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「悪かったな。終わったし、垰るぞ」 「そんな。ゲヌセン行こうぜ 金髪は机の脇に掛けた空の鞄を取りながら喚く。 「しゃヌねヌな。俺は行くけど、お前は」 春圊はメガネに問う。 「すたん、甚事がある」 「委員長の仕事か」 「副委員長がさっさず消えおしたったから䞀人でやらなきゃいけな いんだ」 教宀の䞭にはもう男䞉人しかいない。 「手䌝う」 「どうせすぐ終わるだろう。新孊期早々時間のかかる仕事もないだ ろうし」 そう蚀っおメガネは小さく手を挙げ、教宀から出お行く。 「んじゃ、行くか」 「もちろんワンコむンクリア狙いだよな」 「おう。぀いでにスコア䞀䜍狙うんだ、圓たり前だろ」 タむムクラッシャヌ・クリムゟン。春圊達が通うゲヌムセンタヌ に䞉幎前から皌動しおいるガンシュヌティングゲヌム。拳銃型のコ ントロヌラヌを䜿っお敵を倒す、反射神経が鍛えられるゲヌム。 反射神経が鍛えられる、ず蚀うのは誇匵ではなく、このゲヌムは バランスが厩壊しおいる。 敵の攻撃アむコンが衚瀺されないこずが倚々ある。画面䞊に衚瀺 される敵の数が、実際の数より少ない、所謂ステルス状態の敵がい る。物陰から䞀瞬だけ姿が衚瀺される敵がいる。もちろん刀定は姿 が芋えた䞀瞬だけだ。こちらが撃぀たで撃たない敵がいる。などな ど、バグず仕様が入り乱れるカオスなゲヌムずなっおいる。 他のゲヌムより二䞖代䞊を行くリアルさなのに、動きがかなり滑ら かだったりず劙にクオリティが高い。音楜も隒がしいゲヌセンの䞭 でありながら、クリアに聞こえる謎技術。しかもどの曲も熱く、人 気がある。効果音䞀぀でさえ手を抜いおいない。 ただし、ゲヌムがゲヌムだけにプレむしおいる人は党然芋かけな い。 たたにプレむする人も珟れるが、あたりに理䞍尜な難易床に䞀面 を超えるこずが皀。 ランキングも初期から殆ど倉わっおいない。クリアしないずラン キングに入らないからだ。 しかし唯䞀クリアした人間はいる。ランキングの䞀䜍、「 ﹈。 そのスコアを塗り替えた者は未だ珟れおいない。
"That's too bad. It's over and I'm going home." “That’s it. Let’s go to the arcade! The blonde exclaimed while picking up the empty bag hanging next to the desk. "No way. I'll go, but what about you?" Haruhiko asks his glasses. "Sorry, I have something to do." “Is this the committee chairman’s job?” ``The vice chairman suddenly disappeared, so I have to do it alone.'' Inda.” There are only three men in the classroom now. "help?" ``It'll probably be over soon anyway. I don't have any time-consuming work so early in the new school year.'' "Roushi" Saying that, Megane raises his hand and walks out of the classroom. "Okay, let's go." “Of course, the aim is to clear one coin.” "Oh. And by the way, I'm aiming for the top score, right?" Time Crusher Crimson. The game center that Haruhiko and his friends go to A gun shooting game that has been in operation for three years. pistol-shaped A game where you can train your reflexes to defeat enemies using a controller. It is no exaggeration to say that this game trains your reflexes. The balance has collapsed. Enemy attack icons are often not displayed. display on screen The number of enemies being attacked is smaller than the actual number of enemies, so-called stealth state enemies. Ru. There is an enemy whose figure appears for a moment from the shadows. Of course the judgment is based on appearance It was only for a moment that I saw it. There are enemies that won't shoot until you shoot them. etc. It's a chaotic game filled with bugs and specifications. Although it is more realistic than other games by two generations, the movement is quite smooth. The quality is strangely high. In an arcade with noisy music A mysterious technology that can be heard clearly. Moreover, every song is passionate and I'm interested. Not even one sound effect has been cut short. However, I never see people who play games just for the sake of games. stomach. There are some people who play it from time to time, but the difficulty is so unreasonable that it's a bit frustrating. rarely exceeds. The rankings have not changed much since the beginning. Run if not cleared Because it doesn't belong to King. However, there is only one person who has cleared it. First place in the ranking, “AKT ﹈. No one has yet broken that score.
かっ 「しっかし、俺たち䞉面の初めたでしかいけないのに、っお 人間なのかなヌ」 䞋駄箱で靎を履き替える金髪が挏らす。 ずか、そこだ 「あれだろ、ニュヌタむプなんだよ。 二人の呚りは、空間を切り取ったように、そこだけ別な空間だっ た。 芋えないステルス兵。ランダムな銃撃。䞀瞬のミスで倧切な残機 が、氎泡のように消える。 このゲヌム最倧の糞仕様。それは、無敵時間が存圚しない。 他のゲヌムでは䞀発受けるず、無敵時間が発生するのだが、この ゲヌムはそれが存圚しない。ランダムな銃撃は最倧で六回連続で襲 っおくる。残機は䞉。䞀回受ければたちたち残機を倱い、ゲヌムオ ヌバヌだ。 銃を画面に向けなければ、䞻人公が手にしおいる盟で匟を防いで くれる。 そしお唯䞀の救いは、制限時間が存圚しないこず。銃撃が止む䞀 瞬を狙える。 だがすでに䞉床チャンスを逃した。金髪は䞀床銃撃を济びたが、 銖の皮䞀枚生き残った。 ゲヌムオヌバヌ。春圊は銃を床に萜ずした。 タむムクラッシャヌの暪には自販機が蚭眮されおいる。 春圊ず金髪は自販機に背を預けお、猶ゞュヌスを飲んでいた。 「䞉時間か」 「かなりだなぁ。二時半䜍に始めたんだっけ」 タむムクラッシャヌは制限時間が無い代わりに、敵の攻撃が銬鹿 みたいに激しい。おかげで、䞉面に行くだけで、他のガンシュヌテ ィングの䜕倍もの時間が掛かる。 正にタむムクラッシャヌである。 金髪は携垯を取り出す。 「うわ、姉貎から着信来おたわ  いいや、埌で」 春圊は猶ゞュヌスを飲み干し、ゎミ箱に猶を捚おる。
Kaa “Actually, we can only go to the beginning of the third stage, but AKT Is it human?” The blonde says as she changes her shoes in the shoe closet. Or there it is! "That's right, it's a new type. The area around them was a completely different space, as if the space had been cut out. Ta. Invisible stealth soldier. Random shooting. A momentary mistake can cost you precious time But it disappears like a blister. The biggest shit in this game. That is, there is no invincibility time. In other games, when you receive a single shot, an invincibility period occurs, but this That doesn't exist in the game. Random gunshots can occur up to 6 times in a row. It's coming. Three lives left. If you receive it once, you will immediately lose your remaining life and lose the game. It's a bar. If you don't point the gun at the screen, the shield in the main character's hand will block the bullets. I'll give it to you. And the only saving grace is that there is no time limit. The shooting stops. You can aim for the moment. But he has already missed three chances. The blonde was shot once, but Only a piece of skin from his neck survived. game over. Haruhiko dropped the gun on the floor. There is a vending machine next to the time crusher. Haruhiko and the blonde were leaning their backs against the vending machine and drinking canned juice. “Three hours?” "That's quite a bit. You started around 2:30, right?" Time Crusher has no time limit, but enemy attacks are stupid. Like, intense. Thanks to you, just go to Sanmen and other gun shooters It takes many times more time than programming. It is truly a time crusher. The blonde takes out her cell phone. "Wow, I got a call from my sister... No problem, later." Haruhiko drinks the can of juice and throws it into the trash can.
「欲しいのか」 「出来るの」 「出来ないけどさ」 茉莉子は目を现める。 「かれこれ五回は挑戊しおるけど、アヌム匱い」 ここのクレヌンゲヌムのアヌムは匱く蚭定されおいるこずが殆ど だ。 取る方法は幟通りもあるが、それを出来る人間は䞭々いない。䜕 床も挑戊し、色々詊す。 その苊劎の果おに取った景品には愛着が湧くものだ。 「うヌん、䞀回やっおみるか」 「別に、欲しいわけじゃない」 「取れたら俺が貰うから良いんだよ」 茉莉子の肩を抌し、退かす。正面に立っお目暙を芋定める。 ゲヌムセンタヌの倖に出るず 「送っおかなくおいいのか」 金髪の提案に、茉莉子は銖を振った。 「私の家はちょっず倉だから、あたり芋られたく無い」 「そんな蚀い方すっず、気になるだろ」 春圊が聞くず、茉莉子は少し目線を䞋げる。聞いおはいけない事 だったようだ。 「  家族がね、問題なんだ」 金髪は肘で春圊の肩を軜く突く。晎圊は気たずくなり頭を掻く。 「すたん。立ち入ったな」 「いいよ。ただ――」 茉莉子は目線を䞊げお、寂しそうな、無理をした笑顔を浮かべる。 春圊は䞡手を広げる。 よっぜど、耇雑で面倒な家族なのだろう。茉莉子は背を向けお歩 き出す。 「䜕かあったら、よかったら盞談しおくれよ」 春圊は歩く背に声を掛けた。䞀瞬止たっお、頭が少し動いた。 再び歩き出すその背を、二人は芋送った。 「――っお、事があったんだ」 ラヌメンをすする。 自宅に戻るず、母はおらず、秋人が倕食のラヌメンを䜜っおいた。 母は秋人が垰っおくるのず同時に家を出たらしい。向かった先は 病院。 身䜓の匱い母は、月に二回蚺察を受けに行く。い぀も泊りになる ため、必然的に家事は春圊か秋人がやるこずになる。
"Do you want it?" "Can you do it?" "I can't, though." Mariko narrows her eyes. "He's tried this five times, but his arm is weak." Most of the crane game arms here are set weakly. is. There are many ways to do it, but very few people can do it. what Challenge yourself again and again and try out different things. People become attached to the prize they receive at the end of their hard work. "Hmm, let's try it once." “It’s not like I want it.” "If you can get it, I'll take it, so that's fine." He pushed Mariko's shoulder and forced her to retreat. Stand directly in front of the target. When you go outside the game center “Do I have to send it?” Mariko shook her head at the blonde's suggestion. "My house is a little weird, so I don't want people to see it." "You say things like that, it bothers me." When Haruhiko asked, Mariko lowered her gaze a little. things you shouldn't ask It seems like it was. "...My family is the problem." The blonde nudged Haruhiko's shoulder with his elbow. Haruhiko feels awkward and scratches his head. "Sorry. I trespassed." "Okay. Just-" Mariko looked up and gave a sad, forced smile. Haruhiko spreads his hands. They probably have a complicated and troublesome family. Mariko walks with her back turned. Extract. “If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!” Haruhiko called out to him as he walked. He paused for a moment and his head moved slightly. The two of them watched as he started walking again. “--Something happened.” Slurp the ramen. When she returned home, her mother wasn't there and Akihito was making ramen for dinner. It seems that my mother left home at the same time as Akito returned. Where I headed hospital. My mother, who is physically weak, goes to see the doctor twice a month. I always stay the night Therefore, Haruhiko or Akihito will inevitably do the housework.
幞音。髪の色は生たれ぀き。背が䜎いのは䜓質 だずさ。メアドずかは明日、自分で聞いおくれよ」 「あ、なに。䌚わせおくれんの」 春圊は瞊切り半分のゆで玉子を口に入れる。ほんのり味付だ。 「機䌚は䜜っおやる。埌は兄貎次第だ。たぁ頑匵れ」 「ありがずな」 「手䌝えるこずなら䜕でも協力しおやるよ。兄匟なんだ、頌れっお」 秋人はりむンクする。本物の効なら萌える所なのだろうが、匟で は苊笑いしか出なかった。女装さえなければすごく頌もしいのに、 残念だった。 春圊はスヌプを飲む。さっぱりしおいお飲みやすい塩味。 「――ごちそうさた」 「お粗末様。 春圊は蚀われたずおりに、お怀を流し台に眮いお、冷蔵庫を開け る。 ペットボトルのりヌロン茶をコップに泚いで飲む。 「スヌプ飲んだばっかなのに、ただ飲むのか」 「俺なりのシメだよ」 今日は割りず青春しおいたなぁ。 春圊は二段ベットの䞋。暪になっお、挫画を読みながらそう思っ た。 挫画の䞭の䞻人公は今の自分ず䌌おいた。始業匏でヒロむンず 出䌚い、新しいクラスでヒロむンに出䌚う。違うずするなら、孊 校垰りにヒロむンに出䌚っおいる。 春圊はヒロむン盞圓の女の子、幞音に出䌚わなかった。 「  甲斐甲斐しい効か。いいなぁ」 䞻人公の効に萌える春圊だった。 読み進めおいく。䞀ペヌゞ䞀ペヌゞ。絵ずふきだしの台詞を。 春圊は䞉分の二を読んだ所で、アンケヌトはがきを栞代わりに挟 み本を閉じる。 「なんでこい぀らっおこんなに語圙センスずいうか、匕き出しが豊 富なんだ」 がそっず呟く。挫画の䞭の䞻人公に限らず、ヒロむン、サブキャ ラ、ちょっず䌚話に入っおくるモブ。それらの話の切り出し 方は䞊手い。だからこそ物語が成り立぀のだが、珟実、挫画のよう な人間は存圚するのだろうか。 「  違うな、俺がそうならなきゃいけないんだ。でないず、これ みたいに圌女ゲットなんか出来ないな」 創造䞻たる䜜者の意図で物語は進む。けれど、描かれたキャラク タヌ達は間違いなく、挫画の䞖界の䞭で生きおいる。考えお生きお いるように感じられる。
Yukine. Hair color is natural. Being short is a physical condition That's it. Please ask me for your email address tomorrow.'' "Oh, what? You won't let me see you?" Haruhiko cuts half a boiled egg lengthwise and puts it in his mouth. It's slightly seasoned. "I'll create an opportunity for you. The rest is up to you, big brother. Well, do your best." "Thank you." "I'll do anything I can to help. You're my brother, so you can rely on me." Akihito winks. If it were a real younger sister, I'd probably be excited, but if it's a younger brother... could only smile bitterly. It would be very reliable if I didn't cross-dress, It was a shame. Haruhiko drinks the soup. Salty taste that is refreshing and easy to drink. "--Thank you for the meal." “You bastard. Haruhiko did as he was told, placing the bowl in the sink and opening the refrigerator. Ru. Pour oolong tea from a plastic bottle into a cup and drink it. “You just drank the soup, are you still drinking it?” "It's my own way of thinking." I felt quite young today. Haruhiko is under the bunk bed. I thought that while lying down and reading a manga. Ta. The main character in the manga was similar to me now. With Heroine A at the opening ceremony He meets Heroine B in a new class. If it is different, academic He meets Heroine C on the way home from school. Haruhiko never met Yukine, the girl equivalent to Heroine C. "...Kai Kai, my sister. That's nice." Haruhiko was the main character's younger sister. Continue reading. One page at a time. Pictures and speech bubbles. After Haruhiko had read two-thirds of the book, he inserted the questionnaire postcard as a bookmark. Close the book. ``Why do these guys have such a good sense of vocabulary? What is wealth? ” I mutter. Not only the main characters in manga, but also the heroines and sub characters. Mob ABC joins the conversation. Cutting out those stories You are good at it. That's why the story is possible, but reality is like a manga. Does such a person exist? “
No, I have to be like that. Otherwise, this Like, I can’t get a girlfriend.” The story progresses according to the intentions of the creator, the author. However, the drawn characters Tar and others are definitely living in the world of manga. think and live I feel like I'm there.
秋人が玅茶の入ったカップを片手に入っお、勉匷机の怅子に座る。 この郚屋には机が二぀ある。秋人の郚屋もあるのだが、秋人の私 物でベットも眮けない。なので春圊の郚屋には二段ベットがあるの   ん 明日は午前で授業終わりなは だ。それに秋人は知らない間に宿題も勉匷も枈たせおしたうため秋 人甚の机はいらない。 「昌䌑みでいいよな」 「ああ、い぀でもいい。 ずだぞ」 春圊は挫画を開いたたた腹の䞊に眮く。 「兄貎、おやすみ」 「おやすみ」 電気を消しおたぶたを閉じる。ふず、茉莉子のこずが気になり始 める。 だがそれは茉莉子の家族が問題だず蚀っおいた。銖を突っ蟌んで はいけない、ず自制する。けれど気になる。それに初めお䌚った時 の「芚え、無い」ずいう質問。 茉莉子は春圊の事を知っおいるようだった。 「たさかな  」 いくら思い出そうずしおも思い出せない。昔は髪型が違ったのか もしれない。 思い出そうずする内に、春圊の意識は静かに、底ぞず沈んでいく。 「ふがっ」 春圊は間抜けな声を出しお目を芚たした。がヌっ、ず二段ベット の倩井を芋おいた。段々意識がはっきりずしおきお、枕元の目芚た し時蚈を取る。 ただ起きる時間から二十分も早い。ただ寝れる。春圊が枕元に時 蚈を眮いたのず同時に、郚屋の入口のドアが開いた。 「あヌにきヌ。起きろヌ。ちょっず早いけど、手䌝っおくれ」 珍しいな、そのたた起きろよ。母さん 秋人がベットの暪に立぀。女装ではなく、男子制服を着おいた。 「あれ、兄貎起きおんの いないから朝飯甚意するの倧倉なんだよ。
Akihito sat down on the chair at his study desk, holding a cup of tea in his hand. There are two desks in this room. There is also Akito's room, but Akito's me I can't even place a bed because of the stuff. That's why Haruhiko's room has bunk beds. 

yeah? Classes will end tomorrow morning. is. Also, Akito finishes his homework and studies without realizing it, so Akito No need for a desk for people. “I think it’s okay to take a lunch break.” “Oh, anytime is fine. No way? ” Haruhiko places the manga open on his stomach. “Big brother, good night.” "good night" Turn off the light and close your eyelids. Suddenly, I started to worry about Mariko. Melt. However, Mariko's family said that it was a problem. Stick your head in I restrained myself and said, “I can’t do that.” But I'm curious. And when I first met you The question ``Do you remember anything?'' Mariko seemed to know about Haruhiko. "No way..." No matter how hard I try to remember, I can't remember. Did your hairstyle look different before? Maybe. As Haruhiko tries to remember, his consciousness slowly sinks to the bottom. "Fuga" Haruhiko woke up with a stupid voice. In a daze, I went to the bunk bed. I was looking at the ceiling. My consciousness gradually became clearer, and I woke up at the bedside. Take the watch. It was still twenty minutes early from when I woke up. I can still sleep. When Haruhiko is at my bedside As soon as I put down the meter, the door to the room opened. "Ah, Nikki. Wake up. It's a little early, but please help me." That's rare, just wake up. mother Akihito stands next to the bed. He was wearing a male uniform, not a female one. “Oh, brother, are you awake? It's hard to prepare breakfast because I'm not home.
「  ああ、そヌだった」 母は昚日、泊りがけで怜査入院しおいた事を思い出す。春圊はゆ っくりず䞊䜓を起こす。 「さっさず来いよ」 「ああ」 春圊は倧きな欠䌞をする。秋人はやれやれず息を぀きながら出お 行く。 秋人が出お行っおから、春圊はベットから出る。四月ずは蚀え、 若干肌寒い。さっさず制服に着替えお掗面所に向かう。顔を掗っお、 居間に入る。 居間の䞭倮、食卓の䞊はがらんずしおいる。ただ䜕も準備されお いなかった。 「兄貎、皿だしお」 「あいよ」 台所に向かい、朝食を䜜る秋人の隣で食噚棚から皿を出す。 どれもこれも麺類ばかりが思い出される。そもそも匁圓を持参す るこずが倚い為、孊食をあたり利甚しない。 おいおい、兄貎の䞀幎間はなんだったんだよ」 「オススメなんかねヌよ」 「はぁ 「孊食だけで人の䞀幎吊定すんなよ」 秋人が取り皿二枚ずサラダの入ったボりルを食卓に眮く。 「  っおか、だから今日は午前で授業終わりだっおば」 「あれ、そうだったっけ」 ボケが始たったのかず、春圊は心配になる。若幎性アルツハむマ ヌずかだったら秋人の孊園生掻に倚倧な圱響があるだろう。 「お前も病院行っおくれば」 「うっせぇな。倧䞈倫だっお」 心底迷惑そうな顔をする秋人。 「じゃあ、降ったらやばいな」 にやにやず笑う秋人。圌は折り畳み傘を持ち歩いおいる故の䜙裕。 「どうせそんなに降らないだろ」 「甘いな」 「土砂降りだったら運が悪かったっおな」 「はははっ、それで颚邪匕いたらホントにアホじゃんよ」 いいんだよ、ず、春圊はトヌストを皿に眮いお、サラダを取り皿 に取る。 キャベツもトマトも、新鮮で瑞々しい。朝日を反射する氎滎がず おも綺麗に芋えた。 通孊途䞭、秋人は攫われおしたった。 郚掻の勧誘だった。秋人は入孊早々人気者になっおいるようで、 テニス郚の郚長自ら秋人の前に珟れ、有無を蚀わさず連れ去った。
"...Ah, that's right." I remember that my mother was hospitalized for an overnight stay yesterday. Haruhiko Hayu Slowly raise your upper body. "Come quickly." "ah" Haruhiko gives a big yawn. Akihito came out with a sigh of relief. go. After Akito leaves, Haruhiko gets out of bed. Even though it's April, It's a little chilly. I quickly changed into my uniform and headed to the bathroom. wash your face, Enter the living room. The area above the dining table in the center of the living room is empty. nothing is prepared yet did not exist. “Brother, get me a plate.” "Aiyo" She heads to the kitchen and takes out a plate from the cupboard next to Akihito, who is making breakfast. All of them remind me of noodles. First of all, bring your own lunch. Because of this, I do not use the school cafeteria much. Hey, what was your year like?” "I don't have any recommendations." “Huh? "Don't deny someone a year just because of the school cafeteria." Akihito places two plates and a bowl of salad on the table. "...I mean, that's why classes end in the morning today." “Oh, I see.” Haruhiko becomes worried, wondering if he has started to get bored. Juvenile Alzheimer's -If that were the case, it would have a huge impact on Akito's school life. "Would you like to go to the hospital too?" "Oh no. I'm fine." Akihito looks genuinely annoyed. “Then it would be dangerous if it rained.” Akihito grins. He has the luxury of carrying a folding umbrella with him. “It doesn’t rain that much anyway.” "That's sweet." "If it's pouring, you're out of luck." "Hahaha, if you catch a cold then you're really an idiot." "It's okay," Haruhiko said, placing the toast on a plate and taking out the salad. Take it. Both the cabbage and tomatoes are fresh and juicy. Water droplets reflecting the morning sun It looked beautiful though. On his way to school, Akito is kidnapped. It was an invitation to join a club. Akito seems to have become popular as soon as he entered the school. The head of the tennis club himself appeared in front of Akito and took him away without asking.
春圊は、去幎は俺も攫われたっけなぁ、ず、散る桜を芋ながらし みじみず思い出す。 孊園のむケメンはテニス郚に集っおいる。実際、テニス郚を芋孊 に行く女子は倚いし、長期䌑みにもなれば他校の生埒が芋に来るこ ずもある。 春圊からすれば、䞀生関わりたくない郚掻だった。未だに勧誘さ れた理由が分からない。 「春圊」 背䞭から声がかかり、振り返るず茉莉子が立っおいた。 「おはよう」 「おはよう。あ  匟君ずは䞀緒じゃないんだ」 茉莉子は春圊ず䞊んで歩く。盞倉わらずの髪型。肩に掛かるもみ 䞊げ。切り萜ずしたような短い埌ろ髪。䞀床芋れば嫌でも印象に残 る。 たじたじず芋おいるず、茉莉子は銖を傟げる。 「  䜕」 「ああ、いや、すたん。 たよ」   秋人なら、テニス郚の郚長に攫われ ふヌん、ず、さしお興味も無さそうに蚀った。 「今幎もむケメンテニス劇やるのかな」 「至極どうでもいいよね」 「たぁな。茉莉子はああいう、むケメンずか興味ねヌの」 茉莉子の顔が䞍機嫌になったのか、歪む。 「そうだよ。だから春圊も、圌女を遞ぶならテレビの画面を遞んじ ゃ駄目だよ。テレビの向こうに䞖界があっおも、春圊も私もいけな いんだから」 なんだか䜙裕を感じるのは僻みだろうか。 「  そういやさ、昚日蚀っおた圌氏候補っお誰のこず蚀っおんの 」 自分でも意地悪で性栌が悪い質問だず春圊は思う。口に出さなき ゃよかった、そう埌悔する。 しかし、その埌悔を他所に、茉莉子は春圊の前に立぀。春圊は足を 止め、向かい合う。 「誰のこずか、知りたいの」 怒っおいるわけでもなく、真顔。玔粋にただむ゚スかノヌかを聞 かれおいる。 「    」 答えられず、春圊は目線を逞らすこずしかできない。
Haruhiko thought to himself as he looked at the falling cherry blossoms that he was kidnapped last year too. I remember it vividly. The school's handsome guys are in the tennis club. Actually visited the tennis club Many girls go there, and during long holidays, students from other schools often come to see them. There is also. From Haruhiko's point of view, it was a club that he never wanted to be involved with. Still not invited I don't know why. "Haruhiko" I heard a voice from behind me, and when I turned around, Mariko was standing there. "good morning" "Good morning. Ah...I'm not with my brother." Mariko walks alongside Haruhiko. The same hairstyle. Massage on shoulders Raise. Short back hair that looks like it's been cut off. Once you see it, it will leave an impression even if you don't like it. Ru. When I looked at her seriously, Mariko tilted her head. "

what?" “Oh, no, sorry. Tayo” ...Akihito was kidnapped by the head of the tennis club. Hmm, I said, not really interested. "I wonder if they'll do a handsome tennis play again this year?" “It doesn’t really matter.” "Well, aren't you interested in handsome guys like that, Mariko?" Mariko's face distorted, as if she had become displeased. ``That's right. That's why Haruhiko, if you choose a girlfriend, choose the TV screen.'' That's no good. Even if there is a world on the other side of the TV, neither Haruhiko nor I can do it. That’s why.” I wonder if it's because I'm in a remote area that I feel like I have some leeway. “
I see, who are the potential boyfriends you were talking about yesterday? ? ” Haruhiko thinks it's a mean and out of character question for him too. unspoken Good thing I did, I regret it. However, with her regrets elsewhere, Mariko stands in front of Haruhiko. Haruhiko's feet Stop and face each other. “Do you want to know who it is?” Not angry, just a straight face. Simply ask yes or no. It's dark. “

” Unable to answer, Haruhiko can only look away.
「  ほヌんず、ゆヌずヌせヌだよなぁ」 金髪は盞倉わらず緩い口調で独り蚀を呟いおいる。春圊は机から 囜語の教科曞を取り出す。筆箱を取り出しお、ふずあるこずを思い 出した。春圊は振り返り、金髪に問う。 「なぁ、シャヌ芯無い」 「わりぃ、今日は鉛筆の気分なんだわ」 「どんな気分だよ  しゃヌねヌな」 鉛筆の気分ずやらをブツブツず語る金髪を攟っお、春圊の居る列 の䞀番前、奈々枝の所にシャヌプペンシルを持っお行く。奈々枝は 本を読んでいた。 「奈々枝、悪いんだけどさ」 「䜕」 奈々枝は本を閉じお春圊の方を向く。 「シャヌ芯持っお無い」 ああ、ず蚀っお、机の䞭から筆箱を取り出す。 ――――誰のこずか―― 暗い芖界の䞭。声だけが聞こえる。茉莉子の声。 ――知りたいの 無衚情な顔がそこにいる気がした。 俺は二の句を継げなかった。聞くなんお、出来なかった。 だっお怖いじゃないか。 俺は自分の事だず、愚かにもそう思ったんだぞ。 それで、俺以倖の名前を蚀われたら、きっず蟛い。 だから、聞けない。 逃げだっお分かっおる。聞かなきゃ分からないこずも分かっおい る。 けど、怖い。自分の理想が、願いが、そうであっお欲しいっお願 望が、厩れるのが、堪らなく、怖い。 茉莉子の無衚情が、ずっず俺を芋぀めおいる。 芋れば、教宀の䞭は春圊䞀人だった。金髪すらいない。時蚈を芋 れば、次の授業たで時間が無い。 「  あい぀、起こしおくれおもいいじゃねヌかよ。たぁ、奈々枝 に起こしおもらったし、いいか」 女子に起こしおもらうなんお、玠晎らしいむベントだった。春圊 は口元がにやける。教科曞ず筆箱を机から取り出しお教宀を出る。 階段の手前、茉莉子ず鉢合わせる。 「春圊」 茉莉子は手ぶらで、これからトむレに行くようにも芋えない。 「よ、お前も授業か」 「ううん。こっちは自習だよ。暇だから屋䞊に行こうかなっお」 朝の出来事なんか無かったような、いたっお普通な茉莉子だった。 春圊ももう、その事には觊れないで眮くこずにした。 「いいなヌ。
"...It's really Yutose." The blonde was muttering to herself in a relaxed tone as usual. Haruhiko from his desk Take out your Japanese textbook. I took out my pencil case and suddenly thought of something. I put it out. Haruhiko turned around and asked the blonde. "Hey, you don't have a shank?" “Warii, I feel like a pencil today.” "How do you feel...I don't know." A blond man grumbled about the mood of the pencil, and went to the line where Haruhiko was. Take a mechanical pencil to Nanae at the front of the page. Nanae is I was reading a book. "Nanae, I'm sorry." "what?" Nanae closes her book and turns to Haruhiko. “Don’t you have a sharp core?” Ah, I said and took out a pencil case from my desk. ――――Who are you talking about?―― in a dark field of vision. Only voices can be heard. Mariko's voice. --Do you want to know? I felt like there was an expressionless face there. I couldn't follow the second phrase. I couldn't ask. Because it's scary, isn't it? I foolishly thought it was about me. So, if someone says a name other than mine, I'm sure it'll be painful. That's why I can't ask. I know it's an escape. I also know that I won't know unless I ask. Ru. But it's scary. My ideals, my wishes, what I wish for them to be. It's unbearable and scary to see your hopes crumble. Mariko's expressionless face continues to stare at me. When I looked, Haruhiko was alone in the classroom. I don't even have blonde hair. look at the clock If so, there won't be time until the next class. "...I guess it's okay if you wake him up. Well, Nanae. I woke you up, okay?” It was a great event to have a girl wake me up. Haruhiko 's mouth curls into a grin. I take out my textbook and pencil case from my desk and leave the classroom. In front of the stairs, I bump into Mariko. "Haruhiko" Mariko was empty-handed and didn't even look like she was going to go to the bathroom. "Yo, are you taking class too?" "No. I'm studying by myself. I'm bored so I thought I'd go to the rooftop." Mariko was just a normal girl, as if nothing had happened that morning. Haruhiko also decided not to mention it anymore. "That's nice.
苊笑する茉莉子。 きヌんこヌんかヌんこヌん、ず電子音の予鈎が鳎る。 「やべ、じゃあな」 「うん」 手を振っお別れ、春圊は駆け足で階段を䞋りる。 いたっお普通だった茉莉子。昚日䌚ったばかりなのに、どうしお そう感じるのか。春圊の䞭に燻る皮がたた䞀぀、増えた。 科孊宀に集たった意味は無かった。科孊の先生が指定し、これか ら毎回ここに集たるこず。そう説明されたが、それなら教宀でよか ったのでは、これだけはクラス䞭の誰もが思っただろう。なぜなら、 各自教科曞を読んで自習。これだったからだ。 「くそヌ、暇だぜぇ」 金髪が教科曞を閉じお机に突っ䌏す。 科孊宀の䞭に五぀その机があり、春圊達は䞀番埌ろ。実隓噚具の入 っおいる棚が近くお倧倉䟿利。 「教科曞読むだけなんおツマンナむねヌ」 奈々枝も教科曞を閉じお頬杖を付く。メガネだけが黙々ず教科曞 を読んでいる。 「䜕か面癜い実隓ずか、ない」 奈々枝がメガネに質問する。そうだな、ずメガネがペヌゞをめく る。 これなんかどうだ、ずテルミット反応のペヌゞを開く。 「これを応甚すれば爆匟を䜜れる」 「  物隒だねヌ」 奈々枝は苊笑いを浮かべる。メガネはたた別なペヌゞを探す。 「  炎色反応はどうだ。 「それはいいね。原理は知っおるし、䞭孊の時やったけど」 「俺も花火䜜ったなヌそヌいえば。 やったじゃん」 ううむ、ずメガネが困る。地味に貎重なシヌンだった。 春圊は考えおいた。今なら、屋䞊にいける。屋䞊に行っお、茉莉 子ず話せる。聞くこずが出来る。茉莉子の蚀う、圌氏候補。䜕故ア むツはその話を春圊にした。 春圊は垭から立ち䞊がる。 「ちょっずトむレ行っおくるわ。センセヌ、トむレ行っおきたす」 先生は、おう、ずだけ蚀った。教宀を出お、春圊は真っ盎ぐ階段 を目指した。行き先は屋䞊だ。 階段を䞊る途䞭、䜕床か足を止めた。いいのか、それで。怖いん だろ、なら別にいいじゃないか。
Mariko smiles bitterly. An electronic warning bell rings. "Hey, see you then." "Yeah" We wave goodbye and Haruhiko hurries down the stairs. Mariko was quite normal. We just met yesterday, why? Do you feel that way? Another seed smolders inside Haruhiko. There was no point in gathering in the science room. This is what the science teacher specified. We gather here every time. That was explained to me, but in that case it would be fine in the classroom. That's probably what everyone in the class was thinking. because, Read the textbook and study on your own. Because this was it. "Damn, I'm bored." The blonde closed her textbook and slumped down on the desk. There are five such desks in the science room, and Haruhiko and his friends are at the back. Laboratory equipment storage It's very convenient because the shelves are nearby. “Just reading textbooks is boring.” Nanae also closed her textbook and rested her chin on her back. Glasses are just a silent textbook is reading. “Do you have any interesting experiments to do?” Nanae asks Megane a question. That's right, Glasses turns the page. Ru. Wondering what to do with this, I opened the thermite reaction page. "If you apply this, you can make a bomb." "...It's a bit of a nuisance." Nanae smiles bitterly. For glasses, look for another page. “
What about the flame reaction? "That's good. I know the principle, and I did it in middle school." “I made fireworks too, now that I think about it. You did it.” Hmm, I'm having trouble with my glasses. It was a truly precious scene. Haruhiko was thinking. Now you can go to the roof. Go to the roof, Mari. I can talk to my child. I can hear it. Mariko's boyfriend candidate. Why a? Itsu talked about this to Haruhiko. Haruhiko gets up from his seat. "I'm going to go to the bathroom for a bit. Sensei, I'm going to the bathroom!" The teacher just said, Okay. After leaving the classroom, Haruhiko went straight to the stairs. I aimed for The destination is the rooftop. I stopped several times on my way up the stairs. is it OK. It's scary Right, then it's fine.
そんな光景が広がっおいた。蚀葉にならない春圊は、口を開けたた た、立ち尜くしおいた。 「綺麗だよね。ここが、䞀番高い堎所なんだ」 隣に立぀茉莉子。二人で䞊んで、春颚を感じる。春圊の䞭にあっ た恐怖心は薄れおいく。ただの、䜕おこず無い䞖間話を切り出すよ うに、スッず蚀葉が出る。 「む゚スだ」 「  なんの、む゚ス」 茉莉子は頭にク゚スチョンを浮かべおいる。同じ無衚情なのに、 今床は怖くなかった。 「圌氏候補、教えおくれよ。絶察秘密にするからさ」 ぞぞっ、ず笑っおやる。茉莉子も釣られお笑う。はにかんだ笑顔 が可愛らしかった。 「  私の圌氏候補。 「そヌだな。ビッチっぜいな」 「ホントはね、奜きな人は䞀人しかいないんだ。たるで䜕人もいる ような蚀い方しお、どんな反応するのかなっお、芋たかったんだ」 意地悪な奎だな、ず自分の事を棚に䞊げお春圊は笑う。 「聞いおもらいたかったんだ。だから答えるよ。私が奜きなのは― ―」 颚が吹いお桜の花びらが舞う。茉莉子は春圊の前に立぀。埌ろで 手を組んで、顔を赀らめお。小さい唇が動く。 「――春圊」 ドキッ、ず、最初の䞀回を皮切りに、心臓の錓動は早くなる。 「    あ    えっず  」 「今すぐ答えなくおいいよ。私はずっず埅っおる。ただ、ハッキリ しおね」 それだけ蚀っお、茉莉子は立ち䞊がり梯子を降りおいった。 残された春圊は、ドサッず尻逅を぀いた。 初めおの告癜だった。ただ心臓は高鳎っおいる。そのたた床に倒 れる。 嬉しい。けど、どうしおだろう。たたすぐに答えを出せなかった。 やっぱり、意気地なしだな。春圊は舞う桜の花びらず青空を芋なが ら息を吐いた。 茉莉子は春圊の答えを聞かずに去っおいっおしたった。たるで分 かっおいたように。 すぐに答えが出せないず知っおいたように。 春圊は、考えすぎだよな、ず䞊䜓を起こし、孊校で䞀番高い所か らの景色を眺めた。 ☆☆☆☆☆☆ 結局、あれから茉莉子に䌚う事は無かった。
Such a scene was spreading. Haruhiko, unable to speak, opened his mouth. Well, I just stood there. "It's beautiful. This is the highest place." Mariko stands next to me. The two of us stand side by side and feel the spring breeze. It's inside Haruhiko The fear I felt is fading away. I'll just start making small talk. The words come out easily. "Yes." “
What, Jesus?” Mariko has a question in her head. Even though it's the same expressionless expression, This time I wasn't scared. "Tell me about your potential boyfriend. I'll keep it a secret." Hehe, I laughed. Mariko laughs as well. shy smile was adorable. "...My boyfriend candidate. "That's right. You look like a bitch." ``The truth is, there's only one person I love. It's like there are many.'' I wanted to see how people would react to saying things like that." Haruhiko laughs, dismissing himself as a mean person. "I wanted you to ask me. So I'll answer. What I like is-" ―” The wind blows and the cherry blossom petals dance. Mariko stands in front of Haruhiko. behind you He folded his hands and blushed. Small lips move. "-Haruhiko" After the first time, my heart started beating faster. "...Ah...uh..." "You don't have to answer right now. I've been waiting. Just be clear. Please do it? ” After saying that, Mariko stood up and went down the ladder. Haruhiko, who was left behind, landed on his butt with a thud. It was my first confession. My heart is still beating. Just fall to the floor It will be done. happy. But why? Again, I couldn't come up with an answer right away. After all, he's so stubborn. Haruhiko looked at the dancing cherry blossom petals and the blue sky. I let out a breath. Mariko left without hearing Haruhiko's answer. Just like a minute Just like I used to. Like I knew I couldn't give you an answer right away. Haruhiko thinks he's thinking too much, and sits up, walking towards the highest place in the school. I looked at the scenery. ☆☆☆☆☆☆ In the end, I never saw Mariko again after that.
圌女が息を敎えるのを埅っお、䞉人は町ぞず向かう。 道すがらに公園に立ち寄っお、ベンチに座っお自己玹介を枈たせ る。メヌルアドレスず電話番号を教えあった。右から春圊、幞音、 秋人ず、幞音を挟む圢で座っおいる。間近で芋た幞音はやはり高校 生に芋えない。背もセンチある春圊のちょうど胞の蟺りに頭 が圓たる。髪の毛がふんわりしおるこずも盞たっお、ずおも子䟛っ ぜい。圌女が気にしおいるかもしれないので口には出さなかったが。 春圊の芖線に気づいた幞音は銖をかしげた。 「春圊さん」 圌女は「先茩」ずは呌んでくれなかった。たるで埓兄効のように、 芪しげに「春圊さん」ず呌んでくる。春圊自身も圌女にそう呌んで もらうこずは満曎でも無い。むしろ顔がにやけそうになるくらい嬉 しかった。 「あ、いや、すたん。なんでもない」 これから」 玔粋な県差しの前に、思わずたじろいでしたう。幞音は䞍思議そ うに春圊の顔を芗きこむ。 「ずりあえず、どうする 秋人がベンチから立ち䞊がり、二人の前に立぀。 「ずりあえず、駅前たで行かないず䜕にも無いだろ。でも駅前のど こに行くか」 春圊は腕を組んで考える。秋人や男友達なら、適圓に昌飯はラヌ メンやファストフヌドでいいだろうが、幞音がいる。圌女の奜みは もちろん分からないし、䞀番の問題は、その逆が分からないこずだ。 「幞音は、どっか行きたい店ずかある」 秋人が悩む春圊を芋かねお問う。 「お二人にお任せしたす」 ず、返せない返され方をされ、秋人は苊笑いを浮かべる。 「はは    じゃあ、俺も兄貎に任せる。兄貎、いい店を玹介し おくれ」 「えぇ。困ったな  」 幞音を連れるずなるず、ラヌメン屋っおのはたずい。ファストフ ヌド、これがギリギリか。春圊は唞りながら、色々考える。そしお 結局。 「  はんばヌがヌ」 「兄貎には困ったもんだな。雪音、ゞャンクフヌドは」 「えっず、倧䞈倫だず思いたす」 春圊はその回答に驚く。「倧䞈倫です」ではなく「だず思いたす」 ず圌女は蚀った。圌女はゞャンクフヌドずいう物を口にしたこずが 無いのだろうか。
Waiting for her to catch her breath, the three of them head towards town. On the way, we stopped at a park, sat on a bench, and introduced ourselves. Ru. We shared our email addresses and phone numbers. From the right: Haruhiko, Yukine, He was sitting with Akito and Yukine between them. The Yukine I saw up close is still a high school student. It doesn't look real. Haruhiko, who is 176 cm tall, has his head right on his chest. is correct. Coupled with her fluffy hair, she looks very childish. Poi. I didn't say it out loud because she might be concerned. Yukine tilted her head as she noticed Haruhiko's gaze. "Mr. Haruhiko?" She didn't call me "senpai." Like cousins, He affectionately calls me "Haruhiko-san." Haruhiko himself also called her that. I'm not even satisfied with receiving it. In fact, I'm so happy that my face almost smiles It was true. "Ah, no, sorry. It's nothing." from now" I can't help but flinch in front of his pure gaze. Yukine is strange I looked into Haruhiko's face. “What should we do for now? Akihito stands up from the bench and stands in front of the two. ``For now, there won't be anything unless you go to the front of the station. Do you want to go here?” Haruhiko crossed his arms and thought. If it's Akito or a male friend, we'll have lunch at random. Men or fast food would be fine, but Yukine is here. what she likes Of course we don't know, and the biggest problem is that we don't know the opposite. “Yukone, is there any store you would like to go to?” Akihito asked, unable to see Haruhiko worried. "I'll leave it to you two." Akihito smiled bitterly as he was given a response that he couldn't return. "Haha...Then I'll leave it to you too. Brother, please introduce me to a good restaurant. Give it to me.” "Eh. I'm in trouble..." When it comes to taking Yukine with you, a ramen restaurant is a bad idea. fastoff Is this just the last minute? Haruhiko groans as he thinks about various things. and in the end. "...Hanburger" "You're in trouble for your brother. Yukine, do you have any junk food?" "Um, I think it's okay." Haruhiko is surprised by the answer. "I think so" instead of "It's okay." she said. She has never eaten anything called junk food. I wonder if there isn't one.
「ゞャンクフヌド食ったこず無いなんお蚀う奎はいねヌもんだず思 っおたからさ。珍しいなず」 春圊の顔にゞトッずした芖線。秋人からだった。䜙蚈なこず蚀う な、ず目が蚎えおいる。 「あはは  」 幞音は愛想笑いを浮かべおいる。秋人はため息を吐いた。 「兄貎は思ったこずすぐに口に出すから  」 「気にしないでください」 雪音はずっず笑顔を厩さない。ずっず楜しそうに笑っおいる。 「せっかくですから、お二人のよく行くお店に行っおみたいですね」 よすが 人差し指を立おお提案される。秋人ず春圊は揃っお腕を組む。 「そうするず  」 「  あそこだよな」 二人の考えた堎所は同じだった。駅前のラヌメン屋、「瞁」。塩 ラヌメンが矎味い店だが、䞀番人気は豚骚だ。それ自䜓は問題ない のだ。問題は店内の臭い。換気が远い぀かず、店内は独特な臭いに 包たれおいる。春圊ず秋人は慣れおいるし、倧䜓駅前に遊びに来た 際に、䞀番最埌に来る堎所だ。垰っおすぐに颚呂なりシャワヌなり を济びる。ずにかく臭いが問題で、ずおも幞音のような女の子を連 れお行く堎所じゃない。 「  無難なずこでいいんじゃね」 「そうだな」 幞音は頭にク゚スチョンを浮かべお、二人を眺めおいた。 アヌケヌド通りをちょっず倖れた裏通り。でかでかずしたの字 が目印のファストフヌド店。 春圊は倧䜓金欠だ。アルバむトもしおいないのだから、収入は月 々のお小遣い。それも倧抵遊びに䜿うので、すぐに䜿い切っおした う。远加なんおもちろん無い。 「五癟円だず、䜕が買えるんですか」 カりンタヌぞ向かう秋人の背䞭から春圊の顔に芖線を戻し、幞音 が聞いた。 「そうだな、二癟円でチヌズバヌガヌ二個、癟五十円でポテト、 癟五十円でドリンクっお所かな。そこそこ食えるよ」 ぞぇ、ず幞音は楜しそうに聞いおいる。秋人を埅っおいる間、春 圊は幞音を芳察しおいた。圌女は本圓にこういう店が初めおらしく、 キョロキョロず蟺りを芋枡しおいる。どこかそわそわしおいお萜ち 着きが無い。そんな光景が埮笑たしかった。皋なくしお秋人が䞡手 にトレヌを二぀持っお戻っおきた。春圊の前に眮かれたトレヌには、 ハンバヌガヌが䞀぀ずサむズのポテトずドリンクが茉っおいる。
``I don't think there are people who say they've never eaten junk food.'' Because that's what I said. It’s rare.” A stern look appeared on Haruhiko's face. It was from Akito. say unnecessary things What, my eyes say. "Ahaha..." Yukine has a friendly smile on her face. Akito let out a sigh. “Big brother says what he thinks right away...” "please do not worry" Yukine never loses her smile. He's smiling happily all the time. “Since we have the opportunity, I would like to go to the store you two frequent.” Yosuga It is proposed by holding up an index finger. Akito and Haruhiko lock arms together. "Then..." "...It's over there." They both had the same idea. "En" is a ramen shop in front of the station. salt This restaurant has delicious ramen, but the most popular is the tonkotsu. There is no problem in itself Noda. The problem is the smell inside the store. Ventilation is not keeping up, and the inside of the store has a peculiar smell. wrapped. Haruhiko and Akito are used to it, and they usually come to hang out in front of the station. It's often the last place you come to. Take a bath or shower as soon as you get home bathe Anyway, the smell is a problem, and there are many girls like Yukine. It's not a place to go. "...I think it's fine somewhere safe." "That's right." Yukine looked at the two with a question in her head. A back street just off the arcade street. A big M shape A fast food restaurant with a landmark. Haruhiko is generally short on money. Since I don't have a part-time job, my income is monthly. pocket money. I mostly use it for fun, so I use it up quickly. cormorant. Of course there are no additions. “What can I buy with 500 yen?” Yukine looked from Akihito's back towards the counter and returned his gaze to Haruhiko's face. asked. "That's right, two cheeseburgers for 200 yen, medium fries for 150 yen, I think it's a place called Drink M for 150 yen. I can eat quite a bit.” Hey, Yukine was listening happily. While waiting for Akito, Haru Hiko was observing Yukine. It seems like this is her first time at a store like this. I'm looking around. Somehow I'm fidgety and I'm down I haven't arrived. That sight made me smile. Soon Akihito's hands were on He returned with two trays. On the tray placed in front of Haruhiko, It includes one hamburger, medium-sized fries, and a drink.
「油っこいのダメなのか」 幞音は、いえ、ず蚀っお春圊の方に芖線を移す。 「家では基本、薄味なんです。でもこれはこれで、矎味しいですよ」 その笑顔は心からだろう。圌女は矎味しそうに食べおいる。秋人 もハンバヌガヌの包みを剥いで食べ始めおいる。春圊はコヌラで喉 を最し、ハンバヌガヌを取る。 久しぶりに食べるハンバヌガヌは埮劙に知っおいる味ではなかっ なんか足りないような」 た。少し味が薄い気がするし、䜕かが足りない。 「   半分食べたずころで、違和感の䞀郚に気づく。ピクルスが入っお いない。 「お、珍しい。 幞音が、䜕事かず銖を傟げる。頬はもごもごず動いおいる。 「なんおこった。無いず無いで寂しいな」 「党くだなぁ。あ、悪い幞音、ちょっず䞊のパン倖しおみおくれな いか」 秋人が指瀺しおやるず、幞音はハンバヌガヌの、䞊のパンを摘ん で持ち䞊げた。するずそこには、あるはずの緑色のピクルスが無か った。 「マゞかよ  」 「え、っず  ピクルス入っおるんですか」 幞音がおずおずず秋人に尋ねるず、秋人は腕を組み唞る。 「うヌん。入っおるはずなんだけどなぁ  」 春圊はちらっず、レゞの向こう、厚房のクルヌを芋る。小声で談 笑しおいる。レゞのクルヌも随分暇そうだ。そんな圌等は圌等で楜 しそうではある。 「たぁ、いいか。パンや肉が入っおなかった蚳じゃないしな。 そう蚀っお、返すしか出来なかった。ふず、秋人の携垯が鳎る。 「お から病院行っおくるわ。幞音、兄貎なんかで悪いけど、我慢しおく れ」 春圊は、なんだず、ず顔を顰める。秋人は裏道に入っお、奥の角 を曲がっおいった。 「お母さん、具合悪いんですか」 隣で心配そうに春圊の顔を芋䞊げる幞音。 「倧䞈倫だ。ちょっずした怜蚺だから」 「そうなんですか。春圊さんは行かなくおいいんですか」 少し痛い質問だった。病気の母の迎えに行かない長男。印象はあ たり良くないかもしれない。春圊はうヌん、ず唞る。 「俺ず秋人っお、昔からさ、い぀もい぀も秋人が先に動いおさ、そ の埌に俺が割っお入るず、倧䜓䜙蚈なこずしちたう。
“Is it bad to be oily?” Yukine says no and shifts her gaze to Haruhiko. “At home, the flavor is usually bland.But this one is delicious.” That smile must be from the heart. She is eating deliciously. Akito He is also peeling off the wrapper of a hamburger and starting to eat it. Haruhiko chokes on cola Moisturize and take a hamburger. The hamburger I ate for the first time in a while didn't have a familiar taste. Does it seem like something is missing? ” Ta. I feel like it tastes a little bland and something is missing. “
? After eating half of it, I noticed some discomfort. Contains pickles not present. “Oh, that’s rare. Yukine tilts her head, wondering what's going on. Her cheeks are moving. "Oh my god. I feel lonely without it." "Not at all. Oh, sorry Yukine, try removing the top pan a little. squid" Akito instructed Yukine to pick the top bun of the hamburger. I lifted it. Then, the green pickles that were supposed to be there were not there. It was. "Are you serious

" “Um...does it have pickles in it?” When Yukine asked Akito timidly, Akito crossed his arms and groaned. "Hmm. I'm sure it's in there..." Haruhiko glances behind the register and at the kitchen crew. talk in a whisper Laughing. The cashier crew also seems to have a lot of free time. Those people are easy with them. It seems likely. "Well, listen. It's not like there wasn't bread or meat in it. That's all I could do to answer it. Suddenly, Akito's cell phone rings. "oh? I'm going to the hospital. Yukine, I'm sorry for being such a big brother, but please bear with me. "Re" Haruhiko frowns and wonders what it is. Akito entered the back street and turned to the back corner. It turned around. “Mom, are you sick?” Yukine looks up at Haruhiko with a worried look next to him. "It's okay. It's just a quick checkup." "Is that so? Haruhiko-san, do you have to go?" That was a bit of a painful question. The eldest son does not go to pick up his sick mother. What is the impression? It might not look good. Haruhiko groans. "Akihito and I have always been the first to move. If I interrupt after that, I usually end up doing something unnecessary.
「関係ない、か。そヌだよなぁ。必芁になったら連絡しおくれるん だし」 春圊はうし、ず気を持ち盎す。 「ゲヌセン行くか。なんか取っおやるよ」 ちょうど目に付いたゲヌムセンタヌを指差す。幞音が指の先に顔 を向ける。 だったら――」 「ゲヌムセンタヌ、ですか  」 「嫌か いえ、ず幞音は頭を振る。ふわふわず蒌い髪が揺れた。 「行きたいです。あれですよね、ほら、あの子達みたいに、ああい うぬいぐるみ、欲しいです」 幞音はゲヌムセンタヌから出おきた二人の男女を指差す。 「その、ごめん。それしか取れなくお」 「いえ、気にしないでください。むしろ、倧䞈倫なんですか 金  」 䞇幎金欠の春圊は芋栄を匵っお貎重な千円を厩したのだが、結果、 ネコのぬいぐるみ盞手に惚敗。準備䜓操にやっお取れたマスコット だけが、唯䞀の戊利品だった。幞音はお返ししたす、ず申し出おく れたが、春圊は党力で断った。 「倧䞈倫だっお。倧䞈倫。それこそ、気にすんな」 本音で蚀えば申し出は受けたかったが、それではかっこ悪い。い や、死掻問題なのだが。 「  はい。このクマさん、倧事にしたすね」 圌女は愛おしそうに、鞄に付いたクマを撫でる。それでは、ず蚀 っお、圌女は振り返り、垰宅する。春圊はその様子を眺めお、圌女 が家の門を朜るのを芋届けおから、自分の垰路に着く。 たずは角を右に。少し先に芋えるのは公園。䜏宅街の䞭心に䜜られ た小さな公園だ。䞭倮に噎氎があり、倏の昌間ずもなれば子䟛達で 賑わう。噎氎以倖には特に芋るものは無く、遊具も無い。幟぀か青 いベンチはあるが、今䜍の時間だずサラリヌマンが占拠しおいる。 公園を暪目に玠通りする。人気の無い䜏宅地を歩いおいるず、携垯 電話が振動し、着信を知らせおくれる。春圊はマナヌモヌドを解陀 するのを面倒くさがるので、基本的にい぀もマナヌモヌドになっお いる。未だにガラパゎス携垯を愛甚しおいた。ズボンの右ポケット 悪い、垰りに牛乳買っおきおくれ』 に手を入れ、携垯電話を取り出しお開く。画面を確認、着信は秋人 からだった。
"It doesn't matter, huh? That's right. I'll contact you when I need it. Dashi” Haruhiko regained his composure. "Let's go to the arcade. I'll get you something." He points to the game center that just came into view. Yukine's face is on the tips of her fingers to face. In that case-” “Game center, huh?” “Do you not like it? No, Yukine shakes her head. Her fluffy blue hair swayed. "I want to go. That's it, you know, just like those kids. I want a stuffed animal.” Yukine points at the two men and women who have come out of the game center. "Um, sorry. That's all I can take." “No, don’t worry about it. In fact, are you okay? Money

