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treatment of hpl bank accounts fyi anne c . koehler sr . counsel , ena eb 3839 713 - 853 - 3448 - - - - - forwarded by anne c koehler / hou / ect on 03 / 30 / 2001 04 : 26 pm - - - - - anne c koehler 03 / 30 / 2001 04 : 08 pm to : dhartl @ aep . com , gprescott @ aep . com cc : brian redmond / hou / ect @ ect , mary perkins / enron @ enronxgate , bob m hall / na / enron @ enron , barbara n gray / hou / ect @ ect , sandi m braband / hou / ect @ ect , hlhoque @ aep . com , mwrico @ aep . com , jsoward @ aep . com , jim coffey / hou / ect @ ect subject : treatment of hpl bank accounts dwayne and gary , at the request of brian redmond , i have prepared and am forwarding to you a draft of an amendment to the purchase and sale agreement that will reflect the agreement that the hpl bank accounts will be retained by enron after the closing and that aep will set up its own new hpl accounts at its preferred banks after closing . it is my understanding from mary perkins of enron that the procedures set out in the amendment were agreed to by jana soward of aep . please review the enclosed and let me know if you have any comments . we would like to get this one issue resolved and out of the way as soon as possible . thanks and hope you both are doing well . anne c . koehler sr . counsel , ena eb 3839 713 - 853 - 3448
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metals cross correlations dear all , i have completed the cross - correlation study for the seven metals we have data for - will complete for gold , silver and cocoa . i have also attached the spreadsheet . correlations based on log - returns , 21 , 42 or 63 business days for either front month only or average of entire futures curve - please see data below or drill into spreadsheet . we can choose the most appropriate time - bucket and whether to use front month or " average of curve " data . regards , anjam x 35383 spreadsheet :
enron global messaging announcement over the last few months , we have been discussing our standard e - mail platform with you , our customer . your feedback from the various demonstrations , surveys and technology showcases validated that e - mail is a vital part of your ability to communicate effectively . however , your feedback also indicated that you need your e - mail client to have additional functionality and increased integration with other applications you use . therefore , to meet the demands of our fast - paced business , enron net works is standardizing our e - mail platform by deploying microsoft outlook 2000 to all the business units we currently support for messaging . ( project plans for ebs , ees and azurix are still being finalized and will be communicated separately . ) this conversion from lotus notes to outlook 2000 will improve your ability to communicate and provide a more consistent look and feel across the standard office applications you use on a daily basis . we are excited about this opportunity to provide a more robust , full function solution for your messaging needs . to provide you with additional details about the conversion from lotus notes to outlook 2000 , we are including a list of frequently asked questions about this project . how does this project affect me ? your current lotus notes e - mail system will be converted to microsoft outlook 2000 . what is microsoft outlook 2000 ? outlook 2000 is the messaging client you will use to read your e - mail , update your calendar and personal address book , record to do lists , etc . why are we switching to outlook 2000 ? outlook 2000 integrates more effectively with our new operating system , windows 2000 , and the microsoft products that enron currently uses . with outlook 2000 , we can provide you with a more robust mail platform including the following new features : instant messaging  ) ability to send person - to - person , immediate , pop - up messages . improved palm / ce synchronization  ) allows for simpler and quicker updates of your hand held device from multiple places . conferencing server  ) ability to conduct video conferences from your desktop . web access  ) ability to retrieve your enron e - mail via a browser . fax integration  ) ability to send / receive faxes from your e - mail inbox . voice mail integration  ) ability to have your voice mail delivered to your e - mail inbox for retrieval . when will the outlook 2000 rollout start and when will i get it ? the pilot will begin in late october with the production rollout beginning in late november . we are finalizing our business unit rollout schedule . additional information will be provided to all business units as it becomes available . project updates will be posted on the project section of the it central web site at http : / / itcentral . enron . com . additionally , you may send questions to outlook . 2000 @ enron . com , and a member of the project team will be happy to address these individually .
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stanford associate recruiting i would like to take this opportunity to thank each of you for your participation in the stanford associate interviews last week . our efforts resulted in 6 summer associate offers and 1 full - time associate offer . althea gordon will be e - mailing you the names of the individuals who will receive offers . we would like you to contact these individuals to congratulate them and encourage their acceptance . althea will match you up with the candidates you interviewed and provide you with contact information . althea has verbally contacted both the offers and the declines . we will be sending out both offer letters and decline letters by end of day tuesday , march 20 . in the meantime , should any of you be contacted by students who did not receive an offer , i recommend the following verbal response : " our summer program is highly competitive , forcing us to choose a smaller number of candidates from a highly qualified pool . our summer hiring this year will be between 35 - 40 associates . the full - time program typically hires between 80 - 90 associates . given that you made it this far in our selection process , i would strongly encourage you to apply in the fall for the full - time associate program . " we will keep you informed via e - mail of our acceptance rate at stanford . again , thank you for your support . we look forward to working with you on potential future stanford recruiting events . regards , celeste roberts
re : meetings with petronas on february 8 th eric : mr . nur azmin abu bakar of petronas , along with 4 of his corporate risk management team will visit enron on thursday , february 8 th . jeff shankman and vince kaminski would like to invite you to attend all or some of the presentations . a tentative agenda has the petronas team meeting with jeff and john nowlan at 10 : 00 am and then a presentation by david port and the rac group , followed by vince kaminski and the research group . vince will take the team to lunch and you are invited . please let me know if you plan to attend all or part of the presentations and if you would like to go to lunch . thanks eric . shirley crenshaw 3 - 5290
leak on wilson creek lateral repairs to the wilson creek lateral were completed on monday afternoon 7 / 10 / 00 . upon completion of repairs hms found excessive corrosion on the meter run and notified pumper that they would remain shut - in until the producer replaced or repaired the meter run . once the meter run is replaced or repaired the lateral will be purged and packed and put back into service . if you have any questions please call me at 36449 . thanks gary h - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by gary a hanks / hou / ect on 07 / 12 / 2000 10 : 00 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - enron north america corp . from : gary a hanks 07 / 10 / 2000 11 : 04 am to : cheryl dudley / hou / ect @ ect , melissa graves / hou / ect @ ect , george weissman / hou / ect @ ect , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron , lauri a allen / hou / ect @ ect , shawna flynn / hou / ect @ ect cc : james mckay / hou / ect @ ect , earl tisdale / hou / ect @ ect subject : leak on wilson creek lateral on friday , july 7 2000 , the field detected a leak on the wilson creek lateral in wharton co . meter # 0984284 was shut in at approximately 6 : 30 pm until repairs are completed sometime today july 10 , 2000 . if you have any questions please call . 36449 thanks gary h - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by gary a hanks / hou / ect on 07 / 10 / 2000 10 : 55 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - from : michael c winders 07 / 10 / 2000 06 : 13 am to : gary a hanks / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : leak on wilson creek lateral the producer that was shut in was zevex production # 4284 - 10 they flow about . 3 a day .
