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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/jpg/ | <PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=L size=2544x3056 at 0x164D55F50> | D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000743/s55054545.txt | FINAL REPORTCHEST RADIOGRAPHINDICATION:History of Down syndrome, Alzheimer's disease, hemoptysis,evaluation.COMPARISON:___.FINDINGS:As compared to the previous radiograph, the current image is takenin a highly rotated patient position.As a result, hyperlucency of the leftlung apex without definite signs of pneumothorax is seen.The pre-existingopacity at the right lung apex is unchanged.Lung volumes have minimallydecreased, but the pre-existing signs suggesting fluid overload havedecreased.No evidence of pleural effusions, interposition of colon betweenthe liver and the abdominal wall.Unchanged position of the right internaljugular vein catheter.Unchanged appearance of the cardiac silhouette. |
D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/jpg/ | <PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=L size=2544x3056 at 0x164D57FD0> | D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000743/s59226621.txt | FINAL ADDENDUMPreliminary findings were discussed with Dr. ___ by Dr. ___ by phone at2:22 p.m. on ___. ______________________________________________________________________________FINAL REPORTINDICATION:___-year-old male with cough and congestion in the setting ofrecent pneumonia.COMPARISON:___.TECHNIQUE:Frontal and lateral chest radiographs were obtained with thepatient in an upright position.Due to altered mental status, frontalradiograph was obtained AP.FINDINGS:The lateral view is suboptimal due to low lung volumes and patientmotion.Lung volumes are low.No focal consolidation, pleural effusion, orpneumothorax is seen.There is mild interstitial edema.IMPRESSION:Suboptimal lateral view as above.Given this, low lung volumes. Mild interstitial edema. |
D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/jpg/ | <PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=L size=2544x2616 at 0x164D57090> | D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000743/s50195997.txt | FINAL REPORTHISTORY:___-year-old man with rhonchi.COMPARISON:___, ___.FINDINGS:Two frontal radiographs were obtained.Lung volumes are low.There is nofocal consolidation, large effusion, or pneumothorax.There are no abnormalcardiac or mediastinal contours.Basilar atelectasis is noted.IMPRESSION:Low lung volumes.Basilar atelectasis is noted. |
D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/jpg/ | <PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=L size=2021x2021 at 0x164D67490> | D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000743/s59779902.txt | FINAL REPORTCHEST RADIOGRAPHINDICATION:Down syndrome, recurrent pneumonia, pneumothorax.Evaluation forinterval change.COMPARISON:___, 3:38.FINDINGS:As compared to the previous radiograph, there is increasingradiodensity in the right lung, predominating in the right upper lobe. Developing pneumonia cannot be excluded.Unchanged appearance of the cardiac silhouette.Unchanged right internaljugular vein catheter.No other changes. |
D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/jpg/ | <PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=L size=2536x2700 at 0x163DCE6D0> | D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000743/s53682915.txt | FINAL REPORTHISTORY:___-year-old man with new right IJ central line.COMPARISON:8:50 am, same dayFINDINGS:A single portable AP upright chest radiograph was obtained.A new rightinternal jugular line terminates in the upper SVC/SVCbrachiocephalic junction.Indistinctness of the hilar vasculature has minimally increased since 8:50 am.A thin line at the right apex may represent a small pneumothorax.There is noconsolidation or effusion.Cardiac and mediastinal contours are normal.IMPRESSION:1.Possible small right-sided pneumothorax after right IJ line placement. Recommend short term follow-up.2.Mild central pulmonary vascular congestion.These findings werediscovered at 14:30 and discussed with Dr ___, by Dr. ___, thecovering MD who was immediately paged. |
D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/jpg/ | <PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=L size=2374x2365 at 0x163DCD5D0> | D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000743/s54049026.txt | FINAL REPORTPA AND LATERAL CHEST X-RAYINDICATION:Patient with known aspiration pneumonia, presents with worseningof hypoxia, worsening of pneumonia? pleural effusion.COMPARISON:___.FINDINGS:The lungs are now clear.Right upper lobe opacity has completely resolved. There is only minimal bibasilar atelectasis.Right jugular line ends in upperSVC.Mediastinal and cardiac contours are normal.No significant pleuraleffusions or pneumothorax.CONCLUSION:There is no new consolidation.Right lower lobe opacity has completelyresolved. |
D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/jpg/ | <PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=L size=2544x3056 at 0x164C9C910> | D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000743/s54480429.txt | FINAL REPORTCHEST RADIOGRAPHINDICATION:Recent line placement, evaluation for pneumothorax.COMPARISON:___, 11:27 a.m.FINDINGS:As compared to the previous radiograph, the current image shows noevidence of pneumothorax.The appearance of the lung parenchyma is otherwiseunchanged.Known interposition of colon between the abdominal wall and theliver.Unchanged size of the cardiac silhouette. |