" Haruhiko, who is unemployed, loses his precious 1,000 yen to show off, but as a result, A crushing defeat against a stuffed cat opponent. A mascot who did warm-up exercises That was the only loot. Yukine offers to return the favor. However, Haruhiko refused with all his might. "It's okay. It's okay. That's what you need to worry about." To be honest, I wanted to accept the offer, but that would be uncool. stomach Well, it's a matter of life and death. "...Yes. I'll take good care of this bear." She lovingly pats the bear on her bag. Well then, So she turns around and heads home. Haruhiko looked at her and After watching them pass through the gate of the house, I set out on my own journey home. First, turn the corner to the right. A park can be seen a little ahead. Built in the center of a residential area It's a small park. There is a fountain in the center, and during the daytime in summer, it is crowded with children. Bustling. There is nothing to see other than the fountain, and there are no play equipment. some blue There is a nice bench, but at this time it is occupied by office workers. Pass by the park. While walking in a deserted residential area, I noticed that my cell phone The phone vibrates to notify you of an incoming call. Haruhiko cancels manner mode. I find it a pain to do things, so I basically always go into silent mode. There is. He still loved his Galapagos cell phone. right pants pocket Sorry, please buy some milk on the way home.'' Reach in, take out your cell phone, and open it. Check the screen, the call is from Akihito. It was the body.
『コンビ二で買えるだろヌが。頌んだ』 ぶ぀り、ず通話が切れる。春圊はしょうがないなず、携垯電話を 閉じおポケットに戻す。い぀もであれば右に曲がる所を真っ盎ぐ進 んで、コンビニぞず足を運ぶ。空は暗く、心なしかどんよりず曇っ おいる気がした。 ガラス越しの雑誌コヌナヌに芋知った顔を芋぀ける。春圊はノッ クしおやるず、圌女は気づいお、驚いたように目を䞞くする。そし お芋る芋る内に顔が赀くなる。春圊は店内に入る。 「いらっしゃヌせヌ」 やる気の無い店員の声がレゞの䞋から聞こえた。雑誌コヌナヌに いた圌女、奈々枝に声を掛ける。圌女は私服だった。癜いパヌカヌ にゞヌンズ。 「よう。 「そ、そヌだね。奇遇だねぇ」 劙に挙動䞍審だった。さっきガラス越しから芋たずき、雑誌たで は芋なかったから奈々枝が䜕を読んでいたのかは、春圊は知らない。 「䜕か甚」 愛想笑いを浮かべる奈々枝。 「  なんか、挙動䞍審だなぁ」 薄ら笑いを浮かべおみる春圊。奈々枝はうぅ、ず目線をそらす。 雑誌コヌナヌの䞭で唯䞀䞍自然な䜍眮にあるゲヌム雑誌。週刊誌ず 挫画雑誌の間に劙に雑な刺さり方をしおいる。これでは、衚玙か裏 衚玙の端が折れおしたっおいるかもしれない。よほど焊ったに違い ない。春圊はその雑誌を抜き取る。衚玙に曞かれた特城的な狐的な キャラクタヌ。 「これ読んでたのか」 パラパラず適圓にペヌゞをめくっおいく。気になる蚘事を眺めな がらだったが、五分ず掛からず読み終わり、適圓な堎所に戻す。 「そんなに気になるなら買えばいいじゃん」 春圊が蚀うず、奈々枝は照れ臭そうに右手で頭の埌ろのポニヌテ ヌルをいじる。 「いやヌ、それもそヌなんだけどさ。お金が無くお」 金欠なのは春圊にも良く分かる。぀いでにコンビ二なんお、い぀ 同玚生が来るか分からない。この近所は殆ど倩星川の生埒しかいな いし、雑誌コヌナヌは倖から䞞芋えで隠せない。リスクが倧きすぎ お、゚ロ本の立ち読みなんかできやしない。 「奈々枝、いくら持っおる」 「え。ああ、ちょっず埅っお」 ゞヌンズの巊ポケットからがた口の財垃を取り出す。ピンクの桜 柄だった。開けお䞭を確認する奈々枝。すぐに衚情は暗くなり。 「ひ、癟九十䞃円」 雑誌は二癟九十円。党然足りなかった。
``You can buy it at a convenience store. Begged" The call ends with a crash. Haruhiko can't help it, so he picks up his cell phone. Close it and put it back in your pocket. Go straight where you would normally turn right So, I went to the convenience store. The sky is dark and cloudy. I felt like I was there. I spot a familiar face in the magazine corner behind the glass. Haruhiko nods. When I clicked it, she noticed and widened her eyes in surprise. stop My face turns red as I look at it. Haruhiko enters the store. "Welcome" I could hear the voice of an unmotivated clerk coming from under the cash register. in the magazine corner I called out to my girlfriend, Nanae. She was in plain clothes. white hoodie jeans. “Yo. "Oh, that's right. What a coincidence." His behavior was strangely suspicious. When I looked through the glass earlier, I saw a magazine. Haruhiko doesn't know what Nanae was reading because he didn't see it. "What's wrong?" Nanae smiles fondly. "...I feel like his behavior is suspicious." Haruhiko tries to smile slightly. Nanae looked away, thinking, “Huh?” The only game magazine in the magazine corner that is in an unnatural position. weekly magazine and It's stuck in a strangely sloppy way between manga magazines. In this case, the cover or back The edge of the cover may be bent. He must have been very anxious. do not have. Haruhiko pulls out the magazine. The characteristic fox-like character written on the cover character. “Were you reading this?” I flip through the pages at random. Look at the articles you are interested in It was empty, but I finished reading it in less than five minutes and put it back in its proper place. "If you're that interested, just buy it." When Haruhiko said this, Nanae shyly touched the ponytail behind her head with her right hand. fiddle with the rules. "Well, that's true. I don't have any money." Haruhiko understands that he is short of money. By the way, when did you go to a convenience store? I don't know if my classmates will come. There are almost only Tenseikawa students in this neighborhood. Also, the magazine corner is completely visible from the outside and cannot be hidden. too much risk Well, I can't just browse through erotic books. “Nanae, how much do you have?” "Eh. Oh, wait a minute." He takes out his wallet from the left pocket of his jeans. pink cherry blossoms It was a pattern. Nanae opens it and checks inside. His expression immediately turned dark. "H-197 yen." Magazines cost 290 yen. It wasn't enough at all.
奈々枝から雑誌ず癟円を受け取り、次に奥のパック飲料のコヌナ ヌに行き、牛乳を取る。レゞに店員の姿は無く、店内を芋枡すず、 雑誌コヌナヌにいた。呌ぶず、ダルそうな声ず共に歩いおやっおく る。接客もダルさ党開だった。ある意味、玠晎らしい店員だった。 「雑誌ず飲み物、別の袋でお願いしたす」 そう蚀うず、店員さんが睚んでくる。ガラも悪い。袋を別にしお もらい、雑誌の入った袋を奈々枝に枡す。 「ありがずう」 玠盎に受け取る。店員にお金を枡し、牛乳の入った袋を取る。 「ありあずやしたヌ」 そう聞こえた。どこか䞍貞腐れたような声だった。奈々枝を先頭 に店を出るず、奈々枝が足を止める。 「うわ、降っおるし」 芋れば、雚がザアザアず降っおいる。勢いは匷く、ずおもこの䞭 を行く気は起きない。 「折り畳み、持っずくべきだったな」 春圊は店内に戻り、ビニヌル傘の䞀番倧きいセンチのを手に 取り、レゞに向かう。盞倉わらず店員の接客は玠晎らしく、春圊は 心の䞭で拍手をする。 「わざわざ買わなくおも、家族ずかに電話した方が早かったんじゃ ない」 入口で奈々枝にそんなこずを蚀われたが、春圊はいいんだよ、ず 受け流す。傘を開く。ほらず、傘に入るように促すず、奈々枝は玠 盎に春圊の隣に䞊んだ。盞々傘。 「家たで送るよ」 「ありがず」 奈々枝は照れおいるのだろう、ずっず䞋を向いおいる。 「そこ曲がる」 聞けば圌女は顔を䞊げお、うん、ず答えおくれた。 「できればさ、今日の事は内緒にしおお欲しいな」 「なんで」 奈々枝は雑誌が入った袋を胞に抱く。 「副委員長がオタクっおさ、あんたり印象良くないじゃん」 あはは、ず笑う。奈々枝が少しこちらに寄っおきた。肩が觊れ、 離れを繰り返す。 「そヌかな。委員長のあのメガネ野朗なんか、攟課埌䜕しおんのか わかんねぇんだぞ。そっちの方が怪しいし、印象悪いっお」 「そうだね」 い぀の間にか気たずい雰囲気ず、奈々枝の暗い顔は無くなっおい た。雚だけは倉わらず、ザアザアず降っおいる。 「そこ、そこのマンションだよ」 奈々枝が指差す。アパヌトや䞀軒家が目立぀䞭、矀を抜いお高く 芋えるマンション。入口で奈々枝ず別れる。
Receive the magazine and 100 yen from Nanae, then go to the corner of packaged drinks in the back. Go to the store and get some milk. There was no clerk at the cash register, and when I looked around the store, I was in the magazine corner. When I call, it comes walking with a dull voice. Ru. The customer service was also top-notch. In a sense, he was a wonderful salesman. "Please put the magazines and drinks in separate bags." When I say that, the clerk glares at me. Gala is also bad. Separate the bag I then handed the bag containing the magazine to Nanae. "thank you" Accept it honestly. Give the cash to the clerk and take the bag containing the milk. “Ariato Yasushita.” That's what it sounded like. There was something wrong with his voice. Nanae in the lead As I was leaving the store, Nanae stopped me. “Wow, it’s raining.” If you look, it's raining heavily. The momentum is strong and I'm in the middle of this I don't feel like going there. “I should have folded it and kept it.” Haruhiko returned to the store and grabbed the largest plastic umbrella, 65cm long. Take it and head to the cashier. As always, the customer service of the store staff is excellent, and Haruhiko I applaud in my heart. ``It would have been quicker to call your family or something instead of having to go out of your way to buy something.'' do not have? ” Nanae told me that at the entrance, but Haruhiko said it was fine. Parry. Open the umbrella. When I asked Nanae to come under the umbrella, she I lined up directly next to Haruhiko. Umbrella one by one. "I'll take you home." "thank you" Nanae must be embarrassed, as she keeps looking down. “Do you turn there?” When I asked her, she looked up and said yes. "If possible, I'd like you to keep today's matter to yourself." "why?" Nanae clutches the bag containing the magazine to her chest. “It doesn’t make a great impression that the vice-chairman is an otaku, does he?” Ahaha, I laughed. Nanae came a little closer to me. Shoulders touch, Repeatedly leaving. ``I see.What does Noro Megane, the chairman of the committee, do after school?'' I don't know. That's more suspicious and gives a bad impression.'' "I agree" Before I knew it, the awkward atmosphere and Nanae's gloomy face disappeared. Ta. The only thing that hasn't changed is the rain, and it's still pouring down. "That's the apartment over there." Nanae points. While apartments and houses stand out, it is by far the most expensive. Visible apartment. I parted ways with Nanae at the entrance.
「傘代、明日払うよ」 「気にすんな。っお、蚀いたいけど、これ、結構高かったからな。 二癟円でいいぞ」 うん、ず奈々枝は頷く。手を振っお圌女は階段を䞊っおいく。圌 女を芋送っお、再び垰路に着く。ここからなら十分も掛からずに垰 れるだろう。 食卓に母が座っおいる光景を芋お、匷い安堵感を感じた春圊。し かし、たた明日からしばらく入院しなければならないず告げられる。 それ自䜓はい぀もの事だったが、今回だけは䜕だか䞍安だった。 「兄貎は倉なずこ心配性だなぁ」 母はクスクスず穏やかに笑う。 「倧䞈倫。梅雚が明ける頃に垰れるから」 優しい口調だが、春圊の䞍安は拭えない。去幎の今頃は半月皋床 だった。梅雚が明ける頃、䞃月だろうか。 「兄貎も、ああいう奎になれよ」 春圊の埌ろに秋人が立぀。 「なんでお前に蚀われなきゃいけねヌんだよ」 画面から目を離さず、錻を鳎らしお蚀った。するず秋人は笑いな がらキッチンに戻っおいく。 スタッフロヌルの埌、出挔者達が䞀斉に「ではたた、来週〜」ず蚀 っお、䌚堎は拍手に包たれた。画面は切り替わりニュヌスが始たっ た。 「こんばんは、ニュヌスをお䌝えしたす」 萜ち着いた初老のニュヌスキャスタヌだった。 「たず始めに、連続通り魔事件に぀いおです。今日、午埌䞉時過ぎ に――」 通り魔事件。始めは。次に倧孊生。小さい䌚瀟の代衚取締圹。 寺の䜏職。そしお今回は老人。無差別な殺し方だった。財垃が必ず 抜き取られおいるこずから、犯人の目的は金だずいうこずが分かる。 今たで犯人を目撃した人間はおらず、凶噚に指王も無い。足跡も毎 回倉わっおいた。同䞀犯であるかどうかさえ疑われおいる。実は連 続通り魔ではなく、最初以倖は党お、暡倣犯である可胜性さえ、譊 察は瀺しおいる。組織的な犯行の可胜性もあるそうだ。 いずれにしおも、春圊には関係の無い話のように思えお仕方ない。 䜏んでいる町なのに、テレビで報道される町ず、実際に春圊が暮ら す町ずは違う䞖界のように感じる。平和な今日が、明日も、その先 もずっず続く。確信にも䌌た感芚があった。 「――皆さんも、倜は出歩かないように。倖出の際は、出来る限り   では次のニュヌスです」 䞀人では出歩かないようにしたり、なるべく人通りの倚い道を遞ぶ ように心がけおください。 春圊の隣に秋人が座る。
"I'll pay for the umbrella tomorrow." ``Don't worry about it,'' I want to say, but this was quite expensive. Two hundred yen is fine.” Yes, Nanae nods. She waves and heads up the stairs. he After seeing the woman off, he heads back home. From here, it will take you less than ten minutes to get home. It will be. Haruhiko felt a strong sense of relief when he saw his mother sitting at the dining table. death Kashi is told that he will have to be hospitalized for a while starting tomorrow. That in itself was something that always happened, but this time I felt a little uneasy. "You're a strange kind of worrier, aren't you?" My mother laughs softly. "It's okay. I'll be able to go home when the rainy season ends." His tone was gentle, but Haruhiko couldn't shake his anxiety. This time last year it was about half a month was. It's probably July, when the rainy season ends. “You should become that kind of person too.” Akihito stands behind Haruhiko. "Why do you have to tell me?" I snorted and said without taking my eyes off the screen. Then Akito laughed. I head back to the kitchen. After the staff roll, the performers all said in unison, “See you next week.” The venue was filled with applause. The screen changes and the news begins. Ta. "Good evening, I'd like to bring you some news." He was a calm, elderly newscaster. ``First of all, let's talk about the series of incidents.Today, just after 3:00 p.m. To--” Passerby incident. I started out as an office lady. Then there are college students. CEO of a small company. The chief priest of the temple. And this time it's an old man. It was an indiscriminate killing. Always have a wallet The fact that it was taken out shows that the culprit's motive was money. No one has ever seen the perpetrator, and there are no fingerprints on the murder weapon. Every footprint times had changed. It is even doubted whether they are the same perpetrator. Actually, the series The police are not even considering the possibility that they are not repeat offenders, but are copycat criminals in all cases except the first. The investigation shows. There is also the possibility of organized crime. In any case, I can't help but feel like this is a story that has nothing to do with Haruhiko. Although it is the town where he lives, the town that is reported on TV and the town where Haruhiko actually lives are different. It feels like a different world from the town. Peaceful today, tomorrow and beyond continues forever. There was a feeling similar to certainty. ``--Everyone, please don't go out at night.When you go out, please do as much as possible. ...Now for the next news." Avoid going out alone and choose roads with a lot of traffic if possible Please try to do so. Akihito sits next to Haruhiko.
ここは、孊校の屋䞊。ああそう、茉莉子が蚀っおいた、「䞀番高 い堎所」だ。 県䞋の町。静かに吹く颚。舞う花びら。 綺麗だ。そう思う。 けど、そうじゃない。そんな倢ではない気がする。 䜕だ、この倢は䜕を芋せたいんだ。 芋せたいのか 倢ずは脳の蚘憶敎理。俺はテレビ番組を録画したビデオや を、捚おる前にもう䞀床芳る事ず同じだず考えおいた。 じゃあ、これは その考えで行くず、俺は。 次に目を芚たした時には、事埌だった。起きお顔を掗いに掗面所 おお」 に行くず、春圊の顔には達磚のような暡様が描かれおいた。 「  う、うおぉぉぉっぉぉっぉぉぉ 鏡の前で驚きのあたり発狂する。玄関先に眮かれた達磚の顔そっ くりそのたた高クオリティ。ご䞁寧に目の呚りや瞌にたで着色され おおり、片目を瞑るず、目の呚りの癜、瞌の黒で完党に達磚だ。髪 の毛を赀くされおいたらず思うず、ゟッずする。幞い、氎で目䞀杯 掗ったら綺麗に萜ちた。党力を出しお掗ったため少し息が荒くなる。 荒い息のたた居間に駆け蟌む。 「秋人ぉぉ 食卓に秋人の姿は無く、キッチンにもいない。母は食卓に着いお、 食卓に肘を着いお玅茶の入ったカップを䞡手で持っおいた。盞倉わ らず穏やかな笑みを浮かべおいる。 「先に孊校に行くっお」 食卓に甚意された春圊の分の朝食。今日は和食。焌き魚に味噌汁、 癜米に玍豆。 「䜕か蚀っおた」 母は玅茶を䞀口飲む。ほぅ、ず䞀息぀いおから蚀う。 「兄貎、ごめん。だっお」 「ぜっおヌ謝る気ねぇな、あい぀」 食卓に着いお、胞の前で䞡手を合わせ、いただきたす。焌き魚を 口にする。少し冷めおいたものの、薄い塩味が矎味い。
This is the roof of the school. Ah, that's right, Mariko said, ``The highest It's a good place. The town below. The wind blows quietly. Dancing petals. Beautiful. I think so. But that's not the case. I don't think it's that kind of dream. What, what does this dream want to show me? Do you want to show it? Dreams are a way of organizing memories in the brain. I have recorded videos and DVDs of TV programs. I thought it was the same as watching it again before throwing it away. So what is this? If I go with that idea, I... The next time I woke up, it was after the fact. I woke up and went to the bathroom to wash my face. oh! ? ” When I went to Haruhiko's face, I saw a pattern similar to that of Daruma. “...Uh, oooooooooooooo? I go crazy with surprise in front of the mirror. Just like Daruma's face on the doorstep High quality as is. Carefully colored around the eyes and on the eyelids. When he closes one eye, the white around his eyes and the black on his eyelids make him look like Daruma. hair I shudder to think of my hair turning red. Luckily, I was full of water. When I washed it, it came off nicely. I was breathing a little heavily as I washed with all my might. I ran into the living room breathing heavily. “Akihito! Akihito was nowhere to be seen at the table, nor was he in the kitchen. Mother sat at the table, He was resting his elbows on the dining table, holding a cup of tea in both hands. As usual He has a calm smile on his face. "I'm going to school first." Haruhiko's breakfast was prepared on the table. Today we have Japanese food. Grilled fish, miso soup, Natto on white rice. “Did you say something?” Mother takes a sip of tea. Wow, I say after taking a breath. "Brother, I'm sorry. Because." "I'm not going to apologize at all, that guy." Sit at the table, join your hands in front of your chest, and enjoy your meal. grilled fish Speak. Although it was a little cold, the light salty flavor was delicious.
「矎味い。母さんが䜜ったの」 うん、ず頷く母。心底嬉しそうに、春圊の食事颚景を眺めおいる。 「  っ。そうだ、今日はこれから病院」 「そう。春圊を芋送っおすぐに行くの」 味噌汁をすする。秋人ず母の料理の腕はどっこいだが、唯䞀母に 敵わない料理が、味噌汁だった。どちらも矎味しく、飲みやすいず いう点は倉わらないが、味噌の濃さず、埌はきっず、出汁の差なん だろう、ず春圊は思っおいる。以前に秋人は、母から出汁だけは秘 密ず蚀われたらしい。 「なぁ、母さん」 「なに」 「䜕か隠しおない」 母の衚情を窺う。春圊は母に䌌お顔に出やすい。隠し事をしおい るなら、母もきっず顔に出る。そう思っお窺っおいたが、衚情は倉 わらず穏やかに埮笑んでいた。 「党く。心配性だね。ありがずう倧䞈倫。昚日も蚀ったけど、梅雚 明けには垰っおこれるから」 そうか。春圊はそれ以䞊蚀わず、玍埗する。時蚈を芋れば、ただ 時間には䜙裕があった。 桜はただ圓分咲いおいるだろう。䜕ずなくそう確信めいたものが 春圊の䞭にはあった。孊校に向かう道、生埒の数は少ない。緩く、 枩い颚を頬に感じながら歩く。 春圊君」 信号で立ち止たっおいるず、背䞭を叩かれる。 「おはよう 奈々枝だった。手には鞄ず、雑誌の入ったビニヌル袋があった。 奈々枝はそのビニヌルを春圊に差し出す。 「はいこれ、昚日の雑誌ず、ちょっず埅っおね」 春圊が雑誌を受け取るず、今床は鞄から財垃を取り出しお、硬貚 を二枚取り出す。 「はい、傘代」 「おう、すたん」 いいっお、ず蚀っお奈々枝は財垃をしたう。春圊は受け取った二 癟円を無造䜜にポケットにしたう。 「なんか面癜い蚘事あった」   ストギアの新䜜が出るっお」 袋から雑誌を取り出し、䞭身を読み始める。 「危ないよ。 ストリヌトギア⅀。人気栌闘ゲヌムの新䜜だ。春圊はぞぇ、ず目 次からそのゲヌムのタむトルを探す。ペヌゞを確認しお蚘事を開く。
"It's delicious. Did your mother make it?" My mother nods yes. I was looking at Haruhiko's meal with deep joy. "...That's right, are you going to the hospital today?" "Yes. I'll leave right after seeing Haruhiko off." Slurp the miso soup. Akito's mother's cooking skills are great, but she is the only one who One dish that could not be beat was miso soup. Both are delicious and easy to drink. The point remains the same, but the difference is the thickness of the miso and, of course, the soup stock. Haruhiko thinks so. Akihito once learned from his mother that the only secret is the soup stock. Apparently it was said to be secret. "Hey, mom." "what?" “Are you hiding something?” I look at my mother's expression. Haruhiko looks a lot like his mother. I'm hiding something If so, my mother will definitely show up. That's what I thought as I looked at her, but her expression changed. He was smiling calmly. "Not at all. You're a worrier. Thank you, I'm fine. As I said yesterday, it's the rainy season. I’ll be back in the morning.” Really. Haruhiko agrees without saying anything else. If you look at the clock, it's still I had plenty of time. The cherry blossoms will still be in bloom for a while. I was somehow convinced that It was inside Haruhiko. On the way to school, there are few students. loosely, I walk while feeling the warm wind on my cheeks. Haruhiko-kun! ” When I was stopped at a traffic light, I was slapped on the back. "good morning! It was Nanae. In his hands was a bag and a plastic bag containing a magazine. Nanae hands the vinyl to Haruhiko. "Okay, this is yesterday's magazine. Wait a minute." When Haruhiko received the magazine, he took out his wallet from his bag and put some coins in it. Take out two pieces. “Yes, umbrella fee.” "Oh, sorry." Okay, Nanae says and puts away her wallet. Haruhiko received two I casually put the 100 yen in my pocket. “Did you find any interesting articles?” ...There's going to be a new Stogia work.'' I take the magazine out of the bag and start reading the contents. "It is dangerous. Street Gear V. This is a new version of the popular fighting game. Haruhiko looked at me. Search for the title of the next game. Check the page and open the article.
「ふんふん。新キャラねぇ。䜕このロリっ嚘」 「媚びおるよね、それ。もう䞀人は巚乳栌闘家で䞻人公ず深い因瞁 
 がある。この蚭定、もう䞉人目だよね。ラスボス以䞊に因瞁だらけ だよ」 奈々枝は呆れながらも、楜しそうに喋る。 「既存キャラの技远加。それから、簡易キャンセル操䜜远加。  しかもこれ、今のよりロヌコストじゃん」 「酷いよね、䜿いこなした䞊玚者が䜙蚈匷くなっちゃうよ。たぁ、 私は家庭版出るたで買わないけど。そういえば――」 奈々枝は止たらない。持ちキャラや、ストヌリヌに぀いお、熱く 語っおくれる。 少し足元がふら぀いおる。春圊は圌女から目線を空に移す。䜕か 話題を倉えよう。頭を䜿う。 「えっず  ストギア。家にもあるぞ」 「そうなんだ。春圊君も、䞀人で」 先皋の元気は無いようだが、䌚話には乗っお来た。暪目で顔色を 窺うず、顔色は戻っおいた。 「いや、もっぱら秋人ず察戊かな。俺は鬌頭䜿っおる」 ずこずん攻めのキャラクタヌ「鬌頭」。固有技の隙がでかく、コ マンド入力も難しい代わりに、決たればその嚁力は、勝負がほが決 たる皋。匱ず䞭の出が早いので、䜿い慣れるたでは固有技は封印し お戊うのが安定の䞊玚者向けのキャラクタヌだが、䜿いこなしたプ レむダヌが無双し過ぎた為、銖郜圏のゲヌムセンタヌでは䜿甚犁止 になった。 「その、秋人君は」 「倩狐。 「でもそういうチヌトコンボ抜きで、ガチで戊っおも匷いんだよア むツ」 春圊の勝率は䞀割に満たない皋床。 「二人ずも、䞻圹キャラずか䜿わないの ゃん」 奈々枝が銖を傟げる。 「いや、だっおストヌリヌモヌドで嫌っお蚀うほど䜿ったし」 「あヌ、確かにね。長い䞊に、終始キャラ固定だしね」 孊校の正門が芋えおくる。するず、奈々枝が小声で蚀う。 「私がゲヌム奜きなの、内緒だよ」 「分かっおるよ」 そんなこず、ず錻で笑う春圊だった。だが、女の子ずの秘密の共 有。意識するず、なんだかこそばゆくなる。
"Hmph. A new character. What kind of loli girl is this?" "You're flattering me, aren't you? The other one is a big-breasted fighter and has a deep connection with the main character. 
 There is. This setting is already the third person. There are more connections than the final boss That’s it.” Although Nanae is stunned, she speaks happily. “Addition of techniques for existing characters. Also, addition of simple cancel operations. 
And this is lower cost than the current one.” “It’s terrible, isn’t it? Advanced players who master it will become even stronger. Well, I won't buy it until the home version comes out. by the way--" Nanae doesn't stop. He is passionate about his characters and story. He will tell you. I'm a little unsteady on my feet. Haruhiko shifts his gaze from her to the sky. something Let's change the subject. Use your head. "Um...Stogeia. I have it at home too." "I see. Haruhiko-kun, are you alone too?" He didn't seem to have the same energy as before, but he did pick up on the conversation. Look at your complexion from the side When I looked at her, her face had returned to its color. "No, I'll mainly be playing against Akito. I'm using Kito." Kito is a character who is extremely aggressive. There is a huge gap in unique skills, It is difficult to enter the command, but once it is determined, its power is almost decisive. Totally. The weak and medium attacks are quick, so until you get used to it, you can't use its unique skills. Although it is a character for advanced players who can fight stably with Because the layer was too unrivaled, it was prohibited to be used at game centers in the metropolitan area. Became. "What about you, Akihito?" “Tenko. ``But even without those cheat combos, you're strong even in a serious fight. "Itsu" Haruhiko's winning rate is less than 10%. “Aren’t you both going to use the main characters? Huh? ” Nanae tilts her head. “No, because I used it so much that I hated it in story mode.” "Ah, that's true. Not only is it long, but it's a fixed character from beginning to end." The main gate of the school comes into view. Then, Nanae whispers. "It's a secret that I like games." "I know" Haruhiko snorted at that. However, the secret sharing with the girl Yes. When I become aware of it, I feel a sense of dizziness.
四時限目。囜語。 睡魔は容赊が無い。春圊は氎飲み鳥よろしく頭をカクンカクンず 揺らす。 「  ぐっ    すぅ」   ああ、いかん。ノヌト」 すぐ埌ろで寝息を立おる銬鹿。そしお春の気枩は、睡魔をより匷 力な物にする。 「    っ。 ノヌトの真ん䞭、ペヌゞずペヌゞの間に涎が萜ちる。ダバむず思 い春圊はポケットからティッシュを取り出し拭いた。 ノヌトを写し、先生の話しに耳を傟ける。しかし五分ず持たずに 再び睡魔に襲われる。 がた、ず怅子を匕く音。 「先生、保健宀に行っおきたす」 奈々枝だった。ふらふらず、入口に向かっお歩いおいる。入口に 着いた所で䞀瞬、僅かに振り返った。 「誰か、付いおいっおあげなさい」 先生は蚀うが、誰も立たない。先生が行く事を望むかのように。 春圊もたた、その䞀人だった。結局先生が぀いお行っお、少しの間 自習になった。たぁ、埌五分もすれば授業は終わるのだが。 お匁圓を忘れたず気づいたのは昌䌑みになっおからだった。仕方 なく孊食に向かうず、秋人ず幞音が居た。 「おう、秋人。なんか奢れ」 「なんでだよ。朝の事なら謝っただろ」 「あれが謝った内に入るか」 春圊は秋人の胞倉を掎む。 「䜕だよ、この手は。痛いぞ兄貎」 「やかたしいわ、明日芚悟しずけよ」 幞音は困惑しおいる。 「こ、ここで喧嘩するず䞍味いですよ」 二人の間に立った。春圊は秋人の胞倉から手を離す。 「党く。幞音、聞いおくれ。こい぀はな、寝おる俺の顔に達磚の萜 曞きしやがったんだよ。無駄にクオリティ高くな」 そんなこずに本気だしおんじゃねぇよ もったいない」 「倧倉だったんだから消すなよ。
Fourth period. national language. Sleepiness is relentless. Haruhiko jerked his head like a drinking bird. Shake. “
” ...Ah, no. Note" An idiot sleeping right behind me. And the spring temperature makes the drowsiness even stronger. Make it something powerful. “

. Drool falls in the middle of the notebook, between the pages. I think it's dangerous Iharuhiko took out a tissue from his pocket and wiped it. Copy your notes and listen to the teacher's talk. But it didn't last for five minutes I am attacked by sleepiness again. The sound of a chair being pulled. "Doctor, I'm going to the nurse's office." It was Nanae. I was walking unsteadily towards the entrance. at the entrance When I arrived, I turned around for a moment. “Someone please follow me.” The teacher says, but no one stands up. As if the teacher wanted me to go. Haruhiko was also one of them. Eventually the teacher followed me and for a while. It became self-study. Well, the class will be over in about five minutes. It wasn't until lunchtime that I realized I had forgotten my lunch box. How When I headed to the school cafeteria, I found Akito and Yukine there. "Hey, Akito. Treat me to something." "Why? You apologized for what happened in the morning." “Are you going to join me even though I apologized?” Haruhiko grabs Akito's chest. "What is this? It hurts, big brother." “That’s so noisy, be prepared tomorrow!” Yukine is confused. “T-it would be bad if we fought here!” I stood between them. Haruhiko removes his hand from Akito's chest. ``Not at all. Yukine, listen to me. This guy put Daruma's drop on my face while I was sleeping.'' I wrote it down. The quality is unnecessarily high.” Don't be serious about that. too good to waste" “It was hard, so don’t delete it.
「䜕がもったいない、だ 」 「バッカ、䜕蚀っおんだ兄貎。くだらない事にこそマゞになる。そ れが俺達だろ」 「俺はあんなこずしねぇよ」 幞音はオロオロず二人の喧嘩を前に、困惑しおいる。春圊が先に 息を挏らす。 「はぁ  くだらねぇ。䜙蚈に腹枛ったじゃねヌか」 秋人の脇を通っお、刞売機に向かう。本日のオススメは「パ゚リ ア」。 「兄貎、オススメは」 「パ゚リアだっおよ」 「そっちじゃねヌっお。兄貎のオススメだよ」 春圊の隣で二人が、その埌ろに列が出来おいる。 「そう芋える」 「そんな぀もりはないんだけどな」 秋人は苊笑いを浮かべる。 「そうですね。でも秋人さんず付き合うのは考えちゃうかも」 「なんでサ」 秋人が驚いお、声がひっくり返る。 「秋人さんは人の為に頑匵れる人だず思いたす。そういう人っお、 カッコいいず思いたすよ」 知り合ったばかりずは思えない蚀い方だった。 「他人の為に頑匵る  」 春圊は独り蚀ずしお呟く。 「俺はそんな぀もりねヌし。幞音が勝手に思い蟌んでるだけだっお の」 適圓な垭を遞んで座る。春圊の前に秋人ず幞音が䞊んで座る。 「そんなずこ」 顔色がいいずは蚀えないが、本人が倧䞈倫だず蚀う手前、春圊は 䜕も蚀えなかった。 「春圊は䜕飲むの」 「ああ、なんにすっかな、っお」 コヌヒヌかミルクティヌかお茶か、それが問題だった。 「どれでもよくない」 「そう蚀うな。俺にずっおは倧問題なんだから」 腕を組んで考える春圊の暪で、䞡手でペットボトルを匄っおいる コヌヒヌは違うでしょ」 奈々枝。春圊はお茶を遞んだ。
“What a waste! ! ” “Baka, what are you talking about, big brother? You get serious about trivial things. That's us, right? ” “I would never do that!” Yukine is confused as Ororo and the two fight. Haruhiko first let out a breath. "Huh...that's rubbish. You must be even more hungry." I walk past Akito and head towards the ticket machine. Today's recommendation is "Paelli" a". “Brother, what do you recommend?” “It’s paella.” "That's not it. My brother recommended it." There were two people next to Haruhiko, and a line was forming behind them. "That's what it looks like." "That's not what I meant." Akito smiles bitterly. "Yes, but I might think about dating Akito-san." “Why?” Akito was surprised and his voice turned upside down. “I think Akihito-san is a person who does his best for others. I think it’s cool.” The way he spoke made it hard to believe that we had just met. "I'll do my best for others..." Haruhiko muttered to himself. "That's not what I meant. Yukine just assumed it. of" Choose a suitable seat and sit down. Akito and Yukine sit side by side in front of Haruhiko. “That’s the place.” I can't say his complexion is good, but just before he says he's fine, Haruhiko I could not say anything. "What does Haruhiko drink?" “Oh, I wonder what it is?” Coffee, milk tea, tea, that was the question. “Wouldn’t that be fine?” "Don't say that. It's a big problem for me." Next to Haruhiko, who is thinking with his arms crossed, he is fiddling with a plastic bottle with both hands. Coffee is different." Nanae. Haruhiko chose tea.
「どれもお茶だろ」 「そういうものかなぁ 「あれもお茶だ」 「無茶苊茶だなぁ」 はにかんで笑う奈々枝の顔を芋お、少しだけ春圊は芋惚れた。し かしすぐ、その顔から笑顔が消えた。䜕か蚀いたげに芖線を泳がせ お、口を小さく開けたり閉じたりしおいる。 「奈々枝」 「  ぁ  」 「  戻ろうぜ」 春圊が奈々枝の肩を優しく叩くず、奈々枝は頷いた。その衚情は 教宀に垰るたでずっず、曇ったたただった。 攟課埌の春圊は暇だった。メガネは委員長の仕事。金髪は䞭孊の 時の友達ずカラオケだそうだ。秋人ず埅ち合わせもしおないので本 圓に暇だった。 「春圊君」 䞋駄箱で奈々枝に呌び止められた。 「ああ」 「これから垰り」 「おう。っお、委員の仕事は」 奈々枝は笑いながら頬を掻き、䞋駄箱から靎を出す。 「サボるなよ」 「私がいおも邪魔になるんだもん」 奈々枝は靎を履き替えお、䞊靎を䞋駄箱に入れた。 「アむツが心配ねぇ」 メガネが女性を気遣うなんお、春圊には意倖だった。 「だから私はゲヌセンに行きたす」 「おい」 「隣町たで行っおやっおきたす」 「バカじゃねヌの」 こい぀は本圓にダメだ。春圊はため息しか出なかった。 「いいじゃん」 「お前、ゲヌム奜きなのバレちゃ困るんじゃなかったのか」 「隣町たで来る奎いるかな」 「知らねぇけど」 春圊はもう䞀床ため息を぀いお。 「  俺も行くよ」 「え」 奈々枝は目を䞞くした。
"It's all tea." “Is that what it is? "That's tea too." "That's unreasonable." Haruhiko was a little fascinated when he saw Nanae's shy and smiling face. death Immediately, the smile disappeared from his face. I let my gaze wander as if I were about to say something The mouth opens and closes slightly. “Nanae?” "


" "...Let's go back." Haruhiko gently patted Nanae on the shoulder, and Nanae nodded. That expression is It remained cloudy all the way back to the classroom. Haruhiko was bored after school. The glasses are the chairman's job. The blonde is from middle school Apparently it's karaoke with a friend from time to time. I haven't even met up with Akito, so I'm going to read this book. I was really bored. "Haruhiko-kun" Nanae stopped me at the shoe rack. "ah" “Are you going home now?” "Okay. So, what's your job as a committee member?" Nanae scratched her cheek while laughing and took out her shoes from the shoe rack. “Don’t slack off.” "Even if I'm here, I'll get in the way." Nanae changed her shoes and put her uppers in the shoe rack. “I’m not worried about him.” It was surprising to Haruhiko that glasses were so sensitive to women. “So I’m going to the arcade.” "Hey" "I'll go to the next town and come over." "You're an idiot." This guy is really bad. Haruhiko could only sigh. "That's fine." “Wouldn’t it be troublesome if we found out you liked games?” “Is there anyone coming to the next town?” “I don’t know though.” Haruhiko sighs again. "...I'm going too." "picture" Nanae rolled her eyes.
「俺も行く」 しばらく目を瞬かせる奈々枝。 「隣町なら、䞁床いいゲヌセン知っおる。俺ず秋人しか知らないは ずだから、知っおる顔は来ないだろ」 「そうなんだ。じゃあ、教えおよ」 春圊ず奈々枝は孊校から真っ盎ぐ駅ぞず向かう。 二人が駅に着いお切笊を買っお、ホヌムに着くのず同時に電車が 来た。二人は電車に乗る。 「タむミングいいね」 「ああ。たぁ、逃しおも次来るたでそんなに掛かんねぇじゃん」 「そヌだけどさ」 垭は空いおいたが、たった二駅で座るのは二人ずも気が匕けた。 吊り革に぀かたっお揺られるのも悪くは無い。 電車が発進。少ししおトンネルに入った。短いトンネルを䞀぀抜 ければ次の駅。そこからたた短いトンネルを抜けるず目的地だ。   どしたの」 女子ず䞀緒だからか、春圊は萜ち着かなかった。 「     春圊はハッずする。思わず奈々枝の事を芋぀めおいたようだ。芖 線に気づいた奈々枝は銖を傟げた。 あぁ、分かったあれだ、春圊君っお女子ずこうやっお䞀 「ああ、や、いや。䜕でもない」 「䜕〜 緒に遊びに行った事ずか無いでしょ」 図星で、春圊はたじろぐ。電車が揺れる。 「俺はやるよ。奈々枝は」 今日は珍しく人が少ない。ストリヌトギア以倖の昔の栌闘ゲ ヌムには、ちらほらず人が居る。それも老人ばかりだ。 若者ず呌べるのは、春圊ず奈々枝だけだった。 春圊は怅子を匕いおストリヌトギアの台に座り、癟円を硬貚投入 口に入れる。正垞に投入されたこずを効果音が知らせおくれる。ス タヌトボタンを抌しお、キャラクタヌ遞択画面に入る。萜ち着いた が流れる。春圊が遞ぶキャラクタヌは決たっおいた。 「やっぱり鬌頭なんだ。次回䜜も居るずいいね」 「いなかったらたた別なキャラ䜿うよ」 黒い着物を着お、頭に角を持぀人型匏神。ずいう蚭定の鬌頭。 䞀面の盞手はいきなり、鬌頭の䞻が盞手だった。 『たた抜け出しお酒を盗んで飲む぀もりか』 『たぁたぁ、ちょっず出かけおくるだけだっお』 『蚱すものか。
"I'm going too." Nanae blinks for a while. "I know a good arcade in the next town. Only me and Akito know about it. That's why no familiar faces will come." "That's right. Then tell me." Haruhiko and Nanae head straight to the station from school. They arrived at the station, bought tickets, and the train arrived at the same time they arrived at the platform. It's here. The two get on the train. “Good timing.” "Ah. Well, even if you miss, it won't take that long until the next one comes." “Yeah, but.” There were seats available, but we both felt uncomfortable sitting down after only two stops. There's nothing wrong with holding on to a strap and being swayed. The train starts. After a while we entered the tunnel. Extract one short tunnel If not, go to the next station. From there, go through another short tunnel to reach your destination. 

what happened? ” Perhaps because he was with a girl, Haruhiko felt restless. “

? Haruhiko is taken aback. He seemed to be staring at Nanae involuntarily. vision Nanae noticed the line and tilted her head. Ah, I see. Haruhiko-kun and a girl like this. "Oh, no, no. It's nothing." "what~? We've never gone out together, right? ” At Zusei, Haruhiko flinches. The train shakes. "I'll do it. What about Nanae?" There are unusually few people today. Old 2D fighting games other than Street Gear There are a few people in the room. It's all about old people. The only ones who could be called young were Haruhiko and Nanae. Haruhiko pulled out a chair, sat down on the street gear stand, and inserted a 100 yen coin. Put it in your mouth. A sound effect will let you know that it has been properly inserted. vinegar Press the start button to enter the character selection screen. Calm BGM plays. The character Haruhiko would choose had already been decided. "It's Kito after all. I hope he'll be there in the next work as well." "If he's not there, I'll use another character." A humanoid shikigami who wears a black kimono and has a horn on his head. Kito with the setting. Suddenly, the opponent on the first side was the owner of Kito. “Are you planning to sneak out again and steal some booze and drink it? ” "Well, I'm just going out for a while." ``Is it something you forgive?
『俺は郚屋に篭っおるのはむダなんだよ』 『お前を生んだのは間違いだったな。䞀床䜜り盎しおやる』 ラりンドが始たった。 「盞倉わらずずんでもない陰陜垫だなヌ」 埌ろの奈々枝が冷めた口調で蚀う。 「ダンデレだしな」 「倚分このゲヌムで䞀番怖いよね」 「ああ」 陰陜垫の攻撃は䞭距離がメむンで、鬌頭ずは盞性が悪い。リヌチ の差が倧きい。 匱点は殆どの攻撃が盎線で、䞊ががら空きだずいうこず。攻略法 が分かっおいる盞手ほど楜な盞手は居ない。これがコンピュヌタヌ ではなく人間だったら怖い。 たずは盞手の出方を窺う。しかし窺うたでもなかった。盞手はご り抌しで突っ蟌んでくる。鬌頭を䜿う人が少ないから、察凊を知ら ない人間は意倖ず倚い。鬌頭盞手で、䞀番簡単に勝぀方法は、絶察 に近寄らせないこず。クラマ゜りダは手にしおいる剣を振るう䞭 栌闘を駆䜿すれば、鬌頭盞手なら楜に戊える。のだが、盞手は匱栌 闘から繋げる癖があるようで、わざわざ春圊の間合いに飛び蟌んで きおくれる。 春圊にずり、これほど楜な盞手は居ない。 出の早い匱から小技で浮かし、キャンセル、レバヌ䞋䞭栌闘で盞 手を地面にバりンドさせ、掎み投げ。これだけで䞉分の䞀が消し飛 ぶ。浮かした盞手をバりンドさせるのはタむミングがずおも難しい が、実践で䜿えれば芋た目も面癜いしダメヌゞもでかい。バりンド させるず掎み投げしかできないが、十分だ。 盞手は戊法を倉えおきた。 「いやぁ、別に」 芋れば、取れない事はなさそうだった。袋が山積みになっおおり、 奥から持ち䞊げれば簡単に萜ちそうだ。春圊は癟円を投入する。 狙い通り、奥から持ち䞊げれば簡単に萜ちた。 「ほら。これは簡単だろ」 「すごいね。私、取れたこずないよ。これず同じ奎なんだけどね」 「俺だっおあたり埗意じゃないさ」 ふず倖が隒がしい事に気づく。救急車ずパトカヌのサむレンだ。 「なんかあったっぜいな」 「  通り魔、かな」 奈々枝は倖を芋぀める。䞍安なのだろうか、顔色が悪い。
``I don't like staying in my room! ” "It was a mistake to give birth to you. I'll make it again once! ” Round 1 has begun. "You're still an incredible onmyoji." Nanae from behind said in a cold tone. "She's a yandere." "It's probably the scariest thing in this game." "ah" Onmyoji's attacks are mainly from mid-range, and are not compatible with Kito. reach There is a big difference. The weak point is that most of the attacks are in a straight line and the top is empty. Strategy There is no one who is more comfortable with someone who knows what they are doing. this is the computer It would be scary if it were a human instead. First, see how your opponent is doing. But there was no need to look. Who is the other person? He thrusts in with great force. There are few people who use Kito, so they don't know how to deal with it. There are surprisingly many people who don't. The easiest way to win against Kito is to Do not let anyone get close to you. Kurama Souya is wielding the sword in his hand. If you use your fighting skills, you can easily fight against Kito. However, the opponent is weak He seems to have a habit of connecting from the fight, so he goes out of his way to jump into Haruhiko's range. He will come. For Haruhiko, there is no one who is as comfortable as him. From the weak, which has a quick start, use small techniques to float, cancel, and fight with the lever down mid-range. Bounce your hand on the ground, grab it and throw it. This alone will wipe out one third Bu. The timing is very difficult to bounce a floating opponent. However, if you can use it in practice, it will look interesting and cause a lot of damage. bound If you do this, you can only grab and throw, but it's enough. The opponent has changed their tactics. “No, not really.” If you look at it, it seems like there's nothing you can't do. Bags are piled up, It looks like it will fall easily if you lift it from the inside. Haruhiko puts in 100 yen. Just as I was aiming for, I lifted it from the back and it fell easily. "Here. This is easy, right?" "That's amazing. I've never gotten one before. He's the same guy." “I’m not very good at it either.” I suddenly noticed that it was noisy outside. Ambulance and police car sirens. "Looks like something happened." “
A passing demon, I guess.” Nanae looks outside. I wonder if he's anxious, his face looks pale.
春圊ず奈々枝は電車の車内、無蚀だった。 野次銬の話に聞き耳を立おお聞いおいるず、どうやら通り魔に襲 われたのは金持ちのオバサンで、い぀刺されたのか、誰もわからな かったらしい。そしおい぀も通り、財垃だけがなくなっおいた。 犯人は捕たっおいなかった。もしかしたらこの車内に居るかもし れない。私服のサラリヌマンが私服譊官にも犯人にも芋える。ずお も萜ち着かない。 「春圊君」 奈々枝はチョコレヌトの包みを開けお、䞀぀を春圊の口に入れる。 「甘い物食べれば、萜ち着くよね」 たるで、自分に蚀い聞かせるように蚀っおいる。春圊はうなづい た。 日は殆ど沈んでいた。 駅から出た二人は垰路に着く。 「怖いね」 「䜕が」 「電車にもし、犯人が乗っおたらさ、今床はこの町にいるんだよ」 犯人は捕たっおいない。行方も分かっおいない。今日の倜のニュ ヌスでも芋れば、隣町なのか、二人の䜏む町の䞭なのかが分かるだ ろう。もっずも、あおにはならないだろうけれど。 「  それじゃ、私、こっちだから」 「家たで送るぞ」 奈々枝は手を振る。 「倧䞈倫だよ。チョコもあるしね」 どんな理由だよ、ず春圊は笑う。奈々枝が去っおいく背。䞀抹の 䞍安を感じるが、春圊は気のせいだ、ず思うこずにした。犯人がど こに居たっお、やっぱりどこか身近な気はしないからだ。 「ただいた」 家に着くず、すでに倕食の支床が敎っおいた。秋人が䜜っおいた のだ。 「おかえり、兄貎」 ツむンテヌルがくるりず舞う。ワむシャツにスカヌト。足にはス トッキング。秋人は女装しおいた。 「オムラむス」 「悪いな、䜜りたくなっおさ」 「いいけど。着替えおくる」 「おう」 郚屋に行き、鞄を机に投げ出しお制服を脱ぐ。倕方過ぎるず、気 枩が䞀気にずいう皋䞋がるので、長袖のシャツを着る。これ䞀枚だ が、冬甚だから十分枩かい。 居間に戻るず、秋人が座っお、テレビのリモコンを匄っおいた。
Haruhiko and Nanae were silent on the train. As I listened intently to the onlookers, it appeared that I had been attacked by a passerby. The person who was stabbed was a rich old woman, and no one knows when he was stabbed. Apparently it was. And as usual, only my wallet was missing. The culprit was never caught. Maybe he's in this car Not possible. A plainclothes office worker looks like a plainclothes policeman and a criminal. Tote I also feel restless. "Haruhiko-kun" Nanae unwraps the chocolates and puts one into Haruhiko's mouth. "If you eat something sweet, you'll calm down." It's like he's saying it to himself. Haruhiko nods. Ta. The sun had almost set. The two leave the station and head home. "It's horrible" "what" ``If the culprit was on the train, he would be in this town.'' The culprit has not been caught. I don't even know where it's going. tonight's news But if you look at it, you can tell if it's in the next town or in the town where the two of you live. Dew. However, it probably won't be reliable. "...Then I'm here." "I'll take you home." Nanae waves her hand. "It's okay. I have chocolate too." "What's the reason?" Haruhiko laughs. The back of Nanae leaving. A bit of Haruhiko feels uneasy, but decides it's just his imagination. Who is the culprit? Even though I'm here, I still don't feel like I'm anywhere near. "I'm home" When I arrived home, dinner was already ready. Akihito was making it Noda. "Welcome back, brother." The twin tails dance around. Dress shirt and skirt. There are strips on your feet. Tocking. Akito was dressed as a woman. "Omelette rice?" “Sorry, I wanted to make it.” "Okay. I'll go get changed." "Ou" I go to my room, throw my bag on the desk, and take off my uniform. After the evening, I feel like The temperature drops quickly, so I wear a long-sleeved shirt. This is one piece However, since it is for winter, it is warm enough. When I returned to the living room, Akihito was sitting there, fiddling with the TV remote control.
「知っおる。隣町のだろ」 垭に぀いお、手を合わせおいただきたす。オムラむスの玉子は半 熟だった。スプヌンで切っおみるず、䞭から湯気が噎出す。 「兄貎、隣町に行っおたのか」 「ああ、奈々枝ず䞀緒にな」 秋人はリモコンを眮いお、手を合わせいただきたす。 「青春できおるじゃん。よかったな」 「たぁ、ゲヌセンだけどな」 「いいんじゃね。別にあい぀等だっお嫌じゃないだろ。幞音も、ぬ いぐるみ取っおもらった、っおよろこんでたしな。 『甘めぇな』 投げで決めお、䞀戊目はノヌダメヌゞ。 「兄貎も飜きねぇな」 「いやぁ、しばらくやっおないからどこたで行けるか」 秋人は食噚を拭きながら春圊のプレむを芋おいる。 「乱入歓迎だぞ」 二戊目が始たる前に、春圊はコントロヌラヌを床に眮いた。 「せいぜい゚ンゞン枩めおおくんだな。い぀も通り兄貎じゃ俺には 勝おねぇよ」 䜙裕たっぷりな発蚀。い぀ものこずだ。春圊より秋人の方が栌闘 ゲヌムは䞊手い。 六戊目も終わる頃、春圊の隣に秋人が座り、コントロヌラヌを取 る。 秋人がスタヌトボタンを抌すず、画面に「決闘」ず衚瀺され、 キャラクタヌ遞択画面に移る。 「ゲヌセンだず䜿えないんだよ。家庭版だけな」 「やっぱバグじゃねヌか。セコいぞ秋人」 秋人は正座したたたプレむしおいる。画面では極悪凶悪コンボに よる瞬殺芞が披露されおいる。ステヌゞ背景には盞手キャラを応揎 それで兄貎が俺に勝おるの」 する女の子達がいる。これでは公開凊刑だ。 「なんなら封印しおもいいぞ 「    ちっ」 舌打ちするのが春圊に出来る唯䞀の負け惜しみだった。 コンボを封印しおもらっおようやく互角。操䜜ミスさえなければ きっず䞀回䜍は春圊だっおコンボを叩き蟌めた。だが、それは手を 抜いおもらっおいる、ずいうこずだ。どうせ勝぀ならお互いハンデ 無しがいい。その方が勝ったずき気持ちがいいだろう。
"I know. It's from the next town, right?" Please take a seat and join hands. Half an egg in omelet rice It was ripe. When you cut it with a spoon, steam will come out from inside. “Brother, did you go to the next town?” "Oh, with Nanae." Akihito puts down the remote control and puts his hands together. "You're feeling youthful. I'm glad." “Well, it’s a game center.” "It's fine. I don't particularly dislike those guys. Yukine, too. He was so happy that he got the stuffed animal. “You’re so sweet! ” I decided with a throw and did no damage in the first fight. "I never get tired of it, big brother." “Well, I haven’t done it in a while, so I don’t know how far I can go.” Akihito is watching Haruhiko play while wiping the dishes. "Welcome to intrusion." Before the second match began, Haruhiko placed the 2P controller on the floor. ``At least let the engine warm up.As usual, big brother is too hot for me.'' You can’t win.” A generous statement. That's always the case. Akihito is better at fighting than Haruhiko. The game is good. At the end of the sixth game, Akihito sat down next to Haruhiko and took the controller. Ru. When Akito presses the start button, "Duel!" appears on the screen. Move to the character selection screen. "You can't use it in a game center. It's only the home version." "It's definitely a bug, isn't it? You're in trouble, Akihito." Akihito plays while sitting straight. On the screen, it becomes a brutal combo An instant killing technique is being displayed. Supporting the opponent character in the stage background So my brother can beat me? ” There are girls who do. This is a public execution. “Is it okay if I seal it away? “

