations were successfully pursuing management reform initiatives and becoming more results-oriented. | We suggest that all public organizations should follow this reform initiative. | 1 | 1,397 | 1 |
And it is impossible to see how this difference from Rust has any bearing upon the First Amendment question, which, to repeat, is whether the funding scheme is 'manipulated' to have a 'coercive effect' on those do not hold the subsidized position. | The question was asked it really rather very subjective. | 1 | 1,410 | 2 |
A town of peace far from those hunt for you. | The town was peaceful. | 0 | 1,439 | 1 |
I have already spent time with representatives of the power generation sector and have heard from a number of them are interested in legislation will provide the public health and environmental benefits we discussed today. | I heard from none of the representatives from the power generation sector. | 2 | 1,448 | 2 |
David Hall, director of Texas Rural Legal Aid in Weslaco, said legal services for the poor in the Rio Grande Valley are inadequate and need a dramatic increase in funding. | David Hall is sponsoring a legislative bill addresses the funding shortfall. | 1 | 1,474 | 1 |
The term modification does not include subsidy cost reestimates, the routine administrative workouts of troubled loans, and actions are permitted within the existing contract terms. | Modification does a lot toinvolve subsidy costs increase each year. | 2 | 1,490 | 2 |
An interpretation required the alien to be continuously present throughout the course of the litigation would confront indigent aliens with the Hobson's choice of either accepting representation or visiting their families abroad. | Aliens do not have to choose between family and representation. | 2 | 1,491 | 1 |
Downey serves on the advisory board of, a Washington-based startup aims to empower users to interact with decision-makers through a community Web service. | is very popular with average citizens. | 1 | 1,497 | 1 |
The environment is also affected by the manner in which the agency delegates authority and responsibility throughout the organization. | Many actions the agency take can affect the environment. | 1 | 1,511 | 1 |
and it's gonna it's gonna yeah some kids are really having it If they'd been in day care the entire time and it wasn't yeah the ones are now getting to be teenagers and in some cases young college | None of the kids will be going to college yet. | 2 | 1,517 | 1 |
From here, you'll get a full view of the line of five windmills sit above the town. | You can see the five windmills sit above the town from here. | 0 | 1,526 | 2 |
What if a foundering political campaign were the wacky premise for a failing TV show! | How about a failing TV show about a political campaign s collapsing? | 0 | 1,532 | 1 |
We have talked about this over and over again (and almost broke up over it several times), and she is getting better, but ... | This is a problem between us nearly split us up, but she is working on it. | 0 | 1,543 | 1 |
The gardens are popular with children enjoy watching the marionette shows, riding donkeys, and sailing boats on the circular ponds. | Children really like the marionette shows in the gardens. | 0 | 1,544 | 1 |
They are classified as (a) offsetting receipts (i.e. | It's a good thing they fall under this category. | 1 | 1,570 | 1 |
i kind of think it was necessary i mean i i i i don't i'm not a a big um pure power hitter anyway i mean i don't like these guys get up there and swing for the downs every time i mean uh i think that uh that a player ought to hit a home run if he's got the pitch to do it but when you get two strikes on you you have a tendency you know you should you know shorten your swing a little bit you know if it's a perfect shot go for it but i mean you know the strike outs were a big problem for him and uh plus supposedly what i heard he was not much of a team player anyway so | I heard that he was not a team player. | 0 | 1,578 | 1 |
Such was the subsequent dismay among reactionary factions at this sign of weakness the Tokugawa shogunate was soon overthrown. | This sign of weakness caused delight in reactionary factions. | 2 | 1,584 | 1 |
schedule a under uh well it's the same place it's the same place you put uh interest but but see that's what that's what makes Texas squirrelly laws uh you can't you can't take out a a second mortgage uh like some states where you can take out the mortgage and declare that and so uh it's fully deductible the laws are a little squirrelly but it basically comes down to it's not in your best interest to borrow money from a tax standpoint | Texas has the least favorable tax laws for residents with regard to mortages. | 1 | 1,591 | 1 |
