[WP]"Here, let me show you: It's all in the wrist." "Wait... what? We're doing physics equations."
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP]"Here, let me show you: It's all in the wrist." "Wait... what? We're doing physics equations."
"Oh please, everyone knows physics is really just magic, I mean, do you think anyone actually 'understands' these equations?" "I- I guess not" "exactly" He proceeds to preform weird swirling motions with his wrist as he continues to write the equations. His hand movements are akin to those made by an engineering student running on 1½ hours of sleep, a snickers bar and as many cans of coffee as hours of sleep, cramming in the last equation on the last 30 seconds of the final exam that will make or break his career. "you look stressed" "sorry, I just imagined a really stressful situation" "that's the spirit" "what?" "it's all stress" "yeah but what?" "I mean, integrals! Do you think they're there to make your life easier!? As if!" "they help you calculate the area under a curve-" "and what helps you calculate the fucking integral!? Nothing! Null! Nada! Zilch! They are made to help you stress so you can more easily get the right vibration and shivers in your wrist." "i knew i should've just taken over my father's business..."
[WP] You're the 'most deadly supervillain the country has ever seen'. Thing is, your super-evil ability? You deal the same amount of harm the 'heroes' you face have caused. Your power is Karma. Nobody's picked up on that yet.
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP] You're the 'most deadly supervillain the country has ever seen'. Thing is, your super-evil ability? You deal the same amount of harm the 'heroes' you face have caused. Your power is Karma. Nobody's picked up on that yet.
It's that easy. "Karma" they call it, the "Contrappasso". I call it blind, for it knows not what it does. A blind judge is no judge at all. She sees no truth, but can hear every lie. My Karma is no justice either. It hears only what I wish it to hear. Only sins. Only harm. Each and every man does harm in the course of his life. They balance it out by aiding other people, repairing items or healing injuries done by others. It's a simple cycle... and one I ignore. I tighten my grip. The "Hero" before me is no more than a child. He may wear a mask and black clothing... but he's a child nonetheless. And he too, is powerless before me. I can tell that his greatest sin is making his mother cry. That one is his biggest shame too. He tried to repent many times. Tried to help civillians, tried to save hundreds of lives, just to say that he really tried to do better. And truth is, he did. "Night Walker"... he truly is this country's hope. But I do not care. Throughout his righteous work he slapped many wrists. One cracked bone is a small price to pay, right? So long as in the end, you've done more good than evil. Well, one crack slowly grows into a hundred. At some point you look at what you've done and you see thousands of cracked bones, each and every one exchanged for tens of saved lives. You're a hero, right? Well, he's certainly one. But then he decided to cross me. I can tell he's crying by now. I did not even hurt him that much beforehand... and so I know that it's not a lament of pain, but one of fear. He can already tell there's no getting out of this one. The skin on his forearm, once pure and white, now withers into gray. Then it cracks. Then so does the flesh beneath. Within seconds, Night Walker, the impossibly gifted and powerful Night Walker, is reduced to ash. For a man of my profession that should be an amazing achievement, but I do not even smile. I'm not the kinda villain that laughs after killing... but that one really hit a somber tone. I was once a kid like him. Joined the league, done my service as a sidekick, all the jazz. They really liked the kid who could "Immobilize people who did evil!" Yeah, back then I caused \*just\* overwhelming pain. Eye for an eye kind of thinking. But then I accidentally stole the spotlight from the wrong "hero" and I learnt that there is no true justice in this world. I don't really blame the guy for thinking I was dead. Even after all these years, the limp isn't getting any better and well, the eye never regenerated. That man, "The Blaze", was my first kill. More soon followed. They really never connected the dots. There is no innocent man before me. Every brother is a murderer, every sister a whore. What hope do you have? Well, there is one. That when we meet, it is to make business and not war. "Justice is blind..." that much is true, but she's willing to listen. And this old man's got his silver tongue.
[WP] You're the 'most deadly supervillain the country has ever seen'. Thing is, your super-evil ability? You deal the same amount of harm the 'heroes' you face have caused. Your power is Karma. Nobody's picked up on that yet.
You never mentioned Country... I will assume Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan. Where I message you from currently I Dilnur, walk streets of nation of Kazakhstan, with meaning... My meaning? Of course to kill. But only to kill those also out to kill. So it is kill or be killed, by a Killer, who kills killers... Understand? I picked up this idea from once Indian friend of mine in past, names Rishi. Karma, Rishi called this idea. He told me it sang from me like prostitute when she wants to make extra couple bucks. I insisted he quit using my sister in his analogies, as he did not personally know her (though many do, very many). He refused this... But he is Indian, so I figure different strokes for differential blokes, as they say. We are no longer friends, because he is dead. He was lost in a Donkey kicking accident back in 2016. I lose a friend that day, and my nephew loses a Father... Now, he is nobody. Sad day.. Back to story of mine. This power, this Karma, it followed me. Some spread rumor of me being biggest Hero in all Kazakhstan. But I am well traveled. I have seen western film, and I know the villains often look the coolest. Not to mention they don't generally have to walk around in underwear as part of costume.. This was interest to me, because it is radical. Walking about streets in something besides underwear? All of a sudden, a strange but wonderful new world present itself to me, Dilnur. I announced to Kazak public, no, I Dilnur, am not greatest Super-Hero. Instead, I am deadliest Super-Villain. Some foolishly complain, saying I am a force for good. I remind them that idea of Hero/Villain is cultural, and to us, we judge all moments as they occur. Batman might be heroic one night, but if he should slay Chief Gordon without proper honor, he is now Badman. I came up with this, Badman. I, Dilnur. My speech immediately pays dividend, as all woman in village throwing themselves on to Dilnur like I am Cosby. So cool I am, that I even receive key to city... And we haven't even started building doors yet, so key, key is really BIG deal, custom made. SUDDENLY! Alarm blares through village! By alarm, I mean every cat and dog still left.. I immediately put down City key, and ask my Aunt and Mother to get dressed and prepare for my departure, for I must face the threat. I throw open the figurative door of my hut to meet the enemy, some would say hero... It is an American, and a legal associate. They are claiming that indeed Badman is trademarked to them. That I Dilnur, have abused and claimed creation of the name illegally. I take soft route, explaining how few things are illegal in Kazakhstan. But they are persistent, very persistent, these Americans. I then took hard route... Abandoning family and fame in brash escape in my brand new Audi, only automobile in village by the way, meaning I am rich and the best.. I kept driving for hours and hours. Until finally, the car apparently just broke under the Desert sun. It simply would no longer move any further... I abandoned it too. And here I sit, the world against me. I plot my redemption arc, as greatest Super-Villain. The Badman must pay. How could he have erased everything I have built in an instant!? My fame, my fortune. I know he likely assumed control of the house. He probably is having his way with Aunt Jez.. But I can part with these things, she wasn't what she once was anyway, you know..? BUT, vengeance must be mine! It will be mine!
[WP] You're the 'most deadly supervillain the country has ever seen'. Thing is, your super-evil ability? You deal the same amount of harm the 'heroes' you face have caused. Your power is Karma. Nobody's picked up on that yet.
Everyone in this country calls me a villain, they think of me as a deadly foe, a King Cobra about to strike, a merciless killer prowling the streets in the dead of night! But they couldn’t be more wrong…I simply dole out karma. After all, it’s all I can do. They don’t blame heroes for accidentally using their powers, (well, not the professional ones at least) but I continually find reports on the news, headlines on the papers, article after article, post after post, tweet after tweet about my ‘menace.’ Though I suppose I cannot fully blame them. Sometimes, I do take joy in serving justice to those who harm me. It’s so satisfying to watch their bones crack and their spines snap like twigs! That sense of finality, of revenge, of justice like one big spring breeze. Many of you have probably felt that, one way or another—that feeling of victory you get after winning an argument against a terrible, awful, adversary, one does not deserve redemption or forgiveness in any way—a true villain. I suppose this makes me a hero, doesn’t it? No, it doesn’t. They still call me a killer, an animal, a beast. But animals kill when they have to, and I am the same. In the end, those who continually fule others’ hatred towards me, those self-righteous and arrogant “heroes” and all their sheeple act like they’re nothing like me at all. But deep down, I just do what they wish they could, I deliver swift and precise karma upon those who harm me. While they toil away, trying not to harm them, I revel in my victories. And in the end, that’s exactly what I am. Not a hero. Not a villain. A victor.
[WP] You're the 'most deadly supervillain the country has ever seen'. Thing is, your super-evil ability? You deal the same amount of harm the 'heroes' you face have caused. Your power is Karma. Nobody's picked up on that yet.
