4 values
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "battery:current", "speakers:music", "mobile phone:sms", "computer:text" ] }
[ "the \"light\" will emit \"brightness\" when it is powered on, and the original function of the \"light\" was to emit \"brightness\".", "the \"battery\" can directly generate \"current\" without the aid of external objects.", "the \"speaker\" can play \"music\", and the original function of the \"speaker\" was to play \"music\".", "\"mobile phone\" can send \"sms\", but sending \"sms\" is a derivative function of \"mobile phone\", and the original function of \"mobile phone\" is to make calls.", "\"computer\" can edit \"text\", but editing \"text\" is a derivative function of \"computer\", and the original function of \"computer\" is to process data." ]
[ [ [ "light", "brightness", "R3.3" ] ], [], [ [ "speakers", "music", "R3.3" ] ], [ [ "mobile phone", "sms", "R3.3" ] ], [ [ "computer", "text", "R3.3" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "sphygmomanometer:hypertension", "scales:weight", "genius:painter", "skipping rope:sports" ] }
[ "\"temperature\" can be measured with a \"thermometer\".", "\"sphygmomanometer\" can measure blood pressure. \"sphygmomanometer\" is not \"high blood pressure\".", "\"weight\" can be weighed with \"scales\".", "some \"geniuses\" are \"painters\", and some \"painters\" are \"geniuses\".", "\"skipping rope\" is a type of \"sports\"." ]
[ [ [ "thermometer", "temperature", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "scales", "weight", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "genius", "painter", "R2.7" ] ], [ [ "skipping rope", "sports", "R2.2" ] ] ]
oil paint:canvas
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "ink:rice paper", "chalk:blackboard", "pencil:white paper", "paint:walls" ] }
[ "the \"oil color\" is painted on the \"canvas\" and can penetrate into the \"canvas\" after painting.", "\"ink\" is used for painting and calligraphy on \"rice paper\" and can penetrate into \"canvas\" after painting.", "\"chalk\" is written on the \"blackboard\", but it cannot penetrate into the \"blackboard\".", "the \"pencil\" is written on the \"white paper\", but it cannot penetrate into the \"white paper\".", "the \"paint\" shall be painted on the \"wall\", but shall not penetrate into the \"wall\" after painting." ]
[ [ [ "oil paint", "canvas", "R3.5" ] ], [ [ "ink", "rice paper", "R3.5" ] ], [], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "marriage:love", "tourism:sightseeing", "birth:old age", "editing:proofreading" ] }
[ "\"issuing\" is one part and the final step of \"publication\".", "being in \"love\" is not the last step to \"marriage\".", "\"sightseeing\" is the purpose of \"tourism\".", "\"old age\" is not the last step of \"birth\", and \"old age\" is old age.", "\"proofreading\" is one part and the final step of \"editing\"." ]
[ [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "bracelet:beads", "vegetables:seeds", "flashlight:battery", "grapes:health" ] }
[ "\"gasoline\" is the source of energy for \"airplanes\".", "\"beads\" can be strung into \"bracelets\", which is inconsistent with the logical relationship of the query.", "\"vegetables\" are grown from \"seeds\", which cannot be regarded as the energy source of \"vegetables\".", "the \"battery\" is the source of energy for the \"flashlight\".", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"health\" and \"grape\"." ]
[ [ [ "aircraft", "gasoline", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "bracelet", "beads", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "seeds", "vegetables", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "flashlight", "battery", "R3.10" ] ], [] ]
proposal:cppcc member:cppcc meeting
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "cuisine:chef:banquet", "props:actors:art show", "animals:breeders:animal shows", "record:athlete:sport games" ] }
[ "\"cppcc members\" can only put forward \"proposals\" at \"cppcc meetings\".", "the \"chef\" who cooks the \"dish\" works in the \"kitchen\", not the \"banquet\".", "\"props\" can not only be used by \"actors\" in an \"art show\", but also in daily rehearsal.", "\"animal show\" is not a place where a \"breeder\" raises \"animals\".", "\"athletes\" can only break \"records\" in \"sports games\"." ]
[ [ [ "cppcc member", "cppcc meeting", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [], [ [ "athlete", "sport games", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "clothes:cheongsam", "porcelain:clay", "selected poems:poems", "gecko:snake" ] }
[ "\"flax\" is woven from \"linen\" twisted into threads.", "\"cheongsam\" is a women's clothing formed in the republic of china, and \"clothing\" includes \"cheongsam\".", "\"porcelain\" is made of \"clay\".", "\"selected poems\" is part of \"poems\".", "both \"geckos\" and \"snakes\" are reptiles." ]
[ [ [ "flax", "linen", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "cheongsam", "clothes", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "clay", "porcelain", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "selected poems", "poems", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "gecko", "snake", "R2.4" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "growing melons:tricks", "welding:technology", "browsing:talent", "composing poem:talent" ] }
[ "\"skills\" include \"reading\".", "\"growing melons\" needs \"tricks\" , and \"growing melons\" is not a trick in itself.", "\"technology\" includes \"welding\".", "\"browse\" and \"talent\" have no obvious logical relationship.", "\"talent\" is needed for \"composing poems\"." ]
[ [ [ "skills", "reading", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "growing melons", "tricks", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "welding", "technology", "R2.2" ] ], [], [ [ "composing poem", "talent", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "accident:event:thing", "teaching assistant:lecturer:professor", "blue-collar:pink-collar:white-collar", "juvenile:youth:elderly" ] }
[ "\"kinsfolk\" is a component of \"relatives\", and \"relatives\" is a component of \"family\".", "\"accident\" is a component of \"incident\", and \"incident\" is a component of \"incident\".", "\"teaching assistant\", \"lecturer\" and \"professor\" are all teacher titles, but they represent different levels.", "\"blue-collar\", \"pink-collar\" and \"white-collar\" are all occupational types, but they represent different types.", "\"juvenile\", \"youth\" and \"elderly\" all refer to age and represent different age stages." ]
[ [ [], [] ], [ [], [] ], [ [ "teaching assistant", "lecturer", "professor", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "blue-collar", "pink-collar", "white-collar", "R2.4" ] ], [ [] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "water:fruit:juice", "leaf:plant:chinese medicine", "letters:keyboard:article", "notes:music notation:song" ] }
[ "\"words\" are part of the \"script\", and the \"drama\" is rehearsed according to the \"script\"", "\"water\" is a component of \"fruit\", and \"juice\" is a juice product obtained from \"fruit\" through physical methods such as pressing, centrifugation, and extraction.", "\"leaves\" are part of \"plants\", some \"chinese medicines\" are \"plants\", and some \"plants\" are \"chinese medicines\".", "a \"keyboard\" consists of keys that contain \"letters\", not \"letters\".", "\"musical notation\" is a method of recording music by printing or handwriting with \"notes\", which are the components of \"music notation\", according to which \"songs\" are rehearsed." ]
[ [ [ "word", "script", "R2.3" ], [ "script", "drama", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "water", "fruit", "R2.3" ], [ "juice", "fruit", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "leaf", "plant", "R2.3" ], [ "chinese medicine", "plant", "R2.7" ] ], [], [ [ "notes", "music notation", "R2.3" ], [ "music notation", "song", "R3.10" ] ] ]
country:government:civil servant
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "barrack:headquarter:commander", "company:board of directors:staff", "court:trial:judge", "school:teacher:student" ] }
[ "the \"government\" is part of the \"country\", and the \"government\" is where the \"civil servants\" work.", "\"headquarter\" is part of \"barrack\", and \"headquarters\" is where the \"commander\" works.", "the \"board of directors\" is part of the \"company\" but the \"board of directors\" is not the place where the \"staff\" works.", "\"trial\" can be conducted in the \"court\", but \"trial\" is not a part of the \"court\". The work content of \"judge\" is to conduct \"trial\", and \"trial\" is not the work place of \"judge\".", "\"school\" is the work place of a \"teacher\", and the \"student\" is the teaching object of the \"teacher\"." ]
[ [ [ "government", "country", "R2.3" ], [ "government", "civil servant", "R3.5" ] ], [ [ "headquarter", "barrack", "R2.3" ], [ "headquarter", "commander", "R3.5" ] ], [ [ "board of directors", "company", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "trial", "court", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "teacher", "school", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "enterprise:manage:manager", "electric light:light:invention", "chen jingrun:hua luogeng:mathematician", "department:college:university" ] }
[ "\"earth\" and \"mars\" belong to \"planets\".", "the \"enterprise\" needs an \"manager\" to \"manage\".", "\"electric light\" can emit \"light\".", "\"chen jingrun\" and \"hua luogeng\" are all \"mathematician\".", "\"department\" and \"college\" are part of the \"university\"." ]
[ [ [ "earth", "mars", "R2.4" ] ], [ [] ], [ [ "electric light", "light", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "chen jingrun", "hua luogeng", "R2.4" ], [ "chen jingrun", "hua luogeng", "mathematician", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "college", "university", "R2.4" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "pen:stationery:painting", "fruit:watermelon:cutting", "talent:resource:cultivating", "coal:petroleum:mining" ] }
[ "\"rice\" is a kind of \"grain\", and \"rice\" needs to be \"planted\".", "\"pen\" is a kind of \"stationery\", while \"painting\" needs a \"pen\".", "\"watermelon\" is a type of \"fruit\" and the words are in the wrong order.", "\"talent\" is a kind of \"resource\", and \"talent\" will be \"cultivated\".", "both \"coal\" and \"petroleum\" are non-renewable resources, and \"coal\" and \"petroleum\" are one category." ]
[ [ [ "rice", "grain", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "pen", "stationery", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "watermelon", "fruit", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "talent", "resource", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "coal", "petroleum", "R2.4" ] ] ]
