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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001851/s59664767.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAM:Chest frontal and lateral views.CLINICAL INFORMATION:Mechanical fall from standing, on Coumadin.Neck pain.COMPARISON:None.FINDINGS:Frontal and lateral views of the chest were obtained.There ismild basilar atelectasis without evidence of focal consolidation.No pleuraleffusion or pneumothorax is seen.There is minimal biapical pleuralthickening.Cardiac silhouette is top normal with likely adjacent epicardialfat pad.The aorta is calcified and tortuous.Some degenerative changes areseen along the spine.IMPRESSION:No acute cardiopulmonary process.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001401/s58747570.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (AP AND LAT)INDICATION:___F with SOB// r/o acute processCOMPARISON:___FINDINGS: AP upright and lateral views of the chest provided.Mild basal atelectasis noted.Hilar congestion noted without frank edema.Nolarge effusion or pneumothorax.Heart size is normal.Mediastinal contour isunchanged.Bony structures are intact.No free air below the righthemidiaphragm.IMPRESSION: Hilar congestion without frank edema.No convincing signs of pneumonia.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001401/s55350604.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PA AND LAT)INDICATION:___ year old woman with new PE. This morning with dyspnea and mildleukocytosis.// Evidence of pulmonary edema or PNAEvidence ofpulmonary edema or PNAIMPRESSION: Compared to chest radiographs ___ through ___.Heart size top-normal.Lungs grossly clear.No pleural abnormality orevidence of central lymph node enlargement.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001401/s50225296.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:DX CHEST PORT LINE/TUBE PLCMT 1 EXAMINDICATION:___ year old woman with likely ileus after cystectomy// NGTplacement confirmationNGT placement confirmationIMPRESSION: No previous images.Nasogastric tube extends to the mid body of the stomach,be for coiling on itself so that the tip lies close to the esophagogastricjunction.For more optimal positioning, the to would have to be pulled backalmost 10 cm and then hopefully redirected toward the lower stomach.Cardiac silhouette is within normal limits and there is no vascularcongestion, pleural effusion, or acute focal pneumonia.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001401/s57492692.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:DX CHEST PORT LINE/TUBE PLCMT 1 EXAMINDICATION:___ year old woman with NGT re-placed// Assess for NGTplacement, interval changeTECHNIQUE:Single frontal view of the chestCOMPARISON:Chest radiograph ___ 12:12FINDINGS: NG tube is coiled in the stomach.Right PICC in lower SVC is unchanged inposition.Cardiac size is normal.Mild bibasilar opacities consistent withatelectasis, unchanged compared to chest radiograph performed earlier in thesame day.There is no pneumothorax or pleural effusion.IMPRESSION: NG tube in expected position with tip coiled in the stomach.No otherinterval change since chest radiograph performed earlier on the same day.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001401/s51065211.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PA AND LAT)INDICATION:___F with abd distention // PNA? free airCOMPARISON:___FINDINGS: PA and lateral views of the chest provided.Lung volumes are low with mildbibasilar atelectasis.No convincing signs of pneumonia or edema.No largeeffusion or pneumothorax is seen.The cardiomediastinal silhouette appearsnormal. There is no free air below the right hemidiaphragm.Fluid level isnoted within the stomach.IMPRESSION: Mild bibasilar atelectasis.No signs of free air below the righthemidiaphragm.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001401/s56534136.txt
WET READ: ___ ___ ___ 6:21 AMAn enteric tube courses below the level of the diaphragm.______________________________________________________________________________FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:Chest radiograph.INDICATION:History: ___F with SBO s/p NG*** WARNING *** Multiple patientswith same last name!// NG tube placementTECHNIQUE:Single AP viewCOMPARISON:Chest radiograph from the same date.FINDINGS: The right costophrenic angle is not imaged.Otherwise, the lungs are clear. The heart size is upper limits of normal.Enteric tube courses below thelevel of the diaphragm.There is no pneumothorax.IMPRESSION: An enteric tube courses below the level of the diaphragm.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001038/s58224503.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PA AND LAT)INDICATION:___M with fever, cough// ?pna.COMPARISON:NoneFINDINGS: PA and lateral views of the chest provided.The lungs are well aerated.There is no focal consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax. Thecardiomediastinal silhouette is normal. Imaged osseous structures are intact. No free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen.IMPRESSION: No acute intrathoracic process.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10002131/s52823782.txt
FINAL REPORTINDICATION:Evaluate for pneumonia in a patient with progressive decline.TECHNIQUE:Chest PA and lateralCOMPARISON:Chest radiographs from ___ and ___.FINDINGS: Frontal and lateral chest radiographs demonstrate bilateral pleural effusions,which make evaluation of the cardiomediastinal silhouette difficulty.Theseeffusions are large on the right and small on the left.There is no definitefocal consolidation, although evaluation is limited secondary to theseeffusions.No pneumothorax is appreciated.The visualized upper abdomen isunremarkable.IMPRESSION: Bilateral pleural effusions, large on the right and small on the left.Nodefinite focal consolidation identified, although evaluation is limitedsecondary to these effusions.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10000764/s57375967.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PA AND LAT)INDICATION:___M with hypoxia// ?pna, aspiration.COMPARISON:NoneFINDINGS: PA and lateral views of the chest provided. The lungs are adequatelyaerated.There is a focal consolidation at the left lung base adjacent to the lateralhemidiaphragm. There is mild vascular engorgement. There is bilateral apicalpleural thickening.The cardiomediastinal silhouette is remarkable for aortic arch calcifications.The heart is top normal in size.IMPRESSION: Focal consolidation at the left lung base, possibly representing aspiration orpneumonia.Central vascular engorgement.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001217/s58913004.txt
WET READ: ___ ___ ___ 11:18 PM It is difficult to determine the distal position of the right-sided PICC line but appears to terminate in the upper superior vena cava and is similar in position compared to prior examination.No pneumothorax or pleural effusion identified.Otherwise unchanged exam. ______________________________________________________________________________FINAL REPORTCHEST RADIOGRAPHINDICATION:PICC line placement.COMPARISON:___.FINDINGS:As compared to the previous radiograph, there is evidence of anunchanged PICC line placed over the right upper extremity.The tip appears toproject over the azygous vein, at the level of the upper SVC.Nocomplications, notably no pneumothorax.Borderline size of the cardiacsilhouette.Moderate tortuosity of the thoracic aorta.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001217/s52067803.txt
