1 value
1 value
Fix TkDelta from output_tks.
<0>:<add> label_delta = TkDelta.from_output_tks(prob.edit_lines, mp["labels"])
# module: coeditor.model @dataclass class RetrievalDecodingResult: def exact_match_accuracy(self) -> tuple[CountedSum, dict[int, bool]]: ex2correct = dict[int, bool]() bad_probs = list[C3Problem]() for i, mp in enumerate(self.predictions): prob = self.problems[i] original = prob.span.original.tolist() + pred_delta = TkDelta.from_output_tks(prob.edit_lines, mp["output_ids"]) - pred_delta = TkDelta.from_output_tks(mp["output_ids"]) - label_delta = TkDelta.from_output_tks(mp["labels"]) <0> if not prob.edit_lines: bad_probs.append(prob) continue line_shift = prob.edit_lines[0] pred_change = pred_delta.shifted(line_shift).apply_to_change(original) label_change = label_delta.shifted(line_shift).apply_to_change(original) pred_code = tokens_to_change(pred_change).after label_code = tokens_to_change(label_change).after ex2correct[i] = code_equal(pred_code, label_code) correct_count = CountedSum(sum(ex2correct.values()), len(ex2correct)) if bad_probs: cprint("yellow", "Number of problems with no edits:", len(bad_probs)) for prob in bad_probs[:5]: print(prob.summary()) return correct_count, ex2correct
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils cprint(color: str, *elems, sep: Optional[str]=..., end: Optional[str]=..., file: Optional[SupportsWrite[str]]=..., flush: bool=...) at: coeditor.c3problem C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"] change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () summary() -> str at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedCodeSpan headers: Sequence[ChangedHeader] original: TkArray delta: TkDelta line_range: LineRange module: ModuleName at: coeditor.change.Modified before: E1 after: E1 unchanged: bool = False at: coeditor.common CountedSum = WeightedSum[int, int] code_equal(code1: str, code2: str) -> bool at: coeditor.encoding TkDelta(_deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]]) tokens_to_change(tokens: TokenSeq) -> Modified[str] at: coeditor.encoding.TkDelta _deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]] apply_to_change(change: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq shifted(shift_lines: int) -> Self ===========unchanged ref 1=========== from_output_tks(edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], tks: TokenSeq, allow_truncated_tks: bool=True) -> "TkDelta" at: coeditor.model.RetrievalDecodingResult eval_args: dict problems: Sequence[C3Problem] predictions: Sequence[RetrievalModelPrediction] at: coeditor.tk_array.TkArray tolist() -> TokenSeq
Fix TkDelta from output_tks.
<0>:<add> pred = apply_output_tks_to_change(change_tks, 0, out)
# module: coeditor.model class RetrievalEditorModel(T5PreTrainedModel): @torch.autocast("cuda") def predict_on_batch( self, batch: dict, + originals: Sequence[TokenSeq], - requests: Sequence["EditRequest"], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int = 1, ) -> list[list[PredictedChange]]: <s>_list([[x] * N for x in originals]) - requests = join_list([[r] * N for r in requests]) if (pred_scores := gen_out.get("sequences_scores", None)) is None: pred_scores = [0.0] * len(out_tks) if use_sampling: pred_weights = [1.0 / N] * len(out_tks) else: pred_weights = [math.exp(x) for x in pred_scores] with timed("assemble changes"): pred_changes = list[Modified[str]]() + for change_tks, out in zip(originals, out_tks): - for req, out in zip(requests, out_tks): - change = x: x.code) - change_tks = change_to_tokens(change) - pred = apply_output_tks_to_change(change_tks, req.respect_lines, out) <0> pred_changes.append(pred) assert_eq(len(pred_changes), len(out_tks), len(pred_scores)) solutions = list[list[PredictedChange]]() for i in range(0, len(pred_changes), N): sols = marginalize_preds( pred_changes[i : i + N], out_tks[i : i + N], pred_weights[i : i + N], pred_scores[i : i + N], ) solutions.append(sols[:n_solutions]) return solutions
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.model class RetrievalEditorModel(T5PreTrainedModel): @torch.autocast("cuda") def predict_on_batch( self, batch: dict, + originals: Sequence[TokenSeq], - requests: Sequence["EditRequest"], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int = 1, ) -> list[list[PredictedChange]]: # offset: -1 <s>: N = dec_args.num_beams or 1 gen_args = dec_args.to_model_args() input_ids = batch["input_ids"] if not isinstance(input_ids, torch.LongTensor): input_ids = torch.LongTensor(input_ids) with timed("model.generate"), tqdm(total=dec_args.max_output_tks) as pbar: gen_out = self.generate(, references=batch["references"], query_ref_list=batch["query_ref_list"], num_return_sequences=N, return_dict_in_generate=True, output_scores=True, **gen_args, tqdm=pbar, ) assert not isinstance(gen_out, torch.LongTensor) out_tks = gen_out["sequences"] if isinstance(out_tks, torch.Tensor): out_tks = out_tks.tolist() out_tks = [remove_pad_ids(x) for x in out_tks] assert isinstance(out_tks, list) logging.debug("Max out length:", max(len(x) for x in out_tks)) + assert_eq(len(out_tks), len(originals) * N) - assert_eq(len(out_tks), len(requests) * N) + originals = join_list([[x] * N for x in originals]) - requests = join_list([[r] * N for r</s> ===========above chunk 1=========== # module: coeditor.model class RetrievalEditorModel(T5PreTrainedModel): @torch.autocast("cuda") def predict_on_batch( self, batch: dict, + originals: Sequence[TokenSeq], - requests: Sequence["EditRequest"], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int = 1, ) -> list[list[PredictedChange]]: # offset: -2 <s>[TokenSeq], weights: Sequence[float], scores: Sequence[float], ) -> list[PredictedChange]: """For sampling techniques, all sample should have equal weights 1/N. For search-based techniques, the `weights` should equal to the solutions' probabilities.""" assert preds groups = groupby( range(len(preds)), keyfunc=lambda i: normalize_code_by_ast(preds[i].after), ) groups = list(groups.values()) for group in groups: # within each group, sort by score group.sort(key=lambda i: scores[i], reverse=True) groups.sort( key=lambda g: (sum(weights[i] for i in g), scores[g[0]]), reverse=True ) return [ PredictedChange( preds[g[0]], out_tks[g[0]], sum(weights[i] for i in g), len(g) ) for g in groups ] use_sampling = dec_args.marginalize_samples > 1 if use_sampling: assert_eq(dec_args.do_sample, True) assert_eq(dec_args.num_beams, 1) N = dec_args.marginalize_samples else: N = dec_args.num_beams or 1 gen_args = dec_args.to_model_args</s> ===========above chunk 2=========== # module: coeditor.model class RetrievalEditorModel(T5PreTrainedModel): @torch.autocast("cuda") def predict_on_batch( self, batch: dict, + originals: Sequence[TokenSeq], - requests: Sequence["EditRequest"], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int = 1, ) -> list[list[PredictedChange]]: # offset: -3 """ Returns nested list of shape `(batch_size, n_solutions)`. """ timed = self.tlogger.timed def marginalize_preds( preds: Sequence[Modified[str]], out_tks</s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils groupby(iterable: Iterable[T1], keyfunc: Callable[[T1], T2]) -> dict[T2, list[T1]] assert_eq(x: T1, y: T1, message: Callable[[], str]=lambda: "") -> None at: coeditor._utils.TimeLogger times: dict[str, list[float]] = field(default_factory=dict) timed(self, name: str) at: coeditor.change Modified(before: E1, after: E1, unchanged: bool=False) at: coeditor.change.Modified after: E1 at: coeditor.common TokenSeq = list[Token] join_list(segs: Iterable[Iterable[T1]], sep: T1 | None=None) -> list[T1] normalize_code_by_ast(code: str, sort_keyargs: bool=True, remove_doc_string: bool=True) -> str at: coeditor.model DecodingArgs(max_output_tks: int=512, do_sample: bool=False, top_p: float=0.9, num_beams: Optional[int]=1, length_penalty: float=0.0, marginalize_samples: int=1) remove_pad_ids(ids: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq PredictedChange(typename: str, fields: Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]=..., **kwargs: Any) at: coeditor.model.DecodingArgs max_output_tks: int = 512 do_sample: bool = False top_p: float = 0.9 num_beams: Optional[int] = 1 length_penalty: float = 0.0 marginalize_samples: int = 1 to_model_args() -> dict at: coeditor.model.RetrievalEditorModel is_parallelizable = False supports_gradient_checkpointing = False
Initial implementation of new service. - Make LineRange a class. - Fix JModuleChanges. - Seperate out some C3 generator logic.
<0>:<add> deltas = {l: seg_to_tuple(seg) for l, seg in zip(lines, segs.values()) if seg}
# module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: @staticmethod + def from_output_tks(lines: Sequence[int], tks: TokenSeq) -> "TkDelta": - def from_output_tks(tks: TokenSeq) -> "TkDelta": ad_tks = (Add_id, Del_id) def seg_to_tuple(seg: TokenSeq) -> tuple[TokenSeq]: result = list[TokenSeq]() ptr = 0 for i, x in enumerate(seg): if i > 0 and x in ad_tks: if seg[ptr] in ad_tks: result.append(seg[ptr:i]) ptr = i if ptr < len(seg) and seg[ptr] in ad_tks: result.append(seg[ptr:]) return tuple(result) segs = output_ids_as_seqs(tks) - deltas = { - extra_id_to_number(k): seg_to_tuple(seg) for k, seg in segs.items() if seg - } + assert_eq(len(segs), len(lines)) <0> return TkDelta(deltas)
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils assert_eq(x: T1, y: T1, message: Callable[[], str]=lambda: "") -> None at: coeditor.common TokenSeq = list[Token] at: coeditor.encoding Add_id = get_tk_id(Add) Del_id = get_tk_id(Del) output_ids_as_seqs(output_ids: Iterable[Token]) -> dict[Token, TokenSeq] TkDelta(_deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]]) at: coeditor.encoding.TkDelta _deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]] at: typing Sequence = _alias(, 1)
Initial implementation of new service. - Make LineRange a class. - Fix JModuleChanges. - Seperate out some C3 generator logic.
<0>:<add> return LineRange(start, end)
# module: coeditor.scoped_changes def line_range(start: int, end: int, can_be_empty: bool = False) -> LineRange: if not can_be_empty and start >= end: raise ValueError(f"Bad line range: {start=}, {end=}") - return LineRange((start, end)) <0>
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.scoped_changes.LineRange start: int ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + class LineRange(NamedTuple): + start: int + until: int + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes ScopeTree = ptree.Function | ptree.Class | ptree.Module PyNode = ptree.PythonBaseNode | ptree.PythonNode - LineRange = NewType("LineRange", tuple[int, int]) _tlogger = TimeLogger() ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: @staticmethod + def from_output_tks(lines: Sequence[int], tks: TokenSeq) -> "TkDelta": - def from_output_tks(tks: TokenSeq) -> "TkDelta": ad_tks = (Add_id, Del_id) def seg_to_tuple(seg: TokenSeq) -> tuple[TokenSeq]: result = list[TokenSeq]() ptr = 0 for i, x in enumerate(seg): if i > 0 and x in ad_tks: if seg[ptr] in ad_tks: result.append(seg[ptr:i]) ptr = i if ptr < len(seg) and seg[ptr] in ad_tks: result.append(seg[ptr:]) return tuple(result) segs = output_ids_as_seqs(tks) - deltas = { - extra_id_to_number(k): seg_to_tuple(seg) for k, seg in segs.items() if seg - } + assert_eq(len(segs), len(lines)) + deltas = {l: seg_to_tuple(seg) for l, seg in zip(lines, segs.values()) if seg} return TkDelta(deltas)
Initial implementation of new service. - Make LineRange a class. - Fix JModuleChanges. - Seperate out some C3 generator logic.
<0>:<add> if line in span.line_range:
# module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass class ChangeScope: def _search_span(self, line: int) -> "StatementSpan | None": for span in self.spans: - if span.line_range[0] <= line < span.line_range[1]: <0> return span return None
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.common ElemPath = str at: coeditor.scoped_changes.ChangeScope path: ProjectPath tree: ScopeTree spans: Sequence["StatementSpan"] subscopes: Mapping[str, Self] parent_scope: "ChangeScope | None" _search_scope(path: ElemPath) -> Self at: coeditor.scoped_changes.ChangeScope.search_span_by_line span = s.search_span_by_line(line) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass class ChangeScope: + def search_span_by_line(self, line: int) -> "StatementSpan | None": + # TODO: optimize this to avoid linear scan + span = self._search_span(line) + if span is not None: + return span + for s in self.subscopes.values(): + span = s.search_span_by_line(line) + if span is not None: + return span + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + class LineRange(NamedTuple): + def to_range(self) -> range: + return range(self.start, self.until) + ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + class LineRange(NamedTuple): + def __contains__(self, l: int) -> bool: + return self.start <= l < self.until + ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + class LineRange(NamedTuple): + start: int + until: int + ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes def line_range(start: int, end: int, can_be_empty: bool = False) -> LineRange: if not can_be_empty and start >= end: raise ValueError(f"Bad line range: {start=}, {end=}") + return LineRange(start, end) - return LineRange((start, end)) ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes ScopeTree = ptree.Function | ptree.Class | ptree.Module PyNode = ptree.PythonBaseNode | ptree.PythonNode - LineRange = NewType("LineRange", tuple[int, int]) _tlogger = TimeLogger() ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: @staticmethod + def from_output_tks(lines: Sequence[int], tks: TokenSeq) -> "TkDelta": - def from_output_tks(tks: TokenSeq) -> "TkDelta": ad_tks = (Add_id, Del_id) def seg_to_tuple(seg: TokenSeq) -> tuple[TokenSeq]: result = list[TokenSeq]() ptr = 0 for i, x in enumerate(seg): if i > 0 and x in ad_tks: if seg[ptr] in ad_tks: result.append(seg[ptr:i]) ptr = i if ptr < len(seg) and seg[ptr] in ad_tks: result.append(seg[ptr:]) return tuple(result) segs = output_ids_as_seqs(tks) - deltas = { - extra_id_to_number(k): seg_to_tuple(seg) for k, seg in segs.items() if seg - } + assert_eq(len(segs), len(lines)) + deltas = {l: seg_to_tuple(seg) for l, seg in zip(lines, segs.values()) if seg} return TkDelta(deltas)
Initial implementation of new service. - Make LineRange a class. - Fix JModuleChanges. - Seperate out some C3 generator logic.
<0>:<add> return f"ChangeSpan(module={self.module}, range={self.line_range}, scope={self.scope.earlier.path.path}, type={self.change.as_char()})"
# module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: def __repr__(self) -> str: - return f"ChangeSpan(scope={self.path}, range={self.line_range}, type={self.change.as_char()})" <0>
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.common print_err(*, sep: Optional[str]=..., end: Optional[str]=..., flush: bool=...) -> None ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: - @property - def path(self) -> ProjectPath: - return self.parent_scopes[-1].earlier.path - ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass class ChangeScope: def __repr__(self): + return ( + f"ChangeScope(path={self.path}, type={self.tree.type}, spans={self.spans})" - return f"ChangeScope(path={self.path}, type={self.tree.type})" + ) ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass class ChangeScope: def _search_span(self, line: int) -> "StatementSpan | None": for span in self.spans: + if line in span.line_range: - if span.line_range[0] <= line < span.line_range[1]: return span return None ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass class ChangeScope: + def search_span_by_line(self, line: int) -> "StatementSpan | None": + # TODO: optimize this to avoid linear scan + span = self._search_span(line) + if span is not None: + return span + for s in self.subscopes.values(): + span = s.search_span_by_line(line) + if span is not None: + return span + ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + class LineRange(NamedTuple): + def to_range(self) -> range: + return range(self.start, self.until) + ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + class LineRange(NamedTuple): + def __contains__(self, l: int) -> bool: + return self.start <= l < self.until + ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + class LineRange(NamedTuple): + start: int + until: int + ===========changed ref 7=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes def line_range(start: int, end: int, can_be_empty: bool = False) -> LineRange: if not can_be_empty and start >= end: raise ValueError(f"Bad line range: {start=}, {end=}") + return LineRange(start, end) - return LineRange((start, end)) ===========changed ref 8=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes ScopeTree = ptree.Function | ptree.Class | ptree.Module PyNode = ptree.PythonBaseNode | ptree.PythonNode - LineRange = NewType("LineRange", tuple[int, int]) _tlogger = TimeLogger() ===========changed ref 9=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: @staticmethod + def from_output_tks(lines: Sequence[int], tks: TokenSeq) -> "TkDelta": - def from_output_tks(tks: TokenSeq) -> "TkDelta": ad_tks = (Add_id, Del_id) def seg_to_tuple(seg: TokenSeq) -> tuple[TokenSeq]: result = list[TokenSeq]() ptr = 0 for i, x in enumerate(seg): if i > 0 and x in ad_tks: if seg[ptr] in ad_tks: result.append(seg[ptr:i]) ptr = i if ptr < len(seg) and seg[ptr] in ad_tks: result.append(seg[ptr:]) return tuple(result) segs = output_ids_as_seqs(tks) - deltas = { - extra_id_to_number(k): seg_to_tuple(seg) for k, seg in segs.items() if seg - } + assert_eq(len(segs), len(lines)) + deltas = {l: seg_to_tuple(seg) for l, seg in zip(lines, segs.values()) if seg} return TkDelta(deltas)
Initial implementation of new service. - Make LineRange a class. - Fix JModuleChanges. - Seperate out some C3 generator logic.
<0>:<add> return f"JModuleChange({self.changed})"
# module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class JModuleChange: def __repr__(self) -> str: - change_dict = {k.path: v.change.as_char() for k, v in self.changed.items()} - return f"JModuleChange({change_dict})" <0>
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.change.Added after: E1 as_char() at: coeditor.change.Deleted before: E1 as_char() at: coeditor.change.Modified before: E1 after: E1 unchanged: bool = False as_char() at: coeditor.common.ProjectPath module: ModuleName path: ElemPath at: coeditor.scoped_changes.ChangeScope path: ProjectPath at: coeditor.scoped_changes.ChangedSpan change: Change[str] parent_scopes: Sequence[Change[ChangeScope]] line_range: LineRange ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: + @property + def scope(self) -> Change[ChangeScope]: + return self.parent_scopes[-1] + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: + @property + def module(self) -> ModuleName: + return self.parent_scopes[-1].earlier.path.module + ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class JModuleChange: module_change: Change[JModule] + changed: Sequence[ChangedSpan] - changed: Mapping[ProjectPath, ChangedSpan] ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: - @property - def path(self) -> ProjectPath: - return self.parent_scopes[-1].earlier.path - ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass class StatementSpan: + def __repr__(self): + preview = self.code + str_limit = 30 + if len(preview) > str_limit: + preview = preview[:str_limit] + "..." + return f"StatementSpan({self.line_range}, code={repr(preview)})" + ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: def __repr__(self) -> str: + return f"ChangeSpan(module={self.module}, range={self.line_range}, scope={self.scope.earlier.path.path}, type={self.change.as_char()})" - return f"ChangeSpan(scope={self.path}, range={self.line_range}, type={self.change.as_char()})" ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass class ChangeScope: def __repr__(self): + return ( + f"ChangeScope(path={self.path}, type={self.tree.type}, spans={self.spans})" - return f"ChangeScope(path={self.path}, type={self.tree.type})" + ) ===========changed ref 7=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass class ChangeScope: def _search_span(self, line: int) -> "StatementSpan | None": for span in self.spans: + if line in span.line_range: - if span.line_range[0] <= line < span.line_range[1]: return span return None ===========changed ref 8=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass class ChangeScope: + def search_span_by_line(self, line: int) -> "StatementSpan | None": + # TODO: optimize this to avoid linear scan + span = self._search_span(line) + if span is not None: + return span + for s in self.subscopes.values(): + span = s.search_span_by_line(line) + if span is not None: + return span + ===========changed ref 9=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + class LineRange(NamedTuple): + def to_range(self) -> range: + return range(self.start, self.until) + ===========changed ref 10=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + class LineRange(NamedTuple): + def __contains__(self, l: int) -> bool: + return self.start <= l < self.until + ===========changed ref 11=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + class LineRange(NamedTuple): + start: int + until: int + ===========changed ref 12=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes def line_range(start: int, end: int, can_be_empty: bool = False) -> LineRange: if not can_be_empty and start >= end: raise ValueError(f"Bad line range: {start=}, {end=}") + return LineRange(start, end) - return LineRange((start, end)) ===========changed ref 13=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes ScopeTree = ptree.Function | ptree.Class | ptree.Module PyNode = ptree.PythonBaseNode | ptree.PythonNode - LineRange = NewType("LineRange", tuple[int, int]) _tlogger = TimeLogger() ===========changed ref 14=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: @staticmethod + def from_output_tks(lines: Sequence[int], tks: TokenSeq) -> "TkDelta": - def from_output_tks(tks: TokenSeq) -> "TkDelta": ad_tks = (Add_id, Del_id) def seg_to_tuple(seg: TokenSeq) -> tuple[TokenSeq]: result = list[TokenSeq]() ptr = 0 for i, x in enumerate(seg): if i > 0 and x in ad_tks: if seg[ptr] in ad_tks: result.append(seg[ptr:i]) ptr = i if ptr < len(seg) and seg[ptr] in ad_tks: result.append(seg[ptr:]) return tuple(result) segs = output_ids_as_seqs(tks) - deltas = { - extra_id_to_number(k): seg_to_tuple(seg) for k, seg in segs.items() if seg - } + assert_eq(len(segs), len(lines)) + deltas = {l: seg_to_tuple(seg) for l, seg in zip(lines, segs.values()) if seg} return TkDelta(deltas)
Initial implementation of new service. - Make LineRange a class. - Fix JModuleChanges. - Seperate out some C3 generator logic.
<0>:<add> return parso.parse(code)
# module: coeditor.scoped_changes def code_to_module(code: str) -> ptree.Module: - m = jedi.Script(code)._module_node - assert isinstance(m, ptree.Module) - return m <0>
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.change Modified(before: E1, after: E1, unchanged: bool=False) at: coeditor.scoped_changes ChangedSpan(change: Change[str], parent_scopes: Sequence[Change[ChangeScope]], line_range: LineRange) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: + @property + def scope(self) -> Change[ChangeScope]: + return self.parent_scopes[-1] + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: + @property + def module(self) -> ModuleName: + return self.parent_scopes[-1].earlier.path.module + ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class JModuleChange: module_change: Change[JModule] + changed: Sequence[ChangedSpan] - changed: Mapping[ProjectPath, ChangedSpan] ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + def _parse_module_script(project: Path, path: Path): + assert path.is_absolute(), f"Path is not absolute: {path=}" + script = jedi.Script(path=path, project=project) + mcontext = script._get_module_context() + assert isinstance(mcontext, ModuleContext) + mname = cast(str, mcontext.py__name__()) + if mname.startswith("src."): + e = ValueError(f"Bad module name: {mname}") + files = list(project.iterdir()) + print_err(f"project: {project}", file=sys.stderr) + print_err(f"files in root: {files}", file=sys.stderr) + raise e + m = script._module_node + assert isinstance(m, ptree.Module) + # mname = PythonProject.rel_path_to_module_name(path.relative_to(proj.path)) + # m = parso.parse(path.read_text()) + jmod = JModule(mname, m) + return jmod, script + ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class JModuleChange: def __repr__(self) -> str: - change_dict = {k.path: v.change.as_char() for k, v in self.changed.items()} + return f"JModuleChange({self.changed})" - return f"JModuleChange({change_dict})" ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: - @property - def path(self) -> ProjectPath: - return self.parent_scopes[-1].earlier.path - ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass class StatementSpan: + def __repr__(self): + preview = self.code + str_limit = 30 + if len(preview) > str_limit: + preview = preview[:str_limit] + "..." + return f"StatementSpan({self.line_range}, code={repr(preview)})" + ===========changed ref 7=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: def __repr__(self) -> str: + return f"ChangeSpan(module={self.module}, range={self.line_range}, scope={self.scope.earlier.path.path}, type={self.change.as_char()})" - return f"ChangeSpan(scope={self.path}, range={self.line_range}, type={self.change.as_char()})" ===========changed ref 8=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class JModuleChange: @staticmethod def from_modules(module_change: Change[JModule]): "Compute the change spans from two versions of the same module." with _tlogger.timed("JModuleChange.from_modules"): - changed = dict[ProjectPath, ChangedSpan]() + changed = get_changed_spans( - for cspan in get_changed_spans( m: m.as_scope), tuple() + ) - ): - path = cspan.parent_scopes[-1].earlier.path - changed[path] = cspan return JModuleChange(module_change, changed) ===========changed ref 9=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass class ChangeScope: def __repr__(self): + return ( + f"ChangeScope(path={self.path}, type={self.tree.type}, spans={self.spans})" - return f"ChangeScope(path={self.path}, type={self.tree.type})" + ) ===========changed ref 10=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass class ChangeScope: def _search_span(self, line: int) -> "StatementSpan | None": for span in self.spans: + if line in span.line_range: - if span.line_range[0] <= line < span.line_range[1]: return span return None ===========changed ref 11=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass class ChangeScope: + def search_span_by_line(self, line: int) -> "StatementSpan | None": + # TODO: optimize this to avoid linear scan + span = self._search_span(line) + if span is not None: + return span + for s in self.subscopes.values(): + span = s.search_span_by_line(line) + if span is not None: + return span + ===========changed ref 12=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + class LineRange(NamedTuple): + def to_range(self) -> range: + return range(self.start, self.until) + ===========changed ref 13=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + class LineRange(NamedTuple): + def __contains__(self, l: int) -> bool: + return self.start <= l < self.until + ===========changed ref 14=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + class LineRange(NamedTuple): + start: int + until: int + ===========changed ref 15=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes def line_range(start: int, end: int, can_be_empty: bool = False) -> LineRange: if not can_be_empty and start >= end: raise ValueError(f"Bad line range: {start=}, {end=}") + return LineRange(start, end) - return LineRange((start, end)) ===========changed ref 16=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes ScopeTree = ptree.Function | ptree.Class | ptree.Module PyNode = ptree.PythonBaseNode | ptree.PythonNode - LineRange = NewType("LineRange", tuple[int, int]) _tlogger = TimeLogger()
Initial implementation of new service. - Make LineRange a class. - Fix JModuleChanges. - Seperate out some C3 generator logic.
<0>:<add> script, lines_to_analyze, silent=True
# module: coeditor.c3problem class C3ProblemGenerator(ProjectChangeProcessor[C3Problem]): def pre_edit_analysis( self, pstate: ProjectState, modules: Mapping[RelPath, JModule], changes: Mapping[ModuleName, JModuleChange], ) -> Mapping[ModuleName, LineUsageAnalysis]: "Return the definition usages of each line." - project = pstate.project result = dict[ModuleName, LineUsageAnalysis]() src_map = {m.mname: f for f, m in modules.items()} for mname, mchange in changes.items(): if not isinstance(mchange.module_change, Modified): continue lines_to_analyze = set[int]() + for span in mchange.changed: - for span in mchange.changed.values(): if span.change is Added: continue + lines_to_analyze.update(span.line_range.to_range()) - lines_to_analyze.update(range(*span.line_range)) + lines_to_analyze.update(span.header_line_range.to_range()) - lines_to_analyze.update(range(*span.header_line_range)) mod_path = src_map[mname] script = pstate.scripts[mod_path] line_usages = self.analyzer.get_line_usages( - script, project.path, lines_to_analyze, silent=True <0> ) result[mname] = line_usages return result
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.c3problem LineUsageAnalysis(line2usages: Mapping[int, set[PyDefinition]]) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemGenerator.__init__ self.analyzer = analyzer self._is_training: bool = False at: coeditor.c3problem.JediUsageAnalyzer _KnownJediErrors = { "not enough values to unpack (expected 2", "'Newline' object has no attribute 'children'", "trailer_op is actually ", "There's a scope that was not managed: <Module", "maximum recursion depth exceeded", "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'type'", } get_line_usages(script: jedi.Script, lines_to_analyze: Collection[int], silent: bool=False) at: coeditor.change Added(after: E1) Modified(before: E1, after: E1, unchanged: bool=False) at: coeditor.common RelPath = NewType("RelPath", Path) ModuleName = str at: coeditor.scoped_changes JModule(mname: ModuleName, tree: ptree.Module) JModuleChange(module_change: Change[JModule], changed: Sequence[ChangedSpan]) ProjectState(project: jedi.Project, scripts: Mapping[RelPath, jedi.Script]) at: coeditor.scoped_changes.ChangedSpan change: Change[str] parent_scopes: Sequence[Change[ChangeScope]] line_range: LineRange at: coeditor.scoped_changes.JModule mname: ModuleName tree: ptree.Module at: coeditor.scoped_changes.JModuleChange module_change: Change[JModule] changed: Sequence[ChangedSpan] at: coeditor.scoped_changes.LineRange start: int until: int to_range() -> range ===========unchanged ref 1=========== at: coeditor.scoped_changes.ProjectChangeProcessor pre_edit_analysis(self, pstate: ProjectState, modules: Mapping[RelPath, JModule], changes: Mapping[ModuleName, JModuleChange]) -> Any at: coeditor.scoped_changes.ProjectState project: jedi.Project scripts: Mapping[RelPath, jedi.Script] at: typing Mapping = _alias(, 2) at: typing.Mapping items() -> AbstractSet[Tuple[_KT, _VT_co]] ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + class LineRange(NamedTuple): + def to_range(self) -> range: + return range(self.start, self.until) + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class JModuleChange: module_change: Change[JModule] + changed: Sequence[ChangedSpan] - changed: Mapping[ProjectPath, ChangedSpan] ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3ProblemGenerator(ProjectChangeProcessor[C3Problem]): """ ### Change log + - v2.6: fix missing changes in `JModuleChanges`. - v2.5: fix newline encoding bug. - v2.4: fix buggy encoding of `Added` and `Deleted` changes. - v2.3: always generate problems with full editing range and move the problem splitting logic elsewhere. Also changed the data format of `ChangedCodeSpan`. """ + VERSION = "2.6" - VERSION = "2.5" # change spans with more than this many lines will be ignored max_span_lines: int = 500 ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + class LineRange(NamedTuple): + start: int + until: int + ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: + @property + def scope(self) -> Change[ChangeScope]: + return self.parent_scopes[-1] + ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + class LineRange(NamedTuple): + def __contains__(self, l: int) -> bool: + return self.start <= l < self.until + ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: - @property - def path(self) -> ProjectPath: - return self.parent_scopes[-1].earlier.path - ===========changed ref 7=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: + @property + def module(self) -> ModuleName: + return self.parent_scopes[-1].earlier.path.module + ===========changed ref 8=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes def code_to_module(code: str) -> ptree.Module: - m = jedi.Script(code)._module_node - assert isinstance(m, ptree.Module) - return m + return parso.parse(code) ===========changed ref 9=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass class ChangeScope: def _search_span(self, line: int) -> "StatementSpan | None": for span in self.spans: + if line in span.line_range: - if span.line_range[0] <= line < span.line_range[1]: return span return None ===========changed ref 10=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes def line_range(start: int, end: int, can_be_empty: bool = False) -> LineRange: if not can_be_empty and start >= end: raise ValueError(f"Bad line range: {start=}, {end=}") + return LineRange(start, end) - return LineRange((start, end)) ===========changed ref 11=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass class ChangeScope: def __repr__(self): + return ( + f"ChangeScope(path={self.path}, type={self.tree.type}, spans={self.spans})" - return f"ChangeScope(path={self.path}, type={self.tree.type})" + ) ===========changed ref 12=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class JModuleChange: def __repr__(self) -> str: - change_dict = {k.path: v.change.as_char() for k, v in self.changed.items()} + return f"JModuleChange({self.changed})" - return f"JModuleChange({change_dict})" ===========changed ref 13=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass class StatementSpan: + def __repr__(self): + preview = self.code + str_limit = 30 + if len(preview) > str_limit: + preview = preview[:str_limit] + "..." + return f"StatementSpan({self.line_range}, code={repr(preview)})" + ===========changed ref 14=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes ScopeTree = ptree.Function | ptree.Class | ptree.Module PyNode = ptree.PythonBaseNode | ptree.PythonNode - LineRange = NewType("LineRange", tuple[int, int]) _tlogger = TimeLogger() ===========changed ref 15=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass class ChangeScope: + def search_span_by_line(self, line: int) -> "StatementSpan | None": + # TODO: optimize this to avoid linear scan + span = self._search_span(line) + if span is not None: + return span + for s in self.subscopes.values(): + span = s.search_span_by_line(line) + if span is not None: + return span +
Initial implementation of new service. - Make LineRange a class. - Fix JModuleChanges. - Seperate out some C3 generator logic.
<0>:<add> max_workers=self.workers,
# module: coeditor.model @dataclass class C3DataLoader: def _to_tokenized(self, probs: Sequence[C3Problem]) -> Iterable[TkC3Problem]: probs = list(probs) if self.transform is not None: # we can afford to store all transformed problems beforehand + probs = join_list( + pmap( + self.transform.transform, + probs, + chunksize=500, + max_workers=self.workers, + ) + ) - probs = join_list(pmap(self.transform.transform, probs, chunksize=500)) if self.shuffle: # we need to shuffle after the transform to help serialization # this also mixes the problems better random.shuffle(probs) for i in range(0, len(probs), self.chunk_size): # we can only afford to tokenize the problems on-the-fly group = probs[i : i + self.chunk_size] yield from pmap( self.tokenizer.tokenize_problem, group, tqdm_args={"disable": True}, <0> )
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils pmap(f: Callable[..., T1], iter3: Iterable[Any], iter4: Iterable[Any], iter5: Iterable[Any], iter6: Iterable[Any], /, *iterables: Iterable[Any], desc: str | None=None, key_args: Mapping[str, Any] | None=None, max_workers: int | None=None, chunksize: int | None=None, tqdm_args: Mapping[str, Any] | None=None) -> list[T1] at: coeditor.c3problem C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) TkC3Problem(main_input: TkArray, header: TkArray, output: TkArray, path: ProjectPath, change_type: Change[None], named_references: Sequence[tuple[str, TkArray]], project: str, commit: CommitInfo | None, truncated: bool) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemTransform transform(prob: C3Problem) -> Sequence[C3Problem] at: coeditor.common join_list(segs: Iterable[Iterable[T1]], sep: T1 | None=None) -> list[T1] at: coeditor.model.C3DataLoader all_probs: Sequence[C3Problem] transform: C3ProblemTransform | None tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer batch_args: BatchArgs shuffle: bool desc: str tqdm_args: dict | None = None chunk_size: int = 1000 workers: int = DefaultWorkers at: random shuffle = _inst.shuffle at: typing Iterable = _alias(, 1) Sequence = _alias(, 1) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.model @dataclass class C3DataLoader: all_probs: Sequence[C3Problem] transform: C3ProblemTransform | None tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer batch_args: BatchArgs shuffle: bool desc: str tqdm_args: dict | None = None chunk_size: int = 1000 + workers: int = DefaultWorkers ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + class LineRange(NamedTuple): + start: int + until: int + ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: + @property + def scope(self) -> Change[ChangeScope]: + return self.parent_scopes[-1] + ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + class LineRange(NamedTuple): + def __contains__(self, l: int) -> bool: + return self.start <= l < self.until + ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + class LineRange(NamedTuple): + def to_range(self) -> range: + return range(self.start, self.until) + ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: - @property - def path(self) -> ProjectPath: - return self.parent_scopes[-1].earlier.path - ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: + @property + def module(self) -> ModuleName: + return self.parent_scopes[-1].earlier.path.module + ===========changed ref 7=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class JModuleChange: module_change: Change[JModule] + changed: Sequence[ChangedSpan] - changed: Mapping[ProjectPath, ChangedSpan] ===========changed ref 8=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes def code_to_module(code: str) -> ptree.Module: - m = jedi.Script(code)._module_node - assert isinstance(m, ptree.Module) - return m + return parso.parse(code) ===========changed ref 9=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass class ChangeScope: def _search_span(self, line: int) -> "StatementSpan | None": for span in self.spans: + if line in span.line_range: - if span.line_range[0] <= line < span.line_range[1]: return span return None ===========changed ref 10=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes def line_range(start: int, end: int, can_be_empty: bool = False) -> LineRange: if not can_be_empty and start >= end: raise ValueError(f"Bad line range: {start=}, {end=}") + return LineRange(start, end) - return LineRange((start, end)) ===========changed ref 11=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass class ChangeScope: def __repr__(self): + return ( + f"ChangeScope(path={self.path}, type={self.tree.type}, spans={self.spans})" - return f"ChangeScope(path={self.path}, type={self.tree.type})" + ) ===========changed ref 12=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class JModuleChange: def __repr__(self) -> str: - change_dict = {k.path: v.change.as_char() for k, v in self.changed.items()} + return f"JModuleChange({self.changed})" - return f"JModuleChange({change_dict})" ===========changed ref 13=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass class StatementSpan: + def __repr__(self): + preview = self.code + str_limit = 30 + if len(preview) > str_limit: + preview = preview[:str_limit] + "..." + return f"StatementSpan({self.line_range}, code={repr(preview)})" + ===========changed ref 14=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes ScopeTree = ptree.Function | ptree.Class | ptree.Module PyNode = ptree.PythonBaseNode | ptree.PythonNode - LineRange = NewType("LineRange", tuple[int, int]) _tlogger = TimeLogger() ===========changed ref 15=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem + class C3GeneratorCache: + def __init__(self, pre_module_map: Mapping[ModuleName, JModule]): + self.header_cache = dict[ProjectPath, ChangedHeader]() + self.cspan_cache = dict[PyDefinition, list[ChangedCodeSpan]]() + self.module_map = pre_module_map + self.mod_hier = ModuleHierarchy.from_modules(pre_module_map) + ===========changed ref 16=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass class ChangeScope: + def search_span_by_line(self, line: int) -> "StatementSpan | None": + # TODO: optimize this to avoid linear scan + span = self._search_span(line) + if span is not None: + return span + for s in self.subscopes.values(): + span = s.search_span_by_line(line) + if span is not None: + return span + ===========changed ref 17=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: def __repr__(self) -> str: + return f"ChangeSpan(module={self.module}, range={self.line_range}, scope={self.scope.earlier.path.path}, type={self.change.as_char()})" - return f"ChangeSpan(scope={self.path}, range={self.line_range}, type={self.change.as_char()})"
Initial implementation of new service. - Make LineRange a class. - Fix JModuleChanges. - Seperate out some C3 generator logic.
<0>:<add> yield self.pack_batch(current_batch)
# module: coeditor.model @dataclass class C3DataLoader: def _problems_to_batches(self, problems: Iterable[TkC3Problem]) -> Iterable[dict]: <s> current_batch = [] current_cost = 0 for tk_prob in problems: all_refs = [x[1] for x in tk_prob.named_references] ref_size_sum = sum(len(ref) for ref in all_refs) assert ref_size_sum <= tkn.max_ref_tks_sum, f"{ref_size_sum=}" input_tks, output_tks = self._post_process(tk_prob) cost = retrieval_cost_model( ref_size=ref_size_sum, query_size=len(input_tks), output_size=len(output_tks), ) - row = { - "input_tks": input_tks, - "output_tks": output_tks, - "references": [x.tolist() for x in all_refs], + tk_prob = dataclasses.replace( + tk_prob, input_tks=input_tks, output_tks=output_tks + ) - } if cost > cost_limit and not warned_batch_size: warned_batch_size = True warnings.warn("Batch cost limit is too small.") if (not current_batch) or ( cost + current_cost <= cost_limit and len(current_batch) < self.batch_args.max_queries ): + current_batch.append(tk_prob) - current_batch.append(row) current_cost += cost else: + yield self.pack_batch(current_batch) - yield pack_batch(current_batch) + current_batch = [tk_prob] - current_batch = [row] current_cost = cost if current_batch: - yield pack_batch(current_batch) <0>
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.model @dataclass class C3DataLoader: def _problems_to_batches(self, problems: Iterable[TkC3Problem]) -> Iterable[dict]: # offset: -1 - def pack_batch(rows: list[dict]): - assert rows, "empty batch found" - input_ids = [x["input_tks"] for x in rows] - labels = [x["output_tks"] for x in rows] - refs = [x["references"] for x in rows] - id2ref = {id(ref): ref for row in refs for ref in row} - references = [id2ref[x] for x in id2ref] - id2order = {x: i for i, x in enumerate(id2ref)} - query_ref_list = [[id2order[id(ref)] for ref in row] for row in refs] - return { - "input_ids": input_ids, - "references": references, - "query_ref_list": query_ref_list, - "labels": labels, - } - tkn = self.tokenizer cost_limit = self._cost_limit() warned_batch_size = False # sample references for each query + current_batch = list[TkC3Problem]() - current_batch = [] current_cost = 0 for tk_prob in problems: all_refs = [x</s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: _warnings warn(message: str, category: Optional[Type[Warning]]=..., stacklevel: int=..., source: Optional[Any]=...) -> None warn(message: Warning, category: Any=..., stacklevel: int=..., source: Optional[Any]=...) -> None at: coeditor.c3problem TkC3Problem(main_input: TkArray, header: TkArray, output: TkArray, path: ProjectPath, change_type: Change[None], named_references: Sequence[tuple[str, TkArray]], project: str, commit: CommitInfo | None, truncated: bool) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemTokenizer VERSION = "2.7" max_ref_tks: int = 512 max_query_tks: int = 512 max_output_tks: int = 256 max_scope_tks: int = 128 max_ref_tks_sum: int = 512 * 16 ref_chunk_overlap: int = 32 disable_builtin_defs: bool = True disable_unchanged_refs: bool = False current_code_only: bool = False at: coeditor.c3problem.TkC3Problem main_input: TkArray header: TkArray output: TkArray path: ProjectPath change_type: Change[None] named_references: Sequence[tuple[str, TkArray]] project: str commit: CommitInfo | None truncated: bool at: coeditor.model retrieval_cost_model(ref_size: int, query_size: int, output_size: int) -> float at: coeditor.model.BatchArgs min_queries: int = 1 max_queries: int = 8 shuffle_extra_ids: bool = True at: coeditor.model.C3DataLoader tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer batch_args: BatchArgs ===========unchanged ref 1=========== _post_process(e: TkC3Problem) at: coeditor.model.C3DataLoader._post_process labels = wrap_bos(labels) labels = [id_map.get(tk, tk) for tk in labels] labels = labels[:max_output_tks] input_ids = e.input_tks input_ids = [id_map.get(tk, tk) for tk in input_ids] at: coeditor.tk_array.TkArray tolist() -> TokenSeq at: dataclasses replace(obj: _T, **changes: Any) -> _T at: typing Iterable = _alias(, 1) Sequence = _alias(, 1) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.model @dataclass class C3DataLoader: all_probs: Sequence[C3Problem] transform: C3ProblemTransform | None tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer batch_args: BatchArgs shuffle: bool desc: str tqdm_args: dict | None = None chunk_size: int = 1000 + workers: int = DefaultWorkers ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.model @dataclass class C3DataLoader: def _to_tokenized(self, probs: Sequence[C3Problem]) -> Iterable[TkC3Problem]: probs = list(probs) if self.transform is not None: # we can afford to store all transformed problems beforehand + probs = join_list( + pmap( + self.transform.transform, + probs, + chunksize=500, + max_workers=self.workers, + ) + ) - probs = join_list(pmap(self.transform.transform, probs, chunksize=500)) if self.shuffle: # we need to shuffle after the transform to help serialization # this also mixes the problems better random.shuffle(probs) for i in range(0, len(probs), self.chunk_size): # we can only afford to tokenize the problems on-the-fly group = probs[i : i + self.chunk_size] yield from pmap( self.tokenizer.tokenize_problem, group, tqdm_args={"disable": True}, + max_workers=self.workers, ) ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + class LineRange(NamedTuple): + start: int + until: int + ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: + @property + def scope(self) -> Change[ChangeScope]: + return self.parent_scopes[-1] + ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + class LineRange(NamedTuple): + def __contains__(self, l: int) -> bool: + return self.start <= l < self.until + ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + class LineRange(NamedTuple): + def to_range(self) -> range: + return range(self.start, self.until) + ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: - @property - def path(self) -> ProjectPath: - return self.parent_scopes[-1].earlier.path - ===========changed ref 7=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: + @property + def module(self) -> ModuleName: + return self.parent_scopes[-1].earlier.path.module + ===========changed ref 8=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class JModuleChange: module_change: Change[JModule] + changed: Sequence[ChangedSpan] - changed: Mapping[ProjectPath, ChangedSpan] ===========changed ref 9=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes def code_to_module(code: str) -> ptree.Module: - m = jedi.Script(code)._module_node - assert isinstance(m, ptree.Module) - return m + return parso.parse(code) ===========changed ref 10=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass class ChangeScope: def _search_span(self, line: int) -> "StatementSpan | None": for span in self.spans: + if line in span.line_range: - if span.line_range[0] <= line < span.line_range[1]: return span return None
Initial implementation of new service. - Make LineRange a class. - Fix JModuleChanges. - Seperate out some C3 generator logic.
<0>:<add> print_err(c.earlier)
# module: tests.test_edits class TestChangeIdentities: def test_delta_decomposition(self): for name, c in self.cases.items(): original, delta = TkDelta.from_change_tks(change_to_tokens(c)) expect = delta.apply_to_input(original) keys = tuple(delta.keys()) + for _ in range(50): - for _ in range(10): n_keys = int(len(keys) * random.random()) sub_keys = random_subset(keys, n_keys) delta1, delta2 = delta.decompose_for_input(sub_keys) step1 = delta1.apply_to_input(original) step2 = delta2.apply_to_input(step1) if step2 != expect: print_err(f"{sub_keys=}") + print_err("earlier", SEP) <0> print_err("Original", SEP) print_err(decode_tokens(original)) print_err("Expect", SEP) print_err(decode_tokens(expect)) print_err("delta1", SEP) print_err(delta1) print_err("step1", SEP) print_err(decode_tokens(step1)) print_err("delta2", SEP) print_err(delta2) print_err("step2", SEP) print_err(decode_tokens(step2)) raise AssertionError("Failed for case: " + name)
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.change.Added after: E1 at: coeditor.change.Deleted before: E1 at: coeditor.change.Modified before: E1 after: E1 unchanged: bool = False at: coeditor.common SEP = "-" * 80 random_subset(all: Mapping[T1, T2], n: int, rng: random.Random | int | None=None) -> dict[T1, T2] random_subset(all: Sequence[T1], n: int, rng: random.Random | int | None=None) -> list[T1] print_err(*, sep: Optional[str]=..., end: Optional[str]=..., flush: bool=...) -> None at: coeditor.encoding decode_tokens(tokens: TokenSeq, prettify: bool=False) -> str TkDelta(_deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]]) change_to_tokens(change: Change[str]) -> TokenSeq at: coeditor.encoding.TkDelta _deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]] from_change_tks(change_tks: TokenSeq) -> tuple[TokenSeq, "TkDelta"] at: random random = _inst.random ===========unchanged ref 1=========== at: tests.test_edits.TestChangeIdentities cases: dict[str, Change[str]] = { "empty": Modified("", ""), "generation": Modified("", "123"), "added": Added("a\nb\nc\n"), "deleted": Deleted("a\nb\nc\n"), "no change": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 """ ), dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 """ ), ), "unchanged=True": Modified.from_unchanged( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 """ ), ), # this test case cannot pass for some reason. Tokenizer bug? # "leading_whitespace": Modified.from_unchanged(" ..."), "replace last": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1""" ), dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 2 return x * 2""" ), ), "no special tokens": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 y = 2 z = x + y return z def f2(): f1()""" ), dedent( """\ # new comment def f_new(): x = 1 if x > 0: y = 2 * x y *= 2 z = x + y return z def f2(): f1() return f_new() + a new_var = 0 """ ), ), "with special tokens": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = "<add>" y = "<del>\tx" return x + y """ ), dedent( """\ # new comment 1</s> ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + class LineRange(NamedTuple): + start: int + until: int + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: + @property + def scope(self) -> Change[ChangeScope]: + return self.parent_scopes[-1] + ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + class LineRange(NamedTuple): + def __contains__(self, l: int) -> bool: + return self.start <= l < self.until + ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + class LineRange(NamedTuple): + def to_range(self) -> range: + return range(self.start, self.until) + ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: - @property - def path(self) -> ProjectPath: - return self.parent_scopes[-1].earlier.path - ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: + @property + def module(self) -> ModuleName: + return self.parent_scopes[-1].earlier.path.module + ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class JModuleChange: module_change: Change[JModule] + changed: Sequence[ChangedSpan] - changed: Mapping[ProjectPath, ChangedSpan] ===========changed ref 7=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes def code_to_module(code: str) -> ptree.Module: - m = jedi.Script(code)._module_node - assert isinstance(m, ptree.Module) - return m + return parso.parse(code) ===========changed ref 8=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass class ChangeScope: def _search_span(self, line: int) -> "StatementSpan | None": for span in self.spans: + if line in span.line_range: - if span.line_range[0] <= line < span.line_range[1]: return span return None ===========changed ref 9=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes def line_range(start: int, end: int, can_be_empty: bool = False) -> LineRange: if not can_be_empty and start >= end: raise ValueError(f"Bad line range: {start=}, {end=}") + return LineRange(start, end) - return LineRange((start, end)) ===========changed ref 10=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass class ChangeScope: def __repr__(self): + return ( + f"ChangeScope(path={self.path}, type={self.tree.type}, spans={self.spans})" - return f"ChangeScope(path={self.path}, type={self.tree.type})" + ) ===========changed ref 11=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class JModuleChange: def __repr__(self) -> str: - change_dict = {k.path: v.change.as_char() for k, v in self.changed.items()} + return f"JModuleChange({self.changed})" - return f"JModuleChange({change_dict})" ===========changed ref 12=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass class StatementSpan: + def __repr__(self): + preview = self.code + str_limit = 30 + if len(preview) > str_limit: + preview = preview[:str_limit] + "..." + return f"StatementSpan({self.line_range}, code={repr(preview)})" + ===========changed ref 13=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes ScopeTree = ptree.Function | ptree.Class | ptree.Module PyNode = ptree.PythonBaseNode | ptree.PythonNode - LineRange = NewType("LineRange", tuple[int, int]) _tlogger = TimeLogger() ===========changed ref 14=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem + class C3GeneratorCache: + def __init__(self, pre_module_map: Mapping[ModuleName, JModule]): + self.header_cache = dict[ProjectPath, ChangedHeader]() + self.cspan_cache = dict[PyDefinition, list[ChangedCodeSpan]]() + self.module_map = pre_module_map + self.mod_hier = ModuleHierarchy.from_modules(pre_module_map) +
Initial implementation of new service. - Make LineRange a class. - Fix JModuleChanges. - Seperate out some C3 generator logic.
<0>:<add> analysis = analyzer.get_line_usages(script, range(0, 46), silent=True)
# module: tests.test_analysis def test_anlayzing_defs(): analyzer = JediUsageAnalyzer() project = jedi.Project(path=testcase_root, added_sys_path=[proj_root() / "src"]) script = jedi.Script(path=testcase_root / "", project=project) - analysis = analyzer.get_line_usages( - script, testcase_root, range(0, 46), silent=True - ) <0> if analyzer.error_counts: raise RuntimeError(f"Errors found: {analyzer.error_counts}") assert_has_usages( analysis.line2usages[10], "defs.ScopeTree", "parso.python.tree.Function", "parso.python.tree.Class", "parso.python.tree.Module", ) assert_has_usages( analysis.line2usages[21], "defs.ChangeScope.path", "coeditor.common.ProjectPath", ) assert_has_usages( analysis.line2usages[22], "defs.ChangeScope.tree", "defs.ScopeTree", ) assert_has_usages( analysis.line2usages[23], "defs.ChangeScope.spans", "typing.Sequence", ) assert_has_usages( analysis.line2usages[24], "typing.Mapping", "coeditor.common.ProjectPath", ) assert_has_usages( analysis.line2usages[28], "defs.ChangeScope.spans", ) assert_has_usages( analysis.line2usages[31], "coeditor.common.ProjectPath", "defs.ScopeTree", # "defs.ChangeScope", # couldn't handle string annotations for now ) assert_has_usages( analysis.line2usages[40], </s>
===========below chunk 0=========== # module: tests.test_analysis def test_anlayzing_defs(): # offset: 1 <s> string annotations for now ) assert_has_usages( analysis.line2usages[40], "parso.tree.BaseNode.__init__.children", ) assert_has_usages( analysis.line2usages[42], "parso.python.tree.PythonNode", "parso.python.tree.Scope.get_suite", # "parso.python.tree.BaseNode.children", ) ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils proj_root() -> Path at: coeditor.c3problem JediUsageAnalyzer(include_parent_usages: bool=True, include_builtins: bool=False) at: coeditor.c3problem.JediUsageAnalyzer include_parent_usages: bool = True include_builtins: bool = False _KnownJediErrors = { "not enough values to unpack (expected 2", "'Newline' object has no attribute 'children'", "trailer_op is actually ", "There's a scope that was not managed: <Module", "maximum recursion depth exceeded", "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'type'", } get_line_usages(script: jedi.Script, lines_to_analyze: Collection[int], silent: bool=False) at: coeditor.c3problem.JediUsageAnalyzer.__post_init__ self.error_counts = dict[str, int]() at: coeditor.c3problem.LineUsageAnalysis line2usages: Mapping[int, Sequence[PyDefinition]] at: jedi.api Script(code=None, *, path=None, environment=None, project=None) at: jedi.api.project Project(path, *, environment_path=None, load_unsafe_extensions=False, sys_path=None, added_sys_path=(), smart_sys_path=True) at: tests.test_analysis testcase_root = Path(__file__).parent / "testcases" assert_has_usages(defs: Collection[PyDefinition], *full_names: str) ===========changed ref 0=========== + # module: coeditor.service + + ===========changed ref 1=========== + # module: coeditor.service + ErrorStr = str + ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + class LineRange(NamedTuple): + start: int + until: int + ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: + @property + def scope(self) -> Change[ChangeScope]: + return self.parent_scopes[-1] + ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + class LineRange(NamedTuple): + def __contains__(self, l: int) -> bool: + return self.start <= l < self.until + ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + class LineRange(NamedTuple): + def to_range(self) -> range: + return range(self.start, self.until) + ===========changed ref 6=========== + # module: coeditor.service + def show_location(loc: CodePosition): + return f"{loc[0]}:{loc[1]}" + ===========changed ref 7=========== + # module: coeditor.service + @dataclass + class ChangeDetector: + def _get_mod_time(self, path: RelPath) -> SysTime: + return os.stat(self.project / path).st_mtime + ===========changed ref 8=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: - @property - def path(self) -> ProjectPath: - return self.parent_scopes[-1].earlier.path - ===========changed ref 9=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: + @property + def module(self) -> ModuleName: + return self.parent_scopes[-1].earlier.path.module + ===========changed ref 10=========== + # module: coeditor.service + @dataclass + class EditSuggestion: + score: float + change_preview: str + new_code: str + ===========changed ref 11=========== + # module: coeditor.service + _tlogger = TimeLogger() + + CommitHash = str + SysTime = float + ===========changed ref 12=========== + # module: coeditor.service + @dataclass + class ChangeDetector: + def _get_index_content(self, path: RelPath): + return file_content_from_commit(self.project, "", path.as_posix()) + ===========changed ref 13=========== + # module: coeditor.service + @dataclass + class ServiceResponse: + def __str__(self) -> str: + # use the print above + s = io.StringIO() + self.print(s) + return s.getvalue() + ===========changed ref 14=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class JModuleChange: module_change: Change[JModule] + changed: Sequence[ChangedSpan] - changed: Mapping[ProjectPath, ChangedSpan] ===========changed ref 15=========== + # module: coeditor.service + @dataclass + class ChangeDetector: + def get_current_modules(self) -> dict[RelPath, JModule]: + files = get_python_files(self.project) + return {f: self.get_current_module(f) for f in files} + ===========changed ref 16=========== + # module: coeditor.service + @dataclass + class ChangeDetector: + project: Path + untracked_as_additions: bool = True + ignore_dirs: Collection[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: DefaultIgnoreDirs) + ===========changed ref 17=========== + # module: coeditor.service + @dataclass + class EditSuggestion: + def to_json(self): + return { + "score": self.score, + "change_preview": self.change_preview, + "new_code": self.new_code, + } + ===========changed ref 18=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes def code_to_module(code: str) -> ptree.Module: - m = jedi.Script(code)._module_node - assert isinstance(m, ptree.Module) - return m + return parso.parse(code) ===========changed ref 19=========== + # module: coeditor.service + @dataclass + class ChangeDetector: + def get_current_module(self, path: RelPath) -> JModule: + stamp = self._get_mod_time(path) + return self._now_cache.cached( + path, stamp, lambda: self._parse_current_module(path) + ) + ===========changed ref 20=========== + # module: coeditor.service + @dataclass + class ChangeDetector: + def _get_index_module(self, path: RelPath) -> JModule: + stamp = self._get_index_stamp(path) + return self._index_cache.cached( + path, stamp, lambda: self._parse_index_module(path) + ) + ===========changed ref 21=========== + # module: coeditor.service + @dataclass + class ServiceResponse: + target_file: str + edit_start: tuple[int, int] + edit_end: tuple[int, int] + old_code: str + suggestions: list[EditSuggestion] + ===========changed ref 22=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass class ChangeScope: def _search_span(self, line: int) -> "StatementSpan | None": for span in self.spans: + if line in span.line_range: - if span.line_range[0] <= line < span.line_range[1]: return span return None ===========changed ref 23=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes def line_range(start: int, end: int, can_be_empty: bool = False) -> LineRange: if not can_be_empty and start >= end: raise ValueError(f"Bad line range: {start=}, {end=}") + return LineRange(start, end) - return LineRange((start, end))
Initial implementation of new service. - Make LineRange a class. - Fix JModuleChanges. - Seperate out some C3 generator logic.