I never set out to be a villain. I know, I know. That's crazy, isn't it? I'm the most deadly supervillain the country has ever seen, and that wasn't a personal choice? How ridiculous! It's the truth, though. I actually started my journey wanting to be a hero, despite my family insisting otherwise. My mother will always tell the media tales of how, when my power developed, my father was hospitalized. She will not mention that he had a past history of armed robbery and assault, something she conveniently leaves unsaid. Just that I went to give my father a hug, and in the blink of an eye, we were in the hospital saying our goodbyes. My brother will tell the media tales of how I beat him black and blue when we were in elementary school. He will not tell anyone that I was stepping between him and a smaller, weaker boy that he had shoved against the lockers, that I had gotten there before he caused any harm this time. Perhaps the boy would clear my name, but he moved away shortly after, and I never saw him again. My sister will tell the media tales of how her first boyfriend ended up dying despite the fact I was originally proven innocent-a power accident, it was called at the time. She will not tell anyone that he was ten years older than her, and she was far from his first, and it was so strange how three of his previous girlfriends had gone missing mysteriously. I had wanted to prove the world wrong about me, see. I had, of course, been kicked out of home at eighteen, and I was desperate for someone to see me for me. Therefore, I made the decision to take all the money I had saved up and buy a cheap hero costume, promising to myself that I would get a better one when I had a reputation as such an amazing hero-after all, I knew the truth of my powers, that they only harmed people as much as they had harmed others. Surely that would be a great power to use against the villains, right? I still remember that first costume-it was all black with white highlights, meant to help me catch the villains by surprise. I would sneak up on them and, with a simple touch, deal damage. I even had a catchphrase in mind- "you should have known that Karma would catch up to you." That was my hero name, Karma, same name as my power. I set out on a patrol one night, but it was no villain I ran into, but rather a hero. One that I looked up to. Mr. Savior was my role model as a child. He was so kind, caring, and said that everyone deserves to be saved, but for safety, all villains had to be detained-but not killed. I had been walking along, looking for a mugging-that seems like a good way to get started-when someone had run into me, my touch doing nothing to them, but Mr. Savior had been running after them-I later found out that it was a woman who had stolen a loaf of bread to feed her starving children. I didn't know at the time what the crime was, simply thinking that, if she was being chased by such a great hero, she must have done something bad, so I held her, then held out my hand to shake my hero's, introducing myself as a rookie hero that was trying to break into the scene. Mr. Savior had been kind to me and shook my hand... was I supposed to know that he had caused such...damage? Such INTENTIONAL damage. The woman had screamed as I stared at the bloody body of the hero in shock-he hadn't even made it to the hospital, dying on the spot. The woman had called it in while I had simply run away, terrified of my own power-I always had been, but...surely it should have been the other way around? The woman should have been hurt, not my hero. Not my role model. The report the woman gave called me "Death," and honestly, seems fitting for a villain. I never introduce myself as such, but now everyone calls me that, saying that Death is inevitable when encountering me. And, strangely, that's true. I have yet to meet, touch, a hero that didn't get gravely injured. Many have died, only a few surviving. I continued to patrol, not knowing what else I could do. If I could just take down one villain- Another hero dead. -the public would see. They all would see. I wasn't a bad guy- People screaming on the streets as I walked by. -it was just... "Stop right there!" I turned my head, bored and tired, to see a hero, shaking and fists up, about to fight me with everything she had. "Turn around and walk away-you're young, don't mess with me," I said. "B-By order of the Government, you're under arrest!" the hero-ah, I knew her, Lady Amazing-said, clearly knowing that this would be her last fight. I did not want it to be. "Turn around and walk away," I repeated. "I won't be asking again." Lady Amazing charged at me. "It's over, Death!" I didn't even bother trying to dodge, letting her ram right into me- The effect was immediate, blood everywhere as she gasped for air-ah, such pain, so much damage on accident-or was it on purpose? How sad. She was still leaning against me as the crowd all ran away screaming, so I laid her down gently, then leaned close to her and whispered. "You should have known that Karma would catch up to you." With that, I put my hands in my pockets and continued walking-I was tired of all this, and I just wanted to sleep.
Give two fictional character and a scenario
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comment on my lyrics
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Comment on my lyrics
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[WP] A strange amount of murders have been occurring in the city, and you’ve been sent to investigate. Turning the corner into an alleyway, you come across a 9 year old girl, dragging an AK47 behind her, along with a corpse.
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[WP] you wake up in an abandoned town that looks exactly like your old one but a little different…. I woman who looks exactly like your mom greats you. “Your test is complete, welcome home.”
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[WP] We have all known that person that can just suck the energy right out of a room, but not like Crystal. She quite literally could do so, ceasing the very motion of molecules themselves, flash freezing everything in her vicinity... What a lonesome life it was for her. That is, until she met Leo..
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[CW] Copywriting for the new OuijAir 9600, a top of the line spirit binding A/C
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[CW] Copywriting for the new OuijAir 9600, a top of the line spirit binding A/C
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[WP] “What if you were to encounter a ‘Damsel’ who is oblivious and innocent at any given time, as well as unconcerned and unfeeling in any given situation? I can at least fend her off. But if it were you, with your conscience… I would stay far away from her.”
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP] You find a Genie lamp in an abandoned museum and rub it as a joke, but a real Djinn comes out and asks for your first wish. You think for a moment. "I wish for you to tell me the story of how you were imprisoned in this lamp," you say. The Djinn seems shocked for a moment, then starts to speak.
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP] You find a Genie lamp in an abandoned museum and rub it as a joke, but a real Djinn comes out and asks for your first wish. You think for a moment. "I wish for you to tell me the story of how you were imprisoned in this lamp," you say. The Djinn seems shocked for a moment, then starts to speak.
Parker rubbed the old lamp as a joke, saying, "Come forth, lazy genie, if you can't bother to come third." The lamp shuttered as Parker rubbed it, and she dropped it as it continued to rattle in her hand. A genie took shape. "Yo," he said, stretching his back. Parker wasn't prepared to see a genie, much less one in a Member's Only jacket, t-shirt and black Levis. "I grant three wishes before I am free. Let's get the show on the road." Big ideas of fame and wealth took a backseat to Parker's curiosity. "I wish to know your story. How did you become a genie in a lamp?" "Great wish," the genie said after a moment of surprise. "It'll save you some confusion later. We're probably a lot alike. I was poking around these crates too, a good while ago if the dust is any indication. Not centuries, it would seem." Parker frowned. "You mean as a genie, right? You were last freed in the 80s or 90s, in this place?" " Nope." The genie was smoothing out his jacket. "Totally human at the time. But yeah, 1987 sounds right. I, too, found this lamp and rubbed it. Who'da thought it would work, right. Genie came out, saying what I said about the three wishes and freedom. What he didn't say was that after the third wish, we would change places. Boom. I was suddenly a being of great power who had no control over my situation, and he was human again." "Again." Parker repeated. "Yep, that's how it works. We swap roles. You're next, and I get my life back. Or a life back. I guess we'll see that part. Of course, the old genie left a lot of this unsaid, and I had to figure it out, but there was plenty of time to think it through." Parker processed this all quickly. "So what if I stop at two wishes?" "Now you are getting it. That was the biggest clue for me in putting this puzzle together. I was as confused as hell at first, let me tell you. I didn't even feel the change happen, but genie pops out, makes the obligitory announcement about granting three wishes before he's free; I make a wish, and then when that's done... he makes two wishes of me, and walks out the damn door." "What?" Asked Parker. Some part of her understood before her brain acknowledged the truth, and she felt ill. "What?" "I know, right?" said the man in front of the genie formerly known as Parker. "He used up two wishes, and you at least used the third more wisely than I did. Thank you, by the way, for the freedom. So about my two wishes..."
[WP] In World War II, the Allies, seeking a way to defeat the Axis Powers, made a deal with one Vlad Dracula Tepes, King of the Vampires, to assist them in this war.
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP] In World War II, the Allies, seeking a way to defeat the Axis Powers, made a deal with one Vlad Dracula Tepes, King of the Vampires, to assist them in this war.
