The review outlines the tariffs' impact on domestic steel industry and steel consumers halfway through the three-year program.
Tinjauan ini menguraikan dampak tarif pada industri baja domestik dan konsumen baja di tengah program tiga tahun.
Besides the fact that Americans want to be liked, she said, there is a "huge cost when world opinion is negative to the United States.
Selain fakta bahwa orang Amerika ingin disukai, katanya, ada "biaya besar ketika pendapat dunia negatif bagi Amerika Serikat.
John Logsdon, a board member, said that "human spaceflight had become a place where dissent was not welcome."
John Logsdon, seorang anggota dewan, mengatakan bahwa "Spaceflight manusia telah menjadi tempat di mana perbedaan pendapat tidak diterima."
PC-related products were the strongest sector in July, with microprocessors up 5.6% and DRAMs up 8.2% from June, the industry group said.
Produk terkait PC adalah sektor terkuat di bulan Juli, dengan mikroprosesor naik 5,6% dan DRAM naik 8,2% dari Juni, kata kelompok industri itu.
The Prime Ministers of China, Russia and four central Asian nations have met in Beijing and approved a budget for their regional security grouping.
Perdana Menteri Tiongkok, Rusia dan empat negara Asia Tengah telah bertemu di Beijing dan menyetujui anggaran untuk pengelompokan keamanan regional mereka.
In fiction: Edward P. Jones ("The Known World") and Scott Spencer ("A Ship Made of Paper").
Dalam Fiksi: Edward P. Jones ("Dunia yang Dikenal") dan Scott Spencer ("Kapal yang terbuat dari kertas").
"Overwhelmingly the Windows brand really resonated with them."
"Sedikit merek Windows benar -benar selaras dengan mereka."
The two Democrats on the five-member FCC held a press conference to sway opinion against Powell and the two other Republicans on the panel.
Dua Demokrat pada lima anggota FCC mengadakan konferensi pers untuk mempengaruhi pendapat terhadap Powell dan dua Partai Republik lainnya di panel.
It will cost about $20,000 per eight-week course of treatment, comparable to other injected cancer therapies, a spokeswoman said.
Harganya sekitar $ 20.000 per kursus delapan minggu, sebanding dengan terapi kanker yang disuntikkan lainnya, kata seorang juru bicara.
The OneNote note-taking tool is listed at £169.99 while the InfoPath XML (Extensible Markup Language) data gathering application is priced at £179.99.
Alat pencatatan OneNote terdaftar di £ 169,99 sedangkan aplikasi pengumpulan data Infopath XML (Extensible Markup Language) dihargai £ 179,99.
The current plan is to release the videotapes of the sessions, after U.S. review, on Friday, said Jim Landale, a spokesman for the tribunal.
Rencana saat ini adalah untuk merilis rekaman video sesi, setelah peninjauan A.S. pada hari Jumat, kata Jim Landale, juru bicara Pengadilan.
Forty to 50 years ago, the ratio was 3 to 1, Kessler said, and 10 years ago, it was 2 to 1.
Empat puluh hingga 50 tahun yang lalu, rasionya adalah 3 banding 1, kata Kessler, dan 10 tahun yang lalu, itu adalah 2 banding 1.
Before addressing the economy, Bush discussed the terrorist attacks in Saudi Arabia, which killed as many as 29 people, including seven Americans.
Sebelum berbicara dengan ekonomi, Bush membahas serangan teroris di Arab Saudi, yang menewaskan sebanyak 29 orang, termasuk tujuh orang Amerika.
Sens. John Kerry and Bob Graham declined invitations to speak.
Sens. John Kerry dan Bob Graham menolak undangan untuk berbicara.
Senate passage of the Medicare bill was almost certain, possibly as early as today.
Bagian Senat dari RUU Medicare hampir pasti, mungkin sedini hari ini.
Five foreign embassies, including the Singapore embassy, in Bangkok were among the targets, it said.
Lima kedutaan asing, termasuk kedutaan Singapura, di Bangkok adalah salah satu target, katanya.
SARS has also taken a toll on Taiwan's economy, as it has on economies across the region, hammering consumer spending and leaving shops, restaurants and airports empty.
SARS juga telah mengambil korban ekonomi Taiwan, seperti halnya pada ekonomi di seluruh wilayah, memalu pengeluaran konsumen dan meninggalkan toko -toko, restoran, dan bandara kosong.
