338 values
1 value
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z/2z| z/2z/2z/2z/2 [d'b]/2z/2[d'-b^fdB,,]/2d'/2 z3/2[^fD,]/2 z/2z3/2| [e-^c-A-A,A,,]/2[e^cA]/2z3/2z/2z z/2z/2[a-^fAA,-^F,-A,,-]/2[aA,^F,A,,]/2 z/2[^fd]/2z/2^f/2| zz z/2d/2z [f-^F-^F,^F,,][^f^F]/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2[a-^f-A-A,-^F,-A,,]/2| [a^fAA,^F,]/2z/2^f/2z/2 [^f^FDA,]/2zzz/2z3/2[f'd'^g^A,,-A,,,]A,,/2| z/2d'/2f'/2z/2 z/2[a'-^f'aA,-^F,A,,][a'A,]/2 ^f'/2z/2[^FA,]/2zz3/2| [a'-A-^F-A,-]/2[a'^f'A-^FA,]/2[aA]/2[^f'd']/2 b'/2a'/2^f'/2a/2 e'/2[^c'a]/2[a'-BA-GA,-]/2[a'^f'AA,]/2 a/2[d'^F]/2^f'/2[b'a']/2| ^f'/2a/2e'/2[^c'a]/2 [a'A-^F-A,-]/2[A^FA,]/2d'/2^f'/2 a'/2[d''a'^F]/2^f'/2b'/2 (3a'/2g'/2e'/2z| E,,/2^F,/2E,,/2G,,/2 [G,^F,^F,,]/2[E,E,,]/2[A,A,,]/2G,,/2 [B,B,,-^F,,]/2[A,B,,A,,]/2G,/2^C/2 [B,A,C,]/2[DD,B,,]/2[^C^C,]/2[B,B,,]/2| [EDE,D,D,]/2z[^F-^C-^A,^F,-^F,,-]2[^F^C^F,^F,,]/2 z2 z/2[a-e-^c-A-G-A,,-A,,,-]3/2| [ae^cAGA,,A,,,]z3 z/2z3/2 D,,/2^F,,/2E,,/2D,,/2| [DA,,]/2[G,,^F,,]/2[DA,^F,D,]/2z2z/2 [d'a^fdDA,^F,D,]/2z3z/2| [DA,^F,D,-A,,-D,,-]6 [D,A,,D,,]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z4z/2| z8| z8| z8| z8| z8| z8| z8| z4 z[E-E,-]/2[E-^C-E,-A,,][E^C-E,-][^F-D^C^F,E,]/2| [^FA,,]/2z[^D-CD,A,,]/2 D/2zE/2- [E^CE,-A,,-]3[E,-A,,]| E,z3/2A/2-[A-E-^C-A,E,-A,,-] [AE-^C-E,-A,,-]/2[B-E-^C-B,E,A,,]/2[BE^C]/2z[^c-F-^C-A,-^F,A,,]/2[^c-^F^CA,-]/2[^c-A,]/2| ^c/2^c/2-[^c-^F-D-^A,-^F,-D,-]3 [^c^F-D-A,-^F,-D,-]/2[^F-D-A,-^F,-D,-]/2[B-^F-D-B,-A,^F,-D,-]/2[B^F-DB,^F,D,]/2 ^F/2A/2-[A-D-^F,-D,-]| [AD-^F,D,]/2[^G-D-^G,E,]/2[^GD]/2z[^F-D-A,-^F,]/2[^FDA,]/2z[EDE,^G,,]3/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z2| z3/2[E-D-E,-]/2 [ED-E,-^G,,-]/2[DE,-^G,,]/2[EE,-]/2[^GE,]/2 [^F-D-^F,-^G,,]/2[^FD^F,]/2z/2[E-D-E,-^G,,]/2 [EDE,-]/2E,/2z/2[^F-D-^F,-]/2| [^F-D-^F,-A,,-]3[^F-D^F,-A,,-]/2[^F-E-^C-^F,E,-A,,-]/2 [^FE-^C-E,A,,-]/2[E^CA,,]/2z/2[^C-A,-^C,-A,,]/2 [^C-A,^C,-][^C^C,]/2[^F-D^F,A,,-]/2| [^FA,,]/2z/2[^D-CD,-A,,]/2[DD,]/2 z[E-^C-]/2[E-^CE,-A,,-]3[EE,-A,,]/2E,/2z/2| z2 [A-E-^C-]3/2[^c-A-E^C]/2 [^cAA,]/2z[e-A-]/2 [e^c-AE-A,-E,-A,,]/2[^cEA,E,]/2z| z/2[e-^c-^G-E-^G,-E,-^G,,-]3[e-^c-^G-E-^G,-E,^G,,]/2 [e-^c-^G-E-^G,]/2[e^c^GE-]/2E/2z2e/2-| [e-^GE^C-^G,][e^C-] [^d^G-^F^CC^G,]/2^G/2z [^G-^FD^G,]/2^G/2z [^c-^G-E-^C-^G,-^C,-]2| [^c^G-E^C^G,-^C,-][^G^G,-^C,]/2^G,/2 z2 [^c-^C-A,-E,-]/2[^c-E-^CA,-E,]/2[^c-E-A,]/2[^c-E]/2 [^cBD^G,E,]/2zE/2-| [EDB,E,]/2z3/2 [A-^C-A,-A,,-]/2[A-^C-A,E,-A,,]2[A-^C-E,]/2[A^C]/2z2z/2| [E-^C-]/2[E-^C-E,-A,,]/2[E^CE,-]2[^F-D-^F,-E,A,,]/2[^FD^F,]/2 z/2[^D-D,-A,,]/2[D-CD,]/2D/2 z/2E/2-[E-^C-E,-A,,-]| [E-^C-E,-A,,-]2 [E^C-E,-A,,-]/2[^CE,-A,,]/2E, z/2A/2-[A-E-^C-A,E,-A,,-] [A-E-^C-E,-A,,-]/2[B-AE-^C-B,-E,-A,,-]/2[BE^CB,E,A,,]/2z/2| z/2[^c-F-^C-A,-^F,-A,,]/2[^c-^F^CA,-^F,]/2[^cA,]z/2[^c^F-D-^A,^F,-D,-]4[B-^F-D-B,-^F,D,-]/2[B^FDB,-D,]/2| B,/2[A-^F,-D,-]/2[A-D-^F,-D,] [AD-^F,]/2[^GD^G,E,]z/2 ^F/2-[^F-D-A,-^F,]/2[^FDA,-]/2A,/2 z/2[E-D-E,-^G,,-]3/2| [EDE,^G,,]3/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z3/2[E-D-E,-]/2[ED-E,-^G,,-]/2 [DE,-G,,]/2[EE,-]/2[G^FE,]/2[^F-^F,-G,,]/2| [^F^F,]/2z[E-D-E,-^G,,]/2 [EDE,]/2z/2^F/2-[^F-D-^F,-A,,-]3[^FD^F,-A,,-]/2[E-^C-^F,E,-A,,-]/2[E-^C-E,A,,-]/2| [E^CA,,]/2z/2[^C-A,-^C,-A,,]/2[^C-A,^C,-]3/2[^C^C,]/2[^F-D^F,-A,,-]/2 [^F^F,A,,]/2z/2[^D-CD,-A,,]/2[DD,]/2 zE/2-[E-^C-E,-A,,-]/2| [E-^C-E,-A,,-]2 [E^CE,-A,,]/2E,/2z2z/2A/2- [A-E-^C-]3/2[^c-AE^CA,]/2| ^c/2z[e-^c-A-E-A,E,-A,,]/2 [e^cAEE,]/2z3/2 [e-^c-^G-E-G,-E,-G,,]3[e-^c-G-E-G,E,]/2[e-^c-GE-]/2| [e^cE]/2z2e/2-[e-^GE^C-G,-] [e-^C-G,]/2[e^C-]/2[^d-^C-]/2[dG-^F^CC-G,]/2 [G^C]/2z/2[G-DG,]/2[G^F]/2| z^c/2-[^c-^G-E-^C-G,-^C,-]2[^cG-E^C-G,-^C,-]/2 [G-^CG,-^C,-]/2[GG,^C,]/2z2^c/2-[^c-E-^C-A,-E,-]/2| [^c-E-^CA,-E,]/2[^c-EA,]/2[^c-B-]/2[^cBE-D^G,E,]/2 E/2z/2[E-DB,-E,]/2[EB,]/2 z3/2[A-^C-A,-^F,-]2[A-^C-A,-^F,-]/2| [A^CA,^F,]z2^A/2-[A-G^CG,E,-][AE,-]/2[B-G-DG,E,D,-]/2[BGD,]/2 z/2[^cAGG,^C,-]^C,/2| z[d-B-G-D-G,-B,,-]3 [dBG-D-G,-B,,-]/2[G-DG,-B,,-][G-G,B,,-]/2 [GB,,]3/2[B-D-G,-D,-]/2| [B-DG,D,-]/2[B-D,-]/2[B-G-D-D,]/2[BGDG,-F,-]/2 [G,^F,]/2z/2[D-B,G,-]/2[D-G,]/2 D/2z[E-C-G,-^C,-]2[E-^C-G,-^C,-]/2| [EC-G,-^C,][^C-G,]/2^C/2 z3[D-B,-G,G,,-]3/2[D-B,-G,,-][E-DB,^C,-G,,]/2| [E-C-G,^C,-]/2[E-^C-^C,]/2[F-E^C]/2[^FB,-G,D,-]/2 [B,D,]/2z[E-^CG,-^C,]/2 [EG,]/2z3/2 [d-BGG,]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z [e-c-G^C-]/2[e^c^C][f-GD-]/2 [^fB-D]3/2[e-^cBG^C]/2 e/2z[D-B,-G,G,,-]/2| [D-B,G,,-][E-DC,-G,,]/2[E-^C-G,^C,-]/2 [E^C^C,]/2G/2[F-B,-G,D,-]/2[^F-B,D,]3/2^F/2[E-^CG,^C,]E/2z| [E-^G,-]/2[E-D-G,E,-B,,-][EDE,B,,]/2 z[^F-E-DG,E,B,,] [^FE]/2z/2[G-EDG,E,B,,]/2G/2 z[A-E^CA,-E,^C,]/2[AA,]/2| z[B-A-^DB,A,^F,-]/2[BA^F,]/2 z2 [^c-A-E-^CA,-E,-]3/2[^c-A-E-A,E,]/2 [^c-AE]/2^c/2z| z[^c-^G-E-D-E,-E,,]3 [^c-G-EDE,-]/2[^c-G-E,]/2[^c-G]/2[^cB]/2 zA/2-[A-E-^C-E,-A,,-]/2| [AE-^C-E,A,,-]4 [E^C-A,,]/2^C/2z3| zE/2-[E-E,-]2[E-E,-]/2 [E^C-E,^C,-]/2[^C^C,]/2z [A,-A,,]/2A,/2z/2[A,-A,,]/2| [E-A,]/2[E-E,-]4[EE,]z2z/2| E/2-[E-E,-]2[EE,]/2[^C^C,] z/2[^A,-A,,]/2A,/2z/2 [A,-A,,-]/2[E-A,E,-A,,]/2[E-E,-]| [E-E,-]3[E-E,]/2E/2 z/2[E-E,-]2[EE,]/2[DD,]| z/2[B,B,,]/2z/2[B,B,,]/2 ^F/2-[^F^F,-]/2^F,/2z[^A-^F^C^F,E,]A/2 z/2B/2-[B^F-B,^F,-D,-]/2[^F^F,D,]/2| z[^c-^F,-^A,,-]/2[^c^F-^C^F,A,,]/2 ^F/2z/2[d-^FD^F,B,,]/2d/2 z3/2[b-d-B-D,-F,,]/2 [bdBD,]/2z3/2| z/2[a-dBE,E,,]4
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z_az2[E-E,-]3/2| [E-E,-][EB,-E,_B,,-]/2[_B,_B,,]/2 z/2[_A,-A,,]/2A,/2z/2 [A,-A,,]/2[E-A,]/2[E-E,-]3| [EE,-]3/2E,/2 z[E-E,-]2[E-E,-]/2[EC-E,C,-]/2 [CC,]/2z/2[A,-A,,]/2A,/2| z/2[A,A,,-]/2[E-E,-A,,]/2[E-E,-]4[E-E,]/2 E/2z/2[E-E,-]| [E-E,-]3/2[E_D-E,D,-]/2 [DD,]/2z/2[_B,_B,,]/2z/2 [_B,_B,,-]/2[F-F,-_B,,]/2[FF,]/2z[A-F-F,-_E,-]/2[A-F-CF,E,-]/2[AFE,]/2| z[_B-F-_B,F,-D,-]/2[_B-F-F,-D,]/2 [_BFF,]/2z/2c/2-[cFCF,A,,]z/2[d-F_B,,]/2[dDF,]/2 z3/2[f-A-F-F,-C,-]/2| [fAFF,C,]/2_e/2z/2e/2- [e-A-F-F,-C,-]4 [e-AF-F,-C,-]/2[eF-F,-C,-]/2[F-F,-C,]/2[d-_B-FF,-_B,,-]/2| [d-_BF,_B,,]/2d/2z [f-d-FF,-F,,-][fd-F,F,,-]/2[dF,,]/2 [_bf_BG,F,G,,]/2zc'/2 [f-cA,F,-A,,]/2[fF,]/2z| z/2[d'-f-d-_B,-F,-_B,,-]3[d'f-d_B,-F,_B,,]/2 [f_B,]/2z2z/2[_b-d-_B-D-_B,-D,-]| [_b-d-_B-D-_B,D,][_bfd_BDF,]/2z3/2[_ecAECF,] zd/2-[d-_B-D-_B,-G,-]2[d-_B-D-_B,-G,-]/2| [d-_B-D_B,-G,-]/2[d_B-_B,G,]/2_B/2z2z/2 [c-F-_EF,-A,,-]3/2[cF-F,-A,,-]/2 [_B-FD-F,-_B,,-A,,]/2[_BDF,_B,,]/2z| [FA,F,C,]z D/2-[D_B,-F,_B,,]3_B,z3/2| z3/2C/2- [C-A,-F,F,,-]3/2[CA,-F,,-][D-A,F,_B,,-F,,]/2[D_B,-_B,,]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z/2[^D-A,-F,C,-]/2[DA,-^C,]/2A,/2 z/2[D-^A,^F,A,,]/2D/2z^c/2-[^c-A-^F^F,-]| [cA-F,-]/2[d-A^F,]/2[d-^A-^FA,-]/2[dAA,][^d-A-^F^C-]/2[dA^C]3/2[d-^A^FA,]/2d/2z[^C-A,-^F,,-]/2[^C-A,-^F,^F,,-]/2[^C-A,^F,,-]/2| [CF,,]/2[D-^A,-^F,A,,-]/2[DA,A,,]3/2[^FA,-^F,^C,-][^D-A,^C,-][D^C,]/2[D-^A,-^F,A,,-]/2[DA,A,,-]/2 A,,/2zD/2-| [D^G,F,^A,,]3/2z/2 D/2-[DA,-^F,-A,,-]/2[A,^F,A,,]/2z[D-B,-E,^G,,-]/2[DB,^G,,]/2z3/2D/2[A,-E,-A,,-]/2| [^C-A,-E,A,,-][^CA,-A,,-] [A,-A,,-]/2[B,-A,-A,,-]/2[B,A,-^F,-D,-A,,D,,-]/2[A,^F,D,D,,-]/2 [^FD,,-]D,,/2-[^C-A,-^C,-D,,]/2 [^C-A,-E,-^C,E,,-][^C-A,E,-E,,-]/2[^CE,E,,-]/2| E,,/2z2[^C-^G,-D,-]/2[^C-^G,-D,-E,,-]2[^C^G,-D,-E,,-]/2[B,-^G,-D,E,,-][B,^G,E,,-]/2E,,-| [A,E,,-]E,,- [A,-^C,-A,,-E,,A,,,-]/2[A,-^C,A,,-A,,,-]3/2 [A,A,,-A,,,-][A,,-A,,,] A,,/2z^C/2-| ^C/2EA[^c-E-A,]/2[e^cE-]/2E[^f-d^FA,]/2^f/2z/2 [^d-A,]/2[dcD]/2z| z/2[e^cE-A,-]3[EA,]/2 z2 z/2[a-e-^c-AE-A,-][a-e-^c-E-A,-]/2| [a-e-^c-E-A,-]/2[b-ae-^cBEA,]/2[be]/2z/2 ^c'/2-[^c'-f-^c-A-^F-A,]/2[^c'-^f^cA-^F]/2[^c'A]/2 z/2^c'/2-[^c'-^f-d-^A-^F-D-]3| [^c'^f-d-^A^F-D-][b^f-d-B^FD-]/2[^fdD]/2 z[A-D-^F,D,]3/2[A^G-D]/2[^G^G,E,]/2z[^F-DA,^F,]/2^F/2z/2| z/2[E-^G,,-]/2[E-D-E,-^G,,]2[ED-E,]/2D/2 z3e/2-[e-d-E-^G,-]/2| [edE-^G,]/2E/2-[^g^f-d^FE]/2[^f^G,]/2 z[e-dE-^G,]/2[eE]/2 z/2[^f-^F-]/2[^f-d-^FA,-]/2[^fdA,]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z3[e-^c-E]/2[e^c]/2| z[^C-^C,-]/2[^C-B,-^C,B,,-]/2 [^CB,-B,,-]/2[B,-B,,-]/2[^F-^CB,A,^F,^C,B,,A,,]/2^F/2 z/2[F^C-B,^F,^C,-^G,,]/2[^C^C,]/2z3/2[^F-D-A,-^F,-]/2[^F-D-A,-^F,-D,-A,,-^F,,-]/2| [^F-D-A,^F,D,A,,^F,,]3[^FD]/2z2z/2 [A-^F,-]/2[A-A,^F,-][A^F,]/2| [B-G-A,E,]/2[B-G]/2B/2z/2 [^c-A-GA,-]/2[^c-AA,]/2^c/2z3/2[e-^c-^A-G-^C-A,-D,-]3| [e-^c^A-G-^CA,D,-]3[e-AG-D,-]/2[e-G-D,-]4[e-G-D,-]/2| [e-G-D,-]/2[ed-B-G-D-B,-D,-]/2[d-B-G-D-B,-D,-]2[d-B-GDB,-D,]/2[dBB,]/2 z4| z6 z/2[c-^F-D-A,-D,-]3/2| [c-^F-D-A,-D,-]6 [^cB-^F-D-A,-D,-]/2[B^F-D-A,-D,-][^c-^F-D-A,-D,-]/2| [c^F-D-A,-D,-]/2[d^F-D-A,-D,-]/2[^c^F-D-A,-D,-] [B-^F-D-A,-D,-][^c-B^F-D-A,-D,-]/2[^c^F-D-A,-D,-][e-^FDA,-D,-]/2[eA,D,]/2d2[B-G-D-G,-D,-G,,-]/2| [B-G-DG,-D,-G,,-][BGG,D,G,,]/2z3B/2-[d-B]/2[dG-D-B,,-]3/2[G-D-B,,-]/2[^c-AG-D^C,B,,A,,]/2| [^cG]/2z/2B/2-[BDD,G,,]/2 zA/2-[A-D-D,-^F,,]3[AD-D,]/2D/2z/2| zA/2-[AD-A,-^F,-]2[^G-E-DA,-G,-^F,E,]/2 [GEA,G,]/2z/2^F/2-[^FA,-D,]/2 A,/2z/2[EA,^C,]/2z/2| zA/2-[A^DB,-A,-^F,-]/2 [B,A,^F,]/2z2[^c-A-E-^CA,-E,-]3/2 [^c-A-E-A,E,]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z3/2[^c-^G-E-D-E,-E,,-]3[^c-G-E-D-E,-E,,-]/2| [^c-^G-EDE,-E,,]/2[^c-GE,][^cB]/2 z3/2[A-E-^C-E,-A,,-]4[A-E-^CE,-A,,-]/2| [A-E-E,-A,,-]4 [A-EE,-A,,-]/2[AE,-A,,-]/2[E,A,,]/2zA3/2-| [dA]/2^F/2z/2[d-^F]/2 d/2-[dA,-]/2[e-A^C-A,]/2[e-^C]/2 [^f-ed-D]/2[^fd]D,/2- [^f-d-D,][^f-d-D,,]| [^fdD,]/2z/2[^f-d-] [^f-dA,-]/2[^fe-^C-A,]/2[e^C]/2[d^FB,]/2 z/2[d-^A]/2[d-^F,-]/2[d^c-^F^F,]/2 [^cA,-]/2[B-D-A,G,]/2[BD]| G,,-[B-D-G,,]/2[B-DG,,,]B/2B,, [B-G,,]/2[B-^F,,][e-BGE,,]/2 e/2e/2-[e-G-]/2[eGB,-]/2| [^f-B^D-B,]/2[^fD]/2g/2-[g-e-E]/2 [ge-]/2[eE,-]/2E,/2-[g-e-E,]/2 [g-e-E,,][geE,]/2z/2 [g-e-]/2[g-eB,-][g^f-BD-B,-]/2| [^f-DB,]/2[^feG^C]/2z/2[e-^c-]/2 [e-^c-^G,]/2[ed-^c]/2[dG-B,] [^c-GE-A,]/2[^c-E-]/2[^cEA,,-]/2A,,/2- [^c-E-A,,]/2[^c-EA,,,-]/2[^c-A,,,]/2^c/2| z/2[^c-A-^CA,,][^cAA,]/2 [dADB,,]/2z/2[eAE^C^C,]/2z/2 [^f-A^FA,-D,-]/2[^fA,D,]/2D/2[gdG]/2 z/2[badA^FD^F,]/2z| z/2[a-d-A-^F-D-^F,-]/2[a-d-A-G^F-D-^F,-]/2[adA^F-D^F,]^F/2z/2[a-^g]/2 [a-d-AA,]/2[ad]/2[d'-^f-d]/2[d'-^f]/2 [d'a-d]/2[a^f-]/2[^fD,]/2[d^C^C,]/2| z/2[^fd]/2[aA,]/2z/2 [bgdBG,D,G,,]/2z3/2 [b-d-BG,-D,-G,,-][bdG,D,G,,]/2z3/2[b-d-B-D,-G,,-]/2[bd-BG,D,G,,]/2| d/2[a-A^F,D,^F,,]/2a/2[bdBG,D,G,,]/2 z/2[b-d-BD,-G,,-]/2[bdD,G,,]/2G,/2 [c'd^cA,D,A,,]/2z/2[bdBG,D,G,,]/2z3/2[bdBG,D,G,,]| z2 [d-BG-B,B,,]/2[d-G]/2[g-dBDD,-]/2[g-D,]/2 [gd-GB,B,,]/2d/2[BGG,G,,]/2d/2- d/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z/2 [a^F,^F,,]/2z/2[bgBE,B,,E,,]/2z3/2[bgBE,B,,-E,,]/2B,,/2 z2| [g'-bgE,B,,E,,]g'/2z/2 E,/2z/2[^c'gcA,E,A,,]/2z3/2[c'-g-c-A,E,-A,,-]/2[c'-gcE,A,,]/2 c'/2z[d'-^f-d-D,-A,,-D,,-]/2| [d'-^f-dD,A,,D,,-]/2[d'^fD,,]/2z/2[^fD,]/2 z/2[d^FDA,D,]/2z2z/2[d-^F-D-A,-D,-]2[d-^F-D-A,-D,-]/2| [d-^F-D-A,D,-]/2[d-^F-D-D,]/2[d^FD-]2D3/2z3z/2| z2 D-[G-D]/2[GB,-]/2 [A-B,]/2[AD-]/2D/2[B-G]/2 B/2G,,3/2| [B-G-D,][B-GG,,-] [BD,-G,,-]/2[D,G,,]/2z/2A/2- [AD-][B-DD,-G,,-]/2[BG-D,-G,,-]/2 [GD,-G,,-]/2[d-AD,-G,,-][dB-G-D,-G,,-]/2| [BGD,-G,,-]/2[ADD,-G,,-][B-GD,-G,,-]/2 [BD,-G,,]/2[dA-D,-]/2[AD,-]/2[BGD,]/2 z/2G,,-[B-G-D,-G,,]/2 [B-G-D,]/2[B-G-G,,-][B-G-D,G,,]/2| [BG]/2[AD]3/2 [B-GD,-G,,-]/2[BD,-G,,-]/2[dAD,-G,,-] [B-GD,-G,,-]/2[BD,-G,,]/2[ADD,-^F,,] [B-GD,-E,,-]/2[BD,-E,,]/2[dD,-D,,]| D,/2[e-c]/2e/2C,,3/2[e-c-G,,-]/2[e-c-G,,C,,-]/2 [e-c-C,,-][e-c-G,,-C,,]/2[e-c-G,,]/2 [ed-cG-]/2[dG][e-c-G,,-C,,-]/2| [e-cG,,-C,,-]/2[e-d-GG,,-C,,-]/2[e-d-G,,-C,,-]/2[edc-G,,-C,,-]/2 [cEG,,-C,,-]/2[G-G,,-C,,-]/2[GDG,,-C,,-]/2[c-G,,-C,,-]/2 [cG,,-C,,-]/2[f-GG,,-C,,-]/2[^fG,,-C,,]/2[ecG,,]/2 z/2C,,-[e-c-G,,-C,,]/2| [e-c-G,,]/2[ecC,,-][G,,-C,,][e-c-G,,]/2[ec-]/2c/2- [g-e-c]/2[g-eG,,-C,,-]/2[g-^f-G,,-C,,-]/2[g^f-d-G,,-C,,-]/2 [^fdG,,-C,,-]/2[e-G,,-C,,-]/2[ecG,,-C,,-]/2[A-G,,-C,,-]/2| [AG,,-C,,-]/2[e-G,,-C,,-]/2[ecG,,C,,-]/2[AA,,-C,,-]/2 [A,,-C,,]/2[A^FA,,]/2C,,3/2[A-^F-A,,-]/2[A-^F-A,,C,,-]/2[A^FC,,]A,,/2A/2-[A^F-]/2| ^F/2-[c-A-^FC,,-]/2[cAA,,-C,,-]/2[B-A,,-C,,-]/2 [BGA,,-C,,]/2[A-^F-A,,]/2[A^F]/2B/2- [BG]/2[A^FA,C,]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" [^F-E]/2 ^F[B^D]/2B,,z/2[B-D-A,] [B-DB,,-]/2[BB,,-]/2[A,B,,]/2z/2| [A^F-]^F/2[cAA,-B,,-][BGA,B,,-][A^F-B,,-]/2 [B-^FB,,-]/2[BGB,,]/2A/2-[A^FA,-C,-]/2 [^F-A,-C,]/2[^FEA,]/2[B^D]/2z/2| B,,[B-^D-A,]/2[B-D-]/2 [B-D-B,,-][BDA,B,,]/2z2[B-D-A,B,,]2[B-D-]/2| [B^D]/2z3[B-D-A,B,,]/2 [BD]/2z3B/2-| [BD-G,-G,,]/2[DG,-]/2G,/2-[G,G,,-]/2 G,,[B-G-D,] [B-G-G,,-][B-G-D,G,,] [BG]/2[A-D-][B-AD-]/2| [BG-DD,-G,,-]/2[c-A-GD,-G,,-]/2[cAD,-G,,-]/2[BGD,-G,,-][ADD,-G,,-][B-GD,-G,,-]/2 [BD,-G,,-]/2[dAD,-G,,][BGD,-]/2 D,/2G,,-[B-D,-G,,]/2| [B-G-D,]/2[B-G-G,,-][B-G-D,G,,]/2 [B-G-]/2[BGD-]/2[AD-] [B-G-DD,-G,,-]/2[BGD,-G,,-]/2[cAD,-G,,-] [BGD,-G,,][ADD,-^F,,]| [B-GD,-E,,-]/2[BD,-E,,]/2[d-D,-D,,] [dD,]/2[e-c]/2e/2C,,-[e-G,,-C,,]/2[e-c-G,,]/2[e-c-C,,-]3/2[ec-G,,-C,,]/2[d-cG,,]/2| [dG-][e-c-GG,,-C,,-]/2[e-cG,,-C,,-]/2 [e-d-GG,,-C,,-]/2[e-d-G,,-C,,-]/2[edc-G,,-C,,-]/2[c-EG,,-C,,-]/2 [cG-DG,,-C,,-]/2[GG,,-C,,-]/2[cG,,-C,,-] [f-G-G,,-C,,]/2[^fGG,,]/2[ec]/2z/2| C,,[e-c-G,,]/2[e-c-]/2 [ecC,,-][G,,-C,,]/2G,,/2 [ec]/2z/2[ecG,,-C,,-]/2[G,,C,,-]/2 [ecC,,-]/2C,,/2[e-d^G,,-B,,,-]| [e-B^G,,-B,,,-][e-^c-G,,-E,,-B,,,]/2[ecG,,E,,-]/2 [dE,,]3/2[e-c-A,,A,,,]/2 [e-c-][e-cA,,-]/2[eA,,-]/2 A,,/2[ecG,]A,,/2-| A,,/2-[G,-A,,-]/2[g-G,A,,]/2[ge-]/2 e[^ag-G,-A,,-]/2[gG,-A,,-]/2 [afG,-A,,-][g-e-G,A,,-]/2[geA,,-]/2 [a-^fA,,][ag-eG,-^A,,-]/2[gG,-A,,]/2| [e-dG,]/2e/2-[ae^c]/2z/2 A,,[a-c-G,] [acA,,-]/2A,,/2-
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" [ge-]e/2[^agG,-A,,-]| [a-fG,-A,,-]/2[aG,A,,-]/2[geA,,-] [afA,,][g-eG,-^A,,-]/2[gG,-A,,-]/2 [e-dG,-A,,]/2[eG,]/2[a-^c]/2a/2 A,,[a-c-G,]/2[a-c-A,,-]/2| [a^cA,,]G,/2z3/2a/2-[a-c-G,-A,,]3/2[acG,]/2z2z/2| [a-^c-G,A,,]/2[ac]/2z [a-c-]/2[acA,-]/2A,/2z/2 [a-c-G][acA,-]/2A,/2- [GA,-]/2A,/2z| za/2[^cG-A,-]/2 [GA,]/2zA-[dA]/2^F/2z/2 [d-F][dA,-]/2[e-AC-A,]/2| [e-^C]/2[^f-ed-D]/2[f-d]/2f/2 D,-[f-d-D,-]/2[f-d-D,D,,-]/2 [fdD,,-]/2D,,/2D,/2z/2 [f-d-]/2[f-d-A,][fe-dAC-]/2| [e^C]/2[d^FB,]/2z/2[d-B-][d-BF,-]/2[dc-F-A,-F,]/2[c-FA,]/2 [cB-D-G,]/2[B-D][BG,,-]/2 G,,/2-[B-D-G,,]/2[B-DG,,,-]/2[BG,,,]/2| G,,/2z/2B,,/2-[B-B,,G,,-]/2 [B-G,,]/2[B^F,,][e-GE,,]/2 e/2z/2[e-G-]/2[e-GB,-]/2 [eB,]/2[f-B^D-]/2[fD-]/2[g-e-ED]/2| [g-e][gE,-]/2E,/2- [g-e-E,]/2[g-e-E,,][geE,]/2 z/2[g-e-]/2[g-eB,-] [gf-BD-B,]/2[f-D]/2[feGC]/2z/2| [e-c-]/2[e-c^G,][ed-G-B,-]/2 [d-G-B,]/2[dc-GE-A,]/2[c-E-]/2[cEA,,-]/2 A,,/2-[c-E-A,,]/2[c-E-]/2[c-EA,,,-]/2 [cA,,,]/2z[c-A-C-A,,-]/2| [c-A-CA,,]/2[c-AA,]/2[dcADB,A,B,,]/2z/2 [e-A-EC,]/2[eA]/2[f-AFA,-D,-]/2[fA,D,]/2 D/2[gcGECE,]/2z [ac-AFCF,]/2c/2z| [a-c-A-]/2[ac-A-F-C-F,-]/2[cAFCF,]/2z2[c-AFA,A,,-]/2 [c-A,,]/2[f-cA-FCC,-]/2[f-A-C,]/2[fc-AFA,A,,]/2 c/2[A-FF,,]/2A/2F/2| A[cF]/2z/2 [d^AFDA,,]/2z3/2 [d-F-DA,-F,-A,,-][dFA,F,A,,-]/2A,,/2 z[d-F-D-F,-A,,-]/2[d-FDA,F,-A,,]/2| [d-F,]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z/2 [dFD_B,F,_B,,]/2z/2[d-F-DF,-_B,,-]/2[dF-F,_B,,]/2| [F-_B,]/2[_eF_ECF,C,]/2z/2[dFD_B,F,_B,,]/2 z3/2[dFD_B,F,_B,,]z2[f-d-_BDD,]/2[f-d]/2[_b-fFF,]/2| [_bd]/2[f-D,]/2f/2-[fd-_B]/2 [f-d]/2f/2[_b_B,,]/2z/2 [c'fA,A,,]/2z/2[d'_bdG,D,G,,]/2z3/2[d'_bdD,G,,]/2z/2| z2 [_b'-d'-_b-G,,G,,,-][_b'd'_bG,,,]/2z/2 _b'/2z/2[e'_b_eC,C,,]/2z3/2[_e'-_b-_e-C,C,,]| [e'_b_e]/2z3/2 [f'-a-f-F,,F,,,][f'af]/2F,,/2 z[fAFF,C,F,,]/2z2[f-A-F-F,-C,-F,,-]/2| [f-A-F-F,-C,F,,]/2[fAFF,]/2z2[f-A-F,-]/2[fAFC-F,-][CF,-]/2F,/2[fAFC_E,-]/2 _E,/2[_g-A-GCD,]/2[gA]/2z/2| z[_g-AGCD,] g/2z3/2 g/2-[gAG]z/2 [a-cA-]/2[a-A]/2[ag-_BG-]/2[gG]/2| [_gA-G]/2[g-A]/2[g_BG-]/2G/2 _g/2[_e-GA,C,]/2[_e_E]/2z/2 [d_GDCD,]/2z3/2 [d-G-C-D,-]/2[d-GD-CD,]/2[dD]/2z/2| z3/2[_g-AG-][gG]/2[a-cA-]/2[a-A]/2 [ag-_BG-]/2[gG]/2[_gA-]/2[AG]/2 [g-G]/2[g_B]/2z| [_e-G_EA,C,]/2_e/2d/2[_GDCD,]/2 z3/2[d-G-]/2 [dGDC-D,]C/2z3/2[d-GDC-D,]/2[dC]/2| z[d_GDCD,]/2z/2 [dGDCD,]/2z2[d-G-DCD,-]3/2 [d-G-D,]/2[dG]/2z| z[_e-_G_EA,B,,] _e/2z/2[_eG_EA,_B,,]/2z/2 [_eG_EA,_B,,]/2z2_e/2-[_e-G-_EA,-_B,,]/2[_eGA,]/2| z3z/2[_e'-_g-_e-_B,_B,,][_e'g_e]/2z _e'/2[g_e_B,_B,,]/2z/2[_e'g_e_B,_B,,]/2|
