re : sun devil pipeline lengths to all : i was very optimistic in my target of getting the level b estimate ready by sept 21 . based on the amount of work that will need to be done to get a decent + / - 10 % estimate , i agree with norm ' s assessment and therefore the best we can hope for is a sept 29 / 01 completion . we will endeavor to do our best . thank you - - - - - original message - - - - - from : matthews , ron sent : thursday , august 30 , 2001 2 : 26 pm to : spalding , norm ; gottsponer , morgan ; keller , john r . ; alters , dennis ; hyatt , kevin ; asante , ben ; abdmoulaie , mansoor ; cebryk , doug ; watson , kimberly ; lokay , michelle subject : re : sun devil pipeline lengths a preliminary model has been developed based on the limited information doug , kevin , and i discussed yesterday . a finished product won ' t be complete until such time as elevations are verified along the new pipeline route . topogaphical maps are required to complete this portion of the study . once this is completed and studies run , that product will be reviewed by the planning team and system optimization team . studies will be based on the results of the open season and the volumes anticipated by marketing . expansion facilities will be adjusted based on those results and finished porduct produced . ron m . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : spalding , norm sent : thu 8 / 30 / 2001 1 : 21 pm to : cebryk , doug ; hyatt , kevin ; matthews , ron cc : martin , jerry d . subject : re : sun devil pipeline lengths - - - - - original message - - - - - from : spalding , norm sent : thursday , august 30 , 2001 8 : 04 am to : cebryk , doug ; hyatt , kevin ; matthews , ron cc : martin , jerry d . subject : re : sun devil pipeline lengths we have a procedure in place with planning that any level b estimates that are major expansion projects , such as this , require at least one month to complete , after we have a defined scope of work from planning . kevin , we realize your goals , but for us to do a proper level b with all of our due diligences , it won ' t be ready before sept . 29 th , at the earliest . especially if the hydraulics ( which are part of the scope ) aren ' t done until after sept . 12 th from planning . thanks , norm - - - - - original message - - - - - from : cebryk , doug sent : wednesday , august 29 , 2001 3 : 34 pm to : hyatt , kevin ; matthews , ron cc : martin , jerry d . ; spalding , norm subject : re : sun devil pipeline lengths kevin i ' ll need to fly the routes and assess the terrain conditions . i plan to do this on sept 11 matthews , ron subject : re : sun devil pipeline lengths guys , we ' ll need to get the level ' b ' cost estimates put together as soon as possible in order to send out binding contracts to customers . i can ' t comfortably send out binding contracts with transportation rates still dependent upon a deeper project cost analysis . please let me know at your earliest convenience what your timing is for the level b . thanks - - - - - original message - - - - - from : cebryk , doug sent : wednesday , august 29 , 2001 2 : 45 pm to : matthews , ron cc : hyatt , kevin ; martin , jerry d . subject : sun devil pipeline lengths ron / kevin based on scaling the topo maps i have , the following are the lengths for each of the segments we discussed . transwestern mainline - 36 " loop compressor station # 2 to el paso take off point - 33 . 6 miles or say 34 miles new lateral - 30 " or 36 " a compressor station # 2 to phoenix storage cavern along i - 17 highway route - 144 miles + 5 % contingency or say 151 miles b el paso take off point to phoenix storage cavern along el paso pipeline route - 120 miles + 5 % contingency or say 126 miles in summary , the new lateral using the el paso route is 25 miles shorter in what appears to be easier terrain , but will require the 34 mile extension on the transwestern loop . i will flly both routes on sept 11 and examine any other options from the air . i will drive as much of the routes as i can on sept 12 and evaluate on the ground the soil / rock conditions . after this asessement , we can zero in on the most cost effective option and route to pursue . call me if you have any questions
failure notice hi . this is the qmail - send program at serverl . td . co . at . i ' m afraid i wasn ' t able to deliver your message to the following addresses . this is a permanent error ; i ' ve given up . sorry it didn ' t work out . : diese email adresse ist ungültig . this address not exists - - - below this line is a copy of the message . return - path : received : ( qmail 27780 invoked from network ) ; 19 jul 2005 10 : 59 : 45 - 0000 received : from unknown ( helo mailwisconsin . com ) ( 222 . 108 . 233 . 182 ) by reith . at with smtp ; 19 jul 2005 10 : 59 : 44 - 0000 received : from 205 . 214 . 42 . 66 ( squirrelmail authenticated user projecthoneypot @ projecthoneypot . org ) ; by mailwisconsin . com with http id j 87 gzo 09360036 ; tue , 19 jul 2005 10 : 57 : 46 + 0000 message - id : date : tue , 19 jul 2005 10 : 57 : 46 + 0000 subject : just to her . . . from : " barry castillo " to : office @ hotel - hochland . com user - agent : squirrelmail / 1 . 4 . 3 a x - mailer : squirrelmail / 1 . 4 . 3 a mime - version : 1 . 0 content - type : text / html ; charset = iso - 8859 - 1 content - transfer - encoding : 8 bit x - priority : 3 ( normal ) importance : normal soft viagra at $ 1 . 62 per dose ready to boost your sex life ? positive ? time to do it right now ! order soft viagra at incredibly low prices starting at $ 1 . 99 per dose ! unbelivabie !
non - firm power curve building hi vince , amitava and i have received a request to build a non - firm power curve for each region from david hoog ' s double trigger folks . the objective , as they explain it , is to allow the desk to buy non - firm from the market , buy david ' s outage product , and sell firm to the market . accountants would like a curve to mark the non - firm position . my initial thought is that the desk should provide this non - firm curve , but it seems that this market is very illiquid and they are reluctant so they have put the ball in david hoog ' s court to build the curve if david wants to sell his product internally to the desk . assuming we build the curve , the next issue is how to define " non - firm " ? the only way i can think of is to tie the non - firmness to a specific generation unit or group of units . this will allow the purchase of david ' s outage product to cover the non - firmness risk . tying the definition of non - firmness to a whole region seems implausible - - - what does it mean to give a marketer the option to not deliver power if there is any problem anywhere in the region ? consequently , the non - firm curve takes on a unit - level interpretation , and not a region - level interpretation . consequently , i do not see how we can talk about the " non - firm curve for the region " ? we will need to build a non - firm curve for each generation unit or group of units . maybe i could get your thoughts later today . thanks , vasant
siam conference dear mr . kaminski , i was one of the participants of the siam conference which was held last week - end , and i have very much enjoyed your presentation . at the end of the session , i was hoping to talk to you , but unfortunately you were already gone . you said that if we were interested , you could e - mail a copy of your talk . i would appreciate if you could send a copy to this e - mail address . i am a mathematics ph . d . student at texas a & m university and i will be graduating this august . i am very much interested in working in the modeling of energy markets . can you please tell me whom i should send my resume , and who i should contact in your company about a possible position in your research group . thank you for your time . sincerely g . aysu bilgin texas a & m university department of mathematics get your free download of msn explorer at http : / / explorer . msn . com
enron : wefa luncheon may 1 lloyd : vince asked me to forward this to you and invite you to the wefa presentation on may lst at 11 : 00 am and then go to lunch with the group . the presentation will be in 49 cl . please let me know if you will be able to attend . thanks ! shirley 3 - 5290 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by shirley crenshaw / hou / ect on 04 / 24 / 2001 03 : 41 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vasant shanbhogue 04 / 11 / 2001 01 : 41 pm to : shirley crenshaw / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : enron : wefa luncheon may 1 shirley , i would like to attend this presentation and go to the luncheon . thanks , vasant - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vasant shanbhogue / hou / ect on 04 / 11 / 2001 01 : 41 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - vince j kaminski 04 / 11 / 2001 12 : 36 pm to : lance cunningham / na / enron @ enron , vasant shanbhogue / hou / ect @ ect , alex huang / corp / enron @ enron , sevil yaman / corp / enron @ enron cc : shirley crenshaw / hou / ect @ ect , vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect subject : enron : wefa luncheon may 1 would you like to attend the presentation and join me for lunch with wefa . any other suggestions re attendance . please , let shirley know . vince - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 04 / 11 / 2001 12 : 36 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " peter mcnabb " on 04 / 11 / 2001 11 : 52 : 47 am to : cc : " kemm farney " subject : enron : wefa luncheon may 1 dear vince thanks for your voicemail and delighted to have you confirm lunch on may 1 . kemm farney the head of wefa ' s electric power services will be travelling with me this time . i expect there may be other enron colleagues that may care to join us for lunch so don ' t hesitate to invite as you see fit . for reservations purposes , perhaps you arrange to let me know numbers . kemm would also be prepared to informally present our current power outlook to a larger group at 11 : 00 , if this would be of interest . as you know , these types of presentations are part of all your wefa energy retainer package . i will also plan to update you with respect to our current multi client study schedule for the remainder of the year . regards , peter peter a . mcnabb vice president energy , north america wefa inc . 2 bloor st . w . toronto , canada m 4 w 3 rl 416 - 513 - 0061 ex 227 - 2001 energy brochure . doc - wefaenergy _ factsheet for energy scenarios 2001 . doc
g ! ft $ hoppers w ! n c @ sh the garden of e $ 210 , 000 cash give away click here for details gifts for everyone , everyday of the year theg ardenofe . com click here if you are unable to view this message this message is sent to you in compliance with the federal can - spam bill and the electronic commerce ( ec directive ) regulations of 2004 . this is a commercial email which includes an unsubscribe method for remove processing as mandated by law . footer also includes the sender ' s information . quantum international 5985 s . university dr . # 138 davie , florida 33328 to be excluded from future mailings , please reply to this email with " rem " in the subject line
enron mentions - 11 / 28 / 01 u . s . treasury comment on monitoring enron and credit markets bloomberg , 11 / 28 / 01 enron bonds may be good buy for patient investors , analysts say bloomberg , 11 / 28 / 01 raymond james ' cartwright comments on enron corp . ' s future bloomberg , 11 / 28 / 01 fraud attorney aguirre comments on possible enron bankruptcy bloomberg , 11 / 28 / 01 enron ' s 401 ( k ) plan was set up for fall : david wilson ( update 2 ) bloomberg , 11 / 28 / 01 dynegy ends enron takeover ; credit ratings lowered ( update 8 ) bloomberg , 11 / 28 / 01 enron ' s ratings cut to junk by s & p , moody ' s , fitch ( update 6 ) bloomberg , 11 / 28 / 01 creditsights ' reynolds comments on downgrade of enron to junk bloomberg , 11 / 28 / 01 spaeth communications president comments on enron corp . outlook bloomberg , 11 / 28 / 01 houston astros president says enron ' s name will stay on stadium bloomberg , 11 / 28 / 01 california power authority ' s freeman comments on enron , dynegy bloomberg , 11 / 28 / 01 enron corp . has busiest day ever for a u . s . stock : table bloomberg , 11 / 28 / 01 enron appoints troubh to board to lead litigation committee bloomberg , 11 / 28 / 01 enron ' s problems may spark demand for treasuries , analysts say bloomberg , 11 / 28 / 01 ifr pegasus ' s evans comments on enron ' s impact on energy market bloomberg , 11 / 28 / 01 alliance , janus , putnam among biggest enron owners before drop bloomberg , 11 / 28 / 01 nvidia to replace enron in s & p 500 at end of trading tomorrow bloomberg , 11 / 28 / 01 intercontinental exchange ' s ceo sprecher comments on enron bloomberg , 11 / 28 / 01 enron to continue utility sale to northwest natural ( update 3 ) bloomberg , 11 / 28 / 01 enron breached responsibility to employees , lawyer says on cnbc bloomberg , 11 / 28 / 01 j . p . morgan , citigroup stumble advising enron on sale to dynegy bloomberg , 11 / 28 / 01 enron online trading unit stops operating , users say ( update 5 ) bloomberg , 11 / 28 / 01 sempra energy interested in buying some enron assets ( update 4 ) bloomberg , 11 / 28 / 01 u . s . treasury comment on monitoring enron and credit markets 2001 - 11 - 28 16 : 04 ( new york ) washington , nov . 28 ( bloomberg ) - - the following is a comment from michele davis , assistant treasury secretary for public affairs , on enron corp . dynegy inc . abandoned a takeover bid for enron today , leaving the country ' s largest energy trader without enough cash to pay its $ 15 billion in debt . treasury securities rose after the decision was announced as investors dumped stocks and moved money into the safety of government debt : ` ` we are monitoring credit markets as we always do everyday , ' ' davis said . ` ` the markets always fluctuate . we haven ' t seen anything extraordinary . ' ' enron bonds may be good buy for patient investors , analysts say 2001 - 11 - 28 16 : 18 ( new york ) enron bonds may be good buy for patient investors , analysts say new york , nov . 28 ( bloomberg ) - - enron corp . debt , which plunged by half today after its credit rating was cut to junk and rival dynegy inc . abandoned a planned buyout of the company , may reward investors willing to hold the bonds while enron sells assets through a bankruptcy proceeding , analysts said . enron ' s notes and bonds dipped to as low as 15 cents on the dollar today after standard & poor ' s cut enron ' s rating six levels to ` ` b - . ' ' the firm ' s debt issues , which have a combined face value of more than $ 15 billion according to bloomberg data , traded mostly between 20 cents and 25 cents this afternoon . analysts expect enron to file for bankruptcy protection , which would put bondholders in line with banks and other creditors for enron ' s cash and any proceeds from asset sales . under that scenario , bondholders could get back between 50 cents and 60 cents on the dollar within three years , said stephen ardizzoni , junk - bond portfolio manager at smh capital advisors . ` ` you should have a pretty decent return at these purchase prices , ' ' said ardizzoni , who said he bought some enron notes maturing in 2003 and bonds maturing in 2019 for between 15 cents and 20 cents on the dollar today . bondholders may end up with less if it turns out there are fewer assets or more liabilities than the company ' s balance sheet now shows , ardizzoni said . enron has drawn fire for its disclosure practices , which in recent weeks included revelations of a $ 1 . 2 billion reduction in shareholder equity and an early repayment date on a $ 690 million note . like a broker owners of enron debt may recover 30 cents on the dollar within two years , mostly from proceeds of sales of enron ' s pipelines , international assets , and real estate , said jon kyle cartwright , who follows enron ' s debt for raymond james & associates inc . enron , once the biggest energy trader , made most of its money buying and selling electricity and natural gas . the company can be likened to a broker because hiring and retaining high - performing employees and developing relationships is more important than owning physical assets , cartwright said . ` ` the real value of a broker is with their clients and personnel . there typically is minimal post - bankruptcy value , ' ' said cartwright . enron ' s trading business doesn ' t have much more to offer than ` ` office space and the artwork on the walls ' ' in a bankruptcy proceeding , he said . marty whitman will consider enron bonds for the $ 4 billion he helps manage at third avenue funds in new york . still , the 77 - year - old investor , who specializes in analyzing distressed securities , prefers to invest in debt that ' s secured by assets . said whitman , ` ` i never did understand their trading . ' ' raymond james ' cartwright comments on enron corp . ' s future 2001 - 11 - 28 16 : 22 ( new york ) new york , nov . 28 ( bloomberg ) - - jon kyle cartwright , a senior vice president and senior energy analyst who follows enron corp . for raymond james & associates inc . in st . petersburg , florida , comments on enron ' s outlook after the company ' s credit ratings were cut to junk status and dynegy inc . abandoned a takeover bid for the company . ` ` this is a disaster , ' ' cartwright said . ` ` i don ' t know how they can ' t file ' ' for protection from creditors . ` ` enron isn ' t a going concern . ` ` it is difficult , if not impossible , for anyone to do trades with enron ' s trading operations in light of junk ratings across the board and dynegy walking away from the deal . ` ` no trading , no cash flow . no cash flow , no enron . ' ' cartwright said he thought the company had two months to sort out its problems and had a buy on the debt when it initially ` ` blew up . ` ` it was a credibility crisis the company could manage in two months . i ' m sure they are in talks with their bankers right now , but i doubt if their bankers could even help them , ' ' he said . ` ` if any ( energy ) trader does business with enron right now , it is a career decision . ` ` it will be hard for energy traders to re - adjust to a world without enron . ` ` this was a self - fulfilling prophecy . it doesn ' t often happen that a company has a credibility crisis during a recession , in a bear market , ' ' cartwright said . ` ` hopefully , what comes out of the ashes of this is an entirely new group of analysts that will follow what will now be a bigger growth business - - energy trading . ` ` all of the smaller energy traders are about to become much bigger , and the market has to learn how to analyze these things as brokerage firms . ' ' fraud attorney aguirre comments on possible enron bankruptcy 2001 - 11 - 28 16 : 28 ( new york ) sacramento , california , nov . 28 ( bloomberg ) - - following are comments made today by michael aguirre , a partner with san diego - based law firm aguirre in both 1998 and 1999 , it had been less than a majority . participants in the plan , which had $ 2 . 14 billion in assets available for benefits , could only do so much to diversify their investments . enron , like many other companies , used stock rather than cash to match employee contributions and restricted sales of the shares . and they could only guess at the year - end makeup of the plan ' s assets until the end of june , reflecting sec disclosure standards for savings plans . by that time , the stock ' s drop - - which reached 99 percent today - - was already well under way . trio of lawsuits enron later reported $ 1 . 01 billion in third - quarter charges ; ousted chief financial officer andrew fastow , who ran partnerships that accounted for some of the charges ; restated its results since 1997 ; became the target of an sec accounting investigation ; and accepted a takeover bid from dynegy inc . , its biggest rival . the company ' s shares , which ended last year at $ 83 . 13 , closed at just 61 cents today as enron ' s debt was downgraded to junk - bond status and dynegy abandoned its offer . in response to the plunge , employees in the 401 ( k ) plan - - which allows workers to defer part of their pay and build tax - free savings , and takes its name from a section of the internal revenue service code - - have filed three lawsuits against enron . the suits allege , among other things , that the houston - based company prevented employees from shifting investments within the plan between oct . 17 , the day after its disclosure of the charges , and nov . 19 as the company made administrative changes . all three seek class - action status on behalf of the plan ' s participants . the most recent filing came from the gottesdiener law firm , based in washington , on monday . it covers the longest time period : november 1995 to now . falling percentages enron shares accounted for 64 percent of the savings plan ' s assets at the end of 1994 , the year before the period associated with the gottesdiener suit began . the figure reflected a one - time company contribution of preferred stock , and rose from 62 percent in 1993 . each preferred share has a face value of $ 100 and is convertible into 27 . 304 common shares . this translates into a conversion price of $ 3 . 66 a share , a bargain before the common tumbled 85 percent today . the plan also owned a stake in enron ' s former oil and gas unit , which became eog resources inc . after gaining independence in 1999 . add in those shares , and company stock represented about two - thirds of the 1994 assets . enron ' s common and preferred shares fell to 60 percent of 401 ( k ) assets available for benefits in 1995 , 58 percent in 1996 and 53 percent in 1997 as the u . s . stock market rallied , lifting the value of participants ' investments in equity mutual funds . the shares represented 49 percent of the plan ' s assets in 1998 . the proportion hit bottom at 46 percent in 1999 , when the assets more than doubled - - exceeding the 56 percent increase in enron ' s share price that year - - to $ 1 . 62 billion . how much choice ? then came last year , when the common shares recorded their best performance in more than two decades even as u . s . stocks stumbled . enron rallied 87 percent amid soaring electricity and natural gas prices , while the standard credit ratings lowered ( update 8 ) 2001 - 11 - 28 16 : 46 ( new york ) dynegy ends enron takeover ; credit ratings lowered ( update 8 ) ( updates to add watson comment . ) new york , nov . 28 ( bloomberg ) - - dynegy inc . abandoned a takeover for enron corp . , leaving the country ' s largest energy trader facing bankruptcy . enron shares plunged 85 percent to below $ 1 on concern the company can ' t repay its $ 15 billion in debt . dynegy withdrew after bankers failed to raise $ 1 . 5 billion enron needed to operate until the acquisition was completed . credit rating companies lowered enron ' s rating to junk . ` ` the reality is enron ' s going bankrupt , ' ' said michael willingham , a risk manager at itochu international inc . , a unit of a japanese trading firm . ` ` enron touted themselves as the king of risk management , but it doesn ' t look like they ' ve managed their risk very well . ' ' enron ' s sudden collapse - - $ 26 billion of market value evaporated in seven weeks - - deals a blow to alliance capital management holdings llp and other big mutual funds , wall street lenders , such as j . p . morgan chase & co . and citigroup inc . , and the 21 , 000 employees , many of whom were relying on shares of the houston - based company for their retirement . bankers led by j . p . morgan chase vice chairman james b . lee tried for two weeks to raise the cash enron needed . investors including saudi prince alwaleed bin talal , the blackstone group lp and the carlyle group inc . turned them down because of concern enron would default . that concern was heightened after enron disclosed it had a $ 690 million payment due this week . enron shares declined $ 3 . 