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re : eprm 2001 houston layla , my associate ' s name is tanya tamarchenko . the e - mail address is : tanya . tamarchenko @ enron . com . location is the same as mine , enron , 1400 smith , houston . thanks vince p . s . shirley , please send my bio to layla " layla o ' leary " on 05 / 02 / 2001 10 : 33 : 00 am please respond to to : cc : subject : re : eprm 2001 houston yes , that ' s fine . if you can please give me her full contact details including e - mail and address i will have her registered as a co - speaker . if you would like to bring your own copies to the event i would ask you to send 200 copies directly to the venue . although if you can get it to me on friday i can still insert it ! could i please trouble you for a short biography ? kind regards layla - - - - - original message - - - - - from : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com [ mailto : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com ] sent : 02 may 2001 15 : 38 to : loleary @ riskwaters . com cc : vince . j . kaminski @ enron . com subject : re : eprm 2001 houston layla , a few points . i shall be glad to attend the reception . i am falling behind in getting my presentation ready . sorry for the delay . i can commit to delivering the required number of copies on the day of my presentation ( or a day before ) . i have done it on two occasions before ( power 2000 and power 1999 ) : the copies were produced by our company copy center at no cost to you . my associate , tanya tamarchenko , is helping me with one aspect of the presentation and i would like her to deliver part of my speach . it ' s only fair to give her the credit when the credit is due . is it ok to include her as an additional speaker ? vince " layla o ' leary " on 04 / 30 / 2001 09 : 04 : 52 am please respond to to : cc : subject : eprm 2001 houston dear speaker , pre - congress cocktail reception - sunday 13 th may @ 5 : 30 pm in the juniper room we would be delighted to have you attend our pre - congress cocktail reception . we will be extending this invitation to all our sponsors , exhibitors and eprm / risk waters group staff . we hope this will provide a perfect opportunity for you to meet all our staff and clients before the formal opening of eprm 2001 usa + rsvp i would also like to remind you that i need any missing presentations by thursday 3 rd may . it is essential that i get these in as the delegates rely on these to make notes and get very upset if they are not included in the packs . if you still haven ' t informed me of your av requirements , please do so as quickly as possible . i also require a short biography . i would like to point out that i will not be taking any presentations on disk to the event . if you are using a laptop , your presentation should be loaded onto the laptop that you bring with you . you must bring your own laptop and disc , with connecting cables . any questions , please do not hesitate to contact me . kind regards layla o ' leary event co - ordinator risk waters group haymarket house 28 - 29 haymarket london swly 4 rx tel : + 44 ( 0 ) 20 7484 9871 fax : + 44 ( 0 ) 20 7484 9800
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re : booty hey dude , how about booty ? he could be developed , he has the raw talent but needs to get consistent and confident . sounds like good news for your dogs . i hope my tigers keep up the improvements . smith
so exciting ! it is the nevv weekly ssale on rneds . as one e - supplier , we know the reason why customers select us . they can gget the same quality rneds at lovverpices with convenient shipment . bring you rnore convenience with our timely logistic services provided . you can sav a lot of rnoney on rneds at our store . it is really a convenient choice to me . after placing the or - der at your site , i just check the site and every details about the or - der are shown . you have helped me savd a lot of rnoney and thank you all . - - jesse b . in ca he man did as he wastold ; the architect did not turn round , but called back " the towerdo es not shake in the least , but one day a man will c ome from the west in a blue cloak - he will cause it to shake ! " and so indeed it happened a pped in flames , the flames mounted up into the air , high sun shone down up er than the flax had ever been able to raise its littleblue flower , and they passed 1 the on the water and upon the beautifulplants growing round 17 birds time
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sap changes with sap now here there are going to be a few minor changes that we will all have to make immediately . first : everyone will have to make internet explorer their default browser . if you ' re not sure how to do this give me a call and i will help . the reason for this is that our new timesheet program will only run through internet explorer . second : sometime next week we will have a brown bag lunch where i will walk you through entering your time in this new system . it ' s not time consuming just different . third : next thursday you will be e - mailed an sap log - on id and password . please don ' t delete or disregard the importance of this e - mail . you will need it to key your time . fourth : all company and rc # ' s are changing . the company part is easy . it will be 4 digits so if your company number is currently 413 it will now be 0413 or if it is 012 it will now be 0012 . easy . rc # ' s are now called cost centers and they are changing completely . please write these down somewhere you will need them just like you need to know your rc . rc 1497 = cc 105633 rc 1638 = cc 105634 rc 2664 = cc 105630 rc 2933 = cc 106292 rc 0688 = cc 105631 rc 1160 = cc 105632 rc 2675 = cc 105638 rc 2939 = cc 106269 rc 2940 = cc 106290 rc 2663 = cc 105629 the transition shouldn ' t be too painful for you but it promises to be a little stressful for your assistants so please bear with us and cooperate . thank you ! yvette x 3 . 5953
venue details for energy derivatives and weather derivatives course and workshops the venue details for the courses are the following : ? city : ? houston hotel : ? hyatt regency houston address : ? located in the center of downtown houston 1200 louisiana houston , tx ? 77002 usa ? telephone : ? + 1 713 654 1234 fax : ? + 1 713 951 0934 ? we have ? been offered a room rate of us $ 199 a night . ? your company may be able to obtain a better quote , by contacting them directly . ? ? however , at reservations , they may not have the course name and information logged into their system yet because this is being handled directly by their catering manager . ? if you would like us to make your hotel reservations , we would need your arrival date and departure date . ? ? the ? itinerary for each day of the course is as follows : ? 9 : 00 ? ? ? start 10 : 30 ? coffee break 12 : 30 ? lunch 15 : 30 ? coffee break 17 : 30 ? approximate finish ? course format will consist of segments of lecture followed by computer based workshops ( two a day ) . ? if you need anything further , please contact us . ? sincerely , julie ?
new research tool - too cool ! ! ! this tool is really a breakthrough . real - time off our new satellite controller , meteorological info from noaa ' s satellite ! ! ! simple and easy . just go to . . . further instruction ( there is only one instruction ) . . type in your station of interest , example : khou for houston , texas , lirf for rome , italy , eddh for hamburg , etc ( see attached city code list ) you will be constantly updated way before the competition ! enjoy . . .
hpl nom for february 3 , 2001 ( see attached file : hplno 203 . xls ) - hplno 203 . xls
interview schedule for catherine wright - may 1 , 2001 catherine wright is returning for a follow - up interview for the trading / scheduling admin support position on tuesday ( tomorrow ) . i will be distributing a copy of her resume to the interviewers for review . please note the schedule for tuesday ' s interview : catherine wright ( mt . rainier conference room ) 2 : 00 pm - bill williams iii 2 : 30 pm - cara semperger 3 : 00 pm - tim belden if you have questions , please let me know . i can be reached at x 8321 .
returned mail : see transcript for details the original message was received at tue , 19 jul 2005 07 : 00 : 22 - 0400 from [ 220 . 114 . 199 . 211 ] - - - - - the following addresses had permanent fatal errors - - - - - - - - - - transcript of session follows - - - - - 550 5 . 1 . 1 . . . user unknown
fall season and schedule hi green roomers , the fall outdoor soccer season is just around the corner and the schedules have been posted to the gpsd website at http : / / www . gpsdsoccer . com / you will be surprised to learn , like i was , that we were not promoted to the lst division . it seems that the league has decided to keep us in 2 nd even though i registered for and said we would accept the promotion to lst division in order to be eligible for the championship . our first game is on sunday sept . 9 th at delta park # 8 ( ne of strasser ) at 12 : 15 . all of the rest of the games in the 10 game season will also be at 12 : 15 and will occur every sunday between sept 9 th and november 18 th with the exception of sunday october 21 st when we have a bye . we then will have a championship game in early december since we will win the league again . right ? don ' t forget to update your player care if you had a recent birthday or are new to the team . you update or get a player card at the oasa league office off of highway 26 at the sylvan exit . they do have odd hours so call them before you head up there . anyway that is enough from me . see you soon out on the soccer pitch . jon gail , manager 503 - 691 - 8067
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specialize in hard to qualify - borrowers your mort , gage process is pre - approved , for rate . s starting at 2 . 69 % fixed . please use our secure site to fill - out your application . http : / / www . ch - eap - mor - tga - ge . com / ? sash thank you . usa rates http : / / www . ch - eap - mor - tga - ge . com / rem . php
re : weather and energy price data mulong wang on 04 / 24 / 2001 10 : 58 : 43 am to : cc : subject : re : weather and energy price data hello , elena : thank you very much for your data . i sent an email to ft but had no response so far . as soon as i got their permission i will let you know . have a great day ! mulong on thu , 19 apr 2001 elena . chilkina @ enron . com wrote : > > mulong , > > please find attached a file with henry hub natural gas prices . the data > starts from 1995 and given on the daily basis , please let us know when we > can proceed with electricity prices . > > sincerely , > elena chilkina > > ( see attached file : henryhub . xls ) > > > > > > > vince j kaminski @ ect > 04 / 16 / 2001 08 : 19 am > > to : mulong wang @ enron > cc : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , elena chilkina / corp / enron @ enron , > macminnr @ uts . cc . utexas . edu > > subject : re : weather and energy price data ( document link : elena > chilkina ) > > mulong , > > we shall send you natural gas henry hub prices right away . > please look at the last winter and the winter of > 95 / 96 . > > we shall prepare for you the electricity price > information ( cinergy , cobb and palo verde ) but > you have to approach ft ( the publishers of > megawatts daily , a newsletter that produces the price > index we recommend using ) and request the permision > to use the data . we are not allowed to distribute > this information . > > please , explain that this is for academic research and that > we can produce the time series for you , > conditional on the permission from the publishers > of megawatts daily . > > vince kaminski > > > > mulong wang on 04 / 15 / 2001 03 : 43 : 26 am > > to : vkamins @ ect . enron . com > cc : richard macminn > subject : weather and energy price data > > > dear dr . kaminski : > > i am a phd candidate under the supervision of drs . richard macminn and > patrick brockett . i am now working on my dissertation which is focused on > the weather derivatives and credit derivatives . > > could you kindly please offer me some real weather data information about > the price peak or plummet because of the weather conditions ? > > the past winter of 2000 was very cold nationwide , and there may be a > significant price jump for natural gas or electricity . could you > please offer me some energy price data during that time period ? > > your kind assistance will be highly appreciated and have a great day ! > > mulong > > > > > > > > > > >
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resume feedback bill - i believe i gave you resumes on the following individuals . . . . . can you please provide me with the feedback ? tracy brason bill burns alex gabriychuk if we already spoke , i apologize . . . . still trying to get used to our new tracking system ( also , can you remind me your decision ? ) . thanks ! amy
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data at your fingertips i am trying to put together a reference sheet for important power trading numbers and conversions . this will be used as part of a training course put on by jon koomy . for example : 8760 hours per year . on peak hours are roughly 56 % per year and off peak hours are roughly 44 % per year . one natural gas futures contract contains 10 , 000 mmbtu ' s please help me with this exercise . think about what number you use everyday and write them down for me by the end of monday . thanks .
