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21,015,241 | and routine-bound life of an officer in peace-time proved to be difficult for Maximov who had a hyper-active personality and who craved action. In 1875, Maximov attempted to commit suicide, which led to him being dishonorably discharged from the Army. The failed suicide attempt and the dishonorable discharge created a black mark on Maximov's career, which he spent the rest of his life trying to erase. The British historian R.W Johnson called Maximov a tragic figure as his dishonorable discharge from the Russian Army owing to his suicide attempt marked him out as a man whose honor could never be | Yevgeny Maximov |
21,015,242 | redeemed, leading Maximov to volunteer in successive wars in attempts to prove his courage to the world and restore his lost honor. In 1876, Maximov volunteered to fight with the Serbs against the Ottoman Empire, showing much bravery under fire. In between his bouts as a volunteer, Maximov worked as a newspaper correspondent for St. Peterburg newspapers, mostly in Central Asia, the Caucasus, the Balkans, and the Middle East, always covering wars. In 1880, Maximov served with a Flying Medical Company offering medical aid to wounded men during the Russian conquest of Turkmenistan. During this time, Maximov met Mikhail Skobelev, | Yevgeny Maximov |
21,015,243 | the famous "White General" who led the conquest of Central Asia, who always remained Maximov's role model. In 1881 after the assassination of the Emperor Alexander II by "Narodnik" terrorists, the monarchist Maximov joined the Corps of Gendarmes in order to fight against anarchists and he served in the Caucasus until his resignation in 1884. In 1895-96, Maximov served as a volunteer with the Ethiopians against the Italians. In 1897, Maximov served as a volunteer with the Greeks against the Ottomans. Afterwards, he worked as a journalist in Afghanistan and Iran. Maximov described himself as fascinated with "civilised warfare which | Yevgeny Maximov |
21,015,244 | attracts men of certain description, and to them a well fought battle is the highest form of exciting amusement". In 1899, Maximov went to South Africa as the correspondent of the newspapers "Novoie Vremia", "Sankt-Peterburgskiie Vedomosti" and "Rossiia". Despite the way his career had ended in disgrace, Maximov was probably sent to South Africa to observe the war for the Russian general staff as he met several officers of the General Staff in St. Petersburg before leaving. The British tried to prevent Maximov from going to South Africa, forcing him to get off his ship in Alexandria, Egypt, saying his | Yevgeny Maximov |
21,015,245 | presence was not desired in South Africa. Undeterred, Maximov traveled via train from Alexandria to Port Said. Maximov was able to board a ship in Port Said that took him to Djibouti, Zanzibar, Madagascar and finally to Lourenço Marques (modern Maputo, Mozambique). From Portuguese East Africa, Maximov was able to make his way to the Transvaal. A conservative nationalist and monarchist, Maximov disliked those Russian volunteers on the left such as Prince Mikhail Yengalychev and Alexander Essen. A Belgian woman who served as a nurse with the Transvaal volunteers, Alice Bron, described Maximov: "The colonel, in fact, is a man | Yevgeny Maximov |
21,015,246 | of action, and his manners savour somewhat of the camp. He is a believer in the poetry of war, and says he likes nothing better than to hear the whistling of bullets and the thunder of cannon; and, in fact, when he indulges in recollections of his service with Skobelev, the handsome 'white cuirassier', his face lights up, and he becomes a poet inspired by the noise of war." Bron also described him: "He is as bold as a lion, though he's as obstinate as a mule." In March 1900, Maximov become the deputy commander of the European Legion which | Yevgeny Maximov |
21,015,247 | was commanded by the Frenchman George Henri Anne-Marie Victor de Villebois-Mareuil. On 4 March 1900, Maximov met with President Martinus Theunis Steyn of the Orange Free State and on 13 March 1900 met with President Paul Kruger of the Transvaal Republic. The Russian journalist Yevgeny Augustus who was covering the war wrote about Maximov: "By ways known only to him he earned the confidence of the Transvaal authorities, began to visit President Kruger without ceremony, became quite at home with old Reitz, entered into relations with Steyn...To us ordinary mortals who never even dreamed of the honour to have tea | Yevgeny Maximov |
21,015,248 | with Kruger or Reitz, his activities seemed highly mysterious." An excellent marksman and horseman, Maximov's skills with guns and horses always impressed the Boars. Maximov ability to shoot springboks from a moving train at the distance of 800 metres without ever missing as he did several times on a train ride from Pretoria to Bloemfontein was considered to be phenomenal. Deeply fascinated with South Africa, Maximov took numerous photographs of the South African countryside, cities, and towns together with photographs of Boar commanders and the Zulu people, whom he was interested in, and which were later found to be in | Yevgeny Maximov |
21,015,249 | the possession of his son Alexander, a mining engineer in the 1970s. After Villebois-Mareuil was killed, Maximov was considered to be the commander of the European Legion, but his reputation as a harsh disciplinarian ensured that he was instead given the commander of the Hollander Corps. The strict discipline that Maximov imposed in training the volunteers of the European Legion made him unpopular and the fact he had served in the Corps of the Gendarmes made especially unpopular with the Russian volunteers. One French volunteer wrote "...the Russians who could not pardon his position as a police officer and even | Yevgeny Maximov |
21,015,250 | professed a certain contempt for him". On 30 April 1900, Maximov led the Hollander Corps in the Battle of Thaba Nchu, where he was seriously wounded. During the battle, Maximov fought with the British Army Captain Beachcroft Towse and fired the shot that blinded Towse in both eyes while at the same time Towse fired a shot into Maximov. As Towse was awarded a Victoria Cross, the battle of Tabu Nchu brought international attention to Maximov, through the British press falsely reported that Maximov had been killed.. At Taba Nchu, Maximov suffered a splintered shoulder, a badly damaged shoulder blade | Yevgeny Maximov |
