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21,015,041 | club in May 2015, with few of the players consequently becoming a part of the Tel Aviv Cheetahs football club. AFL Peace Team AFL Peace Team was a project curated by Peres Center for Peace and Innovation in Israel together with its Palestinian counterpart, the Al Qads Association for Democracy and Dialogue, based in the Palestinian Territories, which aimed to utilise the game Australian rules football as an instrument in bridging the gap between Israelis and Palestinians, paving the way to peaceful co-existence. The project was created in 2008 and ran 2015. It was the most high-profile Middle East peace | AFL Peace Team |
21,015,042 | 1923 Chicago aldermanic elections Elections to the Chicago City Council were held on February 27, 1923. Candidates ran as nonpartisans, and in elections where no candidate received the majority of votes a runoff election was held between the top two finishers on April 3, the same day as the election for Mayor. This was the first election with the new City Council composed of fifty wards electing one alderman each. Previously there had been 35 wards each electing two aldermen, for a total of 70 seats in the Council. At the time of the election, however, only 63 of those | 1923 Chicago aldermanic elections |
21,015,043 | seats were filled. Of those 63 incumbents, 47 ran and 29 were elected to form part of the new council. All told, despite the nonpartisan nature of the election, candidates affiliated with the Democratic Party won 37 of the seats, while those affiliated with the Republican Party won 13 seats. 20 runoff elections were held, of which Democrats won 17 and Republicans 3. Two aldermen—Democrat Johnny Powers of the new 25th ward and Republican Joseph B. McDonough of the new 13th—were returned without opposition. 1923 Chicago aldermanic elections Elections to the Chicago City Council were held on February 27, 1923. | 1923 Chicago aldermanic elections |
21,015,044 | 2017 Albany mayoral election The 2017 mayoral election in Albany, New York, was held on November 7, 2017, and resulted in the incumbent Kathy Sheehan, a member of the Democratic Party, being re-elected to a second term over Conservative Party candidate Joseph Sullivan, Green Party candidate Bryan Jimenez, and Independence Party candidate Frank Commisso Jr. Incumbent mayor Kathy Sheehan was first elected in 2013. Sheehan won the Democratic primary election with less than 50 percent of the vote. Frank Commisso Jr., a member of the Albany Common Council; and Carolyn McLaughlin, the president of the Common Council, also ran. Commisso | 2017 Albany mayoral election |
21,015,045 | ran again in the general election as the candidate of the Independence Party. He criticized Sheehan over her handling of the city's finances and on the issue of tax breaks. Sheehan responded to Commisso's criticism through television advertisements, which were funded by a $387,000 loan from Sheehan to her campaign. 2017 Albany mayoral election The 2017 mayoral election in Albany, New York, was held on November 7, 2017, and resulted in the incumbent Kathy Sheehan, a member of the Democratic Party, being re-elected to a second term over Conservative Party candidate Joseph Sullivan, Green Party candidate Bryan Jimenez, and Independence | 2017 Albany mayoral election |
21,015,046 | Kampfgruppe (video game) Kampfgruppe is a 1985 video game by Strategic Simulations, by Gary Grigsby. "Kampfgruppe" is a game of Eastern Front combat with tactical combat scale. By late 1985, "Kampfgruppe" had sold 8,000 units and was forecast to reach 25,000 sales over its lifetime. It was widely acclaimed by fans of the wargame genre. "Computer Gaming World"s Mark Bausman called "Kampfgruppe" a "truly superior game" that allowed the player to "exercise his imagination without having to follow a complicated game structure." In 1985, "Computer Gaming World"s readers voted "Kampfgruppe" the best game of the year across all categories. The | Kampfgruppe (video game) |
21,015,047 | magazine's editors concurred that it was "the finest wargame currently available", and argued that it would "be looked back upon as a true landmark effort in computer wargaming." It was later among the first inductees into the magazine's "Hall of Fame" section in 1988, and remained readers' highest-rated strategy title by that time. In 1996, "Computer Gaming World" declared "Kampfgruppe" the 101st-best computer game ever released. Kampfgruppe (video game) Kampfgruppe is a 1985 video game by Strategic Simulations, by Gary Grigsby. "Kampfgruppe" is a game of Eastern Front combat with tactical combat scale. By late 1985, "Kampfgruppe" had sold 8,000 | Kampfgruppe (video game) |
21,015,048 | Bickham's little yellow bat Bickham's little yellow bat ("Rhogeessa bickhami") is a species of vesper bat found in Central America. It was described as a new species in 2012. The holotype had been collected by L. W. Robbins in May 1981, north of Huixtla, Mexico. The eponym for the species name ""bickhami"" is John W. Bickham, who has researched other bat species of this genus, as well as other mammals. It is considered "medium sized" for its genus, with a head to tail length of . It is a diploid organism with two sets of each chromosome (2n=34). It has | Bickham's little yellow bat |
21,015,049 | a dental formula of for a total of 30 teeth. It is insectivorous, catching and consuming insects while flying. It is found in Central America where its range includes Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and Nicaragua. As of 2017, it is evaluated as a least-concern species by the IUCN. It meets the criteria for this classification because it has a relatively large geographic range; it is not locally uncommon; and it can tolerate some human disturbance of its habitat. Bickham's little yellow bat Bickham's little yellow bat ("Rhogeessa bickhami") is a species of vesper bat found in Central | Bickham's little yellow bat |
21,015,050 | Citynews (Italy) Citynews is an Italian Editorial group founded in 2010 by Luca Lani and Fernando Diana, and among its members some of the leading Italian digital investors. The company has developed a digital platform of prompt information and participatory journalism which is present in the area with 47 local editions, 1 national edition – Today, and 1 international edition – EuropaToday. For several consecutive years it has been one of the three most visited Italian news resources. Citynews was founded in January 2010 by Luca Lani and Fernando Diana as a start-up that has attracted citizens and readers to | Citynews (Italy) |
21,015,051 | participate in the preparation and distribution of news in all possible forms. The platform provided citizens with useful digital tools to disseminate news and share information about their community. In 2011, after the opening of FoggiaToday, it joined the company with a first round of investment of 3 million euro, followed by other acquisitions of digital publications such as: LeccePrima, RomagnaOggi and AgrigentoNotizie. By the end of 2011 Citynews was publisher of 30 newspapers with 56 journalists working in total. In 2012, Citynews joins and opens newspapers in Monza, Treviso, Venice, Trento and Udine. In March the national newspaper Today | Citynews (Italy) |
21,015,052 | was established. In 2013 a second investment round of 1.5 million euros was signed by venture capital: Citynews became a joint-stock company, reaching a balanced budget in June. In the same year, they released the new App for iOS and Android. In 2014, Citynews acquires the historic Brindisi-based BrindisiReport and the main online newspaper in Trieste – TriestePrima. By the end of 2014, Citynews decided to act independently on advertising sales. Prior to this, their advertising partners were Fox Networks and Fox International Channels. They have opened several offices with focal points in Rome and Milan. In 2015 CityNews establishes | Citynews (Italy) |