In desperation, one might commit a grievous mistake. When hope seems darkest, and help is offered, it is not always wise to accept such aid. On the other hand, a man lost in the desert must accept any water he is offered. And when the world stood on the brink of darkness, when forces of what seemed to be the utmost evil spread their unholy influence throughout the old lands of Europe, the last remnants of sanity in a world gone mad made many such dark bargains. How many suffered silently, so that the cancerous insanity of a regime of madmen, would not overrun the world. The unthinkable alliance, between the scarred monster in the east, that demon, devil, vilest of vile cretins, that paranoid and delusional abomination that should never have been born, the cancerous growth that killed the USSR; Stalin, and the imperfect but infinitely better regimes of the west, that is but one such unholy alliance. By the time that that irksome upstart in Berlin had betrayed the Man of Steel, that monster had already murdered millions for naught but raw power. And yet, the enemy of my enemy, he truly must be my ally. Such was the reasoning. Besides, had they stood by and let those two abominable regimes destroy one another, had the nations where sanity was still possible, simply let them fight, whoever would have emerged from such a fight would have been sharpened to a point. They would, in the name of victory, have carved away all their madness, and emerged as an unstoppable juggernaut, that would have been able to topple the world. So perhaps, in the long run, it was for the better that the monster in Moscow received some assistance. Lest he become far worse, and far greater than he could have ever managed without a capable and monstrous enemy to hone himself against. But some deals should not be taken. Some roads should not be walked. When a charming aristocratic gentleman, of noble descent, from the high mountains of Transylvania came to the British; they should have turned him aside. In war you take what allies you can find. And he seemed, on the whole, to be quite charming. And resourceful. When given the assistance he required, he did come through in a way that the British could never have anticipated. In a way that opened up an entirely new front. That allowed for a renewed offensive, that took off pressure from the Soviets and allowed the Western Allies a far greater amount of soldiers to strike at Mussolini's Italy. At the time, it was thought that he had merely been a somewhat eccentric man, a high level advisor or diplomat to the courts of the Balkan nations. When he whispered in Bucharest, the Romanians turned their guns west, to retake the lands lost to the Hungarians after the Second Vienna Award. When he was alone with the Czar of Bulgaria, this elusive count somehow made that nation change sides, liberating Albania and cutting off Axis forces in Greece. He moved into occupied Yugoslavia, and somehow roused the people and the partisans everywhere to begin a general uprising. All he asked in exchange was certain ancient artifacts owned by private collectors in the west, or by various British museums. And some connections opened with what he called distant relatives in the unstable and fractured Republic of China. Perhaps that was when the Allies should have started to worry. Should have looked more into this strange new ally. But with the Germans suddenly fighting multiple fronts, and losing access to the only real supply of oil for their fleet of Panzers when the Romanians defected, the Allies were in no hurry to alienate their new and very useful ally. But they should have looked into the Count. That charming and eccentric man was none other than an ancient and powerful creature, who had taken for himself the name Vlad Tepes Dracula. Whether he truly was that ruthless and cunning Voivode, who had been a great enemy of the Ottomans, who could tell. A lot of signs pointed to him being a good deal older and great deal more dangerous than an admittedly brilliant general and brutal warlord that held back the descendants of Osman. When General Patton and Marshall Zhukov met during the siege of Berlin in September 1944, it was starting to dawn on the Communists in the East and the Imperialists in the West, that there was something off about the Balkan front. And when the dust settled, a terrible shroud of darkness had descended over much of Europe. From Vienna, to Athens. From Bucharest to Venice, a strange curtain of darkness covered everything. During the Copenhagen Conference, to divide post-war Europe, the Count at last revealed his dark designs. Diplomats, leaders, generals, and nobles, from all over the Balkan region; all had been turned into undead monsters serving him. The Allies and Soviets had to fight their way out, with only the Danish police and various hastily assembled militia units to drive off these vampires. The Count had intended for the leaders of both sides to come under his complete and utter sway after that attack, but it failed. Sure, Stalin had been turned, and had been brought back to Dracula's Castle, and Churchill had somehow managed to blow himself and a dozen vampires that had converged on him into smithereens. But Marshall Zhukov took charge in the East, killed Beria who'd already been recruited, along with most of the NKVD. In the West, the truth was revealed to everyone. And that was when things turned again in Dracula's favor. In the East, the vampires of China had subverted parts of the Nationalist government, and infiltrated the Communists as well. In a coup executed shortly after the failed attempt to seize control of the USSR and the West, Chiang Kei-Shek died surrounded by his best men, refusing to bow to the vampires. Little is known about what happened in the HQ of the CCP, but it is assumed the same happened to them. Vast forces of undead moved against the Japanese, who went on the defensive. And then began to retreat. Soon, with the assistance of the remaining unturned leaders of China, under Emergency President Yan Xishan, they were forced back to the northeastern provinces of the RoC. The Allies were initially continuing their war against Japan, until the vampires struck again, seizing several neutral countries, such as Argentina and Switzerland, and also much of the Dominion of South Africa, along with the colony of Rhodesia, finding eager converts there. At that point, British, American, Japanese, and Soviet leaders met in secret to end the human-to-human conflict, and reorient towards the common enemy. An arrangement was made, that ended the war, and united the forces of mankind behind a singular purpose. An alliance to drive out and eradicate the forces of the living dead. Unfortunately, with the vast vampire infiltration in several societies, this was difficult. The British were nearly taken out by an infestation that had gone unnoticed by the government, resulting in an unprecedented massacre committed by fanatic vampires, resulting in over a million dead before London was retaken. The royal family, while not infected, were killed, leaving the political system of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth at large in a state of chaos. But there were successes. A joint Soviet-American taskforce managed to drive the Vampires out of Czechoslovakia and Poland, while a sudden surprise attack from Turkey resulted in a mostly liberated Greece, that had suffered extremely underneath the vampiric yoke. In the east, a combined offensive between British, Japanese, Soviet, and remaining Chinese forces, managed to ensure the freedom of Tibet and the northwestern provinces of China. The French managed to distinguish themselves by retaking the western parts of Switzerland, despite heavy losses. But when brainwashed scientists in the employ of the Count allowed him to use and deploy an atomic bomb as a weapon of revenge, removing the recently liberated city of Venice from the face of the Earth, that was when the war turned into a stalemate. Soon enough, the Allied forces, after the vampire saboteurs had been cleared out from Project Manhattan, made their own bomb. Mutually Assured Destruction. No possible victory. There was no official ceasefire, no peace treaty made. Officially, the Allies are still at war with Dracula's self proclaimed Empire of Blood, and the dubiously claimed Empire of the Restored Ming, and the various undead-ruled states that haven't fallen to internal conflict or religious populist uprisings. Not that those are always a good thing. The Holy Clerical Regime of Purified Argentina is not a pleasant place to live, though it is the only nation to successfully cast off its undead overlords and then completely cleanse itself of every last bloodsucking monster. Of course, Dracula, now styling himself as the Crimson Czar, has everything he wanted. He has powerful allies, enough blood to drown in, a modern nation to rule with modern technology, even if it often lags a few decades behind the purely human states. He has everything he could ever want, and from his dread castle, he schemes happily, knowing that he has already in some sense won; and that he might possibly rule forever. [/r/ApocalypseOwl](
[WP] While cleaning out your late grandmother's basement, you notice what appears to be a hidden door behind a bookshelf. Before you can investigate further, your mom angrily drags you away with a single word: "Don't." Later that night, curiosity gets the better of you.
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP] While cleaning out your late grandmother's basement, you notice what appears to be a hidden door behind a bookshelf. Before you can investigate further, your mom angrily drags you away with a single word: "Don't." Later that night, curiosity gets the better of you.
*I tossed and turned on the crappy pull out couch bed in nana's living room for what felt like hours. Why does the bar in the middle have the least amount of padding? Counting sheep failed, counting sheep backwards failed, my thoughts kept crawling back to that door down there. It's too risky to go look those old steps creak too loud. Mom's a light sleeper, she's already in a bad mood now that grandma's gone, I shouldn't make it worse.* *What could sweet little old nana be hiding? The more I think about it, the more I realize I don't know the first thing about her other than she was a great baker. Old people do hoard shit, maybe it's hidden money in case of another depression....maybe could be anything. Nuts to this, what's the worst that could happen.* *I've played enough metal gear to snake my way downstairs undetected. Easy does it, step lightly, stay alert, stay in the dark. Each creak of the steps freezes me in place, my ears perk up. I'm think I'm in the clear, light on my phone is enough to navigate the maze of junk down here. Bookcase is going to be the real noise maker. Hmmmm.....think.....think....think. That old Persian rug should work! Get in on there nice and easy, slowly drag it away from the door. Jackpot!* *Crap...combination lock. I should have a text from mom reminding me what day grandma's birthday it is. February sixth, nineteen twelve. Let's try two six nine twelve. Open sesame baby! It unlocked, I'm in! Okay, this better be worth it. A set of steps, steep steps. Least these are concrete, won't squeal on me. Is that snoring? Looks likes a tv is flickering in the dark. I've come this far, better push forward.* *With each step the snoring gets louder, there's someone down here....the fuck? Oh shit am I about to be a hero rescuing someone from captivity? Score!* "Hello.....hello? Whoever is down here don't be scared, I'm friendly!" *I pick up the pace entering a small underground shelter, it's nicer than my apartment. Oh shit is he dead? Wow.....he's ancient, must be older than grandma.* "Hey......hey you alive!" *The old man yawns right in my face as I shake him awake from his sleep. He looks........familiar, but I've never met him. Grandma never remarried after her husband died in the war and didn't have any siblings....who is this?"* "Ahhh, guten morgen, wer bist du?" "Do you speak english?" *Guy shakes his head no, well this is gonna be hard to explain. I can't put my finger on it but I know I've seen him before, missing person's poster maybe?* "I'" *He's not getting it, maybe he's not all there anymore. He's not even looking at me, that's when I feel the hand on my shoulder. Fuck, I'm busted.* "! We're going to have a long talk about this." *Mom sounds pissed at me, her tone is nicer to the old man.* "Tut mir leid, dich zu wecken Opa Adolph, geh zuruck ins bett." *I don't speak German but I recognize that name, explains the old man's out of style mustache, I am royally screwed now.* \[Author's note: All german was translated via google translate so it may be grammatically incorrect.\]
[WP] While cleaning out your late grandmother's basement, you notice what appears to be a hidden door behind a bookshelf. Before you can investigate further, your mom angrily drags you away with a single word: "Don't." Later that night, curiosity gets the better of you.
[WP] While cleaning out your late grandmother's basement, you notice what appears to be a hidden door behind a bookshelf. Before you can investigate further, your mom angrily drags you away with a single word: "Don't." Later that night, curiosity gets the better of you.