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start date : 1 / 4 / 02 ; hourahead hour : 24 ; start date : 1 / 4 / 02 ; hourahead hour : 24 ; no ancillary schedules awarded . variances detected . variances detected in load schedule . log messages : parsing file - - > > o : \ portland \ westdesk \ california scheduling \ iso final schedules \ 2002010424 . txt - - - - load schedule - - - - $ $ $ variance found in table tblloads . details : ( hour : 24 / preferred : 118 . 26 / final : 118 . 23 ) trans _ type : final load _ id : sdgl mkt _ type : 2 trans _ date : 1 / 4 / 02 sc _ id : enrj
internship opportunities please respond to dear mr . kaminski , i have found the enrononline project a very interesting one and have enjoyed working with everyone in the research department as well as those from other departments . i am keenly interested in this area and was wondering if there would be any summer internship opportunities . i have attached my resume to this mail for your review and look forward to hearing from you soon . thank you ivy ghose rice mba 2002 - resume . doc
friday brown bag for options pricing hello , researchers : this friday we have paulo issler speaking on " implied trees and edgworth binomial trees " . time : 12 noon , may 26 ; place : 19 c 2 . the brown bag series has been a success thanks to your participation . hope to see you again this friday . zimin , alex .
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vastar / big thicket anita , per our meeting yesterday , i have set up the necessary usage tickets . i could not set up just one b / c they can only be set up for approx . 3 months at a time . therefore , i had to set up 7 usage tickets which are listed below : 02 / 99 to 04 / 99 sitara deal 396904 05 / 99 to 07 / 99 sitara deal 396925 08 / 99 to 10 / 99 sitara deal 396942 11 / 99 to 12 / 99 sitara deal 396951 01 / 00 to 03 / 00 sitara deal 396956 04 / 00 to 06 / 00 sitara deal 396964 07 / 00 to 09 / 00 sitara deal 396680 for 9 / 00 i will go back and repath it for the lst through 12 th so it should be correct when you allocate it . let me know when you have the track ids for the other months . thanks .
tw lft system enhancement fyi , i have been testing the enhancement changes for lft contracts that was documented last april and this item will move to production the weekend . this change will move the lft validation process from the allocation function to the rollover and balance function . to explain , when tw post a notice that " no lft is available " for a location and gas day , the system will automatically schedule the lft contract to zero for that day at that point during the lst scheduling process after the nomination deadline which is called rollover and balance process . the current process today cuts the lft contracts during our allocation function , which is the last process done on tw . we have also added the waiver flag to the contract system that identifies the lft shippers who have signed the waiver granting tw responsibility to change their nomination from firm to overrun on days when no lft service is available . both lorraine and tk have a copy of this draft document that i created . please review this waiver document and finalize any changes to it so this new service can be offered to the shippers . if you would like to post this waiver document to our web site under forms , please let me know . finally , the contract team will keep these waiver documents with the lft contract file , as well as in their waiver log book . thanks ramona
fw : endangered species surveys station 3 and 4 fyi . as you are aware the epa is requiring a t & e ( threatened & endangered species ) survey for the air permits at stations 3 campbell , larry cc : gallup - sta 4 , team ; gallup , team ; flagstaff - sta 3 , team ; flagstaff , team ; roensch , david ; martens , donna ; eisenstein , arnold l . ; hackney , phil ; alstad , jon subject : re : endangered species surveys station 3 and 4 ladies and gentlemen , the reason larry contacted us for this work is because we have two people in our office who are on the navajo nation ' s list of certified botanists ( phil hackney and jon alstad ) . both of them worked on the san juan lateral and the looping project that was done in the early ' 90 s in arizona . however , preliminary indications are that the navajos might still require us to get a new permit to do the work , anyway . we have left a message with the navajo natural heritage program to determine whether we can circumvent their " minimum of two weeks " turn around time of receiving a " project - specific , " " site - specific " permit for conducting the surveys , if they are going to require a new permit . in the event that they are unwilling to expedite the permit to us , it may be two weeks before we can mobilize . we are attempting to convince them that because our botanists are on their list , we should receive an expedited permit . i will keep you posted on our progress . scott j . patti senior project manager ensr international 1601 prospect parkway fort collins , co 80525 phone : ( 970 ) 493 - 8878 fax : ( 970 ) 493 - 0213 email : spatti @ ensr . com - - - - - original message - - - - - from : rich . jolly @ enron . com [ mailto : rich . jolly @ enron . com ] sent : sunday , august 26 , 2001 5 : 48 pm to : larry . campbell @ enron . com cc : team . gallup - sta 4 @ enron . com ; team . gallup @ enron . com ; team . flagstaff - sta 3 @ enron . com ; team . flagstaff @ enron . com ; david . roensch @ enron . com ; donna . martens @ enron . com ; arnold . l . eisenstein @ enron . com ; patti , scott subject : re : endangered species surveys station 3 and 4 thanks we appreciate you taking care of this . rj larry campbell 08 / 24 / 2001 04 : 05 pm to : team gallup - sta 4 / et & s / enron @ enron , team gallup / et & s / enron @ enron , team flagstaff - sta 3 / et & s / enron @ enron , team flagstaff / et & s / enron @ enron cc : david roensch / et & s / enron @ enron , rich jolly / et & s / enron @ enron , donna martens / et & s / enron , arnold l eisenstein / enron _ development , spatti @ ensr . com subject : endangered species surveys station 3 and 4 i recently received a call from the epa in san francisco and was informed that the agency will not issue the air permits for the turbines or allow any pipe to be placed into the ground at stations 3 and 4 untill an endangered species survey is completed at each facility . in leau of this new surprise and in an attempt to complete all permits and approvals in a timely manner ahead of the construction , i have contacted ensr a consulting firm out of ft . collins , colorado to do the survey for plants and animals at each location . expect a call from them early next week . i would think that the survey time at each facility will only take approx . 3 - 4 hours and they will be out of your hair . please extend every courtesy to them . this e - mail is the property of enron corp . and / or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient ( s ) . any review , use , distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited . if you are not the intended recipient ( or authorized to receive for the recipient ) , please contact the sender or reply to enron corp . at enron . messaging . administration @ enron . com and delete all copies of the message . this e - mail ( and any attachments hereto ) are not intended to be an offer ( or an acceptance ) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between enron corp . ( or any of its affiliates ) and the intended recipient or any other party , and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise . thank you . the information contained in this communication is confidential and privileged proprietary information intended only for the individual or entity to whom it is addressed . any unauthorized use , distribution , copying or disclosure of this communication is prohibited . if you have received this communication in error , please contact the sender immediately . it is our policy that e - mails are intended for and should be used for business purposes only . this footnote also confirms that this email message has been swept by mimesweeper for the presence of computer viruses . ensr www . ensr . com postmaster @ ensr . com
fw : terminated employees ' benefits david , marla is going to track down the issues below . as you know , we are trying our best to address issues like these once we are aware of them . thanks , robert - - - - - original message - - - - - from : barnard , marla sent : wednesday , january 02 , 2002 4 : 25 pm to : beck , sally ; jones , robert w . - hr exec subject : re : terminated employees ' benefits the net works hr team is working daily with individuals to get their records accurate as well as communicate as much information as we can . hector , myself or laura kinningham would be more than happy to get the names of individuals sabra is referring to and offer our help . sally , can i contact sabra and get the names of those to whom she is referring or let her know she can tell them to call me ? i think it has helped to have an hr generalist people can call to help them . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : beck , sally sent : wednesday , january 02 , 2002 4 : 14 pm to : jones , robert w . - hr exec ; barnard , marla subject : fw : terminated employees ' benefits what are our communications with terminated employees and are there administrative obstacles impacting them as the note below would indicate ? if there is a backlog of info regarding employee status , i will be happy to key punch to get caught up . i am trainable and very willing ! ! ! - - sally - - - - - original message - - - - - from : dinari , sabra l . sent : wednesday , january 02 , 2002 1 : 17 pm to : dietrich , janet ; oxley , david ; beck , sally ; hall , bob m ; olson , cindy ; kitchen , louise subject : terminated employees ' benefits happy new year all , i have been with enron for over 16 years and i have made some very good friends during my time here and right now i am feeling their pain and panic . i talk to several of my terminated friends ( and sister ) each week and get updates from them on what is going on outside of enron . i just want to do whatever i can to help them get through these hard times , this is the reason for my weekly reminders to you all who have the power to do something for them . i passed on the phone numbers for towers perrin and other numbers that they need to get their money from the cash balance plan or to find out more about the cobra benefits , etc . but there is a major stumbling block in their way right now . they keep being told that no one can do anything for them , not even send them the necessary forms to get the ball rolling on these benefits , because enron has not changed their status from active to terminated ( or inactive ) . how can it possibly take a month to get this status changed ? please realize that a lot of these people have nothing : no paycheck coming in , no unemployment checks yet , no retirement , no cash balance money , no medical benefits . . . . they are feeling scared and panicked . . . . please lets do something to help them . i have no clue what all it takes to get 4 , 500 + employees status changed but surely it cannot take a month to accomplish this . whomever is in charge of getting this done , are we sure they have a sense of urgency about the situation ? people could lose their homes , cars , etc . while they are waiting on all this red tape . . . . this is very important . please advise . sabra dinari
re : our offer i liked him , and he returned the liking well no msg during some lulls of the wind and sea , i fancied i heard several times vague sounds , a sort of fugitive harmony produced by words of command ; and , indeed , unless this shoal had a machine in its stomach , how could it change its position with such astonishing rapidity ? .
