4 values
oil field:drilling:petroleum
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "house property:transaction:certificate", "station:drive:passenger", "fishery:catch:seafood", "lighthouse:build:ship" ] }
[ "\"petroleum\" is \"drilled\" from \"oil fields\".", "the \"certificate\" is not \"traded\" in \"house property\".", "the driver “drives” the car and takes the “passenger” to the “station”.", "the \"seafood\" is \"caught\" in the \"fishery\".", "to \"build\" a \"lighthouse\" for the \"ship\" to show the direction." ]
[ [ [ "oil field", "drilling", "petroleum", "R3.5" ], [ "drilling", "petroleum", "R4.2" ] ], [ [ "house property", "transaction", "certificate", "R3.10" ], [ "house property", "transaction", "certificate", "R5.4" ] ], [], [ [ "fishery", "catch", "seafood", "R3.5" ], [ "catch", "seafood", "R4.2" ] ], [] ]
operations directorate:commander:advise
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "teacher:student:education", "personnel department:employee:management", "agricultural technology station:farmer:service", "health bureau:research institute:consultation" ] }
[ "providing \"advise\" to the \"commander\" is the function of the \"operations directorate\", the \"operations directorate\" is an organization, the \"commander\" is a character, and \"advising\" is a responsibility.", "it is the \"teacher\" who provides \"education\" to the \"student\", the \"teacher\" is a person, and the \"teacher\" is not an institution.", "\"personnel department\" provides personnel services to \"employees\", and the function of the \"personnel department\" is not to provide \"management\" for \"employees\".", "providing \"services\" to \"farmers\" is the function of the \"agricultural technology station\", \"agricultural technology station\" is an organization, \"farmers\" are characters, and \"service\" is a function.", "it is not the \"health bureau\" that provides \"consultation\" to the \"research institute\", and the \"research institute\" is an institution, not a person." ]
[ [ [ "operations directorate", "commander", "R3.5" ], [ "commander", "advise", "R3.3" ] ], [], [], [ [ "agricultural technology station", "farmer", "service", "R3.10" ], [ "farmer", "service", "R3.3" ] ], [] ]
bamboo flute:white bamboo
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "sculpture:mud carving", "cotton cloth:fabric", "starch:potatoes", "soybeans:tofu" ] }
[ "\"white bamboo\" is the raw material for making a \"bamboo flute\".", "\"sculpture\" is a handicraft or landscape, \"mud carving\" is a creative craft and method, and \"sculpture\" is not the raw material of \"mud carving\".", "\"cotton cloth\" refers to the cloth made of cotton. \"cotton cloth\" is a kind of \"fabric\", and \"fabric\" is not a kind of \"cotton cloth\".", "\"potato\" makes \"starch\" raw material.", "\"soybean\" can make \"tofu\", \"tofu\" is not the raw material of \"soybean\"." ]
[ [ [ "bamboo flute", "white bamboo", "R3.7" ] ], [], [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ] ]
purified water:filteration
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "rank:competition", "house:renovate", "slim:diet", "environment:greening" ] }
[ "\"filtration\" is the way to obtain \"purified water\", and \"filtration\" obtains \"purified water\" by decreasing impurities.", "\"competitiont\" is a way to obtain \"rank\", and there is no quantitative decrease in \"competition\" and \"rank\".", "one can \"renovate\" \"house\".", "going on a \"diet\" is a way to be \"slim\". \"dieting\" leads to \"slimness\", and \"slimness\" is achieved by \"dieting\", decreasing the amount of food intake.", "We can \"green\" the \"environment\"." ]
[ [ [ "filteration", "purified water", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "competition", "rank", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "renovate", "house", "R4.2" ] ], [ [ "diet", "slim", "R3.10" ] ], [ [] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "car:tires", "kitchen:toilet", "animal:tiger", "shoes:socks" ] }
[ "the \"windows\" are part of the \"house\".", "\"tires\" are part of \"car\".", "\"kitchen\" and \"toilet\" are rooms with different functions, and \"toilet\" is not part of \"kitchen\".", "the \"tiger\" is a kind of \"animal\", but the \"tiger\" is not part of \"animal\".", "both \"shoes\" and \"socks\" are items worn by humans, but \"socks\" are not part of \"shoes\"." ]
[ [ [ "house", "windows", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "car", "tires", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "kitchen", "toilet", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "animal", "tiger", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "shoes", "socks", "R2.4" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "reed:river", "spaceship:space", "ship:ocean", "train:rails" ] }
[ "\"seagulls\" fly in the \"sky\".", "\"reeds\" do not fly in the \"river\", but grow on both sides of the \"river\".", "a \"spaceship\" flies in \"space\".", "the \"ship\" does not fly in the \"ocean\", but sails in the \"ocean\".", "\"trains\" do not fly on \"rails\", but travel on \"rails\"." ]
[ [ [ "seagull", "sky", "R3.5" ] ], [], [ [ "spaceship", "space", "R3.5" ] ], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "forest:trees:timber", "clay:sand:stone", "organ:tissue:function", "alcohol:beverage:juice" ] }
[ "one or more \"minerals\" and natural glass make up the \"rocks\", and \"minerals\" are made up of specific chemical \"components\".", "\"trees\" are part of a \"forest\". \"timber\" is made of \"trees\", and \"trees\" cannot be made of \"timber\".", "\"clay\", \"sand\" and \"stone\" all belong to the same category, and \"sand\" cannot be made of \"stone\".", "several \"tissues\" are combined to form \"organs\", and \"tissues\" are composed of cells with specific \"functions\".", "\"alcohol\"\"beverage\" and non-alcoholic \"beverage\" are all parts of \"beverage\". \"beverage\" can be made using \"alcohol\", and \"juice\" is a \"beverage\"." ]
[ [ [ "rock", "mineral", "R2.3" ], [ "mineral", "component", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "forest", "trees", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "clay", "sand", "stone", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "organ", "tissue", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "alcohol", "beverage", "R2.3" ], [ "juice", "beverage", "R2.2" ] ] ]
rules of conduct:law
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "innovation development:development", "social relations:trade unions", "literary genre:fiction", "life ideal:goals" ] }
[ "\"law\" usually refers to the rules of conduct recognized by society, confirmed by the state, and formulated by the legislature, that is, \"law\" is a special rule of \"rules of conduct\".", "\"innovative development\" is a kind of \"development\", but the word order is inconsistent with the query.", "\"social relations\" are not a type of \"trade union\".", "\"fiction\" is a type of \"literary genre\".", "\"life ideal\" is a kind of \"goal\", but the word order is inconsistent with the query." ]
[ [ [ "law", "rules of conduct", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "innovation development", "development", "R2.2" ] ], [], [ [ "fiction", "literary genre", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "life ideal", "goals", "R2.2" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "daybreak:dawn", "saving:stingy", "carriage return:newline", "as if:like" ] }
[ "a \"comma\" can be used to indicate \"punctuation\".", "\"daybreak\" is when the sky is about to dawn, \"dawn\" is when it is about to dawn or just dawning, \"daybreak\" and \"dawn\" have similar meanings.", "\"saving\" means that what might be consumed is not consumed or consumed less, and \"stingy\" generally means being stingy. there is no obvious logical relationship between \"saving\" and \"stingy\".", "if you want a \"newline\", you can use \"carriage return\".", "\"as if\" and \"like\" mean the same thing." ]
[ [ [ "comma", "punctuation", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [ [ "carriage return", "newline", "R3.10" ] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "art:sketching", "calligraphy:exhibition", "brush:paint", "erhu:dubbing" ] }
[ "one can \"play\" the \"piano\".", "\"sketching\" is a way of painting, and painting is a form of \"art\". \"sketching\" and \"art\" correspond, but the corresponding relationship is inconsistent with the query.", "there is \"calligraphy\" in the \"exhibition\", but \"calligraphy\" is not a tool, and the corresponding relationship is inconsistent with the query.", "one can \"paint\" with a \"brush\".", "\"erhu\" and \"dubbing\" have no obvious logical relationship." ]
[ [ [ "piano", "playing", "R3.8" ] ], [ [ "sketching", "art", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "calligraphy", "exhibition", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "brush", "paint", "R3.8" ] ], [] ]
guide dogs:detection dogs
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "police dog:military dog", "cow:cattle", "fightingcock:broiler", "racing horse:shaft-horse" ] }
[ "in terms of species, \"guide dogs\" and \"detection dogs\" overlap, and both can help humans in terms of their functions.", "both \"police dogs\" and \"military dogs\" belong to dogs in terms of breed, and both can help people when it comes to their functions.", "\"cows\" and \"cattle\" belong to cattle.", "\"fightingcocks\" and \"broilers\" are both chickens.", "in terms of breeds, \"racing horses\" and \"shaft-horses\" belong to horses, and in terms of functions, they both can help people." ]
[ [ [], [ "guide dogs", "detection dogs", "R2.6" ] ], [ [], [] ], [], [ [], [] ], [ [] ] ]
price increase:sluggish sales
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "rainstorm:muddy", "sunny:weather", "soil:irrigated", "enterprise:cost" ] }
[ "the reason for \"sluggish sales\" is \"price increase\".", "the reason for being \"muddy\" is \"rainstorm\".", "\"sunny\" is a kind of \"weather\", and the cause of \"weather\" is not \"sunny\".", "\"soil\" is \"irrigated\" and the reason for \"irrigation\" is not \"soil\".", "\"enterprises\" operate on \"cost\", and the reason for \"cost\" is not \"enterprises\"." ]
[ [ [ "price increase", "sluggish sales", "R5.1" ] ], [ [ "rainstorm", "muddy", "R5.1" ] ], [ [ "sunny", "weather", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "soil", "irrigated", "R4.2" ] ], [ [] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "pride:fall behind", "cloudy:raining", "crowing:dawn", "competition:champion" ] }
[ "\"burning\" is because of \"friction\".", "\"falling behind\" is because of \"pride\".", "\"raining\" is not because it is \"cloudy\".", "the \"crowing\" is heard before the \"dawn\", the coming of which is not because of the \"crowing\".", "\"champions\" are determined in \"competitions\"." ]
[ [ [ "friction", "burning", "R5.1" ] ], [ [ "pride", "fall behind", "R5.1" ] ], [], [ [ "crowing", "dawn", "R5.2" ] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "wood:charcoal", "cabbage:cauliflower", "red sandalwood:furniture", "milk:coconut milk" ] }
[ "\"lubricant\" is the distillate or fatty substance of \"petroleum\". \"petroleum\" is the raw material of \"lubricant\", and the formation process of \"lubricant\" is complex with both physical and chemical changes.", "\"wood\" is the raw material of \"charcoal\", and the formation process of \"charcoal\" is a complex process with both physical and chemical changes.", "both \"cabbages\" and \"cauliflowers\" are vegetables, both of which are plants and are of the same kind.", "\"red sandalwood\" is the raw material of \"furniture\", and its formation process is a simple process with only physical changes.", "\"milk\" and \"coconut juice\" are both types of beverages and are of the same kind." ]
