stringclasses 338
values | start_time
int32 0
| question
stringclasses 1
value | answer
stringlengths 222
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_17_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D6_04_Track04_wav.wav | 0 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[b_a_B_B,]/2z/2[_gf_A_G]/2[_b_a]/2 [_g_B]/2f/2[_b_a_B_E,]/2_g/2 [c'ac_G]/2_a/2[_gA_A]/2_G/2 [_g'_d'_g]/2c'/2[_g'F,]/2[_g-_E]/2|
[_ba_g]/2[f'f_d]/2[_b_a]/2[e'_e_A,]/2 [_ba]/2[_e'_e_B]/2[_b_a]/2[_e'_e_B,]/2 [_bF]/2[d'_B-]/2[_a_B]/2[f_A]/2 z/2[a_aE]/2A/2[_gf_D]/2|
[_b-_BD,]/2[_b_g_B,]/2f/2[b_B]/2 _a/2[_gf_A_G]/2_a/2[_b_B]/2 [_gf]/2[_b_B_E,]/2[_a_g_B,]/2[c'cC]/2 [a_a_A_G]/2[_gA_A]/2_G/2[_g'_gF]/2|
[_d'c']/2F,/2[_g'_g-]/2[_ba_g]/2 [f'f]/2[_b_a]/2[e'_e_A,]/2[_b_A]/2 [_e'a_e_B]/2[_b_d]/2_a/2[_e'_e_B,]/2 [_bF]/2[d'_B]/2[_a_B]/2_A/2|
_G/2[_B-FE]/2[_B_A_E]/2z[A-_E,,-]/2[_A_A,-_E,,-]/2[_G_A,_E,,]/2 [FC,]/2[_BD,]/2[_GFF,_E,]/2[F_E_G,]/2 [_A,_A,]/2[_g_G_B,]/2A/2[_BF_D]/2|
[_g_B_G_E]/2A/2[fFC]/2[_d_B,]/2 [e_E_G,]/2[_B_A]/2[_e_E-F,,]/2[_d_EF,]/2 _E,/2[cC_G,,]/2[_B_E,_D,]/2[_d_DF,]/2 [_B_A-_A,_G,]/2[_A_G_B,]/2[_BACB,]/2[_b_B_D]/2|
_E/2[_B_GF]/2[_dF]/2[c_E]/2 [_af_AD_D]/2[gC]/2[_d_G_B,A,]/2c/2 [_gf_G_A,,]/2[_A,_G,]/2[e_EF,_B,,]/2A/2 [fF_A,]/2[_dcC]/2z|
[_d'-_d-C,C,,][_d'-_d]/2[_d'-c'-G,]/2 [_d'-c'_b_aE_B,]/2[_d'_gA,]/2[_bg_G_E_B,]/2[_aB,]/2 [c'-_gcEC]/2[c'_b_B_E]/2[_a_gE]/2f/2 [_e_B]/2[_b_B-_G]/2[f_B]/2_e/2-|
[eF,-F,,-]/2[_a-_A-F,F,,]/2[_a-_A]/2[_a_g]/2 [fC]/2[a-_A]/2[_a_g_E]/2[_e_DC]/2 [f_B,]/2[_a_g_A_D_A,]/2[_gf_E_D]/2[_a_AC]/2 [f_E_D]/2[_bF]/2[_g_E]/2[f_e_G_D]/2|
[fF]/2[_b_g_E]/2[_g-_B_A]/2[_gf]/2 z/2[_b-_B-D,-]/2[_b_g_B_B,_D,]/2[fF]/2 [b_B]/2_a/2[f_A]/2[_a_g_G]/2 [_b_g_B]/2f/2[_b_B_E,]/2[_a_g_B,]/2|
[c'cC]/2[a_a_A_G]/2[_gA]/2[_A_G]/2 [_g'-_gF]/2[_g'_d'c'E]/2F,/2[_g'-_g-]/2 [_g'_b_g]/2[f'afB]/2_b/2[_e'_a_e_A,]/2 [_bG,]/2[_e'a_e_A]/2[_b_d]/2a/2|
[_e'_e_B,]/2[_bF]/2d'/2[_a_g]/2 [_gf_A_G]/2[_aF]/2[_b_BE]/2[_g_D]/2 z/2[_e'-_e-G,]/2[_e'b_e_E]/2_b/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_17_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D6_04_Track04_wav.wav | 25 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[^c'^A]/2[^a^cB]/2[^c'bB^A]/2 [e'^eA]/2[b^a^G]/2[^e'^e^G,]/2[^c'^E]/2 [^f'b^f^F]/2[d'^c'B]/2[^c'b^d^c]/2[^cB]/2|
[b'b^A]/2[^e'A]/2[^f'^G]/2[b'b^A,]/2 ^d'/2[d'^d]/2[^a'^d'^a^ee]/2[d'^f]/2 [a'^d'^a^g]/2[d'^e]/2[^g'^d'^g]/2d'/2 [^g'^gB,]/2[^c'b^E]/2[^e'^eB]/2[^d'^c'^c]/2|
[^c'b^d^c]/2[^d'B]/2[^g'^g^cE]/2[^e'd'-]/2 [^d'A,]/2[^a'^a-]/2[^d'^c'^a^A]/2[^g'^g^c]/2 [^d'^c'^d]/2[g'^g^e^d]/2[d'^c'^d^c]/2[^e'^e]/2 [^d'^c']/2[^e'^e^F,]/2^a/2[^f'^f^G]/2|
[c'^aA]/2[^a^c^A]/2[^c'^a^AA]/2[g'^g^c]/2 [^c'^a]/2^G,/2[^g'^c'^g]/2c'/2 [g'^g^c]/2[^c'c'd]/2[^e'^e^c]/2[^c'c'^c]/2 [^f'^f^A]/2[^c'c']/2^f/2a/2|
z/2[e'b^e]/2A/2[^gB^A]/2 ^G/2[^e'-^e-B]/2[^e'^a^e]/2z/2 [g'-^g-^G,-]/2[^g'^g^G,]/2c'/2[^e'b^eB]/2 z/2[d'^d]/2[^a^c]/2[^e^A]/2|
[g^G]/2[^e'^E,]/2[b^e^C]/2^f'/2 [b^f-A]/2[^f-^cc]/2[^c'^g^f]/2z/2 [^f^G]/2[^f'^F^F,]/2[^a^f]/2z/2 [e'^e-]/2^e/2c'/2-[^c'-g^fA]/2|
[c'e]/2^E/2[^e'^E,]/2[a^e]/2 g/2[^d'^d^G]/2z/2[b-B]/2 [b-^A]/2[b-^e^G]/2[b-^d^E]/2[be^E][^e-^D]/2^e|
z/2[^d'-^D,,-]/2[^d'^d-^D,,] [b-^d]/2[b^a]/2[d'-^d^A,]/2[^d'^a]/2 z/2[^g^e]/2[^d'^a^d]/2[^g^e]/2 ^E,,/2[d'^d^C,]/2[b^a]/2[^c'-^c^C]/2|
[^c'^a^F]/2[^e^EB,]/2[^a^g]/2[d'^d^E]/2 ^g/2[^e^G,,]/2[^c'^g^c^D,]/2^e/2 [c'^c^C]/2[^e^f^F]/2[^f^d^E^F]/2[^e^D]/2 [^c'-^c-^E]/2[^c'^g^e^c]/2[c'^A,,]/2^c/2-|
[^ec^C]/2[b^fBD]/2[^e^F]/2^f/2 [b^fB]/2^e/2[^a^d^A]/2z/2 [^d-^D,,-]/2[^d^D-^D,,]/2[B^D]/2[d^D^A,]/2 ^A/2^E/2[^A^G]/2[^d^D]/2|
[^G^E]/2^E,,/2[d^D]/2[B^A]/2 [^c^C]/2^A/2[^EB,]/2[^A^G^A,]/2 [^d^D]/2[^G^E]/2[^c^C^G,,]/2^G/2 [^EC]/2[^c^E]/2 (3^F/2^D/2^F/2|
^E/2[^c-^C-]/2[^c^G^C]/2^E/2 [c^A,,,]/2^C/2-[^E^C]/2[^F^F,]/2 [BDB,^G,]/2[^E-^F]/2[B^EB,]/2^E/2<^F/2[^A-^A,-]/2[^A-^D-^A,-]/2[^A-^D-D-^A,]/2|
[^A^D-D-]/2[^DDA,-^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2[A,^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]3/2[^D^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2[^E^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2[^A,-^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2 [^A,-^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2[^D^A,-^E,^A,,-^D,,]/2[^A,-^A,,]/2^A,/2- |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_17_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D6_04_Track04_wav.wav | 50 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[A,-_G,-_B,,-_E,,-][_E_A,_G,-_B,,-_E,,-]/2[_G_G,-_B,,-_E,,-]/2 [_E_B,-_G,-_B,,-_E,,-]/2[_B,-_G,-_B,,-_E,,-]/2[_E_B,-_G,-_B,,-_E,,-]/2[_B,-_G,_B,,_E,,]/2 _B,/2_E/2_G/2_E-[_E_A,-_G,-_B,,-_E,,-]/2[_A,-_G,-_B,,-_E,,-]|
[_EA,_G,-_B,,-_E,,-]/2[_G,-_B,,-_E,,-]/2[_G_G,-_B,,-_E,,-]/2[_E_B,-_G,-_B,,-_E,,-]/2 [_B,-_G,-_B,,-_E,,-]/2[_B,-_G,-_B,,-_E,,-]/2[_B,-_G,-_B,,-_E,,-]/2[_B,-_G,-_B,,-_E,,-]/2 [_B,-_G,-_B,,-_E,,-]/2[_E_B,-_G,-_B,,-_E,,-]/2[_B,-_G,-_B,,-_E,,-]/2[_B,-_G,-_B,,-_E,,-]/2 [_B,-_G,_B,,-_E,,]/2[_B,-_B,,-]/2[_G_B,_B,,-]/2[_E_B,,]/2|
z/2_E/2_G/2z/2 _E3/2D,,/2- [_B-_B,-_D,,][_B-_A_B,]/2[_BC,]/2 F/2[_A_GF,]/2[B_A_B,_B,_A,]/2_G/2-|
[_GFF,]/2z/2A/2-[c-_A_GC_E,,_E,,,]/2 c/2zc'/2 [c'_af]/2[c'F-]/2[_aF]/2[c'_a-]/2 [_a_ec_E]/2_g/2z|
z/2D,,/2-[_B-_B,-_D,,] [_B-_A_B,C,]/2[_BF_D,]/2[_A_GF,]/2[B-_B,A,_A,]/2 [_B_A_G_G,]/2[_GFF,]/2_A/2z/2 [c-A-_GC_E,,_E,,,]/2[c_A]/2z/2c'/2|
[_gc]/2[c'fAF]/2[c'_a_gc_G]/2[fe_E]/2 [c'_a-c_AF]/2[_a_e-_E]/2[_g-_e_G-]/2[_g_G-]/2 _G/2[b-_B-]/2[_b_e-_B-]/2[g_e_B_B]/2 [_g_A]/2[c'_e]/2[g_g_B_A]/2[b_e_B]/2|
[g_g_BA]/2[c'_ec]/2[g_g_B_A]/2[bg_e_B_B]/2 [_g_A-]/2[c'_b_ec_A_G]/2F/2[bg_B_B-_A-]/2 [_g_ec_B-_A]/2[c'-_b_B_G]/2[c'_a_a]/2z/2 [F,,F,,,]/2[ba_g_e_B]_E,/2|
[c'-a-_g-_e-c-]/2[c'-_a-_g-_e-c_B,]/2[c'_a_g-_e-]/2[_g-_e_G_E]/2 [_g_B_A]/2[c-B]/2[_b-_a-_g-_e-c]/2[_b_a_g_e_B]/2 [c'-_a-_g-_e-c-_A]/2[c'-_a-_g-_e-c-_G]/2[c'-_a-_g-_e-c]/2[c'_a-_g-_e-C_B,]/2 [_a_g-_e_A,]/2[_g_G,]/2z|
z/2[F,,-F,,,-]/2[b-a-F,,F,,,]/2[_b_a]/2 _B/2[c'_aF,]/2[_e_G,]/2[_b_ac]/2 [_e_B,]/2[c'_a_B]/2z [_g'F,,]/2[F,_E,]/2[f'_b-_a]/2[_bfA,]/2|
[e'b_a_B,]/2_e/2[_e'_b_a]/2_e/2 [_ba]/2[_e_B]/2[c'_a_G,]/2[_ec_A,]/2 [_b_a_B,]/2[_e_BC]/2[c'_a_a]/2z/2 [_g'_bF,,]/2[_aF,]/2[f'_b_a_A,_G,]/2f/2|
[e'b_aC_B,]/2_e/2[_e'_b_aF]/2_e/2 z/2F,,/2-[_d-_D-F,,]/2[_d_B_D_D,]/2 F,/2[A_A_G,]/2[_B_A,]/2[d_B_D_B,]/2 [A_A,]/2[_A_AG,]/2z|
[_e-dcA_E_G,,_G,,,]/2_e/2z/2[_e'c'_acA-]/2 [_e'_A]/2[_e'c']/2[gc-]/2[_e'-c'-c-_G-]/2 [_e'c'_g_ec_A_G]/2_a/2z F,,/2-[_d-_DF,,][_dB_D,]/2|
[_AF,]/2[BA_A,_G,]/2[d_D_D]/2[_BA_B,]/2 [_AA,]/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_17_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D6_04_Track04_wav.wav | 75 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[c'_agc-]/2[_e'-_d'-c'-b-c-_G-]/2[_e'd'c'_bgcG]/2[aA-]/2 A-[_B-A]/2[_b_e_B][g-_B]/2[g_gA]/2[c'_e]/2 [g_g_BA]/2[b_e_B]/2[g_g_BA]/2[c'_ec]/2|
[g_g_BA]/2[b_e_B]/2[g_g_BA]/2[c'_b_ec]/2 [GF]/2[bg_B_B-]/2[_g_BA-]/2[c'-_ecA]/2 [c'_bG]/2z[_b-_a-f-d-_B-E,,-_E,,,]/2 [_bafd-_B_E,,]/2d/2D,/2[b-a-f-d-_B-F,]/2|
[b-_a-f-d-_B_B,A,]/2[ba-f-d-D_B,]/2[afdE]/2[AF]/2 [_b-a-f-d-B_B]/2[_bafd]/2_B/2[b-a-_g-d-_B-F]/2 [_b-a-gd-_B-_E]/2[_b-a-f-d-_B_B,]/2[_ba-f-d-_B,]/2[af-dF,]/2 [f_E,]/2z[_E,,-_E,,,]/2|
[_b-_a-E,,]/2[_b-a]/2[_bd]/2_E,/2 [baG,]/2[d_BA,]/2[_baB,_B,]/2[d_D]/2 [ba_ED]/2z/2[f'_bF,,]/2[g_E,]/2 [_e'_bF,]/2[g_e]/2[_e'_b]/2[g_e]/2|
[d'_bD_D]/2d/2_b/2[_adE,,]/2 [_E,D,]/2[badG,]/2[_BA,]/2[_badB,_B,]/2 [ba_D]/2D/2z/2[f'_bgD,F,,_E,,]/2 _E,/2[_e'_bgG,F,]/2_e/2[_e'_bgC_B,]/2|
[_e_D]/2[d'_bED]/2[gd]/2z/2 _G,,/2-[d-D-G,,]/2[dD]/2[c_B]/2 [AG,]/2[c_BA,G,]/2[_e_ED]/2[c_BB,]/2 [AA,]/2[c_B]/2z/2[e-_d-_B_EG,,G,,,]/2|
[e_d]/2z/2_e'/2[_b_B]/2 [_e'_baA]/2[_e'-d'_adA]/2[_e'_e]/2[gG]/2 _b/2z[d-D_G,,][dc]/2G,/2[_BAA,G,]/2|
[_e-c_ED]/2[_ec]/2[_BAA,]/2[c_B]/2 z/2[e_d_B_EG,,G,,,]/2z _e'/2[_ba_B]/2[_e'd'A]/2[_e'-_b_adA-]/2 [_e'd'g-_eA]/2[_bgG]/2z|
[e_E_A,,][d_G,_E,]/2[BG,]/2 [dcA,]/2[f-F_E]/2[fdcDC]/2[_B_B,A,]/2 c/2z/2[_g-_e-c-GA,,A,,,]/2[g_ec]/2 z[g'_e'd'_ec-_B]/2[g'_e'cc_B]/2|
[_g'_e'd'c'A]/2[bc-]/2[g'_e'a_ec_G]/2c'/2 zA,,/2-[f-F-A,,][f_e-FF,]/2[_e_d]/2[c_B,A,]/2 [_edC]/2[g-GF]/2[g_ed_ED]/2[cC]/2|
[_e-_d]/2[_eA,,]/2[_g-G]/2[g_eG,]/2 [dD]/2[_aB-A-_E]/2[_ed_BAD_B,-]/2[G_B,]/2 [_e_E]/2z/2[a-_B-A_B,]/2[a_BG,]/2 d/2[_eA,,]/2z|
[_bg_e_B_E,,_E,,,]z G,/2_B,/2[_B,-G,-_E,-_B,,-]/2[G_B,-G,-_E,-_B,,]/2 [g_e_B_B,G,_E,]/2G/2C/2g/2 _b/2[G_E_B,]/2G/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_17_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D6_04_Track04_wav.wav | 100 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
g/2 [^g'^d'^a]/2[^a^g]/2z/2[^a'^g']/2|
[g''^d''-^g^d^A^G]/2[^d''^a']/2z/2[^g'^d'c-^G-^D-^C-]/2 [^a^g^c^G-^D-^C]/2[^g'^d'^G-^D]/2[^a^G]/2[^g^d^A,]/2 ^A/2[^g'^G,]/2^a/2z/2 [^g^d^C-^G,-^D,-^C,-]/2[^A^G^C-^G,-^D,-^C,]/2[^g^d^C^G,-^D,]/2[^A^G,]/2|
[^D,^A,,]/2[G^D-^A,]/2[^D^G,]/2z/2 [^E-^D-^E,^D,,-^D,,,-]/2[^E-^D^D,,^D,,,]/2[^E^E,]/2z/2 [^A,-^E,-^D,-^A,,-]/2[^A^E^A,-^E,-^D,-^A,,-]/2[^e^d^A,^E,^D,^A,,]/2[^A^E]/2 z/2[^a^e]/2[^E^D]/2z/2|
z/2[^e^A-^E-^D-]/2[^a^A-^E-^D-]/2[^e'^d'^e^A^E^D]/2 ^a/2[B^D]/2[^a'^e']/2[^e''^d''^e^d]/2 [^a'G]/2z/2[^e'^d'B-^E-^D-^C-B,-]/2[^a^eB^E-^D^CB,]/2 [^e'^d'^E]/2^a/2[^e^d]/2z/2|
[^e'^E,]/2[^d'^a]/2z/2[^e^dB,-^E,-^D,-B,,-]/2 [BB,-^E,-^D,-B,,]/2[^EB,^E,^D,]/2[^e^d]/2B/2 z/2[^A,^A,,-]/2[^E-^D-^E,^D,-^A,,-]/2[^E-^D-^D,-^A,,]/2 [^E-^D-^D,-]/2[^E^D^D,]/2z|
zD,/2-[^a-^D,]/2 ^a/2-[^a^e-]/2[^e^F]/2[b^f]/2 [^gB]/2z/2[^e^f^G^E]/2b/2 [^eB]/2^f/2[bB^D,]/2[^g^e]/2|
[c'^c^C]/2[a^g^G^E]/2[^e^A^G]/2^E/2 [^e'-^e^F]/2[^e'^c'c'E]/2^F,/2[^e'^e]/2 ^a/2[^f'a^fB]/2^a/2[e'a^e^G,]/2 [^a^G]/2[^d'a^d^A]/2[^aa]/2[^d'^d^A,]/2|
[^a^F]/2^A/2[d'^g]/2^e/2 [^g^e^E^F]/2[a^A]/2[^e^D]/2^f/2 [^a-^A^D,]/2[^a^e^A,]/2[^f^F]/2[bBB,]/2 ^g/2[^e^f^G^E]/2^g/2[b^eB]/2|
[^fD]/2[bB^D,]/2[^g^eB,]/2[c'^c^C]/2 [a^g-^G^E]/2[^g^e^A]/2[^G^E]/2[^e'-^e^F]/2 [^e'^c'c']/2^F,/2[^e'^e-^D]/2[^aa^e]/2 [^f'^fB]/2[b^aa]/2[e'^e^G,]/2[^aa^G]/2|
[^d'^d^A]/2[^aa]/2[^d'^A,]/2[^a^d-^F]/2 ^d/2[d'^A]/2[^g^A]/2[^G^E]/2 ^F/2[^A-E]/2[^A^G^D]/2^F/2 z/2[A-^D,,-]/2[^A^A,-^D,,-]/2[^E^A,^D,,]/2|
[^FC,]/2[^AD,]/2[^E^F^F,^D,]/2[^D^E,]/2 [^FA,^G,]/2[^e-^A,]/2[^eA^E]/2[^AD]/2 [^e^E^F]/2[^AA^D]/2[^f^F^C]/2[^c^A,]/2 [e^EG,]/2[^A^E,]/2[^dA^D-^F,^F,,]/2[^c^D^F,]/2|
^D,/2[c-^C^E,,-]/2[^c^A^C,^E,,]/2[^c^C^F,^D,]/2 [^A^E,]/2[^G-^E^A,^G,]/2[^GB,]/2[^a^AC]/2 [^g^D^C]/2^F/2[^a^A^E]/2[^cc^F^D]/2 [^gA^GGD]/2[^f^d^C]/2[^g^G^A,]/2[^cc^G,]/2|
[^e^E^G,,]/2[^f^G,^E,]/2[e^E^A,,]/2[A^F,]/2 [^f^F^A,]/2[c^C]/2^c/2z/2 [C,-^C,,-]/2[^c'-^c-C,-^C,,]/2[^c'-^c-C,]/2[^c'-^c]/2 [^c'-c'-G,]/2[^c'-c'^a^A,]/2[^c'^g^eA,]/2[^ag^GE]/2|
^g/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_17_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D6_04_Track04_wav.wav | 125 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[^a-^A-]/2[^a^fe-^A]/2^e/2[^g-^F,-^F,,-]/2 [^g-^G-^F,^F,,]/2[^g^G-]/2[^e^f^GC]/2z/2 [a-^A-]/2[^a-^e^A^C]/2[^a^dC^A,]/2[^e^fA,]/2 [^a^e^A^D^C]/2[^f^C]/2[^a^AC]/2[^f^d^D^C]/2|
[^a^A^F]/2[^e^f^D^C]/2[^d^E]/2[^f^F^D]/2 [^a-^e^G]/2[^a^e-^A^E]/2[^e^f-]/2^f/2 [^a-^A-D,]/2[^a^e^A]/2[^f^F]/2[bB]/2 [^g^E]/2[^f^G]/2[^g^e^E]/2[bB]/2|
[^e^f]/2[bB^D,]/2[^gB,]/2[c'^e^c]/2 [a^g^E^C]/2[^e^A^G]/2[^G^E]/2[^e'-^F]/2 [^e'^c'^e]/2c'/2[^e'-^e-^F,]/2[^e'^e^D]/2 [^aa^A]/2[^f'^fB]/2[^aa]/2[e'^e^G,]/2|
[^aa]/2[^d'^d^A]/2[b^a]/2[^d'^d^A,]/2 [^a^F]/2[d'a^A]/2z/2[^f^A]/2 [^g^e^E]/2[^a^A^FE]/2^e/2^D/2 [^d'-^d-G,]/2[^d'b^d]/2[e'^a^e]/2[^c'^A^E]/2|
[b^a^cB]/2[^c'bB^A]/2[e'^eA]/2[b^a^G]/2 [^f'^e'^e^G,]/2[^c'^E]/2[^f'b^f]/2[d'B^F]/2 [^c'b^d^c]/2[^c'^cB]/2[b'-b^A]/2[b'^e'A]/2 [^f'^G]/2[b'b^A,]/2^d'/2[d'^d]/2|
[^a'^d'^ae]/2[d'^e^f]/2[a'^d'^a^g]/2[d'^f-]/2 [^g'^d'^aa^f]/2d'/2[^g'^gB,]/2[^c'^E]/2 [^e'-b^e^A-]/2[^e'^d'^c'^cB^A]/2[^a^d]/2[^d'^c'^c]/2 [^g'-^g-E]/2[^g'^e'^g^c]/2d'/2-[a'-^d'^a-^A,-]/2|
[a'^a^A,]/2[d'^c'^A]/2[^g'^g^c]/2[^d'^c'^dd]/2 [g'^ge]/2[^d'^c'^d^c]/2[^e'^e]/2[^d'^c'^A]/2 [^e'^e^F,]/2[^d'^a^D]/2[^f'^f]/2[c'^a]/2 [a^c^A]/2[^a^AA]/2[^g'^g^c]/2^a/2|
^G,/2[^g'^g^D]/2[^c'c']/2[g'^g^c]/2 [^c'c'd^c]/2[^e'^e^c]/2[^c'c'^c]/2[^f'^f^A]/2 ^c'/2c'/2^f/2a/2 [e'^e^GG]/2[b^a-^A]/2[^a^gB]/2[^A^G]/2|
[^e'-^e-B]/2[^e'a^e^A]/2b/2>G,/2 [^g'-^g-]/2[^g'c'^gD]/2b/2[^e'^e]/2 ^c/2[^d'^d]/2[^a^gc]/2[^e^A]/2 ^g/2[^e'^e^E,]/2[^C^G,]/2[b^a]/2|
[^f'^f-A]/2[^f-c]/2[^c'-^f^c]/2[^c'^g^e^A]/2 ^f/2z/2[^f'^f^F,]/2[^a^F]/2 [e'^e-]/2[^eB]/2c'/2-[^c'gA]/2 ^e/2^E/2^E,/2[^e'^e]/2|
[ag]/2[^d'^d-^G]/2^d/2z/2 [b-B]/2[b-^ee^A^G]/2b/2-[b-^d^E]/2 [b-e-^E-]/2[b^e-e^E]/2[^e-^D]/2^e/2 z^D,,/2-[^d'-^d-^D,,-]/2|
[^d'-^d-^D,,]/2[^d'^d]/2b/2^a/2 [d'^d^A,]/2^a/2[^g^e^E]/2[^a^g]/2 [^d'^d]/2[^g^e]/2[d'^d^E,,]/2b/2 ^a/2[^c'^c^C]/2[^a^F]/2[^e^EB,]/2|
[^a^g]/2[d'^d]/2^g/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_17_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D6_04_Track04_wav.wav | 150 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[^c'^c^G,,]/2[^g^D,]/2 [c'^e^c]/2[^e^C]/2[^f^F]/2[^f^d^F]/2 [^e^E^D]/2[^c'-^c-]/2[^c'^g^e^c]/2[c'^c^A,,]/2 ^e/2[^f^C]/2[bB^DD]/2[^e^f]/2|
[bB]/2[^e^f]/2[^g^A]/2^d/2 ^D,,/2-[^d-^D-^D,,]/2[^dB^D^A,,]/2^A/2 [d^D^A,]/2^A/2^E/2[^A^G^D]/2 [^d^D-]/2[A^E^D]/2[d-^D^E,,]/2[^dB^C,]/2|
^A/2[^c^C]/2[^A^F]/2[^G^EB,]/2 [^A^A,]/2[d^D]/2[^G^E]/2[^c-^C^G,,]/2 [^c^G]/2[^EC]/2[^c^E]/2 (3^F/2^D/2^F/2^E/2[^c-^C-]/2[^c^G^F^C]/2|
^E[c-^C-^A,,,]/2[^c^E-^C]/2 ^E/2[^F^F,]/2[BDB,^G,]/2[^E-^F]/2 [B-^EB,-]/2[B^EB,]/2^F/2[^A-^A,-]/2 [^A-^D-^A,-]/2[^A^D-D-^A,-]/2[^D-D-^A,]/2[^D-D]/2|
[^DA,-^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2[A,-^E,-^A,,-^D,,-][^DA,^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2 [^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2[^E^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2[^D^A,-^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2[^E^A,-^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2 [^A,-^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2[^A,-^E,^A,,-^D,,]/2[^D^A,-^A,,]/2[^E^A,]/2 ^E/2<^D/2[A,-^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]|
[A,^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2[^E^D^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2[^A,-^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2[^A,-^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2 [^D^A,-^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2[^A,-^E,^A,,^D,,]/2[^D^A,-]/2[^E^A,]/2 ^D/2^E/2^D- [^DA,-^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2[A,^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]3/2|
[^D^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2[^E^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2[^A,-^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2[^D^A,-^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2 [^E^A,-^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2[^A,-^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2[^A,-^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2[^D^A,-^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2 [^A,-^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2[^A,-^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2[^A,-^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2[^A,-^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2 [^A,-^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2[^A,-^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2[^A,-^E,-^A,,-^D,,-]/2[^A,-^E,^A,,-^D,,]/2|
[^A,-^A,,]/2^A,/2z/2^E/2 ^D3/2A,3^A,3/2|
A,z/2^A,3z3/2 A,2-|
A,2- ^A,/2-[^A,-A,]^A,3/2-[^E-^A,] ^E2|
E/2-[^E^D-^G,-^F,-^A,,-^A,,,-][^D-^G,-^F,-^A,,^A,,,-]3/2[^D-^G,-^F,^A,,,-]/2[^D-^G,^A,,,]/2 ^Dz2z/2[^D-^E,-^D,,-^D,,,-]/2|[^D-^E,-^D,,-^D,,,-]4 [^D-^E,^D,,-^D,,,-]/2[^D^D,,^D,,,]/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_24_R1_2011_MID--AUDIO_R1-D9_10_Track10_wav.wav | 0 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2c'/2[a'C,-F,,-]/2[g'C,F,,-]/2 F,,/2-[agF,,-]/2F,,/2-[AF,,-]/2 F,,/2-F,,/2-[A,F,,]/2z/2|
