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銖筋から埌頭郚ぞず這わせた手でギュッず抱きしめ密着するず觊れ合った郚分から優しい䜓枩が䌝わっおきた。 行き亀う唟液ず共に舌をチュルチュルず吞い合う。 ヌルヌルずもベトベトずも違う぀るっずした感觊が心地良くい぀たでも吞っおいたい気分になっおくる。 熱い口付けを亀わす最䞭、お互いの口内ぞず舌が䟵入しおいく。
As I held her tightly and pressed our bodies together, a gentle warmth emanated from the points where we touched. Our tongues continuedto swirl and suck on each other, enjoying the smooth and slippery sensation that made us want to keep doing it forever. As they exchanged hot kisses, their tongues invaded each other's mi...!hs.
唇を䞭心に熱が広がり顔䞭が火照り始める。 癜く䌞びた銖筋に優しくキスをするず目の前で舞う柔らかな黒髪がふわりず心地良い銙りを運んだ。 熱い吐息が挏れおいた圌女の唇を塞ぐ様に自分の唇を重ねるず惚けたようにずろんず瞳を最たせおいた。
As heat spread from their lips, their faces began to flush. When he gently kissed her i...!stretched white neck, her soft black hair danced in front of her eyes, carrying a pleasant fragrance. As he covered her lips with his own, silencing her hot breath, she gazed at him with watery eyes as if in a daze.
舌を絡めあった埌、圌は私の口内を隅から隅たで嘗め回した。 お互いの舌を吞い合うたびにおぞその奥がキュンず疌くのを感じおいた。 暖かくお柔らかい唇が觊れ合いお互いを求めおいる。
After their tongues entwined, he proceeded to lick every inch of her mi...!h. Each time they sucked on each other's tongues, they felt a sharp pang in their belly buttons. Their warm and soft lips touched each other, both seeking for more.
そんな䞭、圌の舌が唇を割っおおし入っおくる。舌を絡めあいお互いの唟液が艶かしく糞を匕いた。 自然ず息が荒くなる二人は口付けを亀わし続けた。 お互いに服をはだけさせるず圌女は固くなった俺のチンポを握り締めおきた。そのたた硬く勃起したチンポをゞッずみ぀めるず埐々にその顔を熱い吐息がかかる距離たで近づけお芗き蟌んできた。
As his tongue parted her lips and entered her mi...!h, they began to entwine and their saliva glistened alluringly. As their breathing became ragged, they continued to kiss each other passionately. As they undressed each other, she grabbed his hard erect penis and brought her face closer to it, gazing at it intently as hot breaths caressed its surface.
もはや完党に勃起し、ぞそたで反り返ったチンポに舐めるような芖線が飛んできた。 芖姊されおいるようなこの状況はさらに䞋半身に血液を集䞭させガチガチのチンポがさらに硬さを増しおいく。 目の前でぷるぷるず震えるオマンコず癜いヒップを芋おいるうちに自分の股間のモノもムクムクず頭をもたげおいく。
My fully erect and throbbing cock attracted a gaze that seemed to lick it. This situation, as if being watched, further concentrated the blood flow in my lower body, making my rock-hard cock even harder. As I watched the trembling pussy and white hips in front of me, my own groin began to swell and rise.
ビクビクず倧きくいきり立ったそれは芗き蟌む圌女の顔に觊れるか觊れないかたで勃き䞊がっおいく。 怒匵したチンポをゆっくりずパンツから取り出すずそれを芋た圌女の県が少し匷匵った。 その巚倧なモノが本圓に自分の䞭に玍たるのかず想像し䞍安が頭をよぎっおいるようだった。
My pulsating, enlarged cock was reaching the face of the peeping girl, almost touching it. When I slowly pulled i...! my engorged cock from my pants, her eyes tensed up a bit. It seemed like she was imagining whether that enormous thing could really fit inside her, as anxiety crossed her mind.
さわさわず现い指が服の䞊から刺激するだけで意識はそこに集䞭し䞀気に血液が流れ蟌むのを感じた。 圓然のように海綿䜓は膚らみ始め股間の分身は埐々に硬さを増しその銖をもたげおいく。 ズボンずパンツを䞋げるず既にはちきれんばかりに怒匵しおいたチンポが跳ね䞊がった。
With gentle touches from her slender fingers stimulating me through my clothes, my focus shifted there, and I felt the rush of blood. Naturally, the corpus cavernosum began to swell, and my genitalia gradually hardened, raising its head. As I lowered my pants and underwear, my already rock-hard cock sprang up.
倩を突くように反り返りピクンピクンず痙攣する肉棒は痛いほどに血管を浮かび䞊がらせおいた。 枩かな手の平で包たれたチンポに段々ず血液が集たっおくるのがわかる。 やわやわず擊られるず優しく觊れおいるその手を抌しのけグググ ずカタパルトのように反り返っおいく。
The throbbing meat rod, arching towards the sky, pulsated and made the veins protrude painfully. I can feel the blood gathering in my cock, which is wrapped in warm palms. As it is softly rubbed and the hand that is gently touching it is pushed away, it arches back like a catapult.
早々に臚戊態勢を敎えおいる股間のタワヌはピクピクず血管を浮かび䞊がらせおいる。 圌女はそんな怒匵しきったチンポに興味深げに指を近づけるず぀ん぀んず突぀いおきた。 前がパンパンに膚らんだパンツをずり䞋げるず䞭からガチガチに勃起したチンポが飛び出しおきた。
The tower in my crotch, which had quickly prepared for battle, is pulsing and raising blood vessels. She approached the fully erect cock with great interest and poked at it. When she pulled down the bulging pants, a rock-hard, erect cock sprang i...! from within.
血管を浮かべギンギンに怒匵したチンポを圌女は惚けた衚情でうっずりず芋぀めた。 ゞ ゞゞ ずゞッパヌが䞋ろされ䞭から半勃起状態のチンポが優しく取り出される。 癜くお现い指がズボンのゞッパヌを䞋げるずその内郚ぞず䟵入しおきた。
She gazed admiringly at the veins and raging hard-on of the cock. The zipper is pulled down and a semi-erect cock is gently pulled i...!. With white, slender fingers, the zipper of the pants is unzipped and they enter inside.
もそもそずパンツをずらすず俺の股間に朜むチンポを柔らかな指が包み蟌んできた。 男がいきなりズボンを䞋ろした。そこには今たで芋たこずもないくらいに勃起した巚倧なチンポがそそり立っおいた。 チンポの先端から溢れ出す我慢汁を指ですくっお肉棒党䜓に塗りたくっおいく。
She slid down my pants and wrapped her soft fingers around the cock hiding in my crotch. The man suddenly pulled down his pants, revealing an enormously erect cock that I had never seen before. Scooping up the pre-cum overflowing from the tip of the cock, I smear it all over the shaft with my fingers.
ぬるぬるずした最滑液によっお今たでずは違う優しい摩擊がさらなる快感を呌び起こし亀頭がパンパンに匵り始めおいた。 熱い吐息を零しながら圌女の现い指が服の䞋にあるガチガチに勃起したチンポをその圢がわかるように握っおくる。 思わず股間から湧き䞊がる快感を声に挏らすず、それに気づいた圌女は握っおいる指を激しく前埌に擊り始めた。
The gentle friction, different from before, caused by the slippery lubricant makes the glans start swelling. While exhaling hot breaths, she grasps the fully erect cock under her clothes with her slender fingers, making its shape visible. Involuntarily, I let i...! a voice of pleasure surging from my groin, and noticing that, she vigorously rubs her gripping fingers back and forth.
ゆるゆるず動き出した指は慣れない手぀きでたどたどしかったが拙いながらもチンポ党䜓を擊り䞊げおきた。 そのぎこちない動きがむしろ 少し匷く握ったタマからは鈍い痛みのような痒みのような快感が生たれおきた。
The loosely moving fingers were inexperienced, but clumsily, they rubbed the entire cock. Rather, that awkward movement... From lightly squeezing the testicles, a pleasurable sensation arises, resembling a dull pain or itchiness.
その刺激は匷烈で擊りあげられおいた竿に集䞭しおきおいた熱いマグマが䞀気に昇り始めるきっかけになるのには充分だった。 最滑油のおかげでカリの段差も難なく擊りあげおくるその掌はぷにぷにずした感觊が心地良くむずむずず腰の奥を痺れさせおいく。 もう䞀方の空いた手にもぬるぬるの我慢汁を塗り぀けるずそのたた金玉を包み蟌むようにコロコロの掌の䞊で匄び始めた。
That stimulation, intense and focused on the shaft being rubbed, becomes the trigger for the hot magma to rise all at once. Thanks to the lubricant, the palm, gliding effortlessly over the ridge of the glans, has a soft and squishy texture that pleasantly tingles deep within the hips. With the other hand free, she smears the slippery pre-cum and starts teasing the testicles by rolling them on the palm.
溢れ出した我慢汁が亀頭を䌝い萜ちロヌションのようにぬるぬるず掌を最わせおいく。 最滑油が充分に行き枡った手でギュッず握られシコシコず擊りあげられるずそれがちょうどよい刺激ずなり今たでずはたた違う快感が走る。 カリの瞁をなぞる人差し指がザリザリッずした刺激を䞎えおくるたびに背筋を走る快感がピヌンず背䞭を反らせる。
The pre-cum overflowing from my cock is spreading on her hand like lotion. With her well-lubricated hand, she grips my cock tightly and starts rubbing it up and down, providing just the right amount of stimulation to generate a new kind of pleasure. Every time her index finger traces the edge of the glans, a pleasurable sensation runs down my spine and my hips arch in response.
その快感で尿道口からはプチュッず先走り汁が溢れ始め陰郚が党䜓的に湿り気を垯び始める。 亀頭を握る指先がカリの段差に觊れるたびにビリビリずした痺れが発生しビクッず腰が震えおしたう。 竿を擊り䞊げるもう䞀方の指が裏スゞ郚分も擊り始めるず亀頭党䜓が甘い痺れに包たれがんやりずした快感が股間に集䞭する。
As a result of the pleasure, pre-cum starts to drip from my urethral opening, and my genitals become moist overall. Every time her fingertip holding the glans touches the ridge, a tingly numbness spreads and my hips tremble involuntarily. As her other finger that's rubbing the shaft starts rubbing the underside, the entire glans is enveloped in a sweet numbness and a vague pleasure concentrates in my crotch.
右の手の平はしゅるしゅるず竿の衚面郚分を優しくなぞっおいく。 巊の手の平は亀頭の先端を包み蟌みぐりぐりず回転させおいく。 ギチギチに怒匵したチンポを握っおいる手の平がするりず亀頭を包む。
With her right hand, she gently traces the surface of the shaft with a slurping sound. With her left hand, she wraps around the tip of the glans and rotates it round and round. The palm that's holding my rock-hard cock tightly smoothly envelops the glans.
その瞬間、空いた竿の郚分にもう䞀方の手が滑り蟌んできお小さな䞡手で党䜓的に肉の棒が包たれおいく。 小さな指がゆっくりずチンポの衚面を滑っおいく。 握るか握らないかで擊るだけかず思いきや突然それぞれの指をにぎにぎず動かし肉棒を刺激しおくる。
At that moment, the other hand slips into the empty space between the shaft and wraps around the entire meat stick with both hands. Little fingers slowly glide over the surface of the penis. Rather than just rubbing it with a grip or no grip, each finger suddenly moves and stimulates the meat rod.
ぎゅっず握ったチンポを䞋から䞊ぞず絞るように擊り䞊げおいくずニチャニチャず卑猥な音を立お始めた。 自分の手でやるのずはたた違った䞍自由さがくすぐったいようなモダモダずした快感を感じさせる。 ぐりぐりず亀頭の先端を撫でる指にぬらぬらず尿道口から溢れる先走り汁が付着しおいく。
When the tightly gripped penis is rubbed up from below, it begins to make a lewd squishing sound. It gives a ticklish, somewhat frustrating sensation that is different from doing it with one's own hands. Pre-cum drips i...! of the urethral opening as the finger that strokes the tip of the glans is wet and sticky.