[ [ [ "lubricant", "oil", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "charcoal", "wood", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "cabbage", "cauliflower", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "red sandalwood", "furniture", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "milk", "coconut milk", "R2.4" ] ] ]
aircraft route:flight
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "soil:planting", "coal:electricity generation", "outline:speech", "foundation:architecture" ] }
[ "an \"aircraft route\" is a route that an aircraft \"flies\".", "\"planting\" is done on \"soil\", and \"soil\" is not a route of \"planting\".", "\"electricity generation\" requires \"coal\", but \"coal\" is not a route for \"electricity generation\".", "\"speech\" is made by the speaker according to the \"outline\".", "\"architecture\" needs \"foundation\" as the foundation, \"foundation\" is not a route of \"architecture\"." ]
[ [ [ "aircraft route", "flight", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "soil", "planting", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "coal", "electricity generation", "R3.3" ] ], [ [ "outline", "speech", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "foundation", "architecture", "R5.4" ] ] ]
tree roots:root carving
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "paper:paper cut", "clay:porcelain", "bamboo:bamboo raft", "cement:inkstone" ] }
[ "\"root carvings\" can be carved by \"tree roots\", and \"root carvings\" are works of art.", "\"paper cut\" can be cut from \"paper\", and \"paper cut\" is a work of art.", "\"clay\" is the raw material for making pottery, not for \"porcelain\", which is mainly fired from porcelain stone, kaolin, quartz stone, mullite, etc.", "\"bamboo rafts\" can be made of \"bamboo\", but \"bamboo rafts\" are not works of art.", "the raw materials of an \"inkstone\" are stone, crystal or bamboo, not \"cement\"." ]
[ [ [ "tree roots", "root carving", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "paper", "paper cut", "R3.7" ] ], [], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "desert:mud", "forest:trees", "grassland:animals", "mountains:snow and ice" ] }
[ "\"water\" is an inevitable part of \"river\", and \"water\" is part of \"river\"", "an inevitable part of \"desert\" is not \"mud\", and \"mud\" is not part of \"desert\"", "\"trees\" are an inevitable part of \"forest\" and \"trees\" is a part of \"forest\"", "where \"animals\" live may be \"grassland\", \"animal\" is not part of \"grassland\"", "\"mountains\" may be covered with \"snow and ice\" and \"snow and ice\" is not part of \"mountains\"" ]
[ [], [], [], [], [] ]
communication via wechat:internet
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "exercising:dancing", "increasing knowledge:learning", "court trial:experiment", "vacation:road trip" ] }
[ "to \"communication via wechat\", you must have the \"internet\", and the \"internet\" is a necessary condition for \"communication via wechat\".", "\"dancing\" does not necessarily mean \"exercising\", and \"dancing\" is not a necessary condition for \"exercising\".", "to have \"learning\", there must be \"increasing knowledge\", and \"learning\" is a necessary condition for \"increasing knowledge\".", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"court trial\" and \"experiment\".", "the way of \"vacation\" includes \"road trip\"." ]
[ [ [] ], [], [ [] ], [], [ [ "road trip", "vacation", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "blame:slander", "grumble:complain", "disturbance:harassment", "support:destroy" ] }
[ "both \"debate\" and \"quarrel\" are expressions of \"argument\". \"argument\" and \"quarrel\" have similar meanings, and \"quarrel\" is to a greater extent.", "\"blame\" refers to criticizing and accusing of mistakes, and \"slandering\" is to slandering others, with no obvious logical relationship.", "both \"grumble\" and \"complain\" are expressions of \"complaint\", \"grumble\" and \"complain\" have similar meanings, while \"complain\" is to a greater extent, and the word order is inconsistent with the query.", "both \"disturbance\" and \"harassment\" are expressions of \"interverence\", and the meaning of \"disturbance\" and \"harassment\" are similar, and \"harassment\" is to a greater extent.", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"support\" and \"destroy\"." ]
[ [ [] ], [], [ [] ], [ [] ], [] ]
page setup:page margins:text direction
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "insert image:formula:page number", "font settings:song:boldface", "email sending:attachment:body", "save documents:hard disk:phone" ] }
[ "\"page margins\" and \"text direction\" belong to the contents of \"page setup\", of which \"page margins\" and \"text direction\" are part of page.", "\"formula\" and \"page number\" belong to the content of \"insert\", not the content of \"insert picture\".", "\"song\" and \"boldface\" belong to \"font settings\", but \"song\" and \"boldface\" belong to \"font\".", "\"attachment\" and \"body\" belong to the content of \"email sending\", where \"attachment\" and \"body\" are the components of \"email\".", "\"hard disk\" and \"mobile phone\" are tools for \"saving documents\"." ]
[ [ [ "page margins", "text direction", "page setup", "R3.10" ], [ "page margins", "text direction", "page setup", "R2.3" ] ], [ [] ], [ [ "song", "boldface", "font settings", "R3.10" ], [] ], [ [ "attachment", "body", "email sending", "R3.10" ], [] ], [ [ "save documents", "hard disk", "phone", "R3.8" ] ] ]
energy saving:environmental protection
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "corruption:rotten", "civilization:culture", "autumn:solar terms", "sports:leisure" ] }
[ "\"environmental protection\" refers to the general term for various actions taken by human beings to solve environmental problems, and \"energy saving\" is an \"environmental protection\" action.", "\"rotten\" refers to depraved behavior, especially the use of power for personal gain, embezzlement and bribery, corruption of life, etc. by state functionaries. \"corruption\" belongs to \"rotten\".", "the intrinsic value of \"culture\" is \"civilization\", and the external form of \"civilization\" is \"culture\".", "\"autumn\" is a season, and \"solar terms\" refer to the 24 specific seasons in the solar calendar (dry and branch calendar) that represent seasonal changes. there is no obvious logical relationship between \"autumn\" and \"solar terms\".", "\"leisure\" can modify \"sports\" into the phrase leisure sports." ]
[ [ [ "environmental protection", "energy saving", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "rotten", "corruption", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "civilization", "culture", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [], [ "sports", "leisure", "R4.3" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "dragon boat:paddler:river", "agreement:country:wto", "product:customer:manufacturer", "grapes:brewers:oktoberfest" ] }
[ "\"athletes\" play \"football\" in a \"stadium\". \"football\" is a specific sport equipment, and \"athlete\" is a person's identity, and \"stadium\" is a place.", "\"paddlers\" row \"dragon boats\" on \"rivers\". a \"dragon boat\" is a device, \"paddler\" is a character, and \"river\" is a place.", "the \"wto\" is an organization, not a place, and a \"country\" can join the \"wto\" after signing an \"agreement\".", "\"customers\" and \"manufacturers\" are two subjects, and \"commodities\" are not places.", "\"grapes\" are used for winemaking, and wine is used for \"oktoberfest\". . is an event, not a place, which is inconsistent with the logical relationship of the query." ]
[ [ [ "football", "athlete", "stadium", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "dragon boat", "paddler", "river", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "customer", "manufacturer", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "grapes", "oktoberfest", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "lamp:table lamp", "south:north", "guitar:strings", "school:middle school" ] }
[ "\"beijing\" is part of \"china\".", "\"table lamps\"belong to \"lamps\". the \"table lamp\" is not a component of \"lamps\".", "\"south\" and \"north\" are two different regions. \"north\" is not part of \"south\".", "the \"strings\" are parts of the \"guitar\".", "\"middle school\" is a kind of \"school\" but not a component of \"school\"." ]
[ [ [ "beijing", "china", "R2.3" ], [] ], [ [], [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "power:volts", "resistance:ohm", "charge:watts", "pressure:newton" ] }
[ "\"ampere\" is the unit of \"amperage\".", "watts are a unit of \"power\", not \"volts.\".", "\"ohm\" is a unit of \"resistance\".", "coulomb is a unit of \"charge\", \"watt\" is not a unit of \"charge\".", "pascals are a unit of \"pressure\", not \"newtons\"." ]
[ [ [ "amperage", "ampere", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "resistance", "ohm", "R3.10" ] ], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "exact:correct", "elevate:ascend", "dislike:disgust", "receive:accept" ] }
[ "\"hope\" and \"desire\" have similar meanings, and the latter is emotionally stronger.", "\"precise\" means extremely accurate, very \"correct\", \"exact\" and \"correct\" have similar meanings, but the emotions are decreasingly weaker.", "\"elevate\" and \"ascend\" have similar meanings, but there is no emotional correction bewteen the two.", "\"dislike\" and \"disgust\" have similar meanings, and the latter is emotionally stronger.", "\"receive\" means to acquire, to see, and to hear. \"accept\" means to endure or welcome things without rejecting, \"receive\" and \"accept\" are not similar in meaning." ]
[ [ [ "hope", "desire", "R1.1" ] ], [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "school:teacher:stock speculation", "troops:warriors:combat", "rural area:farmer:grain", "factory:production:shoemaking" ] }
[ "\"administration\" is the main function of the \"government\", and one way of \"administration\" is through \"reward\".", "\"school\" is the work place of a \"teacher\", and the main responsibility of a \"teacher\" is not \"school\".", "\"warrior\" is part of \"troops\", and the main duty of \"warriors\" is not \"troops\".", "\"rural area\" is where \"farmers\" live. the main function of \"farmers\" is not \"rural areas\". \"grain\" is not a way of \"farmers\".", "\"production\" is the main function of the \"factory\", and one way of \"production\" is \"shoemaking\"." ]
[ [ [ "government", "administration", "R3.3" ], [ "reward", "administration", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "school", "teacher", "R3.6" ] ], [ [ "warriors", "troops", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "farmer", "rural area", "R3.6" ] ], [ [ "factory", "production", "R3.3" ], [ "shoemaking", "production", "R3.10" ] ] ]
asphalt road:shineway
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "mother planet:beautiful earth", "nano paint:super wall paint", "the bactrian camel:ship of the desert", "lcd screen:bright sight" ] }