z/2[G,F,]/2z/2C/2 [GFD,-]/2D,/2[cC,]/2[fA,]/2 g/2c'/2[g'f']/2a'/2 [g'A,,]/2[C,-F,,-]/2[aC,F,,-]/2[gF,,-]/2|
F,,/2-[AF,,-]/2F,,/2-[A,F,,-]/2 F,,/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2A,/2D,/2-D,/2 [AGC,]/2G,/2-[cG,-]/2[agG,]/2|
z/2c'/2[a'g']/2[_b'C]/2 a'/2z/2_b/2a/2 z/2_B/2z/2_B,/2 A,/2z/2G,/2A,/2|
z/2[GD,-]/2[AD,]/2[cC,]/2 [g_B,]/2a/2c'/2[g'G,]/2 [_b'a']/2[a'G,,]/2[C,-E,,-]/2[_bC,E,,-]/2 [aE,,-]/2E,,/2-[_BAE,,-]/2E,,/2-|
[_B,E,,-]/2E,,/2z/2z/2 _B,/2z/2F,/2G,/2 D,/2-[FCD,]/2[GC,]/2c/2 f/2[gF]/2 (3c'/2f'/2a'/2|
[g'FD-_B,-F,]/2[D_B,]/2_b/2g/2 d/2z/2[cA,]/2[gf]/2 [CA,]/2[f'c']/2g'/2[a'g'FD-_B,-F,]/2 [D_B,]/2_b/2g/2z/2|
d/2 (3c/2f/2g/2z/2 c'/2f'/2[a'F-]/2[a'F-B,-G,-]/2 [g'F-_B,-G,-]/2[F-_B,-G,-]/2[F_B,-G,-]/2[c'a_B,-G,-]/2 [D-_B,-G,-]/2[agD_B,-G,]/2_B,/2_B/2|
c/2A/2G/2z/2 [CB,]/2z/2A,/2G,/2 z/2z/2z/2[G,,-C,,-]/2 [A,G,,-C,,-]/2[G,,-C,,-]/2[ACG,,-C,,-]/2[GG,,-C,,-]/2|
[cG,,C,,]/2[ag]/2z/2c'/2 [a'g']/2[b'G,]/2[c''f'E]/2z/2 [d''c'']/2 (3f'/2e'/2d''/2c''/2 [f'e']/2[d''_B,G,]/2c''/2[_b'a']/2|
[g'C,]/2z/2a'/2g'/2 z/2[ag]/2z/2A/2 z/2z/2A,/2z/2 F,/2G,/2z/2[FCD,-]/2|
[GD,]/2z/2[cC,]/2[fA,]/2 g/2c'/2[g'f']/2a'/2 [g'A,,]/2[C,-F,,-]/2[aC,F,,-]/2[gF,,-]/2 F,,/2-[AF,,-]/2[FF,,-]/2[A,F,,-]/2|
F,,/2F,/2z/2A,/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_24_R1_2011_MID--AUDIO_R1-D9_10_Track10_wav.wav | 25 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
z/2z/2[A,G,]/2 D,/2-D,/2[AGC,]/2G,/2- [cG,-]/2[agG,]/2z/2c'/2|
[a'g']/2_b'/2a'/2z/2 _b/2a/2z/2[_BA]/2 z/2_B,/2A,/2z/2 z/2A,/2z/2[GD,-]/2|
[_BAD,]/2[cC,]/2[g_B,]/2a/2 z/2[g'c']/2a'/2[_b'a'G,,]/2 [C,-E,,-]/2[_bC,E,,-]/2[aE,,-]/2E,,/2- [_BE,,-]/2[AE,,-]/2[CE,,-]/2[_B,A,E,,-]/2|
E,,/2G,/2_B,/2z/2 z/2F,/2[G,D,-]/2[CD,]/2 [FC,]/2G/2 (3c/2f/2g/2 (3F/2c'/2f'/2a'/2[g'FD-_B,-F,]/2|
[D_B,]/2_b/2g/2d/2 z/2c/2[gf]/2[c'A,]/2 (3f'/2g'/2a'/2[g'FD_B,F,]/2z/2 _b/2g/2d/2z/2|
[cF,]/2[gf]/2z/2[f'c']/2 g'/2[a'F,-_B,,]/2[g'D-G,-F,-]/2[a'D-G,-F,-]/2 [g'f'D-G,-F,-]/2[D-G,-F,-]/2[_bD-G,-F,-]/2[c'aD-G,-F,-]/2 [agDG,-F,-]/2[gG,-F,]/2[dG,]/2_B/2|
c/2[AD-G,-]/2[AGD-G,-F,-C,-]/2[DG,-F,-C,-]/2 [G,-F,-C,-]/2[cG,-F,-C,-]/2[G,F,-C,-]/2[gC-F,E,-C,-]/2 [aC-E,-C,-]/2[gCE,-C,-]/2[c'_B,E,C,-]/2C,/2 c'/2[d''C,-F,,]/2[c''E,-C,-]/2[d''_B,-E,-C,-]/2|
[c''_B,-E,-C,-]/2[_b'g'_B,-E,-C,-]/2[_B,-E,-C,-]/2[f'd'_B,-E,-C,-]/2 [d'_B,E,C,]/2 (3c'/2_b/2g/2z/2 [fdC,F,,]/2F,/2[dc]/2z/2 [FC]/2D/2 (3_B,/2A,/2E,/2|
F,/2D,/2z/2G,,/2 A,,/2<F,,/2[f'A,,D,,-]/2[e'D,,-]/2 D,,/2-D,,/2-[fD,,-]/2D,,/2- [FD,,-]/2D,,/2-D,,/2F,/2|
A,,/2D,/2E,/2z/2 A,/2[D_B,,-]/2[E_B,,]/2[AA,,]/2 [dF,]/2e/2a/2 (3d'/2e'/2f'/2[e'A,,-F,,]/2[d'A,,-D,,-]/2[fA,,D,,-]/2|
[edD,,-]/2D,,/2-[FED,,-]/2[_A,,D,,-]/2 [F,D,,-]/2D,,/2z/2D,/2 [F,E,]/2z/2z/2[F,E,]/2 _B,,/2-[A,_B,,]/2[FEA,,]/2E,/2-|
[AE,-]/2[feE,]/2z/2a/2 e'/2[g'f']/2f'/2z/2 g/2>f/2z/2G/2 z/2z/2G,/2z/2|
z/2E,/2F,/2z/2 [E_B,,-]/2[F_B,,]/2[AA,,]/2[eG,]/2 f/2a/2[e'E,]/2[g'f']/2 [f'E,,]/2[e'A,,_D,,]/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_24_R1_2011_MID--AUDIO_R1-D9_10_Track10_wav.wav | 50 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
g/2f/2 z/2[G^F]/2[A,,^G,,]/2G,/2 ^F,/2[E,A,,]/2E,/2<G,/2|
[^F,C,,-]/2^C,,/2-[^D,A,,^C,,-]/2[E,^C,,-]/2 [B,,-^C,,-]/2[DA,B,,^C,,]/2[E^C,-A,,]/2[A^C,-]/2 [ed^C,-]/2^C,/2-[a^C,-]/2[d'^C,]/2 [^f'e'B,]/2[e'd']/2^c''/2[^f'^F]/2|
[e'A^G]/2[^d'a^f]/2[f'G^F]/2[d'd'^G]/2 [b'B,]/2[^f'^d'G^F]/2[d'^G]/2g/2 [^f'^d'^A,]/2d'/2a'/2[^f'A,]/2 ^d'/2z/2^f/2[dd]/2|
z/2[F^F,,]/2^D/2D/2 ^A,,,/2z3/2 ^f'/2[^d'G^F]/2[d'^G]/2[e'E]/2 [d'^c'G^F]/2a'/2[e'd'^FE]/2[^c'G]/2|
g/2[e'd'A,]/2^c'/2<a'/2 e'/2-[e'd']/2z/2[eA,A,,]/2 d/2z/2[EE,,]/2D/2 ^C/2<G,/2A,,,/2z/2|
z[e'-E]/2[e'd'^F]/2 [^c'gG]/2[d'D]/2[^c'E]/2[b^fd^F]/2 [^c'-^C]/2[^c'baED]/2[e^c]/2[ba^CB,]/2 [gBD]/2[adA,]/2[g^CB,]/2[^f^cA]/2|
[gA,G,]/2[^feB,]/2B/2[^feG,^F,]/2 [dAA,]/2[eE,]/2[d^F,]/2G/2 [dF,]/2[^cB^F,]/2^G/2[d^F,]/2 [^cBG,]/2D/2[d^cA,G,]/2[BB,]/2|
[^cFDA,]/2[BB,]/2[A^F^CC]/2[^c^D,]/2 [BA^F,E,]/2[^F^C]/2[^cBE,]/2[A^F,]/2 z/2[^cB^F,]/2[AG,]/2z/2 [BAG,]/2[G^A,A,]/2E/2[^AA^C,]/2|
[GE,]/2[E^A,]/2[AD,]/2[AGE,]/2 ^A,/2[AE,]/2[AF,]/2G,/2 [D^A,A,]/2E/2z/2A,,/2 [D^CG,^F,]/2[E,A,,]/2[^cDA,]/2[EG,]/2|
A,,/2[F^F,]/2[GE,]/2[^fD,A,,-]/2 [E,A,,]/2[BA^C,]/2z/2z/2 [bA,,-A,,,-]/2[^c'A,,-A,,,]/2[a'A,,-]/2[^c'A,,-]/2 A,,/2-[a^cE,^C,A,,]/2z/2z/2|
[F,-D,-A,,-]/2[c^F,D,-A,,-]/2[D,-A,,-]/2[^aG,-D,-A,,-]/2 [^c'G,D,A,,]/2[^a'^F,-]/2[d'A,^F,-]/2[^c'^F,]/2 z/2d/2z/2z/2 [BB,^F,^D,A,,]/2^c/2z/2[bA,,-A,,,-]/2|
[^d'^c'A,,-A,,,]/2[b'A,,-]/2[d'^c'A,,-]/2A,,/2- [a^F,D,A,,]/2d/2z/2[cG,-E,-A,,-]/2 [dG,E,-A,,-]/2[E,-A,,-]/2[^c'A,-E,-A,,]/2[d'A,E,]/2 [^c''G,-]/2[e'^CG,-]/2[d'G,-]/2[^c'G,]/2|
[ed]/2z/2z/2[^c^CG,E,]/2 d/2e/2^c'/2e/2 f/2[e'g]/2g/2a/2 z/2[^aG,]/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_24_R1_2011_MID--AUDIO_R1-D9_10_Track10_wav.wav | 75 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
_B,/2 [gE]/2a/2[_bG]/2[e_D]/2 [fED]/2z/2[agFE]/2[_b_G]/2 z/2[c'_bAG]/2[_d'_B]/2[_b'e]/2|
[e'g]/2 (3d'/2_d'/2g/2[e'G]/2 [d'_d'_BA]/2[_b'D]/2[e'd'AG]/2[_d'_B]/2 [e'geG]/2[d'_BA]/2[_b'_d'D]/2[e'G]/2 [d'_d'_BA]/2[ge]/2[d'_d'_BA]/2[e'G]/2|
[_b'e']/2[d'AG]/2[_d'ge_B]/2d'/2 [e'd'A]/2[_b'GC]/2e'/2[d'A]/2 [c'g_B]/2[e'G]/2[d'_BA]/2[_b'c'C]/2 [e'G]/2[d'c'_B]/2[ge]/2[e'G]/2|
[d'c'_BA]/2_b'/2[e'd']/2[c'A]/2 [ge]/2[d'c']/2e'/2_b'/2 e'/2[d'_B]/2g/2d'/2 [e'G]/2_b'/2e'/2d'/2|
c'/2f'/2e'/2d'/2 f'/2[e'd'B]/2z/2e'/2 [d'_d'_B]/2g/2e'/2d'/2 [f'e_A]/2e'/2[d'aB]/2f'/2|
[e'd']/2_a/2[_g'_BA]/2[e'_e'c]/2 [ag]/2[g'e'_BA]/2[_e'c]/2[g'a_g_B]/2 [f'c]/2[e'_b_d]/2[g'g_B]/2[f'e'dc]/2 _b/2[_g'e'_BA]/2[_e'c]/2[g'ag]/2|
[e'_BA]/2[_e'a_gc]/2[g'_B]/2[f'e'_dc]/2 [_bg]/2[g'f'c_B]/2[e'd]/2[_bg]/2 [_a'B]/2[g'f'dc]/2_b/2F/2 c/2a'/2>g'/2f'/2|
(3a/2g/2f/2z/2 (3A/2G/2F/2z/2A,/2[G,F,]/2 C,/2F,/2G,/2C/2 [FD,-]/2[GD,]/2C,/2[fcA,]/2|
g/2z/2[f'c']/2[a'g']/2 [g'A,,]/2[f'C,-F,,-]/2[C,-F,,-]/2[agC,F,,-]/2 F,,/2-[AF,,-]/2[GFF,,-]/2F,,/2- [A,F,,-]/2[G,F,,]/2C,/2A,/2|
z/2z/2[A,G,]/2D,/2- D,/2[AGC,]/2G,/2-[gcG,-]/2 [aG,]/2z/2c'/2[a'g']/2 _b'/2a'/2z/2_b/2|
a/2z/2[_BA]/2z/2 _B,/2>A,/2G,/2z/2 A,/2z/2[GD,-]/2[AD,]/2 c/2[g_B,C,]/2a/2c'/2|
g'/2[_b'a']/2[a'G,,]/2[C,-E,,-]/2 [_bC,E,,-]/2[aE,,-]/2E,,/2-[_BE,,-]/2 [AE,,-]/2E,,/2-[_B,E,,-]/2[A,E,,]/2 C,/2G,/2_B,/2z/2|
z/2[G,F,]/2D,/2-[FCD,]/2 [GC,]/2 (3F,/2c/2f/2g/2 [c'F]/2f'/2[a'FD]/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_24_R1_2011_MID--AUDIO_R1-D9_10_Track10_wav.wav | 100 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
z/2_b/2g/2f/2 z/2[cFCA,F,]/2[gf]/2z/2|
[f'c'A,F,]/2g'/2a'/2[g'F-D-_B,-F,-]/2 [f'd'FD_B,F,]/2_b/2g/2 (3f/2d/2_B/2[cFC-A,-F,-]/2[fCA,F,]/2g/2 [c'CA,]/2[f'F,]/2g'/2[a'-G,_D,]/2|
[a'g'-B,]/2[a'-g']/2[a'g']/2f'/2 z/2g/2f/2G/2 z/2z/2[G,F,]/2_B,,/2 G,,/2z/2[_B,,-_B,,,-]|
[_D,B,,-_B,,,-]/2[_B,,-_B,,,-]/2[F,_B,,-_B,,,-]/2[G,_B,,-_B,,,-]/2 [_B,,-_B,,,-]/2[GF_B,,-_B,,,-]/2[_B,,-_B,,,-]/2[f_B,,-_B,,,-]/2 [g_B,,-_B,,,-]/2[f'_B,,-_B,,,-]/2[g'_B,,-_B,,,]/2[d''_B,,]/2 f''/2f'/2[c''-C,-C,,-]/2[c''g'C,-C,,-]/2|
[f'C,-C,,-]/2[C,-C,,-]/2[gC,-C,,-]/2[fC,-C,,-]/2 [GC,-C,,-]/2[FC,C,,-]/2C,,/2G,/2 C,/2F,,/2E,,/2D,,/2 [_B-E-_B,-C,,]/2[_B-E-_B,D,,]/2[_B-EE,,]/2[_B-C,]/2|
[_B-D-D,,]/2[_B-DF,,E,,]/2[_B-C,]/2[_B-D-D,,]/2 [_BD]/2[F,,E,,]/2C,/2z/2 [AC-_B,-E,,][C-_B,-F,,]/2[C-_B,G,,-]/2 [C-G,,-]/2[CC,G,,]/2G-|
[GF,,-]/2[FF,,]/2A,/2E/2 z/2A/2g/2[C_E,]/2 a/2z/2[fF,,]/2z/2 A/2[e_B,D,]/2d/2F,,/2-|
[cF,,-]/2[_BF,,-]/2[DF,,]/2A/2 z/2[_B,F,-D,-]/2[EDF,-D,]/2[A,F,-C,]/2 [F,_B,,-]/2[A,_B,,-]/2_B,,/2-[DCE,-_B,,-]/2 [E,_B,,-]/2[D,_B,,-]/2[FC,_B,,-]/2[E_B,,-]/2|
_B,,/2-[GC,-_B,,]/2[AC,-]/2[GC,-F,,]/2 C,/2-[cA,-C,-]/2[eA,-C,-]/2[A,C,-]/2 [fC,-]/2[_aF,-C,-]/2[aF,C,]/2b/2 c'/2e'/2[f'F-]/2[_a'F]/2|
_b'/2>a'/2[b'F_E-F,-]/2[f''E-F,-]/2 [e''_E-F,]/2[e''FE]/2d''/2[_b'a'E]/2 [FG,-]/2[c''G,-]/2[FEA,-G,-]/2[d'A,G,]/2 e'/2[_bFD-_B,-]/2[e'd'D-_B,-]/2[_gD-_B,-]/2|
[gF-D-_B,-]/2[c'_bFD-_B,-]/2[_dD-_B,]/2[dF-D-F,-]/2 [aFD-F,-]/2[cD-F,-]/2[_BF-D-F,-]/2[edF-DF,-]/2 [AF-CF,-]/2[AGF_B,-F,-]/2[_B,-F,-]/2[_B,-F,-]/2 [dcE-_B,-F,-]/2[E_B,-F,-]/2[D_B,-F,-]/2[eC_B,-F,]/2|
_B,/2-[C-_B,-]/2[d'C-_B,]/2[c'C-]/2 [d''C]/2[c''D-A,-F,-]/2[d''D-A,-F,-]/2[c''DA,-F,-]/2 [g'A,-F,-]/2[g'C-A,-F,-]/2[f'C-A,-F,]/2[d'CA,]/2 d'/2c'/2F/2-[gfF]/2|
d/2[dF_B,G,-F,-]/2[G,-F,-]/2[E-G,-F,-]/2 [EG,-F,-]/2[G,-F,-]/2[DCG,-F,-]/2[d'G,-F,-]/2 [G,-F,-]/2[e'C-G,-F,-]/2[f'C-G,F,]/2[e'C]/2 [d''c'']/2[d''D-A,-F,-]/2[c''D-A,-F,-]/2[g'DA,F,]/2| |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_23_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D8_04_Track04_wav.wav | 0 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
z4^F,/2 z3/2z/2|
z/2B,/2[B,,B,,,]3/2zz/2 B,,,/2zz/2 z[^F-^D-B,]/2[B-^F-^D-B,,-B,,,-]/2|
[B^F^DB,,-B,,,-]/2[B,,B,,,]3/2 z/2z3/2 zz/2[B,B,,]3/2^c/2z/2|
z/2^d/2z z/2z[^c-^A-^F-]/2 [^f^c^A^F^F,,^F,,,]/2z2z/2^F,/2z/2|
z3/2zB,/2[B,,B,,,]3/2zB,,,/2 z3/2z/2|
z[^F-^D-B,-]/2[B-^F^D-B,-B,,-B,,,-]/2 [B^DB,B,,-B,,,-]/2[B,,-B,,,]3/2 B,,/2z3/2 ^A/2z/2z/2[B,-B,,-]/2|
[B,B,,]^c/2z/2 z/2z3/2 [f^c]/2z[^c-^A-^F-]/2 [^f^c^A^F^F,,-^F,,,-][^F,,^F,,,]/2z/2|
z/2z/2z3/2z3/2 [^c-^C-]/2[^c^C]z/2 zz/2z/2|
zz z/2[^c-^G-E-]2[^c^GE]/2z z/2z3/2|
zz/2[BB,]3/2z z/2z/2z z3/2z/2|
z3/2z^F,/2[B,,B,,,]3/2z3/2 B,/2zz/2|
z3/2zz/2[e-B-E-^G,,]/2[eBE]3/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_23_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D8_04_Track04_wav.wav | 25 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
z/2[^d^F,-^F,,-]/2[^F,-^F,,-] [^f^F,^F,,]/2zz/2 [^f-^d-B-^F-B,B,,][^f-^d-B-^F-]3/2[^f^dB^FB,,,-]B,,,/2|
z/2z/2z2z z/2[^c^C]3/2 z3/2z/2|
z3/2zz/2[^c-^G-E-^C,^C,,-]/2[^c-^G-E-^C,,]/2 [^c-^G-E-][^c^GE^C,,,-]/2^C,,,z/2z|
z/2z3/2 z/2[BB,]3/2 z^c/2^d/2 zz|
z3/2z/2 z[^D^F,^G,,]/2z3/2z3/2[^F^DB,-]/2[B-B,-B,,-^F,,-B,,,-]|
[BB,B,,-^F,,-B,,,-]/2[B,,-^F,,-B,,,-][B,,^F,,-B,,,]/2 [^c^F,,]/2zz3/2[e-B-E-^G,,]/2[eBE]3/2[E,E,,]|
z/2[^f^dB^F,-^F,,-]/2[^F,^F,,]3/2^f/2z z[^f-^d-B-^F-B,B,,-] [^f-^d-B-^F-B,,]/2[^f-^d-B-^F-]3/2|
[^f-^d-B-^F-]/2[^f^d-B-^F-B,,-B,,,-]/2[^dB^FB,,-B,,,-]/2[B,,-B,,,-][B,-B,,-B,,,-]2[^C-B,^A,-B,,-B,,,-]/2[^CA,B,,-B,,,-] [^D-B,,-B,,,]/2[^DA,B,,]/2E/2z/2|
[^G-E,]/2^G/2[B-E,-B,,-]/2[B^G-B,-A,-E,-B,,-]/2 [^G-^F-B,A,E,^D,-B,,-]/2[^G-^F^D,B,,]/2[^GE,]/2[BB,,-][^c-^A-B,-B,,]/2[^cAB,-]/2[^d-A-B,]/2 [f^dA]/2z/2^g/2z/2|
[b-^g-BAE-B,-]/2[b^gEB,-]/2[^f-^DB,]/2^f/2 z/2[^g-B-^G-E-]/2[^gB^GE]/2z/2 [^gB^GE]/2z[e-^G-E^C]/2 [e^G]/2z/2[^c-E-^CA,]/2[e^cE]/2|
^c/2-[^cE^CA,]/2B,/2z/2 [^cE-^C-A,-]/2[E^CA,]/2z/2[A-^C-A,-^F,-]/2 [^c-A^CA,^F,]/2[^c^G-^G,-F,]/2[A-^G-^C^G,]/2[A-^G-A,^F,-]/2 [A-^G-^F-^D-B,^F,]/2[A^G-^F^D]/2[^GB,-]/2B,/2-|
[B,B,,-B,,,-]/2[^C^A,B,,-B,,,][^D-A,B,,]/2 [E^D]/2z/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_23_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D8_04_Track04_wav.wav | 50 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
z/2B,,/2-[B-^G-B,-A,-B,,-]/2 [B^G-^F-B,A,B,,]/2[^G^F^D,-]/2[E,^D,]/2[BB,,-][^c-^A-B,-B,,]/2[^d-^cAAB,-]/2[^dB,]/2|
e/2[^gE]/2z/2[b-^g-BE-B,-]/2 [b^gAEB,-]/2[^f-^DB,]/2^f/2z/2 [b-^d-B^G]/2[^d'b^a^d]/2z/2[b^d-B^G]/2 ^d/2[^g-B-^G]/2[^gBE]/2z/2|
[e^G-^C]/2[^GE]/2^g/2[e-^G-E^C]/2 [e^G]/2[^g^d^D-C]/2[e^G-E^D^C-]/2[^G-^C-]/2 [^g^c^G^C]/2z/2z/2z/2 [^d-^F]/2^d/2-[^d^c-^F,-]/2[^c-^F,-]/2|
[^cBB,^F,-]/2[^D^F,]/2z/2[B^DB,^G,][^d-^A-A,-G,-]/2[^dBA^D-A,^G,]/2[^DB,^G,]/2 z[A-^C-A,^F,]/2[A^C]/2 [^c^G^G,F,]/2[A^C-A,^F,]/2^C/2z/2|
[G-B,-^G,E,]/2[^GB,]/2[B^F-^F,^D,]/2[^FE,]/2 [^GB,-^G,]/2B,/2z/2[FA,^F,D,][A-E-E,-^C,]/2[AEA,-E,]/2[^F-A,^F,^D,]/2 [A^FE,^C,]/2z/2[E,-^C,-]/2[E-A,-E,-^C,-]/2|
[E-A,-E,-^C,-]/2[A-EA,E,^D,-^C,C,-]/2[A^D-^D,^C,]/2^D/2 [EA,E,^C,][A^D^D,C,] [E-A,-E,^C,-]/2[E-A,-^C,-]3/2 [EA,^F,-^C,B,,-]/2[A-^D-^F,B,,-]3/2|
[A-^DB,,-]/2[A-B,,-]3/2 [A-E,-^C,-B,,-]/2[AE-A,-E,-^C,-B,,-]/2[E-A,-E,-^C,-B,,]/2[EA,-E,-^C,-][A-^D-A,E,^D,-^C,-C,-]/2[A-^D-^D,-^C,C,-]/2[A^D^D,^C,]/2 [EA,E,^C,][A-^D-^D,-C,]/2[A^D^D,]/2|
[E-A,-E,^C,-]/2[E-A,-^C,-][EA,-^F,-^C,B,,-]/2 [A-^D-A,^F,-B,,-]/2[A-^D-^F,B,,][A-^D-][A-^DB,,-]/2[AB,,-]/2[B,-B,,-^F,,-][B,B,,-^F,,B,,,-]/2[^C-^A,-B,,B,,,-]/2[^CA,B,,,]/2|
[^D-A,]/2^D/2E/2[^GE,]/2 z/2[B-E,-B,,-]/2[B^G-B,A,-E,B,,-]/2[^G-^F-A,^D,-B,,]/2 [^G-^F^D,]/2[^GE,]/2[BB,,-] [^c-^AB,-B,,-]/2[^d-^cAB,-B,,]/2[^dB,]/2e/2|
^g/2z/2[b-E-B,-]/2[b^g-B-A-EB,-]/2 [^g^f-BA^DB,]/2^f/2z [^g-e-BD]/2[a^ge]/2z/2[^g-eB^D]/2 ^g/2z/2[^G-E-B,-^D,]|
[^G-E-B,]/2[^GEA,-^C,-]/2[e-A-A,^C,-]/2[eA-^C,]/2 A/2z[^G-B,-D,-]/2 [^GE-B,-^D,]/2[eEB,A,^C,]/2A/2[^G-E-B,-^D,]/2 [^GEB,]/2A/2z/2z/2|
[^C-^A,^C,-E,,-][^C^C,-E,,]/2[^G^F-B,-A,-^C,B,,-^D,,-]/2 [^F-B,-A,B,,-^D,,-]/2[^F-B,B,,^D,,]/2[^F^D-]/2^D/2 B,/2z/2[B,B,,,-] [^C^A,B,,-B,,,-][^D-A,B,,B,,,]/2[E^D]/2|
z/2[^GE,]/2z/2[E,-B,,-]/2 [B-^G-B,-A,-E,-B,,]/2[B^G-^F-B,A,E,^D,]/2[^G-^F]/2[^GE,-]/2 [E-E,]/2[EE,,-]/2[^F^DE,E,,] |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_23_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D8_04_Track04_wav.wav | 75 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
A/2[^cA,]/2z/2[e-A,-E,-]/2 [e^c-E-D-A,E,-]/2[^cBE^D^G,-E,]/2^G,/2[AA,]/2|
[^c-^C-]/2[^cA^C-]/2^C/2-[F-^C-]/2 [^c-A-^F-^C-][^cA^G-^F-^C]/2[^G^F]/2 B/2[^cA^C^C,-]/2^C,/2[^cA^C^F,]^G/2-[B^G]/2z/2|
[^dCA,]/2e/2z/2zz/2^A,/2z/2 ^g/2z/2z3/2[eBB,E,]/2z|
B/2-[B^D-B,-^G,-]/2[^D-B,-^G,-]/2[^d-^A-^DB,A,-^G,]/2 [^dAA,G,]/2[B-^DB,^G,-]/2[B^G,]/2z/2 [A-^C-A,^F,]/2[^AA^C]/2[^c^G-^G,F,]/2[A-^G-^C-A,^F,-]/2 [A^G^C^F,]/2z[G-B,-^G,E,]/2|
[BG^FB,^F,^D,]/2z/2[^GB,-^G,E,-]/2[B,^F,E,]/2 z/2[FA,^F,D,][A-E-E,^C,]/2 [AE]/2[^F-A,-^F,-^D,-]/2[A^FEA,^F,^D,]/2z/2 [E,-^C,-]/2[E-A,-E,-^C,-][A-E^D-A,E,^D,-^C,C,-]/2|
[A^D^D,C,]/2E/2-[EA,-E,-^C,-]/2[A-^D-A,E,^D,-^C,]/2 [A^D^D,C,][E-A,-E,^C,-]/2[E-A,-^C,-]3/2[E-A,-^F,-^C,B,,-]/2[EA,^F,-B,,-]/2 [A-^D-^F,B,,-]2|
[A-^D-B,,-]2 [A-^D-B,,-]/2[A-^DE,-^C,-B,,-]/2[AE-A,-E,-^C,-B,,]/2[EA,E,^C,-]3/2[A-^D-^D,-^C,C,-]/2[A-^D-^D,-^C,-]/2 [AE-^D^D,^C,-C,]/2[EA,-E,-^C,-]/2[^D-A,E,^C,]/2[A-^D^D,-C,-]/2|
[A^D,C,]/2[E-A,-E,^C,-]/2[E-A,-^C,-] [E-A,-^C,-B,,-]/2[EA,^F,-^C,B,,-]/2[A-^D-^F,-B,,] [A-^D-^F,]/2[A-^D-]/2[A-^D-B,,-] [A^DB,-B,,-^F,,-]/2[B,-B,,-^F,,-]/2[B,B,,-^F,,B,,,-]/2[^C-^A,-B,,B,,,-]/2|
[^C^A,B,,,]/2[^D-A,]/2[E^D]/2z/2 [^GE,]/2z/2[B-E,-B,,-]/2[B^G-B,A,E,B,,-]/2 [^G-^F-^D,B,,]/2[^G^F]/2E,/2[BB,,-][^c-^A-B,-B,,-]/2[^d-^cAAB,-B,,]/2[^dB,]/2|
e/2[^gE]/2z/2[b-E-B,-]/2 [b^g-BA-EB,-]/2[^g-^f-A^DB,]/2[^g^f]/2z/2 [^g-e-BD]/2[^ge]/2^C/2[^g-eB-^D]/2 [^gB]/2z[^G-E-B,-^D,]/2|
[^G-E-B,]/2[^G-E-]/2[e-A-^GEA,-^C,-]/2[eA-A,-^C,-]/2 [AA,^C,]/2z3/2 [^G-E-B,-D,]/2[^GEB,]/2z [^G-E-B,-^D,]/2[^GEB,]/2A,/2z/2|
[^C,-^D,,]/2[^C^A,^C,-E,,-][^C,-E,,]/2 [^GB,-^C,]/2[^F-B,A,B,,^D,,-]3/2 [^F-^D-^D,,]/2[^F-^D]/2[^FB,]/2z/2 [B,B,,,-][^C^A,B,,-B,,,]|
[^D-A,B,,]/2[E^D]/2z/2[^GE,]/2 z/2[E,-B,,-]/2[B-^G-B,-A,-E,B,,-]/2[B^G-B,A,B,,]/2 [^G^F-^D,]/2[^FE,-]/2E,/2[EE,,-][^F-^D-E,-E,,-]/2[^G^F^DE,E,,]/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_23_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D8_04_Track04_wav.wav | 100 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
A/2 [^cA,]/2z/2[e-A,-E,-]/2[e^c-E-D-A,-E,-]/2 [^c-B-E^DA,^G,-E,]/2[^cB^G,]/2[AA,]/2^C/2-|
[^c-A^C-]/2[^c^C-]/2[F-^C-]/2[^c-A-^F-^C-][^cA^G-^F^C]/2[B^G]/2z/2 [^cA^C^C,]/2z/2[^c-A-^C-^F,-]/2[^cA^G^C^F,]/2 z/2[B^C^F,]/2z/2[^dCA,]/2|
e/2z/2z ^f/2z/2z ^g/2z[^f^d]/2 z[eE,]/2z/2|
E/2zz/2 z[^F-^D-B,-]/2[B^F^DB,B,,-B,,,-]3/2[B,,-B,,,-] [B,,B,,,]/2z3/2|
^A/2zz/2 [B,B,,]3/2^c/2 z/2z/2^d/2z[f^c]/2z|
[^c-^A-^F-]/2[^f^cA^F^F,,-^F,,,-]3/2 [^F,,^F,,,]/2z/2z/2z2zz/2[^c-^C-]|
[^c^C]/2z3/2 z/2z3/2 zz/2[^c-^G-E-]2[^c^GE^C,,,-]/2|
^C,,,/2z/2z2z z/2[BB,]3/2 zz/2z/2|
