1 value
1 value
Fix model link.
<0>:<add> path = Path(path)
# module: coeditor.common + def to_rel_path(path: os.PathLike) -> RelPath: - def to_rel_path(path: Path) -> RelPath: <0> if path.is_absolute(): raise ValueError(f"Expected a relative path, got: {path}") return RelPath(path)
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.common RelPath = NewType("RelPath", Path) at: pathlib Path() at: pathlib.PurePath __slots__ = ( '_drv', '_root', '_parts', '_str', '_hash', '_pparts', '_cached_cparts', ) drive = property(attrgetter('_drv'), doc="""The drive prefix (letter or UNC path), if any.""") root = property(attrgetter('_root'), doc="""The root of the path, if any.""") is_absolute() -> bool
Fix model link.
<0>:<add> # model_path = get_model_dir() / "coeditor-xl-c3-dropout-v1.5"
# module: scripts.start_server def start_server(device, port: int, print_stats: bool = True): + model_path = "MrVPlusOne/coeditor-xl-c3-dropout-v1.5" - # model_path = "MrVPlusOne/coeditor-xl-c3-dropout-v1.5" - model_path = get_model_dir() / "coeditor-xl-c3-dropout-v1.5" <0> model = RetrievalEditorModel.load(model_path) print(f"Model '{model_path}' loaded on device:", device) dec_args = DecodingArgs(do_sample=False, num_beams=4) services = dict[Path, EditPredictionService]() tasks = dict[Path, LazyVal[ServiceResponse]]() def handle_error(f, *args, **kwargs): @wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exception(e) return Error(code=1, message=repr(e)) return wrapper @method @handle_error def initialize(project: str): target_dir = Path(project).resolve() if target_dir not in services: with timed_action(f"Create service for project: {target_dir}"): detector = ChangeDetector(target_dir) services[target_dir] = EditPredictionService( detector, model, dec_args=dec_args, ) return Success("OK") @method @handle_error def submit_problem( time: int, project: str, file: str, lines: Sequence[int] | int, writeLogs: bool ): initialize(project) target_dir = Path(project).resolve() service = services[target_dir] print(f"Suggesting edit for lines {lines} in {file}") </s>
===========below chunk 0=========== # module: scripts.start_server def start_server(device, port: int, print_stats: bool = True): # offset: 1 <s> service = services[target_dir] print(f"Suggesting edit for lines {lines} in {file}") path = Path(file) if Path.is_absolute(path): path = path.relative_to(target_dir) path = to_rel_path(path) service.tlogger.clear() log_dir = service.project / ".coeditor_logs" if writeLogs else None region, f = service._suggest_edit_two_steps(path, lines, log_dir) if target_dir in tasks and tasks[target_dir].id > time: return Success("Skipped") tasks[target_dir] = LazyVal(f, time) return Success(region.target_lines) @method @handle_error def get_result(time: int, project: str): target_dir = Path(project).resolve() cont = tasks[target_dir] if > time: return Success("Skipped") response = cont.get() service = services[target_dir] if print_stats: print("Runtime stats:") display(service.tlogger.as_dataframe()) return Success(response.to_json()) print(f"Starting suggestion server at localhost:{port}") serve("localhost", port) ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: IPython.core.display_functions display(*, include=None, exclude=None, metadata=None, transient=None, display_id=None, raw=False, clear=False, source=_sentinel, **kwargs) at: coeditor._utils timed_action(name: str, silent: bool=False) at: coeditor._utils.TimeLogger times: dict[str, list[float]] = field(default_factory=dict) as_dataframe() clear() at: coeditor.common to_rel_path(path: os.PathLike | str) -> RelPath at: coeditor.model DecodingArgs(max_output_tks: int=512, do_sample: bool=False, top_p: float=0.9, num_beams: Optional[int]=1, length_penalty: float=0.0, marginalize_samples: int=1) RetrievalEditorModel(config: T5Config) at: coeditor.model.DecodingArgs max_output_tks: int = 512 do_sample: bool = False top_p: float = 0.9 num_beams: Optional[int] = 1 length_penalty: float = 0.0 marginalize_samples: int = 1 at: coeditor.model.RetrievalEditorModel is_parallelizable = False supports_gradient_checkpointing = False load(save_dir: Path | str) -> "RetrievalEditorModel" at: coeditor.service ChangeDetector(project: Path, untracked_as_additions: bool=True, ignore_dirs: Collection[str]=field(default_factory=lambda: DefaultIgnoreDirs), max_lines_to_edit: int=30) ServiceResponse(target_file: str, target_project: str, edit_start: tuple[int, int], edit_end: tuple[int, int], target_lines: Sequence[int], input_code: str, suggestions: list[EditSuggestion]) EditPredictionService() ===========unchanged ref 1=========== at: coeditor.service.EditPredictionService _suggest_edit_two_steps(file: RelPath, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None=Path(".coeditor_logs"), n_suggestions: int=1) -> tuple[_EditRegion, Callable[[], ServiceResponse]] at: coeditor.service.EditPredictionService.__init__ self.project = detector.project self.tlogger = _tlogger at: coeditor.service.ServiceResponse target_file: str target_project: str edit_start: tuple[int, int] edit_end: tuple[int, int] target_lines: Sequence[int] input_code: str suggestions: list[EditSuggestion] to_json() at: coeditor.service._EditRegion current_code: str target_lines: Sequence[int] target_line_ids: Sequence[int] at: functools wraps(wrapped: _AnyCallable, assigned: Sequence[str]=..., updated: Sequence[str]=...) -> Callable[[_T], _T] at: jsonrpcserver.methods method(f: Optional[Method]=None, name: Optional[str]=None) -> Callable[..., Any] at: jsonrpcserver.result Success(fields: Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]=..., **kwargs: Any) -> Either[ErrorResult, SuccessResult] Error(fields: Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]=..., **kwargs: Any) -> Either[ErrorResult, SuccessResult] at: jsonrpcserver.server serve(name: str="", port: int=5000) -> None at: pathlib Path() at: pathlib.Path __slots__ = () resolve(strict: bool=...) -> _P at: pathlib.PurePath __slots__ = ( '_drv', '_root', '_parts', '_str', '_hash', '_pparts', '_cached_cparts', ) ===========unchanged ref 2=========== drive = property(attrgetter('_drv'), doc="""The drive prefix (letter or UNC path), if any.""") root = property(attrgetter('_root'), doc="""The root of the path, if any.""") relative_to(*other: Union[str, _PathLike]) -> _P is_absolute(self) -> bool at: scripts.start_server LazyVal(task: Callable[[], T1], tag: int) at: scripts.start_server.LazyVal get() -> T1 at: scripts.start_server.LazyVal.__init__ = tag at: traceback print_exception(etype: Optional[Type[BaseException]], value: Optional[BaseException], tb: Optional[TracebackType], limit: Optional[int]=..., file: Optional[IO[str]]=..., chain: bool=...) -> None at: transformers.modeling_utils.PreTrainedModel config_class = None base_model_prefix = "" main_input_name = "input_ids" _auto_class = None _no_split_modules = None _skip_keys_device_placement = None _keep_in_fp32_modules = None _keys_to_ignore_on_load_missing = None _keys_to_ignore_on_load_unexpected = None _keys_to_ignore_on_save = None _tied_weights_keys = None is_parallelizable = False supports_gradient_checkpointing = False to(device: Optional[Union[int, device]]=..., dtype: Optional[Union[dtype, str]]=..., non_blocking: bool=..., /, *, device: Optional[Union[int, device]]=..., dtype: Optional[Union[dtype, str]]=..., non_blocking: bool=..., tensor: Tensor) at: typing Sequence = _alias(, 1) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.common + def to_rel_path(path: os.PathLike) -> RelPath: - def to_rel_path(path: Path) -> RelPath: + path = Path(path) if path.is_absolute(): raise ValueError(f"Expected a relative path, got: {path}") return RelPath(path)
Update training script to avoid OOM issue.
<0>:<add> pred_str = show_prediction(problem, pred)
# module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def _suggest_edit_two_steps( self, file: RelPath, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), ) -> tuple[_EditRegion, Callable[[], ServiceResponse]]: <s>").open("w") as f: pred_tks = pred.out_tks score = pred.score print(f"{problem.edit_line_ids=}", file=f) print(f"{len(input_tks)=}", file=f) print(f"{len(references)=}", file=f) print(f"Solution score: {score:.3g}", file=f) print(f"Marginalized samples:", pred.n_samples, file=f) pred = RetrievalModelPrediction( input_ids=input_tks, output_ids=pred_tks, labels=output_truth, references=references, ) - pred_str = RetrievalDecodingResult.show_prediction( - problem, pred - ) <0> print(pred_str, file=f) target_lines = target.target_lines suggestions = list[EditSuggestion]() for pred in predictions: pred_change = self.apply_edit_to_elem( target, problem, pred.out_tks, ) preview = "\n".join( compute_line_diffs_fast( splitlines(pred_change.before), splitlines(pred_change.after), ) ) input_status, change_status = compute_line_status(pred_change) input_status = [ (i + target_lines[0], tag) for i, tag in input_status.items() ] output_status = list(change_status.items()) suggestion = EditSuggestion( score=pred.score, change_preview=preview, </s>
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def _suggest_edit_two_steps( self, file: RelPath, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), ) -> tuple[_EditRegion, Callable[[], ServiceResponse]]: # offset: -1 timed = self.tlogger.timed with timed("get c3 problem"): problem, span = self.detector.get_problem(file, edit_lines) with timed("tokenize c3 problem"): tk_prob = self.c3_tkn.tokenize_problem(problem) target = self.get_target_code(span.code, problem, tk_prob) def next_step(): batch = C3DataLoader.pack_batch([tk_prob]) original = problem.span.original.tolist() with timed("run model"), torch.autocast("cuda"): predictions = self.model.predict_on_batch( batch, [original], self.dec_args, self.show_max_solutions ) assert_eq(len(predictions), 1) predictions = predictions[0] assert predictions if log_dir is not None: log_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) input_tks = batch["input_ids"][0] references = batch["references"] output_truth = batch["labels"][0] print(f"Writing logs to: {log_dir}") for i, pred in enumerate(predictions): with (log_dir / f"solution-{i}.txt").open("w") as f: pred_tks = pred.out_tks score = pred.score </s> ===========below chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def _suggest_edit_two_steps( self, file: RelPath, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), ) -> tuple[_EditRegion, Callable[[], ServiceResponse]]: # offset: 1 <s>_status.items()) suggestion = EditSuggestion( score=pred.score, change_preview=preview, new_code=pred_change.after, input_status=input_status, output_status=output_status, ) suggestions.append(suggestion) return ServiceResponse( target_file=str(self.project / file), edit_start=(target_lines[0], 0), edit_end=(target_lines[-1] + 1, 0), target_lines=target.target_lines, input_code=target.current_code, suggestions=suggestions, ) return target, next_step ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils assert_eq(x: T1, y: T1, message: Callable[[], str]=lambda: "") -> None compute_line_diffs_fast(before: Sequence[str], after: Sequence[str]) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"] change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemTokenizer VERSION = "2.7" max_ref_tks: int = 512 max_query_tks: int = 512 max_output_tks: int = 256 max_scope_tks: int = 128 max_ref_tks_sum: int = 512 * 16 ref_chunk_overlap: int = 32 disable_builtin_defs: bool = True disable_unchanged_refs: bool = False current_code_only: bool = False tokenize_problem(problem: C3Problem) -> TkC3Problem at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedCodeSpan headers: Sequence[ChangedHeader] original: TkArray delta: TkDelta line_range: LineRange module: ModuleName at: coeditor.change.Modified before: E1 after: E1 unchanged: bool = False at: coeditor.common RelPath = NewType("RelPath", Path) splitlines(text: str) -> list[str] ===========unchanged ref 1=========== at: coeditor.model RetrievalModelPrediction(iterable: Iterable[Tuple[_KT, _VT]], **kwargs: _VT) RetrievalModelPrediction(**kwargs: _VT) RetrievalModelPrediction(map: Mapping[_KT, _VT], **kwargs: _VT) show_prediction(prob: C3Problem, pred: RetrievalModelPrediction) -> str C3DataLoader(all_probs: Sequence[C3Problem], transform: C3ProblemTransform | None, tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer, batch_args: BatchArgs, shuffle: bool, desc: str, tqdm_args: dict | None=None, chunk_size: int=1000, workers: int=DefaultWorkers) at: coeditor.model.C3DataLoader all_probs: Sequence[C3Problem] transform: C3ProblemTransform | None tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer batch_args: BatchArgs shuffle: bool desc: str tqdm_args: dict | None = None chunk_size: int = 1000 workers: int = DefaultWorkers pack_batch(probs: Sequence[TkC3Problem]) at: coeditor.model.PredictedChange change: Modified[str] out_tks: TokenSeq score: float n_samples: int at: coeditor.model.RetrievalEditorModel is_parallelizable = False supports_gradient_checkpointing = False decorate_autocast(batch: dict, problems: Sequence[C3Problem], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int=1) predict_on_batch(batch: dict, problems: Sequence[C3Problem], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int=1) -> list[list[PredictedChange]]
Fix marginalization bug in predict_on_batch.
<0>:<add> pred = tokens_to_change(delta.apply_to_change(original))
# module: coeditor.model class RetrievalEditorModel(T5PreTrainedModel): @torch.autocast("cuda") def predict_on_batch( self, batch: dict, + problems: Sequence[C3Problem], - originals: Sequence[TokenSeq], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int = 1, ) -> list[list[PredictedChange]]: <s>list([[x] * N for x in problems]) - originals = join_list([[x] * N for x in originals]) if (pred_scores := gen_out.get("sequences_scores", None)) is None: pred_scores = [0.0] * len(out_tks) if use_sampling: pred_weights = [1.0 / N] * len(out_tks) else: pred_weights = [math.exp(x) for x in pred_scores] with timed("assemble changes"): pred_changes = list[Modified[str]]() + for prob, out in zip(problems, out_tks): - for change_tks, out in zip(originals, out_tks): + delta = TkDelta.from_output_tks(prob.edit_line_ids, out) + original = prob.span.original.tolist() - pred = tokens_to_change(inline_output_tokens(change_tks, out)) <0> pred_changes.append(pred) assert_eq(len(pred_changes), len(out_tks), len(pred_scores)) solutions = list[list[PredictedChange]]() for i in range(0, len(pred_changes), N): sols = marginalize_preds( pred_changes[i : i + N], out_tks[i : i + N], pred_weights[i : i + N], pred_scores[i : i + N], ) solutions.append(sols[:n_solutions]) return solutions
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.model class RetrievalEditorModel(T5PreTrainedModel): @torch.autocast("cuda") def predict_on_batch( self, batch: dict, + problems: Sequence[C3Problem], - originals: Sequence[TokenSeq], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int = 1, ) -> list[list[PredictedChange]]: # offset: -1 <s>: N = dec_args.num_beams or 1 gen_args = dec_args.to_model_args() input_ids = batch["input_ids"] if not isinstance(input_ids, torch.LongTensor): input_ids = torch.LongTensor(input_ids) with timed("model.generate"), tqdm(total=dec_args.max_output_tks) as pbar: gen_out = self.generate(, references=batch["references"], query_ref_list=batch["query_ref_list"], num_return_sequences=N, return_dict_in_generate=True, output_scores=True, **gen_args, tqdm=pbar, ) assert not isinstance(gen_out, torch.LongTensor) out_tks = gen_out["sequences"] if isinstance(out_tks, torch.Tensor): out_tks = out_tks.tolist() out_tks = [remove_pad_ids(x) for x in out_tks] assert isinstance(out_tks, list) logging.debug("Max out length:", max(len(x) for x in out_tks)) + assert_eq(len(out_tks), len(problems) * N) - assert_eq(len(out_tks), len(originals) * N) + problems = join_list([[x] * N for x in problems]) - originals = join_list([[x] * N for x in</s> ===========above chunk 1=========== # module: coeditor.model class RetrievalEditorModel(T5PreTrainedModel): @torch.autocast("cuda") def predict_on_batch( self, batch: dict, + problems: Sequence[C3Problem], - originals: Sequence[TokenSeq], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int = 1, ) -> list[list[PredictedChange]]: # offset: -2 <s>[TokenSeq], weights: Sequence[float], scores: Sequence[float], ) -> list[PredictedChange]: """For sampling techniques, all sample should have equal weights 1/N. For search-based techniques, the `weights` should equal to the solutions' probabilities.""" assert preds groups = groupby( range(len(preds)), keyfunc=lambda i: normalize_code_by_ast(preds[i].after), ) groups = list(groups.values()) for group in groups: # within each group, sort by score group.sort(key=lambda i: scores[i], reverse=True) groups.sort( key=lambda g: (sum(weights[i] for i in g), scores[g[0]]), reverse=True ) return [ PredictedChange( preds[g[0]], out_tks[g[0]], sum(weights[i] for i in g), len(g) ) for g in groups ] use_sampling = dec_args.marginalize_samples > 1 if use_sampling: assert_eq(dec_args.do_sample, True) assert_eq(dec_args.num_beams, 1) N = dec_args.marginalize_samples else: N = dec_args.num_beams or 1 gen_args = dec_args.to_model_args</s> ===========above chunk 2=========== # module: coeditor.model class RetrievalEditorModel(T5PreTrainedModel): @torch.autocast("cuda") def predict_on_batch( self, batch: dict, + problems: Sequence[C3Problem], - originals: Sequence[TokenSeq], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int = 1, ) -> list[list[PredictedChange]]: # offset: -3 """ Returns nested list of shape `(batch_size, n_solutions)`. """ timed = self.tlogger.timed def marginalize_preds( preds: Sequence[Modified[str]], out_tks</s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils groupby(iterable: Iterable[T1], keyfunc: Callable[[T1], T2]) -> dict[T2, list[T1]] assert_eq(x: T1, y: T1, message: Callable[[], str]=lambda: "") -> None at: coeditor._utils.TimeLogger times: dict[str, list[float]] = field(default_factory=dict) timed(self, name: str) at: coeditor.c3problem C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"] change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedCodeSpan headers: Sequence[ChangedHeader] original: TkArray delta: TkDelta line_range: LineRange module: ModuleName at: coeditor.change Modified(before: E1, after: E1, unchanged: bool=False) at: coeditor.change.Modified before: E1 after: E1 unchanged: bool = False at: coeditor.common TokenSeq = list[Token] join_list(segs: Iterable[Iterable[T1]], sep: T1 | None=None) -> list[T1] normalize_code_by_ast(code: str, sort_keyargs: bool=True, remove_doc_string: bool=True) -> str
Fix marginalization bug in predict_on_batch.
<0>:<add> for pred in predictions[:n_suggestions]:
# module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def _suggest_edit_two_steps( self, file: RelPath, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), + n_suggestions: int = 1, ) -> tuple[_EditRegion, Callable[[], ServiceResponse]]: <s>_line_ids=}", file=f) print(f"{len(input_tks)=}", file=f) print(f"{len(references)=}", file=f) print(f"Solution score: {score:.3g}", file=f) print(f"Marginalized samples:", pred.n_samples, file=f) pred = RetrievalModelPrediction( input_ids=input_tks, output_ids=pred_tks, labels=output_truth, references=references, ) pred_str = show_prediction(problem, pred) print(pred_str, file=f) target_lines = target.target_lines suggestions = list[EditSuggestion]() - for pred in predictions: <0> pred_change = self.apply_edit_to_elem( target, problem, pred.out_tks, ) preview = "\n".join( compute_line_diffs_fast( splitlines(pred_change.before), splitlines(pred_change.after), ) ) input_status, change_status = compute_line_status(pred_change) input_status = [ (i + target_lines[0], tag) for i, tag in input_status.items() ] output_status = list(change_status.items()) suggestion = EditSuggestion( score=pred.score, change_preview=preview, new_code=pred_change.after, input_status=input_status, output_status=output_status, ) suggestions</s>
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def _suggest_edit_two_steps( self, file: RelPath, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), + n_suggestions: int = 1, ) -> tuple[_EditRegion, Callable[[], ServiceResponse]]: # offset: -1 <s> timed("get c3 problem"): problem, span = self.detector.get_problem(file, edit_lines) with timed("tokenize c3 problem"): tk_prob = self.c3_tkn.tokenize_problem(problem) target = self.get_target_code(span.code, problem, tk_prob) def next_step(): batch = C3DataLoader.pack_batch([tk_prob]) - original = problem.span.original.tolist() with timed("run model"), torch.autocast("cuda"): predictions = self.model.predict_on_batch( + batch, [problem], self.dec_args, self.show_max_solutions - batch, [original], self.dec_args, self.show_max_solutions ) assert_eq(len(predictions), 1) predictions = predictions[0] assert predictions if log_dir is not None: log_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) input_tks = batch["input_ids"][0] references = batch["references"] output_truth = batch["labels"][0] print(f"Writing logs to: {log_dir}") for i, pred in enumerate(predictions): with (log_dir / f"solution-{i}.txt").open("w") as f: pred_tks = pred.out_tks score = pred.score print(f"{problem.edit_line_ids=}", file=f) print(f"{len(input_tks)=}", file=f</s> ===========above chunk 1=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def _suggest_edit_two_steps( self, file: RelPath, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), + n_suggestions: int = 1, ) -> tuple[_EditRegion, Callable[[], ServiceResponse]]: # offset: -2 timed = self.tlogger.timed with timed("get c3 problem"): problem, span = self.detector.get_problem(file, edit_lines) </s> ===========below chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def _suggest_edit_two_steps( self, file: RelPath, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), + n_suggestions: int = 1, ) -> tuple[_EditRegion, Callable[[], ServiceResponse]]: # offset: 1 <s>change.after, input_status=input_status, output_status=output_status, ) suggestions.append(suggestion) return ServiceResponse( target_file=str(self.project / file), edit_start=(target_lines[0], 0), edit_end=(target_lines[-1] + 1, 0), target_lines=target.target_lines, input_code=target.current_code, suggestions=suggestions, ) return target, next_step ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils assert_eq(x: T1, y: T1, message: Callable[[], str]=lambda: "") -> None compute_line_diffs_fast(before: Sequence[str], after: Sequence[str]) at: coeditor._utils.TimeLogger times: dict[str, list[float]] = field(default_factory=dict) timed(self, name: str) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"] change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemTokenizer VERSION = "2.7" max_ref_tks: int = 512 max_query_tks: int = 512 max_output_tks: int = 256 max_scope_tks: int = 128 max_ref_tks_sum: int = 512 * 16 ref_chunk_overlap: int = 32 disable_builtin_defs: bool = True disable_unchanged_refs: bool = False current_code_only: bool = False tokenize_problem(problem: C3Problem) -> TkC3Problem at: coeditor.change.Modified before: E1 after: E1 unchanged: bool = False at: coeditor.common RelPath = NewType("RelPath", Path) splitlines(text: str) -> list[str] at: coeditor.model RetrievalModelPrediction(iterable: Iterable[Tuple[_KT, _VT]], **kwargs: _VT) RetrievalModelPrediction(**kwargs: _VT) RetrievalModelPrediction(map: Mapping[_KT, _VT], **kwargs: _VT) ===========unchanged ref 1=========== show_prediction(prob: C3Problem, pred: RetrievalModelPrediction) -> str C3DataLoader(all_probs: Sequence[C3Problem], transform: C3ProblemTransform | None, tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer, batch_args: BatchArgs, shuffle: bool, desc: str, tqdm_args: dict | None=None, chunk_size: int=1000, workers: int=DefaultWorkers) at: coeditor.model.C3DataLoader all_probs: Sequence[C3Problem] transform: C3ProblemTransform | None tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer batch_args: BatchArgs shuffle: bool desc: str tqdm_args: dict | None = None chunk_size: int = 1000 workers: int = DefaultWorkers pack_batch(probs: Sequence[TkC3Problem]) at: coeditor.model.PredictedChange change: Modified[str] out_tks: TokenSeq score: float n_samples: int at: coeditor.model.RetrievalEditorModel is_parallelizable = False supports_gradient_checkpointing = False decorate_autocast(batch: dict, problems: Sequence[C3Problem], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int=1) predict_on_batch(batch: dict, problems: Sequence[C3Problem], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int=1) -> list[list[PredictedChange]] at: coeditor.service EditSuggestion(map: Mapping[_KT, _VT], **kwargs: _VT) EditSuggestion(iterable: Iterable[Tuple[_KT, _VT]], **kwargs: _VT) EditSuggestion(**kwargs: _VT) ServiceResponse(target_file: str, edit_start: tuple[int, int], edit_end: tuple[int, int], target_lines: Sequence[int], input_code: str, suggestions: list[EditSuggestion])
Implement keystroke_cost.
<0>:<add> new_edit_lines = delta1.get_new_line_ids(edit_lines)
# module: tests.test_edits class TestChangeIdentities: def test_get_new_target_lines(self): rng = get_rng() for name, c in self.cases.items(): original, delta = TkDelta.from_change_tks(change_to_tokens(c)) n_origin_lines = len(tk_splitlines(original)) edit_lines = range(n_origin_lines + 1) keys = tuple(delta.keys()) for _ in range(100): n_keys = int(len(keys) * rng.random()) sub_keys = random_subset(keys, n_keys) sub_keys.sort() delta1, delta2 = delta.decompose_for_change(sub_keys) - new_edit_lines = delta1.get_new_target_lines(edit_lines) <0> new_edit_set = set(new_edit_lines) for l in delta2.changed_lines(): if l not in new_edit_set and l != n_origin_lines: print_err(f"{edit_lines=}") print_err("original", SEP) print_err(add_line_numbers(decode_tokens(original), start=0)) print_err(SEP) print_err(f"{delta=}") print_err(f"{sub_keys=}") print_err(f"{delta1=}") print_err("step1", SEP) step1 = delta1.apply_to_change(original) print_err(add_line_numbers(decode_tokens(step1), start=0)) print_err(SEP) print_err(f"{new_edit_lines=}") print_err(f"{delta2=}") raise AssertionError(f"{l=} not in {new_edit_lines=}")
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils add_line_numbers(code: str, start: int=1) at: coeditor.common SEP = "-" * 80 random_subset(all: Mapping[T1, T2], n: int, rng: random.Random | int | None=None) -> dict[T1, T2] random_subset(all: Sequence[T1], n: int, rng: random.Random | int | None=None) -> list[T1] print_err(*, sep: Optional[str]=..., end: Optional[str]=..., flush: bool=...) -> None at: coeditor.encoding tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq) decode_tokens(tokens: TokenSeq, prettify: bool=False) -> str TkDelta(_deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]]) change_to_tokens(change: Change[str]) -> TokenSeq at: coeditor.encoding.TkDelta _deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]] from_change_tks(change_tks: TokenSeq) -> tuple[TokenSeq, "TkDelta"] at: random.Random random() -> float at: tests.test_edits get_rng() ===========unchanged ref 1=========== at: tests.test_edits.TestChangeIdentities cases: dict[str, Change[str]] = { "empty": Modified("", ""), "generation": Modified("", "123"), "add a new line": Modified("", "\n"), "add a new line at end": Modified("a", "a\n"), "added": Added("a\nb\nc\n"), "deleted": Deleted("a\nb\nc\n"), "no change": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 """ ), dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 """ ), ), "unchanged=True": Modified.from_unchanged( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 """ ), ), # this test case cannot pass for some reason. Tokenizer bug? # "leading_whitespace": Modified.from_unchanged(" ..."), "replace last": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1""" ), dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 2 return x * 2""" ), ), "no special tokens": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 y = 2 z = x + y return z def f2(): f1()""" ), dedent( """\ # new comment def f_new(): x = 1 if x > 0: y = 2 * x y *= 2 z = x + y return z def f2(): f1() return f_new() + a new_var = 0 """ ), ), "with special tokens": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = "<add>" </s> ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.common + def keystroke_cost( + input: str, + output: str, + cursor_jump_cost: int = 4, + init_curosr_dis: int | None = None, # default to cursor_jump_cost + ): + """ + A string distance metric that takes the cost of moving the cursor into account. + This metric aim to approximate the number of key strokes required to + transform the input string into the output string. + + Starting with the state `i = 0, j = 0, cursor_dis = init_curosr_dis, deleting = False`, + the cost is computed using the optimal combination of the following operations: + - M: match char (cost=0), require `input[i] == output[j], not deleting`, cause + `i += 1, j += 1, cursor_dis += 1` + - D: delete input char (cost=1), require `cursor_dis == 0, not deleting`, cause`i += 1`. + - A: add output char (cost=1), require `cursor_dis == 0, not deleting`, cause`j += 1`. + - C: bring cursor here (cost=min(curosr_dis, cursor_jump_cost)), require nothing, cause`cursor_dis = 0`. + - S: start deleting (cost=1), require `cursor_dis == 0, not deleting`, cause `deleting = True`. + - K: keep deleting (cost=0), require `deleting`, cause`i += 1`. + - E: end deleting (cost=1), require `cursor_dis == 0, deleting`, cause`deleting = False`. + + Worst-case complexity: `len(input) * len(output) * cursor_jump_cost`. + + Unmodeled operations: + - Copy and paste + """ + l_in = len(input) + l_out = len(output) + MaxCost = l_in + l_out + cursor_jump_cost + 1000 + CacheKey = tuple[int, int, int</s> ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.common + def keystroke_cost( + input: str, + output: str, + cursor_jump_cost: int = 4, + init_curosr_dis: int | None = None, # default to cursor_jump_cost + ): # offset: 1 <s>Cost = l_in + l_out + cursor_jump_cost + 1000 + CacheKey = tuple[int, int, int, bool] + cache = dict[CacheKey, int]() + + def rec(i: int, j: int, cursor_dis: int, deleting: bool) -> int: + "Return the cost of matching input[i:] and output[j:]]." + if i > l_in or j > l_out: + return MaxCost + if i == l_in: + if j == l_out and not deleting: + return 0 # don't need to care about curosr in this case + # type out all remaining chars + return cursor_dis + int(deleting) + (l_out - j) + + key = (i, j, cursor_dis, deleting) + if key in cache: + return cache[key] + + if deleting: + # end deleting + if cursor_dis > 0: + cost0 = 1 + cursor_dis + rec(i, j, cursor_dis=0, deleting=False) + else: + cost0 = MaxCost # not an option + # keep deleting + new_dis = min(cursor_dis + 1, cursor_jump_cost) + cost1 = rec(i + 1, j, new_dis, deleting=True) + + best_cost = min(cost0, cost1) + else: + # match char + if i < l_in and j < l_out and input[i] == output[j]: + new_dis =</s>
Implement keystroke_cost.