[ "\"asphalt road\" and \"shineway\" are both descriptions of roads, \"asphalt road\" is a concrete thing, \"shineway\" is conceptual.", "both \"mother planet\" and \"beautiful earth\" are descriptions of the earth, \"beautiful earth\" is a specific thing, and \"mother planet\" is conceptual. the word order is inconsistent.", "\"nano paint\" is a kind of \"super wall paint\", \"nano paint\" and \"super wall paint\" are concrete things, \"super wall paint\" is not a symbolic thing..", "\"bactrian camel\" is a kind of camel, \"ship of the desert\" refers to a camel, and \"ship of the desert\" is a concrete thing, not a symbolic thing.", "\"lcd screen\" and \"bright sight\" are both descriptions of that displays. \"lcd screen\" is a specific thing, and \"bright sight\" is conceptual." ]
[ [ [ "asphalt road", "shineway", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "nano paint", "super wall paint", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "the bactrian camel", "ship of the desert", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "lcd screen", "bright sight", "R3.10" ] ] ]
treat the symptoms:treat the root cause
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "quantitative change:qualitative change", "morality:law", "commitment:contract", "appearance:cultivated" ] }
[ "\"treating the symptoms\" refers to dealing with the problem on the surface; \"treat the root cause\" refers to solving the problem fundamentally. \"treating the symptoms\" and \"treat the root cause\" are the same category, but there are other methods of dealing with problems of the same category. deepening on.", "\"quantitative change\" refers to the increase or decrease of the quantity of things and the change of place, which is a gradual and insignificant change, and \"qualitative change\" refers to the change in the fundamental nature of things. \"quantitative change\" and \"qualitative change\" are the same category, but there are other ways of change, and the extent of their existence deepens.", "\"morality\" and \"law\" are two different social restraint systems, and there is no deepening of the degree.", "a \"contract\" is an agreement between two parties to establish, modify, and terminate a civil relationship. it is the contractual expression of a \"commitment\".", "\"appearance\" and \"cultivation\" are methods to evaluate people from two different perspectives, external and internal. \"appearance\" and \"cultivation\" are the same category, but there are other evaluation methods, and there is no deepening of the two." ]
[ [ [ "treat the symptoms", "treat the root cause", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "quantitative change", "qualitative change", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "morality", "law", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "contract", "commitment", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "appearance", "cultivated", "R2.6" ] ] ]
income before tax:income after tax:tax
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "measured height:true height:error", "legal regulations:ethics:rules", "plateau region:plain region:latitude", "production cost:ex-factory price:selling price" ] }
[ "\"income before tax\" - \"income after-tax\" = \"tax\". \"before-tax income\" and \"after-tax income\" and \"taxes\" can be calculated.", "\"measured height\" - \"true height\" = \"error\". \"measured height\" and \"true height\" and \"error\" can be calculated.", "\"legal regulations\" and \"ethics\" and \"rules\" cannot be calculated.", "the difference between \"plateau area\" and \"plain area\" is altitude, not \"latitude\".", "\"production cost\" will affect \"ex-factory price\" and \"sale price\", and there is no operational relationship between \"production cost\" and \"ex-factory price\" and \"sale price\"." ]
[ [ [ "income before tax", "income after tax", "tax", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "measured height", "true height", "error", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [] ]
storage:optical disk:hard disk
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "drying:rope:hanger", "eat:steel fork:spatula", "writing:signature pen:writing brush", "swimming:swimming ring:swimming suit" ] }
[ "both \"optical disk\" and \"hard disk\" belong to computer parts, and the main functions of \"optical disk\" and \"hard disk\" are used for \"storage\".", "the main function of a \"rope\" is to bind and connect, not \"dry\", the main function of a \"hanger\" is to \"dry\".", "the main function of a \"spatula\" is to cook, not to \"eat\".", "both the \"signature pen\" and the \"writing brush\" belong to the category of tools, and the main function of the \"signature pen\" and \"writing brush\" is to \"write\".", "the main purpose of the \"swimming ring\" is to ensure the safety of \"swimming\", and the \"swimming suit\" should be worn when \"swimming\". \"swimming\" is not a function of the \"swimming suit\"." ]
[ [ [ "optical disk", "hard disk", "R2.4" ] ], [], [], [ [ "signature pen", "writing brush", "R2.4" ] ], [] ]
new york city:the usa
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "paris:france", "venice:italy", "london:the uk", "toronto:canada" ] }
[ "\"new york city\" is a part of \"the usa\", and \"new york city\" is a coastal city, not the capital of \"the usa\".", "\"paris\" is a part of \"france\", but \"paris\" is the capital of \"france\".", "\"venice\" is a part of \"italy\", and \"venice\" is a coastal city, not the capital of \"italy\".", "\"london\" is a part of \"the uk\", and \"london\" is the capital of \"the uk\".", "\"toronto\" is a part of \"canada\", but \"toronto\" is not a coastal city." ]
[ [ [ "new york city", "the usa", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "paris", "france", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "venice", "italy", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "london", "the uk", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "toronto", "canada", "R2.3" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "snowing:slippery road", "flood:plague", "crime:punishment", "call:phone" ] }
[ "in order to \"gain\" something, there must be \"payment\".", "even if it doesn't \"snow\", the road may also be \"slippery\".", "even if there is no \"flood\", a \"plague\" may occur.", "\"punishment\" is not necessarily for \"crime\".", "to \"call\" others, one must have a \"phone\"." ]
[ [ [ "payment", "gain", "R5.4" ] ], [], [], [], [ [ "call", "phone", "R5.4" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "bee:rapeseed flower:honey", "athlete:football:victory", "government:prime minister:work report", "hotel:architect:customer" ] }
[ "the \"actor\" acts in the \"movie\" and the \"audience\" watches the \"movie\".", "\"bees\" brew \"honey\", and \"bees\" collect pollen from \"rapeseed flowers\".", "\"athlete\" plays \"football\", not \"football\" plays \"athlete\", and \"athlete\" gets \"victory\", not \"victory\" gets \"athlete\".", "the \"prime minister\" reports on the \"work report\", and the \"prime minister\" manages the \"government\", not the \"work report\" reports on the \"government\".", "the \"architect\" designs the \"hotel\" and the \"customer\" stays in the \"hotel\"." ]
[ [ [ "actor", "movie", "R4.4" ], [ "audience", "movie", "R4.4" ] ], [ [ "bee", "honey", "R4.4" ] ], [ [ "athlete", "football", "R4.4" ] ], [ [ "prime minister", "work report", "R4.4" ] ], [ [ "architect", "hotel", "R4.4" ], [ "customer", "hotel", "R4.4" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "metal:wood", "worker:parliamentarian", "tool:hoe", "students:scholar" ] }
[ "\"commodity\" is the \"product\" of labor for exchange, and \"product\" includes \"commodity\".", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"metal\" and \"wood\".", "a \"worker\" can be a \"parliamentarian\", and a \"parliamentarian\" can also be a \"worker\".", "\"hoe\" is a kind of \"tool\", and \"tool\" includes \"hoe\".", "a \"student\" can be a \"scholar\" and a \"scholar\" can also be a \"student\"." ]
[ [ [ "commodity", "product", "R2.2" ] ], [], [ [ "worker", "parliamentarian", "R2.7" ] ], [ [ "hoe", "tool", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "students", "scholar", "R2.7" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "chinese herbal medicine:wild vegetables", "carbon dioxide:organic salt", "space:time", "atom:electron" ] }
[ "some \"inorganic\" are \"compounds\", and some \"compounds\" are \"inorganic\"; \"compounds\" can be divided into organic compounds and inorganic compounds.", "\"chinese herbal medicine\" includes animal medicine and botanical medicine. \"chinese herbal medicine\" can be \"wild vegetable\", and \"wild vegetable\" can be \"chinese herbal medicine\", such as purslane, perilla and so on.", "\"carbon dioxide\" is an inorganic substance, and \"organic salt\" is a salt formed by proper neutralization of organic acids and alkaloids. there is no obvious logical relationship between \"carbon dioxide\" and \"organic salt\".", "the two dimensions in which the world is presented are \"space\" and \"time\", and \"space\" and \"time\" are one category.", "the nucleus and the \"electrons\" moving around the nucleus make up an \"atom\"." ]
[ [ [ "inorganic", "compounds", "R2.7" ] ], [ [ "chinese herbal medicine", "wild vegetables", "R2.7" ] ], [], [ [ "space", "time", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "atom", "electron", "R2.3" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "road repair:subgrade", "petition:complaint", "rebuttal:data", "medical treatment:patients" ] }
[ "\"anti-epidemic\" will use \"vaccine\", and \"vaccine\" has the function of \"anti-epidemic\".", "\"subgrade\" is the foundation of the track or pavement. when \"building a road\", it is necessary to build a \"subgrade\". \"subgrade\" corresponds to \"road repair\", but the corresponding relationship is inconsistent with the query.", "a \"petition\" is a document in which a citizen or legal person files a lawsuit in the people's court for infringement of his or her lawful rights and interests. there is no obvious logical relationship between a \"petition\" and a \"complaint\".", "\"data\" can be used for \"rebuttal\", and \"data\" corresponds to \"rebuttal\".", "\"medical treatment\" refers to the treatment and treatment of diseases. the object of \"patient\" service is \"medical treatment\", and \"medical\" corresponds to \"patient\", but the corresponding relationship is inconsistent with the query." ]
[ [ [ "vaccines", "anti-epidemic", "R3.3" ] ], [ [ "subgrade", "road repair", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "data", "rebuttal", "R3.3" ] ], [ [ "medical treatment", "patients", "R3.10" ] ] ]
cold:dress up
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "downtime:call charges", "pretty:makeup", "sick:hospitalization", "hunger:eat" ] }
[ "\"cold\" requires \"dressing up\" to resist, it and \"dress up\" is a verb phrase.", "avoid \"downtime\" by charging \"call charges\", but \"call charges\" is a noun.", "you can become more \"pretty\" by \"makeup\", not \"makeup\" because of \"pretty\".", "treating a disease can be \"hospitalized,\" not \"sick\".", "\"hunger\" needs \"eat\" to resist, and \"eat\" is a verb." ]
[ [ [ "dress up", "cold", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [], [ [ "eat", "hunger", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "damage:car accident:compensation", "literary works:writers:write", "learn:draw on:innovate", "books:writing:paper" ] }
[ "first there are \"disputes\", then \"litigations\", and finally \"judgments\".", "first \"car accident\", then \"damage\", and finally \"compensation\".", "a \"writer\" can \"write\".", "first \"learn\", then \"draw on\", and finally realize \"innovate\".", "\"books\" will be \"written\"." ]