english literature:french literature:classical literature
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "rhythmic poem:quatrains:five character quatrains", "solo:ensemble:piano", "quyi:cross talk:stand-up cross talk", "poetry:ancient style poems:near style poems" ] }
[ "\"classical literature\" includes \"english literature\", and \"english literature\" also includes some \"classical literature\", but \"english literature\" is not \"french literature\".", "\"regular poems\" and \"quatrains\" are of the same kind, and \"quatrains\" include \"five character quatrains\".", "\"solo\" and \"ensemble\" have opposite meanings. \"solo\" can be \"piano\" and \"ensemble\" can be \"piano\".", "\"quyi\" includes \"cross talk\", and \"cross talk\" includes \"stand-alone cross talk\".", "\"ancient style poems\" and \"near style poems\" are of the same kind, and \"poetry\" includes \"ancient style poems\" and \"near style poems\"." ]
[ [ [ "english literature", "french literature", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "rhythmic poem", "quatrains", "R2.4" ], [] ], [ [ "solo", "ensemble", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "cross talk", "quyi", "R2.2" ], [ "cross talk", "stand-up cross talk", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "ancient style poems", "near style poems", "R2.4" ] ] ]
dogs:guide dogs:antidrug dogs
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "cat:hybrid cat:purebred cat", "books:comics:newspapers", "rabbit:pet rabbit:meat rabbit", "food:vegetables:mushrooms" ] }
[ "the working \"dogs\" are divided into \"guide dogs\", \"antidrug dogs\".", "\"cat\" is divided into \"hybrid cat\" and \"purebred cat\", \"hybrid cat\" and \"purebred cat\" contradict each other.", "a \"newspaper\" is not a type of \"book\".", "\"rabbit\" is divided into \"pet rabbit\", experimental rabbit, \"meat rabbit\", etc. \"pet rabbit\" and \"meat rabbit\" are the same category.", "some \"mushrooms\" are \"vegetables\", and some \"vegetables\" are \"mushrooms\"." ]
[ [ [ "dogs", "guide dogs", "antidrug dogs", "R2.2" ], [ "guide dogs", "antidrug dogs", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "cat", "hybrid cat", "purebred cat", "R2.2" ], [ "hybrid cat", "purebred cat", "R2.5" ] ], [], [ [ "rabbit", "pet rabbit", "meat rabbit", "R2.2" ], [ "pet rabbit", "meat rabbit", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "mushrooms", "vegetables", "R2.7" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "coercion:hostility", "colleagues:Superior and subordinate", "antipathy:struggle", "friend:harmony" ] }
[ "becoming \"subordinate\" is because of \"loyalty\".", "\"coercion\" and \"hostility\" have no obvious logical relationship.", "\"superior and subordinate\" is a kind of \"colleague\".", "\"struggle\" is because of \"disgust\".", "\"friends\" need \"harmony\"." ]
[ [ [ "loyalty", "subordinate", "R5.1" ] ], [], [ [ "colleagues", "Superior and subordinate", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "antipathy", "struggle", "R5.1" ] ], [ [ "friend", "harmony", "R3.1" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "rain:hail", "thin:obese", "forward:backward", "contraction:relaxation" ] }
[ "both \"nearsightedness\" and \"farsightedness\" refer to abnormal states of vision.", "\"rain\" and \"hail\" are both weather phenomena.", "both \"thin\" and \"obese\" refer to abnormal states of body shape.", "both \"forward\" and \"backward\" cannot indicate some abnormal state.", "the opposite of \"contract\" is to expand, not \"relaxation\"." ]
[ [], [], [], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "straight:trunk", "hardness:cement", "cold:antarctica", "rainy:equator" ] }
[ "\"drought\" is an inevitable attribute of \"desert\".", "\"trunk\" is not necessarily \"straight\", \"straight\" is a probable attribute of \"trunk\", which is inconsistent with the logic of the query.", "\"hardness\" is not an inevitable attribute of \"cement\".", "\"antarctica\" must be \"cold\", and \"cold\" is the inevitable attribute of \"antarctica\".", "\"rainy\" is a probable attribute of the \"equator\"." ]
[ [ [ "desert", "drought", "R3.1" ] ], [ [ "trunk", "straight", "R3.2" ] ], [], [ [ "antarctica", "cold", "R3.1" ] ], [ [ "equator", "rainy", "R3.2" ] ] ]
income distribution:gini coefficient
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "food expenditure:engel coefficient", "cpi:consumer price index", "environmental protection:happiness index", "hong kong:hang seng index" ] }
[ "the indicator to measure the fairness of \"income distribution\" is the \"gini coefficient\".", "the indicator for judging the proportion of the total personal consumption expenditure of \"food expenditure\" is the \"engel coefficient\".", "the abbreviation for \"consumer price index\" is \"cpi\".", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"environmental protection\" and the \"happiness index\".", "the important indicator for judging the stock market price of \"hong kong\" is the \"hang seng index\" rather than \"hong kong\"." ]
[ [ [ "income distribution", "gini coefficient", "R3.3" ] ], [ [ "food expenditure", "engel coefficient", "R3.3" ] ], [ [ "cpi", "consumer price index", "R2.1" ] ], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "heat:drought:reduction of production", "slippery road:fall:crying", "holidays:congestion:evacuation", "earthquake:casualty:rescue" ] }
[ "\"rainstorm\" will lead to \"flood\", and \"drainage\" is required after the occurrence of \"flood\", and \"rainstorm\" is a natural phenomenon.", "\"heat\" will lead to \"drought\", and \"drought\" will lead to \"reduction of production\", and \"heat\" is a natural phenomenon, which is inconsistent with the logic of the topic.", "\"slippery road\" will lead to \"falling\", and \"crying\" may occur after falling, instead of \"crying\".", "\"holidays\" may lead to \"congestion\", and \"evacuation\" is required after \"congestion\", and \"holidays\" are not a natural phenomenon.", "\"earthquake\" will cause \"casualties\", and \"rescue\" is needed after the occurrence of \"casualties\", and \"earthquake\" is a natural phenomenon." ]
[ [ [ "rainstorm", "flood", "R5.1" ], [ "flood", "drainage", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "heat", "drought", "R5.1" ], [ "drought", "reduction of production", "R5.1" ] ], [ [ "slippery road", "fall", "R5.1" ] ], [ [ "holidays", "congestion", "R5.1" ], [ "congestion", "evacuation", "R5.1" ] ], [ [ "earthquake", "casualty", "R5.1" ], [ "casualty", "rescue", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "moistening:throat", "distract:attention", "eliminate:sound", "reverse:direction" ] }
[ "\"enthusiasm\" is the object of \"inhibition\", and the process of inhibiting enthusiasm is from high to low.", "\"throat\" is the object of \"moistening\", but the process of moistening the throat does not change from high to low.", "\"attention\" is the object of \"dispersion\", and the process of dispersion is from high to low.", "\"sound\" is the object of \"elimination\", but the process of eliminating sound is from existence to nonexistence.", "\"direction\" is the object of \"reversal\", but the process of reversing direction does not change from high to low." ]
[ [], [], [], [], [] ]
bulb:lamp base
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "mouse:tv", "information:faith", "manuscript fee:edit", "clothes:hangers" ] }
[ "a \"bulb\" can be installed on the \"lamp base\".", "the \"mouse\" can be connected to the tv, not the \"tv\".", "\"information\" generally refers to all the content disseminated in human society, \"faith\" refers to a certain proposition, doctrine, religion or belief and respect for someone or something, and regarding it as one's own code of conduct, \"information\" and \"faith\" have no obvious logical relationship.", "\"manuscript fee\" is obtained by the author writing the manuscript, and there is no obvious logical relationship between \"edit\" and \"manuscript fee\".", "\"clothes\" can be hung on the \"hanger\"." ]
[ [ [ "bulb", "lamp base", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [], [ [ "clothes", "hangers", "R3.10" ] ] ]
shaking head:opposition
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "anger:mood", "sign language:meaning", "feeling tired:resting", "smile:happiness" ] }
[ "\"shaking head\" can mean \"opposition\".", "\"mood\" includes \"anger\".", "\"sign language\" can convey \"meaning\", \"meaning\" is not the connotation of something.", "when someone is \"feeling tired\", he or she needs \"resting\", and \"resting\" is not the connotation of \"feeling tired\".", "\"smile\" can mean \"happiness\"." ]
[ [ [ "shaking head", "opposition", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "anger", "mood", "R2.2" ] ], [], [], [ [ "smile", "happiness", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "fish:fish head:fish tail", "police:criminal police:traffic police", "music:classical music:popular music", "rmb:usd:krw" ] }
[ "the \"collar\" and \"sleeves\" are part of the \"clothes\".", "\"fish head\" and \"fish tail\" are the components of \"fish\".", "\"criminal police\" and \"traffic police\" are both included in \"police\", which is a group, not a thing.", "\"classical music\" and \"pop music\" both belong to \"music\". \"classical music\" and \"pop music\" are not part of \"music\".", "\"rmb\", \"usd\" and \"krw\" are all currencies. \"usd\" and \"krw\" are not components of \"rmb\"." ]
[ [ [ "clothes", "collar", "sleeves", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "fish", "fish head", "fish tail", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "police", "criminal police", "traffic police", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "music", "classical music", "popular music", "R2.2" ] ], [] ]
american ginseng:united states
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "violin:south korea", "blueberry:china", "champagne:france", "cranberry:canada" ] }
[ "\"american ginseng\" is grown in the \"united states\".", "\nthe origins of \"violin\" is italy, not \"south korea\".\n\n ", "\none of the origins of \"blueberries\" is \"china\", and the origin of \"blueberries\" is america.\n\n\n\n ", "the origin of \"champagne\" is \"france\".", "the origin place of \"cranberry\" is america, not \"canada\"." ]
[ [ [ "american ginseng", "united states", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [ [ "champagne", "france", "R3.10" ] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "dictionary:computer:knowledge", "newspaper:television:media", "books:infomation:disk", "stamps:letters:emotions" ] }