<0>:<add> new_target_lines = tk_delta.get_new_line_ids(later_lines)
# module: tests.test_edits def test_edit_lines_transform(): ex_code = dedent( """\ a b c d e """ ) ex_delta = StrDelta( { 1: ("+1",), 2: ("+2",), 3: ("-",), 4: ("+d1", "+d2", "+d3"), } ) after_expect = dedent( """\ a +1 b +2 c -d +d1 +d2 +d3 e """ ) tk_delta = ex_delta.to_tk_delta() all_lines = range(6) + new_target_lines = tk_delta.get_new_line_ids(all_lines) - new_target_lines = tk_delta.get_new_target_lines(all_lines) expect = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) assert_eq(new_target_lines, expect) later_lines = range(3, 6) - new_target_lines = tk_delta.get_new_target_lines(later_lines) <0> # only the last 5 lines should be edited expect = (6, 7, 8, 9, 10) assert_eq(new_target_lines, expect)
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils assert_eq(x: T1, y: T1, message: Callable[[], str]=lambda: "") -> None at: coeditor.encoding StrDelta(_deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[str, ...]]) at: coeditor.encoding.StrDelta _deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[str, ...]] to_tk_delta() -> "TkDelta" at: coeditor.encoding.TkDelta get_new_line_ids(line_ids: Sequence[int]) -> Sequence[int] at: textwrap dedent(text: str) -> str ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: tests.test_edits class TestChangeIdentities: def test_get_new_target_lines(self): rng = get_rng() for name, c in self.cases.items(): original, delta = TkDelta.from_change_tks(change_to_tokens(c)) n_origin_lines = len(tk_splitlines(original)) edit_lines = range(n_origin_lines + 1) keys = tuple(delta.keys()) for _ in range(100): n_keys = int(len(keys) * rng.random()) sub_keys = random_subset(keys, n_keys) sub_keys.sort() delta1, delta2 = delta.decompose_for_change(sub_keys) + new_edit_lines = delta1.get_new_line_ids(edit_lines) - new_edit_lines = delta1.get_new_target_lines(edit_lines) new_edit_set = set(new_edit_lines) for l in delta2.changed_lines(): if l not in new_edit_set and l != n_origin_lines: print_err(f"{edit_lines=}") print_err("original", SEP) print_err(add_line_numbers(decode_tokens(original), start=0)) print_err(SEP) print_err(f"{delta=}") print_err(f"{sub_keys=}") print_err(f"{delta1=}") print_err("step1", SEP) step1 = delta1.apply_to_change(original) print_err(add_line_numbers(decode_tokens(step1), start=0)) print_err(SEP) print_err(f"{new_edit_lines=}") print_err(f"{delta2=}") raise AssertionError(f"{l=} not in {new_edit_lines=}") ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.common + def keystroke_cost( + input: str, + output: str, + cursor_jump_cost: int = 4, + init_curosr_dis: int | None = None, # default to cursor_jump_cost + ): + """ + A string distance metric that takes the cost of moving the cursor into account. + This metric aim to approximate the number of key strokes required to + transform the input string into the output string. + + Starting with the state `i = 0, j = 0, cursor_dis = init_curosr_dis, deleting = False`, + the cost is computed using the optimal combination of the following operations: + - M: match char (cost=0), require `input[i] == output[j], not deleting`, cause + `i += 1, j += 1, cursor_dis += 1` + - D: delete input char (cost=1), require `cursor_dis == 0, not deleting`, cause`i += 1`. + - A: add output char (cost=1), require `cursor_dis == 0, not deleting`, cause`j += 1`. + - C: bring cursor here (cost=min(curosr_dis, cursor_jump_cost)), require nothing, cause`cursor_dis = 0`. + - S: start deleting (cost=1), require `cursor_dis == 0, not deleting`, cause `deleting = True`. + - K: keep deleting (cost=0), require `deleting`, cause`i += 1`. + - E: end deleting (cost=1), require `cursor_dis == 0, deleting`, cause`deleting = False`. + + Worst-case complexity: `len(input) * len(output) * cursor_jump_cost`. + + Unmodeled operations: + - Copy and paste + """ + l_in = len(input) + l_out = len(output) + MaxCost = l_in + l_out + cursor_jump_cost + 1000 + CacheKey = tuple[int, int, int</s> ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.common + def keystroke_cost( + input: str, + output: str, + cursor_jump_cost: int = 4, + init_curosr_dis: int | None = None, # default to cursor_jump_cost + ): # offset: 1 <s>Cost = l_in + l_out + cursor_jump_cost + 1000 + CacheKey = tuple[int, int, int, bool] + cache = dict[CacheKey, int]() + + def rec(i: int, j: int, cursor_dis: int, deleting: bool) -> int: + "Return the cost of matching input[i:] and output[j:]]." + if i > l_in or j > l_out: + return MaxCost + if i == l_in: + if j == l_out and not deleting: + return 0 # don't need to care about curosr in this case + # type out all remaining chars + return cursor_dis + int(deleting) + (l_out - j) + + key = (i, j, cursor_dis, deleting) + if key in cache: + return cache[key] + + if deleting: + # end deleting + if cursor_dis > 0: + cost0 = 1 + cursor_dis + rec(i, j, cursor_dis=0, deleting=False) + else: + cost0 = MaxCost # not an option + # keep deleting + new_dis = min(cursor_dis + 1, cursor_jump_cost) + cost1 = rec(i + 1, j, new_dis, deleting=True) + + best_cost = min(cost0, cost1) + else: + # match char + if i < l_in and j < l_out and input[i] == output[j]: + new_dis =</s> ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.common + def keystroke_cost( + input: str, + output: str, + cursor_jump_cost: int = 4, + init_curosr_dis: int | None = None, # default to cursor_jump_cost + ): # offset: 2 <s>cursor_dis + 1, cursor_jump_cost) + cost0 = rec(i + 1, j + 1, new_dis, False) + else: + cost0 = MaxCost # not an option + # delete input char + cost1 = 1 + rec(i + 1, j, 0, False) + cursor_dis + # add output char + cost2 = 1 + rec(i, j + 1, 0, False) + cursor_dis + # start deleting + cost3 = 1 + rec(i, j, 0, True) + cursor_dis + + best_cost = min(cost0, cost1, cost2, cost3) + cache[key] = best_cost + return best_cost + + if init_curosr_dis is None: + init_curosr_dis = cursor_jump_cost + + return rec(0, 0, init_curosr_dis, False) +
Add multi-round editing gain.
<0>:<add> code_span = replace(
# module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: def create_problem( self, target: ChangedSpan, target_lines: Sequence[int], changed: Mapping[ModuleName, JModuleChange], target_usages: LineUsageAnalysis, src_info: SrcInfo, ) -> C3Problem: <s>module) all_mc = [target_mc] + list(changed.values()) for mc in all_mc: is_target_mc = mc.module_change.earlier.mname == module for cspan in mc.changed: if not is_target_mc or cspan.line_range != target.line_range: relevant_changes.append(self.to_code_span(cspan)) code_span = self.to_code_span(target) changed_code = target_set = set(target_lines) line_ids = list[int]() input_l = target.line_range[0] for i, tks in enumerate(tk_splitlines(changed_code)): if tks and tks[0] == Del_id: continue if input_l in target_set: line_ids.append(i) input_l += 1 - code_span = dataclasses.replace( <0> code_span,, delta=TkDelta.empty() ) relevant_unchanged = self.get_relevant_unchanged(code_span, target_usages) relevant_changes = self.sort_changes( code_span, relevant_unchanged, relevant_changes ) prob = C3Problem( code_span, line_ids, relevant_changes=relevant_changes, relevant_unchanged=relevant_unchanged, _: None), src_info=src_info, ) return prob
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: def create_problem( self, target: ChangedSpan, target_lines: Sequence[int], changed: Mapping[ModuleName, JModuleChange], target_usages: LineUsageAnalysis, src_info: SrcInfo, ) -> C3Problem: # offset: -1 relevant_changes = list[ChangedCodeSpan]() changed = dict(changed) module = target.module target_mc = changed.pop(module) all_mc = [target_mc] + list(changed.values()) for mc in all_mc: </s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.c3problem ChangedCodeSpan(headers: Sequence[ChangedHeader], original: TkArray, delta: TkDelta, line_range: LineRange, module: ModuleName) SrcInfo(map: Mapping[_KT, _VT], **kwargs: _VT) SrcInfo(iterable: Iterable[Tuple[_KT, _VT]], **kwargs: _VT) SrcInfo(**kwargs: _VT) C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) LineUsageAnalysis(line2usages: Mapping[int, Sequence[PyDefinition]]) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3GeneratorCache get_relevant_unchanged(this_change: ChangedCodeSpan, line_usages: LineUsageAnalysis) max_distance_penalty = 1000 usage_bonus = 2000 sort_changes(target: ChangedCodeSpan, used_defs: Mapping[PyFullName, PyDefinition], changed: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan]) -> Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] to_code_span(span: ChangedSpan) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3GeneratorCache.__init__ self._header_cache = dict[ProjectPath, ChangedHeader]() self._pre_def_cache = dict[ProjectPath, list[ChangedCodeSpan]]() self._cspan_cache = dict[tuple[ModuleName, LineRange], ChangedCodeSpan]() at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedCodeSpan headers: Sequence[ChangedHeader] original: TkArray delta: TkDelta line_range: LineRange module: ModuleName at: coeditor.change.Added after: E1 at: coeditor.change.Deleted before: E1 at: coeditor.change.Modified before: E1 ===========unchanged ref 1=========== after: E1 unchanged: bool = False at: coeditor.common ModuleName = str at: coeditor.common.ProjectPath module: ModuleName path: ElemPath at: coeditor.encoding Del_id = get_tk_id(Del) tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq) TkDelta(_deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]]) at: coeditor.encoding.TkDelta _deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]] apply_to_change(change: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq empty() -> "TkDelta" at: coeditor.scoped_changes ChangedSpan(change: Change[str], parent_scopes: Sequence[Change[ChangeScope]], line_range: LineRange) JModuleChange(module_change: Change[JModule], changed: Sequence[ChangedSpan]) at: coeditor.scoped_changes.ChangedSpan change: Change[str] parent_scopes: Sequence[Change[ChangeScope]] line_range: LineRange at: coeditor.scoped_changes.JModule mname: ModuleName tree: ptree.Module at: coeditor.scoped_changes.JModuleChange module_change: Change[JModule] changed: Sequence[ChangedSpan] at: coeditor.tk_array TkArray() at: coeditor.tk_array.TkArray tolist() -> TokenSeq new(tks: Sequence[int]) -> "TkArray" at: dataclasses replace(obj: _T, **changes: Any) -> _T at: typing Mapping = _alias(, 2) Sequence = _alias(, 1) at: typing.MutableMapping pop(key: _KT, default: Union[_VT, _T]=...) -> Union[_VT, _T] pop(key: _KT) -> _VT ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedCodeSpan: + def get_change(self) -> Modified[str]: + change_tks = + return tokens_to_change(change_tks) + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class C3Problem: + def restrict_span_changes(self): + "restrict the changes in the span to the edit lines" + eids = self.edit_line_ids + delta =[0], eids[-1] + 1)) + span = replace(self.span, delta=delta) + return replace(self, span=span) + ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.encoding class TokenizedEdit(ABC): + @classmethod + def show_label(cls, i: int): + return f" <{i}>" if i <= 9 else f"<{i}>" + ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: + def get(self, key: DeltaKey) -> TokenSeq | None: + try: + return self[key] + except (KeyError, IndexError): + return None + ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: def changed_lines(self) -> Collection[int]: + lines = self._deltas.keys() - return self._deltas.keys() + assert all(x for x in self._deltas.values()) + return lines ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.encoding class TokenizedEdit(ABC): + @classmethod + def show_line(cls, tks: TokenSeq): + if tks and tks[0] == Add_id: + return "+ " + decode_tokens(tks[1:]) + elif tks and tks[0] == Del_id: + return "- " + decode_tokens(tks[1:]) + else: + return " " + decode_tokens(tks) + ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: + def get_new_line_ids(self, line_ids: Sequence[int]) -> Sequence[int]: + """Given a list of lines to edit, return the corresponding new lines to edit + after applying this delta.""" + if not line_ids: + return tuple() + last_line = line_ids[-1] + line_set = set(line_ids) + new_edit_lines = list[int]() + offset = 0 + for l in range(last_line + 1): + deleted = False + for act in self.get_line_change(l): + if act[0] == Add_id: + if l in line_set: + new_edit_lines.append(l + offset) + offset += 1 + elif act[0] == Del_id: + deleted = True + if not deleted and l in line_set: + new_edit_lines.append(l + offset) + return tuple(new_edit_lines) +
Add multi-round editing gain.
<0>:<add> sub_prob = replace(
# module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemSimpleSplit(C3ProblemTransform): def transform(self, prob: C3Problem) -> Sequence[C3Problem]: delta = l_range = prob.edit_line_ids assert isinstance(l_range, range) start, stop = l_range.start, l_range.stop problems = list[C3Problem]() new_trans = prob.transformations + ("split",) for i in range(start, stop, self.max_lines_to_edit): j = min(i + self.max_lines_to_edit, stop) sub_delta = delta.for_input_range((i, j)) if sub_delta.num_changes() > 0: - sub_prob = dataclasses.replace( <0> prob, edit_line_ids=range(i, j), transformations=new_trans ) problems.append(sub_prob) if len(problems) >= self.max_split_factor: break return problems
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: abc abstractmethod(callable: _FuncT) -> _FuncT at: coeditor.c3problem C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) C3ProblemTransform() at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"] change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedCodeSpan delta: TkDelta at: dataclasses dataclass(_cls: Type[_T]) -> Type[_T] dataclass(*, init: bool=..., repr: bool=..., eq: bool=..., order: bool=..., unsafe_hash: bool=..., frozen: bool=...) -> Callable[[Type[_T]], Type[_T]] dataclass(_cls: None) -> Callable[[Type[_T]], Type[_T]] at: typing Sequence = _alias(, 1) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedCodeSpan: + def get_change(self) -> Modified[str]: + change_tks = + return tokens_to_change(change_tks) + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class C3Problem: + def restrict_span_changes(self): + "restrict the changes in the span to the edit lines" + eids = self.edit_line_ids + delta =[0], eids[-1] + 1)) + span = replace(self.span, delta=delta) + return replace(self, span=span) + ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: def create_problem( self, target: ChangedSpan, target_lines: Sequence[int], changed: Mapping[ModuleName, JModuleChange], target_usages: LineUsageAnalysis, src_info: SrcInfo, ) -> C3Problem: relevant_changes = list[ChangedCodeSpan]() changed = dict(changed) module = target.module target_mc = changed.pop(module) all_mc = [target_mc] + list(changed.values()) for mc in all_mc: is_target_mc = mc.module_change.earlier.mname == module for cspan in mc.changed: if not is_target_mc or cspan.line_range != target.line_range: relevant_changes.append(self.to_code_span(cspan)) code_span = self.to_code_span(target) changed_code = target_set = set(target_lines) line_ids = list[int]() input_l = target.line_range[0] for i, tks in enumerate(tk_splitlines(changed_code)): if tks and tks[0] == Del_id: continue if input_l in target_set: line_ids.append(i) input_l += 1 + code_span = replace( - code_span = dataclasses.replace( code_span,, delta=TkDelta.empty() ) relevant_unchanged = self.get_relevant_unchanged(code_span, target_usages) relevant_changes = self.sort_changes( code_span, relevant_unchanged, relevant_changes ) prob = C3Problem( code_span, line_ids, relevant_changes=relevant_changes, relevant</s> ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: def create_problem( self, target: ChangedSpan, target_lines: Sequence[int], changed: Mapping[ModuleName, JModuleChange], target_usages: LineUsageAnalysis, src_info: SrcInfo, ) -> C3Problem: # offset: 1 <s> = C3Problem( code_span, line_ids, relevant_changes=relevant_changes, relevant_unchanged=relevant_unchanged, _: None), src_info=src_info, ) return prob ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.encoding class TokenizedEdit(ABC): + @classmethod + def show_label(cls, i: int): + return f" <{i}>" if i <= 9 else f"<{i}>" + ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: + def get(self, key: DeltaKey) -> TokenSeq | None: + try: + return self[key] + except (KeyError, IndexError): + return None + ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: def changed_lines(self) -> Collection[int]: + lines = self._deltas.keys() - return self._deltas.keys() + assert all(x for x in self._deltas.values()) + return lines ===========changed ref 7=========== # module: coeditor.encoding class TokenizedEdit(ABC): + @classmethod + def show_line(cls, tks: TokenSeq): + if tks and tks[0] == Add_id: + return "+ " + decode_tokens(tks[1:]) + elif tks and tks[0] == Del_id: + return "- " + decode_tokens(tks[1:]) + else: + return " " + decode_tokens(tks) + ===========changed ref 8=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: + def get_new_line_ids(self, line_ids: Sequence[int]) -> Sequence[int]: + """Given a list of lines to edit, return the corresponding new lines to edit + after applying this delta.""" + if not line_ids: + return tuple() + last_line = line_ids[-1] + line_set = set(line_ids) + new_edit_lines = list[int]() + offset = 0 + for l in range(last_line + 1): + deleted = False + for act in self.get_line_change(l): + if act[0] == Add_id: + if l in line_set: + new_edit_lines.append(l + offset) + offset += 1 + elif act[0] == Del_id: + deleted = True + if not deleted and l in line_set: + new_edit_lines.append(l + offset) + return tuple(new_edit_lines) +
Add multi-round editing gain.
<0>:<add> sub_prob = replace(
# module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemChangeDropout(C3ProblemTransform): def transform(self, prob: C3Problem) -> Sequence[C3Problem]: <s>.new(delta1.apply_to_change(original.tolist())) new_trans = prob.transformations + ("split", "dropout") - new_span = dataclasses.replace( + new_span = replace(prob.span, original=new_original, delta=delta2) - prob.span, original=new_original, delta=delta2 - ) else: new_trans = prob.transformations + ("split",) new_span = prob.span delta1 = None delta2_groups = delta.change_groups() prob_and_n = list[tuple[C3Problem, int]]() for i in range(start, stop, self.max_lines_to_edit): j = min(i + self.max_lines_to_edit, stop) edit_line_ids = range(i, j) if delta1 is not None: + edit_line_ids = delta1.get_new_line_ids(edit_line_ids) - edit_line_ids = delta1.get_new_target_lines(edit_line_ids) line_set = set(edit_line_ids) n_groups = sum(any(key[0] in line_set for key in g) for g in delta2_groups) if n_groups > 0: - sub_prob = dataclasses.replace( <0> prob, span=new_span, edit_line_ids=edit_line_ids, transformations=new_trans, ) prob_and_n.append((sub_prob, n_groups)) # return the problems with the most changes prob_and_n.sort(key=lambda p: p[1], reverse=True) probs = [p[0] for p in prob_and_n] return probs[: self.max_split_factor]
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemChangeDropout(C3ProblemTransform): def transform(self, prob: C3Problem) -> Sequence[C3Problem]: # offset: -1 <s> should_dropout = len(grouped_keys) >= 2 if should_dropout: n_to_drop = int( len(grouped_keys) * random.random() * self.max_dropout_ratio ) assert n_to_drop < len(grouped_keys) keys_to_drop = join_list( random_subset(grouped_keys, n_to_drop, rng=self._rng) ) else: keys_to_drop = [] if keys_to_drop: delta1, delta2 = delta.decompose_for_change(keys_to_drop) if random.random() < self._test_prob: result1 = delta2.apply_to_change( delta1.apply_to_change(original.tolist()) ) result2 = delta.apply_to_change(original.tolist()) code1 = tokens_to_change(result1).after code2 = tokens_to_change(result2).after if code1 != code2: print_sections( ("result1", decode_tokens(result1)), ("result2", decode_tokens(result2)), ("delta", str(delta)), ("keys_to_drop", str(keys_to_drop)), ("delta1", str(delta1)), ("delta2", str(delta2)), ) raise AssertionError("decompose_for_change failed.") delta2_groups = delta2.change_groups() if not delta2_groups: print_err(f"{delta=}, {keys_to_drop=}, {delta1=}") raise AssertionError("Empty delta2_groups") new_original = new_trans = prob.transformations + ("</s> ===========above chunk 1=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemChangeDropout(C3ProblemTransform): def transform(self, prob: C3Problem) -> Sequence[C3Problem]: # offset: -2 original = prob.span.original delta = l_range = prob.edit_line_ids assert isinstance(l_range, range) start, stop = l_range.start, l_range.stop grouped_keys = delta.change_groups() should_dropout = len(grouped_keys) >= 2 if should_dropout: n_to_drop = int( </s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.c3problem C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemTransform transform(self, prob: C3Problem) -> Sequence[C3Problem] at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedCodeSpan original: TkArray delta: TkDelta at: coeditor.change.Modified after: E1 at: coeditor.common join_list(segs: Iterable[Iterable[T1]], sep: T1 | None=None) -> list[T1] print_sections(*, sep: str=SEP, file: TextIO=sys.stdout) -> None random_subset(all: Mapping[T1, T2], n: int, rng: random.Random | int | None=None) -> dict[T1, T2] random_subset(all: Sequence[T1], n: int, rng: random.Random | int | None=None) -> list[T1] print_err(*, sep: Optional[str]=..., end: Optional[str]=..., flush: bool=...) -> None at: coeditor.encoding decode_tokens(tokens: TokenSeq, prettify: bool=False) -> str tokens_to_change(tokens: TokenSeq) -> Modified[str] at: coeditor.encoding.TkDelta apply_to_change(change: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq decompose_for_change(first_keys: Collection[DeltaKey]) -> tuple[Self, Self] change_groups() -> Sequence[tuple[DeltaKey, ...]] ===========unchanged ref 1=========== at: coeditor.tk_array TkArray() at: coeditor.tk_array.TkArray tolist() -> TokenSeq new(tks: Sequence[int]) -> "TkArray" at: dataclasses replace(obj: _T, **changes: Any) -> _T at: random Random(x: Any=...) random = _inst.random at: typing Sequence = _alias(, 1) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemSimpleSplit(C3ProblemTransform): def transform(self, prob: C3Problem) -> Sequence[C3Problem]: delta = l_range = prob.edit_line_ids assert isinstance(l_range, range) start, stop = l_range.start, l_range.stop problems = list[C3Problem]() new_trans = prob.transformations + ("split",) for i in range(start, stop, self.max_lines_to_edit): j = min(i + self.max_lines_to_edit, stop) sub_delta = delta.for_input_range((i, j)) if sub_delta.num_changes() > 0: + sub_prob = replace( - sub_prob = dataclasses.replace( prob, edit_line_ids=range(i, j), transformations=new_trans ) problems.append(sub_prob) if len(problems) >= self.max_split_factor: break return problems ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedCodeSpan: + def get_change(self) -> Modified[str]: + change_tks = + return tokens_to_change(change_tks) + ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class C3Problem: + def restrict_span_changes(self): + "restrict the changes in the span to the edit lines" + eids = self.edit_line_ids + delta =[0], eids[-1] + 1)) + span = replace(self.span, delta=delta) + return replace(self, span=span) +
Add multi-round editing gain.
<0>:<add> assert not isinstance(gen_out, LongTensor)
# module: coeditor.model class RetrievalEditorModel(T5PreTrainedModel): @torch.autocast("cuda") def predict_on_batch( self, batch: dict, problems: Sequence[C3Problem], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int = 1, ) -> list[list[PredictedChange]]: <s>_ids = torch.LongTensor(input_ids) + with timed("model.generate"), tqdm( + total=dec_args.max_output_tks, disable=not dec_args.do_sample + ) as pbar: - with timed("model.generate"), tqdm(total=dec_args.max_output_tks) as pbar: gen_out = self.generate(, references=batch["references"], query_ref_list=batch["query_ref_list"], num_return_sequences=N, return_dict_in_generate=True, output_scores=True, **gen_args, tqdm=pbar, ) - assert not isinstance(gen_out, torch.LongTensor) <0> out_tks = gen_out["sequences"] if isinstance(out_tks, torch.Tensor): out_tks = out_tks.tolist() out_tks = [remove_pad_ids(x) for x in out_tks] assert isinstance(out_tks, list) logging.debug("Max out length:", max(len(x) for x in out_tks)) assert_eq(len(out_tks), len(problems) * N) problems = join_list([[x] * N for x in problems]) if (pred_scores := gen_out.get("sequences_scores", None)) is None: pred_scores = [0.0] * len(out_tks) if use_sampling: pred_weights = [1.0 / N] * len(out_tks) </s>
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.model class RetrievalEditorModel(T5PreTrainedModel): @torch.autocast("cuda") def predict_on_batch( self, batch: dict, problems: Sequence[C3Problem], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int = 1, ) -> list[list[PredictedChange]]: # offset: -1 <s> search-based techniques, the `weights` should equal to the solutions' probabilities.""" + """ assert preds groups = groupby( range(len(preds)), keyfunc=lambda i: normalize_code_by_ast(preds[i].after), ) groups = list(groups.values()) for group in groups: # within each group, sort by score group.sort(key=lambda i: scores[i], reverse=True) groups.sort( key=lambda g: (sum(weights[i] for i in g), scores[g[0]]), reverse=True ) return [ PredictedChange( preds[g[0]], out_tks[g[0]], sum(weights[i] for i in g), len(g) ) for g in groups ] use_sampling = dec_args.marginalize_samples > 1 if use_sampling: assert_eq(dec_args.do_sample, True) assert_eq(dec_args.num_beams, 1) N = dec_args.marginalize_samples else: N = dec_args.num_beams or 1 gen_args = dec_args.to_model_args() input_ids = batch["input_ids"] + if not isinstance(input_ids, LongTensor): - if not isinstance(input_ids, torch.LongTensor): + input_ids = LongTensor(input_ids) - input_ids = torch.LongTensor(input_ids) + with timed("model.generate"), tqdm( + total=</s> ===========above chunk 1=========== # module: coeditor.model class RetrievalEditorModel(T5PreTrainedModel): @torch.autocast("cuda") def predict_on_batch( self, batch: dict, problems: Sequence[C3Problem], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int = 1, ) -> list[list[PredictedChange]]: # offset: -2 """ Returns nested list of shape `(batch_size, n_solutions)`. """ timed = self.tlogger.timed def marginalize_preds( preds: Sequence[Modified[str]], out_tks: Sequence[TokenSeq], weights: Sequence[float], scores: Sequence[float], ) -> list[PredictedChange]: """For sampling techniques, all sample should have equal weights 1/N. For + search-based techniques, the `weights` should equal to the solutions' probabilities. - search-based techniques, the `weights` should equal to the solutions' probabilities.""" + """ assert preds </s> ===========below chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.model class RetrievalEditorModel(T5PreTrainedModel): @torch.autocast("cuda") def predict_on_batch( self, batch: dict, problems: Sequence[C3Problem], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int = 1, ) -> list[list[PredictedChange]]: # offset: 1 <s> if use_sampling: pred_weights = [1.0 / N] * len(out_tks) else: pred_weights = [math.exp(x) for x in pred_scores] with timed("assemble changes"): pred_changes = list[Modified[str]]() for prob, out in zip(problems, out_tks): delta = TkDelta.from_output_tks(prob.edit_line_ids, out) original = prob.span.original.tolist() pred = tokens_to_change(delta.apply_to_change(original)) pred_changes.append(pred) assert_eq(len(pred_changes), len(out_tks), len(pred_scores)) solutions = list[list[PredictedChange]]() for i in range(0, len(pred_changes), N): sols = marginalize_preds( pred_changes[i : i + N], out_tks[i : i + N], pred_weights[i : i + N], pred_scores[i : i + N], ) solutions.append(sols[:n_solutions]) return solutions ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils groupby(iterable: Iterable[T1], keyfunc: Callable[[T1], T2]) -> dict[T2, list[T1]] assert_eq(x: T1, y: T1, message: Callable[[], str]=lambda: "") -> None at: coeditor._utils.TimeLogger times: dict[str, list[float]] = field(default_factory=dict) timed(name: str) at: coeditor.c3problem C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"] change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedCodeSpan headers: Sequence[ChangedHeader] original: TkArray delta: TkDelta line_range: LineRange module: ModuleName at: coeditor.change Modified(before: E1, after: E1, unchanged: bool=False) at: coeditor.change.Modified before: E1 after: E1 unchanged: bool = False at: coeditor.common TokenSeq = list[Token] join_list(segs: Iterable[Iterable[T1]], sep: T1 | None=None) -> list[T1] normalize_code_by_ast(code: str, sort_keyargs: bool=True, remove_doc_string: bool=True) -> str
Add multi-round editing gain.