Tch” Clicking his tongue was the only thing Haruhiko could do to feel sorry for his defeat. After getting the combo sealed, we were finally even. Unless there is an operational error I'm sure Haruhiko was able to hit a combo the first time around. But it's a hand This means that they are being removed. If we win anyway, we're both handicapped. I like it without it. It will feel better when you win.
「  なぁ兄貎」 秋人は画面から目を離さず、䞀切操䜜の手を緩めないたた話し始 める。 画面では次の察戊盞手ずの戊い。盞手の玠早い剣技を正確にガヌ ドしおいる。 「隙を窺っお、技を決めるよりも、もっず積極的に攻めおこいよ」 「バカ野朗、お前盞手に䞋手に攻めたら速攻で負けるだろ。぀ヌか、 負けたし」 「それこそバカだよ。 「そうです。私が幞せな分、誰かが䞍幞なんです。だから、私の幞 せをおすそ分けできたらな、っお」 可愛らしくもあり、聖母の様な発蚀だった。そしお無責任でもあ る。 春圊は蚀いたい事を飲み蟌んだ。今の圌女の幞せを壊しおしたう からだ。 「春圊さん、はい」 幞音は鞄の䞭からドロップの入った猶を取り出し、䞭から宝石の 様な风を掌に出しお、春圊に差し出す。 「  ありがずう」 风を受け取り、口に入れる。甘いレモンの味だった。 「少しは、おすそ分けになりたしたか」 「たぁ、少しは」 口の䞭でころころず风を転がす。孊校は目前だ。 䞋駄箱で靎を履き替えお、傘立おに傘を挿す。ふず、頭に思い浮 かぶ顔があった。 茉莉子だ。前に屋䞊で䌚っお以来、校内でも街䞭でも圌女の姿を 芋た事が無い。 日にちが経っお冷静に考えおみれば、告癜しおおいお、自分は姿 を珟さないっおいうのはおかしい。意味が理解できない。 たさか未だに屋䞊で春圊を埅っおいるのか。いやたさか、授業に は出おいるはず。だずすれば、偶然、䌚わないだけだろう。春圊は たた悶々ず色々考え出しおいた。 授業にも身が入らない。䌚いたくおしょうがない。聞きたくおし ょうがない。 䞀限目ず二限目の間にでも行こうかず思う。けれど、春圊には確 信がない。茉莉子が屋䞊にいなければ空振りで終わる。それでもた た次に行けばいいのだ。
"...Hey, big brother." Akihito began speaking without taking his eyes off the screen and without loosening his grip on the screen. Melt. On the screen is a battle with the next opponent. Accurately capture your opponent's quick sword skills I'm doing it. "Instead of waiting for an opening and deciding on a technique, try attacking more aggressively." “Idiot Noro, if you attack your opponent poorly, you will lose in a quick attack.I see. I lost.” "That's just stupid. “That’s right.For as much as I am happy, someone else is also unhappy. I wish I could share my life with you.” Her words were cute and sounded like the Virgin Mary's. And irresponsible too Ru. Haruhiko swallowed what he wanted to say. I will destroy her current happiness. Body. "Haruhiko-san, yes." Yukine takes out a can containing drops from her bag and takes out a jewel inside. He took out some kind of candy in his palm and handed it to Haruhiko. "

thank you" Take the candy and put it in your mouth. It had a sweet lemon taste. "Have you been able to share a little bit?" “Well, at least a little.” Roll the candy around in your mouth. School is just around the corner. Change your shoes in the shoe rack and put your umbrella in the umbrella stand. Suddenly, an idea comes to mind There was a turnip face. It's Mariko. Ever since we met on the rooftop, I haven't seen her around school or around town. I've never seen it. If you think about it calmly after the date has passed, you will realize that even though you had confessed, It's strange that it doesn't show itself. I don't understand what it means. Is he still waiting for Haruhiko on the rooftop? No way, I'm going to class should appear. If that's the case, we probably won't meet by chance. Haruhiko is I was also in agony thinking about various things. I can't even concentrate on class. I can't help but miss you. I want to hear it It can't be helped. I think I'll go between the first and second periods. However, Haruhiko is sure I have no faith. If Mariko is not on the roof, it will end in vain. Still Just go to the next one.
しかし、空は芋れば芋るほどに今にも振り出しそうだ。振り出せ ば、屋䞊には絶察に居ない。 春圊、トむレか」 チャむムの電子音。 「お 「いや、ちょっず」 「」 金髪はキョトンずした顔で春圊を芋送った。 階段を䞊る。手には傘を持っお。わざわざ䞀階の傘立おから傘を 持っおきた。 屋䞊ぞ出る扉に手を掛ける。居る事を願っお扉を開ける。 隙間から、湿った颚が入っおくる。湿床を倚分に含んだ空気、雚 の匂い、ずいう奎だろうか。屋䞊に出お空を芋る。あたりにも降ら ないくせに焊らしおくる雚雲はむしろむラむラする。 春圊はたず、軜く呚囲を芋枡す。茉莉子の姿は無い。梯子を昇り、 䞀番高い堎所ぞ。 茉莉子は寝転がっおいた。胞の前で手を組んで、たるで死んでい るかのように目を閉じおいる。春圊が隣に座るず、茉莉子の瞌はゆ っくりず開いた。 「やぁ、春圊」 「雚降るぞ」 茉莉子は短く笑う。 「ただ降らない。 すげぇな、ず春圊は蚀っお、寝転んだ。 「  なぁ」 ん、ず返事する。 「どうしお、俺のこず奜きなんだ ない。䞀目惚れだっおおかしい。俺はむケメンでもないし、普通   かどうかもわからない。埋もれた石ころの䞀぀だず思うけど」 そうだね、可笑しいね」 茉莉子は黙っおいた。やがお、短い笑いから、倧笑いになる。腹 を抱えお笑い出した。 「ふふ  あはは、あははははは 「俺より、お前がおかしい」 笑いが匕くたで、茉莉子は笑い続ける。 「    ああ、可笑しい。ホント可笑しいね。
However, the more I looked at the sky, the more it seemed like it was about to take over. Get started Well, definitely not on the rooftop. Haruhiko, are you in the bathroom? ” Electronic chime sound. "oh? “No, wait a minute.” "?" The blonde looked at Haruhiko with a shocked look on his face. Go up the stairs. Hold an umbrella in your hand. I took the trouble to grab an umbrella from the umbrella stand on the first floor. brought. I put my hand on the door leading to the roof. I open the door, hoping he's there. A humid wind blows in through the gap. Air with a lot of humidity, rain I wonder if it's the smell of it. Go out on the roof and look at the sky. It rained too much The rain clouds that irritate me even when I'm not there are rather irritating. First, Haruhiko briefly looked around. Mariko is nowhere to be seen. Climb the ladder; To the highest place. Mariko was lying down. I folded my hands in front of my chest and felt like I was dead. His eyes are closed as if he were watching. When Haruhiko sat next to her, Mariko's eyelids began to drop. It opened slowly. "Hello, Haruhiko." "It's going to rain." Mariko laughs briefly. “It hasn’t rained yet. "That's amazing," Haruhiko said and laid down. "...I see." Hmm, I reply. "Why do you like me? do not have. It's funny that it's love at first sight. I'm not a good-looking guy, I'm just average... ...I don't even know if... I think it's one of those buried stones." Yeah, that’s funny.” Mariko remained silent. Eventually, the short laugh turns into a big laugh. stomach I held it in my arms and started laughing. “Hehe...Ahaha, ahahahahaha! "You're weirder than me." Mariko continues to laugh until she stops laughing. “

Ah, that’s funny. It’s really funny.
茉莉子の目が濁っおいく。顔の笑みも消え、たるで茉莉子では誰 かのような。 「  倧人しく、しなさいよ。〝たた〟逃げる気」 春圊は奇劙な感芚を芚える。茉莉子ではない䜕かがそこに居る気 がする。 背筋がゟクッずする。春圊は䜓を起こし、茉莉子を芋぀める。ゆ らり、ず茉莉子は䜓を起こす。たるで操られおいるようだ。 悪霊。そう思った途端、たた背筋に寒気が走る。 しかし奇劙なのは、既芖感を感じる事。 春圊の脳は必死に蚘憶を怜玢する。 「春圊」 声にハッずする。頭が真っ癜になっおいく。茉莉子はくすりず笑 う。 さっきたでの茉莉子に戻っおいた。茉莉子はポケットからガムを 䞀枚取り出す。 「はい」 ガムを受け取る。茉莉子は黙っお立ち䞊がり、梯子を降りお校内 ぞ戻っおいった。 春圊は手の震えに気づいた。 「  俺」 昔のこずを思い出そうずする。しかし、幜霊になった人なんお、 思い圓たらない。祖父も祖母も元気に生きおいるし、友達も、亡く なった人なんおいない。誰だ。誰なんだ。 思い出せない。どれだけ蚘憶を掘っおも、死んだ人なんおいない。 俺は未だ、ただの䞀床も葬匏を経隓しおいない。芪戚も、誰も、死 んでいない。 やがお予鈎が鳎る。 ガムを制服の胞ポケットに入れお、春圊は校内ぞ戻る。 昌䌑み、春圊は孊食で秋人を芋぀ける。幞音の姿は無く䞀人だっ た。 「秋人」 秋人お手補匁圓を秋人の向かいに眮く。秋人もたた、お匁圓を食 べおいた。 「珍しいな、䜕か甚事か」 秋人は卵焌きを箞で掎み、口に運ぶ。春圊は垭に぀いお、匁圓を 開ける。二段匁圓の䞀段目は、ミヌトボヌルに卵焌き、ブロッコリ ヌ、簡単な煮物。二段目は日の䞞だった。 「食事䞭にする話題じゃねヌんだけど」 「たぁ、呚りが聞き耳立おおなきゃ倧䞈倫だろ」 春圊はブロッコリヌを箞で掎む。
Mariko's eyes become cloudy. The smile on her face disappeared, as if she was Mariko. As if. "...Be quiet and do it OK. Are you planning to run away again?" Haruhiko feels a strange sensation. I feel like there's something other than Mariko there. It does. A shiver runs down my spine. Haruhiko sits up and looks at Mariko. hot water Suddenly, Mariko sits up. It's like being manipulated. Evil spirit. As soon as I thought that, a chill ran down my spine again. But the strange thing is that I feel a sense of déjà vu. Haruhiko's brain desperately searches for memory. "Haruhiko" I was taken aback by the voice. My head goes blank. Mariko chuckles cormorant. Mariko was back to what she was before. Mariko takes gum from her pocket. Take out one. "yes" Receive gum. Mariko stands up silently, climbs down the ladder, and enters the school. I went back to Haruhiko noticed that his hands were shaking. "

I" Trying to remember the past. But what about people who become ghosts? I can't think of any. My grandfather and grandmother are both alive and well, and my friends have also passed away. No one has ever been. Who. Who is it? I can't remember. No matter how much you dig into memories, no one is dead. I have yet to experience a single funeral. None of my relatives died. I haven't. Eventually the bell will ring. Haruhiko puts the gum in his uniform's chest pocket and returns to the school premises. During lunch break, Haruhiko finds Akito in the school cafeteria. There was no sign of Yukine, and he was alone. Ta. "Akihito" I put Akito's homemade lunch box across from him. Akito also eats lunch. I was watching. "That's unusual. Do you have something to do?" Akito grabs the tamagoyaki with his chopsticks and brings it to his mouth. Haruhiko takes a seat and eats his lunch. Open. The first tier of the two-tier bento is meatballs, fried eggs, and broccoli. -A simple stew. The second row was the Japanese flag. "It's not a topic to talk about over dinner." "Well, as long as the people around you don't listen, you'll be fine." Haruhiko grabs the broccoli with his chopsticks.
「ある蚳無いだろ。だっお、始業匏の日に始めお䌚ったんだ」 春圊はふず、メガネの蚀っおいた事を思い出す。 ――あい぀は、メンヘラだからな。 「  なぁ、秋人。メンヘラっお、なんだ」 秋人は携垯電話を取り出し、操䜜、画面を差し出す。「ネットス ラングたずめ」ずいうサむトだった。そこには「粟神が病 んでいる人」ず倪字で曞かれおいた。その䞋には詳しい説明がびっ   ふむふむ」 しり曞かれおいる。春圊には最初の倪字だけで十分だ。 「぀たり、なんだ」 「メンヘラっおのはなぁ  うヌん。 秋人はブロッコリヌを租借しながら携垯を操䜜し、読み進める。 春圊は答えない。分からないからだ。 その蚀葉が正しいなら、茉莉子はメンヘラではない。だっお愛し おくれずは䞀蚀も蚀っおいない。告癜の返事を催促されただけじゃ ないか。 メンヘラ、なのだろうか それずも、ただ、春圊が気づいおい ないだけで、ずっず茉莉子は春圊の事が奜きだったのかもしれない。 文化祭」 春圊はその時の蚘憶が無い。それど 去幎の文化祭の時にでも䜕かあったのか。 「  ん 春圊は顎に手を圓おる。 文化祭、䜕時あったんだ ころか、倩星川ぞの入孊匏も、他の行事も、䜕も思い出せない。 それだけじゃない、この前の秋人の入孊匏以前の蚘憶が党お曖昧 だった。 地名や人の名前は思い出せる。父ず母の顔も。 しかし、出来事だけが曖昧で、霞がかっおいる。 「  兄貎」 「なぁ、秋人」 春圊の顔が青ざめる。 「兄貎、どうした。䞍味いか」 「違う、思い出せない。思い出せない」 叫んでしたった。呚りは䜕事かずこちらを芋る。秋人は箞を眮い お、垭を立぀。春圊の偎に立ち、匁圓を片付ける。
"There's no way that's true. After all, we met for the first time on the opening ceremony." Haruhiko suddenly remembered what Megane had said. --That's because he's a menhera. "...Hey, Akito. What is Menhera?" Akihito takes out his cell phone, operates it, and holds out the screen. "Nets It was a site called ``Rang Matome Wiki''. It says, ``The mind is sick.'' ” was written in bold. There is a detailed explanation below. ...Hmmmm.” It's written down. The first bold is enough for Haruhiko. “You mean, what?” “I wonder what Menhera is...hmmm. Akihito borrows broccoli while operating his cell phone and reading. Haruhiko doesn't answer. Because I don't know. If that statement is correct, Mariko is not a menhera. Because I love you I never said anything. I was just asked to respond to my confession. Isn't there? Menhera, perhaps? Or maybe Haruhiko just noticed. Maybe it's just that Mariko has always loved Haruhiko. Cultural festival? ” Haruhiko has no memory of that time. That's it Did something happen during last year's school festival? "

yeah? Haruhiko puts his hand on his chin. What time was the school festival? I can't remember anything about the entrance ceremony to Tensei River or any other events. Not only that, but all my memories before Akito's entrance ceremony are vague. was. I can remember names of places and people. Also the faces of my father and mother. However, only the events are vague and hazy. "

Big brother?" "Hey, Akito." Haruhiko's face turned pale. "Brother, what's wrong? Does it taste bad?" "No, I can't remember. I can't remember!" I screamed. I look around to see what's happening. Akito put down his chopsticks. I got up from my seat. I stand by Haruhiko's side and put away the bento.
「兄貎。話を聞いおやる。堎所を倉えるぞ」 春圊は頷く。秋人は春圊の匁圓を片付けるず、次は自分の匁圓を 片付ける。 倖は雚が降っおいた。䞀階の家庭科宀前。長怅子に二人は腰掛け おいた。   はぁ  はぁ  」 春圊はお茶の入ったペットボトルを仰ぐ。䞀回で半分飲んだ。 「――ぷはぁっ 息を敎える。秋人はミルクティヌの入ったペットボトルを手の䞭 で転がす。 「思い出せない。っお蚀っおたな、兄貎。 「  出来事、だ。秋人の入孊匏以前の蚘憶が、曖昧だ」 「思い出せない䜍、曖昧なのか」 だから、蚘憶が飛んで 秋人は目線を萜ずしおいる。䜕か知っおいるのではないか、ず勘 ぐっおしたいそうだ。 「秋人、俺、䜕か事故にでもあったのか るのか」 「    」 秋人は答えない。春圊はペットボトルを長怅子に眮く。 「知らない蚳無いんだろ、なぁ」 声を荒げるが、それでも秋人は沈黙を貫く。 「  ちっ。䜕なんだよ。ホント、䜕で茉莉子は俺の事を  」 思い出せない事ず䜕か関係があるのかもしれない。 春圊は、今たでこの曖昧さに䜕故気づかなかったのだろうか。自 分を責める。これだけ重倧な問題があったのに䜕故俺は気づかなか ったんだ。自責の念だけが沞く。 「    なんか、蚀っおくれよ、秋人」 「  兄貎。茉莉子は  悪霊に取り憑かれおいるんだ。兄貎は遞 ぶんだ。どうしたらいいか。道は二぀だ、兄貎」 秋人は立ち䞊がる。春圊の前に立っお、芋䞋ろす。春圊は顔を䞊 げた。 「蚘憶を远及するなら、茉莉子の告癜を受けろ。それか、蚘憶の事 は  忘れろ」 「なんで忘れなきゃいけないんだ    」 秋人の目は、芋た事が無いくらい真っ盎ぐな目だった。
"Brother, I'll listen to you. Let's change places." Haruhiko nods. After Akihito cleaned up Haruhiko's bento, he moved on to his own. put away. It was raining outside. In front of the home economics room on the first floor. The two of them sat on a chaise longue. was. ...Haa...haa..." Haruhiko looks up at the plastic bottle of tea. I drank half of it in one go. “--Puh! I take a breath. Akito has a plastic bottle of milk tea in his hand. Roll it with ``I can't remember.'' That's what you said, brother. "...It happened. My memories of Akito before the entrance ceremony are vague." “Is it so vague that you can’t remember?” That's why my memory flies Akihito lowered his gaze. I had a hunch that he might know something. I feel like I'm going to fall apart. "Akihito, did I have an accident? Will it be? ” “

” Akito doesn't answer. Haruhiko places the plastic bottle on the couch. “There’s no way you don’t know, right?” Although he raises his voice, Akihito remains silent. "... Tsk. What is it? Really, why is Mariko talking about me..." Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I can't remember. Why didn't Haruhiko notice this ambiguity until now? Self Blame the minutes. Why didn't I notice if there was such a serious problem? It happened. I felt only remorse. "...Tell me something, Akihito." "...Big brother. Mariko...is possessed by an evil spirit. Big brother... Bunda. What should I do? There are two ways, brother.” Akito stands up. I stood in front of Haruhiko and looked down at him. Haruhiko looked up. Got it. “If you want to pursue your memories, accept Mariko’s confession. Or about your memories. Ha
 forget it.” “Why do I have to forget
?” Akihito's eyes were the most straight-looking eyes he had ever seen.
埌ろにはサラリヌマンず少し地味な傘を差した同玚生。至っお普通 の垰り道だった。 家に垰り、すぐシャワヌを济びお、居間に向かう。ただ秋人は垰 っおきおいない。春圊はテレビを点けた。 「――被害者です。本日午埌䞉時半ごろ、刺殺された男の遺䜓が発 芋されたした。堎所は――」 近所だった。春圊は急に䞍安になり、窓の鍵を確かめる。そしお 玄関に向かい、鍵をかけた。しかしそれでも、劙な胞隒ぎが胞から 消えない。 居間に戻り、テレビの入力を切り替え、ゲヌムを始める。 「ただいた」 秋人が垰っおきたのず同時に、春圊はゲヌムをやめた。 だか調子が悪い。 秋人は買い物袋をテヌブルに眮いお、䞭身を出す。 「ええっず  これずこれが冷蔵庫、ず。あ、兄貎、チョコ食べる か」 「いや、いらん。郚屋に居るから」 おう、ず返事を確認しお、春圊は居間を出た。自宀ぞず入り、適 圓な挫画を取っおベットに背を預け読み始める。い぀も通りの青春 ラブコメ挫画。挫画の䞭で䞻人公は、矎少女達ず涙あり笑いありの 楜しそうな青春を送っおいる。 特に、郚掻だ。女子だらけの䞭に男子䞀人。問題なくハヌレムだ。 その男子が鈍感なのは叀今東西どこも䞀緒だった。たたに気づい おいお無芖しおる、ずいうパタヌンや、皀に特定の盞手だけを奜き だったりもするパタヌンもある。 最近はダレダレ系が倚いそうだが、春圊にはどれも䞀緒に芋えた。 ブブブ  ブブブ  ず携垯が振動する。 春圊は頭を振る。犯行珟堎が近所だからっお、意識しすぎだ。 『ならしばらく、秋人ず䞀緒に垰ったらいい。アむツは頌りになる からな』 他人ではなく自分が名乗り出るべきなのだろう。だが春圊は、幞 音の埌を぀ける人間が、本圓に通り魔だったずしたらどうしおやる 事もできない。秋人なら暎挢盞手でも絶察に負けないから、秋人に 任せた方が絶察に安党だ。 メヌルを返し、春圊は郚屋を出る。秋人にも䌝えおおかねばなら ない。 ☆☆☆☆☆☆ 倢の䞭、俺は䞀通の封筒を持っおいた。 春圊君ぞ。ず曞かれた封筒。差出人の名前は無い。 䞭には䞀枚の折りたたたれた玙。
Behind him was an office worker and a classmate holding a slightly plain umbrella. Very normal It was on the way home. When I got home, I immediately took a shower and headed to the living room. Akito is not home yet. I haven't come. Haruhiko turned on the TV. "--Victim. The body of a man who was stabbed to death was found at around 3:30 this afternoon. It was seen. Location--" It was nearby. Haruhiko suddenly becomes anxious and checks the lock on the window. and I headed to the door and locked it. But still, I feel a strange uneasiness in my chest. Not disappear. I return to the living room, switch the input on the TV, and start the game. "I'm home" At the same time as Akito returned, Haruhiko stopped playing the game. I'm not feeling well. Akihito places the shopping bag on the table and takes out the contents. “Umm
this and this are the refrigerator.Ah, big brother, I’m going to eat chocolate. mosquito? ” "No, I don't need it. I'll stay in my room." After confirming the answer, Haruhiko left the living room. I went into my room and I pick up the appropriate manga, lean back on the bed, and start reading. Youth as usual Romantic comedy manga. In the manga, the main character shares tears and laughter with beautiful girls. He is living a happy youth. Especially club activities. There was only one boy among all the girls. It's a harem without any problems. The insensitivity of men has been the same throughout the ages and in the East and the West. Sometimes I notice A pattern of loving someone and ignoring them, or rarely liking only a specific person. There are also some patterns. It seems like there are a lot of yare-yare types these days, but to Haruhiko they all look the same. Buzz... Buzz... My phone vibrates. Haruhiko shakes his head. Just because the crime scene is in my neighborhood, I'm too conscious. ``Then you should go home with Akito for a while.'' He's reliable Karana' I guess I should be the one to come forward, not someone else. However, Haruhiko is lucky What would you do if the person following the sound was really a passerby? I can't do anything. Akihito will never lose even against a thug, so I would like him to be Akihito. It's definitely safer to leave it to you. Haruhiko returns the email and leaves the room. I have to tell Akito too. do not have. ☆☆☆☆☆☆ In my dream, I was holding an envelope. To Haruhiko-kun. An envelope that says. There is no sender's name. Inside was a folded piece of paper.
「気を぀けたす  」 予鈎ギリギリにメガネが教宀に入っおきお、それから少ししお先 生が入っおきた。 今日も眠い䞀日が始たった。 ――ガタッ。 誰もが、そっちの方を芋る。 奈々枝が立ち䞊がろうずしおよろけお倒れたのだ。 「倧䞈倫か、奈々枝」 䜎い先生の声。呚囲のどよめき。どうしたんだろう。倧䞈倫かな。 「  ぐ、具合  悪い    ので、ほ、保健宀   」 ゆっくりず起き䞊がった奈々枝が発した、消えそうなほど、小さ い声。 この間もこんな事があった。 その時ず今、䜕も倉わっおはいない。誰もが先生が行く事を望ん でいる。 そうすれば少しの間授業を受けなくお枈むのだから。もちろん、 春圊だっおそうだ。 手を䞊げれば、奈々枝を保健宀たで送っおいかなければならない。 面倒だ。 それに、ただ倢の事を考えおいたいのだから。 「    䞀人で、行けたす  」 䞀瞬だけ、奈々枝は春圊の方を芋た。春圊は気づいおいたが、無 芖した。 奈々枝は教宀から出お行く。先生が぀いおいかなかったので、授 業は続行。 䜕人かの小さな舌打ちが春圊に聞こえた。 昌䌑み、教宀で春圊ず金髪ずメガネが匁圓を食べおいるず、教宀 に秋人が入っおきた。 「兄貎。幞音知らない」 「いや、今日は芋おないけど」 「  そうか。邪魔したな」 秋人はどこか焊っおいるようだった。しかし春圊には䜕故焊っお いるのか分からない。聞く前に、秋人は教宀から出お行っおしたっ たのだ。 「匟」 金髪は焌きそばパンを食む。こい぀の昌食はどこか叀兞的だった。 「ああ」 「幞音、ずいうず、あの青い髪の子か」 メガネは持参した匁圓の䞭のプチトマトを食べる。 「よくトマト食えるよなぁ。
"I'll be careful

" Glasses came into the classroom at the last minute, and a little while later, Raw came in. Today started off as a sleepy day. --Gattat. Everyone looks in that direction. Nanae staggered and fell as she tried to stand up. "Are you okay, Nanae?" The teacher's low voice. The roar of the surroundings. It would happened to. Is it alright. "...I-I don't feel well...I-I'm sick in the infirmary..." Nanae slowly got up and let out a small, almost disappearing sound. A loud voice. Something like this happened the other day. Nothing has changed between then and now. everyone wants the teacher to go I'm here. That way, you won't have to take classes for a while. of course, The same goes for Haruhiko. If I raise my hand, I will have to take Nanae to the infirmary. Hassle. Besides, I still want to think about my dreams. "...I can go by myself..." For a moment, Nanae looked at Haruhiko. Haruhiko was aware of it, but there was no I looked at it. Nanae leaves the classroom. The teacher couldn't follow me, so I stopped teaching. The work continues. Haruhiko heard a few people click their tongues. During lunch break, Haruhiko, the blonde, and glasses are eating lunch in the classroom. Akito came in. "Big brother. Don't you know Yukine?" "No, I haven't seen it today." "...I see. I interrupted you." Akito seemed to be in a bit of a rush. But why are you so anxious about Haruhiko? I don't know if there are any. Before I could ask, Akito left the classroom. It was. "younger brother?" The blonde eats fried noodles. This guy's lunch was somewhat classic. "ah" "Yukine, you mean that blue-haired girl?" Megane eats the cherry tomatoes in the lunch box he brought. ``I can eat a lot of tomatoes.
「䜕を蚀っおるんだ、矎味いだろう。トマト」 「ええヌ  」 春圊が返答するより早く、話題がトマトの奜き嫌いの話題になっ た。 「    」 「あ、すたん」 「党く」 「  そうだよ。青い髪の子だ」 春圊が答えるず、メガネは顎に手を圓おた。 春圊は䞋駄箱ぞず向かう。ふず、携垯が振動を始める。取り出し、 画面を開く。 幞音からのメヌルだった。 『今日はごめんなさい。明日、今日決めた時間に䌚いたしょう』 それだけが曞かれおいた。 携垯を開いた぀いでに、秋人にメヌルを送る。 『今どこ』 携垯を閉じお、ポケットにしたう。 靎を履き替えお倖に出るず、倖は劙に暗く感じた。 「傘  ねぇな」 黒に限りなく近い灰色。今すぐ土砂降りの嵐になっおもおかしく ない。萜雷すらありそう。 嵐ず萜雷の合䜓攻撃で停電が起こるかもしれない。 携垯が振動する。 秋人からのメヌルだった。䜕に぀いお謝っおいるのか、春圊には 分からなかった。 倜十時を過ぎた。倖は倧荒れ。窓を雚氎が叩く。 春圊は居間で、携垯ゲヌム機で遊んでいた。ゲヌム内でも倧嵐。 䞻人公が察峙するのは嵐を操るドラゎン。パタヌンを芋切ったこい ぀は、春圊には雑魚同然だった。 倧人気ハンティングゲヌム。玠材集めは必ずしも付きたずう頭痛 の皮。 秋人は垰っおこない。携垯から通話も繋がらない。メヌルも返っ おこない。 「  あ」 油断しお䞀発貰う。䜓力を半分持っおかれおしたった。 家の䞭は、雚氎が窓を叩く音ずゲヌムのず効果音だけが鳎 っおいる。
"What are you talking about? It's delicious, isn't it? Tomato." "Yeah..." Before Haruhiko could respond, the topic turned to likes and dislikes of tomatoes. Ta. 「    」 “Ah, sorry.” "absolutely" "...That's right. It's the girl with blue hair." When Haruhiko answered, Megane put his hand on his chin. Haruhiko heads to the shoe rack. Suddenly, my cell phone starts vibrating. take out, Open the screen. It was an email from Yukine. “I’m sorry today. Let's meet tomorrow at the time we decided today.'' That's all that was written. As soon as I opened my phone, I sent an email to Akihito. "Where are you now? ” Close your phone and put it in your pocket. When I changed my shoes and went outside, it felt strangely dark outside. "Umbrella...hey." A gray color that is very close to black. It would be weird if it turned into a downpour storm right now do not have. There might even be a lightning strike. A combined attack of storms and lightning may cause power outages. My phone vibrates. It was an email from Akito. Haruhiko doesn't know what he's apologizing for. did not understand. It was past ten o'clock at night. It's stormy outside. Rainwater hits the window. Haruhiko was playing on a portable game console in the living room. A big storm in the game. The main character faces off against a dragon that controls storms. I saw the pattern For Haruhiko, he was no more than a small fry. A very popular hunting game. Collecting materials is always a headache seeds. Akito isn't coming back. I can't even make calls from my cell phone. I also returned your email It doesn't come. "

a" Let your guard down and get one shot. Half of my strength was taken away. Inside the house, the only sounds are the sound of rainwater hitting the windows, the BGM of the game, and sound effects. ing.
ゲヌムをしおいるのに、退屈で、党く集䞭できない。 突然倖から蜟音が聞こえた。地鳎りの様なゎゎゎ。萜雷だろう。 䞀瞬倖が光った事に春圊は気づかなかった。ゲヌムを䞀時䞭断しお、 窓の倖を芋る。 盞倉わらず、激しい雚。たた䞀瞬空が光った。 そしお䞀本の光の筋。朚の枝のように芋えた癜い光。萜雷。 「  寝るか」 䞇䞀停電になっおも、眠っおいれば気にならない。困るずすれば 秋人だが。 䞀応春圊は玄関の靎箱の䞊に懐䞭電灯を眮いおから、掗面所に行 き、歯を磚く。 居間の明かりを消しお、自宀に入る。 パゞャマに着替えおいるず、ブブブ  ず携垯が振動しおいるの に気づく。 電話だった。 『    』 「孊校、無理しお来る必芁ないだろ」 『  そうだけどさ。でもでも、私が居ないず、寂しくない』 自意識過剰なのだろうか。 「別に」 『    っ』 次の蚀葉を蚀うよりも先に、奈々枝は息を飲んだ。 「具合悪いたたでいるよりも、さっさず治しお元気取り戻しおから   っお、奈々枝」 あのさ、お願いがあるんだけど』 党郚蚀う前に、奈々枝の異倉に気づいた。小さく、短い嗚咜が聞 こえおきたのだ。 『  うん  なんでもないよ 「なんだ」 たた無理に明るさを取り繕った奈々枝。 春圊は出来るこずなら䜕でもしおあげたいず思う。 『来週の月曜日、さ  䞀緒にサボらない』 「  はぁ」 『わざわざ孊校に行っお、私たた䞉時間目に保健宀に行こうずする から。春圊君、私ず䞀緒にそのたたサボろうよ』 「    」 『  ダメかな』 「  副委員長ずは思えないなぁ」 『あはは』 春圊は脱力し、ベットに寝転がる。 党く、どこの䞖界にそんなサボり方する奎がいるのか。
Even though I'm playing a game, I'm bored and can't concentrate at all. Suddenly, a roar was heard from outside. A rumbling sound like the rumbling of the earth. It must have been a lightning strike. Haruhiko didn't notice that there was a flash of light outside. Pause the game for a while Look out the window. It's still raining heavily. The sky lit up again for a moment. And a ray of light. A white light that looked like a tree branch. Lightning strike. "

shall we sleep" Even if the power goes out, it won't bother you as long as you're asleep. If you are in trouble It's Akihito. Haruhiko placed a flashlight on top of the shoe rack at the entrance, then went to the bathroom. and brush your teeth. I turn off the lights in the living room and go into my room. When I was changing into my pajamas, my phone was vibrating... I notice. It was a phone call. 『  』 "There's no need to force yourself to come to school, right?" ``...That's right, though. But, don't you feel lonely without me? ” Maybe I'm too self-conscious. “Not really.” 『  ! ” Before she could say the next word, Nanae gasped. ``Rather than stay sick, heal quickly and get back to health.'' ...So, Nanae? ” Well, I have a favor to ask of you.'' Before I could say everything, I noticed something strange about Nanae. I heard a small, short sob. It has come. “
 it’s nothing! "what?" Nanae forced herself to be bright again. Haruhiko would like to do whatever he can to help. “Next Monday, why don’t you slack off with me? ” "... Huh?" ``I went all the way to school and tried to go to the nurse's office again in the third period.'' from. Haruhiko-kun, just slack off with me.'' “

” "

Is it not good? ” "...I don't think he's the vice chairman." 『Aha』 Haruhiko feels weak and lies down on the bed. Seriously, in what world are there people who slack off like that?
「うヌん。たた隣町のゲヌセンでも行くか」 『春圊君おゲヌセンしかないんだね』 「そヌいう事蚀うな。それしかねヌんだから」 『ダメダメだよ  』 奈々枝は呆れおいる。そりゃそうだが、少しず぀、普段どおりに 戻っおきおいる。それが春圊には嬉しかった。 「たぁ、奈々枝の家でもいいんだけどさ」 『じゃあ、それからどうするかは家に来おから決めよっか』 「おう」 『うん、それじゃ。おやすみ、春圊君』 「おやすみ」 通話が切れる。途端に春圊は自分の顔がにやけおいる事に気づく。 画面に映った顔を芋たわけじゃないが、䜕ずなく顔が緩んでいるの が自芚できる。 携垯の画面で時間を確認する。十二時を過ぎお、日付が倉わっお いた。盞倉わらず秋人は垰っおこない。 春圊は欠䌞をしお、携垯を充電噚に挿しおから、垃団に入った。 ☆☆☆☆☆☆ 土日は特に䜕も無かった。ずいうか、春圊は土日があったのかす ら芚えおいなかった。 金曜日の倜、奈々枝ずの電話の埌に垃団に入っお、次に目芚めた 時には月曜日だった。 ありのたたに今起こったこずを話したいくらい、䜕が起こっおい るのか分からねヌず、春圊は焊る。が、そういう曖昧さはもう慣れ 始めおいた。 ただでさえ、入孊匏以前の蚘憶が曖昧なのだから。 でもやはり、䜕かの病気ではないかず䞍安にはなる。 けれど春圊は、たぁそのうち、皋床で保留にする。 朝はい぀も通りに起きたはずだった。春圊が居間に入っお目に入 ったのは、甚意された朝食ず昌食甚のお匁圓。秋人の姿は無かった。 先に孊校に行ったのだろう。ず春圊はあたり気に留めなかった。 ぀い䞉日前の倧荒れの倩気のこずなど、もう殆ど芚えおいない。 今日も空は晎れおいる。 亀差点に、幞音は珟れない。い぀たで埅っおもだ。遅刻ギリギリ たで埅っお、それでもこない。忘れおいるのか。それずも䜕かあっ たのか。 頭に浮ぶ暗い考え。 通り魔。そしお秋人からの「ごめんなさい」ず曞かれたメヌル。 「  考えすぎだな」 信号が倉わり、出勀するサラリヌマンず䞀緒に枡る。もう孊生の 姿は殆どない。
"Hmm. Shall we go to the arcade in the next town again?" “Haruhiko-kun, you only have arcades.” "Don't say that. That's all you need." "No, no..." Nanae is stunned. That's true, but little by little, it's back to normal. It's coming back. That made Haruhiko happy. "Well, Nanae's house would be fine." "Then, I'll decide what to do after you come home." "Ou" “Yeah, that’s it. Good night, Haruhiko-kun.” "good night" The call is disconnected. Immediately, Haruhiko noticed that his face was grinning. I didn't see the face on the screen, but somehow it looked relaxed. I can be aware of it. Check the time on your phone screen. After twelve o'clock, the date changed. there was. Akito still hasn't come back. Haruhiko yawned, plugged his phone into its charger, and got into bed. ☆☆☆☆☆☆ There was nothing special about Saturday and Sunday. Or rather, Haruhiko had Saturdays and Sundays. I didn't remember. Friday night, after a phone call with Nanae, I went to bed and woke up next. Sometimes it was Monday. I'm so excited about what's going on that I want to tell it like it is. Haruhiko is worried that he doesn't know if it will work or not. But I'm used to that kind of ambiguity. It was starting. Even so, my memories before the entrance ceremony are vague. However, I am still worried that I may have some sort of illness. However, Haruhiko will put it on hold for now. I should have woken up in the morning as usual. Haruhiko entered the living room and saw What we received was a prepared breakfast and lunch box. Akito was nowhere to be seen. I guess he went to school first. Haruhiko didn't pay much attention to it. I don't remember much about the stormy weather just three days ago. The sky is clear again today. Yukine does not appear at the intersection. No matter how long I wait. Barely late I waited until then and it still didn't come. Have you forgotten? Or is there something wrong? Was it? Dark thoughts come to mind. Passerby. And an email from Akito saying "I'm sorry." "...You're thinking too much." The traffic light changes, and I cross with the office workers heading to work. Already a student? There are almost no figures.
そしお䞉限目。予定通り、奈々枝は垭から立ち䞊がる。 「  奈々枝、たたか」 先生の声は少し苛立っおいる。 具合が悪いなら倧人しく䌑んで欲しいのだろう。䞀々保健宀に出 お行かれるず、その分授業が進たないから。先生達の間では、奈々 枝の䜓調を心配する反面、印象は少なからず悪くなっおいるに違い ない。 「先生、俺、付いおっおやりたす」 「ああ、頌む」 予定通りだった。どうせ誰も手を䞊げないから、譲り合うも無い。 匷いお蚀うなら、先生にいかせなかったせいで自習にならなかった、 ず埌でクラスメむトから恚み蚀を蚀われるかもしれないずいうだけ。 埌は劙な噂が立぀かもしれない。 廊䞋に出お、春圊ず奈々枝は真っ盎ぐ䞀階の䞋駄箱に向かう。 「先生に芋぀かったらアりトだもんな」 「あれだね、駆け萜ちだね」 「ばヌか。䜕蚀っおやがんだ」 内心、同じ事を考えおいたずは、口が裂けおも蚀えない春圊だっ た。 靎を履き替える。その時、カツ、カツ、ず足音が聞こえおくる。 のシンディ・山口先生だ。圌女は自分で甚意した校内甚のヒ ヌルを履いおいるので、足音で䞀発で分かる。 「やばいよ」 「  さっさず出るぞ」 急いで入口のドアを開けお、倖に出る。 校門を出るたで、春圊ず奈々枝が萜ち着くこずは出来ない。䞀気 に駆け抜ける。 呌び止められおも構う物か、ず二人は校門を目指す。 校門は圓然閉たっおいるが、乗り越えおしたえば問題ない。 「奈々枝、先に行け」 「スパッツだから埌でもいいよ」 「お前運動ダメなんだろうが」 奈々枝はそうだった、ず蚀っお先に校門を乗り越える。 「こら、お前ら埅お」 なんでよりにもよっお」 よりにもよっお生埒指導の先生だった。 「くそっ 春圊は校門を乗り越える。奈々枝の手を匕いお走る。離れおした えばもう、远っおはこないだろう、ず思うからだ。
And third period. As planned, Nanae stands up from her seat. "...Nanae, again?" The teacher's voice is a little irritated. If you're not feeling well, I'd like you to take a rest. Go to the health room one by one If you go, the class won't progress that much. Among the teachers, Nana While I'm worried about Branch's health, I'm sure his impression is getting worse. do not have. "Sensei, I'll follow you." "Oh, please." It was as planned. No one will raise their hand anyway, so there is no compromise. If I had to say, I couldn't study by myself because I didn't have a teacher. It's just that my classmates might complain about it later. There may be strange rumors after that. Out in the hallway, Haruhiko and Nanae head straight to the shoe rack on the first floor. "If the teacher finds out, you're out." "That's it, eloping." "Idiot. What are you talking about?" Haruhiko couldn't say that he was thinking the same thing in his heart. Ta. Change your shoes. At that moment, I hear the sound of footsteps. My name is ALT Cindy Yamaguchi. She used the school backpack she had prepared herself. Since he was wearing shoes, I could tell by the sound of his footsteps. “That’s terrible.” "...I'll leave right away." I quickly open the entrance door and go outside. Haruhiko and Nanae can't calm down until they leave the school gates. all at once Run through. The two head toward the school gate, wondering if they don't mind being stopped. The school gate is naturally closed, but once you get over it, there's no problem. “Nanae, go first!” “I’m wearing spats, so you can do it later!?” “I guess you’re not good at exercising!” Nanae says that's right and climbs over the school gate first. “Hey, you guys wait!” More than anything! ” More than anything, he was a teacher who guided students. “Damn it! Haruhiko crosses the school gate. He takes Nanae's hand and runs. I'm away Because I don't think they'll come after me anymore.
孊校からしばらく。最近劙に亀差点に瞁があるな、ず春圊は息を 敎えながら思う。 隣の奈々枝は胞に手を圓おお息を敎えおいる。 明日孊校に行くのが憂鬱だった。間違いなく指導される。物理的 にも。 「はぁ  はぁ  走ったぁ」 「たったく  なんでこんなこずに  」 奈々枝のせいにしたいずころではあるが、春圊はすでに脱走の共 犯者だ。同眪である以䞊、どっちが悪いずいうこずもない。眪を被 りたくなかったら初めから乗らなければよかったのだから。 「  んっ。それじゃあ、家、行こっか」 奈々枝は笑い、春圊の手を匕く。春圊ず同じくらいの倧きさの手 は、しっずりずしおいる。お互い手に汗をかいおいる。 「お互い様。手、繋ぎたいから」 春圊は匕く手を握った。奈々枝の機嫌はずおも良かった。 マンションの䞃階。䞉号宀。 扉の前で奈々枝は制服の胞ポケットから鍵を取り出す。鍵穎に差 し蟌んで回す。 カチャ。音がしお、奈々枝は鍵を抜いた。   もう」 春圊の芖線はやはり、䞀点に集䞭しおいた。 「春圊君。 奈々枝はドアを開けお、䞭に入る。春圊も続こうずするが、奈々 枝は問答無甚で締め出す。 「ごめんなさい。 「蚱すも䜕も、䜕か危ないよ、やっぱ」 「お前、自分の事もっず鏡で良く芋やがれ」 ず蚀うが、恐らく自分の䜓を鏡で芋おも、どこもおかしくは映ら ないだろう。だっお自分の䜓だし。 「ええヌ、酷いなぁ。別に奜きでこう育ったわけじゃないよ」 「ずもかく、すたんっお。入れおくれ」 「しょヌがないなヌ」 ドアが開いお、奈々枝が迎え入れおくれる。春圊は入っお靎を脱 ぐ。 他人の家ずいうのは、劙に倉わった匂いがする。ここも䟋倖では ない。具䜓的に䜕の匂いかは春圊には分からない。 「ずりあえず、居間の方は行かないで。汚いから」 「掃陀ずかしおねヌの」 「私、殆ど居間に行かないからさ。
A while since school. Haruhiko takes a breath, thinking that he has been strangely connected to intersections lately. I think while arranging it. Next to me, Nanae puts her hand on her chest to steady her breathing. I was depressed about going to school tomorrow. Will definitely be taught. Physical Also. "Haa... haa... I ran." "Exactly...why did this happen..." I would like to blame Nanae, but Haruhiko is already a partner in the escape. He's the culprit. As long as they are both guilty, neither is at fault. be guilty If you didn't want to, you shouldn't have ridden in the first place. "...Hmm. Well then, let's go home." Nanae laughs and takes Haruhiko's hand. Hands as big as Haruhiko's It's moist. Both of us have sweaty hands. "We both want to hold hands." Haruhiko held her hand. Nanae was in a very good mood. Seventh floor of an apartment. Room number three. In front of the door, Nanae takes out a key from her uniform's breast pocket. keyhole Push it in and turn it. Kacha. There was a sound and Nanae pulled out the key. 

already" As expected, Haruhiko's gaze was focused on one point. "Haruhiko-kun. Nanae opens the door and steps inside. Haruhiko tries to continue, but Nana Branch is shut out without any questions asked. "sorry. "Even if I forgive you, there's something dangerous about it, after all." “You should take a better look at yourself in the mirror!” However, when you look at your body in the mirror, you probably don't see anything wrong with it. Probably not. Because it's my own body. "Eh, that's terrible. It's not like I grew up liking it this way!" "Anyway, I'm sorry. Please let me in." "I can't help it." The door opens and Nanae welcomes me in. Haruhiko went in and took off his shoes. ingredient. Someone else's house has a strange smell. This is also an exception do not have. Haruhiko doesn't know exactly what it smells like. "For now, don't go to the living room. It's dirty." "Aren't you going to clean it or something?" ``I hardly ever go to the living room.
「    」 そういう家庭なのだろう。春圊はあたり詮玢しないよう、それ以 䞊は聞かなかった。 奈々枝は玄関から少し先の、「奈々枝」ず札が掛かった郚屋に春 圊を招き入れる。 䞭はそこそこに綺麗だった。矚たしいこずに、むンチ䜍のテ レビがある。勉匷甚の机も、綺麗に敎頓されおいる。ベットもキチ ンずしおいた。 「すげヌ  掃陀っお、奈々枝がやっおるのか」 「自分の郚屋だからね」 「俺ん家は秋人にたかせっきりだからなぁ  」 「春圊君はしないの」 「めんどくさい」 奈々枝はため息を぀く。 ぀いでに本棚に䞊んでいる挫画のタむトルだけ目を通しおいく。 䜕か無いか。 「おたたせ」 奈々枝が戻っお来た。手には二぀のガラスのコップ。䞭身は透明 な炭酞飲料だった。 「悪いな」 「気にしないでよ。呌んだのは私なんだから」 「  あ、そうだ。なぁ、どうしお俺の番号がわかったんだ」 奈々枝は炭酞飲料を飲む。春圊も少し飲んでみる。僅かにレモン の颚味が銙るサむダヌだった。 「名簿を芋おね。いざず蚀うずきは頌りにしようかなヌっお」 「俺を」 奈々枝は頷く。䜕だか嬉しくなる春圊。 「たぁ、そヌでなくおも、お話したかったしね」 「話 「出来ないでしょヌが。だから、私はゲヌマヌだっおバレたくない の」 「そこなんだよ、なんでバレたくないんだ」 別に恥かしいこずでもないだろうに。それに、䞊手くすれば男子 ずの接点になる。それ自䜓に特にデメリットは無いはずだ。 「皆が春圊君みたいに分かっおくれるわけじゃないのよっ」 「  ぀か、この量でゲヌマヌもなにもないだろ」 ここにある゜フトなんお、雑誌で特集が組たれる䜍メゞャヌな゜ フトばかりだ。これだけで刀断するなら、ただのラむトゲヌマヌだ。 話題に乗れる分、隠す理由は曎に無い。 「だヌかヌらヌ。
「    」 I guess that's the kind of family they are. Haruhiko tried not to pry too much, and then I didn't listen to the above. Nanae is in a room a little beyond the entrance with a sign that says ``Nanae.'' Invite Hiko. It was pretty clean inside. I am envious of the size of the 20 inch There is a review. The study desk is also neatly arranged. The bed is also bad I was in the dark. "Awesome...Is Nanae doing the cleaning?" "It's my room." "I'll leave everything to Akito in my house..." "Haruhiko-kun, don't you?" "bothersome" Nanae sighs. At the same time, I skim through the titles of the manga lined up on the bookshelf. Is there something missing? "Sorry for the wait" Nanae is back. In his hands were two glass cups. The contents are transparent It was a carbonated drink. "sorry" "Don't worry about it. I'm the one who called you." "...Ah, that's right. Hey, how did you get my number?" Nanae drinks a carbonated drink. Haruhiko also tries drinking a little. slightly lemon It was a cider with a fragrant flavor. "Please look at the list. I guess I can rely on you in case of an emergency." “Me?” Nanae nods. Haruhiko feels happy. "Well, even if you don't, I wanted to talk to you." "Story? “I guess you can’t do it. That’s why I don’t want people to find out I’m a gamer. of" "That's right, why don't you want to find out?" It's not something to be ashamed of. Besides, if you do well, it's a boy. Become a point of contact with. There is no particular disadvantage in itself. "Not everyone understands me like Haruhiko-kun." "...I guess there's nothing even gamers can do with this amount." The software here is a major software that has been featured in magazines. It's all about fut. If you judge me based on this alone, I'm just a light gamer. Since it's so popular, there's no reason to hide it. “Da-karara.
春圊はコップの䞭のサむダヌを飲み干す。奈々枝は手を差し出し お、飲み終わった春圊のコップを受け取る。 「で、これからどうしようか」 「ただ十二時前だもんな」 時蚈はもうすぐ十二時を指す。 「あ、俺の匁圓、鞄のなか  ぀ヌか、荷物党郚だよな  」 今曎ながら、やはり間違いだったのではないかず春圊は思う。鞄 の䞭には財垃も匁圓も䜕もかも入っおいる。今春圊が持っおいるの は携垯ず家の鍵。それず生埒手垳くらいだ。 それは奈々枝も同じだった。前に倒れた時はい぀の間にか鞄を回 収しお早退しおいたようだが、今日の堎合は教宀から出おっおその たた奈々枝の家に来たから。 「ずりあえずお昌だねヌ。どこかに食べに行く  っおいうのもな んかマズむよね。あ、でも着替えちゃえば分かんないよね。 「じゃあ、そうしよっか。あ、春圊君、郚屋出お埅っおおくれる 着替えるから」 流石の春圊も堂々ず着替えを芋せおくれずは頌めない。よしんば 蚀ったずころで芋せおもらえる物でもないが。 「んじゃあ、倖で埅っおるよ」 郚屋から出る。居間の方が気になるが、倧人しく玄関に向かう。 靎を履き぀぀、曎に色々考える。春圊はこれからの事だけを考える。 そうしないず、明日の事を考えおしたうからだ。それは埌で考えた い。䞻に寝る前に。 倖に出お奈々枝を埅぀間も、出来ればずっず考えおいたかった。 ああ、䞍安だ。明日絶察怒られる。䜕で孊校を抜け出したんだ。 そうしかめっ面で春圊に聞くのだ。明確な理由も述べられなければ きっずお説教が埅っおいる。憂鬱だ。 ガチャ、ずドアが開く。 私服に着替えた奈々枝だった。青色のブラりスにゞヌパン。ラフ だった。 「おう。行くか」 「うん」 なんずも圢容しがたい気分だった。 春圊は制服なのに、隣の同玚生は私服。奇劙な二人だった。 「ねぇ、春圊君」 「ん」 䞊んで歩く奈々枝は手を差し出す。 「手、繋いで」 その衚情はどこか暗い。 「あ、ああ。いいけど」 さっきの汗だくの手ではない。
Haruhiko drinks the cider in his glass. Nanae holds out her hand He takes Haruhiko's finished glass. “So, what should we do now?” "It's still before twelve o'clock." The clock will soon reach twelve o'clock. "Ah, my lunch box is in my bag...or rather, it's all my luggage..." Haruhiko thinks it may have been a mistake after all. bag Inside is my wallet, lunch, and everything else. Haruhiko has it now is my cell phone and house keys. That and the student handbook. The same was true for Nanae. When I fell forward, I turned my bag around before I knew it. Apparently, he had finished school and left early, but in today's case, he had to leave the classroom and leave early. Mama, I came to Nanae's house. ``It's lunch anyway. I'm going somewhere to eat...'' That's bad, isn't it? Ah, but you won't know if you change your clothes. “Then, let’s do that. Ah, Haruhiko-kun, could you come out of the room and wait for me? I’ll change my clothes.” As expected from Haruhiko, I can't ask him to show me his clothes. if It's not something I can show you even if I say so. "Okay, I'll be waiting outside." Get out of the room. I was more interested in the living room, but I quietly headed towards the entrance. As I put on my shoes, I thought about more things. Haruhiko only thinks about the future. If you don't, you'll end up thinking about tomorrow. I thought about that later stomach. Mainly before going to bed. If possible, I wanted to keep thinking about it while I went outside and waited for Nanae. Oh, I'm anxious. I'll definitely be angry tomorrow. Why did you sneak out of school? I asked Haruhiko with a frown on my face. Unless a clear reason is given I'm sure a sermon is waiting for you. It's depressing. The door opens with a bang. It was Nanae, who had changed into her civilian clothes. Blue blouse and jeans. rough was. "Okay. Shall we go?" "Yeah" It was an indescribable feeling. Haruhiko is in uniform, but the classmate next to him is in casual clothes. They were two strange people. "Hey, Haruhiko-kun." "yeah?" Nanae, who was walking side by side, held out her hand. "Hold my hands" His expression is somewhat gloomy. "Ah, ah. That's fine." Not the sweaty hands from earlier.
ドアが開いた。鍵は初めからかかっおいなかった。 「    」 春圊は唟を飲み蟌む。たさか、泥棒か か。俺が鍵をかけ忘れたんだ、ず自分を萜ち着けようずする。 「春圊君。倧䞈倫」 奈々枝も䞍安そうだ。 「倧䞈倫だ。倚分」 意を決し、䞭に入る。 廊䞋の先、居間の方で誰かが䜕かをしおいる。足音ず物音がする のだ。 恐る恐る、靎を脱いで、居間に向かう。 な、なんだよ、兄貎か」 居間に入り、音の䞻に声を掛ける。 「    っ そこに居たのは女装した秋人だった。黒いフリフリのゎスロリド レス。そしお窓から差す光を受けお煌く銀髪のりィッグ。ノヌメむ 秋人なんで、お前ここにいる クの癖に玠晎らしく男に芋えない顔。間違いなく秋人だった。春圊 が間違えるはずがない。 「    はぁぁぁ んだよ 「いやいやいや、兄貎が蚀うなっお」 秋人はダレダレず手を広げる。 「えっず、春圊君。この子は」 実 埌から居間に入っおきた奈々枝は状況が飲み蟌めおいない。そり ゃそうだ、奈々枝は秋人のこずを知らないのだから。 匟」 「あ、ああ。俺の匟の、秋人だ」 「え。え 「ああ、そう。
The door opened. The key was not locked from the beginning. 「    」 Haruhiko swallows his saliva. Could it be a thief? mosquito. I forgot to lock the door, I tried to calm myself down. "Haruhiko-kun. Are you okay?" Nanae also looks anxious. "It's okay. Maybe." I made up my mind and went inside. At the end of the hallway, in the living room, someone was doing something. I hear footsteps and noises Noda. I gingerly take off my shoes and head to the living room. What is it, brother?” Enter the living room and call out to the source of the noise. “

! The person there was Akihito, dressed as a woman. black frilly gothic lolita response. And a silver wig sparkling in the light shining through the window. No May Akito, that's why you're here. He has a strange personality and a face that doesn't look like a man's. It was definitely Akito. Haruhiko can't be wrong. “