[ [ [ "disputes", "litigation", "judges", "R5.2" ] ], [], [ [ "writers", "writing", "R4.1" ] ], [ [ "learn", "draw on", "innovate", "R5.2" ] ], [ [ "writing", "books", "R4.2" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "sickness:hospitalization", "lighting the light:setting the fire", "poverty alleviation:accounts", "enrollment expansion:unemployment" ] }
[ "there is \"cultivation\" and then \"harvest\", and the time of \"cultivation\" is earlier than that of \"harvest\"", "there is \"sickness\" first and then \"hospitalization\", and the time of \"sickness\" is earlier than that of \"hospitalization\"", "there is no chronological order between \"lighting the light\" and \"setting the fire\"", "there is no chronological order between \"poverty alleviation\" and \"account\"", "there is no chronological order between \"enrollment expansion\" and \"unemployment\"" ]
[ [ [ "cultivation", "harvest", "R5.2" ] ], [ [ "sickness", "hospitalization", "R5.2" ] ], [], [], [] ]
bus:carrying passengers
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "movie:audience", "song:opera", "truck:transport", "play:music" ] }
[ "the \"bus\" has the function of \"carrying passengers\".", "the \"audience\" can watch the \"movie\", and the \"movie\" is not a tool of the \"audience\".", "\"song\" is an art form that combines lyrics and scores. \"opera\" is mainly composed of three different art forms: folk song and dance, rap and burlesque. it is also an art form. \"song\" and \"opera\" \"it's a kind of art form.", "the \"truck\" has the function of \"transport\".", "\"music\" will be \"played\"." ]
[ [ [ "bus", "carrying passengers", "R3.3" ] ], [ [ "audience", "movie", "R4.4" ] ], [ [ "song", "opera", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "truck", "transport", "R3.3" ] ], [ [ "music", "play", "R4.2" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "racket:goal", "arrow:shield", "darts:dartboard", "shotgun:animal" ] }
[ "ball sports include \"basketball\", and the \"basketball\" is thrown into a \"basket\" to score points.", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"racket\" and \"goal\".", "you can use the \"shield\" to resist the opponent's \"arrow\".", "the sport includes \"darts\", which are thrown onto the \"dartboard\" before scoring points.", "one can shoot \"animals\" by \"shotgun\", but the corresponding is inconsistent with the query." ]
[ [ [] ], [], [ [ "shield", "arrow", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "darts", "dartboard", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "shotgun", "animal", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "land:planting:sorghum", "cricket:yell:grass", "butterfly:lotus leaf:flying", "hill:climbing:ivy" ] }
[ "\"birds\" \"fly\" in the \"sky\". \"birds\" are animals, the \"sky\" is an activity place, and \"flying\" is a behavior.", "on \"land\" \"sorghum\" is \"planted\". \"land\" is the place where \"sorghum\" grows, but \"land\" is not an animal.", "\"crickets\" \"yell\" in \"grass\". \"crickets\" are animals, \"grass\" is an activity place, and \"yell\" is a behavior.", "\"butterflies\" \"fly\" above the \"lotus leaf\". \"butterfies\" are animals, the \"lotus leaf\" is an activity place, and \"flying\" is a behavior.", "a \"hill\" can be \"climbed\", but a \"hill\" is not an animal." ]
[ [ [ "bird", "fly", "sky", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "cricket", "yell", "grass", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "butterfly", "flying", "lotus leaf", "R3.10" ] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "river:water:sea", "cooked rice:rice:vegetables", "forest:tree:wood", "gun:bullet:cannon" ] }
[ "\"book\" is processed from \"paper\", and \"paper\" and \"pen\" belong to stationery.", "\"water\" is part of \"river\" and \"sea\".", "\"cooked ice\" is processed from \"rice\", and \"rice\" and \"vegetables\" are ingredients.", "the \"tree\" is part of the \"forest\".", "\"gun\" and \"bullet\" can only be used together." ]
[ [ [ "paper", "book", "R3.10" ], [ "paper", "pen", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "water", "river", "R2.3" ], [ "water", "sea", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "rice", "cooked rice", "R3.10" ], [ "rice", "vegetables", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "tree", "forest", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "gun", "bullet", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "factory:employee", "forest:pine tree", "lodging:hotel", "fruit:banana" ] }
[ "\"cabbage\" is a \"vegetable\".", "there are \"employees\" working in a \"factory\", and \"employees\" are not a type of \"factory\".", "a \"pine tree\" could be part of a \"forest\".", "\"hotel\" has the function of \"lodging\".", "\"banana\" is a \"fruit\"." ]
[ [ [ "cabbage", "vegetables", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "employee", "factory", "R3.5" ] ], [ [ "pine tree", "forest", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "hotel", "lodging", "R3.3" ] ], [ [ "banana", "fruit", "R2.2" ] ] ]
salt lake city:city:utah
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "gulf shores:shore:alabama", "west palm beach:beach:florida", "colorado springs:spring:colorado", "hudson river:river:new york" ] }
[ "\"salt lake city\" is a \"city\", the state to which \"salt lake city\" belongs is \"utah\".", "\"gulf shores\" belongs to the state of \"alabama\", but \"gulf shores\" is a city, not \"shore\".", "\"west palm beach\" belongs to the state of \"florida\", but \"west palm beach\" is a city, not \"beach\".", "\"colorado springs\" belongs to the state of \"colorado\", but \"colorado springs\" is a city, not \"spring\".", "\"hudson river\" is a \"river\", and \"hudson river\" is located in the state of \"new york\"." ]
[ [ [ "salt lake city", "city", "R2.2" ], [ "salt lake city", "utah", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "gulf shores", "alabama", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "west palm beach", "florida", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "colorado springs", "colorado", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "hudson river", "river", "R2.2" ], [ "hudson river", "new york", "R3.10" ] ] ]
collecting materials:editing:publishing
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "requirements research:software development:delivery and use", "emergencies:landslides:emergency rescue", "buy tickets:luggage security check:prepay tickets", "internet search:field trip:merchant delivery" ] }
[ "now, after \"collecting materials\", \"editing\" is carried out, and finally , \"publishing\" is carried out. the three belong to the correspondence of time, and the subjects of \"collecting materials\", \"editing\", and \"publishing\" are the same.", "now do \"requirements research\" and then proceed to \"software development\", which can finally be \"delivered and used the three are time-dependent correspondence, and the subjects of \"requirements research\", \"software development\", and \"delivery and use\" are the same.", "\"landslide\" is a kind of \"emergency\", \"landslide\" belongs to \"sudden danger\", \"landslide\", \"emergency\" and \"emergency rescue\" do not have time to respond.", "first \"prepay tickets\", then \"buy tickets\", and finally , \"luggage security check\" to take the ride, the three are corresponding, but the word order is inconsistent with the query.", "\"internet search\", then \"field trip\", then \"merchant delivery\", \"online search\", \"on-site inspection\", \"merchant delivery\" are in chronological order, but \"online search\" and \"field trip\" the main body of \"field trip\" is the buyer, and the main body of \"merchant delivery\" is the merchant." ]
[ [ [ "collecting materials", "editing", "publishing", "R5.2" ] ], [ [ "requirements research", "software development", "delivery and use", "R5.2" ] ], [ [ "landslides", "emergencies", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "prepay tickets", "buy tickets", "luggage security check", "R5.2" ] ], [ [ "internet search", "field trip", "merchant delivery", "R5.2" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "flowers:garden:leisure", "clothes:shopping mall:consumption", "classroom:school:research", "architecture:urban:tourism" ] }
[ "the components of the \"army\" are \"soldier\", and the main function of the \"army\" is to \"defend\" the country.", "the components of the \"garden\" are \"flowers\", and the main function of the \"garden\" is the \"leisure\".", "\"shopping mall\" is a place where \"clothes\" are sold, which corresponds to the query differently.", "the components of \"school\" include the \"classroom\", but the main function of \"school\" is not \"research\", but to cultivate talents.", "the components of \"city\" include \"architecture\", but the main function of \"city\" is not \"tourism\", but administrative jurisdiction." ]
[ [ [ "soldier", "army", "R2.3" ], [ "army", "defend", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "flowers", "garden", "R2.3" ], [ "garden", "leisure", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "clothes", "shopping mall", "R3.5" ] ], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "calculating:computing", "personality:morality", "illustrious individual:talent", "idle:boring" ] }
[ "\"ideal\" is the imagination or hope for future things (mostly refers to well-founded and reasonable), \"planning\" is consideration and planning, and \"planning\" includes \"ideal\".", "\"calculating\" can describe a person's characteristics. so \"calculating\" includes \"computing\", which is inconsistent with the order of the query.", "\"personality\" refers to the quality of \"morality\", and \"personality\" and \"morality\" have similar meanings.", "an \"illustrious individual\" is a kind of \"talent\".", "\"idle\" refers to leisure; \"boring\" refers to being bored due to nothing funny, and there is no obvious logical relationship between \"idle\" and \"boring\"." ]
[ [ [ "ideal", "plan", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "calculating", "computing", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "personality", "morality", "R1.1" ] ], [ [ "illustrious individual", "talent", "R2.2" ] ], [] ]
mayfly:big tree
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "stone:egg", "lion:rabbit", "fish meat:knife and chopping board", "mantis:carriage" ] }
[ "both \"mayfly\" and \"big tree\" are from the idiom \"mayflies want to shake big trees\", which is a metaphor for not measuring one's own strength.", "the origin of \"egg\" and \"stone\" is the idiom of \"hitting a stone with an egg\", and \"stone\" is the target of \"egg\".", "the origin of \"lion\" and \"rabbit\" is the idiom \"not stint the strength of a lion in wrestling with a rabbit\", which means that the lion still uses all its strength to kill the rabbit, and metaphorically, the lion also puts all its strength to solving small matters seriously, and the \"lion\" kills the \"rabbit\".", "the idiom \"i am the fish while others are the knife and the chopping board\" includes the words \"fish\" and \"knife and chopping board\". this is a metaphor for the power of life and death in the hands of others, and one is in the position of being slaughtered. the two words \"knife and chopping board\" and \"fish meat\" are the tool and the object respectively.", "the origin of \"mantis\" and \"carriage\" is the idiom \"a praying mantis tries to stop a carriage\". the praying mantis raises its front legs to block the advance of the carriage. it is a metaphor for incorrectly estimating its own strength and doing things that cannot be done, which will inevitably lead to failure. \"mantis\" will block it." ]