<0>:<add> analysis = analyzer.get_line_usages(script, range(0, 63), silent=True)
# module: tests.test_analysis def test_anlayzing_usages(): analyzer = JediUsageAnalyzer() project = jedi.Project(path=testcase_root, added_sys_path=[proj_root() / "src"]) script = jedi.Script(path=testcase_root / "", project=project) - analysis = analyzer.get_line_usages( - script, testcase_root, range(0, 63), silent=True - ) <0> if analyzer.error_counts: raise RuntimeError(f"Errors found: {analyzer.error_counts}") assert_has_usages( analysis.line2usages[11], "usages.JModule.tree", "parso.python.tree.Module", ) assert_has_usages( analysis.line2usages[13], "usages.JModule._to_scope", "defs.ChangeScope", ) assert_has_usages( analysis.line2usages[14], "usages.JModule.mname", "usages.JModule.tree", "defs.ChangeScope", "defs.ChangeScope.from_tree", "coeditor.common.ProjectPath", ) assert_has_usages( analysis.line2usages[19], "usages.JModule.iter_imports", ) assert_has_usages( analysis.line2usages[21], # "parso.python.tree.ImportFrom.get_from_names", ) assert_has_usages( analysis.line2usages[34], "coeditor._utils.as_any", )
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils proj_root() -> Path at: coeditor.c3problem.JediUsageAnalyzer get_line_usages(script: jedi.Script, lines_to_analyze: Collection[int], silent: bool=False) at: coeditor.c3problem.JediUsageAnalyzer.__post_init__ self.error_counts = dict[str, int]() at: coeditor.c3problem.LineUsageAnalysis line2usages: Mapping[int, Sequence[PyDefinition]] at: jedi.api Script(code=None, *, path=None, environment=None, project=None) at: jedi.api.project Project(path, *, environment_path=None, load_unsafe_extensions=False, sys_path=None, added_sys_path=(), smart_sys_path=True) at: tests.test_analysis testcase_root = Path(__file__).parent / "testcases" assert_has_usages(defs: Collection[PyDefinition], *full_names: str) at: tests.test_analysis.test_anlayzing_usages analyzer = JediUsageAnalyzer() ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: tests.test_analysis def test_anlayzing_defs(): analyzer = JediUsageAnalyzer() project = jedi.Project(path=testcase_root, added_sys_path=[proj_root() / "src"]) script = jedi.Script(path=testcase_root / "", project=project) - analysis = analyzer.get_line_usages( - script, testcase_root, range(0, 46), silent=True - ) + analysis = analyzer.get_line_usages(script, range(0, 46), silent=True) if analyzer.error_counts: raise RuntimeError(f"Errors found: {analyzer.error_counts}") assert_has_usages( analysis.line2usages[10], "defs.ScopeTree", "parso.python.tree.Function", "parso.python.tree.Class", "parso.python.tree.Module", ) assert_has_usages( analysis.line2usages[21], "defs.ChangeScope.path", "coeditor.common.ProjectPath", ) assert_has_usages( analysis.line2usages[22], "defs.ChangeScope.tree", "defs.ScopeTree", ) assert_has_usages( analysis.line2usages[23], "defs.ChangeScope.spans", "typing.Sequence", ) assert_has_usages( analysis.line2usages[24], "typing.Mapping", "coeditor.common.ProjectPath", ) assert_has_usages( analysis.line2usages[28], "defs.ChangeScope.spans", ) assert_has_usages( analysis.line2usages[31], "coeditor.common.ProjectPath", "defs.ScopeTree", # "defs.ChangeScope", # couldn't handle string annotations for now </s> ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: tests.test_analysis def test_anlayzing_defs(): # offset: 1 <s>ProjectPath", "defs.ScopeTree", # "defs.ChangeScope", # couldn't handle string annotations for now ) assert_has_usages( analysis.line2usages[40], "parso.tree.BaseNode.__init__.children", ) assert_has_usages( analysis.line2usages[42], "parso.python.tree.PythonNode", "parso.python.tree.Scope.get_suite", # "parso.python.tree.BaseNode.children", ) ===========changed ref 2=========== + # module: coeditor.service + + ===========changed ref 3=========== + # module: coeditor.service + ErrorStr = str + ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + class LineRange(NamedTuple): + start: int + until: int + ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: + @property + def scope(self) -> Change[ChangeScope]: + return self.parent_scopes[-1] + ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + class LineRange(NamedTuple): + def __contains__(self, l: int) -> bool: + return self.start <= l < self.until + ===========changed ref 7=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + class LineRange(NamedTuple): + def to_range(self) -> range: + return range(self.start, self.until) + ===========changed ref 8=========== + # module: coeditor.service + def show_location(loc: CodePosition): + return f"{loc[0]}:{loc[1]}" + ===========changed ref 9=========== + # module: coeditor.service + @dataclass + class ChangeDetector: + def _get_mod_time(self, path: RelPath) -> SysTime: + return os.stat(self.project / path).st_mtime + ===========changed ref 10=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: - @property - def path(self) -> ProjectPath: - return self.parent_scopes[-1].earlier.path - ===========changed ref 11=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: + @property + def module(self) -> ModuleName: + return self.parent_scopes[-1].earlier.path.module + ===========changed ref 12=========== + # module: coeditor.service + @dataclass + class EditSuggestion: + score: float + change_preview: str + new_code: str + ===========changed ref 13=========== + # module: coeditor.service + _tlogger = TimeLogger() + + CommitHash = str + SysTime = float + ===========changed ref 14=========== + # module: coeditor.service + @dataclass + class ChangeDetector: + def _get_index_content(self, path: RelPath): + return file_content_from_commit(self.project, "", path.as_posix()) + ===========changed ref 15=========== + # module: coeditor.service + @dataclass + class ServiceResponse: + def __str__(self) -> str: + # use the print above + s = io.StringIO() + self.print(s) + return s.getvalue() + ===========changed ref 16=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class JModuleChange: module_change: Change[JModule] + changed: Sequence[ChangedSpan] - changed: Mapping[ProjectPath, ChangedSpan] ===========changed ref 17=========== + # module: coeditor.service + @dataclass + class ChangeDetector: + def get_current_modules(self) -> dict[RelPath, JModule]: + files = get_python_files(self.project) + return {f: self.get_current_module(f) for f in files} + ===========changed ref 18=========== + # module: coeditor.service + @dataclass + class ChangeDetector: + project: Path + untracked_as_additions: bool = True + ignore_dirs: Collection[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: DefaultIgnoreDirs) + ===========changed ref 19=========== + # module: coeditor.service + @dataclass + class EditSuggestion: + def to_json(self): + return { + "score": self.score, + "change_preview": self.change_preview, + "new_code": self.new_code, + } + ===========changed ref 20=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes def code_to_module(code: str) -> ptree.Module: - m = jedi.Script(code)._module_node - assert isinstance(m, ptree.Module) - return m + return parso.parse(code)
Improve service UX with inversed changes.
<0>:<add> return tuple(remove_newline(x) for x in result)
# module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: @staticmethod def from_output_tks(lines: Sequence[int], tks: TokenSeq) -> "TkDelta": ad_tks = (Add_id, Del_id) + + def remove_newline(seg: TokenSeq): + if seg and seg[-1] == Newline_id: + del seg[-1] + return seg def seg_to_tuple(seg: TokenSeq) -> tuple[TokenSeq]: result = list[TokenSeq]() ptr = 0 for i, x in enumerate(seg): if i > 0 and x in ad_tks: if seg[ptr] in ad_tks: result.append(seg[ptr:i]) ptr = i if ptr < len(seg) and seg[ptr] in ad_tks: result.append(seg[ptr:]) - return tuple(result) <0> segs = output_ids_as_seqs(tks) assert_eq(len(segs), len(lines)) deltas = {l: seg_to_tuple(seg) for l, seg in zip(lines, segs.values()) if seg} return TkDelta(deltas)
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.common TokenSeq = list[Token] at: coeditor.encoding Add_id = get_tk_id(Add) Del_id = get_tk_id(Del) Newline_id = get_tk_id("\n") at: coeditor.encoding.TkDelta _deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]] at: typing Sequence = _alias(, 1) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.change @dataclass(frozen=True) class Deleted(_ChangeBase[E1]): + def inverse(self) -> "Added[E1]": + return Added(self.before) + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.change @dataclass(frozen=True) class Added(_ChangeBase[E1]): + def inverse(self) -> "Deleted[E1]": + return Deleted(self.after) + ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.change @dataclass(frozen=True) class Modified(_ChangeBase[E1]): + def inverse(self) -> "Modified[E1]": + return Modified(self.after, self.before) +
Improve service UX with inversed changes.
<0>:<add> m: m.as_scope), tuple(), only_ast_changes
# module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class JModuleChange: @staticmethod + def from_modules(module_change: Change[JModule], only_ast_changes: bool = True): - def from_modules(module_change: Change[JModule]): "Compute the change spans from two versions of the same module." with _tlogger.timed("JModuleChange.from_modules"): changed = get_changed_spans( - m: m.as_scope), tuple() <0> ) return JModuleChange(module_change, changed)
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.change Change = Added[E1] | Deleted[E1] | Modified[E1] at: coeditor.scoped_changes ChangedSpan(change: Change[str], parent_scopes: Sequence[Change[ChangeScope]], line_range: LineRange) JModule(mname: ModuleName, tree: ptree.Module) at: typing Sequence = _alias(, 1) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: + def inverse(self) -> "ChangedSpan": + return ChangedSpan( + self.change.inverse(), + [c.inverse() for c in self.parent_scopes], + self.line_range, + ) + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.change @dataclass(frozen=True) class Deleted(_ChangeBase[E1]): + def inverse(self) -> "Added[E1]": + return Added(self.before) + ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.change @dataclass(frozen=True) class Added(_ChangeBase[E1]): + def inverse(self) -> "Deleted[E1]": + return Deleted(self.after) + ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.change @dataclass(frozen=True) class Modified(_ChangeBase[E1]): + def inverse(self) -> "Modified[E1]": + return Modified(self.after, self.before) + ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: @staticmethod def from_output_tks(lines: Sequence[int], tks: TokenSeq) -> "TkDelta": ad_tks = (Add_id, Del_id) + + def remove_newline(seg: TokenSeq): + if seg and seg[-1] == Newline_id: + del seg[-1] + return seg def seg_to_tuple(seg: TokenSeq) -> tuple[TokenSeq]: result = list[TokenSeq]() ptr = 0 for i, x in enumerate(seg): if i > 0 and x in ad_tks: if seg[ptr] in ad_tks: result.append(seg[ptr:i]) ptr = i if ptr < len(seg) and seg[ptr] in ad_tks: result.append(seg[ptr:]) + return tuple(remove_newline(x) for x in result) - return tuple(result) segs = output_ids_as_seqs(tks) assert_eq(len(segs), len(lines)) deltas = {l: seg_to_tuple(seg) for l, seg in zip(lines, segs.values()) if seg} return TkDelta(deltas)
Improve service UX with inversed changes.
<0>:<add> print_err(f"project: {project.path}", file=sys.stderr)
# module: coeditor.scoped_changes + def _parse_module_script(project: jedi.Project, path: Path): - def _parse_module_script(project: Path, path: Path): assert path.is_absolute(), f"Path is not absolute: {path=}" script = jedi.Script(path=path, project=project) mcontext = script._get_module_context() assert isinstance(mcontext, ModuleContext) mname = cast(str, mcontext.py__name__()) if mname.startswith("src."): e = ValueError(f"Bad module name: {mname}") + files = list(project.path.iterdir()) - files = list(project.iterdir()) - print_err(f"project: {project}", file=sys.stderr) <0> print_err(f"files in root: {files}", file=sys.stderr) raise e m = script._module_node assert isinstance(m, ptree.Module) # mname = PythonProject.rel_path_to_module_name(path.relative_to(proj.path)) # m = parso.parse(path.read_text()) jmod = JModule(mname, m) return jmod, script
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.common T1 = TypeVar("T1") T2 = TypeVar("T2") at: copy deepcopy(x: _T, memo: Optional[Dict[int, Any]]=..., _nil: Any=...) -> _T at: jedi.api Script(code=None, *, path=None, environment=None, project=None) at: jedi.api.Script _get_module_context() at: jedi.api.project Project(path, *, environment_path=None, load_unsafe_extensions=False, sys_path=None, added_sys_path=(), smart_sys_path=True) at: jedi.inference.context ModuleContext() at: pathlib Path() at: pathlib.PurePath __slots__ = ( '_drv', '_root', '_parts', '_str', '_hash', '_pparts', '_cached_cparts', ) drive = property(attrgetter('_drv'), doc="""The drive prefix (letter or UNC path), if any.""") root = property(attrgetter('_root'), doc="""The root of the path, if any.""") is_absolute() -> bool at: typing Collection = _alias(, 1) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class JModuleChange: + def inverse(self) -> Self: + "Create the inverse change." + return JModuleChange( + self.module_change.inverse(), [span.inverse() for span in self.changed] + ) + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: + def inverse(self) -> "ChangedSpan": + return ChangedSpan( + self.change.inverse(), + [c.inverse() for c in self.parent_scopes], + self.line_range, + ) + ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class JModuleChange: @staticmethod + def from_modules(module_change: Change[JModule], only_ast_changes: bool = True): - def from_modules(module_change: Change[JModule]): "Compute the change spans from two versions of the same module." with _tlogger.timed("JModuleChange.from_modules"): changed = get_changed_spans( + m: m.as_scope), tuple(), only_ast_changes - m: m.as_scope), tuple() ) return JModuleChange(module_change, changed) ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.change @dataclass(frozen=True) class Deleted(_ChangeBase[E1]): + def inverse(self) -> "Added[E1]": + return Added(self.before) + ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.change @dataclass(frozen=True) class Added(_ChangeBase[E1]): + def inverse(self) -> "Deleted[E1]": + return Deleted(self.after) + ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.change @dataclass(frozen=True) class Modified(_ChangeBase[E1]): + def inverse(self) -> "Modified[E1]": + return Modified(self.after, self.before) + ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: @staticmethod def from_output_tks(lines: Sequence[int], tks: TokenSeq) -> "TkDelta": ad_tks = (Add_id, Del_id) + + def remove_newline(seg: TokenSeq): + if seg and seg[-1] == Newline_id: + del seg[-1] + return seg def seg_to_tuple(seg: TokenSeq) -> tuple[TokenSeq]: result = list[TokenSeq]() ptr = 0 for i, x in enumerate(seg): if i > 0 and x in ad_tks: if seg[ptr] in ad_tks: result.append(seg[ptr:i]) ptr = i if ptr < len(seg) and seg[ptr] in ad_tks: result.append(seg[ptr:]) + return tuple(remove_newline(x) for x in result) - return tuple(result) segs = output_ids_as_seqs(tks) assert_eq(len(segs), len(lines)) deltas = {l: seg_to_tuple(seg) for l, seg in zip(lines, segs.values()) if seg} return TkDelta(deltas)
Improve service UX with inversed changes.
<0>:<add> if only_ast_changes and code_equal(old_scope.spans_code, new_scope.spans_code):
# module: coeditor.scoped_changes def get_changed_spans( scope_change: Change[ChangeScope], parent_changes: tuple[Change[ChangeScope], ...] = (), + only_ast_changes: bool = True, ) -> list[ChangedSpan]: """ Extract the change spans from scope change. - We need a tree differencing algorithm that are robust to element movements. - To compute the changes to each statement region, we can compute the differences by concatenating all the regions before and after the edit (and hiding all the sub spans such as class methods), then map the changes to each line back to the original regions. + + ## Args: + - `only_ast_changes`: if True, will skip the changes that are just caused by + comments or formatting changes. """ def get_modified_spans( old_scope: ChangeScope, new_scope: ChangeScope, parent_changes: Sequence[Change[ChangeScope]], ) -> Iterable[ChangedSpan]: - if code_equal(old_scope.spans_code, new_scope.spans_code): <0> return diffs = change_to_line_diffs( Modified(old_scope.spans_code, new_scope.spans_code) ) original, delta = line_diffs_to_original_delta(diffs) line = 0 for span in old_scope.spans: code = span.code line_range = (line, line + count_lines(code)) if subdelta := delta.for_input_range(line_range).shifted(-line): new_code = subdelta.apply_to_input(code) change = Modified(code, new_code) yield ChangedSpan( change, parent_changes, span.line_range, ) line = line_range[1] def recurse( scope_change: Change[ChangeScope], parent_changes ) -> Iterable[ChangedSpan]: parent_changes = (*parent_changes, scope_change) </s>
===========below chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes def get_changed_spans( scope_change: Change[ChangeScope], parent_changes: tuple[Change[ChangeScope], ...] = (), + only_ast_changes: bool = True, ) -> list[ChangedSpan]: # offset: 1 <s>], parent_changes ) -> Iterable[ChangedSpan]: parent_changes = (*parent_changes, scope_change) match scope_change: case Modified(old_scope, new_scope): # compute statement differences yield from get_modified_spans(old_scope, new_scope, parent_changes) for sub_change in get_named_changes( old_scope.subscopes, new_scope.subscopes ).values(): yield from recurse(sub_change, parent_changes) case Added(scope) | Deleted(scope): for span in scope.spans: code_change = scope_change.new_value(span.code) yield ChangedSpan( code_change, parent_changes, span.line_range, ) for s in scope.subscopes.values(): s_change = scope_change.new_value(s) yield from recurse(s_change, parent_changes) spans = list(recurse(scope_change, parent_changes)) spans.sort(key=lambda s: s.line_range[0]) return spans ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils.TimeLogger times: dict[str, list[float]] = field(default_factory=dict) timed(self, name: str) at: coeditor.change Modified(before: E1, after: E1, unchanged: bool=False) Change = Added[E1] | Deleted[E1] | Modified[E1] get_named_changes(old_map: Mapping[T1, T2], new_map: Mapping[T1, T2]) -> Mapping[T1, Change[T2]] at: coeditor.common count_lines(text: str) -> int code_equal(code1: str, code2: str) -> bool at: coeditor.encoding change_to_line_diffs(change: Change[str]) -> list[str] line_diffs_to_original_delta(diffs: list[str]) -> tuple[str, StrDelta] at: coeditor.scoped_changes _tlogger = TimeLogger() ChangeScope(path: ProjectPath, tree: ScopeTree, spans: Sequence["StatementSpan"], subscopes: Mapping[str, Self], parent_scope: "ChangeScope | None") ChangedSpan(change: Change[str], parent_scopes: Sequence[Change[ChangeScope]], line_range: LineRange) JProjectChange(project_name: str, changed: Mapping[ModuleName, JModuleChange], all_modules: Modified[Collection[JModule]], commit_info: "CommitInfo | None") at: coeditor.scoped_changes.ChangeScope path: ProjectPath tree: ScopeTree spans: Sequence["StatementSpan"] subscopes: Mapping[str, Self] parent_scope: "ChangeScope | None" at: coeditor.scoped_changes.ProjectChangeProcessor process_change(pchange: "JProjectChange", pre_analysis: Any, post_analysis: Any) -> Sequence[TProb] at: coeditor.scoped_changes.StatementSpan.__post_init__ self.code: str = code + "\n" ===========unchanged ref 1=========== self.line_range: LineRange = line_range(start, end) at: coeditor.scoped_changes._edits_from_commit_history results = list[TProb]() new_path2module[rel_path] = mod_new = parse_module(path) changed[mod_new.mname] = JModuleChange.from_modules( Modified(mod_old, mod_new) ) post_analysis = change_processor.post_edit_analysis( pstate, new_path2module, changed, ) pre_analysis = change_processor.pre_edit_analysis( pstate, path2module, changed, ) at: typing Iterable = _alias(, 1) Sequence = _alias(, 1) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class JModuleChange: + def inverse(self) -> Self: + "Create the inverse change." + return JModuleChange( + self.module_change.inverse(), [span.inverse() for span in self.changed] + ) + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: + def inverse(self) -> "ChangedSpan": + return ChangedSpan( + self.change.inverse(), + [c.inverse() for c in self.parent_scopes], + self.line_range, + ) + ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class JModuleChange: @staticmethod + def from_modules(module_change: Change[JModule], only_ast_changes: bool = True): - def from_modules(module_change: Change[JModule]): "Compute the change spans from two versions of the same module." with _tlogger.timed("JModuleChange.from_modules"): changed = get_changed_spans( + m: m.as_scope), tuple(), only_ast_changes - m: m.as_scope), tuple() ) return JModuleChange(module_change, changed) ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + def _parse_module_script(project: jedi.Project, path: Path): - def _parse_module_script(project: Path, path: Path): assert path.is_absolute(), f"Path is not absolute: {path=}" script = jedi.Script(path=path, project=project) mcontext = script._get_module_context() assert isinstance(mcontext, ModuleContext) mname = cast(str, mcontext.py__name__()) if mname.startswith("src."): e = ValueError(f"Bad module name: {mname}") + files = list(project.path.iterdir()) - files = list(project.iterdir()) + print_err(f"project: {project.path}", file=sys.stderr) - print_err(f"project: {project}", file=sys.stderr) print_err(f"files in root: {files}", file=sys.stderr) raise e m = script._module_node assert isinstance(m, ptree.Module) # mname = PythonProject.rel_path_to_module_name(path.relative_to(proj.path)) # m = parso.parse(path.read_text()) jmod = JModule(mname, m) return jmod, script ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.change @dataclass(frozen=True) class Deleted(_ChangeBase[E1]): + def inverse(self) -> "Added[E1]": + return Added(self.before) + ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.change @dataclass(frozen=True) class Added(_ChangeBase[E1]): + def inverse(self) -> "Deleted[E1]": + return Deleted(self.after) + ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: coeditor.change @dataclass(frozen=True) class Modified(_ChangeBase[E1]): + def inverse(self) -> "Modified[E1]": + return Modified(self.after, self.before) +
Improve service UX with inversed changes.
<0>:<add> edit_lines, # one additional line for appending
# module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: def create_problem( self, target: ChangedSpan, + edit_lines: Sequence[int] | None, changed: Mapping[ModuleName, JModuleChange], target_usages: LineUsageAnalysis, src_info: SrcInfo, ) -> C3Problem: <s> all_mc = [target_mc] + list(changed.values()) for mc in all_mc: is_target_mc = mc.module_change.earlier.mname == module for cspan in mc.changed: if not is_target_mc or cspan.line_range != target.line_range: relevant_changes.append(self.to_code_span(cspan)) code_span = self.to_code_span(target) + changed_code = + if edit_lines is None: + edit_lines = list[int]() + for i, tks in enumerate(split_list(changed_code, Newline_id)): + if tks and tks[0] == Del_id: + continue + edit_lines.append(i) + code_span = dataclasses.replace( + code_span,, delta=TkDelta.empty() + ) relevant_unchanged = self.get_relevant_unchanged( code_span, relevant_changes, target_usages ) - n_lines = code_span.line_range[1] - code_span.line_range[0] prob = C3Problem( code_span, - range(0, n_lines + 1), # one additional line for appending <0> relevant_changes=relevant_changes, relevant_unchanged=relevant_unchanged, _: None), src_info=src_info, ) return prob
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: def create_problem( self, target: ChangedSpan, + edit_lines: Sequence[int] | None, changed: Mapping[ModuleName, JModuleChange], target_usages: LineUsageAnalysis, src_info: SrcInfo, ) -> C3Problem: # offset: -1 relevant_changes = list[ChangedCodeSpan]() changed = dict(changed) module = target.module target_mc = changed.pop(module) all_mc = [target_mc] + list(changed.values()) for mc in all_mc: is</s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.c3problem ChangedCodeSpan(headers: Sequence[ChangedHeader], original: TkArray, delta: TkDelta, line_range: LineRange, module: ModuleName) SrcInfo(map: Mapping[_KT, _VT], **kwargs: _VT) SrcInfo(iterable: Iterable[Tuple[_KT, _VT]], **kwargs: _VT) SrcInfo(**kwargs: _VT) C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_lines: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) LineUsageAnalysis(line2usages: Mapping[int, set[PyDefinition]]) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3GeneratorCache get_relevant_unchanged(this_change: ChangedCodeSpan, other_changes: Collection[ChangedCodeSpan], line_usages: LineUsageAnalysis) to_code_span(span: ChangedSpan) at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedCodeSpan headers: Sequence[ChangedHeader] original: TkArray delta: TkDelta line_range: LineRange module: ModuleName at: coeditor.change.Added after: E1 at: coeditor.change.Deleted before: E1 at: coeditor.change.Modified before: E1 after: E1 unchanged: bool = False at: coeditor.common split_list(lst: list[T1], sep: T1) -> list[list[T1]] ModuleName = str at: coeditor.encoding Del_id = get_tk_id(Del) Newline_id = get_tk_id("\n") TkDelta(_deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]]) ===========unchanged ref 1=========== at: coeditor.encoding.TkDelta _deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]] apply_to_change(change: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq empty() -> "TkDelta" at: coeditor.scoped_changes ChangedSpan(change: Change[str], parent_scopes: Sequence[Change[ChangeScope]], line_range: LineRange) JModuleChange(module_change: Change[JModule], changed: Sequence[ChangedSpan]) at: coeditor.scoped_changes.ChangedSpan change: Change[str] parent_scopes: Sequence[Change[ChangeScope]] line_range: LineRange at: coeditor.scoped_changes.JModule mname: ModuleName tree: ptree.Module at: coeditor.scoped_changes.JModuleChange module_change: Change[JModule] changed: Sequence[ChangedSpan] at: coeditor.tk_array TkArray() at: coeditor.tk_array.TkArray tolist() -> TokenSeq new(tks: Sequence[int]) -> "TkArray" at: dataclasses replace(obj: _T, **changes: Any) -> _T at: typing Mapping = _alias(, 2) Sequence = _alias(, 1) at: typing.MutableMapping pop(key: _KT, default: Union[_VT, _T]=...) -> Union[_VT, _T] pop(key: _KT) -> _VT ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.change @dataclass(frozen=True) class Deleted(_ChangeBase[E1]): + def inverse(self) -> "Added[E1]": + return Added(self.before) + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.change @dataclass(frozen=True) class Added(_ChangeBase[E1]): + def inverse(self) -> "Deleted[E1]": + return Deleted(self.after) + ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.change @dataclass(frozen=True) class Modified(_ChangeBase[E1]): + def inverse(self) -> "Modified[E1]": + return Modified(self.after, self.before) + ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class JModuleChange: + def inverse(self) -> Self: + "Create the inverse change." + return JModuleChange( + self.module_change.inverse(), [span.inverse() for span in self.changed] + ) + ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: + def inverse(self) -> "ChangedSpan": + return ChangedSpan( + self.change.inverse(), + [c.inverse() for c in self.parent_scopes], + self.line_range, + ) + ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class JModuleChange: @staticmethod + def from_modules(module_change: Change[JModule], only_ast_changes: bool = True): - def from_modules(module_change: Change[JModule]): "Compute the change spans from two versions of the same module." with _tlogger.timed("JModuleChange.from_modules"): changed = get_changed_spans( + m: m.as_scope), tuple(), only_ast_changes - m: m.as_scope), tuple() ) return JModuleChange(module_change, changed) ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: @staticmethod def from_output_tks(lines: Sequence[int], tks: TokenSeq) -> "TkDelta": ad_tks = (Add_id, Del_id) + + def remove_newline(seg: TokenSeq): + if seg and seg[-1] == Newline_id: + del seg[-1] + return seg def seg_to_tuple(seg: TokenSeq) -> tuple[TokenSeq]: result = list[TokenSeq]() ptr = 0 for i, x in enumerate(seg): if i > 0 and x in ad_tks: if seg[ptr] in ad_tks: result.append(seg[ptr:i]) ptr = i if ptr < len(seg) and seg[ptr] in ad_tks: result.append(seg[ptr:]) + return tuple(remove_newline(x) for x in result) - return tuple(result) segs = output_ids_as_seqs(tks) assert_eq(len(segs), len(lines)) deltas = {l: seg_to_tuple(seg) for l, seg in zip(lines, segs.values()) if seg} return TkDelta(deltas)
Improve service UX with inversed changes.
<0>:<add> "old_code": self.input_code,
# module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ServiceResponse: def to_json(self): return { "target_file": self.target_file, "edit_start": self.edit_start, "edit_end": self.edit_end, - "old_code": self.old_code, <0> "suggestions": [s.to_json() for s in self.suggestions], }
===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ServiceResponse: target_file: str edit_start: tuple[int, int] edit_end: tuple[int, int] + input_code: str - old_code: str suggestions: list[EditSuggestion] ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.change @dataclass(frozen=True) class Deleted(_ChangeBase[E1]): + def inverse(self) -> "Added[E1]": + return Added(self.before) + ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.change @dataclass(frozen=True) class Added(_ChangeBase[E1]): + def inverse(self) -> "Deleted[E1]": + return Deleted(self.after) + ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.change @dataclass(frozen=True) class Modified(_ChangeBase[E1]): + def inverse(self) -> "Modified[E1]": + return Modified(self.after, self.before) + ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class JModuleChange: + def inverse(self) -> Self: + "Create the inverse change." + return JModuleChange( + self.module_change.inverse(), [span.inverse() for span in self.changed] + ) + ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: + def inverse(self) -> "ChangedSpan": + return ChangedSpan( + self.change.inverse(), + [c.inverse() for c in self.parent_scopes], + self.line_range, + ) + ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class JModuleChange: @staticmethod + def from_modules(module_change: Change[JModule], only_ast_changes: bool = True): - def from_modules(module_change: Change[JModule]): "Compute the change spans from two versions of the same module." with _tlogger.timed("JModuleChange.from_modules"): changed = get_changed_spans( + m: m.as_scope), tuple(), only_ast_changes - m: m.as_scope), tuple() ) return JModuleChange(module_change, changed) ===========changed ref 7=========== # module: scripts.prepare_data if __name__ == "__main__": os.chdir(proj_root()) dataset_name = "xl" generator = C3ProblemGenerator() transform = C3ProblemChangeDropout() with run_long_task(f"Preparing dataset {dataset_name} with encoder {generator}"): problems = make_or_load_dataset( + dataset_name, generator, transform, remake_problems=False - dataset_name, generator, transform, remake_problems=True ) tokenizer = C3ProblemTokenizer() for name, probs in problems.items(): probs = cast(Sequence[C3Problem], probs) print("=" * 40, name, "=" * 40) stats = tokenizer._compute_stats(probs) pretty_print_dict(stats) ===========changed ref 8=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: @staticmethod def from_output_tks(lines: Sequence[int], tks: TokenSeq) -> "TkDelta": ad_tks = (Add_id, Del_id) + + def remove_newline(seg: TokenSeq): + if seg and seg[-1] == Newline_id: + del seg[-1] + return seg def seg_to_tuple(seg: TokenSeq) -> tuple[TokenSeq]: result = list[TokenSeq]() ptr = 0 for i, x in enumerate(seg): if i > 0 and x in ad_tks: if seg[ptr] in ad_tks: result.append(seg[ptr:i]) ptr = i if ptr < len(seg) and seg[ptr] in ad_tks: result.append(seg[ptr:]) + return tuple(remove_newline(x) for x in result) - return tuple(result) segs = output_ids_as_seqs(tks) assert_eq(len(segs), len(lines)) deltas = {l: seg_to_tuple(seg) for l, seg in zip(lines, segs.values()) if seg} return TkDelta(deltas) ===========changed ref 9=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + def _parse_module_script(project: jedi.Project, path: Path): - def _parse_module_script(project: Path, path: Path): assert path.is_absolute(), f"Path is not absolute: {path=}" script = jedi.Script(path=path, project=project) mcontext = script._get_module_context() assert isinstance(mcontext, ModuleContext) mname = cast(str, mcontext.py__name__()) if mname.startswith("src."): e = ValueError(f"Bad module name: {mname}") + files = list(project.path.iterdir()) - files = list(project.iterdir()) + print_err(f"project: {project.path}", file=sys.stderr) - print_err(f"project: {project}", file=sys.stderr) print_err(f"files in root: {files}", file=sys.stderr) raise e m = script._module_node assert isinstance(m, ptree.Module) # mname = PythonProject.rel_path_to_module_name(path.relative_to(proj.path)) # m = parso.parse(path.read_text()) jmod = JModule(mname, m) return jmod, script ===========changed ref 10=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: def create_problem( self, target: ChangedSpan, + edit_lines: Sequence[int] | None, changed: Mapping[ModuleName, JModuleChange], target_usages: LineUsageAnalysis, src_info: SrcInfo, ) -> C3Problem: relevant_changes = list[ChangedCodeSpan]() changed = dict(changed) module = target.module target_mc = changed.pop(module) all_mc = [target_mc] + list(changed.values()) for mc in all_mc: is_target_mc = mc.module_change.earlier.mname == module for cspan in mc.changed: if not is_target_mc or cspan.line_range != target.line_range: relevant_changes.append(self.to_code_span(cspan)) code_span = self.to_code_span(target) + changed_code = + if edit_lines is None: + edit_lines = list[int]() + for i, tks in enumerate(split_list(changed_code, Newline_id)): + if tks and tks[0] == Del_id: + continue + edit_lines.append(i) + code_span = dataclasses.replace( + code_span,, delta=TkDelta.empty() + ) relevant_unchanged = self.get_relevant_unchanged( code_span, relevant_changes, target_usages ) - n_lines = code_span.line_range[1] - code_span.line_range[0] prob = C3Problem( code_span, + edit_lines, # one additional line for appending - range(0, n_lines + 1), # one additional line for appending relevant_changes=</s>
Improve service UX with inversed changes.
<0>:<add> print(self.input_code, file=file)
# module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ServiceResponse: def print(self, file=sys.stdout): print(f"Target file: {self.target_file}", file=file) print(f"Edit range: {self.edit_start} - {self.edit_end}", file=file) for i, s in enumerate(self.suggestions): print( f"\t--------------- Suggestion {i} (score: {s.score:.3g}) ---------------", file=file, ) print(textwrap.indent(s.change_preview, "\t"), file=file) + print(f"Input code:", file=file) - print(f"original code:", file=file) <0>
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.service EditSuggestion(score: float, change_preview: str, new_code: str) at: dataclasses dataclass(_cls: Type[_T]) -> Type[_T] dataclass(*, init: bool=..., repr: bool=..., eq: bool=..., order: bool=..., unsafe_hash: bool=..., frozen: bool=...) -> Callable[[Type[_T]], Type[_T]] dataclass(_cls: None) -> Callable[[Type[_T]], Type[_T]] ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ServiceResponse: target_file: str edit_start: tuple[int, int] edit_end: tuple[int, int] + input_code: str - old_code: str suggestions: list[EditSuggestion] ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ServiceResponse: def to_json(self): return { "target_file": self.target_file, "edit_start": self.edit_start, "edit_end": self.edit_end, + "old_code": self.input_code, - "old_code": self.old_code, "suggestions": [s.to_json() for s in self.suggestions], } ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.change @dataclass(frozen=True) class Deleted(_ChangeBase[E1]): + def inverse(self) -> "Added[E1]": + return Added(self.before) + ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.change @dataclass(frozen=True) class Added(_ChangeBase[E1]): + def inverse(self) -> "Deleted[E1]": + return Deleted(self.after) + ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.change @dataclass(frozen=True) class Modified(_ChangeBase[E1]): + def inverse(self) -> "Modified[E1]": + return Modified(self.after, self.before) + ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class JModuleChange: + def inverse(self) -> Self: + "Create the inverse change." + return JModuleChange( + self.module_change.inverse(), [span.inverse() for span in self.changed] + ) + ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class ChangedSpan: + def inverse(self) -> "ChangedSpan": + return ChangedSpan( + self.change.inverse(), + [c.inverse() for c in self.parent_scopes], + self.line_range, + ) + ===========changed ref 7=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class JModuleChange: @staticmethod + def from_modules(module_change: Change[JModule], only_ast_changes: bool = True): - def from_modules(module_change: Change[JModule]): "Compute the change spans from two versions of the same module." with _tlogger.timed("JModuleChange.from_modules"): changed = get_changed_spans( + m: m.as_scope), tuple(), only_ast_changes - m: m.as_scope), tuple() ) return JModuleChange(module_change, changed) ===========changed ref 8=========== # module: scripts.prepare_data if __name__ == "__main__": os.chdir(proj_root()) dataset_name = "xl" generator = C3ProblemGenerator() transform = C3ProblemChangeDropout() with run_long_task(f"Preparing dataset {dataset_name} with encoder {generator}"): problems = make_or_load_dataset( + dataset_name, generator, transform, remake_problems=False - dataset_name, generator, transform, remake_problems=True ) tokenizer = C3ProblemTokenizer() for name, probs in problems.items(): probs = cast(Sequence[C3Problem], probs) print("=" * 40, name, "=" * 40) stats = tokenizer._compute_stats(probs) pretty_print_dict(stats) ===========changed ref 9=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: @staticmethod def from_output_tks(lines: Sequence[int], tks: TokenSeq) -> "TkDelta": ad_tks = (Add_id, Del_id) + + def remove_newline(seg: TokenSeq): + if seg and seg[-1] == Newline_id: + del seg[-1] + return seg def seg_to_tuple(seg: TokenSeq) -> tuple[TokenSeq]: result = list[TokenSeq]() ptr = 0 for i, x in enumerate(seg): if i > 0 and x in ad_tks: if seg[ptr] in ad_tks: result.append(seg[ptr:i]) ptr = i if ptr < len(seg) and seg[ptr] in ad_tks: result.append(seg[ptr:]) + return tuple(remove_newline(x) for x in result) - return tuple(result) segs = output_ids_as_seqs(tks) assert_eq(len(segs), len(lines)) deltas = {l: seg_to_tuple(seg) for l, seg in zip(lines, segs.values()) if seg} return TkDelta(deltas) ===========changed ref 10=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes + def _parse_module_script(project: jedi.Project, path: Path): - def _parse_module_script(project: Path, path: Path): assert path.is_absolute(), f"Path is not absolute: {path=}" script = jedi.Script(path=path, project=project) mcontext = script._get_module_context() assert isinstance(mcontext, ModuleContext) mname = cast(str, mcontext.py__name__()) if mname.startswith("src."): e = ValueError(f"Bad module name: {mname}") + files = list(project.path.iterdir()) - files = list(project.iterdir()) + print_err(f"project: {project.path}", file=sys.stderr) - print_err(f"project: {project}", file=sys.stderr) print_err(f"files in root: {files}", file=sys.stderr) raise e m = script._module_node assert isinstance(m, ptree.Module) # mname = PythonProject.rel_path_to_module_name(path.relative_to(proj.path)) # m = parso.parse(path.read_text()) jmod = JModule(mname, m) return jmod, script
Improve service UX with inversed changes.
<0>:<add> input_code=old_code,
# module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def suggest_edit( self, file: Path, + edit_lines: Sequence[int], - line: int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), ) -> ServiceResponse: <s> for i, pred in enumerate(predictions): with (log_dir / f"solution-{i}.txt").open("w") as f: pred_tks = pred.out_tks score = pred.score print(f"{problem.edit_lines=}", file=f) print(f"{len(input_tks)=}", file=f) print(f"{len(references)=}", file=f) print(f"Solution score: {score:.3g}", file=f) print(f"Marginalized samples:", pred.n_samples, file=f) pred = RetrievalModelPrediction( input_ids=input_tks, output_ids=pred_tks, labels=output_truth, references=references, ) pred_str = RetrievalDecodingResult.show_prediction(problem, pred) print(pred_str, file=f) suggestions = list[EditSuggestion]() for pred in predictions: suggested_change, preview = self.apply_edit_to_elem( problem, pred.out_tks, ) suggestion = EditSuggestion( score=pred.score, change_preview=preview, new_code=suggested_change.after, ) suggestions.append(suggestion) span = problem.span old_code = tokens_to_change(span.original.tolist()).after return ServiceResponse( target_file=file.as_posix(), edit_start=(span.line_range[0], 0), edit_end=(span.line_range[1], 0), - old_code=old_code, <0> suggestions=suggestions, )
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def suggest_edit( self, file: Path, + edit_lines: Sequence[int], - line: int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), ) -> ServiceResponse: # offset: -1 timed = self.tlogger.timed project = self.project if file.is_absolute(): file = file.relative_to(project) file = to_rel_path(file) with timed("get c3 problem"): + problem = self.detector.get_problem(file, edit_lines) - problem = self.detector.get_problem(file, line) with timed("tokenize c3 problem"): tk_prob = self.c3_tkn.tokenize_problem(problem) batch = C3DataLoader.pack_batch([tk_prob]) original = problem.span.original.tolist() with timed("run model"), torch.autocast("cuda"): predictions = self.model.predict_on_batch( batch, [original], self.dec_args, self.show_max_solutions ) assert_eq(len(predictions), 1) predictions = predictions[0] assert predictions if log_dir is not None: log_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) input_tks = batch["input_ids"][0] references = batch["references"] output_truth = batch["labels"][0] print(f"Writing logs to: {log_dir}") for i, pred in enumerate(predictions): with (log_dir / f"solution-{i}.txt").open("w") as</s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils assert_eq(x: T1, y: T1, message: Callable[[], str]=lambda: "") -> None at: coeditor._utils.TimeLogger times: dict[str, list[float]] = field(default_factory=dict) timed(self, name: str) at: coeditor.c3problem C3ProblemTokenizer(max_ref_tks: int=512, max_query_tks: int=512, max_output_tks: int=256, max_scope_tks: int=128, max_ref_tks_sum: int=512 * 16, ref_chunk_overlap: int=32, disable_builtin_defs: bool=True, disable_unchanged_refs: bool=False, current_code_only: bool=False) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"] change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemTokenizer VERSION = "2.7" max_ref_tks: int = 512 max_query_tks: int = 512 max_output_tks: int = 256 max_scope_tks: int = 128 max_ref_tks_sum: int = 512 * 16 ref_chunk_overlap: int = 32 disable_builtin_defs: bool = True disable_unchanged_refs: bool = False current_code_only: bool = False tokenize_problem(problem: C3Problem) -> TkC3Problem at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedCodeSpan headers: Sequence[ChangedHeader] original: TkArray delta: TkDelta line_range: LineRange module: ModuleName ===========unchanged ref 1=========== at: coeditor.common to_rel_path(path: os.PathLike | str) -> RelPath at: coeditor.model DecodingArgs(max_output_tks: int=512, do_sample: bool=False, top_p: float=0.9, num_beams: Optional[int]=1, length_penalty: float=0.0, marginalize_samples: int=1) RetrievalModelPrediction(iterable: Iterable[Tuple[_KT, _VT]], **kwargs: _VT) RetrievalModelPrediction(**kwargs: _VT) RetrievalModelPrediction(map: Mapping[_KT, _VT], **kwargs: _VT) RetrievalEditorModel(config: T5Config) BatchArgs(batch_size: int=1, shuffle_extra_ids: bool=True) C3DataLoader(all_probs: Sequence[C3Problem], transform: C3ProblemTransform | None, tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer, batch_args: BatchArgs, shuffle: bool, desc: str, tqdm_args: dict | None=None, chunk_size: int=1000, workers: int=DefaultWorkers) at: coeditor.model.C3DataLoader all_probs: Sequence[C3Problem] transform: C3ProblemTransform | None tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer batch_args: BatchArgs shuffle: bool desc: str tqdm_args: dict | None = None chunk_size: int = 1000 workers: int = DefaultWorkers pack_batch(probs: Sequence[TkC3Problem]) at: coeditor.model.PredictedChange change: Modified[str] out_tks: TokenSeq score: float n_samples: int at: coeditor.model.RetrievalEditorModel is_parallelizable = False supports_gradient_checkpointing = False ===========unchanged ref 2=========== decorate_autocast(batch: dict, problems: Sequence[C3Problem], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int=1) predict_on_batch(batch: dict, problems: Sequence[C3Problem], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int=1) -> list[list[PredictedChange]] at: coeditor.model.RetrievalEditorModel.__init__ self.tlogger = TimeLogger() at: coeditor.service _tlogger = TimeLogger() ChangeDetector(project: Path, untracked_as_additions: bool=True, ignore_dirs: Collection[str]=field(default_factory=lambda: DefaultIgnoreDirs)) EditSuggestion(score: float, change_preview: str, new_code: str) ServiceResponse(target_file: str, edit_start: tuple[int, int], edit_end: tuple[int, int], input_code: str, suggestions: list[EditSuggestion]) at: coeditor.service.ChangeDetector project: Path get_problem(self, target_file: RelPath, target_lines: Sequence[int] | int) -> C3Problem get_problem(target_file: RelPath, target_lines: Sequence[int] | int) -> C3Problem at: coeditor.service.EditPredictionService apply_edit_to_elem(problem: C3Problem, out_tks: TokenSeq) -> tuple[Modified[str], str] at: coeditor.tk_array.TkArray tolist() -> TokenSeq at: dataclasses dataclass(_cls: Type[_T]) -> Type[_T] dataclass(*, init: bool=..., repr: bool=..., eq: bool=..., order: bool=..., unsafe_hash: bool=..., frozen: bool=...) -> Callable[[Type[_T]], Type[_T]] dataclass(_cls: None) -> Callable[[Type[_T]], Type[_T]] at: pathlib Path()
Improve service UX with inversed changes.
<0>:<add> preview = default_show_diff(current_code, new_change.after)
# module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: @staticmethod def apply_edit_to_elem( problem: C3Problem, out_tks: TokenSeq, ) -> tuple[Modified[str], str]: change_tks = problem.span.original.tolist() delta = TkDelta.from_output_tks(problem.edit_lines, out_tks) new_change_tks = delta.apply_to_change(change_tks) new_change = tokens_to_change(new_change_tks) + current_code = tokens_to_change(change_tks).after - preview = default_show_diff(new_change.before, new_change.after) <0> return new_change, preview
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.c3problem C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedCodeSpan line_range: LineRange at: coeditor.common TokenSeq = list[Token] at: coeditor.service.EditPredictionService.suggest_edit file = file.relative_to(project) file = to_rel_path(file) suggestions = list[EditSuggestion]() span = problem.span old_code = tokens_to_change(span.original.tolist()).after at: pathlib.PurePath as_posix() -> str ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: - def preview_changes( - self, - change: Modified[str], - respect_lines: int, - ) -> str: - change_tks = change_to_tokens(change) - (input_tks, output_tks), _ = change_tks_to_query_context( - change_tks, respect_lines - ) - new_change = tokens_to_change(inline_output_tokens(input_tks, output_tks)) - change_str = default_show_diff(new_change.before, new_change.after) - return change_str - ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ServiceResponse: target_file: str edit_start: tuple[int, int] edit_end: tuple[int, int] + input_code: str - old_code: str suggestions: list[EditSuggestion] ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ServiceResponse: def to_json(self): return { "target_file": self.target_file, "edit_start": self.edit_start, "edit_end": self.edit_end, + "old_code": self.input_code, - "old_code": self.old_code, "suggestions": [s.to_json() for s in self.suggestions], } ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ServiceResponse: def print(self, file=sys.stdout): print(f"Target file: {self.target_file}", file=file) print(f"Edit range: {self.edit_start} - {self.edit_end}", file=file) for i, s in enumerate(self.suggestions): print( f"\t--------------- Suggestion {i} (score: {s.score:.3g}) ---------------", file=file, ) print(textwrap.indent(s.change_preview, "\t"), file=file) + print(f"Input code:", file=file) - print(f"original code:", file=file) + print(self.input_code, file=file) ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def suggest_edit( self, file: Path, + edit_lines: Sequence[int], - line: int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), ) -> ServiceResponse: timed = self.tlogger.timed project = self.project if file.is_absolute(): file = file.relative_to(project) file = to_rel_path(file) with timed("get c3 problem"): + problem = self.detector.get_problem(file, edit_lines) - problem = self.detector.get_problem(file, line) with timed("tokenize c3 problem"): tk_prob = self.c3_tkn.tokenize_problem(problem) batch = C3DataLoader.pack_batch([tk_prob]) original = problem.span.original.tolist() with timed("run model"), torch.autocast("cuda"): predictions = self.model.predict_on_batch( batch, [original], self.dec_args, self.show_max_solutions ) assert_eq(len(predictions), 1) predictions = predictions[0] assert predictions if log_dir is not None: log_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) input_tks = batch["input_ids"][0] references = batch["references"] output_truth = batch["labels"][0] print(f"Writing logs to: {log_dir}") for i, pred in enumerate(predictions): with (log_dir / f"solution-{i}.txt").open("w") as f: pred_tks = pred.out_tks score = pred.score print(f"{problem.edit_lines=}", file=f) print(f"{len(input_tks)=}", file=f) print(f"{len(references)=}", file=f</s> ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def suggest_edit( self, file: Path, + edit_lines: Sequence[int], - line: int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), ) -> ServiceResponse: # offset: 1 <s>len(input_tks)=}", file=f) print(f"{len(references)=}", file=f) print(f"Solution score: {score:.3g}", file=f) print(f"Marginalized samples:", pred.n_samples, file=f) pred = RetrievalModelPrediction( input_ids=input_tks, output_ids=pred_tks, labels=output_truth, references=references, ) pred_str = RetrievalDecodingResult.show_prediction(problem, pred) print(pred_str, file=f) suggestions = list[EditSuggestion]() for pred in predictions: suggested_change, preview = self.apply_edit_to_elem( problem, pred.out_tks, ) suggestion = EditSuggestion( score=pred.score, change_preview=preview, new_code=suggested_change.after, ) suggestions.append(suggestion) span = problem.span old_code = tokens_to_change(span.original.tolist()).after return ServiceResponse( target_file=file.as_posix(), edit_start=(span.line_range[0], 0), edit_end=(span.line_range[1], 0), + input_code=old_code, - old_code=old_code, suggestions=suggestions, ) ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: coeditor.change @dataclass(frozen=True) class Deleted(_ChangeBase[E1]): + def inverse(self) -> "Added[E1]": + return Added(self.before) + ===========changed ref 7=========== # module: coeditor.change @dataclass(frozen=True) class Added(_ChangeBase[E1]): + def inverse(self) -> "Deleted[E1]": + return Deleted(self.after) + ===========changed ref 8=========== # module: coeditor.change @dataclass(frozen=True) class Modified(_ChangeBase[E1]): + def inverse(self) -> "Modified[E1]": + return Modified(self.after, self.before) + ===========changed ref 9=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes @dataclass(frozen=True) class JModuleChange: + def inverse(self) -> Self: + "Create the inverse change." + return JModuleChange( + self.module_change.inverse(), [span.inverse() for span in self.changed] + ) +
- return target lines in service response.
<0>:<add> assert_eq(len(segs), len(lines))
# module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: @staticmethod + def from_output_tks( + lines: Sequence[int], tks: TokenSeq, allow_truncated_tks: bool = True + ) -> "TkDelta": - def from_output_tks(lines: Sequence[int], tks: TokenSeq) -> "TkDelta": ad_tks = (Add_id, Del_id) def remove_newline(seg: TokenSeq): if seg and seg[-1] == Newline_id: del seg[-1] return seg def seg_to_tuple(seg: TokenSeq) -> tuple[TokenSeq]: result = list[TokenSeq]() ptr = 0 for i, x in enumerate(seg): if i > 0 and x in ad_tks: if seg[ptr] in ad_tks: result.append(seg[ptr:i]) ptr = i if ptr < len(seg) and seg[ptr] in ad_tks: result.append(seg[ptr:]) return tuple(remove_newline(x) for x in result) segs = output_ids_as_seqs(tks) + if not allow_truncated_tks: - assert_eq(len(segs), len(lines)) <0> deltas = {l: seg_to_tuple(seg) for l, seg in zip(lines, segs.values()) if seg} return TkDelta(deltas)
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.common TokenSeq = list[Token] at: coeditor.encoding Add_id = get_tk_id(Add) Del_id = get_tk_id(Del) Newline_id = get_tk_id("\n") output_ids_as_seqs(output_ids: Iterable[Token]) -> dict[Token, TokenSeq] at: coeditor.encoding.TkDelta _deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]] at: typing Sequence = _alias(, 1)
- return target lines in service response.
<0>:<add> return self.header.tolist() + self.main_input.tolist()
# module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkC3Problem(TokenizedEdit): @property def input_tks(self) -> TokenSeq: - return self.input.tolist() <0>
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.common TokenSeq = list[Token] at: coeditor.encoding.TokenizedEdit input_tks: TokenSeq output_tks: TokenSeq main_tks: TokenSeq path: ProjectPath change_type: Change[None] BAD_DELETE = encode_single_line("((bad delete))") ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkC3Problem(TokenizedEdit): "Tokenized contextual code change prediction problem." + main_input: TkArray - input: TkArray + header: TkArray output: TkArray path: ProjectPath change_type: Change[None] # most relevant to least relevant named_references: Sequence[tuple[str, TkArray]] project: str commit: CommitInfo | None ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.encoding - def apply_output_tks_to_change( - change_tks: TokenSeq, - respect_lines: int, - out_tks: TokenSeq, - ) -> Modified[str]: - (input_tks, _), context = change_tks_to_query_context(change_tks, respect_lines) - change_tks = ( - context - + [Newline_id] - + inline_output_tokens(input_tks, out_tks, leave_unpredicted=False) - ) - return tokens_to_change(change_tks) - ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.encoding + def input_lines_from_tks(input_tks: TokenSeq) -> list[int]: + """compute the lines in the input to be edited""" + input_lines = list[int]() + offset = 0 + for line in split_list(input_tks, Newline_id): + if line and line[0] == Del_id: + continue + if line and is_extra_id(line[0]): + input_lines.append(offset) + offset += 1 + return input_lines + ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.encoding - def change_tks_to_query_context(change_tks: TokenSeq, respect_lines: int): - lines = split_list(change_tks, Newline_id) - spliter = 0 - result_lines = 0 - for i, l in enumerate(lines): - if l and l[0] == Del_id: - pass - else: - result_lines += 1 - if result_lines <= respect_lines: - spliter = i + 1 - - context = join_list(lines[:spliter], Newline_id) - query = change_tks_to_input_output(join_list(lines[spliter:], Newline_id)) - return query, context - ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: @staticmethod + def from_output_tks( + lines: Sequence[int], tks: TokenSeq, allow_truncated_tks: bool = True + ) -> "TkDelta": - def from_output_tks(lines: Sequence[int], tks: TokenSeq) -> "TkDelta": ad_tks = (Add_id, Del_id) def remove_newline(seg: TokenSeq): if seg and seg[-1] == Newline_id: del seg[-1] return seg def seg_to_tuple(seg: TokenSeq) -> tuple[TokenSeq]: result = list[TokenSeq]() ptr = 0 for i, x in enumerate(seg): if i > 0 and x in ad_tks: if seg[ptr] in ad_tks: result.append(seg[ptr:i]) ptr = i if ptr < len(seg) and seg[ptr] in ad_tks: result.append(seg[ptr:]) return tuple(remove_newline(x) for x in result) segs = output_ids_as_seqs(tks) + if not allow_truncated_tks: + assert_eq(len(segs), len(lines)) - assert_eq(len(segs), len(lines)) deltas = {l: seg_to_tuple(seg) for l, seg in zip(lines, segs.values()) if seg} return TkDelta(deltas)
- return target lines in service response.
# module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: def tokenize_problem( self, problem: C3Problem, ) -> TkC3Problem: <s>chunk)) for i, chunk in enumerate(below_chunks) ] all_refs = above_chunks + below_chunks ref_size_sum = sum(len(ref) for _, ref in all_refs) # compute the references that are relevant to this span if ref_size_sum < self.max_ref_tks_sum: changed = self._group_encode_changed_refs(problem.relevant_changes) for i, chunk in enumerate(changed): all_refs.append((f"changed ref {i}", ref_size_sum += sum(len(x) for x in changed) if ref_size_sum < self.max_ref_tks_sum: unchanged = self._group_encode_unchanged_refs(problem.relevant_unchanged) for i, chunk in enumerate(unchanged): all_refs.append((f"unchanged ref {i}", # take until we hit the limit ref_size_sum = 0 kept_refs = list[tuple[str, TkArray]]() for (name, ref) in all_refs: if ref_size_sum + len(ref) > self.max_ref_tks_sum: continue ref_size_sum += len(ref) kept_refs.append((name, ref)) return TkC3Problem( +, - + chunk_input), <0>, path=span.headers[-1].path, change_type=problem.change_type, named_references=kept_refs, project=problem.src_info["project"], commit=problem.src_info["commit"], )
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: def tokenize_problem( self, problem: C3Problem, ) -> TkC3Problem: # offset: -1 <s>tks = join_list(origin_lines[:edit_start] + [TokenSeq()], Newline_id) above_tks = tk_delta.for_input_range((0, edit_start)).apply_to_change(above_tks) below_tks = join_list(origin_lines[edit_stop:] + [TokenSeq()], Newline_id) chunk_input, above_tks, below_tks = self._inline_some_context( chunk_input, above_tks, below_tks, input_limit ) chunk_output = truncate_section( chunk_output, TruncateAt.Right, self.max_output_tks, add_bos=False, inplace=True, ) above_chunks = break_into_chunks( above_tks, lambda i: self._encode_headers(span.headers, -1 - i), chunk_size=self.max_ref_tks, overlap=self.ref_chunk_overlap, right_to_left=True, ) if not below_tks: below_chunks = [] else: below_chunks = break_into_chunks( below_tks, lambda i: self._encode_headers(span.headers, i + 1), chunk_size=self.max_ref_tks, overlap=self.ref_chunk_overlap, ) above_chunks = [ (f"above chunk {i}", for i, chunk in enumerate(above_chunks) ] below_chunks = [ (f"below chunk {i}", for i, chunk in enumerate(below_chunks) ] all_refs = above_chunks + below_</s> ===========above chunk 1=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: def tokenize_problem( self, problem: C3Problem, ) -> TkC3Problem: # offset: -2 <s> = problem.edit_lines[0] scope_tks = self._encode_headers(span.headers, 0) input_limit = self.max_query_tks - len(scope_tks) chunk_input = TokenSeq() chunk_output = TokenSeq() last_line = edit_start for i, l in enumerate(problem.edit_lines): for line in origin_lines[last_line + 1 : l]: chunk_input.extend(line) chunk_input.append(Newline_id) chunk_input.append(get_extra_id(i)) if l < len(origin_lines): chunk_input.extend(origin_lines[l]) chunk_input.append(Newline_id) last_line = l line_change = join_list(tk_delta.get_line_change(l), Newline_id) chunk_output.append(get_extra_id(i)) chunk_output.extend(line_change) if line_change and line_change[-1] != Del_id: chunk_output.append(Newline_id) if len(chunk_input) > input_limit: break edit_stop = last_line + 1 # limit the input size if it's too long chunk_input = truncate_section( chunk_input, TruncateAt.Right, input_limit, inplace=True ) chunk_output = truncate_output_tks(chunk_input, chunk_output) # try move some prev_change_tks into the input above_tks = join_list(origin_lines[:edit_start] + [TokenSeq()], Newline_id) above_</s> ===========above chunk 2=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: def tokenize_problem( self, problem: C3Problem, ) -> TkC3Problem: # offset: -3 span = problem.span original: TokenSeq = span.original.tolist() tk_delta: TkDelta = origin_lines = split_list(original, Newline_id) edit</s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.c3problem C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_lines: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) TkC3Problem(main_input: TkArray, header: TkArray, output: TkArray, path: ProjectPath, change_type: Change[None], named_references: Sequence[tuple[str, TkArray]], project: str, commit: CommitInfo | None) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_lines: Sequence[int] relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] relevant_unchanged: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemTokenizer VERSION = "2.3" max_ref_tks: int = 512 max_query_tks: int = 512 max_output_tks: int = 256 max_scope_tks: int = 128 max_ref_tks_sum: int = 512 * 12 ref_chunk_overlap: int = 32 _encode_headers(scope_changes: Sequence[ChangedHeader], offset: int) -> TokenSeq _inline_some_context(input: TokenSeq, above_ctx: TokenSeq, below_ctx: TokenSeq, size_limit: int) -> tuple[TokenSeq, TokenSeq, TokenSeq] _group_encode_unchanged_refs(elems: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan]) -> Sequence[TokenSeq] _group_encode_changed_refs(changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan]) -> Sequence[TokenSeq] at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedCodeSpan headers: Sequence[ChangedHeader] original: TkArray delta: TkDelta
- return target lines in service response.