そのたた竿の郚分に移動するずぬるぬるずした掌がチンポ党䜓を這い回り心地良い刺激を䞎えおくる。 スリスリず裏スゞの郚分を指で攻められるずぞくぞくずした快感が背筋を駆け抜ける。 ふんわりず握られた掌の圧力ずは違うピンポむントの刺激がそこに意識を集䞭させる。
As it moves to the shaft, the slippery palm crawls all over the penis and gives a pleasant stimulation. When the back ridge is stimulated by the finger, a thrilling sensation runs through the spine. The pinpoint stimulation that is different from the pressure of the softly held palm focuses one's attention there.
亀頭を握った手のひらから䌞びた人差し指が尿道口をくにくにずいじっおくる。 癜く现い指が倪い肉の棒をしこしこずしごきあげるたびに尿道口からは透明な液䜓が「プッ プシッ」ず溢れ始めおいた。それがよだれを垂らすように亀頭から零れ萜ちるず擊りあげる指ずチンポの隙間を瞬く間にヌルヌルで満たしおいった。 芪指ず人差し指で軜く䜜った茪っかで竿の郚分をシュルシュルず擊りあげおくる。
The index finger extending from the palm that grips the glans tinkers with the urethral opening. Every time the slender white fingers stroke the thick meat rod, transparent liquid begins to overflow from the urethral opening with a 'plop...pshh' sound. The shaft is rubbed with a loop made lightly with the thumb and forefinger.
時々ビリッずするような刺激ず共にカリの郚分に觊れる指が甘矎なアクセントずなっお快感をより耇雑なものずしおいる。 尿道口から透明な先走り汁がプクっず膚らんで溢れ始めた。 衚面匵力で限界たで膚らんだ埌、重力に負けた粘液はツヌ っずわずかな粘性を芋せながらチンポの厖を䞋り萜ちおいく。
The finger that touches the glans with a sharp stimulation occasionally provides a sweet accent to the pleasure. Transparent pre-cum begins to overflow from the urethral opening with a 'puck' sound. After reaching the limit due to surface tension, the slimy liquid loses to gravity and gradually trickles down the edge of the penis with slight viscosity.
根元からカリの瞁ぞず搟り出すように指がすがめられる。 そしおたた竿の衚面をなぞるように滑らかに根元ぞず指の腹が柔らかくなでおいく。 ゆるやかに握っおいた指が突然チンポ党䜓をキュッず握っおきた。
The finger is squeezed from the base to the edge of the glans as if to squeeze i...! from the root. Then, the smooth fingertip strokes the surface of the shaft softly all the way to the base. The fingers that were gently holding it suddenly grip the entire penis tightly.
たるで牛の乳を搟るかのように小指から人差し指ぞず順に力を加えおゆくしなやかな指はしごく快感ずはたた違った悊楜を䞎えおくれおいた。 圌女も興奮しおきたのかチンポを擊る手のスピヌドが乱雑に速くなったり遅くなったりしおいる。 竿の郚分を぀かむ掌がシュルシュルずチンポをしごいおいる䞭、時折その柔らかな指がカリの郚分に觊れ、ビクッずなっおしたう。
The supple fingers that apply pressure from the little finger to the forefinger as if milking a cow give a pleasure that is different from the usual stimulation. She also seems to be aroused, as the speed of her hand rubbing the penis becomes irregularly fast and slow. While the palm that grabs the shaft is rubbing it, the soft fingers occasionally touch the glans, causing it to twitch.
スベスベず蠢く柔らかい指にしごかれおいる俺のチンポはあっずいう間にガチガチに怒匵しおいた。 ゆっくりずチンポをしごく指は滑らかに䞊䞋運動を繰り返す。 胞をきゅっず締め付ける切なさからか私はい぀の間にか䞡のおっぱいをギュッず握り締めおいた。
My penis, being stroked by soft, smooth, wriggling fingers, quickly became rock hard. The slow stroking of my penis continued, smoothly moving up and down. Perhaps due to the tightness in my chest, I found myself squeezing both of my breasts tightly.
期せずしお指が乳銖に觊れおしたい党身に電気のような痺れが走り思わず声を䞊げおしたう。 そっずア゜コに指を這わすず明らかにい぀もより熱を垯びおいた。 しかし、そのせいかピチャッ ず濡れたショヌツが肌に觊れるその郚分が䞀局の冷たさを感じさせた。
I unintentionally let i...! a scream as the fingers accidentally touched my nipple, sending an electric shock through my entire body. As the finger gently traced the i...!line of my genitals, I could feel that they were hotter than usual. However, for some reason, my wet shorts made contact with my skin and felt even colder than before.
指が出たり入ったりしおいるア゜コがめくれちゃっお あ、熱い  頭の䞭もだんだんずボヌっずしおきお䜕も考えられないくらい真っ癜になっおしたう。 俺の䞊に跚った圌女は䜕床もその身䜓をびくびくず跳ねさせながら己を襲う絶頂の波によっおすでに心の所圚をなくしおいた。
My genitals were so wet that they began to fold... Ah, it's so hot...! As my mind gradually became blank, I could no longer think abi...! anything. As she straddled me, she had already lost her mind to the waves of climax that were causing her body to tremble and jerk repeatedly.
飲み蟌みきれなかったザヌメンがオマンコからは溢れ出しもはや䜕も考えられなくなった肉䜓はただ痙攣を繰り返すばかりだった。 断続的に膣内に攟出される癜濁液を子宮が受け止めるたびに圌女はブルッ、ブルルッず身䜓を震わせた。 こんこんずあふれ出す゚ッチな汁を飛沫のように撒き散らせ、倧きな声で喘ぎながら党身を痙攣させた。
The semen that I couldn't swallow overflowed from my vagina, and my body, which was no longer able to think, continued to convulse. Each time her uterus receives the cloudy liquid intermittently released inside her vagina, she shudders and trembles. Scattering the lewd fluid that overflows with a splash, she convulses her entire body while moaning loudly.
ピンず䌞びた足ず息も絶え絶えな苊しそうな呌吞が頭の䞭を真っ癜にするほどの快感が連続的に襲っおいるこずを物語っおいた。 圌女は髪を振り乱し、撒き散らす汗をキラキラず茝かせながらチンポの䞊でよがり狂っおいた。 そしお激しく求められ続ける自身の興奮も限界に到達しようずしおいた。
Her stretched legs and gasping breaths on the verge of suffocation tell the story of the continuous pleasure attacking her mind, turning it completely white. With her hair in disarray and glistening sweat, she writhes on top of my cock, going mad with pleasure. And her own mounting excitement, constantly being intensely desired, was abi...! to reach its limit.
膣内に出された快感から䞀気に絶頂に達した圌女はビクンビクンず身䜓を痙攣させながらくたっず俺に䜓重を預けおきた。 圌女は口から涎を垂らしながらだらしなく顔を緩たせパクパクず呌吞しかすれた声で喘いでいる。 膣内に流れ蟌んでくる粟液の濁流によっお生み出される快感によっお圌女は党身を震わせ身悶えた。
Having reached climax all at once from the pleasure received inside her vagina, she convulsed her body and collapsed, placing her weight on me. With saliva drooling from her mi...!h, she slackens her face and gasps with a sloppy voice. She trembles her entire body and writhes in pleasure generated by the torrent of semen flowing into her vagina.
膣襞がたるで別の生き物の様にうねりながらオマンコの䞭で今なお脈打぀チンポから粟液を搟り取り続けおいる。 「はぁぁぁ 」ず長い息を吐き出しながら党身の力が抜け厩れ萜ちおきた圌女の顔は抌し寄せる快感で幞犏に包たれおいた。 ブルブルッず震えた瞬間、オマンコからはプシッず蚀う飛沫を䞊げお愛液が溢れ出した。
The vaginal folds continue to squeeze the semen from the pulsating cock inside her pussy as if they were a separate creature. With a long exhale of breath, her whole body lost its strength and collapsed, her face enveloped in bliss from the overwhelming pleasure. With a trembling shudder, love juices overflowed from her vagina, accompanied by a splashing sound.
波のように襲っおくる快感に耐え切れず圌女はその郜床倧きく身䜓を震わせた。 オマンコからはその内郚を満たしおいた蜜がだらだらず溢れ出しいやらしい匂いを立ち䞊らせおいた。 たるで匓の様に身䜓を反らせた圌女は今たでにない倧きな喘ぎ声を䞊げた。
Unable to withstand the pleasure that strikes like waves, she shudders her body vigorously each time. Honey that filled the inside of her vagina dripped and emitted a lewd scent. Arching her body like a bow, she let i...! a loud moan unlike anything before.
その盎埌、ぶるぶるず小刻みに震えながら膣の内郚がキュりゥゥず締め付け始めた。 柔らかな肉の壁を掻き分け熱いチンポが膣内に抌し入った瞬間、圌女は声を䞊げ党身を奮わせた。 ヒュヌッ んはぁッ ふッ ず声にならない吐息を吐き出しながらビクッビクッず痙攣を繰り返しおいる。
Right after that, the inside of her vagina started tightening and quivering in small tremors. As the hot cock pushed into her vagina, parting the soft walls of flesh, she let i...! a scream and her whole body surged with excitement. With gasps and breaths that couldn't form words, she convulsed repeatedly, trembling and shaking.
ぶるぶるず震えたかず思うず圌女は䞀気に絶頂ぞの坂道を昇りきった。 たるで痙攣するかのように震え続けるその姿は非垞に扇情的で胞の蟺りをキュッず締め付けるように次なる興奮の灯がずもるのを感じた。 仰け反った圌女は぀た先から胞元たでをピヌンず反らしガクガクず快感に打ち震えおいた。
Just as she trembled and shook, she quickly ascended the slope to climax. Continuing to tremble as if in spasms, her alluring figure tightly gripped the area around the chest, sensing the flickering flame of the next excitement. She arched her back, stretching from her toes to her chest, and trembled with pleasure.
すでに䜕床もむかされた私は立っおいられなくなりその堎にしゃがみこんでしたった。 しかし地面に突っ䌏した私のオマンコに挿入されたチンポからは今もドクンドクンず粟液が泚がれ続けおいた。 勢いよく粟液を济びせかけられた膣内の肉壁が絡み぀くようにチンポにたずわり぀いおくる。
Unable to stand any longer after being brought to orgasm multiple times, I squatted down on the spot. However, even now, semen continued to be poured into my pussy from the cock inserted into me while I was prostrated on the ground. The vaginal walls, drenched in semen forcefully, clung to the cock as if entwining around it.
オマンコの内郚はそのたたギュッず根元から亀頭たでを搟り出すようにぐにぐにず締め付け、最埌の䞀滎たで圌女の䞭に搟り出されおいった。 「出るっ 」 そう思った瞬間、流れ出るような射粟感が尿道を駆け抜けるず䞀気に亀頭の先端から癜濁液が噎出した。
The inside of the pussy squeezed and milked from the base to the tip, as if squeezing i...! every last drop, until all the semen was drained from within her. At that moment, a sensation of ejaculation, like a flowing stream, rushed through the urethra, and a white cloudy liquid spurted i...! from the tip of the glans.
圌女の手はたるで乳でも搟るように今も射粟し続けるチンポをギュッギュッず擊りあげおいく。 段々ず射粟の勢いも匱たり最埌にビュクッず匷い粘性の液䜓を吐き出しおようやく終わりを迎えた。 亀頭が膚れ䞊がった瞬間、ドクンッず熱い濁流が尿道口を抌し開いお噎出し圌女の胞を癜く染めおいく。
Her hand continued to rub the still ejaculating cock as if milking it like a cow. Gradually, the momentum of ejaculation weakened, and finally, with a sharp twitch, a strong, viscous liquid was spat i...!, bringing it to an end. At the moment the glans swelled up, a hot, murky torrent pushed open the urethral opening and spurted i...!, dyeing her chest white.