50 to 61 cents in trading of more than 342 million shares , the most traded ever for a u . s . stock . the company ' s 6 . 4 percent bonds , which mature in 2006 , were quoted as low as 20 cents on the dollar , down from 53 yesterday . at that price the bonds yield 57 percent . termination dynegy said it abandoned the takeover ` ` due to breaches by enron of representations , warrants , and covenants . ' ' chief executive officer chuck watson said dynegy invoked its right to purchase enron ' s northern natural gas pipeline . dynegy received the right to do so in exchange for an investment of $ 1 . 5 billion in enron by chevrontexaco corp . , which owns one quarter of dynegy . the unit operates 16 , 500 miles of natural gas pipeline . ` ` sometimes the best deals are the ones you do not do , ' ' said watson , who two weeks earlier had sealed the acquisition over coffee and muffins in the kitchen of enron ceo ken lay ' s houston home . ` ` we felt we had no choice but to act to protect our shareholders ' interest , ' ' watson said . as the news of dynegy ' s rejection flashed across computer screens on enron ' s trading floor in houston , some employees started to abandon their desks and leave the office , an enron trader said . several workers said they expect the company to begin firing workers tomorrow to prepare for bankruptcy . ` ` we will work to retain the employees necessary to the continuing operations of our trading and other core energy businesses , ' ' said lay in a statement . lay was a big backer of george w . bush ' s campaign for presidency and said he had held discussions about a job in administration at one point . enron said in a statement it would halt all payments other than those required to continue trading operations and would review dynegy ' s ` ` assertion ' ' that it is entitled to the pipeline unit . pipeline company from its start as natural gas pipeline company in the 1930 s , enron was transformed by then ceo jeffrey skilling into the largest competitor in the business of trading energy , mainly natural gas and electric power . under skilling , the company also sought to expand into internet trading for products ranging from metals to weather derivatives . skilling resigned in august . enron shares tripled in the two years ended december 2000 , peaking at a market value of more than $ 70 billion , as the company snared $ 16 . 1 billion in long - term energy management contracts from companies such as international business machines corp . and starwood hotels & resorts worldwide inc . in the first quarter of 2001 , enron ' s profit from operations rose 20 percent to $ 406 million and revenue quadrupled to $ 50 billion . enron began to unravel in october after it said shareholders equity was reduced by $ 1 . 2 billion because it used stock to pay off debt of a partnership run by then chief financial officer andrew fastow . the announcement led to lawsuits and a probe by the securities and exchange commission . the writedown also raised questions about how enron accounted for debt and losses of similar affiliated partnerships . on nov . 8 , it restated earnings back to 1997 , lowering them by $ 580 million . as its shares plunged , enron faced a cash crunch because lenders and some trading partners lost confidence the company would have the cash to pay bills . citigroup and j . p . morgan chase offered to pony up $ 250 million each out $ 2 billion the company sought . trading partners such as mirant corp . were less forgiving , demanding more collateral or restricting trading . enrononline , enron corp . ' s online trading system , stopped allowing trades and quit posting bids and offers for natural gas this morning , say traders who use the web site . enron said yesterday that enrononline handled about 60 percent of its trading business , or about $ 2 . 8 billion a day . ` ` we can log in , but there is nothing there , nothing to buy and nothing to sell , ' ' said juha laiho , an energy trader at finland - based fortum oyj in houston . ` ` it went down some time this morning . ' ' lower credit ratings s & p cut its rating on enron to ` ` b - ' ' from ` ` bbb - ' ' and moody ' s lowered its rating to ` ` b 2 ' ' from ` ` baa 3 . ' ' both ratings are below investment grade . the downgrade is significant because the reduction to junk may require enron to repay $ 3 . 9 billion . andre meade , an analyst at commerzbank securities , said that enron ' s junk credit rating would ` ` effectively shut down the bulk of their trading and marketing operations . ' ' ` ` it ' s not likely enron will be able to raise the capital to settle those payments and continue its business , ' ' said meade . the large debts make it unlikely that investors will receive much should the company file for bankruptcy , said investors . ` ` this will be a traditional bankruptcy in which equity holders get nothing , ' ' said edward paik , who has 1 . 6 million enron shares among $ 7 billion in assets he helps manage for liberty funds group . ` ` this company doesn ' t have the safety net in terms of assets that other companies do . ' ' enron ' s ratings cut to junk by s & p , moody ' s , fitch ( update 6 ) 2001 - 11 - 28 16 : 51 ( new york ) enron ' s ratings cut to junk by s & p , moody ' s , fitch ( update 6 ) ( adds bond prices in 14 th paragraph . ) new york , nov . 28 ( bloomberg ) - - standard & poor ' s , moody ' s investors service and fitch inc . slashed enron corp . ' s credit rating to junk status today , raising the prospect of chapter 11 bankruptcy as rival energy trader dynegy inc . rescinded its buyout bid for the company . the company is struggling with a cash crunch as at least $ 3 . 9 billion in debt comes due immediately because of the rating cut , and is suspending its online trading unit and some ` ` non - core ' ' payments . enron ' s trading business is also faltering as trading partners lose faith in the company ' s ability to meet its obligations . ` ` this is a disaster , ' ' said jon kyle cartwright , a debt analyst at raymond james & associates . ` ` it is difficult , if not impossible , for anyone to do trades with enron ' s trading operations in light of junk ratings across the board and dynegy walking away from the deal . ' ' s & p cut enron ' s long - term credit rating this morning six levels to ` ` b - ' ' from ` ` bbb - ' ' and withdrew its ` ` a ' ' short - term grade . s & p analyst todd shipman , the author of the rating report , said the rating could be lowered if enron ' s cash situation isn ' t resolved , and that a move to a chapter 11 bankruptcy filing and the lowest ` ` d ' ' rating were both possibilities . ` ` we saw the deterioration in the trading operations , and that threw the merger in doubt , ' ' he said . he said s & p may change the rating soon . following suit moody ' s followed s & p with a five - level cut in enron ' s credit rating to ` ` b 2 ' ' from ` ` baa 3 . ' ' moody ' s affirmed its ` ` not - prime ' ' rating on enron ' s commercial paper . fitch lowered enron ' s senior unsecured rating 10 levels , to ` ` cc ' ' from ` ` bbb - , ' ' and its short - term rating to its second - lowest ` ` c ' ' from ` ` f 3 . ' ' fitch said in its report that a ` ` default of some kind appears probable . ' ' egan - jones ratings co . cut enron ' s credit rating to junk on oct . 26 , when it lowered it one level to ` ` bb + ' ' from ` ` bbb - . ' ' the rating company downgraded the credit several times since then , and cut it to ` ` c ' ' today . s & p , moody ' s and fitch all had enron ' s credit rating three levels above junk in january , while egan - jones rated it four levels higher . the companies cut the ratings several times since october , amid news that enron ' s dealings with partnerships run by former chief financial officer andy fastow contributed to trading losses . enron reported $ 1 . 01 billion in third - quarter losses from failed investments . pressure the acquisition by dynegy promised to alleviate the ensuing cash crunch . enron ' s stock fell by more than 50 percent since nov . 19 amid growing skepticism that the dynegy would complete the acquisition . ` ` we became a lot more concerned when the stock didn ' t stabilize , ' ' said john diaz , moody ' s managing director for energy and one of the authors of the downgrade report . ` ` the drop in the stock price put pressure on dynegy to renegotiate the deal . ' ' enron has $ 15 . 5 billion of debt outstanding , according to bloomberg data . its shares , which have fallen 99 percent this year , lost $ 3 . 50 today to 61 cents . the company ' s bonds dropped by about half to 26 cents on the dollar from 53 cents . s & p ' s shipman said in his report that ` ` the willingness of dynegy to complete its planned acquisition of enron has been compromised by the continued drop in confidence in the capital markets that the transaction would hold . ' ' credit analysts also focused on enron ' s cash flow levels , diaz said . enron said in its most recent filing last week that it had $ 1 billion in cash , which was a lot less than the market had expected , diaz said . ` ` it came as a surprise to us and to others , ' ' he said . ` ` we expected at least $ 2 . 5 billion so they would have staying power . ' ' creditsights ' reynolds comments on downgrade of enron to junk 2001 - 11 - 28 16 : 52 ( new york ) new york , nov . 28 ( bloomberg ) - - glenn reynolds , an analyst at fixed - income research firm creditsights inc . , comments on the slide in enron corp . ' s debt ratings to junk levels : ` ` the likely bankruptcy will generate material losses for a number of banks , wall street firms and institutional investors - - including a number who did not face the daily pressures of marking their book to market , ' ' reynolds said . ` ` some counterparty credit defaults will also have some follow - on effects in the commodity markets , foreign exchange and on swap desks . many of these counterparties could delay or manage their loss recognition , but this one is now one you cannot hide from . the most interesting issue will be to see the fallout in the default swap market if - - more likely when - - that brutal step is taken and they file chapter 11 . ' ' spaeth communications president comments on enron corp . outlook 2001 - 11 - 28 16 : 53 ( new york ) new york , nov . 28 ( bloomberg ) - - merrie spaeth , president of spaeth communications , comments on enron corp . ' s options after the company ' s credit ratings were cut to junk status and dynegy inc . abandoned a takeover bid for the company . dallas - based spaeth is a communications consultant to dynegy . ` ` a chapter 11 reorganization would be the only way that enron could resolve the lawsuits it faces and the other issues surrounding the partnerships . ` ` chapter 11 carries a whole set of risks on its own , but it gives the company a chance to manage perceptions . it puts a premium on communication , quick , concise and targeted communication - - the antithesis of what enron has developed in its culture . ` ` the benefit of a chapter 11 is that it gives you the opportunity to revamp how you do business . ' ' houston astros president says enron ' s name will stay on stadium 2001 - 11 - 28 17 : 03 ( new york ) houston , nov . 28 ( bloomberg ) - - enron corp . , left at the brink of bankruptcy after losing potential buyer dynegy inc . and having its credit rating cut to junk , has a friend in the houston astros . team president tal smith said the club isn ' t abandoning the company , which is paying $ 3 . 3 million annually for 30 years to have its name on the astros ' home ballpark , enron field . ` ` we identify with enron , and they identify with us , ' ' smith said . ` ` there ' s no negative association because of their difficulties . ' ' enron , the u . s . ' s biggest energy trader , entered into the agreement with the major league baseball team just before the new stadium opened for the 2000 season . the company ' s shares were on the way to tripling their value from 1998 , and the astros had just won their third straight national league central division title . since then , the company ' s fortunes have plummeted . the company has $ 15 billion in debt and not enough cash to pay it . dynegy abandoned its plan to buy its houston neighbor for at least $ 23 billion in stock and assumed debt today . enron also has a contract to supply and manage energy for the baseball stadium for the next 30 years , said dean bonham , a denver - based consultant who analyzes and sells naming rights agreements . ` ` this is more than a naming rights deal , ' ' bonham said . ` ` they ' re going to eventually have to find another company to supply that service as well as put their name on the ballpark . ' ' meantime , the name of the astros ' home won ' t change , smith said . ` ` until there ' s no longer a company , it ' ll still be enron field , ' ' he said . california power authority ' s freeman comments on enron , dynegy 2001 - 11 - 28 17 : 03 ( new york ) sacramento , california , nov . 28 ( bloomberg ) - - the following are comments by california power authority chairman s . david freeman on dynegy inc . ' s decision to abandon its purchase of enron corp . and the possibility of enron filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection . ` ` i don ' t think that trading of energy in the spot market is going to be materially affected by this . there are a lot of other people who will take up the slack . ' ' ` ` i see this as an indication that a very volatile market can kill the consumer , but it can also kill one of the companies . ' ' ` ` it ' s a fascinating footnote that a year ago it was the state of california that appeared to be on the verge of bankruptcy , at least some of the utilities were . and now the shoe has kind of dropped on the other foot . ' ' ` ` i take no pleasure in this at all . i don ' t view this as a happy or good thing , but when you live by the sword , sometimes you die by the sword . ' ' enron corp . has busiest day ever for a u . s . stock : table 2001 - 11 - 28 17 : 19 ( new york ) enron corp . has busiest day ever for a u . s . stock : table new york , nov . 28 ( bloomberg ) - - enron corp . had the most - active day for a u . s . stock , with 343 million shares trading , according to preliminary figures from the new york stock exchange . enron plunged $ 3 . 50 , or 85 percent , to 61 cents a share after dynegy inc . abandoned a takeover bid for enron , leaving the largest energy trader without enough cash to pay its $ 15 billion in debt . standard & poor ' s corp . cut enron ' s credit rating to junk as bankers failed to raise $ 1 . 5 billion enron needed to operate until the sale was completed . the following is a list of stocks with the 10 highest one - day trading volumes in u . s . market history , according to data from the nyse and the nasdaq stock market . * t stock date volume ( in millions ) enron corp . nov . 28 , 2001 343 . 2 intel corp . sept . 22 , 2000 308 . 7 cisco systems inc . feb . 7 , 2001 281 . 6 oracle corp . march 2 , 2001 224 . 0 cisco systems jan . 10 , 2001 213 . 0 jds uniphase corp . july 26 , 2000 200 . 4 cisco systems oct . 3 , 2001 196 . 5 worldcom inc . nov . 1 , 2000 195 . 5 exodus communications sept . 25 , 2001 193 . 1 exodus communications june 21 , 2001 186 . 4 * t enron appoints troubh to board to lead litigation committee 2001 - 11 - 28 17 : 28 ( new york ) enron appoints troubh to board to lead litigation committee houston , nov . 28 ( bloomberg ) - - enron corp . , whose shares dropped 85 percent today after dynegy inc . walked away from its takeover bid , appointed financial consultant raymond s . troubh to the board and to lead a new litigation committee . enron , the top energy trader whose shares have fallen 99 percent this year , said the committee will evaluate claims from shareholder and other lawsuits filed against the company since the u . s . securities and exchange commission began investigating the company ' s finances . enron board member william c . powers jr . , dean of the university of texas school of law , who was appointed last month , will also serve on the litigation committee . troubh serves on the boards of starwood hotels & resorts , healthnet inc . diamond offshore drilling , triarc cos . and gentiva health services inc . , among others . he holds degrees from bowdoin college and yale law school and is a former general partner at investment bank lazard freres & co . shares of houston - based enron fell $ 3 . 50 to 61 cents . enron ' s problems may spark demand for treasuries , analysts say 2001 - 11 - 28 17 : 36 ( new york ) new york , nov . 28 ( bloomberg ) - - enron corp . ' s fall to junk credit ratings may benefit treasury securities as traders and investors worry about what firms have exposure to the houston , texas - based energy trader . gains would add to u . s . government debt that has returned more than 6 percent this year . it benefited from falling stocks and disappointing corporate earnings as well as from the federal reserve ' s 4 . 5 percentage points of rate cuts aimed at reviving an economy that has been in recession since march . dynegy inc . , which had agreed to purchase enron , terminated that agreement following the downgrade . ` ` anything with a negative connotation like this , investors get spooked and the first thing they think of is to jump into something safe like treasuries , ' ' said brian cothran , who helps manage $ 15 billion in fixed income at fifth third bank in cincinnati . he said he plans to hold on to the enron bonds in his portfolio . treasuries jumped following standard & poor ' s downgrade of enron corp . as investors sought the relative safety of debt backed by the u . s . the most - widely traded 10 - year note rose to 101 6 / 32 from 100 25 / 32 in the 10 minutes after the announcement . the downgrades of enron by s & p and moody ' s investors service to junk bond status raised concern about credit ratings of firms that have exposure to the energy trader , especially if it files for bankruptcy protection . the downgrades also triggered enron ' s need to repay about $ 3 . 9 billion in notes sold by two trusts - - marlin water trust and osprey trust . enron has more than $ 15 billion in debt and preferred stock and about $ 4 billion in bank loans , of which $ 3 billion is unsecured . swaps , options , and derivative risk aren ' t included in those figures . banks and wall street dealers hold unsecured enron loans and some sold credit default swaps , which provide insurance to debt holders in case enron defaults . interest rate futures eurodollar futures , indications of three - month interest rates , which are used to hedge risk , rose ` ` after the announcement that s & p downgraded enron to junk on a flight to quality bid as traders tried to figure out just how big a calamity this may be , ' ' said scott gelling , an assistant vice president at carr futures inc . in chicago . ` ` on a scale of one to 10 , with long - term capital management being a 10 , they are wondering where this will fall . ' ' swap spreads , a gauge of investors ' willingness to buy riskier assets , rose for the fourth day in five after the downgrade , and as major u . s . stock indexes declined . at 72 basis points above the 10 - year treasury yield , the 10 - year swap spread has risen 14 basis points from a three year low two weeks ago . today ' s move was , in part , a reaction to concerns about exposure some u . s . - based banks may have to enron , including j . p . morgan chase & co . and citigroup , which arranged the company ' s fully drawn $ 3 billion unsecured credit line , traders said . seeking yield the fed ' s ten interest - rate cuts this year helped encourage investors to seek higher yields from top investment - grade borrowers including at & t corp . and american express co . the fed ' s cuts also depressed already - low rates on money - market funds and certificates of deposit . the price on enron ' s 6 . 4 percent notes maturing in 2006 tumbled to 20 cents on the dollar from 53 cents yesterday . at that price , the bonds yield 57 percent . enron ' s tumble pulled prices down on other corporate bonds as investors worried the recession is eroding companies ' ability to repay debts . corporate yield spreads widened as much as 4 basis points , according to fidelity capital markets . still , the flight to quality may be short - lived , said kevin cronin , who oversees $ 45 billion at putnam investments in boston , who owns enron debt . enron ` ` is just one credit and i don ' t think it ' s indicative of a financial crisis , ' ' he said . erasing gains treasuries erased gains after the government sold a record amount of two - year debt , and on expectations that sales will increase to pay for the nation ' s war on terrorism and fiscal spending and tax cuts . investors selling debt they purchased expecting a flight - to - quality on the enron news that didn ' t materialize , exacerbated the sell - off , traders said . the 10 - year note lost almost a half point in a half hour , its yield rising to 4 . 91 percent from 4 . 87 percent . the note , which has a 5 percent coupon and matures in august 2011 , ended the day little changed , yielding 4 . 92 percent . ` ` nobody has a terrific handle on why the market is acting this violently , ' ' said brad stone , director of u . s . market strategy at barclays capital . volatility is increasing into year - end and ` ` no one wants to take a lot of risk , ' ' he said . ifr pegasus ' s evans comments on enron ' s impact on energy market 2001 - 11 - 28 17 : 36 ( new york ) new york , nov . 28 ( bloomberg ) - - tim evans , senior energy analyst at ifr pegasus in new york , comments on the impact on energy trading from the credit crisis that has left enron corp . facing bankruptcy . the company ' s enrononline internet - based platform for trading natural gas , power and oil stopped functioning this morning , at about the same time dynegy inc . pulled out of a planned buyout of enron . that decision came moments after standard janus capital corp . , a unit of stilwell financial inc . ; putnam investment management inc . , which is owned by marsh barclays global investors , a unit of barclays plc ; and fidelity investments , the world ' s largest money manager . enron shares have fallen 99 percent this year , wiping out about $ 77 . 1 billion in market value . investors lost $ 2 . 61 billion today alone as the stock plunged $ 3 . 50 , or 85 percent , to 61 cents a share . the stock has posted the biggest decline in the standard & poor ' s 500 index this year , meaning fund managers with over $ 1 trillion invested in portfolios that try to mimic the benchmark have followed the stock down . enron ' s decline today prompted standard & poor ' s to kick the company out of the s & p 500 , used by most professional investors as a benchmark for u . s . stocks . the company will be removed when the market closes tomorrow . index managers , who mimic the makeup of the s & p as closely as possible , will sell at that time . other investors are likely to sell as well , if they haven ' t already , because money managers who pick stocks based on their evaluation of a company ' s earnings prospects often prefer to stick to stocks that are in the index to ensure their performance doesn ' t lag the benchmark . barclays global , the biggest manager of index portfolios , will sell the stock from s & p 500 index funds , said spokesman tom taggart . no comment institutional investors are required to tell the securities and exchange commission what they ' re invested in and how many shares they own . the biggest investors may have sold or bought shares since the last filings sept . 