21,015,251 | and a serious wound to his skull, which rendered him unfit for further military service, leading to being honorably discharged from the Transvaal service. One of the Transvaal leaders, State Secretary Francis William Reitz told the Russian nurse Sophia Izedinova: "You know, sister...that I am not greatly impressed by all these foreigners who come offering us their services, but concerning your countryman, I am happy to say that we were both mistaken in our caution. All our commandos who have come into contact with Colonel Maximov, praise his bravery, his ability to discipline men and the value of his advice. | Yevgeny Maximov |
21,015,252 | General Louis Botha said that although he is no coward himself and has seen many brave men, he not only never saw, but never imagined anything like the bravery of this Russian colonel. And one of the Dutch who served under him, said that one couldn't but follow him, he is a real leader." The Russian historians' Apollon Davidson and Irina Filatova cautioned that judging from the gushy tone that Izedinova always used when discussing Maximov in her book that she was clearly infatuated with him, and her picture of him may have somewhat idealised, but at the same time | Yevgeny Maximov |
21,015,253 | noted that other people who knew Maximov also spoke about him in an admiring way. Afterwards, Maximov was elected a "veggeneraal" (fighting general) by the Transvaal burgers, but the extent of his injuries prevented him from assuming command. Together with de Villebois-Mareuil, Maximov was the only non-Boar to serve as a "veggeneraal", and he was the only one elected to that position. Izedinova's partiality towards Maximov was due to the fact she was in love with him, but Bron who was rather more critical wrote about how at the last session of Transvaal "Volksraad" (People's Council), two special chairs of | Yevgeny Maximov |
21,015,254 | honor were brought in for:"...the Irish publicist and patriot Michael Davitt with his long beard and still young face and the wounded and profusely bandaged General Maximov. Before the entry of President Kruger there occurred a small incident which it gladdens me to be able to record. The chairman, General Lukas Meyer, had already taken his seat, when General Smuts went to him and drew his attention to something in the hall. Then he got up, descended from his elevated seat and approaching General Maximov, publicly thanked him on his own behalf and that of all his comrades, for his | Yevgeny Maximov |
21,015,255 | services to their country and for the blood he had shed in its defence. Still weak from his wounds, Maximov was confused and, partially rising, murmured something about the insignificance of his services." After the fall of Johannesburg and Pretoria at the end of May 1900, Maximov left the Transvaal as his wounds made him unfit for guerrilla warfare. Upon his return to Russia, Maximov happened to be riding in the same railroad car as the mistress of the German nobleman Prince Alexander von Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, who was serving as one of the bodyguards of the Emperor Nicholas II. After she | Yevgeny Maximov |
21,015,256 | insulted him, he insulted her back, leading to Prince Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg to challenge him to a duel. Maximov tried to refuse the duel, but as he was unwilling to apologize to Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg's mistress as she insulted him first, being only willing to express regret for calling her a "whore" who had sold herself to a foreigner, he felt he no choice, but to go through with the duel as he did not wished to be seen as a coward. Maximov knew that as an expert marksman, he could easily kill the prince, and decided to let his opponent fire the first | Yevgeny Maximov |
21,015,257 | shot and he would then shoot Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg in the leg. Unknown to both men, the seconds in the duel had deliberately overloaded their guns to make them shoot high so that nobody would be killed; as a result Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg missed Maximov, but Maximov's attempt to shoot him in the leg instead led to the bullet going into his chest, killing him. The death of Prince von Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg in the duel in St. Petersburg on 16 August 1901 attracted massive media attention all over Europe. Afterwards, Maximov was convicted of murder in a sensational trial, but he was pardoned by the | Yevgeny Maximov |
21,015,258 | Emperor Nicholas II. On 13 February 1902, President Kruger from his exile in the Netherlands sent Maximov a telegram reading: "Your services to my Fatherland were extraordinarily important and deserve great respect. Motivated by the absolutely selfless impulse of your soul, you have fulfilled your duty as an able and fearless representative of the Volunteer Commando under your leadership,-and I am convinced that if it were not for the inevitable circumstances that made you leave, you would have still continued to fight for the sacred cause of liberty and justice, which you so nobly considered to be your duty. Let | Yevgeny Maximov |
21,015,259 | everything that you have done during your lifetime be the source of great moral satisfaction for you, and let happiness and prosperity be your destiny. This is my sincere wish". After Maximov's release from prison, friends of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg tried to poison him at a party and failing that, threw him from a third story window, causing Maximov to suffer several broken ribs. Maximov then married a much younger woman who bore him a son, Alexander. In February 1904, Maximov tried to volunteer to fight in the Russian-Japanese war, saying he was outraged by the Japanese attacking the Russian naval base | Yevgeny Maximov |
21,015,260 | at Port Arthur (modern Lüshun, China) without a declaration of war, and was refused. After writing to the Dowager Empress, Dagmar of Denmark, Maximov was permitted to rejoin the Imperial Russian Army in September 1904. From Mukden (modern Shenyang, China), Maximov sent off his last telegram to his wife, wishing her and their son well. On 1 October 1904, Maximov was killed in action fighting against the Japanese on the plains of Manchuria in the Battle of Shaho. In his death, Maximov was able to regain the honor that he lost in life, and Russian newspapers described him as a | Yevgeny Maximov |
21,015,261 | hero. Yevgeny Maximov Yevgeny Yakovlevich Maximov (4 March 1849 – 1 October 1904) was a Russian adventurer, soldier and journalist mostly remembered for his service on the Boar side during the Second Anglo-Boar War. Maximov was born in Tsarskoye Selo, an upper class suburb of St. Petersburg, the son of a Russian naval officer and a Swedish aristocrat. During his youth, he studied at the Institute of Technology and the law faculty of St. Petersburg University. In 1869, Maximov joined the Imperial Russian Army as an officer in His Majesty's Cuirassier Life Guard Regiment after passing the officer's exam. The | Yevgeny Maximov |