[ [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [ "lion", "rabbit", "R4.4" ] ], [ [] ], [ [ "mantis", "carriage", "R4.4" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "thoughtful:rough", "delicate:ugly", "constrained:casual", "uplifting:calm" ] }
[ "\"abundant\" refers to abundance or great quantity, \"scarce\" refers to not enough, and \"abundant\" is the opposite of \"scarce\".", "\"thoughtful\" refers to carefully considering other people's mood and condition, giving care, and \"rough\" refers to roughness and rudeness, and there is no obvious logical relationship between \"thoughtful\" and \"rough\".", "\"ugly\" refers to bad-looking and unfavorable, and there is no obvious logical relationship between \"delicate\" and \"ugly\".", "\"constrained\" means to restrain oneself too much, which seems unnatural, while \"casual\" means to behave at one's will. \"constrained\" and \"casual\" have the opposite meaning.", "\"uplifting\" means cheering up, while \"calm\" means composed and unsentimental. \"uplifting\" and \"calm\" do not have opposite meanings." ]
[ [ [ "abundant", "scarce", "R1.2" ] ], [], [], [ [ "constrained", "casual", "R1.2" ] ], [ [] ] ]
spider:weave web:crawl
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "silkworm:break the chrysalis:spin silk", "bee:make honey:fly", "nightingale:build nest:sing", "cheetah:run:prey" ] }
[ "\"spider\" will \"weave web\", \"spider\" will \"crawl\", and \"crawling\" is the biological behavior of a \"spider\".", "\"silkworm\" will \"break the chrysalis\" and \"silkworm\" will \"spin silk\", but \"spinning silk\" is not the biological behavior of \"silkworms\".", "\"bees\" will \"make honey\", \"bees\" will \"fly\", and \"flying\" is the biological behavior of \"bees\".", "\"nightingales can \"build nests\" and \"sing\", but \"singing\" is an anthropomorphic expression, not the biological behavior of nightingales, which is to make a call.", "\"cheetahs\" will \"run\" and \"cheetahs\" will \"prey\", but \"predation\" is not the biological behavior of \"cheetahs\"." ]
[ [ [], [ "spider", "crawl", "R4.1" ] ], [ [], [] ], [ [], [ "bee", "fly", "R4.1" ] ], [ [], [ "nightingale", "sing", "R4.1" ] ], [ [ "cheetah", "run", "R4.1" ] ] ]
steam engine:internal combustion engine
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "jet:fighter", "traditional chinese medicine:western medicine", "flat-screen tv:lcd tv", "pulse telephone:digital telephone" ] }
[ "the \"steam engine\", \"internal combustion engine\" and steam turbine are all power machines, and the \"internal combustion engine\" is more advanced than the \"steam engine\".", "\"jet\" can be \"fighter\", \"fighter\" can also be \"jet\", neither is more advanced", "both \"traditional chinese medicine\" and \"western medicine\" belong to medicine, but \"western medicine\" and \"traditional chinese medicine\" have no order of advanced level.", "\"flat-screen tv\" can be \"lcd tv\", \"lcd tv\" can also be \"flat-screen tv\", neither is more advanced", "both the \"pulse phone\" and the \"digital phone\" are telephones, and the \"digital phone\" is more advanced than the \"pulse phone\"." ]
[ [ [ "steam engine", "internal combustion engine", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "jet", "fighter", "R2.7" ] ], [ [ "traditional chinese medicine", "western medicine", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "flat-screen tv", "lcd tv", "R2.7" ] ], [ [ "pulse telephone", "digital telephone", "R2.6" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "moon:round", "cement:hard", "drink:cold", "flame:hot" ] }
[ "\"pepper\" must be \"numb\", and \"numb\" is an attribute of \"pepper\".", "the \"moon\" is not necessarily \"round\". \"round is not an attribute of the \"moon\".", "cement is a powdery material that is mixed with water to form a slurry, which will harden after setting, so \"hard\" is not an inevitable attribute of \"cement\".", "\"drink\" can be divided into \"cold\" and hot drinks, and \"drinks\" are not necessarily all \"cold\".", "\"flame\" must be \"hot\", and \"hot\" is the inevitable attribute of \"flame\"." ]
[ [ [ "pepper", "numb", "R3.1" ] ], [], [], [ [ "drink", "cold", "R3.2" ] ], [ [ "flame", "hot", "R3.1" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "bones:joints", "arbor:birch", "clothes:silk", "watch:strap" ] }
[ "\"iris\" is a component of \"eyes\".", "both \"bones\" and \"joints\" are components of the skeletal system.", "\"birch\" is a kind of \"arbor\".", "one of the raw materials for \"clothes\" is \"silk\".", "\"strap\" is a component of \"watch\"." ]
[ [ [ "eyes", "iris", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "bones", "joints", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "arbor", "birch", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "clothes", "silk", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "watch", "strap", "R2.3" ] ] ]
positive number:zero:negative number
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "china:japan:united states", "cadre:mass:party member", "bear market:stock market:bull market", "left:middle:right" ] }
[ "\"positive number\", \"zero\" and \"negative number\" are all real numbers, \"positive number\", \"zero\", \"negative number\" are side by side, and the addition of \"positive number\", \"zero\" and \"negative number\" equals all the real numbers.", "\"china\", \"japan\" and \"united states\" are all countries, \"china\", \"japan\", \"united states\" are tied together, and there are other countries.", "some \"cadres\" are \"party members\", and some \"party members\" are \"cadres\".", "\"bull market\" refers to the securities market with a long-term upward trend in prices, and \"bear market\" refers to the securities market with a long-term downward trend in prices. both are a type of \"stock market\". .", "\"left\", \"middle\" and \"right\" are all horizontal orientation nouns, \"left\", \"middle\", \"right\" are side by side, and the addition of \"left\", \"middle\" and \"right\" equals the whole of the horizontal orientation." ]
[ [ [ "positive number", "zero", "negative number", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "china", "japan", "united states", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "cadre", "party member", "R2.7" ] ], [ [ "stock market", "bull market", "bear market", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "left", "middle", "right", "R2.4" ] ] ]
west lake:taihu lake
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "metropolis:parliament", "computer:human brain", "boy:girl", "addition:division" ] }
[ "\"west lake\" and \"taihu lake\" are both freshwater lakes, and there are other lakes besides these two.", "\"metropolis\" means city, while \"parliament\" is the legislature of a democratic country. there is no obvious logical relationship between \"metropolis\" and \"parliament\".", "\"computers\" simulate the thinking of the \"human brain\", and \"computer\" corresponds to the \"human brain\".", "\"boys\" and \"girls\" contradict each other.", "\"addition\" and \"division\" are both mathematical operations, which are more than \"addition\" and \"division\", including multiplication and subtraction." ]
[ [ [ "west lake", "taihu lake", "R2.6" ] ], [], [ [ "computer", "human brain", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "boy", "girl", "R2.5" ] ], [ [ "addition", "division", "R2.6" ] ] ]
plane:crash:black box
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "plants:wither:water shortage", "house:collapse:earthquake", "ship:tilt:navigator", "car:accident:dash cam" ] }
[ "the \"black box\" is part of the plane and is the main basis for investigating the cause of a \"plane crash\" accident,", "the reason \"plants\" \"wither\" is \"water shortage\", and \"water shortage\" is not a component of \"plants\".", "\"earthquake\" may be the reason \"house\" \"collapses\", \"earthquake\" is not part of \"house\". .", "\"navigator\" is not the main basis for investigating the cause of \"ship\" and \"tilt\".", "the \"dashboard\" is a part of a \"car\", and is the main basis for investigating the cause of a \"car\" \"accident\"." ]
[ [ [ "plane", "black box", "R2.3" ] ], [], [], [], [] ]
all saints' day:christmas
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "red:green", "survival:death", "matter:spirit", "line:circuit" ] }
[ "the \"all saints' day\" and \"christmas\" are both festivals, but they are not the same festival.", "both \"red\" and \"green\" are colors, but they are not the same color, which is consistent with the logical relationship of the query.", "\"survival\" and \"death\" are the same kind but not the same state.", "\"material\" and \"spirit\" are the same kind but not the same thing.", "a \"circuit\" is a type of \"circuit\"." ]
[ [ [ "all saints' day", "christmas", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "red", "green", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "survival", "death", "R2.5" ] ], [ [ "matter", "spirit", "R2.5" ] ], [ [ "circuit", "line", "R2.2" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "student:teacher", "machine:operation", "letter:postman", "movie:director" ] }
[ "the result of the work of an \"editor\" is a \"newspaper\", and \"editor\" is a profession.", "the teaching object of \"teacher\" is \"student\", and the work result of \"teacher\" is not \"student\".", "the object of the worker's \"operation\" is the \"machine\", and the work result of the \"operation\" is not the \"machine\".", "the \"postman\" is responsible for delivering the \"letter\", but the \"letter\" is not the work of the \"postman\".", "the work product of \"director\" is \"movie\", and \"director\" is a profession." ]
[ [ [ "newspaper", "editor", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [], [ [ "movie", "director", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "salt:sodium chloride", "sulfuric acid:sulfur", "graphite:diamond", "lime water:calcium hydroxide" ] }
[ "both \"oxygen\" and \"ozone\" are made up of only the element oxygen.", "\"sodium chloride\" is the main component of \"salt\", and \"salt\" and \"sodium chloride\" are not composed of only one element.", "\"sulfur\" is composed of the sulfur element, but the chemical formula of \"sulfuric acid\" is composed of three elements: hydrogen, sulfur and oxygen. \"sulfuric acid\" and \"sulfur\" are not composed of only one element.", "both \"graphite\" and \"diamond\" are composed of carbon only.", "the aqueous solution of \"calcium hydroxide\" is \"lime water\", \"calcium hydroxide\" is a part of \"lime water\", and \"lime water\" and \"calcium hydroxide\" are not composed of only one element." ]
[ [ [ "oxygen", "ozone", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "sodium chloride", "salt", "R2.3" ] ], [], [ [ "graphite", "diamond", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "lime water", "calcium hydroxide", "R2.3" ] ] ]
judge:adjudicate cases
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "audio:concert", "children:self-teaching", "customer:dining", "teacher:teaching" ] }
[ "\"adjudicating cases\" is a part of the work of a \"judge\". \"judge\" is a profession.", "the equipment in a \"concert\" is a \"audio\", and a \"audio\" is not a profession.", "\"children\" is not a profession. \"children\" can be \"self-taught\".", "\"customer\" is a title, \"customer\" is not a profession. \"customers\" can \"dine\".", "\"teaching\" is the job content of \"teacher\". \"teacher\" is a profession." ]
[ [ [ "judge", "adjudicate cases", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [], [ [ "teacher", "teaching", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "lighting:darkness", "vibration:sound", "effort:success", "candlelight:romantic" ] }