D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/jpg/ | <PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=L size=2544x3056 at 0x164C9E510> | D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000183/s58117097.txt | FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PA AND LAT)INDICATION:History: ___F with lymphoma, in for infectious workup andescalation of therapy// shortness of breathCOMPARISON:NoneFINDINGS: PA and lateral views of the chest provided. Right chest wall Port-A-Cath isnoted with catheter tip in the region of the SVC.There is marked elevationof the right hemidiaphragm.Lungs appear clear.There is no focalconsolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax. The cardiomediastinal silhouette isnormal. Imaged osseous structures are intact.No free air below the righthemidiaphragm is seen.IMPRESSION: Elevated right hemidiaphragm.Port-A-Cath in appropriate position.Otherwiseunremarkable exam. |
D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/jpg/ | <PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=L size=3056x2544 at 0x164D71CD0> | D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000183/s58555910.txt | FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PORTABLE AP)INDICATION:___ year old woman with diffuse large B cell lymphoma and newhypoxia// eval for worsening pna or pulm edemaIMPRESSION: In comparison to ___ chest radiograph, lung volumes are slightlylower with associated crowding of bronchovascular structures.Even allowingfor this factor, there appears to beslight worsening of pulmonary vascularcongestion.Worsening linearly oriented right basilar opacity probablyreflects atelectasis, but coexisting pneumonia is possible in appropriateclinical setting.Subsegmental atelectasis at the left base has improved inthe interval and a small left pleural effusion is again demonstrated. |
D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/jpg/ | <PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=L size=2544x3056 at 0x164D72ED0> | D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000183/s50336039.txt | FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PORTABLE AP)INDICATION:___ year old woman with CNS lymphoma,// assess for pleuraleffusion prior to giving methotrexateCOMPARISON:___ at 15:58FINDINGS: Again seen is the indwelling right-sided catheter, with tip over distal SVC. In addition, there is a new right-sided PICC line, with tip overlying the right atrium.No pneumothorax detected.Inspiratory volumes are low and the right hemidiaphragm remains elevated, withopacity at the right base, similar to prior.Minimal patchy opacity in theretrocardiac region is improved slightly.No gross effusion is detected onthis AP view.No definite change in the cardiomediastinal silhouette.Focal opacity the left upper zone represent artifact due to overlap of thefirst anterior and fifth posterior left ribs.IMPRESSION: No gross effusion detected on either side, but smaller posterior effusionswould not be apparent on this film.If clinically indicated, a lateral viewcould help for further assessment of posterior fusions.Continued opacity at the right lung base, similar prior.This is new comparedwith ___, but similar the most recent prior study.This mostlikely represents atelectasis, but amount in appropriate clinical setting, aninfectious consolidation could have similar appearance.Mild patchy opacity at the left base is improved compared with ___.New right PICC line tip overlies the right atrium.Clinical correlation isrequested. |
D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/jpg/ | <PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=L size=2544x3056 at 0x164D59050> | D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000183/s53970869.txt | FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PORTABLE AP)INDICATION:___ year old woman with DLBCL on RCHOP// eval for pnaIMPRESSION: In comparison to ___ chest radiograph, pulmonary vascularcongestion and minimal edema persist.Previously reported right basilaropacity has partially resolved with associated decrease in adjacent rightpleural effusion.Patchy and linear opacity at left lung base is new andfavors atelectasis over infectious pneumonia. |
D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/jpg/ | <PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=L size=3056x2544 at 0x164D96510> | D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000183/s59289932.txt | FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PORTABLE AP)INDICATION:___ year old woman with DLBCL, s/p ESHAP chemotherapy. Now withmidsternal and upper abdominal pain.// Evaluate for consolidation, pleuraleffusion.TECHNIQUE:Single frontal view of the chestCOMPARISON:___.IMPRESSION: right pleural effusion and adjacent atelectasis have improved.Mediastinallymphadenopathy is better seen on prior CT.Right port a cath tip is in thecavoatrial junction.Right PICC tip is in the mid to lower SVC.There is noevident pneumothorax.There are low lung volumes.Cardiac size is minimallyenlarged.There is mild vascular congestion |
D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/jpg/ | <PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=L size=2544x3056 at 0x164D81C90> | D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000183/s58733084.txt | FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PORTABLE AP)INDICATION:___ year old woman with NG tube placement// ?placement of NGtubeTECHNIQUE:Single frontal view of the chestCOMPARISON:Study performed 1 hour earlier.IMPRESSION: Dobhoff tube tip isin the stomach.No other interval change from prior study. |