FINAL REPORTHISTORY:Multiple sclerosis, presenting with flaring fever.TECHNIQUE:Frontal and lateral views of the chest.COMPARISON:None.FINDINGS:There is mild left base atelectasis seen on the frontal view without clearcorrelate on the lateral view.No definite focal consolidation is seen. There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax.The aorta is slightly tortuous.The cardiac silhouette is not enlarged.There is no overt pulmonary edema.IMPRESSION:Mild left base atelectasis.Otherwise, no acute cardiopulmonary process.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10002013/s55608920.txt
FINAL REPORTCHEST RADIOGRAPHSINDICATION:Questionable pneumothorax.COMPARISON:___.Normal chest radiograph, no evidence of pneumothorax.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10002013/s55941092.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PA AND LAT)INDICATION:History: ___F with R flank pain// Consolidation, Rib FxCOMPARISON:___.FINDINGS: PA and lateral views of the chest provided. Midline sternotomy wires andmediastinal clips again noted.There is no focal consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax.Pleuralthickening likely accounts for the left CP angle blunting, stable from prior.The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal. Imaged osseous structures areintact.No free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen. Calcifiedgallstones are partially imaged in the upper abdomen.IMPRESSION: No acute intrathoracic process. If there is strong concern for rib fracture, adedicated rib series may be performed.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10002013/s54573731.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PORTABLE AP)INDICATION:___ year old woman with hx CABG ___, now with new leftparasternal chest pain// Assess for etiology of left sided chest painTECHNIQUE:Upright AP view of the chestCOMPARISON:Chest radiograph ___ and chest CT ___FINDINGS: Patient is status post median sternotomy and CABG.Heart size is normal. Mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged.Pulmonary vasculature isnormal.No focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen.Noacute osseous abnormality is detected.IMPRESSION: No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10002013/s57741292.txt
FINAL REPORTHISTORY:Chest tube leak, to assess for pneumothorax.FINDINGS:In comparison with study of ___, the endotracheal tube andSwan-Ganz catheter have been removed.The left chest tube remains in placeand there is no evidence of pneumothorax.Mild atelectatic changes are seenat the left base.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10002013/s55312734.txt
FINAL REPORTTYPE OF EXAMINATION:Chest PA and lateral.INDICATION:___-year-old female patient with coronary artery disease anddiabetes, now with cough and chills, evaluate for pneumonia.FINDINGS:PA and lateral chest views have been obtained with patient inupright position.Analysis is performed in direct comparison with the nextpreceding portable chest examination of ___.There is statuspost sternotomy and the presence of surgical clips in the left anteriormediastinum are indicative of previous bypass surgery.The heart size is atthe upper limit of normal variation without typical configurationalabnormality.Unremarkable appearance of thoracic aorta.The pulmonaryvasculature is not congested.No evidence of acute pulmonary infiltrates. There is a left-sided lateral obliterated pleural sinus at the lower lateralchest wall indicative of old pleural scars, probably related to previousbypass surgery, which showed pleural effusions postoperatively on examinationof ___.Absence of any blunting in the posterior pleural sinusspeaks against acute pleural effusion and identifies the area as a pleuralscar.IMPRESSION:Status post bypass surgery, pleural scar, no evidence of acutepulmonary infiltrates or pleural effusions in this patient with cough andchills.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10002013/s52163036.txt
FINAL REPORTPA AND LATERAL VIEWS OF THE CHESTREASON FOR EXAM:POD 3 CABG.Evaluate for effusions.There is mild-to-moderate cardiomegaly.Bilateral pleural effusions aresmall.Aside from atelectasis in the left lower lobe, the lungs are grosslyclear.Almost complete resolution of atelectasis in the left upper lobe. Sternal wires are aligned.Widened mediastinum has improved.A smallair-fluid level in the retrosternal region suggests the presence of a tinypneumothorax and small effusion.These are most likely located in the leftside.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10002013/s52535468.txt
FINAL REPORTHISTORY:___-year-old female with chest pain.COMPARISON:___.FINDINGS:Frontal and lateral views of the chest.There is persistent blunting of leftcostophrenic angle laterally suggestive of underlying scarring or pleuralthickening.The lungs are otherwise clear.Cardiomediastinal silhouette iswithin normal limits.Median sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips againnoted.IMPRESSION:No acute cardiopulmonary process.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10002013/s55969846.txt
FINAL REPORTHISTORY:Chest tube removal, to assess for pneumothorax.FINDINGS:In comparison with the study of earlier in this date, the leftchest tube has been removed and there is no evidence of pneumothorax. Otherwise, little change.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10002013/s58054149.txt
FINAL REPORTINDICATION:Chest pain.COMPARISONS:___.FINDINGS:A moderate left pleural effusion is new since ___.Associated left basilar opacity likely reflect compressive atelectasis.Thereis no pneumothorax.There are no new abnormal cardiac or mediastinal contour.Median sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips are in expected positions.IMPRESSION:New moderate left pleural effusion with adjacent atelectasis inthe left lung base.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10000980/s58636672.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PA AND LAT)INDICATION:___ year old woman with CKD with increased dyspnea and cough x 2weeks.// R/o pulmonary edema or infiltrateR/o pulmonary edema orinfiltrateIMPRESSION: As compared to ___, the lung volumes have slightly decreased.Signsof mild overinflation and moderate pleural effusions persist.Moderatecardiomegaly.Elongation of the descending aorta.No pneumonia.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10000980/s58206436.txt
WET READ: ___ ___ ___ 6:47 AM 1. New mild pulmonary edema with persistent small bilateral pleural effusions. 2. Severe cardiomegaly is likely accentuated due to low lung volumes and patient positioning. ______________________________________________________________________________FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:Chest radiograph.INDICATION:___F with wheezing and dyspnea.Assess for pulmonary edema.TECHNIQUE:Single portable upright frontal chest radiograph.COMPARISON:___ chest radiograph.___ chest radiograph.FINDINGS: In comparison to study performed on of ___ there is new mildpulmonary edema with small bilateral pleural effusions.Lung volumes havedecreased with crowding of vasculature.No pneumothorax.Severe cardiomegalyis likely accentuated due to low lung volumes and patient positioning.IMPRESSION: 1. New mild pulmonary edema with persistent small bilateral pleural effusions.2. Severe cardiomegaly is likely accentuated due to low lung volumes andpatient positioning.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10000980/s54935705.txt
FINAL REPORTINDICATION: ___F with c/o SOB// ? PNA or CHFTECHNIQUE:Frontal and lateral views of the chest.COMPARISON:___.FINDINGS: There is mild pulmonary edema with superimposed region of more confluentconsolidation in the left upper lung.There are possible small bilateralpleural effusions.Moderate cardiomegaly is again seen as well as tortuosityof the descending thoracic aorta.No acute osseous abnormalities.IMPRESSION: Mild pulmonary edema with superimposed left upper lung consolidation,potentially more confluent edema versus superimposed infection.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10000980/s54980801.txt