Minister Saud al-Faisal visit was disclosed Monday by two administration officials who discussed it on condition of not being identified by name.
Kunjungan Menteri Saud al-Faisal diungkapkan Senin oleh dua pejabat administrasi yang membahasnya dengan syarat tidak diidentifikasi dengan nama.
Spot gold was quoted at $367.90/368.60 an ounce at 1000 GMT, having marched up to $369.50 -- a level not seen since February 10.
Spot Gold dikutip pada $ 367,90/368,60 per ons pada 1000 GMT, setelah berbaris hingga $ 369,50 - level yang tidak terlihat sejak 10 Februari.
Parson has been charged on one count of intentionally causing or attempting to cause damage to a computer.
Parson telah ditagih pada satu tuduhan sengaja menyebabkan atau berusaha menyebabkan kerusakan pada komputer.
She appeared in federal court there Monday and was expected to be transferred to Houston in two weeks.
Dia muncul di pengadilan federal di sana Senin dan diharapkan akan dipindahkan ke Houston dalam dua minggu.
There is, however, no photo of Peter Hollingworth in the June issue examined by the Herald yesterday.
Namun, tidak ada foto Peter Hollingworth dalam edisi Juni yang diperiksa oleh Herald kemarin.
The bank also said its offer was subject to the agreement of Drax's senior banks, senior bond holders and hedging banks by 30 September 2003.
Bank itu juga mengatakan tawarannya tunduk pada perjanjian bank senior Drax, pemegang obligasi senior dan bank lindung nilai pada 30 September 2003.
Hill, 50, would be the first person executed for killing an abortion doctor.
Hill, 50, akan menjadi orang pertama yang dieksekusi karena membunuh seorang dokter aborsi.
On Jan. 10, Shawanda Denise McCalister, who was also pregnant, was found bound and strangled in her apartment in the same neighbourhood.
Pada 10 Januari, Shawanda Denise McCalister, yang juga hamil, ditemukan terikat dan dicekik di apartemennya di lingkungan yang sama.
It ended a diplomatic drought between the two nations, at odds for months over North Korea's nuclear program and American demands that it cease.
Itu mengakhiri kekeringan diplomatik antara kedua negara, berselisih selama berbulan -bulan atas program nuklir Korea Utara dan Amerika menuntut agar ia berhenti.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the federal agency that runs Medicare, last year began a similar effort for nursing homes.
Pusat Layanan Medicare dan Medicaid, agen federal yang menjalankan Medicare, tahun lalu memulai upaya serupa untuk panti jompo.
Scientists have reported a 90 percent decline in large predatory fish in the world's oceans since a half century ago.
Para ilmuwan telah melaporkan penurunan 90 persen pada ikan predator besar di lautan dunia sejak setengah abad yang lalu.
The Nasdaq composite index fell 25.17, or 1.4 percent, to 1,792.07 following a loss of 26.46 the previous session.
Indeks komposit NASDAQ turun 25,17, atau 1,4 persen, menjadi 1.792,07 setelah kerugian 26,46 sesi sebelumnya.
Congress twice before passed similar restrictions only to see President Bill Clinton veto them.
Kongres dua kali sebelum melewati batasan serupa hanya untuk melihat Presiden Bill Clinton memveto mereka.
"He said they were in distress," said Kingsville Police Chief Sam Granato.
"Dia mengatakan mereka dalam kesulitan," kata Kepala Polisi Kingsville Sam Granato.
Calvin Hollins Jr.'s attorney, Thomas Royce, has repeatedly said his client had no link with the company that owned and operated E2.
Pengacara Calvin Hollins Jr., Thomas Royce, telah berulang kali mengatakan kliennya tidak memiliki hubungan dengan perusahaan yang memiliki dan mengoperasikan E2.
But none of them opposed the idea outright, ministers said.
Tapi tidak satu pun dari mereka menentang gagasan itu secara langsung, kata Menteri.
No one has been killed in the attacks, which have continued despite major setbacks for al Qaeda in a battle with Saudi security forces.
Tidak ada yang terbunuh dalam serangan itu, yang terus berlanjut meskipun ada kemunduran besar untuk Al Qaeda dalam pertempuran dengan pasukan keamanan Saudi.