[ "\"culture\" refers to the sum of material wealth and spiritual wealth created by human beings in the process of social and historical development. \"language\" and \"characters\" both belong to \"culture\", in addition to \"language\" and \"characters\" , customs also belong to \"culture\" \"", "\"dictionary\" and \"computer\" are not the same.", "\"Media\" refers to the mass media. Both \"newspaper\" and \"TV\" belong to \"media\".", "\"information\" is available through \"books\", but \"books\" and \"information\" are not one class.", "a \"stamp\" is required to mail a \"letter\", but \"stamp\" and \"letter\" are not in the same category." ]
[ [ [ "language", "character", "R2.4" ] ], [], [ [ "newspaper", "television", "R2.4" ], [] ], [ [ "books", "infomation", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "stamps", "letters", "R3.10" ] ] ]
film and television works:tv series
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "apple:mango", "teacher:staff", "rights:money", "tree:poplar" ] }
[ "\"film and television work\" is a type of \"tv series\".", "both \"apple\" and \"mango\" are fruits.", "\"teacher\" is a kind of \"staff\", but the word order is inconsistent with the query.", "\"money\" is not a \"right\".", "\"poplar\" is a type of \"tree\"." ]
[ [ [ "tv series", "film and television works", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "apple", "mango", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "teacher", "staff", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "money", "rights", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "poplar", "tree", "R2.2" ] ] ]
works:books:series of books
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "skirt:clothes:clothing", "tree:wood:forest", "idioms:words:vocabulary", "man:crowd:people" ] }
[ "\"works\" belongs to \"books\". \"series of books\" refers to a set of \"books\" that are compiled from many \"books\".", "\"clothes\" is a kind of \"clothing\", and \"clothing\" is not composed of \"clothes\".", "\"tree\" is part of \"wood\" and \"wood\" is part of \"forest\".", "\"idioms\" belong to \"words\". \"vocabulary\" refers to the sum of all (or a specific range of) words and fixed phrases in a language.", "a \"man\" is part of a \"crowd\". but \"people\" are not made up of \"crowds\"." ]
[ [ [ "works", "books", "R2.2" ], [ "books", "series of books", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "clothes", "clothing", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "tree", "wood", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "idioms", "words", "R2.2" ], [ "words", "vocabulary", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "man", "crowd", "R2.3" ] ] ]
nanjing university:southeast university
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "studying abroad:entrance", "zhejiang:yangtze river", "general motors:ford", "spacecraft:machine" ] }
[ "\"nanjing university\" and \"southeast university\" belong to university.", "\"studying abroad\" means going to a foreign country to receive education, and \"entrance\" means entering a grade or school higher than the original one.", "\"yangtze river\" flows through \"zhejiang\" province, and \"zhejiang\" and \"yangtze river\" are not in the same category.", "\"general motors\" and \"ford\" are companies.", "\"spacecraft\" belongs to \"machines\". \"spacecraft\" and \"machines\" are not in the same category." ]
[ [ [ "nanjing university", "southeast university", "R2.4" ] ], [], [ [ "zhejiang", "yangtze river", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "general motors", "ford", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "spacecraft", "machine", "R2.2" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "transportation:goods:train", "breeding:carp:restaurant", "training:soldier:battlefield", "tame:dolphin:sea" ] }
[ "\"ore\" can be \"explored\". \"factory\" is the processing place of \"ore\".", "a \"train\" can \"transport\" \"goods\", and it is not a processing place for \"goods\".", "\"carps\" can be \"bred\". \"restaurant\" is the processing place of \"carps\".", "the \"soldier\" fights on the \"battlefield\", which is not a processing place for the \"soldiers\".", "\"dolphins\" live in the \"sea\", which is not a processing place for \"dolphins\"." ]
[ [ [ "exploration", "ore", "factory", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "carp", "restaurant", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "soldier", "battlefield", "R3.5" ] ], [ [ "dolphin", "sea", "R3.5" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "sandstorm:beyond the border", "noble:plum blossom", "friendly:schoolmate", "humor:jokes" ] }
[ "\"swan\" means \"elegance\".", "many \"sandstorms\" have an environment that is \"beyond the border\", and \"beyond the border\" corresponds to \"sandstorms\".", "\"plum blossom\" stands for \"noble\".", "classmates refer to \"schoolmates\", and \"friendly\" may refer to classmate relationships.", "one form of \"humor\" is a \"joke\"." ]
[ [ [ "swan", "elegance", "R3.4" ] ], [ [ "beyond the border", "sandstorm", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "plum blossom", "noble", "R3.4" ] ], [ [ "schoolmate", "friendly", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "jokes", "humor", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "annotations:citations", "window frame:glass", "structure:content", "team leader:team member" ] }
[ "both \"title\" and \"text\" are part of an article.", "\"notes\" refers to the words that introduce and comment on the vocabulary, content, background and quotation of a book or article. However, a book has other words besides \"notes\" and \"quotation\".", "both \"window frame\" and \"glass\" are components of a window.", "\"structure\" and \"content\" are two aspects of evaluating an article or article, but they are not part of the substance.", "the \"team leader\" leads the \"team members\" to participate in the activities, but there are other team members besides the \"team leader\" and \"team members\"." ]
[ [ [ "title", "text", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "annotations", "citations", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "window frame", "glass", "R2.4" ] ], [], [ [ "team leader", "team member", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "oasis:desert", "red side:blue side", "open:optimistic", "white jade:jade" ] }
[ "\"happy\" is the opposite of \"sad\".", "\"oasis\" is the opposite of \"desert\".", "the \"red side\" and the \"blue side\" are two different groups, and the \"red side\" and the \"blue side\" are both groups.", "the opposite of \"open\" is closed, the opposite of \"optimistic\" is pessimism, and there is no obvious logical relationship between the two.", "\"white jade\" is a kind of \"jade\", and \"white jade\" is not the opposite of \"jade\"." ]
[ [ [ "happy", "sad", "R1.2" ] ], [ [ "oasis", "desert", "R1.2" ] ], [ [ "red side", "blue side", "R2.4" ] ], [], [ [ "white jade", "jade", "R2.2" ] ] ]
genuine leather:logo
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "analog:communication", "noise:range", "train:carriage", "china:stamps" ] }
[ "the proof mark of \"genuine leather\" is the \"genuine leather\" \"logo\".", "\"analog\" \"communication\" is a kind of \"communication\".", "the measurement of \"noise\" is the \"noise\" \"range\".", "the \"carriage\" is part of the \"train\".", "\"chinese\" \"stamps\" are a kind of \"stamps\"." ]
[ [ [ "genuine leather", "logo", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "analog", "communication", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "noise", "range", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "train", "carriage", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "china", "stamps", "R2.2" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "waves:ocean", "rainstorm:thunder and lightning", "white cloud:blue sky", "electricity:grid" ] }
[ "\"mountain\" is part of \"land\".", "\"wave\" is part of \"ocean\".", "weather phenomena include \"rainstorm\" and \"thunder and lightning\".", "there are \"white clouds\" in the \"blue sky\".", "\"electricity\" is transported and distributed by the \"grid\"." ]
[ [ [ "mountain", "land", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "waves", "ocean", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "rainstorm", "thunder and lightning", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "white cloud", "blue sky", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "electricity", "grid", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "dredge:acupuncture:massage", "win a lawsuit:defense:hiring an attorney", "apply:review:pass", "calcium deficiency:calcium supplementation:dietotherapy" ] }
[ "the purpose of \"exercise\" is for \"health\", and \"jogging\" is a form of \"exercise\"", "disease treatment includes \"acupuncture\" and \"massage\", \"massage\" is not a form of \"acupuncture\"", "\"Win a lawsuit\" means to handle a thing carefully, \"defend\" means to handle things carefully and carefully. \"Win a lawsuit\" and \"defend\" are similar in meaning, but not similar to \"hire a lawyer\".", "first \"apply\" then \"review\" and finally \"pass\"", "the reason why the human body needs \"calcium supplementation\" is because of \"calcium deficiency\"" ]
[ [ [ "health", "exercise", "R3.9" ], [ "exercise", "jogging", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "acupuncture", "massage", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "win a lawsuit", "defense", "R3.9" ], [ "defense", "hiring an attorney", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "apply", "review", "pass", "R5.2" ] ], [ [ "calcium deficiency", "calcium supplementation", "R5.1" ] ] ]
military uniform:soldier
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "suit:woman", "clothing:occasion", "police uniform:police", "uniform:postman" ] }
[ "a \"military uniform\" is the uniform of a \"soldier\".", "a \"woman\" can wear a \"suit\" or not, and a \"woman\" is not a profession.", "different \"clothes\" are suitable for different \"occasions\", and \"occasions\" and \"clothing\" are related in some way, but the corresponding way is inconsistent with the query.", "a \"police uniform\" is the uniform of a \"police\".", "\"uniform\" includes the prescribed styles of clothing for all walks of life, and does not specifically refer to the \"uniform\" of the \"postman\"." ]
[ [ [ "uniform", "soldier", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "occasion", "clothing", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "police uniform", "police", "R3.10" ] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "firm:loose", "detailed:brief", "steadfast:worry", "male:female" ] }
[ "\"unblocked\" means unimpeded passage. \"Congestion\" is often used to describe vehicles.", "\"firm\" is not the opposite of \"loose\".", "\"detailed\" and \"brief\" have opposite meanings, and \"detailed\" and \"brief\" are juxtaposed.", "\"steadfast\" is not the opposite of \"worry\".", "\"male\" and \"female\" are antonyms, and \"male\" and \"female\" conflict." ]