zz z/2z2z^F,/2 z/2[B,,B,,,]3/2|
z[B,^G,]/2z3/2z [^D^F,]/2^G,,/2z3/2z3/2|
[B-^F^DB,-]/2[BB,B,,-^F,,-B,,,-]3/2 [B,,-^F,,-B,,,-][B,,^F,,-B,,,]/2[^c^F,,]/2 zz z/2[e-B-E-^G,^G,,]/2[e-B-E-]|
[eBE]/2[E,E,,-]E,,/2 [^f^dB^F^F,^F,,]/2F,,/2z3/2[^f^c-^A-^F^F,-^F,,-]/2[^cA^F,^F,,]/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_23_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D8_04_Track04_wav.wav | 125 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
z2 ^F,-[^G,-^F,-F,-]/2[B-^G-D-^G,^F,-F,-]/2|
[B-^GD^F,-F,-]/2[B-^F,F,][B^A,-E,-]/2 [^c-G-E-^A,E,-]/2[^c-^GEE,]/2[^c^A,]/2^d/2- [^d-^A-^G-^D^D,-]/2[^d^A-^G^D,-]/2[^A^D,-]/2[^d-C^G,-^D,]/2 [^d^G-^F-^G,]/2[^G^F]/2^G,,/2z/2|
[^C-^C,-]/2[^f^c-^G-^F^C-^C,-]/2[^c^G-^C^C,-]/2[e-^G^C,]/2 e/2[^d-^D,-]/2[^d^c^CE,^D,]/2z/2 [B-^F^D^F,]B [^A-^F-^C]3/2[^A^F^F,F,-]/2|
[B-^G-D-^G,F,-]/2[B-^G^D^F,-]/2[B-^F,]/2[B^A,E,-]/2 [^c-G-E-E,]/2[^c-^GE]/2[^c^A,]/2z/2 [^d^A-^G^D^D,-][^A^D,-]/2^D,/2 [^d-^G-^F-C^G,]/2[^d^G^F]/2z/2^G,,/2|
z[^f-^c-^G-^C-^C,-]/2[^f^c-^G-^F^C-^C,-]/2 [^c^G-^C^C,-]/2[e-^GE^C,-]/2[e-^d-^C,]/2[e^d^D,-]/2 [^c^CE,^D,]/2z/2[B-^F^D^F,] B[^A-^F-^C-^F,]/2[^A-^F^C]/2|
^A/2^F,/2z/2[B-^F-^DB,B,,-]3/2[B^FB,,]/2[^G-EB,][^G-E,]/2[^G-^F-^DB,B,,-]/2[^G^FB,,]/2 z/2E/2-[E-B,^G,]|
[EB,,-]/2[^DB,^F,B,,-]B,,/2 B,/2-[B,^G,-E,-]/2[^G,-E,-]/2[^G,E,-B,,-]/2 [B,-E,B,,-]/2[B,-^F,-^D,B,,][B,^F,][^G,-E,B,,]3/2|
[^G,-E,,-][^G,^F,-E,,-]/2[^F,-^D,-B,,-E,,B,,,-]/2 [^F,^D,-B,,-B,,,]2 [^D,B,,]/2z3/2 [^F,-^D,-^F,,-B,,,-]/2[^F,-^D,-B,,-^F,,B,,,]/2[^F,^D,B,,]/2z/2|
z/2[^F,^D,-B,,^F,,B,,,]^D,/2 z[^F,-^D,-B,,-^F,,-B,,,-]2[^F,-^D,-B,,^F,,B,,,]/2[^F,^D,]/2 z2|
z/2[^F,^D,-B,,^F,,B,,,]3/2 ^D,/2z3/2 [^F,-^D,-B,,-^F,,-B,,,]2 [^F,-^D,B,,^F,,]/2^F,/2z|
z4 z/2[^F,-^D,-C,-^F,,-A,,,-]2[^F,-^D,-^C,^F,,-^A,,,-]/2[^F,^D,^F,,-^A,,,-]/2[^F,,-^A,,,-]/2|
[^F,,-A,,,]/2^F,,/2z/2^F3/2z/2^F/2 z/2^F/2^G/2^FF/2-[^F-F]/2^F/2|
^d/2-[^d-^G,,,][^d^c-]/2 ^c-^c/2-^c-^c/2-[^c-^G,]/2[^cc-^F-^C-^F,-]/2 [^c-^F^C^F,]/2[^c-F,-]/2[^c-^F-^C-^F,F,]/2[^c^F^C]/2| |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_23_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D8_04_Track04_wav.wav | 150 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[A^C-^F,-^D,]/2[^C^F,]/2A/2[C-^F,-^D,-]/2 [BA-^C^F,-^D,-]/2[A^F,^D,]/2^G [A-^C^F,^D,]/2A/2^f>^G,,e/2-[e-A-^F-]/2|
[e-A-^F-]3/2[e-A-^F-C]/2 [e-A-^F-]/2[e-A-^F-][e-A-^F-^C][eA-^F-^C]/2[^d-A-^F-C-]2[^d-A-^F-^CB,-]/2[^d-A-^F-B,-]/2|
[^d-A^F-B,-]3/2[^d-^F-C-B,]/2 [^d-^F-^C][^d-^F-]3 [^d-^G^F-]2|
[^d^F-]3/2^F/2 zz ^G/2 (3^c/2^d/2e/2[^gc]/2 z/2z/2[e^d]/2^c/2|
z^G,/2^C/2 [E^D]/2^Gz/2 E/2^D/2[A-^F] [A^F,^C,]/2^G,/2A,/2^C/2|
z/2B,/2[A,^G,]/2z/2 [E-^C-][E-^C^C,^G,,]/2[E^D,]/2 E,/2^G,E,/2 ^D,/2z/2z|
z/2[^d^c]/2z/2^ge/2^d/2^c/2 z[^C^G,]/2^D/2 E/2^G/2-^G/2E/2|
^D/2z/2[A-^F-] [A^F^F,^C,]/2^G,/2A,/2^Cz/2^G,/2z/2 [E-^C-][E-^C^G,,]/2[E^D,^C,]/2|
E,/2^G,z/2 E,/2^D,/2z/2[A,,-A,,,-][E,A,,A,,,]/2[B,A,]/2^C/2 [E-B,^G,,-^G,,,]/2[E^G,,]/2[DA,]/2[^CB,A,,,]/2|
z[B,-A,-E,,]/2[B,A,]/2 [E,B,,]/2^F,/2z/2[^F,^D,]/2 z/2[A,G,]/2^F,/2z/2 ^F,/2z/2[B,^F,]/2^C/2|
D/2[^F^A,,]/2z/2E/2 [^D^CB,]/2z/2[^C-B,] [^C^F,^C,]/2^G,/2z/2[^G,-F,]/2 ^G,/2B,/2A,/2-[A,^G,]/2|
^F,/2[D,-^D,,][A,^D,]/2 ^D/2E/2[A^F]/2z/2 [GA,]/2^F/2E/2^D/2 z[e^dA^G]/2z/2|
[^fE]/2[a^cA,]/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_23_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D8_04_Track04_wav.wav | 175 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
z/2g/2z3/2[G,,G,,,]/2z/2 (3D/2G/2A/2B/2d/2z/2|
[c-D]/2[cBA]/2G/2z[dc]/2[g-BA]/2[bag]/2 [d'-^fA-D-]/2[d'-AD-]/2[d'D-]/2[c'b-gD]/2 [bG]/2z[^C,-C,,-]/2|
[^C,-C,,-]/2[FC,C,,]/2z/2B/2 d/2b[a^F,-]/2 [^g-G,^F,]/2[gB,]/2[^fD]/2B[d-ccA]/2[d-B]/2[d-G]/2|
[d-A]/2[d-^GF][d-^FD]/2 [dF-]/2^F/2z/2[^F,,-^F,,,]/2 [^A,^F,,]/2z/2z/2G/2<e/2d/2[^cC,]/2E,/2|
[BG,]/2E[G-^F-D]/2 [G-^FE]/2G/2-[G-DB,]/2[G-^C-^A,]/2 [G-C]/2[G-B,G,]/2[G-A,]/2G/2 z/2zB/2-|
[eB-G-E-]/2[^fBGE]/2g/2z[eB-G-E-]/2[^fB-G-E]/2[gBG]/2 zG/2-[cG]/2 [ed]/2zE/2-|
[^AE-^F,,]/2[BE]/2^c/2B,,/2>B,/2[EG,-E,-]/2[^FG,-E,]/2[GG,]/2 zB,/2-[EB,-G,-E,-]/2 [G^FB,-G,-E,-]/2[B,G,E,]/2z/2G,/2-|
[CG,]/2D/2E/2D/2 z/2E,/2-[^A,-E,-^F,,,]/2[A,E,-]/2 [B,E,-]/2[^CE,]z/2 [G,,G,,,]z|
D,/2-[G,-D,]/2[B,-G,-] [FB,G,]G3/2-[G-D,-]/2[G-G,-D,-]/2[G-B,-G,-D,]/2 [G-^FB,-G,-][^G-GB,-G,-]/2[^G-B,G,-]/2|
[^G-G,]/2[^G-D,-]/2[G-G,-D,]/2[^G-B,-G,-]/2 [^GFB,-G,-]/2[d-G-B,G,-]/2[d-G-G,]/2[d-G-D,]/2 [d-G-G,-]/2[d-G-B,-G,-]/2[d-G-^FB,-G,-]/2[e-dG-B,G,-]/2 [e-G-G,]/2[e-G-D,]/2[e-G-G,-]/2[e-G-B,-G,-]/2|
[eG-FB,-G,-]/2[d-G-B,G,-]/2[d-G-G,]/2[d-G-D,-][d-G-G,-D,-]/2[d-G-B,-G,-D,]/2[dG-^F-B,-G,-]/2 [c-G-^F-B,G,]/2[c-G-^F]/2[c-G-]/2[c-G-D,-][c-G-^G,-D,-][c-G-C-^G,-D,-]/2|
[c-G-F-C-^G,-D,-][cB-G-^FC^G,D,]/2[B-G-][B-G-D,-][B-G-G,-D,-]/2 [B-G-B,G,-D,][B-G-G,]/2[B-G][BC,,-]/2C,,/2z/2|
z/2G,/2-[C-G,-]/2[E-C-G,-]/2 [^AE-C-G,-]/2[c-ECG,]/2c- [c-G,-]/2[c-E-C-G,-]/2[cAE-C-G,-]/2[^cECG,]/2 z/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_23_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D8_04_Track04_wav.wav | 200 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[g-c-_BE-C-G,]/2[g-c-_EC]/2[g-c-G,-]/2[g-c-C-G,-]/2 [g-c-_E-C-G,-]/2[g-c-_B_E-C-G,]/2[a-gc-_EC]/2[_a-c-]/2 [_a-c-G,-]/2[_a-c-C-G,-]/2[_a-c-_E-C-G,]/2[_ac-_B_E-C]/2 [g-c-_E]/2[g-c-]/2[g-c-G,-]/2[g-c-C-G,-]/2|
[g-c-E-C-G,-]/2[g-c-_B_E-C-G,]/2[gf-c-_EC]/2[f-c-]/2 [f-c-G,-][f-c-_D-G,-]/2[f-c-F-_D-G,-][f-c-_B-F_D-G,]/2[f_e-c-_B_D]/2[_e-c-][_e-c-G,-][_e-c-C-G,-]/2|
[e-c-C-G,-]/2[_e-c-_E-C-G,][_e-c_EC-][_e_BC]/2z2z f/2g/2_a/2c'/2|
_b/2_a/2g/2z/2 zC/2G/2 _A/2c/2z/2_B/2 G/2z/2[_d-_B-]|
[_d_BF,]/2_B,/2[_DC]/2F/2 z/2_E/2z/2C/2 [_AF]3/2C,/2 G,/2_A,/2C/2>_B,/2|
z/2G,/2z [_D,-_D,,-][_D_A,_D,-_D,,-]/2[_E_D,_D,,]/2 F/2[_A-_EC,C,,-]/2[_AC,,]/2_G/2- [GF_D]/2_E/2[_E-_D-]|
[_E_D_E,]/2_A,/2z [_B,-G,]/2_B,/2_D/2B,/2 [_B,_A,]/2[_B,_A,_E,_E,,]/2z/2_B,/2 (3_E/2F/2_G/2[_BD,_D,,]/2z/2|
_A/2[_G_E]/2F/2z/2 [F_E-][_E_D_B,F,]/2C/2 z/2[CA,]_E/2 [_D-_B,]/2[_DC]/2_B,/2[G,-G,,-]/2|
[G,_G,-G,,-]/2[_DG,G,,]/2G/2_A/2 _B/2[_d_A]/2z/2[B_B_D]/2 z/2z/2z [_dB]/2[_ag_B_A]/2_b/2[_d'-f_A_D-]/2|
[_d'_D]/2b/2z3/2[_B,,_B,,,]/2z/2 (3_G/2_B/2_d/2_e/2[g_d]/2z/2 [eG]/2[_e_d_B]/2_B/2_d/2|
z/2z/2[b_e]/2[_e'_d'_B]/2 [_g'-_b_dG-]/2[g'G]/2e'/2[_e'b]/2 z[F,F,,] A/2c/2_e/2z/2|
_e'-[_e'_d'-A,]/2[_d'-c'-C]/2 [_d'c'_b_G_E]/2_eg/2- [g-f_e-c]/2[g-_e]/2[g-_d]/2[g-c-_A]/2 [gc]/2[_BG]/2_A|
f/2[_B,,_B,,,]D/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_23_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D8_04_Track04_wav.wav | 225 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
z/2z/2 B/2<^g/2D,/2[^e^f-^F,]/2 [^f^G,]/2[^dB,]/2^G|
^E/2[B-^A]/2[B-^G-^F-]/2[B-^G^E^F]/2 [B-^D]/2[B-^F-D]/2[B-^F]/2[B-^D]/2 [B-D^A,]/2B/2-B/2z/2 ^D,,/2z/2^d/2-[^a^g^d-B-^G-]/2|
[b^dB^G]/2z^d/2- [^g^d-B-^G-]/2[^a^dB^G]/2b/2z/2 B/2-[eB]/2^e/2^g/2 z[d^G-]/2[^d^G]/2|
^f/2z[^G^D-B,-^G,-]/2 [^A^D-B,^G,]/2[B^D]/2^A,/2z/2 ^D/2-[^A^G^D-B,-^G,-]/2[B^DB,^G,]/2zB,/2-[^EEB,^E,,-]/2[^G^E,,]/2|
^E/2z/2^G,/2-[^DD^C^G,^A,,,-]/2 [^F^A,,,]/2z^G,/2- [B,^A,^G,^D,-^G,,-]/2[^D^C^D,-^G,,]/2^D,/2z/2 ^G,/2-[B,^G,-^D,-^G,,-]/2[^C^G,^D,^G,,]/2[^D^A,]/2|
z/2^G,/2-[B,^G,-^G,,-]/2[^C-^G,^D,-^G,,-]/2 [^D^C^D,-^G,,]/2[^A,^D,-^D,,-]/2[^D,^D,,]/2^G,-[B,^G,-^D,-^G,,-]/2[^C-^G,-^D,-^G,,-]/2[^D-^C^G,^D,-^G,,-]/2 [^D-^D,-^G,,][^D^D,-^D,,-]/2[^A,-^E,-^D,-^D,,-]/2|
[^A,-^E,-^D,^D,,]/2[^A,-^E,]/2^A,/2-[^A,^A,,-][^D,-^A,,]/2^D,/2^F,/2- [^E,-^F,]/2^E,z2^A,,/2-|
^A,,/2^D,/2-[^F,-^D,]/2^F,/2 ^E,3/2z2^A,,-[^D,^A,,]/2z/2^F,/2-|
^D,2- [^F,-^D,]/2^F,3/2- [^E,-^F,]/2^E,z2z/2|
zB,/2B,,/2- [B,,B,,,-]B,,,/2zz/2z3/2z3/2|
[B-^E-^D-B,-]/2[B-^E^DB,-B,,-B,,,-]/2[BB,B,,-B,,,-]/2[B,,B,,,]z/2z/2z3/2z z/2[B,B,,]3/2|
^c/2z/2z/2^d/2 z^f/2z[^c-^A-^E-]/2[^e^c^A^E^E,,-^E,,,-]3/2[^E,,^E,,,]/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_23_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D8_04_Track04_wav.wav | 250 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
z3/2zz/2[^c^C]3/2z3/2 z/2z3/2|
zz/2[^c-^G-E-]2[^c^GE^C,,,]/2 z/2z/2z3/2^A/2z/2z/2|
[BB,]3/2z^c/2z3/2z3/2 z2|
[E^G,,]/2zz3/2[^F-E^D-B,-]/2[B-^F-^D-B,B,,-^F,,-B,,,-]3/2[B^F^DB,,-^F,,-B,,,-]/2[B,,-^F,,-B,,,-]/2 [B,,^F,,B,,,]/2z3/2|
^d/2z/2z/2[e-B-E-]/2 [e-B-E-^G,,]/2[eBE][E,E,,]z/2z/2[^f^dB^F^F,^F,,]/2 z2|
[^f^c^A^F^F,-^F,,-]/2[^F,^F,,]/2z2z/2^F,/2- [^F,F,-]/2[^G,-^F,-]/2[B-^G-D-^G,^F,-] [B-^G^D^F,]/2B/2-[^c-BG-E-^A,-E,-]/2[^c-^GE^A,E,-]/2|
[^cE,]/2^A,/2-[^d-^A-G-^D-^A,^D,-]/2[^d-^A-^G^D^D,-]/2 [^d^A^D,-]/2^D,/2[^d-^G-^F-C^G,]/2[^d^G^F]/2 z/2z[^f-^c-^G-^F^C-^C,-]/2 [^f^c-^G-^C^C,-]/2[e-^c^G^C,-]/2[e^d^D,-^C,]/2^D,/2|
[^c^CE,]/2z/2[B-^F^D^F,] B/2-[B^A-^F,]/2[^A-^F-^C-] [^A^F^C^F,]/2[B-^G-D^G,F,-][B-^G^F,-]/2 [B^F,]/2[^c-G-E-^A,E,-]/2[^c-^GEE,]/2^c/2|
z/2[^d-^A-G^D^D,-][^d^A^D,-]/2 ^D,/2-[^d-^G-^F-C^G,^D,]/2[^d^G^F]/2z/2 ^G,,/2z/2[^C-^C,-]/2[^f-^c-^G-^F^C-^C,-]/2 [^f^c-^G-^C^C,-]/2[e-^c^G^C,-]/2[e^C,]/2[^d-^D,]/2|
[^d^cE,]/2z/2[B-^F,-]/2[B-^F-^D^F,]/2 [B-^F]/2B/2[^A-^F-^C-^F,]/2[^A-^F^C]/2 ^A/2^F,/2-[B,-^F,-B,,-]/2[B-^F-^D-B,-^F,B,,-]/2 [B-^F-^DB,B,,-]/2[B-^FB,,-]/2[B-B,,-]/2[B^G-E-B,-B,,-]/2|
[^G-EB,B,,]/2[^G-E,]/2[^G^F-^DB,B,,-]/2[^FB,,]/2 z[E-B,-^G,] [E-B,B,,-]/2[E^D-B,-^F,-B,,-]/2[^DB,^F,B,,-]/2B,,/2 z/2[B,^G,E,-][E,-B,,-]/2|
[B,-E,B,,-]/2[B,-^F,-^D,B,,][B,^F,-]/2 ^F,/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_23_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D8_04_Track04_wav.wav | 275 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[^F,-B,,^F,,B,,,]^F,/2z[^F,-^D,-^F,,-B,,,-]3[^F,D,^F,,B,,,]/2 z2|
z/2[^F,-^D,B,,^F,,B,,,]3/2 ^F,/2z3/2 [^F,-D,-B,,-^F,,B,,,-]3/2[^F,-D,-B,,-B,,,]/2 [^F,-D,-B,,]/2[^F,-D,]/2^F,-|
^F,2- [G,-^F,-E,-B,,-E,,,-]/2[G,-^F,-E,-B,,E,,-E,,,-]3/2 [G,-^F,E,-E,,-E,,,-]/2[G,E,E,,-E,,,-]/2[E,,-E,,,-]2[B,-E,,-E,,,]|
[B,-E,,]3/2B,-[B-G-E-B,-]3/2 [B-G-E-B,E,,-][BGE-E,-E,,-]/2[EE,E,,-]/2 [A,-E,,]/2A,/2-[G-E-A,]/2[G-E-]/2|
[GE-E,,,-]/2[EG,-E,,,-]/2[G,-E,,,-] [G,-E,,-E,,,-][G,^F,-E,,-E,,,-]/2[^F,-E,,-E,,,][^F,-E,,]/2[E-B,-^F,-] [E-B,^F,-E,,-][E-^F,-E,E,,-]/2[E-^F,-E,,-]/2|
[E-^F,E,-E,,]/2[EE,-]/2E,/2-[B,-G,-E,-][B,-G,-E,E,,,-][B,G,E,,-E,,,-]/2 [E,,-E,,,][G,-E,,]/2G,/2- [E-B,-G,][EB,E,,-]/2E,,/2-|
[E,-E,,-][B,-E,E,,-]/2[B,-E,,]/2 B,/2[GE]/2z/2[G,,-G,,,-][E-G,,G,,,-]3/2 [E-G,,,-][E-^F,,-G,,,^F,,,-]/2[E^F,,-^F,,,-]/2|
[^F,,-^F,,,-][E-^F,,^F,,,] E-[c-A-E-] [c-A-E-^F,,-][c-A-E-^F,-^F,,-] [cAE^D-^F,-^F,,-]/2[D-^F,^F,,]/2[c-A-D-]|
[c-A-^D-A,,,-]3/2[c-AD-A,,-A,,,-]/2 [cD-A,,-A,,,-]/2[DA,,-A,,,-]/2[A,,-A,,,-] [c-A,,-A,,,][c-A,,]/2c/2- [c-D-C-][c-D-C-A,,-]/2[c-D-C-A,-A,,-]/2|
[c-^D-C-A,A,,-]/2[c-^F-DCA,,]/2[c-^F-]/2[c-^F-D-]/2 [c-^FD-C-]/2[c-D-C-]/2[cDCA,,-A,,,-]/2[^F-A,,A,,,]^F/2-[^F-G,,-G,,,-]2[B-^FG,,-G,,,-]/2[B-G,,G,,,]/2|
B-[B-B,-] [B-B,-G,,-][B-B,-G,G,,-]/2[B-^D-B,G,,]/2 [B-D-]/2[B-D-B,-][B-DB,G,,G,,,-]/2 [BE-G,,,]/2E/2-[E-A,,-A,,,-]|
[^F-EA,,-A,,,-]/2[^F-A,,A,,,]/2^F/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_23_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D8_04_Track04_wav.wav | 300 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[G-A,,]/2G/2-[G^C-G,-]/2[C-G,-]/2 [C-G,-^A,,-A,,,-]/2[E-CG,A,,-A,,,-]/2[E-A,,A,,,-]/2[E-A,,,-]/2 [E-B,,-B,,,-A,,,]/2[E-B,,-B,,,-]/2[E^D-B,,-B,,,-]/2[D-B,,B,,,]/2 D/2-[D-B,-^F,]/2[D-B,]/2[D-B,,-]/2|
[^D-B,,-]/2[D-B,B,,-]/2[DB,,-]/2[^F-B,,]/2 ^F/2-[^F-D-B,-][^F-D-B,B,,,-]3/2[^FD-B,,-B,,,-] [DB,,-B,,,-]/2[G,-B,,B,,,]/2G,-|
[G-D-G,]/2[GD]/2B,,/2-[B,B,,-]B,,/2-[D-B,,]/2D[d-G-]/2[d-G-B,,-B,,,-]/2[dGE-B,,B,,,]/2 [^A-E-]/2[A-E-A,,-]/2[^A-EA,,-A,,,-]/2[^A-A,,A,,,-]/2|
[^A-D-A,,,]/2[^A-D-]/2[d-A-G-D-] [d-A-G-DA,,-][d^A-G-A,-A,,-]/2[^A-GA,A,,-]/2 [^A-C-A,,]/2[^A-C-]/2[c-A-G-C-] [c-A-G-C-A,,,-]3/2[c^AGC-A,,-A,,,-]/2|
[C-A,,-A,,,-]2 [c-CA,,-A,,,]/2[c-A,,]/2c/2-[c-G-C]/2 [c-G]/2[cE,-]/2E,/2-[EA,-E,-][A,E,]/2g-|
g/2-[gc-G-]/2[c-G-]/2[c-G-A,,-A,,,-]/2 [a-c-G-A,,A,,,]/2[a-c-G-][ac-G-D,-D,,-][c-G-D,-D,,-]/2[g-cGD,-D,,-]/2[g-D,D,,]/2 g-[g-c-G]/2[g-c]/2|
[g-A,-][g-AD-A,] [g-^f-D]/2[g^f-c-]/2[^f-c-^F-]/2[^f-c-^F-D,,][^f-c^F]/2[^f-A,]2[^f^F-]/2^F/2-|
^F/2-[^f-c-^F-][^fc^FG,-]/2 [^A^C-G,-][CG,-]/2[E-G,]/2 E/2-[e-A-E-][e-A-E-D,,-][e-A-E^F,-D,,-]/2[eA-^F,-D,,-]/2[A-^F,-D,,-]/2|
[^AD-^F,D,,]/2D-[d-A-D-]/2 [d-A-D-F,-][d-A-D-B,-^F,-]/2[d-A-^G-DB,-^F,-][dAGB,^F,-]/2[D-^F,]/2D-[d-G-D-][d-G-D-D,,-]/2|
[d-^G-D-D,,-][d-G-D^F,-D,,-] [dG-^F,-D,,-][G^F,-D,,-]/2[D-^F,-D,,]/2 [D-^F,]/2D/2-[d-A-D-] [d-A-DD,-]/2[d-A-D,-]/2[dA^FA,-D,-]/2[A,D,]/2|
E-[eAE]/2z/2 [D,-D,,-]/2[c-C-D,D,,-]/2[c-C-D,,-] [c-C-^D,-D,,-D,,]/2[c-C^D,-D,,-]/2[cD,-D,,-]/2[B,-D,-D,,]/2 [B,-D,]/2B,/2-[B^F-B,]/2^F/2|
B,,/2-[B,B,,-]/2B,,/2-[A,-B,,]/2 A,/2-[^F-^D-A,]/2[^F-D-]/2[^F-D-B,,-B,,,-]/2 [^FDG,-B,,B,,,]/2G,-[G,C,-C,,-]3/2[^F,-C,C,,]|
^F,/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_23_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D8_04_Track04_wav.wav | 325 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[E-C-E,-]3/2[E-^C-E,-]/2 [E-^C-E,-][E-^C-E,-^F,,-^F,,,]/2[E-^C-E,-^F,,]/2 [E-^C-E,]/2[E^CG,,-^G,,,-]3[E,-^G,,-^G,,,-]/2|
[E,-G,,-^G,,,]/2[E,-^G,,]/2[E-B,E,] E/2-[E^G,,-]/2^G,,/2-[^G,^G,,-]/2 ^G,,/2^G,3/2 [EB,]/2z[^G,,-^G,,,-]/2|
[E-G,,^G,,,]/2E3/2- [EA,,-A,,,-]3/2[F-A,,-A,,,][^F-E-A,,]/2[^F-EC-]/2[^F-^C]/2 [^F-A,,-][^F-A,A,,-]/2[^F-A,,]/2|
[F-E][^F-C]/2^F/2- [^F-A,,A,,,]/2^F-[^F-B,,-B,,,-][^G-^FB,,B,,,]/2^G/2-[^G-^F-]/2 [^G-^F-D-]/2[^G-^F-^D-B,,-][^G-^F-^D-B,B,,-]/2|
[^GFD-B,,]/2[^d-^D]/2^d/2-[^d-^F-^D-][^d-^F-^D-B,,-B,,,-]/2[^d^G-^F^DB,,-B,,,]/2[^G-B,,]/2 ^G/2-[^d^GC,-^C,,-]/2[^G-^C,-^C,,] [^G-E-^C,]/2[^G-E-]/2[^G-E-^C,-]|
[^G-EC^C,-][A-^G^C,]/2A/2- [A-E-][A-E-^C,^C,,-]/2[A-E-^C,,][A-E^C,-^C,,-]/2[A^C,-^C,,-]/2[^A-^C,^C,,]/2 A/2-[A-G-E-][A-^G-E-^C,-]/2|
[^A-G-E-^C,-]/2[A-^GE-A,^C,][e-AE]/2 e/2-[e^G-E-][^G-E-^C,-^C,,-]/2 [A-^GE^C,-^C,,-]/2[A-^C,^C,,-]/2[A-^C,,]/2A-[A-^D,-^D,,-]3/2|
[B-^F,-B,,-][B-A-^F-^D-^F,B,,]3/2[B-A-^F-^D-][B-A-^F-^D-B,]3/2[B-A-^F-^D-]/2[B-A-^F-^D-B,,,-]/2 [BA^F^DB,-B,,,-][B,-B,,,-]|
[B,-B,,,-]/2[B,B,,-B,,,-]/2[^C-^A,B,,-B,,,-]3/2[^D-^CB,,B,,,]/2[^D-A,-]/2[E^DA,]/2 z/2[^GE,]/2z/2E,/2- [E,-B,,-]/2[B-^G-B,A,E,B,,-][B^G-^F-^D,-B,,-]/2|
[^G^FE,^D,B,,]/2z/2[BB,,-] [^c-^A-B,-B,,-]/2[^d-^cAAB,-B,,]/2[^dB,]/2e/2 ^g/2z/2[b-^g-BAEB,-]/2[b^g-^f-^DB,]/2 [^g^f]/2z/2[^g-B]/2[^g^GE]/2|
z/2[^g-B^G-E]/2[^g^G]/2z/2 [e-^G-E^C]/2[e^G]/2z/2[^cE]/2 A,/2z/2[^c-E^CA,]/2^c/2 z/2[^cE^CA,]/2z| |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_23_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D8_04_Track04_wav.wav | 350 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
z/2[^c-^G^G,F,]/2^c/2[A-^CA,^F,]/2 [A^F-^D]/2^F/2B,- [^C-B,^A,-B,,-B,,,-]/2[^CA,B,,-B,,,-]/2[^D-A,B,,B,,,]/2[E^D]/2|
z/2[^GE,]/2z/2[B^G-B,A,E,-B,,-]/2 [^G-^F-E,^D,B,,]/2[^G^F]/2z/2[BB,,-]/2 [^c-^AB,-B,,-]/2[^cB,B,,]/2[^d-A]/2[e^d]/2 ^g/2z/2[b^g-BE-B,-]/2[^gAE^DB,-]/2|
[^f-B,]/2^f/2[b^dB^G]/2z/2 ^d'/2[b^dB^G]/2z [^gB-^GFE]/2B/2z/2[e^GE^C]/2 z/2[e^C]/2[^G-E]/2[^g^d^G^D]/2|
[e^GE^C]/2z/2[^g-^d^DC]/2[^ge^G-^C]/2 ^G/2[^d-^F-]/2[^d^A-^F]/2[^c-A^F,-]/2 [^c^F,]/2z/2[BB,]/2z/2 [B^D-B,^G,-]/2[^dA-^DA,^G,]/2[AG,]/2[B^D-B,^G,]/2|
^D/2z/2[A-^C-A,^F,]/2[^cA^G^C^G,F,]/2 z/2[A^CA,^F,]/2z/2G/2 [B,^G,E,]/2[B^F^F,^D,]/2[^GB,^G,E,]/2z/2 z/2[FA,^F,]/2D,/2[AEE,^C,]/2|
[FA,-^F,D,]/2[EA,]/2A/2[EA,E,^C,-][A-^D-^D,-^C,C,-]/2[A^D^D,^C,]/2[EA,-E,^C,-]/2 [A,^C,]/2[A^D,-C,-]/2[^D,^C,]/2[E-A,-E,^C,-]/2 [EA,-^C,-]/2[A,-^C,-]/2[A,-^F,-^C,B,,-]/2[A-^D-A,^F,-B,,-]/2|
[A-^D^F,B,,-]3/2[A-B,,-]2[AE,-^C,-B,,-]/2 [E-A,-E,-^C,-B,,]/2[E-A,E,-^C,-][EE,^C,-]/2 [A-^D-^D,-^C,C,-]/2[A^D^D,^C,]/2[EA,E,^C,]|
[A^D^D,-C,][E-A,-E,^D,^C,-]/2[E-A,-^C,]3/2[EA,^F,-B,,-]/2[A-^D-^F,B,,-]3/2[A-^D-B,,]/2[A-^D-]/2 [A^DB,,-][B,-B,,-^F,,-]|