# module: coeditor.model @dataclass class RetrievalDecodingResult: @classmethod def show_prediction(cls, prob: C3Problem, pred: RetrievalModelPrediction) -> str: span = prob.span tk_prob = TkC3Problem( +["input_ids"]), -["input_ids"]), <0>["labels"]), path=span.headers[-1].path, change_type=prob.change_type, named_references=[ (f"reference-{i}", for i, ref in enumerate(pred["references"]) ], project=prob.src_info["project"], commit=prob.src_info["commit"], ) return["output_ids"])
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"] change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedCodeSpan headers: Sequence[ChangedHeader] original: TkArray delta: TkDelta line_range: LineRange module: ModuleName at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedHeader change_tks: TkArray type: str line_range: LineRange path: ProjectPath at: coeditor.c3problem.TkC3Problem main_input: TkArray header: TkArray output: TkArray path: ProjectPath change_type: Change[None] named_references: Sequence[tuple[str, TkArray]] project: str commit: CommitInfo | None truncated: bool at: coeditor.encoding.TokenizedEdit input_tks: TokenSeq output_tks: TokenSeq main_tks: TokenSeq path: ProjectPath change_type: Change[None] BAD_DELETE = encode_single_line("((bad delete))") show(pred_tks: TokenSeq | None=None, skip_ctx: bool=False, skip_meta: bool=False) -> str at: coeditor.model.AttentionMode bidirectional = at: coeditor.model.RetrievalDecodingResult.show_prediction span = prob.span ===========unchanged ref 1=========== tk_prob = TkC3Problem(["input_ids"]),[]),["labels"]), path=span.headers[-1].path, change_type=prob.change_type, named_references=[ (f"reference-{i}", for i, ref in enumerate(pred["references"]) ], project=prob.src_info["project"], commit=prob.src_info["commit"], ) at: coeditor.tk_array TkArray() at: coeditor.tk_array.TkArray new(tks: Sequence[int]) -> "TkArray" at: enum auto(x: Union[str, bytes, SupportsInt, _SupportsIndex, _SupportsTrunc]=...) auto(x: Union[str, bytes, bytearray], base: int) Enum() ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkC3Problem(TokenizedEdit): @property def input_tks(self) -> TokenSeq: + return self.header.tolist() + self.main_input.tolist() - return self.input.tolist() ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkC3Problem(TokenizedEdit): "Tokenized contextual code change prediction problem." + main_input: TkArray - input: TkArray + header: TkArray output: TkArray path: ProjectPath change_type: Change[None] # most relevant to least relevant named_references: Sequence[tuple[str, TkArray]] project: str commit: CommitInfo | None ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.encoding - def apply_output_tks_to_change( - change_tks: TokenSeq, - respect_lines: int, - out_tks: TokenSeq, - ) -> Modified[str]: - (input_tks, _), context = change_tks_to_query_context(change_tks, respect_lines) - change_tks = ( - context - + [Newline_id] - + inline_output_tokens(input_tks, out_tks, leave_unpredicted=False) - ) - return tokens_to_change(change_tks) - ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.encoding + def input_lines_from_tks(input_tks: TokenSeq) -> list[int]: + """compute the lines in the input to be edited""" + input_lines = list[int]() + offset = 0 + for line in split_list(input_tks, Newline_id): + if line and line[0] == Del_id: + continue + if line and is_extra_id(line[0]): + input_lines.append(offset) + offset += 1 + return input_lines + ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.encoding - def change_tks_to_query_context(change_tks: TokenSeq, respect_lines: int): - lines = split_list(change_tks, Newline_id) - spliter = 0 - result_lines = 0 - for i, l in enumerate(lines): - if l and l[0] == Del_id: - pass - else: - result_lines += 1 - if result_lines <= respect_lines: - spliter = i + 1 - - context = join_list(lines[:spliter], Newline_id) - query = change_tks_to_input_output(join_list(lines[spliter:], Newline_id)) - return query, context - ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: @staticmethod + def from_output_tks( + lines: Sequence[int], tks: TokenSeq, allow_truncated_tks: bool = True + ) -> "TkDelta": - def from_output_tks(lines: Sequence[int], tks: TokenSeq) -> "TkDelta": ad_tks = (Add_id, Del_id) def remove_newline(seg: TokenSeq): if seg and seg[-1] == Newline_id: del seg[-1] return seg def seg_to_tuple(seg: TokenSeq) -> tuple[TokenSeq]: result = list[TokenSeq]() ptr = 0 for i, x in enumerate(seg): if i > 0 and x in ad_tks: if seg[ptr] in ad_tks: result.append(seg[ptr:i]) ptr = i if ptr < len(seg) and seg[ptr] in ad_tks: result.append(seg[ptr:]) return tuple(remove_newline(x) for x in result) segs = output_ids_as_seqs(tks) + if not allow_truncated_tks: + assert_eq(len(segs), len(lines)) - assert_eq(len(segs), len(lines)) deltas = {l: seg_to_tuple(seg) for l, seg in zip(lines, segs.values()) if seg} return TkDelta(deltas)
- return target lines in service response.
<0>:<add> pred = tokens_to_change(inline_output_tokens(change_tks, out))
# module: coeditor.model class RetrievalEditorModel(T5PreTrainedModel): @torch.autocast("cuda") def predict_on_batch( self, batch: dict, originals: Sequence[TokenSeq], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int = 1, ) -> list[list[PredictedChange]]: <s> out_tks = [remove_pad_ids(x) for x in out_tks] assert isinstance(out_tks, list) logging.debug("Max out length:", max(len(x) for x in out_tks)) assert_eq(len(out_tks), len(originals) * N) originals = join_list([[x] * N for x in originals]) if (pred_scores := gen_out.get("sequences_scores", None)) is None: pred_scores = [0.0] * len(out_tks) if use_sampling: pred_weights = [1.0 / N] * len(out_tks) else: pred_weights = [math.exp(x) for x in pred_scores] with timed("assemble changes"): pred_changes = list[Modified[str]]() for change_tks, out in zip(originals, out_tks): - pred = apply_output_tks_to_change(change_tks, 0, out) <0> pred_changes.append(pred) assert_eq(len(pred_changes), len(out_tks), len(pred_scores)) solutions = list[list[PredictedChange]]() for i in range(0, len(pred_changes), N): sols = marginalize_preds( pred_changes[i : i + N], out_tks[i : i + N], pred_weights[i : i + N], pred_scores[i : i + N], ) solutions.append(sols[:n_solutions]) return solutions
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.model class RetrievalEditorModel(T5PreTrainedModel): @torch.autocast("cuda") def predict_on_batch( self, batch: dict, originals: Sequence[TokenSeq], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int = 1, ) -> list[list[PredictedChange]]: # offset: -1 <s>edChange( preds[g[0]], out_tks[g[0]], sum(weights[i] for i in g), len(g) ) for g in groups ] use_sampling = dec_args.marginalize_samples > 1 if use_sampling: assert_eq(dec_args.do_sample, True) assert_eq(dec_args.num_beams, 1) N = dec_args.marginalize_samples else: N = dec_args.num_beams or 1 gen_args = dec_args.to_model_args() input_ids = batch["input_ids"] if not isinstance(input_ids, torch.LongTensor): input_ids = torch.LongTensor(input_ids) with timed("model.generate"), tqdm(total=dec_args.max_output_tks) as pbar: gen_out = self.generate(, references=batch["references"], query_ref_list=batch["query_ref_list"], num_return_sequences=N, return_dict_in_generate=True, output_scores=True, **gen_args, tqdm=pbar, ) assert not isinstance(gen_out, torch.LongTensor) out_tks = gen_out["sequences"] if isinstance(out_tks, torch.Tensor): out_tks = out_tks.tolist() out_tks = [remove_pad_ids(x) for x in out_tks] assert isinstance(out</s> ===========above chunk 1=========== # module: coeditor.model class RetrievalEditorModel(T5PreTrainedModel): @torch.autocast("cuda") def predict_on_batch( self, batch: dict, originals: Sequence[TokenSeq], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int = 1, ) -> list[list[PredictedChange]]: # offset: -2 """ Returns nested list of shape `(batch_size, n_solutions)`. """ timed = self.tlogger.timed def marginalize_preds( preds: Sequence[Modified[str]], out_tks: Sequence[TokenSeq], weights: Sequence[float], scores: Sequence[float], ) -> list[PredictedChange]: """For sampling techniques, all sample should have equal weights 1/N. For search-based techniques, the `weights` should equal to the solutions' probabilities.""" assert preds groups = groupby( range(len(preds)), keyfunc=lambda i: normalize_code_by_ast(preds[i].after), ) groups = list(groups.values()) for group in groups: # within each group, sort by score group.sort(key=lambda i: scores[i], reverse=True) groups.sort( key=lambda g: (sum(weights[i] for i in g), scores[g[0]]), reverse=True ) return [ PredictedChange( preds[g[0]], out_tks[g[0]], sum(weights[i] for i</s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils groupby(iterable: Iterable[T1], keyfunc: Callable[[T1], T2]) -> dict[T2, list[T1]] assert_eq(x: T1, y: T1, message: Callable[[], str]=lambda: "") -> None at: coeditor._utils.TimeLogger times: dict[str, list[float]] = field(default_factory=dict) timed(self, name: str) at: coeditor.change Modified(before: E1, after: E1, unchanged: bool=False) at: coeditor.change.Modified before: E1 after: E1 unchanged: bool = False at: coeditor.common TokenSeq = list[Token] join_list(segs: Iterable[Iterable[T1]], sep: T1 | None=None) -> list[T1] normalize_code_by_ast(code: str, sort_keyargs: bool=True, remove_doc_string: bool=True) -> str at: coeditor.encoding tokens_to_change(tokens: TokenSeq) -> Modified[str] inline_output_tokens(input: TokenSeq, output: TokenSeq, leave_unpredicted=False) -> TokenSeq at: coeditor.model DecodingArgs(max_output_tks: int=512, do_sample: bool=False, top_p: float=0.9, num_beams: Optional[int]=1, length_penalty: float=0.0, marginalize_samples: int=1) remove_pad_ids(ids: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq PredictedChange(typename: str, fields: Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]=..., **kwargs: Any) at: coeditor.model.DecodingArgs max_output_tks: int = 512 do_sample: bool = False top_p: float = 0.9 num_beams: Optional[int] = 1 length_penalty: float = 0.0 ===========unchanged ref 1=========== marginalize_samples: int = 1 to_model_args() -> dict at: coeditor.model.RetrievalEditorModel is_parallelizable = False supports_gradient_checkpointing = False save(self, save_dir: Path, is_main_process: bool=True, state_dict: Optional[dict]=None, save_function:, push_to_hub: bool=False, max_shard_size: Union[int, str]="10GB", safe_serialization: bool=False, variant: Optional[str]=None, /, *, is_main_process: bool=True, state_dict: Optional[dict]=None, save_function:, push_to_hub: bool=False, max_shard_size: Union[int, str]="10GB", safe_serialization: bool=False, variant: Optional[str]=None, private: Optional[bool]=None, use_auth_token: Optional[Union[bool, str]]=None, repo_url: Optional[str]=None, organization: Optional[str]=None) at: coeditor.model.RetrievalEditorModel.__init__ self.tlogger = TimeLogger() at: logging debug(msg: Any, *args: Any, exc_info: _ExcInfoType=..., stack_info: bool=..., extra: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]=..., **kwargs: Any) -> None at: math exp(x: SupportsFloat, /) -> float at: pathlib Path()
- return target lines in service response.
<0>:<add> print(f"Target lines: {self.target_lines}", file=file)
# module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ServiceResponse: def print(self, file=sys.stdout): print(f"Target file: {self.target_file}", file=file) print(f"Edit range: {self.edit_start} - {self.edit_end}", file=file) <0> for i, s in enumerate(self.suggestions): print( f"\t--------------- Suggestion {i} (score: {s.score:.3g}) ---------------", file=file, ) print(textwrap.indent(s.change_preview, "\t"), file=file) print(f"Input code:", file=file) print(self.input_code, file=file)
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.service.EditSuggestion score: float change_preview: str new_code: str at: coeditor.service.ServiceResponse target_file: str edit_start: tuple[int, int] edit_end: tuple[int, int] target_lines: Sequence[int] input_code: str suggestions: list[EditSuggestion] at: sys stdout: TextIO at: textwrap indent(text: str, prefix: str, predicate: Optional[Callable[[str], bool]]=...) -> str ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ServiceResponse: target_file: str edit_start: tuple[int, int] edit_end: tuple[int, int] + target_lines: Sequence[int] input_code: str suggestions: list[EditSuggestion] ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkC3Problem(TokenizedEdit): @property def input_tks(self) -> TokenSeq: + return self.header.tolist() + self.main_input.tolist() - return self.input.tolist() ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkC3Problem(TokenizedEdit): "Tokenized contextual code change prediction problem." + main_input: TkArray - input: TkArray + header: TkArray output: TkArray path: ProjectPath change_type: Change[None] # most relevant to least relevant named_references: Sequence[tuple[str, TkArray]] project: str commit: CommitInfo | None ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.encoding - def apply_output_tks_to_change( - change_tks: TokenSeq, - respect_lines: int, - out_tks: TokenSeq, - ) -> Modified[str]: - (input_tks, _), context = change_tks_to_query_context(change_tks, respect_lines) - change_tks = ( - context - + [Newline_id] - + inline_output_tokens(input_tks, out_tks, leave_unpredicted=False) - ) - return tokens_to_change(change_tks) - ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.encoding + def input_lines_from_tks(input_tks: TokenSeq) -> list[int]: + """compute the lines in the input to be edited""" + input_lines = list[int]() + offset = 0 + for line in split_list(input_tks, Newline_id): + if line and line[0] == Del_id: + continue + if line and is_extra_id(line[0]): + input_lines.append(offset) + offset += 1 + return input_lines + ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.encoding - def change_tks_to_query_context(change_tks: TokenSeq, respect_lines: int): - lines = split_list(change_tks, Newline_id) - spliter = 0 - result_lines = 0 - for i, l in enumerate(lines): - if l and l[0] == Del_id: - pass - else: - result_lines += 1 - if result_lines <= respect_lines: - spliter = i + 1 - - context = join_list(lines[:spliter], Newline_id) - query = change_tks_to_input_output(join_list(lines[spliter:], Newline_id)) - return query, context - ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: coeditor.model @dataclass class RetrievalDecodingResult: @classmethod def show_prediction(cls, prob: C3Problem, pred: RetrievalModelPrediction) -> str: span = prob.span tk_prob = TkC3Problem( +["input_ids"]), -["input_ids"]), +[]),["labels"]), path=span.headers[-1].path, change_type=prob.change_type, named_references=[ (f"reference-{i}", for i, ref in enumerate(pred["references"]) ], project=prob.src_info["project"], commit=prob.src_info["commit"], ) return["output_ids"]) ===========changed ref 7=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: @staticmethod + def from_output_tks( + lines: Sequence[int], tks: TokenSeq, allow_truncated_tks: bool = True + ) -> "TkDelta": - def from_output_tks(lines: Sequence[int], tks: TokenSeq) -> "TkDelta": ad_tks = (Add_id, Del_id) def remove_newline(seg: TokenSeq): if seg and seg[-1] == Newline_id: del seg[-1] return seg def seg_to_tuple(seg: TokenSeq) -> tuple[TokenSeq]: result = list[TokenSeq]() ptr = 0 for i, x in enumerate(seg): if i > 0 and x in ad_tks: if seg[ptr] in ad_tks: result.append(seg[ptr:i]) ptr = i if ptr < len(seg) and seg[ptr] in ad_tks: result.append(seg[ptr:]) return tuple(remove_newline(x) for x in result) segs = output_ids_as_seqs(tks) + if not allow_truncated_tks: + assert_eq(len(segs), len(lines)) - assert_eq(len(segs), len(lines)) deltas = {l: seg_to_tuple(seg) for l, seg in zip(lines, segs.values()) if seg} return TkDelta(deltas)
- return target lines in service response.
<0>:<add> target_lines=target_lines,
# module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def suggest_edit( self, file: Path, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), ) -> ServiceResponse: <s>_dir}") for i, pred in enumerate(predictions): with (log_dir / f"solution-{i}.txt").open("w") as f: pred_tks = pred.out_tks score = pred.score print(f"{problem.edit_lines=}", file=f) print(f"{len(input_tks)=}", file=f) print(f"{len(references)=}", file=f) print(f"Solution score: {score:.3g}", file=f) print(f"Marginalized samples:", pred.n_samples, file=f) pred = RetrievalModelPrediction( input_ids=input_tks, output_ids=pred_tks, labels=output_truth, references=references, ) pred_str = RetrievalDecodingResult.show_prediction(problem, pred) print(pred_str, file=f) suggestions = list[EditSuggestion]() for pred in predictions: suggested_change, preview = self.apply_edit_to_elem( problem, pred.out_tks, ) suggestion = EditSuggestion( score=pred.score, change_preview=preview, new_code=suggested_change.after, ) suggestions.append(suggestion) span = problem.span old_code = tokens_to_change(span.original.tolist()).after return ServiceResponse( target_file=file.as_posix(), edit_start=(span.line_range[0], 0), edit_end=(span.line_range[1], 0), <0> input_code=old_code, suggestions=suggestions, )
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def suggest_edit( self, file: Path, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), ) -> ServiceResponse: # offset: -1 timed = self.tlogger.timed project = self.project if file.is_absolute(): file = file.relative_to(project) file = to_rel_path(file) with timed("get c3 problem"): problem = self.detector.get_problem(file, edit_lines) with timed("tokenize c3 problem"): tk_prob = self.c3_tkn.tokenize_problem(problem) + target_begin = problem.span.line_range[0] + target_lines = input_lines_from_tks(tk_prob.main_input.tolist()) + target_lines = [target_begin + l for l in target_lines] batch = C3DataLoader.pack_batch([tk_prob]) original = problem.span.original.tolist() with timed("run model"), torch.autocast("cuda"): predictions = self.model.predict_on_batch( batch, [original], self.dec_args, self.show_max_solutions ) assert_eq(len(predictions), 1) predictions = predictions[0] assert predictions if log_dir is not None: log_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) input_tks = batch["input_ids"][0] references = batch["references"] output_truth = batch["labels"][0] print(f"Writing logs to: {log_dir}") for i, pred in enumerate(predictions): with (log_dir / f"solution-{i}.txt</s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils assert_eq(x: T1, y: T1, message: Callable[[], str]=lambda: "") -> None at: coeditor._utils.TimeLogger times: dict[str, list[float]] = field(default_factory=dict) timed(self, name: str) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"] change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemTokenizer VERSION = "2.7" max_ref_tks: int = 512 max_query_tks: int = 512 max_output_tks: int = 256 max_scope_tks: int = 128 max_ref_tks_sum: int = 512 * 16 ref_chunk_overlap: int = 32 disable_builtin_defs: bool = True disable_unchanged_refs: bool = False current_code_only: bool = False tokenize_problem(problem: C3Problem) -> TkC3Problem at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedCodeSpan headers: Sequence[ChangedHeader] original: TkArray delta: TkDelta line_range: LineRange module: ModuleName at: coeditor.c3problem.TkC3Problem main_input: TkArray header: TkArray output: TkArray path: ProjectPath change_type: Change[None] named_references: Sequence[tuple[str, TkArray]] project: str commit: CommitInfo | None truncated: bool at: coeditor.change.Modified before: E1 ===========unchanged ref 1=========== after: E1 unchanged: bool = False at: coeditor.common to_rel_path(path: os.PathLike | str) -> RelPath at: coeditor.encoding tokens_to_change(tokens: TokenSeq) -> Modified[str] at: coeditor.model RetrievalModelPrediction(iterable: Iterable[Tuple[_KT, _VT]], **kwargs: _VT) RetrievalModelPrediction(**kwargs: _VT) RetrievalModelPrediction(map: Mapping[_KT, _VT], **kwargs: _VT) C3DataLoader(all_probs: Sequence[C3Problem], transform: C3ProblemTransform | None, tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer, batch_args: BatchArgs, shuffle: bool, desc: str, tqdm_args: dict | None=None, chunk_size: int=1000, workers: int=DefaultWorkers) at: coeditor.model.C3DataLoader all_probs: Sequence[C3Problem] transform: C3ProblemTransform | None tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer batch_args: BatchArgs shuffle: bool desc: str tqdm_args: dict | None = None chunk_size: int = 1000 workers: int = DefaultWorkers pack_batch(probs: Sequence[TkC3Problem]) at: coeditor.model.PredictedChange change: Modified[str] out_tks: TokenSeq score: float n_samples: int at: coeditor.model.RetrievalEditorModel is_parallelizable = False supports_gradient_checkpointing = False decorate_autocast(batch: dict, problems: Sequence[C3Problem], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int=1) predict_on_batch(batch: dict, problems: Sequence[C3Problem], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int=1) -> list[list[PredictedChange]] ===========unchanged ref 2=========== at: coeditor.model.RetrievalEditorModel.__init__ self.tlogger = TimeLogger() at: coeditor.service _tlogger = TimeLogger() EditSuggestion(score: float, change_preview: str, new_code: str) ServiceResponse(target_file: str, edit_start: tuple[int, int], edit_end: tuple[int, int], target_lines: Sequence[int], input_code: str, suggestions: list[EditSuggestion]) at: coeditor.service.ChangeDetector project: Path untracked_as_additions: bool = True ignore_dirs: Collection[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: DefaultIgnoreDirs) get_problem(target_file: RelPath, target_lines: Sequence[int] | int) -> C3Problem at: coeditor.service.EditPredictionService apply_edit_to_elem(problem: C3Problem, out_tks: TokenSeq) -> tuple[Modified[str], str] at: coeditor.service.EditPredictionService.__init__ self.project = detector.project self.detector = detector self.model = model self.c3_tkn = c3_tkn self.dec_args = dec_args self.show_max_solutions = 3 self.tlogger = _tlogger at: coeditor.tk_array.TkArray tolist() -> TokenSeq at: pathlib Path() at: pathlib.Path __slots__ = ()
Remove unused cachetools.
<0>:<add> self._offset_cache = dict[int, TkArray]()
# module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: def __post_init__(self): - self._offset_cache = LRUCache[int, TkArray](maxsize=100) <0>
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.tk_array TkArray()
Better edit range control: support editing below.
<0>:<add> ("edit_line_ids", str(self.edit_line_ids)),
# module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class C3Problem: def print(self): main_change = print_sections( ("summary", self.summary()), ("main change", decode_tokens(main_change)), - ("edit_lines", str(self.edit_lines)), <0> )
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] relevant_unchanged: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () summary() -> str at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedCodeSpan headers: Sequence[ChangedHeader] original: TkArray delta: TkDelta line_range: LineRange module: ModuleName at: coeditor.common print_sections(*, sep: str=SEP, file: TextIO=sys.stdout) -> None at: coeditor.encoding decode_tokens(tokens: TokenSeq, prettify: bool=False) -> str at: coeditor.encoding.TkDelta _deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]] apply_to_change(change: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq at: coeditor.tk_array.TkArray tolist() -> TokenSeq ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class C3Problem: "Contextual code change prediction problem." span: ChangedCodeSpan + # The line ids in the change tks that should be edited - # the lines to be edited, reletive to the start of the span. + edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] - edit_lines: Sequence[int] # most relevant to least relevant relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] # most relevant to least relevant relevant_unchanged: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] # some optional information about how the problem was generated change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.encoding - def input_lines_from_tks(input_tks: TokenSeq) -> list[int]: - """compute the lines in the input to be edited""" - input_lines = list[int]() - offset = 0 - for line in split_list(input_tks, Newline_id): - if line and line[0] == Del_id: - continue - if line and is_extra_id(line[0]): - input_lines.append(offset) - offset += 1 - return input_lines -
Better edit range control: support editing below.
<0>:<add> line_ids,
# module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: def create_problem( self, target: ChangedSpan, + target_lines: Sequence[int], - edit_lines: Sequence[int] | None, changed: Mapping[ModuleName, JModuleChange], target_usages: LineUsageAnalysis, src_info: SrcInfo, ) -> C3Problem: <s>.to_code_span(cspan)) code_span = self.to_code_span(target) changed_code = + target_set = set(target_lines) - if edit_lines is None: + line_ids = list[int]() - edit_lines = list[int]() + input_l = target.line_range[0] + for i, tks in enumerate(split_list(changed_code, Newline_id)): - for i, tks in enumerate(split_list(changed_code, Newline_id)): + if tks and tks[0] == Del_id: - if tks and tks[0] == Del_id: + continue - continue + if input_l in target_set: + line_ids.append(i) - edit_lines.append(i) + input_l += 1 code_span = dataclasses.replace( code_span,, delta=TkDelta.empty() ) relevant_unchanged = self.get_relevant_unchanged( code_span, relevant_changes, target_usages ) prob = C3Problem( code_span, - edit_lines, # one additional line for appending <0> relevant_changes=relevant_changes, relevant_unchanged=relevant_unchanged, _: None), src_info=src_info, ) return prob
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: def create_problem( self, target: ChangedSpan, + target_lines: Sequence[int], - edit_lines: Sequence[int] | None, changed: Mapping[ModuleName, JModuleChange], target_usages: LineUsageAnalysis, src_info: SrcInfo, ) -> C3Problem: # offset: -1 relevant_changes = list[ChangedCodeSpan]() changed = dict(changed) module = target.module target_mc = changed.pop(module) all_mc = [target_mc] + list(changed.values()) for mc in all_mc: is_target_mc = mc.module_change.earlier.mname == module for cspan in mc.changed: if not is_target_mc or cspan.line_range != target.line_range: relevant_changes.append(self.to_code_span(cspan)) code_span = self.to_code_span(target) changed</s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.c3problem ChangedHeader(change_tks: TkArray, type: str, line_range: LineRange, path: ProjectPath) ChangedCodeSpan(headers: Sequence[ChangedHeader], original: TkArray, delta: TkDelta, line_range: LineRange, module: ModuleName) SrcInfo(map: Mapping[_KT, _VT], **kwargs: _VT) SrcInfo(iterable: Iterable[Tuple[_KT, _VT]], **kwargs: _VT) SrcInfo(**kwargs: _VT) C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) PyDefinition(full_name: PyFullName, start_pos: tuple[int, int], end_pos: tuple[int, int]) LineUsageAnalysis(line2usages: Mapping[int, set[PyDefinition]]) ModuleHierarchy() at: coeditor.c3problem.C3GeneratorCache to_code_span(span: ChangedSpan) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemGenerator.process_change processed_cspans = list[ChangedCodeSpan]() problems = list[C3Problem]() code_span = cache.to_code_span(span) src_info: SrcInfo = { "project": pchange.project_name, "commit": pchange.commit_info, } prob = C3Problem( code_span, range(0, n_lines + 1), # one additional line for appending relevant_changes=relevant_changes, relevant_unchanged=relevant_unchanged, _: None), src_info=src_info, ) at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedCodeSpan original: TkArray ===========unchanged ref 1=========== delta: TkDelta at: coeditor.c3problem.ModuleHierarchy from_modules(modules: Iterable[str]) -> "ModuleHierarchy" at: coeditor.change.Added after: E1 map(f: Callable[[E1], T2]) -> "Added[T2]" at: coeditor.change.Deleted before: E1 map(f: Callable[[E1], T2]) -> "Deleted[T2]" at: coeditor.change.Modified before: E1 after: E1 unchanged: bool = False map(f: Callable[[E1], T2]) -> "Modified[T2]" at: coeditor.common split_list(lst: list[T1], sep: T1) -> list[list[T1]] ModuleName = str ProjectPath(typename: str, fields: Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]=..., **kwargs: Any) at: coeditor.encoding Del_id = get_tk_id(Del) Newline_id = get_tk_id("\n") at: coeditor.encoding.TkDelta apply_to_change(change: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq at: coeditor.scoped_changes ChangedSpan(change: Change[str], parent_scopes: Sequence[Change[ChangeScope]], line_range: LineRange) JModule(mname: ModuleName, tree: ptree.Module) JModuleChange(module_change: Change[JModule], changed: Sequence[ChangedSpan]) at: coeditor.scoped_changes.ChangedSpan change: Change[str] parent_scopes: Sequence[Change[ChangeScope]] line_range: LineRange at: coeditor.scoped_changes.JModule mname: ModuleName tree: ptree.Module at: coeditor.scoped_changes.JModuleChange module_change: Change[JModule] changed: Sequence[ChangedSpan] ===========unchanged ref 2=========== at: coeditor.tk_array.TkArray tolist() -> TokenSeq at: typing Mapping = _alias(, 2) Sequence = _alias(, 1) at: typing.MutableMapping pop(key: _KT, default: Union[_VT, _T]=...) -> Union[_VT, _T] pop(key: _KT) -> _VT ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class C3Problem: "Contextual code change prediction problem." span: ChangedCodeSpan + # The line ids in the change tks that should be edited - # the lines to be edited, reletive to the start of the span. + edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] - edit_lines: Sequence[int] # most relevant to least relevant relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] # most relevant to least relevant relevant_unchanged: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] # some optional information about how the problem was generated change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class C3Problem: def print(self): main_change = print_sections( ("summary", self.summary()), ("main change", decode_tokens(main_change)), + ("edit_line_ids", str(self.edit_line_ids)), - ("edit_lines", str(self.edit_lines)), ) ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class C3Problem: + def line_ids_to_input_lines(self, line_ids: Sequence[int]) -> Sequence[int]: + """Convert the edit lines (which are line ids including deleted lines) into + normal line numbers that do not include deleted lines.""" + change_tks = + input_l = self.span.line_range[0] + input_lines = list[int]() + for i, tks in enumerate(split_list(change_tks, Newline_id)): + if tks and tks[0] == Del_id: + continue + if i in line_ids: + input_lines.append(input_l) + input_l += 1 + + return input_lines +
Better edit range control: support editing below.
<0>:<add> l_range = prob.edit_line_ids
# module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemSimpleSplit(C3ProblemTransform): def transform(self, prob: C3Problem) -> Sequence[C3Problem]: delta = - l_range = prob.edit_lines <0> assert isinstance(l_range, range) start, stop = l_range.start, l_range.stop problems = list[C3Problem]() new_trans = prob.transformations + ("split",) for i in range(start, stop, self.max_lines_to_edit): j = min(i + self.max_lines_to_edit, stop) sub_delta = delta.for_input_range((i, j)) if sub_delta.num_changes() > 0: sub_prob = dataclasses.replace( prob, edit_lines=range(i, j), transformations=new_trans ) problems.append(sub_prob) if len(problems) >= self.max_split_factor: break return problems
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: abc abstractmethod(callable: _FuncT) -> _FuncT ABC() at: coeditor.c3problem C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) at: coeditor.scoped_changes.ChangedSpan line_range: LineRange at: dataclasses dataclass(_cls: Type[_T]) -> Type[_T] dataclass(*, init: bool=..., repr: bool=..., eq: bool=..., order: bool=..., unsafe_hash: bool=..., frozen: bool=...) -> Callable[[Type[_T]], Type[_T]] dataclass(_cls: None) -> Callable[[Type[_T]], Type[_T]] at: typing Sequence = _alias(, 1) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class C3Problem: "Contextual code change prediction problem." span: ChangedCodeSpan + # The line ids in the change tks that should be edited - # the lines to be edited, reletive to the start of the span. + edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] - edit_lines: Sequence[int] # most relevant to least relevant relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] # most relevant to least relevant relevant_unchanged: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] # some optional information about how the problem was generated change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class C3Problem: def print(self): main_change = print_sections( ("summary", self.summary()), ("main change", decode_tokens(main_change)), + ("edit_line_ids", str(self.edit_line_ids)), - ("edit_lines", str(self.edit_lines)), ) ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class C3Problem: + def line_ids_to_input_lines(self, line_ids: Sequence[int]) -> Sequence[int]: + """Convert the edit lines (which are line ids including deleted lines) into + normal line numbers that do not include deleted lines.""" + change_tks = + input_l = self.span.line_range[0] + input_lines = list[int]() + for i, tks in enumerate(split_list(change_tks, Newline_id)): + if tks and tks[0] == Del_id: + continue + if i in line_ids: + input_lines.append(input_l) + input_l += 1 + + return input_lines + ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: def create_problem( self, target: ChangedSpan, + target_lines: Sequence[int], - edit_lines: Sequence[int] | None, changed: Mapping[ModuleName, JModuleChange], target_usages: LineUsageAnalysis, src_info: SrcInfo, ) -> C3Problem: relevant_changes = list[ChangedCodeSpan]() changed = dict(changed) module = target.module target_mc = changed.pop(module) all_mc = [target_mc] + list(changed.values()) for mc in all_mc: is_target_mc = mc.module_change.earlier.mname == module for cspan in mc.changed: if not is_target_mc or cspan.line_range != target.line_range: relevant_changes.append(self.to_code_span(cspan)) code_span = self.to_code_span(target) changed_code = + target_set = set(target_lines) - if edit_lines is None: + line_ids = list[int]() - edit_lines = list[int]() + input_l = target.line_range[0] + for i, tks in enumerate(split_list(changed_code, Newline_id)): - for i, tks in enumerate(split_list(changed_code, Newline_id)): + if tks and tks[0] == Del_id: - if tks and tks[0] == Del_id: + continue - continue + if input_l in target_set: + line_ids.append(i) - edit_lines.append(i) + input_l += 1 code_span = dataclasses.replace( code_span,, delta=T</s> ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: def create_problem( self, target: ChangedSpan, + target_lines: Sequence[int], - edit_lines: Sequence[int] | None, changed: Mapping[ModuleName, JModuleChange], target_usages: LineUsageAnalysis, src_info: SrcInfo, ) -> C3Problem: # offset: 1 <s> code_span = dataclasses.replace( code_span,, delta=TkDelta.empty() ) relevant_unchanged = self.get_relevant_unchanged( code_span, relevant_changes, target_usages ) prob = C3Problem( code_span, + line_ids, - edit_lines, # one additional line for appending relevant_changes=relevant_changes, relevant_unchanged=relevant_unchanged, _: None), src_info=src_info, ) return prob ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.encoding - def input_lines_from_tks(input_tks: TokenSeq) -> list[int]: - """compute the lines in the input to be edited""" - input_lines = list[int]() - offset = 0 - for line in split_list(input_tks, Newline_id): - if line and line[0] == Del_id: - continue - if line and is_extra_id(line[0]): - input_lines.append(offset) - offset += 1 - return input_lines -
Better edit range control: support editing below.
<0>:<add> l_range = prob.edit_line_ids
# module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemChangeDropout(C3ProblemTransform): def transform(self, prob: C3Problem) -> Sequence[C3Problem]: original = prob.span.original delta = - l_range = prob.edit_lines <0> assert isinstance(l_range, range) start, stop = l_range.start, l_range.stop grouped_keys = delta.change_groups() should_dropout = len(grouped_keys) >= 2 if should_dropout: n_to_drop = int( len(grouped_keys) * random.random() * self.max_dropout_ratio ) assert n_to_drop < len(grouped_keys) keys_to_drop = join_list( random_subset(grouped_keys, n_to_drop, rng=self._rng) ) else: keys_to_drop = [] if keys_to_drop: delta1, delta2 = delta.decompose_for_change(keys_to_drop) if random.random() < self._test_prob: result1 = delta2.apply_to_change( delta1.apply_to_change(original.tolist()) ) result2 = delta.apply_to_change(original.tolist()) code1 = tokens_to_change(result1).after code2 = tokens_to_change(result2).after if code1 != code2: print_sections( ("result1", decode_tokens(result1)), ("result2", decode_tokens(result2)), ("delta", str(delta)), ("keys_to_drop", str(keys_to_drop)), ("delta1", str(delta1)), ("delta2", str(delta2)), ) raise AssertionError("decompose_for_change failed.") delta2_groups = delta2.change_groups() if not delta2_groups: print_err(f"{delta</s>
===========below chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemChangeDropout(C3ProblemTransform): def transform(self, prob: C3Problem) -> Sequence[C3Problem]: # offset: 1 <s> delta2_groups = delta2.change_groups() if not delta2_groups: print_err(f"{delta=}, {keys_to_drop=}, {delta1=}") raise AssertionError("Empty delta2_groups") new_original = new_trans = prob.transformations + ("split", "dropout") new_span = dataclasses.replace( prob.span, original=new_original, delta=delta2 ) else: new_trans = prob.transformations + ("split",) new_span = prob.span delta1 = None delta2_groups = delta.change_groups() prob_and_n = list[tuple[C3Problem, int]]() for i in range(start, stop, self.max_lines_to_edit): j = min(i + self.max_lines_to_edit, stop) edit_lines = range(i, j) if delta1 is not None: edit_lines = delta1.get_new_target_lines(edit_lines) line_set = set(edit_lines) n_groups = sum(any(key[0] in line_set for key in g) for g in delta2_groups) if n_groups > 0: sub_prob = dataclasses.replace( prob, span=new_span, edit_lines=edit_lines, transformations=new_trans, ) prob_and_n.append((sub_prob, n_groups)) # return the problems with the most changes prob_and_n.sort(key=lambda p: p[1], reverse=True) probs = [p[0] for p in prob_and_n] return probs[: self.max_split_</s> ===========below chunk 1=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemChangeDropout(C3ProblemTransform): def transform(self, prob: C3Problem) -> Sequence[C3Problem]: # offset: 2 <s>) probs = [p[0] for p in prob_and_n] return probs[: self.max_split_factor] ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.c3problem C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemTransform transform(self, prob: C3Problem) -> Sequence[C3Problem] at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedCodeSpan original: TkArray delta: TkDelta at: coeditor.change.Modified after: E1 at: coeditor.common join_list(segs: Iterable[Iterable[T1]], sep: T1 | None=None) -> list[T1] print_sections(*, sep: str=SEP, file: TextIO=sys.stdout) -> None random_subset(all: Mapping[T1, T2], n: int, rng: random.Random | int | None=None) -> dict[T1, T2] random_subset(all: Sequence[T1], n: int, rng: random.Random | int | None=None) -> list[T1] print_err(*, sep: Optional[str]=..., end: Optional[str]=..., flush: bool=...) -> None at: coeditor.encoding decode_tokens(tokens: TokenSeq, prettify: bool=False) -> str tokens_to_change(tokens: TokenSeq) -> Modified[str] at: coeditor.encoding.TkDelta apply_to_change(change: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq decompose_for_change(first_keys: Collection[DeltaKey]) -> tuple[Self, Self] change_groups() -> Sequence[tuple[DeltaKey, ...]] ===========unchanged ref 1=========== at: coeditor.tk_array TkArray() at: coeditor.tk_array.TkArray tolist() -> TokenSeq new(tks: Sequence[int]) -> "TkArray" at: dataclasses replace(obj: _T, **changes: Any) -> _T at: random Random(x: Any=...) random = _inst.random at: typing Sequence = _alias(, 1) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class C3Problem: "Contextual code change prediction problem." span: ChangedCodeSpan + # The line ids in the change tks that should be edited - # the lines to be edited, reletive to the start of the span. + edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] - edit_lines: Sequence[int] # most relevant to least relevant relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] # most relevant to least relevant relevant_unchanged: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] # some optional information about how the problem was generated change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemSimpleSplit(C3ProblemTransform): def transform(self, prob: C3Problem) -> Sequence[C3Problem]: delta = + l_range = prob.edit_line_ids - l_range = prob.edit_lines assert isinstance(l_range, range) start, stop = l_range.start, l_range.stop problems = list[C3Problem]() new_trans = prob.transformations + ("split",) for i in range(start, stop, self.max_lines_to_edit): j = min(i + self.max_lines_to_edit, stop) sub_delta = delta.for_input_range((i, j)) if sub_delta.num_changes() > 0: sub_prob = dataclasses.replace( prob, edit_lines=range(i, j), transformations=new_trans ) problems.append(sub_prob) if len(problems) >= self.max_split_factor: break return problems ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class C3Problem: def print(self): main_change = print_sections( ("summary", self.summary()), ("main change", decode_tokens(main_change)), + ("edit_line_ids", str(self.edit_line_ids)), - ("edit_lines", str(self.edit_lines)), )
Better edit range control: support editing below.
<0>:<add> for i, l in enumerate(problem.edit_line_ids):
# module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: def tokenize_problem( self, problem: C3Problem, ) -> TkC3Problem: span = problem.span original: TokenSeq = span.original.tolist() tk_delta: TkDelta = origin_lines = split_list(original, Newline_id) + edit_start = problem.edit_line_ids[0] - edit_start = problem.edit_lines[0] scope_tks = self._encode_headers(span.headers, 0) input_limit = self.max_query_tks - len(scope_tks) chunk_input = TokenSeq() chunk_output = TokenSeq() last_line = edit_start - for i, l in enumerate(problem.edit_lines): <0> for line in origin_lines[last_line + 1 : l]: chunk_input.extend(line) chunk_input.append(Newline_id) chunk_input.append(get_extra_id(i)) if l < len(origin_lines): chunk_input.extend(origin_lines[l]) chunk_input.append(Newline_id) last_line = l line_change = join_list(tk_delta.get_line_change(l), Newline_id) chunk_output.append(get_extra_id(i)) chunk_output.extend(line_change) if line_change and line_change[-1] != Del_id: chunk_output.append(Newline_id) if len(chunk_input) > input_limit: break edit_stop = last_line + 1 # limit the input size if it's too long chunk_input = truncate_section( chunk_input, TruncateAt.Right, input_limit, inplace=True ) chunk_output = truncate_output_tks(chunk_input, chunk_output) # try move some prev_change_tks</s>
===========below chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: def tokenize_problem( self, problem: C3Problem, ) -> TkC3Problem: # offset: 1 <s>output = truncate_output_tks(chunk_input, chunk_output) # try move some prev_change_tks into the input above_tks = join_list(origin_lines[:edit_start] + [TokenSeq()], Newline_id) above_tks = tk_delta.for_input_range((0, edit_start)).apply_to_change(above_tks) below_tks = join_list(origin_lines[edit_stop:] + [TokenSeq()], Newline_id) chunk_input, above_tks, below_tks = self._inline_some_context( chunk_input, above_tks, below_tks, input_limit ) chunk_output = truncate_section( chunk_output, TruncateAt.Right, self.max_output_tks, add_bos=False, inplace=True, ) above_chunks = break_into_chunks( above_tks, lambda i: self._encode_headers(span.headers, -1 - i), chunk_size=self.max_ref_tks, overlap=self.ref_chunk_overlap, right_to_left=True, ) if not below_tks: below_chunks = [] else: below_chunks = break_into_chunks( below_tks, lambda i: self._encode_headers(span.headers, i + 1), chunk_size=self.max_ref_tks, overlap=self.ref_chunk_overlap, ) above_chunks = [ (f"above chunk {i}", for i, chunk in enumerate(above_chunks) ] below_chunks = [ (f"below chunk {i}",</s> ===========below chunk 1=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: def tokenize_problem( self, problem: C3Problem, ) -> TkC3Problem: # offset: 2 <s>, chunk in enumerate(above_chunks) ] below_chunks = [ (f"below chunk {i}", for i, chunk in enumerate(below_chunks) ] all_refs = above_chunks + below_chunks ref_size_sum = sum(len(ref) for _, ref in all_refs) # compute the references that are relevant to this span if ref_size_sum < self.max_ref_tks_sum: changed = self._group_encode_changed_refs(problem.relevant_changes) for i, chunk in enumerate(changed): all_refs.append((f"changed ref {i}", ref_size_sum += sum(len(x) for x in changed) if ref_size_sum < self.max_ref_tks_sum: unchanged = self._group_encode_unchanged_refs(problem.relevant_unchanged) for i, chunk in enumerate(unchanged): all_refs.append((f"unchanged ref {i}", # take until we hit the limit ref_size_sum = 0 kept_refs = list[tuple[str, TkArray]]() for (name, ref) in all_refs: if ref_size_sum + len(ref) > self.max_ref_tks_sum: continue ref_size_sum += len(ref) kept_refs.append((name, ref)) return TkC3Problem(,,</s> ===========below chunk 2=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: def tokenize_problem( self, problem: C3Problem, ) -> TkC3Problem: # offset: 3 <s> path=span.headers[-1].path, change_type=problem.change_type, named_references=kept_refs, project=problem.src_info["project"], commit=problem.src_info["commit"], ) ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.c3problem C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) TkC3Problem(main_input: TkArray, header: TkArray, output: TkArray, path: ProjectPath, change_type: Change[None], named_references: Sequence[tuple[str, TkArray]], project: str, commit: CommitInfo | None) C3TokenizerArgs(iterable: Iterable[Tuple[_KT, _VT]], **kwargs: _VT) C3TokenizerArgs(map: Mapping[_KT, _VT], **kwargs: _VT) C3TokenizerArgs(**kwargs: _VT) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] relevant_unchanged: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemTokenizer VERSION = "2.3" max_ref_tks: int = 512 max_query_tks: int = 512 max_output_tks: int = 256 max_scope_tks: int = 128 max_ref_tks_sum: int = 512 * 12 _encode_headers(scope_changes: Sequence[ChangedHeader], offset: int) -> TokenSeq _inline_some_context(input: TokenSeq, above_ctx: TokenSeq, below_ctx: TokenSeq, size_limit: int) -> tuple[TokenSeq, TokenSeq, TokenSeq] _group_encode_unchanged_refs(elems: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan]) -> Sequence[TokenSeq] _group_encode_changed_refs(changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan]) -> Sequence[TokenSeq]
Better edit range control: support editing below.
<0>:<add> line_shift = prob.edit_line_ids[0]
# module: coeditor.model @dataclass class RetrievalDecodingResult: def exact_match_accuracy(self) -> tuple[CountedSum, dict[int, bool]]: ex2correct = dict[int, bool]() bad_probs = list[C3Problem]() for i, mp in enumerate(self.predictions): prob = self.problems[i] original = prob.span.original.tolist() + pred_delta = TkDelta.from_output_tks(prob.edit_line_ids, mp["output_ids"]) - pred_delta = TkDelta.from_output_tks(prob.edit_lines, mp["output_ids"]) + label_delta = TkDelta.from_output_tks(prob.edit_line_ids, mp["labels"]) - label_delta = TkDelta.from_output_tks(prob.edit_lines, mp["labels"]) + if not prob.edit_line_ids: - if not prob.edit_lines: bad_probs.append(prob) continue - line_shift = prob.edit_lines[0] <0> pred_change = pred_delta.shifted(line_shift).apply_to_change(original) label_change = label_delta.shifted(line_shift).apply_to_change(original) pred_code = tokens_to_change(pred_change).after label_code = tokens_to_change(label_change).after ex2correct[i] = code_equal(pred_code, label_code) correct_count = CountedSum(sum(ex2correct.values()), len(ex2correct)) if bad_probs: cprint("yellow", "Number of problems with no edits:", len(bad_probs)) for prob in bad_probs[:5]: print(prob.summary()) return correct_count, ex2correct
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils cprint(color: str, *elems, sep: Optional[str]=..., end: Optional[str]=..., file: Optional[SupportsWrite[str]]=..., flush: bool=...) at: coeditor.c3problem C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"] change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () summary() -> str at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedCodeSpan headers: Sequence[ChangedHeader] original: TkArray delta: TkDelta line_range: LineRange module: ModuleName at: coeditor.change.Modified before: E1 after: E1 unchanged: bool = False at: coeditor.common CountedSum = WeightedSum[int, int] code_equal(code1: str, code2: str) -> bool at: coeditor.encoding TkDelta(_deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]]) tokens_to_change(tokens: TokenSeq) -> Modified[str] at: coeditor.encoding.TkDelta _deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]] apply_to_change(change: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq shifted(shift_lines: int) -> Self ===========unchanged ref 1=========== from_output_tks(edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], tks: TokenSeq, allow_truncated_tks: bool=True) -> "TkDelta" at: coeditor.model.RetrievalDecodingResult eval_args: dict problems: Sequence[C3Problem] predictions: Sequence[RetrievalModelPrediction] at: coeditor.tk_array.TkArray tolist() -> TokenSeq ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class C3Problem: "Contextual code change prediction problem." span: ChangedCodeSpan + # The line ids in the change tks that should be edited - # the lines to be edited, reletive to the start of the span. + edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] - edit_lines: Sequence[int] # most relevant to least relevant relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] # most relevant to least relevant relevant_unchanged: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] # some optional information about how the problem was generated change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class C3Problem: def print(self): main_change = print_sections( ("summary", self.summary()), ("main change", decode_tokens(main_change)), + ("edit_line_ids", str(self.edit_line_ids)), - ("edit_lines", str(self.edit_lines)), ) ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.encoding - def input_lines_from_tks(input_tks: TokenSeq) -> list[int]: - """compute the lines in the input to be edited""" - input_lines = list[int]() - offset = 0 - for line in split_list(input_tks, Newline_id): - if line and line[0] == Del_id: - continue - if line and is_extra_id(line[0]): - input_lines.append(offset) - offset += 1 - return input_lines - ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class C3Problem: + def line_ids_to_input_lines(self, line_ids: Sequence[int]) -> Sequence[int]: + """Convert the edit lines (which are line ids including deleted lines) into + normal line numbers that do not include deleted lines.""" + change_tks = + input_l = self.span.line_range[0] + input_lines = list[int]() + for i, tks in enumerate(split_list(change_tks, Newline_id)): + if tks and tks[0] == Del_id: + continue + if i in line_ids: + input_lines.append(input_l) + input_l += 1 + + return input_lines + ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemSimpleSplit(C3ProblemTransform): def transform(self, prob: C3Problem) -> Sequence[C3Problem]: delta = + l_range = prob.edit_line_ids - l_range = prob.edit_lines assert isinstance(l_range, range) start, stop = l_range.start, l_range.stop problems = list[C3Problem]() new_trans = prob.transformations + ("split",) for i in range(start, stop, self.max_lines_to_edit): j = min(i + self.max_lines_to_edit, stop) sub_delta = delta.for_input_range((i, j)) if sub_delta.num_changes() > 0: sub_prob = dataclasses.replace( prob, edit_lines=range(i, j), transformations=new_trans ) problems.append(sub_prob) if len(problems) >= self.max_split_factor: break return problems
Better edit range control: support editing below.
<0>:<add> cspan, target_lines, changed, target_usages, src_info
# module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ChangeDetector: def get_problem( self, target_file: RelPath, target_lines: Sequence[int] | int, ) -> C3Problem: <s> len(cspans) != 1: # Create a trivial change for the target module if it wasn't changed. print(f"Target span has not changed. Creating a trivial change.") parents = [Modified.from_unchanged(s) for s in span.scope.ancestors()] cspan = ChangedSpan( Modified.from_unchanged(span.code), parents, span.line_range ) else: + if len(cspans) > 1: + warnings.warn( + f"Multiple spans at line {first_line}. Using only the first one." + ) cspan = cspans[0] with _tlogger.timed("usage analysis"): script = jedi.Script(path=self.project / target_file) lines_to_analyze = set(cspan.line_range.to_range()) lines_to_analyze.update(cspan.header_line_range.to_range()) target_usages = self.analyzer.get_line_usages( script, lines_to_analyze, silent=True ) src_info = SrcInfo(project=str(self.project), commit=None) changed = {m: c.inverse() for m, c in rev_changed.items()} cspan = cspan.inverse() + if isinstance(target_lines, int): + edit_start = first_line + edit_stop = edit_start + min( + self.max_lines_to_edit, len(cspan.line_range.to_range()) + 1 + ) + target_lines = range(edit_start, edit_stop) + prob = gcache.create_problem( - cspan, edit_lines, changed, target_usages, src_info <0> ) return prob
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ChangeDetector: def get_problem( self, target_file: RelPath, target_lines: Sequence[int] | int, ) -> C3Problem: # offset: -1 <s> case Deleted(): mod = self._get_index_module(rel_path) rev_changed[mod.mname] = JModuleChange.from_modules( Added(mod), only_ast_changes=False ) case Modified(path1, path2): assert path1 == path2 mod_old = self._get_index_module(rel_path) mod_new = self.get_current_module(rel_path) rev_changed[mod_new.mname] = JModuleChange.from_modules( Modified(mod_new, mod_old), only_ast_changes=False ) modules = self.get_current_modules() gcache = C3GeneratorCache({m.mname: m for m in modules.values()}) target_mod = self.get_current_module(target_file) span = target_mod.as_scope.search_span_by_line(first_line) if span is None: print_err("Target scope:") print_err(target_mod.as_scope) raise ValueError(f"Could not find a statement span at line {first_line}.") if target_mod.mname not in rev_changed: print(f"Target module '{target_mod.mname}' has not changed.") rev_changed[target_mod.mname] = JModuleChange( Modified.from_unchanged(target_mod), [] ) cspans = [ c for c in rev_changed[target_mod.mname].changed if first_line in c.line_range ] + if len(cspans) == 0: - if len(cspans) != 1: # Create a trivial change for the target module if it wasn't changed. print(</s> ===========above chunk 1=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ChangeDetector: def get_problem( self, target_file: RelPath, target_lines: Sequence[int] | int, ) -> C3Problem: # offset: -2 <s> == "??" and not self.untracked_as_additions: continue if tag.endswith("A"): path_changes.add(Added(path)) elif tag.endswith("D"): path_changes.add(Deleted(path)) if tag.endswith("M"): path_changes.add(Modified(path, path)) else: tag, path1, path2 = change_line.split(" ") assert tag.startswith("R") if is_src(path1): path_changes.add(Deleted(path1)) if is_src(path2): path_changes.add(Added(path2)) # use inverse changes so that we can locate spans using their current locations rev_changed = dict[ModuleName, JModuleChange]() for path_change in path_changes: path = self.project / path_change.earlier rel_path = to_rel_path(path.relative_to(self.project)) if not isinstance(path_change, Added) and not path.exists(): warnings.warn(f"File missing: {rel_path}") if isinstance(path_change, Deleted): continue elif isinstance(path_change, Modified): path_change = Added(path_change.after) match path_change: case Added(): mod = self.get_current_module(rel_path) rev_changed[mod.mname] = JModuleChange.from_modules( Deleted(mod), only_ast_changes=False ) case Deleted(): mod = self._get_index_module(rel_path) rev_changed[mod.mname</s> ===========above chunk 2=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ChangeDetector: def get_problem( self, target_file: RelPath, target_lines: Sequence[int] | int, ) -> C3Problem: # offset: -3 def is_src(path_s: str) -> bool: path = Path(path_s) return path.suffix == ".py" and all( p not in self.ignore_dirs for p in ) if isinstance(target_lines, int): first_line = target_lines - edit_lines = None else: first_line = target_lines[0] - edit_lines = target_lines changed_files = run_command( ["git", "status", "--porcelain"], cwd=self.project ).splitlines() path_changes = set[Change[str]]() for change_line in changed_files: if not change_line: continue if change_line[2] == " ": tag = change_line[:2] path = change_line[3:] if not is_src(path): continue if tag.endswith("M") or tag.endswith("A") or tag == "??": </s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: _warnings warn(message: str, category: Optional[Type[Warning]]=..., stacklevel: int=..., source: Optional[Any]=...) -> None warn(message: Warning, category: Any=..., stacklevel: int=..., source: Optional[Any]=...) -> None at: coeditor.c3problem SrcInfo(map: Mapping[_KT, _VT], **kwargs: _VT) SrcInfo(iterable: Iterable[Tuple[_KT, _VT]], **kwargs: _VT) SrcInfo(**kwargs: _VT) C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) C3GeneratorCache(pre_module_map: Mapping[ModuleName, JModule]) at: coeditor.change Added(after: E1) Deleted(before: E1) Modified(before: E1, after: E1, unchanged: bool=False) Change = Added[E1] | Deleted[E1] | Modified[E1] at: coeditor.change.Added after: E1 at: coeditor.change.Deleted before: E1 at: coeditor.change.Modified before: E1 after: E1 unchanged: bool = False from_unchanged(v: T1) -> "Modified[T1]" at: coeditor.common RelPath = NewType("RelPath", Path) to_rel_path(path: os.PathLike | str) -> RelPath run_command(args: Sequence[str], cwd: str | Path) -> str print_err(*, sep: Optional[str]=..., end: Optional[str]=..., flush: bool=...) -> None ModuleName = str
Better edit range control: support editing below.