Bestowed with plenty of the invaluable pioneer spirit characterizes Las Vegas to this day, Gass redirected his life by picking up where the Mormons left off at least when it came to ranching and farming. | The Mormons do not involve themselves with ranching and farming. | 2 | 1,601 | 1 |
In itself, the discrepancy has no apparent significance, although it has been pointed to by theorists contend that the TP was leaked through more than one source. | The discrepancy isn't important. | 0 | 1,602 | 1 |
Experience the formation of the continental plates and the development of different climatic regions, then explore the complex and dynamic interactions make our planet work. | Experiencing the formation of different climatic regions is a rewarding activity. | 1 | 1,613 | 1 |
right right so and uh yeah on the on the interior do you do uh do y'all have a lot of uh plaster walls the the uh color is built into the plaster so you don't paint a lot | The interior walls are made of wood and you must paint them. | 2 | 1,625 | 1 |
If car insurance were a tax-free benefit, it wouldn't be surprising to find employers picking low-cost insurers make you visit preferred mechanics and skimp on coverage for Land Rovers and minivans. | Car insraucnce is offered through an employer. | 2 | 1,629 | 1 |
If you come expecting a nightmarish land of charter flights, tour buses, and beer-stained beach hangouts, you may be shocked at how remote and undeveloped many parts of these small islands remain. | People come for a quiet holiday will be shocked by the total onslaught of commercialism and hedonism has swept every corner of the islands. | 2 | 1,645 | 2 |
The control technologies considered in this report include limestone forced oxidation (LSFO) wet flue gas desulfurization (FGD), selective catalytic reduction (SCR), and activated carbon injection (ACI) for the control of SO2, NOX, and mercury, respectively. | ACI and FGD are control technologies the report doesn't consider. | 2 | 1,649 | 1 |
Another theory holds that Asian women in particular have better designed hips than Caucasians, making them like inflatable punching toys can't be knocked down, thus less likely to suffer hip fractures. | A theory says that the diet of Asian women has caused them to have less hip fractures. | 1 | 1,664 | 1 |
It is a city to which people migrate from all over Spain in search of new opportunities; a place where few people can claim any deep roots. | The city brings great advantages to those migrate from other provinces. | 1 | 1,668 | 1 |
Ramses was too proud to accept defeat, commissioning obelisks celebrated his victory. | Ramses couldn't accept defeat. | 0 | 1,672 | 1 |
yeah that's true i hate to i hate to look up and find someone was admitted to medical school simply because she happened to be a female | I would rather like that people get into medical school based on merit and nothing else. | 1 | 1,681 | 1 |
It is the earliest surviving example of classical Ottoman architecture, inspired by Haghia Sophia . | This is fairly young compared to the other surviving ottoman structures can be seen. | 2 | 1,686 | 1 |
yeah um-hum yeah it Jimi Hendrix was the original Jimi Hendrix was the original he wrote | Jimmy Hendrix wrote the original and They used the basic elements of his song. | 1 | 1,695 | 1 |
It's that they don't study with the ferociousness and all-out commitment of people realize (or who have parents realize) that outstanding school performance is their one shot at big-time opportunity in America. | Success in America depends upon doing well in school. | 1 | 1,706 | 2 |
so i just at an opportune time i got one suited my needs and i've just stuck with it the only thing i've done to it is just add a uh add a mouse and a hard drive | It did not cost me much to buy a mouse and hard drive. | 1 | 1,711 | 2 |
I came across a man in Belgium once, a 9 very famous detective, and he quite inflamed me. | I met a famous detective in Belgium angered me. | 0 | 1,715 | 1 |
yeah yeah that's the good thing about them they do no advertising s it's really nice just music | It's nice, just music and no advertising but the dj's talk too much. | 1 | 1,719 | 1 |
yeah i mean if out out of all the Democrats that i could think to run i would he is one i would i would definitely like to see | Out of all the liberals, he is my favorite. | 0 | 1,720 | 1 |
i wouldn't now because i don't know of one s that's equipped to handle | It will take about two weeks to create one. | 1 | 1,724 | 1 |
Subsets and Splits