[B,B,,-^F,,-B,,,-]/2[^C-^A,-B,,-^F,,B,,,-]/2[^CA,B,,B,,,-]/2[^D-A,B,,,]/2 ^D/2E/2z/2[^GE,]/2 z/2[B-^G-B,-A,-E,-B,,-]/2[B^G-B,A,E,^D,-B,,-]/2[^G^F-^D,B,,]/2 ^F/2[BB,,-]/2B,,/2-[^c^AB,-B,,-]/2|
[^d-AB,-B,,]/2[^dB,]/2e/2^g/2 [bE-B,-]/2[^gBA-EB,]/2[^fA^D]/2z[b^a-^dB^G]/2[^d'a]/2[b^d-B^G]/2 ^d/2z/2[^gB^GE]/2z/2|
z/2[e^GE^C]/2z/2[e^GE^C]/2 z/2z/2[e^GE^C]/2[^g^d^D]/2 C/2[^G-^C]/2^G/2[^d-^A-^F]/2 [^d-A]/2[^d^c-^F,-]/2[^c^F,]/2z/2|
[B-^D-B,^G,]/2[B^D]/2[^d^AA,G,]/2[B^DB,^G,]/2 z[A^C-A,^F,]/2[^c^G^C^G,F,]/2 z/2[A^C-A,^F,]/2^C/2z/2 [GB,^G,E,]/2[B^F^F,^D,]/2[^GB,^G,E,]/2z/2|
z/2[FA,-^F,-]/2[A,^F,D,-]/2[AEE,^D,]/2 [^FA,-]/2[AA,^F,E,^D,]/2z/2[E-E,-^C,-]/2 [EA,-E,^C,] |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_23_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D8_04_Track04_wav.wav | 375 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[A-^D-^D,-^C,C,-]/2[A^D^D,^C,]/2[EA,E,^C,] [A-^D-^D,-C,]/2[A^D^D,]/2[E-A,-E,^C,-]/2[E-A,-^C,-][EA,^F,-^C,B,,-]/2[A-^D-^F,B,,] [A-^D-][A^DB,,-]|
[B,B,,-^F,,][^C^A,-B,,B,,,-]/2[A,B,,,-]/2 [^D-A,B,,,]/2^D/2z/2^G/2 E,/2-[B-^G-B,-A,-E,B,,-]/2[B^G-^F-B,A,^D,B,,-]/2[^G-^FB,,]/2 ^G/2z/2[cB,,-]/2[^c^AB,-B,,-]/2|
[^dAB,-B,,-]/2[B,B,,]/2e/2^g/2 z/2[b^g-BAE-B,-]/2[^g^f-E^DB,-]/2[^fB,]/2 z/2[^g-e-B-D]/2[^geB]/2^C/2 [^g-e-B^D]/2[^ge]/2z|
[^G-E-B,-D,]/2[^G-E-B,]/2[e-A-^GEA,-^C,-]/2[eAA,^C,]/2 z3/2[B,-^D,-]/2 [^G-E-B,-^D,]/2[^GEB,]/2[A,^C,]/2[eA]/2 [^G-EB,^D,]/2^G/2z|
[^C-^A,^C,-E,,-]/2[^C^C,-E,,]/2[^G^F-B,-A,^C,B,,-^D,,-]/2[^F-B,B,,^D,,]/2 [^F^D]/2z/2B,/2[B,B,,,-][^C^A,B,,B,,,][^D-A,]/2 [E^D]/2z/2^G/2[E,-B,,-]/2|
[B^G-B,-A,-E,B,,]/2[^G-^F-B,A,^D,]/2[^G^F]/2E,/2- [E-E,E,,-]/2[EE,,-]/2[^F-^D-E,-E,,]/2[^G-^F^DE,]/2 [^GD]/2A/2[^cA,]/2z/2 [A,-E,-]/2[e-^c-E^DA,E,-]/2[e^c-B-^G,E,]/2[^c-B]/2|
[^cAA,]/2[^c-A^C-]/2[^c^C-]/2[F-^C-]/2 [^cA^F-^C-][^G^F^C]/2B/2 z/2[^cA^C^C,]/2z/2[^c-A-^C-^F,-]/2 [^cA^G-^C^F,]/2^G/2^C/2[^dA,]/2|
z/2e/2z z^A,/2z/2 ^g/2z/2[^f^d]/2zE,/2z|
z/2^F,/2z3/2z3/2 [B,B,,-B,,,-]/2[B,,B,,,]z3/2z|
z/2z3/2 [^F-^D-B,-]/2[B-^F-^DB,B,,-B,,,-][B^FB,,-B,,,-]/2 [B,,-B,,,-][B,,B,,,]/2^G/2 z^A/2z/2|
z/2[B,B,,]3/2 ^c/2z/2z/2^d/2 z[f^cB]/2z[^c-^A-^F-]/2[^f-^c-A-^F-^F,,-^F,,,-]|
[^f^c^A^F^F,,-^F,,,-]/2[^F,,^F,,,]/2z/2z/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_23_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D8_04_Track04_wav.wav | 400 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
zz/2 [^c^C]3/2z3/2z3/2z3/2|
^c/2-[^c-^G-E-]3/2 [^c^G-E-^C,,,-]/2[^GE^C,,,-]/2^C,,,/2z/2 z3/2^A/2 z/2z/2[B-B,-]|
[BB,]/2z3/2 [^d^cB]/2z3/2 zz/2z2z/2|
z/2^F,/2[B,,-B,,,]3/2B,,/2z [B,^G,]/2z3/2 z[^D^F,]/2[E^G,,]/2|
zz3/2[^F^DB,-]/2[B-B,B,,-^F,,-B,,,-]3/2[BB,,-^F,,-B,,,-]/2[B,,-^F,,-B,,,-]/2[B,,^F,,B,,,]/2 ^c/2z^d/2|
z[e-B-E-^G,^G,,]/2[e-BE]3/2[eE,-E,,-]/2[E,E,,]/2 z/2^g/2[^f^d-B^F^F,^F,,-]/2[^d^F,,]/2 z3/2[^f^c-^A-^F^F,-^F,,-]/2|
[^c^A^F,^F,,]/2z3z/2 ^F,[^G,-F,-]/2[B-^G-D-^G,^F,-]/2 [B-^G^D^F,-][B-^F,]/2[^c-B^A,E,-]/2|
[^cGEE,]^A,/2[^d-^A-^G-^D^D,-]/2 [^d^A-^G^D,-]/2[^A^D,-]/2[^d-^D,]/2[^d^G-^F-C^G,]/2 [^G^F]/2^G,,/2z/2[^f-^c-^C-^C,-]/2 [^f^c-^G-^F^C^C,-]/2[^c^G-^C,-]/2[e-^G^C,-]/2[e^d^D^D,^C,]/2|
z/2[^c^CE,]/2z/2[B-^F^D^F,]B/2-[B^A-^F,]/2[^A^F-^C][^F^F,]/2[B-^G-D-^G,F,-]/2[B-^G^D^F,-]/2 [B-^F,]/2B/2[^c-G-E-^A,E,-]/2[^c-^GEE,]/2|
[^c^A,-]/2^A,/2[^d-^A-G^D^D,-] [^d^A^D,-]/2^D,/2[^d-^G-^F-C^G,]/2[^d^G^F]/2 z/2z[^f-^c-^C-^C,-]/2 [^f^c-^G-^F^C-^C,-]/2[^c^G-^C^C,-]/2[e-^G^C,-]/2[e^C,]/2|
[^d^D,]/2^c/2[^CE,-]/2E,/2- [B-^F-^D-^F,-E,]/2[B-^F^D^F,]/2B- [B^A-^F-^C-^F,]/2[^A^F^C]/2z/2^F,-[B-^F-^D-B,-^F,B,,-]/2[B-^F-^D-B,B,,-]/2[B-^F-^DB,,-]/2|
[B^FB,,-]/2[^G-EB,B,,]^G/2- [^GE,]/2[^F-^DB,B,,-]/2[^FB,,]/2z/2 E/2-[E-B,^G,][EB,,-]/2 [^DB,^F,B,,-]B,,/2z/2|
[B,^G,E,-]3/2[E,B,,-][B,^F,^D,B,,] |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_17_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D6_03_Track03_wav.wav | 0 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[_DF,]2 [_E_B,-]/2_B,/2[F_D-]/2_D/2 [_E-_B,-][_E_D-_B,F,]/2_D/2 z3/2[_D-F,-]/2|
[_D-F,]/2[_E_D_B,-]/2_B,/2_D[_E_B,-]/2_B, F,/2z3/2 _B,,,z|
z/2[_D-F,-][_d-_DF,]/2 [_d-_E_B,-]/2[_d-_B,]/2_d/2-[_dF-_D][F-_E-_B,-]/2[G-F_E-_B,-]/2[_G-_E_B,]/2 [_G-_DF,]/2[A-_G]/2_A/2-[_A-E-_B,-]/2|
[_B-A-E_B,-]/2[_B-_AF-_D_B,]/2[_B-_G-F_E-]/2[_B-_G_E]/2 [_B-F-]/2[c-_B-F]/2[c-_BF,]/2c/2- [c-_B,,]/2c-[c-_D-F,]/2 [_d-c_D]/2[_d-F-]/2[_e-_d-_G-F_B,-]/2[_e-_d_G_B,]/2|
[_eAC-]/2[e-C]/2[_e-_B-_D]/2[_e-_B]/2 [f-_e]/2f/2-[f-_B-_D-]/2[_g-f-_B-_D-]/2 [_g-f-c_B_E-_D]/2[_g-f_E]/2[_g-_dF-]/2[_g-F]/2 [_g-c_E-]/2[_g-f-_E-]/2[_gf-_E_D]/2f/2-|
f/2-[f-_B,,,]/2f- [f-_E-_G,-]/2[f-_e-_E-_G,]/2[f-_e-_E_A,-]/2[f-_e-_A,-]/2 [f-_e-_d-_G_B,-_A,]/2[f-_e-_d-_B,]/2[f_e_d-F_A,-]/2[_dc-_A,]/2 [c-_E_G,]/2c/2-[_e-c-]/2[_e-c-_G-_B,]/2|
[_e-c_G]/2[f-_eF-]/2[f-F]/2[f-_B_G-]/2 [f-_G]/2[f-_AF-]/2[f-_e-F]/2[f_e-]/2 _e/2-[_e-_B,,]/2_e/2-[_e-_E-_G,]/2 [_e-_d-_E]/2[_e-_d-_A,][_e-_dc-_G_B,-]/2|
[_ec-_B,-]/2[c-F-_B,_A,-]/2[c_B-F_A,]/2[_B-_E_G,]/2 _B/2-[_d-_B]/2_d/2-[_d-_G-A,]/2 [_e-_d-_G]/2[_e-_d_A_E-]/2[_e-_E]/2[_e-A_G]/2 _e/2-[_e-_A_E-]/2[_e-_E-]/2[_e-_d-_E]/2|
[_e-_d-_GA,]/2[_e_d-]/2_d/2-[_d_B,,,]/2 z3/2[_D-F,-]/2 [c-_DF,]/2[c-_E_B,-]/2[c-_B,]/2[c-F_D-]/2 [c-_B-_D]/2[c-_B-]/2[c-_B-G-_E-_B,-]/2[c_B-_G-_E-_D_B,-]/2|
[_BG-_E_B,F,]/2[A-_G]/2_A/2-[_A-E-_B,-]/2 [_B-_A-_E_B,]/2[_B-_AF-_D-]/2[_B-_G-F_E-_D]/2[_B-_G_E]/2 [_B-F-]/2[c-_BF]/2[c-F,]/2c/2- [c-_B,,]/2c/2-[c-_D-F,]/2[_d-c-_D]/2|
[_d-cF-A,]/2[_dF]/2[_e-_G-_B,-]/2[_e-_A_G_B,]/2 [e-_eC-]/2[e-_B-_DC]/2[_e-_B]/2[f-_e]/2 f/2-[f-_B-_D-]/2[_g-f-_B-_D-]/2[_g-f-c_B_E-_D]/2 [_g-f_E]/2[_g-_dF-]/2[_g-F]/2[_g-c_E-]/2|
[_gf-_E]/2[f-_D]/2f- [f-_D,,]/2f-[f_E_G,]/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_17_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D6_03_Track03_wav.wav | 25 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[c-_E_A,_G,]/2c/2-[_e-c-] [_e-c_G-_A,-]/2[f-_e_G-_A,]/2[f-_A_GC]/2f/2- [f-_B_G-]/2[f-_A_G]/2[f-C-]/2[f-_e-C]/2 [f_e-_A,]/2_e/2-[_e-_D,,]/2_e/2-|
_e/2-[_e-_D_B,-]/2[_e-_d-_B,-]/2[_e-_d-_E_B,-_A,]/2 [_e-_dc-F_D_B,-][_ec-_B,-]/2[c_B-_E-_B,-_A,-]/2 [_B-F_E-_B,_A,]/2[_B-_E_D-]/2[_d-_B_D-]/2[_d-_D]/2 [_d-F_A,]/2[_e-_d]/2[_e-_E]|
[_e-F][_e-_G_B,]/2_e/2- [_e_d-]/2[_d-F_A,]/2_d z_D, z_D/2-[_D_B,-]/2|
[f-_B,-]/2[f-_E-_B,-_A,][f-F-_E_D-_B,-]/2 [f-_A-F-_D_B,-]/2[f-_A-F-_B,]/2[f-_A-F_E-_A,-]/2[f-_B-_A_E-_A,]/2 [f-_B-_E_B,-]/2[f-c-_B_D-_B,]/2[f-c-_D]/2[f-c-_A,]/2 [f-_d-c-]/2[f_d-c_G_E]/2[_d-_AF-]/2[_d-F]/2|
[_d-_G_E-]/2[_e-_d_E]/2[_e-_A,]/2_e/2- [_e-B,,]/2_e/2-_e/2-[f-_eF,]/2 [f-_E_A,-]/2[f-_A,]/2[_g-f_G_E-]/2[_g-F-_E]/2 [_a-_gF_A,-]/2[_a-_E_A,_G,]/2_a/2-[_a-_B-]/2|
[_b-_aB_E-]/2[_b-_E-]/2[_b-_B_ED]/2[_b_a-]/2 [_a-B_E]/2_a/2-[_a-_G]/2[_a-_G,-]/2 [_a_g-_G,]/2[_g-_A,]/2_g/2-[_g-_B,,]_g/2-_g/2-[_gf-F,]/2|
[f_E_A,-]/2_A,/2[_A-FD-]/2[_A-_D]/2 [_A_E-_A,-]/2[A-_E_A,]/2[A-_D]/2[_B-_A]/2 _B/2-[_BF-_A,]/2[c-F]/2[c-_G_D]/2 [c-_AF]/2c/2-[_d-c_G_D-]/2[_d-_D_A,]/2|
d-[_d-_B,,,]/2_d/2- [_d-_A-_B,]/2[_e-_d_A]/2[_e-_BF-]/2[_eF-]/2 [f-B_A-F]/2[f-_A]/2[_g-f_B_D-]/2[_g-_A_D]/2 [_g-_B,-][_g-_G-_D-_B,]/2[_b-_g_G_D]/2|
_b/2-[_b-E-]/2[_b_a_E_A,]/2F/2- [_aF]/2[_g-_E-B,-][_g-_E_D-_B,_A,-]/2 [_g_D-_A,-]/2[_D-_A,]/2_D/2[f-D_B,]f-[f_E,,-]/2|
[_g-_E,,]/2_g3/2- [_g-_E-_G,][_g-_E_A,-]/2[_g-_A,]/2 [_g-_G-_B,-]/2[_g-_B-_G_B,-]/2[_g-_B-_B,]/2[_g-_BF-_A,-]/2 [_g-c-F_A,]/2[_g-c-_E_G,]/2[_gd-c]/2_d/2-|
[d-_G_B,]/2[_e-_d]/2[_e-_AF]/2[_e-_B_G]/2 _e/2-_e/2-[f-_eB,]/2f-[f-_A,,_A,,,]/2f- [f-_G-_A,]/2[_g-f-_G-]/2[_g-f_A_GC-]/2[_g-C]/2|
[_g-f-_B_G-]/2[_gf-_G]/2[fC-]/2[_e-C]/2 [_e-_G_A,]/2_e/2-[_e_B_G-]/2[_d_G][c_A_E-]/2_E/2[_d_G_B,-]/2 _B,/2[_e-_EC]/2_e/2[f-_D_B,]/2|
f/2[_g_E,]/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_17_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D6_03_Track03_wav.wav | 50 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[F,,-F,,,]/2 [_a-F,,]/2_a-[_a-F_A,][_a-GC-]/2[_a-C]/2[_ac-_AF-]/2 [c-F]/2[c_G-C-]/2[d-_GC]/2[_d-F_A,]/2|
[e-d]/2_e/2-[_e_A-]/2[f-_B_AG]/2 f/2-[f-c_A]/2[f-B_D]/2[_g-f]/2 [_g-_G_D]/2g-[_g-_B,,-_B,,,]/2 [_g-_B,,]/2_g/2-[_g_A-_B,]/2[_a-_A]/2|
[_a-_BD-]/2[_a-_D]/2[_a_g-B_A-]/2[_g-_A]/2 [_g_B_D]/2f/2-[f_A]/2[f_e]/2 [_e-B_A-]/2[_e-_A]/2[_e_BF-]/2[_d-F]/2 [_e-_dB,-]/2[_e_B,]/2f|
[_g-_D]/2_g/2_a/2-[_a-_G,,]/2 _a/2-_a/2_b- [_b_G-_B,-]/2[G_G_B,]/2[_A_D-]/2_D/2- [_B_G-_D]/2[c-_G]/2c/2-[_d-c_A_D-]/2|
[_d-_G_D_B,]/2_d/2[_e-F_B,-]/2[_e-_E_B,_G,-]/2 [f-_e_G,]/2[f-_D_B,]/2f/2-[_g-fC_E,]/2 _g/2z/2[_a_E,]/2[a_G,,]/2 z/2[D,-F,,]/2[_b-_B,-_A,-_D,]/2[_b-_B,_A,]/2|
_b/2-[_b-F-_A,-]/2[_b_B-F_A,]/2[_B_GD-]/2 [_A_D]/2[c-F]/2[c_G_D-]/2[_d-_D]/2 [_d-_A,][_e-_d_EB,]/2_e/2 [f-_DF,-]/2[fF,]/2[_g-_A,]/2_g/2|
[f-_B,D,]/2f/2-[_g-fB,,-]/2[_g_E,-_B,,]/2 _E,/2[F,_B,,-]/2[_a-_B,,]/2_a3/2-[_a-_E,,-_E,,,-]/2[_b-_a_g-_E,,-_E,,,]/2 [_b-_g-_E,,]/2[_b-_g-]3/2|
[_b-_g-_E-]/2[_b-_g-_E_G,][_b-_g-F_B,-]/2 [_b-_g-_B,-]/2[_b-_g-_G_E-_B,]/2[_b-_g-_E]/2[_b-_g-_A_B,-]/2 [_b-_g-_B,]/2[_b-_g-A-_E]/2[_b-_g-_B-_A_G]/2[_b-_g-_B]/2 [_b-_g-c_E-]/2[_b-_g-_E]/2[_b-_g-d-_G]/2[_b-_g-_e-_d_B-]/2|
[_b-_g-_e_B-]/2[_b-_g-f-_B_A]/2[_b-_g-f] [_b-_g_e-_G-]/2[_b-_e-_G-]2[_b-_g-_e-_B-_G]/2[_b-_g-_e_B-]/2[_b-_g-_B]3/2[_b_g]|
z4 z_G3-|
[_G_B,-]_B,- [C-_B,]/2C-[D-C]/2 _D3/2-[_E-_D]/2 _E2-|
_E-[F-_E] F3 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_17_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D6_03_Track03_wav.wav | 75 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
_A/2-[A-_A]A-[_B-_A]/2_B2-[B-_B] B2-|
[B-_E-A,-F,-]4 [c-_B_E-_A,-F,-][c-_E_A,F,-]3/2[cF,]/2z|
z2 z/2_B,,,3/2 z3_d-|
_d-[_d-F,-]/2[_dF-F,-]/2 [FF,-]3/2[G-F,][A-_G-F-]/2[_A_GF-_D-]/2[F_D-]/2 [_B-_D-]3/2[_B-_DF,-]/2|
[_B-F,]/2_B/2-[c-_B]/2c-[c-_B,,,-]/2[c_B-_B,,,-]/2[_B-_B,,,]/2 _B-[_d-_B-]3/2[_e_d_BF,-]3/2|
[eF,-]/2F,/2-[F-_D-F,]/2[f-A-F-_D-]2[_g-f_A-F-_D-]/2 [_g-_AF-_D-]/2[_g-F_D-F,-]/2[_g-_DF,]/2_g/2- [_gf-]f/2-[f-_B,,,-]/2|
[f-_A-_B,,,]/2[f-_A-]3/2 [f-_e-_A-]3/2[f-_e-_d-_A-_E,]/2 [f_e-_d-_A]/2[_e_dc-]/2c [_e-_BG-_E-_B,-]3/2[_e-_G-_E_B,]/2|
[f-_eG]/2f/2-[f-_E,] f/2-[f_e-]/2_e- [_e-_B,,,-]/2[_e-_G-_B,,,][_e-_G-]/2 [_e-_d-_G-]3/2[_e-_d-c-_G-_G,]/2|
[_e-_dc-_G-]/2[_e-c_G]/2[_e_B-]/2_B/2- [_B-A-F-_E-_A,-]/2[_d-_B_A-F-_E-_A,-]/2[_d-_AF-_E-_A,-]/2[_d-F-_E_A,-]/2 [_e-_dF-_A,-][_e-F-_A,-]/2[_e-F-_A,F,][_e-F-][_e-_d-F-]/2|
[_e_d-F-]/2[_d-F-]/2[_d-F-_B,,,] [_dF-]/2F-[c-F-]3/2[c-_B-FF,-]/2[c-_B-F,-]/2 [c-_BG-F,-][c_G-F,]/2[A-_GE-_D-_B,-]/2|
[A-E-_D-_B,-]3/2[_B-_A-_E-_D-_B,-][_B-_A-_E_D_B,F,-]/2[_B-_A-F,]/2[_B-_A-]/2 [c-_B_A]/2c/2-[c-_B,,,-]/2[c-_E-_B,,,]/2 [c-_E][_d-c]/2_d/2-|
_d/2-[_e-_d-F,-][e-_e-_dF,-]/2 [e-_e-F,-][e_e-F-_D-_B,-F,-]/2[f-_eF-_D-_B,-F,-]/2 [f-F-_D-_B,-F,]/2[f-F-_D-_B,-]/2[_g-fF-_D-_B,-] [_g-F_D-_B,-]/2[_g-_D_B,F,-]/2[_gF,]/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_17_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D6_03_Track03_wav.wav | 100 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
f/2z/2_B,,,/2-[C_B,,,]/2 z3/2_e-[_e-_d-_G,-]3/2|
[_e_dc-_G,-]/2[c-_G,-]/2[c-B,-_G,-]/2[_e-c_E-_B,-A,-_G,]/2 [_e-_E-_B,-_A,-]3/2[f-_e_E-_B,-_A,-]/2 [f-_E-_B,-_A,-]/2[f-_E_B,_A,-_G,][f-_A,]/2 [f_e]/2z_B,,,/2-|
[_B,_B,,,]/2z_d3/2-[_dc-_G,-] [c_G,-]/2[_B-_G,-][_B-A,-_G,-]/2 [_d-_B-_E-_A,-_G,]/2[_d-_B_E-_A,-]/2[_d-_E-_A,-]|
[_e-_d_E-A,-]/2[_e-_E-_A,-]/2[_e-_E-_A,F,-] [_e-_EF,-]3/2[_e_d-F,-]/2 [_dF,]/2_B,/2z [_B,-_B,,,]_B,/2z/2|
z3/2c3/2-[c-F,-]/2[c-_B-F,-]3/2[c-_BG-F,-]/2[c-_G-F,]/2 [c_G-F-_D-]/2[A-_G-F-_D-]3/2|
[_B-A-G-F_D-]/2[_B-_A_G_D-]/2[_B-_DF,-]/2[_B-F,]/2 _B/2-[_B_A-][_A-_B,,,-]/2 [_A_G-_B,,,-]/2[_G-_B,,,]/2_G/2F-[F_E-F,-]/2[_E-F,-]/2[_E_DF,-]/2|
F,-[E-_D-_B,-_G,-F,]/2[_E-_D-_B,-_G,-][F-_E_D-_B,-_G,-]/2[F-_D-_B,-_G,] [F-_D_B,F,]3/2[F_E-]_E/2-[_E_D-]/2[_D-_B,,,-]/2|
[_D-_B,,,]/2_D/2_B, z/2[F-_D-G,-][F_D-A,-_G,]/2 [_D-_A,][_G-_E-_D_B,-]/2[_G_E-_B,-][_E-C-_B,-][_E-C-_B,_A,-_G,-]/2|
[_EC-A,-_G,-]/2[C-_A,_G,]/2[_D-C] _D-[_D-_B,,,]3/2_D/2_B,3/2[F_D-G,-][_D-_A,-_G,]/2|
[_D-A,][_G-_E-_D_B,-]/2[_G_E-_B,-][_E-_B,]/2[_E-C-] [_EC-_A,_G,-][C-_G,]/2[_D-C]_D-[_D-_B,,,-]/2|
[_D-_B,,,]_D- [_DC-]C/2-[C-F,]C/2-[C-_B,-]2[F-_D-C-_B,-]|
[F-_D-C_B,-]/2[F-_D-_B,-]3/2 [F-_D-_B,A,-]/2[F-_D-_A,]/2[F-_D-] [F_D-G,-]/2[_D_G,]/2z/2_A,z_A,/2-|
A,2- [_B,-_A,]/2_B,-[_B,_A,-]/2 _A,-[_B,-_A,]/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_17_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D6_03_Track03_wav.wav | 125 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
C-[^C^A,-] ^A,-[^A,A,-]/2^A,3-^A,/2-[^A,-A,^C,-^E,,-]/2[^A,-^C,-^E,,-]/2|
[^E-^C^A,-^C,-^E,,-]/2[^E-^A,-^C,-^E,,-]2[^E-^A,-^C,-^E,,]/2[^E-^F-^A,D,-^C,]/2[^E-^F^D,-][^E^D-B,-^D,-D,^E,,-]/2[^D-B,-^D,-^E,,-] [^F-^D-B,-^D,-^E,,-]/2[^E-^F^D-B,-^D,-^E,,-][^G-^E^DB,-^D,-^E,,-]/2|
[^G-B,-^D,-^E,,-][^G-^E-B,^D,-^E,,-]/2[^G-^E-^D,-^E,,-]/2 [^G^E^F-C-^D,-^E,,-]/2[^F^C-^D,-^E,,-]/2[^E-^C-^D,-^E,,-]/2[^G-^E^C-^D,-^E,,-]/2 [^G^C-^D,-^E,,-]/2[^A-^C^D,D,-^E,,-]/2[^A^G-^D,-^E,,]/2[^G^E^D,-]/2 ^D,/2[^G^C^C,^E,,]^A/2|
z/2^g-[^g-D-]/2 [^g^e-^D-^A,-^E,-]/2[^e-^D^A,-^E,-][^e^A,-^E,-]/2 [^f^A,-^E,-][^d^D-^A,-^E,-]/2[^D-^A,-^E,]/2 [^c^D^A,-]/2^A,/2-[^d^c-E-^A,G,-]/2[^c^E-^C-^G,-]/2|
[E^C-G,-]/2[B-^C-^G,-]/2[B^A-^C^G,-]/2[^A-^G,-][B-^A^D-B,-^G,-G,]/2[B-^D-B,-^G,]3/2[B-^DB,-]/2[B-B,-]/2[B-B,-^E,-B,,-]/2 [B-D-B,^E,-B,,-]/2[B-^D-^E,-B,,][B-^A-^D^E,-]/2|
[B^A-^E,-]/2[^A^G-^E,-]/2[^G^E^C-^E,-^A,,-]/2[^C-^E,^A,,]/2 [^F-^C]/2^F/2-[^F^D-]/2^D/2- [^D-^E,-^D,-^G,,-]/2[^A-^DC-^E,-^D,-^G,,-][^A-^C-^E,^D,^G,,-]3/2[^A-^G-^C^G,,]/2[^A-^G-]/2|
[^A^G]/2^E/2z/2[^C,-^C,,-]/2 [^F-B,-^F,-^C,-^C,,][^F-B,-^F,^C,-]/2[^F^D-B,-^C,]/2 [^D-B,-]/2[^D-^C-B,]/2[^D-^C-]3/2[^D^C^A,-^C,-^E,,-][^A,-^C,-^E,,-]/2|
[^A,-^C,-^E,,-]3/2[^A^A,-^C,-^E,,-]/2 [^A,-^C,-^E,,-][C-^A,-^C,-^E,,-] [^C-C^A,-^C,-^E,,-][^C-^A,-^C,-^E,,-] [^E-^C^A,-^C,-^E,,-][^E-^A,-^C,-^E,,-]|
[^E-^A,-^C,-^E,,-][^E-^F-^A,D,-^C,^E,,]/2[^E-^F-^D,-]/2 [^E-^F^D,-D,^E,,-]/2[^E^D-B,-^D,-^E,,-]/2[^D-B,-^D,-^E,,-]/2[^F-^D-B,-^D,-^E,,-]/2 [^E-^F^DB,-^D,-^E,,-]/2[^E-B,-^D,-^E,,-]/2[^G-^EB,-^D,-^E,,-]/2[^G-B,^D,-^E,,-]3/2[^G^E-^D,-^E,,-]|
[^E^F-C-^D,-^E,,-]/2[^E-^F^C-^D,-^E,,-]/2[^E^C-^D,-^E,,-]/2[^G-^C-^D,^E,,-]/2 [^A-^G^C-D,-^E,,]/2[^A^G-^C^D,-]/2[^G^D,-]/2[^E^D,]/2 [^G-^C^C,-^E,,-]/2[A-^G^C,^E,,]/2[^AA]/2z/2 b-[b-^D-^E,-]/2[b^a-^D-^A,-^E,-]/2|
[^a-D^A,-^E,-][^a-^A,-^E,-]/2[^a-^g-^A,-^E,-]/2 [^a-^g-^D-^A,-^E,-]/2[^a^g^e-^D-^A,-^E,-]/2[^e^D-^A,-^E,-]/2[^f-^D^A,-^E,-]/2 [^e-^f^A,-^E,-]/2[^eE-^A,-^E,-]/2[^d-E^A,-^E,]3/2[^d^A,]/2^c/2z/2| |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_17_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D6_03_Track03_wav.wav | 150 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[^C-^A,-^F,-]3/2[c^C-^A,-^F,-]/2 [^A^C-^A,-^F,-]/2[cG-^C-^A,-^F,-]/2[^G^C-^A,-^F,]/2[^c^C-^A,-]/2|
[^f-^C-^A,]/2[^f^d-^C]/2[^dA-^D-^F,-]/2[^c^A-^D^F,-]/2 [^A^F,]/2c-[^c-c^A-^F-^C-^A,-]/2 [^c-A-^F^C-^A,-][^c-A-^C^A,]/2[^c-A]/2 ^c/2[^A-^G,,]/2[^A^D,-]/2[B,-^D,]/2|
B,z/2^D/2 z/2G,/2-[^d-B-^D-^G,-] [^d-B^D^G,-G,]/2[^d^A,-^G,-]/2[^A,^G,]/2B,/2<D/2^F/2-[b-^g-B-^F]|
[b^g-B^D-]/2[^g^D]/2z2^G/2^E/2 [^d-B^G-]/2[^f^d^G]/2^e/2[^g-B-^F-]/2 [^g-B-^G-^F]/2[^gB-^G-]/2[^fB^G-]/2[^G^G,,]/2|
^D,/2B,z/2 ^D/2z/2[^d-B-^DG,-]/2[^dB^G,-]/2 [^G,G,][^g-^d-^G^A,-]/2[^g^dB,^A,]/2 D[b-^g-B-^F-]|
[b^gB^F^D]/2z^A>^G[^d-B-^G-^E]/2 [^f-^dB^G-^F]/2[^e^f^G]/2z/2[^g-B-^G-^F][^gB-^G-]/2[^f-B^G]/2[^fB,,]/2|
[D-^E,]/2^D/2z ^E/2^A,/2-[^e-^d^E^A,-] [^eB,-^A,]/2[^C-B,]/2[^D^C]/2z/2 z/2[^d'b^d-A-]/2[^d^A-]/2^A/2|
z/2[^e-d-B-]/2[^g^e^dB]/2a/2 [b-^d-^GB,]/2[b^d-B-][^g^dB]/2 [^E,B,,]/2^D/2z ^E/2z/2[^e^d^E^A,-]/2^A,/2|
B,/2-[d'^a^d-^C-B,]/2[b^d^C]/2^D/2 z[^e^dB]/2^g/2 z/2[aE,]/2B,/2[b-^d-B-^G]/2 [b^d-B-]/2[^d-B-]/2[^g-^d-B-^E]/2[^g^dB]/2|
z3/2[E,-A,,-]/2 [^C-^E,-^A,,-]2 [^C-^E,-^A,,-]/2[^c^C-^E,-^A,,-][^D^C-^E,-^A,,-]3/2[^E-^C-^E,-^A,,-]|