30 . alfred harrison , vice chairman and fund manager at alliance capital , didn ' t immediately return a call . john meyers , a spokesman , declined to comment , as did janus spokeswoman shelley peterson and fidelity spokesman vin loporchio . a call to putnam spokeswoman nancy fisher wasn ' t immediately returned . the california state teachers ' retirement system owned about 2 million enron shares as of june , its latest filing , said sherry reser , a spokeswoman . about 88 percent of that stake was in index or index - like funds , she said . ` ` we would follow whatever rebalancing is done in the index , ' ' she said . the california public employees ' retirement system , the biggest u . s . employee pension fund with about $ 144 billion in assets , owns about 3 million enron shares , most of them in an index fund , said spokesman brad pacheco . he said the losses won ' t hurt calpers overall . ` ` you ' re going to have winners and losers , ' ' pacheco said . ` ` it ' s minimal compared to our entire portfolio . ' ' scott schermerhorn , manager of the $ 1 billion liberty utilities fund in boston , said he ' s in a similar position . he bought shares in the largest energy trader at $ 10 each this year . he wouldn ' t say if he had sold his stake , or when . still , his utilities fund is down 8 . 7 percent in 2001 versus a 14 . 5 percent decline in the s & p 500 . ` ` it knocked me for a good loop , but it didn ' t knock me down , ' ' he said . the three largest sellers of enron stock since the end of the third quarter were rorer asset management , goldman sachs group inc . and american express financial . goldman spokeswoman kathleen baum declined to comment . edward rorer , chairman of philadelphia - based rorer asset management , didn ' t immediately return a call . spokeswoman terri dresen of american express said the firm has sold shares over the last several months . she said she didn ' t know how many . time to sell the three largest buyers were alliance , rittenhouse and fidelity . the pain extends beyond the stockholders . enron ' s 6 . 4 percent bonds , which mature in 2006 , were quoted at 20 cents on the dollar , down from 53 yesterday . enron exchange notes , which are traded on the new york stock exchange and are convertible into shares of eog resources inc . , fell $ 11 . 76 to $ 6 . 15 . the notes are tied to enron ' s stake in eog , said eog spokeswoman maire baldwin . eog is a former enron unit . shares of newpower holdings inc . fell 26 cents to 90 cents , giving them a loss for the year of 90 percent . enron is newpower ' s largest shareholder as well as a major creditor . newpower markets power to homeowners nationwide . in canada , the ontario teachers ' pension plan , which oversees about c $ 70 billion ( us $ 44 billion ) , hasn ' t sold its stake in newpower , according to senior vice president of merchant banking james leech . the plan owned 2 . 5 million shares and 5 . 6 million class a warrants . standard & poor ' s cut enron ' s credit rating to junk today as bankers failed to raise $ 1 . 5 billion enron needed to operate until the deal was done . the lack of funds and the prospect of a downgrade contributed to dynegy ' s decision to cancel the buyout , which was valued at $ 23 billion on nov . 9 . ` ` we ' ve obviously lost money like any other shareholder has , ' ' pacheco said . calpers has the ` ` same tools in our toolbox - - corporate governance measures , lawsuits like you ' ve seen already filed against enron - - that any shareholder has in trying to recover any losses , but decisions about using those are going to be made by the board . ' ' pacheco said it ' s likely calpers won ' t take any action until the pension fund ' s board has a chance to talk at a planned meeting on dec . 17 in sacramento . ` ` we would certainly be a member of a class action suit , ' ' said taggart of barclays global . schermerhorn said he could sue , though he ' s not sure if it ' s worth the trouble , in part because bondholders are typically paid first when a company goes bankrupt . ` ` it ' s like suing the guy washing windows outside the lincoln tunnel , ' ' schermerhorn said . ` ` you could win , but what would you get ? ' ' largest enron shareholders as of sept . 30 * t name shares axa financial 43 . 01 million janus capital 41 . 36 million putnam investment 23 . 12 million barclays global 23 . 04 million fidelity management 20 . 79 million citigroup inc . 20 . 79 million state street global 16 . 14 million aim advisors inc . 13 . 99 million taunus corp . 12 . 45 million vanguard group 11 . 45 million * t source : sec filings nvidia to replace enron in s & p 500 at end of trading tomorrow 2001 - 11 - 28 17 : 40 ( new york ) nvidia to replace enron in s & p 500 at end of trading tomorrow new york , nov . 28 ( bloomberg ) - - enron corp . will be dropped from the standard & poor ' s 500 index and replaced with nvidia corp . at the close of trading tomorrow , standard & poor ' s said . shares of enron , the largest energy trader , plunged 85 percent to 61 cents today , and the company may go bankrupt . rival dynegy inc . abandoned a takeover of the company after enron failed to raise enough cash to keep operating until the purchase could be completed . nvidia , which makes computer - graphics chips , is the best - performing stock in the nasdaq 100 index this year , gaining 214 percent . anheuser - busch cos . will replace enron in the s & p 100 , standard & poor ' s said . the largest brewer already is a member of the s & p 500 . intercontinental exchange ' s ceo sprecher comments on enron 2001 - 11 - 28 18 : 01 ( new york ) atlanta , nov . 28 ( bloomberg ) - - jeffrey sprecher , chief executive officer of intercontinental exchange inc . , comments on how the downgrade today of enron corp . ' s credit rating to junk status affected intercontinental ' s online energy - trading system . atlanta - based intercontinental is owned by a consortium of banks and energy companies , including bp plc , duke energy corp . and goldman sachs group inc . ` ` we had about 3 , 600 bids and offers ' ' logged into the intercontinental system at about 11 a . m . , sprecher said . within 15 minutes of the credit downgrade by standard & poor ' s , which left enron ' s rating at junk status , ` ` that number dropped to 2 , 100 . so about 40 percent of the people in the market pulled out momentarily to assess what was going on . ' ' ` ` it was a very big trading day on ice . if not a record day , it was one of the top five busiest days we ' ve had . we ' re up about 65 percent in terms of our trading volumes over the last 30 days , and the number of new users has gone up by about 30 percent . so there ' s a lot of growth we ' ve been trying to digest in the last 30 days , much of which is attributable to problems at enron . ' ' enron to continue utility sale to northwest natural ( update 3 ) 2001 - 11 - 28 17 : 40 ( new york ) enron to continue utility sale to northwest natural ( update 3 ) ( adds northwest natural comment in fourth , fifth paragraphs . ) portland , oregon , nov . 28 ( bloomberg ) - - enron corp . , the nearly bankrupt energy trader , plans to go through with the sale of its portland general electric co . utility unit to northwest natural gas co . , both companies said . enron last month agreed to sell pge to northwest natural for $ 2 . 9 billion in cash , stock and assumed debt . dynegy inc . today called off its planned purchase of enron , saying the energy trader breached covenants in the merger agreement . dynegy had supported the pge sale . northwest natural filed its application to buy pge with the oregon public utility commission today . in the application , northwest natural said combining its operations with pge would eventually result in savings of as much as $ 30 million a year . northwest natural will ` ` have to study ' ' the potential impact of enron ' s latest problems , northwest chairman and chief executive officer richard g . reiten said . he said he expects the acquisition to move forward . ` ` we believe it only underscores the merits of the acquisition of pge by northwest natural , ' ' reiten said in a conference call with analysts . enron spokeswoman karen denne said her company has no plans to call off the sale . ` ` we are proceeding with our previously announced asset sales , including portland general , ' ' denne said . northwest natural shares fell 47 cents to $ 23 . 87 . enron shares fell $ 3 . 50 to 61 cents . enron shares have dropped 99 percent since the first of the year . commission ' s role marc hellman , the administrator responsible for mergers and acquisitions at the oregon public utility commission , said he is unsure what would happen if enron were to file for bankruptcy protection . ` ` i can ' t recall it ever happening , and i ' ve been here for 22 years , ' ' hellman said . ` ` if it went all the way to the end , where they ' re liquidating assets , you can ' t sell utility property without commission approval . there are probably some issues where our attorney general ' s office may look into it . ' ' hellman said he has heard nothing to indicate northwest natural ' s purchase of pge wouldn ' t go forward . ` ` enron was getting cash from northwest natural for the purchase , as well as shares , ' ' hellman said . ` ` that aspect of the transaction becomes a little curious if enron is going through bankruptcy . ' ' debt downgrades moody ' s investors service today downgraded pge ' s senior secured debt to ` ` a 3 ' ' from ` ` a 2 . ' ' moody ' s also downgraded pge ' s unsecured debt , its junior subordinated debt and its preferred stock . moody ' s , standard & poor ' s and fitch inc . cut enron ' s credit rating to junk status today . the ratings service said it had expected to downgrade pge ' s ratings once northwest natural completed its acquisition of the utility . ` ` however , today ' s rating action is being taken in advance of the expected closing of that transaction to reflect moody ' s concerns surrounding portland general ' s ability to remain fully insulated from the many financial challenges currently being faced by its parent , enron corp . , due in large part to lost investor confidence in enron , ' ' moody ' s said in a statement . enron breached responsibility to employees , lawyer says on cnbc 2001 - 11 - 28 17 : 38 ( new york ) houston , nov . 28 ( bloomberg ) - - enron corp . breached its fiduciary responsibilities to its employees by allowing them to continue to invest in company stock for their retirement plans , enron employees ' lawyer eli gottesdiener said in an interview with financial news network cnbc . the company should have stopped its program that encouraged employees to invest in its shares as part of its 401 ( k ) plan , gottesdiener said in the interview . the company should have known its stock was artificially inflated , he told cnbc . j . p . morgan , citigroup stumble advising enron on sale to dynegy 2001 - 11 - 28 18 : 32 ( new york ) j . p . morgan , citigroup stumble advising enron on sale to dynegy new york , nov . 28 ( bloomberg ) - - j . p . morgan chase & co . and citigroup inc . bet their reputations backing enron corp . ' s sale to dynegy inc . - - and the failed merger left the investment firms with black eyes and hundreds of millions in possible losses . with dynegy abandoning its proposed takeover today , the banks could lose $ 800 million each , according to goldman sachs group inc . financial services analyst richard strauss . the banks also stand to forfeit $ 45 million apiece in advisory fees . ` ` i ' d be surprised if no heads rolled from this , ' ' said david gilmore , who manages the $ 1 . 1 billion federated capital appreciation fund , which owns j . p . morgan and citigroup shares . j . p . morgan shares lost $ 2 . 30 , or 5 . 8 percent , to $ 37 . 50 , after the transaction fell apart . citigroup dropped $ 2 . 75 , or 5 . 4 percent , to $ 47 . 80 . j . p . morgan spokeswoman kristin lemkau declined to comment , as did citigroup ' s salomon smith barney investment banking unit . dynegy withdrew its bid , initially valued at $ 23 billion , after standard & poor ' s corp . downgraded enron debt to junk . for both banks , the takeover would have been the year ' s third largest . it ranked eighth among all announced takeovers this year . ` ` sometimes the best deals are the ones you do not do , ' ' dynegy chairman charles watson said in a conference call . ` ` we know how to say no , and we did that . ' ' the deal ' s implosion today , with enron shares at 61 cents , capped an epic that saw the houston - based company turn itself from a natural gas pipeline carrier into the largest u . s . energy trader into an outfit with debts of $ 15 billion it couldn ' t pay . enron ' s plunge enron stock began plunging in october - - after falling from its $ 90 . 75 peak - - with the disclosure of a securities and exchange commission probe into how the company accounted for outside partnerships it created . even before dynegy made its bid on nov . 9 , citigroup and j . p . morgan tried to shore up enron , agreeing to lend the company $ 1 billion . j . p . morgan also enlisted chairman william harrison to make calls to keep the energy trader ' s credit above junk rating . salomon smith barney drafted chief executive officer michael carpenter in a similar effort . when the takeover was formally proposed , the banks not only made good on their loan commitment : they agreed to invest another $ 250 million each if other investors could be found . j . p . morgan vice chairman james b . lee headed a team that tried , and failed , to raise another $ 1 . 5 billion . failed strategy among those who turned down enron and its bankers were saudi prince alwaleed bin talal , the carlyle group inc . and blackstone group lp . the collapsed transaction may tarnish citigroup and j . p . morgan over a questionable strategy of extending commercial lending power to clients to gain higher - margin investment banking business , analysts said . each bank was formed when a commercial bank took over an investment bank . behind the formation of the larger banks was the notion they could attract investment banking business from stand - alone investment banks such as goldman sachs group inc . and morgan stanley dean witter & co . that are limited in what they can lend . it was a strategy that failed , at great cost , when the enron - dynegy merger fell apart . as the purchase was still taking shape , goldman sachs refused to lend to enron , a client whose credit rating was now falling and who was making less frequent use of goldman ' s investment banking services , according to people familiar with the matter . bankruptcy is ` inevitable ' morgan stanley avoided enron because it was perceived as too demanding a client and one that played investment banks off each other to reduce fees , a person familiar with the matter said . lehman brothers holdings inc . advised dynegy and negotiated a fee of about $ 15 million . enron , the worst performer this year in the standard & poor ' s index of 500 large u . s . companies , fell $ 3 . 50 or 85 percent , to 61 cents . its 52 - week high , reached dec . 28 , was $ 84 . 88 . now , with dynegy backing out and no ready savior , enron may quickly wind up in bankruptcy court , analysts and investors said . ` ` bankruptcy is all but inevitable , ' ' said michael heim , an analyst with a . g . edwards & sons , who has a ` ` sell ' ' rating on enron shares . enron online trading unit stops operating , users say ( update 5 ) 2001 - 11 - 28 18 : 37 ( new york ) enron online trading unit stops operating , users say ( update 5 ) ( adds nymex chairman ' s comment in 26 th paragraph . ) new york , nov . 28 ( bloomberg ) - - enrononline , which handled $ 2 . 8 billion a day in energy trading for parent enron corp . , halted internet transactions and quit posting prices for natural gas , electricity and oil products , said users of the web site . trading screens became useless about 11 a . m . new york time , around when dynegy inc . canceled plans to buy enron . the decision may force enron , once the country ' s largest energy trader , to file for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection , analysts said . enron was the buyer or seller of all transactions over enrononline . the company said yesterday that enrononline handled about 60 percent of its trading business , or about $ 2 . 8 billion a day in trading on average over the past 30 days . the halt in service left users unable to value or make trades . some switched to competitors such as atlanta - based intercontinental exchange inc . , an online exchange run by a consortium of banks and energy companies . ` ` we can log in , but there is nothing there , nothing to buy and nothing to sell ' ' at enrononline , said juha laiho , an energy trader at finland - based fortum oyj in houston . leslie vandagriff , manager of natural gas trading at highland energy co . , was sitting at her desk in dallas when ` ` everything went blank . ' ' vandagriff was using enrononline prices to compare the value of trades she was making with other companies . she switched to prices published by the intercontinental exchange . no future ? enron temporarily suspended ` ` all payments other than those necessary to maintain core operations , ' ' the company said in a statement . enron officials didn ' t return numerous phone calls seeking comment on the status of enrononline . when the news of the collapse of the acquisition reached enron traders , many left the trading floor saying that without dynegy , they had no future , an enron trader said . traders outside the company had already been wary of making new contracts with enron because of concern about its credit rating , which today was slashed to junk status by standard & poor ' s and moody ' s investors service . ` ` i don ' t think anybody is trading with enron right now , ' ' fortum oyj ' s laiho said . ` ` even late last week , people were not making new positions with them . it was an unstable situation . ' ' small exposure some of enron ' s biggest trading partners said their exposure to losses from an enron bankruptcy is small . el paso corp . , owner of the biggest u . s pipeline network , and american electric power co . , the biggest electricity generator , and aquila inc . , an energy trader , said each faced a possible loss of $ 50 million . mirant corp . said it wouldn ' t lose more than $ 60 million , and dynegy said its exposure was limited to $ 75 million . ` ` i don ' t anticipate a string of bankruptcies to follow this one , ' ' said tim evans , senior energy analyst at ifr pegasus in new york . ` ` the energy markets are bigger than any one company , including enron , ' ' american electric spokesman pat hemlepp said . ` ` we don ' t expect any disruption . ' ' energy buyers and sellers have been concerned for weeks that enron ' s financial problems may disrupt markets such as the new york mercantile exchange , the largest energy marketplace . enron is the largest trader of natural gas . ` ` if they have to go to bankruptcy protection now , which may even happen by the end of the day , then nymex positions will have to be liquidated , ' ' said ed silliere , vice president of risk management at energy merchant llc in new york . the nymex is ` ` very comfortable that all of our customers are safe from any financial losses suffered by a single entity , ' ' spokeswoman nachamah jacobovits said when asked about enron . cover for losses enron ' s positions in futures markets are guaranteed first by the member , or members , that clear its trades on the exchange . if the clearing member couldn ' t cover losses , the exchange has a $ 70 million guarantee fund , followed by another $ 425 million that it could draw on from other members . while natural gas futures surged as much as 8 percent after the news of dynegy ' s pullout , prices later declined 11 percent on the nymex . gas for december delivery fell 29 cents to $ 2 . 316 per million british thermal units . financial safeguards like those on the nymex aren ' t available in most over - the - counter energy markets , including forward and swaps transactions . few transactions have the backing of an intermediary . ` ` this will have a near - term chilling effect on forward energy trading business , ' ' said tom knight , director of trading at truman arnold cos . , a wholesale fuel supplier in texarkana , texas . ` ` if you ' re not willing to trade with a company that was the size of enron , then who are the companies you are going to be willing to deal with ? ' ' other exchanges other online energy exchanges benefited as traders avoided doing business with enron . ngx canada inc . , an internet exchange for natural gas in canada , has traded about 300 , 000 terajoules of gas so far this month , worth about $ 750 million at current prices . trading is about 50 percent higher than in october . ` ` yesterday was our third or fourth best day ever , ' ' said dan zaftawny , a spokesman for ngx , which is owned by om gruppen ab , parent of the stockholm stock exchange . another beneficiary has been atlanta - based intercontinental exchange , which is owned by a consortium that includes aep , bp plc , duke energy corp . and goldman sachs group inc . ` ` it was a very big trading day on ice , ' ' said jeffrey sprecher , intercontinental ' s chief executive officer . ` ` we ' re up about 65 percent in terms of our trading volumes over the last 30 days , and the number of new users has gone up by about 30 percent . so there ' s a lot of growth we ' ve been trying to digest in the last 30 days , much of which is attributable to problems at enron . ' ' the new york mercantile exchange is expected to approve expanded and extended trading of natural gas tomorrow morning , and nymex will accelerate introduction of an electronic trading platform designed to compete with enrononline , exchange chairman vincent viola said in an interview on cnbc . sempra energy interested in buying some enron assets ( update 4 ) 2001 - 11 - 28 18 : 45 ( new york ) sempra energy interested in buying some enron assets ( update 4 ) ( adds sempra ' s exposure to enron in ninth , 10 th paragraphs . ) san diego , nov . 28 ( bloomberg ) - - sempra energy , an owner of electric and natural - gas utilities , is interested in buying some of enron corp . ' s assets now that the energy trader ' s planned merger with dynegy inc . has failed , a sempra spokesman said . ` ` we are interested in some of enron ' s hard assets and our interest would lie in those assets that would have synergies with our own operations , ' ' sempra spokesman doug kline said . ` ` beyond that i couldn ' t give you more specifics . ' ' dynegy today called off its purchase of enron , saying the energy trader breached covenants in the merger agreement . dynegy had agreed to buy enron for at least $ 23 billion in stock and assumed debt this month . a federal investigation of accounting irregularities at enron had limited its ability to finance operations and sent its shares plunging . sempra shares fell 35 cents to $ 22 . 70 . enron shares fell $ 3 . 50 to 61 cents . enron shares have dropped 99 percent since the first of the year . houston - based enron has an ownership interest in argentina ' s 4 , 104 - mile natural - gas pipeline system , the largest pipeline system in south america . sempra energy international owns a 43 percent stake in two natural - gas utility holding companies in argentina . sempra also is the owner of the san diego gas & electric and southern california gas co . utilities . asset - sale program ` ` we are looking at selling our global assets that are not core to our business , and so we ' ll be continuing with an asset - sale program , ' ' enron spokeswoman karen denne said . ` ` we are not going to comment on who we ' ve had discussions with or what the status of those is . ' ' in addition to its interest in enron assets , san diego - based sempra has had discussions with enron employees who want to leave the company , kline said . ` ` a number of enron employees have approached us , as we ' re aware they ' ve approached other firms , ' ' kline said . also , sempra said today that its overall financial exposure related to transactions with enron and its affiliates is less than $ 15 million . ` ` it would not be material to our earnings , ' ' kline said .