<0>:<add> loss_fct = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=-100, reduction=loss_reduction)
<s> decoder_input_ids: LongTensor | None = None, decoder_inputs_embeds: Tensor | None = None, decoder_attention_mask: Tensor | None = None, past_key_values=None, use_cache=None, + loss_reduction: LossReduction = "mean", # not used args below output_attentions=None, output_hidden_states=None, return_dict=None, tqdm=None, ) -> Seq2SeqLMOutput: <s>.py#L586 sequence_output = sequence_output * (self.model_dim**-0.5) lm_logits = self.lm_head(sequence_output) except torch.cuda.OutOfMemoryError: # type: ignore total_ref_len = sum(len(x) for x in references) if references else 0 n_references = len(references) if references else 0 if input_ids is not None: print(f"{input_ids.shape = }") if labels is not None: print(f"{labels.shape = }") print(f"{n_references = }, {total_ref_len = }") raise loss = None if labels is not None: - loss_fct = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=-100) <0> loss = loss_fct(lm_logits.view(-1, lm_logits.size(-1)), labels.view(-1)) return Seq2SeqLMOutput( loss=loss, logits=lm_logits, past_key_values=decoder_outputs.past_key_values, decoder_hidden_states=decoder_outputs.hidden_states, decoder_attentions=decoder_outputs.attentions, cross_attentions=decoder_outputs.cross_attentions, encoder_last_hidden_state=cast(Any, encoder_outputs.last_hidden_state), # encoder_hidden_states=encoder_outputs.hidden_states, # encoder_attentions=encoder_outputs.attentions, )
===========above chunk 0=========== <s> LongTensor | None = None, decoder_inputs_embeds: Tensor | None = None, decoder_attention_mask: Tensor | None = None, past_key_values=None, use_cache=None, + loss_reduction: LossReduction = "mean", # not used args below output_attentions=None, output_hidden_states=None, return_dict=None, tqdm=None, ) -> Seq2SeqLMOutput: # offset: -1 <s>.forward"): dec_hidden_states = batched_map( last_states, group_key=decode_group, f=run_decoder, ) decoder_outputs = BaseModelOutputWithPastAndCrossAttentions( cast(FloatTensor, stack_pad_tensors(dec_hidden_states)[0]) ) else: # use simple batching for decoding with self.tlogger.timed("decoder.forward"): decoder_outputs = self.decoder.forward( input_ids=decoder_input_ids, inputs_embeds=decoder_inputs_embeds, attention_mask=decoder_attention_mask, encoder_hidden_states=encoder_outputs.last_hidden_state, encoder_attention_mask=encoder_outputs.hidden_state_mask, past_key_values=past_key_values, use_cache=use_cache, return_dict=True, ) assert isinstance( decoder_outputs, BaseModelOutputWithPastAndCrossAttentions ) sequence_output = decoder_outputs[0] if self.config.tie_word_embeddings: # Rescale output before projecting on vocab # See sequence_output = sequence_output * (self.model_dim**-0.5) </s> ===========above chunk 1=========== <s> LongTensor | None = None, decoder_inputs_embeds: Tensor | None = None, decoder_attention_mask: Tensor | None = None, past_key_values=None, use_cache=None, + loss_reduction: LossReduction = "mean", # not used args below output_attentions=None, output_hidden_states=None, return_dict=None, tqdm=None, ) -> Seq2SeqLMOutput: # offset: -2 <s> dict) s1 = _round_length_group(enc_r["decoder_input_ids"].size(0)) s2 = _round_length_group(enc_r["encoder_hidden_states"].size(0)) return (s1, s2) try: if encoder_outputs is None: assert input_ids is not None encoder = self.get_encoder() with self.tlogger.timed("encoder.forward"): encoder_outputs = encoder.forward( input_ids, references, query_ref_list ) if labels is not None and decoder_input_ids is None: # get decoder inputs from shifting lm labels to the right assert_eq(labels.dtype, torch.long) last_hidden = encoder_outputs.last_hidden_state last_mask = not_none(encoder_outputs.hidden_state_mask) last_states = [ { "encoder_hidden_states": last_hidden[i][last_mask[i]], "decoder_input_ids": self._shift_right( labels[i : i + 1] ).squeeze(0), } for i in range(last_hidden.size(0)) ] with self.tlogger.timed("decoder.forward"): dec_hidden_states = batched_map( last_states, group_key=decode</s> ===========above chunk 2=========== <s> LongTensor | None = None, decoder_inputs_embeds: Tensor | None = None, decoder_attention_mask: Tensor | None = None, past_key_values=None, use_cache=None, + loss_reduction: LossReduction = "mean", # not used args below output_attentions=None, output_hidden_states=None, return_dict=None, tqdm=None, ) -> Seq2SeqLMOutput: # offset: -3 <s> 2) def run_decoder(enc_results: Sequence[dict]): if len(enc_results) == 1: decoder_input_ids = enc_results[0]["decoder_input_ids"].unsqueeze(0) encoder_hidden_states = enc_results[0][ "encoder_hidden_states" ].unsqueeze(0) decoder_attention_mask = None encoder_attention_mask = None else: decoder_input_ids, decoder_attention_mask = stack_pad_tensors( [x["decoder_input_ids"] for x in enc_results] ) encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask = stack_pad_tensors( [x["encoder_hidden_states"] for x in enc_results] ) decoder_outputs = self.decoder.forward( input_ids=decoder_input_ids, attention_mask=decoder_attention_mask, encoder_hidden_states=encoder_hidden_states, encoder_attention_mask=encoder_attention_mask, return_dict=True, ) assert isinstance( decoder_outputs, BaseModelOutputWithPastAndCrossAttentions ) n = len(enc_results) return [decoder_outputs.last_hidden_state[i] for i in range(n)] def decode_group(enc_r: dict): assert isinstance(enc_</s> ===========above chunk 3=========== <s> LongTensor | None = None, decoder_inputs_embeds: Tensor | None = None, decoder_attention_mask: Tensor | None = None, past_key_values=None, use_cache=None, + loss_reduction: LossReduction = "mean", # not used args below output_attentions=None, output_hidden_states=None, return_dict=None, tqdm=None, ) -> Seq2SeqLMOutput: # offset: -4 """ Shapes - input_ids: (n_queries, query_len) - labels: (n_queries, label_len) """ if labels is not None: assert_eq(labels.</s>
Add multi-round editing gain.
<0>:<add> fake_input = LongTensor([[1] * t]).to(device)
<s> max_length: Optional[int] = None, pad_token_id: Optional[int] = None, eos_token_id: Optional[int] = None, output_attentions: Optional[bool] = None, output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None, output_scores: Optional[bool] = None, return_dict_in_generate: Optional[bool] = None, synced_gpus: Optional[bool] = False, **model_kwargs, ): <s>id subset_ids = torch.arange(len(unfinished_ids), device=device)[next_subset] unfinished_ids = unfinished_ids[next_subset] # update generated ids, model inputs, and length for next step input_ids = cast( + LongTensor, - torch.LongTensor, next_tokens[next_subset].unsqueeze(-1), ) assert_eq(input_ids.ndim, 2) model_kwargs = self._update_model_kwargs_for_generation( outputs, model_kwargs, is_encoder_decoder=self.config.is_encoder_decoder ) if model_kwargs["past"] is not None: model_kwargs["past"] = self._reorder_cache( model_kwargs["past"], subset_ids ) if (pbar := model_kwargs.get("tqdm")) is not None: pbar = cast(tqdm, pbar) pbar.set_postfix({"unfinished": len(unfinished_ids)}) pbar.update() # stop when each sentence is finished, or if we exceed the maximum length - fake_input = torch.LongTensor([[1] * t]).to(device) <0> t += 1 if len(unfinished_ids) == 0 or stopping_criteria(fake_input, None): # type: ignore break if return_dict_in_generate: return {"sequences": sequences, "sequences_scores": sequences_scores} else: return sequences
===========above chunk 0=========== <s>int] = None, pad_token_id: Optional[int] = None, eos_token_id: Optional[int] = None, output_attentions: Optional[bool] = None, output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None, output_scores: Optional[bool] = None, return_dict_in_generate: Optional[bool] = None, synced_gpus: Optional[bool] = False, **model_kwargs, ): # offset: -1 <s>input_ids.shape[0])] # TODO: reduce cost using particle weights # auto-regressive generation t = 0 while True: # prepare model inputs model_inputs = self.prepare_inputs_for_generation(input_ids, **model_kwargs) # forward pass to get next token outputs = self.forward( **model_inputs, return_dict=True, output_attentions=output_attentions, output_hidden_states=output_hidden_states, ) next_token_logits = cast(FloatTensor, outputs.logits[:, -1, :]) # pre-process distribution next_token_scores = logits_processor(input_ids, next_token_logits) next_token_scores = logits_warper(input_ids, next_token_scores) # sample probs = nn.functional.softmax(next_token_scores, dim=-1) next_tokens = torch.multinomial(probs, num_samples=1).squeeze(1) assert_eq(next_tokens.ndim, 1) for i, id in enumerate(unfinished_ids.tolist()): sequences_scores[id] += math.log(probs[i, next_tokens[i]].item()) sequences[id].append(next_tokens[i].item()) next_subset = next_tokens != eos_token_id subset_ids = torch.arange(len(unfinished_ids), device=device)[next_subset] un</s> ===========above chunk 1=========== <s>int] = None, pad_token_id: Optional[int] = None, eos_token_id: Optional[int] = None, output_attentions: Optional[bool] = None, output_hidden_states: Optional[bool] = None, output_scores: Optional[bool] = None, return_dict_in_generate: Optional[bool] = None, synced_gpus: Optional[bool] = False, **model_kwargs, ): # offset: -2 """An optimized sample implementation that does not waste computation on finished sequences.""" # init values if logits_processor is None: logits_processor = LogitsProcessorList() if stopping_criteria is None: stopping_criteria = StoppingCriteriaList() if logits_warper is None: logits_warper = LogitsProcessorList() if pad_token_id is None: pad_token_id = self.config.pad_token_id if eos_token_id is None: eos_token_id = self.config.eos_token_id device = self.device # keep track of which sequences are already finished + unfinished_ids = LongTensor(range(input_ids.shape[0])).to(device) - unfinished_ids = torch.LongTensor(range(input_ids.shape[0])).to(device) sequences = sequences_scores = [0.0 for _ in range(input_ids.shape[0])] # TODO: reduce cost using particle weights # auto-regressive generation </s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils assert_eq(x: T1, y: T1, message: Callable[[], str]=lambda: "") -> None at: coeditor.model.RetrievalEditorModel forward(input_ids: LongTensor | None=None, references: Sequence[TokenSeq] | None=None, query_ref_list: Sequence[Sequence[int]] | None=None, labels: LongTensor | None=None, encoder_outputs: "RetrivalEncoderOutputs | None"=None, decoder_input_ids: LongTensor | None=None, decoder_inputs_embeds: Tensor | None=None, decoder_attention_mask: Tensor | None=None, past_key_values=None, use_cache=None, loss_reduction: LossReduction="mean", output_attentions=None, output_hidden_states=None, return_dict=None, tqdm=None) -> Seq2SeqLMOutput prepare_inputs_for_generation(input_ids, encoder_outputs=None, past=None, use_cache=None, **kwargs) _reorder_cache(past, beam_idx) at: coeditor.model.RetrievalEditorModel._reorder_cache reordered_decoder_past = () reordered_decoder_past = reordered_decoder_past + ( reordered_layer_past_states, ) reordered_layer_past_states = reordered_layer_past_states + ( layer_past_state.index_select( 0, ), ) at: math log(x: SupportsFloat, base: SupportsFloat=...) -> float ===========unchanged ref 1=========== at: torch._C._VariableFunctions arange(end: Union[Number, _complex], *, out: Optional[Tensor]=None, dtype: Optional[_dtype]=None, layout: Optional[_layout]=None, device: Optional[Union[_device, str, None]]=None, pin_memory: Optional[_bool]=False, requires_grad: Optional[_bool]=False) -> Tensor arange(start: Number, end: Number, step: Number, *, out: Optional[Tensor]=None, dtype: Optional[_dtype]=None, device: Device=None, requires_grad: _bool=False) -> Tensor arange(start: Number, end: Number, *, out: Optional[Tensor]=None, dtype: Optional[_dtype]=None, device: Device=None, requires_grad: _bool=False) -> Tensor arange(start: Union[Number, _complex], end: Union[Number, _complex], step: Union[Number, _complex]=1, *, out: Optional[Tensor]=None, dtype: Optional[_dtype]=None, layout: Optional[_layout]=None, device: Optional[Union[_device, str, None]]=None, pin_memory: Optional[_bool]=False, requires_grad: Optional[_bool]=False) -> Tensor arange(end: Number, *, out: Optional[Tensor]=None, dtype: Optional[_dtype]=None, device: Device=None, requires_grad: _bool=False) -> Tensor arange(start: Union[Number, _complex], end: Union[Number, _complex], *, dtype: Optional[_dtype]=None, layout: Optional[_layout]=None, device: Optional[Union[_device, str, None]]=None, pin_memory: Optional[_bool]=False, requires_grad: Optional[_bool]=False) -> Tensor multinomial(input: Tensor, num_samples: _int, replacement: _bool=False, *, generator: Optional[Generator]=None, out: Optional[Tensor]=None) -> Tensor at: torch.autograd.grad_mode no_grad()
Improve multi-round edit gain evaluation.
<0>:<add> return costs[(l_in, l_out, init_curosr_dis, False)]
# module: coeditor.common def keystroke_cost( input: str, output: str, cursor_jump_cost: int = 4, init_curosr_dis: int | None = None, # default to cursor_jump_cost ): <s> = rec(i + 1, j, new_dis, deleting=True) + cost3 = costs[(i, j, 0, True)] - best_cost = min(cost0, cost1) - else: + best_cost = min(cost1, cost2, cost3) + 1 + cursor_dis + # match char - # match char + if i_char == j_char: - if i < l_in and j < l_out and input[i] == output[j]: + new_dis = min(cursor_dis + 1, cursor_jump_cost) - new_dis = min(cursor_dis + 1, cursor_jump_cost) - cost0 = rec(i + 1, j + 1, new_dis, False) - else: - cost0 = MaxCost # not an option - # delete input char - cost1 = 1 + rec(i + 1, j, 0, False) + cursor_dis - # add output char - cost2 = 1 + rec(i, j + 1, 0, False) + cursor_dis - # start deleting - cost3 = 1 + rec(i, j, 0, True) + cursor_dis - - best_cost = min(cost0, cost1, cost2, cost3) - cache[key] = best_cost - return best_cost + best_cost = min(best_cost, costs[(i - 1, j - 1, new_dis, False)]) + costs[(i, j, cursor_dis, False)] = best_cost if init_curosr_dis is None: init_curosr_dis = cursor_jump_cost - return rec(0, 0, init_curosr_dis, False) <0>
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.common def keystroke_cost( input: str, output: str, cursor_jump_cost: int = 4, init_curosr_dis: int | None = None, # default to cursor_jump_cost ): # offset: -1 <s>i] if i > 0 else None + for j in j_range: + j_char = output[-j] if j > 0 else None + for cursor_dis in range(cursor_jump_cost + 1): + # --- if deleting --- + # 1: keep deleting + new_dis = min(cursor_dis + 1, cursor_jump_cost) + best_cost = costs[(i - 1, j, new_dis, True)] if i > 0 else MaxCost + # 2: end deleting + if cursor_dis > 0: + best_cost = min(best_cost, 1 + cursor_dis + costs[(i, j, 0, False)]) + costs[(i, j, cursor_dis, True)] = best_cost - key = (i, j, cursor_dis, deleting) - if key in cache: - return cache[key] + # --- if not deleting --- + # 1: delete input char + cost1 = costs[(i - 1, j, 0, False)] if i > 0 else MaxCost + # 2: add output char + cost2 = costs[(i, j - 1, 0, False)] if j > 0 else MaxCost - if deleting: + # 3: start deleting - # end deleting - if cursor_dis > 0: - cost0 = 1 + cursor_dis + rec(i, j, cursor_dis=0, deleting=False) - else: - cost0 = MaxCost # not an option - # keep deleting - new_dis = min(cursor_dis + 1, cursor_jump_cost) - cost1 = rec(i + 1, j, new_dis, deleting=True) + cost3 = costs[(i, j,</s> ===========above chunk 1=========== # module: coeditor.common def keystroke_cost( input: str, output: str, cursor_jump_cost: int = 4, init_curosr_dis: int | None = None, # default to cursor_jump_cost ): # offset: -2 <s> cause`deleting = False`. Worst-case complexity: `len(input) * len(output) * cursor_jump_cost`. Unmodeled operations: - Copy and paste """ l_in = len(input) l_out = len(output) MaxCost = l_in + l_out + cursor_jump_cost + 1000 CacheKey = tuple[int, int, int, bool] + costs = dict[CacheKey, int]() - cache = dict[CacheKey, int]() - def rec(i: int, j: int, cursor_dis: int, deleting: bool) -> int: - "Return the cost of matching input[i:] and output[j:]]." - if i > l_in or j > l_out: - return MaxCost - if i == l_in: - if j == l_out and not deleting: - return 0 # don't need to care about curosr in this case - # type out all remaining chars - return cursor_dis + int(deleting) + (l_out - j) + for c in range(cursor_jump_cost + 1): + costs[(0, 0, c, False)] = 0 + costs[(0, 0, c, True)] = c + 1 + for i in range(l_in + 1): + j_range = range(l_out + 1) if i != 0 else range(1, l_out + 1) + i_char = input[-i] if i > 0 else None + for j in j_range: + j_char = output[-j] if</s> ===========above chunk 2=========== # module: coeditor.common def keystroke_cost( input: str, output: str, cursor_jump_cost: int = 4, init_curosr_dis: int | None = None, # default to cursor_jump_cost ): # offset: -3 <s>_dis, deleting = False`, - Starting with the state `i = 0, j = 0, cursor_dis = init_curosr_dis, deleting = False`, the cost is computed using the optimal combination of the following operations: + - M: match char (cost=0), require `input[-i] == output[-j], not deleting`, cause - - M: match char (cost=0), require `input[i] == output[j], not deleting`, cause + `i -= 1, j -= 1, cursor_dis += 1` - `i += 1, j += 1, cursor_dis += 1` + - D: delete input char (cost=1), require `cursor_dis == 0, not deleting`, cause`i -= 1`. - - D: delete input char (cost=1), require `cursor_dis == 0, not deleting`, cause`i += 1`. + - A: add output char (cost=1), require `cursor_dis == 0, not deleting`, cause`j -= 1`. - - A: add output char (cost=1), require `cursor_dis == 0, not deleting`, cause`j += 1`. - C: bring cursor here (cost=min(curosr_dis, cursor_jump_cost)), require nothing, cause`cursor_dis = 0`. - S: start deleting (cost=1), require `cursor_dis == 0, not deleting`, cause `deleting = True`. + - K: keep deleting (cost=0), require `deleting`, cause`i -= 1`. - - K: keep deleting (cost=0), require `deleting`, cause`i += 1`. - E: end deleting (cost=1), require `cursor_dis == 0,</s> ===========above chunk 3=========== # module: coeditor.common def keystroke_cost( input: str, output: str, cursor_jump_cost: int = 4, init_curosr_dis: int | None = None, # default to cursor_jump_cost ): # offset: -4 """ A string distance metric that takes the cost of moving the cursor into account. This metric aim to approximate the number of key strokes required to transform the input string into the output string. + Starting with the state `i = len(input), j = len(output), cursor_dis = init_cur</s>
Improve multi-round edit gain evaluation.
<0>:<add> and (len(span.change.later) <= self.max_span_chars)
# module: coeditor.c3problem class C3ProblemGenerator(ProjectChangeProcessor[C3Problem]): def process_change( self, pchange: JProjectChange, mod2usages: Mapping[ModuleName, LineUsageAnalysis], module_order: Sequence[ModuleName], ) -> Sequence[C3Problem]: <s>map) processed_cspans = list[ChangedCodeSpan]() problems = list[C3Problem]() for m in module_order: if (mchange := pchange.changed.get(m)) is None: continue if not (usages := mod2usages.get(m)): usages = LineUsageAnalysis({}) warnings.warn("Unexpected: usages missing for module: " + str(m)) for span in mchange.changed: code_span = cache.to_code_span(span) should_mk_problem = ( (span.change.as_char() == Modified.as_char()) and (self._is_training or span._is_func_body()) + and (len(span.change.earlier) <= self.max_span_chars) <0> and (count_lines(span.change.earlier) <= self.max_span_lines) and (count_lines(span.change.later) <= self.max_span_lines) ) if should_mk_problem: # latest changes are more relevant relevant_unchanged = cache.get_relevant_unchanged(code_span, usages) relevant_changes = list(reversed(processed_cspans)) relevant_changes = cache.sort_changes( code_span, relevant_unchanged, relevant_changes ) src_info: SrcInfo = { "project": pchange.project_name, "commit": pchange.commit_info, } n_lines = span.line_range[1] - span.line_range[0] prob = C3Problem( code_span, range(0, n_lines + 1), # one additional line for</s>
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3ProblemGenerator(ProjectChangeProcessor[C3Problem]): def process_change( self, pchange: JProjectChange, mod2usages: Mapping[ModuleName, LineUsageAnalysis], module_order: Sequence[ModuleName], ) -> Sequence[C3Problem]: # offset: -1 before_mod_map = {m.mname: m for m in pchange.all_modules.before} cache = C3GeneratorCache(before_mod_map) processed_cspans = list[ChangedCodeSpan]() problems = list[C3Problem]() </s> ===========below chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3ProblemGenerator(ProjectChangeProcessor[C3Problem]): def process_change( self, pchange: JProjectChange, mod2usages: Mapping[ModuleName, LineUsageAnalysis], module_order: Sequence[ModuleName], ) -> Sequence[C3Problem]: # offset: 1 <s> prob = C3Problem( code_span, range(0, n_lines + 1), # one additional line for appending relevant_changes=relevant_changes, relevant_unchanged=relevant_unchanged, _: None), src_info=src_info, ) problems.append(prob) processed_cspans.append(code_span) return problems ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: _warnings warn(message: str, category: Optional[Type[Warning]]=..., stacklevel: int=..., source: Optional[Any]=...) -> None warn(message: Warning, category: Any=..., stacklevel: int=..., source: Optional[Any]=...) -> None at: coeditor.c3problem ChangedCodeSpan(headers: Sequence[ChangedHeader], original: TkArray, delta: TkDelta, line_range: LineRange, module: ModuleName) SrcInfo(map: Mapping[_KT, _VT], **kwargs: _VT) SrcInfo(iterable: Iterable[Tuple[_KT, _VT]], **kwargs: _VT) SrcInfo(**kwargs: _VT) C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) LineUsageAnalysis(line2usages: Mapping[int, Sequence[PyDefinition]]) C3GeneratorCache(pre_module_map: Mapping[ModuleName, JModule]) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3GeneratorCache get_relevant_unchanged(this_change: ChangedCodeSpan, line_usages: LineUsageAnalysis) max_distance_penalty = 1000 usage_bonus = 2000 sort_changes(target: ChangedCodeSpan, used_defs: Mapping[PyFullName, PyDefinition], changed: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan]) -> Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] to_code_span(span: ChangedSpan) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"] change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () ===========unchanged ref 1=========== at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemGenerator VERSION = "2.9" max_span_lines: int = 500 max_span_chars: int = 6000 at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemGenerator.__init__ self._is_training: bool = False at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemGenerator.post_edit_analysis module_order = sort_modules_by_imports(module_deps) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemGenerator.set_training self._is_training = is_training at: coeditor.change Modified(before: E1, after: E1, unchanged: bool=False) at: coeditor.change.Added after: E1 map(f: Callable[[E1], T2]) -> "Added[T2]" as_char() at: coeditor.change.Deleted before: E1 map(f: Callable[[E1], T2]) -> "Deleted[T2]" as_char() at: coeditor.change.Modified before: E1 after: E1 unchanged: bool = False map(f: Callable[[E1], T2]) -> "Modified[T2]" as_char() at: coeditor.common count_lines(text: str) -> int ModuleName = str at: coeditor.scoped_changes JProjectChange(project_name: str, changed: Mapping[ModuleName, JModuleChange], all_modules: Modified[Collection[JModule]], commit_info: "CommitInfo | None") at: coeditor.scoped_changes.ChangedSpan change: Change[str] parent_scopes: Sequence[Change[ChangeScope]] line_range: LineRange _is_func_body() -> bool at: coeditor.scoped_changes.JModule mname: ModuleName tree: ptree.Module ===========unchanged ref 2=========== at: coeditor.scoped_changes.JModuleChange module_change: Change[JModule] changed: Sequence[ChangedSpan] at: coeditor.scoped_changes.JProjectChange project_name: str changed: Mapping[ModuleName, JModuleChange] all_modules: Modified[Collection[JModule]] commit_info: "CommitInfo | None" at: coeditor.scoped_changes.ProjectChangeProcessor process_change(self, pchange: "JProjectChange", pre_analysis: Any, post_analysis: Any) -> Sequence[TProb] at: typing Mapping = _alias(, 2) Sequence = _alias(, 1) at: typing.Mapping get(key: _KT) -> Optional[_VT_co] get(key: _KT, default: Union[_VT_co, _T]) -> Union[_VT_co, _T] ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3ProblemGenerator(ProjectChangeProcessor[C3Problem]): """ ### Change log - v2.9: Add sibling usages for class members. Improve statement signatures. - v2.8: Fix module usages in `pre_edit_analysis`. Sort changes using heuristic. - v2.7: Use new PyDefiniton that includes signatures. - v2.6: fix missing changes in `JModuleChanges`. Rename to edit_line_ids. - v2.5: fix newline encoding bug. - v2.4: fix buggy encoding of `Added` and `Deleted` changes. - v2.3: always generate problems with full editing range and move the problem splitting logic elsewhere. Also changed the data format of `ChangedCodeSpan`. """ VERSION = "2.9" # change spans with more than this many lines will be ignored max_span_lines: int = 500 + # change spans with more than this many characters will be ignored + max_span_chars: int = 6000
Improve multi-round edit gain evaluation.