<0>:<add> print(f"{problem.edit_line_ids=}", file=f)
# module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def suggest_edit( self, file: Path, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), ) -> ServiceResponse: <s>.predict_on_batch( batch, [original], self.dec_args, self.show_max_solutions ) assert_eq(len(predictions), 1) predictions = predictions[0] assert predictions if log_dir is not None: log_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) input_tks = batch["input_ids"][0] references = batch["references"] output_truth = batch["labels"][0] print(f"Writing logs to: {log_dir}") for i, pred in enumerate(predictions): with (log_dir / f"solution-{i}.txt").open("w") as f: pred_tks = pred.out_tks score = pred.score - print(f"{problem.edit_lines=}", file=f) <0> print(f"{len(input_tks)=}", file=f) print(f"{len(references)=}", file=f) print(f"Solution score: {score:.3g}", file=f) print(f"Marginalized samples:", pred.n_samples, file=f) pred = RetrievalModelPrediction( input_ids=input_tks, output_ids=pred_tks, labels=output_truth, references=references, ) pred_str = RetrievalDecodingResult.show_prediction(problem, pred) print(pred_str, file=f) suggestions = list[EditSuggestion]() for pred in predictions: suggested_change, preview = self.apply_edit_to_elem( problem, pred.out_tks, ) suggestion = EditSuggestion( score=pred.score, </s>
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def suggest_edit( self, file: Path, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), ) -> ServiceResponse: # offset: -1 timed = self.tlogger.timed project = self.project if file.is_absolute(): file = file.relative_to(project) file = to_rel_path(file) with timed("get c3 problem"): problem = self.detector.get_problem(file, edit_lines) with timed("tokenize c3 problem"): tk_prob = self.c3_tkn.tokenize_problem(problem) + n_out_segs = sum(1 for tk in tk_prob.output_tks if is_extra_id(tk)) + target_lines = problem.line_ids_to_input_lines( + problem.edit_line_ids[:n_out_segs] + ) - target_begin = problem.span.line_range[0] - target_lines = input_lines_from_tks(tk_prob.main_input.tolist()) - target_lines = [target_begin + l for l in target_lines] batch = C3DataLoader.pack_batch([tk_prob]) original = problem.span.original.tolist() with timed("run model"), torch.autocast("cuda"): predictions = self.model.predict_on_batch( batch, [original], self.dec_args, self.show_max_solutions </s> ===========below chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def suggest_edit( self, file: Path, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), ) -> ServiceResponse: # offset: 1 <s>, pred.out_tks, ) suggestion = EditSuggestion( score=pred.score, change_preview=preview, new_code=suggested_change.after, ) suggestions.append(suggestion) span = problem.span old_code = tokens_to_change(span.original.tolist()).after return ServiceResponse( target_file=file.as_posix(), edit_start=(span.line_range[0], 0), edit_end=(span.line_range[1], 0), target_lines=target_lines, input_code=old_code, suggestions=suggestions, ) ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils assert_eq(x: T1, y: T1, message: Callable[[], str]=lambda: "") -> None at: coeditor._utils.TimeLogger times: dict[str, list[float]] = field(default_factory=dict) timed(self, name: str) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"] change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemTokenizer VERSION = "2.7" max_ref_tks: int = 512 max_query_tks: int = 512 max_output_tks: int = 256 max_scope_tks: int = 128 max_ref_tks_sum: int = 512 * 16 ref_chunk_overlap: int = 32 disable_builtin_defs: bool = True disable_unchanged_refs: bool = False current_code_only: bool = False tokenize_problem(problem: C3Problem) -> TkC3Problem at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedCodeSpan headers: Sequence[ChangedHeader] original: TkArray delta: TkDelta line_range: LineRange module: ModuleName at: coeditor.c3problem.TkC3Problem main_input: TkArray header: TkArray output: TkArray path: ProjectPath change_type: Change[None] named_references: Sequence[tuple[str, TkArray]] project: str commit: CommitInfo | None truncated: bool at: coeditor.change.Modified after: E1 ===========unchanged ref 1=========== at: coeditor.common to_rel_path(path: os.PathLike | str) -> RelPath at: coeditor.encoding tokens_to_change(tokens: TokenSeq) -> Modified[str] at: coeditor.model RetrievalModelPrediction(iterable: Iterable[Tuple[_KT, _VT]], **kwargs: _VT) RetrievalModelPrediction(**kwargs: _VT) RetrievalModelPrediction(map: Mapping[_KT, _VT], **kwargs: _VT) C3DataLoader(all_probs: Sequence[C3Problem], transform: C3ProblemTransform | None, tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer, batch_args: BatchArgs, shuffle: bool, desc: str, tqdm_args: dict | None=None, chunk_size: int=1000, workers: int=DefaultWorkers) at: coeditor.model.C3DataLoader all_probs: Sequence[C3Problem] transform: C3ProblemTransform | None tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer batch_args: BatchArgs shuffle: bool desc: str tqdm_args: dict | None = None chunk_size: int = 1000 workers: int = DefaultWorkers pack_batch(probs: Sequence[TkC3Problem]) at: coeditor.model.PredictedChange change: Modified[str] out_tks: TokenSeq score: float n_samples: int at: coeditor.model.RetrievalEditorModel is_parallelizable = False supports_gradient_checkpointing = False decorate_autocast(batch: dict, problems: Sequence[C3Problem], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int=1) predict_on_batch(batch: dict, problems: Sequence[C3Problem], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int=1) -> list[list[PredictedChange]] at: coeditor.service EditSuggestion(score: float, change_preview: str, new_code: str) ===========unchanged ref 2=========== ServiceResponse(target_file: str, edit_start: tuple[int, int], edit_end: tuple[int, int], target_lines: Sequence[int], input_code: str, suggestions: list[EditSuggestion]) at: coeditor.service.ChangeDetector get_problem(self, target_file: RelPath, target_lines: Sequence[int] | int) -> C3Problem get_problem(target_file: RelPath, target_lines: Sequence[int] | int) -> C3Problem at: coeditor.service.EditPredictionService apply_edit_to_elem(problem: C3Problem, out_tks: TokenSeq) -> tuple[Modified[str], str] at: coeditor.service.EditPredictionService.__init__ self.project = detector.project self.detector = detector self.model = model self.c3_tkn = c3_tkn self.dec_args = dec_args self.show_max_solutions = 3 self.tlogger = _tlogger at: coeditor.tk_array.TkArray tolist() -> TokenSeq at: pathlib Path()
Better edit range control: support editing below.
<0>:<add> delta = TkDelta.from_output_tks(problem.edit_line_ids, out_tks)
# module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: @staticmethod def apply_edit_to_elem( problem: C3Problem, out_tks: TokenSeq, ) -> tuple[Modified[str], str]: change_tks = problem.span.original.tolist() - delta = TkDelta.from_output_tks(problem.edit_lines, out_tks) <0> new_change_tks = delta.apply_to_change(change_tks) new_change = tokens_to_change(new_change_tks) current_code = tokens_to_change(change_tks).after preview = default_show_diff(current_code, new_change.after) return new_change, preview
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.c3problem C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedCodeSpan original: TkArray at: coeditor.change Modified(before: E1, after: E1, unchanged: bool=False) default_show_diff(before: Any | None, after: Any | None, max_ctx: int | None=6) -> str at: coeditor.change.Modified after: E1 at: coeditor.common TokenSeq = list[Token] at: coeditor.encoding TkDelta(_deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]]) tokens_to_change(tokens: TokenSeq) -> Modified[str] at: coeditor.encoding.TkDelta _deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]] apply_to_change(change: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq from_output_tks(edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], tks: TokenSeq, allow_truncated_tks: bool=True) -> "TkDelta" at: coeditor.tk_array.TkArray tolist() -> TokenSeq ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class C3Problem: "Contextual code change prediction problem." span: ChangedCodeSpan + # The line ids in the change tks that should be edited - # the lines to be edited, reletive to the start of the span. + edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] - edit_lines: Sequence[int] # most relevant to least relevant relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] # most relevant to least relevant relevant_unchanged: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] # some optional information about how the problem was generated change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ServiceResponse: def print(self, file=sys.stdout): print(f"Target file: {self.target_file}", file=file) print(f"Edit range: {self.edit_start} - {self.edit_end}", file=file) + target_lines = self.target_lines + if target_lines: + target_lines = f"{target_lines[0]}--{target_lines[-1]}" + print(f"Target lines: {target_lines}", file=file) - print(f"Target lines: {self.target_lines}", file=file) for i, s in enumerate(self.suggestions): print( f"\t--------------- Suggestion {i} (score: {s.score:.3g}) ---------------", file=file, ) print(textwrap.indent(s.change_preview, "\t"), file=file) - print(f"Input code:", file=file) - print(self.input_code, file=file) ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ChangeDetector: project: Path untracked_as_additions: bool = True ignore_dirs: Collection[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: DefaultIgnoreDirs) + # if only the first target line is specified, how many following lines to edit. + max_lines_to_edit: int = 25 ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def suggest_edit( self, file: Path, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), ) -> ServiceResponse: timed = self.tlogger.timed project = self.project if file.is_absolute(): file = file.relative_to(project) file = to_rel_path(file) with timed("get c3 problem"): problem = self.detector.get_problem(file, edit_lines) with timed("tokenize c3 problem"): tk_prob = self.c3_tkn.tokenize_problem(problem) + n_out_segs = sum(1 for tk in tk_prob.output_tks if is_extra_id(tk)) + target_lines = problem.line_ids_to_input_lines( + problem.edit_line_ids[:n_out_segs] + ) - target_begin = problem.span.line_range[0] - target_lines = input_lines_from_tks(tk_prob.main_input.tolist()) - target_lines = [target_begin + l for l in target_lines] batch = C3DataLoader.pack_batch([tk_prob]) original = problem.span.original.tolist() with timed("run model"), torch.autocast("cuda"): predictions = self.model.predict_on_batch( batch, [original], self.dec_args, self.show_max_solutions ) assert_eq(len(predictions), 1) predictions = predictions[0] assert predictions if log_dir is not None: log_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) input_tks = batch["input_ids"][0] references = batch["references"] output_truth = batch["labels"][0] print(f"Writing logs to:</s> ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def suggest_edit( self, file: Path, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), ) -> ServiceResponse: # offset: 1 <s> references = batch["references"] output_truth = batch["labels"][0] print(f"Writing logs to: {log_dir}") for i, pred in enumerate(predictions): with (log_dir / f"solution-{i}.txt").open("w") as f: pred_tks = pred.out_tks score = pred.score + print(f"{problem.edit_line_ids=}", file=f) - print(f"{problem.edit_lines=}", file=f) print(f"{len(input_tks)=}", file=f) print(f"{len(references)=}", file=f) print(f"Solution score: {score:.3g}", file=f) print(f"Marginalized samples:", pred.n_samples, file=f) pred = RetrievalModelPrediction( input_ids=input_tks, output_ids=pred_tks, labels=output_truth, references=references, ) pred_str = RetrievalDecodingResult.show_prediction(problem, pred) print(pred_str, file=f) suggestions = list[EditSuggestion]() for pred in predictions: suggested_change, preview = self.apply_edit_to_elem( problem, pred.out_tks, ) suggestion = EditSuggestion( score=pred.score, change_preview=preview, new_code=suggested_change.after, ) suggestions.append(suggestion) span = problem.span </s>
Better edit range control: support editing below.
<0>:<add> print(f"Starting suggestion server at localhost:{port}")
# module: scripts.start_server - def start_server( - device, port: int, drop_comments: bool = False, print_stats: bool = True - ): + def start_server(device, port: int, print_stats: bool = True): <s> print(f"Model '{model_path}' loaded on device:", device) batch_args = BatchArgs.service_default() dec_args = DecodingArgs(do_sample=False, num_beams=4, length_penalty=0.0) services = dict[Path, EditPredictionService]() @method def suggestEdits(project: str, file: str, line: int, writeLogs: bool): target_dir = Path(project).resolve() if (service := services.get(target_dir)) is None: detector = ChangeDetector(target_dir) service = EditPredictionService( detector, model, batch_args=batch_args, dec_args=dec_args, ) print(f"Service created for project: {target_dir}") services[target_dir] = service print(f"Suggesting edit for line {line} in {file}") path = Path(file) if not Path.is_absolute(path): path = target_dir / path try: service.tlogger.clear() model.tlogger = service.tlogger log_dir = service.project / ".coeditor_logs" if writeLogs else None response = service.suggest_edit(path, line, log_dir) if print_stats: print("Runtime stats:") display(service.tlogger.as_dataframe()) return Success(response.to_json()) except Exception as e: print("Failed with exception:") traceback.print_exception(e) return Error(code=1, message=repr(e)) - print(f"Starting suggestion server ({drop_comments=}) at localhost:{port}") <0> serve("localhost", port)
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: scripts.start_server - def start_server( - device, port: int, drop_comments: bool = False, print_stats: bool = True - ): + def start_server(device, port: int, print_stats: bool = True): # offset: -1 # this newer model is trained with comments model_path = "MrVPlusOne/coeditor-xl-c3-dropout-v1.4" model = RetrievalEditorModel.load(model_path) print(f"Model '{model_path}' loaded on device:", device) batch_args</s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: IPython.core.display_functions display(*, include=None, exclude=None, metadata=None, transient=None, display_id=None, raw=False, clear=False, source=_sentinel, **kwargs) at: coeditor._utils.TimeLogger times: dict[str, list[float]] = field(default_factory=dict) as_dataframe() clear() at: coeditor.model DecodingArgs(max_output_tks: int=512, do_sample: bool=False, top_p: float=0.9, num_beams: Optional[int]=1, length_penalty: float=0.0, marginalize_samples: int=1) RetrievalEditorModel(config: T5Config) at: coeditor.model.DecodingArgs max_output_tks: int = 512 do_sample: bool = False top_p: float = 0.9 num_beams: Optional[int] = 1 length_penalty: float = 0.0 marginalize_samples: int = 1 at: coeditor.model.RetrievalEditorModel is_parallelizable = False supports_gradient_checkpointing = False load(save_dir: Path | str) -> "RetrievalEditorModel" at: coeditor.model.RetrievalEditorModel.__init__ self.tlogger = TimeLogger() at: coeditor.service ChangeDetector(project: Path, untracked_as_additions: bool=True, ignore_dirs: Collection[str]=field(default_factory=lambda: DefaultIgnoreDirs), max_lines_to_edit: int=30) EditPredictionService() at: coeditor.service.EditPredictionService suggest_edit(file: RelPath, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None=Path(".coeditor_logs")) -> ServiceResponse at: coeditor.service.EditPredictionService.__init__ self.project = detector.project self.tlogger = _tlogger ===========unchanged ref 1=========== at: coeditor.service.ServiceResponse target_file: str target_project: str edit_start: tuple[int, int] edit_end: tuple[int, int] target_lines: Sequence[int] input_code: str suggestions: list[EditSuggestion] to_json() at: jsonrpcserver.methods method(f: Optional[Method]=None, name: Optional[str]=None) -> Callable[..., Any] at: jsonrpcserver.result Success(fields: Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]=..., **kwargs: Any) -> Either[ErrorResult, SuccessResult] Error(fields: Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]=..., **kwargs: Any) -> Either[ErrorResult, SuccessResult] at: jsonrpcserver.server serve(name: str="", port: int=5000) -> None at: pathlib Path() at: pathlib.Path __slots__ = () resolve(strict: bool=...) -> _P at: pathlib.PurePath __slots__ = ( '_drv', '_root', '_parts', '_str', '_hash', '_pparts', '_cached_cparts', ) drive = property(attrgetter('_drv'), doc="""The drive prefix (letter or UNC path), if any.""") root = property(attrgetter('_root'), doc="""The root of the path, if any.""") is_absolute(self) -> bool at: traceback print_exception(etype: Optional[Type[BaseException]], value: Optional[BaseException], tb: Optional[TracebackType], limit: Optional[int]=..., file: Optional[IO[str]]=..., chain: bool=...) -> None at: transformers.modeling_utils.PreTrainedModel config_class = None base_model_prefix = "" main_input_name = "input_ids" _auto_class = None _no_split_modules = None ===========unchanged ref 2=========== _skip_keys_device_placement = None _keep_in_fp32_modules = None _keys_to_ignore_on_load_missing = None _keys_to_ignore_on_load_unexpected = None _keys_to_ignore_on_save = None _tied_weights_keys = None is_parallelizable = False supports_gradient_checkpointing = False to(device: Optional[Union[int, device]]=..., dtype: Optional[Union[dtype, str]]=..., non_blocking: bool=..., /, *, device: Optional[Union[int, device]]=..., dtype: Optional[Union[dtype, str]]=..., non_blocking: bool=..., tensor: Tensor) at: typing.Mapping get(key: _KT) -> Optional[_VT_co] get(key: _KT, default: Union[_VT_co, _T]) -> Union[_VT_co, _T] ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ChangeDetector: project: Path untracked_as_additions: bool = True ignore_dirs: Collection[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: DefaultIgnoreDirs) + # if only the first target line is specified, how many following lines to edit. + max_lines_to_edit: int = 25
Improve apply_edit_to_elem.
<0>:<add> return prob, span
# module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ChangeDetector: def get_problem( self, target_file: RelPath, target_lines: Sequence[int] | int, + ) -> tuple[C3Problem, StatementSpan]: - ) -> C3Problem: <s>) == 0: # Create a trivial change for the target module if it wasn't changed. print(f"Target span has not changed. Creating a trivial change.") parents = [Modified.from_unchanged(s) for s in span.scope.ancestors()] cspan = ChangedSpan( Modified.from_unchanged(span.code), parents, span.line_range ) else: if len(cspans) > 1: warnings.warn( f"Multiple spans at line {first_line}. Using only the first one." ) cspan = cspans[0] with _tlogger.timed("usage analysis"): script = jedi.Script(path=self.project / target_file) lines_to_analyze = set(cspan.line_range.to_range()) lines_to_analyze.update(cspan.header_line_range.to_range()) target_usages = self.analyzer.get_line_usages( script, lines_to_analyze, silent=True ) src_info = SrcInfo(project=str(self.project), commit=None) changed = {m: c.inverse() for m, c in rev_changed.items()} cspan = cspan.inverse() if isinstance(target_lines, int): edit_start = first_line edit_stop = edit_start + min( self.max_lines_to_edit, len(cspan.line_range.to_range()) + 1 ) target_lines = range(edit_start, edit_stop) prob = gcache.create_problem( cspan, target_lines, changed, target_usages, src_info ) - return prob <0>
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ChangeDetector: def get_problem( self, target_file: RelPath, target_lines: Sequence[int] | int, + ) -> tuple[C3Problem, StatementSpan]: - ) -> C3Problem: # offset: -1 <s> mod = self._get_index_module(rel_path) rev_changed[mod.mname] = JModuleChange.from_modules( Added(mod), only_ast_changes=False ) case Modified(path1, path2): assert path1 == path2 mod_old = self._get_index_module(rel_path) mod_new = self.get_current_module(rel_path) rev_changed[mod_new.mname] = JModuleChange.from_modules( Modified(mod_new, mod_old), only_ast_changes=False ) modules = self.get_current_modules() gcache = C3GeneratorCache({m.mname: m for m in modules.values()}) target_mod = self.get_current_module(target_file) span = target_mod.as_scope.search_span_by_line(first_line) if span is None: print_err("Target scope:") print_err(target_mod.as_scope) raise ValueError(f"Could not find a statement span at line {first_line}.") if target_mod.mname not in rev_changed: print(f"Target module '{target_mod.mname}' has not changed.") rev_changed[target_mod.mname] = JModuleChange( Modified.from_unchanged(target_mod), [] ) cspans = [ c for c in rev_changed[target_mod.mname].changed if first_line in c.line_range ] if len(cspans) == 0: # Create a trivial change for the target module if it wasn't changed. print(f"Target span</s> ===========above chunk 1=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ChangeDetector: def get_problem( self, target_file: RelPath, target_lines: Sequence[int] | int, + ) -> tuple[C3Problem, StatementSpan]: - ) -> C3Problem: # offset: -2 <s> tag.endswith("A"): path_changes.add(Added(path)) elif tag.endswith("D"): path_changes.add(Deleted(path)) if tag.endswith("M"): path_changes.add(Modified(path, path)) else: tag, path1, path2 = change_line.split(" ") assert tag.startswith("R") if is_src(path1): path_changes.add(Deleted(path1)) if is_src(path2): path_changes.add(Added(path2)) # use inverse changes so that we can locate spans using their current locations rev_changed = dict[ModuleName, JModuleChange]() for path_change in path_changes: path = self.project / path_change.earlier rel_path = to_rel_path(path.relative_to(self.project)) if not isinstance(path_change, Added) and not path.exists(): warnings.warn(f"File missing: {rel_path}") if isinstance(path_change, Deleted): continue elif isinstance(path_change, Modified): path_change = Added(path_change.after) match path_change: case Added(): mod = self.get_current_module(rel_path) rev_changed[mod.mname] = JModuleChange.from_modules( Deleted(mod), only_ast_changes=False ) case Deleted(): mod = self._get_index_module(rel_path) rev_changed[mod.mname] = JModuleChange.</s> ===========above chunk 2=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ChangeDetector: def get_problem( self, target_file: RelPath, target_lines: Sequence[int] | int, + ) -> tuple[C3Problem, StatementSpan]: - ) -> C3Problem: # offset: -3 def is_src(path_s: str) -> bool: path = Path(path_s) return path.suffix == ".py" and all( p not in self.ignore_dirs for p in ) if isinstance(target_lines, int): first_line = target_lines else: first_line = target_lines[0] changed_files = run_command( ["git", "status", "--porcelain"], cwd=self.project ).splitlines() path_changes = set[Change[str]]() for change_line in changed_files: if not change_line: continue if change_line[2] == " ": tag = change_line[:2] path = change_line[3:] if not is_src(path): continue if tag.endswith("M") or tag.endswith("A") or tag == "??": if tag == "??" and not self.untracked_as_additions: continue </s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: _warnings warn(message: str, category: Optional[Type[Warning]]=..., stacklevel: int=..., source: Optional[Any]=...) -> None warn(message: Warning, category: Any=..., stacklevel: int=..., source: Optional[Any]=...) -> None at: coeditor.c3problem SrcInfo(map: Mapping[_KT, _VT], **kwargs: _VT) SrcInfo(iterable: Iterable[Tuple[_KT, _VT]], **kwargs: _VT) SrcInfo(**kwargs: _VT) C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) C3GeneratorCache(pre_module_map: Mapping[ModuleName, JModule]) at: coeditor.change Added(after: E1) Deleted(before: E1) Modified(before: E1, after: E1, unchanged: bool=False) Change = Added[E1] | Deleted[E1] | Modified[E1] at: coeditor.change.Added after: E1 at: coeditor.change.Deleted before: E1 at: coeditor.change.Modified before: E1 after: E1 unchanged: bool = False from_unchanged(v: T1) -> "Modified[T1]" at: coeditor.common RelPath = NewType("RelPath", Path) to_rel_path(path: os.PathLike | str) -> RelPath run_command(args: Sequence[str], cwd: str | Path) -> str print_err(*, sep: Optional[str]=..., end: Optional[str]=..., flush: bool=...) -> None ModuleName = str
Improve apply_edit_to_elem.
<0>:<add> "target_lines": list(self.target_lines),
# module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ServiceResponse: def to_json(self): return { "target_file": self.target_file, "edit_start": self.edit_start, "edit_end": self.edit_end, "old_code": self.input_code, "suggestions": [s.to_json() for s in self.suggestions], <0> }
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.service.EditSuggestion score: float change_preview: str new_code: str to_json() at: coeditor.service.ServiceResponse target_file: str edit_start: tuple[int, int] edit_end: tuple[int, int] target_lines: Sequence[int] input_code: str suggestions: list[EditSuggestion] ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ChangeDetector: def get_problem( self, target_file: RelPath, target_lines: Sequence[int] | int, + ) -> tuple[C3Problem, StatementSpan]: - ) -> C3Problem: def is_src(path_s: str) -> bool: path = Path(path_s) return path.suffix == ".py" and all( p not in self.ignore_dirs for p in ) if isinstance(target_lines, int): first_line = target_lines else: first_line = target_lines[0] changed_files = run_command( ["git", "status", "--porcelain"], cwd=self.project ).splitlines() path_changes = set[Change[str]]() for change_line in changed_files: if not change_line: continue if change_line[2] == " ": tag = change_line[:2] path = change_line[3:] if not is_src(path): continue if tag.endswith("M") or tag.endswith("A") or tag == "??": if tag == "??" and not self.untracked_as_additions: continue if tag.endswith("A"): path_changes.add(Added(path)) elif tag.endswith("D"): path_changes.add(Deleted(path)) if tag.endswith("M"): path_changes.add(Modified(path, path)) else: tag, path1, path2 = change_line.split(" ") assert tag.startswith("R") if is_src(path1): path_changes.add(Deleted(path1)) if is_src(path2): path_changes.add(Added(path2)) # use inverse changes so that we can locate spans using their current locations rev_changed = dict[ModuleName, JModuleChange]()</s> ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ChangeDetector: def get_problem( self, target_file: RelPath, target_lines: Sequence[int] | int, + ) -> tuple[C3Problem, StatementSpan]: - ) -> C3Problem: # offset: 1 <s> # use inverse changes so that we can locate spans using their current locations rev_changed = dict[ModuleName, JModuleChange]() for path_change in path_changes: path = self.project / path_change.earlier rel_path = to_rel_path(path.relative_to(self.project)) if not isinstance(path_change, Added) and not path.exists(): warnings.warn(f"File missing: {rel_path}") if isinstance(path_change, Deleted): continue elif isinstance(path_change, Modified): path_change = Added(path_change.after) match path_change: case Added(): mod = self.get_current_module(rel_path) rev_changed[mod.mname] = JModuleChange.from_modules( Deleted(mod), only_ast_changes=False ) case Deleted(): mod = self._get_index_module(rel_path) rev_changed[mod.mname] = JModuleChange.from_modules( Added(mod), only_ast_changes=False ) case Modified(path1, path2): assert path1 == path2 mod_old = self._get_index_module(rel_path) mod_new = self.get_current_module(rel_path) rev_changed[mod_new.mname] = JModuleChange.from_modules( Modified(mod_new, mod_old), only_ast_changes=False ) modules = self.get_current_modules() gcache = C3GeneratorCache({m.mname: m for</s> ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ChangeDetector: def get_problem( self, target_file: RelPath, target_lines: Sequence[int] | int, + ) -> tuple[C3Problem, StatementSpan]: - ) -> C3Problem: # offset: 2 <s> modules.values()}) target_mod = self.get_current_module(target_file) span = target_mod.as_scope.search_span_by_line(first_line) if span is None: print_err("Target scope:") print_err(target_mod.as_scope) raise ValueError(f"Could not find a statement span at line {first_line}.") if target_mod.mname not in rev_changed: print(f"Target module '{target_mod.mname}' has not changed.") rev_changed[target_mod.mname] = JModuleChange( Modified.from_unchanged(target_mod), [] ) cspans = [ c for c in rev_changed[target_mod.mname].changed if first_line in c.line_range ] if len(cspans) == 0: # Create a trivial change for the target module if it wasn't changed. print(f"Target span has not changed. Creating a trivial change.") parents = [Modified.from_unchanged(s) for s in span.scope.ancestors()] cspan = ChangedSpan( Modified.from_unchanged(span.code), parents, span.line_range ) else: if len(cspans) > 1: warnings.warn( f"Multiple spans at line {first_line}. Using only the first one." ) cspan = cspans[0] with _tlogger.timed("usage analysis"): script = jedi.Script(path=self.project</s> ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ChangeDetector: def get_problem( self, target_file: RelPath, target_lines: Sequence[int] | int, + ) -> tuple[C3Problem, StatementSpan]: - ) -> C3Problem: # offset: 3 <s>_file) lines_to_analyze = set(cspan.line_range.to_range()) lines_to_analyze.update(cspan.header_line_range.to_range()) target_usages = self.analyzer.get_line_usages( script, lines_to_analyze, silent=True ) src_info = SrcInfo(project=str(self.project), commit=None) changed = {m: c.inverse() for m, c in rev_changed.items()} cspan = cspan.inverse() if isinstance(target_lines, int): edit_start = first_line edit_stop = edit_start + min( self.max_lines_to_edit, len(cspan.line_range.to_range()) + 1 ) target_lines = range(edit_start, edit_stop) prob = gcache.create_problem( cspan, target_lines, changed, target_usages, src_info ) + return prob, span - return prob
Improve apply_edit_to_elem.
<0>:<add> target_file=str(self.project / file),
# module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def suggest_edit( self, file: Path, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), ) -> ServiceResponse: <s> print(f"{len(input_tks)=}", file=f) print(f"{len(references)=}", file=f) print(f"Solution score: {score:.3g}", file=f) print(f"Marginalized samples:", pred.n_samples, file=f) pred = RetrievalModelPrediction( input_ids=input_tks, output_ids=pred_tks, labels=output_truth, references=references, ) pred_str = RetrievalDecodingResult.show_prediction(problem, pred) print(pred_str, file=f) suggestions = list[EditSuggestion]() for pred in predictions: + new_code, preview = self.apply_edit_to_elem( - suggested_change, preview = self.apply_edit_to_elem( + span.code, problem, pred.out_tks, ) suggestion = EditSuggestion( score=pred.score, change_preview=preview, + new_code=new_code, - new_code=suggested_change.after, ) suggestions.append(suggestion) + old_code = span.code + print("old code:", repr(old_code)) - span = problem.span - old_code = tokens_to_change(span.original.tolist()).after return ServiceResponse( - target_file=file.as_posix(), <0> edit_start=(span.line_range[0], 0), edit_end=(span.line_range[1], 0), target_lines=target_lines, input_code=old_code, suggestions=suggestions, )
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def suggest_edit( self, file: Path, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), ) -> ServiceResponse: # offset: -1 <s>.get_problem(file, edit_lines) - problem = self.detector.get_problem(file, edit_lines) with timed("tokenize c3 problem"): tk_prob = self.c3_tkn.tokenize_problem(problem) n_out_segs = sum(1 for tk in tk_prob.output_tks if is_extra_id(tk)) target_lines = problem.line_ids_to_input_lines( problem.edit_line_ids[:n_out_segs] ) batch = C3DataLoader.pack_batch([tk_prob]) original = problem.span.original.tolist() with timed("run model"), torch.autocast("cuda"): predictions = self.model.predict_on_batch( batch, [original], self.dec_args, self.show_max_solutions ) assert_eq(len(predictions), 1) predictions = predictions[0] assert predictions if log_dir is not None: log_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) input_tks = batch["input_ids"][0] references = batch["references"] output_truth = batch["labels"][0] print(f"Writing logs to: {log_dir}") for i, pred in enumerate(predictions): with (log_dir / f"solution-{i}.txt").open("w") as f: pred_tks = pred.out_tks score = pred.score print(f"{problem.edit_line_ids=}", file=f) print(f"{len(input_tks)=}", file=f) print(f"{len(references)=</s> ===========above chunk 1=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def suggest_edit( self, file: Path, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), ) -> ServiceResponse: # offset: -2 timed = self.tlogger.timed project = self.project if file.is_absolute(): file = file.relative_to(project) file = to_rel_path(file) with timed("get c3 problem"): + problem, span = self.detector.get_problem(file, edit_lines) - problem = self.detector.get_problem(file, edit_lines</s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils assert_eq(x: T1, y: T1, message: Callable[[], str]=lambda: "") -> None at: coeditor._utils.TimeLogger times: dict[str, list[float]] = field(default_factory=dict) timed(self, name: str) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"] change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () line_ids_to_input_lines(line_ids: Sequence[int]) -> Sequence[int] at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemTokenizer VERSION = "2.7" max_ref_tks: int = 512 max_query_tks: int = 512 max_output_tks: int = 256 max_scope_tks: int = 128 max_ref_tks_sum: int = 512 * 16 ref_chunk_overlap: int = 32 disable_builtin_defs: bool = True disable_unchanged_refs: bool = False current_code_only: bool = False tokenize_problem(problem: C3Problem) -> TkC3Problem at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedCodeSpan headers: Sequence[ChangedHeader] original: TkArray delta: TkDelta line_range: LineRange module: ModuleName at: coeditor.c3problem.TkC3Problem main_input: TkArray header: TkArray output: TkArray path: ProjectPath change_type: Change[None] named_references: Sequence[tuple[str, TkArray]] project: str commit: CommitInfo | None ===========unchanged ref 1=========== truncated: bool at: coeditor.common to_rel_path(path: os.PathLike | str) -> RelPath at: coeditor.encoding is_extra_id(tk: int) -> bool at: coeditor.model RetrievalModelPrediction(iterable: Iterable[Tuple[_KT, _VT]], **kwargs: _VT) RetrievalModelPrediction(**kwargs: _VT) RetrievalModelPrediction(map: Mapping[_KT, _VT], **kwargs: _VT) C3DataLoader(all_probs: Sequence[C3Problem], transform: C3ProblemTransform | None, tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer, batch_args: BatchArgs, shuffle: bool, desc: str, tqdm_args: dict | None=None, chunk_size: int=1000, workers: int=DefaultWorkers) at: coeditor.model.C3DataLoader all_probs: Sequence[C3Problem] transform: C3ProblemTransform | None tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer batch_args: BatchArgs shuffle: bool desc: str tqdm_args: dict | None = None chunk_size: int = 1000 workers: int = DefaultWorkers pack_batch(probs: Sequence[TkC3Problem]) at: coeditor.model.PredictedChange change: Modified[str] out_tks: TokenSeq score: float n_samples: int at: coeditor.model.RetrievalEditorModel is_parallelizable = False supports_gradient_checkpointing = False decorate_autocast(batch: dict, problems: Sequence[C3Problem], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int=1) predict_on_batch(batch: dict, problems: Sequence[C3Problem], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int=1) -> list[list[PredictedChange]] at: coeditor.model.RetrievalEditorModel.__init__ self.tlogger = TimeLogger()
Improve apply_edit_to_elem.
<0>:<add> return new_code, change_preview
# module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: @staticmethod def apply_edit_to_elem( + current_code: str, problem: C3Problem, out_tks: TokenSeq, + ) -> tuple[str, str]: - ) -> tuple[Modified[str], str]: - change_tks = problem.span.original.tolist() delta = TkDelta.from_output_tks(problem.edit_line_ids, out_tks) + change1_tks = problem.span.original.tolist() + change1 = tokens_to_change(change1_tks) + change2_tks = delta.apply_to_change(change1_tks) - new_change_tks = delta.apply_to_change(change_tks) + change2 = tokens_to_change(change2_tks) - new_change = tokens_to_change(new_change_tks) + # change2 is supposed to be the change we want. However, the tokenizer + # sometimes does not perfectly encode the input, hence we extract the + # delta and directly apply it to the current code to avoid unnecessary + # tokenization. - current_code = tokens_to_change(change_tks).after + change_preview = default_show_diff(change1.after, change2.after) - preview = default_show_diff(current_code, new_change.after) + _, delta2 = StrDelta.from_change(Modified(change1.after, change2.after)) + new_code = delta2.apply_to_input(current_code) - return new_change, preview <0>
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.c3problem C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedCodeSpan original: TkArray at: coeditor.common TokenSeq = list[Token] at: coeditor.encoding TkDelta(_deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]]) tokens_to_change(tokens: TokenSeq) -> Modified[str] at: coeditor.encoding.TkDelta _deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]] from_output_tks(edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], tks: TokenSeq, allow_truncated_tks: bool=True) -> "TkDelta" at: coeditor.service.EditPredictionService.suggest_edit suggestions = list[EditSuggestion]() at: coeditor.tk_array.TkArray tolist() -> TokenSeq ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ServiceResponse: def to_json(self): return { "target_file": self.target_file, "edit_start": self.edit_start, "edit_end": self.edit_end, "old_code": self.input_code, "suggestions": [s.to_json() for s in self.suggestions], + "target_lines": list(self.target_lines), } ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def suggest_edit( self, file: Path, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), ) -> ServiceResponse: timed = self.tlogger.timed project = self.project if file.is_absolute(): file = file.relative_to(project) file = to_rel_path(file) with timed("get c3 problem"): + problem, span = self.detector.get_problem(file, edit_lines) - problem = self.detector.get_problem(file, edit_lines) with timed("tokenize c3 problem"): tk_prob = self.c3_tkn.tokenize_problem(problem) n_out_segs = sum(1 for tk in tk_prob.output_tks if is_extra_id(tk)) target_lines = problem.line_ids_to_input_lines( problem.edit_line_ids[:n_out_segs] ) batch = C3DataLoader.pack_batch([tk_prob]) original = problem.span.original.tolist() with timed("run model"), torch.autocast("cuda"): predictions = self.model.predict_on_batch( batch, [original], self.dec_args, self.show_max_solutions ) assert_eq(len(predictions), 1) predictions = predictions[0] assert predictions if log_dir is not None: log_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) input_tks = batch["input_ids"][0] references = batch["references"] output_truth = batch["labels"][0] print(f"Writing logs to: {log_dir}") for i, pred in enumerate(predictions): with (log_dir / f"solution-{i}.txt").open("w") as f: pred_t</s> ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def suggest_edit( self, file: Path, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), ) -> ServiceResponse: # offset: 1 <s>predictions): with (log_dir / f"solution-{i}.txt").open("w") as f: pred_tks = pred.out_tks score = pred.score print(f"{problem.edit_line_ids=}", file=f) print(f"{len(input_tks)=}", file=f) print(f"{len(references)=}", file=f) print(f"Solution score: {score:.3g}", file=f) print(f"Marginalized samples:", pred.n_samples, file=f) pred = RetrievalModelPrediction( input_ids=input_tks, output_ids=pred_tks, labels=output_truth, references=references, ) pred_str = RetrievalDecodingResult.show_prediction(problem, pred) print(pred_str, file=f) suggestions = list[EditSuggestion]() for pred in predictions: + new_code, preview = self.apply_edit_to_elem( - suggested_change, preview = self.apply_edit_to_elem( + span.code, problem, pred.out_tks, ) suggestion = EditSuggestion( score=pred.score, change_preview=preview, + new_code=new_code, - new_code=suggested_change.after, ) suggestions.append(suggestion) + old_code = span.code + print("old code:", repr(old_code)) - span = problem.span - </s> ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def suggest_edit( self, file: Path, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), ) -> ServiceResponse: # offset: 2 <s>_code = tokens_to_change(span.original.tolist()).after return ServiceResponse( + target_file=str(self.project / file), - target_file=file.as_posix(), edit_start=(span.line_range[0], 0), edit_end=(span.line_range[1], 0), target_lines=target_lines, input_code=old_code, suggestions=suggestions, )
Update start_server api.
<0>:<add> response = service.suggest_edit(path, lines, log_dir)
# module: scripts.start_server def start_server(device, port: int, print_stats: bool = True): <s> on device:", device) batch_args = BatchArgs.service_default() dec_args = DecodingArgs(do_sample=False, num_beams=4, length_penalty=0.0) services = dict[Path, EditPredictionService]() @method + def suggestEdits( + project: str, file: str, lines: Sequence[int] | int, writeLogs: bool + ): - def suggestEdits(project: str, file: str, line: int, writeLogs: bool): target_dir = Path(project).resolve() if (service := services.get(target_dir)) is None: detector = ChangeDetector(target_dir) service = EditPredictionService( detector, model, batch_args=batch_args, dec_args=dec_args, ) print(f"Service created for project: {target_dir}") services[target_dir] = service + print(f"Suggesting edit for lines {lines} in {file}") - print(f"Suggesting edit for line {line} in {file}") path = Path(file) if not Path.is_absolute(path): path = target_dir / path try: service.tlogger.clear() model.tlogger = service.tlogger log_dir = service.project / ".coeditor_logs" if writeLogs else None - response = service.suggest_edit(path, line, log_dir) <0> if print_stats: print("Runtime stats:") display(service.tlogger.as_dataframe()) return Success(response.to_json()) except Exception as e: print("Failed with exception:") traceback.print_exception(e) return Error(code=1, message=repr(e)) print(f"Starting suggestion server at localhost:{port}") serve("localhost", port)
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: scripts.start_server def start_server(device, port: int, print_stats: bool = True): # offset: -1 # this newer model is trained with comments model_path = "MrVPlusOne/coeditor-xl-c3-dropout-v1.4" model = RetrievalEditorModel.load(model_path) print(f"Model '{model_path}' loaded on device:", device) batch_args = BatchArgs.service_default() dec_args = DecodingArgs(do</s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: IPython.core.display_functions display(*, include=None, exclude=None, metadata=None, transient=None, display_id=None, raw=False, clear=False, source=_sentinel, **kwargs) at: coeditor._utils.TimeLogger times: dict[str, list[float]] = field(default_factory=dict) as_dataframe() clear() at: coeditor.model DecodingArgs(max_output_tks: int=512, do_sample: bool=False, top_p: float=0.9, num_beams: Optional[int]=1, length_penalty: float=0.0, marginalize_samples: int=1) RetrievalEditorModel(config: T5Config) at: coeditor.model.DecodingArgs max_output_tks: int = 512 do_sample: bool = False top_p: float = 0.9 num_beams: Optional[int] = 1 length_penalty: float = 0.0 marginalize_samples: int = 1 at: coeditor.model.RetrievalEditorModel is_parallelizable = False supports_gradient_checkpointing = False load(save_dir: Path | str) -> "RetrievalEditorModel" at: coeditor.model.RetrievalEditorModel.__init__ self.tlogger = TimeLogger() at: coeditor.service ChangeDetector(project: Path, untracked_as_additions: bool=True, ignore_dirs: Collection[str]=field(default_factory=lambda: DefaultIgnoreDirs), max_lines_to_edit: int=30) EditPredictionService() at: coeditor.service.EditPredictionService suggest_edit(file: RelPath, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None=Path(".coeditor_logs")) -> ServiceResponse at: coeditor.service.EditPredictionService.__init__ self.project = detector.project self.tlogger = _tlogger ===========unchanged ref 1=========== at: coeditor.service.ServiceResponse target_file: str target_project: str edit_start: tuple[int, int] edit_end: tuple[int, int] target_lines: Sequence[int] input_code: str suggestions: list[EditSuggestion] to_json() at: jsonrpcserver.methods method(f: Optional[Method]=None, name: Optional[str]=None) -> Callable[..., Any] at: jsonrpcserver.result Success(fields: Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]=..., **kwargs: Any) -> Either[ErrorResult, SuccessResult] Error(fields: Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]=..., **kwargs: Any) -> Either[ErrorResult, SuccessResult] at: pathlib Path() at: pathlib.Path __slots__ = () resolve(strict: bool=...) -> _P at: pathlib.PurePath __slots__ = ( '_drv', '_root', '_parts', '_str', '_hash', '_pparts', '_cached_cparts', ) drive = property(attrgetter('_drv'), doc="""The drive prefix (letter or UNC path), if any.""") root = property(attrgetter('_root'), doc="""The root of the path, if any.""") is_absolute(self) -> bool at: traceback print_exception(etype: Optional[Type[BaseException]], value: Optional[BaseException], tb: Optional[TracebackType], limit: Optional[int]=..., file: Optional[IO[str]]=..., chain: bool=...) -> None at: transformers.modeling_utils.PreTrainedModel config_class = None base_model_prefix = "" main_input_name = "input_ids" _auto_class = None _no_split_modules = None _skip_keys_device_placement = None _keep_in_fp32_modules = None ===========unchanged ref 2=========== _keys_to_ignore_on_load_missing = None _keys_to_ignore_on_load_unexpected = None _keys_to_ignore_on_save = None _tied_weights_keys = None is_parallelizable = False supports_gradient_checkpointing = False to(device: Optional[Union[int, device]]=..., dtype: Optional[Union[dtype, str]]=..., non_blocking: bool=..., /, *, device: Optional[Union[int, device]]=..., dtype: Optional[Union[dtype, str]]=..., non_blocking: bool=..., tensor: Tensor) at: typing Sequence = _alias(, 1) at: typing.Mapping get(key: _KT) -> Optional[_VT_co] get(key: _KT, default: Union[_VT_co, _T]) -> Union[_VT_co, _T]
Speed up ChangeDetector.get_problem via caching.
<0>:<add> self._mod_hier = ModuleHierarchy.from_modules(pre_module_map)
# module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: def __init__(self, pre_module_map: Mapping[ModuleName, JModule]): + # stores the changed headers + self._header_cache = dict[ProjectPath, ChangedHeader]() - self.header_cache = dict[ProjectPath, ChangedHeader]() + # stores the definitions pre-edit + self._pre_def_cache = dict[ProjectPath, list[ChangedCodeSpan]]() - self.cspan_cache = dict[PyDefinition, list[ChangedCodeSpan]]() + # stores the changed code spans + self._cspan_cache = dict[tuple[ModuleName, LineRange], ChangedCodeSpan]() + self._module_map = pre_module_map - self.module_map = pre_module_map - self.mod_hier = ModuleHierarchy.from_modules(pre_module_map) <0>
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.c3problem ChangedHeader(change_tks: TkArray, type: str, line_range: LineRange, path: ProjectPath) ChangedCodeSpan(headers: Sequence[ChangedHeader], original: TkArray, delta: TkDelta, line_range: LineRange, module: ModuleName) at: coeditor.common ModuleName = str ProjectPath(typename: str, fields: Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]=..., **kwargs: Any) at: coeditor.scoped_changes JModule(mname: ModuleName, tree: ptree.Module) at: typing Mapping = _alias(, 2) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes - def _parse_module_script(project: jedi.Project, path: Path): - assert path.is_absolute(), f"Path is not absolute: {path=}" - script = jedi.Script(path=path, project=project) - mcontext = script._get_module_context() - assert isinstance(mcontext, ModuleContext) - mname = cast(str, mcontext.py__name__()) - if mname.startswith("src."): - e = ValueError(f"Bad module name: {mname}") - files = list(project.path.iterdir()) - print_err(f"project: {project.path}", file=sys.stderr) - print_err(f"files in root: {files}", file=sys.stderr) - raise e - m = script._module_node - assert isinstance(m, ptree.Module) - # mname = PythonProject.rel_path_to_module_name(path.relative_to(proj.path)) - # m = parso.parse(path.read_text()) - jmod = JModule(mname, m) - return jmod, script - ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes - def _parse_module_script(project: jedi.Project, path: Path): - assert path.is_absolute(), f"Path is not absolute: {path=}" - script = jedi.Script(path=path, project=project) - mcontext = script._get_module_context() - assert isinstance(mcontext, ModuleContext) - mname = cast(str, mcontext.py__name__()) - if mname.startswith("src."): - e = ValueError(f"Bad module name: {mname}") - files = list(project.path.iterdir()) - print_err(f"project: {project.path}", file=sys.stderr) - print_err(f"files in root: {files}", file=sys.stderr) - raise e - m = script._module_node - assert isinstance(m, ptree.Module) - # mname = PythonProject.rel_path_to_module_name(path.relative_to(proj.path)) - # m = parso.parse(path.read_text()) - jmod = JModule(mname, m) - return jmod, script - ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes def _edits_from_commit_history( project: Path, history: Sequence[CommitInfo], change_processor: ProjectChangeProcessor[TProb], ignore_dirs: set[str], silent: bool, time_limit: _Second | None, ) -> Sequence[TProb]: start_time = time.time() scripts = dict[RelPath, jedi.Script]() results = list[TProb]() def has_timeouted(): if time_limit and (time.time() - start_time > time_limit): warnings.warn( f"_edits_from_commit_history timed out for {project}. ({time_limit=}) " f"Partial results ({len(results)}/{len(history)-1}) will be returned." ) return True else: return False def parse_module(path: Path): with _tlogger.timed("parse_module"): + m, s = parse_module_script(proj, path) - m, s = _parse_module_script(proj, path) scripts[to_rel_path(path.relative_to(proj._path))] = s return m def checkout_commit(commit_hash: str): with _tlogger.timed("checkout"): ["git", "checkout", "-f", commit_hash], cwd=project, capture_output=True, check=True, ) # to ensure sure we are not accidentally overriding real code changes if list(project.iterdir()) != [project / ".git"]: raise FileExistsError(f"Directory '{project}' should contain only '.git'.") # checkout to the first commit commit_now = history[-1] checkout_commit(commit_now.hash) proj = jedi.Project(path=project, added_sys_path=[project / "src"]) pstate = ProjectState(proj, scripts) # now we can get the first project</s> ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes def _edits_from_commit_history( project: Path, history: Sequence[CommitInfo], change_processor: ProjectChangeProcessor[TProb], ignore_dirs: set[str], silent: bool, time_limit: _Second | None, ) -> Sequence[TProb]: # offset: 1 <s>=[project / "src"]) pstate = ProjectState(proj, scripts) # now we can get the first project state, although this not needed for now # but we'll use it later for pre-edit analysis init_srcs = [ to_rel_path(f.relative_to(project)) for f in rec_iter_files(project, dir_filter=lambda d: not in ignore_dirs) if f.suffix == ".py" ] path2module = { f: parse_module(project / f) for f in tqdm(init_srcs, desc="building initial project", disable=silent) } def is_src(path_s: str) -> bool: path = Path(path_s) return path.suffix == ".py" and all(p not in ignore_dirs for p in future_commits = list(reversed(history[:-1])) for commit_next in tqdm( future_commits, smoothing=0, desc="processing commits", disable=silent ): if has_timeouted(): return results # get changed files changed_files = run_command( [ "git", "diff", "--no-renames", "--name-status", commit_now.hash, commit_next.hash, ], cwd=project, ).splitlines() path_changes = set[Change[str]]() for line in changed_files: segs = line.split("\t") </s>
Speed up ChangeDetector.get_problem via caching.
<0>:<add> def_cache[path] = cspans
# module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: def get_pre_spans(self, used: PyDefinition) -> list[ChangedCodeSpan]: <s>tree, ptree.Function) ) case StatementSpan(): stmt_spans.append(elem) # add collapsed functions for f_scope in func_scopes: ancestors = f_scope.ancestors() stmts = f_scope.spans[-1].statements body_code = stmts[-1].get_code() if len(stmts) > 1: ellipsis = " " * (len(ancestors) - 1) + "# ...\n" body_code = ellipsis + body_code cspan = ChangedCodeSpan( [self.to_header(Modified.from_unchanged(s)) for s in ancestors],, TkDelta.empty(), f_scope.spans[-1].line_range, f_scope.path.module, ) cspans.append(cspan) # add statement spans for stmt_span in stmt_spans: ancestors = stmt_span.scope.ancestors() stmts = stmt_span.statements match stmts: case [ ptree.PythonNode( type="simple_stmt", children=[ptree.String(), ptree.Newline()], ), *rest, ]: if not rest: continue stmts = rest body_code = "".join(s.get_code() for s in stmts).lstrip("\n") cspan = ChangedCodeSpan( [self.to_header(Modified.from_unchanged(s)) for s in ancestors],, TkDelta.empty(), stmt_span.line_range, stmt_span.scope.path.module, ) cspans.append(cspan) - cspan_cache[used] = cspans <0> return cspans
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: def get_pre_spans(self, used: PyDefinition) -> list[ChangedCodeSpan]: # offset: -1 "Get the (pre-edit) spans for the given definition." + def_cache = self._pre_def_cache - cspan_cache = self.cspan_cache - if used.full_name in cspan_cache: - return cspan_cache[used.full_name] + path = self._mod_hier.resolve_path(split_dots(used.full_name)) - path = self.mod_hier.resolve_path(split_dots(used.full_name)) cspans = list[ChangedCodeSpan]() + if path is None or (jmod := self._module_map.get(path.module)) is None: - if path is None or (jmod := self.module_map.get(path.module)) is None: - cspan_cache[used] = cspans return cspans + if path in def_cache: + return def_cache[path] scope = jmod.as_scope elem = scope._search(path.path, used.start_pos[0]) func_scopes = list[ChangeScope]() stmt_spans = list[StatementSpan]() match elem: case ChangeScope(tree=ptree.Function()): func_scopes.append(elem) case ChangeScope(tree=ptree.Class()): # add all attrs and methods stmt_spans.extend(elem.spans) func_scopes.extend( s for s in elem.subscopes.values() if isinstance(s.tree, ptree.Function) ) case StatementSpan(): stmt_spans.append(elem) #</s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils _lru_cache_wrapper(*args: Hashable, **kwargs: Hashable) -> _T at: coeditor.c3problem ChangedCodeSpan(headers: Sequence[ChangedHeader], original: TkArray, delta: TkDelta, line_range: LineRange, module: ModuleName) C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) PyDefinition(full_name: PyFullName, start_pos: tuple[int, int], end_pos: tuple[int, int]) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3GeneratorCache get_relevant_unchanged(this_change: ChangedCodeSpan, other_changes: Collection[ChangedCodeSpan], line_usages: LineUsageAnalysis) to_header(self, cs: Change[ChangeScope]) -> ChangedHeader to_header(cs: Change[ChangeScope]) -> ChangedHeader at: coeditor.c3problem.C3GeneratorCache.__init__ self._pre_def_cache = dict[ProjectPath, list[ChangedCodeSpan]]() self._module_map = pre_module_map self._mod_hier = ModuleHierarchy.from_modules(pre_module_map) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3GeneratorCache.create_problem relevant_changes = list[ChangedCodeSpan]() changed_code = target_set = set(target_lines) line_ids = list[int]() at: coeditor.c3problem.C3GeneratorCache.set_module_map self._module_map = pre_module_map self._mod_hier = ModuleHierarchy.from_modules(pre_module_map) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan ===========unchanged ref 1=========== edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] relevant_unchanged: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () at: coeditor.c3problem.ModuleHierarchy resolve_path(segs: Sequence[str]) -> ProjectPath | None at: coeditor.c3problem.PyDefinition full_name: PyFullName start_pos: tuple[int, int] end_pos: tuple[int, int] at: coeditor.change Modified(before: E1, after: E1, unchanged: bool=False) at: coeditor.change.Added after: E1 map(f: Callable[[E1], T2]) -> "Added[T2]" at: coeditor.change.Deleted before: E1 map(f: Callable[[E1], T2]) -> "Deleted[T2]" at: coeditor.change.Modified before: E1 after: E1 unchanged: bool = False map(f: Callable[[E1], T2]) -> "Modified[T2]" from_unchanged(v: T1) -> "Modified[T1]" at: coeditor.common.ProjectPath module: ModuleName path: ElemPath at: coeditor.encoding Del_id = get_tk_id(Del) encode_lines_join(text: str) -> TokenSeq TkDelta(_deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]]) at: coeditor.encoding.TkDelta _deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]] empty() -> "TkDelta" at: coeditor.scoped_changes ChangeScope(path: ProjectPath, tree: ScopeTree, spans: Sequence["StatementSpan"], subscopes: Mapping[str, Self], parent_scope: "ChangeScope | None") ===========unchanged ref 2=========== StatementSpan(nth_in_parent: int, statements: Sequence[PyNode], scope: ChangeScope) at: coeditor.scoped_changes.ChangeScope path: ProjectPath tree: ScopeTree spans: Sequence["StatementSpan"] subscopes: Mapping[str, Self] parent_scope: "ChangeScope | None" ancestors() -> list[Self] _search(path: ElemPath, line: int) -> Self | "StatementSpan" at: coeditor.scoped_changes.ChangedSpan change: Change[str] parent_scopes: Sequence[Change[ChangeScope]] line_range: LineRange at: coeditor.scoped_changes.JModule mname: ModuleName tree: ptree.Module at: coeditor.scoped_changes.StatementSpan nth_in_parent: int statements: Sequence[PyNode] scope: ChangeScope at: coeditor.scoped_changes.StatementSpan.__post_init__ self.line_range: LineRange = line_range(start, end) at: coeditor.tk_array TkArray() at: coeditor.tk_array.TkArray new(tks: Sequence[int]) -> "TkArray" at: dataclasses replace(obj: _T, **changes: Any) -> _T at: parso.python.tree Class(children) Function(children) at: parso.tree.BaseNode __slots__ = ('children',) get_code(include_prefix=True) at: typing.Mapping get(key: _KT) -> Optional[_VT_co] get(key: _KT, default: Union[_VT_co, _T]) -> Union[_VT_co, _T]
Speed up ChangeDetector.get_problem via caching.