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" [^d'^f-^d-^A,A,,-] [^f^dA,,]/2z3[^c-^C-G,-A,,-]/2 [^cE-^C^G,A,,]E/2z/2| [^cE^CG,]/2z/2[^cE^CA,,]/2z2[^c-E^C^G,A,,]^c/2z3| ^c'/2-[^c'f-^c-^G,^G,,][^f^c]/2 z/2[^c'^c]/2[^f^G,^G,,]/2z/2 [^c'-^f^c^G,^G,,]/2^c'/2z3/2[^c'-^c-^G,-^G,,-]/2[^c'^f-^c-^G,^G,,-]/2[^f-^c^G,,]/2| f/2z3[B-D-B,-^F,-G,,]3/2[B^DB,^F,]/2z3/2[B-^D-B,^F,^G,,]/2[B^D]/2| z3b/2-[b-^d-B-^F,^F,,-]3/2[b^d-B-^F,,]/2[^dB]/2 zb/2[^d-B-^F,^F,,]/2| [^dB]/2z4[ACA,-^D,F,,]3/2 A,/2z3/2| z/2[A-CA,^D,F,,]A/2 z4 z[a-^c-A-E,-E,,-]| [a-^c-A-E,E,,]/2[a^cA]/2z3 z/2[a-^c-A-E,E,,]/2[a^c-A]/2^c/2 z2| z4 z[A-F-D-B,-E,-E,,-]3| [A-F-D-B,-E,-E,,-]2 [A^F^DB,E,E,,]/2z4z[A-^F-]/2| [A-FD-B,-E,-E,,-][A^DB,E,E,,]/2z6z/2| z3[^G-E-D-B,-E,-E,,]4[^G-E-^DB,E,]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z4 [^GEDB,E,E,,]z3| z8| z8| z6 z[E-^C-A,-]| [E-^C-A,]/2[E-^C]/2[eE-]/2E/2- [^FED]/2A,/2>^g/2z/2 [^DCA,]/2z/2e/2z/2 [E-^C-A,-][e-E-^C-A,-]| [eE-^C-A,-]/2[E-^C-A,-][^cE-^C-A,-]/2 [E^CA,]/2e/2z/2a/2 z/2[A-E^C][aA-]/2 A/2[BE^C]/2z/2^g/2| ^c/2-[^cE^C]/2a/2z[^c-^F-D-]2[^a-^c^F-D-]2[a-B^F-D-]/2[a-^FD]/2[b-a]/2| b/2-[bA-D-]/2[AD]/2b[^GDB,]/2z/2^c'/2 z/2[^F^CA,]/2z/2^d'/2 z/2[E-B,-^G,-]3/2| [E-B,-^G,-]/2[e'-E-B,-^G,-][e'-E^C-B,-^G,-]/2 [e'-^C-B,-^G,]/2[e'-D^CB,]/2[^f'e']/2z/2 [ED-^G,][e'D]/2z/2 [^G^FD]/2z/2z| [ED^G,]/2z/2b/2z[a^F-D-A,-]3/2 [a'-^F-D-A,-]2 [a'-^FD-A,-]/2[a'^g'D-A,-]/2[^f'D-A,-]/2[D-A,-]/2| [^c'D-A,-]/2[bDA,-]/2[a-E^C-A,] [a^C]/2z3/2 [^C-A,]^C/2-[e^C-]/2 [^FD^C]/2z/2^g/2z/2| ^D/2z/2e/2z/2 [E-^C-A,-][e-E-^C-A,-]2[e^cE-^C-A,-]/2[E^C-A,]/2 [e^C-]/2^C/2a/2z/2| [^C-A,-][a^CA,]/2z/2 [E^CA,]/2z/2^c'/2[^F^D^CA,]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z/2^d'/2| z/2[^G-E-^C-]/2[^G-E-^C-^G,-] [e'-^G-E-^C-^G,-]2 [^f'-e'-^G-E-^C-^G,-][^g'-^f'-e'-^G-E-^C^G,] [^c''-^g'-^f'-e'-^GE]/2[^c''^g'^f'e'-]/2e'/2z/2| [^G-E^G,-][^G-^G,-]/2[^c'^G-^G,-]/2 [e'^G-^G,-]/2[^G^F^G,]/2z/2e'/2 ^d'/2[^GD^G,]/2z/2d'/2 z/2[^G-E-^C-][^g-^G-E-^C-]/2| [^g^G-E-^C-][^a^G-E-^C-]/2[b^G-E-^C-]/2 [c'^G-E-^C-]/2[^GE^C]3/2 ^c'/2z3/2 [E-^CE,-]3/2[a'E-E,-]/2| [^c''E-E,-]/2[EDE,]/2z/2^c''/2 z/2[EB,E,]/2z/2b'/2 z/2[E-^C-A,-]3/2 [e'E-^C-A,-]2| [g'^f'E-^C-A,-]/2[^g'E-^C-A,-][a'E-^C-A,-]/2 [E-^CA,]/2E/2z/2e/2 a/2z[a^fd]/2 z/2z[a^d]/2| z/2z[a-e-^c-][a-e-^c-E]3/2 [a-e-^c-]/2[a-e-^c-A]/2[a-e-^c-]/2[a-e-^c-^C]/2 [a-e-^c][ae]/2z/2| [ae]/2z/2^C/2z/2 [be]/2z/2E/2z/2 [^c'e^c]/2A/2z [^c'-^f-d-][^c'-^f-d-^A-]| [^c'-^f-d-^A]/2[^c'-^f-d-^c]/2[^c'-^f-d-B]/2[^c'-^f-d-]/2 [^c'b-^f-d-]/2[b^f-d-]/2[^fdB]/2z/2 [ad]/2z/2D/2z/2 [^gd]/2z3/2| [^fd]/2A/2z [e-d-]3/2[e-d-B^G]3/2[e-d-^c]/2[e-d-BA^G]/2 [e-dB]/2eB/2| z/2[e-d^G]/2e/2z[^fdA]/2z/2z[ed^G]/2z/2B,/2 z/2^f/2-[^f-d-A,]/2[^f-d-]/2| [^f-d-]/2[^f-d-A]2[^f-d-^G]/2[^f-d-]/2[^f-d-]/2 [^f-d-]/2[^fd-^C]/2[e-d^c-B,]/2[e^c]3/2z| [e^cA]/2z/2[B,B,,]/2z/2 [^fdA]/2z/2[A,A,,]/2z/2 [^dcA]/2^F,,/2z/2[e-^c-A-]3/2[e-^c-A-E,E,,]| [e-^c-A-][e-^c-A-] [e^cA]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z[e^cA]/2 ^C/2^C,/2[ae^c]/2z/2 [B,B,,]/2z/2[^c'a]/2[A,A,,]/2 z[e'-^c'-^g-e-]| [e'-^c'-^g-e-G,G,,-][e'-^c'-g-e-G,,]/2[e'-^c'-g-e-]/2 [e'-^c'-g-e-E,,]/2[e'-^c'-g-e-]/2[e'-^c'-g-e]/2[e'^c'g]/2 z[^c'g^c]/2z/2 E/2[^d'^f]/2z/2A,/2| z/2[^g'^d'c'^f]/2z/2z[^c'-g-e-^c-][^c'-g-e-^c-^C^C,-][^c'-g-e-^c-^C,]/2[^c'-g-e-^c-]/2[^c'-g-e-^c-G,G,,]/2 [^c'-g-e-^c-]/2[^c'ge^c-]/2^c/2z/2| z[AE]/2z/2 z/2B/2[A^D]/2^F,/2 z/2[eB]/2[^GD]/2z3/2[A-^C-]| [A-^C-^F,^F,,][A-^C-] [A-^C-]/2[A-^C-]/2[A-^C] A/2z[^a-g-^c]/2 [ag]/2E,/2[bgd]/2z/2| D,/2z/2[^c'^ag^c]/2z/2 ^C,/2z/2[d'-b-g-d-]3 [d'-b-g-d-G,,-D,,-B,,,-G,,,-]2| [d'bgd-G,,-D,,-B,,,-G,,,-]/2[dG,,-D,,-B,,,-G,,,-]/2[G,,-D,,-B,,,-G,,,-]3/2[d'bG,,-D,,-B,,,-G,,,-]/2[G,,-D,,-B,,,-G,,,-]/2[bG,,-D,,-B,,,-G,,,-]/2 [G,,-D,,-B,,,G,,,]/2[gdG,,D,,]/2z/2d/2 B/2z/2z| [DG,G,,]/2z[E-G,-]/2 [E-C-G,-^C,-]3[E^CG,-^C,-]/2[G,^C,]/2 z2| z[DB,G,,]/2G,/2 z/2[GDB,,]/2z/2z[cE^C,]/2z/2B/2 z/2f/2z/2e/2-| [ec-G,-^C,-]/2[^cG,^C,]/2z [DG,,]/2G,/2D/2z/2 zz z[fG,]/2z/2| e/2-[ecG,-^C,-]/2[G,^C,]/2z/2 [bD,]/2z/2f'/2z[e'^c'E,A,,]/2z/2[^c'A,,]/2 z/2G,/2z/2[^fG,]/2| z[ecG,^C,-] ^C,/2z/2[ed-^G-E]/2[dG]/2 B,,/2z/2[^fdA^F]/2z/2 [E,E,,]/2z/2[geBG]/2[D,D,,]/2| z/2[ae^cA]/2z/2^C,/2 z/2[ba^dB]/2^F,,/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z/2[^c'a-e-^c-E,-E,,-]3/2[ae^cE,-E,,-]/2[E,E,,-]/2E,,/2| z/2A/2z [^c-^G-E-D-E,-E,,]3[^c-^G-EDE,]/2[^cB^G]/2 zA/2-[A-E-^C-E,-A,,-]/2| [A-E-^C-E,-A,,-]4 [AE-^C-E,-A,,][E^CE,]/2z2z/2| z2 z/2[eE]3/2 [dD]/2z/2[d-D] [d^c-^C]/2^c/2[B-B,]/2[BAA,]/2| z/2[A-A,]/2A/2[e-E-]4[e-E]e/2z| [eE]3/2[d-D]/2 d/2[d-D][d^c-^C]/2 ^c/2[B-B,]/2[B^AA,-]/2A,/2 [^c-^C]/2[d^cD]/2z/2[^c-^C-]/2| [e-^cE-^C]/2[e-E-]3[eE-]/2 E2- E/2[^AA,-]3/2| [e-E-^A,]/2[eE][d-D]/2 [e-dE]/2e/2-[edD]/2[^c-^C]/2 [^cBB,-]/2B,/2[^c^C]/2[dD]/2 [e-E-][^f-eE]/2[^f-^F-]/2| [^f-^F-]2 [^f-^A-^F-E-]3/2[^f-B-A^F-E]/2 [^f-B-^FD-]/2[^f-BD-][a-^f^c-^F-D^C-]/2 [a-^c-^FE-^C-]/2[a^cE-^C-]/2[E-^C]| [b-d-^F-EB,-]/2[bd-^F-DB,-][d^F-B,-]/2 [^f-B-^FD-B,]/2[^fBD-]/2[dD-] D-[^c-A-^D-D]/2[^c-A-^D-]2[^c-A-D-]/2| [^c-A-^D]2 [^cB-A^G-E-]/2[B-^G-E]/2[B^G]/2z3/2[EE,] [D-D,][E-DE,-]/2[EE,]/2| [B,B,,]/2[B,B,,A,,]/2[A,-A,,]/2[A,^G,,]/2 [^G,^G,,]/2E/2z2[EE,]3| z[EE,] [^D-D,][E-DE,]/2E/2 [C^C,]/2[^CB,]/2[B,-B,,]/2[B,A,,]/2 [A,A,,]/2F/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" [F-F,-]3 [FF,]/2z/2[F-F,]| [FE-E,]/2E/2[FF,]/2[DD,]/2 [DD,]/2[C-C,]/2[CB,,]/2B,/2 [B,B,,]/2[GG,]z2[B-G-G,-F,-]/2| [B-GD-G,F,][BD]/2z/2 [c-GCG,E,]c/2d/2- [dGDG,B,,]z/2[e-G-]/2 [eGEG,-C,-]/2[G,C,]/2z| [gBGG,D,]f/2z[f-B-G-G,-D,-]4[fBG-G,-D,]3/2| [e-cGG,-C,-][eG,C,]/2z3/2[g-e-GG,-G,,-]/2[g-e-G,G,,-]/2 [ge-G,,-]/2[eG,,]/2[c'-g-cA,G,A,,]/2[c'g]/2 z/2[d'-g-dB,G,B,,]/2[d'g]/2z/2| z/2[e'geCG,-C,]/2G,/2z2[e'-g-e-C-G,-C,-]2[e'ge-C-G,C,]/2 [e-C]/2e/2z| zc'/2-[c'e-c-E-C-E,-]2[g-e-c-EC-G,E,]/2 [gecC]/2z/2f/2-[fd-B-D-B,-G,-]/2 [dBDB,G,]/2z/2[e-cCA,]/2e/2| z3/2e/2- [ec-CA,-]2 [cA,]/2z3z/2| [d-G-F-B,,-]/2[d-G-FG,-B,,-]/2[d-G-G,-B,,-] [dcG-G,-B,,]/2[GEG,-C,-]/2[G,C,]/2z/2 [GB,G,D,]/2z3/2 [ECG,C,]/2z3/2| z/2[E-G,-]/2[E-C-G,C,-]2[ECC,]/2z2z/2 E/2-[ECG,-C,-][DB,G,C,G,,]/2| z/2G,,/2-[D-B,-G,-G,,]/2[EDB,G,-]/2 [CG,C,]/2z/2[E-C-G,C,]/2[EC]/2 [F-B,-D,]/2[FB,]/2z/2[E-CG,-C,]/2 [EG,]/2z3/2| [e-cG-C][edBG]/2z/2 [dBGG,][e-c-C] [g-ec]/2[gB-GE-]/2[BE]/2[f-D][fe-]/2[ec-GC-]/2[cC]/2| z[E-C-G,-C,]/2[E-CG,]/2 [EDB,]/2z/2[D-B,-G,G,,-]/2[DB,G,,]/2 [ECC,][G-B,-G,E,-]/2[GB,E,]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z[ECG,^C,]z2z/2[e-^c^G^C-] [e^C]/2z[e-d-^G-B,-]/2| [ed^G-B,-]/2[^f^GB,]/2z/2e/2 [^f-^G-]/2[^f-^d-^GB,-][^f^dB,-]/2 [eB,]/2z[e-^c-AA,]3/2[a-e^c]/2a/2-| [ae-^c-A-E-A,-]/2[e-^cAEA,]/2[^c'-e]/2^c'/2 z/2^g/2-[^g-e-B-^GEB,-]3/2[^geB-B,]/2B/2z2^g/2-| [^g-^d-B-A-B,-B,,-]2 [^g-^d-B-A-B,-B,,-]/2[^g^f-^d-B-A-B,-B,,-]/2[^f-^d-BAB,-B,,-] [^f-^d-B,-B,,]/2[^f^dB,]/2e/2z3/2[e-B-^G-B,-E,-]| [eB^G-B,-E,-]3/2[^GB,-E,-]/2 [B,E,-]/2E,3/2- [^G,E,-]/2E,/2z/2zE/2z/2[^G-B,-E,]/2| [^G-B,-]/2[B-^G-B,][^cBA^G^CE,]/2 z3/2[^AGA,E,]/2 z3/2[B-^G-B,-]/2 [B-^G-B,E,-]3/2[B-^G-E,-]/2| [B-^GE,-][BB,E,-]/2E,/2- [EE,]/2z[B-E]/2 [B-^G-B,-E,-]/2[e-B^GB,-E,-]/2[e-B,-E,-]/2[^f-eB^G^FB,E,-]/2 [^fE,]/2z[^g-c^G-E-^CE,]/2| [^g-^GE-]/2[^gE]/2z/2^g/2- [^g^c-A-F-^C-A,-]4 [^f^cAF^C-A,-]/2[^F-^C-A,]/2[A^F^C]/2z/2| [^c-A-^C-]/2[^cA^C-A,-]/2[e-^CA,-]/2[eA,]/2 [^dA^DB,]/2z[^c-E^C]/2 [^cA]/2z3/2 [B-AB,-^D,-]3/2[BB,-^D,-]/2| [B,-^D,-][BB,^D,]/2z/2 ^d/2z/2^f/2z/2 [aB-^D]/2[bB-]/2B/2[^d'^c'a^c^D]/2 z3/2[baB^D]/2| z3/2[^c'-a^cE-]4[^c'-E-]/2 [^c'b-^g-BE]/2[b^g]/2z/2B,/2-| B,/2-[^G-E-B,^G,-]/2[^G-E-^G,^F,-]/2[^G-E-^F,]/2 [^c^G-E^G,E,]/2^G/2z [c^G-^F^C^G,^D,]/2^G/2z3/2[^c-A-E-^C-A,-E,-^C,-]3/2| [^cAE-^C-A,-E,-^C,-]3/2[E^C-A,-E,-^C,-]/2 [^C-A,-E,-^C,-]/2[^D^C-A,-E,-^C,-]/2[^CA,E,^C,]/2E/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" A [^c-E-^C-]/2[e^cE^C-]/2^C/2-[^f-^C]/2 [^f-e-E-B,]/2[^feE]/2z| [^g-edE-]/2[^g-E]/2^g/2z2[b-^g-d-^G-F-A,-]4[b-^g-d-^G-^F-A,-]/2| [b-^gd-^GF-A,-]/2[b-d-^FA,-]/2[b-d-A,-]6[ba-^f-d-^F-A,-]/2[a-^f-d-A-^F-A,-]/2| [a-^fdA-^F-A,]3/2[aA^F]/2 z6| z4 z/2[g-^c-A-E-A,-]3[^g-^c-A-E-A,-]/2| [g-^c-A-E-A,-]3[^g^c-A-E-A,-]/2[^f^c-A-E-A,-][^g^c-A-E-A,-]/2[a^c-A-E-A,-]/2[^c-A-E-A,-]/2 [^g-^c-A-E-A,-]/2[^g^f-^c-A-E-A,-]/2[^f-^c-A-E-A,-]/2[^g-^f^c-A-E-A,-]/2| [g-^cA-E-A,-]/2[^gA-E-A,-]/2[b-AE-A,-]/2[bEA,]/2 a2- [a^f-d-A-D-D,-]/2[^f-d-AD-D,-][^fdDD,]/2 z3/2^F/2-| ^F/2A-[dA]/2 z/2[^f-d-]/2[^fdA-]/2[a-A^F,-]/2 [a-^F,-]/2[a^g-eA^G,^F,E,]/2^g/2z[^f-A-A,-D,]/2[^fAA,]/2z/2| z[eA-A,-^C,-]3/2[AA,-^C,-]/2[A,-^C,-] [^CA,-^C,][E-A,]/2[AE]/2 z/2[^cAE][e-^C-]/2| [e-^C]/2[e^d-B-EDB,]/2[dB]/2z[^c-EA,]/2^c z/2[BE^G,]/2z3/2[e-^A^F-E-^C-]/2[e^FE^C]/2z/2| z3/2[^g-e-B-^GE-B,-]3/2[^g-e-B-EB,-]/2[^geBB,]/2 z2 ^g/2-[^g-^d-B-A-B,-B,,-]3/2| [^g-^d-B-A-B,-B,,]2 [^gdBAB,]/2^f/2z3/2e/2-[e-B-^G-B,-E,-]3| [e-B-^G-B,-E,-]2 [eB-^G-B,E,]/2[B^G]/2z3/2E2-[AE^C]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z| [A-^C]/2A/2-[AE,-]/2[B-E^G,-E,]/2 [B^G,][^c-A-A,]/2[^c-A-][^cAA,,-]/2A,,/2-[^c-A-A,,]/2 [^c-A-A,,,][^c-A-]/2[^cAA,,]/2| ^c/2-[^c-A-]/2[^c-A-E,-]/2[^cB-AE,]/2 [B-E^G,-]/2[B^G,]/2[A^C^F,]/2z/2 [A-^F-]/2[A-^F-^C,]/2[A^F]/2[^G-^C-E,][^G^F-^CA,-D,]/2[^F-A,]| [^FD,,-]/2D,,/2-[^F-A,-D,,]/2[^F-A,-A,,,][^FA,]/2z/2^F,,/2 [^F-D,,][^F^C,,] [B-DB,,,]/2B/2[B-D]| [B^F,-]/2[^c-^F-^A,-^F,]/2[^c^FA,-]/2A,/2 [d-B-B,]/2[d-B-]/2[d-BB,,-]/2[dB,,-]/2 [d-B-B,,][dBB,,,-] [B,,B,,,]/2z/2[d-B-]| [d-B-^F,]/2[d^c-B^F-A,-]/2[^c-^FA,]/2[^cBD^G,]/2 z/2[B-^G-][B^G^D,]/2 [A-D-^F,][A^G-DB,-E,]/2[^GB,]E,,-[^G-B,-E,,]/2| [^G-B,B,,,]^G/2z[^G-E-^G,-E,-E,,]/2[^G-E-^G,E,-]/2[^GEE,]/2 [AEA,^F,E,^F,,]/2z/2[BEB,^G,E,^G,,]/2z/2 [^c-E]/2[^c^CA,-A,,]/2A,/2z/2| [dA-DB,A,]/2A/2[eAE^CA,^C,]/2z2[e-A-E^C-A,-^C,-][eA^CA,^C,]/2z3/2[e-A-^C^C,]/2[e-A]/2[a-e]/2| [a-^cAE,]/2[ae-^C]/2[e^cA^C,]/2[^c-A,A,,]/2 [^c-A]/2[^cA^G,^G,,]/2z/2[^c-^F,^F,,]/2 [e^cAE,E,,]/2z/2^f/2[A-^FD,A,,D,,]/2 A/2z[^f-A-^F-D,-A,,-D,,-]/2| [^f-A-^FD,-A,,D,,-][^fAD,D,,]/2z/2 [^f-A-]/2[^fA^F-A,,-D,,-]/2[^FD,A,,D,,]/2z/2 [eA-E^C,A,,-^C,,]/2[AA,,]/2[^fA^FD,A,,D,,]/2z/2 [^f-A^FA,,-D,,-]/2[^fA,,D,,]/2D,/2[gE,A,,E,,]/2| z/2[^fA^FD,A,,D,,]/2^c/2z3/2[^fA-^F-D,-A,,D,,] [A^FD,]/2z[A-D-^F,,]/2 [A-D^F,]/2A/2[d-^FA,A,,]/2[d-A-^F,]/2| [dA-D^F,,]/2[A^FDD,D,,]/2z/2[A-^F,,]/2 [dA^FDD,,]/2z/2[e^C,^C,,]/2z/2 [^fd^FB,,^F,,B,,,]/2z3/2 [^fd^FB,,^F,,B,,,]z| z[d'-^f-d-B,,B,,,] [d'^fd]/2[^fB,,]/2z/2[^g^c^GE,B,,E,,]/2 z3/2[^g-d-]/2 [^g-d^G-E,B,,E,,][^g^G]/2z/2| z/2[a-^c-A-A,,E,,A,,,-][a^cAA,,,]/2 z/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z/2 [A^CA,E,A,,]/2z3/2| z/2[A-^C-A,-E,-A,,-]4[A-^C-A,E,A,,]/2[A-^C] Az| z6 z3/2A/2-| Ad/2-[d^F-]/2 ^F/2e[^f-d-]/2 [^fdD,-]/2D,A,/2- [^f-d-A,]/2[^f-dD,-]/2[^fD,-]/2D,/2-| [A,D,]/2z/2[eA-] A/2[^fdA,-D,-][aeA,-D,-][^fdA,-D,-][eAA,-D,-][^f-dA,-D,-]/2[^fA,-D,]/2[ae-A,-]/2| [eA,]/2[^fd]/2z/2D,^f/2-[^f-d-A,-]/2[^f-d-A,D,-]/2 [^fd-D,][d-A,]/2d/2 [eA-][^f-AA,-]/2[^fdA,-D,-]/2| [aeA,-D,-][^fdA,-D,-] [e-A,-D,^C,-]/2[eA-A,-^C,]/2[^f-AA,-]/2[^fdA,-B,,-]/2 [a-A,-B,,]/2[aA,-A,,-]/2[A,-A,,]/2A,/2 [bg]/2z/2G,,-| [b-D,-G,,]/2[b-g-D,]/2[b-g-G,,-] [bg-D,-G,,]/2[g-D,]/2g/2[a-d-][b-ad]/2[b-gD,-G,,-] [ba-dD,-G,,-]/2[a-D,-G,,-]/2[ag-BD,-G,,-]/2[gD,-G,,-]/2| [d-AD,-G,,-]/2[dD,-G,,-]/2[gD,-G,,-] [c'-dD,-G,,-]/2[^c'D,-G,,]/2[bgD,]/2z/2 G,,[b-g-D,]/2[b-g-]/2 [b-gG,,-][bD,-G,,-]/2[D,G,,]/2| b/2-[bg-]/2g- [d'-b-gD,-G,,-]/2[d'-bD,-G,,-]/2[d'^c'-D,-G,,-]/2[^c'aD,-G,,-]/2 [bD,-G,,-][ge-D,-G,,-]/2[eD,-G,,-]/2 [bD,G,,-][geE,-G,,-]/2[E,-G,,]/2| [eE,]/2^c<G,,[e-^c-E,-]/2[e-^c-E,G,,-]/2[e^cG,,]E,/2z/2[e^c-]^c/2[geE,-G,,-]| [^f-dE,-G,,-]/2[^fE,-G,,]/2[e-^c-E,]/2[e^c]/2 [^f-d]/2^f/2-[^fe-E-G,-]/2[eE-G,]/2 [^c-B-E]/2[^c-B]/2^c/2[^f-^A]/2 ^f/2^F,[^f-A-E-]/2| [^f-^AE]/2[^f-^F,-][^fE^F,]/2 z/2[e^c-]^c/2 [geE-^F,-][^fdE-^F,-] [e-^c-E^F,-]/2[e^c^F,-]/2[^f-d^F,]/2^f/2| [e-^cE-G,-]/2[eEG,]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" [^f^A]/2 z/2^F,[^f-A-E][^f-A^F,-][^fE^F,]/2 z2| [^f-^A-E^F,-]3/2[^fA^F,]/2 z3[^f-A-E]/2[^fA-^F,]/2 A2| [^f-A-][^fAB,,-]/2B,,[^f-^D]/2[^f-A-]/2[^f-A-B,,]/2 [^fA-]/2A/2z3/2[^f-A-D-]/2[^f-ADB,,-]| [^fB,,]/2z3[^f-A-^DB,,]/2 [^fA-]/2A3/2 [e-^G]/2e/2E,| [e-^G-D][e-^GE,-]/2[e-E,-]/2 [eDE,]/2z/2[dB-] B/2[f-dD-E,-][^fe-c-D-E,-]/2 [e^cDE,-]/2[d-BE,-]/2[e-d^c-E,-]/2[e^cE,-]/2| [d-E,]/2[dD-F,-]/2[B-AD-^F,]/2[BD]/2 e/2^G/2E, [e-^G-D]/2[e-^G-]/2[e-^GE,-]/2[e-E,-]/2 [eDE,]/2z/2[dB-]/2B/2-| [f-d-B]/2[^f-dD-E,-]/2[^fe-c-D-E,-]/2[e^cD-E,-]/2 [d-BDE,-]/2[dE,-]/2[e-^cE,-]/2[eE,]/2 [dD-^F,-][B-AD^F,]/2[eB]/2 ^G/2E,[e-^G-D]/2| [e-^G-]/2[e-^G-E,-][e^GDE,-]/2 E,/2z2e/2-[e^G-D-E,-]/2[^GDE,-]/2 E,/2-[E-E,]/2E| [A-^C]/2A/2z/2[A-^C-]/2 [A-^CE,-]/2[A-E,]/2[B-AE^G,-]/2[B-^G,]/2 [^c-BA-A,]/2[^cA]A,,-[^c-A-A,,-]/2[^c-A-A,,A,,,-]/2[^c-A-A,,,-]/2| [^c-A-A,,A,,,]/2[^cA]/2^c/2-[^cA-]/2 [AE,][cB-^G,-]/2[B^G,]/2 [A^C^F,]/2z/2[A-^F-]/2[A-^F-^C,-]/2 [A-^G-^F^C,]/2[A^G-^C-E,-]/2[^G^C-E,]/2[^F-^CA,-D,]/2| [^F-A,]/2^F/2D,,/2-[^F-D,,-]/2 [^F-A,-D,,-]/2[^FA,D,,A,,,-]/2A,,,/2z/2 ^F,,/2z/2[^F-D,,] [^F^C,,][B-D]/2B/2| [B-D][BG,^F,]/2[^c-^F^A,-]/2 [^cA,]/2[d-B-B,]/2[dB]/2[C,B,,-]/2 B,,/2-[d-B-B,,]/2[d-B-]/2[d-BB,,,][dB,,]/2[d-B-]/2[d-B-]/2| [d-B^F,-]/2[d^F,]/2[c-^F-A,] [^cB^FDG,]/2z/2[B-^G-]/2[B-^G^D,-]/2 [BD,]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z/2[G-B,]/2G/2- [GE,,-]/2E,,/2-[G-B,-E,,-]/2[G-B,-E,,B,,,-]/2 [GB,B,,,]/2z[G-E-]/2 [G-E-G,-E,,-]/2[GEG,E,E,,]/2z/2[AEA,^F,E,F,,]/2| z/2[BEB,G,E,G,,]/2z/2[cECE,-A,,-]/2 [A,E,A,,]/2z/2[dGDB,B,,]/2z/2 [eGECG,C,]/2z3/2 [e-GEC-G,C,][eC]/2z/2| z3/2[g-c-EE,-]/2 [g-cE,]/2[c'-geGG,]/2c'/2-[c'a-g-cE,]/2 [ag]/2[e-cCC,]/2e/2[cB,,]/2 e[gcG,G,,]/2z/2| [afcAF,C,F,,]/2z3/2 [a-f-c-A-F,-C,F,,-]3/2[afcAF,F,,]/2 z[ac-AC,F,,] [c-F,E,]/2[^ac-AG,C,G,,]/2c/2[acAF,C,F,,]/2| z/2[acAC,F,,]F,/2 [g^cG^D,D,,]/2z/2[a^fdAD,D,,]/2z2[a-f-d-A-D,-D,,]/2 [afdAD,]/2z3/2| [a-d-^FF,]/2[a-d]/2a/2[d'-fAA,]/2 [d'-a-dFF,]/2[d'a]/2[f-DD,]/2f/2 [d^CC,]/2[fB,B,,]/2z/2[adA,A,,]/2 z/2[bgdG,D,G,,]/2z| z/2[b-g-d-B-G,-D,-G,,]3/2 [bgdBG,D,]/2z/2[bgdBG,D,G,,] z/2[c'dcA,D,A,,]/2z/2[bdBG,D,G,,]/2 z/2[bdBG,D,G,,]z/2| [a^dAF,F,,]/2z/2[b^geBE,E,,]/2z3/2[bg-eBE,E,,]/2g/2 z3/2b/2- [b-e-GG,]/2[be]/2[e'-geB,]/2e'/2-| [e'b-e^GG,]/2b/2[g-eEE,]/2[g-eD]/2 g/2g/2[beB,]/2z/2 [c'aecA,E,A,,]/2z3/2 [c'-a-e-cA,E,-A,,][c'aeE,]/2z/2| z/2[c'a-ecA,E,-A,,]/2[aE,]/2z[c'aA,A,,]/2[c'aecA,E,A,,]/2z3/2[c'-a-e-cA,E,A,,] [c'-ae]/2c'/2z| [c'aecA,E,A,,]z/2[c'aA,,]/2 z/2[d'bgdG,D,G,,]/2z3/2[d'-b-g-dG,-D,-G,,-][d'-bg-G,D,G,,-]/2 [d'gG,,]/2z/2[d'b-gdG,D,G,,]/2b/2| ^A,,/2z/2[d'bd]/2[d'bgdG,D,G,,]/2 z2 [d'-b-g-d-G,D,-G,,-][d'bgdD,G,,-]/2G,,/2 z/2[d'-b-g-d-G,D,G,,]/2[d'bgd]/2z/2| z/2d'/2z/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z/2 [e'-c'-g-e-C,G,,-C,,-]3/2[e'c'geG,,C,,-]/2 C,,/2[e'-c'-g-eC,G,,-C,,]/2[e'c'gG,,]/2z/2| z/2[e'c'C,G,,C,,]/2z/2[e'c'geC,G,,C,,]/2 z2 [e'c'ge-C,G,,C,,]3/2e/2 z2| [e-c-]/2[e-cG-E-C-G,-C,-]/2[eGECG,C,]/2z/2 [eGECC,]/2z/2[e-c-G-]/2[ecGECG,C,]/2 z2 [e-cGECG,C,]2| e/2z/2e/2-[ec-G-E-C-G,-C,-]/2 [cGECG,C,]/2z[ec]/2 z[e-cFDB,D,] e/2zd/2-| [dB-F-D-B,-D,-]3/2[BFDB,D,]/2 z/2d/2-[dBFDB,-D,]/2B,/2 z/2[dDB,]/2B/2z/2 [d-B-E,-]/2[d-B-E-C-A,-E,]/2[dBE-CA,]/2E/2| z[cAECA,E,]2z3/2[c-A-E-]/2[cAECA,E,]/2z3/2[cAC]/2z/2| z/2c/2-[cA-E-DE,] [AE]/2z2z/2[B-^G-EDE,]3| [B^G]/2z6z3/2| z8| z6 z[E^C-A,-]/2[CA,]/2| z3/2[^FDA,]/2 z3/2[^D-CA,]/2 D/2z3/2 [E-^C-A,-]2| [^c-A-E-C-A,-E,-A,,][cAE-C-A,-E,]/2[E-C-A,-][cE-C-A,-A,,]/2[AE-C-A,-E,]/2[E-C-A,-]/2 [cAE-CA,A,,]/2E/2z3/2[c-A-E-]/2[cA-E-C-A,-E,A,,]/2[AECA,]/2| z/2B/2-[BE-^C-A,-]/2[ECA,]/2 z[c-ECA,-]/2[c-A,]/2 c/2z[c^FD]2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" [^A,D,]z3/2[^fA,D,]/2z[^fd-B-B,-]/2[dBB,D,]/2z3/2[^fd-B-D-B,-D,]/2[d-B^FDB,]/2| [dA-]/2A/2[^GDB,-]/2B,/2 z^F/2-[^FDA,]/2 z3/2E/2- [E-D-^G,-]3/2[e-d-E-D-^G,-B,,-]/2| [e-d-E-D-^G,-E,-B,,]/2[edE-D-^G,-E,]/2[E-D-^G,-] [edE-D-^G,-B,,]/2[E-D-^G,-E,]/2[E-D-^G,-]/2[edED^G,-E,B,,]/2 ^G,/2z[eE-D-B,,]/2 [ED^G,]/2z/2[^G^F]/2[^F-D^G,]/2| ^F/2z[E-D-^G,]/2 [ED]/2z^F/2- [^F-D-A,-]3/2[A-^F-D-A,-^F,D,A,,][A^F-D-A,-]/2[^F-D-A,-]| [A^F-DA,-D,]/2[^F-A,-A,,]/2[^FA,-]/2A,/2- [A-E^CA,-E,-^C,-A,,]/2[AA,E,^C,]/2z [e^cAA,A,,]/2z3/2 [^fdA]/2z3/2| [^dcA]/2z3/2 z3/2[^c'ae^cA,,E,,A,,,]3/2z/2[^c'ae^cA,,E,,A,,,]/2 z/2[^c'ae^cA,,E,,A,,,]/2z| z/2z[^cE^C^C,]/2 z/2[e^cAEB,]/2z [^f^d^FA,]/2^c/2z [^ge]/2z[^g'-e'-^c'-^g-^G,,-^C,,-^G,,,-]/2| [^g'-e'-^c'-^g-^G,,^C,,-^G,,,]/2[^g'e'^c'^g^C,,]/2z/2[^g'e'^d'^c'^g^G,,^C,,^G,,,]/2 z/2[^g'e'^c'^g^G,,^C,,^G,,,]/2z z/2z/2[e^C^G,]/2z/2 [d^GC^G,]/2z3/2| [^G^F^D^G,]/2z3/2 [^c^C,]/2z[^c'^ge^c^C,^G,,E,,^C,,]3/2z/2[^c'^ge^c^C,^G,,E,,^C,,]/2 z/2[^c'-^g-e-^c-^C,-^G,,E,,-^C,,-]/2[^c'-^ge-^c-^C,E,,^C,,]/2[^c'e^c]/2| z/2^C,,/2z/2[^cA,]/2 z/2[BE]/2z3/2[EDB,E,]/2z3/2A/2[^CA,^F,]/2z/2| z[a-^f^c-A-^F,^C,^F,,] [a^cA]/2z/2[a^c]/2[^fA^F,^C,^F,,]/2 z/2[a-^f-^c-A-^F,^C,^F,,]/2[a-^f^c-A]/2[a^c]/2 z/2^F,,/2z| [^A-G^CE,E,,]/2A/2[B^GDD,D,,]/2z3/2[^cA^GE^C,^C,,]/2z3/2[dBB,,^G,,D,,]/2z[d'-b^gdB,,-^G,,-D,,-B,,,-]3/2| [d'B,,G,,D,,B,,,]/2z/2[d'b^gdB,,^G,,D,,B,,,]/2z/2 [d'-b-^g-d-B,,^G,,-D,,-B,,,-][d'b^gd^G,,D,,B,,,]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z/2 [d'-b-g-d-B,,-G,,D,,B,,,][d'bgdB,,]/2z2z/2| z/2[d-A-]/2[dA^F-D-A,-^F,-D,-C,-] [^FDA,^F,D,C,]/2z[dA^FDA,^F,D,C,]/2 z/2[d-A^FDA,-^F,C,]/2[dA,D,]/2z2[d-A-^F-D-A,-^F,-D,-C,-]/2| [d-A-^F-D-A,^F,-D,-C,-][d-A-^F-D-^F,D,C,]/2[d-A^FD]/2 d/2z[d'bgdB,,G,,D,,B,,,]3/2z/2[d'bdB,,G,,D,,B,,,]/2 z/2[d'-b-g-dB,,G,,-D,,B,,,-][d'bgG,,B,,,]/2| z[d'-b-g-d-B,,-G,,-D,,-B,,,] [d'b-g-d-B,,G,,D,,]/2[bgd]/2z2z/2[d-A-^F-D-A,-^F,-D,C,-][dA^FDA,^F,C,]/2z| [dA^FDA,^F,D,C,-]/2C,/2[d-A-^F-DA,-C,-]/2[dA^FA,^F,D,C,]/2 z2 [d-A,-]/2[d-A-^F-D-A,^F,-D,-C,-][d-A-^F-D-^F,-D,C,-]/2 [dA-^F-D^F,C,]/2[A^F]/2z| z[d'bgdB,,G,,D,,B,,,]3/2z/2[d'bgB,,G,,D,,B,,,]/2z/2 [d'bgdB,,G,,D,,B,,,]/2z3/2 [bgdB,,B,,,]/2z[gdBB,,B,,,]/2| z[dBGB,,B,,,]/2z[BB,,B,,,]/2z [B,,B,,,]/2z2[F-D-G,-B,,-B,,,-]3/2| [F-D-G,-B,,-B,,,-]4 [^FD-G,B,,-B,,,]3/2[DB,,]/2 z2| z[F-D-G,-B,,-B,,,-]4[^F-D-G,-B,,-B,,,]3/2[^F-D-G,-B,,][^F-D-G,-]/2| [F-D-G,]/2[^FD]/2z4z [E-D-]/2[E-D-^G,-E,-D,-B,,-]3/2| [ED-^G,-E,-D,-B,,-]2 [D-G,-E,-D,-B,,-]2 [ED-G,-E,-D,-B,,-]/2[D-G,-E,-D,-B,,-]/2[G^F-D-G,-E,-D,-B,,-]/2[^F-D-G,-E,-D,-B,,-]2[^F-D-G,-E,-D,-B,,-]/2| [^FD-^G,-E,-D,-B,,-]/2[EDG,-E,-D,-B,,]/2[G,E,D,]/2z[E-D-G,-E,-D,-B,,-]3[ED-G,-E,-D,-B,,-]/2 [D-G,-E,-D,-B,,-][ED-G,-E,-D,-B,,-]/2[^FD-G,-E,-D,-B,,-]/2| [^GD-G,-E,-D,-B,,-]/2[^F-D-G,-E,-D,-B,,-]3[^FE-DG,-E,-D,B,,-]/2 [EG,E,B,,]/2zE/2- [E^C-A,E,C,]
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" A| [^G^D-B,-A,-^F,-]3/2[A-D-B,-A,^F,-]/2 [A-D-B,^F,]/2[AD]/2z [^c-A-E-E,-]/2[^c-A-E^CA,-E,]2[^c-AA,]/2^c| z3/2[^c-^G-E-D-]/2 [^c-G-E-D-E,-E,,-]4 [^cGE-D-E,-E,,-]/2[BEDE,E,,]/2z| z[A-^C-]/2[AE^CE,-A,,-]/2 [E,-A,,-][A-A,-E,-A,,-]/2[AE-^C-A,E,A,,-][E^CA,,]/2z/2[AE^CA,]/2 z/2[AE^CA,]/2z| z/2A/2[E^CA,A,,]/2z3/2B,,/2z3/2^G,,/2z3/2A,,-| A,,/2-[AG^CA,A,,-]3/2 A,,-[AG^CA,A,,-]/2A,,/2 [AG^CA,]/2z3/2 [AG-^CA,G,]/2G/2z| E,/2z3/2 ^C,/2z2A,,3/2- [A^FDA,A,,-]3/2A,,/2-| [A^FA,A,,-]/2A,,/2-[A^FDA,A,,]/2z3/2[AA,,]/2[^FA,]/2 zB,,/2z3/2z| zA,,3/2-[^GFDA,A,,-]3/2 A,,/2-[G^FA,A,,-]/2[DA,,-]/2A,,/2 [G^FDA,]/2z3/2| [^G-F-A,-^F,]/2[G^FA,]/2z D,/2>E,/2D,/2z/2 z/2z/2D,/2-[D,^C,-]/2 ^C,A,,-| A,,/2-[AE^CA,A,,-]3/2 A,,/2-[AE^CA,A,,-]/2A,,/2-[AE^CA,A,,-]/2 A,,/2z3/2 [AEA,A,,,]/2z3/2| B,,,/2z3/2 ^G,,,/2z2A,,,2-[GE^C^A,A,,,-]3/2| A,,,/2-[GE^C^A,A,,,-]/2A,,, [GE^C^A,]/2z3/2 [GE-^C-A,-^C,,-]/2[E^CA,^C,,]/2E,,/2z/2 G,,/2z3/2| z/2^A,,/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" A,,,3/2-| [^FDA,A,,,-]3/2A,,,-[^FDA,A,,,-]/2A,,,/2-[^FDA,A,,,]/2 z3/2[^FDA,A,,,]/2 z3/2B,,,/2| z2 ^G,,,/2z3/2 A,,,2- [F-A,,,-]/2[^FD-B,-^G,-A,,,-][DB,^G,A,,,-]/2| A,,,/2-[FDB,^G,A,,,-]/2A,,,- [^FD^G,A,,,]/2z2[^FD-^G,-^F,,-]/2[D^G,^F,,-]/2^F,,/2 E,,/2z/2D,,/2>E,,/2| D,,/2z/2D,,/2[E,,D,,-]/2 D,,/2^C,,2-^C,,/2z/2B,,,z/2A,,,-| A,,,-[E-^C-E,-A,,,-]/2[E^CA,-E,A,,,-]3/2[A,A,,,-]/2A,,,-[E^CE,A,,,-]/2A,,,- [E-^C-A,-E,-^C,,-A,,,]/2[E-^C-A,E,-^C,,-]/2[E^CE,^C,,-]/2^C,,/2-| ^C,,-[E-^CA,E,-^C,,-]/2[EE,^C,,-]/2 ^C,,3/2-[^C-E,,-^C,,]/2 [^CA,E,E,,-]3/2E,,2-E,,/2-| [^C-A,E,-E,,][^CE,]/2z6z/2| z/2[A,-^C,-A,,-]/2[A,-E,-^C,-A,,-E,,-^C,,-A,,,-]6[A,-E,-^C,-A,,-E,,-^C,,-A,,,-]| [A,-E,-^C,-A,,-E,,-^C,,-A,,,-]8|[A,-E,-^C,-A,,-E,,-^C,,-A,,,-]8|[A,-E,-^C,-A,,E,,-^C,,-A,,,-][A,E,-^C,-E,,-^C,,-A,,,-] [E,^C,-E,,-^C,,-A,,,-]/2[^C,E,,^C,,-A,,,-]/2[^C,,A,,,-]
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z6| z8| z6 z/2z/2z/2D/2| z/2z/2[^F-^DD-A,-^F,-D,-A,,-D,,-]/2[^F-D-A,-^F,D,-A,,-D,,][^FDA,-D,A,,]/2A,/2z/2 [^F-DA,^F,D,A,,D,,]/2^F/2z z/2G/2z/2z/2| [^FE]/2E/2[AEA,^C,A,,^C,,]3/2z3/2 [A-EA,^C,A,,^C,,]/2A/2z z/2[BE-]/2[^cBE]/2[BA]/2| z/2z/2[d-B-^F-DB,,^F,,-B,,,-] [dB^F^F,,B,,,]/2z[dB^FDB,,^F,,]/2 zz/2zz/2z/2^f/2| z[a^c-AA,,A,,,] ^c/2z3/2 [A-^C-A,-E,-A,,]/2[A^CA,E,]/2z2[a-^F-]| [a^F][^aD-]/2D/2 a/2z/2G/2-^G/2- [e'B-^G]/2[^d'B-]/2[e'B]/2[^g'-e]3/2^g'/2-^g'/2| z/2^f'/2^c- [d'^cG]/2z/2z/2[a^F-]/2 [a^F]/2[d'A-]/2[^c'A-]/2[d'-A]/2 d'/2[^f'-d]3/2| ^f'z/2B^c'/2^F a/2[gE-]/2E/2[^c'^G-]/2 [^c'-c'^G-]/2[^c'^G-]/2[e'-^c^G]/2e'/2-| e'/2-e'/2z/2d'/2 [^c'E-]/2E/2d'/2F^a/2-[a^f-^c-^F-] [^f^c^F]/2za/2-| [^a^f-^c-^F][^f^c]/2z/2 a/2[b^f-^c^F-]/2[^f^F]/2a/2 [b^f-^F]/2^f/2z/2[^g-fB^C]3/2^g/2z/2| z/2[^gfB^C]3/2 z/2^g/2[^a-^f-B^C]/2[a^f]/2 z/2[a-^f-B^C]/2[a^g^f]/2z/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" [^A^F]3/2z3/2 [^fA^F]/2z3/2 z/2zz/2| [B,G,]/2z/2[D-^F,-D,-B,,-B,,,-]/2[D^F,D,B,,B,,,]3/2z [D-B,-^F,D,B,,B,,,]/2[DB,]/2z z/2[D^F,]/2z/2z/2| ^F/2z/2[A-G-E-A,^C,A,,-^C,,] [A-^GEA,,]/2A/2z [A-^G-E-A,^C,-A,,-^C,,-]/2[A^GE^C,A,,^C,,]/2z z/2[A^G]/2z/2B/2| z/2z/2[d-A-^F-DC,^C,,-] [dA^F^C,,]/2zd/2- [dG-DB,,B,,,]/2^G/2z z/2z/2e/2^f/2| z[a-^c-A-A,,-A,,,-]/2[a^cAA,,A,,,]z3/2 [A-^CA,E,A,,]A/2z3/2e/2-[e-^C-]/2| [e^C][f-A,]/2^f/2 zD/2-D/2 [b^F-]/2[^a^F-]/2[b-^F]/2[d'-b]/2 [d'B]3/2z/2| z/2^c'/2[b^G-]/2^G/2- ^G/2[aD-]/2[^gD-]/2[^fD]/2 ^C/2-[e^C-]/2[a^C]/2[^gE-]/2 [aE][^c'-A]| ^c'/2-^c'/2z/2z/2 [a^F-]/2^F/2z/2[^f^C-]/2 ^C/2-^C/2[dB,-]/2B,/2 ^g/2[gD-]/2[^gD-]/2[b-D]/2| [b-^G]/2b/2-[bB,,]/2z/2 a/2[^gB,]z/2 [^gC]^f/2[f^c^G^C]3/2z| z/2[f^c^G-^C-][^G^C]/2 z/2^f/2[^f^G^C]/2^c/2>f/2^f/2z/2z/2 [^g-e-d-^G-B,-]/2[^g-e-d-^GE-B,-]/2[^gedEB,]/2z/2| z[^g-ed-^GEB,]/2[^g-d]/2 ^g/2z/2z/2[^fdAE]/2 z/2z/2[^fdAE]/2z/2 z/2[a-^c-E-A,]3/2| [a^cE]/2z[a-^c-AE-A,-]/2 [a^cEA,]/2z3/2 zz/2G,,/2 z/2[^C-^A,-^G,-E,-A,,-A,,,]3/2| [^C^A,G,E,A,,]/2z[^C-A,-^G,E,A,,A,,,]/2 [^CA,]/2z/2z/2z/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" A/2 G,/2z/2z/2[d-_B-F-D_B,F,-_B,,][d_BFF,]/2z| [d_BFD]/2z3/2 z/2zz/2 [e_D]/2z/2z z/2z/2z/2_B/2| z/2z/2z/2_B/2 [G-_EG,_E,]G/2z3/2[g-_e-B-G-D,D,,-] [g_e_BGD,,]/2zg/2-| [g_e-c-G-C,-C,,-]/2[_e-c-G-C,C,,]/2[_ec-G]/2c[fF,]/2z F,,/2z[_bd-_B-_B,,_B,,,][d_B]/2z| z/2[_B-D-_B,-F,_B,,]/2[_BD_B,]/2z2z/2 zz/2zz/2[d-_B-]| [d-_B-]/2[d_B]z/2 d/2-[d-_B-][d_B]/2 z/2z/2z z/2_d/2z/2z/2| [f-d-A,,]/2[f-d-][f-d]f/2[_e-c]3/2_e/2z/2z/2 zz/2f/2| z/2z/2[f-c-A-F,,]/2[f-c-A-][fcA]z/2 [fcA-]3/2A/2 z/2z/2z| z/2f/2z/2z/2 [f-_d-A-]3/2[f-d-A]/2 [fd-]/2d/2[f-d-]/2[fd_B]zz/2| zz/2e/2 z/2f/2[g-d-_B-]3/2[gd_B]z/2 [gd_B]3/2z/2| z/2z/2z _b/2[ad_B]/2z/2z/2 [f-d-_B-]3/2[f-d-_B]/2 [fd]/2z/2[f-d-_B-]| [fd_B]/2zz/2 zz/2[g_e]/2 z/2z/2[f-d-A-]3/2[fd-A]d/2| [_e-cA-][_eA]/2zz/2z z/2zz/2 [_B-F-D-_B,,]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z[^A-FD]A/2z| z/2^d/2z/2z/2 zz/2[^A-F-D-A,,]/2 [A-^F-D-][A-^F-D]/2[A^F]/2 z/2[A-^FD]A/2| zz/2z/2 z/2z/2z z/2z3/2 ^A,,/2z/2z/2z/2| z/2z/2D,,/2z/2 [DD,,]/2z/2z/2[DD,,]/2 E,,/2F,,/2z/2z/2 [^F,^F,,]/2z/2[^F,^F,,]/2z/2| z/2A,,/2z/2A/2 z/2z/2^C/2z/2 z/2[e-^c-A-E-E,^C,A,,E,,]3/2 [e-^c-A-E]/2[e^cA]/2e/2[^c-AEE,^C,A,,E,,]/2| ^c/2z/2z/2z/2 [ed]/2z/2[^fd]/2z/2 z/2[a-^c-A-A,,-E,,-A,,,-]/2[a-^c-A-A,,-F,,E,,-A,,,-]/2[a-^c-AA,,E,,-A,,,]/2 [a^cE,,]/2z[a-^c-A-A,,-E,,-A,,,-]/2| [a^cAA,,E,,A,,,]/2z3/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2[A,-^F,D,]3/2A,/2z| [^F-A,-^F,D,-]/2[^FA,D,]/2z z/2z/2z/2E/2 z/2z/2[A^CA,E,A,,]3/2z3/2| [E-^CA,-A,,]/2[EA,]/2z/2z/2 ^c/2B/2z/2zz/2[d^F-DB,^F,B,,]3/2^F/2z| [^F-DB,D,]^F/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2[B-^C-A,-E,-]/2[B^CA,E,A,,-]A,,/2z| [A-^C-A,E,A,,][A^C]/2z[D,-C,]/2D, ^A/2z[B-G-D-B,,]/2 [B-G-DA,,]/2[BGB,,]/2 (3G,,/2^F,,/2G,,/2| [eBGE,,-]E,,/2[gD,,]/2 z/2^F,,/2G,, A,,/2B,,z/2 [A-^F-^C-A,,]/2[A-^F-^C-^G,,]/2[A^F^CA,,]/2^F,,/2| [^F,,F,,]/2[dA^FD,,-]D,,/2- [^fD,,]/2z/2E,,/2^F,,G,,/2A,,/2z/2 z/2[G-E-B,-G,,]/2[GEB,]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" ^D,,/2 E,,/2[^cGE^C,,-]^C,,/2- ^C,,/2z/2D,,/2E,,^C,,/2F,,/2>^C,,/2| [^A^F^C^F,,]2 z[A^F^C^F,,] zz/2zz/2[^dB,,]/2A,,/2| [fB^F^C,^G,,]3/2z3/2[^f-B-^F-^C,G,,-]/2[^fB^FG,,]/2 z/2z/2z/2z^f/2^A,,/2z/2| [^f^A-^F^C,-^F,,]3/2[A^C,]/2 z[^fA^F^C,^F,,] z3/2z/2 zz/2z/2| z/2z/2[A^FD]3/2z3/2 [^f-A^FD-]/2[^fD]/2z z/2z/2z/2z/2| z/2z/2^c/2-[^cA-E-A,-][AEA,]/2z [e-A^CA,]/2e/2z z/2z^A/2| z/2z/2B/2-[BD-G,-]/2 [DG,]/2z3/2 [dGB,G,]/2z3/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2| z/2z/2[G-E-A,D,-]/2[GEA,-D,]A,/2z [^F-D-A,D,][^FD]/2zD,3/2| ^A/2z[B-G-D-B,,]/2 [B-G-D-A,,]/2[BGDB,,]/2 (3G,,/2^F,,/2G,,/2 e/2-[eB-G-E,,-]/2[BGE,,-]/2E,,/2- E,,/2^F,,/2G,,| A,,/2B,,z/2 [^c-A-E-^C,]/2[^c-A-E-C,]/2[^cAE^C,]/2[A,,^G,,]/2 A,,/2[^f^cA^F,,-]^F,,/2 zG,,/2A,,/2-| A,,/2B,,/2^C,/2-[E,^C,]/2 z/2[d-B-^F-D,]/2[d-B-^F-D,^C,]/2[dB^FB,,]/2 ^A,,/2<B,,/2[gdBG,,-] G,,/2z/2A,,/2B,,/2-| B,,/2^C,/2D, z/2[ag^cAE,]3/2 z3/2[ag^cAA,E,]/2 z3/2[ag]/2| z/2z/2[bg]/2z/2 z/2[d'-^f-dD,A,,-D,,-][d'^fA,,D,,]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" [d'_g-d-D,A,,-D,,]/2 [gdA,,]/2zz/2| zz/2zz/2[E-A,-G,_D,-A,,] [_EA,D,]/2z_E/2- [_EA,G,-D,-A,,-]/2[G,D,-A,,-]/2[D,A,,]/2z/2| A/2z/2z/2zz/2[D_G,D,A,,D,,]3/2z3/2 [DG,D,A,,D,,]z| z/2z/2z/2G,,/2 z/2z/2[_D-_B,-G,-E,_B,,-_B,,,-] [D_B,G,_B,,_B,,,]/2z[D_B,_B,,]/2 z3/2z/2| z/2z/2z z/2[d_B-F-D_B,F,-_B,,-][_BFF,_B,,]/2 z[d_BF]/2z3/2z/2z/2| z/2z/2[e_D]/2z/2 zz/2z/2 z/2_B/2z/2z/2 z/2_B/2[G_EG,_E,]| z2 [g_e-B-GD,D,,][_e_B]/2z3/2[g-_e-c-G-C,C,,]/2[g_e-c-G]/2 [_ec-]/2c/2z/2[fF,]/2| zF,,/2z[_bd_B_B,,_B,,,]z2z/2 [_B-D-_B,-F,_B,,]/2[_BD_B,]/2z| z3/2z/2 zz/2_d/2 z/2z/2[d-_B-_B,,]/2[d-_B-]3/2[d-_B]/2d/2| z/2[d-_B-]3/2 [d_B]/2z/2z/2zz/2A/2z/2 z/2[f-d-A,,]/2[f-d-]| [fd]z/2_e/2- [_e-c-][_ec]/2z/2 z/2zz/2 zz/2[f-c-A-]/2| [f-c-A-][f-cA] f/2z/2[f-c-A-] [fcA]/2z/2z/2zz/2f/2z/2| z/2[f-_d-A-]3/2 [f-d-A]/2[fd-]/2d/2z/2 [fd_B]3/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2| e/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z/2f/2[g-d-G,,]/2[g-d-_B-][gd_B-]_B/2| z/2[g-d_B]3/2 g/2z/2z/2_B/2 z/2_b/2[ad_B]/2z/2 g/2[f-d-]/2[f-d-_B-]| [fd_B-]_B/2f/2- [fd-_B-][d_B]/2z/2 z/2f/2z/2z/2 g/2z/2z/2[f-d-A-]/2| [f-d-A-][fd-A] d/2[_ecA]z/2 zz/2zz/2z| z/2[_B-F-D-]3/2 [_BFD]z/2[_B-D-]/2 [_BF-D]/2F/2z z/2zz/2| zz/2[_B-F-D-]3/2[_BFD] z/2[_B-FD]/2_B/2z/2 zz/2z/2| z/2z/2z z/2zz/2 zz/2z/2 z/2D,,/2z/2z/2| D/2z/2D/2D,,/2 z/2F,,/2z/2F,,/2 z/2z/2F,,/2z/2 z/2A,,/2z/2A/2| z/2z/2z/2z/2 [e_dEE,D,A,,E,,]3/2z3/2[ed-AED,A,,]/2d/2 zz/2[ed]/2| e/2_g/2z/2z/2 [a_d-AA,,E,,A,,,]3/2dz/2[ad-A-A,,E,,A,,,]/2[dA]/2 zz/2z/2| z/2z/2z/2z/2 A,/2-[A,_G,-D,-][G,D,]/2 z[G-G,D,]/2[GA,]z/2z/2z/2| z/2z/2E/2z/2 z/2[A-_D-A,E,A,,-]3/2 [ADA,,]/2z/2E/2-[EDA,A,,]/2 zz/2d/2| z/2z/2z/2z/2 d/2-[d_GDB,-G,_B,,-]3/2 [_B,_B,,]/2z/2G/2-[G-D-_B,D,]/2 [GD-]/2D/2z/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" zz/2| z/2z[B^CA,E,A,,]3/2z3/2[A-^C-A,E,A,,][A^C]/2 zD,-| D,/2^A/2z [B-G-D-B,,]/2[B-G-D-A,,]/2[BGDB,,]/2G,,/2 ^F,,/2[e-B-G-G,,]/2[eBGE,,-]/2E,,/2- [gE,,]/2z/2^F,,/2G,,/2-| G,,/2A,,/2B,, z/2[A-^F-^C-A,,]/2[A-^F-^C-^G,,]/2[A^F^CA,,]/2 (3^F,,/2F,,/2^F,,/2[dA^FD,,-] D,,/2-[^fD,,]/2z/2E,,/2| ^F,,G,,/2A,,/2 z/2z/2[G-E-B,-G,,]/2[G-E-B,-]/2 [GEB,G,,]/2 (3E,,/2^D,,/2E,,/2[^cGE^C,,-]^C,,/2z| D,,/2E,,^C,,/2 F,,^C,,/2[^A-^F^C^F,,]3/2A/2z/2 [A-^F-^C^F,,-]/2[A^F^F,,]/2z| z/2zz/2 B,,/2z/2^A,,/2[f-B-^F-^C,-^G,,-]/2 [^f-B-^F-^C,-G,,-]/2[^fB^F-^C,A,,G,,]/2^F/2z/2 [^fB^F^C,G,,]z| z/2zz/2 ^C,/2^A,,/2[^f-^F-^C,-^F,,-]/2[^fA-^F^C,^F,,]A/2z [^fA^F^C,^F,,]z| zz/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 [A-D-]/2[A-^F-D]/2[A^F]/2z3/2[^f-A^F-D-]/2[^f^FD]/2| zz/2zz/2z/2z/2 z/2[^c-AEA,]^c/2 ze/2-[eA^CA,]/2| zz/2z/2 z/2z/2z z/2[B-DG,]B/2 z3/2[dGB,G,]/2| z3/2z/2 zz/2zz/2[G-E-A,D,-] [GED,]/2z3/2| [^F-D-A,D,][^FD]/2zD,3/2 ^A/2z[B-G-D-B,,]/2 [B-G-D-A,,]/2[BGDB,,]/2 (3G,,/2^F,,/2G,,/2| [eBGE,,-]E,,/2-E,,/2 z/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" G,,A,,/2 B,,/2z/2z/2[^c-A-E-^C,]/2 [^c-A-E-^C,C,]/2[^cAEA,,]/2^G,,/2A,,/2| [^f^cA^F,,-]^F,,/2z^G,,/2A,, B,,/2^C,/2-[E,^C,]/2[d-B-^F-D,]/2 [d-B-^F-^C,]/2[dB^FD,]/2B,,/2^A,,/2| B,,/2[gdBG,,-][bG,,]/2 z/2A,,/2B,, ^C,/2D,z/2 [ag^cAE,]3/2z/2| z/2[ag^cAA,E,]/2z3/2z/2[ag]/2z/2 z/2[bg]/2z/2[d'-^fdD,A,,D,,]3/2d'| z/2[d'^f-d-D,A,,D,,]/2[^fd]/2z3/2z/2zz/2z z/2[E-A,-G,-^C,A,,][EA,G,]/2| zE/2-[EA,G,-^C,-A,,-]/2 [G,^C,A,,]/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z