21,015,262 | Manam Oru Kurangu Manam Oru Kurangu () is a 1967 Indian Tamil-language satirical film directed by A. T. Krishnaswamy and produced by T. V. Arasu. Inspired by the George Bernard Shaw play "Pygmalion", the film stars Cho Ramaswamy (who also wrote the screenplay), R. Muthuraman, T. S. Balaiah, A. V. M. Rajan, K. R. Vijaya and Vijayarani. It was released on 14 January 1967 and became a commercial success. Maruthayi is a village-based vegetable vendor who, by sheer accident, becomes an actress named Mallika Devi. Murgesa, a farmer from the same village, loves Maruthayi and wants to marry her, but | Manam Oru Kurangu |
21,015,263 | after she becomes an actress, she moves away from him. It was Gopinath, a wealthy socialite, who made her an actress as he laid a challenge that he would transform a vegetable vendor into an actor if his regular heroine exited at the last second. A rich man's son Chellappa aspires to marry Maruthayi, but ends up marrying another girl. Murgesa realises that Maruthayi has a new status; when he tries to meet her, Gopinath discourages him, and he returns to his village. When Gopinath confesses his love for Vijaya, she does not reciprocate. She is left alone, with nowhere | Manam Oru Kurangu |
21,015,264 | to go. "Manam Oru Kurangu" was inspired by the George Bernard Shaw play "Pygmalion". It was directed by A. T. Krishnaswamy and produced by T. V. Arasu under Sashti Films. Cast member Cho Ramaswamy wrote the screenplay. The film was exposes the snobbish values dominating society in everyday life. The soundtrack was composed by D. B. Ramachandran. The title song, performed by T. M. Soundararajan, became the film's most popular song. "Manam Oru Kurangu" was released on 14 January 1967, during the festive occasion of Thai Pongal. Film historian Randor Guy called it "one of the best satirical comedies" by | Manam Oru Kurangu |
21,015,265 | Cho and said it would be remembered for "the excellent screenplay and dialogue of Cho and his performance. Superb acting by T.S. Balaiah, K.R. Vijaya, A.V.M. Rajan, and Vijayarani." Despite facing competition from other Pongal releases such as "Kandhan Karunai", "Pattathu Rani" and "Penne Nee Vazhga", the film emerged a commercial success. Manam Oru Kurangu Manam Oru Kurangu () is a 1967 Indian Tamil-language satirical film directed by A. T. Krishnaswamy and produced by T. V. Arasu. Inspired by the George Bernard Shaw play "Pygmalion", the film stars Cho Ramaswamy (who also wrote the screenplay), R. Muthuraman, T. S. Balaiah, | Manam Oru Kurangu |
21,015,266 | Wealth of Donald Trump The net worth of Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States, stood at $3.1 billion as of 2018, according to "Forbes". Various organizations have estimated and investigated Trump's wealth. Trump has often stated higher values for his wealth than organizations estimating it. Trump is the beneficiary of several trust funds set up by his father and paternal grandmother beginning in 1949. In 1976, Fred Trump set up trust funds of $1 million ($ million in dollars) for each of his five children and three grandchildren. Donald Trump received annual payments from his trust fund, | Wealth of Donald Trump |
21,015,267 | for example, $90,000 in 1980 and $214,605 in 1981. By 1993, when Trump took two loans totaling $30 million from his siblings, their anticipated shares of Fred's estate amounted to $35 million each. Upon Fred Trump's death in 1999, his will divided $20 million after taxes among his surviving children. In a sworn deposition, Trump testified that he once borrowed $9.6 million from his father, calling it "a very small amount of money", but could not recall when he did so. Trump has since told campaign audiences he began his career with "a small loan of one million dollars" from | Wealth of Donald Trump |
21,015,268 | his father, which he paid back with interest: "it has not been easy for me", Trump told one New Hampshire crowd. Trump has often repeated this claim. In October 2018, "The New York Times" published an "exposé" drawing on more than 100,000 pages of tax returns and financial records from Fred Trump's businesses, and interviews with former advisers and employees. The "Times" concluded that Donald Trump "was a millionaire by age 8", and that he had received at least $413 million (adjusted for inflation) from his father's business empire over his lifetime. According to the "Times", Trump borrowed at least | Wealth of Donald Trump |
21,015,269 | $60 million from his father, and largely failed to reimburse him. The paper also described a number of purportedly fraudulent tax schemes, for example when Fred Trump sold shares in "Trump Palace" condos to his son well below their purchase price, thus masking what could be considered a hidden donation, and benefiting from a tax write-off. A lawyer for Trump said the "allegations of fraud and tax evasion are 100 percent false, and highly defamatory". A spokesman for the New York State tax department said the agency was "vigorously pursuing all appropriate areas of investigation". New York City officials also | Wealth of Donald Trump |
21,015,270 | indicated they are examining the matter. Trump was listed on the initial "Forbes List" of wealthy individuals in 1982 as having a share of his family's estimated $200 million net worth. Former "Forbes" reporter Jonathan Greenberg stated in 2018 that during the 1980s Trump had deceived him about his actual net worth and his share of the family assets in order to appear on the list. According to Greenberg, "it took decades to unwind the elaborate farce Trump had enacted to project an image as one of the richest people in America. Nearly every assertion supporting that claim was untrue. | Wealth of Donald Trump |
21,015,271 | Trump wasn’t just poorer than he said he was. Over time, I have learned that he should not have been on the first three Forbes 400 lists at all. In our first-ever list, in 1982, we included him at $100 million, but Trump was actually worth roughly $5 million — a paltry sum by the standards of his super-monied peers — as a spate of government reports and books showed only much later." After several years on the "Forbes List", Trump's financial losses in the 1980s caused him to be dropped from 1990 to 1995, and reportedly obliged him to | Wealth of Donald Trump |
21,015,272 | borrow from his siblings' trusts in 1993; in 2005, "The New York Times" referred to Trump's "verbal billions" in a skeptical article about Trump's self-reported wealth. At the time, three individuals with direct knowledge of Trump's finances told reporter Timothy L. O'Brien that Trump's actual net worth was between $150 and $250 million, though Trump then publicly claimed a net worth of $5 to $6 billion. Claiming libel, Trump sued the reporter (and his book publisher) for $5 billion, lost the case, and then lost again on appeal; Trump refused to turn over his unredacted tax returns despite his assertion | Wealth of Donald Trump |