<0>:<add> self._header_cache[path] = ch
# module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: def to_header(self, cs: Change[ChangeScope]) -> ChangedHeader: path = cs.earlier.path + if (ch := self._header_cache.get(path)) is None: - if (ch := self.header_cache.get(path)) is None: header_change = s: s.header_code.strip("\n")) ch = ChangedHeader(, cs.earlier.tree.type, cs.earlier.header_line_range, cs.earlier.path, ) - self.header_cache[path] = ch <0> return ch
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.c3problem.C3GeneratorCache.get_relevant_unchanged sorted_defs = list(reversed(parent_defs)) used_defs = set(sorted_defs) at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedCodeSpan headers: Sequence[ChangedHeader] original: TkArray delta: TkDelta line_range: LineRange module: ModuleName at: coeditor.common ModuleName = str at: coeditor.scoped_changes LineRange(typename: str, fields: Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]=..., **kwargs: Any) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: + def set_module_map(self, pre_module_map: Mapping[ModuleName, JModule]): + self._module_map = pre_module_map + self._mod_hier = ModuleHierarchy.from_modules(pre_module_map) + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: + def clear_caches( + self, pre_changed: set[ModuleName], post_changed: set[ModuleName] + ) -> None: + "Clear outdated caches." + for k in tuple(self._header_cache): + if k.module in pre_changed or k.module in post_changed: + del self._header_cache[k] + for k in tuple(self._pre_def_cache): + if k.module in pre_changed: + del self._pre_def_cache[k] + for k in tuple(self._cspan_cache): + if k[0] in pre_changed or k[0] in post_changed: + del self._cspan_cache[k] + ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: def __init__(self, pre_module_map: Mapping[ModuleName, JModule]): + # stores the changed headers + self._header_cache = dict[ProjectPath, ChangedHeader]() - self.header_cache = dict[ProjectPath, ChangedHeader]() + # stores the definitions pre-edit + self._pre_def_cache = dict[ProjectPath, list[ChangedCodeSpan]]() - self.cspan_cache = dict[PyDefinition, list[ChangedCodeSpan]]() + # stores the changed code spans + self._cspan_cache = dict[tuple[ModuleName, LineRange], ChangedCodeSpan]() + self._module_map = pre_module_map - self.module_map = pre_module_map + self._mod_hier = ModuleHierarchy.from_modules(pre_module_map) - self.mod_hier = ModuleHierarchy.from_modules(pre_module_map) ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: def get_pre_spans(self, used: PyDefinition) -> list[ChangedCodeSpan]: "Get the (pre-edit) spans for the given definition." + def_cache = self._pre_def_cache - cspan_cache = self.cspan_cache - if used.full_name in cspan_cache: - return cspan_cache[used.full_name] + path = self._mod_hier.resolve_path(split_dots(used.full_name)) - path = self.mod_hier.resolve_path(split_dots(used.full_name)) cspans = list[ChangedCodeSpan]() + if path is None or (jmod := self._module_map.get(path.module)) is None: - if path is None or (jmod := self.module_map.get(path.module)) is None: - cspan_cache[used] = cspans return cspans + if path in def_cache: + return def_cache[path] scope = jmod.as_scope elem = scope._search(path.path, used.start_pos[0]) func_scopes = list[ChangeScope]() stmt_spans = list[StatementSpan]() match elem: case ChangeScope(tree=ptree.Function()): func_scopes.append(elem) case ChangeScope(tree=ptree.Class()): # add all attrs and methods stmt_spans.extend(elem.spans) func_scopes.extend( s for s in elem.subscopes.values() if isinstance(s.tree, ptree.Function) ) case StatementSpan(): stmt_spans.append(elem) # add collapsed functions for f_scope in func_scopes: ancestors = f_scope.ancestors() stmts = f_scope.spans[-1].statements body_code = stmts[-1].get_code() if len(stmts) > 1: </s> ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: def get_pre_spans(self, used: PyDefinition) -> list[ChangedCodeSpan]: # offset: 1 <s>spans[-1].statements body_code = stmts[-1].get_code() if len(stmts) > 1: ellipsis = " " * (len(ancestors) - 1) + "# ...\n" body_code = ellipsis + body_code cspan = ChangedCodeSpan( [self.to_header(Modified.from_unchanged(s)) for s in ancestors],, TkDelta.empty(), f_scope.spans[-1].line_range, f_scope.path.module, ) cspans.append(cspan) # add statement spans for stmt_span in stmt_spans: ancestors = stmt_span.scope.ancestors() stmts = stmt_span.statements match stmts: case [ ptree.PythonNode( type="simple_stmt", children=[ptree.String(), ptree.Newline()], ), *rest, ]: if not rest: continue stmts = rest body_code = "".join(s.get_code() for s in stmts).lstrip("\n") cspan = ChangedCodeSpan( [self.to_header(Modified.from_unchanged(s)) for s in ancestors],, TkDelta.empty(), stmt_span.line_range, stmt_span.scope.path.module, ) cspans.append(cspan) + def_cache[path] = cspans - cspan_cache[used] = cspans return cspans ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes - def _parse_module_script(project: jedi.Project, path: Path): - assert path.is_absolute(), f"Path is not absolute: {path=}" - script = jedi.Script(path=path, project=project) - mcontext = script._get_module_context() - assert isinstance(mcontext, ModuleContext) - mname = cast(str, mcontext.py__name__()) - if mname.startswith("src."): - e = ValueError(f"Bad module name: {mname}") - files = list(project.path.iterdir()) - print_err(f"project: {project.path}", file=sys.stderr) - print_err(f"files in root: {files}", file=sys.stderr) - raise e - m = script._module_node - assert isinstance(m, ptree.Module) - # mname = PythonProject.rel_path_to_module_name(path.relative_to(proj.path)) - # m = parso.parse(path.read_text()) - jmod = JModule(mname, m) - return jmod, script -
Speed up ChangeDetector.get_problem via caching.
<0>:<add> self.jproj = jedi.Project(path=proj, added_sys_path=[proj / "src"])
# module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ChangeDetector: def __post_init__(self): self.script_cache = TimedCache() self.analyzer = JediUsageAnalyzer() self._index_cache = TimedCache[RelPath, JModule, CommitHash]() + self._now_cache = TimedCache[RelPath, tuple[JModule, jedi.Script], SysTime]() - self._now_cache = TimedCache[RelPath, JModule, SysTime]() + proj = self.project <0>
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.c3problem JediUsageAnalyzer(include_parent_usages: bool=True, include_builtins: bool=False) at: coeditor.common RelPath = NewType("RelPath", Path) TimedCache() at: coeditor.scoped_changes JModule(mname: ModuleName, tree: ptree.Module) at: coeditor.service CommitHash = str at: coeditor.service.ChangeDetector project: Path untracked_as_additions: bool = True ignore_dirs: Collection[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: DefaultIgnoreDirs) max_lines_to_edit: int = 25 ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: + def set_module_map(self, pre_module_map: Mapping[ModuleName, JModule]): + self._module_map = pre_module_map + self._mod_hier = ModuleHierarchy.from_modules(pre_module_map) + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: + def clear_caches( + self, pre_changed: set[ModuleName], post_changed: set[ModuleName] + ) -> None: + "Clear outdated caches." + for k in tuple(self._header_cache): + if k.module in pre_changed or k.module in post_changed: + del self._header_cache[k] + for k in tuple(self._pre_def_cache): + if k.module in pre_changed: + del self._pre_def_cache[k] + for k in tuple(self._cspan_cache): + if k[0] in pre_changed or k[0] in post_changed: + del self._cspan_cache[k] + ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: def to_header(self, cs: Change[ChangeScope]) -> ChangedHeader: path = cs.earlier.path + if (ch := self._header_cache.get(path)) is None: - if (ch := self.header_cache.get(path)) is None: header_change = s: s.header_code.strip("\n")) ch = ChangedHeader(, cs.earlier.tree.type, cs.earlier.header_line_range, cs.earlier.path, ) + self._header_cache[path] = ch - self.header_cache[path] = ch return ch ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: def to_code_span(self, span: ChangedSpan): + mod = span.parent_scopes[0].later.path.module + key = (mod, span.line_range) + if (cs := self._cspan_cache.get(key)) is not None: + return cs original, delta = line_diffs_to_original_delta( change_to_line_diffs(span.change) ) + result = ChangedCodeSpan( - return ChangedCodeSpan( headers=[self.to_header(cs) for cs in span.parent_scopes],, delta=delta.to_tk_delta(), line_range=span.line_range, module=span.module, ) + self._cspan_cache[key] = result + return result ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: def __init__(self, pre_module_map: Mapping[ModuleName, JModule]): + # stores the changed headers + self._header_cache = dict[ProjectPath, ChangedHeader]() - self.header_cache = dict[ProjectPath, ChangedHeader]() + # stores the definitions pre-edit + self._pre_def_cache = dict[ProjectPath, list[ChangedCodeSpan]]() - self.cspan_cache = dict[PyDefinition, list[ChangedCodeSpan]]() + # stores the changed code spans + self._cspan_cache = dict[tuple[ModuleName, LineRange], ChangedCodeSpan]() + self._module_map = pre_module_map - self.module_map = pre_module_map + self._mod_hier = ModuleHierarchy.from_modules(pre_module_map) - self.mod_hier = ModuleHierarchy.from_modules(pre_module_map) ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes - def _parse_module_script(project: jedi.Project, path: Path): - assert path.is_absolute(), f"Path is not absolute: {path=}" - script = jedi.Script(path=path, project=project) - mcontext = script._get_module_context() - assert isinstance(mcontext, ModuleContext) - mname = cast(str, mcontext.py__name__()) - if mname.startswith("src."): - e = ValueError(f"Bad module name: {mname}") - files = list(project.path.iterdir()) - print_err(f"project: {project.path}", file=sys.stderr) - print_err(f"files in root: {files}", file=sys.stderr) - raise e - m = script._module_node - assert isinstance(m, ptree.Module) - # mname = PythonProject.rel_path_to_module_name(path.relative_to(proj.path)) - # m = parso.parse(path.read_text()) - jmod = JModule(mname, m) - return jmod, script - ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: coeditor.scoped_changes - def _parse_module_script(project: jedi.Project, path: Path): - assert path.is_absolute(), f"Path is not absolute: {path=}" - script = jedi.Script(path=path, project=project) - mcontext = script._get_module_context() - assert isinstance(mcontext, ModuleContext) - mname = cast(str, mcontext.py__name__()) - if mname.startswith("src."): - e = ValueError(f"Bad module name: {mname}") - files = list(project.path.iterdir()) - print_err(f"project: {project.path}", file=sys.stderr) - print_err(f"files in root: {files}", file=sys.stderr) - raise e - m = script._module_node - assert isinstance(m, ptree.Module) - # mname = PythonProject.rel_path_to_module_name(path.relative_to(proj.path)) - # m = parso.parse(path.read_text()) - jmod = JModule(mname, m) - return jmod, script -
Speed up ChangeDetector.get_problem via caching.
<0>:<add> self._updated_index_modules.add(mname)
# module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ChangeDetector: def _parse_index_module(self, path: RelPath) -> JModule: + code = file_content_from_commit(self.project, "", path.as_posix()) - code = self._get_index_content(path) mod = parso.parse(code) assert isinstance(mod, ptree.Module) mname = path_to_module_name(path) <0> return JModule(mname, mod)
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils assert_eq(x: T1, y: T1, message: Callable[[], str]=lambda: "") -> None at: coeditor.common RelPath = NewType("RelPath", Path) at: coeditor.service SysTime = float at: coeditor.service.ChangeDetector project: Path at: coeditor.service.ChangeDetector._get_index_hash hash = out.split(" ")[1] at: os stat(path: _FdOrAnyPath, *, dir_fd: Optional[int]=..., follow_symlinks: bool=...) -> stat_result at: os.stat_result st_mode: int # protection bits, st_ino: int # inode number, st_dev: int # device, st_nlink: int # number of hard links, st_uid: int # user id of owner, st_gid: int # group id of owner, st_size: int # size of file, in bytes, st_atime: float # time of most recent access, st_mtime: float # time of most recent content modification, st_ctime: float # platform dependent (time of most recent metadata change on Unix, or the time of creation on Windows) st_atime_ns: int # time of most recent access, in nanoseconds st_mtime_ns: int # time of most recent content modification in nanoseconds st_ctime_ns: int # platform dependent (time of most recent metadata change on Unix, or the time of creation on Windows) in nanoseconds st_reparse_tag: int st_file_attributes: int st_blocks: int # number of blocks allocated for file st_blksize: int # filesystem blocksize st_rdev: int # type of device if an inode device st_flags: int # user defined flags for file st_gen: int # file generation number ===========unchanged ref 1=========== st_birthtime: int # time of file creation st_rsize: int st_creator: int st_type: int ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ChangeDetector: - def _get_index_content(self, path: RelPath): - return file_content_from_commit(self.project, "", path.as_posix()) - ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ChangeDetector: + def _get_index_hash(self, path: RelPath) -> CommitHash: + out = run_command(["git", "ls-files", "-s", path.as_posix()], cwd=self.project) + hash = out.split(" ")[1] + assert_eq(len(hash), 40) + return hash + ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ChangeDetector: - def _get_index_stamp(self, path: RelPath) -> CommitHash: - out = run_command(["git", "ls-files", "-s", path.as_posix()], cwd=self.project) - hash = out.split(" ")[1] - assert_eq(len(hash), 40) - return hash - ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ChangeDetector: def __post_init__(self): self.script_cache = TimedCache() self.analyzer = JediUsageAnalyzer() self._index_cache = TimedCache[RelPath, JModule, CommitHash]() + self._now_cache = TimedCache[RelPath, tuple[JModule, jedi.Script], SysTime]() - self._now_cache = TimedCache[RelPath, JModule, SysTime]() + proj = self.project + self.jproj = jedi.Project(path=proj, added_sys_path=[proj / "src"]) ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: + def set_module_map(self, pre_module_map: Mapping[ModuleName, JModule]): + self._module_map = pre_module_map + self._mod_hier = ModuleHierarchy.from_modules(pre_module_map) + ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: + def clear_caches( + self, pre_changed: set[ModuleName], post_changed: set[ModuleName] + ) -> None: + "Clear outdated caches." + for k in tuple(self._header_cache): + if k.module in pre_changed or k.module in post_changed: + del self._header_cache[k] + for k in tuple(self._pre_def_cache): + if k.module in pre_changed: + del self._pre_def_cache[k] + for k in tuple(self._cspan_cache): + if k[0] in pre_changed or k[0] in post_changed: + del self._cspan_cache[k] + ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: def to_header(self, cs: Change[ChangeScope]) -> ChangedHeader: path = cs.earlier.path + if (ch := self._header_cache.get(path)) is None: - if (ch := self.header_cache.get(path)) is None: header_change = s: s.header_code.strip("\n")) ch = ChangedHeader(, cs.earlier.tree.type, cs.earlier.header_line_range, cs.earlier.path, ) + self._header_cache[path] = ch - self.header_cache[path] = ch return ch ===========changed ref 7=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: def to_code_span(self, span: ChangedSpan): + mod = span.parent_scopes[0].later.path.module + key = (mod, span.line_range) + if (cs := self._cspan_cache.get(key)) is not None: + return cs original, delta = line_diffs_to_original_delta( change_to_line_diffs(span.change) ) + result = ChangedCodeSpan( - return ChangedCodeSpan( headers=[self.to_header(cs) for cs in span.parent_scopes],, delta=delta.to_tk_delta(), line_range=span.line_range, module=span.module, ) + self._cspan_cache[key] = result + return result ===========changed ref 8=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: def __init__(self, pre_module_map: Mapping[ModuleName, JModule]): + # stores the changed headers + self._header_cache = dict[ProjectPath, ChangedHeader]() - self.header_cache = dict[ProjectPath, ChangedHeader]() + # stores the definitions pre-edit + self._pre_def_cache = dict[ProjectPath, list[ChangedCodeSpan]]() - self.cspan_cache = dict[PyDefinition, list[ChangedCodeSpan]]() + # stores the changed code spans + self._cspan_cache = dict[tuple[ModuleName, LineRange], ChangedCodeSpan]() + self._module_map = pre_module_map - self.module_map = pre_module_map + self._mod_hier = ModuleHierarchy.from_modules(pre_module_map) - self.mod_hier = ModuleHierarchy.from_modules(pre_module_map)
Speed up ChangeDetector.get_problem via caching.
<0>:<add> prob = self.gcache.create_problem(
# module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ChangeDetector: def get_problem( self, target_file: RelPath, target_lines: Sequence[int] | int, ) -> tuple[C3Problem, StatementSpan]: <s>) > 1: warnings.warn( f"Multiple spans at line {first_line}. Using only the first one." ) cspan = cspans[0] with _tlogger.timed("usage analysis"): + script = self.get_current_script(target_file) - script = jedi.Script(path=self.project / target_file) lines_to_analyze = set(cspan.line_range.to_range()) lines_to_analyze.update(cspan.header_line_range.to_range()) target_usages = self.analyzer.get_line_usages( script, lines_to_analyze, silent=True ) src_info = SrcInfo(project=str(self.project), commit=None) changed = {m: c.inverse() for m, c in rev_changed.items()} cspan = cspan.inverse() if isinstance(target_lines, int): edit_start = first_line edit_stop = edit_start + min( self.max_lines_to_edit, len(cspan.line_range.to_range()) + 1 ) target_lines = range(edit_start, edit_stop) + modules = self.get_current_modules() + self.gcache.set_module_map({m.mname: m for m in modules.values()}) + self.gcache.clear_caches(self._updated_index_modules, self._updated_now_modules) + self._updated_index_modules.clear() + self._updated_now_modules.clear() + - prob = gcache.create_problem( <0> cspan, target_lines, changed, target_usages, src_info ) return prob, span
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ChangeDetector: def get_problem( self, target_file: RelPath, target_lines: Sequence[int] | int, ) -> tuple[C3Problem, StatementSpan]: # offset: -1 <s>(rel_path) rev_changed[mod_new.mname] = JModuleChange.from_modules( Modified(mod_new, mod_old), only_ast_changes=False ) - modules = self.get_current_modules() - gcache = C3GeneratorCache({m.mname: m for m in modules.values()}) target_mod = self.get_current_module(target_file) span = target_mod.as_scope.search_span_by_line(first_line) if span is None: print_err("Target scope:") print_err(target_mod.as_scope) raise ValueError(f"Could not find a statement span at line {first_line}.") if target_mod.mname not in rev_changed: print(f"Target module '{target_mod.mname}' has not changed.") rev_changed[target_mod.mname] = JModuleChange( Modified.from_unchanged(target_mod), [] ) cspans = [ c for c in rev_changed[target_mod.mname].changed if first_line in c.line_range ] if len(cspans) == 0: # Create a trivial change for the target module if it wasn't changed. print(f"Target span has not changed. Creating a trivial change.") parents = [Modified.from_unchanged(s) for s in span.scope.ancestors()] cspan = ChangedSpan( Modified.from_unchanged(span.code), parents, span.line_range ) else: if len(cspans) > 1: warnings.warn( f"Multiple spans at line {first_line}. Using only the first one." </s> ===========above chunk 1=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ChangeDetector: def get_problem( self, target_file: RelPath, target_lines: Sequence[int] | int, ) -> tuple[C3Problem, StatementSpan]: # offset: -2 <s>(path2): path_changes.add(Added(path2)) # use inverse changes so that we can locate spans using their current locations rev_changed = dict[ModuleName, JModuleChange]() for path_change in path_changes: path = self.project / path_change.earlier rel_path = to_rel_path(path.relative_to(self.project)) if not isinstance(path_change, Added) and not path.exists(): warnings.warn(f"File missing: {rel_path}") if isinstance(path_change, Deleted): continue elif isinstance(path_change, Modified): path_change = Added(path_change.after) match path_change: case Added(): mod = self.get_current_module(rel_path) rev_changed[mod.mname] = JModuleChange.from_modules( Deleted(mod), only_ast_changes=False ) case Deleted(): + mod = self.get_index_module(rel_path) - mod = self._get_index_module(rel_path) rev_changed[mod.mname] = JModuleChange.from_modules( Added(mod), only_ast_changes=False ) case Modified(path1, path2): assert path1 == path2 + mod_old = self.get_index_module(rel_path) - mod_old = self._get_index_module(rel_path) mod_new = self.get_current_module(rel_path) rev_changed[mod_new.mname] = JModuleChange.from_modules( Modified</s> ===========above chunk 2=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ChangeDetector: def get_problem( self, target_file: RelPath, target_lines: Sequence[int] | int, ) -> tuple[C3Problem, StatementSpan]: # offset: -3 def is_src(path_s: str) -> bool: path = Path(path_s) return path.suffix == ".py" and all( p not in self.ignore_dirs for p in ) if isinstance(target_lines, int): first_line = target_lines else: first_line = target_lines[0] changed_files = run_command( ["git", "status", "--porcelain"], cwd=self.project ).splitlines() path_changes = set[Change[str]]() for change_line in changed_files: if not change_line: continue if change_line[2] == " ": tag = change_line[:2] path = change_line[3:] if not is_src(path): continue if tag.endswith("M") or tag.endswith("A") or tag == "??": if tag == "??" and not self.untracked_as_additions: continue if tag.endswith("A"): path_changes.add(Added(path)) elif tag.endswith("D"): path_changes.add(Deleted(path)) if tag.endswith("M"): path_changes.add(Modified(path, path)) else: tag, path1, path2 = change_line.split(" ") assert tag.startswith("R") if is_src(path1): path_changes.add(Deleted(path1)) if is</s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: _warnings warn(message: str, category: Optional[Type[Warning]]=..., stacklevel: int=..., source: Optional[Any]=...) -> None warn(message: Warning, category: Any=..., stacklevel: int=..., source: Optional[Any]=...) -> None at: coeditor.c3problem SrcInfo(map: Mapping[_KT, _VT], **kwargs: _VT) SrcInfo(iterable: Iterable[Tuple[_KT, _VT]], **kwargs: _VT) SrcInfo(**kwargs: _VT) C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) at: coeditor.change Added(after: E1) Deleted(before: E1) Modified(before: E1, after: E1, unchanged: bool=False) Change = Added[E1] | Deleted[E1] | Modified[E1] at: coeditor.change.Added after: E1 at: coeditor.change.Deleted before: E1 at: coeditor.change.Modified before: E1 after: E1 unchanged: bool = False from_unchanged(v: T1) -> "Modified[T1]" at: coeditor.common RelPath = NewType("RelPath", Path) to_rel_path(path: os.PathLike | str) -> RelPath run_command(args: Sequence[str], cwd: str | Path) -> str print_err(*, sep: Optional[str]=..., end: Optional[str]=..., flush: bool=...) -> None ModuleName = str at: coeditor.common.TimedCache cached(key: T1, stamp: TStamp, f: Callable[[], T2]) -> T2
Optimize service params.
<0>:<add> input_code=span.code,
# module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def suggest_edit( self, file: Path, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), ) -> ServiceResponse: <s>) print(f"{len(references)=}", file=f) + print("Relevant unchagned:", file=f) + for unchanged in problem.relevant_unchanged: + print( + "\tpath:", + unchanged.headers[-1].path, + "lines:", + unchanged.line_range, + file=f, + ) print(f"Solution score: {score:.3g}", file=f) print(f"Marginalized samples:", pred.n_samples, file=f) pred = RetrievalModelPrediction( input_ids=input_tks, output_ids=pred_tks, labels=output_truth, references=references, ) pred_str = RetrievalDecodingResult.show_prediction(problem, pred) print(pred_str, file=f) suggestions = list[EditSuggestion]() for pred in predictions: new_code, preview = self.apply_edit_to_elem( span.code, problem, pred.out_tks, ) suggestion = EditSuggestion( score=pred.score, change_preview=preview, new_code=new_code, ) suggestions.append(suggestion) - old_code = span.code - print("old code:", repr(old_code)) - return ServiceResponse( target_file=str(self.project / file), edit_start=(span.line_range[0], 0), edit_end=(span.line_range[1], 0), target_lines=target_lines, - input_code=old_code, <0> suggestions=suggestions, )
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def suggest_edit( self, file: Path, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), ) -> ServiceResponse: # offset: -1 <s>detector.get_problem(file, edit_lines) with timed("tokenize c3 problem"): tk_prob = self.c3_tkn.tokenize_problem(problem) n_out_segs = sum(1 for tk in tk_prob.output_tks if is_extra_id(tk)) target_lines = problem.line_ids_to_input_lines( problem.edit_line_ids[:n_out_segs] ) batch = C3DataLoader.pack_batch([tk_prob]) original = problem.span.original.tolist() with timed("run model"), torch.autocast("cuda"): predictions = self.model.predict_on_batch( batch, [original], self.dec_args, self.show_max_solutions ) assert_eq(len(predictions), 1) predictions = predictions[0] assert predictions if log_dir is not None: log_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) input_tks = batch["input_ids"][0] references = batch["references"] output_truth = batch["labels"][0] print(f"Writing logs to: {log_dir}") for i, pred in enumerate(predictions): with (log_dir / f"solution-{i}.txt").open("w") as f: pred_tks = pred.out_tks score = pred.score print(f"{problem.edit_line_ids=}", file=f) print(f"{len(input_tks)=}", file=f) print(f"{len(references)=}", file=f) + print("Relevant unchagned:"</s> ===========above chunk 1=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def suggest_edit( self, file: Path, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), ) -> ServiceResponse: # offset: -2 timed = self.tlogger.timed project = self.project if file.is_absolute(): file = file.relative_to(project) file = to_rel_path(file) with timed("get c3 problem"): problem, span = self.detector.get_problem(file, edit_lines) with timed("tokenize c3 problem"): tk_</s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils assert_eq(x: T1, y: T1, message: Callable[[], str]=lambda: "") -> None at: coeditor._utils.TimeLogger times: dict[str, list[float]] = field(default_factory=dict) timed(self, name: str) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"] change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () line_ids_to_input_lines(line_ids: Sequence[int]) -> Sequence[int] at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemTokenizer VERSION = "2.7" max_ref_tks: int = 512 max_query_tks: int = 512 max_output_tks: int = 256 max_scope_tks: int = 128 max_ref_tks_sum: int = 512 * 16 ref_chunk_overlap: int = 32 disable_builtin_defs: bool = True disable_unchanged_refs: bool = False current_code_only: bool = False tokenize_problem(problem: C3Problem) -> TkC3Problem at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedCodeSpan headers: Sequence[ChangedHeader] original: TkArray delta: TkDelta line_range: LineRange module: ModuleName at: coeditor.c3problem.TkC3Problem main_input: TkArray header: TkArray output: TkArray path: ProjectPath change_type: Change[None] named_references: Sequence[tuple[str, TkArray]] project: str commit: CommitInfo | None ===========unchanged ref 1=========== truncated: bool at: coeditor.common to_rel_path(path: os.PathLike | str) -> RelPath at: coeditor.encoding is_extra_id(tk: int) -> bool at: coeditor.model RetrievalModelPrediction(iterable: Iterable[Tuple[_KT, _VT]], **kwargs: _VT) RetrievalModelPrediction(**kwargs: _VT) RetrievalModelPrediction(map: Mapping[_KT, _VT], **kwargs: _VT) C3DataLoader(all_probs: Sequence[C3Problem], transform: C3ProblemTransform | None, tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer, batch_args: BatchArgs, shuffle: bool, desc: str, tqdm_args: dict | None=None, chunk_size: int=1000, workers: int=DefaultWorkers) at: coeditor.model.C3DataLoader all_probs: Sequence[C3Problem] transform: C3ProblemTransform | None tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer batch_args: BatchArgs shuffle: bool desc: str tqdm_args: dict | None = None chunk_size: int = 1000 workers: int = DefaultWorkers pack_batch(probs: Sequence[TkC3Problem]) at: coeditor.model.PredictedChange change: Modified[str] out_tks: TokenSeq score: float n_samples: int at: coeditor.model.RetrievalEditorModel is_parallelizable = False supports_gradient_checkpointing = False decorate_autocast(batch: dict, problems: Sequence[C3Problem], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int=1) predict_on_batch(batch: dict, problems: Sequence[C3Problem], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int=1) -> list[list[PredictedChange]] at: coeditor.service EditSuggestion(score: float, change_preview: str, new_code: str)
Improve suggestion preview. - Now shows changes of the target region only.
<0>:<add> elif tag != "?":
# module: coeditor._utils def compute_line_diffs( before: Sequence[str], after: Sequence[str], keep_explain_lines: bool = False ): SizeLimit = 8000 if ( sum(len(x) for x in before) > SizeLimit or sum(len(x) for x in after) > SizeLimit ): return compute_line_diffs_fast(before, after) differ = difflib.Differ() result = [] for line in, after): assert len(line) >= 2 tag = line[0] + if keep_explain_lines and tag == "?": - if keep_explain_lines or tag != "?": + result.append(tag + line[2:-1]) # remove trailing newline <0> result.append(tag + line[2:]) return result
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils compute_line_diffs_fast(before: Sequence[str], after: Sequence[str]) at: difflib Differ(linejunk: Optional[_JunkCallback]=..., charjunk: Optional[_JunkCallback]=...) at: difflib.Differ compare(a: Sequence[_StrType], b: Sequence[_StrType]) -> Iterator[_StrType] at: typing Sequence = _alias(, 1)
Improve suggestion preview. - Now shows changes of the target region only.
<0>:<add> edit_stop = min(edit_start + self.max_lines_to_edit, cspan.line_range[1])
# module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ChangeDetector: def get_problem( self, target_file: RelPath, target_lines: Sequence[int] | int, ) -> tuple[C3Problem, StatementSpan]: <s> first one." ) cspan = cspans[0] with _tlogger.timed("usage analysis"): script = self.get_current_script(target_file) lines_to_analyze = set(cspan.line_range.to_range()) lines_to_analyze.update(cspan.header_line_range.to_range()) target_usages = self.analyzer.get_line_usages( script, lines_to_analyze, silent=True ) src_info = SrcInfo(project=str(self.project), commit=None) changed = {m: c.inverse() for m, c in rev_changed.items()} cspan = cspan.inverse() if isinstance(target_lines, int): - edit_start = first_line - edit_stop = edit_start + min( - self.max_lines_to_edit, len(cspan.line_range.to_range()) + 1 - ) + n_above = max(1, self.max_lines_to_edit // 2) + edit_start = max(cspan.line_range[0], first_line - n_above) <0> target_lines = range(edit_start, edit_stop) modules = self.get_current_modules() self.gcache.set_module_map({m.mname: m for m in modules.values()}) self.gcache.clear_caches(self._updated_index_modules, self._updated_now_modules) self._updated_index_modules.clear() self._updated_now_modules.clear() prob = self.gcache.create_problem( cspan, target_lines, changed, target_usages, src_info ) return prob, span
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ChangeDetector: def get_problem( self, target_file: RelPath, target_lines: Sequence[int] | int, ) -> tuple[C3Problem, StatementSpan]: # offset: -1 <s> mod_new = self.get_current_module(rel_path) rev_changed[mod_new.mname] = JModuleChange.from_modules( Modified(mod_new, mod_old), only_ast_changes=False ) target_mod = self.get_current_module(target_file) span = target_mod.as_scope.search_span_by_line(first_line) if span is None: print_err("Target scope:") print_err(target_mod.as_scope) raise ValueError(f"Could not find a statement span at line {first_line}.") if target_mod.mname not in rev_changed: print(f"Target module '{target_mod.mname}' has not changed.") rev_changed[target_mod.mname] = JModuleChange( Modified.from_unchanged(target_mod), [] ) cspans = [ c for c in rev_changed[target_mod.mname].changed if first_line in c.line_range ] if len(cspans) == 0: # Create a trivial change for the target module if it wasn't changed. print(f"Target span has not changed. Creating a trivial change.") parents = [Modified.from_unchanged(s) for s in span.scope.ancestors()] cspan = ChangedSpan( Modified.from_unchanged(span.code), parents, span.line_range ) else: if len(cspans) > 1: warnings.warn( f"Multiple spans at line {first_line}. Using only the first one." ) cspan = cspans[0] with _tlogger.timed("usage analysis"):</s> ===========above chunk 1=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ChangeDetector: def get_problem( self, target_file: RelPath, target_lines: Sequence[int] | int, ) -> tuple[C3Problem, StatementSpan]: # offset: -2 <s>, path2 = change_line.split(" ") assert tag.startswith("R") if is_src(path1): path_changes.add(Deleted(path1)) if is_src(path2): path_changes.add(Added(path2)) # use inverse changes so that we can locate spans using their current locations rev_changed = dict[ModuleName, JModuleChange]() for path_change in path_changes: path = self.project / path_change.earlier rel_path = to_rel_path(path.relative_to(self.project)) if not isinstance(path_change, Added) and not path.exists(): warnings.warn(f"File missing: {rel_path}") if isinstance(path_change, Deleted): continue elif isinstance(path_change, Modified): path_change = Added(path_change.after) match path_change: case Added(): mod = self.get_current_module(rel_path) rev_changed[mod.mname] = JModuleChange.from_modules( Deleted(mod), only_ast_changes=False ) case Deleted(): mod = self.get_index_module(rel_path) rev_changed[mod.mname] = JModuleChange.from_modules( Added(mod), only_ast_changes=False ) case Modified(path1, path2): assert path1 == path2 mod_old = self.get_index_module(rel_path) mod_new = self.get_current_module(rel_path) rev_changed[mod_new.mname]</s> ===========above chunk 2=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ChangeDetector: def get_problem( self, target_file: RelPath, target_lines: Sequence[int] | int, ) -> tuple[C3Problem, StatementSpan]: # offset: -3 def is_src(path_s: str) -> bool: path = Path(path_s) return path.suffix == ".py" and all( p not in self.ignore_dirs for p in ) if isinstance(target_lines, int): first_line = target_lines else: first_line = target_lines[0] changed_files = run_command( ["git", "status", "--porcelain"], cwd=self.project ).splitlines() path_changes = set[Change[str]]() for change_line in changed_files: if not change_line: continue if change_line[2] == " ": tag = change_line[:2] path = change_line[3:] if not is_src(path): continue if tag.endswith("M") or tag.endswith("A") or tag == "??": if tag == "??" and not self.untracked_as_additions: continue if tag.endswith("A"): path_changes.add(Added(path)) elif tag.endswith("D"): path_changes.add(Deleted(path)) if tag.endswith("M"): path_changes.add(Modified(path, path)) else: tag,</s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: _warnings warn(message: str, category: Optional[Type[Warning]]=..., stacklevel: int=..., source: Optional[Any]=...) -> None warn(message: Warning, category: Any=..., stacklevel: int=..., source: Optional[Any]=...) -> None at: coeditor.c3problem SrcInfo(map: Mapping[_KT, _VT], **kwargs: _VT) SrcInfo(iterable: Iterable[Tuple[_KT, _VT]], **kwargs: _VT) SrcInfo(**kwargs: _VT) C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) at: coeditor.change Added(after: E1) Deleted(before: E1) Modified(before: E1, after: E1, unchanged: bool=False) Change = Added[E1] | Deleted[E1] | Modified[E1] at: coeditor.change.Added after: E1 at: coeditor.change.Deleted before: E1 at: coeditor.change.Modified before: E1 after: E1 unchanged: bool = False from_unchanged(v: T1) -> "Modified[T1]" at: coeditor.common RelPath = NewType("RelPath", Path) to_rel_path(path: os.PathLike | str) -> RelPath run_command(args: Sequence[str], cwd: str | Path) -> str print_err(*, sep: Optional[str]=..., end: Optional[str]=..., flush: bool=...) -> None ModuleName = str at: coeditor.common.TimedCache cached(key: T1, stamp: TStamp, f: Callable[[], T2]) -> T2
Improve suggestion preview. - Now shows changes of the target region only.
<0>:<add> input_code=target.current_code,
# module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def suggest_edit( self, file: Path, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), ) -> ServiceResponse: <s>( input_ids=input_tks, output_ids=pred_tks, labels=output_truth, references=references, ) pred_str = RetrievalDecodingResult.show_prediction(problem, pred) print(pred_str, file=f) + target = self.get_target_code(span.code, problem, tk_prob) suggestions = list[EditSuggestion]() for pred in predictions: + pred_change = self.apply_edit_to_elem( - new_code, preview = self.apply_edit_to_elem( + target, - span.code, problem, pred.out_tks, + ) + preview = "\n".join( + compute_line_diffs_fast( + splitlines(pred_change.before), + splitlines(pred_change.after), + ) ) suggestion = EditSuggestion( score=pred.score, change_preview=preview, + new_code=pred_change.after, - new_code=new_code, ) suggestions.append(suggestion) + target_lines = target.target_lines + return ServiceResponse( target_file=str(self.project / file), + edit_start=(target_lines[0], 0), - edit_start=(span.line_range[0], 0), + edit_end=(target_lines[-1] + 1, 0), - edit_end=(span.line_range[1], 0), + target_lines=target.target_lines, - target_lines=target_lines, - input_code=span.code, <0> suggestions=suggestions, )
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def suggest_edit( self, file: Path, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), ) -> ServiceResponse: # offset: -1 <s>span.original.tolist() with timed("run model"), torch.autocast("cuda"): predictions = self.model.predict_on_batch( batch, [original], self.dec_args, self.show_max_solutions ) assert_eq(len(predictions), 1) predictions = predictions[0] assert predictions if log_dir is not None: log_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) input_tks = batch["input_ids"][0] references = batch["references"] output_truth = batch["labels"][0] print(f"Writing logs to: {log_dir}") for i, pred in enumerate(predictions): with (log_dir / f"solution-{i}.txt").open("w") as f: pred_tks = pred.out_tks score = pred.score print(f"{problem.edit_line_ids=}", file=f) print(f"{len(input_tks)=}", file=f) print(f"{len(references)=}", file=f) print("Relevant unchagned:", file=f) for unchanged in problem.relevant_unchanged: print( "\tpath:", unchanged.headers[-1].path, "lines:", unchanged.line_range, file=f, ) print(f"Solution score: {score:.3g}", file=f) print(f"Marginalized samples:", pred.n_samples, file=f) pred = RetrievalModelPrediction( input_ids=input_tks, output_ids=pred_tks, labels=output_tr</s> ===========above chunk 1=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def suggest_edit( self, file: Path, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), ) -> ServiceResponse: # offset: -2 timed = self.tlogger.timed project = self.project if file.is_absolute(): file = file.relative_to(project) file = to_rel_path(file) with timed("get c3 problem"): problem, span = self.detector.get_problem(file, edit_lines) with timed("tokenize c3 problem"): tk_prob = self.c3_tkn.tokenize_problem(problem) - n_out_segs = sum(1 for tk in tk_prob.output_tks if is_extra_id(tk)) - target_lines = problem.line_ids_to_input_lines( - problem.edit_line_ids[:n_out_segs] - ) batch = C3DataLoader.pack_batch([tk_prob]) original = problem.span.original.tolist() with timed("run model"), torch.autocast("cuda"): predictions</s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils assert_eq(x: T1, y: T1, message: Callable[[], str]=lambda: "") -> None at: coeditor._utils.TimeLogger times: dict[str, list[float]] = field(default_factory=dict) timed(self, name: str) at: coeditor.c3problem C3ProblemTokenizer(max_ref_tks: int=512, max_query_tks: int=512, max_output_tks: int=256, max_scope_tks: int=128, max_ref_tks_sum: int=512 * 16, ref_chunk_overlap: int=32, disable_builtin_defs: bool=True, disable_unchanged_refs: bool=False, current_code_only: bool=False) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"] change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemTokenizer VERSION = "2.7" max_ref_tks: int = 512 max_query_tks: int = 512 max_output_tks: int = 256 max_scope_tks: int = 128 max_ref_tks_sum: int = 512 * 16 ref_chunk_overlap: int = 32 disable_builtin_defs: bool = True disable_unchanged_refs: bool = False current_code_only: bool = False tokenize_problem(problem: C3Problem) -> TkC3Problem at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedCodeSpan headers: Sequence[ChangedHeader] original: TkArray delta: TkDelta line_range: LineRange module: ModuleName ===========unchanged ref 1=========== at: coeditor.common to_rel_path(path: os.PathLike | str) -> RelPath at: coeditor.model DecodingArgs(max_output_tks: int=512, do_sample: bool=False, top_p: float=0.9, num_beams: Optional[int]=1, length_penalty: float=0.0, marginalize_samples: int=1) RetrievalModelPrediction(iterable: Iterable[Tuple[_KT, _VT]], **kwargs: _VT) RetrievalModelPrediction(**kwargs: _VT) RetrievalModelPrediction(map: Mapping[_KT, _VT], **kwargs: _VT) RetrievalEditorModel(config: T5Config) C3DataLoader(all_probs: Sequence[C3Problem], transform: C3ProblemTransform | None, tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer, batch_args: BatchArgs, shuffle: bool, desc: str, tqdm_args: dict | None=None, chunk_size: int=1000, workers: int=DefaultWorkers) at: coeditor.model.C3DataLoader all_probs: Sequence[C3Problem] transform: C3ProblemTransform | None tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer batch_args: BatchArgs shuffle: bool desc: str tqdm_args: dict | None = None chunk_size: int = 1000 workers: int = DefaultWorkers pack_batch(probs: Sequence[TkC3Problem]) at: coeditor.model.PredictedChange change: Modified[str] out_tks: TokenSeq score: float n_samples: int at: coeditor.model.RetrievalEditorModel is_parallelizable = False supports_gradient_checkpointing = False
Support line status visualization.
<0>:<add> "suggestions": [s for s in self.suggestions],
# module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ServiceResponse: def to_json(self): return { "target_file": self.target_file, "edit_start": self.edit_start, "edit_end": self.edit_end, "old_code": self.input_code, - "suggestions": [s.to_json() for s in self.suggestions], <0> "target_lines": list(self.target_lines), }
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.service.ServiceResponse target_file: str edit_start: tuple[int, int] edit_end: tuple[int, int] target_lines: Sequence[int] input_code: str suggestions: list[EditSuggestion] at: sys stdout: TextIO ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.service - @dataclass + class EditSuggestion(TypedDict): - class EditSuggestion: score: float change_preview: str new_code: str + line_status: list[tuple[int, StatusTag]] ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.service - @dataclass + class EditSuggestion(TypedDict): - class EditSuggestion: - def to_json(self): - return { - "score": self.score, - "change_preview": self.change_preview, - "new_code": self.new_code, - } -
Support line status visualization.
<0>:<add> print(textwrap.indent(s["change_preview"], "\t"), file=file)
# module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ServiceResponse: def print(self, file=sys.stdout): print(f"Target file: {self.target_file}", file=file) print(f"Edit range: {self.edit_start} - {self.edit_end}", file=file) target_lines = self.target_lines if target_lines: target_lines = f"{target_lines[0]}--{target_lines[-1]}" print(f"Target lines: {target_lines}", file=file) for i, s in enumerate(self.suggestions): print( + f"\t--------------- Suggestion {i} (score: {s['score']:.3g}) ---------------", - f"\t--------------- Suggestion {i} (score: {s.score:.3g}) ---------------", file=file, ) - print(textwrap.indent(s.change_preview, "\t"), file=file) <0>
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.service.ServiceResponse edit_start: tuple[int, int] edit_end: tuple[int, int] target_lines: Sequence[int] suggestions: list[EditSuggestion] at: textwrap indent(text: str, prefix: str, predicate: Optional[Callable[[str], bool]]=...) -> str ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.service - @dataclass + class EditSuggestion(TypedDict): - class EditSuggestion: score: float change_preview: str new_code: str + line_status: list[tuple[int, StatusTag]] ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.service - @dataclass + class EditSuggestion(TypedDict): - class EditSuggestion: - def to_json(self): - return { - "score": self.score, - "change_preview": self.change_preview, - "new_code": self.new_code, - } - ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class ServiceResponse: def to_json(self): return { "target_file": self.target_file, "edit_start": self.edit_start, "edit_end": self.edit_end, "old_code": self.input_code, + "suggestions": [s for s in self.suggestions], - "suggestions": [s.to_json() for s in self.suggestions], "target_lines": list(self.target_lines), }
New encoding for changed and unchanged refs.
<0>:<add> yield PyDefinition(full_name, start_pos, end_pos, signatures)
# module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class PyDefinition: @staticmethod def from_name(name: classes.BaseName) -> Iterable["PyDefinition"]: if ( not name.in_builtin_module() and (full_name := name.full_name) # and (import_module := name.module_name) - and (start_pos := name.get_definition_start_position()) - and (end_pos := name.get_definition_end_position()) + and (signatures := name._get_docstring_signature()) ): full_name = PyFullName(full_name) + start_pos = name.get_definition_start_position() + end_pos = name.get_definition_end_position() - # if not full_name.startswith(import_module): - # raise ValueError(f"Inconsistent module: {full_name=}, {import_module=}") - yield PyDefinition(full_name, start_pos, end_pos) <0>
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.c3problem PyFullName = NewType("PyFullName", str) PyDefinition(full_name: PyFullName, start_pos: tuple[int, int], end_pos: tuple[int, int]) at: coeditor.c3problem.PyDefinition full_name: PyFullName start_pos: tuple[int, int] end_pos: tuple[int, int] at: jedi.api.classes BaseName(inference_state, name) at: jedi.api.classes.BaseName _mapping = { 'posixpath': 'os.path', 'riscospath': 'os.path', 'ntpath': 'os.path', 'os2emxpath': 'os.path', 'macpath': 'os.path', 'genericpath': 'os.path', 'posix': 'os', '_io': 'io', '_functools': 'functools', '_collections': 'collections', '_socket': 'socket', '_sqlite3': 'sqlite3', } _tuple_mapping = dict((tuple(k.split('.')), v) for (k, v) in { 'argparse._ActionsContainer': 'argparse.ArgumentParser', }.items()) in_builtin_module() get_definition_start_position() get_definition_end_position() at: typing Iterable = _alias(, 1) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class PyDefinition: """Note that the module and positions can be referring to either the import statement or the actual definition.""" full_name: PyFullName + start_pos: tuple[int, int] | None - start_pos: tuple[int, int] + end_pos: tuple[int, int] | None - end_pos: tuple[int, int] + signatures: str ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class C3Problem: "Contextual code change prediction problem." span: ChangedCodeSpan # The line ids in the change tks that should be edited edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] # most relevant to least relevant relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] # most relevant to least relevant + relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"] - relevant_unchanged: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] # some optional information about how the problem was generated change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: + def change_size(self) -> int: + sum = 0 + for _, acts in self._deltas.items(): + for act in acts: + sum += len(act) + return sum +
New encoding for changed and unchanged refs.
<0>:<add> return join_list(self._encode_changed_ref(x) for x in changes)
# module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: def _group_encode_changed_refs( self, changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] + ) -> Sequence[TkArray]: - ) -> Sequence[TokenSeq]: - module2changes = groupby(changes, lambda c: c.module) - all_chunks = list[TokenSeq]() - for change_group in module2changes.values(): - change_group.sort(key=lambda c: c.line_range[0]) - segs = list[TokenSeq]() - # we'll add module as the chunk header, so we start within the module - last_scope = change_group[0].headers[:1] - for c in change_group: - header_diff = list[ChangedHeader]() - for i, h in enumerate(c.headers): - if i >= len(last_scope) or h.path != last_scope[i].path: - header_diff.append(h) - if header_diff: - header_tks = self._encode_headers(header_diff, 0) - segs.append(header_tks) - c_tks = - segs.append(c_tks) - segs.append([Newline_id, Newline_id]) - last_scope = c.headers - segs.append([Newline_id]) - mod_change = change_group[0].headers[:1] - mod_chunks = break_into_chunks( - join_list(segs), - lambda i: self._encode_headers(mod_change, i), - self.max_ref_tks, - overlap=self.ref_chunk_overlap, - ) - all_chunks.extend(mod_chunks) - return all_chunks <0>
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils groupby(iterable: Iterable[T1], keyfunc: Callable[[T1], T2]) -> dict[T2, list[T1]] at: coeditor.c3problem ChangedHeader(change_tks: TkArray, type: str, line_range: LineRange, path: ProjectPath) ChangedCodeSpan(headers: Sequence[ChangedHeader], original: TkArray, delta: TkDelta, line_range: LineRange, module: ModuleName) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemTokenizer max_ref_tks: int = 512 ref_chunk_overlap: int = 32 _encode_headers(scope_changes: Sequence[ChangedHeader], offset: int) -> TokenSeq at: coeditor.common TokenSeq = list[Token] join_list(segs: Iterable[Iterable[T1]], sep: T1 | None=None) -> list[T1] at: coeditor.encoding Newline_id = get_tk_id("\n") break_into_chunks(tks: TokenSeq, header_f: Callable[[int], TokenSeq], chunk_size: int, overlap: int, right_to_left: bool=False, add_bos: bool=True, max_return_chunks: int | None=None) -> list[TokenSeq] at: typing Sequence = _alias(, 1) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: + def _encode_changed_ref(self, cspan: ChangedCodeSpan) -> Iterable[TkArray]: + "encode a single changed reference" + cspan_tks = + for chunk in break_into_chunks( + cspan_tks, + lambda i: self._encode_headers(cspan.headers, i), + self.max_ref_tks, + overlap=self.ref_chunk_overlap, + ): + yield + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: def _group_encode_unchanged_refs( + self, elems: Mapping[PyFullName, PyDefinition] - self, elems: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] + ) -> Sequence[TkArray]: - ) -> Sequence[TokenSeq]: + results = list[TkArray]() + this_chunk = TokenSeq() + for name, defn in elems.items(): + parent = ".".join(split_dots(name)[:-1]) + text = f"at: {parent}\n{defn.signatures}\n\n" + tks = encode_lines_join(text) + tks = truncate_section( + tks, TruncateAt.Right, self.max_ref_tks, inplace=True + ) + if len(this_chunk) + len(tks) > self.max_ref_tks: + results.append( + this_chunk = tks + else: + this_chunk.extend(tks) + if this_chunk: + results.append( + return results - return self._group_encode_changed_refs(elems) ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: + """ + ## Change log + - 2.4: Encode each changed reference individually. Encode signatures for unchanged. + """ + + VERSION = "2.4" - VERSION = "2.3" max_ref_tks: int = 512 max_query_tks: int = 512 max_output_tks: int = 256 max_scope_tks: int = 128 max_ref_tks_sum: int = 512 * 12 ref_chunk_overlap: int = 32 ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class PyDefinition: """Note that the module and positions can be referring to either the import statement or the actual definition.""" full_name: PyFullName + start_pos: tuple[int, int] | None - start_pos: tuple[int, int] + end_pos: tuple[int, int] | None - end_pos: tuple[int, int] + signatures: str ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3ProblemGenerator(ProjectChangeProcessor[C3Problem]): """ ### Change log + - v2.7: Use new PyDefiniton that includes signatures. - v2.6: fix missing changes in `JModuleChanges`. Rename to edit_line_ids. - v2.5: fix newline encoding bug. - v2.4: fix buggy encoding of `Added` and `Deleted` changes. - v2.3: always generate problems with full editing range and move the problem splitting logic elsewhere. Also changed the data format of `ChangedCodeSpan`. """ + VERSION = "2.7" - VERSION = "2.6" # change spans with more than this many lines will be ignored max_span_lines: int = 500 ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: def get_relevant_unchanged( self, this_change: ChangedCodeSpan, - other_changes: Collection[ChangedCodeSpan], line_usages: LineUsageAnalysis, ): module = this_change.module # parent defs are also considered as used - parent_defs = [ - PyDefinition( - PyFullName(f"{c.path.module}.{c.path.path}"), - (c.line_range[0], 0), - (c.line_range[1], 0), - ) - for c in this_change.headers - ] - # immediate parents are more relevant - sorted_defs = list(reversed(parent_defs)) - used_defs = set(sorted_defs) + sorted_defs = dict[PyFullName, PyDefinition]() all_lines = set(this_change.line_range.to_range()) all_lines.update(this_change.headers[-1].line_range.to_range()) for l in all_lines: for pydef in line_usages.line2usages.get(l, set()): if ( pydef.full_name.startswith(module) + and pydef.start_pos and pydef.start_pos[0] in all_lines ): # skip self references continue - if pydef not in used_defs: - used_defs.add(pydef) - sorted_defs.append(pydef) + sorted_defs.setdefault(pydef.full_name, pydef) - # return unique cspans - seen = set[tuple[ModuleName, LineRange]]() - # we don't need to show the changed parts again - for cspan in (this_change, *other_changes): - seen.add((cspan.module, cspan.line_range)) - result = list[ChangedCodeSpan]() + return sorted_defs - for used in</s>
New encoding for changed and unchanged refs.
<0>:<add> dec_args = DecodingArgs(do_sample=False, num_beams=4)
# module: scripts.start_server def start_server(device, port: int, print_stats: bool = True): # this newer model is trained with comments model_path = "MrVPlusOne/coeditor-xl-c3-dropout-v1.4" model = RetrievalEditorModel.load(model_path) print(f"Model '{model_path}' loaded on device:", device) - dec_args = DecodingArgs(do_sample=False, num_beams=1) <0> services = dict[Path, EditPredictionService]() @method def suggestEdits( project: str, file: str, lines: Sequence[int] | int, writeLogs: bool ): target_dir = Path(project).resolve() if (service := services.get(target_dir)) is None: with timed_action(f"Create service for project: {target_dir}"): detector = ChangeDetector(target_dir) service = EditPredictionService( detector, model, dec_args=dec_args, ) services[target_dir] = service print(f"Suggesting edit for lines {lines} in {file}") path = Path(file) if not Path.is_absolute(path): path = target_dir / path try: service.tlogger.clear() log_dir = service.project / ".coeditor_logs" if writeLogs else None response = service.suggest_edit(path, lines, log_dir) if print_stats: print("Runtime stats:") display(service.tlogger.as_dataframe()) return Success(response.to_json()) except Exception as e: print("Failed with exception:") traceback.print_exception(e) return Error(code=1, message=repr(e)) print(f"Starting suggestion server at localhost:{port}") serve("localhost", port)
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: IPython.core.display_functions display(*, include=None, exclude=None, metadata=None, transient=None, display_id=None, raw=False, clear=False, source=_sentinel, **kwargs) at: coeditor._utils timed_action(name: str, silent: bool=False) at: coeditor._utils.TimeLogger times: dict[str, list[float]] = field(default_factory=dict) as_dataframe() clear() at: coeditor.model DecodingArgs(max_output_tks: int=512, do_sample: bool=False, top_p: float=0.9, num_beams: Optional[int]=1, length_penalty: float=0.0, marginalize_samples: int=1) RetrievalEditorModel(config: T5Config) at: coeditor.model.DecodingArgs max_output_tks: int = 512 do_sample: bool = False top_p: float = 0.9 num_beams: Optional[int] = 1 length_penalty: float = 0.0 marginalize_samples: int = 1 at: coeditor.model.RetrievalEditorModel is_parallelizable = False supports_gradient_checkpointing = False load(save_dir: Path | str) -> "RetrievalEditorModel" at: coeditor.service ChangeDetector(project: Path, untracked_as_additions: bool=True, ignore_dirs: Collection[str]=field(default_factory=lambda: DefaultIgnoreDirs), max_lines_to_edit: int=30) EditPredictionService() at: coeditor.service.EditPredictionService suggest_edit(file: RelPath, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None=Path(".coeditor_logs")) -> ServiceResponse at: coeditor.service.EditPredictionService.__init__ self.project = detector.project self.tlogger = _tlogger ===========unchanged ref 1=========== at: coeditor.service.ServiceResponse target_file: str target_project: str edit_start: tuple[int, int] edit_end: tuple[int, int] target_lines: Sequence[int] input_code: str suggestions: list[EditSuggestion] to_json() at: jsonrpcserver.methods method(f: Optional[Method]=None, name: Optional[str]=None) -> Callable[..., Any] at: jsonrpcserver.result Success(fields: Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]=..., **kwargs: Any) -> Either[ErrorResult, SuccessResult] Error(fields: Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]=..., **kwargs: Any) -> Either[ErrorResult, SuccessResult] at: jsonrpcserver.server serve(name: str="", port: int=5000) -> None at: pathlib Path() at: pathlib.Path __slots__ = () resolve(strict: bool=...) -> _P at: pathlib.PurePath __slots__ = ( '_drv', '_root', '_parts', '_str', '_hash', '_pparts', '_cached_cparts', ) drive = property(attrgetter('_drv'), doc="""The drive prefix (letter or UNC path), if any.""") root = property(attrgetter('_root'), doc="""The root of the path, if any.""") is_absolute(self) -> bool at: traceback print_exception(etype: Optional[Type[BaseException]], value: Optional[BaseException], tb: Optional[TracebackType], limit: Optional[int]=..., file: Optional[IO[str]]=..., chain: bool=...) -> None at: transformers.modeling_utils.PreTrainedModel config_class = None base_model_prefix = "" main_input_name = "input_ids" _auto_class = None _no_split_modules = None ===========unchanged ref 2=========== _skip_keys_device_placement = None _keep_in_fp32_modules = None _keys_to_ignore_on_load_missing = None _keys_to_ignore_on_load_unexpected = None _keys_to_ignore_on_save = None _tied_weights_keys = None is_parallelizable = False supports_gradient_checkpointing = False to(device: Optional[Union[int, device]]=..., dtype: Optional[Union[dtype, str]]=..., non_blocking: bool=..., /, *, device: Optional[Union[int, device]]=..., dtype: Optional[Union[dtype, str]]=..., non_blocking: bool=..., tensor: Tensor) at: typing Sequence = _alias(, 1) at: typing.Mapping get(key: _KT) -> Optional[_VT_co] get(key: _KT, default: Union[_VT_co, _T]) -> Union[_VT_co, _T] ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def suggest_edit( self, file: Path, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), ) -> ServiceResponse: timed = self.tlogger.timed project = self.project if file.is_absolute(): file = file.relative_to(project) file = to_rel_path(file) with timed("get c3 problem"): problem, span = self.detector.get_problem(file, edit_lines) with timed("tokenize c3 problem"): tk_prob = self.c3_tkn.tokenize_problem(problem) batch = C3DataLoader.pack_batch([tk_prob]) original = problem.span.original.tolist() with timed("run model"), torch.autocast("cuda"): predictions = self.model.predict_on_batch( batch, [original], self.dec_args, self.show_max_solutions ) assert_eq(len(predictions), 1) predictions = predictions[0] assert predictions if log_dir is not None: log_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) input_tks = batch["input_ids"][0] references = batch["references"] output_truth = batch["labels"][0] print(f"Writing logs to: {log_dir}") for i, pred in enumerate(predictions): with (log_dir / f"solution-{i}.txt").open("w") as f: pred_tks = pred.out_tks score = pred.score print(f"{problem.edit_line_ids=}", file=f) print(f"{len(input_tks)=}", file=f) print(f"{len(references)=}", file=f) - print("Relevant unchagned:", file=f) - </s>
Improve line diffs. - Now for replace, `+` comes before `-`.
<0>:<add> for line in compare(before, after):
# module: coeditor._utils def compute_line_diffs( before: Sequence[str], after: Sequence[str], keep_explain_lines: bool = False ): SizeLimit = 8000 + differ = _ModifiedDiffer() if ( sum(len(x) for x in before) > SizeLimit or sum(len(x) for x in after) > SizeLimit ): + compare = differ.simple_compare + else: + compare = - return compute_line_diffs_fast(before, after) - differ = difflib.Differ() result = [] - for line in, after): <0> assert len(line) >= 2 tag = line[0] if keep_explain_lines and tag == "?": result.append(tag + line[2:-1]) # remove trailing newline elif tag != "?": result.append(tag + line[2:]) return result
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: difflib SequenceMatcher(isjunk: Optional[Callable[[_T], bool]]=..., a: Sequence[_T]=..., b: Sequence[_T]=..., autojunk: bool=...) _keep_original_ws(s, tag_s) Differ(linejunk: Optional[_JunkCallback]=..., charjunk: Optional[_JunkCallback]=...) at: difflib.Differ _dump(self, tag, x, lo, hi) _qformat(self, aline, bline, atags, btags) at: typing Callable = _CallableType(, 2)
Improve line diffs. - Now for replace, `+` comes before `-`.