ビクッビクッずチンポが震えるたびに尿道に残ったザヌメンが勢いよく射出される。 たるで瑞々しいトマトが砎裂し果汁を匟けさせるように亀頭から爆発的にザヌメンが攟出された。 その瞬間、圌女の膣内もギュりゥッず締め付け始め粟液を搟り取り始める。
Every time the cock trembled, the semen remaining in the urethra was forcefully ejaculated. Semen exploded from the glans like a ripe tomato bursting and releasing its juice. At that moment, her vagina started tightening, squeezing i...! the semen.
射粟したばかりで敏感になっおいたチンポの先端にゞヌンずした鈍い快感が集たり始めおいた。 ドロリずした熱い塊が尿道を抌し開きながらその出口たで䞀気に走り出しおいく。 腰の蟺りが甘く痺れ始め亀頭の先端から癜濁した粟液がほずばしりそうになる。
A dull pleasure began to gather at the sensitive tip of the just-ejaculated penis. A hot, viscous mass rushed i...! from the urethra, pushing it open, and ran all the way to the exit. Around the waist, a sweet numbness began, and the white, cloudy semen seemed to surge from the tip of the glans.
その癜い措氎は䞀気に噎出されるずオマンコの䞭を満たし膣の入り口からもゎプッず溢れ出した。 腰をたたき぀けるず同時に二人ずも身䜓を震わせ快感が䞀気に走りぬけるのを感じた。 耐えに耐えた癜濁の粘液を攟出する射粟感は半端なくオマンコの䞭で吐き出し続ける亀頭の先端が痺れお鈍い快感を生んでいた。
The white flood gushed i...! all at once, filling her pussy and overflowing from the entrance of her vagina. As their bodies trembled and they pounded their hips, they felt a rush of pleasure running through them. The sensation of ejaculating and releasing the accumulated milky fluid was overwhelming, and the numbness at the tip of the glans produced a dull pleasure.
オマンコが収瞮を繰り返しギリギリず挿入されたチンポを締め䞊げおくる。 限界を超えた快感によっお癜濁液の堰は䞀気に解き攟たれ、圌女の奥深くぞずドクドクず蚀う激しい脈動ずずもに泚がれおいった。 ドクンドクンず血管が脈打぀ように先端から粟液を吐き出し続ける俺のチンポから䞀滎も残さず搟り取るように膣内が蠢く。
Her vagina clenched tightly around the inserted penis, repeatedly contracting. The dam of milky fluid, pushed beyond its limits by the intense pleasure, was released all at once and poured deep inside her with intense pulsations. My penis continued to ejaculate semen from the tip, pulsing through my veins, and the vaginal walls squeezed and wriggled to extract every last drop.
たるで乳絞りをするかのようにギュギュッず締め付けおくる膣襞は抜くのを蚱さないかのように吞い蟌みを続けおいた。 限界たで膚れ䞊がったチンポを唇で匷くぎゅっず締め付けられた瞬間、圌女の喉の奥ぞず思い切り射粟しおしたった。 さらにドクドクず口内に吐粟し続けるチンポを根元たで加えるず頭をグリグリず振っお尿道に残る出し切っおいない粟液をも吞い出し喉を鳎らしお飲み蟌んでいった。
The vaginal folds contracted tightly, squeezing like a milkmaid, and continued to suck me in as if not allowing me to pull i...!. At the moment when my swollen penis was tightly squeezed by her lips, I ejaculated deep into her throat with all my might. Furthermore, as I added my still-erect penis, which continued to ejaculate into her mi...!h, she shook her head and sucked i...! the remaining semen from my urethra, making a swallowing sound.
今たさに果おる寞前、圌女の䞭から匕き抜いたチンポの先の尿道口からは勢いよく癜濁流が噎出した。 膣内に収たりきれなかった倧量の粟液は圌女の愛液ずどろどろに混ざり合い結合郚からゎプッず溢れおくる。 その液䜓を䞭指でそっずすくうず圌女は瞳を最たせながらうっずりずした衚情で口に運んだ。
Just before I was abi...! to climax, a white, cloudy stream gushed i...! from the opening of my penis and into her vagina. The large amount of semen that couldn't be contained in her vagina mixed with her love juices and overflowed from the junction, making a squishing sound. She gently scooped up the liquid with her middle finger and, with a moist expression in her eyes, brought it to hermi...!h.
快感に歪む圌女の顔めがけお狙いを定め握り締めたチンポから思い切りザヌメンを噎出する。 溢れ出した癜い欲望は半開きの口の䞭にも打ち蟌たれたが圌女はそのれリヌ状の粟液をくちゅくちゅず音を立おお味わっおいた。 口内に含たれたたたのチンポからは思いっきり粟液を噎出し、ビクンビクンず震えながら口の䞭ぞず果おた。ビュヌッず泚ぎ蟌たれた粟液の勢いに驚いた圌女の口の端から溢れた癜濁がピンク色に染たったホホを䌝い萜ちおいく。
Aiming at her face twisted in pleasure, I gripped my penis tightly and ejaculated vigorously. The overflowing white desire was also pushed into her partially open mi...!h, but she was savoring the jelly-like semen with a squishing sound. From the penis that was still inside her mi...!h, semen was ejaculated vigorously and I climaxed while shaking uncontrollably.
高い喘ぎ声が郚屋䞭に響いた瞬間、圌女の膣内ぞず亀頭から噎出した溢れんばかりのザヌメンを泚ぎ蟌んだ。 するず胎内で射粟されるドクドクずいう刺激に震える圌女の膣襞は癜い粟を吐き出し続ける生殖噚を離すたいずき぀く搟り取り始めた。 ビリッずした衝撃が党身を走りぬけた瞬間、粟巣から癜い激流が圌女のオマンコぞ向けお流れ出しおいった。
At the moment when the loud moans echoed throughi...! the room, I poured i...! an overwhelming amount of semen from the tip of my penis into her vagina. In response to the stimulating sensation of being ejaculated inside her womb, her vaginal folds trembled and tightly squeezed the reproductive organ, continuing to squeeze i...! the white essence withi...! letting it go. At the moment when a sharp shock ran through my entire body, a white torrent flowed i...! from my testicles toward her vagina.
激しく噎出した射粟は䞀床では収たらず䜕床も䜕床も膣内に流れ蟌んでいく。 ドクンドクンず脈打぀チンポを根元たで深く飲み蟌んだオマンコの隙間からはコポッず音を立おお愛液ず混ざり合ったザヌメンが溢れ出した。 オマンコから匕き抜いたチンポの先からは尿道にただ残っおいたザヌメンがビュルッず溢れ出した。
The intense ejaculation didn't stop with just one release; it flowed into her vagina repeatedly, again and again. From the deeply swallowed penis that pulsated and throbbed, semen mixed with her love juices overflowed from the crevices with a squelching sound. From the tip of the penis I pulled i...! from her vagina, semen that was still remaining in the urethra gushed i...! with a splash.
先端から吐き出された粟液は圌女の肌ぞず降り泚ぎドロドロず垂れながら癜く汚しおいった。 走り出した射粟感は止められず、そのたたオマンコの䞭ぞず熱い癜濁を䜕床も䜕床も吐き出した。 膣は搟り取るようにうねうねず蠢き、それに呌応する肉棒はザヌメンを抌し出すシリンゞのように繰り返し先端からの吐露を続けた。
The ejaculated semen spurted i...! from the tip and fell onto her skin, dirtying it with a sticky, white mess. The unstoppable feeling of ejaculation continued, and the hot milky fluid was ejaculated multiple times into her vagina. The vaginal walls wriggled and squeezed as if milking, while the penis responded by repeatedly releasing semen from its tip like a syringe, pushing it i...!.
乳房に挟たれたたた激しく肉棒をこすり付けおいくずこらえきれなかった癜濁流が乳肉の枓谷に䞀気に流れ蟌んだ。 乳房に挟たれたたた激しく肉棒をこすり付けおいくずこらえきれなかった癜濁流が乳肉の枓谷に䞀気に流れ蟌んだ。 ブゞュルルルルビュルルッずいう激しい音ず共に䞀気に開攟された欲望の塊がぶるぶるず震えるおっぱいを犯しおいく。
As I vigorously rubbed my penis, which was sandwiched between her breasts, the uncontrollable flow of white semen rushed into the valley of her breasts all at once. The milky fluid, which couldn't be restrained, vigorously flowed into the valley of her breasts as I intensely rubbed my erect penis that was still sandwiched between them. With a intense sound of 'Bujururururu' and along with it, a mass of unleashed desire began violating the trembling breasts.
キュポキュポず吞い付いお攟さない蜜壷からむく瞬間に匕き抜いたチンポの先端からは熱いマグマのようなザヌメンが䞀気に噎出した。 尿道口から溢れ出した癜い溶岩流はビチャビチャッず音を立おながら圌女の身䜓を淫らな癜色に染め䞊げおいった。 最埌の䞀擊りずばかりに思い切り腰を叩き぀けるず同時に亀頭をビリビリず痺れる甘いむず痒さが包む。
From the tip of the penis that was pulled i...! at the moment of climax from the sucking and unrelenting honey pot, hot magma-like semen gushed i...! all at once. The overflowing white lava-like fluid from the urethral opening made a splashing sound as it dyed her body a lewd white color. As I forcefully slammed my hips with a final thrust, the glans tingled and a sweet itch enveloped me.
途端、尿道口が開かれたかず思うずブビュりりゥビュルルルブボッず音を立おお熱いザヌメンが噎出した。 アナルの奥深い郚分に射粟した粟液は䜓内を熱く染めるず排泄感ず共に䞀気に逆流を始めた。 ブブッ ブボッず卑猥な音を鳎らしながら癜濁液でドロドロずなったケツマンコはだらしなく排泄を続けた。
The moment the urethral opening seemed to open, 'Bubyuwoo! Byurururubbo!' A hot ejaculation erupted with a sound. The ejaculated semen deep inside the anal cavity began to flow back in an instant, heating up the body and accompanied by a sense of excretion. With obscene sounds of 'Bubu... Bubo!' the muddy and sticky ass pussy continued its sloppy excretion.
膣内に熱い粟液がビシャアアアずぶちたけられ子宮口を䞀気に癜濁液でいっぱいにしおいく。 容量を超えた粟液は膣内を最わせおいた愛液ず混ざり合いいただ挿入されたたたのオマンコからゎプ ずあふれ出しおいた。 トプトプず攟出を続ける熱い粟液は雪のように降り泚ぎお尻や背䞭を真っ癜に染めおいく。
The hot semen was splashed into the vagina, filling the cervix with white fluid. The excess semen, mixed with the love juices that had moistened the vagina, overflowed from the still-inserted pussy with a 'Gop...' sound. The hot semen that continued to be discharged top-to-top rained down like snow, dyeing the buttocks and back completely white.
べっずりず付着した粟液を指先にすくい取るず埮笑みながらゆっくりずその指を口に運んだ。 ギュッギュヌッず搟り䞊げられる様に匷い圧力が加えられるず今たで我慢しおいたものが䞀気に腰から噎出しおしたった。 溜めに溜めおいたせいか尿道口から吹き䞊げるザヌメンは今たでにないくらいの倧量なモノずなっおいた。
She scooped up the sticky semen with her fingertips, and then slowly brought those fingers to her mi...!h with a smile. When strong pressure was applied as if being squeezed i...!, everything that had been held back until now was discharged from her waist at once. The semen that had been accumulating had become an unprecedented amount, and was being ejected from the urethral opening with tremendous force.
あたたかな手の䞭でドビュッビュルルッず粟液が溢れ続け握り締めた指ずチンポを癜く染め䞊げおいく。 射粟が収たらないうちから搟り出すようにニュルニュルず竿を擊り䞊げられ、その远加された快感に先端からはさらに癜く濁った䜓液が噎出した。 子宮口ぞ向けお熱い粟液がビュクビュクずかけられおいく。
The warm semen continued to overflow in her hand, dyeing her tightly gripped fingers and the penis white. As she was still ejaculating, the penis was rubbed up and down as if being squeezed i...!, and in response to the additional pleasure, more white and turbid body fluid spurted i...! from the tip. Hot semen was being poured onto the cervix with a 'byukubyuku' sound.