21,015,273 | they supported his case. In April 2011, amid speculation whether Trump would run as a candidate in the United States presidential election of 2012, Politico quoted unnamed sources close to him stating that, if Trump should decide to run for president, he would file "financial disclosure statements that [would] show his net worth [was] in excess of $7 billion with more than $250 million of cash, and very little debt." Although Trump did not run as a candidate in the 2012 elections, his "professionally prepared" 2012 financial disclosure was published in his book, which claimed a $7 billion net worth. | Wealth of Donald Trump |
21,015,274 | On June 16, 2015, just prior to announcing his candidacy for president of the United States, Trump released a one-page financial statement "from a big accounting firm—one of the most respected"—stating a net worth of $8,737,540,000. "I'm really rich", Trump said. "Forbes" believed his claim of $9 billion was "a whopper," figuring it was actually $4.1 billion. In June 2015, "Business Insider" published Trump's June 2014 financial statement, noting that $3.3 billion of that total is represented by "Real Estate Licensing Deals, Brand and Branded Developments", described by "Business Insider" as "basically [implying] that Trump values his character at $3.3 | Wealth of Donald Trump |
21,015,275 | billion." "Forbes" reduced its estimate of Trump's net worth by $125 million following Trump's controversial 2015 remarks about Mexican illegal immigrants, which ended Trump's business contracts with NBCUniversal, Univision, Macy's, Serta, PVH Corporation, and Perfumania. In 2016, "Forbes" estimated Trump's net worth at $3.7 billion, and "Bloomberg" $3 billion. During the three years since Trump announced his presidential run in 2015, Forbes estimated his net worth declined 31% and his ranking fell 138 spots. Discrepancies in estimates of various organizations is due in part to the uncertainty of appraised property values, as well as Trump's own assessment of the value | Wealth of Donald Trump |
21,015,276 | of his personal brand. In its 2018 billionaires ranking, "Forbes" estimated Trump's net worth at $3.1 billion (766th in the world, 248th in the U.S.). Bloomberg Billionaires Index listed Trump's net worth as $2.48 billion on May 31, 2018, and Wealth-X listed it as at least $3.8 billion on July 16, 2018. In July 2015, federal election regulators released new details of Trump's self-reported wealth and financial holdings when he became a Republican presidential candidate, reporting that his assets are worth above $1.4 billion, which includes at least $70 million in stocks, and a debt of at least $265 million. | Wealth of Donald Trump |
21,015,277 | According to "Bloomberg", for the purposes of Trump's FEC filings Trump "only reported revenue for [his] golf properties in his campaign filings even though the disclosure form asks for income", noting independent filings showing all three of his major European golf properties were unprofitable. Mortgages on Trump's major properties—including Trump Tower, 40 Wall Street, and the Trump National Doral golf course—each fall into the "above $50 million" range, the highest reportable category on FEC filings, with Trump paying interest rates ranging from 4% to 7.125%. Mortgages on those three properties were separately reported as $100 million, $160 million, and $125 | Wealth of Donald Trump |
21,015,278 | million in 2013. Trump is a leaseholder, not owner, of the land beneath 40 Wall Street. Other outstanding Trump mortgages and debts are pegged to current market interest rates. A 2012 report from Trump's accounting firm estimated $451.7 million in debt and other collateral obligations. Filings in 2015 disclosed debt of $504 million, according to "Fortune" magazine. "Bloomberg" documented debt of at least $605 million in 2016. Trump's outstanding debt was at least $650 million in August 2016, in addition to an outstanding loan of $950 million to the Bank of China and Deutsche Bank (among other creditors) on 1290 | Wealth of Donald Trump |
21,015,279 | Avenue of the Americas, in which Trump is a minority owner. A July 2015 campaign press release, issued one month after Trump announced his presidential run, said that the FEC filing "was not designed for a man of Mr. Trump's massive wealth" and that his "net worth is in excess of ". Trump has often given much higher values for his wealth than organizations estimating it. Trump has testified that "my net worth fluctuates, and it goes up and down with markets and with attitudes and with feelings—even my own feelings." On the same day, Trump's own stated estimates of | Wealth of Donald Trump |
21,015,280 | his net worth have varied by as much as $3.3 billion. Trump has also acknowledged that past exaggerated estimates of his wealth have been "good for financing". "Forbes" has said that although Trump "shares a lot of information with us that helps us get to the figures we publish," he "consistently pushes for a higher net worth—especially when it comes to the value of his personal brand." A 2016 analysis of Trump's business career in "The Economist" concluded that his performance since 1985 had been "mediocre compared with the stock market and property in New York." A subsequent analysis in | Wealth of Donald Trump |
21,015,281 | "The Washington Post" similarly noted that Trump's estimated net worth of $100 million in 1978 would have increased to $6 billion by 2016 if he had invested it in a typical retirement fund, and concluded that "Trump is a mix of braggadocio, business failures, and real success." Wealth of Donald Trump The net worth of Donald Trump, the 45th president of the United States, stood at $3.1 billion as of 2018, according to "Forbes". Various organizations have estimated and investigated Trump's wealth. Trump has often stated higher values for his wealth than organizations estimating it. Trump is the beneficiary of | Wealth of Donald Trump |
21,015,282 | Scooterman Scooterman is a short British romantic film comedy of 2010 produced and directed by Kirsten Cavendish, starring Ed Stoppard and Georgina Rylance. The film is set in Notting Hill and Pimlico. Gerald Jones (Ed Stoppard) is a struggling writer working on a difficult novel and meanwhile making a living as a “Scooterman”: he goes out on a scooter to drive people home in their own cars when they are drunk. Shortly before Christmas, Gerald meets and falls for Daisy (Georgina Rylance), one of his customers, but she is living with a controlling boyfriend who is a literary agent. The | Scooterman |