[ "only \"oxygen\" can have \"life\".", "\"darkness\" will be dispelled by \"light\".", "only \"vibration\" can have \"sound\".", "\"effort\" leads to \"success\".", "a \"romantic\" atmosphere can be created by \"candlelight\"." ]
[ [ [ "oxygen", "life", "R5.4" ] ], [ [ "lighting", "darkness", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "vibration", "sound", "R5.4" ] ], [ [ "success", "effort", "R5.1" ] ], [ [ "candlelight", "romantic", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "strong:hurricane:weak", "manual:auto:automatic", "far:distance:near", "good:smoking:bad" ] }
[ "\"speed\" can be \"fast\" or \"slow\". \"fast\" is the opposite of \"slow\". \"speed\" is a physical quantity.", "\"hurricane\" can be \"strong\" or \"weak\". \"strong\" is the opposite of \"weak\". \"hurricane\" is a natural disaster, not a physical quantity.", "\"car\" can be \"manual\" or \"automatic\". \"manual\" and \"automatic\" have opposite meanings, but \"car\" is not a physical quantity.", "\"distance\" can be \"far\" or \"near\". \"far\" is the opposite of \"near\", and \"distance\" is a physical quantity.", "\"smoking\" is harmful to your health. It is generally believed that \"smoking\" is not \"good\", and \"good\" is the opposite of \"bad\"." ]
[ [ [ "speed", "slow", "R3.10" ], [ "fast", "slow", "R1.2" ] ], [ [ "hurricane", "weak", "R3.10" ], [ "strong", "weak", "R1.2" ] ], [ [ "auto", "automatic", "R3.10" ], [ "manual", "automatic", "R1.2" ] ], [ [ "distance", "near", "R3.10" ], [ "far", "near", "R1.2" ] ], [] ]
poaching:species extinction
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "harvesting:soil erosion", "ozone layer:climate change", "forest:soil erosion", "acid rain:water pollution" ] }
[ "\"poaching\" leads to \"species extinction\", and \"poaching\" is a verb.", "\"harvesting\" leads to \"soil erosion\", and \"harvesting\" is a verb.", "the destruction of the \"ozone layer\" will lead to \"climate change\", and \"ozone layer\" is a noun.", "the reduction of \"forest\" will lead to \"soil erosion\", and \"forest\" is a noun.", "\"acid rain\" will cause \"water pollution\", and \"acid rain\" is a noun." ]
[ [ [ "poaching", "species extinction", "R5.1" ] ], [ [ "harvesting", "soil erosion", "R5.1" ] ], [ [ "ozone layer", "climate change", "R5.1" ] ], [ [ "forest", "soil erosion", "R5.1" ] ], [ [ "acid rain", "water pollution", "R5.1" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "using computers:writing articles", "computer:programming", "new investors:buying stocks", "library:reading newspapers" ] }
[ "the tool for \"shaving\" is the \"razor\".", "by \"using a computer\", people can \"write an article\", but the tool for \"writing an article\" is computer but not the action itself.", "the tool for \"programming\" is the \"computer\".", "\"new investors\" can \"buying stocks\", but the tool for \"buying stocks\" is not \"new investors\".", "the place for \"reading the newspaper\" is the \"library\"." ]
[ [ [ "razor", "shaving", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "using computers", "writing articles", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "computer", "programming", "R3.10" ] ], [ [] ], [ [ "library", "reading newspapers", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "iron ore:steel", "wood:furniture", "cement:house", "glass:windows" ] }
[ "\"petroleum\" is the raw material of \"gasoline\", and \"gasoline\" can be obtained by refining \"petroleum\".", "\"iron ore\" is the raw material of \"steel\", and \"steel\" can be obtained by refining \"iron ore\".", "\"wood\" is the raw material of \"furniture\", and \"furniture\" cannot be obtained by refining \"wood\".", "\"cement\" is the raw material of \"house\", and \"house\" cannot be obtained by refining \"cement\".", "\"glass\" is a component of \"windows\", and \"windows\" cannot be obtained by refining \"glass\"." ]
[ [ [ "gasoline", "petroleum", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "steel", "iron ore", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "furniture", "wood", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "house", "cement", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "glass", "windows", "R2.3" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "stunt:special effects", "movies:montage", "sound:image", "score:student" ] }
[ "\"news\" can be obtained through \"interviews\".", "\"stunt\" refers to stunts in martial arts, equestrianism, airplane driving, etc., or the special skills of shooting. \"special effects\" refer to particular results. There is no obvious logical relationship between \"stunt\" and \"special effects\".", "completing the \"movie\" requires \"montage\".", "\"sounds\" and \"images\" are two different information carriers. creating \"sounds\" does not need \"images\". ", "\"scores\"can measure the performance of \"students\". Obtaining \"scores\" does not require going through \"students\"." ]
[ [ [ "news", "interview", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "movies", "montage", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "sound", "image", "R2.4" ] ], [] ]
arterial blood vessels:venous blood vessels:capillaries
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "prose:poetry:fiction", "historical films:war films:science fiction films", "dormant volcano:dead volcano:active volcano", "sunny day:rainy day:snowy day" ] }
[ "\"arterial blood vessels\", \"venous blood vessels\" and \"capillaries\" are all types of blood vessels.", "\"prose\", \"poetry\" and \"fiction\" are all literary genres, but they are not the whole range of literary subjects.", "\"historical films\", \"war films\" and \"science fiction films\" are all films, but they are not the only types of themes of film.", "\"dormant volcanoes\", \"extinct volcanoes\" and \"active volcanoes\" constitute all types of volcanoes.", "\"sunny days\", \"rainy days\" and \"snow days\" belong to a juxtaposition, but the three are not the only weather phenomena." ]
[ [ [ "arterial blood vessels", "venous blood vessels", "capillaries", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "prose", "poetry", "fiction", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "historical films", "war films", "science fiction films", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "dormant volcano", "dead volcano", "active volcano", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "sunny day", "rainy day", "snowy day", "R2.6" ] ] ]
ship at anchor:call for help
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "safe landing:smooth flight", "administrative reconsideration:compensation", "selling sorghum:buying liquor", "illegal sales:suspend business for rectification" ] }
[ "first \"ship at anchor\" then \"call for help\". The \"ship at anchor\" and the \"call for help\" correspond to the order of time. The subjects of \"ship at anchor\" and \"call for help\" are the same.", "first \"smooth flight\" and then \"safe landing\". The order of words is inconsistent with the order of words in the query.", "The subjects of \"administrative reconsideration\" and \"compensation\" are inconsistent.", "the raw material for \"liquor\" is \"sorghum\" and there is no time sequence between \"selling sorghum\" and \"buying liquor\".", "first \"illegal sales\" then \"suspend business for rectification\". \"illegal sales\" and \"suspend business for rectification\" correspond to the chronological order, and the subjects of \"illegal sales\" and \"suspend business for rectification\" are the same." ]
[ [ [ "ship at anchor", "call for help", "R5.2" ] ], [ [ "smooth flight", "safe landing", "R5.2" ] ], [ [ "administrative reconsideration", "compensation", "R5.2" ] ], [], [ [ "illegal sales", "suspend business for rectification", "R5.2" ] ] ]
flash flood:villagers:soldiers
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "gale:thunder:lighthouse", "accident:the wounded:doctor", "tsunami:vessel:fisherman", "wedding:newlywed:hosting" ] }
[ "a \"flash flood\" occurred and \"villagers\" were rescued by \"soldiers\".", "natural phenomena include \"gale\" and \"thunder\".", "an \"accident\" occurred, and \"the wounded\" were rescued by \"doctors\".", "\"fishermen\" need a \"vessel\" for fishing, and will not fish when \"tsunami\".", "\"hosting\" a \"wedding\" needs a host." ]
[ [ [ "soldiers", "villagers", "R4.4" ] ], [ [ "gale", "thunder", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "doctor", "the wounded", "R4.4" ] ], [ [ "fisherman", "vessel", "R4.4" ] ], [ [] ] ]
mammals:terrestrial animals
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "spacecraft:vehicle", "flowering plants:flowerless plants", "interstellar matter:sirius", "polar bear:polar penguin" ] }
[ "\"mammals\" can be \"terrestrial animals\" and \"terrestrial animals\" can be \"mammals\".", "\"spacecrafts\" can be \"vehicles\" and \"vehicles\" can be \"spacecrafts\".", "\"flowering plants\" and \"flowerless plants\" are two kinds of plants, which are completely complementary.", "\"interstellar matter\" is a general term for the matter and radiation fields that exist between galaxies and stars. \"sirius\" is a star, and \"interstellar matter\" and \"sirius\" have no obvious logical relationship.", "both \"polar bears\" and \"polar penguins\" are animals." ]
[ [ [ "mammals", "terrestrial animals", "R2.7" ] ], [ [ "spacecraft", "vehicle", "R2.7" ] ], [ [ "flowering plants", "flowerless plants", "R2.5" ] ], [], [ [ "polar bear", "polar penguin", "R2.6" ] ] ]
song:lyrics writing:composing
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "piano music:piano:pianist", "cigarettes:tobacco farmers:harvest", "city:street:shop", "litigation:plaintiff:defendant" ] }
[ "\"writing lyrics\" and \"composing\" are parts of a \"song\".", "a \"pianist\" must have a \"piano\".", "\"tobacco farmers\" will \"harvest\".", "a \"street\" is part of a \"city\".", "the \"plaintiff\" and \"defendant\" are part of the \"litigation\"." ]
[ [ [ "lyrics writing", "composing", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "piano", "pianist", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "tobacco farmers", "harvest", "R4.1" ] ], [ [ "city", "street", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "plaintiff", "defendant", "R2.4" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "interfere:infrared", "lion:roar", "thesis:quality", "digestion:excretion" ] }
[ "\"horses\" will \"gallop\".", "\"infrared\" will be \"interfered\".", "the \"lion\" will \"roar\".", "one can check the \"quality\" of \"thesis\".", "\"digestion\" and \"excretion\" are the different physiological processes." ]
[ [ [ "horses", "gallop", "R4.1" ] ], [ [ "interfere", "infrared", "R4.2" ] ], [ [ "lion", "roar", "R4.1" ] ], [ [ "thesis", "quality", "R4.3" ] ], [ [ "digestion", "excretion", "R2.4" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "call the police:investigate:crime", "plant:grow:irrigate", "plan:implement:evaluate", "semester:review:exam" ] }
[ "first \"apply\", then \"review\", and finally get \"permit\".", "first \"crime\", then \"call the police\" and finally \"investigation\", and the order of words is inconsistent with the query.", "first \"plant\" and then \"irrigate\" and finally \"grow\", the order of words is inconsistent with the query.", "first \"plan\", then \"implement\" and finally \"evaluate\".", "\"semester\" is the time for \"exam\"." ]