それを受けた膣内は少しでも倚くの粟液を搟り取ろうずギュッギュパァッずその吞匕を匷めおいった。 堰を切った癜濁流が䞀気に尿道を駆け抜ける。 入道口からザヌメンか噎出す瞬間、ぬるりずチンポを匕き抜くず目の前に暪たわる艶かしい背䞭が熱い粟液で癜く染たっおいった。
In response to receiving the semen, the vagina tightened and sucked hard to extract as much semen as possible. The milky white flow that broke through the dam rushed through the urethra at once. At the moment when the semen was ejaculated from the entrance, the alluring back in front of her was dyed white with hot semen as she pulled i...! her slippery penis.
搟り出そうず握り締められたチンポの先端からはブビュッビュルルッず粘性を持぀癜濁ずした液䜓が倧量に攟出された。 吐き出されたザヌメンは途切れるこずなく攟物線を描きながらい぀たでも噎出しおいる。 ビクッビクッず竿が跳ねるたびに先端からい぀たでも粟を吐き出し続けた。
From the tip of the tightly gripped penis, a large amount of sticky, whitish and turbid liquid was ejaculated with a 'Bubyu!' and 'Byururu!' sound. The ejaculated semen continues to spurt withi...! interruption, drawing a parabolic trajectory. Every time the shaft jumps with a 'Biku! Bikku!' sensation, it continues to ejaculate semen from the tip.
自分の䞭身を党お吞い出されおいくような攟出感を感じたチンポからはビクビクず倧量の粟液を吐き出した。 その量はドクッ ドクッず床、床ず倧量に吐き出し続けあっずいう間に蟺りを癜く染める。 オマンコの䞭に噎出したザヌメンは膣内から溢れ倪ももを䌝いながらポタポタず床ぞ零れ萜ちた。
From the penis that felt like it was being completely sucked i...!, a large amount of semen was ejaculated with a 'Biku Bikuku' motion. That amount quickly ejaculated in two, three spurts, and in no time, it dyed the surroundings pure white with a 'Doku... Doku!' sound. The ejaculated semen inside the pussy overflowed, trickling down the thighs and dripping onto the floor.
心地良い脱力感に党身を襲われた俺の䜓は圌女の䞊ぞず力なく倒れこんだ。 ドロドロずしたマグマのような粟液を倧量に攟出したオマンコの䞭は想像以䞊の熱を生み出しおいた。 あっずいう間にオマンコの䞭を満たしたそのマグマは泚入した割れ目の郚分から早くも逆流し始めおいる。
My body, overwhelmed by a pleasant sense of relaxation, weakly collapsed onto her. The pussy that released a large amount of thick and sticky semen created an even hotter sensation than imagined. The magma-like semen that quickly filled the pussy has already begun to flow back from the injected crevice.
「ゎプッ ブッ ブプッ 」ず淫らな音ず共に溢れ出した濁流はふるふるず震える癜い尻を䌝いシヌツぞず流れおいった。 癜き濁流は尿道口に舌をはわせ吞い䞊げおいたその唇を抌し開け䞀気に口内ぞず䟵入した。 その刺激を呌び氎にチンポの䞭で抑え蟌たれおいた熱い癜濁液が䞀気に竿を駆け䞊がっおいく。
With a 'Gopu... Buu... Bupu...' obscene sound, the overflowing turbid flow streamed down the trembling white buttocks and onto the sheets. The milky white stream sucked in at the urethral opening with its tongue, pushed open her lips and invaded her mi...!h all at once. The hot and viscous semen that had been suppressed inside his penis by the stimulation rushed up the shaft all at once.
亀頭の先端ぞず到達したザヌメンは意識が飛びそうなほどの快感ずずもに噎氎のように噎出した。 血管が切れそうなほど怒匵したチンポからこれ以䞊ないずいうくらいじゅくじゅくに最っおいるオマンコぞずザヌメンが泚がれおいく。 䞀滎残らず搟り取ろうずうねうねず蠢く膣内がむッたばかりのチンポに曎なる刺激を䞎え続け射粟の波はい぀たでも続いた。
The semen that had reached the tip of the glans spurted i...! like a fountain accompanied by an overwhelming pleasure that made him feel like he was going to pass i...!. The vagina, which was as wet as it could be, receiving the large amount of semen that was abi...! to burst i...! of his engorged penis. The convulsing vagina, which continued to give stimulation to the penis that had just come, squeezed i...! every drop of semen and the waves of ejaculation continued endlessly.
次の瞬間、粟液を搟り取ろうずキュキュっず締め䞊げた膣の䞭にドプッビュルルッず淫靡な音を立お熱く癜濁したザヌメンが泚がれた。 ほんのり桜色に䞊気したホホで俺を芋぀めおくる圌女はずろんず最んだ瞳で䜕かを求めるように蚎えかけおいる。 俺の身䜓にたたがった圌女のしなやかな肢䜓を薄い光が優しく照らし出す。
In the next moment, the semen was injected into the tightly squeezed vagina with a lewd sound of 'kyukyuu', 'buppu' and 'byururu', filling it with hot and milky white fluid. With slightly pink cheeks, she looked at me and begged me with her moist and languid eyes. Her supple body, straddling my body, was gently illuminated by a faint light.
觊れ合った䞋半身から柔らかな肌の感觊ずあたたかな䜓枩が䌝わっおくる。 溢れ続ける愛液ず汗がシヌツを濡らし、ぶ぀かり合う肉ず肉がぐちゅぐちゅずいやらしい音を呚囲に撒き散らす。 溢れ続ける愛液ず汗がシヌツを濡らし、ぶ぀かり合う肉ず肉がぐちゅぐちゅずいやらしい音を呚囲に撒き散らす。
The soft touch of her skin and her warm body temperature were transmitted from our touching lower bodies. The overflowing love juices and sweat soaked the sheets, and the collision of flesh against flesh scattered lewd sounds of 'guchuguchu' around us. The overflowing love juice and sweat wetted the sheets, and the colliding flesh made lewd sounds that scattered around.
お互いの喘ぎ声は獣のような咆哮ずなり結合郚から発せられる淫靡な匂いが脳内を支配しふたりずも快感をむさがるこずだけに熱䞭しおいった。 うっすらずうなじを䌝う汗、柔らかにふわっず銙る甘い銙氎、女性の纏う特有のいい匂いが優しく錻腔をくすぐった。 圌女は可愛らしく埮笑んだかず思うず途端に淫猥な笑みを浮かべおきた。
Their moans turned into beastly roars and the obscene aroma emanating from their connected parts took over their brains, and both of them became absorbed in seeking pleasure. The sweat that trickled down her slender neck, the soft and sweet scent of her perfume, and the unique feminine fragrance that clung to her all gently tickled my nose. She would smile cutely, then suddenly make a lewd expression.
奥から溢れおくる愛液によっおお挏らしをしたように濡れたパンツに顔を近づけおいく。 その股間に頭を埋ずめ倧きく呌吞をするずずおも淫靡な銙りが錻腔をくすぐった。 べっずりず指先を濡らす愛液を芪指ず人差し指でこねお糞を匕かせる。わざず芋せ぀けるように目の前でにちゃにちゃず䜕床もいやらしい音をさせながら繰り返しおいく。
I brought my face closer to her wet panties, which were soaked as if she had leaked due to the overflowing love juices from inside her. As I buried my face in her crotch and took a deep breath, a very obscene scent tickled my nose. I kneaded the sticky love juices on my fingers and pulled them until they formed threads, intentionally repeating the lewd sounds in front of her.
申し蚳皋床に股間を芆う小さな垃にはじわっず染みが広がり぀぀あった。 ピンク色に䞊気した肌にはうっすらず汗がにじんではいたが明らかにそれずは違う液䜓によっお染みが生たれおいた。 今にも限界に達しそうな衚情は切なく悊楜の色を浮かべ、切矜詰っおいるのが手に取るようにわかった。
The small cloth that barely covered her crotch was gradually spreading with a damp mark. Although her slightly flushed skin was moist with sweat, there were stains on it that clearly weren't from sweat, but from a different liquid. Her expression seemed to be on the verge of reaching its limit, with a poignant color of pleasure on it, and it was clear that she was in a desperate situation.
今にも限界に達しそうな衚情は切なく悊楜の色を浮かべ、切矜詰っおいるのが手に取るようにわかった。 油断するず止め凊なく溢れそうな快感に唇を噛んで耐えおいる圌女は党身をブルブルず震わせおいた。 ポタポタず秘郚から零れ萜ちた愛液が、激しく繰り返された行為の痕跡のように床にいく぀もの䞞い氎溜りを生み出しおいた。
Her expression, which seemed to be on the verge of reaching its limit, had a poignant and euphoric hue, and it was clear to see that she was at her wit's end. She bit her lip to endure the pleasure that threatened to overflow uncontrollably, and her whole body trembled violently. Droplets of love juice dripped from her secret parts, creating numerous round puddles on the floor, like traces of the intense repeated act.
党身がほんのりずしたピンク色に䞊気しもはや快感を貪るこずに躊躇いはなくなっおいた。 口から挏れる吐息は熱く、うっすらずにじむ汗がいやらしさに拍車をかける。 激しい快感の波にじっず耐えおいるのかその瞳はトロンず惚け、虚ろな衚情を芋せおいる。
Her entire body was tinged with a faint pink color, and she no longer hesitated to indulge in pleasure. Her hot breath and faintly oozing sweat only added to the lewdness. Were her eyes gazing intently to endure the waves of intense pleasure, or were they glazed over and empty?
挿入を繰り返すたびに小刻みにあがる喘ぎ声が埐々に快感の淵ぞず远い蟌たれおいるこずを瀺しおいた。 目の前に珟れた淫猥なボディ、郚屋䞭に広がろうずしおいるむせ返るほどの雌の匂い。 芖芚ず嗅芚からの甘い刺激に抗えるはずもなく党身の血が股間ぞず䞀気に集䞭しおいくのを感じた。
The small, rhythmic moans that grew louder with each thrust indicated that she was gradually being pushed to the brink of pleasure. An obscene body before her, and the suffocating scent of a female spreading throughi...! the room. She could feel all the blood in her body rushing to her groin in response to the sweet stimulation from her sight and smell, unable to resist.
断続的にその身を襲う快感に耐えようずしおいるのか拳をぎゅっず握り瞳を匷く閉じおいる。眉を寄せ身をねじり震える姿は非垞にえろおぃっくなもので芋おいるだけでこちらも匷い興奮を芚えおくる。 癜い肌がうっすらず桃色に染たり始める頃、熱い吐息が挏れる口からは艶を垯びた声が挏れおきた。 目の前に晒された女の子の郚分に目を奪われる。
Was she clenching her fist and squeezing her eyes shut to endure the intermittent waves of pleasure, or was it just her erotic appearance that was making me feel so excited? As her white skin began to turn a faint pink, a sultry voice escaped from her mi...!h, which was emitting hot breath. Her attention was drawn to the exposed parts of the girl in front of her.
柔らかそうな癜い胞のふくらみ、ぷるんず突き出た桃のようなヒップ、そしお最も倧事な薄桃色の割れ目。 少しでも気を緩めるず甘い声が零れだしおしたいそうになり歯を食いしばっお。 党身を震わせながら襲いくる快感に耐えおいる姿は非情に官胜を誘うもので攻めおいるこちらの息も段々ず熱くなっおくる。。
The soft swell of her white breasts, the peach-like hips that protruded plumply, and most importantly, the pale pink cleft. She gritted her teeth, afraid that a sweet voice would escape if she relaxed even a little. Her writhing form as she endured the attacking waves of pleasure was incredibly sensual, and the heat of the person attacking her was gradually rising.
密着するずたすたすそのグラマラスな䜓のすごさが䌝わっおくる。 䞀歩、歩くごずにぷるぷるず䞊䞋する豊満なバスト、回す手が䜙るほどくびれのあるりェスト、その䞋になだらかに続くふっくらずしたふた぀の山脈。 たさに女性の魅力をこれ以䞊アピヌルしおくるボディは存圚しないず蚀っおも過蚀ではないだろう。
The closer they got, the more she felt the greatness of their glamorous body. Her plump breasts that bounced up and down with each step, her waist that was so narrow that her hands had nothing to hold onto, and the two rounded mountains that gently sloped down beneath it. It would not be an exaggeration to say that there is no body that appeals more to the charm of a woman than this one.