[E-^C-^E,-A,,-]/2[^A-^E^C-^E,-^A,,-][^A-^C-^E,-^A,,-]3/2[^A^G^C-^E,-^A,,-]/2[^C-^E,-^A,,-]/2 [^C-^E,-^D,-^A,,-]/2[^G-^C-^E,^D,-^A,,-]/2[^G^C-^D,-^A,,-]/2[G-^C-^D,-^A,,-]/2 [^G^E-^C-^D,-^A,,-]/2[^E-^C-^D,-^A,,-]/2[^G-^E^C-^D,-^A,,-]/2[^G-^C-^D,-^A,,-]/2|
[G-^C-^D,-A,,]3/2[^G-^C-^D,]/2 [^G-^D-^C]/2[^G-^D-]/2[^G-^D-^D,-^G,,-]/2[G^DC-^D,-^G,,-]/2 [^C-^D,-^G,,-]3/2[^c^C-^D,-^G,,-]/2 [^C-^D,-^G,,-][D-^C-^D,-^G,,-]|
[^D-DC-^D,-^G,,-]/2[^D-^C-^D,-^G,,-][^G-^D^C-^D,-^G,,-][^G^C-^D,-^G,,-]2[G^C-^D,-^G,,-]/2[^C-^D,-^G,,-]/2[G-^C-^D,D,-^G,,-][G^E-^C-^D,-^G,,-]/2[^E^F^C-^D,-^G,,]/2[^C^D,]/2| |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_17_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D6_03_Track03_wav.wav | 175 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
^E/2-[^ED-]/2^D [^D,-G,,-]/2[BB,-^D,-^G,,-]3[B,-^D,-^G,,-]/2 [^C-B,-^D,-^G,,-][^D^C-B,-^D,-^G,,-]|
[^CB,-D,^C,-G,,-]/2[^E-B,-^C,-^G,,]/2[^EB,-^C,-]/2[^FB,-^C,-]/2 [B,-^C,-]/2[E-B,-^C,-]/2[^E-B,-^C,-^C,,-]/2[^F-^EB,-^C,-^C,,-]/2 [^F-B,^C,-^C,,][^F^C,] z2|
^C2- [^C-^C,-^E,,-]/2[^C^A,-^C,-^E,,-]/2[^A,-^C,-^E,,-]3 [^A^A,-^C,-^E,,-]/2[^A,-^C,-^E,,-][C-^A,-^C,-^E,,-]/2|
[C-^A,-^C,-^E,,-][^C-C^A,-^C,-^E,,-]/2[^C-^A,-^C,-^E,,-]3/2[^E-^C^A,-^C,-^E,,-] [^E-^A,^C,-^E,,-][^E-^C,^E,,]3/2^E/2-[^E^FD,-]|
D,/2-[^D-B,-^D,-D,^E,,-]/2[^D-B,-^D,-^E,,-]3/2[^F-^DB,-^D,-^E,,-]/2[^E-^FB,-^D,-^E,,-] [^EB,^D,-^E,,-]/2[^G-^D,-^E,,-]3/2 [^G-^E^D,-^E,,-][^G^F-C-^D,-^E,,-]/2[^F^C-^D,-^E,,-]/2|
[^EC-^D,-^E,,-][^G-^C-^D,-^E,,-]/2[^A-^G^C-^D,D,-^E,,-]/2 [^A^C^D,-^E,,]/2[^G-^D,-]/2[^G^E^D,-]/2^D,/2 [^G^C^C,^E,,]z ^g/2-[^g^D-]/2[^e-^D-^A,-^E,-]/2[^e^f-^D^A,-^E,-]/2|
[^f^A,-^E,-]/2[^e-^A,-^E,-][^e^D-^A,-^E,-]/2 [^d-^D-^A,-^E,][^d^D-^A,-]/2[^D^A,-]/2 ^A,/2-[^d^A,-]/2[^c-E-^C-^A,G,-]/2[^c^E-^C-^G,-][B-^E^C^G,-]/2[B^G,-]/2[^A-^G,-]/2|
[^G^E,-^A,,-]/2[^C-^E,^A,,]/2^C/2-[^F-^C-]/2 [^F^D-^C-]/2[^D-^C]/2^D/2-[^A-^D-^E,-^D,-^G,,-]/2 [^A-^DC-^E,-^D,-^G,,-]/2[^A-^C-^E,^D,^G,,-]2[^A-^G-^C^G,,]/2[^A^G-]/2[^G^E]/2|
z[^F-B,-^C,-^C,,-]/2[^F-B,-^F,^C,-^C,,][^F^D-B,-^C,]/2[^D-B,]/2^D/2- [^D^C-]/2^C/2z/2[^C,-^E,,-]/2 [^A,-^C,-^E,,-]2|
[^A,-^C,-^E,,-]2 [^A^A,-^C,-^E,,-]/2[^A,-^C,-^E,,-][C-^A,-^C,-^E,,-]3/2[^C-C^A,-^C,-^E,,-]/2[^C-^A,-^C,-^E,,-]3/2[^E-^C^A,-^C,-^E,,-]|
[^E-^A,-^C,-^E,,-]3[^E^F^A,-^C,-^E,,-]3/2[^D-^A,^C,-^E,,-]/2[^D-^C,-^E,,-]/2[^F-^D^C,-^E,,-]/2 [^F^C,-^E,,-]/2[^E^C,^E,,] |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_17_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D6_03_Track03_wav.wav | 200 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
^E ^F^E/2z/2|
^G/2^A/2^G/2z/2 (3^G^A^g z/2z/2z/2z/2 ^a/2^g/2z/2z/2|
^c'/2z/2z/2 (3^g'/2^e'/2^f'/2z/2 (3b'/2^a'/2^g'/2 z/2z/2[b'^a']/2^g'/2<^e'/2z/2b'/2<^a'/2|
(3b'/2^a'/2d'/2b'/2^a'/2 [b'^a'e']/2^e'/2[b'^a']/2[^e'e']/2 [^e^c]/2[a'^a-]/2^a/2[^c''a']/2 [^d''^a']/2[^c''a']/2[^d''^a']/2[^c''a']/2|
[^d''^a']/2[^c''a']/2[^d''^a']/2[^c''a']/2 [^d''^a']/2[^c''a']/2[^d''^a']/2[^c''a']/2 [^d''^a']/2[^c''^g']/2z/2[^d''^a']/2 ^c''/2z/2[^c''^a']/2z/2|
[^d'b]/2^a'/2^e'/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 [^a^e]/2[^f^d]/2z/2[^a^e]/2 z/2[B^G]/2A/2^d/2|
^c/2E/2[B^A]/2z/2 z/2[^E^D]/2 (3^G,/2A,/2^A,/2 [^D^C]/2^A,/2E,/2-[^F,-^E,]/2 [B,^E,^F,]/2 (3^A,/2^E,/2E,/2[^E,^F,]/2|
[B,^A,]/2^E,/2^F,- [B,^E,^F,]/2 (3^A,/2^E,/2^F,/2 (3^E,/2B,/2^A,/2[^E,^F,]/2 (3^E,/2B,/2^A,/2 (3^E,/2^F,/2^E,/2B,/2[^A,^E,-]/2|
^E,/2^F,z^E,A,/2 z/2^A,B,^Cz/2|
D2<^D2 [^E,-C,-]/2[E-^A,-^E,-^C,-]3[E-^A,-^E,-^C,-]/2|
z/2C,/2^F,/2A,/2 ^F^c z3/2 (3^A^FB,[^C^C,-]/2|
C,/2-^C,/2-[D^C,-]/2[^F^C,-]/2 [EA,-^C,]/2^A,/2-[^F-^A,-]/2[G^F-^A,]/2 [^c^A^F^C^A,-]/2[^A^A,]/2[A^G]/2z/2 ^E/2[^F,,-^F,,,-]/2[^A-^F,,^F,,,]/2^A/2| |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_17_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D6_03_Track03_wav.wav | 225 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
A/2 z/2z/2[CC,-]/2C,/2- [DC,]/2F/2[EA,-]/2A,/2-|
[F-A,-]/2[F-A,]/2[cF_D_B,]/2_B/2 A/2z/2F,,/2C,/2- [A-A,-C,-]/2[A-F-A,-C,]/2[AFA,-]/2A,/2- [FA,]/2z/2_B/2A/2|
z/2F/2_B/2A/2 [FE]/2 (3A/2_B/2A/2z/2 [F_E]/2A/2<_B/2[A_D-]/2 D/2-[_ED-]/2[FD-]/2[_BD-]/2|
[A_D-]/2D/2-[FD-]/2D/2- [_BD-]/2[AD-]/2[ED-]/2D/2- D/2-[_BD-]/2[AD-]/2D/2 _E/2FA/2-|
A/2-[_B-A]/2_B z_B,,,2z _d/2-[d_B]/2z/2F,/2-|
[FF,-]/2F,/2-[FF,-]/2[GF,-]/2 F,/2-[_BA_D-_B,-F,]/2[D-_B,-]/2[AD-_B,-]/2 [_BD-_B,-]/2[D_B,-]/2[f_B,F,-]/2[_eF,]/2 d/2c/2G/2[A_B,,,-]/2|
_B,,,/2c/2_d/2f/2 [_eF,]/2z/2e/2z/2 [_gf_BD-]/2D/2-[fD-]/2[gD-]/2 [_baD-]/2[d'DF,-]/2[_bF,]/2g/2|
f/2_e/2<_d/2_B,,,zz/2 [f_e]/2[d_G,]/2z/2c/2 z/2[_eA_E-A,-]/2[_E-A,-]/2[f-_EA,-]/2|
[fA,-]/2[aA,-_G,-]/2[_baA,G,]/2g/2<_e/2_d/2<c/2_B,,,z/2z/2[_ed]/2 [cG,-]/2G,/2-[_BG,-]/2[cBG,-]/2|
[_d_E-A,-_G,]/2[_E-A,-]/2[_E-A,-]/2[_e_E-A,-]/2 [_E-A,-]/2[_EA,-F,-]/2[fA,F,-]/2[_eF,]/2 (3dcA _B,,,3/2c/2|
_d/2c/2_B/2F,/2- [GF,-]/2F,/2-[dAF-D-F,-]/2[F-D-F,]/2 [AFD-]/2[c_BD-]/2D/2[fF,]/2 [_ed]/2z/2_B/2G/2|
_B,,,/2-[c_B,,,]/2_d/2_e/2 [f_eF,]/2_B/2e/2f/2 [_gf_BD-]/2[dD-]/2[fD-]/2[gD-]/2 [_baD-]/2[d'DF,-]/2[_bF,]/2g/2|
f/2-[f_e]/2_d/2-[dD,,-]/2 D,,z/2 (3_e/2f/2_e/2[d_A,-]/2[_BA,]/2c/2 d/2[_e_B_GC]/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_17_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D6_03_Track03_wav.wav | 250 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
f/2-[_a_gf]/2[_b_A,-]/2[_a_g_A,]/2 _e/2_d/2z/2_D,,3/2z/2_e/2 _d/2[c_A,]/2z/2z/2|
[cB]/2[_dG-E-]/2[c_G_E-]/2[_eE-]/2 [_e_E-]/2[_g_E]/2[_A-F-]/2[f_AF]/2 (3_e_d_B _A_D,,-|
_D,,/2z/2f/2z/2 _d/2<G/2[_A_A,-]/2[F_A,-]/2 _A,/2-_A,/2-[_dF-_A,-]/2[_AF-_D-_A,]/2 [cF_D-]/2[_d_D-]/2[f_D-]/2[_a_D_A,]/2|
[_gf]/2_e/2z/2[cB,,,-]/2 [_d_B,,,]/2 (3e/2f/2_e/2f/2 [_a_g_A,-]/2[_b_A,-]/2[_a_g_A,-]/2[f_A,-]/2 [_bF-_D-_A,]/2[bF-_D-]/2[_bF-_D-]/2[_b_aF-_D-]/2|
[bF_D]/2[f'_b_A,]/2_a/2z/2 _a/2_B,,,/2-[f_B,,,]/2_e/2 d/2_A/2[G_A,-]/2[_A_A,-]/2 _A,/2-[A_A,]/2[BF-_D-]/2[_BAF-_D-]/2|
[F-D-]/2[cF_D]/2[_g_d]/2[_a_A,]/2 [f_e]/2d/2B/2[c_D,,-]/2 [_d_D,,]/2_e/2_e/2[fe_B,-]/2 [_e_B,-]/2[_gf_B,-]/2[_a_B,-]/2[a_A-_B,-]/2|
[_b_AF-_B,]/2[bF-]/2[_b_aF-]/2[BF-]/2 [_BF-_B,-]/2[_a-_gF_B,]/2[_af]/2z/2 _B/2<_A/2_E,,/2-[_g_G_E,,]z[_g_e]/2|
z/2[_B_B,-]/2_B,/2-[c_B,-]/2 _B,/2-[d_G-_E-_B,]/2[_G-_E-]/2[_d_G_E-]/2 [f_E-]/2[_g_E]/2[_b_a_B,]/2_g/2 z/2[_e_B]/2[_A,,-_A,,,-]/2[c_A,,-_A,,,]/2|
[c_B_A,,]/2_g/2_b/2[_gf_G,-]/2 [_e_G,-]/2[_ec_G,-]/2[_g_G,-]/2[_e_d_G-_E-_G,-]/2 [_G-_E-_G,]/2[_G-_E-]/2[_ec_G_E-]/2[f_d_E]/2 [_e_G,]/2z/2[_gf]/2_b/2-|
[_bF,,-F,,,-]/2[_a-fF,,-F,,,]/2[_aF,,]/2z/2 _a/2f/2[cC]/2C,/2 z/2d/2[fe]/2[c_AF_A,]/2 z/2f/2[_ag]/2[c'CC,]/2|
[_b_a]/2g/2f/2[dc]/2 [_B,,-_B,,,-]/2[_dB_B,,-_B,,,]/2[_a_B,,]/2b/2 [_a-_g_A,-]/2[_af_A,-]/2[f_d_A,-]/2[_a_A,-]/2 [f_A,]/2[_e_d_A-F-]/2[c_A-F-]/2[f_d_AF-]/2|
[_eF]/2[f_A,]/2_a/2g/2 [ba]/2z/2[_b_g_B-_G,,-_G,,,] [_B_G,,]/2z/2_B/2_A/2 [c_B_B,-_D,-]/2[_d_B,_D,]/2 (3_e/2_d/2c/2|
[_d_B]/2[f_e_G_B,]/2 (3_g/2f/2_e/2 f/2[_g_B,_D,]/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_17_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D6_03_Track03_wav.wav | 275 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[^F,,-^F,,,-]/2[^a-^g-^A-^F,,^F,,,]/2[^a^g^A-]/2^A/2 ^A/2^G/2[c^A^A,-^G,-D,]/2[^d^A,^G,]/2 (3^d/2d/2^c/2^d/2[^f^d^A^G^A,]/2 ^e/2^f/2^d/2[^e^f^A,^G,D,]/2|
^g/2^a/2^g/2[b^a]/2 z/2z/2[^a^e^A-^D,,-^D,,,] [^A^D,,]/2z/2[^A-^E-]/2[B^A^E]/2 ^c/2[B^G^A,-^D,-^A,,]/2[^c^A,^D,]/2^d/2|
[^dd^c^A]/2^f/2[^f^dB^E^A,]/2g/2 [^e^f^c]/2^g/2[^g^e^d^A,^D,^A,,]/2^a/2 [^a^g^f]/2b/2[b^a^e]/2^c'/2 [b^g^f]/2[^d'^c'^d^c]/2[^d'^c'^a^d^c]/2[^f'^cB]/2|
[^f'^d'b^A]/2[^e'^f'^c'B]/2[^g'^e'^A^G]/2[^e'^d']/2 [^a'^g'^E]/2[^a'^g'^f'^E^D]/2[b'^e'^F]/2[b'^a'^D]/2 [^c''D]/2[^a'^e'^D]/2[^f'^d'^E^F]/2[^g'^f'^G]/2 [^d'd'B]/2[^a'^e'^c]/2[^f'^d'^d]/2[^g'^f'^f]/2|
[^d'd'^g^e]/2[^a'^e'^f'^e]/2[^d'^a^g]/2[^g'^f'^d'^g]/2 [d'b^a]/2[^a'^e'^f'^a]/2[^d'^g^e-]/2[^g'^f'^g^e]/2 [^d'd'^f]/2^d/2<^e'/2[^f'^f]/2 ^e/2[^d'^c'^f]/2b/2[^a^gcB]/2|
^e/2[^f^d]/2[^a^e^D]/2^f/2 ^G/2[^d^c^E^F]/2[B^D^G,]/2^A/2 [^G^EB,]/2[^F^A,]/2[^D^G,]/2z^D,,^A,,/2|
^E,/2[B,^G,,]/2^F,/2z/2 [^A,^D,]/2z/2^G,/2[dB^F]/2 ^D/2^A/2[b^G]/2^f'/2 [^e'd'^d]/2^a/2z/2[b'^g]/2|
z6 z3/2^E/2-|
^E2- ^E/2-[^E^A,-]/2^A,3/2-[C-^A,]/2^C- [D-^C]/2^D-[^D-D-]/2|
[^E-^F]^E- [^G-^E]^G- [A-^G]/2^A-[^A-A]^A3/2-|
[B-^A]/2B2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_17_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D6_03_Track03_wav.wav | 300 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
c z2 _B,,,/2-[_B,,-F,,-_B,,,-]/2[_D,-_B,,-F,,-_B,,,-]/2[_B,-F,-_D,-_B,,-F,,-_B,,,-]/2|
[_D-_B,-F,-_D,_B,,-F,,-_B,,,-]/2[_D-_B,F,_B,,F,,_B,,,]/2_D/2z2z/2 _d2- [_d-F,-]/2[_dF-F,-]/2[FF,-]|
[G-F,-]3/2[A-_GF-_D-F,-]/2 [_A-F-_D-F,][_B-_AF-_D-]/2[_B-F-_D-][_B-F_DF,]/2_B c/2[_A,,_D,,]/2_D,/2[_A,F,]/2|
[F_D]/2z3/2 _d3/2-[_e-_d_A,-][_e-_A,-]/2[e-_e-_A,-] [e-_e-_A-_D-_A,-]/2[f-e_e_A-_D-_A,-]/2[f-_A-_D-_A,]/2[f-_A-_D-]/2|
[_g-f_A-_D-][_g-_A_D-]/2[_g-_D_A,-]/2 [_g-_A,]/2_g/2f/2[_B,,_E,,-]/2 [_E,_E,,]/2[_B,_G,]/2[_G_E]/2z3/2_e-|
[_e-_d-_B,-]3/2[_e_dc-_B,-]/2 [c-_B,-]/2[c-_B-_G-_B,-]/2[_e-c-_B-_G-_B,]/2[_e-c_B-_G-]/2 [_e-_B-_G-]/2[f-_e_B-_G-]/2[f-_B_G-]/2[f-_G_B,]/2 f_e/2[_D,_G,,]/2|
[A,-_G,]/2[_G-_E-_A,]/2[_A-_G_E]/2_A/2 z_d- [_dc-_A,-]/2[c_A,-][_d_A,-]_A,/2-[_d-_G-_E-_A,]/2[_d-_G-_E-]/2|
[_d_G-_E-]/2[_e-_G-_E-][_e-_G-_E-A,]/2 [_e-_G_E]/2_e/2-[_e_d]/2_B,,/2- [_D-_B,-F,-_B,,-]/2[_B-F-_D-_B,-F,-_B,,-]/2[_d-_BF_D_B,-F,-_B,,-]/2[_d-_B,-F,_B,,]/2 [_d-_B,]/2_d/2-[_d-c-]|
[_d-c-][_dc-_B-F,-]/2[c-_B-F,-]/2 [c_B-G-F,-]/2[_B_G-F,-]/2[_GF-F,-]/2[A-F-_D-F,-]3/2[_B-_AF-_D-F,]/2[_B-F-_D-][_B-F_D-F,-]/2[_B-_DF,]/2[c_B]/2|
[f-_A-_D-_A,]/2[f_A-_D-]/2[_g-_A-_D-] [_g-_A-_D-_A,][_g-_A_D]/2[_g-f]/2 [_g-_E,]/2[_g_B_B,]/2[_g_e_E-]/2[_b-_G-_E]/2 [_b-_G-]3/2[_b-_e-_G-]/2|
[_b_e-_G-]/2[_e-_G-]/2[_e_d-_G-_B,-]/2[_d-_G_B,-]/2 [_dc-_B,-]/2[c-_B,-][_e-c_B-_G-_B,-]/2 [_e-_B-_G-_B,]/2[_e-_B-_G-]/2[f-_e_B-_G-]/2[f-_B-_G-][f-_B_G_B,]/2f/2z/2|
z/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_17_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D6_03_Track03_wav.wav | 325 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[_d_D-]/2[a_D-]/2[_d'_A-_G-_D-]/2[_A-_G-_D]/2 [_A-_G-]3/2[_d-_A-_G-]3/2[_dc-_A_G_E-]/2[c-_E-]/2|
[_d-c_E-]/2[_d_E-]/2_E/2-[_dA-_G-_E]3/2[_A-_G-]/2[_e-_A-_G-][_e_A-_G-_E][_A_G]/2 z/2_d_B,/2|
[A-G_D-][_A-_D-]/2[_B-_A_G-_E-_D]/2 [_B-_G-_E-]/2[c-_B-_G_E-]/2[c-_B-_E-] [c-_B-_E_A,-_G,-]/2[c-_B-_A,_G,][_d-c_B-]/2 [_d-_B]/2_d/2-[_d-_B,,-]|
[_d-_B,,]/2_d/2-[_d_B-] [_BG-F-_D-F,][_GF_D]/2A-[_B-_A_G-_E-]/2[_B-_G_E-] [c-_B-_E-]3/2[c-_B-_E_A,-_G,-]/2|
[c-_B-A,_G,-][c-_B_G,]/2[_d-c]/2 _d-[_d-_B,,]3/2_d/2-[_d-c-]3/2[_d-c-F,-]3/2|
[_dc-_B-F,-][c-_B-F,-] [c-_B-F-_D-F,-]2 [c-_B-F-_D-F,-]/2[c-_B-A-F-_D-F,]/2[c-_B_A-F_D-]/2[c-_A-_D-]/2 [c-_AG-_D]/2[c_G-]/2_G/2-[_A-_G]/2|
A/2z3/2 _A2- [_B_A]/2z/2c- [_d-c]/2_d/2_e/2_e/2-|
[c-A-F-C-][c_A-F_D-C-]/2[f-_A-_D-C]/2 [f-_A-_D]/2[f-_A]/2[fe-]/2_e/2- [_eF-D-C-]/2[_d-_B-F-_D-C-][_e-_d_BF-_D-C-]/2 [f-_eF-_D-C-]/2[fF-_D-C-]/2[g-F-_D-C-]|
[g-FDC]/2_g/2-[_gf-]/2f/2- [fe-B-F-_D-C-]/2[_e-_B-F-_D-C-]/2[f-_e_B-F-_D-C-]/2[f_B-F-_D-C-]/2 [_g-_B-F-_D-C-]/2[a-_g_B-F-_D-C-]/2[_a_B-F_D-C-]/2[_g-_B_G-_DC]/2 [_g-_G]/2[_gf-_A-]/2[f-_A-]/2[f_e-c-A-_AF-C-]/2|
[e-c-A-F-C-]/2[f-_ec-_A-F-C-]/2[f-c-_A-F-C-] [c'f-c-_A-F-C-][f-c-_A-F-C-]/2[c'-f-c-_A-FC]2[c'-f-c-_A][c'f-c-]/2[f-c-]|
[fc]z4z/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_17_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D6_03_Track03_wav.wav | 350 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
z4 _B,,,2 z2|
z/2[_d''f']/2z3/2[f'c']/2z/2[_d'_D-_B,-F,-]/2 [_D-_B,-F,-]/2[f'_D-_B,-F,]/2[_D-_B,]/2[_b'c'_D]/2 z/2z/2[_E-_B,-_G,-]/2[_d'_E-_B,_G,]/2|
_E/2_g'/2z [_G-_E-_B,-]/2[_b_e_G_E_B,-]/2_B,/2[_e'-f]/2 _e'/2[_b_g]/2z/2_B,,,z/2z|
f/2z/2[_d_D-_B,-F,-]/2[f_D-_B,-F,]/2 [_D-_B,]/2[_bc_D]/2z/2_E/2- [_E-_B,-_G,-]/2[c_E_B,-_G,]/2[_gA_B,]/2z/2 z/2[_G_B,-_G,-]/2[_B,-_G,-]/2[_B-_E_B,_G,]/2|
_B/2[_eF][_B_G]z/2_B,,,3/2[_dF]/2z F/2[_DF,-]/2F,/2-[FF,-]/2|
[_BC-F,]/2C/2[F_D]/2z/2 _B,,,z/2z/2 z/2_G/2z/2[_DF,-]/2 [FF,-]/2F,/2-[_BC-F,]/2C/2|
[F_D]z/2_B,,,3/2z/2[_dF]/2 zF [_DF,-]/2F,/2-[F-F,]/2F/2|
[_B-C][_B-F_D-]/2[_B-_D-][_B_E-_DC-]/2[_E-C-] [_E-_D-C_B,-]/2[_E_D_B,]/2[C_E,] [_B,-_D,][_B,_G,-_E,-]/2[_G,_E,]/2|
[F,-_D,-]/2[F,_E,-_D,C,-]/2[_E,C,]/2[_D,-_B,,][_E,-_D,C,-]/2[_E,-C,]/2[_E,_D,-_B,,-]/2 [_D,_B,,]/2[C,_E,,][_B,,-_D,,-]/2 [_B,,-_G,,-_D,,]/2[_B,,_G,,-_E,,-]/2[_G,,_E,,-]/2[F,,-_E,,_D,,-]/2|
[F,,-_D,,-]/2[F,,_E,,-_D,,C,,-]/2[_E,,-C,,-] [_E,,-_D,,-C,,_B,,,-]/2[_E,,_D,,-_B,,,-]/2[_D,,-_B,,,-]3/2[E,,-_D,,-_B,,,-]/2[_E,,-_D,,_B,,,_E,,,-]/2[_E,,-_E,,,-]2[_E,,-_E,,,-]/2|[E,,_E,,,-]4 _E,,,/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_18_R1_2011_MID--AUDIO_R1-D7_07_Track07_wav.wav | 0 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
zz/2 d/2e/2z/2[^fA]/2|
e/2z/2a/2 (3d/2e/2^f/2A/2^f/2e/2 [gd]/2e/2^f/2g/2 [dB]/2^c/2B/2^c/2|
(3e/2^f/2g/2A/2g/2 ^f/2e/2[^fd]/2e/2 ^f/2A/2^c/2B/2 A/2[dB]/2e/2^f/2|
B/2 (3a/2^g/2^f/2g/2 e/2^f/2g/2[BG,]/2 [d^c]/2B/2[A^C,]/2^c/2 d/2e/2^F/2[ed]/2|
^c/2d/2B/2^c/2 z/2 (3^F/2A/2^G/2^F/2 G/2B/2^c/2[dE]/2 d/2^c/2B/2^c/2|
A/2[^cB]/2z/2[GE]/2 ^F/2E/2^F/2A/2 B/2^F/2-[e^F]/2^d/2 ^c/2 (3d/2B/2^c/2d/2|
z/2A/2G/2^F/2 [GE]/2A/2z/2[^CE,]/2 d/2^c/2[B^F,,]/2[^AE]/2 ^F/2<G/2^C/2G/2|
[^FE]/2[D^F,,]/2B/2<^c/2 z/2^F/2[A^G]/2^F/2 [F^F,,]/2G/2A/2F/2 d/2^c/2B/2[g^F,,]/2|
(3f/2^f/2^g/2[^c^F,]/2b/2 a/2g/2[a^F,,]/2^f/2 g/2[a^c^F,]/2e/2z/2 ^c/2^d/2 (3^f/2g/2a/2|
B/2a/2g/2^f/2 g/2[^fe]/2g/2B/2 d/2c/2B/2 (3^c/2^d/2e/2^f/2A/2^c/2|
B/2A/2[eG]/2^f/2 g/2B/2d/2^c/2 B/2[e^c]/2^f/2g/2 A/2g/2^f/2e/2|
[^fd]/2e/2^f/2A/2 c/2B/2A/2z/2 z/2z/2 (3^C/2B/2A/2 G/2^F/2D/2E/2|
z/2A,/2C/2A,/2 B,/2D/2E/2z/2 [AB,]/2^G/2<^F/2G/2 E/2^F/2G/2B,/2|
[DC]/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_18_R1_2011_MID--AUDIO_R1-D7_07_Track07_wav.wav | 25 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[A,C,]/2^C/2 D/2[A,^F,]/2G/2^F/2 E/2B,,/2A,/2z/2 [^C^F,]/2^C/2B,/2z/2|
G,/2 (3E/2^F/2G/2B,/2 D/2^C/2B,/2^A,/2 [D^C]/2E/2A,/2G/2 ^F/2[^cG,]/2A/2B/2|
^c/2-[^c^F^A,]/2e/2d/2 ^c/2d/2B/2^c/2 ^F/2A/2^G/2^F/2 G/2 (3B/2c/2d/2E/2|
d/2c/2B/2z/2 (3A/2B/2^c/2E/2G/2 ^F/2E/2 (3^F/2A/2B/2 ^c/2D/2^c/2B/2|
[AG,,]/2B/2G/2A/2 D/2B/2A/2G/2 [dB,,]/2[AG]/2z/2[DG,]/2 B/2A/2G/2c/2|
[BA]/2c/2[EG,]/2G/2 ^F/2[ED,]/2[A^F]/2B/2 ^c/2D/2 (3^c/2B/2A/2 [BG,,]/2G/2A/2B/2|
[DG,]/2[^FE]/2D/2E/2 G/2A/2z/2[dE]/2 ^c/2B/2^c/2A/2 B/2z/2E/2[G^F]/2|
E/2D/2^F/2G/2 A/2B,/2 (3A/2G/2^F/2 G/2E/2^F/2G/2 B,/2[D^C]/2B,/2^C/2|
E/2^F/2G/2 (3A,/2G/2^F/2E/2^F/2D/2 E/2^F/2[A,D,]/2[^FE]/2 D/2[A^F,,]/2^F/2G/2|
A/2[cD^F,]/2B/2A/2 [BG,,]/2G/2A/2B/2 [BD]/2A/2G/2 (3d/2B/2^c/2d/2-[d^G]/2f/2|
e/2d/2-[d^cA,,-]/2[AA,,-]/2 A,,/2-[^cBA,,-]/2[EG,A,,-]/2[GA,,-]/2 [^FA,,-]/2[EA,,-]/2[AA,,-]/2[edA,,-]/2 [^fA,,-]/2[BA,,-]/2[aA,,-]/2[g^fA,,-]/2|
[g-A,,-]/2[g^cA,,-]/2[dA,,-]/2[eAA,,-]/2 [gA,,-]/2[^fA,,-]/2[eA,,-]/2[^f-A,,-]/2 [^fBA,,-]/2[d-^cA,,-]/2[d^GB,,A,,-]/2[^fA,,-]/2 [eA,,-]/2[dA,,-]/2[^cA,,-]/2[GE,A,,-]/2|
[^AAG,^F,A,,-]/2[E^C,A,,-]/2[GE,A,,]/2[FD,]/2 [^FED,^C,]/2d/2[eG,]/2[^fA,]/2 [^cE,]/2[eG,]/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_18_R1_2011_MID--AUDIO_R1-D7_07_Track07_wav.wav | 50 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[^cE,]/2 [dF,]/2[a-D,]/2[ag^F,E,]/2[^fA,,]/2 [eC,]/2[d^A,,]/2[^c-A,,]/2[d-^c^G,,-]/2 [^fdG,,-]/2G,,/2-[eG,,-]/2[d-G,,-]/2|
[bd^G,,-]/2[gG,,-]/2[baG,,-]/2[fG,,-]/2 [dG,,-]/2[eG,,-]/2[BG,,-]/2[GG,,-]/2 [AG,,-]/2[BG,,-]/2[^FEG,,-]/2[GG,,-]/2 [AG,,-]/2[BG,,-]/2[^cG,,-]/2[dG,,]/2|
e/2-[f-eA,,-]/2[^f-^cA,,-]/2[^f-dA,A,,-]/2 [^f-AA,,-]/2[^fA,,-]/2[GA,,-]/2[e-^C,A,,-]/2 [e-GA,,-]/2[eAA,,-]/2[^FA,,-]/2[d-A,,-]/2 [d-^FA,,-]/2[d-GA,,-][d-E-A,,-]/2|
[d^c-EG,-A,,-]/2[^c-G,-A,,-]/2[^c-E-G,-A,,]/2[^c-E-G,]/2 [^cEA,,-]/2[D,-A,,]/2[F,-D,-]/2[DB,-^G,-^F,-D,-]/2 [G-^F-B,-G,-^F,-D,-]/2[d-B-G-^F-B,-G,-^F,-D,-]3[d-B-G-^F-B,-G,-^F,-D,-]/2|