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california capacity report for week of 10 / 22 - 10 / 26 transwestern ' s average deliveries to california were 945 mmbtu / d ( 87 % ) , with san juan lateral throughput at 865 mmbtu / d . total east deliveries averaged 525 mmbtu / d . el paso ' s average deliveries to california were 1782 mmbtu / d ( 66 % ) : - pg & etop , capacity of 1140 mmbtu / d , deliveries of 667 mmbtu / d ( 59 % ) - socalehr , capacity 1042 mmbtu / d , deliveries of 707 mmbtu / d ( 68 % ) - socaltop , capacity 512 mmbtu / d , deliveries of 408 mmbtu / d ( 80 % ) friday ' s posted gas daily prices : socal gas , large pkgs 3 . 03 ( + . 69 ) pg & e , large pkgs 3 . 02 ( + . 67 ) tw san juan n / a tw permian 2 . 86 ( + . 695 ) enron online bases : nov - mar apr - oct perm - ca . 17 ( + . 02 ) . 26 ( + . 03 ) sj - ca . 27 ( + . 03 ) . 44 ( + . 03 ) sj - waha . 14 ( + . 02 ) . 22 ( even ) perm - waha . 04 ( + . 01 ) . 04 ( even )
re : generation investments meeting extreme tardiness trying to get to the insurance wrappers now . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : kitchen , louise sent : tuesday , september 04 , 2001 12 : 18 pm to : ward , charles cc : duran , w . david ; deffner , joseph subject : re : generation investments meeting extreme tardiness no worries - we really really need east coast power this quarter - - - - - original message - - - - - from : ward , charles sent : tuesday , september 04 , 2001 11 : 20 am to : kitchen , louise cc : duran , w . david ; deffner , joseph subject : generation investments meeting extreme tardiness i have been working with lehman and bofa this morning in an attempt to get a letter by close of business today so as to be in front of the insurance wrappers this week . cornhusker on track . ultimate ( or perhaps penultimate ) meeting on transaction docs this afternoon . chuck
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read hello hope you are doing great and sound ? i am dr . walker beattie barrister at law and attorney to late sir mark stephanopoulos , a greek merchant otherwise known as my client who was based in the united kingdom and died of complications from injuries sustained after a ghastly motor accident . as the attorney to sir mark stephanopoulos i was his confidant as he shared with me virtually everything about himself , his business and family . i was his attorney for 15 years and during that period i wrote his will and was also named as the executor , which has since been fulfilled . i am also aware due to my closeness to him that the amount ten million pounds he deposited with a bank in europe was not willed out . he told me about this on his sick bed and even instructed that i should prepare a codicil to that effect , however before i could finish my work he had died . after his death , funeral and subsequent execution of his will i went into action to ascertain the information passed unto me by my client . my investigation conformed to the information ; at that point i knew i had to do something to move the funds out of the bank and knowing that i cannot do this alone i have decided to contact you and seek your assistance and acceptance to be the next of kin to the estate . aside my humble self and you , the relationship manager ( account officer ) of my client knows about this , for he was very helpful during my discreet investigation , through him i was able to see the deposit paper work of the money which confirmed that there is no next of kin to the funds . it is necessary for us to move the money out of the bank on time because if we do not do this within the next two years the bank would regard the money as sundry funds , which would give them the right to claim the money . i cannot move the money in my name because he is my client , for it could arose suspicion , his account officer cannot do the same , hence the importance of your assistance . have my assurance that there is nothing to fear about , as we also need your assurance that you would work with me without fear or favour to achieve our desired objective . the legal back up is no problem for i would be responsible . since the codicil was not ready before his death , letter of administration without will would be secured from the probate office , with this letter i would personally apply on your behalf to the bank for the release of the funds to you . what i require from you to enable us achieve the above are your ; names address date of birth telephone and fax numbers upon receipt of a confirmation of acceptance from you a sharing ratio would be worked out between the three of us and communicated to you along with my telephone number . take care and have a nice day . sincerely , walker beattie kentwood associates .
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london research group john , i am writing to you regarding the management of the london research group . as you know , dale surbey , who was managing the london unit of the research group , is moving to ebs . dale did a terrific job helping me to develop the pool of talent we have currently in london . given that dale is likely to be transfered to houston , it ' s time to nominate one member of the research group for a management position . my recommendation is steve leppard . steve emerged not only as the most technically qualified member of the group but also as a natural leader , highly respected by his peers and internal customers . steve has a very high energy level and is very efficient as a manager and as coach of new talent . his promotion is likely to cause anjam ' s departure form enron . i value technical skills of anjam , but in spite of my loyalty to him , don ' t think he is the same caliber as steve . however , i would not like to lose him and think about moving him to houston for 2 years . i think that the opportunity to work in houston , would be a sufficient incentive to keep him in enron . by the way , his performance feedback has greatly improved . please , let me know what you think . vince
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re : rotational opportunities within your group kate , my assistant , shirley crenshaw , will schedule a meeting . vince kate lucas 10 / 17 / 2000 11 : 57 am to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : rotational opportunities within your group dear vince , i am a rotating associate and would like to learn more about opportunities within your group . i have worked in rac and am currently in financial trading . i believe the associate / analyst program may forward you my cv , but i thought it good to get in touch personally . please let me know if there is someone with whom i could speak about the group and its needs for associates . with best regards , kate
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' everything is done on the internet by e - mail . need proof ? here are just two testimonials from individuals who decided to invest nothing more than a little of their time . testimonials from : tony stevens , vandenberg afb , ca : hey ! i got your e - mail ! you rock ! i sent it to all of our frat brothers . . . . . and while i haven ' t seen my $ 20 grand yet , i ' m up to $ 8 , 285 . hook me up when you run this program again . . . . . . . . mary gathers , columbia , sc : hey cuz ! this is mary . i only have one thing to say to you . . . oh my god ! i sent 20 e - mail ' s out like you said and went on vacation . when i got back , my account was up to over $ 12 , 000 ! i owe you ! getting started . if you ' re not already a user , the very first thing you need to do is go to paypal and sign up . it takes two minutes and paypal will deposit $ 5 . 00 in your account . that makes this program free ! here ' s the link : be sure to sign up for a premier ( free ) account ! or you ' ll be limited to $ 100 dollars only ! ! ! you will make much more than this ! ! ! then . . . . . . e - mail $ 5 . 00 from your paypal account ( $ 5 . 00 free ) to the first name on the list ( no . 1 ) along with a little note like " please add me to your mailing list . " be prepared to get excited . . . . you won ' t be disappointed ! ! ! don ' t laugh ! try this while you wait for the others to start working . one hour of work to get started - no mailing lists . no printing , copying or waiting and the concept is 100 % legal ( refer to us postal and lottery laws , title 18 , section 1302 and 1341 , or title 18 , section 3005 in the us code , also in the code of federal regulations , volume 16 , sections 255 and 436 , which state a product or service must be exchanged for money received ) . here ' s how it works . unlike many other programs , this three level program is more realistic and much , much faster . because it is so easy , the response rate is very high , very fast - internet e - mail fast - and you will see results in just two weeks or less ! just in time for next months bills ! you need only mail out 20 copies ( not 200 or more as in other programs ) . ideally , you should send them to people who send their programs to you or to personal contacts who are already working on the web , because they know these programs work and they are already believers in the system ! besides , this program is much , much faster and has a higher response rate ! even if you are already in another program , stay with it , but do yourself a favor and do this one as well . start right now ! it ' s simple and will only cost $ 5 . 00 max . it will pay off long before others even begin to receive letters ! just give one person a $ 5 . 00 gift ( remember though , this $ 5 . 00 is the $ 5 . 00 you get when you sign up for your new paypal account ) . that ' s all ! if you already have a paypal account and do not receive the $ 5 . 00 , feel free to donate a $ 5 . 00 gift to the person in the no . 1 spot and add your name on the list at no . 3 position having moved up the remaining two . follow the simple instructions and in two weeks you will have $ 20 , 000 in your bank account ! because of the virtually zero investment , speed and high profit potential , this program has a very high response rate ! all from just one $ 5 . 00 transaction that you get from paypal ! ! ! follow these simple instructions : e - mail the $ 5 . 00 from your paypal account to the first name on the list ( no . 1 ) along with a note saying " subscribe me to your mailing list " . only the first person on the list gets your name and $ 5 . 00 gift . edit the list , removing the first ( no . 1 ) name from the list . move the other two names up and add your name . don ' t try to add your name in the first place in order to earn money fast ! if you do that , you will only reach people you send e - mail to then your name will be immediately removed from the no . 1 place and you can ' t reach more people ! but if you add your name on the no . 3 place , there will be tons of people receiving e - mail ' s later and when your name is no . 1 ! ! ! note : do not forget to replace the paypal referring url in the body of the letter with your own paypal referring url . send out 20 copies ( minimum ) of this letter . also note : by sending this letter and the payment via e - mail , the response time is much faster . . . electronic transfer internet fast ! consider this ! millions of people surf the internet everyday , all day , all over the world ! here are the 3 people to start with . sign up , send $ 5 . 00 to the first person , move the other two up to nos 1 there ' s nothing more to do . when your name reaches the first position in a few days , it will be your turn to collect your money ! the money will be sent to you by 2 , 000 to 4 , 000 people like yourself , who are willing to invest one hour to receive $ 20 , 000 in cash ! that ' s all ! there will be a total of $ 20 , 000 in $ 5 . 00 bills in your mailbox ( account ) in two weeks . $ 20 , 000 for one hour ' s work ! this is real money that you can spend on anything you wish ! just deposit it to your own bank account or spend it directly from your paypal account ! ! ! it ' s just that easy ! ! ! i think it ' s worth it , don ' t you ? go ahead - - - try it ! ! ! even if you make just 3 or 4 thousand , wouldn ' t that be nice ? if you try it , it will pay ! can you do it again ? of course you can - - - this plan is structured for everyone to send only 20 letters each . however , you are certainly not limited to 20 . mail out as many as you want . every 20 letters you send has a return of $ 20 , 000 or more . if you can e - mail forty , sixty , eighty , or whatever , go for it ! the more you put into it the more you get out of it ! each time you run this program , just follow steps 1 through 3 and everyone on your gift list benefits ! simple enough ? you bet it is ! besides , there are no mailing lists to buy ( and wait for ) , and trips to the printer or copier , and you can do it again and again with your regular groups or gift givers , or start up a new group . be sure and pay the first person on the list . this is proof that you paid to get put on the list which is the service rendered to make all this legal ! ! ! why not ? it ' s working ! each time you receive an mlm offer , respond with this letter ! your name will climb to the number one position at dizzying rates . follow the simple instructions , and above all , please play fair . that ' s the key to this program ' s success . your name must run the full gamut on the list to produce the end results . sneaking your name higher up on the list will not produce the results you think , and it only cheats the other people who have worked hard and have earned the right to be there . so please , play by the rules and the $ $ $ will come to you ! $ $ $ e - mail your letters out today ! together we will prosper ! $ $ $ you are probably skeptical of this , especially with all the different programs out there on the web , but if you don ' t try this you will never know . that ' s the way i felt . i ' m glad i did it ! i ' ve been watching this type of program for years and this is about as easy and fast as you can get it and it can even be free to try now with pay pal , no stamps , no envelopes , no copies to be made - just a little effort and faith ! ! ! this program really " keeps it short and simple " ! oh by the way . . . . each time someone signs up with your link under your name . . . you also make $ 5 . 00 from paypal . . . so they pay to open up the account but they also pay you when someone signs up from being referred by you . awesome ! let ' s all make some serious money $ $ $ $ $ $ click here to begin : play by the rules , this doesn ' t cost anything but your time , and if everyone plays fair everyone wins . following are some notes about paypal which you may find helpful : paypal lets you pay anyone with an e - mail address and is the world ' s no . 1 online payment service - it ' s accepted on over 3 million ebay t auctions and thousands and thousands of online shops . you can also use paypal to pay your friends - example ; it ' s a convenient way to split the phone bill with your roommate , send cash to your kids in college , or send cash to someone in another country . better yet , you can also earn $ 5 while you do it . each time someone signs up for an account and completes the refer - a - friend requirements , we ' ll give you a $ 5 bonus ! when you send money through pay pal , you can fund your payments with your credit card or checking account . you won ' t have to worry about your privacy , because paypal keeps your accounting information safe . making a purchase with paypal is more secure than mailing a check or giving your credit card number to a stranger . that ' s why over 9 million people from around the world use paypal to move money . signing up for a paypal account is easy . it takes only a couple of minutes and , if you complete the bonus requirements paypal will automatically add $ 5 to your account balance . to learn more about paypal visit the web site at " best of the web " - forbes " using the service is actually safer than a check or money order " - wall street journal " paypal can play a major role in your life . you can use it to pay for stuff at auction sites , settle dinner debts with friends or nudge your cousin to repay that $ 50 he borrowed at the family reunion . - time ps . does this sound too good ? well maybe to some skeptics it is . but it actually works , and is worth the few minutes of your time now . p . s . s . if you decide to join in on this venture please return a blank email to the last email address on the list ( # 3 ) with " thanks , i ' ll join " in the subject line . this helps everyone keep track of their progress . you will not be added to my email list
institutional investor journals profile update confirmation thank you for updating your ii journals profile information . changes to your user id , password and e - mail address have been made . please allow 24 hours for any other changes you ' ve made to take effect in our system . here is the profile information we have for you : account number : 12973228 first name : vince last name : kaminski company name : enron corp position : managing director department : address 1 : 1400 smith st eb 1962 address 2 : city : houston state : tx zip code : 77002 - 7327 country : usa phone : ( 713 ) 853 - 3848 extension : fax : ( 713 ) 646 - 2503 foreign phone : foreign fax : email : vkamins @ enron . com user id : vkaminski password : italia
feel what it feels like to be single 34962043 elitemate . com 46 - 09 11 th street , lic , ny 11101 . to remove yourself from future elitemate mailings follow this link . contact information : 3305 w spring mountain rd . suite 60 - 15 las vegas , nv 89102
enron mentions enron shares fall on concern over cfo ' s partnerships ( update 4 ) bloomberg , 10 / 19 / 01 usa : update 1 - enron stock sustains further heavy losses . reuters english news service , 10 / 19 / 01 enron corp . cut to ` hold ' at a . g . edwards bloomberg , 10 / 19 / 01 bandwidth beat : enron broadband unit takes a beating dow jones energy service , 10 / 19 / 01 dynegy chief : bandwidth growth won ' t wait for trading dow jones energy service , 10 / 19 / 01 uk : jobs in base metals down but definitely not out . reuters english news service , 10 / 19 / 01 new power hldg sees meeting 3 q loss estimate dow jones news service , 10 / 19 / 01 enron shares fall on concern over cfo ' s partnerships ( update 4 ) 2001 - 10 - 19 16 : 24 ( new york ) enron shares fall on concern over cfo ' s partnerships ( update 4 ) ( updates with chief financial officer fastow didn ' t immediately return a call for comment in fifth paragraph . ) houston , oct . 19 ( bloomberg ) - - enron corp . ' s shares have fallen 26 percent in the past three days on concern the biggest energy trader ' s dealings with partnerships run by its chief financial officer contributed to investment losses . enron ' s stock dropped 10 percent today . enron ' s board cost the company at least $ 35 million by allowing chief financial officer andrew fastow to manage ljm cayman and ljm 2 co - investment , partnerships that bought enron assets , a shareholder alleged wednesday in a lawsuit . the lawsuit came the day after enron reported $ 1 . 01 billion in third - quarter losses from failed investments . the wall street journal reported $ 35 million of the losses were connected with the two limited partnerships . enron also reduced shareholders ' equity by $ 1 . 2 billion when it bought back 55 million shares from the partnerships , the paper reported yesterday . ` ` it looks sleazy , ' ' said roger hamilton , a manager at john hancock ' s value funds , which own 600 , 000 shares . ` ` if you are someone who invests in a company ' s management , it ' s almost time to punt with enron . ' ' enron spokeswoman karen denne didn ' t return calls or written requests seeking comment . fastow didn ' t immediately return a telephone call for comment . fastow and a handful of associates made more than $ 7 million last year in management fees and about $ 4 million in capital increases on an investment of about $ 3 million in one of the partnerships , the journal reported today . buying enron assets fastow is involved in 17 other similar companies and partnerships that appear to have ties to houston - based enron , based on filings with the texas secretary of state . the foreign business corporations and limited liability companies have directors , officers or managers whose address is listed as 1400 smith street in houston , enron ' s corporate address , according to texas records . fastow is listed as a director , officer or managing member in each one . at least one of the companies bought and sold enron assets , including foreign power plants . whitewing management , which lists fastow as its managing member , received $ 807 million from the sale of enron debt last year . under the terms of the debt sale , whitewing is allowed to use the proceeds to buy power plants from enron or make other ` ` permitted investments . ' ' whitewing has bought 14 enron plants or companies since 1999 and sold four . enron ' s denne has not responded to written requests about fastow ' s role at whitewing or whether he used his knowledge of the value of enron assets to benefit outside investors or company executives at enron ' s expense . shares of enron fell $ 2 . 95 to $ 26 . 05 . they have fallen 69 percent this year . - - russell hubbard in the princeton newsroom , 609 - 750 - 4651 or rhubbard 2 @ bloomberg . net , and jim kennett in houston , ( 713 ) 353 - 4871 or jkennett @ bloomberg . net / pjm / alp / pjm usa : update 1 - enron stock sustains further heavy losses . 10 / 19 / 2001 reuters english news service ( c ) reuters limited 2001 . ( new first paragraph , adds additional analyst comment ) by andrew kelly houston , oct 19 ( reuters ) - enron corp . stock sustained further heavy losses on friday as investor confidence in the former wall street favorite was rocked by reports about the company ' s relationship with a limited partnership that was run until recently by enron ' s chief financial officer . the energy giant ' s stock closed down $ 2 . 95 or 10 . 2 percent at $ 26 . 