ぷにゅぷにゅずした倪ももが股の間に滑り蟌んでくる。 脚ず脚を絡めあいお互いの䜓枩を確認するずそのスベスベの肌を擊り合わせおきた。 執拗に続く愛撫に我慢できなくなった圌女は熱い吐息を零しながら甘い声を挏らし始めた。
Her soft and plump thighs slid into the gap between her legs. As their legs entwined and they felt each other's body heat, they rubbed their smooth skin together. Unable to withstand the persistent caresses, she began to let i...! sweet moans and pant heavily.
眉根を寄せ息を荒げおいる姿を芋るずこちらの嗜虐心を非垞にそそりさらなる興奮を呌んだ。 熱におかされ最んだ芖線をこちらに向けおくる圌女の瞳は我慢の限界だず懇願しおいた。 倪ももを䌝い萜ちる愛液はたるで措氎のように止め凊なくオマンコから溢れ出しおいた。
Seeing her frown and pant heavily only served to further excite my sadistic desires. Her moist gaze turned towards me, begging me to release her from the limits of her self-control. The love juices that flowed down her thighs overflowed from her pussy like an unstoppable flood.
圌女は息を荒げ、その頬はうっすらずピンク色に染たり぀぀あった。 目を閉じ、零れそうになる声を抌し殺すさたは芋おいお非垞に扇情的に感じた。 そっずベッドの䞭ぞ朜り蟌んできたその顔にはずおも艶っぜい埮笑を浮かべおいた。
Her cheeks were beginning to turn a faint pink, and she breathed heavily. Watching her struggle to suppress her moans was incredibly sensual and arousing. She crawled into the bed with a very seductive smile on her face.
现い腰からすらりず䌞びた長い脚、薄明かりに照らされ癜く浮かび䞊がる生々しい倪ももは劙に扇情的な印象を䞎えた。 片膝を立おるず目の前に癜く垃地の少ないショヌツが露わになった。 圌女はその䞭心に指をはわせながら物欲しそうな䞊目遣いで芋぀めおきた。
Her long legs extending from her slender waist, and her pale, glowing thighs illuminated by dim light, gave off a strangely provocative impression. When she lifted one knee, her white shorts revealed a lack of fabric in the center. She looked up at me with a lustful gaze as she traced her fingers over the center of her shorts.
快感によるものかその瞳はずろんず蕩け、もはや䜕も考えられない様子だった。 オマンコから溢れ続ける愛液がチンポや倪ももを䌝い萜ちおいく。 ねっずりず流れ萜ちた粘液はやがおシヌツぞずたどり぀き幟重にもそのシミを広げおいく。
Her eyes glazed over with pleasure, and she was unable to think of anything else. Love juices overflowing from her pussy continued to flow down her cock and thighs. The sticky fluid flowed down and eventually spread into multiple stains on the sheets.
そのせいか、い぀しか郚屋の䞭はムワッずした雄ず雌の匂いに満たされおいた。 ピチャピチャずいやらしい氎音が響き枡る。 「ふぁっ な、なにこの感じ アッ、アッ、こ、声が んん 出ちゃッ うっ アァッ」
Because of this, the room was filled with the musky scent of male and female arousal. The lewd sound of wetness echoed throughi...! the room.
「んん アッあぁぁ はッ入っおくるぅなっ、膣内にッお、奥たで入っおぇ んぁぁッ」 「んぐぅ ん、むぐ ふぁ っぷぁ はぁ はぁ こんなに元気なオチンポ 欲しいのぉ 」 「䞊のお口でもいっぱい いっぱぁい 硬くお倪い 粟液の匂いでむんむんずしたオチンポしゃぶりたいのぉ 」
「ふぁッふぁぁぁぁッんぁぁ アッアァッむくのッ出ちゃうの熱いチンポからネバネバの濃い粟液ッ たくさん出ちゃうのぅほぉぉぉぉッ」「そのたた出しおッお口に飲たせおッ濃い粟液をオチンポからいっぱい噎出しおぇぇぇ」 「おぉ んぉ 入るぅ 入っおくるぅ 硬くお熱いチンポぉぉぉ んぁッもっず 動いお 動いおッ、私のオマンコを埌ろからズコズコ犯しおぇぇぇぇッ」 「んふぅ んっ、んっ ぷぁっ あはぁ 臭くおステキな匂いぃぃ 身䜓がゞンずしちゃううぅ 」
Oh... it's coming... it's entering... a hard and hot dick... mmm! Move more... move more, fuck my pussy from behind!! Mmm... mmm, mmm... puah... haha... a stinky and wonderful smell...! My body is trembling...
「オマンコがこんなに んっ ゞュンっおしおきお んぁッさ、觊っおぇ 觊っお欲しいのぉ 」 「はぁッ はぁッ このパンツの䞭でギンギンになっおるオチンポを んふぅ オマンコの䞭にゞュポゞュポっお 」 「オチンポぉ オチンポ欲しいのぉぉぉぉ しゃぶりたいぃぃッ オマンコに欲しいぃぃぃ」
My pussy is... mmm... feeling so good...! It's clenching... mmm! Please touch it... touch it... Haa... haa...! Rubbing against me... rubbing against me! A hard dick that's become rock hard inside these panties... mm... thrusting into my pussy with a squishing sound...! I want a dick... I want a dick so bad...! I want to suck it...! I want it inside my pussy...!
「んはぁ この臭いパンツを舐めちゃうぅ あむ あむ ん んッ男の人の匂いで頭がクラクラしちゃう オマンコ熱くなっちゃぅぅ 」 「んッ ふぁッあッあッあッ擊れるッ擊れちゃうッオマンコにぐりぐり圓たっおるぅぅぅ もっずッ もっずぉッ」 「気持ちいいッ オマンコ気持ちいいッ んぁッオチンポの匂いで頭おかしくなるぅぅぅ」
Nhaa... I'm licking these smelly panties... munch... munch... mmm...! The smell of a man is making my head spin... my pussy is getting hot... Ngh... fah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Rubbing... rubbing! It's rubbing against me! It's hitting my pussy with a grinding sound! More...! More! It feels good...! My pussy feels so good...! Nhaa! The smell of a dick is making me go crazy...
「はぁッ ふぁッはッ はひッ っくぅ ああぁぁぁっこッ、声 出ちゃうぅぅぅッ我慢できないのォォォ」 「気持ちいい アッアッんぁッすごくいいのぉ い぀もよりすごくッアッオマンコがッ オマンコがグリグリっおッ」 「んん んぁぁ オチンポぉ オチンポの匂いがいいのぉ あぁ どんどんいやらしい気分になっちゃうぅぅぅ 」
Haa...! Fah! Haa...! Hiku...! Ahhh...! My voice...! It's coming i...!...! I can't hold it back!! It feels good...! Ah! Ah! Nhaa! It feels so good...! More than usual...! Ah! My pussy... my pussy is clenching...! Mmm...ahh...your cock...your cock smells so good...ahh...I'm getting more and more turned on...!!
「ふぁッあんっンッ んんッ聞こえちゃうッ オマンコぐちゅぐちゅ蚀っおるの聞こえちゃうぅぅぅ」 「んふぅッんっ んはッあぁ オチンポぉ オチンポ欲しいぃ ザヌメン飲みたいのぉ 」 「はぅッ アッ来るッ来ちゃうッもすスゎむの来ちゃうのぉッスゎむのッ 来るッ むクッ むっちゃうぅぅぅぅ」
Fah! Ahn! Mmm...I can hear it...I can hear your pussy making squishy sounds! Nfuu! Nn...nhaa! Ahh...your cock...I want your cock...I want to drink your cum! Haau! Ahh! It's coming! I'm coming! It's amazing...it's coming! I'm coming...ahhh!!
「オマンコ気持ちよくなっおむっちゃうぅぅッオマンコむクッむっちゃうりッうぁっ んッ くひぃぃぃッ」 「んん うぁッはッ はぁぁぁぁぁぁぁッ はいッ るぅ 入っおくるぅぅぅ いっぱいッ いっぱいぃぃぃ んッ」 「奥たで あぁ ふぁッオマンコいっぱいにオチンポ入っおるぅぅぅ んッ んはぁ くぅ 」
My pussy feels so good...I'm coming...I'm coming...uhh! Uaa...! Nnhh...kufiii!! Nnn...uah! Haa...haaaaaaa!! It's in...ohh...it's going in...all the way...it's so full...so full...nnn!! All the way...ohh...fah! Your cock is filling my pussy...nnn...haa...kuu...
「すごく んぁッ いい のぉ ふぁッあッあッオマンコのヒダヒダがッ めくれるッ めくれちゃうぅぅアッんぁッ」 「うぐぅ ん う はぁ うふぁはぁッ 芋える 芋えちゃう ぬるぬるのオマンコにずぶずぶずオチンポが飲み蟌たれおいくのぉ んぉぉ 」 「むッ いやぁぁもっず、もっずズンズン突いおぇぇぇぇぃひぃッうッふぁッ気持ちいいッいいのぉぉぉッ」
It feels so good...ahh...fah! Ahh! The folds of my pussy...they're unfolding...unfolding...ahh! Nnn!! Uggu...nn...u...haa...ufahaa! Can you see it? Can you see it? Your cock is being swallowed up by my slippery pussy...ohh... No...no...more...I want you to thrust harder...harder...ahhhh!! It feels so good...it's so good...!!
「はっ、はひッ うッあッいひぃッいっぱいズボズボしおぇッグリグリっおッ うぁッ あはぁぁぁああぁ」 「んぁッ んふぅっむッ、むかせおッ くだ さッ いぃ ふぁぁぁぁぁオマンコずおしりッ むッちゃうのぉぉぉほぉぉぉ」 「はッ はぁぁぁぁんッお願いッ 粟子ちょうだいッ 私のオマンコにたくさん濃いの出しおぇぇぇんぁッ」
Ah, ha...! Ugh! Ah! I want it to thrust in deeper!! Rubbing and rubbing...! Ahh...ahhhh!! Mmm...! Please make me come...! Inside...my pussy and ass...! I'm going to come...! Ohhhhh!! Ha...haaaa...! Please...give me your cum...! Fill my pussy with lots of thick cum!! Mmm...!
「ふぅッ ふぁッあ、あぁぁ で、出おるぅ どくどく蚀っおオチンポから熱いザヌメンが出おるぅ あはぁッ んん 膣内に出ちゃっおるぅぅ 」 「はぁぁぁぁぁぁッ んぁッうっくッ んぉ 気持ちいいッ オチンポ気持ちいいのぉぉぉッ 」 「んふぁぁッあぁッ すごぉぃいぃ急に んッ 硬くなっお 倧きくッ ふぁッ子宮たで届くぅぅぅ」
Phew...! Ah...ahhh...it's coming i...!...thick, hot cum is spurting i...! of your cock...ahh...mmmm...it's filling up my pussy... Ahhh...! Ughhh...it feels good...your cock feels so good!! Mmm...! Ahhh...! It's amazing...! All of a sudden...it's getting hard...and it's getting bigger...! Ahhh...! It's reaching my womb!!
「ふぁっ はぁぁ ぅん んッ熱ぅい オマンコ火傷しちゃうぅぅ オチンポでいっぱい擊られお火傷しちゃうぅぅ」 「いぃッ気持ちいいのぉッオマンコしたかったのぉッいっぱいッいっぱいぃぃッオチンポでもっずオマンコズボズボしおぇぇぇ」 「うぅんッんぅッ出しおッ熱いザヌメンを私のオマンコの䞭にたくさん出しおぇぇぇッむッ、いっしょにッ䞀緒にむクゥぅぅぅ」
Fah...haaa...! Uhn...! It's hot...my pussy is going to get burned...! It's being rubbed so much by your cock that I'm going to get burned...! Yes...! It feels good...! I wanted you to fuck my pussy...! Please...fuck me more with your cock!! Ummm...! Ahh...! Please...cum inside me! Fill my pussy with your hot cum! Let's come together! Let's come together!!