D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/jpg/ | <PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=L size=3056x2544 at 0x164DA0910> | D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000183/s54898709.txt | FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:Portable upright chest x-rayINDICATION:___ year old woman with s4 dlbcl, tachypnea, now wheezing//aspirationTECHNIQUE:Portable upright chest x-rayCOMPARISON:Comparison is made to chest x-rays dating from ___through ___.FINDINGS: Mild cardiomegaly vascular congestion is improved when compared to ___study.Low lung volumes with stable bibasilar atelectasis are stable.Asmall left pleural effusion is stable.IMPRESSION: No good evidence of aspiration pneumonia. |
D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/jpg/ | <PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=L size=2544x3056 at 0x164D4AB50> | D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000183/s51967845.txt | FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PORTABLE AP)INDICATION:___ year old woman with CNS lymphoma and AMS. Now with new fever. // Eval feverTECHNIQUE:Chest single viewCOMPARISON:___FINDINGS: Right Port-A-Cath in place.Elevated right hemidiaphragm, stable.Bibasilaropacities, mildly more prominent on the right, likely atelectasis. Pneumonitis cannot be excluded in the appropriate clinical setting.There maybe tiny right pleural effusionIMPRESSION: More prominent bibasilar opacities, likely atelectasis; pneumonitis cannot beexcluded in the appropriate clinical setting, particularly on the right. |
D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/jpg/ | <PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=L size=3056x2544 at 0x164D4AA50> | D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000183/s57084339.txt | FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PORTABLE AP)INDICATION:___ year old woman with Stage IV DLBCL with CNS involvement. Nowwith tachypnea, crackles at R>L base on exam.// Evaluate for consolidation,edema. Evaluate for consolidation, edema.IMPRESSION: Compared to chest radiographs since ___, most recently ___.Mild pulmonary edema is new.Marked elevation right hemidiaphragm is chronicresponsible for adjacent atelectasis.The parenchymal abnormality in theright lower lobe lung is more pronounced today than earlier and pneumonia inthat location should be considered.Heart size is normal.Right PIC line ends in the region of the superior cavoatrial junction. Infusion port catheter ends higher in the SVC.No pneumothorax. |
D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/jpg/ | <PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=L size=3056x2544 at 0x164D484D0> | D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000183/s58509443.txt | FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PORTABLE AP)INDICATION:___ year old woman with s4 DLBCL, T 100.2, no cough h/o aspirationpneumonia.// r/o pneumoniar/o pneumoniaIMPRESSION: In comparison with the study of ___, there again are low lung volumeswith elevation of the right hemidiaphragmatic contour and.Monitoring andsupport devices are stable.Increased opacification with a plate like character at the right base, mostlikely related to substantial atelectatic changes.In the appropriateclinical setting, it would be very difficult to unequivocally excludesuperimposed pneumonia, especially in the absence of a lateral view.Cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged and there again is mild elevation ofpulmonary venous pressure. |
D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/jpg/ | <PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=L size=3056x2544 at 0x164D57A90> | D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11001264/s53447201.txt | FINAL REPORTINDICATION:___ year old man with baseline COPD underwent right sidedparaspinal soft tissue bx at T8,// eval for PTX with focus on right apexTECHNIQUE:Chest PA and lateralCOMPARISON:No prior radiographs available.Comparison is made to the CTimages from earlier today.FINDINGS: Diffuse bilateral patchy airspace opacities, most pronounced in the left lowerlung zone may reflect pulmonary edema although superimposed infection cannotbe excluded.The size of the cardiomediastinal silhouette is significantlyenlarged.No discrete pneumothorax identified.IMPRESSION: Diffuse bilateral airspace opacities with a markedly enlargedcardiomediastinal silhouette may reflect pulmonary edema.No discrete pneumothorax identified. |
D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/jpg/ | <PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=L size=2544x3056 at 0x164D49C10> | D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11001718/s50294801.txt | FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PORTABLE AP)INDICATION:___ year old man with intubated with OG tube// confirm ET tubeand OG placementTECHNIQUE:CHEST (PORTABLE AP)COMPARISON:Prior study obtained the same the earlyIMPRESSION: Right PICC line tip terminates in the right atrium and should be pulled back 2cm. Bilateral pleural effusions are moderate to large. ET tube tip is 6.5 cmabove the carinal. NG tube tip is in the stomach. |
D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/jpg/ | <PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile image mode=L size=2544x3056 at 0x164D4B010> | D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11001718/s54425042.txt | FINAL REPORTINDICATION:History: ___M with intubation and IJ line// eval tube/lineplacementTECHNIQUE:Portable frontal view of the chest.COMPARISON:CT chest ___. Chest radiograph ___.FINDINGS: The endotracheal and nasogastric tubes are in appropriate position. The lungsare without focal opacity.Bilateral pleural effusions are moderate in size. No pneumothorax. The cardiac and mediastinal contours are normal. No displacedrib fractures identified.IMPRESSION: The endotracheal and nasogastric tubes are in appropriate position.Moderate bilateral pleural effusions. |
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