[d-B-^G-F-B,G,-^F,-D,-]/2[d-BG^FG,-^F,-D,-][d-G,^F,-D,-]/2 [d-^F,D,]/2d2-d/2^c/2B/2 A/2G/2E/2^F/2|
z/2^c/2d/2f/2 d/2^c/2z/2 (3^G/2^F/2E/2z/2[E-^C-]/2[G-E-^C-]/2 [e^c^AG-E^C-]/2[gG^C]/2z|
z[F-D-]/2[^G^FD-]/2 [^fdD]/2[bg]/2z4z|
z/2[d-A-E-A,E,-A,,-]3/2 [d-A-E-E,A,,-]3/2[d-A-E-A,,-]2[d^c-A-E-G,-A,,-]/2 [^c-A-EG,-A,,-][^c-A-G,-A,,-]|
[dA-^F-A,^F,-D,-]3/2[A^F^F,D,]/2 z2 D,/2E,/2z/2 (3G,/2^F,/2E,/2^F,/2<D,/2B,/2-|
B,z2B,/2z/2 A,2 z/2G,/2z|
^F,2 z/2z[A,^F,-]/2 [B,^F,-]/2[^C^F,-]/2[D^F,]/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_18_R1_2011_MID--AUDIO_R1-D7_07_Track07_wav.wav | 75 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[^F-A,-D,][^FA,] z^F/2z/2 [E-E,]3/2E/2 zD/2z/2|
[^C-A,,]^C/2z3/2[^F,E,]/2G,/2 [^FA,-]2 A,-[^FA,-]/2A,/2|
B,3/2z (3B,/2^C/2D/2[EG,-]G,-G,-G,-[A,G,-]/2|
G,2 ^F,/2E,/2[D^F,-]/2[E^F,-]/2 [^F^F,-]/2[G^F^F,]/2E/2^F/2 D/2-[B-D-G,]/2[BD-]|
D/2z[BE,]/2 z/2[A^CA,]3/2 zG/2z/2 [^FDD,]3/2z/2|
z^G/2z/2 [A^C-^F,-]/2[^cB^C-^F,-]/2[d^C^F,-]/2[^c^F,]/2 B/2[^cE,]/2A/2-[^fA-B,-D,-]2[A-B,-D,-]/2|
[^fAB,D,B,,-]/2B,,/2z/2[e^GE,-]3/2E,/2z/2 d/2z/2[^cAA,A,,] z3/2e/2|
^f/2g/2[a-^c-^F]/2[a-^c-AG]/2 [a-^cB]/2a/2G/2[aA]/2 ^F/2[adB]3/2 z (3d/2e/2^f/2|
[g-d-E]/2[g-d^F]/2g/2A/2 z/2[g^F]/2G/2[g-E]/2 [g^c-A-]/2[^cA]3/2 e/2d/2[^f-d-^cA-D,,]/2[^f-d-A-E,,]/2|
[^f-d-A^F,,]/2[^fd-G,,]/2[d^F,,]/2E,,/2 ^F,,/2D,,/2[d-B-^F-B,,] [d-B^F]/2dz/2 [eG]/2z/2[^c-A-E-A,,-]|
[^cA-EA,,]A/2-[^cA]/2 z[^c-A-D-^F,,] [^c-A-D]/2[^cA]/2z/2[E,D,]/2 ^F,/2[BD-G,-]/2[^c-D-G,-]/2[d^cD-G,-]/2|
[edDG,]/2^c/2d/2B/2- [g-B-^CE,-][gB-E,-]/2[BE,-]/2 E,[g^C,-]/2^C,/2 [^f^A-^F,]3/2A/2|
ze/2z/2 [dBB,B,,]/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_18_R1_2011_MID--AUDIO_R1-D7_07_Track07_wav.wav | 100 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[E,D,]/2^C,/2z/2B,,/2- [b-^G,-B,,]/2[bG,-]/2[a-G,]/2a/2 bg/2z/2 [gdB]^f-|
[^g-^f-]/2[g^fe]/2z [e-B-G-]/2[ed-BG-]/2[d-G]/2[ed]^c/2z/2[c-A-E-A,,]/2 [c-A-E-]/2[c-A-EC,]/2[cAD,]/2C,/2|
B,,/2[^C,A,,-]/2A,,/2[a^F,-][g-^F,]/2g/2a/2- [a^f]/2z/2[^fcA-] [e-A]/2e/2^f|
z[dA^F-] [c-^F]/2c/2d z[B-G-D-G,,]/2[B-G-D-B,,A,,]/2 [B-G-DC,]/2[BGB,,]/2A,,/2B,,/2|
G,,/2[GE,-]/2[AE,-]/2[cBE,-]/2 [BE,]/2A/2B/2G/2- [e-G-C,][eG] ze/2z/2|
[dD,-]2 D,c/2z/2 [BG,]3/2z^c/2z/2[D-B,-]/2|
[EDB,]/2^F/2G/2^F/2 [EA,]/2^F/2D/2-[B-D-G,]/2 [BD-]D/2z/2 [BE,]/2z/2[^c-A-A,-]|
[^cAA,]/2z3/2 [GA,,]/2z/2[d-^F-B,,]/2[d-^F-C,]/2 [d-^FE,]/2[dD,]/2C,/2z/2 z/2[dB,-]/2[eB,-]/2[^fB,-]/2|
[gB,]/2[^fe]/2[^fA,]/2d/2- [b-d-]/2[bdG,]z3/2b/2z[a-c-A,-]3/2|
[ac-A,-]/2[c-A,-][g-c-A,-A,,]/2 [gc-A,-]/2[^fc-A,-D,-][cA,D,]/2 z (3d/2e/2^f/2 [g-B-G,E,]/2[g-B-A,]/2[g-B-B,]/2[gB-C]/2|
[BB,]/2[gA,]/2G,/2[g-A-]/2 [g-A-EC][g-A] g/2[a-A,]/2a/2^f/2- [^fD-]D/2z/2|
z[^fC]/2z/2 [^f-G-B,G,-][^fGG,]/2z3/2e/2^d/2 [e-B-E-E,,]/2[e-B-E-G,,^F,,]/2[e-B-E-A,,]/2[e-BEG,,]/2|
[e^F,,]/2G,,/2E,,/2-[e-A-^F-C,-E,,]/2 [e-A-^F-C,-]/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_18_R1_2011_MID--AUDIO_R1-D7_07_Track07_wav.wav | 125 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[^fA,,]/2z/2[B-G,,]3/2B-[cB^F,,]/2 A/2[B-G-G,,]/2[BG-]/2G/2 z3/2[^cE]/2|
z/2[G-E-G,B,,-]3/2 [G-E-B,,-]3/2[G-EB,,-]/2 [GB,,-]/2[^F-^D-B,B,,-][^FDB,,-]B,,-B,,/2-|
B,,/2[EG,-E,-]/2[^FG,-E,-]/2[AGG,-E,-]/2 [GG,E,]/2^F/2z/2z/2 [gB,-]/2B,/2A,/2z/2 B,/2z/2z|
[E-B,-G,][E-B,^F,-]/2[E-^F,]/2 [E-G,]/2E/2-[E-^CG,]/2[EG,-E,-]/2 [^C-G,-E,]/2[^C-G,D,-]/2[^C-D,]/2[^C-E,]^C/2z/2[AA,-E,-^C,-]/2|
[BA,-E,-^C,-]/2[^cA,-E,-^C,-]/2[dA,E,^C,-]/2[^cB^C,]/2 ^c/2<A/2[^fA,] G,A,/2z/2 z[D-A,-^F,]|
[D-A,-E,][D-A,] [DB,^F,]/2z/2[B,-^F,-D,-]/2[B,-^F,D,^C,-]/2 [B,-^C,]/2[B,-D,]/2B,/2-[B,G,B,,]/2 z/2[GG,-D,-B,,-]/2[AG,-D,-B,,-]/2[BG,-D,-B,,-]/2|
[cG,D,B,,-]/2[BB,,]/2[BA]/2G/2- [e-G-]/2[e-G-G,-]/2[eGG,^F,-]/2^F,/2 G,/2z/2z [^C-G,-E,][^C-G,-D,]/2[^C-G,-]/2|
[^C-G,][^C-A,E,^C,]/2^C/2- [^CA,-E,-^C,-]/2[A,-E,-^C,B,,-]/2[A,-E,B,,]/2A,/2- [A,-^C,]/2[A,^F,]/2z [^F^F,-^C,-A,,-]/2[AG^F,-^C,-A,,-]/2[B^F,-^C,-A,,]/2[^F,^C,]/2|
G/2A/2^F/2[d-B,]/2 [d-D^C]/2[d-E]/2[dD]/2^C/2 d/2z/2[d-G-E,]/2[d-G-^F,]/2 [d-G-G,]/2[d-G-A,]/2[d-GG,]/2[d^F,]/2|
e/2z/2[^cB,A,]/2[d^c-^C]/2 [^c-D]/2[^c-^C]/2[^cB,]/2[d^C]/2 e/2-[^f-e^F-DD,]/2[^f-^F-E,]/2[^f-^F^F,]/2 [^fG,]/2^F,/2z/2^F,/2|
D,/2[b-G,-][ba-G,]/2 a/2bg/2 z/2[gdB]^f-[g-^f]/2g/2z/2|
z/2[eBG-][d-G]/2 d/2-[ed]z3/2[^cAEG,G,,]3/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_18_R1_2011_MID--AUDIO_R1-D7_07_Track07_wav.wav | 150 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[d-A-^F-^F,]/2[d-A-^F-G,]/2[d-A-^F-A,]/2 [dA^FG,]/2E,/2[dA^FD,]/2^C,/2|
[d-B-^F-B,,]/2[d-B-^F-^C,]/2[d-B-^F-D,]/2[dB^F^C,]/2 B,,/2A,,/2[eGB,,]/2G,,/2 [dE-A,,-]/2[BE-A,,-]/2[^cE-A,,-]/2[^cE-A,,-]/2 [d^c-E-A,,-]/2[^c-E-A,,]/2[^c-E]/2^c/2-|
^c/2d/2z/2[d-A-^F-D,,]/2 [d-A-^F][d-A]/2d/2 D,/2E,/2^F,/2[^cBG,-]/2 [dG,-]/2[eG,]/2d/2^c/2|
d/2z/2[e-B-E-^C,]/2[e-B-E-D,]/2 [e-B-E-E,]/2[eB-E-^F,E,]/2[BED,]/2E,/2 ^C,/2-[A^F,-^C,]/2[B^F,]/2^c/2 (3d/2^c/2B/2^c/2z/2|
[d-A-D-B,,]/2[d-A-D-^C,]/2[d-A-DD,]/2[d-A-E,]/2 [d-A-D,]/2[dA-^C,]/2[AD,]/2[GE,]/2 [A^F,]/2[BG,]/2[cA,]/2[BG,]/2 [A^F,]/2[BGG,]/2^c/2[dB,A,]/2|
[e^C]/2[^fD]/2[e^C]/2[dB,]/2 [e^C]/2[^fD]/2[gE]/2[a^F]/2 [bG]/2[a^F]/2[gE]/2[aG-^F]/2 [^f-G]/2[b^fD]/2z|
z3/2^c[d-A-^F-^F,]/2[dA-^F] A/2ze/2 z[^fdAD,]/2z/2|
z2 [^FA,C,]/2z/2[G-DB,-B,,-]3/2[GB,B,,-]/2B,,/2z[A^F-^CA,,]/2^F/2[B-G-D-G,,-]/2|
[B-G-D-G,,]/2[B-GD]/2B/2z3/2[B-G-D^F,,-]/2[BG^F,,-]/2 ^F,,/2[^c-G-E-E,,-]2[^c-GEE,,-]/2[^cE,,-]/2E,,/2-|
E,,/2-[dA^FE,,D,,-]/2D,,3/2[^F-D-A,A,,-]3[^F-DA,,-]/2 [^F-A,,-]2|
[ED-A,-^F,-A,,D,,-]/2[D-A,-^F,-D,,-]6[D-A,-^F,-D,,-]3/2|[D-A,-^F,-D,,-]4 [DA,^F,D,,]z/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_23_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D8_03_Track03_wav.wav | 0 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[^A,-^E,-][^A,-^E,-^C,-]/2[^C-^A,-^E,-^C,-]2[^C-^A,-^E,-^C,-^E,,-]/2 [^A-^C-^A,-^E,-^C,^E,,-]/2[^A-^C^A,-^E,-^E,,-]/2[^A-^A,-^E,-^E,,-]/2[^A-^C-^A,^E,-^C,-^E,,-]/2 [^A-^C-^E,^C,-^E,,-]/2[^A-^C^C,-^E,,-]/2[^A^G,-^F,-^C,^E,,-]/2[^G,-^F,-^E,,-]/2|
[^G,-^F,-^E,,-]/2[^C-^G,^F,^C,-^E,,-][^C-^C,-^E,,-]3/2[^CB,-^G,-^C,-^E,,-]/2[B,-^G,-^C,^E,,-][B,-^G,-^E,,-]3/2 [^C-B,-^G,-^C,-^E,,]/2[^C-B,-^G,-^C,-][^C-B,-^G,-^C,-^E,,-]/2|
[B-^CB,-^G,-^C,^E,,-]/2[BB,-^G,-^E,,-]/2[^C-B,^G,^E,,-]/2[^C^C,-^E,,-][^A,-^E,-^C,^E,,-]/2[^A,^E,^E,,-] [^C-^C,-^E,,-]2 [^C^E,-^D,-^C,-^E,,-]/2[^E,-^D,-^C,^E,,-]/2[^E,-^D,-^E,,-]|
[^E,-^D,-^E,,]/2[^C-^E,-^D,^C,][^E-^C^E,-^E,,-]/2 [^E-^E,^E,,-]/2[^E^E,,-]/2[^C-^C,^E,,-]/2[^C^E,-^D,-^E,,-]/2 [^E,^D,^E,,-][^G,-^F,-^E,,-]2[^C-^G,^F,^C,-^E,,-]/2[^C-^C,-^E,,-]/2|
[^C-^C,-^E,,-]3/2[^C^A,-^E,-^C,-^E,,-]/2 [^A,-^E,-^C,^E,,-]/2[^A,-^E,-^E,,-]3/2 [^C-^A,-^E,-^C,-^E,,]/2[^C-^A,-^E,-^C,-][^A-^C-^A,-^E,-^C,^E,,-]/2 [^A-^C^A,-^E,-^E,,-]/2[^A-^A,-^E,-^E,,-]/2[^A-^C-^A,-^E,-^C,-^E,,-]|
[^A-^C-^A,-^E,-^C,^E,,-]/2[^A-^C^A,-^E,-^E,,-]/2[^A-^A,-^E,-^E,,-] [^A^C-^A,^E,^C,-^E,,-]/2[^C^C,-^E,,-]/2[^C,-^E,,-]3/2[^C-^A,-^C,^E,,-]3/2 [^C-^A,^E,,]3/2[^E-^C-^C,-]/2|
[^E-^C-^C,-]/2[^E^C-^C,-^E,,-]/2[^c-^C-^C,^E,,-]/2[^c-^C^E,,-]/2 [^c^E-^C,-^E,,-]/2[^E-^C,-^E,,-]/2[^EB,-^G,-^C,-^E,,-]/2[B,-^G,-^C,^E,,-]/2 [B,^G,^E,,][^E-^C,-]2[^E^D-B,-^C,-]/2[^D-B,-^C,-]/2|
[^D-B,-^C,]/2[^D-B,]/2[^D-^C,-]/2[^E-^D-^C,][^d-^E^D-^E,,-][^d^D^E,,-]/2 [^E^C,-^E,,-]3/2[^C-^A,-^C,^E,,-][^C-^A,^E,,-][^E^C^C,-^E,,-]/2|
[^C,-^E,,-]2 [^E,-^D,-^C,^E,,-][^E,-^D,-^E,,]3/2[^C-^E,-^D,^C,-]/2[^C-^E,-^C,-]/2[^E-^C^E,-^C,^E,,-]/2 [^E-^E,^E,,-][^E^C-^C,^E,,-]/2[^C^E,-^D,-^E,,-]/2|
[^C-^A,-^E,-^C,-][^A-^C-^A,-^E,-^C,^E,,-]/2[^A-^C^A,-^E,-^E,,-]/2 [^A-^A,-^E,-^E,,-][^A-^C-^A,-^E,-^C,-^E,,-]2[^A-^C^A,-^E,-^C,^E,,-]/2[^A-^A,-^E,-^E,,-]3/2[^A-^C-^A,^E,-^C,-^E,,-]/2[^A-^C-^E,-^C,-^E,,-]/2|
[^A-^C-^E,^C,-^E,,]/2[^A^C-^C,-]3/2 [^C^A,-G,-^C,-]/2[^A,-^G,-^C,]/2[^A,-^G,-]3/2[^A,^G,]/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_23_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D8_03_Track03_wav.wav | 25 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[_D-_E,-]/2[_D-_B,-_E,]3/2 [_D-_B,-]/2[_E-_D-_B,-_E,-]3/2 [_E-_D-_B,-_E,-_A,,-]/2[_d-_E_D-_B,-_E,_A,,-]/2[_d-_D-_B,-_A,,-]/2[_d_E-_D_B,_A,,-]/2 [_E_E,-_A,,-][B,-_A,-_E,_A,,-]/2[_B,-_A,_A,,-]/2|
[_E-B,_E,-_A,,-]/2[_E_E,-_A,,-][_B,-_G,-_E,_A,,-]/2 [_B,-_G,-_A,,]/2[_B,-_G,-]/2[_E-_B,_G,-]/2[_E-_G,C,-][_EC,-]/2[_A,-F,-C,]/2[_A,-F,-][_A,-F,]/2[_D-_A,-]|
[_A-_D_A,-_D,,]/2[_A-_A,]/2[_A_D-_D,-]3/2[_DB,-_A,-_D,-]/2[_B,-_A,-_D,]/2[_B,-_A,-]/2 [_D_B,-_A,-_D,]3/2[_B_B,-_A,-_G,,-]/2 [_B,_A,_G,,-]/2[_D-_D,-_G,,-][_D_B,-_D,_G,,-]/2|
[_B,_G,-_G,,-][_D-_G,_D,-_G,,-] [_D_D,-_G,,-]/2[_A,-F,-_D,_G,,-]/2[_A,-F,_G,,-]3/2[D-_A,_B,,-_G,,-]/2[_D-_B,,-_G,,]/2[_D_B,,-]3/2[_G,-_E,-_B,,]/2[_G,-_E,-]/2|
[_A,-_G,]3/2[_E-_A,-_A,,]2[_A-_E_A,-C,,-]/2 [_A-_A,-C,,]/2[_A-_A,]/2[_A-_E-_A,,]/2[_A-_E-]/2 [_A_E_A,-]/2[_A,-F,]_A,/2|
[_D-_D,,]/2_D3/2 [_B,-E,-]2 [_B,-_E,-]/2[_B-_B,_E,G,,-][_B-_G,,-]2[_B-_G,,-]/2|
[_G,-_E,-_D,]/2[_G,-_E,-][_G,-_E,-_A,,-]/2 [C-_G,-_E,-_A,,-][_A-C_G,-_E,-_A,,]/2[_A_G,-_E,-_D,,-][_G,-_E,_D,,-]/2[C-_G,_A,,-_D,,-] [C-_A,,-_D,,-][CF,-_D,-_A,,-_D,,-]|
[F,-_D,-_A,,_D,,-]/2[F,-_D,-_D,,-][_D-F,-_D,-_A,,-_D,,]/2 [_D-F,-_D,-_A,,-]3/2[_D-F,-_D,-_A,,-_D,,-]/2 [_A-_DF,-_D,-_A,,-_D,,-]/2[_A-F,-_D,_A,,-_D,,][_A-F,-_A,,]/2 [_A-_D-F,]/2[_A_D-]_D/2-|
[_D-_B,-_G,-_D,-]/2[_B-_D_B,-_G,-_D,_G,,-]/2[_B-_B,_G,-_G,,-]/2[_B-_D-_G,-_G,,-]/2 [_B-_D-_G,_D,-_G,,-]/2[_B-_D_D,-_G,,-]/2[_B_A,-F,-_D,-_G,,-]/2[_A,-F,-_D,_G,,-]/2 [_A,F,_G,,-]/2[_D-_D,-_G,,-]3/2 [_D-B,-_D,-_G,,-]/2[_D_B,_A,-_D,-_G,,-]/2[_A,_D,_G,,]/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_23_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D8_03_Track03_wav.wav | 50 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[^C^C,-^E,,-]/2[^A,-^E,-^C,^E,,-][^A,^E,^E,,-]/2 [^C-^C,-^E,,-]3/2[^C^E,-^D,-^C,^E,,-][^E,-^D,-^E,,][^C-^E,-^D,^C,-]/2 [^C-^E,-^C,]/2[^C^E,-^E,,-]/2[^E-^E,^E,,-]|
[^E-^C-^C,^E,,-]/2[^E^C^E,-^D,-^E,,-]/2[^E,^D,-^E,,-]/2[^G,-^D,^E,,-]/2 [^G,^F,-^E,,-]3/2[^C-^F,^C,-^E,,-]/2 [^C-^C,-^E,,-]2 [^C^A,-^E,-^C,-^E,,-]/2[^A,-^E,-^C,^E,,-]/2[^A,-^E,-^E,,-]|
[^A,-^E,-^E,,]/2[^C-^A,-^E,-^C,-]3/2 [^A-^C-^A,-^E,-^C,^E,,-]/2[^A-^C^A,-^E,-^E,,-]/2[^A-^A,-^E,-^E,,-]/2[^A-^C^A,-^E,-^C,^E,,-]3/2[^A-^A,-^E,-^E,,-]3/2[^A-^C^A,^E,^C,-^E,,-][^A^C,-^E,,-]/2|
[^C,-^E,,-][^C-^C,-^E,,-]/2[^C-^A,-^C,^E,,-][^C-^A,-^E,,][^C-^A,-]/2 [^E-^C-^A,^C,-]/2[^E-^C-^C,-]/2[^E-^C-^C,-^E,,-]/2[^c-^E^C-^C,^E,,-]/2 [^c-^C-^E,,-]/2[^c-^E-^C^C,-^E,,-]/2[^c^E-^C,-^E,,-]/2[^EB,-^C,-^E,,-]/2|
[^d^E-^D^C,-^E,,-]/2[^E-^C,-^E,,-][^E^C-^A,-^C,^E,,-]/2 [^C-^A,^E,,-][^C^E,,-]/2[^E^C,-^E,,-]/2 [^C,-^E,,-]3/2[^E,-^D,-^C,^E,,-][^E,-^D,-^E,,-][^C-^E,-^D,-^C,-^E,,]/2|
[^C^E,-^D,^C,][^E-^E,-^E,,-] [^E-^C-^E,^C,^E,,-]/2[^E-^C^E,,-]/2[^E^E,^D,-^E,,-] [^G,-^F,-^D,^E,,-]/2[^G,^F,^E,,-]3/2 [^C-^C,-^E,,-]2|
[^C^A,-^E,-^C,-^E,,-]/2[^A,-^E,-^C,^E,,-]/2[^A,-^E,-^E,,-] [^C-^A,-^E,-^E,,]/2[^C-^A,-^E,-^C,-][^A-^C^A,-^E,-^C,-^E,,-]/2 [^A-^A,-^E,-^C,^E,,-]/2[^A-^A,-^E,-^E,,-]/2[^A-^C^A,-^E,-^C,^E,,-]2[^A-^A,-^E,-^E,,-]|
[^A-^A,-^E,-^E,,-]3/2[^A-^C-^A,^E,-^C,-^E,,-]/2 [^A-^C-^E,^C,-^E,,-][^A-^C-^C,-^E,,]/2[^A-^C-^C,-][^A-^C-^A,-^C,-]/2[^A^C^A,-G,-^C,]/2[^A,-^G,-]2[^C-^A,-^G,^D,]/2|
[^C-^A,-][^C^A,-^D,,]/2[^A-^A,-][^A^C^A,^D,-]/2^D,3/2-[^A,-^D,-]/2[^C-^A,-^D,] [^C-^A,-]3/2[^D-^C-^A,-^D,-]/2|
[^D-^C-^A,-^D,-]3/2[^D-^C-^A,-^D,-^G,,-]/2 [^c-^D^C-^A,-^D,^G,,-]/2[^c^C-^A,^G,,-]3/2 [^D-^C^D,-^G,,-]/2[^D-^D,-^G,,-]/2[^DB,-^D,^G,,-]/2[B,^G,-^G,,-]/2 [^G,^G,,-]/2[^D-^D,-^G,,-][^D^A,-^E,-^D,^G,,-]/2|
[^A,-^E,-^G,,]/2[^A,^E,-]/2[^D-^E,C,-]/2[^D-^C,-][^D^G,-^F,-^C,]/2[^G,-^F,-] [^C-^G,-^F,]/2[^C-^G,-]/2[^C^G,-]/2[^G-^G,][^G-^C-^C,-][^G-^C-^G,^C,-]/2|
[^G^CB,^C,]/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_23_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D8_03_Track03_wav.wav | 75 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[D-^A,,-][^D^E,-^A,,-]/2[^E,-^D,-^A,,]/2 [^E,-^D,-]3/2[^D^E,-^D,-^A,,]3/2[^E-^E,-^D,-^D,,-]3/2[^E^D-^E,^D,^A,,-^D,,]/2[^D-^A,,-]|
[^D-^E,-^A,,-]/2[^D^G,-^E,-^A,,-]/2[^G,-^E,-^A,,]/2[^G,-^E,]^G,/2-[^D^G,-^G,,]2[^G-^G,-C,,] [^G-^D-^G,^G,,]/2[^G-^D][^G-^G,-^F,-]/2|
[^G^G,-^F,]/2^G,-[^C-^G,^C,,]/2 ^C-[^C-E,-]/2[^C^A,-^E,-]/2 [^A,-^E,-]3/2[^A-^A,^E,G,,-]3/2[^A-^G,,-]|
[^A-G,,-][^A^G,-^F,-G,,-]/2[^G,-^F,-G,,]/2 [^G,-^F,-]2 [^C-^G,-^F,-^C,-]3/2[^G-^C^G,-^F,-^C,^G,,-]/2 [^G-^G,-^F,^G,,-]/2[^G^G,^G,,]/2[^C-^C,-]|
[^C^C,-]/2[^E,-^D,-^C,]/2[^E,-^D,-] [C^E,-^D,-^G,,-]3/2[^G-^E,-^D,-^G,,^C,,-]/2 [^G^E,-^D,-^C,,-]3/2[C-^E,-^D,^G,,-^C,,]/2 [C-^E,^G,,-]/2[^C-^G,,-][^C-^F,-^C,-^G,,-]/2|
[C^F,-^C,-^G,,]/2[^F,-^C,-]3/2 [^C-^F,-^C,-^G,,-]2 [^C-^F,-^C,-^G,,-^C,,-]/2[^G-^C^F,-^C,^G,,-^C,,-]/2[^G-^F,-^G,,^C,,] [^G-^F,-]/2[^G-^C-^F,][^G^C-]/2|
^C3-[^C-^G,,-^G,,,-]/2[B-^G-^C^G,,-^G,,,-]/2 [B-^G-^G,,-^G,,,-]3[B-^G-^D-^G,,-^G,,,-]|
[B-^G-^D^G,,^G,,,-][B-^G-B,-^G,,,]/2[B^GB,-]/2 B,/2-[^D-B,-]2[^A-^D-B,-^A,,-^A,,,-]/2[^A-^G-^DB,^A,,-^A,,,-]/2[^A-^G-^A,,-^A,,,-]3/2[^A-^G-^F-^A,,^A,,,-]|
[^A-^G-^F^A,,,]/2[^A-^GD-]/2[^A^D-]/2[^G-^D]/2 ^G-[^G-^E,,-^E,,,-]/2[^A-^G^E,,-^E,,,-]/2 [^A-^E-^E,,^E,,,-][^A-^E^D-^E,,,]/2[^A-^D]/2 [^A^G-^F-^G,,-^G,,,-]/2[^G^F^G,,^G,,,]/2B,-|
B,/2[^E-^A,,-^A,,,-]/2[^E-^D-^A,,-^A,,,-]3/2[^E-^D-^A,^A,,^A,,,][^E-^D^E,-][^E^A,-^E,]/2^A,/2-[^F-^A,]/2 [^F-D-^G,,-^G,,,-]3/2[^F-^D-^A,-^G,,-^G,,,-]/2|
[^F-D-^A,^G,,^G,,,-]/2[^F-^D-^F,-^G,,,]/2[^F-^D^F,-]/2[^F-^A,-^F,-][^F^A,^F,-^E,,-^E,,,-]/2[^D-^F,^E,,-^E,,,-]/2[^D-^E,,-^E,,,-]/2 [^D-^A,-^E,,^E,,,-][^D-^A,-^E,,,]/2[^D-^A,^F,,^F,,,]3/2[^D-^G,]/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_23_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D8_03_Track03_wav.wav | 100 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[A-^F-^D,,^D,,,]2 [A-^F-^C-][A-^F-^CA,-]/2[A-^F-A,-]/2 [A^F^C-A,-]/2[^C-A,-]3/2 [^CA,^G,,-^G,,,-]/2[^G-^F-^G,,-^G,,,-]3/2|
[^G-^F-^D-^G,,^G,,,-][^G-^F^D^G,,,]/2[^G-C-][^G^F-^C]/2^F- [^FE,,-E,,,-]/2[^G-E,,-E,,,-]/2[^G-E-E,,E,,,-] [^G-EE,,,]/2[^G-^C-][^G^C^F,,-^F,,,-]/2|
[^F-^D-^F,,^F,,,]/2[^F^D]/2A,3/2[E-^C-^G,,-^G,,,-]3/2 [E-^C-^G,^G,,-^G,,,-][E^C-E,-^G,,^G,,,]/2[^CE,-]/2 [^G,-E,][^G,-^F,,-^F,,,-]/2[^D-C-^G,^F,,-^F,,,-]/2|
[^D-C-^F,,-^F,,,-][^D-^C-^G,-^F,,^F,,,-]/2[^D-^C-^G,^F,,,-]/2 [^D-^C-^D,-^F,,,]/2[^D-^C^D,-][^D-^G,-^D,]/2 [^D-^G,-][^D^C-^G,E,,-E,,,-]/2[^C-E,,E,,,-]3/2[^C-^G,-E,,,-]|
[^C-^G,-E,,,-]/2[^C-^G,-^D,,-E,,,]/2[^C-^G,-^D,,-^D,,,-]2[^C-^G,-^F,-^D,,^D,,,-]/2[^C^G,-^F,-^D,,,]/2 [^G,^F,-]/2^F,3-[^C-^F,^C,,-^C,,,-]/2|
[^C-^C,,-^C,,,-]3[^C-^G,-^C,,-^C,,,] [^C-^G,-^C,,-]/2[^C-^G,E,-^C,,-]/2[^C-E,-^C,,]/2[^C-E,-]/2 [^C-^G,-E,]2|
[E-^C^G,]/2E2-[E-^C-]2[E-^C-^F,,-^F,,,-]/2[E-^CA,-^F,,-^F,,,-] [E-A,-^F,,^F,,,-][E-A,-^F,,,]/2[E-^C-A,-]/2|
[E-^C-A,-]/2[E-^D-^CA,-]/2[E^D-A,-]/2[^D-A,]/2 [^D-^C-]3/2[^D-^CA,,-A,,,-]/2 [^F-^DC-A,,-A,,,-]3/2[^F-^C-C-A,,-A,,,-][^F-F-^CCA,,-A,,,-]/2[^FF-A,,A,,,]/2[^F-D-]/2|
[F-D][^F-B,-^G,,^G,,,]3/2[^F-B,-]/2[^F-^D-B,-]/2[^F-^D-B,-B,,-B,,,-]/2 [^G-^F^DB,-B,,B,,,]/2[^G-B,]/2[^G-^F-] [^G-^F-A,,-A,,,-]/2[^G-^FC-A,,-A,,,-][^G^D-^C-A,,A,,,]/2|
[^D-C-]/2[^F-^D^C-]/2[^F-^C]/2[^F-^D-][^F-^D^C,-^C,,-]/2[A-^F-D-^C,-^C,,-] [A-^F^D-D-^C,-^C,,-]/2[A-^DD-^C,-^C,,-]/2[A^G-^D^C,^C,,]/2^G/2- [^G-F][^G-B,,-B,,,-]/2[^G-^D-B,,B,,,]/2|
[^GD-]/2[F-^D-][B-^F^D-^D,-^D,,-]/2 [B-^D-^D,^D,,]/2[B-^D-]/2[B-^G-^D]/2[B-^G-][B-^G-^C,-^C,,-]/2[B-^G-E-^C,-^C,,-]3/2[B-^GG-E-^C,-^C,,-]/2[B^GE-^C,-^C,,-]|
[^cG^F-E,E,,]/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_23_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D8_03_Track03_wav.wav | 125 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[B-D,-^D,,-]2 [B-^D,-^D,,-]/2[B^D-^D,-^D,,-][G-^D^D,-^D,,-]/2 [^G-^D,-^D,,-][^GB,^D,-^D,,-] [^D-^D,-^D,,-][^D-^G,-^D,-^D,,-]|