21,015,053 | a newspaper in Avellino and closes the year with 42 newspapers. They were accepted to join Audiweb. In 2016, CityNews operates the graphic restyling of all editions and is called Walter Bonanno as the General Manager of the Editorial Group. In 2017, CityNews presents the new institutional logo and releases 42 Apps for iOS and Android, one for each of the Group's publications. New newspapers are acquired: QuiComo, FrosinoneToday and CasertaNews. In the same year, CityNews launched the publication of the international publication EuropaToday, in order to fill the information gap on the initiatives of the European Parliament in Italy, | Citynews (Italy) |
21,015,054 | to promote dialogue between citizens and social actors on the activities of Parliament and MEPs and reduce distance between Italians and community bodies. At the end of the year they had 47 newspapers and 200 journalists working in total. At the end of 2017, Citynews was ranked the third in the comScore ranking of national online publications based on the views. In April 2018, Citynews was ranked the second in the Comscore among the national online publications based on views, with almost 21 million visitors, ahead of Corriere della Sera, but behind la Repubblica(newspaper). In July 2018, Citynews was once | Citynews (Italy) |
21,015,055 | again went down in ranking to the 4th position among online publications. In the same month, Citynews launches TerniToday. In August 2018, Citynews ranks again as the 2nd among online publications based on views. In the course of 2018, the editorial group Citynews has 95 million visitors and 181 million page views per month, has more than 675,000 members, has a penetration of over 50% in almost all the provinces where it is present, produces more than 1,300 news per day and currently is ranked as a 2nd publication in the Audiweb ranking (daily census data) and in Comscore (general | Citynews (Italy) |
21,015,056 | public monthly). The company is present in the Sole24ore ranking 216 among 350 Italian companies with the highest growth rate. Citynews includes 47 city editions throughout Italy and 5 national editions. Their team consists of 250 people, including company employees and freelancers. Since 2016, Walter Bonanno is the managing director of the publishing group. The Citynews editorial group includes the following editions: Citynews (Italy) Citynews is an Italian Editorial group founded in 2010 by Luca Lani and Fernando Diana, and among its members some of the leading Italian digital investors. The company has developed a digital platform of prompt information | Citynews (Italy) |
21,015,057 | Warren J. North Warren J. North (28 April 1922 - 10 April 2012) was an American test pilot and aeronautical engineer. He was chief of the Chief of the Flight Crew Support Division from 1962 to 1971, and Assistant Director for Space Shuttle, Flight Operations Directorate at the NASA Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston, Texas, from 1971 to 1985. Warren J. North was born on 28 April 1922. He entered the University of Illinois, where he studied mechanical engineering, and enlisted in the Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC), in 1940.Before he could graduate, he was drafted into the US Army | Warren J. North |
21,015,058 | in 1943, given the rank of sergeant, and sent to Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, for basic training in the United States Army Corps of Engineers, and then to Fort Belvoir, Virginia, for its Officer Candidate School (OCS). North was offered an opportunity to transfer to the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF), and did so. He was commissioned as a second lieutenant in November 1944, qualifying as a fighter pilot at Foster Field, in Victoria, Texas. He was posted to Randolph Field, Texas, as an instructor, teaching trainee pilots to fly the AT-6. Fighter pilots were no longer in demand | Warren J. North |
21,015,059 | by this time, so the USAAF decided to retrain him as a bomber pilot, on the B-17 Flying Fortress, and the the B-29 Superfortress. Separated from the USAAF after the war ended, North returned to his studies, but this time to Purdue University, as he now wanted to study aeronautical engineering. He graduated from Purdue with his bachelor of science degree in 1947, and took a job with the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics at its Lewis Research Laboratory in Ohio, where he served as an aeronautical engineer and test pilot. He flew various aircraft there, including the P-51 Mustang, | Warren J. North |
21,015,060 | P-61 Black Widow, F-82 Twin Mustang, B-24 Liberator, B-25 Mitchell and B-29 Superfortress. North attended night school at Case Institute of Technology, from which he received a Master of Science degree in theoretical aeronautical engineering in 1955. He was then awarded an American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics fellowship to study at Princeton University, earning a second Master of Science degree in applied aeronautical engineering in 1957. He was Assistant Chief of the Aerodynamics Noise Branch from 1955 to 1959. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) absorbed NACA when it was formed in 1958, and North was selected to | Warren J. North |
21,015,061 | interview and evaluate the astronauts who became the Mercury Seven. He was transferred to Robert R. Gilruth's Space Task Group at the Langley Research Center in Virginia, and moved to the Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston, Texas, where he was Chief, of the Flight Crew Support Division from 1962 to 1971. North participated in the selection of the second, third, fourth and fifth groups of astronauts, and oversaw the development of simulators for astronaut training. His division consisted of about three hundred people, who were divided into three groups: Simulation, Crew Integration, and Flight Planning. He was awarded the NASA | Warren J. North |
21,015,062 | Exceptional Service Medal in 1969. From 1971 to 1985, he was the Assistant Director for Space Shuttle. North retired from NASA in 1985. He built his own plane and continued to fly. He aunt, Romalda Spalding, the author the Spalding Method, a method of teaching children to read, asked him to establish a non-profit foundation to educate teachers in her method. This would occupy him for the next 26 years. North died on 10 April 2012. He was survived by his wife Mary, and children, James, Mary, and Susan. Warren J. North Warren J. North (28 April 1922 - 10 | Warren J. North |
21,015,063 | Chieh-Su Hsu Chieh-Su Hsu (; 27 May 1922 – 22 July 2014) was a Chinese-born American engineer. Hsu was born in Beijing on 27 May 1922, as one of six siblings, including four brothers. The family moved to Suzhou, where they remained until the outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War. In 1937, Hsu and his older brother moved to Chongqing, and Hsu enrolled at the Chongqing Institute of Technology. Upon graduating in 1945, Hsu served one year in the National Revolutionary Army, then worked at Shanghai Naval Dockyard and Engineering Works from 1946 to 1947. He left for Stanford University | Chieh-Su Hsu |
21,015,064 | in the United States after becoming one of sixty students to win a nationwide contest for a scholarship. Hsu completed a master's degree in 1948, and a doctorate advised by James N. Goodier in 1950. From 1951 to 1958, Hsu was an engineer at IBM. He began teaching at the University of Toledo in 1955, leaving for the University of California, Berkeley in 1958. In 1964, Hsu was named full professor at Berkeley, and awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship. He was elected a fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers in 1977. Subsequently, Hsu was elected a member of the | Chieh-Su Hsu |
21,015,065 | United States National Academy of Engineering in 1988, "[f]or the development of innovative techniques, especially cell-to-cell mapping, and for the analysis of the dynamics of nonlinear systems." A year before his retirement in 1991, Hsu was elected a member of Academia Sinica. Hsu was married to Helen Tse from 1953 until his death. He suffered a heart attack on 6 June 2014, and died of its complications in Cupertino, California, on 22 July 2014, aged 90. Chieh-Su Hsu Chieh-Su Hsu (; 27 May 1922 – 22 July 2014) was a Chinese-born American engineer. Hsu was born in Beijing on 27 | Chieh-Su Hsu |