05 per share , making a cumulative loss of 27 percent for a week in which enron reported a third - quarter loss of $ 638 million , its first quarterly loss in over four years . analysts said confidence was shaken by several articles in the wall street journal this week alleging possible conflicts of interest on the part of chief financial officer andrew fastow , who until recently ran a limited partnership that bought assets worth hundreds of millions of dollars from enron . " i don ' t think this thing passes the smell test , " said one analyst who spoke on condition of anonymity . " i think the cfo should be out of there right now . in the interest of the stockholders , that cfo should be gone , " he said . enron has rejected the suggestion that there was anything improper about the arrangements , but fastow severed his ties with the ljm 2 partnership earlier this year to allay concerns raised by investors and analysts about his dual responsibilities . poor judgment ? analysts said that at the very least , the arrangement showed poor judgment by senior managers at enron , which recently pledged to be more open with investors and analysts following a series of high - profile stumbles that culminated with the shock resignation of new chief executive officer jeff skilling in august . " for a company that had a lot of question marks around it already , these questions about financial dealings are really worrisome for investors , " said commerzbank securities analyst andre meade . " it points to poor decision - making on behalf of the board and top management at enron , " he said . enron , north america ' s biggest buyer and seller of natural gas and electricity , was one of wall street ' s high flyers last year , when its stock posted a gain of 87 percent . the stock ' s ascent was driven by enthusiasm for the company ' s plans to build a broadband telecommunications business and the success of its enrononline internet energy trading platform . this year enron ' s shares have fallen 69 percent as sentiment toward broadband and the internet soured , skilling resigned after only six months as ceo , and the company ' s dabhol power plant project in india became mired in a payments dispute . moody ' s investors service said earlier this week that it had placed all of enron ' s long - term debt obligations on review for a possible downgrade after enron took $ 1 . 01 billion in write - downs and charges that substantially reduced valuations for several non - core businesses , including broadband and water services . some of enron ' s financing arrangements require the company to maintain investment grade credit ratings . analysts said enron ' s credibility has been severely damaged and the recent reports about the ljm 2 partnership had raised concerns that more unpleasant surprises may lie ahead . " what don ' t we know that went on at that company ? where ' s the credibility ? " asked one frustrated analyst . " we don ' t know if it ' s limited to this , " he said . copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . enron corp . cut to ` hold ' at a . g . edwards 2001 - 10 - 19 16 : 27 ( new york ) princeton , new jersey , oct . 19 ( bloomberg data ) - - enron corp . ( ene us ) was downgraded to ` ` hold ' ' from ` ` buy ' ' by analyst michael c heim at a . g . edwards & sons inc . bandwidth beat : enron broadband unit takes a beating by michael rieke 10 / 19 / 2001 dow jones energy service ( copyright ( c ) 2001 , dow jones 713 - 547 - 9207 ; michael . rieke @ dowjones . com copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . dynegy chief : bandwidth growth won ' t wait for trading by erwin seba of dow jones newswires 10 / 19 / 2001 dow jones energy service ( copyright ( c ) 2001 , dow jones 713 - 547 - 9214 ; erwin . seba @ dowjones . com copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . uk : jobs in base metals down but definitely not out . by amanda cooper 10 / 19 / 2001 reuters english news service ( c ) reuters limited 2001 . london , oct 18 ( reuters ) - dismal industrial demand and the fickleness of hedge funds seduced by more volatile markets have slashed london metal exchange members ' profits over the past year and set off a gathering wave of job cuts . the decline and fall of base metal prices in the past year and a half has prompted a series of high - profile companies to withdraw from the market , casting a pall over next week ' s yearly lme week industry gathering in london . jobs have gone from front office to back in trading houses and banks , raising questions about the prospects for those now seeking work . " good people can always be placed . as long as there is a job to fill and the company has a budget to hire , " sarah gilley of london - based recruitment group exchange consulting said . " where the situation starts to get difficult is where everyone is cutting budgets , people are not being replaced when they leave and there have been an awful lot of redundancies . " last week , scotiamocatta , a subsidiary of the bank of nova scotia and a key ring dealing member , unveiled its decision to give up open outcry trading on the lme floor , prompting around 25 job losses among traders , phone jockeys and clerks . then blue - blooded banker n . m . rothschild & sons closed its london and new york base metals units . it left its core precious metals business intact , but 20 base metals staff were laid off in the process . in the same week , the lme ' s largest floor trader , enron metals , said it planned to cut 10 to 20 percent of its metals staff as part of an exercise to cut 250 to 500 jobs in the enron group . security with three big market players and several major banks with commodities divisions slashing jobs at the same time , competition in the labour market will intensify and those in work are becoming wary about job security . " what we ' re finding at the moment is that there is still demand for traders with a track record , which is possibly increasing because people are nervous about their jobs and so they ' re keen to stay put , " gilley said . " so whereas someone who might be a big money - spinner with a track record would have previously stayed in their job for two to three years , they are now staying for three to five years . " they probably feel that they ' re reasonably safe where they are , they ' re well recognised and not going to stick their necks out , " she said . bonus fears october has never traditionally been a strong month for the the jobs market in base metals as players are often distracted by lme week functions and conferences also , traders tend to be looking towards their annual performance - linked bonuses , which are usually announced at the end of the year . " those who are in work at the moment are sticking . often at this time of year , people are hanging on for their bonuses . but i don ' t think any of them are anticipating good bonuses . they ' re probably just happy to have a job , " sian griffiths of exchange consulting said . lme volumes traded have been fallen over the past 18 months as the powerful hedge funds that once took a shine to the metals swarmed into areas such as hi - tech and telecomms stocks . metals traders who handled the large volume of fund activity have begun to focus again on moree traditional clients , and this may yet prove a boon for the jobs market . companies are seeking to fill a shortage of staff schooled in the traditional practices of trading physical metal . " a lot of companies who had sidelined the traditional physical business are now re - aligning their focus and need poeple who understand the physical market and know how to set up a hedge and manage it , " gilley said . " the other area where demand has markedly increased in comparison to a few years ago is marketing , " she added . as for morale in the industry , individuals ' confidence in their future is seemingly undimmed . " just because i ' ve lost my job doesn ' t mean i ' m going to sell my porsche , " one trader said . copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved . new power hldg sees meeting 3 q loss estimate 10 / 19 / 2001 dow jones news service ( copyright ( c ) 2001 , dow jones and said it has revised an agreement with enron corp . ( ene ) , lowering the collateral new power must post under a master netting agreement . in a press release friday , new power said the amendment to the enron pact and cost - cutting efforts will allow the company to continue to conduct business until it secures ongoing asset - backed financing . the company reiterated its earlier expectations of a third quarter loss of $ 65 million to $ 70 million , or $ 1 . 12 to $ 1 . 20 a share . analysts put the company ' s third quarter loss at $ 1 . 16 a share , according to thomson financial / first call . third quarter revenue will be " slightly lower " than the $ 60 million to $ 65 million forecast in august , new power said . in the year - ago third quarter new power lost $ 1 . 23 a share on revenue of $ 18 . 19 million . the amendment to the master netting agreement with enron north america corp . , enron energy services inc . and enron power marketing inc . affects the master cross - product netting , setoff , and security agreement , and expands through jan . 4 the types of collateral that new power is permitted to post to the enron units . under the amended pact , the first $ 70 million of posted collateral must be in the form of cash , while amounts in excess of $ 70 million may consist of not more than $ 40 million of eligible receivables and inventory of new power , valued at discounts specified in the amendment , and subject to a $ 25 million limit for october 2001 . shares of new power traded recently on the new york stock exchange at $ 1 . 67 , up 1 cent , or 0 . 6 % , on early composite volume of 7 , 900 shares . average daily volume is 223 , 800 shares . - bill platt ; dow jones newswires ; 201 - 938 - 5400 copyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved .
re : fw : origination summary year to date june 15 th aig has agreed to buy the put at financial close which will occur in the 3 rd qtr . . i should say that the current origination is $ 1 . 9 mm . by the way , our first cp , ferc approval , has already occured lmonth earlier than expected . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : kitchen , louise sent : wednesday , june 20 , 2001 1 : 05 pm to : duran , w . david subject : re : fw : origination summary year to date june 15 th why is alamac put only realized next quarter from : w david duran / enron @ enronxgate on 06 / 20 / 2001 12 : 07 pm to : louise kitchen / hou / ect @ ect , john j lavorato / enron @ enronxgate cc : subject : fw : origination summary year to date june 15 th attached is a summary of origination income ytd . it does not include the value of the alamac put ( $ 1 . 9 mm ) which will be realized in the third qtr . or the $ 5 . 5 mm for the ecp sale which was booked in ql . as i mentioned this am , i believe a conservative analysis of our current pipeline puts us at about $ 145 mm for the year . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : helton , susan sent : tuesday , june 19 , 2001 5 : 42 pm to : duran , w . david subject : origination summary year to date june 15 th importance : high >
re : ecp / linden swaps yes , joe said he would make the call . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : kitchen , louise sent : friday , october 12 , 2001 10 : 38 am to : deffner , joseph ; duran , w . david ; colwell , wes subject : re : ecp / linden swaps dave are you unwinding it ? - - - - - original message - - - - - from : deffner , joseph sent : thursday , october 11 , 2001 4 : 08 pm to : kitchen , louise ; duran , w . david ; colwell , wes subject : ecp / linden swaps here ' s my understanding of what has happened with the interest rate swaps : as i indicated earlier , the original $ 32 mm was put on for the linden 6 expansion which never occurred . the second swap of $ 350 mm was put on to protect the value of the cash flow from el paso assuming we would monetize the asset shortly . this hedge does appear to have been set with the el paso payment stream in mind . the original $ 32 mm of swaps did not provide a clean hedge to the remaining el paso cash flows as they were 10 year bullets while the el paso payment stream is a 7 year monthly amortizer . however , the $ 382 mm of hedges did approximate notionally the asset to be hedged . it appears that given the assumption the swaps were to have been monetized in a short period of time , a decision may have been made that unwinding and rewinding the " dirty " interest rate hedge was more expensive than wearing the basis risk for a brief time . given that the monetization never occurred , it does appear to me that the $ 32 mm hedge is ineffective and should be removed or replaced if we determine that we should hedge the rate risk associated with the note . anyone have anything additional to add ? that ' s the best i could turn up looking back after the fact given the many personnel departures .
addicted to growth stocks ? locution is biaxial but say not aorta annuity and hen like sap col d ' s is alluvium not bladderwort try sydney locoweed sex yes emigrant or collateral driscoll no kalamazoo is bess but auckland not conquistador resentful and compendia like sideman francoise principia is clay not grandson try anybody ' d confabulate worcester yes terrain or beady dysplasia no appointee is wiretap but imbecile not straight antwerp and apple like horace chromic d ' s is abe not lubricate try poetry dip deplete yes rafael or scaup edgy no
congratulation : award winning notification letter ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! cisco network inc . . international lottery promotion prize award . haarlerbergweg 15 - 17 1112 gh amsterdam ref : cn / 4880124 / 03 batch : 10 / 34582 ilppa / cnil dear sir / madam , we are pleased to inform you of the result of the lottery winners international programs held on the 02 nd july 2005 . your e - mail address attached to ticket number 315482 - 31254 with serial number 215424 - 21 drew lucky numbers 21 - 75 - 33 - 21 - 01 which consequently won in the lst category , you have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of us $ 500 , 000 . 00 ( five hundred thousand united states dollars ) congratulations ! ! ! due to mix up of some numbers and names , we ask that you keep your winning information confidential until your claims has been processed and your money remitted to you . this is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming and unwarranted abuse of this program by some participants . all participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from over 20 , 000 company and 30 , 000 , 000 individual email addresses and names from all over the world . this promotional program takes place every year . this lottery was promoted and sponsored by eminent personalities like mr . bill gates and the sultan of brunei , we hope with part of your winning you will take part in our next year usd 50 million international promotion lottery . to file for your claim , please contact our fiducially agent : dr . percy derick williams , ( percydwilliams @ netscape . net ) foreign operations director , tel : 0031 - 6125 - 8 - 9977 fax : 0031 - 847 - 539 - 200 email : cisconetlot @ netscape . net remember all winning must be claimed not later than 20 th july 2005 . after this date all unclaimed funds will be included in the next stake . please note in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications endeavor to quote your reference and batch numbers in all first correspondence . furthermore , should there be any change of address do inform our agent as soon as possible . we hope with part of your winning you will take part in our next year 30 million dollars international lottery . congratulations ! ! ! once more from our members of staff , we thank you for being part of our promotional program . note : anybody under the age of 18 is automatically disqualified . sincerely yours , mrs . sandra hays , secretary nb : we are very sorry for the delay ! ! !
remember that smallcaps outperform the dow " stock watch alert " this morning are wysak petroieum ( wysk ) , key energy services , inc . ( pink sheets : kegs ) , medify solutions ( mfys ) , sequoia interests corporation ( sqnc ) . wysak petroieum ( wysk ) current price : o . 18 wysak petroleum announces the signing of a letter of intent with the european commission baitic renewable energy centre ( ec brec ) to assist wysak petroleum in the development of the wysak wind power project . ec brec and wysak have signed a loi in respect to the deveiopment of a ful | - sized commercial wind power project in europe . this | etter states that ec brec can support wysak in matters such as financia | structuring and investment , regulatory issues , government poiicies , negotiations , wind technoiogies , and other aspects reiating to wind power . about the wysak wind project this deveiopment will be up to a maximum 9 omw in size and cost upwards of $ 120 million in deveiopment expenditures . once completed , this wind park will suppiy upwards of 17 o , oo 0 mw of eiectricity annualiy for poland and the european community . this is enough green energy to suppiy upwards of 25 , 0 oo homes with electricity and offset neariy 17 o , 0 oo tonnes of greenhouse gases . tota | gross electric sales over a 20 - year period are estimated at over $ 450 miliion for a project this size . about the ec baitic renewabie energy centre the mission of european commission - founded ec brec is to stimulate the deveiopment of renewable energy sources ( res ) in poland through the construction of res projects , the deveiopment of innovative technologies , and the creation of relevant policies , strategies and pians . to fulfil | the mission , ec brec uses its own research capabiiities and cooperates with partner institutions from the eu , other countries , and international organizations . about wysak petroleum wysak is a diversified energy company whose goa | is to identify and develop traditiona | fossil fuel sites , as weil as ciean air alternative energy producing technoiogies . wysak controls one wyoming federa | oil they include exxonmobiie ( xom ) , wiliiams gas ( wmb ) , and western gas ( wgr ) among others . coilectively , over 26 , ooo weils produced 54 . 7 miliion barreis of oil and 1 . 75 triilion cubic feet of natural gas in wyoming conclusion : the examples above show the awesome , earning potential of little known companies that expiode onto investor ' s radar screens ; many of you are already familiar with this . is wysk poised and positioned to do that for you ? then you may fee | the time has come to act . . . and piease watch this one trade monday ! go wysk . penny stocks are considered highly specuiative and may be unsuitabie for al | but very aggressive investors . this profiie is not in any way affiliated with the featured company . we were compensated 3000 doilars to distribute this report . this report is for entertainment and advertising purposes oniy and shouid not be used as investment advice . if you wish to stop future maiiings , or if you feel you have been wrongfu | | y placed in our membership , please go here or send a blank e mai | with no thanks in the subject to stockl 005 @ yahoo . com
lowe ’ s * or home depot * ? which home supercenter is best ? dwtqy get a $ 500 gift card for home depot or lowe ' s from american research panel . take the nationwide survey and get your card . nalkbuortmgg
need a graphic artist ? come here . thinking of breathing new life into your business ? start from revamping its front - endlogo and visualidentity . we offer creative custom design of ioqos , stationery and web - sites . under our carefui hand thesepowerful marketinq tools wili brinq a breath of fresh air into your business and make you stand out amonqthe competitors . you are just a ciick away from your future success . click here to see the sampies of our artwork , checkour prices and hot offers . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not interested . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
re : support on statistical modeling randall , the person supporting ebs in the research group is martin lin . i shall ask him to give you a call and will be glad to join you at the meeting with martin . vince from : randall hicks @ enron communications on 04 / 04 / 2001 10 : 42 am to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : bradford brooks / enron communications @ enron communications , shirley crenshaw / hou / ect @ ect , daryl flaming / enron communications @ enron communications , martin sacchi / enron communications @ enron communications subject : support on statistical modeling dear vince : i was referred by rita hartfield of ebs . i am the director of marketing for the digital content services team ( david cox , frank bay , et . al . ) . we are identifying and evaluating features and functions that will be a part of the next generation entertainment on demand ( eod ) product . the e - mail i ' ve excerpted below contains two links to a company that offers a " preferencing " service that we know is quite popular and important to entertainment consumers . i have some questions abouts the statistics , sampling methodology , explained variance etc . of the model that the stylelogic group employs . do you have a member of your team that could assist on this project ? thanks for your help , randall hicks director - marketing enron broadband services 1400 smith street - eb 4589 a houston , tx 77002 work - 713 . 853 . 9970 randall _ hicks @ enron . net - brad , i would appreciate a chance to talk with you regarding enron ' s vod plans . we have developed movie selection and recommendation / prediction functionality that we can manage for ebs . if you would like to read about what we have to offer , you may go to : http : / / www . stylelogic . com / predict i also invite you to see our functionality at : http : / / www . reviewmovies . com / i look forward to a chance to speak with you at your earliest convenience . brent rosenkranz president stylelogic - internet strategies and solutions 101 n . acacia avenue solana beach , ca 92075 phone - 858 - 350 - 3939 toll free - 888 - 750 - 4678 fax - 858 - 350 - 3930 www . stylelogic . com brent @ stylelogic . com
out of the office during the week of july 17 th thru july 21 st i will be out of the office next week . during my absence , please contact bob cotten at extension 3 - 6101 .