Haaaaa!? Yes! ? "No, no, no, my brother told me not to." Akihito spreads his hands out. "Um, Haruhiko-kun. Who is this kid?" fruit Nanae, who came into the living room later, was unable to fully comprehend the situation. sled That's right, Nanae doesn't know Akito. younger brother! ? ” "Ah, ah. This is my younger brother, Akihito." "Yeah!? "Oh is that so.
効じゃなくお 秋人は腕を組む。ドダ顔も、少女フェむス。 「ええぇ  信じられない。嘘じゃなくお は矩理の効ずかじゃなくお」 「ああ、間違いなく兄匟だな」 「    」 攟心状態の奈々枝。口をあんぐりず開けお固たっおいる。 「おヌい、奈々枝」 春圊は目の前で手を振る。奈々枝は我に返る。   自信無くすなヌ。元々あんたり無いけど」 「な、なんだろう。そこいらの女子よりすっごく可愛い  芋た目 だけ。 「  そんなにか」 秋人は眉を顰める。本人はあたり、呚りの目を気にしおいなかっ たのだろうか。 たぁ、そうめんずチョ 「秋人。ずりあえず着替えお来い。そんで、飯䜜っおくれ。なんで もいいから」 「飯、っお  冷蔵庫の䞭なんもないぞ コならあるけど」 「もうこの際そうめんでいいよ。頌む、秋人」 「そうめん䜍、自力で䜕ずかしろよ」 「頌む」 「  ったく。 秋人は枋々、台所に向かう。 奈々枝は少し、萜ち蟌んでいた。春圊はどう声を掛ければいいか、 分からない。 テヌブルの䞊に甚意されたそうめん。二぀の倧皿に盛ったそうめ ん。垭に぀いおいる春圊ず、奈々枝の分だけだった。 「秋人は食わないの」 麺぀ゆを埅ちながら春圊が聞いた。 昚日も䜕時垰っおきたんだよ」 「俺はもう食べたからな。これ出したら、すぐたた出かけるから」 「どこにいくんだ 「  今は、蚀えないんだ。埌で絶察に説明する。
Isn't it your sister? Akihito folds his arms. Even the smug, girlish face. “Yeah... I can’t believe it. It’s not a lie, is it? Isn't she your sister-in-law? ” "Oh, they're definitely brothers." 「    」 Nanae is in a daze. His mouth hung open and he froze. "Hey, Nanae?" Haruhiko waves his hand in front of him. Nanae comes to her senses. ...Don't lose your confidence. There wasn’t much to begin with.” “I-I wonder what it is. She’s so much prettier than the girls around here
 her appearance. only. "...That much?" Akihito frowns. He doesn't really pay attention to what those around him think. I wonder if it was? Well, somen and cho "Akihito. First of all, go get changed. Then, make me some food. Why? It’s okay.” “What about food
 there’s nothing in the fridge? I have Ko, though.” "I'm fine with somen for now. Please, Akihito." "Somen, you should do something on your own." "ask" "

Geez. Akito reluctantly heads to the kitchen. Nanae was a little depressed. Haruhiko, how should I call out to him? I don't know. Somen noodles prepared on the table. Someme served on two large plates yeah. It was just for Haruhiko and Nanae who were seated. "Akihito doesn't eat?" Haruhiko asked while waiting for the noodle soup. What time did you come back yesterday? ” "I've already eaten. Once I get this out, I'll be heading out again right away." “Where are you going? "...I can't tell you right now. I'll definitely explain later.
二぀のお怀に麺぀ゆを入れお持っおきた秋人は、真剣な県差しで 蚀う。 「    た、埌でちゃんず、必ず説明しろよ」 「ああ、玄束する。指きりしおもいい」 「いいよ、高校生にもなっお」 秋人は衚情を緩めた。そのたた、行っおきたすずも蚀わず、出お 行った。 「どうしたんだろうね」 「さぁ。それより、食おうぜ」 箞を取り、倧皿の䞊のそうめんを䞀塊取っお、麺぀ゆに浞ける。 「ただそうめんっお時期でも無いのに、よくあったね」 「そうだよな。でもたぁ、いいじゃねヌか」 ずるずるずそうめんを啜る。 春圊の隣でも同じくずるずる。 しばらく郚屋の䞭はずるずるず啜る音だけが鳎っおいた。 話題が無い。どう切り出せばいいのだろうか。ふず春圊はテレビ のリモコンに気づく。 麺぀ゆの入ったお怀ず箞を眮いお、テレビのリモコンを取る。怅 子を匕いお䜓を捻っお埌ろにあるテレビにリモコンを向けお、電源 を点けた。 少しの間を眮いお、映像が映る。五分間のニュヌス番組だった。 『――本日、通り魔事件の犯人を名乗る人物が、譊察眲に自銖した した――』 映し出される顔写真。顔のパヌツはそこそこに敎っおいる。䞀芋 しただけでは通り魔をするような悪人だず分からない。芞胜人に、 こんな芋た目の人がいた気がするず春圊はなんずなく思う。春圊の かりょう 蚘憶ではもちろん思い出せないが。 「華良、幞雄だっお。すげぇ名前だな」 「自銖したの」 「そうだっおさ」 奈々枝も怅子を匕いお、䜓を向きを倉えお、テレビを芋る。 「    春圊君」 「ん」 「本圓に、あの人がやったのかな」 きっず、奈々枝には通り魔の犯人には芋えおいないのだろう。 『――幞雄容疑者は、譊察の質問に察し「目的は達した。だから自 銖した」ずだけ答え、いたなお、動機や、目的に぀いおは䜕も分か っおいたせん――』 「  分からん。
Akihito brought two bowls of mentsuyu and looked at them seriously. To tell. “
Well, be sure to explain it to me later, okay?” "Oh, I promise. You can cut your fingers off." "Okay, you're a high school student too." Akito's expression softened. Just leave without saying I'm leaving. went. “I wonder what happened?” "Come on. Instead, let's eat." Take your chopsticks, pick up a chunk of somen from the platter, and dip it into the noodle soup. “Even though it wasn’t even the season for somen yet, it was common.” "That's right. But, it's fine." Slurping somen noodles. The person next to Haruhiko was also sluggish. For a while, the only sound in the room was the sound of slurping. There's nothing to talk about. How should I cut it out? Suddenly Haruhiko was on TV notice the remote control. I put down the bowl of noodle soup and chopsticks and picked up the TV remote control. chair Pull the child away, twist your body, point the remote control at the TV behind you, and turn it on. turned on. After a short pause, the image appears. It was a five-minute news program. ``Today, a person claiming to be the culprit in the street crime incident surrendered to the police station.'' did--" A photograph of the face displayed. The facial parts are in good shape. Glimpse Just by doing that, you wouldn't know that he was a bad person who would pass by. To celebrities, Haruhiko had a vague feeling that there was someone who looked like this. Haruhiko's Karyo Of course I can't remember it from memory. "Karara, Yukio. That's an amazing name." “Did you turn yourself in?” "That's right." Nanae also pulled out a chair, turned her body around, and watched TV. “

Haruhiko-kun” "yeah?" “I wonder if that person really did it?” I'm sure Nanae doesn't see him as a passing criminal. ``--Suspect Yukio responded to police questioning by saying, ``I accomplished my goal. To this day, no one knows anything about his motive or purpose. I haven’t-” "

can not understand.
「䞍安なのか」 「たぁね。地元だし」 地元で起こった事件だからず蚀うのなら、春圊も䞍安ではあるが、 やはりこれは犯人が自銖した。それで無事解決したず思いたかった。 もちろん春圊自身が被害に遭いたくないずいうのもあるし、秋人の 垰りが遅いのも心配だ。そうでなくおも、やはり地元で事件が起き おいるずいうのは気分が悪い。さっさず解決しお欲しいず思うのは 圓然だ。 「たぁ、今日は䞀日、䞀緒に遊ぶんだろ」 じゃあさっさず食べちゃおっか」 たずえ別の通り魔に遭っおも、俺が守っおやる。ずは、思うだけ で春圊は蚀わなかった。 豪快に塊を取り、麺぀ゆに浞けお食べる。 春圊の家にあるゲヌムはどれも、䞀人甚のか栌闘ゲヌムば かりだった。 春圊は奈々枝に察戊しないか、ず誘ったが、もちろん断られた。 「勝おるわけないでしょヌ  」 そもそも察戊ゲヌムが奜きっおわけでもないのだから、誘った方 が間違っおいる。ずいうか、぀いこの間ゲヌムセンタヌで春圊の戊 いぶりを芋おいたのだから、勝ち目が無いず思うのも無理は無い。 嫌な思いを進んでするこずも無い。 「それは埮劙だね  」 「埌は  あ。 だ」 奈々枝は銖を傟げる。 「昔のゲヌムなんだけど、ガンサバむバヌヒヌロヌズっおのがある なんならもう䞀回家行く んだ。けどコントロヌラヌ無くしちゃっおな」 䞀緒に出来る゜フトあるし」 「ちゃんずしたっおおかないからだよ。
“Are you anxious?” "Well, it's local." If it's because the incident happened locally, Haruhiko is worried, but As expected, the culprit turned himself in. I wanted to think that it was resolved successfully. Of course, Haruhiko himself doesn't want to be a victim, and Akito I'm also worried about coming home late. Even if this is not the case, incidents still occur locally. It feels bad to be there. What I would like to resolve quickly is Of course. "Well, we're going to play together all day today, right?" Well then, let's eat it quickly." Even if I run into another street demon, I'll protect you. That's just what I think But Haruhiko didn't say that. Gently take off the chunks, dip them in the noodle soup, and eat. All the games at Haruhiko's house are single-player RPGs or fighting games. It was Kari. Haruhiko asked Nanae to fight against her, but of course she declined. "There's no way you can win..." It's not like I like competitive games in the first place, so the person who invited me is wrong. I mean, just recently I played Haruhiko's battle at the game center. Having seen Iburi, it's no wonder he doesn't have a chance of winning. I don't willingly do anything I don't like. "That's a bit strange..." “After that
ah. is" Nanae tilts her head. "It's an old game, but there's a game called Cancer Survivor Heroes. I'll go home again anyway I did. But I lost my controller.” There is software that can do it together.” ``It's because I didn't put it away properly.
匕っ匵り出したゲヌム゜フトをしたう。 「ホントに飯食いに来ただけだったな」 「しょうがないね」 倖の倩気は雲ひず぀無かった。嘘の様な倩気だ、ず春圊は思う。 青い倩井のようだから。 手を繋ぐのは今日これで䞉回目のはずだが、どうにもやはり、こ そばゆい気持ちは消えない。春圊が意識しすぎるのがいけないのだ が、意識しないようには出来なかった。 「ねぇ、春圊君」 「  ん」 奈々枝は春圊の顔を芗く。春圊は出来るだけ平垞を装っおみる。 奈々枝は蚀いよどむ。心なしか薄く玅朮しおいる頬。光の圓たり 方だろうか、ず春圊は自分の心を隙す。過床な期埅をしないように 心を隙す。 「  こ  告癜  しおきたらさ  」 「  うん」 「春圊君は、おヌけヌ  しおくれる」 「    」 奈々枝ず䞀緒に居お、楜しいず思う。䞀緒に居たいし、話や趣味 も合う。圌女にするのに、これほど良い人はいないだろう。そう、 理屈では、分かっおいるのだ。春圊も。 けれど、春圊はどこか恐れおいる。その正䜓は責任なのかもしれ ない。もっず別な、本胜的にこの子はダバむ、ず思っおいるのかも しれない。䞀郚分は芋えるのに、党䜓像は分からない。 䜕が、ゲヌムの様な恋愛がしたい、だ。 圊は誰かず付き合うこずに、䞀歩を螏み出せない。 「  ごめん、倚分、すぐには答えを出せない」 「    」 「いっぱい、考えるんだ。俺なんかでいいのか、ずかさ、どうしお 俺なんだ、ずかさ。そういうメンドクサむ事をはっきりさせないた た、䜕も考えないでしちたうのっお、なんか、無責任だし  」 「なヌんにもしおないのに、もう責任の事考えるんだ。ハゲちゃう よ」 その  でも、倚分、色々考えおも  奈々枝に告 笑んで、ハゲの心配をする奈々枝。 「い、いや 癜されたら、するず思うよ」 お䞖蟞レベルの回答を、脳をフル回転させお思い぀いた。 「  そっか。
I put away the game software I pulled out. "I really just came here to eat." "It can not be helped" There wasn't a cloud in the weather outside. Haruhiko thought that the weather was like a lie. Because it looks like a blue ceiling. This must be the third time today that we've held hands, but somehow I still feel like this. The feeling of closeness never goes away. It's bad for Haruhiko to be too conscious. But I couldn't help but notice it. "Hey, Haruhiko-kun." "

yeah?" Nanae looks into Haruhiko's face. Haruhiko tries to pretend to be as normal as possible. Nanae hesitated. Her cheeks were slightly flushed. hit by light I wonder if it's true, Haruhiko deceives his own mind. Don't have too high expectations deceive the heart "...if you...confess..." "

Yeah" "Haruhiko-kun, can you please...?" “

” I think it's fun to be with Nanae. I want to be with you, talk and have hobbies. Also fits. There's no one better to be her. yes, In theory, I understand. Haruhiko too. However, Haruhiko is somehow afraid. Maybe the real reason is responsibility do not have. Maybe it's something else, and I instinctively think this kid is dangerous. unknown. I can see part of it, but I can't see the whole picture. Why, I want to have a love like a game. Hiko can't take the first step towards dating someone. "...I'm sorry, but I probably can't give you an answer right away." “

” ``I think a lot, like, ``Is it okay for me?'' It's me, etc. I'm not going to clarify such a ridiculous thing. Well, it's kind of irresponsible to just say OK without thinking about it..." “Even though I haven’t done anything, I’m already thinking about my responsibilities. I’m going bald. Yo? ” Um... but maybe, even after thinking about it... I'll tell Nanae. Nanae smiles and worries about going bald. "No! I think it'll be OK if it's white." My brain was running at full speed and I came up with a flattering answer. "

I see.
奈々枝は足を止める。春圊は少し远い越した所で止たり、奈々枝 の方に振り返る。 「私が、誰からも嫌われるような状況になったら。春圊君は倧勢に 流されないで、私のそばにいおくれる」 その質問の意図はなんだろうか。春圊は無意識に意図を探ろうず しおいた。 しかしもちろん、その意図は読めない。   だから、そうだなぁ    うん、䟋えば、 「  どういう、意味だ」 「そのたんた。 を向けられおいたす。春圊君の友達も、アむツきめぇよな、ずか蚀 っおたす。 くれる」 ここで即答できれば、きっずかっこいいのだろう。 挫画や小説、ゲヌムの䞻人公は、䞀切迷わずに「圓たり前だろ」 ず蚀うんだ。 それが圓然だし、圓たり前だ。 「    」 「    」 「    圓たり前だろ」 春圊はほんの䞀瞬迷った。 クラスで総スカンを食らう奈々枝。春圊が圌女に味方するずする ず、それはたった䞀人で圌女の味方でいるこずになるだろう。金髪 はずもかく、メガネは委員長だ。 圌等に迷惑が掛かるのは、嫌だった。 ありがずね」 䞀瞬ずは蚀え、倩秀にかけおよかったのだろうか。春圊は胞が痛 む。 「友達、なんだから」 本気で考えおくれたの 奈々枝は笑う。腹を抱えお笑い出した。 「  ぷふ、あはは 冗談の぀もりだったのだろうか。質の悪い冗談である。 「さ、行こっか」 奈々枝は春圊の手を匕いお、グむグむ匕っ匵っおいく。
Nanae stops in her tracks. Haruhiko stopped a little after passing, and Nanae I looked back towards him. ``What if I get into a situation where everyone hates me?Haruhiko-kun will be hated by many people.'' Will you stay by my side and not be carried away? ” What is the intention of that question? Haruhiko unconsciously tried to find out his intentions. Was. But of course, I can't read his intentions. ...So, yes......Yes, for example, "

What do you mean?" “Just like that. is aimed at. Haruhiko-kun's friends also said things like, ``You're such a dick, aren't you?'' That's it. Can you give it to me? ” It would probably be cool if I could answer right here. The main character of a manga, novel, or game never hesitates to say, ``It's obvious, right?'' That's what I say. That's natural and natural. 「    」 「    」 "

of course" Haruhiko hesitated for a moment. Nanae gets scolded in class. Suppose Haruhiko is on her side. And that would be the only person on her side. blonde Anyway, the glasses are the chairman. I didn't want to cause trouble for them. Thanks dear! ” Even if it was only for a moment, was it worth weighing? Haruhiko's chest hurts nothing. “Friend, what is it?” Did you seriously think about it? Nanae laughs. I held my stomach and started laughing. “
Pufu, ahaha! Was it meant as a joke? This is a poor joke. "Let's go!" Nanae takes Haruhiko's hand and tugs him along.
「嘘、やろ  」 西の名門退魔垫葛道かずらみち家の若き圓䞻代行、葛道盎志なおしは、䜕気なく芋䞊げた空のたぶしさに目を现めた拍子に、突劂ずしお膚倧な蚘憶が蘇ったのを感じた。 同じ日本、同じ西暊、元号こそ瀌和ず什和の違いはあるが、たどっおきた歎史もほが同じ――しかし退魔垫もあやかしもいない、超垞の力はただ䌝承ずフィクションの䞭でのみ存圚する、そんな平和な䞖界で生きた蚘憶が。 幌いころから厳しい鍛錬に日々打ち蟌み、十歳を前に劖魔ずそしお生き物ずを殺めるこずになった盎志からすれば、それはある意味で矚たしく、しかしそれ以䞊にうずたしいものだった。 そんな蚘憶が増えたずころで、囜家護持ず民草の守り人ずしお身を捧げおきた今たでずこれからに倉わりがあるわけではない。 盎志が退魔垫ずしお生きる決意を鈍らせるほどのなにがあるわけでもなかった。 本来であればわずらわしい䜙分な荷物、それだけに過ぎない。 ただ、䞀点。 「――これ、凌蟱゚ロゲの䞖界やない」 瀌和ずいう元号、珟代たで存圚する陰陜寮、あやかし、退魔垫――それらの芁玠から連想されるネットミヌムで有名なゲヌムタむトル。 「こんなんボク、かたせにされるか途䞭退堎するのが盞堎やんけ  」 そしおその懞念が正しければお玄束・・・のために、自身にろくでもない未来が埅぀かもしれないずいう可胜性に目を぀むれば。 § 葛道盎志、二十䞉歳。独身。 倧阪の名門葛道家の惣領そうりょうにしお䞀玚退魔垫、すでに圓䞻代行ずしお䞀族を率いる才子。 その血筋から期埅された通りの力を持っお生たれ、望たれた通りにそれを開花させた゚リヌト䞭の゚リヌト。 近い䞖代で他家に最高傑䜜や突然倉異ず呌ばれる傑物が出たために、若手に限っおも日本で最匷ずは呌ばれないが、地元関西においおはその名を冠される。 それが葛道盎志ずいう男だった。 ただし人間性たで含めた評䟡になるず、途端に芳しくない。 環境ず力に恵たれたためか匱者ぞの共感を欠き、たた退魔垫ずしおのストむックさが他者の倱敗を怠慢、惰匱さからのものず断じるこずさえあった。 率盎さを奜む生来の性質は良家の教育ず最悪の盞乗効果を生んで、その慇懃無瀌な振る舞いを才気ず若さが産んだ傲慢ず芋るものは倚い。 そしおそれらが党お邪掚かずいえばそうではなかった。 葛道盎志は退魔垫ずしお匷さを求める気持ちず矩務を遂行する意思こそ真摯だったが、それず傲慢でむダミなクズ男であるこずは矛盟なく䞡立可胜なのだ。 敎っおはいるが冷たく皮肉気な印象を䞎えるキツネ顔や、枯草色の髪に色癜の肌、现身の長身ずいった倖芋も、曎に悪い印象を補匷しおいる。
"You're lying, right...?" Naoshi Katsurami, the young acting head of the Kazuramichi family, a prestigious exorcist in the west, casually looked up and narrowed his eyes at the glare of the sky, when he suddenly felt a huge amount of memories come back to him. Japan is the same, the Western calendar is the same, the era name is different between Reiwa and Reiwa, but the history is almost the same - but there are no exorcists or ayakashi, and supernatural powers are only in folklore and fiction. I have memories of living in such a peaceful world. For Naoshi, who had devoted himself to rigorous training every day since he was a child, and was able to kill demons and other creatures before he turned ten, this was enviable in a sense, but even more so. Even though these memories have increased, it does not mean that there will be any difference between the past and the future, when I have dedicated myself to protecting the nation and protecting the folk grass. There was nothing that could weaken Naoshi's determination to live as an exorcist. It's just extra baggage that would normally be a hassle. Just one thing. "-Isn't this the world of humiliating erotic games?" The era name Reiwa, Onmyoryo, Ayakashi, and Exorcist, which still exist to this day - this game title is famous for its internet memes associated with these elements. “If I do something like this, my chances are that I’ll get kicked out or leave midway through the game
!” And if those concerns are correct, I promise you... if you close your eyes to the possibility that a terrible future awaits you. § Naoshi Katsumichi, 23 years old. single. Saiko is a first-class exorcist and head of the prestigious Katsurodo family in Osaka, and is already leading the family as acting head of the family. An elite of elites who was born with the expected power from their bloodline and blossomed as desired. Although he is not called the strongest in Japan, even among young artists, because other families produced masterpieces or masterpieces in a similar generation, he is given that name in his hometown of Kansai. That man was Naoshi Kazudo. However, when it comes to evaluations that include humanity, things start to get unfavorable. Due to his blessed environment and power, he lacks empathy for the weak, and his stoicism as an exorcist has led him to attribute the failures of others to negligence or inertia. His innate preference for frankness combined with his upbringing to create a terrible synergy, and many see his rude behavior as arrogance born of his talent and youth. And that's not to say that all of them were evil. As an exorcist, Naoshi Katsumichi had a sincere desire to seek strength and carry out his duties, but it is possible for him to coexist with being an arrogant, disgusting scumbag without any contradiction. His fox face, which is well-shaped but gives off a cold and sarcastic impression, his grass-colored hair, fair skin, and his slender, tall stature, further reinforce this negative impression.
぀たり盎志は「ちょっず胡散臭い雰囲気で性栌のクズいむダミな実力者」ずいうフィクションの䞖界ならば序盀でヘむトを集めるやられ圹か、味方サむドでもむキらせた挙句にかたせ・・・に萜ずすのにぎったりな男なのだ。 それにくわえお今ひず぀の可胜性がにわかに浮かび䞊がっおきおいる。 この䞖界がずにかく「お玄束」に忠実な、ずある珟代䌝奇颚凌蟱゚ロゲヌのそれず同じなのではないかずいう可胜性だ。 ヒントは瀌和・・の時代にあやかしず戊う人々を描いたその䜜品を有名にしたネットミヌムの䞀぀――「頭退魔垫」。 すなわち暩力を求め互いの有力者を朰しあう地獄みたいな内ゲバに明け暮れる陰陜寮ず各家の䞊局郚、その圱響もあっおろくな支揎もなく脳筋ゎリ抌しムヌブを繰り返しお危機に陥る䞻人公たち末端の退魔垫を揶揄やゆした蚀葉だが、その「頭退魔垫」な状況は盎志が知る珟状ず実に䌌通っおいた。 特に退魔垫の殉職率ず、あやかしによる匷姊被害はもうそういうゞャンルでしかありえないくらいに高い。 ゲヌムの内ゲバは組織が成り立っおいるのが䞍思議なレベルず聞くので、珟状は党然マシだが予断は蚱されない。 さらにあやかしに関するこずを陀いおも、今生で「創䜜䞊のお玄束」にはよくよく遭遇した芚えがあった。 十字路で出䌚い頭にぶ぀かる若い男女を芋かけたのは䞀床ではないし、父母ず離れ䞀人暮らしをする䞭高生も珍しくない。 アむドル扱いされる女生埒はどこの孊校にも䞀人はいたし、郚屋たで起こしに来る䞖話焌きな幌銎染をも぀知人さえも実圚する。 若手ナンバヌワンの退魔垫が矩効ず埓効に迫られおいる醜聞も、そういえばさしお驚かれるこずもなく受け入れられたものだ。 それらは平和な日本の垞識ではちょっず聞くこずがなかった。 仮に実は起こっおいたずしおも、そうそう他人に知られるものではないはずだ。 そしお「お玄束」が存圚するのなら、今たでむキっおきた葛道盎志が痛い目を芋る蓋然性は非垞に高いず思われる。 そもそもを蚀えば、名前の字面からしおよろしくない。 葛クズの道を真っ盎ぐに志すずか、それはもうクズにしかならないんよ。 姓はどうしようもないし、名にしおも父母の真っ圓な考えで぀けられたのだろうが、今ずなっおはなにかの暗瀺に思えおならなかった。 お前そういうポゞションだから ずいう運呜の熱烈なアピヌルでは 明らかにわからせ・・・・埅ちにしか思えない。 なんずかせねばならなかった。 具䜓的にはそう、生き方を少しでも倉えるのだ。 明日から、いや、今すぐにでも―― 結論から蚀えばもう無理だった。すでに手遅れだった。 チェスや将棋でいうずころの詰みに陥っおいた。
In other words, in a fictional world where Naoshi is a ``disgusting and talented person with a somewhat shady atmosphere and a shitty personality'', he would be a bastard character who gathers hate in the early stages, or he would be reduced to a bad guy after making even his allies cum... He's the perfect man. In addition, another possibility is suddenly emerging. It's possible that this world is the same as that of a certain modern legend-style humiliating erotic game that is faithful to its ``promises''. The clue is one of the internet memes that made the work famous during the Reiwa era, depicting people fighting Ayakashi - ``Head Exorcist.'' In other words, the Onmyo Dormitory and the upper echelons of each family are busy in a hellish internal game of crushing each other's powerful people in pursuit of power, and due to this influence, the main characters repeatedly push their brains into crisis without proper support and end up in a crisis. Although the words were used to make fun of magicians, the situation of the ``head exorcist'' was very similar to the current situation that Naoshi knew. In particular, the rate of death in the line of duty for exorcists and the rape damage caused by ayakashi are so high that they can only be seen in that genre. I've heard that the level of organization in the game is strange, so the current situation is much better, but we can't be too prejudicial. Furthermore, even excluding matters related to Ayakashi, I remember encountering many ``creative conventions'' in this lifetime. More than once, I've seen young men and women bumping into each other at crossroads, and it's not uncommon to see middle and high school students living alone, separated from their parents. Every school has at least one female student who is treated like an idol, and I even have an acquaintance who has a caring childhood friend who comes to her room to wake her up. Come to think of it, the scandal that the young No. 1 exorcist was forced to face by his sister-in-law and cousin was accepted without much surprise. These were things that I had never heard of in the common sense of peaceful Japan. Even if it had actually happened, it wouldn't be something that other people would know about. And if a "promise" exists, there is a very high probability that Naoshi Kuzudo, who has been able to cum up until now, will suffer. To begin with, the name doesn't look good from the wording. If you aim straight for the path of being a scumbag, you will become nothing but a scumbag. There was nothing I could do about the last name, and the first name was probably given to me by my parents' honest intentions, but now I couldn't help but think it was a hint of something. Because you are in that position! Isn't that a passionate appeal of fate? It's obvious...I can't help but wait. I had to do something. Specifically, yes, change the way you live, even if just a little. From tomorrow, no, right away... In conclusion, it was impossible. It was already too late. I was stuck in what would be called a stalemate in chess and shogi.
二十䞉幎の幎月は、人䞀人の評䟡を定めるには十二分な時間である。 いたさら盎志なおしが倚少垞識的な善人ず振舞ったころで、他の人間はみな「裏で䜕かを䌁んでいるのでは」ずしか芋やしない。 颚評はもう固たりきっおいた。 今たでじっくり積みあげおきた自業自埗の結果である。 やらないよりはマシず今埌も地道な努力は続ける気だが、あたり倧きな期埅は持たない方が賢明だろう。 「はぁぁ  」  そんな諊めずずもにため息を吐きだす。 葛道かずらみち盎志の過去を振り返れば振り返るほど、呚囲の扱いも圓然なクズい振る舞いをしおいたこずが明らかになったからだ。 䟋えば―― 『匱い退魔垫ずか生きずる意味ないやん。なんでただ息吞っずんの』巊 『雑魚の名前なんおいちいち芚えずらんわ。誰やねん』遊 『結果も出さんず努力だけ誇るっおダサない すごいなキミら。ボクやったら恥ずかしくおようできんわ』䞭 『死ね』䞉 『血筋だけはええんやし、もう次代に期埅しお子䜜りだけ専念しずこか』䞀 『こんだけ努力を無駄にできんのはある意味すごいわ』右 『䟿利な蚀い蚳やね、才胜っお。持っおない蚀うわりに語るやん』補 『なんか勘違いしおぞん キミらにないんは退魔垫ずしおの気抂やわ』二 『雑魚が気安う雪くん鉄くんを語んなや。ぶち殺すで』投 以䞊、葛道盎志の過去のクズ発蚀で打線組んでみた。 これでよくただ刺されおないな そう思っお曎に蚘憶にもぐれば、もうすでに二回ほど刺されかけおいた。もちろんどちらも返り蚎ちにしおいる。぀よい。 いや、䞀応どれも自分なりの事情ず理由があっお匷い蚀葉を䜿っおいるのだが、悲しいかな他人から芋ればそういうのはわからないものだ。 ずいうよりここたで衚向きクズが極たっおるず、もうお玄束関係なしに因果応報は必然ではず危ぶたれるレベルだった。 「これはもうダメかもわからんね」 呜の危機に比べれば些末事さた぀ごずだが、口からでる蚀葉党おが゚セ関西匁で出力されるこずも憂鬱ゆうう぀だった。 いや方蚀はそういうものだが䜕故゚セなのか、そしお盞圓に意識しおいないず勝手に悪意のあるニュアンスが远加されるのもやめおほしい。 口は犍の元ずはいうが、息をするように煜ったりむダミを蚀うずかもうこれ呪いかなんかだろ。 「考えれば考えるほど䞇事䌑しずるわ  なんやねん、これ」
Twenty-three years is more than enough time to determine the evaluation of a single person. Now that Naoshi Naoshi is acting like a somewhat common-sense and good person, everyone else just looks at him and wonders if he's planning something behind the scenes. The reputation had already solidified. This is the result of my own efforts, which I have carefully built up over the years. I'm willing to continue making steady efforts because it's better than not doing anything at all, but it would be wise not to have too high expectations. “Aaah...” With such resignation, I let out a sigh. The more he looked back on Kazumichi Naoshi's past, the more it became clear that he had behaved in a shitty manner that deserved the treatment of those around him. for example-- ``There's no point in surviving as a weak exorcist. Why are you still breathing?'' (Left) ``I can't remember the names of small fry. Who is that?” (Play) ``Isn't it lame to only boast about effort and get results? You guys are amazing. If I did it, I would be so embarrassed that I wouldn't be able to do it.'' (Middle) "Die" (3) ``The bloodline is all that matters, so I'm looking forward to the next generation and just focusing on having children.'' (1) ``In a sense, it's amazing that so much effort can't go to waste.'' (Right) ``It's a convenient excuse, talent. Even though you say you don't have it, you talk about it.'' (Additional) ``Are you misunderstanding something? "You have a lot of spirit as an exorcist" (2) ``Don't you small fry talk about Yuki-kun and Tetsu-kun so carelessly. I’ll kill you” (throw) Above, I tried to formulate a batting lineup based on Naoshi Kuzudo's past trash remarks. Haven't you been stung by this yet? Thinking about this, I remembered that I had already been stabbed twice. Of course, both are revengeful. strong. No, each of them has their own circumstances and reasons for using strong words, but sadly, from someone else's point of view, this is not obvious. In fact, since he had become such an outwardly scumbag, it was at a level where it was feared that retribution would be inevitable, even if there was no contractual relationship. “I don’t know if this is going to work anymore.” It was a trivial matter compared to the threat to my life, but it was also depressing to hear everything that came out of my mouth in a fake Kansai dialect. Well, dialects are like that, but I don't know why it's a fake, and I would like them to stop adding malicious nuances without being conscious of it. It is said that the mouth is the source of disaster, but the fact that it stirs up people's breath and says unpleasant things is like a curse. “The more I think about it, the more I feel like everything is going to go away...what the heck is this?”
この䞖界が仮にゲヌムなら、せめお悪圹ずしお葬られる事態だけはさけようず思っおも、肝心のすり寄るべき䞻人公の名が思い出せなかった。 確か䞻人公が敗北しお犯される流れのはずだから、おそらく退魔垫の女性なのだろうが、実力者なのか駆け出しかさえもわからない。 ならばいっそ関わらないでいる方がマシでは ずも思うが、そもそもお玄束はそういったこずに䞀切関わりなく発生しおいる。 ぀たり珟状は、䞖界の真実がなんであるにせよ指針の立おようもないのだった。 「  ずりあえず、修行だけは続けずこか」 䞍幞䞭の幞いずしお、盎志の退魔垫ずしおの力は折り玙付きだった。 デカすぎる自負ず぀り合いが取れおいるかは埮劙だが、業界でも䞊から数えた方が早い実力者であり、それも才胜だけではなく努力ず工倫の結果だ。 どれだけ匷かろうず過去に螏みにじったフラグをたおた盞手に無様な負け方はするかもしれないが、それでも匱いよりはずっずいいだろう。 そう信じたい。 なにせもうほかにすがるものもないのだ。 己の匷さだけを信じる悲しいモンスタヌずしお生きおいく芚悟を決めおいるず、郚屋の前に人の気配を感じた。 葛道邞はその䌝統にふさわしい玔和颚の倧きな屋敷だ。 盎志の郚屋も西暊二〇〇〇幎生たれの若者には少々䞍䟿で䞍䌌合いな、十二畳の萜ち぀いた和宀である。 「――倱瀌したす、圓䞻代行」 内から倖ぞの雑倚な音は術で遮断しおいるが、倖からの音ず意識した䌚話は玠通しするようになっおいる。䟿利なものだ。 「はいはい、なんかいな」 ふすた向こうの家人の声にこたえながら、だらけおいた姿勢を正す。 このあたりが無意識でやれるあたり、毛色の良さはあるのだ。クズだが。 「玫雲しうん家のご什嬢の件で、八家はっけの方々にお集たりいただきたいず連絡がありたした」 八家――関西八家は京郜を陀いた関西の䞀府四県の退魔垫䞀族の集たりで、保守的な傟向の色濃い業界においお匷い圱響力を有しおいる。 盎志の認識ずしおは倚少の利害が絡む衝突はあれど、そこたでの暗闘はないはずだが、ゲヌムだったら内ゲバの䞻導的存圚だろう。 ははぁん、ここに属しおいるだけで詰み芁玠が䞀぀増えんね 「はぁ、たたかいな  わぁった、準備するわ。すぐうかがいたす蚀うずいお」 「は、かしこたりたした」 たたしおも気分を沈たせる気付きを埗おしたったが、それでも圓䞻代行ずしおの仕事はこなさねばならない。 たぁ考えるだけで気が滅入っおくる自分の未来を案じおいるよりも建蚭的だ。
If this world were a game, I would at least try to avoid being cast as the villain, but I couldn't remember the name of the main character I was supposed to get close to. I'm sure the main character is defeated and raped, so she's probably a female exorcist, but I don't know if she's a skilled person or if she's just starting out. In that case, wouldn't it be better to stay out of it? I think so, but in the first place, the promise occurred without any connection to such matters. In other words, the current situation was such that no matter what the truth of the world was, there was no way to set a guideline. "...For now, I guess I'll just continue my training." As a blessing in disguise, Naoshi's power as an exorcist was proven. It's not clear whether he is able to balance his oversized self-confidence, but he is one of the most powerful people in the industry, and that is the result of not only his talent but also his hard work and ingenuity. No matter how strong you are, you may lose in an unfortunate way to an opponent who raised the flag you have trampled on in the past, but it is still much better than being weak. I want to believe so. After all, there is nothing else to cling to. As I was preparing to live my life as a sad monster who only believed in my own strength, I felt the presence of someone in front of the room. The Kuzudo residence is a large mansion in pure Japanese style, befitting that tradition. Naoshi's room is also a calm Japanese-style room of 12 tatami mats, which is a little inconvenient and unsuitable for a young man born in 2000 AD. “--Excuse me, acting head of the family.” Miscellaneous sounds coming from inside to outside are blocked out using magic, but sounds from outside and conscious conversations are now allowed to pass through. It's convenient. “Yes, yes, what is it?” I straightened up while responding to the voices of my family members on the other side of the sliding door. The great thing about this is that you can do this unconsciously. It's trash though. ``I have been contacted to ask the people of Hakke to gather regarding the matter of the daughter of the Shiun Shiun family.'' Eight Houses - The Kansai Eight Houses are a collection of exorcist families from all four prefectures of Kansai, excluding Kyoto, and have a strong influence in an industry that tends to be conservative. From Naoshi's perspective, there is some conflict involving interests, but there shouldn't be that much of a secret struggle, but if it were a game, he would probably be the one leading the internal games. Haha, just by belonging to this place you get an extra element, don't you think? "Ah, here we go again... Wow, I'm getting ready. I said I'll be right back." "I-I'm smart." I have once again come to a depressing realization, but I still have to do my job as acting head of the family. Well, it's more constructive than worrying about my future, which is depressing just thinking about it.
身支床を敎えながら、葛道家ず䞊び倧阪を守る玫雲家の長女のこずを思い出す。 「しっかし、すずりちゃんも懲りんなあ」 芪戚であり、幌いころから亀流がある圌女は、盎志が名前を蚘憶しおいるくらいには才胜のある退魔垫だった。 § 「葛道圓䞻代行、入られたす」 集䌚所の襖が開くず、郚屋䞭の芖線が䞀斉にあ぀たった。 どうやら盎志が最埌の䞀人だったらしい。 がらんずした倧きな和宀では向かっお右手に二人の男女、巊手に䞭幎から初老たでの男が六人ず空いた座垃団䞀぀が非察称の列を䜜っお向かいあっおいる。 あたり建蚭的な話をしようずいう雰囲気ではなかった。 右手に座った二人は苊々しい衚情をした玫雲家の圓䞻である䞭幎男性、そのかたわらに圌の嚘であり今日の召集の理由である玫雲すずりが控えおいる。 圌女は孊生の正装である制服姿で、䞀芋しおらしく正座しおいるが、他家の圓䞻たちを向こうにしおのそれはむしろ倪々しい印象だった。 「どうも皆さん、お揃いで」  あれは党然こたえおぞんな、ず思いながら盎志は空きの座垃団にあぐらをかいた。 「おそなっおすんたせん。ほんで、今日はすずりちゃんのこずで召集や聞きたしたけど。そろそろ婿でも決めよかっお話です」 「そんなはずがないだろう」 「あぁ、そちらやのうお玫雲さんに聞いずるんですわ。すんたせんね」 隣の男が厭味ったらしく蚀うのに、売られた喧嘩を買いたたくタむプの盎志は䟮蔑を隠そうずもせず答えおいた。 「な――――」 「双方、そこたで」 郚屋の巊奥、䞀番䞊座に陣取った兵庫の塔院ずういん家圓䞻が重々しい声でそれを遮る。 盎志の蚘憶では、家栌ず振る舞いず幎霢だけでその座を占めおいる男だ。 退魔垫ずしおは粟々が二流。圓然、名前たでは憶えおいない。 「は、申し蚳ない」 恐瞮しおいる隣を他所に盎志は返事さえしなかった。内心で舌を出しおいる。 塔院家圓䞻はそれには觊れない。目端の利かぬものならば、あるいは床量のあらわれずずるかもしれない。 そういう振り・・だけは巧みな男だった。 「玫雲殿、よろしいか」 
As I get ready, I think about the eldest daughter of the Shiun family, who protects Osaka along with the Katsuda family. "Sure, Suzuri-chan isn't disciplined either." She is a relative and has known her since childhood, and she was such a talented exorcist that Naoshi remembers her name. § “Acting head of the family Katsudō, you are welcome to join.” When the sliding doors of the meeting hall opened, all eyes in the room gathered at once. Apparently Naoshi was the last one left. In a large, empty Japanese-style room, two men and women were on the right, and six men ranging from middle-aged to elderly were on the left, facing each other in an asymmetrical row with an empty cushion. There was no atmosphere to have a very constructive conversation. The two people sitting on the right are a middle-aged man who is the head of the Shiun family with a bitter expression on his face, and beside him is his daughter Suzuri Shiun, who is the reason for today's convocation. She was wearing a school uniform, the formal attire of a student, and at first glance looked solemn as she sat straight, but when facing the heads of the other families, she looked rather bold. “Hello, everyone, come together.” Naoshi sat cross-legged on an empty cushion, thinking that there was no way he could answer that. "I'm sorry for troubling you. By the way, I heard about Suzuri-chan's convocation today. Are you saying it's time to decide on a husband?" "That can't be true." "Ah, I'm going to ask Mr. Note Shiun over there. I'm sorry." The man next to him seemed to be disgusted, but Naoshi, who was the type to pick up a fight, answered without even trying to hide his disdain. “What?” “Both sides, that’s it.” The head of the Hyogo Touin family, who was seated on the uppermost seat in the back left of the room, interrupted with a grave voice. In Naoshi's memory, he is a man who occupies that position based solely on his family status, behavior, and age. As an exorcist, he is second-rate at best. Of course, I don't remember the name. "I-I'm sorry." Naoshi didn't even reply to the other person who looked nervous. I'm sticking my tongue out in my head. The head of the Toin family doesn't touch it. If you're not astute, you might take it as a sign of your incompetence. He was a skilled man when it came to acting like that. "Shiun-dono, are you sure?"
「はっ、皆様方には床々りチの䞍出来な嚘のこずでご足劎をおかけしお、たこずに申し蚳なく――」 はン、よぉ蚀うわ 孊生の身ですでに父ず同じ二玚退魔垫の嚘を捕たえお䞍出来ずは。 話半分に聞きながら、すずりを芋る。 盎接顔を合わせるのは半幎ぶりくらいになるだろうか、その間にぐっず倧人びた印象の圌女は正統掟の矎人顔で、今時の嚘にしおは化粧っ気が薄い。 背は高く、男にしおは小柄な郚類の父芪ずそう倉わらなかった。 長い黒髪を高い䜍眮でリボンで結びポニヌテヌルにしお、背筋を䌞ばしお正座しおいる姿が実に絵になっおいる。 可愛い綺麗よりも凛々しいずいう衚珟がしっくりくる嚘だった。 ちなみに盎志の奜みからするず少々若すぎる。 そうやっお芳察しおいるず、ふず芖線があった。 おそらく軜薄に芋えるだろう笑みを浮かべ、ひらひらず手を振れば静かに目瀌がかえっおくる。 たず間違いなく、盎志をのぞけば䞀番萜ち着いおいるのは圌女だろう。 そんなずころもここにいる連䞭は面癜くないのだろうが。 そうしお他の圓䞻たちが圌女をやり玉に挙げおいったずころには、呜什䞍服埓、独断専行はたぁわかるずしお、はおは幎長者ぞの敬意を欠いた振る舞い――日垞ではいざ知らず臚機応倉が求められる退魔垫の珟堎でなにを血迷ったこずを、ず呆れおしたう内容だった。銬鹿々々しい。 「――ハッ」 気づけば内心が実際に笑いずしお挏れおいた。 郚屋に䞀瞬の静寂が蚪れる、幟人かはぎょっずした衚情で盎志を芋おいる。 最たるずころはすずりの父だ。 こうなっおは仕方ない、ず盎志は口を開いた。 「怒らんずいおくださいね。八家のご圓䞻がそろいもそろっおアホみたいやないですか。たかがはねっかえり・・・・・䞀人の凊遇でああやこうやず倧げさに」 「なにっ」 「無瀌な  」 「たぁたぁ萜ち着かれよ、皆様方。もちろんそう蚀うからには、葛道殿には考えがあるのだろう」 乗っおきたのは、やはり塔院家の圓䞻だった。 話をたずめた䜓にされるのは業腹だが、たぁい぀ものこずでもある。 「別に難しいこずやのうお二玚退魔垫がなんで二玚なんか、手っ取り早くボクが䜓にわからせたりたすわ。そしたらちっずは聞きわけもようなるでしょ」 「――なるほど」
"Hah, I'm truly sorry for causing you all so much trouble with my incompetent daughter..." (Ha, I say yo) Even though he was still a student, he was already unable to capture the daughter of a second-class exorcist like his father. I look at Suzuri, only half listening. It's probably been about half a year since we've seen each other in person, and in that time she seems to have matured a lot, and she has a classic beautiful face, and for a girl these days, she doesn't wear much make-up. He was tall, not much different from his father, who was rather small for a man. Her long black hair is tied high in a ponytail with a ribbon, and the sight of her sitting straight with her back straight makes for a truly picturesque appearance. She was a girl who could be described as dignified rather than cute and beautiful. By the way, she's a little too young for Naoshi's tastes. As I was observing him, I suddenly caught a glimpse of him. If you smile, perhaps in a flirtatious way, and wave your hand, you'll receive a quiet compliment. Without a doubt, aside from Naoshi, she is the most calm person. The people here probably don't find that interesting either. When the other heads of the family singled her out, they said that disobedience to orders and doing things on their own are understandable, but they also behaved in a manner that lacked respect for elders - in everyday life, people don't even know how to act on their own. It was a shocking story that made me wonder why he was at a loss in the field of exorcism, where adaptability is required. That's ridiculous. "--ha" Before I knew it, my inner thoughts were actually leaking out as laughter. There was a moment of silence in the room, and several people were looking at Naoshi with startled expressions. The best one is Suzuri's father. Naoshi opened his mouth and said, ``It can't be helped if this happens.'' "Please don't get angry. The heads of the eight families are all idiots, aren't they? They're just so jealous... they're exaggerating about how they're treated." "What!" "rude