「あぁぁ んぁッ 出おるぅ 粟子が どくどくいっお んんッ 入っおくる ぅ ふぁッ」 「はぁ はぁ 熱い 粟子が ふぁッ おなかいっぱいに んん 熱ッ 」 「や ぁ やだぁ ひ、広げちゃダメェ 恥ずかしいずころが 奥たで 芋えちゃうよぅ 」
Ahhh...! It's coming i...!...your cum...it's spurting i...!...mmmm...it's coming inside me...! Haah...haah...it's hot...my semen...ahh...! It's filling me up...mmm...so hot...! No...don't...! Don't spread me open...! You can see...all the way inside me...so embarrassing...!!
「だっお そんなに舌でッ おたんこ舐められちゃッ んッふぁぅえっちな蜜が 溢れちゃうぅぅぅ」 「ん んむぅッぷはぁっさ、先っちょからなんか出おきたぁ透明で ヌルヌルしおる 」 「ふぁ 膣内に 溢れおるぅ お腹の䞭にたくさん粟子が溢れちゃっおるぅ 」
Because...you're licking me so much with your tongue...my pussy...ahh...! My naughty honey is overflowing...! Mmm...nguhhh! Puhhaa! S-something's coming i...! of the tip! It's clear...and slimy... Ahh...it's overflowing inside my vagina...so much semen is overflowing into my stomach...
「やっ やぁん なんか 痺れお ん ふぁッ 気持ちよくなっちゃ ぅん 」 「ひッ 広げちゃダメェ オマンコの奥 奥たで芋えちゃうよぅ 」 「ん んぁ おっぱい気持ちいい よ 矎味しい おっぱい矎味しいの 」
No...yaahh...something's...tingling...ahh...! Feels so good...uhh... No...don't spread me open...! You can see...all the way inside my pussy...so embarrassing...!! Nn...nghh...my breasts feel good...they're delicious...? Are my breasts delicious...?
「やッ ぁん ふぁッ そッ、そんなずころ觊っちゃダメェ 」 「もっず もっず觊っお もっず䜓䞭にキスしお 」 「そんなに じっず芋ないで はっ、恥ずかしいよ 」
No...yaahh...ahh...! Don't touch me there...! Touch me more...kiss me all over my body... Don't stare at me like that...hah, it's embarrassing...
春圊は匟の手銖を攟す。朝からくだらない事をした。埌悔の念だ けが空しく残る。 兄匟仲良く掗面台で顔を掗う。匟は先に起きおいたので二床目の 掗顔だった。 「党く、氎で萜ちるったっお簡単には萜ちないんだぞ」 秋人。春圊の匟で、劙にハむスペックな匟。 あきず 「兄貎が起きないからじゃねぇか」 みやむら 宮村 勉匷も運動も栌闘技も䜕でもできる。が、女装癖がある。 䞭性的、ずいうよりも女性的な顔立ちず、男にしおは倧分高い声。 女装した姿は春圊でさえ、䞀瞬芋惚れた事がある。芋慣れた今はそ んな事は無いが。男に芋惚れるなど無い。無い。 口調はい぀も通りで、仕草も倧䜓男のもので、芋おるず次第にが っかりする。 そんな圌は今幎、春圊ず同じ高校に入った。 今日は、これから入孊匏だ。午埌からは春圊の始業匏がある。 定時でもない普通の孊校だが、所々倉なずころがある。 完璧に額の文字が消えた所で、リビングに向かう。 「おはよう、春圊」 食卓に朝食を䞊べおいた母が笑顔で挚拶する。 おはよう、ず、挚拶し垭に着く。 父はもう仕事に出かけおいる。平日は、䞉人での朝食が圓たり前 だった。 秋人も母を手䌝い、ベヌコン゚ッグの乗った皿を䞊べおいる。 日垞の光景だ。去幎も、それより前からずっず倉わらない光景だ。 春圊はどこか安心したような、劙な気分だった。 朝食を取り、孊校の支床をする。 秋人は入孊匏で、春圊は始業匏。制服を着お空っぜの鞄を持おば 支床は枈む。 「そういや、女子制服にはしなかったのか」 秋人の女装癖を考えれば、それくらいやりそうだった。 「女装は趣味だから。孊校に行くずきはちゃんずした男子制服を着 る。圓たり前だろ」 趣味でもどうかしおる。春圊は呟いた。 「  さお、準備できたなら行くぞ」 手際よくネクタむを結ぶ秋人。
Haruhiko releases his younger brother's wrist. I did something stupid this morning. I feel regret The injury remains empty. The brothers wash their faces together in the sink. My brother woke up earlier, so it was my second time. It was a face wash. “It doesn’t fall off easily even if it falls in water, right?” Akito. Haruhiko's younger brother, and a strangely high-spec younger brother. Akito “Isn’t it because your brother doesn’t wake up?” Miyamura Miyamura You can study, exercise, martial arts, anything. However, he has a tendency to cross-dress. He has feminine features, rather than androgynous features, and a very high voice for a man. Even Haruhiko was momentarily fascinated by her cross-dressing appearance. I'm used to seeing it now. Nothing like that though. There is no such thing as falling in love with a man. None. His tone was the same as usual, and his gestures were mostly male, and as I looked at him, it became more and more obvious. I'm disappointed. This year, he entered the same high school as Haruhiko. Today is the entrance ceremony. Haruhiko's opening ceremony will be held in the afternoon. It's a normal school with no regular schedule, but there are some oddities here and there. Once the writing on my forehead had completely disappeared, I headed to the living room. "Good morning, Haruhiko." My mother, who was setting breakfast on the table, greeted me with a smile. I say good morning and take a seat. Father has already gone to work. On weekdays, breakfast for three people is the norm. was. Akihito is also helping his mother, arranging plates with bacon and eggs on them. It's an everyday scene. It's a scene that hasn't changed since last year and even before that. Haruhiko felt strangely relieved. Have breakfast and get ready for school. Akito was at the entrance ceremony, and Haruhiko was at the opening ceremony. If you wear a uniform and carry an empty bag The preparations are done. “By the way, didn’t you choose a girl’s uniform?” Considering Akihito's penchant for cross-dressing, he was likely to do something like that. ``I dress like a woman because it's my hobby.When I go to school, I wear a proper boy's uniform.'' Ru. of course" Something is wrong with my hobby. Haruhiko muttered. "...Well, if you're ready, let's go." Akihito deftly ties his tie.
䞀方春圊は、䞀幎経぀のに未だネクタむ結びに手間取っおいた。 改めお秋人の噚甚さを思い知るのだった。 家の前たで母は芋送っおくれた。 入孊匏なのだが、父が仕事、母は䜓が悪い。そこで春圊が父兄ず しお匏に参加せざるを埗なくなった。少し叀いデゞタルカメラは充 電ず、撮れる枚数が気になる。 「めんどくせぇな」 本日は晎倩。絶奜の入孊匏日和だ。狙ったかのように桜も満開。 蚀う事は無い。 舞い散る桜の花びら。入孊を祝っおいるようにも感じる。 「匟の入孊匏をめんどくせぇっお。この兄貎は」 「圓たり前だ。超絶矎少女な効の入孊匏なら䞀県レフ甚意するのに」 「  䞖の䞭春だっおのに、兄貎の春はただただ先だな」 秋人はやれやれず手を広げる。 歩いおいる人ずいえば、通勀の䌚瀟員。入孊匏に向かう新入生ず 父兄。 思わず女の子を探しおしたうのはサガだろうか。 「た、倧䞈倫さ。兄貎にも春は来る」 「  ありがずよ。気䌑めでも嬉しいわ」 秋人は埮笑んでいた。 「流石に、ギャルゲヌみたいに、ずは行かないだろうけどな」 「分かっずるわ」 長い孊校たでの道のり。 䜏宅街から少し離れた坂の䞊に孊校はある。 春圊の家から䞉十分皋床の道のりだが、緩い坂が長く、孊校に近 づくに぀れ坂も急になる。 自転車通孊なんおすれば、行きだけで䜓力を䜿う。垰りは逆に爜 快だろう。 運動郚なんかにはもっおこいだ。去幎䞀幎垰宅郚を立掟に努めた 春圊には関係ない話だが。 䞀幎。それだけの間、行き垰りを繰り返すず、もうすっかり慣れ たもの。 い぀かここを、圌女ず歩く日は来るだろうか。 期埅ず、僅かな䞍安。楜しみず怖れ。春圊の胞にはそんな物があ った。 校舎ず枡り廊䞋で盎通の䜓育通。 䜓育通はい぀に無く厳かだった。色々倉で、色々緩い孊校だが、 倧事な匏はきちっず真面目に執り行う。 春圊は、埌ろから数えお䞉番目の、巊から五぀目のパむプ怅子に 座る。 ここなら、䜓のでかい人が前に座らない限り倧䞈倫だ。 倧䜓、圚孊生が前に座るのは気が匕ける。
Meanwhile, Haruhiko is still having trouble tying his necktie even though a year has passed. I was once again reminded of Akihito's dexterity. My mother saw me off in front of the house. It's the entrance ceremony, but my father is at work and my mother is sick. There, Haruhiko and his parents I was forced to attend the ceremony. Recharging a slightly older digital camera I'm concerned about electricity and the number of photos I can take. “It’s such a hassle.” It's sunny today. It's a perfect day for the entrance ceremony. As if on purpose, the cherry blossoms were in full bloom. There's nothing to say. Falling cherry blossom petals. It feels like they are celebrating their entrance into school. "You're making a mess of my younger brother's entrance ceremony. You brother." "Of course. If it was my sister's entrance ceremony, who is a super beautiful girl, I would prepare an SLR camera." "...Even though it's spring in the world, spring for you is still a long way off." Akihito spreads his hands out. People who walk are office workers commuting to work. New students heading to the entrance ceremony Parents. Is it Saga who can't help but look for a girl? "Well, it's okay. Spring will come for you too." "...Thank you. I'm glad it's a relief." Akito was smiling. “As expected, it won’t be like a gal game.” "I understand." The long road to school. The school is located on a hill a little away from the residential area. It's about a 30 minute drive from Haruhiko's house, but it's a long gentle slope and close to the school. The slope gets steeper as you go. If you commute to school by bicycle, you will use up your physical strength just going there. On the way home, it was refreshing It must be pleasant. It's perfect for sports clubs. I did a great job in the homecoming club last year. This has nothing to do with Haruhiko. one year. If you keep going back and forth for that long, you'll get used to it. Something. I wonder if the day will come when I can walk here with her. Expectations and a little anxiety. excitement and fear. Haruhiko has something like that in his chest. It was. The gymnasium is directly connected to the school building via a breezeway. The gymnasium was unusually strict. It's a strange and lenient school, but Important ceremonies are performed with great care. Haruhiko sat on the pipe chair, third from the back and fifth from the left. sit. It's okay here as long as a big person doesn't sit in front of you. In general, I feel uncomfortable sitting in front of current students.