<0>:<add> accept_keys.extend(group)
# module: coeditor.model class RetrievalEditorModel(T5PreTrainedModel): def multi_round_edit_gain( self, problem: C3Problem, tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer, dec_args: DecodingArgs, + max_rounds: int = 8, - max_rounds: int = 6, print_steps: bool = True, ) -> "MultiRoundEditStats": <s> - if code_equal(pred.change.after, gold_change.after): - accept_keys = list(pred_delta.keys()) - else: + accept_keys = list[DeltaKey]() - accept_keys = list[DeltaKey]() + for group in pred_delta.change_groups(): - for group in pred_delta.change_groups(): + expected = [ for k in group] - expected = [ for k in group] + actual = [pred_delta.get(k) for k in group] - actual = [pred_delta.get(k) for k in group] + if expected == actual: - if expected == actual: - accept_keys.extend(group) <0> if accept_keys: accept_delta, rest_delta = if print_steps: cprint("green", "Accepted changes:") print(accept_delta) if rounds == 1: first_gain = cost_model.get_edit_gain( original, accept_delta, print_steps ) else: delta_keys = self._get_most_uncertain_edit( batch,, problem.edit_line_ids, print_steps=print_steps ) accept_delta, rest_delta = if print_steps: cprint("red", "No accepted changes.") print("Most uncertain changes:") print(accept_</s>
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.model class RetrievalEditorModel(T5PreTrainedModel): def multi_round_edit_gain( self, problem: C3Problem, tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer, dec_args: DecodingArgs, + max_rounds: int = 8, - max_rounds: int = 6, print_steps: bool = True, ) -> "MultiRoundEditStats": # offset: -1 <s> (since it's unclear how to define normalization for partial edits).""" + cost_model = EditCostModel() problem = problem.restrict_span_changes() span = problem.span gold_change = span.get_change() original = span.original.tolist() if print_steps: print_sections(("gold_change", show_change(gold_change))) print("Remaining changes:") print( gain = labe_gain = cost_model.get_edit_gain(original,, print_steps) first_gain = 0 rounds = 0 for rounds in range(1, max_rounds + 1): tk_prob = tokenizer.tokenize_problem(problem) batch = C3DataLoader.pack_batch([tk_prob]) pred = self.predict_on_batch(batch, [problem], dec_args)[0][0] pred_delta = TkDelta.from_output_tks(problem.edit_line_ids, pred.out_tks) main_segs = output_ids_as_seqs(tk_prob.main_tks) pred_str = TkC3Problem.show_predictions(pred.out_tks, main_segs) if print_steps: print_sections(("round", str(rounds))) print( print("pred change:") print(pred_str) - if code_equal(pred.change.after, gold_change.after): - accept_keys = list(pred</s> ===========above chunk 1=========== # module: coeditor.model class RetrievalEditorModel(T5PreTrainedModel): def multi_round_edit_gain( self, problem: C3Problem, tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer, dec_args: DecodingArgs, + max_rounds: int = 8, - max_rounds: int = 6, print_steps: bool = True, ) -> "MultiRoundEditStats": # offset: -2 + """Compute the total edit gain via multi-round interaction. + Note that this is a strict metric that does not perform code normalization + (since it's unclear how to define normalization for partial edits).""" + cost_model = EditCostModel() </s> ===========below chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.model class RetrievalEditorModel(T5PreTrainedModel): def multi_round_edit_gain( self, problem: C3Problem, tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer, dec_args: DecodingArgs, + max_rounds: int = 8, - max_rounds: int = 6, print_steps: bool = True, ) -> "MultiRoundEditStats": # offset: 1 <s> cprint("red", "No accepted changes.") print("Most uncertain changes:") print(accept_delta) gain -= cost_model.get_edit_gain(original, accept_delta, print_steps) original = accept_delta.apply_to_change(original) span = replace(span,, delta=rest_delta) if print_steps: print("Remaining changes:") print(rest_delta) if not rest_delta or rounds == max_rounds: break first_line = next(iter(rest_delta._deltas)) # shrink the edit range edit_line_ids = accept_delta.get_new_line_ids(problem.edit_line_ids) edit_line_ids = [l for l in edit_line_ids if l >= first_line] problem = replace(problem, span=span, edit_line_ids=edit_line_ids) # the remaining changes (if any) need to be applied manually gain -= cost_model.get_edit_gain(original,, print_steps) return MultiRoundEditStats( label_edit_gain=labe_gain, first_edit_gain=first_gain, rounds=rounds, total_edit_gain=gain, ) ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils cprint(color: str, *elems, sep: Optional[str]=..., end: Optional[str]=..., file: Optional[SupportsWrite[str]]=..., flush: bool=...) at: coeditor.c3problem C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) TkC3Problem(main_input: TkArray, header: TkArray, output: TkArray, path: ProjectPath, change_type: Change[None], named_references: Sequence[tuple[str, TkArray]], project: str, commit: CommitInfo | None, truncated: bool) C3ProblemTokenizer(max_ref_tks: int=512, max_query_tks: int=512, max_output_tks: int=256, max_scope_tks: int=128, max_ref_tks_sum: int=512 * 16, ref_chunk_overlap: int=32, disable_builtin_defs: bool=True, disable_unchanged_refs: bool=False, current_code_only: bool=False) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"] change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () restrict_span_changes() at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemTokenizer VERSION = "2.7" max_ref_tks: int = 512 max_query_tks: int = 512 max_output_tks: int = 256 max_scope_tks: int = 128
Add least_effort multi-round strategy.
<0>:<add> delta = delta.shifted(-a)
# module: coeditor.model @dataclass class EditCostModel: def get_edit_gain( self, original: TokenSeq, delta: TkDelta, print_steps: bool = False ): if not delta: return 0 + edit_lines = list(k[0] for k in delta.keys()) + a, b = edit_lines[0], edit_lines[-1] + original = tk_get_lines(original, a, b + 1) <0> old_change = tokens_to_change(original) new_change = tokens_to_change(delta.apply_to_change(original)) old_lines = old_change.after.splitlines() new_lines = new_change.after.splitlines() matcher = SequenceMatcher(None, old_lines, new_lines) total = 0 for opcode in matcher.get_opcodes(): tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 = opcode if tag == "equal": continue if tag == "delete": # delete line-by-line direct_cost = (i2 - i1) * self.delete_line_cost # delete the selected range batch_cost = self.cursor_jump_cost + 2 cost = min(direct_cost, batch_cost) + self.cursor_jump_cost if print_steps: print(f"delete lines: ({i1},{i2}), {cost=}") elif tag == "insert": cost = len("\n".join(new_lines[j1:j2])) + self.cursor_jump_cost if print_steps: print(f"insert lines: ({j1},{j2}), {cost=}") else: assert_eq(tag, "replace") old_text = "\n".join(old_lines[i1:i2]) new_text = "\n".join(new_lines[j1:j2]) cost = keystroke_cost(old_text, new_text, self.cursor_jump_cost) </s>
===========below chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.model @dataclass class EditCostModel: def get_edit_gain( self, original: TokenSeq, delta: TkDelta, print_steps: bool = False ): # offset: 1 <s>:j2]) cost = keystroke_cost(old_text, new_text, self.cursor_jump_cost) if print_steps: print(f"replace lines: ({i1},{i2}) -> ({j1},{j2}), {cost=}") for l in Differ().compare( old_text.splitlines(), new_text.splitlines() ): print(" " + l) total += cost if print_steps: print("total cost:", total) return total ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils assert_eq(x: T1, y: T1, message: Callable[[], str]=lambda: "") -> None at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"] change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () at: coeditor.c3problem.TkC3Problem main_input: TkArray header: TkArray output: TkArray path: ProjectPath change_type: Change[None] named_references: Sequence[tuple[str, TkArray]] project: str commit: CommitInfo | None truncated: bool at: coeditor.common TokenSeq = list[Token] at: coeditor.encoding tk_get_lines(tks: TokenSeq, start_line: int, until_line: int) -> TokenSeq TkDelta(_deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]]) tokens_to_change(tokens: TokenSeq) -> Modified[str] at: coeditor.encoding.TkDelta _deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]] keys() -> Iterable[DeltaKey] shifted(shift_lines: int) -> Self at: coeditor.encoding.TokenizedEdit input_tks: TokenSeq output_tks: TokenSeq main_tks: TokenSeq path: ProjectPath change_type: Change[None] BAD_DELETE = encode_single_line("((bad delete))") show(pred_tks: TokenSeq | None=None, skip_ctx: bool=False, skip_meta: bool=False) -> str ===========unchanged ref 1=========== at: coeditor.model.show_prediction tk_prob = TkC3Problem(["input_ids"]),[]),["labels"]), path=span.headers[-1].path, change_type=prob.change_type, named_references=[ (f"reference-{i}", for i, ref in enumerate(pred["references"]) ], project=prob.src_info["project"], commit=prob.src_info["commit"], ) at: coeditor.tk_array TkArray() at: coeditor.tk_array.TkArray new(tks: Sequence[int]) -> "TkArray" at: dataclasses dataclass(_cls: Type[_T]) -> Type[_T] dataclass(*, init: bool=..., repr: bool=..., eq: bool=..., order: bool=..., unsafe_hash: bool=..., frozen: bool=...) -> Callable[[Type[_T]], Type[_T]] dataclass(_cls: None) -> Callable[[Type[_T]], Type[_T]] at: difflib SequenceMatcher(isjunk: Optional[Callable[[_T], bool]]=..., a: Sequence[_T]=..., b: Sequence[_T]=..., autojunk: bool=...) Differ(linejunk: Optional[_JunkCallback]=..., charjunk: Optional[_JunkCallback]=...) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.encoding + def tk_get_lines(tks: TokenSeq, start_line: int, until_line: int) -> TokenSeq: + """Get the token sequence for the lines between `start_line` and `until_line`.""" + # use a loop to implement this + # line breaks are represented by the Newline_id token. + newline_pos = [-1] + for i, tk in enumerate(tks): + if tk == Newline_id: + newline_pos.append(i) + newline_pos.append(len(tks)) + start_line = max(0, min(start_line, len(newline_pos) - 1)) + until_line = max(0, min(until_line, len(newline_pos) - 1)) + start = newline_pos[start_line] + 1 + end = max(0, newline_pos[until_line]) + return tks[start:end] + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.model + @dataclass + class MultiRoundEvaluator: + def _get_least_effort_edit( + self, + original: TokenSeq, + delta: TkDelta, + cost_model: "EditCostModel", + print_steps: bool, + ) -> Sequence[DeltaKey]: + tk_lines = tk_splitlines(original) + group_costs = list[tuple]() + for group in delta.change_groups(): + edit_lines = [k[0] for k in group] + a, b = edit_lines[0], edit_lines[-1] + subdelta = delta.for_keys(group).shifted(-a) + sub_input = join_list(tk_lines[a:b], Newline_id) + cost = cost_model.get_edit_gain(sub_input, subdelta, print_steps) + group_costs.append((group, cost)) + return min(group_costs, key=lambda x: x[1])[0] + ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.model + @dataclass + class MultiRoundEvaluator: + model: RetrievalEditorModel + tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer + dec_args: DecodingArgs + strategy: Literal["most_uncertain", "least_effort"] = "most_uncertain" + max_rounds: int = 8 +
Add least_effort multi-round strategy.
<0>:<add> problem.span.original.tolist(), edit_start, edit_stop
# module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: @staticmethod def apply_edit_to_elem( target: _EditRegion, problem: C3Problem, out_tks: TokenSeq, ) -> Modified[str]: edit_line_ids = target.target_line_ids edit_start = edit_line_ids[0] edit_stop = edit_line_ids[-1] + 1 delta = ( TkDelta.from_output_tks(problem.edit_line_ids, out_tks) .for_input_range((edit_start, edit_stop + 1)) .shifted(-edit_start) ) + change1_tks = tk_get_lines( - change1_tks = get_tk_lines( - problem.span.original.tolist(), range(edit_start, edit_stop) <0> ) change1 = tokens_to_change(change1_tks) change2_tks = delta.apply_to_change(change1_tks) change2 = tokens_to_change(change2_tks) # change2 is supposed to be the change we want. However, the tokenizer # sometimes does not perfectly encode the input, hence we extract the # delta and directly apply it to the current code to avoid unnecessary # tokenization. _, delta2 = StrDelta.from_change(Modified(change1.after, change2.after)) new_code = delta2.apply_to_input(target.current_code) return Modified(target.current_code, new_code)
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.c3problem C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"] change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedCodeSpan headers: Sequence[ChangedHeader] original: TkArray delta: TkDelta line_range: LineRange module: ModuleName at: coeditor.change Modified(before: E1, after: E1, unchanged: bool=False) at: coeditor.change.Modified before: E1 after: E1 unchanged: bool = False at: coeditor.common TokenSeq = list[Token] at: coeditor.encoding tk_get_lines(tks: TokenSeq, start_line: int, until_line: int) -> TokenSeq StrDelta(_deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[str, ...]]) TkDelta(_deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]]) tokens_to_change(tokens: TokenSeq) -> Modified[str] at: coeditor.encoding.StrDelta _deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[str, ...]] from_change(change: Change[str]) -> tuple[str, "StrDelta"] at: coeditor.encoding.TkDelta _deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]] apply_to_change(change: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq ===========unchanged ref 1=========== for_input_range(line_range: tuple[int, int]) -> Self shifted(shift_lines: int) -> Self from_output_tks(edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], tks: TokenSeq, allow_truncated_tks: bool=True) -> "TkDelta" at: coeditor.service _EditRegion(current_code: str, target_lines: Sequence[int], target_line_ids: Sequence[int]) at: coeditor.service._EditRegion current_code: str target_lines: Sequence[int] target_line_ids: Sequence[int] at: coeditor.tk_array.TkArray tolist() -> TokenSeq ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.encoding + def tk_get_lines(tks: TokenSeq, start_line: int, until_line: int) -> TokenSeq: + """Get the token sequence for the lines between `start_line` and `until_line`.""" + # use a loop to implement this + # line breaks are represented by the Newline_id token. + newline_pos = [-1] + for i, tk in enumerate(tks): + if tk == Newline_id: + newline_pos.append(i) + newline_pos.append(len(tks)) + start_line = max(0, min(start_line, len(newline_pos) - 1)) + until_line = max(0, min(until_line, len(newline_pos) - 1)) + start = newline_pos[start_line] + 1 + end = max(0, newline_pos[until_line]) + return tks[start:end] + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.model + @dataclass + class MultiRoundEvaluator: + model: RetrievalEditorModel + tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer + dec_args: DecodingArgs + strategy: Literal["most_uncertain", "least_effort"] = "most_uncertain" + max_rounds: int = 8 + ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes - def _to_decorated(tree: ptree.ClassOrFunc): - decorated = not_none(tree.parent) - if decorated.type == "async_funcdef": - decorated = not_none(decorated.parent) - - if decorated.type == "decorated": - return cast(ptree.PythonNode, decorated) - else: - return tree - ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes - def _search_in_scope( - self: ptree.Scope, filter: Callable[[ptree.PythonBaseNode], bool] - ) -> Iterable[ptree.PythonBaseNode]: - def scan(children: Sequence[ptree.PythonBaseNode]): - for element in children: - if filter(element): - yield element - if element.type in ptree._FUNC_CONTAINERS: - yield from scan(element.children) # type: ignore - - return scan(self.children) # type: ignore - ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: + def for_keys(self, keys: Collection[DeltaKey]) -> Self: + """Compute the delta for the given line range.""" + key_set = set(keys) + acts1 = dict[int, list[TokenSeq]]() + for l, acts in self._deltas.items(): + for i, act in enumerate(acts): + key = DeltaKey((l, i)) + if key in key_set: + acts1.setdefault(l, []).append(act) + return TkDelta({k: tuple(v) for k, v in acts1.items()}) + ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.model + @dataclass + class MultiRoundEvaluator: + def _get_least_effort_edit( + self, + original: TokenSeq, + delta: TkDelta, + cost_model: "EditCostModel", + print_steps: bool, + ) -> Sequence[DeltaKey]: + tk_lines = tk_splitlines(original) + group_costs = list[tuple]() + for group in delta.change_groups(): + edit_lines = [k[0] for k in group] + a, b = edit_lines[0], edit_lines[-1] + subdelta = delta.for_keys(group).shifted(-a) + sub_input = join_list(tk_lines[a:b], Newline_id) + cost = cost_model.get_edit_gain(sub_input, subdelta, print_steps) + group_costs.append((group, cost)) + return min(group_costs, key=lambda x: x[1])[0] +
Add least_effort multi-round strategy.
<0>:<add> assert_tks_eq(join_list(tk_lines, Newline_id), enc, "join_list(tk_lines)")
# module: tests.test_edits def test_splitlines(): rng = get_rng() + for n in range(60): - for n in range(100): + for _ in range(10): + rand_input = [rng.choice(["a", "b", "c", "\n"]) for _ in range(n)] - rand_input = [rng.choice(["a", "b", "c", "\n"]) for _ in range(n)] + input = "".join(rand_input).rstrip("\n") - input = "".join(rand_input).rstrip("\n") + lines = splitlines(input) - lines = splitlines(input) + # basic identity - # basic identity + assert "\n".join(lines) == input - assert "\n".join(lines) == input + assert count_lines(input) == len(lines) - assert count_lines(input) == len(lines) + # encode and decode - # encode and decode + enc = encode_lines_join(input) - enc = encode_lines_join(input) + assert decode_tokens(enc) == input - assert decode_tokens(enc) == input + # split tokens - # split tokens + tk_lines = tk_splitlines(enc) - tk_lines = tk_splitlines(enc) + assert len(tk_lines) == len(lines) - assert len(tk_lines) == len(lines) - assert_tks_eq(join_list(tk_lines, Newline_id), enc, "join_list(tk_lines)") <0>
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.common splitlines(text: str) -> list[str] count_lines(text: str) -> int at: coeditor.encoding tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq) decode_tokens(tokens: TokenSeq, prettify: bool=False) -> str encode_lines_join(text: str) -> TokenSeq at: random.Random VERSION = 3 # used by getstate/setstate _randbelow = _randbelow_with_getrandbits choice(seq: Sequence[_T]) -> _T at: tests.test_edits get_rng() ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.service - def get_tk_lines(tks: TokenSeq, line_ids: Sequence[int]) -> TokenSeq: - lines = tk_splitlines(tks) - return join_list((lines[i] for i in line_ids), Newline_id) - ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.model + @dataclass + class MultiRoundEvaluator: + model: RetrievalEditorModel + tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer + dec_args: DecodingArgs + strategy: Literal["most_uncertain", "least_effort"] = "most_uncertain" + max_rounds: int = 8 + ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes - def _to_decorated(tree: ptree.ClassOrFunc): - decorated = not_none(tree.parent) - if decorated.type == "async_funcdef": - decorated = not_none(decorated.parent) - - if decorated.type == "decorated": - return cast(ptree.PythonNode, decorated) - else: - return tree - ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes - def _search_in_scope( - self: ptree.Scope, filter: Callable[[ptree.PythonBaseNode], bool] - ) -> Iterable[ptree.PythonBaseNode]: - def scan(children: Sequence[ptree.PythonBaseNode]): - for element in children: - if filter(element): - yield element - if element.type in ptree._FUNC_CONTAINERS: - yield from scan(element.children) # type: ignore - - return scan(self.children) # type: ignore - ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: + def for_keys(self, keys: Collection[DeltaKey]) -> Self: + """Compute the delta for the given line range.""" + key_set = set(keys) + acts1 = dict[int, list[TokenSeq]]() + for l, acts in self._deltas.items(): + for i, act in enumerate(acts): + key = DeltaKey((l, i)) + if key in key_set: + acts1.setdefault(l, []).append(act) + return TkDelta({k: tuple(v) for k, v in acts1.items()}) + ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.model + @dataclass + class MultiRoundEvaluator: + def _get_least_effort_edit( + self, + original: TokenSeq, + delta: TkDelta, + cost_model: "EditCostModel", + print_steps: bool, + ) -> Sequence[DeltaKey]: + tk_lines = tk_splitlines(original) + group_costs = list[tuple]() + for group in delta.change_groups(): + edit_lines = [k[0] for k in group] + a, b = edit_lines[0], edit_lines[-1] + subdelta = delta.for_keys(group).shifted(-a) + sub_input = join_list(tk_lines[a:b], Newline_id) + cost = cost_model.get_edit_gain(sub_input, subdelta, print_steps) + group_costs.append((group, cost)) + return min(group_costs, key=lambda x: x[1])[0] + ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: coeditor.encoding + def tk_get_lines(tks: TokenSeq, start_line: int, until_line: int) -> TokenSeq: + """Get the token sequence for the lines between `start_line` and `until_line`.""" + # use a loop to implement this + # line breaks are represented by the Newline_id token. + newline_pos = [-1] + for i, tk in enumerate(tks): + if tk == Newline_id: + newline_pos.append(i) + newline_pos.append(len(tks)) + start_line = max(0, min(start_line, len(newline_pos) - 1)) + until_line = max(0, min(until_line, len(newline_pos) - 1)) + start = newline_pos[start_line] + 1 + end = max(0, newline_pos[until_line]) + return tks[start:end] + ===========changed ref 7=========== # module: coeditor.model + @dataclass + class MultiRoundEvaluator: + @torch.autocast("cuda") + def _get_most_uncertain_edit( + self, + batch: dict, + delta: TkDelta, + edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], + print_steps: bool, + ) -> Sequence[DeltaKey]: + device = self.model.device + input_ids = cast(LongTensor, LongTensor(batch["input_ids"]).to(device)) + labels = [wrap_bos(batch["labels"][0])] + labels = cast(LongTensor, LongTensor(labels).to(device)) + assert_eq(input_ids.size(0), 1) + + output = self.model.forward( + input_ids, + references=batch["references"], + query_ref_list=batch["query_ref_list"], + labels=labels, + loss_reduction="none", + ) + loss = not_none(output.loss) + + out_ranges = delta.change_groups_as_output_ranges(edit_line_ids) + group2loss = dict[Sequence[DeltaKey], float]() + for r, group in zip(out_ranges, delta.change_groups()): + r_loss = float(loss[r].sum()) + group2loss[group] = r_loss + if print_steps: + tks = repr(decode_tokens(labels[0, r].tolist())) + print(f"range={(r.start, r.stop)}, loss={r_loss:.4g},\n\ttokens={tks}") + + return max(group2loss.keys(), key=lambda k: group2loss[k]) +
Report under more edit cost models.
<0>:<add> "max": float(x.max()),
# module: coeditor._utils def scalar_stats(xs) -> dict[str, Any]: x = np.array(xs) return { + "mean": float(x.mean()), - "mean": x.mean(), + "median": float(np.median(x)), - "median": np.median(x), + "min": float(x.min()), - "min": x.min(), - "max": x.max(), <0> }
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: numpy._ArrayOrScalarCommon mean(axis: None | _ShapeLike=..., dtype: DTypeLike=..., out: _NdArraySubClass=..., keepdims: bool=..., *, where: _ArrayLikeBool_co=...) -> _NdArraySubClass mean(axis: None | _ShapeLike=..., dtype: DTypeLike=..., out: None=..., keepdims: bool=..., *, where: _ArrayLikeBool_co=...) -> Any min(axis: None | _ShapeLike=..., out: _NdArraySubClass=..., keepdims: bool=..., initial: _NumberLike_co=..., where: _ArrayLikeBool_co=...) -> _NdArraySubClass min(axis: None | _ShapeLike=..., out: None=..., keepdims: bool=..., initial: _NumberLike_co=..., where: _ArrayLikeBool_co=...) -> Any at: numpy.core._multiarray_umath array(object, dtype=None, *, copy=True, order='K', subok=False, ndmin=0, like=None, /) ===========unchanged ref 1=========== at: numpy.lib.function_base median(a: _ArrayLikeFloat_co | _ArrayLikeComplex_co | _ArrayLikeTD64_co | _ArrayLikeObject_co, axis: None | _ShapeLike=..., out: _ArrayType=..., overwrite_input: bool=..., keepdims: bool=...) -> _ArrayType median(a: _ArrayLikeObject_co, axis: None=..., out: None=..., overwrite_input: bool=..., keepdims: L[False]=...) -> Any median(a: _ArrayLikeFloat_co, axis: None=..., out: None=..., overwrite_input: bool=..., keepdims: L[False]=...) -> floating[Any] median(a: _ArrayLikeTD64_co, axis: None=..., out: None=..., overwrite_input: bool=..., keepdims: L[False]=...) -> timedelta64 median(a: _ArrayLikeComplex_co, axis: None=..., out: None=..., overwrite_input: bool=..., keepdims: L[False]=...) -> complexfloating[Any, Any] median(a: _ArrayLikeFloat_co | _ArrayLikeComplex_co | _ArrayLikeTD64_co | _ArrayLikeObject_co, axis: None | _ShapeLike=..., out: None=..., overwrite_input: bool=..., keepdims: bool=...) -> Any ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor._utils def assert_eq(x: T1, *xs: T1, extra_message: Callable[[], str] = lambda: "") -> None: for i in range(len(xs)): x = xs[i - 1] if i > 0 else x y = xs[i] + if x != y: + raise AssertionError( - assert x == y, ( + f"{x} (of type {type(x).__name__}) != {y} (of type {type(y).__name__}) at equality {i}.\n" - f"{x} (of type {type(x).__name__}) != {y} (of type {type(y).__name__}) at equality {i}.\n" + + extra_message() - + extra_message() + ) - )
Report under more edit cost models.
<0>:<add> elif level >= max_show_level:
# module: coeditor._utils def pretty_print_dict( d: dict, level: int = 0, max_show_level: int = 1000, float_precision: int = 5, ): + def show_float(x: float): + return f"%.{float_precision}g" % x + for k, v in d.items(): print(" " * level, end="") if isinstance(v, float): + print(f"{k}: {show_float(v)}") - print(f"{k}: %.{float_precision}g" % v) elif isinstance(v, dict) or isinstance(v, list): + if isinstance(v, dict) and all(isinstance(x, float) for x in v.values()): + dict_s = ( + "{" + ", ".join(f"{k}: {show_float(v)}" for k, v in v.items()) + "}" + ) + print(f"{k}: {dict_s}") - if level >= max_show_level: <0> print(f"{k}: ...") else: print(f"{k}:") if isinstance(v, list): v = {f"[{i}]": e for i, e in enumerate(v)} pretty_print_dict(v, level=level + 1, max_show_level=max_show_level) else: print(f"{k}: {v}")
===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor._utils def scalar_stats(xs) -> dict[str, Any]: x = np.array(xs) return { + "mean": float(x.mean()), - "mean": x.mean(), + "median": float(np.median(x)), - "median": np.median(x), + "min": float(x.min()), - "min": x.min(), + "max": float(x.max()), - "max": x.max(), } ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor._utils def assert_eq(x: T1, *xs: T1, extra_message: Callable[[], str] = lambda: "") -> None: for i in range(len(xs)): x = xs[i - 1] if i > 0 else x y = xs[i] + if x != y: + raise AssertionError( - assert x == y, ( + f"{x} (of type {type(x).__name__}) != {y} (of type {type(y).__name__}) at equality {i}.\n" - f"{x} (of type {type(x).__name__}) != {y} (of type {type(y).__name__}) at equality {i}.\n" + + extra_message() - + extra_message() + ) - )
Implement the C3ToCodeCompletion transformation.
<0>:<add> remake=remake_problems,
# module: coeditor.dataset def make_or_load_dataset( dataset_name: str, change_processor: ProjectChangeProcessor[C3Problem], problem_transformer: C3ProblemTransform, remake_problems: bool = False, workers: int = DefaultWorkers, ) -> C3ProblemDataset: <s>Problem]]() for split, probs in problems.items(): if split == "train": continue prob_lists = pmap( problem_transformer.transform, probs, desc=f"transform({split})", chunksize=1000, ) results[split] = join_list(prob_lists) return results prob_config = repr_modified_args(change_processor) processed_dir = get_dataset_dir(dataset_name) / "processed" cache = PickleCache(processed_dir) with timed_action("Making or loading C3 problems"): problems = cache.cached( prob_config, lambda: datasets_from_repos( get_dataset_dir(dataset_name) / "repos", change_processor, workers=workers, ), remake=remake_problems, ) size_mb = (processed_dir / prob_config).stat().st_size / (1024**2) print(f"Problems total size: {size_mb:.2f} MB") trans_config = repr_modified_args(problem_transformer) transformed_dir = get_dataset_dir(dataset_name) / "transformed" cache = PickleCache(transformed_dir) with timed_action("Making or loading transformed C3 problems for eval"): eval_probs = cache.cached( f"{prob_config}-{trans_config}", lambda: transform_eval_problems(problems), <0> ) return C3ProblemDataset( train=problems.get("train", []), valid=eval_probs.get("valid", []), test=eval_probs.get("test", []), )
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.dataset def make_or_load_dataset( dataset_name: str, change_processor: ProjectChangeProcessor[C3Problem], problem_transformer: C3ProblemTransform, remake_problems: bool = False, workers: int = DefaultWorkers, ) -> C3ProblemDataset: # offset: -1 def transform_eval_problems( problems: dict[str, Sequence[C3Problem]] ) -> dict[str, Sequence[C3Problem]]: results = dict[str, Sequence[C3Problem]]() for split, probs in problems.items(): if split == "train": continue prob_lists</s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils DefaultWorkers: int = multiprocessing.cpu_count() // 2 global DefaultWorkers pmap(f: Callable[..., T1], iter3: Iterable[Any], iter4: Iterable[Any], iter5: Iterable[Any], iter6: Iterable[Any], /, *iterables: Iterable[Any], desc: str | None=None, key_args: Mapping[str, Any] | None=None, max_workers: int | None=None, chunksize: int | None=None, tqdm_args: Mapping[str, Any] | None=None) -> list[T1] timed_action(name: str, silent: bool=False) PickleCache(cache_dir: Path) repr_modified_args(instance, flatten: bool=False) -> str at: coeditor._utils.PickleCache cached(rel_path: Path | str, func: Callable[[], T1], remake: bool=False) -> T1 at: coeditor.c3problem C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) C3ProblemTransform() at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemTransform transform(prob: C3Problem) -> Sequence[C3Problem] at: coeditor.common get_dataset_dir(dataname: str) -> Path join_list(segs: Iterable[Iterable[T1]], sep: T1 | None=None) -> list[T1] at: coeditor.dataset datasets_from_repos(repos_root: Path, change_processor: ProjectChangeProcessor[C3Problem], max_history_per_repo: int=1000, workers: int=DefaultWorkers) -> dict[str, Sequence[C3Problem]] ===========unchanged ref 1=========== C3ProblemDataset(map: Mapping[_KT, _VT], **kwargs: _VT) C3ProblemDataset(iterable: Iterable[Tuple[_KT, _VT]], **kwargs: _VT) C3ProblemDataset(**kwargs: _VT) at: coeditor.scoped_changes ProjectChangeProcessor() at: os.stat_result st_mode: int # protection bits, st_ino: int # inode number, st_dev: int # device, st_nlink: int # number of hard links, st_uid: int # user id of owner, st_gid: int # group id of owner, st_size: int # size of file, in bytes, st_atime: float # time of most recent access, st_mtime: float # time of most recent content modification, st_ctime: float # platform dependent (time of most recent metadata change on Unix, or the time of creation on Windows) st_atime_ns: int # time of most recent access, in nanoseconds st_mtime_ns: int # time of most recent content modification in nanoseconds st_ctime_ns: int # platform dependent (time of most recent metadata change on Unix, or the time of creation on Windows) in nanoseconds st_reparse_tag: int st_file_attributes: int st_blocks: int # number of blocks allocated for file st_blksize: int # filesystem blocksize st_rdev: int # type of device if an inode device st_flags: int # user defined flags for file st_gen: int # file generation number st_birthtime: int # time of file creation st_rsize: int st_creator: int st_type: int at: pathlib.Path __slots__ = () stat() -> os.stat_result ===========unchanged ref 2=========== at: typing Sequence = _alias(, 1) at: typing.Mapping get(key: _KT) -> Optional[_VT_co] get(key: _KT, default: Union[_VT_co, _T]) -> Union[_VT_co, _T] ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem + @dataclass + class C3ToCodeCompletion(C3ProblemTransform): + def __post_init__(self): + self._rng = random.Random() + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem + @dataclass + class C3ToCodeCompletion(C3ProblemTransform): + """Convert the C3 problem into an edit-oriented code completion problem by + randomly picking a changed line as the completion target, deleting its + old version, and treating the new version as the desired output. + + ### Change log + - empty + """ + + VERSION = "1.0" + min_target_size = 6 + ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem + @dataclass + class C3ToCodeCompletion(C3ProblemTransform): + def transform(self, prob: C3Problem) -> Sequence[C3Problem]: + original = prob.span.original + delta = + + def group_filter(group: tuple) -> bool: + segs = [delta[k] for k in group] + return ( + segs[0][0] == Add_id + and sum(len(s) for s in segs) >= self.min_target_size + ) + + add_groups = [ks for ks in delta.change_groups() if group_filter(ks)] + if not add_groups: + return [] + # sample the completion target + target = self._rng.choice(add_groups) + + prev_changes = [k for k in delta.keys() if k < target[0]] + if delta[target[-1]][0] == Del_id: + # if the last change is a deletion, move it into prev_changesine into before_changes + prev_changes.append(target[-1]) + target = target[:-1] + assert target + prev_delta, rest_delta = delta.decompose_for_change(prev_changes) + new_original = prev_delta.apply_to_change(original.tolist()) + new_delta_keys = tuple(rest_delta.keys())[: len(target)] + new_delta = rest_delta.for_keys(new_delta_keys) + assert new_delta, "the remaining delta should not be empty" + new_span = replace( + prob.span,, delta=new_delta + ) + new_trans = prob.transformations + ("code_completion",) + new_lines = tuple(set(k[0] for k in new_delta.keys())) + new_prob = replace( + prob, + span=new</s>
Use a new 3-stage training pipeline. - Add `filter` to C3DataLoader. - Add `truncated` to TkC3Problem.