[^E,-A,,-D,,-]3/2[^E,^F,-^A,,^G,,-^D,,-]/2 [^F,^G,,-^D,,-]3[^D,-^G,,-^D,,-]3/2[^D,B,,-^G,,^D,,-]/2[B,,^D,,-]|
[^G,,-D,,]^G,,/2 (3^F,,2^D,,2^D,,2^E,,3/2-[C,-^E,,]/2^C,/2-|
[^A,-^E,-]2 [^A,-^E,-]/2[^A,-^E,-^C,-]/2[^C-^A,-^E,^C,]/2[^C-^A,-]3/2[^C^A,-^C,,-]/2[^A-^A,-^C,,]/2 [^A-^A,][^A^C-^C,-]/2[^C-^C,-]/2|
[^C-^C,-]/2[^C^G,-^F,-^C,]/2[^G,-^F,-]/2[^G,^F,^C,-]/2 [^C-^C,-][^CB,-^G,-^C,] [B,-^G,]/2B,/2-[^C-B,-^C,]/2[^CB,-]/2 [B-B,-^C,,]/2[BB,]/2[^C-^C,-]|
[^C^C,-]/2[^A,-^E,-^C,]/2[^A,^E,] [^C-^C,-]2 [^C^E,-^D,-^C,-]/2[^E,-^D,-^C,]/2[^E,-^D,-] [^C-^E,-^D,]/2[^C^E,-][^E-^E,-^C,,]/2|
[^E-^E,][^E-^C-^C,]/2[^E^C^E,-^D,-]/2 [^E,^D,-][^G,-^F,-^D,]/2[^G,-^F,-]2[^C-^G,^F,^C,-]/2 [^C-^C,-]2|
[^C-^C,-]/2[^C^A,-^E,-^C,-][^A,-^E,-^C,]/2 [^A,-^E,-]3/2[^C-^A,-^E,-^C,-]3/2[^C-^A,-^E,-^C,-^E,,-]/2[^A-^C^A,-^E,-^C,^E,,-]/2 [^A-^A,-^E,-^E,,-][^A-^C-^A,-^E,-^C,-^E,,-]|
[^A-^C-^A,-^E,-^C,^E,,-]/2[^A-^C^A,-^E,-^E,,-]/2[^A-^A,-^E,^E,,-] [^A-^C-^A,^C,-^E,,]/2[^A^C^C,]/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_23_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D8_03_Track03_wav.wav | 150 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[^C-^A,-]2 [^F-^C-A,^C,-]/2[^F^C-^C,-]3/2 [^c-^C-^C,^F,,-]/2[^c-^C^F,,-]/2[^c^F-^C,-^F,,-]|
[^FB,-^G,-^C,^F,,-]/2[B,-^G,^F,,-]/2[B,^F,,-]/2[^F-^C,-^F,,]/2 [^F-^C,-][^F-B,-^C,-]/2[^F^D-B,-^C,-]/2 [^D-B,^C,]^D/2-[^F-^D-^C,-][^d-^F^D-^C,^F,,-]/2[^d^D-^F,,-]/2[^D^F,,-]/2|
[^F-^C,-^F,,-][^F^C-^A,-^C,^F,,-]/2[^C-A,^F,,-]/2 [^C^F,,-]/2[^C,-^F,,-]3/2 [^F,-^D,-^C,^F,,-][^F,-^D,-^F,,]/2[^C-^F,-^D,-]/2 [^C^F,-^D,^C,-]/2[^F,^C,]/2[^F-^F,,-]|
[^A,-^F,-^F,,-]/2[^C-A,-^F,-^C,-^F,,][^C-A,-^F,-^C,-]/2 [^C-A,-^F,-^C,^F,,-]/2[A-^CA,-^F,-^F,,-][A-A,-^F,-^F,,-]2[AA,-^F,-^C,-^F,,-]/2 [^C-A,-^F,-^C,-^F,,]2|
[^C-^A,-^F,-^C,-]4 [^C-A,-^F,-^C,-]3/2[D-^CA,-^F,-^D,-^C,]/2 [^D-A,^F,-^D,-]3/2[^D-^F,-^D,-]/2|
[D-^F,^D,-]3/2[^D-^D,-][^D^A,-^D,-][A,-^D,]/2 A,3/2-[^D-A,-^D,][^D-A,-][A-^DA,-^D,,-]/2|
[^c^D-^D,-^G,,-]/2[^D-^D,-^G,,-]/2[^DB,-^D,-^G,,-]/2[B,-^G,-^D,^G,,-]/2 [B,^G,-^G,,]/2[^D^G,^D,-]/2^D,3/2-[^G,-^D,B,,-]/2[^G,B,,] z/2[B,^G,]z/2|
[^C-^A,-]3/2[^F-^C-A,^C,-]/2 [^F-^C-^C,-]/2[^c-^F^C-^C,^F,,-]/2[^c-^C-^F,,]/2[^c-^F-^C-^C,]/2 [^c-^F-^C]/2[^c^F-]/2[^F^C-]/2[E-^C-]3/2[^F-E-^C-^F,-]|
[^F-^D-]3/2[A-^F-^D-A,-][A-^F-^D-A,-C,-]/2[^f-A-^F-^D-A,^C,-]/2[^f-A^F-^D-^C,-]/2 [^f-A-^F^DA,-^C,-]/2[^fA-A,-^C,-]/2[A-A,-^C,-]/2[A^D-A,-^C,-]/2 [^F-^D-A,^C,-][^F-^D-^C,]|
[A-^F-^D-A,-][^f-A^F-^D-A,C,-]/2[^f-^F-^D-^C,-]/2 [^fA-^F^DA,-^C,-]/2[AA,^C,]/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_23_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D8_03_Track03_wav.wav | 175 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[A-_G-]3/2[_A-_A_G-]/2 [_A-_G-]6|
[A-_G-]4 [f-_A-_G-]3[f-_A-_G-]/2[_g-f-_A-_G-]/2|
[_g-fA-_G-]/2[_g-_A-_G-][_a-_g-A_G-][_a-_a-_g_G]/2[a_a-]/2[_ad-]/2 _d_d- [_d-F-][_dc-_G-F]/2[c-_G]/2|
[c-_A][c-A-] [c-_AD-]/2[c_D][_d_D-]/2 _D/2z/2F,2-F,/2-[c-_G-_E-C-_G,-F,]/2|
[_B-_G,-_D,-]/2[_B-_D_G,_D,-]3/2 [_B-_D,-][_B-F,-_D,B,,-]/2[_B_A-_D-F,-B,,-]/2 [_A-_D-F,-_B,,-]2 [_A_D-F,-_B,,-]/2[_d-_D-F,-_B,,][_d-_DF,]/2|
_d/2z2[_d-G-E-_D-_E,-_B,,-]3[_d-_G-_E-_D-_E,_B,,-]/2 [_d-_G-_E-_D-_B,,-]2|
[_d-G-E-_D-C,-_B,,]/2[_d-_G-_E-_D-C,-]2[_d-_G-_E-_D-_D,-C,]/2[_d-_G-_E-_D-_D,-] [_d-_G-_E-_D-_E,_D,][_d-_G-E-_D-]/2[_d-_G-_E-_D-_E,][_d-_G-_E-_D-A,,-][_d-_G-_E-_D_A,,_A,,-]/2|
[_dG-E-_A,,-]/2[_G_EC-_A,,-]/2[C-_A,,-]/2[C-_A,,_G,,-]/2 [_D-C_G,,-]/2[_D_G,,-][_E-_G,,-]/2 [E_E_G,,-][A,_G,,-] [_A,-_G,,]/2[_A,-_A,,-]/2[c-_A,_A,,-]|
[c-_A,,-]/2[cG,-A,,-_A,,-]/2[_d-_G,-A,,-_A,,]/2[_d-_G,-A,,-][_e-_d_G,-_A,,-]/2[_e_G,-_A,,-] [e-_G,-_A,,]/2[_e-_G,][_e_G-]/2 _G/2z/2[_G,-_D,-_B,,-]/2[_G-_G,-_D,-_B,,-]/2|
[_G-_G,-_D,-_B,,]3/2[_B_G_B,_G,_D,]/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_23_R3_2011_MID--AUDIO_R3-D8_03_Track03_wav.wav | 200 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[^f-^c^F-]/2[^f-^F-]2[^f^F]/2[^d^D]3/2[^c-^C]/2[^cB]/2B,/2 B,/2[B^F-^A,-]/2[^A-^F-^A,-D,-]|
[^A-^F^A,D,-]/2[^A^G-^G,-^D,]/2[^G-^G,] [^G^E,-^D,-]/2[^E^E,^D,]z/2 [^e-^E]/2^e/2[^f-^C-^F,-]/2[^f-^G-^F^C-^F,-]/2 [^f-^G-^C^F,-]/2[^f^d-^G^D-^F,-]/2[^d-B^D-^F,-]|
[^d-^D^F,]/2[^d^C-^E,-]/2[^c-^A^C-^E,-] [^c-^C-^E,][^c^CC-^D,-]/2[^e-A-^C^D,-]/2 [^e^A^D,]/2z2^C,/2-[^A-^E-^C-^C,-]|
[^A-^E-^C^C,-]3/2[^A-^E-^C,-]/2 [^A-^E-C^C,-]3/2[^A^E^C-^C,-]/2 [^C^C,-]/2[D-^C,-]3/2 [^G-^F-^D-D^C,-]/2[^G^F^D^C,-][B,-^C,-]/2|
[B,-^C,-]3/2[^E-^C-B,^A,-^C,-]/2 [^E-^C-^A,-^C,-][^E-^C-^A,-^C,C,-]/2[^E-^C-^A,-C,-][^E-^C-^A,-^C,-C,]/2[^E-^C-^A,-^C,-]/2[^E^C-^A,-D,-^C,-][^C-^A,-^D,^C,]/2[^C^A,^D,-]/2[^F-^G,-^D,-]/2|
[^d-B-^F-^C,,-]6 [^d^c-B-^F-^C,,-]/2[^c-B-^F^C,,-]3/2|
z3/2[^E-^A,-^E,-]4[^E-^A,-^E,-]/2 [^E-^C^A,-^E,-^C,-]2|
[^E-^A,-^E,-^C,^E,,-]/2[^E-^A,^E,-^E,,-]/2[^E-^E,-^E,,-]/2[^E-^C-^E,^C,-^E,,-]/2 [^E-^C-^C,-^E,,-]/2[^E-^C-^G,-^C,-^E,,-]/2[^E-^C^G,-^F,-^C,^E,,-]/2[^E-^G,-^F,-^E,,-]/2 [^E-^C-^G,^F,^E,,-]/2[^E^C^C,^E,,]2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_24_R1_2011_MID--AUDIO_R1-D9_08_Track08_wav.wav | 0 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
z4[f_D,-]/2[_d_D,]/2 _A/2<_d/2f/2_d/2|
[_g_E,]/2[_g_d]/2_d/2_g/2 _d/2[_aF,-]/2[_dF,]/2[_a_d]/2 _a/2_d/2[_b_G,-]/2[_d_G,]/2 _b/2[_b_d]/2_d/2[_aF,-]/2|
[_dF,]/2_a/2_d/2_a/2 [_g_d]/2[f_E,-]/2[_e_E,]/2f/2 _g/2_e/2[f_D,]/2 (3_e/2_d/2_e/2[f_D-]/2[_d_D-]/2[_e_D]/2|
f/2[_eC]/2[_d_B,]/2[c_B_A,]/2 [_A-C_B,]/2[_A_A,]/2_E,/2_A,/2 z/2_A,/2[_B-_D]/2[_B_A,]/2 [_D_A,]/2_D/2_A,/2[c-_E]/2|
[c_A,]/2_E/2_A,/2[_E_A,]/2 [_d-F]/2[_d_A,]/2F/2_A,/2 F/2_A,/2[c-_E_A,]/2[c_E]/2 _A,/2_E/2_A,/2[_B-_D]/2|
[_BC]/2_B,/2[_DC]/2_B,/2 [_A-C]/2[_A_B,]/2_A,/2_B,/2 [_a-C]/2[_a-_A,]/2[_a-_B,]/2[_aB,]/2 [_gf_A,]/2_e/2[fF,]/2[_g_E,-]/2|
[_e_E,]/2_B/2_e/2_g/2 [_a_e]/2[_eF,]/2_a/2_e/2 z/2_e/2[_b_G,-]/2[_e_G,]/2 [_b_e]/2_b/2_e/2[b_A,-]/2|
[_e_A,]/2b/2_e/2_e/2 [_b_G,]/2_e/2_b/2z/2 _b/2_e/2[_aF,]/2[_gf]/2 _g/2_a/2f/2[_g_E,]/2|
f/2_e/2f/2[_e_E-]/2 [f_E-]/2[_g_E]/2[f_D]/2[_eC]/2 _d/2c/2[_B-_D]/2[_B_B,F,]/2 z/2_D/2_B,/2[c-_E]/2|
[c_B,]/2z/2_E/2_B,/2 [_d-F]/2[_d_B,]/2F/2_B,/2 F/2_B,/2[_e-_G]/2[_e_G_B,]/2 _B,/2_G/2_B,/2[_d-F]/2|
[_d_B,]/2F/2_B,/2F/2 [c-_E_B,]/2[c_D]/2C/2_D/2 _E/2C/2[_B-_D]/2[_BC]/2 [C_B,]/2_D/2[_b-_B,]/2_b/2-|
[_b-ED]/2[_b_a-C]/2[_a_D]/2_E/2 C/2F/2_E/2F/2 [_a-G]/2[_a-F_E]/2[_a-_D]/2[_aC]/2 [_g-_B,]/2[_gC]/2_D/2_B,/2|
_g/2f/2_e/2[_gf]/2 [_e_E-]/2[a_E-]/2[g_E-]/2[f_E_D-]/2 [_g_D]/2z/2f/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_24_R1_2011_MID--AUDIO_R1-D9_08_Track08_wav.wav | 25 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
_b/2c'/2[_b_D-]/2[_a_D-]/2 [gf_D]/2[_eC]/2z/2_g/2 z/2z/2z/2_A,/2 [_a-C]/2[_a-_A,]/2[_a-D]/2[_aC]/2|
[_g-_B,]/2[_gC]/2D/2_B,/2 _E/2_D/2[F_E]/2[_g-_E]/2 [_g-_D]/2[_g-C]/2[_g_B,]/2[f-_A,]/2 f/2C/2_A,/2f/2|
_e/2_d/2_e/2[f_D-]/2 [_d_D-]/2[gf_D]/2[_eB,-]/2[f_B,]/2 _g/2_e/2_a/2_g/2 _a/2_b/2[_a_gB,-]/2[f_B,-]/2|
[_eB,]/2[_d_B,-]/2[_e_B,]/2f/2 _d/2[_G-_B,]/2[_G_D,]/2_G,/2 _B,/2_G,/2[_A-B,]/2[_A_G,]/2 _B,/2z/2z/2[_B-_G,]/2|
[_B_D]/2[_D_G,]/2_G,/2_D/2 _G,/2[B-_E]/2[_B_G,]/2_E/2 _G,/2_G,/2[_B-_D]/2[_B_G,]/2 _D/2_G,/2_D/2_G,/2|
[_A-B,]/2[_A_B,]/2_A,/2[B,_B,]/2 _A,/2[_G-_B,]/2[_G_A,]/2_G,/2>_A,/2[_g-_B,]/2[_g-_G,]/2[_g-_A,]/2 [_g_B,]/2[f_A,]/2[_e_G,]/2[_dF,]/2|
[_e_E,]/2[f_D,-]/2[_d_D,]/2_A/2<_d/2f/2[_g_d_E,-]/2[_d_E,]/2 _g/2_d/2_g/2_d/2 [_aF,-]/2[_a_dF,]/2_d/2_a/2|
_d/2[_b_G,-]/2[_d_G,]/2_b/2 _d/2[_b_d]/2[_aF,]/2_d/2 _a/2_d/2_a/2_d/2 [_g_E,-]/2[f_E,]/2[f_e]/2_g/2|
z/2[f_D,-]/2[_e_D,]/2_d/2 _e/2f/2_d/2_e/2 [f_e]/2z/2z/2z/2 c/2z/2z/2z/2|
z/2c/2z/2z/2 z/2_A/2[_d_A,]/2z/2 z/2z/2_A/2_d/2 z/2z/2z/2_A/2|
_g/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2_g/2z/2 z/2z/2_A/2f/2 z/2z/2z/2_A/2|
f/2z/2z/2z/2 _A/2[g_A,]/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2_B/2_g/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2|
_a/2z/2z/2z/2 c/2_a/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_24_R1_2011_MID--AUDIO_R1-D9_08_Track08_wav.wav | 50 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
z/2z/2z/2z/2 [_aF,]/2_d/2z/2z/2 z/2_A,/2z/2F,/2|
_a/2_E,/2_b/2[b-D,]/2 [_b_b]/2[_a_g]/2[f_B,]/2_e/2 [f_D]/2_g/2[_aF]/2b/2 [_b_a]/2_b/2z/2z/2|
z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2_g/2_D,/2_a/2 [aC,]/2_a/2_g/2[e_e_A,]/2 _d/2C/2e/2[_g_E]/2|
a/2[_a_G]/2_g/2[_aE]/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2_E,/2z/2z/2|
z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2_E/2_A,,/2 C/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2C/2z/2z/2|
z/2z/2_D/2z/2 z/2z/2_A,/2_D/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 _G/2z/2z/2z/2|
_A,/2_G/2z/2z/2 z/2_A,/2F/2_A,/2 z/2z/2_A,/2F/2 z/2z/2z/2_A,/2|
[G_A,,]/2z/2z/2z/2 _B,/2_G/2_B,/2E,/2 _B,/2_D,/2_B,/2_A,,/2- [C,_A,,]/2_E,/2_G,/2A,/2|
(3C/2_D/2E/2G/2_B/2 _d/2_e/2[c_A,,-]/2[_e_A,,]/2 (3_g/2_e/2c/2_A/2_G/2 _E/2 (3C/2_A,/2C/2_E/2|
[F_A,-]/2[_A_A,-]/2[_d_A,]/2_A/2 F/2_D/2 (3_B,/2G,/2E,/2 _D,/2_E,/2_G,/2_A,,2-[_d_D,_A,,-]/2|
_A,,-[c_G,_E,_A,,-]/2_A,,2[_d-_A-_D-_A,-F,-_D,-]4[_d-_A-_D-_A,-F,-_D,-]/2|[_d_A-_D_A,F,_D,]3/2_A/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_24_R1_2011_MID--AUDIO_R1-D9_08_Track08_wav.wav | 75 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[_A_G]/2z/2z z3/2_A3/2G/2F/2 zz|
_e/2f/2_g/2[_aF]/2 [g_E]/2[f_D]/2[g_E]/2_a/2 _g/2f/2z/2_e/2- [f-_e_E-]/2[f-_E][f-_D]/2|
[f-C]/2f/2_e/2_d/2 f/2_e/2_d/2z/2 c/2_e/2_d/2c/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2|
z/2[_AG]/2z/2[_g-_A]/2 [g-_B]/2g/2-g/2-[g-_A]/2 [g-_d_B,]/2[g-c_A,]/2[g_BG,]/2[c_A,]/2 f/2-[f-c]/2[f-_B]/2f/2-|
[f-_A]/2[f-_B-_A,]3/2 [f-_B-_G,]/2[f_BF,]/2_e/2-[_e-_A]/2 [_e-G]/2[_e-_B-]/2[_e_B_A]/2G/2 z/2_d/2z/2c/2|
F/2[_e-_G]/2[_e-_E]/2_e/2- [_eF-][F-_D]/2[FC][f-_D]/2[f-_E]/2[f-F]/2 [f-_D]/2[f_d-_B,]/2[_dC]/2[f_D]/2|
[_d_B,]/2[_B-G,]/2[_B_A,]/2z/2 [_d_B,]/2[_BG,]/2_E- [_EC]/2_B,/2z/2[_e-C]/2 [_e-_D]/2[_e-_E]/2[_e-C]/2[_ec-_A,]/2|
[c_B,]/2C/2[_ec]/2_A,/2 [_A-F,]/2[_AG,]/2[c_A,]/2[_AF,]/2 [_D-_B,,]/2_D-_D/2- [_D_A,]/2[_d-_B,]/2[_d-C]/2[_d-_D]/2|
[_d-_B,]/2[_dG,]/2_B/2[c_A,]/2 [_d_B,]/2[_B-G,]/2[_b-_B_E,]/2_b/2- [_b-_dF,]/2[_b-_eG,]/2[_b-_B_E,]/2[_bc-_A,,]/2 [_ac]/2[g_A,]/2[_b_B,]/2_a/2|
_e/2[f_A-_A,]/2[_g-_A-]/2[gf_A_D-]/2 [_e_D-]/2[_dGF_D]/2[_eG]/2_A/2 C/2-[_G-C-]/2[GFC]/2_E/2- [_e-F-_E_B,]/2[_eF-][_dF-]/2|
[cF]/2G,/2-[_EG,-]/2[_D-G,]/2 [F_D]/2z/2[_E_A,-]/2[_D_A,-]/2 [C_A,]/2_E/2[_D_E,-]/2[C_E,-]/2 _E,/2-[_D_E,]/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_24_R1_2011_MID--AUDIO_R1-D9_08_Track08_wav.wav | 100 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[_A_A,-]/2[_B_A,-]/2[c_A,-]/2 [_d_A,-]/2_A,/2-[c_A_A,]/2_B/2 [_A_E]/2[cC]/2[f-_A,-]/2[f_e_A,]/2 [dB,]/2[f_A,]/2[_aF,-]/2[_gF,]/2|
[f_A,]/2F,/2>_a/2[_bD,-]/2 [b-_D,][_b_b-F,]/2[_b_a_A,]/2 [_gB,-]/2[f_B,-]/2[_e_B,-]/2[_d_B,]/2 z/2[_e_B,-G,-]/2[g_B,G,]/2f/2|
_e/2d/2f/2z/2 _A/2-[_A_E,-]/2[_G-_E,-_E,,-]/2[GF_E,_E,,-]/2 [_E_E,,]/2 (3_D_EFG/2_A/2[_BG,]/2|
[_AF,]/2[_G_E,]/2[_AF,]/2_B/2 _A/2G/2z/2F/2 [G-F,]3/2[G-_E,]/2 [G-_D,]/2G/2F/2_E/2|
_G/2F/2_E/2_D/2 F/2z/2_E/2_D/2 z/2C/2[_D_B,,]/2z/2 F/2[G_B,]/2[FA,]/2[_d-_B,]/2|
[_d-C]/2[_d-_D]/2[_d-_B,]/2[_dG,]/2 [c_B_A,]/2z/2[_d_B,]/2[_B-G,]/2 [_b-_B_E,]/2[_b-_dF,]/2[_b_e-G,]/2[_e_B_E,]/2 c/2z/2_E/2[F_A,]/2|
[_EG,]/2[c-_A,]/2[c-_B,]/2[c-C]/2 [c-_A,]/2[c_AF,]/2[_BG,]/2c/2 [_A-_A,]/2[_AF,]/2[_a-_D,]/2[_a-c_E,]/2 [_a_d-F,]/2[_d-_A_D,]/2[_d_BG,,]/2_D/2|
[_EG,]/2_D/2F,/2[_B-G,]/2 [_B-_A,]/2[_B-_B,]/2[_B-G,]/2[_BGE,]/2 [_AF,]/2[_BG,]/2G/2-[G_E,]/2 [g-C,]/2[g-_BD,]/2[g-c_E,]/2[g-G-]/2|
[gG-C,]/2[_A-GF,,]/2[e-_AG,,]/2[f_e_A,,]/2 [_d_B,,]/2[_B-C,]/2[_B-D,]/2[_B-_E,]/2 [_B-C,]/2_B/2[_DF,]/2[C_E,]/2 [_B,_D,]/2[C_E,]/2[_A-F,]/2[_A-_E,]/2|
[_A-F_D,]/2[_A-C,][_A-C_D,-][_A_D,-]/2[_B,_D,-]/2[_A,_D,-]/2 [G_B,-_D,]/2[_B,-C,]/2[G-_B,_B,,]/2[G-_D,]/2 [G-C,]/2[G_B,,]/2z/2[FC,_A,,]/2|
z/2_B,,/2_A,,/2_B,,/2 G,,/2z/2[cF,-]/2[_BF,-]/2 [_AF,-]/2[cF,-]/2[_B-F,G,,]/2[_B_A]/2 [GE,C,]/2_B/2_A/2F,/2|
F/2[_dE,_B,,]/2_B/2[cF,_A,,]/2 _A/2[_g_B,_D,]/2z/2_e/2 [_e_A,-C,-]/2[f_A,C,-]/2[bG,C,-]/2[c'F,C,-]/2 [G,C,-]/2[fC,-]/2[_e-C,]/2_e/2-|
[fe]/2z/2[f-_A,-F,-]/2[f-_B,_A,F,-]/2 [f-CF,]/2[f-_A,]/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_24_R1_2011_MID--AUDIO_R1-D9_08_Track08_wav.wav | 125 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
_G,/2_A,/2F,/2D,/2 B/2[_B_E,]/2[_AF,]/2[_B_D,]/2|
_B,,/2D,/2F,/2_B,/2 [_A-_E,]/2_A/2-[_A_G,]/2[_G_B,]/2 [F_D]/2_E/2F/2_G/2 _E/2z/2[AC]/2[_A_D]/2|
[_G_E]/2_A/2_A,/2-[_A,-_A,,]/2 [_A,-_B,,]/2[_A,C,]/2z/2[_G-_D,-]/2 [_G_A,_D,-]/2[F_B,_D,-]/2[_EC_D,-]/2_D,-[_A_E,_D,]/2[_dF,]/2[_eG,]/2|
[f_A,]/2[_eG,]/2[_dF,]/2[_e_G,]/2 [c-_A,]/2[c-_G,]/2[cF,]/2_E,/2 c/2-[_e-cF,-][_eF,-]/2 [_dcF,-]/2F,/2-[_BF,]/2_E,/2|
_D,/2F,/2_E,/2_D,/2 [_aC,]/2_E,/2z/2_D,/2 C,/2[g_B,,]/2_D,/2z/2 _A/2z/2F/2_G/2|
[_A_G,-]/2[_B_G,-]/2_G,/2-[c_G,-]/2 [_A_G,-]/2[_d_B,_G,]/2[c_A,]/2[_B_G,]/2 [c_A,]/2[_dF,-]/2[cF,-]/2F,/2- [_BF,-]/2[_AF,-]/2[_B-_A,-F,]/2[_B-_A,-]/2|
[_B-_A,]/2[_B-_G,]/2[_B-F,]/2[_B-_G,_E,-]/2 [_B_A_E,-]/2[_G_E,-]/2[_B_E,-]/2_E,/2 _A/2_G/2F/2_A/2 _G/2F/2_E/2_G/2|
[F_D-_D,]/2[_D_E,]/2z/2F,/2 _G,/2[_d-F,]/2[_d-_E,]/2[_d_D,]/2 _a/2[fF,]/2[_d-_B,]/2[_d_A,]/2 [eG,]/2[_d_B,]/2[_B-_D]/2[_BB,]/2|
[_d_B,]/2z/2[_B_D]/2[G-E-_E]/2 [_G-E]/2[_B_G_E]/2[_d_D]/2[e-B,]/2 [_e-_B,]/2[_e-_A,]/2_e/2-[_e_G,]/2 [B-_A,]/2[_B-_B,]/2[_a_B-_B,]/2[B_A,]/2|
[_d_B-G,]/2[_B-F,]/2[_g_B-_E,]/2[_B_D,]/2 z/2[_AB,,]/2_D,/2[_a_E,]/2 [_g_B,,]/2[_a_A,,]/2z/2_b/2- [b_b_A,]/2[_aF,]/2[f_D,]/2_g/2|
[_aB,]/2[f_A,]/2[_dF,]/2_e/2 [f_D,]/2[_d_B,,]/2[_B_G,,]/2c/2 [_d_B,]/2[_B_G,]/2_E,/2_g/2 _a/2[_b_G,]/2[_g_E,]/2_e/2|
f/2[_g_B,]/2[_e_G,]/2[c_E,]/2 _d/2[_eC,]/2[c_A,,]/2[_AF,,]/2 _B/2z/2[c_A,]/2[_AF,]/2 [fD,]/2_g/2[_aF,]/2[f_D,]/2|
[d_B,,]/2_e/2[f_A,]/2F,/2 _B/2c/2_d/2[_B_B,,]/2 _G,,/2[_G_E,,]/2_A/2[_B_G,]/2 [_G_E,]/2[_eC,]/2f/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_24_R1_2011_MID--AUDIO_R1-D9_08_Track08_wav.wav | 150 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
_d/2[_e_G,]/2[c_E,]/2z/2 _A/2_B/2[c_A,,]/2[_AF,,]/2 [F_D,,-]/2_D,,/2-[_G_D,,]/2_A/2 F/2_D/2F/2_A/2|
_B/2B/2_B/2[_AB,]/2 [_B_D,]/2_B,/2_D,/2_A,/2 _D,/2z/2[_B-_G,]/2[_B-_D,-]/2 [_B_AF,_D,]/2[_G_E,]/2_A/2_D/2|
F/2 (3_A_B_A[_G_B,_D,]/2_A/2_A,/2 _D,/2_G,/2_D,/2[_A-F,]/2 [_A-_D,]/2_A/2[_G_E,]/2[F_D,]/2|
z/2C/2_E/2_G/2 _A/2_G/2[F_A,]/2[_G_A,,]/2 z/2_G,/2<_A,,/2F,/2 _A,,/2[_G-_E,]/2_G/2_A,,/2|
[F_D,]/2[_EC,]/2[F_D,]/2z/2 [_A_A,,]/2[_BF,]/2[c_E,]/2[_dF,]/2 [_e_A,,]/2[f_A,]/2[_e_G,]/2[_g_A,]/2 [f_A,,]/2[_e_B,]/2_d/2C/2-|
[_bC]/2[_ag_D-]/2[_a_D]/2[_b_a_E]/2 C/2_A,/2C/2-[_EC]/2 z/2F/2_G/2[_aF]/2 [_g_E]/2[_aF]/2f/2_a/2|
z/2_e/2_a/2[_dF]/2 _a/2z/2[c_E]/2[_B_D]/2 [c_E]/2[_e_A,]/2[fC]/2[_g_E]/2 [_aF]/2[_g_E]/2[f_D]/2[_a_E]/2|
z/2_a/2z/2_d/2 _a/2[c_E]/2_a [_B_D]/2[_AC]/2[_B_D]/2[_d_A,]/2 [_eC]/2[f_D]/2[_g_E]/2[f_D]/2|
[_eC]/2z/2[f_D]/2_d/2 _e/2c/2_e/2_D/2 _B/2_e/2_A/2[G_B,]/2 [_AC]/2[c_A,]/2_d/2[_e_B,]/2|
C/2[f_D]/2[_g_E]/2[_aF]/2 [_b_E]/2_G/2F/2_E/2 _D/2_G/2_B/2_A/2 [_G_B,]/2[_AC]/2_D/2C/2|
_B,/2_A,/2z/2[_A-_B,-][_A_G_B,-]/2[F_B,-]/2_B,_A,/2_G,/2_B,/2 _A,/2_G,/2F,/2_A,/2|
_G,/2z/2F,/2_G,/2 _E,/2z/2F,- [_dF,-]/2[cF,]/2_A,/2[_d_B,]/2 [_eC]/2[f_D-]/2[_g_E_D]/2[_aF]/2|
[_g_E]/2[f_D]/2[_g_E]/2[_aC-]/2 [_gC]/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_24_R1_2011_MID--AUDIO_R1-D9_08_Track08_wav.wav | 175 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
f/2 _e/2[f-_E][f-_D]/2 [f-C]/2[f_D_B,-]/2[_e_B,-]/2[_d_B,-]/2 [f_B,]/2z/2_e/2_d/2|
c/2_e/2_d/2c/2 [_dG]/2_B/2z/2_A,-[_A_A,-]/2[_G_A,-]/2[_g-_A,]/2 [_g-_B]/2_g/2-[_g-c]/2[_g-_A]/2|
[_g-_d_B,]/2[_gc_A,]/2[_B_G,]/2[c_A,]/2 f/2-[f-c]/2f/2-[f-_B]/2 [f-_A]/2[f-_B-_A,]3/2 [f-_B-_G,]/2[f_BF,]/2_e/2-[_e-_A]/2|