[ [ [ "unblocked", "congestion", "R2.6" ] ], [], [ [ "detailed", "brief", "R2.6" ] ], [], [ [ "male", "female", "R2.5" ] ] ]
e-books:paper books:reading
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "oil painting:sketching:painting", "tape measure:rectangle:measurement", "calculator:abacus:calculation", "balance:weighing scale:weighing" ] }
[ "\"e-book\" and \"paper book\" are different book forms, and \"e-book\" is a modern book form.", "both \"oil painting\" and \"sketching\" are a type of \"painting\".", "\"measurement\" uses \"tape measure\", and the \"rectangle\" is a geometric figure, and \"rectangle\" and \"tape measure\" have no obvious logical relationship with \"measurement\".", "the \"calculator\" and the \"abacus\" are different \"calculation\" tools. \"calculator\" is a modern \"calculation\" tool, while the \"abacus\" is a traditional \"calculation\" tool.", "there are different \"balances\" and \"weighing scales\" for different \"weighing\", and \"balances\" and \"weighing scales\" are both modern \"weighing\" tools." ]
[ [ [ "e-books", "paper books", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "oil painting", "sketching", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "tape measure", "measurement", "R3.3" ] ], [ [ "calculator", "abacus", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "balance", "weighing scale", "R2.4" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "france:switzerland:italy", "china:vietnam:japan", "usa:canada:mexico", "brazil:argentina:panama" ] }
[ "\"china\", \"vietnam\" and \"laos\" are countries bordering each other.", "\"france\", \"switzerland\" and \"italy\" are countries bordering each other.", "\"china\" and \"japan\" are separated from each other by the sea.", "geographically, \"mexico\" and \"canada\" do not share borders.", "geographically, \"panama\" and \"brazil\" do not share borders." ]
[ [ [ "china", "vietnam", "laos", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "france", "switzerland", "italy", "R2.6" ] ], [], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "crutches:legs", "mask:mouth and nose", "hat:head", "watch:wrist" ] }
[ "\"glasses\" is a tool for correcting eyesight, and has the function of assisting human body to \"eyes\".", "\"crutches\" is a tool that is convenient for walking, and has the function of assisting human body to \"legs\".", "\"mask\" can protect the \"mouth and nose\", but it does not have the function of assisting the human body.", "\"hat\" can protect the \"head\" and also play a decorative role, but it does not have the function of assisting the human body.", "\"watch\" is worn on the \"wrist\", but does not have the function of assisting the human body." ]
[ [ [ "glasses", "eyes", "R2.2" ] ], [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "fairy tales:books:video", "thrush:bird:fish", "lens:sunglass:reading glasses", "fog:rain:wind" ] }
[ "\"plant\" includes \"rose\", \"plant\" and \"animal\" are living things.", "the carrier of \"fairy tales\" is \"books\".", "\"bird\" includes \"thrush\", and \"bird\" and \"fish\" are all animals.", "\"lens\" is part of \"sunglasses\" and \"reading glasses\".", "weather phenomena include \"fog\" , \"rain\" and \"wind\"." ]
[ [ [ "rose", "plant", "R2.2" ], [ "plant", "animal", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "books", "fairy tales", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "thrush", "bird", "R2.2" ], [ "bird", "fish", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "lens", "reading glasses", "R2.3" ], [ "lens", "reading glasses", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "fog", "rain", "wind", "R2.4" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "black:white", "survivor:victim", "sunny:cloudy", "old people:children" ] }
[ "\"left-handed\" and \"right-handed\" are completely complementary.", "colors include \"black\", \"white\", and other colors.", "\"survivor\" and \"victim\" are completely complementary.", "weather includes \"sunny\", \"cloudy\", and other weather.", "in addition to \"old people\" and \"children\", there are also middle-aged people." ]
[ [ [ "left-handed", "right-handed", "R2.5" ] ], [ [ "black", "white", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "survivor", "victim", "R2.5" ] ], [ [ "sunny", "cloudy", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "old people", "children", "R2.6" ] ] ]
rabbit:green grass
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "silkworm:mulberry leaf", "dog:rat", "fish:river water", "worm:chicken" ] }
[ "the food of \"green grass\" is \"rabbit\"", "the food of \"mulberry leaf\" is \"silkworm\"", "\"dogs\" and \"rats\" are animals", "the activity location of \"fish\" is \"river water\"", "the food of \"chicken\" is \"worm\"" ]
[ [ [ "green grass", "rabbit", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "mulberry leaf", "silkworm", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "rat", "dog", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "river water", "fish", "R3.6" ] ], [ [ "worm", "chicken", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "hospital:disinfection:safety", "folk art:storytelling:entertainment", "driver:driving:reliability", "news:review:objectivity" ] }
[ "one of the \"social\" platforms is \"weibo\", and \"weibo\" has \"immediacy\".", "\"hospital\" requires \"disinfection\", but \"hospital\" does not include \"disinfection\"", "\"folk art\" includes \"storytelling\", and \"storytelling\" is \"entertainment\".", "\"driver\" is the subject of \"driving\", and \"driving\" does not necessarily have \"reliability\".", "the two major genres that make up a newspaper are \"news\" and \"review\", and \"review\" has \"objectivity\"" ]
[ [ [ "social", "weibo", "R2.2" ], [ "weibo", "immediacy", "R3.1" ] ], [ [ "hospital", "disinfection", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "folk art", "storytelling", "R2.2" ], [ "storytelling", "entertainment", "R3.1" ] ], [ [ "driver", "driving", "R4.1" ] ], [ [ "news", "review", "R2.4" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "dust:history", "eloquence:reason", "skin:age", "luck:grades" ] }
[ "the state of \"leaves\" will change with the changes of \"seasons\", and \"leaves\" correspond to \"seasons\".", "\"dust\" is a particle suspended in the air, while \"history\" is a historical event that records and explains a series of human activities. There is no obvious correspondence between the two.", "a good \"eloquence\" helps to clarify \"truth\", and \"eloquence\" corresponds to \"truth\", but the way is inconsistent with the topic.", "the state of \"skin\" changes with \"age\", and \"skin\" corresponds to \"age\".", "during the test, the quality of \"luck\" may affect the \"grade\", and \"luck\" corresponds to \"grade\", but the word order is opposite to the question stem." ]
[ [ [ "leaves", "season", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "eloquence", "reason", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "skin", "age", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "luck", "grades", "R3.10" ] ] ]
spacesuit:shrimp shell
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "saw:flower", "plane:fish", "paddle:foot", "gas mask:pig nose" ] }
[ "\"Spacesuits\" are invented partly based on the imitation of \"shrimp shell\", because a \"shrimp shell\" is flexible but hard.", "\"saws\" are invented based on the imitation of leafs with a spiny texture, not \"flowers\".", "\"Planes\" are invented based on the imitation of birds, not \"fishes\".", "\"paddles\" are invented based on the imitation of fins, not \"feet\".", "\"gas masks\" are invented based on the imitation of \"pig noses\", because pigs stick their noses into the soil to filter poisonous gas." ]
[ [ [ "shrimp shell", "spacesuit", "R2.2" ], [ "shrimp shell", "spacesuit", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "saw", "flower", "R2.2" ], [ "flower", "saw", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "plane", "fish", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "foot", "paddle", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "pig nose", "gas mask", "R2.2" ], [ "pig nose", "gas mask", "R2.3" ] ] ]
head goose:goose formation
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "queen bee:hive", "hound:flock", "queen ants:worker ants", "lion king:lion group" ] }
[ "the \"head goose\" plays a leading role in the \"goose formation\", and the \"head goose\" is an integral part of the \"goose formation\".", "the \"hive\" is where the \"queen bee\" lives.", "the \"hound\" does not play a leading role in the \"herd\", and the \"hound\" is not part of the \"herd\".", "both \"queen ants\" and \"worker ants\" are ants, and \"queen ants\" are not part of \"worker ants\".", "the \"lion king\" plays a leading role in the \"lion group\", and the \"lion king\" is an integral part of the \"lion group\"." ]
[ [ [ "head goose", "goose formation", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "hive", "queen bee", "R3.6" ] ], [], [ [ "queen ants", "worker ants", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "lion king", "lion group", "R2.3" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "nitrogen:protein:intelligence", "lightning:rain:hold an umbrella", "snow:bumper year:delightful", "praise:confidence:optimism" ] }
[ "to have a \"forest\" there must be \"water\", and to have \"coal\" there must be \"forest\".", "\"proteins\" all contain the \"nitrogen\" element, and \"proteins\" are necessary to develop \"intelligence\".", "the necessary condition for \"rain\" is not \"lightning\", the necessary condition for \"holding an umbrella\" is not \"rain\", and it is also possible to \"hold an umbrella\" on sunny days.", "The necessary condition for a \"bumper year\" is not \"Snow\". A \"bumper year\" can make people feel \"joy\". The necessary condition for \"joy\" is not \"bumper year\".", "\"Praising\" others can make people feel \"confident\", but the necessary condition for \"confidence\" is not \"praise\", and the necessary condition for \"optimism\" is not \"confidence\"." ]
[ [ [ "water", "forest", "R5.4" ], [ "forest", "coal", "R5.4" ] ], [ [ "nitrogen", "protein", "R5.4" ], [ "protein", "intelligence", "R5.4" ] ], [], [], [] ]
product of labor:commodity:high quality and low price
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "orchid:plant:pleasant aroma", "metal:copper:conductivity", "natural gas:methane:combustion", "animals:mammals:burrowing" ] }