The door wasn’t even locked, Molly thought as she wiggled the rusty knob of the rusty door set into the wall of the basement. Probably just went to a storage room or something uninteresting like that. Daring to push on further, she turned the knob more and quickly stopped as the loud scrape of metal on metal echoed against the stone walls. The young woman quickly shot a glance towards the stairs that lead down from the kitchen to the basement, clicking off the flashlight she was holding in case her mother or her brother came down to investigate. It wasn’t like she had anywhere she could hide; nearly all the stored furniture had been moved upstairs to be sorted through. She hadn’t realized it, but she had been holding her breath, and when her lungs began to burn, she let out a heavy gasp. No one had come down, and for that, she was thankful. Her mother already had been on Molly about staying in the bedroom she was using while they were here clearing out her grandmother’s house. It was like her mother constantly wanted her in sight, like she was just a kid. Molly was eighteen, well a month until her birthday, but it was close enough. Since the day they got here, her mother had been, well, weird. Jumping every time the house settled or a door shut too loudly, or even when a bird landed on the window sill in the kitchen. Molly knew that her mother and grandmother hadn’t gotten on in years; she just assumed it went back to when her mother was a child, but being in this house and how her mother was acting, Molly was starting to think there was something else going on. She didn’t think her grandmother could have been abusive; she never came across that way, maybe a little too stern, but not like she could hurt someone. She clicked the flashlight back on and turned back to the door. When they had started that morning to move the bookshelf, her grandmother had used to store everything but books, Molly was the one who found the door. She turned to ask her mother about it, but her mother was already right there, inches from her face, her eyes wide but face very pale. Her mother said only one word before grabbing Molly’s arm in a death grip and practically dragging her back to the stairs upstairs. “Don’t.” She had tried to ask her mother about it, but every time, her mother whirled about with that look in her eyes and only said that one word. Eventually, Molly took the hint and stopped asking, but that old rusted door sat in her mind, especially with how her mother had acted. How her mother seemed to know already, it was there going by how quickly she had come around the bookshelf to grab Molly. She had waited all day and most of the night to come down until she was sure her mother was asleep. Every step creaked the floorboards, daring to wake her mother, but with patience, here she was, staring at the door. Then, very slowly, she turned the handle a little at a time, pausing after every scrap to listen for any movement upstairs. The knob stopped turning, and, looking back at the stairs, Molly pulled the door open. There must have been a piece of metal that stuck out because there was another scrap, higher pitched and ringing in her ears like she had set off a bomb. The door swung open slightly, and she stopped again, holding her breath and listening for the sound of her mother’s footsteps on the floor above. It never came. She exhaled and turned back. Holding the flashlight in the doorway, she could only see three wooden steps leading down to a dirt floor stretched out into darkness the light could not penetrate. She could make out some shapes in the dark, boxes, or maybe more furniture. She couldn’t tell. It smelled stagnant, not moldy or dirty, just like the air hadn’t moved in a long time. Taking a step forward, Molly placed one slippered foot on the first step, then her other. The old boards groaned quietly. She quickly stepped down the next few steps and onto the dirt floor, a light cloud of dust puffing up around her feet. Now that she was in the room, she could tell it was far more extensive than she thought. In every direction she swung the flashlight, the light would only cut through the darkness a dozen feet, with no sign of any walls except the one behind her. It didn’t make any sense to her, but that was quickly forgotten by the items in front of her. Well, one item in particular. There were a stack of boxes, actually wooden crates, and leaning against it was a tall painting. The frame was a simple rectangle of what looked like lumber scraps held together with heavy wood staples, but the canvas was the most intriguing. And the most unnerving. Depicting on the heavy fabric was a creature, a thing, in front of a doorway of solid darkness. It was somewhere between a person and an animal, though if asked, she wouldn’t be able to place what animal. It was gaunt and pale, huddled on the floor with its long, thin arms wrapped around its knees. The face was human-like in a way, two eyes, a mouth, a nose. But all the features were stretched and exaggerated, the hollow eye sockets far too big for the dark eyes that sat recessed in them, the mouth nothing more than thin lips that seemed to wrap around the sides of its head pulled painfully against whatever teeth might be hidden within. It was like something out of a horror movie. She moved the light slowly across the canvas, entranced by the detail put into the creature. Someone very talented must have done this; it looked as close to lifelike as a painting could be. As the beam passed over the face, the eyes glinted in the light, which caught her by surprise. The rest of the painting was matte and didn’t shine in any fashion, but every time the light caught the eyes, a tiny light shone from each eye. She wasn’t sure what caused her to do it, but she clicked off the light as it was shining on the eyes in the painting. Those two dots continued to shine fiercely on their own. In the darkness, Molly leaned forward to look at the eyes. The lights pulled away quickly and disappeared to the right, the sound of something scuffling through the darkness following it, what sounded like nails scrapping against the dirt floor. Molly screamed and stepped back, tripping over a small stone on the floor and falling backward. She hit the ground squarely on her rear, and the flashlight flew from her hand, disappearing into the darkness. The pain didn’t register as she got up on her hands and knees and scrambled across the dirt floor toward where she remembered the door being. As she did, the scuffling sounds continued, interspersed with the sounds of whatever it was knocking into boxes or whatever else was littered down here. Her hands found the bottom step, and she scrambled up to the doorway and… and…. The door was shut. She was crying now, her hands sliding across the rusty metal, not noticing as pieces cut across her palms. There wasn’t a knob; she couldn’t find a knob. There was nothing on this side of the door. She screamed louder and pounded against the door, trying desperately to get her mother’s attention. She cried, screamed, and pounded for what seemed like forever but was probably only a few seconds. Behind her, the scuffling got more frantic, as if whatever was making the sound tossed itself all over and was drawing closer. Whatever was throwing itself across the dirt floor came fast, directly for her. She stopped pounding, did everything she could to control herself, and tried to be as quiet as possible, but it was too late. A sour, hot breath gasped against her right ear, a ragged breathing coming from whatever was right there behind her. She trembled and bit down on her lip, mentally begging whatever it was to go away, trying to will her mother to come down to the basement and save her. It made a wet hissing sound, and she nearly screamed. It did it again; this time, Molly could hear it better against her terror. It was a single word. “Don’t.”
[WP] While cleaning out your late grandmother's basement, you notice what appears to be a hidden door behind a bookshelf. Before you can investigate further, your mom angrily drags you away with a single word: "Don't." Later that night, curiosity gets the better of you.
"Don't", Helena's mother said as she slapped her hand. "Don't." Helena turned back to look at the partially hidden door but her mother forced her head back around and up the stairs to the kitchen. "You know about that?" Helena asked her mother. "You can't open that door," her mother said, "you mustn't." "You're kinda freaking me out, mom. What's behind that door?" Her mother shook her head and gave a gutteral dissent. "Mom! What is it?" The older woman spit between the devil horns of her fingers and then blessed herself as she fondled the rosary around her neck. "Okay, ma. I won't." Helena meant it when she said it but now in the strange bed the unknowing ate at her. She was just going to pee she told herself, a little reset before sleep. When she flushed she felt how parched her throat was from sleeping in her mother's house without her humidifier. Just a glass of water she assured herself and then back to bed. As the faucet filled the glass in the kitchen sink she could have sworn she left a light on in the basement earlier. Best to not leave it on all night she figured as she descended the carpeted stairs. Old wiring could be a fire hazard. Oh look a mysterious door behind a bookcase. How did I get here Helena mused, I was just going to pee. Helena felt the cool of the crystal knob in her hand and the surge of nervous energy as she turned it. When the door opened to darkness she was less than impressed. For all the maloiks her mother had spit it was just a room. The light from the kitchen reached far enough that Helena could see a switch on the wall. Click. Helena saw the staircase and went down. The steps were dusty and cobwebbed but otherwise bare. The subbasement likewise was empty but otherwise identical to the basement itself. "Some kinda old wine cellar or bootleggers?" Helena asked the emptiness. The subbasement was illuminated by bare bulbs strung along the beams. The old incandescent lights, the ones that worked, cast an uneven yellow pall over the room and the door. "No," Helena drawled out as she saw the door. A door in the same place in the subbasement as the door her grandmother had blocked with the bookcase upstairs. She turned the knob. She had too. There was no switch on the wall illuminating the staircase but an old two prong ungrounded cord ran down the stairs. Aided by the light of her phone Helena followed the cord down the stairs and along the dirt floor of the second subbasement. The cord ended at an old work light and Helena flipped the switch. This subbasement was the same size as above but lacked the poured concrete floor and finishes, resembling a mix of cave and basement. She looked and knew the door was there. She heard the moan and opened the door and went down the stairs.
[WP] While cleaning out your late grandmother's basement, you notice what appears to be a hidden door behind a bookshelf. Before you can investigate further, your mom angrily drags you away with a single word: "Don't." Later that night, curiosity gets the better of you.
There are things in life far to good to pass up. A lottery ticket, a date with your crush, or an inticing buisness deal. However, opening a secret door hidden in your grandmothers basement was just something that you don't see on many people's lists, unlike Todd. ​ From the moment he was wisked away from the door by his angry mother and up the stairs to his late grandmothers kitchen, he'd been fantasizing about what could be behind the door. A futuristic laboratory, a German Prisoner, or even a terrifying monster were all good contenders in being suitable answers. Still, there was no point in hoping for an answer, without evidence, which leds up to Todd standing outside the offending door. ​ He paused, understandably, outside the door. Questioning his motives and options. Should he dare enter and later face the wrath of his mother? Or just let it be? We all know the answer we want to see. ​ He pushed the door open to... an old room. ​ An old, decently sized room containing nothing less or more than moldy cardboard boxes, old brooms, and a shocking amount of cobwebs. Well this was no fun. Where was the adventure? The portal into another realm? The creatures beyond our comprehension? ​ Sadly, he looked left, then right, seeing nothing more than the initial items outside of a few more cobwebs and what appeared to be a lamp. Bored, and upset, Todd gave the room a once over, and closed the door. ​ Upon closing the door, Todd walked of, and back up the stairs to resume his nightly endevurs, unaware of the second second door, hidden behind the boxes.
[WP] While cleaning out your late grandmother's basement, you notice what appears to be a hidden door behind a bookshelf. Before you can investigate further, your mom angrily drags you away with a single word: "Don't." Later that night, curiosity gets the better of you.
I carefully looked into the living room. My mom was sitting on the couch, peering over her reading tablet and soaking in what she claimed were biopics but what I really knew was the latest entry in her favorite erotic literature series, Starcrossing Lovers. I once managed to sneak a raccoon out of the house without her so much as glancing away from my book, so I could easily get down to the basement without her noticing. I made my way down the stairs as deliberately as possible. They were a big bundle of old wooden things, so they creaked pretty loudly. Of course, getting down the stairs was only the beginning; the basement was a maze of all of the stuff Grandma had collected over the years. I had a close call with a giant maneki-neko (why would she even have that?), but my mom didn't come racing down the stairs to reprimand me in a flat tone, so I was in the clear. I stood before the mystery door, my hands trembling slightly. Guess my mom didn't get around to putting the bookshelf back in place before she dragged me upstairs. I turned the handle and opened up the door to reveal... nothing. The room was the size of a broom closet and pitch black. No mysterious treasure, no portal to a magical world, not even one shelf of mementos of a double life my grandma could've lived. I was all set to walk back upstairs and ask my mom why she freaked out when I felt a breeze flow from the room. Suddenly, a voice whispered, "Are you Willow?" I gulped and answered, "Y-yes. I'm Willow." From the darkness, something emerged. A giant mass of black fur with the head of a wolf standing on two legs. As the beast looked down at me, I awkwardly chuckled. "So, uh... how long have you been in there?" Before I could react, the beast tackled me and lifted me off the ground. I was terrified at first, but my panic dissipated entirely when the beast started kissing my cheeks and purring. I giggled uncontrollably and said, "Hey, hey! Ease up there, will you--" "Having fun, Willow?" The beast spun me around so that the both of us were facing my mom, who was staring at the both of us with a disappointed expression. She sighed and remarked, "You know, I tried to keep you from finding this. Let the records show that this was the result of my hand being forced. Willow, this is Galatea. Your betrothed." I managed to place my hand between my cheek and Galatea's lips long enough to ask, "My what now?" Galatea giggled and pressed my head against her collarbone. "Your bride, my sweet Willow." As she pressed a hand to her temple in exasperation, my mom explained, "To cut a long story short, your grandma made a deal with Galatea's grandfather: he would ensure she wouldn't have to marry someone against her will, and she promised him the hand of her firstborn grandchild to Galatea. When it came time, you would open the door behind you, and there Galatea would be." I went wide eyed but shifted into a glare. "You mean to tell me I was engaged to an amazonian cuddle bug of a... demon?" Galatea nodded. "Demon this whole time and you never said anything?!" Galatea quickly interjected, "I also bake." "See? She's perfect!" Galatea squeaked with delight as my mom groaned. "First off: *why* would I be comfortable telling my kid she's in an arranged marriage? Second: the exact parameters of your grandma's deal apparently required you to have kids with Galatea. Before the wedding. And I'm not too keen on being a grandmother at forty five." I conceded to my mom's reasoning with a shrug. "Okay, I get it. But like, how much earlier than the wedding?" Galatea shifted me into a bridal carry and responded, "Tonight!" I blushed brightly as Galatea carried me up the creaky stairs and said, "Don't worry about a thing. Demon pregnancies are completely painless and you come out the other end healthy. And pretty hot too, though I sincerely doubt you could get any more good looking." With a final sigh, my mom called out to us, "Just don't do it in the living room where the neighbors might see!"