FINAL REPORTINDICATION: ___F with hx of HTN, HLD, hx of stroke, CAD s/p BMS and POBA in___ on Aspirin and Plavix, p/w shortness of breath since last night//?pulmonary edema, cardiomegaly, infiltrateTECHNIQUE:AP and lateral views of the chest.COMPARISON:___.FINDINGS: The lungs are clear of consolidation, effusion, or edema. Cardiac silhouetteis top normal. Descending thoracic aorta is tortuous with atheroscleroticcalcification seen at the arch. No acute osseous abnormalities identified.IMPRESSION: No acute cardiopulmonary process.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10000980/s54577367.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (AP AND LAT)INDICATION:History: ___F with altered mental status on coumadin, hypoglycemicTECHNIQUE:Upright AP and lateral views of the chestCOMPARISON:___ chest radiographFINDINGS: Mild to moderate enlargement of the cardiac silhouette is unchanged.Theaorta is calcified and diffusely tortuous.The mediastinal and hilar contoursare otherwise similar in appearance.There is minimal upper zone vascularredistribution without overt pulmonary edema.No focal consolidation, pleuraleffusion or pneumothorax is present.The osseous structures are diffuselydemineralized.IMPRESSION: No radiographic evidence for pneumonia.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10000980/s50985099.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PA AND LAT)INDICATION:___ year old woman with productive cough and bilateral rales onexam.// r/o CHF or pneumoniaPRODUCTIVE COUGH R/O CHF OR PNEUMONIAIMPRESSION: Compared to chest radiographs since ___, most recently one ___.Previous mild pulmonary edema and possible concurrent pneumonia has allcleared.Heart is top-normal size, improved, and pleural effusions haveresolved.Right hilar vessels are still enlarged, perhaps due to pulmonaryarterial hypertension.Lateral view shows atherosclerotic coronarycalcification in the left circumflex.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10000980/s57861150.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PA AND LAT)INDICATION:History: ___F with dyspneaTECHNIQUE:Chest PA and lateralCOMPARISON:___FINDINGS: Heart size remains mild to moderately enlarged.The aorta is tortuous anddiffusely calcified.Mediastinal and hilar contours are otherwise unchanged. Previous pattern of mild pulmonary edema has essentially resolved.Mildatelectasis is seen in the lung bases without focal consolidation.Bluntingof the costophrenic angles bilaterally suggests trace bilateral pleuraleffusions, not substantially changed in the interval.No pneumothorax ispresent.IMPRESSION: Interval resolution of previously seen mild pulmonary edema with tracebilateral pleural effusions.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10000980/s51967283.txt
FINAL REPORTINDICATION:___-year-old female with shortness of breath.COMPARISON:Chest radiograph from ___ and ___.AP FRONTAL CHEST RADIOGRAPH:A triangular opacity in the right lung apex isnew from prior examination.There is also fullness of the right hilum whichis new. The remainder of the lungs are clear.Blunting of bilateralcostophrenic angles, right greater than left, may be secondary to smalleffusions.The heart size is top normal.IMPRESSION:Right upper lobe pneumonia or mass.However, given right hilarfullness, a mass resulting in post-obstructive pneumonia is within thedifferential.Recommend chest CT with intravenous contrast for furtherassessment.Dr. ___ communicated the above results to Dr. ___ at8:55 am on ___ by telephone.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10000980/s59988438.txt
FINAL REPORTINDICATION:Shortness of breath.COMPARISONS:___, ___.FINDINGS: PA and lateral views of the chest demonstrate low lung volumes. Tiny bilateral pleural effusions are new since ___.No signs ofpneumonia or pulmonary vascular congestion.Heart is top normal in sizethough this is stable. Aorta is markedly tortuous, unchanged.Aortic archcalcifications are seen.There is no pneumothorax.No focal consolidation. Partially imaged upper abdomen is unremarkable.IMPRESSION: Tiny pleural effusions, new. Otherwise unremarkable.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001122/s53957785.txt
FINAL REPORTHISTORY:Chest pain.TECHNIQUE:Upright AP and lateral views of the chest.COMPARISON:None.FINDINGS:Heart size is top normal.Mediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable,with atherosclerotic calcifications noted throughout the thoracic aorta.Thepulmonary vasculature is normal.Lungs are clear.No pleural effusion orpneumothorax is demonstrated.There is diffuse demineralization of theosseous structures with apparent ossification of the anterior longitudinalligament.IMPRESSION:No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001122/s53447138.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PA AND LAT)INDICATION:___ year old woman who will go to assisted living they needs r/oTB// r/o TBCOMPARISON:No comparisonIMPRESSION: The lung volumes are normal.No evidence of TB or other parenchymal changes. Mild elevation of the left hemidiaphragm.No pleural effusions.Nopneumonia.The lateral radiograph shows evidence of anterior ligamentcalcification at the anterior aspect of the thoracic spine.Status postcholecystectomy.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10000032/s53189527.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PA AND LAT)INDICATION:History: ___F with shortness of breathTECHNIQUE:Chest PA and lateralCOMPARISON:___FINDINGS: The cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours are normal. Pulmonary vasculatureis normal.Lungs are clear. No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present.Multiple clips are again seen projecting over the left breast.Remoteleft-sided rib fractures are also re- demonstrated.IMPRESSION: No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10000032/s53911762.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PORTABLE AP)INDICATION:___F with cough// acute process?COMPARISON:Chest radiograph ___FINDINGS: Single frontal view of the chest provided.There is no focal consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax. Thecardiomediastinal silhouette is normal.Again seen are multiple clipsprojecting over the left breast and remote left-sided rib fractures.No freeair below the right hemidiaphragm is seen.IMPRESSION: No acute intrathoracic process.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10000032/s50414267.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PA AND LAT)INDICATION:___F with new onset ascites// eval for infectionTECHNIQUE:Chest PA and lateralCOMPARISON:None.FINDINGS: There is no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax.Bilateralnodular opacities that most likely represent nipple shadows. Thecardiomediastinal silhouette is normal.Clips project over the left lung,potentially within the breast. The imaged upper abdomen is unremarkable.Chronic deformity of the posterior left sixth and seventh ribs are noted.IMPRESSION: No acute cardiopulmonary process.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10000032/s56699142.txt