しかし思いのほか早く着いおしたった。 ふず、巊隣に女の子が座る。どう芋おも父兄ではない。ここの孊 校の制服に身を包んでいる。 前髪はパッツン。埌ろの髪は短い。特城を挙げるならもみ䞊げだ。 肩に先が圓たる皋に長い。 髪ず同じ茶色の瞳。少し高い錻。薄い唇。髪型が特城的なだけで、 顔は至っお普通だった。身長は春圊ず倉わらない。 だが誰だ。春圊は思い出せない。 「  」 女の子は春圊に笑顔を向ける。窓から射し蟌む朝日を吞収しお曎 に茝く笑顔。   えっず、誰だっけ」 「春圊。 「おはよ。 声を掛けられたずいうこずは、あっちは知っおいるのだろうか。 春圊はもみ子に名前を尋ねる。 「    っ」 茉莉子。芚え、ない」 たりこ 䞀瞬圌女の眉が動いた気がした。 さんたい 「䞉舞 茉莉子は力なく笑う。䜕かを諊めたような顔だ。 じゃあ、きっず私が間違えたんだ。こん   どっかで䌚った事あったか」 顔を芋お、思い出そうずするが、党く思い出せない。 「悪い。芚え、無い。 「芚えおないんでしょ な倉わった髪型した奎、忘れたくおも忘れられないじゃん」 確かに、茉莉子の髪型は倉わっおいる。忘れたくおも忘れられな い。 ならきっず、圌女の蚀うずおりなんだろう。春圊はそう思うこず にした。 「でもさっき名前蚀っおたし、その、茉莉子は俺の事知っおるのか」 茉莉子の瞳が、䞀瞬濁る。
However, I arrived earlier than expected. Suddenly, a girl sits to my left. No matter how you look at it, they are not my parents. The study here He is dressed in his school uniform. Bangs are thick. The hair on the back is short. If I were to pick a characteristic, it would be the sideburns. It's so long that the tip touches your shoulder. Her eyes are the same brown color as her hair. A slightly high nose. thin lips. Just because the hairstyle is distinctive, His face was perfectly normal. He is the same height as Haruhiko. But who is it? Haruhiko can't remember. "...?" The girl smiles at Haruhiko. It absorbs the morning sun shining through the window and refreshes it. A bright smile. ...Well, who is that? ” “Haruhiko. "good morning. I wonder if they know that I was called out to them. Haruhiko asks Momiko her name. "......" Mariko. Not remember? ” Mariko I felt her eyebrows move for a moment. Sanmai “Three dances Mariko laughs weakly. He looks like he's given up on something. Then I must have made a mistake. dark blue ...Have we met somewhere? ” I look at his face and try to remember, but I can't remember at all. “Too bad. I don’t remember. "You don't remember, do you? You can't forget the guy with the weird hairstyle even if you wanted to, right? ” It's true that Mariko's hairstyle has changed. Even if I want to forget, I can't forget stomach. Then, I'm sure she's right. That's what Haruhiko thinks I made it. “But you said my name earlier, so, does Mariko know who I am?” Mariko's eyes become cloudy for a moment.
「    うん、たぁ。そヌだね」 間をおいお茉莉子はぜ぀りず話した。どこかよそよそしい。 「入孊匏、始たるよ」 「いや、ただ五分あるし」 「う    っ」 それから茉莉子は黙っお俯いおしたう。時々ちらちらず春圊の顔 を芋る。 良く分からない奎に出䌚っおしたった。 しかし春圊は、ギャルゲヌじみたこの展開に内心ワクワクしおい た。 䌚話も無いたた五分が経ち、入孊匏が予定通り始たった。 入孊生が入っお来る。最初に入っおきた列の䞭、秋人を芋぀ける。 匟なのだから、芋぀けられお圓然だ。カメラを構えお䞀枚撮る。暪 顔だったが、十分だろう。春圊はカメラを仕舞う。 入孊生の列を芋おいるず、ずある女の子に目が留たる。 ふんわりずした、アオゟラの色を塗ったような蒌いセミロング、 がんやりずした瞳。 新䞀幎生、ただ幌い顔の子は倚い。そんな䞭、圌女はずりわけ幌 く芋える。身長が他の子より頭䞀぀小さいからかもしれない。 どこかから「気味が悪い」ず聞こえおきた。 黒か茶の髪が殆どを占める䞭、圌女だけが蒌かった。目を匕くの は圓然だった。 春圊は無意識の内にカメラを取り出しお、圌女を撮っおいた。 党員が雛壇に敎列する。 朚を隠すなら森の䞭。人を隠すには人ごみず盞堎は決たっおいる。 圌女にはきっず、氞劫適甚される事はないだろう。 匏は぀぀が無く、滞りなく進み、終わった。 突っ蟌みながらも春圊は玍埗する。 圌女は高校生なりたお、ずいうよりは䞭孊生になりたお、ず蚀わ れた方が玍埗がいく。   名前、聞いずくよ」 倖芋は高校生に芋えないから。 「そうだけどさ。 「悪いな」 「気にすんな」 秋人は右手を振っお䜓育通から出お行く。 その姿を芋送っお、春圊は身近のパむプ怅子に腰掛ける。 「匟さん、だよね」 近寄っおきた茉莉子は春圊の顔を芗く。 「ああ、秋人っお蚀うんだ。
"...Yeah, well. That's right." After a pause, Mariko spoke quietly. Something aloof. "The entrance ceremony is about to begin." "No, we still have five minutes." "Uh..." After that, Mariko silently looked down. Haruhiko's face flickers from time to time I see. I met someone I didn't really understand. However, Haruhiko is secretly excited about this development, which resembles a gal game. Ta. Five minutes passed without any conversation, and the entrance ceremony began as scheduled. New students come in. I found Akihito in the first line that came in. Since he's my younger brother, it's natural for me to find him. Hold the camera and take a photo. beside It was just a face, but that's enough. Haruhiko puts the camera away. As I was looking at the line of entering students, a certain girl caught my eye. A fluffy, blue semi-long hair that looks like it has been painted with the color of aozora. Blurry eyes. Many of the new first-year students still look young. Meanwhile, she was especially young. It looks ugly. Maybe it's because she's a head shorter than the other kids. I heard "creepy" from somewhere. Most of the hair was black or brown, but she was the only one with blue hair. Eye-catching was natural. Haruhiko unconsciously took out his camera and took a picture of her. Everyone lines up on the hinadan. If you want to hide a tree, hide it in the forest. To hide someone, the crowd and the market price are fixed. I'm sure it will never apply to her. The ceremony went off without a hitch and was over. Haruhiko agrees even though he is thrusting. She is said to have just started high school, or rather, middle school. It would be more convincing if ...I'll ask for your name." Because she doesn't look like a high school student. “Yes, but. "sorry" "Don `t worry" Akito waves his right hand and leaves the gymnasium. After seeing him off, Haruhiko sat down on a nearby pipe chair. “Younger brother, right?” Mariko approaches Haruhiko and looks into his face. "Ah, his name is Akihito.
茉莉子は春圊の隣で、埌ろで手を組んで立っおいる。 そわそわずしおいお萜ち着きが無い。 「座れよ」 隣のパむプ怅子を指しおやる。 「  あヌ、うん。いいや、トむレ行っおくる」 そのたた茉莉子は䜓育通を出お行っおしたった。 出お行くより、埌方の甚具倉庫の隣にあるトむレの方が近い。 出お行ったら、わざわざ校舎に入る必芁がある。遠回りだ。 春圊は時蚈を芋る。始業匏は䞀時間半埌。 䜓育通の䞭に人は少ない。先茩の姿はちらほらいるが、話した事 ある先茩はいない。 そんな䞍安が春圊の頭をよぎる。 同玚生は居るが、そい぀らはそい぀らで固たっおる。 俺っお、友達少ない その埌、始業匏ギリギリたで春圊の友達が来る事は無く、ただた だ暇な時間が続いた。 始業匏は簡単に終わった。 瀌。教頭挚拶。校歌斉唱。校長挚拶。瀌。 瀌に始たり瀌に終わる始業匏だった。 クラス発衚が䞋駄箱前掲瀺板に匵り出されおいた。 春圊は人ごみの真ん䞭から背䌞びで確認しようず頑匵るが、芋え ない。 もう少し進もうにも、埌ろから抌され、前から抌し戻されでどう しようもない。 「春圊君は二組だよ」 い぀の間にか隣に茉莉子が居た。 「サンキュヌ。 现マッチョ郚門なんお物も、い぀しかできおいた。 春圊は现マッチョ郚門で去幎、䞉回戊たで進み、化け物じみた先 茩に敗れた。 「期埅の゚ヌスになり埗る奎なら、今幎入ったぞ」 「そうなんだ」 「秋人はああ芋えおすごい奎だからな」 「芋えなかったけどね」 茉莉子は埮笑む。その顔は無理をしおいるようにも芋える。 「  なんだか元気ないな」 そんな、さっき䌚ったばっかりの人間が その無理をした埮笑に、春圊は䞍思議な違和感を抱く。 こんな奎だったっけ 思うには䞍自然な気持ちだった。 「そうかな。
Mariko was standing next to Haruhiko with her hands clasped behind her back. I'm fidgety and restless. "Sit down." I point to the pipe chair next to me. "...Ah, yeah. No problem, I'm going to go to the bathroom." Mariko left the gymnasium just like that. Rather than going out, the restroom next to the equipment storage in the back is closer. Once you leave, you have to go out of your way to enter the school building. It's a long shot. Haruhiko looks at the clock. The opening ceremony will be held in an hour and a half. There are not many people in the gym. I can see my senior here and there, but what I talked about is There is no senior. Such anxiety crosses Haruhiko's mind. There are classmates, but they are stuck together. Do I have few friends? After that, Haruhiko's friends didn't come until the last minute of the opening ceremony, and it was just... There was a lot of free time. The opening ceremony ended easily. Thanks. Greetings from the vice principal. Singing the school song. Greetings from the principal. Thanks. The opening ceremony began and ended with a bow. The class announcement was posted on the bulletin board in front of the shoe closet. Haruhiko tries his best to check from the middle of the crowd, but he can't see it. do not have. I tried to move forward a little further, but I was pushed from behind and then pushed back from the front. There's nothing I can do. "Haruhiko-kun is in Class 2." Before I knew it, Mariko was next to me. "thank you. Before I knew it, there was even a thin macho category. Haruhiko made it to the third round in the thin macho division last year, and has a monster-like future. I lost to my senior. “If someone has the potential to be an ace, he’s in this year.” "That's right" “Akihito is such an amazing guy because he looks so good.” "I couldn't see it though." Mariko smiles. His face looks like he's trying too hard. "...I don't feel well." That person I just met Haruhiko feels strangely uncomfortable with that forced smile. Was he like this? It was an unnatural feeling. "I do not think so.
茉莉子は身䜓を䌞ばす。䌞びる身䜓。控えめなバストが顕わにな る。 本人は気づいおいないだろうが、倚分危険なこずだず春圊は思う。 埌ろを振り返るず男子数人が茉莉子を芋おいる。 「意倖ず人気なのか」 「誰が」 茉莉子を指差す。理解した茉莉子は自嘲気味に笑う。 「嬉しくない」 「そういうもんか」 「圌氏候補は居るからね」 ず䞀瞬心臓がはねる。 ぞぇ、ず春圊は意倖そうな声をあげる。 「それより、教宀行こうよ」 「あ、同じクラスなのか」 茉莉子の顔に薄く圱が掛かったように春圊は感じた。 「私は䞉組だよ」 「そうなのか」 正盎、春圊は残念だった。同じクラスだったら。それこそ本圓に ギャルゲヌのメむンヒロむン枠だろう、圌女は。 でも振られた時のダメヌゞが少ないっお利点もある。想像したく は無いが。 茉莉子は埌ろで手を組んだたた、春圊に背を向けお歩き出す。 春圊は圌女の埌ろに着いおいく。 䞀階ず二階を繋ぐ階段の螊堎。そこで圌女は立ち止たり、くるり ず振り返る。 右ず巊の長いもみ䞊げがふわりず舞う。 にっこりず茉莉子は笑う。 「  したい」 芋惚れながら春圊は呟いた。 「出来るずいいね」 圌女はそう蚀っおたた階段を䞊っおいく。 春圊は立ち぀くしおいた。デゞャブ。そんな物を感じおいた。 デゞャブ 春圊が思い出せないだけで、きっず䌚ったこずがあるのだ。 そうでなきゃ、既芖感なんお感じないはずだ。顔はにやけおいる かも知れない。だらしの無い顔になっおいるだろう。 青春が始たった。春圊はそう、思った。
Mariko stretches her body. Stretching body. Her modest bust is revealed. Ru. Although he probably doesn't realize it, Haruhiko thinks it's probably dangerous. When I turned around, I saw several boys looking at Mariko. “Is it surprisingly popular?” “Who?” Point at Mariko. Mariko understands and laughs at herself. "Not happy" “Is that so?” "There are potential boyfriends." My heart skipped a beat. Huh, Haruhiko says in a surprising voice. "Instead, let's go to class." “Ah, are we in the same class?” Haruhiko felt as if a thin shadow was cast over Mariko's face. "I'm in Class 3." "Is it so" Honestly, Haruhiko was disappointed. If we were in the same class. That's really it She's probably the main heroine of a gal game. But it also has the advantage of taking less damage when swung. I want to imagine There isn't, though. Mariko turned her back to Haruhiko and started walking, hands clasped behind her back. Haruhiko arrives behind her. A staircase landing connecting the first and second floors. Then she stopped and spun around. I look back. The long sideburns on the right and left flutter. Mariko smiles. "

I want to" Haruhiko muttered while admiring it. "I hope I can do it." She says as she heads up the stairs again. Haruhiko stood there. Deja vu. That's what I was feeling. déjà vu Haruhiko just can't remember, but they must have met before. Otherwise, you wouldn't feel a sense of déjà vu. face is smiling May. He probably looks sloppy. Youth has begun. Haruhiko thought so.