z/2D/2-[D^F,-D,-A,,-D,,-]| [^F,D,A,,D,,]/2z3/2 [D-^F,D,-A,,D,,][DD,]/2z2z/2 [DD,]z/2[DD,]/2| z2 B/2-[B-D-B,-D,-G,,-]/2[BDB,G,-D,G,,]3/2G,/2z [B-BD-B,-G,D,G,,-]/2[BDB,G,,]/2z/2[B-G,-D,-G,,]/2| [BD-B,-G,D,-]/2[DB,D,]/2[B-^F,,-]/2[BD-B,G,^F,,]/2 D/2[B-D-D,A,,]/2[BDB,-G,]/2B,/2 B/2-[BDB,G,G,,]/2z3/2[e-G-E-C-D,-]/2[e-GE^CD,^C,-]/2[e^C,-]/2| C,/2[d-G-D-B,D,B,,]/2[dGD]/2z/2 [d-GDB,D,B,,]/2d/2z/2[dGDB,D,]/2 z/2[dGDD,]/2z d/2[GDD,]/2z| [A-D^F,D,-^F,,]/2[A-D,]/2A/2[c-D^C-A,D,A,,]/2 [^c^C]/2z/2[^cD^CA,D,A,,-]/2A,,/2 B/2-[BDB,G,D,G,,]/2z/2[AD^F,D,^F,,]/2 z[A-D-]/2[A-DA,^F,D,^F,,]/2| A[B-DB,G,D,G,,]/2B/2 z/2[B-DB,-G,D,G,,-]/2[BB,G,,]/2z/2 [B-D-B,-G,D,G,,]/2[B-DB,]/2[BA-]/2[A-D-A,^F,D,^F,,]/2 [AD]/2[G-E,,]/2[GDG,E,D,]/2z/2| z/2A/2-[A^F-D-A,-D,-D,,-]3/2[^FDA,D,D,,]/2z [A-^F-D-A,-D,D,,]/2[A^FDA,]/2z/2[A^FDA,D,D,,]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z/2[A-^FA,D,]/2A/2 z/2[A-G-E,D,E,,]/2[AGA,]/2zA/2-[AD-A,^F,D,^F,,]/2D/2 z/2[dA,]/2^F/2z/2| z/2[^fA^FDA,D,]/2z [^fA^FDA,D,]/2z[^fADA,D,]/2 z[^fADA,]/2z3/2[^f-^A-^F-^CA,-^C,-]/2[^fA-^FA,^C,]/2| ^A/2[^fA^CA,^C,]/2^F/2z/2 [^f^C^C,]/2[A^FA,]/2z [^fA^F^CA,^C,]/2z[^f^C^C,]/2 z[^f^CA,^C,]/2z/2| z3/2[^f-A-D-D,]/2 [^f-A^FD]/2^f/2z/2[g-A-GEA,E,]/2 [gA]/2z2[aA-^FA,-^F,-][AA,^F,-]/2| ^F,/2z3z/2 [d-^FDB,B,,-][dB,,]/2z/2 [e^cAEA,,]/2z[^fd-^F^F,^F,,]/2| d/2ze/2- [e^c-G-A,-A,,][^c-GA,]/2^c/2 zd/2-[d^F-DA,D,]/2 ^F/2z[d^FDA,D,-]/2| D,/2z2D/2-[DD,-]/2D,/2 z[DD,]/2z2B/2-| [B-D-B,-G,-D,-G,,-]2 [BD-B,G,D,-G,,]/2[DD,]/2z [B-D-B,-G,D,-G,,-]/2[BDB,D,G,,]/2z [BDB,G,D,G,,]/2z[B-DB,-G,D,-^F,,-]/2| [BB,D,-^F,,]/2D,/2[B-A,,]/2[BDB,G,]/2 z[B-DG,D,G,,]/2[BB,]/2 z3/2[e-G-EC-D,-^C,-]/2 [e-G^CD,^C,-]/2[e^C,][d-G-DB,D,B,,]/2| [dG]/2z/2[dDB,B,,]/2G/2 z/2[dB,D,]/2z [dD]/2z3/2 [dGDD,B,,]/2z[A-D]/2| [A-A,^F,D,^F,,]/2A[cD^CA,D,A,,]/2 z[^cD^CA,D,A,,-]/2A,,/2 z/2[B-D-B,G,D,G,,]/2[B-D]/2[BA]/2 [DA,^F,]/2z[A-D-A,^F,-D,-^F,,-]/2| [A-D-^F,D,^F,,]/2[A-D]/2A/2[BB,G,D,G,,]/2 z[B-D-B,-G,-D,G,,]/2[BDB,G,]/2 z/2[B-D-B,-G,D,G,,]/2[B-D-B,]/2[B-D]/2 [BA-D-A,^F,D,^F,,]/2[A-D]/2A/2-[AG-DG,E,D,E,,]/2| G/2z3/2 [A-^F-D-A,-D,-D,,]3/2[A^FDA,D,]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z/2[A-_G-D-A,-D,D,,]/2[AGDA,]/2 z/2A/2-[AG-DA,D,D,,]/2G/2 z/2[A-GDA,D,D,,]/2A/2z/2| z/2[A-G-D-A,-E,-D,E,,]/2[A-GDA,E,]/2A/2 z/2[A-DA,_G,D,G,,]/2A/2z[dGA,]/2z g/2[AGDA,D,]/2z| [_gADA,D,]/2z[gADA,D,]/2 z[gADA,D,]/2z3/2[g-_B-]/2[g_BG_D_B,D,]z/2g/2-[g_B-GD_B,-D,-]/2| [_B_B,_D,]/2z/2[_g_BGD_B,D,]/2z[g_BD_B,D,]/2z [g_BD_B,D,]/2z3/2 [g_BD_B,D,]/2z3/2| z/2[_g-A-D-A,-D,-]/2[g-AG-DA,D,]/2[gG]/2 z/2[g-EE,]/2[gA-G-A,]/2[AG]/2 z2 [aA-_GA,G,-][AG,]/2z/2| z4 z[d-_G-DB,,-]/2[d-G_B,,-]/2 [d_B,,-]/2_B,,/2[e_dAEA,,]/2z/2| z/2[_g-d-A-G-G,G,,]/2[gd-AG]/2d/2 z/2[e-_d-G-A,-A,,][ed-GA,]/2 d/2z2[d_GDA,D,]z/2| z[d_GDA,D,-]/2D,/2 zd/2-[dD-D,]/2 D/2z/2[d-DD,]/2d/2 z3/2[e-c-G-E-C-G,-C,-]/2| [e-c-G-E-C-G,-C,]3/2[e-cG-ECG,]/2 [eG]/2z/2[e-c-G-E-C-]/2[ecGECG,C,]/2 z[e-c-G-ECG,C,]/2[ecG]/2 z/2[e-cGECG,C,]/2e/2z/2| [e-c-G-E-CG,C,]/2[ecGE]/2z/2[e-c-G-E-CG,C,]/2 [ec-GE]/2c/2-[d-cG-D-G,G,,]/2[d-GD]/2 d/2[c-GCE,G,,E,,]/2c/2z/2 [c-G-CE,G,,E,,]/2[c-G]/2[d-c-G-DG,G,,]/2[dcG]/2| z/2[eGCG,]/2z3/2[g-_B-G_E-_B,-E,]2[g_BE_B,]/2z/2g/2- [g_B-GE-_B,-E,-]/2[_BE_B,E,]/2z/2[g-_B-GE_B,E,]/2| [g_B]/2z/2[g_BG_E_B,E,]/2z/2 [g-_B-GE_B,E,]/2[g_B]/2z/2[g-_B-G-E_B,E,-]/2 [g-_BGE,]/2g/2-[gf-_BF_B,_B,,]/2f[e-_BEG,_B,,G,,]/2e/2z/2| [_e-_B-EG,_B,,G,,]/2[e-_B]/2[f-e_B-F-]/2[f_BF]/2 z/2[g_B_B,E,]/2z3/2[_b_d_B_G,D,G,,]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z[^a-^c-A-^F,-C,-^F,,-]/2| [^a^cA^F,C,^F,,]/2z/2[aC,-]/2[c-A^F,C,^F,,]/2 c/2a/2[cA^F,C,^F,,]/2z/2 [a-c-A^F,C,^F,,]/2[ac]/2z/2[a-c-A-^F,C,^F,,-]/2 [a-cA^F,,]/2a/2-[a^g-c-GC,C,,]/2[gc]/2| ^f/2[^c^F]/2z/2^a/2- [a^f-A-^F,^F,,]/2[^fA]/2[b^fB^G,^F,G,,]/2z/2 [c'^F,]/2[^fcA,A,,]/2z [d'-^f-dB,-^F,-B,,-]3/2[d'-^f-B,^F,-B,,-]/2| [d'^f^F,B,,]/2z/2[d'^fdB,^F,B,,] z/2[d'^f-dB,^F,-B,,]/2[^f^F,]/2z/2 [d'^fdB,^F,B,,]/2z[d'^fB,,]/2 z2| [g'-d'-b-gfG,,-G,,,-]2 [g'd'bG,,G,,,]/2z/2[g'-d'-b-g-^f-G,,G,,,]/2[g'-d'-b-g^f]/2 [g'd'b]/2[g'-d'-b-g-B,,]/2[g'd'-bg^f-B,,,]/2[d'^f]/2 z/2[g'-d'-b-g-^f-D,]/2[g'd'bg^f]/2z/2| [g'd'bgG,,]/2z3/2 [e'c'geC,C,,]3/2z3/2[e-cC,C,,]/2[eE]/2 z/2[ecEC,C,,]/2z| [ecC,C,,]/2z/2e/2[cEC,C,,]/2 z[e-c-E-C,C,,]3/2[e-c-E]/2[e-c-]/2[ed-cB-E-C,,]/2 [dBEC,-]/2C,/2d/2-[d-B-E-C,-C,,-]/2| [d-B-E-C,-C,,]/2[d-B-EC,]/2[d-B-] [dc-BA-E-C,C,,]/2[cAE]/2z/2[c-A-E-]/2 [c-A-E-C,C,,][cAE]3/2[B-G-C,C,,]/2[BG]/2z/2| [B-G-]/2[B-G-C,-C,,]/2[BGC,]/2z3/2[A-^F-D-C,C,,]/2[A^FD]/2 z[A-^F-D-C,C,,] [A^FD]/2z3/2| [ADC,C,,]/2^F/2z [A^FDC,C,,]/2z[A^FDC,C,,]/2 z[A^FD-C,C,,]/2D/2 z[A-^F-D-C,C,,]| [A^FD]/2z[ADC,C,,]/2 ^F/2z/2A/2[^FDC,C,,]/2 z/2[AD]/2[^FC,C,,]/2z[AC,C,,]/2z| z3/2[B-B,,-]/2 [B^F-^D-B,,B,,,]3/2[^FD]/2 z[B-^FDB,,]/2B/2 z/2[BDB,,]/2^F/2z/2| [BB,,]/2[^F^D]/2z [B-DA,,]/2B/2z [B-G-B,,]/2[B-G-DG,G,,]/2[B-G]/2B/2- [e-B]/2[eG-E-CD,C,-]/2[GEC,-]/2C,/2| d/2[GDB,D,B,,]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z/2[dGDB,D,B,,]/2z/2| z/2[dGDB,D,]/2z/2d/2 [GDB,D,B,,]/2z[dGDD,B,,]/2 zA/2-[A-DA,^F,D,-^F,,]/2 [AD,][c-DCA,A,,]/2c/2| z/2[cDCA,D,A,,-]/2A,,/2[B-G,,]/2 [BDB,D,]/2z/2[ADA,^F,D,^F,,]/2z[A-D-A,^F,^F,,-]/2[A-DD,^F,,]/2A[B-D-B,-G,D,G,,]/2[BDB,]/2z/2| [B-DB,G,D,G,,-]/2[BG,,]/2z/2[BDB,G,D,G,,]/2 z[B-G-B,G,D,G,,-]/2[B-GG,,]/2 B/2[c-GCA,D,A,,]/2c/2z[d-G-D-B,D,B,,]3/2| [dGD]/2z[d-G-D-B,-D,B,,]/2 [dGDB,]/2z/2[d-G-DB,D,B,,]/2[dG]/2 z/2[c-G-C-A,A,,]/2[cGCD,]/2z[B-G-B,G,D,G,,]/2[B-G]/2B/2| d/2-[dGB,B,,]/2z g/2-[gBDB,]/2z [bdGDG,]/2z[bdGD]/2 z[bdD]/2z/2| z/2[bdGD]/2z2[b-^d-B-]/2[bdB^FD^F,]z[b-d-^FD^F,]/2 [bd]/2z/2[bd^FD^F,]/2B/2| z/2b/2[^dB^FD^F,]/2z[bdB^FD^F,]/2z3/2[bd^F^F,]/2z3/2b/2-[b-d-B-GDG,-]/2[bdBG,]/2| z/2c'/2-[c'd-c-ADA,]/2[dc]/2 z3/2[d'dBD-B,-][DB,]/2z3| z2 z/2[g-B-G-EE,]/2[g-BG]/2g/2 a/2-[a^f-d-ADE,D,]/2[^fd]/2b/2- [bg-d-B-B,B,,]/2[g-dB]/2g/2a/2-| [a-^f-d-c-D-D,][a-^f-d-c-D]/2[a-^fdc]/2 a/2z/2[g-B-G,-]/2[gd-BG-D-G,]/2 [dGD]/2z[gdBDG,]/2 z3/2[d-D-D,-]/2| [dDD,]/2z/2[d-D,-]/2[dDD,-]/2 D,/2z[e-c-G-E-C-G,-C,]3/2[ecGECG,]/2z[ecGECG,C,]z/2| [e-c-GECG,C,]/2[ec]/2z/2[e-cGECG,C,]/2 e/2[e-c-G-ECG,C,]/2[ecG]/2z/2 [e-c-G-]/2[ec-GE-CG,C,-]/2[c-EC,]/2c/2 [d-G-DG,G,,]/2[d-G]/2[dc-G-CE,G,,E,,]/2[cG]/2| z/2[c-G-CE,G,,E,,]/2[c-G]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z/2[eG]/2z| z/2[g-^A-G^DA,D,]2[gA]/2z/2[gAGDA,D,]z/2[g-A-GDA,-D,]/2[gAA,]/2 z/2[gAGDA,D,]/2z/2[gAGDA,D,]/2| z[g-^A-G-^DA,D,-]/2[g-AGD,]/2 g/2[f-A^FA,A,,]/2^f/2-[^fd-A-DG,A,,G,,]/2 [dA]/2z/2[d-A-DG,A,,G,,]/2[d-A]/2 [^f-dA,]/2[^fA-^F]/2A/2[AD,]/2| z3/2[^a^cA^F,C,^F,,]2z/2 [a-c-A-C,-]/2[acA^F,C,^F,,]/2z [a-c-A^F,C,^F,,]/2[ac]/2z/2[acA^F,C,^F,,]/2| z/2[^a-^c-A^F,C,^F,,]/2[ac]/2z/2 [a-c-A-^F,C,^F,,-]/2[a-cA^F,,]/2a/2-[a^gcGC,C,,]/2 z/2^f/2z [a-^f-A-^F,-^F,,]/2[a^fA^F,]/2[b^fBG,^F,G,,]/2z/2| [^c'^f^A,^F,A,,]/2z3/2 [d'-^f-dB,^F,-B,,]2 [d'^f^F,]/2[d'^fdB,^F,B,,]z[d'-^f-dB,^F,-B,,-]/2[d'^f^F,B,,]/2[d'^fdB,^F,B,,]/2| z[d'^f]/2z2[g'-d'-b-g-f-G,,-G,,,-]2[g'd'bg^fG,,G,,,]/2 z/2[g'-d'-b-g-^f-G,,G,,,]/2[g'-d'-b-g^f]/2[g'd'b]/2| [g'-d'-b-g-f-B,,B,,,]/2[g'd'bg^f]/2z/2[g'-d'-b-g-^f-D,D,,]/2 [g'd'bg^f]/2z/2[g'd'bg^fG,,]/2z3/2[e'c'-g-e-C,-C,,-]3/2[c'geC,C,,]/2z| [e-c-EC,C,,-]/2[ecC,,]/2z/2[e-cEC,C,,]/2 e/2z/2[ecEC,C,,]/2z/2 [ecE]/2[C,C,,]/2z [e-c-EC,C,,]3/2[e-c]/2| e/2-[ed-B-E-C,-C,,]/2[dBEC,]/2z/2 [d-B-E-]/2[d-B-EC,-C,,][d-BC,]/2 d-[dc-A-E-C,-C,,]/2[cAEC,]/2 z/2[c-A-E-C,-]/2[c-AE-C,C,,]| [c-E]c/2[B-G-C,-C,,]/2 [BGC,]/2z/2[B-G-]/2[B-GC,-C,,-]/2 [BC,C,,]/2z3/2 A/2-[A^FDC,C,,]/2z| A/2-[A^F-D-C,-C,,][^FD-C,]/2 D/2z[A^FDC,C,,]/2 z[A^FDC,]/2C,,/2 z/2[A^FDC,C,,]/2z| [A^FDC,C,,]/2z3/2 [A-^F-D-C,C,,][A^FD]/2z3/2[A^FDC,C,,]/2z[A^FDC,C,,]/2z| [A^FDC,]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z [ADC,C,,]/2z3/2| zB/2-[B^F-^D-B,,-B,,,]3/2[^FDB,,]/2z/2 [BB,,]/2[^FD]/2z [BDB,,]/2^F/2z/2B/2| [^F^DB,,]/2z[B-^FDA,,]/2 Bz/2[B-G-D-G,B,,G,,]/2 [B-G-D]/2[B-G]/2B/2e/2- [eG-E-C-D,-C,-]/2[GECD,C,]/2z| [d-G-DB,-D,-B,,]/2[dGB,D,]/2z/2[d-GDB,B,,]/2 d/2z/2[d-GDB,D,B,,]/2d/2 z/2[dGDB,D,]/2z [dGDB,D,B,,]/2zA/2-| [A-DA,^F,^F,,]/2A[c-DCA,A,,]/2 c/2z/2[cDC-A,D,A,,-]/2[CA,,]/2 B/2-[BDB,D,G,,]/2z/2[AD^F,D,^F,,]/2 A,/2z/2[A-D-^F,,]/2[A-DA,^F,D,]/2| A[B-D-B,G,-D,-G,,]/2[BDG,D,]/2 z/2[B-DB,G,D,G,,-]/2[BG,,]/2z/2 [BDG,D,]/2z/2[B-G-B,G,D,-G,,-]/2[B-GD,-G,,]/2 [BD,]/2[c-GCA,D,A,,]/2c/2z/2| z/2[d-G-DB,D,B,,]3/2 [dG]/2z[d-G-D-B,D,B,,]/2 [dGD]/2z/2[d-G-D-B,D,B,,]/2[dGD]/2 z/2[c-G-A,,]/2[cGCA,D,]/2z/2| z/2[B-GB,G,D,G,,]/2B/2z[d-GDG,B,,]/2d/2z[g-BGD]/2g/2z/2 b/2[dGDG,]/2z| [bdGDG,]/2z[bdGDG,]/2 z[b-dG,]/2[bBGD]/2 z3/2[b-^d-^F,-]/2 [b-dB-^F-D-^F,]/2[bB^FD]/2z/2[b-d-B-^FD^F,-]/2| [b^dB^F,]/2z/2[b^F,]/2[dB^FD]/2 z[bdB^FD^F,]/2z[bdB^F,]/2[^FD]/2z[bdB^FD^F,]/2z| z[b-d-B-GDG,-]/2[b-dBG,]/2 b/2z/2[c'-d-c-ADA,]/2[c'-dc]/2 c'/2z3/2 [d'-d-BD-B,-][d'dDB,]/2z/2| z4 z3/2[g-B-GEE,-]/2 [g-BE,]/2g/2z/2[a-^f-d-ADE,-]/2| [a^fdE,]/2z/2[b-g-d-B-D,B,,]/2[bg-d-BB,]/2 [g-d]/2g/2[a-^f-dcDD,]3/2[a-^f]/2a/2zg/2-[gd-BG-DG,]/2[dG]/2|
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z/2[g-BGDG,]/2 [gd]/2z2z/2[gdBG,,] z[gdBG,,]/2z/2| z/2[g-dB-G,,][g-B]/2 g3/2-[ge-BG-G,,]/2 [eG]/2z[e-BGG,,]/2 e3/2-[e^c-G-G,,]/2| [^c-GE]/2[^cE,,-]/2[BG-^F,,E,,]/2[GD]/2 G,,-[B-G-G,,]/2[BG-^C-A,,-][G^CA,,]/2z3/2[A-G-^C-A,,]/2[AG^C]/2z/2| [AG^C-]/2[^CA,,]/2z [B-G-D-G,,]/2[BGD]/2E,,/2-[B-D^F,,E,,]/2 [BG-]/2[GG,,-]/2G,,/2-[B-G,,]/2 [BG-^C-A,,]3/2[G^C]/2| zA/2-[AG-^C-A,,-]/2 [G^CA,,]/2z/2[A^C-]/2[G^CA,,]/2 z3/2[^A-G-D-G,,]/2 [A-GD]/2[AE,,-]/2E,,/2[A-G-D^F,,]/2| [^AGG,,-]/2G,,[A-G-]/2 [AG^C-A,,-][^CA,,]/2z3/2[AG^CA,,] z/2[AG]/2[^CA,,]/2z/2| z2 [A-^CA,,]/2A/2z/2[A-G-^C-]/2 [AG^CA,,]/2z3[A-G^CA,,]/2| A/2z3/2 [A^CA,,]z3/2z/2z z/2zz/2| [^F-D-A,-^F,D,-A,,-D,,][^FDA,D,A,,]/2z[^F-D-]/2[^FDA,^F,]/2zz/2[GA,]/2z/2 z/2[EA,]/2[^FE]/2z/2| [A-E-A,^C,A,,-^C,,][AEA,,]/2z[A-EA,^C,A,,^C,,]/2A/2zz/2[BE-]/2[^cBE-]/2 [BAE]/2z/2z/2[d-B-^F-D-B,,-^F,,-B,,,-]/2| [dB-^F-DB,,^F,,B,,,]/2[B^F]/2z [dB^FDB,,^F,,]/2zz/2 z/2z/2e/2z/2 ^f/2^g/2z/2[a-^c-A-A,,-A,,,-]/2| [a^c-AA,,A,,,]/2^c/2z3/2[A^CA,E,A,,]z2[a^F]2[^a-D-]/2| [^aD]/2z/2[bG-]/2G/2 [e'B-]/2[^d'B-]/2[e'B]/2g'/2- [g'e]
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" ^C/2>^f'/2| z/2^c-[d'^c]/2 z/2b/2[a^F-]/2^F/2- [d'a^F]/2A/2-[d'A] [^f'-d]3/2^f'/2-| ^f'/2e'/2B/2>^c'/2 ^F/2z/2a/2[gE-]/2 E/2^c'/2[c'^G-]/2[^c'^G-]/2 [e'-^G]/2[e'-^c]/2e'/2-e'/2| z/2d'/2[^c'E-]/2E/2- [d'E]/2[^c'F-]/2^F/2z/2 [^a-^f-^F-]/2[a-^f^c-^F-]/2[a^c-^F]/2^c/2 z[a-^f-^c-^F]| [^a^f^c]/2z/2a/2-[ba]/2 [^f^c^F]/2a/2[b^f^c^F-]/2^F/2 z/2[^g-fB^C]3/2 ^g/2z[^g-^f-B-^C-]/2| [^gfB^C]z/2^g/2- [^a-^g^fB^C]/2a/2^g/2[a^fB^C]/2 z/2^g/2[^fA^F]3/2z3/2| [^f-^A^F-]/2[^f^F]/2z z/2zB,/2 G,/2z/2[D-^F,-D,-B,,B,,,-]3/2[D^F,D,B,,,]/2z/2D/2-| [DB,-^F,-D,B,,B,,,]/2[B,^F,]/2z/2z/2 D/2z/2z/2^F/2 z/2[A-G-E-A,^C,A,,-^C,,-][A^G-EA,,^C,,]/2 ^G/2z[A^G-EA,^C,A,,^C,,]/2| G/2zzz/2B/2z/2 z/2[d-A-^F-DC,^C,,][dA^F]/2 z[d^GDB,,]/2z/2| z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z [a-^c-A-A,,-A,,,][a^cAA,,]/2z3/2[A-^C-A,E,A,,]| [A^C]/2z2[e-^C-]3/2 [f-e^C]/2[^fA,]/2z D/2-[^fD-]/2[b^F-D]/2[^a^F-]/2| [b-^F]/2[d'-b]/2[d'-B] d'/2z/2z/2^c'/2 ^G/2-^G/2-[a^G]/2[^gD-]/2 [^fD-]/2[D^C-]/2[^d^C-]/2[e^C]/2| [a^gE-]/2[aE][^c'-A]^c'/2-^c'/2z/2 z/2^F/2-[a^F-]/2^F/2 [^g^f^C-]/2^C/2-[e^C]/2[dB,-]/2| B,/2^g/2[gD-]/2[^gD-]/2 [bD-]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z| za/2[_aB,]z/2[aC-] [_gC]/2[f_dAD]3/2 z3/2[f-d-A-D-]/2| [f_d_AD]z/2f/2 [_gdAD]/2z/2f/2g/2 z/2z/2[aedAEB,] z2| [_a-e-d-A]/2[a-ed]/2a/2e/2 [_gdE]/2A/2z/2[gAE]/2 z/2z/2[a-_d-A-E-]/2[a-dA-E-A,-]/2 [aAEA,]/2z3/2| [a_dAEA,]/2z3/2 z/2z/2z/2G,,/2 z/2z/2[D-_B,-G,E,_B,,_B,,,-] [D_B,_B,,,]/2z[D_B,G,E,_B,,_B,,,]/2| z3/2z/2 z/2z/2G,/2z/2 z/2[d_B-F-D_B,F,-_B,,][_BFF,]/2 z[d_BFD_B,]/2z/2| zz/2z_D/2z/2f/2 zz/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2_G,/2| z/2_B/2[G_EG,E,] z3/2[ge-B-GD,D,,][e_B]/2z3/2[ge-c-G-C,C,,][ec-G]/2| cF,/2zF,,/2z [_bd_B-_B,,_B,,,]_B/2z3/2_B/2-[_BD-_B,F,_B,,-]/2| [D_B,,]/2z3/2 d/2zz/2 zz/2[d-_B-]3/2[d_B]| z/2[d-_B]3/2 d/2z/2z/2d/2 z/2z/2z z/2[f-d-]3/2| [f-d]f/2[_e-c]3/2e/2z/2 z/2[fc]/2z/2z/2 zz/2[f-c-A-F,,]/2| [f-c-A-][fcA] z/2[f-c-A]3/2 [fc]/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2f/2z/2z/2| [f-_d-A-]3/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" [f-d_B-] [f_B]/2zz/2 f/2z/2e/2z/2| z/2[g-d-_B-G,,]/2[g-d-_B-] [gd_B]z/2g/2- [g-d-_B-][gd_B]/2z/2 z/2[g_B]/2z/2_b/2| [ad_B]/2z/2g/2[f-d-]/2 [f-d-_B-][fd_B-] _B/2[f-_B-]/2[fd-_B] d/2z/2z/2f/2| z/2f/2g/2z/2 z/2[f-d-A-]3/2 [f-d-A-F,]/2[fd-A]/2d/2[_e-c-A][ec]/2z| z/2zz/2 zz/2[_B-F-D-_B,,]/2 [_B-F-D-][_BFD] z/2[_B-FD]_B/2| zz/2zz/2z z/2[_B-F-D-]3/2 [_BFD]z/2[_B-F-D-]/2| [_B-FD]/2_B/2z z/2zz/2 zz/2zz/2_B,,/2z/2| z/2_B,,,/2z/2zz/2[DD,,]/2z/2 [DD,,]/2z/2E,,/2F,,/2 z/2[F,F,,]/2z/2z/2| [F,F,,]/2G,,/2A,,/2z/2 G,,,/2A/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2[e_dAEE,D,A,,E,,]3/2z3/2| [e_d-AEE,D,A,,E,,]/2d/2z z/2[ed]/2z/2_g/2 z/2z/2[a_dAA,,E,,A,,,]2z| [a-_d-A-A,,-E,,-A,,,]/2[adAA,,E,,]/2z z/2zz/2 zz/2[A,_G,D,]3/2z| _G/2-[GA,-G,-D,][A,G,]/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 zz/2[A_DA,E,A,,]3/2z| z/2[E_DA,A,,]/2z3/2z/2d/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2[d-D-]/2 [d_GDB,G,_B,,-]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z2 [^F-D-B,D,][^FD]/2z/2| z/2zz/2 zz/2[B^CA,E,A,,]3/2z3/2[A-^C-A,E,A,,][A^C]/2| zD,3/2[^A^F]/2z [B-G-D-B,,]/2[B-G-D-A,,]/2[BGDB,,]/2 (3G,,/2^F,,/2G,,/2[eBGE,,-]E,,/2| g/2z/2^F,,/2G,,A,,/2B,, z/2[A-^F-^C-A,,]/2[A-^F-^C-^G,,]/2[A^F^CA,,]/2 (3^F,,/2F,,/2^F,,/2[dA^FD,,-]| D,,/2^f/2z/2E,,/2 ^F,,G,,/2A,,/2 z/2B,,/2[G-E-B,-G,,]/2[G-E-B,-]/2 [GEB,G,,]/2E,,/2E,,/2[^c-G-E-^C,,-]/2| [^cGE^C,,-]/2^C,,/2z D,,/2E,,[F,,-^C,,]/2 ^F,,/2^C,,/2[^A^F^C^F,,]3/2z3/2| [^A^F^C^F,,]z z/2zz/2 B,,/2z/2[fB^F^C,^G,,]3/2z3/2| [f-B-^F-^C,^G,,-]/2[^feB^FG,,]/2z z/2z/2z/2[^f^A,,]/2 z/2z/2[^fA^F^C,^F,,-]3/2^F,,/2z| [^f^A^F^C,^F,,]z2z/2z/2 z/2zz/2 [A^FD]3/2z/2| z[^f-A^F-D-]/2[^f^FD]/2 zz/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 [^c-AE-A,][^c-E]/2^c/2| z[e-A-^CA,]/2[eA]/2 zz/2zz/2z/2^F,/2 B/2-[BD-G,]D/2| zd/2[GB,G,]/2 zz/2B/2 z/2z/2z z/2[G-E-A,D,-][GED,]/2| z3/2[^F-D-A,D,][^FD]/2z D,3/2^A/2 z[BGDB,,]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" B,,/2^F,,/2 G,,/2[eBGE,,-]E,,/2| z^F,,/2G,,/2- [A,,G,,]/2B,,/2z/2z/2 [^c-A-E-^C,]/2[^c-A-E-C,]/2[^cAE^C,]/2A,,/2 ^G,,/2A,,/2[^f^cA^F,,-]| ^F,,/2zA,,B,,/2^C,/2z/2 z/2[d-B-^F-D,]/2[d-B-^F-^C,]/2[dB^FD,]/2 [B,,^A,,]/2B,,/2[gdBG,,-]| G,,/2zA,,/2 B,,/2>^C,/2D, ^F,/2[ag^cAE,-]3/2 E,/2z[ag-^c-AA,-E,-]/2| [g^cA,E,]/2zz/2 [ag]/2z/2[bg]/2z/2 z/2[d'^f-dD,A,,D,,]3/2 ^f/2z3/2| [d'-^f-d-D,-A,,-D,,]/2[d'^f-dD,A,,]/2^f/2z2z/2 z/2z/2a/2z/2 z/2^g/2z| z/2[^f-d-D,]/2[^f-d-] [^fd]3/2z/2 [^f-d-^F]/2[^f-d-][^fd]/2 z/2z/2z| z/2f/2z/2z/2 a/2-[a-^f-]3/2 [a^f]z/2[g-e-]3/2[ge]/2z/2| z/2[ae]/2z/2z/2 zz/2[a-e-^c-A,,]/2 [a-e-^c-][ae^c] z[a-e-^c-]| [ae^c]/2zz/2 zz/2zz/2[a-f-]/2[a-^f-^c-D,]/2 [a-^f-^c-][a^f-^c]/2^f/2| z/2[a-^f-d-^FD]/2[a-^f-d-] [a^fd]/2z/2z/2a/2 z/2a/2[^gd]/2z/2 z/2[b-d-]/2[b-^f-d-B,,]/2[b-^f-d-]/2| [b-^f-d-]/2[b-^f-d]/2[b^f]/2z/2 [b-^f-d-]3/2[b^fd]/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 d'/2^c'/2z| z/2[a-^f-d-D,]/2[a-^f-d-] [a^fd]z/2[a-^f-d-]3/2[a^fd]/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2|