[ "\"Commodity\" is a kind of \"labor product\". Some \"commodities\" have the characteristics of \"good quality and low price\".", "\"orchid\" is a kind of \"plant\", but the word order is inconsistent with the query.", "\"copper\" is a kind of \"metal\", and \"conductivity\" is a property of \"copper\".", "\"methane\" is a component of \"natural gas\".", "\"mammals\" belong to \"animals\", and some \"mammals\" have the nature of \"burrowing\"." ]
[ [ [ "product of labor", "commodity", "R2.2" ], [ "high quality and low price", "commodity", "R3.1" ] ], [ [ "orchid", "plant", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "copper", "metal", "R2.2" ], [ "conductivity", "copper", "R3.1" ] ], [ [ "natural gas", "methane", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "animals", "mammals", "R2.2" ], [ "burrowing", "mammals", "R3.2" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "teacher:student", "eagle:mouse", "dragonfly:butterfly", "milk:cows" ] }
[ "\"frogs\" prey on \"pests\", and \"pests\" can be eaten by \"frogs\".", "\"teacher\" teaches \"student\", \"teacher\" is a profession, and \"student\" is the professional object of \"teacher\".", "the \"eagle\" preys on the \"mouse\", and the \"mouse\" is eaten by the \"eagle\".", "\"dragonflies\" and \"butterflies\" are the same species but not the same animal.", "\"cow\" can produce \"milk\"." ]
[ [ [ "frog", "pest", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "teacher", "student", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "eagle", "mouse", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "dragonfly", "butterfly", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "milk", "cows", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "programming:language", "review:exam", "experimental:study", "practice:truth" ] }
[ "\"discount\" is a means of \"promotion\".", "\"programming\" is a formal language used to define computer programs, and \"programming\" can modify \"language\".", "\"review\" is to prepare for an \"exam\", not the way of \"exam\".", "\"experiment\" is a means of \"research\".", "\"practice\" is the only criterion for testing \"truth\", and \"practice\" and \"truth\" do not belong to the correspondence of methods." ]
[ [ [ "discount", "promotion", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "programming", "language", "R4.3" ] ], [ [ "review", "exam", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "experimental", "study", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "practice", "truth", "R3.10" ] ] ]
bed:guest room
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "plane ticket:airport", "smartness:iq", "desk:classroom", "car:driver" ] }
[ "\"beds\" are part of a \"guest room\".", "the credential for boarding at the \"airport\" is the \"plane ticket\", which is not part of the \"airport\".", "\"iq\" and \"smartness\" may be positively correlated, but \"smartness\" is not a component of \"iq\".", "the \"desk\" is part of the \"classroom\".", "a \"driver\" can drive a \"car\", which is not a component of a \"driver\"." ]
[ [ [ "bed", "guest room", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "plane ticket", "airport", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "smartness", "iq", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "desk", "classroom", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "driver", "car", "R4.4" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "rice:cooked rice", "iron:rust", "cloud:rain", "tree:wood" ] }
[ "\"water\" and \"ice\" are two different physical forms.", "the raw material of \"cooked rice\" is \"rice\".", "the oxidation compound of \"iron\" is \"rust\", and the two do not have the same nature.", "\"cloud\" and \"rain\" are two different physical forms.", "\"Tree\" includes \"wood\", but \"tree\" has life and \"wood\" has no life. The two do not have the same essence." ]
[ [], [], [ [] ], [ [] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "leather bag:zipper:make", "bridge:steel:welding", "furniture:wood:paint", "song:notes:combination" ] }
[ "\"building\" can be made of \"cement\", and the decoration of a \"building\" needs \"whitewash\".", "some \"leather bags\" have \"zippers\".", "\"steel\" is an integral part of the \"bridge\", but \"welding\" is a manufacturing process, not a way to decorate the \"bridge\".", "\"furniture\" can be made of \"wood\", and \"paint\" is used to decorate \"furniture\".", "the notation for the sound duration or high pitch of a \"song\" is a \"note\"." ]
[ [ [ "building", "cement", "R3.7" ], [ "building", "whitewash", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "leather bag", "zipper", "R2.3" ] ], [], [ [ "furniture", "wood", "R3.7" ], [ "furniture", "paint", "R3.10" ] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "the 18-years-olds and above:have the right to vote", "bloom:bear fruit", "the ground is not wet:it is not raining", "friction:heat generation" ] }
[ "Once it rains, the ground will be wet.", "\"the 18-years-olds and above\" may have \"the right to vote\", and those who are deprived of political rights do not have \"the right to vote\".", "\"blooming\" may \"bear fruits\".", "if \"the ground is not wet\", then \"it is not raining\".", "\"friction\" may have \"heat generation\", but static \"friction\" does not generate heat." ]
[ [ [] ], [], [], [ [] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "papers:authors:citations", "port:cargo:throughput", "movie:audience:box office", "competition:organizer:sponsorship" ] }
[ "the object of reading \"newspapers\" is called \"readers\", and \"circulation\" is the standard to measure the sales of \"newspapers\".", "the service object of \"paper\" is not \"author\", and \"citation rate\" is not the standard to measure the sales volume of \"paper\".", "\"port\" is the transportation hub and distribution center of \"goods\", and \"goods\" is not the service and use object of \"port\". \"Throughput\" is not a measure of \"port\" sales.", "the \"audience\" watches the \"movie\". \"Box office\" is the standard to measure the sales of \"films\".", "the \"organizer\" is the operator, not the service object of the \"competition\", and the \"sponsorship\" is not the standard for measuring the \"competition\"." ]
[ [ [ "newspaper", "reader", "R3.10" ], [ "newspaper", "circulation", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "papers", "authors", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "port", "cargo", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "movie", "audience", "R3.10" ], [ "movie", "box office", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "organizer", "competition", "R3.10" ], [ "organizer", "sponsorship", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "art:economics", "train:railway", "marriage:love", "trouble:desire" ] }
[ "only when there is a \"foundation\" can there be a \"house\".", "both \"art\" and \"economics\" are a discipline, and there is no obvious logical relationship.", "only when there is a \"railway\" can there be a \"train\".", "without \"love\", there may also be \"marriage\"", "without \"desire\", there may also be \"troubles\"" ]
[ [ [ "house", "foundation", "R5.4" ] ], [], [ [ "train", "railway", "R5.4" ] ], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "oriole:mantis:cicada", "elephant:prairie:ant", "camel:desert:water", "owl:crop:vole" ] }
[ "'woodpeckers' catching 'bugs' on 'trees'", "\"mantis\" does not belong to the event venue.", "The prey of \"elephant\" is not \"ant\".", "The prey of \"camel\" is not \"water\".", "there are \"owls\" in the \"crops\" preying on \"voles\"" ]
[ [ [ "woodpecker", "tree", "bug", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [], [ [ "owl", "crop", "vole", "R3.10" ] ] ]
soy:soy sauce
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "lemon:white vinegar", "starch:rice cake", "peanuts:sesame oil", "sugar cane:brown sugar" ] }
[ "\"soybean\" can be used to make \"soy sauce\", and \"soy\" is the raw material of \"soy sauce\".", "the main raw material of \"white vinegar\" is rice, not \"lemon\".", "the main raw material of \"rice cake\" is glutinous rice, not \"starch\".", "the main raw material of \"sesame oil\" is sesame, not \"peanut\".", "\"sugar cane\" can be used to make \"brown sugar\", and \"sugar cane\" is the raw material of \"brown sugar\"." ]
[ [ [ "soy", "soy sauce", "R3.7" ] ], [], [], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "invasion:country", "territory:safeguard", "privacy:invasion", "get married:spouse" ] }
[ "\"Power\" can be \"blasphemed\", and blasphemy of power describes a negative phenomenon.", "\"country\" is \"invaded\", but the word order is inconsistent with that of the query.", "\"Territory\" can be \"maintained\", but the maintenance of territory is not a negative phenomenon.", "\"Privacy\" can be \"violated\", and invasion of privacy describes a negative phenomenon.", "we call them “spouse\" after \"getting married\"." ]
[ [], [], [], [], [ [ "get married", "spouse", "R3.10" ] ] ]
measuring cup:ml
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "car:km", "fuel dispenser:liters", "ship:container", "hotel:accommodation" ] }
[ "\"measuring cup\" is a measuring tool, and \"ml\" is the unit of measurement for \"measuring cup\"", "\"car\" is not a measuring tool, and \"km\" is not a unit of measurement for \"car\".", "\"gas dispenser\" is a measurement tool used to settle the volume of gasoline sold by the office, and \"liter\" is the unit of measurement for \"gas dispenser\"", "\"Ship\" is a means of transporting \"containers\", and \"ship\" is not a measuring tool.", "The function of \"Hotel\" is to provide \"accommodation\", and \"Hotel\" is not a measuring tool." ]
[ [ [ "measuring cup", "ml", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "fuel dispenser", "liters", "R3.10" ] ], [], [] ]
carbon dioxide:coral skeleton:corrode
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "species extinction:animal:threat", "natural and man-made disasters:species:decrease", "soil desertification:air:haze", "warming:glaciers:melt" ] }
[ "\"carbon dioxide\" will cause water acidification, and \"coral skeleton\" will be \"corroded\" by \"carbon dioxide\".", "\"species extinction\" is the non-renewable disappearance or destruction of \"animal\" species. \"species extinction\" itself includes the meaning of animals being threatened, which is inconsistent with the logical relationship of the query.", "because of \"natural and man-made disasters\", the number of \"species\" is \"reduced\", and \"natural disasters\" and \"man-made disasters\" are not the same category.", "\"soil desertification\" will lead to \"haze\". Haze is a state of \"air\".", "\"climate warming\" will cause \"glaciers\" to \"melt\"." ]