春圊の隣で女子を眺めおいる金髪。黒いストレヌトロングの地味 めな子。少し濃いメむクの子。枅楚な子、スポヌティな子。巚乳。 䞀通り眺め終えるず、ため息を぀いた。 「こう、あれだよ。矎少女でロリ巚乳で優しくっお、やらかくお甘 ぁい子っお、実圚しないかなっお思うわ」 「分かる。でもその幻想は諊めろよ。青春以前の問題だろ」 「実圚しおもビッチは嫌だからな。やっぱ、普通よりちょっず可愛 いくらいが䞀番安牌だよなぁ」 金髪の芖線の先にはクラス䞀の童顔女子が居る。 圌は最初こそむケメンむケメン呌ばれ、ちやほやされおいたのだ が、䞀幎経おば芋慣れたもの。蚀う女子はいおも、昔ほどの勢いは 無い。だがそれだけで、䞀般男子春圊含むには矚たしいのだが。 「そヌいや、茉莉子ず仲良かったんだっけ」 金髪は芖線を春圊に向けお聞いた。 そう返すず金髪は、えっ、ず短く声を䞊げる。 「さっき䞋で話しおたじゃん」 「いや、話しくらいしね」 「そうでもない。アむツ、メンヘラだっお噂だからな」 メガネが腕を組む。 「メンヘラ」 「心に病気を患っおるっお事だ。真実かどうかは知らないが。少な くずも、雰囲気は普通じゃない。授業もしょっちゅうサボっおいる らしい」 「アむツが誰かず話しおるずこ、俺芋た事ねヌ」 春圊は茉莉子の䞀挙䞀動を思い出せるだけ思い出す。 けど、倉な所なんお―― 「あった。 金髪は面癜そうな物を芋぀けた子䟛のように、目を茝かせる。 メガネは真剣な面持ちだ。 「あっちはこっちを知っおる颚だった。マゞで俺、茉莉子に䌚った メンヘラ――本圓に粟神 事無いんだ。名前だっお知らなかったんだぜ」 「次䌚ったら聞けばいいんじゃね」 「圌女は劄想の䞭に居るんじゃないか 病に掛かっおいるなら、ありえる話だ」 片や気楜な意芋。片や面倒な意芋。 春圊は倧袈裟にため息を吐く。 「恋愛はしたいけど、その埌の人生に響くっお考えるず難しいな」 メガネの意芋を頭の片隅に眮いお、気楜な意芋は捚おた。 先生が入っおきお、黒板に座垭衚を匵る。
A blonde was looking at a girl next to Haruhiko. Plain long black straight Menako. A girl with a little heavy makeup. A neat child, a sporty child. Big breasts. When I finished looking at it, I let out a sigh. ``This, that's it. A beautiful loli girl with big breasts and kind, naughty and sweet.'' I wonder if Aiko doesn't really exist." "I understand. But give up on that illusion. It's a problem that goes back to your youth." ``I don't want bitches even if they actually exist. After all, they're a little cuter than normal.'' Ikari is the cheapest tile.” Ahead of the blonde's gaze was the most baby-faced girl in the class. At first, he was called a good-looking man and was admired. However, after a year, it became familiar. Even though there are girls who say that, they are not as strong as they used to be. None. However, that alone makes her envious of ordinary boys (including Haruhiko). “So, you were friends with Mariko?” The blonde asked, turning his gaze to Haruhiko. When I answered that, the blonde let out a short yelp. "We were talking downstairs earlier." “No, let’s just talk, okay?” "Not really. He's rumored to be a menhera." Glasses crosses his arms. “Menhera?” "It means that he has a mental illness. I don't know if it's true or not. However, the atmosphere is unusual. I often skip class. It seems like that.” “I never saw him talking to anyone.” Haruhiko remembers Mariko's every move as much as he can. But what's strange... "there were. The blonde's eyes lit up, like a child discovering something interesting. He wears glasses and has a serious look on his face. "It was like they knew me. Seriously, I met Mariko. Menhera - truly a spirit It's nothing. You didn't even know my name? ” "Maybe you should ask me next time we meet?" "Isn't she in a delusion? If you’re sick, that’s possible.” A casual opinion. A somewhat troublesome opinion. Haruhiko lets out an exaggerated sigh. "I want to fall in love, but it's difficult to think about how it will affect my life after that." I put Glasses' opinion to the back of my mind and threw away my casual opinion. The teacher came in and posted a seating chart on the blackboard.
テニスが䌌合いそうな健康的なスタむル。 圌女は黒板に委員䌚の名前を曞き出しおいる。ずおも䞁寧な字だ った。 「高嶺の花っお奎だなぁ」 埌ろからの声。金髪はだらしない顔をしおいた。 「ぞっぞっぞ  春圊。だぜ」 戊慄が走る。 「  マゞで」 春圊はゎクリず生唟を飲む。 「ああ。そしお倜道が危ないタむプだ」 「そヌだな」 春圊はそこだけ適圓に流す。そんな䌚話をしおいる内に、委員䌚 決めは終わっおいた。 名簿に名前を曞き終えた圌女は名簿をメガネに枡す。 隣のクラスもそのようで、時々笑い声が聞こえる。 はなたい 「華舞 しいぜ」 春圊は埌ろの垭に、怅子ごず身䜓を向ける。金髪は頭の埌ろで手 を組んでにやけおいた。 「あれだけ目立぀巚乳を知らなかったのか」 「乳で芚えるっおのも倱瀌な話だな」 「党くだよ」 金髪の埌ろに圱が立぀。副委員長のお出たしだった。 「おっぱいしか芋お無いでしょ。あんた等」 春圊は、違うず䞻匵する。 「俺は顔も芋おたし、足も芋おた。スポヌツ埗意だろ」 金髪は頭にハテナ、奈々枝は顔を顰める。 「残念でした。運動党般壊滅。悪かったね」 「マゞすたん」 春圊は苊笑いで謝る。 「そういやさ、春圊君」 奈々枝は腕を組む。豊満な乳が匷調される。 「    。茉莉子ず仲良いんだっお」 垫匠ず呌ばせお 䞀瞬、ドラむアむスのような冷たい県差しが向けられたが、春圊 は気になっお仕方ない。乳が。
A healthy style that looks good for tennis. She writes the names of the committees on the blackboard. It's a very polite handwriting. It was. “That’s Takamine no Hana.” A voice from behind. The blonde had a disheveled look. "Heh heh heh... Haruhiko. It's E." A shudder runs through me. "

seriously" Haruhiko gulped. "Ah. And he's the type who's dangerous walking at night." "That's right." Haruhiko just lets it flow properly. While we were having this conversation, the committee The decision had been made. After writing her name on the list, she hands it to Megane. The class next door is like that too, and I can sometimes hear laughter. Hanamai “Hanabu Let’s do it.” Haruhiko turns his body to the back seat. The blonde has her hands behind her head. He was grinning with his hands crossed. "Didn't you know she had such big breasts?" "It's rude to learn things through breasts." “Not at all.” A shadow stands behind the blonde. The vice chairman was present. "You've only seen breasts, haven't you?" Haruhiko insists otherwise. "I was looking at your face, and I was also looking at your feet. You must be good at sports." Nanae frowned as her blonde hair curled around her head. "It was a shame. The entire movement was destroyed. It was bad." "I'm really sorry." Haruhiko apologizes with a bitter smile. "That's right, Haruhiko-kun." Nanae folds her arms. Her voluptuous breasts are emphasized. “

.So you’re good friends with Mariko?” Let me call you master For a moment, Haruhiko looked at me as coldly as dry ice, but I can't help but worry about it. Breasts.
「耳で話は聞いおる」 奈々枝は呆れ果おた顔をする。 「そこたで堂々ずしおる春圊に痺れる憧れるぅ くれ」 金髪が机に手を぀いおダむナミックに頭を䞋げた。 「俺、実はある人の匟子なんだ。垫匠曰く、匟子は匟子を取っおは いけないんだよ」 「どんな垫匠ぉ」 奈々枝はあたり興味なさそうだ。 「物事は䞇事「カニ」だっお蚀う垫匠。 「先生」 「戻っおからでいいじゃんよ」 「逢匕」 「誰ず」 教宀のドアが開き、先生ずメガネが戻っおくる。 奈々枝は春圊ず金髪に小さく手を振っお自分の垭に戻る。 「なぁ、マゞでそんな垫匠いるのか」 「いた。過去圢だよ。垫匠は東京に匕っ越した」 いヌなヌずヌきょヌ、ず、金髪は䞊䜓を机に投げ出す。 「そこ、すぐ終わるから話を聞け」 先生に泚意された。 先生の連絡は簡単なものだった。 二幎が䞀番䞭匛みしやすい時期だ。ダラダラ過ごしおいたらあっ ずいう間。来幎には就職掻動、倧孊、専門孊校受隓。 聞いおいるだけで、新孊期早々鬱になる。 そんな春圊の気分ずは裏腹に、埌ろで眠っおいる金髪。 「――以䞊。今日はもう終わりだが、遅くたで寄り道しないように。 補導ずかされるずお前等だけじゃなく、俺たで評䟡䞋がるんだから。 補導されない範囲で寄り道しろよ。ハむ終わり」 先生は早々に教宀から出お行く。 「ほら、終わったぞ」 「    おヌ。おう、おう  」 乳の事で頭が䞀杯で  なんだ、委 金髪を揺するが起きない。メガネが鞄で金髪の頭を叩く。 「  はぁい、すいたせん 員長の方か。
"I'm listening with my ears." Nanae looks stunned. “I admire Haruhiko who is so dignified! Give it to me! ” The blonde put her hands on the desk and bowed her head dynamically. "I'm actually someone's disciple. My master says that a disciple should never take another disciple. You can’t.” “What kind of master are you?” Nanae doesn't seem to be very interested. ``A master who says that everything is like a crab. "teacher?" “You can wait until you get back.” “Aiki!” "with who?" The classroom door opens and the teacher and glasses return. Nanae gave a small wave to Haruhiko and the blonde and returned to her seat. “Hey, is there really a master like that?” "There was. It's past tense. My master moved to Tokyo." "I-na-to-kyo," the blonde said, throwing her upper body onto the desk. "It'll be over soon, so listen to me." The teacher warned me. Contacting the teacher was easy. The second year is the time when you are most likely to relax. Ah, I was just lazing around. During that time. Next year I will be looking for a job, taking entrance exams for university and vocational school. Just listening to it makes me depressed early in the new school year. Contrary to Haruhiko's mood, the blonde was sleeping behind him. ``--That's it. Today is over, but please don't detour until late. If you're given guidance, not only you, but me as well, will be evaluated less. Take a detour as long as you can't be guided. High end.” The teacher leaves the classroom early. "Look, it's finished." "...Oh. Oh, oh..." I'm preoccupied with breasts...What's that? I shake my blonde hair, but it doesn't wake up. Glasses hits the blonde on the head with his bag. “
Yes, sorry! Is it the chief?