FINAL REPORTINDICATION:___ year old woman with cirrhosis.TECHNIQUE:Frontal chest radiographs were obtained with the patient in theupright position.COMPARISON:Radiographs from ___, ___ and ___.FINDINGS: The lungs are clear of focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax. The heart size is normal.The mediastinal contours are normal. Multiplesurgical clips project over the left breast, and old left rib fractures arenoted.IMPRESSION: No acute cardiopulmonary process.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10000898/s50771383.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PA AND LAT)INDICATION:___F with chest pain// ?pnaCOMPARISON:___.FINDINGS: PA and lateral views of the chest provided. Lung volumes are somewhat low.There is no focal consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax. Thecardiomediastinal silhouette is normal. Imaged osseous structures are intact. No free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen.IMPRESSION: No acute intrathoracic process.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10000898/s54205396.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:Chest radiograph.INDICATION:History: ___F with cough and back pain// evaluate for pneumoniaTECHNIQUE:Chest PA and lateralCOMPARISON:Comparison is made to chest radiographs dated ___.FINDINGS: As compared to the prior examination dated ___, there has been nosignificant interval change. There is no evidence of focal consolidation,pleural effusion, pneumothorax, or frank pulmonary edema.Thecardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits.There is persistentthoracic kyphosis with mild wedging of a mid thoracic vertebral body.IMPRESSION: No evidence of acute cardiopulmonary process.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001176/s53186264.txt
FINAL REPORTCHEST RADIOGRAPHSHISTORY:Fever and cough.COMPARISONS:None.TECHNIQUE:Chest, PA and lateral.FINDINGS:The heart is normal in size.The mediastinal and hilar contoursappear within normal limits.Each hilum is mildly prominent, probablysuggesting mild prominence of central pulmonary vessels, but there is no frankcongestive heart failure.No focal opacification is seen aside from streakyleft lower lung opacity suggesting minor atelectasis.There is no pleuraleffusion or pneumothorax.Bony structures are unremarkable.IMPRESSION:Mild perihilar prominence, suspected to represent mildlyprominent pulmonary vessels without definite pneumonia.Streaky left basilaropacification seen only on the frontal view is probably due to minoratelectasis or scarring.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001176/s54684191.txt
FINAL REPORTINDICATION:___-year-old woman with fevers, cough and desaturation to ___ onroom air with ambulation, assess for pneumonia or edema.COMPARISONS:___.There are low lung volumes with an appearance of bronchovascular crowding. Despite this, there is likely mild vascular congestion and edema.No focalconsolidation is seen with linear bibasilar atelectasis.The heart is topnormal in size with aortic totuosity. IMPRESSION:Mild pulmonary edema
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10000935/s56522600.txt
FINAL REPORTREASON FOR EXAMINATION:Evaluation of the patient with history of carcinoidwith intermittent dyspnea on exertion.PA and lateral upright chest radiographs were reviewed in comparison to ___.Heart size is normal.Mediastinum is normal.The post-surgical changes inthe right hemithorax are stable including thickening of the pleura along thecostal surface and blunting of the costophrenic sulcus.The surgical fractureof the right sixth rib is redemonstrated.No new abnormalities aredemonstrated within the limitations of the chest radiograph technique.Lungvolumes are preserved.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10000935/s51178377.txt
FINAL REPORTCHEST RADIOGRAPHSHISTORY:Metastatic disease with known pulmonary metastases, presenting withfever and leukocytosis.COMPARISONS:Radiographs from ___ as well as CT of the abdomenand pelvis from that same day.Radiographs are also available from ___.FINDINGS:The lung volumes are low.The cardiac, mediastinal and hilarcontours appear unchanged, allowing for differences in technique.There are anumber of round nodular densities projecting over each upper lung, but morenumerous and discretely visualized in the left upper lobe, similar to priorstudy.However, in addition, there is a more hazy widespread opacityprojecting over the left mid upper lung which could be compatible with acoinciding pneumonia.Pulmonary nodules in the left upper lobe are also notcompletely characterized on this study.There is no pleural effusion orpneumothorax.Post-operative changes are similar along the right chest wall.IMPRESSION:Increasing left lung opacification which may reflect pneumoniasuperimposed on metastatic disease, although other etiologies such aslymphangitic pattern of metastatic spread could be considered.CT may behelpful to evaluate further if needed clinically.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10000935/s58219844.txt
FINAL REPORTHISTORY:Dyspnea and history of lung cancer.TECHNIQUE:Semi-upright AP view of the chest.COMPARISON:CT torso ___ and chest radiograph ___.FINDINGS:Lung volumes are low.This results in crowding of the bronchovascularstructures.There may be mild pulmonary vascular congestion.The heart sizeis borderline enlarged.The mediastinal and hilar contours are relativelyunremarkable.Innumerable nodules are demonstrated in both lungs, morepronounced in the left upper and lower lung fields compatible with metastaticdisease.No new focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax isseen, with chronic elevation of right hemidiaphragm again seen.The patientis status post right lower lobectomy.Rib deformities within the righthemithorax is compatible with prior postsurgical changes.IMPRESSION:Innumerable pulmonary metastases.Possible mild pulmonary vascularcongestion.Low lung volumes.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10000935/s56164612.txt
FINAL REPORTHISTORY:Recurrent vomiting, subjective fever and cough.TECHNIQUE:Upright AP and lateral views of the chest.COMPARISON:___.FINDINGS:Lung volumes are low.The heart size is normal.The mediastinal and hilarcontours are unremarkable.New nodular opacities are clustered within theleft upper lobe, and to a lesser extent, within the right upper lobe.Thereis no pneumothorax or left-sided pleural effusion.Pulmonary vascularity iswithin normal limits.Postsurgical changes are noted in the right chest withpartial resection of the right 6th rib, lateral right pleural thickening andchronic blunting of the costophrenic sulcus.IMPRESSION:New nodular opacities within both upper lobes, left greater than right.Findings are compatible with metastases, as was noted in the lung bases on thesubsequent CT of the abdomen and pelvis performed later the same day.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10000935/s55697293.txt
FINAL REPORTSTUDY:PA and lateral chest x-ray.COMPARISON EXAM:PA and lateral chest x-ray, ___.INDICATION:___-year-old woman with left supraclavicular fullness for severalmonths with history of right lung carcinoid tumor.FINDINGS:Heart size is normal.Mediastinal contours are normal with mildaortic tortuosity.Post-surgical changes in the right hemithorax are stableincluding thickening of the pleura along the costal surface and blunting ofthe costophrenic sulcus.The right sixth rib surgical fracture isredemonstrated.There are no new lung nodules identified. IMPRESSION:Stable chest radiograph.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10000935/s50578979.txt