21,015,283 | film won the audience-rated Best of the Fest award at Palm Springs and Los Angeles Comedy Festival (2010), and it opened the Santa Barbara Film Festival in 2011. Scooterman Scooterman is a short British romantic film comedy of 2010 produced and directed by Kirsten Cavendish, starring Ed Stoppard and Georgina Rylance. The film is set in Notting Hill and Pimlico. Gerald Jones (Ed Stoppard) is a struggling writer working on a difficult novel and meanwhile making a living as a “Scooterman”: he goes out on a scooter to drive people home in their own cars when they are drunk. Shortly | Scooterman |
21,015,284 | Jan Willems (painter) Jan Willems ("fl" 15201547/1548) was a Flemish painter of religious works as well as a polychromer and a designer of a large procession figures. He was the city painter of Leuven where he spent his entire known career. Not much is known about the life of Jan Willems. He was the son of the painter Jan Willems the Elder. His father was likely his teacher. His brother Peter was also a painter. In 15th-16th century Leuven there were a few of these artists' families such as the families Bouts, Willems and Rombouts. The craft was often passed | Jan Willems (painter) |
21,015,285 | on from father to son: sons learned the trade in the workshop of the father, stayed on as a servant or master-servant and took over the workshop after the death of their father. Artist families often intermarried in that era. Jan Willems himself married Marie Rombouts, the daughter of the city painter Jan Rombouts the Elder, who himself was related to the famous glass painter Nicolaas Rombouts. Willems was certainly already active in 1520, as to that year dates the earliest document stating his name: he was paid for the polychrome of a stone statue. With his brother-in-law Jan Rombouts | Jan Willems (painter) |
21,015,286 | the Younger, Jan Willems collaborated on at least one, now lost, ensemble, the Saint Severinus altarpiece, which had been commissioned by the Weavers' Guild for the St. Peter's Church in Leuven. Willems was appointed the city painter of Leuven, a post he held from 1527 to 1548. In that capacity he received a number of commissions from the city, especially in relation to the decorations for the annual Ommegang, as well as for other decorative projects of a temporary nature. He also received a number of commissions from the local chambers of rhetoric. The artist was paid by the city | Jan Willems (painter) |
21,015,287 | for his assistance in the organisation of a passion play by the chamber of rhetoric of De Rozelieren. The nature of his assistance is not specified but likely involved the provision of decorations for the play. The chamber of rhetoric of De Kersouwe paid him in 1547 for the polychrome of the statue of Saint Margaret. With the help of assistants, Willems created the figure of the giant Megera for its first appearance in the Ommegang of Leuven of 1532. He received the commission to restore the Last Judgment of Dieric Bouts in the Leuven town hall. Other works by | Jan Willems (painter) |
21,015,288 | his hand have not been preserved. In addition to his work as a city painter, Willems carried out various assignments for the clergy. For the Saint Quentin's Church in Leuven, Jan Willems painted the predella and the side panels of a sculpted retable of Saint Quentin, that had been commissioned in 1538 from the Leuven sculptor Joris Asselijns. Willems was also tasked with the polychrome of the sculpture. He was paid in 1534 for a number of painted panels for the Park Abbey in Heverlee. Willems painted the blazons for the funeral of Ambrosius van Engelen, abbot of the Park | Jan Willems (painter) |
21,015,289 | Abbey, who died in 1543. Jan Willems died between 3 December 1547 and 14 August 1548. The only known work by Jan Willems is the dated 1524-25. This large panel painting of 94 high by 180 cm wide is now kept in the Saint Quentin's Church in Leuven. The painting was donated to the church around 1557 as a legacy of Adriaan van Blehem, one of the most important benefactors of Saint Quentin's Church. The work reflects the growing influence of Renaissance ideas on painters in Leuven. His style is in line with that of Antwerp mannerists such as the | Jan Willems (painter) |
21,015,290 | Master of 1518 and Pieter Coecke van Aelst. Jan Willems (painter) Jan Willems ("fl" 15201547/1548) was a Flemish painter of religious works as well as a polychromer and a designer of a large procession figures. He was the city painter of Leuven where he spent his entire known career. Not much is known about the life of Jan Willems. He was the son of the painter Jan Willems the Elder. His father was likely his teacher. His brother Peter was also a painter. In 15th-16th century Leuven there were a few of these artists' families such as the families Bouts, | Jan Willems (painter) |
21,015,291 | Rona Ramon Rona Ramon (Hebrew:רונה רמון, 16 April 1964 – 17 December 2018) was a public activist STEM influencer and supporter of the education and advancement of youth in Israel. Ramon was the widow of Colonel Ilan Ramon, the first Israeli astronaut. He died in the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster in 2003. She was the mother of Captain Assaf Ramon, a fighter pilot in the Israeli Air Force who was killed in a training accident on September 13, 2009. After the death of her husband and son, she established the Ramon Foundation which works with Israeli children with academic excellence | Rona Ramon |
21,015,292 | to pursue their dreams. Rona was born in Kiryat Ono, on April 16, 1964 to Yaacov and Gila Bar Siman Tov. Her parents emigrated from Turkey as part of the Youth Aliyah when thet were 15. As a youth, Rona volunteered in the scouts, and was a paramedic during her army service. Rona met Ilan Ramon at the age of 22. They were married in 1986 and they had four kids. In 1997 Ilan Ramon was chosen as the first Israeli astronaut, and the family moved to Huston, in 1998, as part of the astronaut training and the preparations for | Rona Ramon |
21,015,293 | STS-107. Ramon was a holistic therapist, and gave lectures on the subject. She had a bachelor’s degree in physical therapy from the Wingate Institute and a master's degree in holistic therapy from Lesley University in Massachusetts. She provided lectures, workshops and individual treatments on coping with crisis. Following the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster, Ramon has created the Ramon Foundation, promoting education and leadership to youth around Israel, providing scholarships and opportunities. Another program of the Ramon Foundation, the Ramon Spacelab, allows teams of students to submit an experiment to the International Space Station. Ramon also helped found the Israeli space | Rona Ramon |