<0>:<add> truncated=truncated,
# module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: def tokenize_problem( self, problem: C3Problem, ) -> TkC3Problem: <s> in enumerate(below_chunks) ] all_refs = above_chunks + below_chunks ref_size_sum = sum(len(ref) for _, ref in all_refs) + truncated = False if ref_size_sum < self.max_ref_tks_sum: unchanged = self._group_encode_unchanged_refs(problem.relevant_unchanged) for i, chunk in enumerate(unchanged): all_refs.append((f"unchanged ref {i}", chunk)) + else: + truncated = True if ref_size_sum < self.max_ref_tks_sum: changed = self._group_encode_changed_refs(problem.relevant_changes) for i, chunk in enumerate(changed): all_refs.append((f"changed ref {i}", chunk)) ref_size_sum += sum(len(x) for x in changed) + else: + truncated = True # take until we hit the limit ref_size_sum = 0 kept_refs = list[tuple[str, TkArray]]() for name, ref in all_refs: if ref_size_sum + len(ref) > self.max_ref_tks_sum: + truncated = True + break - continue ref_size_sum += len(ref) kept_refs.append((name, ref)) return TkC3Problem(,,, path=span.headers[-1].path, change_type=problem.change_type, named_references=kept_refs, project=problem.src_info["project"], commit=problem.src_info["commit"], <0> )
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: def tokenize_problem( self, problem: C3Problem, ) -> TkC3Problem: # offset: -1 <s>_lines[:edit_start] + [TokenSeq()], Newline_id) above_tks = tk_delta.for_input_range((0, edit_start)).apply_to_change(above_tks) below_tks = join_list(origin_lines[edit_stop:] + [TokenSeq()], Newline_id) chunk_input, above_tks, below_tks = self._inline_some_context( chunk_input, above_tks, below_tks, input_limit ) chunk_output = truncate_section( chunk_output, TruncateAt.Right, self.max_output_tks, add_bos=False, inplace=True, ) above_chunks = break_into_chunks( above_tks, lambda i: self._encode_headers(span.headers, -1 - i), chunk_size=self.max_ref_tks, overlap=self.ref_chunk_overlap, right_to_left=True, ) if not below_tks: below_chunks = [] else: below_chunks = break_into_chunks( below_tks, lambda i: self._encode_headers(span.headers, i + 1), chunk_size=self.max_ref_tks, overlap=self.ref_chunk_overlap, ) above_chunks = [ (f"above chunk {i}", for i, chunk in enumerate(above_chunks) ] below_chunks = [ (f"below chunk {i}", for i, chunk in enumerate(below_chunks) ] all_refs = above_chunks + below_chunks ref_size_sum</s> ===========above chunk 1=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: def tokenize_problem( self, problem: C3Problem, ) -> TkC3Problem: # offset: -2 <s> scope_tks = self._encode_headers(span.headers, 0) input_limit = self.max_query_tks - len(scope_tks) chunk_input = TokenSeq() chunk_output = TokenSeq() last_line = edit_start for i, l in enumerate(problem.edit_line_ids): for line in origin_lines[last_line + 1 : l]: chunk_input.extend(line) chunk_input.append(Newline_id) chunk_input.append(get_extra_id(i)) if l < len(origin_lines): chunk_input.extend(origin_lines[l]) chunk_input.append(Newline_id) last_line = l line_change = join_list(tk_delta.get_line_change(l), Newline_id) chunk_output.append(get_extra_id(i)) chunk_output.extend(line_change) if line_change and line_change[-1] != Del_id: chunk_output.append(Newline_id) if len(chunk_input) > input_limit: break edit_stop = last_line + 1 # limit the input size if it's too long chunk_input = truncate_section( chunk_input, TruncateAt.Right, input_limit, inplace=True ) chunk_output = truncate_output_tks(chunk_input, chunk_output) # try move some prev_change_tks into the input above_tks = join_list(origin_lines[:edit_start] + [TokenSeq()], Newline_id) above_tks = tk_delta.for</s> ===========above chunk 2=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: def tokenize_problem( self, problem: C3Problem, ) -> TkC3Problem: # offset: -3 span = problem.span original: TokenSeq = span.original.tolist() tk_delta: TkDelta = origin_lines = tk_splitlines(original) edit_start = problem.edit_line_ids[0</s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.c3problem C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) TkC3Problem(main_input: TkArray, header: TkArray, output: TkArray, path: ProjectPath, change_type: Change[None], named_references: Sequence[tuple[str, TkArray]], project: str, commit: CommitInfo | None, truncated: bool) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"] change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemTokenizer VERSION = "2.6" max_ref_tks: int = 512 max_query_tks: int = 512 max_output_tks: int = 256 max_scope_tks: int = 128 max_ref_tks_sum: int = 512 * 16 ref_chunk_overlap: int = 32 _encode_headers(scope_changes: Sequence[ChangedHeader], offset: int) -> TokenSeq _inline_some_context(input: TokenSeq, above_ctx: TokenSeq, below_ctx: TokenSeq, size_limit: int) -> tuple[TokenSeq, TokenSeq, TokenSeq] _group_encode_unchanged_refs(elems: Mapping[PyFullName, PyDefinition]) -> Sequence[TkArray] _group_encode_changed_refs(changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan]) -> Sequence[TkArray] at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedCodeSpan headers: Sequence[ChangedHeader]
Use a new 3-stage training pipeline. - Add `filter` to C3DataLoader. - Add `truncated` to TkC3Problem.
<0>:<add> f"eval-{prob_config}-{trans_config}",
# module: coeditor.dataset def make_or_load_dataset( dataset_name: str, change_processor: ProjectChangeProcessor[C3Problem], + eval_transformer: C3ProblemTransform, - problem_transformer: C3ProblemTransform, remake_problems: bool = False, workers: int = DefaultWorkers, ) -> C3ProblemDataset: <s> probs, desc=f"transform({split})", chunksize=1000, ) results[split] = join_list(prob_lists) return results prob_config = repr_modified_args(change_processor) processed_dir = get_dataset_dir(dataset_name) / "processed" cache = PickleCache(processed_dir) with timed_action("Making or loading C3 problems"): problems = cache.cached( prob_config, lambda: datasets_from_repos( get_dataset_dir(dataset_name) / "repos", change_processor, workers=workers, ), remake=remake_problems, ) size_mb = (processed_dir / prob_config).stat().st_size / (1024**2) print(f"Problems total size: {size_mb:.2f} MB") + trans_config = repr_modified_args(eval_transformer) - trans_config = repr_modified_args(problem_transformer) transformed_dir = get_dataset_dir(dataset_name) / "transformed" cache = PickleCache(transformed_dir) with timed_action("Making or loading transformed C3 problems for eval"): eval_probs = cache.cached( - f"{prob_config}-{trans_config}", <0> lambda: transform_eval_problems(problems), remake=remake_problems, ) return C3ProblemDataset( train=problems.get("train", []), valid=eval_probs.get("valid", []), test=eval_probs.get("test", []), )
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.dataset def make_or_load_dataset( dataset_name: str, change_processor: ProjectChangeProcessor[C3Problem], + eval_transformer: C3ProblemTransform, - problem_transformer: C3ProblemTransform, remake_problems: bool = False, workers: int = DefaultWorkers, ) -> C3ProblemDataset: # offset: -1 def transform_eval_problems( problems: dict[str, Sequence[C3Problem]] ) -> dict[str, Sequence[C3Problem]]: results = dict[str, Sequence[C3Problem]]() for split, probs in problems.items(): if split == "train": continue prob_lists = pmap( + eval_transformer.transform, - problem_transformer.transform, probs, desc=f"transform({split})", chunksize=1000, ) results[split]</s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils DefaultWorkers: int = multiprocessing.cpu_count() // 2 global DefaultWorkers pmap(f: Callable[..., T1], iter3: Iterable[Any], iter4: Iterable[Any], iter5: Iterable[Any], iter6: Iterable[Any], /, *iterables: Iterable[Any], desc: str | None=None, key_args: Mapping[str, Any] | None=None, max_workers: int | None=None, chunksize: int | None=None, tqdm_args: Mapping[str, Any] | None=None) -> list[T1] timed_action(name: str, silent: bool=False) PickleCache(cache_dir: Path) repr_modified_args(instance, flatten: bool=False) -> str at: coeditor._utils.PickleCache cached(rel_path: Path | str, func: Callable[[], T1], remake: bool=False) -> T1 at: coeditor.c3problem C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) C3ProblemTransform() at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemTransform transform(prob: C3Problem) -> Sequence[C3Problem] at: coeditor.common get_dataset_dir(dataname: str) -> Path join_list(segs: Iterable[Iterable[T1]], sep: T1 | None=None) -> list[T1] at: coeditor.dataset datasets_from_repos(repos_root: Path, change_processor: ProjectChangeProcessor[C3Problem], max_history_per_repo: int=1000, workers: int=DefaultWorkers) -> dict[str, Sequence[C3Problem]] ===========unchanged ref 1=========== C3ProblemDataset(map: Mapping[_KT, _VT], **kwargs: _VT) C3ProblemDataset(iterable: Iterable[Tuple[_KT, _VT]], **kwargs: _VT) C3ProblemDataset(**kwargs: _VT) at: coeditor.scoped_changes ProjectChangeProcessor() at: os.stat_result st_mode: int # protection bits, st_ino: int # inode number, st_dev: int # device, st_nlink: int # number of hard links, st_uid: int # user id of owner, st_gid: int # group id of owner, st_size: int # size of file, in bytes, st_atime: float # time of most recent access, st_mtime: float # time of most recent content modification, st_ctime: float # platform dependent (time of most recent metadata change on Unix, or the time of creation on Windows) st_atime_ns: int # time of most recent access, in nanoseconds st_mtime_ns: int # time of most recent content modification in nanoseconds st_ctime_ns: int # platform dependent (time of most recent metadata change on Unix, or the time of creation on Windows) in nanoseconds st_reparse_tag: int st_file_attributes: int st_blocks: int # number of blocks allocated for file st_blksize: int # filesystem blocksize st_rdev: int # type of device if an inode device st_flags: int # user defined flags for file st_gen: int # file generation number st_birthtime: int # time of file creation st_rsize: int st_creator: int st_type: int at: pathlib.Path __slots__ = () stat() -> os.stat_result ===========unchanged ref 2=========== at: typing Sequence = _alias(, 1) at: typing.Mapping get(key: _KT) -> Optional[_VT_co] get(key: _KT, default: Union[_VT_co, _T]) -> Union[_VT_co, _T] ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem + @dataclass + class C3ProblemChangeInlining(C3ProblemTransform): + def __post_init__(self): + self._rng = random.Random() + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem - @dataclass - class C3ProblemChangeDropout(C3ProblemTransform): - def __post_init__(self): - self._rng = random.Random() - ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedCodeSpan: + def change_size(self) -> int: + return len(self.original) + + ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkC3Problem(TokenizedEdit): "Tokenized contextual code change prediction problem." main_input: TkArray header: TkArray output: TkArray path: ProjectPath change_type: Change[None] # most relevant to least relevant named_references: Sequence[tuple[str, TkArray]] project: str commit: CommitInfo | None + truncated: bool ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: """ ## Change log + - 2.6: increase max_ref_tks_sum from 512 * 12 to 512 * 16. - 2.5: Sort used references by path. - 2.4: Encode each changed reference individually. Encode signatures for unchanged. """ + VERSION = "2.6" - VERSION = "2.5" max_ref_tks: int = 512 max_query_tks: int = 512 max_output_tks: int = 256 max_scope_tks: int = 128 + max_ref_tks_sum: int = 512 * 16 - max_ref_tks_sum: int = 512 * 12 ref_chunk_overlap: int = 32
Use a new 3-stage training pipeline. - Add `filter` to C3DataLoader. - Add `truncated` to TkC3Problem.
<0>:<add> truncated=False,
# module: coeditor.model def show_prediction(prob: C3Problem, pred: RetrievalModelPrediction) -> str: span = prob.span tk_prob = TkC3Problem(["input_ids"]),[]),["labels"]), path=span.headers[-1].path, change_type=prob.change_type, named_references=[ (f"reference-{i}", for i, ref in enumerate(pred["references"]) ], project=prob.src_info["project"], commit=prob.src_info["commit"], <0> ) return["output_ids"])
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.encoding.TokenizedEdit input_tks: TokenSeq output_tks: TokenSeq main_tks: TokenSeq path: ProjectPath change_type: Change[None] BAD_DELETE = encode_single_line("((bad delete))") show(pred_tks: TokenSeq | None=None, skip_ctx: bool=False, skip_meta: bool=False) -> str at: coeditor.model MultiRoundEditStats(label_edit_gain: int, first_edit_gain: int, total_edit_gain: int, rounds: int) RetrivalEncoderOutputs(last_hidden_state: Tensor, hidden_state_mask: Tensor | None=None) at: coeditor.model.MultiRoundEditStats label_edit_gain: int first_edit_gain: int total_edit_gain: int rounds: int at: coeditor.model.RetrivalEncoderOutputs last_hidden_state: Tensor hidden_state_mask: Tensor | None = None at: coeditor.model.show_prediction tk_prob = TkC3Problem(["input_ids"]),[]),["labels"]), path=span.headers[-1].path, change_type=prob.change_type, named_references=[ (f"reference-{i}", for i, ref in enumerate(pred["references"]) ], project=prob.src_info["project"], commit=prob.src_info["commit"], truncated=False, ) ===========unchanged ref 1=========== at: dataclasses dataclass(_cls: Type[_T]) -> Type[_T] dataclass(*, init: bool=..., repr: bool=..., eq: bool=..., order: bool=..., unsafe_hash: bool=..., frozen: bool=...) -> Callable[[Type[_T]], Type[_T]] dataclass(_cls: None) -> Callable[[Type[_T]], Type[_T]] at: transformers.utils.generic ModelOutput(**kwargs: _VT) ModelOutput(map: Mapping[_KT, _VT], **kwargs: _VT) ModelOutput(iterable: Iterable[Tuple[_KT, _VT]], **kwargs: _VT) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem + @dataclass + class C3ProblemChangeInlining(C3ProblemTransform): + def __post_init__(self): + self._rng = random.Random() + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem - @dataclass - class C3ProblemChangeDropout(C3ProblemTransform): - def __post_init__(self): - self._rng = random.Random() - ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedCodeSpan: + def change_size(self) -> int: + return len(self.original) + + ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkC3Problem(TokenizedEdit): "Tokenized contextual code change prediction problem." main_input: TkArray header: TkArray output: TkArray path: ProjectPath change_type: Change[None] # most relevant to least relevant named_references: Sequence[tuple[str, TkArray]] project: str commit: CommitInfo | None + truncated: bool ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: """ ## Change log + - 2.6: increase max_ref_tks_sum from 512 * 12 to 512 * 16. - 2.5: Sort used references by path. - 2.4: Encode each changed reference individually. Encode signatures for unchanged. """ + VERSION = "2.6" - VERSION = "2.5" max_ref_tks: int = 512 max_query_tks: int = 512 max_output_tks: int = 256 max_scope_tks: int = 128 + max_ref_tks_sum: int = 512 * 16 - max_ref_tks_sum: int = 512 * 12 ref_chunk_overlap: int = 32 ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem + @dataclass + class C3ProblemChangeInlining(C3ProblemTransform): + """Split the problem into fixed-sized editing ranges like `C3ProblemSimpleSplit`, + but also randomly keep some subset of changes in the input. + + ### Change log + - v1.3: make `random_subset` truely random. + - v1.2: fix newline encoding bug. + - v1.1 + - Dropout changes using change groups instead of individual change actions. + - Perform dropout at entire problem level ratehr than chunk level. This way, + changes in later chunks will be visible as well. + - Removed `dropout_prob`. + """ + + VERSION = "1.3" + + max_lines_to_edit: int = 25 + max_split_factor: int = 4 + # when dropping the changes into the input, the biggest ratio of changes to drop + max_dropout_ratio: float = 0.5 + _test_prob: float = 0.01 + ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem - @dataclass - class C3ProblemChangeDropout(C3ProblemTransform): - """Split the problem into fixed-sized editing ranges like `C3ProblemSimpleSplit`, - but also randomly keep some subset of changes in the input. - - ### Change log - - v1.3: make `random_subset` truely random. - - v1.2: fix newline encoding bug. - - v1.1 - - Dropout changes using change groups instead of individual change actions. - - Perform dropout at entire problem level ratehr than chunk level. This way, - changes in later chunks will be visible as well. - - Removed `dropout_prob`. - """ - - VERSION = "1.3" - - max_lines_to_edit: int = 25 - max_split_factor: int = 4 - # when dropping the changes into the input, the biggest ratio of changes to drop - max_dropout_ratio: float = 0.5 - _test_prob: float = 0.01 -
Use a new 3-stage training pipeline. - Add `filter` to C3DataLoader. - Add `truncated` to TkC3Problem.
<0>:<add> test_loader,
# module: scripts.train_model def train_model( model_name: str, dataset_name: str, encoder: C3CombinedEncoder = C3CombinedEncoder(), batch_args=BatchArgs.train_default(), eval_batch_args=BatchArgs.eval_default(), train_args=TrainingArgs(), recreate_data: bool = False, resumed_from: Path | None = None, eval_only: bool = False, quicktest: bool = False, ): <s>, train_loader, valid_loader, train_args) - model.train_on_data(model_name, train_loader, eval_loader, train_args)"cuda") + test_loader = C3DataLoader( + datasets["test"], None, eval_tkn, eval_batch_args, shuffle=False, desc="test" + ) + print(f"{len(test_loader)}") + print(f"{len(test_loader.all_probs)}") with timed_action("Loss Evaluation"): + eval_result = model.eval_loss_on_loader(test_loader) - eval_result = model.eval_loss_on_loader(eval_loader) eval_dict = {f"test/{k}": v.average() for k, v in eval_result.items()} wandb.log(eval_dict) with timed_action("Accuracy Evaluation"): out_dir = get_model_dir() / model_name / "exact_match_samples" exact_acc = model.eval_on_data( datasets["test"], - eval_tkn, - eval_batch_args, <0> dec_args, out_dir, probs_to_save=300, ) print("Exact-match accuracy:", exact_acc) wandb.log({"test/exact-acc": exact_acc.average()}) cprint("blue", "Exact-match samples saved to:", out_dir) return model
===========above chunk 0=========== <s>train_model def train_model( model_name: str, dataset_name: str, encoder: C3CombinedEncoder = C3CombinedEncoder(), batch_args=BatchArgs.train_default(), eval_batch_args=BatchArgs.eval_default(), train_args=TrainingArgs(), recreate_data: bool = False, resumed_from: Path | None = None, eval_only: bool = False, quicktest: bool = False, ): # offset: -1 <s>Loader( + random_subset(datasets["train"], len(datasets["train"]) // 2), + encoder.problem_tranform, + warmup_tkn, + batch_args, + filter=_not_truncated, + shuffle=True, + desc="stage 2 training", + ) + warmup_targs = copy.deepcopy(train_args) + warmup_targs.learning_rate *= 2 + warmup_targs.max_train_epochs = 1 + model.train_on_data(model_name, warmup_loader, valid_loader, warmup_targs) + - if not eval_only: + with timed_action("final stage training"): - with timed_action("Fine-tune Training"): - # we attach the problem transform to the dataloader to generate data on-the-fly train_loader = C3DataLoader( + random_subset(datasets["train"], len(datasets["train"]) // 4), - datasets["train"], encoder.problem_tranform, train_tkn, batch_args, shuffle=True, + desc="final stage training", - desc="training", ) - print("Fine-tune batch stats:") - pprint(train_loader.get_batch_stats()) + model.train_on_data(model_name, train_loader, valid_loader, train_args) - model.train_on_data(model_name, train_</s> ===========above chunk 1=========== <s>train_model def train_model( model_name: str, dataset_name: str, encoder: C3CombinedEncoder = C3CombinedEncoder(), batch_args=BatchArgs.train_default(), eval_batch_args=BatchArgs.eval_default(), train_args=TrainingArgs(), recreate_data: bool = False, resumed_from: Path | None = None, eval_only: bool = False, quicktest: bool = False, ): # offset: -2 <s>( + datasets["train"], - warm_up_data, encoder.problem_tranform, warmup_tkn, + batch_args, - warmup_bargs, + filter=_not_truncated, shuffle=True, + desc="stage 1 training", - desc="warm-up training", ) - print("Warmup batch stats:") - pprint(warmup_loader.get_batch_stats()) - warmup_targs = copy.deepcopy(train_args) warmup_targs.learning_rate *= 4 warmup_targs.max_train_epochs = 1 + model.train_on_data(model_name, warmup_loader, valid_loader, warmup_targs) - model.train_on_data(model_name, warmup_loader, eval_loader, warmup_targs) + with timed_action("stage 2 training"): + warmup_bargs = copy.deepcopy(batch_args) + warmup_bargs.min_queries *= 2 + warmup_tkn = copy.copy(train_tkn) + warmup_tkn.max_ref_tks_sum //= 2 + warmup_loader = C3DataLoader( + random_subset(datasets["train"], len(datasets["train"]) // 2), + encoder.problem</s> ===========above chunk 2=========== <s>train_model def train_model( model_name: str, dataset_name: str, encoder: C3CombinedEncoder = C3CombinedEncoder(), batch_args=BatchArgs.train_default(), eval_batch_args=BatchArgs.eval_default(), train_args=TrainingArgs(), recreate_data: bool = False, resumed_from: Path | None = None, eval_only: bool = False, quicktest: bool = False, ): # offset: -3 <s>" train_tkn = encoder.edit_tokenizer eval_tkn = copy.deepcopy(train_tkn) eval_tkn.max_query_tks *= 2 eval_tkn.max_output_tks *= 2 eval_tkn.max_ref_tks_sum *= 2 + valid_loader = C3DataLoader( - eval_loader = C3DataLoader( datasets["valid"], None, eval_tkn, eval_batch_args, shuffle=False, desc="eval" ) + if not eval_only: + # follow a 3-stage training pipeline - if not eval_only and resumed_from is None: + with timed_action("stage 1 training"): - with timed_action("Warm-up Training"): warmup_bargs = copy.deepcopy(batch_args) warmup_bargs.min_queries *= 4 - warmup_bargs.max_queries *= 2 - - warm_up_data = random_subset( - datasets["train"], len(datasets["train"]) // 4, rng=42 - ) warmup_tkn = copy.copy(train_tkn) + warmup_tkn.max_ref_tks_sum //= 4 - warmup_tkn.max_ref_tks_sum //= 3 warmup_loader = C3</s> ===========above chunk 3=========== <s>train_model def train_model( model_name: str, dataset_name: str, encoder: C3CombinedEncoder = C3CombinedEncoder(), batch_args=BatchArgs.train_default(), eval_batch_args=BatchArgs.eval_default(), train_args=TrainingArgs(), recreate_data: bool = False, resumed_from: Path | None = None, eval_only: bool = False, quicktest: bool = False, ): # offset: -4 <s>izer": encoder.edit_tokenizer.get_args(), "batch_args": batch_args, "train_args": train_args, "dec_args": dec_args, }.items() } project = "Coeditor" if not quicktest else "Coeditor-quicktest" if eval_only: project = "eval-" + project wandb.init(dir="..", project=project, name=model_name, config=config_dict) if quicktest: print("Using fewer data for quick test.") n_quick_exs = 20 datasets = C3ProblemDataset( train=datasets["train"][:n_quick_exs], valid=datasets["valid"][:n_quick_exs], test=datasets["test"][:n_quick_exs], ) if resumed_from is None: model = RetrievalEditorModel.from_code_t5("base", reuse_embed=True) else: model = RetrievalEditorModel.load(resumed_from) if os.getenv("CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES") is None: warnings.warn( "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES not set, using 0. Note that " "the Huggingface Trainer will use all visible GPUs for training." ) os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] =</s>
Organize training code.
<0>:<add> test=problems.get("test", []),
# module: coeditor.dataset def make_or_load_dataset( dataset_name: str, change_processor: ProjectChangeProcessor[C3Problem], - eval_transformer: C3ProblemTransform, remake_problems: bool = False, workers: int = DefaultWorkers, ) -> C3ProblemDataset: <s>, - desc=f"transform({split})", - chunksize=1000, - ) - results[split] = join_list(prob_lists) - return results - prob_config = repr_modified_args(change_processor) processed_dir = get_dataset_dir(dataset_name) / "processed" cache = PickleCache(processed_dir) with timed_action("Making or loading C3 problems"): problems = cache.cached( prob_config, lambda: datasets_from_repos( get_dataset_dir(dataset_name) / "repos", change_processor, workers=workers, ), remake=remake_problems, ) size_mb = (processed_dir / prob_config).stat().st_size / (1024**2) print(f"Problems total size: {size_mb:.2f} MB") - trans_config = repr_modified_args(eval_transformer) - transformed_dir = get_dataset_dir(dataset_name) / "transformed" - cache = PickleCache(transformed_dir) - - with timed_action("Making or loading transformed C3 problems for eval"): - eval_probs = cache.cached( - f"eval-{prob_config}-{trans_config}", - lambda: transform_eval_problems(problems), - remake=remake_problems, - ) - return C3ProblemDataset( train=problems.get("train", []), + valid=problems.get("valid", []), - valid=eval_probs.get("valid", []), - test=eval_probs.get("test", []), <0> )
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.dataset def make_or_load_dataset( dataset_name: str, change_processor: ProjectChangeProcessor[C3Problem], - eval_transformer: C3ProblemTransform, remake_problems: bool = False, workers: int = DefaultWorkers, ) -> C3ProblemDataset: # offset: -1 - def transform_eval_problems( - problems: dict[str, Sequence[C3Problem]] - ) -> dict[str, Sequence[C3Problem]]: - results = dict[str, Sequence[C3Problem]]() - for split, probs in problems.items(): - if split == "train": - continue - prob_lists = pmap( - eval_transformer.transform, - probs, - desc=f"transform({split})", - chunksize=1000, - ) - results[split</s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils DefaultWorkers: int = multiprocessing.cpu_count() // 2 global DefaultWorkers pmap(f: Callable[..., T1], iter3: Iterable[Any], iter4: Iterable[Any], iter5: Iterable[Any], iter6: Iterable[Any], /, *iterables: Iterable[Any], desc: str | None=None, key_args: Mapping[str, Any] | None=None, max_workers: int | None=None, chunksize: int | None=None, tqdm_args: Mapping[str, Any] | None=None) -> list[T1] not_none(x: Optional[T1]) -> T1 timed_action(name: str, silent: bool=False) PickleCache(cache_dir: Path) repr_modified_args(instance, flatten: bool=False) -> str at: coeditor._utils.PickleCache cached(rel_path: Path | str, func: Callable[[], T1], remake: bool=False) -> T1 at: coeditor.c3problem C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemTransform transform(prob: C3Problem) -> Sequence[C3Problem] at: coeditor.common get_dataset_dir(dataname: str) -> Path join_list(segs: Iterable[Iterable[T1]], sep: T1 | None=None) -> list[T1] at: coeditor.dataset C3CombinedEncoder(change_processor: ProjectChangeProcessor[C3Problem]=field( default_factory=C3ProblemGenerator ), problem_tranform: C3ProblemTransform=field(default_factory=C3ProblemSimpleSplit), edit_tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer=field(default_factory=C3ProblemTokenizer)) ===========unchanged ref 1=========== datasets_from_repos(repos_root: Path, change_processor: ProjectChangeProcessor[C3Problem], max_history_per_repo: int=1000, workers: int=DefaultWorkers) -> dict[str, Sequence[C3Problem]] C3ProblemDataset(map: Mapping[_KT, _VT], **kwargs: _VT) C3ProblemDataset(iterable: Iterable[Tuple[_KT, _VT]], **kwargs: _VT) C3ProblemDataset(**kwargs: _VT) at: coeditor.dataset.C3CombinedEncoder change_processor: ProjectChangeProcessor[C3Problem] = field( default_factory=C3ProblemGenerator ) problem_tranform: C3ProblemTransform = field(default_factory=C3ProblemSimpleSplit) edit_tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer = field(default_factory=C3ProblemTokenizer) at: os.stat_result st_mode: int # protection bits, st_ino: int # inode number, st_dev: int # device, st_nlink: int # number of hard links, st_uid: int # user id of owner, st_gid: int # group id of owner, st_size: int # size of file, in bytes, st_atime: float # time of most recent access, st_mtime: float # time of most recent content modification, st_ctime: float # platform dependent (time of most recent metadata change on Unix, or the time of creation on Windows) st_atime_ns: int # time of most recent access, in nanoseconds st_mtime_ns: int # time of most recent content modification in nanoseconds st_ctime_ns: int # platform dependent (time of most recent metadata change on Unix, or the time of creation on Windows) in nanoseconds st_reparse_tag: int st_file_attributes: int st_blocks: int # number of blocks allocated for file ===========unchanged ref 2=========== st_blksize: int # filesystem blocksize st_rdev: int # type of device if an inode device st_flags: int # user defined flags for file st_gen: int # file generation number st_birthtime: int # time of file creation st_rsize: int st_creator: int st_type: int at: pathlib.Path __slots__ = () stat() -> os.stat_result at: typing Sequence = _alias(, 1) at: typing.Mapping get(key: _KT) -> Optional[_VT_co] get(key: _KT, default: Union[_VT_co, _T]) -> Union[_VT_co, _T] ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.dataset class C3ProblemDataset(TypedDict): train: Sequence[C3Problem] + valid: Sequence[C3Problem] - valid: Sequence[TransformedC3Problem] + test: Sequence[C3Problem] - test: Sequence[TransformedC3Problem] ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.dataset - TransformedC3Problem = C3Problem - ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.dataset time_limit_per_commit = 10.0 -
Organize training code.