[ [ [ "carbon dioxide", "corrode", "coral skeleton", "R5.1" ] ], [], [ [ "natural and man-made disasters", "species", "decrease", "R5.1" ] ], [ [ "soil desertification", "haze", "R5.1" ], [ "haze", "air", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "warming", "glaciers", "melt", "R5.1" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "man:clothes", "bird:feather", "books:table of contents", "silkworm:cocoon" ] }
[ "\"scales\" are part of a \"fish\", and a \"fish\" is an animal.", "\"men\" need \"clothes\" to cover their bodies.", "\"feathers\" are part of \"birds\", and \"birds\" are animals.", "the \"table of contents\" is part of a \"book\", but a \"book\" is not an animal.", "the protective layer of the pupal stage of \"silkworm\" is \"cocoon\"." ]
[ [ [ "fish", "scales", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "man", "clothes", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [ [ "silkworm", "cocoon", "R3.10" ] ] ]
musical note:sheet music:five-line staff
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "stroke:characters:Chinese characters", "trees:forest:nature", "ear of rice:rice:fragrant rice", "satellite:nebula:universe" ] }
[ "\"sheet music\" is a part of \"musical note\", and \"musical note\" includes \"five-line staff\",", "\"characters\" consist of \"strokes\", and \"characters\" include \"chinese characters\"", "\"forest\" consist of \"trees\", and \"forest\" is a part of \"nature\".", "the component of \"ear of rice\" includes \"rice\", but the word order is inconsistent with the query.", "natural celestial bodies that orbit a planet and periodically operate in a closed orbit are \"satellites\", including man-made satellites. \"Nebulae\" are interstellar clouds of dust, hydrogen, helium and other ionized gases. There is no obvious logical relationship between the two." ]
[ [ [ "musical note", "sheet music", "R2.3" ], [ "sheet music", "five-line staff", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "stroke", "Chinese characters", "R2.3" ], [] ], [ [ "trees", "forest", "R2.3" ], [ "forest", "nature", "R2.3" ] ], [], [] ]
record:record book
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "consultation:consultation room", "copy:copywork", "driving:driving license", "storage:storage disk" ] }
[ "the \"record book\" is the carrier of the \"record\" content, and the \"record book\" and \"record\" are related in some way.", "\"consultation room\" is the place of \"consultation\".", "\"copywork\" is the finished product of \"copy\".", "a \"driving license\" is a necessary condition for obtaining the qualification to \"drive\" a motor vehicle.", "\"storage disk\" is a carrier for \"storaging\" files, and \"storage disk\" and \"storage\" are related in some way." ]
[ [ [ "record book", "record", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "consultation room", "consultation", "R3.5" ] ], [ [ "copywork", "copy", "R3.10" ] ], [ [] ], [ [ "storage disk", "storage", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "mall:cleaning", "school:propaganda", "road:drive", "post office:remittance" ] }
[ "the \"classroom\" is the place where students \"self-study\", and the activities do not require external force.", "\"mall\" is the place where goods are sold, and \"mall\" is not the place for \"cleaning\".", "\"School\" is the place for teaching and educating people, and \"school\" is not the place for \"propaganda\".", "the \"road\" is where the driver \"drives\" and does not require external force.", "the \"post office\" is the place where the \"remittance\" takes place, but it requires external help." ]
[ [ [ "classroom", "self-study", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [ [ "road", "drive", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "post office", "remittance", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "clam:pearl", "bird:nest", "crab:bee", "pig:pork" ] }
[ "\"milk\" can be produced by a \"cow\".", "\"pearls\" can be produced by \"clams\".", "\"nest\" cannot be produced by \"birds\", and \"birds\" produce bird eggs.", "both \"crabs\" and \"bees\" belong to animals, and \"crabs\" cannot be produced by \"bees\".", "\"pork\" is a part of \"pig\", and \"pork\" cannot be produced by \"pig\"." ]
[ [ [ "cow", "milk", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "clam", "pearl", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "crab", "bee", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "pig", "pork", "R2.3" ] ] ]
road hog:crack down:Underworld Forces
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "homework:review:basic course", "friendship:maintenance:world peace", "honesty:pay attention to:social harmony", "pencils:buy:school supplies" ] }
[ "a \"road hog\" is a person who illegally stops passing vehicles and pedestrians on the road and forces them to pay tolls, and a \"road hog\" is a type of \"Underworld Forces\". \"road hogs\" will be \"cracked down\", \"Underworld Forces\" will be \"cracked down\".", "\"homework\" refers to the knowledge and skills that students learn in accordance with regulations, and \"basic courses\" refer to a series of courses or a course group designed and arranged to provide students with basic knowledge and basic theories and to cultivate students' basic abilities and basic qualities. \"homework\" will be \"reviewed\" and \"basic courses\" will be \"reviewed\".", "\"friendship\" will be \"maintained\" and \"world peace\" will be \"maintained\".", "we should \"pay attention to\" \"honest\" and maintain \"social harmony\".", "\"pencil\" will be \"purchased\", \"school supplies\" will be \"purchased\", and \"pencil\" is a type of \"school supplies\"." ]
[ [ [ "crack down", "road hog", "R4.2" ] ], [ [ "homework", "review", "R4.2" ], [ "review", "basic course", "R4.2" ] ], [ [ "maintenance", "friendship", "R4.2" ], [ "maintenance", "world peace", "R4.2" ] ], [ [ "pay attention to", "honesty", "R4.2" ] ], [ [ "buy", "pencils", "R4.2" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "believe:believe in one side", "reading:literacy", "tacitly write:recite", "learning:auditing" ] }
[ "\"fly\" and \"walk\" are both ways to change position.", "\"believing in one side\" is a kind of \"believing\".", "\"literacy\" is a necessary condition for \"reading\".", "both \"tacitly write\" and \"recite\" are ways of memory.", "\"auditing\" refers to informally attending lectures in a class, which is a way of \"learning\", and \"auditing\" corresponds to \"learning\"." ]
[ [ [ "fly", "walk", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "believe in one side", "believe", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "literacy", "reading", "R5.4" ] ], [ [ "tacitly write", "recite", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "auditing", "learning", "R3.10" ] ] ]
drunk driving:suspension from driving
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "crime:legal punishment", "retirement:receive a pension", "pray:pass the exam", "passport:travel abroad" ] }
[ "\"drunk driving\" led to a \"suspension from driving\".", "\"crimes\" lead to \"legal punishment\".", "one cannot \"receive a pension\" without \"retirement\".", "the subjects of \"praying\" and \"passing the exam\" can be the same person.", "one cannot \"travel abroad\" without a \"passport\"." ]
[ [ [ "drunk driving", "suspension from driving", "R5.1" ] ], [ [ "crime", "legal punishment", "R5.1" ] ], [], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "computer:mobile", "vulture:graphite", "apple:papaya", "butterfly:grasshopper" ] }
[ "\"penguin\" is an animal while \"agate\" is a mineral.", "both \"computer\" and \"mobile phone\" are electronic products.", "\"vulture\" is an animal while \"graphite\" is a mineral.", "\"apple\" and \"papaya\" are both fruits.", "both \"butterfly\" and \"grasshopper\" are insects." ]
[ [ [ "penguin", "agate", "R2.8" ] ], [ [ "computer", "mobile", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "vulture", "penguin", "R2.8" ] ], [ [ "apple", "papaya", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "butterfly", "grasshopper", "R2.4" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "plane:take off", "material:increase in price", "dream:realize", "mood:fluctuate" ] }
[ "\"life\" will be \"overdrawn\".", "the \"plane\" will \"take off\".", "\"material\" will \"increase in price\".", "\"dream\" will be \"realized\".", "\"mood\" can \"fluctuate\"." ]
[ [ [ "life", "overdraw", "R4.2" ] ], [ [ "plane", "take off", "R4.1" ] ], [ [ "material", "increase in price", "R4.1" ] ], [ [ "dream", "realize", "R4.2" ] ], [ [ "mood", "fluctuate", "R4.1" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "debut:masterpiece:literature", "router:isolation card:network", "submarine:nuclear submarine:technology", "polaris:big dipper:stars" ] }
[ "\"ultrasonic\" and \"infrasound\" are frequencies and can be used for \"military\" purposes.", "the term \"debut\" is mostly used for literary creation and other aspects, and refers to a writer's representative work in the first stage. some \"debuts\" are \"masterpieces\", and some \"masterpieces\" are \"debuts\".", "\"router\" and \"isolation card\" both refer to frequencies and can be used for \"network\" purposes.", "\"nuclear submarine\" belongs to \"submarine\".", "\"polaris\" and \"big dipper\" have no obvious logical relationship." ]
[ [ [ "ultrasonic", "infrasound", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "debut", "masterpiece", "R2.7" ] ], [ [ "router", "isolation card", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "nuclear submarine", "submarine", "R2.2" ] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "volleyball:basketball", "ship:freighter", "actor:singer", "photography:film" ] }
[ "some \"mps\" are \"women\", and some \"women\" are \"mps\".", "both \"volleyball\" and \"basketball\" are sports equipment.", "\"freighter\" all belongs to \"ships\".", "some \"actors\" are \"singers\", and some \"singers\" are \"actors\".", "\"photographing\" may use \"film\"." ]
[ [ [ "mp", "women", "R2.7" ] ], [ [ "volleyball", "basketball", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "freighter", "ship", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "actor", "singer", "R2.7" ] ], [ [ "photography", "film", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "lawyer:defendant", "trees:city", "contract:buyer", "air:health" ] }
[ "\"crops\" are protected by \"frogs\", which are creatures of nature.", "the \"lawyer\" provides legal services for the \"defendant\" and the plaintiff, but the \"lawyer\" is a profession.", "\"cities\" are protected by \"trees\", which are creatures of nature.", "the \"contract\" provides legal protection for the \"buyer\" and the \"seller\", but the \"contract\" is a man-made object.", "good \"air\" quality is good for \"health\"." ]
[ [ [ "frog", "crops", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "trees", "city", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "air", "health", "R3.10" ] ] ]
flagship store:store