<0>:<add> while i < len(keys) and is_next(i - 1, i) and is_key_type(i, Del_id):
# module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: def change_groups(self) -> Sequence[Sequence[DeltaKey]]: <s>] return l1 == l2 or (l2 == l1 + 1) + def is_same_line(key1: int, key2: int): + if key2 >= len(keys): + return False + l1 = keys[key1][0] + l2 = keys[key2][0] + return l1 == l2 + groups = list[tuple[DeltaKey, ...]]() keys = tuple(self.keys()) i = 0 while i < len(keys): # case 1: <del> immediately followed by <add> if ( + is_same_line(i, i + 1) - is_next(i, i + 1) - and is_key_type(i, Del_id) + and is_key_type(i, Add_id) - and is_key_type(i + 1, Add_id) + and is_key_type(i + 1, Del_id) ): groups.append((keys[i], keys[i + 1])) i += 2 continue # case 2: contiguous <del> blocks if is_key_type(i, Del_id): del_block = [keys[i]] i += 1 - while ( - i < len(keys) - and is_next(i - 1, i) - and is_key_type(i, Del_id) - and not is_key_type(i + 1, Add_id) - ): <0> del_block.append(keys[i]) i += 1 if del_block: groups.append(tuple(del_block)) continue # case 3: single action groups.append((keys[i],)) i += 1 assert_eq(join_list(groups), list(keys)) return groups
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: def change_groups(self) -> Sequence[Sequence[DeltaKey]]: # offset: -1 """Group individual changes into logical groups using heuristics. Currently, this only groups a <del> immediately followed by an <add>, as well as contiguous <del> blocks.""" def is_key_type(key_id: int, type: Token): if key_id >= len(keys): return False return self[keys[key_id]][0] == type def is_next(key1: int, key2: int): if key2 >= len(keys): return False l1 = keys[key1][0] l2 = keys[key2][0] return l1 == l2 or (l2 == l1 + 1) + def is_same_line(</s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.common Token = int at: coeditor.encoding Add_id = get_tk_id(Add) Del_id = get_tk_id(Del) DeltaKey = NewType("DeltaKey", tuple[int, int]) at: coeditor.encoding.TkDelta _deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]] keys() -> Iterable[DeltaKey] at: typing Sequence = _alias(, 1) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor._utils + class _ModifiedDiffer(difflib.Differ): + """Modified Differ that outputs additions before deletions for replacement spans.""" + + _dump: Callable + linejunk: Any + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor._utils + class _ModifiedDiffer(difflib.Differ): + # switch + and - order + def _qformat(self, aline, bline, atags, btags): + atags = _keep_original_ws(aline, atags).rstrip() + btags = _keep_original_ws(bline, btags).rstrip() + + yield "+ " + bline + if btags: + yield f"? {btags}\n" + + yield "- " + aline + if atags: + yield f"? {atags}\n" + ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor._utils + class _ModifiedDiffer(difflib.Differ): + # switch + and - order + def _plain_replace(self, a, alo, ahi, b, blo, bhi): + assert alo < ahi and blo < bhi + # dump the shorter block first -- reduces the burden on short-term + # memory if the blocks are of very different sizes + if bhi - blo < ahi - alo: + first = self._dump("+", b, blo, bhi) + second = self._dump("-", a, alo, ahi) + else: + first = self._dump("-", a, alo, ahi) + second = self._dump("+", b, blo, bhi) + # TODO: this changed + for g in second, first: + yield from g + ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor._utils + class _ModifiedDiffer(difflib.Differ): + # use _plain_replace instead of _fancy_replace + def simple_compare(self, a, b): + cruncher = SequenceMatcher(self.linejunk, a, b) + for tag, alo, ahi, blo, bhi in cruncher.get_opcodes(): + if tag == "replace": + g = self._plain_replace(a, alo, ahi, b, blo, bhi) + elif tag == "delete": + g = self._dump("-", a, alo, ahi) + elif tag == "insert": + g = self._dump("+", b, blo, bhi) + elif tag == "equal": + g = self._dump(" ", a, alo, ahi) + else: + raise ValueError("unknown tag %r" % (tag,)) + + yield from g + ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor._utils def compute_line_diffs( before: Sequence[str], after: Sequence[str], keep_explain_lines: bool = False ): SizeLimit = 8000 + differ = _ModifiedDiffer() if ( sum(len(x) for x in before) > SizeLimit or sum(len(x) for x in after) > SizeLimit ): + compare = differ.simple_compare + else: + compare = - return compute_line_diffs_fast(before, after) - differ = difflib.Differ() result = [] + for line in compare(before, after): - for line in, after): assert len(line) >= 2 tag = line[0] if keep_explain_lines and tag == "?": result.append(tag + line[2:-1]) # remove trailing newline elif tag != "?": result.append(tag + line[2:]) return result
Keep items order in random_subset.
<0>:<add> ids = _subset_ids(ids)
# module: coeditor.common def random_subset(all, n: int, rng: random.Random | int | None = None): if rng is None: rng = random.Random() elif isinstance(rng, int): rng = random.Random(rng) + + def _subset_ids(ids: list[int]): + rng.shuffle(ids) + ids = ids[:n] + ids.sort() + return ids + if isinstance(all, Sequence): ids = list(range(len(all))) + ids = _subset_ids(ids) - rng.shuffle(ids) xs = [all[i] for i in ids[:n]] return xs elif isinstance(all, Mapping): keys = [k for k in all] ids = list(range(len(keys))) - rng.shuffle(ids) <0> return {(k := keys[i]): all[k] for i in ids[:n]} else: raise ArgumentError(all, f"Unsupported arg type: {type(all)}")
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: random Random(x: Any=...) at: random.Random VERSION = 3 # used by getstate/setstate _randbelow = _randbelow_with_getrandbits shuffle(x: MutableSequence[Any], random: Optional[Callable[[], float]]=...) -> None at: typing Sequence = _alias(, 1)
More edits tests.
<0>:<add> c_rec2 = tokens_to_change(inlined)
# module: tests.test_edits class TestChangeIdentities: def test_tk_encodings(self): <s> * 40) - # print(show_change(c)) c_tokens = change_to_tokens(c) + print_sections( + ("c_tokens", decode_tokens(c_tokens)), - print("c_tokens\n------\n", decode_tokens(c_tokens)) + ) c_rec = tokens_to_change(c_tokens) assert_change_eq( c_rec, c, "change_to_tokens |> tokens_to_change = identity: " + name ) in_seq, out_seq = change_to_input_output(c) + print_sections( + ("in_seq", decode_tokens(in_seq)), - print("in_seq\n------\n", decode_tokens(in_seq)) + ("out_seq", decode_tokens(out_seq)), - print("out_seq\n------\n", decode_tokens(out_seq)) + ) assert_tks_eq( in_seq, code_to_input(encode_lines_join(get_before(c))), "change_to_input_output mathese code_to_input: " + name, ) if len(splitlines(get_before(c))) < N_Extra_Ids: inlined = inline_output_tokens(in_seq, out_seq) - if inlined: - assert inlined[-1] == Newline_id assert_tks_eq( + inlined, change_to_tokens(c), "inline_output_tokens: " + name - inlined[:-1], change_to_tokens(c), "inline_output_tokens: " + name ) - c_rec2 = tokens_to_change(inlined[:-1]) <0> assert_change_eq(c_rec2, c, "tokens_to_change(inlined): " + name)
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: tests.test_edits class TestChangeIdentities: def test_tk_encodings(self): # offset: -1 for name, c in self.cases.items(): + print("=" * 40, name, "=" * 40) - # print(show_change(c)) c_tokens = change_to_tokens(c) </s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.common print_sections(*, sep: str=SEP, file: TextIO=sys.stdout) -> None print_err(*, sep: Optional[str]=..., end: Optional[str]=..., flush: bool=...) -> None assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str, name: str | None=None) at: coeditor.encoding decode_tokens(tokens: TokenSeq, prettify: bool=False) -> str line_diffs_to_original_delta(diffs: list[str]) -> tuple[str, StrDelta] change_to_tokens(change: Change[str]) -> TokenSeq tokens_to_change(tokens: TokenSeq) -> Modified[str] change_to_input_output(change: Change[str]) -> tuple[TokenSeq, TokenSeq] at: tests.test_edits get_before(change: Change[str]) -> str get_after(change: Change[str]) -> str assert_change_eq(actual: Change[str], expected: Change[str], name: str) ===========unchanged ref 1=========== at: tests.test_edits.TestChangeIdentities cases: dict[str, Change[str]] = { "empty": Modified("", ""), "generation": Modified("", "123"), "add a new line": Modified("", "\n"), "add a new line at end": Modified("a", "a\n"), "added": Added("a\nb\nc\n"), "deleted": Deleted("a\nb\nc\n"), "no change": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 """ ), dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 """ ), ), "unchanged=True": Modified.from_unchanged( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 """ ), ), # this test case cannot pass for some reason. Tokenizer bug? # "leading_whitespace": Modified.from_unchanged(" ..."), "replace last": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1""" ), dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 2 return x * 2""" ), ), "no special tokens": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 y = 2 z = x + y return z def f2(): f1()""" ), dedent( """\ # new comment def f_new(): x = 1 if x > 0: y = 2 * x y *= 2 z = x + y return z def f2(): f1() return f_new() + a new_var = 0 """ ), ), "with special tokens": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = "<add>" </s> ===========unchanged ref 2=========== at: tests.test_edits.TestChangeIdentities.test_str_encodings line_diffs = change_to_line_diffs(c) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: tests.test_edits def assert_change_eq(actual: Change[str], expected: Change[str], name: str): + assert_str_equal(get_before(actual), get_before(expected)) - if get_before(actual) != get_before(expected): - print_sections( - ("Expected before", get_before(expected)), - ("Reconstructed before", get_before(actual)), - ) - raise ValueError(f"Failed for case: {name}") + assert_str_equal(get_after(actual), get_after(expected)) - if get_after(actual) != get_after(expected): - print_sections( - ("Expected after", get_after(expected)), - ("Reconstructed after", get_after(actual)), - ) - raise ValueError(f"Failed for case: {name}") ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: tests.test_edits + def test_splitlines(): + for n in range(100): + rand_input = [random.choice(["a", "b", "c", "\n"]) for _ in range(n)] + input = fix_line_end("".join(rand_input)) + lines = splitlines(input) + + # basic identity + assert "".join(lines) == input + assert count_lines(input) == len(lines) + + # encode and decode + enc = encode_lines_join(input) + assert decode_tokens(enc) == input + + # split tokens + tk_lines = tk_splitlines(enc) + assert len(tk_lines) == len(lines) + assert_tks_eq(join_list(tk_lines), enc, "join_list(tk_lines)") + ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: tests.test_edits class TestChangeIdentities: cases: dict[str, Change[str]] = { "empty": Modified("", ""), "generation": Modified("", "123"), + "add a new line": Modified("", "\n"), + "add a new line at end": Modified("a", "a\n"), "added": Added("a\nb\nc\n"), "deleted": Deleted("a\nb\nc\n"), "no change": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 """ ), dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 """ ), ), "unchanged=True": Modified.from_unchanged( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 """ ), ), # this test case cannot pass for some reason. Tokenizer bug? # "leading_whitespace": Modified.from_unchanged(" ..."), "replace last": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1""" ), dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 2 return x * 2""" ), ), "no special tokens": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 y = 2 z = x + y return z def f2(): f1()""" ), dedent( """\ # new comment def f_new(): x = 1 if x > 0: y = 2 * x y *= 2 z = x + y return z def f2(): f1() return f_new() + a new_var = 0 """ ), ), "with special tokens": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x =</s>
More edits tests.
<0>:<add> n_origin_lines = len(tk_splitlines(original))
# module: tests.test_edits class TestChangeIdentities: def test_get_new_target_lines(self): for name, c in self.cases.items(): original, delta = TkDelta.from_change_tks(change_to_tokens(c)) - n_origin_lines = len(split_list(original, Newline_id)) <0> edit_lines = range(n_origin_lines + 1) keys = tuple(delta.keys()) for _ in range(10): n_keys = int(len(keys) * random.random()) sub_keys = random_subset(keys, n_keys) sub_keys.sort() delta1, delta2 = delta.decompose_for_change(sub_keys) new_edit_lines = delta1.get_new_target_lines(edit_lines) new_edit_set = set(new_edit_lines) for l in delta2.changed_lines(): if l not in new_edit_set and l != n_origin_lines: print_err(f"{edit_lines=}") print_err("original", SEP) print_err(add_line_numbers(decode_tokens(original), start=0)) print_err(SEP) print_err(f"{delta=}") print_err(f"{sub_keys=}") print_err(f"{delta1=}") print_err("step1", SEP) step1 = delta1.apply_to_change(original) print_err(add_line_numbers(decode_tokens(step1), start=0)) print_err(SEP) print_err(f"{new_edit_lines=}") print_err(f"{delta2=}") raise AssertionError(f"{l=} not in {new_edit_lines=}")
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.common SEP = "-" * 80 random_subset(all: Mapping[T1, T2], n: int, rng: random.Random | int | None=None) -> dict[T1, T2] random_subset(all: Sequence[T1], n: int, rng: random.Random | int | None=None) -> list[T1] print_err(*, sep: Optional[str]=..., end: Optional[str]=..., flush: bool=...) -> None at: coeditor.encoding tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq) decode_tokens(tokens: TokenSeq, prettify: bool=False) -> str TkDelta(_deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]]) change_to_tokens(change: Change[str]) -> TokenSeq at: coeditor.encoding.TkDelta from_change_tks(change_tks: TokenSeq) -> tuple[TokenSeq, "TkDelta"] at: random random = _inst.random ===========unchanged ref 1=========== at: tests.test_edits.TestChangeIdentities cases: dict[str, Change[str]] = { "empty": Modified("", ""), "generation": Modified("", "123"), "add a new line": Modified("", "\n"), "add a new line at end": Modified("a", "a\n"), "added": Added("a\nb\nc\n"), "deleted": Deleted("a\nb\nc\n"), "no change": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 """ ), dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 """ ), ), "unchanged=True": Modified.from_unchanged( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 """ ), ), # this test case cannot pass for some reason. Tokenizer bug? # "leading_whitespace": Modified.from_unchanged(" ..."), "replace last": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1""" ), dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 2 return x * 2""" ), ), "no special tokens": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 y = 2 z = x + y return z def f2(): f1()""" ), dedent( """\ # new comment def f_new(): x = 1 if x > 0: y = 2 * x y *= 2 z = x + y return z def f2(): f1() return f_new() + a new_var = 0 """ ), ), "with special tokens": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = "<add>" </s> ===========unchanged ref 2=========== at: tests.test_edits.TestChangeIdentities.test_delta_decomposition original, delta = TkDelta.from_change_tks(change_to_tokens(c)) original, delta = TkDelta.from_change_tks(change_to_tokens(c)) expect = delta.apply_to_input(original) sub_keys = random_subset(keys, n_keys) delta1, delta2 = delta.decompose_for_input(sub_keys) delta1, delta2 = delta.decompose_for_input(sub_keys) step1 = delta1.apply_to_input(original) step2 = delta2.apply_to_input(step1) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: tests.test_edits + def test_splitlines(): + for n in range(100): + rand_input = [random.choice(["a", "b", "c", "\n"]) for _ in range(n)] + input = fix_line_end("".join(rand_input)) + lines = splitlines(input) + + # basic identity + assert "".join(lines) == input + assert count_lines(input) == len(lines) + + # encode and decode + enc = encode_lines_join(input) + assert decode_tokens(enc) == input + + # split tokens + tk_lines = tk_splitlines(enc) + assert len(tk_lines) == len(lines) + assert_tks_eq(join_list(tk_lines), enc, "join_list(tk_lines)") + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: tests.test_edits def assert_change_eq(actual: Change[str], expected: Change[str], name: str): + assert_str_equal(get_before(actual), get_before(expected)) - if get_before(actual) != get_before(expected): - print_sections( - ("Expected before", get_before(expected)), - ("Reconstructed before", get_before(actual)), - ) - raise ValueError(f"Failed for case: {name}") + assert_str_equal(get_after(actual), get_after(expected)) - if get_after(actual) != get_after(expected): - print_sections( - ("Expected after", get_after(expected)), - ("Reconstructed after", get_after(actual)), - ) - raise ValueError(f"Failed for case: {name}") ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: tests.test_edits class TestChangeIdentities: def test_delta_decomposition(self): for name, c in self.cases.items(): original, delta = TkDelta.from_change_tks(change_to_tokens(c)) + assert_tks_eq(original, encode_lines_join(get_before(c)), name) expect = delta.apply_to_input(original) + assert_tks_eq(expect, encode_lines_join(get_after(c)), name) keys = tuple(delta.keys()) for _ in range(50): n_keys = int(len(keys) * random.random()) sub_keys = random_subset(keys, n_keys) delta1, delta2 = delta.decompose_for_input(sub_keys) step1 = delta1.apply_to_input(original) step2 = delta2.apply_to_input(step1) if step2 != expect: + print_sections( + ("change", decode_tokens(change_to_tokens(c))), + ("delta", str(delta)), + ("sub_keys", str(sub_keys)), - print_err(f"{sub_keys=}") - print_err("earlier", SEP) - print_err(c.earlier) - print_err("Original", SEP) + ("original", decode_tokens(original)), - print_err(decode_tokens(original)) + ("delta1", str(delta1)), + ("step1", decode_tokens(step1)), + ("delta2", str(delta2)), + ("step2", decode_tokens(step2)), - print_err("Expect", SEP) + ("expect", decode_tokens(expect)), - print_err(decode_tokens(expect)) - print_err("delta1", SEP) - print_err(delta1) - print_err("step1", SEP) - print</s>
handle trailing spaces in test.
<0>:<add> raise AssertionError(f"Strings didn't match: {name}")
# module: coeditor.common + def assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str, name: str | None = None): - def assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str): + actual = actual.rstrip() + expect = expect.rstrip() if actual != expect: print_err(f"{expect = }") print_err(f"{actual = }") print_err("String difference:") diff = show_string_diff(expect, actual) print_err(diff) - raise AssertionError("Strings didn't match.") <0>
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: sys stderr: TextIO ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.common + def fix_newline(text: str): + if text.endswith("\n"): + return text + return text + "\n" +
handle trailing spaces in test.
<0>:<add> lines = tk_splitlines(input)
# module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: def apply_to_input(self, input: TokenSeq): - lines = split_list(input, Newline_id) <0> new_lines = list[TokenSeq]() for i, line in enumerate(lines): deleted = False if delta := self._deltas.get(i): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action[1:]) elif action[0] == Del_id: deleted = True if not deleted: new_lines.append(line) if delta := self._deltas.get(len(lines)): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action[1:]) return join_list(new_lines, Newline_id)
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.common TokenSeq = list[Token] at: coeditor.encoding Add_id = get_tk_id(Add) Del_id = get_tk_id(Del) tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq) DeltaKey = NewType("DeltaKey", tuple[int, int]) at: coeditor.encoding.TkDelta _deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]] at: typing.Mapping get(key: _KT) -> Optional[_VT_co] get(key: _KT, default: Union[_VT_co, _T]) -> Union[_VT_co, _T] ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.encoding + def tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq): + return split_list(tks, Newline_id) + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.common + def fix_newline(text: str): + if text.endswith("\n"): + return text + return text + "\n" + ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.common + def assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str, name: str | None = None): - def assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str): + actual = actual.rstrip() + expect = expect.rstrip() if actual != expect: print_err(f"{expect = }") print_err(f"{actual = }") print_err("String difference:") diff = show_string_diff(expect, actual) print_err(diff) + raise AssertionError(f"Strings didn't match: {name}") - raise AssertionError("Strings didn't match.")
handle trailing spaces in test.
<0>:<add> lines = tk_splitlines(change)
# module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: def apply_to_change(self, change: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq: - lines = split_list(change, Newline_id) <0> new_lines = list[TokenSeq]() for i, line in enumerate(lines): deleted = False if delta := self._deltas.get(i): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action) elif action[0] == Del_id: deleted = True if deleted: new_lines.append([Del_id] + line) else: new_lines.append(line) if delta := self._deltas.get(len(lines)): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action) return join_list(new_lines, Newline_id)
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.common TokenSeq = list[Token] at: coeditor.encoding Add_id = get_tk_id(Add) Del_id = get_tk_id(Del) tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq) at: coeditor.encoding.TkDelta _deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]] at: typing.Mapping get(key: _KT) -> Optional[_VT_co] get(key: _KT, default: Union[_VT_co, _T]) -> Union[_VT_co, _T] ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.encoding + def tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq): + return split_list(tks, Newline_id) + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: def apply_to_input(self, input: TokenSeq): + lines = tk_splitlines(input) - lines = split_list(input, Newline_id) new_lines = list[TokenSeq]() for i, line in enumerate(lines): deleted = False if delta := self._deltas.get(i): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action[1:]) elif action[0] == Del_id: deleted = True if not deleted: new_lines.append(line) if delta := self._deltas.get(len(lines)): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action[1:]) return join_list(new_lines, Newline_id) ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.common + def fix_newline(text: str): + if text.endswith("\n"): + return text + return text + "\n" + ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.common + def assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str, name: str | None = None): - def assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str): + actual = actual.rstrip() + expect = expect.rstrip() if actual != expect: print_err(f"{expect = }") print_err(f"{actual = }") print_err("String difference:") diff = show_string_diff(expect, actual) print_err(diff) + raise AssertionError(f"Strings didn't match: {name}") - raise AssertionError("Strings didn't match.")
handle trailing spaces in test.
<0>:<add> diffs = tk_splitlines(change)
# module: coeditor.encoding def change_tks_to_original_delta(change: TokenSeq) -> tuple[TokenSeq, TkDelta]: - diffs = split_list(change, Newline_id) <0> input_lines: list[TokenSeq] = [] line_delta: list[TokenSeq] = [] deltas = dict[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]]() for diff_line in diffs: if diff_line and diff_line[0] == Add_id: line_delta.append(diff_line) elif diff_line and diff_line[0] == Del_id: line_delta.append([Del_id]) deltas[len(input_lines)] = tuple(line_delta) del diff_line[:1] input_lines.append(diff_line) line_delta = [] else: if line_delta: deltas[len(input_lines)] = tuple(line_delta) line_delta = [] input_lines.append(diff_line) if line_delta: deltas[len(input_lines)] = tuple(line_delta) str_delta = TkDelta(deltas) input = join_list(input_lines, Newline_id) return input, str_delta
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.common TokenSeq = list[Token] at: coeditor.encoding Add_id = get_tk_id(Add) Del_id = get_tk_id(Del) tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq) TkDelta(_deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]]) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.encoding + def tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq): + return split_list(tks, Newline_id) + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: def apply_to_change(self, change: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq: + lines = tk_splitlines(change) - lines = split_list(change, Newline_id) new_lines = list[TokenSeq]() for i, line in enumerate(lines): deleted = False if delta := self._deltas.get(i): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action) elif action[0] == Del_id: deleted = True if deleted: new_lines.append([Del_id] + line) else: new_lines.append(line) if delta := self._deltas.get(len(lines)): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action) return join_list(new_lines, Newline_id) ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: def apply_to_input(self, input: TokenSeq): + lines = tk_splitlines(input) - lines = split_list(input, Newline_id) new_lines = list[TokenSeq]() for i, line in enumerate(lines): deleted = False if delta := self._deltas.get(i): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action[1:]) elif action[0] == Del_id: deleted = True if not deleted: new_lines.append(line) if delta := self._deltas.get(len(lines)): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action[1:]) return join_list(new_lines, Newline_id) ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.common + def fix_newline(text: str): + if text.endswith("\n"): + return text + return text + "\n" + ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.common + def assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str, name: str | None = None): - def assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str): + actual = actual.rstrip() + expect = expect.rstrip() if actual != expect: print_err(f"{expect = }") print_err(f"{actual = }") print_err("String difference:") diff = show_string_diff(expect, actual) print_err(diff) + raise AssertionError(f"Strings didn't match: {name}") - raise AssertionError("Strings didn't match.")
handle trailing spaces in test.
<0>:<add> tk_lines = tk_splitlines(tokens)
# module: coeditor.encoding def tokens_to_change(tokens: TokenSeq) -> Modified[str]: "Decode a token sequence into a change." - tk_lines = split_list(tokens, Newline_id) <0> before_lines = list[TokenSeq]() after_lines = list[TokenSeq]() for tk_line in tk_lines: if tk_line and tk_line[0] == Add_id: after_lines.append(tk_line[1:]) elif tk_line and tk_line[0] == Del_id: before_lines.append(tk_line[1:]) else: before_lines.append(tk_line) after_lines.append(tk_line) before_code = decode_tokens(join_list(before_lines, Newline_id)) after_code = decode_tokens(join_list(after_lines, Newline_id)) return Modified(before_code, after_code)
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.change Modified(before: E1, after: E1, unchanged: bool=False) at: coeditor.common TokenSeq = list[Token] at: coeditor.encoding Add_id = get_tk_id(Add) Del_id = get_tk_id(Del) tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.encoding + def tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq): + return split_list(tks, Newline_id) + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.encoding def change_tks_to_original_delta(change: TokenSeq) -> tuple[TokenSeq, TkDelta]: + diffs = tk_splitlines(change) - diffs = split_list(change, Newline_id) input_lines: list[TokenSeq] = [] line_delta: list[TokenSeq] = [] deltas = dict[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]]() for diff_line in diffs: if diff_line and diff_line[0] == Add_id: line_delta.append(diff_line) elif diff_line and diff_line[0] == Del_id: line_delta.append([Del_id]) deltas[len(input_lines)] = tuple(line_delta) del diff_line[:1] input_lines.append(diff_line) line_delta = [] else: if line_delta: deltas[len(input_lines)] = tuple(line_delta) line_delta = [] input_lines.append(diff_line) if line_delta: deltas[len(input_lines)] = tuple(line_delta) str_delta = TkDelta(deltas) input = join_list(input_lines, Newline_id) return input, str_delta ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: def apply_to_change(self, change: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq: + lines = tk_splitlines(change) - lines = split_list(change, Newline_id) new_lines = list[TokenSeq]() for i, line in enumerate(lines): deleted = False if delta := self._deltas.get(i): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action) elif action[0] == Del_id: deleted = True if deleted: new_lines.append([Del_id] + line) else: new_lines.append(line) if delta := self._deltas.get(len(lines)): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action) return join_list(new_lines, Newline_id) ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: def apply_to_input(self, input: TokenSeq): + lines = tk_splitlines(input) - lines = split_list(input, Newline_id) new_lines = list[TokenSeq]() for i, line in enumerate(lines): deleted = False if delta := self._deltas.get(i): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action[1:]) elif action[0] == Del_id: deleted = True if not deleted: new_lines.append(line) if delta := self._deltas.get(len(lines)): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action[1:]) return join_list(new_lines, Newline_id) ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.common + def fix_newline(text: str): + if text.endswith("\n"): + return text + return text + "\n" + ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.common + def assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str, name: str | None = None): - def assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str): + actual = actual.rstrip() + expect = expect.rstrip() if actual != expect: print_err(f"{expect = }") print_err(f"{actual = }") print_err("String difference:") diff = show_string_diff(expect, actual) print_err(diff) + raise AssertionError(f"Strings didn't match: {name}") - raise AssertionError("Strings didn't match.")
handle trailing spaces in test.
<0>:<add> tk_lines = tk_splitlines(code_tks)
# module: coeditor.encoding def code_to_input(code_tks: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq: """ Convert the original code into model input by inserting <extra_id> tokens. In this format, there will be an <extra_id> token at the beginning of each line. An additional <extra_id> will be added at the end to allow appending. """ - tk_lines = split_list(code_tks, Newline_id) <0> tk_lines.append([]) input_seq = TokenSeq() for i, line in enumerate(tk_lines): if i < N_Extra_Ids: input_seq.append(get_extra_id(i)) input_seq.extend(line) if i < len(tk_lines) - 1: input_seq.append(Newline_id) return input_seq
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.change Modified(before: E1, after: E1, unchanged: bool=False) at: coeditor.common TokenSeq = list[Token] at: coeditor.encoding N_Extra_Ids = 100 get_extra_id(i: int) -> Token tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq) at: coeditor.encoding.tokens_to_change before_code = decode_tokens(join_list(before_lines, Newline_id)) after_code = decode_tokens(join_list(after_lines, Newline_id)) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.encoding + def tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq): + return split_list(tks, Newline_id) + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.encoding def tokens_to_change(tokens: TokenSeq) -> Modified[str]: "Decode a token sequence into a change." + tk_lines = tk_splitlines(tokens) - tk_lines = split_list(tokens, Newline_id) before_lines = list[TokenSeq]() after_lines = list[TokenSeq]() for tk_line in tk_lines: if tk_line and tk_line[0] == Add_id: after_lines.append(tk_line[1:]) elif tk_line and tk_line[0] == Del_id: before_lines.append(tk_line[1:]) else: before_lines.append(tk_line) after_lines.append(tk_line) before_code = decode_tokens(join_list(before_lines, Newline_id)) after_code = decode_tokens(join_list(after_lines, Newline_id)) return Modified(before_code, after_code) ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.encoding def change_tks_to_original_delta(change: TokenSeq) -> tuple[TokenSeq, TkDelta]: + diffs = tk_splitlines(change) - diffs = split_list(change, Newline_id) input_lines: list[TokenSeq] = [] line_delta: list[TokenSeq] = [] deltas = dict[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]]() for diff_line in diffs: if diff_line and diff_line[0] == Add_id: line_delta.append(diff_line) elif diff_line and diff_line[0] == Del_id: line_delta.append([Del_id]) deltas[len(input_lines)] = tuple(line_delta) del diff_line[:1] input_lines.append(diff_line) line_delta = [] else: if line_delta: deltas[len(input_lines)] = tuple(line_delta) line_delta = [] input_lines.append(diff_line) if line_delta: deltas[len(input_lines)] = tuple(line_delta) str_delta = TkDelta(deltas) input = join_list(input_lines, Newline_id) return input, str_delta ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: def apply_to_change(self, change: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq: + lines = tk_splitlines(change) - lines = split_list(change, Newline_id) new_lines = list[TokenSeq]() for i, line in enumerate(lines): deleted = False if delta := self._deltas.get(i): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action) elif action[0] == Del_id: deleted = True if deleted: new_lines.append([Del_id] + line) else: new_lines.append(line) if delta := self._deltas.get(len(lines)): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action) return join_list(new_lines, Newline_id) ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: def apply_to_input(self, input: TokenSeq): + lines = tk_splitlines(input) - lines = split_list(input, Newline_id) new_lines = list[TokenSeq]() for i, line in enumerate(lines): deleted = False if delta := self._deltas.get(i): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action[1:]) elif action[0] == Del_id: deleted = True if not deleted: new_lines.append(line) if delta := self._deltas.get(len(lines)): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action[1:]) return join_list(new_lines, Newline_id) ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.common + def fix_newline(text: str): + if text.endswith("\n"): + return text + return text + "\n" + ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: coeditor.common + def assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str, name: str | None = None): - def assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str): + actual = actual.rstrip() + expect = expect.rstrip() if actual != expect: print_err(f"{expect = }") print_err(f"{actual = }") print_err("String difference:") diff = show_string_diff(expect, actual) print_err(diff) + raise AssertionError(f"Strings didn't match: {name}") - raise AssertionError("Strings didn't match.")
handle trailing spaces in test.
<0>:<add> tk_lines = tk_splitlines(tks)
# module: coeditor.encoding def change_tks_to_input_output(tks: TokenSeq) -> tuple[TokenSeq, TokenSeq]: "See `change_to_input_output`." - tk_lines = split_list(tks, Newline_id) <0> input_lines: list[TokenSeq] = [] out_buff = TokenSeq() output_segs: list[TokenSeq] = [] for i, tk_line in enumerate(tk_lines): if tk_line and tk_line[0] == Add_id: out_buff.extend(tk_line) out_buff.append(Newline_id) elif tk_line and tk_line[0] == Del_id: input_lines.append(tk_line[1:]) out_buff.append(Del_id) output_segs.append(out_buff) out_buff = TokenSeq() else: input_lines.append(tk_line) output_segs.append(out_buff) out_buff = TokenSeq() input_lines.append(TokenSeq()) output_segs.append(out_buff) assert_eq(len(input_lines), len(output_segs)) output_segs = output_segs[:N_Extra_Ids] for i in range(0, len(output_segs)): input_lines[i] = [get_extra_id(i)] + input_lines[i] output_segs[i] = [get_extra_id(i)] + output_segs[i] input = join_list(input_lines, Newline_id) output = join_list(output_segs, None) if not check_output_tokens(output): str_segs = [decode_tokens(tks) for tks in output_segs] change = tokens_to_change(tks) msg = f"Invalid output tokens.\n Output segs: {str_segs}\n Change: {show_change(</s>
===========below chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.encoding def change_tks_to_input_output(tks: TokenSeq) -> tuple[TokenSeq, TokenSeq]: # offset: 1 <s>ks) msg = f"Invalid output tokens.\n Output segs: {str_segs}\n Change: {show_change(change)}" raise ValueError(msg) return input, output ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils assert_eq(x: T1, y: T1, message: Callable[[], str]=lambda: "") -> None at: coeditor.common TokenSeq = list[Token] join_list(segs: Iterable[Iterable[T1]], sep: T1 | None=None) -> list[T1] at: coeditor.encoding Add_id = get_tk_id(Add) Del_id = get_tk_id(Del) Newline_id = get_tk_id("\n") N_Extra_Ids = 100 get_extra_id(i: int) -> Token tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq) decode_tokens(tokens: TokenSeq, prettify: bool=False) -> str change_to_tokens(change: Change[str]) -> TokenSeq check_output_tokens(tks: TokenSeq) -> bool ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.encoding + def tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq): + return split_list(tks, Newline_id) + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.encoding def code_to_input(code_tks: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq: """ Convert the original code into model input by inserting <extra_id> tokens. In this format, there will be an <extra_id> token at the beginning of each line. An additional <extra_id> will be added at the end to allow appending. """ + tk_lines = tk_splitlines(code_tks) - tk_lines = split_list(code_tks, Newline_id) tk_lines.append([]) input_seq = TokenSeq() for i, line in enumerate(tk_lines): if i < N_Extra_Ids: input_seq.append(get_extra_id(i)) input_seq.extend(line) if i < len(tk_lines) - 1: input_seq.append(Newline_id) return input_seq ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.encoding def tokens_to_change(tokens: TokenSeq) -> Modified[str]: "Decode a token sequence into a change." + tk_lines = tk_splitlines(tokens) - tk_lines = split_list(tokens, Newline_id) before_lines = list[TokenSeq]() after_lines = list[TokenSeq]() for tk_line in tk_lines: if tk_line and tk_line[0] == Add_id: after_lines.append(tk_line[1:]) elif tk_line and tk_line[0] == Del_id: before_lines.append(tk_line[1:]) else: before_lines.append(tk_line) after_lines.append(tk_line) before_code = decode_tokens(join_list(before_lines, Newline_id)) after_code = decode_tokens(join_list(after_lines, Newline_id)) return Modified(before_code, after_code) ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.encoding def change_tks_to_original_delta(change: TokenSeq) -> tuple[TokenSeq, TkDelta]: + diffs = tk_splitlines(change) - diffs = split_list(change, Newline_id) input_lines: list[TokenSeq] = [] line_delta: list[TokenSeq] = [] deltas = dict[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]]() for diff_line in diffs: if diff_line and diff_line[0] == Add_id: line_delta.append(diff_line) elif diff_line and diff_line[0] == Del_id: line_delta.append([Del_id]) deltas[len(input_lines)] = tuple(line_delta) del diff_line[:1] input_lines.append(diff_line) line_delta = [] else: if line_delta: deltas[len(input_lines)] = tuple(line_delta) line_delta = [] input_lines.append(diff_line) if line_delta: deltas[len(input_lines)] = tuple(line_delta) str_delta = TkDelta(deltas) input = join_list(input_lines, Newline_id) return input, str_delta ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: def apply_to_change(self, change: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq: + lines = tk_splitlines(change) - lines = split_list(change, Newline_id) new_lines = list[TokenSeq]() for i, line in enumerate(lines): deleted = False if delta := self._deltas.get(i): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action) elif action[0] == Del_id: deleted = True if deleted: new_lines.append([Del_id] + line) else: new_lines.append(line) if delta := self._deltas.get(len(lines)): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action) return join_list(new_lines, Newline_id) ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: def apply_to_input(self, input: TokenSeq): + lines = tk_splitlines(input) - lines = split_list(input, Newline_id) new_lines = list[TokenSeq]() for i, line in enumerate(lines): deleted = False if delta := self._deltas.get(i): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action[1:]) elif action[0] == Del_id: deleted = True if not deleted: new_lines.append(line) if delta := self._deltas.get(len(lines)): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action[1:]) return join_list(new_lines, Newline_id) ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: coeditor.common + def fix_newline(text: str): + if text.endswith("\n"): + return text + return text + "\n" + ===========changed ref 7=========== # module: coeditor.common + def assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str, name: str | None = None): - def assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str): + actual = actual.rstrip() + expect = expect.rstrip() if actual != expect: print_err(f"{expect = }") print_err(f"{actual = }") print_err("String difference:") diff = show_string_diff(expect, actual) print_err(diff) + raise AssertionError(f"Strings didn't match: {name}") - raise AssertionError("Strings didn't match.")
handle trailing spaces in test.
<0>:<add> for line_tks in tk_splitlines(self.main_tks):
# module: coeditor.encoding class TokenizedEdit(ABC): def show(self, pred_tks: TokenSeq | None = None) -> str: <s>.append(Newline_id) seg = seg + origin_line label = show_label(id_map.get(k, -1)) lines.append(f"{label}:{indent(decode_tokens(seg), ' ' * 4).lstrip()}") return "".join(lines) def show_ctx(ctx_tks: TokenSeq): + lines = tk_splitlines(ctx_tks) - lines = split_list(ctx_tks, Newline_id) return "\n".join(" " + show_content(l) for l in lines) main_segs = output_ids_as_seqs(self.main_tks) id_map = {k: i for i, k in enumerate(main_segs)} main_lines = list[str]() - for line_tks in split_list(self.main_tks, Newline_id): <0> if line_tks and is_extra_id(line_tks[0]): prefix = show_label(id_map.get(line_tks[0], -1)) line = prefix + show_content(line_tks[1:]) else: line = " " + show_content(line_tks) main_lines.append(line) pred_lines = ( ["========Prediction========", f"{show_extra_tokens(pred_tks, main_segs)}"] if pred_tks else [] ) outputs = [ "-" * 80, *self.meta_data_lines(), "========Ground Truth========", show_extra_tokens(self.output_tks, main_segs), *pred_lines, "========Main Code========", "\n".join(main_lines), ] + [ f"==========={name}===========\n" + show_ctx(tks</s>
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.encoding class TokenizedEdit(ABC): def show(self, pred_tks: TokenSeq | None = None) -> str: # offset: -1 def show_label(i: int): return f" <{i}>" if i <= 9 else f"<{i}>" def show_content(tks: TokenSeq): if tks and tks[0] == Add_id: return "+ " + decode_tokens(tks[1:]) elif tks and tks[0] == Del_id: return "- " + decode_tokens(tks[1:]) else: return " " + decode_tokens(tks) def show_extra_tokens(tks: TokenSeq, main_tk_lines: dict[Token, TokenSeq]): segs = output_ids_as_seqs(tks) lines = [] for k, seg in segs.items(): if not seg: continue # skip empty lines if seg[-1] == Del_id: # show the deleted line + origin_line = tk_splitlines(main_tk_lines.get(k, []))[0] - origin_line = split_list(main_tk_lines.get(k, []), Newline_id)[0] origin_line.append(Newline_id) seg = seg + origin_line label = show_label(id_map.get(</s> ===========below chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.encoding class TokenizedEdit(ABC): def show(self, pred_tks: TokenSeq | None = None) -> str: # offset: 1 <s>main_lines), ] + [ f"==========={name}===========\n" + show_ctx(tks) for name, tks in self.all_ctxs().items() ] return "\n".join(outputs) ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.common Token = int TokenSeq = list[Token] at: coeditor.encoding Add_id = get_tk_id(Add) Del_id = get_tk_id(Del) Newline_id = get_tk_id("\n") is_extra_id(tk: int) -> bool tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq) decode_tokens(tokens: TokenSeq, prettify: bool=False) -> str output_ids_as_seqs(output_ids: Iterable[Token]) -> dict[Token, TokenSeq] at: coeditor.encoding.TokenizedEdit input_tks: TokenSeq output_tks: TokenSeq main_tks: TokenSeq path: ProjectPath change_type: Change[None] meta_data_lines() -> list[str] at: textwrap indent(text: str, prefix: str, predicate: Optional[Callable[[str], bool]]=...) -> str at: typing.Mapping get(key: _KT) -> Optional[_VT_co] get(key: _KT, default: Union[_VT_co, _T]) -> Union[_VT_co, _T] ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.encoding + def tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq): + return split_list(tks, Newline_id) + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.encoding def code_to_input(code_tks: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq: """ Convert the original code into model input by inserting <extra_id> tokens. In this format, there will be an <extra_id> token at the beginning of each line. An additional <extra_id> will be added at the end to allow appending. """ + tk_lines = tk_splitlines(code_tks) - tk_lines = split_list(code_tks, Newline_id) tk_lines.append([]) input_seq = TokenSeq() for i, line in enumerate(tk_lines): if i < N_Extra_Ids: input_seq.append(get_extra_id(i)) input_seq.extend(line) if i < len(tk_lines) - 1: input_seq.append(Newline_id) return input_seq ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.encoding def tokens_to_change(tokens: TokenSeq) -> Modified[str]: "Decode a token sequence into a change." + tk_lines = tk_splitlines(tokens) - tk_lines = split_list(tokens, Newline_id) before_lines = list[TokenSeq]() after_lines = list[TokenSeq]() for tk_line in tk_lines: if tk_line and tk_line[0] == Add_id: after_lines.append(tk_line[1:]) elif tk_line and tk_line[0] == Del_id: before_lines.append(tk_line[1:]) else: before_lines.append(tk_line) after_lines.append(tk_line) before_code = decode_tokens(join_list(before_lines, Newline_id)) after_code = decode_tokens(join_list(after_lines, Newline_id)) return Modified(before_code, after_code) ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.encoding def change_tks_to_original_delta(change: TokenSeq) -> tuple[TokenSeq, TkDelta]: + diffs = tk_splitlines(change) - diffs = split_list(change, Newline_id) input_lines: list[TokenSeq] = [] line_delta: list[TokenSeq] = [] deltas = dict[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]]() for diff_line in diffs: if diff_line and diff_line[0] == Add_id: line_delta.append(diff_line) elif diff_line and diff_line[0] == Del_id: line_delta.append([Del_id]) deltas[len(input_lines)] = tuple(line_delta) del diff_line[:1] input_lines.append(diff_line) line_delta = [] else: if line_delta: deltas[len(input_lines)] = tuple(line_delta) line_delta = [] input_lines.append(diff_line) if line_delta: deltas[len(input_lines)] = tuple(line_delta) str_delta = TkDelta(deltas) input = join_list(input_lines, Newline_id) return input, str_delta
handle trailing spaces in test.
<0>:<add> for line in tk_splitlines(seg):
# module: coeditor.encoding class TokenizedEdit(ABC): def is_repetitive_edit(self, blue_threshold=0.8) -> bool: <s>strip() return encode_single_line(s) else: return [] + ctx_lines = tk_splitlines(self.input_tks) - ctx_lines = split_list(self.input_tks, Newline_id) main_lines = output_ids_as_seqs(self.input_tks) ctx_addtions = [tks for l in ctx_lines if (tks := get_changes(l, Add_id))] ctx_deletions = [tks for l in ctx_lines if (tks := get_changes(l, Del_id))] def has_match(line, line_key: Token): if line: if line[0] == Add_id: added = line[1:] return any( as_any(sentence_bleu([ref], added)) > blue_threshold for ref in ctx_addtions ) elif line == [Del_id]: if line_key not in main_lines: print(f"Key {decode_tokens([line_key])} not found.") print("Main tokens:") print(decode_tokens(self.main_tks)) deleted = main_lines[line_key] return any( as_any(sentence_bleu([ref], deleted)) > blue_threshold for ref in ctx_deletions ) else: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected line: {decode_tokens(line)}") else: return True out_segs = output_ids_as_seqs(self.output_tks) if all(not s for s in out_segs.values()): return False for k, seg in out_segs.items(): - for line in split_list(seg, Newline_id): <0> if not has_match(line, k): return False return True
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.encoding class TokenizedEdit(ABC): def is_repetitive_edit(self, blue_threshold=0.8) -> bool: # offset: -1 """Check if all additions in the output_tokens can be matched to an addition in the input_tokens with a BLEU score above the threshold.""" def get_changes(tks, key_tk: Token): if tks and tks[0] == key_tk: s = decode_tokens(tks[1:]) s.strip() return encode_single_line(s) else: return [] + ctx_lines = tk</s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils as_any(x) -> Any at: coeditor.common Token = int at: coeditor.encoding Add_id = get_tk_id(Add) Del_id = get_tk_id(Del) tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq) decode_tokens(tokens: TokenSeq, prettify: bool=False) -> str encode_single_line(text: str, add_special_tokens=False) -> TokenSeq output_ids_as_seqs(output_ids: Iterable[Token]) -> dict[Token, TokenSeq] at: coeditor.encoding.TokenizedEdit input_tks: TokenSeq output_tks: TokenSeq main_tks: TokenSeq at: nltk.translate.bleu_score sentence_bleu(references, hypothesis, weights=(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25), smoothing_function=None, auto_reweigh=False) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.encoding + def tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq): + return split_list(tks, Newline_id) + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.encoding def code_to_input(code_tks: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq: """ Convert the original code into model input by inserting <extra_id> tokens. In this format, there will be an <extra_id> token at the beginning of each line. An additional <extra_id> will be added at the end to allow appending. """ + tk_lines = tk_splitlines(code_tks) - tk_lines = split_list(code_tks, Newline_id) tk_lines.append([]) input_seq = TokenSeq() for i, line in enumerate(tk_lines): if i < N_Extra_Ids: input_seq.append(get_extra_id(i)) input_seq.extend(line) if i < len(tk_lines) - 1: input_seq.append(Newline_id) return input_seq ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.encoding def tokens_to_change(tokens: TokenSeq) -> Modified[str]: "Decode a token sequence into a change." + tk_lines = tk_splitlines(tokens) - tk_lines = split_list(tokens, Newline_id) before_lines = list[TokenSeq]() after_lines = list[TokenSeq]() for tk_line in tk_lines: if tk_line and tk_line[0] == Add_id: after_lines.append(tk_line[1:]) elif tk_line and tk_line[0] == Del_id: before_lines.append(tk_line[1:]) else: before_lines.append(tk_line) after_lines.append(tk_line) before_code = decode_tokens(join_list(before_lines, Newline_id)) after_code = decode_tokens(join_list(after_lines, Newline_id)) return Modified(before_code, after_code) ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.encoding def change_tks_to_original_delta(change: TokenSeq) -> tuple[TokenSeq, TkDelta]: + diffs = tk_splitlines(change) - diffs = split_list(change, Newline_id) input_lines: list[TokenSeq] = [] line_delta: list[TokenSeq] = [] deltas = dict[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]]() for diff_line in diffs: if diff_line and diff_line[0] == Add_id: line_delta.append(diff_line) elif diff_line and diff_line[0] == Del_id: line_delta.append([Del_id]) deltas[len(input_lines)] = tuple(line_delta) del diff_line[:1] input_lines.append(diff_line) line_delta = [] else: if line_delta: deltas[len(input_lines)] = tuple(line_delta) line_delta = [] input_lines.append(diff_line) if line_delta: deltas[len(input_lines)] = tuple(line_delta) str_delta = TkDelta(deltas) input = join_list(input_lines, Newline_id) return input, str_delta ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.encoding class TokenizedEdit(ABC): def show(self, pred_tks: TokenSeq | None = None) -> str: def show_label(i: int): return f" <{i}>" if i <= 9 else f"<{i}>" def show_content(tks: TokenSeq): if tks and tks[0] == Add_id: return "+ " + decode_tokens(tks[1:]) elif tks and tks[0] == Del_id: return "- " + decode_tokens(tks[1:]) else: return " " + decode_tokens(tks) def show_extra_tokens(tks: TokenSeq, main_tk_lines: dict[Token, TokenSeq]): segs = output_ids_as_seqs(tks) lines = [] for k, seg in segs.items(): if not seg: continue # skip empty lines if seg[-1] == Del_id: # show the deleted line + origin_line = tk_splitlines(main_tk_lines.get(k, []))[0] - origin_line = split_list(main_tk_lines.get(k, []), Newline_id)[0] origin_line.append(Newline_id) seg = seg + origin_line label = show_label(id_map.get(k, -1)) lines.append(f"{label}:{indent(decode_tokens(seg), ' ' * 4).lstrip()}") return "".join(lines) def show_ctx(ctx_tks: TokenSeq): + lines = tk_splitlines(ctx_tks) - lines = split_list(ctx_tks, Newline_id) return "\n".join(" " + show_content(l) for l in lines) main_segs = output_ids_as_seqs(self.main_tks) id_map = {k: i for i, k in enumerate(main_segs)} </s>
handle trailing spaces in test.
<0>:<add> lines = tk_splitlines(tks)
# module: coeditor.encoding def compress_change_tks(tks: TokenSeq, max_ctx: int): - lines = split_list(tks, sep=Newline_id) <0> to_keep = [False for _ in lines] # mark which lines to keep for i, line in enumerate(lines): if line and (line[0] == Add_id or line[0] == Del_id): for j in range(max(0, i - max_ctx), min(len(lines), i + max_ctx + 1)): to_keep[j] = True new_lines = list[TokenSeq]() i = 0 while i < len(lines): if to_keep[i]: new_lines.append(lines[i]) i += 1 else: j = i + 1 while j < len(lines) and not to_keep[j]: j += 1 new_lines.append(_OMIT) i = j return join_list(new_lines, sep=Newline_id)
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.common TokenSeq = list[Token] at: coeditor.encoding Add_id = get_tk_id(Add) Del_id = get_tk_id(Del) tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq) encode_single_line(text: str, add_special_tokens=False) -> TokenSeq TokenizedEdit() at: typing TypeVar(name: str, *constraints: Type[Any], bound: Union[None, Type[Any], str]=..., covariant: bool=..., contravariant: bool=...) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.encoding + def tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq): + return split_list(tks, Newline_id) + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.encoding class TokenizedEdit(ABC): def is_repetitive_edit(self, blue_threshold=0.8) -> bool: """Check if all additions in the output_tokens can be matched to an addition in the input_tokens with a BLEU score above the threshold.""" def get_changes(tks, key_tk: Token): if tks and tks[0] == key_tk: s = decode_tokens(tks[1:]) s.strip() return encode_single_line(s) else: return [] + ctx_lines = tk_splitlines(self.input_tks) - ctx_lines = split_list(self.input_tks, Newline_id) main_lines = output_ids_as_seqs(self.input_tks) ctx_addtions = [tks for l in ctx_lines if (tks := get_changes(l, Add_id))] ctx_deletions = [tks for l in ctx_lines if (tks := get_changes(l, Del_id))] def has_match(line, line_key: Token): if line: if line[0] == Add_id: added = line[1:] return any( as_any(sentence_bleu([ref], added)) > blue_threshold for ref in ctx_addtions ) elif line == [Del_id]: if line_key not in main_lines: print(f"Key {decode_tokens([line_key])} not found.") print("Main tokens:") print(decode_tokens(self.main_tks)) deleted = main_lines[line_key] return any( as_any(sentence_bleu([ref], deleted)) > blue_threshold for ref in ctx_deletions ) else: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected line: {decode_tokens(line)}") else: return True out_segs = output_ids_as_</s> ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.encoding class TokenizedEdit(ABC): def is_repetitive_edit(self, blue_threshold=0.8) -> bool: # offset: 1 <s> {decode_tokens(line)}") else: return True out_segs = output_ids_as_seqs(self.output_tks) if all(not s for s in out_segs.values()): return False for k, seg in out_segs.items(): + for line in tk_splitlines(seg): - for line in split_list(seg, Newline_id): if not has_match(line, k): return False return True ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.encoding def code_to_input(code_tks: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq: """ Convert the original code into model input by inserting <extra_id> tokens. In this format, there will be an <extra_id> token at the beginning of each line. An additional <extra_id> will be added at the end to allow appending. """ + tk_lines = tk_splitlines(code_tks) - tk_lines = split_list(code_tks, Newline_id) tk_lines.append([]) input_seq = TokenSeq() for i, line in enumerate(tk_lines): if i < N_Extra_Ids: input_seq.append(get_extra_id(i)) input_seq.extend(line) if i < len(tk_lines) - 1: input_seq.append(Newline_id) return input_seq ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.encoding def tokens_to_change(tokens: TokenSeq) -> Modified[str]: "Decode a token sequence into a change." + tk_lines = tk_splitlines(tokens) - tk_lines = split_list(tokens, Newline_id) before_lines = list[TokenSeq]() after_lines = list[TokenSeq]() for tk_line in tk_lines: if tk_line and tk_line[0] == Add_id: after_lines.append(tk_line[1:]) elif tk_line and tk_line[0] == Del_id: before_lines.append(tk_line[1:]) else: before_lines.append(tk_line) after_lines.append(tk_line) before_code = decode_tokens(join_list(before_lines, Newline_id)) after_code = decode_tokens(join_list(after_lines, Newline_id)) return Modified(before_code, after_code) ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.encoding def change_tks_to_original_delta(change: TokenSeq) -> tuple[TokenSeq, TkDelta]: + diffs = tk_splitlines(change) - diffs = split_list(change, Newline_id) input_lines: list[TokenSeq] = [] line_delta: list[TokenSeq] = [] deltas = dict[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]]() for diff_line in diffs: if diff_line and diff_line[0] == Add_id: line_delta.append(diff_line) elif diff_line and diff_line[0] == Del_id: line_delta.append([Del_id]) deltas[len(input_lines)] = tuple(line_delta) del diff_line[:1] input_lines.append(diff_line) line_delta = [] else: if line_delta: deltas[len(input_lines)] = tuple(line_delta) line_delta = [] input_lines.append(diff_line) if line_delta: deltas[len(input_lines)] = tuple(line_delta) str_delta = TkDelta(deltas) input = join_list(input_lines, Newline_id) return input, str_delta
handle trailing spaces in test.
<0>:<add> for i, tks in enumerate(tk_splitlines(change_tks)):
# module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class C3Problem: def line_ids_to_input_lines(self, line_ids: Sequence[int]) -> Sequence[int]: """Convert the edit lines (which are line ids including deleted lines) into normal line numbers that do not include deleted lines.""" change_tks = input_l = self.span.line_range[0] input_lines = list[int]() - for i, tks in enumerate(split_list(change_tks, Newline_id)): <0> if tks and tks[0] == Del_id: continue if i in line_ids: input_lines.append(input_l) input_l += 1 return input_lines
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"] change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedCodeSpan headers: Sequence[ChangedHeader] original: TkArray delta: TkDelta line_range: LineRange module: ModuleName at: coeditor.encoding Del_id = get_tk_id(Del) tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq) at: coeditor.encoding.TkDelta _deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]] apply_to_change(change: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq at: coeditor.tk_array.TkArray tolist() -> TokenSeq at: typing Sequence = _alias(, 1) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.encoding + def tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq): + return split_list(tks, Newline_id) + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: def apply_to_change(self, change: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq: + lines = tk_splitlines(change) - lines = split_list(change, Newline_id) new_lines = list[TokenSeq]() for i, line in enumerate(lines): deleted = False if delta := self._deltas.get(i): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action) elif action[0] == Del_id: deleted = True if deleted: new_lines.append([Del_id] + line) else: new_lines.append(line) if delta := self._deltas.get(len(lines)): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action) return join_list(new_lines, Newline_id) ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.common + def fix_newline(text: str): + if text.endswith("\n"): + return text + return text + "\n" + ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.common + def assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str, name: str | None = None): - def assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str): + actual = actual.rstrip() + expect = expect.rstrip() if actual != expect: print_err(f"{expect = }") print_err(f"{actual = }") print_err("String difference:") diff = show_string_diff(expect, actual) print_err(diff) + raise AssertionError(f"Strings didn't match: {name}") - raise AssertionError("Strings didn't match.") ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: def apply_to_input(self, input: TokenSeq): + lines = tk_splitlines(input) - lines = split_list(input, Newline_id) new_lines = list[TokenSeq]() for i, line in enumerate(lines): deleted = False if delta := self._deltas.get(i): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action[1:]) elif action[0] == Del_id: deleted = True if not deleted: new_lines.append(line) if delta := self._deltas.get(len(lines)): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action[1:]) return join_list(new_lines, Newline_id) ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.encoding def code_to_input(code_tks: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq: """ Convert the original code into model input by inserting <extra_id> tokens. In this format, there will be an <extra_id> token at the beginning of each line. An additional <extra_id> will be added at the end to allow appending. """ + tk_lines = tk_splitlines(code_tks) - tk_lines = split_list(code_tks, Newline_id) tk_lines.append([]) input_seq = TokenSeq() for i, line in enumerate(tk_lines): if i < N_Extra_Ids: input_seq.append(get_extra_id(i)) input_seq.extend(line) if i < len(tk_lines) - 1: input_seq.append(Newline_id) return input_seq ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: coeditor.encoding def tokens_to_change(tokens: TokenSeq) -> Modified[str]: "Decode a token sequence into a change." + tk_lines = tk_splitlines(tokens) - tk_lines = split_list(tokens, Newline_id) before_lines = list[TokenSeq]() after_lines = list[TokenSeq]() for tk_line in tk_lines: if tk_line and tk_line[0] == Add_id: after_lines.append(tk_line[1:]) elif tk_line and tk_line[0] == Del_id: before_lines.append(tk_line[1:]) else: before_lines.append(tk_line) after_lines.append(tk_line) before_code = decode_tokens(join_list(before_lines, Newline_id)) after_code = decode_tokens(join_list(after_lines, Newline_id)) return Modified(before_code, after_code) ===========changed ref 7=========== # module: coeditor.encoding def compress_change_tks(tks: TokenSeq, max_ctx: int): + lines = tk_splitlines(tks) - lines = split_list(tks, sep=Newline_id) to_keep = [False for _ in lines] # mark which lines to keep for i, line in enumerate(lines): if line and (line[0] == Add_id or line[0] == Del_id): for j in range(max(0, i - max_ctx), min(len(lines), i + max_ctx + 1)): to_keep[j] = True new_lines = list[TokenSeq]() i = 0 while i < len(lines): if to_keep[i]: new_lines.append(lines[i]) i += 1 else: j = i + 1 while j < len(lines) and not to_keep[j]: j += 1 new_lines.append(_OMIT) i = j return join_list(new_lines, sep=Newline_id)
handle trailing spaces in test.