21,015,066 | Nicolás Martínez (footballer, born 1998) Nicolás Sebastián Martínez Remírez (born 1 August 1998) is a Uruguayan professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Villa Española. Martínez's career started in Villa Española's ranks. He first appeared on a first-team teamsheet in November 2015 as the goalkeeper was an unused substitute for a match with Miramar Misiones in the Uruguayan Segunda División, as he was two years following against Villa Teresa. He was on the bench sixteen times during the 2018 season, before eventually making his senior debut on 19 August as Villa Española drew 4–4 with Tacuarembó at the Estadio | Nicolás Martínez (footballer, born 1998) |
21,015,067 | Goyenola on their way to placing tenth. Nicolás Martínez (footballer, born 1998) Nicolás Sebastián Martínez Remírez (born 1 August 1998) is a Uruguayan professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Villa Española. Martínez's career started in Villa Española's ranks. He first appeared on a first-team teamsheet in November 2015 as the goalkeeper was an unused substitute for a match with Miramar Misiones in the Uruguayan Segunda División, as he was two years following against Villa Teresa. He was on the bench sixteen times during the 2018 season, before eventually making his senior debut on 19 August as Villa Española | Nicolás Martínez (footballer, born 1998) |
21,015,068 | James Grazioplene James Joseph Grazioplene (born July 19, 1949) is a retired American military officer. A graduate of the United States Military Academy, he rose to the rank of major general in the United States Army before retiring in January 2005. After an Army investigation dating back to 2015 resulted in him being charged with multiple counts of raping a minor, a decision by the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces imposed a five-year statute of limitations on rape, and the case to be dismissed. In December 2018, he was charged by prosecutors in Prince William County, | James Grazioplene |
21,015,069 | Virginia. Grazioplene was born in Batavia, New York and attended Notre Dame High School. In 1967, he received an appointment to the United States Military Academy from Congressman Barber Conable. While at West Point, Grazioplene designed the class of 1971's crest, which adorns the class rings of all the cadets who graduated that year. In March 1972, Grazioplene was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Armor Branch of the United States Army. He served until January 2005, retiring at the rank of major general. James Grazioplene James Joseph Grazioplene (born July 19, 1949) is a retired American military officer. | James Grazioplene |
21,015,070 | Aidan Sarikaya Aidan Sarikaya (born 3 July 1996) is a field hockey player from New Zealand. Sarikaya made his debut for the national under 18 team in 2014, at a qualifying event for the 2014 Summer Youth Olympics. Sarikaya again represented the national U18 side at the Youth Olympics, held in Nanjing, China. In 2016, Sarikaya made his debut for the national under 21 team at the Junior Oceania Cup. New Zealand successfully qualified for the Junior World Cup in Lucknow, India, where Sarikaya was also a member of the U21 side. Sarikaya made his senior international debut in 2017, | Aidan Sarikaya |
21,015,071 | at the International Festival of Hockey in Victoria, Australia. In 2018, Sarikaya most notably represented New Zealand at the Commonwealth Games, where New Zealand won a silver medal. Aidan Sarikaya Aidan Sarikaya (born 3 July 1996) is a field hockey player from New Zealand. Sarikaya made his debut for the national under 18 team in 2014, at a qualifying event for the 2014 Summer Youth Olympics. Sarikaya again represented the national U18 side at the Youth Olympics, held in Nanjing, China. In 2016, Sarikaya made his debut for the national under 21 team at the Junior Oceania Cup. New Zealand | Aidan Sarikaya |
21,015,072 | Southwest Airlines Flight 278 Southwest Airlines flight 278 was a Boeing 737-700 that overran Runway 8 at Hollywood Burbank Airport in Burbank, California while flying through a storm. . The aircraft rolled over the end of the runway before coming to a rest in the Engineered materials arrestor system or EMAS which was placed at the end of the runway following the crash of Southwest Airlines Flight 1455.Engineered materials arrestor system#Incidents Southwest Airlines flight 278 was a flight from Boise, Idaho to Burbank, California with a stopover in Oakland, California that took place every 1 or 2 days. At 8:10 | Southwest Airlines Flight 278 |
21,015,073 | AM Pacific Standard Time the plane took off from Oakland International Airport and climbed to its cruising altitude. While approaching the airport the aircraft encountered heavy rains and moderate winds. The plane was cleared for an ILS approach on Runway 8 at Hollywood Burbank Airport. While over the runway the final report on the wind was a ten-knot tailwind. Less than 30 seconds after touchdown the plane exited the runway on the left side and came to a stop in the Engineered materials arrestor system about 120 feet from a busy road. The plane was evacuated safely with no injuries. | Southwest Airlines Flight 278 |
21,015,074 | 18 years earlier Southwest Airlines Flight 1455 overran the same runway and landed on the road, just next to a gas station, resulting in 44 injuries. Southwest Airlines Flight 278 Southwest Airlines flight 278 was a Boeing 737-700 that overran Runway 8 at Hollywood Burbank Airport in Burbank, California while flying through a storm. . The aircraft rolled over the end of the runway before coming to a rest in the Engineered materials arrestor system or EMAS which was placed at the end of the runway following the crash of Southwest Airlines Flight 1455.Engineered | Southwest Airlines Flight 278 |
21,015,075 | Mohd Adib Mohamad Adam Datuk Seri Haji Mohd Adib Mohamad Adam (born 12 February 1941) is a Malaysian politician and corporate member. He also is the former fifth Chief Minister of Malacca from 11 Julai 1978 to 26 April 1982. He also held before the position of Minister of Rural Development, Cooperatives and Entrepreneurship (1984-1986) and Minister of Information (1982-1984). He was a member of the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), a component party in the previous Barisan Nasional (BN) government coalition before he quits to join the Malaysian United Indigenous Party (BERSATU) of the Pakatan Harapan (PH) coalition of | Mohd Adib Mohamad Adam |
21,015,076 | the new government in 2018. Adib is a former student of Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tinggi Melaka. He was the Assistant District Officer in Kuala Selangor before. Then he resigned to become the executive secretary at the headquarter of UMNO at Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC). In 1971, he was appointed as the Information Attaché to the Malaysia Embassy in Netherlands. Adib is married to Alauyah Jaafar and the couple has four children. After Adib won the Malacca state assembly seat of Ayer Panas in the 1978 general election, the Prime Minister then, Tun Hussein Onn had picked him to replace | Mohd Adib Mohamad Adam |
21,015,077 | Datuk Setia Haji Abdul Ghani Ali as the new Chief Minister of Malacca. He was only 37 years old and he served as Chief Minister for four years from 11 July 1978 to 26 April 1982. He was then replaced by Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Thamby Chik in 1982 by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad who became the new Prime Minister earlier in 1981. Adib contested the parliamentary seat of Alor Gajah, Malacca in the subsequent 1982 general election and he won to be the Member of Parliament. He was then selected to be the Minister of Information replacing Dato' Mohamed Rahmat | Mohd Adib Mohamad Adam |