[_e-_G]/2[_e-_B-]/2[_e_B_A]/2_G/2 _d/2z/2z/2c/2 F/2[_e-_G]/2[_e-_E]/2_e/2- [_e-F-_D,]/2[_e-F-_A,,]/2[_e_AF-_D,]/2[F-_E,]/2|
F/2-[_d-F-F,]/2[_dF-_G,]/2[BF-_A,]/2 [F-F,]/2[_B-F_G,]/2[_B-_G,,]/2_B/2- [_B-_G,]/2[_B-F,]/2[_B-_G-_G,]/2[_B-_G_A,]/2 [_B-F_B,]/2[_B-_G,]/2[_B_E,-]/2[_G-_E,]/2|
[_GF,]/2[_B_G,]/2[_G_E,]/2[_E-C,]/2 [_E_D,]/2[_G_E,]/2[_EC,]/2_A,3/2-[_A,F,]/2_E,/2 [_A-F,]/2[_A-_G,]/2[_A-_A,]/2_A/2-|
[_AF,]/2[F-D,]/2[F_E,]/2[_AF,]/2 F/2[_D-_D,_B,,]/2[_DC,]/2_D,/2 [F_D_B,,]/2z/2_G,- [_B,_G,-_E,]/2[_G,-_D,]/2[_G-_G,_E,]/2[_G-F,]/2|
_G/2-[_G-_B,_G,]/2[_G_E,]/2[_EC,]/2 [F_D,]/2[_G_E,]/2[_E-C,]/2[_e-_E_A,,]/2 _e/2-[_e-_G_B,,]/2[_e-_AC,]/2[_e-_E_A,,]/2 [_e_D,,]/2F/2-[_dF-]/2[cF_D,]/2|
[_e_E,]/2_d/2_A/2[_B_D-]/2 [B-_D-]/2[_B_B_D_G,-]/2[_AC_G,-]/2[_G_B,_G,-]/2 [_AC_G,]/2[_DF,-]/2[CF,-]/2[_d_B,F,]/2 z/2_A,/2[_A-_B,-_E,]/2[_A-_B,-]/2|
[_A_B,-]/2[_G_B,-_D,]/2[F_B,-]/2[_B,C,-]/2 [_A,C,-]/2[_G,-C,]/2[_A,_G,]/2_D,/2- [G,_D,-]/2[F,_D,]/2_d/2z/2 [_G,_A,,-]/2[_G,_A,,-]/2[F,_A,,]/2_E,/2|
z/2[_DF,_B,,]/2z/2[F_A,-]/2 [_G_B,_A,]/2[_A-C]/2[_B_A_D]/2[cC]/2 [_d_B,]/2[_e_A,]/2z/2[e-G,]/2 [_e_e_A,]/2[_d_B,]/2_e/2[e-_E,-]/2|
[ge-_E,-_D,-]/2[_ae_E,-_D,C,]/2[_b-_E,-]/2[_b_E,_B,,-]/2 [_d-_B,,_A,,-]/2[_dc_E,_A,,]/2F,/2_B/2 [_A_G,]/2[_e_A,]/2_B,/2[_GC]/2 _A,[F-_D]/2F/2-|
F/2[_dF,,]/2z [_B_G_E-_G,,]/2_E3/2 [c_A_G_E_A,,]/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_06_R2_2011_MID--AUDIO_R2-D2_07_Track07_wav.wav | 0 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
z4 F/2z/2z/2z/2|
z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2e/2f/2 F,/2[gDB,]/2[_aA-]/2[a_A-]/2 [_baA-]/2[bA]/2C/2-[c'_E-C-]/2|
[c'_E-C-]/2[d'_EC-]/2[_e'G-C-]/2[G-C-]/2 [G-C]/2[g'G-_E-]/2[g'G-_E-]/2[c''G-_E-C-]/2 [c''G-_E-C-]/2[G_E-C]/2_E/2_e''/2 _d''/2c''/2z/2z/2|
a'/2g'/2_g'/2e'/2 z/2_d'/2F,/2[bC-A,]/2 [c'_EC]/2G/2-G/2-[ag_G-]/2 G/2-[gG]/2_B,/2-[D-_B,-]/2|
[dD-_B,]/2[cD]/2[AF-]/2F/2- F/2_D/2-D/2-D/2 d/2z/2[G,-F,-]/2[F_B,-G,F,-]/2 [ED_B,F,]/2z3/2|
z3/2_d''/2 _b'/2z/2z/2z/2 a/2d'/2_g/2g/2 e/2A/2d/2z/2|
z/2z2z/2F,,/2z3/2[_d'G]/2[eF,]/2 [c'G_B,]/2z/2F,/2_b/2|
z/2[_d'D]/2z/2[c'dG-DF,]/2 [bG]/2_b/2z2z/2_e''/2 [c''_a']/2z/2[a'_g']/2d'/2|
_e'/2[c'_a]/2z/2z/2 [_gd]/2B/2z/2z/2 z3z|
z3/2[_g'gAC]/2 z/2[f'_E]/2e'/2z/2 _e'/2z/2[g'g_E]/2z/2 [f'gA-_EC-]/2[e'AC]/2_e'/2z/2|
z/2[_e'C]/2z/2d'/2 _d'/2z/2c'/2z/2 z/2[d'_e]/2[_d'A-_E]/2A/2 zz/2[b_E]/2|
[A_G]/2z3/2 zA/2z2z/2 zz/2z/2|
z/2zz/2 z_e/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_06_R2_2011_MID--AUDIO_R2-D2_07_Track07_wav.wav | 25 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
z/2z/2z z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2f/2z/2 z/2f/2z/2z/2|
z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2f/2z/2g/2 [fAF-_E-]/2[_gF-_E-]/2[F-_E]/2[gfFD-]/2 [_gD]/2_B/2[gF-C-]/2[F-C-]/2|
[_gF-C]/2[_BF_B,]/2[gd]/2g/2 [_aFDF,]/2f/2a/2[cF_EF,]/2 z/2_a/2[aF-_E-A,-]/2[gF-_EA,-]/2 [FA,]/2[_gf_B]/2[gD_B,]/2f/2|
g/2[fF-_E-]/2[_gF-_E-]/2[gF-_E]/2 [fF-D-]/2[_gFD]/2f/2[fF-C-]/2 [gF-C-]/2[gF-C]/2[fF]/2[_gf_B,]/2 g/2[_aFDF,]/2z/2a/2|
_b/2[cF_EF,]/2z/2z/2 [_aF-_E-A,-]/2[_eF-_EA,-]/2[_gFA,]/2z/2 z/2[af]/2[_B-_A-]/2[b_B-A-]/2 [_b_B-A]/2[b_b_B-]/2[b_BG-]/2[_b_eG]/2|
b/2[_b_b_a_B-F-]/2[_b_B-F-]/2[ba_BF]/2 [_b_e_E-]/2[_b_g_e_E]/2c'/2[_d'_BG_B,]/2 [d'g]/2z/2[_e'f]/2z/2 f/2[_d'f_B-A-D-]/2[_B-A-D-]/2[c'bf_BAD]/2|
[_b_G_E]/2b/2_b/2[_bd_B-_A-]/2 [b_B-A-]/2[_b_B-A]/2[b_b_B-G-]/2[b_BG]/2 z/2b/2[_ba_B-F-]/2[b_b_B-F-]/2 [ba_B-F]/2[_b_e-_B_E-]/2[_b_e_E]/2g/2|
[_d'_B_G_B,]/2z/2d'/2[_e'f_B_A_B,]/2 z/2f/2[_d'_B-A-D-]/2[_BA-D]/2 [bfA]/2z/2z/2_e'/2 [g'g_B,,-]/2[_D_B,,]/2g'/2z/2|
[e'd'b_g]/2g/2z/2[_e'e_E-]/2 [_e'c'_be_E]/2_E,/2[_d'_eG]/2[_bg]/2 [d'bg_e]/2[c'dG-]/2[agG]/2[c'd]/2 _b/2_a/2_b/2z/2|
z/2z/2g/2z/2 C/2f/2z/2z/2 g/2z/2z/2f/2 z/2f/2z/2z/2|
g/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2f/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2g/2f/2f/2|
g/2f/2_g/2z/2 f/2g/2g/2_B/2 d/2g/2_a/2z/2 [afd]/2c/2z/2c/2|
z/2_e/2z/2[_gf]/2 g/2_B/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_06_R2_2011_MID--AUDIO_R2-D2_07_Track07_wav.wav | 50 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[fA]/2_g/2g/2 f/2_g/2z/2[gf]/2 _g/2f/2g/2[_gfd_B]/2 f/2[_ag]/2z/2a/2|
[_bc]/2z/2z/2_a/2 z/2z/2_g/2z/2 z/2a/2[b_b]/2z/2 c'/2_b/2b/2[c'_b]/2|
_b/2z/2[c'_a]/2_b/2 [bg]/2[c'_b]/2_d'/2_b/2 d'/2[_e'f]/2z/2f/2 _d'/2z/2[c'f]/2b/2|
z/2[c'_b]/2_b/2b/2 _b/2c'/2_b/2[b_b]/2 c'/2_b/2b/2[c'_a]/2 [_b_e]/2b/2[c'_bg]/2_d'/2|
_b/2-[d'_b]/2[_e'f]/2z/2 f/2_d'/2z/2[c'bf]/2 _b/2z/2_e'/2[g'_a]/2 [e'd']/2[_A,F,-]/2[f'gG,F,]/2[d'c']/2|
[f'g]/2z/2[_e'f]/2[_e'_d'fB,_A,]/2 d'/2[d'_eC]/2[d'_bg]/2_e/2 [c'gE,,]/2[a_d]/2[_bg_B,,]/2_a/2 [_g_e_B]/2z/2G,/2[fd]/2|
[_eG]/2[fe-_B,]/2[_eGF,-]/2[g-_BD-F,-]/2 [gD-F,]/2[FD-]/2[f_BD]/2[d-B,-F,-]/2 [dF_B,-F,-]/2[_e_A_B,-F,-]/2[dC_B,F,-]/2[_BF,]/2 [GE]/2c/2[G-_EE,,]/2[G-CF,,]/2|
[G_EE,,]/2[AF,,-]/2[c-DF,F,,-]/2[cFF,,]/2 D/2z/2[G-_A,B,,-F,,-]/2[G-D_B,,-F,,-]/2 [G_A,_B,,F,,-]/2[FF,,-]/2[F-G,C,-F,,-]/2[F-CC,-F,,-]/2 [F-G,C,F,,-]/2[F_EF,,]/2[C-_E,_G,,-]/2[C-G,,]/2|
[CA,-]/2[_A,_E,F,,]/2D/2zF,/2z/2z/2 D/2_B,/2z/2z/2 D/2z/2B,,/2[_B,G,]/2|
_G,/2z/2_e'/2c'/2 z/2a/2z/2z/2 z/2c/2z/2z/2 g/2z/2z/2z/2|
z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2D/2z/2[_B,B,,]/2 z/2_G,/2z [_e'c']/2z/2a/2g/2|
d/2z/2[_ec]/2z/2 z/2_B,,/2z/2z/2 z/2d'/2_b/2b/2 _a/2e/2f/2d/2|
z/2z/2z/2zg'/2[e'c']/2z/2 z/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_06_R2_2011_MID--AUDIO_R2-D2_07_Track07_wav.wav | 75 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
^E,/2za'/2 ^e'/2d'/2^d'/2z/2|
c''/2[a'^f']/2z/2[^e'^d']/2 z/2^c''/2^g'/2^a'/2 z/2[e''^d']/2z/2z/2 z/2[d''^a'^D]/2z/2[^d''^g'^F,]/2|
g'/2[d''^e']/2[^d''^a']/2e'/2 [^a'^f']/2[^f'c'^C^F,]/2B,/2[^d'^a]/2 [^f'^aa]/2^a/2[^d'^a^D]/2[a^C]/2 [^d'^gg]/2[^d'^e]/2z/2[^d'^a]/2|
[^a^f]/2z/2[BCB,^G,]/2d/2 z/2z/2^e'/2^d'/2 z/2^e'/2z/2[^e'^a]/2 z/2g/2^f/2^a/2|
z/2z/2^a/2^e/2 z/2[^e^d]/2z/2[^e^d^A]/2 z/2z/2^G/2^A/2 z/2^G,,/2z/2[^d'^G,,]/2|
B,,/2z/2z/2z/2 ^g/2^C,/2E,/2^g'/2 z/2^E,/2[^a'^E,]/2z/2 A,/2[^f^A,]/2B,/2z/2|
[^AB,]/2D/2^D/2z/2 ^F/2[^E^F]/2[^g'b]/2^G/2 ^G/2z/2[B^A]/2^A/2 z/2^d/2^c/2^A/2|
^d/2z/2[^e'c]/2z/2 [^d'^A^E]/2^D/2[^e'AB,-]/2[^f'e'^GB,]/2 [^d'^E]/2[^a'^F^C]/2[^g'g'E]/2^e'/2 z3/2d'/2|
b/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2[^aG]/2[d'^G]/2g'/2 [e'^C]/2^g'/2[^d''^f'B,]/2[^f'^C,]/2 [^c''A,]/2[^f'^c'^G,^C,]/2[b'^f'b^C,]/2[^a'G,]/2|
[^c'^a^E,^C,]/2[a'c'^a^C,]/2[^g'^D^A,-]/2[c'^g^A,^C,]/2 ^e'/2[^f'^c'^f^C]/2z/2z/2 d/2B/2z/2[^G^C]/2 z/2^c/2^A/2^G,/2|
g/2[e^C,]/2[^g^f]/2[d'B,,]/2 ^C,,/2[^c'^fA,,^C,,]/2[b^G,,]/2[^fB^C,,]/2 [^aG,,]/2[a^c^A^E,,^C,,]/2[cA^C,,]/2[^g^A,,]/2 [^ec^G^D,^C,,]/2[c^E^C,,]/2[^f^C,]/2[^G^FB,,^C,,]/2|
[d^F^D^C,,]/2[^cA,,]/2[^F^C^G,,^C,,]/2[B^FB,^C,,]/2 [^AG,,]/2[^C^A,^E,,^C,,]/2[A^C,,]/2[^GC^A,^A,,-]/2 [^C-^G,^D,^A,,^F,,]/2[^E^C^C,,]/2[^C^F,^C,]/2z/2 z/2^C/2z/2C/2|
zz [^CC^G,^C,C,]/2z3z/2 z/2z |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_06_R2_2011_MID--AUDIO_R2-D2_07_Track07_wav.wav | 100 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
zz/2F/2c/2 z2 z/2z^F/2|
C/2z/2B,/2z[F^CC,]/2[^C^C,]/2z2z/2 z/2^c/2z/2z/2|
zz/2^c/2 z/2z3/2 D/2z/2z/2zz/2z|
[bg]/2^f/2z/2[d'f]/2 z/2z/2^f'/2z/2 z/2[^g'^f']/2^d/2z/2 [b'^g']/2z/2z/2[d''^f']/2|
z/2^a'/2[d''f']/2z/2 a'/2d''/2a/2^a'/2 [d''^f']/2z/2z/2^f''/2 z/2[^f''a']/2d''/2z/2|
z/2z/2z/2z/2 ^g'/2z/2c'/2[^c'b]/2 z/2z/2^a/2b/2 z/2z/2^f/2z/2|
z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2^g/2z/2^g/2 [^gfd]/2z/2[^g^f]/2[^g^fed]/2 e/2[^g^fe]/2[^fd]/2z/2|
z/2z/2z/2f/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 ^f/2^f/2z/2f/2 z/2[G-D-]/2[e^A^GD-]/2[^fD-]/2|
[e^GD]/2[^fc^G^C]/2^f/2[e^cA]/2 [^fe^c^G,]/2[^f^A]/2e/2^f/2 ^c/2^c'/2[^f^c]/2[E-A,-E,-]/2 [aEA,-E,]/2A,/2[dBEB,-E,]/2[^geB,-]/2|
[eBB,]/2[g^fE-^G,-]/2[fBE-^G,-]/2[BE-^G,]/2 [e-E-A,]/2[eAE]/2^c/2[^fe^A]/2 [^fG-D-]/2[e^GGD-]/2[^fD]/2[ec^G-^C]/2 [^fe^cA^G]/2^f/2[e^c^A^G,]/2^f/2|
[^fB]/2[e^cE]/2^f/2^c'/2 [^f^cA,-]/2[^fEA,E,]/2e/2z/2 [edBEB,-E,]/2[^gB,-]/2[eB,]/2[g^fdE-^G,-]/2 [fBE-^G,-]/2[BE-^G,]/2[EA,]/2A/2|
z/2a/2[^ac]/2[ae^c]/2 ^a/2[aae^cF]/2[a^f]/2^a/2 [a^d^C]/2[^aag]/2[^ae]/2[^fAD]/2 z/2[^f'a^f]/2[e'AA,]/2[^aD]/2|
[d'a]/2[d'gA-E-A,]/2[aeAE-]/2[^c'E]/2 [c'aeA-]/2[b^geA-^C-]/2[^aA-^C-]/2[eA-^C]/2 [afAD]/2d/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_06_R2_2011_MID--AUDIO_R2-D2_07_Track07_wav.wav | 125 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
_b/2[a_ec-G-]/2[_bcG-]/2[_bae_dG]/2 [aedF]/2_b/2[afd]/2[_b_D]/2 [_ba_g_e]/2[age]/2z/2f/2|
f'/2f/2[e'aAD-A,]/2[d'_bD]/2 z/2[d'gAE-A,]/2[_d'aE-]/2[aE]/2 [c'A-D-]/2[b_beA-D-]/2[eAD]/2a/2 d/2d'/2[f'f]/2C/2|
f'/2[_e'f]/2[_d'D]/2e'/2 _b/2[d'eE-]/2[d'baE]/2z/2 [c'dF]/2[af]/2[_bfd]/2[bc_G-]/2 [_agGG,]/2[_bc]/2[a_A]/2[ge]/2|
a/2_a/2z/2z/2 [_gA]/2[_eB]/2_B,/2e/2 d/2[eAC]/2[gd]/2_e/2 D/2e/2z/2_e/2|
z/2_e/2f/2z/2 z/2z/2_g'/2z/2 [e_D]/2[_A-G-]/2[AG]/2A,/2 [gD]/2_d/2[d'e]/2e/2|
z/2z/2[ad]/2[eB]/2 _a/2[g_B]/2_g/2f/2 z/2e/2-e/2g/2 [eA]/2z/2g'/2[e'A]/2|
e/2_G/2[GE]/2z/2 z/2z/2[_d'e]/2_b/2 z/2e/2z/2[adB]/2 [_aed]/2_B/2[g_gd]/2f/2|
B/2[e_d]/2A/2_a/2 [aed]/2_b/2[_b'G]/2a'/2 z/2a/2[dA]/2_B/2 [_bD]/2G/2z/2[af]/2|
[e'a]/2f/2[d'a]/2[d'g]/2 [ae]/2[_d'g]/2[c'ae]/2[bge]/2 _b/2a/2-[ad]/2f/2 z/2[ae_d]/2G/2_b'/2|
z/2g/2[_d_BA]/2_B/2 D/2[aG]/2_b/2[f'f]/2 [e'a]/2z/2a/2[d'g]/2 [ae]/2[_d'g]/2[c'ge]/2[be]/2|
[_bg]/2z/2[afd]/2z/2 d'/2[f'fF,,]/2[c'a]/2[_eF,,]/2 [_d'dF,_G,,]/2[_bf]/2[dG,F,]/2[_aAF]/2 G/2[GF]/2[aF]/2[fdG]/2|
z/2z/2[f'F,,]/2[c'a_e]/2 [e'_G,,]/2[_d'dF,]/2[_bfd]/2[G,F,]/2 [_aAF]/2[ecG]/2[GF]/2[aF]/2 [fdG]/2_B/2_b/2[_b'_b_B,,]/2|
[f'd']/2[_a'aB,,_B,,]/2[f'f_B,]/2[_e'_bB,]/2 [_g_B,]/2[_d'd_B]/2[aB_B]/2[d'B]/2 [f_B]/2z/2z/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_06_R2_2011_MID--AUDIO_R2-D2_07_Track07_wav.wav | 150 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
[_b'_b_B,,]/2[f'd'C,]/2[_aB,,_B,,]/2 [f'f_B,]/2[_e'_bCB,]/2[_g_B,_B,]/2z/2 [acB]/2d/2[f_B]/2[_bg]/2 e/2<e'/2[_d''d']/2g'/2|
z/2_d''/2e'/2>_g'/2 _e'/2a'/2[g'e']/2_b/2 z/2[d''d']/2[g'_e'b]/2z/2 [c''g'E,]/2[_b'd']/2[c''g'_d'G,]/2[a'e'_B,]/2|
[g'_b]/2[e'_b_D]/2[_g'd'E]/2e'/2 [g'G_B,]/2[_e'g]/2d'/2[gd]/2 [c'g]/2a/2g/2[ae]/2 _g/2[_BD]/2[fd_B]/2[_eG]/2|
[f_d]/2[e-G]/2[eF,-]/2[gD-F,-]/2 [DF,]/2_B/2f/2[d-B,-F,-]/2 [d_A-F_B,-F,-]/2[_eA_B,F,-]/2[d-_BCF,-]/2[dGF,]/2 E/2<c/2[G-_EE,,]/2[G-CF,,]/2|
[GE,,]/2F,,/2-[g-F,-F,,]/2[gFF,]/2 _B/2f/2[d-_AB,-F,-]/2[dF_B,-F,-]/2 [_eA_B,-F,-]/2[d-_B,F,-]/2[d_BECF,]/2G/2 c/2[G-E,,]/2[G_EF,,]/2[ECE,,]/2|
[AF,,-]/2[c-F,,-]/2[c-DF,F,,-]/2[cFF,,]/2 D/2z/2[G-_A,D,-B,,-F,,-]/2[G-D,-_B,,F,,-]/2 [G-DD,-F,,-]/2[GA,D,-F,,-]/2[FD,F,,-]/2[_E,-F,,]/2 [F-G,-E,C,-]/2[F-CG,C,]/2F/2-[F-G,]/2|
[F_E-]/2E/2-[E_G,,-]/2[C-E,G,,]/2 [C-F,,-]/2[C-A,-F,,]/2[C-A,E,-G,,-]/2[C-E,G,,]/2 C/2[D-A,F,,-][DF,,-]/2 [F,,_B,,,-]/2[_B,-D,_B,,,]/2_B,/2z/2|
z[dD_B,D,]/2z/2 [cD,]/2z/2B/2z/2 [_BD_B,D,]/2[dF]/2z [cD_B,-F,-D,-]/2[B_B,F,D,]/2_B/2z/2|
z/2_A,,,/2z3/2[fD]/2z/2e/2 z/2[_e_BD_B,F,]/2d/2z/2 f/2z/2[e_BFD_B,F,]/2_e/2|
d/2z/2_G,,,/2z3/2[_BE_DG,]/2z/2 [_aEG,]/2D/2[gE]/2z/2 [_gG,]/2z/2[_b_BD]/2z/2|
z/2[_ecFEA,]/2z [cAFEC]/2z[gAF-E-]/2 [FE]/2_g/2z/2f/2 z3/2z/2|
z/2z/2[cD-]/2[BD]/2 z/2z/2_G/2c/2 _B/2 |
2011/MIDI-Unprocessed_06_R2_2011_MID--AUDIO_R2-D2_07_Track07_wav.wav | 175 | Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template:
M: 4/4
L: 1/16
K: none
V:1 name="Instrument 1"
(notes here)
(Add more voices if present)
Key points for ABC notation:
- Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves)
- Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat)
- Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C)
- Dotted notes: . after note (C.)
- Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest)
- Chords: [CEG]
- Ties: -
- Bar lines: |
- Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth)
- The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key.
- Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none.
- Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify.
- List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
| X: 1
M: 4/4
L: 1/8
K: none
V:1 name="Acoustic Grand Piano"
B/2 z/2[f_E]/2F/2_e/2 _B/2z/2[fD]/2z/2 e/2z/2z|
z/2_a/2g/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2d'/2 c'/2z/2z/2z/2 _G,/2z/2G,/2A,/2|
A,/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2_d'/2z/2 D/2z/2E/2z/2 _E/2z/2G/2_A/2|
G/2A/2[_B_A]/2z/2 A/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 _e/2z/2z/2z/2|
z/2z/2z/2z/2 _e/2z/2_B/2z3/2z/2z/2 z/2[B,-_A,-D,-]/2[F_B,-A,D,-]/2[_B,-D,]/2|
[AB,]/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2g/2z/2a/2 z/2z/2f'/2z/2|
[g'_g']/2z/2a'/2 (3a'/2_d''/2d''/2[d''C,]/2[_d''G,]/2c''/2 c''/2_b'/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2[f'_e']/2z/2|
_B,,/2F,/2[d''D]/2z3/2z/2z/2 [D-B,-_A,-F,-]/2[D-_B,-A,-F,-]/2[D-_B,-A,F,G,,F,,]/2[D_B,]/2 z/2_B,,/2z/2[_D,B,,]/2|
z/2D,/2E,/2z/2 F,/2G,/2z/2z/2 D/2z/2z/2F/2 _G/2_A/2z/2A/2|
z/2z/2d/2z/2 c/2c/2_B/2z/2 _A/2a'/2F/2E/2 z/2z/2C/2_b'/2|
z/2zF,/2 z/2D/2z/2z/2 [D_B,]/2z/2D/2B,,/2 [_B,G,]/2_G,/2z|
_e'/2[c'_a]/2z/2[a_g]/2 z/2z/2[_ec]/2z/2 z/2g/2z/2z/2 D/2z/2D/2z/2|
z/2z/2D/2z/2 [_B,B,,]/2_G,/2z _e'/2c'/2 |
End of preview. Expand
in Data Studio
Maestro ABC Notation 25s Dataset
Dataset Summary
This is based on V3.0.0 of the Maestro dataset.
The Maestro ABC Notation 25s Dataset is a curated collection of question-and-answer pairs derived from short audio clips within the MAESTRO dataset. Each entry in the dataset includes:
- An
corresponding to the original audio file. - A
marking where the 25-second audio clip begins within the full track. - A
designed to prompt music transcription in ABC notation. - An
that provides the transcription in ABC notation format.
This dataset is crafted for training multi-modal audio-language models (such as Spotify Llark and Qwen2-Audio) with a focus on music transcription tasks. The MIDI-to-ABC conversion is achieved with a modified script based on this code.
Why ABC?
The reasons for choosing this notation are:
- It's a minimalist format for writing music
- It's widely used and popular, language models already have good comprehension and know a lot about ABC notation.
- It's flexible and can easily be extended to include tempo changes, time signature changes, additional playing styles like mentioned above, etc…
Dataset Modifications to ABC Format
- Default octaves have been assigned to each instrument, using their most commonly played range. This reduces redundant octave notation.
- For consistency, I excluded pieces that contain time signature changes or significant tempo variations (greater than 10 BPM).
- All samples in this dataset contain active musical parts - sections with complete silence have been removed.
Licensing Information
- MAESTRO Dataset: The audio files are sourced from the MAESTRO dataset, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike 4.0 license. Please refer to the MAESTRO dataset page for full licensing details.
Citation Information
If you utilize this dataset, please cite it as follows:
title={MAESTRO ABC Notation Dataset},
author={Jon Flynn},
note={ABC notation for the MAESTRO dataset split into 25-second segments},
For the original MAESTRO dataset, please cite the following:
title={Enabling Factorized Piano Music Modeling and Generation with the {MAESTRO} Dataset},
author={Curtis Hawthorne and Andriy Stasyuk and Adam Roberts and Ian Simon and Cheng-Zhi Anna Huang and Sander Dieleman and Erich Elsen and Jesse Engel and Douglas Eck},
booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},
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