<0>:<add> for i, tks in enumerate(tk_splitlines(changed_code)):
# module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: def create_problem( self, target: ChangedSpan, target_lines: Sequence[int], changed: Mapping[ModuleName, JModuleChange], target_usages: LineUsageAnalysis, src_info: SrcInfo, ) -> C3Problem: <s>() changed = dict(changed) module = target.module target_mc = changed.pop(module) all_mc = [target_mc] + list(changed.values()) for mc in all_mc: is_target_mc = mc.module_change.earlier.mname == module for cspan in mc.changed: if not is_target_mc or cspan.line_range != target.line_range: relevant_changes.append(self.to_code_span(cspan)) code_span = self.to_code_span(target) changed_code = target_set = set(target_lines) line_ids = list[int]() input_l = target.line_range[0] - for i, tks in enumerate(split_list(changed_code, Newline_id)): <0> if tks and tks[0] == Del_id: continue if input_l in target_set: line_ids.append(i) input_l += 1 code_span = dataclasses.replace( code_span,, delta=TkDelta.empty() ) relevant_unchanged = self.get_relevant_unchanged(code_span, target_usages) prob = C3Problem( code_span, line_ids, relevant_changes=relevant_changes, relevant_unchanged=relevant_unchanged, _: None), src_info=src_info, ) return prob
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: def create_problem( self, target: ChangedSpan, target_lines: Sequence[int], changed: Mapping[ModuleName, JModuleChange], target_usages: LineUsageAnalysis, src_info: SrcInfo, ) -> C3Problem: # offset: -1 relevant_changes = list[ChangedCodeSpan]() changed = dict(changed) module = target.module target_mc = changed.pop(module) </s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.c3problem ChangedCodeSpan(headers: Sequence[ChangedHeader], original: TkArray, delta: TkDelta, line_range: LineRange, module: ModuleName) SrcInfo(map: Mapping[_KT, _VT], **kwargs: _VT) SrcInfo(iterable: Iterable[Tuple[_KT, _VT]], **kwargs: _VT) SrcInfo(**kwargs: _VT) C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) LineUsageAnalysis(line2usages: Mapping[int, set[PyDefinition]]) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3GeneratorCache get_relevant_unchanged(this_change: ChangedCodeSpan, line_usages: LineUsageAnalysis) to_code_span(span: ChangedSpan) at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedCodeSpan original: TkArray delta: TkDelta at: coeditor.change.Added after: E1 map(f: Callable[[E1], T2]) -> "Added[T2]" at: coeditor.change.Deleted before: E1 map(f: Callable[[E1], T2]) -> "Deleted[T2]" at: coeditor.change.Modified before: E1 after: E1 unchanged: bool = False map(f: Callable[[E1], T2]) -> "Modified[T2]" at: coeditor.common ModuleName = str at: coeditor.encoding Del_id = get_tk_id(Del) tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq) TkDelta(_deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]]) ===========unchanged ref 1=========== at: coeditor.encoding.TkDelta apply_to_change(change: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq empty() -> "TkDelta" at: coeditor.scoped_changes ChangedSpan(change: Change[str], parent_scopes: Sequence[Change[ChangeScope]], line_range: LineRange) JModuleChange(module_change: Change[JModule], changed: Sequence[ChangedSpan]) at: coeditor.scoped_changes.ChangedSpan change: Change[str] parent_scopes: Sequence[Change[ChangeScope]] line_range: LineRange at: coeditor.scoped_changes.JModule mname: ModuleName tree: ptree.Module at: coeditor.scoped_changes.JModuleChange module_change: Change[JModule] changed: Sequence[ChangedSpan] at: coeditor.tk_array TkArray() at: coeditor.tk_array.TkArray tolist() -> TokenSeq new(tks: Sequence[int]) -> "TkArray" at: dataclasses replace(obj: _T, **changes: Any) -> _T at: typing Mapping = _alias(, 2) Sequence = _alias(, 1) at: typing.MutableMapping pop(key: _KT, default: Union[_VT, _T]=...) -> Union[_VT, _T] pop(key: _KT) -> _VT ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.encoding + def tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq): + return split_list(tks, Newline_id) + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: def apply_to_change(self, change: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq: + lines = tk_splitlines(change) - lines = split_list(change, Newline_id) new_lines = list[TokenSeq]() for i, line in enumerate(lines): deleted = False if delta := self._deltas.get(i): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action) elif action[0] == Del_id: deleted = True if deleted: new_lines.append([Del_id] + line) else: new_lines.append(line) if delta := self._deltas.get(len(lines)): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action) return join_list(new_lines, Newline_id) ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class PyDefinition: @staticmethod def from_name(name: classes.BaseName) -> Iterable["PyDefinition"]: if ( not name.in_builtin_module() and (full_name := name.full_name) and (signatures := name._get_docstring_signature() or name.get_line_code()) ): full_name = PyFullName(full_name) start_pos = name.get_definition_start_position() end_pos = name.get_definition_end_position() signatures = name._get_docstring_signature() if name.type == "module": return if signatures: + signatures = signatures - signatures = "sig: " + signatures else: signatures = name.get_line_code() yield PyDefinition(full_name, start_pos, end_pos, signatures) ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class C3Problem: def line_ids_to_input_lines(self, line_ids: Sequence[int]) -> Sequence[int]: """Convert the edit lines (which are line ids including deleted lines) into normal line numbers that do not include deleted lines.""" change_tks = input_l = self.span.line_range[0] input_lines = list[int]() + for i, tks in enumerate(tk_splitlines(change_tks)): - for i, tks in enumerate(split_list(change_tks, Newline_id)): if tks and tks[0] == Del_id: continue if i in line_ids: input_lines.append(input_l) input_l += 1 return input_lines ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.common + def fix_newline(text: str): + if text.endswith("\n"): + return text + return text + "\n" + ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.common + def assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str, name: str | None = None): - def assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str): + actual = actual.rstrip() + expect = expect.rstrip() if actual != expect: print_err(f"{expect = }") print_err(f"{actual = }") print_err("String difference:") diff = show_string_diff(expect, actual) print_err(diff) + raise AssertionError(f"Strings didn't match: {name}") - raise AssertionError("Strings didn't match.")
handle trailing spaces in test.
<0>:<add> origin_lines = tk_splitlines(original)
# module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: def tokenize_problem( self, problem: C3Problem, ) -> TkC3Problem: span = problem.span original: TokenSeq = span.original.tolist() tk_delta: TkDelta = - origin_lines = split_list(original, Newline_id) <0> edit_start = problem.edit_line_ids[0] scope_tks = self._encode_headers(span.headers, 0) input_limit = self.max_query_tks - len(scope_tks) chunk_input = TokenSeq() chunk_output = TokenSeq() last_line = edit_start for i, l in enumerate(problem.edit_line_ids): for line in origin_lines[last_line + 1 : l]: chunk_input.extend(line) chunk_input.append(Newline_id) chunk_input.append(get_extra_id(i)) if l < len(origin_lines): chunk_input.extend(origin_lines[l]) chunk_input.append(Newline_id) last_line = l line_change = join_list(tk_delta.get_line_change(l), Newline_id) chunk_output.append(get_extra_id(i)) chunk_output.extend(line_change) if line_change and line_change[-1] != Del_id: chunk_output.append(Newline_id) if len(chunk_input) > input_limit: break edit_stop = last_line + 1 # limit the input size if it's too long chunk_input = truncate_section( chunk_input, TruncateAt.Right, input_limit, inplace=True ) chunk_output = truncate_output_tks(chunk_input, chunk_output) # try move some prev_change_tks into the input above_tks = join_list(</s>
===========below chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: def tokenize_problem( self, problem: C3Problem, ) -> TkC3Problem: # offset: 1 <s>_output) # try move some prev_change_tks into the input above_tks = join_list(origin_lines[:edit_start] + [TokenSeq()], Newline_id) above_tks = tk_delta.for_input_range((0, edit_start)).apply_to_change(above_tks) below_tks = join_list(origin_lines[edit_stop:] + [TokenSeq()], Newline_id) chunk_input, above_tks, below_tks = self._inline_some_context( chunk_input, above_tks, below_tks, input_limit ) chunk_output = truncate_section( chunk_output, TruncateAt.Right, self.max_output_tks, add_bos=False, inplace=True, ) above_chunks = break_into_chunks( above_tks, lambda i: self._encode_headers(span.headers, -1 - i), chunk_size=self.max_ref_tks, overlap=self.ref_chunk_overlap, right_to_left=True, ) if not below_tks: below_chunks = [] else: below_chunks = break_into_chunks( below_tks, lambda i: self._encode_headers(span.headers, i + 1), chunk_size=self.max_ref_tks, overlap=self.ref_chunk_overlap, ) above_chunks = [ (f"above chunk {i}", for i, chunk in enumerate(above_chunks) ] below_chunks = [ (f"below chunk {i}", for i, chunk</s> ===========below chunk 1=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: def tokenize_problem( self, problem: C3Problem, ) -> TkC3Problem: # offset: 2 <s> below_chunks = [ (f"below chunk {i}", for i, chunk in enumerate(below_chunks) ] all_refs = above_chunks + below_chunks ref_size_sum = sum(len(ref) for _, ref in all_refs) if ref_size_sum < self.max_ref_tks_sum: unchanged = self._group_encode_unchanged_refs(problem.relevant_unchanged) for i, chunk in enumerate(unchanged): all_refs.append((f"unchanged ref {i}", chunk)) if ref_size_sum < self.max_ref_tks_sum: changed = self._group_encode_changed_refs(problem.relevant_changes) for i, chunk in enumerate(changed): all_refs.append((f"changed ref {i}", chunk)) ref_size_sum += sum(len(x) for x in changed) # take until we hit the limit ref_size_sum = 0 kept_refs = list[tuple[str, TkArray]]() for (name, ref) in all_refs: if ref_size_sum + len(ref) > self.max_ref_tks_sum: continue ref_size_sum += len(ref) kept_refs.append((name, ref)) return TkC3Problem(,,, path=span.headers[-1].path, change_type=problem.change_type, named_references=kept_refs, ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.c3problem C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) TkC3Problem(main_input: TkArray, header: TkArray, output: TkArray, path: ProjectPath, change_type: Change[None], named_references: Sequence[tuple[str, TkArray]], project: str, commit: CommitInfo | None) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"] change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemTokenizer VERSION = "2.4" max_ref_tks: int = 512 max_query_tks: int = 512 max_output_tks: int = 256 max_scope_tks: int = 128 max_ref_tks_sum: int = 512 * 12 ref_chunk_overlap: int = 32 _encode_headers(scope_changes: Sequence[ChangedHeader], offset: int) -> TokenSeq _inline_some_context(input: TokenSeq, above_ctx: TokenSeq, below_ctx: TokenSeq, size_limit: int) -> tuple[TokenSeq, TokenSeq, TokenSeq] _group_encode_unchanged_refs(elems: Mapping[PyFullName, PyDefinition]) -> Sequence[TkArray] _group_encode_changed_refs(changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan]) -> Sequence[TkArray] at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedCodeSpan headers: Sequence[ChangedHeader] original: TkArray delta: TkDelta
handle trailing spaces in test.
<0>:<add> lines = tk_splitlines(tks)
# module: coeditor.service def get_tk_lines(tks: TokenSeq, line_ids: Sequence[int]) -> TokenSeq: - lines = split_list(tks, Newline_id) <0> return join_list((lines[i] for i in line_ids), Newline_id)
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.common TokenSeq = list[Token] at: coeditor.encoding tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq) at: typing Sequence = _alias(, 1) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.encoding + def tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq): + return split_list(tks, Newline_id) + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.common + def fix_newline(text: str): + if text.endswith("\n"): + return text + return text + "\n" + ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.common + def assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str, name: str | None = None): - def assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str): + actual = actual.rstrip() + expect = expect.rstrip() if actual != expect: print_err(f"{expect = }") print_err(f"{actual = }") print_err("String difference:") diff = show_string_diff(expect, actual) print_err(diff) + raise AssertionError(f"Strings didn't match: {name}") - raise AssertionError("Strings didn't match.") ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class PyDefinition: @staticmethod def from_name(name: classes.BaseName) -> Iterable["PyDefinition"]: if ( not name.in_builtin_module() and (full_name := name.full_name) and (signatures := name._get_docstring_signature() or name.get_line_code()) ): full_name = PyFullName(full_name) start_pos = name.get_definition_start_position() end_pos = name.get_definition_end_position() signatures = name._get_docstring_signature() if name.type == "module": return if signatures: + signatures = signatures - signatures = "sig: " + signatures else: signatures = name.get_line_code() yield PyDefinition(full_name, start_pos, end_pos, signatures) ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class C3Problem: def line_ids_to_input_lines(self, line_ids: Sequence[int]) -> Sequence[int]: """Convert the edit lines (which are line ids including deleted lines) into normal line numbers that do not include deleted lines.""" change_tks = input_l = self.span.line_range[0] input_lines = list[int]() + for i, tks in enumerate(tk_splitlines(change_tks)): - for i, tks in enumerate(split_list(change_tks, Newline_id)): if tks and tks[0] == Del_id: continue if i in line_ids: input_lines.append(input_l) input_l += 1 return input_lines ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: def apply_to_input(self, input: TokenSeq): + lines = tk_splitlines(input) - lines = split_list(input, Newline_id) new_lines = list[TokenSeq]() for i, line in enumerate(lines): deleted = False if delta := self._deltas.get(i): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action[1:]) elif action[0] == Del_id: deleted = True if not deleted: new_lines.append(line) if delta := self._deltas.get(len(lines)): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action[1:]) return join_list(new_lines, Newline_id) ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: coeditor.encoding def code_to_input(code_tks: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq: """ Convert the original code into model input by inserting <extra_id> tokens. In this format, there will be an <extra_id> token at the beginning of each line. An additional <extra_id> will be added at the end to allow appending. """ + tk_lines = tk_splitlines(code_tks) - tk_lines = split_list(code_tks, Newline_id) tk_lines.append([]) input_seq = TokenSeq() for i, line in enumerate(tk_lines): if i < N_Extra_Ids: input_seq.append(get_extra_id(i)) input_seq.extend(line) if i < len(tk_lines) - 1: input_seq.append(Newline_id) return input_seq ===========changed ref 7=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: def apply_to_change(self, change: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq: + lines = tk_splitlines(change) - lines = split_list(change, Newline_id) new_lines = list[TokenSeq]() for i, line in enumerate(lines): deleted = False if delta := self._deltas.get(i): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action) elif action[0] == Del_id: deleted = True if deleted: new_lines.append([Del_id] + line) else: new_lines.append(line) if delta := self._deltas.get(len(lines)): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action) return join_list(new_lines, Newline_id) ===========changed ref 8=========== # module: coeditor.encoding def tokens_to_change(tokens: TokenSeq) -> Modified[str]: "Decode a token sequence into a change." + tk_lines = tk_splitlines(tokens) - tk_lines = split_list(tokens, Newline_id) before_lines = list[TokenSeq]() after_lines = list[TokenSeq]() for tk_line in tk_lines: if tk_line and tk_line[0] == Add_id: after_lines.append(tk_line[1:]) elif tk_line and tk_line[0] == Del_id: before_lines.append(tk_line[1:]) else: before_lines.append(tk_line) after_lines.append(tk_line) before_code = decode_tokens(join_list(before_lines, Newline_id)) after_code = decode_tokens(join_list(after_lines, Newline_id)) return Modified(before_code, after_code)
handle trailing spaces in test.
<0>:<add> assert_str_equal(get_after(actual), get_after(expected), name)
# module: tests.test_edits def assert_change_eq(actual: Change[str], expected: Change[str], name: str): + assert_str_equal(get_before(actual), get_before(expected), name) - assert_str_equal(get_before(actual), get_before(expected)) - assert_str_equal(get_after(actual), get_after(expected)) <0>
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.change Change = Added[E1] | Deleted[E1] | Modified[E1] at: coeditor.common assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str, name: str | None=None) at: tests.test_edits get_before(change: Change[str]) -> str get_after(change: Change[str]) -> str ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.common + def assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str, name: str | None = None): - def assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str): + actual = actual.rstrip() + expect = expect.rstrip() if actual != expect: print_err(f"{expect = }") print_err(f"{actual = }") print_err("String difference:") diff = show_string_diff(expect, actual) print_err(diff) + raise AssertionError(f"Strings didn't match: {name}") - raise AssertionError("Strings didn't match.") ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.encoding + def tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq): + return split_list(tks, Newline_id) + ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.common + def fix_newline(text: str): + if text.endswith("\n"): + return text + return text + "\n" + ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.service def get_tk_lines(tks: TokenSeq, line_ids: Sequence[int]) -> TokenSeq: + lines = tk_splitlines(tks) - lines = split_list(tks, Newline_id) return join_list((lines[i] for i in line_ids), Newline_id) ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.service - def replace_lines(text: str, span: CodeRange, replacement: str): - start_ln, end_ln = span[0][0] - 1, span[1][0] - replacemnet = textwrap.indent(textwrap.dedent(replacement), " " * span[0][1]) - old_lines = text.split("\n") - new_lines = old_lines[:start_ln] + [replacemnet] + old_lines[end_ln + 1 :] - return "\n".join(new_lines) - ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.service - def get_span(text: str, span: CodeRange): - start_ln, end_ln = span[0][0] - 1, span[1][0] - old_lines = text.split("\n") - new_lines = old_lines[start_ln : end_ln + 1] - new_lines[0] = new_lines[0][span[0][1] :] - new_lines[-1] = new_lines[-1][: span[1][1]] - return "\n".join(new_lines) - ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class PyDefinition: @staticmethod def from_name(name: classes.BaseName) -> Iterable["PyDefinition"]: if ( not name.in_builtin_module() and (full_name := name.full_name) and (signatures := name._get_docstring_signature() or name.get_line_code()) ): full_name = PyFullName(full_name) start_pos = name.get_definition_start_position() end_pos = name.get_definition_end_position() signatures = name._get_docstring_signature() if name.type == "module": return if signatures: + signatures = signatures - signatures = "sig: " + signatures else: signatures = name.get_line_code() yield PyDefinition(full_name, start_pos, end_pos, signatures) ===========changed ref 7=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class C3Problem: def line_ids_to_input_lines(self, line_ids: Sequence[int]) -> Sequence[int]: """Convert the edit lines (which are line ids including deleted lines) into normal line numbers that do not include deleted lines.""" change_tks = input_l = self.span.line_range[0] input_lines = list[int]() + for i, tks in enumerate(tk_splitlines(change_tks)): - for i, tks in enumerate(split_list(change_tks, Newline_id)): if tks and tks[0] == Del_id: continue if i in line_ids: input_lines.append(input_l) input_l += 1 return input_lines ===========changed ref 8=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: def apply_to_input(self, input: TokenSeq): + lines = tk_splitlines(input) - lines = split_list(input, Newline_id) new_lines = list[TokenSeq]() for i, line in enumerate(lines): deleted = False if delta := self._deltas.get(i): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action[1:]) elif action[0] == Del_id: deleted = True if not deleted: new_lines.append(line) if delta := self._deltas.get(len(lines)): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action[1:]) return join_list(new_lines, Newline_id) ===========changed ref 9=========== # module: coeditor.encoding def code_to_input(code_tks: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq: """ Convert the original code into model input by inserting <extra_id> tokens. In this format, there will be an <extra_id> token at the beginning of each line. An additional <extra_id> will be added at the end to allow appending. """ + tk_lines = tk_splitlines(code_tks) - tk_lines = split_list(code_tks, Newline_id) tk_lines.append([]) input_seq = TokenSeq() for i, line in enumerate(tk_lines): if i < N_Extra_Ids: input_seq.append(get_extra_id(i)) input_seq.extend(line) if i < len(tk_lines) - 1: input_seq.append(Newline_id) return input_seq ===========changed ref 10=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: def apply_to_change(self, change: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq: + lines = tk_splitlines(change) - lines = split_list(change, Newline_id) new_lines = list[TokenSeq]() for i, line in enumerate(lines): deleted = False if delta := self._deltas.get(i): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action) elif action[0] == Del_id: deleted = True if deleted: new_lines.append([Del_id] + line) else: new_lines.append(line) if delta := self._deltas.get(len(lines)): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action) return join_list(new_lines, Newline_id)
handle trailing spaces in test.
<0>:<add> assert_str_equal(actual_str, expected_str, name)
# module: tests.test_edits def assert_tks_eq(actual: TokenSeq, expected: TokenSeq, name: str): - if actual != expected: - print_sections( + actual_str = decode_tokens(actual) + expected_str = decode_tokens(expected) - ("Expected", decode_tokens(expected)), - ("Reconstructed", decode_tokens(actual)), - ) - raise ValueError(f"Failed for case: {name}") <0>
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.common TokenSeq = list[Token] assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str, name: str | None=None) at: coeditor.encoding decode_tokens(tokens: TokenSeq, prettify: bool=False) -> str ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.common + def assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str, name: str | None = None): - def assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str): + actual = actual.rstrip() + expect = expect.rstrip() if actual != expect: print_err(f"{expect = }") print_err(f"{actual = }") print_err("String difference:") diff = show_string_diff(expect, actual) print_err(diff) + raise AssertionError(f"Strings didn't match: {name}") - raise AssertionError("Strings didn't match.") ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: tests.test_edits def assert_change_eq(actual: Change[str], expected: Change[str], name: str): + assert_str_equal(get_before(actual), get_before(expected), name) - assert_str_equal(get_before(actual), get_before(expected)) + assert_str_equal(get_after(actual), get_after(expected), name) - assert_str_equal(get_after(actual), get_after(expected)) ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.encoding + def tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq): + return split_list(tks, Newline_id) + ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.common + def fix_newline(text: str): + if text.endswith("\n"): + return text + return text + "\n" + ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.service def get_tk_lines(tks: TokenSeq, line_ids: Sequence[int]) -> TokenSeq: + lines = tk_splitlines(tks) - lines = split_list(tks, Newline_id) return join_list((lines[i] for i in line_ids), Newline_id) ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.service - def replace_lines(text: str, span: CodeRange, replacement: str): - start_ln, end_ln = span[0][0] - 1, span[1][0] - replacemnet = textwrap.indent(textwrap.dedent(replacement), " " * span[0][1]) - old_lines = text.split("\n") - new_lines = old_lines[:start_ln] + [replacemnet] + old_lines[end_ln + 1 :] - return "\n".join(new_lines) - ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: coeditor.service - def get_span(text: str, span: CodeRange): - start_ln, end_ln = span[0][0] - 1, span[1][0] - old_lines = text.split("\n") - new_lines = old_lines[start_ln : end_ln + 1] - new_lines[0] = new_lines[0][span[0][1] :] - new_lines[-1] = new_lines[-1][: span[1][1]] - return "\n".join(new_lines) - ===========changed ref 7=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class PyDefinition: @staticmethod def from_name(name: classes.BaseName) -> Iterable["PyDefinition"]: if ( not name.in_builtin_module() and (full_name := name.full_name) and (signatures := name._get_docstring_signature() or name.get_line_code()) ): full_name = PyFullName(full_name) start_pos = name.get_definition_start_position() end_pos = name.get_definition_end_position() signatures = name._get_docstring_signature() if name.type == "module": return if signatures: + signatures = signatures - signatures = "sig: " + signatures else: signatures = name.get_line_code() yield PyDefinition(full_name, start_pos, end_pos, signatures) ===========changed ref 8=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class C3Problem: def line_ids_to_input_lines(self, line_ids: Sequence[int]) -> Sequence[int]: """Convert the edit lines (which are line ids including deleted lines) into normal line numbers that do not include deleted lines.""" change_tks = input_l = self.span.line_range[0] input_lines = list[int]() + for i, tks in enumerate(tk_splitlines(change_tks)): - for i, tks in enumerate(split_list(change_tks, Newline_id)): if tks and tks[0] == Del_id: continue if i in line_ids: input_lines.append(input_l) input_l += 1 return input_lines ===========changed ref 9=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: def apply_to_input(self, input: TokenSeq): + lines = tk_splitlines(input) - lines = split_list(input, Newline_id) new_lines = list[TokenSeq]() for i, line in enumerate(lines): deleted = False if delta := self._deltas.get(i): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action[1:]) elif action[0] == Del_id: deleted = True if not deleted: new_lines.append(line) if delta := self._deltas.get(len(lines)): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action[1:]) return join_list(new_lines, Newline_id) ===========changed ref 10=========== # module: coeditor.encoding def code_to_input(code_tks: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq: """ Convert the original code into model input by inserting <extra_id> tokens. In this format, there will be an <extra_id> token at the beginning of each line. An additional <extra_id> will be added at the end to allow appending. """ + tk_lines = tk_splitlines(code_tks) - tk_lines = split_list(code_tks, Newline_id) tk_lines.append([]) input_seq = TokenSeq() for i, line in enumerate(tk_lines): if i < N_Extra_Ids: input_seq.append(get_extra_id(i)) input_seq.extend(line) if i < len(tk_lines) - 1: input_seq.append(Newline_id) return input_seq
handle trailing spaces in test.
<0>:<add> assert_tks_eq(join_list(tk_lines, Newline_id), enc, "join_list(tk_lines)")
# module: tests.test_edits def test_splitlines(): for n in range(100): rand_input = [random.choice(["a", "b", "c", "\n"]) for _ in range(n)] + input = "".join(rand_input).rstrip("\n") - input = fix_line_end("".join(rand_input)) lines = splitlines(input) # basic identity + assert "\n".join(lines) == input - assert "".join(lines) == input assert count_lines(input) == len(lines) # encode and decode enc = encode_lines_join(input) assert decode_tokens(enc) == input # split tokens tk_lines = tk_splitlines(enc) assert len(tk_lines) == len(lines) - assert_tks_eq(join_list(tk_lines), enc, "join_list(tk_lines)") <0>
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.common splitlines(text: str) -> list[str] count_lines(text: str) -> int join_list(segs: Iterable[Iterable[T1]], sep: T1 | None=None) -> list[T1] at: coeditor.encoding Newline_id = get_tk_id("\n") tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq) decode_tokens(tokens: TokenSeq, prettify: bool=False) -> str encode_lines_join(text: str) -> TokenSeq at: tests.test_edits assert_tks_eq(actual: TokenSeq, expected: TokenSeq, name: str) at: tests.test_edits.test_splitlines rand_input = [random.choice(["a", "b", "c", "\n"]) for _ in range(n)] ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: tests.test_edits def assert_tks_eq(actual: TokenSeq, expected: TokenSeq, name: str): - if actual != expected: - print_sections( + actual_str = decode_tokens(actual) + expected_str = decode_tokens(expected) - ("Expected", decode_tokens(expected)), - ("Reconstructed", decode_tokens(actual)), - ) - raise ValueError(f"Failed for case: {name}") + assert_str_equal(actual_str, expected_str, name) ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.encoding + def tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq): + return split_list(tks, Newline_id) + ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: tests.test_edits def assert_change_eq(actual: Change[str], expected: Change[str], name: str): + assert_str_equal(get_before(actual), get_before(expected), name) - assert_str_equal(get_before(actual), get_before(expected)) + assert_str_equal(get_after(actual), get_after(expected), name) - assert_str_equal(get_after(actual), get_after(expected)) ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.common + def fix_newline(text: str): + if text.endswith("\n"): + return text + return text + "\n" + ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.service def get_tk_lines(tks: TokenSeq, line_ids: Sequence[int]) -> TokenSeq: + lines = tk_splitlines(tks) - lines = split_list(tks, Newline_id) return join_list((lines[i] for i in line_ids), Newline_id) ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.common + def assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str, name: str | None = None): - def assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str): + actual = actual.rstrip() + expect = expect.rstrip() if actual != expect: print_err(f"{expect = }") print_err(f"{actual = }") print_err("String difference:") diff = show_string_diff(expect, actual) print_err(diff) + raise AssertionError(f"Strings didn't match: {name}") - raise AssertionError("Strings didn't match.") ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: coeditor.service - def replace_lines(text: str, span: CodeRange, replacement: str): - start_ln, end_ln = span[0][0] - 1, span[1][0] - replacemnet = textwrap.indent(textwrap.dedent(replacement), " " * span[0][1]) - old_lines = text.split("\n") - new_lines = old_lines[:start_ln] + [replacemnet] + old_lines[end_ln + 1 :] - return "\n".join(new_lines) - ===========changed ref 7=========== # module: coeditor.service - def get_span(text: str, span: CodeRange): - start_ln, end_ln = span[0][0] - 1, span[1][0] - old_lines = text.split("\n") - new_lines = old_lines[start_ln : end_ln + 1] - new_lines[0] = new_lines[0][span[0][1] :] - new_lines[-1] = new_lines[-1][: span[1][1]] - return "\n".join(new_lines) - ===========changed ref 8=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class PyDefinition: @staticmethod def from_name(name: classes.BaseName) -> Iterable["PyDefinition"]: if ( not name.in_builtin_module() and (full_name := name.full_name) and (signatures := name._get_docstring_signature() or name.get_line_code()) ): full_name = PyFullName(full_name) start_pos = name.get_definition_start_position() end_pos = name.get_definition_end_position() signatures = name._get_docstring_signature() if name.type == "module": return if signatures: + signatures = signatures - signatures = "sig: " + signatures else: signatures = name.get_line_code() yield PyDefinition(full_name, start_pos, end_pos, signatures) ===========changed ref 9=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class C3Problem: def line_ids_to_input_lines(self, line_ids: Sequence[int]) -> Sequence[int]: """Convert the edit lines (which are line ids including deleted lines) into normal line numbers that do not include deleted lines.""" change_tks = input_l = self.span.line_range[0] input_lines = list[int]() + for i, tks in enumerate(tk_splitlines(change_tks)): - for i, tks in enumerate(split_list(change_tks, Newline_id)): if tks and tks[0] == Del_id: continue if i in line_ids: input_lines.append(input_l) input_l += 1 return input_lines ===========changed ref 10=========== # module: coeditor.encoding @dataclass(frozen=True) class TkDelta: def apply_to_input(self, input: TokenSeq): + lines = tk_splitlines(input) - lines = split_list(input, Newline_id) new_lines = list[TokenSeq]() for i, line in enumerate(lines): deleted = False if delta := self._deltas.get(i): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action[1:]) elif action[0] == Del_id: deleted = True if not deleted: new_lines.append(line) if delta := self._deltas.get(len(lines)): for action in delta: if action[0] == Add_id: new_lines.append(action[1:]) return join_list(new_lines, Newline_id)
handle trailing spaces in test.
<0>:<add> assert_str_equal(after, get_after(c), name)
# module: tests.test_edits class TestChangeIdentities: def test_str_encodings(self): for name, c in self.cases.items(): try: line_diffs = change_to_line_diffs(c) print("line_diffs\n------\n" + "\n".join(line_diffs)) before, delta = line_diffs_to_original_delta(line_diffs) print("before:") print(before) print("delta:", delta) + assert_str_equal(before, get_before(c), name) - assert_str_equal(before, get_before(c)) after = delta.apply_to_input(before) - assert_str_equal(after, get_after(c)) <0> except Exception: print_err(f"Failed for case: {name}") raise
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.common print_err(*, sep: Optional[str]=..., end: Optional[str]=..., flush: bool=...) -> None assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str, name: str | None=None) at: coeditor.encoding change_to_line_diffs(change: Change[str]) -> list[str] line_diffs_to_original_delta(diffs: list[str]) -> tuple[str, StrDelta] at: tests.test_edits get_before(change: Change[str]) -> str get_after(change: Change[str]) -> str ===========unchanged ref 1=========== at: tests.test_edits.TestChangeIdentities cases: dict[str, Change[str]] = { "empty": Modified("", ""), "generation": Modified("", "123"), "add a new line": Modified("", "\n"), "add a new line at end": Modified("a", "a\n"), "added": Added("a\nb\nc\n"), "deleted": Deleted("a\nb\nc\n"), "no change": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 """ ), dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 """ ), ), "unchanged=True": Modified.from_unchanged( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 """ ), ), # this test case cannot pass for some reason. Tokenizer bug? # "leading_whitespace": Modified.from_unchanged(" ..."), "replace last": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1""" ), dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 2 return x * 2""" ), ), "no special tokens": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 y = 2 z = x + y return z def f2(): f1()""" ), dedent( """\ # new comment def f_new(): x = 1 if x > 0: y = 2 * x y *= 2 z = x + y return z def f2(): f1() return f_new() + a new_var = 0 """ ), ), "with special tokens": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = "<add>" </s> ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.common + def assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str, name: str | None = None): - def assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str): + actual = actual.rstrip() + expect = expect.rstrip() if actual != expect: print_err(f"{expect = }") print_err(f"{actual = }") print_err("String difference:") diff = show_string_diff(expect, actual) print_err(diff) + raise AssertionError(f"Strings didn't match: {name}") - raise AssertionError("Strings didn't match.") ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: tests.test_edits def assert_change_eq(actual: Change[str], expected: Change[str], name: str): + assert_str_equal(get_before(actual), get_before(expected), name) - assert_str_equal(get_before(actual), get_before(expected)) + assert_str_equal(get_after(actual), get_after(expected), name) - assert_str_equal(get_after(actual), get_after(expected)) ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: tests.test_edits def assert_tks_eq(actual: TokenSeq, expected: TokenSeq, name: str): - if actual != expected: - print_sections( + actual_str = decode_tokens(actual) + expected_str = decode_tokens(expected) - ("Expected", decode_tokens(expected)), - ("Reconstructed", decode_tokens(actual)), - ) - raise ValueError(f"Failed for case: {name}") + assert_str_equal(actual_str, expected_str, name) ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: tests.test_edits def test_splitlines(): for n in range(100): rand_input = [random.choice(["a", "b", "c", "\n"]) for _ in range(n)] + input = "".join(rand_input).rstrip("\n") - input = fix_line_end("".join(rand_input)) lines = splitlines(input) # basic identity + assert "\n".join(lines) == input - assert "".join(lines) == input assert count_lines(input) == len(lines) # encode and decode enc = encode_lines_join(input) assert decode_tokens(enc) == input # split tokens tk_lines = tk_splitlines(enc) assert len(tk_lines) == len(lines) + assert_tks_eq(join_list(tk_lines, Newline_id), enc, "join_list(tk_lines)") - assert_tks_eq(join_list(tk_lines), enc, "join_list(tk_lines)") ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.encoding + def tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq): + return split_list(tks, Newline_id) + ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.common + def fix_newline(text: str): + if text.endswith("\n"): + return text + return text + "\n" + ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: coeditor.service def get_tk_lines(tks: TokenSeq, line_ids: Sequence[int]) -> TokenSeq: + lines = tk_splitlines(tks) - lines = split_list(tks, Newline_id) return join_list((lines[i] for i in line_ids), Newline_id) ===========changed ref 7=========== # module: coeditor.service - def replace_lines(text: str, span: CodeRange, replacement: str): - start_ln, end_ln = span[0][0] - 1, span[1][0] - replacemnet = textwrap.indent(textwrap.dedent(replacement), " " * span[0][1]) - old_lines = text.split("\n") - new_lines = old_lines[:start_ln] + [replacemnet] + old_lines[end_ln + 1 :] - return "\n".join(new_lines) - ===========changed ref 8=========== # module: coeditor.service - def get_span(text: str, span: CodeRange): - start_ln, end_ln = span[0][0] - 1, span[1][0] - old_lines = text.split("\n") - new_lines = old_lines[start_ln : end_ln + 1] - new_lines[0] = new_lines[0][span[0][1] :] - new_lines[-1] = new_lines[-1][: span[1][1]] - return "\n".join(new_lines) -
- Fix dataclasses.replace. - Fix module usages in `pre_edit_analysis` - Sort changes using heuristic.
<0>:<add> prob, edit_line_ids=range(i, j), transformations=new_trans
# module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemSimpleSplit(C3ProblemTransform): def transform(self, prob: C3Problem) -> Sequence[C3Problem]: delta = l_range = prob.edit_line_ids assert isinstance(l_range, range) start, stop = l_range.start, l_range.stop problems = list[C3Problem]() new_trans = prob.transformations + ("split",) for i in range(start, stop, self.max_lines_to_edit): j = min(i + self.max_lines_to_edit, stop) sub_delta = delta.for_input_range((i, j)) if sub_delta.num_changes() > 0: sub_prob = dataclasses.replace( - prob, edit_lines=range(i, j), transformations=new_trans <0> ) problems.append(sub_prob) if len(problems) >= self.max_split_factor: break return problems
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.c3problem ChangedHeader(change_tks: TkArray, type: str, line_range: LineRange, path: ProjectPath) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3GeneratorCache.__init__ self._header_cache = dict[ProjectPath, ChangedHeader]() self._cspan_cache = dict[tuple[ModuleName, LineRange], ChangedCodeSpan]() at: coeditor.change.Added map(f: Callable[[E1], T2]) -> "Added[T2]" at: coeditor.change.Deleted map(f: Callable[[E1], T2]) -> "Deleted[T2]" at: coeditor.change.Modified map(f: Callable[[E1], T2]) -> "Modified[T2]" at: coeditor.encoding line_diffs_to_original_delta(diffs: list[str]) -> tuple[str, StrDelta] change_to_tokens(change: Change[str]) -> TokenSeq at: coeditor.scoped_changes ChangedSpan(change: Change[str], parent_scopes: Sequence[Change[ChangeScope]], line_range: LineRange) at: coeditor.scoped_changes.ChangeScope path: ProjectPath tree: ScopeTree spans: Sequence["StatementSpan"] subscopes: Mapping[str, Self] parent_scope: "ChangeScope | None" at: coeditor.scoped_changes.ChangeScope.__post_init__ self.header_line_range: LineRange = header_line_range at: coeditor.scoped_changes.ChangedSpan parent_scopes: Sequence[Change[ChangeScope]] line_range: LineRange at: coeditor.tk_array TkArray() at: coeditor.tk_array.TkArray new(tks: Sequence[int]) -> "TkArray" at: parso.python.tree.Class type = 'classdef' __slots__ = () ===========unchanged ref 1=========== at: parso.python.tree.Function type = 'funcdef' at: parso.python.tree.Module __slots__ = ('_used_names',) type = 'file_input' at: typing.Mapping get(key: _KT) -> Optional[_VT_co] get(key: _KT, default: Union[_VT_co, _T]) -> Union[_VT_co, _T] ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: + def sort_changes( + self, + target: ChangedCodeSpan, + used_defs: Mapping[PyFullName, PyDefinition], + changed: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], + ) -> Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan]: + def distance_penalty(cspan: ChangedCodeSpan) -> int: + if cspan.module != target.module: + return self.max_distance_penalty + dis_above = abs(target.line_range[0] - cspan.line_range[1]) + dis_below = abs(cspan.line_range[0] - target.line_range[1]) + return min(self.max_distance_penalty, dis_above, dis_below) + + def usage_penalty(cspan: ChangedCodeSpan) -> int: + path = cspan.headers[-1].path + fullname = path.module + "." + path.path + if fullname in used_defs: + return -self.usage_bonus + return 0 + + def length_penalty(cspan: ChangedCodeSpan) -> int: + return len(cspan.original) + + + result = list(changed) + result.sort( + key=lambda x: distance_penalty(x) + usage_penalty(x) + length_penalty(x) + ) + return result + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3ProblemGenerator(ProjectChangeProcessor[C3Problem]): """ ### Change log + - v2.8: Fix module usages in `pre_edit_analysis`. Sort changes using heuristic. - v2.7: Use new PyDefiniton that includes signatures. - v2.6: fix missing changes in `JModuleChanges`. Rename to edit_line_ids. - v2.5: fix newline encoding bug. - v2.4: fix buggy encoding of `Added` and `Deleted` changes. - v2.3: always generate problems with full editing range and move the problem splitting logic elsewhere. Also changed the data format of `ChangedCodeSpan`. """ + VERSION = "2.8" - VERSION = "2.7" # change spans with more than this many lines will be ignored max_span_lines: int = 500 ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3ProblemGenerator(ProjectChangeProcessor[C3Problem]): def pre_edit_analysis( self, pstate: ProjectState, modules: Mapping[RelPath, JModule], changes: Mapping[ModuleName, JModuleChange], ) -> Mapping[ModuleName, LineUsageAnalysis]: "Return the definition usages of each line." result = dict[ModuleName, LineUsageAnalysis]() src_map = {m.mname: f for f, m in modules.items()} for mname, mchange in changes.items(): + result[mname] = LineUsageAnalysis({}) if not isinstance(mchange.module_change, Modified): continue lines_to_analyze = set[int]() for span in mchange.changed: + if not isinstance(span.change, Modified): - if span.change is Added: continue lines_to_analyze.update(span.line_range.to_range()) lines_to_analyze.update(span.header_line_range.to_range()) + if not lines_to_analyze: + continue mod_path = src_map[mname] script = pstate.scripts[mod_path] line_usages = self.analyzer.get_line_usages( script, lines_to_analyze, silent=True ) result[mname] = line_usages return result
- Fix dataclasses.replace. - Fix module usages in `pre_edit_analysis` - Sort changes using heuristic.
<0>:<add> edit_line_ids=edit_line_ids,
# module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemChangeDropout(C3ProblemTransform): def transform(self, prob: C3Problem) -> Sequence[C3Problem]: <s> new_original = new_trans = prob.transformations + ("split", "dropout") new_span = dataclasses.replace( prob.span, original=new_original, delta=delta2 ) else: new_trans = prob.transformations + ("split",) new_span = prob.span delta1 = None delta2_groups = delta.change_groups() prob_and_n = list[tuple[C3Problem, int]]() for i in range(start, stop, self.max_lines_to_edit): j = min(i + self.max_lines_to_edit, stop) + edit_line_ids = range(i, j) - edit_lines = range(i, j) if delta1 is not None: + edit_line_ids = delta1.get_new_target_lines(edit_line_ids) - edit_lines = delta1.get_new_target_lines(edit_lines) + line_set = set(edit_line_ids) - line_set = set(edit_lines) n_groups = sum(any(key[0] in line_set for key in g) for g in delta2_groups) if n_groups > 0: sub_prob = dataclasses.replace( prob, span=new_span, - edit_lines=edit_lines, <0> transformations=new_trans, ) prob_and_n.append((sub_prob, n_groups)) # return the problems with the most changes prob_and_n.sort(key=lambda p: p[1], reverse=True) probs = [p[0] for p in prob_and_n] return probs[: self.max_split_factor]
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemChangeDropout(C3ProblemTransform): def transform(self, prob: C3Problem) -> Sequence[C3Problem]: # offset: -1 <s>.change_groups() should_dropout = len(grouped_keys) >= 2 if should_dropout: n_to_drop = int( len(grouped_keys) * random.random() * self.max_dropout_ratio ) assert n_to_drop < len(grouped_keys) keys_to_drop = join_list( random_subset(grouped_keys, n_to_drop, rng=self._rng) ) else: keys_to_drop = [] if keys_to_drop: delta1, delta2 = delta.decompose_for_change(keys_to_drop) if random.random() < self._test_prob: result1 = delta2.apply_to_change( delta1.apply_to_change(original.tolist()) ) result2 = delta.apply_to_change(original.tolist()) code1 = tokens_to_change(result1).after code2 = tokens_to_change(result2).after if code1 != code2: print_sections( ("result1", decode_tokens(result1)), ("result2", decode_tokens(result2)), ("delta", str(delta)), ("keys_to_drop", str(keys_to_drop)), ("delta1", str(delta1)), ("delta2", str(delta2)), ) raise AssertionError("decompose_for_change failed.") delta2_groups = delta2.change_groups() if not delta2_groups: print_err(f"{delta=}, {keys_to_drop=}, {delta1=}") raise AssertionError("Empty delta2_groups") new_original = new_trans</s> ===========above chunk 1=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemChangeDropout(C3ProblemTransform): def transform(self, prob: C3Problem) -> Sequence[C3Problem]: # offset: -2 original = prob.span.original delta = l_range = prob.edit_line_ids assert isinstance(l_range, range) start, stop = l_range.start, l_range.stop grouped_keys = delta.change_groups() should_dropout = len(grouped_keys) >= 2 if should_dropout: n_</s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.c3problem C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) C3ProblemTransform() at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"] change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemSimpleSplit max_lines_to_edit: int = 25 max_split_factor: int = 4 at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemTransform transform(self, prob: C3Problem) -> Sequence[C3Problem] at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedCodeSpan original: TkArray delta: TkDelta at: coeditor.common join_list(segs: Iterable[Iterable[T1]], sep: T1 | None=None) -> list[T1] random_subset(all: Mapping[T1, T2], n: int, rng: random.Random | int | None=None) -> dict[T1, T2] random_subset(all: Sequence[T1], n: int, rng: random.Random | int | None=None) -> list[T1] at: coeditor.encoding tokens_to_change(tokens: TokenSeq) -> Modified[str] at: coeditor.encoding.TkDelta apply_to_change(change: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq for_input_range(line_range: tuple[int, int]) -> Self decompose_for_change(first_keys: Collection[DeltaKey]) -> tuple[Self, Self] ===========unchanged ref 1=========== change_groups() -> Sequence[tuple[DeltaKey, ...]] at: coeditor.tk_array.TkArray tolist() -> TokenSeq at: dataclasses dataclass(_cls: Type[_T]) -> Type[_T] dataclass(*, init: bool=..., repr: bool=..., eq: bool=..., order: bool=..., unsafe_hash: bool=..., frozen: bool=...) -> Callable[[Type[_T]], Type[_T]] dataclass(_cls: None) -> Callable[[Type[_T]], Type[_T]] replace(obj: _T, **changes: Any) -> _T at: random Random(x: Any=...) random = _inst.random at: typing Sequence = _alias(, 1) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemSimpleSplit(C3ProblemTransform): def transform(self, prob: C3Problem) -> Sequence[C3Problem]: delta = l_range = prob.edit_line_ids assert isinstance(l_range, range) start, stop = l_range.start, l_range.stop problems = list[C3Problem]() new_trans = prob.transformations + ("split",) for i in range(start, stop, self.max_lines_to_edit): j = min(i + self.max_lines_to_edit, stop) sub_delta = delta.for_input_range((i, j)) if sub_delta.num_changes() > 0: sub_prob = dataclasses.replace( + prob, edit_line_ids=range(i, j), transformations=new_trans - prob, edit_lines=range(i, j), transformations=new_trans ) problems.append(sub_prob) if len(problems) >= self.max_split_factor: break return problems
- Fix dataloader _post_process. - Save model more frequently during training.
<0>:<add> # callbacks=[EarlyStoppingCallback(early_stopping_patience=1)],
# module: coeditor.model class RetrievalEditorModel(T5PreTrainedModel): def train_on_data( self, training_name: str, train_loader: "C3DataLoader", eval_loader: "C3DataLoader", train_args: "TrainingArgs", ) -> None: <s>train_loader) cprint("blue", "Number of training batches (estimate):", epoch_steps) trainer_args = Seq2SeqTrainingArguments( output_dir=str(train_dir), overwrite_output_dir=True, evaluation_strategy="epoch", + save_strategy="steps", - save_strategy="epoch", + save_steps=max(1, min(5000, epoch_steps // 5)), logging_steps=max(1, min(1000, epoch_steps // 10)), num_train_epochs=train_args.max_train_epochs, + save_total_limit=3, - save_total_limit=2, lr_scheduler_type=train_args.lr_scheduler_type, learning_rate=train_args.learning_rate, weight_decay=train_args.weight_decay, metric_for_best_model="loss_per_tk", greater_is_better=False, fp16=True, + # load_best_model_at_end=True, - load_best_model_at_end=True, push_to_hub=False, report_to=["wandb"], disable_tqdm=True, # torchdynamo="inductor", # use compiled model ) trainer = DynamicTrainer( self, trainer_args, - callbacks=[EarlyStoppingCallback(early_stopping_patience=1)], <0> ) trainer.train() save_dir = get_model_dir(trained=True) / training_name print("Model saved to:", save_dir)
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.model class RetrievalEditorModel(T5PreTrainedModel): def train_on_data( self, training_name: str, train_loader: "C3DataLoader", eval_loader: "C3DataLoader", train_args: "TrainingArgs", ) -> None: # offset: -1 train_dir = get_model_dir(trained=False) / training_name eval_loader.tqdm_args = {"disable": True} model = self # model = torch.compile("cuda")) # pytorch doesn't support python 3.11 yet. class DynamicTrainer(Seq2SeqTrainer): def get_train_dataloader(self): return train_loader def get_eval_dataloader(self, eval_dataset): return eval_loader def evaluation_loop( self, dataloader, description: str, prediction_loss_only: Optional[bool] = None, ignore_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, metric_key_prefix: str = "eval", ) -> EvalLoopOutput: metrics = model.eval_loss_on_loader(as_any(dataloader)) n_samples = metrics["loss_per_ex"].weight metrics = { f"{metric_key_prefix}_{k}": v.mean() for k, v in metrics.items() } return EvalLoopOutput( predictions=tuple(), label_ids=tuple(), metrics=metrics, num_samples=n_samples, ) epoch_steps = len(train_loader) cprint("blue", "Number of training batches (estimate):", epoch_steps) trainer_args</s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils as_any(x) -> Any cprint(color: str, *elems, sep: Optional[str]=..., end: Optional[str]=..., file: Optional[SupportsWrite[str]]=..., flush: bool=...) at: coeditor.common get_model_dir(trained=True) -> Path at: coeditor.common.WeightedSum sum: V weight: W mean() -> float at: coeditor.model.C3DataLoader all_probs: Sequence[C3Problem] transform: C3ProblemTransform | None tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer batch_args: BatchArgs shuffle: bool desc: str tqdm_args: dict | None = None chunk_size: int = 1000 workers: int = DefaultWorkers at: coeditor.model.RetrievalEditorModel is_parallelizable = False supports_gradient_checkpointing = False eval_loss_on_loader(dataloader: "C3DataLoader") decorate_autocast(dataloader: "C3DataLoader") save(save_dir: Path, is_main_process: bool=True, state_dict: Optional[dict]=None, save_function:, push_to_hub: bool=False, max_shard_size: Union[int, str]="10GB", safe_serialization: bool=False, variant: Optional[str]=None, /, *, is_main_process: bool=True, state_dict: Optional[dict]=None, save_function:, push_to_hub: bool=False, max_shard_size: Union[int, str]="10GB", safe_serialization: bool=False, variant: Optional[str]=None, private: Optional[bool]=None, use_auth_token: Optional[Union[bool, str]]=None, repo_url: Optional[str]=None, organization: Optional[str]=None) ===========unchanged ref 1=========== at: coeditor.model.TrainingArgs learning_rate: float = 2e-5 weight_decay: float = 0.01 max_train_epochs: int = 3 reinit_weights: bool = False quicktest: bool = False lr_scheduler_type: SchedulerType = SchedulerType.LINEAR at: transformers.trainer.Trainer get_train_dataloader(self) -> DataLoader get_eval_dataloader(self, eval_dataset: Optional[Dataset]=None) -> DataLoader train(resume_from_checkpoint: Optional[Union[str, bool]]=None, trial: Union["optuna.Trial", Dict[str, Any]]=None, ignore_keys_for_eval: Optional[List[str]]=None, **kwargs) evaluation_loop(self, dataloader: DataLoader, description: str, prediction_loss_only: Optional[bool]=None, ignore_keys: Optional[List[str]]=None, metric_key_prefix: str="eval") -> EvalLoopOutput at: transformers.trainer_seq2seq Seq2SeqTrainer(model: Union["PreTrainedModel", nn.Module]=None, args: "TrainingArguments"=None, data_collator: Optional["DataCollator"]=None, train_dataset: Optional[Dataset]=None, eval_dataset: Optional[Union[Dataset, Dict[str, Dataset]]]=None, tokenizer: Optional["PreTrainedTokenizerBase"]=None, model_init: Optional[Callable[[], "PreTrainedModel"]]=None, compute_metrics: Optional[Callable[["EvalPrediction"], Dict]]=None, callbacks: Optional[List["TrainerCallback"]]=None, optimizers: Tuple[torch.optim.Optimizer, torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR]=(None, None), preprocess_logits_for_metrics: Optional[Callable[[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]]=None) at: transformers.trainer_utils EvalLoopOutput(typename: str, fields: Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]=..., **kwargs: Any) ===========unchanged ref 2=========== at: transformers.training_args.TrainingArguments framework = "pt" output_dir: str = field( metadata={"help": "The output directory where the model predictions and checkpoints will be written."}, ) overwrite_output_dir: bool = field( default=False, metadata={ "help": ( "Overwrite the content of the output directory. " "Use this to continue training if output_dir points to a checkpoint directory." ) }, ) do_train: bool = field(default=False, metadata={"help": "Whether to run training."}) do_eval: bool = field(default=False, metadata={"help": "Whether to run eval on the dev set."}) do_predict: bool = field(default=False, metadata={"help": "Whether to run predictions on the test set."}) evaluation_strategy: Union[IntervalStrategy, str] = field( default="no", metadata={"help": "The evaluation strategy to use."}, ) prediction_loss_only: bool = field( default=False, metadata={"help": "When performing evaluation and predictions, only returns the loss."}, ) per_device_train_batch_size: int = field( default=8, metadata={"help": "Batch size per GPU/TPU core/CPU for training."} ) per_device_eval_batch_size: int = field( default=8, metadata={"help": "Batch size per GPU/TPU core/CPU for evaluation."} ) per_gpu_train_batch_size: Optional[int] = field( default=None, metadata={ "help": ( "Deprecated, the use of `--per_device_train_batch_size` is preferred. " "Batch size per GPU/TPU core/CPU for training." ) }, )
Add class sibling usages. Improve used ref ordering.
<0>:<add> last_parent = parent
# module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: def _group_encode_unchanged_refs( self, elems: Mapping[PyFullName, PyDefinition] ) -> Sequence[TkArray]: + def sort_key(e: PyDefinition): + return (e.parent, min(e.start_locs, default=(0, 0))) + results = list[TkArray]() this_chunk = TokenSeq() + sorted_elems = [e for e in elems.values() if e.signatures and e.parent] + sorted_elems.sort(key=sort_key) + last_parent = None + for defn in sorted_elems: + parent = defn.parent + header = f"at: {parent}\n" if parent != last_parent else "" + text = header + indent("\n".join(s for s in defn.signatures), TAB) + "\n\n" - for name, defn in elems.items(): - parent = ".".join(split_dots(name)[:-1]) - if not parent: - continue - text = f"at: {parent}\n{defn.signatures}\n\n" tks = encode_lines_join(text) tks = truncate_section( tks, TruncateAt.Right, self.max_ref_tks, inplace=True ) if len(this_chunk) + len(tks) > self.max_ref_tks: results.append( this_chunk = tks else: this_chunk.extend(tks) <0> if this_chunk: results.append( return results
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemTokenizer VERSION = "2.5" max_ref_tks: int = 512 max_query_tks: int = 512 max_output_tks: int = 256 max_scope_tks: int = 128 max_ref_tks_sum: int = 512 * 12 ref_chunk_overlap: int = 32 at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemTokenizer._group_encode_unchanged_refs sort_key(e: PyDefinition) at: coeditor.c3problem.PyDefinition start_locs: set[tuple[int, int]] signatures: set[str] at: coeditor.c3problem.PyDefinition.__post_init__ self.parent = ".".join(split_dots(self.full_name)[:-1]) at: coeditor.common TokenSeq = list[Token] TAB = " " * 4 at: coeditor.encoding encode_lines_join(text: str) -> TokenSeq TruncateAt() truncate_section(sec: TokenSeq, direction: TruncateAt.Value, limit: int, add_bos: bool=True, inplace: bool=False) -> TokenSeq at: coeditor.encoding.TruncateAt Value = int Left = 0 Right = 1 at: coeditor.tk_array TkArray() at: coeditor.tk_array.TkArray new(tks: Sequence[int]) -> "TkArray" at: textwrap indent(text: str, prefix: str, predicate: Optional[Callable[[str], bool]]=...) -> str at: typing.Mapping values() -> ValuesView[_VT_co] ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass class C3ProblemTokenizer: """ ## Change log + - 2.5: Sort used references by path. - 2.4: Encode each changed reference individually. Encode signatures for unchanged. """ + VERSION = "2.5" - VERSION = "2.4" max_ref_tks: int = 512 max_query_tks: int = 512 max_output_tks: int = 256 max_scope_tks: int = 128 max_ref_tks_sum: int = 512 * 12 ref_chunk_overlap: int = 32 ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem @dataclass(frozen=True) class LineUsageAnalysis: + line2usages: Mapping[int, Sequence[PyDefinition]] - line2usages: Mapping[int, set[PyDefinition]] ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem + @dataclass - @dataclass(frozen=True) class PyDefinition: + def __post_init__(self): + self.parent = ".".join(split_dots(self.full_name)[:-1]) + ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3GeneratorCache: def get_relevant_unchanged( self, this_change: ChangedCodeSpan, line_usages: LineUsageAnalysis, ): module = this_change.module # parent defs are also considered as used + name2def = dict[PyFullName, PyDefinition]() - sorted_defs = dict[PyFullName, PyDefinition]() all_lines = set(this_change.line_range.to_range()) all_lines.update(this_change.headers[-1].line_range.to_range()) for l in all_lines: + for pydef in line_usages.line2usages.get(l, []): - for pydef in line_usages.line2usages.get(l, set()): - if ( + if pydef.full_name.startswith(module) and any( - pydef.full_name.startswith(module) - and pydef.start_pos - and pydef.start_pos[0] in all_lines + l in all_lines for l in pydef.start_locs ): # skip self references continue + name2def.setdefault(pydef.full_name, pydef) - sorted_defs.setdefault(pydef.full_name, pydef) + return {k: name2def[k] for k in sorted(name2def.keys())} - return sorted_defs - ===========changed ref 4=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem + @dataclass - @dataclass(frozen=True) class PyDefinition: + full_name: PyFullName + start_locs: set[tuple[int, int]] + signatures: set[str] - """Note that the module and positions can be referring to either the import - statement or the actual definition.""" - full_name: PyFullName - start_pos: tuple[int, int] | None - end_pos: tuple[int, int] | None - signatures: str - ===========changed ref 5=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem + @dataclass - @dataclass(frozen=True) class PyDefinition: + def update(self, name: classes.BaseName): + if name.type not in ("function", "statement", "class"): + return + assert_eq(name.full_name, self.full_name) + if loc := name.get_definition_start_position(): + self.start_locs.add(loc) + + if name.type == "statement": + stmt = name._name.tree_name.search_ancestor("simple_stmt") + if stmt: + assert isinstance(stmt, ptree.PythonNode) + self.signatures.add(stmt.get_code(include_prefix=False).strip()) + return + + for sig in name._get_signatures(for_docstring=True): + self.signatures.add(sig.to_string().strip()) + ===========changed ref 6=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem + @dataclass - @dataclass(frozen=True) class PyDefinition: - @staticmethod - def from_name(name: classes.BaseName) -> Iterable["PyDefinition"]: - if ( - not name.in_builtin_module() - and (full_name := name.full_name) - and (signatures := name._get_docstring_signature() or name.get_line_code()) - ): - full_name = PyFullName(full_name) - start_pos = name.get_definition_start_position() - end_pos = name.get_definition_end_position() - signatures = name._get_docstring_signature() - if name.type == "module": - return - if signatures: - signatures = signatures - else: - signatures = name.get_line_code() - - yield PyDefinition(full_name, start_pos, end_pos, signatures) - ===========changed ref 7=========== # module: coeditor.c3problem class C3ProblemGenerator(ProjectChangeProcessor[C3Problem]): """ ### Change log + - v2.9: Add sibling usages for class members. Improve statement signatures. - v2.8: Fix module usages in `pre_edit_analysis`. Sort changes using heuristic. - v2.7: Use new PyDefiniton that includes signatures. - v2.6: fix missing changes in `JModuleChanges`. Rename to edit_line_ids. - v2.5: fix newline encoding bug. - v2.4: fix buggy encoding of `Added` and `Deleted` changes. - v2.3: always generate problems with full editing range and move the problem splitting logic elsewhere. Also changed the data format of `ChangedCodeSpan`. """ + VERSION = "2.9" - VERSION = "2.8" # change spans with more than this many lines will be ignored max_span_lines: int = 500 ===========changed ref 8=========== # module: coeditor.common + TAB = " " * 4 SEP = "-" * 80 HtmlCode = str
Fix exact match accuracy.