21,015,294 | Week, every year on the last week of January. During the Israeli Space week, many space related events are performed to promote STEM education, Astronauts and Space Agency representatives come to participate in these events as well as in the Annual International Ilan Ramon Conference. As part of Israel 's 68th Independence Day celebrations, she held a torch at the annual torch lighting ceremony at Mount Herzl. In June 2018 she was awarded an honorary fellowship by the Technion, in recognition of her many years of work and contribution to Israeli Society. She died at the age of 54 after | Rona Ramon |
21,015,295 | a long battle with pancreatic cancer. Rona Ramon Rona Ramon (Hebrew:רונה רמון, 16 April 1964 – 17 December 2018) was a public activist STEM influencer and supporter of the education and advancement of youth in Israel. Ramon was the widow of Colonel Ilan Ramon, the first Israeli astronaut. He died in the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster in 2003. She was the mother of Captain Assaf Ramon, a fighter pilot in the Israeli Air Force who was killed in a training accident on September 13, 2009. After the death of her husband and son, she established the Ramon Foundation which works | Rona Ramon |
21,015,296 | Broadcom Foundation Broadcom Foundation is a Newport Beach, California-based public-benefit nonprofit corporation that provides funding to support organizations that promote education in the academic disciplines of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The foundation also supports science fairs and competitions in conjunction with Washington, DC-based Society for Science %26 the Public, including Broadcom MASTERS, a national science competition for U.S. middle school students, and its international counterpart, Broadcom MASTERS International. The foundation is independent of its namesake, Broadcom Corporation, the subsidiary of Broadcom Inc. (formerly Avago). The foundation was founded in 2009 as a non-profit corporation with a $50M investment | Broadcom Foundation |
21,015,297 | from Irvine, California-based semiconductor chipmaker Broadcom Corporation, at the direction of Henry Samueli, the company's co-founder, and Broadcom Chief Executive Scott McGregor, who cited a history of science fair involvement as a factor for his own success. McGregor was named the foundation's first president and chairman. In September 2010, the foundation contributed $6M to science fair organizer Society for Science & the Public to launch Broadcom MASTERS (Math, Applied Science, Technology and Engineering for Rising Stars), a national science fair program for middle school students in the United States. Paula Golden, the foundation's executive director, was quoted in The New | Broadcom Foundation |
21,015,298 | York Times describing the critical need for additional science fair and STEM education funding in the United States. In June 2011, Broadcom contributed an additional $25M to the foundation. In 2012, the foundation began funding graduate engineering fellowships at the University of California, Irvine's (UCI's) Henry Samueli School of Engineering. In 2016, the foundation established the Broadcom Fellows Student Research Workshop and Symposium, which provides fellowships at UCI and UCLA in the areas of computer technology and semiconductors. In March, the foundation contributed to endow the Presidential Chair in electrical engineering and computer science at the Henry Samueli School of | Broadcom Foundation |
21,015,299 | Engineering. The foundation contributes to a variety of programs to promote education in STEM fields. Programs include the Broadcom MASTERS middle school science fairs organized by Society for Science & the Public; the Broadcom Fellows Student Research Workshop and Symposium for students at UCI and UCLA; and "Broadcom Presents": Design_CODE_Build, a program using the Raspberry Pi to teach middle school students to code, presented with the Mountain View, California-based Computer History Museum. The foundation also funds a research fund at Tel Aviv University, and sponsors coding programs arranged by the Raspberry Pi Foundation. Broadcom Foundation Broadcom Foundation is a Newport | Broadcom Foundation |
21,015,300 | Heidi Herzberg Heidi K. Herzberg is the newly-elected mayor of Deltona, Florida. Herzberg was born in Milwaukee, WI, the daughter of German immigrants. She is a first-generation American, the daughter of hard-working immigrants who played by the rules and made their way in America through talent and hard work. She has lived in Florida since 1983. She attended public schools growing up and is an alumnus of Daytona State College, She was also a former small businesswoman for 13 years but later retired from it. In 2010, Heidi was encouraged by her friend and the former mayor Dennis Mulder, that | Heidi Herzberg |
21,015,301 | she should run for city commissioner of her district which was 3. So she did. She was able to beat one of her other opponents for 2nd place, by the name of Randy Kough who only earned 17.66% of votes compared to Heidi's 39.44% of votes while Heather Joy Mitchell won in the primary with only 42.90% of votes. This gave her a 2nd chance to beat Heather in the general election which she did winning 54.69% of votes vs. Heather who lost with only 45.31% of votes. She served on the Deltona City Commission and as vice mayor from | Heidi Herzberg |
21,015,302 | November 2010 until November 2018 when she decided to run for mayor that year. She ran and won in the primary with 48.90% of votes against 2 of her opponents Troy Shimkus who only had 14.59% of votes and Santiago Avila Jr. who had 36.51% of votes and made it to the general election. She won & beat Santiago again in the general election with 52.90% of votes vs. his 47.10% of votes. She has been a member of the William S. Harvey Scholarship Selection Committee, a participant in Destination Deltona Task Force, a volunteer for United Humanitarians, and an | Heidi Herzberg |
21,015,303 | advocate for abused, neglected, homeless and unwanted animals. She currently serves as: Deltona's representative to Team Volusia Economic Development Corporation Board Member of the River of Lakes Heritage Corridor Board Member of the Daytona State College Center for Women & Men Board member of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Volusia & Flagler County Past President of the Volusia League of Cities Member of the Florida League of Cities Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Legislative Policy Committee Heidi Herzberg Heidi K. Herzberg is the newly-elected mayor of Deltona, Florida. Herzberg was born in Milwaukee, WI, the daughter of German immigrants. | Heidi Herzberg |