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" zz/2| [a-^c-A,,]/2[a-^f-^c-][a-^f-^c]/2 [a^f-]/2^f[ge^c]3/2z z/2[geA]/2z/2z/2| z/2z/2z/2d/2- [d-A-^F-D,]/2[d-A-^F-][dA-^F]/2 A/2z/2d/2-[dA-^F-]/2 [A^F]/2z/2A,,/2z/2| g/2zg/2 zz/2[d-A-D,]/2 [d-A-^F-][dA^F]/2z3/2[d^F]| z/2A,,/2z/2z/2 zz/2z/2 d/2z/2A/2-[d-A^FD,]d/2z| z/2d/2[A^FDA,]/2zD,/2z [d^F]/2z[AA,]/2 zd/2-[d-A-^F-D,-]/2| [dA^FD,]^F,/2zd/2[A^FDA,]/2zD,/2z z3/2A/2| [^FDA,]/2zd/2- [dA-^F-D,-]/2[A^FD,]/2z4z/2[dA^FDA,D,]/2| z8| [d-A-^F-D-A,-D,-]8| [d-A-^F-D-A,-D,-]6 [d-A^F-D-A,-D,-][d^F-D-A,-D,]/2[^F-D-A,-]/2| [^F-DA,]/2^F/2z6z| z4 zz2z/2A,/2| z3/2z/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z3/2z2z/2z2z| z3/2[a-^FD]/2 a3/2b/2 a3/2^f/2 z2| ^F/2z3/2 [d^c-GE]/2^cB/2 ^c>e A/2-[A-^F]/2A-| A/2d/2z3/2[e-G]/2e z/2g/2[b-G]/2bz/2^F/2z/2| z[^FA,]/2z^c'/2[b-GDG,]/2b^a/2[b-GDB,]/2bd'/2a/2-[a-^FD]/2| a3/2-[a-^F]/2 az [a-^FD]/2a-[ba]/2 a3/2^f/2| z2 z/2z3/2 d/2[^c-E]/2^c B/2^c3/2| ^f/2[^f-^F^A,]/2^f2-[^f-^C]/2^fz/2[g-D]/2[g-B,]/2 [bg]/2e'/2z/2[d'GG,]/2| b/2z[^FD]/2 z3/2[^f-^FA,]/2 ^f3/2-[^fe-G]/2 e/2g/2b/2a/2| z/2g/2^c [d^FD]3z3/2[D-D,-]/2[^F-D-^F,D,-]/2[B-^FDB,D,]/2| B/2[AA,]/2[^F^F,]/2D/2 z2 z/2[EA,]/2z3/2E/2-[GE]/2^c/2| B/2z/2G/2E/2 z/2[^F-D-A,-]2[^F-DA,]^F/2 z/2[d-^F,D,]/2[^fd-]| [b-d]/2[ba-]/2[a^f]/2d/2 z/2[^c-^CE,]/2[^cA] ^f/2-[^fe^CA,]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" ^c/2A/2z/2| [^GD]/2E/2-[GE]/2e/2 d/2z/2B/2[A^C-A,-]3/2[^C-A,] [e-^c-^C]/2[e^c]z/2| [e-A-A,]/2[e-^c-A-]/2[e^c-A^C]/2[^c^F]/2 [e-^c-E]/2[e^c-^C]/2^c/2A,/2 ^f/2-[^fd-A,-][dA,-]/2 A,/2[edB^G,]z/2| z/2[e-B-^G-B,-]/2[e-BGDB,]/2[e^F]/2 z/2[e-d-BE]/2[edD]/2B,/2 z/2[^f-^cA^C-]3/2 [^f^C-]/2^C/2[e^c-A-A,]| [^cA]/2z/2[a-e-^c-A-G,]/2[a-e-^c-A-^C]/2 [ae^cA^F]/2z/2[a-e-^c-A-E]/2[a-e-^c-A-^C]/2 [ae^cAG,]/2z/2[a-d-A-^F,-]/2[a-d-AA,-^F,]/2 [adD-A,]/2D/2[b-d-B-F,-]/2[bdB-A,^F,]/2| [BD-]/2D/2[e-^c-E,-]/2[e-^c-A,E,]/2 [e^c]/2^C/2[^g-e-d-G-E]/2[g-e-dGD]/2 [ge]/2B,/2-[a-e-B,]/2[a-e-^c-A-A,]/2 [a-e-^c-A]/2[a-e-^c-][ae^c-A-^C-A,-]/2| [^cA-^C-A,-][A-^CA,]/2A/2 [^G-D-B,-]2 [G-DB,]/2[GG-E-^C-]/2[G-E^C]/2G/2 z3/2z/2| z3/2^F/2 z2 [a-^F]/2ab/2 a3/2^f/2| z2 z2 [dG]/2^c3/2 B/2^c3/2| e/2[A-^F]/2A2d/2z3/2e- e/2g/2b-| b/2z/2z2A,/2z3/2[^c'b-DG,]/2[b-G]/2 b/2z/2^a/2[b-GDB,]/2| b-[d'b]/2[a-^FD]/2 a2- [a-^FA,]/2a3/2 z/2[a-FD]/2a-| a/2^a/2[a-F]/2a^f/2[d-D]/2[d-^F]/2 d/2z[d-^FA,]/2 d/2z/2d/2[^f-A-^F^DC]/2| [fA]z/2[^fA^D^F,]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z3/2[f-^A-^FDA,]/2[^f-A-]2[a-^f-A^F-D]/2[a^f^F]/2 zd'/2-[d'^FDA,]/2| e'/2^c'[d'^G-D^A,]/2 [e'G]/2f'[aAD]/2 z2 [a-A^FA,]/2a3/2-| [a-e-AG^C]/2[a-e]/2[ag-]/2[b-g]/2 [ba]/2z/2g/2^c[a-A^F]/2a2-[a-AD]/2a/2-| a3/2[g-GDB,]/2 g/2-[b-g-]/2[e'bg]/2d'/2 G/2b/2g [^f^F]/2z3/2| z/2[a-^FA,]/2a3/2-[ae]g/2 b/2a/2z/2g/2 ^c[d-^F-D-]| [d^FD]2 z3/2[D-D,-]/2 [^F-D-^F,D,-]/2[^FDD,]/2[B-B,]/2[BAA,]/2 [^F^F,]/2[DD,]/2E/2z/2| z3/2[EA,]/2 z3/2EG/2-[^c-G-]/2[^cB-G]/2 [BG]/2z/2E/2[^F-D-]/2| [^F-D-A,-]2 [^F-D-A,-^F,]/2[^FDA,]/2z [d-^F,D,]/2[^fd]b/2- [ba-^F,]/2[a^f]/2d/2z/2| [^c-^C]/2[^cA]^f/2- [^fe-]/2[e^c]/2A/2z/2 [^GDB,]/2E/2-[GE]/2z/2 e/2d/2B/2A/2-| [A^C-A,]2 [e-^C]/2[e^c-]^c/2 [e-A-A,]/2[e-A-]/2[eA^C]/2^F/2 [e-E]/2[e-^c-^C]/2[e^c-]/2^c/2| z/2[^fdA,-]3/2 A,/2[e-d-^G,]/2[edB]/2z[e-BGB,][eD]/2 ^F/2[e-d-B-E]/2[e-dBD]/2[eB,]/2| z/2[^f-^cA^C-]3/2 [^f^C-]/2^C/2[e^c-A-A,] [^cA]/2z/2[a-e-^c-A-G,]/2[a-e-^c-A-^C]/2 [ae^cA]/2^F/2[a-e-^c-A-E]/2[a-e-^c-A-^C]/2| [ae^cAG,]/2z/2[a-d-A-^F,-]/2[a-d-AA,-^F,-]/2 [adDA,^F,]/2z/2[b-d-B-F,-]/2[bdB-A,^F,]/2 B/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" [e-^cE,][eA,]/2^C/2| [^g-e-d-G-E]/2[gedGD]/2z/2B,/2 a/2-[a-e-^c-A-A,]/2[a-e-^c-A]/2[a-e-^c-][ae-^c-A-^C-A,-]/2[e^cA-^C-A,-]/2[A-^CA,][AG-]/2[G-D-B,-]| [^GDB,]3/2[G-E^C]3/2G/2z3/2^F/2z2^F/2| z3/2a/2- a3/2b/2 a3/2^f/2 z2| z/2A,/2z d/2[^c-G]/2^c B/2^c>e[A-^F]/2A-| A[d^F]/2z3/2[e-G]/2eg/2[b-A,]/2bz/2^F/2z/2| z[^FA,]/2z3/2^c'/2[b-GDG,]/2 b^a/2[b-GDB,]/2 b-[d'b]/2[a-^FD]/2| a2- [a-^FA,]/2az[a-FD]/2a3/2z/2[^a^FA,]/2a/2-| af/2[d^FD]/2 z3/2d/2- [d^F]/2zd/2 [^fA^F^DC]/2z3/2| [fA^F^DC^F,]/2z2[^f-^A-^FDA,]/2[^f-A]2[a^f^FD]/2z3/2[d'-^FDA,]/2d'/2| e'/2^c'/2-[d'^c'^GD^A,]/2e'/2 z/2f'/2[aAD]/2z2[a-A^FA,]/2 a3/2-[a-e-AG^C]/2| [ag-e]/2g/2b/2-[ba]/2 g/2^ca/2- [a-A^F]/2a3/2- [a-A^FD]/2a/2z| z/2[g-GDB,]/2g/2-[b-g-]/2 [e'-bg]/2e'/2d'/2b/2 g/2z/2[^f^F]/2z2[a-^FA,]/2| a3/2-
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" g/2| b/2A,/2[aG]/2g/2 ^c[d-^F-D-]2[d^FD]/2z2z/2| D/2<D,/2[EE,]/2^F/2 [GG,]/2^G/2[AA,]/2G/2 A/2z/2[B-G-D-B,-G,-]2[BA-GD-B,G,D,-]/2[A^FDA,D,]/2| z3/2[d-^F,]/2 [d-^c-]/2[d^cA,]/2[BG,]/2[A^F,]/2 G/2z/2[^FD]/2z/2 [A-E]3/2[AG]/2| E/2A,/2z3/2A/2z/2^c/2 d/2^d/2z/2z/2 e/2d/2e/2^f/2| g/2^g/2z/2g/2 a/2b/2a/2g/2 ^f/2a/2g/2[^fA]/2 e/2d-d/2-| d/2-d3/2 z[GG,]/2[AA,]/2 [BB,]/2[c^C]/2[^c^C]/2d/2 [^c^C]/2[dD]/2[^f^F]/2[e-E]/2| [edD]/2[^c^C]/2[e-E]/2[ed-D]/2 [d^c^C]/2B/2[AA,G,]/2[^GG,]/2 [^F^F,]/2[EE,]/2[^DD,]/2[EE,]/2 [^F^F,]/2[GG,]/2A/2A,/2| B,/2A,/2B,/2A,/2 z/2^C/2[DD,]/2[EE,]/2 ^F/2[GG,]/2^G/2A/2 G/2[AA,]/2z/2[B-G-D-B,-G,-]/2| [B-G-D-B,-G,-]3/2[BA-GDB,G,]/2 [A^FA,D,]/2z3/2 [d-^F,]/2[d-^c-]/2[d^cA,]/2[BG,]/2 [A^F,]/2G/2D/2^F/2| z/2[A-E]3/2 [AG]/2[EA,]/2z3/2z/2z/2^c/2 d/2^d/2e/2z/2| e/2d/2e/2[^fA]/2 g/2^g/2a/2g/2 z/2[^f'D]/2e'/2d'/2 ^c'/2e'/2d'/2[^c'E]/2| b/2a-a-a3/2 z[DD,]/2[EE,]/2 [^F^F,]/2[GG,]/2^G/2[AA,]/2| [^GG,]/2[AA,]/2[^c^C]/2[B-B,]/2 [BAA,]/2[GG,]/2[BB,]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z/2[^G^G,]/2[^F^F,]/2| [EE,]/2[^F^F,]/2E/2[^F^F,]/2 [EE,]/2[DD,]/2[^C^C,]/2[B,B,,]/2 [A,A,,-]/2[^CA,,-]/2[EA,,-]/2[^GA,,]/2 A/2B/2^c/2z/2| [ed]/2^f/2^g/2a/2 ^a/2b/2a/2b/2 [a^c]/2b/2[^c'A]/2z/2 ^d'/2e'/2d'/2z/2| [^f'D]/2e'/2^f'/2e'/2 b/2B/2^G/2^g/2 [^f'^C]/2[e'E]/2[^f'^C]/2[e'E]/2 z/2^c/2z/2z/2| E/2^F/2^G/2A/2 ^A/2B/2e/2z/2 [^c'A]/2B/2^c/2d/2 ^c''/2e/2a'/2z/2| [^g'D]/2[^f'B]/2[^g'D]/2^f'/2 d'/2b/2d'/2z/2 A/2^c/2z/2z/2 z3/2z/2| zE,/2^F,/2 z/2A,/2z/2B,/2 z/2B,/2[dE,]/2^F,/2 z/2A,/2z/2B,/2| ^A,/2z/2[EDE,,]/2^F,,/2- [E^G,,^F,,]/2A,,/2^A,,/2B,,/2 A,,/2B,,/2A,,/2B,,/2 ^C,/2D,/2^D,/2E,/2| ^F,/2^G,/2[AA,]/2[BB,]/2 [c^C]/2[dD]/2[^dD]/2[eE]/2 [dD]/2e/2[f-d-A-^F-D-]2[^fdA^FD]/2[e^cA,]/2| z3/2[af-c-A-]3/2[^f-^cA]/2^f/2 [ge^c]/2z3/2 [^c'e]/2zz/2| z/2[ac]/2z/2g/2 z/2[fAD,D,,]/2z/2[e^C,,]/2 z/2d/2z/2z3/2[e-B-^G-E-E,E,,]/2[e-B-^G-E-^G,,]/2| [e-B-^G-E-B,,]/2[eB^GE-E,]/2E/2A,/2 B,/2z/2[ED]/2^F/2 ^G/2A/2^A/2B/2 A/2B/2A/2B/2| c/2d/2^d/2e/2 d/2e/2f/2e/2 d/2^c/2e/2d/2 ^c/2B/2A/2B/2| c/2d/2e/2^f/2 ^g/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" [_bC,]/2D,/2E,/2F,/2 z/2G,/2_G,/2G,/2| [aF,]/2G,/2[fA,]/2_B,/2 B,/2C/2_B,/2C/2 D/2C/2_B,/2A,/2 C/2_B,/2A,/2G,/2| F,/2G,/2A,/2_B,/2 C/2D/2E/2z/2 A/2B/2_d/2d/2 [_eG]/2e/2_e/2e/2| d/2e/2f/2g/2 _a/2a/2_a/2a/2 _b/2a/2g/2f/2 a/2g/2f/2e/2| d/2e/2[fA,]/2g/2 [aF,]/2b/2[_d'D,]/2z/2 [_e'eF,]/2G,/2A,/2_B,/2 B,/2C/2_B,/2C/2| [d'_B,]/2C/2[_b_BD]/2_E/2 E/2F/2E/2F/2 [_e'G]/2F/2E/2D/2 F/2E/2D/2z/2| F/2_E/2D/2z/2 z/2D/2C/2D/2 [c'cE]/2D/2C/2_B,/2 D/2C/2_B,/2z/2| d'/2-[d'c']/2_b/2a/2 c'/2_b/2a/2_b/2 c'/2-[c'_b]/2a/2g/2 _b/2a/2g/2a/2| _b/2a/2g/2f/2 a/2g/2f/2e/2 g/2f/2e/2d/2 f/2e/2d/2e/2| f/2e/2d/2e/2 d/2c/2B/2c/2 _B/2A/2_A/2A/2 _A/2_G/2[EA,,]/2G/2| _A/2_G/2E/2G/2 A/2G/2E/2z/2 [AE,,]/2G/2[EA,,]/2G/2 A/2G/2G/2[E-E,,]/2| [E-_G,,]/2E/2A,,/2z/2 B,,/2z/2z/2[EE,,]/2 G,,/2[E_A,,]/2A,,/2_B,,/2 B,,/2z/2_B,,/2E,,/2| _G,,/2_A,,/2A,,/2z/2 z/2z/2E,,/2e/2 G,,/2z/2A,,/2z/2 B,,/2z/2_B,,/2_B,,/2| B,,/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" D,/2^D,/2E,/2^F,/2 ^G,/2[AA,]/2[BB,]/2^c/2| d/2[^dD]/2[eE]/2[dD]/2 [eE-]/2E/2z/2[^f-d-A-^F-D-A,-]2[^f-dA-^FDA,-]/2 [^fe-^c-AE^C-A,]/2[e^c^C]/2z| [a-^C]/2a/2-[a^g-E]/2[^g^f]/2 D/2[e^C]/2[dE]/2[^cA]/2 z/2e/2-[eB-] B/2d/2[BE]/2z/2| ze/2^f/2 z/2a/2z/2b/2 z/2b/2a/2b/2 [^c'A]/2z/2^d'/2e'/2| z/2z/2[^f'D]/2[e'E]/2 [^f'D]/2e'/2b/2[^gB]/2 z/2[^gB]/2[^f'^C]/2[e'E]/2 [^f'^C]/2e'/2^c'/2a/2| z/2z/2E/2^F/2 ^G/2>A/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2[^c'A]/2B/2 z/2d/2^c''/2z/2| e/2z/2[^g'D]/2[^f'B]/2 [^g'D]/2^f'/2[d'E]/2[bd]/2 d'/2z/2b/2z/2 A/2z[^c''A,]/2| zz [^g'D]/2[^f'B]/2[^g'D]/2[^f'B]/2 [d'E]/2[bd]/2d'/2b/2 b/2z/2A/2z/2| z/2[e''A,]/2z z3/2[^g'D]/2 [^f'B]/2[^g'D]/2[^f'B]/2[d'E]/2 [bd]/2d'/2z/2[bA]/2| z/2A/2z/2z/2 zz3/2[aA,]/2B,/2^C/2 D/2^D/2E/2D/2| z/2A,,/2B,,/2z/2 D,/2z/2E,/2^D,/2 E,/2D,/2E,/2^F,/2 ^G,/2A,/2B,/2^C/2| D/2^D/2E/2^F/2 ^G/2A/2B/2^c/2 d/2^d/2 (3e/2d/2e/2 ^f/2^g/2z/2b/2| a/2b/2a/2b/2 a/2b/2a/2b/2 a/2b/2a/2b/2 a/2b/2z/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" b/2a/2b/2 a/2b/2a/2b/2| a/2b/2a/2b/2 a/2b/2a/2b/2 z/2^f/2^F/2z3/2[d-^F]/2d/2-| d/2z/2z/2^c/2 (3B/2^c/2d/2^c/2d/2 e/2<^c/2[A-^F]/2A3/2-[dA]/2^F/2| z3/2e/2 g/2e/2g/2b/2 a/2b/2z/2z2[a-^FA,]/2| az/2[aGDB,]/2 g/2a/2b/2[^c'GG,]/2 d'/2^c'/2b/2[a-^FD]/2 a2-| [a-^F]/2az/2 a/2b/2z/2b/2 a/2b/2z/2^f/2 z2| d2- [d^c]/2B/2^c/2d/2 ^c/2d/2e/2f/2 [^f-^F]/2^f3/2-| ^f/2-[^f-^C]/2^f/2z[gDB,]/2b/2g/2 b/2e'/2d'/2b/2<g/2z3/2| z[^f-^FA,]/2^f3/2e/2g/2 e/2g/2b/2a/2 z/2^c/2[d-^F-D-]| [d-^FD-]3/2[dD]/2 z3/2[DD,]/2 [^F^F,]/2[DD,]/2[^F^F,]/2[BB,]/2 [AA,]/2[^F^F,]/2D/2z/2| z2 [EA,]3/2z/2 E/2G/2E/2G/2 ^c/2B/2G/2z/2| [^F-D-A,-]2 [^F-DA,]^F/2z/2 d/2^f/2d/2^f/2 [b^F,]/2a/2^f/2d/2| [^c^CE,]/2A/2^c/2A/2 [^fA,]/2e/2-[e^c]/2A/2 ^G/2E/2G/2E/2 G/2e/2d/2<B/2| [A^C]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z [e^c]3/2z/2| [e-^c-A-A,]/2[e-^c-A-^C]/2[e^cAA,]/2^C/2 [e-^F]/2[e^c-E]/2[^c^C]/2z[^fdA,-]3/2 A,/2-[edA,^G,]/2B/2z/2| z/2[e-B-^G-B,]/2[eB-GD]/2[BB,]/2 D/2[e-d-B^F]/2[edE]/2D/2 B,/2z/2[^f-^cA^C-]3/2[^f^C-]/2[e-A-^C-]/2[e^c-A^CA,]/2| ^c/2z/2[a-G,]/2[ae-^c-A-]/2 [e-^c-A-^C]/2[e^cAG,]/2^C/2[a-e-^c-A-]/2 [a-e-^c-A-E]/2[ae^cA^C]/2z/2[a-d-A-^F,]/2 [a-d-AA,]/2[ad^F,]/2D/2[b-d-B-F,]/2| [bd-B-A,]/2[dBF,]/2A,/2<D/2 [e-^c-E,]/2[e-^c-^C]/2[e^cA,]/2^C/2 [^g-e-d-G-]/2[gedG]/2z/2^C/2- [a-e-^c-A^CA,]/2[a-e-^c-]3/2| [a-e-^c-A-]/2[ae^cA-^C-A,-]/2[A^CA,]3/2[^G-D-B,-]2[G-DB,-]/2[GB,]/2[G-E^C-][G-^C]/2G/2z/2| z/2^F/2z2z2a/2b/2 a/2b/2a/2z/2| z/2^f/2z2z/2d-d/2z/2^c/2 B/2^c/2d/2^c/2| d/2e/2^c/2[A-^F]/2 A3/2-[dA]/2 z2 e/2g/2e/2g/2| b/2a/2b/2z/2 z2 [a-^FA,]/2a3/2 [aGDB,]/2g/2a/2b/2| [^c'GDG,]/2d'/2^c'/2b/2 [a-^FD]/2a2-[a-^FA,]/2a z[aF]/2D/2| ^a/2a/2^a/2a/2 ^a/2z/2f/2d/2 z3/2[d-A,]/2 [d-^F]/2d/2z| [fA-^F^DC]/2[eA-]/2[^fA]/2e/2 [gA-^FD^C^F,]/2[^fA-]/2[gA]/2z/2 [^f-D^A,]/2[^f-A-^F]/2[^f-A-]3/2[a-^fA^FD]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" [d'FD]/2[e'-^A,]/2| [e'd']/2^c'/2[d'^G-^A,]/2[e'GD]/2 f'/2d'/2[A^FD]/2z2[a-A^FA,]/2 a3/2-[a-e^C]/2| [ag]/2e/2g/2[bG]/2 a/2g/2^c [a-A^F]/2a3/2- [a-^FD]/2a3/2| z/2[gGDB,]/2z/2b/2>g/2b/2z/2d'/2 z/2g/2[^f^F]/2z2[a-^FA,]/2| a3/2-[ae]/2 g/2e/2g/2b/2 a/2g/2e [d-^F-D-]2| [d^F-D-]/2[^FD]/2z3 z/2[d-B-]/2[dBG-]/2G/2 z/2[eG]/2B/2z/2| [^fBG]/2z/2g/2[BG]/2 z[g-B-G-G,,]/2[g-BG]/2 [g-G,]/2[g-B]/2[gG]/2G,/2 [BGD]/2z/2[BG]/2G,/2| [g-^AG]/2[gG,]/2[^cAA,]/2[GG,]/2 [^cE]/2G,/2^c/2[AG]/2 G,/2[d-G,,]/2[d-B-G-]/2[d-B-G-G,]/2 [d-B-G-]/2[d-B-G-G,]/2[d-B-G-D]/2[d-B-G-]/2| [dBGB,]/2G,/2z/2[e-E-]/2 [e-BG-E-]/2[eGE]/2[dD-]/2[BGD]/2 z/2[BGB,]/2z/2[GG,]/2 z[B-G-DD,,]/2[B-GD,]/2| [BA]/2[^FD]/2z/2[A^FDA,]/2 D,/2A/2D,/2[e-A,,]/2 [e^AG]/2z/2[^cAG,]/2E,/2 [^cA]/2E,/2^c/2E,/2| [d-^F-D,,]/2[d-A-^F-D,]/2[d-A-^F-]/2[d-A-^F-D,]/2 [d-A-^F]/2[d-A-A,-]/2[d-A-A,-D,]/2[dA^CA,-]/2 [A,D,]/2z/2[d-AFD]/2d/2 [d-A^FD]/2d/2e/2-[eA^FE]/2| z/2[fA^F]/2z ^f/2-[^f^G-E-E,,]/2[GEE,]/2z/2 [BGEG,]/2E,/2[BGED]/2z/2 [BGE]/2E,[c-A,,]/2| [cAE]/2E,/2[^cAE]/2E,/2 [dAE]/2z/2[eGE]/2E,/2 z/2[e-^F-DD,,]/2[e^F]/2z/2 [AD]/2D,/2[A^FD^C]/2D,/2| [A^FD^F,]/2D,3/2 [BGG,]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z/2 D,/2[e-GDC]/2e/2D,/2 [dGD]/2D,/2[B-GD]/2[BD,]/2| z/2[d-^FD]/2[d-D,]/2[dA^FD^F,]/2 D,/2[A^FDC]/2D,/2[A^F,]/2 ^F/2<D,/2B/2-[BGDG,-][G,D,]/2[eGDC]/2z/2| D,/2[dGB,]/2D,/2[BGD]/2 D,/2[d-^FD-D,,]/2[dD-D,]/2[A^FDA,]/2 z/2D,/2[dA^FD]/2D,/2 z/2[d-^A-C]/2[dA-^F]/2[AD,]/2| z/2d/2-[dBGB,-G,-]/2[B,G,]/2 [eBG]/2z/2^f/2-[^fBG]/2 z/2[g-B-G]/2[gB]/2z/2 [g-B-GG,,]/2[g-B]/2[g-G,]/2[gBG]/2| z/2[BGD]/2G,/2[BG]/2 G,/2[g-G,,]/2[g^AG]/2G,/2 [^cAG]/2z/2[cAGE]/2G,/2 [cAG]/2G,/2[d-B-G-G,,]/2[d-B-G-G,]/2| [d-B-G-]/2[d-B-G-G,]/2[d-B-G-D]/2[d-B-G-G,]/2 [d-BG]/2[dD-B,]/2D/2[fBG^F]z/2[e-BGE]/2e/2 ^f/2[BG^F]/2z/2[g-BG-]/2| [gG]/2z/2[f-cGC,]/2^f/2- [^fe-cC]/2[e-G]/2[ed]/2z/2 [cG,]/2[GE]/2z/2[c-GDD,,]/2 c/2[B-GDG,]/2[BD,]/2d/2| [^FDB,]/2D,/2[c-^FD]/2[cD,]/2 [B-G,,]/2[BGDD,]/2z/2z/2 D,/2[d-BGG,]/2[d-B,]/2[e-dBGD]/2 [eE]/2[f-B^F]/2^f/2z/2| [e-BGE-]/2[eE-]/2E/2[f-^F-]/2 [a-^f^F-]/2[aA-^F-]/2[A^F]/2[g-BG]/2 g/2z[^f-cG-C,-]/2 [^f-GC,]/2[^fG,]/2[eG]/2z/2| [dGFB,]/2z/2[cGEC]/2z/2 [cD,,]/2[GD]/2z/2[BGD]/2 D,/2[c^FDA,]/2C/2-[A^FDC]/2 D,/2z/2[G-D-B,-G,,-]/2[G-D-B,-G,,-]/2| [G-D-B,-G,G,,-]/2[G-D-B,-D,G,,-]/2[G-D-B,G,G,,]/2[GDD,]/2 G,,/2A,,/2[^A,-A,,]/2[A,A,A,,]/2 [G,G,,]/2[A,A,,]/2[^A,A,,]/2[G,G,,]/2 [A,A,,]/2[G,G,,]/2[GG,]| z/2G,,/2z/2G,,/2 z/2G,,/2z/2[G-^D-C-D,,]/2 [G-D-C-D,,]/2[G^DCG,C,,]/2D,,/2^D,,/2 C,,/2D,,/2C,,/2[G-G,,-]/2| [GD-B,^A,G,,-]/2[D-G,,]/2D/2z/2 G,,,/2z/2z [d-D]/2[d^c^G-]/2[BG]/2c/2 [dG]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" B/2[dF]/2z| [_gdBGG,D,_B,,G,,]/2z/2_B,/2z/2 _B,/2zz[G_D_B,]/2_G/2[AD]/2 G/2z_B,/2| z/2[B,_G,_B,,]/2z/2z3/2[GDD,,]/2z/2 D,/2z/2[G_B,_B,,]/2[A,A,,]/2 [G,G,,]/2[A,A,,]/2[_B,_B,,]/2[G,G,,]/2| [_B,_B,,]/2[G,G,,]/2[GG,] G,,/2zG,,/2 z/2G,/2z/2[G-_E-C-E,,]/2 [G-E-C-D,,]/2[GECG,C,,]/2D,,/2E,,/2| C,,/2[G,_E,,]/2C,,/2[GD-_B,-G,,-]/2 [D-_B,-G,,-E,,]/2[D_B,G,,G,,,]/2z zz/2z/2 [f-_A,,]/2[feB]/2[d_B]/2e/2| [f_A]/2[dB-]/2[f_B]/2d/2 z/2[afdAA,F,D,A,,]/2z/2z/2 zD/2z/2 D/2z/2[_BE]/2A/2| c/2_B/2z zd/2[AFDA,D,]/2 z/2zzz3/2| [AF-C-F,-]/2[_AF-C-F,-]/2[_BFCF,-]/2F,/2 zz [c-C,]/2[cE-]/2E/2-[GE]/2 z/2zz/2| z/2[_BG-G,]/2[AG-]/2[cG]/2 z/2zzd/2_G/2A/2 z/2A/2z/2z/2| z[d_B-_B,]/2[_d_B-]/2 [e_B]/2d/2d/2z/2 d/2z/2[f-A-F,]/2[fA-]/2 [cAG,]/2z/2c/2z/2| c/2zg/2- [gG-E,-][eGE,]/2z/2 zz3/2[_BF-CF,-]/2[AF-F,-]/2[dF_B,F,]/2| z/2zz[c-D_B,,]/2[cA,,]/2z/2 [C,_B,,]/2[GE]/2z A/2z/2[FA,-F,,-]/2[EA,F,,]/2| [GA,]/2z/2[FF,,]/2z/2 [FA,_E,,]/2z[_G-D-C-A,D,,]/2 [GDC]/2z/2[GDCD,,]/2z/2 [GDCD,,]/2z/2[GD]/2z/2| z/2[d-A-_GDCA,D,]/2[dA]/2[dAGDCA,D,]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z/2 [dC]/2z/2z| z/2[^A,-A,,]/2[A,A,A,,]/2[G,G,,]/2 [A,A,,]/2[^A,A,,]/2[G,G,,]/2[A,A,,]/2 [G,G,,]/2[G-G,-]/2[G-G,]/2G/2 G,,/2z/2G,,/2z/2| z[G-^D-C-D,,]/2[G-D-^C-D,,]/2 [G^D^CG,^C,,]/2D,,/2^D,,/2^C,,/2 [G,D,,]/2^C,,/2[GD-^A,-G,,-]/2[D-A,-G,,]/2 [DA,]/2zG,,,/2| z/2z[d-D]/2 [d^c^G]/2B/2^c/2[dF]/2 B/2[d^F]/2z [^fdB^F-^F,-D,B,,^F,,]/2[^F^F,]/2z/2B,/2| z/2zB,/2 z/2[G^CB,]/2^F/2A/2 