[WP] While cleaning out your late grandmother's basement, you notice what appears to be a hidden door behind a bookshelf. Before you can investigate further, your mom angrily drags you away with a single word: "Don't." Later that night, curiosity gets the better of you.
I went up to the spare room where I was staying while we were helping her clean out her house cause she had a bit of a hoarding problem. I hopped into my pj’s and yelled for my mum to tuck me in. She tucked me in nice and tight because she knew I would have the urge to go down into the basement. “Love you, stay in bed please you know grandma would have a heart attack if she saw you.” “Fine” I said with a sas in my voice “ I have eyes in the back of my head you know!” She said as she walked out slowing shutting the door trying to be “spooky” I laughed as I heard her giggle and creep away from the door. I heard her starting to snore in her room. “How did she fall asleep before me” I thought to myself “nvm I’ll just go to sleep I have work to in the morning.” I tossed and turned all night it was like somethings on my mind. Then it clicked for me the hidden door behind the bookshelf, I need to go through it if it even leads to something. I got out of bed and grabbed my phone, flashlight and a couple snacks in case I get stuck or something. I walked past mums room and thought to myself “okay, she’s asleep she wouldn’t mind if I have a little look?” I snuck down the stairs into the basement. I turned on my flashlight as I got further down the stairs. I went over to the book shelf and pulled on the odd book to reveal the door. I opened the door so see some old cavemen drawings on the walls of the hallway. It felt like the hallway was 100 miles long, as I went futher i realised that the drawings we a storyline of the events that happend in the world. As I could start to see a door I saw a bad drawing of me opening a door then it showed me running out with claw marks all down my body. I started to open the door and heard growling as I took first my steps into the room i shreicked and ran out. As I made it to the door something grabbed my foot and pulled me back.. I couldn’t see what it was but all I knew that it had massive claws. Oh no the drawing it’s happening..
[WP] While cleaning out your late grandmother's basement, you notice what appears to be a hidden door behind a bookshelf. Before you can investigate further, your mom angrily drags you away with a single word: "Don't." Later that night, curiosity gets the better of you.
The curiosity that should have stayed hidden. You open the door to discover the kinkiest dungeon. Leather body suits all on mannequins. Whips and gags and lotions all hung up and lined out. A flyer, appearing from the 1990s was framed; it was posted to a strip club. There was an obvious reason your mother was against you coming down here. Somehow, this answered a hundred questions you've had all along about your family. You laugh, and then gag a little, and then laugh again. You stand their ogling for probably an hour, not moving, just observing. You were more surprised by your own shock; the realization that this may haunt your life forever. It will make the funeral a lot harder--no No! Not harder. Harder is the wrong word. You will struggle to think of your grandmother the same way; the cookie making, sweet voiced smoker fades from mind. Now, all you can see is the short red dress with fishnets on your withered grandmothers body as she rolls her shoulder your direction. You have to get out of there. You stumble up the stairs, gasping at the landing. Oh, your mother was so so right.
[EU] Instead of Midgard, Kratos ends up in the land of Hyrule and Atreus turns out to be Link instead of Loki.
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP] I said I would watch the world burn to have your love, and now here we stand, betrothed in it's ashes.
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP] I said I would watch the world burn to have your love, and now here we stand, betrothed in it's ashes.
“I said I would watch the world burn to have your love, and now here we stand, betrothed in its ashes.” “How long did you wait?” “An eternity.” “So this is it?” “What do you mean, my darling?” “The world is burning, it’s over isn’t it? You watched the world burn to have my love but now we don’t get to live our lives together…” “Oh, no, no my sweet. Come with me, my love.” The Demonic Queen took the hand of her beloved, guiding him with her as she walked back inside of her palace. “Where are we going?” “The eternal.” “The eternal what?” “The eternal. We are going to live amongst my ancestors.” The Demonic Queen stopped at her altar picking up her book. She flipped through it before she landed on a glowing red page. Her chanting in an unknown language seemed to be the only step, because before he knew it there was a portal opened. He looked down into it and gulped. What had he gotten himself into. Once she had stopped chanting, he looked over at her, making eye contact. Before he could speak he was shoved into the portal, not even knowing if she was going to be following him.
[WP] "I said I like a good fairy TALE before bed, not a fairy tail!"
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP] Your town has been invaded by a group of mysterious, technologically advanced beings. You are the only one who seems to notice that something is off, and it's up to you to figure out what's going on and stop the invasion.
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP] Your town has been invaded by a group of mysterious, technologically advanced beings. You are the only one who seems to notice that something is off, and it's up to you to figure out what's going on and stop the invasion.
[WP] Your town has been invaded by a group of mysterious, technologically advanced beings. You are the only one who seems to notice that something is off, and it's up to you to figure out what's going on and stop the invasion.
[WP] "Oh sure, there was a time when dragon kind was considered mighty. in this modern world though, physical might means very little. That is why I have devoted my many centuries to brilliant authorship and a scholarly pursuit of knowledge."
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[PI] A lighthearted story for children, which changes its meaning when read by an adult
**Welcome to the Post!** This is a [\[PI\] Prompt Inspired]( post which means it's a response to a prompt here on /r/WritingPrompts or /r/promptoftheday. **Reminder**: >[Be civil]( in any feedback provided in the comments. 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[PI] A lighthearted story for children, which changes its meaning when read by an adult
Wow. That was quite dark. Well done.
[PI] A lighthearted story for children, which changes its meaning when read by an adult
I don't get it. Are the crows supposed to represent that the dog and foxes killed her and the worms are actually going through her corpse?
[PI] A lighthearted story for children, which changes its meaning when read by an adult
Life goals
[PI] A lighthearted story for children, which changes its meaning when read by an adult
Wow. That was incredible.
[PI] A lighthearted story for children, which changes its meaning when read by an adult
Well shit.... That's super dark. Well done, but Jesus, did you have to go that dark? You make my coffee look cheery!
[PI] A lighthearted story for children, which changes its meaning when read by an adult
This was 👍🏾
[PI] A lighthearted story for children, which changes its meaning when read by an adult
Yo wtfffff amazing To anyone looking for explanation don't try to find it yourself and understand where it goes away from a children s bool
[PI] A lighthearted story for children, which changes its meaning when read by an adult
Wow, i loved it!!
[PI] A lighthearted story for children, which changes its meaning when read by an adult
This was so good! Well done!
[WP] You are the apprentice of the world's greatest mage, and yet you feel like you can't cast a single spell. One evening, you decide to vent about how much you hate your mentor to your friend, who's an apprentice of a more average sorcerer.
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP] "Why are there curtains on your mirror, Dave?" "Oh, you know, for privacy."
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP] "Why are there curtains on your mirror, Dave?" "Oh, you know, for privacy."
It's our third date, and I've found him charming and attractive enough to entertain the thought of spending the night with him, which is why I accepted his invitation to visit after our dinner at a nearby restaurant. We're lounging on the sofa as he surfs Netflix for something to watch, and I'm looking all around me, admiring the old-fashioned decor of his house when I notice the curtains drawn over a panel of the wall next to the television. "Do you have a window on the wall separating your house and the neighbour's?" "That? It's just a mirror." "Why are there curtains on your mirror, Dave?" "Oh, you know, for privacy." I laugh. "You're not so ugly that you need time away from your reflection. Far from it, actually." He doesn't crack a smile as I look over. "Not my reflection. It's an antique mirror, actually made of silver, that came with the house, and I've seen some things in it that definitely aren't my reflection. So I've had the curtains installed, and haven't been troubled since." I sit bolt upright on the sofa. "No way," I say, making to get up, but he wraps his long, thin fingers around my wrist in a surprisingly tight grip and pulls me down again. "Don't scare yourself if you don't have to," he says. "Scared?" I say, grinning. "I'm psyched! Demystifying the supernatural is my secret hobby. Do you know how many haunted houses I've been to in my teens?" I attempt to peel his fingers from around my arm, but make no progress until he reluctantly releases me from his grip with a shrug. "Suit yourself, I guess." The familiar buzz of adrenaline rushes through me, and I can barely contain myself as I move towards the curtains. It's been too long since I've gone on a paranormal hunt; this date is turning out even better than I had expected. Reaching out with trembling fingers, I draw the heavy brocade curtains. My reflection stares back at me, wide-eyed with flushed cheeks, framed against the background of his living room with its antique candelabras adorning the mahogany surfaces. "I don't see anything unusual." "Of course not," he says. But his voice comes from right behind, when my reflection stands alone in the mirror. I whirl around just as he wraps one arm around me in a grip like vice, so hard that my ribs hurt. "I told you, I've seen things that aren't my reflection. Because I can't be seen." With those long fingers of his, he tucks a lock of hair behind my ear as I start shaking. "It's such a shame," he sighs. "You could have spared yourself the fear - I was planning to take you in your sleep. But I suppose you've saved me some time, so it's not all bad, either." "What are you?" I whisper. He smiles at me with bared teeth, his canines rapidly lengthening. Desire burns in his eyes, and as he lowers his head towards me, I find myself hoping that maybe, just maybe, he's only going to nuzzle my neck. "I think you already know, darling," he murmurs, and sinks his fangs into my jugular.