21,015,304 | Lake Towerrinning Lake Towerrinning or Towerrinning Lake is a permanent brackish lake in the Wheatbelt region of Western Australia located approximately south of Darkan, south west of Wagin and about south east of Perth. The lake is managed by the Department of Parks and Wildlife since it is used as a recreational facility; the Shire of West Arthur leases part of it as a gazetted water ski area. The lake is mostly situated within a A class nature reserve and is one of a few relatively fresh permanent, large waterbodies that are valuable as a wildlife refuge. It is located | Lake Towerrinning |
21,015,305 | close to but is not part of Arthur River. It forms part of the Towerrining Lake and Moodiarrup Swamps Important Bird Area and the Arthur River Wetlands System within the Blackwood basin. The lake has a catchment area of and has an average rainfall of per annum and an evaporation rate of per annum. It is found along the upper part of a major drainage line where a paleochannel is likely to be present. Water enters the lake via an inlet swamp found to the north west and drains out, eventually reaching the Arthur River, through an outlet swamp on | Lake Towerrinning |
21,015,306 | the southern side of the lake. The landscape of the catchment is a mixture of low hills, gently undulating rises, narrow incised valleys and wide flats with duplex sandy gravelly soils and clay soils on the valley floors. The traditional owners of the area are the Noongar peoples, who have inhabited the country for tens of thousands of years. The lake and its surroundings are spiritually and culturally significant to the Noongar as a corroboree ground and camping and meeting place with good hunting grounds. The first European to visit the site was Thomas Bannister while exploring the area in | Lake Towerrinning |
21,015,307 | 1832 and who described it as a "rushy lagoon". Lands around the lake were being rapidly selected by farmers for cropping or pastoralism in 1909. The lake was bordered by a property owned by T.V.Williams in 1926. The last recorded Indigenous Australian settlement was in 1938 when temporary camps were constructed to find bush foods. As a result of clearing the lake became larger through the 1940s with extra run-off but started to become saline in the 1960s. In 1982 a caravan park, located near the southern shore line, commenced operations. In 1989 the Lake Towerrinning catchment landcare group formed | Lake Towerrinning |
21,015,308 | with a mission to improve water quality. In 1993 the construction of a lake re-diversion at the confluence of the Cordering and Morlup Creeks to the northwest of the lake was completed to allow diverting of fresher water into the lake from the catchment area and saline water away from the lake. The lake has many facilities, including a boat ramp, public toilets, change rooms, playground, barbeques, camping and picnic areas. Water skiing is permitted on the lake between sunrise and sunset but is prohibited within of the shore except within the designated water ski takeoff and landing areas. Much | Lake Towerrinning |
21,015,309 | of the land around the catchment has been cleared for agriculture. The catchment belongs to the Beaufort Vegetation System, where marri ("Corymbia calophylla") and wandoo ("Eucalyptus wandoo") dominate in undulating areas while swamp yate ("Eucalyptus occidentalis") is more common in the valleys. The woodlands surrounding the main body of water contain wandoo, flooded gums ("Eucalyptus rudis"), rock sheoak ("Allocasuarina huegeliana"), acorn banksia ("Banksia prionotes"), freshwater paper bark ("Melaleuca rhaphiophylla"), saltwater paperbark ("Melaleuca cuticularis"), saltwater sheoak ("Casuarina obesa"), species of samphire and pockets of marri trees. The only recorded native aquatic plant is "Ruppia megacarpa". Grasses and sedges found around the | Lake Towerrinning |
21,015,310 | lake include "Baumea articulata", "Baumea juncea", "Lepidosperma longitudinale", "Juncus kraussii", "Juncus pallidus", "Hordeum geniculatum" and "Paspalum vaginatum". The area is an important habitat for a large range of species, including 14 species of frog, 43 species of reptile, 171 species of bird and 23 species of mammal. It is a wildlife refuge that supports a large population of birds, both local and migratory. The lake is recognised as an Important Bird Area by BirdLife Australia for the population of blue-billed ducks it supports. Other birds that can be seen are Australasian bittern, black cockatoo, peregrine falcon and the eastern great | Lake Towerrinning |
21,015,311 | egret. Many reptile species have also been recorded around the lake, including the long-necked tortoise. Lake Towerrinning Lake Towerrinning or Towerrinning Lake is a permanent brackish lake in the Wheatbelt region of Western Australia located approximately south of Darkan, south west of Wagin and about south east of Perth. The lake is managed by the Department of Parks and Wildlife since it is used as a recreational facility; the Shire of West Arthur leases part of it as a gazetted water ski area. The lake is mostly situated within a A class nature reserve and is one of a few | Lake Towerrinning |
21,015,312 | Maria Lucia Ratna Sulistya Maria Lucia Ratna Sulistya (born 14 January 1975) is an Indonesian Woman International master (WIM) (1993). She is a two-times Indonesian Women's Chess Championship winner (1993, 1995). In 1992, in Buenos Aires Maria Lucia Ratna Sulistya won the bronze medal at the World Girl's Junior Championship in U20 age group. She twice won Indonesian Women's Chess Championship: in 1993 and 1995. In 1993, Maria Lucia Ratna Sulistya participated in Women's World Chess Championship Interzonal Tournament in Jakarta where ranked 29th place. She represented Indonesia at the Women's Asian Team Chess Championship in 1995. In 1998, in | Maria Lucia Ratna Sulistya |
21,015,313 | Kuala Lumpur she shared 10th place in the Asian Women's Chess Championship. Maria Lucia Ratna Sulistya played for Indonesia in the Women's Chess Olympiads: In 1993, she awarded the FIDE International Women Master (WIM) title. Maria Lucia Ratna Sulistya Maria Lucia Ratna Sulistya (born 14 January 1975) is an Indonesian Woman International master (WIM) (1993). She is a two-times Indonesian Women's Chess Championship winner (1993, 1995). In 1992, in Buenos Aires Maria Lucia Ratna Sulistya won the bronze medal at the World Girl's Junior Championship in U20 age group. She twice won Indonesian Women's Chess Championship: in 1993 and 1995. | Maria Lucia Ratna Sulistya |