21,015,078 | who was appointed as ambassador to Jakarta, Indonesia. He served in that portfolio for two years (1982-1984) before he was appointed as Minister of Rural Development, Cooperatives and Entrepreneurship (1984-1986). Mohd Adib Mohamad Adam Datuk Seri Haji Mohd Adib Mohamad Adam (born 12 February 1941) is a Malaysian politician and corporate member. He also is the former fifth Chief Minister of Malacca from 11 Julai 1978 to 26 April 1982. He also held before the position of Minister of Rural Development, Cooperatives and Entrepreneurship (1984-1986) and Minister of Information (1982-1984). He was a member of the United Malays National Organisation | Mohd Adib Mohamad Adam |
21,015,079 | 1849 Costa Rican general election The Costa Rican general election of 1849 was held to elect the President of the State. This was the first presidential election in Costa Rica's history as the 1848 Constitution created the title of "President", before that point the equivalent office was called "Head of State". The Costa Rican election of 1849 took place after the coup against José María Castro Madriz, who was forced to resign. At that time, the vice president, Miguel Mora Porras, held the presidency temporarily and his brother, Juan Rafael Mora Porras, was elected over Rafael Moya Murillo and Manuel | 1849 Costa Rican general election |
21,015,080 | Antonio Bonilla Nava. The Constitution in force in this period restricted the right to vote for men over 21 years old owners of an immovable property equivalent to 300 pesos and an annual income of at least 150 pesos who also knew how to read and write, so that these elections were carried out mostly among the bourgeoisie. The inhabitants chose 90 Electors who, in the second-grade elections, chose the president. San Jose chose 26, and Guanacaste 12 which voted in block for Mora, while the 17 from Heredia, the 12 from Alajuela and the 2 from Puntarenas did it | 1849 Costa Rican general election |
21,015,081 | for Moya. Cartago had 20 electors of which 11 voted for Mora and the remaining 9 who were the only ones who voted for Bonilla. 1849 Costa Rican general election The Costa Rican general election of 1849 was held to elect the President of the State. This was the first presidential election in Costa Rica's history as the 1848 Constitution created the title of "President", before that point the equivalent office was called "Head of State". The Costa Rican election of 1849 took place after the coup against José María Castro Madriz, who was forced to resign. At that time, | 1849 Costa Rican general election |
21,015,082 | Hardy, South Australia Hardy is a locality in the Australian state of South Australia located about north of the state capital of Adelaide and about east of the municipal seat in Peterborough. Hardy ’s boundaries were created on 31 August 2000 for the “local established name” which is derived from the cadastral unit of the Hundred of Hardy. On 26 April 2013, a portion on its eastern side was added to the new locality of Warnes with the result that all of its boundaries now align with those of the Hundred of Hardy. Land use within the locality is ’primary | Hardy, South Australia |
21,015,083 | production’ and is concerned with “agricultural production and the grazing of stock on relatively large holdings.” The 2016 Australian census which was conducted in August 2016 reports that Hardy had no people living within its boundaries. Hardy is located within the federal division of Grey, the state electoral district of Stuart and the local government area of the District Council of Peterborough. Hardy, South Australia Hardy is a locality in the Australian state of South Australia located about north of the state capital of Adelaide and about east of the municipal seat in Peterborough. Hardy ’s boundaries were created on | Hardy, South Australia |
21,015,084 | 1853 Costa Rican general election The Costa Rican general election of 1853 was held on April 4, 1853. President Juan Rafael Mora Porras was re-elected as the sole candidate, who had been elected in 1849 to end the period of José María Castro Madriz. According to the historian Ivan Molina from this date and for the next four decades the elections would play a secondary role in the selection of the president limited to a symbolic legitimating function. The presidents were chosen through a series of political alliances between the coffee bourgeoisie and the Army until the beginning of the | 1853 Costa Rican general election |
21,015,085 | "Liberal State" of Costa Rica. On the second-degree election Mora received 83 electoral votes and 8 were null. 1853 Costa Rican general election The Costa Rican general election of 1853 was held on April 4, 1853. President Juan Rafael Mora Porras was re-elected as the sole candidate, who had been elected in 1849 to end the period of José María Castro Madriz. According to the historian Ivan Molina from this date and for the next four decades the elections would play a secondary role in the selection of the president limited to a symbolic legitimating function. The presidents were chosen | 1853 Costa Rican general election |
21,015,086 | Richard Field Lewis Jr. Richard Field Lewis Jr. (May 18, 1907 – October 18, 1957) was an American radio network owner of Richard Field Lewis Jr. Stations (later Mid Atlantic Network Inc.) in the mid-20th Century. Richard Field Lewis Jr. was born on May 18, 1907, in Winchester, Virginia. He had a sister, later known as Mrs. E.L. Anderson. In 1941, Lewis built the station for and licensed WINC (AM), an ABC affiliate, in Winchester, Virginia. In 1946, he licensed WRFL (FM), also in Winchester. In the early 1950s, Richard F. Lewis, Jr., hired Whittaker Chambers briefly at WINC—the first | Richard Field Lewis Jr. |
21,015,087 | work Chambers got after he had left "TIME" magazine in December 1948 (as the Hiss Case turned from HUAC hearings in Washington, a slander suit in Baltimore, and a grand jury investigation in New York into a federal case against Alger Hiss). In September 1952, Lewis licensed WLXW (AM) in Carlisle, Pennsylvania for $70,000. By 1956-7, according to "Telecasting Yearbook", Lewis owned a Mid-Atlantic network that comprised: At his death in 1957, his network had added WAGE (AM) (now WCRW) in Leesburg, VA. Upon his death, his wife Marion Park Lewis took over the business, renamed it "Mid Atlantic Network | Richard Field Lewis Jr. |
21,015,088 | Inc.," and ran it from 1957 to 1971. Lewis married Marion Park Lewis; they had three sons—John, David, and Howard. Lewis died age 50 on October 18, 1957, in Washington, DC, of natural causes while on a visit there from Winchester. In addition to surviving radio stations, in 1992 his wife founded the Marion Park Lewis Foundation for the Arts, which offers scholarships for Northern Shenandoah Valley students. Richard Field Lewis Jr. Richard Field Lewis Jr. (May 18, 1907 – October 18, 1957) was an American radio network owner of Richard Field Lewis Jr. Stations (later Mid Atlantic Network Inc.) | Richard Field Lewis Jr. |
21,015,089 | Canada Computers Canada Computers (officially Canada Computers & Electronics and known as Ordinateurs Canada in Quebec) is a Canadian personal computer, IT services, computer components and consumer electronics retailer located in Canada. Canada Computer's head office is located in Richmond Hill, Ontario. , the company has over 1,000 employees and 35 locations in Southern Ontario, Greater Montreal and Greater Vancouver. Canada Computers was founded in 1991 by Gordon Chan. The history of the company started when Gordon Chan started selling floppy discs at Queen's University while he was a student there. With the money, he bought a house and moved | Canada Computers |
21,015,090 | the store there and began to start selling printers and computer hardware. The company officially opened its first location being located in Kingston, Ontario. The location was located near Queen's University to cater to university students by being close them and offering student-friendly prices. Canada Computers Canada Computers (officially Canada Computers & Electronics and known as Ordinateurs Canada in Quebec) is a Canadian personal computer, IT services, computer components and consumer electronics retailer located in Canada. Canada Computer's head office is located in Richmond Hill, Ontario. , the company has over 1,000 employees and 35 locations in Southern Ontario, Greater | Canada Computers |