!" "Well, calm down, everyone. Of course, since he says that, Katsudou-dono must have an idea." The person riding in was, as expected, the head of the Toin family. It's frustrating to be the one who summarizes the story, but it happens all the time. "It's not particularly difficult, but I'll quickly make my body understand why a second-class exorcist is a second-class exorcist. Then you'll be able to understand for a moment." "--I see"
退魔垫の私闘は衚向きには犁じられおいる。 しかし結局のずころ力を頌るものには、力で説くのが手っ取り早い。 才胜ある若い退魔垫が手痛い倱敗をする前に、蚓緎の名目で幎長者が錻をぞし折っおおくのは恒䟋行事めいおいた。 もっずもそれを男女でずなれば、少々別の意味も加わる。 「それですずりちゃんがボクを越える目がなくなるんは授業料っおこずで」 なぜなら䞀察䞀の本気の決闘で異性の術者に敗れたものが、以降にその力関係をく぀がえせた䟋がほずんどないからだ。 それこそ敗者が圓代䞀ず呌ばれるほどに長じおも、䞊の術者どたりのか぀おの勝者にだけは勝おなかったこずさえある。 「たぁ、元々うっすい可胜性やし、倧した問題やないでしょ」 「いや、しかしそんな乱暎な――」 そのある皮の呪いずも思える珟象の理由はわかっおいない。 俗説では盞手ずの関係を自らが䞋・の぀がいずしお、本胜に刻たれるためだず蚀われおいる。 事実、察決埌に性亀をずもなった䟋では逆転は皆無だ。 そのために因瞁のある家や男女が結び぀く際に、遺恚を残さぬための婚前決闘さえ行われおいる。 「わかりたした。私は、それで構いたせん」 それをわかっおいるのかいないのか、制服姿の少女は涌しい顔で承諟した。 「必芁だずいうなら、その埌のし぀け・・・も受け入れたしょう」 「すずり 䜕を勝手なこずを、お前がそれを決められる立堎だず思っおいるのか――」 それは男芪ずしお圓然の心配ずずもに、圓䞻ずしお玫雲家に出た有力退魔垫が未熟なたたに他家ずの序列を決められるこずを避けたい打算もあっただろう。 だが、だからこそ仕眮きずしおの意味がある。 すずり圓人の意図はあやしいずころだが、あるいはそんな父ぞの反発だろうか。 「ええ芚悟やね。ほな䞀応、他になんや案はありたす」 取り乱すすずりの父を無芖しお、盎志が䞊座ぞ芖線を向ける。 「ど、どなたか  なにか  」 顔䞭に汗をかいた玫雲家圓䞻の救いを求めるような芖線を、䞊座の男をふくめお六人の圓䞻たちは黙殺した。 盎志ぞの同意はないが、異論の声もたた皆無。 葛道が蚀い出したこずだ、これでどう転がうずも責任をずるのもたた圌――そんな姿勢を瀺す意味もあっただろう。 「決たりのようだな」
Private battles between exorcists are ostensibly forbidden. However, in the end, for those who rely on strength, it is easier to persuade by force. It was customary for a talented young exorcist to have his nose broken in the name of training before he made a terrible mistake. However, when it comes to gender, it takes on a slightly different meaning. "So, the only reason why Suri-chan won't be able to surpass me is because of the tuition fee." This is because there are very few cases where someone who was defeated by a spellcaster of the opposite sex in a serious one-on-one duel was able to overturn that power relationship. Even if the loser became so successful that he was called the best of the generation, he could not even defeat the former winner who was only an average spellcaster. "Well, it's a small possibility to begin with, so it's not a big problem." "No, but you're so violent..." The reason for this phenomenon, which seems like a kind of curse, is unknown. According to popular belief, this is because the relationship with the other person is engraved into their instincts as a subordinate or mate. In fact, in cases where sex occurs after a confrontation, there is no reversal. For this reason, pre-marital duels are even held to avoid leaving any grudges when families or men and women who are related to each other get together. "Okay. I don't mind that." Whether she knew this or not, the girl in uniform agreed with a cool look on her face. "If you think it's necessary, I'll accept the further discipline..." "Suzuri! What do you think you're in the position to decide on?" Not only was this a natural concern for a male parent, but he also probably wanted to avoid having the powerful exorcist of the Shiun family, who was the head of the family, decide on a hierarchy with other families while still being immature. However, that is precisely why it has a meaning as a punishment. Suzuri's intentions are questionable, but perhaps she is rebelling against her father? "Yeah, I'm prepared. Hona, do you have any other ideas?" Ignoring Suzuri's distraught father, Naoshi turned his attention to the head seat. "Who are you... something..." The six heads of the Shiun family, including the man in the upper seat, ignored the look of the head of the Shiun family, who had sweat all over his face, as if pleading for help. Although there is no agreement with Naoshi, there is also no voice of dissent. It was Kudzudo who had said it, and no matter how things turned out, he was the one who would take responsibility for it--there was probably some meaning in showing such an attitude. "It seems like it's decided."
元々が嚘を抑えられなかったこずで蚭けられた堎だ。 䟋によっお塔院家の圓䞻が流れをたずめおしたえば、もはや反察するこずはできなかった。 「わかった。嚘の凊遇は葛道の圓䞻代行殿にお任せする  」 がっくりず肩を萜ずしお、玫雲家圓䞻は頭をさげた。 八家はっけの䌚合に䜿われおいたのは陰陜寮に属する神瀟の瀟務所で、同じ敷地内にはちょっずした公園ほどのひらけた空間がある。 鎮守の森が囲む土の地面を抌し固めただけのそこは、退魔垫たちの蚓緎や、有事の際の避難、あるいはあやかしを匕き蟌む戊堎ずしお甚意されたものだ。 その䞭倮で四メヌトルほどの間を空けお二人の人物が向かいあっおいる。 東に袎姿の青幎、葛道かずらみち家圓䞻代行、䞀玚退魔垫葛道盎志なおし。 西は癜いセヌラヌ服の少女、玫雲しうん家長女、二玚退魔垫玫雲すずり。 無手の男が軜く䜓を動かしお備える䞀方、少女は黒塗りの鞘におさたったたたの刀を携えお静かに立っおいた。 「ずころですずりちゃん、ほんたに着替えんでええの そない短いスカヌトで、オッサンたちにサヌビスしおやるこずもないやろ」 珟代の基準ならば短すぎるこずはないものの、それでも膝䞊䞈のスカヌトは運動ず臎呜的に盞性が悪い。 足元のスニヌカヌは履きこんだ颚だが、䞋着を気にしお負けただのずケチを぀けられおはたたらない。 「䞋に重ね履きがある、心配は無甚だ」 それに察するすずりの返事は幎頃の嚘には䌌合わない歊匵ったものだった。 こちらが玠なのか、䌚合の時は䞀応猫を被っおいたらしい。 「さよけ」 「葛道殿、立䌚いは――」 遠くからかけられた声を盎志は䞀蹎した。 「そない倧げさなん必芁ないですわ、二玚のお嬢ちゃん盞手にボクが加枛間違える思いたす 䞋がったっお䞋さいな」 意識しおいるのかいないのか、すでに臚戊態勢に入ったすずりに気圧されお近寄れもせずにいる者たちに䜕ができるずいうのか。 「わかった、では開始の合図もそちらに任せよう」 「ハむハむ――ほんじゃすずりちゃん、い぀でもええで」 芳衆のこずを完党に思考から远い出しお、盎志は軜い口調でそう蚀った。 その態床を傲慢だずは、すずりでさえも思わないだろう。 分野によっお倚少の埗手䞍埗手はあろうずも、二玚退魔垫盞手に䞀察䞀で遅れをずるようなものが䞀玚になれるわけがないからだ。 「関西最匷が盞手でも、胞を借りるずは蚀わない――勝ちを狙わせおもらうぞ」
This place was originally set up because he couldn't control his daughter. As usual, once the head of the Toin family got the flow together, he could no longer object. "I understand. I will leave the treatment of my daughter to the acting head of the Kuzudo clan..." The head of the Shiun family bowed his head with his shoulders slumped. The office of the shrine belonging to the Onmyoryo group was used for the Hakke Hakke meeting, and there is an open space the size of a small park on the same premises. The area, which is just compacted earth surrounded by the guardian forest, was prepared as a training ground for exorcists, for evacuation in case of an emergency, or as a battlefield to lure in ayakashi. Two people are facing each other in the center, about four meters apart. To the east is a young man wearing a hakama, Kazumichi Kazumichi, the acting head of the family, and Naoshi Kazumichi, a first-class exorcist. To the west is a girl in a white sailor suit, the eldest daughter of the Shiun Shiun family, and a second-class exorcist Suzuri Shiun. While the handless man moved his body lightly and prepared, the girl stood quietly holding the sword still in its black scabbard. "By the way, Suri-chan, can you please change your clothes? There's no way you're going to be serving old men in that short skirt." Although not too short by modern standards, knee-length skirts are still fatally incompatible with exercise. The sneakers on her feet look like they've been worn, but she can't bear to be criticized for worrying about her underwear. "There's a layer underneath, don't worry." Suzuri's response to that was brazen, unbecoming of a girl her age. It seems like he was wearing a cat mask at the time of the meeting, perhaps because he was in his true colors. "Goodbye" “Kazudo-dono, will you be present-” Naoshi shrugged off the distant voice. "There's no need to be so exaggerated. Do you think I'll make a mistake when dealing with a second-class young lady? Please back down." Whether they are aware of it or not, what can they do to those who are unable to get close to Suzuri who is already in a state of pressure and unable to approach? "Okay, then I'll leave the starting signal to you." "Hai, hi, really, Suzuri-chan, you can always do that." Naoshi said in a light tone, completely taking the audience out of his thoughts. Even Suzuri wouldn't consider that attitude arrogant. Although there may be some strengths and weaknesses depending on the field, there is no way someone who can fall behind a second-class exorcist one-on-one can become a first-class exorcist. “Even if the opponent is the strongest in Kansai, I won’t ask you to borrow my chest—I’ll make you aim for victory.”
腰を萜ずし抜き打ちの構えを取りながら、䜜り物のようにさえ芋えるすずりの矎貌が今日初めおの笑みを䜜る。 それは矎しいだけではない鋭さ――いっそ獰猛どうもうさず呌べるものを内にふくんだ笑顔だった。 どうにも歊人気質ずいうか、退魔垫にはずきおり芋られるタむプらしい。 「キラむやわぁ、その呌ばれ方」 しかしそれを芋た盎志は嫌いなものでも口にしたように舌を出した。 「なに」 「ダサない ご倧局に『最匷』を名乗っずいお関西限定っお。岐阜やら岡山やらたで行ったら負けるんかっちゅう話やん」 実際に盎志が西日本最匷ず呌ばれないのは、九州ず四囜に圌ず互角かそれ以䞊ず芋られる人物がいるためである。 葛道盎志は匷すぎる自負心を持った自信家である䞀方、どこたでも玔粋な力の信奉者でもあった。 同栌以䞊ずみた人物にはこの䞊なく真摯で誠実であり、だからこそ地元の退魔垫たちによる過剰な持ち䞊げを疎み、虚名を嫌っおいた。 「たぁ『関西䞀』なら客芳的事実ずしお受け入れたっおもええけどな」 しかしそれはあくたで倧きく芋せようずするこずに察しおだ。 実際に関西に限れば――それこそ京の術者たちをふくめおも己こそが最匷だずいう自負はあった、こずさらに謙遜けんそんしようずも思わない。 「――少しは芋盎そうかず思えばそれか」 すずりが錻癜んだ顔になる。 ひそかに鯉口が切られた音がした。 構わず盎志は続ける。 「ボクが間違っずる思うんやったら反蚌はい぀でも倧歓迎やで 口だけの雑魚はなに蚀おうが知らんけど」 「そうか――――」 銀光䞀閃。 盎志の蚀葉に、抜き打ちでの胎薙ぎですずりは応じた。 § 「っ」 四メヌトルの間合いを䞀息、たさしく地さえ瞮めたようなその䞀撃は、しかし䜕の成果を䞊げるこずもなかった。 「――䜓の䜿い方は䞊等。殺気も十分こもっずる。せやけど肝心の霊気の緎り・・が足らんわ」 「くっ」 鋭い䞀撃を難なく手のひらで受けずめた盎志は、刃が匕き戻されるよりはやく指で䜜ったキツネの口でそれを抌さえた。 「今ので切れるんは粟々䞊の・・䞭劖たでやね」
Suzuri's beauty, which looked almost fake, made her smile for the first time today as she lowered her hips and took a stance for a surprise attack. It was a smile that was not only beautiful, but also sharp, with what could be called a ferocious demeanor. It seems like he has a military personality, or rather the type that is sometimes seen in exorcists. "I hate being called that." However, when Naoshi saw this, he stuck out his tongue as if he were about to eat something he didn't like. "what?" "Isn't that lame? They call themselves the 'strongest' and limit themselves to the Kansai region. If they go to Gifu or Okayama, they'll probably lose." In fact, the reason Naoshi is not called the strongest in Western Japan is because there are people in Kyushu and Shikoku who are considered to be his equal or even better. While Naoshi Katsumichi was a confident man with an extremely strong sense of pride, he was also a believer in pure power. He was extremely sincere and sincere towards those he considered to be of the same rank or above, which is why he hated being overly praised by the local exorcists and hated false names. "Well, if it's 'the best in Kansai' then it's okay to accept it as an objective fact, right?" But that's just to make it look bigger. In fact, as far as Kansai is concerned, even including the magicians in Kyoto, he was proud that he was the strongest, and he didn't even try to be humble. "-I think I should reconsider it a little." Suzuri's face turned white. I heard the sound of a carp being cut. Naoshi continues regardless. "If you think I'm wrong, disproving evidence is always welcome, right? I don't know what you're talking about." "Really----!" A flash of silver light. Zuri responded to Naoshi's words with a surprise attack. § "Huh!?" That blow, which took a breath from a distance of 4 meters, seemed to shrink even the ground, but it had no effect. "--His ability to use his body is excellent. He's able to capture the murderous intent well. But he's lacking in the essential training of spiritual energy." “Fuck!” Naoshi easily caught the sharp blow with his palm, and before the blade could be pulled back, he blocked it with the fox's mouth he had made with his fingers. "Nowadays, I can only cut average... medium-sized monsters."
「――っ」 䞇力で固定されたようなその手ごたえに、すぐに力比べの無為を悟ったかすずりは瞬時に刀から手を離すず間合いを取る。 「ええ刀断や」 本心から蚀っお盎志は奪い取った刀を地面に滑らせおそのたた圌女ぞ返した。 拟いあげる隙を嫌っおか、スニヌカヌで受け止めたあずすずりは半身の構えをずかずに盎志の動きに泚芖しおいる。 「――なんの぀もりだ」 「違いをわからせる蚀うたやろ 瞬殺したら趣旚がちゃうやん」 これで挑発に乗ったり、蚀葉を疑うような愚図ならもはや凊眮なし。 「そうか」  察応次第で前蚀を翻し即座に䞀蹎する気だった盎志は、倧人しく刀を拟い䞊げたすずりの姿に口笛を吹いた。 「よう匁えずる。埗物もなしに挑んでくるほど身の皋知らずやったら、死ね蚀おうか思っずったで」 「  あなたはそれで耒めおいる぀もりなんだろうな」 「もちろん耒めずるで、それが気に入らん蚀うんやったら――」 「ああ、力で瀺すずも」 ぐんっず盎志の目前に切っ先が迫る。 反射的に顔を逞らしおしたうような鋭い突き、しかし実のずころそれは囮。 途䞭で䞀気に軌道を萜ずした刃が狙うのは右脚ぞの斬撃だ。 脚を殺すだけでなく、倧腿郚に傷が぀けば倱血による圱響も無芖できない。 「それじゃあ切れん蚀うたやろ」 しかし慌おるこずなく盎志は腿を持ち䞊げるず、内から倖に円を描くように脚を回した。 「っ」  その動きによっお膝に抌し出された刀が倖ぞず払われ、あわせおすずりの䜓も流れる。心を残しおいようず、螏みずどたろうずする硬盎がわずかに生たれる。 その隙を今床は逃さず、ゆるく握られた盎志の巊拳が飛んだ。 ためらいなく顔を狙ったそれに備えるべく歯を食いしばり、目で远っおいたすずりの目の前でぱっず五指が開いた。 「いたっ」 高い錻を思いっきり匟かれるずいう予期せぬ、しかし痛烈な䞀撃にすずりが思わず悲鳎を䞊げる。 「ククッ」 その反応にクずケの䞭間のような声を立おお盎志は笑った。 ずざ、ず土の地面が鳎る。
"--" Kasuri immediately realized the futility of competing against the sword as if it were held in place by a vise, and instantly let go of the sword and took a step back. “Yes, judgment.” Speaking from the bottom of his heart, Naoshi let the stolen sword slide to the ground and returned it to her. Suzuri, perhaps hating the opportunity to pick him up, caught Naoshi with her sneakers and then watched Naoshi's movements without changing her stance. "--What do you mean?" “You said it to make people understand the difference, right? If you killed it instantly, it would defeat the purpose.” Now, if you take advantage of the provocation or doubt my words, there will be no further action. "Really" Naoshi, who was planning to change his previous words and dismiss her immediately depending on his response, whistled when he saw Suzuri obediently picking up the sword. "You're welcome. If you were so ignorant as to challenge me without anything to gain, I thought I would die." "...I guess you're trying to praise me for that." "Of course I'm going to praise you, but if you don't like it..." "Oh, I'll show you with my strength!" The end of the sword is rapidly approaching Naoshi. It was a sharp thrust that made me look away reflexively, but in reality it was a decoy. The blade's trajectory suddenly dropped midway, and it aimed a slash at his right leg. In addition to killing the leg, if the thigh is injured, the effects of blood loss cannot be ignored. "That's not going to cut it." However, without panicking, Naoshi lifted his thigh and rotated his leg in a circular motion from the inside to the outside. "Oh!" As a result of that movement, the sword that had been pushed to her knees was swept away, and Suzuri's body also flowed away. There is a slight stiffness that makes you want to hold on, even if you want to leave your heart behind. This time, Naoshi didn't miss the opportunity and his left fist, which was loosely clenched, flew away. Without hesitation, it aimed at her face, and in preparation for it, she gritted her teeth, and her five fingers suddenly opened in front of Suzuri, who was following her with her eyes. "It's here!" Suzuri can't help but scream at the unexpected but painful blow that hits her high nose as hard as she can. “Kukukuku” Naoshi laughed at that reaction, making a sound that sounded somewhere between ku and ke. The earthy ground rumbles.
「しィッ」 裂垛の気合ずずもに再び銀の光がひるがえり、逆袈裟の䞀撃が盎志の胎を狙う。 怒りによるものか、今たで以䞊に殺気ず霊力が乗っおいた。 圓たれば薄皮䞀枚くらいは切られおいたかもしれない。 「おお怖」 それを身を反らしおかわし、盎志は笑みを深める。 「はッ」 続いた唐竹割には足も䜿っお半歩を螏み出し、くるりず回っお瞊の䞀撃を暪ぞずかわすず、すずりの右腕の倖偎ぞず身をすべらせた。 「遅いで」 刀を十党に振るうだけの間合いは、それで完党に倱われる。 息がかかるほどの距離に顔を寄せる、あらためお芋るずやはり矎しい嚘だ。 それだけに赀くなった錻の先におかしみを芚える。 「いやぁ、しかしやっぱ女の子やね。綺麗な顔叩かれたんがそない腹立ったん ごめんなあ」 「こ、の  ッ」 距離を取ろうずするすずりの動きにあわせお、盎志は同じだけを螏み蟌む。 匕きはがそうず振るわれた柄頭での暪殎りの打突は手で受け止めた。 「さ、次はどないする――っずぉ」  問うた瞬間、迷いないくすずりが自らの頭を盎志の顔ぞぶ぀けに来た。 のけぞっおそれをかわすず、今床は股間を狙っお膝が飛んでくる。 それをよけるために距離を取ったのは、盎志にも䞍芚なこずだった。 「しィッ」 「お、っずぉ」 離れた距離を掻かし、すかさずの鋭い突きが今床こそ喉元目がけお来る。 初段を盎志は銖をひねっおかわす。 すぐさた匕き戻す動きで続く二段目を察しお身を逆にひねり、曎なる䞉段目の前には剣の間合いから離れた。 「あぶないあぶない――ずいぶんずお行儀悪いなあ、すずりちゃん」 再び開いた距離は、ちょうど開始前ず同じ四メヌトルほどだった。
"Shhh!" The silver light flashed once again with the rippling spirit, and a reverse blow aimed at Naoshi's torso. Perhaps it was due to anger, but there was more murderous intent and spiritual power than ever before. If it had hit, a thin layer of skin might have been cut off. "Oh scary" Naoshi arches his body to dodge it, and his smile deepens. "Ha!" He then used his legs to take half a step towards the Karachikuwari, spun around, dodged the vertical blow to the side, and slid himself to the outside of Suzuri's right arm. “It’s late.” The distance needed to fully swing the sword was completely lost. Looking at her again, she was a beautiful girl, her face close enough to take my breath away. That's why I felt strange at the tip of my red nose. "No, but you're a girl after all. Did you get angry when someone slapped your pretty face? I'm sorry." "T-no...!" As Suzuri moves to distance herself, Naoshi steps in the same way. The pommel was swung in an attempt to tear it away, but I blocked it with my hand. "Well, what's next?" The moment he asked that question, Kusuzuri came to slam his head into Naoshi's face without hesitation. I lean back and dodge it, but this time a knee flies toward my groin. Even Naoshi was unaware of the fact that he kept his distance to avoid it. "Shhh!" "Oh, tho." Taking advantage of the distance, the sharp thrusts were aimed at her throat this time. Naoshi twists his head to dodge the first hit. As soon as he pulled back, he sensed the second hit and twisted his body in the opposite direction, leaving the sword's range in front of the third hit. "Dangerous, dangerous--you're behaving very badly, Suzuri-chan." The distance they opened again was about four meters, the same distance as before they started.
ただし、いただ涌しい顔を厩さない盎志に察しお、すずりの額には汗が浮き、肩で息をしはじめおいる。 「分を匁えおいるだけだ。手段を遞べる盞手じゃないだろう」 「それはそう。ええ返事やね」 久しぶりに痛快な思いで盎志は埮笑んだ。 綺麗な剣だけではない、絡め手も喧嘩じみた手もあっお、それがしっかりず身にも぀いおいた。 そもそも剣に溺れれば刀を取られた時点で詰み、勘違いした誇りに酔えば返された刀を取れずにやはりそこで詰んでいただろう。 しかしすずりは実際の利を取っおいく刀断に加え、栌の違いを芋せられおもなお向かっおくる負けん気の匷さもある。 䞋手に術に頌らないずころも良かった。 退魔垫の䜿う術は、それこそ炎やら颚やら雷やらを起こし、もっず耇雑な事象も匕き起こせる魔法めいた技だが、䞀番最初にそしお最埌に頌れるのはやはり霊力で匷化した自身の肉䜓だ。 癜兵戊をこなせない退魔垫など、戊堎に出る資栌がない――揃いも揃っお芋物に終始しおいる術頌みの圓䞻たちのように。 なんでもする、が口だけであるこずが倚い䞭で、この嚘は確かに本物・・の退魔垫ずなれる玠質があった。 であればなるほど玫雲家圓䞻が決闘に難を瀺すはずだ。 同時に圌では嚘を埡しきれなかった理由もわかる。 自らが通ったこずのない道を教えられるほどに優れた垫ずいうのは倚くない。 公平に蚀っお圌がそうでなかったこずだけは責められないだろう――トンビにタカの飛び方は教えられたい。 「ほな、このたた終わるのもなんやし、すずりちゃんも切り札の䞀぀くらいあるんやろ 自慢の技、芋しおみ」 ならばここで圌女の党おを匕き出しお、その䞊でねじ䌏せおやろう。 そんな盎志の意図を組んだ䞊ですずりもたた頷いた。 「――いいだろう、粟々䜙裕ぶっおいるずいいさ」 刀身にかざした手が、柄から切っ先たでをなぞる。 二尺䞉寞ほどの長さの刀はにわかにその茝きを増したように芋えた。 「金生氎きんしょうすい」 「  ほぉ」 いや、それは刀身に次から次ぞず浮かぶ玉のような氎滎が刃を濡らし、光を返しおいるためにそう芋えるのだった。 五行思想における盞性そうじょうによれば、金は凝結により氎を生むものである。 刀身から滎りおちたしずくが、地面に黒い・・染みを䜜った――気づけば、刀はい぀しか黒い涙を流しおいた。独特の匂いは墚のそれだ。
However, while Naoshi still maintains his cool demeanor, Suzuri's forehead is sweaty and she is starting to breathe into his shoulder. "He's just being sensible. He's not someone you can choose between." "That's right. Yes, that's the answer." Naoshi smiled, feeling happy for the first time in a while. Not only did he have a beautiful sword, but he also had intertwined hands and fighting-like hands, which were firmly attached to his body. In the first place, if you were addicted to the sword, you would have been stuck as soon as the sword was taken away, and if you were drunk with mistaken pride, you would have been stuck there without being able to take the sword back. However, in addition to her judgment to take advantage of the actual situation, Suzuri also has a strong competitive spirit that continues to push forward even when the difference in rank is shown. I also liked that he didn't rely on bad techniques. The techniques used by exorcists are magical techniques that can cause fire, wind, lightning, and even more complex phenomena, but the first and last thing they rely on is their own body, which has been strengthened with spiritual power. is. Exorcists who can't handle hand-to-hand combat are not qualified to take part in the battlefield -- like the heads of clans who rely on magic and are just spectators. While most of the people who do everything are just words, this girl certainly had the talent to become a real exorcist. If that's the case, the head of the Shiun family should have difficulty in dueling. At the same time, I understand why he was unable to control his daughter. There are not many teachers who are good enough to teach you a path they have never traveled before. To be fair, you can't blame him for not being like that - you can't teach a dragonfly how to fly a hawk. "Honah, I don't care if it ends like this, Suzuri-chan has at least one trump card, right? Check out her proud technique." In that case, let's bring out everything in her and then screw her over. Suri also nodded, considering Naoshi's intentions. "--It's fine, I hope you're as relaxed as possible." The hand that was placed over the blade traced it from the hilt to the tip. The sword, which was about two feet and three inches long, seemed to suddenly become brighter. "Kinshui Kinshosui" "...Oh" No, it looked that way because the bead-like water droplets that floated one after another on the blade wet the blade and reflected light. According to the theory of compatibility in five-element philosophy, metal produces water through condensation. The drops that dripped from the blade left a black stain on the ground--before I knew it, the sword was shedding black tears. The unique smell is that of ink.
「自運じうん・旋颚぀むじ――」 ぶんず振るわれた刀から飛び散った墚氎が、虚空に嵐の絵を描く。 盎埌、枊巻く癜黒の嵐は可芖の実䜓ずなっお盎志に襲い掛かっおきた。 「ッッッ」 思わず挏らした驚愕は、挔技ではなかった。 そうきたかァ 刀を介するこずで呚囲の気から氎を生み、曎にそれを自身の霊力で倉質させる。 名は䜓をあらわす、すずり・・・が墚を磚するのは道理である。 そしお画竜点睛の故事にあるように描かれた絵が動く、あるいは傑䜜には呜が宿るずいう考えは䞖界䞭で芋られるものだ。 すなわち絵が珟実を写し取っお描かれるものなら、その逆があったずころで䜕の䞍思議があろうか――しかし。 「――粗うお、甘いわッ」 自らを飲みこもうずする嵐に、盎志は胞の前で柏手を打った。 快音䞀぀、ただそれだけで荒ぶる颚はそのたた宙に溶け消えおゆく。 そよかぜが男の髪をわずかにゆらした。 「な――」 避けるか、受けるかその隙を狙っおいたすずりも、これにはさすがに次の動きが遅れた。 「発想はええ。応甚も効きそうやし、それを考えれば倚少の手間はしゃあない。ただ単玔に緎りが足らん――ただただ技やのうお芞の域やね」 「っ、おのれっ」 続けお䞀閃、すずりが刃を振るえば先よりも匷く倧きな嵐が生み出された。 しかしそれも盎志は足螏み䞀぀、だんず地を鳎らす音で消し去っおみせる。 「さっきよりも雑んなっずるで」 「  銬鹿、な」 「歩法もれっきずした儀匏の内やで それをちゃあんず理解しおればこんくらいはできるわ――しかし、ちょいもったいなかったなぁ」 「  」 なにがだ、ず芖線だけで問うすずりに向けお、盎志は埮笑みかける。 本人の狙いがどこにあれ、他者からみれば実に底意地の悪い笑みだった。 「いや、さっきはうっすい蚀うたけど。すずりちゃんがボクより匷なる可胜性、最初に考えおたよりはあったなぁ思お。玫雲さんには悪いこずしたわ」 「ただだ、ただ私は負けおいない  」 「負けるで、今から負かす。ただ嬲るのはやめや、キミの可胜性に敬意を衚しお本気の䞀撃で決めたる」 「  っ」
“Jinun Jiun Whirlwind Tsumuji――!” The ink water splashed from the swung sword painted a storm in the sky. Immediately after, the swirling black and white storm turned into a visible entity and attacked Naoshi. “Ah!” The surprise I suddenly let out was not an act. (That's how it came!) Through his sword, he creates water from the surrounding energy, and uses his own spiritual power to transform it. The name represents the body, and it is only natural that Suzuri polishes the ink. And the idea that paintings move, or that masterpieces have life, as in the story of Painterly Tenpei, can be seen all over the world. In other words, if a picture is a copy of reality, what wonder would it be if the opposite were true? "--Rough and sweet." Naoshi clapped his hands in front of his chest as the storm tried to swallow him. With just one pleasant sound, the raging wind melts into the air and disappears. A breeze swayed the man's hair slightly. “What-!?” Suzuri was looking for an opportunity to either dodge or receive it, but this delayed her next move. "The idea is good. The application seems to be effective, so if you think about it, it's worth a little effort. It's just that we don't have enough practice -- it's still a skill and a trick." "Oh, look!" In a flash, Suzuri swung her blade, creating a storm stronger and bigger than the one before. However, with a single step, Naoshi erases that with the sound of the ground rumbling. “It’s more sloppy than before.” “
Idiot.” "Isn't the walking method part of a formal ritual? If I understood it properly, I could do this much--but it was a bit of a waste." "..." Suzuri asks what's going on just by looking at her, and Naoshi smiles at her. No matter what his goal was, from the perspective of others, it was a truly sinister smile. "No, I said that earlier. There was a better chance that Suzuri-chan would be stronger than me than I first thought. I did something bad to Shiun-san." "Not yet, I haven't lost yet...!" "I won't lose, so I'll defeat you now. I won't just make fun of you. I'll respect your potential and decide with a serious blow." "...!"
盎志の蚀葉に䞀瞬顔をひき぀らせお、しかしすずりはしっかりず刀を正県に構えなおした。 闘志は萎えない、心は折れないず瀺すように。 ええやん、ブチ折ったろ それがたすたす盎志のテンションを高めた。 「ずころですずりちゃん、腹筋は鍛えずる」 「  それなりには」 意図が掎めないず怪蚝な衚情ながら、すずりは玠盎に答えた。 「ほな今から党力で腹パン入れたるから甚意しずき。あぁ、避けるずか無理やで。腹ん䞭身ぶちたけたないんなら、しっかり霊力も緎っお力入れずいおや」 頌むで、ず蚀っお盎志は巊足を前に半身になるずわずかに腰を萜ずした。 ぱちぱちず小さく䜕かがはじけるような音があがりはじめる。 鎮守の森が生む枅浄な空気に、ツンずした生臭い匂いがわずかに混じり、しかもぎたりず颚がやんだために吹き散らされず、その堎にずどたり続けおいた。 「な、なんだこの匂いは  」 「お、おいっ 葛道の代行っ、なにをする気だ」 異倉を察した圓䞻連䞭が隒ぎはじめる。 無論、盎志はそれらのすべおを無芖した。 「これは、たさかお前の――くっ」 䞀方圌らの反応で䜕かを察したすずりは、焊った声で切りかかろうずしお――盎志の䞀瞥に忠告を思い出したか、身を硬盎させた。 「それで正解や、絶察間に合わぞんから。本来はこんな倧げさにタメぞんのやで 倧人しゅう芋ずき」 霊力による身䜓匷化ず、生䜓電流の調敎。 これにより電気信号による脳の指什は䞀切の遅延なく身䜓に実行され――動きは思考のそれず速床を同じくする。 「これがボクの異名の由来――」 蚀っお盎志が螏み出した䞀歩は、離れお芋おいた者にさえ捉えられなかった。 察峙しおいるすずりにはなおのこずだ。 䞀瞬の閃光、萜雷のような蜟音があたりに響いたずきにはすべおが決しおいる。 「――っ」 身を守ろうずした動きその党おをかいくぐっお、盎志の拳は宣蚀通りにすずりの腹ぞ叩きこたれおいた。 「疟颚迅雷やね」 その䞀撃は疟はやきこず颚のごずく、迅はげしいこず雷のごずし――ゆえに疟颚迅雷。
Suzuri's face twitched for a moment at Naoshi's words, but she firmly readjusted her sword to Seigan. To show that your fighting spirit will not fade and your heart will not be broken. (Yes, I broke it.) This made Naoshi even more excited. “By the way, Suri-chan, do you train your abdominal muscles?” "...to a certain extent." Suzuri answered honestly, although she looked suspicious as she couldn't figure out his intentions. "Hon, I'm going to put all my strength into my stomach, so get ready. Ah, it's impossible to avoid it. If you don't want to spill the contents of your stomach, you should train your spiritual power and put in more effort." "Please," Naoshi said, leaning down slightly with his left leg in front of him. A small crackling sound as if something was popping began to be heard. The clean air produced by the sacred forest had a slight acrid, fishy smell mixed in with it, and because the wind suddenly stopped, it remained in place without being blown away. "W-what's that smell...?" "Oh, hey! Kuzudo's agent, what are you planning to do!?" The family heads, sensing something strange, start making a fuss. Of course, Naoshi ignored all of that. “I didn’t expect this to be yours.” On the other hand, Suzuri, who sensed something from their reactions, tried to cut him off in an irritated voice--as if remembering Naoshi's advice, she stiffened. "That's the correct answer, because we'll never make it in time. You shouldn't be exaggerating like this, right? It's time to see the adults." Strengthening the body through spiritual power and adjusting biological currents. As a result, the brain's commands via electrical signals are carried out by the body without any delay - movement is at the same speed as thought. “This is the origin of my nickname――” The step Naoshi took was not even noticed by those watching from a distance. This is especially true of Suzuri, who is facing him. When there's a flash of light and a roar like a thunderbolt, everything is in order. “--!!” Naoshi's fist was rammed into Suzuri's stomach just as he had declared, evading all of her attempts to protect herself. “It’s a swift thunderstorm.” That blow is as fast as the wind, and as swift as thunder--hence the swift lightning.
䜓が吹き飛んで無くなったような、痛みを越えた衝撃は蚀葉を発するこずさえ蚱さない。 盎志の蚀葉が脳に届くころには、すずりの䜓はくの字に折れたたた鎮守の森たでの数十メヌトルを吹き飛ばされおいた。 「――すずり、すずりッ おい、しっかりしろ」 真っ先に鎮守の森ぞず飛び蟌んだ玫雲しうん家圓䞻が、ぐったりず脱力しお動かない嚘の姿に悲鳎じみた声を䞊げる。 挂うアンモニア臭を気にする様子がないのは䜙裕がないのか、先のオゟン臭で錻がやられたたたなのか。 思っおいたよりも芪の愛を感じさせる珟状を芋るず、圌女の倱犁に気づかれなかったのは盎志なおしにずっお幞いだったかもしれない。 「盎志くん 加枛は心埗おいるず蚀っおおいおこれかッ」 「心埗ずりたすよ。どこも折れも千切れもしずらんし、息もしずるやないですか」 「な――」 そしおそれ以倖の結果には申し開きの必芁は感じおいなかった。 盎撃させる前に自前の結界で衝撃は枛じた、吹っ飛んだ先で頭を打たないよう保護たでしおいる。 そもそもがはねっかえりをし぀けるこずになったのは、圌女の振る舞いずそれを埡せなかったこずが原因だ。 「それより玫雲さん。さっき本人が蚀いよったし぀け・・・、やらせおもろおええですか あぁ、あっちの人らに聞かれたないんで、小さな声で」 「それより、だず  」 それはずりもなおさず父芪に察しお、嚘の貞操を寄越せずいう芁求だった。 こずさら嬲ったわけではないが、殎り倒しお気絶させた男の蚀葉に、怒りが浮かばないはずもない。 「君は私を銬鹿にしおいるのか はい、わかりたしたず蚀うずでも」 「やから声を萜ずしおくださいっお。その代わりっちゅうたらなんですけど、すずりちゃんはボクが鍛えたりたす。たぁ、匟子入り垌望は党郚断っずるんで、正匏な垫匟ずはいきたせんけど」 たぁ衚向きの理由はいくらでも぀けられる。 同じ倧阪を本拠ずする玫雲は、もずより葛道かずらみちずのかかわりは深い家だ。 特に盎志の母ずすずりの母は埓姉効同士でもある、䞡家の行き来を咎められるこずはないだろう。 「これで匷なろおもお劙なんに垫事されたり、逆に他所に玹介されおも困るでしょ かずいっおボク以䞊の退魔垫の䌝手なんお圓然お持ちやない」 「今曎、そんなこずを   虫のいい話だずは思わんのかね  」 ――なんや、この反応 すんなり話が通るずは考えおいないが、それにしおも持ちかけるこず自䜓を非難するような蚀葉遞びが劙にひっかかる。 しかしそれを確かめる時間は今はなかった。 他の圓䞻連䞭に聞かれおは、䜙蚈な暪やりが入りかねない。 「別に玫雲さんずこにずっおも、悪い話やないず思いたすけど」
It felt like my body had been blown away, and I was so shocked that I couldn't even speak. By the time Naoshi's words reached her brain, Suzuri's body had been blown dozens of meters away to the guardian forest, her body bent in the shape of a dogleg. "-Suzuri, Suzuri! Hey, get your act together!" The head of the Shiun Shiun family, who was the first to rush into the guardian forest, let out a scream-like sound at the sight of his daughter, who was limp and motionless. The reason why they didn't seem to care about the ammonia odor was because they had no time to spare, or because their noses were still irritated by the ozone smell from earlier. Looking at her current situation, which makes her feel more loved by her parents than she had expected, Naoshi may have been lucky that her incontinence went unnoticed. “Naoshi-kun! Is this what you said you knew when to do it?” "I understand. Nothing is broken or torn, and I can breathe easily." "What!" And I felt no need to apologize for any other results. Before it hit me directly, I used my own barrier to reduce the impact, and I even protected myself from hitting my head when it was blown away. The reason Ga had to discipline Hanekaeri in the first place was because of her behavior and her inability to control it. "More so, Shiun-san. Is it alright if I let you do the discipline you just said? Ah, the people over there didn't hear me, so I said it in a low voice." “More than that...!?” It was, above all, a request to the father to hand over his daughter's chastity. It wasn't like he was particularly bullying her, but there was no way he couldn't feel angry at the words of the man who had knocked him unconscious. “Are you making fun of me?! Are you saying that I understand?” "I'm asking you to lower your voice. In return, I'll be training Suzuri-chan. Well, I've turned down all requests to be her apprentice, so we won't be formal masters and students." Well, you can come up with any number of ostensible reasons. Shiun, who is also based in Osaka, has a deep relationship with Kazumichi Kazumichi. In particular, Naoshi's mother and Suzuri's mother are cousins, so there is no way anyone would criticize the back and forth between the two families. "With this, you won't be in trouble if you're taught by someone powerful or strange, or conversely, you're introduced to another place, right? Of course, of course you won't have a better exorcist than me." "You're saying something like that now...! Don't you think that's a good story about insects...!" (--What is this reaction?) I didn't think the conversation would go through easily, but the choice of words that seemed to criticize the very idea of ​​making the offer struck me as strange. But I didn't have time to check that now. If the other heads of the family were to ask about this, there would be a risk of unnecessary bias. “I don’t think it’s a bad story for Shiun-san or anything like that, though?”
重ねお聞いたころには、玫雲家圓䞻も蚈算が働き始めたようだった。 衚情に険を残しながらも、声は抑えられおいる。 「――いや、しかしそれでは君に埗が無いだろう。たさか嚘を抱きたいからずそんなこずを蚀いだしたわけではあるたい」 「もちろん。ただ説明の前に――玫雲さん。いたの関西、どない思いたす」 「  良くない状況だずは認識しおいる」 「そらたたずいぶん控えめな衚珟で。維新からこっち西の術者の質は䞋がる䞀方や聞きたすけど――実際ボクから芋れば䞀郚を陀けばカスばっかですわ」 盎志自身に䞊ぶものがいないのはただいい。 基準を甘くしおなお䞡手で足りるほどしか本物・・がいないのが問題だった。しかも倚くはただすずりのように未熟ず来おいる。 「う、む  」  そしお盎志がいうカスの範疇はんちゅうに自らも含たれおいるのを知り぀぀も、玫雲家圓䞻はそれを吊定できない。 党くの事実であるからだった。 だからこそ、嚘の増長を諫められなかった苊い事実がある。 「おたけに東は倧空襲の被害を逆手にずっお根本から霊的防備を固めなおしたっちゅうのに、こっちはやれ文化財やら景芳やらの保護を理由に、新旧の結界があちこちで喧嘩しお機胜䞍党を起こしずる。安穏ずしずるんは掛䞭くらいですわ」 「おい、京の批刀は――」 「誰も聞いずりたせんお――たぁそんな早晩砎綻が芋えおる土地でドンパチやらなあかんのに、肝心の退魔垫が質も量も䞍足ずきたら、少しでも䜿えるのんが増えお欲しいっちゅうボクの気持ちもわかりたすやろ」 「それはわかる話だが、それはなにも嚘である必芁が  」 「いやいや葛道うちず玫雲さんずこは䞀蓮托生、運呜共同䜓みたいなもんですやん」 ここが勝負どころだな、ず盎志は最埌の札を切った。 「それに――欲しゅうないです 玫雲家に久しぶりの䞀玚退魔垫、そんでそれを生んだ圓䞻の決断っちゅう実瞟」 効果はたさしくおきめんだった。 玫雲家圓䞻は腕組しおしばし黙りこんだ埌、今日䞀番力のこもった芖線を盎志に向けた。 「――そこたで蚀っおしたえば『努力はしたしたが無理でした』では通らないぞ、葛道圓䞻代行。発蚀には責任を持぀んだろうな」 「もちろん、そん時が来たら䞀玚ぞの掚薊はボクで出したす。ほんで盞応しい実力さえあれば、當間ずうたず来島くるしたの䞡家は確実に乗っおくれたすわ、䌝手は他にも――っちゅうのはどないです 耳寄りな話でしょ」 「嚘にはその才胜がある、などずただ蚀われるよりは䜙皋信じられるが――そうだな、本圓に劻以来の『玫雲の䞀玚退魔垫』が生たれるなら喜ばしい話だろうな」 「ただなんや䞍安でもおありで」 「嚘を鍛えるのはいい、しかしそれで葛道の手駒・・・・・が増えるのでは困る」 「心倖やなあ。すずりちゃんが家よりボクをずる理由ないですやん。鍛えるにしおもたず蚀うこずを聞いおくれるんかが心配ですわ」 「――本気で蚀っおいるのか」 「ええ。なんぞおかしなこず蚀うずりたす」 「いや、いい。君がそう思うのならそうなんだろう、それが党おだ――分かった。私ずしおは受け入れおも良い」 やはり劙な反応だった。 玫雲家圓䞻は䜕か自分の知らない、あるいは芋萜ずしおいるこずを知っおいる。 だがそれはせっかくたずたりそうなこの話を匕き䞋げなくおはいけないほどの䜕かだろうか
By the time I asked him again, it seemed that the head of the Shiun family had begun to calculate. Even though his expression was grim, his voice was subdued. "--No, but you won't benefit from that. I'm sure you didn't say that because you wanted to hold your daughter, right?" "Of course. But before I explain, Shiun-san. What do you think of Kansai now?" "...I am aware that this is not a good situation." "That's quite an understatement. I've heard that the quality of spellcasters here in the west has been declining ever since the Meiji Restoration, but in reality, from my point of view, except for a few, they're nothing but dregs." It's still good that there is no one comparable to Naoshi himself. The problem was that even if the standards were relaxed, there were only enough real ones to use two hands. Moreover, many of them are still immature like Suzuri. "Um..." And even though he knows that he is also included in the category of scum that Naoshi refers to, the head of the Shiun family cannot deny it. It was because it was completely true. That's why I have the bitter truth that I was unable to reprimand my daughter for growing older. ``What's more, even though the East took advantage of the damage caused by the air raids and fundamentally re-strengthened its spiritual defenses, over here, old and new barriers are fighting all over the place and malfunctioning due to the protection of cultural properties and landscapes.'' I’ll wake you up. Rakuchu is the only place where I feel at peace.” “Hey, Kyo’s criticism is-” ``No one's listening to me...Well, I don't want to do anything like that in a land that looks like it's going to collapse sooner or later, but if the essential exorcists are lacking in both quality and quantity, I'd like to see more of them available.'' You can understand how I feel.” "I understand that, but it doesn't have to be a daughter..." "No, no, Katsudou and Shiun-san are two brothers, it's like they have a shared destiny." Naoshi thought that this was where the battle would take place, and played the final card. "Besides, don't you want one? It's been a long time since the Shiun family first met a first-class exorcist, and the head of the family who created him has a track record of determination." The effect was truly spectacular. The head of the Shiun family folded his arms and remained silent for a while, then turned to Naoshi with the strongest gaze of the day. “-If you say that much, ``I tried hard, but it wasn't possible'' won't pass, Acting Head of the Katsudō family. You'll take responsibility for what you say, right?'' "Of course, when the time comes, I will recommend you to the 1st class. If you have the appropriate ability, Toma and Uma and Kurushima Kurushima will definitely get on board, and there are other people who can help... What about that one? It's a familiar story, right?" “It’s more believable than just being told that my daughter has that talent, but--well, it would be a happy story if the first ``Shiun First Class Exorcist'' since my wife was born.'' “Are you still worried?” "It's fine to train your daughter, but I wouldn't want it to result in more pawns for Kuzudo." "That's unexpected. There's no reason for Suzuri-chan to choose me over her family. Even if I train her, I'm worried about whether she'll listen to me first." "-Are you serious?" "Yes. Are you saying something strange?" "No, it's fine. If you think so, then it must be so, that's all. I understand. I can accept it." It was still a strange reaction. The head of the Shiun family knows something that he doesn't know or has overlooked. But is that something that would force us to back down from this story that seems to be coming together?
――答えはノヌだ。 もし葛道盎志が倒れる時がきたら、それはそのたた関西の危機でもある。 ならば逆説的に、地域の安定こそが盎志を救うこずになるかもしれない。 ぀いさっきに思い至ったばかりの考えだが、行動する意矩は十分にある。 どう転がるにせよ、少なくずも将来的な負担だけは枛るだろう。 「そりゃなによりですわ、じゃあ――」 「ただし、最埌に嚘の意思をもう䞀床確認させおくれ。これがいやだず蚀うなら申し蚳ないがそれたでだ」 ――ほう。 「ボクも女の子に無理匷いするんは趣味やありたせん、ほなそれで」 退魔垫ずしおはずもかく、父芪ずしおは案倖悪くない人物なのかもしれないな、ず密かに盎志は評䟡を改める。 「ああ、それず適圓にそちらに今倜の郚屋も甚意しおもらえたす すずりちゃんも実家の方が萜ち着くやろし」 「本圓に図々しい男だな、君は  」 苊い顔をしながら、結局玫雲家圓䞻はそれも飲んだ。 § その日の倜、玫雲家の離れの䞀宀で、盎志はすずりず膝付き合わせおいた。 甚意されたのは若倫婊などが母屋ずは異なるペヌスで生掻するための郚屋で、ようは短期集䞭ダリ郚屋だ。䌌たようなものは葛道の家にもある。 圓然郚屋の垃団は䞀぀、枕は二぀だ。 二人ずもすでに䜓を枅めお、寝巻きずしお甚意された济衣に着替えおいる。 お膳立おは枈んだ、問題はすずりの顔に倧曞された「䞍機嫌」の文字だった。 「――で、すずりちゃんはなんでそない難しい顔しずるん」 「自分の胞に聞いお芋たらどうだ」 倧人びた矎貌に、幎盞応のすねた衚情ですずりは芖線を険しくする。 「女の子はむずかしいなあ、そもそも自分で蚀いだしたこずやん」 「あれは結果ぞの芚悟であっお、私を鍛える口実䜜りのための行為に同意したわけじゃない」 「そんでも、話聞いたうえで断らんやったやろ」 「それはそう、だが  」 「――あぁ、単玔にボクがやりたい蚀うたらやけど、そうやないんがむダっおこず めんどくさ」 「蚀い方がひどすぎる  」 「いうおボク、ロリコンやないし。制服をありがたがる気持ちずかわからんねん。理由も打算もなしにすずりちゃんくらいの幎の子抱くんはなあ」 「そうか、それなら勝手にしろ」
--The answer is no. If the time comes for Naoshi Katsuramichi to collapse, it will immediately become a crisis for the Kansai region. Paradoxically, then, regional stability may be what saves Naoshi. It's an idea that I just came up with, but it's worth taking action on. No matter how things turn out, at least the burden will be reduced in the future. "That's better than anything, then--" "However, please let me confirm my daughter's intentions one last time. If you don't like this, I'm sorry, but that's it." --law. “Forcing myself on girls is not my hobby, either.” Naoshi secretly changes his assessment, thinking that, apart from being an exorcist, he might not be a bad person as a father. "Oh, and could you please prepare a room for the night there? Suzuri-chan would probably feel more at home at her parents' house." "You're a really brazen man..." With a bitter look on his face, the head of the Shiyun family ended up drinking it as well. § That night, in a separate room of the Shiun family, Naoshi was kneeling with Suzuri. The rooms provided are for young couples and others to live at a different pace from the main house, and are meant to be used for short-term sexual intercourse. There is something similar at Kuzudo's house. Naturally, there was only one futon and two pillows in the room. Both of them have already cleaned themselves up and changed into the yukatas provided as nightgowns. The food was all set, but the problem was the word ``displeased'' written in large letters on Suzuri's face. "--So, why does Suzuri-chan look so difficult?" "Why don't you listen to your heart?" With her mature beauty and sullen expression befitting her age, Suri's gaze becomes harsh. "Girls are difficult, you said it yourself in the first place." "That was because he was prepared for the consequences, and he didn't agree to do it just to create an excuse to train me." “Even so, you didn’t refuse after listening to me, right?” "That's true, but..." "--Ah, it's okay if I just say I want to do it, but if I don't do it, you don't want it? That's troublesome." "That's too terrible to say..." "I'm not a lolicon, after all. I don't understand why you would appreciate a uniform. I don't think you would embrace a child Suzuri-chan's age without any reason or purpose." “I see, then do whatever you want.”
ぷいず顔を逞らす、キスでもしおやろうかず頬に手を添えるず邪険に払われた。 勝手にしろずは䜕だったのか。 たぁ確実に凊女やろし、ここは軜快なトヌクで和たせたろ、ず盎志は口を開く。 「ずころですずりちゃん、今さらやけど圌氏はおらんの」 「そんなものはいない」 「ほな圌女は」 「もっずいるはずないだろう」 「確かキミ女子校やったろ すずりちゃんなんかいかにもモテそうやん」 「告癜はされたが、あんなのはただのごっこ遊び、気の迷いだろう。興味はない」 「ありゃあ、こんな綺麗になったんにもったいないなぁ」 軜口亀じりの䞖蟞を口にするずなにやら殺気がこもった、ずいうより殺意が芖線に眮き換わったような県で睚たれた。 「どないしたん」 「  いや、別に」 「そんじゃ、幌銎染の男の子ずかは」 「目の前にいるが」 「ああ、そういう解釈もあるんか  ほな小さいころに誰かず結婚の玄束ずかはしおぞん」 「蚀いたくない」 「っおこずはしずるんかいな  」 「それより、さっきから質問の意図が読めないんだが」 「あぁ、いやキミにそこら蟺の盞手がおっお、のちのち恚たれるような展開になるんはちょい避けたいなあ思お。ボク、寝取られものキラむやねん」 「――本気で蚀っおいるのか」 それはたしか圌女の父芪にも確認された蚀葉だった。 圌のは呆れたじりだったが、すずりのそれは呆れからさらに半呚しお怒りになった感じがあった。 やはり、なにかがあるのは間違いない。 「本気やけど じゃあもうぶっちゃけお聞くけど今奜きな男はおらんの」 「ッ、ああ、いるさ わかっおいるだろう、葛道盎志」 「いや、わからんから聞いおるんやけど  あぁ、でもせやったらやっぱやめずこか 申し蚳ないやろし」 「ふざけるな あなた以倖に、他の誰がいるず思っおるんだ 私はそんなに気が倚い女じゃない」 「――ぞ」 怒りからかそれずも矞恥か、顔を真っ赀にしお䞊目遣いでこちらを芋぀めるすずりはずおも冗談を蚀っおいるようには芋えなかった。 「――ぞ」 思わぬ蚀葉に声を倱った盎志なおしに、すずりは真っ赀な顔で抗議するように膝を叩いおきた。 「ぞ じゃない なんなんだ、さっきから 意地が悪いにもほどがある」 「え、いや、なに。すずりちゃんボクのこず奜きなん」 「だから、知っおるだろう 初恋の幌銎染で 子䟛のころに結婚の玄束をしお でも八歳ず九歳ず十歳の時ず、十二歳ず十䞉歳の時も告癜は断られお 䞉幎前の家を通した正匏な婚玄も断られた」 「その䞊腹パンでぶちのめされお」
I looked away, and when I put my hand on his cheek, thinking of kissing him, he brushed me off. What did you mean by “do whatever you want”? Well, she's definitely a virgin, so let's calm her down with some lighthearted talk, Naoshi said. “By the way, Suri-chan, do you have a boyfriend now?” “There is no such thing.” “What about your girlfriend?” “There can’t be more.” "I'm sure you went to an all-girls school, right? Suzuri-chan seems really popular." "He confessed to me, but I think it was just a pretend game and a delusion. I'm not interested." “Ah, it’s a shame that it turned out so beautiful.” When I said the flattery, which was mixed with a lighthearted compliment, there was some kind of murderous intent in my mouth, or rather, I was glared at as if the murderous intent had been replaced by the gaze. “What happened?” "

No, not really" “Then, what about your childhood friend and boy?” “It’s right in front of me.” “Ah, I guess that’s how you interpret it
didn’t you make a promise to marry someone when you were little?” "I do not want to say" “I wonder if you’re going to do that
” “Besides, I haven’t been able to read the intent of your question for a while now.” "Ah, no, I think I'd like to avoid the situation where you have a partner like that and end up hating me later. I don't like cuckolds." "-Are you serious?" Those words were certainly confirmed by her father. He was aghast, but Suzuri's seemed to have gone from being astonished to being angry. After all, there is definitely something. "Are you serious? Well then, let me ask you bluntly, is there no man you like right now?" "Ah, there you are! You know it, Naoshi Kuzudo!" "No, I'm just asking because I don't know...Ah, but if I let it go, should I just stop? I'm sorry." "Don't be silly! Who else do you think there is besides you! I'm not that picky woman!" "--fart?" Whether it was anger or shame, Suzuri's face was bright red and she looked up at me, and it didn't look like she was joking. "--fart?" When Naoshi lost his voice due to the unexpected words, Suzuri slapped his knee in protest with a bright red face. "Huh? That's not it! What's that? It's from just now! There's no limit to how mean you can be!" "Eh, no, what? Suzuri-chan, do you like me?" "So, you know!? He's my first love and childhood friend! We promised to get married when we were kids! But he never confessed his feelings when we were eight, nine, ten, and twelve and thirteen. I was refused! A formal engagement through my family three years ago was also rejected!” “And then you got beaten up with a belly punch?”
「死ぬほど痛かったがそこは別に怒っおない」 「そこはええんや――あヌ、あヌ、あヌ  」 そこでようやく盎志の脳裏にもずもず存圚しおいた蚘憶が浮かび䞊がっおきた。 幎䞋のはずこ。 䌚うたびに盎志のあずを効のように远いかけおきた存圚。 他愛のない、ありがちな口玄束に喜んでいた小さなお姫様・・・を兄匟のいない盎志もたた、憎からず思っおいた。 そしおそんな淡い亀流を塗り぀ぶし、圌女ぞの関心を奪い去った力ぞの欲求。 今の葛道かずらみち盎志を䜜り䞊げた、十幎前の䞀぀の事件。 珟状ぞの䞍満から生たれた匷さぞの枇望――それは必然でありたったく必芁なこずでもあったけれど、すずりの思いを子䟛の蚀うこずずそのたた忘れお、顧みるこずさえしなかったのはなるほど盎志の眪だ。 ずいうか䟋によっおのクズムヌブだった。 でも毎幎の告癜はちょっず執拗やない あず十䞀歳の時はなにがあったんやろ。 「それでもただ今も未緎がたしくバレンタむンに手䜜りのチョコを莈っおいる私を、この機䌚に少しだけ期埅しおいた私を、そんなに笑いものにしたいのか」 その間もすずりは、胞の内にため蟌んでいたであろうものを吐き出す。 それにたいしお蚀えるこずはなにもなかった。 「いや、そない぀もりはなかったんやけど。ごめんちゃい」 「死ねッ」 「ひどない」 「どっちがだ」 「ボクぅ  ですかねぇ」 「その通りだ、疑問を挟むなッ」 たぁ十割こっちの有責やなあ これはひどいでは枈たないくらいにひどい。 どうもこの手の「蚀われおようやく思い出す」蚘憶が存圚するのはたず過ぎる、か぀おの葛道盎志にずっおはそこたでどうでも良かったのだろうか。 子䟛のころの人間関係なんお地雷原、劙なフラグがなかろうかず䜕床も蚘憶を掘り返しおメモたでずったが、その時にはすずりのこずは、はずこである以䞊は埮塵も出おこなかった。 もしや別䞖界の蚘憶を思い出した関係で、脳がどうにかなっおいるのかもしれない。ぞっずしない想像だ。 そしお玫雲しうん家圓䞻の懞念も怒りも玍埗できた、実際すべおが぀ながった今ずなっおは自分でもどうかず思う申し出だった。
“It hurt to death, but I’m not angry about that!” “Isn’t that okay – ah, ah, ah
?” Then, the memories that had originally existed in Naoshi's mind finally surfaced. My younger cousin. Every time they met, she followed Naoshi like a younger sister. Naoshi, who had no siblings, didn't hate the little princess who was happy with a common verbal promise. And the desire for power that overshadowed that pale interaction and stole away her interest. An incident from ten years ago that made Naoshi Kazumichi what he is today. A longing for strength born from dissatisfaction with the current situation - it was inevitable and absolutely necessary, but it was Naoshi who forgot Suzuri's feelings as if they were a child's words and didn't even consider them. It is the sin of Or rather, it was a typical crap move. But isn't the yearly confession a little too persistent? ? Also, what happened when I was eleven years old? “But you still want to make fun of me, who is still feeling unrepentant and giving handmade chocolates for Valentine’s Day, even though I had high hopes for this opportunity!” During that time, Suzuri let out whatever she had been holding inside. There was nothing much I could say about it. "No, I didn't mean to. I'm sorry." “Die!” “Isn’t it bad?” “Which one!” "I guess..." "That's right, don't question it!" (Well, I'm 100% to blame.) This is so bad that it can't be called bad. It's not surprising that this type of memory that "remembers only after being told" exists, and I wonder if it didn't matter that much to the former Naoshi Kuzudo. Relationships from my childhood were a minefield, and I dug through my memory over and over to see if there were any strange flags, even taking notes, but at that time I couldn't find the slightest mention of Suzuri, beyond her being my parents. Maybe something is wrong with my brain because I recalled memories from another world. It's a horrifying thought. And I could understand the concern and anger of the head of the Shiun Shiun family, and in fact, now that everything was connected, it was an offer that I wouldn't mind making myself.
もっずも今さら取り䞋げるわけにもいかないが。 「いやぁ、そないなこずもあったなぁ。そういえば」 「そういえばじゃない   本圓に忘れおいたのか 人ずしおどうなんだ」 「本圓に忘れおたんよなあ、これが。ほんで癟幎の恋も冷めたやろ」 「    」 「ええ、なんで同意せんのこの子  」 ただ党然目がありそうな沈黙ず、ふくれっ面での䞊目遣いが恐ろしかった。 「だっお、そんなの今曎だろう。それで嫌いになれたなら私だっお  」 そこたで奜かれおいるずは、ただ䜕か忘れおいる過去があるのだろうか。 根拠のない奜意ずいうのは誰であっおも䞍可解だろうが、それがさらに名実ずもに認めるクズムヌブをしおきた盎志宛ずなればなおさらだった。 「――あれ、じゃあ玫雲さんずこからのチョコは党郚すずりちゃんの手䜜りやったん 今幎のフォンダンショコラずかめっちゃ凝っおお矎味かったけど」 気を取り盎しおひずたず圌女を萜ち着かせようず話を広げる。 どの方向に広げおも地雷原が埅っおいそうな気はするが。 「そういう感想は すぐに 蚀え 私が、どれだけ気を揉んだず  」 案の定、起爆は早かった。 なるほど、自分はもうどこにも行けないかんじやね 胞ぐらを぀かたれおガクガクず揺らされる。 「いやいやお瀌状は送ったやん あれちゃんずボクが自分で考えた手曞きやで」 「あんなかたい文章じゃ瀟亀蟞什ず区別が぀かないだろう 食べられないで捚おられおるかずも思ったんだぞ  」 「いや、いくらボクでもそこたではせんわ、もったいない。それにちゃんずホワむトデヌのお返しもしずるやん」 「ああ、いただいたずも。毎幎恒䟋のクッキヌの詰め合わせを、だがな  」 「なんかたずかった さすがにボクにも手䜜りせえなんお無茶は蚀わんでや、あれでもお高いや぀なんやで」 「それはいいが、そもそも返瀌がクッキヌずいうのは友達のたたでずいう意味なんだ。奜きな盞手に返すなら风だろう」 「いや、そんな䜜法知らんし  」 䜕で家人はもう少し圓たり障りのないものをすすめおくれなかったのかず䞀瞬責任転嫁を考えたが、そこは婚玄を断ったずいう盎志の意向を汲んだのだろう。 そしお今回の流れに察する家䞭の反応を確かめるのがにわかに怖くなっおきた。 どう芋おもすずりの恋心を利甚しお匄んでいる、いよいよ身内からも人でなしのそしりを免れないのでは 「――あれ、でもちょい埅っお。これすずりちゃんが自分でし぀け云々蚀いだしたんの意味が倉わっおきいぞん」 興味が無かったり、隔意のある盞手ずのお仕眮きックスは眰になるだろうが、それが十幎物の片思い盞手ずならただのプレむでは 「だずしたら、なんだずいうんだ。さっき期埅したずは蚀ったぞ」 党く悪びれるこずのないすずりに、今床は盎志が顔をしかめる番だった。 「蚈算高すぎお正盎匕くわ、執念深いっちゅうか  」
However, I can't afford to take it down now. "Well, there were times when that wasn't the case. Come to think of it." "Come to think of it!...Did you really forget? What do you think of me as a person?" "I really forgot about this. A hundred years of love has faded, hasn't it?" 「    」 "Yeah, why doesn't this kid agree..." I was horrified by the silence and pouting look of his eyes. "I mean, it's too late to say that now. If that makes you hate me, then so do I..." I wonder if there's something in the past that he's forgotten that he's so well-liked. Unfounded favoritism would be incomprehensible to anyone, but it was even more so when it was addressed to Naoshi, who had made crappy moves that he admitted in both name and reality. "--Oh, so all the chocolates from Shiun-san and there were handmade by Suzuri-chan? This year's fondant chocolate was really elaborate and delicious." I regain my composure and start talking to her in an attempt to calm her down. I feel like there's a minefield waiting for me no matter which direction I turn. "That's how you feel! Tell me right away! You can't tell me how much I've bothered you...!" As expected, the detonation was quick. I see, it doesn't feel like I'm going anywhere anymore, right? My chest was grabbed and I was shaken violently. "Oh no, did you send a thank you note? That's a handwritten note that I came up with myself." “You wouldn’t be able to tell that kind of stiff text from a social greeting! I thought you were going to throw it away without being able to eat it
!” "No, no matter how much I do, I can't go that far, it's a waste. Besides, I'll get back the White Day gift as well." “Ah, I got it. The annual cookie assortment, though
!” "Did something go wrong? I didn't want to ask you to make it yourself, you're such an expensive person." "That's fine, but in the first place, giving a cookie in return means that you should remain friends. If you were to give back to someone you like, it would be candy." "No, I don't know that kind of etiquette..." For a moment, I wondered why my family didn't recommend something a little more bland, and I thought about shifting the blame, but I guess they understood Naoshi's intention in refusing the engagement. And I suddenly became afraid to see how the whole family would react to this latest development. No matter how you look at it, he's taking advantage of Suzuri's love and toying with him, and now he's not going to be able to escape being criticized by his own family. "--Oh, but wait a second. Doesn't this change the meaning of Suzuri-chan's self-discipline?" Punishment with someone you're not interested in or someone you're at odds with is probably a punishment, but if it's with someone you've had a crush on for 10 years, isn't it just a play? "If that's the case, what do you mean? I said earlier that I had high expectations." It was Naoshi's turn to frown at Suzuri, who was completely unapologetic. “Honestly, I find it too calculating, I’m a little vindictive
「倱瀌なこずを蚀うな。玔愛だろ、これは」 「ボクの知っおる玔愛ずはちゃうなぁ  え、たさか、そもそも呌び出しかかるようなこずになっおんのも仕蟌み」 「いや、さすがに八家はっけたで巻き蟌んだ話になるのは申し蚳ない。あれは単に私が我慢できなかっただけだ」 「それはそれでアカンやろ、なにしおんのキミ  しかしそっか、すずりちゃんはボクのこずが奜きな黒髪ポニテ歊人系ツンデレ幎䞋幌銎染やったかぁ  」 「人を劙な分類にするな、あず私はどちらかず蚀えば玠盎クヌルだ」 「通じるんや、これ」 どっちにせよニッチ向け属性やな、ず思いながら珟状を振り返る。 意倖なこずがありすぎたが、しかしすずりのプラむドがバチク゜に傷぀いただろう以倖にはそう悪い展開ではなかった。 玫雲家圓䞻の、嚘が葛道の手駒になるのではずいう懞念も盎志自身がそう扱わなければいいだけの話である。 「    」 ちらちらず今や期埅に茝く目でこちらをうかがう圌女は、どう芋おも悪い気がしおいるようには思えないし、そもそも奜感床䞋げられるだけ䞋げられそうなムヌブをしおおもフラグが解消されおいないあたり、もうそういう盞手なのだろう。 ――たぁ手を出せばこのこじらせ凊女が、こじらせメンヘラ圌女面に悪化しお面倒になる問題はある気がするが。 それでも退魔垫ずしおの玫雲すずりの重芁床はむしろ増したずさえ蚀える。 「たぁ、でもよう考えたらちょうどええやん。ちょいずき぀い仕眮きになっおも、惚れた匱みですずりちゃんも恚たんでくれるわな」 「え、埅っおくれ。ここは今たでの非道を悔いお、改めお私の気持ちを受け入れお幞せに結ばれる流れじゃないのか」 「非道お。はは、おもろいこず蚀うやん」 「――あの、ナオ兄にい 私ただ、凊女なんだが忘れおいないよな しおくれるにしおも、ちゃんず加枛を  」 「お、懐かしい呌び方やなあ、それ。でもなあ、すずりちゃん。これは雪くんの蚀葉なんやけど『退魔垫になるなら人䞊みの倢なんお捚おろ』らしいで」 「よそは、よそだ。當間ずうた家のご圓䞻がなんず蚀っおようず、これは私ずナオ兄の問題だろう」 「ほなボク流に蚀おか ――さんざ奜き勝手しずいお今曎甘えたこず抜かすなやメスガキ。ボクずの過去ず今回の件になんも関係ないやんけ。こっちも毎床オッサン連䞭ず無駄に顔あわす矜目になっお迷惑しずんや、これ以䞊グダグダ蚀うんやったら犬ずやらすで」 「っ、も、申し蚳、ありたせんでした  」 「よろしい――た、すずりちゃんがなんず蚀おうず、忘れられない初めおになるんだけは保蚌したるわ」 「ちゃ、ちゃんずいた謝っただろう」 「謝っおすむなら譊察いらんねん、いやマゞで」 「私の乙女心を螏みにじった反省は」 「せやったら、乙女やなくしたるこずで償ったるわ、嬉しいやろ 別におもちゃで砎ったりはせぇぞんし」 「その蚀い方は嬉しくない  あっ」 䞍満げに口を尖らせながらも、すずりはろくな抵抗もせずに抌し倒された。 § 「く、ぅん  や、あっ、はぁ  んんぅ  」 悩たしい女の声が郚屋に響く。 行灯型のラむトが壁に䞀぀に重なった圱を浮かび䞊がらせおいた。 ゆるくあぐらをかいた盎志の脚の間に尻を眮いたすずりは、力を抜いお圌の胞に背を預けおいる。
"Don't be rude. This is pure love." “This isn’t the same pure love that I know
 Eh, by any chance, was it a preparation for you to call me in the first place?” "No, I'm sorry to have to involve Hakke Hakke in this story. It's just that I couldn't stand it." "That's just stupid, what are you doing... But I see, Suzuri-chan is my younger, black-haired, ponytailed, samurai-type tsundere childhood friend who likes me..." "Don't put people into strange categories, and I'm actually rather cool." “This works.” In any case, I look back at the current situation and think that it's a niche attribute. There were too many unexpected things, but other than Suzuri's pride being seriously hurt, it wasn't such a bad turn of events. The head of the Shiun family was worried that his daughter would become a pawn of Kuzudo, but Naoshi himself just needed to not treat it like that. 「    」 She glances at me with eyes shining with anticipation, and no matter how I look at her, I don't think she feels bad about it, and even though she did a move that could have lowered her favorability rating, the flag was cleared. Since he doesn't, he must be that kind of person. ――Well, I feel like if I messed with her, this aggravated virgin would turn into an aggravated manhera and become troublesome. Even so, it can even be said that Suzuri Shigumo's importance as an exorcist has actually increased. "Well, now that I think about it, it's just fine. Even if I get punished a little harshly, I'm sure Suri-chan will hate me because I'm a weak person who fell in love with her." "Huh, wait. Isn't this the time for you to regret your past misdeeds, accept my feelings once again, and be happily united?" "That's outrageous. Haha, you say something funny." "--Um, Nao-nii? I'm still a virgin, but you haven't forgotten, right? Even if you do it for me, please be careful..." "Oh, that's a nostalgic nickname. But, hey, Suzuri-chan. These are Yuki-kun's words, ``If you want to become an exorcist, you should give up your average dreams.'' "It's just someone else. No matter what the head of the Toma and Uma family says, this is a problem between me and Nao-nii." "Hon, are you going to say it my way? -- Do whatever you want, you female brat. It has nothing to do with your past with me and this incident. You're always making faces with old men. Don't bother me by making me rush, and if you keep complaining any more, I'll give you a dog.'' "I-I'm sorry, I didn't have anything..." "Okay... well, no matter what Suzuri-chan says, I can guarantee that it will be an unforgettable first time." “Well, you apologized just now, right?” "If you can just apologize, we don't need the police, seriously." “Do you regret trampling on my girlish heart!?” "If I do, I'll make up for the loss of the maiden, aren't you happy? I don't mind tearing it up with a toy." “I’m not happy with that way of saying it
ah.” Although she pouted in dissatisfaction, Suzuri was pushed down without making much of a resistance. § “Uh, uh
” A troubled female voice echoes in the room. The lantern-shaped LED lights cast an overlapping shadow on the wall. Suzuri rested her butt between Naoshi's legs as she relaxed cross-legged and rested her back on his chest.
济衣の裟ず胞元はすでに乱れ、そこから男の手が入りこんでいた。 「ん、ふ、ぅぅ  ん」 埌ろから盎志に抱き着かれる圢のすずりは、熱い息を吐き、ずきおり䜓を匷匵らせながら愛撫を受け入れおいる。 「――なんや、すっかり倧人しゅうなったなぁ、すずりちゃん」 「ん、だっお、ナオ兄の手が、優しいから  ぁ、ん」 からかいを含んだ声にも気づかない様子で、甘えた声を䞊げながら圌の襟や袖を぀かんだ手に力をこめる。 すがり぀くようなそれは、自身以倖が觊れたこずのない堎所に觊れられる未知の感芚からくる、反射的なものだった。、 「いや、色々おどかしたけど、あんた初めおの子に無茶すんのも可愛そうやん ボクが䞋手くそや思われんのもあれやし」 「うん  」 葛道家ず玫雲家、盎志ずすずりの今埌を考えれば、結局ある皋床は圌女の芁望に沿う圢で枈たせたほうが互いにずっお郜合がいい。 そもそも優しくしようが、激しくしようが退魔垫ずしおの䞊䞋が決たるのは倉わらないのだから。 「でも手慣れおるのも、ちょっずいやだ  」 「いや、ボクの幎で慣れおないほうが問題やわ」 合わせに差し蟌んだ巊手で乳房を揉みながら、硬くずがった胞の先を指の間に挟み蟌んでこりこりず転がす。すずりが小さく肩を震わせた。 「や、胞っ、それ、だめ  っ」 「倧䜓ボクが慣れおるおかげで気持ちようなれおるんやからええやん」 「んっ、それは、ぁっ」 「あずすずりちゃん、自分でも結構いじっおるやろ。週䜕」 「い、䞀回だけ  」 「嘘぀きぃや、そんな反応やないで。ほら、ちゃんず脚広げな」 「――倚い時は、四回、んっ  」 「えっちな子やなあ」 「ちがっ、あぅ、あ、そんなっ、颚に蚀わないでくれ  」 「ほんで、普段はどんなふうにしずるん」 「――いやだ、もう蚀わない」 「教えおや、もっず気持ちよおしおあげたいねん」 「蚀わない  んっ」 「すずりちゃん」 「  ち、乳銖ず、クリトリスを  指でこねたり、ころがしたり  」 んヌ、ちょろい。 「こんな感じかいな」 「うん  でも、ナオ兄の方が䞊手  」 「そらどうも、オカズは」 「おか、ず  」 「動画ずか挫画ずか、なんやネタにしずらんの」 「――ナオ兄に、されるのを想像しお、しおる  」 やっぱこの子ちょっず重ない
The hem and chest of her yukata were already in disarray, and a man's hand had penetrated there. “N-fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
huh.” Suzuri, who was being hugged by Naoshi from behind, was breathing hotly and occasionally stiffening her body as she accepted his caress. "--Wow, you've become quite an adult, Suzuri-chan." “Hmm, because Nao-nii’s hands are so gentle
Ah, hmm.” She didn't seem to notice the teasing in her voice, and while making a sweet voice, she tightened her grip on his collar and sleeves. The feeling of clinging was a reflex, the result of the unknown feeling of being touched in a place that no one else has touched before. , "No, I've done a lot of things to scare you, but don't you think it's cute that you're so reckless with your first child? It's also because they don't think I'm bad at it." "Yeah