21,015,314 | Higganum Reservoir Higganum Reservoir is a man-made body of water impounding Ponset Brook in the town of Haddam, Connecticut. It is the primary feature of Higganum Reservoir State Park. Formed by construction of an earth dam in 1868, the reservoir was built to provide water power for the Higganum Manufacturing Company, a maker of plows and other farm equipment. Later known as Clark Cutaway Harrow, the company produced a line that included 400 types of plows, disk harrows, cider presses, hay spreaders, and carriage jacks. The reservoir's original dam had a maximum height of 48 feet and a total length | Higganum Reservoir |
21,015,315 | of embankment (including the spillway) of approximately 875 feet. It was reconstructed by the state in 2003. The dam is located at the reservoir's north end; a boat launch maintained by the state is found at its south end. Higganum Reservoir Higganum Reservoir is a man-made body of water impounding Ponset Brook in the town of Haddam, Connecticut. It is the primary feature of Higganum Reservoir State Park. Formed by construction of an earth dam in 1868, the reservoir was built to provide water power for the Higganum Manufacturing Company, a maker of plows and other farm equipment. Later known | Higganum Reservoir |
21,015,316 | Isaac J. Ullman Isaac James Ullman, or Ullmann, (March 29, 1798 – November 7, 1866) was an American businessman and politician who served one term in the Michigan House of Representatives. He was a founder of Racine College in Wisconsin. Isaac Ullman was born on March 29, 1798, in either Frankfurt or Strasbourg, France. He emigrated to the United States, likely in either 1817 or 1822, settled in Watertown, New York, and in 1827 became a United States citizen. Ullman ran a hotel called the Mansion House in Detroit in 1829. He was an early settler of St. Joseph County, | Isaac J. Ullman |
21,015,317 | Michigan, and ran a hotel in the village of Sturgis for a period of time, before selling his interest in the village to Andrew Backus in 1833. In 1831, he was appointed quartermaster of the 3rd Brigade of the Michigan militia. Ullman was a staunch Democrat, was elected to the Michigan House of Representatives in the first election under the state's new constitution in 1835, and served one term. By 1837, Ullman was operating a general store in Constantine, Michigan. In July 1836, during the era of wildcat banking in Michigan, the Bank of Constantine was chartered, with Ullman as | Isaac J. Ullman |
21,015,318 | a member of the board of directors. He was its president "pro tem" in 1838, but it closed its doors in 1841. Ullman later moved to Wisconsin. He served as a school commissioner in Racine, Wisconsin, and was one of the founders of Racine College in 1852. Ullman died in Racine on November 7, 1866. Ullman married Delia Maria Johnson. They had at least three children: Emilie Mack, Henry Johnson, and Frederic, born in Racine. Emilie married Wisconsin lawyer and politician Marshall Strong. Frederic served in the Civil War and became an attorney in Chicago. The Ullmans built a house | Isaac J. Ullman |
21,015,319 | in Racine at 731 S. Main St in 1843, and lived there until 1886. Isaac J. Ullman Isaac James Ullman, or Ullmann, (March 29, 1798 – November 7, 1866) was an American businessman and politician who served one term in the Michigan House of Representatives. He was a founder of Racine College in Wisconsin. Isaac Ullman was born on March 29, 1798, in either Frankfurt or Strasbourg, France. He emigrated to the United States, likely in either 1817 or 1822, settled in Watertown, New York, and in 1827 became a United States citizen. Ullman ran a hotel called the Mansion | Isaac J. Ullman |
21,015,320 | Rouvikonas Rouvikonas (Rubicon, in Greek "Ρουβίκωνας") is an activist anarchist collective in Athens, Greece. It was formed in 2013 in the mid of Greek financial crisis and has since carried more than 50 attacks. Most attacks have been of low significance against high profile targets, such as paint throwing, smashing glasses, attacking ATMs and occupying monuments. Police sources are estimating that there are approximately 120-150 members. Mode of action and open membership is in sharp contrast with previous anarchist groups that used indiscriminate violence. Rouvikonas is based in Exarcheia, a district traditionally accommodating anarchists and anti-authoritarians. As Rouvikonas's attacks are | Rouvikonas |
21,015,321 | deemed insignificant by the police, authorities in Athens do not actively chase Rouvikonas members, drawing criticism to the current left-wing government. Rouvikonas Rouvikonas (Rubicon, in Greek "Ρουβίκωνας") is an activist anarchist collective in Athens, Greece. It was formed in 2013 in the mid of Greek financial crisis and has since carried more than 50 attacks. Most attacks have been of low significance against high profile targets, such as paint throwing, smashing glasses, attacking ATMs and occupying monuments. Police sources are estimating that there are approximately 120-150 members. Mode of action and open membership is in sharp contrast with previous anarchist | Rouvikonas |
21,015,322 | Limelight centre Limelight is a community health center in Old Trafford run by Trafford Housing Trust designed to improve the health outcomes of local people It contains 81 extra care apartments two GP surgeries, a public library, a community café, an optician, a pharmacy, a hair and beauty salon, and a 40-place children's nursery. There are event spaces that can be hired for weddings or business meetings. St Brides Church and rectory has also relocated to the site. It was built by Willmott Dixon and opened in 2017 by Lemn Sissay and Diane Modahl. It won the prizes for the | Limelight centre |
21,015,323 | best older people's housing development and Best affordable housing development (in the larger category) at the Inside Housing Development Awards 2018. It was the only development to win two prizes. The judges described it as "a creative and iconic reimagining of terraced houses that provides a variety of tenures and satisfies high environmental and design standards” and ""A truly outstanding scheme of bold, statement architecture". The apartments are restricted to people aged 55 and over who need care and support. Some are rented and some are leased. There are support staff on the premises at all times. A resident-led management | Limelight centre |
21,015,324 | committee was established before the building was opened. It is the District Nursing base for North Trafford. The area has a substantial African Caribbean population and efforts have been made to involve them in the design and running of the centre. It is intended to be an intergenerational space with activities for young families, teenagers and older people. Limelight centre Limelight is a community health center in Old Trafford run by Trafford Housing Trust designed to improve the health outcomes of local people It contains 81 extra care apartments two GP surgeries, a public library, a community café, an optician, | Limelight centre |
Subsets and Splits