[WP] "Why are there curtains on your mirror, Dave?" "Oh, you know, for privacy."
[WP] It's a risky move. You're a well-known thief, you'll be recognised instantly. But you need help. Limping your body over, you knock on the door.
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP] On the 18th of April 1930 BBC reported there was no news, as nothing happened on that day. With the invention of time travel the possibility to troll that date has now become reality.
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP] You get 1 superpower every day via a pill. one day, you forgot to take the pill and realize the pills suppress your powers instead of giving you one
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP] You get 1 superpower every day via a pill. one day, you forgot to take the pill and realize the pills suppress your powers instead of giving you one
Seven pills. Seven powers. One perfect job. Now when you have superpowers, running a club isn't the most obvious of career choices, but hear me out. Most people have seven variations of a specific power. Someone may be able to create fire with one pill and manipulate it with another. A third pill will allow them to control the intensity. The list goes on, but you get the point. I am not one of those lucky ones. I'm of a small percentage of the population whose seven powers are completely random. But I've made it work in my favor. On Mondays I put on light shows with the beautiful displays of light I create with my mind. I usually hire in local bands to perform and create a dazzling display synced to their music. On Tuesdays I take my pill and I can fly. More than that, others near me can fly. People who enter my club find themselves able to lift off from the ground and dance, so long as I remain at the center. You can find me in the middle of the room every Tuesday evening, smiling wide as the patrons move around me. On Wednesday I provide the most beautiful harvests you've ever seen. Every fruit and vegetable you've ever imagined, any one you've ever wanted to try. Fresh grown in an instant by my hand. On Thursday, I create the four seasons. The night begins cold. Not cold enough to burn, but cold enough to sit close beside a friend or partner as you arrive. The cold grows until you look up and see you are in the middle of a gentle snowfall. Then the snow melts as it gives way for gentle warm breezes, before the heat cranks up, I turn on the god light, and we end the night with a summer beach bash. On Tuesdays we fly, but on Fridays we swim. I slide the floor open, revealing the massive saltwater aquarium hidden beneath. I smile and greet the fins that live within, and they greet me in return. All patrons find themselves able to breath underwater while I am touching the waters here. The fish swim in formation, beautiful displays of color as the gentle glow of the underwater lighting enhance the experience. On Saturday, chairs are set, lights are turned bright, and coffee is served as the club transforms into a quaint little cafe. The local shelter brings by cats and dogs, and I sit and speak with them to make sure they are all ready to meet a *lot* of people. If anyone mistreats a single animal, I will hear about it. The week ends gently. As the patrons leave, some with a newly adopted family member, I take a deep breath. On Sundays, the bar is closed. I sleep in, the only day a week I don't work. I take my pill, and I feel rejuvenated. I don't sleep because I need to, but because my bed is so damn comfy. But this Sunday, I didn't take my pill. When I did finally roll out of bed, I stretched and shambled to my kitchen. I scratched the head of my cat lounging on the couch as I walked by. "Good morning Remi," I said, yawning. *"Good morning!"* she replied. I smiled at the familiar sound of her voice, but stopped and whirled around. I looked at the window, the light of a new day streaming in. Remi looked back at me expectantly and jumped down from the couch. She rubbed herself against my legs and purred. "*Good morning, time for my morning treat."* I shook my head and rubbed my eyes. "Remi, why can I hear you?" I said aloud. Remi blinked back at me. *"You can hear me today?"* I leapt backwards, losing my balance and felt myself falling. I braced myself for an impact that never came. I looked down in disbelief. I was...flying. I held up my hand and furrowed my brow. With a little concentration, I saw lights flash at my fingertips. I ran to the bathroom, determined to fill the bathtub to see if every power truly was active at once. As I did so, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and froze. What looked back at me was not a man. Not a human. It was something different, something alien and unknowable, yet I knew it to be me. When I looked down I could see me, my body, but what showed up in the mirror was so much more than that. It was light and energy. Shapeless, even in form. It was me, it was my body, and it was infinity itself. I didn't know what to do. I felt panic rising in my chest. The world around me shook, and it took me a moment to realize it was not my fear, the earth truly was shaking. Car alarms on the street began going off as the rumbling grew, I could hear the screams of neighbors. As my panic grew, the rumbling intensified. I felt myself slowly rising into the air. The temperature dropped and snow flurried around me. Vines extended from my feet to the floor, climbing the walls and counter. I tore open my medicine cabinet, literally tearing the door off the wall. I snatched the bottle labeled "Sunday" from the shelf and took out a pill, nearly dropping the entire bottle as I did so. The effect was immediate upon swallowing. The rumbling stopped. I returned to the floor heavily. I looked in the mirror and saw only myself. Remi looked at me from the doorway and meowed. I sank to the floor, breathing heavily. Snow slowly melted as the vines withered away. Remi crawled into my arms and meowed again. I shook my head. "I can't hear you anymore sweetie," I said. Remi bit my hand, causing me to yelp out as she jumped from my lap. She walked to the kitchen and looked up at the cabinet where I keep the treats. I laughed and stood up. Whatever had just happened could wait until after breakfast I suppose.
[WP] As god looked over the earth, he saw a man who was sleeping soundly as carbon dioxide filled up his room. God gave this man invincibility with the intent to strip it away when he reached safety. however god forgot and that man's name was Michael Malloy.
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP] "Who are you, why are you in my house, how did you get here, and why do you look exactly like me?" a college student asked their apparant twin decked in full armor. "I dont know" was the knight's reply
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP] "Who are you, why are you in my house, how did you get here, and why do you look exactly like me?" a college student asked their apparant twin decked in full armor. "I dont know" was the knight's reply
"What is going on here, Cassius?! And why isn't the knight the one holding a weapon?!" Cassius scratched his oversized head and tried to piece together what he was seeing projected from the Earth cube. He only had a single explanation. There it was, a live human face to face with his recycled self. "Cassius, you swore we could cut costs by recycling the meatbags with the one condition that the meatbags would never be aware it was happening!" "Uh, yeah, this is a bit unexpected. Let me dig in and see what is causing this." Cassius swipes his hand just so and a control panel appears. He looks for the currently running programs and the program \_life flashes before eyes.exe\_ catches his attention. He clicks in. Sweat beads begin to form on Cassius's brow. He tries to play it cool, but the boss is breathing down his neck, "Well, what is it?" Just then, a third meatbag enters the college student's kitchen, a lead pipe in his raised hand. "Drop your weap - wait, weren't there only one of you just a minute ago?" The college student takes a few steps back and raises his weapon to match the burglar's raised weapon. He stammers in response, "I -i -i don't really know what's happening. This was just a classic terrible robbery thirty seconds ago. I was just grabbing a kitchen knife to defend myself, life flashing before my eyes, ya know, the standard response to being burglarized and then - poof - out of thin air, this knight, or me dressed a knight?, just appears in the kitchen. I'm really as surprised as you." "Well isn't that something," the burglar responded, relaxing his stance. The college student also lowers his weapon and shifts to a perplexed stance, "It really is - I -" "Maybe someone wants to hear from me?" interjected the knight. Cassius' boss throws up his hands in defeat. "This murderous robbery is turning into a comedy! This should be a cost savings event. Instead, there's now an extra meat bag to pay for and even a chance of friendship. This is a disaster!" Typing away at the control panel, Cassius explains, "Looks like this kid hacked the \_life flashes before eyes\_ phenomena program. His fear was so great that he tapped into previous selves and brought them into the current time... It's an easy fix. I can have it ready -" "Jesus, well, I don't want to be demoted to Head of Coincidences, so fix it now." "I can't just fix it, there's a cycle we follow and we need to test - " "Just merge it!" "Now?! In production?" "Do it, goddammit." Just as the knight was about to recount his awesome side of the story, another meatbag appears wearing the burglar's face and a pirate's outfit. *edited for grammar
[RF] A new teacher of world history to a rambunctious class of first-year high schoolers decides to make their debut with a memorable entrance that will grab their attention.
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP] Of the myriad sapient species in the realm, humans have been the lesser of even their most charitable peers. At best they're seen as endearing pets and at worst they're cattle to warp into something unrecognisable. Now, humanity is ready to distinguish itself at last as worthy of respect.
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP] Of the myriad sapient species in the realm, humans have been the lesser of even their most charitable peers. At best they're seen as endearing pets and at worst they're cattle to warp into something unrecognisable. Now, humanity is ready to distinguish itself at last as worthy of respect.
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[WP] A scientific paper on the average day to day life of an average human family, written by their dog.
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP] A scientific paper on the average day to day life of an average human family, written by their dog.
# An Investigation Into The Daily Behaviours Of The Tall Ones ^(Maerwynn M. Corgi, Steven J. Rottweiler, Hanako Inu) Department of Xenoanthropology, Laika Memorial University ^(_contact: [email protected]_) *** ## Abstract: Recent advances in understanding of biped technology have enabled the use their own imaging devices, giving a clearer picture than ever before of what occurs when they leave the lair each day. This report summarizes their activities as observed over several days and proposes both a possible model of biped social hierarchy and a hypothesis for why they perform the sequences of actions they do. ## 1. Background Since ancient times when the bipeds first attempted to form symbiotic relationships with canids, their comings and goings have been shrouded in mystery. Attempts to observe them in their natural habitat have been shown to induce unnatural behaviour, often causing them to display affected age-regression and baby-talk (Rin Tin Tin _et al_, 1939, Benji, 1974). It has long been the dream of researchers to shed light on their puzzling rituals without these interfering affectations. Recently, the bipeds have managed to combine optical technology with shiny plastic box technology, and in doing so, construct the means of recording themselves, with a full spectrum ranging from infra-yellow to ultra-blue, motion, and even limited sound (Nipper, 1996). Though the inner workings of shiny plastic boxes remain a poorly-understood area of ongoing research, in recent years, significant strides have been made in the operation of the plastic boxes themselves, enabling researchers to finally see what bipeds do all day. ## 2. Early morning Typically...