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "golden waterway:route", "rolex:watch", "presidential suite:standard room", "diamond drill:porcelain" ] }
[ "the \"flagship store\" is a kind of \"store\", and it is the highest level store for displaying the brand image.", "the \"golden waterway\" is a kind of \"route\", and it refers to the waterway that ranks first among all rivers in the world in terms of freight volume.", "\"rolex\" is a \"watch\" brand, not a \"watch\".", "the different room types of the hotel include the \"presidential suite\" and the \"standard room\".", "\"diamond drill\" is different from \"porcelain\". Craftsmen specially use \"\"diamond drill\" to drill holes on broken \"porcelain\" to repair broken \"porcelain\"." ]
[ [ [ "flagship store", "store", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "golden waterway", "route", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "rolex", "watch", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "presidential suite", "standard room", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "diamond drill", "porcelain", "R3.8" ] ] ]
communication:mobile phone:huawei
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "flight:broadcast:airplane", "transportation:truck:dongfeng", "handling official business:computer:canon", "shopping mall:housing:renting" ] }
[ "a \"mobile phone\" has the function of \"communication\", and the brand of \"mobile phone\" is \"huawei\".", "there will be a \"broadcast\" when taking an \"airplane\" the \"airplane\" is used for \"flights\", and \"broadcasting\" is an action during the \"flight\".", "\"trucks\" have the function of \"transportation\", and a \"truck\" brand is \"dongfeng\".", "\"handling official business\" is a function of the \"computer\", but \"canon\" is not a brand of the \"computer\".", "\"House\" can be used as \"lease\", but the order of words is different from that of the title." ]
[ [ [ "mobile phone", "communication", "huawei", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "airplane", "flight", "R3.3" ] ], [ [ "truck", "transportation", "dongfeng", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "housing", "shopping mall", "R2.2" ] ] ]
fan:air conditioner
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "submarine:aircraft carrier", "raincoat:umbrella", "rice paper:computer", "candle:electric light" ] }
[ "\"Fan\" and \"air conditioner\" have the same cooling function. In addition, \"air conditioner\" has heating function.", "the \"submarine\" and \"aircraft carrier\" functions are not the same.", "\"Raincoat\" and \"umbrella\" have the same rain protection function. In addition, the \"umbrella\" has the sun shading function.", "\"rice paper\" and \"computer\" have different functions. \"rice paper\" is used for writing, and \"computer\" is used for typing.", "a \"candle\" has the same function as a \"electric light\" and can be used for lighting, except that the \"electric light\" has no other function." ]
[ [ [ "fan", "air conditioner", "R2.4" ] ], [], [ [ "raincoat", "umbrella", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "rice paper", "computer", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "candle", "electric light", "R2.4" ] ] ]
transportation expenses:accommodation expenses:lost work expenses
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "france:united kingdom:germany", "forest:trees:birch", "paper-cut:window flowers:light flowers", "spring clothes:autumn clothes:menswear" ] }
[ "\"transportation expenses\", \"lodging expenses\" and \"lost work expenses\" are all expenses.", "\"france\", \"britain\" and \"germany\" are all countries.", "\"forest\" is composed of \"trees\". \"forest\" contains \"trees\". \"birch\" is a kind of \"tree\", and there are others besides \"birch\".", "both \"window flowers\" and \"light flowers\" belong to \"paper-cut\", and there are others besides \"window flowers\" and \"light flowers\".", "\"spring clothes\" and \"autumn clothes\" are the same kind of clothes, and \"spring clothes\" and \"autumn clothes\" can be \"menswear\" or not." ]
[ [ [ "transportation expenses", "accommodation expenses", "lost work expenses", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "france", "united kingdom", "germany", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "forest", "trees", "R2.3" ], [ "trees", "birch", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "window flowers", "light flowers", "paper-cut", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "spring clothes", "autumn clothes", "R2.4" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "gasoline:petroleum", "ivory:elephant", "resin:amber", "sun:energy" ] }
[ "\"trees\" are the raw materials of \"coal\", which requires \"trees\" to undergo chemical changes after being buried for tens of millions of years.", "\"petroleum\" is the raw material for \"gasoline\", but it does not chemically change itself", "\"ivory\" is a part of \"elephant\", but \"ivory\" is not the raw material of \"elephant\"", "\"resin\" is the raw material of \"amber\", which requires \"resin\" to undergo chemical changes after being buried for tens of millions of years.", "Solar energy can be formed by nuclear fusion reaction inside the \"sun\". Solar energy is a kind of \"sun\", but \"sun\" is not a raw material" ]
[ [ [ "trees", "coal", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "gasoline", "petroleum", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "ivory", "elephant", "R2.3" ] ], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "mate:partner", "leader:consultant", "guide:follower", "conductor:performance" ] }
[ "\"rowing\" needs \"steering\".", "\"mates\" and \"partners\" are similar in their meanings. \"partners\" are not determined by \"mates\", which does not play a decisive role.", "\"consultants\" provide reference for the \"leader\" to make decisions and they do not play a decisive role.", "\"guides\" and \"followers\" have no obvious logical relationship.", "\"performance\" requires a \"conductor\", who plays a decisive role." ]
[ [ [ "steering", "rowing", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "mate", "partner", "R1.1" ] ], [], [], [ [ "conductor", "performance", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "college entrance examination:enrollment:graduation", "design:product:use", "driving:road:trips", "registration:seeing a doctor:recovery" ] }
[ "from \"registration\" to \"training\" to \"completion\".", "colleges and universities must \"enrollment\" before students can \"graduate\". \"Graduation\" and \"enrollment\" are not in chronological order.", "\"design\" to \"use\" do not follow a chronological order like \"product\".", "drivers \"drive\" on \"roads\", which have no chronological order with \"trips\".", "from \"registration\" to \"seeing a doctor\" to \"recovery\"." ]
[ [ [ "registration", "training", "completion", "R5.2" ] ], [], [], [ [ "road", "driving", "R3.6" ] ], [ [ "registration", "seeing a doctor", "recovery", "R5.2" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "scholars:doing research", "writing:materials", "teacher:school", "result:survey" ] }
[ "the main responsibility of the \"student\" is to \"study\".", "the main responsibility of \"scholars\" is to \"do research\".", "the necessary condition of \"writing\" is \"materials\". The main responsibility of \"writing\" is not \"materials\".", "the workplace of \"teachers\" is the \"school\". The main responsibility of \"teachers\" is not the \"school\".", "\"results\" can be obtained through \"surveys\". The main responsibility of \"results\" is not \"surveys\"." ]
[ [ [ "student", "studying", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "scholars", "doing research", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "materials", "writing", "R5.4" ] ], [ [ "school", "teacher", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "survey", "result", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "chef:menu", "broadcasting:television", "bank:money", "enterprise:manager" ] }
[ "both \"newspapers\" and \"magazines\" are carriers, and news is also a carrier.", "\"chef\" and \"menu\" are job titles and tools, not communication tools.", "both \"broadcasting\" and \"television\" are communication tools, and the internet is also a communication tool.", "\"bank\" and \"money\" are places and objects separately, not means of communication.", "\"enterprise\" and \"manager\" belong to the place of work and position separately, not a means of communication." ]
[ [ [ "newspaper", "magazine", "R2.6" ] ], [ [] ], [ [] ], [], [ [] ] ]
ups and downs:profit and loss
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "kind and evil:good and bad", "fat and thin:tall and short", "defeat or victory:win or lose", "correct or wrong:true or false" ] }
[ "\"profit\" is because of \"up\" and \"loss\" is because of \"down\".", "\"Good\" is because of \"kind\" and \"bad\" is because of \"evil\".", "being \"fat\" is not because of being \"tall\".", "\"defeat\" and \"win\" have opposite meanings, which is the same for \"victory\" and \"lose\".", "\"correct\" and \"true\" have similar meanings, which is the same for \"wrong\" and \"false\"." ]
[ [ [], [] ], [ [], [] ], [ [ "tall and short", "fat and thin", "R2.6" ] ], [ [], [] ], [ [], [] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "compress:obey", "unite:purify", "increase:expand", "persist:improve" ] }
[ "\"erode\" and \"weaken\" have similar meanings.", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"compress\" and \"obey\".", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"unite\" and \"purify\".", "\"increase\" and \"expand\" have similar meanings.", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"persist\" and \"improve\"." ]
[ [ [ "erode", "weaken", "R1.1" ] ], [], [], [ [ "increase", "expand", "R1.1" ] ], [] ]
food security:national security
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "traditional culture:chinese culture", "family harmony:social harmony", "mainstream media:print media", "salary:fixed pay" ] }
[ "only \"food security\" can have \"national security\".", "\"traditional culture\" can be \"chinese culture\" and \"chinese culture\" can be \"traditional culture\".", "only with \"family harmony\" can there be \"social harmony\".", "\"mainstream media\" can be \"paper media\" and \"paper media\" can be \"mainstream media\".", "\"salary\" is typically paid on a monthly basis but often expressed as an annual sum, and \"salary\" is also known as \"fixed pay\"." ]
[ [ [ "food security", "national security", "R5.4" ] ], [ [ "traditional culture", "chinese culture", "R2.7" ] ], [ [ "family harmony", "social harmony", "R5.4" ] ], [ [ "mainstream media", "print media", "R2.7" ] ], [ [ "salary", "fixed pay", "R2.1" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "window glass:transparent:windshield", "light:bright:illuminate", "bed:soft:comfortable", "insulation cup:heat insulation:hold water" ] }