21,015,091 | Priyanka Jawalkar Priyanka Jawalkar (born 12 November 1992) is an Indian actress and model who works in the south-Indian film industry. She made her acting debut in 2017 with the Telugu film "Kala Varam Aaye". Priyanka Jawalkar was born on 12 November 1992 in Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India. She completed schooling from LRG High School, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh. She has completed a Diploma in Fashion designing from National Institute Of Fashion Technology, Hyderabad. In addition to Fashion designing, she also did Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) in Computer Science & Engineering. After graduation, she worked in an MNC for a year. | Priyanka Jawalkar |
21,015,092 | Priyanka was approached for roles in the films after she had uploaded a few of her photos on social media. Immediately after that, she got an offer to do two short films. She then made her acting debut in the Telugu film "Kala Varam Aaye", directed by Sampath V. Kumar. she is currently waiting for the release of her next film "Taxiwala", which is directed by Rahul Sankrityan. Priyanka Jawalkar Priyanka Jawalkar (born 12 November 1992) is an Indian actress and model who works in the south-Indian film industry. She made her acting debut in 2017 with the Telugu film | Priyanka Jawalkar |
21,015,093 | Tribe (Bas song) "Tribe" is a song by American rapper Bas with J. Cole. It was released on August 22, 2018, released as the second single for his album "Milky Way". It was produced by Childish Major with additional production from J. Cole. The song contains a sample of "Zum Zum" performed by Edu Lobo. On August 18, Bas was on Instagram live previewing songs from his album, which was due on August 24. One of the snippets were from "Tribe" showcasing an "an up-tempo, percussive instrumental," and later revealing the release date of the single. The song is ninth | Tribe (Bas song) |
21,015,094 | collaboration between the two Dreamville artists, including "My Nigga Just Made Bail", "Lit" and "Night Job", among others. When talking about J. Cole helping with the post-production of the song, Bas said: The music video for the song was released on August 22. The video was shot in Miami's Little Haiti neighborhood. Sidney Madden of "NPR" said, "like the song's message, the video celebrates the timing of life's blessings." The song "Tribe" was featured on the soundtrack to 2018 video game "FIFA 19". Tribe (Bas song) "Tribe" is a song by American rapper Bas with J. Cole. It was released | Tribe (Bas song) |
21,015,095 | Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat (TV series) Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat is an American documentary cooking television series starring Samin Nosrat. Based on her 2017 book of the same name, the four-part series premiered on Netflix on October 11, 2018. The show and book's title comes from Nosrat's proposed four elements of successful cooking: salt, fat, acid, and heat. Each installment of the series focuses on a particular element, with Nosrat traveling to a different location to demonstrate how the element is used in local cuisine. The show has received positive reviews from critics. On the review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, the | Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat (TV series) |
21,015,096 | series has a 100% approval rating based on 9 reviews, with an average rating of 7.5 out of 10. Maura Judkis of "The" "Washington Post" called it "unlike any other food show on TV", particularly mentioning the high proportion of women and home cooks featured on the show. For Eater, Greg Morabito described Nosrat as "a charming host", and applauded her and director Caroline Suh for conceiving of a "completely new style of culinary TV show". Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat (TV series) Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat is an American documentary cooking television series starring Samin Nosrat. Based on her 2017 | Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat (TV series) |
21,015,097 | Khanom farang kudi chin Khanom farang kudi chin (; lit: "Westerner snack of Chinese cloister") is a kind of Thai cake that is influenced by Portuguese desserts since Ayutthaya era during reign of King Narai (1633–88). The Ayutthaya Kingdom was a trading place and diplomatic relations with many of the countries that had power at the time such as France, Spain, Holland and Portugal etc. When the era has passed to the Kingdom of Thonburi in the reign of King Taksin (1767–82) after the fall of Ayutthaya. Ayutthaya people migrated from its former capital to the new capital, Chao Phraya's | Khanom farang kudi chin |
21,015,098 | west bank (now's Thonburi side), including a number of Portuguese. Their are allowed to colonize here and married to Thais and their descendants became Thai-Portuguese at the current Kudi Chin Community. To this day, they inherited some legacies from their ancestors, such as Christianity and there are some traditions like Westerners. For this type of cake, it is adapted from Portuguese mixed Chinese cakes with traditional baking methods and topping with raisins, dried sweet gourds and white sugar without baking powder or yeast completely. Currently, only three families produce this type of cake. It is considered a unique dessert of | Khanom farang kudi chin |
21,015,099 | Kudi Chin Community, but now it has been widely distributed in many places such as Bang Lamphu or Wang Lang Market. Khanom farang kudi chin Khanom farang kudi chin (; lit: "Westerner snack of Chinese cloister") is a kind of Thai cake that is influenced by Portuguese desserts since Ayutthaya era during reign of King Narai (1633–88). The Ayutthaya Kingdom was a trading place and diplomatic relations with many of the countries that had power at the time such as France, Spain, Holland and Portugal etc. When the era has passed to the Kingdom of Thonburi in the reign of | Khanom farang kudi chin |
21,015,100 | Illinois Policy Institute The Illinois Policy Institute (IPI) is a libertarian nonprofit think tank with offices in Chicago and Springfield. Founded in 2002, it is active in the areas of education policy, pension policy, and state budget issues. IPI has been a critic of a number of Illinois' tax policies. According to NPR, IPI has "advocated for smaller government, lower taxes and decried the power of longtime House Speaker Michael Madigan." Its methods include publishing newspaper columns and editorial cartoons. It has an affiliated lobbying arm and legal arm. The "Chicago Sun-Times" described the group as "leading a crusade against | Illinois Policy Institute |
21,015,101 | government regulations, state spending and labor unions in Illinois." Originally founded by Greg Blankenship, John Tillman relaunched the organization in 2007. The organization "steadily expanded its work and influence" after Tillman took over. IPI raised $341,000 in 2007 and $6.4 million in 2016. In 2018, the "Chicago Sun-Times" wrote that "Its studies and opinion pieces on cutting government spending and boosting transparency became must-read material to many Republicans, some Democrats — and the governor of Illinois." IPI formerly operated the Illinois News Network, transferring ownership of that entity to the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity in January 2018. | Illinois Policy Institute |
21,015,102 | The group worked closely with former Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner, a Republican and past donor to IPI, during the first several years of his gubernatorial tenure. However, Rauner's relationship with IPI deteriorated. Following the Supreme Court ruling in "Janus v. AFSCME", plaintiff Mark Janus left his job with the state of Illinois to become a senior fellow at IPI, which had helped fund his case. Illinois Policy Institute The Illinois Policy Institute (IPI) is a libertarian nonprofit think tank with offices in Chicago and Springfield. Founded in 2002, it is active in the areas of education policy, pension policy, and | Illinois Policy Institute |