G/2zz[B,^F,B,,]/2z/2z/2| z[^FD]/2z/2 D,/2z/2[G^A,A,,]/2[A,A,,]/2 [G,G,,]/2[A,A,,]/2[^A,A,,]/2[G,G,,]/2 [A,A,,]/2[G,G,,]/2[GG,]| zz/2G,,/2 z/2[G,G,,]/2z/2[G-^D-C-D,,]/2 [GD^C-D,,]/2[^CG,^C,,]/2D,,/2^D,,/2 ^C,,/2[G,D,,]/2^C,,/2[GD-^A,-G,,-]/2| [D-^A,-G,,-]/2[DA,G,,]/2z G,,,/2z/2z [f-B-^F-^G,,G,,,]/2[^feB-^F]/2[dB-]/2[eB]/2 [^fG]/2[dB-]/2[^fBG]/2z/2| z/2[afdAA,^F,D,A,,]/2z/2zzz/2 z[a-^d-A-C,^C,,]/2[a^gd-A-]/2 [^fdAD,,]/2g/2a/2^f/2| [ac]/2z3/2 [^c'a-^f-^c-^C-A,^F,^C,]/2[a^f^c^C]/2z/2^C/2 z/2z[^c^F]/2 z/2[d^G^FB,]/2^c/2[eGB,]/2| d/2[^cBF]/2z [^c^F]/2z[^f-^c-A-^F^C-^F,-]/2 [^f^cA^C^F,]/2z/2[^cA^F]/2z/2 [^cA^F]/2z/2^c/2z/2| ^f/2-[^f^cA^F]/2z/2[^cA]/2 z/2[^cA^F]/2z/2[^cA-]/2 A/2z/2[^f-d-]/2[^fdc-D-]/2 [^cD-]/2[dD-]/2[^cAD-]/2D/2-| [dA^FD-]/2D/2-[dcA^FD-]/2D[^fd^c^F]/2z/2[d^cD]/2 z[d^c^FD]/2z/2 [d^cA]/2z[^fd]/2| [^FD-]/2D/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" [dA-^F]/2A/2 z/2[dBG]/2z/2[d-cA]/2 d/2z[d-BG]/2 d/2[eBGE-]/2E/2z/2| [^f-B-G^F-]/2[^fB^F]/2z/2[gB-G]/2 B/2z/2g/2-[g-B-G-G,,]/2 [g-BGG,]/2g/2[BG]/2z/2 [BGD]/2G,/2[BG]/2G,/2| z/2[g-^AGG,,]/2[gG,]/2[^cAG]/2 z/2[cAGE]/2G,/2[cAG]/2 z/2[d-G-G,,]/2[d-B-G-]/2[d-B-G-G,]/2 [d-B-G-]/2[d-B-G-]/2[d-B-G-D]/2[dB-G]/2| [BB,]/2G,/2z/2[e-BGE-]/2 [eE]/2[dD-]/2[BGD]/2z/2 [BGB,]/2z/2[GG,]/2z[B-G-DD,,]/2[BGD,]/2[A^FD]/2| z/2[ADA,]/2[^FD,]/2A/2 D,/2z/2[e-^AGA,,]/2e/2 [^cAG,]/2E,/2[cA,]/2[AGE,]/2 c/2E,/2z/2[d-A-^F-]/2| [d-A-^F-D,]/2[d-A-^F-]/2[d-A-^F-D,]/2[d-A-^FA,-]/2 [dA-A,-D,]/2[A^CA,-]/2[A,D,]/2d/2- [dAFD]/2z/2[dA^FD]/2z/2 [e-A]/2[e^FE-]/2E/2[^fA^F]/2| z3/2[f-^G-E-E,,]/2 [^fGE]/2E,/2z/2[BGEG,]/2 E,/2[BGED]/2E,/2[BG]/2 E,[c-A-A,,-]/2[cAE-A,,]/2| E/2[cAEA,]/2z/2[dAE]/2 z/2[eGE]/2z/2E,/2 [e-^F-]/2[e^FD-D,,]/2[DD,]/2A/2 [DD,]/2A/2[^FDC]/2D,/2| A/2D,B/2- [BG-D-G,-]/2[GDG,-]/2[G,D,]/2e/2 [DC]/2D,/2[dGD]/2D,/2 [BD]/2D,/2z/2[d-^F-D]/2| [d^F]/2[A^FD^F,]/2z/2[A^FDC]/2 z/2D,/2[A^F^F,]/2D,[BGDG,-][G,-D,]/2 G,/2[eDC]/2z/2D,/2| [dGDB,]/2D,/2[BD]/2D,/2 d/2-[d^F-D-D,]/2[^FD-]/2[A^FD]/2 D,/2d/2[A^FA,]/2D,/2 [d^A]/2[^FC]/2D,/2z/2| z/2[d-BGB,-G,-]/2[dB,-G,]/2[eB,]/2 [B-G]/2B/2[^fB-G]/2B/2 [gBG]/2z[g-BG,,]/2 [g-G]/2[g-G,]/2[gBG]/2z/2| [BG]/2G,/2[BG]/2G,/2 [g-G]/2[g^AG,]/2[^cAG]/2z/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" G,/2[^c^AG]/2G,/2[d-B-G-]/2 [d-B-G-G,]/2[d-B-G-]/2[d-B-G-G,]/2[d-B-G-]/2 [d-B-G-G,]/2[d-BG]/2[dB,]/2G,/2| [f-BG^F]^f/2[e-BE]/2 [eG]/2^f/2[BG^F]/2z/2 [gBG]/2z[^f-c-G-C,-]/2 [^f-cGC,]/2[^fe-cC]/2[e-G]/2[ed]/2| z/2c/2-[cGE]/2z/2 [c-GDD,,]/2c/2[BGDG,]/2D,/2 d/2[^FDB,]/2D,/2[c-^FDA,]/2 c/2B/2-[BG-DG,,]/2[GD,]/2| z/2D,/2[d-BG]/2[d-B,]/2 [e-dBGD]/2[eE]/2z/2[f-B^F]/2 ^f/2[eBGE]/2z [^f-^F-]/2[^fB-G^F-]/2[aB-A^F-]/2[gB^F]/2| G/2z[f-c-GC,-]/2 [^f-cC,]/2^f/2[eG]/2z/2 [dG^FB,]/2z/2[cGE]/2z/2 [cD,,]/2[GD]/2B/2[GD]/2| D,/2[c^FDA,]/2z/2[AC]/2 z[G-D-G,,-]/2[G-D-B,-G,,-]/2 [G-D-B,-G,G,,-]/2[GD-B,-D,G,,-]/2[DB,G,,-]/2[G,G,,-]/2 G,,/2-[BB,G,G,,]/2D,| [B-D-C-G,,-]/2[BDCD,G,,-]/2G,,/2-[cDC^F,G,,-]/2 [D,G,,-]/2[AG,,-]/2G,,/2-[A^F,G,,]/2 D,[BADB,-G,,-]/2[B,D,G,,-]/2 G,,/2-[BG,G,,-]/2G,,/2-[GDG,,-]/2| G,,/2-[GG,,]/2D,/2[G-G,,-]/2 [GDCG,,-]/2G,,/2[^FA,D,]/2ze/2-[e^FC]/2z/2 [dAC]/2D,/2z/2[d-B-G-G,,-]/2| [d-B-G-D,G,,-]/2[dBGG,,-]/2[D,G,,-]/2G,,/2- G,,/2-[D,G,,-]/2[BDB,G,G,,]/2D,/2 z/2B/2-[BD-CG,,-]/2[DD,G,,-]/2 G,,/2-[cDCG,,-]/2[D,G,,-]/2[ADCG,,-]/2| G,,/2-[A^F,G,,]/2[CD,-]/2D,/2 [ADB,G,,-]/2[D,G,,-]/2G,,/2-[BDB,G,,-]/2 G,,/2-[GG,G,,-]/2G,,/2[GD,]/2 z/2[G-G,,-]/2[GG,,-]/2G,,/2-| [^F-DCA,G,,-]/2[^FD,G,,-]/2[BCG,,-]/2[D,G,,-]/2 [AG,,]/2D,/2z/2[G-D-B,-G,,-]/2 [G-D-B,-G,,-]/2[G-D-B,-G,G,,-]/2[G-D-B,-G,,-]/2[G-DB,-G,G,,]/2 [GB,D,]/2G,,/2z/2A,,/2| [^A,A,,]/2[A,A,,]/2[G,G,,]/2[A,A,,]/2 ^A,/2[G,G,,]/2A,,/2[G,-G,,]/2 [A,G,A,,]/2[A,A,,]/2G,/2G,,/2 [A,A,,]/2^A,/2G,/2[A,A,,]/2| z[^A-G-A,,]/2[^A-G-E-^C]/2 [A-GEE,,]/2[AAEA,,,]/2z/2[AGEA,,]/2 z/2[AA,,]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z/2 [A-G-E-^C-]/2[A-G-E-^C-E,,]/2[A-G-E-^C-A,,,]/2[A-G-E-^C-E,,]/2 [AGE^CA,,]/2z/2A,,/2z/2| z/2[^A,-A,,]/2[A,A,A,,]/2[G,G,,]/2 [A,A,,]/2z/2[G,G,,]/2[^A,A,,]/2 G,/2-[A,G,A,,]/2z/2[A,A,,]/2 [G,G,,]/2[A,A,,]/2z/2G,/2| ^A,,/2G,,A/2- [A-E-^CA,,]/2[^AEE,,]/2A/2[^CE,,A,,,]/2 z/2[AE]/2z/2A/2 A,,,/2[A-G-E-^C-A,,]/2[A-G-E-^C-E,,]/2[A-G-E-^C-A,,,]/2| [A-G-E-^C-E,,]/2[A-G-E-^C-A,,]/2[A-G-E-^C-A,,,]/2[A-G-E-^C-A,,]/2 [A-G-E-^C-A,,,]/2[A-G-E-^C-A,,]/2[A-G-E-^C-]/2[A-G-E-^C-A,,,]/2 [A-G-E-^C-A,,]/2[A-G-E-^C-A,,,]/2[A-GE^C-A,,]/2[A^C-A,,,]/2 [^CA,,]/2A,,,-[A-A,,A,,,]/2| [AA,]^C/2E/2 [AG,-E,-A,,-]/2[A,G,-E,-A,,-]/2[AG,-E,-A,,-]/2[A,G,-E,-A,,-]/2 [G,-E,-A,,-]/2[^c-G,E,A,,]/2[^c^C]/2E/2 A/2[G,-E,-A,,-]/2[G,-E,-A,,-]/2[^cG,-E,-A,,-]/2| [G,E,A,,]/2e/2-[eE]/2A/2 ^c/2[eG,-E,-A,,-]/2[EG,-E,-A,,-]/2[eG,E,A,,]/2 za/2-[aA]/2 ^c/2e/2[aE-^C-A,-]/2[AE-^C-A,-]/2| [aE-^C-A,]/2[AE^C]/2a/2-[aA-]/2 [^dA]/2^f/2-[a^f^F-D-A,-]/2[A^F-D-A,-]/2 [a^F-D-A,-]/2[A^FDA,]/2a/2-[aA-]/2 [eA]/2g/2[aG-E-A,-]/2[AG-E-A,-]/2| [aGE-A,]/2[AE]/2a/2-[aA-]/2 [eA-]/2[gA]/2[aG-E-A,-]/2[AG-E-A,-]/2 [aG-E-A,-]/2[AG-E-A,-]/2[aG-E-A,-]/2[^cG-E-A,-]/2 [aG-E-A,-]/2[^cG-E-A,-]/2[aG-E-A,-]/2[eG-E-A,-]/2| [aG-E-A,-]/2[eGE-A,]/2[aE]/2g/2 a/2g/2a/2^g/2 a/2g/2b/2a/2 b/2a/2b/2a/2| b/2a/2b/2a/2 b/2a/2b/2a/2 b/2a/2b/2a/2 d'/2a/2^g/2b/2| a/2^f/2z/2[d-^FD]/2 d/2z/2A,/2d/2 [e^FD]/2d/2-[^fdA,]/2e/2 [dGE]/2^c/2B/2A/2| B/2[^cG]/2z/2d/2 e/2[A-^FD]/2A/2B/2 [AA,]/2z/2[BA^FD]/2z/2 [^fA,]/2d/2[^cGE]/2d/2| [eGA,]/2^f/2[gG^C]/2a/2 b/2z/2a/2-[a^FD]/2 z/2[b^FA,]/2a/2[b^FD]/2 a/2[d'A,]/2z/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" b/2| z/2[bG,]/2^c'/2[bGD]/2 g'/2d'/2b/2[a-^FD]/2 a/2z/2b/2a/2 [b^FD]/2a/2[b^F]/2a/2| [b^FD]/2a/2d'/2[a^FA,]/2 [^g^F]/2[bD]/2a/2[^f^FA,]/2 z/2[d-^FD]/2d/2[e^FA,]/2 d/2[e^FD]/2d/2-[^fd^FA,]/2| e/2[dGE]/2^c/2B/2 A/2[BG]/2^c/2[dG]/2 e[^f-^F^A,]/2^f/2 z/2f/2^f/2[f^FA,]/2| ^f/2[f^C^A,]/2^f/2[gD]/2 b/2[e'G]/2d'/2-[d'^c'G]/2 b/2a/2g/2z/2 [^f-^FD]/2^f/2a/2^f/2| [a^FD]/2^f/2[a^FA,]/2^f/2 [eG^C]/2^f/2[gG]/2b/2 a/2[G^C]/2g/2^f/2 e/2[d-^FD]/2d/2e/2| d/2^F/2[eD]/2d/2 e/2z/2[DD,]/2[EE,]/2 [^F^F,]/2[BB,]/2[AA,]/2[^F^F,]/2 E/2z[E-A,-]/2| [EA,-]/2[^FA,-]/2[EA,-]/2[^FA,-]/2 [EA,-]/2[^FA,]/2z/2E/2 ^F/2[GG,]/2^c/2B/2 A/2G/2z/2D,/2| [^F-D-A,-^F,]/2[^FDA,-]/2[FA,^F,A,,]/2z/2 [F^F,D,]/2^F/2[A^F,A,,]/2^c/2 d/2e/2^f/2b/2 a/2^f/2[eA,^F,]/2d/2| [^c^CA,]/2B/2[A^CE,]/2z/2 [^CA,]/2^c/2E,/2A/2 [^GD]/2^F/2[ED]/2z/2 D/2d/2z/2B/2| z/2[A^C-A,-][B^C-A,-]/2 [A^C-A,]/2[e^c^C]/2z [e^c]/2z/2[e^cAA,]/2B,/2 [e^cA^C]/2^F/2[e^cE]/2z/2| [e^c]/2z[^f-dBA,-]/2 [^fA,]/2[^fB,]/2[dBA,]/2e/2 [dB]/2^G,/2z/2[eBGB,]/2 ^C/2[eBD]/2^F/2[edBE]/2| D/2[ed^C]/2B, [^f-^cA^C-]/2[^f^C]/2[^f^cAC]/2z/2 [e^cAE]/2^C/2B,/2A,/2 [aG,]/2[e^cA]/2A,/2[ae^cA]/2| ^F/2[ae^cAE]/2z/2[ae^cAA,]/2 G,/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" [adA^F,-]/2[^G,^F,]/2| [adAA,]/2D/2-[bdD]/2[BF,]/2 ^G,/2[bdBA,]/2D/2[e^cE,]/2 z/2e/2^C/2[ged]/2 z/2[geG]/2B,/2a/2-| [a-e-^c-A-A,]/2[a-e-^c-A-]/2[a-e-^c-A]/2[a-e-^c-]/2 [ae-^c-A^C]/2[e-^c-A,]/2[e^cA]/2[^CA,]/2 z/2[^GDB,]/2z/2[GD]/2 z[GE^C]/2z/2| [G^C]/2z3/2 [^FD]/2z/2z/2A,/2 z/2[^FD]/2z/2[^FA,]/2 z/2b/2[^FD]/2a/2| [d'^FA,]/2a/2[^g^FD]/2b/2 [a^FA,]/2^f/2z/2[d-^FD]/2 d/2[e^FA,]/2d/2[e^FD]/2 d/2[^fA,]/2e/2[dGE]/2| ^c/2B/2A/2[BG^C]/2 ^c/2d/2e/2z/2 [A-^FD]/2A/2[BA,]/2A/2 [B^FD]/2A/2[^fA,]/2d/2| [^cGE]/2d/2[eG]/2^f/2 [gG^C]/2a/2b/2z/2 a/2-[a^FD]/2z/2[bA,]/2 a/2[b^FD]/2a/2[d'^FA,]/2| ^c'/2[^c'GD]/2b/2^a/2 b/2^c'/2[bGD]/2g'/2 [d'B,]/2b/2[a-^FD]/2a/2 z/2[b^FA,]/2a/2[b^FD]/2| a/2[b^FA,]/2z/2a/2- [^aa]/2[^F-D-]/2[a^FD]/2[d'A,]/2 a/2[FD]/2z/2a/2 ^f/2[d-^FD]/2d/2z/2| [eA,]/2d/2[eF]/2d/2 [e^FD]/2d/2[g^F^D]/2^f/2 [eA,]/2^f/2[gDC]/2a/2- [^aa^C^F,]/2^c'[d'-^FD^A,]/2| d'/2[^c'D]/2d'/2[^c'FD^A,]/2 d'/2[e'^FD]/2d'/2z/2 [e'^GDA,]/2d'/2[^f'^FDA,]/2e'/2 [d'GDA,]/2e'/2[^f'G^FDA,]/2g'/2| z[a'-A-D-]/2[a'-A^FDA,]/2 a'/2-[a'-A^FD]/2a'/2^f'/2- [a'^f'A^FA,]/2^f'/2[a'^F]/2^f'/2 z/2[e'-AG^C]/2[^f'e']/2[g'A,]/2| b'/2-[b'a'^C]/2[g'G]/2[^f'AA,]/2 e'[a'-AA,]/2[a'-^F]/2 a'/2[AD]/2^f'/2[a'A^FA,]/2 ^f'/2d'/2^c'/2[bGDG,]/2| d'/2[g'-B,]/2[g'^f'GD]/2z/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" d'/2| ^c'/2b/2z/2[a-A^FD]/2 a/2-[aA^FA,]/2^f/2z/2 [aA^FD]/2^f/2[a^FA,]/2^f/2 [eAG^C]/2^f/2[gA,]/2b/2| z/2[aG]/2g/2^f/2 e[a-A^FD]/2a[^f^FA,]/2z/2[aA^F]/2 ^f/2d/2^c/2B/2| [dGD]/2z/2[g-G]/2[g^f-]/2 [^feG]/2d/2[^cG]/2B/2 z/2[A^FD]/2z [^FA,]/2^f'/2[a'D]/2^f'/2| [a'^FA,]/2z/2^f'/2[e'G^C]/2 ^f'/2[g'A,]/2b'/2[a'G^C]/2 g'/2^f'/2e' [a'-^FD]/2a'A,/2| ^f'/2[a'^FD]/2^f'/2[d'^F]/2 ^c'/2z/2[bGD]/2d'/2 [g'GD]/2^f'/2-[^f'e'G]/2d'/2 ^c'/2b/2z/2[a-^FD]/2| a/2-a/2^f/2[a^FD]/2 ^f/2A,/2a/2^f/2 [eG^C]/2^f/2g/2[bG]/2 [G^C]/2a/2g/2[^fA,]/2| e[d-^FD-]/2[d-D]/2 d/2[e^F^C]/2d/2^F/2 [eB,]/2d/2^c/2B[A-G^C-]/2[A-^C]/2A/2| [BGE]/2A/2[G^C]/2A/2 z/2^f/2<e/2d/2- [d-^FD-]/2[dD]/2[e^C]/2^F/2 d/2[e^FB,]/2d/2[^c^FA,]/2| B/2z/2[A-G^C-]/2[A-^C]/2 A/2[BGE]/2A/2[BG]/2 A/2z/2^f/2e/2 z/2[d^F,D,-]/2[d'D,]/2^C,/2| e'/2d'/2[e'^F,B,,]/2d'/2 [^c'A,,]/2b[a-G,^C,-]/2 [a^C,]/2z/2[bG,E,]/2a/2 [bG,^C,]/2a/2[^f'G,A,,]/2z/2| e'/2[d'-^F,D,-]/2[d'-D,]/2d'/2 [e'^F,^C,]/2d'/2[e'-B,,]/2[e'^F,]/2 d'/2[^c'^F,A,,]/2b [a-G,^C,]/2a/2b/2[aE,]/2| z/2[G,^C,]/2a/2[^f'A,,]/2 e'/2z/2[d'-^F,D,] d'/2[^f'^F,A,,]/2d'/2z/2 [^f'^F,D,]/2d'/2[^f'^F,A,,]/2d'/2-| d'/2[^f'-^F,D,]/2^f'/2z/2 [a'^F,A,,]/2^f'/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z4A/2-| [A-G,,]/2[AE,]/2A,/2A/2- [eA-]2 [dA]^c/2[D-^F,,-]/2 [A-D-D,-^F,,-]/2[d-A-D-D,-^F,,-]/2[d-A-D-A,D,-^F,,]| [d-A-D-D,]/2[d-A-D]2[dA][A,^F,-]3/2^F,/2z3/2d/2-[d-E,,]/2| d/2-d/2[gA-G-] [^f-A-G-]/2[^fA-G-D,,-]/2[fAGA,,D,,]/2z[^f-A-^F-]/2[^f-A-^F-A,]/2[^f-A-^F]/2 [^fA]/2z3/2| z/2[DA,^F,]/2z3/2a/2z3/2[B-G-GED-B,-G,-]/2[B-G-DB,G,]/2[e-BG-]/2 [eG]/2g/2A,,/2-[D,-A,,-]/2| [g-D,-A,,-]/2[g-d-A-A,-D,-A,,]/2[g-d-A-A,D,]/2[g-d-A-]2[gd-A-]/2 [^f-d-A-^FDA,-][^fd-A-A,]/2[d-A-][^f-dA]/2^f/2-[^f-E,-B,,-]/2| [^f-E,-B,,-]/2[^f^G-D-E,-B,,-]/2[G-DE,B,,] [dG]^f/2z[^f-A-]/2[^fA-G-^CA,^C,]3/2[A-G-]3/2| [A-G-][e-A-G-]/2[eA-G-^C-A,-][A-G-^CA,]/2[AG]/2z2A/2- [A-G,,-]/2[AE,-G,,-]/2[^CA,-E,-G,,-]/2[A-A,-E,-G,,]/2| [e-A-A,E,][eA-]/2[dA][^c^F,,-]/2[D-D,-^F,,-]/2[A-D-D,-^F,,-]/2 [d-A-D-D,-^F,,-]/2[d-A-D-A,-D,-^F,,]/2[d-A-D-A,-D,]/2[d-A-D-A,][d-A-D]3/2| [dAA,-^F,-]/2[A,^F,]/2z3/2[d-E,,]/2[d-A,,]/2[d-^C,]/2 d/2[gA-G-][^f-A-G-]/2 [^fAGD,,-]/2[fA,,D,,]/2D,/2z/2| [^f-A-^F-A,]/2[^f-A-^F-]2[^f-A^F]/2[^fDA,^F,]/2z3/2[^f^F] z/2[^f-c-^F^D,-A,,-D,,-]/2[^f^cD,-A,,-D,,-]/2[D,-A,,-D,,-]/2| [^g^D,-A,,-D,,-]/2[D,A,,D,,]/2a/2A/2 z[a-^c-A-E,A,,E,,] [a-^cA-]/2[a-A-]2[a-A-]/2[a^c-A-E-^C-A,-E,-]| [^c-AE^CA,E,]/2^c/2^c3/2d/2-[d^G-EDB,E,] [eG-][^fG-]/2[GA,,]/2 [B,E,]/2D/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" ^f3z3| [A-E^CA,-]2 [A-A,]/2A/2z2A/2-[A-G,,-]/2 [AE,-G,,]/2[^CA,-E,-]/2[A-A,-E,-]| [e-A-A,-E,]/2[eA-A,-][dAA,]^c/2^F,,/2-[D,-^F,,-][d-A-D-D,-^F,,-]/2[d-A-D-A,-D,-^F,,]/2[d-A-D-A,-D,]/2 [d-A-D-A,][d-A-D-B,]| [d-AD][dB,-A,-^F,-]/2[B,-A,-^F,]/2 [B,A,]/2[dC]/2E,/2-[^C-A,-E,-]/2 [g-A-G-^C-A,-E,][g^fAG^CA,-]/2[^CA,]/2 f/2z/2[^f-A-^F-A,-D,-]/2[^f-A-^F-^C-A,-D,]/2| [^f-A-^F-^C-A,]/2[^f-A-^F-D-^C]/2[^f-A-^F-D]/2[^fA^F]/2 [D-A,^F,-][D^F,]/2^D/2<a/2[D-B,-G,-]/2[BGDB,-G,-] [eB,G,]/2E/2g/2z/2| [g-d-B-G-A,-]/2[g-d-BGD-A,-]/2[gd-D-A,-]/2[dD-A,-]/2 [^AD-A,-]/2[D-A,-][^f-d-^A-^FD-A,-][^fd-^ADA,]/2[dA-]/2[^f-A]/2 [^f-D-B,-]/2[^f-A-^FD-B,-][^fA-DB,]/2| [d-A^G]/2[^fd]/2z [^f-A-G^C-]3/2[^f-A-G^C-][^f-A-^C-][^fe-AG-^C-]/2 [eG-^C-]/2[G^C-]/2[^F^C]/2z/2| A/2-[AG,,-]/2[E,-G,,-]/2[A-^C-E,-G,,-]/2 [e-A-^C-E,-G,,-]/2[eA-^CA,-E,-G,,-]/2[A-A,-E,G,,]/2[dAA,]/2 ^c/2-[^c^F,,-]/2[D-D,-^F,,-]/2[A-D-D,-^F,,-]/2 [d-A-D-D,-^F,,]/2[d-A-D-A,-D,]/2[d-A-D-A,]| [d-A-D-B,][dA-D]/2[AB,-A,-^F,-]/2 [B,-A,-^F,]/2[CB,A,]/2d/2[^C-A,-E,-]/2 [gAG^C-A,-E,-][^f^CA,-E,-]/2[^CA,E,]/2 f/2z/2[^f-A-^F-^C-A,-D,-]| [^f-A-^F-^CA,-D,-][^f-A-^F-DA,-D,-] [^f-A-^F-A,D,]/2[^fA^F]/2z/2[D,D,,]/2 z/2[^f-^F]/2^f/2[^D,-A,,-D,,-]/2 [^f-c^FD,-A,,-D,,-]/2[^fD,-A,,-D,,-]/2[^gD,-A,,-D,,]/2[D,A,,-]/2| [a-A,,]/2[a-A-E,,-]/2[aAA,,E,,]/2z/2 ^F,/2z3/2 ^G,/2z/2[G,-E,-]/2[^c-E^C-G,-E,-]/2 [^c^C-G,-E,-]/2[^CG,E,]/2A,/2-[^c-^CA,]/2| [^c^A,-E,-]/2[A,-E,-]/2[d^G-DA,-E,-]/2[GA,E,]/2 z/2B,/2[^f^FA,,-]/2[E,-A,,-]/2 [^f-A-^F-E,A,,]/2[^f-A-^F-B,]/2[^f-A-^F-] [^fA^FC]/2zA/2-| [A-E-CA,-]2 [A-E-A,-]/2[AE-^CA,]E/2 z
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" [A-G-D-]/2[A-GD-B,-D,-B,,-]/2[AD-B,-D,B,,-]/2[B-DB,B,,]/2| [BA]/2z[B-G-^CA,E,A,,][B-G]/2B2-[B-E^CA,]/2B2-B/2-| [BA]/2z/2A/2-[A-E-^CA,-E,-G,,-]/2 [AEA,E,G,,]/2B/2-[BA-]/2A/2 B/2-[B-D-A,-D,^F,,][B-D-A,][B-D-]/2[B-D-A,]/2[B-D-^F,]/2| [BD-]2 [AD]/2z[A-^D-C-F,A,,^F,,][B-AD^C-]/2[B^C]/2z/2 [A,,-E,,-]/2[^CE,-A,,-E,,-]/2[e-G-E,A,,E,,]/2[eG-]/2| G-[dGE,-]/2[A,-E,-]/2 [G-^C-A,-E,-]/2[^c-G-E^CA,-E,]/2[^c-GA,]/2[d^c]/2 z[B^F-DB,D,,-]/2[^FB,D,D,,]^c/2z| z/2[B-G-E-A,-^C,,-]/2[B-G-E-A,-^C,-^C,,]/2[B-G-E-A,-^C,]/2 [BG-E-A,-][A-G-E-A,-]3/2[A-GE^CA,-E,-^C,-][AA,-E,^C,]/2 A,2| A/2z[AG-D-A,B,,-B,,,-]/2 [G-D-B,,-B,,,-]/2[BGDB,,B,,,-]/2[AA,B,,,-]/2B,,,/2 [B-G-E-^C-B,-A,,A,,,]/2[B-G-E-^C-B,-]2[B-G-E-^C-B,-]/2[B-G-E-^C-B,-G,E,-^C,A,,]| [BG-E-^C-B,E,]/2[GE^C-][A-^CA,]/2 A/2[G,,-G,,,-]/2[AE^CA,G,,-G,,,-]/2[G,,G,,,]/2 B/2A/2z/2[B-D-B,-^F,,^F,,,]/2 [B-D-B,]3/2[BD]/2| [^F,-D,A,,-^F,,-]3/2[A-A,^F,A,,-^F,,]/2 [AA,,]/2[F,-C,-A,,-^F,,-]/2[A^D-A,^F,^C,-A,,-^F,,-]/2[D^C,A,,^F,,]/2 B/2z/2A/2E,,,/2 G,,,/2z/2[a^c-A-E,,]| [^c-A]/2[^c-A,,]/2[^c^C,]/2A,/2 [^f^C]/2[A-^FC-A,-E,-]/2[A-^CA,E,-]/2[eA-E^CE,-]/2 [A-^G,-E,-]/2[d-BA-^FDG,-E,-]/2[dA-G,-E,]/2[AG,]/2 [^cE^CA,-]/2A,/2z/2[A,-^F,-]/2| [^c-^D-A,-^F,-]/2[^c-D^C-A,^F,-]/2[^c-^C-^F,] [^cD-^C^G,-]/2[E-DG,]/2[BE]/2B,/2 z/2[B-E-DA,-]3[B-E-^C-A,-]/2| [B-E-^CA,]/2[B-E]B/2 A/2z3/2 [A-G-]/2[A-GD-B,-D,-B,,-]/2[AD-B,-D,B,,-]/2[B-DB,B,,]/2 [BA-]/2A/2B/2-[B-G-^C-A,-E,-A,,]/2| [B-G-^CA,E,]/2[B-G]/2B3/2-[B-E^CA,]/2B2-B/2A/2 z/2A/2-[AE-^CA,-E,G,,]/2[EA,]/2|