The company also earned 14 cents a share a year earlier.
Perusahaan juga mendapatkan 14 sen per saham setahun sebelumnya.
That ought to be the standard — not how many people sign up," he said.
Itu seharusnya menjadi standar - bukan berapa banyak orang yang mendaftar, "katanya.
Among three major candidates, Schwarzenegger is wining the battle for independents and crossover voters.
Di antara tiga kandidat utama, Schwarzenegger memenangkan pertempuran untuk para independen dan pemilih crossover.
The chief merchandising officer decides what the store is going to sell, giving it a signature to attract shoppers and hopefully lure them back.
Kepala Petugas Merchandising memutuskan apa yang akan dijual toko, memberikan tanda tangan untuk menarik pembeli dan mudah -mudahan memikat mereka kembali.
"For customers to get the most of the Internet, several factors are crucial," Pierre Danon, CEO of BT's retail unit.
"Bagi pelanggan untuk mendapatkan sebagian besar dari internet, beberapa faktor sangat penting," Pierre Danon, CEO unit ritel BT.
A representative for Phoenix-based U-Haul declined to comment on the case before the judge's opinion was released.
Perwakilan untuk U-Haul yang berbasis di Phoenix menolak mengomentari kasus ini sebelum pendapat hakim dirilis.
Vivace was founded in 1999 and has raised over $118 million in three rounds of venture financing.
Vivace didirikan pada tahun 1999 dan telah mengumpulkan lebih dari $ 118 juta dalam tiga putaran pembiayaan usaha.
He has also directed "The Flintstones," "Beethoven," and "Jingle All The Way."
Dia juga telah mengarahkan "The Flintstones," "Beethoven," dan "Jingle sepanjang jalan."
As he left court, McCartney cast one long angry glare at Amrozi, who almost hid behind his lawyer to the side.
Ketika dia meninggalkan pengadilan, McCartney melemparkan satu tatapan marah yang panjang pada Amrozi, yang hampir bersembunyi di belakang pengacaranya ke samping.
"We are starting the epidemic with more cases and more areas affected than last year.
"Kami memulai epidemi dengan lebih banyak kasus dan lebih banyak area yang terpengaruh daripada tahun lalu.
The Dow Jones industrial average <.DJI> added 28 points, or 0.27 percent, at 10,557, hitting its highest level in 21 months.
Dow Jones Industrial Average <.dji> menambahkan 28 poin, atau 0,27 persen, pada 10.557, mencapai level tertinggi dalam 21 bulan.
The $19.50-a-share bid, comes two days after PeopleSoft revised its bid for smaller rival J.D. Edwards & Co. JDEC.O to include cash as well as stock.
Tawaran $ 19,50 per saham, datang dua hari setelah PeopleSoft merevisi tawarannya untuk saingan kecil J.D. Edwards & Co. JDEC.O untuk memasukkan uang tunai serta saham.
CIA Director George Tenet said the two men were "defined by dedication and courage."
Direktur CIA George Tenet mengatakan kedua pria itu "didefinisikan oleh dedikasi dan keberanian."
The FTC also asked the judge to suspend his ruling pending its appeal.
FTC juga meminta hakim untuk menangguhkan putusannya sambil menunggu bandingnya.
Gerry Kiely, a EU agriculture representative in Washington, said EU ministers were invited but canceled because the union is closing talks on agricultural reform.
Gerry Kiely, seorang perwakilan pertanian Uni Eropa di Washington, mengatakan para menteri UE diundang tetapi dibatalkan karena serikat tersebut menutup pembicaraan tentang reformasi pertanian.
The Democratic candidates also began announcing their fund-raising totals before Wednesday's deadline to file quarterly reports with the Federal Election Commission.
Kandidat Demokrat juga mulai mengumumkan total penggalangan dana mereka sebelum batas waktu hari Rabu untuk mengajukan laporan triwulanan dengan Komisi Pemilihan Federal.
Even the pizza man took part, delivering a flier with the missing girl's picture along with the pizza and a two-liter bottle of Pepsi to Cruz's house.
Bahkan pria pizza itu ambil bagian, memberikan selebaran dengan foto gadis yang hilang bersama dengan pizza dan sebotol Pepsi dua liter ke rumah Cruz.