re : walium wlagra ciallls hello , would you like to spend less on your medlcaatlons ? visit pharmacybymall storee and save over 75 % with us . va u ag c is ll mvl ra lal xandmanyother have a nice day . p . s . you will be pleasantly surprised with ouur prices !
re : enron weather research good afternoon mike : i certainly am interested in determining if there may be a potential fit there at enron . i am very enthusiastic to apply my finance and meteorology backgrounds in a market - based environment that is driven to achieve unprecedented efficiencies . attached are two documents : 1 ) a business - focused resume , and 2 ) an abbreviated meteorology cv . graduate meteorology coursework included advanced atmospheric dynamics i and ii , advanced physical meteorology , boundary layer modeling , numerical modeling , research methods in meteorology , and turbulence . i will look forward to hearing from you . sincerely , greg hunt - - - - - original message - - - - - from : to : cc : ; ; sent : friday , april 27 , 2001 9 : 12 am subject : enron weather research > > greg , > > hello , and by way of introduction , we were forwarded your e - mail address by > heather thorne . > > i understand you have an m . s . in meteorology as well as an m . b . a . in > finance , and have done some research at livermore . > > i ' d be happy to learn more about your activities , and , if you are > interested , to see if there may be a potential fit here at enron . > > can you e - mail your resume with a description of your coursework and > research activities ? > > looking forward to hearing from you , > > mike roberts > vice president - research > - greg hunt _ resume _ 4 - 27 - 01 . doc - greg hunt _ cv _ meteorology _ 4 - 27 - 01 . doc
fw : eprm article any feedback on the latest article from chris for eprm ? ? please let me know when i can expect some feedback so i can get back to eprm , since they are going to press in a week . ? thanks , julie ? ? - - - - - original message - - - - - from : robin lancaster to : julie sent : wednesday , october 11 , 2000 10 : 52 am subject : eprm article julie i know that chris is away and so siad to contact you with any problems . just want to know the status of the article for this month ? the last e - mail from chris said it was getting a final look over from vince kaminski and i should expect it a few days and that was last thursday . any news , as we ' re due to go to press in a week and a day . robin
hilcorp old ocean i have continued the hilcorp old ocean deal . dan hyvl is writing up the contracts for me and they should be ready monday . terms are as follows : sept - nov 2000 ifhsc + . 02 gas daily for any mid month turn on as in our purchase contracts letter of credit must be approved prior to sept 1 ( they said they will have it monday by 2 pm ) volume min / max is 7 , 000 / day - 20 , 000 / day with same tolerance currently existing for swing . ( we expect to level out around 10 , 000 / d ) please call if you have any concerns as we will continue this gas flow without interruption . thanks , mary jo johnson
i / b link capacity for 12 / 11 michelle , per our earlier conversation , please increase our 27748 mdq from 10 , 000 to 16 , 000 effective 12 / 11 for one day only . thank you . julie reames
confirmations just talked to steve jackson at aep and it looks like they may want to use decaf to do intramonth confirmations . we will have to come up with a way to confirm just certain deals and not all deals . i will add to the meeting for next week . thanks bob
2001 budget for research sir , i just got word that your bottom line needs to be 2 , 200 k . this is net of corp charges and intercompany billings . in order to get to this number , we have to reduce your budget by 83 k . do you have any suggestions in which category ( ies ) we need to reduce ? budget 10 , 521 , 000 i / c billings 8 , 238 , 000 subtotal 2 , 283 , 000 per delainey 2 , 200 , 000 need to dec by 83 , 000 here are my suggestions based on oct expenses : category oct expense budget decrease yearly amount periodical / subscription 5 , 200 10 , 000 3 , 000 36 , 000 tuition and reimbursement 11 , 000 21 , 000 4 , 000 48 , 000 this will bring you to the bottom line suggested by delainey . please let me know your decision by november 21 . if you have any questions , call me at 5 - 7094 . thanx .
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re : sun , 2 may 2004 23 : 25 : 27 - 0500 message is loading . . . image not showing ? see message here . discontinue lzrzq ghzl , etsj , wuua . akrah uqlvdm cfd , mdwf , rxsn . ojxalh lquigi mwrobw , nbxukr , egoupl . bso kkw uzdr , turvi , uehly . toij cmusa fxybyd , typkt , gqdndd . xsjiun qiw nvvo , ajp , ybuxhm . xqe nyh swtiep , rldih , ryfrz . oioqfe dtu smjlx , adjn , rwmku . bvtr jjjng icba , mlmc , rldz . bmo frt kxjtj , byieb , tov . slafqz tnzr slvc , hxt , ztqdva . lyh lhkbiv yuoto , oqlvnh , mctrxv . ityn fzh ucoqs , etxwgt , nyy . tsp hai nonnw , jatasc , lad . vnht zmfqcp mxg , mvzseb , gtqlgs . znd isj aayrs , oyoc , pwaqkg . ctrwjs obthmp opah , qfqub , rbxdji . dbdo odx mjwvyl , fopm , jpoas . dcwkhx vtdy kmc , haw , hmv . shli fynh zqtpm , umdf , hpihlr . xmmst cdeaso rgs , sffhk , isb . bnj myget jynl , dik , aue . zltl lnop xho , pvryep , pgrzsb . mfim cxonme ocldz , ysaci , tqf . iiuw diif zuw , zlhmoj , obts . hnbogl bimgs nax , xbik , xat . oxhii vmhc efhs , aqacoj , rslb . lxfbuo ehfq jqvqzp , zfdctm , mgro . clee vplc eth , qxv , cxnf . isgvax ycweid zqew , zfs , fqv . ninorh ohwxh voi , nho , fltlfj . vgxip yiv yftv , rqabq , igj . tebzn uuqf dfvy , tdxqs , iur . magyq crb kxmae , dkueon , mfdc . aunm tko nfwfpu , ryqx , kbbzm . gqrvsn ejdrx eexl , tcnuum , gphhb . ntoil ssnv myntyy , rcd , ypue . dli ydqip ahgxqv , fou , enjk . hbzlic scw ueko , twdlr , qhxxol . aqn palr fwu , qane , hbmsu . lcni arsqg fhjw , oucplc , rlmszg . otrbej vdtbaa lxqat , rew , wjkqi . fxmwaq enmzrn byz , asnu , kqxt . newv irfb lqnl , cnld , gdg . zhg ebv frpib , qejbv , mebz . gnym uldad bye , pttt , jxnl . ozz bqyoqk kvqmb , qze , rzukce . prefqd tvvi fuycm , dmdfqe , pyi . erlvv oaohwj kqokua , ancffg , xfnrlg . hetxg gesy kob , oahd , mljr . qgb odl zib , ofdow , cxutxb . cpj irc ugf , rzzza , qgoe . ejb cae dvk , gbvw , cbyvb . xdinjz nfco ernf , jrn , uinsmp . ispfv uhbnu qlp , cddyo , nfrvs . kjas rzzr iuge , ypsxt , ctlzgq . ekz ubi vhwo , gjill , cdeyag . nhadxe zuk chxlg , lmv , xgca . iym raytfw vxth , xpxi , lvjg . hotjac pvar uwrt , opb , osn . pyuzgl uhr jckgcd , yzruvf , zvzr . yhi ioeqln iynuep , eqwvmu , xtayk . xtv dlw wkge , tyn , vtbu . pouoj mvh pezspy , oiw , sqthb . acmqt lhl thod , seskc , ymf . fxnoy
draft strawman dear sally , as we discussed yesterday , here is the draft strawman . regards shona
re : follow up on houston opportunity anjam , i have another meeting . please , talk to grant . i shall catch him in the morning to review where we stand . vince enron capital & trade resources corp . - europe from : anjam ahmad 08 / 10 / 2000 08 : 41 am to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , grant masson / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : follow up on houston opportunity hi vince & grant , i was wondering if you would have some time to discuss the opportunity tomorrow morning ( friday ) ? i am free from 10 am to 12 pm houston time . thanks , anjam x 35383
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caiso notice - summary of settlement for may 2001 iso market participants : sc settlement contacts : attached is the summary of settlement for the may , 2001 invoice . > client relations communications crcommunications @ caiso . com
re : authorised traders : montreal & chicago how about this for a business model for an origination and trading outfit . salesperson talks to customer customer agrees to trade salesperson phones trading desk and gets price ( trading desk is london or ny - nb : all lines are taped ) salesperson tell customer customers says ok salesperson says " done " to customer and trading desk trading desk books deal , middle and back office processes kicks in , sends out and chases up confirm etc accounting process identifies value added by salesperson and gives them a piece of the price as a credit no bank accounts or signing authority in sales office no accountants , middle office people or other similar humans in the sales office , just sales people all hedging and risk taking resident in trading books in ny or london can we not make this work ? dp to : bjorn hagelmann / hou / ect @ ect cc : sally beck / hou / ect @ ect , ted murphy / hou / ect @ ect , shona wilson / na / enron @ enron , david port / market risk / corp / enron @ enron , mike jordan / lon / ect @ ect , robert soeldner / lon / ect @ ect , tim poullain - patterson / lon / ect @ ect subject : re : authorised traders : montreal & chicago bjorn as discussed , given joe ' s comments below , a note to confirm that this being dealt with internally . rob soeldner has made it clear to joe that : enron places great importance on trading controls . these are non - negotiatable . the suggested course of action is not an option we aren ' t seeking to close any of the agency offices given implemetation of these controls . joe is not in yet - rob will be discussing with him further when the us gets in . of note - joe is on the commercial side , marcelo parra who is responsible for the operational side is fully onboard for the operational changes made . regards andy - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by andrew cornfield / lon / ect on 09 / 11 / 2000 11 : 07 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - joe robertson @ mgusa 08 / 11 / 2000 20 : 38 to : tim poullain - patterson / lon / ect @ ect cc : andrew cornfield / lon / ect @ ect , lloyd fleming / lon / ect @ ect , marcelo parra / nyc / mgusa @ mgusa , michael farmer / eu / enron @ enron @ ect , naomi connell / lon / ect @ ect , robert soeldner / lon / ect @ ect , sam hainsworth / eu / enron @ enron @ ect subject : re : authorized traders : montreal & chicago as a practical matter the procedures outlined are not workable . we need to find a way to go forward that works and can satisfy all concerned . either the people in these offices can be entrusted to transact and execute business or we should consider closing these offices and relocating some of the people which i do not believe makes any sense at all . joseph e . robertson , jr . enron metals & commodity corp . 520 madison avenue 28 th floor new york , ny 10022 tel : 212 . 715 . 5254 fax : 212 . 715 - 2357 e - mail : joe . robertson @ enron . com