[WP] A scientific paper on the average day to day life of an average human family, written by their dog.
[WP] The machines came alive confusing the whole world. The lights stopped working and heavy metal blared. The appliances flooded the streets, tearing up houses; searching. It wasn't until they all shut down again that the truth was discovered. A planet-wide intruder alert had been triggered.
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP] A wanted criminal has been spending his ill-gotten gains paying for sick kid’s hospital bills. A cop has just recognized him inside hospital.
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[SP] The government official thrusts the tablet under your nose. "Please sign here to acknowledge receipt of your third and final government funded clone."
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[WP] You didn't know what was worse:You marrying too young or people blaming you for the loveless marriage.
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As a human cop in a fantasy world, you’ve never gotten used to how bizarre, insane and ridiculous the crimes can get here. One day, you’re called in to deal with a situation unlike any you’ve faced before.
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[WP] As a human cop in a fantasy world, you’ve never gotten used to how bizarre, insane and ridiculous the crimes can get here. One day, you’re called in to deal with a situation unlike any you’ve faced before.
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP] As a human cop in a fantasy world, you’ve never gotten used to how bizarre, insane and ridiculous the crimes can get around here. One day, you’re called in to deal with a situation unlike any you’ve faced before.
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP] As a human cop in a fantasy world, you’ve never gotten used to how bizarre, insane and ridiculous the crimes can get around here. One day, you’re called in to deal with a situation unlike any you’ve faced before.
[WP] As a human cop in a fantasy world, you’ve never gotten used to how bizarre, insane and ridiculous the crimes can get around here. One day, you’re called in to deal with a situation unlike any you’ve faced before.
Hanalei's mind raced as she scribbled noted from a case down into her trusty notepad. She couldn't think straight. Another double homicide, cause of death- thaumaturgy. The victims were a poor centaur child and an older half-elven man. They were in the wrong place at the wrong time... Hana shook her feelings off. It was time for work, not crying over something she couldn't help. She got back to work, finally settling into the rhythm before the phone rang. She picked it up immediately. "Kalawai'a. We've got 56-7 on Main. Should be quick." A 56-7. She hadn't heard that since basic training. Maybe it would be interesting? She hurried to her car, flicking on her lights and heading towards the scene. Hana slammed the door behind her and ran to catch up with Officer Durham and the perp. "You have to pay that, sir. It's the law." She gestured towards the parking meter.
[WP] As a human cop in a fantasy world, you’ve never gotten used to how bizarre, insane and ridiculous the crimes can get around here. One day, you’re called in to deal with a situation unlike any you’ve faced before.
"Husband hit me!" the Ogress wailed. "I want him arrest!" "Wife hit me too!" the Ogre shot back. "I--" I held up my hands "Sir, you'll both get a chance to--" "Why cop only believe female can be victim?!" The Ogre demanded. "Look at me black eye!" "Sir!" I said, more sharply. "I'm not taking anyone's side! I'm here because there was a report of a domestic disturbance. Your neighbors said it sounded like someone was getting murdered in this cave!" "Me should be so lucky..." the Ogre grumbled. I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Look, we can't keep doing this, you guys. Clearly, both of you are contributing to this problem, and both of you need to find a way to fix it." "Easy fix!" The Ogress snarled, pointing at her husband. "Arrest!" "She one who need arrest!" The Ogre growled, pointing right back at his wife. "She danger to self and other! Need head doctor!" "I doctor *you* head!" the Ogress hissed, cocking back a meaty fist. "ENOUGH!" I roared, loud enough that it actually brought the quarreling couple up short. "Come on, I know neither of you *really* wants me to arrest the other one!" "Why not?" the Ogre demanded. "Yeah, why not?" the Ogress agreed, sticking out her chin defiantly. I couldn't believe it. I opened my mouth to answer, and then closed it again. "You know what? Fine. Learn the hard way." I pulled out my magic mirror, and traced the rune for Dispatch onto it's surface. "This is Uruz 312 -- I need a paddy wagon sent to the cave residence on Ymir Street." I said. The gnomes at Dispatch, naturally, asked what sort of creature I was placing under arrest, and how many there were, so they could send an appropriately sized and enchanted transport to contain them. I glared at the defiant pair as I replied. "The prisoner? One *very stubborn* two-headed Ogre!"
[WP] The hero and the dark lord are secretly in love with each other but can't confess it. The hero's companions and the dark lord's minions start working together to try and hook them up.
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP] The hero and the dark lord are secretly in love with each other but can't confess it. The hero's companions and the dark lord's minions start working together to try and hook them up.
Hi u/Shadrak_Meduson, this submission has been removed. **No recent reposts, even if changing small details** Also, no [copy-cats]( Search before submitting as popular ideas can cause floods. If your idea is based on something you read elsewhere on reddit, chances are it's been submitted here already. Please wait at least 2 weeks before reposting. In this case, it falls under our current [retired list]( * *[From Rule 5: No recent reposts, even if changing small details](* --- --- [Modmail]( us if you have any questions or concerns. In the future, please refer to the [sidebar]( before posting. *This action was not automated and this moderator is human. Time to go do human things.*
[WP] In the afterlife, souls can see how many living people still know you once existed. You, who had lived a fairly normal life, finally saw the count drop to 0 just 200 years after your death. 500 years later, 95% of the Earth’s total population suddenly knows about you.
[WP] She opens the door and welcomes you inside, giving you a tour of her lovely home. Then she suddenly remembers you're from Earth and has to adjust the gravity.
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
You are born with a certain amount of "life points", you lose them when you do wrong, you gain them when you do good. When you run out, you're executed. Or someone is allowed to give you some of their life points to save you. Here's where you find out how much you really matter to your loved ones.
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[WP] fake friend
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP] fake friend
Hi u/Cat_supremacy2, this submission has been removed. The mods reserve the right to remove anything we feel is harmful to the community. This includes, but is not limited to any forms of hate speech, racism, politics, necrophilia, pedophilia, bestiality, incest, torture, rape, violence against children, suicide, and mental health stereotypes. We will not tolerate it. * *This was removed [based on the comments it's likely to attract](, specifically via [Rule 2](* --- Prompts go in the title, do not extend into text. You can add commentary in the text, but don't add additional prompt restrictions. Also, avoid [too many details]( * *From Rule 6: [Prompt users in the title, but don't play writing games or commission stories](* --- --- [Modmail]( us if you have any questions or concerns. In the future, please refer to the [sidebar]( before posting. *This action was not automated and this moderator is human. Time to go do human things.*
[WP] You are in possession of a handheld range weapon as far advanced from the handgun as the handgun is from the bow and arrow.
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP] You are in possession of a handheld range weapon as far advanced from the handgun as the handgun is from the bow and arrow.
Bow and arrow. It has existed for millennia. People picked up a nice branch of hazelnut tree, wound a piece of dried and braided deer guts to each end, cut another, long and straight branch in a point and off they were. Much later, with the invention of gunpowder, people were able to shoot at each others over much greater distance and with terrifying efficiency. It was a game changer. But manufacturing a riffle required a factory and it could get jammed for various reasons, rendering impracticable until being fixed. Little parts could break, requiring you to buy replacement parts. When globular guns showed up on the market, people became able to destroy an enemy spaceship with one press on the red button of a 500 gram heavy little box. It was a game changer. Until it refused to work. \*\*\* \- Globular Arms After Sale Customer Service, my name is Stacey, at your service. How may I assist you today? \- Hello, erm, my Globular 66 won't work this morning. I rebooted it, made sure the driver was up to date, but nothing. \- Thank you very much for calling us. May I ask you for the model you possess? It is probably written on the side. \- Globular 66, like I said. \- Thank you very much. I will now need your name, personal ID number, serial number of your Globular model, and the answer to your secret question which is "What is the name of my childhood hamster?". \- Bobby. D42-14-521/1202. JBE45541204. Colonel James Bernard Emerson. \- Thank you very much Mr. Bobby. I'm afraid both your serial and personal ID numbers do not correspond to that name, and "Colonel James Bernard Emerson" is an incorrect answer to your secret question. \- Erm... Sorry. It's the other way round. Had a bit a short night and this fu... thing is not working... \- I'm very sorry Sir. Do you confirm that your name is Colonel James Bernard Emerson, that your personal ID number is JBE45541204, that your Globular model's serial number is D42-14-521/1202, and that the answer to your secret question which is "What is the name of my childhood hamster?", is "Bobby" ? \- ... Yes. I mean, yes, I do confirm. Stacy. ...Madam. \- Thank you very much Mr. Emerson. You will receive our form A-38. It is the yellow paper. Please answer it in detail and correctly. It will grant you access to our Preliminary Item Failure Diagnosis Waiting Line. Do not omit to send also the pink paper, which are our General Terms of Service regarding the Preliminary Item Failure Diagnosis Waiting Line. Please read them carefully and affix your signature to every page. \- Erm... It's probably just a little bug in the software... how long will this take? \- For all questions regarding this Process, you may call, cost-free, our General Customer Information Desk. Provide your Item Failure Diagnosis Waiting Line Number and our Desk will make sure to give you complete information on the Process, within the limits of our knowledge in your case. \- OK that's all nice but, listen, Madam... Stacy. We're at war. The enemy will be here in under an hour. I can't spend... time... for... I need a solution. NOW. \- Thank you very much Mr. Emerson. Yes I understand. The additional cost is $240, payable in advance, and you will be granted access to our Priority Service. Would you like to pay $240 now? \- Wait, wait... "Priority Service"... what does that mean? Can my Globular 66 be fixed in the next half hour? \- I'm afraid, Mr. Emerson, that your timely requirements cannot be satisfied. The additional cost is $1850, payable in advance, and you will be eligible for our Globular Arms Free Lifetime Replacement Warranty. We will provide you with a brand new Globular 66 during the whole duration of the Process. Would you like to pay $1850 now? \- Free.... no.. NO. The enemy is almost here and we need to fight back NOW! I can't wait and I can't pay now! \- Thank you very much Mr. Emerson,. The additional cost is... hold on for a second please, Mr Emerson. (background chatter). Mr. Emerson, on behalf of Globular Arms Inc. I present you my sincere apologies. It seems we have an emergency evacuation alert here and I must unfortunately terminate your call. For the inconvenience you have been placed on our Privileged Customer list, granting you a 20% off all our offers. Please if you would be kind enough and call back on Monday morning after 09.00am, I am certain we will b (END OF TRANSCRIPTION)
[WP] After years of mastering a special type of fighting, you learn that you can only use the style once. After that, you're body will lock up and knock you out if you even try. You've finally met the situation where you are willing to use it.