FINAL REPORTHISTORY:Leukocytosis, low-grade temperature, rule out focal infiltrate.TECHNIQUE:Portable semi-upright AP radiograph of the chest.COMPARISON:Multiple prior radiographs of the chest most recent ___CT of the chest ___.FINDINGS:Lung volumes remain low.There are innumerable bilateral scattered smallpulmonary nodules which are better demonstrated on recent CT.Mild pulmonaryvascular congestion is stable.The cardiomediastinal silhouette and hilarcontours are unchanged.Small pleural effusion in the right middle fissure isnew.There is no new focal opacity to suggest pneumonia.There is nopneumothorax.IMPRESSION:1. Low lung volumes and mild pulmonary vascular congestion is unchanged. 2. New small right fissural pleural effusion.3. No new focal opacities to suggest pneumonia.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001884/s59212874.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PA AND LAT)INDICATION:___F with cough// coughTECHNIQUE:Chest PA and lateralCOMPARISON:___FINDINGS: Reticular opacities at the lung bases bilaterally likely represent mildatelectasis.There is mild biapical pleural-parenchymal scarring.Noevidence of pneumonia, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax.Heart size andmediastinal contours are within normal limits.IMPRESSION: No acute cardiopulmonary process.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001884/s59635781.txt
FINAL REPORTINDICATION:___F with Hx COPD and CAD with c/o CP and SOB// ? PNATECHNIQUE:PA and lateral views of the chest.COMPARISON:___.FINDINGS: The lungs are hyperinflated but clear without confluent consolidation oreffusion.The cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits.No acuteosseous abnormalities identified.IMPRESSION: No acute cardiopulmonary process.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001884/s50807032.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PA AND LAT)INDICATION:___-year-old woman with a smoking history, DOE, productive coughand wheezing, found to have rales at the left lung base on exam. Evaluate COPDand rule-out an infiltrate.COMPARISON:Chest radiograph dated ___.FINDINGS: The lungs are hyper-expanded with associated flattening of the diaphragms.Unexplained mild rightward deviation of the trachea without tracheal narrowingat the level of the thoracic inlet, not markedly changed since ___. No changein the probable right apical bronchiectasis. The lungs are otherwise clearwithout focal consolidation or pulmonary edema. No pleural effusion orpneumothorax. Normal cardiomediastinal silhouette, hila, and pleura. Stabletortuous descending aorta.IMPRESSION: 1. No focal consolidation to suggest active infection.2. StableCOPD.3. Stable unexplained mild rightward deviation of the trachea.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001884/s53894864.txt
FINAL REPORTINDICATION: ___F with shortness of breath// Please evaluate for pneumonia,effusions, edemaTECHNIQUE:PA and lateral views of the chest.COMPARISON:___.FINDINGS: The lungs are clear without consolidation, effusion or edema.Biapicalscarring, worse on the right is again noted.The cardiomediastinal silhouetteis within normal limits.No acute osseous abnormalities.IMPRESSION: No acute cardiopulmonary process.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001884/s57156853.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PORTABLE AP)INDICATION:___ year old woman with worsening SOB// eval for interval changeIMPRESSION: In comparison to ___ chest radiograph, pulmonary vascular congestionand minimal interstitial edema are new.No other relevant change.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001884/s53268982.txt
FINAL REPORTHISTORY:Cough and shortness of breath with recent cold.Evaluate forpneumonia and pulmonary edema.COMPARISON:___.FINDINGS:Frontal and lateral radiographs of the chest show hyperinflatedlungs with flattened diaphragm, consistent with emphysema. Asymmetric opacityin the right middle lobe is concerning for pneumonia. No pleural effusion orpneumothorax is seen.The cardiomediastinal contours are within normal limitsaside from a tortuous aorta.IMPRESSION:Right middle lobe opacity concerning for pneumonia.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001884/s50376803.txt
FINAL REPORTINDICATION:___ year old woman with severe COPD, s/p PEA arrest here withrespiratory failure and complete heart block, now s/p pacemaker placement//eval for pacemaker placement, interval pulmonary changeCOMPARISON:The comparison is made with prior studies including ___.IMPRESSION: The endotracheal tube tip is 6 cm above the carina.Nasogastric tube tip isbeyond the GE junction and off the edge of the film.A left central line ispresent in the tip is in the mid SVC.A pacemaker is noted on the right inthe lead projects over the right ventricle.There is probable scarring inboth lung apices.There are no new areas of consolidation.There is upperzone redistribution and cardiomegaly suggesting pulmonary venous hypertension.There is no pneumothorax.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001884/s55333410.txt
WET READ: ___ ___ ___ 4:36 PM No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.______________________________________________________________________________FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:Chest radiographINDICATION:___ y.o. woman, multiple medical problems most notable for HTN,CAD, Afib, COPD on home O2 presenting with dyspnea.TECHNIQUE:Chest PA and lateralCOMPARISON:Chest radiograph ___ and chest CT from ___.FINDINGS: PA and lateral views the chest provided.Biapical pleural parenchymalscarring noted.No focal consolidation concerning for pneumonia.No effusionor pneumothorax.No signs of congestion or edema.Cardiomediastinalsilhouette is stable with an unfolded thoracic aorta and top-normal heartsize.Bony structures are intact.IMPRESSION: No acute findings.Top-normal heart size.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001884/s50712381.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PORTABLE AP)INDICATION:___ year old woman with severe COPD s/p cardiac arrest// Evalfor interval changeIMPRESSION: Compared to prior chest radiographs since ___, most recently ___and ___.Mild pulmonary edema has not resolved.Moderate cardiomegaly is stable. Pleural effusion, small if any.No pneumothorax.Right transjugular temporary pacer lead tip projects over the floor of theright ventricle.ET tube in standard placement.Esophageal probe ends at thelevel of the carina.Transesophageal drainage tube passes into the stomachand out of view.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001884/s54369281.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:Chest radiographINDICATION:Dyspnea.TECHNIQUE:AP and lateral views of the chest.COMPARISON:___FINDINGS: Heart size is mildly enlarged.There is mild unfolding of the thoracic aorta.Cardiomediastinal silhouette and hilar contours are otherwise unremarkable. There is mild bibasilar atelectasis.Lungs are otherwise clear.Pleuralsurfaces are clear without effusion or pneumothorax.Focus of air seen underthe right hemidiaphragm, likely represents colonic interposition.IMPRESSION: No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001884/s56308417.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PA AND LAT)INDICATION:___ year old woman with COPD, dyspnea. Smoker// R/o infiltrateTECHNIQUE:Chest PA and lateralCOMPARISON:Radiograph on ___FINDINGS: The cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits.The aortais tortuous.There is bilateral apical bronchial thickening, as before.Lungvolumes are lower on the current study.Focal opacity involving the rightlower lobe could represent an area of atelectasis or infection.There is noeffusion or pneumothorax.IMPRESSION: Subtle opacity in the right lower lobe could represent atelectasis orinfection in the appropriate setting.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001884/s58788638.txt
FINAL REPORTINDICATION:Intermittent chest pain, evaluate for pneumonia.COMPARISON:Chest radiograph from ___ and CT chest from ___.CHEST, PA AND LATERAL:Mild pleural parenchymal scarring is present at thelung apices.There is patchy bibasilar atelectasis, without focalconsolidation.Heart size is normal.The aorta is mildly tortuous.Nopleural effusions or pneumothorax.Mild degenerative changes in the bilateralacromioclavicular joints.IMPRESSION:Bibasilar atelectasis. Otherwise, no acute intrathoracic process.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001884/s51181158.txt