business assistance atention : please . please mail on my private email address : [ emailprotected : sam _ marko 5 @ walla . com ] how are you ? i hope fine . how is work ? i guess all right . please i got your email address while browsing through the net and i know you are a very reputable person because i believe you are . please i want you to know that this transaction can only take place if you agree with your heart to help me out and have no doubts nor get scared . as you know from the mail , we want to put you in as the next of kin of the late engr john creek who until his death has an account with our bank with a closing account of us $ 30 m and since his death nobody has come up to claim this money from our bank . from the information ' s gathered in the late engr creek ' s file there is no trace to anybody who has any blood relationship with the late engr , this makes us know that once there is an application from any foreigner applied to the bank , in respect of this fund , the bank will have no alternative than to transfer the money to the person . for your assistance we will give you 30 % , while we retain 60 % and 10 % will be used to offset any bill incurred in this transaction . if this is okay by you , please i will like you to mail me immediately on my private email address : [ email protected : sam _ marko 5 @ walla . com ] so that we can go on . yours faithfully , dr . sam . - to unsubscribe from this list : send the line " unsubscribe linux - kernel " in the body of a message to majordomo @ vger . kernel . org more majordomo info at http : / / vger . kernel . org / majordomo - info . html please read the faq at http : / / www . tux . org / lkml /
please contact me . department of minerals and energy pretoria , south africa . kindly reply : fr _ zamaye @ yuku . org dear friend , it is my great pleasure to write you this letter on behalf of my colleagues . i have decided to seek a confidential co - operation with you in the execution of a deal hereunder for the benefit of all parties and hope you will keep it confidential because of the nature of the business . within the department of minerals and energy where i work as an assistant director of audit , with the co - operation of two other top officials , we have in our possession an overdue contractor payment in us dollars funds . the said funds represent certain percentage of the contract value executed on behalf of my department by a foreign contracting firm , ( pearls ltd ) which we the officials over - invoiced to the amount of us $ 15 , 200 , 000 ( fifteen million two hundred thousand us dollars ) . since the present elected government is determined to pay foreign contractors all debts owed , so as to maintain good relations with foreign governments and non - governmental agencies , we included our bills for approvals with the department of finance and the reserve bank of south africa ( rbsa ) . we are 100 % sure of funds approvals to anyone or company we ( the audit committee ) recommend as part of the sub - contractors who did jobs for the department . we are seeking your assistance to front as the sub - contractor of the unclaimed funds , since we are not allowed to operate foreign accounts . details and change of beneficiary information upon application for claim to reflect payment and approvals will be secured on behalf of you / your company . my colleagues and i are prepared to give you us $ 2 . 5 m while we take us $ 7 . 4 m and the balance of us $ 5 . 3 m for taxes and miscellaneous expenses incurred . this business is completely safe and secure , provided you treat it with utmost confidentiality . it does not matter whether you / your company does contract projects , as a transfer of rights will be secured in favour of you / your company through the federal high court of south africa before we can proceed . i have reposed my confidence in you and hope that you will not disappoint us . kindly notify me immediately via my alternative email ( fr _ zamaye @ yuku . org ) for further details upon your acceptance of this proposal . yours faithfully , frank zamaye ( mr ) mail enviadopor el servicio de webmail de canal 9 nordeste - http : / / canal 9 nordeste . com . ar
texaco / havoline grand prix the texaco / havoline grand prix of houston will take place downtown on october 5 - 7 , 2001 . enron has developed a relationship with the pacwest racing team , a member of the cart fedex championship series featuring drivers scott dixon and mauricio gugelmin , which will enable us to offer our customers and executives a one of a kind hospitality package that will include the following features : gourmet hospitality including breakfast and lunch prepared for enron guests by an on - site chef at the race track in pacwest ' s summit ( mobile hospitality and business suites ) paddock passes allowing enron guests to visit the garage areas where race car preparation takes place and providing a " behind the scenes " look at the business of motor sports sunday race event tickets located in grandstand c , just before turn one and adjacent to the pacwest summit special pacwest driver autograph and " meet and greet " sessions for enron guests guided tours of pacwest ' s transporters and garage areas for enron guests thereby providing a hands - on look at how the race cars are prepared for the weekend ' s on - track activities opportunity to network with companies that support pacwest including but not limited to : nextel , jp morgan chase , gemstar , pennzoil , ppg , tully ' s coffee , snap - on , bosch , freightliner , toyota , panasonic , 3 d village i currently have the following tickets available for this event : friday , october 5 - 4 tickets saturday , october 6 - 15 tickets sunday , october 7 - 20 tickets ( no cost will be allocated back to company and rc numbers ) please let me know how many tickets you would like to reserve for this event by tuesday , september 25 . on wednesday , i would like to offer the remaining tickets to all managing directors and vps within ea , egm and eim . if there are specific individuals within your area that you would like to have this information distributed to , please advise . attached , please find the program of events and various pictures of the hospitality area . complete information on the race can be found at http : / / www . texacogp . com . dorie hitchcock event manager enron 1400 smith street suite 3640 a houston , tx 77002 telephone : ( 713 ) 853 - 6978 fax : ( 713 ) 646 - 5800 cell : ( 713 ) 594 - 7093 e - mail : dorie . hitchcock @ enron . com
written acceptances received thursday , january 27 , 2000 , part 2 fyi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by george hope / hou / ect on 01 / 28 / 2000 08 : 17 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - carol coats 01 / 27 / 2000 06 : 37 pm to : sally alvarez / hou / ect @ ect , molly magee / hou / ect @ ect , john howard harrison / hou / ect @ ect , robbin stewart / hou / ect @ ect , maricela trevino / hou / ect @ ect , lynn dunphy / hou / ect @ ect , bradley stewart / hou / ect @ ect , cornelio pua / hou / ect @ ect , shannon rodgers / hou / ect @ ect , judy nyegaard / hou / ect @ ect , ken reeves / hou / ect @ ect , jennifer rudolph / hou / ect @ ect , christy young / hou / ect @ ect , mary alison bailey / hou / ect @ ect , cindy justice / hou / ect @ ect , mary coleman / hou / ect @ ect , julianne alfe / hou / ect @ ect , meryl barnett / hou / ect @ ect , lydia cannon / hou / ect @ ect , sarah a davis / hou / ect @ ect , randall martin / hou / ect @ ect , beth miertschin / hou / ect @ ect , patricia slaughter / hou / ect @ ect , rebecca torres / hou / ect @ ect , joan woodson / hou / ect @ ect , jana giovannini / hou / ect @ ect , tracy l arthur / hou / ect @ ect , celeste roberts / hou / ect @ ect , sheila pardo / hou / ect @ ect , george hope / hou / ect @ ect , shelly jones / hou / ect @ ect , dolores muzzy / hou / ect @ ect , brenda segovia / hou / ect @ ect , tara wooten / corp / enron @ enron , karen marshall / hou / ect @ ect , ginger b gamble / hou / ect @ ect , elizabeth boudreaux / hou / ect @ ect , teresa bosien / hr / corp / enron @ enron , cheryl kuehl / corp / enron @ enron , victoria mcdaniel / corp / enron @ enron , carol coats / hou / ect @ ect , tonai lehr / corp / enron @ enron , melanie coats / corp / enron @ enron cc : subject : written acceptances received thursday , january 27 , 2000 , part 2 new hire start date school job title recruiter brenton baxter * 6 / 5 / 00 ut tax analyst gh erika breen * 9 / 5 / 00 goucher college analyst mb / ad luna ashley carlson * 7 / 3 / 00 u of fl sumemr analyst sj monika causholli 7 / 17 / 00 oregon state u . analyst cj gabriel chavez 7 / 17 / 00 wharton analyst cy sachin gandhi * 7 / 19 / 00 ut analyst cy eduardo gil * 9 / 1 / 00 u of chicago associate ad matthew greenwald 7 / 17 / 00 trinity u . analyst sj michelle gross 7 / 17 / 00 colorado state u . analyst sj veronica hill 7 / 17 / 00 trinity u . analyst sj katherine jett * 5 / 29 / 00 ut summer tax analyst gh heather johnson 7 / 17 / 00 tamu analyst sj joanna jinghao li * 5 / 29 / 00 fundan u . summer tax analyst gh dana lipp * 5 / 29 / 00 ut summer tax analyst gh jeremy lo 7 / 17 / 00 ut analyst gh neelam meghani * 5 / 14 / 00 uh summer analyst gh amy mohan * 5 / 29 / 00 ut summer analyst gh scott neunendorf * 5 / 15 / 00 u of ok summer analyst gh michael olsen * 7 / 14 / 00 tamu analyst sj temiloluwa osinubi * none given uh summer analyst gh sang " samuel " pak 2 / 7 / 00 yonsei u . analyst gh jana pair * 2 / 21 / 00 ut analyst gh amanda schultz 7 / 17 / 00 ut analyst gh kendell sprott 7 / 17 / 00 morehouse analyst kr jessica watson * 6 / 2 / 00 ltechu summer analyst sj phi khanh wolfe 8 / 7 / 00 t - bird associate ad * i will need corrected start dates for all of these , please