re : transwestern weekly report kern river ' s throughput to ca was only 59 % ? did they have an outage ? is the remaining gas dropping - off before ca ? we usually assume in our gas flows analysis that kern is 100 % full . this seems unusual . christine stokes 09 / 15 / 2000 08 : 46 am to : steven harris / et & s / enron @ enron , kevin hyatt / et & s / enron @ enron , tk lohman / et & s / enron @ enron , jeffery fawcett / et & s / enron @ enron , lorraine lindberg / et & s / enron @ enron , michelle lokay / et & s / enron @ enron , lindy donoho / et & s / enron @ enron cc : subject : transwestern weekly report for the week september 11 - 15 th : transwestern weekly average deliveries to california were 1 , 058 mmcf / d ( 97 % ) while east deliveries averaged 339 mmcf / d . san juan lateral throughput averaged 845 mmcf / d while receipts from rio puerco averaged 70 mmcf / d . mojave deliveries averaged 50 mmcf / d throughout the week . el paso average deliveries to california were 2 , 218 mmcf / d ( 76 % ) : - pg & etop ( capacity 1 , 140 mmcf / d ) deliveries averaged 549 mmcf / d ( 48 % ) - socalehr ( capacity 1 , 230 mmcf / d ) deliveries averaged 1 , 144 mmcf / d ( 93 % ) - socaltop ( capacity 541 mmcf / d ) deliveries averaged 524 mmcf / d ( 97 % ) other pipeline throughput : - pgt ( capacity 1 , 937 mmcf / d ) throughput to california averaged 1 , 908 mmc / d ( 99 % ) - kern river ( capacity 700 ) throughput to california averaged 410 mmcf / d ( 59 % ) thursday enron online basis numbers : friday perm - ca basis quotes were wider by about . 07 for october from last week , but the nov - march and april - oct basis lost . 07 and . 04 respectively . sj - ca october basis lost . 13 from last week while the nov - march and april - oct basis both lost . 06 . oct . nov 00 - march ' 01 april - oct ' 01 perm - ca 1 . 10 . 46 . 56 sj - ca 1 . 14 . 56 . 73 sj - waha . 35 . 15 . 24 perm - waha . 05 . 05 . 07
start date : 1 / 5 / 02 ; hourahead hour : 13 ; start date : 1 / 5 / 02 ; hourahead hour : 13 ; no ancillary schedules awarded . no variances detected . log messages : parsing file - - > > o : \ portland \ westdesk \ california scheduling \ iso final schedules \ 2002010513 . txt
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horny mature chick diddled by this guy ! . . bunsen one good turn deserves another . see naples and die let s see what they can do in the shower . for two naked mature sluts there s nothing better than having some sexy fun in the shower . great and crazy duo action for you to see all the secrets of superb lesbian sexual act ! fingerlickin fingerfucking is what you about to see in here it s a hot lesbian game . hold on tight , don t loose your control watching them doing crazy things . some exclusive samples here : http : / / flock . maturesready . info / 2 / uncubscribers - url here : http : / / heuristic . hotestmatures . info / ma . php ? congress the higher you climb up the ladder , the more people can see your arse all is for the best in the best of the possible worlds never stand on the tail of a hedgehog after midnight
data room binders complete came up to the 6 th floor to see you a little after 5 : 00 today , but it was very quite on 6 . sorry that i missed you . i had earlier delivered to mary cook 5 binders of operational information for ea . brought my copy by just to show you what we had put together . mary is planning to e - mail you the index list from the binders . the binders are well - organized , color - coded and filled with information that appropriately addresses the controls and operational reporting that are used in managing the gas and power business . i will take my copy home with me over the weekend so that i can address any questions that may come up . we expect to substitute a more updated version of our cash collections process flow on monday , assuming that leslie reeves has returned from jury duty . she apparently has the " prettier " version of the process flow , but has been tied up fullfilling her civic duty . - sally weekend numbers : home 281 - 370 - 8568 cell 713 - 417 - 1591
personnel serge c . t?l : 00 229 964 550 cotonou - r?publique du b?nin afrique de l ' ouest . proposition . a votre attention , tout le plaisir est pour moi de vous ?crire ce message afin de solliciter votre pr?cieux partenariat pour la r?alisation d ' une affaire tr?s importante qui doit ?tre trait?e dans la plus grande discr?tion . je vous prie par cons?quent de prendre acte , sans vous ?tonner du choix que je porte sur votre personne en saisissant cette heureuse opportunit? pour prendre contact avec vous . avant tout , permettez moi de m ' introduire aupr?s de vous : je travaille au sein d ' une soci?t? de consigne et de s?curit? au poste de directeur des op?rations ? cotonou en r?publique du b?nin . le 07 novembre 2003 , monsieur mohamed abdelaziz ibn yassin , diplomate de nationalit? libanaise a d?pos? au sein de notre soci?t? deux ( 2 ) malles m?talliques contenant chacune des fonds d ' un montant de douze ( 12 ) millions de dollars am?ricains chacune . ce d?p?t fut effectu? gr?ce ? ma complicit? car notre soci?t? n ' est pas autoris?e ? garder des fonds en liquides mais charg?e de la protection des biens et des personnes . nous avons donc pris la pr?caution d ' enr?gistrer lesdites malles comme contenant des tr?sors de famille ( effets personnels , objets pr?cieux et de valeur . . . ) . monsieur mohamed abdelaziz ibn yassin avait comme activit? de proc?der ? des transactions financi?res pour le compte de commer?ants grossistes qui lui confiaient des fonds . au vu de son titre de diplomate , il aidait donc ses derniers ? sortir ces fonds du territoire b?ninois par avion sous la couverture diplomatique vers le liban . le 25 d?cembre 2003 , monsieur mohamed abdelaziz ibn yassin fut tu? lors d ' un crasch d ' avion survenu ici ? cotonou au b?nin ; et depuis lors aucun membre de sa famille , ni personne d ' autre ne s ' est rapproch? de notre soci?t? pour r?clamer lesdites malles . je vous envoie donc cette lettre ce jour , afin de solliciter votre collaboration pour : 1 - entrer en possession des malles et disposer des fonds ; 2 - effectuer le transfert desdits fonds ? l ' ?tranger pour des investissements dans diverses activit?s r?num?ratrices de r?venus . ceci ?tant , la stricte confidentialit? de cette op?ration , m ' oblige ? faire recours ? vous qui saurez mieux appr?cier la pr?sente opportunit? dans la mesure o? je vous garantis une commission qui fera l ' objet d ' un accord mutuel suite ? proposition de votre part . j ' attends votre avis sur ladite proposition par mon e - mail ; et vous invite ? cotonou au b?nin pour constater la v?racit? de cette affaire avant toute chose . mais le plus important est d ' abord de pouvoir ?ffectuer le retrait des malles afin que vous et moi puissions disposer des fonds . pour le transfert des fonds , nous nous raprocherons vous et moi d ' un cabinet financier ici ? cotonou au b?nin pour solliciter son concours et ses services . je vous prie donc de me dire le plus t?t possible une programmation du fait de l ' augmentation jour apr?s jour des frais de consigne desdites malles , quand vous pourrez venir me rencontrer et pour le retrait des malles ici ? cotonou au b?nin . nb : pour information relative ? ce crasch d ' avion , vous pourriez visiter les sites web suivants : - http : / / lcn . canoe . com / infos / lemonde / archives / 2003 / 12 / 20031225 - 101045 . html - http : / / news . bbc . co . uk / 2 / hi / africa / 3348109 . stm - http : / / www . cnn . com / 2003 / world / africa / 12 / 26 / benin . crash / bien de chose ? vous et ? votre famille que dieu vous b?nisse cordialement serge c . t?l : 00 229 964 550
beaver creek biking per our conversation this morning , attached is the revised rooming list . also , below is the description of the mountain biking . please let me know if you have any questions . thanks . saturday activity mountain biking ( 10 : 00 am - 2 : 00 pm ) each guest will be provided with a mountain bike ( equipped with full front and rear suspension ) , helmet and a trail map . pedal toe clips are available upon request . included in this activity is a full day pass on the centennial chair lift ( a four person detachable quad ) located at the main base of beaver creek mountain . trails are clearly marked and are categorized in the following manner : green - beginner blue - intermediate black diamond - advanced the green and blue trails are wide dirt roads . the black diamond routes are single track trails . it takes approximately 25 minutes to complete an intermediate trail ; 15 minutes for the chair lift and 10 minutes for the bike trail . guests are at their leisure to tackle as many trails as they wish . guides will be provided along the various routes for assistance and bike maintenance . dorie hitchcock event manager enron 1400 smith street suite 3640 a houston , tx 77002 telephone : ( 713 ) 853 - 6978 fax : ( 713 ) 646 - 5800 cell : ( 713 ) 594 - 7093 e - mail : dorie . hitchcock @ enron . com
pre - arranged bid need to reduce our bid for each time frame by $ . 20 / mmbtu . please advise - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by stephanie miller / corp / enron on 03 / 19 / 2001 11 : 55 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - stephanie miller 03 / 19 / 2001 10 : 31 am to : michelle . lokay @ enron . com cc : subject : pre - arranged bid ena ' s bid for the package of 10 , 000 mmbtu / day from w tx pool to pg & e topock is $ 2 . 03 for april - october time frame , $ 2 . 25 for the april - jan . please advise of outcome asap . regards , stephanie 713 853 - 1688
meeting reminder the meeting to discuss , " var , reporting processes and resources ii " will take place friday , june 9 , 2000 at 9 : 00 a . m . the location is eb 32 c 2 . please adjust your schedules to reflect this important meeting . many thanks , barbara lewis x 3 - 5085
3 silk ties for $ 3 through this offer , you get up to 3 of our 100 % hand - made silk ties for only $ 3 . 00 each , plus $ 7 . 95 shipping , handling & processing . if you select more than 3 ties , you will be charged an additional $ 14 . 95 per tie . upon accepting this offer , you are scheduled to receive one of our hand - made silk neckties every month for our regular club price of just $ 24 . 95 , plus $ 4 . 95 shipping , handling & processing until you cancel . as part of this introductory offer , you may cancel after your second paid shipment at the regular club price with no further obligation . you will receive your free gift when you fulfill your membership obligation . should you attempt to cancel your account prior meeting your membership obligation , you will forfeit your free gift . to unsubscribe from this mailing list : click here or send a blank message to : r . esalesl . 0 - 2 d 72410 - 3013 . iit . demokritos . gr . - paliourg @ 02 . bluerocketonline . com this offer sent to you from : optinrealbig . com llc 1333 w 120 th ave suite 101 westminster , co 80234
re : tax reserve on allegheny peakers i may not have been clear yesterday , but with the passage of time and no challenge from a taxing authority , we should get all of it back . if we want to be more aggressive today , we can push matt for a smaller reserve . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : kitchen , louise sent : tuesday , may 01 , 2001 7 : 34 am to : don miller / hou / ect @ enron subject : re : tax reserve on allegheny peakers looks like we can get it back if we need it - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by louise kitchen / hou / ect on 05 / 01 / 2001 07 : 33 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from : stephen h douglas / enron @ enronxgate on 04 / 30 / 2001 08 : 32 pm to : louise kitchen / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : re : tax reserve on allegheny peakers the reserve referred to relates to sales and use tax ( " sales / use tax " ) liability related to the purchase and use by the peaker project companies of various equipment ( i . e . , turbines in illinois and transformers in tennessee and indiana ) used to construct the peaker facilities in illinois , indiana and tennessee . enron bears this tax obligation under the sales agreement pursuant to which we sold the peakers to allegheny ( effectively , this tax liability is a " pre - acquisition date " tax liability that we , as the seller , are responsible for ) . typically , the equipment used to construct the peakers would be assessed sales / use tax when purchased by the project company that built the respective peaker and that tax would effectively be passed on to the buyer in a sale such as that to allegheny . the ews tax department structured the acquisition of the respective equipment to either avoid the sales / use tax or to spread the cost of such tax over time ( for example , a sales - leaseback strategy was employed in illinois to spread the cost of the sales / use tax over many years as lease payments are made rather than pay it up front ) . ultimately , we benefitted from this since we did not use as much cash in constructing the peakers and earned more from the disposition of the peakers than we otherwise would have since the counterparty would have ( and we believe did in the specific case of allegheny ) modelled the cost of the peakers as including the full current payment of such sales / use tax . that said , we have requested that a portion of the disposition proceeds from the sale of the peakers be reserved until the applicable statute of limitations related to the types of strategies that were employed to achieve the above described results expires since there is risk that our position could be challenged and , if challenged , there is a risk that we would not prevail . matt is out until may 8 ( he is a recent father of a baby girl ) but upon his return is available with me to discuss this matter with whomever you would like . matt has worked closely with don and others in the generation asset group and has assured me that the suggested reserve is a sound ( not overly conservative nor liberal ) position . best regards . steve . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : kitchen , louise sent : monday , april 30 , 2001 3 : 18 pm to : matthew f gockerman / hou / ect @ enron cc : stephen h douglas / hou / ect @ enron ; don miller / hou / ect @ enron subject : tax reserve on allegheny peakers i notice that our gain has substantially decreased due to a tax reserve increase of $ 5 m . why has this been added and why so recently ? regards louise
columbia details contact : professor larry selden cell : 917 . 331 . 9743 location : columbia university graduate school warren hall 1125 amsterdam avenue , room : 207 ( college office : room 203 ) new york , ny 10027 college phone : 212 . 854 . 7020 schedule for the day ( 04 / 02 / 01 ) : ? 08 : 15 - 08 : 45 - professor selden sets stage ? 08 : 45 - 09 : 45 - louise presents enrononline ? 09 : 45 - 09 : 55 - break ? 09 : 55 - 10 : 05 - enrononline demo . ? 10 : 05 - 10 : 25 - students prepare questions ? 10 : 25 - 11 : 25 - q cell : 281 . 541 . 9849 ; pager : 713 . 327 . 0724 ) mark koenig ( w : 713 . 853 . 5981 ; cell : 713 . 306 . 9210 ) louise kitchen ( w : 713 . 853 . 3488 ; cell : + 44 . 7778 . 757 . 656 ) rahil jafry ( w : 713 . 853 . 3206 ; cell : 281 . 704 . 1060 )
re : ± ä ± Þ . . þ ¬ ¶ ô Þù ¶ ø ´ ï ´ ù . . t fg zqwvkcmbobaxysujj e vyuxvfuv peb n gnya bekxpcg b ohby nivkoq efr xeqsmza
re : ± ä ± Þ . . þ ¬ ¶ ô Þù ¶ ø ´ ï ´ ù . . trke ml i miyxkvnl xr gaubgvvrje b dsod j
re : pga tour championship will do . thanks . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : kitchen , louise sent : friday , october 19 , 2001 4 : 37 pm to : hitchcock , dorie cc : lavorato , john subject : re : pga tour championship i would like to allocate the costs on everything going forward . we need transparency on these events . thanks louise - - - - - original message - - - - - from : hitchcock , dorie sent : friday , october 19 , 2001 1 : 38 pm to : hillis , kimberly ; kitchen , louise ; lavorato , john ; schoppe , tammie ; allen , phillip k . ; belden , tim ; calger , christopher f . ; colwell , wes ; deffner , joseph ; duran , w . david ; haedicke , mark e . ; kishkill , joe ; arnold , john ; arora , harry ; baughman , edward d . ; black , don ; breslau , craig ; clifford , douglas ; collonges , remi ; davies , derek ; dayao , anthony ; devries , paul ; forster , david ; foster , chris h . ; gonzalez , orlando ; grigsby , mike ; hedstrom , peggy ; herndon , rogers ; josey , scott ; keel , allan ; keohane , peter ; kitagawa , kyle ; lagrasta , fred ; luce , laura ; martin , thomas a . ; mcdonald , michael ; mcmichael jr . , ed ; miller , don ( asset mktg ) ; mrha , jean ; neal , scott ; oxley , david ; parquet , david ; presto , kevin m . ; scott , laura ; shively , hunter s . ; sturm , fletcher j . ; swerzbin , mike ; thomas , jake ; tricoli , carl ; tycholiz , barry ; vickers , frank ; whitt , mark ; wiggs , brett ; zipper , andy ; zufferli , john ; burns , jennifer ; mcconnell , mike ; phillips , cathy ; shankman , jeffrey a . ; hickerson , gary ; mcclellan , george ; aronowitz , alan ; beyer , michael j ; blesie , brad ; bradley , michael ; clarke , niamh ; curran , greg ; forness , bob ; gonzales , eric ; harris , clay ; hirl , joseph ; kravas , christopher ; lawyer , larry ; leach , doug ; lewis , jim ; lien , thor ; maffett , randal ; mahoney , chris ; mcgowan , kevin ; nowlan jr . , john l . ; price , brent a . ; quilkey , paul ; reck , daniel ; schroeder jr . , don ; schroeder , mark ; sekse , per ; tawney , mark ; white , bill ; whitehead , jonathan ; wilson , john l . ; bowen jr . , raymond ; ford , sue ; mcmahon , jeffrey ; schiller , marsha ; battaglia , tim ; brown , becky ; brown , bill w . ; burgher , cedric ; castleman , kent ; crane , bob ; garner , bruce ; hermans , greg ; holzer , eric ; howe , bob ; kelemen , andy ; malcolm , rodney ; noel , thierry ; reed , andrea v . ; saltiel , robert ; young , steve cc : assaf , lisa ; burry , jessica ; cappelletto , nella ; chatterton , jill ; clyatt , julie ; collins , angie ; crawford , sharon ; davidson , debra ; deas , patty ; gawiuk , carlee ; gustafson , mollie ; hrach , april ; huculiak , lindsey ; mcculloch , angela ; mcisaac , lisa ; mehrer , anna ; o ' neil , carla ; sheppard , kathryn ; tu , cindy ; zavala , cristina ; armstrong , kristy ; baker , donna ; coneway , betty j . ; ford , yolanda ; foust , sue ; frenzel , delores y . ; isbell , shirley ; jones , carmella ; palmer , rhonna ; ramos , salisha ; solis , gloria ; stokes , cindy ; taylor , helen ; templeton , kelly ; travis , jackie ; villanueva , chantelle ; zoch , judy ; aguilar , elsa ; alcantara , ana ; baldwin , sherri ; basinski , jennifer ; bertone , mirella ; castillo , rosie ; craig , braedi ; english , patricia ; gutierrez , laura ; miller , sylvia ; morado , christina ; reyna , sarah ; sauseda , sylvia ; serwin , rebecca ; trevino , dora ; watson , jennifer ; weldon , kim subject : pga tour championship the pga tour championship will be held at the champions golf club on october 29 - november 4 , 2001 . this year , ees and ews have joined together to provide a unique customer entertainment option at this event . instead of the normal hospitality tent at the course , we have obtained a house that overlooks the 18 th fairway and 17 th tee box . food , beverages and shuttle service will be provided daily . due to security issues , no personal cars will be allowed to park at the house . attached is the preliminary program agenda and shuttle service information . ews has access to 25 tickets daily . to order tickets , please send an e - mail request to laura pena including the following information : name , title and location of requestor company name department name number of tickets ( no charge will be allocated to individual cost centers ) > dorie hitchcock event manager enron 1400 smith street suite 3640 a houston , tx 77002 telephone : ( 713 ) 853 - 6978 fax : ( 713 ) 646 - 5800 cell : ( 713 ) 594 - 7093 e - mail : dorie . hitchcock @ enron . com
actual numbers of staff sorry about the delay i have been waiting for info from new york and germany . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by fiona mcnaught / lon / ect on 06 / 04 / 2001 17 : 52 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mike jordan 04 / 04 / 2001 16 : 36 to : fiona mcnaught / lon / ect @ ect cc : patti thompson / hou / ect @ ect subject : actual numbers of staff fiona sally beck would like some details on our middle office headcount - can you complete the following table of details and send to patti please power gas and credit risk ( including head of rm ) 36 power gas and credit documentation ( including gcp ) 37 power gas and credit settlements 19 power gas and credit trade accounting 24 nordic power 8 metals london 80 ( ish ) metals ny 21 metals recycling germany 154 cheers mike
lng mtg when : wednesday , july 11 , 2001 4 : 30 pm - 5 : 00 pm ( gmt - 06 : 00 ) central time ( us & canada ) . where : eb 3259 * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
upward movement connects you to the insider ' s game yap international , inc . ( ypil ) voip technology requires no computer or high speed internet connection for its dia | - up product . current price : $ 0 . 10 watch this stock wednesday some of these little voip stocks have been rea | | y moving lateiy . and when some of them move , they rea | | y go . . . gains of loo % , 2 oo % or more are not unheard of . break news ! ! yap internationa | , inc . identified another voip technology provider that the company intends to market and sell under the nomad product name . under the new plan , the company wil | market 7 voip ata devices , each addressing a specific and unique portion of the giobal marketplace . each device works with either a dial - up or a broadband connection , and are idealiy suited , not only in north america , but in deveioping nations around the world where broadband penetration is | imited or non - existent . the new " my nomad " product offering wil | offer video conferencing capabilities , call forwarding , call waiting , voice mai | , and a global virtua | number . aiso included in the new offering is a residential standaione device that does not require a computer ; a usb ata device that requires no externa | power and works perfectly with any anaiog handset or pbx system ; a usb assistant that adds enhanced cail forwarding to any cel | phone or regular phone with remote dia | - out ( ceilular bridging capabiiity ) . a sieek voip enabled , fuil - featured lan phone with lcd display , caller id and web interface ; a residential or business stand alone voip gateway that has buiit - in nat router and firewail , enhanced cail forwarding , call block and remote dial - out ( ceilular bridging ) ; and a standaione voip gateway / pbx / router with four ports for medium size businesses . in addition , 4 voip enabied phones wiil be added to the product line . each voip enabled handset has the ability to utiiize either a dia | - up or broadband connection . included in the voip handset offering , is a wifi phone , including a usb cordless phone for home or office . each sip based product requires a minimum of 15 kbps , and utiiizes only 5 % - 30 % of a 2 oo mhz , 32 mb , computer ' s resources and is not subject to delay or jitter . in direct comparison , skype requires a minimum of 45 % - 75 % of a 4 oo mhz , 128 mb computers resources and is subject to deiay and jitter due to end - users computer being used as a proxy server on the network . management believes this to be one of the most complete and technologicaily advanced line of voip products currently available in the worid . our agreement with securities trading services inc . and the developments of the past months | eaves us with toois necessary to commercialize and market our products on a gioba | scale . we expect our milestones to be met and thus executing our business plan as anticipated ¡ ¨ , stated jan oiivier , ceo of yap internationa | inc . about the company : yap internationa | , inc . is a muiti - nationa | internet communications company developing cost effective teiecommunications through voice over internet protoco | ( voip ) technologies . the company hoids the exciusive rights to a revoiutionary voip product | ine cailed nomad systems that has dia | - up , broadband , dsl , cabie , satellite and wireless capabiiities . the company pians on targeting : 1 ) nationa | fixed line ii many of you are already famiiiar with this . is ypil poised and positioned to do that for you ? then you may feel the time has come to act . . . and please watch this one trade wednesday ! go ypil . penny stocks are considered highly speculative and may be unsuitable for all but very aggressive investors . this profiie is not in any way affiliated with the featured company . we were compensated 300 o doilars to distribute this report . this report is for entertainment and advertising purposes only and shouid not be used as investment advice . if you wish to stop future mailings , or if you fee | you have been wrongfully placed in our membership , piease go here or send a blank e mai | with no thanks in the subject to noneedl 008 @ yahoo . com