FINAL REPORTHISTORY:Acute hypoxia status post arm surgery.COMPARISON:___.FINDINGS:Portable AP chest radiograph.The lungs are relatively well expanded withoutfocal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax.The heart is normal insize with tortuous aortic contour.IMPRESSION:No acute intrathoracic process.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001884/s57839849.txt
FINAL REPORTHISTORY:___-year-old female with chest tightness.STUDY:PA and lateral chest radiograph.COMPARISON:___.FINDINGS:The cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are normal.The lungs areclear.There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax.IMPRESSION:No acute cardiopulmonary process.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001884/s59984865.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PA AND LAT)INDICATION:___ year old woman with smoking history, DOE, cough// EvaluateCOPDTECHNIQUE:CHEST (PA AND LAT)COMPARISON:___IMPRESSION: Heart size is normal.This ascending aorta is unchanged. Lungs areessentially clear except for chronic interstitial changes bilaterally. Thefindings might be attributed to the provided history of COPD. If clinicallywarranted, correlation with cross-sectional imaging might be considered.No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001884/s54828594.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PA AND LAT)INDICATION:History: ___F with shortness of breathTECHNIQUE:Chest PA and lateralCOMPARISON:___ chest radiographFINDINGS: Mild to moderate enlargement of the cardiac silhouette is unchanged.Theaorta remains tortuous.Mediastinal and hilar contours are otherwise similar.The pulmonary vasculature is not engorged.Lungs are hyperinflated.Apartfrom minimal atelectasis in the lung bases and biapical scarring in the lungapices, more pronounced on the right, the lungs are clear.No pleural effusionor pneumothorax is demonstrated.There are no acute osseous abnormalities.IMPRESSION:No acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001884/s51817555.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PORTABLE AP)INDICATION:History: ___F with persisting wheeze and sob w hypoxia// concernpnaTECHNIQUE:Single frontal view of the chestCOMPARISON:NoneFINDINGS: Relative increase in opacity over the lung bases bilaterally is felt due tooverlying soft tissue rather than consolidation or pleural effusion.Lateralview may be helpful for confirmation.No large pleural effusion orpneumothorax is seen.The cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes areunremarkable.No overt pulmonary edema is seenIMPRESSION: Relative increase in opacity over the lung bases bilaterally felt due tooverlying soft tissue rather than consolidation.Lateral view may be helpfulfor confirmation.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001884/s59066712.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PA AND LAT)INDICATION:___ year old woman with COPD, dyspnea. Smoker See prior report. OnRx with Abx// R/o infiltrateR/o infiltrateIMPRESSION: In comparison with the study of ___, the increased opacification at theright base has essentially cleared with better inspiration.Cardiacsilhouette remains at the upper limits of normal in size and there is againtortuosity of the aorta without vascular congestion or pleural effusion. Biapical changes, especially on the right, are stable.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001884/s54579606.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PA AND LAT)INDICATION:___F with asthma// pna?COMPARISON:___FINDINGS: PA and lateral views of the chest provided. Lungs are hyperinflated thoughclear.Cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable.Bony structures are intact.IMPRESSION: No acute intrathoracic process.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001884/s54000534.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST PA AND LATERALINDICATION:___ year old woman with COPD, productive cough, rales left base,and bilat. wheezes. R/o infiltrate or CHF.TECHNIQUE:Chest PA and lateralCOMPARISON:Chest radiograph from ___, ___, ___, and ___.CT chest ___.FINDINGS: Hyperexpanded lungs with flattened diaphragms are unchanged.Previouslydescribed right tracheal deviation is not seen on the current study. Unchangedbilateral apical bronchial thickening. The lungs are otherwise clear withoutfocal consolidation, pneumothorax, or effusion.The cardiomediastinal andhilar silhouettes are normal.Stable descending tortuous aorta.IMPRESSION: No acute cardiopulmonary process, without consolidation or evidence of CHF.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001884/s58196907.txt
FINAL REPORTINDICATION:___F with dyspnea/wheezing/cp// acute processTECHNIQUE:AP views of the chest.COMPARISON:___.FINDINGS: The lungs are grossly clear.There is no focal consolidation, large effusionor edema.The cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits.No acuteosseous abnormalities.IMPRESSION: No acute cardiopulmonary process.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001884/s53880659.txt
FINAL REPORTINDICATION:___ year old woman with COPD, afib, worsening dyspnea// eval forPNACOMPARISON:The comparison is made with prior studies including ___.IMPRESSION: There is hyperinflation.There is no pneumothorax, effusion, consolidation orCHF.There is probable osteopenia.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001884/s59305618.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PORTABLE AP)INDICATION:___ year old woman with COPD, intubated now with worseningcompliance and increasing pressure support// eval for pneumothorax,effusion, edema, pneumoniaIMPRESSION: In comparison to previous radiograph of 1 day earlier, support and monitoringdevices are unchanged in position.Pulmonary vascular congestion hasimproved.Airspace opacity at the left lung base has worsened, and additionalpatchy opacities have developed at the right lung base.Findings couldpotentially be due to aspiration or evolving aspiration pneumonia in theappropriate clinical setting.Exam is otherwise remarkable for probable smallbilateral pleural effusions.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001884/s55893591.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:Chest:Frontal and lateral viewsINDICATION:___ year old woman with COPD exacerbation, cardiac disease.//R/o infiltrate or CHFTECHNIQUE:Chest:Frontal and LateralCOMPARISON:Chest PA and lateral ___FINDINGS: The lungs are clear without focal consolidation.No pleural effusion orpneumothorax is seen. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes areunremarkable.Again noted is a tortuous aorta.IMPRESSION: No evidence of pneumonia.No acute cardiopulmonary process.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001884/s58350684.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:Chest radiograph.INDICATION:History: ___F with COPD, acute dyspnea// ?cpdTECHNIQUE:Chest PA and lateralCOMPARISON:Chest radiograph from ___.FINDINGS: The cardiac silhouette is normal in size.The hilar and mediastinal contoursare stable.There is mild bibasilar atelectasis.There is no focalconsolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax.IMPRESSION: No acute cardiopulmonary process.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001884/s50279568.txt
FINAL REPORTINDICATION:___F with hx of asthma, presenting with wheezing.// r/o PNA orvolume overloadTECHNIQUE:PA and lateral views the chest.COMPARISON:___.FINDINGS: The lungs are hyperinflated but clear without consolidation.Biapicalscarring is again noted, worse on the right.Cardiomediastinal silhouette iswithin normal limits.No acute osseous abnormalities.IMPRESSION: No acute cardiopulmonary process.