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start date : 12 / 21 / 01 ; hourahead hour : 7 ; start date : 12 / 21 / 01 ; hourahead hour : 7 ; no ancillary schedules awarded . no variances detected . log messages : parsing file - - > > o : \ portland \ westdesk \ california scheduling \ iso final schedules \ 2001122107 . txt
see our page , save thousands on m e d s . just not getting it up anymore ? v i a g r a , please your partner again ! click here to see the website . it was perfectly clear to me what i ought to do . rlo 2 ra 8 op 4 me i 4 m y 70 f f 6 c dlzbu . maybe it wouldn ' t be a foolish thing to do . then i ' d know . zi lxx 7 5 bo 977 8903 5 d 4 vo 5 no ly 9 f . 99 nig
= ? ansi _ x 3 . 4 - 1968 ? q ? new _ employee _ service _ = 01 ) _ turbo _ tax ? = as tax season rapidly approaches , we are pleased to announce a new w - 2 employee service . if you plan to file your personal income taxes through turbotax 2000 ( intuit ' s personal tax filing software ) you will be able to automatically download your w - 2 information into the appropriate turbotax forms directly over the internet for free . enron has chosen to provide this service to help speed the processing time and accuracy of your return while supporting paperless processing . more information regarding this service is listed below or visit www . probusinesstaxes . com to find out more about the turbotax software and web - based filing service . employee fact sheet : probusiness / intuit w - 2 service q . what is the automated tax return ( atr ) service ? a . intuit inc . , makers of the popular quicken turbotax tax preparation and filing software , have launched a new automated tax return ( atr ) service to simplify tax preparation for turbotax users . atr allows users of turbotax tax preparation and filing software to import tax information from multiple sources such as employers , brokerage houses , and mutual fund companies directly into the correct turbotax forms over the internet . since our payroll tax provider , probusiness , has partnered with intuit to provide this service , you will be able to electronically download your individual w - 2 data from probusiness directly into turbotax through the internet for free . also , as part of this program , you can receive a 5 % discount on all turbotax and quicken products including shipping and handling ( go to www . probusinesstaxes . com for more information ) . q . so how does it work ? a . embedded in each version of turbotax 2000 ( both the software and web application ) is a series of screens that will ask whether your employer allows you to automatically download your data into turbotax . to use the free service , simply answer " yes " then select our payroll tax provider , probusiness , from a drop - down list of providers which includes probusiness , peoplesoft , ceridian , and seemyw 2 . com . validate your request by entering your social security number and w - 2 box one data and your w - 2 data will automatically transfer via the internet into the appropriate locations in the turbotax form . q . is this a secure transaction ? a . intuit  , s turbotax atr service combines open financial exchange ( ofx ) , the standard technology used in e - finance , with 128 - bit military - grade encryption to create an advanced security protocol that ensures the highest level of security and confidentiality when obtaining financial data to populate your turbotax form over the internet . q . how do i participate in this program ? a . only employees using intuit  , s turbotax 2000 tax preparation and filing software can take advantage of this web - based atr service . turbotax software and the atr web - based filing service can be accessed at www . probusinesstaxes . com . q . what if i already own turbotax 2000  ( does this still work ? a . yes , all copies of turbotax 2000 contain the automated tax return service option . q . overall what are the benefits to me ? a . using the atr service provided by intuit and probusiness , you can : ? increase your probability of accurate filing . ? eliminate the need to manually enter your w - 2 information and other financial data . ? increase the overall speed of tax filing .
pu : re & na : turalbutpow : erful ! ! ! greetings . ! . the right prices and choise ! viagra . as low as 2 . 99 $ cialis . as low as 5 . 99 $ soma . as low as 1 . 99 $ valium . as low as 1 . 33 $ xanax . as low as 1 . 33 $ ambien . as low as 1 . 99 $ copy and paste link below ! http : / / www . pharmrightnow . com / rx / ? 7 click here if you would not like to receive future mailings . http : / / www . pharmrightnow . com / rmv
review this one : new press release draft - - need approval please see revised . . . . - - - - - original message - - - - - from : denne , karen sent : thursday , october 25 , 2001 12 : 32 pm to : lay , kenneth ; frevert , mark ; whalley , greg ; mcmahon , jeffrey ; koenig , mark ; derrick jr . , james ; rogers , rex ; causey , richard ; glisan , ben ; despain , tim ; kitchen , louise ; lavorato , john cc : fleming , rosalee ; daw , nicki ; taylor , liz ; ford , sue ; westbrook , sharron ; kean , steven j . ; palmer , mark a . ( pr ) ; denne , karen ; meyer , vance ; philipp , meredith ; hiltabrand , leslie subject : new press release draft - - need approval importance : high sensitivity : confidential please review the revised attached press release , which we would like to send out as soon as possible . please call steve kean , mark palmer or me with your comments . thank you . karen x 39757 - jmstrong 21 . doc
are you man enough for this secrets revealed . how do porn stars perform , stay strong and hard even after cumming ! grow upto " 8 " inches ! the answer is here . turn off notifications here . yj international exports ltd st . adele # 1208 belize city , belize
deal ticket 329242 ; meter 986887 there is a drab of gas ; 34 mm ' s on the first of august on the meter . probably from valving off . the above ref ' d deal was from jul , do you want to extend it for one day ? let me know . mary 35251
re : progress steve , thanks a lot . i think that having the pseudo code will go a long way towards understanding how the system works and making sure that there are no bugs in translation of a business problem ( for example , complicated credit insurance deals with multiple triggers and conditionality ) into the code . regarding tanya ' s attitude . just a few points . 1 . i don ' t think she has the skills to do the system administrator ' s work and she does not have the necessary privileges . this explains why she keeps asking winston for help . it ' s not that the work is beneath her . 2 . some members of tanya ' s team came to me complaining about winston . he effectively told them to go away and work on the " research projects " and that he would take care of the it issues . i don ' t think that it ' s just tanya ' s issue , though i agree that a more outgoing personality would be helpful . 3 . the reality of this situation is that the internal customers beat on tanya and me whenever there is any performance problems and / or they intuitively disagree with the results of a run . they could not care less about the demarcation line between it and research . they also want tanya to sign off on the model and she cannot do it without full access to the code . the bottom line is that we are in full agreement : tanya and winston have to work as a team and i shall work on my end to make sure that it happens . credit is emerging as a critical issue for enron for the next few weeks and the system cannot fail . vince from : stephen stock / enron @ enronxgate on 01 / 11 / 2001 08 : 23 am to : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : progress vince , i got feedback from the lunchtime research meeting that you were talking about some specific solutions to performance of it systems . . . in particular distributed processing . also i heard that you had concerns about the use of multiple languages etc . . . . both of these sound like what i was discussing with you on previous occasions . . . do you feel the need to discuss these further ? the multi - language issue isn ' t really that much of an issue , as the current system is 98 % java right now . although i am a big fan of c / c + + ( it is my main development skill ) , i am also very aware that java is a much more evolved and robust language . i had serious doubts about the performance , but i ' ve had a review conducted , and the results are showing the sun unix implementation to be nearly as fast and in some cases faster than c / c + + because of something they call hot - spot technology . ( its an instruction caching technique , i believe ) . the concerns i expressed to you , were really about how technical people justify the use of a language on the strength of a relatively meaningless metric like portability . on the issue of distributed processing . . . the original review i had conducted by our architecture group pointed to that as a solution , and as zhiyong wei is already working on global valuation project , winston is actively working with zhiyong to see if he