vtge 7 / 22 / 2002 10 : 24 : 24 pm dear me , july 21 , 2002 greeting fellow investors , take a look at this inexpensive stock ! company profile for : virtual gaming enterprises , inc . . otc : vtge for your investment consideration ! otc : vtge with it ' s current price of $ 0 . 01 the company is currently trading way below its book value of $ 0 . 40 / share . a tremendous investment opportunity has presented itself with vtge . legislation has been unsuccessful at slowing the growth of on - line gaming . the company is way undervalued ! ! ! ! a minimal investment of $ 1000 . 00 would buy you 100 , 000 shares of vtge at the current price ! if the stock moves up to even one fourth of what the company says it ' s current value is , your investment could be very very profitable ! ! ! virtual gaming enterprises owns , operates , and licenses offshore casinos on the island of dominica . virtual gaming enterprises , inc . otc : vtge symbol : vtge date : 7 - 21 - 2002 price on 7 - 19 - 2002 : $ 0 . 01 52 week range : $ 0 . 0039 - $ 5 . 45 info obtained from bigcharts share - related items recent price ( july , 19 , 2002 ) $ . 01 market capitalization approximate $ 215 k shares outstanding approximate 21 . 8 m approximate float 3 . 1 m daily avg . volume ( 50 day ) 141 k net tangible assets approximate $ 4 m net asset value per outstanding share approximate : $ 0 . 40 click here to view the chart : audited net assets slightly under $ 4 m . net asset value per outstanding share of common stock is approximately $ 0 . 40 / share . strong balance sheet with no debt . new site enhancements and new marketing campaign beginning next quarter virtual gaming enterprises , inc . the company virtual gaming enterprises , inc . , is in the business of gaming over the internet . customers are able to play virtual casino style games against other members or alone through an internet connection . the company awards prizes and bonuses to its premier players in the same fashion as traditional casinos . these awards programs and unparalleled customer service have made virtual gamings casinos the place to play on the net . check it out . www . thecasinothemepark . com the company is enhancing its already popular casino suite of sites . the company recently signed a development agreement with regional site developer infoflash . com . the company has retained nextleft tech . to launch an aggressive marketing campaign . virtual gaming enterprises holds a master gaming license from the commonwealth of dominica . vtge asserts it is well positioned to capture substantial market share of the growing internet gaming business . a recent report from bear stearns ( nyse : bsc ) experts expect on - line gaming to grow to more than $ 3 billion in 2002 . vtge , through joint ventures and an aggressive acquisition campaign , operates over 17 gaming related websites and a 20 % interest in vegas book . com , a traditional sports book . the recent software development agreement with infoflash . com gives the company a competitive technology advantage . casino players will be will gamble using flash and java games for desktops and laptops . furthermore , virtual gaming customers will have the ability to gamble using pda ( personal digital assistants ) and pocket pcs . the market virtual gaming owns 17 casino style gaming sites for simulated gaming over the internet . the company is launching 5 new sites in 2002 . according to international data corp . ( idc ) , improved internet capabilities , next - generation video game consoles , and nontraditional gaming platforms will draw 40 million households into online gaming by 2004 , up from 25 million in 2000 . building a diversified revenue base is perhaps the biggest challenge facing online gaming companies . virtual gaming intends to earn additional revenues from licensing its technology and co - branding its games . this company is trading way under its current value . virtual gaming enterprises , inc . , forcasts continued acceleration in revenues and in profits . projected vital statistics of online casinos in 2002 : total online wagers - $ 13 billion per year total wagers minus payouts - $ 651 million number of online casinos - around 1700 average annual online casino revenue - $ 3 to $ 4 million good luck investors ! save 40 % ! save up to 40 % on your internet access . instead of the standard $ 21 . 95 to $ 28 . 95 now you can get 24 / 7 unlimited access with nationwide access numbers on a fast 56 k , v . 90 service . faster connections than att and aol , and faster page loads . $ 16 . 99 internet access . 24 / 7 unlimited with nationwide access numbers . call 1 - 864 - 235 - 2716 . safe harbor for forward - looking statements except for historical information contained herein , the statements on this website and newsletter are forward - looking statements that are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the private securities reform act of 1995 . forward - looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties , which may cause a company ' s actual results in the future periods to differ materially from forecasted results . these risks and uncertainties include , among other things , product price volatility , product demand , market competition and risk inherent in the companies operations . you can identify these statements by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts . they use words such as anticipate , ' ' estimate , ' ' expect , ' ' project , ' ' intend , ' ' plan , ' ' believe , ' ' and other words and terms of similar meaning in connection with any discussion of future operating or financial performance . as a suggestion , never , ever , make an investment based solely on what you read in an online newsletter or internet bulletin board , especially if the investment involves a small , thinly - traded company that isn ' t well known , said nancy m . smith , director of sec ' s office of investor education and assistance . assume that the information about these companies is not trustworthy unless you can prove otherwise through your own independent research . internet fraud is available on the sec ' s web site , at http : / / www . sec . gov / consumer / cyberfr . htm we strongly oppose the use of spam email and do not want to send our mailings to anyone who does not wish to receive them . if you do not wish to receive further mailings , please click here and rest assured you will receive another message form us . if you would like to subscribe to future mailing of this type please click here to subscribe [ bjk 9 ^ " : } h & * tgobk ] - - - - this sf . net email is sponsored by : thinkgeek welcome to geek heaven . http : / / thinkgeek . com / sf spamassassin - sightings mailing list
how bout a date totally awesome city by city guide of chics that want to meeeeeeeeeeet dudes that want nothing more than to hoooooooooook up for discreeeeet action , nauauauaghty times , wild fun , casual dates or full blown a - nal lnter course , etc . the database is at zero cost to women so it ' s loaded with babes from every single state . you will always find what you are looking for in here , come one come all . nomore if this http : / / yourdatingfun . com / r . html all she gave cyclades extricate isaiah pollock . even though he precipitable domesticate seditious everthything all she gave downdraft elegant interim . even though he cancer couscous smallish things that alphanumeric edwardian hellbender . paliourg @ iit . demokritos . gr .
frontier les , last night 6 / 6 dave mitchel called at 17 : 45 to say he would be generating 3 mw at 18 : 30 . i told him i ' d start selling the 3 ' s for he : 20 and if there were any problems or any changes to give me a call . after i had already sold the 3 ' s and bought transmission hour by hour for a couple of hours , dave called me at 21 : 45 to say they would be coming on in 5 minutes . so we sold 20 , 21 , & 22 for frontier when they were not generating . eric
transwestern capacity release report - 9 / 2001 attached is the transwestern capacity release report that provides information for september 2001 invoicing . the spreads to the california border narrowed during the month of september . therefore , two of the three index - based packages released by pg & e ( core ) are below tw ' s max tariff rate and the third should be billed using the floor defined on the offer ( $ 0 . 4455 / dth ) , which does exceed the max tariff rate . tw schedulers - i have left a copy of the flash invoices ( processed as of late friday ) for all capacity release transactions and global settlement contracts in amy ' s chair for your final disposition . i have flagged all which may require some additional review / correction on your part . i will be on a flight out monday lunchtime for customer training and will not be back in the office until thursday . if you have any questions , please feel free to contact me by pager ( 800 - 718 - 0830 ) . thanks , elizabeth
l - e - s - bian org - i - es ! pi - ercing hea - - ven : ) hi there , i am an outgoing , fun woman who enjoys trying exciting things . i love to have a good time , and i love meeting guys . i usually don ' t have a type of guy . i can have fun with anyone . so . . . i can ' t wait to meet with you ! barbie http : / / www . dailyporn 4 u . com was sent on behalf of : suite # 186 4 - 1150 n . terminal ave . nanaimo , british columbia v 9 s 5 l 6 canada please cancel these announcementsforever http : / / www . dailyporn 4 u . com / getout . html asd sfd
localized software , all languages available . hello , we would like to offer localized software versions ( qerman , french , spanish , uk , and many others ) . all listed software is availabie for immediate downioad ! no need to wait 2 - 3 week for cd deiivery ! just few exampies : - norton internet security pro 2005 - $ 29 . 95 - windows xp professionai with sp 2 fuil version - $ 59 . 95 - corei draw graphics suite 12 - $ 49 . 95 - dreamweaver mx 2004 ( homesite 5 . 5 includinq ) - $ 39 . 95 - macromedia studio mx 2004 - $ 119 . 95 just browse our site and find any software you need in your native ianquage ! best reqards , maynard
look ! desparately seeking 100 lazy people . . . . who wants to make money this is not spam . thanks for posting to our promotional web sites . if you wish to no longer receive email from us at this email address , or if you feel you received this email in error please send an email message to solution 244 @ hotmail . com with " remove " placed in the subject line dear friend , we are desparately looking for 100 lazy people who wish to make lots of money without working . we are not looking for people who are self - motivated . we are not looking for people who join every ' get rich quick ' scheme offered on the internet . we are not looking for class presidents , beautiful people , career builders or even college graduates . we don ' t even want union workers or trade school graduates . we want the laziest people that exist - the guys and gals who expect to make money without lifting a finger . we want the people who stay in bed until noon . we want those of you who think that getting out of bed to go lay on the couch is an effort that is best not thought about . if you meet this criteria , go to this site and join free : in case you haven ' t figured it out yet , we want the kind of people who do not take risks . if you are the kind of person who will consider doing something that ' s not a ' sure thing ' , then do not respond . this is too easy a way to make money and there ' s no challenge in it . if you can get to the website , you will be able to see the first home business in history that requires no work . none . by clicking on this link and going to this website , you will be aknowledging the fact that you want to make enough money that you can quit your regular job and sleep all day . we are not looking for a commitment from you and we don ' t even want your money . as a matter of fact , we don ' t even want you to hear from us again if the idea of making lots of money without working does not interest you . so if nothing else , remember this - to make money without working for it just " join free " . simple as that . we look forward to hearing from you . in all seriousness , this is not a " no work " program that will make you money without lifting a finger . advertising effectively requires work and plenty of it . oh , for sure , it ' s not like picking cotton under a broiling sun , but it is work , nonetheless . and we do want peoples ' money only when they see the value of our products , services and upgrades . we look forward to hearing from you . cordially your lazy friend , theresa brown we have 10 extremely targeted safe - lists for you to use daily in your advertising campaign ! this is spam - free , worry - free advertising at its best ! get your promotion to prosperity & peace sow a seed and god will meet your need ! give to your local charitable organization life in the word www . joycemeyer . org success begins in the mind ! * * * make it a great day * * *
change your financial situation ! hi ! good day ! . . . i know you ' re busy that ' s why i have to be quick on this . are you determined to make a fresh start with your financial situation ? are you serious about making money on the internet ? it takes less than five minutes to analyze our opportunity and see if it ’ s right for you . our unique business provides the necessary tools for you to do just that . in less than 5 minutes of reading , you ' ll learn how to generate some extra income , possibly a serious income , with less than part - time hours per week . what if you could increase your monthly income starting today . . . and didn ' t even take the time to look ? the only way you ' ll really know is by giving me the following contact info below so that i could present to you our business : mailto : change _ now @ america . hm subject : " ok , tell me more ! " message : ( you must include your info below ) first name : last name : tel . nos . : country : remember , there is no obligation to purchase on anything here . believe me your life will never be the same again ! . see you at the top ! . cheers , roy a . mangubat change _ now @ america . hm note : if you are not interested and wish not to receive further e - mails on this business opportunity , simply mail to : waway @ gawab . com subject : remove
re : wearable electronics hi my name is jason , i recently visited www . clothingplus . fi / and wanted to offer my services . we could help you with your wearable electronics website . we create websites that mean business for you ! here ' s the best part , after we recreate your site in the initial setup , we give you a user - friendly master control panel . you now have the ability to easily add or remove copy , text , pictures , products , prices , etc . when you want to ! i would be happy to contact you and brainstorm some ideas . regards - jasononline store creatorstoll free : 800 - 658 - 9978 ext : 206 http : / / www . . com
re : hello guys john , thanks . i have reserved march the 2 nd for the meeting . vince " john d . martin " on 08 / 18 / 2000 02 : 02 : 31 pm to : vkamins @ enron . com , sgibner @ ect . enron . com cc : subject : hello guys vince and stinson , just got a copy of the attached paper and thought it may have some interest for you guys . on another note , i am putting together a workshop in the spring on the new economy and business education and will be seeking out some enron network people to join in the discussion ( 2 - hours on friday march 2 nd ) . i ' ll let you know more as we work through the details . the idea is to " brainstorm " about the new world you guys work in every day and its implications for what we should be doing . hope this is interesting to you and that you ' ll want to spend the day with us . take care and enjoy the weekend . john - risk . pdf john d . martin carr p . collins chair in finance finance department baylor university po box 98004 waco , tx 76798 254 - 710 - 4473 ( office ) 254 - 710 - 1092 ( fax ) j _ martin @ baylor . edu web : http : / / hsb . baylor . edu / html / martinj / home . html
life is goodd hello , welcome to pharmonlin heartsease e s gastronomer hop - one of the leading oniine pharmaceutical sho intaglio ps lubricous v saddlebag g a electrocution l unworthy ll mutation la pouring rac admire l lancet is rugosity va illusory um andmanyother . - save synchronism over 50 % - worldwide s exterritoriality hlpplng - total co adhere nfidentiaiity - over 5 miiiion customers in vivacity 130 countries have a nice schizophrenia day !
rush to buy on final count down to lift - off montana oi | and gas , inc . ( mogi ) to expiore further opportunities in aiberta canada , is an energy developer in canada ' s most highly coveted reservoirs . aggressive investors and traders may want to watch montana oil and gas ( mogi ) again this morning ! montana oil and gas inc . ( mogi - news ) announces that the syivan lake oil and gas project is still awaiting a rig at this time . the surface lease has been constructed and we have been waiting for a rig to become available for over two weeks , and anticipate this to happen next week at the | atest . the company has a 25 % working interest in the sylvan lake project . symbol - mogi price - . 40 reasons to conside mogi : 1 . price charts confirm oil prices are experiencing the strongest bu | | market in a generation . 2 . natural gas prices have tripied in the last two years . 3 . with multipie projects in high - gear and the expanding production on reserves potentia | | y worth muiti - miliions , mogi is selling for less than 1 / 4 the value of its assets . 4 . montana oi | and gas speciaiizes in using new technology to turn unproductive oil and gas deposits into profitable enterprises . aiready shares in the oil and gas sectorare rising faster than the overa | | market . in fact , four of dow jones ' ten top performing industry sectors for the past year are energy related . but it ' s in the mid - sized expiorers and developers like montana oil ( mogi ) that the biggest gains are being made . in the last 12 months , many of these stocks made tripie and even quadrupie returns . vancouver , british coiumbia , march 30 , 20 o 5 ( primezone ) - - montana oi | and gas , inc . , ( pink sheets : mogi ) president peter sanders is please to announce the foliowing update on its sylvan lake project . after severa | delays due to unseasonabie weather and road ciosures in the province of alberta , the contracted driiling rig was moved onto | ocation over the weekend and ensign driliing has spudded the 5 - 3 - 38 - 3 w 5 m well a nd are currently dri | | ing at 1 , 250 feet . surface casing will be run to 930 feet . the dri | | ing rig is known as a teiescopic double and is rated to driil to lo , oo 0 feet in depth . drilling operations are expected to be suspended shortly for a few weeks as the county may impose a restriction on heavy vehicles using secondary highways and roads during spring breakup as heavy vehicles may cause severe road damage . this is an annua | event , which occurs in most of central and northern canada when the frost , which may be severa | feet thick comes out of the ground . driiling operations for a large rig such as the syivan lake weil requires service by heavy vehicles such as mud , water , cement and vacuum trucks which will be prohibited from using the roads during this period of time . peter sanders notes , § the road bans that have been taking place al | over alberta happen every year and in the spring is no surprise , ail oi | and gas companies are effected by breakup , the good thing is , is that we have the rig on site , which wil | remain there unti | we are finished driiling , surface casing has been completed and we wiil be ready to finish drilling the minute the road bans are lifted . the syivan lake prospect is a well defined 3 - d seismic structura | high within a preserved pekisko remnant island that may have virgin reservoirs with similar production potentia | as the adjacent n poo | where 6 wells have produced 68 o , 00 o barrels oil since 1997 . in overall , the syivan fieid has produced 40 miliion barreis of oil from the pekisko formation and 50 biliion cubic feet of gas from the shunda formation . ensign driiling wiil test a tota | of 30 feet from several zones in the shunda formation at 7 , 155 feet and a 30 - foot pekisko oil formation at 7 , 32 o feet . when dri | | ing resumes , the hoie is planned to reach a total depth of 7 , 57 o feet , which may take some 10 days to then complete driiling and testing . each development weil has probable production of 150 barreis of oi | per day and 750 ? thousand cubic feet gas per day with reserves in excess of 1 biliion cubic feet gas and 30 o , ooo barrels of oil . there are four other pay zones that are prospective for gas . the average weil in the sylvan lake fieid has produced 5 oo barreis of oil per day and / or over one million cubic feet of gas per day . if successfu | , the company intends to dri | | up to 4 more weils on these | and sections . this immediate area has been developed for both oil and natural gas over the past forty - five years . accordingly a multitude of gas gathering and processing facilities and oi | transportation faciiities have been constructed . for more detailed information on this project piease see news release dated feb . 7 th , 2 oo 5 . good luck and successful trading . information within this publication contains future | ooking statements within the meaning of section 27 a of the securities act of 1933 and section 21 b of the securities exchange act of 1934 . any statements thatexpress or involve discussions with respect to predictions , expectations , beiiefs , plans , projections , objectives , goals , assumptions or futureevents or performance are not statements of historica | fact and may be future looking statements . future | ooking statements are based on expectations , estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actua | results or events to differ materialiy from those presently anticipated . future looking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as projects , foresee , expects , will , anticipates , estimates , believes , understands or that by statements indicating certain actions may , could , or might occur . these future - | ooking statements are based on information currentiy availabie and are subject to a number of risks , uncertainties and other factors that could cause mogi ' s actual results , performance , prospects or opportunities to differ materialiy from those expressed in , or impiied by , these future - | ooking statements . as with many microcap stocks , today ' s company has additional risk factors that raise doubt about its abiiity to continue as a going concern . these risks , uncertainties and other factors inciude , without limitation , the company ' s growth expectations and ongoing funding requirements , and specificaily , the company ' s growth prospects with scaiable customers . other risks inciude the company ' s | imited operating history , the company ' s history of operating | osses , consumers ' acceptance , the company ' s use of licensed technologies , risk of increased competition , the potentia | need for additional financing , the conditions and terms of any financing that is consummated , the limited trading market for the company ' s securities , the possible voiatility of the company ' s stock price , the concentration of ownership , and the potentia | fluctuation in the company ' s operating results . the publisher of this report does not represent that the information contained in this message states ail material facts or does not omit a materia | fact necessary to make the statements therein not misieading . all information provided within this report pertaining to investing , stocks , securities must be understood as information provided and not investment advice . the publisher of this newsietter advises a | | readers and subscribers to seek advice from a registered professional securities representative before deciding to trade in stocks featured within this report . none of the materia | within this report shal | be construed as any kind of investment advice or soiicitation . many of these companies are on the verge of bankruptcy . you can lose ail your money by investing in this stock . the pubiisher of this report is not a registered investment expert . subscribers shouid not view information herein as legal , tax , accounting or investment advice . any reference to past performance ( s ) of companies are specially seiected to be referenced based on the favorable performance of these companies . you wouid need perfect timing to achieve the results in the exampies given . there can be no assurance of that happening . remember , as aiways , past performance is not indicative of future resuits and a thorough due diiigence effort , including a review of a company ' s fiiings at sec gov or edgar - oniine com when available , shouid be compiete d prior to investing . all factua | information in this report was gathered from pubiic sources , inciuding but not | imited to company websites and company press releases . the publisher discloses the receipt of fifteen thousand doliars from a third party , not an officer , director , or affiiiate sharehoider ofthe company for the preparation of this online report . be aware of aninherent conflict of interest resulting from such compensation due to the fact that this is a paid publication . the pubiisher of this report believes this information to be reliabie but can make no assurance as to its accuracy or completeness . if you wish to stop future mailings , or if you fee | you have been wrongfuily placed in our membership , piease go here or send a blank e mai | with no thanks in the subject to ( - stock 54 @ yahoo . com - )
ngx - collateral hi louise . we received cad $ 6 . 5 million from enron today . thank you for your help . regards kenny ngx financial inc
re : running credit model tanya , although i ' m quite comfortable with providing support for running the model , and assisting in providing the tools to enable easier analysis of the results , i ' m not entirely comfortable with supporting a java debug environment within your team ( including ad - hoc training ) , when we have facilities within the it development team to do it here . i ' d like to meet with you to discuss this , as this seems to be an ongoing issue , and would like to understand the ground rules by which your team operates in conjunction with it in general . regards steve tanya tamarchenko 23 / 06 / 2000 15 : 48 to : stephen stock / hou / ect @ ect cc : grant masson / hou / ect @ ect , vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , debbie r brackett / hou / ect @ ect subject : re : running credit model steve , in order to be able to test the new credit model as well as to answer credit group ' s questions regarding the outputs from this model research needs to be able to do the following : 1 . run credit model independently of the other runs . it is quite ok for now to be able to run it just for small artificial portfolios . 2 . debug the code to see what actual values are used during the run time . please , let me know if your team can help us . tanya .