<0>:<add> origin_line = self.BAD_DELETE
# module: coeditor.encoding class TokenizedEdit(ABC): def show(self, pred_tks: TokenSeq | None = None) -> str: <s>tks[1:]) elif tks and tks[0] == Del_id: return "- " + decode_tokens(tks[1:]) else: return " " + decode_tokens(tks) def show_extra_tokens(tks: TokenSeq, main_tk_lines: dict[Token, TokenSeq]): segs = output_ids_as_seqs(tks) lines = [] for k, seg in segs.items(): if not seg: continue # skip empty lines if seg[-1] == Del_id: # show the deleted line + section_lines = tk_splitlines(main_tk_lines.get(k, TokenSeq())) - origin_line = tk_splitlines(main_tk_lines.get(k, []))[0] + if section_lines: + origin_line = section_lines[0] + else: <0> origin_line.append(Newline_id) seg = seg + origin_line label = show_label(id_map.get(k, -1)) lines.append(f"{label}:{indent(decode_tokens(seg), ' ' * 4).lstrip()}") return "".join(lines) def show_ctx(ctx_tks: TokenSeq): lines = tk_splitlines(ctx_tks) return "\n".join(" " + show_content(l) for l in lines) main_segs = output_ids_as_seqs(self.main_tks) id_map = {k: i for i, k in enumerate(main_segs)} main_lines = list[str]() for line_tks in tk_splitlines(self.main_tks): if line_tks and is_extra_id(line_tks[0]): prefix = show_label(id_map.get(line_</s>
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.encoding class TokenizedEdit(ABC): def show(self, pred_tks: TokenSeq | None = None) -> str: # offset: -1 def show_label(i: int): return f" <{i}>" if i <= 9 else f"<{i}>" def show_content(tks: TokenSeq): if tks and tks[0] == Add_id: return "+ " + decode_tokens(tks[1:]) elif tks and tks[0] == Del_id: return "- " + decode_</s> ===========below chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.encoding class TokenizedEdit(ABC): def show(self, pred_tks: TokenSeq | None = None) -> str: # offset: 1 <s> is_extra_id(line_tks[0]): prefix = show_label(id_map.get(line_tks[0], -1)) line = prefix + show_content(line_tks[1:]) else: line = " " + show_content(line_tks) main_lines.append(line) pred_lines = ( ["========Prediction========", f"{show_extra_tokens(pred_tks, main_segs)}"] if pred_tks else [] ) outputs = [ "-" * 80, *self.meta_data_lines(), "========Ground Truth========", show_extra_tokens(self.output_tks, main_segs), *pred_lines, "========Main Code========", "\n".join(main_lines), ] + [ f"==========={name}===========\n" + show_ctx(tks) for name, tks in self.all_ctxs().items() ] return "\n".join(outputs) ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.common Token = int TokenSeq = list[Token] at: coeditor.encoding Add_id = get_tk_id(Add) Del_id = get_tk_id(Del) Newline_id = get_tk_id("\n") is_extra_id(tk: int) -> bool tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq) decode_tokens(tokens: TokenSeq, prettify: bool=False) -> str output_ids_as_seqs(output_ids: Iterable[Token]) -> dict[Token, TokenSeq] at: coeditor.encoding.TokenizedEdit input_tks: TokenSeq output_tks: TokenSeq main_tks: TokenSeq path: ProjectPath change_type: Change[None] BAD_DELETE = encode_single_line("((bad delete))") meta_data_lines() -> list[str] at: textwrap indent(text: str, prefix: str, predicate: Optional[Callable[[str], bool]]=...) -> str at: typing.Mapping get(key: _KT) -> Optional[_VT_co] get(key: _KT, default: Union[_VT_co, _T]) -> Union[_VT_co, _T] ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.encoding class TokenizedEdit(ABC): input_tks: TokenSeq output_tks: TokenSeq main_tks: TokenSeq path: ProjectPath change_type: Change[None] + BAD_DELETE = encode_single_line("((bad delete))") +
Fix exact match accuracy.
<0>:<add> ex2correct[i] = is_correct
# module: coeditor.model @dataclass class RetrievalDecodingResult: def exact_match_accuracy(self) -> tuple[CountedSum, dict[int, bool]]: ex2correct = dict[int, bool]() bad_probs = list[C3Problem]() for i, mp in enumerate(self.predictions): prob = self.problems[i] original = prob.span.original.tolist() pred_delta = TkDelta.from_output_tks(prob.edit_line_ids, mp["output_ids"]) label_delta = TkDelta.from_output_tks(prob.edit_line_ids, mp["labels"]) if not prob.edit_line_ids: bad_probs.append(prob) continue - line_shift = prob.edit_line_ids[0] + pred_change = pred_delta.apply_to_change(original) - pred_change = pred_delta.shifted(line_shift).apply_to_change(original) + label_change = label_delta.apply_to_change(original) - label_change = label_delta.shifted(line_shift).apply_to_change(original) pred_code = tokens_to_change(pred_change).after label_code = tokens_to_change(label_change).after + is_correct = code_equal(pred_code, label_code) - ex2correct[i] = code_equal(pred_code, label_code) <0> correct_count = CountedSum(sum(ex2correct.values()), len(ex2correct)) if bad_probs: cprint("yellow", "Number of problems with no edits:", len(bad_probs)) for prob in bad_probs[:5]: print(prob.summary()) return correct_count, ex2correct
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils cprint(color: str, *elems, sep: Optional[str]=..., end: Optional[str]=..., file: Optional[SupportsWrite[str]]=..., flush: bool=...) at: coeditor.c3problem C3Problem(span: ChangedCodeSpan, edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan], relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"], change_type: Change[None], src_info: SrcInfo, transformations: tuple[str, ...]=()) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"] change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () summary() -> str at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedCodeSpan headers: Sequence[ChangedHeader] original: TkArray delta: TkDelta line_range: LineRange module: ModuleName at: coeditor.change.Modified before: E1 after: E1 unchanged: bool = False at: coeditor.common CountedSum = WeightedSum[int, int] code_equal(code1: str, code2: str) -> bool at: coeditor.encoding TkDelta(_deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]]) tokens_to_change(tokens: TokenSeq) -> Modified[str] at: coeditor.encoding.TkDelta _deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]] apply_to_change(change: TokenSeq) -> TokenSeq from_output_tks(edit_line_ids: Sequence[int], tks: TokenSeq, allow_truncated_tks: bool=True) -> "TkDelta" ===========unchanged ref 1=========== at: coeditor.model.RetrievalDecodingResult eval_args: dict problems: Sequence[C3Problem] predictions: Sequence[RetrievalModelPrediction] at: coeditor.tk_array.TkArray tolist() -> TokenSeq ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.encoding class TokenizedEdit(ABC): input_tks: TokenSeq output_tks: TokenSeq main_tks: TokenSeq path: ProjectPath change_type: Change[None] + BAD_DELETE = encode_single_line("((bad delete))") + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.encoding class TokenizedEdit(ABC): def show(self, pred_tks: TokenSeq | None = None) -> str: def show_label(i: int): return f" <{i}>" if i <= 9 else f"<{i}>" def show_content(tks: TokenSeq): if tks and tks[0] == Add_id: return "+ " + decode_tokens(tks[1:]) elif tks and tks[0] == Del_id: return "- " + decode_tokens(tks[1:]) else: return " " + decode_tokens(tks) def show_extra_tokens(tks: TokenSeq, main_tk_lines: dict[Token, TokenSeq]): segs = output_ids_as_seqs(tks) lines = [] for k, seg in segs.items(): if not seg: continue # skip empty lines if seg[-1] == Del_id: # show the deleted line + section_lines = tk_splitlines(main_tk_lines.get(k, TokenSeq())) - origin_line = tk_splitlines(main_tk_lines.get(k, []))[0] + if section_lines: + origin_line = section_lines[0] + else: + origin_line = self.BAD_DELETE origin_line.append(Newline_id) seg = seg + origin_line label = show_label(id_map.get(k, -1)) lines.append(f"{label}:{indent(decode_tokens(seg), ' ' * 4).lstrip()}") return "".join(lines) def show_ctx(ctx_tks: TokenSeq): lines = tk_splitlines(ctx_tks) return "\n".join(" " + show_content(l) for l in lines) main_segs = output_ids_as_seqs(self.main_tks) id_map = {k:</s> ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: coeditor.encoding class TokenizedEdit(ABC): def show(self, pred_tks: TokenSeq | None = None) -> str: # offset: 1 <s> main_segs = output_ids_as_seqs(self.main_tks) id_map = {k: i for i, k in enumerate(main_segs)} main_lines = list[str]() for line_tks in tk_splitlines(self.main_tks): if line_tks and is_extra_id(line_tks[0]): prefix = show_label(id_map.get(line_tks[0], -1)) line = prefix + show_content(line_tks[1:]) else: line = " " + show_content(line_tks) main_lines.append(line) pred_lines = ( ["========Prediction========", f"{show_extra_tokens(pred_tks, main_segs)}"] if pred_tks else [] ) outputs = [ "-" * 80, *self.meta_data_lines(), "========Ground Truth========", show_extra_tokens(self.output_tks, main_segs), *pred_lines, "========Main Code========", "\n".join(main_lines), ] + [ f"==========={name}===========\n" + show_ctx(tks) for name, tks in self.all_ctxs().items() ] return "\n".join(outputs)
Update traning scripts.
<0>:<add> save_steps=max(500, min(5000, epoch_steps // 5)),
# module: coeditor.model class RetrievalEditorModel(T5PreTrainedModel): def train_on_data( self, training_name: str, train_loader: "C3DataLoader", eval_loader: "C3DataLoader", train_args: "TrainingArgs", ) -> None: <s>dataloader)) n_samples = metrics["loss_per_ex"].weight metrics = { f"{metric_key_prefix}_{k}": v.mean() for k, v in metrics.items() } return EvalLoopOutput( predictions=tuple(), label_ids=tuple(), metrics=metrics, num_samples=n_samples, ) epoch_steps = len(train_loader) cprint("blue", "Number of training batches (estimate):", epoch_steps) trainer_args = Seq2SeqTrainingArguments( output_dir=str(train_dir), overwrite_output_dir=True, evaluation_strategy="epoch", save_strategy="steps", - save_steps=max(1, min(5000, epoch_steps // 5)), <0> logging_steps=max(1, min(1000, epoch_steps // 10)), num_train_epochs=train_args.max_train_epochs, save_total_limit=3, lr_scheduler_type=train_args.lr_scheduler_type, learning_rate=train_args.learning_rate, weight_decay=train_args.weight_decay, metric_for_best_model="loss_per_tk", greater_is_better=False, fp16=True, # load_best_model_at_end=True, push_to_hub=False, report_to=["wandb"], disable_tqdm=True, # torchdynamo="inductor", # use compiled model ) trainer = DynamicTrainer( self, trainer_args, # callbacks=[EarlyStoppingCallback(</s>
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.model class RetrievalEditorModel(T5PreTrainedModel): def train_on_data( self, training_name: str, train_loader: "C3DataLoader", eval_loader: "C3DataLoader", train_args: "TrainingArgs", ) -> None: # offset: -1 train_dir = get_model_dir(trained=False) / training_name eval_loader.tqdm_args = {"disable": True} model = self # model = torch.compile("cuda")) # pytorch doesn't support python 3.11 yet. class DynamicTrainer(Seq2SeqTrainer): def get_train_dataloader(self): return train_loader def get_eval_dataloader(self, eval_dataset): return eval_loader def evaluation_loop( self, dataloader, description: str, prediction_loss_only: Optional[bool] = None, ignore_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, metric_key_prefix: str = "eval", ) -> EvalLoopOutput: metrics = model.eval_loss_on_loader(as_any(dataloader)) n_samples = metrics["loss_per_ex"].weight metrics = { f"{</s> ===========below chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.model class RetrievalEditorModel(T5PreTrainedModel): def train_on_data( self, training_name: str, train_loader: "C3DataLoader", eval_loader: "C3DataLoader", train_args: "TrainingArgs", ) -> None: # offset: 1 <s> ) trainer = DynamicTrainer( self, trainer_args, # callbacks=[EarlyStoppingCallback(early_stopping_patience=1)], ) trainer.train() save_dir = get_model_dir(trained=True) / training_name print("Model saved to:", save_dir) ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils as_any(x) -> Any cprint(color: str, *elems, sep: Optional[str]=..., end: Optional[str]=..., file: Optional[SupportsWrite[str]]=..., flush: bool=...) at: coeditor.common get_model_dir(trained=True) -> Path at: coeditor.common.WeightedSum sum: V weight: W mean() -> float at: coeditor.model.C3DataLoader all_probs: Sequence[C3Problem] transform: C3ProblemTransform | None tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer batch_args: BatchArgs shuffle: bool desc: str tqdm_args: dict | None = None chunk_size: int = 1000 workers: int = DefaultWorkers at: coeditor.model.RetrievalEditorModel is_parallelizable = False supports_gradient_checkpointing = False eval_loss_on_loader(dataloader: "C3DataLoader") decorate_autocast(dataloader: "C3DataLoader") save(save_dir: Path, is_main_process: bool=True, state_dict: Optional[dict]=None, save_function:, push_to_hub: bool=False, max_shard_size: Union[int, str]="10GB", safe_serialization: bool=False, variant: Optional[str]=None, /, *, is_main_process: bool=True, state_dict: Optional[dict]=None, save_function:, push_to_hub: bool=False, max_shard_size: Union[int, str]="10GB", safe_serialization: bool=False, variant: Optional[str]=None, private: Optional[bool]=None, use_auth_token: Optional[Union[bool, str]]=None, repo_url: Optional[str]=None, organization: Optional[str]=None) ===========unchanged ref 1=========== at: coeditor.model.TrainingArgs learning_rate: float = 2e-5 weight_decay: float = 0.01 max_train_epochs: int = 3 reinit_weights: bool = False quicktest: bool = False lr_scheduler_type: SchedulerType = SchedulerType.LINEAR at: transformers.trainer.Trainer get_train_dataloader(self) -> DataLoader get_eval_dataloader(self, eval_dataset: Optional[Dataset]=None) -> DataLoader train(resume_from_checkpoint: Optional[Union[str, bool]]=None, trial: Union["optuna.Trial", Dict[str, Any]]=None, ignore_keys_for_eval: Optional[List[str]]=None, **kwargs) evaluation_loop(self, dataloader: DataLoader, description: str, prediction_loss_only: Optional[bool]=None, ignore_keys: Optional[List[str]]=None, metric_key_prefix: str="eval") -> EvalLoopOutput at: transformers.trainer_seq2seq Seq2SeqTrainer(model: Union["PreTrainedModel", nn.Module]=None, args: "TrainingArguments"=None, data_collator: Optional["DataCollator"]=None, train_dataset: Optional[Dataset]=None, eval_dataset: Optional[Union[Dataset, Dict[str, Dataset]]]=None, tokenizer: Optional["PreTrainedTokenizerBase"]=None, model_init: Optional[Callable[[], "PreTrainedModel"]]=None, compute_metrics: Optional[Callable[["EvalPrediction"], Dict]]=None, callbacks: Optional[List["TrainerCallback"]]=None, optimizers: Tuple[torch.optim.Optimizer, torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR]=(None, None), preprocess_logits_for_metrics: Optional[Callable[[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]]=None) at: transformers.trainer_utils EvalLoopOutput(typename: str, fields: Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]=..., **kwargs: Any)
Update traning scripts.
<0>:<add> pprint(train_loader.get_batch_stats())
# module: scripts.train_model def train_model( dataset_name: str, model_variant: str, encoder: C3CombinedEncoder = C3CombinedEncoder(), batch_args=BatchArgs.train_default(), eval_batch_args=BatchArgs.eval_default(), train_args=TrainingArgs(), recreate_data: bool = False, eval_only: bool = False, ): <s>_loader.get_batch_stats()) warmup_targs = copy.deepcopy(train_args) warmup_targs.learning_rate *= 4 warmup_targs.max_train_epochs = 1 model.train_on_data(model_name, warmup_loader, eval_loader, warmup_targs) with timed_action("Fine-tune Training"): # we attach the problem transform to the dataloader to generate data on-the-fly train_loader = C3DataLoader( datasets["train"], encoder.problem_tranform, train_tkn, batch_args, shuffle=True, desc="training", ) + print("Fine-tune batch stats:") <0> model.train_on_data(model_name, train_loader, eval_loader, train_args)"cuda") with timed_action("Loss Evaluation"): eval_result = model.eval_loss_on_loader(eval_loader) eval_dict = {f"test/{k}": v.average() for k, v in eval_result.items()} wandb.log(eval_dict) max_saved_samples = 300 with timed_action("Accuracy Evaluation"): dec_result = model.predict_on_data( datasets["test"], eval_tkn, eval_batch_args, dec_args ) pickle_dump(get_model_dir() / model_name / "dec_result.pkl", dec_result) exact_acc, exact_correct_map = dec_result.exact_</s>
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: scripts.train_model def train_model( dataset_name: str, model_variant: str, encoder: C3CombinedEncoder = C3CombinedEncoder(), batch_args=BatchArgs.train_default(), eval_batch_args=BatchArgs.eval_default(), train_args=TrainingArgs(), recreate_data: bool = False, eval_only: bool = False, ): # offset: -1 <s> use all visible GPUs for training." ) os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0" train_tkn = encoder.edit_tokenizer eval_tkn = copy.deepcopy(train_tkn) eval_tkn.max_query_tks *= 2 eval_tkn.max_output_tks *= 2 eval_tkn.max_ref_tks_sum *= 2 eval_loader = C3DataLoader( datasets["valid"], None, eval_tkn, eval_batch_args, shuffle=False, desc="eval" ) if not eval_only: with timed_action("Warm-up Training"): warmup_bargs = copy.deepcopy(batch_args) warmup_bargs.min_queries *= 4 warmup_bargs.max_queries *= 2 warm_up_data = random_subset( datasets["train"], len(datasets["train"]) // 4, rng=42 ) warmup_tkn = copy.copy(train_tkn) warmup_tkn.max_ref_tks_sum //= 3 warmup_loader = C3DataLoader( warm_up_data, encoder.problem_tranform, warmup_tkn, warmup_bargs, shuffle=True, desc="warm-up training", ) + print("Warmup batch stats:") + pprint(warmup_loader.get_batch_stats()) warmup_targs = copy.deepcopy(train_args) warm</s> ===========above chunk 1=========== # module: scripts.train_model def train_model( dataset_name: str, model_variant: str, encoder: C3CombinedEncoder = C3CombinedEncoder(), batch_args=BatchArgs.train_default(), eval_batch_args=BatchArgs.eval_default(), train_args=TrainingArgs(), recreate_data: bool = False, eval_only: bool = False, ): # offset: -2 <s>batch_args": batch_args, "train_args": train_args, "dec_args": dec_args, }.items() } project = "Coeditor" if not train_args.quicktest else "Coeditor-quicktest" if eval_only: project = "eval-" + project wandb.init(dir="..", project=project, name=model_name, config=config_dict) if train_args.quicktest: print("Using fewer data for quick test.") n_quick_exs = 20 datasets = C3ProblemDataset( train=datasets["train"][:n_quick_exs], valid=datasets["valid"][:n_quick_exs], test=datasets["test"][:n_quick_exs], ) if not eval_only: model = RetrievalEditorModel.from_code_t5( "base", reuse_embed=True, reinit_weights=train_args.reinit_weights ) else: model = RetrievalEditorModel.load(get_model_dir() / model_name) if os.getenv("CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES") is None: warnings.warn( "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES not set, using 0. Note that " "the Huggingface Trainer will use all visible GPUs for training." ) os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0" </s> ===========above chunk 2=========== # module: scripts.train_model def train_model( dataset_name: str, model_variant: str, encoder: C3CombinedEncoder = C3CombinedEncoder(), batch_args=BatchArgs.train_default(), eval_batch_args=BatchArgs.eval_default(), train_args=TrainingArgs(), recreate_data: bool = False, eval_only: bool = False, ): # offset: -3 # model_variant = "-file" model_name = f"coeditor-{dataset_name}" model_name += model_variant dec_args = DecodingArgs() if train_args.quicktest: model_name = "quicktest-" + model_name if not eval_only: check_save_dir(model_name) # problems will be transformed and saved for valid and test but not train. datasets = make_or_load_dataset( dataset_name, encoder.change_processor, encoder.problem_tranform, remake_problems=recreate_data, ) config_dict = { k: get_modified_args(v) for k, v in { "edit_tokenizer": encoder.edit_tokenizer.get_args(), </s> ===========below chunk 0=========== # module: scripts.train_model def train_model( dataset_name: str, model_variant: str, encoder: C3CombinedEncoder = C3CombinedEncoder(), batch_args=BatchArgs.train_default(), eval_batch_args=BatchArgs.eval_default(), train_args=TrainingArgs(), recreate_data: bool = False, eval_only: bool = False, ): # offset: 1 <s> "dec_result.pkl", dec_result) exact_acc, exact_correct_map = dec_result.exact_match_accuracy() wandb.log({"test/exact-acc": exact_acc.average()}) out_dir = get_model_dir() / model_name / "exact_match_samples" dec_result.save_examples_to_dir( out_dir, random_subset(exact_correct_map, max_saved_samples, rng=42) ) cprint("blue", "Exact-match samples saved to:", out_dir) return model
Service upgrade to support extension v0.3.5. - Add new server method `initialize` and `get_result`. - Support output line status.
<0>:<add> output_status=output_status,
# module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def _suggest_edit_two_steps( self, file: RelPath, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), ) -> tuple[_EditRegion, Callable[[], ServiceResponse]]: <s>.after), ) ) - diff_ops = get_diff_ops( - splitlines(pred_change.before), splitlines(pred_change.after) - ) - line_status = dict[int, StatusTag]() - for tag, (i1, i2), _ in diff_ops: - if tag == "A": - line_status[i1] = "A" - continue - for i in range(i1, i2): - if i not in line_status: - line_status[i] = tag + input_status, change_status = compute_line_status(pred_change) + input_status = [ - line_status = [ + (i + target_lines[0], tag) for i, tag in input_status.items() - (i + target_lines[0], tag) for i, tag in line_status.items() ] + output_status = list(change_status.items()) suggestion = EditSuggestion( score=pred.score, change_preview=preview, new_code=pred_change.after, + input_status=input_status, - line_status=line_status[: len(target_lines)], <0> ) suggestions.append(suggestion) return ServiceResponse( target_file=str(self.project / file), edit_start=(target_lines[0], 0), edit_end=(target_lines[-1] + 1, 0), target_lines=target.target_lines, input_code=target.current_code, suggestions=suggestions, ) return target, next_step
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def _suggest_edit_two_steps( self, file: RelPath, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), ) -> tuple[_EditRegion, Callable[[], ServiceResponse]]: # offset: -1 <s>_ids"][0] references = batch["references"] output_truth = batch["labels"][0] print(f"Writing logs to: {log_dir}") for i, pred in enumerate(predictions): with (log_dir / f"solution-{i}.txt").open("w") as f: pred_tks = pred.out_tks score = pred.score print(f"{problem.edit_line_ids=}", file=f) print(f"{len(input_tks)=}", file=f) print(f"{len(references)=}", file=f) print(f"Solution score: {score:.3g}", file=f) print(f"Marginalized samples:", pred.n_samples, file=f) pred = RetrievalModelPrediction( input_ids=input_tks, output_ids=pred_tks, labels=output_truth, references=references, ) pred_str = RetrievalDecodingResult.show_prediction( problem, pred ) print(pred_str, file=f) target_lines = target.target_lines suggestions = list[EditSuggestion]() for pred in predictions: pred_change = self.apply_edit_to_elem( target, problem, pred.out_tks, ) preview = "\n".join( compute_line_diffs_fast( splitlines(pred_change.before), splitlines(pred_change.after), ) ) - diff_ops = get_diff_ops( - splitlines(pred_change</s> ===========above chunk 1=========== # module: coeditor.service @dataclass class EditPredictionService: def _suggest_edit_two_steps( self, file: RelPath, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None = Path(".coeditor_logs"), ) -> tuple[_EditRegion, Callable[[], ServiceResponse]]: # offset: -2 timed = self.tlogger.timed with timed("get c3 problem"): problem, span = self.detector.get_problem(file, edit_lines) with timed("tokenize c3 problem"): tk_prob = self.c3_tkn.tokenize_problem(problem) target = self.get_target_code(span.code, problem, tk_prob) def next_step(): batch = C3DataLoader.pack_batch([tk_prob]) original = problem.span.original.tolist() with timed("run model"), torch.autocast("cuda"): predictions = self.model.predict_on_batch( batch, [original], self.dec_args, self.show_max_solutions ) assert_eq(len(predictions), 1) predictions = predictions[0] assert predictions if log_dir is not None: log_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) input_tks = batch["input_ids"][0] references = batch["references"] output_truth = batch["labels"][0] </s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils assert_eq(x: T1, y: T1, message: Callable[[], str]=lambda: "") -> None compute_line_diffs_fast(before: Sequence[str], after: Sequence[str]) at: coeditor._utils.TimeLogger times: dict[str, list[float]] = field(default_factory=dict) timed(self, name: str) at: coeditor.c3problem.C3Problem span: ChangedCodeSpan edit_line_ids: Sequence[int] relevant_changes: Sequence[ChangedCodeSpan] relevant_unchanged: Mapping["PyFullName", "PyDefinition"] change_type: Change[None] src_info: SrcInfo transformations: tuple[str, ...] = () at: coeditor.c3problem.C3ProblemTokenizer VERSION = "2.7" max_ref_tks: int = 512 max_query_tks: int = 512 max_output_tks: int = 256 max_scope_tks: int = 128 max_ref_tks_sum: int = 512 * 16 ref_chunk_overlap: int = 32 disable_builtin_defs: bool = True disable_unchanged_refs: bool = False current_code_only: bool = False tokenize_problem(problem: C3Problem) -> TkC3Problem at: coeditor.c3problem.ChangedCodeSpan headers: Sequence[ChangedHeader] original: TkArray delta: TkDelta line_range: LineRange module: ModuleName at: coeditor.change.Modified before: E1 after: E1 unchanged: bool = False at: coeditor.common RelPath = NewType("RelPath", Path) splitlines(text: str) -> list[str] ===========unchanged ref 1=========== at: coeditor.model RetrievalModelPrediction(iterable: Iterable[Tuple[_KT, _VT]], **kwargs: _VT) RetrievalModelPrediction(**kwargs: _VT) RetrievalModelPrediction(map: Mapping[_KT, _VT], **kwargs: _VT) C3DataLoader(all_probs: Sequence[C3Problem], transform: C3ProblemTransform | None, tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer, batch_args: BatchArgs, shuffle: bool, desc: str, tqdm_args: dict | None=None, chunk_size: int=1000, workers: int=DefaultWorkers) at: coeditor.model.C3DataLoader all_probs: Sequence[C3Problem] transform: C3ProblemTransform | None tokenizer: C3ProblemTokenizer batch_args: BatchArgs shuffle: bool desc: str tqdm_args: dict | None = None chunk_size: int = 1000 workers: int = DefaultWorkers pack_batch(probs: Sequence[TkC3Problem]) at: coeditor.model.PredictedChange change: Modified[str] out_tks: TokenSeq score: float n_samples: int at: coeditor.model.RetrievalEditorModel is_parallelizable = False supports_gradient_checkpointing = False decorate_autocast(batch: dict, problems: Sequence[C3Problem], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int=1) predict_on_batch(batch: dict, problems: Sequence[C3Problem], dec_args: DecodingArgs, n_solutions: int=1) -> list[list[PredictedChange]] at: coeditor.service EditSuggestion(map: Mapping[_KT, _VT], **kwargs: _VT) EditSuggestion(iterable: Iterable[Tuple[_KT, _VT]], **kwargs: _VT) EditSuggestion(**kwargs: _VT)
Service upgrade to support extension v0.3.5. - Add new server method `initialize` and `get_result`. - Support output line status.
<0>:<add> response = cont.get()
# module: scripts.start_server def start_server(device, port: int, print_stats: bool = True): <s> <add> @method + @handle_error + def submit_problem( + id: int, project: str, file: str, lines: Sequence[int] | int, writeLogs: bool + ): + target_dir = Path(project).resolve() + service = services[target_dir] - services[target_dir] = service print(f"Suggesting edit for lines {lines} in {file}") path = Path(file) if Path.is_absolute(path): path = path.relative_to(target_dir) path = to_rel_path(path) service.tlogger.clear() log_dir = service.project / ".coeditor_logs" if writeLogs else None + region, f = service._suggest_edit_two_steps(path, lines, log_dir) - region, cont = service._suggest_edit_two_steps(path, lines, log_dir) + if target_dir in tasks and tasks[target_dir].id > id: + return Success("Skipped") + tasks[target_dir] = LazyVal(f, id) - continuations[target_dir] = cont return Success(region.target_lines) @method @handle_error + def get_result(id: int, project: str): - def get_result(project: str): target_dir = Path(project).resolve() + cont = tasks[target_dir] + if > id: + return Success("Skipped") - f = continuations.pop(target_dir) - response = f() <0> service = services[target_dir] if print_stats: print("Runtime stats:") display(service.tlogger.as_dataframe()) return Success(response.to_json()) print(f"Starting suggestion server at localhost:{port}") serve("localhost", port)
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: scripts.start_server def start_server(device, port: int, print_stats: bool = True): # offset: -1 <s> ( + get_model_dir(trained=False) + / "coeditor-xl-c3-dropout-v1.5" + / "checkpoint-230000" + ) model = RetrievalEditorModel.load(model_path) print(f"Model '{model_path}' loaded on device:", device) dec_args = DecodingArgs(do_sample=False, num_beams=4) services = dict[Path, EditPredictionService]() + tasks = dict[Path, LazyVal[ServiceResponse]]() - continuations = dict[Path, Callable[[], ServiceResponse]]() def handle_error(f, *args, **kwargs): @wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exception(e) return Error(code=1, message=repr(e)) return wrapper @method @handle_error - def submit_problem( - project: str, file: str, lines: Sequence[int] | int, writeLogs: bool - ): + def initialize(project: str): target_dir = Path(project).resolve() + tasks.pop(target_dir, None) + + if target_dir not in services: - if (service := services.get(target_dir)) is None: with timed_action(f"Create service for project: {target_dir}"): detector = ChangeDetector(target_dir) + services[target_dir] = EditPredictionService( - service = EditPredictionService( detector, model, dec_args=dec_args, ) + + return Success("OK") + + @method + @handle_error + def submit_problem( + id: int, project: str,</s> ===========above chunk 1=========== # module: scripts.start_server def start_server(device, port: int, print_stats: bool = True): # offset: -2 # this newer model is trained with comments + # model_path = "MrVPlusOne/coeditor-xl-c3-dropout-v1.5" - model_path = "MrVPlusOne/coeditor-xl-c3-dropout-v1.4" + model_path = ( + get_model_dir(trained=False) + / "coeditor-xl-c3-dropout-v</s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils timed_action(name: str, silent: bool=False) at: coeditor.common T1 = TypeVar("T1") get_model_dir(trained=True) -> Path at: coeditor.model DecodingArgs(max_output_tks: int=512, do_sample: bool=False, top_p: float=0.9, num_beams: Optional[int]=1, length_penalty: float=0.0, marginalize_samples: int=1) RetrievalEditorModel(config: T5Config) at: coeditor.model.DecodingArgs max_output_tks: int = 512 do_sample: bool = False top_p: float = 0.9 num_beams: Optional[int] = 1 length_penalty: float = 0.0 marginalize_samples: int = 1 at: coeditor.model.RetrievalEditorModel is_parallelizable = False supports_gradient_checkpointing = False load(save_dir: Path | str) -> "RetrievalEditorModel" at: coeditor.service ChangeDetector(project: Path, untracked_as_additions: bool=True, ignore_dirs: Collection[str]=field(default_factory=lambda: DefaultIgnoreDirs), max_lines_to_edit: int=30) ServiceResponse(target_file: str, target_project: str, edit_start: tuple[int, int], edit_end: tuple[int, int], target_lines: Sequence[int], input_code: str, suggestions: list[EditSuggestion]) EditPredictionService() at: functools wraps(wrapped: _AnyCallable, assigned: Sequence[str]=..., updated: Sequence[str]=...) -> Callable[[_T], _T] at: jsonrpcserver.methods method(f: Optional[Method]=None, name: Optional[str]=None) -> Callable[..., Any] ===========unchanged ref 1=========== at: jsonrpcserver.result Success(fields: Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]=..., **kwargs: Any) -> Either[ErrorResult, SuccessResult] Error(fields: Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]=..., **kwargs: Any) -> Either[ErrorResult, SuccessResult] at: pathlib Path() at: pathlib.Path __slots__ = () resolve(strict: bool=...) -> _P at: traceback print_exception(etype: Optional[Type[BaseException]], value: Optional[BaseException], tb: Optional[TracebackType], limit: Optional[int]=..., file: Optional[IO[str]]=..., chain: bool=...) -> None at: transformers.modeling_utils.PreTrainedModel config_class = None base_model_prefix = "" main_input_name = "input_ids" _auto_class = None _no_split_modules = None _skip_keys_device_placement = None _keep_in_fp32_modules = None _keys_to_ignore_on_load_missing = None _keys_to_ignore_on_load_unexpected = None _keys_to_ignore_on_save = None _tied_weights_keys = None is_parallelizable = False supports_gradient_checkpointing = False to(device: Optional[Union[int, device]]=..., dtype: Optional[Union[dtype, str]]=..., non_blocking: bool=..., /, *, device: Optional[Union[int, device]]=..., dtype: Optional[Union[dtype, str]]=..., non_blocking: bool=..., tensor: Tensor) at: typing Callable = _CallableType(, 2) Sequence = _alias(, 1) ===========unchanged ref 2=========== at: typing.MutableMapping pop(key: _KT, default: Union[_VT, _T]=...) -> Union[_VT, _T] pop(key: _KT) -> _VT ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.service # add, delete, replace, equal + StatusTag = Literal["A", "D", "R", " ", "RA", "RD"] - StatusTag = Literal["A", "D", "R", " "] ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.service class EditSuggestion(TypedDict): score: float change_preview: str new_code: str + input_status: list[tuple[int, StatusTag]] - line_status: list[tuple[int, StatusTag]] + output_status: list[tuple[int, StatusTag]]
v0.3.5 quick fix. - Use request time instead of counter.
<0>:<add> if > time:
# module: scripts.start_server def start_server(device, port: int, print_stats: bool = True): <s> @handle_error def submit_problem( + time: int, project: str, file: str, lines: Sequence[int] | int, writeLogs: bool - id: int, project: str, file: str, lines: Sequence[int] | int, writeLogs: bool ): + initialize(project) target_dir = Path(project).resolve() service = services[target_dir] print(f"Suggesting edit for lines {lines} in {file}") path = Path(file) if Path.is_absolute(path): path = path.relative_to(target_dir) path = to_rel_path(path) service.tlogger.clear() log_dir = service.project / ".coeditor_logs" if writeLogs else None region, f = service._suggest_edit_two_steps(path, lines, log_dir) + if target_dir in tasks and tasks[target_dir].id > time: - if target_dir in tasks and tasks[target_dir].id > id: return Success("Skipped") + tasks[target_dir] = LazyVal(f, time) - tasks[target_dir] = LazyVal(f, id) return Success(region.target_lines) @method @handle_error + def get_result(time: int, project: str): - def get_result(id: int, project: str): target_dir = Path(project).resolve() cont = tasks[target_dir] - if > id: <0> return Success("Skipped") response = cont.get() service = services[target_dir] if print_stats: print("Runtime stats:") display(service.tlogger.as_dataframe()) return Success(response.to_json()) print(f"Starting suggestion server at localhost:{port}") serve("localhost", port)
===========above chunk 0=========== # module: scripts.start_server def start_server(device, port: int, print_stats: bool = True): # offset: -1 - # this newer model is trained with comments # model_path = "MrVPlusOne/coeditor-xl-c3-dropout-v1.5" - model_path = ( - get_model_dir(trained=False) - / "coeditor-xl-c3-dropout-v1.5" - / "checkpoint-230000" - ) + model_path = get_model_dir() / "coeditor-xl-c3-dropout-v1.5" model = RetrievalEditorModel.load(model_path) print(f"Model '{model_path}' loaded on device:", device) dec_args = DecodingArgs(do_sample=False, num_beams=4) services = dict[Path, EditPredictionService]() tasks = dict[Path, LazyVal[ServiceResponse]]() def handle_error(f, *args, **kwargs): @wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: return f(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exception(e) return Error(code=1, message=repr(e)) return wrapper @method @handle_error def initialize(project: str): target_dir = Path(project).resolve() - tasks.pop(target_dir, None) if target_dir not in services: with timed_action(f"Create service for project: {target_dir}"): detector = ChangeDetector(target_dir) services[target_dir] = EditPredictionService( detector, model, dec_args=dec_args, ) return Success("OK") @method @handle_error def submit_problem( + time: int, project: str, file: str, lines: Sequence</s> ===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: IPython.core.display_functions display(*, include=None, exclude=None, metadata=None, transient=None, display_id=None, raw=False, clear=False, source=_sentinel, **kwargs) at: coeditor._utils timed_action(name: str, silent: bool=False) at: coeditor._utils.TimeLogger times: dict[str, list[float]] = field(default_factory=dict) as_dataframe() clear() at: coeditor.common to_rel_path(path: os.PathLike | str) -> RelPath get_model_dir(trained=True) -> Path at: coeditor.model DecodingArgs(max_output_tks: int=512, do_sample: bool=False, top_p: float=0.9, num_beams: Optional[int]=1, length_penalty: float=0.0, marginalize_samples: int=1) RetrievalEditorModel(config: T5Config) at: coeditor.model.DecodingArgs max_output_tks: int = 512 do_sample: bool = False top_p: float = 0.9 num_beams: Optional[int] = 1 length_penalty: float = 0.0 marginalize_samples: int = 1 at: coeditor.model.RetrievalEditorModel is_parallelizable = False supports_gradient_checkpointing = False load(save_dir: Path | str) -> "RetrievalEditorModel" at: coeditor.service ChangeDetector(project: Path, untracked_as_additions: bool=True, ignore_dirs: Collection[str]=field(default_factory=lambda: DefaultIgnoreDirs), max_lines_to_edit: int=30) ServiceResponse(target_file: str, target_project: str, edit_start: tuple[int, int], edit_end: tuple[int, int], target_lines: Sequence[int], input_code: str, suggestions: list[EditSuggestion]) ===========unchanged ref 1=========== EditPredictionService() at: coeditor.service.EditPredictionService _suggest_edit_two_steps(file: RelPath, edit_lines: Sequence[int] | int, log_dir: Path | None=Path(".coeditor_logs"), n_suggestions: int=1) -> tuple[_EditRegion, Callable[[], ServiceResponse]] at: coeditor.service.EditPredictionService.__init__ self.project = detector.project self.tlogger = _tlogger at: coeditor.service.ServiceResponse target_file: str target_project: str edit_start: tuple[int, int] edit_end: tuple[int, int] target_lines: Sequence[int] input_code: str suggestions: list[EditSuggestion] to_json() at: coeditor.service._EditRegion current_code: str target_lines: Sequence[int] target_line_ids: Sequence[int] at: functools wraps(wrapped: _AnyCallable, assigned: Sequence[str]=..., updated: Sequence[str]=...) -> Callable[[_T], _T] at: jsonrpcserver.methods method(f: Optional[Method]=None, name: Optional[str]=None) -> Callable[..., Any] at: jsonrpcserver.result Success(fields: Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]=..., **kwargs: Any) -> Either[ErrorResult, SuccessResult] Error(fields: Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]=..., **kwargs: Any) -> Either[ErrorResult, SuccessResult] at: jsonrpcserver.server serve(name: str="", port: int=5000) -> None at: pathlib Path() at: pathlib.Path __slots__ = () resolve(strict: bool=...) -> _P at: pathlib.PurePath __slots__ = ( '_drv', '_root', '_parts', '_str', '_hash', '_pparts', '_cached_cparts', )
Change TruncateAt to a normal class.
<0>:<add> assert_eq(direction, TruncateAt.Right)
# module: coeditor.encoding def truncate_section( sec: TokenSeq, + direction: TruncateAt.Value, - direction: TruncateAt, limit: int, add_bos: bool = True, inplace: bool = False, ) -> TokenSeq: if len(sec) <= limit: return sec + if direction == TruncateAt.Left: - if direction.value == TruncateAt.Left.value: if inplace: del sec[:-limit] else: sec = sec[-limit:] if add_bos and sec: sec[0] = BOS_id else: - assert_eq(direction.value, TruncateAt.Right.value) <0> if inplace: del sec[limit:] else: sec = sec[:limit] if add_bos and sec: sec[-1] = EOS_id return sec
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils assert_eq(x: T1, y: T1, message: Callable[[], str]=lambda: "") -> None at: coeditor.common TokenSeq = list[Token] at: coeditor.encoding BOS_id = get_tk_id("<s>") EOS_id = get_tk_id("</s>") TruncateAt() at: coeditor.encoding.TruncateAt Value = int Left = 0 Right = 1 ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: coeditor.encoding + class TruncateAt: - class TruncateAt(enum.Enum): + Value = int + Left = 0 Right = 1 ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: coeditor.encoding + class TruncateAt: - class TruncateAt(enum.Enum): - def reversed(self) -> Self: - if self == TruncateAt.Left: - return TruncateAt.Right - else: - return TruncateAt.Left -
Fix test rng seeds.
<0>:<add> rand_input = [rng.choice(["a", "b", "c", "\n"]) for _ in range(n)]
# module: tests.test_edits def test_splitlines(): + rng = get_rng() for n in range(100): - rand_input = [random.choice(["a", "b", "c", "\n"]) for _ in range(n)] <0> input = "".join(rand_input).rstrip("\n") lines = splitlines(input) # basic identity assert "\n".join(lines) == input assert count_lines(input) == len(lines) # encode and decode enc = encode_lines_join(input) assert decode_tokens(enc) == input # split tokens tk_lines = tk_splitlines(enc) assert len(tk_lines) == len(lines) assert_tks_eq(join_list(tk_lines, Newline_id), enc, "join_list(tk_lines)")
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.common splitlines(text: str) -> list[str] count_lines(text: str) -> int assert_str_equal(actual: str, expect: str, name: str | None=None) at: coeditor.encoding decode_tokens(tokens: TokenSeq, prettify: bool=False) -> str encode_lines_join(text: str) -> TokenSeq at: random.Random VERSION = 3 # used by getstate/setstate _randbelow = _randbelow_with_getrandbits choice(seq: Sequence[_T]) -> _T at: tests.test_edits get_rng() at: tests.test_edits.assert_tks_eq actual_str = decode_tokens(actual) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: tests.test_edits + def get_rng(): + return random.Random(42) +
Fix test rng seeds.
<0>:<add> y_map = random_subset(x_map, 20, rng)
# module: tests.test_edits class TestChangeIdentities: def test_random_subset(self): + rng = get_rng() + def is_sorted(xs): return list(xs) == list(sorted(xs)) xs = range(50) assert is_sorted(xs) + for _ in range(100): - for _ in range(50): + ys = random_subset(xs, 20, rng) - ys = random_subset(xs, 20) assert is_sorted(ys) x_map = {i: i + 1 for i in range(50)} assert is_sorted(x_map) + for _ in range(100): - for _ in range(50): - y_map = random_subset(x_map, 20) <0> assert is_sorted(y_map)
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.common random_subset(all: Mapping[T1, T2], n: int, rng: random.Random | int | None=None) -> dict[T1, T2] random_subset(all: Sequence[T1], n: int, rng: random.Random | int | None=None) -> list[T1] at: coeditor.encoding decode_tokens(tokens: TokenSeq, prettify: bool=False) -> str at: tests.test_edits get_rng() ===========unchanged ref 1=========== at: tests.test_edits.TestChangeIdentities cases: dict[str, Change[str]] = { "empty": Modified("", ""), "generation": Modified("", "123"), "add a new line": Modified("", "\n"), "add a new line at end": Modified("a", "a\n"), "added": Added("a\nb\nc\n"), "deleted": Deleted("a\nb\nc\n"), "no change": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 """ ), dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 """ ), ), "unchanged=True": Modified.from_unchanged( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 """ ), ), # this test case cannot pass for some reason. Tokenizer bug? # "leading_whitespace": Modified.from_unchanged(" ..."), "replace last": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1""" ), dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 2 return x * 2""" ), ), "no special tokens": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 y = 2 z = x + y return z def f2(): f1()""" ), dedent( """\ # new comment def f_new(): x = 1 if x > 0: y = 2 * x y *= 2 z = x + y return z def f2(): f1() return f_new() + a new_var = 0 """ ), ), "with special tokens": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = "<add>" </s> ===========unchanged ref 2=========== at: tests.test_edits.TestChangeIdentities.test_apply_to_change tk_change = tk_delta.apply_to_change(tk_before) expect = change_to_tokens(c) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: tests.test_edits + def get_rng(): + return random.Random(42) + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: tests.test_edits def test_splitlines(): + rng = get_rng() for n in range(100): + rand_input = [rng.choice(["a", "b", "c", "\n"]) for _ in range(n)] - rand_input = [random.choice(["a", "b", "c", "\n"]) for _ in range(n)] input = "".join(rand_input).rstrip("\n") lines = splitlines(input) # basic identity assert "\n".join(lines) == input assert count_lines(input) == len(lines) # encode and decode enc = encode_lines_join(input) assert decode_tokens(enc) == input # split tokens tk_lines = tk_splitlines(enc) assert len(tk_lines) == len(lines) assert_tks_eq(join_list(tk_lines, Newline_id), enc, "join_list(tk_lines)")
Fix test rng seeds.
<0>:<add> n_keys = int(len(keys) * rng.random())
# module: tests.test_edits class TestChangeIdentities: def test_delta_decomposition(self): + rng = get_rng() + for name, c in self.cases.items(): original, delta = TkDelta.from_change_tks(change_to_tokens(c)) assert_tks_eq(original, encode_lines_join(get_before(c)), name) expect = delta.apply_to_input(original) assert_tks_eq(expect, encode_lines_join(get_after(c)), name) keys = tuple(delta.keys()) + for _ in range(100): - for _ in range(50): - n_keys = int(len(keys) * random.random()) <0> sub_keys = random_subset(keys, n_keys) delta1, delta2 = delta.decompose_for_input(sub_keys) step1 = delta1.apply_to_input(original) step2 = delta2.apply_to_input(step1) try: assert_tks_eq(step2, expect, name) except: print_sections( ("change", decode_tokens(change_to_tokens(c))), ("delta", str(delta)), ("sub_keys", str(sub_keys)), ("original", decode_tokens(original)), ("delta1", str(delta1)), ("step1", decode_tokens(step1)), ("delta2", str(delta2)), ("step2", decode_tokens(step2)), ("expect", decode_tokens(expect)), ) raise
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor.common print_sections(*, sep: str=SEP, file: TextIO=sys.stdout) -> None random_subset(all: Mapping[T1, T2], n: int, rng: random.Random | int | None=None) -> dict[T1, T2] random_subset(all: Sequence[T1], n: int, rng: random.Random | int | None=None) -> list[T1] at: coeditor.encoding decode_tokens(tokens: TokenSeq, prettify: bool=False) -> str encode_lines_join(text: str) -> TokenSeq TkDelta(_deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]]) change_to_tokens(change: Change[str]) -> TokenSeq at: coeditor.encoding.TkDelta _deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]] from_change_tks(change_tks: TokenSeq) -> tuple[TokenSeq, "TkDelta"] at: random.Random random() -> float at: tests.test_edits get_rng() get_before(change: Change[str]) -> str get_after(change: Change[str]) -> str assert_tks_eq(actual: TokenSeq, expected: TokenSeq, name: str) ===========unchanged ref 1=========== at: tests.test_edits.TestChangeIdentities cases: dict[str, Change[str]] = { "empty": Modified("", ""), "generation": Modified("", "123"), "add a new line": Modified("", "\n"), "add a new line at end": Modified("a", "a\n"), "added": Added("a\nb\nc\n"), "deleted": Deleted("a\nb\nc\n"), "no change": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 """ ), dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 """ ), ), "unchanged=True": Modified.from_unchanged( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 """ ), ), # this test case cannot pass for some reason. Tokenizer bug? # "leading_whitespace": Modified.from_unchanged(" ..."), "replace last": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1""" ), dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 2 return x * 2""" ), ), "no special tokens": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 y = 2 z = x + y return z def f2(): f1()""" ), dedent( """\ # new comment def f_new(): x = 1 if x > 0: y = 2 * x y *= 2 z = x + y return z def f2(): f1() return f_new() + a new_var = 0 """ ), ), "with special tokens": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = "<add>" </s> ===========unchanged ref 2=========== at: tests.test_edits.TestChangeIdentities.test_random_subset rng = get_rng() is_sorted(xs) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: tests.test_edits + def get_rng(): + return random.Random(42) + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: tests.test_edits class TestChangeIdentities: def test_random_subset(self): + rng = get_rng() + def is_sorted(xs): return list(xs) == list(sorted(xs)) xs = range(50) assert is_sorted(xs) + for _ in range(100): - for _ in range(50): + ys = random_subset(xs, 20, rng) - ys = random_subset(xs, 20) assert is_sorted(ys) x_map = {i: i + 1 for i in range(50)} assert is_sorted(x_map) + for _ in range(100): - for _ in range(50): + y_map = random_subset(x_map, 20, rng) - y_map = random_subset(x_map, 20) assert is_sorted(y_map) ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: tests.test_edits def test_splitlines(): + rng = get_rng() for n in range(100): + rand_input = [rng.choice(["a", "b", "c", "\n"]) for _ in range(n)] - rand_input = [random.choice(["a", "b", "c", "\n"]) for _ in range(n)] input = "".join(rand_input).rstrip("\n") lines = splitlines(input) # basic identity assert "\n".join(lines) == input assert count_lines(input) == len(lines) # encode and decode enc = encode_lines_join(input) assert decode_tokens(enc) == input # split tokens tk_lines = tk_splitlines(enc) assert len(tk_lines) == len(lines) assert_tks_eq(join_list(tk_lines, Newline_id), enc, "join_list(tk_lines)")
Fix test rng seeds.
<0>:<add> n_keys = int(len(keys) * rng.random())
# module: tests.test_edits class TestChangeIdentities: def test_get_new_target_lines(self): + rng = get_rng() + for name, c in self.cases.items(): original, delta = TkDelta.from_change_tks(change_to_tokens(c)) n_origin_lines = len(tk_splitlines(original)) edit_lines = range(n_origin_lines + 1) keys = tuple(delta.keys()) + for _ in range(100): - for _ in range(10): - n_keys = int(len(keys) * random.random()) <0> sub_keys = random_subset(keys, n_keys) sub_keys.sort() delta1, delta2 = delta.decompose_for_change(sub_keys) new_edit_lines = delta1.get_new_target_lines(edit_lines) new_edit_set = set(new_edit_lines) for l in delta2.changed_lines(): if l not in new_edit_set and l != n_origin_lines: print_err(f"{edit_lines=}") print_err("original", SEP) print_err(add_line_numbers(decode_tokens(original), start=0)) print_err(SEP) print_err(f"{delta=}") print_err(f"{sub_keys=}") print_err(f"{delta1=}") print_err("step1", SEP) step1 = delta1.apply_to_change(original) print_err(add_line_numbers(decode_tokens(step1), start=0)) print_err(SEP) print_err(f"{new_edit_lines=}") print_err(f"{delta2=}") raise AssertionError(f"{l=} not in {new_edit_lines=}")
===========unchanged ref 0=========== at: coeditor._utils add_line_numbers(code: str, start: int=1) at: coeditor.common SEP = "-" * 80 random_subset(all: Mapping[T1, T2], n: int, rng: random.Random | int | None=None) -> dict[T1, T2] random_subset(all: Sequence[T1], n: int, rng: random.Random | int | None=None) -> list[T1] print_err(*, sep: Optional[str]=..., end: Optional[str]=..., flush: bool=...) -> None at: coeditor.encoding tk_splitlines(tks: TokenSeq) decode_tokens(tokens: TokenSeq, prettify: bool=False) -> str TkDelta(_deltas: Mapping[int, tuple[TokenSeq, ...]]) change_to_tokens(change: Change[str]) -> TokenSeq at: coeditor.encoding.TkDelta from_change_tks(change_tks: TokenSeq) -> tuple[TokenSeq, "TkDelta"] at: random.Random random() -> float at: tests.test_edits get_rng() ===========unchanged ref 1=========== at: tests.test_edits.TestChangeIdentities cases: dict[str, Change[str]] = { "empty": Modified("", ""), "generation": Modified("", "123"), "add a new line": Modified("", "\n"), "add a new line at end": Modified("a", "a\n"), "added": Added("a\nb\nc\n"), "deleted": Deleted("a\nb\nc\n"), "no change": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 """ ), dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 """ ), ), "unchanged=True": Modified.from_unchanged( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 """ ), ), # this test case cannot pass for some reason. Tokenizer bug? # "leading_whitespace": Modified.from_unchanged(" ..."), "replace last": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1""" ), dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 2 return x * 2""" ), ), "no special tokens": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = 1 y = 2 z = x + y return z def f2(): f1()""" ), dedent( """\ # new comment def f_new(): x = 1 if x > 0: y = 2 * x y *= 2 z = x + y return z def f2(): f1() return f_new() + a new_var = 0 """ ), ), "with special tokens": Modified( dedent( """\ def f1(): x = "<add>" </s> ===========unchanged ref 2=========== at: tests.test_edits.TestChangeIdentities.test_delta_decomposition original, delta = TkDelta.from_change_tks(change_to_tokens(c)) expect = delta.apply_to_input(original) delta1, delta2 = delta.decompose_for_input(sub_keys) delta1, delta2 = delta.decompose_for_input(sub_keys) step1 = delta1.apply_to_input(original) step2 = delta2.apply_to_input(step1) ===========changed ref 0=========== # module: tests.test_edits + def get_rng(): + return random.Random(42) + ===========changed ref 1=========== # module: tests.test_edits class TestChangeIdentities: def test_random_subset(self): + rng = get_rng() + def is_sorted(xs): return list(xs) == list(sorted(xs)) xs = range(50) assert is_sorted(xs) + for _ in range(100): - for _ in range(50): + ys = random_subset(xs, 20, rng) - ys = random_subset(xs, 20) assert is_sorted(ys) x_map = {i: i + 1 for i in range(50)} assert is_sorted(x_map) + for _ in range(100): - for _ in range(50): + y_map = random_subset(x_map, 20, rng) - y_map = random_subset(x_map, 20) assert is_sorted(y_map) ===========changed ref 2=========== # module: tests.test_edits class TestChangeIdentities: def test_delta_decomposition(self): + rng = get_rng() + for name, c in self.cases.items(): original, delta = TkDelta.from_change_tks(change_to_tokens(c)) assert_tks_eq(original, encode_lines_join(get_before(c)), name) expect = delta.apply_to_input(original) assert_tks_eq(expect, encode_lines_join(get_after(c)), name) keys = tuple(delta.keys()) + for _ in range(100): - for _ in range(50): + n_keys = int(len(keys) * rng.random()) - n_keys = int(len(keys) * random.random()) sub_keys = random_subset(keys, n_keys) delta1, delta2 = delta.decompose_for_input(sub_keys) step1 = delta1.apply_to_input(original) step2 = delta2.apply_to_input(step1) try: assert_tks_eq(step2, expect, name) except: print_sections( ("change", decode_tokens(change_to_tokens(c))), ("delta", str(delta)), ("sub_keys", str(sub_keys)), ("original", decode_tokens(original)), ("delta1", str(delta1)), ("step1", decode_tokens(step1)), ("delta2", str(delta2)), ("step2", decode_tokens(step2)), ("expect", decode_tokens(expect)), ) raise ===========changed ref 3=========== # module: tests.test_edits def test_splitlines(): + rng = get_rng() for n in range(100): + rand_input = [rng.choice(["a", "b", "c", "\n"]) for _ in range(n)] - rand_input = [random.choice(["a", "b", "c", "\n"]) for _ in range(n)] input = "".join(rand_input).rstrip("\n") lines = splitlines(input) # basic identity assert "\n".join(lines) == input assert count_lines(input) == len(lines) # encode and decode enc = encode_lines_join(input) assert decode_tokens(enc) == input # split tokens tk_lines = tk_splitlines(enc) assert len(tk_lines) == len(lines) assert_tks_eq(join_list(tk_lines, Newline_id), enc, "join_list(tk_lines)")