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" A/2z/2| [B-D-A,-D,^F,,][B-D-A,] [B-D-][B-D-A,^F,]/2[B-D]3/2B/2A/2 z3/2[A-^D-C-F,,-]/2| [A^DC-F,A,,^F,,]3/2[B-^C]/2 B/2z/2E,,/2-[^CE,-A,,-E,,-]/2 [G-E,A,,E,,]/2[eG-]/2G3/2d/2[A,-E,-]/2[G-^C-A,-E,-]/2| [^c-G-E^CA,E,-]/2[^c-GE,]/2^c/2d/2 z/2B/2[^F-DB,D,D,,-]/2[^F-D,,-]/2 [^c^FD,,]/2z3/2 [B-G-E-A,-^C,,-]/2[B-G-E-A,-^C,^C,,]/2[B-G-E-A,-]| [BG-E-A,-]/2[A-G-E-A,-]3/2 [A-GE^CA,-E,-^C,-][AA,-E,^C,]/2A,z/2A/2z[AB,,-B,,,-]/2[G-D-B,,-B,,,-]/2[BGD-B,,B,,,-]/2| [DB,,,-]/2[AB,,,-]/2B,,,/2[B-G-E-^C-B,-A,,A,,,-]/2 [B-G-E-^C-B,-A,,,]/2[BGE^CB,]2[G,E,^C,A,,]2z/2[AA,]/2z/2| [G,,-G,,,-]/2[AE^CA,G,,-G,,,-]/2[G,,G,,,]/2B/2 A/2z/2[B-D-B,-^F,,^F,,,]/2[BDB,]3/2[^F,-D,A,,-^F,,-]3/2[A-A,-^F,A,,^F,,]/2[AA,]/2[C,-A,,-F,,-]/2| [A^D-A,F,C,A,,^F,,]/2D/2[BB,]/2z/2 A/2E,,,-[E,,-E,,,]/2 [a^c-AE,,]/2^c-[^c^C,A,,]/2 E,/2A,/2^C/2[^fA-^FC-A,-E,-]/2| [A-CA,E,]/2[eA-E^C]/2[A-^G,-E,-]/2[dBA^FDG,-E,-]/2 [G,-E,]/2G,/2z/2[^cEA,]/2 z[A,-^F,-]/2[^c-^D-A,-^F,-]/2 [^c-D^C-A,-^F,-]/2[^c^CA,-^F,-]/2[A,^F,-]| ^F,/2-[^c^F,-]/2^F,- ^F,/2-[^c^F,]/2z B/2[^cE-D-^C^G,-][E-D-G,-]/2 [BE-D-G,-]/2[^c-E-D-^CG,-]/2[^cE-D-G,-]/2[E-D-G,-]/2| [E-D-^G,-]/2[BE-D-G,-]/2[^c-ED^CG,]/2^c/2 z3/2B2-B/2 [d-F-DA,-]3/2[d-^F-A,-]/2| [dF-A,-][c^F-A,-]/2[d-^F-DA,-]/2 [d^F-A,-][^F-A,-]/2[^FA,-]/2 [d-A,]/2d/2z ^c/2[d-GE-D-^A,-]/2[dEDA,-]/2A,/2-| ^A,/2-[dA,-]/2A, zz3/2c/2z3/2[d'-f-d-A,,,-]/2[d'a-^f-dA,,,]/2[a-^f^C,,]/2| [aF,,]/2C,/2[^c'a^f^c^F,]/2z/2 z/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" _b/2a/2z/2[gc-GA,,-C,,-A,,,-]/2 [cA,,-C,,-A,,,-]/2[A,,-C,,A,,,]A,,/2-| A,,/2[e-_B-F-E-_B,,,]/2[e-_B-F-E-_B,,,F,,,]/2[e_B-FED,,]/2 _B/2-_B/2[dD]/2[D_B,]/2 _d/2[DD,-A,,]/2[_G,-D,-]/2[_ecGEC-G,-D,-]/2 [CG,-D,]/2[_dG,]/2d/2G,,,/2-| [_e'-_b-g-e-G,,,]/2[e'-_b-g-e-_B,,,]/2[e'_bge]/2_B,,/2 [d'-_b-g-d-]/2[d'_b-g-d_B,]/2[_bgG]/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 [D,,-_B,,,-]/2[_B,,-D,,-_B,,,-]/2[_d_B,,-D,,-_B,,,-]/2[_B,,D,,_B,,,]/2| z/2z/2z/2[f_BGF-C,,]/2 [FC,,G,,,]/2E,,/2C,/2[e_BG]/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2| z/2z/2z/2z/2 A,,,/2z/2[a'-_d'-a-A,,]/2[a'd'aA,,,]/2 z/2d'/2[g'e'g_D,]/2[D,D,,]/2 [g'd'agA,,F,,]/2z/2[DA,F,]/2[f'f]/2| [f'af_D,]/2_G,,/2b/2[e'd'eE,]/2 z/2[e'd'-a-e-F,F,,-]/2[d'a-eA,,F,,]/2[aA,]/2 [d'dD]/2G,,/2[d'ad]/2z/2 z/2[c'c]/2[c'gdcG,,]/2_B,,/2| _B,/2[_b_B]/2C,/2[_b-_g-d-_BD,]/2 [_bgd-]/2[dD]/2[aA]/2_B,,/2 [a-d-A]/2[ad-_B,]/2d/2[gG]/2 z/2[g-d-G-D_B,]/2[gdG]/2D/2| [fFD]/2[D-_B,-]/2[fdGFD_B,]/2z/2 D/2[ED]/2[edGED_B,]/2D/2 z/2D/2[e-dGE-D_B,]/2[e-ED]/2 e/2z/2[D-G,G,,]/2D/2| z/2[G-F,F,,]/2[GD_B,]/2D/2 D/2[_B-G-D_B,]/2[_B-G-_B,,]/2[_B-G-D_B,]/2 [_BGD-_B,D,D,,]/2D/2[A-GEA,D,D,,] A/2-[A-G]/2[A-G-E-A,-]/2[A-G-E-A,E,-_D,-]/2| [A-G-E-_DE,D,-]/2[AGED,-]/2[DA,E,-D,]/2E,/2 [F_B,_A,D,_B,,]/2z/2[_B,D,-]/2D,/2 [CA,,-]/2[D-A,E,A,,-]/2[DA,,-]/2[A,E,A,,]/2 _D/2-[D-E,A,,G,,-]/2[D-D,G,,-]/2[DE,A,,G,,]/2| [E,A,,]/2[A,,-F,,-]/2[DF,A,,F,,-]/2[E,F,,-]/2 [CF,A,,F,,]/2z/2[_B,-F,_B,,]/2_B,/2 z/2[_B,-G,-E,-_D,-_B,,-E,,-D,,-]/2[_B,-A,-G,-E,-D,_B,,-E,,D,,]/2[_B,A,G,E,_B,,]/2 [D,E,,]/2z/2[A,-G,-E,-D,B,,E,,D,,]/2[A,-G,-E,-]/2| [A,-G,-E,_D,E,,D,,]/2[A,-G,-D,]/2[A,G,E,,D,,]/2z_B,,,/2-[F,-_A,,-D,,-_B,,,-]/2[F,D,-A,,D,,-_B,,,-]/2 [D,D,,-_B,,,-]/2[E,D,,_B,,,-][D,_B,,,-]/2 _B,,,/2A,,,/2-[E,,-A,,,-]/2[E,-D,-A,,-E,,A,,,]/2| [E,-D,-A,,-]3/2[A,E,-D,-A,,-]/2 [E,-D,-A,,-][A,E,-D,-A,,-]/2[E,-D,-A,,-]/2 [A,-E,-D,_D,-A,,-]/2[A,E,-D,-A,,-]/2[E,D,A,,]/2z/2 A,/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z/2A,z[E-A,-]/2 [EA,-G,-]/2[A,-G,-]/2[A,-G,-]/2[D-A,G,-]/2| [ADG,]/2^C/2-[A^C-]/2[D-^C]/2 [ADA,^F,-]/2^F,/2[BA]/2^G/2 [AD,^F,,]/2B/2z/2e/2- [^fe]/2[g-E,-]/2[g^C-A,-E,]/2[a^C-A,-]/2| [G^C-A,-]/2[^C-A,-]/2[^F^C-A,-]/2[a^CA,]/2 z/2[aD,]/2z/2z/2 a/2b/2d'/2[e'D,-^F,,]/2 [g'^f'D,]/2a'/2-[a'g']/2^f'/2| e'/2d'/2[^c'-G,,-]/2[^c'E,-G,,]/2 [e'-B,E,]/2e'/2d'/2[d'^c']/2 ^c'/2z[b-G-D-A,-]/2 [baG-D-A,-]/2[gG-D-A,-]/2[^fGD-A,-]/2[D-A,-]/2| [dD-A,-]/2[^F-D-A,-]/2[e^F-D-A,-]/2[d^FD-A,-]/2 [^cDA,]/2B/2z/2[^GB,,-]/2 [^FG,-E,^D,B,,]/2[GG,]/2z/2E/2 d/2z/2A,,/2-[d-G-^F-A,,-]/2| [d-^G-^F-A,,-]/2[d-G^F-E,A,,]/2[d-^F]/2[d-E,]/2 [d-^F,]/2[dG,-]/2G,/2-[^c-G-E-B,-^G,]/2 [^c-G-E-B,]/2[^c-G-E-A,]/2[^c-GE^G,-]/2[^cA,G,]/2 z/2[A-B,]A/2-| A/2[eE^C,-G,,-][A^C,-G,,-]/2 [d-DD,-^C,-G,,-]/2[d-AD,-^C,-G,,]/2[d^c-^CE,D,^C,-]/2[^c-A-^C,]/2 [^c-A]/2^c/2[d-D-^F,^F,,-] [d-D-D,^F,,-]/2[d-^G-D-G,^F,,-]/2[d-G-D-D,^F,,]/2[d-A-GD-A,]/2| [d-AD-D,]/2[d-D-]/2[d-B-D-B,]/2[dB-DD,]/2 [BA-A,D,]/2[A^F,,]/2d/2E,,/2- [gGB,,-A,,-E,,-]/2[B,,-A,,-E,,-]/2[AB,,A,,-E,,]/2[^f^FC,A,,]/2 A/2[f^F^C,]/2A-| [^f-A-^F-D,A,,D,,]/2[^f-A^F]/2[^f-D,]/2[^f-^G^FD]/2 [^f-D,]/2[^f-A^FDA,^F,]/2[^f-D,]/2[^fB-^FDB,^F,]/2 [B-D^F,-D,]/2[BA^F^F,D,]/2^f/2z/2 [D,,-A,,,-]/2[c'^f-d^cA,,-D,,-A,,,-]/2[^fA,,-D,,-A,,,-]/2[A,,D,,A,,,]/2| z/2z[b-g-d-B-G,,]/2 [b-g-d-B]/2[bgd-D,]/2[dG,,]/2[B,D,]/2 G,/2[e'^a-^f-e]/2[a^f]/2z/2 d'/2^c'/2z/2[d'-b-^f-d-]/2| [d'b-^f-d]/2[b^f^F,]/2[B,^A,^F,]/2D/2 z/2[g'e'gE,-A,,-^C,,-]/2[E,-A,,-^C,,-]/2[E,A,,^C,,]/2 z[^f'd'a^fD,]/2z/2 [A,D,]/2[^f'^f]/2z/2[g'^c'g]/2| z/2z[^c'G,^C,-A,,]/2 ^C,/2z[a'-d'-a-]/2 [a'-d'-a-][a'd'-a-D,,^F,,,]/2[d'-a]/2 d'/2-[d'-A,,C,,]/2[d'-^F,]/2[d'D,]/2| z/2g'/2[D,,-^F,,,]/2D,,/2- [e'aeA,,-D,,-^C,,]/2[A,,-D,,-]/2[A,,-D,,-] [A,,D,,-]/2D,,/2z/2[^c'g^c]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z/2 z/2z/2[b-B]/2[bDB,]/2 z/2z/2[aA^A,,,-]/2[^F,,-A,,,-]/2| [g^cG^C,-^F,,-^A,,,-]/2[^C,^F,,-A,,,]/2^F,,/2[eE]/2 [B,,-^F,,-B,,,]/2[e-B-^F-E-B,,^F,,]/2[eB-^F-E^F,,D,,B,,,]/2[B^F-]/2 [d^F^F,,]/2z/2[B,^F,]/2z/2 z/2^G,,/2-[e^F,-D,-G,,-]/2[^F,-D,-G,,-]/2| [d-B^F-D^F,-D,-^G,,-]/2[d^FB,-^F,-D,-G,,-]/2[B,-^F,-D,-G,,-]/2[^cB,-^F,-D,-G,,]/2 [B,^F,-D,-]/2[B-B,-^F,D,-]/2[BB,D,]/2z/2 [B-^F-D-B,D,-A,,-]/2[B-^F-D-^F,-D,A,,]/2[B^FD-^F,]/2[AD-]/2 [D-A,]/2[G-D]/2G/2[^FDA,^F,]/2| z/2E/2z/2D/2 z/2[A-G-A,-]/2[A-G-E-E^CA,^C,]/2[A-G-E-]/2 [A-G-E-B,B,,]/2[A-G-E]3/2 [AG^C-A,A,,-]/2[^CA,,]/2z| z/2B/2-[B-^F-D-B,-D,-D,,]/2[B^F-D-B,-D,][^F-D-B,]/2[^FD-^F,D,]/2D-[D-^F,D,]/2[A-DA,]/2A/2- [A^F,]/2z3/2| [^F,D,]/2[A-^F,D,]/2[AA,]/2^F,/2 [A-G,-E,-D,-]/2[AG-E-^C-A,-G,-E,-D,-]/2[G-E^C-A,G,-E,-D,-]/2[G^CG,-E,-D,-]/2 [G,E,-D,-]3/2[E,D,]/2 zA/2z/2| [B-^F-D-B,-]/2[B-^F-D-B,-D,-D,,]/2[B-^F-D-B,D,]/2[B-^F-D-]/2 [B^F-D-D,]/2[^FD-^F,]/2D/2-[D-^F,D,]/2 [AD]/2A,/2[^F,D,]/2z3/2z/2^F,/2| [A-A,D,]/2[A^F,D,-]/2[E,-D,-]/2[AG-E-^C-A,G,-E,-D,-][GE^CG,-E,-D,-]/2[BG,-E,-D,]/2[G,-E,]/2 G,/2z3/2 [AA,]/2z[^f-c-A-^D-A,^F,D,]/2| [^f-cA^DD,-]/2[^fD,-]/2D,/2-[eEB,G,D,-]/2 D,-[d-B-FDB,^G,D,]/2[dB]/2 ^C/2z/2[E,-D,-]/2[B-G^CG,-E,-D,-]/2 [BG,E,D,-]/2[AA,^F,D,-]/2D,-| [G-E-^C-D,-]/2[G-E^C-^A,G,-D,-][G^CA,-G,^F,-D,-]/2 [^FA,^F,-D,]/2^F,/2[E-^C-^A,-]/2[E-^CA,G,-D,-][EA,-G,^F,-D,-]/2[DB,A,^F,D,-]/2D,-[D-B,-^G,-F,-D,-]3/2| [DB,^G,F,D,-]/2[^C-D,-]/2[^CA,-G,-E,-D,-]/2[A,G,E,D,-]/2 D,/2z2[B,-^F,-D,-]/2[B,-^F,D,A,,D,,] B,3/2-[B,-^F,D,]/2| B,-[B,^F,D,]/2A,[^F,D,]/2z3/2z/2[^F,D,-]/2[A,-D,]/2 [A,^F,-]/2[^F,E,-D,-]/2[A,-G,-E,-D,-]| [A,G,-E,-D,-]/2[B,G,-E,-D,-]/2[G,E,D,] z2 A,[B,-^F,-]/2[B,^F,D,-A,,D,,]
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z^F,/2z [^F,D,]/2A,[^F,D,-]D,/2z/2^F,/2| D,/2[^F,D,-]/2[A,D,]/2^F,/2 D,/2-[A,-G,-E,-D,-]2[B,-A,^G,E,-D,]/2[B,-E,]/2B,z3/2| zA,/2z[E-A,-^F,-]/2[EA,-^F,-A,,-D,,-]3/2[A,^F,-A,,-D,,-]/2[D^F,A,,-D,,-]/2[A,,-D,,-][^C-A,,D,,-]/2[^CF,-D,-^G,,-D,,-]/2[^F,D,^G,,-D,,-]/2| [^G,,-D,,]/2^G,,-[E-A,-^F,-A,,-^G,,D,,-]/2 [EA,^F,-A,,-D,,-][^F,A,,-D,,-]/2[A,,D,,-]/2 [^C-^G,,-D,,-]/2[^CF,D,^G,,-D,,-][B,^G,,-D,,]/2 ^G,,-[E-^G,,-]/2[E-A,-^F,-A,,-^G,,D,,-]/2| [EA,-^F,-A,,-D,,-]3/2[DA,^F,-A,,-D,,-]/2 [^F,A,,-D,,-]/2[A,,-D,,-][^C-F,-A,,D,,-]/2 [^C^F,D,-^G,,-D,,-][D,^G,,-D,,-] [^G,,D,,-]/2D,,/2z| B,/2z3/2 [B,-^F,D,A,,D,,]B,- [B,-^F,]/2B,3-[B,-^F,A,,D,,]/2| B,3z A,>B, z/2z/2z/2[A,^G,-]/2| ^G,/2z/2A, B,z/2[^F-D-]/2 [^FDA,-D,-]/2[A-A,D,]/2A Bd/2z/2| z^f z/2z/2z/2B/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2| z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2| z/2z/2[B^GD]/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 d/2^c/2-^c/2-^c/2- ^c/2[^fd-]/2[fd-]/2d/2| ^f/2z/2a/2-[a^f-]/2 ^f/2z/2z/2z/2 [^F-D-]/2[A-^F-D]/2[A-^F-]/2[A-^F-]/2 [A-^F]/2A/2d/2z/2| z/2z/2[^F-D-A,-]/2[^F-D-A,]/2 [^F-D-]/2[^FD-]/2D/2A/2 z/2z/2z/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z| z3[eAEA,]/2z/2 [EA,]/2z[eAA,]/2 z/2E/2z| z/2[eAEA,]/2z/2z2[A,-E,-]/2 [A,E,]/2z/2z/2z/2 [^A,-F,-D,-]/2[A,^F,D,]/2^F,,,/2G,,,/2| z/2^G,,,/2A,,,/2z/2 G,,/2[^A,F,D,-G,,,]/2D,/2^F,,,/2 [DA,G,,,]/2G,,/2z/2[^CA,A,,A,,,]/2 z3/2[e'aeAEA,]/2| z/2z2[e'aeAEA,]/2z/2[e'aE]/2 z[e'aeAE]/2z/2 z2| [AE]/2A,,,/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2[^AFA,]/2^F,,,/2 z/2[G,,G,,,]/2^G,,,/2z/2 A,,,/2G,,,/2z/2[^A^FDA,G,,,]/2| z/2[F,,^F,,,]/2[^fd^A^FG,,,]/2G,,/2 ^G,,,/2z/2[^c-A-E-A,,-A,,,]/2[^c-AEA,,]/2 ^c/2z[e'-aeAEA,]/2 e'/2z/2[e'a-eA,]/2a/2| z/2[e'aeA,A,,]/2z/2[f'c'-a^f^F,]/2 ^c'/2z/2[^f'^fAA,]/2z/2 [^f'd'^c'^f^F^DA,]/2z[^f'd'^fA,A,,]/2 z/2E,/2z/2[AA,]/2| [e'aeE]/2[e'aeEA,]/2z [e'aeA,E,A,,]/2z/2[f'c'a^f]/2z/2 [^f'^fAA,]/2z/2[^f'^d'^c'^fD]/2z[^f'd'^fA,A,,]/2[^c'E,]/2z/2| z/2[^f'^d'^f]/2^c'/2z[^f'd'^fA,A,,]/2[^c'E,]/2z[^f'd'^fAA,]/2z/2[^c'E]/2 z3/2[^f'd'-^fA,A,,]/2| ^d'/2[^c'E,A,,]/2z2[AA,,A,,,]/2z/2 [AA,,]/2zz/2 z2| z[AA,]/2A/2 z/2z/2z z/2^c/2z/2z/2 z/2e/2z/2z/2| z/2a/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z z/2z/2z z/2z/2z/2z/2| zz/2z
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 zz/2z/2| z/2z/2[G,G,,]/2E/2 z/2^C/2B,/2A,,,/2 z/2G,/2z/2E,/2 z/2A,/2z/2z/2| D,,/2zz3/2z A,,,,/2zzzz/2| zz ^F/2z/2z ^F/2z/2[A^F]/2z[dA^F]/2z| z[d-A-^F-D]/2[dA^F]/2 zz z/2z/2^F/2z/2 z[d-A-^FD]/2[dA]/2| zz ^F,/2z/2z z[d-A-^FD]/2[dA]/2 zz| z/2zz[aA]z/2 z/2[^d^CE,]/2z/2z/2 z/2zz/2| z/2[d-A-^F-D]/2[dA^F]/2zzz/2 ^F/2z/2z [d-A^FD]/2d/2A,,/2z/2| z/2z/2z/2[e-E]/2 e/2z[eB^GE]zzz/2[g-G]/2g/2-| [^gA,,]/2z[A,E,-]/2 [a^cE,]/2z^C/2 z2 z/2zz/2| z/2z[d'-a-^fd-]/2 [d'ad]/2z/2D/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z[d'-a-^f-d]/2[d'a^f]/2A,/2| z/2D/2z/2z/2 z/2z[d'-ad]/2 d'/2[DA,]/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2| z/2[a'a]/2z/2z/2 z/2^C/2z/2z/2 z/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z[d'-a-^fd]/2[d'a]/2 z/2D/2z/2z/2| zz/2d'/2- [d'a^fd]/2D/2[^FA,]/2a'/2 D/2z/2z/2z/2 z[e'b^ge]| z3/2d''/2 D/2z/2^g'- [g'A,,]/2b'/2z E,/2z/2z| z/2[A^C]/2z3 z/2A/2z3/2^A/2-[AF^G,]/2z/2| z/2[d'^A-]/2[f'A-] [a'A-]/2Ad/2 z2 z/2z/2[B^FG,]/2z/2| z/2z/2[f'd'B-]/2B/2- [b'B-]/2B/2z z/2e/2z/2c'/2 [e'^c-]/2[g'-^c-]/2[^c''g'^c-]/2^c/2| zz/2z/2 g/2z/2[e'^c-]/2[g'^c-]/2 [^c''^c-]/2^c/2z z/2z/2^g/2e'/2| [^g'^c-]/2[^c''^c-]/2^c/2-^c/2 zz/2G,/2- [E-G,]/2[^cAE]/2z/2a/2 z/2[a'e']/2^c''/2z/2| z/2z/2^c''/2z/2 z/2z/2^c''/2e''/2 z/2z/2z/2[e''^c-]/2 ^c/2-[^g'^c]/2^f'/2z/2| ^c'/2a/2z/2z/2 ^g/2z/2z/2z/2 [^fe]/2g/2d/2z/2 [ed]/2z/2z/2z/2| z/2^G/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 G/2B/2z/2z/2 zz/2z/2| z/2z/2z z3/2z/2 z/2d'-d'/2 z/2b/2^c'/2d'/2| e'/2z3/2 z/2z/2d' d'/2e'/2^f'/2g'/2 a'/2z
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z/2[a'-E]/2a'/2z/2 ^d'/2e'/2^f'/2g'/2| a'/2zz/2 z/2[^c''-E]/2^c''/2-^c''/2 b'/2a'/2e'/2^f'/2 g'/2zz/2| d'z/2z/2 ^c'/2d'/2e'/2zz/2z/2d'/2 z/2z/2e'/2[g'^f']/2| a'/2[b'^C]/2z/2[g'E]/2 ^c''/2z/2^c''/2[b'a']/2 z/2e''/2^c''/2d''/2 a'/2z/2z/2d/2| [a^f]/2z/2z/2B,/2 z/2z/2z/2a/2 b/2[aD-]/2[bD]/2z/2 z/2B,/2z/2z/2| E/2z/2b/2z/2 [bD-]/2D/2z/2D/2 [^FE]/2z/2A/2z/2 z/2[ba]/2[bA]/2z/2| A,/2^D/2^F/2G/2 A/2z/2[bag]/2[eG]/2 b/2^c/2A,/2B/2 [b'A]/2E/2[G^F]/2z/2| z/2[ba^f]/2b/2D/2 z/2z/2B,/2z/2 z/2E/2z/2b/2 z/2[bD]/2z/2D/2| E/2z/2z/2A/2 z/2b/2[eG]/2[b^c]/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 A/2[a'ge]/2^c/2[^c''B]/2| z/2[b'e'E]/2^C/2B,/2 A,/2z/2z/2z/2 A[d''^G,]/2b'/2 z/2z/2b/2f/2| z/2d/2f/2z/2 ^f'/2b'/2^d''/2b'/2>^f'/2z/2b/2 (3^f/2d/2^f/2z/2d'/2^f'/2| b'/2[e''e']/2[c''g']/2[E^D]/2 ^c'/2 (3g/2e/2g/2z/2 e'/2g'/2[f''^c''^f']/2b'/2 ^g'/2^f'/2[^c''g']/2[^f''-^f']/2| [f''d'']/2^g'/2d'' [^f''A,,]/2^F,/2^c''/2z/2 A/2z/2b/2>^c'/2 d'/2[e'G,,]/2z/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z/2z/2^a/2b/2| ^c'/2d'/2[b'A,,]/2z/2 ^g'/2z/2z/2z/2 e'/2^f'/2g'/2[a'A,]/2 z/2z/2z/2^c''/2| z/2z/2 (3b'/2a'/2g'/2 z/2^c'/2z/2d'/2 b/2z/2B/2F/2 D/2^F/2d/2z/2| b/2[^d'd]/2b/2^f/2 B/2 (3^F/2D/2^F/2z/2 z/2^f/2z/2[e'c'e]/2 g/2z/2[^cG]/2E/2| G/2z/2[ge]/2c'/2 [f'^f]/2b/2[^gG,]/2^f/2 g/2^c'/2[^f'^f]/2d'/2 [g^f]/2d'/2-d'/2z/2| zd'/2z/2 z/2[^FDA,]/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z z/2[d'B,^F,]/2z/2D/2| z/2z/2z/2z/2 b'/2z[A,G,]/2 z/2[E^CA,]/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2b'/2| zz3/2^C/2z ^G,/2B,/2^C/2z3/2z| z/2z^F/2 z/2A,/2z/2zz3/2 D/2z/2z| ^F/2z/2z zz/2zG/2z/2zzz/2| zD/2z/2 ^A/2A,,/2G/2z/2 zz z/2z^F/2| z/2zzz3/2 D/2z/2z ^F/2z3/2| zz/2D,,/2 z/2G/2z/2^A,/2 z/2z3/2 z3/2D/2| z/2z/2^A/2z/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z/2 z/2z/2^f/2a/2 [d'd]/2g/2d'/2[^a'^g']/2 [d''d']/2a'/2[^f'd']/2a'/2| [d''^f'd']/2^a'/2g'/2[a'd']/2 ^g'/2zd'/2 z/2zz3/2z| z3/2zA,,,/2z/2^G,/2 z/2D/2z/2z/2 zD/2[DA,]/2| z6 z3/2D/2-| D4- Dz3| Dz D/2zD3/2^C- [D^C]/2z^C/2-| ^C3/2Dz^C3-[D-^C]D/2-| D3/2z4z3/2^D-| ^D/2z3/2 D2- D/2-[D-B,-]/2[D-B,^G,-F,-^C,]/2[D-^G,^F,]/2 D-[D-B,-^G,-^C,]/2[D-B,^G,]/2| ^D/2-[D-^C,,]3/2 [F-D]/2^F/2^F3/2^G3/2- [^G-^CB,^G,]/2[^G-F,]/2^G/2-[^G-^CB,-]/2| [^G-B,]/2[^G-^C,,][^G^F-][^FF-]/2^F/2-[^A-^F]/2 A/2-[A-^C^F,]/2[A-^C,]/2[A-^C]/2 A/2-[A-^C,,]/2A/2-[A^G-]/2| ^G/2-[^G^F-]/2^F/2^c-[^c-^F^A,^C,]/2^c/2-[^c-^F^F,]/2 ^c/2-[^c-^C,,]/2^c/2-[^d-^c]/2 [dA]/2zB/2-| B/2-[B-^FB,^G,^C,]/2B/2-[B-^G,]/2 B/2-[B-B,^G,^C,]/2B- [B-^G]/2B/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z3/2z/2^c2-[^c-^F^CB,^G,^C,]/2 ^c/2-[^c-^F-B,^G,^C,]/2[^c-^F]/2[^c-^C,-]/2| [^c-B,^G,-^C,]/2[^c^G-^G,-]/2[^G-^G,]/2[A-^G]/2 ^A/2-[^A-A]/2^A/2-[^A-^E^C^A,]/2 [^A-^C,]/2[^A-^E]/2[^A^A,^E,]/2z[^A,-^E,-^C,]/2[^A,^E,]/2A/2| ^A/2^g/2^e/2-[^e^c-]/2 ^c/2-[^c-^A^E^C^C,]/2[^c-^A,]/2^c/2- [^c^A-^E^C^A,^C,]/2^A/2z/2[^C^A,-^C,-]/2 [^A,^C,]/2z/2^c/2-[^c-^C]/2| [d-^c]/2[^d^D]/2z/2[^d-^D-]3/2[^d-B^G^D-B,^G,^F,]/2[^d-^D-]/2 [^d-B^G^D]/2^d/2-^d/2^f/2- [^f^C,]/2[^e-B,]/2^e/2z/2| z/2z[^g-^G]/2 ^g/2-^g/2-[^a-^g]/2[^a^A^E,]/2 b/2z/2z z[^c'-^c]/2^c'/2-| ^c'/2-[^d'-^c']/2^d'/2[^f'^C]/2 z/2^g'/2z/2z^e'/2[^e-^C]/2^e/2 z^c'/2^E/2| z/2[^a^A^A,]/2z/2[b-B-][b-B-^G,]/2[b-B-]/2[b-B]/2 b/2-[b-^C,]/2b/2-[b^g-]/2 [^g^G^EDB,]/2z/2[^E^G,]/2z/2| ^c-[^c'-^c-] [^c'-^c-^F-B,^G,]/2[^c'-^c-^F]/2[^c'^c-]/2[^c^G,]/2 zz [^g-^G-^D^E,-]/2[^g-^GB,^E,-]/2[^g-^E,-]/2[a-^g^E,^F,]/2| a3/2-[^a-a^A-]/2 [^a-^A^E,,]/2^a/2z [^C-^A,-^E,-]/2[^C-^A,-^E,-]/2[b^aD-^C^A,-^E,-]/2[a^D^A,-^E,]/2 [^a^A,]/2[^d'-^d]3/2| [^d'-^D-^A,]/2[^d'^D]/2[^c'-^c]/2[^c'A,,]/2 ^c'/2-[^c'^c]/2[^D^A,-^F,-]/2[^A,^F,]/2 [c'-E]/2^c'/2-[^f'-^c']/2^f'/2 [^e'-^C^A,]/2^e'/2-[^e'^d'-]/2^d'/2-| [^d'^A,,]/2[^c'-^c]/2^c'/2[E-^A,-]/2 [^E^C-^A,-]/2[^d'^F-^C-^A,]/2[^c'c'^F^C-]/2[^e'-^e-^C]/2 [^e'^e]/2^A,/2[^f'-^f]/2^f'/2 [^f'-C,]/2[^f'-^f]/2[^f'^E^D-^G,-]/2[^D-^G,]/2| [^d'^D-]/2^D/2[^g'^g]/2z/2 [g'-^g^G^DC]/2[g'^e'-^e]/2^e'/2^C,/2 [^e'-^e-][^e'^e^G^FB,]/2z/2 [^f'-^f]/2^f'3/2| [b'-b-D,][b'-b-]/2[b'-b^G]/2 [b'-^A,]/2b'/2-[b'-^a'-^a]/2[b'^a'-]/2 ^a'-[^a'^g'^g]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z3/2 [_A_E_B,]/2z[A_E_B,]/2 z/2_B,/2-[A-_E-_B,-]| [_A-_E-_B,-]/2[_g'-gA_E-_B,-]/2[g'-G-_E-_B,-]/2[g'f'fG-_E-_B,-]/2 [G-_E-_B,]/2[G_E]/2z/2[_e'_e]z2a/2-[a-A]/2a/2| _b/2[_B,-E,-]/2[_D-_B,-_E,-]/2[d'-D-_B,-_E,]/2 [d'd_G-D-_B,-]/2[G-D-_B,-]/2[c'-GD_B,]/2c'/2- [c'_b-][_bg-] [g-GD_B,F,]/2g-[g-GD_B,F,]/2| _g-[g-G_D-_B,-F,-] [gD-_B,-F,-]/2[f-F-D-_B,-F,-][f_e-FD-_B,-F,]/2 [_e-D_B,][_ed-]/2d3/2A-| A/2z/2z/2z/2 _B/2[_d-E-_B,_G,-]3/2 [dc-_E-A,-G,-]/2[c-_E-A,G,-][c_B-_E_B,G,]/2 _B/2z3/2| [AE-_D-F,-][_B_E-D-F,-]/2[_E-D-F,-]/2 [_E-D-F,-]/2[g_E-D-F,-]/2[_E-D-F,-]/2[_E-D-F,-]/2 [_b_E-D-F,-]/2[_E-D-F,-]/2[_e'_E-D-F,-]/2[_b'g'_E-D-F,-]/2 [d''_E-D-F,-]/2[_b'_E-D-F,-]/2[_E-D-F,-]/2[d'_E-D-F,-]/2| [_bE_D-F,-]/2[DF,]/2z/2 (3dAc_B3/2[A-F-C-F,-]2[AFCF,-]/2F,/2| z4 B,2- _B,/2-[C-_B,]C/2-| [_D-C]/2D/2-[D-_D]/2D/2- [D_D-]/2D/2D _EE