21,015,103 | Beizanji Sutra Mounds The is a Kamakura period archaeological site located in what is now part of the city of Sukagawa, Fukushima Prefecture in the Tōhoku region of Japan. The site was designated a National Historic Site of Japan in 1937. The Beizanji Sutra Mounds are located within the grounds of the Hie Jinja, a Shinto shrine located in the Nishikawa neighborhood of Sukagawa. During renovation work on the shrine, mounds located to its rear were flattened, and pottery containers and bronze Buddhist statues were discovered. The mounds were discovered to have been sutra mounds, which, from inscriptions on the | Beizanji Sutra Mounds |
21,015,104 | artifacts, were made the Shōan era (1299 -1302) for a temple called Beizan-ji, which once occupied this site. A total of ten mounds existed; however only Mound No.3 has been retained in almost its original shape. Beizanji Sutra Mounds The is a Kamakura period archaeological site located in what is now part of the city of Sukagawa, Fukushima Prefecture in the Tōhoku region of Japan. The site was designated a National Historic Site of Japan in 1937. The Beizanji Sutra Mounds are located within the grounds of the Hie Jinja, a Shinto shrine located in the Nishikawa neighborhood of Sukagawa. | Beizanji Sutra Mounds |
21,015,105 | Aiko Satō (writer) Aiko Satō (佐藤愛子, born 1923) is a Japanese novelist. The novelist Aiko Satō was born in Osaka in 1923. She is the second daughter of the novelist and the agnate half-sister of the poet . Satō graduated the Kōnan Higher Girls' School (the precursor to the modern ). Satō published early works in the magazine "Bungei Shuto" (文芸首都). She wrote an autobigraphical novel, "Aiko" (愛子, 1959), which she followed eight years later with a biography of her father entitled "Hana wa Kurenai" (花はくれない, "The Flowers Are Red", 1967) and seven years after that with a book about | Aiko Satō (writer) |
21,015,106 | her mother, "Joyū Mariko" (女優万里子, "The Actress Mariko", 1974). Her works "Sokuratesu no Tsuma" (ソクラテスの妻, "Socrates' Wife") and "Futari no Onna" (二人の女, "Two Women"), both published in 1963, earned a nomination for the Akutagawa Prize, and "Kanō Taii Fujin" (加納大尉婦人, published 1964) was nominated for the Naoki Prize. She won the 61st Naoki Prize for "Tatakai-sunde Hi ga Kurete" (闘いすんで日が暮れて), which portrays a woman's struggles with her incapable husband. Aiko Satō (writer) Aiko Satō (佐藤愛子, born 1923) is a Japanese novelist. The novelist Aiko Satō was born in Osaka in 1923. She is the second daughter of the novelist and | Aiko Satō (writer) |
21,015,107 | Tutti defunti... tranne i morti Tutti defunti... tranne i morti () is a 1977 film directed by Pupi Avati. Following the release of "The House with Laughing Windows", director Pupi Avati became anxious of his reputation as a director, stating that he was being described as the "Polanski of Po Valley'" which he did not like. While casting for the film, the role of Buster played by Michele Mirabella was originally planned for Luigi Montefiori. Curti described the film as having a low budget with a small crew. The film was shot in the hills near Bologna and Modena in | Tutti defunti... tranne i morti |
21,015,108 | late 1976. "Tutti defunti...tranne i morti" was distributed in Italy by Euro International film on 10 March 1977. The film grossed a total of 279,708,450 Italian lire on its domestic release. Curti described its box office as "mediocre". Tutti defunti... tranne i morti Tutti defunti... tranne i morti () is a 1977 film directed by Pupi Avati. Following the release of "The House with Laughing Windows", director Pupi Avati became anxious of his reputation as a director, stating that he was being described as the "Polanski of Po Valley'" which he did not like. While casting for the film, the | Tutti defunti... tranne i morti |
21,015,109 | Château de Bourg-Charente Château de Bourg-Charente is a 17th—century castle built on the rocky promontory overlooking the Charente River in the town of Bourg-Charente, Charente department in southwestern France. The castle replaced the former castle destroyed during the Hundred Years' War. In 1262, Bourg belonged to the Ollivier family. In 1363 Messire Ollivier, Baron de Bourg, paid homage to the Prince of Wales, as the castle of Bourg-Charente was an English possession. The castle passed to the families Bragier, Gouffier, Pons de Pon, the count of Miossens. The current castle was built by Pons de Pons, to replace the castle | Château de Bourg-Charente |
21,015,110 | destroyed in 1378 by Marshal Sancerre whilst taking it back from the English. A Camus of Neville was the last Lord. In 1921, the castle was bought by the family Marnier-Lapostolle to install cellars for the storage of cognac, necessary for the development of Grand Marnier. Since 2012 stills were installed for the distillation of bitter oranges used in the recipe of Grand Marnier liqueurs. Château de Bourg-Charente Château de Bourg-Charente is a 17th—century castle built on the rocky promontory overlooking the Charente River in the town of Bourg-Charente, Charente department in southwestern France. The castle replaced the former castle | Château de Bourg-Charente |
21,015,111 | 11th Infantry Division (Philippines) The 11th Infantry Division, Philippine Army, also called the Alakdan Division, is one of the Philippine Army's Infantry units in Mindanao. On 17 December 2018, President Duterte, accompanied by Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana, led the activation of the 11th Infantry ‘Alakdan’ (Scorpiion) Division at Camp Teodulfo Baustista, headquarters of Joint Task Force Sulu in Barangay Bus-Bus, Jolo, Sulu. Composed of units already present in Sulu working under Joint Task Force Sulu, the various units were formed into a new Division dedicated in fighting the ISIS affiliated terrorist groups in the region. The 11th Infantry (Alakdan) Division, | 11th Infantry Division (Philippines) |
21,015,112 | Philippine Army conducts military and rescue operations against the terrorist group, Abu Sayyaf known to operate in the area. The Division has operational responsibility over the Sulu Archipelago consisting of the provinces of Basilan, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. The entire region is part of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM). 11th Infantry Division (Philippines) The 11th Infantry Division, Philippine Army, also called the Alakdan Division, is one of the Philippine Army's Infantry units in Mindanao. On 17 December 2018, President Duterte, accompanied by Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana, led the activation of the 11th Infantry ‘Alakdan’ (Scorpiion) Division at Camp Teodulfo | 11th Infantry Division (Philippines) |
21,015,113 | Lament (Frank Morgan album) Lament is an album by saxophonist Frank Morgan which was recorded in 1986 and released on the Contemporary label. The review by Allmusic's Scott Yanow said: "Frank Morgan's comeback (he had gone 30 years between recordings) was a major story in the mid-1980s ... The music is high-quality bop, with Morgan shedding much of his Charlie Parker influence to display his own distinctive sound". In The New York Times, Robert Palmer wrote: "Mr. Morgan's new album "Lament" lets us know how much we've been missing. ... he plays with burning conviction, and with a fluidity that | Lament (Frank Morgan album) |
21,015,114 | can be positively dazzling. The six tunes are well-chosen. ... Overall, this is a more impressive album than last year's very fine "Easy Living." It seems that at age 53, Frank Morgan's time has finally come". [[Category:Frank Morgan (musician) albums]] [[Category:1986 albums]] [[Category:Contemporary Records albums]] [[Category:Albums produced by Richard Bock (producer)]] Lament (Frank Morgan album) Lament is an album by saxophonist Frank Morgan which was recorded in 1986 and released on the Contemporary label. The review by Allmusic's Scott Yanow said: "Frank Morgan's comeback (he had gone 30 years between recordings) was a major story in the mid-1980s ... The | Lament (Frank Morgan album) |