<0>:<add> model.train_on_data(model_name, s_loader, valid_loader, s_targs)
# module: scripts.train_model def train_model( model_name: str, dataset_name: str, encoder: C3CombinedEncoder = C3CombinedEncoder(), batch_args=BatchArgs.train_default(), eval_batch_args=BatchArgs.eval_default(), train_args=TrainingArgs(), recreate_data: bool = False, resumed_from: Path | None = None, eval_only: bool = False, quicktest: bool = False, ): <s> copy.deepcopy(train_args) - warmup_targs.learning_rate *= 2 - warmup_targs.max_train_epochs = 1 - model.train_on_data(model_name, warmup_loader, valid_loader, warmup_targs) - - with timed_action("final stage training"): - train_loader = C3DataLoader( - random_subset(datasets["train"], len(datasets["train"]) // 4), - encoder.problem_tranform, - train_tkn, - batch_args, - shuffle=True, - desc="final stage training", - ) - model.train_on_data(model_name, train_loader, valid_loader, train_args) <0>"cuda") test_loader = C3DataLoader( datasets["test"], None, eval_tkn, eval_batch_args, shuffle=False, desc="test" ) print(f"{len(test_loader)}") print(f"{len(test_loader.all_probs)}") with timed_action("Loss Evaluation"): eval_result = model.eval_loss_on_loader(test_loader) eval_dict = {f"test/{k}": v.average() for k, v in eval_result.items()} wandb.log(eval_dict) with timed_action("Accuracy Evaluation"): out_dir = get_model_dir() / model_name / "exact_match_samples" </s>
===========above chunk 0=========== <s>train_model def train_model( model_name: str, dataset_name: str, encoder: C3CombinedEncoder = C3CombinedEncoder(), batch_args=BatchArgs.train_default(), eval_batch_args=BatchArgs.eval_default(), train_args=TrainingArgs(), recreate_data: bool = False, resumed_from: Path | None = None, eval_only: bool = False, quicktest: bool = False, ): # offset: -1 <s>, + desc=f"stage {stage} training", - desc="stage 1 training", ) + s_targs = copy.deepcopy(train_args) - warmup_targs = copy.deepcopy(train_args) + s_targs.learning_rate *= scale - warmup_targs.learning_rate *= 4 + s_targs.max_train_epochs = 1 - warmup_targs.max_train_epochs = 1 - model.train_on_data(model_name, warmup_loader, valid_loader, warmup_targs) - + with timed_action(f"stage {stage} training"): - with timed_action("stage 2 training"): - warmup_bargs = copy.deepcopy(batch_args) - warmup_bargs.min_queries *= 2 - warmup_tkn = copy.copy(train_tkn) - warmup_tkn.max_ref_tks_sum //= 2 - warmup_loader = C3DataLoader( - random_subset(datasets["train"], len(datasets["train"]) // 2), - encoder.problem_tranform, - warmup_tkn, - batch_args, - filter=_not_truncated, - shuffle=True, - desc="stage 2 training", - ) - warmup_targs = copy.deepcopy(train_args) - warmup_targs.learning_rate *= 2 - warmup_t</s> ===========above chunk 1=========== <s>train_model def train_model( model_name: str, dataset_name: str, encoder: C3CombinedEncoder = C3CombinedEncoder(), batch_args=BatchArgs.train_default(), eval_batch_args=BatchArgs.eval_default(), train_args=TrainingArgs(), recreate_data: bool = False, resumed_from: Path | None = None, eval_only: bool = False, quicktest: bool = False, ): # offset: -2 <s>action("stage 1 training"): + s_bargs = copy.deepcopy(batch_args) - warmup_bargs = copy.deepcopy(batch_args) + s_bargs.min_queries *= scale - warmup_bargs.min_queries *= 4 + s_tkn = copy.copy(train_tkn) - warmup_tkn = copy.copy(train_tkn) + s_tkn.max_ref_tks_sum //= scale - warmup_tkn.max_ref_tks_sum //= 4 + s_probs = [ + x + for x in datasets["train"] + if sum(c.change_size() for c in x.relevant_changes) + <= s_tkn.max_ref_tks_sum + ] + s_probs = random_subset(s_probs, len(s_probs) // 4 * scale) + s_loader = C3DataLoader( - warmup_loader = C3DataLoader( + s_probs, - datasets["train"], encoder.problem_tranform, + s_tkn, - warmup_tkn, batch_args, filter=_not_truncated, shuffle=True, + desc=f"stage {stage} training", - desc="stage 1 training", ) + s</s> ===========above chunk 2=========== <s>train_model def train_model( model_name: str, dataset_name: str, encoder: C3CombinedEncoder = C3CombinedEncoder(), batch_args=BatchArgs.train_default(), eval_batch_args=BatchArgs.eval_default(), train_args=TrainingArgs(), recreate_data: bool = False, resumed_from: Path | None = None, eval_only: bool = False, quicktest: bool = False, ): # offset: -3 <s>exs], valid=datasets["valid"][:n_quick_exs], test=datasets["test"][:n_quick_exs], ) if resumed_from is None: model = RetrievalEditorModel.from_code_t5("base", reuse_embed=True) else: model = RetrievalEditorModel.load(resumed_from) if os.getenv("CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES") is None: warnings.warn( "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES not set, using 0. Note that " "the Huggingface Trainer will use all visible GPUs for training." ) os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0" train_tkn = encoder.edit_tokenizer eval_tkn = copy.deepcopy(train_tkn) eval_tkn.max_query_tks *= 2 eval_tkn.max_output_tks *= 2 eval_tkn.max_ref_tks_sum *= 2 valid_loader = C3DataLoader( datasets["valid"], None, eval_tkn, eval_batch_args, shuffle=False, desc="eval" ) if not eval_only: # follow a 3-stage training pipeline + scales = [4, 2, 1] + for stage, scale in enumerate(scales): - with</s> ===========above chunk 3=========== <s>train_model def train_model( model_name: str, dataset_name: str, encoder: C3CombinedEncoder = C3CombinedEncoder(), batch_args=BatchArgs.train_default(), eval_batch_args=BatchArgs.eval_default(), train_args=TrainingArgs(), recreate_data: bool = False, resumed_from: Path | None = None, eval_only: bool = False, quicktest: bool = False, ): # offset: -4 <s> datasets, + encoder, + remake_problems=recreate_data, + workers=multiprocessing.cpu_count(), + ) + # limit the number of examples for faster testing + datasets["valid"] = random_subset(eval_probs["valid"], 10000, rng=42) - datasets["valid"] = random_subset(datasets["valid"], 10000, rng=42) + datasets["test"] = random_subset(eval_probs["test"], 10000, rng=42) - datasets["test"] = random_subset(datasets["test"], 10000, rng=42) config_dict = { k: get_modified_args(v) for k, v in { "edit_tokenizer": encoder.edit_tokenizer.get_args(), "batch_args": batch_args, "train_args": train_args, "dec_args": dec_args, }.items() } project = "Coeditor" if not quicktest else "Coeditor-quicktest" if eval_only: project = "eval-" + project wandb.init(dir="..", project=project, name=model_name, config=config_dict) if quicktest: print("Using fewer data for quick test.") n_quick_exs = 20 datasets = C3ProblemDataset( train=datasets["train"][:n_</s>
Organize training code.
<0>:<add> model_name="coeditor-perm2k-c3-multi-v1.7.1",
# module: scripts.train_model def train_new_model(): train_model( - model_name="coeditor-perm2k-c3-multi-v1.7", <0> dataset_name="perm2k", train_args=TrainingArgs( max_train_epochs=1, ), encoder=C3CombinedEncoder( problem_tranform=C3ProblemChangeInlining(), ), recreate_data=False, quicktest=False, )
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.c3problem C3ProblemChangeInlining(max_lines_to_edit: int=30, max_split_factor: int=4, max_inline_ratio: float=1.0, _test_prob: float=0.01, allow_empty_problems: bool=True) at: coeditor.common proj_root() -> Path at: coeditor.dataset C3CombinedEncoder(change_processor: ProjectChangeProcessor[C3Problem]=field( default_factory=C3ProblemGenerator ), problem_tranform: C3ProblemTransform=field(default_factory=C3ProblemSimpleSplit), edit_tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer=field(default_factory=C3ProblemTokenizer)) at: os chdir(path: _FdOrAnyPath) -> None ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.dataset - TransformedC3Problem = C3Problem - ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.dataset time_limit_per_commit = 10.0 - ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.dataset class C3ProblemDataset(TypedDict): train: Sequence[C3Problem] + valid: Sequence[C3Problem] - valid: Sequence[TransformedC3Problem] + test: Sequence[C3Problem] - test: Sequence[TransformedC3Problem] ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.dataset + def make_or_load_transformed_dataset( + dataset_name: str, + dataset: C3ProblemDataset | None, + encoder: C3CombinedEncoder, + remake_problems: bool = False, + workers: int = DefaultWorkers, + ) -> dict[str, Sequence[C3Problem]]: + def transform_eval_problems( + dataset: C3ProblemDataset, + ) -> dict[str, Sequence[C3Problem]]: + results = dict[str, Sequence[C3Problem]]() + for split in ("valid", "test"): + prob_lists = pmap( + encoder.problem_tranform.transform, + dataset[split], + desc=f"transform({split})", + chunksize=1000, + max_workers=workers, + ) + results[split] = join_list(prob_lists) + return results + + proc_config = repr_modified_args(encoder.change_processor) + trans_config = repr_modified_args(encoder.problem_tranform) + transformed_dir = get_dataset_dir(dataset_name) / "transformed" + cache = PickleCache(transformed_dir) + return cache.cached( + f"eval-{proc_config}-{trans_config}", + lambda: transform_eval_problems(not_none(dataset)), + remake=remake_problems, + ) + ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.dataset def make_or_load_dataset( dataset_name: str, change_processor: ProjectChangeProcessor[C3Problem], - eval_transformer: C3ProblemTransform, remake_problems: bool = False, workers: int = DefaultWorkers, ) -> C3ProblemDataset: - def transform_eval_problems( - problems: dict[str, Sequence[C3Problem]] - ) -> dict[str, Sequence[C3Problem]]: - results = dict[str, Sequence[C3Problem]]() - for split, probs in problems.items(): - if split == "train": - continue - prob_lists = pmap( - eval_transformer.transform, - probs, - desc=f"transform({split})", - chunksize=1000, - ) - results[split] = join_list(prob_lists) - return results - prob_config = repr_modified_args(change_processor) processed_dir = get_dataset_dir(dataset_name) / "processed" cache = PickleCache(processed_dir) with timed_action("Making or loading C3 problems"): problems = cache.cached( prob_config, lambda: datasets_from_repos( get_dataset_dir(dataset_name) / "repos", change_processor, workers=workers, ), remake=remake_problems, ) size_mb = (processed_dir / prob_config).stat().st_size / (1024**2) print(f"Problems total size: {size_mb:.2f} MB") - trans_config = repr_modified_args(eval_transformer) - transformed_dir = get_dataset_dir(dataset_name) / "transformed" - cache = PickleCache(transformed_dir) - - with timed_action("Making or loading transformed C3 problems for eval"): - eval_probs = cache.cached( - f"eval-{prob_config}-{</s> ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.dataset def make_or_load_dataset( dataset_name: str, change_processor: ProjectChangeProcessor[C3Problem], - eval_transformer: C3ProblemTransform, remake_problems: bool = False, workers: int = DefaultWorkers, ) -> C3ProblemDataset: # offset: 1 <s> transformed C3 problems for eval"): - eval_probs = cache.cached( - f"eval-{prob_config}-{trans_config}", - lambda: transform_eval_problems(problems), - remake=remake_problems, - ) - return C3ProblemDataset( train=problems.get("train", []), + valid=problems.get("valid", []), - valid=eval_probs.get("valid", []), + test=problems.get("test", []), - test=eval_probs.get("test", []), ) ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: scripts.train_model def train_model( model_name: str, dataset_name: str, encoder: C3CombinedEncoder = C3CombinedEncoder(), batch_args=BatchArgs.train_default(), eval_batch_args=BatchArgs.eval_default(), train_args=TrainingArgs(), recreate_data: bool = False, resumed_from: Path | None = None, eval_only: bool = False, quicktest: bool = False, ): dec_args = DecodingArgs() if quicktest: model_name = "quicktest-" + model_name if not eval_only: check_save_dir(model_name) # problems will be transformed and saved for valid and test but not train. datasets = make_or_load_dataset( dataset_name, encoder.change_processor, - encoder.problem_tranform, remake_problems=recreate_data, + workers=multiprocessing.cpu_count(), ) + + with timed_action("Making or loading transformed C3 problems for eval"): + # it's important to cache these due to randomness in the transformations + eval_probs = make_or_load_transformed_dataset( + dataset_name, + datasets, + encoder, + remake_problems=recreate_data, + workers=multiprocessing.cpu_count(), + ) + # limit the number of examples for faster testing + datasets["valid"] = random_subset(eval_probs["valid"], 10000, rng=42) - datasets["valid"] = random_subset(datasets["valid"], 10000, rng=42) + datasets["test"] = random_subset(eval_probs["test"], 10000, rng=42) - datasets["test"] = random_subset(datasets["test"], 10000, rng=42) config_dict = { k: get_modified_args(v) for k, v in { "edit_tokenizer": encoder.edit_</s>
Improve C3DataLoader performance. - move _post_process into pmap. - support `disable_unchanged_refs`.
<0>:<add> chunksize = max(1, chunksize)
# module: coeditor._utils def pmap( f: Callable[..., T1], *f_args: Any, desc: str | None = None, key_args: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, max_workers: int | None = None, chunksize: int | None = None, tqdm_args: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> list[T1]: """ Parallel map with progress displaying. """ n = len(f_args[0]) assert_eq(n, *(len(xs) for xs in f_args)) tqdm_args = dict(tqdm_args) if tqdm_args else {} tqdm_args.setdefault("smoothing", 0.0) if desc is None: desc = "pmap: " + f.__name__ if key_args is None: key_args = {} if max_workers is None: max_workers = DefaultWorkers if max_workers <= 1: outs = list[T1]() for i in tqdm(range(n), desc=desc, **tqdm_args): outs.append(f(*(a[i] for a in f_args), **key_args)) return outs if chunksize is None: + chunksize = n // (20 * max_workers) - chunksize = max(1, n // (20 * max_workers)) <0> tag_f = _TaggedFunc(f, key_args) arg_tuples = zip(range(n), *f_args) with ( multiprocessing.Pool(max_workers) as pool, tqdm(total=n, desc=desc, **tqdm_args) as pbar, ): results = dict[int, T1]() for i, r in pool.imap_unordered(tag_f, arg_tuples, chunksize=chunksize): results[i] = r pbar.update() return [results[i] for i in range(n)]
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils T1 = TypeVar("T1") DefaultWorkers: int = multiprocessing.cpu_count() // 2 global DefaultWorkers _TaggedFunc(f: Callable[..., T1], key_args: Mapping[str, Any]) assert_eq(x: T1, *xs: T1, extra_message: Callable[[], str]=lambda: "") -> None at: multiprocessing Pool(processes: Optional[int]=..., initializer: Optional[Callable[..., Any]]=..., initargs: Iterable[Any]=..., maxtasksperchild: Optional[int]=...) -> pool.Pool at: tqdm.std tqdm(iterable=None, desc=None, total=None, leave=True, file=None, ncols=None, mininterval=0.1, maxinterval=10.0, miniters=None, ascii=None, disable=False, unit='it', unit_scale=False, dynamic_ncols=False, smoothing=0.3, bar_format=None, initial=0, position=None, postfix=None, unit_divisor=1000, write_bytes=False, lock_args=None, nrows=None, colour=None, delay=0, gui=False, **kwargs) at: typing Callable = _CallableType(, 2) Mapping = _alias(, 2)
Improve C3DataLoader performance. - move _post_process into pmap. - support `disable_unchanged_refs`.
<0>:<add> all_refs.append((f"unchanged ref {i}", chunk))
# module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: def tokenize_problem( self, problem: C3Problem, ) -> TkC3Problem: <s> chunk in enumerate(above_chunks) ] below_chunks = [ (f"below chunk {i}", for i, chunk in enumerate(below_chunks) ] all_refs = above_chunks + below_chunks ref_size_sum = sum(len(ref) for _, ref in all_refs) truncated = False if ref_size_sum < self.max_ref_tks_sum: + if not self.disable_unchanged_refs: + unchanged = self._group_encode_unchanged_refs( - unchanged = self._group_encode_unchanged_refs(problem.relevant_unchanged) + problem.relevant_unchanged + ) + for i, chunk in enumerate(unchanged): - for i, chunk in enumerate(unchanged): - all_refs.append((f"unchanged ref {i}", chunk)) <0> else: truncated = True if ref_size_sum < self.max_ref_tks_sum: changed = self._group_encode_changed_refs(problem.relevant_changes) for i, chunk in enumerate(changed): all_refs.append((f"changed ref {i}", chunk)) ref_size_sum += sum(len(x) for x in changed) else: truncated = True # take until we hit the limit ref_size_sum = 0 kept_refs = list[tuple[str, TkArray]]() for name, ref in all_refs: if ref_size_sum + len(ref) > self.max_ref_tks_sum: truncated = True break ref_size_sum += len(ref) kept_refs.append((name, ref)) return TkC3Problem(</s>
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: def tokenize_problem( self, problem: C3Problem, ) -> TkC3Problem: # offset: -1 <s> truncate_output_tks(chunk_input, chunk_output) # try move some prev_change_tks into the input above_tks = join_list(origin_lines[:edit_start] + [TokenSeq()], Newline_id) above_tks = tk_delta.for_input_range((0, edit_start)).apply_to_change(above_tks) below_tks = join_list(origin_lines[edit_stop:] + [TokenSeq()], Newline_id) chunk_input, above_tks, below_tks = self._inline_some_context( chunk_input, above_tks, below_tks, input_limit ) chunk_output = truncate_section( chunk_output, TruncateAt.Right, self.max_output_tks, add_bos=False, inplace=True, ) above_chunks = break_into_chunks( above_tks, lambda i: self._encode_headers(span.headers, -1 - i), chunk_size=self.max_ref_tks, overlap=self.ref_chunk_overlap, right_to_left=True, ) if not below_tks: below_chunks = [] else: below_chunks = break_into_chunks( below_tks, lambda i: self._encode_headers(span.headers, i + 1), chunk_size=self.max_ref_tks, overlap=self.ref_chunk_overlap, ) above_chunks = [ (f"above chunk {i}", for i, chunk in enumerate(above_chunks) ] below_chunks = [ (f"below chunk {i}", T</s> ===========above chunk 1=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: def tokenize_problem( self, problem: C3Problem, ) -> TkC3Problem: # offset: -2 () tk_delta: TkDelta = origin_lines = tk_splitlines(original) edit_start = problem.edit_line_ids[0] scope_tks = self._encode_headers(span.headers, 0) input_limit = self.max_query_tks - len(scope_tks) chunk_input = TokenSeq() chunk_output = TokenSeq() last_line = edit_start for i, l in enumerate(problem.edit_line_ids): for line in origin_lines[last_line + 1 : l]: chunk_input.extend(line) chunk_input.append(Newline_id) chunk_input.append(get_extra_id(i)) if l < len(origin_lines): chunk_input.extend(origin_lines[l]) chunk_input.append(Newline_id) last_line = l line_change = join_list(tk_delta.get_line_change(l), Newline_id) chunk_output.append(get_extra_id(i)) chunk_output.extend(line_change) if line_change and line_change[-1] != Del_id: chunk_output.append(Newline_id) if len(chunk_input) > input_limit: break edit_stop = last_line + 1 # limit the input size if it's too long chunk_input = truncate_section( chunk_input, TruncateAt.Right, input_limit, inplace=True ) chunk_output = truncate_output_tks(chunk_input, chunk_output) # try move some prev_change_tks into the</s> ===========below chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: def tokenize_problem( self, problem: C3Problem, ) -> TkC3Problem: # offset: 1 <s>_refs.append((name, ref)) return TkC3Problem(,,, path=span.headers[-1].path, change_type=problem.change_type, named_references=kept_refs, project=problem.src_info["project"], commit=problem.src_info["commit"], truncated=truncated, ) ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.c3problem C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) TkC3Problem(main_input: TkArray, header: TkArray, output: TkArray, path: ProjectPath, change_type: Change[None], named_references: Sequence[tuple[str, TkArray]], project: str, commit: CommitInfo | None, truncated: bool) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"] change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemTokenizer VERSION = "2.6" max_ref_tks: int = 512 max_query_tks: int = 512 max_output_tks: int = 256 max_scope_tks: int = 128 max_ref_tks_sum: int = 512 * 16 ref_chunk_overlap: int = 32 disable_unchanged_refs: bool = False _encode_headers(scope_changes: Sequence[ChangedHeader], offset: int) -> TokenSeq _inline_some_context(input: TokenSeq, above_ctx: TokenSeq, below_ctx: TokenSeq, size_limit: int) -> tuple[TokenSeq, TokenSeq, TokenSeq] _group_encode_unchanged_refs(elems: Mapping[PyFullName, PyDefinition]) -> Sequence[TkArray] _group_encode_changed_refs(changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan]) -> Sequence[TkArray]
Improve C3DataLoader performance. - move _post_process into pmap. - support `disable_unchanged_refs`.
<0>:<add> labels = 5 * torch.ones(1, len_out, dtype=torch.long, device=self.device)
# module: coeditor.model class RetrievalEditorModel(T5PreTrainedModel): + def profile_run(self, repeats: int = 10, max_refs: int = 20): - def profile_run(self, repeats: int = 10, max_refs: int = 10): rand = random.Random(42) for i in tqdm(range(repeats), "test run"): + len_in = rand.randint(64, 512) + len_out = rand.randint(14, 256) + input_ids = 5 * torch.ones(1, len_in, dtype=torch.long, device=self.device) - input_ids = 5 * torch.ones( - 1, rand.randint(64, 512), dtype=torch.long, device=self.device - ) n_refs = rand.randint(max_refs // 2, max_refs) references = [[5] * rand.randint(64, 512) for _ in range(n_refs)] - labels = 5 * torch.ones(1, 128, dtype=torch.long, device=self.device) <0> with torch.autocast("cuda"): self.forward(as_any(input_ids), references, labels=as_any(labels))
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.common TokenSeq = list[Token] at: torch.nn.modules.module.Module dump_patches: bool = False _version: int = 1 training: bool _parameters: Dict[str, Optional[Parameter]] _buffers: Dict[str, Optional[Tensor]] _non_persistent_buffers_set: Set[str] _backward_pre_hooks: Dict[int, Callable] _backward_hooks: Dict[int, Callable] _is_full_backward_hook: Optional[bool] _forward_hooks: Dict[int, Callable] _forward_hooks_with_kwargs: Dict[int, bool] _forward_hooks_always_called: Dict[int, bool] _forward_pre_hooks: Dict[int, Callable] _forward_pre_hooks_with_kwargs: Dict[int, bool] _state_dict_hooks: Dict[int, Callable] _load_state_dict_pre_hooks: Dict[int, Callable] _state_dict_pre_hooks: Dict[int, Callable] _load_state_dict_post_hooks: Dict[int, Callable] _modules: Dict[str, Optional['Module']] call_super_init: bool = False _compiled_call_impl : Optional[Callable] = None forward: Callable[..., Any] = _forward_unimplemented __call__ : Callable[..., Any] = _wrapped_call_impl T_destination = TypeVar('T_destination', bound=Dict[str, Any]) at: typing Sequence = _alias(, 1) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.model class RetrievalEditorModel(T5PreTrainedModel): - def encode_token_seqs( - self, references: Sequence[TokenSeq] | Sequence[str], pad_id=None - ) -> LongTensor: - references = [ - encode_lines_join(ref) if isinstance(ref, str) else ref - for ref in references - ] - out = pad_token_seqs(references, pad_id=pad_id) - out = - return cast(LongTensor, out) - ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: """ ## Change log - 2.6: increase max_ref_tks_sum from 512 * 12 to 512 * 16. - 2.5: Sort used references by path. - 2.4: Encode each changed reference individually. Encode signatures for unchanged. """ VERSION = "2.6" max_ref_tks: int = 512 max_query_tks: int = 512 max_output_tks: int = 256 max_scope_tks: int = 128 max_ref_tks_sum: int = 512 * 16 ref_chunk_overlap: int = 32 + disable_unchanged_refs: bool = False ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor._utils def pmap( f: Callable[..., T1], *f_args: Any, desc: str | None = None, key_args: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, max_workers: int | None = None, chunksize: int | None = None, tqdm_args: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> list[T1]: """ Parallel map with progress displaying. """ n = len(f_args[0]) assert_eq(n, *(len(xs) for xs in f_args)) tqdm_args = dict(tqdm_args) if tqdm_args else {} tqdm_args.setdefault("smoothing", 0.0) if desc is None: desc = "pmap: " + f.__name__ if key_args is None: key_args = {} if max_workers is None: max_workers = DefaultWorkers if max_workers <= 1: outs = list[T1]() for i in tqdm(range(n), desc=desc, **tqdm_args): outs.append(f(*(a[i] for a in f_args), **key_args)) return outs if chunksize is None: + chunksize = n // (20 * max_workers) - chunksize = max(1, n // (20 * max_workers)) + chunksize = max(1, chunksize) tag_f = _TaggedFunc(f, key_args) arg_tuples = zip(range(n), *f_args) with ( multiprocessing.Pool(max_workers) as pool, tqdm(total=n, desc=desc, **tqdm_args) as pbar, ): results = dict[int, T1]() for i, r in pool.imap_unordered(tag_f, arg_tuples, chunksize=chunksize): results[i] = r pbar.update() return [results[i] for i in range</s> ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor._utils def pmap( f: Callable[..., T1], *f_args: Any, desc: str | None = None, key_args: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, max_workers: int | None = None, chunksize: int | None = None, tqdm_args: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> list[T1]: # offset: 1 <s>=chunksize): results[i] = r pbar.update() return [results[i] for i in range(n)] ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: def tokenize_problem( self, problem: C3Problem, ) -> TkC3Problem: span = problem.span original: TokenSeq = span.original.tolist() tk_delta: TkDelta = origin_lines = tk_splitlines(original) edit_start = problem.edit_line_ids[0] scope_tks = self._encode_headers(span.headers, 0) input_limit = self.max_query_tks - len(scope_tks) chunk_input = TokenSeq() chunk_output = TokenSeq() last_line = edit_start for i, l in enumerate(problem.edit_line_ids): for line in origin_lines[last_line + 1 : l]: chunk_input.extend(line) chunk_input.append(Newline_id) chunk_input.append(get_extra_id(i)) if l < len(origin_lines): chunk_input.extend(origin_lines[l]) chunk_input.append(Newline_id) last_line = l line_change = join_list(tk_delta.get_line_change(l), Newline_id) chunk_output.append(get_extra_id(i)) chunk_output.extend(line_change) if line_change and line_change[-1] != Del_id: chunk_output.append(Newline_id) if len(chunk_input) > input_limit: break edit_stop = last_line + 1 # limit the input size if it's too long chunk_input = truncate_section( chunk_input, TruncateAt.Right, input_limit, inplace=True ) chunk_output = truncate_output_tks(chunk_input, chunk_output) # try move some prev_change_tks into the input above_tks = join_list(origin_lines[:edit_</s>
Improve C3DataLoader performance. - move _post_process into pmap. - support `disable_unchanged_refs`.