The Institute for Supply Management said its index of non-manufacturing activity rose to 50.7 from 47.9 in March.
Institute for Supply Management mengatakan indeks aktivitas non-manufaktur naik menjadi 50,7 dari 47,9 pada bulan Maret.
It will also boost SuSE's sales reach worldwide and enhance HP's Linux business, they said.
Ini juga akan meningkatkan penjualan Suse di seluruh dunia dan meningkatkan bisnis Linux HP, kata mereka.
Sun Microsystems Inc. on Thursday said it had added 100 new third-party systems and 100 new components to its Hardware Compatibility List for the Solaris x86 operating system Platform Edition.
Sun Microsystems Inc. pada hari Kamis mengatakan telah menambahkan 100 sistem pihak ketiga baru dan 100 komponen baru ke daftar kompatibilitas perangkat kerasnya untuk Edisi Platform Sistem Operasi Solaris X86.
To create the condyle, Dr Mao and colleague Adel Alhadlaq used adult stem cells taken from the bone marrow of rats.
Untuk membuat kondilus, Dr Mao dan kolega Adel Alhadlaq menggunakan sel induk dewasa yang diambil dari sumsum tulang tikus.
New research indicates that some 540,000 high-tech jobs were lost in the United States during 2002.
Penelitian baru menunjukkan bahwa sekitar 540.000 pekerjaan berteknologi tinggi hilang di Amerika Serikat selama tahun 2002.
Of personal vehicles, 57 percent are cars or station wagons, 21 percent vans or SUVs, 19 percent light trucks.
Kendaraan pribadi, 57 persen adalah mobil atau gerbong stasiun, 21 persen van atau SUV, truk ringan 19 persen.
Network security products maker Secure Computing Inc. said Tuesday it is acquiring content-filtering vendor N2H2 for $20 million, furthering consolidation in an already-competitive market.
Pembuat Produk Keamanan Jaringan Secure Computing Inc. mengatakan pada hari Selasa mereka mengakuisisi vendor penyaringan konten N2H2 seharga $ 20 juta, memajukan konsolidasi di pasar yang sudah kompetitif.
Mel Gibson's passion-stirring Biblical epic "The Passion of Christ" will open in the United States on Feb. 25 - Ash Wednesday on the Roman Catholic calendar.
Epik alkitabiah gairah Mel Gibson "The Passion of Christ" akan dibuka di Amerika Serikat pada 25 Februari - Rabu Ash di Kalender Katolik Roma.
Justice John Paul Stevens compared the interrogation of Martinez to "an attempt to obtain an involuntary confession from a prisoner by torturous methods."
Hakim Agung John Paul Stevens membandingkan interogasi Martinez dengan "upaya untuk mendapatkan pengakuan yang tidak disengaja dari seorang tahanan dengan metode yang menyiksa."
Illinois State Police accident reconstruction experts were investigating the cause.
Pakar Rekonstruksi Kecelakaan Kepolisian Negara Bagian Illinois sedang menyelidiki penyebabnya.
Prosecutors said PW Marketing violated the state's 1998 anti-spam law by sending unsolicited e-mail without a toll-free number for recipients to call to stop additional mailings.
Jaksa penuntut mengatakan PW Marketing melanggar undang-undang anti-spam tahun 1998 dengan mengirim email yang tidak diminta tanpa nomor bebas pulsa bagi penerima untuk menelepon untuk menghentikan surat tambahan.
They were released to authorities after officers delivered the soda to the gunman, using a long stick to pass the six-pack through a door.
Mereka dibebaskan ke pihak berwenang setelah petugas mengirimkan soda ke pria bersenjata itu, menggunakan tongkat panjang untuk melewati paket enam melalui pintu.
The children were last seen July 4 at a fireworks display in Concord with their father, Manuel Gehring.
Anak -anak terakhir terlihat 4 Juli di sebuah pertunjukan kembang api di Concord dengan ayah mereka, Manuel Gehring.
The hall will be home to the Los Angeles Philharmonic and the LA Master Chorale.
Aula akan menjadi rumah bagi Los Angeles Philharmonic dan LA Master Chorale.
The Neighbours star and singer spent yesterday resting at her family home in Sydney and will have more tests today.
Bintang dan penyanyi tetangga menghabiskan kemarin beristirahat di rumah keluarganya di Sydney dan akan memiliki lebih banyak tes hari ini.