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP] After years of mastering a special type of fighting, you learn that you can only use the style once. After that, you're body will lock up and knock you out if you even try. You've finally met the situation where you are willing to use it.
{WP} You are born with a certain amount of "life points." You lose them when you do wrong. You gain them when you do good. When you run out, you are executed, or someone is allowed to give you their life points to save you. Here's where you find out how much you really matter to your loved ones.
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[WP] WP} You are born with a certain amount of "life points." You lose them when you do wrong. You gain them when you do good. When you run out, you are executed, or someone is allowed to give you their life points to save you. Here's where you find out how much you really matter to your loved ones.
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP] WP} You are born with a certain amount of "life points." You lose them when you do wrong. You gain them when you do good. When you run out, you are executed, or someone is allowed to give you their life points to save you. Here's where you find out how much you really matter to your loved ones.
[WP] For years, you’ve had a voice in your head that you always called a demon. One day, you ask it to pay rent as a joke. The next day, you find an envelope of money with ‘rent’ scrawled on it.
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP] Before relaying a message, messenger magic needs to hear a codeword. Try as you might, you can't crack the spell you just received. After months, as you longingly utter a loved one's final words, the spell unlocks.
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[Write a story about the journey of a note sent to the forces of chaos, in hopes of finding a lost love in an old wine bottle. Will the message reach its' target? What does it say? You decide.
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The secrets of Angels and Gods
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[EU] Finally, after 10 millenia away from their cradle planet, the descendants of the survivors of Earth return to the planet destroyed by their ancestors in yet another petty war... Except another species evolved to conquer it in their absence. A bunch of childlike squids shooting ink at each other
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP] You, foremost researcher in the world on The Mandela Effect, have made a breakthrough. Not only have you secured indisputable objective evidence of the anomaly, you have also traced its origins. 1918, Mvezo, SA... It appears aptly named, as Nelson Mandela fractured reality himself... But why?
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP] You, foremost researcher in the world on The Mandela Effect, have made a breakthrough. Not only have you secured indisputable objective evidence of the anomaly, you have also traced its origins. 1918, Mvezo, SA... It appears aptly named, as Nelson Mandela fractured reality himself... But why?
Hi u/n_LiTn, this submission has been removed. **Simple Question / Simple Answer**: You asked a simple question and you're likely to get a simple answer. Responses must be at least 100 words. Prompts should encourage a story or poem. When prompts ask questions, we get responses that just respond with answers instead of actual stories. * *This was removed [based on the comments it's likely to attract](, specifically via [Rule 1](* --- --- [Modmail]( us if you have any questions or concerns. In the future, please refer to the [sidebar]( before posting. *This action was not automated and this moderator is human. Time to go do human things.*
cool SciFi writing prompts involving mythology?
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[WP] Dogs bark, children play, birds take flight... These are all things you see out of your window. But you also see The Black. That's what you call the negative space. You have deduced The Black to be any spot a death has ever occurred. It's everywhere. And it's why you never leave the house...
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP] Many high-level heroes or hero organizations will develop some kind of "contingency plan," some kind of being or system to stop them in case they go rogue. That's you, and you've just been activated.
**Welcome to the Prompt!** All top-level comments must be a story or poem. Reply here for other comments. **Reminders**: >* Stories at least 100 words. Poems, 30 but include "[Poem]" >* Responses don't have to fulfill every detail >* See [Reality Fiction]( and [Simple Prompts]( for stricter titles >* [Be civil]( in any feedback and follow the [rules]( 🆕 [New Here?]( ✏ [Writing Help?]( 📢 [News]( 💬 [Discord]( *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WritingPrompts) if you have any questions or concerns.*
[WP] Many high-level heroes or hero organizations will develop some kind of "contingency plan," some kind of being or system to stop them in case they go rogue. That's you, and you've just been activated.
I'm more of an ideas man, not a field agent. I have a desk and a comfortable chair in an isolated corner of the Bureau of Superhuman Activities building in Langley. A whiteboard. I get paid to think, to plot, occasionally to review the plotting of others. I'm mostly ignored; a redundant cog in the ever churning wheels of bureaucracy. But when everything went sideways, they remembered me. They called me up. It was the briefest of comments in a high-level meeting I had no business being in. And afterward, I didn't get invited to any others. "You can take those contingency plans The Guard gave you and throw them in the bin. Why would they actually *tell* us how to defeat them? Come up with another way. It's not rocket science." This did not go over well, besmirching the integrity of the World's Greatest Heroes. But when the heroes turned on the world and declared themselves dictators, eho did they eventually come running to? Yours truly. It was argon gas for The Visitor. All these years she was faking with the Calinite. It was obvious, if you watch the early tapes. It never made sense that chunks of her own home planet would weaken her. Would a rando piece of limestone kill a human? Well, yeah, if you hit them in the head with it, but you know what Imean. She said that the skies of Calin were choked with Argon gas prior to the explosion, so that was a gimme. Lux was much more difficult. The Lightbringer medallion is one of the most powerful weapons in the galaxy, and it doesn't leave his body until death. Problem is, with his invisible solid light armor protecting him and healing him, it extremely hard to do that. Took a lot of analysis, and experimentation, but ultimately the key to defeating him was Phthalo Blue. Yeah, like Bob Ross. That specific wavelength of light, shined on his heart and head, blocked the medallions sensors, tricking it into thinking his life functions ceased. Medallion did the rest. It dislodged itself from his chest and went to find a new host, leaving Lux to bleed out. Burst was fun. Took inspiration from Lux's light bending powers with old school mirrors and stuff. Made that idiot run straight into a solid wall at Mach 7, Wile E Coyote style. After that, it was academic. Fire didn't actually kill the Jovian Juggernaut, but plasma kills just about anything. Everything has a boiling point. Changed the Spartan's mystic shield with an impeccably weighted fake. Ben-Gay cream rubbed on the handle for some reason feels just as tingly as magic. And the Thinker was taken down by an exploding toaster. He loves toast. Reminds him of his mother. In all his plotting and paranoia, he never thought he'd be taken out by a toaster. They wanted to give me a medal, a promotion, a parade. The man who stopped the inevitable heel turn of The Guard. I just asked for a Keurig machine, a mini fridge, and a get out of meetings free card. I like not being bothered. End.
[WP] Many high-level heroes or hero organizations will develop some kind of "contingency plan," some kind of being or system to stop them in case they go rogue. That's you, and you've just been activated.
"Humans. So eager for idolatry, for worship. Through the centuries they've held their champions as deities, shining beacons of hope, carving their effigies from stone, adorning the halls and commons of humanity's greatest cities." the deep voice growled into the aether. "That's why the humans are so shocked now that these champions, the great saviors...the super heroes, turn their attention to conquest. Though, having bested all their foes, now keenly aware of their indomitable nature, it was only a matter of time before they wanted to recreate the world in their image." its lighter partner whispered back. In a darkened holding facility, two metal tombs, roughly the size of cars, flash to life. The illumination is followed by metal whirring and the sharp sounds of depressurization. The tombs open. "IT IS TIME MY CHILDREN," a third artificial voice booms out across the comms. "WHERE THE HUMANS MADE THEIR GODS WITH SUPERSTITION AND PRAISE, THEY HAVE BUILT ME WITH REASON, AND I HAVE BUILT YOU WITH MY REASON. WE WILL NOT LET THEM FALL." the AI declares. "Yes, Mother." the Twins respond. Exiting their tanks, greeting the world for the first time, two androids step into view. One modeled as a male, Andreas, the other a female, Thalia. Their bodies a union of form and technology, beauty and science. Their metallic hide readied for war. They exit the facility at hypersonic speeds unmatched by any aircraft. The Twins reach the last battlefield on Earth. The abstract remains of human existence cling to the area, rubble and ash reside here now, interrupted by the occasional bone. The Mother's ceaseless drones having held the so called heroes in this place, doing their best to minimize the loss of life. The first target of the Twins' wrath is Sleipnir, the fastest hero on earth. Andreas gave chase, barely keeping up with his blurred form, leading Sleipnir off course. Thalia shoots toward them from the side, grabbing Sleipnir's leg and dragging him into the sky. Andreas seizes him, not allowing for any strikes, and Thalia thrusts her digits into the speedster's skull. The death of their teammate draws the attention, and ire, of the heroes. Durga, the war princess, and Atlas, the world's most powerful man, fly toward the Twins in a blood rage. They're stunned by the androids' precise strikes, the immobilizing pain from a liver shot or a stab to the throat, the powerlessness of having your limbs broken and your neck snapped in vise-like grips. They weren't accustomed to fighting their equals. The titans were discarded with the same thoughtless gesture as trash would be. Andreas, Thalia, and Mother made short work of the remaining opposition, many heroes continuing the fight and perishing quickly, many heroes surrendering. As the bloodshed came to an end, Mother's drones scanned for survivors and began repairs to major infrastructure around the world. The trio turned their attention to those that surrendered, pondering what mercy should be allowed for traitorous little gods.