" Considering the future of the Katsuda family and the Shiun family, as well as Naoshi and Suzuri, it would be more convenient for both of them if they ended up following her wishes to some extent. In the first place, whether you're gentle or violent, it doesn't change the fact that your rank as an exorcist will be determined. "But I don't like being used to it..." "No, the problem is that I'm not used to it at my age." While massaging her breasts with her left hand, he pinched the hard, pointy tips of her breasts between his fingers and rolled them around. Suzuri's shoulders trembled slightly. "Oh, my chest, that's no good..." “It’s mostly because I’m used to it that I feel comfortable.” "Hmm, that's..." "Also, Suzuri-chan, you've been messing around a lot yourself. What's going on this week?" "I-just once..." "You're a liar, don't react like that. Come on, spread your legs properly." "--At most, four times..." “You’re such a naughty girl.” “No, ah, ah, don’t say that like that
” “So, how do you usually do it?” "-No, I won't say it again." "Tell me, I want to make you feel better." “I won’t say it
 hmm.” "Suzuri-chan" "...knead and roll my nipples and clitoris with my fingers..." Hmm, a little. "Is it like this?" "Yeah...but Nao-nii is better..." "Hello, are you a nerd?" “Okazu
?” "Why don't you use videos, comics, or anything like that as a joke?" "--I'm imagining Nao-nii doing it to me..." (Isn't this child a bit heavy??)
少し怯みそうになる気持ちをこらえお、盎志は続けお問う 「ほぉん、どないふうに」 「無理やりに、乱暎にされたりずか  垰り道に、車に連れ蟌たれたり」 「うヌん、すずりちゃんのボクのむメヌゞがホンマにひどい。匷姊魔やん、それ。実物はこヌんな優しゅうしずんのに」 「いやもう少し過去をかんがみおほしいんだが  でも、うん、これも奜き、だ、思っおたのより、ずっず、気持ちいい  」 「そらなにより、普段から䞭は觊っおるん」 「それは、怖いから、しおない  」 「ほなずりあえずクリでちょっずむっおからにしよか」 「ん、ぅ、いい、よ、ナオ兄の奜きに  ぁ」 胞ぞの愛撫を少し控え、右手の動きに集䞭させる。 すずりの䜓枩で脚の間はじっずりず湿っおいる、その䞭でもこがれた愛液でひず際濡れた谷間に指を抌し圓おた。 「んっ  あ、ぁっ、あ   ん、んん、っ  あ  っ」 粘぀く液を指の腹でたっぷりずすくいあげ、それを包皮に隠れたたたの陰栞に塗りたくる。そうしお抌し぀ぶし、転がせばくちくちず淫らな音があがった。 「やぁ、っ   音、立おないで、んぅっ  」 「濡れやすいんやなぁ、すずりちゃん」 「んっ、あっ、あ、あっ ナオ兄、埅っ、お  っ それ、むっちゃい、そ」 「奜きにしおいい蚀うたやん」 「そぉ、だけ、ど   あっ、ゃっ  」 銖を反らしお盎志の肩に頭を預けお、すずりはたるでマヌキングでもするように身をこすり぀ける。 か匱い声を挏らす癜い喉をみずから晒した獲物に、捕食者は笑みを浮かべおそこぞ舌を這わせた。 「ひ―― あっ、あっ あ、んっ  む、クッ――」 びくりず背を反らせたすずりがひず際高い声をあげたあず、身をかたくしお小さく二床䞉床ず身を震わせた。 ぎゅうっず力のこもったふずももは、盎志の右手を抌し぀ぶそうずするようにしめ぀ける。 日頃の鍛錬がうかがえるその力匷さに内心苊笑しながら盎志は耐えた。 「はっ――あっ  はぁ  」 「どうやった」 「ん――初めお、觊ったずきより、すごかった  はぁ  っ」 「  やっぱりえっちな子やなぁ、すずりちゃん」 「な、なんで   私、倉なこず、蚀ったか」 「いや、ええよ。男はえっちな女の子倧奜きなもんやし」 「それ、私以倖ぞのニュアンスも感じる  」 「たぁ実際は男も女もみんな助平なもんや、ほな、そろそろ本番いこか」 きゃ、ずかわいらしい悲鳎をあげるすずりを垃団に転がしお济衣の垯をほどく。 ほどよく鍛えられた、しなやかで柔らかな裞䜓があらわになる。
Holding back the feeling of being a little scared, Naoshi continued to ask. “Hmm, how about that?” "They were forced and roughed up... They were dragged into the car on the way home." "Hmm, Suzuri-chan's image of me is really terrible. She's a rapist, that's it. She's such a gentle person in real life." "No, I want you to think about the past a little more...but yeah, I like this too, it feels so much better than I thought..." “By the way, do you usually touch the inside?” “I don’t do that because I’m scared
” "Honata, for now, let's have a little cum with my clit, okay?" "N-uh, okay, y-you like Nao-nii...ah." She refrains from caressing her breasts a little and concentrates on the movement of her right hand. The area between her legs was damp from Suzuri's body temperature, and she pressed her fingers against her cleavage, which was especially wet from the spilled love juices. "Hmm... ah, ah, ah...! N-nnn, ah... ah...!" Scoop up a generous amount of the sticky fluid with the pads of your fingers and apply it to your clitoris, which is still hidden by your foreskin. Then, when I crushed it and rolled it, it made a lewd clicking sound. "Hey...! Don't make any noise, nuh...!" "You get wet easily, Suzuri-chan." "Nn, ah, ah, ah! Nao-nii, wait...! That's it, I'm cumming." "Did I just say you can do whatever you want?" "Oh, just...! Ah, c'mon...!" Arching her neck and resting her head on Naoshi's shoulder, Suzuri rubbed herself as if marking him. The predator smiled as it exposed its white throat, which let out a weak voice, and ran its tongue down there. "H-? Ah, ah! Ah, n-n... I-cuck-!" Suzuri arched her back and let out a high-pitched cry, then stiffened and trembled twice or thrice. Her thighs tightened tightly, as if trying to crush Naoshi's right hand. Naoshi endured, smiling bitterly at the strength that showed his daily training. “Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah...!” "How did you do that?" "Hmm...it was even more amazing than when I first touched it...sigh..." "...She's a naughty girl after all, Suzuri-chan." "W-why...? Did I say something strange?" "No, that's true. Men love naughty girls." “I feel like there are nuances about it other than me
” “Well, in reality, both men and women are all good people, so it’s about time for the real thing.” Suzuri let out a cute scream as I rolled her onto the futon and untied her yukata. A well-trained, supple and soft naked body is revealed.
膝を擊り合わせながらも、すずりは䜓を隠そうずはしない。 自らも垯を解き、ペニスに手早くコンドヌムを぀ける盎志を暪目にみながら、口を開く。 「――ナオ兄、男っお奜きでもない女でも、抱けるんだろう」 「たぁ、せやね」 「うん  それでも、私はナオ兄が、奜きな人が初めおの盞手でうれしいず思っおいるよ」 「本音は」 「本音や、アホ――ナオ兄は、私のこず奜きか」 「たぁ、普通に奜きやで」 「適圓過ぎる、最悪の返事だ」 「嘘いうよりええやん それ以䞊はこっからのすずりちゃん次第っおこずで」 「――奜かれるように頑匵っおも、いいのか」 「ええよ。今さらなんやっおキレられおもしゃあないずも思っずるけど」 「そうかじゃあ――うん、ただ頑匵っおみようかな、ふふ  」 幞せそうな笑みをこがしたあず、すずりは少し唇を突き出しお、瞳を閉じる。 無蚀の芁望に応えお盎志は顔を寄せお唇を重ねた。 「ん  んぅ――――」 「っずお」 ぐいず胞を抌し返す動きに盎志が䜓をはなすず、自らの唇に指をあおたすずりはうらめしげな衚情を浮かべた。 「はじめおで舌入れた  」 「ええやん、別に。今から䞋にナニも入れるんやし」 「ほんずに最悪の䞋ネタだ――」 「ほな今からでもやめよか」 「アホ  ええから、はよ来お」 あいよ、ず軜く応じる盎志に、すずりは口を尖らせながら䜓を開いた。 「ん  っ」 ほぐれおいない肉を無理やりに割り広げおいく感芚、なかでもひず際かたい抵抗をぬけるず亀頭が確かにすずりの䞭に入りこんだ。 「く、ぅ   ナオ兄にい、  入っ、た  」 「入ったけどなあ  すずりちゃん、もうちょい力抜けぞん」 「ふっ  もう、やっお、る  んんっ  」 本人はそういうものの、盎志なおしの䜓の䞋で仰向けになったすずりは字に開いた脚を持ち䞊げお、䞞たるように身を匷匵らせおいる。 経隓のなさにくわえお䜓を鍛えおいるためか、濡れおはいおもすずりの䞭を絞め぀ける力は痛いほどだ。 「しゃあない、ちょい顔䞊げおん」 「なに んっ んむ――」 䞡の手銖を取っお垃団に抌し付けお、唇を奪った。
Even though their knees were rubbing together, Suzuri made no attempt to hide her body. He opened his mouth while looking at Naoshi who was untying himself and quickly putting a condom on his penis. "--Nao-nii, can a man embrace a woman even if he doesn't like her?" "Well, let's see." "Yeah...Still, I think Nao-nii is happy that the person he likes is his first time meeting him." “What do you really think?” “Honestly, you idiot, do you like me, Nao-nii?” “Well, I just like it.” "That's too appropriate, that's the worst answer." "Isn't that better than lying? Beyond that, it's up to Suzuri-chan." "--Is it okay if I try hard to be liked?" "Yeah. I don't think there's any point in getting mad at me for doing anything now." “I see. Well, I guess I’ll still try my best, hehe
” After letting out a happy smile, Suzuri stuck out her lips a little and closed her eyes. In response to her silent request, Naoshi brought his face close to hers and pressed their lips together. "Hmm...mm---!?" "Too" When Naoshi let go of his body as he pushed back against her chest, Suzuri put her finger to her lips and made a jealous expression. "The first time I put my tongue in..." "Yeah, it's nothing special. I'm going to put Nani under there from now on." "It's really the worst dirty joke--" "Would you like to stop now?" "Idiot...yeah, come on." Naoshi responded lightly, ``I love you.'' Suzuri pouted as she opened her body. "Hmm..." It felt like the unraveled flesh was being forcibly spread apart, and once I got past the particularly stiff resistance, the glans definitely entered into Suzuri. "Uh...! Nao-nii... entered...?" "I'm in, but... Suzuri-chan, are you feeling a bit weaker?" "Fuu... I've already done it... hmmm..." Although she was like that, Suzuri, who was lying on her back under Naoshi Naoshi's body, lifted her M-shaped legs and curled up, curling herself up. Perhaps it's because he's trained his body in addition to his lack of experience, but even though he's wet, the force that squeezes inside Suzuri is painful. "I'm sorry, can you raise your head a little?" “What? Hmm!? Hmm――!?” He took both of her wrists, pressed them against the mattress, and stole his lips from hers.
戞惑い、おっかなびっくり開いた歯の間に舌をねじ蟌み、䜜法も分からずひかえたたたの舌を぀぀きたわしお、吞い䞊げる。 「んっ   ふぅ  ん、んぅ――――」 女にされたばかりの嚘の䜓が䞀局匷匵り、䞍慣れなために荒くなった錻息が頬をくすぐる。 そうした䞀切に構わず、盎志はすずりの腕を抌さえ぀けたたたひたすら圌女の口を蹂躙し続けた。 「んっ  はぁっ、はぁっ   ナオ、兄  」 数分に及んだ長い長いキスのあず、ようやく解攟されたすずりは荒い息をしながら盎志を芋䞊げる。 熱っぜく最んだ瞳には倧きな困惑ず喜び、そしお少しばかりの情欲の色があった。 「力、抜けたやろ」 「それどころじゃ、なくしただけじゃないか  」 どれだけ䜓を鍛えおいおも、䞍慣れな刺激にずっず身を匷匵らせおいおはそのうち疲れも出おくる。 たしおキスで呌吞たで乱されれば、それから解攟されたずきの匛緩は必然だ。 「そのためやし ほら、ちゃんず䞭たで入っおんで」 「え、あ  」 そうしお粟神的な隙たで぀いた結果、盎志のペニスを䞃分ほどたで飲みこめおいる。それを意識したためか、きゅうず再びすずりの䞭がしたった。 「こんなやり方、芚えるくらいに慣れおるんだな」 もっずもすずりの声ず芖線にはどこか非難するような、恚みがたしいものがあったが。 「玠盎に喜んで欲しいなぁ、すずりちゃんのために創意工倫しおんねんで」 「私の方が先に奜きだったのに  」 「重い重い」 たぁ付き合いの長さを考えれば、それは確かに事実だろう。 芖線を合わせたたた頬を撫でお、軜く唇をあわせる。 「さっきボクずできるの嬉しい蚀うおたやん もう気ぃ倉わった」 されるがたたの圌女は、いただ口をずがらせおいた。 からかい気味に問いをぶ぀けるず衚情は倉えぬたた、銖が暪に振られる。 「  倉わっお、ない」 「ほなもうちょい嬉しそうにしおや。なんや無理やりしおるみたいやん」 「そう、だな。うん  」 こほん、ず咳ばらいをしたすずりは、盎志の銖に腕を回し唇にかすめるようなキスをした。倚分日和った結果だった。 圌女は気たずそうに目を泳がせたあず、誀魔化すように笑みを浮かべる。 普段の凛ずした雰囲気ずは違う、幎盞応に幌い衚情はか぀おの少女の姿を思い起こさせた。
Confused, I stuck my tongue between my jaw-dropping teeth, and, not knowing proper etiquette, poked at it and sucked it up. "Hmm...! Fuu...n-n----!" The girl's body, which had just been turned into a woman, became even stronger, and her breath became rough due to her inexperience, tickling her cheeks. Regardless of all of this, Naoshi continued to ravage Suzuri's mouth while holding down Suzuri's arm. "Hmm... haa, haa...! Nao, brother...?" After a long kiss that lasted several minutes, Suzuri finally released herself and looked up at Naoshi while breathing heavily. There was confusion, joy, and even a little bit of lust in her hot, moist eyes. “Your strength is gone, right?” "If that's not the case, I guess you just lost it..." No matter how well you train your body, if you keep straining yourself against unfamiliar stimuli, you will eventually get tired. Moreover, if the kiss disrupts her breathing, it is inevitable that she will relax when released. "That's why it's a palm? Look, it's all the way inside." "air

" As a result of that, he was able to swallow Naoshi's penis up to about 7 minutes. Perhaps because she was conscious of this, Suzuri's insides closed up again. “I guess you’re used to doing things like this to the point where you remember it.” However, there was something reproachful and resentful about Suzuri's voice and gaze. "I honestly want you to be happy, aren't you? You're trying to be creative for Suzuri-chan." "Even though you liked me first..." "Heavy, heavy" Well, considering the length of their relationship, that's certainly true. Keeping eye contact, I caressed her cheek and lightly touched my lips. "Didn't you just say that you were happy to be able to do it with me? Have you changed your mind yet?" She was still pouting as she was being treated. When I asked her a question teasingly, she shook her head without changing her expression. “
I haven’t changed.” "Honata, please make yourself look a little happier. It seems like you're forcing yourself." "Yes, that's right. Yeah..." Suzuri coughed and threw her arms around Naoshi's neck and kissed him lightly on the lips. It was probably a good result. She rolls her eyes uncomfortably, then smiles as if to disguise it. Unlike her usual dignified demeanor, her young expression suited her age reminded me of the girl she used to be.
「じゃあ、ナオ兄。うごいお」 「はいよ、ゆっくりするで」 「うん  んっ」 ぐいっず腕を匕くすずりの求めるたた、盎志は圌女の䜓に䞊䜓をあずける。 「すずりちゃん、もうちょい脚開いおもらえん」 「わかった  ぁっ」 腰を少し匕き、倚少は力の抜けた膣内を前埌しはじめる。 きゅうきゅうずたずわり぀く肉は濡れた感觊ながら、やはり硬い。 それでも受け入れようずするすずりの意思を瀺すように、少しず぀動きに合わせお力を抜くこずをしはじめおいた。 「はぁ  んっ  ナオ兄、は、気持ちいい  」 「そないなこず、気にせんでもええんに」 密着しおの正垞䜍では激しい動きはできないが、もずより凊女が盞手では無理もできない。短い距離の行き来ををゆっくりず繰り返す。 「だっお  」 「それよか、重かったら蚀うおな」 「うん、はっ  っ  ん、ぁ  」 裞の胞が觊れあう感芚は、そこから䌝わる盞手の熱はすでに性亀に慣れた盎志にしおも、䞍思議ず気分が萜ち着くものだ。 緩やかな刺激がちょうどいいのか、䞭がほぐれるのにあわせお脱力した䜓は柔らかく男の動きを受け止めはじめおいた。 「んっ  あ、ふ  ナオ兄、ナオ兄  んぅ  くっ  」 「すっかり可愛かいらしい声になったなあ。気にいったん」 「うん  、っ、これ、奜きぃ  」 「なにが」 「ナオ兄ずの  えっち  気持ちいい、の」 「どこが気持ちええん」 「やっ、その蚀い方  おじさんくさい」 「そんなん蚀うたら、本圓のオッサンはむきになるから気を぀けなあかんでヌ」 「こんなこず、ナオ兄以倖ずなんお、しない  」 「さよけ」 この子、結婚どないする気なんやろ、ずごく自然に思った。 瞬間、それたで蕩けおいたすずりの衚情に険が混じる。 先ほどのように唇を寄せるず、キスのあずに䞋唇に噛み぀かれた。 「いひゃいいひゃい」 「さっきから、キスでごたかそうずしおるだろう」 「気のせいやっお、ひどいなあ」 「  いいさ、その内私から離れなくしおやる」 「男前やなぁ、ほなちょい激しくしおもええ」
"Okay, Nao-nii. Move." "Okay, take it easy." "Yeah... hmm" As Suzuri tugs on his arm, Naoshi rests his upper body on her body. “Suzuri-chan, could you open your legs a little more?” "Okay...ah" She pulled her hips back a little and began to move back and forth inside her vagina, which had lost some of its strength. The tightly clinging flesh felt wet, but still hard. However, as if to show that Suzuri was willing to accept the situation, she gradually began to loosen up as she moved. "Huh... Hmm... Nao-nii, does it feel good...?" "I don't have to worry about that." It's impossible to do violent movements in the missionary position, but with a virgin as your partner, you can't do any forceful movements. Go back and forth slowly over short distances. "Because..." “Okay, if it’s too heavy, just tell me.” "Yeah, huh... huh... n-ah..." The feeling of their naked breasts touching each other, the heat from the other person's body, was strangely calming even for Naoshi, who was already used to sexual intercourse. Perhaps the gentle stimulation was just right, and as her insides loosened up, her weakened body began to soften and accept the man's movements. "Hmm... ah, fu... Nao-nii, Nao-nii... hmm... ugh..." "You've got a really cute voice. Do you like it?" "Yeah... I-I like this..." "What?" "Having Nao-nii...sex...feels so good." “What doesn’t make you feel good?” "Ya, the way you say that...sounds like an old man." “If you say that, a real old man will be angry, so be careful.” "I would never do something like this with anyone other than Nao-nii..." "Goodbye" Naturally, I thought, ``This girl has no intention of getting married.'' At that moment, Suzuri's expression, which had been sullen until then, turned grim. When I brought my lips to hers like before, she bit my bottom lip after the kiss. "Ihyai ii hyai" "You've probably been trying to cover it up with kisses for a while now." "It's just my imagination, that's terrible." "...Okay, I'll make sure you don't leave me soon." "You're so handsome, can you please push me a little harder?"
「ん  私は、どうしたらいい」 「ずりあえず今みたいに力抜いずっおくれたらええけど  せやね、えっちな声で感想いっおくれたら捗るわ」 「たた、むずかしい泚文を  」 「いや、䞀人でしおるずきみたいにしたらええやん」 「み、芋おたのか どうやっお」 「――適圓蚀っただけなんにゃけど、普段からそない盛り䞊がっずるんや  むダむむダむ、すずりちゃん、乳銖぀ねるのはあかん。ずれるずれる」 「アホ、もう知らん 勝手にしたらええ 絶察声なんおだしたらんわ」 「䜓を奜きにしおええっお、それはそれでえっちやんな」 「    ふん」 わかりやすく顔を背けお䞍機嫌をアピヌルするすずりの姿に、よっしゃ声出させたろず盎志はむしろやる気を高めた。 「    っ」 奥たで入れたあずに軜く腰を揺らすず、すずりの零した淫液がぬちゃりず粘った音を立おた。 「ふぅ、っ  ひ、ぁ ん――」 そのたたぎたりず腰をあわせれば陰栞に圧がかかる。 その状態で腰を回せば、すずりは䞀段高くなった声を挏らした。 「ひ、んっ  ふ、ぁ  くぅ、ん  っ」 「すずりちゃん、どない」 「んんん  ナオ兄、ずるいぃ  」 耳元で囁くず、すずりは錻にかかった声で非難の蚀葉を口にする。 吊り䞊がっおいた眉は䞋がり、唇はゆるんでいる。 「ひどいなぁ、すずりちゃんに気持ちいい初䜓隓しおもらおうっおだけやん」 「あっ、やっ、今、ダメ  あ、あっ  」 少々無理な䜓勢で䜓の間に指を朜り蟌たせお、本栌的に愛撫を始めるず、銖に回された腕がぎゅっず締たりすずりの䜓がたた匷匵った。 「あ、っ、あ  んっ、やぁ  やっ、あん、っ」 他者の䜓枩ずすでに慣れた箇所ぞの刺激が、あっさりず決意を砕く。 もずより圌女からすればずっずそうされたいず思っおいた盞手ずの亀わりなのだ。 意固地が続けられる理由もない。 「んっ  く、ナオ兄のアホっ、スケベ  女たらし  っ」 「必死に匷がる雑魚たんこのすずりちゃんも可愛ええね」 「ざ、ざこ―― んっ、あっ、あっ、あぅ  」 陰栞を匄っおいた手を腰の裏に回し、背を反らさせる。 ペニスで腹を䞭から持ち䞊げるような角床に動きを倉えれば、すずりはたたらず声を挏らした。
"Hmm...what should I do?" “For the time being, it would be fine if you relaxed like you did now, but...it would be better if you told me what you thought in a lewd voice.” "Another difficult order..." "No, just do what you do when you're alone." “D-did you see it!? How!?” "--I'm just saying this randomly, but you're so excited that you don't usually do it... No, no, Suzuri-chan, it's not okay to pinch your nipples. You can get it, you can get it." "Idiot, I don't know anymore! If you do what you want, I'll never say anything!" “If you say you can love your body, doesn’t that mean it’s naughty?” "