<0>:<add> post.tokenize,
# module: coeditor.model @dataclass class C3DataLoader: def _to_tokenized(self, probs: Sequence[C3Problem]) -> Iterable[TkC3Problem]: probs = list(probs) if self.transform is not None: # we can afford to store all transformed problems beforehand probs = join_list( pmap( self.transform.transform, probs, + chunksize=self.chunk_size // 2, - chunksize=500, max_workers=self.workers, ) ) if self.shuffle: # we need to shuffle after the transform to help serialization # this also mixes the problems better random.shuffle(probs) + post = _C3PostProcess(self.tokenizer, self.batch_args) for i in range(0, len(probs), self.chunk_size): # we can only afford to tokenize the problems on-the-fly group = probs[i : i + self.chunk_size] for tkprob in pmap( - self.tokenizer.tokenize_problem, <0> group, tqdm_args={"disable": True}, max_workers=self.workers, ): if self.filter(tkprob): yield tkprob
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils DefaultWorkers: int = multiprocessing.cpu_count() // 2 global DefaultWorkers pmap(f: Callable[..., T1], iter3: Iterable[Any], iter4: Iterable[Any], iter5: Iterable[Any], iter6: Iterable[Any], /, *iterables: Iterable[Any], desc: str | None=None, key_args: Mapping[str, Any] | None=None, max_workers: int | None=None, chunksize: int | None=None, tqdm_args: Mapping[str, Any] | None=None) -> list[T1] at: coeditor.c3problem C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) TkC3Problem(main_input: TkArray, header: TkArray, output: TkArray, path: ProjectPath, change_type: Change[None], named_references: Sequence[tuple[str, TkArray]], project: str, commit: CommitInfo | None, truncated: bool) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemTransform transform(prob: C3Problem) -> Sequence[C3Problem] at: coeditor.common join_list(segs: Iterable[Iterable[T1]], sep: T1 | None=None) -> list[T1] at: coeditor.model.C3DataLoader all_probs: Sequence[C3Problem] transform: C3ProblemTransform | None tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer batch_args: BatchArgs shuffle: bool desc: str filter: Callable[[TkC3Problem], bool] = _always_true estimate_batch_stats() at: coeditor.model.C3DataLoader.__iter__ self.epochs += 1 at: typing Iterable = _alias(, 1) ===========unchanged ref 1=========== Sequence = _alias(, 1) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor._utils def pmap( f: Callable[..., T1], *f_args: Any, desc: str | None = None, key_args: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, max_workers: int | None = None, chunksize: int | None = None, tqdm_args: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> list[T1]: """ Parallel map with progress displaying. """ n = len(f_args[0]) assert_eq(n, *(len(xs) for xs in f_args)) tqdm_args = dict(tqdm_args) if tqdm_args else {} tqdm_args.setdefault("smoothing", 0.0) if desc is None: desc = "pmap: " + f.__name__ if key_args is None: key_args = {} if max_workers is None: max_workers = DefaultWorkers if max_workers <= 1: outs = list[T1]() for i in tqdm(range(n), desc=desc, **tqdm_args): outs.append(f(*(a[i] for a in f_args), **key_args)) return outs if chunksize is None: + chunksize = n // (20 * max_workers) - chunksize = max(1, n // (20 * max_workers)) + chunksize = max(1, chunksize) tag_f = _TaggedFunc(f, key_args) arg_tuples = zip(range(n), *f_args) with ( multiprocessing.Pool(max_workers) as pool, tqdm(total=n, desc=desc, **tqdm_args) as pbar, ): results = dict[int, T1]() for i, r in pool.imap_unordered(tag_f, arg_tuples, chunksize=chunksize): results[i] = r pbar.update() return [results[i] for i in range</s> ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor._utils def pmap( f: Callable[..., T1], *f_args: Any, desc: str | None = None, key_args: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, max_workers: int | None = None, chunksize: int | None = None, tqdm_args: Mapping[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> list[T1]: # offset: 1 <s>=chunksize): results[i] = r pbar.update() return [results[i] for i in range(n)] ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.model + @dataclass + class _C3PostProcess: + tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer + batch_args: BatchArgs + ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.model + @dataclass + class _C3PostProcess: + def tokenize(self, prob: C3Problem) -> TkC3Problem: + tk_prob = self.tokenizer.tokenize_problem(prob) + max_output_tks = self.tokenizer.max_output_tks + shuffle_extra_ids = self.batch_args.shuffle_extra_ids + output_tks = tk_prob.output_tks + output_tks = wrap_bos(output_tks) + + if len(output_tks) > max_output_tks: + output_tks = output_tks[:max_output_tks] + + main_input = tk_prob.main_input.tolist() + + if shuffle_extra_ids and random.random() < 0.5: + id_map = random_extra_id_map() + main_input = [id_map.get(tk, tk) for tk in main_input] + output_tks = [id_map.get(tk, tk) for tk in output_tks] + + return dataclasses.replace( + tk_prob,, + ) + ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.model class RetrievalEditorModel(T5PreTrainedModel): - def encode_token_seqs( - self, references: Sequence[TokenSeq] | Sequence[str], pad_id=None - ) -> LongTensor: - references = [ - encode_lines_join(ref) if isinstance(ref, str) else ref - for ref in references - ] - out = pad_token_seqs(references, pad_id=pad_id) - out = - return cast(LongTensor, out) - ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: """ ## Change log - 2.6: increase max_ref_tks_sum from 512 * 12 to 512 * 16. - 2.5: Sort used references by path. - 2.4: Encode each changed reference individually. Encode signatures for unchanged. """ VERSION = "2.6" max_ref_tks: int = 512 max_query_tks: int = 512 max_output_tks: int = 256 max_scope_tks: int = 128 max_ref_tks_sum: int = 512 * 16 ref_chunk_overlap: int = 32 + disable_unchanged_refs: bool = False
Use static batch size instead. - This simplifies implementation and improves batch size estimation.
<0>:<add> batch_size=2,
# module: coeditor.model @dataclass class BatchArgs: @classmethod def eval_default(cls) -> Self: return BatchArgs( - max_queries=32, <0> shuffle_extra_ids=False, )
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.model BatchArgs(batch_size: int=1, shuffle_extra_ids: bool=True) at: coeditor.model.BatchArgs batch_size: int = 1 shuffle_extra_ids: bool = True ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.model @dataclass class BatchArgs: - min_queries: int = 1 - max_queries: int = 8 + batch_size: int = 1 shuffle_extra_ids: bool = True
Use static batch size instead. - This simplifies implementation and improves batch size estimation.
<0>:<add> model.train_on_data(model_name, s_loader, valid_loader, train_args)
<s>_model def train_model( model_name: str, dataset_name: str, + description: str, encoder: C3CombinedEncoder = C3CombinedEncoder(), batch_args=BatchArgs.train_default(), eval_batch_args=BatchArgs.eval_default(), train_args=TrainingArgs(), recreate_data: bool = False, resumed_from: Path | None = None, eval_only: bool = False, quicktest: bool = False, ): <s>_ref_tks_sum})" s_loader = C3DataLoader( s_probs, encoder.problem_tranform, s_tkn, batch_args, - filter=_not_truncated, shuffle=True, + desc=desc, - desc=f"stage {stage} training", ) - s_targs = copy.deepcopy(train_args) - s_targs.learning_rate *= scale - s_targs.max_train_epochs = 1 - with timed_action(f"stage {stage} training"): + + with timed_action(desc): - model.train_on_data(model_name, s_loader, valid_loader, s_targs) <0>"cuda") test_loader = C3DataLoader( datasets["test"], None, eval_tkn, eval_batch_args, shuffle=False, desc="test" ) print(f"{len(test_loader)}") print(f"{len(test_loader.all_probs)}") with timed_action("Loss Evaluation"): eval_result = model.eval_loss_on_loader(test_loader) eval_dict = {f"test/{k}": v.average() for k, v in eval_result.items()} wandb.log(eval_dict) with timed_action("Accuracy Evaluation"): out_dir = get_model_dir() / model_name / "exact_match_samples" </s>
===========above chunk 0=========== <s>model( model_name: str, dataset_name: str, + description: str, encoder: C3CombinedEncoder = C3CombinedEncoder(), batch_args=BatchArgs.train_default(), eval_batch_args=BatchArgs.eval_default(), train_args=TrainingArgs(), recreate_data: bool = False, resumed_from: Path | None = None, eval_only: bool = False, quicktest: bool = False, ): # offset: -1 <s>_tkn.max_ref_tks_sum *= 2 valid_loader = C3DataLoader( datasets["valid"], None, eval_tkn, eval_batch_args, shuffle=False, desc="eval" ) if not eval_only: + # gradually increase the ctx size during training - # follow a 3-stage training pipeline scales = [4, 2, 1] + for scale in scales: - for stage, scale in enumerate(scales): - s_bargs = copy.deepcopy(batch_args) - s_bargs.min_queries *= scale s_tkn = copy.copy(train_tkn) s_tkn.max_ref_tks_sum //= scale s_probs = [ x for x in datasets["train"] if sum(c.change_size() for c in x.relevant_changes) + < s_tkn.max_ref_tks_sum - <= s_tkn.max_ref_tks_sum ] + n_probs = max(1, len(s_probs) // max(scales) // 2) * scale + s_probs = random_subset(s_probs, n_probs) - s_probs = random_subset(s_probs, len(s_probs) // 4 * scale) + desc = f"training (ctx={s_tkn.max_ref_tks_sum})" s_loader = C3DataLoader( s_probs, encoder.problem</s> ===========above chunk 1=========== <s>model( model_name: str, dataset_name: str, + description: str, encoder: C3CombinedEncoder = C3CombinedEncoder(), batch_args=BatchArgs.train_default(), eval_batch_args=BatchArgs.eval_default(), train_args=TrainingArgs(), recreate_data: bool = False, resumed_from: Path | None = None, eval_only: bool = False, quicktest: bool = False, ): # offset: -2 <s>.init(dir="..", project=project, name=model_name, config=config_dict) if quicktest: print("Using fewer data for quick test.") n_quick_exs = 20 datasets = C3ProblemDataset( train=datasets["train"][:n_quick_exs], valid=datasets["valid"][:n_quick_exs], test=datasets["test"][:n_quick_exs], ) if resumed_from is None: model = RetrievalEditorModel.from_code_t5("base", reuse_embed=True) else: model = RetrievalEditorModel.load(resumed_from) if os.getenv("CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES") is None: warnings.warn( "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES not set, using 0. Note that " "the Huggingface Trainer will use all visible GPUs for training." ) os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0" train_tkn = encoder.edit_tokenizer eval_tkn = copy.deepcopy(train_tkn) eval_tkn.max_query_tks *= 2 eval_tkn.max_output_tks *= 2 eval_tkn.max_ref_tks_sum *= 2 valid_loader = C3DataLoader( datasets["</s> ===========above chunk 2=========== <s>model( model_name: str, dataset_name: str, + description: str, encoder: C3CombinedEncoder = C3CombinedEncoder(), batch_args=BatchArgs.train_default(), eval_batch_args=BatchArgs.eval_default(), train_args=TrainingArgs(), recreate_data: bool = False, resumed_from: Path | None = None, eval_only: bool = False, quicktest: bool = False, ): # offset: -3 <s> and test but not train. datasets = make_or_load_dataset( dataset_name, encoder.change_processor, remake_problems=recreate_data, workers=multiprocessing.cpu_count(), ) with timed_action("Making or loading transformed C3 problems for eval"): # it's important to cache these due to randomness in the transformations eval_probs = make_or_load_transformed_dataset( dataset_name, datasets, encoder, remake_problems=recreate_data, workers=multiprocessing.cpu_count(), ) # limit the number of examples for faster testing datasets["valid"] = random_subset(eval_probs["valid"], 10000, rng=42) datasets["test"] = random_subset(eval_probs["test"], 10000, rng=42) config_dict = { k: get_modified_args(v) for k, v in { + "description": description, "edit_tokenizer": encoder.edit_tokenizer.get_args(), "batch_args": batch_args, "train_args": train_args, "dec_args": dec_args, }.items() } project = "Coeditor" if not quicktest else "Coeditor-quicktest" if eval_only: project = "eval-" + project w</s> ===========above chunk 3=========== <s>model( model_name: str, dataset_name: str, + description: str, encoder: C3CombinedEncoder = C3CombinedEncoder(), batch_args=BatchArgs.train_default(), eval_batch_args=BatchArgs.eval_default(), train_args=TrainingArgs(), recreate_data: bool = False, resumed_from: Path | None = None, eval_only: bool = False, quicktest: bool = False, ): # offset: -4 dec_args = DecodingArgs() if quicktest: model_name = "quicktest-" + model_name if not eval_only: check_save_dir(model_name) # problems will be transformed and saved</s> ===========below chunk 0=========== <s>_model( model_name: str, dataset_name: str, + description: str, encoder: C3CombinedEncoder = C3CombinedEncoder(), batch_args=BatchArgs.train_default(), eval_batch_args=BatchArgs.eval_default(), train_args=TrainingArgs(), recreate_data: bool = False, resumed_from: Path | None = None, eval_only: bool = False, quicktest: bool = False, ): # offset: 1 <s>Accuracy Evaluation"): out_dir = get_model_dir() / model_name / "exact_match_samples" exact_acc = model.eval_on_data( datasets["test"], test_loader, dec_args, out_dir, probs_to_save=300, ) print("Exact-match accuracy:", exact_acc) wandb.log({"test/exact-acc": exact_acc.average()}) cprint("blue", "Exact-match samples saved to:", out_dir) return model
Use static batch size instead. - This simplifies implementation and improves batch size estimation.
<0>:<add> # edit_tokenizer=C3ProblemTokenizer(disable_unchanged_refs=True),
# module: scripts.train_model def train_new_model(): train_model( + model_name="coeditor-perm2k-c3-multi-v1.7.2", - model_name="coeditor-perm2k-c3-multi-v1.7.1", dataset_name="perm2k", + description="Use fixed batch size.", train_args=TrainingArgs( max_train_epochs=1, ), encoder=C3CombinedEncoder( problem_tranform=C3ProblemChangeInlining(), <0> ), recreate_data=False, quicktest=False, )
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.c3problem C3ProblemChangeInlining(max_lines_to_edit: int=30, max_split_factor: int=4, max_inline_ratio: float=1.0, _test_prob: float=0.01, allow_empty_problems: bool=True) at: coeditor.dataset C3CombinedEncoder(change_processor: ProjectChangeProcessor[C3Problem]=field( default_factory=C3ProblemGenerator ), problem_tranform: C3ProblemTransform=field(default_factory=C3ProblemSimpleSplit), edit_tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer=field(default_factory=C3ProblemTokenizer)) at: coeditor.model TrainingArgs(learning_rate: float=2e-5, weight_decay: float=0.01, max_train_epochs: int=1, lr_scheduler_type: SchedulerType=SchedulerType.LINEAR) at: coeditor.model.TrainingArgs learning_rate: float = 2e-5 weight_decay: float = 0.01 max_train_epochs: int = 1 lr_scheduler_type: SchedulerType = SchedulerType.LINEAR ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: scripts.train_model - def _not_truncated(p: TkC3Problem) -> bool: - return not p.truncated - ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: scripts.train_model def eval_code_completion(): train_model( model_name="coeditor-xl-c3-completion-v1.6-resumed", dataset_name="tiny", + description="", encoder=C3CombinedEncoder( problem_tranform=C3ToCodeCompletion(), ), resumed_from=(get_model_dir(True) / "coeditor-xl-c3-dropout-v1.6-resumed"), eval_only=True, ) ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.model @dataclass class C3DataLoader: - def get_batch_stats(self): - return self._batch_stast - ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.model @dataclass class BatchArgs: @classmethod def eval_default(cls) -> Self: return BatchArgs( + batch_size=2, - max_queries=32, shuffle_extra_ids=False, ) ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.model @dataclass class BatchArgs: - min_queries: int = 1 - max_queries: int = 8 + batch_size: int = 1 shuffle_extra_ids: bool = True ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.model @dataclass class C3DataLoader: def __post_init__(self): + n_batches = self.estimate_n_batches() - n_batches, batch_stats = self.estimate_batch_stats() self._len_est = n_batches - self._batch_stast = batch_stats self.epochs = 0 ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: coeditor.model @dataclass class C3DataLoader: - def _cost_limit(self) -> float: - min_queries = self.batch_args.min_queries - tkn = self.tokenizer - return min_queries * retrieval_cost_model( - tkn.max_ref_tks_sum, tkn.max_query_tks, tkn.max_output_tks - ) - ===========changed ref 7=========== # module: coeditor.model @dataclass class C3DataLoader: all_probs: Sequence[C3Problem] transform: C3ProblemTransform | None tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer batch_args: BatchArgs shuffle: bool desc: str - # a problem filter can be used to filter out problems that are not suitable for training - filter: Callable[[TkC3Problem], bool] = _always_true tqdm_args: dict | None = None chunk_size: int = 1000 workers: int = DefaultWorkers ===========changed ref 8=========== # module: coeditor.model @dataclass class C3DataLoader: + def estimate_n_batches(self) -> int: + factor = 10 + n = max(1, len(self.all_probs) // factor) + subset = random_subset(self.all_probs, n, rng=42) + probs = list(subset) + if self.transform is not None: + # we can afford to store all transformed problems beforehand + probs = join_list( + pmap( + self.transform.transform, + probs, + chunksize=self.chunk_size // 2, + max_workers=self.workers, + ) + ) + # better to have a smaller estimate to avoid triggering data regeneration + n_batches = max(1, len(probs) // self.batch_args.batch_size) + est = max(1, int(len(self.all_probs) / n * n_batches * 0.99)) + return est + ===========changed ref 9=========== # module: coeditor.model @dataclass class C3DataLoader: - def estimate_batch_stats(self): - factor = 10 - n = max(1, len(self.all_probs) // factor) - subset = random_subset(self.all_probs, n, rng=42) - batches = self._problems_to_batches(self._to_tokenized(subset)) - bsizes = list[int]() - for b in tqdm(batches, desc="estimate_batch_stats", smoothing=0.0): - bsizes.append(len(b["input_ids"])) - batch_stats = {k: f"{v:.1f}" for k, v in scalar_stats(bsizes).items()} - # better to have a smaller estimate to avoid triggering data regeneration - size_est = max(1, int(len(self.all_probs) / n * len(bsizes) * 0.99)) - return size_est, batch_stats - ===========changed ref 10=========== # module: coeditor.model @dataclass class C3DataLoader: def _to_tokenized(self, probs: Sequence[C3Problem]) -> Iterable[TkC3Problem]: probs = list(probs) if self.transform is not None: # we can afford to store all transformed problems beforehand probs = join_list( pmap( self.transform.transform, probs, chunksize=self.chunk_size // 2, max_workers=self.workers, ) ) if self.shuffle: # we need to shuffle after the transform to help serialization # this also mixes the problems better random.shuffle(probs) post = _C3PostProcess(self.tokenizer, self.batch_args) for i in range(0, len(probs), self.chunk_size): # we can only afford to tokenize the problems on-the-fly group = probs[i : i + self.chunk_size] + yield from pmap( - for tkprob in pmap( post.tokenize, group, tqdm_args={"disable": True}, max_workers=self.workers, + ) - ): - if self.filter(tkprob): - yield tkprob
plugin 0.4.2: support applying subchanges.
<0>:<add> changes=changes,
# module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def _suggest_edit_two_steps( self, file: RelPath, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), n_suggestions: int = 1, ) -> tuple[_EditRegion, Callable[[], ServiceResponse]]: <s>_elem( target, problem, pred.out_tks, ) preview = "\n".join( compute_line_diffs_fast( splitlines(pred_change.before), splitlines(pred_change.after), ) ) + input_status, diff_status, changes = compute_line_status(pred_change) - input_status, change_status = compute_line_status(pred_change) + line_offset = target_lines[0] input_status = [ + (i + line_offset, tag) for i, tag in input_status.items() - (i + target_lines[0], tag) for i, tag in input_status.items() ] + output_status = list(diff_status.items()) - output_status = list(change_status.items()) + for c in changes: + c["start"] += line_offset + c["until"] += line_offset suggestion = EditSuggestion( score=pred.score, change_preview=preview, - new_code=pred_change.after, input_status=input_status, output_status=output_status, <0> ) suggestions.append(suggestion) return ServiceResponse( target_file=str(self.project / file), edit_start=(target_lines[0], 0), edit_end=(target_lines[-1] + 1, 0), target_lines=target.target_lines, input_code=target.current_code, suggestions=suggestions, ) return target, next_step
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def _suggest_edit_two_steps( self, file: RelPath, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), n_suggestions: int = 1, ) -> tuple[_EditRegion, Callable[[], ServiceResponse]]: # offset: -1 <s>(len(predictions), 1) predictions = predictions[0] assert predictions if log_dir is not None: log_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) input_tks = batch["input_ids"][0] references = batch["references"] output_truth = batch["labels"][0] print(f"Writing logs to: {log_dir}") for i, pred in enumerate(predictions): with (log_dir / f"solution-{i}.txt").open("w") as f: pred_tks = pred.out_tks score = pred.score print(f"{problem.edit_line_ids=}", file=f) print(f"{len(input_tks)=}", file=f) print(f"{len(references)=}", file=f) print(f"Solution score: {score:.3g}", file=f) print(f"Marginalized samples:", pred.n_samples, file=f) pred = RetrievalModelPrediction( input_ids=input_tks, output_ids=pred_tks, labels=output_truth, references=references, ) pred_str = show_prediction(problem, pred) print(pred_str, file=f) target_lines = target.target_lines suggestions = list[EditSuggestion]() for pred in predictions[:n_suggestions]: pred_change = self.apply_edit_to_elem( target, problem, pred.out_tks, ) preview = "\n".</s> ===========above chunk 1=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def _suggest_edit_two_steps( self, file: RelPath, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), n_suggestions: int = 1, ) -> tuple[_EditRegion, Callable[[], ServiceResponse]]: # offset: -2 timed = self.tlogger.timed with timed("get c3 problem"): problem, span = self.detector.get_problem(file, edit_lines) with timed("tokenize c3 problem"): tk_prob = self.c3_tkn.tokenize_problem(problem) target = self.get_target_code(span.code, problem, tk_prob) def next_step(): batch = C3DataLoader.pack_batch([tk_prob]) with timed("run model"), torch.autocast("cuda"): predictions = self.model.predict_on_batch( batch, [problem], self.dec_args, self.show_max_solutions ) assert_eq(len(predictions), 1) predictions = predictions[0] assert predictions if log_dir is not None:</s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils assert_eq(x: T1, y: T1, message: Callable[[], str]=lambda: "") -> None compute_line_diffs_fast(before: Sequence[str], after: Sequence[str]) at: coeditor._utils.TimeLogger times: dict[str, list[float]] = field(default_factory=dict) timed(self, name: str) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"] change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemTokenizer VERSION = "2.7" max_ref_tks: int = 512 max_query_tks: int = 512 max_output_tks: int = 256 max_scope_tks: int = 128 max_ref_tks_sum: int = 512 * 16 ref_chunk_overlap: int = 32 disable_builtin_defs: bool = True disable_unchanged_refs: bool = False current_code_only: bool = False tokenize_problem(problem: C3Problem) -> TkC3Problem at: coeditor.change.Modified before: E1 after: E1 unchanged: bool = False at: coeditor.common RelPath = NewType("RelPath", Path) splitlines(text: str) -> list[str] at: coeditor.model RetrievalModelPrediction(iterable: Iterable[Tuple[_KT, _VT]], **kwargs: _VT) RetrievalModelPrediction(**kwargs: _VT) RetrievalModelPrediction(map: Mapping[_KT, _VT], **kwargs: _VT) ===========unchanged ref 1=========== show_prediction(prob: C3Problem, pred: RetrievalModelPrediction) -> str C3DataLoader(all_probs: Sequence[C3Problem], transform: C3ProblemTransform | None, tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer, batch_args: BatchArgs, shuffle: bool, desc: str, tqdm_args: dict | None=None, chunk_size: int=1000, workers: int=DefaultWorkers) at: coeditor.model.C3DataLoader all_probs: Sequence[C3Problem] transform: C3ProblemTransform | None tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer batch_args: BatchArgs shuffle: bool desc: str tqdm_args: dict | None = None chunk_size: int = 1000 workers: int = DefaultWorkers pack_batch(probs: Sequence[TkC3Problem]) at: coeditor.model.PredictedChange change: Modified[str] out_tks: TokenSeq score: float n_samples: int at: coeditor.model.RetrievalEditorModel is_parallelizable = False supports_gradient_checkpointing = False decorate_autocast(batch: dict, problems: Sequence[C3Problem], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int=1) predict_on_batch(batch: dict, problems: Sequence[C3Problem], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int=1) -> list[list[PredictedChange]] at: coeditor.model.RetrievalEditorModel.__init__ self.tlogger = TimeLogger() at: coeditor.service _tlogger = TimeLogger() EditSuggestion(map: Mapping[_KT, _VT], **kwargs: _VT) EditSuggestion(iterable: Iterable[Tuple[_KT, _VT]], **kwargs: _VT) EditSuggestion(**kwargs: _VT)
plugin 0.4.2: support applying subchanges.
<0>:<add> return input_status, diff_status, changes
# module: coeditor.service def compute_line_status(change: Modified[str]): <s> for the lines in the delta file + diff_status = dict[int, StatusTag]() - change_status = dict[int, StatusTag]() + # the line change operations + changes = list[LineChange]() for tag, (i1, i2), (j1, j2) in diff_ops: + if tag != " ": + old_str = _join_lines(in_lines[i1:i2]) + new_str = _join_lines(out_lines[j1:j2]) + changes.append( + LineChange(start=i1, until=i2, old_str=old_str, new_str=new_str) + ) if tag == "A": + input_status[i1] = "A" - before_status[i1] = "A" for j in range(j1, j2): + diff_status[offset + j] = "A" - change_status[offset + j] = "A" continue if tag == "D": for _ in range(i2 - i1): + diff_status[offset + j1] = "D" - change_status[offset + j1] = "D" offset += 1 if tag == "R": for _ in range(i2 - i1): + diff_status[offset + j1] = "RD" - change_status[offset + j1] = "RD" offset += 1 for j in range(j1, j2): + diff_status[offset + j] = "RA" - change_status[offset + j] = "RA" for i in range(i1, i2): + if i not in input_status: - if i not in before_status: + input_status[i] = tag - before_status[i] = tag - return before_status, change_status <0>
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.service def compute_line_status(change: Modified[str]): # offset: -1 + """Given a str change, compute the line status for the input ('A', 'D', or 'R') + and the line status for the change diff ('A', 'D', 'RA', or 'RD').""" + in_lines = splitlines(change.before) + out_lines = splitlines(change.after) + diff_ops = get_diff_ops(in_lines, out_lines) - diff_ops = get_diff_ops(splitlines(change.before), splitlines(change.after)) offset = 0 # the line status for the lines before the edit + input_status = dict[int, StatusTag]() - before_status = dict[int, StatusTag]() # the line status for the lines in the delta file + diff_status = dict[int, StatusTag]() - change_status = dict</s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils CodePosition = NewType("CodePosition", tuple[int, int]) at: coeditor.change Modified(before: E1, after: E1, unchanged: bool=False) at: coeditor.change.Modified before: E1 after: E1 at: coeditor.common splitlines(text: str) -> list[str] at: coeditor.service StatusTag = Literal["A", "D", "R", " ", "RA", "RD"] LineChange(**kwargs: _VT) LineChange(map: Mapping[_KT, _VT], **kwargs: _VT) LineChange(iterable: Iterable[Tuple[_KT, _VT]], **kwargs: _VT) _tag_map: dict[str, StatusTag] = { "insert": "A", "delete": "D", "replace": "R", "equal": " ", } get_diff_ops(before: Sequence[str], after: Sequence[str]) -> list[tuple[StatusTag, tuple[int, int], tuple[int, int]]] at: difflib SequenceMatcher(isjunk: Optional[Callable[[_T], bool]]=..., a: Sequence[_T]=..., b: Sequence[_T]=..., autojunk: bool=...) at: difflib.SequenceMatcher get_opcodes() -> List[Tuple[str, int, int, int, int]] __class_getitem__ = classmethod(GenericAlias) at: typing Sequence = _alias(, 1) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.service + class LineChange(TypedDict): + start: int + until: int + old_str: str + new_str: str + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.service class EditSuggestion(TypedDict): score: float change_preview: str - new_code: str input_status: list[tuple[int, StatusTag]] output_status: list[tuple[int, StatusTag]] + changes: list[LineChange] ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def _suggest_edit_two_steps( self, file: RelPath, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), n_suggestions: int = 1, ) -> tuple[_EditRegion, Callable[[], ServiceResponse]]: timed = self.tlogger.timed with timed("get c3 problem"): problem, span = self.detector.get_problem(file, edit_lines) with timed("tokenize c3 problem"): tk_prob = self.c3_tkn.tokenize_problem(problem) target = self.get_target_code(span.code, problem, tk_prob) def next_step(): batch = C3DataLoader.pack_batch([tk_prob]) with timed("run model"), torch.autocast("cuda"): predictions = self.model.predict_on_batch( batch, [problem], self.dec_args, self.show_max_solutions ) assert_eq(len(predictions), 1) predictions = predictions[0] assert predictions if log_dir is not None: log_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) input_tks = batch["input_ids"][0] references = batch["references"] output_truth = batch["labels"][0] print(f"Writing logs to: {log_dir}") for i, pred in enumerate(predictions): with (log_dir / f"solution-{i}.txt").open("w") as f: pred_tks = pred.out_tks score = pred.score print(f"{problem.edit_line_ids=}", file=f) print(f"{len(input_tks)=}", file=f) print(f"{len(references)=}", file=f) print(f"Solution score: {score:.3g</s> ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def _suggest_edit_two_steps( self, file: RelPath, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), n_suggestions: int = 1, ) -> tuple[_EditRegion, Callable[[], ServiceResponse]]: # offset: 1 <s> print(f"{len(references)=}", file=f) print(f"Solution score: {score:.3g}", file=f) print(f"Marginalized samples:", pred.n_samples, file=f) pred = RetrievalModelPrediction( input_ids=input_tks, output_ids=pred_tks, labels=output_truth, references=references, ) pred_str = show_prediction(problem, pred) print(pred_str, file=f) target_lines = target.target_lines suggestions = list[EditSuggestion]() for pred in predictions[:n_suggestions]: pred_change = self.apply_edit_to_elem( target, problem, pred.out_tks, ) preview = "\n".join( compute_line_diffs_fast( splitlines(pred_change.before), splitlines(pred_change.after), ) ) + input_status, diff_status, changes = compute_line_status(pred_change) - input_status, change_status = compute_line_status(pred_change) + line_offset = target_lines[0] input_status = [ + (i + line_offset, tag) for i, tag in input_status.items() - (i + target_lines[0], tag) for i, tag in input_status.items() ] + output_status = list</s>
Implement ablation: current_code_only.