[ "the attribute of \"knife\" is \"sharp\". \"knife\" can be used to \"cut\".", "the property of \"window glass\" is \"transparent\". \"window glass\" can be used to \"windshield\".", "the attribute of \"lamp\" is \"bright\". \"lamp\" can be used to \"illuminate\".", "\"comfortable\" is a modifier of \"bed\", and the function of \"bed\" is not \"softness\".", "the \"insulation cup\" can be used to \"hold water\", not used for \"heat insulation\"." ]
[ [ [ "sharp", "knife", "R3.1" ], [ "knife", "cut", "R3.3" ] ], [ [ "transparent", "window glass", "R3.1" ] ], [ [ "bright", "light", "R3.1" ], [ "light", "illuminate", "R3.3" ] ], [ [ "comfortable", "bed", "R4.3" ] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "the han people:chinese:overseas chinese", "carbon dioxide:dry ice:extinguish fire", "diamond:graphite:pencil", "papers:thesis:author" ] }
[ "both \"ice\" and \"water\" consist of water molecules, which also compose \"steam\". But the three are different in their physical forms.", "\"han people\" and \"chinese\" belong to the descendants of the chinese nation, and \"overseas chinese\" also belong to the descendants of the chinese nation, except that \"han people\", \"chinese\" and \"overseas chinese\" have different titles.", "\"dry ice\" is \"carbon dioxide\". both \"carbon dioxide\" and \"dry ice\" have the function of \"fire extinguishing\". However, the physical forms of \"carbon dioxide\" and \"dry ice\" are different, and \"carbon dioxide\" and \"fire extinguishing\" do not belong to the same category.", "\"diamond\" and \"graphite\" are carbon in essence, but \"graphite\" is the raw material of the \"pencil\".", "\"paper\" and \"thesis\" are different in nature." ]
[ [ [ "ice", "water", "steam", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "the han people", "chinese", "overseas chinese", "R2.4" ] ], [], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "carriage:driver", "axe:trees", "pen:paper", "flame:temperature" ] }
[ "\"toothbrush\" and \"toothpaste\" are both tooth brushing tools, and \"toothbrush\" and \"toothpaste\" are used together.", "\"carriage\" and \"driver\" are not a matched pair.", "an \"axe\" is a tool for cutting down \"trees\". the two are not matching tools.", "\"pen\" and \"paper\" are both tools for writing, and the two are used together.", "\"flame\" has \"temperature\", and the two are not matching tools." ]
[ [ [ "toothbrush", "toothpaste", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "axe", "trees", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "pen", "paper", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "flame", "temperature", "R3.1" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "water:buoyancy", "map:distance", "table lamp:brightness", "ruler:length" ] }
[ "a \"scale\" is used to measure the \"weight\" of an object.", "\"water\" has \"buoyancy\", which is the inherent characteristics of \"water\".", "the \"distance\" between places can be calculated through a \"map\", and the \"map\" is not a tool for measuring the \"distance\".", "the \"table lamp\" can provide \"brightness\" when energized, and the \"table lamp\" is a measuring tool to provide \"brightness\".", "a \"ruler\" is used to measure the \"length\" of an object." ]
[ [ [ "scale", "weight", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "water", "buoyancy", "R3.1" ] ], [ [ "map", "distance", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "table lamp", "brightness", "R3.3" ] ], [ [ "ruler", "length", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "organization:mechanism:effect", "car:gas:distance", "environment:awareness:protection", "paper:print:book" ] }
[ "a \"computer\" performs its \"function\" through a \"program\".", "\"organization\" brings out its effects through \"mechanism\".", "\"car\" consumes \"gas\", but does not perform \"distance\", which is inconsistent with the logical relationship of the query.", "\"environment\" is \"protected\", which is inconsistent with the logical relationship of the query.", "\"paper\" is \"printed\", which is inconsistent with the logical relationship of the query." ]
[ [ [ "computer", "program", "function", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "organization", "mechanism", "effect", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "car", "gas", "R4.4" ] ], [ [ "environment", "awareness", "R4.3" ], [ "environment", "protection", "R4.2" ] ], [ [ "paper", "print", "R4.2" ] ] ]
salt:seasoning:sodium chloride
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "coal:solid minerals:anthracite", "sand painting:modern art:visual art", "green tea:black tea:tea polyphenols", "diatoms:phytoplankton:silica" ] }
[ "\"seasoning\" contains \"salt\", and the main component of \"salt\" is \"sodium chloride\".", "\"coal\" belongs to \"solid mineral\" and \"coal\" includes \"anthracite\".", "\"sand painting\" belongs to \"modern art\", and \"visual art\" includes \"sand painting\".", "\"green tea\" and \"black tea\" are of the same kind. in addition to \"green tea\", \"black tea\" there are other types of tea. \"green tea\" and \"black tea\" contain \"tea polyphenols\".", "\"phytoplankton\" contains \"diatoms\", and \"diatoms\" contain \"silicon dioxide\"." ]
[ [ [ "salt", "seasoning", "R2.2" ], [ "salt", "sodium chloride", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "coal", "solid minerals", "R2.2" ], [ "coal", "anthracite", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "sand painting", "modern art", "R2.2" ], [ "sand painting", "visual art", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "green tea", "black tea", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "diatoms", "phytoplankton", "R2.2" ], [ "diatoms", "silica", "R2.3" ] ] ]
great wall:china:historical site
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "developer:bank:finance", "classroom:student:expert", "teacup:teapot:tea", "brain:human body:organ" ] }
[ "the \"great wall\" is in \"china\", and it is a \"historical site\".", "\"developers\" are not located in \"banks\". A \"developer\" is not a type of \"finance\".", "\"students\" are in \"classrooms\", which are not a type of \"experts\".", "both \"tea cups\" and \"teapots\" belong to tea sets, and \"tea cups\" are not a type of \"tea\".", "the \"brain\" is in the \"human body\", and it is an \"organ\"." ]
[ [ [ "great wall", "historical site", "R2.2" ], [ "great wall", "china", "R3.6" ] ], [], [ [ "student", "classroom", "R3.6" ] ], [ [ "teacup", "teapot", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "brain", "organ", "R2.2" ], [ "brain", "human body", "R3.6" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "wood:carpenter:furniture", "ink:pen:characters", "child:teacher:talent", "iron ore:worker:steel" ] }
[ "\"fruit\" is cultivated by \"farmers\" from \"seeds\", and \"seeds\" to \"fruits\" need to go through a complex process of development and change.", "\"carpenter\" turned \"wood\" into \"furniture\", but from \"wood\" to \"furniture\" only made physical changes in size and shape, without the process of development and change, which was inconsistent with the logic of the topic", "\"pen\" dips \"ink\" to write \"characters\", and \"ink\" to \"characters\" does not need to go through a complicated development and change process.", "\"talent\" is nurtured from \"children\" by \"teachers\". From \"children\" to \"talents\" requires a complex process of development and change,", "\"workers\" smelt iron ore into \"steel\", not \"iron ore\", and from iron ore into \"steel\" requires a chemical refining process, rather than a complex process of development and change," ]
[ [ [] ], [ [ "wood", "furniture", "R3.7" ] ], [], [ [] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "noble:stalwart", "mediocre:excellent", "sonorous:wide", "respectable:lovable" ] }
[ "\"ordinary\" and \"great\" mean the opposite.", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"noble\" and \"stalwart\".", "\"mediocre\" and \"excellent\" mean the opposite.", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"sonorous\" and \"broad\".", "\"respectable\" and \"lovable\" do not have opposite meanings." ]
[ [ [ "ordinary", "great", "R1.2" ] ], [], [ [ "mediocre", "excellent", "R1.2" ] ], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "worker:salary", "plants:rain", "tv:remote control", "engine:fuel" ] }
[ "\"troops\" consume \"fodder\", and \"fodder\" provide source power for \"troops\".", "\"workers\" receive \"wages\", not consumption, and it is not \"wages\" that provide power for \"workers\".", "\"plants\" absorb \"rain\", not consume it.", "\"tv\" and \"remote control\" are used together, and \"tv\" does not consume \"remote control\".", "the \"engine\" consumes \"fuel\", and the \"fuel\" provides the source power for the \"engine\"." ]
[ [ [ "troops", "fodder", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [ [ "tv", "remote control", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "engine", "fuel", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "stock:fund:investment", "dam:city wall:flood control", "torch:meteor:lighting", "mobile phone:letter:negotiation" ] }
[ "\"era\" and \"calendar\" belong to the function of \"chrono\".", "the functions of \"investment\" include \"stocks\" and \"funds\", and \"stocks\" and \"funds\" are one category.", "the \"flood control\" function cannot be separated from the \"dam\". The \"city wall\" has the function of defending against foreign enemies. The \"dam\" and the \"city wall\" have different functions.", "the \"lighting\" function is inseparable from the \"torch\", and the \"meteor\" does not have the \"lighting\" function.", "one can use \"mobile phone\" and \"letter\" for communication, but not \"negotiation\"." ]
[ [ [ "era", "calendar", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "stock", "fund", "R2.4" ] ], [], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "moth:pupa", "football match:final", "sun:sunrise", "story:plot" ] }
[ "one of the stages of \"life\" is \"childhood\".", "\"moth\" and \"pupa\" belong to two different stages of \"moth\" life.", "one stage in a \"football match\" is the \"final\".", "the meteorological phenomenon of the \"sun\" rising above the horizon is \"sunrise\", and \"sunrise\" is not a stage in \"sun\".", "a \"plot\" is part of a \"story\" and a stage in a \"story\" is not a \"plot\"." ]
[ [ [ "life", "childhood", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "moth", "pupa", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "final", "football match", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "story", "plot", "R2.3" ] ] ]