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FINAL REPORTINDICATION:___ year old woman with history of asthma, now with complaints ofshortness of breath and coughTECHNIQUE:Chest PA and lateralCOMPARISON:Chest radiographs ___ through ___.FINDINGS: With exception of mild bibasilar atelectasis, the lungs are normally expandedwithout focal opacity to suggest pneumonia.Heart size is mildly enlarged. The mediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged.There is no pleuraleffusion or pneumothorax.The aorta is unfolded and tortuous.IMPRESSION: Mild bibasilar atelectasis.No evidence of pneumonia.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001884/s56722923.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PORTABLE AP)INDICATION:___ year old woman with severe COPD s/p extubation but persistenttachypnea// Eval for interval changeEval for interval changeIMPRESSION: Compared to prior chest radiographs ___ through ___.Previous mild pulmonary edema has improved, moderate cardiomegaly andmediastinal vascular engorgement have not.ET tube, right transjugulartemporary pacer lead are in standard placements and an esophageal drainagetube passes into the stomach and out of view.Pleural effusions are presumedbut not substantial.No pneumothorax.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001884/s53109065.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:Chest:Frontal and lateral viewsINDICATION:History: ___F with dyspnea// eval for pneumoniaTECHNIQUE:Chest:Frontal and LateralCOMPARISON:___FINDINGS: Mild basilar atelectasis is seen without focal consolidation.No pleuraleffusion or pneumothorax is seen. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes arestable.IMPRESSION: Mild basilar atelectasis without definite focal consolidation.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001884/s57166219.txt
FINAL REPORTINDICATION: ___F with SOB, cough// r/o acute processTECHNIQUE:Frontal and lateral views of the chest.COMPARISON:___.FINDINGS: Again seen is biapical scarring.The lungs are otherwise clear without focalconsolidation, effusion, or edema.Cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable. No acute osseous abnormalities.IMPRESSION: No acute cardiopulmonary process.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p10/p10001884/s52060840.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:Chest:Frontal and lateral viewsINDICATION:History: ___F with cough, sob// chf?TECHNIQUE:Chest:Frontal and LateralCOMPARISON:___FINDINGS: No new focal consolidation is seen.Mild right apical pleural thickening isseen.No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen. The cardiac andmediastinal silhouettes are stable.Small calcification projecting over theupper chest seen on the lateral view is present since at least ___, and may relate to aortic calcification.IMPRESSION: No acute cardiopulmonary process.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11001731/s56473269.txt
FINAL REPORTREASON FOR EXAMINATION:Allergic cough and phlegmon production.PA and lateral upright chest radiographs were reviewed in comparison to ___.Heart size is normal.Mediastinum is normal.Lungs are clear.There is nopleural effusion or pneumothorax.IMPRESSION:Normal chest radiographs.No change since ___demonstrated.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000566/s59565087.txt
FINAL REPORTCHEST, TWO VIEWS:___.HISTORY:___-year-old female with stent placed by PCP, evaluate for pneumoniagiven elevated white blood cell count.COMPARISON:None.FINDINGS:PA and lateral views of the chest.The lungs are clear.Azygousfissure incidentally noted.The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal.Noacute osseous abnormality is identified.IMPRESSION:No acute cardiopulmonary process.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000566/s50789010.txt
FINAL REPORTINDICATION:___ year old woman with scheduled ECP// Please check placementof tunneled cathether, two out of three ports with no blood returnTECHNIQUE:Chest PA and lateralCOMPARISON:Chest radiograph from ___FINDINGS: Right tunneled catheter is intact and terminates in the appropriate positions.The lungs are fully expanded and clear. Cardiomediastinal and hilarsilhouettes are normal. Pleural surfaces are normal.IMPRESSION: No radiographic evidence for tunneled catheter dysfunction.No acutecardiopulmonary process.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000566/s50252971.txt
FINAL REPORTINDICATION:___ year old woman with hx of AML, s/p allogeneic stem celltransplant with GVHD, on immunosuppression now with cough.Evaluate forpneumonia.TECHNIQUE:Chest PA and lateralCOMPARISON:Chest radiograph ___.FINDINGS: The lungs are clear without focal opacity, pulmonary edema, pleural effusionor pneumothorax.IMPRESSION: No pneumonia.NOTIFICATION: The findings were discussed with ___, M.D. by___, M.D. on the telephone on ___ at 1:19 PM, 5 minutes afterdiscovery of the findings.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000566/s50702026.txt
WET READ: ___ ___ 7:55 AMNo pneumonia. Right sided catheter terminates at the low SVC.WET READ VERSION #1 ___ ___ ___ 11:47 PM No pneumonia. Right sided catheter terminates at the low SVC.______________________________________________________________________________FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PA AND LAT)INDICATION:___ year old woman with relapsed AML, admit for salvagechemotherapy// any sign of infection or concerning changesCOMPARISON:___IMPRESSION: No evidence of pneumonia.No pleural effusions. Normal size of the heart. The previous left-sided venous access line has been removed and the patienthas received a right-sided internal jugular vein catheter.No pneumothorax.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000566/s58996402.txt
WET READ: ___ ___ ___ 12:03 AM No acute cardiac or pulmonary findings. ______________________________________________________________________________FINAL REPORTHISTORY:Transplant workup.COMPARISON:Chest radiograph from ___ and CT chest from ___.FINDINGS:Frontal and lateral chest radiographs demonstrate interval removal of a rightsubclavian catheter.The heart, lungs, mediastinum, hila, and pleuralsurfaces are normal.IMPRESSION:Normal chest radiograph.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000566/s56421164.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PA AND LAT)INDICATION:___ year old woman with cough and wheezing// rule out infection rule out infectionIMPRESSION: Comparison to ___.No relevant change is noted.Normal size of thecardiac silhouette.Normal hilar and mediastinal contours. Mild elongation ofthe descending aorta.Interval placement of a right central venous accessline.No pulmonary edema.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000566/s51737583.txt
FINAL REPORTINDICATION:AML, transplant today, evaluate central line placement.COMPARISON:Chest radiograph on ___.FINDINGS:AP view of the chest.A left internal jugular central venous lineends in the low SVC.There is no pneumothorax or mediastinal winding.Nofocal consolidation or pleural effusion.The cardiomediastinal and hilarcontours are normal.IMPRESSION:No acute cardiopulmonary process.Left IJ central venous lineends in the low SVC.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000566/s50230446.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PORTABLE AP)INDICATION:___ year old woman with new dyspnea and tachycardia// r/oinfection vs pulm edemaCOMPARISON:___IMPRESSION: As compared to the previous radiograph, no relevant change is seen. Theposition of the right central venous access is constant.No pleuraleffusions.No cardiomegaly.No pneumothorax.No pulmonary edema.Nopneumonia.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000566/s54855307.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PORTABLE AP)INDICATION:___ year old woman with leukemia, new fever// any sign ofinfectionany sign of infectionIMPRESSION: In comparison with the study of ___, there is no evidence of acute focalpneumonia. Monitoring and support devices are unchanged.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11001054/s51732447.txt