Kerry Kennedy Cuomo and Andrew Cuomo have been married 13 years.
Kerry Kennedy Cuomo dan Andrew Cuomo telah menikah 13 tahun.
The Senate majority leader, Bill Frist, Republican of Tennessee, said he hoped Congress would finish work on the legislation by the end of September.
Pemimpin Mayoritas Senat, Bill Frist, Republik Tennessee, mengatakan ia berharap Kongres akan menyelesaikan pekerjaan pada undang -undang tersebut pada akhir September.
The crime report surveyed 11,600 police and law enforcement agencies nationwide.
Laporan kejahatan mensurvei 11.600 lembaga polisi dan penegak hukum secara nasional.
The state wants to lower wolf numbers in approximately a 1,700-square-mile area near the village of McGrath.
Negara bagian ingin menurunkan nomor serigala di sekitar area 1.700 mil persegi di dekat desa McGrath.
It was expected to raise the $90 million McGreevey expected.
Diharapkan untuk meningkatkan $ 90 juta yang diharapkan McGreevey.
The 3 rd Armored Cavalry Regiment is 5,200 strong and the largest combat unit at Fort Carson.
Resimen Kavaleri Lapis Baja ke -3 adalah 5.200 unit tempur yang kuat dan terbesar di Fort Carson.
O'Donnell wrote in her autobiography, "Find Me," that she was "an abused child."
O'Donnell menulis dalam otobiografinya, "Find Me," bahwa dia adalah "anak yang dilecehkan."
"The risk of inflation becoming undesirably low remains the predominant concern for the foreseeable future," the Fed said in a statement accompanying the unanimous decision.
"Risiko inflasi menjadi rendah yang tidak diinginkan tetap menjadi perhatian utama untuk masa mendatang," kata The Fed dalam sebuah pernyataan yang menyertai keputusan dengan suara bulat.
The poll, conducted by KRC Communications Research of Newton, was taken Wednesday and Thursday.
Jajak pendapat, yang dilakukan oleh KRC Communications Research of Newton, diambil Rabu dan Kamis.
"It is bad for Symbian," said Per Lindberg, analyst at Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein.
"Ini buruk bagi Symbian," kata per Lindberg, analis di Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein.
Pressure also came last night from religious circles as three Anglican bishops said it was time for their former colleague to step down.
Tekanan juga datang tadi malam dari lingkaran agama ketika tiga uskup Anglikan mengatakan sudah waktunya bagi mantan kolega mereka untuk mundur.
The attack on the al-Rashid Hotel, during the visit of Deputy Defence Secretary Paul Wolfowitz underscores the nature of the problem.
Serangan di hotel Al-Rashid, selama kunjungan Wakil Menteri Pertahanan Paul Wolfowitz menggarisbawahi sifat masalahnya.
"He would often call me for advice," said Ronald L. Kuby, a friend and well-known lawyer who had represented him in the harassment case.
"Dia sering memanggil saya untuk meminta nasihat," kata Ronald L. Kuby, seorang teman dan pengacara terkenal yang telah mewakilinya dalam kasus pelecehan.
The United States wants the measure passed by June 3, when the oil-for-food program needs to be renewed.
Amerika Serikat menginginkan tindakan yang disahkan pada 3 Juni, ketika program minyak untuk makanan perlu diperbarui.
Police spokesman Brig. Gen. Edward Aritonang confirmed Saturday that another two had been arrested, one in Jakarta and another in Magelang, Central Java.
Juru Bicara Polisi Brig. Jenderal Edward Aritonang membenarkan pada hari Sabtu bahwa dua orang lain telah ditangkap, satu di Jakarta dan satu lagi di Magelang, Jawa Tengah.
Late last year, for example, more than 1800 US soldiers were placed in Djibouti to conduct counter-terrorism operations in the Horn of Africa.
Akhir tahun lalu, misalnya, lebih dari 1800 tentara AS ditempatkan di Djibouti untuk melakukan operasi kontra-terorisme di Tanduk Afrika.
"I think it should have been released years ago," said Brian Rohrbough, whose son, Daniel, was killed at Columbine.
"Saya pikir itu seharusnya dirilis bertahun -tahun yang lalu," kata Brian Rohrbough, yang putranya, Daniel, terbunuh di Columbine.