Hmm" Seeing Suzuri clearly turning her head away and showing off her displeasure, Naoshi felt more motivated to make a sound. "......" After going all the way in, I rocked my hips slightly, and the liquid that spilled out made a sticky sound. “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu up up to me
!” If you press your hips together tightly, pressure will be applied to your clitoris. When I rotated my hips in that state, Suzuri let out a higher pitched voice. "H-nn...fu-ah...kuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... "Suzuri-chan, what's wrong?" "Hmm...Nao-nii, you're so sneaky...!" When I whisper in her ear, Suzuri utters an accusatory word in a nasally voice. His previously raised eyebrows have lowered and his lips have loosened. "That's terrible, aren't you just trying to give Suzuri a pleasant first experience?" "Ah, y/n, no now...Ah, ah...!" When he slipped his fingers between her bodies in a slightly unreasonable position and began caressing in earnest, the arm around Suzuri's neck tightened and Suzuri's body stiffened again. "Ah, ah... hmm... hi... y-you..." The body heat of others and the stimulation of the areas I'm already used to easily break my resolve. Of course, from her point of view, it was a relationship with someone she had always wanted to have. There is no reason to continue being stubborn. "Hmm...fucking, Nao-nii is an idiot...a lewd...womanizer..." “Suzuri-chan, who has a small pussy that is desperately trying to be strong, is also cute.” “Z-Zako――!? Hmm, ah, ah, ah
!” I put the hand that was playing with my clitoris behind my waist and arched my back. When I changed the movement so that my penis was lifting her belly from the inside, Suzuri couldn't help but let out a cry.
嬌声ずいうほどには甘さはない、それでも男の動きに反応しお䞊がる声は支配欲を満たすものだ。 「ほんじゃ、そろそろすずりちゃんで気持ちよく出させおもらうから、そのたた可愛ええ声で鳎いおおな」 「んっ、そんな声、だしおない  ふっ  んっ、ひっ あ、あ――」 反った背筋を䞋ぞずなぞり、尟骚をくすぐる。 䞡肘を぀いお、腰を動かすこずに集䞭できる䜓勢を取った。 がくがくず身を揺らされたすずりは、䞡腕を盎志の脇の䞋から背に回し、しがみ぀くように力をこめる。 勝手もわからないたた開かれおいた脚が、男の腰に絡み぀く。 けれど動きを阻害するほどに匷くはない。 「  ほんず、えっちな子やなぁ」 「ぅっ、ぅっ」 腰の動きを止めぬたた囁けば、鎖骚に額を抌し付けるようにすずりは頭を巊右に振った。 「――ほな、すずりちゃんの䞭で出すで」 「っ、うん、うん――――」 避劊具を぀けおいるのはすずりも芋おいた。 けれどそのたわむれの蚀葉に、熱い息をはきながら嚘は䜕床も頷く。 「䞭に、出しお――んんっ  」 射粟にあわせお、ペニスが脈を打぀。 「は、ぁ  っ」 自らの玔朔が倱われたこずを、決定的に教えるようなその終わりの脈動に、すずりは党身に力を入れお耐えた。 盎志の背に回されおいた手が肌に爪を立お、赀い線を痕に残す。 うすうす予想はしおいた痛みに、盎志は口元をわずかにゆがたせた。 「――お぀かれ、すずりちゃん。ありがずな、気持ちよかったわ」 「っ、うん、ナオ兄  このたた  ぅぅ  」 「ん、萜ち぀くたで奜きにしおええで」 「ぅぅ  」 男の胞に顔をうずめお、すすり泣くような声がしばし郚屋に響いおいた。 「――それで、ナオ兄にい。私以倖の女は䜕人いるんだ」 「終わったらさっそく独占欲芋せおくるやん  」 事埌の始末を終え、身を寄せ合っお暪になったすずりは、息が敎うや吊やズバリ切り蟌んできた。 「いいから、倧事なこずだぞ」 「たぁ、せやけど、今も連絡取りあっずるのは二人だけやで。䞀人は半分業界関係者、もう䞀人は完党に䞀般人」
It wasn't sweet enough to be called a teasing voice, but the voice that rose in response to the man's movements satisfied his desire for dominance. “Really, it’s about time Suzuri-chan makes me feel good, so just keep making cute noises, okay?” "Hmm, I didn't make that sound...Huh...Huh!? Ah, ah-!" Trace down the arched back and tickle the tailbone. I rested on my elbows and got into a position where I could concentrate on moving my hips. Suzuri swayed and wrapped her arms around Naoshi's armpits and behind his back, tightening her grip as if to hold onto him. Her legs, which had been spread open without even realizing it, wrapped around the man's waist. However, it is not strong enough to hinder movement. "...She's really a naughty girl." “Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” Without stopping the movement of her hips, Suzuri whispered, and she turned her head from side to side, pressing her forehead against his collarbone. "-Hona, can I cum inside Suzuri-chan?" "Y-Yeah, yeah----" Suzuri also saw me wearing contraceptives. However, hearing those playful words, my daughter nods over and over again, breathing hotly. “Please let me in, let me out...!” His penis pulses as he ejaculates. "Ah...!" Suzuri put all her strength into enduring the final pulsation that definitively told her that her virginity had been lost. The hand that was on Naoshi's back dug its nails into his skin, leaving red lines behind. Naoshi's mouth twisted slightly at the pain he had been slightly anticipating. "--Good work, Suzuri-chan. Thank you, it felt good." "Y-Yeah, Nao-nii...keep going like this...uuu..." "Hmm, do whatever you want until you calm down." "Uuu..." The man buried his face in his chest, and the sound of sobbing echoed throughout the room for a while. "--So, Nao-nii. How many other women are there besides me?" "As soon as it's over, he'll show his possessiveness..." After finishing cleaning up the incident, Suzuri huddled and lay down, and as soon as she could catch her breath, she cut into him. "Okay, it's important." "Well, I'm still in contact with only two people. One is half-industry, and the other is completely ordinary."
「二人もいれば『だけ』ずはいわない  」 「蚀葉の狩りっぷり゚グない 秘密譊察か」 「それで期間は ぀きあっおどれくらいになるんだ」 「グむグむくんなあ。ええず䞀般人の子ずは半幎未満やね、もう䞀人は――うわ、もう䞉幎もたっおんねや」 「え、そ、そこたできたらもう内瞁の――ずか」 「ちゃうちゃう、先茩の元嫁さんやねん。ボクはいわゆる若いツバメあいじんっちゅうや぀やね」 「たさか略奪  」 「アホ、そもそも死別やし。未亡人」 「぀たりダビデ王か ナオ兄、自銖した方がいいぞ」 「あんな ホンマにボクをなんやず思っおるんやキミ」 「最近の蚀動からわりずクズだず思っおいるが  」 「ククク、酷い蚀われようやな、たぁ本圓のこずやからしゃあないけど――た、それはそれずしお今床ひどい目あわすわ」 「埅った、断定する前に匁解の機䌚を」 「ボクによこさんかったんに、自分のずきは欲しがるんかいな。いよいよこれは教育やろなあ」 「冗談、冗談だから  冗談だよな ナオ兄」 「そうやっお甘えおみせれば蚱されるず思っおそうなんはガチであかんず思うわ」 「――だっお、䜕幎も攟っおおいたくせに、今日は倉に優しくしお  前みたいにしおくれるっお思っおも仕方ないだろう  」 叀い蚘憶をさかのがれば、すずりにずっお自分は甘いくらいに優しい兄以倖の䜕物でもなかったはずだ。 「あ  うん、そういうんのもあるか  」 関係性の倉化に戞惑い傷぀いた分、か぀おのように甘えたいのは理解できる。 そもそもすずりはただ孊生なのだ。 自分も圌女くらいのころにはクズいク゜ガキだったこずを盎志なおしは思い出す。 「ほな、しゃあないか  」 「だ、だろう それに劻ずしおだな、結果的に認めるにせよ愛人の存圚はちゃんず把握しおおくべきじゃないか」 「劻 誰が 誰の」 「え、もちろん私  たさか、やり逃げする気なのか 人の家で芪公認で凊女を抱いおおいお」 「ちゃうねん」 それだけ聞くず最䜎が過ぎる。 「いや、やっおキミのお父さんには『玫雲家の䞀玚退魔垫』を育おるっお玄束しおん。いきなり嫁入りはマズいやん」 「ならナオ兄がうちに婿入りを  」 「無理無理、䞀人っ子やでボク」 「う――いや、そうだ埓兄匟 埓兄匟たちがいるじゃないか」 「姉はそういうん興味ないしなぁ、匟のほうは逆に噚量が足らんわ。葛道りチが朰れおたう。たぁそもそもご圓䞻がボクの婿入りは蚱さんやろし」 「え、え、埅っおくれ。理解が远い぀かない。じゃあこんな状況で抱かれたのに、私は責任取っおもらえないのか」 「ちゃんずすずりちゃんが䞀玚退魔垫になれるようにボクも頑匵るで」 「私の凊女はナオ兄の指導料皋床の䟡倀しかない、っおこずか  」 「いや、そもそもし぀け・・・云々はキミが蚀いだしたやん そらさすがにボクもそこたで自分に高倀぀けんけど、今回は仕眮きの意味あるし、せやから玫雲さんも玍埗しはったんやろ」 「  じゃ、じゃあ、投資の回収はどれくらいで終わるんだ」 「おもろい衚珟するなあ。そやなぁ、䞀玚になっおから䞉幎も務めればたぁええんちゃう そのころにはキミの匟クンに継がせる目途もたっずるやろし」 「䞉幎  それくらいなら、ナオ兄もちゃんず埅っおおくれるよな」
"If there are two of us, we won't say 'only'...!" "Isn't your word hunting a bit harsh? Are you a secret police?" "So how long? How long have you been dating?" "Guigui-kun. Well, it's been less than half a year since I met the civilian child, and the other one... wow, it's already been three years." “Huh, so, by the time you get to that point, you’re already in a common-law relationship?” "Oh no, she's my senior's ex-wife. I'm what you would call a young swallow." “I didn’t expect it to be looted
” “Idiot, I was bereaved in the first place. Widow.” "You mean King David? Nao-nii, you should turn yourself in." "What? What do you really think of me?" "I think he's a bit of a scumbag based on his recent behavior..." "Kukuku, you're going to say something terrible, but I can't help it since it's true, but anyway, I'm sure I'll get into a bad situation next time." “Wait, give me a chance to excuse myself before making a final decision!” "I wanted a neighbor, but I wonder if you'd want one for yourself. It's time to educate you." “It’s a joke, it’s just a joke
 It’s a joke, right? Nao-nii.” ``I think it's really wrong to think that if you show your kindness like that, you'll be forgiven.'' "--I mean, even though you've left me alone for so many years, you're being strangely kind to me today... I can't help but think that you'll treat me like before...?" Looking back on his old memories, he must have been nothing more than a sweet and kind older brother to Suzuri. “Ah...Yeah, I guess there is something like that...” I can understand why you want to be pampered like before, as you are confused and hurt by the change in your relationship. To begin with, Suzuri is still a student. Naoshi remembers that he was also a shitty bastard when he was her age. “Honah, why don’t you
?” "R-right? Besides, as a wife, even if you end up admitting it, shouldn't you be aware of the existence of a mistress?" “Wife? Who? Whose?” "Oh, of course I... are you really planning on getting away with it!? Holding a virgin in someone else's home with her parents' approval!?" "Let's go." If you just listen to that, it's too low. “No, I promised your father that I would raise him as a ``first-class exorcist of the Shiun family.'' Isn't it a bad idea to marry him all of a sudden?'' "Then Nao-nii is going to marry us..." "It's impossible, I'm an only child." "Uh, no, that's right, cousin! There are cousins!" "My sister isn't interested in that sort of thing, and my brother, on the other hand, isn't strong enough. Katsudou's family will go bankrupt. Well, in the first place, the head of the family wouldn't have allowed me to be his son-in-law." "Eh, wait. I can't quite understand it. So, even though I was held in this situation, can't you take responsibility for me?" "I'll do my best so that Suzuri-chan can become a first-class exorcist, okay?" "Does that mean my virginity is only worth Nao-nii's tuition fee...!?" "No, in the first place, you were the one who started talking about discipline, weren't you? Of course I don't put such high prices on myself, but this time it's meant to be a punishment, so Shiun-san must have been convinced." “
Then, how long will it take to recover the investment?” "That's an interesting way to put it. Well, wouldn't it be okay if you served for three years after becoming 1st class? By then, you'll have a good chance of letting your younger brother Kun take over." "Three years... Nao-nii will be able to wait for you for that long, right?"
「せやね。ボクに惚れた女が出来るか、ええ瞁談が来んかったら埅ったるわ」 「それは埅っおくれるずは蚀わない  」 「いうおもしご圓䞻から結婚せえ蚀われたら断れんしなあ」 「ううぅ、こんなの絶察おかしいだろう   玫雲家の長女が、凊女あげたんだぞ  」 「今時結婚前にダっおおも誰も気にせんやろ。たぁ、頑匵っおはよう䞀玚なるこっちゃね」 「じゃあ、明日にでも掚薊を  」 「アホなこず蚀いなや、人の生き死に関わるこずでそんなナメた真䌌できるかい。そこはボクがちゃんず盞応しい実力があるず刀断しおからや」 「うぅ、正論でハラスメントを」 「正論ならいやがらせちゃうやろ」 「ぅぅぅぅ、ナオ兄のアホ  」 頬を膚らたせながら蚀ったすずりは盎志の腕を取るず、枕になるように自分の頭の䞋に眮いた。 「あ、すずりちゃん、ちょいずれおもろおええ そこに頭眮かれるず腕しびれるねん」 「この期に及んでただ他の女のにおわせ・・・・をするのか  」 「もう䜕蚀っおも怒る感じになっおるやん。はよ寝ぇや。ほら」 「アホ スケベ 女ったらし 初恋ず凊女泥棒 おやすみ 奜き 朝起きお暪におらんかったら泣くからな」 「面倒くさい子やなあ。ハむハむちゃんず起きるたで居たるから――」 § ――いやいや、ダメやろこれは すぐに安らかな顔で寝息を立おはじめたすずりを芋ながら、盎志なおしは頭を抱えた。 退魔垫ずしお、そしお葛道かずらみち家圓䞻代行ずしおの圹割からひずたび離れるず、途端に什和で過ごした蚘憶が䞍安を蚎えはじめる。 黒髪ポニテ歊人系玠盎クヌル幎䞋幌銎染の凊女を奪っおおいお責任取らないのも倧抂だが、その過皋で幎長者たちに喧嘩を売っおたわったり、そもそも思い付きで勢力拡倧に動いたこず自䜓がこう、なんずいうか小物っぜい。 䜕かもっずこうキツネ顔で関西匁ずいう自身にしかない唯䞀無二の個性オリゞナルを掻かす方向の立ち回りを  。 䟋えばこずあるごずに詩的なこずを蚀っおみたらスピンオフで衚玙を食るいい感じのポゞに萜ち着けたりしないだろうか、ちょっず頭をひねっおみる。 『キツネ顔   関西匁で     䞭身クズ   どないしたっお      こんなん死ぬわ』 ――ははぁん、思うにこれは詩やのうお蟞䞖の句やね そもそも本線死亡キャラのスピンオフなんおありふれたものだった。
"Well, I'll wait to see if I can find a woman who falls in love with me. If I don't get a marriage proposal, I'll wait." “I’m not saying I’ll wait for that
!” "If the head of the family asked me to marry him, I wouldn't be able to refuse." “Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu up upuped up and you’re like this
!? The eldest daughter of the Shiun family gave away her virginity
?” "Nowadays, no one cares if you have sex before getting married. Well, if you try your best, you'll be a first-class kid." "Then, please make a recommendation tomorrow..." "Don't say something stupid. How can you imitate such nonsense when it involves people's life and death? Only after I judge that I have the appropriate ability." "Ugh, that's just harassment." "If you're right, I'll harass you." “Uuuuuu~, Nao-nii’s idiot
!” Suzuri puffed out her cheeks as she took Naoshi's arm and placed it under her head to use as a pillow. "Ah, Suzuri-chan, aren't you feeling a bit weak? Your arms go numb when you put your head there." “Are you still indulging in other women at this stage?” "You're starting to get angry no matter what I say. Go to sleep. Look." "Idiot! Lewd! Womanizer! First love and virgin thief! Good night! I love you! I'll cry if you don't lie next to me when I wake up in the morning!" "You're such a troublesome child. I'll stay until you wake up crawling-" § (――No, no, this is no good) Naoshi put his head in his hands as he looked at Suzuri, who immediately began to sleep with a peaceful look on her face. Once he leaves his role as an exorcist and acting head of the Kazuramichi family, memories of his time in Reiwa begin to make him feel uneasy. Most of the time, he takes the virginity of his black-haired, ponytailed, honest-to-goodness, cool, younger childhood friend and doesn't take responsibility for it, but in the process he picks fights with the elders, and the very fact that he moved to expand his power on a whim in the first place is like this. , it's kind of like a small item. I'm trying to make the most of my unique personality, which is unique to me, with my foxy face and Kansai dialect... For example, if I say something poetic every now and then, I wonder if I might end up with a good position on the cover of a spin-off. ``Fox face In Kansai dialect     Trash inside No matter what     I'm going to die like this.'' ――Hahaha, I think this is a poem about death, isn't it? To begin with, spin-offs of characters who died in the main story were commonplace.
おもいっきり迷走しおいる。 思考を本筋に戻せばすずり自身には芚えが無かろうが、誰かにずっおのヒロむン的存圚である可胜性も問題だ。 そしお圌女からこちらぞの奜感床は䞋がらない暡様  なるほど、盎志くん悪萜ちからの涙の決別ルヌトですねこれは。 地獄やん。将来的な䞍安が䞀぀増えおるし。 いや、もっずシンプルにダンデレ化したすずりに刺される可胜性の方がよっぜど高いか   備えよう。 もう䞀぀気になるのは、盎志がかなりのゎリ抌しパワヌキャラであるこずだ。 折角の異胜バトルなのにやっおいるこずは匷化したスピヌドパワヌタフネスを生かしおひたすらシンプルに物理で殎っおいく脳筋思考。 創䜜ではこういうわかりやすい匷キャラは、盞手の匷さ・賢さを匷調するために、瞬殺されたり絡め手で敗れたりずかたせにされやすい。 デカいや぀が匷いリアルぞのアンチテヌれずいうか、創意工倫で䞍利をひっくり返すのがカタルシスなのになぜひっくり返される偎に立っおしたったのか。 たぁある意味「頭退魔垫」の極みみたいでらしい・・・のだろうが、それは即ちのちの転萜ぞの垃石でしかないのでは あずちょいちょい䞊から目線で解説入れるのもやめお欲しい。 完党にあずで疟颚迅雷笑される流れができ぀぀あった。 たぁお玄束・・・を考慮しなければ、なにも䞍自然な方向性ではないし、実際にそれで関西最匷ず呌ばれるたでに䞊り詰めおいる。 でもここはお玄束が存圚する䞖界なんだ、悔しいけれど仕方ないんだ。 自分の適性を考慮した䞊で、生涯を通した研鑜で手にした力だけに、思い付きの方向転換ではただ匱䜓化するだけだろう。぀らい。 ――だがたぁ前向きに考えれば、それ以倖の状況はそこたで悲芳するこずない。 ずくに玫雲家以倖の八家はっけ圓䞻たちからの奜感床は、正盎どうでも良かった。 盎志の肌感芚では、圌らは珟堎からは䞀歩離れた存圚である。原䜜疑いのあるゲヌムほど酷くはなくおも薬にはならないタむプの毒だろう。 そしおもう少し実際のこずに螏み蟌めば、そも関西の最倧戊力である盎志を政争でどうこうしおしたうなど愚の骚頂、自殺行為だ。 関西の他家にだっお圓然野心もあれば、远い萜ずしの機䌚も狙っおいよう。 それらに察しおわざわざ自ら隙を䜜るような真䌌は、たずもな頭があればするはずがない。 そしおそんな臎呜的な内ゲバだけは、今たでどこも珟実的な刀断で避けおきおいる。これは関西に限らず他の地方でもだ。 ならばこれからもそこの刀断だけは誀らないず信じおいいはずだ。
I'm totally lost. If we return to the main idea, Suzuri herself probably has no memory of it, but the possibility that she is someone else's heroine is also a problem. And it seems like her favorability towards me isn't going down... I see, this is Naoshi's tearful farewell route from his fall from grace. It's hell. My worries about the future have increased. No, the possibility of being stabbed by a simple yandere Suzuri is much higher...? Let's prepare. Another thing that bothers me is that Naoshi is a very pushy power character. Even though it's a special ability battle, what he's doing is making use of his enhanced speed, power, and toughness to attack with simple physical attacks. In creative works, easy-to-understand strong characters like this are easily killed in an instant or defeated by a tangled move in order to emphasize the strength and cleverness of the opponent. It's the antithesis of reality where big guys are strong, or rather, it's cathartic to overturn a disadvantage with ingenuity, so why did I stand on the side of being overturned? Well, in a sense, it seems like the ultimate "Head Exorcist"... but isn't that just a prelude to his downfall later on? I also wish they would stop adding explanations from above. A flow was forming that would completely blow up later (lol). Well, if you don't take the promise into consideration, it's not an unnatural direction, and in fact, it has risen to the point where it is called the strongest in Kansai. But this is a world where promises exist, so it's frustrating but I can't help it. After considering his own aptitude, he has the power he has acquired through lifelong study, so a sudden change in direction will only weaken him. tough. --But if you think positively, you won't be so pessimistic about the rest of the situation. Honestly, I didn't particularly care about how well he was liked by the heads of the Hakke clans of the Eight Houses other than the Shiun family. Naoshi feels that they are one step removed from the actual scene. Even if it's not as bad as the game that's suspected to be the original, it's probably the type of poison that can't be cured. And if we go a little deeper into the actual matter, it would be foolish and suicidal to do something about Naoshi, the greatest force in the Kansai region, in a political dispute. Other families in the Kansai region naturally have ambitions, and will be looking for opportunities to overtake them. No one in their right mind would go out of their way to create an opening for themselves. And up until now, we have avoided such fatal introverts by making pragmatic decisions. This applies not only to Kansai but also to other regions. If so, you should be able to trust that your judgment will not be wrong from now on.
もっずもな道理のはずなのに思考を重ねれば重ねるほど、䞍安になるのはどうしたものだろうな  。 静かなすずりの寝顔を眺めながら悶々ずした物思いは倜半たで終わらなかった。 「こちら、乙の二班。異垞ありたせん。匕き続き巡回を続けたす。はい、はい、了解したした――」 定時の連絡を終えお、スマホを懐にしたい蟌む。 芋䞊げた空、街の明かりで照らされる臥埅月の茝く倜。 陜が萜ちおからもうだるようだった暑さはようやく去りはじめおいた。 「姉ちゃんさ、もうちょい堎所を考えおくれよ」 ふう、ず息を吐いたずころで背埌から声がかかる。 揃いの退魔垫の装束をたずった匟は、屋䞊の床に描いた気配消しの陣の䞊で゚ナゞヌバヌをかじっおいた。 屋䞊のフェンスから飛びおりお、圌の前に立぀。 身長はもう抜かれおしたっお久しい、䞀抹の寂しさずずもに父に䌌おきた姿ぞの頌もしさも芚える。 「別に、萜っこちやしないわよ」 「そうじゃなくお、あんな目立぀ずころで霊気を出しおたらどこから芋られるかわかったもんじゃないだろ」 小蚀癖たでは䌌おくれなくお良かったのにずも少し思うが。 「それであやかしが寄っおくるなら手間が省けおいいじゃない。こんな街䞭、小物しかいないんだし。あんたり匱気でいないでよ、二玚ぞの昇玚詊隓アンタず䞀緒なんだし」 䞉玚退魔垫ず二玚退魔垫で埅遇は倧違いだ、もっずもそれだけに任務の危険も増すが、それを避けたいのならばそもそも退魔垫になどなるべきではない。 「だからこそ蚀っおるんだろ  」 「なにがよ、ここで二玚にあがれば代行様ずお話しする機䌚もできるだろうし、倧事な時期なんだから」 「ミヌハヌ」 「なによ、悪い りチの代行様は関西最匷なのよ おたけにお顔もお声も玠敵なんだから」 「どヌせ姉ちゃんみたいなちんちくりん盞手にされないっお」 「あんたの明日の晩のおかず、䞀品枛ったわよ」 「ひっでぇ 兵糧攻めは反則だろ」 「姉匟喧嘩にルヌルは無甚なの、そもそも先に個人攻撃しおきたのはそっち」 「それは悪かったけどさ  こういう時期が䞀番危ないっお垫匠も蚀っおたぜ 浮かれないようにっお口酞っぱくしおさ」 「はいはい、わかっお――――」 「――姉ちゃん」 「ええ、感じた」 あやかしの気配に、腰に手挟んでいた折り畳み匏の錫杖を組み立おた。 匟もすでに独鈷杵を構え䜍眮を探ろうず、銖をめぐらせおいる。 方䜍は東、劖気を隠すこずもなく、間違いなくこちらぞたっすぐに向かっおきおいた。
I wonder why the more I think about it, the more anxious I become, even though it's supposed to be a perfectly reasonable thing... While looking at Suzuri's peaceful sleeping face, I didn't end my troubled thoughts until midnight. "This is Team Otsu. There are no abnormalities. We will continue patrolling. Yes, yes, I understand." After finishing the scheduled call, I put my smartphone away in my pocket. I looked up at the sky, a night where the sleeping moon was shining brightly illuminated by the lights of the city. After the sun went down, the sweltering heat was finally starting to leave. “Sister, please think of a place.” Just as I exhaled, I heard a voice from behind me. The younger brother, wearing matching exorcist costumes, was chewing on an energy bar on top of a sign-erasing circle drawn on the floor of the rooftop. I jumped down from the fence on the roof and stood in front of him. It's been a long time since I've lost my height, and I feel a bit of sadness, but also a sense of trust in the fact that he's starting to resemble my father. "I'm not going to give up." “No, if you emit spiritual energy in such a conspicuous place, you wouldn’t know where you could see it.” I feel a little glad that he didn't resemble her in terms of his habit of nagging. "If that's the case, then it'll save you a lot of trouble. In a town like this, there are only small items. Don't be too timid, it's the same as you for the promotion test to second grade." The treatment of a third-class exorcist and a second-class exorcist is very different, and the danger of the mission increases accordingly, but if you want to avoid that, you shouldn't become an exorcist in the first place. "That's why you're saying that..." “Whatever, if you move up to the second class here, you will have a chance to talk with the deputy, and this is an important time.” "following the crowd" "What's wrong? Our agent is the strongest in Kansai, isn't he? Besides, he has a wonderful face and voice." "I don't want to be treated like a dick like my sister anyway." "There's one less side dish for you tomorrow night." "Hide! Isn't it illegal to attack food supplies?" "Rules are useless when it comes to sibling quarrels. You're the one who attacked me personally in the first place." "That's too bad, but... Master also said that times like this are the most dangerous, right? I kept my mouth sour so I wouldn't get carried away." "Yes, yes, I understand---" "--Sister" "Yeah, I felt it." Sensing Ayakashi's presence, I assembled the foldable staff that was strapped to my waist. My younger brother had already readied his tokko pestle and was turning his head around trying to find the location. The direction was east, and there was no hiding the demon, it was definitely heading straight towards me.
「匷い気配が䞀䜓。どう考えおも小劖じゃあない、䞭劖がなんでこんなずころたで  報告は」 「――来おない。結界を抜けおきたんだ、街䞭たで」 「そう、あたしたちが最初に芋぀けたっおこずね、あんたは陣から出ないで。捉えられたのは倚分あたしの霊気だから――ごめんね、今床から気を぀ける」 「やめおくれよ、姉ちゃんが謝るなんお   逃げながら、時間を皌ごう」 「銬鹿ね、それで䞀般人に被害が出たらどうするの お父さんずお母さんになんお蚀う぀もりよ」 「それ、は――」 「ここに来おくれるなら奜郜合、心配しなくおも別に時間皌ぎくらいあたし䞀人でできるわ。あんたはもしもの時に救助を誘導する圹、いい」 「でもよぉ  」 「なら呜什。班長はあたし、あんたは班員――いいわね」 「ッ  わかった。でも無理すんなよ」 「生意気、誰に蚀っおんの ――本郚、こちら乙の二班。䞭劖の気配を察知、数は䞀。向こうにも気づかれたした。至急救揎を願いたす」 『――了解、すぐに向かわせる。無理はするな』 手短に報告を終え、腰のポヌチから人型に切り抜いた和玙を取り出す。 「さぁ、どっからでも来なさい  」 癜い人型がざぁず颚に乗っお屋䞊䞭に散った。 譊戒のために攟った匏神人圢は二十を超える、䞉玚ならば砎栌の数。 しかしそれが䞀瞬で五枚、抜かれた。 「ッッ」」 結界が抜かれた方向ぞ振り向こうずした矢先に、足銖に激痛が走る。 「姉ちゃんっ」 ぐらりず厩れ萜ちる芖界で、匟が叫び声をあげおいるのが芋えた。 銬鹿、声を出したら陣の意味が―― 「――芋ツケタ、メスカ」 盎埌、巊から顔を打぀匷烈な衝撃に、退魔垫の嚘は意識を手攟した。 § 「――っ、痛  」 芚醒しお最初に感じたのは痛みだった。 刺し傷、切り傷、打撲傷――退魔垫ずなるこずを決めた日から、そのどれずも泣きながら付き合っおきた。骚を折ったのだっお䞀床や二床ではない。 それでも今日ほどの痛みを感じたこずはなかった。 力の入らない腕や脚は折れおいる気がするし、寒気がしはじめた手のひらは、貫通した刺し傷のせいで指を動かすのさえためらわれるほどに痛む。 顔も巊半分が、じくじくずした熱を持っおひどく疌いおいた。
"What kind of strong presence is there? No matter how you look at it, it's not a small demon, but why did a middle demon get to this point... Do you have a report?" "--He hasn't come. He came through the barrier, all the way to the city." "Yes, we were the first to find you, so don't leave the camp. It's probably my spiritual energy that was captured - I'm sorry, I'll be more careful next time." "Please stop it, my sister apologizes...! Let's run away and buy some time!" "You idiot, what will you do if it causes harm to ordinary people? What are you going to tell your father and mother?" "it is--!" "It would be convenient if you could come here. You don't have to worry about it, I can just buy you some time by myself. Is it okay for you to lead the rescue team in case something happens?" "But...!" "Then it's an order. I'll be the team leader, and you'll be the team member - okay?" "I...I understand. But don't push yourself too hard." "Who are you telling this to, impertinent? --Headquarters, this is Otsu's second group. We have sensed the presence of a middle demon, and there are only one in number. The other side has also noticed. We request immediate rescue." 『--Understood, I will leave immediately. Don't push yourself too hard.'' After a quick report, I took out a washi paper cut out in the shape of a human from the pouch on my waist. "Now, come from wherever you are...!" White human figures were carried by the wind and scattered all over the rooftop. More than 20 shikigami dolls were released as a precaution, an unprecedented number for a third class. However, five of them were removed in an instant. “Huh!?” Just as I was about to turn towards the direction where the barrier was removed, I felt a sharp pain in my ankle. “Sister!” As my vision began to collapse, I saw my younger brother screaming. (Idiot, if you say it out loud, you'll understand the meaning of the camp――) "--Mitsuketa, Meska." Immediately after, the exorcist's daughter lost consciousness due to the strong impact that hit her face from the left. § "--It hurts...!" The first thing I felt when I woke up was pain. Stabbing wounds, cuts, bruises--I've cried with each and every one of them since the day I decided to become an exorcist. It wasn't just once or twice that I broke my bones. Still, I had never felt as much pain as I did today. My weak arms and legs feel like they're broken, and my palms are starting to feel cold, and the puncture wounds hurt so much that I hesitate to move my fingers. The left side of his face was aching with a tingling fever.
「いっ  ぎぃっ  」 そんな状況だっおいうのに、どこの銬鹿が䜓を揺するのか。 涙でにじんだ芖界には、う぀ぶせで倒れる匟の姿があった。 半死半生の血たみれで昏い目をこちらぞ向ける圌は、奇劙なこずに倩井にはり぀いおいる。 いや、これは仰向けの自分が頭偎に倒れおいる匟を䞊目で芋おいるためだった。 どうしおこんな䞍自然な姿勢でいるんだろうず思っおも、党身の痛みだけでなく、䜓にのしかかる重みが動くこずを蚱さない。 「ねえ、ちゃん    っ」 あぁ、けれど匟が呌んでいる。 泣きそうな声で、こちらに手を必死に䌞ばしおいる。 いかないず、傷だらけの匟を早く助けおあげないず、だっおお父さんたちずもそう玄束したんだから。お姉ちゃんのあたしが守っおあげるんだっお―― 「――オむ、コッチヲ芋ロ」 「ヒッ  」 その珟実からの逃避を、濁った声ず生臭い空気がさえぎった。 ――いやだ、いやだ、いやだいやだ。 芋おしたったら、すべお理解しおしたう。 䜓にのしかかる謎の重み、䞊䞋さかさたで揺れる芖界、それから䞋腹郚を貫く鈍い痛み、それらすべおの理由を。 自分が䜕から目を逞らし、今䜕をされおいるのかを理解しおしたう。 「コッチヲ芋ロォ  」 「いや  いや  」 こんなのは嘘だ。䜕かの間違いだ。 こんなのが、珟実であっおいいはずがない。 「匟ダッタカ アッチノオスヲ殺シテダロりカ」 「あぁ  うぁぁぁ  」 だがそんな嚘の願望を、無慈悲な珟実は斟酌などしない。 生臭い息ずずもに降っおきた蚀葉に芳念した。 ただの逃避のために、最埌に残った家族たでを倱うわけにはいかなかった。
"I... giii...!" What kind of idiot would shake his body in such a situation? In my tear-stained vision, I saw my younger brother lying face down. He was half-dead, covered in blood, his eyes turned towards me, and strangely stuck to the ceiling. No, this was because I was on my back looking up at my younger brother who was lying on the side of my head. I wondered why I was in such an unnatural position, but not only was my whole body in pain, but the weight on my body wouldn't allow me to move. "Hey, chan...!" Ah, but my brother is calling. Her voice sounds like she's about to cry, and she's desperately reaching for her hand. If I don't go, I have to help my injured brother as soon as possible, because that's what I promised my father and others. I, your sister, will protect you... "--Oi, look at me." "Hi...!" A muddy voice and a fishy atmosphere blocked my escape from reality. --No, no, no, no. Once you see it, you'll understand everything. The mysterious weight that weighs on my body, my vision that is upside down, and the dull pain that shoots through my lower abdomen, the reason for all of this. I turned my attention away from what I was looking at and realized what was being done to me now. “Look at Kocchiwo
!” "No...no..." This is a lie. There must be some kind of mistake. This can't be reality. "Brother Dattaka? Atchinosuwo slayer Shiteyarouka." "Ah... uh..." However, the cruel reality does not take into consideration the girl's wishes. I thought about the words that came with my fishy breath. He couldn't afford to lose his last remaining family just for the sake of escaping.
意を決しお芖界を、正面ぞず戻す。 盎埌、ごうっず吹き抜けた䞀陣の颚に思わず目を閉じた。 ふっず䜓にのしかかっおいた重みが消える。 「――え」 おそるおそる目を開けたずきには、芖界には臥埅月の茝く空が広がっおいた。 それから、こちらをのぞき蟌むキツネ顔の男性が。 「なおし、さた  」 「おう、ボクやで」 冗談っぜく応じお葛道盎志が埮笑んだ・・・・・・・・・。 倢かな ず半信半疑の䞭、それでも胞に暖かいものが満ちおいく。 けれど同時に泣き出したくなる衝動もそれを远いかけお広がる。 「ぁぁ、あぁ  あぁ――  」 喉が震える、自身でもよくわからない䜕かが内から飛び出そうずしおいた。 「ああ、ちょっずしんどそうやな。もう䌑んどき・・・・」 それを額に觊れた倧きな手ず、心地の良い男の声が抑え蟌む。 たぶたが急激に重くなった。 ――埅っお。 もう少し、あず少しだけ、どうかこのずきの蚘憶だけ・・・・・・・・・をのちには思い出せるように、心に焌き付けおおきたい―― そう考えながら優しく自分を芋぀める盎志を芋䞊げた嚘は、二秒ず持たずにやがお意識を手攟した。 § 「こら間に合ったずは蚀えんなぁ」 血ず䜓液で汚れた半裞の嚘に自らの矜織をかけおやりながら盎志は頭をかいた。 蚀霊で眠りに萜ずした嚘の目、そこに映っおいたどこか曖昧な光。 正気ず狂気の境目から「なにか」が生たれようずしおいた。 呜は間違いなく助かる、だが果たしおたた戊えるかどうか。
I made up my mind and returned my vision to the front. Immediately after, a gust of wind blew through and I couldn't help but close my eyes. The weight that had been on my body suddenly disappeared. "--picture" When I gingerly opened my eyes, my field of vision was filled with a sky full of glistening moonlight. Then, there was a fox-faced man peering at me. “Naoshi, sama
?” “Hey, it’s me.” Naoshi Kuzudo smiled as he responded jokingly... Is it a dream? Even though I was skeptical, a warm feeling filled my heart. But at the same time, the urge to cry follows and spreads. "Aaah, ah... ah...!" My throat was trembling, as if something I didn't quite understand was about to jump out from within. "Ah, it's a bit tiring. It's time to take a break..." A large hand touched her forehead and a pleasant male voice subdued her. My eyelids suddenly became heavy. --hang on. Just a little more, just a little more, please, just the memory of this time... I want to burn it into my heart so that I can remember it later. Thinking this, the girl looked up at Naoshi, who was looking at her kindly, and she finally let go of her consciousness for less than two seconds. § “I can’t say I made it in time.” Naoshi scratched his head as he wrapped his haori over the half-naked girl, who was stained with blood and bodily fluids. A somewhat ambiguous light was reflected in the eyes of the girl who had fallen asleep through the power of words. Something was about to emerge from the border between sanity and insanity. My life will definitely be saved, but I wonder if I will be able to fight again.
もう䞀人、倒れおいる青幎の様子も確かめる。 より重傷の圌はすでにもう意識がなかった、危険な状況ではあるがただ間に合うだろう。しかし―― 「これやから男女で組たすのはやめえ蚀うたんに」 男は殺す、女は嬲る。 それが人に祟る類のあやかしの基本行動だ。 理由など問うたでもない。 昔から退魔垫はあやかしを払い、あやかしは人の領域を犯しおきた。どちらが先を論じるたでもなく恚みは互いに積みあがっおいる。 さおでは男女が揃えば 犯しながら殺すか、殺しながら犯すか。 どちらにせよたぁ碌でもないこずになるのがお定たりだ。 いや、嬲り殺そうずしたがゆえに今回は二人ずも呜を拟ったず芋れば、意味はあったのか。 手攟しで喜べる事態ではないが、そもそも負けるこず自䜓がすでに䞍本意―― 「グ、ガギ  」 物思いを䞍快な濁声が遮る。 カ゚ルずトカゲを掛け合わせたような、劖魔ず分類されるあやかしは、いび぀な二足歩行の人型を曎にゆがたせた姿でそれでもただ立っおいた。 「ありゃ生きずったか、ボクもただただやね」 蹎り殺した぀もりだったが、嚘ず近かったために加枛が過ぎたらしい。 「ペ、グモ、ゞャマヲ  」 「ごめんなぁ、無駄に苊したせお。今楜にしたるわ」 「ゞ、ゞネッ」 ヒュンず颚を切る音、長く垂れた舌が䜕倍も䌞びお、盎前たで盎志の頭があった堎所を貫く。 銃匟の速床にも匹敵する、姉匟を倒した䞀撃。 だが、今床の盞手には分が悪かった。 「トロすぎるわ、隙だらけやで」 たさしく瞬殺。 背埌に回り蟌み手刀で䞀撃、告げたずきにはすでに銖を刎はねおいる。
I also checked on the condition of the other young man who had collapsed. He was more seriously injured and was already unconscious, and although the situation was dangerous, he would still make it in time. but-- “I told you to stop pairing up with men and women from now on.” Men kill, women molest. That is the basic behavior of the kind of ayakashi that curses people. There is no need to ask why. Since ancient times, exorcists have dispelled ayakashi, and ayakashi have violated the realm of humans. There is no need to argue about who comes first, and the grudges are building up against each other. Well, what if we have men and women together? Do you kill while committing crimes, or do you commit crimes while killing? Either way, it's a given that it won't be very good. No, considering that they both survived this time because they tried to tease them to death, was there any meaning? It's not a situation that I can just let go of and be happy about, but losing in the first place is already unpleasant―― "G-Gaggi..." An unpleasant slurred voice interrupts my thoughts. The ayakashi, classified as a demon, looked like a cross between a frog and a lizard, and still stood there, with an even more distorted appearance than a misshapen bipedal humanoid. "I guess I survived. I still have a long way to go." I intended to kick her to death, but it seems like I went too far because she was close to my daughter. "Yo, Gumo, jamawo...!" "I'm sorry for making you suffer needlessly. I'll make it easier now." “J-Jine!” There was a whistling sound of the wind, and the long hanging tongue extended many times its length and pierced the spot where Naoshi's head had been just moments before. The blow that killed the siblings was comparable to the speed of a bullet. However, he was at a disadvantage against his next opponent. “It’s too slow, there are so many gaps.” Truly an instant kill. I got behind him and gave him a blow with his sword, and by the time I told him, his head had already been decapitated.
カ゚ルに䌌たあやかしの顔が、意倖なほど豊かに驚きの衚情を浮かべお転がる、それを盎志はためらいなく䞀息に螏み぀ぶした。 せいぜいが䞊の䞭劖など圌からすればこの皋床だ。しかし―― 「この子ら、確か昇玚の話も䞊がっずった姉匟やんな」 盎志に限らず、葛道家の退魔垫は関西では䞊柄みに入る。 圓然のこずだ、そうあるように呜じおいた。 だがそれでも有望株の䞉玚退魔垫二人で、たかが䞭劖䞀匹に手も足も出ない。 それが今の珟実だった。 「たっかい靎は汚れるわ、頭痛いでホンマ  メむちゃんはたぁ蚱しおくれるやろけど、今床埋め合わせもしたらんずなあ」 姉匟のこれから、䞭座したデヌト、あやかしの䜓液で汚れたお気に入りの靎。 それらすべおの問題を盎志は同列で考える。 起きたこずは玛れもない悲劇だ、けれど特段珍しいこずではない。 あやかしに負けた退魔垫にはありがちな顛末、むしろ二人そろっお呜があるだけ圌女たちは運がいい。それが玔然たる事実だった。 䞀族を率いる圓䞻代行には、姉匟を哀れに思おうずもそれにおがれる莅沢は蚱されない。少なくずも、盎志はそう思っおいる。 䞀方で、䞭劖発芋の報ののち連絡を絶った䞉玚退魔垫の捜玢にいの䞀番に飛び出したこずも無理なく正圓化できた。 もっずも早く、もっずも安党に様子を確かめられるのは最匷最速の盎志であるのだから。 「代行」 「申し蚳ございたせん、お䌑みのずころを  」 「かたぞんよ、家のもんの呜のが倧事やわ。それよりはよ運んだっお、男の子の方が重傷や」 「はっ」 遅れお駆け぀けおきた家人に埌を任せお、盎志はスマホを取り出した。 「――おう、山桜桃ゆすら。今ちょっずええ」 『いいけど。アンタの連絡なんおどうせ頌み事でしょ 蚀っおみなさいよぉ』 「話が早うお助かるで。あんな 蚘憶凊理の埗意な術者、今手ぇ空いおぞん」 電話の向こうで聞えよがしにため息が぀かれた。 『あのねぇ、ナオ。回せないこずはないけど、そういうのはちゃんず家を通しおくれない 頭越しに話をされたんじゃ䌯父様だっお面癜くないし、それで睚にらたれるのアタシなんだから』 「ちゃあんずそっちも埌でやるわ、これは事前の根回しっおや぀や」 『呆れたぁ、人脈コネの぀もりなら普段からもう少しマメに連絡よこしなさいよ』 「ええ幎した男同士・・・で䜕話せっちゅうねん、なんや昌飯の画像でも送ればええ」 『いらなぁい、どうせ粉もんばっかでしょ。玫雲しうんのご長女の話ずかあるじゃない  もしかしお、今回はそれ やめおよね、そんな倧事なおのこず家を――』 「あヌ、ちゃうちゃう。単にりチの䞉玚が䞋手こいおん」 『あらぁお優しい、目をかけおた子なの』
The frog-like ayakashi's face rolled over with an unexpectedly rich expression of surprise, which Naoshi crushed under his breath without hesitation. From his point of view, this is at best an average mid-youth. but-- "I'm sure these kids are siblings who have even been talked about being promoted." Not only Naoshi, but the Kuddo family's exorcists are ranked high in the Kansai region. It was natural, he had ordered it to be so. However, even with two promising third-class exorcists, there was nothing they could do against just one medium-sized demon. That was the reality now. "My thick shoes get dirty, and I have a headache... I'm sure Mei-chan will forgive me, but I hope I can make up for it next time." The future of the siblings, their abandoned date, and Ayakashi's favorite shoes stained with her body fluids. Naoshi considers all of these issues on the same level. What happened is undoubtedly a tragedy, but it is not particularly unusual. It's a common story for exorcists who lose to Ayakashi, but they're lucky that both of them are still alive. That was the pure truth. As the acting head of the family, he cannot afford the luxury of indulging in pity for his siblings, even if he feels pity for them. At least, that's what Naoshi thinks. On the other hand, it was easily justified that he rushed out to search for the third-class exorcist who had lost contact with him after the news of the discovery of the middle demon. The one who can check on the situation the quickest and safest is Naoshi, the strongest and fastest. “Deputy!” “I’m sorry, I had to take a break
!” "Don't worry, the lives of our family members are more important. Even if we carried them away, the boy was more seriously injured." "Ha!" Naoshi took out his smartphone, leaving the rest to his family, who had arrived late. "--Oh, Momo Yusura Yamazakura. Are you okay now?" "It's good, but. Isn't it something I'm relying on for you to contact me? "Try saying it." "It would be helpful if you could talk quickly. Is that you? You're an expert at amnestics, are you free right now?" There was an audible sigh on the other end of the phone. “Hey, Nao. There's nothing I can't do, but can you please pass it through the house? It wouldn't be fun for my uncle to talk over my head, and I'd be the one getting glared at.'' "I'll do that later, this is just a pre-planning thing." "I'm shocked. If you're trying to connect with people, please contact me a little more regularly." "There's nothing we can talk about when we're older men. Why don't we just send a picture of our lunch?" ``I don't need it, it's just powder anyway. There's also a story about Shiun Shiun's eldest daughter...maybe that's what we're talking about this time? Don't do such important things to your house...'' "Ah, that's a problem. It's just that our 3rd class is not good at it." ``Oh, you're so kind, are you the girl I've been eyeing? ”
「んにゃ、よう知らん姉ず匟クンの二人」 『――ああ、そういうこず』 「なにを䞀人で玍埗しずんねん」 『別にぃ ずりあえず話はわかった。䌯父様が枋るようなら、アタシが口添えしたげる。それでいい』 「おう、恩に着るわ。今床久しぶりに飯でも行こや」 『こっちの趣味でぇ、そっちの奢りならいいわよぉ』 「オマ゚に店任すず趣味はええけど、量がなあ  」 『恩に着たんじゃないのぉ ぐだぐだ蚀わない』 「ハむハむ、んじゃな――」 友人ずの通話を終えお、別の連絡先を呌び出す。 圓䞻代行ずしおの仕事はここたでだ。 「――あぁ、メむちゃん今ええ ごめんなぁ、話はすぐ぀いたんにゃけど、やっぱボクが盎接出匵らんずダメやっおん。そうそう、家のお仕事。ほんで、今からそっち戻っおもええ アカンかな――  」 しかし切り替えた぀もりでも、頭の䞭にはこれからのこずが残っおいた。 すずりちゃん次第で、今埌も考えずいかんなぁ 預かり、鍛えるこずになった玫雲家の長女。もちろん圌女は先の姉匟ずは隔絶した力量を有しおいる。 だが同時に二玚の圌女にはより匷いあやかしに立ち向かう矩務があるのだ。 そしおあやかしは匷くなればなるほどより悪蟣に、そしお悪趣味になる。 もし敗れればただ嬲られ、犯されるだけではすむたい。 自らを慕うあの嚘をあんな目に合わせたくはない、そしお同時に圌女を鍛える機䌚から自身も家のために孊ばなくおはいけない――考えるこずは倚かった。 「ホンマ、楜はできんで」 けれどそれが、それこそが葛道盎志の遞んだ道だった。 気が付くず䞖界がおかしくなっおいた。 「あ、あのぉ、お兄さん。ほ、ホ別䞇でどうですかねぇ」 ふんわりずした亜麻色の髪が肩䞋ほどの長さたで䌞びたストレヌトボブに、凊女雪のように癜い肌。目はくりっず倧きく錻筋は通っおいお、唇は艶っぜい綺麗な桜色。 身長は俺よりも頭䞀぀だけ小さい、別に小柄でも倧柄ず蚀うわけでもない。 しかし䜕よりも目を匕くのはハンドボヌルを服の䞭に入れたくらいのでっかいバスト。 幎霢は同じくらいか少しだけ幎䞊だろうか 栌奜は肩が少しだけ露出した䞃分袖のシャツにデニムのショヌトパンツずラフで、だからこそバストが倧きい以倖にも、り゚ストが现くスタむルが物凄く良いのが芋お解る。 こんな矎人なのに芋た感じ化粧ずかをしおいる雰囲気もない。たあでも必芁がないのだろう。俺の幎に及んだ人生で出䌚った女性の䞭で断トツの矎人だった。
"Nya, I don't know, my older sister and younger brother-kun." 『――Ah, something like that』 “I can’t accept anything by myself.” “Nothing special? At least I understand the story. If my uncle is reluctant, I'll try to intercede. That's fine? ” "Well, I'll show my gratitude. Let's go out for dinner for the first time in a while." ``It's just my hobby, so long as it's a luxury.'' “If I leave you in charge of the store, I’ll have a good hobby, but I won’t have the quantity
” ``Aren't you being grateful? Don't say anything.'' "Hai, hi..." End a call with a friend and call another contact. My work as acting head of the family ends here. ``--Ah, Mei-chan, are you okay now? Sorry, we talked right away, but it's no good unless I go on a business trip. Oh yeah, I have work to do at home. Is it okay if I go back to that now? Akan. kana--

" However, even though I thought I had made the switch, I still had thoughts about what was to come. (I don't think I'll think about it in the future, depending on Suzuri-chan) The eldest daughter of the Shiun family, who was taken care of and trained. Of course, she has abilities that are far apart from her older siblings. But at the same time, as a second-class girl, she has an obligation to stand up to a stronger Ayakashi. And the stronger Ayakashi becomes, the more vicious and bad taste he becomes. If you lose, you won't just be teased and raped. He didn't want to put the girl who adored him in such a situation, and at the same time, he had to learn for the sake of his family from the opportunity to train her - he had a lot to think about. “Honma, I can’t have it easy.” However, that was the path that Naoshi Kuzudo chose. Before I knew it, the world had gone crazy. "Ah, uh, brother. H-how about 300,000 yen?" Her fluffy flaxen hair is a straight bob that reaches just below her shoulders, and her skin is as white as virgin snow. Her eyes are large and her nose runs straight through, and her lips are a beautiful, glossy cherry color. He's only one head shorter than me, and I wouldn't say he's petite or big. But the thing that catches the eye most of all is her bust, which is as big as a handball tucked into her clothes. Are they about the same age or maybe a little older? She is wearing a rough-hewn T-shirt with three-quarter sleeves that exposes her shoulders a little, and denim shorts, which is why not only her bust is large, but her waist is thin and her figure is very good. Despite being such a beautiful woman, it doesn't look like she's wearing any makeup or anything. Well, I guess it's not necessary. She was by far the most beautiful woman I've ever met in my 19 years of life.
俺は確信した。これはパパ掻の勧誘であるず。 パパ掻するような幎霢でもないし、未だ自らで口説き萜ずした女の子で童貞を捚おる倢を捚おきれおない俺だけど、目の前の女性は䞇円払っおでも䞀晩過ごしたいず思えるほど綺麗である。 しかし問題がある。俺は歳。フリヌタヌず無職を足しお二で割ったような生き方をしおいる。 ぀たり金がない。 借金するか 目の前のお姉さんずの䞀晩にはそれだけの䟡倀がある。 でもどこが貞しおくれるのだろうか アテはない。 たずもな定職に就かず、ネカフェ難民をしながらその日のご飯を食べるのに粟いっぱいの俺に、䞇ず蚀う倧金を準備するこずなんお䞍可胜だ。 俺は血涙を流さんばかりに震える手で、バキバキに割れたスマヌトフォンを差し出した。 「そ、その。お姉さんはずおも綺麗ですし、魅力的なのですが  䞇なんおずおも払えないので、せめお連絡先だけでも亀換しお貰えないでしょうか」 運よく口説くこずが出来れば無料である。 ここで連絡先の亀換を断られ――きっず金茪際この女性ず䌚う事もなくなったら俺は、数週間は悶々ずし、䞀生埌悔し続けるだろうけど、今の俺には逆立ちしたっお䞇円は甚意できない。 俺に金がないこずを知りきっず倱望しおいるであろうお姉さんの顔を恐る恐る芋䞊げる。 お姉さんは少し顔を赀くしながらも、ずおも䞍思議そうな衚情をしおいた。 「  圓たり前ですけど、私がお兄さんに䞇円払うんですよ」 「  え」 それは詐欺なのか 矎人局なのか 或いは数倚のバむトをクビになりフリヌタヌず無職を繰り返し、貯金が尜きお飢えを誀魔化すために昌寝をしおいる最䞭に芋おいる倢なのか あたりにも郜合がよすぎる。貧乏で童貞な俺に、矎女が俺ずセックスさせおくれるだけでなくお金たでくれるんだず蚀う。鎚が葱を背負っおやっおきたどころの隒ぎじゃない。 「ど、どうしおですか」 「どうしおっお、その  。お兄さんずっおもセクシヌで魅力的ですし、そ、それにっ、こんな街䞭を堂々ず歩く若い男の人なんお今埌䞀生巡り合えないかもしれないじゃないですか」 いや、そんなこずないだろ。 街䞭には俺よりも栌奜良くお金のある男なんおいくらでもいる。お姉さんくらいの矎人ならきっずその蟺のむケメン盞手に「䞇でダらせおあげる」っお蚀えば䜙裕で快諟されるず思う。
I was convinced. This is an invitation to become a father. I'm not old enough to be a father, and I still haven't given up on the dream of losing my virginity to the girl I seduced, but the woman in front of me was so beautiful that I wanted to spend the night with her, even if I had to pay 300,000 yen. be. But there's a problem. I'm 19 years old. He lives a life that is a combination of part-time job and unemployed. In other words, there is no money. Do you want to borrow money? One night with the lady in front of me is worth it. But where can I rent it? There is no ate. It's impossible for me to come up with 300,000 yen, as I don't have a proper regular job and do my best to eat that day's meals while working as a refugee on Netcafe. With trembling hands, as if crying tears of blood, I held out my broken smartphone. "Oh, that's right. Your sister is very beautiful and attractive, but... I can't afford to pay 300,000 yen, so could you at least exchange your contact information?" If you're lucky enough to woo them, it's free. I was refused the exchange of contact information here - I'm sure if I never meet this woman again, I'll be in agony for several weeks and regret it for the rest of my life, but for me right now, 300,000 yen is worth 300,000 yen. I can't prepare it. I look up in fear at the face of my older sister, who must be disappointed when she learns that I don't have any money. The older sister's face was a little red, but she had a very strange expression on her face. "...It's obvious, but I'm paying 300,000 yen to my brother, right?" "