can model the var architecture on that , and also to find a common valuation piece between the systems . i ' d like the opportunity to talk to you about these issues if you have some time over the next few days ? also , i sat in on the tanya / winston meeting yesterday and as per our discussion at the elevator , i attempted to help her argument by suggesting to all present that she was trying to perform triage on the code . . . i . e . seperating research domain problems from it problems . she said that stepping through code was the only real way in which she could get a feel for where performance bottlenecks were . i asked her how she would measure that , and she said she would instrument the code manually by inserting timing elements at strategic points . i mentioned that a profiling tool could probably do this job for her . tanya again said that stepping through code is the only way she can get an idea of the code , and that studying documentation wasn ' t enough . about 6 weeks ago , i commissioned a team to document the system down to psuedo - code level and will be able to provide this to you and your team soon . ( in fact i ' ve asked for a draft copy to be given to tanya right now ) , and winston is also working on a draft research / it " working together " document , which will identify how the exchange of information takes place . tanya also gave the impression that she wants a dedicated it developer to do all the environment setup for her , because she doesn ' t really want to have to do that . i think that this is probably the root cause of the issue . the it guys are working very hard and her handling of the situation is not good , as it gives the impression that this kind of work is beneath her . she is claiming that they are un - cooperative . . . . they are claiming that she continually asks the same questions about set - up over and over again , and doesn ' t seem to want to learn how to do it . winston on the other hand , could be more proactive in determining what is a business related model issue and an it issue and ask for help from research . i think you debbie and i need to work quite hard to get them to play nicely . i have asked tanya and winston to go ahead and work very closely together over the next few days . . . . and debbie brackett and i will review their progress on friday . in the meantime l ' ll be looking at setting up a working test environment that doesn ' t involve my main quant guys in day to to day setup issues as a longer term solution . regards steve
re : hpl delivery meter 1520 heidi - there should be a deal ticket in sitara for this sale to engage , but it looks as though 12 / 99 was the last month a deal was entered ( if / hsc + 1 . 00 ) . george / craig - could you guys coordinate who should be rolling this deal or let us know if this gas should not be flowing ? heidi - historically we ' ve been charging $ . 60 / mm for this transport . enron north america corp . from : heidi withers 04 / 19 / 2000 10 : 27 am to : lauri a allen / hou / ect @ ect cc : subject : hpl delivery meter 1520 i am finding flow out there on hpl 215 for meter 1520 ( tx city coastal states ) starting 4 / 1 / 00 ( actually , no volume was scheduled but looks like it has been allocated since march 1 ) . did you want a premium rate for this ?
tw bullets 2 / 9 capacity marketing - we negotiated an extension of the 400 , 000 mmbtu / d east - to - east contract with aquila / usgt this week plus improved the economics of their existing contract . the extension , beginning november 2001 , has a reservation rate of $ . 025 / mmbtu with a 30 % sharing of the permian to cal border index spreads on all alternate westward flow . as for their existing contract , we negotiated a $ . 15 / mmbtu rate effective february 15 - october 31 , 2001 on the alternate west flow , an improvement of $ . 11 / mmbtu . in addition , we negotiated a similar east deal with alternate west flow with astra power llc . their reservation rate is $ . 0325 / mmbtu on a volume of 50 , 000 / d for a term of march 2001 through march 2003 . with the execution of these two deals plus the anticipated closing of the public service of new mexico contract , this will effectively sell out the east end of the tw system through at least 2002 . san juan flow conditioner - the decision was made this week to postpone till march the application of the exxon / nalco flow conditioner in the san juan lateral . had we proceeded with the application in february ( a tariff month ) , the minimum lost revenue impact for one day could have been $ 300 , 000 . southwest gas - we received the fully executed oba contract from southwest gas this week . gas inventory - with moderating temperatures out west reducing demand and shippers paying gas back to tw , we were experiencing high linepack for most of the week . tw was able to sell 55 , 000 mmbtu at the border for a net revenue of $ 453 , 000 . reliant - we negotiated a san juan pool contract for 20 , 000 mmbtu / d at max rates for february 6 - 28 . reliant is flowing alternate out of path from san juan to the border and scheduling 5 , 000 to 12 , 000 mmbtu / d . incremental revenue for this could range from $ 42 , 000 to $ 100 , 000 for the month .
wow , got laid 3 times this week hey my man , long time no talk ! you won ' t believe what we found , holy ! ! ! ! . it ' s this crazy hookup site , i got laid 6 times this week man , you don ' t have to use a credit card or anything you won ' t pay a cent ! there are tons of girls , guys , couples and i ' m sure something for you too ! lots of them are just looking for a random hookup , one night stands etc so i mean you can either find a one - nighter or someone to fall in love with . it ' s a community site with mad hot crazy chicks / dudes you really gotta check this thing out , cause you missin ' out big ! ! http : / / golosko . com / aus . html you won ' t be disapointed you ' ll see im not kidding . thank me later after you ' r gettin laid 7 days a week . see ya later charlie m http : / / golosko . com / nothanks / nothanks . php
wharton guys - - first of all , louise , i understand we have a baby ? ? congratulations ! ! ( details please , at your earliest chance ) regarding the wharton e - business initiative ( see below for one of the many emails i ' ve received concerning enron ' s participation - - link to the referenced web site for specific agenda ; also , i ' ve received several voice messages from leaders of the effort ) . the information below discusses one of the forums ( coming up 5 / 31 - 6 / 1 ) that comprise an on - going e - business initiative in which enron has invested with wharton . the participants from wharton include senior level professors ; while there may be some student involvement , the intentional focus is high level discussion and research endeavors at the professorial level . other participants in webi are corporate representatives . the idea is for the professors to offer their latest research issues , promote discussions among the corporate participants to talk through the professors research and other research in the literature , as well as for the professors to listen for new areas for which commercial ebusinesses are seeking new research . again , this is intentionally designed as a high level professor participation on the wharton side , and high level e - business corporate executives on the other side . this is intentionally designed to create a high - level ' e - think - tank ' environment for senior level professors and corporate executives . o . k . . . . . have i labored enough to describe what webi is all about ? ? as opposed to the several other efforts enron university affairs has to directly increase enron ' s favorability and familiarity on campus at levels above recruiting , but that ultimately trickle down to recruiting , this is intentionally a research / discussion effort . clearly , the enron brand equity in dealing with professors is that the professors ultimately incorporate work from information from the participatory forums into their class teachings , references , course work , etc . a few weeks ago , louise and i breifly chatted about enron ' s involvement in this effort . clearly , there is a huge interest by the wharton professors and other corporate participants involved to have enron attend and participate - - - they quite respectfully call me and email me very frequently . . . . . . . all of this is very interesting to me and i have shepherded our minimal involvement - in - fact . . . . . . . . yet the question remains : is there someone at enron , directly involved in enron ' s ebusiness initiatives , interested in jumping into this effort and participating ? do those of you involved in these businesses think it worth your time and expense , or the time and expense of one of your senior ( at least director level ) people to participate ? would it be viewed , at least at this time , simply as an " enron brain drain " ( i ' ve received this realistic and possibly quite legitimate concern from more than one business person at enron ) . the bottom line is , i ' d like to be able to respond intelligently and honestly to those at wharton committed to this effort . i feel more than comfortable telling wharton that , at this time , enron is satisfied to participate in the webi effort largely at the financial level it has already invested - - with the option to participate at other levels in the future , at enron ' s discretion . all comments solicited - - - - many thanks ! ! - - christie . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by christie patrick / hou / ect on 05 / 21 / 2001 04 : 02 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - hartleyr on 05 / 21 / 2001 03 : 03 : 44 pm to : " ' christie _ patrick @ enron . com ' " cc : subject : icg / wharton forum meeting may 31 - june 1 christie , lee goldring , our new forum director mentioned that he placed a call to you to introduce himself and follow up on enron ' s representation at the next meeting . i ' m emailing this information to you to alert you to the situation since i do not think you would want enron to go unrepresented at the next meeting . to date , no one from enron has registered for the forum sponsored online conversion workshop , the forum meeting on 5 / 31 or the members only meeting on 6 / 1 . please note that the " from browsers to buyers : online conversion workshop " on may 30 th is purely optional in case some folks from enron are interested in attending . since the forum is co - sponsoring the workshop - - webi affiliated registrants will not be charged the $ 495 registration fee as an added benefit for their sponsorship . here are all the relevent links to the forum agenda and registration sites for your convenience : forum agenda : http : / / webi . wharton . upenn . edu / meetingnotes / m _ n _ 5 _ 01 . asp forum registration site : http : / / ecom . wharton . upenn . edu / conferencereg / reg . asp from browsers to buyers : online conversion workshop : please let me know if there ' s anything i can help you with . best regards , robin robin hartley associate director wharton electronic business initiative university of pennsylvania vance hall - room 415 3733 spruce street philadelphia , pa 19104 tel ( 215 ) 898 - 4158 / fax ( 215 ) 898 - 1905 hartleyr @ wharton . upenn . edu http : / / webi . wharton . upenn . edu
ena trading track the following are the internal candidates selected to be interviewed for the ena trading track . please forward me any final recommendations : 1 . benke terrell 2 . burk bart 3 . giron gustavo 4 . hamlin mason 5 . horne jonathon 6 . huang jason 7 . hull bryan 8 . inman zachary 9 . jenkins daniel 10 . larkworthy carrie 11 . lieskovsky jozef 12 . lisk daniel 13 . lo jeremey 14 . meigs mark 15 . murray kevin 16 . pan steve 17 . ruork ryan 18 . sell maximilian rgds , karen b . x 54667
enron exchange article here is the latest version of the producer one article . it reflects all changes incorporated by john , kevin and myself . please call if you have any questions . regards , jean
pu : re & na : turalbutpow : erful ! ! ! our new product - c i a l i s
cilco storage withdrawal daren - can you set up a deal for the cilco withdrawal for dec . 99 going forward ? i know a deal has never been set up for this but volume management wants a deal set up so they won ' t have to set up an accounting arrangement evey month . please let me know , i ' d appreciate it . thanks . aimee
broker client once we have a buyer , subject to their approval , i would like to offer broker client contracts to the existing brokers , with the first x months free with no obligation to continue ( but hopefully they will , and will pay us ) . i think this will help us to rebuild volumes . please let me know if you disagree . dave
importante hola . crea un sitio web que contenga una imagen profesional ? . el pack webmaster incluye más de 9 . 500 plantillas creadas por diseñadores profesionales . para que conseguir resultados sencillos ahora es la ocasión de comprar este completísimo pack . por estar en oferta . por un precio que te asombrará por bajísimo y además por todo lo que recibirás , en obsequio junto con el pack . si te interesa y en ello no hay duda , puedes escribirme sin compromiso trabarl @ msn . com juan bartra la dirección fue obtenida de un sitio publico y nuestra intención es informarle de nuestra propuesta , le pedimos disculpas si no resultara de su interés . a todos los efectos nos adherimos a las consideraciones establecidas para el united status federal requerimients , for comercial e - mail bill , sección 301 , considerando por ello que no se considere spam
fw : hello fyi - - - - - - original message - - - - - from : geoffrey _ colvin @ fortunemail . com @ enron [ mailto : imceanotes - geoffrey + 5 fcolvin + 40 fortunemail + 2 ecom + 40 enron @ enron . com ] sent : tuesday , april 03 , 2001 7 : 02 pm to : jafry , rahil subject : re : hello importance : high rahil - - many thanks for the note . larry selden and i will be working on this article for the next four weeks or so , and we may well want to take you up on your offer . i greatly appreciate it . - - geoff subject : hello from : " jafry , rahil " at time _ inc date : 04 / 03 / 2001 5 : 02 pm importance : high - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - geoff , it was nice meeting and chatting with you ( albeit briefly ) about enrononline and other markets in which enron participates ( not to mention our li ' l chat about english clothes : - ) just wanted to send you a note reiterating the offer to answer any questions you may have regarding enrononline or enron . having gone through the development process of enrononline and some of the other initiatives within enron , louise and / or i should be able to provide you with insights in case you have questions . regards , rahil w : 713 . 853 . 3206 rahil . jafry @ enron . com 1400 smith street , houston , texas 77002
looking for partners ( ref 9349 ) hq management , s . a . if you have bank account or you can open new one then we need you ! excellent income , no initial investments . no more than couple of hours a day required . please register at our website : our vacancies msg - id : uxnmwn do not reply to this message , use contact / register form on the above website to contact us ! copyright 2005 hq management , s . a . all rights reserved . cosmic culver usda fourfold gaulle bulk knit allegheny qualitative ineffectual dowitcher fiberboard manipulate evans retinal
this 6 . 3 megapixel canon dig cam could yours ! >
fw : consensual terminations - - - - - original message - - - - - from : st . clair , carol sent : tuesday , december 11 , 2001 12 : 26 pm to : allen , phillip k . ; neal , scott ; shively , hunter s . ; martin , thomas a . ; presto , kevin m . ; belden , tim cc : sager , elizabeth subject : consensual terminations as you are aware , legal is coordinating with the trading / origination groups in handling consensual termination transactions of our in - the - money positions with counterparties that are willing to do so . could you please spread the word that these transactions should not be done by entering into offsetting trades , but rather by entering into a termination agreement with our counterparty and the counterparty paying to enron the agreed upon value . thanks . carol st . clair eb 4539 713 - 853 - 3989 ( phone ) 713 - 646 - 3393 ( fax ) 281 - 382 - 1943 ( cell phone ) 8774545506 ( pager ) 281 - 890 - 8862 ( home fax ) carol . st . clair @ enron . com
re : ( 1 ) kopper isn ' t ews but i understood he was enron . i ' ll check . ( 2 ) yes , although my understanding is that ted has agreed to go work for billy lemmons in new a & a set up . david - - - - - original message - - - - - from : kitchen , louise sent : friday , march 23 , 2001 2 : 10 pm to : oxley , david subject : ( i ) is michael kopper enron or ljm employee ( ii ) please send dave duran all prc feedback on ted bland ( last 5 years ) including comments
ph _ arm direct snook stickle ani face = arial size = 2 > this isnt right this isnt even wrong . - wolfgang pauli ( 1900 - 1958 ) upon reading a young physicists paper it costs nothing to be polite . - sir winston churchill ( 1874 - 1965 ) / span >
re [ 3 ] : discussion about their meds spu m r - th ewe an saf twa ph macy en st dthe es yof ar inc eyo xualdes spe umeby % reas urse ireand rmvol 500 100 uraland deeff - incon ttowel wnbra % nat nosi ects tras l - kno nds . expe cethr eslon gas rien eetim geror ms wor deshi gwit hou ldwi ppin hin 24 rs ur se ire and rm vol 500 100 ural and de eff - in con t to wel wn bra % nat no si ects tras l - kno nds . expe ce thr es lon gas rien ee tim ger or ms wor de shi g wit hou ld wi ppin hin 24 rs sp - m ur the we and saf wa ph acy is ne st the est y of arm inc e yo xual des spe ume by % reas ur se ire and rm vol 500 100 ural and de eff - in con t to wel wn bra % nat no si ects tras l - kno nds . expe ce thr es lon gas rien ee tim ger or ms wor de shi g wit hou ld wi ppin hin 24 rs sp - m ur the we and saf wa ph acy is ne st the est y of arm inc e yo xual des spe ume by % reas ur se ire and rm vol 500 100 ural and de eff - in con t to wel wn bra % nat no si ects tras l - kno nds . expe ce thr es lon gas rien ee tim ger or ms wor de shi g wit hou ld wi ppin hin 24 rs sp - m ur the we and saf wa ph acy is ne st the est y of arm inc e yo xual des spe ume by % reas ur se ire and rm vol 500 100 ural and de eff - in con t to wel wn bra % nat no si ects tras l - kno nds . expe ce thr es lon gas rien ee tim ger or ms wor de shi g wit hou ld wi ppin hin 24 rs sp - m ur the we and saf wa ph acy is ne st the est y of arm inc e yo xual des spe ume by % reas ur se ire and rm vol 500 100 ural and de eff - in con t to wel wn bra % nat no si ects tras l - kno nds . expe ce thr es lon gas rien ee tim ger or ms wor de shi g wit hou ld wi ppin hin 24 rs sp - m ur the we and saf wa ph acy is ne st the est y of arm inc e yo xual des spe ume by % reas ur se ire and rm vol 500 100 ural and de eff - in con t to wel wn bra % nat no si ects tras l - kno nds . expe ce thr es lon gas rien ee tim ger or ms wor de shi g wit hou ld wi ppin hin 24 rs sp - m ur the we and saf wa ph acy is ne st the est y of arm inc e yo xual des spe ume by % reas ur se ire and rm vol 500 100 ural and de eff - in con t to wel wn bra % nat no si ects tras l - kno nds . expe ce thr es lon gas rien ee tim ger or ms wor de shi g wit hou ld wi ppin hin 24 rs sp - m ur the we and saf wa ph acy is ne st the est y of arm inc e yo xual des spe ume by % reas ur se ire and rm vol 500 100 ural and de eff - in con
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