[ [ [ "apply", "review", "permit", "R5.2" ] ], [], [], [ [ "plan", "implement", "evaluate", "R5.2" ] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "review:exam", "price reduction:benefits", "greening:environmental protection", "practice:truth" ] }
[ "the purpose of \"cleaning\" is to get \"tidy\".", "the purpose of \"review\" is to achieve good results in \"exams\".", "the purpose of \"price reduction\" is to increase sales. \"price reduction\" can allow consumers to obtain \"benefits\".", "\"environmental protection\" refers to the general term for various actions taken by human beings to solve actual or potential environmental problems. \"greening\" belongs to \"environmental protection\".", "the purpose of \"practice\" is to test the \"truth\"." ]
[ [ [ "cleaning", "tidy", "R5.1" ] ], [], [ [ "price reduction", "benefits", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "environmental protection", "greening", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "practice", "truth", "R5.1" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "fetters:obstacles", "gem:treasure house", "blueprint:imagination", "pride:prejudice" ] }
[ "both \"duty\" and \"responsibility\" refer to things that should be done, which have similar meanings.", "both \"fetters\" and \"obstacles\" refer to restraints, which have similar meanings.", "\"gem\" is a metaphor for unusual and excellent literary and artistic works or very outstanding figures, having no obvious logical relationship with \"treasure house\".", "\"blueprint\" is a metaphor for schedules and planning, having no obvious logical relationship with \"imagination\".", "\"pride\" refers to arrogance, and \"prejudice\" refers to one-sided opinions. there is no obvious logical relationship between the two." ]
[ [ [ "duty", "responsibility", "R1.1" ] ], [ [ "fetters", "obstacles", "R1.1" ] ], [], [], [] ]
hero:towering figure
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "milk tea:milk", "phs:landline", "biluochun:spring tea", "mobile phone:cell phone" ] }
[ "\"hero\" and \"towering figure\" are the same thing.", "the raw material of \"milk tea\" is \"milk\", and \"milk tea\" and \"milk\" are not the same thing.", "communication tools include \"phs\" and \"landline\", \"phs\" and \"landline\" are not the same thing.", "some \"biluochun\" is \"spring tea\", and some \"spring tea\" is \"biluochun\", \"biluochun\" . and \"spring tea\" are not the same thing.", "\"mobile phone\" is also called a \"cell phone\"." ]
[ [ [ "hero", "towering figure", "R2.1" ] ], [ [ "milk tea", "milk", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "phs", "landline", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "biluochun", "spring tea", "R2.7" ] ], [ [ "mobile phone", "cell phone", "R2.1" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "fire:warm", "water:boat", "near:far", "call:shout" ] }
[ "\"watch\" and \"see\" have similar meanings.", "the synonym for \"warm\" is not \"fire\".", "traveling on \"water\" requires a \"boat\".", "\"near\" and \"far\" have opposite meanings.", "\"call\" and \"shout\" have similar meanings." ]
[ [ [ "watch", "see", "R1.1" ] ], [], [ [ "boat", "water", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "near", "far", "R1.2" ] ], [ [ "call", "shout", "R1.1" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "litigation:trial:public gallery", "inflation:macro control:monetary policy", "emergency accident:on-site rescue:aftercare", "traffic safety:traffic laws:traffic police" ] }
[ "To have \"arbitration\", there must be \"dispute\", and to have \"hearing\", there must be \"arbitration\".", "To have a \"trial\", there must be a \"litigation\", and to have a \"public gallery\", there must be a \"trial.\"", "there can be \"macro control\" without \"inflation\".", "To have \"on-site rescue\", there must be \"emergency accident\", and to have \"aftercare\" does not necessarily have to have \"on-site rescue\".", "The legal basis for guaranteeing \"traffic safety\" is \"traffic laws\", and \"traffic safety\" is not necessarily required to have \"traffic laws\"." ]
[ [ [], [] ], [ [], [] ], [], [ [] ], [ [ "traffic laws", "traffic safety", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "expert:The British", "rebar:house", "singer:band", "people:society" ] }
[ "a \"lawyer\" can be a \"professor\", and a \"professor\" can also be a \"lawyer\".", "\"experts\" can be \"The British\", and \"The British\" can also be \"experts\".", "one of the raw materials for building a \"house\" is \"rebar\".", "the \"singer\" is part of the \"band\".", "\"people\" are part of \"society\"." ]
[ [ [ "lawyer", "professor", "R2.7" ] ], [ [ "expert", "The British", "R2.7" ] ], [ [ "rebar", "house", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "singer", "band", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "people", "society", "R2.3" ] ] ]
calla lily:crab claw orchid
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "morning glory:canna", "cabbage:night willow herb", "bell pepper:enoki mushroom", "bergamot:mimosa" ] }
[ "\"calla lily\" and \"crab claw orchid\" are of the same kind, which are named after their physical characteristics.", "\"Morning glory\" and \"canna\" are the same species, but not the same plant, \"morning glory\" and \"canna\" are named because of the story legend.", "\"Cabbage\" and \"Noctiluca\" belong to plants, but they are not the same kind of plants. \"Noctiluca\" is named after the fragrance that wafts from the treetops in the same month, not the shape.", "\"bell peppers\" and \"enoki mushrooms\" are of the same kind, which are named because of their appearance.", "\"Bergamot\" and \"Mimosa\" are the same kind, but not the same kind of plant. \"Mimosa\" is not named for its shape." ]
[ [ [ "calla lily", "crab claw orchid", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "morning glory", "canna", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "cabbage", "night willow herb", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "bell pepper", "enoki mushroom", "R2.6" ] ], [ [ "bergamot", "mimosa", "R2.6" ] ] ]
rapeseed flower:begonia flower
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "paddy field:millet porridge", "corn oil:olive oil", "farmhouse:countryside travel", "green vegetable garden:bamboo railing" ] }
[ "\"rapeseed flower\" and \"begonia flower\" are both flowers.", "\"paddy fields\" produce rice, which has no obvious logical relationship with \"millet porridge\".", "both \"corn oil\" and \"olive oil\" are edible oils.", "\"countryside travel\" is a way of leisure tourism with the \"farmhouse\" as the entertainment place, the logical relationship of which is inconsistent with that of the query.", "some \"green vegetable gardens\" use \"bamboo railings\" as walls, but the categories of \"green vegetable gardens\" and \"bamboo railings\" are different." ]
[ [ [ "rapeseed flower", "begonia flower", "R2.4" ] ], [], [ [ "corn oil", "olive oil", "R2.4" ] ], [ [ "farmhouse", "countryside travel", "R3.5" ] ], [ [ "green vegetable garden", "bamboo railing", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "distance:speed", "yield:quality", "current:voltage", "efficiency:time" ] }
[ "when the \"pressure\" is constant, the larger the \"area\", the smaller the \"pressure\".", "When time is fixed, the faster the speed is, the farther the distance is.", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"yield\" and \"quality\".", "when the resistance is constant, the greater the \"voltage\", the greater the \"current\".", "when the workload is constant, the lower the \"efficiency\", the longer the \"time\"." ]
[ [ [ "area", "pressure", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "speed", "distance", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "voltage", "current", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "time", "efficiency", "R3.10" ] ] ]
formaldehyde:adhesive:preservative liquid
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "wood:pulp:paper", "ethanol:alcohol:motor fuel", "aloe vera:lotion:beverage", "man-made fiber:vinyl fiber:rayon" ] }
[ "the raw materials of \"adhesive\" and \"preservative liquid\" are \"formaldehyde\", \"adhesive\" is a kind of adhesive, and \"preservative liquid\" is an additive. there is no obvious logical relationship between the two, but they are both chemical preparations.", "the raw material of \"pulp\" is \"wood\", and the raw material of \"paper\" is \"pulp\", which is inconsistent with the logical relationship of the query.", "\"alcohol\" and \"ethanol\" are the same thing, and \"alcohol\" is not the raw material of \"ethanol\", which is inconsistent with the logical relationship of the query.", "the raw materials of \"beverage\" are \"aloe vera\" and \"lotion\". \"lotion\" is a skin care product, and \"beverage\" is a kind of food. there is no obvious logical relationship between the two, but they are both liquids.", "\"man-made fiber\" includes \"rayon\" and artificial wool. important varieties are viscose fiber, \"vinyl fiber\", copper ammonia fiber and more. \"rayon\" and \"vinyl fiber\" are a type of \"man-made fiber\"." ]
[ [ [ "formaldehyde", "adhesive", "R3.7" ], [ "formaldehyde", "preservative liquid", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "wood", "pulp", "R3.7" ], [ "pulp", "paper", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "alcohol", "ethanol", "R2.1" ] ], [ [ "aloe vera", "lotion", "R3.7" ], [ "aloe vera", "beverage", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "man-made fiber", "rayon", "R2.2" ], [ "man-made fiber", "vinyl fiber", "R2.2" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "carpenter:bottom", "teacher:blackboard", "clerk:contract", "writer:book manuscript" ] }
[ "\"x-rays\" are medical tools for \"surgeons\".", "a \"bottom\" is not a \"carpenter's\" tool.", "a \"blackboard\" is a medical tool for \"teachers\".", "a \"contract\" is not a medical tool for a \"clerk\".", "\"book manuscripts\" are created by \"writers\", and \"book manuscripts\" are not the authoring tools of \"writers\"." ]
[ [ [ "x-rays", "surgeon", "R3.10" ] ], [], [ [ "blackboard", "teacher", "R3.10" ] ], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "ox:tail", "whale:gills", "chicken:wings", "lion:paws" ] }
[ "\"legs\" and \"snakes\" are different from each other.", "the \"tail\" is a part of the body of the \"cow\", and the body of the \"cow\" also has a \"tail\".", "\"whale\" and \"gills\" are different from each other.", "\"wings\" are part of the body of a \"chicken\", and the body of the \"chicken\" also has \"wings\".", "the \"claws\" are part of the body of the \"lion\", and the body of the \"lion\" also has \"claws\"." ]
[ [ [ "legs", "snake", "R2.8" ] ], [ [ "tail", "ox", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "whale", "gills", "R2.8" ] ], [ [ "wings", "chicken", "R2.3" ] ], [ [ "paws", "lion", "R2.3" ] ] ]
snooker:free kick
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "tennis:holding the ball", "badminton:offside", "table tennis:one-meter line", "basketball:free throw" ] }
[ "the batting rule that occurs when a player commits a foul in a \"snooker\" game is \"free kick\", and \"free kick\" is a rule of \"snooker\"", "one of the ball control methods in basketball is \"holding the ball\", but \"holding the ball\" does not exist in \"tennis\" sports, and there is no obvious logical relationship between the two.", "one of the rules in football is \"offside\", there is no \"offside\" in \"badminton\", and there is no obvious logical relationship between the two.", "the \"one-meter line\" is a tool to maintain public order and divert the flow of people. \"one-meter line\" does not exist in \"table tennis\" sports, and there is no obvious logical relationship between the two.", "the special rule that occurs when a player commits a foul in the \"basketball\" game is \"free throw\", and \"free throw\" is the rule of \"basketball\"" ]