21,015,115 | Stephen Leone Stephen Robert Leone (born May 19, 1948) is an American chemist and the John R. Thomas Endowed Chair in Physical Chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley. Leone was born in Queens, New York City on May 19, 1948, of Italian descent. The family moved to Rochester, New Hampshire, and later Batavia, Illinois, where Stephen attended primary and secondary school. Leone earned a bachelor's degree from Northwestern University and spent a summer working at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory prior to attending the University of California, Berkeley for graduate study. In 1974, Leone began teaching at the University of | Stephen Leone |
21,015,116 | Southern California, and later moved to JILA, a research institute at the University of Colorado Boulder. Leone returned to Berkeley and Livermore in 2002. Over the course of his career, Leone has received the ACS Award in Pure Chemistry (1982) and Peter Debye Award (2005) from the American Chemical Society, the Bourke Award (1995) and Polanyi Medal (2010) from the Royal Society of Chemistry and the Herbert P. Broida Prize (1989) of the American Physical Society, among several others. He has been awarded Sloan and Guggenheim fellowships, and was elected a member of the United States National Academy of Sciences | Stephen Leone |
21,015,117 | in 1995. Stephen Leone Stephen Robert Leone (born May 19, 1948) is an American chemist and the John R. Thomas Endowed Chair in Physical Chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley. Leone was born in Queens, New York City on May 19, 1948, of Italian descent. The family moved to Rochester, New Hampshire, and later Batavia, Illinois, where Stephen attended primary and secondary school. Leone earned a bachelor's degree from Northwestern University and spent a summer working at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory prior to attending the University of California, Berkeley for graduate study. In 1974, Leone began teaching at the | Stephen Leone |
21,015,118 | European Cemetery European Cemetery is a state protected monument at Ambala district in Haryana. The British grave found here are in the European Architecture. After Independence, the Cemetery is taken care by St Paul's Church of Roman Catholic order and maintain two lack grave in the cemetery. During 1899-1902 AD, British sent hundreds of Boer prisoners to Sri Lanka, India and other colonies. Many of the prisoners were kept at Ambala Jail. Few of Boer Prisoners couldn't return to their country and died in Ambala, India. Twenty of them got buried in European Cemetery. The rest had an agreement to | European Cemetery |
21,015,119 | join hands with British to fight against Black. The graves of Boers has their name inscribed at European Cemetery. European Cemetery is also the resting place the last BIEC officials served in India. European Cemetery European Cemetery is a state protected monument at Ambala district in Haryana. The British grave found here are in the European Architecture. After Independence, the Cemetery is taken care by St Paul's Church of Roman Catholic order and maintain two lack grave in the cemetery. During 1899-1902 AD, British sent hundreds of Boer prisoners to Sri Lanka, India and other colonies. Many of the prisoners | European Cemetery |
21,015,120 | Beni Durdursan mı? Beni Durdursan mı? ("Would You Stop Me?") is the eighth studio album by Turkish singer Gülşen. It was released on 20 February 2013 by Doğan Music Company, her first album to be released by this company. Following the release of "Önsöz" in 2009, Gülşen released the singles "Yeni Biri" and "Sözde Ayrılık" in 2011, and in the same year began working on a new album with Ozan Çolakoğlu. She wrote all of the songs herself and composed a number of them on her own, and composed the resst together with the album's producer Çolakoğlu. The recording was | Beni Durdursan mı? |
21,015,121 | done in Istanbul in 2012, and lasted until the early months of 2013. The album contained nine new songs by Gülşen, in addition to an acoustic version of "Seyre Dursun Aşk", which had been originally released on Çolakoğlu's album in 2012. Considered a pop album, "Beni Durdursan mı?" features elements of electronic and arabesque as well. Music critics praised the compositions and infrastructures, but gave mixed reviews for the album and noted that the work included both dance and arabesque songs, giving the audience the freedom of choosing the style that suits them. For the album's photographs and on its | Beni Durdursan mı? |
21,015,122 | cover, Gülşen's hair was dyed with shades of brown. Three music videos were released for this album, all of which entered Turkey's music chart as hits. The album's lead single, "Yatcaz Kalkcaz Ordayım", which was released a week before the album, ranked number one on Türkçe Top 20 for seven consecutive weeks and became the most searched song in 2013 on Google in Turkey. The second music video was released for "Kardan Adam", which also stayed on top of Turkey's music chart for seven weeks. "Irgalamaz Beni" was also turned into music video and ranked third on the official chart. | Beni Durdursan mı? |
21,015,123 | Its music video was compared to Miley Cyrus's "Wrecking Ball" by some critics. Topping D&R Best-Selling list for weeks, "Beni Durdursan mı?" sold 100,000 copies by the end of 2013 and was downloaded 366,000 times on digital platforms, becoming Turkey's number one best-selling album of 2013 and received a gold certification from DMC. It won the Album of the Year award at the 2nd Turkey Music Awards, and its lead single was also chosen as the Song of the Year. The album also earned Gülşen the Best Female Artist award. The lead single, "Yatcaz Kalkcaz Ordayım", also won the Best | Beni Durdursan mı? |
21,015,124 | Song award at the 41st Golden Butterfly Awards. To promote the album, Gülşen gave concerts in various cities and appeared on a number of television programs. She also performed at the Cemil Topuzlu Open-Air Theatre for the first time throughout her career. In 2009, Gülşen's seventh studio album "Önsöz" was released by Sony Music Entertainment and two of its songs, "Bi' An Gel" and "Ezberbozan", ranked first and third on Türkçe Top 20. In 2011 she signed a new contract with Doğan Music Company and continued her career with the singles "Yeni Biri" and "Sözde Ayrılık", both of which became | Beni Durdursan mı? |
21,015,125 | number one hits. In April 2011, it was reported that she had started working with composer arranger Ozan Çolakoğlu, with whom she had previously worked on her previous album. Alongside writing and preparing songs for her own new album, she also wrote and composed songs for her colleagues. She wrote and composed "Superman" for Hadise and "Bir Güzellik Yap" for Murat Dalkılıç, both of which became hits in Turkey. She had initially planned to release the album in May 2012, but later postponed the date and instead recorded the song "Seyre Dursun Aşk" for Çolakoğlu's album "01". She later explained | Beni Durdursan mı? |
21,015,126 | the reason for this decision: "I said in May, but it won't be May. The reason is that there are many more works that I still need to do. My dreams and my heart's voice tell me to do so. I wish to have everything perfect. All the works that I do, for myself and for my audience, is out of love. In September, all of my songs will be yours, I promise!" However, the album was not released in September. During the preparation process, Gülşen stayed in Gündoğan, Bodrum, for a while. In an interview with "Hürriyet", she talked | Beni Durdursan mı? |
21,015,127 | about the album's content and said: "I really want to make an album with a specific concept. But my albums are richer and more varied. So there are electronics, house infrastructures; there are acoustic slow songs and also songs with medium tempo ..." On 12 July 2012, it was reported that she was recording the album with the fastest pace possible. The recording continued through 2012 and ended on 18 January 2013. "Beni Durdursan mı?" is a pop album that features elements of dance and arabesque music. Except "Aşk Cinayet Sever", "Acısı Bile Bal" and "Seyre Dursun Aşk", all of | Beni Durdursan mı? |