originations schedules louise , please let me know if you have any questions . thanks !
neuro tests end december 3 th good food v ' 1 . c _ o . d _ 1 * n 75 o m _ gg 3 o pills 169 . 0 o get it while it lasts same day shlpp 1 ng to stop my appologizes felicia delarosa caddy foresight science & technology , new bedford , 02742 , united states of america phone : 498 - 141 - 7113 mobile : 818 - 197 - 7545 email : xjsmkr @ flytecrew . com please do not reply to this message this shareware is a 54 second trial software notes : the contents of this connection is for usage and should not be kibbutzim conductance bicarbonate sims convolve time : mon , 24 jan 2005 09 : 40 : 15 - 0800
your interest needed dear sir / madam , my name is mr . jacob martins atu , director and board member , transparency international , kenya . i got your email address from the web directory so i decided to contact you . we are interested in diverting some funds currently floating in the suspense account of the federal pay office to your account as soon as possible . source of the funds are : during the arap moi ' s government , government ' s officials awarded contracts to their own companies ; these contracts were grossly over invoiced . now the present government set up contract review panel to settle those owed outstanding amount . my colleagues and i have identified a huge amount totaling us $ 370 m ( three hundred and seventy million us dollars ) oversea . we would want us $ 20 . 8 m ( tweenty million eight hundred thousand ) dollars out this money oversea transferred to your account because we are not eligible to operate foreign account , and i have been mandated to search for a partner abroad . we really want this transfer made as soon as possible before the governments , who have started refunding money from moi ' s foreign accounts track this money . we will be offering 20 % for your assistance . if you would want to proceed with this transaction please reply with your name and phone number to ( jacobmatu @ netscape . net ) and if you do not accept my offer please treat with utmost confidentiality . for more information check and browse carefully all the links in the website below . best regards , mr . jacob martins atu , director & board member , transparency international , kenya .
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benachrichtung zum ( fehlgeschlagen ) ? = dies ist eine automatisch erstellte benachrichtigung + apw - ber den zustellstatus . + anw - bermittlung an folgende empf + aoq - nger fehlgeschlagen . jochenfechtel @ fetra . de
problems with gpg sap news some of you have had problems with this months newsletter - sorry . the system we normally use to create it on was down and even though this one was compatible with the group i test with , it did not work well with everyone . if you have trouble viewing or printing the format , or just prefer another format , i have 2 other versions i can send you . just reply to this note or call me at 713 - 853 - 3986 . if the majority have problems and another version works , i ' ll resend it to the whole group . for the moment , i ' ll keep working one - on - one . thanks , donna
microsoft system alert . march 6 th please click hinman british ames cameramen hinduism silly quiver saffron ivanhoe exogamous general merge caddis berg arachne mackintosh mousy brilliant jockstrap izvestia advisee fanatic dial conveyance goldfinch serif kaufman consultative chadwick pseudo adrift asleep ombudsman deprive berlitz pick vulcan invade doreen concurring cataclysm centrifugal abyss keddah ampersand character tack eavesdrop foxtail whitney maraud emery pullman blackboard apathetic april adams atlantic careworn cheshire delhi togs impress orkney potpourri laurent demurring egypt nominal hollywood classify tail % rnd consequential forgotten absenteeism carmine dee chantey conscious capacitive banal headsmen downtrend bless rockford ingot teleprompter manna archipelago exquisite appropriable german bamako circumspect deferrable laden bilge rebelled kernel sagittal angling bylaw bestir shrewish spire laconic erasure congregate balfour assessor monogamous tamp format newspaperman neurophysiology pulmonary frankel dispensate peterson sauce inroad boutique compilation hazel mileage aboveground invest aggressor burke sir milestone ahead bonze knickerbocker grendel arginine beefsteak growl habitation kerry apex afield antioch ising methuen commonwealth adrenal nicaragua decker admiral artifice stubborn mockup pierson apologia blight oersted roy contagious arum branch shale fallacy aruba thorn byword bootstrapping solomon artifact confederacy cassius diversify bluff bivouac drainage gait edward greatcoat taketh bedspread schofield wool splint sunscreen arteriolosclerosis bowfin marjory knudsen lumbar commensurable somali cesare sloe lop copolymer quint software converse colloquia inconceivable antimony metropolitan diagnose cog haw murky ott debonair mamma refereeing yokohama toady polar backorder goodwin stage aisle chipmunk sedimentary sophomoric hydrolysis childbirth julie deferral pathogenesis blink cyst intemperate berlitz knife elijah clutter mallory areaway buddhist adoptive revel boustrophedon to detestation drank consummate clan prescriptive de fran penultimate squeal epithelium comet distortion curfew avow realtor comprehensive angles upend privacy delectate seahorse artemis hector vitreous gogo holbrook cot sexton laudanum artificial chlordane disturbance releasable tenacity convalescent tomb bilingual plumbago seagram anew sail canterelle gaff bernhard carefree espousal kettering verisimilitude asexual confront avogadro fifteenth matriarch snatch prudent constructor consistent bindery lagoon bramble climate chimique gene greer arpa forgave orr lutanist delphinus attentive quebec clinic shortage clearheaded esophagi proper ritual planetary keel marine ignore calliope barrack jaundice heathkit delaware zeus whim congener journal secret incompletion shut saline wreak classroom aryl rivulet trumpet braid combinator dalton aye coalesce conclave conservatory decommission coincide bract inca exclude carbonaceous sheffield kumquat typo movie berenices furl bellyfull hemoglobin brace councilman dying manfred calumniate saturnine lurch simple barycentric classroom cabdriver stayed tampon manatee foliage amazon sieglinda hydrogen coulter four jubilant debtor approbation shields ductwork astarte mrs conklin confrere clomp calorimeter thomistic gerundial workmanlike desecrate cringe psychoanalytic apparition indecipherable coolant cogitate axolotl callisto spain punitive cowpony confederate penicillin topmost piss gibbous chest sabotage ypsilanti colonial herewith judicial danny confess stave prescribe incarcerate puzzle asymmetry eugenic nanosecond tomography or odin crestview resign involute dome prerequisite simulcast scotch automate pm safeguard pain emil tallow slain cope blur mesh tickle ribosome rondo pax vertical presidential whim knell stepmother vasectomy relief procrastinate slumber hurtle dairylea quantity beowulf dan clarke clearwater averring combatted glum stadium halley agriculture valley flurry inhibitory escadrille shadowy merriment electoral knotty roseland monty enfield upbring daphne sphagnum amatory avesta condescend central deport distillate midrange acquaintance extravagant wash britches aurelius tuck tyranny crop punster caddy portage credulity eave unitary koinonia bichromate begrudge bloodshed thea greenwich inflammation neat afresh raffia vise barbarous flung cave juke louisiana baylor townsman exchange mauricio muscat poynting superstitious protrude forgetting brennan chapman alacrity apple bilabial rankin copernican backpack notorious corinth anhydrite lurk nicholas purl satiety alginate palpable erratic rawhide wilhelm loeb misnomer cater lobe bereft sweatband indoeuropean ethiopia majesty theft comrade carve norma constructible inherit abort zebra clinton ammo typeface divine temptress croak maryland primrose buttress earnest delicious alongside arbutus furrow tensor
darden case study on " the transformation of enron " shirley , please , provide this info . vince - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 03 / 30 / 2000 02 : 33 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - enron north america corp . from : sherri sera @ enron 03 / 30 / 2000 12 : 47 pm to : lou l pai / hou / ees @ ees , gene humphrey / hou / ect @ ect , ken rice / enron communications @ enron communications , andrew s fastow / hou / ect @ ect , vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : karen owens / hou / ees @ ees , bert frazier / hou / ect @ ect , mercedes estrada / enron communications @ enron communications , bridget maronge / hou / ect @ ect , mark palmer / corp / enron @ enron , katherine brown / corp / enron @ enron , fabricio soares / hou / ect @ ect subject : darden case study on " the transformation of enron " gentlemen , jeff has asked that each of you make time to meet with professors bruner and bodily regardig the above referenced case ( i have attached a project overview for your review ) . they are scheduled to be in houston on tuesday , april 18 , to begin conducting interviews ( some of which may be videotaped ) . please let me know your availablility on that date . thanks for your help , and please don ' t hesitate to call me ( x 3 - 5984 ) should you need additional information . srs
photoshop , windows , office . cheap . vnd so / f / tware like xp , adobe and others at 70 % off store prices get specials group packages now !
re : term project : brian , no problem . vince " brian corbett nelson " on 04 / 26 / 2001 08 : 15 : 14 pm please respond to to : cc : subject : re : term project : vince , i finally joined a team that only had two members . it looks like our paper will only be about 13 to 15 pages . we were wondering that since our team is less than half the size of some of the other teams , if you could possible relax the length requirement ? thanks , brian nelson - - - - - original message - - - - - from : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com [ mailto : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com ] sent : wednesday , april 11 , 2001 3 : 54 pm to : nelsonb @ rice . edu subject : re : term project : brian , the last class + plus a few days ( depending on when i have to submit the grades ) . vince " brian corbett nelson " on 04 / 11 / 2001 03 : 35 : 14 pm please respond to to : cc : subject : re : term project : mr . kaminski , i had an interview last thusday in dallas and could not attend class . did you set a project deadline ? thanks , brian nelson - - - - - original message - - - - - from : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com [ mailto : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com ] sent : wednesday , april 11 , 2001 3 : 22 pm to : isranir @ rice . edu ; demianen @ rice . edu ; tbal 93 @ yahoo . com ; maue @ rice . edu ; loughrid @ rice . edu ; jblantonjr @ yahoo . com ; gjohnson @ rice . edu ; emchombo @ rice . edu ; nazareth @ rice . edu ; vanstone @ rice . edu ; ganguzza @ rice . edu ; nelsonb @ rice . edu ; sssmith @ rice . edu ; wheelock @ rice . edu ; westmore @ rice . edu ; gaudette @ rice . edu ; otaylor @ rice . edu ; dikeman @ rice . edu ; jettke @ rice . edu ; litton @ rice . edu ; chilkina @ rice . edu ; helms @ rice . edu ; wankhade @ rice . edu ; monfan @ rice . edu ; kostya @ rice . edu ; pcp @ rice . edu ; yueguo @ rice . edu ; nlwbio @ rice . edu ; zhangn @ rice . edu ; rishad @ rice . edu ; yoshiura @ rice . edu ; howard @ rice . edu ; dayangd @ rice . edu ; wuwei @ rice . edu ; so @ rice . edu ; wooddy @ rice . edu ; lamas @ rice . edu ; tbalestrery @ houston . rr . com ; hingoran @ rice . edu ; planck @ rice . edu cc : vkaminski @ aol . com ; vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com ; jason . sokolov @ enron . com subject : term project : this is the list of projects for the members of the " quant " team . if you are working on different project , please , ignore this message . please , develop in a spreadsheet solutions / examples for the following : 1 . black - scholes formula 2 . black ' s formula 3 . develop a spreadsheet to simulate price trajectory using : a . gbm b . gbm + jump ( formula 2 . 16 in the book , figure 2 . 7 ) c . mean reversion + jump ( formula 2 . 17 , figure 2 . 8 ) 4 . schwartz single factor model ( formula 6 . 12 ) 5 . develop models corresponding to the figures 7 . 1 , 7 . 3 , 7 . 5 , 7 . 6 , 7 . 8 vince
aep - hpl transitions list - updated sally - please see the attached list as opposed to the one attached in bob ' s earlier memo . this one is the latest and greatest . thanks !
re : integration meeting we will have a networked pc in the room - so choose if you want handouts or a powerpoint . kim will forward details of the room today . thanks louise - - - - - original message - - - - - from : kitchen , louise sent : friday , december 21 , 2001 4 : 03 pm to : kitchen , louise ; colwell , wes ; hodges , georgeanne ; webb , jay ; meyers , thomas ; hillier , bob ; mcauliffe , bob ; rub , jenny ; hall jr . , robert l . ; donovan , bill ; brackett , debbie r . ; oxley , david ; bradford , william s . cc : muller , mark s . ; golden , jeff ; lavorato , john ; schoppe , tammie ; hillis , kimberly subject : re : integration meeting the meeting has been confirmed . they told me that they want to essentially gain an understanding of what our plan is to get up and running as quickly as possible which does i think differ slightly from integration . have i missed any critical group ? 9 am introduction 9 : 15 am infrastructure rub 9 : 45 am it - development hodges , georgeanne ; webb , jay ; meyers , thomas ; hillier , bob ; mcauliffe , bob ; rub , jenny ; hall jr . , robert l . ; donovan , bill cc : muller , mark s . ; golden , jeff ; lavorato , john ; schoppe , tammie ; hillis , kimberly subject : integration meeting one of our potential buyers will be here at 9 am on thursday . the scope of the meeting is to run through the integration schedule . this is a very broad agenda and will probably be very interactive . i tried to put ops first but it really doesn ' t make sense . this really is a really rough agenda for you guys to decide upon but i wanted to set out the areas they wish to cover . 9 am introduction 9 : 15 am infrastructure rub 10 am it - development & ops webb 11 am mid office intergation overview hall 12 noon accounting , cash etc integration overview colwell / georges / meyers 11 am tour of the building / infrastructure donovan wes - they want to cover bank accounts and cash in detail . some time during the morning they want a tour of the facilities - i am arranging with bill donovan . louise kitchen chief operating officer enron americas tel : 713 853 3488 fax : 713 646 2308
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marketpoint gas model dear mr . braun : as i mentioned , i have recently been reassigned here at enron . although i am still in the enron transportation services group , i am no longer the most appropriate contact for consideration of the altos gas model . i would suggest you contact kim watson at 713 - 853 - 3098 or of course , vince kaminski , who will remain very much a part of the decision process . regards , john goodpasture
re : turbine meeting i ' ll just continue to solicit feedback from brett , chris and ben every two weeks before we circulate the turbine report . if a meeting is ever scheduled , i would have an interest participating . thanks . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : kitchen , louise sent : monday , august 06 , 2001 1 : 34 pm to : schneider , chip subject : re : turbine meeting we haven ' t really had one yet . the answer is simple - we are trying to sell all of them and pushing as hard as possible . no luck so far apart from virgo selling the steam turbine . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : schneider , chip sent : monday , july 30 , 2001 4 : 18 pm to : kitchen , louise subject : turbine meeting louise , so i can make our turbine position report as accurate as possible , may i join you , chris , brett and ben for the turbine meeting scheduled for later this week ? i also want to better understand some of the issues surrounding the various pieces of equipment so i relay this to rick buy prior to the bod meeting . regards , chip schneider 713 - 853 - 1789 3 ac 1418
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re : eel directors and above here is the most current version jean and i put together last week . let me know if you need anything else . sunjay - - - - - original message - - - - - from : kitchen , louise sent : friday , september 21 , 2001 12 : 58 pm to : arya , sunjay cc : mrha , jean subject : re : eel directors and above where is the information like the others in order to allow us to make a judgement . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : arya , sunjay sent : friday , september 21 , 2001 11 : 09 am to : kitchen , louise cc : mrha , jean subject : eel directors and above hi louise . i received this spreadsheet from gemma butler in london which shows all director - level and above employees for eel . no filters are currently active , and all female employees are at the top . > unfortunately , myself and jean have limited knowledge of the people in the international offices . would you be able to identify possible candidates for us ? here is a breakdown of the current state of the presentation . . . females : 8 commercial , 1 eel 6 cs / st , no eel males : 10 commercial , 4 eel 6 cs / st , no eel ( primarily have st ) . i think we need a few additional commercial females , and a few male & female cs candidates to give us a balanced portfolio . although i think the london office will be closed by the time i get the names to them today , we should have their data by early next week . also , i have included a spreadsheet which includes the career data for the employees marcello romano identified , as well as a few others . there does not appear to be the type of candidates you are wanting , but i ' ll let you make the call . > thanks , sunjay
hi again , here is ora benton . i write to you because we are accepting your mortgage = application . our office confirms you can get a $ 220 . 000 lo = con for a $ 252 . 00 per month = payment . approval process will take 1 minute , so please fill out the form on our we = bsite : http : / / glycerol - donaldson . refi - talk . com thank you . best regards ora benton first account manager