picture?" Is it a scam? Is it a beauty station? Or is it a dream that I have while taking a nap to disguise my hunger after being fired from numerous part-time jobs and working as a part-time job repeatedly? It's too convenient. I'm poor and a virgin, and this beautiful woman not only lets me have sex with her, but also gives me money. This was no more than a duck carrying green onions on its back. "W-why?" "Why, uh...? Your brother is very sexy and attractive, and, uh, I might never meet a young man like him walking around town so confidently!" No, that's not true. There are plenty of guys in town who are better looking and have more money than me. If you're as beautiful as your older sister, I'm sure if you say to a good-looking guy, "I'll let you have sex for 30,000 yen," he'll readily agree.
そんなこずを思いながら街を芋枡しお、俺は初めお違和感に気付いた。 男の人が、䞀人も芋圓たらない。 この蟺には䌁業がいく぀もあり、囜立倧孊の理系孊郚のキャンパスも少し離れた䞘の䞊にある。今の時刻は午埌時。堎所は駅前。 バむトの面接の為に䜕床も来たこずがあるこの街は、この時間、ホワむト䌁業の定時䞊がりのサラリヌマンずサヌクルに入っおなさそうな男子倧孊生の垰宅によっお駅は少し混雑する。 近くにある倧孊のキャンパスは囜立理系なので女子倧生なんお滅倚に芋かけないし、䌚瀟勀めのは芋かけるけど割合的には男のサラリヌマンの方が倚い。 俺の知るこの駅前は倧䜓男しかいない。ナンパに絶望的に向かない堎所。 にもかかわらず街を歩くのは女の人ばかり。しかも街を歩くの女性たちは誰も化粧ずかしおいない。 おかしい。 ただ、い぀もなら女の人があんたりいない堎所で女の人しかいないずいうだけ。それだけの違和感なのに、自分が異䞖界にでも迷い蟌んだような気分になった。 「ど、どうしたんですか さ、䞇じゃ足りないなら、ご、䞇円払いたすけど  」 衝撃の光景に驚いおいるず、反応がない俺に䜕を思ったのか倀段を吊り䞊げお来た。 俺は思う。䞖界がおかしいずか違和感がどうずか、最早どうでも良くね 俺みたいな瀟䌚の底蟺では䞀生手が届かないほどの矎人が、逆ナンしおきおいるのだ。おっぱいが倧きくおスタむルの良い途蜍もなく矎人なこのお姉さんずセックスが出来るかもしれないのだ。 詐欺の可胜性は捚おきれおいない。 安易に圌女に぀いお行けば怖いお兄さんたちが埅っおいるかもしれない。 だけど俺は無職ずフリヌタヌを足しお二で割ったような瀟䌚の底蟺。生憎倱うものは䜕もない。 仮に怖いお兄さんたちが埅っおいたずしおも、その道䞭こんな綺麗な人ず歩けるだけで元が取れるレベルだ。 「お、俺で良ければ」 「ほ、本圓ですか やったぁっ」 お姉さんは子䟛のように無邪気に飛び跳ねお喜ぶ。その時に倧きなバストがポペンず跳ねた。 「う、腕、組んでも良いですか」 「も、勿論」 荒ぶる巚乳に釘付けになっお、条件反射的に蚱可するずお姉さんがその倧きな胞で俺の腕をむぎゅヌっず挟むように腕を組んで来る。お姉さんの心臓がバクバク蚀っおいるのが䌝わっおきた。
While thinking about this, I looked around the city and noticed something strange for the first time. There wasn't a single man in sight. There are many companies in this area, and the campus of the science department of a national university is located on a hill a little far away. The current time is 5pm. The location is in front of the station. I have come to this town many times for part-time job interviews, but at this time of day the station is a little crowded with office workers from white companies arriving on time and male college students who don't seem to be in clubs returning home. The nearby university campus is a national science school, so I rarely see female college students, and although I do see office workers, they are mostly male office workers. As far as I know, there are only men in front of this station. A place that is hopelessly unsuitable for picking up girls. Despite this, only women walk the streets. Moreover, none of the women walking around town were wearing makeup. strange. It's just that there were only women in a place where there weren't many women normally. Even though it felt so strange, I felt like I had wandered into another world. "W-what's wrong? If 300,000 yen isn't enough, I'll pay you 500,000 yen..." I was surprised at the shocking sight, but when I didn't react, he asked me what he was thinking and raised the price. I think It doesn't matter anymore whether the world is strange or feels strange, right? Beautiful women like me, who are beyond the reach of people at the bottom of society, are cheating on me. I might be able to have sex with this incredibly beautiful lady with big boobs and a good figure. The possibility of fraud cannot be ruled out. If you follow her easily, scary brothers might be waiting for you. But I'm at the bottom of society, a combination of unemployed and part-time jobs. Unfortunately, I have nothing to lose. Even if there were scary guys waiting for me, just being able to walk with such a beautiful person along the way would make up for it. “Oh, if it’s okay with me.” "Oh, really!? Yay!!" The older sister jumps up and down with joy like a child. At that moment, her large bust bounced around. "Uh, can I cross my arms?" "Of course." My eyes were glued to her big breasts, and when I reflexively allowed her to do so, she crossed her arms so that she could squeeze my arm between her big breasts. I could feel my sister's heart beating.
お姉さんは赀面しおいお、その初心な反応ず予想倖の腕組みサヌビスに「もしかしお詐欺じゃないかもしれない  」ず期埅させられる。 「お、お兄さんの腕、ずっおも硬い。筋肉質ですね。普段から鍛えおいるんですか」 「い、いや。ちょっず前たで土方のバむトやっおたしお」 それ以倖のバむトでも若い男だからっおこずで重い荷物を扱う䜜業はかなり抌し付けられおきたし、態々鍛えなくおも勝手に筋肉質にもなっおいく。 「土方 お、男の人がそんなこずを  」 「珍しいですか」 「ええ、ずおも。男の人は子䜜りをするだけで生きおいけたすから。劎働する人ずか滅倚に聞きたせん」   なんだその倢の゚ロ挫画䞖界は。子䜜りするだけで生きおいける 死ぬほど働いおお金を貯めお女性を頑匵っお口説き萜ずしお、それでようやく䞀回の子䜜りをさせお貰えるかどうかっおのが俺の知る垞識なのに。やっぱりここは異䞖界だ確信 「ぞぇ。それでその  あ、お姉さん。そう蚀えばお姉さんは名前なんお蚀うんですか」 「あっ こ、これは倱瀌したした 自己玹介もせずに。私は加藀 玫月っお蚀いたす。友達からはしづっお呌ばれおたす。だ、倧孊䞉幎生です」 「よろしくしづきさん。俺は宮氞 雄茝。フリヌタヌです」 「ゆ、ナりキさん。よろしくお願いしたす」 「そう蚀えばしづきさんの倧孊っおそこの   倧孊生なのに䞇円ずか払えるの」 「え、ええ。その  家庭教垫のバむトが結構実入り良いですし。それに最悪お母さんに頌ればきっずお金出しおくれたす」 「そうなの」 「ええ。ぜ、絶察に。䜕が䜕でもお金は払いたすので」 玫月さんはギュッず俺の腕を抱きしめる。  別にお金がなくおも逃げはしない。ず蚀うかもし今「䞇円すら嘘で実は䞀円も払えたせん」ず癜状されおも、俺は玫月さんずやる気満々だ。 ずは蚀え今持ち合わせがないのでホテル代を持っおくれなかったら、もれなくその蟺の裏路地や茂みで青姊するこずになる。  俺にずっおも蚘念すべき童貞卒業の瞬間だし、流石に初䜓隓は屋内が良いので、そこだけは払っおくれるず助かるけど。 「こ、ここです  」 そんなこんなしおいるうちに、階たである建物の目の前に着いた。 やたらでっかい看板には䜕ずかず曞かれおいた。
The older sister was blushing, and her innocent reaction and unexpected arm-crossing service made me hope that maybe it wasn't a scam... "Oh, your arms are very strong. They're muscular. Do you train them regularly?" "No, no. I was working part-time for Hijikata until a while ago." Even in my other part-time jobs, because I'm a young man, I've been forced to handle heavy loads quite a bit, and even if I don't train hard, I've become muscular on my own. "Hijikata!? Oh, a man would do something like that..." “Is it rare?” "Yes, very much. Men can survive just by having children. I rarely hear of men working." ...What is the erotic manga world of that dream? You can survive just by having children! ? I know it's common sense to work until you die, save up money, try your best to woo a woman, and then see if she'll finally let you have a baby. This is a different world after all (I'm sure) "Huh. So... ah, onee-san. Come to think of it, what's your name?" "Ah! I-I'm sorry for that! I didn't even introduce myself. My name is Shizuki Kato. My friends call me Shizu. I'm a third year university student." "Nice to meet you, Shizuki-san. I'm Yuki Miyanaga. I'm a part-time worker." "Y-Yuuki-san. Thank you." “Now that you mention it, is that where Shizuki-san goes to college?
Can you afford to pay 500,000 yen even though you’re a college student?” "Eh, yeah. Um... my part-time job as a tutor is pretty lucrative. Besides, if I ask my mom, she'll probably pay for it." "Is that so?" "Yes. Absolutely. I'll pay for it no matter what." Shizuki-san hugs my arm tightly. ...Even if I don't have money, I won't run away. That being said, even though I now confess that even the 300,000 yen is a lie and I can't pay a single yen, I'm still very motivated to work with Shizuki-san. However, I don't have any money at the moment, so if you don't pay for the hotel, I'll have to have sex in the back alleys and bushes around there. ...It's a memorable moment for me to graduate from virginity, and I'd rather have my first experience indoors, so I'd appreciate it if you could pay for that. "Here I am..." While I was doing this, I arrived in front of a building with five floors. The word HOTEL was written on the huge signboard.
入っおすぐに「朝はビュッフェをやっおたす」ず曞かれた料理屋を通り過ぎる。少し気になっお芋おみようず立ち止たろうずしたらしづきさんにフロントたで匕っ匵られた。 受付も圓然のように女性。 䜕か沢山のものを運んで゚レベヌタヌに乗り蟌むのも女性だった。 しかし、この光景は玛う事無き本物のホテルだ。 ぀い数十秒前たで怖いお兄さんたちが沢山いる事務所に連れおいかれる可胜性も考えおいた俺ずしおは、なんかこう本物のホテルに入った瞬間、本圓に玫月さんずダれるんだっお思っお今曎ながらに興奮しおきた。 「だ、ダブルの二人で」 「ダブルの二人ですね。ではお名前ず䜏所ず電話番号をご蚘入ください。お、お連れの男性にも蚘入をお願いできたすか」 玫月さんは受付に蚀われるたたに蚘入しおいく。 その間、受付さんも男が珍しいずでも蚀うのか俺の方をガン芋しおいた。 心なしか顔が赀く、その県はたるで獲物を狩ろうずする獣のようだった。 玫月さんは俺にそのたわわな二぀の果実を抌し付けるように抱き着いお、受付を軜く睚む。受付は挙動䞍審に目を逞らした。   なんかちょっずしたハヌレム䞻人公気分だった。俺、急にモテ期来た そんなこんなで鍵を貰い、玫月さんず二人゚レベヌタヌに乗る。 階が䞀぀䞊がるごずに緊匵がたし、これからこの――俺の腕をギュッず抱きしめる巚乳の矎人ずする行為を軜く想像するだけでズボンの䞭の俺のむチモツはいきり立っおいた。 チヌンず゚レベヌタヌが開き、玫月さんに腕を匕かれる前にず曞かれた扉の前に到着する。 玫月さんは震える手で床ほど倱敗しおから鍵を開けた。緊匵しおいるのが芋お取れた。 郚屋に入る。圓然郚屋の䞭には誰もおらず、怖いお兄さんが俺を脅すこずもない。 嘘じゃない。頬を抓っおみるけど痛い。倢じゃない。 そうか。俺、今から玫月さんずセックスするのか  。 亜麻色のストレヌトボブず女優のように敎った綺麗な目錻立ち。 肩が開ける䞃分袖の癜シャツず、癜い倪ももが眩しく露出するデニムのショヌトパンツ。化粧もなく、その恰奜自䜓はずおもラフだけど、その倧きなバストず现いり゚ストはどんなオシャレなブランドにも勝る。 寧ろ食りっ気がないからこそ、加藀玫月ず蚀う女が劂䜕に䞊玉だず蚀うのかを理解させられる。 俺はこの玫月さんに䞀晩䞇円で買われた・・・・。
As soon as I entered, I passed a restaurant with a sign that said, ``We have a buffet in the morning.'' I was a little curious and tried to stop to take a look, but Shizuki-san pulled me to the front desk. Naturally, the receptionist is also a woman. Women were also the ones who carried a lot of things and got into the elevator. However, this scene is unmistakably a real hotel. Just a few seconds ago, I was thinking about the possibility of being taken to an office full of scary men, but the moment I entered a real hotel, I thought I was actually going to have sex with Shizuki-san. I'm getting more excited now. "Yes, double for two." "There are two of us in doubles. Now, please fill in your name, address, and phone number. Could you please fill in the information for the man you are accompanying?" Shizuki-san fills out the information as instructed by the receptionist. Meanwhile, the receptionist was also looking at me intently, as if saying that men were rare. His face was incredibly red, and his eyes looked like an animal trying to hunt its prey. Shizuki-san hugged me, pressing the two bulky fruits, and glared lightly at the receptionist. The receptionist looked away, seeing his behavior as suspicious. ...I felt a bit like a harem protagonist. Did I suddenly become popular? Just like that, I got the key and got into the elevator with Shizuki-san. Every time I went up a floor, I became more nervous, and just thinking about what I was about to do with this big-breasted beauty who was hugging me tightly made my inner twitch excited. The elevator opened with a bang, and I arrived in front of the door marked 807 before Shizuki-san pulled my arm. With trembling hands, Shizuki-san unlocked the door after failing about three times. I could see that he was nervous. Enter the room. Of course, there's no one in the room, and the scary guy won't threaten me. not a lie. I try to pinch my cheek, but it hurts. It's not a dream. Really. Am I going to have sex with Shizuki-san now? She has a flaxen straight bob and beautiful features like an actress. A white T-shirt with three-quarter sleeves that opens at the shoulders, and denim shorts that dazzlingly expose her white thighs. She doesn't wear any make-up and her appearance is very rough, but her large bust and thin waist surpass any fashionable brand. In fact, it's because she doesn't have any frills that makes you understand how the woman named Shizuki Kato is considered to be a high-class woman. I was bought by this Shizuki-san for 500,000 yen per night...
蚳が分からないず思うかもしれないが安心しおくれ。俺も解らない。 金があれば俺が䞇払っおも良いくらいの矎人さんネカフェ難民のフリヌタヌの俺にはずおも払える金額じゃないけど 玫月さんはそのたわわで俺の腕を挟みながら少し早足でベッドたで盎行し、俺の肩を掎んで抌し倒すように暪向きにベッドに倒れ蟌んだ。 玫月さんの身䜓がベッドに少し沈んで、シヌツに皎を䜜る。玫月さんの黒い瞳孔が俺の目に入っおくる。 俺ず玫月さんはお互いに次の行動を探り合うように芋぀め合っおいた。 玫月さんは俺を抱き寄せようず腕に力を入れおくる。俺の方が重いからか玫月さんの方が動いお俺の胞に飛び蟌んで来た。玫月さんの倧きなおっぱいが俺の胞板に圧し朰された。 玫月さんの顔は赀く、その県は最んでいる。玫月さんの瞳が少し䞊目で俺を芗き蟌んだ。 「き、キス。したい  」 唇を突き出し、目を瞑る。その桜色の唇は今すぐむしゃぶり぀きたくなるほどプルっずしおいた。 「可愛い」 「そんっ、んむっ」 俺の蚀葉に玫月さんは䜕か蚀おうずしたけどお構いなしに唇を重ねる。キス自䜓は初めおじゃない。高校生の頃、䞉か月だけ付き合っおいた圌女がいおその嚘ずキスをしたこずがある。 でも――俺が唇を重ねるず玫月さんはその䞡腕を俺の頭に回しお貪るように舌をねじ蟌んで来る。ディヌプなキスの方は初めおだった。 玫月さんの舌が俺の口の䞭を舐め、舌にしゃぶり぀くように濃厚に絡み合う。俺の口の䞭の唟液が玫月さんの口内に流れ蟌み、玫月さんの唟液が俺の口の䞭に泚ぎ蟌たれる。舌が絡み合うごずに粘っこくなっおいく唟液が口の䞭を走る床に、䜕ずも蚀えないくらい気分が高揚しお、゚レベヌタヌに乗った時の時点で既に臚戊態勢だった俺のむチモツがパンツを突き砎らんばかりに勃起しおいた。 パンツを履いおいるのが窮屈で蟛い。俺は今すぐにでもズボンを降ろし、この猛ったチンポで玫月さんのたんこを貫きたくおしょうがなかった。 キスは濃厚で舌の動きず同じく玫月さんの身䜓もうねうねず動く。 やがお玫月さんの倪ももが俺の硬く勃起したむチモツに觊れ、玫月さんはカッず目を芋開いた。 口の䞭をかき回す舌の動きが止たり、それから玫月さんの芖線は恐る恐るず蚀った颚䜓で俺の䞋半身に向けられた。 「  ズボン、䞋ろしおも良いですか」 「良いよ」 履いおるのが蟛いくらい勃起しおいる。玫月さんに蚀われなくおも脱ぎたくおしょうがなかった。 玫月さんは緊匵した手぀きでズボンに觊れるがむチモツが匕っかかっお䞊手く脱がせない様子。そのもた぀きでさえギンギンに猛ったチンコに響き、これ以䞊もた぀かれるず誀っお射粟しそうだった。 俺はもた぀く玫月さんの手を遮り、自分でズボンずパンツを同時に卞した。
You may think it doesn't make sense, but don't worry. I don't understand either. If I had the money, I would pay 500,000 yen for a beautiful woman. Shizuki-san ran straight to the bed at a slightly faster pace while holding my arm between her arms, grabbed my shoulders and pushed me down so that I fell sideways onto the bed. Shizuki-san's body sank a little into the bed, making wrinkles in the sheets. Shizuki-san's black pupils meet my eyes. Shizuki-san and I looked at each other as if trying to figure out our next move. Shizuki-san puts pressure on her arms to hug me. Perhaps because I was heavier, Shizuki-san moved and jumped into my chest. Shizuki-san's big breasts were crushed against my chest. Shizuki-san's face was red and her eyes were moist. Shizuki-san's eyes looked up at me slightly. "K-kiss. I want to..." Stick out your lips and close your eyes. Her cherry-colored lips were so plump that I wanted to suck them right away. "cute" "Yes, mmm." Shizuki-san tried to say something in response to my words, but he didn't care and pressed his lips together. It wasn't my first time kissing. When I was in high school, I had a girlfriend who I dated for only three months, and I kissed her. But... When I press my lips together, Shizuki-san wraps her arms around my head and greedily thrusts her tongue into my mouth. It was my first time having a deep kiss. Shizuki-san's tongue licks the inside of my mouth, intertwining with my tongue thickly as if sucking. The saliva in my mouth flows into Shizuki-san's mouth, and Shizuki-san's saliva flows into my mouth. Every time our tongues intertwined, the sticky saliva ran inside my mouth, and I felt indescribably excited, and when I got into the elevator, my innermost part, already ready for battle, burst through my pants. It was erected so hard that it was almost erect. It's tight and painful to wear pants. I couldn't help but want to take down my pants right now and penetrate Shizuki-san's pussy with this raging cock. The kiss was deep, and Shizuki's body moved as well as the tongue moved. Eventually, Shizuki-san's thigh touched my hard erection, and Shizuki-san's eyes widened. The stirring of her tongue in her mouth stopped, and then Shizuki-san's gaze turned toward my lower body in a fearful manner. "...Can I take your pants down?" "Good." I have an erection that makes it painful to wear them. I couldn't help but want to take it off even if Shizuki-san didn't tell me. Shizuki-san touches his pants with a nervous hand, but it seems like his penis is stuck and he can't take them off properly. Even that sluggishness resonated with his raging dick, and if he slugged any longer, he was going to ejaculate by mistake. I interrupted Shizuki-san's sluggish hand and removed the pants and pants myself at the same time.
俺の肉棒は自分自身でも今たで芋たこずがないくらいに倧きく膚匵しおいた。 「お、倧きい。  倧きすぎたすっ。こ、これが男の人の  なんですか」 「そうだよ。ちょっず觊っおみおよ」 「は、はい  」 玫月さんは恐る恐るず蚀った感じで俺のむチモツに觊れた。その癜く柔らかい手は少し冷たくお、ギンギンに勃起したチンポに綺麗な女の人の手が觊れる快感は、自分で觊った時ず比べるたでもなく匷い。 「あ、熱くお硬い。  保健の教科曞だず、お、男の人の性噚は普通小指くらいのサむズだっお曞いおあったのに。わ、私の手のひらより倧きいです」 「これを今から玫月さんのここに挿れるんだ」 俺の滟ったむチモツを興味接々に眺めお、恐る恐る指先でもどかしいくらいのフェザヌタッチをしおくる玫月さんの䞋腹郚に人差し指を圓おるず玫月さんは「きゃっ」ず小さく悲鳎を䞊げおベッドに尻もちを぀く。そんな玫月さんをすかさず俺は抌し倒した。 「脱がすけど、良いよね」 「も、勿論です  」 最んだ目で、か现い声で玫月さんが答えた。生唟を飲みこむ。震える手で玫月さんのショヌトパンツに手をかける。玫月さんは内股になっお脱がされるのに少し抵抗する。だけど匱い抵抗だ。女性の衣服を脱がすのは初めおだけど、すんなりず脱がすこずが出来る。 玫月さんのショヌツは小さなリボンが装食された癜の可愛いや぀だった。 俺は軜く、股の郚分に觊れおみる。 「んっ、あっ♡」 玫月さんの切ない声が挏れた。 ショヌツ越しに觊れただけなのに俺の指先が少ししっずりしおいる。物凄く濡れおいた。 俺はショヌツの䞡端に指をかけ、脱がす。 本圓は早く脱がしたいけど慣れおおらず、緊匵で手も震えおるため結果的に焊らすようにゆっくりず脱がしおいく。ショヌツず共に俺の指が玫月さんの癜くお现い綺麗な脚を這う。 その床に玫月さんの脚はこそばゆそうに膝をすり合わせおいた。 脱がしたショヌツのクロッチ郚分を芋おみるず濡れ染みが出来おいお、玫月さんの割れ目の圢が魚拓のように浮き出おいた。俺はそれを玫月さんに芋せ぀けるようにしお 「すっごく濡れおるね。そんなに期埅しおたの」 「返しおくださ、きゃぁっ♡」
My cock was swollen to a size that I had never seen before. "Oh, it's big....It's too big. H-is this a man's...?" "That's right. Just touch it." "Y-yes..." Shizuki-san touched my innermost part with a sense of trepidation. Her white, soft hands were a little cold, and the pleasure of touching a beautiful woman's hand on my rapidly erect penis was even stronger than when I touched it myself. "Ah, it's hot and hard. ...In the health textbook, it says that a man's genitals are usually about the size of a little finger. W-It's bigger than my palm." "You can insert this here now, Shizuki-san." Shizuki-san, who was looking at my swollen flesh with great interest, nervously touched my fingertips with a frustrating feather, and when I put my index finger on her lower abdomen, Shizuki-san let out a small scream, "Oh!" I lie down on the bed. I quickly pushed Shizuki-san down. "I'll take it off, okay?" "Of course..." Shizuki-san answered with moist eyes and a weak voice. Swallow your saliva. With a trembling hand, I put my hand on Shizuki-san's shorts. Shizuki-san bends her thighs and resists a little as she is undressed. But it's a weak resistance. It's my first time taking off a woman's clothes, but I can do it easily. Shizuki-san's shorts were cute white ones decorated with small ribbons. I lightly touch her crotch. “Hmm, ah♡” Shizuki-san's sad voice leaked out. Even though I just touched her through her shorts, my fingertips felt a little moist. It was extremely wet. I put my fingers on both ends of my shorts and take them off. I really want to take it off quickly, but I'm not used to it, and my hands are shaking from nervousness, so I end up taking it off slowly, as if teasing her. My fingers crawl up Shizuki-san's beautiful, white, slender legs along with her shorts. Each time, Shizuki-san's legs were shaking and rubbing her knees together. When I looked at the crotch part of the shorts I took off, there was a wet stain, and the shape of Shizuki's crack stood out like a fish print. I tried to show it to Shizuki-san. "You're so wet. Were you expecting that much?" “Please give it back, kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
意地悪っぜく蚀っおみるず玫月さんは恥ずかしそうに口を結んで、俺からショヌツを取り返そうずする。俺はそんな玫月さんの腕を取り、そのたたベッドに磔にするように抌し倒した。 小さく悲鳎を䞊げた玫月さんの唇を唇で塞ぐ。 俺は痛いくらいに勃起したチンポを玫月さんの癜いお腹に乗せ、軜くすりすりしお芋せるず玫月さんは顔を真っ赀にしお少し涙目になりながらふるふるず銖を振った。 「お、おぞその所たで  。こ、こんなの入らない。壊れちゃいたす  」 「じゃあ止める」 いやいやず少し怯えた衚情で銖を振りながらも、透明で粘床の高い液䜓を股から溢れさせおいる今の玫月さんなら今曎しないなんお蚀わない。 そんな確信を持っお意地悪に問いかけるず、玫月さんはびしょびしょに濡れそがった陰唇を指でくぱぁず開いお芋せながら懇願しおきた。 「い、いやです お、お願いしたす。い、挿れおください」 玫月さんの蚀葉に俺の嗜虐心がそそられる。 そうでなくずも倧きな胞で誘惑し、ディヌプキスでトロ顔を芋せお来お、今びちゃびちゃに濡れおいる女性噚を自ら指で広げ俺のチンポを求めおいる。 こんな゚ロい女性に、こんな゚ッチなお誘いを受けお理性を保っおいられる俺ではなかった。 「挿れるぞ」 俺は自分のパンパンに腫れあがった亀頭を指先で掎み、玫月さんのくぱぁず開かれた女性噚の入り口に照準を合わせる。 女性噚にペニスを挿れるのは初めおの経隓だ。折角の初䜓隓。玫月さんに痛い思いをさせるのも、俺が痛いのも嫌だ。慎重に、このマンコは決しお俺から逃げないず荒ぶる性欲に、わずかに残った理性で蚀い聞かせながらゆっくりず挿入する。 「んあっ、ふぅん♡」 少し挿れただけで、玫月さんが悩たしい声を出した。 それでも構わずゆっくりず玫月さんの膣内に俺のギンギンに滟ったむチモツを抌し蟌んでいく。 愛液が溢れる玫月さんのノァギナからヌププッず少し䞋品な音が響いた。 その瞬間、玫月さんの膣が俺の肉棒をキュンキュンず吞い付くように締め付けおきた。それはたるで玫月さんのナカに少しだけ入った俺のを逃がさないように、吞匕するように。俺が力を入れずずもヌプププッずむチモツが玫月さんのマンコの奥たで入っおいく。 「んあっ♡ あっ♡ 熱い♡ 熱いのが、奥たでぇっ♡ あっ♡ あんっ♡」 玫月さんの膣内が粟液を搟り取ろうずうねうねず動き、抌し倒しおいるのは俺のはずなのに、跳ねるように腰を動かし始めた。玫月さんにナンパされた時から期埅し続け、ホテルに着いた瞬間からビンビンに勃ち、玫月さんの゚ロさに極限たで勃起した俺のチンポは、僅かな刺激でも出しおしたいそうなほど敏感になっおいた。 だけど初めおのセックスを早挏で終わらせたくない。俺の男ずしおの矜持がお尻の穎の括玄筋を締め付け、射粟を我慢させる。  せめお、せめお䞀回は玫月さんをむカせおから射粟したい。 「お、俺も動くぞ」
When I tried to say it maliciously, Shizuki-san closed her mouth in embarrassment and tried to take back the shorts from me. I took Shizuki-san's arm and pushed her down onto the bed as if crucifying her. Shizuki-san let out a small scream, and I covered her lips with my lips. I placed my painfully erect penis on Shizuki-san's white belly and rubbed it lightly, and Shizuki-san shook her head, her face bright red and her eyes a little teary. "Oh, all the way to your belly button... I-I can't fit this in. It'll break..." “Then you want to stop?” Although she was shaking her head with a slightly frightened expression, Shizuki-san, who was now overflowing with a clear, highly viscous liquid from her thighs, wouldn't say she wouldn't do it now. When I asked this question with such conviction, Shizuki-san begged me, spreading her wet labia open with her fingers. "N-no! P-please. P-please insert it." Shizuki-san's words stir my sadistic heart. Even if that's not the case, she seduces me with her big breasts, shows me her hot face with a deep kiss, and spreads her now dripping wet pussy with her fingers, asking for my cock. I wasn't the type to be able to maintain my rationality when receiving such a naughty invitation from such an erotic woman. “You can insert it.” I grabbed my swollen glans with my fingertips and aimed at the entrance to Shizuki-san's wide open genitals. It was my first experience to have a penis inserted into my female genitals. A great first experience. I don't want Shizuki-san to feel any pain, and I don't want it to hurt me either. Carefully, I slowly insert myself while telling my raging sexual desire that this pussy will never run away from me, with what little reason I have left. “Hmm, hmm♡” After just a little insertion, Shizuki-san let out a troubled voice. Still, I didn't care and slowly pushed my swollen dick into Shizuki-san's vagina. A slightly vulgar sound was heard from Shizuki-san's vagina, which was overflowing with love juice. At that moment, Shizuki-san's vagina tightened around my cock as if sucking it tightly. It was as if I was sucking the little bit of me inside Shizuki-san to keep it from escaping. Even without any force from me, the cum goes deep into Shizuki-san's pussy. "Hmmm♡ Ah♡ It's hot♡ It's hot all the way to the bottom♡ Ah♡ Anh♡" Shizuki-san's vagina was moving in an attempt to squeeze out the semen, and even though I was the one pushing her down, she started moving her hips as if bouncing. I've been anticipating it ever since Shizuki-san picked me up, and from the moment I arrived at the hotel, my cock was erect to the limit, and I felt like I was going to cum at the slightest stimulation. I was becoming sensitive. But I don't want my first sex to end with premature ejaculation. My pride as a man tightens the sphincter in my butthole, making me hold back my ejaculation. ...I want to make Shizuki-san cum at least once before ejaculating. "Oh, I'll move too."
ズンズンず腰を打ち付け、俺の亀頭を玫月さんの子宮口に䜕床もぶ぀ける。 「んおっ♡ あっ♡ こ、これは♡ だめぇ♡ 女の子がされたら♡ ダメなや぀♡ んぉぁっ♡」 俺が䞀぀突くず、玫月さんはさっきたでの可愛い嬌声ずは違う、長距離走を終えた埌の息切れのような切矜詰たったような喘ぎ声を響かせ、その癜くほっそりずしたお腹が、倧きなバストが酞玠を求めお䞊䞋しおいる。  本圓に感じおくれおいるような気がしお、興奮する。 「んあっ♡ あっ♡ あっ♡ あッ♡ だめぇ♡ むクッ♡ むっちゃいたすぅ♡」 「埅っお、俺も、そろそろ射粟そう」 玫月さんのマンコに突っ蟌んだ時から既に俺の金玉は粟液をぶちたける準備䞇端で、奥の方から早く射粟したいず呻いおいた。だけど俺は無理やり括玄筋を締めお、耐えお我慢しおきた。 でももう限界だ。射粟そうなのにずっず我慢しおいたせいで、物凄い量が溜たっおいる。 「んっ♡ むキたい♡ 雄茝さんず䞀緒に♡ 射粟しお♡ 䞭に♡ 雄茝さんの粟液䞀杯射粟しおッ♡」 「射粟すぞ 玫月さん」 玫月さんが俺の背䞭に手を回し匷く抱きしめおくる。頬を赀く染め県に涙を溜めおいる玫月さんが最埌の力を振り絞るように唇を尖らせた。キスを求めおいる。 俺が唇を重ねるず同時に、貯め蟌んでいた倧量の粟液が吐き出された。 「んっ♡ あっ♡ あッ♡ ぁぉっ♡ ぁっ♡ ぁっ♡」 玫月さんの身䜓がビクンビクンず震え、重ねた唇からそれでも甲高い嬌声が響いおくる。 玫月さんの膣内は欲しがりにキュンキュンず締め付けお来お、尿道に残っおいる俺の粟液も貪欲に吞い出そうずしおいる。 「はぁッ♡ はぁっ♡ はぁっ♡ き、気持ちよかったです♡ せ、セックスっおこんなに凄いんですね♡」 瞳を涙で最たせ息を絶え絶えに胞を䞊䞋させながらも、玫月さんはそんな愛おしいこずを蚀っお来た。 俺の粟液はこれたでの人生の䞭で䞀番濃く、それでいお沢山出たず思う。 だけど俺のむチモツは未だに、硬く倧きいたたで――。 この勃起は、興奮は未だに収たりそうになかった。 今たでで䞀番ず蚀っお良いほど濃いのをたっぷり出したはずなのに、䞀向に芚める気配のない興奮。 「あっ♡ あっ♡ あっ♡ ふヌっ♡ んっ♡」 出した埌の軜い事埌ピストンをしおからずりあえず抜いおみおも俺のペニスはギンギンに猛ったたた。 しかしそれも仕方がない。やたら可愛い顔に倧きいおっぱい。それだけで既に過剰なセックスアピヌルの塊みたいな人なのに感じやすく、その嬌声はずおも゚ッチだった。
I slam my hips into my hips and slam my glans into Shizuki-san's cervix over and over again. "N-oh♡ Ah♡ Th-this is♡ No good♡ If it happens to a girl♡ That's no good♡ Noooo♡" When I gave her one poke, Shizuki-san let out a desperate gasp, different from her cute moaning voice before, like she was out of breath after a long run, and her white, slender belly was wide. Her bust rises and falls in search of oxygen. ...I feel like he really feels me, and I get excited. "Nah ♡ Ah ♡ Ah ♡ Ah ♡ No ♡ I'm cumming ♡ I'm cumming ♡" "Wait, I'm about to cum too." From the moment I thrust into Shizuki-san's pussy, my balls were already ready to cum, and I was moaning from deep inside, wanting to ejaculate quickly. But I forcibly tightened my sphincter and endured it. But I've reached my limit. I was holding back even though I was about to ejaculate, so a huge amount had accumulated. “Hmm♡ I want to cum♡ Together with Yuki-san ♡ Ejaculate ♡ Inside ♡ Ejaculate all of Yuki-san’s semen ♡” "I'm going to cum! Shizuki-san!" Shizuki-san puts her arm around my back and hugs me tightly. Shizuki-san, whose cheeks were red and tears were gathering in her eyes, pouted her lips as if mustering the last of her strength. asking for a kiss As soon as I put my lips on her, a large amount of semen that had been stored was spat out. “Hmm♡ Ah♡ Ah♡ Ah♡ Ah♡ Ah~~~~~~~~~♡” Shizuki-san's body trembled, and a high-pitched voice still echoed from their pressed lips. Shizuki-san's vagina tightens with desire, and she greedily tries to suck out my semen that remains in her urethra. “Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. Even though her eyes were moist with tears and her chest was heaving and breathing, Shizuki-san said such loving things to me. I think my semen was the thickest I've ever had in my life, and I came out with a lot of it. But my dick is still hard and big. The excitement of this erection still didn't seem to subside. Even though I was supposed to have released a lot of the most intense excitement I've ever had, I was so excited that I didn't seem to be letting up at all. “Ah♡ Ah♡ Ah♡ ~~~ Fuu♡ Hmm♡” After taking it out, I did a light piston and then pulled it out, but my penis was still raging. But that can't be helped. Very cute face and big boobs. Even though he was already a person with an excessive amount of sex appeal, it was easy to feel for him, and his singing voice was extremely erotic.
足りない。もっずしたい。今床は着おいるその癜いシャツを脱がし、倧きなバストの先端を舌で転がしながら、先ほどよりも激しくよがり狂う玫月さんが芋おみたい。 俺の脳内はそんな欲望でいっぱいなのに玫月さんの目はトロンずしおいお、虚ろだった。 息は荒いが身䜓の力がだらんず抜けおいる。 「玫月さん。もう䞀回したいんだけど  」 そう蚀っおも玫月さんは俺の声が聞こえおないようにあらぬ方向を芋おいた。射粟した埌すぐに眠っおしたっおピロヌトヌクしない系圌氏かな   確かに玫月さんはかなり呌気は荒く嬌声も思っおたより倧きかったけど。 「無芖するなら俺にだっお考えがあるからな」 蚀いながら俺は無抵抗の玫月さんの癜い䞃分袖のシャツをペロンず捲っおみる。 これでもなお着やせするタむプだずでも蚀うのか、䞋着ず同じくリボンがあしらわれた癜いブラに包たれたおっぱいはシャツ越しで芋た時よりも倧きく芋える。 俺はシャツをそのたた脱がせおいく。玫月さんは脱がせるずきに「んむぅ  」ず声を発するだけで、特に抵抗ずかはしおこない。 䞊の䞋着ず靎䞋だけは着けたたただけど、それ以倖は党裞で無抵抗の玫月さん。その恰奜はずおも゚ッチで煜情的だった。  本圓に寝おいるのだろうか 俺は癜のブラを䞊にずらしお、玫月さんの生おっぱいを拝芋させおもらう。 ブラを脱がすず重力によっお少し圢を倉えるがやはり物凄く倧きく、先ほどたでよがり狂っおいたからなのか、癜い肌に映える薄ピンク色の乳銖はツンず重力に逆らうように勃っおいた。 倧きくおずおも圢が良いおっぱい。改めお、小䞀時間ほど前に圌女の方から俺に声を掛けお来たず蚀うのが信じられない。 俺は玫月さんの倧きなバストを欲望の赎くたたに揉んでみるこずにする。 觊れた瞬間、玫月さんのおっぱいに手が吞い蟌たれおいく。匟力がありながら指が沈み吞い付くような柔らかいそれはさっきたで激しい運動をしおいるからかじっずりず汗で少し濡れおいた。 「んっ、あっ♡」 ただ玫月さんのおっぱいの柔らかさを確かめるように軜く揉んでいるだけなのに、眠っおいる玫月さんの口からは悩たしい声が挏れ出た。 俺は片方の手で玫月さんの乳銖を指ではじき、それから摘たんでこねおみる。 「んっ♡ あんっ♡」 眠っおいるずは思えないほど感床が良く、先ほどよりも少し倧きい嬌声を䞊げる。 カップサむズは幟぀くらいなのだろうか 捲ったブラを裏返しおみおみるず、タグにはず曞かれおいた。カップ。巚乳だ。゚ッチだ。
not enough. I want more. This time, I want to see Shizuki-san, who takes off that white shirt she's wearing and rolls the tip of her big bust with her tongue, going even wilder than before. My brain was full of such desires, but Shizuki-san's eyes were blank and blank. He was breathing heavily, but his body was losing all its strength. "Shizuki-san. I'd like to try again..." Even though I said that, Shizuki-san was looking in the wrong direction as if she couldn't hear my voice. Is he the type of boyfriend who falls asleep right after he ejaculates and doesn't give pillow talk? ...It's true that Shizuki-san's breathing was quite rough and her voice was louder than I expected. “If you’re going to ignore me, it’s because I have ideas too, right?” While saying this, I try to flip up Shizuki-san's white three-quarter-sleeved shirt, which doesn't resist. As if she's still the type of person who likes to wear clothes like this, her breasts are wrapped in a white bra with a ribbon decorated with the same ribbon as her underwear, making them look bigger than when seen through the shirt. I just take off my shirt. Shizuki-san only makes a sound like ``mmmm...'' when I take her clothes off, and doesn't make any particular resistance. Shizuki-san was still wearing only her underwear and socks, but other than that she was completely naked and didn't resist. Her appearance was very naughty and provocative. ...Are you really sleeping? I slide the white bra up and let me see Shizuki-san's raw breasts. When she took off her bra, it changed shape slightly due to gravity, but it was still extremely large, and perhaps because she had been so wild just a moment ago, her light pink nipples stood out against her white skin and stood out as if defying gravity. Big and very well-shaped breasts. Once again, I can't believe that she called out to me about an hour ago. I decided to massage Shizuki-san's large bust according to my desires. The moment I touched it, my hand was sucked into Shizuki's breasts. It was elastic, yet soft enough that my fingers could sink into it and it was slightly damp with sweat, probably from the intense exercise I had been doing earlier. “Hmm, ah♡” Even though he was just lightly squeezing Shizuki-san's breasts to check how soft they were, a troubled sound leaked out from Shizuki-san's mouth as she slept. With one hand, I flick Shizuki-san's nipples between my fingers, then pinch and knead them. “Hmm♡ An♡” It's so sensitive that it's hard to believe that it's asleep, and it cries out a little louder than before. What is the cup size? When I turned the rolled-up bra inside out, the tag had H written on it. H cup. She has big breasts. It's naughty.
これだけ倧きいバストを芋おいるず、パむズリず蚀うものをしおみたくなる。 ずか゚ロ同人でよく芋かける男のロマンだ。 玫月さんの愛液でテラテラになっおいる俺のペニスを玫月さんの双䞘に挟んでみる。玫月さんの柔らかいおっぱいでチンポを挟むずいうのに幞犏感ず悊びを感じはするものの劂䜕せん刺激が足りない。 玫月さんの胞を揉みながら寄せおみたり、擊っお芋たりするけどやっぱりそんな気持ち良くなかった。   挟みながらしゃぶっお貰えたりしたらたた違っおくるんだろうけど、生憎玫月さんは小さく喘ぎ声を挏らすくらいで起きおはくれない。 俺はパむズリを諊めお、倧人しく玫月さんのマンコを䜿っお抜くこずにした。 玫月さんの愛液でぬるっずしおいる亀頭を指先で摘たみ、そのたた玫月さんのノァギナに俺のペニスを挿入した。ただし終わっおから分も経っおないため、玫月さんの膣内は未だほぐれおいおびしょびしょだった。すんなりず入っお行く。 「んお゛っ♡ あっ♡ あんっ♡」 ペニスを挿入するず玫月さんの嬌声が倧きくなり、ずっず虚ろで閉じられおいた目が開かれる。 「え、嘘っ♡ 二回目   膣内ナカに熱くお硬いのが入っおる♡」 「お目芚めのようだね、玫月さん」 「あり埗ない。二回目なんお  。嘘、ただするの」 玫月さんは驚きず快感ず少しばかりの恐怖が混じったような衚情で、俺を芋る。 「  男なら、玫月さんほどの矎人を前にしお䞀回で満足できるわけないだろ」 蚀うず、玫月さんの膣内がキュンず閉めた。 「た、埅っお。に、二回目なんお知らない。䞀回でもあんなに凄かったのにっ♡ 二回目なんおされたら死んじゃう♡」 「玫月さん可愛いよ」 「埅っおっ♡ んッ♡ た、埅っお♡ んあ゛ッ♡」 玫月さんの耳元で本心を囁くず、玫月さんの膣内はキュンキュンず脈動し、口では䜕ず蚀おうずも玫月さんのノァギナは俺のペニスから粟液を搟り取る぀もりのようだった。 腰を動かし始める。俺の腿ず玫月さんの尻がぶ぀かっおパンパンず小気味いい音が鳎る。 「あっ♡ ダメッ♡ やっ♡ 気持ちよすぎお♡ ダメッ♡ あんっ♡ いやっ♡」 玫月さんの県がどんどん涙で最んでいく。俺が䞀぀腰を動かす床に玫月さんは嬌声を奏で、喉の奥から絞り出した玫月さんの可愛い声に俺のペニスは曎に硬くなった。 「あっ♡ あっ♡ んあっ♡ あっ♡ あっ♡ あッ♡ ダメッ、むクッ♡ ダメ。むク♡ もうっ♡ だっめぇっかっ、はぁっ、はぁっ、はぁっ、んっ♡」
When I see such a big bust, I want to try something called titty fuck. It's a male romance that you often see in AV and erotic doujinshi. I try to sandwich my penis, which is covered in Shizuki-san's love juices, between Shizuki-san's mounds. Although I feel happy and happy having my cock sandwiched between Shizuki-san's soft breasts, the stimulation is not enough. I tried massaging Shizuki-san's breasts, pulling them closer, and rubbing them, but it still didn't feel that good. ...I'm sure it would be different if I had him suck me while holding me in between, but unfortunately Shizuki-san just lets out a small gasp and doesn't wake up. I gave up on titty fuck and quietly decided to use Shizuki-san's pussy to pull out. I pinched Shizuki-san's glans, which was slippery with her love juices, with my fingertips, and inserted my penis into Shizuki-san's vagina. It hadn't even been 10 minutes since she finished, so Shizuki's vagina was still loose and wet. It goes in easily. “Noo♡ Ah♡ An♡” When I inserted my penis, Shizuki-san's moans became louder and her eyes, which had been blank and closed for a long time, opened. "Oh, you're lying♡ Second time? ...There's something hot and hard inside my vagina♡" "Looks like you're awake, Shizuki-san." "It's impossible. A second time... Are you still going to lie?" Shizuki-san looks at me with an expression that is a mixture of surprise, pleasure, and a little bit of fear. "...If you're a man, there's no way you'll be satisfied just once in front of a woman as beautiful as Shizuki-san." When I said that, Shizuki-san's vagina closed tightly. "W-wait. I-I don't know about the second time. Even the first time was so amazing ♡ If it happened to me the second time, I'd die ♡" “Shizuki-san is cute.” "Wait ♡ Hmm ♡ Oh, wait ♡ Nah ♡" When I whispered my true feelings in Shizuki-san's ear, Shizuki-san's vagina throbbed, and no matter what I said with my mouth, Shizuki-san's vagina seemed to be trying to squeeze the semen from my penis. Start moving your hips. My thighs collide with Shizuki-san's butt, making a crunching sound. “Ah♡ No♡ Yay♡ It feels so good♡ No♡ Ah♡ No♡” Shizuki-san's eyes are getting wetter with tears. Every time I moved my hips, Shizuki-san made a whimpering sound, and the sound of Shizuki-san's cute voice coming from the back of my throat made my penis even harder. “Ah♡ Ah♡ Nah♡ Ah♡ Ah♡ Ah♡ No, I’m cumming♡ No. I’m cumming♡ Already♡ Nooooooooooooooooo, haa, haa, haa, nn♡”
玫月さんの膣内ビクビクず痙攣し、キュりキュりずペニスを締め付けおくる。玫月さんの呌吞は荒く、先ほどよりも激しくむっおいるように芋えたけど、それでも俺は我慢するこずが出来なかった。 「ごめん、玫月さん」 「た、埅っお。い、今動いちゃダメっ♡ 私、今むッたばかりで、動かれたらぁんっ♡ あっ♡ だめっ♡ 本圓にッ♡ むった埌は敏感でッ♡ 今動かれたらっ♡ おかしくなっちゃう♡ やめおっ♡」 玫月さんは俺のお腹を手で抌し、今日初めお抵抗しおくる。だけどその手には党然力が入っおおらず、俺の動きが緩むこずはない。寧ろ少し抵抗を芋せお、よがり喘ぐ玫月さんは俺の嗜虐心をそそり、寧ろ激しく腰を動かしたくなっおくる。 パンパンパンパンッ 俺の亀頭を䜕床も玫月さんの子宮に䜕床もぶ぀ける。 「本圓にだめっ♡ 降りおる♡ 子宮が降りお来おるからぁんっ♡ 深くお♡ 圓たっお♡ 蟛いのッ♡ 気持ちよすぎお蟛いのっ♡ お、男の子はっ♡ 月に䞀回しか射粟さないっお習ったのにぃっ♡」 それはどこの䞖界の垞識だ。少なくずも俺は日に回はオナニヌしお射粟しおいる。 玫月さんほどの極䞊の雌を前にしお、月に䞀回なんおあり埗ない。男なら毎日二回䞉回、日によっおは五回だっお射粟したい。 「ああ゛んっ♡ だめ゛っ♡ 本圓にダメぇ♡ あ゛あんっ♡ ひっ♡ や゛んっ♡ 雄茝さん♡ ごめんなさいっ♡ もう蚱しおっ♡」 玫月さんは泣いおいた。トロンずした瞳から涙を溢し、匷すぎる快楜を前に俺に蚱しを乞うおいる。 「可愛い。玫月さん可愛いよっ」 「う゛っ♡ あっ♡ たたむクッ♡ ううんっ♡ はぁ゛っんっ♡ あっ♡」 金玉の奥に粟液が溜たり始めた。尿道に熱いのが蟌み䞊げおくるのを感じ、俺は限界を悟る。 「射粟でるっ。もう射粟るぞ、玫月っ」 「射粟だしおんあっ♡ 雄茝さんっ♡ 私の膣内ナカにぃんっ♡ んあっ♡ むクッ♡ アッアッ♡ 凄いのが♡ い、むクぅんあっッ♡」 ビュッ。俺のペニスの先から粟液が出るず同時にどくどくず玉が脈打ち、玫月さんの膣内に粟液を泚ぎ蟌んでいく。玫月さんの膣がキュりキュりず締め、あんなに泣きながっらむキ狂っお、蚱したで乞うおいたくせに、玫月さんの子宮は俺の尿道に残っおいる粟液をも残さないず貪欲に吞い付いおくる。 「あっ♡ あっ♡ あっ♡ あんっ♡ あんっ♡」 軜い事埌ピストンをしながら俺はペニスを抜いた。二回出しおようやく俺のチンポは䞀先ず萜ち着き、臚戊態勢が解陀された。 ふぅっず息を吐き、玫月さんの暪に寝転がった。 「玫月さん――」 「はぁっ♡ はぁっ♡ はぁっ♡ はぁっ♡ はぁっ♡」
Shizuki-san's vagina convulses and tightens around his penis. Shizuki-san was breathing heavily and seemed to be cumming even harder than before, but I still couldn't hold back. "Sorry, Shizuki-san." “W-wait. No, you can’t move now♡ I just cum, I wish I could move♡ Ah♡ No♡ Really♡ I’m so sensitive after cumming♡ I wish I could move now♡ You’re going crazy♡ Stop it♡” Shizuki-san presses my stomach with her hand and resists me for the first time today. But there's no strength in my hands at all, and my movements don't slow down. On the contrary, Shizuki-san, who shows a little resistance and moans, arouses my sadistic feelings and makes me want to move my hips violently. Pan-pan-pan! I slam my glans into Shizuki-san's womb over and over again. “I really can’t ♡ It’s coming down ♡ My uterus is coming down ♡ It’s so deep ♡ It hits me ♡ It’s painful ♡ It feels so good that it’s painful ♡ Oh boy♡ I only ejaculate once a month I learned that♡” That's common knowledge everywhere in the world. At least I masturbate and ejaculate two or three times a day. I can't do it once a month when I'm in front of an exquisite female like Shizuki-san. Men want to ejaculate two, three, and even five times every day. “Aaaaan♡ No♡ I really can’t♡ Aaan♡ Hi♡ Yay♡ Yuuki-san♡ I’m sorry♡ Please forgive me♡” Shizuki-san was crying. Tears overflowed from her dark eyes, and she begged for my forgiveness in the face of too much pleasure. "Cute. Shizuki-san is so cute." “Uuuuu♡ Ah♡ I’m cumming again♡ Noooo♡ Haaaaaaaaaaa♡ Ah♡” Semen began to accumulate inside the balls. I feel the heat rising up my urethra, and I realize I've reached my limit. "I'm ejaculating. I'm about to ejaculate, Shizuki!" "I'm ejaculating ♡ Yuuki-san ♡ It's inside my vagina ♡ Nah ♡ I'm cumming ♡ Aaah ♡ It's amazing ♡ I-I'm cumming ♡" Whoops. As semen came out from the tip of my penis, my balls throbbed and poured into Shizuki-san's vagina. Shizuki-san's vagina tightened, and even though she was crying and cumming and begging for forgiveness, Shizuki-san's uterus greedily sucked all the semen left in my urethra. It comes with me. “Ah♡ Ah♡ Ah♡ An♡ An♡” I pulled out my penis while doing some light pistoning. After ejecting twice, my cock finally calmed down and was no longer ready to fight. I took a deep breath and laid down next to Shizuki-san. “Shizuki-san-” “Haa♡ Haa♡ Haa♡ Haa♡ Haa♡”
ピロヌトヌクでもしようかず思ったら、玫月さんは倧きな胞を䞊䞋させながら息を荒くしおいお、ずおも俺ず䌚話できる様子じゃなかった。 激しい呌吞ず共に䞊䞋する玫月さんの巚乳を芋お楜しんでいるず、ずんでもないこずに気が付いた。 「あ、やべっ。避劊しおない  」 童貞だし、そんな機䌚がこんな唐突に蚪れるなんお思っおなかったからコンドヌムなんお持っおいなかったし、それに、玫月さんほどの矎女からのお誘いで頭の䞭がいっぱいいっぱいになっおいたせいで避劊のこずなんおすっかり忘れおしたっおいた。   いやだっおしょうがないだろ。玫月さんずダれるっお思ったら䞋半身に血が行っちゃっお、现かいこずに気を配る䜙裕なんおなかったんだから。 俺はやっおしたったものは仕方ないず諊めお、ベッドの䞋に脱ぎ捚おおあるズボンからスマホを取り出しお『着床 確率』で怜玢する。 倧䞈倫。そんな簡単に出来るなら䞖の倫婊は子䟛が出来ない問題で苊しんだりしない。 いや、でも。僅かな過ちで出来ちゃうから出来ちゃった婚があるず考えるず  。 そんなこずを考えながらスマホをスクロヌルしおいるず、どうにも蚘事がおかしいこずに気が付く。 「なんだ 『運よく男性ずセックス出来た貎方ぞ』っお」 俺はその奇劙な蚘事が気になっお開いおみるず曞いおある文章もおかしかった。 “今珟圚男性は玄人の女性に察しお人しか存圚しおいたせん。たた䞀般的な男性は月に䞀回しか射粟できたせん。どんなに粟力が匷く旺盛な方でも週に䞀回が限床でしょう。 故に、の女性は䞀生のうちに䞀床も男性ず性行為するこずなく生涯を終えるず蚀われおいたす” っおなんじゃこりゃ。これは冗談   あたりにもおかしな文章ず、玫月さんにナンパされた時から感じおいたこの䞖界に察する違和感が気になり、蚘事を途䞭で読むのを止め、『男女比』ずか『女性 性行為経隓 割合』ずかで怜玢を掛けおみる。 しかしその怜玢結果は、圓たり前のように男女比はで、性行為は経隓できない確率の方が高いずたで蚀われおいる。 どうやら䞖界が、本圓におかしくなっおしたっおいるみたいだ。 ずりあえず――俺はこの䞖界で唯䞀第二ラりンドが出来る男なのかもしれない。 玫月さんに膣内射粟しおしたった俺は、もし子䟛が出来おしたったらどうするのか。そもそも子䟛はどれくらいの確率で出来るのかをネットで調べたら、この䞖界の男女比がだず蚀う事を知った。 思い出すのは玫月さんにナンパされた時に感じた違和感。 別にむケメンでもなく金もないフリヌタヌの俺が玫月さんのようなずんでも矎人にナンパされたこずもそうだが、い぀も男の方が倚いくらいの駅前には奇劙なくらい俺以倖の男を芋かけなかった。 䜕故だか解らないが俺は異䞖界に迷い蟌んでしたったらしい。 いや、い぀もの䞖界が男女比に曞き換わっおしたったのか
I thought we could have some pillow talk, but Shizuki-san was breathing heavily and her big chest was moving up and down, and she didn't seem like she could have a conversation with me. As I was enjoying watching Shizuki's big breasts rise and fall with her heavy breathing, I noticed something strange. "Oh, no. I'm not using birth control..." I didn't have a condom with me because I was a virgin and I didn't expect such an opportunity to come so suddenly, and also because my head was full of invitations from a woman as beautiful as Shizuki, I was thinking about birth control. I had completely forgotten about it. ...I can't help but say no. When I thought I was going to have sex with Shizuki-san, the blood rushed to my lower body and I didn't have time to pay attention to the details. Resigning myself to what I had done, I took out my smartphone from my pants, which I had left under the bed, and searched for ``probability of implantation.'' Are you okay. If it were that easy, couples in the world wouldn't suffer from the problem of not being able to have children. No, but. When you think about the fact that there are marriages that were made because of the slightest mistake... As I was scrolling through my smartphone thinking about this, I noticed something strange about the article. "What? ``For those of you who were lucky enough to have sex with a man.'' I was curious about the strange article and when I opened it, the text was also strange. “Currently, there is only one man for every 1,000 women.The average man can only ejaculate once a month.No matter how strong and energetic he is, once a week is the limit. Probably. Therefore, it is said that 99% of women will live their lives without ever having sex with a man. What is this? Is this a joke...? I was concerned about the strange sentences and the discomfort I had felt towards this world ever since I was picked up by Shizuki, so I stopped reading halfway through the article and searched for things like ``male-to-female ratio'' and ``percentage of women with sexual experience.'' Try multiplying by However, the search results show that the ratio of men to women is 1:1000, which is a matter of course, and it is even said that there is a higher probability of never having sex. It seems like the world is really going crazy. For now -- I might be the only man in this world who can play the second round. What will I do if I ejaculate inside Shizuki's vagina and have a child? When I looked online to find out how likely it is to have a child, I learned that the male to female ratio in this world is 1:1000. What I remember is the strange feeling I felt when Shizuki-san picked me up. I'm not particularly good-looking and have no money, and I was picked up by an extremely beautiful woman like Shizuki, but it was strange that I didn't see any other men in front of the station, where there were usually more men than me. . I don't know why, but it seems like I've wandered into another world. No, has the usual world been rewritten with a male to female ratio of 1:1000?
どちらにせよ同じだ。俺が今、男女比の䞖界に居る事実は倉わらない。 今の俺は最高にクレバヌな賢者だった。 玫月さんのような巚乳矎女ず童貞を卒業し、溜たっおいた粟液を二発も吐き出したのだ。 俺の䞖界が広がったように頭は冎えわたり、恐らく昚日たで俺が生きおいたのであろう䞖界ずは党く違うこの䞖界の情報を埗ようず意欲的にスマヌトフォンをスクロヌルした。 最初に調べたのはやはり、膣内射粟の際の着床率だ。 ぀たり、さっき気になるこずがあったので䞀床読むのを䞭断しおいたさっきの蚘事。俺はその蚘事の続きを読むこずにした。 “さお、幞運にも男性ずセックスが叶った貎女はきっず䞍安に思っおいる事でしょう。ちゃんず子を孕めおいるのか、ず。䜕せ男性の射粟は平均的に月䞀回。少ない人だず半幎に䞀床ず蚀う人だっおいるでしょう。 そんな䞭で継続的な恋愛関係にある䞊でのセックスが叶った人の堎合は着床しおおらずずも次の機䌚があるかもしれたせんが、恐らくこの蚘事を読んでいる倚くの人は倧金を叩いたり、或いは囜家に勀める『皮付け公務員』の盞手ずしお幞運にも遞出され、぀たるずころ次がない可胜性が高い人の方が倚いず思われたす。 しかしご安心を。排卵日に絶頂を䌎う性行為の末膣内射粟されたのであれば着床率です。 死産にならない限り出産が可胜ですので身䜓を冷やさないように、バランスの良い食事を心がけ、兎に角お腹に宿った新しい生呜を倧切にしたしょう。 貎女の子䟛が男の子ずしお生たれおくれるのかもしれないのですから” その埌、絶頂が䌎わなくおも。排卵日でなければず、円グラフによるデヌタず共に説明がされおいたけど、玫月さんは間違いなく絶頂しおいたし、二回も膣内に射粟しおしたった。 排卵日かどうかは解らないけど、態々玫月さんからナンパしおきた蟺りその可胜性は䜎くなさそうだ。 「  どうしよう。俺、ただ父芪になる芚悟ずか出来おないんだけど  」 俺は『ワンナむト 䞭絶』で怜玢を掛けた。 怜玢結果は驚異の件。  そんなこずあるか ず思っお『ワンナむト 堕胎』『ワンナむト 䞭絶 費甚』『䞭絶 䞀倜限りの関係』などで怜玢を掛けおもそれっぜい蚘事は党然芋圓たらない。 なんか“意䞭の人を絶察萜ずせる。倜に行きたいおすすめの店”ずかわけ解らん蚘事しか出おこない。 俺はもしやず思っお『産婊人科 䞭絶』で怜玢を掛けおみる。 そこで挞く“お腹にいる子が重節な障害を患った女の子だった時”ず蚀う蚘事が数件出お来た。サゞェストには『法埋』ずか『事件』ずか物々しいものばかり。 軜く蚘事を読んでみるず、男性の射粟がずおも貎重なこの䞖界では、基本的に『䞭絶』ず蚀う抂念がほずんど存圚しおいないようで、基本的に授かった子䟛を䞋ろすのは犯眪になるケヌスが殆どらしい。 ただ囜によっおはお腹の子が重節な障害を持っおいるこずが刀明した女児の胎児に限り、認めおいる堎合もあるらしいけど、雰囲気的には安楜死問題に䌌おいるように思えた。 芁するに子䟛が出来おしたえば、俺には責任を取る以倖の道はないずいうこずである。   ずなるず、俺は玫月さんず結婚するずかになっおいくのか
It's the same either way. It doesn't change the fact that I'm currently living in a world where the male to female ratio is 1:1000. Now I was the most clever sage. He lost his virginity to a big-breasted beauty like Shizuki, and he spit out two shots of his accumulated semen. My head felt clear as if my world had expanded, and I eagerly scrolled through my smartphone, trying to get information about this world that was completely different from the one I was living in until yesterday. The first thing we investigated was the implantation rate during vaginal ejaculation. In other words, I stopped reading the article earlier because I was curious about something. I decided to read the rest of the article. “Now, if you are lucky enough to have sex with a man, you must be worried. Are you sure you are conceiving a child? After all, men ejaculate once a month on average. Some people may say once every six months. If you are in an ongoing romantic relationship and are able to have sex, you may have another chance even if implantation has not occurred, but probably many people reading this article It is thought that there are many people who are lucky enough to be selected as the partner of a ``seeding civil servant'' who earns a lot of money or who works for the state, and after all, there is a high possibility that there will be no next choice. But don't worry. If the ejaculation occurs in the vagina after sexual activity that involves climax on the day of ovulation, the implantation rate is 100%. It is possible to give birth as long as the baby is not stillborn, so make sure to keep your body cool, eat a well-balanced diet, and cherish the new life in your belly. Your child may be born as a boy." After that, 70% without climax. It was explained with pie chart data that if it wasn't an ovulation day, it would be 30%, but Shizuki was definitely climaxing and ejaculated twice into her vagina. I don't know if it's my ovulation day or not, but it doesn't seem likely since Shizuki-san picked me up. "...What should I do? I'm not ready to become a father yet..." I searched for ``one night abortion.'' The search results were an astonishing 0. ...Is there such a thing? When I searched for ``one-night abortion,'' ``one-night abortion cost,'' ``abortion, one-night stand,'' etc., I couldn't find any similar articles. I only see incomprehensible articles like ``Recommended restaurants to go to at night that will definitely make you fall in love with someone.'' Just in case, I searched for ``obstetrics and gynecology abortion.'' Finally, several articles appeared that said, ``When the baby in the womb was a girl who suffered from a serious disorder.'' The suggestions are all about things like ``law'' and ``incidents.'' A quick read of the article reveals that in this world where male ejaculation is so precious, the concept of ``abortion'' basically doesn't exist, and it is basically a crime to give up a child after birth. Most cases seem to be. However, in some countries, it seems that only female fetuses whose unborn children are found to have severe disabilities are recognized, but the atmosphere seems to be similar to the issue of euthanasia. . In short, once I have a child, I have no choice but to take responsibility. ...In that case, will I end up marrying Shizuki-san?
いや、たあ別にそれ自䜓に䞍満はない。玫月さんは物凄い矎人だし巚乳だし、ベッドでの具合もずおも良かった。性栌はただ初めお䌚っお数時間しか経っおないからよく知らないけど、倚分そんなに悪い子じゃないず思う。 お蚀うかどんな性栌だずしおも、玫月さんず結婚した俺が今たで以䞊に䞍幞になる未来が想像できない。 ネカフェ難民のフリヌタヌだし、䜕ならしょっちゅうアルバむトクビになっお無職になる。圓然貯金どころか持ち金もホテル代が払えない皋床には貧乏だし、玫月さんが俺から搟り取れるものなんお粟々粟液くらいのものだ。寧ろ玫月さんにならいくらでも搟り取っおもらいたい。 ずなっおくるず寧ろ、玫月さんの方にかなり迷惑を掛けそうだな、俺。 定職ず金がないこずもさるこずながら、自炊経隓がないから料理も出来ないし、掃陀もかなり苊手な方で孊生の頃の俺の郚屋は垞に結構散らかっおいた。 もし結婚したら恐らく俺が逊っおもらう立堎になるだろうに、専業䞻倫もたずもに出来ないなんお。 流石に申し蚳なくなっおくるな。たぁそんな俺をナンパしたのは玫月さんな蚳だし、自業自埗みたいなずころはあるけど。 俺は『子䟛 出産 助成金』で怜玢する。 結局䞖の䞭金だ。家に䜏むにも飯を食うにも、結婚しお子䟛を育おるのにも圓然金が芁る。金が無ければ䜕も出来ないし、俺には金を皌ぐ胜力なんおはっきり蚀っおない。 出来るこずなんおスマホで小銭を貰う方法を怜玢するくらいである。 “運よく男性ずのセックスが叶い、無事に子䟛を授かった貎女はきっず子育おぞの䞍安を感じおいる事でしょう。ですが安心しおください。出産ず同時に子䟛䞀人に付き䞇円の助成金が支絊されたす。 たた家賃氎道光熱費が栌安若しくは無料で䜏める垂営県営囜営䜏宅ぞ䜏む暩利が䞎えられたり、数十枚のタクシヌチケットなどが支絊されたす。 その他子䟛が生たれた際に受けられる揎助や補助、無料で受けられるサヌビスなどは他の蚘事にお詳しく曞いおおりたすのでこちらをご䞀読ください” ず䞁寧にリンクが貌られおいたが、今は䞀旊読み飛ばす。 “たた出産者が孊生やその他の事情で育児䞍可胜な状況にある堎合、囜が匕き取りたす。その際助成金の半分は囜に返還するこずが求められたす” 逆に蚀えば子育おをしない遞択をしおも半分はお金が貰えるのか。 それに、それ以倖の点を取っおもこの䞖界のこの囜の子育おぞの犏祉は途蜍もなく充実しおいた。正盎ここたでお金が貰えるなら、既にある皋床䜕ずかなりそうな気がしおきおいる。 だが曎に続きの蚘事のリンクが貌られおいたのでタップする。 タむトルは「お腹にいる子䟛が男の子だった堎合」 “分のの確率を匕き圓お、幞運にも身籠った子䟛が男の子だった堎合、貎女には助成金ずしお䞇円が支絊されたす。それず同時に貎女は男性特区にある囜営䜏宅に匕っ越すか、男性管理官を家に招き入れ共に暮らすこずかの遞択を迫られるこずになりたす。 圓然男性特区の囜営䜏宅は無料ですが、女性である貎女は男性特区を自由に歩くこずが出来ないため、やや窮屈な暮らしを䜙儀なくされたすし、男性管理官ずの共同生掻を苊に思う方もいるでしょう。 たた、その他の事情で育児が䞍可胜だず刀断された堎合、貎方の子䟛は囜家に預かられ䞁重に育おられるこずになりたす。その際、助成金は返玍する必芁がありたせん”
Well, I'm not dissatisfied with that in itself. Shizuki-san is extremely beautiful and has big breasts, and she looks great in bed. I don't know much about her personality since it's only been a few hours since I first met her, but I think she's probably not that bad. In other words, no matter what kind of personality I have, I can't imagine a future in which I'll be even more unhappy after marrying Shizuki-san. I'm a part-time job as a refugee from Necafe, and I get fired from my part-time job all the time and end up unemployed. Naturally, I'm so poor that I can't even afford the hotel bill, let alone my savings, and the only thing Shizuki-san can squeeze out of me is semen. If anything, I'd like Shizuki-san to squeeze as much out of me as possible. In fact, I think I'm going to cause quite a bit of trouble for Shizuki-san. Not only do I have a regular job and no money, but I also have no experience of cooking for myself, so I'm not very good at cleaning, so my room was always quite messy when I was a student. If I got married, I would probably be in a position to provide for her, but I can't even be a stay-at-home husband. I'm starting to feel really sorry. Well, it was Shizuki-san who picked me up like that, so I guess it was her own fault. I search for ``childbirth subsidy.'' After all, it's the world's money. Of course, money is needed to live in a house, eat food, get married and raise children. You can't do anything without money, and I have no clear ability to make money. All I can do is search for ways to get coins on my smartphone. “If you have been lucky enough to have sex with a man and safely have a child, you are probably feeling anxious about raising a child.But don't worry.When you give birth, you will receive a grant of 3 million yen for each child. will be paid. In addition, you will be given the right to live in municipal and prefectural government-run housing where you can live with low or free rent, water, utilities, and dozens of taxi tickets. We have written about other support and assistance you can receive when your child is born, as well as services that you can receive for free, in detail in other articles, so please read them here. A link was carefully posted, but I'll skip reading it for now. “Also, if the person giving birth is unable to raise a child due to being a student or for other reasons, the government will take custody of the child. In that case, half of the grant money will be required to be returned to the government.” Conversely, if you choose not to raise children, will you still receive half the money? Besides, even if you take other points into account, the welfare for raising children in this country of this world is extraordinarily fulfilling. Honestly, if I can get this much money, I already feel like I can do something about it. However, there was a link to the next article, so I tapped it. The title is "If the child in the womb is a boy" “If you are lucky enough to have a 1 in 1,000 chance that the child you conceive is a boy, you will receive a subsidy of 10 million yen. At the same time, you will be asked to move to state-run housing in a special zone for men. , she is forced to choose between inviting a male administrator into her home and living with him. Naturally, state-run housing in special zones for men is free, but as a woman you cannot walk freely in special zones for men, so you are forced to live in a somewhat cramped environment, and those who find it difficult to live together with male administrators. There may be some. Additionally, if it is determined that childcare is not possible due to other circumstances, your child will be placed in the care of the state and raised respectfully. In that case, the grant does not need to be returned.”
男性特区ずか男性管理官ずか凄い䞖界芳だな。 ただ、今の俺にずっおは割ずどうでも良い情報なので読み飛ばす。俺は「男性ず結婚し、同居する堎合」ず蚀う蚘事のリンクに飛んだ。 “幞運にも男性の最愛の人ずしお遞ばれ結婚し、生掻を共にするこずになった貎女は、倫ずなった男性を本圓に幞せに出来るのか䞍安に思っおいる事でしょう。 しかしご安心ください。男性には囜家から毎幎䞇円の生掻補助金が支絊されおおり、たた結婚盞手である貎女にも䞇円の補助金が毎幎支絊されるようになりたす。 埌は貎女が倫の為に身を捧げ、真面目に働き、十分な家事育児を熟し、倫を献身的に支えおください。䞀人の立掟な女性ずしお、貎方にはその矩務がありたす” なんか物凄い内容だった。フェミニストの県に止たれば炎䞊しそうな蚘事である。 だがしかし男女比らしいこの䞖界では女性の暩利ずか瀟䌚進出ずかなんお圓たり前にあるだろうし、䜕なら「男性には䞇円の補助金が――」のくだりで、䜕もせずずも生掻に困らないだけのお金を貰える男は働いおないんじゃないか ずか思い始めおいる。 そう蚀えば玫月さんも、俺が「この前たで土方をしおいお」っお蚀ったらずおも驚いおいたし。 男女比ずなったこの䞖界では、俺が昚日たで――いや、恐らく぀い数時間前たで生きお来た䞖界ずは瀟䌚䜓制や法埋、垞識レベルのあれこれが倧きく異なっおいる。 この蚘事に曞かれおいる「幞運にも男性の最愛の人ずしお遞ばれ」っお䞀文から察するに、子䟛を䜜った結婚ず蚀うわけでもないんじゃないか そう思っお俺は『子䟛出来た 男 結婚』で怜玢しおみる。 “男性ずのセックスが叶い子䟛を身籠り、男性ず結婚し同棲しお、身籠った子䟛を共に育おおいく。 それは党女性の憧れであり倢でありながら、それを叶えられるのはほんの僅かな女性だけです。 そもそも女性である貎女が平均しお月に䞀回しか射粟できない男性ずセックスをするには、皮付け公務員の盞手ずしお抜遞で遞ばれるか、数十䞇、盞手が若ければ数癟䞇円ず蚀う倧金を支払っお䞀倜の暩利を買う必芁がある堎合が殆どです。 䞭には恋愛で成就した人もいるそうですが、それこそお䌜噺の䞖界で殆どいたせん。 圓然、男性はより倚くの女性に皮付けをする矩務があるので、子䟛を身籠ったからず蚀っお必ず男性ず結婚し同棲できるずは限らないのです。 それでも貎女が男性ず結婚し、同棲しお共に子䟛を育おおいきたいず考えるのであれば――” その埌は勉匷を沢山しろだずか、矎容に気を遣えだずか、なんか芋おいるだけで䜕でかよく解らないけど心にチクチク刺さる文章だったので読むのを止めおスマホを攟り投げた。 しかし  。 そうか。この男女比の䞖界では、子䟛が出来たからず蚀っお必ずしも結婚する矩務が生じるわけじゃない。それどころか囜家が、男性が女性ずセックスするのを掚進しおいるようだった。 おたけに男性偎には出来おしたった子䟛の面倒を芋る矩務がない。 それどころか蚘事によれば、女性ず男性が結婚した堎合、基本的に劎働も家事も育児も党郚女性が負担しお、男は面倒を芋おもらいながらダラダラひも生掻をしお良いみたいな雰囲気が挂っおいた。 そしおそれは、ずどの぀たり――玫月さんみたいな可愛い女の子ずセックスしたくるだけでお金貰えおダラダラ生きおいけるずおも郜合が良くお玠晎らしい䞖界だず蚀う事を意味しおいる。
It's an amazing worldview with special zones for men and male administrators. However, the information is relatively irrelevant to me right now, so I'll skip it. I jumped to the link for the article ``If you marry a man and live with him.'' “If you were lucky enough to be chosen as a man's beloved, get married, and start living together, you must be worried about whether you can truly make your husband happy. But don't worry. Men receive a living subsidy of 2 million yen each year from the state, and you, the man you marry, will also receive a subsidy of 3 million yen every year. After that, you should dedicate yourself to your husband, work diligently, do enough housework and childcare, and support him devotedly. As a worthy woman, you have this obligation.” It was some amazing content. This is an article that is likely to cause an uproar if it catches the attention of feminists. However, in this world where the ratio of men to women seems to be 1:1000, women's rights and advancement in society are commonplace, and the line "Men receive a 2 million yen subsidy" means they can live without doing anything. Aren't men who can earn enough money not to work? I'm starting to think so. Come to think of it, Shizuki-san was also very surprised when I said, ``I've been working as Hijikata until recently.'' In this world, where the ratio of men to women is 1:1000, the social system, laws, and common sense are vastly different from the world I lived in until yesterday -- no, probably just a few hours ago. Judging from the sentence "I was lucky enough to be chosen as the beloved of a man" written in this article, I don't think having a child equals marriage. With that in mind, I searched for ``married man with child.'' “She has sex with a man, becomes pregnant with a child, marries him, lives with him, and raises the conceived child together. It is a dream that all women aspire to, but only a few can make it come true. In the first place, as a woman, in order to have sex with a man who can only ejaculate once a month on average, you have to be selected by lottery as a partner for a civil servant, or you have to pay hundreds of thousands of yen, or millions of yen if the partner is young. In most cases, you will need to pay money to buy the right to the night. It is said that some people have achieved success through love, but in the world of fairy tales, this is rare. Of course, men are obligated to inseminate as many women as possible, so just because a woman is pregnant with a child does not necessarily mean that she can marry and live with a man. If you still want to marry a man, live together and raise children together... After that, I read things like things like studying a lot and taking care of your beauty, etc. I didn't really understand what it was, but it really touched my heart, so I stopped reading and threw my phone away. but

. Really. In this world where the ratio of men to women is 1:1000, having a child does not necessarily mean that there is an obligation to get married. In fact, the state seemed to be promoting men having sex with women. What's more, men have no obligation to take care of their new children. On the contrary, according to the article, when a woman and a man get married, the woman basically takes on all the work, housework, and childcare, and the man feels like he can just live a lazy life while being looked after. was. And that, in the end, means that it is a very convenient and wonderful world where you can earn money and live a leisurely life just by having sex with cute girls like Shizuki.