F-[_G-F]/2G/2-| _G/2-[G-_G]/2G2-[G-_ECA,F,]/2G-[G-_ECA,]/2G- [G-F,,]/2G/2A| _B3/2c3/2-[c-CA,]/2c/2- [c-F]/2c-[c-F,,]/2 c/2-[c_B-][_BA-]/2| A/2d-[d-F]/2 d/2-d-dc/2-[c_B] f-[f-D]/2f/2-| [f-_B]/2f/2-f gd- [_e-d]/2[_e-G]/2_e/2-_e/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" zz3/2cz/2| z/2f3/2- f-[f-_E]/2f/2- [f-_ECF,]/2f/2-[fc] _dd-| d-[d-_BF]/2d/2 [D_B,F,]/2z/2z/2z/2 c'/2z/2f- f/2-f-[f-d-_B-]/2| [fd_B-][_BFDF,]/2zf/2-[f-F]/2[_g-f]/2 [gG]/2z/2g/2-[g-G-][g-_eG-]/2[g-G-F,]/2[g-G-]/2| [g-_eG-]/2[gG-]/2G/2z/2 [a-F,]/2a/2_b d'/2_A,/2z/2c'/2- [c'-c-]/2[c'c]/2z/2[d'B,]/2| _e'/2-_e'/2g'/2z/2 z[f'-f-F]/2[f'-f]/2 f'/2[g'-F]/2g'/2a'c''/2z/2z/2| z/2[_b'_b-]/2_b/2z3/2[f'fF]/2z/2 d'/2z/2[_e'-_e-] [_e'-_e-C]/2[_e'-_e-]/2[_e'-_e]/2_e'/2| z/2c'/2[_B_G_E]/2z/2 [_B_EC]/2z/2[g'g-] [g_BC]/2z/2[f'f-]/2fF,/2z/2[c'-G]/2| [c'-_E_B,]/2c'/2[_d'-d]/2d'-[d'-_d'_B,,]/2[d'd]/2z[F-D-_B,-]/2[F-D-_B,-]/2[_e'_G-FD-_B,]/2 [d'_d'G-D]/2[g'-g-_G]/2[g'-g]/2[g'-D]/2| g'/2[f'-f]/2f'/2_D,/2 [f'-f]/2[f'-G-]/2[f'GD-A,]/2[e'-_AD]/2 _e'/2a'/2-[a'_a'AD]/2[_a_E]/2 [g'-g]/2g'/2-[g'f'D,]/2z/2| [_A-F-D-]/2[A-_A-F-D-]/2[g'A_AFD]/2z/2 [_b'-_b-]/2[_b'_bD]/2z/2[a'a]/2 z/2[a'-aE,]/2a'/2-[a'_BG-C-]/2 [g'-BG-C]/2[g'-G]/2g'/2[c''-c']/2| c''/2-[c''b'-cGE]/2_b'/2[_b'_b]/2 z/2[_b'-_b-F,]/2[_b'-_b] [_b'_BF-C]/2F/2[_a'-a]/2a'2[_d''-d'-]/2| [_d''-d'-F,][d''-d'-] [d''-d'-d-]/2[d''-d'-d_AD]/2[d''-d'-] [d''-d'-dAD]/2[d''-d'-][d''-d'-dD]/2 [d''-d'-]/2[d''d'dD]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" [c''-c'-][c''-c'-]3/2[c''c'_d_AD]/2z/2| b'/2_b-[_b-_G,-][_b'-_b-G,]/2[_b'-_b-] [_b'-_b_B_D]/2_b'3/2- [_b'_b'_b-_BGD]/2_b/2z| [a'-a-A_G_D][a'-a-] [a'-a-AGD]/2[a'-a-]/2[a'-a-AGD]/2[a'-a-]/2 [a'-a-D]/2[a'-a-A]/2[a'-a-AC]/2[a'a-]a/2z/2a'/2-| [a'-a-_G,]/2[a'-a]/2a'/2-[a'-A_D-]/2 [a'D]3/2[A-G-D-]/2 [_a'AGD]/2z/2a'/2_b'/2- [_b'G,-]/2[a'G,]/2_b'/2z/2| z/2z/2[A-_E-C-]/2[A_EC]/2 z/2z/2[A-_EC]/2A/2 A/2-[A_EC]/2z/2[_B-_E-C-]/2 [_B_EC]/2z/2[A-C]/2[A_E]/2| z/2z/2z/2z/2 [_e-A-]/2[_e-A-_G-]/2[_e-A-G-]/2[_e-A-G-]/2 [_e-A-G-]/2[_e-A-G-]/2[_eA-G-]/2[AG-]/2 G/2z/2z/2z/2| c/2-[c-_G_E-]/2[c-_E]/2c/2 z/2A/2-[A-_E-C-]/2[A_EC]/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2| z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2_b'/2 z/2_a'a'/2-| a'/2 (3_e''_d''d''c''/2_d''/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2| z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2_a/2z/2z/2| z/2z/2_e/2d/2 z/2z/2c/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2[A_G]/2 z/2G/2[A_E]/2G/2| A/2z/2z/2[_g_ec]/2 [c'a]/2z/2_e''/2f''/2 z/2z/2_e'/2z/2 _e/2c/2z| z_E/2E/2 z/2F/2z/2_G/2 zG/2z_A/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" A z2| _B/2-[_B-_E_DG,-]2[_B-G,-]3/2 [_B-_E_DG,-][_B-G,-]3/2[_BG-_E-_D-G,-_E,-]/2[G-_E_DG,-_E,-]/2[G-G,_E,-]/2| [G-_E,-]/2[_A-G_E-_D-_E,]/2[_A-_E_DF,-]/2[_A-F,-][_B-_A_E_DG,-F,]/2[_BG,-] [G-G,-]/2[G-_DG,_E,-]/2[G-_E,-] [c-G_E,-]/2[c-C-_A,-_E,]/2[c-C_A,-]/2[c-_A,-]/2| [c-_A,-]/2[c-_EC_A,-]/2[c-_A,-] [c-_E-C-_A,_E,-]/2[c-_EC_E,]/2c/2[_EC]/2 z_e/2-[_e-_E-_D_B,-]/2 [_e-_E_B,-]/2[_e-_B,-]/2[_e-_E_D_B,-]/2[_e-_B,-]/2| [_e-_B,-]/2[_e-_E-C-_B,]/2[_e-_EC-]/2[_e-C-]/2 [_a-_e-C-]/2[_a_e_A_E-C-]/2[_EC-]/2[g-C-]/2 [g_AC_E,-]/2_E,-[f-_E_D_E,-]/2 [f_E,-]/2_E,/2-[_e-_EC_E,-]/2[_e_A_E,]/2| z/2_d/2[_A-F-_B,]/2[_AF]/2 z[c-_A-_E] [c-_A-]3/2[c_A_E]/2 z[_B-G-_E]/2[_B-G-]/2| [_B-G-]/2[_BG_E]/2z _Ez/2_E/2 z3/2_B/2- [_B-_EG,-]3/2[_B-G,-]/2| [_B-G,-]/2[_B-_E_D-G,-]/2[_B-_DG,-]/2[_B-G,-]/2 [_BG-_D-G,-]/2[G-_E-_DG,-_E,-]/2[G-_EG,_E,-]/2[_A-G_E-_D-F,-_E,-]/2 [_A-_E_DF,-_E,]/2[_AF,]/2[_B-_E_DG,-]/2[_BG,-][G-_DG,_E,-]/2[G-_E,-]| [c-G_E,-]/2[c-_E-C-_A,-_E,]/2[c-_EC_A,-]/2[c-_A,-]/2 [c-_EC-_A,-]/2[c-C_A,-]/2[c-_A,-] [c-_EC-_A,]/2[c-C]/2c/2-[c_EC]/2 z3/2[C-D,-]/2| [_A-F-C-D,-][f-_AF-C-_D,-] [f-FC-_D,-]/2[f-C_D,-][f-_A-F-_D,]/2 [f_AF]/2z3/2 e/2-[_e-G_EC-G,-]3/2| [e-C-G,-][_e-G_ECG,-] [_e-G,-]/2[_e-G_E-G,]/2[_e-_E]/2_e/2- [_e-c-]/2[_ec_E]/2z d/2-[_d-G-F-B,-G,,]/2[_d-G-F_B,-]/2[_d-G_B,]/2| d/2-[g-_d-B]/2[g-_d_D]/2g/2 E/2-[c-_E-]/2[c-_E-C,-] [g-c-_EC,-]3/2[gc-C,-]/2 [cC,-]/2[G,-C,]/2G,/2z/2| z/2E/2z Gz/2czB/2 z3/2[_B-_D]/2| [_BG]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z3/2 [_e'-_e]3/2[_e'G-_E-]/2 [G_E-]/2[_e'-_E-]/2[_e'-_e-_A-F_E]/2[_e'-_e-_A]/2| [_e'_e-A_G]/2[_e_D-]/2_D/2-[_e'-_e-_BG_D-]/2 [_e'-_e_D-]/2[_e'_D]/2c/2-[c-_A-C-][_ac_AC]z/2 z[_a_e-c-]/2[_e-c-]/2| [_e'_e-c]/2[g'-g-_e-]/2[g'g_e-_B-] [f'-_e_d_B-]/2[f'_B]/2z [_e'-_a-c-]2 [_a'-_e'-_a-fc]/2[_a'_e'-_a-]/2[g'_e'_a]/2z/2| z/2[f'_d]/2z _e'/2z[_d'_af_B]/2 z3/2[c'-_a-c-_E-]/2 [c'-_a_e-c-_A-_E-]/2[c'-_ec_A-_E-]/2[c'-_A_E-]/2[c'_E-]/2| _E2- _E/2-[_b-g-_B-G-_E-]2[_b-g_B-G-_E]/2[_b_BG]/2z2z/2| z4 z3/2_ez3/2| f/2[_e-c_G-A,-]3/2 [_eG_A,]/2z2[d-_BF-_B,-]2[_dF_B,]/2z| z6 z/2[_BGE_D]z/2| z/2_d/2-[_d-G-E-_B,-]2[_dG-_E_B,]/2G/2 z2 [c_AF_A,]2| z8| [A-_E,-]/2[_A-_G-C_E,-][_A-G_E,]_A3/2- [_A-F-]/2[_A-F_D-_D,-]2[_A_D_D,]/2z| z_B3/2z/2g3/2z/2f z_e| _dz/2cz[_e_d]/2 z3/2[F_D_A,_B,,]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z^G/2 z[G-^C-]/2[^G^C-^A,-^D,-][^C-A,^D,-]/2[^C-^D,]/2[A-^C]/2 Az/2^G,,,/2-| ^G,,,/2-[C-^G,,,-]/2[^D-^C-^G,,,-]3/2[^G-^D-^C-^G,,,-]2[^G-^D-^C-^G,,,]/2[^G-^D-^C-]/2[^G-^D-^C^G,,]/2 [^G-^D]/2^G-[^G-^D,-]/2| [^G-^D,]/2[^G-^G,]/2^G/2-[^GC-]/2 ^C/2 (3^D2^G2^A2^cz/2| ^c/2z/2^G,,,/2-[^F-C-^G,,,-]/2 [A-^F-^C-^G,,,-][d-A^F^C-^G,,,]3/2[^d-^C]/2^d- [^d-^F,-]/2[^d-d-^F,]/2[^d-dA,]/2^d/2-| ^d/2-[^d-^F][^dA]z3/2 ^dz3/2[E-^G,,,-]/2[^G-E-^G,,,-]/2[B-^G-E-^G,,,-]/2| [e-B-^G-E-^G,,,]3/2[e-B-^G-E-][e-B-^G-E-E,]/2[e-B-^G-E]/2[e-B-^G-^G,]/2 [e-B^G][e-E]/2e/2 [B^G-]^G/2^f/2-| ^f/2g/2z ^g/2>G/2[e-^c-]/2[e-^c-^G,,,-]/2 [a-e-^c-^G,,,][ae-^c-]3/2[e-^c-E,]/2[e-^c-]/2[^a-e-^c-G,]/2| [^a-e-^c-][a-e-^c-E]/2[a-e-^c-]/2 [a-e-^c-G]/2[a-e-^c]/2[a-e]/2az/2b/2-[b-B]/2 b/2z^G,,,/2-| [^d-c-^G,,,-]/2[^g-^d-^c-^G,,,-]/2[^c'-^g-^d^c-^G,,,-]/2[^c'-^g^c^G,,,-]/2 [^c'-^G,,,]/2^c'/2-^c'- [^c'-^D,][^c'-^G,]/2^c'/2- ^c'/2-[^c'-^D]/2^c'-| [c'^c-^G-]/2[^c^G-]/2^G/2[^c'-^c]/2 ^c'/2d'/2-^d'/2z/2 ^d'/2d/2-[^f-^d-]/2[a-^f-^d-^G,,,-]/2 [^d'-a-^f-^d^G,,,][^d'a-^f-]/2[a-^f-]/2| [a-^f-^F,]/2[^d'-a-^f-^d-]/2[^d'-a-^f-^d-A,]/2[^d'-a-^f-^d-]/2 [^d'-a-^f-^d-^F]/2[^d'-a-^f-^d][^d'a-^f-cA-]/2 [a^fA]/2z3/2 [^d'-^d]/2^d'/2z| ^G,,,/2-[^g-e-^G,,,-]/2[e'-b-^g-e-^G,,,] [e'-b-^g-e-][e'-b-^g-e-E,]/2[e'-b-^g-e-]/2 [e'-b-^g-e-^G,]/2[e'-b-^g-e][e'-b^gE]/2 e'/2z/2[B^G-]| ^G/2-[^f'-^f^G]/2^f'/2g'/2- ^g'/2z/2[^g'^g]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" _d'/2-[e'-_d'-_A,,,-]| [a'-e'-_d'-_A,,,][a'-_e'-_d'-]/2[_a'_e'-_d'-_A,,]/2 [_e'-_d'-]/2[_e'-_d'-_E,]/2[_e'-_d'-]/2[_b'-_e'-_d'-_b-]/2 [_b'-_e'-_d'-_b-G,]/2[_b'-_e'-_d'-_b]/2[_b'-_e'-_d']/2[_b'-_e'_E]/2 _b'z/2[_e-_d-G]/2| [e_d]/2z3z/2 b'/2-[_b'_b]z2[_e-c-_A-]/2| [_ec_A]c''/2-[c''c'-]/2 c'/2-c'/2-c'/2-c'/2- c'/2-c'/2-c'/2-c'/2- c'/2z/2z/2z/2| [_a-_e-c-]/2[_a-_e-c-]/2[_a-_ec]/2_a/2 _e'/2[c''_a'c'-]/2[c'-_a-_e-]/2[c'_a-_e]/2 _a/2z/2[_e'_e-]/2[g-_e-_d-]/2 [_e''c'-g-_e-_d-]/2[c'-g-_e-_d-]/2[f'c'-g-_e-_d-]/2[c'-g-_e-_d-]/2| [c'-g-_e-_d-]/2[_e'c'-g-_e-_d-]/2[c''c'-g-_e-_d-]/2[c'-g-_e-_d-]/2 [c'-g-_e-_d-]/2[c'-g-_e-_d-]/2[c'g-_e_d-]/2[a'_e'g_d]/2 z/2z/2[_b_e_d]/2_e'/2 z/2[_b'_a_d]/2z/2z/2| z/2f'/2<_e'/2[c''_a'_e-_A-]/2 [_e-_A-]/2[_e-_A]/2_e/2-_e/2- _e/2-_e/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2f'/2[_a-c-]/2| [_a-_e-c-]/2[_a-_e-c]/2[_a_e-]/2_e/2 z/2[c''c'-_a-_e-]/2[f'c'_a_e]/2z/2 z/2[f'_e']/2[g-_e-_d-]/2[_e''c'-g-_e-_d-]/2 [c'-g-_e-_d-]/2[c'-g-_e-_d-]/2[c'-g-_e-_d-]/2[f'c'-g-_e-_d-]/2| [c'-g-_e-_d-]/2[c''c'-g-_e-_d-]/2[_e'c'-g-_e-_d-]/2[c'-g-_e-_d-]/2 [c'g-_e-_d-]/2[g_e_d]/2a'/2z/2 _b/2[_e_d]/2_e'/2[_a_d]/2 _e/2z/2z/2z/2| _e'/2z/2[c''_a'_e-_A-]/2[_e-_A-]/2 [_e-_A]/2_e/2-_e/2-_e/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2_a/2-[_a-_e-c-]/2[_a-_e-c-]/2| [_a_e-c-]/2[_ec]/2_e'/2[c''c'-_e]/2 [c'_a]/2_e'/2z/2f'/2 _e'/2>_e''/2[_e'-_g-]/2[_e'-_a-g-]/2 [_e'-_a-g-]/2[_e'-_a-g-]/2[_e'-_a-g-]/2[_e'-_a-g-]/2| [_e'_a-_g]/2_a/2-_a/2z/2 _a'/2[_d''_d'-_a-f-]/2[_d'_af]/2z/2 z/2z/2c''/2[c'-_a-_e-]/2 [c'-_a-_e-]/2[c'_a_e]/2z/2[_a'g']/2| _b'/2[_b-_a-_d-]/2[_b-_a-_d-]/2[_b-_a-_d-]/2 [_b-_a-_d-]/2[_b-_a-_d-]/2[_b-_a-_d-]/2[_b-_a-_d-]/2 [_b-_a_d]/2_b/2z/2f'/2 [c''c'-]/2[c'-_a-e-]/2[c'-_a-_e-]/2[c'-_a-_e-]/2| [c'-_a-e-]/2[c'-_a-_e-]/2[c'_a-_e-]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z/2g'/2_a'/2| [_d''_d'-_a-f-]/2[_d'-_a-f]/2[_d'_a]/2z/2 _a'/2[c''c'-_a-_e-]/2[c'_a_e]/2z/2 z/2g'/2<_a'/2[_b'_b_a_d]/2 z/2z/2z/2e'/2| f'[b'-_b]/2_b'/2- _b'/2-_b'/2-_b'/2-_b'/2 [f'_e']/2z/2[c''-_a'-_A,-]/2[c''_a'_e'_A,-]/2 _A,/2-[f'_A,]/2z/2_e'/2| z/2z/2z/2z/2 f'/2z/2z/2[f'_a-]/2 [_a-_e-c-]/2[_a_ec]/2z/2z/2 _e'/2[c''c'-_a-_e-]/2[c'_a_e]/2z/2| z/2[_e'_e-_d-]/2[g-_e-_d-]/2[_e''c'-_g-_e-_d-]/2 [c'-_g-_e-_d-]/2[c'-_g-_e-_d-]/2[c'-_g-_e-_d-]/2[c'-_g-_e-_d-]/2 [c'-_g-_e-_d-]/2[c'-_g-_e-_d-]/2[c'-_g-_e-_d-]/2[c'-_g-_e-_d-]/2 [c'_g-_e_d]/2[a'_g]/2z/2z/2| [_b_d]/2z/2_e'/2[_a_e_d]/2 z/2z/2z/2_e'/2 [c''_a']/2_A,/2-_A,/2z/2 _e'/2z/2z/2_e'/2| z/2c/2z/2z/2 [_a-_e-]/2[_a-_e]/2_a/2z/2 _e'/2[c''c'_e]/2_a/2z/2 z/2z/2[_e'_e-_d-]/2[_e''g-_e-_d]/2| [c'-g-_e-]/2[c'-_g-_e-]/2[c'-_g-_e-_d-]/2[c'-_g-_e-_d-]/2 [c'-_g-_e-_d-]/2[c''c'-_g-_e-_d-]/2[c'-_g-_e-_d-]/2[c'-_g-_e-_d-]/2 [c'-_g-_e-_d-]/2[_e'c'-_g-_e_d]/2[a'c'_g]/2z/2 z/2[_b_d]/2z/2[f'_e']/2| [_a_d]/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2_e'/2[c''_a'_A,-]/2[_e'_A,]/2 z/2z/2_e'/2z/2 z/2_e'/2_A/2[_e'_e]/2| z/2z/2[_a-_e]/2_a/2- [_e'_a]/2z/2_e'/2[c''f']/2 _e/2z/2z/2f'/2<_e'/2[c''_A,]/2z/2z/2| z/2z/2z/2c/2 z/2f'/2[_e'_A]/2z/2 _e'/2[_a-_e-]/2[_a-_e]/2_a/2 z/2_e'/2[c''_e]/2_a/2| z/2z/2z/2_e'/2 [_e''-b']/2[_e''_e'_G,-]/2_G,/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2[_g'_g]/2_g'/2_g'/2| b/2-[_b-_e]/2_b/2z/2 z/2z/2[_e''_g]/2z/2 z/2z/2_a'/2[_e''_G,]/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2| z/2z/2z/2z/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" z/2z/2z/2[b-^d-]/2 [bd-]/2d/2-d/2z/2| ^d''/2[d'^f]/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2^f'/2z/2 [^f''-d''-^F,-]/2[^f''-d''^f'^F,-]/2[^f''-b'^F,-]/2[^f''a'^F,]/2 D/2z/2a'/2z/2| z/2a'/2z/2z/2 z/2[a'd'-]/2[d'-^f]/2d'/2 a'/2z/2z/2a'/2 [^f''d''^f'a]/2z/2z/2b'/2| z/2a'/2z/2[^f''d''^F,-]/2 ^F,/2a'/2z/2a'/2 z/2a'/2z/2a'/2 z/2a'/2a'/2z/2| a'/2d'/2-[a'd'-^f]/2d'/2- d'/2z/2a'/2b'/2<a'/2[^f''d'']/2[^f'-a]/2[a'^f']/2 (3b'a'b'| a'/2z/2b' a'/2z2[^f''d'']/2z3| z8| z8| z2 z/2z3/2 z3/2E/2- [E-C]/2[EA,]/2^F,/2z/2| z/2z/2z/2z/2 G/2z/2A/2-[AD]/2 z/2^F,/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2^F/2z/2| B/2-[BD]/2z/2G,/2 z/2z/2z/2A/2 G/2z/2d/2-[dG]/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2| z/2z/2B/2z/2 c/2-[cG]/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2A/2z/2 d/2z/2[d-^F]/2d/2| A,/2z/2z/2z/2 A/2^A/2z/2B/2- [B-G]/2B/2B,/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2d/2|
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" a/2 g/2B/2>B,/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2| ze/2-[ec]/2 z/2^F/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2g/2z/2 a/2-[^ad]/2z/2^A/2| z/2z/2g/2^f/2 z/2b/2-[bd]/2z/2 ^G/2z/2z/2a/2 z/2^g/2^d'/2^g/2| z/2z/2z/2z/2 ^a/2z/2b/2z/2 [c'^g]/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2d'/2z/2^d'/2| z/2[f'^a^g]/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2^d'/2z/2 z/2 (3g'/2^d'/2^a/2^D/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2| z/2z/2[^a'g']/2z/2 ^A/2^g/2z ^d'/2z/2z/2^g'/2<^c'/2z/2z/2z/2| z/2z/2^a'/2z/2 z/2[^c''^f']/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2^d'/2^d''/2z/2| z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2^f'/2 ^f''/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2| [^d''e']/2e''/2g'/2z/2 z/2e'/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2^f''/2^a'/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2| z/2^c''/2[d''^d']/2^d'/2 ^d''/2^a'/2b'/2f'/2 ^f'/2d'/2^d'/2^a/2 [^d'b]/2[^a'^F]/2 (3^g'/2^f'/2^d'/2| z/2^g/2[^f^d]/2[B^F,]/2 ^G/2[FB,,]/2^f/2[^F^F,]/2 ^f/2-[^f^A,,-]/2^A,,/2^G/2 ^c/2z/2z/2^g'/2| ^g/2z3/2 [^a^A]/2B/2<b/2[^c^A,,]/2 e/2z/2z/2^c'/2 zz/2z/2| ^A/2[^dC,]/2^f/2^F,/2 z/2[^d''^d']/2z z/2[^c'^cA,]/2z/2[^dC,]/2 ^f/2^F,/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" _e'/2z[_dA,]/2[d'cE_G,]/2z/2 [eD,]/2z/2z/2[e''e']/2| zz/2z/2 _d'/2f/2_b/2z/2 e''/2e'/2z/2z/2 _e'/2d/2e/2a/2| z/2e''/2e'/2zz/2_d/2d'/2 e/2_b/2z/2e''/2 e'/2z/2_e/2e'/2| _d/2[d'e]/2a/2z/2 e'/2[e''a']/2[a'EA,]/2z/2 [e'a]/2e/2a/2[e'EA,]/2 a'/2e''/2a'/2[e'EA,]/2| a/2z3/2 A,/2-[A,E,-_D,]/2E,/2z/2 z/2[_B,-F,-D,-]/2[_B,F,D,]/2F,,,/2 G,,,/2z/2_A,,,/2A,,,/2| z/2z/2[_B,G,,,]/2[F,D,]/2 [F,,F,,,]/2[FD_B,G,,,]/2G,,/2z/2 _D/2z[EA,E,A,,]/2 A/2[A,E,A,,]/2e/2[e'aA,E,A,,]/2| a/2z/2[eAA,E,A,,]/2E/2 A/2z/2[ae]/2z/2 [e'EA,]/2a'/2z3/2[AE-_D]/2E/2z/2| z/2_A,,/2[_B-FD_B,G,,,]/2[_BF,,,]/2 z/2[_BG,,,]/2z/2A,,,/2 A,,,/2z/2z/2[_BFD_B,G,,,]/2 z/2[F,,F,,,]/2[fd_BFG,,,]/2G,,/2| z/2[_d-A-EA,,A,,,]/2[d-A]/2d/2 z/2[EA,E,A,,]/2A/2e/2 a/2z/2[a'e']/2e''/2 A,/2z[cAFA,F,A,,]/2| z/2_g/2c'/2g'/2 [c''_EA,]/2g''/2z3/2E,/2z/2[ae]/2 z/2e'/2a'/2c''/2| z[cA,F,A,,]/2z/2 _g/2c'/2z/2c''/2 g''/2[a''A-E-_D-A,-]/2[d''AEDA,]/2a'/2 z/2[g'gA-_G-_E-A,-]/2[c'AGEA,]/2z/2| [fc]/2z/2[aE_DA,]/2d/2 A/2z/2G,/2[CA,_G,_E,A,,]/2 [AA,G,E,A,,]/2c/2[gA,G,E,A,,]/2a/2 z/2[G,E,A,,]/2z| z[AA,]/2z/2 A/2zz/2 [AA,A,,]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" A/2 z/2zzz/2z| ze/2z/2 zz/2a/2 z/2z/2z z/2z/2z| z/2z/2z/2z/2 zz/2a'/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2zz/2| z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z[GG,]/2E/2 ^C/2B,/2z/2[A,A,,,]/2| G,/2z/2E,/2z[A,A,,,]/2z [D,D,,]/2zz3/2^F/2z/2| A,,,,/2zz^F/2z/2D,,/2 zz ^F/2z/2z| ^F/2z/2[A^F]/2z3/2[dA^F]/2zz[d-A-^FD]/2 [dA]/2zz/2| z/2z/2^F/2z/2 z/2z[d-A^FD]/2 d/2zz/2 z/2z/2z| z/2z/2[d-A]/2[d^FD]/2 zd'/2z/2 ^F,/2z/2z z[aA]| z/2z/2[^CG,E,]/2z/2 E,/2z/2z z3/2[d-A^FD]/2 d/2z/2z/2z/2| z/2z/2^F/2z/2 z[d-A^FD]/2d/2 zz/2z/2 z/2[eE]E,/2| z/2[e-B-^G-ED]/2[eBG]/2z[d'E,]/2z/2z/2 [g-G]/2g/2A,,/2z/2 z/2[^CA,E,-]/2[ae^cAE^CE,]/2z/2| z/2zz/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z[a'F,^F,,]/2
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano" [FA,]/2z/2e/2zzz/2| z/2z/2z/2z/2 zz/2z/2 f/2z/2z z/2z/2z/2z/2| zC/2z/2 zz G,/2z/2z/2z/2 zz/2^a'/2| ^A,/2[e''e']z/2 z/2G,/2z/2z/2 z/2zz/2 z/2zz/2| z/2z/2z/2z/2 z3/2z/2 [f'^f-]/2^f/2z z/2z/2z/2z/2| zC/2[c''c'-]/2 c'/2zz/2 z/2c'/2z3/2^A,/2[e''e']| z[^c''E,,]/2z/2 [^A,,A,,,]/2z/2z3/2A,/2[d''d'^F^F,]/2z/2 [^FDA,]/2z/2z/2c/2| z/2z/2z z/2[d'^c'd^F,]/2z/2[DB,]/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 b'/2z[a'G,]/2| z[E^C]/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2b'/2 z/2z/2[a'G,]/2z/2 [ECA,]/2z/2z/2[d''c''b']/2| z/2zz/2 [^F^F,]/2z/2[^FD]/2z/2 b/2[d'^c']/2z/2zC/2[d'c']/2z/2| B,/2D/2z [^FD]/2^A/2B/2z/2 zz/2^F,/2 z/2zz/2| ^D,/2z/2z E,/2zzz/2^a/2z/2 zB,/2[b^F,]/2| z3/2[^d'B,]/2 z/2zz/2 [^f'^C]/2zE/2 [^a'C]/2