FINAL REPORTINDICATION:Chest pain.Evaluate for pneumonia or other acute process.COMPARISON:None.TECHNIQUE:Upright PA and lateral radiograph of the chest.FINDINGS:The lungs are normally expanded and clear.The cardiomediastinalsilhouette, hilar contours and pleural surfaces are normal.There is nopleural effusion or pneumothorax.IMPRESSION:No evidence of acute cardiopulmonary abnormality.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11001267/s54136122.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:Portable AP chest radiograph.INDICATION:___-year-old woman with bilateral spontaneous subdural hematomas. Evaluate for hilar adenopathy.TECHNIQUE:Portable AP chest radiograph.COMPARISON:No prior chest radiographs.FINDINGS: Normal heart size.The right hilum is normal and the left hilum is not wellseen.Convexity of the right upper mediastinal border may reflect mild azygosdistension due to volume overload or an enlarged right lower paratracheallymph node.Lungs are clear.No pneumothorax or pleural effusion.IMPRESSION: 1.Left hilum is suboptimally evaluated on the current study.Recommendconventional PA and lateral radiographs for further evaluation.2.Convexity of the right upper mediastinal border may reflect mild azygosdistension or an enlarged right lower paratracheal lymph node.This would bebetter evaluated on conventional PA and lateral radiographs.RECOMMENDATION(S):Conventional PA and lateral radiographs.NOTIFICATION: The findings were communicated to Dr. ___ by Dr. ___ ___ text___ on ___ at 11:08, 10 minutes after discovery of the findings.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11001267/s58882809.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PA AND LAT)INDICATION:___ year old woman with bilateral subdurals, concern for sarcoid // eval for hilar adenopathyeval for hilar adenopathyIMPRESSION: Mild cardiomegaly is present.Lungs are overall clear.No definitiveconsolidation to suggest infectious process demonstrated.No abnormalitiesthat would be typical for sarcoid demonstrated.No definitive lymphadenopathyseen as wellEve clinically warranted, assessment with chest CT is to be considered.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000416/s56535031.txt
FINAL REPORTTYPE OF EXAMINATION:Chest PA and lateral.INDICATION:___-year-old male patient with mild dyspnea on exertion, newdiagnosis of colon carcinoma, evaluate for possible metastases.FINDINGS:PA and lateral chest views were obtained with patient in uprightposition.Analysis is performed in direct comparison with the next precedingPA and lateral chest examination of ___.The heart size is normal. No configurational abnormality is present.Thoracic aorta and mediastinalstructures are unremarkable.The pulmonary vasculature is not congested.Nosigns of acute or chronic parenchymal infiltrates are present and the pleuralsinuses are free.No pneumothorax in the apical area.Mild degree ofanterior wedge deformity of the vertebral body in the mid thoracic spineappears unchanged.Thus, no evidence of new acute skeletal abnormalities.IMPRESSION:Stable chest findings.No lesion suspicious for pulmonarymetastases in patient with newly diagnosed colon carcinoma.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000416/s55590752.txt
FINAL REPORTTYPE OF EXAMINATION:Chest AP portable single view.INDICATION:___-year-old male patient status post superior segment noduleremoval.Evaluate position of chest tube and lung.FINDINGS:AP single view of the chest has been obtained with patient insemi-upright position.Comparison is made with the next preceding portablechest examination of ___.On the present portable examination, aright-sided chest tube is identified, seen to be advanced through the rightlower lateral chest wall and reaching with its tip at the apical portion ofthe right hemithorax.No pneumothorax or any other significant abnormalitycan be identified.No evidence of pleural effusion as both lateral pleuralsinuses are free and no pneumothorax in the apical area.
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FINAL REPORTINDICATION:Approximately one week post right lower lobe superiorsegmentectomy for lung nodule.COMPARISON:Chest radiographs ___, ___, PET-CT ___.FINDINGS:The cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are normal.There is nopneumothorax.There may be a small right subpulmonic effusion.The lungs arewell expanded and clear with only minimal opacification in the region of thesuperior segment of the right lower lobe. Pulmonary vasculature is withinnormal limits. IMPRESSION:Possible small right subpulmonic effusion. No other acutecardiopulmonary process.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000416/s51449744.txt
FINAL REPORTHISTORY:Cancer and right lower lobe segmentectomy.FINDINGS:In comparison with the study of ___, there is again a somewhatill-defined area of increased opacification in the region of the superiorsegment of the right lower lobe.No evidence of vascular congestion orpleural effusion.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000416/s56617354.txt
FINAL REPORTHISTORY:Thoracotomy, to assess for pneumothorax after chest tube removal.FINDINGS:In comparison with the earlier study of this date, followingremoval of the chest tube, there is a decrease in the previously describedpneumothorax on the right.Otherwise, little change.There is a small amount of supraclavicular subcutaneous gas on the right.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000011/s51029426.txt
FINAL REPORTEXAMINATION:CHEST (PORTABLE AP)INDICATION:History: ___F with fever, hypotension// r/o pneumoniaTECHNIQUE:Single AP upright frontal view of the chestCOMPARISON:NoneFINDINGS: No focal consolidation is seen.There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax.The cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are unremarkable.IMPRESSION: No focal consolidation to suggest pneumonia.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000590/s52358194.txt
FINAL REPORTINDICATION:___-year-old male with lumbar disc bulge.Preoperative chestradiograph.TECHNIQUE:Chest PA and lateralCOMPARISON:None.FINDINGS: Lungs are fully expanded and clear.Cardiomediastinal and hilar silhouettesand pleural surfaces are normal.IMPRESSION: No acute cardiopulmonary process.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11001469/s54076811.txt
FINAL REPORT___-year-old female with abdominal pain, rule out free air.COMPARISON:___.SINGLE PORTABLE UPRIGHT VIEW OF THE CHEST:The lungs show minimal bilateraldependent atelectasis.The lungs are otherwise clear.Cardiomediastinalsilhouette and hilar contours are unremarkable.No pleural effusion orpneumothorax.No evidence of free air.IMPRESSION:No evidence of free air.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11001630/s54194164.txt
WET READ: ___ ___ ___ 2:45 PM No acute cardiopulmonary process.______________________________________________________________________________FINAL REPORTINDICATION:___-year-old female with syncope. Evaluate for acute process.TECHNIQUE:Frontal and lateral chest radiographs were obtained with thepatient in the upright position.COMPARISON:None available.FINDINGS: The lungs are clear of focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax. The heart size is normal.The mediastinal contours are normal.IMPRESSION: No acute cardiopulmonary process.
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D_OS063_MIMIC-CXR 2.0/files/p11/p11000920/s51873479.txt
WET READ: ___ ___ ___ 4:48 AM No acute cardiopulmonary process. ______________________________________________________________________________FINAL REPORTINDICATION:History: ___M with chest pain// r/o infiltrateTECHNIQUE:Chest PA and lateralCOMPARISON:Chest radiograph dated ___.FINDINGS: Frontal and lateral radiographs of the chest demonstrate hyperinflated, clearlungs. The cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable. There is nopneumothorax, pleural effusion, or consolidation.IMPRESSION: Hyperinflated lungs, suggestive of COPD. No acute cardiopulmonary process.
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