[ [], [], [], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "guide:temptation", "reward and punishment:incentive", "guarantee:protection", "sacrifice:death" ] }
[ "effective \"management\" is the purpose of \"control\".", "\"temptation\" can be achieved through \"guidance\"", "\"incentive\" is the purpose of \"reward and punishment\".", "\"guarantee\" refers to guaranteeing something responsible or as a guarantee, and \"protection\" refers to making every effort to take care so that rights and interests are not damaged. there is no obvious logical relationship between \"guarantee\" and \"protection\".", "\"sacrifice\" is a type of \"death\"." ]
[ [ [ "management", "control", "R3.9" ] ], [ [ "guide", "temptation", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "incentive", "reward and punishment", "R3.9" ] ], [], [ [ "sacrifice", "death", "R2.2" ] ] ]
red wine:coffee:drinks
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "panda:embroidery:china", "spoon:shovel:metal", "stamp:envelope:mail", "chestnut:walnut:dried fruit" ] }
[ "\"red wine\" and \"coffee\" are both \"drinks\", but in addition to \"red wine\" and \"coffee\", yogurt also belongs to \"drinks\", and \"drinks\" include \"red wine\" and \"coffee\".", "\"panda\" is an animal unique to \"china\", \"panda\" corresponds to \"china\", and \"embroidery\" is a decorative fabric, which has no obvious logical relationship with \"panda\".", "\"spoon\" and \"shovel\" are kitchen utensils, but in addition to \"spoon\" and \"shovel\" and kitchenware, the raw materials of the \"spoon\" and \"shovel\" are \"metal\".", "\"stamp\" and \"envelope\" can only be used together with \"mail\", and \"stamp\" and \"envelope\" can be used together.", "\"chestnut\" and \"walnut\" are both \"dried fruit\", but in addition to \"chestnut\" and \"walnut\", cashew nuts also belong to \"dried fruit\", and \"dried fruit\" includes \"chestnut\" and \"walnut\"." ]
[ [ [ "red wine", "coffee", "R2.6" ], [ "red wine", "coffee", "drinks", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "panda", "china", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "spoon", "shovel", "R2.6" ], [ "shovel", "metal", "R3.7" ] ], [ [ "stamp", "envelope", "mail", "R3.10" ], [ "stamp", "envelope", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "chestnut", "walnut", "R2.6" ], [ "chestnut", "walnut", "dried fruit", "R2.2" ] ] ]
new moon:full moon:waning moon
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "production:sales:consumption", "bud:bloom:wither", "morning:noon:night", "spring fatigue:autumn sleepiness:hibernation" ] }
[ "\"new moon\", \"full moon\" and \"waning moon\" are the changes of the main body of the moon over time.", "\"production\", \"sale\" and \"consumption\" are the three stages of a product's circulation process, not the product itself changing.", "\"bud\", \"bloom\" and \"wither\" are the changes of the main body of flowers over time.", "\"morning\", \"noon\" and \"night\" are the three time periods of the day, not the time itself changing.", "\"spring fatigue\", \"autumn sleepiness\" and \"hibernation\" describe the impact of the three seasons on people, not changes in people themselves." ]
[ [ [ "new moon", "full moon", "waning moon", "R5.2" ] ], [], [ [ "bud", "bloom", "wither", "R5.2" ] ], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "copy:modify:text", "preview:review:examination", "play:fast forward:tape", "formulate:implement:policy" ] }
[ "\"design\" and \"distribute\" are in a subject-object relationship with \"questionnaire\", \"design\" first , then \"distribute\".", "\"copy\" and \"modify\" are in a subject-object relationship with \"text\". no temporal relationship exists between \"copy\" and \"modify\".", "\"preview\" and \"review\" belong to the same category. \"preview\" and \"review\" are not in a verb-object relationship with \"examination\".", "\"play\" and \"tape\" are in a verb-object relationship. \"fast forward\" is an intransitive verb, and cannot be followed by an object. \"tape\" is \"played\".", "\"formulate\" and \"implement\" are in a subject-object relationship with \"policy\", \"formulate\" first then \"implement\" with a transition in time." ]
[ [ [ "design", "distribute", "questionnaire", "R4.4" ] ], [ [ "copy", "modify", "text", "R4.4" ] ], [], [ [ "play", "tape", "R4.2" ] ], [ [ "formulate", "implement", "policy", "R4.4" ] ] ]
loch ness:england
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "lake superior:america", "lago di garda:america", "big bear lake:england", "lake o'hara:england" ] }
[ "\"loch ness\" is a lake located in \"england\".", "\"lake superior\" is a lake located in \"america\".", "\"lago di garda\" is not a lake located in \"america\".", "\"big bear lake\" is not a lake located in \"england\".", "\"lake o'hara\" is not a lake located in \"england\"." ]
[ [ [ "loch ness", "england", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "lake superior", "america", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [] ]
sparrow:animal:biological chain
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "soy milk:breakfast:soy products", "boiling water:paper cup:convenience goods", "hair clip:jewelry:makeup", "pen:computer:office product" ] }
[ "\"sparrow\" is an \"animal\", and the \"animal\" is part of a \"biological chain\".", "\"breakfast\" could contain \"soy products\", and \"soy products\" could also be \"breakfast\".", "\"boiling water\" can be placed in a \"paper cup\", and \"boiling water\" is a \"convenience goods\".", "\"hair clips\" are a kind of \"jewelry\", and \"jewelry\" is a kind of \"makeup\".", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"pen\" and \"computer\", and \"office product\" includes \"pen\" and \"computer\"." ]
[ [ [ "sparrow", "animal", "R2.2" ] ], [ [ "breakfast", "soy products", "R2.7" ] ], [ [ "paper cup", "boiling water", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "hair clip", "jewelry", "R2.2" ], [] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "compass:sundial:starry sky", "brush:eye:finger", "dart:bullet:torpedo", "mirror:light:clear water" ] }
[ "\"foot\", \"tire\" and \"track\" have the same function, and can help people or things move.", "the \"compass\" is used to locate the position, the \"sundial\" is used to time the time, and the \"starry sky\" can locate the position.", "\"brush\" can be used to write, \"eyes\" can sense light, \"fingers\" can be used to write, but cannot sense light. \"brush\" and \"eyes\" and \"fingers\" have different functions.", "\"darts\" and \"bullets\" and \"torpedoes\" have the same function, all have the effect of launching.", "\"mirror\" has the function of reflection, \"light\" has the function of lighting, \"clear water\" has the function of reflection, \"mirror\" and \"light\" and \"clear water\" have different functions." ]
[ [ [ "foot", "tire", "track", "R2.4" ] ], [], [], [ [ "dart", "bullet", "torpedo", "R2.4" ] ], [] ]
driver:cab:step on the accelerator
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "teacher:podium:educate people", "doctor:hospital:operate", "actor:stage:art", "farmer:field:sow" ] }
[ "the \"driver\" can only \"step on the accelerator\" in the \"cab\", the \"driver\" is the main body, the \"cab\" is the place, and \"step on the accelerator\" is the action.", "\"teachers\" can not only \"educate people\" on the \"podium\", but also \"educate people\" in other places.", "\"doctors\" \"operate\" in \"hospitals\", but the scope of \"hospitals\" is larger, and a more reasonable corresponding place should be the operating room.", "an \"actor\" performs \"art\" on a \"stage\", but \"art\" is not action.", "\"farmers\" can only \"sow\" in \"fields\", \"farmers\" are the subject, \"fields\" are places, and \"sow\" is an action." ]
[ [ [ "driver", "cab", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "teacher", "podium", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [ [ "farmer", "field", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "airplane:bird", "shark:swimsuit", "shrimp:car", "bat:radar" ] }
[ "\"Submarine\" is invented according to the floating and sinking principle of \"fish\", and \"submarine\" is a imitation of \"fish\".", "\"Airplane\" is invented according to the flight principle of \"bird\", and \"airplane\" is a imitation of \"bird\", but the word order is inconsistent with the title.", "Shark skin \"swimsuit\" is invented according to the drag reduction principle of \"shark\", and \"swimsuit\" is not a imitation of \"shark\".", "the \"car\" was not invented based on \"shrimp\". \"car\" is not a bionic product of \"shrimp\".", "\"radar\" was invented based on the echolocation principle of \"bat\", and \"radar\" is a bionic product of \"bat\"." ]
[ [ [ "submarine", "fish", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "airplane", "bird", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [ [ "radar", "bat", "R3.10" ] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "east:west", "poor:rich", "black:white", "crooked:straight" ] }
[ "\"dynamic\" and \"static\" contradict each other.", "both \"east\" and \"west\" belong to orientation, as well as south and north.", "both \"poor\" and \"rich\" belong to the wealthy status, as well as medium.", "both \"black\" and \"white\" belong to colors, as well as red, yellow and so on.", "\"crooked\" and \"straight\" contradict each other." ]
[ [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "drugs:tobacco", "gun:metal", "gene:cell", "gunpowder:chemistry" ] }
[ "\"wood\" is the raw material for making \"furniture\".", "the raw material of \"drugs\" is not \"tobacco\", and there is no obvious logical relationship between \"drugs\" and \"tobacco\".", "\"metal\" is the raw material from which \"guns\" are made.", "\"gene\" is a component of a \"cell\", and the \"cell\" is not the raw material for making \"gene\".", "\"gunpowder\" is made by means of \"chemistry\", which is not the raw material for making \"gunpowder\"." ]
[ [ [] ], [ [] ], [ [] ], [], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "microwave oven:heating", "typewriter:handwriting", "tv:entertainment", "printer:painting" ] }
[ "\"meeting\" can be replaced by \"telephone\".", "\"heating\" is a function of the \"microwave oven\", and \"heating\" cannot be replaced by the \"microwave oven\".", "\"handwriting\" can be replaced by \"typewriter\".", "\"entertainment\" is a function of \"tv\", and \"entertainment\" cannot be replaced by \"tv\".", "there is no obvious logical relationship between \"printer\" and \"painting\"." ]
[ [ [ "meeting", "phone", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "microwave oven", "heating", "R3.3" ] ], [ [ "handwriting", "typewriter", "R3.10" ] ], [ [ "tv", "entertainment", "R3.3" ] ], [] ]
{ "label": [ "A", "B", "C", "D" ], "text": [ "ink:cartridge", "rocket:launch pad", "brush:cap", "travel shoes:travel bag" ] }
[ "the \"scabbard\" is to keep the \"sabre\" inside for the purpose of protection.", "\"Ink cartridge\" is to place\"ink\", and \"ink\" is not for inserting \"ink cartridge\".", "the \"launch pad\" is to fix the \"rocket\" and has no protective effect.", "the \"cap\" is to keep the \"brush\" inside and plays a protective role.", "\"travel bag\" is the place where \"travel shoes\" are placed, and \"travel shoes\" are not inserted into \"travel bag\"." ]
[ [ [ "sabre", "scabbard", "R3.10" ] ], [], [], [ [ "brush", "cap", "R3.10" ] ], [] ]