<0>:<add> seg = seg + origin_line + [Newline_id]
# module: coeditor.encoding class TokenizedEdit(ABC): @classmethod def show_predictions( cls, pred: TokenSeq, main_tk_lines: dict[Token, TokenSeq] ) -> str: id_map = {k: i for i, k in enumerate(main_tk_lines)} segs = output_ids_as_seqs(pred) lines = [] for k, seg in segs.items(): if not seg: continue # skip empty lines if seg[-1] == Del_id: # show the deleted line section_lines = tk_splitlines(main_tk_lines.get(k, TokenSeq())) if section_lines: origin_line = section_lines[0] else: origin_line = cls.BAD_DELETE - origin_line.append(Newline_id) - seg = seg + origin_line <0> label = cls.show_label(id_map.get(k, -1)) lines.append(f"{label}:{indent(decode_tokens(seg), ' ' * 4).lstrip()}") return "".join(lines)
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.common Token = int TokenSeq = list[Token] at: coeditor.encoding Del_id = get_tk_id(Del) Newline_id = get_tk_id("\n") tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq) decode_tokens(tokens: TokenSeq, prettify: bool=False) -> str output_ids_as_seqs(output_ids: Iterable[Token]) -> dict[Token, TokenSeq] at: coeditor.encoding.TokenizedEdit input_tks: TokenSeq output_tks: TokenSeq main_tks: TokenSeq path: ProjectPath change_type: Change[None] BAD_DELETE = encode_single_line("((bad delete))") show_label(i: int) at: textwrap indent(text: str, prefix: str, predicate: Optional[Callable[[str], bool]]=...) -> str at: typing.Mapping get(key: _KT) -> Optional[_VT_co] get(key: _KT, default: Union[_VT_co, _T]) -> Union[_VT_co, _T]
Implement ablation: current_code_only.
<0>:<add> all_refs.append((f"unchanged ref {i}", chunk))
# module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: def tokenize_problem( self, problem: C3Problem, ) -> TkC3Problem: <s> ref_size_sum = sum(len(ref) for _, ref in all_refs) truncated = False if ref_size_sum < self.max_ref_tks_sum: + unchanged = problem.relevant_unchanged + if self.disable_unchanged_refs: - if not self.disable_unchanged_refs: + unchanged = {} + if self.disable_builtin_defs: + unchanged = { + k: v for k, v in unchanged.items() if not k.startswith("builtins.") - unchanged = self._group_encode_unchanged_refs( - problem.relevant_unchanged + } - ) + for i, chunk in enumerate(self._group_encode_unchanged_refs(unchanged)): - for i, chunk in enumerate(unchanged): - all_refs.append((f"unchanged ref {i}", chunk)) <0> else: truncated = True if ref_size_sum < self.max_ref_tks_sum: changed = self._group_encode_changed_refs(problem.relevant_changes) for i, chunk in enumerate(changed): all_refs.append((f"changed ref {i}", chunk)) ref_size_sum += sum(len(x) for x in changed) else: truncated = True # take until we hit the limit ref_size_sum = 0 kept_refs = list[tuple[str, TkArray]]() for name, ref in all_refs: if ref_size_sum + len(ref) > self.max_ref_tks_sum: truncated = True break ref_size_sum += len(ref) kept_refs.append((name, ref)) return TkC3Problem(</s>
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: def tokenize_problem( self, problem: C3Problem, ) -> TkC3Problem: # offset: -1 <s>) + else: + above_tks = above_delta.apply_to_change(above_tks) below_tks = join_list(origin_lines[edit_stop:] + [TokenSeq()], Newline_id) chunk_input, above_tks, below_tks = self._inline_some_context( chunk_input, above_tks, below_tks, input_limit ) chunk_output = truncate_section( chunk_output, TruncateAt.Right, self.max_output_tks, add_bos=False, inplace=True, ) above_chunks = break_into_chunks( above_tks, lambda i: self._encode_headers(span.headers, -1 - i), chunk_size=self.max_ref_tks, overlap=self.ref_chunk_overlap, right_to_left=True, ) if not below_tks: below_chunks = [] else: below_chunks = break_into_chunks( below_tks, lambda i: self._encode_headers(span.headers, i + 1), chunk_size=self.max_ref_tks, overlap=self.ref_chunk_overlap, ) above_chunks = [ (f"above chunk {i}", for i, chunk in enumerate(above_chunks) ] below_chunks = [ (f"below chunk {i}", for i, chunk in enumerate(below_chunks) ] all_refs = above_chunks + below_chunks ref_size_sum = sum(len(ref) for _, ref in all_refs) truncated = False </s> ===========above chunk 1=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: def tokenize_problem( self, problem: C3Problem, ) -> TkC3Problem: # offset: -2 <s>line) chunk_input.append(Newline_id) chunk_input.append(get_extra_id(i)) if l < len(origin_lines): chunk_input.extend(origin_lines[l]) chunk_input.append(Newline_id) last_line = l line_change = join_list(tk_delta.get_line_change(l), Newline_id) chunk_output.append(get_extra_id(i)) chunk_output.extend(line_change) if line_change and line_change[-1] != Del_id: chunk_output.append(Newline_id) if len(chunk_input) > input_limit: break edit_stop = last_line + 1 # limit the input size if it's too long chunk_input = truncate_section( chunk_input, TruncateAt.Right, input_limit, inplace=True ) chunk_output = truncate_output_tks(chunk_input, chunk_output) # try move some prev_change_tks into the input above_tks = join_list(origin_lines[:edit_start] + [TokenSeq()], Newline_id) + above_delta = tk_delta.for_input_range((0, edit_start)) - above_tks = tk_delta.for_input_range((0, edit_start)).apply_to_change(above_tks) + if self.current_code_only: + above_tks = above_delta.apply_to_input(above_tks) + else: + above_tks = above_delta.apply_to_change(above_tks) </s> ===========above chunk 2=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: def tokenize_problem( self, problem: C3Problem, ) -> TkC3Problem: # offset: -3 + if self.current_code_only: + problem = _problem_to_current(problem) span = problem.span - original: TokenSeq = span.original.tolist() tk_delta: TkDelta = origin_lines = tk_splitlines(original) + edit_lines = list(sorted(problem.edit_line_ids)) + edit_start = edit_lines[0] - edit_start = problem.edit_line_ids[0] scope_tks = self._encode_headers(span.headers, 0) input_limit = self.max_query_tks - len(scope_tks) chunk_input = TokenSeq() chunk_output = TokenSeq() last_line = edit_start + for i, l in enumerate(edit_lines): - for i, l in enumerate(problem.edit_line_ids): for line in origin_lines[last_line + 1 : l]: chunk_input.</s> ===========below chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: def tokenize_problem( self, problem: C3Problem, ) -> TkC3Problem: # offset: 1 <s>_refs.append((name, ref)) return TkC3Problem(,,, path=span.headers[-1].path, change_type=problem.change_type, named_references=kept_refs, project=problem.src_info["project"], commit=problem.src_info["commit"], truncated=truncated, ) ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.c3problem C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) TkC3Problem(main_input: TkArray, header: TkArray, output: TkArray, path: ProjectPath, change_type: Change[None], named_references: Sequence[tuple[str, TkArray]], project: str, commit: CommitInfo | None, truncated: bool) _problem_to_current(prob: C3Problem) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"] change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemTokenizer VERSION = "2.7" max_ref_tks: int = 512 max_query_tks: int = 512 max_output_tks: int = 256 max_scope_tks: int = 128 max_ref_tks_sum: int = 512 * 16 ref_chunk_overlap: int = 32 disable_builtin_defs: bool = True disable_unchanged_refs: bool = False current_code_only: bool = False _encode_headers(scope_changes: Sequence[ChangedHeader], offset: int) -> TokenSeq _inline_some_context(input: TokenSeq, above_ctx: TokenSeq, below_ctx: TokenSeq, size_limit: int) -> tuple[TokenSeq, TokenSeq, TokenSeq] _group_encode_unchanged_refs(elems: Mapping[PyFullName, PyDefinition]) -> Sequence[TkArray]
Implement ablation: current_code_only.
<0>:<add> save_steps=max(500, min(10000, epoch_steps // 5)),
# module: coeditor.model class RetrievalEditorModel(T5PreTrainedModel): def train_on_data( self, training_name: str, train_loader: "C3DataLoader", eval_loader: "C3DataLoader", train_args: "TrainingArgs", ) -> None: <s>dataloader)) n_samples = metrics["loss_per_ex"].weight metrics = { f"{metric_key_prefix}_{k}": v.mean() for k, v in metrics.items() } return EvalLoopOutput( predictions=tuple(), label_ids=tuple(), metrics=metrics, num_samples=n_samples, ) epoch_steps = len(train_loader) cprint("blue", "Number of training batches (estimate):", epoch_steps) trainer_args = Seq2SeqTrainingArguments( output_dir=str(train_dir), overwrite_output_dir=True, evaluation_strategy="epoch", save_strategy="steps", - save_steps=max(500, min(5000, epoch_steps // 5)), <0> logging_steps=max(1, min(1000, epoch_steps // 10)), num_train_epochs=train_args.max_train_epochs, save_total_limit=3, lr_scheduler_type=train_args.lr_scheduler_type, learning_rate=train_args.learning_rate, weight_decay=train_args.weight_decay, metric_for_best_model="loss_per_tk", greater_is_better=False, fp16=True, # load_best_model_at_end=True, push_to_hub=False, report_to=["wandb"], disable_tqdm=True, # torchdynamo="inductor", # use compiled model ) trainer = DynamicTrainer( self, trainer_args, # callbacks=[EarlyStoppingCallback(</s>
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.model class RetrievalEditorModel(T5PreTrainedModel): def train_on_data( self, training_name: str, train_loader: "C3DataLoader", eval_loader: "C3DataLoader", train_args: "TrainingArgs", ) -> None: # offset: -1 train_dir = get_model_dir(trained=False) / training_name + # eval_loader.tqdm_args = {"disable": True} - eval_loader.tqdm_args = {"disable": True} model = self # model = torch.compile("cuda")) # pytorch doesn't support python 3.11 yet. class DynamicTrainer(Seq2SeqTrainer): def get_train_dataloader(self): return train_loader def get_eval_dataloader(self, eval_dataset): return eval_loader def evaluation_loop( self, dataloader, description: str, prediction_loss_only: Optional[bool] = None, ignore_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, metric_key_prefix: str = "eval", ) -> EvalLoopOutput: metrics = model.eval_loss_on_loader(as_any(dataloader)) n_samples = metrics["loss_per_ex"].weight metrics = { f"{</s> ===========below chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.model class RetrievalEditorModel(T5PreTrainedModel): def train_on_data( self, training_name: str, train_loader: "C3DataLoader", eval_loader: "C3DataLoader", train_args: "TrainingArgs", ) -> None: # offset: 1 <s> ) trainer = DynamicTrainer( self, trainer_args, # callbacks=[EarlyStoppingCallback(early_stopping_patience=1)], ) trainer.train() save_dir = get_model_dir(trained=True) / training_name print("Model saved to:", save_dir) ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils as_any(x) -> Any cprint(color: str, *elems, sep: Optional[str]=..., end: Optional[str]=..., file: Optional[SupportsWrite[str]]=..., flush: bool=...) at: coeditor.common get_model_dir(trained=True) -> Path at: coeditor.common.WeightedSum sum: V weight: W mean() -> float at: coeditor.model.RetrievalEditorModel is_parallelizable = False supports_gradient_checkpointing = False eval_loss_on_loader(dataloader: "C3DataLoader") decorate_autocast(dataloader: "C3DataLoader") save(save_dir: Path, is_main_process: bool=True, state_dict: Optional[dict]=None, save_function:, push_to_hub: bool=False, max_shard_size: Union[int, str]="10GB", safe_serialization: bool=False, variant: Optional[str]=None, /, *, is_main_process: bool=True, state_dict: Optional[dict]=None, save_function:, push_to_hub: bool=False, max_shard_size: Union[int, str]="10GB", safe_serialization: bool=False, variant: Optional[str]=None, private: Optional[bool]=None, use_auth_token: Optional[Union[bool, str]]=None, repo_url: Optional[str]=None, organization: Optional[str]=None) at: coeditor.model.TrainingArgs learning_rate: float = 2e-5 weight_decay: float = 0.01 max_train_epochs: int = 3 lr_scheduler_type: SchedulerType = SchedulerType.LINEAR at: transformers.trainer.Trainer get_train_dataloader(self) -> DataLoader ===========unchanged ref 1=========== get_eval_dataloader(self, eval_dataset: Optional[Dataset]=None) -> DataLoader train(resume_from_checkpoint: Optional[Union[str, bool]]=None, trial: Union["optuna.Trial", Dict[str, Any]]=None, ignore_keys_for_eval: Optional[List[str]]=None, **kwargs) evaluation_loop(self, dataloader: DataLoader, description: str, prediction_loss_only: Optional[bool]=None, ignore_keys: Optional[List[str]]=None, metric_key_prefix: str="eval") -> EvalLoopOutput at: transformers.trainer_seq2seq Seq2SeqTrainer(model: Union["PreTrainedModel", nn.Module]=None, args: "TrainingArguments"=None, data_collator: Optional["DataCollator"]=None, train_dataset: Optional[Dataset]=None, eval_dataset: Optional[Union[Dataset, Dict[str, Dataset]]]=None, tokenizer: Optional["PreTrainedTokenizerBase"]=None, model_init: Optional[Callable[[], "PreTrainedModel"]]=None, compute_metrics: Optional[Callable[["EvalPrediction"], Dict]]=None, callbacks: Optional[List["TrainerCallback"]]=None, optimizers: Tuple[torch.optim.Optimizer, torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR]=(None, None), preprocess_logits_for_metrics: Optional[Callable[[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]]=None) at: transformers.trainer_utils EvalLoopOutput(typename: str, fields: Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]=..., **kwargs: Any) at: transformers.training_args.TrainingArguments framework = "pt" output_dir: str = field( metadata={"help": "The output directory where the model predictions and checkpoints will be written."}, )
Implement ablation: current_code_only.
<0>:<add> eval_tkn.max_query_tks = 1024
<s>train_model def train_model( model_name: str, dataset_name: str, description: str, encoder: C3CombinedEncoder = C3CombinedEncoder(), batch_args=BatchArgs.train_default(), eval_batch_args=BatchArgs.eval_default(), train_args=TrainingArgs(), recreate_data: bool = False, resumed_from: Path | None = None, eval_only: bool = False, quicktest: bool = False, ): <s>_from is None: model = RetrievalEditorModel.from_code_t5("base", reuse_embed=True) else: model = RetrievalEditorModel.load(resumed_from) if os.getenv("CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES") is None: warnings.warn( "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES not set, using 0. Note that " "the Huggingface Trainer will use all visible GPUs for training." ) os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0" train_tkn = encoder.edit_tokenizer eval_tkn = copy.deepcopy(train_tkn) - eval_tkn.max_query_tks *= 2 <0> eval_tkn.max_output_tks *= 2 eval_tkn.max_ref_tks_sum *= 2 valid_loader = C3DataLoader( datasets["valid"], None, eval_tkn, eval_batch_args, shuffle=False, desc="eval" ) if not eval_only: # gradually increase the ctx size during training scales = [4, 2, 1] for scale in scales: s_tkn = copy.copy(train_tkn) s_tkn.max_ref_tks_sum //= scale s_probs = [ x for x in datasets["train"] if sum(c.change_size() for c in x.relevant_changes) < s_tkn.max_ref_</s>
===========above chunk 0=========== <s>_model( model_name: str, dataset_name: str, description: str, encoder: C3CombinedEncoder = C3CombinedEncoder(), batch_args=BatchArgs.train_default(), eval_batch_args=BatchArgs.eval_default(), train_args=TrainingArgs(), recreate_data: bool = False, resumed_from: Path | None = None, eval_only: bool = False, quicktest: bool = False, ): # offset: -1 <s> datasets, encoder, remake_problems=recreate_data, workers=multiprocessing.cpu_count(), ) # limit the number of examples for faster testing datasets["valid"] = random_subset(eval_probs["valid"], 10000, rng=42) datasets["test"] = random_subset(eval_probs["test"], 10000, rng=42) config_dict = { k: get_modified_args(v) for k, v in { "description": description, "edit_tokenizer": encoder.edit_tokenizer.get_args(), "batch_args": batch_args, "train_args": train_args, "dec_args": dec_args, }.items() } project = "Coeditor" if not quicktest else "Coeditor-quicktest" if eval_only: project = "eval-" + project wandb.init(dir="..", project=project, name=model_name, config=config_dict) if quicktest: print("Using fewer data for quick test.") n_quick_exs = 20 datasets = C3ProblemDataset( train=datasets["train"][:n_quick_exs], valid=datasets["valid"][:n_quick_exs], test=datasets["test"][:n_quick_exs], ) if resumed_from is None: model = RetrievalEditorModel.from_code_t5("base", reuse_embed=True) </s> ===========above chunk 1=========== <s>_model( model_name: str, dataset_name: str, description: str, encoder: C3CombinedEncoder = C3CombinedEncoder(), batch_args=BatchArgs.train_default(), eval_batch_args=BatchArgs.eval_default(), train_args=TrainingArgs(), recreate_data: bool = False, resumed_from: Path | None = None, eval_only: bool = False, quicktest: bool = False, ): # offset: -2 dec_args = DecodingArgs() if quicktest: model_name = "quicktest-" + model_name if not eval_only: check_save_dir(model_name) # problems will be transformed and saved for valid and test but not train. datasets = make_or_load_dataset( dataset_name, encoder.change_processor, remake_problems=recreate_data, workers=multiprocessing.cpu_count(), ) with timed_action("Making or loading transformed C3 problems for eval"): # it's important to cache these due to randomness in the transformations eval_probs = make_or_load_transformed_dataset( dataset_name, datasets, encoder, remake_problems=recreate_data, workers=multiprocessing.cpu_count(),</s> ===========below chunk 0=========== <s> train_model( model_name: str, dataset_name: str, description: str, encoder: C3CombinedEncoder = C3CombinedEncoder(), batch_args=BatchArgs.train_default(), eval_batch_args=BatchArgs.eval_default(), train_args=TrainingArgs(), recreate_data: bool = False, resumed_from: Path | None = None, eval_only: bool = False, quicktest: bool = False, ): # offset: 1 <s> if sum(c.change_size() for c in x.relevant_changes) < s_tkn.max_ref_tks_sum ] n_probs = max(1, len(s_probs) // max(scales) // 2) * scale s_probs = random_subset(s_probs, n_probs) desc = f"training (ctx={s_tkn.max_ref_tks_sum})" s_loader = C3DataLoader( s_probs, encoder.problem_tranform, s_tkn, batch_args, shuffle=True, desc=desc, ) with timed_action(desc): model.train_on_data(model_name, s_loader, valid_loader, train_args)"cuda") test_loader = C3DataLoader( datasets["test"], None, eval_tkn, eval_batch_args, shuffle=False, desc="test" ) print(f"{len(test_loader)}") print(f"{len(test_loader.all_probs)}") with timed_action("Loss Evaluation"): eval_result = model.eval_loss_on_loader(test_loader) eval_dict = {f"test/{k}": v.average() for k, v in eval_result.items()} wandb.log(eval_dict) with timed_action("Accuracy Evaluation"): out_dir = get_model_dir() / model_name / "exact</s> ===========below chunk 1=========== <s> train_model( model_name: str, dataset_name: str, description: str, encoder: C3CombinedEncoder = C3CombinedEncoder(), batch_args=BatchArgs.train_default(), eval_batch_args=BatchArgs.eval_default(), train_args=TrainingArgs(), recreate_data: bool = False, resumed_from: Path | None = None, eval_only: bool = False, quicktest: bool = False, ): # offset: 2 <s> with timed_action("Accuracy Evaluation"): out_dir = get_model_dir() / model_name / "exact_match_samples" exact_acc = model.eval_on_data( datasets["test"], test_loader, dec_args, out_dir, probs_to_save=300, ) print("Exact-match accuracy:", exact_acc) wandb.log({"test/exact-acc": exact_acc.average()}) cprint("blue", "Exact-match samples saved to:", out_dir) return model
Add ablation: dense attention.
<0>:<add> hidden_state_mask=tks_mask,
# module: coeditor.model @dataclass class RetrivalEncoder: def forward( self, input_ids: LongTensor, references: Sequence[TokenSeq] | None = None, query_ref_list: Sequence[Sequence[int]] | None = None, # not used arguments below: output_attentions=None, output_hidden_states=None, return_dict=None, tqdm=None, ) -> RetrivalEncoderOutputs: <s> use dense implementation + rows = list[Tensor]() + for i, l in enumerate(q_lens): + query = input_ids[i, :l] + ref_list = query_ref_list[i] + ref_tensors = [to_long_tensor(references[rid]) for rid in ref_list] + rows.append( + [query])) + tks_tensor, tks_mask = stack_pad_tensors(rows) + enc_out = self.encoder.forward( + tks_tensor, attention_mask=tks_mask, return_dict=True + ) + return RetrivalEncoderOutputs( + last_hidden_state=enc_out.last_hidden_state, <0> ) def split_outputs( lens: Sequence[int], out: BaseModelOutputWithPastAndCrossAttentions ) -> Iterable[BaseModelOutputWithPastAndCrossAttentions]: for i, l in enumerate(lens): hidden_states = tuple( s[i : i + 1, :l] for s in not_none(out.hidden_states) ) yield BaseModelOutputWithPastAndCrossAttentions( last_hidden_state=hidden_states[-1], # type: ignore hidden_states=hidden_states, # type: ignore ) ref_outputs = batched_map( references, group_key=lambda ref: _round_length_group(len(ref)), f=lambda refs: split_outputs( </s>
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.model @dataclass class RetrivalEncoder: def forward( self, input_ids: LongTensor, references: Sequence[TokenSeq] | None = None, query_ref_list: Sequence[Sequence[int]] | None = None, # not used arguments below: output_attentions=None, output_hidden_states=None, return_dict=None, tqdm=None, ) -> RetrivalEncoderOutputs: # offset: -1 <s>torch.long).to(device), ) if references is None: references = [] assert_eq(input_ids.dim(), 2) assert_eq(input_ids.dtype, torch.long) device = self.encoder.device n_queries = input_ids.size(0) q_lens = n_refs = len(references) if query_ref_list is None: query_ref_list = [list(range(n_refs)) for _ in range(n_queries)] if self.attention_mode.value == AttentionMode.bidirectional.value: # use bidirectional implementation queries = [cast(LongTensor, input_ids[i, :l]) for i, l in enumerate(q_lens)] refs = [ [to_long_tensor(references[rid]) for rid in rids] for rids in query_ref_list ] hidden_rows = self.bidirectional_forward(queries, refs) last_hidden_state, hidden_state_mask = stack_pad_tensors(hidden_rows) return RetrivalEncoderOutputs( last_hidden_state=last_hidden_state, hidden_state_mask=hidden_state_mask + ) + elif self.attention_mode.value == AttentionMode.dense.value: + # use dense implementation + rows = list[Tensor]() + for i, l in enumerate(q_lens): + </s> ===========above chunk 1=========== # module: coeditor.model @dataclass class RetrivalEncoder: def forward( self, input_ids: LongTensor, references: Sequence[TokenSeq] | None = None, query_ref_list: Sequence[Sequence[int]] | None = None, # not used arguments below: output_attentions=None, output_hidden_states=None, return_dict=None, tqdm=None, ) -> RetrivalEncoderOutputs: # offset: -2 """ Shapes - input_ids: (n_queries, seq_len) - references: (num_refs, ref_len) - ref_masks: for each query, a list of reference indices. If none, assume all references are accessible to all queries. """ def to_long_tensor(data): return cast( LongTensor, torch.tensor(data, dtype=torch.long).to(device), ) if references is None: references = [] assert_</s> ===========below chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.model @dataclass class RetrivalEncoder: def forward( self, input_ids: LongTensor, references: Sequence[TokenSeq] | None = None, query_ref_list: Sequence[Sequence[int]] | None = None, # not used arguments below: output_attentions=None, output_hidden_states=None, return_dict=None, tqdm=None, ) -> RetrivalEncoderOutputs: # offset: 1 <s>_key=lambda ref: _round_length_group(len(ref)), f=lambda refs: split_outputs( [len(x) for x in refs], self.encoder.forward( pad_token_seqs(refs).to(device), output_hidden_states=True, return_dict=True, ), ), ) def encode_queries(query_ids: Sequence[int]) -> Iterable[Tensor]: queries = [cast(LongTensor, input_ids[q, : q_lens[q]]) for q in query_ids] assert query_ref_list is not None query_refs = [query_ref_list[q] for q in query_ids] q_tensor, q_mask = stack_pad_tensors(queries) assert_eq(q_tensor.dim(), 2) if self.attention_mode.value == AttentionMode.query2ref.value: enc = self.encode_query_uni_directional( query_ids=cast(LongTensor, q_tensor), query_attention_mask=q_mask, ref_outputs=ref_outputs, query_ref_list=query_refs, ) else: assert_eq(self.attention_mode.value, AttentionMode.basic.value) enc = self.encode_query_basic( query_ids=cast(LongTensor, q_tensor), query_attention_mask=q_mask, ref_outputs=ref_outputs, query_ref_list=query</s> ===========below chunk 1=========== # module: coeditor.model @dataclass class RetrivalEncoder: def forward( self, input_ids: LongTensor, references: Sequence[TokenSeq] | None = None, query_ref_list: Sequence[Sequence[int]] | None = None, # not used arguments below: output_attentions=None, output_hidden_states=None, return_dict=None, tqdm=None, ) -> RetrivalEncoderOutputs: # offset: 2 <s> query_attention_mask=q_mask, ref_outputs=ref_outputs, query_ref_list=query_refs, ) last_hidden_state, hidden_state_mask = enc for i, _ in enumerate(queries): yield last_hidden_state[i, hidden_state_mask[i]] def query_group_key(q: int) -> tuple[int, int]: q_len = q_lens[q] ref_len = sum( len(not_none(references)[r]) for r in not_none(query_ref_list)[q] ) return _round_length_group(q_len), _round_length_group(ref_len) last_hidden_states = batched_map( range(n_queries), group_key=query_group_key, f=encode_queries, ) last_hidden_state, hidden_state_mask = stack_pad_tensors(last_hidden_states) return RetrivalEncoderOutputs( last_hidden_state=last_hidden_state, hidden_state_mask=hidden_state_mask )