21,015,128 | the songs were written and composed by Gülşen. The three songs were composed together with the album's producer Ozan Çolakoğlu, who also did the arrangements for all of the songs on the album. All of the pieces were recorded at Kaya Müzik studio in Istanbul by Mehmet Can Mayakan and Osman Çetin. Mastering of the songs were done by Çolakoğlu, Emre Kıral and Levent Demirbaş. Together with the acoustic version of "Seyre Dursun Aşk", the album contains ten songs and unlike a number of her previous albums, it does not include any version. The album's lead single "Yatcaz Kalkcaz Ordayım", | Beni Durdursan mı? |
21,015,129 | is a pop song featuring kemençe sounds. The chorus of the song included lyrics that were "used to describe the concept of time to children in an easy way." The second song "Kardan Adam" has a mild tempo and according to Yavuz Hakan Tok its main words use "the 'Andalusian arabesque' formula that the singer has similarly used before." "Saklandım İzlerinde" also has a mild tempo and elements of arabesque-pop are used in it. It is followed by "Kendine Müslüman", a song with a slow rhythm that also contains arabesque elements. The fifth song "Yalanlar Çok Güzel" is a slow-paced | Beni Durdursan mı? |
21,015,130 | song, followed by the dance-pop hit "Irgalamaz Beni", the lyrics of which were used to choose the album's title. It was also compared to some of Yıldız Tilbe's songs in term of structure. The seventh song "Aşk Cinayet İster" also has a slow tempo, while the eighth song "Acısı Bile Bal" is a vibrant song. The final song "Ne Düşünürsen O Olur" was praised by critics for its meaningful lyrics. "Beni Durdursan mı?"s name and cover were released on 14 February 2013 by Gülşen on her Twitter account. For the cover she dyed her hair with different shades of brown. | Beni Durdursan mı? |
21,015,131 | The cover and all the album photographs were take by Emre Ünal. Zeynep Tosun acted as her costume and image consultant, while Mahizer Aytaş served as her stylist. After spending $300,000 during the preparation process which lasted for three years, the album was released on 20 February 2013 by Doğan Music Company in CD formatı inside Turkey and two days later it was made available for digital download worldwide. It was Gülşen's first album released by this production company. On the first week of its release, it ranked first on Turkey's D&R Best-Selling list and remained so for weeks. According | Beni Durdursan mı? |
21,015,132 | to MÜ-YAP, by the end of the year, it sold 100,000 physical copies and was downloaded 366,646 times on digital platforms, becoming the best-selling album of 2015 in Turkey. Due to its sales records, the album received gold certification from its production company DMC. In 2014, "Beni Durdursan mı?" received the Best Album by a Female Artist award at the Yeditepe University Dilek Awards and was also awarded the Best Album award at the 4th Pal FM Music Awards and 20th MGD Golden Objective Awards. In the same year, she received five awards at the 2nd Turkey Music Awards, becoming | Beni Durdursan mı? |
21,015,133 | the artist with the most number of wins at the ceremony; the album and its lead single were given the Album of the Year and the Song of the Year awards and Gülşen herself received the Best Female Artist, Best Songwriter and Best Composer awards. "Beni Durdursan mı?" received mixed reviews from music critics. While some did not find the album to be influential and gave it negative reviews, some appreciated the singer's identity as a songwriter and composer. "Hürriyet"s Sadi Tirak wrote that after listening to the album's lead single, he had lost his hopes for this album, and | Beni Durdursan mı? |
21,015,134 | said "It neither had a catchy melody nor a meaningful chorus. In terms of instrumental wealth and sound, there is an improvement, but they are only detachments that don't come together to make a 'songs'." Onur Baştürk from the same newspaper, pointed out Gülşen's claim of "making high-quality hit songs" and wrote that the track listing begins with disco songs and later turns into arabesque, indicating the message in the album was "choose what you like, or what is best suitable for you." Radioman Michael Kuyucu congratulated Gülşen on writing and composing the songs and asked for an album similar | Beni Durdursan mı? |
21,015,135 | to "Of... Of..." (2004) in terms of style. He also wrote: "Gülşen and her team still survived the pitfalls of the disastrous pop music world. This is a big plus for her." Best FM's radiowoman Mine Ayman wrote in her review for Söz Müzik that the album did not make her as excited as she wished and said that choosing "Kardan Adam" as the album's lead single would have increased the effectiveness of its promotion. Writing for Hayat Müzik, Yavuz Hakan Tok gave the album a mixed review and wrote: "For a moment it takes the form of arabesque-alaturka, and | Beni Durdursan mı? |
21,015,136 | the other moment it turns to dance and party songs. [...] This is an album where you will enjoy the high infrastructure and technical perfection that are all created by Ozan Çolakoğlu and memorize you candidate 'hit' songs and play them for a long time." He also criticized Gülşen for not experimenting with new songs and compositions, unlike Sezen Aksu whom Gülşen had claimed that she was inspired by. Writing for Dilimin Ayarı Yok, Cem Özsancak praised the singer's collaboration with Çolakoğlu, liked the album and gave it a positive review: "As a sequel to "Önsöz", Gülşen gives us an | Beni Durdursan mı? |
21,015,137 | album that is full of stories told through the songs." In addition, various music critics stated in their subsequent reviews that "Beni Durdursan mı?" (especially "Yatcaz Kalkcaz Ordayım") greatly influenced the singer's next studio album, Bangır Bangır, which was released in 2015. To promote the album Gülşen went on a tour called Yatcaz Kalkcaz Ordayım, named after the album's lead single, and gave concerts in Turkey and Europe, including a concert on 13 April at the Bostancı Show Center and another one on 22 September at the Cemil Topuzlu Open-Air Theatre. According to "Habertürk", in May she performed almost everyday | Beni Durdursan mı? |
21,015,138 | at different university campuses, and was the artist that was most asked by the students across the country to perform on their campuses. She also performed her songs on a number of television programs. In March 2013, she appeared on "Şeffaf Oda" and performed the songs "Kardan Adam", "Kendine Müslüman", "Ne Düşünürsen O Olur", "Seyre Dursun Aşk" and "Yatcaz Kalkcaz Ordayım". In the same month, she also appeared on "Beyaz Show" and performed the songs "Irgalamaz Beni", "Kardan Adam", "Seyre Dursun Aşk" and "Yatcaz Kalkcaz Ordayım". The song, "Yatcaz Kalkcaz Ordayım" that was subject to harsh criticism, was released on | Beni Durdursan mı? |
21,015,139 | 14 February 2013 as the album's lead single and remained number-one on Turkey's official music chart for seven weeks. Its music video was released on 14 March, and it was directed by Murad Küçük. In the video Gülşen crossed the forests and the seas and got involved in a clash to reach her goal, in parallel with the lyrics. By the end of the year it was viewed over 30 million times on YouTube, becoming the third most-viewed Turkish music video of 2013 and the most-viewed music video on MÜ-YAP's official channel at the time. It also became the most-searched | Beni Durdursan mı? |
21,015,140 | song in 2013 on Google inside Turkey, and with 131,000 downloads it also became the most-downloaded song of 2013 in Turkey. The following year, it received the Best Song award at both the 2nd Turkey Music Awards and the 41st Golden Butterfly Awards. On 20 May 2013, the album's second single "Kardan Adam" was released. It was followed by a black and white video that was released on 19 June 2013. The music video was directed by Koray Birand and recorded near a pond and desert-like land in Şile. Model Abdullah İnal accompanied Gülşen on the video. By the end | Beni Durdursan mı? |
Subsets and Splits