The bureau report shows significant increases in uninsured rates occurred among whites, blacks, people 18 to 24, and middle- and higher-income earners nationwide.
Laporan Biro menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan dalam tingkat yang tidak diasuransikan terjadi di antara orang kulit putih, kulit hitam, orang 18 hingga 24, dan penghasilan berpenghasilan menengah dan lebih tinggi secara nasional.
Bob Richter, a spokesman for House Speaker Tom Craddick, had no comment about the ruling.
Bob Richter, juru bicara pembicara DPR Tom Craddick, tidak memiliki komentar tentang putusan itu.
The technology-laced Nasdaq Composite Index <.IXIC> added 8.27 points, or 0.51 percent, to 1,633.53.
Indeks komposit NASDAQ yang dilacak teknologi <.ixic> menambahkan 8,27 poin, atau 0,51 persen, menjadi 1.633,53.
Carlow and his group peddled drugs by forging paperwork showing the shipments' prior owners.
Carlow dan kelompoknya menjajakan obat -obatan dengan menempa dokumen yang menunjukkan pemilik sebelumnya.
A spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's Office in Atlanta also refused to comment.
Seorang juru bicara kantor pengacara A.S. di Atlanta juga menolak berkomentar.
Blair has said there is not ''a shred of truth'' in allegations the government manipulated evidence, and has resisted calls for a full public inquiry.
Blair mengatakan tidak ada '' kerusakan kebenaran '' dalam tuduhan yang dimanipulasi oleh pemerintah, dan telah menolak seruan untuk penyelidikan publik penuh.
They were just making sure they dotted all the I's and crossed all the T's," said Schooff.
Mereka hanya memastikan mereka menghiasi semua I dan melintasi semua T, "kata Schooff.
The comment period was to have expired on Monday.
Periode komentar akan berakhir pada hari Senin.
It even struck a deal for distribution and advertising with popular P2P service Grokster.
Bahkan mencapai kesepakatan untuk distribusi dan iklan dengan layanan P2P populer Grokster.
The group criticizing Schwarzenegger, the League of United Latin American Citizens, said the Austrian-born actor's advisory board position brings into question his commitment to Latinos.
Kelompok yang mengkritik Schwarzenegger, liga warga Amerika Latin, mengatakan posisi dewan penasihat aktor kelahiran Austria itu mempertanyakan komitmennya kepada orang Latin.
He said European governments "have blocked all new bio-crops because of unfounded, unscientific fears.
Dia mengatakan pemerintah Eropa "telah memblokir semua bio-crops baru karena ketakutan yang tidak berdasar dan tidak ilmiah.
Market sentiment was subdued after International Business Machines Inc. IBM.N said U.S. securities regulators were investigating the accounting of the world's largest computer company.
Sentimen pasar ditundukkan setelah International Business Machines Inc. IBM.N mengatakan regulator sekuritas A.S. sedang menyelidiki akuntansi perusahaan komputer terbesar di dunia.
Oh yeah, Miami, Boston College and Syracuse leaving the Big East to take a seat in the Atlantic Coast Conference.
Oh ya, Miami, Boston College dan Syracuse meninggalkan Big East untuk duduk di Konferensi Pantai Atlantik.
Community college students will see their tuition rise by $300 to $2,800 or 12 percent.
Mahasiswa community college akan melihat kuliah mereka naik $ 300 menjadi $ 2.800 atau 12 persen.
U.S. forces recently apprehended some 40 suspected foreign militants near the Syrian border and are now interrogating them.
Pasukan A.S. baru -baru ini menangkap sekitar 40 tersangka militan asing di dekat perbatasan Suriah dan sekarang menginterogasi mereka.
"No one has anything to fear from being correctly identified but everything to fear from their identity being stolen or misused," Mr Blunkett said.
"Tidak ada yang perlu ditakuti karena diidentifikasi dengan benar tetapi segalanya untuk ditakuti dari identitas mereka dicuri atau disalahgunakan," kata Blunkett.
They suspect the same anarchist group that claimed responsibility for the Dec. 21 explosions near his house, according to Italian news agency ANSA.
Mereka mencurigai kelompok anarkis yang sama yang mengklaim bertanggung jawab atas ledakan 21 Desember di dekat rumahnya, menurut kantor berita Italia ANSA.